Amiss ENTI9I. , . —Cotta will appear,at the Axch, to -night, in //cart's Ea so. —At the Chestnut Street Theatre, this even ing, Miss Laura Keene will hat'e her farewell benefit in Goldsmith's comedy; She Stoops to Conover, ---At. the Walnut, this evening, Mr. Chan frau will appear in Walden's comedy, Sam. To-morrow evening he will' appear in Toni Taylor's drama, The "Tieket-of-Leave.lllan, and The Widele's 1 iclint, in which he 'will have 'a, benefit. —At the American, this evening, there will he a• first-rate miscellaneous performance,' Wheuthe Freeman Sisters and the entire cora pany will appear. Signor Blitz's son, Theodore, will give exhibitions of magic- and legerdemain at the Assembly Bei !clings, every evening during the week, when lie will show the ivonderful Sphynx.' • —T„Buebanan Bead's picture of " Sheri dan's Bide" is still on exhibition at the Acad emy of Fine Arts. —At Cancross & Dixey's Eleventh Street Opera House, this evening, a first-class min strel enfritainineht mill be given, including the burli , :que, The ,Streets of Philadelphia. —Messrs, Dnprez & Benedict, at the Sev enth Street Opera House, this evening, will give a splendid minstrel performance, in chiding a number of novelties. —The Pilgrim is still on exhibition at Con cert Ball. - - —To-morrow evening, Mr. Wenzel KopM, the well-known violinist, will give a splendid concert, at Musical Fund Hall: —The Champion Circus, reconstructed for the great South and Western tour, will open at Tenth and Callowhill streets; on Saturday afternoon, for rive nights and two matinees. CITY BULLETIN. THE BURIAL OF THE LATH FATHER KING.— ht Europe are many very aged priests; in this diocese the. longevity of the Roman Catholic clergy is cut ehort by the arduousness of their toils. Wo heard this from Bishop Wood, in his own study, two years ago. Such gentle. men 418. Father Sheridan, as a case in point, are very rare. The death of Father Charles King, of PottS town,. has already been reported. He was a member of the Society of Jesus. He died. last Sunday evening. He was a native of Wash ington, D. C. Hitt. age was 52 years. To the Catholic Standard we are indebted for the in formation that he made'his theological studies. at Georgetown College, entered upon his no vitiate in the Society of Jesus Sept. 3, 1834, and was ordained with Rev. Fathers McGuigan, (formerly of St. Joseph's, in this city), Ciampi, PareSce, Vigilante, Pac darlui .and de Isleuletneester... of thelmaine Society, by the late Most Rev. _Archbishop Eceleston, of Baltimore, on the '23d of July, 1848. After his ordination he was sent to St. John's College, Frederick, Md.; thence to Georgetown, and finally to St. 'lgnatius'. Church, Baltimore. His father, atter the death of the mother of the deceased, entered the Society of Jesus, and labored on the Mis sion for over a quarter of a century. He died at Loyola College about two years ago. The Standard says: "As a speaker, Father King was clear and effective, as will be testified by the thousands who listened to him at the various missions he has given both here and elsewhere. As a Con fessor, Father King, had few superiors, and his loss will be deeply felt, not only by the So ciety of Jesus, of which he was a valued mem ber, but by thousands of people of the laity,hy whom he was known and beloved. Father King spent many years at St. Ignatius's Church,Baltimore, where, as its PLefect, he endeard himself t.C, all who came in contact with him. If we mistake not, his last appoint ment was at the Novitiate of Society of Jesus, at Frederick, Maryland. About three mouths ago, Fath6r King came to this city in the hope of recruiting his shattered health, and on the invitation generously ten dered to him by Father Sorrentini he visited Pottstown. Here he remained until the day of his death, everything having been done for him that medical aid or friendly care and' at tention could bestow. For some time past Father King has been confined to his bed. where, on. Sunday evening last, at the hour above Milled, in the full possession of his faculties, and surrounded by Rev. Fathers Tuffer ' S. J., and Sorrentini, and by members of the Conference of St. Vincent de Paul, to whom he gave his dying benediction," goye his blessed part to Heaven, and slept in peace.' " So may be rest." For the repose of the soul of the deceased solemn masses of requiem were,-this morning, offered both at the Church of St. Aloysius in Pottstown and in St. Joseph's in this city. The remains reached Philadelphia by the 10.30 A. M. train. They were met at the Reading Railroad Depot by ' body of the Rev. Clergy Of this city and by th Conferences of St. Vin cent de Paul. The mass of requiem was said by Father Sorrentini, of Pottstown,assistedll Father Blenkinsop, and other clergy. The church was draped in black. The funeral pro cession was headed by acolytes bearing can dles and crozier. The remains were inclosed io a burial ease,"bearing upon its cover the emblem of salvation. The music was especially excellent. The regular choir of the church was augmented by several accessions. Mrs. Schimpf saw; : " An gels ever bright and fair." The mass was Oh newald's, ingrafted upon Which was a portion of Mozart's Grand Mass. Prof. M. Valedo did duty as conductor, his wife presiding,as usual, at the organ. The interment took Place in the cemetery at Eighth and Carpenter streets. The scene in Pottstown, the iield - of the late labors of 'the deceased, must-have been some thing still more touching. There was no ser• mon, this morning, on the occasion of the funeral. '' We omitted to state above that the (/eh tst Immo WILS mactnitieently sung on the occasion Ly Miss Donnelly and Mrs: Schimpl. BUIWLARV— POLICEIVIAN ANL. BUROLAIC 61101' AT.—This morning at an early hour the residence of Mr. John C. Davis, No. XIS North Thirty-second street, was entered by three burglars. Their operations were evidently heard by seine of the inmates of the house, as the attention of Policeman Duress was at tracted to the house by the cries of a woman. As he came up he saw three men standing on the steps of the house. They separated. Two went towards Bridge street and the other started across the hits. The latter was pursued by Duross. Be stopped and fired two shots at the officer. The policeman then drew his re volver, but before he had time to use it two more shots were tired at him, For tunately the aim was not, good. Du roes then fired three times after the fugi tive, but the shots were no better titan those that had been made at him. The chase was continued until a railroad embankment was reached. There being •no lights, the officer pitched head-foremost down the embankthent, and the fellow whom ho was pur-liing escaped in the darkness. In his night he threw oft his coat and lost his hat. These wore picked up by the policeman. The coat is a Chesterfield, of the latest cut; one, of the pockets contained a pair of Davis, kid gloves. The house of Mr. Davis, it was sub sequently ascertained, was robbed of a num ber of articles of silverware marked ",\[. M. B." and "J. C. M., M. D." M Bair:G.—A. W. Acheson, M. D., left Brooklyn, L. 1., on Tuesday last, for this city, and has not been heard of since by his rela tives. He is 28 years of age, .5 feet 7 inches in height, weighs 130 poundS, has light-brown hair, moustache and goatee, a scar on the left, Cheek, and india ink mark on arm. He wore a dark-blue overcoat and dark striped pants. Henry 11. Ziegler left, Culpsville, Pa., for this city on Monday last and has been missing .since. He generally stops at the William Penn Hotel, but has not been there. He is 2 years of age, fiYe feet eight inches high, weighs 160 pounds. Has sharp features and. nose, and sandy hair and moustache, the latter slightly dyed, lie wore a drab coat and light pants. Information in regard to the, missing men should be sent to John KellY, Chief of the DetectiveS, at the Central Citation. BEAPPOINTED.—WiIIiam Larzalen has been reappointed Notary Public for the city of rhiladelphia. EvF.I.KNG 13 oom;CitoWima.' —T. ciAiiy is a Continuation of the series, oirethelidi of days ' bound in blue and gold.: , , . Secretary of. the ,NaVy Rebeson is in the city. Be comes to participate in the festivi ties incident to a friend's wedding: ----Col. James Page—his many friends will be glad to hear-is convaleegent from - the malady that afflicted him. From 'his present appear ance, liehas realized a steak of increased vi tality, that is renewing his youth like the eagle's. • The grand 10141710 i and reception given at , the Academy of Music butt •night the Fi nance Committee of St. John's Ocirumandery of Knights Templar wait a , " thing of beauty." According to Keats:therefore, to every tpar ticipant itrinist remain "a joy . forever.' It was given to the Grand Commandery of New Jersey. On the occasion of the late parade of the Knights of this city, the New Jereey Knights were the guests of the St, John's. They last night presented to their Philadel-' Tina hosts a magnificent gothic frame, 'ln closing resolutions passed by the Jersey Knights; expi;essive of esteem and apprecia, tion for their , warna-hearted hosts. The stage was set with a scene representing a tent over which , depended the insignia of the fraternity. Than this there was 11,0 other adornment in the house. The music was giyon by two distinct bands. The guests entertained the spectators with a Masonic drill. They marched in crosses, triangles, etc., and by twos and threes. The evolutions were intri-' sate, but very beautiful, calling up memories of what we saw done upon the same, stag e, when "the late onpleasantness" began', by Col. Efieworth's ZOIIaVCS. • The latest advertising dodge is the sending of fee similes of telegraphic despatches to gentlemen whom the dealers desire 'to' reach. The envelope is marked, "message' prepaid, no charge for delivery." The despatch is printed in the.precise type of the telegraph. It tells the recipient where to go to buy his carpets ! The Alumni of Union College, Schenectady, N. 1., residing in this and adjoining States, are to dine with the Philadelphia Association of Alumni at the Union League House this evening. A large attendance is expected. The President of the College, Rev. Chas. A. And'', D. D., has arrived in the city to be present at the reunion, which promises to be extremely agreeable and interesting. • For the benefit of the "Old Man's Home," in West Philadelphia, a full-dress concert, at the Academy of Music, is now in preparation. •It conies 'off on April second. The institution is entirely unsectarian. It is designed for the benefit of the poor and infirm.left by bereave ment of other misfortune alone and helpless. Manuel Souza was this morning before Commissioner Clark. Ho was charged with surreptitiously making cigars in the third story of No. 409 Lombard street. Col. Peter Sides, with Deputy Marshals Beale and Mur ray, made a descent upon the premises. The culprit raised a back window and undertook meane--ef w-t.s captured was because of the close tit of the lett boot, by which be was grabbed. Had it been loose, it would have been left empty in the officer's band: As it was, he was hauled in. For his appearance at court the Commis sioner held him in $BOO bail. Many a heart will be saddened to learn of the death this morning of Mr. Edwin Coolidge. He was long in the wholesale boot and shoe trade in Market street. The war brought to him reverses. His trade was with the south, and the war swept it away. At the time of his death he was in the insurance business at Fourth and Walnut streets. He was au active worker in the church of Rev. Charles Wadsworth. Few men could enume rate a more extended list of friendS than Mr. Edwin Coolidge. The tidings of his .death will be received with a pang by all who knew him. • REPAIRED —The Second. District Police Station, at Southwark Ball, has recently been completely renovated, and now presents finite a neat and. cleanly appearance. The Third District Police Station has been in a bad con dition for seine time past. The ventilation has been bad, and the lives of those confined as prisoners or accommodated with lodgings have been endangered. "Within a short time past the building has been considerably re paired, and some of the existing evils have been remedied as far as possible. The house has been papered and painted, and the cellar windowsbave been enlarged so as to atibrgl better ventilation. The cost of the repairs has been about SLOW: The building however, is still unfit for the . purpose for which it is used, and a new station-house should be pro vided. • TEE LAST DODGE.—An unknown woman .has. been carrying on_quite_ a swindling busi-. ness with some of our citizens lately. She has been traveling around in company with six small children, stating that she desired to place theth in the Northern Home for Friend less Children, and that she hadn't the requi site means to pay the car fare to that institu tion. Invariably our citizens have responded to such an appeal; but upon inquiry it has been ascertained that the children have been borrowed fur the occasion, and that the woman had no intention of placing them in the Home. THE - RESULT OF A SPREE—Augustus Rich, a. German, recently fell heir to about $3OO. Last evening be celebrated the .event by get ting very idiot* beer. On Third street, above Green, he drew forth a large, old-fashioned German pistol and blazed away at a man who was on the opposite side of the street. The ball struck the man in the wrist, but did not cause a serious wound. Policeman Shellcup came up and arrested Rich. This morning the latter was arraigned before Alderman Toland and held in $l,OOO bail for trial. AN OWNER WANTED.—Yesterday Special Officer Plucker, of the Twelfth District, ob served two boys on a lot at Ninth street . and Columbia avenue. They bad a bag, which was dropped when the officer appeared. The bag was picked up and was found to contain a gray blanket'shawl, which awaits an owner at the Central Station. A drab overcoat, found at Juniper and Race streets, last-nittlit, awaits an ownet at the Eighth District Police Station. THE READINI; RAII,ROAD ROBlAMlES.—Po liceroan Leneban and Special Officer Mc- Grane, of the Ninth District, arrested, at Nineteenth and Hamilton streets, last even ing, :lames Kelly, on the 'charge of having been implicated in the robbery of the freight cars on the Philadelphia and Reading Rail road, in connection with Wood, who is now in prison at Norristown. He was locked up for a hearing at the I,Antral Station this after noon. J'lu Barger, late City Solicitor, has been presented with a handsome set of silvor, consisting of a salver and twelve pieces, besides forks, spoons, &c. The gift is from the gentlemen who held positions under hint in the Law Department. The presentation took place at the residence of Id r. Barger, No. - 1209 South Fifth street, the donors being represented by Richard Ludlow, Es q . After the ceremonies, the company sat doWn to a tine collation. JIOUSE Romimw.---The residence of Henry A. Steel, No. 638 North Eighteenth street, was entered last evening, about half-past 8 o'clock, while the family was in the sitting-room. The thief got in through the front window He gathered together some silverware belong ing to a tea set, and valued at 5200, and then departed through the front door, leaving it open. and taking with him also a black sack overcoat, which was hanging on the, hat-rack in the entry. SEILENADE.—The members of the ,Tunger. M iinnerehor last evening serenaded Mr. P. Tholey at his residence ou Crown street, above. Vine. Mr. Tholey is one of the most activo members of the Society. 1-Te has just recover‘d from a severe illness. After the serenade- the party was invited into the house and enjoyed the hospitalities of Mr. Tholey. 14 - N 01:I:E.—George Buchanan, aged four years, remiding N 0.1223 Salmon street, Rich xtamd, NY/LS run over by a huckster wagon in Summer street this morning, and had a leg broken. He was taken to Pennsylvania HoSpital. LoW TIDE.—Thi: waiter in the Del aware was decreased to such an extent last night ny the stroti northwest wind that nearly all of the vessels moored at the doelts between Walnut street and Port Richmond were lying in the mud. EMMIMIII2 A Now Pah TOE STATtosr.—An ordinance 'orpropi 'sting 10,000 foi the erection of a new police station•house in ;the Itifth Dis trict is to be introduded into CIO Counoils this afternoon. If the bill passed, i 5 is pro pos( d to build the new• station-house on the 'New York plan. Separate buildings are to be provided for lodgers and prisoners. A now station-houso in the Fifth District is badly Storm-TrinowEns IN Tnounicm.— Parties doing business in the neighborhood of Second •and Arch streets haVe been much annoyed lately by boy* indulging in fights and throw= ing btotica. yesterday, upon a warrant issued by Mayor Fox, two Of the >fighting juveniles were arrested. Their names are Thomas For ser and John Stewart, and their ages areabout 18 years.• They are held for a • hearing at the Central Station. Surrosmo 13tutawitt.—A man who gave his name as ,Tame.s tioott was arrested by Police man J. McCullough, of the Twelfth District, at ; Twelfth and Berke streets, upon suspicion of being a burglar, On)his person were found ; a jimmy, some skeleton keys, and other things generally used by burglars. The prisoner, will have a hearing at, the Central Station this af ternoon., .; TELEGRAPHIC ENTJ?RPBISE. 'lore Lively Action TroiaA the Associated The N. Y. Tribune this morning says : Telegraphic news has yet some features in common with the information which used to be furnished by the " reliable gentleman" and the "intelligent. contraband,' in the early days of the war. We can imagine the in terest with which the readerabf the" Official Journal of the 'United States, * of t * * and of ,, ,Tackson," must have read the report pitblished as received by telegraph, that'. "Napoleon 111. and the Prince Imperial are both dead." How such canards originate seems to be as impene trable a mystery as to ascertain "'who struck Billy PattersouN • tWe can' tell the Tribune '" how such canards originate." . They are the result of the dependence of the benighted Southern papers upon the New York Associated Press, of which the Tribune is a mendacious member.] JENKINS IN TEXAS. The Refinements of Southern Jour . lIMISM. Jenkins has penetrated to Texas. In a State where it is considered a mark of close and touching, intimacy 'to " permit the inquiry, "What was your name before you came to these parts ? 1 ' it results that the people are more easily recalled by their deeds than their cognomens. In order to give the proper eminence of rank in a community where more than one or two personal encounters and shooting affrays are 'necessary to distinction, the journalist in that quarter introduces the • family history upon wedding occasions in a graceful way. Thus the Green ville Herald appends to a marriage notice the observation : It has recently been ascer tained by undoubted authority that the former husband of the above named lady was a de sperado and killed by United States soldiers t 3 hortly after Ben Bickerstaff's death." Such a title to fame must be a source of intense grati fication to the newly-married couple. CITY IVOTICEB. JACOBY'S VICHY LoiEruiEs—For Acidity of tho Stomach, Heartburn, Flatulency and Indiges tion. 917 Chestnut street. HOUSEKEEPERS can obtain a complete out fit for the kitchen at rAILSON AZ Co.'s liouse-furnibbing Store, Dock street, below Walnut. • Kailisten beautifies the skin. THE FAULELANI), CAVENDISH, HAMLET, and all the beautiful Spring styles of Hats at OAKFORDS% 834 and 836 Chestnut street. MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR are re• gained by ELELMBOLD 7 14 EXTRACT BUCHI.I. Morns.—Fur Blankets, wearing apparel, Carpete,4c.. e ff ectually protected front these pests, by JAcony's INsEcT Powintn, 917 Chinttnut 6treet. WE ALWAYS have a full force of workmen fn ell branches of our business. Our workinanuhip ii first-class, and prices below any one else in the city. • ALBERTSON k Co., N 0.143.3 Chestnut street. ENGLIsit HOT Citoss Rtm,:s—fresh, daily—at Itlone'd, 902 Arch and 233 South Eleventh street. THE BBEAVTII•'L'L SPRING STYLI OF Gents' Beaver Hats Can be had at OAKFORDS' Store, Under the Continental TO'QUTET; soothe and relieve the pain of children teething, use Bowun's INFANT CORDIAL. Sold by 'nil druggists. Sununu'. Ir;srliniturarrs and druggists' sun dries. BNOWDBN & BROTHER. 29 South Elebth etreet. Conws, 13nnionn, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson. No. 915 Obeetnnt street, Oharges moderate. S93IETIIING NEW AGAIN. English Frock Walking Coat, and English Spring Bottom Pantaloons, to be found only at CHAS. STOKES, 82! Clistnut street DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH treated with the utmost suecess, by 3. Isaacs, Al. • D., and Professor of Diseatiee of the Eye and Rar (his speci ally) in the .Medical College of Pennsylvanivi,l2 years ex perience. No. 8115 Arch street. Testimonials can be seen at his office. The medical faculty are Invited to ac company their patients, as ho has no secrets in his prac tice. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No charge for examination. 4NIARIIII Jr. BULLETIN PORT OF PHILADELPIIIA-litmtat 2i *lrSce Marine Bulletin on Inside Poet ARRIVED THIS DAY - - Steamer S C Walker, Sherin, 24 hours from New York; Within(lse to IV , III. Baird & Co. Steamiiift*llling, Condit:l . .l3 hours from Baltimore, with mdse to A Groves. Jr. . - . ' Steamer'Chester, Jones, 21 hours front New York, with tod, , e to \V 1' Clyde C t'o. swinier Bristol, Wallace, 24 hours, irons Now York, With liaise to W P Clyde & (!o • Schr Sarah 1) Cardeartle,. Fannie,s days from Talbot (Jo, )Id. with railroad ties to West Chester Mt Co. Schr Mahlon,Donohue, RI days from Nanticoke River, with wood. Schr Mary C, Sipple. 1 day from Milford, Del. with ' Seta Thos C Worroll, Seward, 7 days from Norfolk. Tug Chrsaprako, Merrlheiv, from Baltimore, with a tow of barges to IN P Clyde & Co. CLEARED TBIS DAY. Strainer .heveriv. Pierce. New York. IV I' Clyde t (Jo. Steamer Chester. J ours, New York. W P Clyde & Co. schr Ann El Carl!, Tyler, Savaunali,Jno C Scott & Sons. Schr .1 Walker, Walker, Providonco, Sioniektion & Co. Schr 31 Smith. Preston, Greenport, do Solir Mint& liiuuie, Parsons, Norwich, do Schr Franklin A, Malanson, Gloucester, do Schr J G Babcock. Smith, Boston. do Schr It RR No 41. Bartlett. New Haven. do Schr - Daniel Brown, ainuneil, Providence. do Schr 31 B Rockhill, Rockbill, Marblehead, do sehr \V Weslaco, Scull, Boston, do Sehr Jas L Maloy, Russell, Cambridgeport, Day, Bud loll & Co. Tug Conmiodore, Wilson, Baltimore, with a tow of m barges, W P Clyde &Co. WENT TO SEA. Schr Ella nothalon, Hotlnaon, lienee for Ealbarfon, *eta to mat yeeterday afternoon. . _ Ship Mary BlowMl, sailed from San Francisco yes' ferday for Queenstown, with 24,900 riiulk . 4 wheat. Steamer azoo.Catherine.cleared at Now Orleans 19th inet. for this port via Himont. Steamer City of Mexico, Deaken. from Vera Cruz 12th inet; Sisal 75th and Havana 19th, at N York yesterday. Bark Mary C Boss, Rose. sailed from Cardenas 15th 'net. for a port 11011 h of Hatteras. Brig Joimpliiiio,l)ay, hence, wiia at St Johns, Pit. 10th instant. Schr T (1 Smith, Brooke, 10 ilayo trom Sagua, at Now York yesterday, Schro It NY lluddoll. 31aloy, and Soabia Wilson, No wcll. homio at Matanzas 15th inst. Sehra Sarah Graham. Smith, and Vesta, Collins,bonce, were at Sunman Bay 14th inst. Schr Thos Clyde, Cain. sailiid from Trinidad leith inst. for this par; Schr A D Scull, Scull, at Dayana leth instant from Pensacola. Behr Italph Solider, 31ilan, cleared at llavana 18th iiNt. tor Boston. Sara Argos Eye, Thompson, and Queen the South, Corebn, at Sagna Mtn inst. for New York rid'. Schrs E G Irwin, Johnson; C W Locke, Hinckley, and A T Cohn, Springer, from Boston; L Coggewoll, Sweet, and Brod Gray, Lakeman, from Salem, at Bath 21sfinst. to load ice for this port. nclfr J E Pratt, Nickerson, cleared at Boston Zid inst. for this port. Schrllarshall Perrin, Packard, from Boston for this port, at Newport I'M 21st Inst. Schrs Polly Price, Yates. and hi 11 Carlisle, Potter, sailed from Providenco 22d inst. for this port. Behr Amelia, Poet, Iron, Newburypert for Now Castle. Del. at Newport PM 21st inst. Devitt. Robin Hood, Adams, and Hum McDevitt, Me D critt. hones at Now Damen 21st Met. • Sour Amok+ May, May, from Wertnouth for thloi tort, at Ifoltneto Hole 21st Wet. and Nailed again next day. 7 870 GET R CO K 4fL U n! l by first-clues Z r r T Outt A erTi By leaving en order, gentlemen can be shaved at their reodoevee. Razors net in order. Open on Sunday tami ng. N 0.125 Exchaugo Place. (Itl 0.0. KOPP. ILLETIN-z-PIIILADELPHIA. THURSDkY, MAR H Press. MEMORANDA REAL ESTATE SALES. 1 At AST WSDALE— s rA.Ta () LP ft', ~Villb:fn blcClolland,. Sr. deeemtect,.--Jam4 1 , roiumu, Anctioneor.-Proportiem, N. ro , ruer Thl r teenth end Catharine streets: Under authority of the Court of Comnion Mean for the city end county of Phil a. &wide, on V. odneeday, April 13,1870,0 t 19 o'otook neon, will be sold at public sale. at the •Philadblphia Ex change, the tollowing described reel estaot, vim.; 0: 1. .•‘-Lot, N. E. corner. Thirteenth and Catharino. • All that lot of ground situate at the N. ii.oorner of Thir-•, tecuth and Catharine streets, 17 foot front on Thirteenth street 36 feet deep to premises described he No. 8: Boutaled on ,ho north by No. 2, rind on the east sby No. 8. Its Subject to a proportionate part of nu tinapPor- • Coned ground rout of iit7d AO (silver), charged upon Not. 1 to 4 Inclueivo. • No. 2.-Dwelling: Thirteenth street. ^All that four story brick dwelling house and lot of groUnd adjoining ;No. 1 on the north, 16 lent front on Thin/tenth street, and 41 feet deep. Bounded on the south by No. 1 and pert of N0...9, on the emu by No 3, and int the north by N 0.6. subject to a proportionate part of nn unappor• tinned ground rout of $76 SO (silver) charged upon Noe.., ' 1 to 4 inclusive. No. S.-Brick Bonne. Catharine street. All that four.' story brick house 'and lot of ground on the north Bide of Thirteenth street, adjoining Nos. '1 and 2 on the oast. Beginning on the north aide of Catharine stroet, 35 feet , Cast of Thirteenth street, and .oxtending in depth at • right angles with Catharine street. 17 toot to No. 2; thenco nstward along the south line of No. 2Nfix foot; thence north along the east lino of ,No. 2, sixtoen feet to, No. 6; thence cost along too south line of No. 5. flvo feet; thence south along the line of No. 4, six Piet. and east along the same 6 feet; them, south along the same '27 foot to Oetharine FtrOetiand in-front along the same 16 feet. Subject to 'the proportionate part ,of an,unap pl-labilled4 i g n r , l l u m tl i d ve rent of 576 Ni (silver) charged upon No. 4.--Briek Dwelling. Catharine street. The four story brick &yelling and lot of ground adjoin rig No. 3 . 'on tiro cast. ' Containing in front on Catharine street 16 feet, and in depth on Ino east line along a 3 font wide alley, of which it has the use, 33 feet ; thence westward along the line of No. 5, twenty-one feut ; and thence south along No. 9, six tent; and thence along the same eastward 5 feet. and thence south at right angles with 'Cnthatine et. 27 feet to Catharine street. Subject to its proportionate part of an unapportionedground rent of *7B ill (silver) charged upon Nos. l to 4 inclusive. Na. 5,-Dwelling. Thirteenth street. All that four story brick house end lot of ground on the east side of Thirteenth street, 33 foot north of Catharine street, 16 feet front and 67 feet deep to a 3 foot alley, leading into Catharine street. of which it,has the privilege. Subject ton ground rent of $36 a year (silver). IQ - The above properties will be sold with no 'privi lege in additlou to those actually described in the ROBERT BETEELL, Master. 1131" W '.:() to beid on each et the time of sale. JAMES A. FlCEEMA'N.Anctioneor, mh24 31np7 Store, 422 Walnut street. ORPHANS' COURT SALE .—ESTAT E Via of Samuel Bisbing, deceased.—James A. Term inan,Auctioneer.—Tlume-story beet: dwelling and valu able lot, Darby road, below Walnut strmt. Under au thority of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, on Wednesday, April 13th, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Phila delphia Exchanae. the following described real estate, late the property of Samuel Bisbing, deceased ; all that certain lot of ground with tho throomtory brick house thereon erected, situate on the nurtliwest side of Wood land street. formerly liarb,v road, beginning at -a point on the northwesterly side thereof, at the distance of 80.9 feet northeastward from its point 'of intersection with the north side of Locust street; containing in front on Woodland street 65 feet, and in depth northwestward on the northeast line about 126 feet, end on the soutbwuct line about 83 feet. Theabove three story brick dwelling contains 8 rooms, and 6s:o fed fruit by 32 feet deer , . Clear of incumbrance. One-third of the purchase money being the dower of the widow, to remain. Og - $2OB to be paid at time of sale. By the Court. JOSEPH MEIIABY. Clerk O.C. ELIZABETH DISHING COX, Administratrix. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. mb24 31 ap7 Store,No. 422 Walnut street. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—ESTATE of" Henry Cressman, decoased.—Jaynes A. Free man, Auctioneer.—Valuable property ;outliwest corner Eighth and Vine streets; 1007(19 feet. 11ndor authority of the Orphans' Court for the city and county of Phila delphia, on Wednesday. April 13, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described real estate, late the property of Henry Cress man, deceased: All tha4.7ertain lot or piece of ground with the improvements thereon erected, situate at the southwest corner of Eighth and V ine streets, being 19 feet front nu lite .street, Mid ex tending along Eighth street lOU feet to Haviland Place- Otir Three brick 'anises are erected on the lot,l one-story and 2 two story It now yields $1.709 f , •17 annoni, ant the situation is 111 o.ct Witty:li cc fora fine i»ipror , mient. Possession of all the properties in June. Terms—Ouly one-half cash required, balance secured by bond and mortgage.. Clear of ncumbrauce. UV" $3OO to be paid at time of sale. Hy the Court. JOSEPH MEGARY, Oterk O. C. JAMES A. FREE7tIAId, Auctioneer, Store. 422 Walnut street. ..... 03 . ORPHANS' COURT SALE—ESTATE of Isaiah Butler, doe'd.—darnes A. Fre4quau, Auc tioueer.—Two-story Brick Dwelling, N. W. corner of Ninth and Watkin streets, First Ward.—Under wit.llo - of the Orphans' Court for the City and Coanty of Philadelphia, on Wednesday, April 1'3,1,970, at 12 o'cloek, noon, will be sold at puddle sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described real estate, late the property of. Isaiah Butler, deceased:—All that certain lot of ground,with the two-story brick ruesettage thor , on erected, situate on the northwest earlier of -Ninth and Watkin streets, in the First Ward of the city, containing in front on Ninth street lu feet, and in depth westward along Watkin street 70 feet. Subject to $ ll ground rent per annum. We 8100 to Dahl at time of sale. By the Court,' lOSEPII ME(I A RV. Clerk O. C. / GEM:GE S. BUTLER, AdminisCr. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auction*, vult2.l ap7 Store. 4'22 Walnntufreet. grg PUBLIC SAL E.—.J A M it. E Ma man .Auctione , ..r.—T -ti tory frame Owellmq.Na. /137 North . Front street, and frame House, No. 1140 Adrian street.• On Wedimala, April 6. lge, %t o'clock, nmut, will he sold at public sale, at the Palle del phia Ex hange, the following described real estate: All that three-story brick mesonage and frame tene ment and the lot of erompl on which they are erected, situate 0/1 the east side of Front street, at the distance of .12.3 feet northward from Otter street, in the sixteenth Ward of the city ; containing in front on Front 4troot 16 feet, and in depth 110 feet to Adrian street. Subject to $532 ground rent per annum. Rents for !.13:1 par an trum. • 'eeLeVO may reroa;n. ieereloo to be paid at the limo of sole. JAMES A. FREEMAN. Atwtiotieer CF-4 PI 7 BLIC SALE.—BV ORDER OF 10 .116m.—Efate of John E. Carveroleceased --James A. Freemen, Auctioneer. Three-story brick Hence. No. 1022 Portland street, 'Fourteenth Ward: .on.Wednes7 day. April 0, Ih7o. at 12 o clock—nom will be sold tit public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the follow - hig described real etate : that certain three-story brick messuage, containing i 4 rooms, and lot of ground, situate on the south side of Portluud street (extending from Ridge liven no to Eleventh street). Fourteenth Ward of this cite ; being 10 feet 01'i inches front by V) feet deep. o , ...rBnbieet to i'oo ground rent per annum. VW" slt hi thin, Of Salo. By order of ilcirs .1 A NES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, mb2l 31 :store 422 Walnut street.. ell PEREMPTORY SALE-loN Ac. Incount ofa Inner pure hit Freeman, A uctioncer.— Dwelling, Nu. 1515 Summer street. On Wednesday. April s,lB7u,at 12 o'clock. noon, will be sold, at public sale, without reserve , at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described real estate : All that certain two-story brick inesiniage . with attic and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Rummer street. (No. 1515), being le, feet front by 15 feet de«p, to a 2 feet wide alley, and with the nee and privilege of MAW Asc. Possession August 1 Terms-81,4M may remain for 2 yearcand 93(4 for'ono year. trir Sale perensplorY • 2CO to be paid at the time of Palo. J A YIES A. FEEEMAN. itioncer, tnh" x •3l Store.•l2.l Walnut street. SALE BY ORDER OF HEIRS.— Eptato of- it. W. Smith, dsceased—James A s ; Freeman, Auctioneer. Neat Dwelling, 231 am! 53,1 Red• wood street. On Wednesday, April 13th, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon. will ho Hold at public sale, at the Phil:l - ph in Ele Mingo. No. I.—A Ii that not two-story brick house and lot of ground thereto belonging, situate pu the north side of Redwood street, No. 831 ; contain ing in front about 16 fret 8 inches I including a 2! feet alley on the oast), and extending in depth abOut .19 feet. has frame kitchen, gas and butt a. No. 2.—The two-story dwelling Ni.o B:l3Redwood street, adjoining the above, 16 feat front,including half of a 2ji• feet alloy, and about 43 feet deep. Gas introduced. ' fly order of 'lefts, JAMES A. FREEMAN, Anetieneer, mh2i.3l-ap7 Store. 922 Walnut street. fn.BEAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS' Sale.—Handsome Modern Three-story Brick Reel• mace. No. 1023 Wallace stireet, wet of Nineteenth street. —Oll Tuesday, April 9th, 1070. at 12 o'clock ,•noon,will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that TIHNICrn three-story Mick mess an go. with three-story back - building and lot of ground. situate en the north side of Wallace street, west to Nineteenth street, No. 1925 ; containing in front on Wallace street 19 feet- 6 inches, and extending in depth 1,10 fort to tin alley,with the privilege thereof. The hones is well built, and has the modern conveniences ; ha tulsemely painted 1014 papered throughout; hits par lor, dining room imd • 1 lie hen on the first Mier ; com modious oh - ambers, saloon sitting•room, ( with bay Win dow back,)gas, bath, hot and cold water, wuter-closet, (a, noes. cook og . ramign ,,g e. Terni—At6,loo may remain on ground rent. Immediate possession. Heys at. B. F: Olenn's oilier, S. W. corner Seventeenth and Green streets. M. .1:110 - MAS- & SONS, Auctioneers, mh2l 26 ap2 139 & 141 South Fourth street, ing,l • PUBLIC SALE.--THOMAS & SONS' .Auctioneers. Three.story Frame Dwelling, known as the ,• Lincolnhouse,' • Jackson street,' Cape Leland, New Jersey, near the Railroad depot. On Tues day. A mil 26th, 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will he sold at . public IMP, t the PhiladelphiaExchauge all that three story frame thessnage and lot of uunif, situate on the east• side el Jackson street, near -the railroad tllnd-, OnPo LilaDd• NOV .Jersey ; the lot containing in front on Jaekson street 41) feet, and extending in depth 100 feet. It is known as the `' Lincoln llonse,'? is large and well built; contains 18 Chambers,occupied as a summer board• ing-house, and has a bakery attached, with 2 ovens; has gas-pipes, emiking•range, &c. Terms-15A,000 may remain on mortgage. : • Immediate possession. Will be shown by George Young, Cape Island, N'ew Jersey. • M. THOMAS At SONS, Anctioneers, h 11124 up 9 1623 . 139 and 141 South Fourth street. OR' = REAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS' 1011. Pale.—Three-story Brick Dwelling, N 0.1508 Oatha street, west of Fifteenth street.—On TneedaY.A.Pcilfdh, 3870. at 12 o'clock. noon, will be sold at public sale at tho Philadelphia Exchange, all that three-story brick mesanage, with two-story back building, situate on the south aide of Catliarinl street, 119 feet west or Fifteenth street. No.lloB the lot contidniag front on Catha rine street 15 feet, and extending in depth°97 feet 6 in ches to Kates atreet. Tim house has the gas introduced, bath, hit and cold water, cooking-range, , ludnedinto possession. Nay be examined anyday pre vicatii to sale. Subject to a yearly ground rent of $l4l. TIIOIIIAS k SONS, Auctioneers, iiilf24 26111)2 139 and 141 South Fourth street, MM=MM! REAL ESTATE SALEM. ORPIADIS‘;(7QIIRT PoSitive Sale by Thomas A 'Sous 111A11.011110ru, Without Limit or Beams, to (Jiose on Estate, House 620 South Tenth Street, Soya by 100 fold. Particulars and Hays at !motion Wore. 180 tad 141 South leourth Street. , rnh24 itr ' erg PUBLIC; SALE .-, THOMAS 85 SONS, Bratimotioneenk—On Tuesday,' April 19th, IMO, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be &rid pnblio sale, a the Phila delphia • Exchange; the • following described Lots of Groundolz I,_Lesirable Lot N, W. corner of Ilavortord road and Forty-third street: All that lot - of ground, situate at the northwest corner of Haverford regal and Forty•third street; (late Lexington street,/ Twenty. fourth Ward ;thence along Forty -third street' 107 feet 1I•6 inches to ground of Maurice Osthemisr ; thence along the same west 160 feet to a 40 feet wide street ;then along said streeteast 62 feet It inches to the 11 averford road, and thence along said Ifaverford road mist 166 feet tl inches to the place of beginning. Subject toe redeemable ground rent or $lOO. Terms-62 000 may remain on mortgage 3 years.. Nos. 2 one. 3,-I.ot, N. E. eorner of Tnirty.earenth and Locust streets:'No. 2.—A II that lot of ground. situate at the northeast corner of Locust and Thirty-seventh streets, Twenty-seventh Ward 1 containing in front on Locust street 23 fee t, and extending in depth along Thirty•seventh street lOU feet, No. 3—Also, the lot adjoinlog to tho eastward, 25 feet front by 100 feet 'loop. ' Terms—One-third cash ; balance may remain for fire years. M. THOMAS &SONS, Auctioneers, m 1,24 np9 10 139 and 141 South Fourth street 4V4 BEAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS' hale. Seven new twomory Brick DvreHinge, Cornor of Thompson and Bucklns streeta, Drldesburg, Twenty-fifth ,Ward, near the railroads. On Tuesday, April 12th, 1870, at 12 o'clock, soon, will ho sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those 7 new two-story brick dwellings and lot of ground: situate on northwest side of Thompson street, corner of Rocking street, Twenty-fifth Ward; each 112.7 feet front, and extending in depth 67 feet, together with the common use and privilege of a 3 feet wide alley. Bear entrance front linckius street. • The above comprise a row of seven dwellings just com pleted, and well built of best materials ' • OW; have never been occupied. The row has a pressed brick - frout marble door-sills, shatters, blinds and largo glass - Win dows. The bark yards are securely inclosed with *lose board fences and locked gates ;each house is 14 2 7 fent wide byte feet deep, and contains four rooms, besides back piazza, deep, dry cellar under entire house ; cons• medians closets, kitchen dresser, summer oven, stove flues for each room, &x. The stairways aro straight sad inclosed. Terms easy, and will be made known before the sale. Immediate possession. .1100 to be paid on each at time of sale. Each house will be sold separately. 7,1. THOMAS A BONS, Auctioneers. mh24 ap 2 9 139 and 141 south Fourth street. O.RPHANS' b3OUET SALE.--,ESTATE Ea of Joshua haws, decetuted.—Thomas & Sons, Auctioneers. Modern Three-story Brick Dweiling, No. 143 . 1 Lombard btrout, west of Broad street . Pursuant to anortler of the Orphans' Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, will •be sold at public sale, on Tues• day. April 12th,1810, at 12 o'clock. noun. gt the Phila. delphia lizcitang. , , the following described property, late of Joshua Lames, deceased, viz.: AU that lot of ground, with !Ise three•stery brick memoirs, with two• story back buildings and frame kitchen thereon erected, situate on the south side of Lombard street,72 feet east of Fifteenth street, city of Philadelphia ; containing In front on Lombard street la feet, and extending la depth southward of that width 75 feet to a 9-feet wide alley, which leads westward into Fifteenth Street. Subject to the payment of a yearly groutol•rent of Se 7 50 half-yearly, on the Ist of January and July, unto LBO° Schofield, his heirs and assigns. this gab, bath, 110 L and cold -water, cooking•range. immediate possession. Keys at the Auction Rooms. By the Court, JOSEPH MEI/ A RT. Clerk 0. C. CHARLES HENRY HART, Trustee. ' M. THOMAS dr SONS, Auctioneers, na1,24,ap2,9 139 and it! South Fourth street. ett PUBLIC SALE.—THOM AB Sz; SONS, Auctioneerp.—Two-etnry Frame Cottage, Waah• inaton street, between Jefkr.olsl and (1134 en streets,Cl l P.3 Island, Now Jetary,t,o feet front. On Tnewlar, April 2/3, Pau. at 12 o'clock noon, will be mold at publfr aide. at the Philadelphia Exchange. all that twoodosl• (run, cottage, with two-story- back building and fratue situate on the coot beast aide of Waahnorton etroet, ta ern Jeffere-on and Queen atre , te, Cape Wand. New Jerry ; the lot .50 feet front, lUir fret deep. The houew la new, And now being iinihbed. Terme—Belt (310). Intinediato puieesston. Will 1.0 .110W0 aPrliCatloll to Nicholas Corson,Cape Island, New Jerrey. 111., , r111)MAS k SONS, Auetioneere, rah2l p 916 2.1 L3l and 141 South Fourth street. fp itEAL E STATE.—THO AS 0 NS' ..ale —Three-story Brick Dwelling, No.:01 Smith Seventeenth street, above Spruce street. On Tueeday. A pril 12111, lem, at 12 o'clock, noon, will 'be sold at public Bale, At the Philadelphia Exrbanste,all that three story brick Inewsnage and lot of ground. situate on the we s t side of .....•evoitei-nt IL street. corner of V:110) , Otre-t. No.:05; the lot containing In front F. te , t. and cttending h i d e pth al o ng ya r :ey IKtivet 1.3 fail, including hair of a feet wide alley. The house has gas int roluccd, Torlar.—el.roo may nquoin on to .1 rtgag, 111 Clear of all inconibrane.. Pots.fidion May 9th. 1,70. M. T11()1 , 1A uaiZi p 2 9 119 and 141 :iotitit Ft,urtli SEWING MACHINES. THE WHEELER & WILSON . SEWING MACHINES, The Beet and sold on the , Esidest Toms. PETERSON & CARPENTER, 914 CHESTNUT STREET. to th lyrp MISCELLANEOUS. 131.11A,NAD MINERAL SPRING WATER Pamphlets giving analysis, certificates of eminent physicians' and other gentlemen may be had of our Wholesale Agents, JOHN WYETH & BRO., Druggists, 1412 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. f4a2. to th 3nirps LAW AND PATENT OFFICES. FRANCIS D. PASTORIUS, Attorney-at-law, SOLICITOR OF PATENTS, No. 418 WALNUT STREET. PATENTS PROCURED FOR INTENTIONS And all briefness relating to the fume promptly trans acted. Call or fiend for Circular on Patents. - mh2o-a to fb lyrpft FRED. SYLVESTER, REAL ESTATE BROKER, 20S SOUTH FOURTH STREET, dermyra JAMES M. SCOVEL, Lawyer, CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY. whll3 10trp* • EDWIN it. FITLER . .t3 Cordage Manufacturers and Dealers in Hemp, 23 N. Water Street and 22 N. Delaware Avenue PHILADELPHIA. EDWIN H. SITLER. CONRAD Y. CLOTHIER ri WARBITETON'S IMPROVED, vnt Jam Mated and easy fitting Dress Hats (patented) in 1111 the approved fashions of the season. Ohestnnt street, next door to the Post-anice. ood.tfrp Al A k i r i n l i g d ( e l. rie l g V ll l l . 2ll,. hr lN B l l?n E pTut ill e tt. A. '3.5.11t itEY, "1800 Filbert street. MOIS.KLESS CARPET' W EP II:RS, 1 . with Fiat ing mackinaw at minced priesq. Clothes wringers, with ratent'rolls that will not twist oil. Sold by GRIFFITH & PAGE, 1004 Arch street. ' DEILADELPHIA SURGEONS' BAND AGE INSTITUTR,I4 N. Ninth st.mbovo Market. B. C. •EVEIIETT'S Truss positively oures Rupturos. Cheap Trnsses, Elastic Belts, Stockings, Supporters, Shoulder- Braces, , Crutches,Suspensories, Pile Band aces.. Ladies attendedto livkirs. E. OSIN AND SPIRITS TURPENTINE —3lB barrels Rosin, At barrel's' Spirits Turpentine now binding front steamer Pioneer. from AV ilmOigom N. C., and for sale by CIOCURAN, RUSSIOLL ;&'OO,, 111 Chestnut street. - RI - CE.-100 CASKS OAItOLISta RICE. In store and for stile byr COCHRAN. RUSSELL `& CO., 111 Chestnut street. • _. RICE. -60 CASKS CAROLINA .RICE now landing from steameri .1. W. Everman; from Charleston, B. C.. anti fortato by 0001.11.1,&N, RUSSELL &co 111 Cluvitnut st, cuisakeriED OFFER FOR SALE $2 000,0 Pennsylvania' Central Railroad Co. General Mortgage 'SIX PER CENT. BONDS tAt 92 i. 2 and Interest added to date of purchase, • All free from State Tax, end issued In sums of $l,OOO. Theo B,onde are:pou pen ehd.r.h3glotered, Lutereet ea the • ' tontior payable Jarluary and July, tho' , • ' latter April arid Ocitohor. Tho hondo aectirwl by thin mortgage aro leaned WISTAR 1110111118 and JOAIATI BACON, trind4oio l who cannot, under' itll piotblione, deliver 'to filet/Oka pony, at any Moo, an amount' of Londe'exceeding tbel fall-paid capital Mock: of tita Compauy—lintfted to cm. 000,000, . Enough of these bonds are withheld to pay off all sor istiug liens upon the property of the Company, to 'MINS which at maturity It now bolds ample means ludepend. ently of the bonds to be reserved by the 'Trustees for that purpose, making the bonds practically a FIRST 'MORTGAGE avow all its railways, their eaulptnettt, real estate, eltc. • ' Tho gross rovenuo of the Pennsylvania Railroad la waa 6 . 17A11,311, or nearly twouty7eight per cont. of the capital and debts of the c`ompany at the end of that year: Since ISO the diridetulsOo the Stockholderm have averaged:nearly elevesranit tate•half per cent. per nun nta' aft or paytax interest 011 its bond* and pissing annual* a large amount to the credit of construction account. The security upon which the bond. are batted Is, thank fore, of the most ample character, and places them on a. par with the very best national securities. For farther particulara, apply to Jay Cooke & Co., E. W. Clark & Co., Drexel & Co., C. & H. Boric, W. 11. Newbold, Son & Aertsen. inlil9l2trps THE 130NDS OF THE Chicago, Danville & ViLICOMIN RAILROAD CO. Upon examination' WU be found to be THE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST YET OFFERED TO THE PVIIIK. THIS WILL HE BORNE OUT BY The rich country the Road tra verses, with its agricultural and mineral resources; - The cash subscribed to the Capi tal Stock; The excellence of the 55 miles already built, and ifs full equip ment ; The plans completed and money expended for vigorous finishing of the Line in the Spring; The excessive earnings to ac crue from the completion of the whole line: The ample Sinking Fund for the certain redemption of the Bonds: The very liberal interest, run ning over a term of 40 years; The security afforded by Regis try ; The Moitgage covering the en tire Road, Equipment, Franchises and all Property, present and fu ture—indeed the security of twice the amount of Bonds issued; The low currency price they are now offered at. All this is verified in detail in the com plete Pamphlet, which can be bad of us. - We KNOW these Bonds to be good, arid we know the character and capacity of the Company's estimates can be implicitly re lied upon to give these Bonds the highest standard. We therefore freely and fully recommend them. W. BAILEY LANG & CO., MERCIIAN'TS, No. 54 CLIFF STREET, NEW YORK, Agents fur the mita of the Beside BE HAVEN & BRO., 40 Sonth Third Street. to th I Stry§ COLEBROOKDALE RAILROAD First Mortgage Bonds, Due 1898. Priucipal and Interest Guaranteed by Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Co.. Six Per Cent., free filen all tax. We are authorized to otTer at 823,1, and interest accrued from December 1, the balance of about 8.300.000 of the bonds. second by a Fir:a Mortgage. noon alt Nis pron•rty Of Mc Coltbrookdale Railroad Company, and guaranuid abmdataly, both as to Principal and inteiest,by the Phan dt; phia and Re.aa iii Railroad Company. C. d.: 11.110E1E, No. 3 Merchants' Exchange. W. H. NEWBOLD,SON AERSTEN, N. E. cor. Dock and 'Walnut Sts. 1111117411 DREXEL & CO., N 0.34 South Third Street. American and Foreign Bankers. Issue Drafts and Circular Letters of Credit, ' available on presentation in any part of Europe. Travelers cat make all their 'financial ar rangements, through us, and we will collect their interest and dividends without charge. ORE'XEL, WINTHROP & CO., NOW York. HARJES it CO., Paris. JAS. S. NEWBOLD & SON, BILL BROKERS AND GENERAL FINANCIAL AGENTS., 126 South Second Street. 10114 tf t , , )O - AL LYKENS VALLEY COAL ESPl ciollr for 'open gram ' Also, 'Lehigh, Schuylkill and tiliiimokin Conl.. For solo by, GALLLOWAY O. MORRIS, & CO., - Offico,2ol4 Walnut street. Yard, Twelfth tool Washington avenue. fe26.s to tit Inirp'i Wharf, foot of Tasker'street. a ;;~',~:
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