CITY BULLKTIM. —Heniy Benners, of 1822 Monroe street, tiad a leg fractured yesterday by a bag of grain fall ingon him at the Baltimore depet. —The Aldermanic lines returned to the City ' Treasurer for the month *of March were: Lewis Godbou, $3B; Thomas Dallas, $35; W. S. Tol*nd,'s4l 50; William Neill, $24; \V R. Heins, $25 ; -Thomas RaWMI; s2Bu A. M»r row, $27; C. E.'Panoosst, $4O ; J. R. Massey, $3B. ' - —Hon. Wm* D. Kellsy’&frtends held a meet; ink at Spring Garden Hall last erening, for the purpose of adopting measures to Insure his ropomination.. Richard Chambers presided. Addresses were made by Major A..R. 'Calhoun, Edwin H. Coates, Captain Mackey and Thos. W. Price. —The Insurance Patrol are about haying a new domicil at 244 Arch street. The building selected is large and commodious. The first floor is to be fixed up for the wagon* apd the stable will be in the rear. l The upper rooms are set apart for quarters for; the patrolmen and drying rooms, with an office for : Captain Mc- Cusker. '”' —The Spring Garden Female Bible Society held its twenty-seyenth annual, meeting last evening, at the Central Congregational Church. Addresses were made by Rev, Peter Stryker, Itey. J. Spencer Kennard, Key. D. Ai Cunning ham and Rev. Eaward IJaires, The report shows a balance of $230 07 on hand. \ —The Guardians" of the Poof held a stated meeting yesterday afternoon. The population of. die Almshouse was reported as 3,437, an inerease of 115 over the same period last year. TheWliole number of persons receiving Out door relief is 14,277, and the total expendi tufes were $8,435 14. —John L. Cessna, who , came to this city with the daughter of his brother, Dr. Robert A. Cessna, of Rocky Springs, Mississippi, was at the Central Station yesterday, charged, by Lieut. Kelly, with having threatened to take the life of his' brother upon liis arrival here. A loaded revolver and some cartridges were found in.bis carpet-bag. He was committed for, a further hearing. _ i , —Citizens opposed to the construction of a freight railroad on Front street and other streets In the First and Second Wards held; a meeting last evening. John Patterson presided. A resolution requesting Governor Geary to withheld his signature from the bill, for the reason that the title'does not clearly express its character, and because it proposes to take the streets dedicated to public use for private pur poses, was adopted. ’ —The Historical Society of Pennsylvania held their monthly meeting at their rooms,Sixth and Adelphi streets, last evening. The libra rian reported the receipt of 162 books, 56 pamphlets j and 2 relics, since the last meeting. The secretary announced that the Pennsyl vania Female Anti-Slavery Society intended to donate their papers and books to the Historical Society. A motion, made by Charles J. Lu kens, that a standing committee of three be ap pointed on heraldry as adopted by the United Slates, and the several States, Territories, etc., was agreed to. —The Coroner’s inquest in the case of Patrick Williams, who died from the effects of a shot received at the tavern of John Beam, Eleventh and Sansom streets, on Wednesday night last, was concluded yesterday afternoon. Joseph Spencer and Wm. H. Taggart were examined. Both saw Williams with a pistol, hut neither saw the shooting, as they got out of the place before it occurred. Taggert beard three shots, and one appeared to come from a pistol different from the'other two. The ver dict of the jury was that the said Patrick Wil liams came to his death from the effects of gunshot wounds, received at the hands of Francis McDonald, at the southeast cornet l of Eleventh anil Sansom streets, on the night of April 6th, 1870. The prisoner, Francis Mc- Donald, was committed for trial. —The Philadelphia Society for the Employe ment and Instruction of the Poor held its an nual meeting yesterday afternoon at the “House of Industry,” No. 718 Catharine street. The report shows that during the past year 2,170 persons were recipients of- its hospi tality; lodgings were' furnished to - 4*405 per sons, and meals to 8,810; 1,960 persons en joyed the use of the baths; 966 received food at the door. The majority of those seeking shelter and relief were mechanics and labor ing, men in search of work. Quite a number of colored people, of all ages’'a»d both sexes, have been assisted in various ways. There are two day schools attached <to the building, one for . white and the other for colored children. The latter school is entirely conducted and supported by two benevolent ladles. The school for the white children is presided over by Elizabeth Robertson. The average; daily attendance was 120, of which 63 Were girls and 57 boys. The baths given numbered 1,342, and 2,091 dinnera were furnished. The attendants of the school ’ are the children of the extremely poor. James T. Shinn, chairman of the Dis pensary Committee, reported the doings of that., department for the, last year. The number of prescriptions - compounded was UijXH); patients who received medicines and •attendance, 8,160. The Treasurer’s report shows that -the receipts were $5,031 45, while the'expenditures amounted to $5,735 54, leav ing' a deficiency of $lO3 09. The following officers and managers were elected to serve the ensuing year;—ProsMe/it—David Scull. Vice President*—John Kelley, Charles J. Rowland. Rtcordiny Secretary —Coleman L. Nicholson. Corresponiinrj Secretary— Charles, P. Perot. Treasurer —Wistar Morris. Mumyers —lsrael 14. Johnson, Joshua L. Bailey, T. Wistar Brown, John C. Savery, Coleman L. Nicholson, Bartholomew W. Beesley, Edward It. Wood, Wm. Hacker, James T. Shinn, John S. Jenks, Edward Bettle, Jr., Hugh Stevenson, Jno. W. Wright, Jonathan Evans, Peicival Collins, Edward Scull, Richard Wood, Wan'. Kelley, James L. Bispham, Geo. W. Bacon, Caleb Wood, Henry Haines. With a corresponding number of ladies as managers. NEW JERSEY MATTERS. County Clerkship.— The interest attached to the nomination of Clerk for Camden county appears to be on the increase. A number of candidates have presented themselves, subject to the decision of the nominating convention, on the Republican side, all of whom are good and reliable gentlemen. The Democrats are also casting about for a sacrificial candidate, hnt as yet have not found one who is pecuni arily willing to offer himself on the altar. The contest, however, will be a lively one, as efforts will he more especially made to secure the dele gation from the county to the Legislature, be cause a United States Senator is to be elected next winter, in place of Hon. A. G. Cattell. Handsome Present. —As a token of the esteem with which many of the church mem bers regarded the Rev. Mr. White car, pastor of the Third Street M. E. Church, they pre sented him with a fine gold American watch, on the eve of his leaving the charge in Cam den for new fields of religious duty. It bore an appropriate inscription. On a Journey. —This morning a deputa tion of Philadelphia City Councils passed through Camden, on-their way to Newark, for the purpose of examining some wooden pavements in that city. Thev were joined bv a'party in Camden. y Gloucester Turnpike.— lt is said that the Township Committee, now that the charter of the Camden and Gloucester Turnpike Com pany has been annulled by the Legislature, are about putting that thoroughfare in excellent condition. THE D&ILYJE VENING 12. 1870. Rkcotbred.— All tho articles of clothing which were receritljstolen fforaa store in Med ford hive,beenredovefod.' u So,’ hare 'the ‘f6b berejwho abb fibvf' Iff tile jail' at Mount' Holly,, awaiting trial. -p, ,‘tv Trifling Fire.— Last evening, ahqut seven o’clock, aiviUcishdiary set fife to a small shanty near CehtreTi)l6 ) !ibbutkmjre'jfr(jm‘, 'Camden, which was owned aMr. : Kafghn. Loss trifling, it waahnoccupled. ; Court Businbss.— Quite a number of criminal cases have btfonqtat <ta the list for trial ( at'the pfCsent session of foe Special. Court,, which jfoffimehced, this mofning.; Petty Lakcknt.— Several parties , have recently been arrested. jn. NeVrtoii township for petty larcenies, and .committed to answer at the present .term qf the Court. > LoDoeeS.—Nine lodgers were last night at, the police station houso in Camden. , . A CAUFORNU COSHIISIOH. Tbe E»rtta«a'ake In; San Francisco on She 24. , ; , ~ [Fromtlu) San Francisco. Alta, April 3.J Precisejy at 11 o’clock 48 minutes and 9| seconds yesterday forenoon, this city was visited with asharp, vigorous earthquake, which passed off doing no damage: . Of course, it was productive of foe usual, excitement which at tends the m ost trifilsg cases of this phenomenon. This was more particularly noticeable where laige numbers of persons were' congregated, as in the Courts, the Merchant’s Exchange, the Csstom-house and Post-office.; The stampede at each of these places was as lisual Ijasty and precipitate, but all fears very 'soon subsided, and business was so soon, resumed tjhat it can hardly be said it was even' inter-, rupted. Horses are very sensitive to earth quakes, and an unusual number of runaways occurred. The animals plunged and jumped recklessly, but nothing serious transpired. At. the Customshouse the shock wasi found tb be ( of mucii advantage to’Mr. Phelps, as it had the effect of routing a host of political office-seekers try whom 1 he-'was being interviewed, Prior to the shock the barometer was observed to fall very, rapidly, and it had rained for. about two hours previously. After the shock the rain fell more copiously. The first shock lasted just long enough to start people FfSfirTheir houses to the streets, Where they waited inexpectation of the second,, and, failing to experience it, they quickly re turned to their The oiily damages were by collisions of vehicles attached tb stam peded ' horses, but nothing otherwise—no broken windows worth mentioning, scarcely any plastering cracked—nothing more than might have been done by two or three boys flinging pebbles* or by a little pinch of frost. It left so little impression that the attendance at the matinee performances at the theatres was as great as if there had been no shock. Persons walking on the streets did not feel it, 1 and would have thought themselves victims of an April Fool joke, on being told of it, if they had not seen people rushing out of the build ings. Those who were excited greatly over estimated the duration of the shock, as is usually the case—three seconds, and even six seconds, being insisted upon—while those who profess to be “ earthquake sharps” say that it was really less than oue second, and that the vibration came from west to east. The excitement was marked by many amusing incidents. A gentleman last night 1 said : “ The Chinese seem to stand them best. 1 saw a negro on Montgomery street who ab solutely turned white, and seemed perfectly be wildered, not knowing whether to stand, run or lie down. At the same time a Chinaman, who had been cleaning windows on the fourth story of a house close by, looked on with as little concern as if nothing unusual hau oc curred. He viewed the crowds who thronged the streets with all the complacency of a supe rior being whom nothing could have injured. Some one cried out, ‘John, you had better Pave there,’ an advice which merely elicited a smile from the Chinaman.” Lla» and Staff. [ From the Boston Daily Adrortiser, April 2.] Tile only “ executive’* department in our navy; created by law ( is that of which the Sec retary of the Navy is the hb‘ad,.and all tern- - porary executive authority can be exercised only by those officers authorized by the Secre tary to command under special laws. Some of our naval heroes, and legislators too, are still bent upon introducing or maintaining in our navy what General Sherman tersely denomi nates “ two captains on board the same ship,” ''which he “ does not wish to see.” A later writer says that, all things considered, the most• odious conceptions of human society which the ->world has ever seen were the conceptions of an intellect certainly among the loftiest which have ever exercised their .powers in speculative thought. “ Executive precedence ” of juniors in our naval organization is no les3 odious and irrational than the theories of Plato’s republic to modem society, despite the roseate hues in which the loftiest naval geniuses may paint its beauties, and the healthful influence which they attribute to it—these ofily appear, in theory; in practice it is a malignant ulcer in our naval system. It is only in one light