AHVBEHBim. Mr. T. J. ir«-mphlll'« flßncUt. Mr. Thomas J. Hempbill. (ho business man ager oft be Walnut Street Theatre, will have a benefit this evening, and will-presont two good comedies, London Assurance and The Serious Family. The best members of the company trill appear in theso pieces, and Mr. W. A. Chapman will singa comic song. Wo recommend the entertainment And the bene ficiary to those of our Tenders who are theatre goers. Mr. Hemphill is an excellentmanager, and he lias striven, in a frost successful and grateful inanner, to present to the public, dur ing the present season, a series of first-class, performances”, in which some of the best actors in the world have appeared. The promise for the rest of the season is equally good. Be sides this, Mr. Hemphill is a worthy and ex cellent gentleman, who deserves, considera tion for his uniform courtesy, and . for the carefulness with which he provides for the comfort and enjoyment of those who patronize his house. We hope he will have an audience, to-night, that will assure him' of the popular appreciation of his merits. The Star Coarse of lectures. At Horticultural Hall to-morrow night, Senator Bevels will lecture upon “ the Press.” On Saturday afternoon, in the Academy of Music, Olive Bogan, will discourse upon « Girls.” Tickets for both lectures may be pro duced at Gould's, 923 Chestnut street Ole Ball’s Concert. How astonishing it must be te a veteran artißt such as Ole Bull to stand at the foot lights of asplendid building like our Academy, before an immense audience of his admirers, ;iud recall the long series of adventures which 1 tsvo conducted him to such an enviable posi tion! Did he remember, last evening, when be had achieved his quaint old-fashioned bow and was waiting for the pianist to give him the keynote, his wanderings through the streets of Paris, penniless, in 1831, weeping for his stolen violin? Or did ho recollect Malibran’s public kiss, a few years later, on a stage only smaller than ours, the gravid stage of San Carlo at Naples? And did any pride conic over him. in thinking of his .quarter-century’s American reputation —a reputation begun before audiences of tohacco-chewers like the characters in Mrs. Trollope or Martin Chuzzlewit, and finishing before a company of such culture ana splendor as he had last night? Just turned of sixty, Ole-Bornemann Bull has behind him a beautiful succession of constant art-triumphs extending over t hree-fifths of a century; and he even contrives, it might be thought, to tell of hint a great deal of his inner history, in a style of plav which is full of reveries, caprices, contrasts and reflections. Wedded to the romantic manner of Paganini, lie makes his bow trace all the contradictory branch ings of thought, and seem now meditative, now coquettish, now prophetic. The cunning instrument was enslaved in his last night’s performance, to a train of ideas that displayed all his versatility. Now, in the tarantella of South Italy, the notes sparkled like the diamond set in the extremity of the imple ment; now, in “Sweet Home,” they were vibrant and sustained as a Norway wind ; and between these extremes the intelligent machine took up in turn the specialties of all the finer instruments of the orchestra. Truly these evenings with the inspired and white haired Northman, as they cannot in nature last much longer, have .in them something sacred. The violin'"was accompanied last night, very, faithfully and. feelingly, by” Mr. Edward Hoffman, whose own arrangement of the Mocking-bird was. truly graceful and delicate; by Miss Safford, a pleasant'soprano; and by Mr. Macdonald, a pure but somewhat feeble tenor; the audience was very large and very exacting, demanding constant repetitions, to which the veteran in strumentalist responded with quite as much good nature as the young and ambitious artists who supplied the “ padding.” —At the Arch Street Theatre Jlhis evening, Mr. Augustine Daly’s Frou-Frou will he repeated, with Mrs. Drew as “ Gilberte.” fthe Walnut Street Theatre, this even r. T.J. Hemphill,the business manager, ve a benefit in London Assurance and •ioits Family. To-morrow evening Mr. Hassler, the able musical director, will have a benefit, and on Saturday evening the benefit of Mr. Lewis Morrison will take place. —At the Chestnut Street Theatre The Field of the Cloth of Gold will be repeated by Mrs. Oates’s Burlesque Company every evening during the present week, and a matinee per formance will be given on Saturday, i —At Fox’s American Theatre, to-night, a miscellaneous performance will be given, when the famous gymnasts, tho Carlo brothers, will appear. —At the Eleventh Street Opera House, to-night, Messrs. Carncross & Dixey’s Minstrel Troupe will give a lirst-class performance, —At the Seventh Street , Opera House, MeSsfiS- Duprez & Benedict offer a first-class negro minstrel performance for this evening. —The panorama representing the Pilgrim's Progress will be exhibited at Concert Hall this evening. This is the ninth week that these beautiful paintings have been on exhibition, and they have been a marked success. ■ —Signor Blitz, .Tr., will give an exhibition of magic and legerdemain, at the Assembly Buildings, every evening during the week, and on Saturday afternoons. CITY BULLETIN. TUe lMiiladelpliia Fourth Presbytery. This body met last evening in Rev. Dr. Shepherd’s church, in Buttouwood, abovo Sixth street. The opening sermon was by the pastor of the Greenwich Church, Rev. "Wil liam Hutton. His subject, was, “ Theiefore, being justified by faith, we have power with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” For three-quarters of an hour Mr. Hutton elabo rated thp consoling and encouraging assur ance conveyed by Paul to the Galatians, and to us, in the passage selected for the text. Rev. Samuel W. Dutlield wasJmadoAlo'dera tor. Revs. Samuel A. Haight and Geirge H. Hammer were chosen temporary clerks, The order of exercises was then fixed upon —meet at U A. M., devote half an hour to devotional exercises, take recess at 121 and resume business at 3 P. M. A number of applications for dismission from the Presbytery were presented, and from a number of clerical brethren application was made for admission into tbe body in question. Rev. J„ Garland Hammer was dismissed •with letters to tho Presbytery of Lewes, Del.; Rev. Charles B. Dye to the Presbytery of Connecticut; Rev. Thomas A. Hamilton to the Presbytery of Dctaware, and Rev. Hiram E. Johnson to the Rhode Island Ministerial Association. This morning the Association assembled at fi A. M. The following members, not pre viously jpresent, reported themselves. They included these: . Elders W. H. Walling, Kemlerton Church; Joseph Karr, Nesliaminy Church; N. B. Duruli, Germantown Church ; John Hill, Nor ristown Central Church; Lousks, Jeffer sonville Church. The Moderator announced the committees. Among them are: Ox Narrative— Herrick Johnson, D. D.; El der Gen. E. M. Gregory. ' On Snpnlim —Rev. Robert Adair and Elder J. Marshal Paul, M. D. On Treasurer's Iteport —Rev. A. V. C. Schenck and Elder W. L. Hildeburn. Rev. Mr. Cowan, of the Presbytery of St. . Louis, was introduced as a corresponding member. A call from the cliurGh at Hokendauqua for the pastoral services of Rev. Mr. Little was presented, read, and placed in the hands of Mr. Little. . Mr. Little said that 11 Barkis was willing.” A committee was then appointed to partici ; pate officially in the installation of the gentle man in question. The report oftfie committee on the German < 'bureh was referred to a special committee ! composed of Messrs. Adair and Hildeburn. « Tbe records of the’various churches were now presented. Adjourned until 3P. M. , CoitNun Lounukus.—Ten young men were arrested by tbe First; District Police, last night, for enrner-loiiiigi tig. They were uli field to , jWid ' y AM. Dallas. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13 1870. , Jkdcstbiai..HqJ<!e; frofc. GifiLa.—We'.ftaVß. received the twelfth annual report of this in stitution, the first and only fine Of Its kind in tbe State. ; Orphan girls, or those iiuoared-for by their parents, are here received, clothed, taught to read,write, sew; &0., and instructed in the arts of housewifory, so as to lit them for the duties of good servants, and then they are placed with families till they are eighteen years of age. Thirty-seven inmates have been cared for .during the past year, for the marvel ously small siim of $1,300, showing the eco nomical management of tho conocrn. The ‘’Home” is now permanently ideated ip a commodious bouse, at the northwest cor ner of Tenth and Catharine streets, whioh is kept in admirable order by tbe girls and their matron, and citizens are invited to inspect the premises. Unfortunately, there is a mortgage on the property of $3,d00, and $3,000 more must be raised In two months. As the institu tion is doing a peculiarly good work, itis to be. hoped that contributions enough to make up this sum will be at onco sent in to the Treasu rer, Mr. E. N.Willson, 717 Walnut street; the Secretary, Mr. J. T. Shinn, Broad and Spruce i streets; or to either of the following Trustees : Hon. G. M. Stroud, Samuel O. Perkins, Esq.,, . Wm. A. Ingham, Esq., H. Y. Eyans, M. D., TTStnart Patterson, Esq. , ... A Desperate Bellow.— Bast night there was a surprise party at the house of Wm. Keen, on Carpenter street, ,below Eighth. Among those present was Daniel Dally. His conduct didn’t exactly suit some of the partici pants in the affair,and he was run out into the street .Daniel is not at all partial to such treatment. He attempted to return to the house. ®e couldn’t get : the door open.' He rapped vigorously, but no attention was paid, to bim. Daniel then got his back up. He swore, but it was of no use!' The door wasn’t opened. He then began kioking it. ,■ The look, gave way, and Mr. Dally Mined his point. It is alleged that he drew a Knife, flourished it and threatened to kill somebody. Somebody didn’t wait to get killed, but called a police man. The .policeman necked Mr. Daily and escorted him to the Station-house. Aid. Boil sail next took charge of the matter and sent the desperate fellow ’to Moyamensing Prison. - A Bobber Captukkd.— Bast night an at tempt was made to break into the feed store of Wm. B. Drane, Passyunk road and Cross street/ Policeman Devine, of the Seventeenth Diatrict,came along and saw the thieves at work. He seized one of them. This fellow then struck the officer on the head with a jimmy and knocked him against the wall. Devine held on, to his man, liowever. until a citizen came up and- arrested him. The com panion of the captured man then drew a pistol, and, pointingjt at the policeman, pulled the trigger. Fortunately only the cap snapped. This chap then ran off. Devine got his pris oner to the Station-house, where he gave his name as William Campbell. He is also known by the name of Amos Tucker. He will have hearing at the Central Station this afternoon. Bocal Chowder. — The market people, this morning, are exhibiting green stuff in large quantities! Bhubarb, salads and radishes are the principal features of the stock. For butter the figure is from Goa7o cents per pound. Eggs are cheaper than a week ago. The sellers are obliged to consent to a reduction of ten cents a dozen on the price of two weeks ago. The iiower stalls look tempting. Their contents ‘•gooff” with a rapidity that covers with, beaming smiles tbe faces of the venders, -'" r ” A man named Pennington was arrested this morning in Otsego street. He was driving a horse so lean and famished as to touch the ■ feelings even of-the roughest,of the people who beheld him. The man was fined S 3 by Alderman Bntz. ~His father was similarly served but a short time before. \ Scri-osED Attempt at Bobbery.— Bast 1 evening, about eight o’clock, a colored man : was observed acting in a suspicious manner in the yard of the house of Theodore Hessen hruch, on Baring street, west of Thirty-third.; When a son of Mr. H. made liis appearance, the man ran. He was pursued by Policeman, Shields, ana, after a chase of several squares, : a pistol-shot fired by Mr. Hessenbrnck caused : him to lialfc The prisoner gave his name as j Henry Laramie. Strapped to his wrist was a' blackjack. During the run he threw away a' four-barrelled pistol, and it was afterwards picked up. Laramie will have a hearing at the Central Station this afternoon. The Anti-Slavery Society. The next annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Anti- Slavery Society will lie held early in May. For thirty years this Society has been in ope ration, and now the work for which it was, founded has been successfully accomplished/ This meeting will be the last, and it is in tended to make it unusually interesting. Among the speakers expected are Frederick Douglass, Senators Sumner and Bevels, Gen. Fremont and Wendell Phillips. Mrs. F. E. W. Harper, who has recently been making a tour of the Southern States, investigating tlie : condition of the colored people, will detail ! the result of her researches. Assault and Battkrv.-— Anthony Ballard, colored, residing in Whitehall street, near Thirteenth, was before Recorder Givin, this ; afternoon, charged with assault .and battery,' on a colored boy named Nathan Anderson, Jr. The lad was playing with a wagon on the pavement iq front of Ballard’s house. Ballard, ! it. is alleged, kicked him and then seized him by the neck and pitched him into the street. Tbe youth was severely injured. The accused was held in SOOO bail for trial. | Runaway and Accident.— John H. Wake ling, of Frankford, was driving along the 1 main street yesterday afternoon, when his* horse took fright and dashed down the street* at a rapid rate. At the turn of the railway,' track, at Green street, the carriage was over turned. Mr. Wakeling was thrown out. He struck upon his head, and was severely though not dangerously injured. Hejwas eon-’ veyed to his home on Main street. Telegraph to Chestnut Hili;.— The citi zens residing at Chestnut Hill have had a tel-! egraph office opened at that place which will he a great accommodation to them. Through the exertions of C- Keyser King, of German town ; Messrs. Alex.T. Biddle, H. A. Landis,! John Welsh, Jr,, and others, the Delaware! River Telegraph Company have extended! their lines to that point. In Search of Thkir Father.— Four ehil-! dren—two boys and two girls—arrived from Hew York last night. They are in search of their father, Michael Dolan, wliois a laborer,: employed somewhere in this city. Tho chil dren have recently come from Ireland by his request. The money furnished them to pay their passage has been exhausted, but they are being properly eared for by Lieutenant Leech, at the Sixteenth District Police Station, in West Philadelphia. Suspicious.— This morning, about three o’clock,a man named James Young was found in a house No. 3 Wagner Place, in the neigh, borliood of Thirteenth and Fitzwater streets! An entrance had been effected by breaking in the cellar-door. Young was arrested by Policeman Megonigal, and was committed to prison. Suspicion of Robbery'.— .James Smith has been arrested on suspicion of having been con cerned in the robbery of a shoe store on Eighth .street, between Race and Vine. He was taken before Alderman Jones, and was committed for a further hearing. Accident.— Richard Martin, aged 13 years; residing No. 1021 Carpenter street, had big finger lacerated by a printing-press,this morn : ing. He was taken to the Pennsylvania Hos pital. A Fast Driver.— Herman Williams, colored, was arrested yesterday for fast driv ing, on Chestnut street bridge. He was fined by Aid. Randall. : The Moyamknsing Hose.— The annual ball of the Moyaintmaing Hose Company will he given at the Academy of Music on Monday evening next. The Committee of Arrangements have been working energeti cally, and are doing everything to make the afflur pleasant and attractive. The interior . of the Academy is to bo handsomely decorated, and the warbling of ealary birds from nu merous cages tastefully hung about the build ing will add greatly to the effect pf the scene. The music will, no doubt, he very fine. Grafulla’s celebrated hand, of New York, lias been engaged to do up the promenades, and Tfassler’s Orchestra will perform for dancing. The refreshment department lias been placed in the charge of a competent person, and will lie satisfactorily conducted. The indications are tfiat tliffe wjll be one Of the finest balls ever given in tlto Academy of MuMc. That it will exceed, in ev'ery the balls given in former years; by .this; coqjpany there cannot be the least, doubt. -The at-, tendance will be very large. The tickets have sold rapidly, 'and tbe dotnand for them is increasing daily, ~ For the benefit of those who desiro to soo what a Moyatuon siiig Hose Company’s ball; Is Withont partici pating in the gay soefie, the Committee of Arrangements has decided to issue audience tickets at one dollar each. that the riew pfanos now being introduced bv Messrs. Hallett, Davis & Co., are fill the ac complished performer can desire. . . CITY KOTICEB. The Bahikb’ Sorosis Club, of New York, recently changed thoir disotttsionrf from Woman’s Suffrage toHair Preparations apd Pimple Banlahore. Thar declared that , where nature had not endowed them with it was thoir right—yea, thoir duty—to seek it where they could. So they idl voted that Maguolla Balm overcame Sallownees, Bough Skin and Blng marks, and gave to the complexion a moat dtstingui(Bo- ■ roelanland tnarble-llko appearance (dimgerous to men, no doubt) ; and that Lyon’s Kathalron modo tho, Hair! grow thick, soft and awfnl protty, and moreover pro- ; vented It fftim tonilng gTay. If the proprietors of theso; articles did not sand the sistors an invoice, thoy are not , smart. 1 A Most Striking Contrast.— The old hair dyes and “ colorors,” Ac., are all more or lsss'sticky, muddy and fetid, and the bdes they impart aro not natnral. Puai.on'ji Vitat.ia, on Salvation for -run Hair, the ntwly dlacovored agent, is, 'on the othor hand, limpid transparent, fragrant, and effective, and has no sediment. Sold by all druggists and fancy goods dealors. . ,■, Russian Braces!— The Red Ends and Lever Buckles are Patented in Europe as well as in tho United States. Toucan buy thorn at J. W. Scott & Co’s;, 814 Chestnut street. English Hot Cross Buns—fresh, dally—at Horse’s, 902 Arch and 238 South Eleventh street. Refrigerators. Parson & Co.’s Ventilated Refrigerators. 220 Dock Btreot, The Attention of hotel-keepers and fam ilies is rospectfully invited to Burnett’s Flavoring Ex- ; tracts. . ALL THE ItATEST STYLEB Coatings,Pantaloon Stuffs, and Vestings For Spring IVcar, Now Arranged for Public Inspection, At Charles Stokes’*, No. 824 Chestnut Street Save 25 per cent, and have vour Carpets put down by first class workmen, without any disap pointment or delay. Albertson & 00., 1435 Chestnut street. The Beautiful Spring of Gents’ Beaver. Hats . Cau bo lind at Oakpords’ Store* — Undor tho Continental. The Faulkland, Cavendish, and all the beautiful Sprint? stylos"of Hate at " 834 an<i.S36 Chestnut street. lnstruments and druggists "sundries. Snowden & Brother* 23 South Eighth street. Manhood and Youthful Vigor are re gained by Helmbold’s Extract Buchu. Corns, Bunions, Inverted NAils, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 915 Chestnut street. Charges moderate. To Quiet, soothe and relieve the pain of children teething, use Bower’s Infant Cordial. Sold by all druggists. Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh treated with tho utmost success, by J. Isaacs, M. D.» and Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Karfhis speci alty) iti the Medical College of Ponnsylvania,l2 years ex perience. No. 805 Arch street. Testimonials can be seen at his office. The medical faculty are Invited to ac company their patients, as he has no eecrpts in bis prac tice. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No charge for examination. IMPORTATIONS- Reported for the Philadelphia Evenine Bulletin. MATANZAS— Bchr Walter Scott, McLean—2ll hhds 50 bxfttuear Dnllett & Son. SAVANNAH—Steamship Wyoming, CaptHin Teal -10 bills roots anti bark Wm Armstrong; 4 baskets prawn Boyer & Abbott; 8 beer kegs J Sc V Bait/.; 6 cks 33 bbls rice W Butcher & Son; 21 empty bbls 15'of do J F Betz; 10 tubsbuttor Craycraft Sc Co; 2hf chests tea A Colburn Sc Co; 133 bales domestics-Glagborn, Herring & Co; 27 do cotton Cocbrtnu Bussell A Co; 1 case cir saws U Diastoo; tO beer kegs C Engel; 2 bxs shoes Goslin* Waohtel Sc Co; 1 do E Gnlhman; 1 do Guns, Leibman « Co: 5 baskets prawn J A Hopkins; 1 box Mary Howell; 4 bales bags F C Hill; 1 trunk 1 case Mrs E W Horner; 1 boxW L James; 1 bbl vnrnisb J 8 Lee Sc Co; 2 bales bedding 2 trunks 1 chair 1 bath tub J S Lemon; 1 case cigars Jacob Langdorf; 3 baskets prawn Maag Sc Detwiler; 1 box 1 package H MeCall; 1 box John McArthur. Jr; 112 empty barrels and 428 half barrels Wm Massojr A Co; les cigars Geo Miller Sc Bon; 1 bbl whiting l hlf do .! keg brandy I do wine H & J Myers; 6 bates cotton 1 do rags Miller k Bro;«2 bales cotton order; 52 do B Patterson Sc Co; 1 box A iioethe Sc Co; 2 bxs 1 fish not Jos RichUrds; 49 rolls leather Ruth & Greiner; 143 bales cotton Ran dolph A Jenks; 3 pkgs trees Hr Schenck; 1 box W 8 Shnpleigh A Co; 149 pieces lumber A 8 Simpson A Bro; 10 bales cotton Stranso A Baum; 1 boat nud lot fishing tackle Geo T Thorpe; 2 trunks 1 pkg Goo Trott; 9 bales hides I bx brass Toland A Cowan: 20 bales yarn A Whill din A Sons; 1 bbl rice I)r Casper Wistar. • MARINE BULLETIN. POBT-OF PHILADELPHLA-April 13. Marin* Bulletin on Inside Base, ARRIVED THIS DAY. Steamer Wyoming, Teal, 70 hours from Savannah, with cotton, Ac. to Philadelphia and Southern Mail SSCo. Passengers—Mrs rielby, child and servant: Mrs Jennie Sterne, Mrs Hill and child, Mrs Margaret Whit aker, Hrs R G Stotesbury, Miss Anna Turley, H O Os mond', Jos Dugan, II C Goodsell, P W Graham, II Baltz, 8 Campbell, Geo T Thorpe. Marlon Mane, Jos Richards, Win Bee, John N Stokes, J. P Gmvos, Steamer C Comstock, Drake, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird A Co. Steamer W Whillden, Riggins, 13 hours from Balti more, with mdse to A Groves, Jr. * Schr Ellen Hnlgate, Golding, 6 days from Newbern, with lumber to Norcross Sc Sheets. * Schr I) Corbit. Eldridge. 2 days from Egg Harbor,with grain to Jns L Bewley Sc Co. Schr Admiral, Steelman. Salem. Schr \j A Danenhower, Graco, Boston. Schr Trade Wind, Corson, Boston. BELOW. Barks Theodorus Christian, from Liverpool; Eliza' Cochran, from West Indies, and brig Perseverance,from' Palermo. CLEARED THIS DAY. s Steamer *S C Walker,Sherin. New York,W M Baird&Co. Steamer Fannie, Fenton, New York, W M Bird A Co. Steamer Novelty, Shaw, New York. W M Baird A Co. Schr Glenwood, Dickinson, Lynu, John C Scott A Sons. Schr Ann E Salford, Powell, Lynn. do MEMORANDA Ship Orpheus, Smith, cleared at New York yesterday, for Batavia. Ship Shakespeare, Fechtor, cleared at Galveston sth inst. lor Cork, with 3375 bales cotton. Steamer Cuba (Br), Moodie. from Liverpool 2d, and OueeiiHtoyvn 3d inst. at Now York yesterday. ; Steamer Hunter, Harding, hence at Providence 11th instant. Steamer Centipedo, Dohgbty, hence at New York yesterday. Steamer Volunteer, Jones, cleared ut New York yes terday for this port. Steamers Calabria (Br), McMickan, and Btatira(Br), Way, cleared at New York yesterday for Liverpool. Bark Daring. McDonald, hence at Portland lltb Inst, Brig J W Drfsko,Haskell, hence for Salem, at Holmes’ Hole 11th inst. ; schr Sidney Price,Godfrey, hence at Mayaguea 24th Sclirs F W Johnson, Marts; Elwood Doran,Bartlett; 8 A Boico Clurk; Wm Tiers. Gifford, and M Steelman! Steelman, hence at Boston 11th inst. Schrs CW Locke Huntley; EG Irwin, from Bath for this port, and M A Graham, Fountain, for do, caused Holmes’ Hole 10th inst. ’ * ! Schr Challenge. Thomas, from Searsport for this port, at Holmes’ Hole 11th inst. Schr Maggie Cummins. Smith, hence for Coh&6aott passed Holmes’ Hole 11th inst. ? Schr Nightingale, Beebe, hence at Providence 11th instant. Schr Jane C Patterson, Seyler, hence at Apponaug 11th inst. Schrs Sarah Clark, Griffin, hence for Salem, aud R H WiUon. Harris, do for Boston,at Newport 10th inst agricujltitrajl] * «j£ AGRICULTU RAL IMI'LEM E NTS 5E AND GARDEN TOOLS, Ploughs, Harrows, Oulti vntors, Beod-Sowors, Churns, Garduu and Field Rollers, Lawn Mowers, Railroad and Garden Wheolbarrows, Hay, Straw and Fodder Cuttors, all at reduced prices Call and oxamiuo our stook. ' ROBERT BUIBT, Jr., I Seed Warehouse, 923 and 924 Market atroot. ' SS& THE FHIL AD ELI* 111 A LAWN L MOWER—This is tbe moßt improved hand-ma chine made, and is just tho article needed hy ail who lmvo grass to cut. It can bo operated hy a lady without fatigue. Prico $2B, and every mower warranted, bold by ’ , ROBERT BUIST.Ja., mi 7 lm rp§ Seed Warehouse, 922 and 924 Market st. BURST'S WARRANTED GARDEN ST SEEDS. , . , „ The seeds wo offer are exclusively thoso or our own growth, and will ho found iur suporior to those generally sold hy dealers. . Market gardeners and private families, to whom re liable soodß are of tho utmost importance, should obtain their WAREHOUSE, 922 and 924 Market street, above Ninth 1 Call or send for Bulst’a Garden Manual nnd Prico List for 1870, which contalnß 120 pagos of useful information to country rosldonts. mhl7lmrp§ TOBAOcO— FOUR EASES' FLORIDA Loaf Tobacco. In storonnd for sale l»y 0001 - BAN,RUSSELL & 00, Ul Chestnut street, EAHTn CBOSIiTS.' THE EARTH CLOSET COMPANY . . .•• , a.; i i P. i. ..1.7 j’-v /<. n. ... * HAVE REMOVED ThelrOfllceand Salesroom TO 1221 MARKET STREET. anlS-tfrw . : ■ . -: ' SHIPPERS’ GUIDfi. TO SHIP OWNERS. A large and valuable let of ground, auttable for build ing lots, will be exchanged for ship property. Address, W. F. PALMBB, Box 3741, P. O. aplS-2ts PIANOS. GRAND OPENING. rffffl EASE OBANCE. fffflf Thei Undersigned offer to tho public at WHOLESALE PRICES, (For a Short Time Only) DECKER BROS’ AND KRANIOH, BACH & CO.’S , PIANOS. In many respects superior to Steinway’s Pianos. WILLIAM BLASIUS, (The olcfest of late Agents for Steinways) 1008 CHESTNUT STREET. ap2lmrpfe CARPETINGS, AC. RETAIL DEPARTMENT^-- McCALHIM, CREASE & SLOAN, 509 Chestnut Street. CARPETINGS. SPRING IMPORTATIONS. Gx*eatly Reduced Prices. ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS. CANTON MATTINGS. COCOA MATTINGS. McCALLUM, CREASE & SLOAN, No. 909 Chestnut Street. mb2 w fm3mrp ' NEW CARPETINGS. ■WE ABE NOW OPENING A PVhh BINE OF FOREIGN and DOMESTIC CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS . AND MATTINGS, OF AU OBADES) WHICH WE ABE OFFEBING AT GEEATLY SE DUCED PBICES FBOM EAST SEASON. LEEDOM. SHAW & STEWART, 635 MARKET STREET. fe!9 3mrps JFURSTScT FURS ON STORAGE. A. K. & F. K.WOMRATH, 1213 CHEBTMUT STREET, Beg to inform the Ladies that they are now prepared; » reccivo FUBB ON STORAGE through the Summer guaranteeing them against lobb by Fire and Moth,u trifling oxpense. A. K. & F. K. WOMRATH, 1212 Chestnut Street. mb2B m V- f ‘din TV CIGARS-, &C B. C. WORTHINGTON & SON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS, AND ABL ABTICLES OF THE TBADE. 433 Chestnut St., opposite tbe Post Office. Branch of 106 South SIXTH Street. PHILADELPHIA. AG ENTS FOR KEY WEST CIGARS. AYe invite an inspection Of onr stock ; evory sale being guaranteed. , . mh23 lmrp- KIDGLO VES, &CJ TRASK & WHITING, Nos* 39nnd41 North Eighth Street, FORMERLY LANG S, II avo jnst received a now importation of their MISSES’ Kill GLOVEB, Every size and color, which they will continue to bell at 75 Cents. apll-m w s3trp§ FOR SALE. «”¥ ""FOB SALK—MOWEOTOWN, NEW ilLJevsoy.— A beautiful Country Beat,3oacres of first* rate land ; line improvements ; plenty of frosh and good water : five minutes from depot. Price. $16,000. Apply to T. CHAMBERLAIN, ap!33t* Mooreßtown, New Jersey. gfa TIOUA STRKET-r-FOR BALE OR MUL exchange /oi; good city property, an elegant large mansion,erne srniaro from Tioga ntation,on Germantown Railroad. Mam bailding forty feot shuare, with double back buildings, Spacious verandah on three sides. House replete with all tho modern conveniences. Coach house and stable, Ac. Cold grapery, with'choico vinos in full bearing. Grounds carofully laid out, with abundance of fine fruit. A most desirable and conveni ently situated residence. Will be sold avery great bargain. Plan and photo graph can bo seen and terms obtained to ap!36t§ No. 707 Walnut stroe’t. TO RENT. M COUNTRY PLACE TO RENT, SlT unted on west sido of the York road, second house above Fisher’s lane: containing parlor, dimug-room, winter and summer kitchen, with rauges and boiler, bath-rpom for hot and cold water, water-closet and five chambors .'about two acres, well Bhaded; new stable ror four horses, and ample carriuge room, Ac. _ ■ • Tlio owner would prefor to rent by tup "year, to a per manent tenant. Apply at the cornor ol York road and Thorp’s lane, or at 306 Walnut etreot. flpia,3t§ BEP AIRING OE OLOTHES-WIUNGER3 i dono.aud various -pßlterna of thorn tor rolo by TRUMAN & SHAW,No, 835 (EightThirty-five)Mar ket street,below Ninth. ;/ .• "POLISHING POWDER. THE BEST JL ' for cleansing Silvor and Plated Ware, Jowelry,ot<\, vor manufactured., PAK H & BKOTHEK, , 521 CHoetuut atreot, below Fourth, mill tfrp : ' GRAND OPENING : v -:’./. for spring 1870. ■;. Blch «WI Elfiuit BlMk Silk Hall*- ": |An Elegant iMortment or l*»ce WewMjdew Fancy Silk Suita. j Folotoandßoarnon#. r-..' Moanlai Haifa. - I **udle»’ Underwear-or Every DmripUMi. While and Colored Lawn Suit*. | Also, Bhtek Silk Cloak** new deulfnii, A carefully selected stock of ! ! m t ‘.V, BLACK SILKS FOR DRESSES* FROM Oj. DO, up. All the above purchased since the great decline fn gold, aud will be sold at extremely LOW PRICES. : ' AGNEW &:3NGLISfi,: : No. 39 SOUTH NINTH STREET,. , ;; M And 839 CHESTNUT STREET (Opposite Continental Hotel.*; PAPER MONEY. Bank Notes or Greenbacks will now buy more CARPETING, OIL CLOTH, MATTING, or any article in our line of business than for several years past R. L. KNIGHT &SON,. / : 1222 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON, 'No. 1008 Chestnut Street. The Subscribers respeotfUlly invite the attention of buyers to another EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF 200 PIECES, 10,000 YARDS, BARNSLEY and FRENCH LINEN SHEETINGS AND TABLE LINENS, At Prices Lower than ever beiore known. HEAVY LINEN SHEETINGS, 3 jafda, 73 Incbo nidr, at 02 2 1-2 yards, 90 inches wide, at7se. up to SIM. 21-2 yards, 81 In. wide, at 08 up to 87e. 23d yards, 100 Inches wide, at 83c. np too 2. 23 pieces more of 12-4 Fine French Linen Sheeting* it* 01 37 per yard, Thow are a FJNEK NUMBER than the prerioue lot, ami all the Manufuctnrerhae. Alio, Twilled Linen Sheeting, 2 1-2 yards wide. THE BARNSLEY TABLE LINENS ABE OF KXTBA HEAVY MAKE,'ami t Tarda wide, l>»(dnnlnff at « cent-* imr- yard, and tip to BBBT All thine Good* are narroak'd perfect In every reaped, and we believe 23 per cent, below any other* in tbe market of same widths and qualities. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON. apll m w s J. M. HAFLEIGH, 1013 ana 1014 CHESTNUT STREET, WILL OPEN TUESDAY, APRIL 12th, DRESS GOODS AND SILKS Block and White Stripe Silks, #1 00. Blnck and'White Stripe Silks, @1 25. One ease Summer Silks, 871-2. Checks and Stripes, all qualities. Bonnets Taffetas, $3 00. Bonnets Taffetas, 03 75 to 86 00. SPECIAL OPENING OF LADIES’ SUITS. LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. NOW OPEN, The Latest novelties j in LADIES’ DRESS TRIMMINGS, Laces and Trimmed Paper Patterns, AT ItfAXWELL’S LADIES’DRESS TRIMMINGS, PAPER PATTERN, AND DRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. corner Chestnut and Eleventh Sts. PRINCIPAL AGENCY FOR B. BUTTBBICK & CO.’S CELEBRATED PATTERNS OF GARMENTS For Ladies, Misses, Boys and Little Children, wfrr BOOTS AND SHOES. BAHT LET T. No. 33 South Sixth Street, Ever thankful for the patronage ex tended him heretofore, and desirous of further favors, begs to announce his Spring Styles' of Boots and Shoes for Gents’ and Boys’ wear, A large assortment of Custom-made Goods, made bn his Improved Lasts, which ; are unrivalled for comfort and beauty, enables him to furnish a ready fit at. all times. I ■ ■' doM-mwiflyrp ■ BB SPLENDID DOUBLE DAMASK. THE CHEAPEST LIME OF EVER OFFERED 1,000 Suita will be furnished at $lO each. [lf THIS MARKET. Black Gros Grains, 91 50. Black Or on GralnH, 81 75 to 80 00. ! One case New Fonlards. One cnMC Coarse Mesh Mernnnl at We. Grenadines, 81 00 to 88 00. 1,000 pieces Dress Goods jnst purchased and will be sold at half value. V URNITUKE, &C. FURNITURE. Reduction in Prices TO SUIT THE TIMES. $lOO,OOO WORTH OF ALL KINDS. GEO. J. HENKELS, 1301 and 1303 Chestnut St. mh2filmrjp§ . : ■ • ' ■ furniture. JOHN M. GARDNER, 1316 CHESTNUT STREET, Hits miqtiostionnbly .some of the newost ami prettiest styles ol < FINE FURNITURE over before produced. In regard to quality and finish tho goods cannot be enrnaeied. Mr. GARDNER invitee tho attention of thoso in tending to purchase to call and examine hie stock,which w-illbe Bold at pricos that mußt prove tempting. • mhilO-rptf ■ ' , .... IQ-VA GET YOUR HAIR CUT AT 101 V. KOPP’B Biiloort, by first-class Hair Ontlera. Hair and Wliisfeers dyed., Sbavo and Bathi 30 cents. Ladies’and Children's bair cut. Razors act In order. Ofcen Sunday itiorulng, No. 125 Exchange Place, it* • G. 0. KOPP.
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