FOREIGN CO SKETCUE' OF ileillitl--Sheobocum Orgeutal Worn-. Ascent of Irlounl Geri:km-410as or So. mania---illoont 'terming. :1-ciamainnicateator the'Phiiet.-Elyontne Butietiret Barmen, Monday Evening, ,March, 21;187O; - -I begins another lettev at' once,intetading to . detetown a little every.daY, - oras oftertas pos sible, though there:will bc,ngt opportnnity for. mailing tilt we reach 'Etainaicara, three weeks Dente. We have made our tlrstalay's'journey Cii'onrNOrtherntyip; anti are banipeti at a very interesting spot., Our jetirciey. :to atilicewthrongh-the portion allotted-to th e tribe .of 13etjarein: - Bethelis a, miCerable little - v,illag,e,on the broW of built from the ruins • of: former dwellings'. The , name originally,' doubt let s,w as applied to the locality. There was probably neVilletge;here when Jacob, on his WilY4n Padan-aram..slept in the open field . Witb thestonei for a pillOw and had his wonder., IniVie - inif - ettlin ladder to-iiereverrOUßl . - received that sweet promise from the God of Abraham -14 I will be with thee in all the way ibrit thiiiXgeetiti.Vvill bring thee to thy father's bensetn peane, aiel7Will-tiot--leave-thee,--nor fitirralso,the,e, till Ilu done •all .that I have spoken to.thee of." Ou arriving at our tent took-mY Bible, and.sitting under the shelter ofit'fock, in the open field, read the 28th chap teiof Gen., which tells the interesting, story Bethel was ako the place where Jeroboam set inp . otie of his calves, afid-where-the-proPhet estine to reprove him for lifs idolatry, as, told 13th Chapter: it was tolhis place akin that Elisha came up from Jericho, after Elijah's translation, and the forty-two mock ing children were destroyed by two she-bears trim ;the - woods, as stated in 2 Kings, 2d. Chapter, 23-25. The woods have disap peared, and so have the bears, but not the children. Rennooe,SHEenaia,TuesdayEvening,March 22d.L-We took, an early start this morning, having along day'e ride before us. .Our jour ney lay through the portion-alloted to - the tribe • of Ephraim. It is the richest land awe'. have see,n since - leaviug - the -- fertile ~p lains-around Jafia:. The fertile vallies and hills, terraced to thefr very summits, show that the blessing piomised by the -. doing patriarch to the preferred descendants of his favorite son Jo seph, still lingers here, for "the chief things -of the ancientinountains," vines, olives, core, still ilourish luxuriantly amid the lasting bills" Jacob knew what he was doing, 'when, - his , right hand wittingly" he laid it on the head of the youngest son, as he said " in thee' shall.lsrael bless, saying, Gottanake thee as Ephraim.''. We have bad a most unexpected experience of weather-to-day. Shortly after startiug it begin to rain, - 'and continned - wt - iatervals all day. Th3rain came down in furious bursts at times as though it would take us off our :bones. It was varied by occasional bleats of fierce, pelting-hail, that sometimes spread white wail over the landscape in a, few seconds, We bad our • water-proof appliances on, and did not mind it much, and managed to keep • pretty dry. It was amusing when the blasts - of. bail came to see how instantly the horses would wheel round, and turn their 'tails to it, and stand still till it was past. The day - was enlivened by occasional bursts of sunshine, which soon, however, gave way to returning dashes of-rain: - During one of theSe brief gleams -- of -- sunshine at noon, we . stopped at the ruins of an .old well to lunch. We had just spread a rug on the grass for our provisions, when down came the rain again, and we were obliged - to take our lunch under such shelter as our sun umbrellas limpid afford, While we were at annuli, several modern Rachele, from a neigh boring village, came - to the - Well to -- fill their water-skins. They lingered about _till . our re past was finished, and then eagerly gathered up the orange-skins and chicken-bones and cast-dt reronant4 of our 'meal ! On nearing David Bates was not a poet by profession . it s ,ancient city (where we are staying) we but, amid the cares and labors of an active turned aside to see " the Well of .Jacob, where "Jesus sat, weary'? with his journey, business life, gave expression-to those thoughts when he had his gracious interview with the and feelings which were native to a fertile woman of Samaria: - Near the well fancy and to deep poetic emotion. Poetry was is the tomb of Joseph, where his bones were the natural channel in which his sentiments buried by the Children - of -Israel -when they gushed forth; and he wrote less, no doubt, for came out of Egypt. It lies, as does also the public commendation than to satisfy the de well; in the parcel of ground which Jacob skies of his own soul. Hence, there is an ease bonght frem Ilainon, the father - Of Shechem and naturalness in his style, which is one of and gave to his son Joseph. Shechem is the chief characteristics of his verse.. There is beautifully situated on the side of Mount Geritim. There is a fine valley between it and nothing labored from the first to the last of his poems. 17 et there is a- clearness and classic Mount Ebal, directly opposite to it. A =gni& elegance about them all which indicates the cent Sight it must have been when the twelve most critical exactness, and shows that each tribes - were arranged, six on one of thes e line and word was well considered, and made, • mounts and ' six on the other, as they to convey the exact meaning intended by the entered' the land to rehearse the author. -For thi reason - there can be no dilli blessings and the curses in this clay in determining the sense of his writings. grand amphitheatre. We reached Shechem In this respect they stand in enviable contrast wet, weary and chilled with the cold, after be- to the works of many of our modern poets. ing eight hours in the saddle. Poor Mrs. H. ' It is not pleasant to be , heupelled to search could hardly stand when she dismounted. The a l aboriously ba i f b of . u •t i l l I t i i o ta i i t ; i t i e r i o i t i w i l l i a l b il e al i s n o il f w v h e e r ; idea of camping on the wet ground, in our wet b inge atlength it is till.. to its hiding-place, to things, and without a fire, was not a cheerful find it not worth a tithe of the work expended one. To our great relief, our Dragoman, Ali, , iu its search, With wetly, however, obscurity • bad gone ahead and secured quarters for us . is a synoPym profnielity ; and - if 'a writer at the house of a friend of his in the,', city. . expresses himself , it does so at the Arid here we are now, snugly quartered with risk being prouoinlied, it' not shallow, at a Samaritan family, and realizing the im ,east Impel ticiel. With such critics. David • aneabable comforts-of. a dry roof overhead _Bales a ill find no favor, hut with those who and a dry floor beneath us, as the etorin still adruhe depth, delicacy and tefidertiess of sena rages, with alternate hail and rain, thunder t inent, expietsed in pure and mellifluous verse, and lightning, and furious blasts of wind. lie is and alWays be alavorite author. To - 8.-;-Never advise any one to take this sustain this - epinien it is but necessary to note journey who is not strong and of robust health, the favor which his pi,eins have already re because of the exposure and fatigue. And cei% ed ; nut, it is ti ue, at the hands of pro new adviena lady_to_come_under_any circum- , 8 1 5 -ii s ell hut htau the warm native ''ciii stances, not only for the reason just stated, chile lie(irt tillivet - Kal. How - many but because of the manifold and constantly who have never heard the name of David Bates have memorized and taught their 'chit recurring inconveniences to which nothing dim to repeat Iliece beautiful wwds • but the direst necessity should subject a lady, "Speak gently-it is better far • Setacnem,lCedriesdon, March 23rd.-Detained I To rule by love than fear." at, tibechem to-day. It has been pouring rain I - Had the author never written another• poem, all day.. liTe lose our visit to" Mt. Carmel by his repeat ion as ati tie poet would - still have this-delay, but there is no helping it. Dr. M,,hi-citbe did write ethers, with a party of thirteen, including three i and those, totywhich, as poetry, are superior __ladies.,lnitlso detained here, in another bowie. to the pepolar tam he. An instance of , one The Dr. dined with us by invitation this after- such is the "-Apostrophe to the Ocean," whin; noon, and we had a,pleasaut time comparing in grandeur of conception and felicity of ex notes 'of our past experiences, as well .as of pretsion, is unsurpaeted ifi the annals of litera enrplans and prospects for the future. - Lure. Marsden .Eventng, March 24.--Still at She- reading critically Mr. Bates' poems, one Chem. The rain ceased about nocifto-day, but is impressed with the fact that there is scarcely too late to allow of our starting in time' to an unequal merit, one uniting them. Although of' it, all are truly inspired. When reach the next stage of our journey before froui our best pieta' wuiks a large per tentage night, so Nye concluded to remain here illi the might lie stricken out, without impairing their - - morning-The sky-Is quite clear again to-night,. reputation,- Wl40(1--thiat- either Mr Bates wrote ,_a_Ww=„llelealp..gctiaui_early_etart in ing. We spent this afternoon in. making the editer of his works had the good sense not to ascent of Mt. Gerizim. On"-She - top are the iarbmit them to the 'judgment of the public. the Samaritan temple. The valley. After all, the is' thearbiter that must berleath; :including the parcel of ground deekle,tbe welsh of , ahy productions, and In I.VJacob gave to his Bon Jos eph, " ' NY.l3ttir caSe the faverable verdict. has already la ex- b . ;, eel 04 - 4 1 or,riel., and fertile. Jacob was tier- '(' e •-• " 1" ) ".. • • 4414) ~,,tygeoti judge of laud to have:Bemired so .170111SES: : AND . ':.•,;;.,.efkiskeis ioeasailia, The view from the top of 1-10 GOAL-Box TciP ' - -'l4literliittl is the finest we have Been in this X 00e, uunt by WateA, with shafts and polo: Ap '• seonntry. • ply et 1921.Ctipbort 'Met. sIYI4 7tb _ Excadete e h a d H ALIG=4,OIt SAL IL, 180 TONS" .tao rain this morning, though, it was :still 1 1.1 Mans, ?1.110.- • Apply to wonere AN &CM, LID Walnut Atilt& Et ESP CoiIkOENIC piS ERN . • TS AVEI . . yitLlvi,',' . 'l! - 4 . i:;,,tj-.. cloudy Sonfterttn• early brealdast,,wn most thankful te.tiet' ‘ untler way agair‘. ' I ;go', took athititk I - )e (4. g oo d tanit,l' Wito 144, ..,11070 no • !little" kludipess.'&llo the entr(pang titratigers whom the etortulhad driven to seek shelter. undtir . theirlbbsPitiible roof. We linve liad • a delfghtfUhride to:46y. The: 'atmosphere , his been balmy and pleasant, though there has been no sunshine all day. And as we rode along through the fresh green flelds,l thought ' of Sulonien's beautifid Words applicable to air our circumstances, when be says : "The win ter is past ; the rain is over and gone." I trust this may prove to be really the case. "The 'flowers appear on the earth; and the voice of 1-the turtle is heard in' the land.' gue ride tp tlai has heen through a_ charming country, with a rich profusion of beautiful flowers on every hand, blending their 'varied* -gether;redi-whiterblue,-orange '-and-purple, _ , most, refreshingly. About tile middle of the morning we came to ruins of the. old city of Salim ia, and stopped an hour or so to exam ine them. The situation is the most pictur , esque of any city in Palestine. It was built all over a circular hill, which rises gently to the height of 300 feet, and has a broad plateau on the surunlit. Aroutfd •• the :base of the. bill is a .broad,'rich valley, , , and off beyond this is a grand am phitheatre of - mountains, encircling " the_ - bills - of Samaria" - with -the most magnificent surroundings. The present village only con tains some 60 or 60 miserable dwellings, and 300 or 400 inhabitants—ii set of lazy, dirty Arabs. Among the ruins are the remains of the Church of St. John,which belonged to the Knight Teruplars in the days of the Crusaders, and is one of the most - picturesque - ruins - In - Palestine. We rode over the hill tosee a num ber of fine old columns belonging to the an cient city. Many of these now stand in the midst of rich orchards and groves of olive and fig trees. In looking at these, I thought 61 Isaiah's graphic reference to Samaria when he speaks of it as "The glorious beauty on • the head of the fat valley, which shall be as a fading flower, and as the 'hasty fruit before the summer" (ch. 28: 4). In its palmy days the city must have appeared as perfect in its beauty. These ruined columns must have been the pride, of the city then. But now the street which they adorned is gone, the city itselfis - gone, and the shafts-stand lonely and_ bare. And as one stands on that hill and gazes ou those solitary columns, shooting up from clustering vines and green arn, and on the piles of hewn stones in the terraced fields, and the great heaps among the olive trees in the valley belcw, how deeplp impres-. ' Siie it is to _recall the fearful prediction' of Mieah, as you see with what literal truthful ness it has been verified, " I will make Sa maria as an heap of the field, and as plantings of a vineyard; and_ I will pour down the stones thereof into the valley, and I will dis cover the foundations' thereof." 'Micah 1:• 6. In the afternoon we passed by the beautiful plait sof Dothan, - where Jcisepla came to seek his brethrenmhen lie found they had removed from Shedhem. He probably came by the _same route as we have followed, as roads, or paths for man or beast,are.few in this country. his brethren would see him from afar as he came down the mountain, or across the plain, when they said : " Behold," this dreamer cometh !" &c. Then followed the casting into .the pit, and the selling - him to the Mid ianites. Wiikot our first view of Mount Hermon, in the distant north, all mantled with snow, this afternoon,—a beautiful sight. Our camp is pitched near a little town called Jeneen:\ It has no special interest, - but is the laalf-waystopping place between Shechem and Nazareth. It began to rain again after reaching our tents. This makes us anxious fur tomorrow, when we are extremely desir ous of a fine day, having a long ,and inter esting ride before us. , It. N. [For the-Minds. Evening Bulletin.] THE POETRY OF DAVID DATES BY B. W. LACY • . , I t,\ • 1,4 v 1 - • -• PHILADELPIIIA` ;Y NING...AAILLYATIN' . NATVIIDAY , MAY 14, 1870 Congress 1.1 41,1. OAP]'; MAX, ; N. J . Opens, June let. Clostis, October • . . . . , , , .. .... _ . .... - ~ TEll3lB—s3 hO. per day Juno aMl,Septetatier, , 00 la , per day July and Augnat..., . „ '-- .. - , ''','.•:: ,-,"—' 7 ' The new wing le now completed. . ' ' . •' ' Mark and Simon Hassler's full Military gond and Or al, sirs of 20 pieces. . applications tor Roamei'addreed - —, ' - CAH.E.ProplejetOr.• TIR 19 27 29 29 It OM 1 , . n 169 • , , PROS PEOT Eil RAO E, Freeland, Monigarnery, .County, This delightful StiardEJL,BEfilDENfill will be open for the re..eptlon of guests on and after Juno 1: "For'Circulars;Terius,'.V.. apply to JAMES PUL VICE. CO,, 439 hi AltKET.Street, Phila., or to the proprietor. . - James Palmer, Collegeville P. 0., Pa. GEO L :HAYES & CO NORTE( EiCal TIM STREET. NOVELTIES IN. RIIESONS. . EEI4II VCE A SSOR BEEN r OF FLOWERS, LATEST. STY LE OF A'lB. • • -.BONN ET A ND WAX FRAMES, AT A VERY SMALL .PROFIT. apg-s w 3m GENTS' - FITRNIRTIING - GOODS . . PATENT. SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFA'OTORY. Orders for these celebrated Shirts supplied promptly ,brief notice. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Of late styles in full variety. _WINCHESTER - St - CO 706 CHESTNUT. fel•ta tb a tf BUILDING AND HOUSEKEEPING HARDWARE. Machinists, Carpenters and .other Me chanics' Toole. Binges Screws,. Locks, Kalies and Forks, Spoons, Coffee Mille , Stocks and Dles Plug and Taper Taps, Universal and Scroll Chucks, Planes in great variety. AU to be had at tee Lowest Possible Prices it the CELEAP-FOR-CASIII. Hard ware Store of J. B. SHANNON,- No. 1009 Market Street. • deb-tf •-. IMPROVED — PATEN'USOPA - BED - makes a handsome Sofa and comfortable Bed, with Spring Mattress attached. Those wishing to economize room should call and examine ;them' at the extensive first-class F.urniture Warerooms of _Ferson & Son, No. 228-S.-Second Street. Also, WM. F ARSON'S PATENT EXTENSION TABLE FASTENING. Every table should have them on,. They hold the leaves „firmly together when pulled ,abort the room. • mlll7 3m5 TB,IMMINGS AND PAT'rERIVis. MliS. M. A. ' - .BINDER'S TRIMMING, - 111. • LACES AND PAPER PATTERNS- - 1101. N. N. W. COB. ELEVENTII and OHEsTNITT. NOVELTIES IN TUCKED;-AND SPRIG fiIUSLINS. Piques, fronf22e. to $l. French timeline; 2 yards *lds 60c. Elegant astir's, 81 7A.per yard. : . Tom Thumb fringes. SI per dozen. • - PARASOLS. " • 'MADE-UP LACE GOODS.. Black Thread, Guipure, Pointe Appliqdd, Valenci enneslaces,_Lace Collars. • Railings, all the styles in use: Cotton gimps and fringes. kW gloves, l, every pair warranted.—Bridaltiells and wreaths, Prenchjewelffi corsets and hoop skirts: Coffering machines, If yon vent a handsomely-fitting, well-mado suit, at short notice, go tp MRS. • BINDER'S. She never disappoints. It is truly a wondbrfill estab liehment. The above goods cannot be equalled in quality or price. my 2.5 tf rr TA EPA BTM ENT OF SU Et VEY S, OFFICE .1 .7 OF CHIEF •ENGINEEIt AND SUR r y VEYOR. PHILADELPHIA, May 2d, 1870. DuPlicate plans of the revision of street. lines south of the Navy Yard and east of Front street, in the First Ward, and of the line ano grade regulations of Main street, Bus. : tieten, in. the Twenty-third Ward, are now prepared and deposited ; the former at the office of CHARLES S. CLOSE, Surveyor and Regulator, No. 331. REED Street, and the latter at the office of ISAAC SHALLCROSS, Surveyor and Regulator, FRANKFORD ;and also at the office of this Department, No. 224 S. FLFTH Street. And the Board of Survey ors have appointed MONDAY, the 16th day of May, 1870, at 10i o'clock, A. M., to consider any objections that may be urged thereto by any citizen interested therein. • STRICKLAND KNEA.SS, . iny3 714 Chief Engineer and 'Surveyor. NR.P.NNISYLVANIA RAILROAD. —7 he short middle route to the Lehigh and-Wy oniing Valleys. Northern Pennsylvania, Southern and Interior New York, Nochenter. Buffalo , Niagara Falls, the Great Lakes and the Dorninion of Canada.. SUMMER ARBANGERENTS. ; Sixteen Daily Train's leave Pasrenger Depot, corner of Berke and American streets (Sundays exceptid), as , follows : • ' 7 A.• M., Accommodation for Fort Washington and'in lennedlato points. 7.35 A. 111.,. Fast Line for Bethlehem and. prineipal stations on main.line.of North Pennsylvanialtailrorol, connecting at Bethlehem with the Lehigh Valley Rail• road for Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Mahanoy City, Nil liamsport, Wilkosbarre, Pittston, Tevranda suet Wa reriv connecting et -Waverly with the BRIE RAIL WAY' for Niagara Fulls, Buffalo, Rochester, Cleveland, Corry, Chicago, .San Francisco, and all points iu the Great 3% est. 8.25 A. Accommodation for Doylestown, stopping at. all intermediate etatione. Passengers for Willow Grove. klatborough, &c., by this , train, take stage at Old. York Road. 9.45 A .31 „ Lehigh and FinsauehannalEx press, fortieth lehem, A Ilentown,3lauchltounk ,White Haven, Wages barn,. Pittston, ecranton, Carbondale, and Williams- - port, eta Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad. and Allen. town, Easton ,llitckettattes n, and points on New Jersey Central Railroad sled Morris and E6/10X Railroad to . New Yolk, via Lehigh Valley Railroad. ' .• 11-A-: , A ccommaa ation-foi-Fort , Washington, stop, ping at •ititennediate Al.. . • •• 1.15. S ` 3 o a nd 5.20 P. Al.. A ccouthioclat lon to Abington. At 146 DI., Lehigh Valley, Express tor Bethlehem, Fenton. Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, Idahrtuoy 'City, White, Hot en,,-Wilkeabitrre, Pittston{ aufl Mahanoy Witehing coal regions. . , At 2.30 P.'61., Accommodation for DoylestoWn't Mop 'ping at all intermediate stations. At 3.20 P.M., Bethlehem Accommodation for Dethle betn, Poston, Allentown and Copley, via Lehigh Valley -.- Railroadvand aete,n , .-Allentown and Idauch-Chunk, win Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad. . At 4.151'. 31.. Accommodation for Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediate et ittiona. At 5-P. M., Accommodation for Bethlehem. connecting with Lehigh Valley Evening Train for Easton,. Alien .town and Mauch Chunk. • At 5.20 P. 31., Accommodation for Lanstrlo, 'stopping at an intermediate stations. . At Sand 11 30 P. 111.. Accommodation for Fort Weigh ington and Intel mediate at atione , Trains arrive in Philndel plibtfrom Bethlehem at 8.55, 10.35 A. 31.; 2 15, eel and 8.25 P. M ., looking direct eon. nection with LPliigleValley or Lehigh and Susquehanna trains from Easton, Scranton, Wilkesharre Williama port , 31abancy City, Hzleton. Bu ff alo, an d the West. From Doylestown at 825 A. M., 4.40 and 7,051'- 31. ,From - Laustiele at - 7 30 - A. M . From Fort Waellington at 9,20, 11.20 A. 31,8.10 and 9 45 . 1'. Tl. • ptc m Abington at 2.35, 4.55 and 6.45 P. M. ' . ON SUNDAYS, • Philadelphia for Bet lalehent at 930 A. M. do. do, Doylestown a 1,2 P. M. - • do.' do. Fort Washington at 8,30'A .111. and 'T P.. 31. • ' BotidebeM for Philadelphia ut 4P. M. Doylestown for do. at 6.20 A M. Tort Wasblngtor do. at 9.30 A. ' hi. and 8.10 M. ' • Ties Fifth and Sixth Streets, and &wand and Third Streets lipes of Passenger Cars run directly to. and --from thaltepot,..-TheLi _ Nionline mut . within a short diststice•tif the Depot, • , Tioi e urfor-Bugotordllatsora-Faiisr Southerir - oad Western New York and the. West, may he secured at the office, No.Bll Chestnnt street. • Tit he ' h sold and baggage checked throurb to priori pal points at litinn's horth Pennsylvania Baggage Ex press office, No. ]O5 South Fifth street. • ' EL1.114 tILA UK , OP oral Age it.' D (iD G E S' AND WOSTEN ROLM Ps .11 , 'POCKET KNIVES, PEARL and STAG HA. N- I)LESof heautlftil 'finiel RODGERS' and WADE & ;BE Tell ER'S, Dud the OELESItAI'EL IdOOOIII.4ERRI RAZOR Seltit3o ns p:1 ()Asks of the Snout . 41talltr. Furore, It nl v geh P oieeore and Table Cutlery ground and nollehod. Eedt INSTItUDittNTS or the moat improved aerial rattle') to aralet tbe hearing„ 'at P. MADEIRk'S, Collor end Sergiidd Inetrument Maker, 1L.5 Tooth street, below 011ettnnt. myi MILLEN ERV GOODS. ri ;4 02,Z1t4 SU ItV EY - NOTICE S TRAVELER'S' GUIDE rMialAMi POOOAST & MAUL. -•._• _ . . . :.' }. limp AND PEAR STREETS, 2100iiii .) ,*id.Galvaniied • WROUGUT AND. CAST IRON PIPE For gas; !team and Water. FrTTINGS, 13R4SS WORK, TOOLS, BOILER TIJBES. Heating by Steam and Hot Water, Pipe of all Sizes Cat and Fitted to order. CARD. Having gold HENRY B. PAIIOOABT and VRANOIS I. 2,1 AIME (gentlemen in our employ for several year] , pust) the Stock ,Good Will andlllxturesoof our RETAIL Et. TABLISHMENT, located at the corner of THIRD and PEAR streets, in this city, that branch of our basi n, es, together .with that of HEATING and •VENTIL 'TING PUBLIC and PRIVATE BUILDINGS, both by STEAM 'and ' HOT WATER; all Its Various s) stems will be carried on under the firm • name of PA Iit3;AST & MAITI,Eott the, old , etand, and We re coo mend them to the trade and business public as being entirely competent to perfoim all work of that character. MORRIS,.TASKER & CO. P lIILADELPHIA, Jan. 22, 1870. sahl2-tf RAND, 124 North Sixth St., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS D( TrfE • • MOST APPROVED Brick-f3et - and Portable Heaters. neeortment of. FLAT TOP,.ISIDE.AND TOP OVAIN HANGILB, for heating additional iroiims. Bath Rollers, Registers, Ventilators, ate. --Bend-for-Cireular, • THOMAS S. DIXON & 80Nb, Late Andrews it Dixon, :t s s. .10,182{-OSESTNIIT Street, Philada., Opposite United States Aunt. annfactnrora or , LOW DOWN. • . 'PARLOR,' - - - - UDAMBER,. ' OF PION, — And other GRATES, !or Anthracite, Ditruninotui and Wood Ms ALSO. WARM-AIR FLNNAOEII rot' Warmingy ablic and Private Buildings • 'REGISTERS, VENTILATOR'S, AND ORTAINEV OAPS, ' 00011M-EANGNSi BATH-BOMBES. I'OLICSALE and ENTAIL BUSINESS EDWIN IL HITLER & CO., Cordage Manufacturers and Healers in Hemp, 23N. Water Street•and 22. N. Delaware Avenue PHILADELPMA. 'EDWIN R. 'SUTLER. CONILAInt. CLOTHIER MICHAEL WEAVER. 'GEO. 11. B. UHLER. WEAVER & CO'., Rope and 'rulue Manufacturers and Dealers In Hemp and Ship Chandlery, 22 North WATER. 23 North WHARVES. PHILADELPULC -891. K. P. R. TAYLOR, Perfumery and Toilet Soaps. 641 and 613 North Ninth street Established 1821. Wl.l, G. FLANAGAN tt SON, ROUSE AND SHIP PLUMBERS, • Wp. 129 Walnut Street. irny§ JOSEH WA_LTO.I4 & CO., CABINET MAKERS NO. 413 WALNUT STREET. Manufacturers of fine furniture and of medium priced furniture of MI perior quality. GOODS ON HAND AND MADE TO`ORDEB. Counters, Desk-work, & c., for Banks, 'Offices and Stores, made to order. • • JOSE PH WA LTON, 1 .108. \V. LIPPINCOTT. JOSEPH L. SCOTT. JAMES Lr , WILSON, HOUSE PAINTER, . . ' 518 SOUTH NINTH STREIT, Residence-522 South Ninth stroet. WO ly 4p4 II , *1•: : Y PHILLIPPI, • CARPENTER AND DUILDER, • NO. 1021 SANSOM STREET, jelo-Iyrp PHILADr.,LPRIA. E B. 7 143.HT iOBNEY-AT•LAW, Ooiri A.T rolulorier of Deo& rviftz . State s of ronneylTonia GO Madison street, No. 11, Chio . ago, rinl9lll OTTO IT BAIL MICK Mr • EVERY T.../ width, from 22 inches to 71 inches wide, all number Tent and Awning Duck, Paper-maker , e Welting, 84 Twine, &c. JOHN W. EVICRIIIAN, pad Nn.loB Obnrob street City Storm,. LIJ DIRER. MAULE; BROTHER & CO., 2500 South street. 187 Q. F 41741% YAAMR. a 1870 CHOICH SELECTION on MICHIGAN COBH PIMm FOR PATTERNS, 1.870 SPBU" ND H"LO".180 SPUDOEAND lIEWLOOK.; _TAEGU TOOK. ZS7 0 FLORIDA, FLOORING: 1 Qtyll ~ FLORIDA FLOORING. AS rl, ' CAROLINA FLOORING, b, DELAWARE FLOORING. ' DELAWARE FLOORING' , ' ASH FLOORING. ' ' WALNUT FLOORING. --D3,7-IPLORIDA-STEP-BOAILDEL-1 A) Q7O I'l. FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. • J RAIL PLANK. "TULL PLANK. 1.870, w ' if T BOARDS AND 1870 PLANK. , vy ADMIT BOARDS AND PLANK. . INALNUT BOARDS. --- --- - --, 'WALNUT PLANK. ASSORTED . . - FOR _ . _ OAI3INET 'MAKERS,' BUILDERS, O. ~NDEaTA.IF4tIy 1.87 A 17 . t,T vDERTLAYN 11. ANkumßE 1870 , ICED OEDAn. • . , WALNUT. AND PINE. 1.870• SEASONED POPLAR. .1870 SEASONED OHERRY. AS WRITE OAR BLANK H. AND BOARDS. HICKORY..,. IBi v lll CAROLINA SCANTLIN SCANTLIN G .? QI7O . CAROLINA 11. T. SILLS, NORWAY I:MANTLING. CEDAR SHINGLES, 1870 oTtPuttgßatisg_ LARAIIILAMORTIttfiff ENT ---- TOR BALL' Low. _1_871). i ok.I3TERING LATH.. 1870 MO is./.6 - . rIAASTERING ItATR. _ LATH: 1 . -:- - , MAIME BROILITEIt dh CO., • . . .. , , , - . , MP SOUTH EiTHICIET. A7iV , AND. PLAIiING MILL, •-,:, - DlOklitltBol4- -STREET I rar a tlonlax attontlog geon to ,Elooring, Fenoind and 'Barr 'LLard and ft wood. , • I n02,8,7100' ' • .• WESTER .9iTILEGO. YELLOW PINE LUMBER -ORDERS 111 T cargoes of every description Bawed Lumber el& cited at short " notice—al:loHr_ antdoot to - inspection And, Po 'EDW. H. HOWLIIIf .14 Want Wharves.. xOR,_ROSTON.--s o r,FAzdisatP Lraß DisiVt.,RAll,il4G., - FttomlsAmycl v ouzigyppr 1% , „ 110311114)0114 , tUld rO,OM part ISTALKET oisLUAAFik_ ticADIALPI4,.. AVDIIOI , IO Wueuspls von. BAxO twednesatmikray 4 RP AN illatiturday; " 71NORI& Nctitturday,.. tierXON, wednesday 'll ARIES, Wednesday, 44 11 NORMAN Saturday'? 14 ROMAN,SaturdaY, " 14 MISS Wed ON W away " AMISS Sst n nity_ Y L ' i ElRAMiN, ° B l (l i turda "21 ' AXON Wednesday " 2.51 A RIES, Wednesday,' Y " 25 t4o.l4?4,Aii,Saturday,"" 281.110241AN,eattutlay, sa - - "These Stetunehtps - sautitY. - ITrelB ll t - recefted every day. Freight forwarded to ail point/ In Novi England. For Freight or Passage(superior accommodation') apply wINSQB 09,, , South Delawaro avenue. _ _ 1101HILADELPAL04 .131 . 011MOND AND 2_ NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. THROUGH FREIGHT AIII LINE TO THE SOUTH.- AND WET. • ' INCREASED FACILI ro TIES u AND REDUCED' RATES • •fl • A. a 1e044 STDivrd lIIRS'LEAVE WERT WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 12 o'clk.Noon,from FIRST WHARF, abovic MAllKET'Street.' RETURNING, LEAVE RICHMOND at DAYS and 1 - TIIIIRSDAYI3; - and - ITOKFOLK77I3ESDAYEr and ! 13A TUMMY 13.;; . • . g 1 No 'Bills of Lading signed , after 12 o'clock on 'falling Dai. , THROU I RATES to all potpie in North and South ;Carolina .1 , a Seaboard Air-Line itallro_ad, connecting at IPortsmenth„ and to LynchMarg, Ve.. Tennessee and the West via Virginia' and Tennessee Air-Line and Rich ' mond' end Danville Railroad. • . • • _ • Freight HANDLED BUT ONCEAnd taken et LOWER RATES TITAN ANY OTHER LI ME. No charge for ‘ oommissien,drayage, or any expense for - transfer._._ Steamehtps Insure at lowest rates. Freight received DAILY): . • filato-r6nm accommodations for paseengere. WILLIAM Y. wawa 4 cio. _i_No.l2 South Whams and PierNo..lNortb.Wrisrves w. P. PORTER., Agent atalchmond and City Point. T. P. °ROWELL & CO., Agents at Norfelk MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGITLAR 1N11,13 FROM GOREN STREET D WHARF. THERN Tho ACHILLES will sail for NEW ORLEANS, direct, nri Thor, day, May 26, at 8 A. M. The YAZOO will sail from NEW ORLEANS. via Havana, —May , - TOHAWANDA Till for fleVeLeiN/ill on The • Sat urdsqlay ilea, gita cociociiii. ii. .__. The. OWING will itall frouLNAVA.NNAR on Saturday, ay 21st It ' The PIONEND will Mil for WILMINGTON, N.0.,0n Friday, May 20, at 6 A. M. Through bills of lading signed, and passage ttoltats sold to all points, South and West. DILLS of LADING SIGNED at quzErt ST. wlimts. For freight or passage; apply to , waidem L. JAXES, General Agent, 130 South Third street. PERKINS- & CO., FOR NEW, YORE VIA DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL. EXPRESS STEAMROs,T COMPANY. The CIIICAPEST and QUICKEST water communica tion betwOen Philadelphia and New York. - Steamers leave &left, from first Whiff below MAR ill ET street, Thlladelphia, and foot of WALL street, New York. TIIROUGU IN TWENTY-FOUR 11OURS. Goods.forwarded by all the Lines running out of Now 'York North, East or West, free of cidumissinn. freights received Daily antrforwarded on accommoda ting terms. - WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Agents, 12 South Delaware Avenue. JAS. HAND, Anent, 119 Wall Street, Now York, -- m 021116 ttk.ls7§ EW EXPO.' z •LINE TO ALEX.A_N. . dries, Georgetown and Washington, D. 0., via Obeli• speaks and DelawaraCanal, with connections at Alex. andria from the most direct route for Lynchburg, Bris tol; Enoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest, Steamers leave regularly from the first wharf abov Market street, ovary Saturday at noon. freight - received daily; WM. CLYDE h 00., No;12 - tionth - WItarvesand -Pier- 1-North -Wharvei.-- - -HYDE A-TYLER, Agents at - Georgetown. - M. ELDRIDGE k CO., Agents at Alexandria. Vit riELAWARID — AND •• CRESATFIAKE fiT XA It TOW-BOAT COMPANY —Barger towel between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Havre do Grace, Del aware City and intermtalinto points. MM. P. CLYDE A; CO. ' Agents; Cart. JOHN LAEGHLLN,Sup't Office, 12 South Wharves, (Mph's. , , apll tt .11 WE; NEW • 170.11 K, VIA DELAWARE F OANAL. SWIPTSURD THA NtiPOSTATION - COf PAHL. 'DISPATCH _AND SWIIrTSOBE ra.Nlcs, - The stem propellers of this Company will commence loading on the Bth of March. Through in twenty-four hairs. • ' Goods forwarded to anrpoint free 'of commissions. Freights taken on accommodating terms. • Apply to W I. 11. k CO., Agents, mh4 ; tf 1321toutliMelaware avenue., CARDS. 1870. 1870. KNICKERBOCKER ICE COMPANY. Established 1832. - lneoirpaiated 1804. Office, 435 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. North reirra'a R. R. Offices , Pine--Street Wharf, and Master at. — Schuylkill. _ Ridge road and Wil- ..,, No. 4833 Main street, low street, "" Oormantown. Willow St. Wharf,. No. 21 N. Second at., -Delavvarv ,, avenue. -Drano —eatin.:., A. J - . 7 22,1 .14 clamilion sta. and Ninth at. and Waah- ....epoi ... Cape May, New ..Ter ington avenue. Lrs. uny . Wholesale and Retail Dealers in and Shippers of PURE. 01AVE0117. 7 -THESUBSCRI - Gars beg leave to announce to the public that they have made arrangements for receiving, and bhvo now in the store, the celebrated Monet brand of Salad Oil, which they warrant superior to any Oil Imported info this country, 30S. B. Bilstagli tr, 00.. Ifle South 'Delaware oven .e. 10E - COMP:kNY EASTERN ICE. Send yotir orders to any of the above °Oleo, }tor prices, hCe cardA. • 1•••••••••• - Q n B ERRY WINE.—A VERY SUPERIOR and pure Sptutigh Sherry Wine :at only 86 00 per gallon, at (101:18('S East End Grocery, Np. 114 South 'Second atreet,below Chegi.nut. ' CILARETS.—EXTRA QUALITY TABLE N..) Clarets, at st: $5, 88 and 37 'poems° of dozen bot tles—of recent importation—hi store , and for sale at 'COUSTY'S EaetEnd Grocery, No. 118 South Seoond street, below Chestnut. OA L F NIA SALMON.-FRESa OA Salmon from California ; a very choico article ; for sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. I.t South Second street, below Chestnut. QEA MOSS FARINE—A. NEW ARTICLE 1.:7 Int:fond, verb choice and delirious, at COUSTY'S Eatt End Grocery', No. ES South Second street, below IUUTTON HAMS.—A VERY CHOICE 1"l article of Dried Mutton, equal to tho best .dried beef, for bale at COUSTY'S East End Urocery, No. 118 South Second atroet. below Chestnut.. lIST RECEIVED AND IN STORE 10 cases of Champagne sparkling Oabiwba and C h 00ili (bruin Wine o, PortAladeira, Sherry, Jamaica and Santa Cruz'lluiliTfitio old - Brandies rind Whiskies, Wholosalo and Retail. P. 4 . JORDAN, 220 Pear street. Below Third and Walnut streets, aud, above Lock 'street. doT tf 1 ORD ANIS CELEBRATED PURE TONIC t! Ato for Invalids, family use - etc. The subscriber is now furnished with his full Winter supply of his highly nutritious and well-lcnown Lever .age. Its vade-Spread and increasing use, by .order of *physicians, for mralids, use of bunnies, etc., commend it to the attention of all consumers who want a strictly pure article.; prepared from the hest materials, and put up in the most careful mannerhome use or tralispor , tatlon. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly sn_pplied. P. JORDAN, _ No. 220 Pear street y • ' below Third and Walnut streets. firreriSTltv . , THIRTY YEARS' ACTIVE PRAO ', • TINE, No. 219 Vino street, below 7.,igrth.l.usortalKhandsonest Teeth in the city, !at fricivil to suit all. Leah PluggedT'Teeth Repaired, Exchanged, or Remodelled to snit. !Gas and Ether. No pain in extracting. °Mee hoiirs, Bto B. mh2B-s,m,tu6ardi cIPAIA' DENTA_LLINA.- A' BUPEItIOI3, article for cleaning the Teeth ,deatroying animalcule w itch infest them, giving tone to the gnme and leaving a fooling_ of fragrance and perfect cleanliness, in the mouth. It may be need daily, and will bo fottnd to 'strengthen weakand bleeding gums , while the aroma and detersiveness will recommend it, to every one. Be. :lug cempcsed'wfth the assistance of the entiet, phyla. ibianii and Dentist, it lir confidently - offered' as a reliable substitute for the tmcortain washee formerly lo v ogee. . Eminent Dentists; acquainted with the constituents 'ay the Dentallintwadvecnte•its utto;_it_contains -nothing— lo prevent its unrestrained employment. Made only 14 • JAvaiii T. RAIN N, Apothecary, , Broad and Spruce streets. ' .ally, and .; D. L. Stanlchonse, Robert 0, Davis, Geo. C. Bower, . Ohaa.Bhivurs, B. M. MeColin,. B. O. Bunking, Chas. II': Eberle, James IC Marks, Al. Bringhuret /is 00., toyott &Go., • Cl. Blair's Sillies Wroth Atßro. _ _ . . ' •' ' -- ' — iliEDiOA - L --- ; ---." . '"'''`'—'----'----- For salo by Druggist!' you Fred . _Browne, Hansard '& Co., B. Kotler, Leone H. Ray, C. . Noodles, T. J. linsband, —Ambsiose Eimitb,. Edward Parrish, Win. B. Webb, James L. Bisphami ilugbee /Sr Combo. lienry-A,Bower. TH - WONDERS ACCOMPLISHED -throng - if , the agency of Ole itenulne • Cod-Liver 01/ in Scrofula, Bronchitle,. Chronic Oongh, Asthma, and ovon Commotion, almost Burnam, belief. In .100 N C. BAUM &CO.'S " ,NodlcinaOodiror Oill'— oarkbottle of which te accbmpanled by medical guaran tem of the highoot ordor--tho public have the beet brand of the 'preparation known to. - tho eclontltio world. .10114 0 BAR& 004 N 0.718 Market otcoot,Plilja dolpida, Penn. erg o OFT For anli Ir 9 0111 dragalite. , '''e' el yomiro7 TON AND RICE.37-13AIIIRS. COT I k/ton ; calks Moo. Now landing from ntoamor Vv . a, from BaNannoil, Ga., and for Enda by COCII: SAN, dfaILL & 00., In Obootnot r•-• A ---- (00,PART,NUREWIP NOTICE.. ~Therrtnirpitufro preseit-41x1Ating under the style of 31110 R, Y. SHARP 4 , C0. will be dissolved by mutual' 4 ,CpClipp . on the 30th4a 1.1 ` 21kViIiiiAnP .1, CO.- CHARD. We will self our entire stock of DRY "Coops, p.mbra eingan unrivalled assortment of SILKS, and, FRENCM, )‘, Alth I ' : I)RJ-i s '600150. itt‘the'74loBtoinir,Oved 1'41017180 ' 07 +tory rdeo'nt fin °brim wryer) , ovrtatotian'ordor to clone out prior - to' inly 10t. 1870. - • • Strictly one price ,and no deviation., - WORMY, SHARP & CO.. - 7 2 .7 Chestapt'l3treet_ ap2311 , SD AY. SCHOOL SUPERINTEN- - dente, get Prof. Ilart's admirable Wrote!, "How to St lect a Library." at the Sabbath School Nmperintn, 6tB Arch street. Philadelphia. REDUCTION OF PRICES, American Sunday-School Union. Catalogues furnished gratuitously at the Depository, ' ;- No. 1122 CLIESTNIIT STREET, , Philadelphia. toy . lo tu,th s 6t ZELL'S POPULAR.ENCYCLOPEDIA, L. COLANOZ. Ed itor. Tito nEST,Lln_i•triT and cm:Apt:am ever publieh ell; is not only aOM PLETE ENOI 7 OI,OPEDI - written 812,1411: Tun WAR, hence the only onn giving any account or the LATE' IS,STTLES, rind thutql iv.ttt; 'fought Motu. but liralso a ihotvughutl • ' ' ' COMPLE , TE ZEITCOti, OAZETTEEW OP Till: WORLD, A RIOGRATIIICA DICTIONARY, 'A D.IDLICA.L DICTIONARY, - A LEGAL DICTIONARY, 4 AIRDICAL . DICTIONARY, and the only book tont sin tri' MI thePenitijeets. The more than 2000. ILLUSTRATtON'.'4, on every variety or ettbject, alone v)3t over eIO.OW. Ne otlwr work iy s rofully - atul uoll Illukitratc(l. Vizwsor.ClTlEß. Punr,te cuLtmcns. PLANTII, ANI.MAI.B. MACHINERY, GREAT DIEM, AN'D WOMEN ? &C.,-&C., &C. Total cost, bound; to St - nacninEns ONLY, a eating of more than $lOO over other similar work!- 0 50 tamt. specimen number, containing 40 pages and 76 pictures, will be Nen t free for 10 cents. A gents Ostwassers wantod. -- Sold only by subscription._ re A 79 dre .edistss I . ._ e P_ 6' ELLWOOD ZELL rh. a d i rjlllE , BEST WORK-ON VUSIC-AND the only one of Its kind, is" Plano and - 31usical Met ter." Pronounced Ly competent jadges the moat perfect instruction Look ever written for thepiano, and a com pendium of musical Information. hold by all music snit hook -dealers School -edition, SZ; bihrery edition, =Rent post free. Liberal dbirount on quantittea. WHITE, bkIITH & PERRY: Publisher", VS and 3WWachlllilltotiatreo;-sCeitoci:-LRE WALKEIL - ap3l-irn't RVOckN Of the latest - and roost bralltiful dealing, and all other Slate work on hand or ntsde to °Met' Also, PEACTI BOTTOM ROOFING SLATES. Fectory and Salesroom, SLX.T EENTII abd CALLOW - HILL Streets. WILSON MIL LEH apft-ftoll VitICKET BOOKS. &C. 4 4 • i'4ol Ch to Nuo m;4 lei Moses-rood }miry - and Mahogany Wrlttug. N., Maks. mb22 3m • A. Sz, J. B. BARTHOLOMEW, 23 NORTH EIGIITII STREET, Importers of and Sole Agents for $1 85 per pair. Every pair warranted. If they rip et tear nnother pair given in exchange. np3o-e to th if • C'ECAP -.111117245(1.7. P cone cams 106.11:4.1! i th i. e (oo : ting 02.50) will 1A -A C°pull'clnitt% much us 250 lbs. of Lona, • ani wear lon 8. o.g.NYS°2..s.r'Zlic:lB2; COST LEAD. ; 16 . r i' 6 ;17: 01 131. SalTi)Water 'l3 ,atent l' Coolers and Refrigerator., . It being made of C,oot Iron, Force- not Impart un C lain Lined, In Walnut Cneoe, doou pleasant to proviefons,frthl,ke. Please call and examine. , • • ' ' O l • JACOB F. HAND, Jr„ itiltatt Topotio2o fitreet, m.i•a to 11126 t FO R-SALiE. 'YARNS FOR SALE. Cotton, and Words] Yarns, all numbers. Cotton Yarns, ono two, three or four ply, on cops, on beams and In ske i ns. lila°, Chain and tiatlnet Warps, Cotton and W4lnl West°. • • WE°. F. lIAILX, Commiasion Merchant. • 67 KILBY Street, Boston, Mast. Tnit?l‘ PM§ Oki INO _POWDER. -- THE .BEST BEST _L - for rionnphig ElitTor and ' Plated . Ware, ewolry,otc., ' FARR it 13110T111014 BTA-Ohoa+tunt 9troot. holow Fourth. yrbl tfrp t3ALE _CHEAP—A — LARGE - WAL _l2 • NUT eoliiiing:housoDeildresti --,*- H ---1,1 7; ,%--..------ - • , r,n; opvicE. . - my2,t.r INSTRUCTIONS. ROBSEM ANSHiP. —THE PHILA- . TAELPIIIA'BI DING 501100L,N0.,1338 Mar- . 1 VI street, - la open daily forinnets - and Otottleinoti; / tho largest, beitifghtell - and heated ,estitblitilincent in the city. The horses arc thoroughly: broken for the most timid. An Afternoon (bass for Voting, foul les at tending school, Jilenday, Aredidistlay and rridaya, and an Evening Oleos for Genticipan. llorsos thorotighly trained for the saddle. Horses - taken to livery. nand' ..seine carringei to hire. Storage for ira one and alcigho. BETH ORA WE, Proprietor. . CONTINENTAL Ptini;iU:ATIONS - ANOTHER BY THE - MANTELS. r/ke .b/Niki* ViTti',l C. F. RUMPP, 110 h 118 N. 4th St e PEULADA. . Manufacturer and Importer of POCKET-BOOKS t tot td ce ciel-Csats, Wiles' 'Lod Grata' Dmdo[• Caws. .; ladles' a Gents' Satchels and Travelling Rags, in all styles. „ HID GLOVES, &C MISCELIANEOUrs. 81111ZIA*Ir. .AUF:TRIA w,Lll—restore . the .Placentunt Re, gi'vntir Pupal infallibility is proclaimed. Silt ) A. ItlcHowir e t), ' the Cana!lian J'reuder, is now eXpected , to.tecovef. • KOSBUTII has proteated against the Central ist tendencies of the present administration in Hungary.' ExTirusem measures ~ are .threatened by: the; Pope, against the Ainericau Bishops who left Borne withoutleave. , Got.- bas aPpointed Goii:Long street 'Adjutant-General of. the Lonislaua State, _ilitia Tin: President yesterday nominated George , W., Dent as Appraiser of ISlereharidlse at San A _u141., appropriating $225,00,0 for, the coup struetion of a pier in Delaware Bay, at Lewes, passed the Senate•yesterday. Tux number of killed by the. Missouri aster is 19; of injured, 30. Of the latter,,B are dangerously injured. ~.....I.ris_asserted_that.g.enian_officers.ood.troops_ have left NeW York' for thisiboider within a few days. Tim monitor Terror is at4'ortrritis and it is iinderstood that she will start for the West Indies hi a day or two. FIVE bundiod and fifty-seven persons were arrested during the recent troubles in Some have been sent to . prison for. from two . to - six Months:— President l)as issued a proclamation re _voki ng,- " for satisfactory_ reasons,r-the - exe- Oat of-joaquin de Palma as Vice-Consul of Portugal- n 4 SaNannaTh. COTJNT LOUTS CASTI yesterday presented to the President his credentials as 31thIster froill. Italy, and - the usual interchange of conj.- lodes took place. IN the Virginia House of Representatives, last iii _lit a motion to strike the word "_wllite" from .the jurity. • • • Tuts steanter Lloyd. Aspinwall arrived at Key West on Thursday night with the gun boat Nantasket. The Tuscarora and Dictator arrived here yesterday morning. A nAMt; of base-hall between the Athletics, of Philadelphia, and. Unions, of Mortisania; N. Y. at the grounds of the latter, yesterday, re sulted in a victory for the Unions, the -score being 7 to 11. Tun General Cominittee of the Grand Army of the Republic in New York, last night ar ranged for deCmating•the soldiers'- graves on May 30th, and selected Gen. James B. McKean as orator, of the °erasion. A_Queri_ttx_x___of___stoch__having-absappeareti from-North Platte, Nebraska, the Indians are suspected of basing driven it, off, and General Emory has ordered a cavalry company to scout in-the neighborhood. THE - Upite4 States steamer Frolic, , now cruising in the Gulf St. Lawrence for the protection of American fishermen, arrived at Cbarlottestown, Prince Edward's Island, yes terday. GEN. Sunny writes that on May sth a war party of Shut.% attacked menttear the' agency; at,Milk River, and bp says the full of bands who are "atter the Gros Ventres's horses and white men's- scalps." A -- , A . rcir - from" San Frarici - S - casays --- the - President of the Southern Pacific _Rail road_ Yias assuredllie - viiirkintmen — of — th - atity - that if the million-dollar subsidy is voted to the road, it shall be expended among white la hprers—tueaning that. no Chinese will be em ployed. no: reported arrival of Fenians at Duluth is Confirmed. The St. Paul Prcx.v reports them mustering in various portions of Minnesota, and one party now on the way •to Red river. A Fenian force of 300 is now at - St: Paul awaiting . arrangements fot transportation and subsistence. I't the Southern Methodist Conference, yesterday, a petition for the abolition of pre siding elder was non-concurred in. Most of the session was ocenpied_with debate on the question of abolishing the itinerary and adopt ing the pastoral system, but it is thought the Itinerary will be retained. A book is to be published defining a uniform system of church arch itecture. • A I)MPATCII. from Collingwood, Canada, says the - Chicora arrived at Sault Ste. Marie, on Tuesday, and, crossed to the American side. Her captain, however, was notified that he could not go through the canal, but was re commended to wait. until Thursday, when further orders were expected. He thereupon crossed to tho Canadian side, discharged his cargo, and left for Collingwood. Sarum men entered the town of Ladore, near Fort Scott,. Kansas, on Tuesday last, went to the boarding house of J. N. Roach, and asked to stay all night. Being refused because they were drunk, they knocked Roach insen sible, and then criminally 'assaulted his two daughters, 12'and 14 years of age, and cut them with knives. They then quarreled together, and one was shot dead by his com panions. At daybreak they fled with the youngest girt to the woods. The town being aroused, they were pursued and captured'. Five were hanged, and the other is still in cus tody. Allyn: Es from Yokohama to April 22d state that the British Admiral Horuby had been en tertained by the Mikado, at Yeddo, and had sailed for • Vancouver's Island on the 19th. The troubles in Choisiu's territory had been suppress&i. The -Japanese budget for last year shows a' deficit of over $12,000,000, or about half the imperial revenue. An attempt had been made to assassinate the American consul Sheppard, at • Yeddo. • It was rumored that Sir Harry Parke, - the British Minister, was to be transferred to China. Outrages upon foreigners were frequent. The British bark Domedin was wrecked near Yokohama, and four off, her crew were drowned..' In, China, the imperial forces had been three 'times de , : • feated in the Provinces. AT Williamsburg, N.Y.,yesterday,Sylianus Smith; while drank, shot and severely Injured a young lady named Julia Wells. He after wards shot hinuiels. He is not expected to recover. , • • Forty,Firist Cvngressp-Second Session • In the U. S. Senate, yesterday afternoon, the Legislative Appropriation bill was considered, anti pending.action en amenduieuts giving fe male employes the same wages as the - male, &T., the Senate adjournecl until Monday. In the House of Repreientatives, Mr. Dawes reported a bill, which was passed, 'appro priating $025,990 in gold to-pay the first iffstak ruent, due September 10th next, under the award of tlKi lludson Bay and Pugdt Sound _ commission_._The Tariff bill was resumed in committee.OE - flour, of - Wheat - =', corn; rye and buckwheat, the duty was fixed at 1 cent per pound. On middlings, shorts, etc., 20 per cent. , act , vatorem.! On wheat, 30 cents per bushel; rye, 20 cents ; barley, 25 cents; oafs, 15 cents, .and corn_ls cents. On potatoes, 25 cents per bushel. Adjourned until 'Monday, • ', Reported for the Philadelphia EVeninte LON! ON—Norwegian Bark Indefatigable, ralck-35 Otis tankard 8 C. 4 enrreltel ton log; 4,cashanspagne Capt. F Julius; 5 eke rase lease 5. bales 2 theme do It Shoemaker-di Co' 42. packages mdse Ritliarn Loitrle • 6 cks ow 9 - es do' l 2 eases phosphorus Powers t eightman: 6cc phospbonis Wra i Wiblon; IWO cwt 0111. iron - rails 112 bales maw:Ill/50 empty bbls 26 cks oil lot of black rhalli.o , dtr. , MESSIN A —Bark W E Anderson, Drummond-3900 bye ' oranges.= blf bee flo Mt bore lemons 112 bales rags 975 dollars brimatime N fillings & Bro. SO—F.ehr Island Bello, Pierce--118.114 et lung,. It & Ii MATAN V.AF—Sehr P Babcock, - ColCord-397 hbcls tee 11110181 , S(.8 EC It' irght & Co. ()ARDEN A.:" 1 ---.fthr II B'Biathaley t Nickera-.4,26hLde 41 tee augar John Masud & Co. , ' 1114111c1!ngsls OF OCEAN.NTEAJNEEA -.- 4 TO A littlVE. , • / , t i , i Finidt Bremen.-Now Yorii - • April 20 •• .11elvetla. ........Llyerpool...Now York. ..... .....,...k PHI 27 001umb1ia..... - .' ' A.Ulaarcow.o.NeW/Y0rk...t.,...,;:.....A.pril 29 Bel lot, ii.„ ' ')..l..orioot , ...Niimf - Yodi/ ..,.:.: - ,...4..... A pri I Zif . 0. - v 0 Now ' , Y.orkUilverioool...Neer. Ytirk , ,......«.t.....A oral 33 Detteu tioullianiptoo...New York ' ,flay :1 I'S 1 is rat lion Llverpool..:Now York.. .. . ... 2 „.......May 3 Bernath/. Liverpool... New York via 11 May 3 lieltnpoia Olaagow„.Now York. May 3 Itortiailin " . Ilevre4.New York - i ' May 3 The itlieen . .`. .. . 4.l.lverpool.4'.lfew.York ' 1 . ....MaY 4 ..lilitho-:. - .,..LiverpooL , ...New Yprk,.....'3.. - ..i.- . : ... May 4 (Jay of Londoli...lAverriool-Now York. • May 4 TI) DEPART. Hommonial.. .... .New Nork...flamburg... .......... ....,May 17 .tilt y. of Cork -'Now Yolli....LlYetpo6l-vla 1i.....-,Mtir 17 Dorian Now York...Gleagow. May 17 Denuiprli New Yink...Gleerpool May 17 Te.vo.. Illeguptilbi.._,N.. , .l.Afavre,&e Hay la liiineebte..... - ...T10w . Y ~ nr.;L1rerp00......-=IATIEF lirotiii New York... Liverpool May IR Tarifti-.,. - ..i.....w.: - .New' , York...Liverpool May 19 ('olumbia' . New York... Havana . " Ma) 19 FaLekee* New York... Bermuda. May 19 finnoa;, - New lork/..Bremen. '.-. .. . .... :'. ..:...May 14 • Plower ''Plilladelplita...Wilmingip' a , • ' May 20 Tonawanda ..:Phitadelutita...tiravennali .. ..... ~ . .:.4....May 21 a (quiuncey'..„l , l ow- York-Asoinwitil, - - - May 21 11ar The NI enniern-dafguated by an eeterlek (") carry the palled elates Mani.. , t • 130 A li,T) ()P"I'RAD.E. .11.• Ptak: is_M_NTILtitILL. BIM BY' w klowritLY COMMITTEE. GEGBGE N. A LLEN, J. O. Jntnee E A. Bonder, Geo. L. Buzby, Wm. W. Paul, -- Dionnio,Gillexpio.. • 11l Alt 1 NIT' BIJIJCET I . PirWRITErirTIT I ATMM Bvr .Itrii - EIiVT, i 61 omit W~Tea.1239 AURIVICD tiff Steamer A C fit Miens,Leuney.2lhouro from Notrl ork with noire to W P Clyde .4 Co. ' • !grimier 0 Cominock, Proke.24 hours from, New York wit irnithierto Strainer S C alker, - Sherin, 24 hours from NiiiiYork with mho) to W M Bafril et Co: ' titetunor Blarflowur,ulit i 24 hours from Now York, with millie to - Vr P Glide &Va. . . titkatowr Nov Wry. .kilrtv., , 24 Lours: from• Now York, , --witlr-inel+4 , to-W-A.l-13 of rd ' • . . Balk InfathrableiNor).' Ester. 42 days from London mdse to order—reuse) to 1. Westergaard d 00. nark Wni E Anderson. Drummond, 63 dal , ' from Ml* sins. with fruit to I Pohl. . . eolir II ft McCauley., Viclors,6 days from. Cardanas. ith sugar to John MaSou & Co. ' • Schr 1 Babcock, Calcord, 7 days from Matanzas, with molasses to E 0 H night & Co—vessel to Sootier & Adams, Fehr Jessie fi Clark. Clark, 6 days from Charleston. with phosphates, l ,*amon_k_Cjarli7imitsol I4V Chaa Fehr Mary C. nipple, 1 day from' Milford, Del. with grain to Jae L Bewley a Co. Fehr H C Iturnite.Durborowa, day from Camden, Del. with grain to .1 I. Bewley & Co. t;t:br Chief. West. 2 days from 'lndian River. Del,with grain to Jae L Bewley All Tug Time Jefferson, n, from Baltimore. with stow of barges to W P Clyde & Co. Tug Chesapeake. Merrihew. from Baltimore, with a tow of bargee to W P Clyde &Co - Tug Fairy Queen. Wilson, front _Rime de Grate, with a tow of barges to W P ti de & Co. Mr JereMlah ScheHanger reports haying passed in the bay yesterday ',coming- up,ship.lludson, irons _Bal timore. and brig J C Baker, cruet C ardenas. Y • ESTERDA Steetner N'iyotning Teal. bavannah. Philadelphia and bentlieru Ste'. Hier J °nee. New Tork. W P Clyde & Co. Steamer AIM Elirn. Richards. N Yolk, W P Clyde S. Co Meunier Fannie, Fenton. New York, W Bird & Co. Steamer Tammy. Nichols, New. York, W fd. Baird & Co. Steamer W Whilldin. Biggins, Baltimore. .A Groves. Jr. B Brig Manlius (Br?, assant, 'Nyanza Warren & Gregg. Brig_Cestillan, Tug Chesapeake, ilerrihew, Baltimore, with a tow o barges. W P Clyde & Co. Tug II udson, Nicholson, Baltimore. with a tow of barges. W P Clyde &Co . Tug Moe Jefferson, Allen, Baltimore, with a tow of barges. W P Clyde & Co. Tug Fairy Queen. Wilson. Baltimore, with a tow of , barges W P Clyde & Co. HAVRE DE HEADE. May 13. The following boats left Oda morning in tow, laden and 'consigned as followe: - Y. Collins and A 0 Pcsteithwaite, , alth lumber to D Tay loi & Son; Naomi. do to Norcross & buets; Helen & Harry. do to Wats Malone & Co; fl F Hartman, do to D Trump & Son; Martha Jane, do to Patterson & LiD pincott; Baltimore Co la, do to Idelly.aln & Bash; - Edwin, do to Craig & Blanchard. 2413NOTLA . NDA Shit. Aurora Utle7. hence for Havre, went to sea 12th inst. t.tlil,blky-Itiereonittrl.,_Dennio,Agaredat Near York Wakeley, galled from Wilmington, .liens, - Grayi - gutiled from Chorleitou .de, Doughty', hence at Narannah 10th in►t lifealWir Norfolk', ilia sailed from Richmond 12th Inst. for this port • Mesmer Faxon. Fears. hence at Boston yesterday. Steamer City of NE'S le°. Zimmerman, cleared at New Yrrk yesterday for Yrra Cruz and Havana. ' Bark George B Jenkins . . Corning. from London •Thl. Falmouth Sd ult. for this port, was spoken lUth lass, Jan e 9. by a New York pilot boot. Bark Westbury ( Lir), Cook. 12U days from YokohaMa. at New York yesterday. with tea. Bark CI ydezdale, w illiame, from Singapore 2d Feb. at New York yesterday. Grin Velocity (Br). Darrell, beast for Sagan. was seen 10th - inst. let 3b 25. lon 71 3). . _ . . . . . Brig (:ordelia, %Yells. from Pensacola for Montevideo. was Spoken nth March, lat 17 54 S. kl 3 35 35 W. Scbr Margaret Plat/I,Phard. _cleared at New York yesterday for Wi El-chr J ltr L C Adams, Adams, at Cadiz Zth ult. from New York Seta. E W Pratt. Kendrick. cleared it Windsor. NS. Mai ult. 111.. r this port. Schr Annie L Gaskill.Gabkill,cidored at Wilmington, NC. Ilth inst. for New York. ScLr L A Bayles. Bayles. 7 days from Jacksonville for N.-vs Haven, passed Hell Gate 12th inst. On the Sth, off Hatteras- spoke echr A E Valentine, from New York for ba•aunab. Schrs 111 Marti). Quißan, and A M Edwards, Hinson, Bence at_htchmond lith inst. Scar 8 C Tyler, Steelman, from Bfrston, at Baltimore 12th inst. Pea James Martin, Baser, cleared at Boston 12th inst. fur this port. sehrs J D McCarthy, Simpson, and James L 31aloy. Bussell,cleared at Baltimore Mn inst. for Boston. MARINE MISCELLANY. A letter from St Thomas. dated April SO, says ship John L Dimmock, which pnt into that port leaking. bad con meowed to discharge. and the captain thought the leak was in the bow port {lumber port), and he was bunting for it there. Pant li W Seabury, who was de spatched by the insurance eificev of New Redford to look after the cargo, arrived at Havana 4th instant;and ex pected to reach St Thomas about the 12th. PROPOSALS. TO ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS Plans and specifications for the construction of a police station-house, to be erected „upon the site of the present station-house, in the Fifth Police District, on Fifteenth street, above Locust street, in the city of Philadel phia, are hereby requested and invited from some competent architects, to be submitted to the Committee on Police of Councils on or before Monday, May 33,1870. The several plans and specifications will be duly considered by said Committee, and If any one of the number shall be selected and adopted by the said Cominittee, and approved by Councils, it will be paid for; but for those not selected no compensation is to be given. Any infatuation as to dimensions or parti culars will be furnished upon application to St. Clair A. Mulholland, Chief of Police, 'at the office of the Mayor. Such plans and specifications may be left with or mailed to the undersigned, at his office, No. i 9 Dock street. .'. HENRY ;HUHN, Chairman Committee on Police. PHILADA., May 12,1870. rnyl4-s tu th 3t§ . QUiRTERMASITR'S.OFFICE UNITED' STATES.A.RM.Y..' ' PiniADELPITIA,May T,1870. SEALED PROPOSALS will-be-u„ceived at this office untll.l2 o'clock M. on TUESDAY, the 7th day of. June, 1870, for furnishing the Quartermaster's Department with tive"thou sand (5,0(10) gross tons (or such less quantity as may be reqUired)'best, quality of White Ash Anthracite Coal, of such size and in such jftianlities as may. Do order - for a perio - d of one year from the Ist day of May, 1870, with the privilege of increasing the amount to ten thousand (10,000) tons should , it-borequired. So much of the coal. as may be required for use in this city; including the ' United States Arsenals .at Bridesburg and Gray's . Ferry Road,to an amount not exceeding twelve hun dred (1,200) tons, must be delivered without additional expenselo the United States. The balance to be delivered on board of vessels at this port, in good order and condition, free from slate, bone, dust and,Other impurities. --Proposals-must-be-made-out-in-duplicate-on blank forms, which can be obtained at this office, and envelopes endorsed, " Proposals for delivery of coal." Each proposal must be accompanied by a sufficient guarantee that ,in the event ,of the acceptance-of-the-proposal,..the - .bidder or bidders will enter into ,a. 'contract 'for the de livery of the coal: No proposal will be conSiclerid. unless made itretrict conformity to tho above. =Bidders - to.attend-at the- openi ng props- The .Quartenna.ster's Department reserves the right to reject any and all bldg. - , Any additional information desired bypar ties wishing to bid wi11.,, be 4urnished upon ap plication to this aloe. , - -HENRY. C..H.ODGES,_ • Brevet Lieut.-Colonel and Quartermaster niy94154,_ .• s ; S. Army. ISR OIL .--ZO - BARRELELIGIET-OOL JL: orrd sweet Irinh 011j4w-pricedi tor fete by EDW LI. ILOWLEY.,II3 Fouttt irron etreet , • PHILADELPHIA EVENING BULLETIN, SATURDAY, MAY' II; 1870. V A 1: t FINANVIAXid. WILMINGTON AND' EADING t ' • SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS, ,'•' , ';' ,.. . 1 : - :Fiizi(l:::it'Td,kei.,i,:i: C.::;:3 .-:', :i. We are ofierthir,4l2o9.lloA er : the seeond Al' 82 1-2 AND AID cREED I INTERFsT. 1 Bor the convenience of investors, these. Bonds are Issued in denominations of Tri • .1 '1, 000 1 5,500 9 s and 10 0!s. ; - 1 Tbp ioney is required for the purchase Of additional' BoIIM Stock and the full equipment of the Road: The eceipts of the Company on the one-half of the i notiOovrlieingpsernted from Coatesville to Wilmington are about `,TElfr ( THCIISAND • natriinti ler mouth, which will 'VI nnsre than I)ObBLED wl li tfie 'Meiling of the otaer half. over which the large Coal Trade of the Rood must come. .) Only . ' SIX MILES are now required to complete the Boad to Birdsboro, which will be finished by the middle of the Month'. f. , f WM. PA INTER -& CO., No. 36 South . , • niy6 ifrpi • 7 PER CENT GOLD LOAN , I ig EE_O.V. -- OF THE Burlington, Cedar 'Rapids and Xin.r, nesota R. R. - CO. ' i S `F.IRST MORTGAGE 50-YEAR CONVERTIBLE. BONDS. - A Limited Quantity For Sale At 90 and Accrued Interest. - Interest payable. May. and Novefftber. J. EDGAR THOMSON, CHARLES L. FROST, Trastees. The greater part of the road le alreadiiompleied,t . i;d shoo s large earnings, and the balance of the work is ra pidly progressing. We unhesitatingly recommend these Bonds as tho safest and beet investment in the market. United States Fire-twenties at current prices only re turn fire per cent:interest, while these - pay eight and one quarter per cent in Gold;andwe - regard - the security equally good.r HENRY CLEWS & CO., • Barbxers. No. 32 WALL STREET. tix- • - KURTZ-&:HOWARD, BARKER BROS &CO.; x. TOWNSEND_WHELEN & CO.! PHILADELPHIA. Fur , 24trp • LOUISVILLE and NASHVILLE R: R: FIRST MORTGAGE 7'S. Baring sold our first lot.of . /900090009 We beg to announce we bare bought* limited amount which we are prepared to offer at 00 And Accrued Interest from. April Ist added. WE ALSO OFFER Colebrookdale. First Mortgage 3's Free from all taxes. . , A.ND • Pickering Valley First Mortgage 7's, Free from all taxes. Both gnaranteed, Principal and Interest, by the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Co. r•rtv.xv,r, Sr. CO. apV3 VIZ* DREXEL & CO.; N 0.34 South Third Street, American and Foreign Bankers. Issue Drafts and Circular Letters Of Credit available on presentation in any part of Europe. Travelers can make all their financial ar• rangements through us, and.we will collect them interest and dividends without charge. DEMI, WINTILDOP & C 0 . 3; New York, DREXEL, HAWES & CO., riles'. LEHIGH CONVERTIBLE 6 Per Cent. First Mortgake Gold Loan, , • Free from ai l Taxes. ,• . We offer for sale $1,75040 of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company's now First- Mortgage Six Per Cent. Gold Bonds, free from all taxes,interest due March and September, at NINETY (90) and interest in cur rency added to date.of purchase. These bonds are of a mortgage loan of $2,000,900, dated Octobers 1869. They have twenty-five (25) years to tun: and are convertinie into stook at par until 1879. Principal'and interest payable itigold. They-are seem ed - by - Mfirst - mortgage on 5,600 acres of coal lands in the Wyoming If alley, near Wilkesbarre, at present producing at the rate of 200,000 tons of coal per annum, with works- in progress which contemplate a large increase at an early period, and also upon valuable Beal Estate in this city. • A sinking fund of ton cents per ton npou all coal taken from these mines for five years, and of fifteen cents per ton thereafter, Is eatabilsbed, and The. Fidelity, Insur ance, Trust and Safe Deposit Company, the Trustees under the mortgagle . , collect these MIMS and invest them in these Bonds, agreeably to the provisions of the Trust. For full particulars, coplefu'of the mortgage, Ac., apply to N. H. NEWBOLD, SON it SERTSEN, C. da H. BOBIE, E. W. CLARK. & S.IAT,c9o*.F. it co., Wm - AMC& • • • - myth lm§ D. C. WHARTON SMITH & CO,, BA2, KERS' AND 'BROKERS, ..„ • No.' 121 S: • Tlll - 11,D STREET. •• BIICOESSOBS.TO • • SMITH,- RANDOE,PH , & CO. - . Every department of Banking , briteltisas shall receive &r o o t r c u i P i t n aregO a r/ • 85 heretoto i r ait lattotatin d i ol: r !l ix Te c igi; friends, E. D. RALNIPV.Iiir 00 7 .40 w York. br our PRIVATE WIRE. • , - - - '13)6-lir 13ANKEIRS, ,;• t r itRAPPAAk• • 'lt FIRST MORTGAGt 7: PER - CENT G OLD `l34soriDsr- CENTRAL RAILROAD OF lOWA t 95 . Free ; fror l a Tax: The 'innant of Bonds, to be hiStledi ' ll3 bht $16,000 per mile, or Jess than four in Tho - recent - ad Vance. Err-Governments-offer-a liage inducement to -investors- to make 'an im- Mediate exchangeler theSC,ifendi. Pamphlets, Maps and full frifOrmation may be had of the Vompany's advertised agents. SHATTUCK. • After a full examination, we shave accepted an Agency for the Sale of the abOve First Mortgage - 1361(18T and - desire - to - re - commend Sliem to our customers ASA THOROUGHLY AFE, AS WELL AS PROFITABLE, IN VESTMENT. • We have no hesitation In Saying that, in our opinion, the CENTRAL ItAILOOAD OP lOWA will be one of the most important and valuable roads in the West. • , JAY. E. W. CLARK & CO., _BO WEN _'& FOX, B. K. JAMISON & CO ➢s'y3"t rt 6-Lttpi JAY *.(JQOA.E : , :,&-„ .CO., Philadelphia, New York and Washington, 3E:A:NiI-KEYES Dealers in Government Securities Special attention given to the Purchase and Sale o Bonds and Stocks on Commission, at the Board of Bro kers In this and other cities. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. COLLECTIONS ABIDE ON ALL POINTS. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD lIELIABLE.RAILROAD DONDS FOR INVEST• NENT. Pimp Mete and full information given at our office. No. 114 S. Third Street, 5-20'S AND 1881'S Bought, Sold and Exchanged - on:most liberal terms. GOLD _Bought andSoldatilarket COUPONS CASHEDT PACIFIC ItAILROAD BONDS Bought and Sold. STOCKS Bought and Sold on Coimnission Only. Accounts meiTed and Interest allowed on daily balanFog subjeet to check at bight. a 40 South Third St., PHILADELPHIA. n. AUCTION SALEIS THOMAS`.. BIRCH & SON, AUCTION ERRS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No 1110 CHESTNUT street, Rear entrance No. 1107 Saneom street. Household Furniture of every description received on Consignment. Sales of Furniture at Dwelling' attended to on the most reasonable terms. TO HOBEENEEPYIRS; HOTEL AND BOARDING HOUSE KEEPERS. • PEREMPTORY SAME OF FIRST-CLASS TRENTON WHITE GRANITE WARE. ON TUESDAY MORNING.. May V, at 10 o'clock, nt the auction store; No. 1110 theetnut street. will he sold, the largest assortment of tine Trenton White Granite Ware ever offered in this city It comprises a large variety of Dinner and Tea Ware. also, Member Ware.- 'I his sale presents a fine opportunity for persons aLout to furnish hotels' and boarding-bouses, at the stunmer resorts. Cstalognea now ready. ti The Ware will be sold in large and small quanti ties. • BY BABBITT & CO., AUCTIONEERS, CASH AUCTION HOUSE, No. 230.11 A RE ET street. earner of Rank etroet REGULAR SALE 80D LOTS ASSORTED DRY GOODS. MONDAY MORNING. May ld, 'commencing at 10 o'clock. Also, Ready-made Clothing, Shirte,Hose and Half Rorie, stock frhnure tail stores, Arc., ac. Also, 100 lots Pocket and Table • Cutlery. • REGULAR SALE fIRO LOTS ASSORTED pRy GOODri, 0.1!I MONDAY MORNING , May 16, Gemmeneing• at Xll &clock. Beady-made Clothier, iery, Notions, &c. • Also; P.cket and Table Cutlery. T A. McC.LELLAND, AUCTIONEER' 1219 CHESTNUT Street. 14" Personal attention given to Sales of Household Furniture at Pwe/lings. , • • Public Bales of 'F urniture'at the Auction Rooms, 1219 Chestnut street, every. Monday . awl Tnursday t 0" For particulars see Public Ledger. ord - N. .13.—A superior class of Furniture at Privatr Sale. • - BE PRIN CIPAL' MONEY ESTABLISH MENT, S. E. cornerof SIXTH and RACE streets. Haney advanced on Merchandise goner-illy—Watches. Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Plate, and on all articles of value, for any length of time agreed on. WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE. Fine Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom and Open Face English, American and Swiss .Patent Lever Watches Fine Cold Hunting Ciao and Open Face Le ; ine Watches ; Fine Gold Duplex' and other Watches Fine Silver Hunting Case and Open Face English, Ame rican and Swiss Patent Leier and Leckie Watches ; Double Case English Quartler and other Watches ; La dies' Fancy 11/etches, Diamond , Breastpins, Finger. Rings, Ear Rings, Studs, &c. ; Fine Gold Chains, Medal- Gond, Bracelets, Scarf . Pins,,Dreastpins, Finger Rings, pencil Cases, and Jewelry generall. • • FOR SALE,=A;large and valuable -- Fire-proof Chest,- suitable for a Jeweller ; cost ,$ 660, • • Also. several Lots in Southamden, Fifth and Chest W)EW, YORK. MONDAY R-- SOMERVILiE, AUCTIONEE. SALE:OF FINE PAINTINGS, n and TUESDAY EVENINGS, kitty 16 and , at the "Somerville Art Gallery'," 81 Fifth avenue, i I R ew York:l6o_ choice works by celebrated American and Foreigp Artiste, icluding • a anecial sale of PLO- TUNES. STUDIES - and STUDIO FURNI WEE. be longing -to Air.-Wm,P,--W-: Dana,-wbo-ia -about „leavhajp, for. Europe i Also, by order of 'Messy , . Goupil & 110., or Paris, part of their walnut:llA cousiguthonts to this 'city, and other invoices. Among tbei works sold will bo the well-krio wn subjects of Dlr. Lana, "Extremes Meet," "Heart's Ease," &c.;_" This Pastor's Dirthday;! a birge and fine specimen of Prof Carl Hubner: "King James IV.. and the Scottiph Outlaws;.' by'T. M. dray, of Londan t and other notable works by . . Jourdan. Plassan, Ramon, Recker, 4tibert,--Le Poittemi, Toulmoucho. Gimlet, Unroll, SamMena,Yerboeckhoven, Bauman dec., ko:, and-varietal works .by American . Artiste. A beautiniir rarecodt work by S. It'. Glfford,"Siout—Upper Ettspt,,' ; rld others brpurautt, Emmett, Shattuck,. Methane., mbApn, W. T. Richards, Gigtioux,•StativOlamor.De. t Bas,lnticss.:&o.i ?.' ' : c , -- 'i ,', ' • . .., ..i NqW 09011,Dayuudzvoo.g,uritut4 , 4 ot:Niale.zioLlu t o. • AUCTION SALES. 91).171a11ie, DITJIBOROWISr, CO., 14. 232 tind2,l4 Market otroet!C.o4rolitipanittcl‘ s.A.llbia..l:lALlcaott PRIM:SCR ADD otilielkmo4o. 0 raj a iitjjk a t Y agj2l. l 4 4 l,lthr 10 cs, o, :is , 9tf i t i tiTr o r t iji;it , lt' , credit, I 'letup 11111-7 2lecea, Paps :Ilk f ig d'' , Wool s rottennes s Dpinglinoa, dc. s LOnaoluotiiblatk.' and'' colored DIM,. hi hairs and , Alpacas. • ° 41p, , Aprling tittle 'Fancy Ginghams,- Plank and Fancy` VI, bite ,Piques. da 1 111 settee,' bolaines s i Grenadines, Fancy Dross Goods. Will be offered for tho ftrsttito s otbts season, a full line Of the wilt known tnakeof •." , -----AleatgOots 3l 4l l tiPotP °4S P A D I PP Y.Pad. (ADWARP PftPED I NS„ in tbo colors modes, brow; a, blues, groons and, ui ktperion to imblimoitUalitle, his qln be t.h•t Onlyempurtynoty this ealion to bat ti e a to6l desirable fat, st public sale . ~500 FRENtiI v0Lgy 4 1.48, , in white colfire; of 's stopbrictr lett pAtflotion , SILKS AIN p 8 Ploces'Ly no bla ck grog du Rhin and ()schemers do tBois i. • do •iyons black Drop do Frakoce and Taffetas. do Lyons coldred 4*toult' de Solo And. Kane/ Silks, Jnarcellines s Gros de Naplooo, &c. do • Lyon blank and , olo A r d all bilk Satins. SB Wl. 13. Paris black StoringWbolen and Nancy Shawls. Paris noliprlntet i F i nb i tkov y tßo t rAta s otScarfs, run line, Dotted list, colored and faller Mantles, Nebo, &c. &c. Millings English black end colored Gropes, Flower,, &c., &c. Alen, ATTRACTlVE o u ) rkii i g i l s , SALE OF BORNE,: A b l:D ,n 1:.:111 RIBBON'S, ' Mews. RUTTER, lsrt r l l i f tildffYEß & CO., the port RI looß or - .• Nees:, cOLILLIAO PRICRES, And oleo by direction of anothor loading Importing blouse, Poll lines of round edgoTrininuce and Bonnet Ribbons. - Full Imes it black Bonnet ;mot Trimming Ribbons. - - Full litics of c010n.41 batin Itibbnum. .." I. pal lines of Paris fancy Trim ming,Ribbons. , ulllines of extra super quality colorpd round edge Trimming Ribbons.' • Full lines-ol all boiled colored round edge Trimming and Boni,et RiLlams. Full linci of all boiled black Gros Grain Ribbons; No t 4. .to 300. of the favorite F. Ticket. ' A complete assortment of extra fine quality all boiled colored Trimming mid Boituet Ribbons, No 3 t most-demira ble - shades, -- A full line of stip( rfine quality bladk do., in all 'widths, • now in demand... An entire importation of fine black and colored Satin Ribbons. • • • Alan, FANCY 'RIBBONS Superfine richest st) Ice of raye, plaid, broche and baya dere Fancy Ribbons, in great variety of qua lily anti ptyle.--- A large and elegant assortment of plain and fancy . SAt-1-I.ltll3lnThS. . - Null do Sole. Gr a Grain. Faille. gain Stripe, Scotch Plaid, Boman ticarfe,liayadero Strip.i, In Nos. from Ito 111 000. A full line of Rayadere Plaid and Striped Neck Rildmmi. A complete asa,,ttment of- Sue black-and colored Faille Saab Ribbons. XI DOZEN PARIS RID GLOVES, in blacka, whitea and colors.'of a superior make. . . . Drees Trimmings,Coods, Embroideries, Hdkfe 'Unita,:Das, Parnsolc, &C. SALE OF 2000 CASES 110OTS, SHOES, STIIA.Vr HATS &c. &c., ON TUESDAY. DIORN IND. May 17, at 10 o'clock, on four mouths.'.credit,lnclud, - 11.4= - Cayefr - Mon'eThWF - alid joutlie Calf, kip and buff leather Boots; fine Grain Lung Log Dress Boots; Con• Brogans; Botts; Balmorals; kip, : buff and-polish grain Brogans; wt coon's, miesea'• and children's calf, kid. goat, morocco one enamelled Balmorale; ()enamel, Gai ters: Lace :Boots; Ankle Ti.-s; besting Gaiters, Slip pers; Traveling Bags; Metallic Overshoes. kb. 'LARGE BALE. OF- BRITII3II--"FRENOII GERMAN -. AND DOMESTIC-DRY-GOODS, ON THURSDAY MORNING. May 19, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit. LARGE SALE OF CARPETINGS, 500 ROLLS AVIIITF. RED CHECK AND FANCY CANTON MA'ITINGS, &a. ON FRIDAY, MORNING, . . , . . May 20. at 11 o'clock , on four month's' credit, about 200 pieces Ingrain, Veuetian. List. Hemp. Cottage And Has Carpetings,CatitOn Maithigs; Oil Cloths, &c. • e T AMEI3 A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER . - BEALEBT A TE•BA:LEM A Y . 18,187Q• • ' - This isale,on-next WEDNESDAY, at-12 frnionitrlooonr at the Exchange,'will inelude— •• No. 1030 RIDGE. AVENUE —Two and a. half story brick Lager Beer Saloon and Lot. 20 by SO feet. Orphans' .Court tiale._:.E.wate of Jo.. Gray, deed. Nos. 1234 and-1230 OTIS' STREET.—Two and a holt story Bricicand Frame Dwellings. Eighteenth Ward lot, 10 by 142 feet. Orphans' Court Sale. Estate at Henry . . PBANKFOBD.—BuiIding lot Hedge • and Oxford streets, 31.1 by 100 feet. Ortilione Court Sale. Estate _ of Joseph T. Van kirk, NINTH AND WATKINS STS.— Two , storr brick dwelling, at N. W. corner; Jot. 16' by 70 feet. Orphans' Court bale. Evate f I. , atah • Bbeler, deceased. No. 741 B AMBRIDGE 3T.—Three-story brick house and lot, 14 by 60 feet. Orphans' Court Sale. Estate of Ann Ciillern, deed. o. 122014. TENTH ST —Genteel three story brick dwelling with beck buildings and lot. 17 by 70 feet Or phans 'Court Sale. Estate of Elizabeth Haines. deed. No. 12:0 'HUTCHINSON ST.—Genteel three-story brick dwelling, with back buildings. every 0311 M -fence; lot 16 by 82 feet. Sale by order of Heirs. • No. 1235 HUTCHINSON ST.—Genteel throe-story brick dwelling, with beck buildings, every conventonce; lot 16 by 82 feet, to Percy street. bale by order of Heirs. GERM A STOW N.—Stone, brick and frame dwellings, Main and Manbelm streets, lot Cl by 217 feet. Adminis trutora" Absolute Sale. ;Estate orl Elizabeth Jacoby, dec'd. No. I=3 PALMER ST —Three story frame dvr.lling I :Vina roans stable, above Girard avenne,lot 40 by 100 feet, Sole Absolute.. • . • . • N0."1228 E. DIONTGOMERV-A-=Three story frame berme. tot 20 by 190 feet Sale A 6 Owe. • iIFTI-F11383' AND LOCUST STS.—Building lot 32 by nfeet.- Sa Abxolute. . . No. 2203 ,HOWARD STREET.—Three-story brick more and dwelling, with back buildings, lot 16 by 64 feet, . No. 2249 HOWARD STRI. ET.—Three-story brick dwelling, with back banding's, lot 16 by 94 foot. No. Pe PORTLAND STREET.—Three-story brick house and 10t,19x40 feet,Fourteenth Ward. Sale peremp tory, by order of heirs, GERMANTOWN .—Modcrn resideuce, stable and coach-house, Fisher's lane, lot 160x209 feet. Every con venieriCe. Immediat. possession'. 26TPull particulars an catalogues. Finle N 0.1123 Mount Vernon street HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD FUR/ITU E. MAN 'IEL MIRROR. WALNUT PARLOR SUIT, COV ERED WITH GREEN PLUSH; ELEGANT ETA GERE AND WALNUT - CHAMBER SUIT, PINE HAIR 111 ATRESSES. BEDDINg, TAPESTY and- INGRAIN SIDEBOARD, KITCHEN UTENSILS km. .kc. ON THURSDAY MORNING. May 19, at 10 o'clock. will No sold by catalogue, the en tire handsome Household Furniture. To Wheelwrights and Others. PEREMPTORY SALE OF WOO FEET OF WELL: ASONED HICKORY, WHITE AND BLAOK OAK LUMBER. • ON MONDAY MORNING. May 23, at 10 o'clock, will i•e sold, at FIFTH street and COLUAIIt IA avenue, about 50,010) feet of wmil•se:woned Bickory. White and Black Oak Lutubtr, from half inch up. IIIW" Sale peremptory. Peremptory Sale—No. 4112 Walnut street. SUPERIOR LATHES AND TOOLS, PLATFORM . SCALES. GRINDSTON E, Ac. ON TUESDAY MORNING. May 24, at 10 o'clock., at the Auction Store, three No I Fox Lathes. with Toola complete, Also, large Grindstone, Scales, Ac. Mir Sale peormptory. MARTIN . BROTHERS, A UOTION N 0.704 "CH STNIIT street, above Seventh Sale at No two Arch street. VERY SUPERIOR WALNUT HOUSEHOLD FUR NITURE FINE BRUSSELS 'A N D :OTHER CAR PETS, FINE. SPRING AND HAIR - .6I4TRESSES, OIL CLOTHS. &c • -• • _ ON THURSDAY MORNING, May 19, lit 10 o clock . . at No. 2041) Arch street, by catii logrm,:thecentire Household Furniture, ato. .IMPORTANT SALE OF — FINE FURNITURE-AND UPHOLSTERY Preparatory to putting up a new front and otherwise improving Ms tore, _ Mr. JOHN M. GARDNER, - • 1316 Chestnut street, will ( in order to make room for these improvements), - OFFER AT PUB! IC SALE, ON MONDAY MORNING. . May 23; at 10 o'clock, at his Warorooms, a selection of the FINEST CABINET FURNITURE h UPHOLSTERY ever offered at auction in Alds city. The style 4 ere the newest and choicest. The gnalllY and finish cannot be excelled To verily these facts it is only necessary for parties in• tending to pnrchase to cal! an) examine the Stock, TILE ASSORTMENT embraces Trawing Room and Parlor Sults, with cover: huts of the richest brocatelles. satins, satin damasks. pinches, silks and terries; a variety of the most elabo rate Chamber, Dining Room, Library and Hall Suits. . ..-AN-OPPORTUN ITY presents itself in this sale to those desirous of purchasing the HIGHEST ORDER OF CABINET WORK AT AUCTION-PRICES. which May never occur again. The Furniture will be ready for exantlntition two daiti vrevisms to sale.vvith catt, homes .. • , .._ .18. , • TIAV Sr.. - rilt, It VE Y, A.tTOTION ERRS, _LI 't Formerly with M. Thorne:, A'' Sons.) . . _ Store Noe. 48 and to North Sixth street. • • !gar Sales nt IReeidences receive , partiCular attention, iDi r Sales at the Store every Tuesday: ! • • , t • • Sole 'at this Auction Rooms • ' • 'SUPERIOR ,WALN UT , PARLOR AND CHAMBER !FT RNITURE, '_ ~ 'CABIN E.T. . BOOKCASE.L . FINE 7, ,CUItLI) HAIR - M"ATREESES. OFFICE T ) IC 8K 8 'AND' TABLES-FINE TAPESTRY CARPETS, ac. ~.,_._!.______ .014-. TUESDAY. MORNING.-- At II o'clock, it the.' Auction Begins, Snits Walnut! Parlor 7 urnitureiin Green 'Plush, Repkand Hair Cloth; superior Chamber buitel Sidoheards • Wardrobes, birgo V about !Cabinet :Bookedsoi Cottrigoßults, fine Curled! Itir /gainless. 01Ylde Desks and Tables, new Matreues, fi e Taneetry Carpet sok° :.i .:- , ' + -• ' • , lati'Fi l tiß 4411t f1. N I t il l M t PTlß E .E ' T l3s .ire .. C sot ) .‘ " bo A so li r C ift T n i . (i*.' .. uGE. stagetßOOTS, SHOES-AN D SIRODANB. '.E , !!•!•,.. ON Ie!EDNESDAYI hIORNINGi . weal • . • Y 18,• - itt kuko?citick ,we avill-re I hr. cataleave, t. iPaekages,at'Dpetaa Oficie. on ittogans em brae I riga Atet-elasii assortment 'ef. Ottt anti astql'lLinado , gontlo,to vitohick . the attention of city a ca,nutry buyers Is C li kt* . "snStiy6itlt ' oi.Orolnly of hair to'r,ettmirintltiut ...•.ii'... , ,7r;»i'tiF , , , .... 7 . , .'!..1 ,,.. _ , : . ~:e.'.'.-'.•.V,:1-:-,7 AUCTION SALES. AAr,_TEIO,I , I:A.B & Eg)NS, 41:TOTIONJUSE* ILL. • • N 05.1.39 and 141 Hoorn I:annum:my f ~ 13_411na-opprooss AND REAL SSTATN r ..,. r=one salon at the Philadelphia likehatiga ::,,- REITYAY,atI2 &block. "" "" IlEir' Furniture sales at , th e Arestfon Store MIISMIr BIIRSDAY. - • • IP Salve at fissideneee ropsdve oseeotel attest • ' ' STOOKS, LOANS, ate. ON "-TUESDAY, MAY :11 ~. ..:, .5, A..:...,, ~ t.: t 12 o'clock noon. at the Philadelphia /stowing*, wile 7 npinde . „t tc 0" '' ' "4 ''' i'....' ,Al •• ,4 1 4A. 9 shares Old tairnshlp Lino Food F lo i 143 shares West, Bronch.Lininber 4 30- a ' • Lott weal, d sonth litmaidsoit's OSeletenr. _ NM. Philadelphikand,Rrie Ballroady per cent., Jan. , . . ' and.rulr' , - ''• " ' "` ' ''. - '.-'" ' - "• ' " 1 others Point Breeze Park. - - 21-ahareli atentral , TrandiportationDo,- , 4-7- 2 --". ' i l3 shores Cleveland 'end Motioning Railroad. . I s h un ,. pAusAelphis Llbrat7ol.,- - ,4 ..iti", „ .t.."1 ~,,,, REAL,RSTATN seLia, MAY IT., _:-. - eirphans Conn ' flale-41ethte of. .7 Imes 8. , Ds Elviiiilg Mlle, dec'd—THREE STORY BRION, DFFSL ‘ IitNGI. NO, tl3 Lomba 1 d at. I AltillisltN THREE-STORY DIMON RNSIDNNOR. No. 1314 North Front 'street, , aboire!,,Thoniplosri alined. with a Threeloory Brick Dwelling: in thd rerir - On dope Street. Immediate possession. • Executors' Peremptory Sale—Est - ate of. (Mingled -AP - LeX de O I—TRAMS-nTOII.Y: BRIOI‘..DWICLI,INfd Old ' LOT , N W. corner of 311911 h stree t end Buckroad. Samo &tato—LOT:B.E. corner of ilk, and Twelfth streets, tintle Etitat - O- - ;LOT - , - trW... corger - Ot-1111011iiiiiittici: -- tenth els. • ll,Some Iretato-LLOT. conier of Mifflin and Kleveidia te. and Buck road., .. .. *eine Estate - 2 LOTS, north side of Mi ff lin street, eSSC tf Eleventh., ...... .. , , , • ,-, ...:, ~.. Name Relate—LOTS ; N. corner Of 'Tenth likd 'll'off - ' 1 name Eetate—LOT, N. E. corner of Ti,ielftit arid Moore' treets.- , - ' •• _' • '," :*' ii ...,..., ~ , , :', i p'. _O , • Seale Estate—LOT; north side of 'rdifflin street, west of,Twelftli. , . :,, .:. , , : , ~. . ,• , ~ , j ,„, ~, S,tmei_Estat e-TL9T,- vr,est,- Ode Thicteehth - etr3ot, uth bliffitr. • •, • • Full partieulat elk plans at the Auction:Roams. Same Eetatp--4 TnREE-wrutcy BRICK DWELL- ! 11% b, Bo& 2140. 2.112. 2144 and 2140.1efferson•st. • Seine_ EstatoTviOlSTONY ' BRICE DWELLING, coVesti of LTWontYteecolid • and Wright streets, T-wentietb-Werd. COUNIRri, RESIDENCE; 31ACEES, Hain street, Woodbury,N.J, • House, has therintsclern COilYii n 'canes. , 113 mod fete possesefont • , - • ••• • • ; - • VERY „,_ELEGANT ,i_THREMSTORX • BROWN- . STUN E ISE:3111E N (IE:N ISO Spring 'Garden atreet, • 36140 froOttgl , febt deeP -2 ftrita• B." allfhbmodeaa :. eonvetilendes, Intmedlnto pOP esai6h: • • • ' 010311 v TB RigNiSTOUVL• BRICK Na 12.30 Ellsworth et. • • 31A apd COTTAGE, with, Stable and thhich • Pollee, Chestnut avenne, near Cottage street; Chestnut DUI Teenty.second Word, 10 athletes' drive to the raft-, 411.111,Y ELEGANT. FOUE•STORVBEOWN FITONS, RESIDENCE. No: 1813 Walnut street,'oppostte 11.1tten• house BcArtare, 265 feet fr0nt,,230 feet deep to4latutotni street.- , LARGE and VALUABLE RESIDENCE.BREWEET• t end WO Illitsil OP, No. 1646 North Tenth street, south of Columbia avenue, tO feet •front, 144 feet deep to Hatch `fugue stri et—t fronts, • Exe. uteri' Sult--Estato of GeordelL•Whitrian, : deed ' • —VERY VALIJA BLit FOUR•STORY BUNK ttGSI DED CE. No. 218 South Fourth street, between Welnitt and Locust.' 21% feet front, 224 feet deep. ~ Seentan. • - t•LD•ESTABLISHED BUSINESS STAND, N. corner of tlecon.l and Queen sta. • • • 7. • t 111 BEE- BTORT BRICK TAVERN and DWELL- . 114 G. No. 1331 Pussy unk road, above Reed at. • .•.' - VALUABLE. DU ILIkING LOT,, N W. corner . s of Twenty•fourth end Factory streets, bektw Spruce.- oPERN TIMED STORY BRICK DWELLING. No. 1317 Warnock at. 8 VALUABIEPRIJILDINGLOTES.Evavgnsen avenue. east of Germantown atomic, Chestnut Hill, within flu pllnntee walk of the rallruad.ncrot attilhastnot-itt.o. • 1510BERIV , TIIREE-STORY BRICK RESIDNSCH. No. 218 North t wolfth at. 310DERN TIIREE.STORY BRICK REBIDENCS Eighthi street, south of Glntrd aventm. HANDSOME THREE-STORY BRICK HENCE, No. e2B Franklin st. MODERN THREE-STONY - BROTIN STONR SILENCE. N. W. corner of Tamnty first ats4 Al, fltet Dent. AN DSOME-COTTAGE--RESIDENCE. wit* and Coach Aouso and Large Lot, Willow somber A natal street, Germantown. Sale by Order of Lleire-Notato of Yoh* - dec'd-VERY ELEGANT TIMER STORY lItE RESIDENCE, with Stable and Coach Doves, a, net s Norwood 'avenue, Chestnut Hill. MODERN THREE-STORY -STONE RESH.. East Walnut Lane; Germantown. Executors' Sale-Estate cf Ann Coulter, dec'd-‘' i GT TERRA BLE - LOTS Cheltes ayenue.Sebeel. Coulter, .Penn, Queen. Hansberry, Laurens and Norris streets. and Pulaski, Wayne and Wissahickon oYenues, Oats thentovi - - - - • Peremptory Sale to Close ,en Acconnt-LOT I CherrY - _ street, near Twenty first hato-3.__VERY VALUABLE ._STORE-..- - AMUSES, - Notc. - 113 - 111 - and - 117Gothic - streetTb. .Front and Second and Walnut and Chestnut ets. AN-lane& Sale,-VERY DESt SABLE 'runts: ST Oity BRICK_RESLDENCE,...No.-.239.likinth tefnth street, below LOcust. immediate possesslott. WELL. SECURED GROUND , RED T,D4B a year.' - Executor's Sale No. 1624 Chestnut street: NEAT FURNITURE. CARPETS. ON MONDAY MORNING', , May 16. at 10 o'clock. by catalogue the Parlor, Dining Boom and Chamber' Furniture. China arid Glasswaro,' fine Matresseit, Oarpets,ol.oloth,oo9lting Utensils,dic.t . Sale No. 110 North Fifteenth street. _ atIPERIOH -WALNUT, _OAR' AND COTTAGE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; FINE HAIR MAT RESSES,ON BRUSSELS, INGRAIN AND OTHER CARPETS, dec. • TUESDAY MORNING. May_ 17,at -lo o'clockrat No. 110 North Fifteenth street, above ?Arch street, the , entire Household- Furniture, comprising Superior Walnut Parlor and Chamber Fur- - oltnre. t , ak 7 Inineßoom and Cottage Chamber Furni- • ture, fine Hair ?gramma, Venetian: Blinds, - Brutwe4s. Ingrain and other Cargete China, Glassware: &c. May be examined on the morning of sale aka o'clock., Executor's Bale N 0.1309 Walnut street. SUPERIOR WALNUT AND MAHOGANY FURNI TURE,' FRENCH PLATE MANTEL. AND PIER. MIRRORS, VERY FINE ENGRAVINGS 3 GRAND ACTION PIANO FORTE, ELEGANI' • ITALIAN - MARBLE STATUARY IIEAI4 - BRONZE - FIGURE • AND CANDLE BRANCHES,' BRUSSELS'.ND OTHER CARPETS &a. . ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. • • May la. at 10 o'sklek, at .No. 1309 Walnut street. by order of Executor, the entire superior Furniture, by catalogue, compnedng—Wainut and Mahogany Parlor. Furniture, covered vrleh hair cloth; Mahogany Grand Action 7-octave Piano. made -by•Chickering; French.. Plate Mau tel and - Pier - Mirrors, 2 - elegant - Marble /Rata aries, "The Guardian Angel" and "Fidelity:" real Bronze Figure • and 'Candle Branches, 4 very .11no En gravings, "The Four Seasons:" Handsome Mantel Or nients. range. Mahogany Tables, large Mahogany. Sideboard. French Plate Mirror and Italian Marble/ Top; flue , China and Obteatvaro, , fine Plated Ware, Ma- hogany and Walnut Chamber. Furniture, line Curled Bair Ma tresses. fine Bed and Table Linen: 3 MabotranY W ardrobes, Mahogany Bookcaso,i Brussels and. °Ulm. Carpeta, Cooking Utensils. superior Refrigerator, Peremptory - Sale at the Atlantic Oil Refinery. Magazine lane, Quarter of a mile below Point Breeze Gas Works. BRICK AND'FRAME BUILDINGS .L i ENGINE. BOILER, TA.N.KB,TOOLS• TUBS, kc. ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. • • May 18, at 4 o'clock. on the promisee, the brick and frame buildings, Ac., belonging to the Atlantic Oil Es finery, at roint Breeze, viz.: I,ipo barrel still, with fire doors and tire bars; braces and stay rods; 1 condensing tub, square Original); about 400 feet of 2. inch piper; 1 condensing tub, square (new); 800 feet of pipet_ I brick receiving house; 2 receiving tanks, caltoolty 4100 gallons' each; 1 crude oil, tank, 1,030 barrels;• I frame engine , .- house, treating bowie end settling house, combined; '' frame warehouse, about 10 by 100 feet, ono-story; I frame'. rum shop, about 20 by 100 feet,-one-story; 1: frame: Also, 1 treating tank; capacity 4,000 uallons; 1 portable tubular boiler, about 8 to 10 horse power. but little tried; portable engine, about 8 horse power; 3 largo oil primps, nearly new; 1 pump blower for agitator; 2 large ,; settiing tanks, about 3,ooogallons each; / large ,settllng: tank, about 3;0(11:gallons; 1 spent' acid .teak;. 2. pitch lined tanks; I copper glue kettle. for steam; fotudry t 0019; about 3,000 feet of iron pipe, from 34 of au inch to 21./ Indies diameter; I largo lot of stone, bricks, lumber, Sic.; globe valves, cocks, ,4c ; shafting,leather belts &c.; • 1 bench and vise. , • • The buildings und machinery allte bo reraoliedby the '. purchaser within ten days frem r. : , NO T ICE—Onr sale 17th 'Mar will 'include the Vain. • able Residence 1i0.239 South Thistrunitti street. SCOTT'S ART GALLERY ABD AUCTION COMMISSION SALES ROO:d8, - , B. -BOOTT,Jn.S nuctloneer. 11.17 CLIESTAVX fitreat, Girard Bow. Furniture bales every Tuesdo and _Friday morning, at 10 o'clock. ' • - Particular, attention paid to. ont , door pales at mode. rate rates. dal tf GEORGE.. 11. 'BECHTEL'S SPECIAL SALE OF SUPERIOR , TRIPLE. PLATED SILVER WARE,. On first quality of German silver m*otal, comprising Crne. Tea Bats, Slithers, largo &minim)! Castors, dca: . - lso, full line of first-Class A Triple-plated Ware. on white me tat, embracing soma newest styles of finest goods ever made in Uhl& branch of art. All to be sold witheat any reservation, itt the Art Gallery .of B. SCOTT. Jr . No. 1117 Chestnut &root, - • ON MONDAY MORNING. . May It: at lOo'clock. The goods will be on exhibitfort all day Saturday. the 14th, in the Art Gallery Rooms," st.cond floor. • Sale at No. 1309 Cheetnut street. - ON WEDNESDAY- MORNING. ?day 18, at 10 o'clock. at the warerooms of 51..DEGIN TILER, No MOS Chestnut street. will be sold at public sale, the entire stock of btuidsoma Furniture, to -ologgg the buelocee The sale 18 peremptory. and tho stock W ill 'positively be soh! Is [theta the Most -reserreous-fitr. , Ls- Depint her is, retiring, and hskee this method. to diapotto of the balance of his 1 , rge stock. catalogue* ready. Monday A. AL. and eau be; had application at the wareroorns of slr. Da in he_r, or at' - • the oflio of the, Auctioneer, B. SGOTT. 91rtt 810.'11V Cnestnut street puuo cuffs WILL , FIND :84 - I„VARGA stock of Allen'a Medicinal .ztricts and cu..Atkonds,. ad. Ebel. (pt ., Citric Acid, v o te's Startling uotatin. r.uino Wcilicanoci; just landed fro_ar bask offnnug, from' London. Roßzur SHOEMASMB a " 0,. W WNW. _ London . pR GISTS' . V. ates, Mortar Tiles, Combs l Brusher! . gti • corers, Put Boxett,Hoevr Stoups, Surgical In r :a eats; Trusties, Hard. awl Soft, .4ubtlar Goods, lila r.ces,,?loso atul:*etig = all atlvShit i 1and 4 . 4 ,4 Pr 49 , 1?",,,", SACVliy i &-BWr iant " • ' SO th th streak 6"Tn.,E digtriblE. Al4` auveribr.duo,baiims!tivtanded :Emit* 7 ir geN Or..,..aahq!.S9ASSTpIISEMA.S.IOB plorthw /1. 411 “ 0,0 a Et. egornetrouilliMiateoo 4 ' . , • )' : . , --14r7 - • , Olt(Jfeim,
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