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VOLUME XXIV.-NO. 55: LfoEDDING CARDS, INVITATIONS r Pathos, &o. New styles. MASQN & 00., 901 it street. deaofmw tfl FIXED. EARTH CLOSETSON ANY floor, In or out of doors, and PORTABLE EARTH commonics, for use in bed-chambers and - elsewhere. .Are absolutely .froo from offence. Earth Closet Com pany's office and salesroom at WM. G. RHOADS', 10. I=l Market street. • • a .29.t1g MARRIED. HANNA—JUDSON:L-0n the 14th instanti.at Beth -. del --ithifech--hy-41aorge41=1Buttdmattirk.-D= -a 4, 41 • - by J. Wheaton Smith. DD. Bev. ThomasA. . • anna, -of Brooklyn.N. Y., to Emily Frances Judson, of Phila. del rids, daughter of the late Adontram Judson, D A D., of Burmah. *3. McDOWELL—TIIAOBEIL—On T i ttainif. June 14th, lalU, hr tho Bev. D. A. Cunningha assisted by the Be,. W. M. Bice, D.D.. Dr. F. B. McDowell to Eunice W. IL, only daughter of °Byer Thacher - Esq all of this city. SEWARD-7KIMBER.—Atthe residence of the bride's narentn. in this city. by the Rev. S. 8. Btward, of North Bridgewater.- Mau., Dr. John 'L. -Reward. , of Booth orange, New Jersey. to Miss Lidie A. IChnbar. DIED. 1200 Z.—On the 14th instant, of scarlet fever. Jennie, daughter of lire. Matilda IS. stnd the late John 8: Boon, „god A years.., - . Funeral froin'the residenimilarhei mother,' on Tlitirs day the lath instant, at 3 o'clock P. M. the - lith instant, Hannah M. Gar-- . Hones. • • . Tho luneral, will take, plate from her late residence. 464 Franklin street. on Sixth•ilay morning, /7th last.. at 10 o'clock. Interment at South Laurel WHITE.—Cfn tho,l2th Met., lidarpretta M., wife of Jesse White . tir. - - • The male relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral. from the residence of E. Vanderslice, Doi., No. 425 Arch street, this (Wednesday ) afternoon, at 4 o'clock. _ _ - 400 - • ARCH STIMET.--, - EYES k 400 IWO. DEPARTMENT L MEN'S WEAN. CANVAS DRILLS. PADDED DRILLS. SCOTCH CHEVIOTS. CASSIMERE FOR SUITS. CORDU ROYS AND TOWELS. -- =MWMM3I SEA BATHING. malting 'our Establishment a grand sm• BATHING CLOTHES, ; and to Ms end we have ,carefully manufactured a ROBES and DREBSES, such as we are sure must command a Large and Beady Sale. _Gentlemen's, Youths' BATHING ROBES. Boys',' Made of the »wet mei Su stable vsi Cut ire Nor: mei Impr?red Styles, Taltefully Trimmed . . Antrainection of oar stock will /how that oar ROBES are far enneTior go- any to be ohtiined elsewhere In PliVadelphin, and that their priece are moderate and erAtisfactorr. Parties preferring DREgSES minis to order can be fur nislinti with a tell tinit 4rn TEN nouns , xontas. . JOHN WANAMAKER CLOTHIER, - SIS and -620 CHESTNUT STREET. Boardman's Third Annual Saturday AFTERNOON EXCURSION TO ATLANTIC CITY Saturday, June =, IS7O. Laid us eaves • Ins ret a •I•* . Returning leatesAtinutin.. ..lionday,27th, at 7 A. 21. BOUND TRIP, 132.00. Tickets for Hato nt Trensith`o 8agaar,...61.4 Chestnut street, street, and at Vine Street Wharf. jell•l2trpl fob SPECIAL NOTICE. . . TrUBD.cONGRASsIoNA.X. HISTRICT. tiTH, MTH, 17TH, ISTH . AND Vail WARDS. A GRAND SERENADE will be given by the MANU FACTURERS AND WORKINGMEN of the THIRD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT to the HON. LEON ARD 131YERS,at his residence,bo2 North Sixth street, THIS t Wednesday I EVENING, Julseos. at. &deck, in honor of his ItENOMINATIONA TO CONGRESS. The different Ward Associations era invital to partici pate.. The Nineteenth. Ward Republican Aisociation will tall in line from Headquarters; Frenkford road and York streets. at b% P. M.. stump vEightsenth' Ward Association from Headquarters, Marlboro' - and Rich mond streets: Seventeenth Ward' Association from Headquarters, Front and Master streets; Sixteenth Ward Association from Headquarters, Rachel and Lau rel streets; Twelfth Ward.Aseociation, kifth and Green streets, and Thirteenth Ward Association, Franklin and Buttonwood streets. By order of Committee of Arrangements. On behalf of the Manufacturers JOHN DORNAN EDW-11. FITLER. HA3IILTON DISSTO.N, HENRY HOLIES. On behalf of the Working-Men BEND. McCORMACK, C. HESLEY. -JAMBS BOYD. - VALENTINE 'EARY,_ _ ARTHR fdc3IASTERS. - CRY Guard Baud ,and Independent prom Corps take notice. AT A CONVENTION OF DELE mitt% elected by the Bepublictimparty to nominate 41 candidate for' the - office of Surveyor of the ,Third Survey District, comprising die t Fifth, Sixth, Seventh;; Eighth; Ninth and Tenth Wards of the city of Mita- • derphia, held at' the 'house of 'Daniel It. Beßler;' yam Market street, on Wednesday, the lath day of HR. D: IIUDSON , SHEDAKNR, • • ! *as unanimously uotninatedlis the candidate for Sur veyor nud Regulator of the!Third!Districk. i Resolved, The above proceedings bo published...! - • • 13.11.!DUSENBE efdoßYv-. Preeidont • J. J. MYERS, p ) it" !.! •-• .1 ! ..Secretary.__ OFFICE SWATAR A FALLS COAL COMPANY, No.= Sciuth Fourth street, Room N 0.3. An adjourned• Special Meeting ~the Stockholders of • the SWATARA FALIIB COAL-CO. will•lbe held at Ihe office of the Company, on THURSDAY,.I6th lust.. at 12 . o'clock, noon, to- act upon the report of.. the Committee' affpninloff for investigation, and-to' confer with , Os T. x natKES..lr. Matters of much importance to the Corn- parry will be laid before the meeting, atill 4.34 earneetif desired that every stockholder be present. - The tote to adopt or reject the findipg of toe referees will be taken at this meeting, and it is desired that every stockholder ' be present. HENRY lIUMAt, It• — 1 Chairman. - THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE.— tThe Stated Monthly -lteetin'g of,tho Institute will be held TlllB.)Wednesday) 'EVENTS(); thii 15th instant, at eight o'clock. Members anal others having newinventions, or numinous •of manufactures, 'to ox /Atilt, will please send then} to. the 1Ta11,144.4)5,, South Seventh street, before Seven o'clock P. M. • • Wlll .• HAMILTON, It§ . Actuary.' tu. A •STRAWBERRY P4'STIVAL will be held by the Ladies of the Firitt Church. corner of Franklin and Wood streets, lu the liCictuni-room of the church: inn the afternoons and evenings of. Tuesday, .Wednesday and; Thiwadak t 'June 11th. 15th and 16th. Admission, 10 cents. Season tickets, 25 cents. - —. . je 1 4 2t 10NORTHPENN*YLVANIA - EMIL ROAD AND ORIGEN LANE STATION. • Pure Lehigh Coal delivered to the residents of Goi rnantown at reduced rates 'JUNIN . 4 4 911TANT,' Vika. N0.'163. sovontllftred --- ~~~iam,ev~-- - fut. _ nig REV. MR. .M. D. RYAN, formerly of this city, will preach in the nodding M. E. Church on next bandax at 10 5; A. M. and S P. M. Fanilly.gathering at 3.15 P. P.M. jell It' . . MR. AND MRS. JT - P. HAYES WILL the North 'Baptist Ohurcl, Eighth, above Mostet% a lil t SEVENING, at the triwberry PoStival. Proceeds for the Sabbath School. Ticketu,so cents. it" HOWARD HOPITAL, NOS. 1518 WrD' and 1620 Lombard street Dispensary Department. —Medical treatment nd medicine furnished gratultougY to the , oor - . 77- - -White Democrats, colored men's votes at the Republican Ward elections last night. The fraternizdtion was sometimes very interesting. • NOMINATION DIY. THE REPUBLICAN CONVENTIONS The Conventions of the Republican party to nominate candidates for city and county officers,. Representatives in Congress, one Senator, and' Representatives -in the General Assembly, met this morning at the • places - designated by the Executive Committee. The proceedings of the several bodies, up to the time of going to press, will be found ap pended Tbe Shoritralty Convention. The cbiefest political centre of the day was at 'National Hall. - Bereft "vas that the Con vention to nominate a Sheriff was held. The tieree fight for this high Office promised at this assemblage scenes of extraordinary ..excite went. It was known that the Walton dele gates were inimical to ,the Leeds party, and the latter just as determinedly opposed to the fornier. in the event of there being,no show of success, to either of thew prominent candi dates, it- NVEII3 confidently asserted, that the forces would join hands and voices in favor of Bingham or - Massey. .At ten o'clock the great crowd of delegates, 'with a slight mix ture of the colored element, entered. In a twinkling, 'John Lane, (the Walton party representative) jumped upon the stage, and was directly nominated for temporary chairman. The nomination was ratified by a portion of the delegates. Mr. Lane had not tapped the desk more than• twice with a gavel vinch he drew from his pocket, when Win. Mott, a representative of the Leeds party, was declared the temporary chairman, and he jumped upon the stage; followed by R. H. K. Elliott. who vraiipressed for the chairmanship by the Berry delegates. A scene of' great excitement followed. A struggle'for the gavel was :licitly waged. It was snatched (rota Lane's hands by the Berrvites. and in a metne_lit___itercibl• transferred to the keeping, of Elliott, the Leeds' party man. A hundred delegates crowded upon the stage, and a scene of wildest contusion directly ensued. The desk was overturned, and the stage chandeliers were wrenched from their placa , i. No sooner bad the desk"been replaced and Mr. Elliott mounted it to declare the names of the Secretaries, than Lane rushed upon bini, snatching for the mallet. In the con tention which followed, Elliott and Lane and a dozen of delegates who were hotly pressing flare on either side, were thrown from the stage upoiv the floor—a distance of six feet. Elliott, with remarkable alacrity, regained the stage, but to find, the back of his coat ripped to the collar. Stripping himself of the gar m r et, he again stepped upon the desk, and, in a. momentary calm, announced Dr. Crowell and lsaae Mcßride as the temporary Secre taries. and thas spoke : " I desire to say that if it is the desire of the COrivention thatl . shall not preside as the tem porary organizer. I will withdraw. I tell you that - it is for the interest of the Republican party these scenes of disorder should cease. l'hose who want me for temporary organizer say 'Aye: " A roarin the affirmative was followed by an equally loud roar in the negative, and the fight_ was again resumed, during which the re porters' desks were overturn ed,and the knights of the quill themselves forced, for safety's sake, into the stage boxes. Durin.e the melee Lane's tat was smashed, and that gentleman was seized by the arms and legs, and dragged o -the-etige-of--th stager-the--Intentionr-ind ditably being to force him (AL Happily his progress oil the platform_was stopped by one of the chandeliers, - which had been replaced. He struggled out of the hands °PIM captors, and, jumping upon a bench, cried out— "As temporary Chairman of this Conven tion, I nominate John W. Sayres and John Thompson for Secretaries, and I want to say—' Cries of "Put him oat," irow him off the stage," &c., and an uproarious boo-booing drowned, to the reporters' ears, whatever else be said. The Leeds party men then cleared the stage, forcing off Lane and his adherents in a twinkling. Thus the former proved tri umphantr and Chairman William Elliott waved - the baton Of power with an uncliar lengedthotigh npt an undisputed—right. He then announced that he would call the precincts of the several Wards in numerical order, in order that the delegates might regu larly present their credentials. In consequence of the great confusion in the hall, and the large number of persons in it not entitled to the privilege,qf the floor, it was found Impracticable to proceed nntil thb - laall had been cleared. The only persons then 'ad mitted were persons with the requisite au thority of a credential. Until half-past twelve o'clock the time was consumed in the presentation of credentials, among which were six of colored delegates. The 'IMO riy Jacob (0100) to a seat from the Eighth division of the famous Fourth Ward was denied. Nevertheless he presented his credentials. Chairman Elliott then announced that as each ward was called oft; the delegates should name agentleman to serve on the Committee on Permanent,..,p rganizatiom7,- Tehitt way. the calDmittec. thus`aelgetettn, 7,- , , ~ ; .4 .',. - ' -,1 . liteads,, , 1 ~-.• ; ''', ~, ~ ~,,, ly,ratio.i. ~..,, . , . ,‘ '1';: tleOrge'Stirisowi A. ii' '''.`,. , 15.'"VM:eritlieli,' ' • .' 42:..hosa.Titterrnaryi . if ......16. , Chas!Drt Kurtz) ~:. 3. irenry Wilhelm, 17. Johisa)uulapp, •••' "•• 4. Henry Victor, 19. Geo. Collar, 5. A. Tllley, f 19. Jas. D. Craig, - 5. John,G. Butler, 20. Win. R. Thomas, 7. James Ewing, ' 21. Andrew 'Markley, S. John V. Baker, Zi. 31. C. Ilona, 9. tiam'l I'. Jones, 23. Joseph', Wilson, 10. Andrew Alexander, 21. Geo, W. Trout, 11. Chas. Albright, 25. Sate'l IL Irvin, 12. .1041113,Gr.ten., • , ; :-.-- 24.1rsiliglarriru, ~. Is. Jainsew..iliityres, , .... 27.' 0 .. C raig; . ..., -- - 14. Vm. Lacey, 2S. bawl H. Pancoasi. The Committee on Contested Seats was then appointed as follows: Wards. Wards. 1. J. E. Salter, 15. Thos. Gilgit', 2. John C. Thompson, 10. Harry Van Compel), I. Geo. Ehrenberg, 17. Julio Shegog, 4. Henry HonnOre ',:e , ,:= It3?_4la,nl.loKee, t.....10hn Mlddli,ton, - 119: Caleb G. Collins, , • 3. Jolla Pigott, 7. Win . - 121. Thigh McFadden. 8. 11. J. Mclntyre, 1 22. John O. Knox, 9, Alfred 23.-ettpti Win. °copal t i 104 A. W. I • 24. Uenbed 11. Slotialteri 11..JesseP. Sholhneyer, 25..,A1b-ort'JticohY, , 12. Win. Andrews. 2d. Relit. P. Beers j 13. John M4716110(4 , ,Jp.ates,MADlttrite, • • 141. Wm: IL Johnson; • 282 , Findoeick , "elber. The chairman then announced that the roll would be called and eaelfdele,gatilt - Vhose seat was not 'Contested would'approali the secre tary's desk and receivOickets of admission to the hall. As to the contested delegates he would not admit. them after - the:recess; soon to bet had, untilthe committee on' credentials had decided whether they had t> right to the floor or not. • ' ;: d efe ate ire hird rtlitr - Olialr= mauship,in the interest - O 'the perridelegates, H, H. Ki ,7 Ellicitt,,,iriterpoSod. , ,l.‘ strong, ,nb jection, 'All the delegates, he.said,Xere,equal upon the floor of _Able -- hail,.. Com mittee on Contested Seats rendered its report, and the chairman'bad no right ate against any delegate,-Whose seat was con tested or not. • . A number of delegates, whose seats' were contested,.,made violent objections- to ~Abe Chairman's plan; declaring‘that hewanthd to beat them out of the Convention, The Chairinateg plan was ratirledrby; anus jority of delegates and the tickets were then distributed. As ;lames H. Williams, the first colored WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15,1870. ,r delegate to receive si ticket; stepped out, he was greeted with applause. After the tickets• had beep given out the Convention took a recess. litteeiver Of Taxes. • ' The delegates to the convention to nominate a candidate for' Receiver .of Taxes met at Concert Rail at 10 o'elook this 'morning, and was organized temporarily by the selection of. James N. Kerns a‘ President, and Chas. R. The several Wards were hen - called over, and the delegates handed , in their certifi cates.. • Among- the delegates were •' several colored men. Quite a number of seats were contested. These were referred• to a Com mittee appointed for tba,t purpose. After the selection, of a Committee on per manent organization, the Convention took a recess. • The Committee on Permanent Organization was as follows.: Wards. Wards. • , 1. Jun. A. Houeoman. 15. T. J. Walter. ' "' 2. E. H.llllforty. ' 16. T. Dotter, 3.• G . W . nerrett. - • 17. Joa.-41 , Heinz . 4. Ed, Herd's'. ' '•/8. Luke Sutphin, 'O5. Samuel Yoder ._' " • N. Wm. Stewart. 6. E. T{Vogt: - 20. - 11.70. VattaelYer. 7. Dr. 'Limb, • ' • . 21. Wm. McElhany. 8.-}l. ,jj D. Courtlafider. • 22. - W. amaritoberta 9. B. Dcellidock. 23. Jlllo.lllclittllin. 1 10. H. D. Lippincott. 24. J.W. Ford. 11: Joon!, Sfearno. 25. Frank Hither. Dew. 12. De. W. Thomas, . 26, Jno. it, Tobin. 13. Joules C. Kelsh. 27. Wm. Gilmon . Is. John Bauston. ' ' 12d. Joe. Newman. . . . _ . ... . .. . The Committee on Credentials was as follows: ivarch, • - li'ar's 1 • .. I. 'Wm. Cals.:inn. IS. B. d. Steltimeti. 2. James Humes, 16, M. G.' sleonbergen. .3. ...I. Godwin. . 17. Peter Gibbs. 4. Wm. Sykes. 18. Jacob Davie. 8. W. G. Stratton. 19. Chas. T. Clark. • 6. Albert Miller. 20. Jesse R. B. Raines. 7. IL A.Tonleon. 21. Jame* Ogle.• 8. B R. Smith. 22 .James T. Thurman. . 9.. JOB. 01111.11. - : • -:- ZS. Autoso.lBhatlcross.. :10. :101111Hiletler. , 24;Jilette.rd Peli2 11. W.H. Cumming. f 25. Janie.; Johnson. -12. Thou. Raring. 26. John Ring-.. • M. 3. B. Allen. 27. George Mi..Yreals. 14. Geo. P. Nagle. • 28.'J. W. Winter. The committee on permanent ortganization reported these as the &Revs of the con- Praident—James N.-Kern, Twelfth Ward. Vire Presidents—Joseph. H. Paint, Thirteenth Ward ; G. W. Skerrett, Third Ward; F. H. Duflee,•Ninth Ward &cretaties-Richard Peitz, Twenty-fourth Ward, T. 3. Walter, Fifteenth Ward. Col.-Jaeob DaviszEigliteenth - Ward ;- Jules Allen, Thirteenth Ward. Treatrurer—W. Sykes; Fourth Ward. Doorkeepers— Adam Loyd, Chas. Myers, James Campbell. - .They were all. chosen by.acclamation. The divisions in which there were contested seats were the Ist of the Seventh Ward, 3d of the Fifth, 4th of the Seventeenth, 11th of the Twentieth; 6th of the Twenty-fourth ; ot the Twenty-Sixth, and 6th of the 'Twenty-eighth. The committee decided•in favor of the, sit ting delegates. The - Convention then proceeded to make general ' nominations for Receiver of Taxes: The folloWing gentlemen were named": • Robert P. Beatty; First Ward. - =..... • Richa.rd Iransciver, Twenty-fourth Ward. Oliver P. Gleaner, Second Ward. , Wesley Stephenson, Seventemnth-Ward.--"-- The Convention then proceeded to a ballot, with the following-reilult Beatty V Glesner... Stevenson - TotaJ. Two votes were east for Jos. R. Lyndall. Robert P. Beatty having received a majority of the vote cast, was declared the nominee for Receiver of Taxes. The nomination was then made unanimous, and at 1..30 the Convention adjourned sine die. Itegtoter of Wll,hti. The delegates to the Convention elected to nominate a candidate for Register of Wills assem e a as . ing on : 1, corner Eight • and Spring Garden streets, this morning, at 10 o'clock. Considerable confusion prevailed prior to the organization. A temporary organization was effected by calling Chris. Kneass to the chair as tempo rary chairman. Considerable dispute pre vailed in regard to this matter. fol. W. Cattell also claimed that be was the templorary chair man. The matter was compromised by nomi nating James as.temporary chairman. Gen. Wagner moved that two temporary , :ecretaries be, appointed. Agreed to. Geo. W. Baker and Gen. Louis Wagner were then elected., The room was then Cleared; none, being al lowed inside except delegates and.reporters. After the confusion had subsided.somewhat; the Secretary called the different Wards, and the credentials of each 'delegate were pre ,,ented: . A Committee of one from each ,W4rd was appointed on credentials and organization. A motion was made to take a recess for an hour, to give the above Committee time to or ganize and report. Lost. ' A motion ' was made to reconsider ,the vote, which was agreed to. A recess was taken for an hour, at half_Past eleven'o'clock. The Convention was called to order at half past twelve o'clock by-the temporary, chair man. Amotien was made thatthe time of the re cess be extended, in view of the fact that the Committee on Credentials had only proceeded work-as.far as the-Tenth Ward. The recess was the} ex tided for one _hour (until-half-past oPO o'clock.) .. o 1 iorphans?" .opttart Conventinn. Trieribminathig onventicffi fer Clerleef the Orphans' , Court assernbied - .:at:,19 ,e'clockr this at Broad' and Spring areen streets., ..Atemporarylorgani zati on was efi cote d, by Or e selection, Of: the re ltinWing .Pigsigentonathari If :1'110; Vice IWsiitintsHErMtus T'OhlSOn' and John ,J. - Kersey . T....Secretaries•-:-Thomas- Simpson':•and George W. 'Eckert Dod rlteper's —Thomas Simmers and George Shoemaker. On motion of Mr. Poulson a committee con sisting of one_from - each Ward was created to act upon credentials and decide . canes of con tested seats. The Ward, delegations appointed their representatives in the Committee. Mr. Selby moved.that a :similar committee lie appointed to select permanent officers. The chairman ruled it out of order, reading the rules to sustain his decision, but withdrew his decision, and a vote was taken on a motion that' the' present officers be selected- to act as the permanent officers, which was lost. The motion for the appointment of a committee to select permanent officers was agreed to. Ad journed for an tour. •• • City Commissioner. The convention for the nomination of City Corarniadoner assembled this morning at 10 q'glock, at Musical Fund Hall. Ezra Lukens was chosen temporary President and D. S. Bunnell temporary 'Secretary. , :lylessrs. Peter- Eon and Lyman, were choseh doorkeepers, and the hall was ordered to be cleared of all but the delegates. , • • • Uri motion; each Wifitil bixicaddtrtb cliopse one delegate to act a # a member, of the Committee on Credeittiald.' ' The "'credentials of, the 'delegates froni the eeyeral Wards were then presented in regular order. The following ticket of , entrance was dis tributed and freely circulated among the , ont- Sider& Tile following is a copy of what was printed on thegicket. On one side: • City Condnissioner's Convention. ) I Admit 13etiFar: , On the, ,other , , • ) , • =',Oity.Commissioner. JAMES BAIN late private Nineteenth and Captain Seventy second,regiments. • . , , , The issue of these tickets caused the greatest indignation. and confusion, the proceeding being a unwarranted. and unprecedented one. The wards•were then called upon in nuineri eal.order. and presented the delegates whom they, bad selected to serve on the committees of credentials and organization, one for each „committee. These CoMmittees then retired for the - con sideration of their appropriate business: &session_mas_yery_much protracted. Ti, their absence, no business was transacted in the Convention, and thedelegates left the hall in numbers, leaving it almost deserted. The Judicial Ceuvention. This. Convention met, at the County Court House, at 10 o!clock, for the nomination of a Judge of the District Court and two Judges of the Colirt of Conitnoit Pleas. '• As the clock _WAS striking the hour, severaimembersjumped to their, feet at the same moment, and in the Midst 'of great: confusion and excitement noniirtations fel- 'temporary Chairman were, made. These included; Messrs. A: L. Henner scbotz, Isaac Hazlehurst and Horatio Gates jones, each of whom was declared elected. My, HerinerschOtz took the chair, and made an appeal for order, but he might as well have appealed to the rocks of. Gibraltar, so•-great was,the confusion and disorder prevailing at -the time. It being, very evident that the dis content iies of no trifling kind. John Davis ,Watsdn.'Esq., with the view of harmonizing.. tile-tumultuous. gathering, mounted a chair and suggested that the friends- of each candi date meet in different parts of the room, and; that after_ a fair count, the choice of the Con: _verition actas_temporary chairman. " This met with considerable applause, but was.not acted on, and as it was impossible at this preliminary stage of the proceedinga to tell, who were delegates and who were not, it :'was finally agreed that all retire, and hand in their'credentials at the door, so .that' - none but, regularly elected delegates have access to the room. This 'occupied some time and, the delegates beingregularly. assembled, Con vention proceeds toorganize temporarily. Hon. Isaac Hazlehurst was selected Chair man, and, on taking his ' seat, made a short but pertinent speech, returning thanks for the. honor conferred on hini. This was received with considerable applause. Messrs. -Mayer Sulzberger - and Horatio Gates Jones were selected as temporary Sec retaries. bir: - A. H. FratfOisetts moved-"that a com mittee of two be appointed from each. Ward to receive credentials and report officers for a permanent organization, which was agreed to. the delegaUoris of the several wards eaVh— selecting their_ men, which- process occupied until nearly 12 o'clock. The - following gentlemen were respeCtively chosen for the Wards named on the following committees CONTESTED SEATS AND CREDENTIALS: Wards., Wards. I. L. R. Walker. '' 15. E. K. Nicholls, . 16. A. W. Wright.' 3 - Scanlan. . 17 Wesley Stephenson 4. .1 d AV: 5; Hope Palmer.' s..R. 40. T - Q. Adams. S. Simon.Gratz. B. H. G.. Allman N.M. it, Hanna. 12; 'l'boixtafi-d. 14. Abram Rline. - 14. John Rankin. COMMITTEE UN Wards I. James Gowah. 2. Charles Mousey. 3. L, T. Selby. • 4. Joe° , 11 T. Ford. ,vaiesr.or.,,vm 214 75 el. lila rMleinkeiV.Sen 7. James 0: Hunt. • b. Wenzel Hartman. 9. Beni. P. Wllqou. 10. A. H. Franciscus. 24.11. W. Todd. 11. Jacob Albright. 25. Thos. C. Evans. 12. W. E. Littleton. 26. J. W M Nowlin. 13. John L. filloemaltet ( 27. W. C Townsend. 14. Fred. E. Über. , 26: W kite. John L. Shoeinalter, Esq., ;Chairman of Committee on Permanent Organization, re orteti-the-folio-wing,—gentlemen—for—thepos- Lions named : • . • President—A. L. Hennerschot. Vice Presidents—lsaac Hazlehurst, A. H Franeiscus. bi>cretaries—J. W. M. Newlin, Mayer Sulz - berger. Tellers—M. Hall Stanton, Jos. C. Ferguson. Doorkeepers—J. S. Connell, William Wil king. These were unanimously , elected and took their places, and the ,Conyention began to look like business., Nothing could be done, however, as to noiednations, until the Com mittee on credentials and contested seats could make their'-report, and an effort was made. to take a'recesa; lint failed. Shortly after 12!o'block - the .ComMittee on Credentials and Contested, Seals „appeared and reported," through . 'W.' Gray, ,rsq.,. Chairman, , ,that they presented for - the'tiselit the Ciiiivention alist of , lioth ,delegates and contestantsi, to,Twbom, they recornmended that tickets... be-issued Ifor - Aesnp'orary.'. use; and that_ .a, ,recess ,„be , taken until the ComMittee shall deteirnine,definitely as to the cases of contest: fn accrordance with this,,the oanr.a.plthq delegates were called, and each one receiving an admission" bard; a recess was taken ,nritil two O'clock. [There are three colored delegates in this Cony mtion, as follows: Samuel C. Coleman, seventh pre cinct, Third Ward; Amos C. Sugers, ninth of the Fourth, and ; Jno. D. Cliff, fifth of the Eighth.] Mr. Hazleburst, on taking the chair, said: " I am not insensible to the honor you have conkrted .upou . me. Qccupying a position ainong the tertiois of an' honorable and re sponsible profeasien, it is not .surprising that I sliduld he selected to preside over a conVen man whote,objco,4 are identical with that pro fession.' tb'e profession of the law has in every. age,been the - -mtpenent qf republican liberty, so its prosperity has ever been identi fied ,wi,th -a vilret , ,,' and independentjudi-• ciary. Let this Convention appreciate its solemn duties dttditststern responsibility. The people—a million of people—not party, look to us in the emergency- of choice. Let there lie no betrayalhere. T u lle law surrounds every persou'and pervadds every place. Its vindica tion must be as.,l3road as humanity—for its At horde is e bosom of Ge4l, and its voice is the harmony of the world!" The Congressional Conventions. - FIRST DISTRICT. This Convention , met ; in the old County Court-room, corner Bikth and Chestnut streets. Among the, klegates ,present ,wore several • orlKik,lntivention, as organized at 10 o'clock', 14 - trio 'election ofJaines'D. Har hins as teiriporaZrobairman. On motion the Chair appointed the follow- . ing ternporamoilleers:',' Vice preodoits—Jbseph • Bontemps; James BeHey. James „ 31nGlathery, James Evtifis: • Tellers—George Hoguet, Horace Gaw. porkeilieh—,,Eaton Howard, D. Graham. ComnAittee ;o>tv:Vredrnztia/s--Second. Ward, Horace a.w;,lXl.tird.Ward, Thomas ErePlitr Fourth' Ward r. 'Reilly •' Fifth 'W,ard, Jos, Bontemps';' Sixth' ;\Vard, 'Levi F. Smith; Eltprenth Ward,zJames Frans. Committee on Permanent Organization---Jos. Bentemps, jameagynns, Joseph Steplifms. After calling the list of wards and divisiouS, the Uotarilittp4 en, credentials:were appointed Ccramittee'eti'Contested Seats—thero being two delegates present from each of the follow= Lug divisions:'Xho , iirst, second and third di visions of the Fifth Ward. , • The Convezitinin then took a recess for 'fif teen Ininutesc'to'dllow the Cciininittee on Con-. tested Seats , to perform their duties. The Corunaittee on• Contested Seats reported on the reassembling of the, ,Conyention, after which the roll was called. The Committee on Permanent Organria tion reported the following permanent ofti cern : ttiOniia - it.`ii'erittson 19. 4ainee Ritchie. 20. John Eckstein; -- 21. Michael - Glynn; - 22, 11. W. Geary. 23. - Joeepla Balt • i 94. John Hubner. atirel ki,eirron. t.V. arvey-Warren: fV. William F. Small. ORGANIZATION. Wards._. 15. J. B. Roney. 16. George. Bunn. 17. William Conn. 119. Daniel W.Stocichana 20. Henry Duman. 21. James M. Preston 22. J. 1). Rodney, ZS. William Green. President--J, ROE' Harkina• • Vice Presidents—Joseph Bgatempa, H. Yale Bmitbc- Secretaries—James MeGlat,het7, James Evans. ; . , . Tellers—George Hognet, Horace (haw. Doorkeepers—Eaton Howard, D. Graham. The Convention then proceededto' the 'nomination of a candidate to represent the district in Congress. tr Ajollowing_gentlemen--were-placed-in, nomination, viz.: • . Benjamin Buckle, John M. Norlariti: and Charles Gibbons.- ' - ' On the first ballot the vote stood as follows Benjamin H,nekle. 46 John M. Moriarity, ..... ........ 5 Charles Gibbons 3 On motion, the nomination of Benjamin Hucklo-was made-unanimous. On motion, a committee. of. one from each ward in the district was appointed to wait on Mr. Hackle and inform him of his election. The Couventiou then adjourned SECOND DISTDICT. The ttelegates.Composing the convention for the nomination of a, candidate for the Second Congressional District assembled at 10 o'clock this morning in the AsseMbly Buildings. Much confusion ensued in the 'election of °di cers for a temporary organization. The can didates for President were. Wm. S. Stokley and Srdward Cobb. - Mr. Stokely however, was declared elected,'and king Secre tary. Thesegentlemen took their seats. the other party, however, manifesting, much op- position. The credentials of the various dele -gates-were being presented-when- a-rush- was made, and one man attempted 'to snatch them from the Secretary's hand. None were lost; however. The proceedings were thus biought -to a standstill, the opposition declining to transact the business while Mr. Stokley held /the chair. - The break in the proceedings continued until within a few minutes of one o'clock,both Presidents holding out until that time. Mr. Stokley previously made a proposition that Mr. Cobb and himself vacate their seats in favor of George Truman, _Esq. This was de dined, however. The two Presidents tlien went into two organizations, both occupying different parts of the room. The Stokley or ganization then rec.tirded the votes -of tlieir delegates, with the following result, which was announced amid the greatest 'disorder: Charles 43; ,rohn Price Viretherill, 2, and . John V. Creeley, 2. The O'Neill party then left the ball. The adherents of Creeley then remained in the hall and went into a temporary organiza tion, electing Edward B. Cobb for President • and Wm. Mifflin Smith. as Secretary. Mr. Cobb then intormed the delegates assembled that a permanent organization should be of-. fected and the regular order of business be proceeded-With.i. 'This was accordingly done, the followingentlemen being chosen : President—Edward P.; Cobb ; Vice Presidents —Wm. Mifflin Smith' and Chaxles A.Thornas ; Secretaries—W. C. Whiteman and J. Ridgway Moore ; Committee on Credentials—Thomas Laura; John McClintock, J. Ridgway - MC.ore, Wm. Hodges, John Pole and S. Culling ; .poor keepers—John. Campbelland H. MoElwaine.: The of 'the 'delegatel were pre- I setited, and after a friverable - repOrt fioni committee on credentials, thefollowing narnes' were placed ,on norul Shoo: . Charles O'Neill, John_Price Wetherill,.John V. °roe-. ley and Cornelius Walborn. Tellers Were appointed and the balloting took place. The_first_ballot_was_then_taken,aruLresulted_ asfollowst. Oresley : .. Wetherill.. Walborn... O'Neill It was discovered that the names of several delegates were- not called. The correction fat* nnado t - he seem the fol owing result Creeley Wetherill O'Neill 49 ' Oa - Motion; the nomination of Mr. Creeley was , inade unanimous. A Commli tee of three was appointed ~by the - Chairman to wait upon' and, inform, , Mr. Creeley of his nomination. This:Convetion claim that their nomination ig htititnate and 'regular, declaring that they acted in strict accordance with the code of rules Adopted by the Republican party. 'The Convention then adjourned, with cheers for Creeley. THIRD DISTRICT. The' delegates to the - Third Congressional Convention assembled htle•o'cleck this morn ing in the .Axnerica.n Mechanics' Hall, Fourth and. George streets, and a temporary organi zation was effeetetlas.follows President—ebas. M. - Wagner. Seeretaries--Robert Scott and SamuelF: ligan.• • , ' Doorkeepers = t)hrietian Sharer and Samuel „ ' n Motion,' the uommittee on Credentials and Contested Seata was appointed, as 'follows : Twelfth Wird, Chas. Harrington;Thirteenth Ward, Peter Lane; • Sixteenth ard, Wm. Jingle ; , Seventeenth Ward,. John , Budd ; Eighteenth Ward. Charles Allen; Nine teenth Ward, Frank Clemens. The committee proceeded to the platform and. here received the credentials of the dole gates,after which they returned and acted on the contested seats. Mi. Evans, of the Thirteenth Ward, moved for the 'appointment of a committee •Of one from each ward represented in the District on p'etmanent organization. Agreed to. Under, this motion-the committee way appointed ay follo*s : ' Twelfth Ward, John ,Sage; Thirteenth Ward, Joshiia Wright; Sixteenth Ward, Amos: Palmer; Seventeenth Ward, • Wm. Lawson . ; 13ighteenth Ward, .James Milligan, and Nineteenth Ward, Geo. Peters. • The Committee•on Contested Seats reported as follows First Division, Sixteenth Ward; no delegate, Division thrown out; Second Di- Vision,Sixteenth.Ward, John Allen, entitled to a seat; FoUrth Division, Sixteenth Ward, E. A. Woods, do.; Filth ,Diviiiion Sixteenth Ward, John P. Slither, do.; Fourteenth-Di vision Nineteenth Waal, Win. 13. Smith, do.; Third Division. Nineteenth Ward, no delegate, Division thrown out. , The report Nils accepted, . - The Committee on Permanent Organization reported the following named officers, who were unanimously elected : • President--Uhas. M. Wagner. • . Vice Praitlents—George C. Evans, James W, Eusling, Trovirer—Henry Myers. Seci•cem;ies—Sanincl P. Milligan and 'Robert Scott. • • Tellers—Job Rickard and Peter. Lane. Deericeepers—Uhristiau Sherer and Samuel Soby, ' "The followir.g-named gentlemen Were then placeffin nomination for,Coegre.im rfrom the Third Distriet,;.Hon. Leoparcl.:Myers,. Alex. Adnire: Mahlon Dickinson and F,. Harper Jeffries. • ' . . On motion, the Convention proceeded;-to - ballot for the gentlemen named, with the 'fol. lowing resolf Hon:Leonard Myers - 46 Altthion ............. . 8 Alexander Ad the • 4 .11; , 11arpor ...tetYrietA . 2 s'era••havi,ng a majority of the y 0f134, Pf 231 e40 vgasSlGOtrcti.the aoliiioce of the pktbliGail party, awl', .91i, ,motio u h . ht, n~uuua tio.n.m'aslaado libanirenus., offiteci thbfolloWing which Were adopted Resntr4d, %hut, l again pr,ertg ing the non. Vecuturd yetrt to t Ito puopto of the Thir‘l thaitr,repelunalle tetricti PRICE THREE CENTS. we respond to ihe-wkiltee of a large majority of than., publican voters, who, admiring his consistent,*htnsora- Ide and able record,feel that this nomination is endamod• lx duo to Ids services and worth. , , Resolved, That as an able chanspiciiion'tha and t he of protection .to. Ainerican industry anii the • right of labor, and of lesseninc the burden of taxatlan. kir. Myer* has now a national fame:which his own can., stltuents appreciate and take pleasure in asserting. Resolved, That to private as to public life-the tabor's , of Mr., layers for the interests of the. people have bean faithful, klnd and rinceulng, and that with him for our Standard-bearer wabave a guarantee of enthaslitun ;and .dyers was then introduced, and' isiSoko4 Afteenearly eight years' service' asyour - Retressimito, tive,,thisflith nomination to Congress lean endorsement of which any Arian may well feel proud, tot the decade lust ending forms the - most important era ,in American history. , . It has coneltisivelY proved , the capacity of , the people for self-govertunent; it has shown that Republics are not ell bugrateful ; I t has Crystalized noble sentiment* . and great deeds into form and action ; it has given,what _'- doteDecltion of -Independence only promiaed, tree and motel rights for ail ; it hoe advanced the honor , and fame of onr country till its flag, with every star re stored, is respected all over the world. • This was chs work , or the people - • - On march and battle-held, in camp and pilion-pan. there was bravery' and worth. ha hospital and refresh ment enloon, and by every hearthstone, there was grati tude. All gave their treasure ; With some it was wealth, with more their heart'e beat blood;:7If the - Represents- tires have been ; of of such a people, they need ask no higher weed -The record will show that a Reptibilcartt i Administrk ion, in all this trying time kopt..pace with the • plifriet- • ism of the masses ; aided them by vote, 'strengthened them by law rewarded them by every designation of a nation s Justice and honor, • • - - - • ••••••• It is five Years since the rebellion VMS crushed tare years since the nationallife was owed. - • - In the peace which followerl'the war it remairied Oahe • seftil whether we were' worthy of what had been wen. The assaseinationef a beloved in -ether binds, would have'overturned the Government, fellow, -ac mill;•the -indignation was Intense—,..the . grief terrible—but republican - institutions nover•wavered. Great armies, (Imbed with victory, -were to be ills: banded. Europe predicted it could not be done with eatety. Yet they- vanished like' mists of the morning, and though the land is full of warriors the citizen set dier is the beat safeguard of the republic. . •- • - • A heavy debt called, for continued.taxation—the peo plo bore it without a murmur, in ordor to maintain the • telth and credit of the'nation. Let us eve ii the representatives continue tc• do them duty. Zito Government before ever gave such beauties to its defenders after the day of their service was over. ,. Nei i".;ievernment before took such care of the widowed and: tatherlees Repudiation 'wee predicted, even threatened. We - antiwar - err - by paying orie-Efth of -the national debt in flee years. Gen, Grant's ,admlntetration has ,eo main- Wood our credit that greenbacks are almost on a par with gold. The necessaries of life are ,cheapeued, and -now, responding;to the - popular wish and'declaring it is not incumbent on this generation to cancel the remain der of the deist,we have pasted a bill,soon to become law ‘ taking Off sixty millions of_ taxes, which willgive relie d` and new inspiration to the masses. . We have adhered to the doctrine • that prOtection to American labor is necessary for - American prosperity. . We have, for the lint time, wrung from- unwilling Eng land and from other lands a renunciation of their doc trine of " allegiance," mid since the recent treaties American citizenship is protected as it never was ho or is this all. No government; was ever so generous to a conquered rebellion but kindness has been tem pered with justice: Against every- opposition. we kave retWatrAVidthe Union on thebaste _of loyalty, until every State that attempted iscession has had iti- repro- sentatives once more en the floors of, tiongress., With Lain - pads spanning the continent, with the commerce of the east ready to seek our shores, 'Avith arts high, ad veered. and compensated labor, the future is brilliant with hope. ' To have beeiii by your continued prefererce, a partici pant in the lecielature which has aided to produce such results . is the'highost privilege of my - ' . life.' - • I accept the. honor of . being - again )otir standard- , bearer and through you teuder ray thanksto the people. Mr. Myers was frequently interrupted:with:- Marko ot-approbation,_and.atthe adjournment, of-=tl34Conventiow , cheer after cheer, was,. . .given for the Workingman's:candidate. FOURTH DIBTIUCT The Conventiont 'dssembled 'at 10 , A.M., at Spring Garden Hall, and a temporary organi zation was effected" ,by the-selection ofWil ilemli..Kerri,.Esq„a.s Vhairme,n. The Ch4ir . ppointed - the - gentlernisri iisiarocii-- tuittee on Credentials: William Williams, Jesse 1•7. RoWe and William Dixey. i Objec tion was taken to the action of the Chairman in appointing this Committee, °nth° grountis that that officer was usurping the rights of the regular Chairman. Several of the delegates contended that the appointment of a Committee on Organization was the first business in order. e • airman c‘ - = • i 77 riglivi but in order:to promote harmony itt the Convention, he gave way, and each. Ward tip- " pointed one of its delegates to act as a Com mittee on Contested Beata. William B. Webb,, and George W. Hancock • were, appointed, temporary Secretaries. The Committee on Contested §eath, thioUgh their Chairman, submitted their report', iviiieu was adopted and the Cen3tnittee discharged. The roll of delegates was then called. On motion,. the temporary oft:leers, of the douvention were declared to 'be the el.mich'of that body for regular orticera. ' The following additional cabers were ,elec- - ted : Vice Presidents, A. NI. EASWI.OIE,' Wm. Sellers aud W. J. P.:NV bite ; Secretary,,Sainual 13, Yerkes; Tellers, Nathan 1.4. Jones, J. N. Rupp and Wm. If. Axe. following gentlemen were Placediin nomination: Hon. William.D. Keller, J. A- Simpson, Eh= Miller and John ( 5 2, Ginnodo. The nominations here, closed, and, a. ballot Was taken, with tide following result Kelley, ; Miller, 20; and Simpsdn, 7. ( The announcement of vote was received. with 'cheers, and on motion the vote, was made unanimous. The chair then appointed the following named gentlemen as a Committee on Resole lions James Neal!, S. Rains, J R. Scott, N. - L. Jonas, E. C. Warren, Samuel Hutchinson, and H. R. garnish. _Th The: following resolutions were unanimously adopted Whereas, Peridetent efforts aro now 'tieing made , by • the advocates of tree trade, backed by both foreign and oenteetic capital, to paral3 ze the Manufacturing inter est” of our btate and of our country at large ; and . • , IV/ier.os, It is ettpo firm importance that wu be repro- fielded by a gentleman whose intelligence, long eit per-- epics in legielatien and thorough ncquaintance with•the tutees questions involved in the contest in which wo aro now engaged r therefore • • ' Ile3olped , That we have, found William D. Keyes during the successive lertes in" which • lie 'has' been our representative, fully equal to every emereency that lies arisen, ever , exhibiting the highest order of statesmanship, the &rest patriotism, And tho 'most untiring zeal for the wt Imre of his constitueutaoralar. , the general proaperityof his Country. Re soh) ed,. That, in his renomination as the Reprettonta tive of the Fourth Cortiressionat District, ,ho has the best assurance we can 'give that hie labors have boon fully appreciated, ea well us of our unlimited confidence hi hie future course. • liesolved That we fully endorse the positions taken by., hint in hie letter of . ..Mari:With 1670, uitiltesse4 to largo Humber orbit, constituents Meowing his -mune to , be hub in Wed Jor renomination, and until the passage of a Civil, Service bill by Congress we rmommentl him to obeerve trio provisions of the one submitted during this session. The Chair appointed the following 'gentle-, men to, wait upon Judge Kelley and , acquaint him with the fact of his renomination: James Neall, William. Matthews, A. M. Eastwielt, James•Dobson, A. Haohnlen and ft. T.' Rob.- orts; after. which the Convention adjourned. , laird Senatorial District. The Convention • assembled at Ton Hall, ' North Third street, this morning. Colonel Peter Sides presided and . Nathaniel Anrons was chosen Secretary, The balloting resulted .as follows 1 2'3. Richard WiNoy . • ' • 16 'l7' 18' Benjamin W. Thomas ~1.1146'24' Thos. U. Parker - 12 9 Benjamin W. Thomas, of the Twelfth ; Ward, was declared unanimously nominated.. Itepresentativi'es. Tho following nominations have 'boon Second Stevenson • Fourth District--- 1 .1 7 . to. Elliot. Fifth Distriet--Vtirm.Dativ. • Sixth District-:-ChtirlesiCte'ckner: . • • Sere:4th District—Robt.iTotinsti3h. Ziyhth District—Wv3.lJ4 . , • . y'elithpistriet 7 --jpA. Itt.fflnArn. Eferenth I)istriet—SSM'i H ager. 2'tbelfth 'District—John' ninon. '4;4ixteenth District—Win: P. Switli.' ' ;:,• ; b.erentecolll•Distriat---Vratsou Com ly iller. Surityor. 3 tDAirkt----D.-Ffirdson —Why is Notre Dame, of Paris, likeltistle toe Because it's a Pads sight. swig, '4' .1.. t ',' trt4,2lm
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