rbow { ever, that the theory shows to advautage. It cannot stand the test of method, by which Nature is said to secure her results. “Execu tive precedence ” of juniors, while it disturbs, instead of harmonizing, the whole naval ma chinery, is antagonistic to positive rank. Yet it seems probable that both wifi be con ceded. It is certain that the spirit of the peo ple rises against the spirit of caste and discrimi nation, between different 1 classes of public officers. Congress violates that spirit in giving stone to one and fish to another. If naval rank generally is too exalted, let Congress cut it down. But what we propose to show is how “ Executive precedence ’’ of juuiors destroys the vital principles of all rank, and in doing this we vindicate the justice of positive rank to the Staff, and indirectly expose the fallacy of the former doctrine. ; We except always the executive power of command, speeially dele gated by law, through the’chief civil “ Execu tive,” the Secretary of the Navy. Simple rank, in its military signifieance, means degree. Every military degree has a name or designa tion. But the nomenclature of rank in the army and navy differs; thus, commodore in the navy nomenclature indicates the degree of brigadier-general in the army nomenclature. This is called assimilation of rank; but it will be observed that the nomenclature in each ser vice is distinct, different, and in each expresses positive rank. • Consistently with the analogy of the word—similis, like one rank (naval)' assimilates with another rank (military). No conceivable thing'can he assimilated with itself; it is itself, not like itself. , There are some very intelligent men, how ever, who just enter upon the threshold of this discussion, and by a verbal deception deceive themselves, and almost everybody else, in pro posing to give the. surgeons, paymasters, en gineers and constructors of the navy assimi lated rank. Now “assimilated rank, ” as ap plied to the naval Staff, is a senseless phrase, and very different from the instance we have cited. In truth it is not intended, by the op ponents of positive rank, to give the Staff any rank at all. The Line leaders propose to enact that the Staff of the navy shall assimilate in rank with the Line, but they refuse to provide a nomenclature for Staff rank, and thus the Staff.are deprived of all rank; else the Staff would not rank with, but m commodores, cap tains, etc., ‘ in which case the rank would not be assimilated, because of the impossi bility of assimilating a rank with itself, hut positive, which we believe caunot he long i|iiestioned on any ground of natural justice and consistency. We indulge iff no extvava- gant -langHage.;, We have inada a qareful and exact statement andj analysis of the qttostfon and the rank , which the Staff held for years. It is clCar foatthc enactment of a law to estab jiah such assimilated rank vrovjcl boa* mockery, ii cheat, a sham; and fob Staff are Justified in heir expression of indignant contempt at the cheme. To such a law our representatives fouldoply.yield foeir-nssenKaa OMltehTdld’ biff to.foe blind SupefstitiOn Orfoiadtilr of lilajeiiqi-l tales, while they* declare' iff'raj “saflft DfeatK' their living faith in the fitness of things and ffray .for confusion to,those who resist the logic of truth. ■'< u '■ * ■ ■■■-*.-v •' • * - j Now it is tho aggressive, expanding, all absorbing, almost impossible, function of the junior tiff Oar navy which is agitating the naval service like an earthquake, and seriously affecting its efficiency. This alone would seemito bp.a.sufflcletitrqason wliy tne 1 stumbling-block of “ executive” junior should be forever -removed -as- a matter of policy. As a matter of reason it is destructive qf the Vital principlg of rank' to, say; that* an !fficer of alowff rdegree should takopreCedCno* fan officer of a‘higher degree," for rank is iven to establish, and its nomenclature is dotted to designate the Antecedence of the senior rank to the junior rank. So, likewise, any law which at the same time establishes an ‘j executive”' junior; precedence affd positive rank, must neutralize itself in a great measure, and .fail, in accomplishing its object ffota its’manifest inconsistencies: ' j He who fails to interpret tho signs of the times aright on this quqstiop must, fail ,to. un : derstand correctly'tbo 'teffdefffcy of our'laws to' 'subordinate any class to the good of the whole, apd the. determination, of tho people, to pfOj tict arid honoralike those officers who enter foe naval Stafl' in the full flush of professional training and ripened,manhqod, filled with the patriotic ambition and warm sympathies of an American citizen* and those-who enter <thh na val Line to be trained 'add-educated by the State. ' . ' ?'•-, '••■■ i-'i Amusements. OI 'E ' BV L L .... BESPECTFUELV ANVOIfNOES r . ONE GBANU CONCERT . At the ACADEMY OF MUblO, Pbiiftdolphln, TUESDAY EVENING, AprUlS, assisted by the foliowina artistes: MISS UATTIB BAFFOBD, tbe favorite Soprano i . , » 3111. WILLIAM MACDONALD, tbe popular tenor: s'. v MB. EDWABD HOFFMAN, thedistinguiabed and Composer. Admibaiou, JJi; Family Circle, 50ceats. Sale of tickets begins at Gould’s 3luhSc Store, on Saturday, April 9tti, 187 U, from 9 A. M. to « P. M; Doors open at 7. Concert begins at 8. ALKX. BULL, Business Manager. J. JAY,WATSON, Agent. , ap>-3t§ f AURA KEENE’S Li CHKSTNUT-STKEET THEATRE. RETURN OF THE EXILES. Commencement of tbe Summer Senson. . A EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK, MRS. JAMES A. OATES AND 1188 CELEBRATED COBIPANY, in tbe great historic burlesque, THE FIELD OF THE OLOTU OF GOLD. Over one hundred artistes nppouring. 2 MATINEE ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, atj.^ Waendt'stkbet theatre. this iTUESDAY) EVENING. April 12, BENEFIT OF W H. BAILEY. Bouoicnult'B Comedy, in 5 acts, of -OI.D HEARTS AND YOUNG HEARTS. ' Becitntion, PutrickHenry's Oriitlon, bj MB.OHABI/ESUEED. Banjo Solo Joo Mortimer Song—" Tin; Olil Dietcher Gontlpnian,'.'. mb: w. h. baiuey. To conclud. with the Sensation Drama of JONATHAN BRADFORD. IV/TRS. JOHN DREW’S ARCH STREET 01 THEATRE. Bo(rin«7V o’clock SECOND WEEK OF FBOU-FBOU. MONDAY AND EVERY EVENING, Mr. Augn,tine Daly’s successful Comedy from the French, entitled FKOTJ-FBOU. , WITH EVERY SCENE NEW. Costumes and Appointments New. MRS. JOHN DREW as... ....GILBERTE ■. Aided bj* the'. SEATS SECURED SIX DAYS IN ADVANCE. ■VTINTH WEEK. JL> GRAND ANTHILORIOUS PILGRIM. BKNRFITS.—Monday Evening, April 11, Third Bap* tint Church, Tuesday., Grand Division 8, of-T.. State of Ptnna. Wedaebday.2.3o PI 31. Evening, Alpine Lodge, No. 777,1 0.0. F. Thursday, West Phila., Lodge,l. O. 0. F., No, 572. Friday Evening, Emery M. a. Cbureh. Baturnayi2.Bo P. M. Evening, Kueijnenaku Tribe of I. O. R. M. Concert Hall. Front and Gallery, 75c. Admission 50c.; Children 25c. J. W. BAIN, opll-3t Proprietor. YYh Ai sThTjABiVIB’H 8 ERIES OP CL AS \J SICAL SOIREES 1860-1870. . SIXTH. AND LAST SOIREE, At Dutton’a Piano Booms, ■ c*ATITBDAY EVENING, April lfltb, 1370;^‘”7 V* Commencing at 8 o’clock. TICKETS, ONE DOLLAR, for sale at all tbe priucl pal Music Stores, and at the door. apllfit DUPREZ &, BENEDICT’S OPERA HOtTSEs SEVENTH Street, below Arch. THIS EVENING. DUPBEZ A BENEDICT’S ' GIGANTIC MINSTRELS WILL INTRODUCE First Time—Great Burlesque, Otbelld; Kirat Week—Piscatorial Excursion. First Week—Finale. Slumbering 3loke. • Last Week—lrresistible Hunky & Dory. TTIOX’S AMERICAN THEATSb; T f , WALNUT STREET, above EIGHTH. . EVERY EVENING—OId Eugllsli Pastimes. “Punch and Jody,” by the’great comedians COLLINS and DAISKY. World-renowned CARLO j* BROTHERS. Two Grand Ballets, Mile. DE ROSA and LA ROSA. VTEW ELEVENTH STEEET OPERA IV BOUSB THB FAMILY RESORT. CA HNCKOSS t DIX KVS MINSTRELS, EVERY EVENING. J. L. OARNCROSB, Manager. Temple oe wonders—assembly BUILDINGS. LAST WEEK. LAST WEEK. SIGNOR BLITZ. Jit. Re-appearanco of SIGNOIt BLITZ on Saturday After noon, and laet performance of the-ueaiion. TNBTITUTJON EOR THE BLIND, Twentieth and Raco etreete, Exhibition CT.TV \VEDNESDAY.at3K P. M.AdmiHaion 15, eta. [ol2-t.tfs QENTZ AND HASSLER’S MATINEES.— O Musical Fnnd Hall, 1869-70. Every SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at o'clock. oolP-tf A~ OADEM Y OF FINE ARTS, , CHESTNUT Btroet, above Tenth. Open from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Benjamin Weat’a Great Picture of CHRIST REJECTED - la atllloh exhltiltlon'. je22-tf special notices; "THE . PHUSNIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Apkil Ist, 1870. Notice to hereby given la pursuance of an act Of Assembly, approved Februury 3d, 1870, entitled 4 ‘ An Act authorising the DirectorH of the Phoenix Insurance Company of Philadelphia to wind up and settle tbe affairs of tho’Company, and distribute the assets among the stockholders;'’ that the assent of tine holders of more than one-half of the stock of the said Company v whether in their own right or iu a representative ca pacity, as required by said act, has been obtained thereto, and that the Directors Mill proceed under the provisions of said act, with all convenient speed, to close the business, to liquidate, settle and wind up all the concerns of the said’Company, and to convert Us mmols Into inonoy. Jly order of the Board of Directors, aplf&tn»Btjj J. B. WUOHEBEB, President, ly-s* CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAIL IMx BOAD AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, Tiiknto.v, N. J.. April llth, 1870. Theanuual mootingof the Stockholders of the Cam den and Amboy Railroad and Transportation Company will be held at the Company’s office, In TrontOn, N. J on TUESDAY, theof May, 1870,at 12 o’clock M., for tho election of seven Directors, to serve fqr the en- S « i,,gy ™ r ' BARREL J. BAYA RD ; / ftpll till myll§ Hocrotary C. A A. B. B. & T. Co. "OFFlCE OF THE AMERICAN IM? FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. •• , Philadelphia, April 11, 1870. The Directors have . th“ day declared a Dividend of Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents per share for tho last six montliß, which will be paid to tho Stockholders, or thoir legal representatives, on and aftor tho 21st inet., clear of all taxes. ‘ A. C.L. CRAWFORD, apU-9t§ n Secretary. irks NEWSBOYS’ HO Si E.-EXIIR I tion of tho PILGRIM, for tho benefit of the Newsboys’ Homo, will bo given at Concort Hall on MONDAY next, 18tli, at 8 o’clock, upliatf ITS* OFFIOE LEHIGH VALLEY RAIL IU? BOAD COMPANY,3O3 Walnut Btreot. In consequence of the 15th Inst, being a legal holiday,, tho Dividend of this Company announced for that date will not be paid until Saturday, 10th insfc. apBtaplfl§] C. C. LONGSTBETII, Treasurer. OFFiOEOF THE FRANKLIN FIRE tKs? INSURANCE COMPANY. > . Philadhlpiiia, April 4, 1870. At a Mooting of the Board of Directors of tho Com pany, hold this day, a Bomi-Annual Dividend of Six Per Cent., and an Extra Dividend of 'I on Per Cent., wore de clared on tho Capital Stock.payablo to the Stockholders,' or thoir legal representatives, on and aftor tho 14th instant, clear of all tuxes, qp6 to 14§ J. W . MeALIjSTER, Secretary.’ ~ “JLOST7 ' T OST OR MISLAID—A PERPETUAL J-JPolicy tinnHuraoco, No. 25.539, Ibhuocl by tho Fire Association of Philadelphia, May 20, 1857,f0r 80,000, to 0. A. Poulnon, Trustee, on premises No. 310 Chestnut street. Any information thereof will be roceirod by* .TOHKPH lIAKBY, No. 420 Waluut BUoot. FOK SALK. BROWN STONE RESIDENCE M r ■ | No. 1929 ARCH STREET. ' I Elegant Brown-Stone Residence* three stories an Mansard roof } coifitnbdloutii ffifhlshe4'%i»k modern wnvdnlGncc, and bttUt in 4 kfid snbstAhtial mafineri Lot ScfisetfrontbyUOlset dtfento Ourbbert stfeot; orfWhion ia eVocted a handsomebrfclc Stable,and Coach Houso. j J. M. GUMMBY * SONS, . . || BROWN STONE DWELLING f| Alb COACH HOUSE, j N0.'1507 SPRUCE Street, , ; , rS'-c '. FOB B'AhJS OHS&P. • Induiro of DREXEL & CO., 34 South Third Strset. .rofallth.tu ;’: 1 j a EXECUTORS’ SALE. WILL BE sold at public 6&16, oh Monday, May 2d, 1870, dclocktOntkapromUea, that neat -little place of between two and*three aorea. Idto feiidenc*) of RICHARD M. SHOBMAKRR,-deceased, situated on city, within fire mlnntea’ walk; of- the York Road Sta tion, North, Pcnna.Rallroad., / • , V ;Tbe impravehtenra consist of a good Stone direlline -lidu«,j;*H stprtes hfgh, cootainlnff twelve room. ; hath,. room, with hvt and cold water; range in kltoken, fpr rachlnutenar; Commodion* piazzas on three'Bides of tbl honse; ground, nicelyilaid out,and emhf 11 jehed wlth; abode and trait trees, ornamental shrubbery, Ac. Tbe garden In large and well stocked , with small fruits; and crops in sopson. Stonp coach-house, with ..stabling at tached for five horses ahd throe cows.' , OHAB. B. SHOEMAKER! J apl2 tu th a tmzji ! i Hiecutbra., j FQB SALE DR .EXCHANGE FOE Hill Oity Property—Three flue, residences tn Brooklyn, N. Y. Call on A. T. LYNCH, Board of Health olSce,, Bixth and. Sansom atreeta* • > ! • It* ■ NO; 331 EIGHTEENTH STREET. JEI ABOVE WALNUT... , , , j Will sell this elegant medidm-aize dwelling, April 19th. Possession Immediate, Terms easy.,, . apll to ap2o§ m CAFE M AYjAJND AIJL A W TIQ CIT V. Bla —Only Agphey in Phnodelphia*for the sale of Cot tageß and Building Lota at. they abate places. BoVecai (losirnblo opportunities now offsted by , DANIEL M.FOX A SON, f apll-lm§ ,i. No. 540 North Fifth street. ~m THE tjKDEBSIGNED OFEEHB FOB JkIS. Hale or barter his convenient and comfortabln resi dence on the line of the North Pennsylvania Railroad, near Fisher’s.Lape station, abouthvo miles north of Market etroot." A substantial stoue house with modoru conveniences, mid over six acres of choico land. wilb handaomo lawn and fine fruit and ornamental trees and shrubbery ; a large andyery productive garden, well stocked with grapes, fltrawlierries, radrberrlej3,biackberrleB,currants, gooseberries, Ac.: a cOrntnodions barn and carriage house, with stabling for five horses and three cows: a good green-house and grapery, with choico foreign grapes; ice house, chicken-house, &c. An additional houso, nearly now, with good garden, well stocked with fruit,with ice-house, hennery, Ac.,and over threq acres of land, with, fine trees, can also bo hod ifdesirable. The whole being admirably adapted for two families desirous of btdng near each other. , p SAMUEL MASON, ap9 s tu th 6t§ • No. 15 South Seventh atreet. mWESTPHI L A'DELBHI A.—FOR Sale or to Root—4ll6 Spnice street. Very band* eonio Brown Stone Front Beaidonce. Mansard roof, sido yard, all modern conveniences, in perfect older. Imme diate possession. 4119 Pine street—Double Mansion, built of dressed Gray Stone, side yard, every convenience, in perfect or der. Possession May Ist. , „ „ C..T.FELL A BRO., ' ap2e tu thlm§ A 120 South Front street.: m rivertois, n. j.-for sale i-A MuL Desirable House,beautifully located. Apply 339 Market street. ap7-th a tulOt* EOR SALE! Tbe very elegant country seat known ns “ Malvern. near Bußtleton, Twenty-third Ward, five minntes walk Irom depot. MANSION HOUSE, Large nnd commodious, with every convenience, garden er's cottage, Ice honse, stable and carriage house, large grapery (underglass), stocked with the beat varieties of foreign grapes |n fall hearing: lawnßMl acres, laid out nEnginih style; fine old shade trees, beautiful ever ureens and hedges, plenty of shrubbery; abundance of fruit, large and small, and excellent wat-r. An ndjoininglot oflive acre&can bo had If desired. Terms easy. * Apply at ; ap2-s tu th No. 322 CHEBTNUT street. § jjf GERMANTOWN—FOR SALE—ONE BluLof the most desirable properties on Wei»t Tulpo* hucken street (N 0.68). 140 feet front, also a fronton Washington laneol 80 feet; large, well-finished double Mansion,fine shade, fruit, shrubbery, Ac. If desired will be divided. Apply on the property, or of I\ A E. H. WILLIAMSON, ; 700 Arch street, m FOR PINE STREET* bandflomo three-story brick dwelling, with three* story double back buildings; every modern conve nience and in good order. Immediate posietf*!on‘giveß. J.M. GUMMBY A SONB, 733 WaUut fitreet. ;m' c :for sale-new modern resl B|SLDENGES,--F«ur-Ftory brick hbiise;’ Delancey place, east of Nineteenth street. 1 Fonr-story , brick bouse (French roof), 490 South Twenty-fiecond street. . Throe-etory brick house, 401 South Twenty-second Street. Three-story brick house, east side of Twenty-first street.north of Arch street. r ’ Apply to F. K. HIPFIiE. FOR SALE OR TO RENT—THAT UMold established business stand No. 529 Chest- MliiL nut, opposite Independence Hall. Apply to.R BBAH KEY.6I9 Walnut ntreet, or to Kerr’s China Half, 1218 Chestnut street/ - ’ /1 ' -■* ' v ap9 6t& fIa.VFOB' SALE-803 NORTH EIGHTH JKai'styeetf ibove 1 Brown, "brick dwelling, with.sida yard; and three-story double back buildings. AU in good-order, * COOPER & CONARD, ap9-Gt* S.E corner Ninth and Market, OHEStNaTHltli £liuL A very complete stone bonso. near station. Has parlors, dining-rooni,'library, two kitchens, eight bed rooms, two bath-rooxoß and ample couvcniouces. Part city pnmerty taken if remiired. VT. C. MACKIs, Graver's lane,orJ.C. SIDNEY, No. 204 South Fifth street. ap9-6t* FOR SALE-:$11,000 GERMAN ■mi TOWN COUNTRY RESIDENCE, NEAR THE WISBAIIIOKON, MODERN STONE HOUSE, GOOD STONE BARN, ICE-HOUSE, SHADE AND FRUIT TREKS, Ac.;TOGETHER WITH SIX ACRES OF LAND BORDERING ON THE PARK. APPLY 122 SOUTH FRONT STREET. ap3,6t* EOIi SALE.—A MODERN THREE liiiiLStory residenco, No. 9016 Arch ntreot. Has every convenience and in porfect order. Will be sold with or without tho furhiture, and terms made to suit the pur chaser. Apply to ROBERT BUYBT, J*., ap66t§ : 922_and street, Miove Ninth. ‘jm ' WEST PHILADELPHIA—FOR BiliLsalc—handsome modern cottage, with every con venience, nod large lot, situate on a corner m tho highest and most desirable portion of Went Philadel phia, J. M. GUMMEY & SONS, N 0.733 Walnut street. Igm “IVYSIDE—GERMANTOWN—FOR Mllil Sale.*—The Elegant Pointed Stone Cottage Resi dence, kuown as IVYBIDB, Bitnate on southwest cor ner or West >Valnut Lane and Green stroet, German town, finished throughout In tho very best manner, fur nished* with every city convenience, and in perfect order. Stone Stable and Carriago Houso, Cow Houso and large Lot of Ground,' beautifully shaded, and planted with choice shrubbery. J.M.GUMMEY& 50N8.733 Wal nut street., _ _ 1 • _ jsa NEW BROWN STONE HOUSEB, HIDLnOB. 1920, SOW AND SOlO BPBUCK STREET FOR hALE. FINISHED IN WALNUT IN, THE MOST SUPERIOR MANNER, AND WITH EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. B. B. WARREN, 2013 SPRUCE STREET. APPLY BETWEEN 2 AND 4 O’CLOCK P. M., mh2stf SFOR SALE.—THE DESIRABLE Throe-story . Dwolling, with Throe-story Back lings. No. 400 South Ninth street, with all improve ments. Tbot 21)4x188 foot deep to a hack street. Also, a Modern Dwelling, No. 2220 Spruce street; all improve ments. Immediate possession. Terms easy. Apply to OOPPUOK A JORDAN,433 Walnut street. akT CHESTNUT HILL.—FOR ■ SALE-A HHil Handsome Modern, Pointed-Stone Residence, with parlor, library, dining-room, large pantries, two kitchons, nine chambers, bath.'water-closets, Ac., 4c.; and largo lot of ground, situate , on Chestnut avonno, within five minutes walk from Railroad Depot, Imme diate possession given. J. M. QUMMEY i 50N5,733 Walnntstreet. wea ARCH. STREET—FOR SALE—THE Miiii handsome thfeo-stdry brick'residence, with attics, and throe-story back buildings, situate No. 1723 Arch street Lot. 24 feet 6 inches front by 140 feet doep. Im mediate possession glvon. J. M. QUMMEY A SONS, No. 733 Walnut street. ' - a t - i M- — GERMANTOWN.—FOR SALE-A very desirable Stone Mansion, with stone stable and carriage-house, with three acres.of land nttaohod, eituato on Duy’s lane; within % of a mllo from Duy’a lano station, on Germantown Railroad. Has every con venience and 1b in good order. •'Grounds handsomely laid out and planted with every variety of choice shrub herv Terms, accommodating. Immediate possession. .1 %. QUMMEY & BONB, 733 Walnut street. -jsa. V V T EST SPRUCE STREET—FOR SALE BM—The desirable Building Lot No. 2102 Spruce street. 22 feet front by WO foef deep toa stroet. J.M. QUMMEY A SONS, 733 Walnpt Btreet. wsj CHESTNUT STREET.—FOR SALE— BM.An elogant modern Residence, 25 feet front, with every convenience, bulltand fnrn ehed thronghputtn a superior manner. add lot 235 feet deep through to Snn- Hom Btreet, Situate west of Eighteenth street. J. Mi guMMEY A SONS, 733 Walnut street. _ j. ASS GERMANTOWN—FOR SALE—THE Bill handsbnie Stono Cottage,- sltnatod Northwest, cor uerEast Woldht lano land Morton 'street. Every city convenience and in perfect order. Grounds well shaded by full grown trees. J. M. GUMMEY A SONS, 733 Walnut stroot. rrnuoAi?iTAliiBTaAM»r3iciirjDEißS>- JL For Bale—A lawra'AS*, te» A aOTM»fe HEROHANTVTLLE N. J.~BUrLDING foruaie, fir* minutes’s sr»lk ft»P> WplWobd B;'- BOB' SALE.—DW ELLINGS— rj;;, jj.HM Worth TuMlfth modefn ; ( ilsafiokhTweltlb ttieeti'; Thrpi-storp modern dffi' street. 1 Three-story ditolUa'g ilth threq-story tenement onrear bMot. : ■ , TIKW Bouth Tonthstreet. 1 Throe-story dwelling. 1003 BputhThirt afreet; Throe-Story dwolllng. :]2l2ilarlbiFroUgh' ‘street," Blctunond. Three-story brisk «« ,e “ l “s Wßl , n j Ba - WtiPKßTras. ' 'V' 1 AMBodthßeeondstroet. Threo-atorybrfok, ttbj I*3. MONbrthEleventh atreot; FoUr-story brick, libyM. 423 Seed stroet;'Corner atAroacfd dwelling. Wifi South Slith street. Tavern and dwelling. 1436 Paaayunk Bo ad. ' v iROBBBT QBAFFKN * SON, 1 i 1 =.i No. 637 Pino atroct. ».. Store 140 North Eighth:, Street. Inquire af33B York Avemio. «p»7tt • • , • • VTIREESE & McCOLLUM, REAL ESTATE - ■ e n AdCNTb, Office, Jackson street, opposite Msmaiott street, o*9* Island, H. f. Seal Estate bough, and Boid. Parsons 'desirous of renting cottages daring the Beeson wIU seel} or addxoss a* above. -■ .Beapectfailr refer to Ohu.A . Bobloam, Henry Banun. Merino, John Pajga^ #53 , TO RENT— . 1 HIS. AnKlecantCountry Kceiience, with *bont eight iMrea of JaiuT on which there »ro, besid«s acomfortaola farm-house—tonrvnt-liouse, stable* cow and chlokea* hpupßs. It Ih ftituated at the junction of Gray?• lane and Marshall road. and about on a line with Chestnut street*, from which bridge it ia only three miles; very •aay of access. Terms reasonable. Keys and information at HARPER k CHBPJ?irB, > ■■ ftpl2 6t*l No. 337 Walqnt street. 'jSSP TO BENT—AT GERMANTOWN, A H‘u> very desirable double bouse; situate on Main street, with every city convenience* as gas, water, &c. t with stabling, anq.ahous2o acres of land. • Also, a. desirable residence, corner of Carpenter street and Cresbehn road* with about 12 acres of land. Apply to W.C. HENBZEY*737 Market straet* or fo \V. • 11. BOOP, 6402 Main street* German' town. ; apT th s tu 6ts f?H TO RENT—FUUNISHKD—FOR A Mil year or shorter period, the premises No. 1831 Pino street. Apply to J. B. THAYER, apstuths6t§ No. 723 Walnut street. MCAI^IvT^^ANDTATtANTiOOTTY. —Numerous Cottages to Rent.' Some very de* sirablo opportunities offered. Parties dttirfng to rent can have description sad information and other facili ties furnished * and save them selves a run to the shore by applying to DANIEL 11. POX A SON* Principal Agency* No. North Fifth street. apll lms |JB FOR RENT. AT LONG BRANCH, Mil Two Famished Cottages, near the sea and prliics pul hotels. Apply to QLKNN A CO.. N0..726 Chestnut street. ap!l3t* fa TO RENT, BURNISHED, FOR BIX i months— Desirable Residence, north side at lirsen Mreet.urar Seventeenth street. Kent low to a good tenant. Apply at2i North Wttirr street. ap33t* TO LET, AFTER MAY Ist -THE Uixfirst-claa* famished Residence, Mo. 1717 Arch it. Apply 607 Commerce «treet. L ap!3t* ia TO RENT—FOR SIX MONTHB-A Kii FURNISHED HOUSE ON WAUNUT bTHEKT, BETWEEN TWENTIETH AND TWBNTY.PIRST, APPLY TO H. L., 210 CHESTNUT BTBKKT. apOtrS Mg) TO LET —SECOND-STORY FRONT Jti800m,324 Cbeatnat Btract, abont 20 x 23 fect.j . Suitable for an offleo or light huaincaa. ja!s tf r» EABlt A BBOTHKB m TO RENT—DURING SUMMER PitaiWet- Philadelphia), a handsomely famished house,-with largo g.oandn, stable, etc. Iwtulre 1004 Chestnut street,-second story; ap7 trj IIIfGIRARD STREET—A O rhAUD IfcaLEfitate dwelling, at reduced rent. Apply at Tower Hall, 618 Market street. mb23*tf| mFOR R E NT—FURNISHED-A handsome four-story brick dwelling, with b<nk buildings and every modern coDYemenc". eitoate on Broad street, b'ldw l’ioe. J-M. GUMM.KY A SONS, Ho. 733 Walnut street. mTO LET—THE STORE CONNECT jug with the Colonnade Hotel, ,1502, ISOtaud 1506 Chestnut street, suitable for gent's furnishing goods. K«'i)t moderate. Apply on the premises from 10 to 13 A.M. - , ~ mhJ2tfs 03 FOR RENT—FURNISHED OR UN furnished, the three-storyr brick dwelling situate VolttOS North Twelfth street. J. M. GUMMEY A BONS, 733 Walnut street. ~ ; 4B§ TO RENT—ROOMS. OF ALL SIZES, •Uni 'welllightedituluble for light manufacturing-busi' mess, inbuilaing No. 712Cheeti,at street. J. M. GUM MEY A BONB./33 Walnut street. £3. FOR RENT—CHESTNUT STREET. Ell—The desirable property northeast corner of Chestnntnnd Eleventh streets; will be Improved. , MARKET STREET— Valuable store property, 40 feet front, southwest corner of Sixth Btreet. Four-story Store, 617 MARKET street. VINE STREET—Large Dwelling, suitable for board ing-bcuse, situato N. E. comer Eighteenth and Vino. J.M. GUMMEY A 50N5.733 Walnut etreet. 704 Walnut Street. TO RENT—A HANDSOME Els Country Residence, Day’s lane, Germantown. A-handsome country residence, Manbeim street, Ger mantown. , . _ A dwelling lionae No. 119 Rittenhouse street, Ger- Ecuntovn. . . A dwelling bouse, No. IWI Worth Twentieth street. A dwelling bouse, No. 911 South Ninth Street, A staid* on Miles street, below Walnut stroet ana ahovn a Both street. Boom for three horses and car* riagea. Apply to COPPUCK A JORDAN, 43$ Walnut : , ———---musical; " : { Madame sauvan cnee miss Pintard) Is prepared to give Lessons in Singing, at private houscß and in.schouls. Residence 925 Locust street. . 'ap7l2t* SIG. P. RONDINELLA. TEACHER OF Singing. Private lessons and clauea. BeaMenoa 808 8. Thirteenth street. au26-tfl MICHAEL WEAVER. r.EO. It. s. vntEn. WEAVER & CO., Hope and Twine MauufactnrerH and Dealers in Ilemp and Ship Cbandlerjr, 2J North WATER. 28 North WHARVES. FH IP A DELPHI A. spl tfS ' Established 1831. WM. G. FLANAGAN & SON, HOUSE AND SHIP PLUMBERS, No. 129 Walnut Street. Jy7J?i_ ___________________ TOSEPH WALTON & CO., ** CABINETMAKERS, NO. 413 WALNUT BTREET. Manufacturers or fine furniture and of medium priced fUm GWi>THANTI‘& MADE TO ORDER. Counters, Desk-work, &c„ for Danks, Offices and Stores, made to order. JOBBpH WA LTOff, ,JOS. W.LIPPINOOTT. fel-ly§ JOSEPH L. SCOTT. EB. WIGHT, v . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. , ■ Commissioner of Deeds of Pennsylvania In tt Madison etreet. No. H. Chicago, Illinois, anlgtfj COTTON SAIL PUCK OF EVERY width, bom 22 inches te 78 inches wide, aU numberi Twiße^fec.^ Wn * DUCk ’ iaM ■ No. 103 Ctmrch street City Stores, *** FLOWER SEEDS.—NOW IS THE Si time to sow. Twenty-five beantiful Free-bloom ing varieties, with directions how to oultlvute, for One HENRY A. DREBB, , 714 Chestnut street.’ Hft. LITTLE GEM PRAS.-THIS ;,VA -3- rloty is particularly adapted for. Family K itchen Gardens, being dwarf! requiring no sticks), early, *nd of most delicious sugary - OSAGE ORANGE PLANTS FOR, 32 HEDGES—By the hundrod or thousand. - Also, American Almrvita, Hemlock, Bpruco, and Norway,. Spruco, suitable for Hedges, at ; . , H. A. DBEEB’S Nursery, 1 Bivorton, Now Jersey. Orders roroived at PEED AND HORTICULTURAL WAREHOUSE, 714 CHESTNUT street. an 9-» lu tb s4t9 rnUG WANTED—WANTED’ A SMALL .1 SteanrTug, suitable for Southern tion, of light draught. Appiyto UOOHRAN, RUSSELL, A 00., 11l Chestnut Btrodf.-,,... - - ... - - -."-.T .' WANTED— A VESSEL TO -BRING A cargo of timber from Georgia-jfutt c AW,2]}Jf ntl f Apply to COCHRAN, RUSSELL JtCO., 11l Chestnut Btreet FOA SAGE. w . V) TCTTKeSV. BUSINESS CARDS. _ HORTICULTURAL. 711 Chestnut street. ATJTSTTT .1 ■n. i i ratwTiwg.~T~ | A. C. BRYSON GO / A . BRyBON & 00,. I A. C. BRYSON & CO., 1 A. 0. JBBYSON A CQ,, l A. O iAftVSON & ooi, ! -fi A. C. BRYSON k 00„ f A. 0. BBYBON* 00., 607 jGh?satnut i St. & ,604 Jayne St. j j 607 ChefctnutS£.& 804 JaynaSt. i ,607 Chestnut-St. & 604 Jayne St. • 007 Chestnut St. <fc,6o4 Jayno St. 607 Chestnut Bt. & 604 Jayne St. 607 Chestnut St. *604 Jayne St. i -^^SafeSaMaapsS!,*! 1 (Metiilyiin|,|W9delDliia,) r; “Siamfe" 5 'f Book and. Job Printers, i , , Book and Job Printcro,’ . Book and Job Printers, Book and Job Printers, j Book and Job Printers," Workmen Skillful. Workmen Skillful. 1 , Prices . Workmen SkiUful. ", Low •• Workmen Skillful. , Prices Low*, Wertoqcn Slullftil, Prices ts>w. , Workmen Skill Ait. ,* Prices Low. ; "Workmen Skfllfal. Prices J,ow. ■ ' ' wirt ““ eßAte; ' *****"- GIVE 08 A TRIAL. ■' GIVE US A TRIAL. GIVE US A TRIAL. , GIVE US A TRIAL. GIVE US A. TRIAL. • GIVE US A TRIAL. GIVE US A TRIAL. COPARTNERSHIPS, THEFIKM OF JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., by mutual cou»eut. In diMolvcx] thiß<Uy, ; JAMKB W. ((HKISIf, SASIL'KI. L. VOX, Amu. U*btlS7o. The underfilled haye tins day entered into a partner' •hfp underthe nameiind style of JAMES W. QDBEK A CO.jundwlH conducttbe Matlnrntticfti, Optical abd Philosophical Instrument bUHiueiW; m heretofore,'Attha old auind, No. 9U Clieatnat -'at reef. SAMUEL L. FOX. JKftSK 6.CIIKYNRY' WJLLIAMH. WALMSLBV*. April 11th, 1870. apllt S COAL AND WOOD, A. MAHON HIM!* aIHE UNDERSIGNED INVITE ATTEN TION to tbefr «toek of Sprint Mountain. Lfhigh and Locust Mountain Coal, which, with the preparation given by ua, wo think caij not he excelled by any other Coal. Office, Franklin Institute BuiMiug, So. W 8. SarotttU street. JUNES A SITKA FIT, jaiotf Arch Street 'Wharf, Schuylkill. BOARDING. A~ CCOMMODATruNS FOR A FEW yirct ClaM Boarders may he hud at Chestnut UiM tar the Hummer. Addrcen BUJiAL, «p3atutbU* TO "BE“ BKSTKDVVITH BOARD, Thre«t«rjr 4«*srabta Room* v *itb<?r together or slug! j , at apTfit* REMOVAL. SEMOVAL.-Mlta KrHENRY, MAN# factnrer ofLaJie*’ Cloak* anti Mantillas; finding lata location) No. 15 N*Xt*bth*trc«ts, inadequate for her largely Increased removed to tho ELEGANT AND BPACIOUH WABEROOM, at tbe 8. K. comer of NINTH and ARCH Street*, where she now offertin addition to her stock of Cloaks and Mantilla*, a choice invoice of Paisley Bhawl«, Lace Points and Eacqtiea, . ' mh23-3oirp> Mi 8C JJtLXNEOIfST T BEG O’S TEABERItY TOOTHWASH,— It if the most pleasant. che* poet ami best dentifrice extant. Warranted free from injurloah ingredient*. It Preecrte* and Whiten* the Teeth ! Invigorates and Booths the Gmna f Purifies and Forfnmo* tba Breath! Prevent* Accumulation of Tartar! Cleanaea and Purifies Artificial Teeth 5 Is a Sop-rior Artlolofor Children! Sold by all Druggst*. • A. H. WILSON, Proprietor, mbl ly rps Ninth ami Filbert street*. Philadelphia. TT EABQtXARTHtSTEOH EXTRACT IN (f il TXETII WITiPFRKBK NITROUS OXIDE “ABSOLDW&T HO PAIN. 7 * Dr. JVR.TUOMAB* formerly operator at thaColtoa. Dental Rooms, derote* hi* entire practice to the painless extraction ol teeth. Office, 921 W'aluut st. . mfis,lyrp? G~6LTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION ORL gloated the anorstbetlo-use of • • • • %ITBOTS OXIDE. OR LAUGHING OAfr, And devote their whole time and practice to extracting teeth withont pain. Office. Eighth and Walnnt street*. JJEJJIiY I'Hll.Lim, CARPENTER AND BuAiDEB, NO. 1024 RANSOM STREET, jelO-lyrp PHILADELPHIA. E~ OR IN VALID S—A FINE"'MUS'ICAL Box as a companion for tb& sick chatnbor; the finest •Mortmeot In tho city, and a jreat variety of airs to so lectbom. Imported directby rAnB 4 BROTHER. r mhlCtfrp) 324 Chretnut atr«jt, below, Fourtti. _ LKIGH’B IMPROVED HARD * Knbber Truss never rusts, breaks or soils, us«sl in bathing; Ktippi>rt<?rB, Elastic Belts, Stocklnge, all kinds or TrusieBn«tlßr*eo«. Ladies attended tq. by MKS. LBIGH, 1230 Chestnut, Beor»mi utory. not> lyrp§ 11. P. * C. K. TATIXiK, Perfbmery and Toilet Soaps* Ml and M 3 North Nluth street JORDAN'S CELEBRATED PURE TON IO Al# for Invalids, family u«e, etc. % . The Bubacrib«r U now furnished with Ills full Winter supply of his highly nutritious and well-known bever* oge. its wide-apread and increasing use,by order or physicians, for invalids, use of families, Ac., conummd It to the attention of all consumers who want a strictly pure article; prepared from the beat materials, aud put up in the moat careful manner for homo n«e or transpor tation. Orders by mail or otherwiso’promoUg supplied. No. 220 Pear street, d®7 below Third and Walnut streota. jgDWIN H. FITTER & CO., Cordage Manufacturers and Dealers In Hemp, 23 V. Water,Street and 22 N. Delaware Avenue PHILADELPHIA. KDWIIf 11. VITLBB. _ CONRAD k. CbOTHtSB IUST RECEIVED AND IN STORE 1,000 f) cases of Ohampagna. sparkling Catawba and Cali fornia 'Wines, Port,Madeira, Sherry, Jamaica and Santa Crnz Bum, fine old Brandies aud -Whiskies, Wholesale and Petal!. P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear street, B low Third and Walnut streets, and above Dock Street. , • de7tf ■«7E CORDIALLY INVITE THE PDB BOZORTH 0 U C PBIGHTFBXEZING\RBPBIGEBATOR ana in daj^o^atjonat uwaav GRIFFITH A PAGE. TSAAC NATHANS, AUCTION BER, N. E. i comer Third and Spruce streets, only one square, below tho Exchange. to loan, in largo or small amounts, on diamonds, silver plate, watches, and all goods of value. Offlcfe hours fromBA. M. to ■/ P.M. IST Established for tho last forty years. Ad vances made in large amounts at the lowest market rates., .1.. ■ • • . ■piBESH CHARCOAL BISCUIT FOR . HAUD% I> FOOmor infants, just Snorted. Select Eio Tapioca, with directions for use, .Penuino Bermuda Arrowroot, and other Diritotica. for sale by JAMES 1. SHINN.fI. W.cor.Broadand Spruce. »P»trrps Yif WARBURTON’S IMPROVED, VEN tilated andoasy-fittlni? tiio npprored fashions of the season. Uhostnut HtrOTt, . next door Jo tb Post-Oflice. 068 ltr P HILAIJEBPHIA iSURtrEONS': BAND ari r TNKTITIITK. 14 North Ninth street, above ; i WKBETT’S TBUBS positively, euros, , ??,, ’Tn*ssoß.‘ Eldstio Bolts, Htocklpes, Crutches. SdsnensOriSs; t*ffic S s-°lsdfos B atte n iedtoby jyXlyrp ■. - money to any amount /CSV i.nANEB UPON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, i £“% Ac., at , , Below Lombard. N. B- DIAMONDS, WATCHES, GUNS’io., FOE SALE AT BEMABKABLY LOW PBItJES. „ ' uiy2ltfrpS QWTOAa’HTNft EKI/T.-TEN, ffBAMEa B 'lo bT KBXIB TjtOBEIGJS BRUITS,. HUTS, &O.—MJSB< Jj slna Oranges and Loinona, Turkov kogs drums and boxes: Austrian -Prunelloa_ In kegs aud fancp boded : Arabian Bates, nowidropj Tittkop Fruuos lu daskeand, fainjyboxeß Uaialns-Cayors. BoocUoss Imooriat.Ao,; Pig Paste andOnava Pdato; Nuplos and Borden, lxWdlnnto,Paper Shell Almonds, tomato by J! B, XIUBBIEU & 00., lud tioutk Delaware avenue. No. 162) Chestuut street. "JEWEIiBY,, <tVKEK UIKXOKT OFAfITEtHER. Kevlval of « Twenty.yearrOld NensnUon— Xhc Mory oftbe •• New World.” ;A - The steamer New World, figuratively apeak 2 ng, may be considered a part of Vallejo—a movable and floating part that links itto. San,. Francisco. £ 8h& fitlffa fil«torsmoi* intcr'estlnj; than most vessels, and was once a subject of talk throughout the whole country. The New World was built in Now' Y<tk twenty.-years ago, at the shipyard of William Brown, who partly owned her. She was ..built. on general principles, speculation and solid ■“ wiys near the “ Hook,” on the JEast river. Some of her several, owners wilted her - to ply oi> the 'Others wished liprii spnt to, the* then new latia of California. They quarreled’ over the matter, and finally referred their dis pute to the courts^ 1 especially* as ' ■ there was a little unpaid bill involved in tbe transac tion. The steamer was, for those days, a wonder hi iiaval ftrchttecturfr-f4he lsaac-New ton of the time, «Like thattglrt of.the.period,!’ she was gorgeous. .A. r the person of a Deputy' Sheriflf, was patron board of her, because <ho <• had an attachment for the beautiful thing. Capt. Ned Wakeman (who not iongagtf.tosC the X). C. and almost his life) was her commander. He one day got f up. steam r ‘‘jusl, to ,see hovy. tbe. machfneiy v wdrked?’ you! ktow-r-and 'after cruising about a little while, he headed the teasel Sandy Hookwards., ( jyhea ; at,tlw_lower end of Staten Island he informed tub Sheriff, who had been drinking sherry-cobblers in. the cabin and vowing that the vessel sailed the seas over “like a thing of life,” that he had his choice of going to California or going ashore! The astonished Sheriff cajoled and threatened in vain. tHe Jvas hutted Into a boalt and those' in charge of it rfei* directed l by Captairf -Nrii thusly: “Boys! make him wade for it; don’t go too near tbe beach!” The boys obeyed orders? When within a few yards of the beach they dumped the Sheriff out and he had to wade neck deep to reach the land. The . boat returned, and tbe New World steamed through the Narrows and out to sea with all herjinigbji. Now this was a pretty piece of''biMine», truly, and a bold one; it gave tongue to the gossips and paragraphs to tbe papers. Now that tbe New World was out at sea she feared pursuit, and so the better to elude detection, she put on a black coat of paifit over tbe white one. While nearing Bio Janeiro she attracted the suspicions of an English man-of-war, which gs^ehferjehasb. „ ,/ • ■ j The New World, after dallying with him for a while, put on more steam, and in a few hours the lubberly Englishman was out of sight. Tbe astonished Johnny Bull, when he got into port, reported that he had met at sea a black devil, that he gave her pursuit, hut tint she suddenly and mysteriously dlMppearedl ‘ But now comes a pretty lix! As Wakeman was about to enter tbe harbor of Bio Janerio he became vividly impressed with the fact that be bad no papers— no clearance from New York or anywhere.else. What should be do to prevent, his -vessel’s seizure ? Having anchored, lie ordered a boat cleared, into which be got with a crew and beaded toward the Custom-house. But sud denly, and in some unaccountable manner, Captain Wakeman fell overboard. lie was rescued, but alas! bp bis wallet aud. some valuable documents. - 1 1 don't mind the" ducking,” said Captain Wakeman, “or my pocket-book either—only it bad in it my clear ance papers!” The aJ&ble Customs officer, consoled him ; said accidents were unavoida ble, and made him out a new set of papers, with which he sailed for San Francisco, via 'the Straits of Magellan, and in due time safely arrived. Tbe only casualty was the death of ,0. H. Wisden, the citgineer, who was buried-at sea, His place was filled by the second engineer, who is yet, we believe, engaged in his profes* sion on this coast. Meanwhile the owners in New York bad compromised tbe difficulties; the New World and her captain were made all bsnkidori. Sbe was put upon the Sacramento river, upon wbiclr she for many years plied, the queeu«f. the waters, exciting-wonder- by. her magnificence and' groat speed. In she went up north, and sailed for a time on Puget Sound. She was subsequently char-! tered to go to the wreck of tbe Suwanee,' somewhere about Alaska. This' was some two years sinee. When tbe California and Pacific Railroad was built she was bought by the Com pany]t.O ply between. San Francisco and Vallejo, and in tbfs capacity, as all know, she is yet em ployed, Capt. -Handing, master. Tbe New World looks as staunch and* new as she did years ago. She has been at various times re paired and overhauled, but the engines are the identical ones with which she sailed from New York nearly twenty years ago. They are low pressure, forty-six inch cylinder ami in perfect order. So the mao who had. them in charge told our reporter; but he wastoo modest to fell’ his name, though he knew it, no doubt, be cause “didn’t want to get into the papers!” And that’s all we know about the New World. Tbe sight of her provokes reminiscences of the dead past, and evokes recollections of men and things though “lost to sight to memory dear.’ TUB SOCIALIST COHBPIHAOT 1H KVSaiA. - An interesting description of the origin and objects of tbe Russian socialist conspiracy, ' based'on the secret publications of the con spiratorsj is published by the Dziennik Poznan ski. It appears that this revolutionary society was first established by the student Karakozoif, who fired at the Emperor Alexander in St. Petersburg in April, 1860. Its members are hence called Karakozolftchyki. KarakozdfF at first belonged to a similar society known as that of Ishutyn, a young man who spent the whole of bis fortune 0f40,000 roubles (6, OOOf.y in organizing a revolution against the Govern ment, and was ultimately captured and execu ted by the police- The active members of the conspiracy ( dieyattli ) profess the so cialist doctrines of Herzen, and especially of Bakouniu; they approve the insurrections of I’ugateheff, Pestel, and Ryleielf, but deplore, the absence in these revolutionary leaders of “ that invincible power winch is given by ha tred ” and their weakness of Character, which the Karakozofftchyki attribute to •• the rotten institution of the family, ” and *• obsolete no tions of morality and duty. ” “ Our motto, ” they say in their proclamations', “is hatred of all who are not peasants and do not belong to the people. * * * We hold that there are no obligations either of morality or of honor .towards anyone else. : * To bo scrupulous about the means of obtaining our objects is mere weakness and folly. Qui veut lu Jin, rent les mot/nu. ” The revolution ary committee describes its plan of ac tion as follows: “.We should begin with the military commanders, the rich, and the journalists. * * The first should simply be put to detrth without the second deprived of their wealth; ...and the third silenced?’..'NeXt cornea a list of Uieriame&of men who have been sentenced to death by the committee. ' Among these'are General Adler berg,;Ghhefal Trepoff, Count Schouvalbff, and M. Katkotf (editor of the Moscow Gazette.) As for tlje Epeperor and his family, their lives are to be spared, but only for a time. “We will keep the Czar alive until the day when the liberated peasants sball immolate bint on the ruins of the Russian State;' 1 The “ organic statutes ” of the society are based to some es;? tent on the writings of John Stuart Will and other. philosophers,, hut *- contain,many original notions peculiar to the Russian socialists. Thus there are to bo no individual or domestic rights; ail property and political action Is to be vested in the commu nity (ohshtihesivo). The nation is to be divided 1 into co-operative unions (artMl) .under the di rection of blocted superinterSints. Every in dividual is to be employed in manual labor, and only to be allowed to exercise his mind diij-ing his hours of leisure. Marriage is to be abolished, ind children are to” tye supported afid educated A tW expdhse of the union (artiel ). These “organic statutes” are cbn- Jained jn two .numbers of the secret, organ of Obsiicnestva Narodnoy Razpravy” (Publications of tbe So ciety of Popular Justice). El'iOfie bCtfieimenifcefi or the conspiracy, a Government official named Lopatin, has been jarraptMat ,Stp?mol, tbe capital of one of the -pnifinceß. He did not remain in prison lone, however, for his accomplices en aWed him-itp- wcape. Soipoidfyß after tbe pro 'iyJpeiaf '-cbesffi .Chfcfaibing 160,000 roubles f£25,000), was stolen, and this theft is universally attributed at Stavrpol to Lopatin find Jpibjdidii AS for! Netcha'ieff, the leader of the conspiracy, it is said that he was secretly arrested on the frontier a short time ago and despatched toSiUCHa, and that’ lie was mart dereifcon tije.way,: The Baltic Gazette says that a great number of Lutherans «at St, Petcrabuig have lately en r tered the sect of the Skbptzi (mutilated). One of them named Abrampff haff been prosecuted by tbe Government for becoming a member of this sect, and has been sentenced to three or (our months! imprisonment.. LEGAL NOTICES. T.JCTTEItttTBBTAjMENTAKY HAVING ' JL/bSetf granted to’tits subscriber upon tlip Estate .of BOBEBT jk. ÜBAY. deceased, ali persona indebted Vo the eomcwlll make payment, - and those havlnirctalms present them «o EDWABD BHIPPKN, 63J Walnut street,or JAMES LANMAN lIARMAB, 708 Walnut street. , ab 22 tu <its IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE . Cltr and County, of Philadelphia.—Estate of ICBAEL BIBCH. tlecdaied.-Tho tAndltoh appointed BV the Conn to audit, sefUe and adjust th* account ol OtOKOK W: BIBCH, JOHN STUPED andMICHAEL W. BIBCII, Executnrsof MICHAEL BIRCH, deceassd, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountants, wUI meet the parties interested for the pnrpose of hfs appointment, on MONDAY, April 18th, 18/0, at 4 o'clock P. M.,at his office, No. 217 South Third street, in the city of Philadelphia. „ . . 8. HENBY NOBBIB, apVs tu thst§ Auditor. IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE Jj CITY AND CODNTs OF PHILADELPHIA- Estate of BOBEIET B? BTEWABT. deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and ad ju.t tbo account of JOHN H. WELSH and JOHN B. NEWMAN, Trustees nnder the Will of BOBEBT B. BTEWABT, deceaiwd, and to report dis tribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet tbe parties interested,for the purpose of his appointment, on MONDAY, 18th of April, 1870, at 11 o’clock, A. M., nt his office, No. 725 Walnut str et, in the City of Philadelphia. . , . . JAMES DUVAL,BODNBY, ap7-jhstuM|, , -! -Auditor. IN 4he court op common pleas for tbe City and County of Philadelphia. QKNRY NOBItIH v«. JAMKB SBIITIR \* nd. «x Covenant, Juno Term, 1669, No. 10. The Auditor appointed to distribute the funds paid into Court arising from tbe Sheriff’* rale under tht?ab*vo writ of the following-described property, to wit: Ail that lot of ground situate on the weet side of .Second 6tTeetfxioWh.Kfti!niDtftoir) and Oxford Turnpike road, ccrßxneneipg *1 the dtetaneo ef gOO-fcet south from the youth eide of York etreet; containing in front on said Turnpike rood 20 feet, and extending' that width in depth J2l Het y inchv* to Philip street. Bounded northward and southward by grounds of the Fair HIM estate; cast by mid. Turnpike rr-nd, and by Philip utroet, re eerving yearly ground rent of $l2 60, silver—will attend ►to th* duties ofs;hM\ar»p o intment on Tl T f>l)A V. April IStbeISSV. P. li. r at Tij* ofliee. No. 128 South Sixth street.ln the city of Philadelphia, when and where' all part h i interested are required to present theirclainis or be debarrofl from coming in on faidfnnd. JAMES W. LATTA, op* th « tn .'.ts Auditor. SHIPPERS* GUIDE. FOR NEW YORK, Via Delaware and Raritan Cana!. EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY. The Steam Propcllors of the Line will commence loading oo the Bth Inst., leaving Daily aa usual. THROUGH IN TWRNTY : FOUB HOURS. Ooodtforw'ardptl by all thfiLlnes go leg. New York »• North* East gt West, freuof commigsjoai.. Freights received at low rates. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Agents, 12 Booth Delaware Avenue. JAB. HAND, Affect. 119 Wall Street, New York. ' . mh4-tf PHILADELPHIA, BICHMOHD AND IT NORFOLK BTBAMBHIP LINE. THROUGH FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE BOUTH INCREASED FACULTIES; AND BEDUCED BATE 3 FOB 1870. STEAMERS LEAVE EVKBt WEDNESDAY and BKTCBNINO. LEAVE RICHMOND MONDAYS and THDBBDAYS, and NOBFOLK TUESDAYS and BATUBDAYb Ho Bills of Lading aignei after 12 o’clock on Sailing Day. THROUGH RATES to *ll points in North and South .Carolina via Seaboard Air-Line Railroad, connecting at • Portsmouth, and to Lyxiehbnrgt YaiiTenaeasee a&d the West via Virginia and Tennessee Air-Line Rich mond and Danvillaßaßroad; -— 1 < - ■ . . No charge for oozzuniasiou,drayage,or any expmsefor ransfer. Steamships insure at lowest rates* Freight received DAJDUY. State-room accommodation* for passengers. - WILLIAM F. UlifDß A 00. No. 12 South Wharves and PierNo; 1 Wharves. W. p; PORTER, Agent atßichmond and Gity Point. T.P.CBOWELL A Qq,Aggntsat Norfolk Fob bobton.-steamship line DißicT.Ban.nia fjbomja(jh port evert Wednesday and BAtnjrdUy.' 9 rSOU PINK STBKET WHABr, PHILADELPHIA. AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. Fb oh Philadelphia From Boston. 10 A.M. 3 P.M. KORMAN,Saturday,Apil2 ROMAN, Saturtay, Ap’il 2 ABIES, Wedneeday “ 6 BAXON; Wednesday," 6 ROMAN, Saturday, “ 9 NORMAN, Saturday," 9 BAXON, Wednesday “ 13 AHlEB,Wedue»4ay,l3 NORMAN, Saturday,“ 16 ROMAN, Saturday, •• is ABIES, Wednesday, M '2o SAXON, Wednesday,, fi 20 HOMAN, Saturday, “ 23 NORMAN, Saturday •• 23 BAXpNrWednesday “ 27 ARIES, Wednesday, " 27 NORMAN, Wednesday." 30 ROMAN, Saturday, “ 30 These Steamships sail punctually. Freight received every day. Freight forwarded to all points in New England. ap F p?y r to rrOUht W P mWS?sorA l^ atloM, 338 South Delaware avenne. PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR LINES FROM QUEEN STREET WHARF. The JONIATA will aoll for NEW ORLEANS, via Havana,on , April —, at 8 A. M. The YAZOO will Bull from NEW ORLEANS, via HAVANA, on .April-. The WYOMING will sail for SAVANNAH on Salurday,April 16, atB o’clock A. M. V The ACHILLES will sail from SAVANNAH on 6 will sail for WILMINGTON, N.(J.,on Thursday, April 21a at 6A. M. Through bills of lading signed, and passage ticket* •old to all points South and West. BILLS of LADING SIGNED at QUEEN BT. WHARF* For ISO Booth Third street. New express line to adexan. dria, Georgetown and Washington, D. 0., yiaOhos* apeake und Delaware Oanal, with connections at Ales* antlria from the most direct route for Lynchburg, Bris tol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and tbe Southwest, Steamers leave regularly from the first wharf aoov Market strict* every Saturday at noon* Frcighfreccived daily. WM. F. CLYDE A CO.,‘ No. 13 Bonth Wharves and Pier 1 North Wharves, HYDE & TYLER, Agents at Georgetown. M.KLDBIDGE A GO., Agents at Alexandria, Ya Delaware and Chesapeake ST ISAM TOW-BOAT COJIPANY.-Bargei t«w»*d 'between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Havre do Grace, Del aware City Inurfntermedmt6 holiit^. AVII. P. CLYDE A CO., Agents; O.ipt. JOHN I,AUGHLIN, Sup’t Office, 12 South Wharves, Phila delphia. apll tf ii tiorTnew York, vYaDelaware JP AND RARITAN CANAL. SWIFTSURK TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, DISPATCH AND SWIFTSfTRE LINES, Leaving daily at 12 aud 5 P. M. Tho steam propellers of this Company will commence loading bn thegtn of March. Through in twenty-four hours. Goods forwarded to any point free of commissions. Freights taken on accommodating terms. Apply to WM. M. BAIRD & GO., Agents, mul-tf K 2 South Delaware avenno. GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &C. New mess shad and spiced Salmon, Tongue, and Bonnds, In crime order, jail vocehred and for eale »t OOUSTY'S East End Grocery No. 118 South Second street,below Oheefciiutstreet. JURE SPICES, GROUND AND WHOLE . TiFwe English Mustard by the sound —Choice bite Wine and' Crab Apple Vinegar lor plckUngln ■tore, and for sale at OOUSTY’S East End Grocery, No, 118 Ssnth Second street, below Chestnut street. TVTEW GREEN - GANGER.—4OO POUNDS 7b?TiaS,V«j l T!S?.^r e * I j? ,B * er *8 Store and foraaleal OOUSTya Bast End Grocery, No. US Booth Beoond rtreet, below Oheetnnt street PEA, MOCK P Turtle and JulUen Bonpe of Boston Clt)b Manufac ture, one of the finest articles for plc-nlcs and sailing rdartles. For sale at UOUSTY'S Bait End OroeenTNo IM South Eecond street, below Oheetnnt strpst. , . ; TXTHITE BRANDY EOR PRESERVING. IV —A choice article fiist received and. foraaleal CT)€BTY« EastYCnd Grocery,No.US Booth Second street,below Chestnut street. THE DAILY .EVENING BULLB'fIN-P BI h ADELPHIA. TIJESD AY, Al’ltll, 12.1870 f’RA'/.EI.IJKN'GUIDE* R ® A BING AaXLBOAD. - GBHAT Company’* Depot, Thirteenth honrH* ft ° W t 1 »troetf,PhilgoelpnU t atth? following MO*NINO ACCOMMODATION .-At 7AO A. * for •Beading and all intermediate Btatlona, and Allentown. It. Qairfobnrs wlthMorthevn Central* Coml7erl«nd val ley, AndßchtiHklll and’Soßouohanna tratnalorNOrtb nmberlandl WilUanafort. fork,. Cbamb TtßiirgiPine aHkbNOON ®XPB*BB.-Be«v»d Philadelphia at Columbia. Ac. ,a'i».w.u. ** V.» ” ft idT-.-r POTTfIXOrKWAOOOMMODATIOH.-BeaTea Potia town at 04S A.M.,atopplngat the intermediate ataliohai arrive* in Philadelphia at 0.10 A. M, Betgnaing*ieavea Pofoigvro MdlaP.M. HEADINGAND PoTTBVn,£ir ACCOMMODA TION i~ Leaver Pottaville at SAO A. H., and Bead ins at 7 AO A. M.)*tonp(ns at airway atatlona; arrive# in Phila delphia at 10 JO A M. Ketnmlog.ieavea Philadelphia at t-WW- M>; arrive* in Beadipg at 7.4Q.P..M . *and at Pottaville at »ii P. M. Trains for Philadelphia leare Harriabnrg at 8.10 A. MT.end Ppftavilje atPAO ArMi, arriving In PldUdolpklg atl.oo P. M-AfternoOn trilha leave Harrirttir* arPJOO P. M.. and PotUTille at IAO P.M.; arriving ngphila *lF«rri?barg Accommodation 1 eared- Beading itT.IS A. M.,and Harrlebnrg at 4.10 P.M. Connecting at Bead-' ing with Afternoon Accommodation aonth at IM P. M. f arriving in Philadelphia at S 3» P.M. station!; leaden Pottaville at 4.40 Ai MocOntiecting at Beading with accommodation train ft* Philadelphia and r ah ffcaboveVtatna mn'daur, Bnnatfr>kAepf4d. T Bondar tralnaleaya.PottaviUeatg.ArM., aad Phila delphia at 3.14 P. M.; leave Philadelphia for Beading at B-”A. M,^rettynlngftCTaßaadjnarattJß CHZBTEB VALLEY RAILROAD/—Passenger* for Downlngtewn and intermediate point* take the 730 A M., 12Juand 430 F. M: traina from Pbllßdelpbla,return ingfrom Downlngtewn «t 4JO A. ■1236and5.18 P.M PEEK lOMEN RAU,BOAD/-Pa*amigen for Bclnrenks- Title take 7AO A.M., MAO awl 430P.M, tralna for Phila delphia, returning (Tola Bchwenkavllle at SAD A. M„ 12.43 noon, P. M. Btpg*lines for variona points In Perkioraen Valley connect'.wltb .brains at Oouegerille and Bchweakaville. COLEBBOOKDALE BAILBOAD .-Paaemgers fo Ift. PleasantanA lnterajedlste r nolnta take tXe7AO A. M. and 4AOP.iI: trains frotnPbfladalphla; returning from Mt. Flee east at7SO and HAS A. M. P. H.« passing Beading at IAS and 10X6 P.M.* and connects at Harrisburg with Pennsylvania and Northern Central Ballroad Express Trains for Pitts burgh, Chicago, Williamsport, Elmira* Baltimore, Ac. Returning, Express Train leaves Barriabur* on arrival ofPenMylvaflUXxjjre##from Pittsburgh, and 12X0 nooh,passing_Beadimrat7X3'A. M. and 2X5 P. M.» arriving at Hew York at 12.09n00n *ud,6.Ss P. M. Bleeping Gars accompany these trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh* without change.; \ j Mai! train for New Ybrk leaves Harrisburg at S.lff A. H. and 2.09 P. M. Mail train for Harrisburg leaves Hew York at 12 Noon. " r ; SCHUYLKILL VALLEY BAILBOAD—Trains lean Pottsvillc at 6.30 and IIAO A.M. and 6XO P.M..returning from T'imaqnaat £.35 A.M.* and 2.19 and4XOP. M. SCHUYLKILL AND BUBUUEHANNA BAILBOAD —Trains leave Auburn at BXS A. M. for Pinegrove and Harrisburg, and at 12.10 noon for Pine gfrove, Trcmont and Brookside: returning from Har risburg at 3;40 P M: from Brooknide at COO P. M. and from Tremiml at 7.15 A.M and 5.06 P.M. TICKETS.—ThrcmgU first-class tickets and emigrant tickets to'all the principal points in the North and,West and Canada. - ; Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Beading and Intermediate StatioM/good for aav'only,are sold by MorningAccommodation* Market Train, Beading and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at redact'd rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia,good for day only, are sold at Beading and Intermediate Stations by Bead ing and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. Tbe following tickets are obtainable only at the Office 'of B. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 South Fourth street < Philadelphia, r or of G. A. Nicolls. General Superinten- ' Commutation Tickets,at 29 percent, discount, between any pomts desired, for families and firms. • Mileage Tickets,good for 2XOO miles, between all points ,at $62 each for families and firms, : Season Tickets, for three, six, nine or twelve months, for holders only 4 to all points, at reduced rates. I Clergymen residing on the line of the road-will befnr !nished with cards, entitling themselves and wives tickets at half fare i Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal sta tions, good for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, at re duced fare, to be bad only at the Ticket Office, at Thir teenth and Callowhill streets. FREIGHT.--Goods of all descriptions forwarded to .all the above points from the Company’s New Freight Depot, Broad and Willow streets. . Freight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 4X3 A. M., >I2XO noon,sXo and 7.15 P.M.«xor Beading, Lebanon, Harrlsbnrg,PottsTille,PortGlinton,and aQ peints be yond. ; Hail* close at the Philadelphia Port-office for all places on the toad and its branches at 6A. fil., and for tho prin cipal Station, only nt2.l5P. M. _ . _ BAGGAGE. ! Bungu’s Express will collect Baggage tor all trains leaving Philadelphia Depot. Orders can be left at No. 225 South Fourth street, or at the Depot, Thirteenth and Callowhill streets. T>H ILADELPHIA, GEBMANTOWN X AND NORRISTOWN ; BAILBOAD TIME TA RLE.—On and after Monday, N0v.22d t 1662 c and until fhxU.exnotic.: ; Laave Pkfladclphia—6 r 7, 8, 9A6, M, 11,12 A.M., 1, *.W,5K,4«,6.35,5iWji*K,7.A 9J0.10,11,UP. M. Leave Germantown—4.633,7Jt,B.B J», 9, 19, 1*30,12 A Ml. 2,3,330,4J<,6,654, t*}f, 7,8. 9,10, U, P. M. The 820 down-train, and the 3V and Sit up train*, will fimvePhiladelpUa-f.I3A: M.,2, 438 mlnnte*,7and Germantown-fl.Ul A. M.; 1,3,6 and *K p. M. CHESTNUT HILL BAILBOAD, I«nPWW»l|fc« t ß l », MAAI.; 2,«,«,7,9J0 ' Leave ChMtnnt Hill—7JOmlnntc*, 3,9.40, and 11.40 A M.; 1.40,330,3.40,6.« i 8.40andM.40P. M. Leave Philadelphia—9.l3minutee A.M,; Sand 7P.M. ■ Leave Oheatnot Em—73o mlnntea A. M.; 12.40, *.40 and 9X5 minutes P. M. FOB CONSHOHOOKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Norriatown—sXO,6X6,7,7X» BXO,II A.MJ: W, 11,8 and &X P. Mi ■ AFt.TralnsfroinNorristownwill notetoc at Mogee’s, Potts’ LandiiUT* Domino hr Schur’s Lane. : P. M. Train fromPbiladelphia will stop only at School Lane,Ma^yunk^aadCoMhohocken. Leave A. M.: and f. 15 P. Nt. M. ’ LeaveFhlladelpllls—*,7H. 9, UJM A. H.; Ui, 3, 4,41, 114 A J3,SfiS, lO.fioand 11X P. M. - ■ ■ ' Leave Manayunk—6.iU,S^3,7l4,B.lo,9Xl, UNA. M.j ‘ Leave Philadelphia——9 A. M.; ktf,4 and 7ASP. M, P. M. Leave Philadelphia, 7K A. M.,414 P.M. Leave Plymouth, 614 A. M.,41j P. M. W. 8, WlLSpN.General Superintendent, Depot, Ninth ana Green streets. WEST CHESTER AND PHIL ADEL PUIA RAILROAD COMPANY. On and after MONDAY, April 4,1870. trains will leave the Depot, and CHESTNUT, as 10110,,1,‘ l0,,l, ‘ FROM PHILADELPHIA. 6.45 A. M. for B G. Junction stops at all stations. 7.15 A. ( M. for W«bt Cheater»stops at all stations west of Jlediafexcept Greenwoodh connecting at B. C. Junc tion for Oxford, Kennett, Port Deposited all ntations ontho I'.amJB.C.B.B. 9.40 A. M. for West Chester stops at all stations. U.fO A M. for B. G. Junction stops at all stations. 3.50 P. M. for West Chester stops at all stations. 4.lft P, M. for B. C. Jnuctfon stops at all stations. 4.45 P. M . for Weet Chester stops at all stations west of Medta(except Greenwoodl, connecting at B. C. Junc tion for Oxford,Kennett,Port Depo&it.and all stations . ontbnP. A8.0.R.R. fi.3o P. M. for B. O. Junction. This train commence* running on and after Juqu Ist, M7O, stopping at all stations. - 6.M P. M. for West Chester stops at all stations. 11.30 P. M. r -FQji PH!la"dP^ { aII 6ta tlons. 5.25 A. M.from B.C. Juuction stops at all stations. 6.30 A. M.from West Chester stops at alt stations. 7.40 A. M. from West Chester stops at all stations be tween W.G. andMedlafexcQpt.ureouw'podj,connot ing at B.C. Junction for Oxford, Kennett, Port De posit, find all Htations on the P. A B. C. R. R. 8.15 A- AT. from B. G. Junction stops at all stations. ' 10.00 A; AI. from West Chester stops at all statiouaji W 1,05 P. M.from B. C, Junction stops ataU stations. 1 1.65 p. AT. from West Chester stopsat all gtations. 4,65 P. AI. from West Chester stops at all stations, con necting ot B.C Junction for Gxford,. Kennotc, Port Deposit, and nil statians on tin P. A B.C. R. R. 6;55 P. M.from West Chester stops at all stations, cou nectingat B.C. Jppction.with P« 4 8.0. it. R. 9,00 P. AI. from B. 0. Junction. This train comiuonces running on and after Juno lst> 187 Q, stopping at oil stations. ON SUNDAYS. 8,05 A. AI. for Westchester Rtopaat all BtationB,counect ing at B.C. Junction with P. <s B. G. R. R. 2.30 p. M. for West Chester stops at all stations, 7.30 A. M.from West Chester stops at all stations. 4.60 P. M. from West Ches or stops at aM stations, con ' at B. G. J unction with P: AB.O. R. R. _W, C. WUBELER, Susierintondeut. PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CENTRAL RAILROAD, ' v” CHANGE OF HCDRS. On and after MONDAY, April 4,1870, trains will run a, follows LEAVE PHILADELPHIA, from depot of P. W.& B. It. R.; corner Broad street and Washington avenue, For PORT DEPOSIT, at 7 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. For OXFORD, at 7 A. M .4,30 P. M.,and 7 P. M. ForCHADD’S FORD AND CHESTER CREEK R. R„ at 7 A. M.. 10 A. M.,2.30 P; M,',4JO P. Mo and 7 P M Train leaving Phllftdflphla at, 7 A.M. connects at Port Deposit with train for Baltimore .. . Trains leaving Philadelphia at 1° A. M. and 4.30 P. M..leaving Oxford at 6DB A, Mj, and leaving Port Do pbsit at 9 2£> A, M.,connect at Ohadd’s Fora, Junction with the Wilmington and Beading Railroad. TRAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA leaVo Port Deposit at 9.25 A.M. and 4J3P. M. on arrival of trains from B OXFSRiI atS.O9 A. M., IOJ6 A. M. and 5.30 P.M. 1 ‘ CH ADD’S FORD at 7.26 A. M., 12.00 M., 130 P.M.* 4jts P.M. andS,49 P.M. , , Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only ai baggage, and the Company will not bo responsible for a* amount exceeding one hundred dollars, uuleaaa special contract Is made for the same. F BERRY WOOD> General BuperlntODdent. TRAPELEKSI GUIDE T?OB NJSW , UAHDEN gpaii#ii Amboy a»d IntemedlitfbStlohk, - a t*«8»*“w B it*? “l**• tor »rrtWa.'.h >»: ' BA JII „ Branch and Point* on lO AeMU 12 7and UAOP<M., i faj^aWpntown, Florence,Bp^l^ctonJloTotlyftndJQe » rot 11-** 'P- leave* from foot ’if Market;t«ct by oppor forty. ' From Kensington Depot: • ■ .■ a ‘7AO A. M;7 28tf, Slband 5 P.M. fo*Trenton and Bristol-And «10.4SArM-. and 6 P.M. for Bristol., A towr A 1 * ’* 3So sb4 6P - M *for Morrievllle and Tnliy- A an^il?nkW 1 n A^'’ ,;30 ’ ® RIuJffI, -^-f o .c Bchenck’a At7ARand,»v»A:M.>JJD,4>JUiuJ« P. M., fir 'dr*. wells, Torresdale.Holmesunrg.Tacony.wLwilnoinlnS. Brideiburg and Prankfoid.MdjSAO P.J&. fir HoSnca' burg and Tntrrmnnintn ntSnSiftfl From West Philadelphia Depot vwCoxmcotlng Railway At 7,930 and 11 A.fc, MSghWH’knd 12 P. M. New York Express Bind,via Jersey iKly. —......,3 » At 11A0 P.M. Emigrant a M -,£°S?i7' i, W ,o “i‘W> Dridsabore and Erankfordf’ TheOAP.A. M. and and U P.M. Unea ran daily. All oti|*rs, Sundays excepted. , . ; •, : , i _ For Bmes laavlng Kensington Depot, take the ear* on Third or Fifth straebn at Chestnut, *t half an hoiirhe fire departore._The Cars of Markot Street Ballwly nu, direct to West Philadelphia Depot .Chestnnt and Walnat within onosqnare. On mindays, the Market BtreetOani will ran to connect wllh the ix> A. M„ «.4S snd BY. iOHMS _At7AO A.'M., for Biadara' Fatls, Boffalo, Dunkirk, Elmira, Itbnea, Owegoj- Bocheatar, Blaghampton »™t«se^flke*barT6. At7AO A.M. and BAO P. M. firßeranton, Btrands hnr*. , Water Gap, Batridsm. i - Easton, < - Lam bemlUe. JUemtagtop, Ac- Zha SAO P. M. Idas eon ««rts d'feoi with feajlr*Easton fir Mimeh ChODk- Allentown, BetHehem.AcT^ AtH A.M.from West PkiladelptiaDepot, aadSP. H, from Kensington Dspotjfor Cambertrille and interme diate Stations.' . , , , .. . CAMBER AND BDEBIRdTON COm ASD nEMßEß ketstreet Jerry (Broer Bide.) - OADB, omMar At7and 10 A.M.>It2ASAAO,S ASAoP.M.^ndonThnra day and Saturday nlgbifl at 11J0 P.M for Msrfcbants* ville,MooreBtown, Hart ford, Masonvillc, Holnstfort and Mount Holly. - At 7 A. M.,2.lsand6XoP.M.forLambertou god Med ford. At 7 and 10 A M., 1, 3-SO&6F. M., for BmlthvflW, EwransvUle,Vincentowoßirmingham and Pemberton. At 10 A.M. for Lewie town, WrJgntatown, Cookstown* Hew Egypt and Hornentowh. At7A.M,.I sndSXOP.lCfor Lewifltown, Wrights town, Co‘okstown, New Egypt, Horners town, Cream Bidge,.lmlaystowD* Sharon and Higbtstowh. •Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Passengers are prohibits from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company lim ntheir responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, ana will not be Gable for any amount beyond $lOO, ex cept by special contract. .Tickets sold and Baggage checked direct through to i Boston,Worcester,Springfield, Hartford, New Haven . Providence, Newport, Albany, Troy, Saratoga, Utica, Home,, Syracuse,Rochester,Jßuifolo, NiagaraFallßana tiuspensfon Bridge. - An additional Ticket Office Is located at No. 628 Chest nut street, where tickets to New York, and all Impor tant points North and East, may be procured. Persona purchasing Tickets at this Office, can have their bag gage checked from residences or hotel to destinatlon,by union Transfer Baggage Express. Lines from New York for Philadelphia will leavefrom foot of Cortland stfeet at 1.00 and 4.00 P. M., via Jersey City and Camden. AtdXOand J 0 A.M.,12X0,6,6 and 9 P.M., and at 12 Night, via Jersey City and West Phila delphia. From Pier No. I,N. River, at 6XO A.M. Accommoda tion and 2 P. M. ExpresSivia Amboy and Camden. April 11,167 u. WM. H. GATZMEK, Acent. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL BAIL ROAD .-After 8 P. M., SUNDAY, November lltli 1669. The trains of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Depot At Thirty-first and Market streets,whicb la reached directly by tbe can of tbe Market Btreet Pas senger Railway, the last car connecting with each train leaving Front and Market street thirty minutes before its departure. Those-of the Chestnut and Walnut Streets Haihvay mo Within one aduare of the Depot. • Sleeping Car Tickets can. bp had on application at the Ticket Office, Northwest comer of efintu and Chestnut streets. »Dd at the Depot. Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call for andaeliver Baggage at tbe Depot. Orders leitat No. 901 Ohestnutstreet,No. 116 Market street, will receive at tenifin TBAIHB LEAVE DEPOT, VIZ.: Mall Train ; at 8.00 A.M. Paoli Accom 10X0 A.M., 1.10, and 6XO P. M. If aatLine...—... 11X0 A. M. Erie £xpress.. MM . M . M . M . MM .. MMMM^.M ..~. MMM UXO A. M. Harrisburg Accom...—..—-—at 2XO P. H. Lancaster at 4XO P. M. Porksburg Train.~^^.^.-..«.^——~~..~..at5XQ P. M. Cincinnati Express. 6XO P. M. Erie Hail and Pittsburgh 9.45 P. M. at 12.11 A M. Pacific EnffU. NWMW ~...— at 12X0 night Erie Mail leaves daily, except Sunday, running o» Saturdaynight to Williamsport only. On Sunday mght passengers will leave Philadelphia at 8 o’clock. Pacific. Express > leaves daily. Cincinnati Ex press daily, except Saturday. All other trains daily, except Bunday. % • __ , , .. The Western A-commodation Train runs daily, except Sunday. For this train tickets must be procured and Cincinnati Exarea* at 3.10 A. M. Philadelphia ExsrMa ... at 6AO A. M. Erie MaiuZ- Jit «JOA. M. Faoll Accommodation at BJO A. M. and 3.40 A fi J 5 P. M ParksoitTg Train—— at 9.10 A. M. Fart fclne____i,._ u at 0.40 A. M [dmcHtar Train—.—. 12A5 P. M. Cifi Expren —at 12 J 4 P- M, ioOthCrn Express. —— at 7.00 P.M. Lock Haven&nd Elmira Express. ..Jit 7.00 P.M: Pacific Exprwa— —at 4 J2S P. M. Saiirithnra Accommodation— at Mf) P. M, JfttrfdrtHer Information, apply to JOHE P. YAHIEEB, ji., Ticket Agent, 901 Cheetnnt * t FBAiTCIB FDSK, Ticket Agent, 116 Market itreet. WALDACK, Ticket Agent at the Depot. Tho PetlnsrlTanla Railroad Company will not aeatune Pm T it T »iW« f 8 r ne7^ as the risk JU* “n r i&WlLi,^'sr )a - General Boperintendent. Altoona, Pa. Philadelphia and ebie bail- BOAD—WINTER TIME TABLE. On mid After MONDAY, Notj 13, 1369, the Trains on the Philadelphia and Eric Railroad will run aa foUpwa from Pennsylvania Ballroad Drpot, Weet Philadelphia: wkbtwabd. Mall Train Maxes Philitdeiphia — 9AS P. M. “ “ .WlUtamaport i.——7.4OA.M. “ “ arriree at Eric 8.20 P. M. Erie Expires leaves Philadelphia.— 11A0 A, M. “ >7 “ Williamsport 9.00 P.M. u “ arrives at Erie. 10.00 A.M. Elmira Mall leaves Philadelphia 7M A. M. ‘I I* *• WlUiamaport 6.00 P. M. •> •* arrives at Lock Haven. 7.20 P. M. _ EABTWABD. Mail Train leaves ... 8.40 A. M. “ “ WBliamsport. hmhhm MSP.M, “ “ aniveeat Phila3llphia.^.~«-.—....... 6.20 A.M. CrieSzpreMleaves 4HOP. M. " “ “ Williamsport— 3JOA.M “ “ arrives at Philadelphia 13.46 P.M. Elmira Mall leaves Lock 'Haven 0.00 A.M. “ ' 41 WilUamsporL A. M, »» 14 arrives at Philadelphia. P. M, Buffalo Express leayee Williamsport. A.M. 4 * Harrisburg. 5.20 A.M, 44 4> arrives at Philadmphia. 925 A.M. Express east connects at Corry. Mail east atOorry and frvineton. Express west at Jjrvineton with trains on 9il Greek and Allegheny River Railroad. ALFRED li. TYLER, General Buperlntsade CAMDEN AND ATL AN TIC R AILR O AD. On and after Fridav, April 1,1870, trains will leave Vine Street Ferry as follows: Mail and Freight - 8.00 A. M, Atlantic Accommodation - .....3.45 I*. M. Junction Accommodation to Atco and intermediate Stations, 10.15 A. M. and 6.30 P. M. RETURNING LEAVE ATLANTIC: Mail and Freight 1.48 P. M. Atlantic Accommodation 6.05 A.M. Junction Accommodation from. Atco, 6.22 A.M. and 12.10, Noon. Buddontield trains leave Vine Street i erry, 10.15 A.M. and 2 00 P.M. Leave Hsiddonfiold. laX) P. M. EXTRA TRAIN FOR ATLANTIC CITY. /SATURDAYS ONLY.) An Extra Tram will run ovtry Saturday in advance of the sUil Train?— „ . Leaving Philadelphia at - LeavingAtlanticUity nt - -3.50 P. M. Allowing nearly FIVE HOURS on the Beach. The Union Transfer Company. No. 828Cheatnut street (Continental HolcU 1 , will call for aud check baggage to drHtimitUm. Tickets, alsot on Balo. _ ~ lfTtirnv . , D. 11. MUNDY, Agent. WEST JERSEY RAILRO ADS T COMMENCING MONDAY, April 4,1870. Leave Philadelphia, Foot of Market street (Uppm Ferrvl at 8.00 A.M.,Mail, for Bridgeton,Salem, Millville,Yine land, Bwedesboro and all intermediate stations. 11.45 A. M. Woodbury Accommodation. 815 P. M.i Mailyfor Capo May, Millville, Yinoland and way stations below Glasaboro. 1 0 , . - 3AOP.MI, Paasenger, for Bridgeton, Salem, Swedos boro,and allintermediatestations. • 8.45 P;M„ Woodbury, Glasaboro and Clayton accom modattoU^xTßA TBAJN j. 0B o A PE MAY. (Saturdays only.i Leave Philadelphia, 8.00 A. M. Leave Cape May, IJO P.M. . . Freight train leaves Camden daily, at 12.00 o clock, noon. ■ :l a , Freight received in Philadelphia at second covered wharfoclow Walnut street. • Freight delivered at No, 228 8. Delaware aveane.. Oommntatlon tickets, at reduced rates, between Pbila* JBKWEtl l ,BawrinMn dau,. April 1,1870. TJIAST FREIGHT LINE. VIA NORTH J? PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, to Wilkesbarre, Mahanoy Clty . Hount Carmel ,Contralia. and ,11 point, on Lehigh Yalley Railroad aud its branoho*. u By new arrangements, perfected this day, this roadu enabled togiveincreaaedfieepatch to merchandise con signed to the above-named points. WjomlngVMlevt before TUAVELEKB’ GUIDE' ~ :E RWjoK-MpSBAYi Apr] 4th,i870. Trains wHllteftve k'SMi 1 '’ <^™er ' : r< ?fi* W ftshington arenas, aijfojl , 'mAII I TBAIH at B.W A. M.(Sundays o«ejte3) t i forßalttmore.sfoppingfttall Begnlar Stations; fcdii ge«%« wits JJsrawara Kallroa3 Clay ton ! with Hmyhm Branch'(railroad and Maryland and ifobitfafe R. It, aUiarringtonwitb Junction and BreakWafeyß.®., : andMMnm* EXPRESS TBAIN »t 12.00 M. fSunday# excoptad i,for Baltimore, said (Washington, stopping at.WilmlngtOn, . EXPRESS TBAIH’at SPO P. H.fSnmHys excsptod),, for •Baltimore:anili Washlngtooistopning at Chester, ranrlpw.iinwood, {nnjmont.WUmlnKton, Newport, Stanton,'Newark, Elktoni North. Hast, Charlestown. Petryvilie, Eavre do Graoo, Aberdeen, Ferrymbn’O, Edgewpod, Magnolia; Chare'sand Stammer's Bnnj .a-... NIGHT EXPRESS at 11J0 P. M. I dally I for Baltimore ' and Washington, 'at ! Chester, tin wood, ClayraontiWilmington, Newark,Elkfon, North East, PerryTllle, Havre do oracbrPerryman’d and Hag- QOlto. .■r; _ . •, ■ r Norfolk will take WnMINQTpN' TBAINB.-Btopplng at all Stations between Philadelphia and Wilmington. ; „ team PHTLAPELPIiIAnt ÜBOA.M.,SAJ,SPOand 7.00 P. M. ThaoJJOP. M. train connocts with Delaware Ball re ad for Harringtonand intermediate etatlons. : ,i * lesve WHMINGTONS.IS and 8.10 A. M., 2.00. 4.00 and ?>i®s , **' , '-.®*lSi®-“A.®;traln will nOt Btop between. Chester and Philadelphia, The 7.18 P, M. train from Wilmington runs daUr;allotherAccommodatlon Train* Sondays excepted. Trains IeavingWILMIHOTON at *.45 A. K.i and '4.00 P■ «■ willconneetatLamokln,Junction with the 780 AM. and PM. trainSfer Baltimore Central,B. 8.- _ From BALTIMORE to FHILADELPHIA.-LSavftS Baltimore 726 A. 11., Way Mail. 9.10 A. M., Express, ijs P.M., Express. , "w -BCNDATYbAIN BALTIMORE at 125 P. M.' Stopping a? Magnolia, rym anw, Aberdeen, Havre sle-SraosJ’erryv lllo.Charlea tgwn, North-East, Elkton.Newftrk, 'Stanton, Newport, Wilmington. Claymoht. tinwood and Cheater. Through tickets to all points West, South, and Bouth westmay be procured at the ticket office, 828 Chestnut street.nhdcr Continental Hotel, wherealaoSUteßooma and Bertha in Sloping Oars can bo secpreddurlngthe day, Persons pure basing tickets gt- tbiaoffloe can nay# paggftgs checked at their residence the BnfottXnuu* SOBTH PENNBYXi VANIA RAIIiBOAD. -THE SHORT MIDDLE BODTE, to the, Lehigh «®d interior Fails, the Great lakes and tbs Dominion of CanAdS.™ •„ < ii*.«.4 l^^ls22®i?»SOT w»rS!id,lB69. ■ . i 11 DAILY TKAXN&fiare passenger Depot, corner of Berka and Americaa streets (Sundays excepted), 1 IOlaO'Wfl; -j j ■■ 720 A. H. Accommodation for Fort Washington. ‘ „At 8: A. lff Express Jot BsthlaWi and Principal Stations on mainline of North Pennsylvania Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valloy Bailroad for Allentown, Manoh Chunk, Hahanoy' City Wilkesbarre, ntttton, Wanda and Wayerly; connab ting at Waverly. with EBIE BAIL WAY for Niagara Falla, Bnflkid, Rochester, Cleveland, Chicago, San Francisco, and all points in the Crest West. At 8.45 A. M.—Accommodation for Doyleetowii, stop ping at all intermediate. Stations. Fassengora for Wfl fe r .tolAFmk&Sf P^‘ 1,e ’ tral? ’ takB 9.46 a. M.i (Express) for . Bethlehem* Allentown, Manch Chunk, Waite Haven, Wiikeabarre, Pitiaton* Scranton and Carhondale via Lehigh and SusQaehanna Bailroad* and AHontoiTn, Bacton. Hachettatown, and points on New Jersey Contra! .Railroad and Morris and Essex Bailroad to New York viaLohigh ValleyftaJlroad. At A. M.—Accoramodatlon for Fort Washington, •topplcsr at intermedlato Stations. ., b. 20 and 8 P Jfls—Accommodation to Abfaffton. At 1.45 P. M.—Lehigh Valley Express for Bethlcbem* Easton, Allentown, Manch Chuuk, Hazleton, White Haven, Wilkesharre, Ptttaton, and Wyoming Coal Be gions. At 2.45 P. Wf.—Accommodation for Hoylestown, stop ping at all intermediate stations. At 4,15 P. M—Accommodation, for Doyleatown, stop ping ht all intermediate stations. At 6.00 P; M.—Through for Bethlehem, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening Train for Eastom Allentown, Manch Chunk. At 0.20 P, M.—Accommodation for Lansdalo, stopping at All intermediate stations. _ ■ - At P. M.—Accommodation for Fort Washington. TRAINS ABBIVE IN PHILADELPHIA. From Bethlehem at 9A. M., 2.15, 4.40 and 8.26 P, M. 3.15 P. M., 4.40 P. M. an<}B.2s P. M. Trains make direct connection with Lehigh Valley or Lehigh and Snsane* hanna trains from Easton, Scranton. Wlike*barre, Ma hanoy City and Hazleton. • ' . From Doyles town at 8.55 A .M. ,4.30 7JJB P. M From Lanadale at 7JO A. M. M - Prom Fort Washington at 9J5 and!oJ6 A.M. and 8.10 P-M- ON SCNDAYS. PhlladelpUftforß Philadelphia for Dovlestown at 2.00 P. M. Doylcstown for Phifodalphia at 7,00 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4AOP. M. Fifth and Sixth Streets and Second and Third Streets Linesof City Passenger cars run directly to and from the Depot, union Line nut within a short distance of the Depot. •„ . Tickets most be procured at the Ticket Omoe, in order to secure the lowest rates of fare v . M . ELLIS CLARE, Agent. Tickets sold and Baggage checked through tojprincl pal points, at Mann’s rlorth Penn. Baggage Express office. No. 106 South Fifth street HEATERS AND STOVES. PAWCOAST & MAULE TOTED AND PEAK STREETS, Plain and Galvanized WROUGHT am CAST IRON PIPE For Gas, Steam and Water. FITTINGS, BRASS WORK, TOOLS, BOILER TUBES. Heating by Steam and Hot Water, Pipe ofallSizesCntandFittedtoOrder. CARD. Haring cold HENRYB. PANCOAST and FRANOIB I. HAULS(ge&tlomen in our employ for several yean past) the Stock,Good Will and Fixtures of oar BETAIL ESTABLISHMENT, located at the corner of THIBD and PEAB streets, in this city, that branch of our basi* ness, together with that of HEATING fthd VENTILA TING PUBLIC and PBIVATE BUILDINGS, both by STEAM and HOT WATEB, in all ita various systems, will ho carried on under the firm name of PANCOAST A MAULE, at the old stand , and we re commend them to the trade and business public as being entirely competent to perform oil work of that character.. MORRIS, TASKER & CO. Philadelphia. Jan. 22, 1370* mhl2-tf -rfj, THOMAS S. DIXON & SONS, P 8 1- ■ Lata Andrews ft Dixon, OKf No. 1324 CHESTNUT Street, Philada,, Opposite United States mint, annfactnrers of _ „ ■ _ LOW DOWN. PABLOB, CHAMBER, OFFICE. , And other GBATES, For Anthracite, Bituminous ana Wood Fir ALSO. WABM-AIB FURNACES, For Warming Pnhlic and Private Buildings REGISTERS, VENTILATORS, OHIMNEYOAPB, COOKING-RANGES, BATH-BO&KBB WHOLESALE and BETAIL MACHINERY, IRON, dkC. JRON i'EHOR.— The undersigned are prepared to exeente orders for ENGLISH IRON FENCE, of the beet-make". The most sightly and the most economical fence that can be need. Specimen panola of various styles.of this fence may be Been at our office. 1 _ _ _ ’ _ YABNALL * TRIBIBLB, jnh9 3ni§ _ 147 Sooth Front street. Merrick & sons, SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, , 430 Philadelphia, STEAM ENGINES—High and Low Pressure, Horizon tai, Vertical, Beam, oscillating, Blast ana Cornish Pumping. UOlLKltb—Cylinder, Fine, Tubular, &o. STEAM HAMMEBS-Nasmyth and Davy styles, and of all Hives. CASTINGS—Loam, Dry and Green Band, Brass, fto. ROOFS—Iron Frames, for covering with Slate or Iron. TANKS—Of Cast or Wrought Iron,for refineries, water, oil, ftC. e GAS MACHINERY—Such aa Retorts, Bench Castings. Holders and Frames,, Puriilors, Coke and Charcoal Barrows, Valves, Governors; Ac. SUGAR MACHINEBY-Such as Vacuum Pans sad Pmnps, Defecators, Bone Black Filters, Bnrners, Washers and Elevators, Bag Filters, Sugar and Bons Blask Cars, 4c. Sole manufacturers of the following specialties: . In Philadelphia and vicinity ,pf,WUliam Wright’s Patent Variable Cut-off Steam. Engine* lirthtiUnited StatesTofWesmn's Patent Seir-centof . ing and Self-balancing Centrifugal Sugar-draining Ma* chute. • -• ' : ...- • _ Cttaai A Bartend improvement on AsplnwaU A Wootf eyw Centrifugal. * ' BarboPt Patent Vfrought-Iron Be tort Lid. finerleefor working Sugar orMolas—e. TOF*»EB AKD miOT , METAL INBOB ft 00.. Ho. 3M South Wharves. m6DACW-FOOM "CAHfeS FLORIDA 1 leaf Tobacco. In store and for avie by COCH RAN, RUSSELL ft CO. 11l CbcrtnutaUeet. CITY ORDINANCES. COCfNCJLL “OF PJttUiADEI. -:;o;V \fi ' r : '.:r ■■■■'■' ’•' .f> i,«<•.,J’iHibA'iiEiii'ih'A, Marob 18/1870. ’ In accordance; with a resolution adopted by odhefOrnnmen Council of the City Of Pniladel £hia on Thursday, the seventeenth day of («c^i,lB7o,itheannexed bill; entitled: ~ t * "sAft, ordinance i % create a i loan for - the , lumber, extension ,of -the- Philadelphia; Gas , -Wjorku/’, vf herebypublished for' public infor mation./; f -• ; - i.■ i-,:’ : .. ..JOHN EGESTEIN/ “i : , . Clerk of Common Council.’ ; ' Jl tf CREATE A xl ‘.loan fbt the further extension of the Philadelphia GdsWorta. 1 , SECtroWT. The Select.arid’Common Ooun ' Oils' of ■ the .Philadelphia. do ordain, That the Mayor of the city be aud he Is hereby anthori zed to Pot-row, at ndtTess than £ar, on the credit of tlio 'city/ stich Nanis as the • Trustees: of'the Gas works’ may 'redMfe/not exceeding in the aggregate one millioh',ddl ■lara, at'a rate of interest mot; above sik' per cent,, for the further extension-of the Phlla dejphia Gas Works. The; prinCipalof Baid loan shall be payable at the expiration, of thirty yeans from',, the .first day of January, A. D., 1870, aDd shall he free from all tqxeg. ■, ; r • , Bkc. %■ Certificutesjor said loan ia anedby the Mayor in such amounts as ;tbe lenders may desire, put not for any fractional touts of otic hundred dollars.nof made’&ahs ferablo otherwise than at the office, and shall be in the folio wfWfonri ; ” ‘; Gas lioan ——- Certificate hfo.”vv: |! 1 Six pef cent." loan of the city of Philadelphia! 1»> sued tmder authority 61 an ordinihfceefi titled “ An ordinance to create a loan for the farther extension of the Philadelphia Gas ’Works, ap proved ——Vi. ' r; : This certifies'that them is'due to .by the cify”6f PMliidelli,hi^.f—dollars, With interest at six per cent;, payable half yearly, on the first days of January 'and July, at the office of the City Treasurer,' in said city, the principal, to ' be’ ‘ paid: at'the eame office in thirty yearn fr om:; th A first day of January, A. D: 1870, and' not before -Without the holder’s consent, free of all takes.;; Jn Wit ness whereof.tbS City Treasurer has hereto set his hand and affixed the seal of, Said' city this - day of ; ,A. D. 18—. Attest, City Controller. Section 3. That said Trustees/shail on or before the thirtymrst day of December and the thirtieth day of June in each and every year until, the Baid load is, paid, retain out ef their receipts forthe Bale of gas And other dfo ducts of the said Gas'Works the sum of four per centum on. the Amount of;said loan, and a sum sufficient to pay the State taxes on said loan, for which certificates ; may hAVO been issued, which they shall pay to the City Trea surer, who shall apply a sufficient sum thereof to the payment of the interest of the said loan and the Statetaxes thereon, as the same may fall due, and to no other purpose whatever; and the balance thereof shall be paid over by the said Treasurer to the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, who shall invest the same and its accumulations in the loans of the said Gas Works, or in the other loans of the city of Philadelphia, as a sinking fund> which is hereby specifically pledged to the payment of said loan; and any surplus remaining after the payment of said loan shall bo applied by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund- toward the extinguishment of the other loans to the; said Gas Works, if any; otherwise, of the funded debt of the city of Philadelphia. ■ Section 4-. The Mayoris bereoy empowered and directed, on the requisition of the Trus tees or the Philadelphia Gas Works, .without receivingthepayofauy money certificates of the loan provided for ip this ordi nance, in Buch amounts and to such partiesas the said Trustees shall designate, not exceed ing the amount of the loan authorised in add by this ordinance.; . ■■■■;, ■■■ i > Hhction B. That tho terms and provisions of the ordinance entitled ‘‘An ordinance for the further extension and management of the Philadelphia Gas Works,” approved June 17, 1841, Bhall not apply in any way or manner to this loan, and that nothing contained in this ordinance shall interfere with or obstruct the Gas Works whenever the Councils of the said city, may by ordinance determine to do so. Resolution to publish a loan BILL. ... 1 Resolved, That the Clerk of Common Council be authorized to publish in two daily news* papers' in.this city, daily. for four weeks,' the - ordinance presented to-the Common Oouaoil ’on Thursday, March 17th, 1870, entitled“;A» ordinance to create a loan for ' the farther ex tension ofthe Philadelphbt Gas Workg." -And • the said clerk, at the stated meeting- of OouO- - cils, after the expiration of four ■ weeks' from - the first day of said publication, shall present to ibis: Council one of each of said newspapers - for every day in which the same shall have been made. , mhl»24ts COMMON COUNCIL OF PHILADEL PHIA Clebk’s Office, Philadelphia, March 25,1870. In accordance with a resplntion adopted by the Common Council of the City of Philadel phia on Thursday, the twenty-fourth day of March, 1870, the annexed bill entitled “An Ordinance to authorize a loan for the erection of a bridge across the river Schuylkill at Fair mount.” JOHN ECKSTEIN, Clerk of Common Council. I N OKDINANCB TO AUTHOBIZE A J3l loan for the erection of a bridge across the Elver Schuylkill at Fairmount. ; Seotiokl.' The Select and Common Coun cils of the City of Philadelphia do ordain, That the Mayor of Philadelphia be and he is hereby authorized to borrow, at not less than par, on the credit of the city corporation, from time to time,such sums of money as may be necessary to pay for the construction ana erection of a bridge over the river Schuylkill at Fairmonnt, not exceedingin the whole the,s to of seven hundred thousand dollars, tor which interest notfo exceed the rate of six per cent, per an num shall be paid, half yearly; on the flrstdays of January and July, at the office of the City Treasurer. ThC principal of said loan shall be payable and paid at the expiiation of thirty years from the date of the same, and'' not before, without the consent of the holders thereof; and certificates therefore in the usual form of certificates of city loan, shall he issued in such amounts as the lenders may require, but not for any fractional part of one hundred dollars, or, if required, in amounts of five hundred or 0110 thousand dollars; and it shall be expressed in said certificates the said loan therein men- tioned, and the Interest thereof, are payable free from all taxes. Section 2. Whenever any loan shall be made by virtue thereof, there shall be, by force of this ordinance, annually appropriated, out of the income of the corporate estates and from the sum raised by taxation, asum suffi cient to pay the interest on said certificates; and the further sum of three-tenths of one per centum on the par value of such certificates so issued, shall be appropriated quarterly.out of. said income and taxes, to a sinking fund, which fund and its accumulations are hereby especially pledged for the redemption and payment of said certificates. Resolution to publish a loan BILL. ■ iff solved, That the Clerk of Common. Coun cil be authorized to publish in two daily news papers of this city daily, for two weeks, the ordinance presented to the Common. votinqll on Thursday, March 24, XB7O, entitled VAn ordinance to authorize a loanior the erection of a Bridge across the Itvver Schuylkill at Fairmount.” And tho said clerk, rat the stated meeting of Councils, after the expira tion of four weeks froth the; first day of said publication, shall present to this Council on® of each of said newspapers for every day in ■which the same shall be mhde: mh2i> 21t* rANTErer&c; Or *tie latest and ruost beautiful d*«fgu<t ßl Jd aIloIh«r State work.««»huwlorniade to order - nw , JVctdrj and Saleroom, SIXTEKNTirntK! OAII-'i w* : ’ Wit SON' 4 MII/liSB. apli'fmi • dity treasurer.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers