FOREIGN COBttESPOWI*fiSo» ■ - : ... .'A JjTSI'I KK A*ARIS.' | Correspond™ 00 of the I’AKis, Good Friday, April 15th, 1870.—The Easier holidays arc opening upon usr,Y?itlithe nro'pcct of splendid woatlier, made doubly ac ceptable after the long and dreary winter through which we have passed. The spring foliage, at least a fortnight behind its time, is making strenuous efforts to redeem its backwardness; and'the long ranges of trees ir.onravennes are now' jnst fringed with a delicate tint of cmen: ParisJs vc.y full. Great num bers of Americans have arrived from Borne, Italy and the South, none of whom, however, have been very, well content with the season they have experienced. Low fevers aiid sickness have' prevailed to a great extent at. Naples, and been thence transported to Koine; and here in Paris, as I need. scarcely now tell you, small-pox has prevailed to an extent which has created quite a panic in some quarters of the town. 1 1 was told the other dav by a medical man . that there are houses . of five of six families, living on flats, in which not a single individual has escaped. ; The demand for vac cinatin" matter has helm so'great that the sup ply has quite run short, ana the gratuitous vaccinations have several times been obliged to he suspended. There is a great dispute going, on in the medical world with regard to the respective merits of vaccine matter taken from the individual and from the cow; and one cel- ebrated doctor here has' nearly .made Bis for tune by advertising that “a cow” was in con stant attendance in his court-yard, or,- as some said, in-his consulting room! On the strength of this superior method of treating his clients,he raised his fee from twenty to thirty francs, and crowds flocked to him for the operation. But now . the medical board has come to a decision that the vaccine matter taken from a healthy patient is 7 both preferable and'more certain in its effects, and the “ cow-, —"doctor,” as the- above-mentioned- practitioner was called, has fallen into again. But the prevalence, and virulence of the dis- have Been a very serious matter, and have contributed not a little to make tlie_season of 1809-70 in Paris one of the least brilliant we have had for many years past. _ • - ~ ‘ Talking of medical subjects, I 'have already, 1 think, mentioned: that the School of Medi cine was closed by Ministerial decree until the Ist of May, in consequence of the deraonstra- i linns made by the .students against Dr. Tardieu, | on the ground of his evidence in the Pierre Bonaparte trial. Yesterday M. Segris, the Minister Public Instruction, in reply to an interpellation by M. Jules Ferry, one of the deputies of the Left for Paris, to whom the * students addressed themselves for support in the attitude they , assumed, stated that if the riotous proceedings were renewed on the re opening of the school, it would be broken up entirely. - T mentioned, recently, that M, de Lesseps had spent the winter, and also his honeymoon, with usin Paris. l; The fifteenth annual meet- ing of the Suez Canal Company was held the other day at the company’s offices, where its great projector made Bis appearance once _ before his shareholders, and was received with the favor which never fails to attend him, not-. ■withstanding the present somewhat low finan cial position of the undertaking. Among the most important statements made in the report which Lesseps read was one to the effect j that an outlay of eight millions of francs would | be required this year for completing and im proving the works of tlie canal.. The total number of vessels which have passed through the canal, from the day of its'opening in No vember to the 15th of March last, was stated to be 209, representing 146,031 tons. Of these 209 vessels, 200 were i steamers and the others sailing-vessels. Ke- I specting their nationalities, Lesseps’ report ■ divides them as follows : 50,052 tons were Eng- i lish vessels; 34,390,French; 17,600, Egyptian; 1 14,625, Austrian ; 7,380, Italian-; 4,178, Kus- j sian; 4,000, Norwegian; 3,200, Dutch; 880, ( German; 528, Spanish; 3,015, Prussian; 309, | Portuguese, and 342, Turkish. It is* of course, j impossible, as yet; to draw any reliable deduc- I tions from the above either as ! regards the probable amount of traffic | through the canal, on the whole, or the pro- j portionate attraction which it will offer to the shipping interests of different countries. The 1 toTal absMcAof AmeficarTvesselsTeither in~ representative or commercial point of view, has been a subject of regret to maty citizens of the i United States who were present at the open- ; ing. The drawback to the above report of traf- i tie, insignificant even as it is at the best, is that ! of the 209 vessels mentioned as having—passed j through the Canal, only 79 vessels,representing 54,044 tons, were toll-paying. The 130 others passed through free of toll on the day. of the opening and the two following days. The amount of toll therefore actually realized has only 1)860-000,000 francs. The most satisfac tory part of the experience to be derived hith erto from the active service of the canal is the fact, now pretty -well ascertained, that the wear and tear of ÜBago is likely to be much less ! seripus or expensive than was at first supposed, "i M. de Lesseps seems still to rely mainly upon British custom, for support. His report says ; -that—“ building-yards—are—working -literally-! night and day in the United Kingdom, trans- ; forming old or building new vessels, specially i designed for the transit of the canal,” ami that a stogie British shipping company has put 1 down in its estimates an annual payment of two millions and a half francs for toll. A no tice has just been made public by the Frcnch- Messageries Impe riale r to the effect, that tiieir mail steamers for India, Ceylon, China and Japan will benceforth traverse the caual with out touching at Alexandria, but stopping instead at Port Said, Ismaihv - and Suez. This regulation takes effect immediately, and will continue monthly until July, after which the , vessels of the Messageries Impales wyi leave ! -A rnral patriarch in Maine, aged 103, lately. * i I sent his little, son, aged HO, to exohango some once a fortnight, aUenrating with those pt the i oW . BtaM , bills for greenbacks, and finds dfiPis British rP. and O. Company, -thus establishing $45 out by not doing it years ago. a regular weekly communication, with . India —The Abbe (Jallaiii predicted a hundred Tbc above b. fti-M,' ‘ perhaps, as the first practical result and-benefit-pthe'chief mandarins. This prophecy occurs in which the public will derive from M. de-Les- ) his correspondence with Madame d’Epinay, Jore long the benebtmay be extended t$ the ! „ H 0 is a rule for count eba&Mdcre as well. ■ ine-bouses.”' Too well-bred,, as he construed > politeness,-to.asJfeSißheowwary questions, ho 1 turned it over, up and down, repeatedly, and at! last, in .a .paroxysm of. baffled curiosity, ho inquired, “ How, in the name of wonder, do you count housca with this ?” —Am Arkansas traveler ..thus amlies - ovor the amendment in., Ills' paper: “ Where fet tered leet once trod how leaps tlio untram melled votary of liberty.” NEW rEIIIOnjCAE PIIBIICitIONS. The National Quarterly Bcofew; cop&pcte^ by Edward D., devotes fiiiclifor itsspace this April to'French literatip'o ahdljis toby. •‘jßabeJaE andjliis times.", and/ ff Louis, XI. and his (thhes f//are companion pieces; of grept interest, land the more modern subject; of e‘ The French is an able . study from .newspaper and budget sources of information. That" Keen’ spinl, ’ Erasmus, is analyzed in another article, with especial reference to his influence and in<uk in history. Some terrible /statistics are given in “ The Opium Trade" and in “Our Criminals and J udiciary” (unnecessary to draw the distinction, good friend in Row TiOrkij A severe attack on Lowell, more dis tinguished for temper Ilian ability; is the only, part of the number which interferes with the reputation for,, liberal impartiality of the lie vkw.—J. K. Simon, agent, 20 South Sixth street. '; , , . . The liveliest historical article which for some time has appeared in the North American Re view is Agnes Irwin’s resume of Teiiot’s famous book on. the Emperor’s Coup d’Etat, in the April number; Mr. E. L. Godkin treats of “ The Prospects #f the Political Art,” which he considers in a low state, and doomed to a change of present form. • William A. Ham mond discusses .Spiritualism. C. Loring Brace examines Darwinism in Germany. The Legal Tender Act is examined by Henry Brookes Adams. Mr. T. B. Sanborn examines American Public Charities. A re view of Freeman’s History of the Norman Conqiiest, I>y Wi F. Allen, aud one by George Ellis, on “ Parkman’s Discovery Of the Great West,” are thoughtful and penetrating, and, as wdl as the minor literary notices, maintain the North Americans high .'reputation in this de partment. The whole number is -sdli'd and concentrated criticism or narrative. The Atlantic , for May, besides George Eliot’s fine poem, .reviewed in" Wednesday’s paper,con tains :” M “Joseph and his Friend.' y.. Bayard TaylotTLost Art. T. B. Aldrich ; Signs and Show Cases in New York. Charles' Dawson Slianly ; The Channel Islands. Mrs; E. Lynn Linton ; My Secretaryship.' Church ;: May Grown a-Cold. William.. Morris.; The; English Governess at the Siamese Court. 11. From the Narrative, and Notes of an Euglish Governess in the Royal Family ; ike Lauson Tragedy. 11. J. W. DeForest; A May-Time Pastoral. Bayard Taylor; Among the Isles of Shoals. IV. Mrs. Celia,Thaxtcr ; -A Week at Duluth. J. T. Trowbridge-; Aspromonte. Thomas W. parsons; Our Money Problem; The Duel of the Spanish Bourbons,..; Richard West; Review’s and Literary Notices, by W. D. Howells, Henry Janies, T. W. Higginson and C. P. (’ranch. Our Youvy Folks, for May. : Published by- Fields Osgood & Co. Thiinumber. contains the followingWe Gills, by Mrs. -A. 1). T. ■Whitney'; Spring Whistles, by Huey Larcoth; Karl Kipp,- by Charles Dawson-Shanly; Three O’clock in the Morning* by-R. S. Palfrey; I|ew Gowns, by Rose Terry; What I Saw in China, by Carleton; At Grandma’s Bedside, by Edgar Fawcett; Bertie’s Pioneering, by Helen C. Weeks ; Mr. Clarence Calls on the president, by J. T. Trowbridge; Flowers Waking tip, by .. “ ia/TTheGypsies,—bjWMre.A; Mrs. A. M. Diaz. Old and Yew. Published by H. O. Hough- i ton & Co., Boston. The contents of the May 1 number tub as follows? Looking Back Across the War-gulf, hy Robert Dale Owen ; Crimean Captives, by N. Noyes; Now; A Blameless Life; No.more Sea, by J. W. Chadwick; Ckristthe Life,by C. C.Everett; Naturein Art ; She Writes (Chaps. V. and VL); Catholicism and Protestantism, by J. B. Torricelli; Riding Down, hy Nora Perry i Ui-ili-opae, by Wan. T. Brigham; The Mormon Problem, ■by Charles T. Brigham; The Tartar Legends, hy J. P. Lesley ; The Organist, by F. Townsend; Ten Times One is Ten, by Col; Frederic Ingham; Religion in Schools, by a Practical Teacher; ! Up Garret; Authority in Religion, by Orville Dewey; Grass And Roses, by J. F. Clarke. The Examiner: Everet.f i Science of Thought, Frotliingbam's Poems, Penny Readings, Tbeo-' logical Publications, Herrmann and Dorothea, The Nation, Battle of the Books, Prince Cata logue, Erckmann-Cbatrian, Sun our Heaven; Mayprat, by Mrs,. Browning. 'Record of Pro gress: Rochdale Cooperation, People’s Banks, Antioch College, South Carolina, Ladies’ Com mission on Books, Evening Schools, Views at New York, Views at the Capital. Tvtnaru'x Zlaguzine. Published by _ GrT; ~ Putnam & Sons, New York. For sale by John Treuwith. The May number contains the following: Our Celtic Inheritance, by Prof. L. Clark Seelye; The Tale of a Comet, in two p ar ts—l., by Edward Spencer; Notus Ignoto, by Bayard Taylor; Pictures in the Private Galleries of New' York—l. Galleries of Bel mont and Blodgett, by Eugene Benson ; Per-' nickitty People, by F. Barrow ; Madame Ro land, by N.S. Dodge; A Musical Mystery, by' C. P. Cranch ; The Approach of Age, by John 111 Bryant; A Woman's Right—V., by Mrs. M. C. Ames; The Organ, by J. P. Jardiue; Polyglots, by P. G. Hamerton; The Academy of'Designaud Ait-Education; The Great Gold Flurry, by J. A. Peters; Our Political Degen eracy ami its Remedy; A French Chateau; Editorial Literature at Horae, by li. 11. Stoddard ; Literature and Art Abroad, by ill.- •>rd 1 - ,iy Uayaiv < nylor. / ■ .. J'ha Transatlantic. Published by L. R. Ilamersly & Uo. Por sale by T.uriiejr & Co. The number dated May 10th contains the fol lowing Poetr y; Fenton’s Quest, from Bel gravia; A Romance of South Kensington, from London Society; Mrs. AUonby, from Cassell's Magazine; Under the Lilies, from' Jtelgruria; The Uridge of Sighs, from All the ! Year liovnd; Table Talk, from Once a Week ; i Pawnbroking, from Cassell's, Magazine. j The American Journal of Medical Seiencee, i for April. Isaac Hayes, M. D., editor. Pub lished by Henry C. Lea... PUrfiADELPHIA APBjlijg^O.- OI K WIMI 'V Nens and (General Items. .tCorr/Bponiioncoof,thoJPliUoda. Evening Bulletin.] *Wjj.mington, April 27.— The,second of the ii wliisUy cases,”—the trial of Jolni J. Toner,!!. Si storekeeper, for complicity intbei fraefdS'OU tie ; Government, is now' .‘going .for ward. He is well known, 'quite popular, and has always before maintained an excellent reputation, so there is much hope ex pressed that he may be tleared. But Ijttle, if proving that he' had any know ledge of the frauds being perpetrated, lias yet been elicited, &nd' it seems" jprdMble'that"the Government will rest its case, on,ins negligence, 6 in not being there to' sde wliat was going on: To this, however, the answer,is made that the prosecutor's own proof shows that all the illicit whisky was removed sm'reptitiouslyjat&nearly hour in tlie morning, when -it was 'not, the de fendant's business to be present. If the prose cutor fails to show an intent to defraud, it is npt. likely that the jury will bring lira verdict of guilty on thC mere ground of neglect or caielessness. ’ The large brick building at Ninth and Tut nall streets, formerly occupied by the Delaware Military Academy, and subsequently,used "ad a hospital, has been tkken by private parties and fitted up as an Orphan Asylum. It is the de sign of the patrons to remove the children in time to'a'farm near I 'the city and group them into families, ■ eacli to'have a- married couple at its head. Though the design is quite extensive, the institution is be entirely sup-, ported by a gentleman and his 'wife, who do ' not wish their names mentioned. I may pro perly say, however, that he isoue of our largest manufacturers. : ! ' A lew soreheads who left the Republican party a few years ago, and who • have- as yet failed-to gain any degree of prominence in the Democratic ranks, liave : issued a. flaming pro-. clamatlon for a meeting, of the white inen of the State,,to form a “ White Mail’s Party,” and they are earnestly urging (to lay alidifferehce aside, and “join in the struggle to prevent black supremacy,” which ft will be seen is rather complimentary to the ability of: the blacks, who form but a fifth of our population, it is not a satire, however, but is issued in sober earnest,' and asks the Democrats the use of sticking to a naitie against much prejudice exists,; and a party -so impotent for years. The ; Democrats of the simon-pure stripe turn up their noses in contempt at the effort, and say they think their own party • is quite white enough for their taste. Those Republicans 1 whoimderstandthispitiful effort oP a few second-class politicians to gain noto riety laugh at it, while some timid dhes fear for the “ weak-kneecLbrethren ” in' the lower counties. Some of these considered weak kneed have grown indignant at the, solicitude concerning them, and assert the healthiness of tlieir knees in language more forcible than po lite. People who have stuck by us all along through repealed defeats and much opprobrium are not going to desert 113 in the very dawn of victory. , Tbo peach .prospect is still as good as ever, and the critical season is rapidly sliding hy. If nothing happens to mar it, the crop will *be im mense, and the danger to growers lies in a “glutted market, Bale A (iKEAT HISTORICAL PICTURE FOB AMERICA. . French Art eosslp. —Thepublic and devoted to art in, Paris' are already beginning to discuss tbe merits pf certain works which will be ‘.‘ un veiled” at the annual .exhibition which com mences on the Ist ef-May, at- the Palais de l’lndustrie, in the Champs Elysees. Among them not the least remarkable will be the great -ailegorical-painting-by-¥von^repre.sehting-the past, present, and future of the United States. Yvonis-well known to the lovers of art by the following important, works: — ; The “ Seven Deadly Sins,” from the “ Divma Commedia,” a series of crayon drawings,-exe cuted in 1848, and now in the Museunj of Havre. • , ' ' .. His great picture of tbe “Battle of Kouk kowo,” painted in 1840, purchased at, an enormous price by the Emperor of Russia, and now in the Winter Palace of. St. Petersburg. “The Retreat from Moscow,” painted for the Museum of Versailles, for which he was created Chevalier <Jf the Legion of Honor. The great picture of “The Taking of the Malakoff,” executed in 1856, and also at Ver-, sailles, for which the-Grand Medal of Honor was awarded by the Imperial Institute of France. . . ■ ■ This last named chef d’ceuvre is universally known, even to those who have visited Ver sailles, by numerous engravings which have been published both in France and America. All Yvon’s works are characterized by great skill in the grouping, excellent drawing and coloring, and, above all, by their, surpassing, truthfulness and reality. The most important of his productions have naturally found their most suitable Tcsting-plaoe side by side with the wonderful masterpieces of his compatriot Horace Vernet, representing with an equally vigorous and truthful pencil the principal bat tles ot‘the French in, Algeria. —— 7~ The great picture of Yvon which is now on the eve of being exhibited to the public was commissioned by Mr. A. T. Stewart, of Newf -York.—, =—, : —1; „ •The present age is essentially apraeticalone, and truthful representations of actual realities are better appreciated than the somewhat vague and iinsty .elforts to convey to the mind elaborate ideas through the form of allegory. Although strictly poetical,, that mode of ex pression is ■ always liable. to the objection which applies to ballet pantomime, viz.: that, however skillfully treated, one always wants a key thoroughly to comprehend the meaning in tended to be conveyed. 'ln the composition now under discussion, read by the light of ' previous explanation, and illustration, the past of the United States is represented by the statue of Washington; the present and future by the figures of Wisdom ahd Liberty hand' in, hand, surrounded by young and lovely faces, typical of the' thirty fouf States of the Union, and by groups of im migrants arriving. from ail parts of the world, ready to devote their talents and energies, w{th'the skill acquired in the.okl countriesj to the consolidation of -this great and growing -community^—while- the—rapid—advance pf- American jeiviljzation is represented by small 1 geniiquietly»aecouiplishing some of the stupen dous works which illustrate the. boldness nod ; ; energy of the Anierican people., it is v on the-. Whole, a noble work, and well worthjTof the reputation of tlie'great artist, and of the people whose past career and- futu'rq prospects must be watched ; with wonder and admiration all over the World. The “ RichisSime Stewart” lias paid the price of a “ king’s ransom” . (accounts vary from 200,000 f. to 400,000 f. as the sum). to acquire this-great work for his native country. Inspiration “ Do Profondls.” MV Taine’s latest book, “ I)e rintelligence,” which has just appeared, is the most ambitious, of-his efforts. In the dedication he calls it “ Voiwrage auqmlj'ai Ic pins', rejltchi.”' On the subject of hallucinations he.adduces a cu fibiis iliuhtfatibn oh the authority of APnst&ve': Flaubert, of “ Madame Bovary,” “the most, exact And the most lucid of modern novelists,” writes M. Taine: My characters,” M. Flaubert states, “affect me, pursue me, or rather it is I .who, exist in them. When I wrote; the poisoniiig of Emma. Bovary I had the taste-of amebic so thoroughly in my mouth, I had so completely poisoned myself”-i-(the.most exact of modem novelists means in imagination)—“ that I gave nfyseif two fits of indigestion, one close, i aiter .the othpr, two real indigestions* car fai xomi, iopt men diner.” r .. liEri'Eii. PROPOSALS, Pronoeala for rnpairing jivo breached in tin Klvor fnciosirg the tend of .I AMBS DTJNDAB, deceased, situate between tbo City Gan Workb and Klf J House -upon thollWcr Schuylkill, Twenty-sixth Ward l«I !»■•> do™ on Srocdley > Atlasl.wM bo received ..ntU TUOUS p »v, nil, dnv of May, by tbo undersigned, at tho office of tbo Executors, Mo;«0 EOoust street-. where a map of tbo property can bo 6ccni JOSH p A uppiNCOTT, Executor Estate of James Pnndag._ rTffN DA Y SCHOOL SUPERINTKN g« Arch street. Pb»n T 1R OILED FEATHER j BOOKS. American Sunday School Union. reports and the mischiefs they do. 18mo, s,lsand 22 ce«ts. . ON LOOKING SEED Y. jam 0,5,17 and cts. WE VERSES i: 10, 20 and 25 cents, . _ THE EXPERIENCES OF A' CHURCH nlate. 10, 25 and 30 cents; __ BORN WITH A SILVER SPOON IN HIS mouth. 10, 25 and 30 cts. Forsaleatthe Depository of the _ AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, A 1122 St., Philadelphia. no? 3 s to til 6t THE p:w COLONMDE HOTEE, Flfieeßtli and Chcstniit stree^ Is open for Boarders or Transient Guests. Boln£» entirely new in all its departments, and furnished in the mast elegant manner, U not excelled by any establishment in the country. Gentleman at all times in waiting to show the apartments.’ -Terms moderate. apl2 lm§ Grand Opening of Spring Faanions IN IMPORTED PAPER PATTERNS, Inesday, March Ist, 1870. Thoold eßtobHsTiod "and only reliable Paper Pattern, Drees and Cloak Making Emporium. Dresses made to fit with case and oleganco in 2*honrß “M’rs’lf. A. BINDER’S recent visit to Paris enahler ber to receive Fashions, Trimmings and i ancy woods this -countryv-JNcw m uoaign» moderate in price. A- perfect system of Dress Ontting taught. Cutting,Basting,Pinking.. Fashion Boohs and Goffering Machines for sale.: Bets of Patterns for Merchants and Dress Makers now readr 8 MRS. M.“ a. BINDER’S, 1101, N: W. cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Sts. Carofnlly trote the'namo. and number lor aVpldDelnr deceived. : . ■■■■ ' -■jnyatfrp Cotton and Worsted Tarns, all numbers: Cotton Tarns, one. two, three or four ply, on cons, on beams nml in skoinß. -Alio, Chain, and Satinet Warps, Cotton ami Wool Waste. " GEO. P. HAIil, Commission Merchant, - 67 KIBBT Street, Boston, Magi. mh2.’i!brit makes a handsome Sofa ond'comfortably-Bod.-with first-class Furniture Wareropms.qr,. ..... „ Farson & Son, No. 228 S. Second Street Also, war. FATtSON’S PATENT EXTENBION TABhte FAbTENING. Every table should havd th-m orn They hold the leaves firmly together •when pullod about tho room.' .... tthJTJml JRON .FENCE.— of the best make* The most sightly and the moat economical fence that can be used. . • Bpecizuen panels of various styles of this fence may be seen at our office mh9 3m § 14*”“ ffiKSJ&wanns., STEAM ENGINES—High and how PrwMoro, Horizon, tali Vertical, Beajn f Osculating. Blast ana Cornish a'nd'Dayy styles, andot CASTINGS—Loam, Dry and Green Sand, Brass, &o, HOOFS—Iron Frames, for covorlng with Blato or Iron. TANKS—Of.Cast or Wrought Iron,for roflnerlea,water, MACHINERY—Snch as Betorta, Bonoh Castings. Holders, and Frames, Pnriflera, Coko and Charcoal Barrows, Valves, Governors,so. SUGAB MACHINEBY—Snoh, as .Vacnmn Pane and ■ Pumps, Defecators, Bono Black Kilters, Burners, Washers and B^pyators,Bag Fijtcra, Bogar and Bono 1 variable Cut-off Steam Engine. „,, . In the United States, of Weston’s Patent Self-center -1 ingorid Self-balancing Centrifugal Sugar-draining Ma- Gfaaa&Bartoir'Biinprovoinonton-ABplnw&UAfWoblfleyV Bartora Pafont Wronght-Iron Ectort Hid. . Btrahanla Drill Grinding Best. , Contractors for the design, erectionand fitting np of Ha* dheriesfor working Bngar or Molasses. PROPOSALS. P ÜBLieATlOi^h* NEW series: . JUST PUBLISHED BY THE SUMMER RESO: TRIMMINGS AND PATTERIN&. FORSALE. E!OR SALE. YAR NS FOB SALE . SOFA WMF ARSON’S PROVEDPATENTSOPAB MACHINERY. IUON.&C. Tbe undersigned are prepared to executionrdera for ENGLISH IKON FENCE, YABNALL & TBIMBLB, 147 South Front street. /IOPPES . ANT) YELLOW METAL l’< snettthingt Brazior’a Ooppor Naila, Bolts and Ingot Copper, constantly, on hand" and Xor*.sale by HENRY WIHBCB A CO:. No. 3K Booth Wharves. CARPETINGS, &C: SAKPKTB MADE TO WEAK WELL WM POLLOCK, '937 Mnrkei street, sells the apest Carpets. Just examine them.. . npB lm) 7NOOD' NEWS FOR THE LADIES. I *T- ‘ DUSTY ' OAEPETH OF 'AtiD KINDS ' . CAREFULLY CLEANED, by improved 1 ■ hiae i lionv nt CENTRAL CARPET i CLEANING ESTABLISHMENT, . { 2to N JBBOAD, stfpot. below VINE. : npl2 Imo IN S TRU CTIONS. sC; HOBSEMANSHIP. —THE PHILA . DELPHIA BIDING SCHOOL, No. 3338 Mar '’kStsfreet, is open daily for Ladies and'Gentlomiln. It tflithe largent, bewtlighted and hoatod establishment in the city. The horsofl am thoroughly broken for the most timid. An Atteruoon Class for Young Ladies at tending sohool, Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, ana an Evening Olafiß for Gcntlomonv Horsoß thoroughly ti-Kinnd for the griddle. Horses taken to liv.ery. Hami goWcarriageß to hire.l .Storago for^mggißjft^goighß^ 1 Proprietor, MEDICAL 3 rrßE WONDERS -ACCOMPLISHED I • through tl»o j agency. of the genuine Cod-Liver Oil in Scrofula, Bronchitis, Chronic Uongh t Asthma, nnd oven Consumption,almost Oi Baker & Co.’s “ Puro Mediclual each bottieof which is accompanied by medical gnaran* tees of Iho have the best brand of the preparation known'tn tho scientific vmtld. JOHN a BAK ER & CO;,-N0.718 Markot -BtroetißhUa- by all druggists. fo7 tf§ COALARDWOOD. c M AhOls* SINKS; 1 JOIJN'F. fIIIBAPF. mfIEIIND Eli SIGNED INVITE ATIEN- I i;iON to tlioir flock of ~, , . _ ■ PuriuK fountain, liolilell mid Locunt Mountain Coal, which, with tlin prenaration cWcnby üß,weluinK can not ho oxcdlcil lif any Mhor Coal. ■ Onico. Franklin Institute . falOtf Arcii Street Wharf. Bchhylfall. t> 6DGE K B’ AHD WOSTKNHOMI’a iVPOCKET KNIVES, PEABI, and BTAO :=HAH- Ml“”i 'KA RI NSTnOMENTB ?! ‘homaStWOToyed oonetnactlon tonYsli* the hearing, ot P. jOtDHIBA’B, ontlerand Btt wlcallnßtrumont Maker, m Tenth Btroet being Obeßtmnt. i ! ' . " ThISH 01L.—66 PABfiKCS IiIGHT-OOti F for EDW W. M Pnnth Front j__ j , tj _ I Htoftniebip Vlonoor, and for salo by. OOOHHAN, B\3S8BkL&00.» HI Oboatnut street. i HARDWARE. &C, BUILDING AND fIbUSEKEJEPING 'Machinists, Carpenters and ; other Me? ■; , ■ i ohanics’Tools. ... ,^ Hinge*, Scrowec lh>ckß,.K«lyoB and Forks, 8poon», OOfTceM^la,*6., §tofck» and Dies- PingnmlTupor Tn,pi, - Universal afid Hcrolt Gbncks, Planks in groat Tandy. All to bo' bod at the Lowest Possiblo Trlcos At the CIIEAP-FOR-CASH Hard- I, ware Store of • J. B. SHANNON, Wo. 1009 Jttßrfcet Street. . deS-tt . ............... GEHTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT ! MANUFACTORY. Ordors for tboso celebrated Shirts snpplkd promptly brief notice. Gentlemen’* Furnishing Goods, Of late styles in full variety. ' . . WINCHESTER & CO. 706 CHESTNUT. fel-tnthstf EiRE-WtOPy SAFES. For Sale Cheap. AFIRBT-CLABS FIRE PROOF SAFE. Address, “BKON,” tblsofflco. dcgb-tlrpS ... HEATERBANDHTOVES. PANCOAST & MAULE THIRD AND PEAR STREETS, Plain and Galvanized WROUGHT AND CAST IRON PIPE : For Gas, Steam and Water. FITTINGS, BRASS WORK, TOOLS, BOILER TUBES. Heating by Steam and Hot Water, ripe of all Sizes Cnt and Fitted to Order. C A Tt D. Raving eold HI3NRTB.PANCOAST.and FRANCIS I; MAOLE (gentlemen in onr employ for several year* pent) the Stock,Good Will and Fixtures or ourBETAII, EBTABtlBHMENT.'located at" the corner of THlBD ond PEAR streets, in this city, that branch or our busi ness, together with that of HEATING and VENTIIjA TINGPPBLICand PRITATE.miXLDINGStJtoIh. hy . STEAM and HOT WATEB, in all Its "various Britons, will- be carried im.nndor the firm name of PAIiCOAST A MAUDE, at tho old stand, and wo re commend them to the trad® and business public aa being .entirely competent to perform all work or that character. MORRIS, TASKER & CO. pHit.insi.rHiA! J»n. 2*l Wo. «• mbß-tf Jb» THOMAS B. DIXON & BONB, JES late Andrews & Dixon, M No. m. CHESTNOT Street, Phllada., Wc Opposite United States Mint. apnfactnrorx of T , OWDOWHi Tor AnthrartSrßltmifinOTSaaiWood nr- WABM-AntPUBNAOEB, 'o^a rGM M.o^d^^ndln« OHIMNRTOAPB, WOK^iS, A E® a ß n^« 888 BUBIWESS CARDS* MICHAEL WEAVBB. S t OEO. H. *. THLER. WEAVER & CO., Bone and Twins Manufacturers and Bealera In Hemp and Ship Chandlery, 31 North WATEB. . 2a North WHABVEB. pnitABEU'HIA. aftl tf§ - ■ Established 1881. i WM, G. FLANAGAN &^SON, HOUSE AND SHIP PLUMBEBB, No. 129 Walnut Street. ■ - - ---- - - • ■ ■■ --- "tOSEPU WAJLTOJX & CO., . •. CABINET MAKERS, | ' ■ . NO. 413 WADNUT . Manufacturers of fine funrtturo and of medium priced oThanVa&> made to obdeb. Counters. Peak-work, &c., for Banks, Offices and to order. JjD g Epn WALTON. .JOB. W.LIPPINOOTT. fcMyS JOSEPH D. SCOTT. lj]|. B ' WIG ATT , OENET-AT-LA’W, Commissioner of Deeds for of FennaylTaola In M Sfadlsonstreet,No.ll, Chicago. lUlnola. imUtfi /ROTTON SAIL DUCK OF EVERY VV width, from « inches t» 76 inches w W o n» s ' n '“ n V, 6 ''.! fjtttc Amlne ' iSnuw ®BVBBMA%, “ T sSS , ‘ M ‘ Hn. 103 Ohflrch street, City Stores. groceries, juqpqrb. *c. U~SEKITCHEN CRYSTAL S' For Cleaning Paint. USE KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP For Clean in g .all Metals. USE KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAK For Cleaning nil,Wood Work. USE KITCHEN CRYSTAL SOAP -For all Household Cleaning/; , ' PBICE BBDUOED. ; am/gbookrb sell it. Botin* CRYSTAL SOAP. ' , i EASTMAN & BROOKE, Proprietor., 'npMlm l .31 North Third Street, Philadelphia, cThERKY WINK-A VERY SUPERIOR *S ana pnro Spanish Sherry Wine, at only #4» P«r eallon’-ntCODSTy’SEast-Knd Grocery, No. 116 South Btcond street, below Chestnut. .■ /NLABETS. —EXTRA iL* Clarets, at *l. ®O, SC and 87'per caac oniMOn hot tlbs—of recent importation—in stpro and /j’F salon* CUDST'Y’S East End Grocery, No. 118 South SeoOnd street,below Chestnut. ; • ■ €"a l,i f Qltn I a salmon.—er-esb: Balnion from California; averychoicoartlclu;for sale at COUSTY’S East, End Grocery, No. 118 South Second street*below Chestnut. dIEA -MOSS NEW ARTIGLE Aot food, very choice and dolicious, at GUUdJ.* o 'East End Grocery, No.'llB.South Second utroot, bolow Cpestnut. : ; ! kTUTTON HAMS.—A: VERY CHOICE fX article of Dried Mutton, equal to the besfdriod ’dVfor hdle at OOCSTY’SEaet End Grocery. No, 118 ■jutli Second below Chestnut. • . TUST RECEIVED ANDAN STORE 1,000 Below Third and Walnut .etreota, and above Boole street. ; ( " ao7 u -. TORDAN’S CELEBRATED .£ ORE TONIC full Winter physicians,for Invalldß, use of famllloß, Ac,, en’nmnnd 't to the attention of all consumers who want a “VJ™ 5 ! pnro article ; prepared from tho best, yuateriala» np in the mOBt careful manner for homo übo or transpor tation, ! Ordotß by.mall or bthorwlao promjdlg ee^iP 1,e<1, : i'' N0*.*220 Poar street,,/ ao7' . c . boloy Third and Wnlnut streets..- fe MBond Vtont street. ‘ ' ■%. A *» 1* . ; {■- 'n/ i •.,} . iv. :j CiF.RIIMPP, ileitis K. 4(b BU, igHTT^tIA. fhf ’“Htftitifaotnrcr and Importer of POCKET-BOOKS ilkOi&'iiftciO I'oncyoni) |filn£ocujiy, kWritirttf.' PfiiJM ; Indies’ AGcnts’ Satchels and" Tnrvetllßff Itngii, . Inallstyles.. . mli22*m. ; : ’/'.".M’ANTKIiS, &C.' gi at w.v. Factory and Balesroom. BIXTRJONTn andO\l»ljOW* Ill Ll. Streets WILSON MILLLH. apfl-firoS ■ KID GLOVES, &C, gPKING IMPORTATIONS OK per pair. _ • —gv#ry-patr-warraptod>~.lk4he}r~rlp~or* tear pair gijren in excbapge. -> ALSO, ■ . ■. *' * 1 Onr celebrated “LA BELLH » KID GLOVE at 91 2$ per pair.' Beet 91 2$ Kid Glove in America. . ALSO, 9JJX) t warranted a* above. Immense sales daily <?f Hamburg Edgings, laiertlngfl and Flouncing*. Hosiery—A gr«*|, iu regular* made Jlose at 93 per dozen. Ooriipts, «hlrt Bosoms, . Bowe. Jet Goods, Black Alpacas, - Black Bilks, Parasols, Bun Umbrellas, Lislo and Silk Sc., Sc. A • j.’ j B JJABTHOI.OMEWI j- Importers of Kid Gloves, 4 _. NP.23KOBTH EIGHTH BTUEICT,. Invito the attention of Jobbers, Uetaflers and Con* sainets to their Spring Importation* of Kid Gloves. wplG-atnthtf > > . r ' • FINANCIAL, 5-20’S • AI^D Bought, Sold and Exchanged on most - liberal tcrtus. 60 L D Bought and Sold at Market Rates. COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIC RAILROAD BOHDS Sought and Sold. STOC KS Beughtand SpldonGommisslon-Onl; AccountsireeelTed and Interest allow on dally balances subject to ' ; check at sight. 40 SoutU Third Stn PiniABEIPHIA. DBEXEL & CO., No- 34 South. Third Street. American and Foreign Bankers. Issue Drafts and Circular Letters of Credit, available on presentation in any part of Europe.. Travelers can make all their financial ar rangements through us,, and we .opllect their interest and dividends "without charge. DREXEL, wraTHBOP & CO., York. ivnF.XCTif HARJES & CO.. Paris. - D. C. WHARTON SMITH & «0„ BASKERS AND BROKERS, No. 131 S. THIRD STREET. BUCOJC6BOBB TO i SMITH. RANDOLPH & CO. Every department of Banking l business shan prompt attention, as heretofore. .A o Solved °f« Gold *and Government* constantly vocolvea n friends, E.B. RANDOLPH & CO., New York, PBIVATE WIBE. , ~ \. JAY COOKE & 00., Philadelphia, New York and Washington, Dealers in Government Securities. Special Attention given to the Purchase ,and Bald of Bonds and Stocks on Ooromisslonk at tli© Boarder Bro kers in this and othor cities. 2NTERES7 ALLOWED ON DEPQSITS. COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. , , GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOL 4 RELIABLE 21A2LR < j$g N %P I ' ,1)S FOR INVEST ' Pamphlet, and full ibforniatipn glvbn at opr ftffloe;: ■No. lIA S. Third Street, r PHIIADEI.PIIIA. ■‘ . mh29-tfr] TYRUGGISTS WILE FIND A LARGE Bad, Khel. Opt., OitricAcid, Ooxe’a 1 Sparkling Gelatin, genuine Wedgwood Mortars. Sc. Jnet fanded from hark ffoffnnug, from London. BOBBBTI BHOBMAKBB S OO.t Wholflflale Druggists, N. B.oornorl Fourth and' Baoaatroot,. ; ■ 1 . ' - 1 , DRUGGISTS’ SUNDRIES. GRAD 0- ■ #to«, Mortar, Pill TUea, Combs, Brushe/: Mirrors,. Tweerorfl, Puff Boxes,Horn- Scoops, Surgieal Instru ment,, TrPBBOB, Hard -and -Soft Rubber Goods, Viol Cases, Glaaa and Metal Syringes, &0.,-all at “First sSmda”prloear BNOWBBN S BBOTHBB, . anC-tf M Sooth Eighth street. ri ASTILE SOAP—GENUINE AND VERY Bnporlor—2oo boxealnat landed from bark Idea, and for sale by IIQEEBT SHOEMAKER S 00., Importing- Brnggiata, N, B, corner Fourth and Bace Btroota. 1 if p CD Cartl-Caiw,; Ladle*’ Itnd . $ prcwlofe* K CWkOO* A 1831’S recotv, Btocka, 1 tom our, br onr iaa-ly DKDHn. „ Bihmahck is convalescent. -' Thus far the Assistant Treasurer at New . .Yoik has paid 011140,000,000 of; the r.coin iu /terest due May lstri / The bill to legalize marriage with a deceased / wife's sister has been carried in Committee of the House of Commons. v... _ r , ’ Tub iParis Court brgan'calß tor the expul sion of an Italian hanker who contributed' 100.000 francs to the Anli-j)leltiKilum_-_Qom--: mittee. f ’„. t s" The colored people ■■ of Mobile-'bfilebrated• Jbpir enfranchisement, by astreet parade yeater-: . £ there. jj ’d-Spain is imjhitient of ’the ProViaionttl ’Gov- • ,>fejrsm<mf£ .Sei-radPi will s accept ; is _t!|*(eit4"d'e i /r,P^ni^? , Wtißp to-Jt...*• ■’ prominently in French politics just prior to and after, the , Kevolution of 1848,.-died on, Tuesday, hi Paris';'- .n v. . The Sultan has protested to the powers against the. negotiation of a loan to the Khe dive. He also objects to the Roumanian Gov ernment coining money at its own mint. . , Phinck FiiEDEiiicK, of l , rassia,.is. said to be the Goyernuient candidate, for,the Spanish hut' JiiiijjolcdH says ' his candidature might be a cause of war between France and Prussia. •** j' I | 1 Cl a he’s ma!chiiie' works, at Rochester,' N.' Y.,was burned on Tuesday night, and Michael Plunkett,' watchman, perished-in the. flames. ’Thd loss oh .this propei ty isr s2ojooo. The New York Watch Company’s factory,, at Springlield. Mhssi;LiVas r destroyed by lire yesterday,-causing a loss of $200,000, and. throwingputiof employment one’hundred per sons. 4< "' v " "' ’ " ‘‘ ! - AT Toledo, Ohio* yesterday,Andrew Ban- -der.clerfc M ike Cleveland ana’Pittsburgh* Ball-: rotfd office in Cincinnati, shot his wife dead and theu gave himself .up. - He alleges that his wife was uufaitliful. - . > , ; . Five companies of the-Seventeenth=U.,S.- •Infantry passed through - Baltlmoie , yesterday oil tfieir way tp the Northwest. While wait ing at the depot, one of them, named Dennis Hardy, was run over and killed by a loco motive. J - The State Department has been officially notified that the Turkish Government detemijned to prohibit: the manufacture, sale ~S>id ’ purchase of saltpetre, throughout its •dominions, on penalty of confiscation, after May Ist. . TuV. New York Democratic State- Conven —tion to nominate Judges of Appeals,as pro vided by the new State Constitution, met at Rochester yestenjay. The following nomi l nations were made ; For Chief -Justice, San forfiE.: Church; Associate Justices, Martin Grover, Win; F. Allen, Chas. ltappalioand W. Peckliam. .Tire latest advices from the Darien Canal Expedition are to April 12tb. Capt. Selfridge’s party had reached the ..Cbucumiua river, and that route Was believed to be too ejevated tp he. practicable.. 'The party from Sasardi Bay had penotratetf: into the :• interior, and found iliat route also impracticable. If no other route is. that of San Bias will shortly be sur- A : Washington despatch of last night says there is no official evidence--that the Canadian Governmentispreparing to senditsexpedition. to . the'- Red River by way of Sault Ste.-Marie /Canal,"Michigan. The same despatch'adds: “ The first boat containing these troops is to leave Collingwood on the 2d of May, and will reach Sault Ste. Marie on the. 14th.” The Georgia Legislature rcassembied_yes terduy. The joint committee appointed to wait WirOoverirorlsullock'andGen.Tcrry-Tnadea report recommending the adoption of Bullock's Tbc Governor recomtneitded tbe . passage of a. joint resolution adop’iug the ap ; propriatiou and tax bills of last year. for. the first and second quarters of this: also the ap - poihtment of committees to investigate the af-. fairs of the Governor .and State Treasurer, and the aflairs of the State road. The Senate, by a vote of 24 to 8, .adopted these soggestions. The House adjourned without , action until to day.- Fortjr-Flr*t Copgremr~Sf)omid Session. In the United-States Senate,yesterday after noon, Mr, Hamilton, of. Maryland, introduced a bill, extepdihgfiU 1875 the patent of Richard- Iloe. Mr. McDonald, from the - Territorial , Committee, reported tlie bill consolidating the ’ Indian k tribes in the Territory of Oklahoma. Mr.Trmnbull, from the 'judiciary Committee, ceporte<l>Jn favor of the House bill Using the ‘ tlme'for ••electing Congressmen. The House Bill, removing political disabilities from-certaiu concurred in. Adjourned. . . ..iThe.Hpuse. of Representatives passed the bill rerndving the political disabilities of nine per sons elected to office in Texas. Mr. Stevenson, from the Election , Committee, reported that there was no legal election in the Fifth Con gressional District of Louisiana. The bill es tablishing a Department of Justice was dis cussed. The Tariff bill was resumed in Com mittee of .Lite Whole, The paragraph, taxing sheet of plate iron riot glazed or finished was i Struck' out. Tlie rate oif iron hoops and cot --ton-tieBmadeofhoop:ironwas-4:edue«l-from 2$ cents to If cents. On all wrought iron in , shapes other than round, Bquare or flat, not in . eluding railroad tails, the rate was : fixed at lj - cents. On railway, splice and side bars, fish plates and finger,bars, the rate was'■made lit -cents per pound, and on wrought railway chains./frogs and frog points, 2 cents. , Mr. Benjamin moved to add CO cents per pound on railroad iron made to pattern and fitted to he laid down, and Mr. Ingersoll moved to reduce It to 50 cents. The latter motion was rejected, und pending action on Mr. Benjamin’s .motion,. the House adjourned. i / Bopor « • : PALEB&IO—Brig Mcßsagglero, Ambrosana—4463 bxs ■ -orungos acdlcmone 1000 bags eumac 1967 cantara brim i BtonaPanlPobl. Jr. ’ POBTO CABBliliO—lJrjff Hernaeß»'Wi!kio--1200i>agB i ' Bran 996 do coffoii 869 piecee fußtic 2 bags diri dWi John , Dali eft & 00. il. ; OIENIfUEGOS—Bchr Elisa B Emery, Clayton—l 24 lihdß'64 tcs sugar Madeira & Uabada, . MATANZAB—Bcur Adellza.oWrigbt-243 hbde S 5 tea sugar 60 frbd» moIaaBBB John Maeou A Co, OF OCEAN SXJyjIEBS. - TO AB&IVE. t SHIPS • ' PROM > TOR Ocean Queen Stettin...New Y0rk...,..,. ; Virginia- ;Liverpool...New York -nAngt|(VM.~~...~~i-.GUBg6w...ltew_YQrk.....M., J City of Dublin. ..Liverpool...New York . Alaska...... .ABplnwoll...New York Deutflckland..Houtliampton.,.Ne,ML.Yprk r... Malta-. i Liverpool... Now Y0rk......... • Siberia.:.... .....Jjivorpool./.Now Yorls.vioß. Manhattan Llverpool...Now York City of Mex!cb...Vera Crua...New York viuH.. Holland... Liverpool... Now York C. of Antworp...Liverpool...Now Y0rk....... , St. Laurent- Now York-Havre,.....!. .....April 30 ■ C; of Brooklyn-New -York..’.Liverpool! April 30 ■ NexTiisla.,,.-Now York,..LivorpoblJ...... ..April3o Cjimbrfa :.NowYork...Glaßgow ..April 30 ,‘Wyoining.:..v..Philadelpbla...tiAYauh&b.,v.u........:..'Aprit 30 ParaguayNewYork-.-London.... ..April 30 Moravian* ...Portland...Liverpool .....April 30 America*.,,... .New York...Bremmi April 30 <3. Washington-New York... Now Orleans ...April 30 Cimbria* Now York...Uamburg. May 3- Etna.... Now York*.. Liverpool via X1......May 3 ■Chino..... New York... Liverpool May 4 Nebrufika*. New.York...Livorpool * May 4 fly The steamers ootignatedby an dstfetißkf*) carry . tho United titateß Malle. i SS»,i : f! , ’“ ol "‘" n “' *'■ L ■ -T; ’"■■' ■ , COiIMITTpI? -ON . ARBITRATION. ,"' , . J.O. Jomj , \ , ,K. A. Soudor,*Buzby,.i_ :.]••• -Win.-V, Puul, ; Thonuiß, ; , MAKINE JBIILJfiE'MIN r POBT 0? PniIiADELWEIU-rAi>niL2B, fliiw Risks, 6 n 1 Bun Bktb, fl' 491 II ion : Water, 12 5A j - / YESTERDAY^ t btcamor Anthracite, Groen,24 ‘hours Tiroro, Now York, with mdso to'W M Baird & Co.. . ! , - Sfoiunor 0 Comatocfc,Drake, 24 hours from New York, with indue to WAt Baird A Co. * , Summer B 0 lilddle, McUue, 24 hours from How York, with nid»e to W P Clyde A Co. , , Steamer K Fairchild. Trout, -24 hours-fronp New York, with mdse to WM. Baird A 00. - • . „ ... JA.b.uurs from .NovYurk,. ft tdiWß Clyde ScAjb.y ------- • r . - ‘ Brig.C A (IUIJ. A*a*>roBano, CO dajrsyfrom with Iruit, Ac. to raul Podl. Jr. , Brig Jionzioft (Br/. Wilkie. 18 day* from Porto Cahello, 1 with coffee, Ac to John Dallett A Co. Schr Adeli/a. Wright, 0 days from.MatanzM, with sugar and XDOhtkses to Jjpffh * * •. Mchr Eliza 10 dais from 6dgua,with sugar to Madeira A'Cttbftda. J ' * ; J ' Kchr. Locbiel, HoekelL A days from Providence, in -bailastJto Lemjox~&.Burfiejj«._— Bchr II B Jkllller, Miller, C days from Orlaud, Mo. with Ico to fiouder A Adam« , JtB v . X'dVj from Eeipsfc, Bel. with grafu to ChrfsTldn A Co. ' 1. .rr • , I. ~. BKX*O\V* s-T -f .• ~, , b Barlfi Mjiflbnic.frGUL uciioa. ri i ... ft CLEAU|£IKYKBTBfiPAr; ! Worjfp|k»Platt, iilclmioiitl aDil Norfolki Yfm P .Bfc*R|Mor;iWrxi|is Safrd.BUetott. B Winsor A Wo* Stofitterk'C BtluiyU.Htiox. N York.’ W-P Clyde A Co. Hteamer.Mayftower. Fuijz. New York* W P Clyde A Co, ,Stc*aterilt Wji'lUuff. CuiidlfT. Cftltlniere.-ACrorOSa'Jr. Park Buubroay (Brl, Bheekvls,' Kingston, Jam. Work- Brig ArioiiiVß’r)'.Thompson, Barhados, C O Van Horn. .SchrAdelia (Brl, Truflpn, St John, NB. . . do. Scurlt P Reirmrd. Huntley, Alexandria, captain. 6tcanitng J G Whipple,Lawson. BucksvlHe.tfC. captain. Tug Ihos Jeftcriinn, Alleu, Baltimore, with a tow of Imrces. WP Clj«ie A.Co. , . j> TugClHteapeake, Merrihew, Baltimore, with a tow of hurges, W P Clyde A Co,. , ' Tug Couimo<lorb, Wtlw>ij, Baltimhfo, with a tow of barges, W P Clyde A Co. . .WENT TO SEA. Bnrk Ceo.,Canonigv'* f6cr Cork; brigs Ponnirann, for, B.of«ionvahd‘Kttte Fisher, lor Newbury port, went toeea yoßtyrdflY-. 1 ' '• ;• -’) t-'.v- HAVRE DE GRACE. April 27. \ Tho following, beatsthis morning iu tow, laden , and Consigned as follows: x - - ■ BCtrhatTer, with lumber to Craig A Blanchard; Gen > Geo ileudo, do to Norcross A Hheets; Pauiel Herr and! ;htHhicafiniilaß,do,toß Woolrerton;- : v j j v MEMOBANDA, - Ship Miller, Worn Liverpool 4th .ult.; at Skfp Ladoga! o,ut Mth inst. * ' Ship Grey KaglCvColßn, froM Bi<i Janeiro for Balti-; passed Kbrtrese-Monroeyeaterday. - i \ Steamer Pioneer, Wakeley,hence at Wilmington; NC. i fiteawer Begnlater, PeaSlngtoa# from YTHmingten,? NO. at New Terk yesterday. ; . Steamer City of Port Prince, Jackson* from New! York for Port da Prince, which put Into Norfolk lOtUj Inst. In distress, repaired and sailed for destination 25th; Steamer Job S Gfeen, Puce. hence at Norfolk 25tU fast, and sailed Tor Richmond. . . j ' Steamer United States, Blancliard,at New Orleans 25th: lest- iromNew York. Brig Fidelia. Stone, from Buenos Ayros, was below . Boifion 2«tb Inst. # ; - Brig Alberti, Harriman, trom Sagua, was at Delaware Breakwater 2C»h Inet. „ „ . Hcbr Joseph Baymore, Burdge, cleared at Now York _ yesterday for Galveston. ----- . / fichr It W Huddle, Malony, 10 days from Matanzas, at New York jealerday. J .. •' Schr Gettysburg, Oorsou.ifor Charleston, cleared at. New York yesterday.... .1 " ,1 , . BbhrB B Sharp, Webb,hence otOharlentonyesterday, gebr CTiris Loeser, Duuhau), at Bath 24th .ini»t; from’ 'New York ,r " Sciir Jit Kirkland, Taylor, hence at Norfolk 25tb inet.; bebr Cordelia Newkirk, Huntley, cleared at George- • town, DC. 20tb lOet. for Providence. Bcbr Farragut, Clark, cleared at Salem 25tb Inst, for f. Hcbf Henrietta, VcLirida; hence at THyitlc 23d Inst. Schre Abigail Haines,. Smilb, hence, didnot arrive at: Newburyport 2£th in t—ehe was repairing at Newport.' on tbe24tn. • " LIJ Scbr M B Broomall. Douglass, from Savaanah 23d Inst, for this port, Las bn board 30 bales upland cotton,' 40,($Ufeet lumber, and 254 tons lailroad iron. > NOTICE TO MABINBBB. » Information has' been- received, through the U 8 Con-, nnl at Barcelona, that the work of enlarging the mole at - that port is bo far advanced as to furnish secure shelter j to vessels of largo dralt under the east born of the wlfhourthelriliayihg. aii heretofore, to lighten. Tlie. dt-pfh or wafer is; generally, eighteen feet,'wllh berths; Of twenty-four feet for a lew vessels. < Bureau of Navigation. Hydrographic Office,. ; Washington. DCrApriW^kw^— --r —* r WINES, LIQUORS, &C. PURE WIIE4T WHISKY, J Distilled frorii the Q-rain. \ ;| T. J. MARTIN & €O.. J KEYSTONE DISTILLERY, ' ' XOBTHVTKST CORNER OP “ } Twelfth and Washington Streets.! - •’ STORE, -■ . 1 No. 150 North Front Street, ] PHILADELPHIA, PA. ! To \ekoui it may tonetrn ,/ ; • - j All the leading medical authorities recognize the value j of diffusive BtifoiblAQts.' Numerous eminent physicians | and surgeons might he named -rrpo hare advocated their j ftnploftneht' fn : the treatment -of nlarge'elais of dls- ; orders. No Dispensary-is considered complete without; them. They are prescribed in all public and private; Hospitals, and Administered by all bedside practitioners. j But has been to Obtain >/; .■ ; ; - { Alcoholic Pure. . j The pungent aroma of jhe fusel oil and biting acids present in all of them can be scented .as the glass is raised to the lipe. -The; these active poisons is perceptible to the relate, and a burning son* ration in the stofnach attqstti' their existence when the nrvxibus draught has gone down. Paralysis, idiocy, in sanity and death are-the pernicious fruits of such pota tions: ' >l ' Medical science asks for a pure stimulant to me as a specific, which, while it diffuses itself through the sys tem more rapidly than any -other l known agent, is into direct and active contact with the seat of disease. It is the property of tho stimulant to diffuse, and by the aid of 'iis peculiar nutritions component parts to invigorate, regulate, counteract and restore, and it is by the happy union of the principle of activity with the principles of invigoration and restoration that enables a I‘HKE WHISKY To accomplish bencflciaTresialtefr Having grotft experience in the distilling of Whiskies, and the largest and . best equipped establishment of its kind in the country, supplied with the latest improve ments in apparatus for cleansing Whisky of fusol oil and other impurities,andby strict.personul supervision the proprietorsof I'- I '*--. ' - ■ Keystone Wheat Whisky Are enabled to offer a ’ Pure Whisky Distilled from WHEAT, and, being "made from the grain, possesses all, its .• ; ;. . > : i" *T‘ JVuti ltlous Qualities, andean be relied upon to bo strictly as o represented, having been examined thoroughly; by the leading analytical chemists of ibis city, whoso certificates of its rpurity and fitness for medical purposes are appended. We invito examination! and' any who would convince ihunsclvcß we ask a rigid analysis.. . > T. J] MARTIN A 00. N. B.—Notice that the caps and corks uro branded with our name; to prevent counterfeiting! •For saloby all respectable Druggists. ' Price per bottle, 81.50. . • Orders sent- to No. ICON. FRONT street will receive prompt attention. . Chemical Laboratory, Nos. 108 And 112 Arch st. Philadelphia, March 19,1870. Messrs. T. J. Martin & C\>;iPhitti(le!phia.'Pa. K —Gentlemen;—! havemndo a cuyefuVokamlnation of the. Keystouo Pure Wheat’ Whisky, and found it tobe a per fectly pure article, and entirely freo from fusol pll.. and other injurious substances. - ltd purity, and its pleasant ond agreeable flavor, render Uparticularlyvaiuablo for medicinal purposes. , Yours truly, " T. A. GENTII*. ! Chemical •DABOEATOAy , street. - Philadelphia, March _17,1870. Messrs. T. J. Martin Ca.y jPMladclphiay,Pa. $ Gentlemen :—The sample of ’ Keystone' Pure Wheat Whisky, submitted to mo for analysis, I find to bo pur*, and, us such, I highly recommoncf it.for medicinal pur poses. V ; • _ ■ Respectfully, I WM. H:<BRUCKNER,'- . Analyt.and Consult. Chemis t• a ~ Chemical Laboratory, Philadelphia, Aprils, 1970. Messrs, T. J, Marlin £f Co.\ : 1 ‘ Gentlemen 1 have made fan analysis of• the Sample "of Keystono PuroWhisky, sent by you for examination, and find it entirely.frep fromiufceloilvor aftv other dele terious matters, and I consider it applicable to any use for which pure whisky nmy be desired. ; Respiedtfully,: •• v M i ■ f CHAS.jM’. CRESSQN-’ * Hold Wii«lml« by FltEKClt, Rica- A|U,H * co., N. IV.. corner TENCH »ml MARKET streets. ■' 7iplBnif3ms •; * - April 2 .....April 13 April 15 T.TiAprins .....April 18 April 19 April 19 .....April 19 .....April 29 ....April 20 April-20 .....April 21 MOI.LER’S COD LIVKft till objectionable to tho taste and sinoll; it is moro readily takoii delicate persons aiid chlldron ; is inoro easily assimilated, and iSTproductive ofjnpro immediate benefit than other" kinds,of oils aro. Hr. J. MARIOASIus says: “ Forsome years 1 hud given up tho üßeofCod Liver OH al together, but slnco my atten tion was called by Dr. Sayre to Peter Mbller’s Cod Liver till Ihnve presoribodlt rtlmbstdailv, and 'haVq ievhry ronsmt tobe perfectlysatieflod with ‘Bold by Drug ■giMts. : •’ ftpBft^u2R§> y If XL AD JEEP HI A EVENING, 1829 UM^ rt TE«_PERPETM f v« T 1370 ------ F'TtAIVIKI-dCN--- FIRE INSDRAN 0E COMPANY OFPHILADEXI’IIIA, OFFICE—43S and_437 Chestnut St. __ • Aeeeto oit Jaattnir 1,187 Q. : $3,8!»,V31 «V. ; Capital 8400.000 Aocruod Bnrplna and 2,425,731 INCOME FOB 1870,7 ' LOSSES PAID IN 9810,000." ' 8144j»08 43 PAID SINCE: IH49OTEB ' 80,500,000. Perpetaftf anfi ernporhry' policies on,Liberal Terns. The Company also issues policies npoti tlio Boats of all kinds of Building* rGround Kent* ftod-Mortgagos. Tbo_“ FRANKLIN ” hits no MSPOTED CLAIM. s:n "DIBKCfoBS;' j ‘ '' Alfred Qj Jfiaker t v. Alfred Filler. Semoel'GrantV" ThomatSparka, Geo. W. Richards, v Wm. 8, Grant, InaacLoa, TliomaaS. Ellis* GeorgeFales. ■>. . GuMArue 8. Bensdn. ALFRED G. BAKER, Pretfdent. GEORGE KALES, Vice President. JAB;W*McALLIBTKR, Secretary. THEODORE M. BEGER, Assistant Scfcretafir: • fe7 tdc3l| 2lh -i :■ V‘>- 'p'Sfer ASSOCIATION Philadelphia. Iricornoratoia March, 27) 1830. Office?—No. 34 North Fifth Street. INSUEK .'BUItOiMOB, HOUSEHOLD'-FOBHITITBE AM> MEIWUAIiDISE GENEBALLf VliOM LOBS BT FIBE. (Id tba pity .'of Philadelphia only.) Assets Jannary 1/1870, f Jobn C»*rov, George I. Taxing. - Joseph It. Lyndall, I/ovl'P. Samuel > ■ —Joseph .. _ WM. H.HAMJ SAMUHTTbPA WiL X* BUTLER* Secret rjTHE PHILADBLPHIA TKISTST, Fer Satr-seepikg of Government Bonds and other Securities, Family Plate, JBWvr.*Y,and other Vaml. ables, tinder special guarantee, a; the lowest rates. The Company also offer for Best at rates varying from 915 to $75 per annum, the renter alone holding the key, SMAtlr BA?FEB Ilf THE7BUBGL YAmiTfl, affording absolute Secubitt against Fire, Tubft,Bcr* OLABY and AcciSXBT. . All fiduciary obligations, such as Trusts, Guardian ships, Execftobships, etc., will b£ undertaken and. faithfnHy discharged. fall detal)s,foVwarded on application Thomas Boblni, ,• • Benjamin B. Comegys, Lewis K. Aahborst, Augustus Heaton, J. Livingston Ecringar. .F, lUtchford Starr, "RrPriflcCTillagiT; - ~ r BanieTHiiddoek Jr., Edwin M. Lewis, Edward Y. Townsend, James L.Cleghoni, John D. Taylor, Hon. Wn. A. Porter. nTPievpa Prutfenf-LEWIS B.ABHHOB3T. Vue PrM£fcm^:£IYIKBS3OK4&£KINGVB.-- S'ertfary4XndTreafUrcrr-Jl*.P.slcCUUl/A.QII. = T 'Solicitor^ RlCHAßßln-ASHHIJBS'" The reliance insurance com ; PANT OF PHILADKLPHIA. Insnroe damAKO^iirPllUEton-Honaoa. i Stores and other Bnlldlngiit limited or perpetual, and or ! |uraitnr^qo6d« l JV 9 teßand_Merchandii»Jn_toj | m_o;„ ■°' t bO§Bßß PBOMPTBT ADJUSTED AND PAID, I lueta. December 1-lStiO SiolA72 41 invested in theTollowfrig Becaritl&fl, vj£T ’ i rirat-Mortgagoe Property— OC United States Government Loans- .............. 82,000 OC Philadelphia City 0 PerJ3ent. Loans.*..—.. 75,000 0C ** “'•** ' ' '6 JB5 70 Pennsylvania 83.000,000 6 per Cent Loan.^—.. 80,000 0C Pennsy Ivania Railroad Bonds, First Mortgage 5,000 0C Hamden and'Amboy Railroad Company’s O Per Cent. L0an........ ...... 6,000 Ot Bnntingdon and Broad Top 7 Per Cent. Mort • gage County Fire Insurance Company’s 5t0ck...... Mechanic#’ Bauk 5t0ck......... .................... Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania 5t0ck...... 10,900 OC Union Mntnallnßnrance Company’aStook. 190 Of Belfence Insurance Company of Philadelphia' - Stock . VJJOO 00 Cash in Bank and on hanflA-15316 7) Worth at Worth at present market price5..*..—...... Thomas O. HIIJ, 'William Musser, Samuel Bispham, H.L.Careon, Wm. Stevenson, Benj. W. Tingle?, ' - THO WM. Chubb, Secretary. Philadelphia, December A MERIC AN FIRE INSURANCE COM. £XPANY»incorpor<it6dlSlff.—Oharter'pen>Qtuftl. No. 810 WALNUT street, above_Third, Philadelphia Haring a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus In zested in sonnd and available Securities, contume tt Insure on dwellings, stores,-furniture,. merchandise, reesels ip port, and their cargoes, and other personal property,- All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. rhoraas E. Maris, - - Edmund G. Dutilh, JohrrWelsh., • Charles W. Pouttney, Patrickßraav, Israel Morris, XohnT.liowla. w „„ tfm |Joh°^-WetheriU, - THOMABB. MABIS, President. -~AX.CTPT Or OnAwy oanrSocretary; —;• ~ THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSU BANOB COMPANY. ’ .i. “Incorporated 182fr—CharterPerp«tuM. i Ho. 010 WALNUT street, opposite Independence Sanare. This Company i favorably known to the community foi over forty years,, continues to insure against loss oi damage by fire on Public or - Private Buildings, eithei permanently or for.-a limited time. Also on Furniture. Stocks of Goods, and Merchandise generally, on libera] terms. . , ..... Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, te invested in the most careful manner, which enables them U> offer to the insured an undoubted security In the cast of loss, -. DIBBOTOEB. Daniel Smith, Jr., I John Deverenx Alexander Benson, i. . {Thomas Smith, f> Isaac Haslehurstii; ; M {Henry Lewis Thomas Bohins, ‘ . |J. Gjfiingham Yelli . . •< . Daniel Haddock, Jr., DANIEL SMITH, Ja„ President. WMO. CROWELL, Secretary. ai)l»-tf TTNITED , FIBBMESN’S nSSUBAJJOB U OOMPAHY,OP PHILADELPHIA,- : This Company take* rlaka at the loweatratea cona latent with safety, and conlinoa it* bnainofia oxolnaiyoly to itibk inbubance ih the aiTx or Philadel phia. OFFICE—Ho. 723 Arch street, Fourth Hatlonal Bank BuiUklnt. , , ) dibb otOßB. ThomaaJ. Martini - John Hirst, Albertna Klng, Wm. A. Bolin, Ilenrj' Bnmjn,’ James Hongan, Jamea wood. —William Glenn,- - Charles. Judge, Atexander'lrf biMMo'n. HnohlKiuSn.’ Albert 0. Eoberte Jameii J jPhSlp ritapktrlck, . __ COHBAD B. ANDBEBB, Prealdent. WM. A. Bolin.. Treaa. Wm. H, P ABnn. Soo'T. CIAMB INBUKANCB COMPANST, SO. PERPETUAL, TIRE INSUrSto^IiX(^£uBIVEDT. Insures against Rosa or Damage by Eire, eltbor by Fa* pctnsl or Temporary Pollolea. . DIiKCTORB. __ Charlos Richardson, , Rohert Poaroe, Wm: H.Rhawn, /■. ~ 1 John Kessler, Jr., WilliamM. Boyfert, Edward B. Orno, . John F. Smith, Charles Stokes, Nathan Hill os,. , , . John W. Kvorman, BP T 1 - FEBSQN FIEB .INBUKANOB COM -0 tANT S4 North Fifth - qtroot,near -Market street.-——. u-..s Incorporated ( by. the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Charter perpetnal. Capital and Assets. 8160 ,(HW. Make Insurance against Less or damage' by Fire on Pnblio qr ' Private Buildings, Furniture, stocks, Goods and Mer chandise, on favorable terms* , DIBBOIOBB* v ' Wm. McDaniel, Edward P. Moyer Israel Peterson*- Frederick Ladnor JohnF.Belsterlln ;v- ; Adam J.Glasa, Henry Troemrier, Henry Delany, Jacob Sohandem, • * John Elliott, ■ " - Frederick Doll, , : Christian D. Frick, ■. • 'WniLlUJilMcDANraij.PrMMent. . . IBBAjfkPHTHBSONiVico President.’ PHILIP B, OolemjlN, Boorotory and Treasurer, insurance; »®. ' TBIJSTBB8: _ ' t - - Peter Williamson, ' JuBo liiKbtfoOtt'' Robert Shoemaker Peter Armbroster« M. B-Dickinson, , rScheUr- XTON, President, &RAWK, Vice President air. . SAFE DEPOSIT ANI> INBIJBANOE COMPANY, • OFFICE AND BCBGLAR-PBOOP VAULTS lit THE PUILADELRHIA BANK BUILDING, 'N0r421.-CHESTNUT STBEBT; CAPITAL, 9500,000. DIRECTORS. DIBEOTOBS. . -Thomas H.Moora, ‘ Samuel Caslner, ~ ; James T. Young", , Isaac 7. Baker, . Christian J. Hoffman, Samuel B. Thomaa, d Siter. ►Mas o> HIEIi, President. 22,1869* jal-tu th s tl The Liverpool &.London and Giobe Ins. Co. ~ laaas'>i hi ;s a nias _; Assets Gold\ M i 8,400,000 Dafy Receipts, - - $20,000 ’Premiums in i«6^%iBB4;bQo 5 Losses ‘in 18 69,',-,, <fs 3>2i9, o o p No. ~'6 Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. INSURANCE COMPANY :; T 3V<tMBtTH;; AMEKICA. Fire, Mafinc and Inland Insurance. INCOBPOBATED 1704. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAMTAi# v‘ > -V- 1 8500,000 ASSETS Jannar]' Ist, 1870 - ■ $3,783^81 Xossea pnld since , organlza* >< - / Uon, .. « , - - . -825,000,000 lleceipta of Premiums, 1800, 81,991,837 45 Interest from Investments, , I 860; . . . - tosses paid, - - STATEMENT OF TfiE ASSETS. Flret Mortgage 6n City 0766*450 00 United States Government and other Loan . 1 1,122 r 9(6 00 -BfliiroadfßftPk-amHoatitti-Btoekft.-;Tvr:r."..-.T^-.F—y-6fr,7gfH)o - In Itauk and office...... 247,620 00 Loans on Collateral Secnrlty 32,653 00 Notes Boceivable,. mostly Marino ,Pre miums .; A ccruedlnterest,,,...,!.... Premiums in course of transmission.;..::....... Unsettled Marine Premiums Beal Estate, Office of Company* Phiiadel ph*- :tobs. * 2 ’ 7 '?' 6Bloo Arthur G. Coffin, Francisß. Copo, . i Samuel W. Jcuea, ' Edward H. Trotter, ’ John A. Brown, Edward 8, C)ar}co, Charles Taylor, T. Charlton Henry,' ~ Ambrose white, Alfred D. Jessup, >VHliam Welsh, ). I,ouis C. Madeira, ; S.Morris Wain, I Chaa.W. Cushman, John Mason, —r- f ' ClcTnont^AvGrtsodiuV Geo.X^llarrisoDr; l WWKam BrocKi&v - ARTHUR G; COFFlNiProfaident. CHARLES PLATT, Vice Prea’t. Matthias Masts, Secretary. C. H. Reeves, Aflß’t Secretary. Certificates of Marino Insurance issued (when do aired), payable .at the Counting House ot Messrs, Brown, Uhipley A Co., Loudon. Delaware mutual safety INSU RANCE COMPANY* incorporated- by the Legiala lature of Pennsylvania, 1b35. ffice, 8. E. corner of THIRD and WALNUT street* "^Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCES On Vessels, tJlo worl{l •"Oh- ~goodrbyriver; caha1 t lake anil,land carriage to all part* of the Union. • , FIRE INSURANCES . On Merchandise generally; on Stores,Dwellings,... -HOUSCS,-&C,— r—r-r ASSETS OF THE COMPANY , , NoTeiaDer.l,XB<». w 9200,000 United States Five Per Cent. : - - 8218,000 0T lOOjDOO United States Six Per Cent. Loan (lawfnl m0ney).........T.. i —107,760 0f -—sO,OOoUnitedSt&vea—BiX“Per~Centr~ XT)ans'lBBir^7^.“.™.»^.M.v.^'' . 200,000 State of Pennsylvania Bix Per v__ _Cont._Lqaii_^....^;^w~.^ ,fe2, Vffm} . 100,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent Loan (exempt from tax)... 200,925 QC 100(000 Stato' of ..New i Jersey-Six-Per Cent. .-202,000 « Pennsylvania Railroad Firrt Mortgage Six Per Cent. 80nd"... 19,450 0C 25,000 Pennsylvania '’Railroad Becond - >“.MortgageSix Per Cent-Bonds... 23,62500 —i—2S^)oOJVlcsura^PennSylTania—Railroad 1 —: — Mortgage Six per Cent Bonds (Pennsylvania Railroad guar* __ SO,OOO State 'of' Five ' Per Cent. Loan. .. ........ • "7iooo'State'Qf-Tennessee’Six Per'Ceht. ~ Loan ............. ; 4,270 QC 12,500 Pennsylvania , Boilroad .Com* pany v 2so shares stock* 14,000 0C 6,000 North’, .Pennsylvania . B&ilrood Company, 100 shares 5t0ck......... 3,900 0 10,000 Philadelphia, and Southern Mail . Steamship Company, SO shares stock. 7,600 Ot 246,900’L0anS on BohtL niid " ~ "first liens on City Properties; 1 246,900 00 -91 >231.400 Par. Market value.' 91£M£70 06 ,» i • Goat* 31,215.62227. 36jWO 00 Bills Beceiyablo for Insurance -. made_.. ..... . 523,700 74 Balances due at Agencies—Pro- = miums on Marine Policies. Ac crued Interest and other debts due the Company 66,097 94 'Stock;: Scrip, &c., of sundry Cor porations, 34)706. - Estimated "•gfttrtfl,,:, - 2,740 JC Cash m Bank.. 4. ''" Cash in Drawer. .™.940J,872 43 34094596 63 ..... dibectobs. Thomas 0. Band, Samnel E. Stokes, John 0. Daria* William G. Boulton, Edmund E.'Bonder, Edward Darlington, Theopbilttß Paulding, H. Jones Brooke, James Traduair, Edward Lafourcade, Henry Sloan, " Jacob Biegel, ■ Henry C. PallettyJr., JacobP. Jones, James 0. Hand, James B.M’Farland, William 0. Ludwig, Joshua P. Eyre t ■ Joseph H. Seal, Spencer M’liTain, Hugh Craig, J/B. Semple, Pittsburg, JobhD. Taylor, . A. B. Berger, George W. Bernadou, . DT. Morgan*. “ William 0. Houston, „ THOMAS C. rtAND, President. - JOHN 0. DAVIS, Vice President, HBNRT LYLBUBN, Secretary. ‘ HENRY BALL, Assistant Secretary The county fire insurance com. PANT.—Office, No. 119 South Fourth street, below Chestnut. ‘ J ' ‘ ‘ The Hr? Insurance Company of the County of Phils* delphia.” Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennaylva* oia in 1839, for indemnity against loss or damage by flre L .exclusively. OHA BTEBPEBPETCAL. This old and reliable inatitation, with ample oapltal md contingent fund carefully invested, continues to in jure buildings, furniture, merchandise, Ac., either per * eminently or Tor a limited time, against loss or damage by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute lafety of Its customers. ftll Ohas.J. Butter, I Andrew H .Miller, j - Henry Budd, James N. Stone, , John Horn, I Edwin L; Bcaklrt, J Joseph Moore, .1 Bpbert.V. Massey, Jr. fiAorae Mecke. I Hark Devine. ' QeorB °- * CHABLBSJ.SUTTBBi President. . -HENRY BUDD, Vice President! BENJAMIN-F. HOEOKLHY. Secretary and Troaapr ANTHRACITE INSURANCE OOML PANY.-OHABTEB PEBPETUAL. ■ Office. Noi 811 WALNUT Street, aboveThlrd, Philadk Will Insure against Lass ox Damage by Fire on Bnlld tugs, either perpetually or for a limited time, Household Fnrnltnro and Merchandise generally. . , Also, Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargoes and Freights. Inland Insurance to aU parts ot the union. William Esher, Le'wlsAhdenrlod, Wm. M. Baird, Jolm Ketcham, John B. Blacklston, J. E.Banm,. William F. Dean, John B. Heyl, Peter Sieger, • ' ' v Bamnel H. Bothormel. WILLIAM ESHEB, President.. WILLIAM F, DEa!n, Yloepresldent. Wm. M.Smith .Secretary.' ! - taM tnthetf ' iteray & Lanman's The,.".most,-Celebrated and • v y most delightful of all per®'..' fiunes, for use on the hand kerchief, at the toilet, and J ,■. , . ’ |y. [I, j •, in the bath, for sale by all rtf , . . . . • : V.r ? Drnggists and Perfumers. , ja2i-fmwimS , Q H E LS IO Spirits Tiirpontino laudiog from steamship IMoupar, mid for,«nlo ( by. ItUSSJfIIiL ChestnutstreoU ,•. j. v, MBVIUSOa :»:, t j v .-f - ' 114,698 74 '•b 82,100.534 19 - - 91,035,886 84 OO _„30.357 00 ' 86,193 CO 100,900 00 . 80,000 00 804X10 00 juiw'oo .0168,318 83 . 972 28 169,291 U $1,862,100 04 AUCTION J?ALES. IVI & SOUS, AUOTIUNJHIBBfc, sMis? i 4^°| t K n / 1 ?g a R T T ' TP^a^Ay>B«clut n »> etw 1 TmJMDAY?™ “ I< *.‘'*aho'Auction Btort KVEBy Biles at Residences receive cancels! attention ■ 1 ~ f ! Rffrick—dur fcd!<r tffo-lfity will • Include'iiiaVain. Residence N 0.339 South rtrwt.- ?-T i' v f'-.V:‘! {RTOOKB, LOANS;,fto. • . (j • <*, , ON TUESDAY; MAY a, • ... At 12 ojelbck noon, at the Phßadolnlua Exchange, V JU ’ \ •'. ’ i’-** : r Exebhtors’ SatoY •'• ' '• • ' \Pow No; tl south aisle Ceoirai Presbyterian Church ' •' “Di eharestJnloft Mutual Insurance Co. l ’ ■, • 3 shores Merchants’Hotel 00. - ' ' 300 shares Pertibroke Oil Co. ~ 60 Miarcs infperialiQilCoi v -1 Mercantile Library Go. > ; ■ » r: n \r: YAdmlßistmtors' Halo. ; ‘ 400 sharea Rnthbono and Camden Oil Co« ! ioO OirCo. 200 shares Ceutrnlia Oil Co.< < * 300 shares CroWCfcefc and Stflwel! Run Oil Co. For Other-Accounts- 3 shares Fraukliq.Firo Insurance Co.,> ‘ „ Pew Rii. Wcentral aisle HolYTrinffcy Church. s2£oo Cfity, Sixes.old g&s Jo*n. 's - §4*oo Warren and Franklin Railroad 7 per cent., Feb. ' and August./ ••.*i•';* i . v . ..a $6OOO Oil Creek and Allegheny Railroad 7 percent., ■Blay and - 1 ; 1 1 ■ 30 shares Seventh National Bank. ; / .... . .100 shares Contra! Transportation Co. h ‘ . . REAL ESTATE SALE," MAY 3; TJT>i?.T? D . fl .^2.^L l *? a,e *“EHtato oH Aim Kcllyrdec’d— BRJCK JiWELLING, ---- . °rpi , 4 lJ i f ’?f y , rt «sale—Estate of William W 7 Knftfltf i r £?iTJ ALII A BLK BUSINESS, STAND-FOUR ERICK- STORE. No. 611 Oommnrco stY :; ’ . ■ Orphans’ Court Sale—Estate of- Francis A. Erwig,; dcc’ar-VALJ'AULE TRACT OF LAND. UG ACRES. River Schuylkill, half amiloahovo League Island, and near Penrose Ferry Brldge-about 3,000 feet fronton 1 the riverfcchujlkJU. • » : . • Orphans’ Court Sale—Estate of Rebecca A. Car- '■ DWELLING. No.; Riice COL,J |Blroet bet '* oon Twelth ttiid j Orphans’-Court Sale—Estate of Benedict Kahnweiler, STAND-THREE-STORY BRICK TA\E±tN aud DWELLING, R 0.323 Ving at. Orphans Churl Sale—Estate of Andrew Thatcher. 2k°l‘i; T £ lid „ otheis—2 . FRAME. DWELLINGS and STABLE, Everett street, between Noble arid Pegg, Eleventh Ward. v . . • , ; Orpbapa’Court Peremptory Sale—Estate of Aimer Chamberlain, “dee d—MODERN i THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, JN’O. WW Green st. •ni^ c Jit^. e *: ; ?C;. B 1 -TR-Y—SEAT—MANS-lONT7-10~acfes, kgoii-nag^^Orfont" Lodge, 31 Asylum toari.beiwosn the Second Btrcot Juirii piko and Frankford, Twenty-third W*rd. fcrei utors’ Peremptory of " Phobe Thomas, dec’d-2 MODERN RESIDENCES, Nos. 1421 _. as *d Filbert Btreet,_EachJiaa_tho_modfirii. ences. ••* « VALUABLE LOT OI GROUND, about 8 acres,Lime sun road, west aide, second lot south of Washington lane, Twenty-secord Ward. . Executors’Peremptory Sale—Estate of Capt. Josiah Ames, dec’d—2J4 STORY BRICK DWELLING,' No. 344 Catharine! street, with a 2>i story Brick DwolUng in. the rear on Kauffman st. "VALUABLE THREE-STORY BRICK BUILDING. No. 002 Spring Gurdeu street, now pspd by itbeNocthorn “Dispensury. ‘ VERY DESIRABLE COUNTRY RESIDENCE, 6 acres, Mill street, south of Chew, Germantown, about 3 squares ireni the railroad station. MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE,' _No. CWSouth Tenth street, below Soiltb. lias thermo dc-rn .toaVenienccs. ... VERT VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND-BRICK LIVERY STABLE and , DWELLINO, Nos. }O2«. loas and KWOOoutc’s Btreet. to-feet front, 176 foot deop to Moton Btreet—? fronts. _ BUSINESS STAND-THREK-BTORY BRICK TA VERN and DWELLING, 8. E.'Cornor of Twelfth and Camilla streets.,. Has the modern conveniences. Bar room Fixtures included. TWO-STORY BRICK and ONE STORY BRICK BUILDINGS, N E. corner of Second and Diamoudats., Sob> IU9 feet to Palethorp st. i Executors’ Sale—Relate *»f V. B ChapmairrdecM— TWO-STORY BRICK MACHINE SHOP, Steam En gine, Boiler, Ac., S. W, cornor of Beach and Marl borough streets. Eighteenth Ward. ' r VALUABLE i’la-STORY BRICK DWELLING and LARGE LOT, N 0.1611 Christian st—72 feet frout. \ERY DESIRABLE LOT, Twelfth street,.north of Cherry. 2l>b feet front. 107 feet deep. LARGE and VALUABLE THREB STOBY BRICK RESIDENCE, No:‘4U2 South Front street, below Pino, 4J leet front. ' . —DESIRABLE —BUSINESS —L'OCvVTION=THBEE r ' STORY BRICK STORE and DWELLING. No. 531 Callowhilj fit. • MO»ERN‘\THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, No. 1116 Vine street; Has the modern couveoipjjges— -1811 feet front.* Immediate possesr ion. ELEOAifT :ENGLISJI AND A«3!I)I0AN BOOK 3. ON THDESDA-Y and FBIDAY AFTJSBNOONB, April 28 anil 29, . At 4 comprisii g-r Work- of Dickons, Lover, Scolf-, Reade, Thackeray, Standard Library "Works, Natural Hisforyj Science,'Fine Arts; <£c.~, allircah stock .and In hnr. bindings;.. • r- •: At 6 o’clock on Friday afternoon," Terrestrial Globe, 38 inches diameter, made in London. ~ , * Sale No. 1701 Mount Vernon street. ■■■*“■ SURPLUS FURNITURE. HANDSOME. ETA GERE; WALNUT.HDFFKT, -JLiAEfiK AND ELBOANT? FEENtrH—PLATE—M*NT&Ir—MH{BOn—FINK' ENGLISH BRUSSELS, TMPEBIAL AND OTHER C ' AJll EIBt ON FRIDAY MORNING. - April 29, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, at theN. W. corner of £eventeenth v an<l Mount Vernon streets, the surplus •Boud£holU - FtfrnHureVc‘bmpfTsiii'g- : Parlor, Dining Room and Chamber. Furniture,handsome Walnut Etagfero, superior Wulnnt Buffet, large and elo -eant French rPjate-Mnntel—lVlirrorvhundsomelycarved Walnut frame; handsome Walnut Wardrobes. Cottage -Chamber Suit; venriine English -Brussels* Imperial and other Carpets;" &e. May be examined on themornlngofsale at 8 o’clock. Sale 1830 Mervine street BUPEBIOR HOUSEHOLD, FURNITURE, HAND* SOME BBHSSELS AUb OTHEB ‘ UARt-ETS, CHINA, GLASSWARE.-it-.-. ■ „.i ON FRIDAY SIOBNINQ. April 29- at 30 o’cll ck, it< No. 1830 Merviuo street, be tween Eleve«tlrmid‘'Tweifth streets, above. Montgomery avenue, thettuperior -Walnut aud other Household Fat niture, handsome Brussels. Ingrain and other Carpets, China, Glassware, Ac/ 2 ’ • . May be examined atB o’clock gn tbo morning of sale.. • Administratrix’s, rorernptory Salo. . Estate ofHodd Simpson, dec*d,'N. E. corner Twenty i-.‘-; fifth and Hamilton streets, VALUABLE MACHINERY OF A COTTON SPIN* NING AND WEXVING FAGTORY. . ON MONDAY MORNING.} May 2, at 10 o’clock, at the northeast corner of Twenty fifth and Hamilton streets, by-catalosuo. the Valuable Machinery, including— 2 sections of Danforth’s curds, with railway head-; IF inch cans for drawing frames; IS inch cans for railway heads; . Shafting and Pul . leys, -Pattefson’.a_drawing ! . frames* Danforth’s Spin ning frames; iron, cylinder Spooler;/ Vau -Winkle willow; Dftnrorth’s single beater 'spreddor; Whl •"tin’s?■••.two"*' beater- spreader;:-2 .-Evans’s . power Presses; indigo cradle mills; chain slide and other lAthes; email engin'u and boiler; warp' mill;- plat fo m scales; Jackson’s cotton reels/bobbin . ; reeis; yarn press, new; Jenka’s reels, for bobbins; ‘ Jenka’s travorse grinder; slido screw rest: b and mules. McCann ’si make; DanfortU’a bobb l ns; l 2w Jenks &. Work’s looms; beam ing frames; bobbin winders; reels’ and hodtiles; dry horses, and polls'and other materials on hand; dyed cotton yarns; dye stuffs, Ac., and many other articles appertaining to a cotton spinniue and weaving factory. Also, large lot Belting and Old Iron. May lie examined three days previous to kale. 800 —catalogues. :i— ... .- ; , . ~mr~ G"AiIiERY-AND-AUeTIO» COMMISSION SALES ROOMS, B. SCOTT,. Jr., Auctioneer. 1117 CHESTNUT street, - - . Girardßow. Fprniture Bales every Tiiosday and Friday morning, at lO o’clock. ; • : Particular attention paid to out-door sales at mode rate rates. > d 029 if - FINE MODERN OIL PAINTINGS. ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS, - . April 28 and 29, At 7>£ o’clock, at the Galleries. 1117 Chestnut street,will be sold, 175 Paintings, Chrombg, lEngraviugs, Ac. ' The collection embraces the usual-variety of Landscapes, Marines, Figure and Fruit Pieces, Ac., mounted in fine gold leaf frames.; Sale positive, without, the least re serve. Open Monday; for exhibition, with catalogues, 1 ' ‘ lINPARXLLiRLED SUCCESS OF BARLOW’S PUBLIC SALES .OF NEW, ELEGANT AND SUPERIOR FURNITURE. . ON FRIDAY MORNING, .April 29th, at 10o’clock, will be offered at-public sale, by catalogue, another superb Stock of First-class Mag nificent Furniture, comprising—Parlor -Suite of Gre cian, Turkish, uutiuuo and modern styles of Furniture, coveyed in velvet, plush, reps.broeatello,, haiy cloth and terry; solid'Walnut Chamber Suits, in largo variety; Sideboards, in Ouk und Walnut; Wardrobes,- Bookcases, Secretaries, Lounges, Etageres,Easy Chairs, Music Stools,- Hat Racks, Mirrors/Hair Mat- Rarhs, Ac. Also. a Parlor Orgau, used, cost S'800: will positively be sold withom the least reserve; suitable lor church or lodgo-rnnm. All •the above .goods will be accompanied bf a written gun rantee,anu are equal to any goous sold In tbo city at private sale, and vastly superior In any At public;sale. AllpiTr goods; nroirom the boat of clty.nmkers, aud'hdvo no equal. - Call ami examine this fjtockbeforfe you buy. Catalogues mady nn Thursday. l 'Goods packed on the premises tor purchasers and shtppedto anypurt of the United States. Upon for examination day and evening.' PEREMPTORY. SALE Without Reserve, Mr.CHARLES F. UASELTINp,boforo sailing for Europo.on tbo 14th day of May. will sell, at his Gal leries, 1125 Chestnut street, on ami FRJ DAY EVENINGS,-TV! ay s'andC.'all liif • VKKY VALUABLE COLLECTION OF OIL BAINT . INGH AND WATER COLORS, containing spocinwns by the following artists: Doutiboime, Boolwahgeiv • Moyur Vonßremou, Pesgofie, Haniuoois,; i lUorbsthoffer, Troyey, Prof.Tttcubacn, Dojonaho, Mllfner, 1 Ciiraud, ’ Hem>g, Meyorhftim, 1 , Fauvelct, -Trifbel, , RerafigM/ ;' Tjayer, Be liana, , Lohrichbn,: . • Verneydeu, Lasnlle, r KurwaBBog, flls, Vprtin; llildebraudt, PauljWbbor, v Peshayes, • Brillontn, • Van Mttrcke, . WUhofml, Col, - Bnohlor. Boottchor, — -Gain phausftfir -' • DftnEtfterrr '■ ’Do Block,- - ' - ■ gpnderman, • 3’ecrps, - -WittkAiup, Bpll. - Laroche. • , Lcray, Curlßcckor, Aufray, , , Diiacltlne. Jacobsen, .j.Burosey, Wilms, Arndux, Cunello, Arntz, Morutj,.: DiflTohbuch,, Do Vos, , Mfturer, . Mnrohni , . Marls. , CruikshHiik;', LeUiMrt. ,v Cnrabivfn, . 'n lo» - • Spitzweg, - - I>e iTrackeldtff; J DscrrU* . ! lu-liren, i A.K. johos, Vontoe,;. ' ..Volta, '•* . Werner. Now on exhibition at the GulloriOtt • > Ti.' ASHBBIDaB & CO., AUOTION • EEBS. No. 6001IABKET Btreot.abOTO Fifth. AUCTION SALES. .rpHOMAS JUKOH - & SON, AUOTION- X- BKKS AND COMMISSION MKBOIIANTB, J , « »P. l*• r-Kwnntfißice’RbillirrSabßom atrtot; HoußOhold Furniture of every description rocoived a , „ , ohConsigumeht., . Hales of Furniture at Dwelliaffi attended to on th# • f >* .i- pioatrcaaonab^terma.^ ; . i ftttontion toour Baie,to’lwi .hold otNo. llioaheatnut street,mn FRIDAY MUKH IN G, as the asporlinent of New and Secondhand Furnl ta re and Carpets is yerylarge, and comprlaes Furnltaro made by roaiiy of the: best ;cabinetmaters m£ our city- • Also, large Andaman MlrrorsTParlor Organ * ffind ' Melo-' " doon,Beantifuti'Docorated Toilot Bets, Sno HAlf ltfat ressea,Bedding,'Ac, i - - • .. *■ _■■ - t ' • l Sale at No. 1110 Chestnut stroet. '■' HANDSOME WALNUT -PARLOR, - LIBRARY* ‘'IIAMBBB: AND DINING KOOId frUHNiTUHE. /*■ n„JJ, EL ,y. ET I,. ÜBUHSKLS and INGBAIrf -A UETS, WALkUT PAItLOH OUGAN, ROSB- S.U,'»l> „ MELOLKON, a ■ IIOHBWOOD ', PIANO rUKTES, LAIIGE AND SMALL MANTEL AND «l\ B k\?*, RS ' SUiTS 'OF OOTPAGB OHAW . BEU FUKNITUItE, BOOKCASES, WAKDItOBES «pA , Tfelf >E . , l < i^ l lP. B fs PFlOß LIBIiART TABLES, ’ MATKESSESj FEATHER PFJ&i gOI'STRItS ANO PILLOWS, OHANDK- I E »» B AVINGS.KItOHEN -A+ a .on Friday morning, > V .AJLLft® au ,f Jio P Ptore,' No mo Oheatnui B ?^ ld » thefollowiagelogantSuitefor>PftTlor in covered, with matoon, fnS C i? a Sj! green and erimsiln reps, hair 1® tn»tch;>Ohambor Suits of S«J2if«i2 r ik w lv b J Va - r l ,,^ CB . 10 matR,l J Dlning Room and Walnut; with; Sideboards to 2 11 l A c ' h 'r.^ 1 1 so ’ 0 * arpo f tH > Mirrors. China Ware. Cottago •’Suits* Chairs of various kinds, Silver Plated Ware, En gravings, Secondhand Furniture, Stoves, Kitclioa Fur mture,Ac. -r..v ■ ’ , SEWING MACHINES. OneWheoler ft Wilson Family Sewing Machine. , OnoLnddftWobster. ,do “do do coatSlM. One Buttonhcdo Co.' do t do - • • . FINE PIANO FORTES. / . ON FRIDAY., " * Atl o’ctook. at the auction store* will be sold— - * ■ - ,016 elegant rosewuodPiuno F.orte, by Decker A Bro. One do -do -»- r . do-: ‘ «.•; 7 Kmorsdn i One " do do \ do • Hallow & 4 Davia. . Alao, Pianos by Scberrnnd others. •' a j i SURPLUS FUliNlTimEj H Mbifeifo? 13TAONRE, walnu.t .buffet, large .and; elegant* Kr.ucb PlAto Mantel: Minor, flhS Eneliah BrusnoU, April 29, at 10 o’clock, by. catalogue, at ,the N. W.-cor ber of SeTenteenth and Mount Vernon atreeta. the Household and Kitchen Furnitqye. £ - ,i . ; : BUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITIDRfE, HAND SOME BRUSSELS , AND-‘OTHER r DARPETS, china, g t asswar:e. & c : v ' .■ ON FRIDAY MORNING. . 4' A l>riL29;at_Jf> o'clock No,.JB3i)_Merv.ine Btreet,l.beT_. tween Emventh and Twelfth streets, abbvo Montgomery avetaie, thp Superior walnut and other household Fur niture. j .-i ,\r> ■ : ' LARGE PEREMPTORY HALE. , VERY VALUABLE MACHINERY AND LARGE , 'QUANTITY OP IRON AND STEEL. RICHARD,NORRIS & SON’3(LOCOMOTIVE WORKS „■ ■ ; ON TUESDAY MORNING, . . «ny 3, at 10 o’clock, on thfir promise*. Sevonteentli , ”*pDeylvft;nla~a'reuue nod Spring Garden street, fvill be Bold, the entire Valuable 3lacmnory and Mate rial* or tlioee extensive Works. •. now. ready and cau bo -had at the-aactiQD— Store-.' . -• ~ - J A * ~ AES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER; - „ No. 422 Walnut Btroet. REAL ESTATE SALE.. MAY 4TU, AT THE EX . • •OflaNtrE., TtitHßale.on >Y cdneBilay,at 12 o’clock, noon, will in clude— .. -• lIA NHOC-K AND YORK STREETS-A valuable Curry Comb Manufactory, with anginov tooltiyAc.; lot, 72 by IOS feVt.- OipKanz' Court Sale: J2s~ fate cf nm.'Jßeark) dtteatid.' ! ’ NO. 20) SOUTH .SIXTH STREET-A three-story brick dwelling, below Washington Square; lot 23 by 100 feet. -Orphani\Court Sale. £siate of .Wm. Holzitiuller, deceased. „ _ _ NO. 618 N. SEVENTH STREET—Three-atory; brick dwelling and lot, above Green, JGJS by 02 feot. Orphans 9 Court Saif, Estate of Alex'. Purvis. deceased. NO. 1417 "NORTH TENTH STREET— ljiree-Btoryi brick dwelling*, abovo Master street,l6 by" 74 feet»to Prospect street. Orphans' Court Sale. Estate of Edward _ Mr Shanei deceased. ■■ ; ' 1 ‘ No. 1213 MARLBOROUGH STREET—Genteel throe -ptory-briek-dwelHngs-lot-13-by-84-feet;—Orphanz y Court~ Sa-e. Estate of Ainy IVrizAt, deceased. - i No. 220 CALLOWHIXL STREET—A desirable busi ness at nnd, throe-story brick lager beersaloon, lflbylQO feet. Orphans' Court Sale. Estate of Wm.. Daunt, deceased*- . ■ ! • - •••’•> -j NTI.-634 NORTH SIXTH STREET—A . handapm© -modern residence,with threo^story^brlckbacfebuildings;" lot, 19'byTOO Teofi A Executors? PcTfwptory Sale;--Estatrc\f Henry Derineeri BROAD AND BAINBRIDGR *BTRKBTS-*The wolK known Hotel Property, tl»e“ Harmony HouHQ, I ’at the N. W. cornerßroudanu ShippenBtreets/18by<lfoetv -Clear. i 1 ■— SJLVERTON : AVENUE, : 24th WARD-A Gbnteol Residence, with Mansard roof, .Forty-eighth and Lan castoriwetme ; lot 50 by 150 feet. *• ’ - ATLANTIC* ClTY—Hotel Property, known ,as. fit© Lafona House/ corner of Atlantic and Kentucky avenues. .. :'. r 7 . .. building lots, Uighland aud Evergreen Avonnes. Plan atafdre. - Executor 9 * Sale.—Estate of Owen Sheridan, deed. - ♦ • 1 ' J ilyl ABTIN BROTBUSRB.AIJOTIONEKBg, ill N 0.704 CHESTNUT street, above Seventh -PEREMPTORY SALE., r- McNTCKELS’S -ODD-ESTABLISHED LIQUOR STORE, AT AUCTION, N. B. COH. OF sfXTU and SOU iH streets—Valuable Lease, and Fixtures. , . . v ON MONDAY MORNING, / > May 2, at 10 o’clock, on the proml£tofl,.N. E.’corneir’of Sixth and South 'streets, without reserve, the valuable Lcaie, Gepd will Stock and Fixtures or McNickqU’s old-established Liquor Store* the best hotel stand In the city. This establishment is fitted up In the best manner. There is now on hand an excellent stock of Liquors. ' Thib sale presents . . .. A BARE CHANGE, The proprietor having 2 other interests requiring his- — - entire attention; during the,coming Bummer, the above property will positively be sold without reserve. . Bunting, uurborow & co„ - , : .L; 1 . ’ , AUCTIONEERS, Nos. 232 and 234 Market slroot/cornor of Bank. LARGE SALE OF ‘ CARPETINGS, SQO / ROLLS . . CANTON MATTINGS, Ac.:, •..;i ~r • ON FRIDAY MORNING* ’ V April. 29, at 11 o’clock, on font months * credit, about 200 pit-ces Ingrain, Venetian, List. Hemp, Cottage ana W Carpetings,UautoDMattiDgB,Ao.- .. /!>/.:;•;/ , . LARGE SALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER- EURO PEAN DRY GOODS, i , .. r. 4 . ON MONDAY MORNING, ' 1 ‘ ; May 2, at 10 o’clock,on fourmontbs 1 credit. : _ r ‘ ; . SALE'OF 2000 CASES BOOTS, .BHOES, Hi TSrAO. ON TUESDAY MOBNING. “ May 3. at 10 o’clock,» on fourmofathß^credit. • By BABBITT So . CO.; AUCTIONEERS. w CASH AUCTION HOUBB, No. 230 MARKET street, comer of Bant streets 1 PEREMPTORY SALE, BY CATALOGUE., , ON FRIDAY MORNING.' ‘ ‘ ’ April-29, commencing at 10 OiclockvYia*~Stock of Spring omlSouimer Clothing, Shirts, Furnishing Goods. Ac. Also. Hosiery, Notions. Glores, Silks, Ribbons, Linen Goods, Hdkfs., Spool Cottons, Ac. , Stock from Retail Store,, Ac. T ,A. ileCljEl/LAND, AUOTIOiTBEB, • 1219 ' CHESTNUT Street.; " Personal attention given to Salbarof Household /‘urniture at Dwellings. ■ tßr Public Sales of Furniture at the Auction Boom®, 1215 Chestnut street, every Monday jand Tnuraday. . t&“ ForpArtlculars b6o Public Ledger. • • ' < M9 r JH. B,—A superior class of. Furniture at Private Bale . CD. McCJjHES & CO., i i‘ » ■ . AUCTIONEERS, No. 606 MARKET street. BOOT AND SHOE SALEB EVERY MONDAY. AND THURSDAY. • Davis & harvez, auctioneers, ' (Date with M. Thomns & Sodb. ) ' " , Store.Noß. 48. and 60 North Sixth Btrcet. : • , tS r FtiruitUro Sales at tho Store every Tuesday. , B&C Sales at Private Residences adUcitod. i > ■ The principai* money establish ment, B. E. corner of SIXTH and RAGE streets. - Money Advanced on’Merobandlse generally—Watches. Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Plate, and on all articles of value, for any length of time agrefod on. \VATOHEB AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE.SALE. 'Fine Gold Hunting Case, Doublo Bottom and Opoa Face English,;American and i Swiss Patent Lovor Watches Fine Gold Hunting Caso and Ojpeu Faco Lo- Sino Watches; Pino Gold Duplex and otnor Watches; 'ino Silver Hupting.Oaso and Open Face English, Arne- . rican'and Swiss Patent Lover aitd Lepino Watches; Double Case English Quartior and other watches ; La-, dins* Fancy Watches, Diamond Breastpins, Finger i RiDgs, Ear Rings, Studs, Ao. ; Flrie Gold Ohains,Medal- Bracelets, Scarf Pins, Breastpins, Finger Rings,./ Pencil Cases, and Jewelry generally.* • FOR SALE—A largo ana valuable Fire-proof Ohest* BUltnble for a Jeweller; cost $660, ■ , , ■ Also, several Lots in doutb Oaxuden,'Fifth and Ohest nut streets ■ ' •' " - CELL'S I'OPUMI DCVCLfIPEDIA', f?A X. COXAJfOE, Editor. r, d, foifglit them, but is also a thorough ana ;’•■ < *• complete znxicorr, ■ ' r A OAZETTEEU OF THE WOBZV, ■ A BIOGRAPHICAL BICTXOEAHYf A BIBLICAL DICTIONARY,, A LEGAL DICTIONARY,', ■ *■ a medical dictionary, nml tho only book containing all theso subjqcts. .'the mot:^<r«a-3000*Vlt-LtfSXRATIONSi'on «reiy._ vttrieiv'qr alohq’wJH cpstovyirt 410,0 W; - Ho*4s so fully aud.Bo well '■ Views oi' CrTiBS, t’npLio Suildinqs, Plant's, Animai.6,'MAoiitNEifev, GrbXt'Mbn ' AND VnpUpto, &P,, &0, , ■ Totul coat, bourn!, t,p3n«Bf ninnns. only, 437.60, ■ a saving of more than igilOO over pilfer similar tvorks. A 60 emit' ai>q’eltrien ! Wuinbbrj eoiituining'4oi page* and 18 jpcturc)}, will l>q sout ft-oe for,M ouuta. Mgouta and' Canvaseo'rs w'atit'od. ' pjld only by subscription.- . Address. TfXLLWOOb ‘zieim Philadelphia.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers