than that which dumped a huge column ol iron, painted white, surmounted by a statuo of ITcnrv Clay, smeared in a like manner, on the StoSF™, Whoso lofty, upon and dwarfs the inaiMtyoi the momj mental column. J aui told it Whs the intern tion to have it seen as the traveler ajiproach&d the city from the Valley ottho kclitjylkill»if no, the summit and not the base of the hill would have been the proper feWce. vlt illus trates the folly of entrusting such affairs to the judgment of rich lint ignorant merchants in stead of competent artists. . The collieries are not the only industries that contribute to tlio wealth of Potts villo. There are . rolling-mills, and .fac tories 'of every description.. Atkins Brothers have two furnaces ontbo isiandf below the town, anda rolling-mill at h’ishback, about ope mile north. The Palo Alto Company have two, large rolling-tmlls half a niile east of the town. Then there are the large foundries and-machine shops of Jas. ■tfren, Nastine & Potto,. Pomeroy* Son, X*- W. Snvdcr, and CO). 1 Z. P. Boyer. The latter gentleman, who. was a gallants officer* in the fete war, has also a-large spike-mill in opera tion, capable of turning, out from five to ten ton?) of the best'American scrap , railroad spikts. Be is now fillihg a large order for tn 6 Fredericksburg andOordonsVilleKuilroafi cf Virginia. .There are many other industrial establishments. One cannot, have a proper appreciation of the wealthof our, State, until after avieit to this fegion. ‘How few even of onr most intelligent citizens realize the magni tude of the interests under the * control of President -Gowep, and managed by him with such consummate ability. Some idea may be gathered when it is known that the Pennsyl vania Kailroad, which extends across the whole breadth of the State, and.whpse agents are to he found in almost eyery, pityof ~the Union, cafried last year, over its ropd i l ) 2(ri,l!|!) tons less than the Reading Railroad. - The Strike. There is a strike here among the miners, the merits of which lam unable to explain. The operators are very hitter against the miners; and if one-half I hear of their outrages be troe, Co’rigress wimld be better-employed in reconstructing Schuylkill county than an nexing San Domingo, or voting away the imblic lands to projected railway companies. 1 . JATEKVITG. tbe elder booth. A Sketch of Bis “Macbeth.” The subjoined paragraph will be interesting, to theatrical readers at tbe present time, when Mr. Booth’s Macbeth is a centre of thoughtful attention. It relates to the elder Booth’s per formance of Macbeth, and is copied from The Theatrical Register (No. 14, page 258), pub lished in New York, Dec. 25, ,1824 : “Mr. Booth, alter a successful engagement at Philadelphia; on Monday played Macbeth, for his benefit, which was his first appearance in that character in our country. The eminent ability with which he sustained that arduous character adds fresh lustre to his reputation as a tragedian. He gave new horrors to the dag ger scene; and, in the interview with. Lady Macbe'h, after having ‘ done the deed,’ when the ! regicide is urged to return and leave tbe bloody daggers, tile audience were completely electrified by the manner in which he delivered these words: “ ‘ I’ll go no more. I am afraid to think what I have done; Look on’t again 1 dare not. « Never,” says an eye-witness, “ did I behold such a picture of agonized contrition.” “It is thought by the million that none but an actor of the grenadier grade will do for a proper representative of Macbeth, and much is said of the towering dignity of that ambitious chieftain. Where the truth of this conclusion lies I cannot perceive. No allusion is made to Macbeth’s gigantic dimensions, nor does he perform anything herculean before the audi ence ; he is merely spoken of as valiant and ambitious, which is often the case wjth little men. He is endued with some power of con science, hut not enough to stand against golden temptations. He dwells mostly in the world of imagination, and deals in enchantment. All this may happen with a man less than six feet high. He is very much governed by bis wife, and this certainly is sometimes the case with a little man. I believe'the little man Gar rick acted Macbeth far better tban any strapping tragedian in the world, and I would not be surprised to find that tbe little man Booth per forms it better tban any of the gigantic actors in our country.” A TEBBIBI.I TRAGEDY. *jbe Double Murder In Henry County. 11- llnolß--A Farmer and Mis Wife Mur dered in Their Bed. [From tho Chicago Tribune.V Cambridge, 111., April 7.—One of the most brutal murders that has ever been committed in this county, was perpetrated near Colooa, HI., on the sth inst. A. K. Mumford, a farmer living about three miles west of Colona,had just sold his farm, intending to move West. Two ruffians, attracted doubtless by the money supposed to be in the house, effected an en trance while the family were asleep. A little boy was lying awake in a trundle-bed, and saw one of them attempt to reach under the pillow of Mr. Mumford, and gave the alarm, which awoke Mrs. Mumford, and she screamed, awakening her husband, who sprang up. Both were immediately knocked down with a club. Mr. Mumford’s head was com pletely severed from bis body with, a knife. The little boy was then knocked down and left for dead. The ruffians then left, after securing over $1,600 in money and some notes. In the morning, when the deed was dis covered, the spectacle presented was an awful one. Mr. and Mrs. Mumford and the boy ail lay npon the floor weltering in their blood. The boy was found to he aiive, and was re stored so as to relate the dreadful occurrence of the night, but the parents were both dead. Two strangers, pretending to be cattle-buyers, who had been hanging about the neighborhood for several days, are supposed to he the mur derers. One has a light complexion, blue eyes, light hair, large features; weight about 175 pounds; dressed in dark coat, and bad on a black felt hat and leather shoes. The other was tali and slim, witli dark eyes, black hair, pale complexion and nervous temperament; wore a blue soldier’s coat and thick boots. In tense excitement prevails in the neighborhood, andlf caught there the ruffians would undoubt edly he lynched. They traced one of the ruf fians some two miles over fields by blood from the wounds whicli he had received in the tus sle with Mr. Mumford. Every effort is bein<* made to arrest the murderers. ° , ■California Pearl Fisheries. The pearl fishery on the eastern coast of Lower California is prosecuted with profit, and probably might be developed considerably by the application of capital and intelligence. It is now in the hands of sixteen armudores , who employ 5'20 Indian divers. The principal sta tions are La Paz, Loreto, and Muleje. The gross receipts of the last season, extending from May to October, were valued at $77,000, one-third in shells and two-thirds in pearls. Yankee ingenuity could, perhaps, devise some cheaper and earner method of getting the pearls than that now in use; and it might pay some of our inventors to take a trip to Loreto .next summer. The pearl diver boat made at Boston and tried at Panama was well , devised, and if properly managed would probably have proved a success.—Alta California. Wh.e." yon are taking your trip to Cali fornia, if a hotel waiter asks you irvoti will liave Chinese rabbit,” you “pass” unless yon have formed the acquaintance of fried rata previously.— Ex. . —An Indianapolis paper announces that the street-cars there have been swept out this apnftg. No such foolishness lnm been indulged in here. ■ b —Oberon fia* lately been icvived at Ham burg, whew it had not been beard for several yean THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN—PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APBIL 12i 1870. NEW l'lIW-It'AHONS. Edward Wortley Montagu. An Autobiogra pliy. Philadelphia. Turner & Cd. IS7O. The eccentric rad® of the Montagus gave ; ample food to’tlie Soeerwells of contemporary society, while its luck has been to suffer long delay in the appearance of Ibose memoirs and authentic documents tyhich might go some way in justification. In the first place, more than a century and a half ago, the literary masterpiece, of the mother, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu,— of which, by the by, the best edition is that ar ranged in Philadelphia by Mrs. Sara J, Halo in 1850—was put out surreptitiously, against the .wishes of the family, and under circumstances which afforded no guaranty of., authenticity., , We refer, of course,, to jthe, letters—the first good pictures of oriental life, imported into English literature, and the abiding defence 9 f Lady Mary’s character against the injuries of tiiat other great letter-writer, Walpole, as well ; as against the insults of Pope. Her status "in history has, in fact, been granted according to the evidence of those letters, and not after the testimony of her defamers. A certain Indul gent liking is accorded to the brilliant; Ambas-’ sadreasj'iri the first place for her charming cor respondence, in the second for her utility as the introducer of a great medical discovery into Christendom. Writing from Constanti nople of inoculation, or “ the invention of ingrafting," Lady Mary told the'world of Europe: ' . ’ “ Every year thousands undergo this opera tion; 'and the French ambassador says pleasantly that they take the smallpox here by way df diversion, as they take the waters in other countries. There is no example of any one that has died in it; and you may believe I am well satisfied of the safety of this experi- 1 ment since ! intend to try it on my dear little ■ son. patriot enough to take pains to briDg this useful invention into fashion in Eng land.” We now have to do with the boy upon whoinJLady Mary risked this experiment, so terrible as it must have been to her motherly feelings. After serving in people’s minds as a type of the maitvais mijet, he has rested with out defence from his death in 1770 until now. ' The extraordinary delay in the publication of these memoirs, their mysterious debut, and their often problematic air, makes them an in felicity in the way of family revelation com pared with which the mother’s indiscreet escape into print was high credit and good fortune. The people whom Edward Wortley Montagu defames in a series of acrid personalities have not the importance for us that they had for his and their contemporaries. The grandfather whom he bated,—the cold country squire who fathered him, disliked him, and disinherited him, —even the mother whom he accuses pub licly with her cicisbco, Lord Hervey,—Cibber and Savage and Bully Rooke—the whole crowd of personal with whom the book has to do is a crowd with which our age has lost sym pathy. Changed manners, changed criterions, have lowered our interest in the court scandal of the first Hanoverian days. If these stings were to tell, they should have been dealt earlier. Nearly a century has removed the venom from a live condition in the serpent’s tooth to a bot tled state in the museum of slander. Yet the bookissiDgularly interesting. , It is a kind of supplement to Grammont’s memoirs, and traces with his own minuteness and intimacy the lives of the successors to his intriguing courtiers and complaisant beauties. It only professes to narrate the adventures of a certain short and youthful period, and, although there are no dates, must cease some time before the year 1747, when Montagu assumed his family position in England, arid represented the county of Huntingdon in ■ Parliament. A whole history of adventures and escapades as wild as anything in the present autobiography must be added to it in order to complete the story. Montagu, es caping to France from under a mountain of debts, became a Papist in Italy, and then a Mohammedan convert in Egypt, and finally died in Lyons on his return towards England, all alter the period at which this wild glimpse of autobiography terminates. At whatever date the sketch is written—(and it hears on its face the inconsistency of being very boyish in conception and scope, yet of a later literary i style than that of the author’s youthful day)— | it is composed upon a scale which would have j interfered with its termination, or else have | swelled it to such a bulk as to be unreadable. 1 The young Montagu goes off into historical i pictures at every chauge of scene. No canvas j would be large enough to contain a life 1 begun iu this way. The description of the ! Apollo Club, with long invented conversions j jn the style of Tac.tus—that of the Opera j House ball, with an elaborate procession. or i masque of all the society of the day—of Curll’s | garret of liack-w riters, sweating and scolding | together like a den of journeymen tailors—the i election-scene at “Bilgewater,”—and the | grandiose exhibitions of gypsy life and the Spanish Inquisition, in which the writer evi dently feels safe from witnesses, and romances and lays on the color as lie thinks would look best,—these efforts are too taxing to the inven tion, too artificial iu scheme and arrangement, to have been continued through an honest and conscientious chronicle, or to have occurred to j a man reviewing life iu his old age. Whether 1 we take the fragment as a very boyish effort, or I as the beguileuient of some quarantine idle ness or other in later times, it has, in the most j -charitable view, the unmistakable air 1 of desperate story-makihg.. Whether the I hoy describes his truancy and pre ; ixicious love affair in the house of the fish , monger,—or happens with suspicious oppor -1 tuneness to overhear his mother’s cruel pea) | of laughter as she receives Pope’s addresses— | or magnifies that woman in very humble life, ; almost old enough to be his mother, with" i whom he lived as husband for a few weeks, I into a superb heiress stolen by gypsies, and i finally rescued by him from the chambers of j the Inquisition at .Seville,—iu all these pro | digious inventive feats the accent of-truthful . 1 ness is completely lost. Yet the local color is preserved to a considerable degree, and it is j difficult to think of the work as a modem | forgery.. From the "horrible old Duke of j., Kingston, who in the first pages sits upon his pedigree and in his coronet like the figure of the old father in the first ■| plate of Marriage a la : Mode, down through j titled degrees such as those of Chesterfield, the Duchess of Marlborough, and Fox, and I then through Sir Richard Steele into the.'whole throng of Grub street and Wills Coffee-house —for each figure the writer has the traditional .•yiniafe, ilirt historic accent, besides a-wealth * of'private Scandal too apposite to be misap- generally tod,4ipi‘ri|>le 'to iVebtSd! Coarse, and as it shows the ; time in characteristic shpd Itipbn the dead literary ditad social sfjnahbles, and theficjbad ‘court Intrigues a lustre of modern interest“ahd liveliness. Tho reader mixes again in that painted, furbe lowcd, mincing throng thht distinguished tho Augustan age of British civilization; ~aml if the scene is horrible, it is now and vivid. ■ Such are the memoirs which, although re cently fuajlq public have ; been generally'snubbed, and ostracised’ from criti cism and discussion, As such personalities in deed deserve to be. ‘ In their American intro duction they wound no family pride, exhibit ho incobvenfent secrets, and tread on nobody’s Corns. The transaction, as far as. the Ameri can publishers are concerned, was an open and even! a liberal One., Messrs. Turner Bros., hearing of the, work in the hands of Mr. Thomas Newby—a London . book-publisher with a highly respectable class of publications —paid a handsome honorarium for the privilege Of an Ataefican issue, which thtey haye noW prepared in 'a neat form,and which they pre sent as a : literary problem tp: the reading wdrld. Dr. Shelton Mackenzie, in ji few pre fatory words, acknowledges the interest which ■ the singular pages have‘had for 1 him, hut does not attempt to account for their flights, their contradictions, nor their odd concealment hitherto* All we can say of the work is that it indicates a career as varied and astonishing as that recited in any of the famous autobiographies—as chaugeful as that of Benvenuto Cellini, as blind with passion and distorted/with vanity as that of Haydon; that it wanders over the earth,and runs a-mok through reputations and characters, as Poe loved to do; but that it revives, with galvanic energy, the figures of one of the strangest episodes of English history. Its legitimacy may be better determined, —whether for vindication or de tection—by any reader for himself, through a collation of dates, and a comparison of style with the author’s avowed works, his “ Reflec tions on the Rise and Fall of the Ancient Re publics,” and his papers contributed to the “ Philosophical Transactions.” With this much by way of presentation, we commend it as an enigma to those who are interested in the “witty’’age of English letters. . HOTELS. THE KEIF COLONNADE HOTEL, Fifteenth nncl Chestnut Streets* la open for Boarders or Transient Guests. Being entirely nowin all its departments, and furnished* in tho most elegant mauner, is not excelled by any. establishment in Ibe country. Gentlemen at ull times in waiting to show the apartments. Termß moderate. ap!2 lm§ COMMISSION MERCHANTS TOWNSEND & YALE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 90, 92 & 94 FRANKLIN ST., NEW YORK, Sole Agents FOB THE L AW RENOE MFG. CO.’S COTTON HOSIERY., mh3l-Imrt>s MEDICINAL. THE UNIVEBSITY MEDICINES Are the Favorite Prescriptions of the New York Medical University. SELLABLE BEMEDIEB of a highly scientific char acter! designed for the coro of all diseases. THEY ABE STANDARD, having, doting m ny yeari, been thoroughly tested in an,extenßivo practice ia New York. , They are taken in email doees, « ’ They are pleasant to tho taste. Their effects are almost instantaneous. Thoy are safe and never reduce a patient. Nevor render any one more liable to take cold. Novcr oblige a person to leave business. Wo have no ONE CUBE-ALL for all disoaseß, but a REGULAR SYSTEM'OF REMEDIES for each distinct class of MALADIES. A LIST of our remedies and a valuable MEDICAL BOOK sent free to any address. A COMPETENT PHYSICIAN in attendance. MEDICAL ADVICE FREE. Sold at the Philadelphia Branch, N. E. cor. Seventeenth and Chestnut Sts. JOSEPH O. HARROLD ap2_s_t n th 13trp ADIRONDACK MINERAL SPRING- WATER. Pamphlets giving analysis, certificates of eminent physicians and other gentlemen may bo bad of our Wholosttlo Agents, JOHN WYETH & BRO., Druggists, 1412 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. fo!2 e tu th Bmrp§ . MOLLER’B NORWEGIAN OOIHLIVER Oil in less objectionable to the taste uml smell; it is nioro readily taken by dolicato persons un'd'chlldren ; is more easily assimilated, and is productive of more immediate benefit than other kinds of oil aro. Dr. J. Marion Sims says : ” For some years 1 had given up tho use of Cod Liver Oil altogether, but sinco my atten tion was called by Dr. Sayre to Peter,Mollor’s Cod Liver (HI I'have prescribed it .almost <lnllv, and have every .reason tube perfectly sutisfiod with it.” Bold by Drug gists. • • ap3-f tu24t§ rpHK”~ WONDERS ACCOMPLISHED _L through tho agency of the genuine Cod-Liver Oil in Serotulft, Bronchitis, Chronic Cough, Asthma, and oven Consumpt on, almost surpass belief. In John 0. Bakeh & Co.’s “Pure Medicinal Cod-Liver Oil” each bottle of which is accompanied by medical guaran tees of tbo highest order—the public have the best brand of the preparation known to tho scientific world. JOHN O. BAKER & CO., N 0.718 Market str©et,Phila delphia, Penn. ... aSr For sale by all diugglsta. fo7 tffi cutlery; T>i) DGEKB' AND WOSTJENHOLM'S XVpOOKET KNIVES, PEARL and STAG HAN* DLES of beautiful finish: RODGERS 1 and 'WADE? BUTCHER’S, and the CELEBRATED LBCOULTEE -RAZOR. ttoisSORS IN OASES of the finest quality. Razors, Knives, Scissors and Table Cutlory, ground and polished., EAR INSTRUMENTS of the moat approved construction to assist the bearing, at P, MADEIRA’S, Cutler and Surgical Instrument Maker, lla Tenth street below Ohestnnt, myl tf GAS FIXTURES. GAS FIXTXJRES.-MISKEY7MBUBiLi: A TIIACKARA, No, 718 Chostnut Htrcot, naanu facturcrs of Gm Fixtures, hanips, Ac., Ac., would call the attention of the public; to their large and elegant as sortment of Gob Oliandollera, Pendants, Brackets, Ac They also introduce gUs pipes into dwellings and piiblio huunings, and attend to extending, altering and repair ing gas pires. All work warranted. .... 1 ll' IvJK, otU, Ifo'- •. ; v‘.j l;M ■ ‘‘"'‘r ['Xi o.*if 1 i 'V-S m m ■ fi I Reduction int Prices -,.-■ v, Y x-. V <y TO SUIT THE TIMES. $lOO,OOO WORTH OF ALL KINDS. , GEO; JLHEIKELS, 1301 and 1303 Chestnut St. mh2fl lmrpS , Bedding and Cottage Furniture 1 WAREHOUSE. Beat Quality H,lr Mattresses, Feather Beds, Bolsters and Pillows. TToathors and Down, Spring Mattresses. Busk do. and Husk Mattresses with Hair, or Cotton Tops. Blankets and Comfortables. A ' bandsimo'kssortment.of Suits.of phomker - ( Furniture. Also Bedsteads, Bureaus, ■Waei(Btahds,Ohalr»|H<isk!!M 0 k a k B i. ' Hewo’s Oot*, ahd a variety of , Springs for Bedsteads., Tho above will bo fopnd to bo reliable goods. CHA9. E ; CLARK, No. 11 North Eleven*!*Street. rohl2-B tu th rp-24t ■■■ . ••• t».-( • EUKNITUJiE. JOHN M. GARDNER, 1316 CHESTNUT STREET, Has unquestionably som'o of tho newest aind prettiest stylesof s'» ' 1 FINE FURNITURE ever before produced. In regard to Quality and Apish thogoods cannot be surpassed. ' Mr. GARDNER invites the attention of thosh in L tending to purchase to calk and examine his ntock,Whiah will bo sola at prices that must prove tempting. mh3o-rptf - : L NEW CARPETINGS. WE ARE NOW OPENING A FCEI, LINE OF . FOREIGN and DOMESTIC CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS AND M A TTI N O S. OF ALL GRADES, WHICH WE ABE OFFERING AT GREATLY BE DDOED PRICES FROM LAST SEASON. LEEDOM. SHAW & STEWART, 686 MARKET STREET. fel33mrp§ • , _ THE WHEELER A WILSON SEWING MACHINES, The Beet and sold on tho Easiest Tonne, PETERSON & CARPENTER, 614 CHESTNUT STREET. S tu th l! B. C. WORTHINGTON & SON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers ih IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS, AND ALL ARTICLES OF THE TRADE, 433 Cliestnnt St., opposite the Post Office. Branch of 1M South SIXTH Btreut, i PHILADELPHIA. I AGENTS FOR KEY WEBT CIGARB. "We invite on inspection of our stock; every sale being guaranteed ATTORNEY’S-AT-LAW. A. S. LETCHWOBTH, Attorney at Lair, Has removed his Office to No. 113 S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia. mhl9lmrp* - —' iALTESTATE AGENTS. FRED. SYLVESTER, REAL ESTATE BROKER, 309 SOOTH FOURTH STREET, do!7-lyn>§ FORSAUE. FOR SALE. YARNS FOR SALE. Cotton and Worsted Yarns, all numbers. Cotton Yarns, one, two, three or four ply, on cops* on beams nod in skeins. Also, Chain ana Satinet Warps* Cotton and Wool Wusto. geo. F. HAtl, Commission Merchant, 67 KILBY Street,Boston, Hass. tnh2s 3ms • HARDWARE, AC. BUILDING AND HOUSEKEEPING HARDWARE. Machinists, Carpenters and other Me* chanics’ Tools. Hinges, Screws, Locks, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Coffee Mills, Ac., Stocks and Dtos, Plug and Taper Taps, Universal and Scroll Chucks, Planfesin groat variety. AH to be liad nt the Lowest Possible Prices At the CHEAP-FOR-CASH Hard ware Store of , J. B. SHANNON, No, 1000 JNnrKet Street. doB-tf , _ “ * GONG ON THE MONEY-DRAWER of a tavern at Third and Catherine streote,on Saturday, warned the proprietor that there was oomo one tempering with hie cash. He was in tlio adjoining room, but got out in time to catch ’the tappor. Aider: mnn Tiltermary committed the accused.” So said a morning paper. Wo have several kinds of these alarm Jnoney drSwcrV. TRUMAN & eiXAW, Np. 635 (Eight Thirtv-fivoi Market streot, below -Ninth. PATENT SHUTTER-BOWERS AND Tassels; iind the Self-bowlne Shutter bolt for Bale by TRUMAN & 8H AW, No. S.W< Right Thirty-live) Market street, below Ninth. 1 rriHE combination hammer gives I : you the UIO of either a Claw or a Rivet Hammer in iho ono tool, dr enables you to drive _ nails. -where you cannot reach with your Ungers to hold them. -R<}«isalo, with a variety «f the regular styles, by T RUM AN « SHAW, No. 8381 Eight jhlrty-ilvot Market streot,bolow Ninth. STRTJCTJONS. fIV-* HORSEMANSHIP. —THE PHILA DELI’HIA RIDING 8CH00R.N0.8338 Mar ifdr is open daily for Ladies and Gentlemen. It Is the largest, Eest lighted and heated e V>wi the city. g The horses are thoroughly broken for the 3i,feoo A l?® an Evening Class for Gentlemen.! tn r ll!Bri oto nan!£ trained for thesaddle. Horses taken to livery. Hand spme«trriageatobiro. fßtota^.tor^^g^la^. . ■ Proprietor. ■ TVICE.—IOO CASKS CA^OIiINA. R RICE. X%» In utore and fo? *fttloby BUSSBIiIi 0 00., 11l Chestnut street. *‘ft THE 1 : f O|fER Fo§ s2s)o,oj§' ■]o - ■ % * ’ t N Railroad Co. SIX PER CENT. BONDS At 92 I*2 and Interest added to date of purchase. AU fcee fcom State Tax. and - issued -In , , sumsef, $l,OOO. > irhc«o Bond* urpConpqii and Ragistcrad. intarciton tho ' f ; ■ fon»oi*tiiiyiiMe aniiuary-iindJuly 1, brt tho ! InUer'Apriland October. ~ , : Tin 1 bend* scented by thi* mprtgaqo are 'leaned to XVISYAK MOttKIB and .TOBIAH HfXOON, TrtliMC*, Wlio'Cnhiiot, unde# its brovlnlohn,' deliver to the Com iiany, at any time, un amount of bonds qacecdlng the full-paid capital stock dftiin CbhipiiliJ'— limited to 535- Mo,*€O. ■. ■' :-.t 1.1 :a ; EUouqh of tbe«p bond* are withhold to phy off all ox (eting litre npon tbo property of the Company, to meet Which atmalnrityltnew bolds ample ttcAn* Independ ently of the bond*, to bo reserved by tho Trn.teC* for 1 that purpose,TimkinK the bodda practically a FIBBT ?U)HTGAQE nilon all its railways, thtlr equipment, opleetato, Ac <:j u : « ■ ■ - ; Tho grope rovcnnfe of the Pennsylvania Ballroad in 1869,WMU17,260,5i1l or nearly twenty-night percent, of' tlip capital and debts of the Company at the end of that year., ' • ■;-lill < >!'>."•. ■ t- ' •' i; " ■ Since 1867 tho dividend* to ;tho Stockholdera have averaged nf*rly eleven and cum-balf percent. per annum aftor ppylag Interest and poising annually a large nmobnt to,the credit ot oon.tructton account. ; The security upon yrhich the.bpnda are baaed la, there fore,.of tbe most ample character, and placea them an a par with the very beat national aornrltiea. For furtber p#rtlCdl«a, apply to Jay Cooke & Co., E. W. Clark & Co., , Drcxcl & Co, - C. & H. Borie, W. H.Newbold, Son & Aertsen. _ ap2l2trps : : ■ J_.lL.j-. DREXEL & CO., No. 84 South Third Street, American and Foreign Bankers. Issue Drafts and Circular Lettera of Credit, available on presentation in any part of Europe. Travelers can make all their financial ar rangements through us, and we will collect their interest and dividends without charge. DREXEL, iWINTHBOP & CO., Hew York, DREXEL, UARJES & CO.,Paris. fs, AC, COUPONS OF TUB LAND GRANT BONDS OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO., Due Ax>ril Ist, PAID BY TJHION PACIFIC BaR. 00,, boston. MORTON, BLISS & CO., HEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. qp9tf : mb23 Imrp" JAB. 8. NEWBOLD & SON, BILL BHOKESS AND GENERAL FINANCIAL AGENTS, 126 South Second Street. phi tfsi> ___ JAY COOKE & CO., Philadelphia, New York and Washington, BANKERS, AND Dealers in Government Securities. Special attention given to tho Purchase and Salo of Docria and Stock# on Commission, at tlio Board of Bro kers in this and other cities.' INTEREST ALLOWEDON DEPOSITS. COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS. GOLpAND SILVER BOUGHT AND SOLD RELIABLE RAILROAti RONDS FOR INVEST■ MENT. Pamphlets and full information given at our office. No. 114 S. Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. mhM-tfrp ■ ■ . EIJNAMCT^ki.. G eneral Mortgage COLEBROOKDALE RAILROAD First Mortgage Bonds, Due 1898. Principal and Interest Guaranteed by Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Co. Six Per Cent., free from all tax- We are authorized to offer it B«, from December 1, tlio balance of about 5300.W0 oriao bond a. secured by a First Mortgage upon all the Pmertv of the Co/ebrookJale Eaiiroad Cornpany, and g p^ila absolutely, both, as to , "tnetpalctndtntmshbv the ram elelphia and Reading RAtlroad Company. ■ C’.A H BOBUE, ; »o. 3 Me»eliant(P Bxetotmgo. W. H. KEWBOL»,S»W *,AB«SVEW, S. El edft IMWk and WnlnotStt. mhl7tfj ■ ' ■:—— — •" /hiv nan AND IrOUIt SUMS Off SC,OOO diVA’*'. I t “f '.I R.OyWfiiAM’ON SMITH &C 0„ l. HANKERS AND BROKERS, ||o. f 'l2liSir%HlitD STREET. BUCGkSHORS TO SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO. ~-Every department of Banking "bunlneia ehnll receive prompt attontfon, ae heretofore. quotation* of Btocks, Gold and Government* constantly recalled j, from dnr jjANDOLPH A CO.i New York, br oar PRIVATE XVIBB. , jaS-iy TDBjLiiCATiiOjNft. f f/ y UHiD A Y SCHOOL ' BUPEBmTKN. dent*, net Prof. Hart’aadmlrabloaddroa*.. "How I* Hflect a Library,” at the Subbath School Emporium, 60S Arch, wtreet. rhUndelphlal ll .* ■ : NEW BOOKS PUBLISHED BY THE American Sunday-School Union. MIBTRBH3 MAEQEBY. 'A. tolo of tho Lollard*. 18mo, doth, illustrated, 70 cents, CHRISTIANA HATHIiiRLY'S CHILDHOOD, your illustration*,.Umo, cloth, 66 cent,. j, ■ . THE CRUMBLING PATH. A striking allegory, well calculated, to alarm the carehna arid; stimulate the 'cQn»clentlon*. lBmo, paper, Id cent* i c10th,22 cent*. For sale at tho UcpoHtory of the, : AMERICAN StINOAY-80H00L UNION, t jjt2 Oheftnht St., PbiFiidclpbis. fipfltulbaflt TRIMMINGS AND PATTERNS. Grand Opening Pf Spring Faanions IN IMPORTED PAPER PATTERNS, Inesday, Mwrcb Ist, 1870. Theold esUbllflhed and only rcllablo Paper Pattern, Dre#» and Cloak Making Emporium. Pr«BBMZD%d(i to Uh eaao aud mMliocm’ nottcC.' ■ - • - " - - ' Mr*. M. A. BINDER’S recent vliit to Pari»enablee her to receive Foehiona. Trutimins* and Fancy Good* superior to anything in this country. NOW iu design, moderate in prlco. „ , A perfect *y*teinof Drew Cutting taught. Cutting, Buating.Pinlrln*. Fnablon Book, and GogerinK Machine* for sale, get* of Pattern* lor Merchants aud Drc»> Maker* uow readya‘M ßg M A> BrNDJ'IR’S, 1101, rf. W. cor. Eleventh and Chestnbt Sts. Carefully note the name and, number to avoid beinr decelvml. tnyMtfrp KfIMiIiOVKS, «.ve. are nrytr, and ltavn been for nearly a quarter of a century, the mast popular Ulovo in England, and are worn by the Queen and most of the upper classes in that country. New Spring colors just received, in Ladies’ and JlenVsizes, by J. XV. SCOTT & CO., No; Hl4 Chektnrit street. A J. B. BARTHOEOMEW impobtersof SPRING IMPORTATIONS Will arrWe la a few <Uy«. Now in «U>ck or*r I,GOOrOZJ!N KID GLOVES. Our celebrated I,A BHLLB,In all the now abadf«, it __ 91 25 joskpTC'L.'. - J * Every one guaranteed. If they rip or tear another pairgiTeu laMchnnat^- NO BIBK. _ - - ' HOSIEEY down to thepreaent rat* of gold. LINEN UANDKEKCUIKFd down to the present BlLKbdowntotbe prwwat rate of cold. SPUING DREBH GOODS down to tbo prtaent rate of gold JCBT OPENED, »,00»YABPB BAMBUBO EDGINGS AND INSEBT INGS, bought on galdat lOf.' Brwnlain, wUI l>« «old cheaper titan any houto in Philadelphia. Will aoll «u th tr Xo.‘t3 NOBTH EIGHTH ST. GENTS’TURNISHING goods. PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. Order* for tbeee celebrated Shirts .applied promptly brief notice. Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Of late *tylea In fall Variety. WINCHESTER & CO. 700 CHESTNUT. fel-tn th «tf POCKKTBOOKS.&C7 - “ c.f.bumpp, 110 A lls IV. .th Bt, PHUfADA; Manufacturer and Importer of POCKET-BOOKS ladles’ & Gents’ Satchels and Travelling Bags, In all Styles. /JSasovrood [lfanoyimd Mahogany IWrUing ftv Bcefca coftSistsr BARATKT. O G BSKTS. TODRNFBES, HAIR CLOTH SKIRTS. 112 8. Eleventh Bt. FIRE-PROOF SAFES. For Sale Cheap. A FIRST-CLABS FIRE PEOOF SAFE. Address, “LEON,” this office. JetO-tlrpS SOP* BKP WM. FARSON’S IMPROVED PATENT SOFA BEE makes 'ft handsome Sofa and comfortable Bed 4 with* Bnrlng WfittraßS attached. Those wishing to oconnmi/.o room should call and examine them at the extensive first-claeß FnmHuro Warerooms of • • ■ Faraon & Son, No. 228 S., Second Street. Alto, WM. FABSON’B PATENT EXTENSION. TABIiE FAfcTENJNG. Every table ahoulil have tli»ni on. They hold the leaves firmly together when pulled about thoroom, , ' , inhl73m§ —Aiu-hus Made to w eapTWeli,.— WM. POELOCK, SS7 Market street, Bells the cheapest Carpet., Just oxnrolue thorn. apBlms The celebrated Daria ‘Kid Glove Maker. His Gloves are ra pidly obtaining a very high position in this country. They Pi 1 wg* | jo Cg J Judies'and 3 OeoU* B Dm*S*S* 3 Caeca* A PANIEHB, IELHUUPIUIJ NCHXABI. NAi’or.Korf is believed to be acting under the influence of lionher. ' 7 Seven men lost their Uvea by a colliery dis ■ aatcr, in Scotland, yesterday. Montj?ensiek’<j trial for shooting Enrique de .Bourbon eoriimences to-day. The Barcelona riots having been put down, the Government is busy making arrests. Ollivieu says one day will suffice lor taking the vote of the nation on* the pleblscitum. ' Count Dahu’s resignation is said to be im minent. Should he leave the French Cabinet, 1 other Ministers will follow. ' President: Secretaries;, t Belknap and Cox, and Gem Sherman, returned to Wash ington yesterday. At Toronto, yesterday, Daniel Morrison, editor of the Ddi(j/ Telegraph, died suddenly of apoplexy. Mb. Gladstone is said to have received a letter, signed by two huedred members of the Mouse of Commons, urging the adoption of the ballot. Tun French ministerial crisis Is flis sensioiis :is to the continuance of’ plebiscitary powers in the hands of the Executive. \ Anarchy, according to Spanish advices, prevails among the 1 Cubans, aim Cespedes templates fleeing from the island. A Rome journal is assured that the . (Ecu menical Council will adopt the Papal Infal libility dogma by acclamation' on Easter Monday. s ' ■ At Schenectady, N. Y., yesterday, two new three-story buildings fell down, killing one man and injuring three others. :; » ~ : \ll A New Yotat ferry boat was cut down by a Sound steamer yesterday morning. She just floated dong enough tq land all her pas sengers.': • ■■■•’ ; ■'' : " An accident occurred at St. Johnsville, on the New York Central Bailroad yesterday, by which one man was killed and two others badly injured: At Baltimore, Arriel Lewis, who kdled his little'aon while drunk, on the -Bth Of' March, was yesterday convicted of manslaughter, and sentenced to six months’ imprisonment. Governor Alcorn sent a message to the Mississippi Legislature, yesterday, ;in which he advocates separate schools for white and colored children, and the establishment of normal schools for the edneation of colored teachers. It has just been discovered in New York, that, under the State Constitution, several per sons nominated to offices by the Mayor, among them William M. Tweed, are ineligible, being lueinbcis of the Legislature. In the Supreme Court of the United States, yesterday, owing to the absence of Mr. Carlisle and other counsel, argument on the la>gal Tender cases was postponed until'next Mon day. Tin; tv/o Mayors of Bicbmond, Virginia, had a conference yesterday, and, to pre vent delay, agreed to submit their case, Chief Justice Chase consenting; to the Virginia Court of Appeals, which meets to-day. . Thenton, N. J., held its charter election yesterday. About 2JO colored men voted, all for the Bepublican ticket. The result was not known last night, but it was believed the Democrats rmined control of the city. The National banks at Chicago have em ployed counsel to contest the assessment of tbelr stock for State and county taxes, on the ground that they are unequal and excessive, being three times greater than the taxes on other personal property. It was expected that an application for bad by Ycrger Would have' been heard yesterday, at Jackson,; Miss., but no hearing took place. Yeiger has written another let ter, saying that be has been “ unlawfully de tained in prison, and denied trial from time to time by partisan Interference.” A despatch from Toledo, Ohio, says that a Prussian, calling himself Augustus Tatter brook, has been detected as a Masonic swindler . by Messrs. Richards,' Wagner and others, of the Masonic Board of Belief. Me bad been operating there and in other West ern cities. Yestkijday morning the Indians came within liaifs mile of Sydney Station,Nebraska, on the Union Pacific Railroad and fired at a herder, named Jno. Moran, wounding; him se verely. A party of whites drove the Indians off, but found a large number of savages on the bluffs, supposed to be Cheyennes. In this province of. Ontario, Canada, meet ings are being lield to express indignation at the execution of Scott Ly the Red River insur gents, and the Government has been requested not to receive Rielle’s delegates, Thomas Scott has charged these delegates, before a .magis trate in Toronto, with being accessory to bis brother's murder, 1 lx Canada the volunteers have been called out ail along the Eastern frontier, and are now under arms, in anticipation of another Fenian raid. It was decided yesterday to call out 4,000 active militia in the province of Quebec. It is conjectured that the attack will be made at the same points as' in ISOG, and a company of mounted infantry has been ordered to the Detroit river, below Sarnia. In the Nova Scotia Legislature yesterday, petitions were presented asking that steps be taken for a release from,the union with Canada, or front allegiance. Mr. Dickie moved resolu tions against the national policy of the Do minion, atid argued that great dissatisfaction existed because of the want of reciprocity with the United States. The Attorney-General also said that the new tariff added another to the barriers Canada had raised against re ciprocity. .. Dn. JLsjrES was before the House Com mittee on Appropriations, yesterday, and gave his views as to the propriety of fitting out an expedition to the Arctic regions, at government expense. He explained its practicability, and the advantage which would result to science by a thorough exploration to the open Polar sea, which Dr. Kane himself had reached. He would found a colony in Smith’s Sound, and in the spring cross the. ice to Grinned Land, where he would establish a depot of supplies, and thence with boats push on toward the Pole. He said he did not believe in the exist ence of land at the North Pole, but was satisfied that an open sea would be found, there., Me: Lowe, Chancellor of' the Exchequer, iubmitted the annual budget to the House of Commons yesterday. His budget shows that the total revenue received from all sources during tlie last fiscal year was £75,324,000, and exceeds the estimate £1,819,000. The total expenditure for the last fiscal year was £07,504,000, against .the estimate of £OB,- 408,000. The expenditures ' for the' current fiscal year, ending March 31,' 1871, are esti mated by Mr. Lowe at £07,113,000, which, ho says, falls £11,730,000 below the total amount of grants for the past, year. Mr. Lowe said the budget proposed to abolish game licenses and impose pound duty on firearms., Jt is also proposed that savings bank stock be turned into terminable annuities. The malt tax is untouched, and beer is left tax free. Fanners are allbtved lo' steep their own barley- A de-' cline in from sugar is noticed. Also on foreign liquors and,.wines,-, The. in-,, crease 1 of re venue on tobacco' is £121,000, and on tea, £ssjfiop.- a-,, , i as; / • ; S—* ——: Fori y-Firstt'ongress—SecoudNesslon. Tbe United States Senate yesterday after neon, on motion of Mr. Morrill, insisted on its aiiiemhnents to the Deficiency bill, and a Con ference Committee was appointed. The Northern Pacific Railroad bill was considered,- pending.which the Senate adjourned.- ‘ in the House of Representatives the Tariff bill was considered in' Committee of the Whole,(and % number qf pMagraphS jWere, dis posed of.; The r ®>‘ lathig to carpets and oil cloths. On Brussel carpet the. duty was mad?. ‘JS cents per .yard,, and ffff pfer cent.'hii talorint. *On ollclOth'fdr floors the duty is 40 per cent., and on silk oil cloth 00 per cent. Mr. Bntier again tried to introduce his resolution for the annexation of St. Domingo, and Mr. Brooks againfqbjettetl. The resolution granting the use Of the -ball for the celebration of the Fifteenth Amendment was rescinded, and the House; adjourned. • ' - ; '• q i''' i' The gsnll (an»l--£ut«>TriM Anienff the BfeUroads. . We notice that the*journals of the lake cities are nrgfng ujffm Congress the necessity ef im mediate aid by the Government to enlarge the Sault Canal, at.the,entrance of Lake Superior, and alsd to consthiet a harbor at some point at the head of that lake. The movement is chiefly; made in connection with the recent commencement of work on the Northem Pa cific Railroad, and for the purpose of preparing fqr the volume Of trade which is anticipated by that route. Already quite a rivalry is being .preliminarily organized among the .lake cities and railroads connecting with'them. Among others,,we learn that the Pennsylvania Central Railroad has wisely determined t* be a vigor ous competitor, and -to that .end/ Is seriously a connection with Buffalo,'to enable it to compete with the Erio and Central.' —Times. • , Kansas— Condition of She Crop#. We have converted with ft inimber of geu- tlemen from the co.Ufltry within .the; past two or three days and all assure us that the pros pects for good crops during the coming season are better than they have ever, before known them to be. The ground is In excellent con dition for plowing and; planting. Tber winter wheat is looking exceedingly' well; better, 1 in fact, by a hundred per cent, than it has ever before appeared at this season of the year. Everything indicates most prolific crops aud the most prosperous year ever known in Kan sas.—Atchison ( Kansas ) Champion, Aprils. I’lillodclDhla Batik Slntemeut. Tb« following is the weekly statement of the Phils delpbiaßank*, tnade lip <m Monday afternoon, which presents the following aggregates: Capital Stock..- ....... 915,756,150 Loans and Discounts 52,041,633 Specie.- - . 1,493,429 Due from ether Banka.-.. .......... 4A57.2& Dae te other Banka ....... 6,668,526 Deposits ..... 32,4310,617 Circulation.... i - 10,571.742 United fetates Notes. - 13,052,327 Clearings-..—.—... - - 34,601,630 Balances : 3^43440 The following statement shows the condition of the Banks of Philadelphia,at various times daring the last ew months: . „ ,-*•'.. »•- Loam. Sper.xe. Circulation. Deposits. Jan. 4. .....51,716,999 352,483 10,503,719 31,932339 Feb. L .52,632,813 302J82 10,593,351 33,052.551 Mar. L .52,251,261 2.59.933 10,453.546 31,033^1 Apil6. 60,499,** WJm 10,622,390 29,201,937 MayS. 51,610,982 201,756 10,617,315 32,363,692 June 7. ..52,826,367 109,316 . 36,478,094 July 5. -53,937.621 303421 . 34^44^33 Auk. 2. ..51,953,863 10,610,233 33,623,336 jfept.C. 61,931,372 247,338 19,611,673 33,705,545 Oct. 4. 1t,106/120 177,303 10,599,334 32,033,112 Not. 1 .51,632,214 354£U 10,597,973 32,991,813 Dm. 6 s\sG*fi*D 932,453 10,003,252 33,291,«l Jan 3, 70 10,668,631 33*299,612 Feb. 7. sljs2S&3 037,519 10.6634*1 ,33,559,372 31ar.7 .51,400,301 1429AJ7 , 10.576,352 32J04.»4 April 4. .51,1*38,135 1,580,747 10,575,773 32,652309 11 -52141,533 1.499,427 ,32.6iq!617 40j/71^42 The following is a detailed statement of tha btuiaen at the Philadelphia Clearing Hottsofor the past week, far' nished by 6.1 C. Arnold, JKsq., Manager: CUearings. Balances. April 4. - £6,256.272 74 B5 *• 5- 5,653,997 90 77 A - B3 346.343 83 “ 7 5,178,403 61 372/119 Oi “ A 6/775,236 30 693,942 18 •• 9. - 5,642459 13 .055/162 #9 Beaorted droning Bulletin. BOSTON—Steamer Norman, Nickerson—43 pkgs dry fide G Brewer k Co; 41 rolls carpet Boyd A White; 60 has ndw Biddle Hardware Co; 150 hols sheepskins B Bullocks bons: 50 begs peanuts A B BailjrACo; lObblarum Beattie A Bar; 290 empty qr bbls Crowell A Nicholson; 8 sacks wool Davis-A Jdulke; 22ceajftcMnes Grover A Baker: 200 bags coffee J Graham A Co; 90 rolls paper Howell, Onderdoak A Co; 26 pkes dry gds Jordan, Bard wcllACo; 25 mat* raisins Ii CKeltogg ACo, 53easca fur stock 10 bale* excelsior Kilburn A Gates; 42 pkg* dry gds Lewie, Wharton A £o; 18do T T Lea A Co; 21 bdls paper J H Longstretb; 30 bdls paiH lioneaster A Izard; 16 bbls mdse J Lucas A C«; 2 cs 75 bdls paper C If egarge, 25 pkge cordage Mason A Comfort; 190 nags coffee P Me* Bride:6 bales yarn Newell A Co; 30 bdls paper T 8 Soott; 191 bdls iron U II Smith A Co: lid bates ary cds W Simp *ou A Son: 32 pkgs cordage J DWbalham; 9 bales yarn B White; 10 bhds bacon A If Wartb&m; GO bdls chair stock 9 bxs do M E Yoonc; 20 bxs fresh fish Hirbee’A Waraer; 21 do B Bohpfield; 15 doGeo F Field; 10 do J A Loe A Co: Bdo W Dili; 8 do T Iljnchinao; Bdo D Reen;27do J W Wroth: 25 do J A Hopkins; 3l do smoked do 8 H A H Levin; 19 cs boot* and shoes TL Aehbridge; 72 doßuntinr,Durborow A Co; 22d0 Conover, Dorf A wo: 36 do Chandler,Mart A Co; 13 do O 8 CUflin; 11 do A L Etoidr;29do G M Foy; 60 d»Graff r Watkii» « Co; 11 do M Hayward; lido Lippiucott, Son A Co; 14 do Muuroe, Sinaltz A Co* 11 do Nickerson A Mpsely; 17 do £8 Eeovro: 19 do RoodoU, Miller A Co;3U do A A Shorn* way; 15 do W \Y Smedley; 13 do A II Smith A Son; I9do Shaltr. A Elae;22do uStUr A Miller; 16do A XildenACo; 23 do Thatcher A Co. / . » BA GU A—Brig Iza, Williams—l2o bhds 35 tes molasses Geo C Gsr*on A Co. CAHI)BNAB—Bchr Ella Amsdm, gmith-3?.3 hhds 40 tea molapsrs Harris, HerlA Cn. - • CABDENAB—Schr Florence I. Lockwood. SrJohn— -445 hhdstl tea molASf** E C Knight A Co.- > TRINIDAD—Schr Thoe Clyde; Cain—lo4hbdg sugar 418 bkds 18 tee molasses Geo C Carson A Co. MATAKZAS-Scbr Abbot Devorcux, Rich-006 hhds 65 us molasses R K Neff A Co. .7 . XOBFOLK-Schr KlI Barnes, Avery—47,7oo 24-inch cy pr*ts shingles 12*225 do sap shingles 13,150 20-inch heart do T P Galvin A Co. CHARLESTON, SC—Schr I) Gifford, Jirrell-76.000 ft yellow pine hewn timber Norcross A Sheeta; 2UO ton* pbo*pbatr*r©ck The* Wattaon A Sons. LEECH VILLK, NC-tkbr Harr? Lea, Barrett-100,000 feet yellow pluc boards 40,000 cypress shingles Norcroas A Sheets. WILMINGTON, NC—Schr Anoiefi Goakill. Gaakill —140,000 feet ysllnw pine flooring boards 3.000 cedar shingles Nnrcre*,* A Sheet*. MAYAGUKZ I*lt—BrigFeaniraan, Dickson—2B2 hhds sugar 10 tea do 2d hhds mol&ases John Mason A Co. ‘ LIVERPOOL—Ship Royal Charlie, Potter—9oo sacks fmosalt Alex Ksrr A Bro ; 700 do Higrins’ fine do W f m Bumm A San ; 108 casks soda ABh 40 drums‘caustic soda Yamali A Trimble2oo.kfgs bicarb soda 320 bbls soda crystals 33 drums caustic soda Gready A Keefe ;53 casks sodaiuh Churchman A Co; 35 do do 13 J Baker A Co; 40 bbls oxide of iron J Lucas A Co ; GO crates earthenware A 8 Tompkiuflon ;23 do do Burgess A Goddard ; 90 do do Aabnry A Young: 47 casks soda nsh W Cunningham; 2GobdUbar iron 33 do wiro 200 boxes tin plates Hall A Carpenter; 2 blocks stone J E Mitchell; 100 casks soda ash 50 do bleaching powder 3392 old rails 363 boxes tin pluf©6 846 bdls hoop iron SCO boxes Bath brfeks order. ANDBOSBAN—Ship Andrew Lovett, Porry—lll4 sons pigiron 8A W Welsh, ■ ■ -- •= ' • - OF OCEAN 61EAMEBS. , TO A3BIVE. SHIPS FROM FOR DATS. Hern ana.. Bremen... New March24 8. America..... Rio Janeiro... New York March 25 Celia London... New Ysrk March 26 Main Southampton... New York- ....March 29 Eric Liverpool...NewYork March 30 City of LondoD-Livernool...New York March 31 Samaria .. Liverpool... New York March 31 India Glasgow... New York. Apnl 1 TO DEPART. Calabria .....New "York... Liverpool - April 13 Idaho* .. New York... Liverpool.. April 13 Aleppo. York-.Liverpool - April^U Missouri*-.........New York.;.Havan&~ i April 14 Main* ;Nevfr York... Bremen April 14 Cityof London... Now York... Liverpool-.,............. April 14 Liberty Baltimore...N O via Havana. April 15 Wyoming Philadelphia... Savannah April 16 Knropa New York... Glasgow .April 16 Yilie de Paris... .New York...Havre- - April 16 Atalanta Now York... London April 16 Ths Queen New York... Liverpool April 16 Peruvian* Portland... Liverpool-.. April 16 *3T The steamers derignated by an asterisk (*) carry the United States Malls. * TRADK. . GEORGE N. TATHAM, > Monthly Committee. 1). C. McCAMMON, \ ' COMMITTEE ON ARBITRATION. J. O. James* | K. A. Soudor* .Geo. L. Buzby, I Wm. W.Paul, Thomag, Gillespie. . MARINE BULLETIN. _? OBT ov PBULAPELPHIA-April 12 BDwTKrsBa»S 32 | SUN; B»T8-* ®° **" raiHiaii Watbb.iMl ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamer Norman, Nickerson, 4S hours front Boston, with Bidseto H .Wlrisor* Co. Steamer j W Brennan, II inckley, from Richmond via Norfolk, with mdsetoVYE Clyde A Co. Steamer Fanita. Freoman.2i hoars from Now York, with mdse to John T Ohl. Steamer Concord, Norman, Si; Uourß from Now York, with mdso to W MBaird A Co. Stoanmr S FPhelps, Brown, 24 hours from New York, with tudse to' 4V M .Baird & Co. ■', ; - BtednlorMimitor, Jones, 24 hours from New York,with mdsoto WM Baird * Co : , •. , . Bark Xlwie Fox (Br), Clark; 6 days from, Baltimore, in ballast to X-Weatergaard A Go. ■; Brig Pennlraan, Dickson, 21 days from Mayaguez, PR.. with sugar and molasses to John Mason & Co—vessel to X Weatergoard'A'Co. ;• Bchr 8f ll .Taskor, Bowls, 1 C days from Savannah, with lumber to Philadelphia Navy-yard., ~v , Bchr H.W McCauley, Hubbard, 17 days rrom'Xeocli ville, with lamher to II Croskey. Bchr Stephen Morris, SoamaUiS days ttdto Rath, With ico to Knickerbocker Ice Co, ■ Bchr Harry JLeo, Barrett,® days from Leechville.with lumber to'Norcross A bheetsr , ; Bchr B N Bquire;. Nickerson, 5 days fyom’ Rockport, ‘with Ico to'Knickerbocker IcoCo. ' n Sclir A B Gaeklll,Gaakill, 6 days from Wilmington,NO. . with lumber to Norcrqss A Sheets. ’ . . Bchr Ella H Barnes, Avery, 2 days from Norfolk, With BhinglOß to T P Galvin & Co- . i. ' , Bbhr D It Burton, Hatlield, from brig Manlius,ashore 8f4«33«0 82 uillHt** So*n int ’ W * th hbd <> and IJ tioxsa «ngsr to _ Bohr TM Kodnoy. 8t«cl. from brig Manlius, tt.horo at Cferko’ij Point, with 76 fasds Stfd 7 boxes eng&r to Dolldt ft Son. i , l?J ,r Yf fHrggn.Bl}der»V'6 days frotn'ffeaford, Del. Intnberto & OottinghSoi.' ' - * gchr Farewell, Holme,. Ope Mar. Bcbr JC Thompson. Vannaut. New Ifaren. gchr Henrietta, Smith, Norwalk Bcltr J Ilay.Hath&Woy.Warebnpt. ’, it r eta .Steamer Ann Eliza. Klchards. N Yotk. W P Ulyde ft 00. bteamer J 8 Sbrlver. Iler, Baltiittoro. A Groves, Jr. Steamer Tacony.Nlohols,New York* WMBaird kVo. Bohr Ontara, Hpraoue. Cienfaegoo. Madeira A Cabada, bchr Laura Bell (Brl,Green, Halilax.O O Van Horn. Bdhr Niagara. Townsend, Mobile, d B Steteon A 00. Sohr Grace Wabeter. Ilvnie, Portland. Warren A Gregg. Scbr A II LeamloffißroWOTjßostoft ( f rDavid Cooper. Sohr A Townsend, Blslejr, Washington, * do (jhlp Nlmbdel iSh nit.' for this port, waa spoken 23d. laf 49, lon 11 Steamer Achillea, Colburn, hentie at Savannah yester* Norfolk*Plattb* ; hencf 4t fth inat. Bark Kedora;Haed«hence, Bailed LontFalmotith 2Mh Hit. for Antwerp. Brig Ida M Norden, hence at 8t Thamas24th nit. * . Brig Loafs C Madeira, Moslander, hence, cleared at Gibraltarl^tdrofdrGenoAr.*• v i . Brig Frontier, Morgan, from Havana for this sort, wdapassed at neon Bth Inst, lot 3818. gchr Abby Thaxter, ’Parker* sailed from Cardenas Ist fast, for a port north of Hatteros: ' Scbr Balph Bender* from.Savannah,at Boston 10th infant. ----- -- *"• - gchr ThosHolcomb, Maxey,at Havana6thinst, from L gchr JeddleTTrbttyhenceatCtiarlegfonyeeterday. 7 Bcltr Fair ie.i Brh Stevens,Trom Meesisa 15th Feb. tor this port, was sboketi 6th alt. IttlB N. lrfd 61/ i MA&INX MISCELLANY. , Capt Jonwi, of eCbr Mary E Tan Cledf, from Cardenas, mdkes the following statement, in addition to that of Captain Clark: On .Batnrday* March.‘26t?aair a vessel makingaslgnal of distress: ran down toner, and found her to be the bark Milton * in, a disabled nq leaking badly:"the captain wished the to takeoff his crew, and as bis boats were stove, I sent my boat, with mate and two men, to his assistance; they took sevsn of the bark’s crew, put them on board tbe schooner, and started for the remainder; tha*e*;at tbe tlnte running high, from the effects of the recent gate' and the wind blowing fresh; It was now.,absutfiPM, aDd,too. dare to distinguish objects between the two vessels; the boat, never reached the bark the second time, and Captaiw Clark, when he got on beard; informed me that be heard cenfnsed cries between the two vessels, as of men crying for help, and straggling In the water; there can be ae doubt but that the boat was swamped and the men were drowned; themate was Louis W Peterson, of Bockpert, 27 years of ace; the names of the two men were Ma*. pugl gllve, a Portngae6Q,and Edward Mlllgr. a Pane. fCCTTONSALES, JAMES A. FREEMAN", AUCTIONEER, No. 422 Walnut street. REAL ESTATE BALK. APRIL 13. This sale on next WEDNESDAY, at 12 o’clock noon* at the Exchange, will include: EIGHTH and VINE.—A valnablo Business Property, S.'W. corner, 19 feet on.Viue street and 100 feat or. Eighth slreet. Three houses are now on the lot, and H is admirably situated for a fine improvement. Only half cash. Orphans 1 Court Sale . JSslate of Henry Cress• rnanidif’a. DABBY ROAD—A three-story brick dwelling and valu&btelpt,below Walnut street,6s by 200 feet. One third to remain. Orphans ’ Court Sal*. Estate of Samvel Btshing. deceased. NINTH AND WATKINS—Two-story brick house, northwest corner, 16 by 70 feet §2l ground rent. Orphans' Court Sale. Estate of Isaiah Butler, de ceased. THIRTEENTH AND CATHARINE STREETS.—A building Lot N. E. corner, 17 by 35 feet.— Master's sale. Estate of Wrn. McClelland, dtunsed. N 0.769 8. THIRTEENTH STREET .-A Four-story Brick Dwelling ntid Lot. 16 bv 41 feet. Same estate. NO. 1243 OATHABIN E STREET—A Four-story Brick Dwelling and Lot, 16 by 41 feet; Same estate. NO. 3241 CATHARINE STREET—A Four-story Brick Dwelling and Lot, 16 by 33 feet. flST'Eacb of ibe above are subject to a proportionate part of a silver ground-rent of $78.50 per annum. Same estate. N 0.767 8. THIRTEENTH STREET—A Four-story Brick Dwelling, 16 by 67 feet, s36gTonnd rent, Bama estate; NOS. 731 AND 633 REDWOOD STREET—Two neat two-story Brick Dwellings, below Federal street, each feet. Will be solo separately. Clear. Estate of H. W. Smith, deceased. NO.* 270 SOUTH FOURTH STREET-Snbstantial three-stoiT Brick Dwelling, with back building, above Spruce. Lot 19 feet 7H inches front by 10434 feer ddep A desirable business location. 83,000 may remain. SECOND BT. AB.GERMANTOWN RD., a brick building and lot, 30 feet 1 inch front by on one line and 78>4 on the other. A desirable business location. 874_gronnd rent. Sale Peremptory. BREWERY fronting on a the rear of the above, 32 by 30 feet. Plan at the store. Sale Peremptory. tST CATALOGUES NOW BEADY. Buntihg, pubbobow & CO., ADCTIONEBRS, Nos. 232 and 234 Market street, corner of Bank. LARGS SALS OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC . DRY GOODS, ON THURSDAY MORNING, April 14, at 10 o/clocktpn four months’ credit,including— DOMESTICS. t Bales bleached and brown Muslinaaud Drills. do all wool Domet. Canton and Merino Flannels. Cases Checks, Stripes/Ticks, Denims.Cottonades: «*o Madder Prints, Eeoiacky and Corset Jeans, do Ginghams,Cambrics,JaconetSySileciae.. do C**simeres,Batinets; Tweeds,Wftterproofc,4c. • LINEN-GOODS. Cases 4-4 Irish bleached Shirting Linenn, Sheetings, do Docks. Bucks, Linen Coatings, Doylies, Ac. do Plain and Fancy Drill*, Damasks, Table Cloths, do Towels, Napkins. Crash, Burlaps, Canvas, Ac; MERCHANT TAILORS’ GOODS. Pieces French, English and Saxony all wool and Unien, plain and twilled black and colored Cloths. do Aixla OhapeUaDoeskine.Tricote,Diagonals do Elbceuf Fancy Caaslmeres, Coatings, Silk Mix tures. do . Italians, Satin, de Chines, Silk and Cotton Vel £TßE^.GOODV,SlXXB^Ai%‘sHAWlis7'’'',: Pieces Londoa blask and colored Mohairs, Alpacas, Ginghams. do Poplin Alpacas, MozambiQues, Jaconets, Len Os. do Delaines, Poplins, Bnreges, Grenadines. Piques, do black and colored Silks, Fancy Shawls, Basqees, CUaks. Also.. 600 JAPANESE ROBEB, in 6ix and seven yard patterns,and all the most desirable •bade*. i 2000 DOZEN L. C HDKFB. Tull lines S' tape border Linen Cambric Hdkfs. Full lines do do do do Full lines *i hemmed do da < do Full lines 9i Hemstitched do do ' do Full lines ?£ , do- - do do . do 3»0 MARSEILLES QUILTS. 10 4.11-4 and 12-4, ofo superior make and choice pat* terns. ’ 1 : Also, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Traveling and Under Shirts and Drawers, Umbrellas, Parasols, Silk Ties, dewing Silk, Patent Thread, Tailors’ Trimmings, Sus penders, Ac. ■LARGE PALE OF CARPETINGB, 500 ROLLS WHITE. RED CHECK AND FANCY CANTON WAITINGS, Ac. ; - > .. ON FRIDAY HORNING. April 15, at 11 o’clock, on four months’ credit, about 200 Cieces Ingrain, Venetian, List, Hemp. Cottage and Bag arpetiugs, 000 rolls Bed Check and White Mattings. Ac. Including— . A stock of Carpets and Oil Cloths, to be sold by oriler of a d Assignee in Bankruptcy. SPECIAL AND PEREMPTORY SALE OF 15,000 DOZEN HOSIERY AN* GLOVES,BY ORDER OF MESSRS. CHARLES VEZIN A C 0 .4 ■ ON FRIDAY MORNING, April 15,at 10 o'clock,on foormontbs’ credit,comprising full and complete lines of Ladies’ bleached /Hose, cut and covered, iron frame, Ladies’brown > Ac., from plain to fall rega- Ladics’mixed - lar. , , . . Gents’bleached (Half HpSo, plain and with fancy toe? Gents’brown \ and heels, all grades, to full regular. Children’s white, brown, mixed and fancy Hose, all qualities. ■'; J .•' ■. Ladies* black and colored cotton, silk, Lisle, miked and Berlin Gloves and Half Gauntlets, plain and fancy tripraed. Gents’ black and colored Silk and Cotton Gloves. Children s Berlin.. Lisle and Cotton Gloves. N.iß.—We invito particular attention to the abovo sale, as the assortments are very desirable, and every lot will bo sold without reserve* • F; . LARGS BALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER EURO PEAN DRY GOODS. , ON MONDAY MORNING. April 18, at iO o’clock,on four months’ credit, including— A Special and very attractive Bale of “too CARTONS RICH BONNET RIBBONS .and ether Millinery Goods, by order of a well-known importing house In New York, ' Particulars hereafter. . . SCOTTS ART GAtIiERY AND AUCTION COMMISSION BALES BOOMS, TB. SCOTT, Jr., Auctioneer. 1117 CHEBTNUT street, • j i- Girard Bow. Furniture Kales every Tuesday and Friday morning, at 10 o’clock. >• •• Particular attention paid to Out-door sales at mode* rate de29 tf m iA. McCIiELLAND, AUCTIONRIBB; JL*i 1219 CHESTNUT Btreet. WlPertonal attention given to Sale, of Bontebold Furnitnro at Dwelllnga. WnPubUo Sales of Fornitnre at the Auction Boomß, 1219 uheetnnt street, every Monday and Tnursday. OI Foroarticnlara Bee Public Ledger. 89"] N. B.—A superior elate of Furniture at Private Bale.: •; 0.. & CO.. AUOTXON . EERS. No. SOU MABKKTstreet..bove Fifth LARGE SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES AND BRO- S ON wednesday'mornino, ' April 13, at 10 o’clock,wo -Will sell by, catalogue, about 15U0 packages of Boots and Sboesi Or city und Eastern manufacture, to which the attention of .Cityand country buy. rsds callod. . ~.... ; . ’Open earlyonthouromingof salsforexaminatlon; • mHE PRmbrPALMOIfBY ESTABT.iSH- X jHEBT,'S. : E.’ corner of SIXTH and BAOE streets. Money advanced on Merchandise generally—Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and. Silver Plate,jatul..®9 all. 'articles of value, for any length of time agreed on/' ' WATOHES AND JEWELRY AT .PBIVATE SALE,. ' Fino Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom and-Open Facol English,' American, and Swiss Patent Lover »os; Fine Gold Hunting Caso and Open Face Le- 1 fatdbes: Fine Gold Duplex arid other Watches; Fine fiilVer Hunting Case ana OpenFAco Englisli, Anie-' ricaninnd Swiss Patent Lever and Lenino Watches; Double Caso English Qnortier and otherWatcVes ' La-, lionsjßwcelots,, Scarf Pins, Breastpins,Finger liliigs, pbuoil Cases,'and Jewelry generally. " • FOB SALK—A largo and valuable, Fire-proof Ghost, ; suitable for a JowelJer i cost 8850. • ~ . , Also, Several Lots in South Camden,JFlfth and Chest-;, nut streets. '' V ' ’ ' , M AUCTION 841.195.; Mi TUOMAB & AOO7ZGK(BUUio ®Mhan«e,^T, TBTOIWbS"” « “» AlicOoff Store XVSBV ■BT Saltw Bfifliencen recelro attantton A April .Jf. atll O' tha aneilon roonw.oaa o**t, lens, Holland , (: - r ;, ,_y , “taHA.” .I „ >ON WBDSBBDAX MOBMINUi April 13, at 10 o’clock, at pier 14 south wharvee, above Sprucestreet./ :. <■;.< n:. VALUABLE 3HEOLOOIOAL AHD MrBOKLLAHK . —.ii ooB BOOK*. ■ • Frotn a Prir.te tlbr.rr, •„■ ON WELNBSBAT AFMBNOOH, April U, at 4 O’clock, • V Sain at the’Auction Booms, No«. ! UP and 1U Bouth :' Fourth street, . BDPEBIOB HOtTSEHOLD FUBNITOBK, PIANOB, HIBBOBS. FIBEPBOOF BAFK.OrriOB FtTBNI- BBIIBSELB AND OTUEB April IS, Bt'tf T bv eata legae» a large aeeortesent of Superior,Household Furni ture, comprising—s handsome Walnut Parlor Solis, covered, with pfuib, i to pa end heir cloth; 3 Walnut Chamber SuitSpXibrary and Dining Boom Furniture, Elegant BosewoodJPienb fforte; znadoby McOamiaon* Rosewood Plaoo Forte, made by Llaward A Wober; FreUcb Plate Mantel and - Pier Mirrors, 3 ‘Walnut Bookcases, superior Oak Sideboard. Ward-robes. Ex tension. Centre and’ Bdnonet Tabled, * Lounge*, Arm Chairs. Hall Tables, Hat stands, BUgera,_vh*mber, Library ahd Dining Boom Chairs. Office Furniture, Hair Matressesv Feather Beds,, Bolsters and Pillows, flnoCblna and Glassware, 2 superior Fireproof Safes. mOdeby Evans A WatsOa and Farrel A Herring; Show cates, Turning Lathe. Sewing Machines, 15 dozen cedar BUckets, Gas-consuming end Cooking Stoves, Counters, Handsome Brussels, Velvet, and other Carpets* Ac.. . Also. decorated China Dinner Set, 82 pieces. ' l Exhcutor’s Peremptory Sale. ' Estate of Bernard Maguire, S.W.corner of. Germa ntown road and Laurel street. BAR AND FIXTURES. HOUSEHOLD FURNI i TUBE, CARPETS. Ac. ON SATURDAY MORNING* > •April 73, at 10 o’clock, at »be S. W. corner of German town road and Laurel street; comprising Barand Fix tures, Walnut Arm Chairs. Bar Room Tables, House hold Furnltare,superior mahogany case Clock,2 Feather Beds, Hair Matresses, China and Glassware, Ac. Also, 2000 gallons Cider Vinegar i ; Administratrix’s Peremptory Sale. Estate of Hook Slmpion, dec’d, 8. K. corner Twenty fifth and Hamilton stieets. VALUABLE MACHINERY OF A .COTTON SPIN NING AND WEAVING FACTORY. ON MONDAY MORNING. 3fdy 2, at 10 o’clock, at the southeast corner of Twenty fifth and Hamilton streets, by catalogue, the Valuable Machinery, JrtUudiag— 2 sections of uanforth’s cards, with railway head*: 15 Inch cans for drawing frames; li inch cans for railway heads; Patterson’s drawing frames; Danforth’s. Spinning frames; iron cylinder Spooler; Van Winkle willow; Danfortb’s single beater spreader; Whitin’s two beater spreader; 2 Erani’s power Presses; Indigo cradle mills; chain slide and olherlathes; small engine and boiler; warp mill; plat-* fom scales; Jackson’s cotton reels; bobbin ru*!s;y;irn press, new: Jenks’s reels for bobbin.*); JenksatraverKo grinder; slide screw rest: band mules. McCanus make; Danforth’s bobbins; 200 Jenks A Work's looms; beam ing frames; bobbin winders; reels and heddlee; dry horses and polls and other materials on hand; dyed cotton yarns; dye stuffs, Ac., and many other articles aptettainin? to A cotton spinning and weaving factory. Maybe examined three days previous to sale. See catalogues. Martin bbothrirs, auctioneer*, (Lately Salesmen for H. Thomas A SonsJ . No. 704 CHESTNUT street, above Seventh, Sfele a* the Auctfon Booms, No. 71>4 Chestnut Htre«t. HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, TWO FRENCH PLATE MANTEL AND PIER MIR RORS, PIANO FORTE, FIREPROOF SAFES. HANDSOME WARDROBES, BOOKCASES. PAR LOR BUITB, CHAMBER SUITS. DEBKS AND OFFICE FURNITURE, PLATED WARE* FANCY GOODS. FINE BRUSSELS, INGRAIN AND OTHER CARPETS. MATRKBSBB, BEDS AND BEDDING, CUTLERY, BRONZE AND GILT CHANDELIERS, WALNUT DOORS, CENTRE AND BOUQUET TABLES. Ac.* ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, Aprill3,at 10o’clock, at the Auction Rooms, No. 704 Chestnut street, by catalogue, an extensive assortment of superiot Household Furniture, Ac. PEREMPTORY. BALE OF A COLLECTION OF FINE MODERN OIL PAINTINGS. ON THURSDAY MORNING AND EVENING, At the auction rooms, No. 704 Chestnut street, without reserve, a collection of Oil Paintings, embracing many ptesßingsubjects, by popular artists, frotn private col lections. RARE ENGRAVINGS Also, a set of fine Engravings, illustrative of the warß of Alexander the Great. Admißistrator’a P«reß>*torr Sale at the Auction Bo.tns- No. 704 Chestnut street. STOCK YEKY PINE DIAMOND JBWELBY, TINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, OF EVERY QUALITY AND DESCRIPTION; HIGH-COST WATCHES. OTKRA GLASSES, CAMELS’ HAIR SHAWL AND OTHER GOODS, ELEGANT SHOW CASES, 4c - on MORNING, April 15, at 10}J o'clock, at the auction rooms, No. 704 Chestnut street. Particulars hereafter. Receiver's Peremptory Sale. MACHINERY, TOOLS AND STOCK OF A PEARL, IYORY AND WOOD-TURNING ESTABLISH MENT. ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON, April o’clock, on the prnmises. m the building back of Tryon’s, No. 220 N«*r*h 8“:-olid'street, above Race, the Machinery* Tools and Stock of * Turner, in cluding Turning and Cutting Lathes, two Circular Saw ing Machines, Shafting, Belting,Pulleys andHaaaere, Seasoned Hickory and other woods, Pearl,Bone,Grind stones. Ac." Also'.'thdmadufactured goods on hand. May be sben on the morping of sale. By barritt & 00., auctioneers. CASH.AUCTION HOUSE, No. 238 MARKET street, corner of Bank street. AUCTION NOTICE. large SALE OF STRAW GOODS. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, MILLINERY GOODS, Ac., comprising a large assortment, manufactured and imported for this bpring’s Sale, to be peremptorily sold by Barritt A Co., Auctioneers, No. 230 Market street, corner of Bank street. Q9~ Catalogues on morning of sale. NOTICE TO CITY AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS. PEREMPTORY KALE 1500 LOTS DRY GOODB, Cloths, Casbimere*, Hosiery, Notions, Drees Goods, Alpacas, - ON WEDNESDAY HGBNING, April 13, commencing at 10 o’clock.' Also, stock ofa Jobber declining business. Abo, 270 dozen Over, Under anaPreas Shirts. Also, stock of Ready-made Clothing. . 1 Also, at 11 o’clock, 150 cases Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Huts, Caps, Ac. NOTICE jTO STRAW GOODS BUYERS—FIRST SPECIAL. SALE OF STRAW' GOOBS, ARTIFI CIAL FLOWERS, MILLINERY GOODS. Ac., BY CATALOGUE, ON THURSDAY -HORNING. April 14, commencing at 11 o’clock. Coropriatu# u l&rce assortment of Men’s, Boys’, La dies’, Misses’und Children’s Hats, Caps. Flats, Braids, At*. a\ltiO, S&~ 100 cases Shaker Hoods. Also. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, Comprising 200 cartons new styles Artificial Flowers, imported for this spring’s sales. - niHOMAS BIRCH & SON, AUCTION _L EEKS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS,’ No. 1110 CHESTNUT street, Rear entrance No. 1107 Sansom street. , Household Furniture of every description received ' on Consignment. Sales of Furniture at Dwelling! attended to on the mqst reasonsbie terms. SALE OF A PRIVATE COLLECTION OF GOLD, SILVER AND COPPER COINS AND MEDALS. ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON A Aoril 12, at half-post three o’clock, at tho auction store, will be sold,a private collection of gold, silver and cop per Coins and Medals, including a choice collection of rare and valuable United States patters pieces. Catalogues now ready at the auction store. CD. McOJLEES & CO., . .AUCTIONEERS, No. 506 MARKET street. BOOT AND SHOE SALES EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY. Davis & harvey, auctioneers, (Late with M. Thomas A Sons.) Store Nofl. 48 and 80 North Sixth street. tO r Furniture Rales at the Store every Tuesday. . Sales at Private Residences solicited. ' Sale at 326 Marshall street, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, TAPESTRY CAR i • •. PETS, Ac. - | ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, At 10|©’clock»at 326 Marshall street, below Callowlull street;, the Household and Kitchen Furnitnre, Tapestry Gorpets,Ac. ’ DENTISTRY. mrmL THIRTY YEARS’ ACTIVE PR AC ®H|ITIUE.—Dr, FINK, No. 219 Vine street, below • Third, inserts the handsomest Teeth in the city, at prices tO BUit all. Tecrh Plugge<l, Teeth Repaired, Exchfuiged, or Remodelled to suit. Gas and Ethor. No. pain In extracting. Office hours, Bto 5. inh26-s l m,tu6ms /YFAI. DENTADIjINA. A U article for cleauing the Teeth destroy ing animaleuU which infest them, giving tone to tho gnms, ana leaving a feeling of fragrantje-BndTberfect clsanllnesa In the cdonth. it may >bo used daily, and will be found to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aromfr and dCteraivenesa will recommend R to every, one. Be ing cqmpoßed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physi cians; and. Microscoplst,R is confidently-offered o« a reliable substitute for the uncertain washes formerly in V^mtnenii)entists, ' acquainted with the constituents of the DontaUina, (Avqoate its use; it contains nothing Tr«d4 Browno, D.L. StacUlooia, Hasaanl & Co., ■ ’ Robert O. Davie, G;R.Keeny, . Geo.C.Bower. Isaac'H. Kay, Ohas.Shlvere, OrH.lNeedlea, B. M, McCplln, \ - T. J. lloeband, S.G.Bunting, Ambyou, Smith, - ... Ohati. B.'Kberje, ' Kdwanl Berrleh, . Jamoe JS. Mark., : Wm.B.Wd>hj i- B. BrlßghoMt A <Jo., JameiL, Blepliem, Hughoe & Combe, H. G. Blair Song, i Henry A. Bower. Wyeth St Bro. The Liverpool M London | and Globe Ins. Co. |. Vi-"I *; - ; i‘'' ‘ : ’>■ ■■■;■ ' > plssets Gold y % 18,400,000 Daily Receipts, . * $20,000 Premiums in 1869, $5,884,000 Losses in 1869, - $3,219,000 No. 6 Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. INSURANCE COMPANY NORTH . AMMIGi. INCOBPOBATKD \TH CAPITAL, . i . assets, . . . paid nlnce org;finlza> tion, ... . . 923,000,000 Ilecelplo of Premlan>N, t 809,91,001,837 45 Intewlftom taTwtmeaW, 18601 • • • ■ JAmm e» paid, 1869, . . . B4 j , STATEttENT OF Ttlß ABB E^B. Flnt Morleagoon City Property 8766.450 00 United btates Government and other Loan : 1,122.34* 00 Railroad, Bank and Canal Stocks. 55J1300 Cash in Bank and office ' • 247.620 00 Loans on Collateral Security .. 32358 00 Kotos Receivable, mostly Marine Pre miums......... , 321 <Ui m Accrued Interest.... .; 20357 00 Premiums in course of transmission 80,188 00 Unsettled Marino Premiums 100.900 00 Beal Estate, Office of Company, Philadol phi- Arthur G. Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose white, William Welsh, B.Morris Wain, John Mason, Geo.L. Harrison? ABTHCB OHABLEi MATTHIAB JIAKIB, SeCTCtI C. H.Rkeyka. Rorrpi THE HKLIAJXVK INBDHAHO B COM PANT OF PHILADELPHIA; Incorporated In 1841. , Charter Perpetual. ■ Office, No. 308Walnnt street. , . » f ■ CAPITA!* 9800,000. Insures against loss or damage by FIBK,on Houses. Stores and other Buildings* limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares and Merchandise in town oj country. LOSSES PBOMPTLT ADJUSTED AND PAID. Assets, December 1,186? 3401373,43 _ Invested in the following Securities, ▼JT: 1 - First Mortgages on City Property, woll se- " cured.™ —i.—— -.9109,100 ft united States Government Loans,.— TTltt ,. v ,.,,, g? noo of> Philadelphia City 6 Per Cent. L0an5........*. - 7535) ft _ “ -Warrants —6,035 70 Pennsylvania,ooo $ per Cent Loan..— *O.OOO ft Pennsylvaniaßailroad Hoods, First Mortgage 0,000 06 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company’s 0 Per Cent. Loan-..-;.—6,000 06 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 Per Cent. Mort gage Bonds!—*.- ..... 1,980 ft County Fire Insurance Company’s 5t0ck...... 1,060 ft Mechanics’ Dank Stock...-...-..:..!..... 4,000 ft Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock-.... 10,000 06 Union MutuallnsuranceCompany*sBtock. 190 Of Reliance InsuranceOompany of Philadelphia Stock 3,200 00 Cash in Bank and on hand—™.....——ls Aid 73 Worth at Par.—,. ....... #4O) ,873 43 Worth at present market prices.....^. M . M .......,5409,698 53 DIBKOTOBB. Thomas 0. Hill,. Thomas H. Moore, William Mnaeer, Samuel Caatner, Samuel Bispham, Jamea T. Young, H.l>. Garaon, Isaac V. Baker, Wm.SteTmaon, : Christian J. Hoffinan, Benj. W. Tlnxley, __ , Samuel B. Thomas, IkWard Siter. _ - „ THOMAS 0-HU.Ii, President. WM.CHDBBi Secretary, i Philadelphia, December 23,1889. Delaware mutual safety insu- BADGE COMPANY, incorporated by the Legiala latnre of Pennsylvania* 1b36. Office, B. E.Corner of THIRD and WALNUT street*, Phjladelphfa. MARINE IKSUBANOSB On Teasels, Carg^o a N ÜBATS'S $fg 9 **** world On goods by river, canaj.iake and land carriage to all parts of the Obion. "iSk INSURANCES On Merchandise generally: on Stores, Dwellings.— Homes. Ac,- ASSETS OF THE COMPANY Novemner 1,186». 0200,000 United State* Five Pet Cent. Loan, ten-forties....... ...... 0210,000 00 109,000 United State* Six Per Cent. Loan |lawful money). 207J00 00 (0,000 United Six Per Cent. ' Loan, lfittl..., ... . 10,000 00 200,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. Loan.—i... .... 313,950 01 200,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per , Cent Loan (exempt from tax)... 200,928 00 100,000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent. L0an..... 102,000 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First ' Mortgage Six Percent. Bond*... 19,450 00 35,000 Pennsylvania Railroad * Second Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds... 23,62500 28,000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent Bonds (Pennsylvania Railroad guar antee)... 1 .. 20,000 00 30,600 State of Tennessee Five Per Cent. L0an...................... 16,000 00 7,000 State of Tennessee Six Per Cent. , Loan ........wi. ♦ . 4,270 00 12,500 Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, 250 share* stock,..- 14,000 00 5,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 100 shares stock - 3,900 9 10,000 Philadelphia and Southern Mail . Steamship Company, 80 shares _ stock.., 7,600 00 246,900 Loans on Bond And Mortgage,: ■ first lions on City Properties 246,900 0C 01,231.400 Par. _ Market value, $1,265,270 00 Cost, $1,216,622 27. Beal- ..... 36,000 Of Bills Receivable for Insurance made... 7f Balances due at Ajeenciet-rPre mlufflB on MarinePoUclos. Ac crued Interest aud other debts due the Company 85,097 tit Stock, Scrip, Ac., of sundry Cor porations, $4,706. Estimated "■' >,740 X Cash m Bank $168,318 88 Cash In Drawer. - 972 26 _ * 169,391 14 DIBECTOBh. ThorjiaaO.Hatid, Samuel B. Stokes, John C. Davis, William O. Boulton, Edmtrad E. Bonder, Edward Darlington, TheophihnrPaulding, H. Joues Brooke, James Traquair, Edward Lafonrcade, Henry Sloan, ' Jacob Biekel, Henry C.Dallett, Jr., , Jacot* P. Jones, Jambs Hand, James B. M’Earland, William C. Ludwig,, , Joshua P.jEyre* Joseph H. Seal,' Spencer M’llvain, Hugh Craig, t . 7 J. B. Semple, Pittsburg, JohnD. Taylor, A.B.Berger, u George r W. Bernadon, H. T. Morgan, “ WUUamO. Hou.tpn iHoMAß 0 PrMldent . JOHN C, DAVIS, Vico President. HBNBY LYLBCKN, Secretary. . HBNBY BALL. Assistant Socrotary. delB_ rpHE FENNSriVANIA FIBB INStt Jt • BANCS COMPANY. „ i —lncorporated 182 S—Charter Perpetual. n .■* ... No. SlO WALNUT street, opposite Independence Suuare, This Comparer, favorably known to the oommnnlty for over forty years, continues to Insure against loss'or damage by fire on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also on Bnrnlture, Stocks of Good,, and Merchandise generally, on Übsral terms. Their Capital, together with a large Snrplns Pund.b Invested in the most carofol manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security In the case Of loss. DIBPOTOBB. Daniel Smith, Jr., John Devereux Alexander Benson, Thomas Bmlth, Isaao Hailehnrst, _ „ Thomas Bobins, _ . . Daniel Haddock. Jr. J DANIEL SMITH, Jx., President. WJg. O. CBOWELLj Secretary. , aplS-tf The county vibe IBBTXBANOB COM PANY,— Office, No. lit South Vourth street,below ■ TneWre Insurance Company of the County of Phila delphia,” Incorporated by theLeglstetnre of Pennsylva nia inltoifor Indemnity against loss or damage by firs, exclusively. This old and reliable Institution, with ample capital and cdntlngent fund. carefully, Invested, continues to in- Bure ijulldulgsifurnitUTe. niefchandlso! Ac., either per- Chain J. Suttor, | Andrew H.Mlllpr, friary Budd, I ■ ■ ■■qi.KwHnni. , 1 ■ . JosepßMoore, 1 RphertV. Massey, Jr. -jßeoggP oil ABLEST. SDTTBB, President. 1 t;, I o. HENBY BUDD, Vico President. BENJAMIN r.’ HOEOKLKY, Secretary and Treasurer, s /“ ' . INSURANCE. Janctaet 1,1870. CHARTER PBttPBTHAXi. #lOO,OOO • - - #2.783,081 - ,114,69674 ITOBS. 82»00 Francis R. Cope, . EdwanlH. Trotter, Edward 8. Clarke, T.-Chariton Henry, Alfred D. Jessup, Louie O. Madeira, Ohaa. W. Oashmaa, Clement A. Griecom, , ■ William Broctcle. O. COFFIN, Praddent. -8 PLATT, Vice Pree’t. ‘tary. jal-tn tb a tf O4 fIUL; FIBE ASSpOIAHOff i fIBS PHILADELPHIA* «NMBP'li(«f4rf»orated itNh,*7, IflMw Offloe—So. 84 North Fifth Street. “‘sl* ' (In thocityof Fhliadolphi* onlf.J A«m** Uanniarr It XS7O,> i : v - iii'iio: - *BOBT*«jS? ' *''' fefcßSßir- 1 a /MMgS&c ;i ' Wrf. B. HA ■ -‘J _ BAMOJSE, SFABH&WK, Vies fSwNMItt. { TO. T. BUTLKB. BacretMT. 1829' i "" BTER IE» PETU ' u -1870 j FRANKLIN <>*w fire imMMm:Wffli&t j OFPHILADELPHIA; 'Mi -hil-if OFFICE-435 and_437 Chestnut fit. . Aseeta on Januaipy 1, 1870, - $3,82ft,731 67. ■■ Capita 1.......;....... ■■■ ttimam 1 Accrued Surplus end Premiums 3,4)8, Ttl : IKCOMK FOB 1870, liOS3E3 PAIB I» 1 • 9810,000. .• «i*mo» 4a ; LOSSES PAID SINCE 1829 OTEB 0ft,500,006. . . Perpetual and Temporary Folicieson Liberal Terras. The Company also issues policies upon thp Bents of an kinds of Buildings. Gronhd Bentaaud Mortgages. The “ FBANKLIN ” has no^DISPUIKDOCAIM. , DIBECTOB3, •. Alfred O. Baker, Alfred Fitler, Somnol Grant, Thomas Sparks, Geo. W. Richards, Wm. 8. Grant, ISaaoLea, ThomosiSj’Bllis, ;,, Georae Yales, Qnstavua 8, BeUaon. ALFRED O.BAKBB, President. GEORGE FALE3, Vice President. JAB W.McALLISTBB, Secretary.' •> THEODiIBE M. KKGEIi, Assistant Secrotary. , , 5 30,000 00 TTNITED FIREMEN'S INSURANCE U COMP AMY OF PHILADELPHIA. , ■ , This Company takes risks at the lowestratas consistent with safety, ana confines its business exclusively to i , FIBS IHBURAHOBIH THE CITY OF PHXLADBIr 1 ' PHIA. y , ■ '!■■■■ OFFICE—Ho.ns Arch street, Fodrth Rational Bank Building. DIRECTORS- ThomesJ. Martin, . John Hirst, Albertiu King, Wm, A. Botin, Henry Bumm,’ James Hongan, i James Wood,« William Glenn, - Charles Judge, James Jenner/,' J. Henmr Askln, _ afeior :; . James F. Dillon.. CONRAD B.AKDBESB, President. Wm. A. Botin. Trea* WM. Hi Faenw.Beo’y. Fame insurance company, sot ! awCHESTNUTSTREET. ■ INCORPORATED 1888. CHARTER PERPETUAL. OAPITAL.SaQOiOOO. FIRE IBBURANOIJ KXOMfHTFBLY. ■ Insures against hon or Damage by Fire, either bF Fw* petnal or Temporary Policies. ' ■ ‘■' OQtXCTOROe >*.’ • • • Charles Richardson, Robert Pearce, Wm.H. Bhawn, T John KcSaler, Jr., William M.Beyftrt, EdWardß. Ome, John F. Smith, i Charles Btokee, Nsthan Hillea, . John W. t Ere«|aan, George A. w< griAßLEßßtCHAi3lSOH?is«ddsn#, ■ ILLIAMB L^O^K^^t. A MERIC AN EIRE INSURANCE OOM XA-PANY,incgrpo rated 181 D.—Charter perpetual. , v. Np. 310 WALNUT street; above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large palj-np Capital Stock and Buj-flna In vested in Sonna and available Secnritlee, continue to Insure on dwellings, stores, furniture, merchandise, veeeelsln port, and their cargoes, and othdr personal property. All losses ÜbertUj and promptly adjusted. Thomas R 1 Maris, ' |EdmundG.Dntllhi ; John Welsh, [Charles W. Ponitney, Patrick Brady, - llsrael Morris, John T. Lewie, iJohnP.WetheriU, William W. Paul. ' THOMAS B.MABI8,Pr«M«»».; ALramtO. OIiWVOBD. Secretary. < An thea c i t e ensubanoe COM PANY.—CHARTER PERPETUAL. Office, No.3IIWALNUT Street, aboro Third, Pbllada. Will intnre against Low or Damage by Fire eh Build ings, either pernetaally or for a limited time, Household Fomiture and Merchandise generally. 1 * Alao, Marine Inaorance on Vessels, Cargoes and Freights. Inland Insurance to an parts ortho union. PIBEOTOBB. William Eiher, Lewis Aadenried, Wm.JH. Baird, JohnKetcliam, John B. Blacklston, J. E. Baum, William V. Dean. . Jobnß.Herl. Peter Sieger, _Hamuel H.Bothemel. WIMiIAM KSHEB, President. WILLIAM T. BEAM, Tice President, Wh. M. BmithJJecrSarr. Ultlthltl JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COM* PANYof Philadelphia.—Office, No. M North FtfHi 1 street, near Market Btraet. ... Incorporated by the Leglelature of Penneyteanla. Charter perpetual. Capital and Aeeete, 81M,<WU., Make Inenrance agalnet liess or damage by Fire on PubHe or Private BuildinKs, Fnrnitare, Stock*, Gooda and kir ebandiae, on faTorat,lete^ o ßB. Wmi McDaniel, Edward P .Moyer ißrnel Peterson,. FrederlckLadner JohnF.Belateylin AdamJ-GUea, Henry Troemner, . HenryDeltoy, Samuel Miller, W!11!un »; *«*• ,* WILLIAM MeDANlEL,Pre*ldent. ISRAEL PETERSON .Vice President. PHiur B. CoLXMan. Secretary and Treasurer. MAULE, BROTHER & CO., 2500 South Street. lOTA PATTERN MAKERS. IQ7/Y 101 U. PATTERNMAKERS. 1«W If.- , CHOICE SELECTION i mi'chiGAn°cork PINE ' i FOB PATTERN A IC7A SPRUCE AND HEMLOUK.I Q7A . 10 I If. BPBCOE AND HEMLOCK. 10life. LABOE STOCK. . : A ■ , 1 07 A FLORIDA FLOORING. 1 07 A 10 IV, FLORIDA FLOOBINQ. 10Ilf. CA BOLIN A FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. . DELAWARE FLOORING’ ASH FLOORING, ! WALNDT FLOORING. 1 Q7A FLORIDA STEP BOARDS.! 07 A 10 I If. FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. 101 If. RAIL PLANK. BAIL PLANK. 1870 WA:L:N UT BOARDS AND! O^A ■ WALNDT BOABDSAND PLANK, - WALNDT BOARDS. WALNDT PLANK. ASSORTED; ; CABINET MAKERS, : ■ BUILDERS, AO, 1870. raD L^^ Ea ’ ■ 1870. BNDEBTAKEBS' LUMBER BED OEDAB. WALNDT AND PINE. IQ7A SEASONED POPLAR. IQ7A 10 Ilf. SEASONED CHERRY. 10111. ; WHITE OAK PLANK! AND BOARDS. , ' HICKORY. • iB7o.°^iSiSfe NORWAY SCANTLING. ' IQ7A CEDAR SHINGLES. IQ7A 10 lU. CEDAR SHINGLES. 10111. CYPRESS SHINGLES. LARGE ASSORTMENT, • i FOB SALE LOW. 1 ‘ 107 A PLASTERING LATH; -|O7A »’Lf: IOIU. PLASTERING tATR.; , „ 101 11. ELLOW I'iNK LUMTtKU^(JIU,B«a far eargoeiof every deeeriptlonSawed Lhaihnex*-', tj iwlH^RoU^.ldaVga^er^-’ TYRUGGISTS WILL: FIND A LARGE JLretoek of Allen’e Medicinal Extract; and OH Almonda. Bad. Rliol. Opt., Citric Acid, Coke’s Sparkling Gelatin, genuine Wedgwood Mortars, Ac.-jnst landed from bark [oflhttng, from London'. ROBERT SHOEMAKER A 00., Wholeaalo Drag^t*,H; E; corner Fourth and Baceetreeta, ■ J T-VRUGGiaira' BUHDRTEB. GRAGG- / JLJ oto»,Mortar .FlUTlli'#,Comb*,Braaheir Minron, 1 . »p5-tf a South Btghthttnwt/ ;) . __njßBoAP-aEN#iNE AKDVEftV \J superior—2oo boxes itiß» landwl from berk Id e» , »a 4 for lolobf JUISjCBT-BHOKHAKISR A 00., Importing Druggists, 8 ITS. corner Fourth auii Bacostrwtta. INSURANCE. ii .r//isTf ItUMJIEK. DKUGo. .V.M . i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers