. . . , . • . • cl.'" , VOLUME . C.AYIV.-NO. 20.; : 1)1r, IC DDI N G INVITATIONS EN-. graied.in the newest and best 'manner. LOUIS' HA, Stationer 'and Snararer t lio. 1033 Chestnut. ' street. . ' ' : . ap2l•th s tug, .- . EARTH CLOSET CO.' S bEIC — .EA.II , Tk commodes and apparatus for, fixed closets at WM.' G. RHOADS' /221Marifet, street:: Vreadotn. from risk to health and'from 'o ff ence ; economy of a valuablo fer tiliser secured b • use of the dr earth system. ap22tl§ •-•- DONSALk-e-PIIIPPeLe- - i'tiee - ThUradiri evening, Ai ril e . 2,8t1t, 1870 - 9. t the'residence of . the beide's father, by Rev. 6. 1. , 11. , RatonBterling ftoneell, of Philadelphia, Pa.. • to Mire: leery daughter of Col. J. P. llooeer, or Franklin, .. • • BRADLETRIGLIAM.-In Pl r teburgh, tho Instant, by theelteve Illoon, Rector of Calvary Church ,•12te Charles 11. Bradley to• 111101 bray T. Brig ham oldest daughter of Mr. 0. D. Brigham, Editor of, the iittriburghCammercial. - I. . 11,1 5:1 1 ATR—TEIUNIAS St'SONS' 18111511-0R13.--, At their rvildonco,lio. 49'4 Oodfrife. ' o. J..Veryi Elmira .Pour-storiirDrown iatreet, on +the 2d Instant, by the Roy. El• Lang, .etene Reeidence, No. 3813 Walnut street, opposite t -11. -Veber to Meg lkbecca Orr, leath uf Ger, legnere(Re feet front,2ls feet - deepto - Sansom - utantowne - DIE M will be wild et . public sale , at the. Philadelphia Ex .• • ' BL AL.-On the. 3d instant. zoninvi th chic h i son of, ' change, all that very .elegant lour-More ',town etoneunenuage, with three-story back building ,and lot of Wilfred and Catharine J. Ball; in the ninth year of.tlia. greund i _situare on the north side of Walnut street, . West of -Eighteenth street: opposite Rittenhouse Square, .I;LLICT -s-On the 4th inst.; . if scarlet fever, , 1813; containing In front on Walnut street 26 feet Reudrick, only - child of George end Lizzie Elliott ,•; 6 luchee, and extending to depth 235 feet to Sansom aged 3 Yettriei ' etreet -.4 fronts.. The .house is well and snbetentially • 'Xbo relativeli and friend', el the family are rempeeffulle. built, and Masted in a very siiperforgnij elegant men the residence of hie tier, with all the modern improvementy and conve- Invited to attend the fanettil, front parent/v. No: 228 ()heeler street, on Friday; at 2 o'clock.' niencee; has large p trier (with sliding folding doors). Interment at Odd ..Fello we' tfemat eiry lireakfest root!) eneetkitchens and - butler's patitry • FINLAY:y-1n Pittaburek,oo Tuesday peenieg,. Hee , on the first floor; 2 commodielle ellaratiegaLsitlik.batltroenn-1.- 3d at geie o'clock, eamee_Finlll2,l-a-theetZtil-Yee-e-tit-f- diring - goem - etiiith.ref - pantrf and dumb-waiter b teed --litages: _ I drawing-room on the second floor; 5 chambers : and bath. 'CAL - E.-May 6th, 1870.-Franklin.Yeale• „.„ .00KITI on the third flour , and 3 chambera endlinen-rogn ne notice willtie given of the funeral , the RANT!' floor; ads thto p ialout; wa 11 ter.closets,wa.- basins, het mile Cold wilier, ibellicalls, speaking , tnbu4. banderol:tie marble mantels, numerous closets, back stair way to third story, furnace. cooking range, Ac. • Subject to the provision that, in nr,ir r widen the footway oh Walnut street. from Eighteenth to Nine• tevnth streets, DO building or obstrnetioa. Aboutd over be erected on the nouthnioet /2 feet of said lot (being . the present line of this and the remaining houses on the block except doorways, steps, porticos, .cellar-doers and railings. Terms-Ralf cash. /Or P./P*46lOA two 111011t101.. May .he examined daily from 'I to 4 o'clock. bu.2.-Ilandeome Cottage Realdenco, with:Stable and Coach-house and large let, Wlllew avenue, above A triad elreet. Germantown. All that let Of ground. wit b..the messuage and stable thereon erected, siteate la the - . Tweitty-eecona V. .Genziantown ; beginning at stone Mlbt -for a col!. on the east Milt of Willow ( for merly Franklin) are ue, said avenue being 60 feet in width ; thent. 4 .. - tegjbatwelong_the reer and of k , ty-jFva -- 161, - raf 17 iiiithd -- deg, 40 min. - , erest'llfrfeet inches to it stake set for a corner ; thence with ths Rue of lot No. 21 north 47 d , g. 40 weer :00 feet 6 inches to the side of taid Mow arenue thence with the line of same south 4 dig. 35 min.. east 2 76 tort 6 Inc-hi s. to the place of be ginning. - T'he dwelling is a three-story stone ( rougli east .) end LOOIX/i(lor.lioritrx,- dlninit-roeni and kitchen first Root ; f Orem - hers, birth - aand store room on ce..ond floor, end 2 chambers and linen closet on thirdtour. and 1/1 effectually heated by 2 Latrobe stores; with hot and ebid water In kitchen, and a never failing spring on the premises. Also,: stone stable and (7 , 11 , r,age-bott•e!,plenly shade trees and shrubbere, J.:At/LOD frtlit, An. _. • N,11.-The furrilture will he i501..1 to the purchneer, if di , at a fair %uluatfen. -• 43.teN may remain na turirtgage,_ lein - Three-story Stone ite;Mairce. Raid auntWh Leine. Germantown. Tweet> - , 0C0R1.1 Ward. Ali that modern three-etory stone (rough-cast) meastrage, .with two-story bark building areklut of groused, situate -- on - the - rikatieide-uf---Eatt Walnut - Lann;g:ityfee - 1 from fh-e -nor t hel Wardedf Merlon atreet. Germantown. T.f i,,e.,,yyd e led ceritaleing in front on East W a l n ut Lane lie feet, awl oXtmiting .fn depth 320 feet morn (yr Ime. The hOtlie hav parlor. dining-room and 3 kiechen n OH first floor; 4 charabera, bath room and water-closet tfieruK.OLli floor, and - 2 chambers on the third floor - gas wateu. introilyieed„with:_ges-fixtures _througjioute vereve raege, An . • - Terlllll-71ro-thlriis of the purchase money may re _ . _ mein. .... , ...._ _...., 1 n -.11,Et07 BAREGES, PLAIN 1 Q7O 04ky COLORS. •-• to . ' . BROWN IRON BkREGE, NODE IRON BARYME. _ . . , PEARL IRON RAREGE. i , • VIOLN!? IRON B®E., i • '-- -'' BYRE & LANDEL. .._ cIPRING MOUNTAIN, LEHIGH 00AL, kJ always . on hand at CLARKSON'S Yard, 2100 Market *treat. tart/ 34 SPECIAL NOTICES. WANAMAKER'S Line of An the new .Atid SfSilsb Spring arid blitninner, "FiUdit Clothing :& Furnishing Goods ' The — kle4 ---- Shirts Aiid Liiieri Wear Ml4lO co,Wr For (lents, At Chestnut Street. Iu.AOADEMY OF FIN E - ARTs. LAST DAYS OF 'ID DLXII.IIIIIITON OF HEIIIDAN RIDE,, Groat Life-Hite Painting by the PoetArtiat, T. BECIIA NAN BEAD. TENTH Val...K AND UNEXAMPLED SUCCESS. The Poem rocitedat 12 N. 4 and 9 P. M. daily t.y MR. J.' B. BOBEETS, The distinguished Tragedian and Elocntionint. Adrnk9ion..— ... ... c , •nta Including tnitent.Yre-yaluabla t.ollectb.n4-the Academy Open Bum 9 A.M. to 6 P. AL, and front 75f t to 10 P. uty2.6trp NATATORIU NI AN!) PHYSICAL IN;.TITUTE, BROAD STREET, BELOW WALNUT. SWIMMING 8011001, FOR 130TH SEXES AND ALL AGES OPeN FROM 5 A. M. TILL W P. M WATER ORANOltai CONWOINTI,Y, Au even and .comfortable teinp.ratu re inqntsined me of f!tetam boiletv. • Polito *lid competent InEtructore alanye lu attend ance. Persons taught to swim in from n ix to te,n lesions. NOTlCE.—Pereons who hare their mune!! oth Club Lists should Prucnro their_ticketa_an or beforo'Aatir lay,ll724 7,bano Club Tickets will be ismed aftur that cia lmui or address for a Circular, B mls-Mrp 3. A. PAYNE k BRO. RATIFICATION OF THE 'HE — Lk-]' TEENTH AMENDMENT. VCATSMOMTCRSI The final meeting of thr PEN . • _ IA ANT t- SLA VERY SOCIETY will be held in THURIDA Y EVENING, Alayb, nt the ASSEMBLY BUILDING Large ;TOIL - AddrPineH will he delivered by : C. C. JOHN 'I.ANGSToN. —SELLA MARTIN, MRS. F. E. W. HARPER, TAJCItETIA MOTT. A. A. M. - POWELL, ROBERT PURVIS, DIARY GREW, and E. DI. DAVIS.. . . Tickets of admission, 25 cents, to bo had at Gould's Piano. Rooms, 923 Chestnut street. - . Doors °von at 6/i; tutoreises to commence at 74.. ' An afternoon meeting( free) will fie bold at tito carpe Place, commenclug,at 3 o'clock. my2-4trpD OFFICE . . _. ._.. O . . . ...., F THE COM M ISSION EIN OF FAIRMOUNT PAILK, No, 221 SOUTH FIFTH STREET. PIMA DULPII IA , April 30, PIO. At a' eeting of the Board of Park Commleelouere, held this day the following ordinance was adopted The Commissioners of 'Fairmount Park do ordain, That no person shall be permitted to bring led hors,s within the limits of Fairmount Park, and any perm!' bringing any buret , into thwPark ground. that in not harnessed awl attached to "a 'vehicle, or mounted by an equestrian, shall be guilty of a miadtenestuor, and liable to a fine not exceeding five &diem, recoverable an similar Mies tor violations of therules and regulations for the govern ment of Fairmount Park arm under existing lawa, how recoverable. , - Attest . DAVID F.,F6bICY; iny4-3t§ :'.flecretary of'Park Clonnuiseibm3re. :ASSEMBLY- Loctbres by Pro. JAS. AUCL IN TOOK, D. TIIURSDAY,..4IAY 6—HOW TO TALK. Friday, May fravelo of a Meal. , a , Saturday i lday 7—To Gentlemen Only. _3londay, ; May 9—Ruler of the Rosty. Tuesday. May 10—Seeing.liettring,and reeling Organs. 'ednesday, May'll—To Gentlemen Only. Admission.2so. each evening. • - Lectures to Gentlemen, each evening, 3501—Doorsropett •at 7; commence at 8 o'clock. Office, 823 ltace street. it' • • ONTRE.. Ez CO. Iwill open their Splendid Pelati d Unlined .1001119, No. 210 North Eighth street;rabove Rims Tills i Thor's (MO EYEIANG, May sth. Mr: J., P . lnnltet, N. • Nelms, Mr. Y. Estepho, W. L. Rooklidl, .1. Palmer and .It.',l.lltinter •will. play Exhibition Games miring the evening. Tholr customers and the public aro respect fully-invited. . It§ • Fr" . .. --7 0FFICE OF THE MET A. LIN E titY LAND COMPANY, N 0.1124 Walnut street. ' M ty sth, P.;70. The statod•Annhal Meeting ot tile Stockholders of the Metalline Land Company will be held at the Office of tho -Contently MI MONDAY, 'Jutie 6th prorime, at •12 o'clock, SL • ' ' • M. H. HOFFMAN, ' 10'5 t je6§ Clock. fu; A 611A - NIiroONCERT OF SACRED AtllBlC will be given in the FIRST IVIOIIiA VT &NT 41 fallitI1l. •corner Frenklin and WoodAtreetß..TH_ N rot 111 — lat - NrixT .e lAw Iviuelenl Direetor.,Trekuts eente., It§• rr YOTT WAN ' .1 I FILn G _ • _ Sou7t Fifteenth eireet , ap22l2lrp.` 1) .--- UNDA,R CHESTS, AND FUR BOXES ON HAND AND MAD D To oltDrom. m. VIA IdIEDIMIt; taya-t it tit 9 3mro] 207 OA I.LONV BILL- S RH wri • • .110 WARD LIOspITA I. NOS. , 1618 and 1620 Lombard dtroot, Diapotootry Thiparfrititrit, --Aledicat trot/intent and mudicluo f uralahod gratultoudly to tho poor, • - . . . . 4 ',..r.q.,'•.av ..'q 7, . , . -. . . ?' •• .' ': ,,C .' , ' ' ~• ' - . , <w - .I. . ~. ‘ • 11101 / ' . 14 . . ~ , . . , . ~ . ~ .. , . ' 0 '. '' - ' ' ,:, Or: , . , .. t : . ~,"..• 1 ::..,. ),,,.:', -, 1 ___ - f . i i_ r .." 5 ' .. - ';'.. 7 ,:•": .. 1t .i 4__ ... :,' , .... 4 if.,T 'r ; . .i . L . I . i t,:: :: , . :. .. . . . ~, ,_,„.„4..,,._. ~:::rts:,_..i.,_.:,_ 177. , 7:::: , scfw... \v0vir,,..11., , Adi ~ 4.i: .. , . . ... 7 . r.:...y:z. .7;., .7: .t.. 7 ~.,.,_, , : i , ..: : ~ ,: " . :, : . , .. . :: ; „. . ... i t i • ..', 1 '' . i i• - .J. :,...'...',... ifi .t,.;.''. , ti:7.1' , .. '', ; ::: .13 ..3: . .. 11.. ; ......... . . , '.. ' ) '''"., ... ~-' . ' ,'-'. ... : I ',== ':"-- ..;; ' . ..' -.4 7 0.: , 9 . 4; I I .."-:'' : ~"'' -'.- 1 , ~ ' .- ';- 't . ;' . ' .•. . r • 4 ''.. . ' 1 :'. ' '-' .r. ''' 7 . , 12 - • . ' ',.- ....1 . ._ i . i ... t_ •:••• •_l .. :•-••;_ . : ‘,...,: - ::„,.. ... ,,,ii., :r .;''' 1 . 't.."'4ii ..,,... 1!:11 1 4 ) . k it ..„.. . ,i 1 .4..t i:•-E--:: -- -77 , : _: :„..:;,..„,„.. .. ,..;: ' 7,,,,,.....= - ___-_—_._._ __. '. _. ._. 1 : .....2 - :-.. '.. .LL ---:-. -:- S ' ' " . 1 ' '.. -'.• . ..-....--ii .. ..-:. L . -- - - :' : .:: ,i - ,. , : c .,..T . i. i ze i e•-=.. 1: ,;(7.,_„,.. , .' :".Ific , -,.. - --;:; - ~ . :. . 4 . .. . ... .. ~ . . ~ , ... : KIT. r ~,. 1./-,, ,, , e.. ::•."j j 4 . i - 4: y ., , , . ' • At„ . . 4 , .• . • , . . '• •, , . . . .. . - ! . . . --......:t • Lint of All t he new :=Styl ish Spring and Simmer 820 (4enerally, -- 31 ado -Lo i;1=1 HON: HENRY WILSON, y..: _..... .. ...:~!~. DIVIDEND NOTICES. • u.PENNSYLVANIA. RAIL ROAD COM PANY. TREABPSEWS,DIt PA.R.TMEN r. PHILADELPIIIA, Pa.. May 3,1170. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Tbo Beard of Directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of Five Per Cent, on the Capital Stock of the Company; clear of National and State taxes, payable in cash on and after May 80, DIO. Dank Powers of Attorney. for collecting Dividends ran be Sad at.the Mince oft theCemp3nrafrt;2.3l.Slcirtii TIiIRD street.' •t• Thu Office will be opened at BA. M. and,Mosed at a P. M. from Mity'3otit to .1 mot 3d. for the_ inynsonvid" Divi dends, and after that date from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. THOMAS T. FIRTH . . my( &Km§ • • •••, • - •"" ••• • Treasurer. ____lnimeclialopossession..—Koys-neat-door. _ No. 4.—Moitern ThreedttorY. Brown Slone Residence; -. N.V. corner of Twenty-first - aud Arch streets, 64 feet front . — All.thadmodern three- stOrY.broorn stoneinessu• • age end lot of ground. situate st the Northwest corner of Twelity•first and Arch streets; the lot containing in trent on Arch street 64 feet; and extendiagin depth along Twetty.fibit street 106 'feet. The Louse is well-built, and has all the inudern_ convententea ; dining .routa4 with low-clown grate) on first floor ; -two comma - nicating chambers;librarij-, sitting-room,bath.smoking room, water-closet and pantry_ on the sitcom! flour.i....tive bath; ;liaseaielirkitaien,• with wash ) tibsaisititry,dc . .; gat, hot and cold water, furtittee. coOking range, atax.onary washbasins in three rooms. ealicurearblernanteleArandsome garfixturee,;(whiat' ir+f itlClUtieli In the sale free of charge), underground uraluage..bc. Totine-412n.4W/may remain on mortgage. Immediate possession. . Le ed . re.ma 4 to 6 P. M. No, 0.--Sale by Order of Helrs.—Estate of John Bur ton./ dec , ased.—Thotuns & Suns. Auctioneers —Very elegant three-story stone 'residence, with /table and costeli-house. about tdi acres, Norwood a venue,Gbestnut Rill. All that elegant three-story granite emus nies s mtge. with two-story back, building and lot of ground, situate on Norwood avenue, extmoing through u, Thorpe lens; containing about 41. i acres of ground. The improvements are elegant three : etory ~gruoite . stonvmanakiii. with tavti , atory beck btu/dire; ; has large itt the centre. parlor,- dining-rootn. sitting,-rooni library and two kitchen's I with parmanent wart,. gnaw on the first floor ;5 chambers on the second 11-ear, and 5 on the third, and two attics ; pia.zza.on two stdedt, collar mob r the whole house, 3 buy windows in parlor, gas with fixtures which are- included in the sale, free of cuergei. bath-room. with hot and cold water, water closet, stationary washstands inside iihntters;fornace, 2 cooking ranges. bell calle, ' &3. -- ; - poinied-s tone stable one coach-house, with accommotiations fur SiX horses ; stone wall around the barn-yard. chicken house. tool. hones, &c,; large vegetable garden, lawn. planted with evergreens, and a variety of fruit and shade trees. Terms—Half cash.• Immediate possession. May be ex - *mince. Kir - Clear of all incumbrance. Mir The above is located about 10 minutes' walk of the railroad depot. and adjoins end in the humeili.ate vi cinity of elegant resideacee, and commands' one of the bandseniest vie•re on illheetnut-E1 ill.- No. s.—flandsome three-story Brick ResidencrcNrc. - 8:23 -- Frmkliti st.—All that handsome modern three-story brick messuage, with three-story donlils hack buildings and lot aground, situate on the west side of Franklin et.. north of Brown st., No. 52:i ; containing in front on Platiklin street 13 feet. and extending in depth 73 feet. Tire hence has parlor, dining-room and two kitchens on IP - si floor large front chamber, sitting-room. bath , room. water-closet, library and shire-room on the Sc- and floor, and four chambers on the third floor. ''erne-33,uu0 may remain on mortgage. . • We" — Immediate _possession. • Lots. Evergreen avenue, east of Germantown avenue, Wm:Mut Hill, within hie minutes' walk of the Railroad Station,at (Rost n itt 11111. Ni. 1.---All that lot of - ground situate on the north sole of FYeTgreell avenue, MK) feet vast of Germantown avi nue : containing in front 50 feet, and extending in depth between lines parallel to Germantown nyeituo Up ward of 129 feet. o. 2.—A 11 that lot of ground. sane size, and imme diately adjoining No. .1 ou the east. No. 3 —All that let of ground, sante - size, and ii 21,11141- dlnte!y adjoining No. 2 on the east. No. 4,—A1l that lot of ground, same width and a (Moth of upward of 128 feet 9 incheedrnmediately adjoiiiing No. 3 on the east. No. 5.—A1l that lot of ground, same width and depth as Nu: 4, immediately ruljoinlnatit on the oak. ' No. 6.—A1l that tot of ground, 39 'feet 7 inches front. and extending in depth upward of. 124 Met 6 inches, im mediately ad.loinipg Lon the east: Theme lots are desirably located fOr immediate itn• prove-meat, and are ou the summit of Chestnut Hill. M. 'rllo3fAd & SONS. Auctioneers. 139 and 141 South Fourth street _AC SALE:—THOMAS & SONS, --aAuctioneera.—Large and Valuable Building known so Londell's Machine Works, No.. 0.53 ..tatch street, [Bib - Toth Ward. On Tuesday. May 21, 1870, at 12 &dock, noon, will be sold at public sale,.at the Phila• dolphin Exchange: No. I.—All that lot of grouud,with the improvements thereon erected, situate on the'westerly side of Bench street, in.the Sixteenth Ward, of the city of Philadelphia ; commencing at a point in the westerly line of the said ech street, tit the distance of 250 feet southward thetre south side of Laurel street ; thence extending wUst nt on a line at cht anlles to the said Beach street , IGO fret 7li'inclies to ri the southeasterly side of Cohocksink Creek Causill'; thenre, extenditig sotithwestOrly ulong the southeasterly side Of .thneatt Cohocksink.Creek Canal 61 feat 31i. invites to a point in the line of the said canal baud Point. being situated at the distance of 208 real inches westwardly from the said Bench street I; thence on the same line 14 feet 9i inches teat point; thence still along the southeasterly side of the eau] canal and following the courses thereof 38 feet 7,1. inches to a point ; thence enstwordly along a line at right angles to the said Beach street 236 feet 10% Inches to the westerly line of siiii.Lßeach Street, and thence ex tending northwardly along the western line of. the title Belo I, street 83 . feet to the plain of beginning. •• Part of the let Is subject to Is yearly ground rent of 8180. Terms—Two-thiris of the purchase mouermay main. The improyoriionto aro a--largo brick - haildiug..nart two *mil Oren stories high. With frame alw,i la the roar. .lmnmdlato Yosbaksion. Kaye at Nu. I=3 North I)ola warn avOline. . • ' No. 2.—Modern three-story Brielc Residence, No. 1737 Vino slreot, west of Seventisinth street, ovorloolclug Lo cal] .~guars.--All that modern ;throo-titory brisk IVIO,I - with tWO.Htory bark building and lot grund, situate oh' the 'north side of Vitfe street,: segoficl house east of Eighteenth street, N 0.1737 ; runt tglitur to front on Vine street CtJ feot, and extending in depth 1211 foot to un 18-lert wide alley. The, bonen has parloeolining loom and kitchen on first finOr ; gas introd noel. Limit, lot nucl cold water, fnriaiteet...Qelklag-rittige,,.. 'roroaf--SONO may.remoln on mortgage. Pow- esolon lot toeh.nibor. The aboveovorloolcs Loganblquhre, and „ . 0.3...-I'eretntor3• eale:by order of heirs. - He ate of John t , chwe.iss,denoellett. 4i-etori Frame Do oiling. No.BIl North Fittli street ;above Brown tartlet., with u. Frew° Stehle In rear on :Orchard street., : Aldthet 2;4. Piety lrvine tnesi•uage Mid lot of ground., ltat6, i” ,th, rod' edtle of Fifth etroetjlo.Bl6 tcont-tlnlng In frent. P Kilt street le Toot, and In length thence en.tw rd,k •ep htp smut breadth, IT, feet Ono t 'than - _continuity it !- fort wider on tlio 14104 f Wide . ut (Mt nice of 17 feet froni the front Ilno4) than not.n tinning 17 ft.et witty jl3 feet to It feet Witie.4llo,Y l Which nekce 1W feet deep from Fifth street to said alien The said I loot in,w idth 17 tact deep being given with , 2-,feet he adj';ining lot the south, Jr feet deep, for a 3 -lectca ide alley, for ['Sofres ." 64,1 "i'Pnritolie of the said lot and the lot on the south aide, the above described lot, uiiw th:nosseroilort of Martin Beek ;the - Heidi/lin-tin Beck,. his hides and assigns, haling the right to build over mud underlha paid idler the Whole depth of 17 feat. Also, 11 - 11171 e motile in the rear on Drchsrd St reet. Rub), Cr to a yearly sroand;ent of *3l (sliver.) . Darned latepossession. " ---• t - - - I.'-=-*Frostue bwellingg and rarge..[Mt,linS.-2411,dina 3613 North Broad street, extending through to German-. Agcbue. All those messuagesand thelot of deg and theretanto belonettig,situateMl the east side of Broad PM or. riti feet 7.1 t; inches north of Tioga street; the lot, containing on Broad. street, cle feet. and extending in depth 21 feet th itschelron the mirth line, and 102 feet 11% inches en 00 87•11111 Hue, and thence still keeping the ,ttaine breadth at right angles with the Germantown road' Onifeet 9% inches OD. themort 24141 /02 feet".ll4 01.e.som the south fine to Germantown rom , provemente aro 2 tee-stbry frame dwellings frontingon Broad street, and frarne :carpenter shop and frame stable and wagon-house in the rear, on- Gormantolin f%ir Clear of ail inuambriutce. , • , Tenons-V.OOO mhy'remain mil:mortgage. No L.-Lerpound•-raluable: Lot, AllotColmbia • remrte, o est ot Ilrourf streetoO7 feet.frout. , hat very desi rable ;or of yround.'sduuto on the north side of Colitui- Lea avelineorbout 31 fert.r ant.of Fifteenth 'greet • con tog in front on•Columbla avenue lad feet B%i locker,' end extending lu 'depth All the east line-139 feet 43i - inc.:herr Point 7 ll:cure. ex tending .eouthwesterly X 11• feet.-85f, inches to Columbia rivenue r forming a triangular lot. zee plan at the Auction:Rooms. : . • No. 6.-13isiness stand-..Three•story Brick Store and Pwelling and illockomith dhop. S. W..coraer of Sixth _ane_Master-stroets,•so-feet-frorit:-.A-11. that - three - Sri:Tr brick 'store and dwell ing_and•blackem ith shop and lot of groundofitivite at the Southwest corner of Sixth and Master streets : the lot containing in front on Sixth sti:•et tO feet, and extending In tleptlx 64 frrot. o, 7-2!!-Mort 13rfrk fleet fence, • !Mu-shall street 'Moore Street, Tremont avenue, Norristown. PenusylVa /•13. All filet 23-fttory Orbic 17mitile liou.e Wryl lot of , ground. fron t fug •on 31itrahall and Moore streets and Tremont avenue., Norristown. Pennsylvania ; the lot conto it, frig in front On street 100' feet, and - ha depth Itsi fret. The house coutains9 rooms and °been:a tm that neclorthe whole: there is.a vegetable garden, fish pond. F pring of water. fruit and shade trees. 'Trains rommunicarete 12 timell a day. Terms-Hatt cosh: Immediate possession. M. THOMAS dc SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 14] South Fourth street. i rn) 5 1 21 . . rp - TEABERRY TOOTHWASH,--- AL It is the most pleasant. cheapest and best dentifrice extant. Warranted free from imorions ./r-praservea and-Whitatisille-TeethTh-- Invigorates and Soothes the Gums ! Purifies; and Vile Breath I Prevents Acommilathm of Tartar I Clemwee and Parities 'Artificial Teeth I Is a Soperirir Article for Children I Sold by all Drugavts .' • ' • A. M. WILSON, Proprietor mh/ lr . Ninth and Filbert streets, Philadelphia. _ I : IILADQ, 13A iiirlatti / FOR EX TRACTING TEETH WITIF FRESH. NITROIRI OXIDE GAS. "ABSOLUTELY-ND - - - Dr. P. R. TIIO3IA.S. „formerly operator at the Colton Dental Rooms, devotes hLs entire practice to the painless extraction of to th. Mike, 911 Walnut st. mlls,lyrp§ - JD 1.71 - 1* H r , B A ItTEE Y" - K - 113 -= GLO V E: LI 81 85. We also offer the celebrated " La. Belle" hid glove at ,S.l 2.1 per pall.. - Hest qi 24 glove in America... —44- Joasph7" - 151 - Ctrper - pair. - id Immo 1 0 0 Pf.r - - Every pair warranted sate" as the Bartley." • A. & .1. R. BAFEtitoLomEw, -- Importers, 21 M. Eighth street V I.P.Vtfrp; 'ALIDS.--A: • FINE MITSICAL r Box lu t a cginimajomforibe 4itir.thata9r;l4e.fluest .bsortmvnt in the eft) , anti a g eat variety of airs to ee- Ject from. Imported-direct by • FARR A. BROTREft, mbl6tfrp] _ AU Chestnut street, below Fourth. AM ES L. WI SON, HOUSE PAINTER. .. . . - • ..518 SOUTH • NINTff STREET, Resitlenct—ten tiontli Ninth 'w4troet. ap3( ly 4p§ .I.l r . C. A. TATLOR., . -• • ,- PerfitrnOt i y - an - d 4 rolletiStvariS T 64 and 643 North Ninth street. POLISHING} POWDER TIIE BEST for cleansing - Silver and Plated WareiJewelry,etc., . ver manufactured. _ mhl tfrp P.l WARBURTON'S INIPROVED, VEN tilrtfrd and easy-fitting Dress Hate ipatented in all the approved fashions 01 the season. Chestnut .street next door lb th Post-Office. oc6-tfrP rive E " BARTLEI.Y"• KM GLOVE IS THE UEST. A.-& B. BARTHOLOMEW: -•° etrp§ • Bole Agente; 23 N : - Einht4 street.:- SAA I%:ATHANS, A lICTION &ER, N. E. corner Third and Spruce:streets, only one square Isdow the Exchange. e 2.5() POO to InHn s in large or small atoould, on diAmonds, eilv r• plate, watehoe, jewatir y and all ponfl*. of value. O ffi ce hours from BA. DI. to 7 P. M. ear F.4l.lablisAhod far the last forty years. Ad yenned made in large amounts at the lowest Market rote.. . H ItY PHILLIPPI, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, NO. 1024 SANSOIt STREET, jelo-Iyrp PITT LA Dr, LPNIA. E DWIN Li. FITI,EIt Sr, C 10 .7 I:ordage Idannfacinrers and Dealers in 23 N. Water S'trect and 22 N. Delaware Avenue PFII:GAVELPTITA EDWIN 11. FITLER. CONRAD V. CLOTHIER MICRAEL WEAVER. GEC. R. 9. rIILER. WEAVER & 00., _ Rope and l'whie Mannfaeturere and Dealers in Hemp and Ship Chandlery. :v North WATEIt. 26 North WHAEVES. PRILADELPIFIA. aril tf § . fallinim e. m BUSINESS ESTA.I3TITSITED • ' MO.—SCHUYLER h ARM.STRONG, Undertakers. 1827 Germantown avenue nod Fifth it. Fell lITLEII. I erd4frYyrp§l A.RMS.TRONG FITES FT CHARCOAL - R BISCUIT FOR DI'S PE Psi A : HARP'S POOL/ for infante, just imported. Select Rio 'tapioca, with airections for. use. Genuine Bermuda Arrowroot, and Other Dietetics, for sale by JAMES T. SHINN, S. W. cor. Broad and Spruce. Bp 9tf rp§' E D IN G AND ENGAGENIENT Rings of solid 18karat no charge—or pimialty; full assortment of elate, and no _engraving names &c. FA Hit 'Sr - BROTHER. Makers, niy2irp tf 324 Chestnut street: 1 , 910 W Fourth. v _JNEY TO •AN Y AMOUNT • - - LOANED UONTIS, WATCHES, e JEWELRY, P PLAT D E, C IAMO LO N THING, , Sm., at JONES- do CO.'S OLD-ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE, OornPr of Third and Oftokill . 8 trouts, tolow Lombard. N. B. DIA3IONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, GUNS, &c., FOR . SA LOW REDIARRABLY PRICES R. LEIGH'S IMPROVED HARD - Rubber Truss never rusts, breaks or Neils, .‘7l' used in bathing; Supporters, Elastic Bolts, Otockings, all kinds of Trusses and Braces. Ladies attended to by MRS. LEIGH, 12.10" Chestnut, second story. no 9 lyrp§ - LR CUT — AT 1 870. It f LIPIT'S IV &einem I kni r Cntt ers iluir and Whi ,, lcero (13 ed. Suave and Raw, .30 cents. Lailies• . tied Children 'ti hair cut. Razors set in order. 0( en Sunday morning. No. 125 Exchange Place. It• G. O. Trr OUHEF E , h . Y ERS .AND UPHOLSTER.- I pra-wiii titsl jargo•hoade4l and tough Iron. Car- Nog:Tacks, Carpet' Stretchers and a varletY of Carmil 1-1 At. the Ifardware Stern of TRUMAN-. & 'll AW,144.036 (Eight Thirty-live) Market street, below Ninth ____________ Q ASH . . 'WEIGHTS -CORDS --A-ND P [Yip • Nye, 81101' Lifts, Knobs, and a general ‘ariety of noilding Ilardware, for toile by TRUMAN SHAW, No. 8351 Eight Thirty - fiyelllarket Street, be low Ninth. _ lj? EP A I 114 NG C LOTEIRS-WRI , re done, and y:.rious patterns of them for sale by 1114. These with c,, wheels we particularly recommend ter durability. 'TRUMAN & SIIAW No. 835 (Eight Thirt‘ -1INT) Market, street:below DILA ELP Felr AGE iNsTuuTm, itwqri_h_m_b4L-...f reiet , above - Ilforice,, RETTTS - TRUSS misitiVely cures Ito ptura.. - 'Cheap Trusses. - Elastic. Rena, Stockirpts, Supporters Shoulder Braces, Vll[OlOEl, Iff.1)11118ilriekl. rinntlawes. -. Ladies attended to_bY_Sirs P. ivt -o'n. !ttE=l T)EM OVA 1.,.-1% E. riliNit IC; 'MANI:3(- 1V t . ;,ei t.l. Of Lad eirilq(kl and Metall hie, finding h..t. into location, No: 111 N. 'Eighth strootei-inettemtete ter - her ill l'jrt'ii` inereneett bneintwyy , hen rentore.L. to the ELEGA NT AND til'AelOPS - WA ICEIR00:11, 'tithe S. c 'rncr (4-N 1 NTll•end A HON Stroete, whore On new oftrtefision 10 lihr stock of Oloalca 411111 MIIIIII/I Hi. choice Ili - voice of Puteley BilaWlay Lace , and tioctiutil t - • -- tri102.3-31urPi WEE THURSDAY, 16tAY 5, 1870. MIScp;LANEOUS. FARR BROTHER, 924 Chestnut street. below Fourth my 21tfrp§ ftEMOVALS MIME - - How the Steamer City of Quebec wa% hoph.NY the therniany In the tet. Law rence. . . [From the Montreal Witness, Ma' 2.j .We have received authentic intelligence of - the sinking of the steamship City of Quebec oti, upgav - n4ornixig;Oteg.konag_beeitiii - dollisioi. with Montreal , Steamship Company's Germany. The City of Quebec was a side-wheel steamer of 521 tons register, be longing to the Qiiebec and Gulf Ports Steam .ship Company, and traded for several years 'Prat between Quebec and ports in the Lower 'Provinces. Last week the above vessel, arrived - at' tins port, and for the first time:: loathedhere - "with'a fulV cargo, -.and left: early' on •- Saturday morning for Pieton,, Nova Scotia. • The City , of - Qiiebec was .tiortintarlded •by - Captain Connell; • dud had a crew of •thirty.five all told, Who were , siiippednt QuebeeVity; also a few passengers. She appears to have got along all right after 'leaving this port and Quebec. When oppo- site Green Island, the steamship Germany,, of, the Allan line, from Liverpool, with nearly- POO . 'emigrants on board, was observed coming ,up. - When near the - Germany, and off White eCitY.cf-,Qacbe-c—appears--to:litive-- ehanged her course' awl tacked across the `bows of the former, and although it was,two o'clock in the - morning, yet the lights on each 'ship 'were' distinctly visible to each other's deck watch. The City - of -Quebec,- however, seethe to` have tacked So quickly, and shot across the:lhoWs of the Germany, that before 'she could get - . clear - the Germany struck te city of Quebec on the starboard side, cutting her down below the water's edge. Every assistance was rendered to those, on board the ill-fated vessel, which sunk .within halfan hour after the, collision. • The following particulars are from a copy of tele gram from A.lla,n, Ea - 6'85 Ce., Quebec, to H. Et A. Allan, Montreal : .t&The Germany arriv,(sk, ,at,6l P.M., yesterday,. bringing 801 steerage passengers. A collision occurred at 2 A. M. avitlisteatueriCity-of _Quebee,=:,bound7=toT-Pie:== tou ; latter sunk in half au hour; all lives saved but third engineer and one steerage pas senger. The Germany had received consider able injury, three feet over water-line, and about twenty feet in length on starboard side. Ourpilet, Raymond, and ship's °dicers, state - that the City was cleSe to. White Island and the Germany close to - Green - Island ;. the latter held her course ; the City of Quebec made_ more.than half--a circle-on--port helm, and was crossing the Gerxnany's bows when collision took place as City struck Germaiay's starboard bow,witbaierport bowl' - • --Bank-Itobbevjcuit-tilit-k-Wand-The Lime -- Rock Blank Entered...s2.l4ooo Stolen-7- :•:-Airrest• of FOUr of the Robbers- - 'EOCELAND, Me., May 4.—The vault of the Lime Bock bank was broken into last night,; and Hie Safe blown - open and inost_of its coutrrits The - ii effected an entrance _by breaking into the_Westera-Unicia telegraph office, adjoining the bank, and digging through the brick walls that separated the telegraph office from the bank vault, in precisely the same manner as when. the :attempt.was.made last September. The door of the safe was blown entirely off, and the brick wall between the bank and telegraPhbffilee Niras'badlyeracked and bulged bythe - 040(islob, which took place • before lour o'clock A. M., and was beard by -two-or more persons; who-did not understand -- the cause. By this. robbery the bank loses about_sl,loo, and special depositors.about 519,500, on-which - pa.ment.. is stopped to the amount of 515,000. 1 he w hole amount stolen with $22,400. Twenty live lundrad,.dollars,collateral- is held-as se- - curity for the notes lost. Addison F.- .Heiser, formerly on our police force, Alden Lichfield. a trader in this city, and Joshua -Adams, a New York craeksman, have been arrested for complicity in the rob bery. Adams: was arrested at Litchfield% -- house, where.he was in hiding. John. Graves, Jr., another o£-the gang, has been arrested in Belfast, -and a fifth confederate took the steamer for Portland, where the officers were telegraphed to he on the lookont for him. .Keiser gave information to the officers upon which they acted. Two other New York craclcsmen were engaged in the robbery, one of whom is Charles H. Brooks. One of these men was laken out of the city in a wagon by Keiser and the other by one Black. The stolen property was taken along with them, andac cording to Keiser's stateinent was buried in the woods in.a canvas bag. Brooks and his con tederatc,are still at large, but it is hoped they will be taken and the property, xecovered to night. It is probable that- one or 'two other arties - art-iniplimited-in the-aft-tr. A QTLEEIL CELEBRATION. The Fall.ol Bonaparte inNew Jersey. A friend has sent to the Evening Post a copy of a somewhat rare and curious printed circu lar, is hich years ago summoned the good folks of Morristown, New Jersey, to a dinner in celebration of the downfall of the Bonapartes. The signatures to the circular are those of celebrated men of their time in that place: .• ' 11i ult RIS- TOWN, June 9, : Europe and the world are delivered from the tyranny anti ambition of Bonaparte. The Bohrbon family,. to which Americans are so much in de Neu, is restored to power. 'The virtuous Alexander' reigns in the af fections of Europe, and possesses power, equal to his will, to :arrest the armof usurpa tion. monopoly and injustice. A general peace must result. Philanthropy and patriot ism unite to fill the bosom with joy,and to dic tate, some expression of it. On this great oc casion, the gentlemen of Morris propose to assent ble at Nathaniel Bull's,' in Morris-Town on Monday, the 13th instant, at 3 o'clock P. M., to partake of a Dinner, to which th - most earnestly. 'ate and such of your frip lids as you think proper to ask. "In behalf of the. Gentlemen of Morris . Town. • ' . "DAVID FORD. ' "SYLVESTER. D. RUSSELL, "GEORGE K. DRAKE." It is_certainlvsornething unusual to see Arne e 3 a o uci b t i o z n e s. is celebrating the restoration of the ]nr A CALIFORNIA SANCTUARY An CarthuUrake-Proof Church The people of California, since the earth quakes of 1869, have a great,deal of recurring shocks, and as an indication of this whole some fear and a desire to prevent loss of life, We have intelligence from San Francisceithat the Roman Catholics are building there an earthquake-proof church." This edifice--St. Bat rick'„ Church—is - huilt on a plan to prevent the loss of life in- the event of the shaking down of the walls,. ThO side walls above the basement ' are. only — 30' feet high. At this height,. a', - .• roof rises, which, with the main. roof,iis, supported indepen dently of the walls littwo rows of pillars in side of them: : Both roofs are firmly bound to the pillars, and . the pillars are fastened to gether Ler . iron l eross4Nuus,_:etecureel .' . with • a real - Ohs; fermi pg. - net-wo Tic of grea' Strength; The theory , of the plan of construe flop is, that.: should- Ahe lfo shake) Liu Li; _1:116 1 P 011r.m 110 MAL It.,I)IILSICL the unllsi - instead of falling inside, tlius,giving a chance of escape , from the ruins. In 'thus falling the roof would be carried 'aside 'a dis ,,tance of 80 fc4t,, the length of the pillars., - . ' . .. ';" —A Mimi n - onicucant who frequents the Ittlet Ft; 1/0110To haf3. tlii) . ' following annotmoomont tillix'vd to his bosom': "Blind I Father of foitr • cbildreho he result, ofotOriblo acOideut 1" - - - `' $: DI 'SAS' ER. MAINE. CARLISLE STUDXSIWN Particulars of the InifficelSy at Dlekin. sou College. The Harrisburg Patriot contains the follow , ing letter from Carlisle; .• ." •- CA111.151.13. May 3, 1870.---Messrs. Editors : A rupture hits-occurred_ in :this 'fekt_ time:bon: ored collego'lletweeii'Vreliculty and stu dennt, resulting in the suspension of forty seven members of the Junior and Sophomore classes.. rent - . The diffieiiity had its inception in ,an :tripe trifle. • • Ihe excitement incident to the . novelty Of the " - grand parade" of the late enfranchised, on the 26th ult., was felt by the students as -well as by the citizens of this place. Unfor tunately for the ililasses of n and 72, a recita tion hour was coincident with the march, and rather than miss the "free show," the stu dents, with one-Or two• exosptlons, absented themselyes.from the lecture room. • In cases of similar individual action „ , the laws and regulations of the college ,provide that upon the atinurrtetwil'shall be entered five marks for every unexensed absence from •recltation, lecture or private declamation. For the offence in que.stion,_ the alientees_ .clainied the`penaity Offive minus markerinder this statute and were wilfing to accept three in addition, the• mark for misdemeanor. On the other hand the faculty construed qheir action as conahlned against discipline-,'• by virtue of the authority granted in the pro vision of the laws, that for high offences the students Shall - receive such number of minus marks as the fhculty shall direct. Under high offences in the code is ranked' " class combina tion" for unlawful purposes, and such the authorities construed the failure to attend reci tation on the afternoon of the 26th, and. ac cordingly they assessed minus marks unequally upon the members of the two classes ; the maximum number assessed _ npon -any-one member being five hundred. - - • The unequal assessment, some _receiving _fifty and nthentlive_ hundrect,--certainlyas=a, treatment of the menibers as individuals; and the sequel showed that the five hundred• fell upon some of the best students. • This led to a-respectful remonstrance, which was heeded by- a reduction of the maximum number to three hundred, whereupon the classes did combine and submitted to the faculty_ in writing an acknowledgment of wrong-doing, and , expressed a willingness to suffer eight minus marks as a punishment for individual absence. but firmly refused to, attend further to any college duties until three hundred marks, - penalty for alleged cla-Ss con-_ binatiolGehould be reduced to eight minus marks, the penalty, for individual action. The faculty thereupon added "the high offense - of — rebellions" — tie - the-charges, and a copy of the following was-handed to each ot -- fender : ....... - - ‘• DICKINSON ' ' COLLEGE, :CARLISLE, PA., May 2, 18.71 2. 11 - . .7-7r----:_,lfy Dear Sir: I ball your attention to ihe annexed resolution of the Faculty : ' ..71en/Ded i That this President announcestto_the mom Thera ofthe Eiot - ihutooretTe - d .Titniorclasses that any mem ber of those classes who shall absent himself from, reci tations on llonday, May 2.1. 'without sufficient excuse, presented during the Same day to the President,ehall be, and is hereby suspended from college until the first Thursday eiScptembernext, to he restored at the' end 'of that time only on making satisfactory acknowleklu recut to the Faunity. and that any student 80 suspended is too }red to leave town for home on Tuesday, Nay 11, before.s.2U . P..M., tinder penalty of expulsion. B. S. DASIIIEL, President. " t C. F. , HMIS, Secretary.' " , _ The._.E.xecudv.e_Donimittee,—President--and - members of the Board of Trustees met last evening committees from the classes and the.. Fatrult,y; to, effect a compromise. The short proved abortive, each party standing out. the Faculty upon the bypothesis-of class combina don, the students upon that of individual ac tion, Plogically reaching the conclusion to which each at opposite polls clings with a te nacity detrimental to the interests of Dickin son College, to say the least of it. The time for departure has been extended twenty-four hours to any student who cannot sooner snake arrangements to leave. . .., ._ . TUE END OF A TRAGEDY. Sad Sequenen.aL_the .Loutelana Vendetta. Pram the Now Orleans Times, April is ] The concluding chapter in the recent Cata boufw vendetta, wherein Gen. Liddell, Col. Jones and. son were killed, has yet to be rela ted.- - A few days ago. Mrs. Charles Jones,with her . two ,-daughters and a young) son, reached 'the mouth of the river in the Gelman steamer.- She had hurried froth 1 - Hidiaburg,Gerthany, Where she had been re siding for some time superintending the edu cation of her children, expecting to meet her husband and two Bo n eauthe_ci ty,-enti rely 1171- - conscious of their sad fate. When the steamer reached the bar,the pilot who came aboard was asked by Mrs. Jones if lie knew Colonel Charles Jones, itif Catahoula. The reply was that he had heard of hint, but declining or evading any further conversation, the lady's ciiriosity'was excited, and she was filled,with: gloofny apprehensions of impending calamity. These apprehensions were very natural to a lady, who had been for so many years cogni zant of the bitter feud which. had • so- long ex isted bet Ween her husband and General Lid dell, and who, more than twenty years ago, had witnessed the Cruel and nearly mortal woOnding of her buskand in the incident - which gave rise to this feud. The kindly pilot, who could not bear to communicate to Mrs. Jones directly the sad intelligence of her hus band's fate whispered it to sOltne of the passen gers, who informed Mrs. jones that she must prepare herself for some sorrowful news on reaching the city. She retired to her state room, and'there• remained in a 'state - of diS tressing grief and anxiety until the steamer reached the city. On the arrival at the wharf, • ahnost the first person who boarded the steamer waffyoung Jones, the survivor of the awful tragedy. at. Harrisonburg. - He . rushed into his motfier's room, and was the first to communicate the terrible truth to his mother. We - shall net attempt to describe the scene which followed. Kind friends took charge of the afflicted lady. After remaining here but' a few days,she .left to, return to Germany with. her family and devote . the remainder of her life to the 'education' of her children. May' time assuage the greatsorrows of this afflicted, lady,, and may. her- remaining days, though ever. sorrowful, .be undisturbed by further griefs and afflictions. TilE PRINCE OE WALES, Beeping:, the Ilervest. The Prince of Wales iH now reaping at tun, pleasant harvest from whatever " wild oats" he may have sown in his tipie. He has dis-; covered that CFesar as well as his wife must be above suspicion, under penalty of going into . Court. - The latest case concerning - hiM - ..has arisen from the announcement of the k3haffield Daily Telegraph that, in a probable divorce of the Earl and Countess of .Sefton,,the Prince would be involved in an unpleasant way. That the, report was a-Calumny is:evident from the affidavits of tho Married couple ; and if, as liallecksays, ' • • " It is a joy to think the beet We may of human kind," • —Miss Chick,' %young lady of Cincinnati, tipped over a heroserie lamp. Deceased was member of the M. E. church, front which edifice the reniatita'Nere consigned to the tomb. That kerosene is 'holding-nitro-gly cerine a mighty tight race in the item of Ina:. plop , k'..T.ff.4.o.!cyJNr;4. - .; ASTUBBORN rtin ONE. • like Detiorthre Pope, • A Rome letter inathe Now Yuri& PM says: • You will, have beard of the trouble with some English , lathes at the Via Point% Pluciank _who were ordered to leave gem _seine. thins. -- ago7 .- Two- or them vient;al once, but the third —agairnst whom, if against either, - the govern ment had really eatpie of comp'aint not gm The Bens dfarmes came' aftovheragain and, again. and every attempt was- Made ZO alarm her, but site not.be alarmed. Theo they tried to •„coar bee, hits she will not be commit They hem her just tosgo to Albano for a few days, that they may report to , .titie Pope tharshe has hift'ltorne.. But she doesC not wish any snch report made, and is itemov;' able.. The Pope personally interemt4 hirnvNlf in her depastnre, but slier is too nracb.'evott,for him a. yet. And neither lie nortile' lady will tell . just. what she has done. $O that: whether she .bas distributed Bibles, or correspond . bd: with Garibahlini, is a vexed questions OBITIIA B nrs., John Brougham Illttneia , ; - •Hawley Nelson, died in New' York Taw day night, the twenty-sixth anniversary of her wedding-day. She was , the second daughter Of Captain Nelson, of the Blitish Navy, and = was born in Maciiid, where Lter fathem wet et ationed at the close of the Ptini nsular • war . Her eldest sister married Mr. - Ednontid 'Glover; son of the celebrated actress, and is now manageress of the Theatre Royal', • Glasgow.' Miss Annette NeLson, soon after - her father's death, studied for the stage, under the tuitibu • of Mrs. Bartley, and made her diflitit in • the comedy of The Country Girl, with deciddil tees. _After the death of her first husband, `Mr. Hodges, she married Mr. John+ Bronghatri.- She - Was an estimable lady, and leaves' a hest of friends to mourn her lose. ' 7- `TILE FINE By a recent re-arrangement of - their Geller.- ies, Messrs. Elarle& Sons have brought ink, prominence a number of interesting works.-- A singidarly tine coast-scene, ln the best Mau ner'of W. T. Richards, has heen mounted "ori an easiel;•in this composition, &Ong'with all of Mr. Richards's unapproaehed ktitoWiedge of quiet wave-form, there has been attained an effect of suffused brillian_cy_shed from a. -- - misty"afternoon sky Upon waves which avelil the conventional train of light,,that positively dazzles with its broad beating glitter s.4.ia the other side, the pieture 'the sand, cOmre4 _ with shells and-stained with thesatUratnig^: waves, is a graphic reminder , of the seit-side: —ln the-place 'of honor has been; set: the superb painting by Charles ;Brun,' "Girl of Morocco playing tho=- tomkom,t; -- Whith was exhibited first " in the Parissalon'ofA69, with decided eclat Itrittet, is a pupil Cit,cabanel. The painting, lierhapa a little too, true and uncompromising; to suit' provincial taste in this •counj.ry, 'fah spleadid record, of ~oriental loveliness,- - The - painter found his model in Constantinople: she is a traveling musician still young,-yet with the• mature look of one.habituated to the open air; - her charms-are real enough, and her look of confidence in-them equallrstriking : a sort of direct, easy- and professional seductiveness pervades her attitude and expression, as-of "a.- graduate of college." The eyebrows and eyelids are bordered with 'hard lines of kohl ; her wild vagabond hair is matted be , neath her Phrygian cap, from which hang ' those bridle-shaped festoons of ornament lately worn by 1 .144 8 hearer. homei_ in her. - shapely hands she manages the toratom,l or parchment gong.. Her dress is stiff with embroidery, except the sleeves,whose-striped• gauze passes, the white light of the sun and the carnation-light of her round and vigorous arms. It is a magniffeent --" - hussy, very different from Victor 'Hugo's E$- • merohla, and agree* deal more life-like; and is painted with consummate decision and power: -Near it hang two large new landscapes, he the best style of Van Starkenborgh,.ropre-, senting Westphalian and Thuringian, forest.,_ scenes.-A fignre-by - Joseph - John,- of more. solid, excellence than the large allegorical sub-. ject recently sold by Messrs. Earle for him. is hanging as a centre on the southern wall, and is called " Faith." it is a single tigure of ' a, lady who turns from a bouquet of faded and scattering flowers to regard the sun; her - atti. tudo is very expressive; and the painter, in treating a lawn dress, has succeeded in. making .white paint transparent.-Near by bangs "The Little Scholar," by George. 8., Wood, a study full of conscience, industry,alitt - a kind of merit, yOt displaying in an extrava, gent degree this artist's incomprehensible fa, natleism of ugliness—Russell Smith luta a, ' Gothic church-interior, romantically de csignecl.-Hetzel bangs a careful and circlet+ lent" copy of au Allegheny forest- , . scene. This artist, having achieved the pur pose for which he visited c'our city; has, 'de camped, from the studio over Haseltine's. gal leries, and rejoined the friendly and clever art-circles of Pittsburgh ; the simple direct- . 13(35, and contempt of melodrama, in landscapes, always make them favorites with judicious speetators.- . -Mr. E. D. Lewis- displays a glittering, rich scene near Steck— bridge, Mass. Trotter has now at this. gallery his telling eomposition,ordnvalided war-horses. Scenting powder at a village Fourth of July.—. The elder Bonfield exhtibits a nutrine,.paintect ' in his best manner.—Messrs. Earle have re-. cently sold two of the most precious jewels uif their collection—Mrs, Anderson's Little Girt, with 13irdanest, and Paid Weber's large atff spirited Cat Skill Scene—bnt the paintings wo have named, with a large stock of others, keep up the attractiveness of their the rindow may be seen a bust of lilt's. Lu-; cretin Mott—with striking likeness. but perfect drapery—by Mr. Akers, a brother of; the lamented Sculptor of "The Dead Pearlm Diver." . o—There i 3 34 general notion in this cottlatryt that women aro now luinfitted students an Oxford University, England. Prof. Goldwin„ mith. in a note to the College (Morcott, . car— rects this misapprehension. klesays:, "tlf t y_ examination, to which girls Aro' to be - for the,' first time admitted, is not the euttealed exr4lo-,, 'ation of the University, bttt an etaroinAtten.' personl - norbelongtriglo.7tlid - otsc -- nmonly called the naddte-elwei , n, ' 'and held under 'Me' 43)1sPleeS or. the. • • • •• • . indard of e'clueatiee' in oiir :hoots." This is a, very din-11 - 6RA - tbinfr adndssion to the Universit3r itself, a matter which Prof. Smith:. says never been. - - moofed at Oxford.!!, • —A Big Elora expedition, - is organizing. 4 but we take granted that it will be led by • F icran MEE !1 1r ,!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers