.„„ ~' F ^ ...w.....e :wd..,iu.-inn»-.a~,,}irxi~ 4w~i:~.a5'w~a.K,..,~„i" —At the Walnut, the thaing • military', drama, Not Guilty, will be repeated, with an excellent caste. —At the Arch, to-night, Mr. Emmet will re; peat Fritz. On Friday evening next he will have a benefit. • •. --At the Chestnut, a . variety performance , will be'glven by the largo and skillful company ', from Boston. . _ • • Fox's American Theatre, to-ni,glit, a litit-claSs' miscellaneous entertainment is of feted, including ballet dancing. negro, , min strelsy, singing; gymnastic performances, &c.-, --At•Carneross &Dixey's, a numbee of nov-1 elites is offered for this evening. Tkepew heir leseue, -Bose, the Colored Belle, is'Yinnounced. —AlcEvoy's Bibernicon and varieties will_, be on exhibition, at Duprez & Benedict's Sev-: enth Street Opera House, every evening during —Ltheweek,.and On_Saturday afternoon. , • —Persons who have not 'yet seen the .Pll gri m paintings should notmiss tile oppor tunity, as the exhibitions will close this week. —On the evening of Thursday,the 2Gth inst., a Concert will be given in the Academy of Music, in aid of the Conehological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences. A first-rate programme has been prepared, and a number:' f eminent - artists - will - appear. Thosixth , concert of the-West-Philadelphia „ Choral Society will be given in Musical Fund ' to-morrow night. —ln-Musical-Fund Hall this evening the Han- . del and Haydn Society Willgive a concert. In the card attached to the progranime the man; .alters say "The object we have in view is to furnish more comfortable accommodations for the use of our members at rehearsals, and the proper care: —.of - our - musical - library, which-is-now-probably he largest, With ~-o ne eXtePtidn','"in"Atiferica. We find it absolutely essential to the permane success of the Society that we should have a `rehearsal room exclusively under our control, • - • - • — .TaTireXceptionablY - to -- the — ladieg - offfthe - Sb- -, clay, to which we can invite our subscribers and_friends... We appeal ,to the - friends of Sacred music in Philadelphia for twee as will enable us to secure a permanent home." • . The following is the preramme : Chorus—" Kyrie Eleison,"• Mozart Solo.l.l.eaven, bath shed tear,"-.K i • M. - Graf; Solo--" Amiarno . Laritar . .joyouS • • Life Randegger Mrs. Godwin. Chorus—" For unto us," .... Double Quartette—" Chores—" flow lovely are the Messengers," Mendelssohn Chorus and Quartette- 11 ,Gloria,"....Mozart Solo—"Quoniam," - Rossi,* Mr. Miller. - Terzetto—" Gratias Agimus,"... Solo-"Hing - Death - ,' ---- Mr. , Barnhurst. • •" He watching over Israel," - Mendelssohn Mr. Graf. _ _ _ Chorus— — Solo= Chorus—" And the Glory of the Lord," . Hande CITY BuLLETir4. ---- The - "Repnblican.lnviricibles held a meeting .at the Assembly Buildings Jest evening..', The pimctpal business=-was the election of an_Ex.- .e'cutive COmniittee forthe year:lB7o=7l: The" :following, which is claimed to be the regular _ticket, was elected : Alex. P. • Colesherry; Geo. Triimaii, - Jr:, - .F:'S. - Tobey,• - A.• W.-Lyman, Jos. N..Paist, Calhoun, Jos. K. McCammon, L. Wain - Hens*, Betij.L. Taylor, James Truman', M. D.; Benj.l.luckel, Chas. Harragh, Henry C. Hawkins, John C. Snowden, Benj. Swain, _John O. tiler, W. Harry Miller, E. IL D. Fraley, Caleb `l3 KiivbeP; S: 'tV: Yennypacker, Ellis P. Phipps, John S. Weimer, Charles G. Banks, Wm. N. Neall, J. P. Evans; Wm. D. Gemini% Wm. H. Weimer, John Birkinbine. A. E. Coligau,-E. T. Starr, Kenry M. Reading, -Chas. S. Greene, Oliver Wilson, Peter Sides, J. Warner Jackson, Chas. C. Lister, Thos J. Smith, R. L. Bodine, J. Eben Harkins, Henry P. Colesberry. A large number present, how ever, who were dissatisfied with the action of the presiding . officer, Alex. P. Colesberry, for the manner in which he appointed the tellers of the election, left the meeting and effected nether tirgalli• ation,_b_y the electio. Ezra Lukens as presiding officer, and -elected the following ticket: Joseph Brobston, 'Jr., A. W. Lyman, Cyrus Lukens, John C. Snowdon, John Birkinbine, Alfred E. Colgan, George W. Fry, Wash ington 'Peddrick, Jr., Eli T. Starr, Henry C. Hawkins, Louis Welhelini,. William J. Gillingham, S. Raymond Roberts, William L. Fox, Henry L. Taggart, Jos. H. Paist, Horace Hill, A. R. Cal- houn, Albeit C. Weaver, Wm. C. Barnes, Jos C. Moore, A. K. Dunkel, Benj. Hinkel,' Ezra Lukens,)Vm. McMichael, George Truman,Jr., Henry Todd, George H. Lynn, Wlti. B. Smith, Benjamin L. Taylor, Wm. W. Maris, Wm. M. Neall, S. W. Pennypacker, Wm. IL Cantlin, Jas. P. Evans, M. Hampton Todd, Samuel Nkritzman Emmor S. Kimber, John P. Wool- Terton, S. Tobey. An election for officers was thou : 110d, result ing r as follows; President—Ezra Lukens. Vice Presidents-:-Ilaniy Todd, Win. L. Fox. Recording Secretary—lle4ry C. Hawkins. Corre,sponding Secretary—John • Birkinbine. Treasurer—Horace Hill. The last named committee, with the officers given above, possess all the records, funds, paraphernalia and other property of the Invincibles, and they claim to be the only legitimate authority chosen by the Club in the regular way. — . Messrs. Thomas & Sons sold at the Ex change, yesterday, the following stocks and real estate : Four-story brown stone residence, No. .1813 Walnut street, 26 feet front, $62,500 ; business stand, northeast corner Second and Queen streets, rit feet front, $6,600; valuable lot, Cherry street, near Twenty-first street, 16 feet front, $1,600; lot, northwest corner of Twenty-fourth and Factory streets, 524 feet front, $2,090; three-story brick dwelling, No. 513 LoMbard street,lo feet front, $1,500; three story brick dwelling, No. 2140 Jefferson street, 16 feet front, $1,950; three-story brick dWell ing, No. 2142 Jefferson street, 16 feet •front, $2,225; three-story brick dwelling, No. 2146 Jefferson street, 16 feet front, $2,200 ; two story brick dwelling, northeast corner Twenty second and. Wright. streets,. $2,-100 ; lot,. S. E. corder of Tenth and Hoffman streets, $l5O ; lot, N. W. corner Eleventh and Mifflin streets, $1,025; lot, southeastcorner Twelfth and Mif flin streets, $1,600; lot, Mifflin. and Eleventh streets and Buck road, $1,075; lot, southeast corner Twelfth and Moore streets, $2,100; lot, Mifflin street, west of Tenth, $1,450; lot, Islif flin street, east of Eleventh, $2,200; lot, Thir teenth street, south of Mifflin, $2,300; lot, Mif flin, west of Twelfth, $1,700 ; tlwee-story brick dwelling, northwest corner Mifflin • street and Buck road, $4,300; 100 shares Insurance Com pany of North America ' 27 cents ; 177 shareS Central Transportation, 50 cents; 1 share Mer cantile L4t.?rary Company, $5 50. Sale on the premiseS, Manayunk ' -May. 14: I>rvelling arid --- tot,"northeast corner . Gay - and Cresson streets,ss,oso; dwelling and lot,Cresson street,- adjoining, $5.550; lot, Gay street,: in the : rear of the above; $000; lot,' Gay street, in the rear of the above, $580; lot, Gay street, in, the . rear, of Abe aboye, ..560.; lot, Gay-street, in tlts . <2; rear of the above, $5OO. —A meeting . of the Committee of Councils ' on the Centennial Anniversary of the Declara . don of American Independence was held yes terday afternoon in the Select Council Chain- • her. Mayor Fox, Hon. Morton McMichael and a committee of the Franklin It qitute i'Qle iu ;attendance. MOMIM Farm, at City Line Statidn,'"oll be North PennSylVaida Railroad; near the cliy, was, yesterday the scene of a large sale of im ported cattle, by A. M. Harkness, auctioneer. The prize Ald i erneyeow " Calla ". s was pur. up ' for sale, and sixelted the admiration of all bV her fine appearance. She was of a squirrel grey color,. enly,foux years old, , and import 01' by her owneoiisprffi F; rage; ;Esq., direct from Islind of jersey,' as watralso a fawn and white Alderney cow . named " Myrtle," of the same age, which was also offered for sale. The interest of thi3;whole Sale ieemed.te haire been concentrated on these , two animals, and, as a natural consequence, the betting was •lively. Juke:Matlack, of Woodbury, New jersek,was the successful bidder in the first case, and the second named was taken by Mr. Charles Sharp • less, nf Philadelphia. • These two, cows - brouglit $450 each. A buff, fawn and buff nose • Alder ney cow, three years old, also imported by Mr. Page, was offered, together with ber calf, -and I--was_kimckeff down to - Mr. Richard J. - Dobblns, of this eity,for $4OO. Several other cows and heifers were offered, and brought good prices, ranging.from $lOO to $375. - - —The' Pennsylvania% Horticultural Society had its tnonthly,:display last evening .- , :Among the articles displayed were early fr i nits, cut flowers, exquisite fuchsias, a splendid Ferrite, geraniums, • variegated: specimens, Marantas, colei, and other beautiful plants. t A large _number of fine vegetables of every variety were also on exhibition, and - excited general atten tion, as evincing-great skill in their-growth and nut ture. —Coroner TaYlor held an investigation, yes terday afternoon; in the case of John Waelte. Verdict: "That the said John Waelte came to his death from injuries received by being at:el ' dentally run over by car No. 29 of the Green and Coates Streets Passenger Railway Corn oiLlGreen_street,_belo_w_Broak.on the evening - of May 15 --1870,-while-attenipting to g.et onjlie car while in motion." Sunday schools attached to the Second Universalist Church held . their anniversary m-e-etillg-Past-evening.--The-sacred-edifice—was - appropriately dedicated for the -occasion, and the: exercises -.Were-of -a_-very interesting character:• Addreisei were Made . by Hon. Daniel M. FOX', Revs. Moses 13allott, E. G. BrookS, Giles Bailey, and others. —The li6ifa. of trustees of the Northern ..Home. for Friendless_ Children . have elected the following named gentlemen-officers "fin' the current year::-. President—J. Wiegand ; Treastwer—James L. Claghofn ; Sec . etary M. J. Mitcbeson ; Assistant Sec . e'ary Theodore Earp ; Solicitors—J. J. Barclay, M. _J. Mit cheson. Handel Millard reu zer — . Henry McGee had a further hearing before Alderman Kerr yesterday, on the charge of be ing concerned in the robbery of Messrs. lielloy & Cooper's store, No. 211 S. Tenth street, on the night of the 3d of May, when ;over forty five hundred dollars worth of, goods were_ Steliii,:and was committed to - atisWer. • • • —A game of`biue• ball between - thie - Keystehe and Expert clubs was:played yesterday after grgutids i• - at ',Seventeenth street and Columbia_: avenue.. The result was .in ravorof the Expert by a score of 23 to 17. • —The West Philadelphia Band serenaded Nlr. John S. Iklottort, President of the West Philadelphia Passenger Railway Company, - at his residence, Forty-third and Spruce streets, on Monday evehirig; _ ..Rossini Gilchrist . —The arrest of .Josiah Ward, on suspielon of having killed *John: Wadey -on-Sunday, last; _near Gloucester, will lead to a thorough and complete investigation of the circumstances at= tending the case. The arrest was made by Justibe Henry and Officer Sotfer. —This morning the different military com .paniesjiL.Qamden, dressed in full uniform, pro ceeded in the eight o'ilcek train to - TreritiM, 65 - take part in the general parade and review in that city to-day. They were accompanied by a band of music, and made a creditable appear ance:— -Three men were arrested last night and committed to the city lock-up for druukeness and disorderly conduct. This morning they were introduced to the Mayor, who imposed the usual penalty upon them. • —A handsome sum was realized last even ing by an entertainment giyen in.the Camden • so I. for the 'relit of the Ricbmend' sufferers by the recent calamity in that city. Other measures to raise funds will likewise be taken. —The city fathers are adopting measures to advance the sanitary condition of the , city; if some of them would establish a Bathing Park during the warm weather, it would be a con summation devoutly wished for,and a blessing. —Justice Henry, of Newton township, last night, held a woman to answer the charge at Court of beating a little child in a severe manner. —About fifty applications have already been made for the position of Clerk of the Water Department in Camden, when the city takes poSsession of the works. —Yesterday morning,' after the regular Quar ter Sessions had been adjourned, the last term of the Special Camden Courts-commenced:A number of cases are to be tried. —Camden at last contains one really sub r.,tantial and extensive steam flouring mill. It has just gone into operation. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE Lilo of George Peabody myl7 3t A. C. BRYSON & CO., A. C. BRYSON & CO., A. 'o.' BRYSON & CO., A. C. BRYSON & CO., A. C. BRYSON & CO., A. C. BRYSON & CO., A. C. BRYSON & CO., N . A. 0. BRYSON h CO., 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Chmtnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. & 604 Jayne St. 007.0heatnat Bt. 11. 604 Jayne St. (Bulletin Building Prl Philadeluhiad Beek a d Jo nre Book and Job Pr i nters. Book and Job Printers, BoOk and Job Printers, Book and Job Printers, Book and Job Printers, Book and Job Printers, - Book and Job Printers, Workmen Skillful. Prices Low Workmen Skillful. Prices Low. Workmen-Skillful. Prices Low Workmen Skillful. Prices Low. 'Workmen Skillful. Prices Lbw. ----Workmen Skillful. - Prices Low. Workmen Skillful. • pease Low, Workmen Skillful. GIVE US .A TEIAL. Prises Low. GIVE US A TRIAL. GIVE,US A TRIAL. GIVE US A TRIAL. GIVE US A TRIAL - GIVE US A TRIAL. GIVE US A TRIAL. GIVE US A TRIAL. _ _ 11 - )IVE.-65 CASKS RICENOWLAND _IA IWO from almoner Wyoming, from Savannah, Ga., owl fur halo by LOWMAN, RUSSELL & 00., iii ()heat , nut ',trout. PIIILADELPIIIA EVENING :BULLETIN; IntiNE§DAi, MAY 18 1870. CAMDEN GOSSIP. WANTS JOHN DAINTY, 31 ri o n th Sixth otruot PRINTIII6. AMUSEMIPNTS. - "MAUI HEM 13'Xtir ONINEBONOU 11' .T:VDA .ITA' '.DICII.BINOTBA ER. ON A DA.Eit )( OK'S, FOX'S, vovs.-rox.s,.rox.s, Fox's. TAKE NOTION • ' -'" . •3TAKICNOTION. - • 1000 DOLLARS PER NIGHT IdS.. 1010-DGMARS PER.NIGHT 1000 DOLLARS PER NIGHT /eOO,DOLLARS PER NIGHT- - - - , , 2 TO BADoE• THE CURTAIN. TO RAISE THE CURTAIN. • TO.RAISE THE OUR PAIN. TO RAISE THE CURTAIN'. i Everybody, allowed to teadthidAdvertisement. EverybedrallOwed to, read this Advertisement. Everybody all krod to rend this Advertisement. Everybody can read this Advertisement. Everybody shouldyeadthiti Advertisement.. Evers body will reed this Adyertisement. Tbciett Who do notwili - 'lose the knowledge of wcinder fel facts. Those who do not will meet friends who have done so. PEA wyouroyen moral. .-_T,hose who ,donot Nall be fiteepoitin ignatitnce from the soles of their feet to the crown of their heads, Everybody thinks ull advertisements are twaddle. . Everybody should read this And be convinced of the pheirery. - ; • . If the Tititheinst he Told, - - Everybody else's Advertisements are Twaddle. Everybody else HumlingsthePublic. Everybody elte3itatigthein cmAuto Darkness. ]Everybody else use too 'Many Words. Everybody else Bothers and ilewilders. Etery body. else It now not what:They Write. • Evert body else Has Clothing to Write. Everybody eine Seem ne Though they were Asleep. AND THEY ARE ASLEEP.. - • CATCH A FOX ASLEEP.. Read Ammiet..ent Advertisements generally, Variety Advertisements in particnlar. • Note the matter there set down. Pentonihnes by this. • Dame by , that. Pisces of 1 1 4GO/rims by others. Contortions by-some one else. Songs and Gymunetics by some of the oldest and broken backed inhabitants of the Country. . • • A LL-OLD,-ALL-PLAYED OUT. Many of these Old Fossils have done their beet at Fox's time and again, and have been burled in the public est l -mationlobinagcNotinitterythey ix - ran - gala VON rrected and made toyump. skip, kick and scream by the aid of a few dollars furnished by bliiple old fogies: like them selves..who think some things can be done as well ns others. • • IT'S OF NO USE... • IT WON 'T PAY. Contrast whitt Follows. Contrnat the Life and Spirit. , Contrast the Rigor,-Energy and Tact. Contrast the Novelties. Contrest the 'Blattner of Doing Things. Contro_st.the_Number Engaged, • • ,Contrast their Dental . _ Conti net their Names. , • None that need Whitevtaehing. Hero we have Everyt yl n s g l that can.be. Desired. At Fex's yoU can be Lively - • At Fox's you can Smoke. At - Po - Vs-you carnfole. - ---•- ------ --- At Fox s you can Talk. AeFox's you can Walk. ' At Fox s You can meat your Friends. ' At Foxe yon can - Spend your Money. - At Fox's you Call Save your Money. At Fox's you can. Borrow. At Fox's you can rid yourself of sorrow. To Fox's allure anxious to Go. At Fox's all Desire to Stay. Who would not be at Fox s,? .Wltolias nor Entente the Antericau? 11 iis,N ot the Oldest ? _ . . _ . Has Not the.liandsoniese? . MIR Not the Uglkst - tins tint the Richest?" • Hee Net the Poorest? Ens Not the Wildest? • • tine Not the-Quietest? - ' Ens Not the Most Foolish? Ens-NIA-the 111 - yet - Rattonxi? - • - Most Certainly. And Will Continue to Go. Most Undoubtedly, - - - Impossible to stay away. Most Systematically, And Jam the Place Nightly. " Why Should it be ? " Wherefore the _Reason y ' • A newer • -Continual-succession of novelties. IX rew of which 111:11 Le here enumeratril : PROF.II.II-3LEVS GRAND' TRANSATLANTIC COM . - ATION. PROF. RISLEY'S GRAND TRANSATLANTIC COM -- - Comprising-20-European-Artista. • Comprising 20 European Artists. THE GREAT MLLE. LAWRENCE TROU . PE TIIE GREAT MLLE. LAWRENCE TROUPE f Beautiful Living Pictures. • Of Beautiful Living Pictures. Forming the most finished Tableaus ever offered to the _ . And represente&hfiliefolliitilng artistirf ; DIME. LAwRF CH: FLORENCE ANDREWS. LAWRENCE. - 7 — _ FLORE NON - AND REWS; MR. J . LAWRENCE. - MISS ROSE WILSON. 3111.) EMI Ei -------- - - • -- -1511148 , 110S tiSON; M (SS LUCY ADAMS. ' MR. W. MCKINLEY. MISS LUCY ADAMS. • MR: W. McKINLE Y. lIR. SIDNEY FRANKS, -- • • 'MR. SIDNEY FRANKS. nutfo Singer—thc only-living representative of the late Fara Cowell. MR. W. ThAMILTON, MR: Operatic Barttone, from the Lyceum Theittre, - London. Operatic- Baritone, tram the Lycenm Theatre, London. TILE SIST Rs, THE SISTERit, ZELIA AND FLORENCE, ZICLIA AN U FLORENCE, The . Juv4 Dile Lyric and Burlesque, Artists. MISS CLAItA VERNON, MISS CLARA VERNON, . _ Prima Donna Soprano and Burlesque Actress, from the Pavilion Th.ttro, London. Prima Donua Soprano and Burle.que Actress, from the Pavilion Theatre, London. MISS - EMMA ALFORD, MISS EIRMA ALFORD, The pleasing Burlesque Actress and Terpsichorean The pleasing Burlesque Actress and Terpsichorean Artist. MR. WIT, LIAM TANNER MR. WILLIAM TAls NE Cf. Introducing his celehruted performing Troupe of Introducing hie celebrated performing Troupe of DOGS AND WINK HYS, DOGS AND idONKMs Includlng,hincelobrato4l:monkoy. !Houdin- on the high " TnCluding bin celebrated monkey Blondin on tke high rope. ETHARDO AND LEOTARD. ETHARDO AND LEOTARD. KW' Think of the following combination of dancers :jEty FOUR PREMIERS. FoUR PREMIERS. FOUR PREMIERE oaNsEUSES. FOUR PREMIERE DANSEUsEs. WHO WOULD NOT SEE THE GREAT GUN MLLE. DE ROSA? MLLE. DE ROSA ? MLLE. DE ROSA ? MLLE. DE ROSA ? M.GLE DE ROSA MLLE. DE 11.617 The established favorite of Philadelphia, conti nua lly w inning the highest encomiums of the press and public : always rot dived with thunders of applause, and showers of bouquets, and storms of deafening cheers. First week of MLLE BRUNE LLI, DILLE. BRUN Et Id, MLLE. BRUN ELLI, DEL LE. BRUNELLE DILLE. BRUNELLE, 'MLLE. ER UNELLI 3111.1.1 , 1. BRUNE L L 14E . IdrE . B RUN E ULT. The great Premiere Danseuse, the wonder of the Nine teenth Century, brought to this country by the indo mitable Fisk of New York, to adorn the great piece of the TWELVE TEMPTATIONS. TWELVE TEMPTATIONS. First week of MLLE OBERTI, MLLE-OBERTI, • MLLE. OBERTI, MLLE. OBERTY, MLLE. OBERTI, MLLE. OBERTI, • MLLE. OBERTI, MLLE OBE tat, rem another great Premiere, lately imported, having ap peared before all the crowned heads 01 Europe. Who would not see MLLE. ROSA, MLLE, ROSA, the sparkling young Premire, whoc, youth, beauty and talent win their way to every heart ? First week of MR. FRANK GIBBONS, MR FRANK GIBBOxs ' MR FRANK GIBBONS, M. FRA .R NK GOITIONS,' MR. FRANK •G1880N5,...: MR. FRANK DIRIPJNS, MR. FRANK GIBBONS, _ I . • M R. FR 11AK GIBBONS, The celebrated and ne FLY ver-to-be-forgotten MAN , MAN FLY, whose great, sensation dot of walking head downwards a distance of 28 feet, at a height of 5 fact, nnexam- OA in the history of dAring performances. First week of MR. JOAN SHAY, MR. JOHN SHAY, well known as the great India Rubber Song and Dance Man, bounding like a ball, warbling like a bird and attituJizing like au eel. Who would not hear SAM DE VERE . . titt AI DJ VERE in his burlesque song and dance of " Big Sun Flower." Lo would l b i l ° ll. t. B . e l u tOßT. HARRISON, LOBT. BAR AD SON, hurdling add• • bursting out as he does nightly with fun and Jollity. Who Nv wild not see MR. FRANK WOOD, -• RANK WOOD, the wonderful gymnastic song and dative. Who would not see MR, W. H. DANVERS I,IK. W. IL. •DA N VERS in Ids inierpretatiou of Hitl:ling comedy AND NUW-YE EVER TIIIII6TIN . G PUBLIC, vho would not goo THE ORAND CLIMAX OF ALL, TIIE WUNDER OF PIIILADEIAPIIIA, • TILL ADMIRATION 014 tiTRANGERS. TDB PET OF TILE wr,DIERAL conmurau, min: UNRIVALLED BALLET, THE UNRIVALLED BALLET, Which has taken years to bring to perfection, em--. bodying all the finest dancers to be had in 1110 country, triiined tic 1 ()U r n by-all , the most - talentodirwreruf n - the profession, costumed in the most gorgeous manner,' without regard to expense, and now not or tho immo diatesunervision of • • SIB. GVO, SMITH. . . This wci tho performsuce will conclude with an original and most Inughublo ides never before attempted i n ni ,y theatre, which has taken weeks to prepiro, For to describe, must be neon to be uotterstood - aud for porticularn refer to small bills. • And now great and mighty public (Op terror and joy of all menagers), come and sou that Which wo have to Chow, and render your Nerdict occyglY. • • Vi 110'8 VRAI.ii? TIM management reePeCtfullymnnounces to the public that, notvithiganding the heavy °anomie incurred in turnieliing the above extraordinary array of talen4 ' The Pike of Admivelon will reintile ae usuel. The Price of Adialesion will fel/111111 Ca 11K1111.1. The Price of A drelneltin will ran 101110 usual, The Price of Admißaion will remain as tumid, AMPSEMUNTb. CHESTN UT STREET THEATRE. JOBN STRTRON [Ammo end linnsker JAMES PILGRIM Act Ing And Stqgo ManAgor ARK t. PH I. THEATRE, BOSTON. • ' ADRLDRITH NATIcE,AOSTOIS% • , STAR CO ISBINAT fON, STAR OOM OINAT lON. '_ EVERY" 'EVENING AND SATURDAY . `ARTPER• NOON. in Duriesqno. Grand Ealloommeneo Olio Entertain tnent, Fareee, ire .I.y the _- ;•11EST TALENT IN AIItIIICA, • • ' •I• BEST TALENT IN AMERICA: Fondly Matinee every SATURDAY. UVALN FIT STREET THEATRE, 'lry THIS t WEDNESDAY/ EVENING. Blttylti c • Beiroductien ortio tilehly - euresseful ROMANTIC MILITARY DRAMA, in four nets, by Warts Phillips, Esq., entitled NUT GUILTY THE ”Yourip VOLUNTEER 00108," ' AND BECK'S PHILADELPHIA BAND, No.l, At AL, BAXTER'S znuAvE mum CORPS, ARE. ESPECIALLY ENRAGED. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET min! ATnE: peens g o'clook. CONTINUED SUCCESS—THIRD WEEK Of the young,Character nrtor _ z • MR. JOSEPH IC : EMMETT. MONDAY AND EVERY EVENING, Charles Gayier's anceessful Drama. FRITZ. OUR COUSIN GERMAN. j - 00.EPR . EMMETT AS FRITZ With Sense. 'Dances and Imdrumentaf Solos. FRIDAY—BENEFIT OF JOS. K. I:TT. SE ATS SECURED SIX DA TS IN ADVANCE. HA NDEL AND ,RAYDN SOCIETY. Ire complimme with': the wishes of , many of the friends of the Society, a GRAND MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT Will be given on WEDNESDAY EVENING, May 18th, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL.' The Programme will embrace 01.10BUSER, CONCERTED PIECES, and SOLOS,- By members of the-Socrity, assisted by the-following etninent.talent : DHSS H. M. ALEXANDER MRS. KATE' GODWIN, MR. JACOB GRAB, - MR. OLIN W . MILLER and MR. H. R. BASNIIURST. The whole under the direction of PRO F 1;18,0,R _L E N GELK E . Pianiat' • H. A. CLARKS. Tickets h 0 cents each:: to be Mut at all.the.lll4alc Stara s or-froni members of the Society: - 65 - falgy 7 :7 MAC EVOY'S HIBERNICON." - LAST WEEK- VDU-A.. — CHEAP• EXCURSION TO • IRELAND. —T-b rough-11-11-w_olm rs, __Eremevaning,_at _B_ce'blec at the SeiVntli Street Opera House, vialting all the places of beauty In• the Emerald Isle. First Cabin only Incepts, The new HallOit, Davie St Cois Sijnare Grand:Octagon Piano is from the warerooms of Redfield, Phelps & Co., 927 Chestnut street MATINEE SATURDAY. mvl6 6t MUSICAL FUND HALL.—SIR. TROS. WHIFF IN, Nine BLANCHE GALI'ON and Mrs. NEVINS, have tbe honor to announce that they will Rive on.SATUR DAY BYENIN G. May 2lst, a BALLAD .CONCERT, in.whlchmsny Ballads,Loth old: and new, will ho given for the first time in PiiiladelPhia.•Tickets at. Boner's, 1102 Chestnnt street.> Reserved Seats- el. Admission 50 cents. Further particulars will bo an• non need. myl6•6t 5 VOX'S AMERICAN-THEATRE,- ' Alarrager-and-Proprietor,- - MONDAY EVENING: My 16th,.and during the week, Professor Risley's Troupe, Lawrence Troupe, Pour Primicr nonsense, Frank A. Gihbons. Over MO Artists the same evening. BMA ince on Saturday at 2 o'clock. EW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA . nousE• IHE FAMILY RESORT. CABNCROSS DIXEY'S MINSTRELS, 'EVERY EVENING. J. L. OARNOROSS, Manager...-. TILE-AOAD FIN ARTS baring been Injured by the recent stormahe . .x.lll- - bit ion of Thal", tfegnl . R --postponed for n fevr.Absvr POLITICAL NOTICES. 11:0a. FOR SHERIFF, issio, F. T. WA [HON. sutiji-ct to the elechilon of the Republican Convection inylol.le/5 1870. 1870. -SHERIFF, - - WILLIANE - R. LEEDS. Subject to Republican Rules. my 6 rptt§ 0* For Representative 15th District, SAMUEL D. STROCK. Subject to the rules of the Republican Party. myl4 SPECIAL NOTICES. N.OTICE. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. PIIILADEI:PIIIA, May 14th, 1370. The annual mecting_of the Stockholders of the AME RICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC will be held in the FOYER of the Academy. • OR MONDAY, JUNE 6tb, 1870, at o'clock P. M. The annual reports will ho submitted, an election held for twelve Directors, and action taken on the Supple ment to the Charter, approved April sth, 1870. JAR. TRAQUAIR, Treasurer and Secretary. myl4 s w 7t AMYGDALOID MINING COM.- PANT OF LAKE SUPERIOR. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Atnytc dolold Mining Company, of. Lake Superior, will be held at the Office of the Company, No. 324 Walnut street, Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, June lot, 1870, at 12 - o'clock , noon, for the election of Dbectors, and the transaction of ouch other business as may legally come before the meeting. M. 11. ROFFMAN, Secretary, Plot.AorA.rit M 13-1870. FREEDOM' IRON AND - STEEL COMPANY.—Notice in hereby. given that on THURSDAY, the 19th of May, 1210, at 1 o'oloolt P M., there will he a hearing before the Exeminer and %fruiter, Joseph A. Clay, Esq., at his office, No. 211 South Fifth sireet,Philadelphla, to consider the propriety of a post ponement of the H .le advertised for TUE .q) AY, the 21th of May, inst., of the property of the Company assigned in trust for creditors. . . JAMES B. BIDDLE. t Assignees. CIIAS. McCREA. JOSEPH A. CLAY. Examiner and Master. rnylB.3t§ MAY 13, ay. PHILADELPHIA, MAY 10, 1870. The Annual Neetine of the Stockholders of the /Etna Mining Company fat Lake Stool tor) will he 1161.1 at their office No. 324 Walnut street. on TU1.1314A Y, the 31st day of ' May,lB7o. at 12 o'clock. for the election of Directors, and the transaction of other Im•dness. B.A. ITOOPES, myl4 tomy3l§ Secretary. HONEY BROOK. COAL CONI u'eY PANY'S OF,PICE, NO. 209 WALNUT STREET, Philadelphia. A Special Mooting of Stockholders to ac cept or reject a supplement to the Charter enactwl by the Legislature of Ponmylvanlit, approved by the Gov ernor A pril 9,1870, and for the transaction of other busi ness, will la held at this Office, on TUURSDAY, 29th inst., at 12 o'clock M. • • By order of the Board of.Dlrectors. B. MetiBNRY, Beeretary, • May 11, 1870. myl2t26§ ay. PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST OOMPANY. PILILAnELPHIA, Fifth Mo. 10, 1870. A special meeting of the stockholders of the Provident Life and Tract Company will he held at the °Mee, No. 111 South Fourth street, on THIRD PAY, 24th Instant, at 12 o'clock IR:. to take action on the subject of in creasing the capital stock of Milli Company. By order of the Board of Directors. Attest,—ROWLAND PARRY, A ctuary. SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY, mylo-t024 Proßidont. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TETI?, Stocliholders of the BLOOMSBURG IRUN 00 61.• P.4NY will lie held at the Company's office, No. 122 Race street. Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, May 2.11 th, 1870, for the purpose of electing Directors, and transacting other business.— WM. E. 8. BAKER, my7.l4t * SecretAry and Treasurer. 10*OFFICE OF THE METALLINE LAND COMPANY. No. 324 Walnut. stroot. PHILADELPHIA, May 6th, MO. The Stated Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Metalline Land Company will be hold at the Oflico of the Company on MONDAY, Juno 6th proximo, at 12 o'clock, M • M. 11. ROFFMAN, rnYlll.leog • • ---• Clerk. N of the. StOckholdors of the vIIILADICLPITIA, GE OM N TOWN and NORRISTOWN,.RAI•LRtIAD COMPANY will he held in Room No: 24, Philadelphia Exchange, on THURSDAY, the 0114 :day of Juno next, 141 , 12 o'clock M., fors the consideration of an Act of the Goneral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia-, entitled " An Act to authorize the Philadelphia, Germantown and Norristown Rallruad-Oompany- to in • crime() its capital stock," approved the 29th day. of IllUrcholll7o. By order of the Board of Managers. • no2tje9§ • F.:DOUGHERTY, Secretary. KEYSTONE ZINO COMPANY:' - , May 10, 1870. An niljatirued mooting of tlio Stockholders of iho Key. 810110 Zinc Company will ho hold nt:tho taco of the Cowpony, No. 228 Walnut street ,on T UPS() 1 V, tin 211 h inetont at 12 o'clock M. OVA It Tl.l PSON u,y 11 • t2t rlecretary. NOTHA-A SPECIALWERTIII4I3 of tho COMMERCIAL EXCIIANGE will beheld tit the Haiti Jo. 421 -.Walnut street. eq.; TAULISDAY. Mriy 2 9 th. 1870, at 12 o'clock ,to take final actin on s Pupplement to an Act to Incorporate the Commerci4l Exchango of Philadelphia. and to Reviao the By , Game. . 1 • - NATHAN,BROOKE, Provident. , WASH rNatorr .r. jAdecgon, Beersuiry. tnyti.-12ca DIVIDEND - NOTICE§. kfiffriY 14VA NI RAIL RA, CO 4 - - u,y - PANY. - TRIDAFITTREIVI3 DE P , /1471 . 11 ' P INT O: NOTION TO tiTOOKHOLDERS. ,The Beard of Directors have this day declared a semi. annual diVideOd.of Five Per Cent. on the Capital Stook 6f the 'Cotnnany, , eloar of National and state taxes, pa hlc 11')07:tt on and a nt lokrft:err Mal :Dividends call tie hiul'at the Office of theVompiny, No 238 Booth TH !BD stroot,:_ _ • The lithe; will he opened at B A. M. sod closed at 3 P Id :from Mny 99th to Juno 34.1, for tho payment of DIII donde, and after that date from A A. hi to 9 THOAS I T. F. my 4 60trp• M TreßaTsuHrer. FOIC -. EIAGE. El :FOR SALE. el TERI' AFICSIIIABLE CIDIIN rRY ME (Ts At tialineabarg. Pa.. Containing 03 ar vs. bof which nre handsomely laid out in lawn and garden, and 3% acres in 'posture. that run be cut up m building lots. The whole property fronts on the road leading to the Railroad Station, which is dis tant only tiro minutes' walk. 11011110340 by 40 feet. three stories high, plazas on three sides, bark kitchen, all with themodern conveniences. • t'tone stable and carriage house. 30 by 30 foot ; stable churches chicken house convenient to tho schools, and stores ; cotnrounicatiou almost hourly. For price and terms, wbieh will be accommodating, apply to No. 23 North WATER. titreet. w f m Ott- a BROWN STONE RESIDENCE FOR SALE. No. 11922 ARCH STREET. Elegant Drown-Stono Residence, three stories an Mansard roof ; very commodious furnished with every modern convenience , and bnilt in a very superior and tibstantial nianner Lot 26 foot front by 150 feet deep to Cn•ltbert street, on which fa erected a handsome brick Stable and Coach Douse. . . J. M. GUDIALEY & SONS, - • 733 WALNUT-Street.-- tf rp§ _ en I WILT OFFER - 1 - 1 1- PUBLI(1 - 11.4 Le mile, on Thursday. May 17, at 1 P. AL, on thoW,,, .r ndaee, near elnuld 's Ford, Delaware counts, I'4 , avaH-if-W-acresdirlots-_-to---eutt-Tetrchasem—Ttrorninn s'on lieuse.4o by 65, three-stories front building. an 1 20 by 3C bark building, will be offered with 29 acres, and the rel 4 of the farm either in verb, or as a whole. J 08.41 -TURNER, - It* Dhatid's POW. Del. co., Pa. G ERM A NTOWN-COENER HIGH AND NOR-TON STREETS. FOR SALE - TWO-NEW - POINTED.STONE - - ENGETSIUROOP IfoUSES.furnlithtd with every mode . rn cow - cute/ice and' built lu 'be best manner: Apply tny4,sv etf THOS. A. GUM IVI EYE 711 Waittuldireet. r . FOR SALE, ON EASi' TERNIS, OR clty L proyerty taken In part peyment, an elegnnt.rm sideline, 2U Minutes froui nab and Green stre-ts, on 70i , xin - rititown - linilrond;in - marin, k ooring,,lielgliborhood. The house hi well built, and very conveniently ar• ranged ; contains in all 16 rooms ; is supplied with city water sad every modern convenience • painted walls, plate-glass front, two kitchens. with . tango In each, large piazza, huge Iheynolds furnace in cellar. Lot, 100 feet by 200 fe, t, trail laid -out, including a very Puperlor vegetable garden. J. ht. OUNMEY k - SONS, apM-w f m lni§ . 733 Walnut street. lit]II? Olt SALE •OR --TO ilireo.f.t nowfws and 10t.,N0.133.N0rth _Thirty oecobd otrett, Weet llrhtfullY viiiinted, owl iinioodiato possoominii will bo == W - LE niyl7-2t, 731 %Valuta otroot. n • = ii C:ESTNUT — ITILL=•= 170R-:_S-A-LE7AT- AN INVESTMENT PIIICE, ' A rummer and winter residence, with beater, gas, water, and six antes of valuable land. near the F pot; stable; grapery and green•bouse, ice-house and plenty of shade; fruit and vegetables. .__ - hf ITCHELL, my - 171821* . ___ __4llo York,uvoriu. EFA .FOR. SALE— 734 - PINE, STREET— _ _ — MEE TleTilrabie mnite - in retl.44enea, three ofory, With three-story back - ItiltlifgS. Lot, Z 3 by . 139 to 36-feet striMt ; in a most beautiful neighborhood, everlooktng grounds of Pennsylvania Hospital. Large, airy. well lighted apartments.. Fine oakum, n4rlnr, large tort en-vs-dory. In etanpl, to repair- Only—El6,ooo Ca4ll wanted. FRED. SYLVESTER, ^ll3 South tomtit street: Ittylt; US .1119 WEST" DE LANCET" PLACE; - I`TO: .5•Ei3122, for sale. ,Prien only 85,000. CLARK k F.TTING, 711 Walnut street. tnyl3 Gt. in GERMANTOWN-FOR SAL E.-A Modern Villa,contalning II rooms :near the D:pot. rieranKaasy...-----— , — --CNA t. 3- .11-.-lat IKE 84. - .- . mya-16t * No 4829 Main street , Germantown. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. —WE have for salP, on easy terms. fifteen minutes from the city, on the Germantown Itsilroad.an Elegant Resi dence, beautifully and completely fitted out with all modern conveniences. It has been occnpied for two years ass boarding-house, end bas a good winter and summer patronage. J. M. GUhIMEY & BONS, 733 Walnut street in FOR SALE—FOUR-STORY BRTCK KU Dwelling with beak buildings, and every modern convenience. situate No. 1711 Filbert street; int DJ feet front by 117 feet deep to a 40 feet wide street. J. M. 01WD:11U & SONS. 733 Walnut street. 11211, 2 14 01 t SALE THE THREE-STORY gia Brick liwelling,ylth attics and Duck huildtng, sit uate No. 348 South Sixteenth street ; every moiler,' con venience. Immediate ximisession. J. hi. GUMMEY Ec BONS, 733 Walnut etreet. rl2 NEW BROWN STONE HOUSES, Ma NOS. 1320, 2004 AND 2010 SPRUCE STREET FOR SALE. FINISHED IN WALNUT IN THE MOST RUPIIIIOR MANNER. AND WITH EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. E. D. WARREN, 200 SPRUCE STREET: APPLY BETWEEN 2 AND 4 O'CLOCK P. M. • mtV..stf al WEST PHILADELPHIA - HAND naI. some modern cottage, with every convenience, and large lot of ground, southwest corner of Pine and Forty-first streets. J. GUMME Y & SONS, No. 733 Walnut street. PUBLIC SALE—REAI7TIPUL BUILD -INO site at Ibuldonfield. New Jerenr. M. Thomas & Ponsisale, May 24th, at Philadelphia Exchinae, at 12 o'clock. Choice lot on Main street, one square from railroad station, ON. acres, with large shade treas. Si: daily trains each Way from Vine street wharf. mylB - von SALE OR EXCHANGE —A DE -1... strable Building-Lot, on North Broad street. A fine location, 10 by 200 feet deep to a street ; Nicolson pare ment-fronty. curb and-pared-in rear—WilLbomxchanconl for impro‘ edproperty. Apply to COPI'UCK & JOR DAN, 433 Walnut streot. FOIL SALE—A LARGE LOT OF - Ground twlth3f , onts); nn the SOUTH side of SAN SUM street. between TENTH and ELEVENTH streets, ' Apply to A - . B. CARVER & CO., R. W. corner Ninth and Filbert streets myl3-6t* MERUHANTVJLLE, N. J.—BUILDING 1 motionsites for sale, five minutes' walk from We!wood THIRTY MINUTE'S FROIR. FRONT AND MARKET STREETN, Philadelphia. Fare by the Annual Ticket. 8 eta. per trip. Address . J. W. TORREY niy7 lm§ No. 127 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. TD CAPITALISTS AND BUILDERS.— or sale--A large and rapidly-improving LOT, NpRTH BROAD STREET, between Norris and Dia mond ;528 feet deep to THIRTEENTH STREET, inter sected by PARK AVENUE. FOUR FRONTS. mbg-tf§ • Apply No. =Chestnut street. PROPOSA - (1 , 0 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS.— SEALED PROPOSALS, indorsed " Pro posals for building a public school-house in the Twenty-first Ward," will be received by the undersigned at the °thee, S. E. corner of SIXTH and ADF,LPH I streets, until TUES DAY, May 31, 1870, at 12 o'clock M., for build ing a public school-house on a,lot of ground situate in Roxborough, in the Twenty-first Ward. Said sebool- house to be built in accordance with the plans of L. H. Esler, Superintendent of Sebool Buildings; to be seen at the'otlice of the Controllers of Public Schools. No Ws will he considered unless accom panied by a certificate from the, City Solicitor that the provisions of an ordinance anprovod May 25, 1860, have been complied with. The coidract will be awarded only to known master builders. By order of the Committee on Property. H. W. HALLIW ELL, mylB 21 24 28 31 Secretary. ryo CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS.— SFALED PROPOSALS, indorsed " Pro i osals for building a . Public ,School-bouse in the First Ward," will he received by the un dersigned, at the office, southeast corner of SIXI H end ADELPHI streets, until TUES. DAY, - May:31.1870, at twelve o'clock M. for building a public school-house on a lot of Droffild - situate on the corner of Seventh and ickerson streets, in the ,First Ward. '. Said sebool-house to be built in aebordanee with the plans of L. H. Esler, Superintendent of School .Buildings, to be seen at the office of the Controllemof Public Sehools., ' • No bids will be considered unless accom-, panied by a certificate from the City Solicitor that the provisions of an ordinanee approved May 25,180, have been' complied with. The contract will be awarded only to, known mister builders. ' , '•'' .. " By order of the Committee on Propety, H. W. HALLIWL L, Secretary. uiylB 21 24 28 31 ro 'RENT.. ri TO RENT. Store 140 North Eighth Street. mytm Inquire at 338 York Avenue. The. New Five-Story Store, No.IIS South Sixth Street and No. S neon. e , . tiarliStreet. ' • ' 20 by 173 feet. - Moply to sp2l-tif THE N ODORE MGAZII o. 20 South E Sixtßh O Stre •. . TO;RENT FOR-A , .:TBRIA 0 F.Y EARS —Marble Yard, 9. E. corner of Fifteenth and Vedo• Tel etreeto ; aloe, the three•ntery Dwelling fuljeleting. In , tnediate pcieeeesion. Apply to 'ANNIE KYLE. on pr • myna. drgRENT, , OR FOR SALE.—A. verrdeairable Double Mauston, two attirles high— atone—with nil modern improvements and convettLenceo; in perfect order; plentv-of ground; .at - Monnt Plea sant, Germantown ; near Horse and Steam flatleogds ; suitable tor a lama family or for a, Doardimpflouse. Apply to RODENT 11.10 AI AS, No. blOil Germantown avenue, or JAB. A. If ItelllllAN, Auctioneer, m7lB-110 No. (22 Walnut street. TO LET.--A DESIRABLE NNW donee. With 1.11 the triedere conveniences, on Locust avenue. near. Willow. 'avenue. Germantown; tines tutu. utes' walk from Church Lane Station., Immedtate. pos session. Apnly'to SCOTT tt DAY, No. 38 Wirth Thint street. myG-fmwtit* ~ FOR RENT—THE LARGE FOUR: ,FOR story store property, sttnnto No 322 Market:street. . N. GOMM 50N5,73.3 - Wrilditt street. Delightful residence on the Pennavlvanis ttaliroad, only leo )).irds from Station. ,Flue double house (stone), 11 rooms: About 2 tyres. Neat lawn; geed stabling; beau- - GNI country; reasonable rent. FItF.D. SYLYItiTIC 2118 South Fourth etreet : rnyll3 in TO RENT FURNISHED.A TAND- Iee same three-story brick dwelling, with double back buildings, on the tomb sole - of Arch street, between Fifteenth nun Sixteenth' streets. Apply to A. 11. CAII YRtt t CO., southwest corner Ilinthand Filbert streets. m714,6t• ITOtAir. wi.*t corner of Sixteenth and Arch stsreeti. Con taining 11 rooms ;• very desirable location.' Apply tet ug Store, oPPosite. ruylG-_M"' WA DI ARK ET STREET E T 0 R .—TO IDE./ rent torn term or veers. the Five-stew Store_ 11. 322 - Market streettiME - ir - LWIN , - street. iti -- 14)1i - iiit'N 17.—ST OR Eg Srej":'-iiiVit' - Tb • North Water 'Arcot; Also large ~- ; 111-lort rivAr the 'store.. Apply to . .. 10!•1. g. 1r NH RD, m 76 ifel TO RENT—FURNISHED OR Mi ne; furnished—a handsome double Residence, with e s .- Ira conveniences. situate- on. Forty-first bel ow pi ne , West Thiledel . phia. Lot. with choice shrubbery... J. I; MEI .4 'SON S, IX3 Walnut Street. FOR,_R ENT. MANSION HOUSE LS 'and . grimed» nOrtimast-• corner. of Thirty ninth and Locust streets, on favorable terms. On the grounds ore A large assortment of fruit trees and an ex• tensive hot,honse, filled with a choice collection of grape-vines. Apply to .11)8, S.- ktSHtttr 811 Commerce street. GE It SI ANTOWN.—SEVER AL COT- Wes to rent and fur sale. CHAS. II STOKES. tuy3-10.* , No. Silt) Main stittet. Germantown. tei --- G.fif Si A S i foWN.A . ' FURNISHED Mit Cottage to rent for six mouths, within five mlu• urea of depot! CII AS. H. STOIC ES t NO 48"—'7 Matti Street ;Gf,rziaiittiwn. m)G lit' ___ - 1E - TO - — IIEN l'---A II AN I) SO 'SI E — .FITI; _ .. NlSlTED'Country ftesitleace. with il acres of ground, Blaniteltn-street,_OP:nlantownT litres batentos— -.--. walk frnrs Wants station. All kinds fruit. floe Istre, stable for horses and COINFI, With all and every improve -tilt br.--Arply-to-1.-OPPLICH--,i—JORDA-NT.133-Wativut IV, FOIL RENT:— HANDSOME OWN ug.- try place. with several acres Of land, on Ohl York road, film minutes' walk from Oak Lane station, on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. - FURNISHED COUNTRY SEAT, within two rain- Wes' walk from, ilaverfotTl IttYltilln. on , lht. ronTiflylynaja Control Railroad. J...11,!GU.)131EY Jr SONB 733 EaTO. RENT-ROOMS OF 'ALL - SIZES, well Itahttao,uttAbie for light Lunnuracturinkbu.d neon. in building No. 712 Cheltrait strein. J. titl.ll - SONS. lM Walnut vtroot. HANDSOME IEI tour ll ::Por it y - Dre -R pe l rly l4 , l 2.l ' T o.ll lr B j outh Eighth strert corner of Jeqve, nud first nhov,..(3l2p,tri9t strott. J. GUDIMEY"&" FUNS, 733 Walnut street- 1"0,1t. E 'I'LIetTRNISIIED 7 TA bandnotne fnnr•story brick dwelbng, with back builflitho and every modern convenienc , .. xitnato -on Broad ntreet, below Piue. J. DI. GUMMI:Y-4e 1302(8, o. 739 Walnut street. IF4 --- TO - LET=z- - SECOND‘STORY7 -FRONT . ' Jai R00rn.324 Che tnut street, about 20 20 foet.j !suitable for an oda, or light business. jalft tf rp YARN dt - 11110T1ISIP • • FOR SALE— WEST LOG AN Pqnrire.—No. 246—Vonr•storti• brawn Mons red• dente, with three story double back buildings. Lot 24 feet front by 144 feet deep No. 1021 C LINTON BfßEET—Three-story with three•story double back buildings. Lot 20x11d feet to a street. CHESTNUT hTßEET—Handearae four-story resi dence, with large three-story buck buildino. Let 25 feet, front by ZI3 feet deep, to Itianeom street. Situate wild of Irtehtventh mesa. AR(II STREET-Handsome four-story brick reel dente, 22 feet front, with every convenience. N. W. corner 'Twentieth ittreet._ — 7(111 - H — STWEE -T=Rittiilionie niae t irf four-story brick resit!ence,with three-story double back bnildings. Rxtra conveniences tied in perfect order. W. nt of Eighteenth street, south aide. J. M. OU 31MEY & SONS, 733 Walnut street. DESIRABL E PARTIALLY - PUS.- Dished Office to Rant—ground floor-0 North Front street. Mill At* . , P. RILDRRTR. - ES. TAYLOR: HILDRETH k TAYLOR, CAPE MAY REAL ESTATE BROKERS, Office, perry street, opposite Mansion street, CAPE MAY CITY. N. J. Refer by special permission to : R. C. Knight, Winton F. Potts. Matthew W Baird and John (). Sul lilt. Feqs., of Philadelphia; General WilliamJ, of CPluden, and J. F. Cake. Esq.. of Cape May. N. B.—Particular attention given to the renting of cottages, Ace. . my 3 tojyli CREESE & MoOOLLUM, REAL ESTATAI AGENTS. 0111ce,Jackson street, opposite Mansion street, Gaps Ltlnnd, N. J. Real Estate bought and sold. Persona desirous ( , f renting cottages during the season will apply or address as above. • . fleapectfully refer to Ohae.A.l3,nbteam:Henry Hamm, Francis Mcliyain, Augusta Morino , John Davie and W. Vt• . Jtivenni. feB-tH EDETt3ATIOP4 - . H. Y. LAUDERBACH'S CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC AND COMMERCIAL It OA DEMY, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, No. 103 S. TENTH Strovt A Primary, Elementary and Fhtbdring School. Circulars at Mr. Warburton'a, No. 4,30 Meatnut street zny9 tf ITALLOWELL SELECT LEIGH - Set-TOOL -Li YOB. YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, No. HONORPH. TENTHS TREET, PH ILA DELPHIA. • The School of the late CALEB a. 11 ALLOWELL, u. HIP all its appurtenances; is now in the possession of the undersigned, by ; whom it will hereafter bo con ducted. Parents desiring to have their eons. care fully and thoroughly educated are invited to -call at the School or send for a Circular. A polka lions for admission to the School next Septem ber may now ho rondo. • GEORGE EASTBURN, A. 8./ M. 8. c Principals. my 9 in w f 20 C 1 JOHN O. MOORE, INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN IN LATIN, Greek, French find German, by WM. JOBRDENS, 3616 Monet Vernon'rtreet. • mylB-Ine" MUSICAL. CS ATTN D E ItS COLLEGE, WEST . Dtilludelphla. A lecture every MONDAY EVE NINO. . , ap26-Im. Q.. 113. ROND_LNELLA, TEACHER OF 13 Binning. Private lessons and classes. Besidens 808 EL Thirteenth street. aoSS-ta PERSONAL DEC/FES:3OR JOHN BUCHANAN,* M. D. eases. Patients can rely upon a Halo+ speedy, and per il.. can be consulted Ter ,onally or by letter in all dis tant-lent cure. as the Professor prepares and furnishes new, scientific and positive remedies specially, adapted to the warts of the patient. Private offices. in College Ruildit g, N 0.51.4 PINE street.. Office hours front 9 A. M. to PAST. ap9o ly • NEW PUBLICATIONS N.D'A Y SCHOOL ' S dente, got Prof. Dart's admirable addreas_. "flow to titled. a Library," at the Sabbath School IGrartorium: fi Arch street. Philadelphia. TEE .13E'SV WORK-LOIT MUSTC-AND the,only one of its kind, is" 'Piano and Bl nslcnl. Mat ter." 'Pronotinced by Competent judges thgmost perfect instruction Look ever,.written tor the plane, and a rout neudium ofhiusicat iniormstion, Sold by all music and book dealers • School edition, ;'.Library edition, $3. Pent post free. Liberal discount on quantities. NVIIITB, & PERRY, Publishers, 29A an I 300 - Pt ashingten street; Boston; LEE & WALKER, dio plan . ap3O•lin* SiLIItIiEIiBOARDING isuaitilikal.—Tllß' UNDER ),..) signed is now oponing convoniont , and contfortablo bburding-hotter in Bedford, Portions doeirous of engaging room will pioasolttltirotoi D. EItDDE, - .Propriotor. - - • - • Dot Word, Pa; Beferenee—WlLLlAM 8,..130.YD_&...00,., No .11 Booth Water street. • . 1 1p22 2nt 7n,z_ P.EDIZI SYLVAN The annual reunicai of theirennsylvania Ite serve Association was held at Lock Ifaven yes-* terday. • Iltijor-General Geo. G. Meade presided. Colonel William B. Mann delivered. the an:, nual oration. During the 'eiiurse , of tiis address: he said : • The Pennsylvania Reiwves . did their..duty most Aitibly t r:ae . did hinidreds of tbousandeX others who made up Mir gallant atinies • but` the Iteseryes,may jiistly.point . with speclaipride • to the *tiller Beryl* thby'rendered to an im perilled nation. It is a . matter of history that. these service were voluntarily offfired and .ae: cepted i -filtbongb thee preffered - liad 'been previously - declined,find their organixation had peen' effected In the 'face of Open rebnice.troni the War Department. . . The_, military commander of Pennsylvani. and On great War-Governor,fully .appreeiatintf. the madutude and desperation•of the rebellion, aimed to prepare fully for the successful re sistance to armed treason. Our capital had been isolated from the loyal; Nortli,'aint the, highways to Washington were obstructed by faithless men; our whole border was threat- ened, and our armies in,the field were con fronted by superior numbers; commanded by the best educated officers, who, false to their honor and : their, oaths • • had" deserted their country, and armed with our best guns, stolen by a traitorous Minister of ;Var. „ his_eniergeney _General_Patterson_made requisition ou Governoi Curtin for twenty _ thousatid-adddionattroops,and_our_faith . kid Executive responded to the call with that Patriotism that made his record 139 conspicuous in the brilliant history our State has I.vritten. lie proclaimed to the people the want of sol diers, andthey MisWered front every valley and hillside of our Commonwealth. More than, enough welt., offered within a week tb 'Oil the requisition.: Their Organiza ___Litm_could_haveltetiasuniplettaLaud the—elfec, tive force of Mel/Owen at Bull Run could have been.iiearly doubled, had the National Gov ernment appreciated the power of treason as did the authorities of Penns lvania.• - ei Cdays after Nad - b - eidif made, tlm War Department revoked the order -of General- Patterson, -decl ared-the-,troops- we re not heeded, and declined to receive them, and further intimated Unita less number than our quota would be preferfed to an excess. In vain did Governor Curtin appeal to the National Government to accept the brave men who had answered so promptly to his call. In yam ,did lieneral PattersOti: send . a distin- guished Stinker, then on his staff, to the capi tal to urge that our army be made invincible oy midi! g to it_the_twentpliseLthousand_patrl— otle voltinteerS from'Pentisylvania: This was ninety days before the first . great .battle of the war. Resting on a false seen thy, the order rejecting the troops was main talked. Then it was that our Governor, profoundly impressed with the peril alike to the State and nationireselveil That; the State Manila de fin=the nation Wbarthe Gavel n merit lia - tirefqs - ed - to - do for_its_preservatiou. • - . A faithful - Le - gislature Ras annealed to, and . . _in ticeordancel_with. AlurTreconamendations_of _ Governor Curtin the Pennsylvania Reserve or ganization was authorized by law, not. only without aid from the War Department, bat ac tually in disregard of :ts proclaimed views as . the pUblie nee-esti* - • In the face of au organized oppositloa in his _ own-State. Governor Curtin diasteried . kettle_ noble.. division: that-he felt _ tnnsi soon be needed to cheek the advance of treason. .110 had to preside - arms, equipments, and everything. .necessary perfect a military force. Without aid' or e.veri approval from - Washington, but with the most heroic devo tion, bac - naffed byhis own - convictions -of the piddle danger, he labored incessantly until fir teen regiments - of - the noble - sons - of - our State were organized, and fully prepared for any , • • setwice-thattnight-betlearandett of their. • - Just before the advance of General Me- Dowelly-Govetnor Curtin- tendered- the , Re- . serves to the national authorities, but again the official notice came that they were not - - vatited. But as the day of trial drew near, .and it was - feared that the whole rebel: army might be united under Johnston, and suddenly thrown upon McDowell, the military authorities at Washington consented to accept the services.of the Reserves. But three days before the disastrous - defeat at Bull Run, in answer to a renewed offer of the Reserves by -- Governor - - War Department ordered them to be moved to Baltimore. They were-not yet mustered into the service, but they responded with the ut most alacrity. Before they could reach Baltimore the loyal army had been defeated, and its fragments had fled in disinay into the intrenchments about Washington. 1 ben the wisdom and sorely-tried patriotism of our State authorities became apparent t0,9.11(1 was appreciated by all. 1 hen the War Department called for troops, not to assail and destroy the army of treason, but to save the capital; and but one State Was prepared to break the gloom that covered the nation with a canopy of darkness. But one State had an organized body of troops.--That-State-was Pennsylvania;.that body of troops the Pennsylvania Reserves. In the dark hour of the nation, through the tem pest and storm, the cry for help was answered, and then it was that Pennsylvania parted the clouds and let starlight through to give light and hope to shipwrecked men. " To-morrow won't do for your regiments; we must have them to-night. It is of the ut most importance'," was the message that the lightning brought to Governor Curtin from the War Departnient on the evening of the 21st of July,and the brave men who bad been so often rejected, marched through Baltimore with loaded muskets and sixty roundsinl their car- ' tridge-boxes. They were met at the Washington depot by the President, the Cabinet, and other distin 7 gniShed men, :rind - were Warinly :thanked by the President for insuring the safety of the National ,Capit al.' ; . • Why should 1 follow the Reserves from field to field, and recount their deeds in the great battles for the perpetuation of free government. To do this is the province of history, and his tory has done, -mid Will do further justice to those gallant soldiers who shared in the general sacrifices made lit order that the Government of the people, by the people and for the people should not perish from the earth. - That Government has not, perished: It still survives, and let us fondly hope it will survive as long as Liberty has a temple on the earth, or mankind a worshipper at its shrine. We have now a United country, and Freedom is the corner-stone upon which the fabric of its. Government reposes. Truthfully now can the American patriot say : " Where Liberty dwells, there is- myconntry"—The-four - millions - of -1 peotilO heretofore held in slavery -- have been freed from an undeserved bondage, and the Greht Charternowtleclares all men equal be fore the Itivr The "Great Republic," which the London Times proclaimed was no more,is still a Power, and her greatness is .not. diminished by the ex ample she: shown of her gratitude to God and ;h er-,justic*ta- -creatures: -creatures.-- A telegram was received from Minister Cur tin, dated St. Petersburgh, in which: he said, "my spirit, is. with you, brave and faithful friends."' • • ' • - _ . _"John Clem, tbe — drumtner;boy of Chicka rnaug-a,who' at the age of 12 years,ln one of Rosecrans's battles, shot:. a rebel Coloneli was presented to ass audience in, the meeting, and was loudly cheered. The election for officers resulted in Eon. A, G.-Gp rtin re-elected president. , , The_ nth officers elected . were Generals McCandless and Barnes, vicerpresidente; Anthony T. Laws, re cording seeretary ; „Colonel Taggart, corms :: popding secretary, arid Cola Taylor, treasurer, resolution was adopted to meet in Phila delphia .next year. Gen. Wellington 11. But waaelected : the orator for that occasion. • A. banquet was held' in the evening at the Fallon Ilouse, at.' which speeches were made ••1?) , General Meade, the ,orator of the day, and, others, in reponieuy toaits.whieh'were given. A sad occurrence happened to a member of the Lewisbu rg .Airtillery• Company After firing their guns, on the arrival of some of, the,• delegations, ono of the,- artillerymen, tia,rned Thominilleed, attemptedf tci reload the piece without; the precaution having been taken of svr,ahbing out Om ,bore. The sparks mil r,etnain ing thetein'igru the cartridge and blew out attic 'remind; aid' 'tore off the right hand of literally_tearlng r it into _shreds., -,Drs. ' siriitig "Ilayes amputated"' the• arm a shoit distance bblow the elbow. " The sufferer is a worthy man, about 28 years of age. Has been married - 10;0U three months. 1173 is do ing as well -as. eau he expected.. A purse, - amounting to a handsome sum in greenbacks, ails made up and presented to Reed as a testi montal of sympathy and, kind regard. 0131. W ILM I NGTON LETTER. News and General Item (Correspondence of the Philadn. Evening Bulletin.) WthmixoToN, May 17.—Since last I wrote you I lime made careful inquiry concerning _the_altered_prospect _forissaches..____/fintLthat_ the best informed men now calculate that the crop will be about equal-to that Of ! last .year possibly less—and , that there is no prospect of the realization of the. extravagant hopes in dulged in while the trees werein blossom. It seems that the trees which gave us such a boun teous supply last year, blossomed with the promiwof-atrequal-supplrfortlit.--eputing-sca son,-but they were unequal to the production of two great crops in succession, and when the young fruit had fairly formed, the greater part xlf4t.-fell,off--4.--The,immense4number-of-young-,- trees just coming in bearing this year will bear abundantly; however, and this Will make a - crop .of *nearly Or quite • 2;000,000 - baskets; These estimates will be disputed by some, but I have. obtained them from careful and trust worthy gentlemen, whoSe .calculations in years past 1 hare always found,to he about correct. The rampant "white - men". of this county, to the nomber of about 20 or 230, held a " giAtur deitionst rat ion " -at ,Neweastle pii Sat urday. Senator. Bayard, William G.Niihiteley, and one Captain Barr, spoke. The speech of lattei 1% as-infamous. lic—revilrid—the memory of Thaddeus Steven s,repi-ated doggerel verses about General Butler,, wished Brooks bad killed Sunnier when be attacked him, and generally showed a malignautdisposition which even the decent men of his own. party shrink from in dispiSt. Ile stated that the Republican_ party_balLwithin_the_paq—ten vems proposed- about (iffy-six amendments to the Constitution, to which but two or three -amendments-had-been-offered-before that - titne.- .1 merely, mention this to tillow 2 the..sort- of stud' - the• Delaware Democracy. fe&lon,---fór bail and absurdly inaccurate as was this speech, •it was the most heartily anplanded of apy of those• • delivered:_The speaker was-Andy --- Johnson's Postmaster at this city. ..," - It is now"reasonably certain tbat• tbe tril tniniton and lleadint railroad will be .com pleted to Birdsboro' this week. -- The-formal okning.' which -will be iulj Celebrated,viii - occur abbot the Ist . of June:- A meeting will be held here this eveuirg to appoint delegates to the conventiorrealled by the IndiairCommission to meet at New YOrk to-morrow: - A ease was commenced in the Newcastle ('curt yesterday, in which one Wni. Patter-- son sues the P. - W. and 8.11. R. - Company for $30,000 damages for injuries received it bile at Work - on a - shieling . used — try-thelack=- son & Sharp Company, from the alleged care less backing of a - shifting engine • belonging to the Railroad Company: At the'pre3ent writing I am not mformed 'of the result. Strawberdes have made their appearance fh.: the markets, and a strawberr . & fair opens in one of our halls this evening,: all of which seems more summer:-like than does the weather of to-day. DALE. INS RA:NCE. TTHE RELIANCE mrsinLastonoom PANT OF PHILADELPHIA. Charter Perpetual, Incorporated in 1841. oMte_, No. SS *Arab:int street. CAPITAL 3.V0,030. Inures against lose or damage by FIRM. on Homes, Storer and other Baildinga, limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goode, Wares and Merchandise in town or ntry. c°4 LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID.. !mete, December 1,1869. $401,872 47 Investad in the following Securities!, vi7 3 73" --- First Mortgagee on City Property, well Be mired . 6169,100 00 United Status Government Loans- ...... ..... 82,000 00 Philadelylvia City 6 Per Cent. L0an5........_......76,000 00 Warrants ..... 6,035 70 Pennsylvania e 3,000,000 8 Per Cent 60,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Benda, First Mortgage Nu 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 Per Cent. . . .. . 6,000 00 Huntingdon and 13 — r P er Cent. )lort gage Bonds- .-. .. . .... ..... 4,080 00 County Fire insurance fo . mpani's Stock. 1,050 00 blechanice' Bank Stock... ... ..... -4,000 00 Commercial Bank of Penns y lvan i a .............. 10,000 00 Union-Mutual-InsuranceCompany2aStock,,,,, ..- -/00-06 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia Stock 3,200 00 (lash in Bank and on hand......... ............ ...... 10 . 316 72 Worth at Par $401.472 42 Worth at present market prices. DIRECTORS. . Thomas H. floOre, Samuel Castner, Janice T. Young, Isaac P. Baker, Christian J. - Hoffman, Samuel B. Thomas, I Sitar. , 11IAS C. HILL, President ,Tbomss O. Hill, Musser, Samuel Bispbam, H. L. ('arson, Wm. Stevenson, Benj. W. Tingley, Edwa_ _ T 11.0 WM. trims% Secretary. PHILADELPHIA. December THE PENNSYLVANIA FMB` INSIJ. RANCE COMPANY.. —lncorporated 1825—Charter Perpetual. No, 610 WALNUT street, opposite Independence Snare. This Company, favorably known to the community for over forty years, continues to intone against loss or damage by fire on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also on Furniture, Stocks of Goods, and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus. Fund, It Invested in the moat careful manner, Which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of loan. 'DIRFOTOR.B. Daniel Smith, Jr., John Devereux , Alexander Denson, Thomas Smith, Isaac liarAehurst, Henry Lewis Thomas Robins, J. Gillingham Fall, Daniel Haddock, Jr. . DANIEL SMITH, Ja., President. W Se. (I, CROWELL, Secretary. - anl9-ti UNITED FIREMEN'S ENSITRANCIR COMPANY OF PHILADELPHLA. This Company takes risks at the lowest rates Consiateni with safety, and confines its business exclusively to ' VIRE INSURANCE IN TH PH U. E CITY OF PHILADEL OFFICE—No. 723 Arch ptreet, Four th National Ban) Building. • DIRECTORS Thomas J. Martin, Henri W. Brenner. • John 'Hirst, . Albertus King m.. _Bolin, — llenrril o , o , -James 11 ongan, j I HJ O R r u i li a:r t s , l4:cu ie d gk ' Judge, , William Glerin, Janice Jenner bi us - Alexander T. c , on, Albert 0. Roborlot , Philip Pitaipatilek. Jareee F:Dilion. 'CONRAD B. ANDREBI3, President. WM. A. BOLIN. Trona. WM. F. FAsum.t3eor. JEFFERSON EIRE INSURANVE 0024-' PANY of Philadelphia.-oMce,No. SA North Fifth street, near Market street, - , _ Incorporated bY the Legislature, of Pennsylvania, Charter perpetlal. Capltal atul Assote. $166,010. -- Make insurance against Lode or damage by Fire on , Publio or Private Buildings, Parniturei - Stocke,floods - and Mer l °handles, on Womble terms. _ Wm. McDaniel , . Edward P,-Moyer Israel retollolll Frederick. Ladne r _ J o hn Adam J. Glass, , nenry Troeninen, Ileury_Eelany, Jacob fichandem, ' John Elliott, Frederick Doll, Christian D. Frick, ' Flannel !diner, winia C i irge ll;Fort, u . WILLIAM MoIiANISL, President. IBRAEL PETER/30E04m President. puma X, OoLmiAll, Secretary and Tressnrer. Apt' r.i.V.IITA ~y'...1. 1 .1".p,! - ,•1*14. , )7.f.r1i5i, .:W,T . .4 I :p : N,FSp . A.3" , ~y. A Y'li3.„. 1570,. Zdive?Pool Lando. and Giohe Assets Gold, `S x 8,4706,00 a Daily Receipts; $20,000 Premiums in 1869, $5,884,00. , Losses- 869; No; 6 New — dant/ .Eilechan 'e' 18291.MmtiTER PERPETUAL.. 1870 FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY \ OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE-435 and 437 Chestnut St, Assets On J;inuary 1, 1870, $2,826,731 67._ CapitaL • Accrued Hurplus and Premiums INCOME , FOR 1/70, LOBBEB PAID IN ' _ 6810,000., 8111,908-42 - LOSSES PAID SINCE ISM) OVER $5,500,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms. The Company also issues policies upon the 'lents of all. kinds of Bniidings, Ground Roots and Hort - gages. Tbe " FRANKLIN has no DISPUTED Oland.-- J A.lfred G. Baker, t- -- ; Baum el - Grant; —_ ---------- 't Gw. W. Ricyards, ' Lame eo. Lea, George Yates, ALF BEI ' GEORG) A 8-,-W-.411c-A-LLIS-T-E-B- f ' THEODORE M. BEGNB. ft 7 tdc3ls T" INSURANCE COMPANY Fire, Marine and Inland Insurance. INCORPORATED 1794. mini - a -En rtfrerrtrAL. 'A PI TA I, • - - - sETIsi-Jann ry-lsti-1870 Losses paid since organiza tion, - • • - • •. M 23,000,000 Receipts of Premiums, 15169, 81,9910647 45 ,Interest from Investments, 1569, 92,1041,534 19 - 8 1 1 03 4•386-B4- - - STAT PMENT -OF-VIE -A SS-ETS First Mortgage on City Property 9766,450 00 Enited g.t.‘tesGoverament-atut-other boan---------, - oe Railroad Back and (limed Stoats. • 55,7 CS 00 .Caoli in Bank and office-- Loans on Collateral Security... - 32,558 00 Notes Receivable , meetly M - arine Pre . linens 'Accrued latereet fremintesimcotcracroftranvmhurion------ rusettled Marine Premtume • :Real Rotate, Office Of Uompany, , .. . . . ... . 82,753,5 m Co ' ---"- ---- ---- DIRECTORS: - - '-' -. -' • - A rthtr.o G. Qoffin, . Francis R. Coro, " Hanoi el W. Jones,._ " - Edwant II: Trotter; --- John A. Brown,_ Edward B. Clarke, Charles Taylor, - T. Charlton Henry, Ambrose White, Alfred D. Jee'uip, . William Welsh, " Louie C. Madeira, -P. Morrie-Wain, -I Chaa.-W. Cushrilan, - 'John Mason . - Clement A. Griacom , , , Geo. L. Harriet)" 13, - - Willetim-Brockim:- ..- - - - - ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Preadent. CHAEILEti PLATT, Vice Preel. t MATTHIAS MARIS, Secretary. -C. M. Itssyss. Asst Secretary...__ . A (Jertiflcatex of Marine Insurance issued (whoa do i r e:-/j 1.. payable at the Coonting Route of MeArs 'Eiji:46,-611106y - 11.ELAWA1t E MUTUAL. SAFETY INERT. 11 BASCE - oO2olPANY,incorporated by the Legiela• Jlature - tifPennsylvania, /35. trite, 5, RUl t. of. THIRD and WALNUT streets. Philadelphia. M INE INSURANCES On Vessels, Cargo and Freight to all parta of the world HiLAND INSURANCES On goods by river, canal. lake and land carriage to all parts of the Union. • FIB.E INSURANCES On Morehatidise goneililly; on Stores, Dwellings, Houses, -- ASSRTS - OF - Tlll2 - COMPA - NY= - 7 ------ - Novemner 1, - 8200,000 United States Five Por Cent. Loan, ten-forties 6215,000 00 100,000 United Stable Six ' Per Cont. Loan (lawful money) 107,750 OE 50,000 United Stews Six Per Cent. Loan, 1831 50,000 00 • • 200,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Par Cent. Loan 913.950 oe emooo City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent Loan (exempt from tax)... 1E0,92.5 00 100,000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan... .................. 102,000 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Rail road First Mortgage Six Per Cent. 80nd.... 19,450 00 25,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds... 23,62530 . 25,000 Western - Pennsylvania Railroad Mortgage 131 x Per Cent Bonds (Pennsylvania Railroad guar• mace) 30,000 State of Tennessee Five .— Per Cent. Loan. 15,000 00 7,000 State of Tennessee Six Per Cent. - Loan 4,270 00 12,500 Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, 255 shares stock . .. 14,000 00 5 1 000 North — Pennsylvania -- Railroad Company 400 shares stock..--... 3,900 0 10,611 Philadelphia and Southern Mall Stearn ip - Company, 80 altars' stock 7,500 00 248 ,900 Loans _on Bond. and_ Mortgage,- lint lima on City Properties' 246,900 00 • Market value, 81,255,270 0 0 Cost. $1,215422 27. Real Estate— 36,000 00 Bills Receivable for Insurance made 223,700 76 Balances due at Agencies—Pre minims on Marine Policies. Ac crued Interest and other debts due the Company • 65,097 95 Stock, Scrip. &c.. of sundry Cor porations, 84,706. Estimated value.-- 2,740 20 Cash in Bank-- Cash in Drawer. 8409496 at 101,231,400 Par Jai-tattle U • DIRECTORb. Thomas O. Band, Samnel2. Stokes, John C. Davis, William G. Boulton, Edmund E. Bonder, Edward Darlington, Theophilus Paulding, H. Jones Brooke, James Traquair, Edward Lafonrcade, 'Henry Sloan Jacob Henry C. Dailett, Jr., Jacob P. Jones, James 0. viand, James B. M'Farland ,^ illiam O. Ludwig, Joshua P. Eyre, Joseph H. Seal, Spencer 'llvain, Hugh Craig, IJ. B. Semple Pittsburg, John D. Taylor, A .11. Borger, George W.Bernadon, ID T. Morgan, " 0. Housto n, _THOMAS 0. RAND, President. JOHN 0. DAVIS, Vice President HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. HENRY BALL, Assistant Secretary, delB rpm COUNTY FrRE INSURANCE COM 11 PANY.—Office. No.llo South' Fourth street, below Chestnut. The ]ire Insurance Company of the County of Phila. dolphin Incorporated by theLegislatvre of Ponnsylva• nia in 1: for , indemnity against toes or damage by tiro, exclusively --- 011Anands. ruisPETUATi. i This old and reliable, institution, with tmudo capital and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to in• aura buildings, furniture, merchandise, &0., either per -mauently or-for a_limited_timenst loss or damage by tire, at the lowest rates consistent tiitk — the - abselat safety of its customers. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible despatch. DIRECTORS: Chas. J. Buttor, Andrew Milliner, Henry Bndd, James N. Stone John Horn, Edwin L. Roakirt, J os eph Moore, Robert V. Massey, Jr. George Mock°, Mark Devine. MARL BJ. SUTTER, President. HENRY DODD, Vice President. 6ENJAMIN F. HOICONLEY. Secretary and Treasur - VAMIII rNI3IJRANCE " COMPANY, NO. J. - 13COOKEBTNIFT.STMMT.• . _ pIiOOIIPOiIA.TBD blit i. ,..• ,r_ OIIIOITEIVPEMPBTUAL, -' FIRE Ilit i trEArcrif irdriinitha:- _ Limos against Loss or Damage by Fire either b 7 rer• , , veinal or T emporary Policies. DlgigoToßs. • 1 Manes Biobardsati - • ltobert -Pearce, .. 1 I C VIIII e l a h . reTeert , _ John c irt 6 11 : " IJohn Tr:Smith, . '. Charles ptOkes, ' , Nathan ililles. ': ' ' John W. Evermanp i George•A. Wesii Mordecai Busby, (MARLIN 10HABDSOPI,Preeidents _ WM. 11.8 AWN. Vice-President. niIIAXIII t inuezionwiffeadary. nisi. INSIPHANCi..,- DIRECTORS. Alfred Tiller, • • — ThcantterSparkft, ----- ' 1 - IVmAit, Grant Thomas S. Ellis, . Gustavus S. Benson. G. BAKER, Preiident. E PALES, Vice President -Secretary. ~ Assistant Secretary. NORTH AMERICA. I ' 4.:i: , :F.ERK.F.A SO ILTION' or 4 " J ' ''''. .4..,i , ,.„.• , i.,. J., :. •;,.,. i *,...2 , ... - • , .' 0 . •. PHILADELPHI I / 4 , ' '- - toc.PlrPorated: :ffira - r0t5,•97.; . 11.820.1, ; Oer!' .. NOl 841Torth Fifth eatil Itssintß -. 13V11.61N05, /1008PIFIOLD' rii TIIIIN AgrolliilittJHANDlSS GENEIBILIFLY imps ' ' '',. .. .. . . 1.1.08 g R9 - Pfßill 2: ',",! • ", .., "., •' • (In the act of Philadelphia only / Aeseteti. .I aril) rtr3, , It. 0 Lt 47. . ,' 01,esPre 7a 6 . 245 r: ' • .1 1 . ". e''.. o '.l . — fiii ,•. ~ ' "' '', It ' TRUSTEES: , ",. , ~ :t t -,- - • , 1 1 Wiillainll.llamilfon. • ; A l huzlel.Pt'Bor. ' er John ()arrow, . " . Peter yr II flameout Georgs I. Taring, " -, Jefiseldghtfoot, ' • Joseph B. Lynda'', - "Robert Shoemaker " Levi , PdaciatS.,, , , ..Peter _ 4rotbrneter, - , • "PalnnelliparitaWz;""' - ' SI, W. Dickintiont. •, ~ • ', ? __- qi Joseph .-Seloill. , ~ ,••- , ,• - • -, ~, - , , WM. H. SAMlLTONtfrealdent , • WIC' 7. Bt'A l liT43 ."A4ll4WIEIYic° PA26l4°". ocrota ' - . A NTA S, T ,, ,INP URURANI ri: PANY.—CHARTER PEEPHTIIAL__,". . . Office, No. 311 WALNUT Street, above Third; Ftillada Will insure against Lossnr Damn,ge by Fire on Build tugs, either perpetually or for a limited time; Household furniture and hierahandisegenerally. Also, Marine Inenrance - . on - Vessels, Cargoes and freights, Inland 'lnsurance to all parts of the Union. William Esher; DIBIG°T°R LSeWis - Andonried,.. Win. M. Baird, John Ketcham, - John It. 131ackiston,• J. E. Baum, William. F. Dean,l > John B. Berl, ? et4r Sieger M344fte?"-L r naAd isH ,d WILLIAM , Vice'President. W. N. Siarrn.Secretary. itt72 to th atf A ,MERICAN KERB I.I4BIIRAIibiL riPA NY, incorporatedlBlo.--Charter perpet ual. No.3lo WALNUT street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large pall•up Capital Stock and Surplus in • d vested in soun nod , - Securities; Continue' to insure on dwellings, stores, furniture, merchandise, vessels in port, and -their cargoes, and other personal liberally and pir o puy. a‘ b us ud,-- - 8400.000 2,425,731 ' OBS t . g Thomas B. Maris, idmand O. Dotilh,. - John Welsh, , OharlosW. PoultneY, Patrick Brady, Israel Morris John T. Lewis, John-P-Wotherfli, William V. Paul. T140112A8 IL MUM. President Amami. IJ IJKAW9OII.I). SACTOJII'V. 108 IL ADELPHIA, GERM ANT OWN JL AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD TIME • • FOR OF.RMANTOWN.- • Leave PTI/LADELPHIA 6,7, 8, 9.05, 10, 11, 12, A, M. 1.20,1', 31. f, 314', 4, 434, 4.03, 8.74, 6, Oil, 7,-8, 0.20 10.01. 11, 12, P. 31. Leave GERMANTOWN 6, 619. 734 Sr 8.20, 9, 10. 0.20. 10, 11, P. 31. 13; . The 6.20 'Down Train, andand SY Up Trains will'not slop on the (1 :t ermaranton 4 11raee Leave PHILADELPHIA at 24'. A.M. 2, 4.115 7, and lOU. V. ' Leave GERMANTOWN at 83.1, A.M. I, 3,6, and irg, P. M. OIIEgTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Plll LADE LPIIIA 6, 8,10, and 12,A. M. 2, 31 , 1, 5, 4 3 ', 7,9.2 D, and 11, P. M. ';care CLIEIII 1+ UT-MILL-7:W, 8:41,10,-and-11.40, A. 11.; 6.404.40; 9. and PAO, • : ON SUNDAYS. . l' A ertie PP ,k A. IlT.]•11; and 7,P.11. 'Len CHESTNUTat 7.50, A. H. 12.49, 3.0, and 9.2.5, P. 31 _ Faengefs taking :he, 6.115, 9 and 10.0 A. M. ) Tra4l.3 27NiVantigiolionrlatrti In l 4 .7. n .s ak a t to flog ea g n unatio 13 with FOR cg.NSHOHOCKEh AN!) NORIitsTOWN 6500,000 62.763-,581 Leave PHILADELPHIA 6,7%9, and A 3,4)4,6, 6%, 64.8.05, 10. and 11%,'P. 31. Leave NORRISTOWN IN, 6.2 s tand 11, A 1%,3,4%,01i, a, And 6, , _ 4 :;,. - F• ON SUNDAYS. 'Leave PHILADELPHIA at_9, A. M. 2%, 4, and 7%, R. 31 Leave NORRISTOWS', at 7, A, 1,04',, 'and 9, P. M. --_ _ FOR MANAYUNK. . 114,696_11 andi.l3l_ll._M. leave )Lana3o.k . • 6, 6.Z5; - ;,i, 5.16,Tf0 ato, lo s A.. M .; , 33i." , 10 P. ON' SUNDAYS-- Leave 61D - bin: OA. Ai; ”.474 and 7:3lT.nt . - Lave M. 63•4 and 9 P. M. - _ Pimiouyti. . . I Leave Philadel.phia : 73G. A - . M. and 6P, it: , ; Lome P 1) mouth : til‘ A. AI. and 434 P. M ----- - The 73.; A. 141, Train front N?rristown - trill not stop at Moe.-'.e_, Potts' Landing, Domino or.BrAitriA• Le4r. The ,5 P. AL Tralit from Philadelphia will only at S chool Lane - , AfanamnA. and Critkhohock,ii. - . • Passengers taking the 7.1.0, ,0.05 and 11.00 A. M. Traius_from Ninth. and _Green striets..will - make close conner,tlons with the Trains for New York at Intersec _ _ . . tion Station.. . . ..... :--- .. .., The 11 A. M. and .G P. M. Trains from New York con umt.-wittrthe-.2_00_and9.20..P.. 31: Trains from Gorman town to Ninth and Green streets. , - • 321,944 00 20-357 00 - -85.193 I'l 100,900 30,0CX) OC . . W. S. WILSON. • General Superintendent. o HILADELPHIA,-WILMINGTON AND - BALTIMORE RAIL.F.-:FAD—TIItIXTABLIG.' Qom. mencink MONDAY, Apri 4th.,-1870. - Trains- willlleseo Depot, corner Broad.and .Washington avenue, Eus fol. lows r; WAY MAIL TRAM at 8.30 A.-11.(Sandays excepted.), fur Baltimore, stopping at all Regular Stations. Cm nectmg - with - Delaware- Railroad Line tit Clayton - with .Smyrna Branch Railroad and Maryland - andrllelsware IL.R.,atliarrington with J unction and Breakwater R.R., at Feaford :with. Dor hector and Delaware Itailroad,itt Delmar with - Eastern . here Railroad and - at Salisbury Wiremica and Pocomoke Railroad. _ - - - EXPRESS TRAIN at 12.00 MK 18unuaysexrepted',for Baltimore . _ and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryvilleand -Havre de Otani). Conneetslit - Wilmina• ton with train for Now Castle. EXPRESS TRAIN-at 4.00 P. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore. _and.. Washington on, stopping .at Chester, Llawood, Claymont, Wil-mblgt oll _, iiewPortl - Stanton, Newark, Elkton, North East, Charlestown, Perryville, Havre de Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Edgewood Maolia, Chase's and Stemmer's Run. NIGHTEXPRESS at 1130 P. M. (daily for Baltimore and Washington. stopping at Chester, Lin wood, Claymont, _Wilmington Newark, Elkton, North East, Perryville, Havre de Grace. Perryman's - and Mag nolia. Passengersior_Eortresaldonroaand_Norfolk-will-take— the - 12.00 • - - • WILMINGTON TRAlNS.—Stopping at all Stations between Philadelphia and Wilmington. Leave PHILADELPHIA at 11.00 A. M. 2.30, 5.00 and 7.00 P. M. The 0.00 P. M. train connoots with kDelaware Railroad for Harrington and intermediate stations. Leave WILMINGTON 6.45 and 8.10 A. 81.4.00. 4.00 and 7.15 P.M. The 8.10 A.M. train will not stop between Chester and Philadelphia. The 7.15 P. M. train from Wilmington rims. dailygillotherAcconimodation Trains gundaya excepted: Trains leaving WILMINGTON at 6.45 A. M. and 4.00 P. M. will connect at Lamokin Junction with the 7. 1 10 A .51 . and 4.30 P. M. trains for Baltimore Central R. It. . Prom BALTIMORE to PHILADELPHIA.—Leaves Baltimore 7.25 A. M. Way Mail. 9.40 A. 111., Express. 12.5 P. M.. Express. 7.25 P M., Express. SUNDAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE.—Leaves BALTIMORE at 7.25 P. M. Stopping at Magnolia,Per ryvnan's,,Aberdeen, Havre4le-de town, North-Ealit, Elkton. Newark. Stanton, Newport, Wilmington Claymont, Linwood and Chester. Through tickets to all points \Wet, South, and South west may be procured at the ticket office, 828 Chestnut street, under Continental Hotel, where also State Rooms and Berths in. Sleeping Cars can be secured during the day. Persons purchasing tickets at this office can have baggage_cheched et_their resid3nce by the Union Trans. for Company. RENNET, Sup% WEST CHESTER AND PHIL ADEL PIMA BAILEOA D COMPANY. On and after MONDAY, April 4,187 q, trains will leave the Depot,. T.I.IIRT and - CHESTNUT, as fol lows : . FllOll PHILADELPHIA. 6.45 A. M. for B C. Junction imps at all stations. 7.16 A. M. for West Chester, stops at all stations west of Media (except Greenwood). connecting at B. C. Junc tion for Oxford; Kennett, Port Depositaind all stations ou the P. and B. C. R. R. 9.40 A. 31. for %set Chester stops at all stations. 1110 A M. for B. 0: Junction stops of all stations. 2.30 P. M. for West Chester stops at all stations. .I.ls P, M. for B. C. Junction stops at all stations. 4.46 P. M. for West Chester stops at ail stations west of Medan (except Greenwood ), connecting st B. 0..1 unc tion for Oxford ,Bennett,Port Deposit,and all station.; on the P. & B. U. It. R. 1.3)) J': M. for 13. C. Junction. This train commences running on and after Juno Ist, 1670, stopping at all stations. 6.16 P. M. for West Chester stops at all stations. 11.30 P. AI. for West Chester stops at all stations. - FOB. PHILADELPHIA. 5.26 A . M. from 'B. C.... 1 unction strti pli at all stations. 6.30 A. lit ..from West Chester stops at all stations. 7.40 A. M. I rom West Chester stops of all stations be w,ei, W. C. and Med la (except Greenwood), connect ing at 11. C. Junction for. Oxford, Kennett, Port De posit. and all stations on the P. A B. O. It. It. 6.15 A. 81. from B. C, Junction stops at all stations. 10.00 A. M. from West Oliesfer slops at all stations. its . front B. C. J unction stops at all stations. 1.66 P. M. from - West Chester stops at all stations. 4.55 P. M. from West Chester stops at all stations, con• 'tortilla' at B. (I .1 unction for Oxford, Kennett, Port lieposit, and elI stations on the P. A 11. 0. It. It. 6.15 I'. M. from West Chester stops at all stations, con necting at B. 0. Junction with I'.k B. O. H.R. 9 COP. M. from B. C. Junction. This train commences running- on and after Juno let, 1870, stopping at all . stations 8163 r 318 f 3.9 972 26 169,291 11 81,852,100 64 8.05 A. M. for West Chester stops at.all stations ,connect inn at B. 0. Junction with P. & R. (J. R. R. 2.30 P. M. for West Chester stops at all stations. 7.50 A. M. from West Chester stops at all stations. 4.50 P. M. from West Ches or stops at all stations, con. fleeting at li. C. Junction with P. & 8.0. R. R. W. 0. WllEELER,Suoerintendent. DITILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE L CENTRAL RAILROAD. CHANGE OF IIcURS. Ou tirca - artei - ig grarA - rrxprivr, - I§7oitrains - will - rn ns follows : LEAVE PHILADELPHIA, from depot of P..W. & B. R. R., corner Broad street and Washington avails, For I'ORT DEPOSIT, at 7 A. M. and 4.30 P. 51. For OX rola), at 7 A. M. 4.30 P. M.. and 7 I'. 51. For CHAMPS FORD AND CHESTER OREM R. R. at 7 , A. M..-10 AA. M., 2.30 P. M., 4.30 P: M., and 7 Train leaving Philtulelphla at 7 A. M. connects at Port Deposit with train for Baltimore Trains leaving Philadelphia at 30 A. M. and 4.30 P. .M., leaving-Oxford at. 6,05 A. 51. and leaving Port Do poslt. ats 25. A .31.. connect ~at. &Ors . Ford J.114410:1. with the Wliptington and Reading Rail( oo E - TRAINS: FOR PHILADELPHIA leave Port Deposit at 9.25. A. M. and 4.25 P. 51, on arrival .of trains from Baltimore. OXFc'RD at 6.05 A. M., 1045 A. M. and 5.30 P. M. Cli ADD'S FORD at 7.26 A.M., 12.00• M., 1.30 P. M., 4.45 P. M. and 649 P. M. On SUNDAYS leave Philadelphia for West Grove and intermediate stations at 6.90 'A. M. Returning leave West Groveat3.ss.P..M: Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only tuaaggago, and the Company will not be responsible for art amount - flaCeeding one hundred dollars, unless a topecial contract is made for tII same, ' HENRY WOOD, General Superintendent N R-AltIVEr TRAVECERB* - GUIDE" coN SUND AYS • TI4AVELEIIIP_GUIDE'--L-2 itettrE A D '. 2 -13111111AT rant Line frond • Philadelphia 'tOl , the buten f of naylvaniew the Schuylkill, iltle•ouchanna...Ounitter. I. land and Siryming Valleys, the North. hortarest atan the Oabadas.' tipring Arrangement of Passenger Trains, 0'16; 187 d. !earthy the Company's Depot, Thirteenth' h and ours . G a lloyhill streets,: Philadelphia. at the follerwina' . MORNING ACOOMMODATION:4Ai7.3O A. 111 Reading andeli Intermediate Stations; and Allentowa.' Returning,leaves Reading at 6.30 , P. 91.: arriving in 0.26 P . M. • , ' MORNING EXPRESS : -4t8.115 M. ,for &aiding LebanOninarriaburg, Pottsville, Pind Grove,Tatesetia,' Sunbt7.; Williamsport; rElistira," Rooheater , , Ntsorara ndia u Iffalo, Wilkesbarre,, Pitton, York . carilo Chain ersbnrg, Hagerstown, AO: • The7.Bo A. Di; trailitatinectersit Reading tvith the Hatt Pennsylvania Railroad trains for Allentowntto.,and the: ;8.16 A, M -train connectswithlhe ,Labanontrain, for Harrisburg, &0;;. at Port Clinton With Oatawlasa,R. R. truffle for;Willienseport, Lack Haven, Elmira, kid. at' !fiarrlisburg,•eith Northera 'Central. Otunberland Tal.o •ley. and Schuylkill sod Busqueheana,tralna for North.. umherland, Willitgrispert. ,Xork:,Obtimy irsburit,Pitta , grove, &c, • • AFTERNOQA , _EXPRIIISS.—Leaveit PlidadelPhla at. 8.80 .•M . for Reading, Pottsvilleilarrieharg,& c.,,con , , -nesting with Reading and(plumb% Railroad trains for, cointabia. , go , , = • • I . • POT TS7 OWN AOOOMMODATION.-Aeavet Potts.; towit at 6.20 Mi.atopping at the.intermediate stations; arrives in Philadelphia at 5.40 A. M. Relarning leaven Philadele:tia sr CP.M.;arrives in 'Pottstown at CIL Pad, , ' READING . AND POTTSVILLE (A0041.513l')lm• TION .—Leave Pottaville at 640 A. Al- and:44o 1`..31, 2 ; and Heading at 7.30 11. find 6.30 P.. st9PPlag_tit . way atm ir.us ; arrive in •Philtidelpida at .10.zi A. m; and Returning, leaves Philadelphia, at .5.15 P. M.; writ ea in Rending atl.ra P. Id:, and at Pottsville at 9.40 P. MORNING. EXPRESS:L.Tratns for • 'Philadelphia' leave Harrisburg_ at B.IOA di., and Potteville at 9.00 A. ,„ 61., arriving in Philadelphia at 1.00 P. M.. Afternoon Express trains leave Harrisburg at 2/0 P.3l.',Etnd Potts. vine at .1110 P. M.; arriving at Pails lelphia at 7,00' Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Bonding at 7.15 A.: M., and Ilarriehurg at 430 P. M. Connecting at -Read ing with Aftrrnoon Accommodation south at 8.35 P. M., .arriving la Philadelphia.at 915 P. Market train. with a Paaeonger ; car ittailied, lattice Philadelphia at 12.30 noon for Reading and all .Way Stations; leaves Pottaville at 5.40 A. M. connecting_at heading with -accommodation train for ihilidelphla and all Way titatione, • . . Ail the above trains run daily, Sunday's excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottsville at 8-A. H. and Phila. del phia at 3.15 P. M.; leave Philadelphia for' Reading at 8.00 A. 151...rethrnIna from Reading at 4.25 P. M. • CHESTER VALLEY, RA.ILROAD.---passengers for Downingtown and intermediate points take the 7.30 A M:,12.80 and 4.00 P. M. trains from Phlladelphia,return- - ' trig from Downingtown at 0.20 A. M.. 12.45 and 5.15 P.M PERK lObIEN RAILROAD.-Passexuaers tor Scbwenks villo take 7.80 A.M., 12.311 and 4.00 P.M. trains for Phila.'. dolphin, returning from Schwenksville at 8.05 A. 21., 12.46 n00n01.15 P M.,__Stage_linesier.Y.lllloll6...nointe in.._ - POrkionten Valley connect with trains at. Collegeville and Schwecksville. - • COLEBROOKLIALB ..RAILROAD.--Passengers fox Mt. Pleasant and intermediate points take the 7.30 A. M. and 4.00 P. M. trains from Philadelphie; returning, from 51t Plenennt at 7 00 and 11.25 A. M. NE'WTORto tuiricEßß FOB-PITTSBURGH — END THE WEST.—Leaves New York at 9.00 A. 51. and 5.00 P. M., passing Beading at 1.45 and 10.05 P. and connects at Harrisburg with ,Pennsylvania and Northern Centralltallroad Expreso Trins for" PUCK- burgh, Chicago, Williamsport, Elmira, Baltimore, &c. Returning, Express Train leaves Harriebtirg on arrival of Pennsylvania Express from Pittsburgh, at 6.33 A. 51. and U. 25 A. M., passing Reading 0.7.23 A. 51. and 1.27 P. M., arriving at New York at 12.05 noon and 6.00 P. 51. Sleeping Cars accompany these trains through between Jersey City and Piitebumth. without change. Id ail Ira In for Now-York leaves _Harrisburg at 8.10 A .1 M. and 2.50 P. M. Mall Ulan forliaryibburg leaves New Qork at 12 Nnon: - SCHUYLKILL VALLEY BAIIROAD-Tralns leave Pottsville at 6.30 and 11.30 A.M. and 6.03 P.M.. returning from Tamaqua at 8.35 A. 51.. and 3.15 and 4.50 P. 51. - SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA 'RAILROAD Traine-leave-Anburn-at-8-.55--A,-Mv-for-Pinegrove and Harrisbtirg, and at • 12.05 • 'nom for-: . grove, Tremont and firooliside4 returning.' from Har risburg at 3.40 P 81: from Firooksido at 3.15 P. M. and front Tremont at 6.25 A. 51 and 5.55 P.M. - TlCEETS.—'rliroagclose-tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and West and Canada. Excursion Tickets from. Philadelphia to Beading and Lntennedate Stations good for day only, are sold by Morning - Accommodation, Market Train, 'Reading and .Pottatown Accommodation Tr:driest reilncedrates—__ Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day only. - are sold nt - Pottsvfl le and Intermediate Stations by Head- - log and Pbttsville and - Pottstown Accommodation Trains-at reduced rates._ - - The followingtickma ore obtainableonly at the-OLlice of B. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 South Fourth street Philaffelphia, or of G. A, Nicol's, General Superinten dent, Reading. - Commutation Tickets,at 26 per cent. discount. bet Ween snypoints desired, for families and firms. Mileage Tiekets,good for 2,000 miles,betvroen all points e 47 ao each for families-and-firms. Season Tickets, for one, two.three, slx, nine or twelve ontbg, for holders only, to all points. at reduced rates. Clergymen residing on the line of the road will be tor- Dished with - cart:lß, entitling - themereh - e.s - and - wives-to - .ickets at half fare Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to trincipal sta— tions, good for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at .ro- Inced fare, to ho had only at the 'Ficket Ofiree, at Thir teenth and Callowhill streets. FREIGHT.—Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points from -the Company's New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 4.35 A.. M., 12.30 noon, 5.00 and 7.15 P,. M. for Beading, Lebanon, H -- Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all paints be 'cond. Mails close at the'Philadelphla Post-office for all places on the road and its branches at 6 A. M., and for the prim sipal Stations only at-2,116P,M. BAGGAGE. Dungan's Ng - press will collect Baggage tor all trains leaving Philadelphia Depot. Orders can be left - at' No. 225 South Fourth street, or at the. Depot, Thirteelith and etreets. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAM ROAD.—After 8 P. - M., SUNDAY, May-hit - - 1870. The trains Of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Depot,at Thirty-first and Market streets,which is reached' directly by the cars of the Market Street Pas -Banger Railway, the last - car connecting with - each-train leaving Front and Market street thirty minutes before its departure. Those of the Chestnut and Walnut Streets Dailway run within one square of the Depot. Bleepinli Car Tickets can bo had on application at the Ticket Office, Northwest corner of iiinth and Chestnut streets. and at the,Depot. Agents of the -Union- Transfer . _ Company will call for and deliver Bagg.age at the Depot. Orders left at N 0.901 ' , estimitstr_eetallo. 116 Market street. will receive at. °ention TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT, VIZ.: Mall Train, at 8.00 A. M. •Paoli Accom. at 10.30 A.M.:72.50, and 6.50 P. M. Fast Line ° .. at 12.30 P.M.. Erie Express....„..-..... at 12.30 P. 51. Llarrisburg Accom ' at 2.30-P. M. 'Lancaster Accom at 4.10 P. 61. fl'arlisburg Train • at 5.30 P. M. Cincinnati Exp_ress. at 8.00 P. M. 'Eric Tian and Pittsburgh Express at 9.45 P. M. ;Way Passenger at 11.20 P M. Pacific Express.-....... ..- .. .-.-....... at 12.00 night Erie Mail leaves * daily, except Sunday, running on Saturday night to ;Williamsport only. On Sunday mfght 'passengers will leave Philadelphia at 8 o'clook. Pacific Express leaves daily. Cincinnati Ex g-ees daily, except Saturday. An other trains' daily, except Sunday. The Western Accommodation Train runs daily, except lunday. For this train tickets must be procured and baggage delivered ARy S.AX) P. 31., at 116 Iffarket street. TRAINS RIVE AT DEPOT, VIZ Cincinnati Express ..at 3.10 A. M. Philadelphia Express.... at 6.30 A. 111 Erie Mail ' at 6.30 A. M Paoli Accommodation at 8.20 A. M. and 3.50 As 8.25 P. M Parksbnrg Train. at 9.00 A. M. 1 i tt t 9 9 . .35 33A A r- . 3 6 1. -Buffalo-Express - least Line. ' Lancaster Train ' at 12.55 P. M. Erie Express ..... ......-.... ' at 12.55 P. M. Southern Express at 7.00 P, AL Lock. Haven and :Elmira Express at 7.00 P. M. Pacific EXpress ..... ..at 2.55 . P. M. garrisburg Accommodation at 9.50 P. M. For further information, aPPIT to - .201.11 , 1 F. VANLEER, JR., Ticket Agent, 901 Chestnut 4treet. FRANCIS FIINW, Ticket Agent,ll6 Market street. SAN UHL H . WALLACE, Ticket Agent at tho Depot, The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume .ny risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and !mit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars In .plat All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will the risk of the owner, unless taken by special con rect. A. J. CASnATT, General Superintendent. Altoona. Pa. WEST JERSEY RAIL 0 ADS YY 0091.111ENOING MONDAY, April 4,1070. Leave Philadelphia, Foot of Market street (Uppe ~ sorry) at 8.00 A. M., Mail, for Bridgeton, Salem, 51111ville,Vino. Swedeabote and all intermediate stations. 11.45 A. N. Woodbury Acconnnoil 3.15 P. M. Mall, for Cape May, Dlillville, Vineland .nd way stations below Glassboro.. 3 . 80 F. 1a.,. Peasenger„ for Bridgeton, Salem, Swedes. oro,,and all intermediate atatbmie. 5.45 T. M., Woodbury, Glassboro and Clayton eccom iliXhitiOD. • • ' • EXTRA TAlNrdays FORonly. CAPE MAY. (S R atu / Leave Philadelphia, 8.00 A. Si. Leave Cape May, 1.10 P. Si. Freight train leaves Camden daily, at 19.00 o'clock, Freight received in Philadelphia at second covered eharf - below Walnut street. Freightdelivered at No. V.B B. Delawafe avenue. ' Commutation tickets, at reduced rates, between Phila. tellable and all stationa. •WIT A LIAM J . SEWELL. Stxirlutendent. kern 1.18711. , A . CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD CITANGE OP 110171tb. , On and after MOND AY May Nth, 1870, trains will leavo - vi m , Street icerry as follow: Felt ATLANTIC CITY. • . , Mail 800 A.M. Freight, with - Passenger Car.. 9.15 A. M. Atlantic Accommodation • • 3.15 P. 111. TITITITN - I - N 0 -- - - - - L - EA - Vl3l — Alarit - N TEO.' Mail M. Freight . 11.45 A. M. Atlantic Accommodation - ' ----- 6.14 A.M. LOCAL TUA I NH DRAY It For H addonfield. .10.15 A, 111.1 2.00 P. M. and 6.00 P. M. For A too and Intermediate Stations, , 10.15 A. Dl'. and 6.00 P. M.. HU T [JUNIN 11—Lll Avg ~ liaddonheld 7.15A. M., /.00 P. Wand 3.15 P. M. A tco • . 6.22-A. M. M 14412.12 Noon. Tim Union Trausfor Com 05119-,N0,825 chestnut street, Continental Hotel, will call rok and. cbcck_ baggage to dostination,"--Tichets.alati_ofi sale. '— _ . _...• D,H.,llll.TNDY',. — Agatit: - L'IAST FREIGHT LINE, VIA NORTIA-- I: PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, to Wilkosbarro, Mahanoy City, Mount DarmekCentralla, and all points on Lehigh Valley Railroad and Its branches. -- Illy new arrangements,_aerrected .this.daY,thiti road is .. . babied to give increasod despatch to merchandiso con signed to the above-named points. ' 1 Goods delivered at the Through Frolght Depot, .. S. E. cor, Trout and Noble stroettii' Before 5P % 51., Inn reach Wllkesbarre, Mount Carmel i nahanoy Citz,, and the other stations in Dig u a: d o a y and-, Wyoraind valley 'before A . M.. On U n n i Ag Yi •.: Iwo .All t en s S'RAIKLERS" 0 0 IDE Voll NEW ' CAMDEN AND AMBOY and PH I LADELPInd 'ANZIO TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S DINA'S; Enl Philadelphia to New York, and wa y , placed, Walt LIT oat street wharf. At 11.80 A;15.1., sla Camden and Aintioy Aecoita_ a •-•'• At BA. M.yria Camden and Jersey Oat Ex. MAO, , iM„ At 2.07 Pi 81., via Camden and Amboy tPrealb . l ,„ ar At 3.00 D: It., vie Camden and Jerspy City, Accent., 2.26 At 6P. 81 for Amboy and laterteesliate stations . • A t 6.30 Pd.. 2 and 3.30' P. M., for Freehold. At 2. 0 0 P.. M. for Longßranob and 'Pnints OD" A.'& D. B. R, R . ' ' • , At 8 and 10 A.M.. 12 2060 and 6.00 P. 111.,f0r 'Trenton.% At 640,8 and 70 A.M. ' , 12 ~ 2, 880, 6, fla and 11.80P.M., for Bo rd 01,14i WINVOrene4.1t11111neton,Beverty And Ds,. in nco and Riverton. •• • At 6.80 and 10 61.: . 3.60, 5. 7: emit/Xi Lel: kr Edgewater, _Riverside, Riverton, and Palmyra, - At 6.. , 0 and io A. 81., 12 M 6, l and i1,31),P. 24, for ishltottsny, , .• . •9• - SKr The 1120 P. 31.. Line . from foot •of Market Citt , ,Att by timer ferry. From Kensington Depot: At 7.30111:/ - M41 - .30;'3.197tiiiid 'ad . for Tketaddi'lliidt Bristol. And at 10.45 A. M. and 4 p. Al, for Bristol. At 7.30 A .1,1.4.30,earid 6.1 1 .11: for Morrisville and Tttlly town. - At 7.30 and 10.45 A. M.. 2.30,4,6 and d P M. for Schenck's, Eddintiton, Cornwall,,, ,Torresdale and Efeltnesburg At 7 A .o.s:nand 7,30 P.M. far Bustleton,lfolmesburg and liolinesburg Junction. At 7 and 111.45 2.81. 4,6.15,6 and 7.30 P.AI. for' Tammy, Bridesbarg and. Frankford, From West Phi ladelphia Depot via At 7, 920 and 11 A. 31.,1.20, 2.45,5.45, and 12 P. M. Now 'Ex reel; Lire *Mt./arse ' 5. Emis.il Line tY 2 ' rant At 7,9.30 and 11 A. 11., 1.20, 2.45, 6.45, and 12 P. M. for. .- Trenten. At 7, 9.30 atidll A: Di., 4, 6.45 and 12 T.:4., fiir Bristol. At 12 P..ll.(Bightlfor )fermisville,Tnillitown_,Schitek's 7 Can n w y e , ll Torr. Rolmo r aah' ll id b Wise nom ng, r es nrg , a-- Frankford. - • • The 9.30 A. 11., 6.45 and 12 P.M. Lines run daily. All others, titindaya excepted. , For Lines leaving Kensington Depot, take the ears an Third or Fifth streets, at Chestnut, at half an hour be- fore departure. Tho Cars of Market Street Railway run direct to WestPhiladelphiaDepotiOheidnut and Wahatit ----- wl thin one s q uare. ' IIELvIDE4I - 10 DELAWARE/ RAILROAD LINES' - fromrKensingtori - DapotT.' . • • , _ • , . At 1,30 A. , AL,„.(or• mgarii Falls, Buffalo,' Dunkirk," Elmira,- Ithaca ' ,'- Owego,* Rochester, Binghamptoti" Oswego, SyracithiM , Great Bend, Montrose, Wilkesbaile,) . • At 7.30 A. Al. 'fitid . P.M. , for Scranton, Strands-. burg, Water •Gati, BelVietere: Eamon, Lam-' bertrille . Flemington,: &O. - The 8.20 P. M. Line con.• l neon, direct with the train ,leaving,Eastom for Mauch Chunk Allentown, Bethlehem. &c. . . - At 6 P. Itl. from Kensington Dopot,for Latiltiertyllici and' intermediate Stations.. . • : CA DI DEN AND BURLINGTON 110 AND .-PIDAIRER-1.. TON AND Rd GHTSTOWN RAILR9ADS, front Mar, - At 7 and 10 A :31.,1,,5 &6XI P.M.,and 'on Thurs.% day and Saturday nights 011.30 P. M for Merchant,,t. ville,Alooreatown Hartford, -Almionvi ll e, 'Maim:port and Mount ifollY 7 . _• At 7 A.M.,2.15 and 6.30 P.M. for Lamborton and Med -At 7 and. 10 A 311., 1, 3.30 &b P. for Smithvllle, Ewanavilie_Vlncentospn,Rirmingham and Pemberton. At 10 A. M. for-Lewistown, Wrightstown, - Cookstown - - New-Egypt and Horneretown. At 7 A. 3t..1 and 320 P.ll. for Lewistown, Wri_ighte town, Cdokstow n , New Egypt, lionierstown, Cronin. Ridge, Imlaystown. Sharon and Dightatown. Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed , each Passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag- , gage but their wearing apparel . 'A 11 baggage over fifty', pounds to be paid for extra. The Company ltm iitheir responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, - and will not La-liable for any amount beyond $100; ex cept by special contract. . - , Thigets sold and Baggage checkd direct - through t B o ston,o Worcester, Sringfic,hl, 11 artford, New Haven Providence, Newpor t , Albany. Troy, Saratoga, Utica, Borne, Syracuse, Rochester:Buil - ale, Dliagara Falls an d _Suspension Beidge - An additional Ticket Office hi located at No. 828 Chest nut street, where tickets to New York, and all 'taper , tent points North mid East, may be procured. Person, purchasing Tickets at this Oflice,can have their bag— gage checked from residence!, or hotel to deatirration,by Union Transfer Baggage Express. • Lines from New York for Philadelphia will leave from . foot of Cortland street at 7A 8L l and 4P. 111.,viad arse, , City and Camd. n, At 9.40, 9.30 and 11 A .M., 12.305, 6., and 9 P.M. and at 12 Night , via Jersey City and Nest From Yfer 6.30 A.. M. Accents:Midis- , --tion and 2P. 11.-Express,y la Amboy and Camden. , Out. 1870. WM. H. fIATZ MDR. Agent.' UiiTH .V.EN'lsi - SYLVA ()AI) 4116if*.tiiiiidle the tufa - 6 nail lGy - . N oroixig . .Nalleg6.l4orthern Pennsylvania. Southern and Interior New ~York, Bee heater. Itultalo, Niagara Falls; - :- t he Great Lakes and the Dontinion of Canada $1 , 3131ER ARUANORDIENTS.. Sixteen Dail) , Traine'leave Passenger Depot. corner of Berks and American _streets (Sundays oxcepted),. as follows: - 7-A; 61:,'A'ccommtniation for Fort-Washington and . ternietliale-pOnits. - • s - - • .. It.,_Fast ._Llne._for_Bethlehemand_principa L: stations on main line`of North Pennsy)ranitt Railroad, tn¢sti.Betliluheui-:~e'lth-the_ Lehigh . Fniley~ltail- .e. road forEaston:Allentown,Mmich Chiik,Mabatmy Wllliamsport,\Vilkosbarre, Pittston; Towanda. and Wa- , verl y,. connecting.at Waverly with the ERIE. RAW; WAY - for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Rochester, Cleveland, - Corry ,_Chicago,- San 'Francisco , and-all points in the • Great Wegt. - 8.25 A . M.,, Accommodation for iThylestown, stopping, at all inteimoliato stations. Passengers for Willow Grove,liatbormigh, Sc:, by this train, take Stage at Old A. 31:, Lehigh and Susgaelitinfia Ric press, for Beth-.. lehem, Allentown,Mauch (Munk, White Ilaven , Wilkes=' burro. Pittston, Scranton, carbondale, via Lehigh and - Susquelunints -- Itailrmad, • and Allen town ,Easton Rifekettstiron, d TAM ta-on New Jersey Central Railroad and Morris and Essex Railroad to New York, via Lehigh Valley Railroad. II A 731 n ffen - terr-Yort - Wroshingtow ertop - = - - ping nt intermediato 'stations. . . Lit, 3.30 and 5.2 u P. M.. Accommodation to Abington.. At 1.45 P. M., Lehigh Valley Express tor. Retwakom, _ Ea stop: Allentown, 'Mauch Chunk. City, Whim Haven, Will:natant), Pittston, °and the- Id atm tty' Wyoming coal regions.- At 2.30 P. M., Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediate stations. At 3.20 P. M. Bethlehem Accommodation for Bethle, • Lem, Easton, Allentown and Coplay, via Lehigh Valley, .}railroad, and Easton, Allentown and, Maack . cbrink, rl via Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad. • • , At 435 P. M.—Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ptng at all Intermediate stations. • At 5 P.M., Actoihnl odat for Bethlehem:connecting - - with Lehigh Valley E% ening Train for. Easton, : Allen town-and-MatchAZun •- _ • At 6.20 P. M.. A cconun dation or aus aO, stopping at all intermediate statio t 0..• • At 8 and 11 SO P. M Aceomodation for, Fort Wash ington andintermed fate stations. , „ Trains arrive in Philadelphia front Bethlehem at 8.55, 10.F5 A.N.2.15, 505 and 8.25-P. ~ making 'direct con. nection with Itgliigh Valley or Lehigh and Susquehanna . trains front Eakton, Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Williams port , Mallituoy City, Hazleton ,Buffalo, and the West: From Doylestoein at 325 A. Dr., 4.40 and 7.05 P.. M. - - . From Lansdale at 7 30 A. N. From Fort Washington at 9.20, 11 20 A. M., 3.10 anti , 9.45 1' . M. FromAbington at 2.35; 4.55 and 6A5 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. • Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 930 A. M.-• • do. do, Doylestown al 2P. M. do. do: - Fort Washington at 8.10 A. tit' and 7 Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4 P. M. Doylestown for do. at 6.30 A. 1.11 Fort Washington do. ut 9.39 A. a. and 8.10 P.M. The Fifth and Sixth. Streets ' and. Second and Third Streets lines of City Passenger Care run.directly to and from the Depot. The Union line rune svithina short distance of the Depot. • —Tickete.fur_Buifalo._.Nittga ta_Ealls Western New York and the West, mar be smarts, 'the office, No.Bll Chestnut street Tickets sold and mpost° checked throueh to princi pal points at Mann's orth Penneylvama Baggage Ex- Press office , No 106 South Nifth street _ ELM:, GLARE., General Agent. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL.. ROAD—WINTER TIME TABLE. ' • ' On and after MONDAY Nov. 15,1869, the Trains ' the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will run as follows ; from Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, West Philadelphia : WESTWARD. flail Train loaves Philadelphia 9.35 P. M. Williamsport 7.40 A. M. " arrives at Erie 8.20 P. M., Erie Express leaves Philadelphia 11.40 A: M. " Williamsport ' 9.00 P. Id. tt arrives at Etta • 10.00 A. M. Elmira Mall leaves 7.60 t• itt " Williameport.. - 6.00 P. arrives at Lock Bayou 7.20 P. M. EASTWARD. . • flail Train leaves Erie 8.40 A.M. " " " Williamsport - 9.21 'P.m. " arrives at Philadelphia 6.20 A. hi: . : ~" o Ex.preselea" - ves Erie --. 4.00 P. M. - 2 -Willitunsport....,—..3 ...30 A.M .1 " arrives at Philadelphia 13.45 P. M. wludra Mall loaves Lock Bayed 9.00 A. M. " " " Williamsport. '' 9.45 A: M. - ss " arrives at Philadelphia.........--- ...... 6.60 P. M. Buffalo Express leaves Williamsport. 12.25 A.M. 0 Express leaves 5.01 A.M. arrives at Philadelphia. 9.25 A. 61. Express east connects at Corry. Mail east at Garry and Irvineton. Express west at Irvineton with trains on 'I Creek and Idleohenv River Railroad.. ALFRED L. TYLER. General tinporhatende LEGAL NOTtC J..THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS for the City and County of Philadelphia. J tine P 4 PO, Pio.'7o.A. JOHANNA .111411.1LER, I,y . ber_ next friend.' &c.._ vs. BENEDICT BUMMER. In Div orct). Sin :-You Will please notice Rota granted on you in aLove case to show rattail why a divoreo FllOlllll not be deer( ed therein. Returuablo Saturday, May lift. 11.711. at 11 o'clock, A. 111. To BENEDICT BUCHLER, BYRON WOODWARD, . my 11 w f.ti* Attorney for Libellant. I ir COUILT FOR. THE' City end County of Philadelphia.-Estate of WlG=' ;, 1.1 AM CRAIG, de CealW.ll;The Arid dor appointed br - fliTcrourt -- to - nuditl - settio - and - adiust_the_aerOßlLDr , \vim,' AM CRAIG, Administrator of the Estate .qti WILLIAM CRAIG, deceased, and to report. distrlbuz Goo of the balance in the hands of the ncoomitant,..- will meet the parties Interested, for the purpose Of hilit. 3 .1 ppolotiornt lIESDAS . May Dn. oclock P. 01.. at his office, N 0.128 South Sixth 'etrelt,. in the city of Plutartolpliia. mi 13 f a tn,ws4-* f THE ORPHANS' COURT VOR TFIE ' City and County of Pitiladelphta:-Estate of • ELIAS REIREDIER,dee'tI: - The Auditor 'appointed: I,r the Court to audit,settlo - and adjust the account oth.l 14C_I11ENBACII and J. PI itnallov.it, estecitters of the tritt testoment-gf-PlLYASitElllkattertilto-L- CrilFed,all(l to report distribution of the talanes in the, .hands of , the accouirtf}o3, will meet the pasties inter estedi s for the purpose of his topoirantenti on-MON--* - BAY, May 230, 1010, at &o'cloek P. .A!,.ot his 128 South Sixth street, inns city nYPhlleolalpitia, • JOl.lll tu . .vll f " • Auditor: ' lIORSIIEFAND7CALRRIAGES._ , O().A.L-BOX TOP W - .112 (4 0.0 . tulle y Wets ' ls , erlas ',butte au& pole. kis- Fly a( Ig'23 Out l'bert 'Street. InYU7(4 .., .... ~.l~' :outhern and
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers