AILLIISEI~E➢I'I'I~I. Carl Woltm'3an's Clineert. —ln the foyer of the Academy of Music, to morrow' night,. Mr.' Carl Virolfsohn will give. his final concert .for this season. Mr. Wolf sohn deservei the thatike• of tthe 'cotrimunity for his persistent and-artistie efforts to popu larize good music and we hope the. gratitude of the public will be dis Played byth4 presence of `enlarge audience: , -ThefolloWing exceljent programme, in which a number of 'ffist-rato artists participate,will be offered : nte, Finale Bargiel 7 11('- ` 41 1 1 t a toors. Wolfoobn, 'Copts and Uenuie o'n g:—Der LindenbanT. Schubert Piano Bolo—Valveltta l T °614°17- SoliiiiioliaLlle;e;le ,'!lY'l"h".- Mr. Wenzel da P A Song—Fril b7LZE -- sonata, o.Bbargt 1011201'. Bloonlbrht)..; .; . .........Bpethor on -Carl Wolfoofin. 8010 Violorfiteto, Adagio, r, . • • Mr. Rudolph Honig North 7fillitaire, (Bob ober , )4 first tint0.....04 Mimetic Garr NVolfbohn., .• SOng—Dor ' • Wess Mr: t3uistol el 800 for Two Pianos, Bond°. .... . . .... . ..... MOOR safer Bsril ;add ...... Wo . lloo - 411 • - —Mr; and Mrs. Barney Wihiams will have a benefit at the ,Walnut; to-night, in All-Hallow Eve, in and Out , of Place, ,and The Irish Tiger. TcHn crow evening they will give' their faro perfOrniance. On Morkday evening Not 'Citilly will be produced. -31 Joseph K. Emmet•wiil have a benefit at. the Arch to-night, in. Fritz.; or, Our Cousin German. Matinee - to-morrow.- - - - - —The Dcnzghter of the Rey/meat and The Fair One with the Blonde Wig at 'the Chestnut to night; by Mrs. Oates's Burlesque Company. To-morrow—evening—aLfarewell_performance ill-bOviveprand—thel-contedign,M.r.- 11 . 17 Fiske, wltrhavii a benefit:in lileliara Third on HOistback. Matinee tainorrovr. —A:Boston company, under the manage nient of Mr. Jas. Pilgrim, will begin an - eu kagetnetit at the Chestnut Street 'Theatre on' Monday evening. The company is very large, Wad includes a burlesque troupe, the M.oilac chi_Ballet_ Troupe, anda tine conman of minstrel performers, among whom are Lew: Simmons and..E.N: Slocum, formerly of Carn cross &..I.)ixey's. A large orcheStra will be in attendance every evening. At'— Fox s American Theatre, to-night„, a miscellaneous performance will be given by a good 'company. Matinee performance to morrow. —At the Eleventh Street Opera House a minstrel. entertainment will be given. The burlesques, FiPeenth Amendment _Bill and Dr.. Schencic's Laboratory, will be repeated. —The exhibition of Sheridan's Bide will be postponed for a few days, the Acaderay of trine Arts having been injured by, the storm. —McEvoy's ilthernicon and varieties will be exhibited at Dnprez & Benedict's SeVenth Street Opera House this evening and to-mor --row-afternoon.----- - —The Pilgrim will be on exhibition at Con cut Ball for a few days longer. Those who wish to see these excellent paintings should not miss this opportunity. Sunday-School superintendents and teachers can buy tickets at reduced prices for their scholars' at Concert BalL It - is the best thing you can do for your friends. —Aethe Academy of Music, this evening, a complimentary, benefit will be given to Mr. John Toy, the well:known manager. The en tertainment that has been, prepared promises to bo one of the most attractive given in this city . for a long while. The programme is varied - and attractive; -- and the artists who have offered their services are among the -_most popular in Philadelphia. _Among these are the two excellent actors Mr. RObertthaig and Mr. F. F. Mackey, who will appear in specialties. • Chas.W. Brooke, Esq., will recite the famous poem "_Shamus O'Brien." Mrs. SuSan'Galton-Kelleher,. Mr. Altred Kelleher, Miss Blanche Oaken, Mr. Thomas Whiftin, - Signor Blitz, Theodore Blitz, Prof. Wyman, B. Duane, Prof. Lubin, and others of equal note, ak:mill participate. 'We hope this per formance will -prove so attractive that. the house will be crowded. Mr. Toy is a very worthy gentleman, anti he deserves to have a crowded house._ CITY BULLETLA. —The citizens of the Eighth Ward avora e to ; the nomination of John' Price _Wetherill, Esq., for Congress, held a meeting last . ey . e 7 . niug, at Broad and Walnut streets. J. B. Moorhead presided. Dr. James Truman, Jr., D. C. McCammon, Andrew Wheeler and Geo. N. Allen acted as Vice Presidents, and J. Ridgway Moore as Secretary. Speeches were made by S. W. Pennypacker, J. Ridgway Moore,Geo. W. Mears, Col. Thos. Fitzgerald, Wm. t. Kern and Wm. D. F I then the following resolutions were Whereas, Measures of vast t futons consequence, affecting all the ,e and mercantile forces of the Repub :oming directly home to all classes ( vie in their currency, their taxation, ed in terests, the remuneration of ti ad the returns upon their capital, have now been agitating the whole country since the close of the gigantic war for the Union, and have re mained unadjusted, or but partial'y settled, chiefly because of the deficiency of practical business ability, knowledge and experience, iu the representative bodies charged with legisla tion on these matters; and Whereas, It is particularly the duty of the great centres of I finance, industry, trade and commerce to send! to Congress men from their own midst who have proved by their expe rience at borne their capacity for dealing in telligently with the details of these important measures ; and - Whereas, Philadelphia, by reason of her po sition as the.greatest i industrial centre on the Western Continent, has become the leading ' community in the advocacy of the policy of a protective tariff; and of -all the measures of taxation or finance that hinge thereon, so that in the present Congress our city and State have been compelled to bear the whole Wont of the attacks of the Free-traders ; therefore, Resolved, That in view of the pressing ,need Of men of superior business talent, combin ing at the same time veteran experience in public affairs, we present to the people of the Second Congressional District the name of John Price -Wetherill as a candidate Jo repre sent them in the next U. S. House. of Repre sentatives, confident that his high-toned . .course as a - rnernher of our Municipal Coun cils, the ability babas displayed both there and in our commercial organizations, to handle' with skill the most difficult business and finan cial problems, the patient, and laborious atteu tion be has ever devoted to all his public duties, his uniform regard for interest of all classes of—the peoplei-his ardent—patriotism, his -un swerving integrity and his courtesy and ur banity, combine to render him in all respects admirably fitted to fill the position with honor to himself and great usefulness to his coa. stituents, to the great city .where he was born and reared, and to the State of which he is proud to be a citizen. We appeal to all who want a thoroughly able Congressman to vote for John Price Wetherill, the merchant and manufacturer. —City Councils held a stated meeting' yes terday afternoon. Select Branch received a communication from W. 'Hayward Drayton, presenting the portrait of Thomas Hayward, of South Caro lina, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. A resolution of thanks for „the gift, and directing the portrait to be placed in Independence Hall was agreed to. A comrmu ....-._-..._sneation was received from the Commission ers for the Erection of New Public Buildings, setting forth the. receipt of an act of - Assembly -=---7— subrnittingbarrvete - of - tire - Kolitallie — gittribi' the new public buildings, and expressing their . acquiescence in the act; and asking Councils to make the necessary, appro priations to carry the act into effect.. Re ferred to the Committee on Finance.' An ordi nance was adopted setting apart for market purposes, Third street, from Girard avenue to Germantown road, and from Second sheet to he ,North Pennsylvania- Railroad D e p o t.. A report" was reeelVed from titte,,Cerntulye, on Printing and Skinlies, *ipg, an additional n l aPPropilatinof : $4,60 tolpay for , the ~adver-; itising of ordinangesr-for 1840; the Original .ap proprlation being-exhausted by the expense or •advertisingli, large number of h,an bills. Agreed to. irtiv-thiffnAuce 'from • Common 'Connell,: ia uthorizing &loin lot. 'the Parpose of 'erecting :ti'brigdOverltlin sit Irairniolint,'lvas concurred in.:: Also , ..tlle .9rdinaace .creating , a,' loan ttotcooo,for-schoot purposes. Also the I ordinanCecauthorizing. a loan of sliooo4ooCr for l 'the etection , of-a -bridge over • the Sdbuylkill , ittr . r th-Stidetrand-lopayAnertgaVet_7llo l l Italn'e.iti'inv3Perty; alsor,:the res resolutions ehancr 7 ; ing boundaries' of the_liine On* division !of ;Virp.'rd,' l rind t, p seventeenth, idiiision Of tbd Twentieth Ward, and creating la new division,; .also, the resolution changing !the place of voting in the twelfth' division;l Twerity-fourth•Ward-; also, the-resolution ac cepting tbe resignation of John Welsh as Presi ; dent of the Sinking' 'Ftintl,' and returning ,thanks for the fidelity brought to bear in the ;discharg,o of his 'official dirties— - Common Branch received a canuiru.nication !from the Bedford Street Mission, asking for an appropriation of $l,OOO for the the establish ment of public baths, •An ordinance prehibit- , leg the Placing of any sign', &e., at a less height than •six feet, fOur inches from the paxement, and any sign, merchandise, &c., that shall pro ject from the housenver_or__on_the_sidawalk_ over four feet three inches, was Passed. Also an ordinance appropriating $39,151 26 for ;election purposes. Also, a resolution accepting the-resignationof -John—Welsh as 6. - -001:11nnis-_ sioner-of--tbe—Sinking-'-'rund3-and—returning ; thanks to him. An ordinance creating a loan of s2,ooo,ooo'for. the eitensioli of Fent:admit , Park was rep,orted by the Finance Committee, but was reciammitted,witb instructions to, re- 1 port next week a loan for the extension of the park and the improvement of „Broad street,. Resolntions_for the_paving of various stmets were passed. Select Council ordinance °stab- - fishing stands for farmers on Third street and Germantown avenue Nvas • amended by adding Callowhill street, west of Broad, awl was then passed. .1? louit.;'n;ift Schumann —Reed's new billiard room at Eighth and Vine streets was_openedlast night. A number of distinguished players were present, and the first game of 500 points was between Messrs. Michael P.helan and Cyrille Dion. It was re markahic •for a superb run of 418 points, push barred,• by Mr. Dion. The total score was— Dion, 500; Phelan, 129. A • French game of , 30 points • was then won 'by Mr: Plunkett of Mr. Palmer, and Mr. Palmer then defeated Mr. Hunter,by a score of 50 to 41. —The semi-annual examination for award ing certificates of qualification as teachers in the public schools of tbis city, commenced at the school-house, in Filbert street, above Seventh ; under the authority of the Board of Controllers of Public Schools, in accordance with an act of the Legislature of the State, yesteiday aft6rnoon, - Prof. - .Z Hopper acted hs superintendent. —John Schibbe, a young man who had been living with John G. Snyder, back of No. 311 Race street, was arrested. yesterday by Detec .tive Levy, on the charge of stealing' - one him dred--dollars from the house - of - Mr. Snyder. When before Alderman Kerr he admitted that -I , e had sioleii-the -money, and-was-eomMitted. -for-trial. - • - —The-fund in aid of the orphan children of Capt. Williams, of the Oneida, has now. reached $1,042, Ethvard Shippen; Esq., hailing recently t eeeived the following additional contributions.:. McKean, Ernie & Co., $500;. Francis Black burn,* Jr. i $25; George B.- 'Hell, $5; It. W. I'egley, $5,; Samaritan, S 2. —James Lowry, Michael McTague, Wm. McTague and John Dougherty were corn mined' yesterday, for robbing the house of Z. C. Howell, Forty-fifth and Market streets. —Cornelius Corkling, aged 65 years, was killed at Delaware avenue and Vine street, by a beam falling upon him yesterday afternoon. —Hon. Alex. Henry was yesterday elected a Commissioner of the Sinking Fund, in place of John Welsh,resigned. CAMDEN HostE.—The following-named gentlemen were elected last evening a Board of Trustees of the Camden Home for Friend less Children, to serve during - the present Year E. G. Cattell, President ; J. D. Reinbotb, Vice President; J. Earl Atkinson, Second Vice President; J. C. Delacour, Treasurer ; Wm. Curtiss, Corresponding Secretary; G. W. N. Custis, Recording Secretary; S. 11. Grey, Solicitor ; Hon. John W. Starr, J. B. Cooper, J. W. Starr, William Groves, John S. Read, J. C. Stockham, J. H. Stevens, G. H. Taylor, Rodoiph Bingham, Joseph Kaighn, J. L. Dela cour, D. S. Stel§on. The following also constitutes the Board of Managers : Mrs. William Cooper, President; Mrs. G. W. N. Custis, First Vice President; Mrs. E. G. Cattell, Second Vice President; Mrs. William Groves, Recording Secretary; Mrs. J. Earl Atkinson, Treasurer; Miss H. A. Sheppard, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. Joseph J. Read, Mrs. M. Browning, Mrs. Jos. M. Kaighn, Mrs. D. Bishop, Mrs. Isaiah Woolstou, Mrs. J. C. Delacour, Mrs. J. W. Starr, Miss E. Few smith, Miss A. Robeson, Miss .Emily. Davis, Mrs. R. G. Clark, Mrs. William Curtiss, Mrs. George Brewer, Mrs.. Hannah Cooper, Mr.S. Cluirles_Nogels, Mrs. Beatty, Mrs. Dr. .Ackley. Miss Mary W. Nicholson has been selected and installed as Matron of the Institution, and Miss Mary McCatilleyLas Teacher. The finan ces of the past year were as follows :—Received, $4,123 53 ; Expended, .0.3,660 90—leaving a balance of $462 54 in the hands of the Trea surer. In addition to this, the Managers have a fund' of . $2,272 26 set aside, for the purpose of providing a new and more commodious building for the use of the Home. • BANDsomE-OnoA.N.—The-members of the Union M. R. Church have provided their house of worship with a flue organ. This is a young and rising church, and. through the effi cient labors of the Rev. Mr. Snyder it is pros pering finely. COUNTY Fl NAN CES.—The total indebted ness of-Camden-county at-the-present-tithe is $;20,972 t 43. Cash in the hands of the Treasurer, $4,105 25. ALMSIIOUSE.—During ° the past year the average number of paupers in the Camden county poorhouse was 145 1 . The cost of their maintenance was $1 15 each, per week. CIIILDEEN'S IrAllt.-TLIC children belong ing to the North Camden Baptist Church Sabbath-school pledged themselves to raise $6O towards paying otr the indebtedness of the church., For this - purpose-they--last- evening commenced a Fair in order to carry 'out their promise. It is a laudable undertaking for these little folk, and they shottld be hand somely encouraged. A Inn re in France. • kdespatch dated at 2 I'. M., yesterday, says at-this hour all Paris is tranquil. Meanwhile the scenes of the recent disorder are still partly occupied -by troops. Henri - Rocliefort's journal, the Manseilltilse, "WlLS'again• - prosecnted — ttrtiay of a liblislifirg an article asserting that the recent riot was organ ized by the police. . • 'The outflow of specie front the Ilitnk of France this week has been unusually heavy. Accord-. lug to the official:report, the amount in hand to-day is 24,500,000 francs less than on last Thursday. - - During the night crowds collected at various points in the city, which were dispersed by the NEW JERSEY MUTTERS PH1LADELPH1Ai...,:..:g,T.%.:X1 , 5..,9:..' , :..-.:,V0i'1,tAt. 7 .4.0...i*1ti:.0:4:y.:..! , *':4 y.:!]:...! ,11 ono and police` Avitheut• PlOoditied. rests were made. It is nevi generally thought lihe trouples are ended. The ministerial ebangeEr will - nor take place lentil the.verffication of 4l ,ple,biscittun by the t Cbambers. - 1 Marshal Canrobelf has issued an order of the ;day to the erniy;Whicli.entifaini , biti,4 from ltheEmpordrOdressed Ao.pbe .),darelnd Tbe Emperor says f . "Such absurd and exaggerated rumors have been - repealed - difecerning the vote !of ,thCnfiy army , that:l fncline&tedieg you to say to the generous officers and soldiers that .confidence in the aim • has ne •er been Sbaltair — lieretUdeAtellideti With - tattilks - tUn 'the troops for their firrnneas and sang froid during the late troubles in the capital. %,Tiiis.ft6reeen the Emperor and Emp"res* slu , lan open carriage visited the quarters atm city 'which have been the scene of disturbance for. ithe ifistfe* days.. Symptoms of agitation are ;still apparent in the Faubourg du Temple. , Detachments of troops are marching to Belle iville:and" the crowd in front of the "Casino Prince Eugene" was di.spersed to-day_ by the !police. ; ' Pere Hyacinthe is at Munich with Dr. Minn . !ger. The total vote of the Pfebiscition is as fol lows !Yes, - 7,336,434 , . 'No, - - .. - - - - 1,560,709 In Algeria the following is the result : • -; ;• — l .- Ires. Civilians, - - - ; 10,701 ; 13,481 Army, - . - . , '. - 36,165 6,020 --No disorders have taken_place go-night, and_ _tranquillity no w_Prevailsahre_ughaiit_the_eity—, The Emperor and Empress. yesterday visited ;Prince Eugene ~and.the Military ,School and were everywhere; received,, with enthusiasm in flickprogress,through the city... . Frazer's Magazine . for. April contains a carious article entitled tlidfco6St - cif - Napiden Ile credits Louis Napoleon with haying been, the' main agent in liberating Eur6pe from. ,the inCulnis'of Russian influence by the Cadman .war, and of freeing- Italy from the _ AuStrian yoke by the 'war of 1859; With :•baying in creased the wealth 'of France enormously, its commerce - fourfold, its railway comniunination sevenfold; with having pretty steadily exerted himself to form _ and preserve a cordial alli ance with England ; with. haying inaugurated a wiser and sounder commercial policy, and 'with having, by means of his " open loan" sys tern,, introduced.- a new: investment-for the :savings of the, peasantry, and thus at once im proved their income and reduced the exor bitant-price-oPland. On the other hand, be debits the Emperor with enormous financial extravagance on his own ,part, and with being the cause of a similar vice in nearly every State in Europe , ; with hay ing increased the annual expenditure of France by' ten 'millions sterling a year; with having •more:than-doubldirthe - rNational debt;: with 'baying largely increased his own standing army, and compelled the surrounding nations to do the same to an extent that cannot be calculated with any accuracy; with 'haying involved Eu 'rope In no than.three wars,and ha,vlng thus in one way or another cost the. world since his accession one Million of lives.and five hundred Millions of money. ' On the oth - and 10th - - or. April: there took place before the Assize Courtin St.-Petersburg the triaLof,_the perions -indicted for robbing and murdering Counselor Von Sohn;' on 'the 20th of Novbmber last, in the _most atrocious manner. SeveralGrand,Diikes,-the.gliancel lor of the Russian Empire, the Minister of Jus tice, many Senators and Generals, as., well as an exceedingly numerous audience, were pres ent on the occasion. -- The accused were four ung fellows, aged from sixteen to twenty four years, and two yoting girls of eighteen. Five of them bad confessed everything; only 'one of the prisoners, Maxim Ivan- MT, obstinately denied his guilt. -The - facts in the case simply' were that Sohn was robbed and killed at the house of a prosti tute in St. Petersburg. Poison had been ad ministered to him, and when that did not take effect fast enough, be bad been clubbed to death. ills remains were packed up in a trunk and sent to Moscow. The result of the trial was that the male prisoners were sentenced to long terms of penal servitude, and one of the two girls, Alexandra Awdejell, to transporta tion for life to the most remote part of Siberia, and the other, Darja Turbins, to eight months in the Penitentiary. The sentence was imme diately carried into execution. All the male prisonerS, before being sent to their destination, were branded and flogged. c"? RONEYBROOK COAL COM PANY'S OFFICE, 1'0.209 WALNUT STREET, Philadelphia., A Special Meeting of Stockholders to ac cept or reject a supplement to the Charter enacted by theiLegislature of Pennsylvania, approved by the Gov ernor A pril 9,1870, and for the transaction of other busi ness, will be held at this Office, on THURSDAY,2Oth inst., at 12 o'clock M. By order of the Board of Directors. B. Mc Secretary, myl2t2d May 11; 1870 U AT A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TIIE LEHIGH VALLEY 'RAILROAD COMPANY, held 10th inst., LLOYD iIIAMBERLAIN was elected Treasurer, in place of CHAS. 0. LONGSTRETII, deceased, and JOAN R. FANSHANVE, Secretary, in place of L. CHAMBER -LA IN-, resigned. PHILADELPHIA, May //, 1870. ittyl23ts ciaf. PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY. PIMADELPTITA Fifth Mo. 10, 1870. A special mooting of the stockholders of tho Provident Life and Trust Company will be held at the office, No. 111 South Fourth street, on TB IRD DAY, 24th instant, at 12 o'clock M.. to take action on the subject of in creasing the capital stock of said Company. By order of the Hoard of Directors. Attest—ROWLAND PARRY, actuary. SAMUEL It. SHIPLEY. President. nlylo-t024 NOTICE.—A OPECJIAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the PHILADEL,PiIi/A, GERM ANTOWN and NORRISTOWN RAILROAD COMPANY will 141116111.1 n Room No. 21, Philadelphia Exchange, on THURSDAY. the Bth day of Juno next, at 12 o'clock M., for the censideratlon of an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia; entitled " An'Act 'to, anthorlzo- the Philadelphia, 'Germantown and Norristown Baltroad ComPany to in crease Its capital stock,'' approved the 29th day of March, 1870. By order of the Board of Managers. my2tje9§ A. E. DOUGHERTY, Secretary.' NOTICE.—A SPECIAL MEETING of the COMMERCIAL EXCHANGE will be'held ' at the Ball. No. 921 Walnut ntreet, on THURSDAY, May 25th. WO, at 12 o'clock fil,to take final 'Latin -ono.: Supplement to an Act to Incorporate-the-Conttnercial Exchange of Philadelphia, atol to 'Ravine the By•liawa. • NATHAN BROOKE, Prenident, WASIIINOTON J. JACKSON, Secretary. A no. 8.. KEYSTONE p Z iu I i N ,AD O EL C H O nA III I N IO, Y I . An adjourned mooting of the Stockhohlure of the Key. steps Zino Company . will be hold nt the office of the Company, No. 22t Walnut street,on TQVCSD 4Y, the 21th Institut, at 12 o'clock M. OSCAR TR OM NON, inyll t 24§. _ Secretary, L7THE ANNUAL MEETIN(46 — LP TA - E Stocklioldere of the BLOOMSBURG IRON COM. TANY will be held at the Company's °Mem No. 122 Race street, Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, May 2.41 r, 1970, for the purpose of. electing Directors, and transacting - other business my7.l4t* 101, OFF . TCE. OF. THE METALLINE LAND COMPANY. No. 324 Walnut xtroot. PHILADELPHIA, May MORO: — Tim Stated Annual Meeting of tho B tocichoiders of thu Metallmo Land Company will bo bold at the 01Tico of the 'Company on MONDAY, Juno 6th proximo, at 12 o'clock, M 302,4 4 , YANJ R.A I PAWL, I T KlLAtiblllit'd - DEMI.T.6IIIN • PIIIIAIJIMPIIIA, Pa May 3,1970.• NOTICE TO STOOK HOLDERS. The Board of Directors have this day declared , annual diyiik;nd of Five Por Cont, on the Capital Stock of titre ComPanY, clear of National and State taxes, payable in cash on and after Nay 30, 1.70. Biopic Powers of Attorney for collem)n4 Dividends can he had at the .oilleo of the Comp toy, No. 233 South THIRD amt. . Tim Moe will bepnned at 8 A. N. and eland a t, ivy. lii.frour May 30th to tuns 3 d , for the payment of DlYl denthi,'aud after that date from 9 A. 81 . to 3 P. M. THOMAS T, FIRTH, Trotteurer. nt:y46otrPF. What Napoleon. Costs: A Russian Biarder. SPECIAL NOTICES. WISI. E. B. ISAKER, Secret iry and Treaßuror IIi. II .IIOFFAIAN t _.• Clorx DIVIDEND NOTICES. , • ,; Amtuitiz.mniiiTb‘ A MEIIIVAN Nt(fc4lo ; ~.. . • orE4,l3:,,ti , p,iriit l y il ivßl E N N 'G4 . - MAy 13, /1370,„ ',(4l,tekrOynr,SpityNiAl, ItiAriet . MR JOHN TOY. ‘ ';. When the rothAong iatingialaio4 Artistdti and friondo • i or thohloootichtty,,,_ • _.., ,', • , ' MbH• IMAN G•tuTON .h.ELTiBIiEI.., 1 „ ... M • 8 , •.. 1 11tA N IS I ,C. E SPNY t .NRINME, lesQ. ' • I " ' 1 . ' ' ' '' ' 1 ' il M °t" jki t i. l VE l l s rain t ViTl it+ . MB. ROBERT ORAIu anti N. F. h1.1.0X.i..,Y ~, . • (hy• ppm:anion or biro. John Drow),' J 1; P. DIT*NE. X. T. X.'. 810. BLITZ, 1 : • - : NIiON,LIJOIN, PRO TizNo. BLITZ, . . i • tTlfoEC.. c A.l3Borxittr; Jti.• tip?' Ar. ..ituudlnfts; . i_trickets cetrbit procnted , ht •tho Assent ly 'Turner Ilmnilton's,lo6 Ntitli,"Venth street, Pin a , n A d A u sl o 'a . ,lienntaile‘llepositnty, 131 South Seventh _stret ~ rity ,N - ett , ti Bbokstand',•Ootitlnental lloteli and Acad .. ......: lt• MA.6 IVOY'EIt ErIBEItNIC N, AT , , , : . • DOPIIEZ & BEN EDIOT , I3 OPERA 110118 E, '! ' ' NOR A .81:401 8 tV131 t A li fi a t t ir vr ' bel° All r° Every Evening •nt 8, and . Wednesday and Saturday, 'Afternoons at 2 o'clock. • • • , MAO EVOYI4 • - • ' ' :Famous and Original. Ilibernioon. All the beautiful scenery of,lreland , portrayed, Melody, Wit andArt ,combined. Itlrt7Jorry 'Cohan as Barney, the Guide; Mario Dalton Mac Evoy as Nora: Miss Este. Halpin° as Dlra. O'Callaghan. • Interesting historleal d•t rip lions of great battles, Irish scenery : and Antiquities byo (diaries Mso .Evoy. ,. , . . The new Ballo% Pavia &Co.'s Pgnare Grand Octagon Piano is from the warerooms of Redfield, Phelps & t , 0., 927 Chestmitstreet. . • ntvlo.6t ' GHEBTNIIT STREET-THEATRE. JOHN STE'TSOH ' Lama and ohmage'. ......... Stage Man agor • GRAND OPENING .NIGIIT of the great Company frrnithe • . ADELIIII THEATRE, BOSTON. - MONDAY -EVENING. May 16th, - And every - Night:and Saturday-Alatiuee. EN T-STA ROOMBIN-ATION FULLNURGNSQUE COMPANY. ORYAT MO RIJACCIII ItALLET TROUPE. The world's wonder, . MR. J. W. JESTER, The Man with the Talking Nand. • • THE ETHIOPIAN DEPARTMENT, Seven Great Comedians. muter the direction of the renown( d Comedians and Philadelphia Favorites, LEW SIMMONS • • __ .• • nod E. N. stoounr. • NELEITANTY and II ENGLER, WALT 'B BRAY, ..• EPIT HORN, B:e.. &a. Prices of admiSsion as • • 12• St TjANDB'L, AND lIA.YDN SOCIETY. Iri conrplianee with tho wishes .of many of the Heads of the Society. GRAND MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT - Will be given on WEDNESDAY EVENING, May 1811, at the MUSICAL F,UND_IIALL. The Programme will embrace caojtusEs, CONCERTED PIECES, and SOLOS, By members of the Society, assisted by the following eminent talent : N.lbS R. M. ALEXANDER, HATE GODWIN, AIR: JACOB GRA I?, ME. OLIN W, JIILLEU, and - AIR* Ic.DR ANIIUBST. The whole under the direction of PROFESSOR L. ENGELKE. AMIE. Tickets 6o route earl ; to bolad at all the Music Stores, or from members of the Society. mylt to roylii§ WALNUT STREET THEATRE, THIS (-FRIDAY/ EVENING. May 13; LAST NIGOT BUT ONE AND - JOINT FAREWELL BENEFIT OF DIR. and MRS: BAR,N EY W ILLIAMS. ALL BA LLOW ••EVE. After which the laughable Farce of . Mrs. Williams in Six Characters. To conclude With the roaring Farce of THE. TRISH TIGER. MATINEE ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, nt 2 LAURA KEENE'S Begins at 8. CrIESTNUT-STREET THEATRE. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. FAREWELL. BENEFIT OF MRS. JAS. A. OATES, When ohJOSsEPHINE pear as , -With-a-heat-ofliTsw-Sonpiwthe DAUGHTER 01. TILE REGTMENT. . • - LAST NIGHT OF THE • FAIR ONE WITIT THE: BLONDE WIG: BATUNDAY.MI•NEFIT OF MR: N. W. FISKE, ' RICHARD 111. ON HORSEBACK. LAST MATINEE ON SATURDAY at 2. JOHN DREW'SAE . OI STREET Mi. THEATRE. Begins 8 o'clock. -- BENEFIT OF MR. JOSEPH K. EMMETT. TO-NIGHT, FRIDAY, May - Milne, 12th time ofCharles Gayier's Drama. FRITZ, OUR COUSIN GERMAN. J OSE PH K . EMMETT AS ...... . . With Songs. Dances awl Instrumeattil SOT Cl 4. TO AIORROW. SATURDAY, A FTERNOON, SEcoND FRITZ - MATINEE at 2. SE A TS SECURED SIX DA Y SIN ADVANCE. poyin OP ACADEMY OF MUSIC.— .. . . CARL WOLFSOIIN'S CONCERT, SATURDAY EVENING, May 14th, MU Programmes and full 'particulars at the Music tores. my] 4t" VOX'S AMERICAN.THEATRE, MONDAY EVENING. May 9th, anitall the meek. NEW COMIC TRICK PANTOMIME. Mr. Felix. Carlo, . . _ the Great Clown:-New Spanlait Hallett; Mlle- Do 'Rosa Mlle La Rosa, Carlo Brothers; Polly Daley. Matinee on Saturday at 2 o'clock. QEN TZ AND H A SSL ER'S M ATM E ES.— Li Mown' Fund Hall, 1889-70. Every SATURDAY AFTERNOON. at 334 o'clock. ocl9-tf Thr Laet Matinee of the beason will be given on SA TURDAY, May 14th. • • NEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE; IRE FAMILY REBORT. CARNCROSSDIXEY'S MINSTRELS, EVERY EVENING. J. L. GABNOROBB, Manager. E ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS having been injured by the recent etorrn, the Exhi bition of the Life.ei zed Painting of SHERIDAN'S RIDE postponed for a few day.' POLITICAL - NOTICES. LW* FOR SIKERIFF, 1670, F. T. WA ETON. sUbJect to tho decision of tlm,Republican Concoction mylOtiol6 0° 1870. 1870. FOR SHERIFF, GENERAL HENRY H. BINGHAM. Subject to the rulos of the RCOUblicall Party. roy7 titrpg O:Y° 1870. 1870. SHERIFF, R. LEEDS. - Subject to Republicarrßules. ruy6 rptt4 ANTS. TATANTED—BY A LAD, A PLACE IN -- V V 'office, or some place whore he can make him self 'generally useful. A, B ,this °thee. lt* ANTED .A- L-AD, FROM VV fifteen fifteen to Beventeen years old, ea clerk In the of fice of the American. Prosy Association, No, 136 South Third street. A High School boy preferred. Apply between ten, and twelve o'clock, A. M., at. the of. flee. • • • myll 3t WANTED. A BOOKKEEPER. One ectineinted with the Iron and Rag bueinese. A irlckdvreforrcdi:Atltirpser. , myll-St* "IRON," tilts °Mee. WANTED.—A PARTNER, - five or silent, in a Jobbing Home in Ole city who control f ront fifteen to twenty-five thouoand dollarB, )Od oppportunity le offered. .1 3t* SUMMER - 110 - A - it IfING SU M DIER BO ARD IN (I.—T HE UNDER _ell!lied is now opcning a convenient and comfortable boarding-house in , Bedford - , - Pa. Persona desirous of engaging rooms will please address D. BRODE, Proprlotor, Bedford, Pa. Deference—WlLLlAM. S. BOYD et, CO., No. 77 Bomb Water street. _np22 f m w 2mk: 0/01 - r'IXT MIEN. gAs--FIXT e • E :---- ; IIIISK7EY-- MERRILL , & TB AOKARA , No. 718 Chestnut streot, mann ac iiierit lifi - Gairlfixturstrilianiparitc:7lp:;Wolild — cair the attention of the public to their large and elegant us soriment oli Gas Chandeliers, , Pendants Brackets, Ac. T hey alsoi ntroduce gas pipes into dwell'ings and public bulb Ingo. and attend to extending, altering and repair ing gas pipes. All work warranted 713, 130 0 51N.=45 . 4 713 - ARRYL -1 5, - 0 - SIN — NOW R. lauding from`stonmer "'PhirMbr," from Wilmi n g. tomN o.,nud for 6010 by 0001.110. N, nussirdd. CO . .111 (Ihrotmit street. T REAM ES B; " ni:l Tß lsh - That ' tok sale by NOTRE BIGHT & BONS. 115 waln e n t t street. VXRY.PE'SIOAIBILE 4 j °IIII NY 2 Frie I •ITs' At Intones omit: 145,04 4.i ,Contain trig 8.34 Born,. oof which, are 1 140 , 0 1 4 PIADILbli4 ukl. laWn and gardtrn', and $ apron In pasturo. that.. .an bo cut to ' The whole' i)roperrt frinttli otii• qne.r.ond leading to , tbi., Railroad Ottani, which it Ditt.ogly /Ivo, tlinutes i ,wanc• 11 1 ' ' cpmo 40 by 90 foot; thrOe nova ,n azz on tree. 1 008 w-back kitelton 'all with themodArn nirenidittee. l dronestt ittblchnd 'carriage holm. 30 bir:3o fait ; Ruble ,Y.ard, fun; ,t hlckon haus° ; vonyonitint to .tho.tyclwods.. IwPrebril and atorba porniliunicatfon. alnivat hourly., IFer' ptioV %kid forma; hfoli Trill be , acctrattnodatlng",': apply,to No. 23 North WATER dtre2t. 1 " YiLur, • IS BROWN STONE RESIDENCE Jal• • t OR. SALE. Prii i t s l . l9 ° 4 tirtia STREET. Elosont oroirb-Stono - Iteohlonce. throo I .7ildnoard,idor; tory cominodionw,. Curolehott With error) { an Adorn Iconyontonce, t and . - built ha's very. 'on port nr , and P b 5 Usti tin i ; 114 n r tot, 26 foot front by ISO foot docto to, ,t_hvhbOrt'ottOot, on which 'to oroctod,o haploome brick Stable and Conch lions° • - ; ,•- •,- - rJ. iii ounrusir 1 BONS, •• • • 733,WALNU.T Street. • ,crxi WFST LANCIX I.LA.og NO n11122,f0r sale. Price only ti95,W) • , • , OLAthiIciRTTINO, m91&11' ' • ' 711 NVainut street. ; ; FOR 7 SALE,' ON EASY. TETITSC - 8, OTt city preperty taken in part pnytront,:an elegant re. eidetic°, 20 minutes from Ninth and Gi v ens, streets, on Germantown-Railroad, In nit linproving neighborhood. The house 18' well bnilt; and very. conveniently ar ranged-; contains, In ail-16-roemp-; br-suppiled-witlr city - water rind every modern. convenience ; [minted waits, platellasS front, two kitchens, with roue in Paco, large piazza, large Reynolds furnace in Cellar. Ltd, lOn feet by 2.80 feet, well laid-out, including a vary auporior 1-egetable garden. J:lit M. salfhf MR'S- dc ap3S.w-f-m-Inig 733-Walnot-etreet. ' FOR SALE, AT. RIVEItTON, NEW - Ea Jersey, on river Delaware a desirable tlrnt-class double heuse, 40 feet front, with all lantern contr. nienCea ;furnace, range. hot and cola water, battorooni and fewbouse. Lot, 100 feet front on Main etreet, awl 214 foot deep en Third street. For particulars apply to ' - J. 'W. BULON ; Wy7o-st§ 32 If: Front street; . (ill MTNUT-MI L OR--8-Psh L 11& Pointed-stone, double house, well built • with all modern improvements, and about two acreepf. ground,. with frUlt and shrubbery: WILLIAM IL BACON, m fri„ .. -FOR E - ELEGANT - MAR NA ble-Front 111unsiou, No. Alo6 Chestnut street), re plete with every modern convenience. A small property would be taken in part pay. - FOX k BURICARTm• my7,6t• 221 South Fifth street. in GERMANTOWN—FOR ' - SALE.—A, - .1.311. - Modern Vilia,contelning - 14 - Conms : near the D•pot. Terms easy.. OIIAS. 1.1. STOKES, y 3-160 No. 449 Main street. Germantown. CF4 FOR SALE.—A MODERR Es . p.m m id e Residence, 13 m) 17113 ftructt *trek. Alio a berso,carilage and berneSim, cheap. , Apply to 11 HART, GO2 Walnut street. " • apl3 tf§ - el-BUSINESS-- orrorcruNlTY. WE liavefor 011 easylerma:lll3 - imen InTnute — rm mom the city, on time Germantown Railroad, an Elegant Resi dence, beautifully and completely fitted out with all modern conveniences. It boa been occwrdeil for two roars as a board Inc:J11 .01140, Had bar a`good winter nod a cirutner patronage.). J. M. GIIMDII 1 dc SONS, 733 Walnut street • • el FOR SALE—FOUR-STORV BRICK Flag Dwelling, with back buildings, and every modern convenience, situate No:1711 Filber street ; lot 30 feet -front- lay-117 - feet-dcea-to• a' 40 feet' \Vide street.• J. M: GUM?tI 1 " & SONS, 733 Walnut street 7 - CF : ! FOR BALF-;-TBREIS-S'fo RV BRICK Dwelling, with every modern conrenlence, situate) No. COO Bout]] Tenth streot. 111 fly possession given. J. N. GI/MARCY ,t SILINb, 739 Walnut street.. FOR-SALE—THE THKEE•3TOKY ittik Brick Dwelling. with Attlee and back building. sit mac No. 34.8 Sputli Sixteenth et reet ; every nvelern mt renienre. Immediate posseadlon. J. AI, GUIWEY EONS, 733 Walnut ftreet. 01:1`TEW -- 13ROWN. --- STONII -- EtiftrSES, s: NOS. 1920, 2004 AND ZllO SPRUCE STREET FOR SAIjE7.PINISHED IN WALNUT •1,1 THE most supinuott - MANNER, - AND , EVERY MOTIERN ,CONVENIENCE. 11: B. 'WARREN, 0113 SPRUCE STREET. APPLY BETWEEN 2 AND 4 O'CLOCK P. M. tp I t2st f • WEST PH IL AD ELI' Et IA A- 14 1 - al o nu. modern cottage, with ovory convenience, and large lot of ground, sonthwest Corner or Pine n rid Forty-OKA atreeps. J. (MAME Y 44 SONS, N 0.7.33 "Walnut street. - F Ground (witll3 nu HIP SOUTH stile of AN- Sold street. between TENTH and ELEVENTH streets. Apply to A. It. CARVER k CO., myl3.6t• A. W. corner Ninth aint Filbert streets. AIEECHANTVILLE, N. J.—BUILDING 11 sites for sale, jive minutes' walk from. Welwood timtion, 111 I RTY MI I urEs FROM FRONT AND AIMEE STREETS, Philadelphia. Fare by the Annual Ticket. 8 els. per trip. Address J. W. TORREY. my 7 lm§ No. 127 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. To DY - E — RSLFOR SALE OR TO LET ON GROUND RENT.—A large lot of ground, containing 42,897 square feet, extending from Seventh to Eighth, between Tloga and Venango streets, with a never-fai ream of pure soft water running through it. Price $2.f00. Apply to JOHN TURNER, near Sixth street and Reading Railroad. aplt lm" rpo CAPITALISTS UILDERS.— or sale—A large and rapidly-improving LOT, NORTH BROAD STREET, between Norris and Dia mond ; 528 feet deep io Till RTEENTH STREET, inter sected by_ PARK AVENUE, FOUR FRONTS. A pply No. 322 Chestnut street. $O,OOO to 4 520 . 1000 Trust I'Madlitoor at vest in psr. First• Class City A iso, Several Prime Mortgagee or $3,000 to $5,000. For Salo by E. K. JONES, 707 Walnut Street. n1Y7.6t5 H. Y. LAUDERBACH'S CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC AND COMMERCIAL ACADEMY, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, N 0.1013 8. TENTII Street. A Primary, Elementary tuad Finishing School. Circulars at blr. Warburton's, N 0.430 Cbeetnut street. my 9 if§ - -- - _ _ _ .LT A T,LOWELL SELECT HIGH SCHOOL 1111 FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, No. 110 NORTH TENTHS TENET, PHILADELPHIA. The School of the late CALEB S. II 4LLOWELL, with all its appurtenances, is now. In the possession . of the undersigned, by whom it will hereafter be con- ducted. Parents desiring to have their eons care-, fully and thoroughly educated are invited to calf, ut the School or send for a Circular.' Applica tions for admission to the School . next Septem ber may now be made. GEoRGE EASTBDRN, A. H./ j my mw f 20t1 JOHN G. M R OOE, M. r tic pa 8. CSAUNDERS , •COLLEGE_, WEST . Philadelphia. A lecture every MONDAY NINE. ap26.lm* U,IG. P. BONDLIIELLA, TRAOHER - OF Singing. Private lessons and °bingos. Wedeln° 308 B. Thirteenth street ss azdti.sgs TRIMMINGS AND PATTERN ft. Alf ES. M. A. 13INDER'S Jill LACES A NWPAPER PATTERNS. ' .1101. N. W. COR. ELEVENTH and CIiinTNUT. _NCSVELTIES C TUKEE AND dPRIG MUSLINS. Piques, from 256. to $l. French minding. 2'yards wide, Elegant satins, 81 76 Fr yard. Toni Thumb fringes, 1 per dozen. • P SOLS. • MADE-UP LACE GOODS. Black 'Tlirerid, Guipure, Pointe Applique, Valenci• el111(1 Locos, Lace Collars. Ruillings, all the styles in uso. • , Cotton gimps and fringes. • • Joseph kid gloves, $l, every pair warranted. Bridal veils and wreaths, 'French Jewelry, corsets and' , hoonskirts. Coffering machines, $lO, IT you want a handsomely-litting, well-mado, suit, at short notice, go to MRS. BINDER'EI. SIM never disappoints. It is truly a wonderful ostab-, `Aisbruent. . - The above gdods cannot bo; equalled in qua yor HI It AC BULLETIN OIECO S. MASON DINES. r J01121.F. EILIBABIA rp.El E 'UNDERSIGNED INVI.TEATTEN x , rioN to their stook 'of Spring 111ountain; Lehigh nod Locnat Monntalil'Ooal. which, with-the preparation given by us, we think bon net be excelled by any otlirtrOcrah' • • • Office. yranidin Institute Building,lio:lls B. Seventh area. . • . • DINES dF SHBAler t • alOti • • • . Aroh Street Wharf, So __PERK/NAL _. ooltuti.liSsoit. OH.PI' BUCHANAN, D. onppLo conntilted'per,tondß td yor by letter alt eases. Patients cittyrely ppoucalmopoedy, end per mencnt cure. as the 'ProfuseOr •nrepetee and furtyelms new, scientific and positivo „remedies tipech4ly. ,ad ntod to t he wants,of the pullout: PliVato'ofticos ljt . 4 7 110 4 0 Building; No.'ol4,l , lNN.street,:olllc'e tiou{e.trom AL to 9P. ' • aPall 01 ON AND NICE .L.:47 DAINA :00T glitop ;,Al9 nooks, Rico. Now landing from °tw i n . "' Wyomjogofrom Savannah, Ga.,,andlor auto by (10013.. BAN:RUSBELIA dc CO., 1119bostiot areet. iroit siaAm. ORT G .- NG ES: EDUCATION MUSICAL. COAL.A.DID WOOD. TO'RENT., To REN T.. iStore 140 Vorth ightli 'Street. 6,;i tt illr!rs ,t, 338 : 1:471c, IMMM ; The Ne Sixth ,flyp-Story Store s S eart9ei ttitd_Are. 9 1:1 tor, 4trfleS. - 1-20-br-- 17 &feet—A9r1)4° --- THEODORE ME GA 1101011, . No. 20 South oixth Stree2t 41 5 / 1 4.1, , f3ARAIA.NTQW01.,--4.., illEiffliafTrimlirocd'Prbeetti' t I ' d WO 'bbift armntowD, for rent or sale. P. &E, Wit, .lAIIBO N, Vet/Arch street. myls 2t* , i s 'AYll -1 014T 4 =POR12;OrillailittONTLIW$ to a family without children, a furnished house, 'en Chestnut street, south side, above Twentieth street.. iAddrees G. T. R., silt Wainut,street. mY9 m w f3r "TO LET.-= . • A." 1) StirRABITM I,lail deuce, will, all the modern conveniences, on Locust avenue. hear Willow avenue, Gormantown;thteo ivalk from Cliuref 1.31n0 - ißritton. lininediatopos. sessiou SCOTT & .38 North Third street: - • • •' • j •• nIYB-tativ6Ef" ;0 RARE CHANCE.--TO RENT Ilandsome.,Countfr. Nesidence ky Thomas h Ott, b. tel y °Mined by 41111)(IS apt. on 014 york road, above city lin ci•contalt/ log slzq in istefect order, :with every /convenience. DOBBINS, Le ger mYI.3 St` 11TO, RENT.—ELEGANT COUNTRY oen t, thenet-c - orner-of-blaidei-a treat-sod : Mc- Kean . avenue' Germantown ( Wayne . Otation/: mod , rn residence, partly farnlabed,Arltbtal antrtenfenten gas, bath, hot and cold water , two ranges, ()Ix champ rs, • stable. spriug•house, etc. The-ground, comprls• Jog bt tween two and three acres, Is tastefully laid out, anti rl--n , tdlvith--tilarlo and7frult. treffir -FotTpartitu , — lartappti_t r toyl3-3t* No. C/7 Walnut street. To LET, • NO: 2.01 WEST. GREEN 'Stritt—A t brer-tfory brink lion66;ln good condi: tlon. Apply at 1716 Grevn ott6ol. 110112 31' OM TO RENT FOR THE SEASON--A yynall Farm liana@ (furnfebril) and Vinoyarde jitnlntd point in (.IhP6EoY;tOunty, Two louts by r4il, t; per. I rnith from Vlae.yard6 ill/ I traittd,, Addre6i-V YARD, BUPLATIN Office. . myl2 , 3Y" • frfl t .. TO RENT--11, FLTUNISIIED.HOUSE ER FOR V ()OIL 310Ni' OH APPLY AT 232 ROUTH EVEN TEENTIL STREET. RENT, af.d PER. ' Yuyll.llt". LET—HOUSE, NO: 4008 NORTH LJ is Sim!' stript..; all the tnnil ,, rn impydyment6. - Ye.6lon Ittli that. Apply to JOHN KIELGORE. Ho. Old 3% nod strand. • ' mytl-61.'' . MARKET STR EET 8 T U R rent for n term of Veff ill, the Flve•st9ry Store So. 322 Market atretit. J, M. G UM.ME SONS, 733 Walnut etmet, , : al FOR RENT.-STORES North 'Water atrtot:. ALbo large rtil4oft ..ver the otore., ANA) , to. JON. S. FISHEtt, mfGI2Y - Cononerco pitcoet. fp • FOR, _SENT.-A:Nt-lulu- it° t/SE4 Atm] grounds: northeast corner Thirty-. ronth and Locust streets, on favorable terms. On the grounds- aro a large assortment of-frnlt trees and an ex• --tenrive-hot--honve,-1111rd-with-a-rtroicec-eallectrorr-of graye•r Mee. Apply to JOS. S. FlSflEft, m>6 12t• 501 Commerce street. frci4 G Elt fil A NT() WN.—S E V - 1 4 111AL COT &iLleiges to rent and fur sale, eft A S. 11. STOKES., No. 41.22 Main street. Germantown. my3•l6t • GERM AN TOWN.. , --A F 131{N.18111.0) -Bilia.-Cottage-tko rtutfout , ix-morithe,,c ra w . , Wes otdeput.. -G11A.5..17....5T OK RS,.._ __ zny3 lnt• No. 0;29 31ftin •treet. Germantown. 01' TO' RENT—THE ' 'STORE NO. 811 Era A rrh street. Apply ut - m 3-242 t" No. 703 Walnut atreot. Oct TO R T—A 11 A , - 05.14ISTIED Country • Rt.ldenue, with 4 aCra of =grouud, Idanlaylm «tract, Ocimantawn-shree flan walk from Wayne Station. MI kinds fruit'. Ilan lawn, vtable for homes and vaulty with all and every fin vrave- Annty . ,to,.VO.P_Pl.X.R. a. JOILDA.N..&IiI Walnut, . FOR RENT.—L HANDSOME - COTTN: .try place. with eereral acme of land, nn 014 York road. five uiluntee' walk from Oak Luuu elation, on the North Pennitylvanin Itailrmul. • FUJIN] till ED couNTior SEAT. within two min uted' walk from ilaverrort ontion. nn the Penneylvanin Central Railroad: .1. 11 3131 ET & BONS, 733 Wal nut etreet.. • CTO LET.—A FINE THIRTEEN a:m:Ird Huntlinn, near Vrankford, with lawn, pardon.. stabling, narrlagn•liouw, Se. luqulro 1321 Girard avenue, _ ap2rStl§ ta, .lii:NT-FLUUMS OF ALL SIZES, • woir itglitetl,6ultable for light manufacturing hurl pow,. in building N 0.712 Chtwtr.ut street. J. hi. 01111- .11 EY le 80N 8, TX3 Walnut /street. TO RENT—A FURNISHED DWELL -IIS ing, No. Sbuth Ninth street, with all improve ments; a deal/able location ; will ho routed roll-son-able to a good tenant ; porresslon from the ifrst of liar. Also. stable. cro B,iirr alley ..below W ‘‘l nut street and above Vrith street. for flare horse? and carriages. Apply to COP PUCK A JONDAN. 4I3 Walnut street. FOR 'tE NTTI ''P '2 I F - M fonr..or„opert,?z.s g. corner of Jayne . , and first !those Chestnut street.. J. M. IiiiMMEY • & tiOlsb, 733 M alma street. R R E N.T—FURNISHED—A saik handsome fonr-atory brick dwelbnif, with back buildings and every modern convenience. nitwit/1 on street, below Plat,. J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, No. 733 Walnut street. • leg FOR RENT-FURNISHED OR UN tliewtelairestfry attest. ckidwe , ll4l44 Wilt%) 19(7.148. MS Walnut etrect. fre TO LET—SECOND-STORY FRONT mg Room, 824 Chestnut street, shout 20 x 28 feet./ tioltable for an aloe or light busineils, 18 1 5 tf rp FARB. & BROTICIE' FOR SALE—WEST. LOGAN I.3.l3quare.—No. 246—Four-story brown stone rest dence.with three story double beck buildings. Lot 24 feet front by 144 feet deep. No. Ifl.l CLINTON STREET—Three-story dwelling, with three-story double back buildings. Lot 20.111.5 feet ton street. CHESTNUT STREET—Handsome four-story resi dence. with large three-story back buildings. Lot 23 feet front by 235 feet deep, to Sansom street. Situate west of Eighteenth street. ARCH STREET—Handsome four-story brick resi dence, 22 feet front, with every convenience. N. W. corner Twentieth street. . ARCH STREET—Handsome modern four-story brick residencemith three-story double back buildings. Extra conveniences and in perfect order. West of Eighteenth street, south side. J. M. 611111.ItlEY & SONS, 733 Walnut street. A . P. ELILDRETIL E. S. TAYLOR.;' mr.puyji d TAY49.11,1_ - CAPE MAY REAL ESTATE BROKERS, _Office, Perry_ street,_opposito Mansion street, - CAPE MAY(TITY; - N - , j. Refer by special permission to: E. 'C. Knight, lie ilium F. Potts. Mathew W. Baird and John II Bul litt. Faux., of Philadelphia; General William J. Sowell, of Comden, and J. F. Cake Esq., of Cape May. N. B.—Particular attention given to too rentine of cottagba, my3 tojyt ("MEESE 85, Mee OLLITItt , REAL ESTATMI M/ENTS. I 0115ee,Jackson street, opposite Manslon street, °ape Island, N. J. • Real 'Estate bought and sold. Persons desirous o,c renting cottages during the season will apply or address as above. • j itespectfolly refer to Ohne. A . Enbioam,Henry=moo Fkanclo . uguatn •• orf o, Joh Divig•• J vcoo MISCELLANEO LI b. • FOR %SALE. NA ' S F 0 R' SALE. Cotton and . Worsted Yarns all numbers. Cotton Yarns, one. two, three or four ply, on cons, ,on beams and in skeins. Also, Chain and tiatinet Warps, Cotton and Wool Waldo. „ 91.0. F. FIIALL, Commission Merchant. 67 KILUY Btrost, Boston, Maas. m 11.5 Sot§ • • • /FUEGO'S TEABERRY riVig - themostplotisant , chelpeet and•bestdentifrico— extant. Warranted free from injurious ingredients. It Preserves and Whitens the Teeth I • Invigorates and Soothes the Gums I Purlilee and Perfumes the Breath • Prevents Accumulation of Tartar I Cleanses and Purities Artificial Teeth t • le a Superior Article for Children Sold by all l)ruggsts_ • A. SI, WILSON, Proprietor, ;Oily rp§ Ninth and Filbert streets, Philadelphia. TiOLISHING POWDER. -- THE BEST LL tor. cleansing Silver and Plated Ware, Jeweiry,ete., v sr manufactured • ' • FAlhl dc 824 Chestnut street, below Fourth. nrhl, tfrp 110011 SALE 011EAP---A :LARGE WAL- J. Counting-hopes peek., Address " Et, TIT,LN TIN OFFICE. IrISTRUCTIONs. s ti 11011SEM A NSHIP.- —_ ,_THE , PH,11.4 A.- . :N,A. . DEJ.,Futa. BIDING 80110GL No. 3.338 Mar et e rent; ie open 'daily for Ladies and Gentlemen. it is the largeet,.beettlghted and . .heated eetabliehment. in the city; ' The . tigress are thorogghlyi broken for ,the . v' most timid. The Attdrnoon these for. Young Itvlice• fit - I, tending school , Metiday, Wedneedityand Fridaye, and • nn Evening' Claes , for, • Gentlemen. Horses thoroughly r _truiped for the middle; Horace taken to livery.,Hand: r. gome ctitriffgee - ter hire: - t3torage for wons'and-leighe, . ----.................... * . . - • - BETH ORAIGE, . , , • . tog lecovir - • ~.,................--v-------....... CIITLEAIt r 0 D G Kit 8' ' 'AND ' ' WOSTEN tIOL INC'S POOKET-KNIVES, PEARL - and ST AGI RAN LEN of beautify! Malin,. RODGERS' and W ADP it UTCII.ER'S, and the OE LEBRAI ILD LE 00 OLT EE BA ZOR-SOIIitiOBRIN - CASEB of - Dia , fineet quality'. it azore, linlven Splesorp u r Table Cutlery nronnd and nollebed. .EAtie)xi writ ENTS 51 OA mil. 4 approved coindruction to &Met the 'eating., nt P. MAD EI It A'S, Cutler and Surgical Instrument Maker, 115 Tout h strUnt, below Chestnut. • . myl tf , C`B S•:::,,"C Cr . L .. V ... 'Olt 'TIM • PIIILADELPMA EVENING BULLETIN v r FnutAxi - Nay 43':1870. • • ALL comninideationsi for 'this column must; be addressed " Chece•Bdif or of EVENING Bore: IGETIN," and should reach the office, et hdest, onTionfriliii inefning. All 'Problems past be: sceatapaniad bi the telutionfa.nd name 'of the; composer. • • DIRBOTOBY. e•-• PnEss CLUB-607 Walnut street. Open daily AmEnztrirlLLSikth'oand'Ailelphi MB. Open t I ‘ l 7 Endiciiiii;EquifiztAltr 7 ::- - TelitiCidleelTifelit I Market. Open daily. GzusrAy Cixn—Foarth and Cherry streets Open Wednehday eirening4. - HOTEL DE ,f3AXE-L-4.66 North Third street.; Open daily. ColinnitctiAL 4 1166318--Tbird and Walnut.l Oppn - • . I UNION L . FAGUE—Open vaily. ' • . Anomerss,to Correi‘ipondentS. • "W. G. Y."--Yorti friend's aolution of No. 731 is „simply faulty,; - but yo - nrcommunication - ; conies too late to answer you at:lengtb: Will ' tell yon'the Whys next week. We have not examined the other solutions yet. . „ " .14,, ' PniLA."---Ciantributions received, and . ,• examined: , Wit are garding:7lo,.for if Q R Black replies with Kt to Kt 4. 'We give only. the leading varia tion to economiz6 ,space. . . reqUestlifia linen attended-tO EnnAvuxt.---Line six of.tbe article on Drawn Games, in our last his' ue„dhould have read: c_plaL(idindittilbidrawpganies - Co i nnting one halt game for earl party). is angst especially to be Coitunclided at games of Oildn."' • Another German Tourney is to lie/held at Baden-13aden this year. -- Problem - 110.:137.. - _33N.,ll.ll._JAPtin ELEION. rA/ '%' / ,/// ///A -" I crn /•/ e 4 I /' / >//// V / / •44-4/4, • "// A //..0 - ; //4 ,„„ 41 , , / /" /1 - /.4 / giV • " liThiEl Vlifte - to - play aitd mate in three moves Problem tio. 738. In MIL B. lIENRY. mi ,- , : ,, ,e , '• AL / 7/1 . - - ..,/ , w ... / a,•:j .%4 %/A ,-, / %,P', , We„ , V- 4. " , 7/ xi; , 0 f -- fw,F - ---e`, ------ , , 14 ,- , 4, 4 %..„.774: "// 4,, ,K4l r/ 4 ,Fie er K' 4 , / / - e , - 0 ,/, 0. , z,. ~‘' A , .. ~ r . / :5111 2 r27 / 4 r/••,/ A • /1 , „ p 1 7 ,, , , ~,0 , , /x / , / i',„ ,// 4 , i '', ,4, ;0 "--- ' Y '/ 0 ,..„, , „.• f , ,„ ~ ,/ // 4 r.7,,/(4. / 0, • % ; 11%. I r 4a AA %/2'i" - '',P 4 White to play and mate in three moves End• Game Bate N0..15. (REICHIXELM.) (AMATEUR.) (Evans Gar4ll.) P.loves I to 8, - as ordinary.l 9. to K 13 to R 4(?) 10. Q to Kt 3 B x R P(eh) K to B sq 12. [3xlit R - x B 13. Kt to Kt 5 1' to Q 4 14. Q to 13 3 (Clij IC to K 2 11 21* ; 1 A r —' A „,/ ." / • •A et/ il4 0 1 II „ 4 4, A ~„ A '4-4 %/ ~,,,, A i P 7.44 W V . " . 14 , N J , r, / r V/ A s /.% a , , P',/„ r 'A V,A / l,/ 4 mr Ai_ WHITE. "White to iilay and mate in thirteen moves •. - Pi/elation to No. 721. WHITE.BLACK. 1. (ch)' P 2. R to Q 3 Anything 3.-Q mates. • SOlnOln .X o. 722.: _ BLACK. 1. It to K R 4, and mates next move. Solidly!' t 0•123. Iviarrn. Brix, .1. P to K 3 P to Kt 3 (Yr to Q 6, then Q to Q R 2, and in answer to P to 11 6, ‘.4 to IC It 2. ) 2. 1.2 to Q 3, - 'matin next move. Notation to No, 724. - BLACEE. Q to Qsq B moveß-orl-Al -2. QtoQ R eq • - Kto K 4 (eh) 3: - P to 'B 4 mate, • , , • 2. P to B 4 (ch) 3. Kt to B 3 mate CHESS IN PHILADEBIIII,I. Game No. 2463. Occurring in a match now in progress at the PreAs 'Club, between Me 5.9113. Reichhelm and Hach, the forin fir giving a Knight. (Remove White's (21teen's Knight.) (French Opening.) Wu. (Mit. REICIIILELII,), Br,. (Mu. Huort.) PtoK 3 • 2. - PtoKB4 PtoQ4 3. Pto K • I',to Q B , 4. Pto B 3 Q.Kt to B 3 b.BtoCl3 Ptoßb . 6.8t0 13 2 Btoß4. to B 3 ', Kt to H 3 • P to Q Kt 4. B to Kt 3, .9.`PtoQR4 'Pto,QR 3 (Castling would be inferior, e. g. . ' 10. Cantles" 11.4 . to It 5 • Bto R 2 12. Plc Ktb 'Kt to K g ' 13, to Kt 6,, k(3.) _ .• 1' to 4(4 4' " " ' P (eri pas) 12. QxP .1(ttoB 41 13.BtoQBs4‘t Q la 11 21- 14..8t0Q 2 , , attc,Q2,Bq. • IV. •It to'Q B sq. tolojti , , (A) 1. Kt x P K to Q 5 '' 'P to't2 R 4 "- ""•. F. Pdi r B try put:o i t et? titix ; p: t -- Vettil nit tiii6 i Paiirtiti'll(tit Maricting position for the,pteCe, lOtit): • , x • B x'P Cirstleit 21. , 11xatt i a iJ3 t 1 q. 22. Q to Ic 2,, ' 23."8't0"Q'3. P't6; „ ~ (B Xlt ` P. worildloive•losta'plem)'tt • 24. Hi to RVS, ''Q toAt 2 t 25. Pt(5115 • (The situation here 1.4 extremely intereBmig.) gts. to IC 7 (di) ;R AO , ' 21; y 2. ) 3 'm R Oh) ' -- • Cueilesg— (Foreseeing that l ;9l3 " reatened to:force the ,game bq Q, to' Q 6, P tOl3 211. Ptoß 0 p ' ' 3 , . 30. Kt x RP ! Biz K fi• (5)..Qt0K3 , .BxKtPt' _.32. x B . to B 8! _ 33. Q to R 6 P Queens (ch) ' .34. .I{.-xQ Q to XIS (eli) 35. Kx B, • Qtoß 4, (ch)_ , ' K to Kt 2 Q to Kt .6 (ch) 37; Kto B'2 . • Qto B 4 (ch) 38. Kto .K. 2. • Q. x .P.(ch)' 39. Kto Q fig Qto Q, (chi 40;Q to Q 2 •QxRP (eh) 41.,R to 1.1 2 Q to .R 8 (ch) 42. K to K 2, and won the game. 'Game liro. 2464- Another game in the same match. (Remove White's Queen s Knight.) (Yrimeh Opening.) Wu. (Mn. R51(34;1 13r) Br,. (Stn. Rum.) 1. P to IC 4 I" to li 3 2. Bto Q 3 ' • Pio 0/4 ' 3. P Pio Q Q 113 • Ptoß 5- n—B-to-B-2 Q Kt-to-B-3 O. P to B 4 s B to B 4 7: Kt to B'3 P taß 3 8. Kt to R 4 Kttoß3 9. Q to R 5 (eh) Rt to B 2 10. B ltjt P ,• • - Kt to K 2! 11. P to Q Kt 4 to Kt 3 (1111: P IP- (en pas); If White - follovvs _ with P to Q 4 and 13 to It 3.) 1 . 2. II to It 3 - • Q to 11 21 $ 13. Castles P to It 4 14. P to - Kt 5 B to B 4 - 15. B to .Kt 2 P to R. 5 16. P to Q 4 ' P x P (mins) 17:RxP BtoQ2 18. It to K Kt 3 B x Kt P (Tt castles Q It, then x x Kt P, and the Knight has no escape.) • K It to B'sq 20. B to Kt 6 Kt to B 4 (Kt x 11 would hate lost the exchange.) -- 21. Kt x- Kt P x Kt 22.13. x Et (ch) IL x B 23. P to K 6 ('2.3. It to Kt 8 (eh) is also good play.) • 2:3. Q x P (oh) 24. K to Q sq .__(Again 24. .Kssq. Q,to K 3 (eh)... 2,.Ktoltsn , QtICP 26. Rxli. QxR R to K sq (elt) K. - to 13 N . .0 13 to K. 2 Would Inset by Q., to, R. S,el3) and teb). - • •- 28. Q to R 8 telt) Q to lit sq Qx P (1,11). Drawn game.) - • .24, 13 to 1( 7 . (eh) .1.1 (The position is most reMiarkable. Blie(t tains a oraw in a novel and ingenious manner.) 2.5. K x B Q to K 6 (eh) 26. K to Q eq Q to Q 6 (cli) (Dr.areing the game ; and Properly. too; for if . - • - ' QtoKt 8, (du • 28. K to K 2 Q x B (oh) 11. K to Q 3 Q to Kt 4 (ell) Game No. 2465 Between Mr. Jacob Bison, giving Knight, and Mr. .111oken. . - (Remote 147iite4 Queen's -Knight.) (Knight's Gambit.) • WR: 1ME..E1.80X.) 8L•135R:311C4k1.14 1. 1' to K 4 P to K 4 ' 2. PtoK B 4 • Px P 3, K Ktto B 3 - P toK Kt 4 4: 13 to B 4 , B to' Kt. , 2 -b. Castles , P to K It 3 ti.PtoßB' ' • Ply Q - -7, QtoKt 3 QtoK 2 . 8. PA* Q 4 . Q Kt to B 3 9.PtoK6 P x P. 10. .1.? X P Kt ±P: 11. Kt xKt B Kt 12. 13 to Q 2 (It will be, seen that 'White sacrificed the pawn for greater freedom-of action.) 12. Kt to B 3 13. QR to sq Kt to Q 2 P to Kt,3 ,tllnftles .P.xP 16.QBxP Qtotl3 , 17. Bx P (eh) (All this is prettily played.) 17. R x r. 18. Q x (eh)! • -• Kx Q - 19. B x B (eh) K to K 3 20. B ,IQxB.. 21. It to K 8 Pto Kt 3'. • 22. R to .Q sq . (cb) K to B 3 23. It, to K. R El, and. won the game. Game No. 21643. Between the sarne'PlaN 4 ers. (.Remove,l)7nte's Queen's knight.) • (Petro)''s Defmre.) , (Mn..ELsox..) L. (.Mn. ' . PtoK 2. Kt to B 3 X lit to B 3 3. P•to Q 4 ' P to Q 3 (Admissable, considering the odds given.) 4.8t0Q84 BtoKts 5. Q to 1C 2 B x Kt 6. P x B BtoK2 7.PxP • '; Px,P 'B. 13 to'Q 2 13 to Q3' 9. Castles (Q R.) Kt to B 3 10. 1' to B 3 KttoQß4 11. Beto Q 3 Q to Q 2 12. K R to Kt sq BtoKKtsq 13. K to Kt sq P to Q Kt 4! (To gain time if the pawn - be taken.) . 14. Bx P P to 8.3 15. B to Q3' P to B 4 16: B to K KVS ' K to K 2 17. Qto Q 2 . KR to QKt sq 18. B to IC 2 it to Kt 3 1.0.Pt0K84*QKt sq 20: P toKt 3 .Kt sP I Oho dexisive blow.) • . , 21. '33 X ICt (oh) P x B, and :Mite is left sans resource. Game No. 2467 . . . At - the ,! Hotel de Saxe," between Ifessrs. • - - Alanrice and Graeft. (Evahs Gambit.) Wu: (MR. 31.A.LatICE,), BL. (Mn . GRAEFF,),. VPtoIC 4 P toPli 4 " '2. •K Kt to B 3 Q Kt tol3 3 3. 13 to B 4 -13 to B 4 4. P Q 'Kt 4 / • IrxlitP • 6..P,13t0,3 ';•.„- to B 4 • • El. Castle's . P - tO Q. 3 7. P t.o Q 4 P x P 3.'PxP "' •BtoKt3 (This move constitutes the Philadelphia At _tackovhere .elaborated_ and_ ana lyzed.) ' • ' • 9. Kto B sq • (Experimentally played.) . • : 10. P to K 5 . .4 to _Kt 6 11. B to It 3 'Kt X (I P 'l2. P x P , Ktx Kt (ch) • (Better P x,P. The concluding moves are very. pretty and entertaining.) • • 13. Q x Kt ! Q to (/ 2 14. Px P (ch)'- , Kt to K 2 15. RxKt ! . • • Bx Q White matednow in :six-moves. PaUbiD• DRUGGISTS WILL MIND A LARGE dock of Allen's Medicinal Bstracte and 011 Almonds, Rad. Mei. Opt., Citric Acid, Ooree'd Sparkling (34,1atin, genuine Wedgwood Mortara. &a., just landed from black Hoffunng, from'london. ROBERT 8130BMARBR CO.; Wholekale I)rttggieiti. N. E. comer. Fourth glad Baca ERUGG,ISTS' 1 • SIIINTDRIEB4 ...- GRAD CT tides', MOULT, Pill Tiles, Combo, Bruedielf %.611,rvirs, • torsi - Puff Hoxosilfortr Sooopoi-Burgfonl-Instrto month', Itrusoes,.Hard _and Soft Bpbber, Ooddo,•_yjal -- Onotootnttortyntrtfii?M`io_gooi:oar.", - all - ar -, • - tru'or sn Hondo" Ohm: ' SHOW HEN & BROTHER, apti-tf , • , - - , 29 South Eighth area. fIASTILE 13041P-GEITUINE AND' VERY. vV enperior-200 boxes landed' limn berk'ldea, end or lisle by EQDEIireHOEMAKEII & CO., Importing Druggists. iCO •Pr FPurtb,and na9 • ltrefita. PENTINE AND IrUlt -hark rocrothte; 292 barrels. 'PR Soap 21.t b tea ri t ili nPrrijigo' 2 +Bodo, landfill:l,er aUtamship 13yi ROW : B. BOWERY, 11l &nal ont street. , o l pionber, 'For e • , - )h A -• 1 3 187 ilatammucuummusamanan 11. , Ih• 4 , , I 1829!!iii.!:79: 1 *.1, 1 F#118* ; ' • ^ jrlFir w ATIVIKILARNT • ITRE:INSWIANGR COMPANY orriiitingtvinA, cr , OFFICE -436 437'_Chiititiiiist. .A.01E4413, op. joikPorY, , i-i 1870*, . . . , . • idtaL.,,;.• • Accrued durrans and 2425,751 001111 YOU I ..'LOBB}ll3 PAID IN • . 8810 0 0000 , 9144,90i114121 IsOl!litikr2. PAID 6 SINCE 1829 OVER " Sii - 00'000; PeoeinaLand Temporarltrolleles on LiboraVrorids. The company also lames policies upon _the Rents of all kinds of Btlidloga L gyound Ban_g and".Mortgages 2 Tho " Ifnet.NXLIN has no 5718PUTED DiEBOTORS.' - Alfred G. Baker,' • . • Alfred Fitter. Bamvel Grant,- -•—. Thomas Sparks, • Geo. W. Biel:lard/1, Wm. S. Grant,, ' Thomas , Gestavris 8. Benson. George Faleg, , ALPRB 0. LIAKF 4 R, Prelident. ' GEORGE- Vice President. .YAS W. 111cAiLISTER., Secretary. • _:THEODORE 1 11.BEGER. Assistant Secretary. re 7 tde.3ll ' INSURA NCE_COMPANY NORTH AMERICA. INCORPORATED 1704. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, , . - • $500,000 AISIS=B Isinuary 15t,1870 - p. 783,581 Losses paid place organiza. . . -1823,060,060 _lte_izelvtaitt Prem1ainf011449,111,991,837_45 Interest frOzo Iliverimeaui, , /869, . • . . 114,696 74 ' Lowers iPaid, . ($ 811,Z6,44114 STATEILENT O'lr THE ASSETS: First Mortgage on City Pr0perty........, 1766450 00 United States , Government and other Loan Bonds. , .., ...... ............ 1,122,90 00 Bailreinißank and Canal StonCa-. 65.7(.11 00 Cash in Bank and other— 247.620 00 Loans on Collateral Security - 32,658 00 Golfe -Receivable, mostly. MaHne Pre mium 521,044 00 Accrued Interest 20357 00 Premiums in course of trawmalesion24l9B 00 Unsettled llarine Premiums. , , 100,900 00 Beal 'Estate, Office or . Company, Philadel phia , . ......,—.. .'. . -........—.... - 53,nc0 -oo $2,783481 oo 'TORE. , Arthur 41-.-Coffio,-- -=Stands-R: - Cope, - ------ fiaruuel W. Jonm, 'Edward H. Trotter, John A. Drown, " Edward 8. Clarke, Charles Taylor, , T. Charlton Henry, ' Ambrose White, Alfred D. Jessup, 'William Welsh; ' , Louis C. Madeira; -- S. Morris Waln,l Chas. W. Cashman, John Mason, Umlaut A. Griscom, Geo. L. Harrison, William Brockie. -. ARTHUR D.-COFFIN, President. CLIA BLEU PLATT, Vice Pros't. Mart - Was MAMA, Seeretttri.. -.. ... . . _ •-.— C. H. REEVES, Atts'te Secrtary. ' • ____ . _ _ __ . __ Cei•tiBcates of Marine Immune° tssnell twtion de sired), payable at the Counting Rouse of Messrs. Brown,'Shinley & co., London. _ _ FIRE ASSOOLITION F A OF • Irit"-*?* PHILADELPHIA. .-ImoOirportsted —Navaho-Mr-1W Office---No. 84 North Fifth Street, ffiBURE DULDIII4IB,_ HOUSEHOLD FITRNITUDI AND AMBOIIAMDISS DENZRALLY PROM 1,9138 BY an the city of Philadelphia Assets a r siirtreiry:l. 1637(:). ' • $1,570,732. $215. TRUSTEES: - wan= it.Thunfltop, Charies P.Bower, John Carroty, Peter Williamson. ' _Clearly It p_trnnig, 'Jesse Liglittoot, Joseph - B. byttosu, Robert Shoemaker Levi P. Coats, Peter Armbruster. game, sparbawk, Joseph E. Sch IL B ell. Dickinson, ' WM. H. HAMILTON, President, SAMUEL SPARRAWR, Vice President WM. T. BUTLER, Secretary. Dk - LAWARE, DrurruAL SAFETY INSII• HANCE COMPANY. incorporated by the Leiria's. latnre of Pennsylvania, 1,1/2,15. tfl ce; B. E. corner ofP hiled THIR I D It tgd WA.LNET. streetMARINE lIITURA NOES On Vessels, Cargo ana 'Freight to all parte of the world INLAND INSURANCES On goods by river, canal. lake and land carrlag tto all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merehandise genceally ; on Stores, DwelUngs, Rouses, ao. ASSETS VF RITE COMPANY Novemoer 1, IStsi. e 200,000 United States Five . Per Cent. Loan, ten-forties_: .... .. 8416,000 co 100,000 'Tutted States -- _ Six Per Cent. "Loan (lawful rooney)..—. 107,750 IX 60,000 United Stalks Six Per . dint. Loan, 1831.. 200,000 State of Pennsylvania Srx Per 200,000 City of Philadelphia Bit Per Cent Loan (exempt from tax)... 200,926 OC 100,000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan, r 102.000 00 20,4111 Pennsylvania . Railroad First Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds... 19,450 IX 25,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds... 23,62590 25,000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent - Bonds • (Ponnsklvaniis jtailfoad, gnu -20,000 00 50,1500 State of 'Tennessee Five * Per Cent. Loan 15,000 015 7,000 State of Tennessee Bit Per 'ant. Loan 4,270 00 12,500 Pennsylvania 'Railroad Com pany, 2) shares stock • 14,000 00 5,000 North Pennsylvaniall ' Railroad Company, 100 shares stock 5,900 0 10,000 : Philadelphia and-Southern Mail Stoning/iv .Company, SO shares , f,600 00 246,900 Loans stock on Bond, and Mortgage, first liens on Oity.Properties . 246 , 90 0 00 01;131400 Par. - Cost, ei,2Maiket value, 81,270,270 00 15,02 22. Real Teirtate. ,Bills Receivable for Insurance Balances duo at Agencles—Pre mitnns on Marino Policies. Ac crued Interest and other debts due the Company 27,097 21 Stock, Scrip, dm.. of sundry Cor porations, $4,706:'-Estimated .......... ... .... 2,740 70 Cash an Bank.... Cashin Drawer, • pIBEOTORb. Thomas 0. - Ilene, SamuetE:• Stokes, J ohmo. Davis, . William (1. Dordton, Edmund E. Bonder, Edward Darliogton, Theophilns Paulding, H. Jones Brooke, •• - • James Traanair, • "Edward Lafouroade, Henry Sloan, ` Jacob , • • Henry 0, Dallettar., Jacob P. - Jonee, James O.vJand James 13. M'Farland, William 0 And Wig, • o losbna P. Eyre, Joseph H. Seal,,, ' Spencer Bl'llvaln Hugh Craig, ' • J. B. Semple, Pittsburg, John D. Taylor, ,B. Berger, . • . George W.l3brundou, DT t Horgan, " O. Houston itro i ck _ • . la 0 HAND,-President.— JOHN , O.' DAVIS, Vie° President, HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. HENRY - BALL: Assistant Secretary. dela THE - CCAISNTY FIRE INSURANCE COM; PANlf.tiloa, NO.' 118 South; •Ifourth street, below Chestnut.' The Ingosurince Company of the County of delphia,"rporated - by the Legialature of Pennsylva• nia in 183 e, for indemnity against loss or damage by fire, exclusiveli • CHARTER ,PERPETUAL., This old and reliable ..inetitution, with/ample capita) and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to in• sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, &0., either per manently or fora limited time, against loss or damage by Are, at the lOwestrates ootusistent' with the absolute safety-of its customers.. Lam peld_ o 7 l l .o th a a B ll pogitible - despatoh. Vh .l") a ea s e . i .l adj . Bt4statted and er, Andrew IL Hiller, ll) netry_Budd,, • , . James H. Stone John' 'orn, . , ' Edwin L, Re - skirt, Joseph !floors,= --'--- -RobertV, Hassey, Jr. George Mecke, Mark Devine. 13RA_IIR EIJ. SUTTER, I dpnt. HENRY BUDD.toe P;eBMent. BENJAMIN E. HOSQSLEY, BeciretatT,And Tremens' JEFFERBON FIRE ENp31311.A.14011:1 45031. PANT of,„_Phtladelhhlie.7-oMce, Go.' M' North Fifth street, near market street. • ---Incorporated'; bY-- the—Legislature • of—PennaYkrania. °barter perpetual. Capital and Assets„l3l66,o(M. Make benrance Lesger dareage- by -Plre-on-Pubbo- or- Private Buildings, Pnrnittireil3toolta; Goods and Mer , obendfse, °Rl "° la b le tAling kOßß - DMZ° • - Wm'; mcDaziell , I Edward P. Moyer Israel Pot01111:112t;" - - - Frederick Ladner 'John Y. Beleterlin s Adam J. Glen, • Henry Troemnea, ' Benn_Delany, Jacob Bckandeal, , Trederick Doll, . Christian D. Prick, Samuel )Miler; - D Gage Ni Fort, LLIA MoDAML, Pratddent. , ' 1011ABIL ,PlPrßßllhpli t yice President. PIIILIP COLSalitli:Gearetalaittet TriasiWz• YIiBDRANCJ9:' iiiil22l $1,852,100 Oi rt i NITED" ' iI'IRMMENIS 'We • :, - . • 4J HOMPAHIt Olt Plitt AMMOHLA: ' .'' , ' :: ' , , - ,4-.-. :: 7 : • :: :1: , ":" 1, : I'llia Oorariang takes risks at it'llbritliel a _le t• A rel•••• 1 wilb safety , am roulinea Oa bualneall eneor"; • -• T , , FISH iNSIIHANOM IN /HM orrY , OT YHMADItr rit4A. . 1 Orli 0/M=lfo:72llAirob itroyt, rtnattli National Bank 211114 ' , ° 4 l , • , - nuize ions : , I,l' , . t . . 1 j T o b b it o twis aina l. t, Mirth, ,i , , ,A il ib t er n it ry t tua W a .B in r i an i ner, , .mso, 4, noun, . He Burrun„l 'Jiro.' M a ngan, ~ Junta Wood, 3 1 Willisan Olean, ' Charles Jodge? • Jameatemer, J. Hem Antilif::/' Alexander T. 'Dickson, Hu b intliimkn i _• Orillunkli'enne.-------- ' ' .'." ' ' PrAI A rn e' 3111H.11. - • • • e ... • _,..• ' 3 HONHAMB. ANDRESS, Eminent. ' Wm. A. KoLiN , Trout. , . wig H. Taarmg.l3eol. mug .. PENNS Yld VANL9. , - • FIDE 1N1317., .A. ' BANOS COMPANY. ,- • '•• 1.., , .L'‘ '-LI tad lEi25-41harter parictual . ._ .. nconsor4 Nolelo WALNUT street, opposite Indeponthmoir Muni. f Shier Company, favorably known to the community fot over, forty yearn, continues, to:insure • apinst , loss of damage by tire on Public or, Private Buildings, eithei permanently or for a limited time ; . Also on rnittire, ate of Goon., and , Merchandise generally, ore liberal Their OttPital.tegether with a, large Surplus iritio, is Invested in the most careful manner, which enables them AO 'offerlothe insured au undoubted in- th e case o"c". .. ' . 11)LittrOTOIld: ' • • I Daniel' Smith, Jr., John Devereux Alexander Benson, . Thorned Smith, Isaac flaslehurst, Hoary Lewis Thomas Robins, - " J. Gi Hingham Fell, Mantel Had dock Jr. _ DANIEL, SMITH, Ja., Preffillatt.' Wat. 0.4cn0 zi,L. Secretary. NV - 1 VAMR , LNBIIRANUE..COMPANY, . NO. jog OHNSTNUT OTBART.• • • • I.IADOEMOILATBD 1856. CIIARTE.W,P=PIrrao. CAPITAL 8200.000. • rum' iwsußenoll txoLervinar. .Insures e4tainet Lose or Damage by, Fire, (*tier by Per Vacua or 'temporary. Policies. 1 " - - . -- •, . : 1 ---Xbarlee Sichardion e , i .- ~.. -,-7Robert Pearce, , . .. --W-n4-11-r-Rhawn 7 .Joho r -g4saler,tr.-.---- ' William M. Be 9 erti: . .. : Spliwgird.B: I Orne, • John F. Smith, • :..• ••••• • ' Charles StokOsi - • • ' . , Nathan Mlles.. • - ~. . - - jaw W „Brennan, .., George A. Wert . "--•,'' . - I. lilbid'ical 'Bdisbr - - •, -. ,-• , • • offestal6 1011ABDSONiWeerMent, , --, -- . • WM. H. RBA WIG Yfee-Prealdent. • ', '.'II2.LLC/118 I. BLANOHARD.Seffeta37. . . eel ti. ItL3IERICAN: F.IRE-z-LN81711,4-NOE 001 d. -PANY, inconarated 1810.31utrter peuetual. • - ~o'.IIIO WALNUT street, above. L Third. PhlWelPhia -- Having - a largo pail-up Capital' stock' mid Bnrolturiti , vested in sound and available Securities, continuo tc Insure...4n dwellininr,,stores, runtituro, merchandise vesicle In port,' and their cargoes, and other personal property. All losses liberally and promptly adjhated, .'1- DIRECTORS. Thomas 8.. Claris, Edmund O. Drank, John Welsh. ' Charles W, potables., Patrick Brady, Israellforris,, l w J o h n T. Lewis, John P. WetherlDi Witham,' Paul. . : ---- - - -- - TRONA SR. MARlS:President. - , • ALMA? O. CRAwvntn). Roaretary , MAULE, BROTHER & CO, , 2500 South Street 1870 PATTERB MAKERS in° • anEatialkotrosN OF 21110HIGAR CORR PINE 808 PATTERNS . I.B7O.'itiFEW.AN2. fgaltV.K . lB7o LARGE STOCK. 1010. IL F ( L i aD A L - PPO t lit t lir i. 1870 .OABOLINA. FLUO2sING.. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DRITAWA - RE'FLOORING, WALNUT OORING: FLOURING. 1870. FL PL I ZD A A' ZUP P r AI 9 I . )B. IBTO RAIL PLANK. RAIL PLANK. 1870 WAIN qi , BOARDS 1870 . PLANK. 'WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. ----------- - • - - V7-A.LNUT,OARDB,- ---_ _ ,- • - P7ALNITT'' PLANK. - FOR. 4 , OARIKETAIA.KEBS. • ' DITULDRRS, &C. - 870 .' U193 4, 1 1 1 3111f ERB'. UNDERTAKERS' DUMBER -. . BED-CEDAR. WALNUT AND TINE. LO SEtgli'firgoP 9 PßW' 101 U. ASH. 'WHITE OAS•PLANE AND Buemull • HICKORY. 187 o..c'el'Eldt, -4 . - .victlilii , ,eG - 1870. .: NORWAY. SCANTLING; CEDAR SHINGLES. 1870 oEDAR sHINGLE OypNESS SHINGLES.. LARGE ASSORTMENT. FOR BALE LOW. 1870. .LASTERThrsti LATH. 1810 PLASTERING LATH. LATH. JILIVITJLE BROTHER dc CO., 2500 SOUTH STREET. 1870. SAW AND PLANING MILL, DICKERSON .STREET WHARF. ' Particular attention given to Flooring, Fencing, and Surfacing.. •Ilardimd 'soft wood. ap29 'WESTER do TREGO. Y.ULOW PINE• LIMBER.;—ORDESB cargoes of every description Sawed Lumber exe , outed at- short notice—quality subject to inspection Apply to EDW. H. ROWLEY .16 South Wharves. 60,000'00 GROCERIES,. LIQUORS,&C. CORN EXCHANGE FLOUR MILLS, . 213 g .Market Street. Superior FainiTyand'Rakers' Flour, •MANUFACTURED BY FL V. MAC ELET , TE, Jr. - Everytitatc or Barrel warranted. mhsu w I m d§ PURE OLIVE OIL—THE SUBSORI bent beg leave to announce to the public that they have wade arrangements for receiving, and have now in the store,' the celebrated' Monet brand of Salad Oil, whichthey warrant superior to any; Oil imported into title country. • JOS. B. 1111SSIED. & CO.. 108-South Delaware avenue: , • SBERRY WINII.—A VERY St)TER_WR and pure Spanish Sherry Wine at only ~.$3 00 per gsllon, COUSTY'S mit nd Grocery, No. 110 South Seeond'street, below ObestUnt. CLAII.KTB.--EXTRA. UAL LrY TABLE Clarets, at $4. $5, $t and $7 per case of dozen bot tles—of recent importation—in store and for sale at COUSTY'S East Nud Grocery, No. 118 South &woad street, bel ow Cbet3tnut. 023,700 70 CAL IFoRNIA SALbto.N.--4.PnEsH Salmon from California ; a very choice article ; for sale iit'COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 118 South second street, below Chestnut. , - QEA MOSS'FARINE—A NEW AETRILE k. 3. for food, very choice and delicioua, at COUSTY'S East Eud Grocery, No. 48 South Second stroot, below Cheetnat. 169,291 11 MMUTTONHAMS.—A VERY CHOICE article of 'Dried Mutton, equal to the beet Brie I beef, tor tale at (MUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. Ed South Second etntet. below liheatitut. JUST RECEIVED AND IN STORE 1,000 cases of Champagne, sparkling Catmvilia and Cali fornia Wines, PortDladel ra, §herry, Jamaica and Santa Cruz. Bunt fine oh! Brandies. find. Whiek los, Wholesale and !Wail. , ' JORDAN, 220 Pear street, Below Third and' Walnut streets; .and. above flock street, do 7 tf ORli AN'S. CELEB RATED.P. URE TONIC ei Ale f_er_lnVsilids, fnmil.Y.;ise,, etc._ The Subscriber flirlilShbd with file frill - Winter supply of lets higilly:nutritious and well-known bever age. Its widorsprend _ and increasing. use,by_ordor,of physicians, for invalids, use of families, .tc., commend it to the attention of all consumers who want a strictly pure article ; prepared from the best materials, and put ❑p :Al the most careful manner for home use or transpor. tattoo. Orders by Mail or otherwise prometly No. 220 l'oar street, de? beloW Third end Walnut streets. OPAL DENT.ALL.ENA. A SUPERIOR article for cleaning the Teeth,destroying animalanla which infest them, giving tone to the gums, and leaving foolin of fragrance and _perfect cleanliness in the g_ mouth. It may bo need daily, and will •be found tc stren_gtbon weak and blooding gums, 'while the aroma and detersiyeness. will recommend it to every one. Ba lug composed with the assistance of the Dentist; Physl delis' and Microscopist, it is confidently offered as a reliable subatituto for the uncertain.washes formerly. in Minent bentistio,' seenainted r 4ith the constituents of the Ilentallina; advocate lie .use; it contains nothing to prevent its unreotrained em_ployment, Made °tart'', JAMES T.• RUIN?, Apothecary,] Broad and Spruce etrootik . mlly,and 11). L. Btackhouse, • Robert 0: - Davis i i ----- Geo. G _Bower,. I B i f f6 4.,..VlOrrii, • B. O. Bunting, Ohae.l3 Eberle, ' James B. ?darks, Ei Brinighrtrot ds 00.• Dyott Co., w • I".AO.)Nti it Bolrro's Sons.' • ot. for sale bs Brugghits gene Fred. Browne, B. Kee.B.y,., 0. H; Needles, - T. J. Mieband, ' • Ambroee Smith, . Baran' Parrish, Wni.'B: Webb' • &MOP rajlyillpitiall NeeliAl744%:? ()WO *.n 4 60 7 : 71 r, AXE I S7 O qn,ON 71 4 0 Vi r Lv landijnr frign , liteamor WYomin,t,frotti Savannah, lia.. and ror,inlef,l4 ecipprtAll, CO., ill Chestnut street. ••_ _ . • • trisurriotcr: - L 1) MEER. - DEN TItITR . - LEGAL -NOTICES. Til ' CIiPI,IANS' COI 11.1!:Fatf, - ;tag • - etti• acid i ttharer. Itititto Of ; WA b L.-1 LTA 11-.OItAI ,41# cestsed:.—The .Aud 'ter sippointet, .the.ronrt to-audit„. settle and .adjust the account ;on 'WILLIAM OTIA 110,” Administrator of ; the. Estate oV WILLIAM CRAIG, deceased,' and to I,pod dlsttibn tlon et the balance in. the hands - or tine: accortritenti *.w i lll peat lb. parties- interested, fee ,the ,pospose or hie opporntrnent, on TUF.SDA - I..Mar itith., lad. at I.3)ii `o'Cleelt M.. M' at his Office; N0:124 Beath 131)cth street' to , the • a .3 • ).;' ,, h1)1 f,m,testi rit3TATE'!OF ROBERT PRAZI4II;I3E-; i-ellited.t 2 L'e(tire ' the above en- , , tate bat tag beep gran ettaby the • Register , o 1) Wille= fo - the-cit 7 stel,connty or Rhdadelphia to the undereignedj all persons bating els hue or demandsagainst,the estat of he'staidArtedent are" requested' t 6 make known 'the' 'cremet ens- th elndebttidcthoretot to !make•payment' to; trik es , Cita street . I,Nt•TEEE,-; 110114.N8':; CIOURT-XOR.THE tetty • and County,.of -"pat ate. of ELIAS iminEiMEM,dt!c'd.=The And toe' anpolnted br the Court to artdit.,settle and adJust the aoqq,utit of M SkIMENBACII land k iv‘SIDLINCIEII,7O. xecilkin of the last will antitestament of , A14,A8 pm, de v. heed, and' to report distribution, of the balance In . the! bands of theacconntants, trill meet` the garnets - inter-' estedi for the:purpose , of This •appotatmenti MON-1 AY, Iris y Z3d,:lti/Of at 3 o'Olork P. oMcs,tfo. /28 South iMxth street, in the city Phtladoleda.. JOHN 'IIII,ISifigEFFER., 111911 wfm 6t§• •• • • Auditbr; • --1-11 - --THETC - OURT--(Yr-VO5l-31014"PL-EAS: for the City and- Contity . of Pbitadelpliih:' 'June tern', 1869, N0..70%. JOHANNA , ' BUOULFifti by hen next friend. &c.. BEI4RDIRT,,DUI3IILiEft. Divorce. 'Sin :—You ticill,ppleaee. notice Rule, granted on you in above Ca.PO to ehdiv (+nose 'why a divorce should nntbe deer; ed thereiri. ' Returnable Saturday,;. May ift. IR)at 11 o'clock, A M. • • ' To BENEDICT BUCRLER,Risq, BYRON WOODWARD, Attorney for Libellant. myll W I - HE - ORPHAN - COURT - FORTHE City and County of Philsdelphia.--ThiCestate l iet ROBERT NIXnN ; decessed.—Notice is hereby! given that ARNIE/. NIXON, widow of the said decedent. has Med her petition and appralsement of rho personal eitnte she elects to tete In under the Act of Assembly of ' -April - 14.-18151: and its supplements, - and the same-will -bee opprmeettorvEVATUAßA-X-rhlaY-31,-it7o,- , unleed-exeep---- tions be filed therettl. ' ROBERT 111.1,00A.N, 'm>4 -w f4t• • ' 'Attorney far Petitioner. J. W. O ILBOI 11411 g= CO., BANKERS. 42 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Negotiate Loans, ,'Buy and Sel Government and other re liable Securities. m w ilvls LEFIGH - TONVERTIPLE 6 Per Cent. First Atorigoge Gold Loan, Free from all Taxes. . , We offer for sale e1.M.000 of tbe' Lehigh 'Coal -nod -Navigation. Company's dew- First 1 - ivrtgage; Slx. Ter . -Cent;-Gold Bonds, free, dbe March , and September, at NINETY (90) add :interest in cur- rericy added to'date of purelmee. • . These bonds are of 'a mortgage loan, of Si,ooo,ooo,4lated October DM. ". They have. tvventy-ffve;(2s) years to run, and are convertiele into stock-at par :until 1879.' Principal and interest payable In gold.' • • , They are acetified bralirst mortgagOom 5,000 acres of; coal landsfn the,Wyothlng Yalley,near.Wilkesbarref at I preeent_producing at the rate or 200,090.-tons of coal.jet: ;_ annum, with works in iprogreis:whieh - contemplatwa - large increase at an elrly'perlod,Mid also upon valuable /teal Estate in this city.. - - - ' - • : A Making fund of ten cents per ton upon all coal taken ! from these mines for Ilve'years, and of fifteen' cents per ton thereafter, le established, and The Fidelity, Liner- once, Trust and Safe Deposit Company. the. Trdstees_ under the mortgage,. collect these sums add invest them in these Bonds, agreeably to the provieions of the Trust. ___Azor_lull_pexticulata,zovies_of_the-Inortgage, 1870. W. 11. NEWBOLD, SOX & AERTSEX, C. d: K: RORIE, • E. W. CLARK d: CO., JAY COOKE at CO.; DREXEL at. CO. . myil im§ D.: C. WHARTON SMITH & CO., BAIiKERS.AND BROKERS, No. 121 S. THIRD STREET. 81;1COESS01113 TO SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO.' Every department of Bartking business shall receive prompt attention, as heretofore. Quotations of. Snacks, 4 -t ijil t Li t s ' o n Vc,Tflt r A u tti n agtr 811 y ,' 1 1 . 4 ° 4 1 ro d ik r :P . out oar PRIVATEWIRE. • jafrry . . . JAY.. C00KE,,,& ' CO., Philadelphia, New YOrk and Washington, 13.A.N.IsZER,S; AND Dealers in'. Governnient Secarities. Special attention given to the Purchase ,anti' Sale of ' Bonds and Stocks on Commission, at the Board of' Bro kers in this and ether cities., , .• IN'TEREST,AII. - ;OW ED ON DEPOSITS. COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD ; ti.ELIABLE RAILROAD BONDS FOR INVEST. MENT. . . • Pamphlets and full, information given at our office. No. ,114.., S. IChi' rd. Stkeet, to .5. : 2:0 7 '8''• . ::::AN.1).::::1881.S1 Bought, Sold and Exchanged, on most liberal term. GOLD Bought and 'Sold at Market Motes. COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC RAILROAD BONDS Bought and Sold. STOCKS Bought and Sold on Commission Only. Acconnts received and Interest allowed on daily balancee subject to t ••- _ check at sight. 40 South Third St., ramiII►ELPHIA. STCT'YE V 0 R E STUN .403't ':,, : }UP, Ll:Diii -IL' DIREOT,'FIALLINO WGOlit IC a 4I II,WORTSVIIVEY i f ' Wedineßdltle andliffeturno t yi , :*},, y ritoii PINE 1511111101' WDkitill z1tti114,3,8.0111.411E• _ AND LONG VIM W. 41 T 29, 1 ,. ~i . „. intom PHILADELPHIA, 1 , iltirm (arrow. : : r' 10 A. ai r " .: .., -.. , %% , .TP.alle ,% .., '4" ADIES, Wed n esday, !lay 4 SAXON,Weddeaday,lday 4 ROMAN i Sattirday, " % .71NORAIAN4 SatiardaYie ,- 7 BAXON4 Wednesday " 11 ARIES, Wednesday, " 11 NOREIAt Battallay,'" 14 BONAl4,_l3aturdity,' .P. 14 ANIES, edneaday, " 18 18EXON,Wedneaday,” 18 ROMAN, Eettirday, '," 2NNORWFAN, eittarday ' 4 0 .21 PA X9l4,lB , ,,_ednenday " 261 ARIES, Wedneaday, '• 4 " -28 NORAlNN;Saturday, ".." 28111041 aN; I'laturdai. -1 ..` 28 T l legedkaittiehiNglialLEnnctnally.,,,,Yrelght ..reValved every ay. Freight forwarded tc• altalnte in New England. -- , Prated, -or- -Pea. .i ta.joe.i. eeweemedatlont apply to RE ET W' INBOE & 00., NW South Delaware errenue. . np29.f pHILAISEI.4I43IA MAIL STEAMSHIP DOH PANT'S REGULAR LINES IrROM OrgIIIi_STBEVT Tho ACHILLES wfil , jar NEW. 9 . ,/I,l44EBtroli via Havana, en --;, - Sfay 8 'A. _ The VAMP? will tail , freen' /PCW via Havana; ' The WYOMING will sail for SAVANNAH on Sat nr4ay,May 14th. at 8 o'clock. A . M 4. • Th(i,XERTIPEDE will sail Irae.Xs44:ll4u do Saturaa9.,-Nay q al ThetiPIOBIEER will sail for in.LMINGTON,M.O. ) con •Friday, May,.2o, ar 6A. M. . 4 Wseage Natoli sold teall'_pidnie South and Weal. BILLS of LADING SIGNED at , QUIOEN ST...WHARF. For frPighLlMß.,Ez t e i tnlkts„,„ , nul4lo 1113110111 g t' Yr ISO South Third atreet. Pll :ECADELPHIA - , RietraiqND, x airintroLx'STßAMßHll , LINE. • ' '"" THROUGH FREIGHT AIR LINE TO 'THE SOUTH i 'AND WEST INCREASER rAptuTims AND imiuppb RATES - - STEAMERS. LEAVE:-E RY WEDNESDAY and . SATURDA Latl2 o'clk, Neon, from FIRST WHARF, above MARKET Street. . " ; • ranNzNoLZAV,Its RICHMOND MONDAYS' Tli UR SHAYS, ; and ; NORFOLK. TUESDAYS , ; and r_1i0..13.01s Failing Day. - THROUGH HATES 'to &TU. - points in North and eolith Oarollita.via, Seaboard Air-Line Railroad, connecting at Portsmouth, and , to Lynchburg, Va.,-Tennessee And the .West via Virginia' and Tennessee Air Line and Rich mond and Danville Railroad; - • • ; . Freight HANDILED.BUT 011012Andtakenitt TOWNS RATES THAN ANT OTHER. LINE. No charge for OomittldSion,ArnrAge any °nen" Steamships - insure at loate_st rats!, Fr ightracpivn d llAlLY r . , • state.ropix, accortutipdatiotio for - passengers.: - • • ; ; • 1 , ' WILLIA22 , P. O.I4YDE' , /t 00. N 0.12 South Wharves and I North Wharves. ...W. P. PORTER, Agent atßichmond and Olt!, ' I'. P. CROW EL L dc CO., Agents at Norfolk : UR=-NEW J.: ANT) RA BITAR CANAL. EXPRESS STRAMISOAT COMPANY. The CHEAPEST and QULOKEST water communica tion between Philadelphia and New , York; • , , Steamers leave daily from First Whoa tiolowMAl¢,- HET Arcot, Philadelphia, and foot of WALL" street, New Turk. TA ROUG 11 IN TW GNTY-BOUB TIQUIIB. , , Goode forwarded by all the Lines running out, of New York North ~Datt (Yr West, free of commission. •• • '_.' Freights received Daily and forwarded on accommods ttng tarns . _MATE 'do., Agents, • 12 South Delaware Avenue.' JAS. HAND, Agent, 119 Wall Street, New-York. XTBliiir,—/OGITICE4B-: Li - 1k; -ALEXAN JOI' aria, Georgetown and Washingio'n, D. 0, via Mee apeake and Dela Ware Canal, with 'connections at Alex andria from the most direct ionto for Lynchburg, Brig tol, Knoxville, Nashville Dalton and the Southwest,. , Steamers leave regplarlY trete the, first- wharf 81101 Market street;everyt Saturday at noon.` • - - • Freight received daily. WM. P :CLYDE South Wharves and Pier 1 North Wharves., 'HYDE & TYLER, Agents at 'Georgetown, M. MLI)RTDGE & CO., Agents at Alexandria., Y ETVLAWARE CHESAPEAKE .IV STEAM . TO 59-BOAT. COMPANY-..-Bargealrewed betaMert Philadelphia f Baltimore, liaVre de iirace,Dei awariZitratull intprmedlato points. - , - MA. P. CLYDE d CO., Agoutis; '.oupt.:.iprlN LABGripuir,sup , !. mom 12 South Whaivea, delphia,'. . - - • • nal tr OE. NEW • YORK, - - VIA 'DELAWARE F ANT). RA RiTAN OAN'A.I;: • ' • SWIFTSURR TRANSPORTATION - COMPANY,:c , .DISPATCIf AND , ,SW,IFTSORE.LINRS, . “. Leaving daily, at.l2 and 5 P. The eteiun propellors .of-tidik Oompens-will commence-- , - loading on- - tbei Bth of March. — Through In twenty-four haute., • Goode forwarded to any point free Of dcrtarnliefone. Prefghte tukon on accommodating tome. • 4 ' ' •-• • Apply. W.M.. M. RAIRD , dc Agente,l i rahi - tri • 132 Reath Delaware avenue., /WATERS-AN D STOVES., . , PANCOAST & NIATTLE THIRTVAND• STREETS,. • Plaiq - and - Galvanized • • WROUGHT AM) CAST IRON PIPE • • . For Gas, Steam and Water. • . • FITTINGS, BRASS WORK,•TOOLS BoxLiggt TusEs.: Heating by Steam and Hot Water Pipe of all Sizes Cut, andFittedto Order. . - • 0, ' , 4 R D, ' Having sold HENRY B. PAEHOABT and i r;All0 . 113 I. NI &VIM (gentleinenin'ofir extiployjor . sorerar 'Yet past) the Stocie,tlood Will'andEtatures . of Our BETA ESTABLIEHMENT,IocatedattIie torrier of. THIHH and, PEAR atteets, in this:city;thatp=6h of our huai nese, together with that of HEATING'awI. VENTILA TING awl PRIVATE tiutt,ranoe,''fiolth'lly STEAM and - HOT WATER, 'in all its ltarions systems ;'will carried on mider the Rim MIMS of PANCOAST` & HAULE, at the old stand, and weii, Commen4 them to the trade and business public as being entirely competent to perform all Work of that character. MORRIS TASKER !kr CO. PnmatinLyttra, Jan. 22; 11170.• , ' 2 inhl2-tf _ T - . 11 0 m-s 0 14' 8- , LONDON-KITOTE.-- ener, or ,European Ranges; for families, hotels • or public Inatitntionsiin twenty different irises, Portabielleae P re l d il aw elP ,Mn ß Catil i ftrett r atTrl a tM Bath , Boilers, Stew-bole Plates, Droners. ' Cooking Stoves. eto. , EDGAR f.,! THOMPRIM, ' ' . r .• . Successor to SHARPE & TRODII3O.IIO i , noltam w f Grob • No. 309 North Second groat., 406;!THOMAS B. DIXON & 801ib r A Dixon ifo.l32lSAlT ' N ' t7i t „„ ufac 4g r ):o o .gte state ! .. 4 fft; LOW OWN , f , , PAHL °mon, • And otbor GIiALWAft, - - • or Anthracite, BittuntuoTF; 'ml7. W 044 rir ..tOr Warmipx_Poblia ansUPAyate Batl4ingq -4E OI - 1 1/%IY 3 .If, n rU , KMA,S , OHLMSIEY OAPS 0001CING-U.A.Nen,. pArrlti3oli;ias WROLVAA.I44 and lIIMAIL MA.CITTNERY. IRON. &V. IRON HEN , -Tiurundorsignod aro proriarcd to-oxocottl orders for '•`nNGLIBII IRON FENCE, of the best make. The most sightly and the meet economical fence that can be need. • Specimen panels of various styled of this fence may, be ' , Oen at our, otlico nahO am§ MERRICK & SONS, SOUTHWARK_ FOUNDRY, 4.30 WASHINGTON Avenue, Philadelphia, MANUFACTURE • STEAM INNOINES—Iiigh and Low Prossure,Horizon , tal, Vertical, Beam, Oscillating, Bloat and.Ounllth umpg. • BO P lLER in S—Cylinder, Flue; Tubular, go: -0 • • I.* STEAM lIAPIDIERS—Nnaniyth and Davy stylea,auld at allBoB. OASTI IB NGS—Loan, Dry and Green Stunt, Biaate h ti, ROoFS—lron Frames, for covering with 8b Iron. TANKS-0f Cast or Wrought Irott,for reflnerteetwatter, i t, GAS MACIIINERY--Such aa Retorts, Behelt,'lVentS, Holders and Frames, Purifiers, -000: ULA , Oh Itisrrnw Valves, Governors, dto„ , • •,1 -; ~.1 . SUGAR hiACHINERY—Such as Vtuanrn, pant find Pumps, Derecatora, Bone, Bleat; Enter"; .Dl i f t erli• • Washers and Elowitorei Dag FilterthiSuger an d Bane Black. Cara, /cc.. 2 , Solo manufacturers or the following In Philadelphia and vicinity ofilitllliam - Wright'tketelet - Variable Out-off Steam 'Engine, ~,,Ta . ..„ll,„„; , 3",..w4atata.eraittenki PAter4,l4l,tititr. in* and - tillf-balancing Cleralfogoratagar-drehLinglifs. chino. Glass & Darton's improvementort Centrifugal. • r. Dartol'ayatent. Wrowebtaron Retort IQd, Stratum a Drill Grinding stout• Contractore for the deglinf,erectleci arm doing pll of 14e. tinericefor working bulgur or Molasiwe COPYRE ' AND 'Y ' OW Sheathing 'lirttsiOr's Copper Valli, Bag . bwriblicb Copper constantly on hand and • for solo by 'SRN WiziEvP.B & 00.. zio,399l3outti liVikarras. . • YARNALL & TRIMBLE, 147 South Front street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers