RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. Xoeal and General. The Baptists of Pennsylvania have in creased during tho ias(, eleveniyears from 37,627 to 64,133 members. The Cumberland Presbyterians iiave their strength on-tho border States, and vet they did not divide during the war. . They have 140,000 members. ’ ■ ■ „ The Rev. Robert A. Brown has received a unanimous call from the congregation of the Trinity Presbyterian Church, Frankford road and Cambria street, to become their pastor. , The Rev- Samuel Edwards,' of this city, has been appointed by the the Board of Missions (Episcopal), to take charge of St. Peter’s Church,Puebla,Colorado. The churoh of the Rev. T.De Witt Talmagc, Brooklyn, on Sunday morning, - March 27, re-’ ceived forty-threo members, making one hun dred and eighty new members during his pas torate. 1; U. • Tub Her. Morris A. Tyng, son of the Rev Dr. Stephen H. Tyng, has been appointed, to the Griswold l’rofessorehip of Biblical Litera ture in the Theological Seminary of the Dio cese of Ohio, at Gambier. The churches in the United States give less than twenty-tire cents per member yearly to ward the conversion or the heathen world, while the native ehurohes; ip Asia, give more than one dollar per member for that purpose. The Presbytery of Philadelphia have elect ed the following Commissioners to the Gene ral Assembly: Dre. Beadle and Breed, with Elders George Junkin and Thomas; alternates, Dr. Schenck and Rev. B. L. Agnew, with El ders Monteliua and H, L, Hodge. Oii Tuesday, March 29th, Rev. Thomas B Bott was ordained as pastor of the Twelfth Baptist Church, of this city. The sermon was preached by the Rev. JJ B. Hutchinson; the charge to the candidate by, Rev, J. H. Peters, and the charge to the congregation by Rev. I)r. Levy. .. i Proposals are made in reference to tho Bishop’s Free Church (Episcopal), Thirteenth and Spring Garden streets, on the part of St. Stephen’s Church, to make it a chapel for Deaf M utes, and on the part of'St; Jude’s Church, to purchase itfor the latter congregation, and to remove thither. The cehtennial, meetings of the Universalist Church are very enthusiastic, and large con tributions are made for memorial purposes. .A number of new churches will be erected. Twenty-two thousand missionary boxes have been distributed. From many of them' satis factory returns have been received.' There ate over nine hundred baptized Chi nese and about sixty organized Christian so cieties or churches In Foochow and the sur rounding country, in connection with throe missionary societies located there. Fourteen years ago there was not one church, and not even one baptized Chinaman in all this region. The following is a list of the newly-elected officers of the Synagogue, Beth-El Emetb, in this city: President—Joseph Heilbrun. Vice President—Morris Rosenbach. Treasurer—L. Somers. Secretary—lsaac Horn berg. Trustees A. T, Jones, Charles Bloomingdale.. Solomon Gans, Adolph ‘Wasserman ana Samuel Frei denburg. A movement is in progress among Unita rians to form a creed as a basis of union. The creed will probably contain some articles, af firming the supernatural character of Chris tianity and the supernatural nature of Jesus Christ. The movement is unacceptable to the more radical portion ofthechurcn, and may end in division. On Palm Sunday the services of the Holy Passion Week wiu commence in the First Moravian Church, corner of Franklin and Wood streets. In connection with the usual morning service there will be a confirmation and reception of members from other churches. All the services during Passion Week are sol emn and impressive. The friends oftemperance will bolda meet ing, under the auspices of the Young Men’s Christian Association of the First Presbyte rian Church, Washington Square, on Friday evening next, April loth, at 8 o’clock. Ad dresses will be delivered by Rev. A. A. Wil lits, D. D., Rev. J. L. Withrow, and the pas tor, Rev. H. Johnson, D. D. All are cordially invited. The following statement is made concern ing the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church: Receipts from May 1,. 1869, to April 1,1870, $203,951;. receipts from May 1,1868, to April 1,1869, 8210,593; less re ceipts this -year, 86,641. Cash nayments to April 1,1870 (11 months), $278,730; cash pay ments to April 1,1869 (11 months), 5278.203; increased payments this year, $527. L ast Sunday 12 candidates were baptized at the Spring Garden Baptist Church, Ber. L. P. Hornberger, pastor; sat the Twelfth Baptist Church, By the new pastor, Bev. Thomas' B: Bott, and 2 at the Memorial Church, Rev. Dr. Henson. On Sunday, March 27th, Rev. R. B. Cook, of the Holmesbnrg Baptist Church,bap tized 2, and Rev. T. P. Coulston, of Frank ford, 1. ’ Rev. T. A. Gill, of the First Germlu town Baptist Church, has . recently welcomed 18 new members. A meeting of the Devotional Committee of the Young Men’s Christian Association was held oh Tuesday at their Hall, when it was re solved,in order to carry on the summer’s work with success, that open air meetings, Bible teachers’cottage prayer-meeting and mission Sunday schools should be inaugurated. The object of the movement is two-fold, to do as much good as possible among the poor, and to enlist the energies of church members in the reformatory movements of the day, The twenty-seventh annual meeting of the Spring Garden Female Bible Society will be held on Monday evening next, lltli inst., at 8 o’clock, in the Congregational Church, Eigh teenth and Green streets,Rev. Fdward Hawes, pastor. Friends of the Bibles cause are in vited to be present,- Addresses will be made by the Rev. Geo. F. Cain, pastor elect of the Alexander Presbyterian Church; the Rev. J. Spencer Kcnuard, of the Baptist Church, and by Rev. Mr. Stevens, of the Methodist Church. Rev.-Db. Moult ison, the first missionary in China, began his labors in 3807. From that time to the presentthe number of Protestant missionaries in that country is stated at three hundred and thirty-eight. There have been printed in China, in the Chinese language, twenty-eight translations of the Scriptures, thirty commentaries on portions of the Bible, several versions of the Book of Common Prayer, two hundred and thirty-two theologi cal works, twelve books of sacred biography, thirty-seven catechisms, and eight hymn books, besides a number of school and miscel laneous books. » A meeting of the Philadelphia Council of the Evangelical Alliance took place on Mon day afternoon last, at the hall of the Young Men’s Christian Association, Mr. George H. Stuart presiding. The principal business of the meeting was to discuss the question as to how $2,500 could be raised towards the sum which the churches of this city are assessed at for defraying the general expenses ($25,000) attending the foreign delegates to, the Al liance. It was decided, after some discussion, that letters should be sent to some of the most wealthy members of the churches in this city soliciting their contributions towards this ob ject. Aresolution was adopted to secure the Academy of Music for the purpose of having a grand mass-meeting of the members of the churches of the various denominations to wel come the foreign delegates. The second.anniversary the Radies’ and Pastors’ Christian Union was celebrated re cently at (St. Jonh’s M.E. Church,Third street, below Girard avenue. Bisbop Simpson pre sided, and made an address reviewing the nis tory of the Society, and speaking of it as one of the most important helps to pastors of the dmereut churches of the denomination. The report showed that during the past year the ladies visited 40,708 families, appealed to 14,373 persons, ot whom 0,309 did uot attend church regularly. Visits were also made to 1,725 sick persons, and 095 families were assisted. The visitors distributed among the poor 162,372 p^°Lrel !P o !fl. ,ra ? t '‘!> and induced 1,215 children to attend the diflerent Sunday sohools. They also provided clothing for 244 children, held Jsi religious meetings, and taught 65 Bibje classes, distributing among the destitute 65 Bibles. c;i The Fraukford Presbyterian Church whose one hundredth anniversary will be celebrated this month, was organized in the year 1770 It h a brick structure, located ou Main street THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHiA, SATURDAY, APRIL 9,1870. Frankford, and will Boat about 700 .persons. The present pastor, Rev. Thomas- Murphy; „D. D., nssumed'the pastorate about twenty vears ago ■ He was preceded by Rev. Win. D. Howard,,D. D., wbo, also,labored among this people a number of years. ‘ The present mem licrshin is, about 500„with a flourishing;Sun day school.. During, the past yeftr, the congre gation have coptfi buted the following amounts;. Domestic missions. s24fi; foreign . missions, Sl6o'; qoard pf education, $266; boara;Of;pub-i Mention, $60..: The anniversary- exorcises will lie conducted by Rev. Dr. MoCosh, President of Prihcefon College: Rev, Hr. Hodge, Senior President of the Theological Seminary at Priqoeton ;,Ber. Dr. Scheuck and Rev. Dr. Murphy.-, ... (Correspondence of tho Phils. Broiling Ballotln.l <)**t WILHIJjGieK IJMTKB. News and Genera* Items. Wilmington, April B.—Our sorely per plexed and. much distressed Qomocraoy, at a loss to know what course to take under existing circumstances, have sent for Senator Bayard to enlighten them, and last night he addressed them at Smyrna. Men of all parties were invited to tho meeting, but colored men wore not intended to be included in the invitation, and some of the .party leaders sent to promi nent Republicans to ask them to exert their influence to prevent the colored people from attending, as it was feared that they would bo made the occasion for a disturbance. The negroes remained at home, and the iinterri fiea (?) had peace. Mr. Bayard spoke for two hours, de nouncing the new amendment, flattering his hearers with the hope that it would be re pealed or else annulled by the Supreme Court, ahd endeavoring to demonstrate that Congress had committed a complicated and deliberate violation of the Constitution under the pre tence of amending it. At present, however, he said that it must be regarded as the law of the land, and submitted to. The Demooraey of Delaware, however, would continue to be a white man’s party. They would treat negroes with humanity ana jnstiee, but they would not vote for them or consult with them, or even by word or deed' lend their ap ' proval to the bestowal of the franchise upon them. He said other communities might do as they chose, but Delaware would stand firm in opposition to the political equality of ne groes. The meeting passed a series of resolu tions re-echoing the Senator’s sentiments.. ' ,So both wings of the Democracy are com mitted to the “ Whiteman’s party,” and labor under the delusion that they will receive enough assistanee from dissatisfied Republi , cans to enablo them to carry the State despite the colored vote. Republicans don’t say much; they* just laugh in tlieir Bleeveand chuckle over the manner in which their op ponents piay into their hands. In the City Council last evening a majority of the Committee appointed to investigate the subject, reported in favor of supplying the city witli water from a point some distance up the Brandywine, at an estimated cost of $382,- 000. A minority reported in favor of increas ing the capacity of the existing pump 3, and putting in a new reservoir in the southwest ern partof the city. No final action was taken on either report. The steamboat S. M. Felton will resume her trips between here and Philadelphia on Mon day. The fare will be twenty cents, instead of ten as last year. Our colored people have their grand jubilee over the adoption of the Fifteenth Amend ment next Thursday, and will devote the whole day to it, firing salutes at sunrise and sunset, and having religious services in the morning, a parade irn the afternoon and a mass-meeting in the evening. The meeting will be addressed by E. G. Bradford, Esq., Rev. Dr. Aikman, formeHv of New York, and others. We are having delightful spring-like’ weather at last, and preparations are being made to drain our overflowed lowlands. Dale. CITY BULLETIN. —Coroner Taylor yesterday commenced an inquest upon the body of Patrick 'Williams, who died from the effects of a shot received at the tavern of John Beam, Eleventh and Sansom streets, on Thursday night. George Young, bartender for Mr. Beam, testified that he was there on Wednesday night last be tween eight and nine o’clock, while there was a crowd of about a dozen in the bar-room; Williams came in and took a drink; he was about goiDg down in the cellar for a glass of aie, when he beard a wrangling; he ran back and around the bar, and saw Williams with a pistol in his hand; he appeared very anxious to get at McDonald; and said, “stand back ana give us a fair chancea part of the crowd ran but,tbinking Williams was going to shoot; witness separated them,and others got hold of McDonald, who went out the EleVeuth street door; witness then pushed Williams into the entry that leads from Hansom street, and communicates with the bar-room by a doorway, but no door, and thought he had gone out; witness was about locking up the house immediately atter and shutting the win dows when he heaTd three shots; they ap peared to come from the entry; witness 'went to the street door of the entry and found Wil liams leaning against the wail; he said be was dying; said ho was shot, hut did not say who did it; he did not want to go to the hospital; Ahern came runninein after the shots, and helped witness take Williams to the bar-room, whence he was afterwards taken to the Hos pital ; there were no bloWs struck in the house; did not See McDonald have a pistol; at the commencement of the occurrence there were in the bar-room William Taggart, George Ahern, and two strangers from New York; a loan named Spencer was there, but witness could not say whether lie was at the com mencement; could not tell the names of any others; one shot sounded louder than the others ; Beam was at supper; after the shots were fired he saw no one in the entry but Williams; did not know wliat the quarrel was about; could not sob the shots. Other witnesses were examined, but none testified to seeing the shot fired. The inquest was adjourned until afternoon. —The Cavalry of the Army of the Potomac, which formed an association yester day afternoon, olected the following officers: President— Major-General Alfred Pleasonton; Vice President —Brigadier-General G. L. Fitz hugh; .Secretary—Major Irwin Whitehead; Treasurer—Captain R. R. Corson ; Historian- Dr. R. W. Peaso, formerly Medical Director of the Cavalry Corps of the Army of the Potomac. —Oliver K. Sabold, Esq., Principal of the Weccacoo Boys’ Grammar School, died, on Thursday afternoon, at his residence, in Rox borougli, Twenty-first Ward. —Francis ICeyser was bound over yester day by Aid. Robert H. Smith to answer the charge of libel preferred by Mrs. Frances Hol lenback. The alleged libellous publication was an advertisement traced to the accused. —The Moynmensing Hose Company is mak ing arrangements to consolidate with the Phil adelphia Hose Company. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. |KS» REV. JAM ESLJBK. WILL PREACH iu the Second Baptist Church, Upsal uml Miin streets, Germantown, Sunday murnlpg and evening. It’ JK3* REV- A- A. WILL ITS, IX D., WILL '*x~r print'll in the West Arch Street Presbyterian Church to morrow, (it 11)>5 A. M. and 7 )i P. M. It" O'S- FIRST MORAVIAN CHURCH” corner Franklin and Wood etreete, Hot, Josoph 11. Kuuimer, pastor.—Palm Snnilay—Service at 10)5 o’clock. “ Paßtion Week”— Service nt 7)5 o’clock. It) jks» the first Presbyterian Oejy Church, Washington Square.—lter. Herrick Johnson, B. D., Pastor, will preach to morrow at 10)5 A. M. utidS P. M. it’ fir's* REV. C. WADSWORTH, D. D., Ur2T Pastor, will preach to-morrow in the Third Be formed Church, fenth anti Filbert streets. Service at IQH o’clock A. M. and 8 P.M. it* |K3» CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN Church, Locust strtot,above Fifteenth, Bev. Dr. Humphrey, Pastor. Sorvices at 10)4 A. M. and 7)S F.M. , y ' it* IKS* THE REV. DR. WILLITS WILL Us-y preach In aid of the Industrial Home for Blind Women at the Church, corner of Eighteenth and Arch etreete, on Sunday ovoning lioxt, at 8 o'clock. It’ IKS* FIRST REFORMED CHURCH corner of Sovouth and Spring Garden.—ltev’ Time X. Orr will preach to morrow, at 10>i A. M. and' 7XP.M. Evening— 1 * Resurrection.’’ . It’ IKS* "PENN SQUARE PRESBYTERIAN Church, Broad utreot. above Chestnut. Itov. Henry O. McCook, pastor, will preach to-morrow, 10th inst., atlO«A.M.anUB>a*.M. It’ RELIGIOUS NOTICES. .|K3» BBTH-EDBN BAPTIST CHUROH, Itroai and Spruce streets.—Bev. J. Wheaton - Smith, D. D.i pastor, will preach Sunday morning at - H)X o’clock, and oVening aI7X o’clock. Strangers are cordially invited to this new church. , , It* CLINTON STREET CHUROH, Tenth street, below Spruce. Bev. Albort Bsrnoi, - to-morrovr, at 10X o’clock A. M ,and Bev. It. E. Thomp son, of tho Universitr-of,Pennsylvania, nt.S P. M. Evening subject—“ The Power OfAn Endles* Life.” All : invited, , it* ITS* ST- CLEM ENT’S CHUROH, TWEN tleth end Cherry streete.—Service and sermon daring the season of Lent ovary Wednesday and Sunday evening, Choral service. Seats free.! Sorvioo to-morrow evenings at 7K o'clock, ■ ! y -muS a At* nrs» NORTH BROAD STREET PRES JMx BYTEBIAN Church, corner of Qreen street,— Preaching to-morrow by the Pastor, Bov. Dr. Stryker. Services :at IOX A. M. and 7X P. M.; Evening toipc— Eseklol’s Vision :of Christ. Strangers always wel come, it* n-S» CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN Charch, Eighth and Cherry etreots, Bev. A. Beed.D. D., pastor, will preach ts-raorrow (Sabbath) raoming,at MX o'cloek.and in the evening at 7X o’clock, i Subject for evening—" The Epitaph of Judas -1«- ctrlot.” ,■ It* IP'S* SIXTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, , Ui£y Spruce street, below Sixth. Bov. J. P. Conkov, Pastor elect, will preach to-morrow, (Sabbath) 10th inst.,atloXA..M. and7X o’clock P. M. The In stallation of tho Bev. J P. Conker .as Pastor of tho Sixth Presbyterian Church, will take plaoe. an Tuesday Evening, tho itth lost.’; at 7Jf o’clock. r The ssrvieos will -be conducted by lho Bevs. H. O. McCook, B. H. Patter- '■ a<;n,andD.L.,Agnew- . , , It*, / SPECIAL NOTICES, Ml. WANAMAKER Invites the “Little Gentlemen,” together with their parents or guardians, to visit tite Estab lishment oil , SATURDAY, APRIL 9th, At which time there will be an EXHIBITION ’ OK BIS Beautiful Spring Stock OF FASHIONABLE CLOTHING FOB YOUTHS AND BUiS. 818 and 890, Chestnut Bt. Finest Clothing Establishment. BGV Lodios having Boys (from five to fifteen years of age*» to clothe* should form tho acquaintance of our 14 Youths’ Department*” whore thoy can find all the latest and best things in Boj s' wear. AMERICAN Life insurance Company OF PHILADELPHIA. Income 1669, $1,187,186 44 Organized 1860. BOARD OF TBUBTEES rion. James Pollock, Ex-Governor of Pennsylvania, Director of U. 8. Mint. J.Edgar Thomson, President Pennsylvania Railroad, 23S 8. Third street. George Nugent, Gentleman* residence. Germantown. Albert C. Roberts, Ex*President Fourth Nat. Bank. Philip B. Mingle, Seed Merchant, 103 Market street, lion. Alex. G. Cattell, IT. S Senator. Isaac Haaelhnrst,'Attorney at Law,6oB Walnutstrect. L, M. Whilldio. Merchant,2o and 22 South Front street. Henry K; Bennett, Merchant,74s South Fourth street. George W. llill, Bx-President SevsnthNat. Bank. James L, Ulaghorn, President Commercial Nat. Bank. John Wanamaker, Oak Hall ClotLiug House, 81S and 820 Chestnut street. ' ' . • THE AMERICAN issues• policies on all desirable plans at low rates, and for security and promptness in writing lasses is-unsurpassed by any Company in the United States S. E. corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. ALEX. WHILLDIN, President. JOHN 8. WILSON, Secretary. V&" Reliable men wanted ub Agents. mh24 th Btu I3trp > ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, 1025 O HBSTNUT Street. SHERIDAN’S RIDE, 'great life-size painting, By the Poet-Artist, T. BUCHANAN BEAD. SIXTH WEEK OF THE EXHIBITION. BEADING OF THE TOEM TWICE A DAY. M. JOSEPHINE WABBKN will reciteeach day, at 4 P. M. and 9 P. M., In front of the canvass, the Poem of *• SHEBIDAN’B RIDE.” Chromos of the Painting (20x25 inches), $lO. ADMISSION....— .25 CENTS. Including the entire valuable collection of tbo Academy. Open from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M., and from 7H to 10 P. M. up 4 tf . JOHN B. GOUGH ACADEMY OF BUSK’, MONDAY, April 11. Eloquence and. Orators. For the Young Men’s Christian Association. Tickets at Ashmuad’B,724 Chestnut street- Reserved Beats, GO Cents. senator revels AT HORTICULTURAL HALL, - ON THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 14 SUBJECT- 14 THE.PRESS.” Admission 50 cents. Reserved 5eat5...;;...;....;....’...:.. 50 cents extra. Tho sale of Secured Seats will commence on MONDAY MORNING, THE 11TH INST., AT 9 O’CLOCK, AT GOULD’S PIANO ROOMS, 923 CHESTNUT STREET. upBtf , jKES» ACADKMY OP’ MUSIC. THE STAB COUBSE OF LECTUREB. NUrri.EHENTARY LECTURE, BY MISS OLIVE LOGAN, ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 16. Bubject(by request), “ GIRLS.” Admission, CO cent., Reserved Seats, 25 cents, extra. Tickets for sale at Gould’s Plano Booms, 923 Chestnut street. Doors open nt 2 o’clock, P. M. Lecture at 3P. M CABL BENIZ’S PABLOIt ORCHESTRA Will perform choice musical selections previous to the Lecture; ; apS-tfS THU WAGNER FREjnNSTITUTE of SCIENCE,corner of Soventeonth und Mont gomery avenue. The Spring Course of Leotures wlll commence April 11th, at 7X o’clock, and be continued every evenine, on tho following (subjects: MONDAY ,71$ o’clock, Chomistry, Prof. DEALE.H D TUESDAY,o'clock .Puloontology, Prof. WAGNER* WEDNESDAYS o’clock, Anatomy and Physiology Prof. TOWNSEND, M.D. T B7 ' THURSDAY. 734 o’clock,Botany,Prof. MINICH.M D FRIDAY* 7 h o’clock, Natural Philosophy, Prof, MILLS, M.D. SATURDAY. o’clock, Elocution, Prof. SHOE MAKER. All rtre are invited. Admission free. The best mode of approach is by the Fifteenth street cars to Columbia avonuo, and return by same routo. ap92t rp§ ik3* JAMES E. MURDOCH’S UtS* POETIC AND DRAMATIC READINGB. CHOICE SELECTIONS FROM THE liXPLK, Shokcspearo. Dickens, and othorn. Some never rend by him In ihie city before. At the Memorial Church, cor ner of Broad and Master etreete, on MONDAY EVEN ING. Aprillltb. Tickets, GO conts. Reserved seats, 75 cente. For sale at Gould’e Music Store, 923 Chestnut Htruut, from 9 to 5 o’clock, and at the Church in the evening, from 6 to 9 o’clock. - aps,st rp§ jks» LIEBIG'S COMPANY'S EXTRACT of Meat secures great economy and convenience in housekeeping and excellence in cooking. None f'onuine without the signature of Baron Liebig, the nventor, and of Dr. Pcttcnkofor. delegate. ja2fl-w s-tf J, MILIIAU’S SONSfisSDroadway^N.Y rKg» 1109 GIRARD STREET. 1109 tWbKIBH, RUSSIAN AND PERFUMED BATHS Departments for Ladles. Baths open from to 9 P.M. mercantile library, tenter above Oliostnut. Lecture Hall to rent: olbo a room accommodating twenty persona. mli3l th s4trp§ iks» HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOSTISIB IMS’ and 1620 Lombard street, Disponsary Department —Medical troatmont and medlclnefurnlshod gratuitously . ' _7 . ; .■ SPECIALAOTUJES.•■■■■ n-3» GRANtrGATHKHING OF THE IKS 1 ' Friends of Temperance, under the nnsplees or the Voting Men ’» Christian Association of the First Presby- C nTfon ! »/ori r p'h I L 15th, AtBo’clock. Addrosses by Buv. A. A. WILI.ITB, D. D„ Bbv.J.B. WITHROW, end Pastor. Rkv. H. JOIINBONJD. D. ,Choice selections of miislo by,'the Choir. All are cardtalli Invited. * »p 9, evr th&f rp§ IP'S* - OF FI OE LEHIGH VALEEV RAIL- Ui S' ROAD COMPANY.3O3 Walnntstroot. In ronseqacnceor the 10th last; being a,legal holiday, tne Dividend of this Company Announced for that date wilt not be paidnntil Saturday:l6th inst, npBtopl6sJ C. 0. IiONGBTUKTH, Treasurer. tv-S* OFFICE OFTHE FRANKLIN FIRE IMV INBDBANCK COMPANY. , , t PniLADRI PHtA, April 4,1870. ■ ■ At a Meeting of the Board of Directors or the Cora- Bany, hold this day, n Semi-Annual Dividend of Six Per ont.,and an Extra Dividend of'leu Per Cent,, were do clpred on the Capital BtoOk.payablo to tlie Stockholders, or tholr legal representatives, on and after the 14th instant, clear of all taxes, _ , » . ap6 to 14§ J. WiMcAl/UISTUB, Secretary. ijr3» PHILADELPHIA, MARCH 26th„ lK£r 1870.—Thd Aimual Meeting of the-Stockholders' of tbo,CANNON IRON COMPANY (of Cake Superior) will be held at tholr office. No. 324 Walnut Street, on MONDAY, the 11th of April. 1870, at 12 o'clock: for tho election of Directors, and the transaction of other husi, ness, B. A. HOOPE3, mh2S tl apllS Secretary. M BROWN STONE RESIDENCE fl FOB SALE, »O. I»aa ARCH STREET. Elegant Brown-Stone Residence, three stories an Mansard roof; Tory commodious, furnished with every modeni convenience, and built in a vory superior ana snbsthntial manner. Lot 2G feet front by 160 feet deep to Cptlibert street* ion which la orectod a handsome brick Stable and Coach House. J. M. GUMHEY A SONS, . 4 _ c 733 WALNUT Street. _nih2stfr|)s_ ' * fl| BROWN STONE DWELLING ft AND COACH HOUSE, No. 1507 SPRUCE Street, ■, r FOB BALB CHEAP. Inquire of DREXEL & CO., 34 South Third Street. mh24thfltntf| ■ . MCHESTNKT HILL-7FOR SALE. OK Exchange for a City Residence one of themost desi rable. place* on the Hill; Mansion, with heator, gas, water. grapory,green-house, Jce-henae; near the Depot, with fino view. Send for description J.E.MITCHKLL, ap9111316 41* 310 York avenue. m FOB SALE—BO3 NORTH EIGHTH JBs* street, above Brown, three-story brick dwelling, with side yard, and three-story double back buildings. All in good order. COOPER A CONARD, ap£-Gt* • 8. E. comer Ninth and Market. fS§FOR SALE—A WELL-BtJILT, HAN D- Kill soroely furnished Cottage, Pennsylvania and Pacific avouusa, Atlantic City. B.W,SOUTH, It’ 432 Walnut street. ® FOR SALE, AT CHESTNUT HILL- A very complete stone house, near station. Has parlors, dining-room, library, two kitchens, eight bed rooms, two bath-rooms and ampld conveniences.* Part city property taken if required. W. O. MACK I*., Graver’s.lane,or J.C. SIDNEY, No. 204 South Fifth etreot. ap9-3t* FOB .SALE-THE NEAT TWO-M Kiiilfitory bHck Dwelling. No. 65 Wood street, 3C Jlurlington. N. J.j 11 rooms, hot and cold water, range, Ac. Lot 300 feet deep. - Apply to CLARK & KTTING, aps-6trpij 711 Walnut street; FOR SALE.—LARGE WAREHOUSE Kii and Lot of Ground, 158 feet front on Washington avenue, went of Bro&d street (opposite Baltimore depot); suitable for a Coni Yard, Flour or Grain Depot, or Forwarding Warehouse. Apply* to c „ . - JOHN GAT, apo-2t _ N.E. corner Howard and Norris streets. F O R SA L E—slt,ooo~—GEßM AN IBI TOWN OODNTRY RESIDENOE, »NI4AR THE WISSAHJt.'KON, MODERN STONE HOME, GOOD STONE BARN. lOE-IIOI.ME, SHADE ANItfFBUIT TREES, Ac.: TOGETHER WITH SIX ACRES OK LAND J BORDERING ON THE PARK. APPLY 182 BOOTH FRONT STREET. apl.Ct* : iT ” sg The very elegant country seat known as “ Malvern.” near BuPtteton, Twenty-third Ward, five minutes walk Irom depot. Largf* ami commodious, with'every convenience, garden ers cottage,ice house, stAbleand carriage house, Urge grapery (under gl«?s), stocked with the best varieties of loreign grape* In full h-aring : lawn 6% acre*, laid out n English style; flue old shade trees, beautiful ever greens and hedges, plenty of shrubbery; abundance of fruit, large and small, and excellent water. An adjoining lot of live acres can be had if desired Terms easy Apply at ftp2-s to th lms No. CHESTNUT street M RIVERTON, N. J.—FOR SALE—jift Desirable House, beautifully locate*!. Apply 339 3larket‘street. ap7-tha tnlOt* M FOR SALE—a MOOERN~THItEE. story residence. No. 2016 Arch street. Has every convenience aDd in perfect order. WlllbesoM with or without the furniture, and terms made to salt the pur chaser. Apply to « BOBEKTBUIST,Jb.. • apfi 6t§ J>22 and 924 Mferkjfit street, abovo Ninth. M' FOR SALE.—THE ELEGANT MAIL bh* Front Mansion, No. 2006 Chestnut street, re plete with every modern convenience. A small pro perty would be taken in part pay. FOX A BUBKABT, . ap4 Ct 221 South Fifth street. ®FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—A fine house, No. 2017 Hidge avenue. It has double threo-story front, and double two story back buildings. The house is 20 feot front, and lot 147 feet deep to Twen tieth street—two fronts. Price JSBJWO dollars clear. This Isa very cheap property. W. lIINOKLE, No. 773 Wal put street. • _ ‘ up 2 7t* S 5" 'WE a T PH IL AD ELPHIA—FOR MULBale—handsome modern cottage, with every con venience, and large lot, situate oh a corner in the highest and moat desirable portion of West Philadel phia. ,T. fll. GUMMKY & 80N8, No. 733 Walnut street. apS'.’trp dfi FOR SALE.—HOUSEVAND" STORE, is2Uij.S. E. corner Tenth nud Shippou streets. Apply 1947_Locuet street Possession immediately mh3o 12t" f}i Ivyside-germantownllfor JHiiil Bale.—The Elegant Pointed Btone Cottage Resi dence, known a« rVYSIDE, nitnute on southwest cor ner of West Walnut bane and Croon street, German town, finished throughout in the very best manner, fur nished with every city convenience, aud in perfect order, fetonc Stable and Carriage House, Oowllouso and largo Lot of Ground, beautifully shaded, and planted with choice shrubbery. J.M. GUMMEY & SONS,733,Wal nut street. Mnew brown stone houses, NOS. 1920, 2004 ANI) 2010 SPRUCE STREET FOR SALE. FINISHED IN WALNUT IN THE MOST SUPERIOR MANNER. AND WITH EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. E. B. WARREN, 2013 SPKUCK STJtE:E.T. APPLY BETWEEN 2 AND 4 O’CLOCK P. M. mh2stf jgjjji FOR BALR—THIS DESIBABbE Kid-Throo-story Dwelling, with Threo-story Back Buildings, No. 400 South Ninth streot, with nil improve ments. Lot 21«*188 foot deep to n hack stroet. Also, a Modi',i] Dwelling, No. 2225 Spruco street; all imnrovo monts. Immediate possession. Terms easy. Annlv to COPPUOK A JORDAN, 433 Walnut street. PPy m CHESTNUT HILL.—FOR SALE-A Kill. Handsome Modern, Polnted-Btono Residence, with parlor, library, dining-room, large pantries, two kitchens, nine cbambcrß, hath, wator-closotß, Ac., Ac • and large lot of ground, situate on Chestnut arenas, within live minutes walk from Railroad Depot. Imme diate possession given. J. M. GUMME Y A SONS, 733 WalDutßtreet. March street—for sale—the handsome three-story brick residence, with attics, and three-story back buildings, situate No. 1723 Arch street. Lot, 24 feet 6 Inches front by 140 feet deep. Im ‘No d 73S°$ GUMMEY /Soiiy ’ m GERMANTOWN.—FOR SALEWA very desirable Stone Mansion, with stone stable and carriage-house, with three acres of land attached, situate on Duy’s lane, within % of a mile from Duy’s lane station, on Germantown Railroad. Has every con venience and is in good ordor. Grounds handsomely laid Ont and plunted with evory variety of choice shrub bery- Terms, accommodating. Immediate possession. J. M. GUMMEY A 80N8,733 Walnutßtroet. fjjl WEST SPRUCE STREET—FOR SALE Si—The desirable Building Lot No. 2102 Sprnce street, 22 feet front by 150 feet doop to a street. J.M. GUMMEYASCNB, 733 Walnut street.. M CHESTNUT STREET.—FOR SALE— An elegant modern Residence, 25 feet front, with evory convenience, built and furnished throughout in a superior mannor, and 10t235 feot deep through to San som street, Situate west of Eightoonth stroet. J. M GUMMEY A SONS, 733 Walnut street. , , fSg GERMANTOWN.—FOR BALE-THE Kul handsome Stone Cottage, situated Northwest cor ner East Walnut lano and Morton stroet. Every city convenience and lit perfect order. Grounds well shaded by full grown trees. J. M. GUMMEY A SONS, 733 Walnut street. fa FOR SALE.—DWELLINGS— JBiaL, 1331 North Twelfth stroet. Three-story modern dwelling. 1422 North Twelfth street. Throe-story modern dwell ing. 235 North Twelfth stroet. Throe-story dwelling with threo-story tenement on roar of lot. 1529 South Tenth street. Throe-story dwelling. 1008 South Third street. Threo-story dwelling. 12)2 Marlborough stroet, Richmond. Throe-story brick dwelling. BUSINESS PROPERTIES. 606 Booth Second street. Three-story brick, 22 by. 133, 260 North Eleventh street. Four-story brick, IS by 53. 423 Reed street. Corner Rtofo and dwelling. •, fKXJ South Sixth street. Tavern aud dwelling. 1435 Hoad. . ROBERT GRAfIFEN & SON, No. WT Piue street FOR SALE. FOR SALE. MANSION HOUSE, FOR SALE. W JiISX PHILADELPHIA.—FOR WH| Bale or to Beqt—4ll3 Spruce atroet. Tory hand som'oßrown Stone Front Roeldenco, Mansard roof, aide yjird.nll modern conveniences, in portoot order, linmSi 4IM P Fliie*Btr£!6t—Double' Mnhiloriiibullt' of ;idreaood Gray Stone,side yard, every coUYOoionco.ln .porfoct or ap2atuthlm§ 120 South Front atroet. Merchantvillk n. j.—building mtesfor sale, five minutes*#, walk, from Welwood Tiiinrr minutes ebowjfbosjt ai»» Phlla4etol|ia. TKreby^tlie, Annual Tlokot, 8 ota, par trip. Addreai J.W.TOBRhY. _ ■ tnb29-lm§ No. 127 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. rpO OAPITALISTS AND BUILDERS- Jl- „For aale^A large and rapidly-improving. LOT, NORTH BROAD BTHBET, between Norris and Dia mond .:S2B feet deep to THIBTKHNTHBTRKHT, inter eectod Up PABKATKNDK. F«)CB FRONTS. mhg-ttg' Apply NO. 3220he*tntit afreet. TO RERT. /creese & McCollum, real estatb • » :■ - AGENTS. ’ ' , Office, Jaekaon atreet. opposite Manalon afreet, Cap* Island, N. J. Beal Estate bought and sold. Persons desirous of renting oottagea dnrm* the season will apply or address so above. -■ ........ BeaheotfUllyr refer to Chaa. A. Robloam, Henry Btxmm. Franc Ur. McUvsln, AugustasMerino, John Darla and W, W. Jnrenal, fe3-tf| fl TO BENT, FURNISHED, FOB BIX JKI montha—Desirable Beaidonco, north aide ot Green atroet, near Beronteenth atroet. Rent low to a good tenant. Apply at 21 North Water street. ap9St* Mto LET, AFTER MAY I«t—the Sret-claea furnished Residence, No. 1727 Arch et. Apply COT Commerce etreet. - »p93t* STO BENT—FOB SIX MONTHS-A FURNISHED BQVBK ON WALNUT bTRKRT, WEKN TWENTIETH AND TWENTY-FIRST. APPLY TO B. L., 210 CHESTNUT STREET. np9Us gi TO RENT-FURNISHKD-FOR A AH. year or shorter period, the premlsos Ko. 1334 Pino street. Apply to j • aps tu tb fl 6t| No. 723 \VaUmt street. m TO LET—FURNISHED OR UNFOR* JBH nlshed, a Country licaldonce at Choi ton Hill*, within ft few minutes’ walk of City Lane or Old York Road 'Mfttiona, North Pennsylvania Railroad. It, J. BOBBINS, Ledger Building. ap6-w,th,»* 520 AR C H STREET—TO RENT—3- SEL Story Factory, with upper part of 4-story Store. apBJt» , DRUM, 318 Arch street. M TO LET SECOND-STORY FRONT Boom, 324 Obsstnut atroet, about 20 * 28 feot.y Suitable for an office or light buaineas, . JalBtfn> , FARR A BROTHER fS| TO RENT—DURING SUMMER RcsfWest Philadelphia), a . haudsomoly famished house, with largo grounds, stable, etc. Inquire 1003 Chestnut street, second story. np7tQ fji TO LET, AFTER MAY Ist—THE IH flrst-clsßs llniehed Residence, No. 1727 Arch street. Apply 307 Commerce street. ap7-3t’ 'COUNTEYIIMrDENCES^TOKENT —ln Uolmesbarc, Twenty-third Ward, about eight miles from the City, three Cottage, houses, with hroWu stone fronts. French roof; parlor, dining-room and two kitchens on first floor: largo yard, all the modern Im provements. Accessible sovera] times a day by the Phil adelphia and Trenton Railroad. Apple to CHARLES If. MABBON, ap2-Bt* , 329 North Sixth street. SIIIIGIRARD STREET— A GIRARD Eetatedwelllng,atreducedrent. Apply at Tower , 318 Market street. , mh23-trs m FOB li K NT-FURNISHB~D-A Kaihandsome four-story brick dwelling, with bock bnUdinga and every modern convenience. sitnaf/* oo Broad «trect t below Plae. J. Mi GUMMKY & SONS, No. 733 Walont street. |Sf TO LET.—THE STORE OONNECT fiuSL log with the Colonnade Hotel, 1302, 1301 and 1306 Chestnut street, suitahlo for gent’s tarnishing goods. Kent moderate. Apply outlie premiss* from 10 to 13 A. 11. - mhl2trt Jg) FOR RENT—FURNISHED OR UN JEH' furnished, the threo-etory brick dwelling situate l3OB North Twelfth street. I. M. GUMMEY St SONS, 733 Walnut street. MTO RENT—ROOMS OF ALL SIZES] well lighted, suitable for lightmanufaoturing busi ness, in building No. 712 Chestnut street. J. M. GUM MEY Sc 80N8./*3 Walnut street. f 53 FOR RENT—CHESTNUT STREET! Bill—The desirable property uortbeast corner of Uhestnot and Eleventh streets: will bo Improved. MARKET BTREFiT—,4ofeet front, southwest corner of bixtb street. Fonr-story Htoro, 617 MARKET street. VINE STREET—Large Dwelling, suitable for board* lug-hemp**, sitoaio N. E. cornnlv Eighteenth and Vine. .7.31. GUBIWKY k SONS*733 Wolnot street. TO BENT FOB THE BUMMER—A JEuL Fine Honse.FnrDishM, in Germantown. Apply toE. 8. PINCKNEY, near Wayne Station, Gmnantowu lUilroivd. ap7ths2t"'_ Mao RENT—AT GERMANTOWN, A very desirable double house, situate on Main street, with every city convenience, as gas, water, Ac., with stabling, end about 20 acres of land. Also, a desirable residence, corner of Carpenter street and Cresheim roud* with about 12 acres of Land, Apply to W.C. HKNSZEY. 737 Market street, or to W. li. BOOP, 6402 Jlnin street, German town. *p7tbetu6ts fig TO RENT.—A HANDSOME [l2 Country Residence, Day *s lane, Germantown. A handsome country residence, Manheim street, Gor montown. A dwelling house. No. 119 Rtttenhouse street, Ger mantown. A dwelling house, No. 1541 North Twentieth street. A dwelling bouse, No. 911 South Ninth Street, A stable on Miles street, below.. Walnut .street. And above Tenth street. Room for throe horses and car riages. Apply to OOPPUCK A JORDAN, 433 Walnut street. GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &C. LITIZ CURRANT WINE. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, \ Di aler in ©very escriptlon or Fine Groceries, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets, New mess shad and spiced Salmon, Tongues and Bounds, In prime order, jnst received and for gale at GOUSTT’S East End Grocery Ho. 118 South Second otroet.below Chestnutstreet. J>URE SPICES, GROtfin) AND WHOLE —Fare English Mustard by the ponnd —Choice bite Wine and Grab Asolo vinegar for plokling In store, and for sale at OOUSTY’B East End Grocery, Ho. lIS Booth Second etroct, below Cheatnnt street. VTEW GREEN GINGEB.-400 POUNDS Jlv of choice Green Ginger in store and for sale at COUSTY’B East End Grocery, Ho. 118 South Second street, below Chestnut street SOUPSv-TOMATO, PEA, MOCK Turtle and Jolllen Sonps of Boston Club Msnufao. tore, one of the finest articles for plo-nlos and satllng parties. For sole at GOCSTY’B East End Grocery, Ho 118 South Second street, below Chestnut street. WHITE BRANDY FOR PRESERVING. f Y —A'choice article just received and for sale at OOUSTY’S East End Grocery, Ho. 118 South Second street, below Ghestnnt street. , ■pIRR-PROOr SAFES. For Sale Cheap. A FIRST-C LASS FIRE PROOF SAFE. 'Address, “LEON,” this office. dc2o-tlrps OR SALE. FOB SALE. YARNS FOR SALE. Cotton and Worsted Yams, all numbers. Cotton Yams, one* two, three or four ply, on cops, on beams and in skeins. Also, Chain ana Satinet Warps, Cotton and Wool Waste. GEO. F. HAUL, Commission Merchant, 67 KILBY Street, Boston, Mass. roU2s3mfr - ' MUSICAL. Philadelphia MUSICAL ACADEMY. . SECOND HALF SPUING QUARTER WILL BE GIN APRIL 25. Early application at tho OFFICE, No. 1228 SPRUCE STREET, will secure choice of days rind hours. Pupils may bogin at any time. Circulars at tho music. mh3o-w h bt§ Madame sauvan (neb miss PiutnrdMs prepared to give Lessons in Singing, at private houses ana in schools. Residence 925 Locust street. ap7l2t* fdSSaestn PERSONS WISHING THEIR rTTTfI Pianos thoroughly put in order will find the midc’rsicnrd a practical and responsible party - . A. B.BKIOHKNBACH, Piano Maker, 252 North Blevonth street. 1 ap7 3t* SIG. P. RONDINELLA, TEACHER OP Singing. Private lessons and classes. Botddence SOB 8. Thirteenth street. auJg-tfj -pOLIBHING POWDER. THE BE9T XT for cleansing Silver and Plated Ware, Jewelry,etc., ver manufactured, • FARR A BROTHER, mbl (ft p 82< Chestuut street, below Fourth. AMUSEMEWXa. The B oy-Ch oir. MADRIGAL CONCERT* SATURDAY, April S3d. Director—JAMES PEARCE. Tickets at BONNB’B, IIM OHBSTNOT Atroet, (Pee Frogronunos.) A l K B U L L : asi-tste* by the fallowing artistee; MIBB UATTIR BAFFOBD, . the ftkTorite Hoprano: , MB. WILtIAM MACDONALD, the,popular tenor: MB. KDWABD HOFFMAN, the distinguished Pianist and Composer. Admission. «1: Family Circle, Mcents. Bale or tfoketo ®'romtA.M‘to 3P° T'*' April 9th, Doors opon at 7. Concert begins at 8. ALBX. ROLL: RnslnossManager J. JAY WATSON, Agent. apTitii r AURA KEENSm Bertas at 8~ Li OnKBTNUT-BTBISKT TITHATRB LAST APPKARANCB TO-MIOHT OF THE OBBMAMyBIOPLABTH) TBOBPB." LAUBI FAMIL T Of. PANTOMUHBTB. / PKISMATIO/OLMTAINS - ■ TABLEAU TIVANT,»«« PBOFBHBOR HOHMIDT AMD PUPILS ON MONDAY NEXT, MBS. J. A. OATES'S Burli'iwu» nnd ComnsttV in th» FIBLPOFTBK CLOTH OF GOLD. aESoT STREET THEATRE, THIS I BATDBDAY). EVENING, April*, LAST NIGHT OK M MB. K. 8. OHANFRAU, By de«lre, B. 8. IJuker’e Dram* of M08K; . fl OH, A GtANGK AT N*W YORK a , MOBE ............ .......MB. F. 8. IJHAWFBAB To couimeuce withtbeOotnic Onus* of t 80L0N BUINGLK. SOLON BHINOLB_. k ., MR. F. 3. OHANFRAU To conclnde with A BULL IN A CHINA SHOP. 11/TBS. JOHN DREW’S ARCH BTRBBT THEATRE., AT TUB ARCH.** u ’ (:,ock . MONRAY AND EVERY EVENING. Mr. Augustine Daly's successful Comedy from th» Fr«ncb< entitled . „ . ■ FROU-FROU. WITn EVERY SCENE NEW. „ „ . Costumes and Appointments Heir. MIIB. JOHN DREW ; GJLBBBTK Aldod by the FullComuany. HEATS SECURED BIX DAYS IN ADVANCE. CH AS. W. JARVIS’S SERIES OF CLAS SICAL S 0 I B E E 8 1863*1870. SIXTH AND CAST HOIBEE, At Dutton’s Plano Booms. . SATURDAY EVENING, April 16th, 1370, TICKETS, Snb”doLiSia hrulenVsllthe priuci pal Mui»ic Stores. a»d at thodoor. ftp9Ct TVTTPBEZ & BENEDICTS OPERA XJ' BOUSE. SEVENTH Street.below Arch. CONTINUED BRILLIANT SUCCESS. THIS EVENING, DUPREZ ft BENEDICT’S GIGANTIC MINSTRELS .. , ®FFER A GREAT SENSATION BILL. Flrut Time—Dougherty's Huoker and Dory.l First Time— llnrluaguo Parts Milliner. PARLOR CONCERTS THE SIXTH end Last CONCERT will be given at NATATO- ItICM HALL, Brood, below .Walnut, SATURDAY EVENING, April Mil. STRING QUARTETTE by Rail. Tickets 81 23. to be bad at L. Meyer'*, 1113 Chestnut; Andre’s and Boner’s, and at the door. aptmwlatt* TTOX’B AMERICAN THEATRE, r WALNUT STREET. Above EIGHTH. World-renowned CARLO BROTHERS.' FRANK WOOD,DICK CLARKE,BOBT. BUTLER’S TROUPE, the Pest Pantomlmist* In the world; Ada Wray. Mile. DE ROSA and LA BOS Ain two Grand Ballets. New eleventh street opera, hoube: - THE FAMILY RESORT. CARNCROSS ft Dixsrs MINSTRELS, EVERY EVENING. ... . J. L. CARNCBOSS, Manager. Temple of wonders—assembly BUILDINGS.—SIGNOR BLITZ, Jtt. BPHYNX! BPHYSXI BPHYNX! MAGIC, VENTRILOQUISM and CANARIES. Every Evening atTX. Wednesday and Saturday at 3. SENTZ AND HASSLER’S MATINEES.— Mualca! Fund nail. IK9-TO. Every SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at3K o'clock. oclS-U A CADEMY OF FINE ABTB, J\. « CHKSTN UT atf«etrftboT« Tenth OtfenfromP A.M. to 6 P. M. Benjamin W**tVi Great Picture of _ OHBIBTB3WKOXBD I» gtttl on exhibition SHIPPERS' GUIDE. FOR NEW YORK, Via Delaware and Raritan Canal. EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY. The Steam Propcllors of the Line will commence leading on the Bth Inst., leaving Dally as usual. THROUGH IH TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. Goods forwarded by all the Llnee going out of Hew York, Korth, East or West, free of commission. - Freights received at low rates. 811. F. CLYDE A CO., Agents. ll South Delaware Avenue. JAB. HAND, Agent, 119 Wall Btreet, Hew York PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. THROUGH FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE SOUTH AND WEST. INCREASED FACILITIES AND REDUCED RATES FOB 1370. STEAMERS LEAVE EVERY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY** 12 o clk. Noon, from FIRST WHARF, above MARKET Street. RETURNING, LEAVE RICHMOND MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, and NORFOLK TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS. *7"No Bills of Lading signed after U o’clock on Ending Day. THROUGH RATES to all point* In North and Bouth Carolina via Seaboard Alr-Llne Railroad, connectiag at Porttimeuth, and to Lynchburg, Va., Tennessee and tho West via Virginia and Tennessee Air-Line and Rich mond and Danville Railroad, Freight HANDLED BUT taken at LOWER BATES THAN ANY OTHER LINK. N o charge for commission. d wage, or any expense for transfer. . - - - Steamships insnre at lowest rates. - Freight received DAILY. State-room A 0Q HqsLElnonfh Wharves and Pier No. 1 North Wharves. WiIJ’TPOUTER, Agent otßichmond and City Point, T.qfeCBQWELL A 00., Agents at Norfolk FUIFTB O 8 T O N.—BTEAM BHEP LINK DIBEOT. SAILING FROM EACH PORT EVERT Wednesday and Saturday# FBOM FINE BTREET WHARF, PHILADELPHIA. AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. Fbom Philadelphia Fbouc Boston. 10 A. M. 3P.M. NORMAN,Batnrday,Ap’il2 ROMAN,Saturday, Ap’il 2 ARIES, Wednesday “ 8 SAXON, Wednesday, •• 8 ROMAN, Saturday, “ 0 NORM AN, Saturday, “ 9 SAXON, Wednesday “ 13 ARIES, Wednesday, “ 13 NORMAN, Saturday, “ 10 ROMAN,Baturday, “ 18 ARIES, Wednesday, “ 21) SAXON, Wednesday, “ *0 ROMAN, Saturday, « 23 NORMAN, Saturday “ 23 SAXON, Wednesday “ 27 ABIES, Wednesday, “ 27 NORMAN,Wednesday," 30 ROMAN, Saturday, “ 80 Thes-Steamships sail punctually. Freight received overy day. Freight forwarded to all points lit New England. For Freight or Pa»»a?“iJLOI , . l !ri.or accommodations) apply to HENBaWINSOB A GO., BBB South Delaware avenue. PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN HAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S REGULAR LINES FROM QUEEN STREET WHARF. Tho JUNIATA will sail for NEW ORLEANS, via Havana, on , April —, at 8 A. M. The YAZOO will sail bom NEW ORLEANS, via HAVANA, on .April—. The WYOMING will sail for SAVANNAH on Baturday, April 18, at 8 o’clock A. M. _ The ACHILLES will sail bom BAVANNAH on Saturday, April 16. The PIONEER will sail for WILMINGTON, Thursday,April2l,at6A.M. . . Through blllsof lading Bigned, and passage tlokeU sold total point* South and West. . __ BILLS «f LADING SIGNED at QUEEN BT. WHARF. f"4* -•VIEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEXAN IV drift, Georgetown and Washington, D. 0., via Ohee> Sfcake and Delaware Canal, with'connections at Alex andria from the most diioct route for Uynohburgi Bris tol * Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest, Steamers leave regularly from the first wharf a dot r°ecoiv'ed r cla^!y^ da '^M. n p?BbYpES (JO,, gen 12 South Wharves and Pier i North Whorvee, HYDE A TYLER, Agento at Georgetown. jj. ELPBIDQB& OO.* Agents at Alexandria, Va DELAWAIIE WWIIBBK : Leaving daily at 12(ind5P*M, . The steam pronollors of this Company will commonco loading on'the Bth of March. ' . Through In twenty-four, hours. ■ / 1 Goods forwarded to apy point free of commissions. Froiirbts taken on accommodating terms. Apply to WM. m BAIBD & 00., Agents, mu4-tf IS2 Bouth Delaware avonuo. COPARTNERSHIPS. Dissolution. the co-partner,, fillip of FRANK C. BTANEBT & 00. was dis solved on AprilO.WU,by mutual consent. Ths busi ness of said firm will be settled up and continued, at tlia old stand, No. 320 Vino street, by OKOUG1! MINTZISR, who will conduct the trade in Guns, Pistols and Pishing Tackle, ou bis pwn account. FRANK 0. BTANKRT, OKOROE MIHTZBB. Cl’HIA >N . Ci.krk’sOpfiob, Piur.ADur.rmA, March 18,1870. in accoroancc- with aresolutioti adopted by the Common Council of the City or Pblladol phm on Thursday, the seventeenth day of March, 1870, the annexed bill, entitled: - "An ordinance to create a loan for the further extension of the Philadelphia Oat works,” is hereby published for public infor mation. An ordinance to. create a „ loan for .tbo'further extension of tho Philadelphia Gas work*. ■ ■-.? Section 1. The Select and Common Conn* oils o{ the City of Philadelphia do ordain, That tho Mayor of the city be and he is hereby: less than par, on the credit of the city; mich^sums‘ as the Trustees, of,the Gas Works, may reqniro, not . exceeding in tho aggregate one .million dol lars, at a rate of interest not above six per cent, for the further extension of the Phila delphia Gas Works. The principal of . said loan shall he payable at the expiration' of thirty years from tho first day of January, A. D., 1870, and shall be free from all taxes. / t , Sec. 2. Certificates for said loan'shall be is sued by the Mayor in such amounts as the lenders may desire, but not'for any.fractional parts of one hundred dollars, nor made trans ferable otherwise than at the City Treasurer’s office, and shall be in the following form: • Gas Roan Certificate No. Six per. cent, loan of the city of Philadelphia, is sued under authority of an ordinance entitled “ An ordinance to create a loan for the further extension of the Philadelphia Gas Works, ap proved ” This certifies that there is due to , by the city of Philadelphia, dollars, with interest at six per cent., payable half yearly, on the first days of January and July, at the office of the City Treasurer, in said city, the principal to be paid at the same oflfee in thirty years from the first day of January, A. D. 1870, and not before without the holder’s consent, free of all takes.' In wit ness whereof the City Treasurer has hereto set his band and affixed the seal of said city this —•- -day of *»•*’" 3 It. s.J Attest, „ „ _ City Controller. Section 3. That said Trustees shall on or before the thirty-first day of December and the thirtieth day of June in each and every year until, the said loan is paid, retain out of their receipts for the sale of gas and other pro ducts of the said <3 as Works tlio sun? of four per centum on the amount of said loan, and a sum sufficient to pay the State taxes on said loan, for which certificates may have been issued, which they shall pay to the City Trea surer, who shall apply a sufficient sum thereof to the payment of the interest of the said loan and the btate taxes thereon, as the same may fall due, and to no other purpose whatever: and the balance thereof shall be paid over bv the said Treasurer to the Commissioners o'f the Sinking Fund, who shall invest the same and its accumulations in the loans of the said Gas Works, orin the other loans of the city of Philadelphia, as a sinking fund, winch w hereby specifically pledged to the payment of said loaD; and any surplus remaining after the payment of said loan shall be applied by the CommissionMs of the Sinking Fund toward the extinguishment of the other loans to the said Gas Works, if any: otherwise, of the funded debt of the city of Philadelphia Section i. The Mayor is hereoy empowered and directed, on the requisition of .the Trus tees of the Philadelphia Gas Works, without recel ving the pay of any money therefor, to issue certificates of the loan providedforin this ordi nance, in such amounts and to such parties as the said Trustees shall designate, not exceed ing the amount of the loan authorized in and by this ordinance. Section 5. That the terms and provisions of the ordinance.entitled “ An ordinance for the further extension and management of the' Philadelphia Gas Works,” approved June 17, 1 Ml, shall not apply in any way or manner to this loan, and that nothing contained In this ordinance shall interfere with or obstruct the city of Philadelphia In taking possession of said Gas Works whenever the Councils of the said city may by ordinance determine to do so. Resolution to publish a loan bill. Resolved, That the Clerk of Common Council be authorized to publish iu two daily news papers in this city dally, for four weeks, the ordinance presented to the Common Council on Thursday, March 17th, 1870, entitled “An ordinance to create a loan for the further ex tension of tbe Philadelphia Oas Worta.’’ And the said clerk, at the stated meeting of Coun cils, the expiration of four weeks from the first day of said publication, shall present to this Council one of each of said newspapers for every day in which the same shall have been made. mhl9-24tl COMMON - COUNCIL OF PHILADEL PHIA. Cleuk’s Office, Pit Ilade i.FITf x, March 25,1870. In accordance with a resolutionadopted by the Common Council of the City of Philadei- Sbiaon Thursday, the twenty-fourth dffiy of larch, 1870, the annexed hill entitled “An Ordinance to authorize a loan for the ereotion of a bridge across the river Schuylkill at Fair mount.” JOHN ECKSTEIN, Clerk of Common Council. AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE A loan for the erection of a bridge across the River Schuylkill at Fairmount. Section 1. The Select and Common Coun cils of the City of Philadelphia do ordain, That the Mayor of Philadelphia be and he is hereby authorized to borrow, at not less tlian par, on the credit of the city corporation, from time to time,such sums of money as may be necessary to pay for, the construction and erection of a bridgo over the river Schu.vlldll at Fairmount, not exceeding in the whole the s «m of seven hundred thousand dollars, tor which interest notto exceed"the rate of six per cent, per an num shall he paid, half yearly, on the first days of January and July, at the office of the City Treasurer. The principal of said loan shall be payable and paid at • the expiiation of thirty : years from the date’of the same, and not before, without the consent of the holders thereof: and certificates therefore In the usual form of certificates of city loan, shall be ksued in such amounts as the lenders may require, but not for any fractional part of one hundred dollars, or, if required, ip amounts of 'fivo hundred or one thousand dollars; and it shall be expressed in said certificates tho said loan therein men tioned, and the Interest thereof, are payable free from all taxes. Section 2.. Whenever any loan shall be made by virtue thereof, there shall bo, by force of this ordinance, annually appropriated, out of the income of the corporate estates and from the sum raised by taxation, astnn suffi cient to pay the interest on said certificates; and the further sum of three-tenths Of one per centum on the par value of such certificates so issued, shall De appropriated quarterly out of said income and taxes, to a sinking fund, which fund and its accumulations are hereby especially pledged for the redemption and payment of said certificates. Resolution to publish a loan BILL. Resolved, That the Clerk of Common Coun cil be authorized to publish in two daily news papers of this city daily, for two weeks, the ordinance presented to the Common Council On Thursday, March 24, 1870, entitled “An ordinance to authorize a loan for the erection of a Bridge across the' River Schuylkill ht Fairmount.” And the said clerk, at the stated meeting of Councils,: after the expira tion of four weeks from the firBtdayof said publication, shall present to this Council one of each of said newspapers for every day in which the same shall he made. mh26 2fts ■ Of the lateßt and most beautiful designs, and allotber Mate work on lined or mada to order. Factory and BaI.aroom,SIXTEENTH andOALLOW HILOJfctreete. WJfcSON A MILLER. -JOHN ECKSTEIN, Clrirk or Common Council, dity Treasurer. MBADE BY ORDER OF HEIRS.— ! Thomas ft Hons,Auctioneers.— Large ami Valuable , Threo-ttorV Frick Residence with Btable and Coach hoagoNo.Gl2 Pino street, west of Filth fitre-t. Lot 30 feet front,(widening ttr *2 foot In.thoraar,) by 191 foot drop. OnTticedayt'Aprll:)2,]B7o,at 12 o’clock, noon, willbo told of pnblfc qale,at the Philadelphia Exchange, all tnat Well built and spacious throe-atory brick men- - suoge, with extensive donblo throe-story brick back „ buildings. Stable, cooch-honso and lot of ground, sltuato ' cu.tbe south side of Pino street, 103 foot Ji of an inch :i ;wostof Fifthstreet; thence extending southward 130 foot; thence - eastward 4 feet: thence southward M feet; thence westward fifty-two feet one ) half of im inch; thonce northward 00 fcot; ■: tliwico eastward ,J2feH;.-thence northward 141 foot to , pine street, ftndi.thepce!efl*tward along the sonth side ' of Fine street 30 feet U of an lljcii, more or less, to the ' placo of beginning. Tho honso is substantially built in the best manner ( has two largo parlors, breakfast room ! and kitobonon.llrst.ih)oriv twp very largo chambore, 'i diniritfrotirtf and library dusoiomr floor; five chambers T oh third floor,'and large AttlcS; bad all the modern con- ] Veniences ; hath room, with hot and cold water, two ■ furnaces, three water closets, permanent waelistnmis, I spaciouß pantries. Ac. The side yard is laid out in hand -1 No. z.—Two atory..Brick or Storehoiwc. In I T f?’74H ?I JC!L W'*! 0 /*' brick mpflauagoor Ji SHiatoohthe north*side 1 fttreet. No. 615, Ht tho distance of 131 fo**t !, u C fil^fp r i fr i 0m t] 10 >* efct Kinii Htreei; containing 1 Ward of that Width 91 £?«?!. h “ 1 ' *" iU ‘ dv > th north ' Cicnr of all incumbrance, 1 1«71 dtOUtonAnt,^hffi,e tcnD wiU ex|>lro February m . 9. .. TII0MA8&9ON8, Auctioneers, ap2 9 139 ami 141 South Fourffi street, ft 11 i tE^JiSTATE '—'THOMAB & SONS’ - *?/r,-r 0n Tuesday, April 121 h, 12 o’clock, ,1 I!' I ,') at . P«Wic sale, at the Philadelphia &S I 'deienbtdprpptrtjl,viz.: N 0.1.— r^'^ c, 7-P” c,c ila/jdeoce, College arenas, 1? ue n t jrfl re tet re et. All that modern three-etory brick mewunge, with three-etory back building and lot l of ground, eliuate on tbo north side of .North College JURSm ***/*«* a * oM*ohty-flr«t street; 1 containing in front on College avenue 26 feet 6 inches. I aud extending in depth 65 feet; has ajf the modern con* j vemence*; gw, bath, hot and cold water, furnace, cook- 3 mg range, Ac.- : ..] Terms—£4,ooo may remain on mortgage, f at 2.—Threo-«oir brick Dwelling, No. 2409 North * Sixth street. All that three-story briclf messuage and 1 m°l ? r °wnd, situate on tbeeast ride of feixtu street, > N 0.2409;. 2409; containing in front on Sixth afreet 16 feet! inches, and extending in depth 136 feet |o>4 inches, to a hack street. The boti*econttttns9roomaj haagas,hath, Hubject to a yearly ground rent of £l2O. No. 3.--Three-story brick Dwelling, No. 1431 Ontario atroct. All that three-story brick dwelling and lot of ground, situate on tho east side of Ontario street, 176 met south of Jefferson, street, No. 1421; containing in f On .L- , i? D i a^ o *K? fit J2 l^ taincbe#,aftl w l extending in depth 63 feet, including a 3 feet wide alley. Clear of nil incumbrance. £9OO may remain on mort gage. , A M. THOMAS A BONS. Auctioneers. 0 139 and 1418onth Fourth street. m PEREMPTORY SA£¥2TfHOMAS JKi A Sona, Auctioneers.—Modern Three-story Brick Besidencc, No 3111 Bridge «t.. West Philadelphia. On Tuesday,April 12,1870, atl2 o’clock, noon, wilfbe sold at public sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Ex change, all that modern 3-storyimaatfc) brick dwelling and lot of ground .sifnate on tlionorthsble of Bridge st., 5° f< *it W* of Thirty-second street No. 3111, Twenty-. foU , r ? l ?/' rard (lat * Mantua); the lot containing In front on Bridges! ree* 25 feet, and extending in depth 160 feet to llocklnnd street. The honse is well and Biibutautiaily built, and Bned throughout; has the modern coave niences; largo hall, saloon parlor, dining room, kitchen aud wash-room on find floor; 2 chambers, nitting-room and bath-room on second floor; 4 chambers on third floor: kitchen lias excellent range, with water-box and circulating boiler; bath-room has hot and cold water, permanent watln-tand and water-closet: stairways oiled, large cloretK throughout, high celling*, back ruirway. furnace,cellar large, cemented and dry: un derground drsfuace. Ac. Terms— One half the purchase money may remain on mortgage. . Immediate possession. May be examined any day previous to sale. £SCO to be paid at time of sale, fettle ab«olult\ • H. THOMAS A SONS. Auctioneer*. Pihl72G np9 ami 141 South Fourth street. #§j ORPHANS' COURT 8 ALE.—ESTATE MS. of Francis Tete. deceased.—Thomas A Sons, Auc tioneers.—Valuable Tbree*t©ry Brick Residence and Stable, No. B34?priiCe*tr«er, west of Fifth street. Pur euant to anjflrder pi the Orphans’ Court for the City and County of Philadelphia,:wUJ he sold at public sale, on Tuesday, April J2tli, 1870,at ISo'clpck,noon,at the Phil adelphia Exchange, the following described property, late of Francis Tete, deceased, viz.; All that three-story brick messuage s»d lot of ground, situate on the-south a»de of Spruce street. No. 634, between Fifth and Sixth street*, in the city of Philadelphia; being 22 feet 3 in ches In front on Spruce street, by I*o feet in depth to Buckler street, and also a strip of ground adjoining the above on the west; being 3 feet in breadth north and southl and H feet 6 inches In length east And west, sub ject to a. right of overpaid strip of ground, vested in John B. G. B. &<*«!, hi* heir* and aasigus. whichsaid premise* together form one property, and are subject to a mortgage thereon for S7AW* payable to Thomas Neilson and Constant Guillou, Trustees Th<» house is well and subsUutially built; ho* gas, bath, hot and cold water, furnace, cooking-range, Ac. By the Court.- JOSEPH MKGABY, Clerk O. C ' JRMATBTE, Executrix. ,„ „ ‘M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, _ mhl72Cap9 139 And 1C South Fourth street. REAL ESTATE—THOM AS & SONS’ *al fesle. Seven new two-story Brick Dwellings, curner of Thompson and Buckius streets, Bridesburg, ,° eAI ! , lho . railroads. On Tuesday! April 12th, 1870, at 12 o clock, nooo, will be sold at cublic sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those • new two-story brick dwellings and lot of ground, situate on northwest ride of Thompson street, corner of Bucklus 6treet, Twenty-fifth Ward: each H 2-7 fe**t front, and extending in depth 67 feet, together with the common use and privilege of a 3 feet wide alley Bear entrance from Buckius street. . - - The above comprise* roirof seven dwelling* just coni-' pleted, and well built of best materials ;4hey have never been occupied. The row has a pressed brick front, marble door-sills, shutters, blinds and large glass win dows. The back yards aresecurely incloses! with close board fences and locked gates ; each bouse is 14 2 7 feet wide by 30 feet deep, andcontaine four rooms, besides back piazza, deep, dry cellar under entire house; com modious closets# kitchen dresser, summer oven, store flues for each room, Ac. The stairways are straight aad inclosed. Terras < 087, and will be made known before the sale immediate possession. $lOO to be paid on each at time of sale. Bach house will be sold separately. • - . M. THOMA8 v A SONS, Auctioneers. mh*4 ap 3 9 139 and HI South Fourth street. MKEAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS* Bale.—On Tuesday, April 12. 1879; at It o’clock, noon, will sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Ex change.-tho following described properties, via.: No. I.—Three brick dwellings. Nos. 909, 911 and 913 bouth SixteentlMtreei, above Carpenter street. All those throe messages, with two-story back buildings and lot of ground thereunto belongiug. nituate on the east side of Sixteenth street, above Car penter street. Nos. 909, 911 and 913 ; each lot containing In front on Sixteenth street 19 feet, and extending in depth 64 feet: have the gas introduced, bath, hot and cold water, cooking range, Ac. --- Terms—Half cash. Subject to a yearly ground rent _vj.3. They will be sold separately. Mo.2.—Three story Brick Dwelling, No. 1319 Carpen ter street. All thAt three-story brick messmige, with two-story back bulldiugs and lot of ground. situate ou tho north side of Carpenter street, or Fifteenth street, No. 1519; the lot containing iu front 18 feet 2 inches, and extending in depth 70 feet; has the gas in (reduced, bath, hot and cold water, cooking ranee, water-closet, portable heater, Ac. Subject to a yearly ground rent of £123, Terms—Half cash. Immediate possession. Keys at tho Auction Store. M. THOMAS A SONS. Auctioneers, mh26np29 139 and HI South Fourth street fm SALE BY ORDER OF HEIRS.- Miii Estate of Edward Socnio, deceased.—Thomas A Sons. At ctloneerß.—Modern three storybrick resideuro,- No. 1016 Clinton street, between Tenth and Eleventh uml Spruce and Pine streets.—On Tuesday, April 12, 1870, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern thren story brick messuage, with three-story-back building and lot of ground, tdfnnteou the sonthsirio of Clinton street, west of Tenth street. No. 1016 ; containing in front ou Clintonstre<‘t2ofect,and extending in depth 128 foot to Pino street— two fboxts. The house is well built, nnd Ims the modern conveniences; two parlors mid kitchen on the first floor ; two chnmbers, dining room and bath ou the second floor ; three rooms on thji third, and two nttlcH above ; gas, bath, hot and coli&wtctiT, water elo*et, furnwee, cooking-range, Ac. Terms—One third cash ; balance may remain for time years. _ M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, mhz6ap2 9 139 and 141 South Fourth street. dp ' PEREMPTORY SALE.—THOMAS jQSii & Sons, Auctioneers. Throe story Brick Dwell ing, No. 088 North Seventh ntroet, IHow Girard avmm:* On Tuesday, April 12th. 1870, at 12 o’clock, noon, will h. ; sold ut public sale«i«t'fAoj/< at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that three-story brick messuage.with two story back buildings and lot of ground* tftimtq ou the west side of fcovonth stro ’t, below Girard avenue, No 988: the lot containing in front on Seventh street 18 feet, and oxtouding in depth on tho north line 114 f-et,and on tho south lino 115 feet 6 inches. The house has tho gn« introducod, bath, hut ami cold water, cooking r&nge,Ac. Subject to a mortgage of §3,800. Keys at Auction Booms. Terms rash. Immediate possession 9?' Sale absolute. M. THOMAS A SONB, Auctioneers, l39and 141 South Fourth etroct. gi REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS’ Bui) BSlo.-rßitßlneefl Location—Kour-atory brick lhvoil lng,No. 229 Oallowhlll street.—On Tusßday, AprilWth, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will bo Bold at public Bale, at tlio Philadelphia Exchange, all that four-story brick messuage, with throe-Btory hack buildings and lot of ground, situate on tho north side of Oallowliill stnoot, between Second and Third streets, No. 229 ; tho lot con taining in front on Cullnwhili Street 20 feet, and extend ing In depth 60feet.' Has the : gitß Introduced, tilth, hot andvpld water, cooking-raugo, wator-closet, heater, Ac. Subject to a yearly ground rout of $3O. Bfe* Immediate possession M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers* mh3lap2 139 ami 141 South Fourth street. g§ D REAL & SONS’ flu£gBalo.~-.Larpo and valuablo Lot southeast corner of Mreeta, Twenty-eoronth Ward. 200 foot front, 176 feet deep. On Tuesday, April 12th. iWOi o’clock, noon, will bp sold at public Bale, at the Philadelphia Exchangp, all those two contiguoua lots of ground, situnte at tho aoutlieast corner of Forty first and Walnut street*, Twenty-seventh Ward* con taining together In fronton Walnut street JFO feot.aml ♦xtendlhßin depth alooff .Forty-fiMt street abo(iri76>* feet. The above is situated in the immediate, viciuity of elegant residences, and is considered one of the most de sirable lots in West Philadelphia. Terms—93o,ooo mav remain. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, ap2 0 139 and 141 S. Fourth street. THE IMIM EVENING j ft-) XV IV At jfcj Jt. JL< W U lC» hi T S A.Nll JHsi others.—Executors’ Sale.—Estate of John Kess ler, deceased.—Thomas ft Sons, AUctfoneors.—Large stock of Lumbey v *fachini ry, Belting, Tools, Fixtures, ftc., ftc., Girard avenue, above Ayb street. Eighteenth --Ward. On Tuesday, April 18lh, 1870, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be Bold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all the intoyest of John Kessler, being one third port 10 the personal arsete. of thu late firm of H. ft G. Kessler ft (ho.. Wheelwrights, carrying on business on the northwesterly tidoof Girard avenue, above Ash street, Eighteenth Ward, Philadelphia. The assets of the firm consist of stock orinrober and other materials used in the Wagon Buihling'Busiaess : Ma chinery,Belting, Tools, J-ixtures. W’ork, linishej and unfinished, Hook Debts, dc. ~ An Inventory can be fiecn on application at the Auc tion Rooms, any day prior to the sale. by order of ELIZABETH KESSLER, / r _ T „ GEORGE KESSLER, ’J Executors. N. B.—Tbe Executor* are, by decree of-the Orphans’ Court of the City and County of Philadelphia,permitted to bid at thisvfllei. •■■... * REAL KSTATK—THOMAS & SONS’ i BxiL&iifc—Thriw-iitnry Br'ck Dwelling, No. 915 South Sixteenth street.abovoCarpontcr street. On Tuesday April 19,1870, at 12o'clock, noon, will bo sold atpublic ' .the Philadelphia Exchange, all tlmt modern ; throe-story brick nn sßungo. with two story hack build ing mm l|it of ground* situate on the oust, si-lo of Six teenth street. above Carpenter street* No. 915 • con* taimnmn fronton Carpenter street IK feet,and extend* 1 ing in depth 64 Icetrhaß the cue introduced, bath, hot and cola water, coolung-rttiiso, Ac. Subject to n yearly ground rent of .9121, Keys northeast corner of Sixteenth and o»rp3nter streets. ■g§ ItI£AJ,J£BTATK—THOMAS & SONS’ 1 •BiaL.Suln—B««Jne6R Stiyirt.—Throe-story Illicit hotsl and dwelling, No. 1768 North Front street, coruor of i Mimtgomory avenue. On Tuesday, April!!), 1870, at 12 o dock, noon,will bosohl at public saloiafetlie Phila delphia Kxchauae. altthfttthree story brick hotelnm? dwelling, ahd lot of ground, situate on the west sideof ; Front street, corner of • Montgomery - avenue,- No. 1768: cplitaining in front on Front street, 19 feet 0 inches, and icrttendinghi depth 110 feet to Hope street-rthree fronts, t c'ODtaindilO rooms; lias gas, bath, hot and cold water, urrnco. range, Ac. . . Clear of incumbrance. <? Terms—Half cash. H. THOMAS ArSONS, Auctioneers, 139 ami 141 Soutli.FourUi street. M- "gEAL & SONS’! Solo.—Pußine6fl stand. Three-story Brick Hotel and No. 1768 North Front street, cornier: of Montgomery avenue. On Tuesday. April. lflHulKTOv&t 12p’clock,puoa, will bo sold at public sale at the Pima-, delphiaKxchaugo, all that threo-atpry briok hotel and dwcUicg ftud lot of ground, situate on the west side of Front afreet, corner of Montgomery avenue, No. 1768 r containing In front on Front street 19 feet 9 inehee. ana extending ip depth lit) feet to Hope street—throe fronts. It epotains 16 roomer haa gar, bath, hot and cold water, furnace, range, Ac. WT Clear of all incumbrance. Terms—Half casta. IS. THOMAS A BOMB, Auctlonoera, ap7 916 139 and 141 S. Fourth street, • *aA MU tjAJulSOi ; ./"• MORPH AN H’ CO UKT HALE.—ESTATJS , I,aa £"’ d««e»»i)d.—Thoma* ,4 Born, f/u T , : .Woilor/I Throe-Story Brittle Dwelling, No. r r «l. lrt J? , 'V w *® tOl Brnajl street. Pursuant to Mffi/', 1 ! 6 Ooiirt for. the city and county •Saw *mi o iWS , 'Sril • b Vj' o, ?. ttt pobllosalo.onTnea )z.,h'Wo, atll! o’clock, noon, at the Plilln the following described property, deceased, viz.: All that lot of S%SPSI wHh fho three story biick messuage, with two story back buildings and frame kitchoo thoreon erected, H /2. , ‘sa o,lpon *h sido of Lombard street,72 febt east ei *KGGnth street, city of-Philadelphia; containing in front oh LombHrd streot 18 feet* and extending in oopth southward «f thnt wldrtrfs feet to ® S-feet wnio alley, which leads westward into Fifteenth strict. •2, a !y r i c M 0 tdymenr of .^A'yearly ground-rent of SrG7 CO half-yearly, on tho Ist of January and July, unto Lane bchoflelrt, his heirs and assigns. '- v lias gits, butli, 1 hot null cold Water, cooking-range. immediate possession. Keys at thd Auction Rooms. By the Court. JOSEPH MEOAKY. Clark 0.0. CJIARI,KB HENRY HART, Trustee.: <■-. 1, i J ’ il. THOMAB 4;80N8, Attctidniers,: . inh2l,ap2,9 - ISil and HI South Fourth street.' MREALESTATE-THOMAS&SONS’ Sale.—Modern Three-story Brick Residence, Vo. a, North Fortieth street. West Philadelphia, 3254 .foot tront.. On Tuesday, Artrll 12th", 1370, atl2 o’clock', noon, •Wifi be sold at public sale,attho Philadelphia Exchange, nil that modern three-story brick messuage, with two- Htory.baekbnildingsand lot of ground, sltnato No. 53 North Fortieth street; the lot cirntalnlng lnr front on Fortieth Stfec-t ®feet lull Inches and extending,in depth 82 feet. The house is in good repair; has gas,bath, hot apd cold water, fnmsco, cooking range, Ac. Terms- §l,€oo may remain on mortgage. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, mh2(fcip2 9 ; “ 133 and 147 Kotlth Fourth street. ‘ fjB| REAL ESTATE^THOMAB &SONS JHiil Psle.—Throc-stdry Brick Dwelling, No. 3106 Baring street, about three squares from tho Wire Bridge. On Tuesday, April 12th, 1870., at,l2 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, nt the. Philadelphia Exchange, all that three-story brick messuage and lot of ground, sit uatedt No. 3106. Baring street; "lot 24 feet front, 120 feet deep to a , passage-way. The house has gas, hath, hot andcold water, Ac., V . Tetms—B2JWo may remain on mortgage. , , M. THOMAB A 80N8. •Auctioneers, mh26ap2 9, 139 and 111 South Fourth street., M public sale.-thomas &sbNs' Anctioneera.—Wcll-secnreil Ground Rent of *4B a year. On Tuesday, April 12th, 1870, at twelve o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that well-soonred redeemable ground-rent of IytB a year, payable May: 'and November, dear .of taxes, issnlngont of all that lot of ground situate oh the €BBt elde of Tenth fitrest»33 feet 9 inches north of Arizona street; I6JS fret front and 90 feet deep. It is secured by a three-Btory brick store send dwelling. , _ M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, mh»ap2 9 139 and 141 8. Fourth street. m,- BEAL ESTATE^THOMAB : &SONS’ JESLSaIe>-Tbree-story. Brick Dwelling, N0,333:80uth Seventeenth Mtreet. above Spruce street. On Tuesday, Aprj!l2th, 1870, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at tbe Philadelphia Exchange,aH that three story brick messnaite and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Seventeenth street, corner of Vasey street, No. 336: the lot containing in front 16 feet, and extending in depth along Vasey street 63 feet, including half of ad feet wide alley. Tho house has gas introduced, 4c. Term*.—OMdOmay remain on mortgage. 19? Clear of all incumbrance. Pospeision May 9th, Is7o. * , • ' M-. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, mb24 »p2ft 139 and 141 South Fourth street. REAL ESTATE-THOMAS & SONS' Jila Bale.—Blodern Three-story Brown Stone Dwelling, No. 3224 Sansoio street, west of Thtrtv-second street. On Tuesday, April 12th. 1870, at 12 noon, will be sold at public rale, at tbe Philadelphia Exchange, all that thne-story hvown stone dwelling, with three-story Lack bniidin** and lot of ground, situate on the south side of Bacrom street, west of Thirty-second street, No. 3224 ; containing in front on Sausom street JG feet, and extending in depth 75 feet to a street. It ba* Mansard roof; contains 10 rooms, papered and painted.bath,hot and cold water, gas, furnace, cooking-range, Ac. Terms— $3J* : O can remain on mortgage. Immediate po*KC6«ir>n , M. THOMaS» A 80N8. Auctioneers, mb3lap2 9 139 and 141 .Foiirtl) street. d& PEREMPTORY SALE,—TO; CLOSE JES i au Estate.—Thomas A Son*. Auctioneers.—Mol ern Three-story Brick Kesidenco, No. 2063 Pine street.— On Tuesday, April 12th, 1870, at 12 o'clock,noon, will b« sold at public sale, vntheut reserve* at tho .Philadelphia KxchaD£C,all that medern three-story brick messuage, with three-story hack buildings and Jot ofgronml,sitn ate on the north side of Pino street, \re*t of Twentieth street, No, 2W3 ; containing in front 28 and extend ing: jo deptb&O feet. -The bon*e ia in excellent repair, painted and papered throughout ; gas, hath, hot and cold water, water closet, dumb waiter, furnace,cooking rarge.Ac. Terms—B4,soo may remain on mortgage. Posseision Ist of April. >fay be examlued any day previous to sale, on applica tion to J. Hazlebmut, Ksq., No. 1350 Spruce street. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioueers, a»wt t4l BFinth Fftnrth stre^j. gfe uiUAiu LiiiAih,- lliUaNj Ai> '‘HONH' CH. Sale.—Genteel Four story Brick Store and Dwell ing, No. 1837 Lrmbard street. Ou Tuesday, April 12th, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public Bale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that genteel four-story brick messuiige and lotof ground, situate on the north side of Lombard street, west of Eighteenth street, No. 1*37 ; containing jo front on Lombard street 17 feet, and extending In depth 49feet to a 3 feet wide alky, with th 4 privilege thereof. It is occupied as a More and dwell ing, and is a good stand ; ha* gas, range. Ac. Subject to a yearly ground rent of 875. 31. THOMAS A SONB. Auctioneers, mb3lap2 9 -139 and 141 .South Fourth straet. ms EXEOTJTOHS’ SALE.—THOM AJS & ■3. Bom. Auctioneers.—Tlirea-story brick dwelling, Jio. 43$ Abigail street, Nineteenth Ward. On Tuesday, April 12.1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will lie told at public «*ie, at the Philadelphia exchange, all that three story brick meesusgo and lot of ground, situate on the ' northeast side of Abigail street, 60 feet northwest of Amber street, No. tan: the lot containing in front 12 feet, and extending in depth fit feet 6 inches to a 3 feet wide alley, which extend, into and from Amber street, .with the tree use of said alley. Subject to a yearly ground rent of #SS. swvi Possession August 14.1870. T Tl. THOMAS* PONS, Auctioneers, 13$ and-14] South Fourth street*. jnVtt J»ft n .a Mi i,jti-fc.ikU-XOK* BALE.—THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers.—On Tuesday, April 12th, 1870. at 12 o’clock, noon, will be gold at public sale, without restrvt, at the Philadelphia Exchange, tht followin'; drjrne.d proptrty, cur.: So. I.—Threeatory Briok Dwelling, No. 2520 lombard street. All that three-story brick “eseuage and lot of ground, situate on the south side of Lombard street. 98 feet east of Welsh street, No 2520; the lot containing in front 15 feet, and axteml depth <7. feat to a 3 feet wide alley, leading into W elsh street, with the use and privilege thereof of said alley. Subject to a yearly ground rent of £66. Terms—Half cash. Sale absolute. No. 2.—Two-story brick dwelling, Ninth street, south of Cantrell street, First Ward. AI It hat two-story brick messuage and lot of ground situate on the east side of Ninth street, 16 feet south of Cantrell atreet, first Ward; the lot containing in front 15 feet, and extending m depth 70 feet. Including a 3 feet wide allay. bub ; ect to a yearly ground rent of $67 30. Terms Cash, *ale absolute'. 11. THOMAS A SONS. Auctioneers, mbeSseSfl in and ltl Hnnth Knorth \ - M; THOMAS Jr SONS, Auctloneert, inh?6 «p 916 133 and 141 South Fourth street. liEAL ESTATE.—THOM AS & SONS’ *b£Snli\-Ncat Dwelling, No. 1933 Girard, avonuo, west or Nineteenth Street. On Tupsilay, April 19th, KStO, ut 12 o’clock, noon, will he sold ntpitbllc sale, at the rhihulelphm Kxrlmnge. all that Three-story ltricX ami lot of grouud, situate on the ft rf f , W* 1 "venue, west of Nineteenth etreet, P W 33 ; containing in front cm Gir«rd awnne lrt feot *) inches, including on the west side thereof the half part of nn alley 2 feetG inches in width, laid out for the mu tual accommodation of thin *md t!ie adjoining house.and extemliuffin depth on the east line G 7 toot 9 iiuhes, and on tho went line to feet 1 inch. Thehouae Uin good re pair, recently painted and papered ; lias utrior, dinin'- room, winter and summer kitchen on first floor : gas throughout.' * Terms—ls I,ooomay r- main on mortgage. M. tiIOMAS & SONB, Auctioneers. 139 and 141 8. Fourth afreet. Mi THOMAS A SONS. Auctioneers, l3O and 141 South Fourth street, I'ORS’ na* >’i e „ Dflfnard Maguire, deceased.— ih7o^t*l2h&l A^1 ,()I1 c ; On Tuesday; l9th, t>utT o o 11 ». wlll Lea° 1 d at public sale tenth’ mill “'l ln\nmbr ancus, at tho Philadol- DwVliiria . R W W ? J hr /' c^ to, 'i' Hrick.. Hotol and Daorel al»at \;Germantdwn' tnau and brick hotel ani S!fin< Mh WaM. All that tlireo-atory -hfitMi.S .wS i » lw P llin B a »d,double tliroo .tory hook w*!? 9 eman,own r oad and Laurel inclio.: ihonco onatwanlly 23 Ihenco eaetwa’r.llv ’ l 4 C w r^ Wß /^ 1 ' 7 ¥ f f' rt V ‘ 6f an I '' oh wordlvar»!e“Vh^A f of an Inch j tuonce north * r ® ot » thence eastwardly I foot 1 inch • thenen ffH?n t mj 9 * ie n te> * iucbes.and Ihenco t ;iUtw;irdiy 72 80Uth ?CBtwardiy side of German m no , rt| iwestwardtr along the sanio 23 feet Inches to the ploce of beginning. ’ inthosa/o tepoBai,H " IO “' Th ° bar and hxtures includea h(os. 2 and 3.-2 three-story brick Stores and Dwcll jng«)Nos.9&o;and 978 Gennantown roa% No 2—All Btoroßn d dwelling, situate JT ••giitliwestWA:rdl:y «fdc of Germantown roml, Bix c5 e S? V . feet inches southeastwardiy *i fi street, thence extending westwrar/lly 72 feet incheato a point; theaw, southwardly 19 fcet fil? Siw 1 / 16^. 0 wcstwardly l foot 1 Inch; tbonce south wardly 4 feet, thence eastward!? 4 feet Hof an fnch • 5? e ri? "?r l 5» war< ”711 feet 5V inches ; thbuJeeaaSvardly lnche «'ttDd thonco Still eastwnrdly 48 feet 4 ijicbcii to tbo southwestwardly side of Germantown road * bcginning r^ fhwestwardly 21 feet 8 inches to the place of possession. 1 , No.S.—All that 3-story brick'■tore ißd dwelling, situ wfttin°f^?^ef,t??ftrdly*e2,,a of ’ Gerraaotown road, No. 978,45 feet lnches,southwestwardly from Laurel street; thence extending southwestwardly along Ger mantown road 5 feet toifont street; thenco southward. Yi To^r‘J i^tQ ft/ 1 Toetllinches toa point:thenco et Inches; thence stilrwestwardly, inches to apoint; thenco south 3 thence west 7 fcet l inch; thence north 4 feet; thenco eastward- Jy 4 fectM inch : thence northwardly H feet s#Tnchw: thence eastwardiy foot 2H fnches, and thonco atM east ward Jjr 48 ftet 4 incheiito the plaice of beginning. .. /Nos. 4,5 and 6.—Three Two 1 story ; Brick D «vclH n a* . ? OB i?Mb n * 6 4i n(i 118 } nn r«lotrcct; Bixteenth L”" A h *bat Two-and-a-balf-story Brick Dwelling’ sitn sl<;5 l< ;^ l >*i lc l ontilwefllward,y of Laurel street, 106 SwJ&JSw*•yff w E3 ,y froTO rt o Germantown road. r-XiHi' No j-- 114 J conraihing in front on Latiroi street 14 feet «tbs of on inch, and extending in depth 76 iltev^27t, or J« a f th4 i i rJ * ht f° DBe a tw-o-feotwide alley on the east of tbe said premises. ' v ! hftt 2 ** Btor F brick dwelling, situate at No, neLaoreJ srreet, 120 feet 9.V Inches westwardly trom tbe Germantown road: containing in front on Lau rel street 16 feet 51 of an inch < including the half part of an alley 2 feet wide on the westernmost sido of said lot), and extending in depth southward 70 feet, more or Tom. Together with; thel free and common nseof tho said alley. o- o.—All that Wi-story brickdweUlng,situate at No. H 8 Laurel street, 135 feet 9% inches westwardly from Germantown road ; containingid front on Laurel streat 14 feet 11 inchesilncluding the half partof a 2 feet wide alley ou the eastward!/ side thereof!, and oxtending in depth southwardly 66 feet, more or lesri. Together with thefree and common use and privilege of saidaUey. A more particular description of each of the said premises can he seen on the plan of tbe same at tbe Auc tion Booms at anytime prior to the sale. Each of tho said pri mises are to be sold with the right to use the party privy wells on the same, and subject to the pro port onate part of the expense of ko« ping tho same clean and in good order and repair. Terms—Cash. Hale absolute. By order of MICHAEL MAGEE,/ r JOHN NOWLAN, ‘{Executory „ * M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, nih26 ap9 6 139 and 141 Month Fourth street M PUBLIC BALE.-THOMAB & SONS', Auctioneers.—On Tuesday, April 19tb, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Phila delphia Exchange, the following described Lots of Ground, viz: No. I, Desirable Lot N. W. corner of Ilaverford road and Forty-third street. All that lot of ground, situate at the northwest corner of Haverford road and Forty-third street, flat© Lexington stroet,) Twenty-fourth,Ward ;thence, along Forty-third street 107 feet IJ* inchee to ground of Maurice • thence along the same west 160 feet to a 40 feet wi.b* •treet ;then aiongsaid etteeteastSSfeet 11 inches to the Hn y^sv > /' iroa , <, ’f ßd,l,enceftI < )n ff« a W Haveriord roan east )6i> feet 8 inches to the place of beginning. Subject to a redeemable groan'd rent of 8160. Terms—B2-000 niay remain on mortgage 3 yeara.' Nob. 2 and 3. —Lot, N. K. corner of TbirtV'Seventh and Locust streets. No. 2.—A1l that lot of ground, sitnato at the nmbeafit comer of Locust and Thirty-seventh streets, Twenty-seventh Ward; containing iu front mi Locust street 25 feet, and extending in depth along Thirty .-seventh street 100 feet. No.3.—Alsolhe lot adjoining to the eastward, 25 feet front by 100 feet deep. Terms—One-third cash ; balance may remain for fire years. iju ~M. THOMAB A SONS, Auctioneers, mb24ap9J6 139 and 141 Sonth Fourth street £§ KEAZ, ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS’ »ElBale.—Handsom* Modern Threa-atorr Ston«! Resi dence, witn Stable ami Coach House, 2M Acres, Thorp’s Lane, third bouse vast of Duy’a I/aue, Germantown, Twenty-second -On Tuesday, April 19th, 1870, at IS o’clork noon, will basold at public srle, at tho Philadelphia Exchange,an that handsome modern three story stone messuage, with two-story back building and lot of ground, situate on northerly si.leot Thorpe lane, east of Duy’slane,Germantowu, at the distanceol 483 feet S9-16inches ea*t of Bristol street: thence N. $ deg. 35min., east M 3 feet 4% inches south bftdejr.MH min., east 179 feet 8 iuches : thence sonth 5 deg. 25mr0., west 565 feet 4 inches to the north erly side of said Thorp’s lane, and thence alone the' sme north 86deg.3Qtf min..west ISI feet I>£ inches to the p>ac* of beginuing? containing 2Ji acres of ground The house is well and substantially built, and has all the modern conveniences, and in excellent repair: his hell in the centre, parlor, library, dining room and 2 kitchens on the first floor; 4 chambers, sitting room and bathroemon thesecond, and 2 ctmmberß on the third* has numerous closets, wine and fruit cellars, portico m front, slate roof, gas introduced, hot and cold water, water closet,fnrnace*2 cooking ranges, Ac.; handsome granite stone stable and carriage house, stone ice-house, (filled), vegetable garden, abundance of fruit, shade and evergreen trees; handsomelawn, Ac. Terms—Half caslw Immediate possession. Will be open for examination Wednesdays and Satur days, from 10 to 0 o’clock _ , FURNITURE. The housOfs neatly furnished, which ca& be Had by the purchaser of the house at a valuation, if desired. Now readr for occupation. It isonlythrec squares from the Day’s lane station on the Germantownßailroad up 2 9 16 M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 139 aid 141 S. Fourth street, 11l REAL ESTATE.—THOJIAS & SONS’ Eiir. eale.—Hoadßome modern tbreeatory Brick Beni donee, So. l.*3lWirard avenue, 20 feet front, lfiO foot deep to Walter etnet; two fronts. On Tuesday, April 19th, 1370, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all -that hand* lorn* modern three-story brick messuage, with throe* story back.• buildings nnd lot of ground, situate on the north side of Girard avenue, west of Fifteenth ►tree!, No. 1531:containing in fro"t on Girard avenue 20 leet* and extending in depth l.'O feet to Walter street— -2 fronts. The house has all the modern convenience* * ■alooo parlor, dining room and 2 kitchens ourfirst floor; 2 chambers,sitting-room and. library on second floor,and 4 chambers on thin! floor; wine cellar, gas throughout, 3 baths, hot and cold water,3 water closets, furnace, cooking range, Ac. Terms—Half cash. Inline I into possession. May be examined any day previous to Kale. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 SouthFoprth street. IP PEREMPTORY SALE. =—THOM AS *.?j ,nB > Anctionocra.—Elegimt Country Seat and Farm, 23* acras, Culfßoad, Lower Merlon Township, Montgomery Comity, Fa.,opposite tlio 13 mllo stone, and U miles from Market atreet bridge, 5f of a .mile ; from \ i}ift Nova station on Pennsylvania Central Jttaif* roau»2>a miles from Conshohocken aud Norristown aijd Heading Railroads, and same aistouca from Rosemont station on Pennsylvania Central Railroad. On Taos day, April 26th, IS7O, at 12 o'clock* noon, will be sold at public sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Ex change, all that oleaant country scot and farm, situate on the Gulf rood, m Lower Merion Township, Mont gomery County, Pa., and about % of a mile from Villa Novi* station; Pennsylvania Central Railroad ; contain mg23H acres of lantGodjoining lands of John McKee. Dr. Maxwell, Robert Atkinson, aud others. The im provementa consist of ;i largo wtoneinausiou,rough-cost, nigh, tin roof; having parlor, dining room und kitchen on the,.first floor, 3 chambers on the second floor, and 4 chambers on the third floor, in all lu rooms, and a line milk cellar and vault undar the house * tenant house, built in thosamo manner, adjoin ing. containing 6 rooms; never-failing water at tho door ot the kirchon; icohouse, in perfect order and H full, a new nnd haudsomo barn, stone stable high, und frame above, with barn yard enclosed w ith a good stone wall: built in tho bwt manner, about 36 by 43 feet, havin ,r every modern convenience, and stabling jot 10 head o? stuck;chicken house, corn crib, pig pens, Aiiao , vegetable und truck portion: apple orchmd, largo and infull bearing, with fine fruit; also, cherries, pears, strawberries, raspberries, currants, Ac.; commanding one of th« finest views in Montgomery county, overlook ing Nornstown:huß been occupied by the Into owner as a country Beat for ever thirty years, aud is situate within inilfs of the elegant improvements of the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, at Roßomout Statiou, called “BtyuMnhr.” Terms—Half cash. possossiou. Wilt be shown by WdUiamKing, on the promiaes. . Sale absolute, without reservo or limitation. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street. flgF K^AAj MALK—THOMA6 &: HUN H' jHial Balp.—Two well-secured Ground Rente, $23 a year. On Tueßduy, April 19tb, IS7O, at Liokdock noon, will bo wold at public rale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described ground rente, viz.: No. 1. —All that ymirl> > ground rent of $23, lawful silverniocey of the If. Bta»t e of America, payable half-yearly, qii the tirst days ot May awl-November,without deduction for tuxe*, Ac., out of all that messuage and lot of ground,situate on the north aide of Wood street,. 151 foot ivost of Twen ty-second street.: containing in front on Woo l stoeot 15 l'cet 4 inches, and In depth 3e feet to a 3 foot wide alloy. No. 2.T-AU that yearly grouod-ront of 923, lawful sil ver moneyof the,United Stub's of America, payable half yearly, ou the flist days of May and November 1 , without deduction for tuxes. Ac.,nailing out of all that mossungo andlotofgrqund,euiiatoou the north side of Wood etieet. 135 feetd inches west of Twouty-second .streot: containing iu frnpt.on Wood street 15 met 4 iuches.onu in depth So Tedt to a threorfeot whio alloy. • MVTHOMAS ABONB, Auctioneers, ap7.9.1C 139 and Hi South Fourth street. fij MBE BY. OBDEB OE,HEiB&— JfcuLE&tAte of JBcnjamiu ’B. Hurling, dec’d.—Thomas A bons, Anctiqnpers.—Handsome Modem Three-story Brick Residence with Side Yard, No. 2JB We»t Irngau Race and Vine streets, 32>» feet fronts On Tuesday, April 1870* at 12 o’clock, noom will bo Bold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that handsome modern throe-story press-brick messuago, with three-story back buildings and lots of ground, ait uateon the west side of Nineteenth stroet between . Race and Vine streets, No. 218 ;containing in front on Nine teenth street S 2 feet 6 inches, and extending in depth 120 feet to al2 feet wido alloy. The house is well built, and conveniences: parlor, dining-rqom and 2kitch<jus on first floor: 3 chambers, sitting-room and hath on second floor, and 5 chambers and bath on third nror: gas, hot apdcohjLwatcr, furnace, 2 cooking ranges,beUrallsi stationarywaalwtands, Ac. Tcrms--sfl,ooomay rf maluen mortgage* Immediate possession* May bo examined from 3 to 4 o’clock. M. TIIOMAB A 80NB, Auctioneer®, ap7 01C 139 A 141 Houth Fourth street, VlS'ieg^f ll ’ <lece,uicd .-Thomas ,*. «omh, ••.aKTOKSgMPAyS«rt*/j.ApHI 19th, 1870,at 12 o'clock, E^knil 1 the I'hlladnlphia • 22; *.Vix,: No. 1.~-Modern Four-Story 8* jf&Wdderrrfe, Nojlk North Fifth Ptreot AlI thSt brick niossu&keywUh back bonding* SwJ,? 1 °* g Ju nt # d > T ? itnato °n tho went ftWo of Fifth strieL *<&& Of Bftco street, No. IM; containloi in fiS?f«n? »C ct,t ’ and extending Irt.depth enc«o & ft JO-ftet alloy r hns the modem convenl . Jermß cash. *7' , ~ V.. ‘ 1 »2cSS r^rin^ J a !™blo Stfrblo arid Dwelling. All tnBt yaluAblo lot of cb’otind* And the improvements thereon erecWd, elfcnafo on the sooth side of CJallow hhl street, west of tfiothstreet, Nos.9loand 012: th“ lot contnlninir In frontMToet, and. extending fn depth JSfeot. Theimproveftrenta area brick stable and dwell- Ine, "■*. , f..; - Termer-Half cash. >., - - , O i? f0 /„ 3 .-T F 5 u ';,? ,1 j;e«-«'< ir yP J «cK Dwelling], N 05.903, 911, 913 and 916 Torr street, Thirteenth -ward. Aii tnoßo four three-otorr brlct messuaeos ami lot of ground, north side of Torr street, in. the rear of the feet' 0 ’ • iot containill <!. in front 83 feet, and in depth 14 Termr-Ilolfctieh.', V By order of Executors; ■ • Mi THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers. ■' v ’. i • ■ ;i,U9jsntlMl S. .Fourth street. I,» 2ki 'f O woperlr Moogiig .to same estato, to on Bom at the same time and place, seo other Timid- ■ ■ i '• ■ ' ■: ap7918~ XEOUTORS’ SALE.—ESTATE OF deceaee<i. : Thoifm* & Sods, hnnn l win ? - r? n iJ"\ Sday i. J lP ril . 19,h < lm > ftt 12 o’clock, ! ft®,I»®W 1 »®W at. public sale, at the Philadelphia Kxclinngo, the following doacribpd property, late of .1. ?■ <;l»«boni, deccaacd; viz. Modern Thrco- Coates- street; all that Pn/},uSiol,o 0 ; rt . or £ b " ch m ''Bßiiago,with two-story bock Coates Btrwt w.>t 9S> u "?i"i ,n ® t ®S n tl,e north rtdaof loans street, west of Tenth street, No. 1035'-containing JS footnctne? 8 tftfaat, and extending in depth bofhj Vot android water, ran^'r&c n ™ogeUwr wit\i*tho leadiug'into SSKtSSF o,a 2 fcet 10 *»ahes wide alley • Tertnft~~llalf Cash. < --j ••. x , Nos -J.i 3 and 4 .—Three Threo-story Brick Dwelling. Nos, 1020,1028,and IQSO Olive street,-west of Tenth street! r l ttr ft h9Vo. All .thoqe 3 three stor/bricU mcabangca and Jets of thereunto belonging'; situ 'etreot,^west Sl^iLtL o^ 1 ? r feet front, siid Noa, 1028 and 1030 are including half of a 2 feet-10 inches tk 4l,B3 f^J? a iu depth « feet. They will bo sold separately. * Cash; * m By order of Executors. J •- ? MvTHOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, H s 13? ®ndJ4l South Fourth street. • mkifli ™ e /a{ prop £ x ? , t belonging to same estate, to bo sold at same time and place, flee other handbills MU John W._Oiaghorii, deceased.—Thomia A^Sons. And YAlnablo Residence, No. looj »**fo*-—Oiiss 1 X<M»day, April 19,18? o, at li o’clock, .a® e°,i Pool* o «»lp. at the Philadelphia Exchange,the followlDftdeßcribed property,late of J.W. . Claghorni deceased, via.; all that valuable three-story brick roeMaage, with three-story back building and lot V 8 on t2*® n brth b *de oi Arch street, west °/containing fn front on Arch otrcct 25feet, nnd extending in depth 170 feettoa 25 feet wide street; together with the covenant and restriction, comprising property to the eastward, that they shall not extend the main part of any bnflding which may be erected on said premises, to a greater depth than 52 feet 3incbeB northward of Arch street, and that any back building connected with said main building shall ho erected on the easterly side of said lot, facing the west, and shall not extend to within 7 lee* of the premlsosof i iiji* ’•"!? heirs and assigns, and that no erected nearer to said line than 7 feot. except w ithiti SO feet of the north end of said promises The house is well and substantially built, and becoming a good business -neighborhood; has the modern con veniences ;gaa, hath, hot andcold water,furnace, cook ina-range, <fcc. Term's—Half cash. By order of Exf cutors. A M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, ap7 916 139 and 141 South Fourth street. M EXECUTORS' SALE.—ESTATE OF John W. Clagliorn, deceased .—Thom is & Son#, Auctioneers. On Tuesday,April J9lh, W7O, at J 2 o’clock, noon, will bo sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Axchsiige, the following described property, lato of John W. Olagbom.deceased, viz.: Nos. .1, '2 and 3 Three-Story Brick Dwelling*,' Nos. 732, 734 and 736 West street, between Nineteenth and Twentieth and south of Brown street. No. 1.-OH that threo-story brick messuage, with back bnilding and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Weststreet, south of Brows street, No. 732; containing in flltat on West street 36 feet, and in depth 75 feet; together with the common use and privilege of a 3 feet wide alley. Nos. 2 and 3.—A1l those 2 three-story brick messuages And Jots of ground thereto belonging, situate on Uiu west side of West street, adjoining the above, being Nos 734 and each containing Jn front ou West street 14 feet l inch, and extending in depth 72 feot to a 3 fret wide alley. Terms—Half cash. 08 al 8n d. 5 ~ Two threo-story brick dwellings, ifos. 762 and tf>4 North Twenty-second street. All those two three-story briclcroeesuages and lots of ground there unto belonging, situate on*the west side of Twonty-sec ondl street, south of Brown street. Nos. 762 and 764 * each containing in front 16 feet, and ex tending In depth jboutM feet to a 4 feet wide alley, with the privilege •F’Tbeywill be sold separately. Tenrn—Half caeb. By order or Executors. T M. THOMAS A B*NS, Auctioneers, ' 139 and Ml South Fourth street. For other property, belonging to same estate, to be solo at same time and place, see other handbill. anT 916 m EXEOUTORB’ J’ SAIiE.—ESTATE OF JBaiJohii W. Claghorn, deceased.—Thomas £ Sons, Auctioneers —On Tuesday, April J9tb, lfe7o, at 12 o’clock* noon, will be sold at pnblic sale, at the Phila delphia Axchenge, the following described property, late of John W, Claghorn,deceased, viz.; No. I.—Three story Brick Dwelling, No. 2203 Hare street, between Coates and Brown streets. All that three-story brick messuage and lot ofgronnd* situate on the north side of Haro street, west of Twenty-second street, No. 2203; contnmiDgin front on Hare street 16 feet, and extending in depth 38 feet 25* inches, with the primege of an outlet. • - - Terms—^Halfcash;- - - No. 2.—Threo-Btory Brick Dwelling, No. 818 North Twer tietb street, above Brown street. All that three story brick dwelling, with back buildings and lot of ground.,situate on the west side of Twentieth street, above Brown street, No. 818; containing in front on Twentieth street 16 feet, and extending ih depth 66 feet 6 inches, wit h the privilege of an outlet into Capitol street. Terms—Half cash. By order of Executors. ML. THOMAB & 80N8, Auctioneers, 189 and 141 Bouth Fourth street. M PUBLIC SALE—THOM AS & SONS, Anctidneers;—'Valuable Country Scat and Farm. 33ucres, River Delaware, one milo from Bovcrly.New ■Jersey, one-fourth mile of Perkins’ Station, oh the O'. A A.B. R. 'On Tuesday, April 2«th, 1871), at 11 o’clock, noon, wUI be sold, at public tale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that vainablo country seat and farm.cou tniningJS acres of rich soil, situate on tho River Dola ■ware, about 1 mile Velow Beverleyt N. J.; 10 acres Of the choicest varioty of - strawberries, 6 acres best selected raspberries, 4 acres of blackberries, 3 acres of Wheat, balance good tracking soil. Tho improvements are a largo rough cast dwelling, containing IS rooms, well ar ranired for a boarding-house. eight-roomed ten ant house, barn, carriage-house and out buildings, ico hounc (filled >, splendid flower gnrden. and abundance of -shade, pear and cherry trees, grapes, Ac. Terms—One-third cash. Immediate possession. BSr Tho stock and crops in tho ground can be lmd at a valuation. . M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street ff§ KEAL ESTATE—THOM AS & SONS’ SiliL Bale.—La rap and valuable lot. No. 609 Arch street, between Fifth and bixtli streets, On Tuesday, April 19,167(1, at 12 o’clock, noon, will bo sold at public Bale, at tho Philadelphia Exchange, all that vory valu able lotofgronnd, situate on the north aide of Arch street,.west of Fifth street. No. 609; containing In front on Arch street 18 feet, and extending in depth 229 foot. The above is situate in a very improving busitioss neigh borhood, and is one of the'moat desirable lots on Arch street.• : ap7 918 M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and J4l South Fourth street. e, EXECUTOIiS’ SALE.—ESTATE OF John AV. Clu^liurn, dec'll..—Thomns & Sons. Auc uoncorß.—Four two-story Itrick Dwollliltts, southoasl contprof WhPftt and Kenfo streets, Bbcouil Wnrd. On Tnesday, April lath,]2 o'clock.noon, will bo t-oul at public sale, at the, Philadelphia Exc.haugo, tho followfnc described property, late or John W. Clnjhom, deceased, yir.. t— Allthose four two-story brick dwell ing and lot of ground, situate at the sontheant corner .of w heat and Keefe stroeta, Second Ward; containing in front on Wheat street CO feet, undfirdepth 18 foot. T*rni6—Half cash. By order of the Executors. „ M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, ■ ajP 7 9h> i 130 aud U 1 South Fourth atreot. For .other property, belonging to the eamo estate, to be sold at the wnnie time and place, see other handbills. « REAL ESTATE.—THOM AS & SONS' Hal;;-*Fi v e Three-story Brick Pwollincs, Nos. 635, ,637 ,539,641 and 543 Adame street, betweeu Trenton ave jiue and Frnnkford Road, Nineteenth Ward .—On Tile*- ,day.,; April 19th, 1870. at Uo’clock. nom, will he sold nt public enle, ut the Philadelphia Kxchuugn, all those 5 three-story brick mcssuugca and lots of ground there unto belonging, situate Non. 635.537, 539, 541 ami M 3 Vdams street;No. M 3 is 14 feet finches front, No. 541 is II ffot O inches. N 0.539 ig llfoet flinches, No. 537 Is H teetoinches, No. 535 ig 12 fcet 4iuches, esch übont4o feet in depth. They will be sold separately, according to a survey which maybe seen at the Auction Rooms. - M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctionoeis, ■ ap7 9lb 139 and 141 o. Fourth street. gfa REAL ESTATE-THOMAS & SONS* ! Brill Sulo.—Modern Throe-story Brick Residence. No. 3804 Locust street, west of Thirty-eiahth street. Ou Tuesday, April 26th, 1670, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at tho Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three-story biick messuage, with two-storv ;back building and lot of cronnd, situato on the south ifddd of Locust street, west of Thirty-eighth streot, No. 138C4: the lot containing in front on Locust street 25 ; feet 2 inches, and extending in depth 17flfeet to a 40feot wide street. The house is in coed repair ; has parlor, dining-room, breakfast room nod 2 kitchens on the first floor : 5 rooms on the second and 3 on tho third floor ; guß, .bath, hot and cold water, furnace, cookiug range, Ac. Terms— 85.000 niay remain on mortgage. Immediate possesion. May bo examined. (*L THOMAS A SONB, Auctioneers, mh?6ap923 139 and 141 Sooth Fourth street. m PTJBLIC SALE & SONS, ; KutL Auctioneers.—Two-story Frauio Cottage, Wash iqgtonstreet:, between Queen streets, Capo, IsUnd, NowJersey,so feet front. On Tuesday, April <26,187U, at 12 o’clock, nooa, will bo sold at public sale, at the.Pbilodelphi* Exchango, all that .twa-atory frame cottage, with triro-etory back building and frame shed, situate oh the Southeast side of Washington streot, be tween Jefferson and Queen streets; Cape Island, New Jersey ;.tbo lot W feet front, 100 feet deep. Tho houso is new, and now being finished. Terms—Half Cash. Immediate possession. „ ■ Will be shown on application to Nicholas Corsou,Capo Island,New Jersey. * M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, mh24-apo 1623 . 139 uud 141 South Fourth street. 2vri 'rt iafet, saeeT—THOJf aS^Sonh, ,Slone. Residence, Tarrucu of 'Bjjjnyi*r Afreet, Om-mantdwir, fuiir *£s*6* fl:?r AV W Bt * t,ol| i on the ObeinnntoWiil&ll .tlvllSi fi l . \ 2 ,° M nc e* F ? 0B U will BQlci At public alt W? pk f » Exdhanfcnv all tMt haridiMirie jn0(1 aru 2)J-story atone residence am laf nf- gronndVkit-. yAppift street, on wllich the front M. 7t r<«tlo n&K&. The! hooseis well built,- and - has the - niodernoonr e-. onitpiije II ropma and, nnmerona closet* s mf. lor'£”.!?*I or '£”.!?* room,:library and kitchen on, tbo (iratilmii ; coinbiodionecjrainberk.ttitjvbath, hot and cold wAfor! water closet, furnace, cookln. range)< to; Thotrarden >" ■abl out ln gravel walks, with boxWnod,,and planted with ,hrnbbery, old oak treee, ,*c., Tbero i», a etono aprlntt limtßowith excellent water. Tho'residence fronteen Terrace place, Adatiriiilk and in the immediate *-£•51.? Afworr elegant residences and (country seats. IW-Slay be orarai netlnny day pro,ions tasale, .■ , : . ' M. THOMAS * SONS, AhetloOMrs mb3)ap9 l6 23 139 and t4l Smith Fourth afreet. ' M PUBLIC SALEA-THOMAS& r Wo’NS’ •Auctioneers. — c ThrSe-rtory " Fnittib OWfttftjfr, Lincoln House,” Jdafcudri Capo depots OtSTiios- B Dfci u V l ?-21 c1 2P 1c \ noon t'-VHI-^ho sold,at ?»«5i rJ?!£v« 0 Phil all that three «ia* y «f r i Qm p messuage and lot Of ground, feiturffeotttha Btreot i t near the railroad depot, T?!&An *?2^9s<Tcf°* Bey i ™ 0 lot containing inftronton ,n depth iOO.fdet. ImWJSfASMii Lincoln Houfe-” is large hud WieH RSJ-? ft yinmberB»°ccnpie<i n * * summepboard u bakery attached, with 2 ovons; has gim-pipeaj cookfng-range, Ac. * '•* remain on ihortgage. * J; * possession. • , Jersey' ,0 Bb ° Wn George .Young, Capo, Islamli New THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, ' 1 * ’ mh24 ap 9 3623 .p • ,139 and 141 South Fourth street* ' fi . PUBLIC HALE.— THOMAS & SOWS, aiULAnctlancerg.— Very Elegant : Country Beat* Mtan owS’wt? I *f, l '°*> fro uting on the Wlnßahickon turnpike Chcatnnt Hill.lS mlleeofthe s—m .o« ®SEj‘i 4 3W«>iy-»«!OUd- Ward. On. Toeelay, be sold at nubile gale*, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that very elegant \£?. n i.7.-.o e . at ’. ahoil A JB« acres of land, eltuato on the Wiawilickon turnpike, one square from the toll-gate on the Readlngroad, end nearly surrounded by : thewHea bickon. creeks The. improvements are a,handsome KS2?. 1 L n iit h r e .'i , , ,< K? stone mansion,,well and snb ,,t?JL*! lT v b Vli i * Kf fbe ,ate owner, ■wlthdut rcgard to coet, has ban In the centre, parlor, alUing-rodm,dinlng foenj and kitchen on the first floor: Z chambers, store ?£, hath room on the second floor,and 3 chanibere-on thp third floor; laundry and dry-room in the basement, with etationary tabs, hot and cold water, 2 fttruaOek,cooking range; porch front/ and ■ oacki stone toOllhouse* frame hern and carriage- house*. cowrhonse, ico-honse,green house; grnpo-honse; chli-hen-honse, vegetable garden, ac. Also, a handsome 1 three-story stone tenant-hones, containing 0 rooms.-The grounds are beautifully laid * ith Evergreen. Gum, Norway Silver luanle. Chestnut, Lurch Plneand liOcnet Trees; Ayonng oP 8 h m "ll°rnfl,^l,l;rnhh" y yfSl QnlDC<! TreeB ’ ttbnnilan ™ of ffi t vall O ey. h ' 8h ; 8r0 "! <<1 ’ c °« ,i °e a Immediate possession. Will bo shown bjr Mr, Patrick juodk,od tne promisee.; - , . ’ Ter2De—97tCOO>n>ftY resthMa on mortgage. ' M. THOHAS A BON & Auctioneers, mb3lap2 9.17 139 and HI Bontn Fourth street* w m REMPTORY SALE.—THOMAS & _—Sons, Auctioneers.—Lot, Otis street, Northwest of OtrenlnTomte. On Tuesday, April 19th, 1070, at 12 K sold; at public Bale,, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, nil that lot of ground, situate on the eouthwostorly aide of Otis (late Woodlstfeet, 169 feet 11)4 inches northwest of Gi'rntd avenue.; lt>feet h inches front,,and in depth U 2 feet. Sale Absolute.. ' . , . M. THOMA6T& SONS; Anctfoneera, mli26-ap9J6 Isanti Ml Souih.Fourthstreet AJb NOTICES. Estate , of Margaret daixey. dece»e»d.—Letters testamentary upon the above estate haying been granted to tho nnderafirnod.all nor ■ons iDdeblca to saul estate ape raauestod to make pay to them to siA"?, inier of nourti r.C, B* KiUCt ,’6t* - IN 9 TRE Minu, ate of MlCHii. .^pointed If Hl*;smile ano H'nuatuiu account of g*ObGE W.BIBOH,JOH S STUREB and MICHAEL and to report distribution of the balahce in the hands of the ftceotfntanta, will meet the parties interested for 5J*L p °W )a ® °/ hie appointment.- on MONOA>Y>, April J>th, W/0. at 4 oclofk P. M,,at his office,No,2l7South Third street, In the city of PhHadelbbift. a , * ljr4C 8. HINJRY NOBBiy, ap9-Btntbat§ , . Auditor, F THE OBPHAKS’ COUIIT FOE THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.— EBlate of ItOBEItT B. STEWAtiT. deceased. , The Auditor appointed by the Conrt to audit, settlo.and ad jnet the arcount of JOHN H. WELSH and JOHN B. JEW£.E a ' f 6!' a un l er *l>e Wilt of BOBKBT It. BTEWABT, deceased, and ■to report dis-, tnbufclon of the balance in tho hbuds of tho ftccouitfant, will meet the parties Interested, for tho purpose of hie appointment, on MONDAY, 18th of April, 1870, at 11 ?fei6ofphi?id^Jhfn fflCei N °- 728 W#W « treo1 ’ , , , .. JAMES DUVAL BODNEY, ap7-tln tn st§ Auditor. THE OltPHAiStt’ qODBT FOR THB ArsSj , W3..€?J , fi t 7wst. PWtadelphta.—Estate of ZD MUND D. WAKEMNG, deceased.—Notice ia hereby Siren that ANNIE M. HvaKELING, widSwof'ED MEND D. WAKELING, deceased, has Med in raid Court .her. petition}; appraiser mant of the personal property she elects' to reta'o under the Act of Assembly of April H, 185], and itesupplements, arid that tbo tame will he an’ proved by the Court, on bATUBDAy, April 23d, 1870, unless exceptions be filed thereto! . . ... 1 . ‘ ~ SAMITE irWAKEEING, Attorney for Petitioner. ap7-th&»-4t* TN THE COURT OF COMMON PUBAS X for the City and County of Philadelphia. HENRY NtfBBJB va. JAIIEB BMITtf. \end. ax Covenant, Juaa Term, 1668, No. JO. , The Auditor appointed to distribute the funds paid into Court arising from the Sheriff 1 * sale under the above writ of tho following-described property* to wit: Alt that lot of ground situate on the west side of Second street (now Kensington) and - Oxford Turnpike road* commencing lit the distance of 200 feet south from, the south side or fork sireetj eontQining in front on Mid Turnpike road 20 feet, and extending that width in depth 121 teet 9 inches to Philip street. Bounded northward and southward by grounds of the Fair Hill estate: east by said Turnpike road, and west by Philip- street* re serving yearly ground Tent of 912 60, silver-will attend to the duties of bis appointment on TUEBDAY, April 19th,1870, at 3H o’clock P. M., at his office. No. 128 South Sixth the city of Philadelphia, when and where all parties interested are required to present their claims or be debarred lrom coming in on said fund. ■ JAMEB W. LATTA, ap7 th s to fits Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS’ COURT FOB THE X City and Cbunty.of Philadelphia.—Estate of MABIA BQIiIVKLY, deceased!—The Auditor appointed by the £sHFli°,n. B E“^.®£ u , ,e *nd Adjust tho first account of GEOBGE 8. SOHIYKLY, Trustee of EDWARD 8. SOHIYBLY, under will of MABIA SCHIVELY, de ceased* and to report distribution of tho balance in the bands of the accountant, will meet th* parties interested for the purpose of his appolutraent, on MONDAY, the 11th day of April, A. D. 1870, at 11 o'clock A. M-.athie office. No, 271 South Fifth street (second story), in the city of Philadelphia. JOSEPH A. CLAY, mh3l;th s tu 6t§ Auditor. 1 N THE: COURT OF COMMON PLEAS X for the city and countyof Philadelphia.—Estate of BENJAMIN E. PEACOCK, a lunatic, now deceased*- The auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and ndinst tho first and final account of CHARLES M. LIHfENS, Committee of the Estate of BENJAMINS. PEACOCK, a lunatic, bow deceased, and to report dis tribution of the balance in the bauds of the accountant, will meet.the parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY, April 11,13/0, atSHt o’clock P. 11.. at his office, No. 128 South Sixth street, in the city of Philadelphia. • JAMEB W: LATTA, mhSith s tn6t* Auditor. BUSINESS CAKDS. MICIIAEL WEAVES, WEAVER & GO,. Rope and- Twine Manufacturers and Dealers in Hemp mul Ship C’linudlory, MNotth WATER. 28 North WHARVES. _ puir.ADEi.riHA. ttpl tf§ Established 1831. WM. 6. FLANAGAN & SON, HOUSE AMD SHIP PLUMBERS, ..., No. 129 "Walnut Street. JyTiyS TjIDWXJS H. iTITLEK & CO., Fi , Cordage Manufacturers and Dealers la Hemp, , 231 V. Water Street and 22 N. Delaware Avenue PHttADE JjJPH lA. KDWIIf H. FITIiKH. i CONftAP V. OLOTHIBfc JOSEPH WALTON.& 00., ■ CABINET MAKEBB, NO. 413 WALNOTSTREET. ...... Manufacturers of lino furniture and of medium priced ful oituro of superior nualftv. o " GOODS ON HAND AND MADE TOOBDEB. Counters. Desk-work, uco.* for, Bonks t Offices and Sti ree, made to order. JOBBI , H ■ ■ . . JOS. W. MPPINOOTT. JOSEPH h. SOOTT. ;TJI B. WIGHT, Ef. ATTORNBY-AT-L AW, Uommfealoner of Deed* for ti»Bf»te of Penney lvaaln In 1 j)g Madison street.Mo'. H.Qhtottgoilliluoli. ' »qlS>tf} OITON BAIL DtrCH W BTJ3&Y width, from a inohee to TJ inohee wide.aU number* lent and Awning Hock, Poper-maker's Felting, Sail Twine,*e. ■ ,“....n JOHtTW. SrjBRMAN, iaM Ho. 108Cbdrob attest Oltyßtora*. boarding:? ' t~ “ | U BE RENTED, WITH" BOARD, I Three\ery dead ruble eocohd-story Rooms, either ■ye'her or singly, at el'SCt* ; ■- „ •r*T'>. 7 'i ■■ QEO. H. 6, UIILKR No. 1631 CtKWtnut aliwt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers