. - „ . , , „ ~„„.„,,,„z ; „ , , , . 4 ., .. ... , .„„.,,,,.,,,,,,. ,„, , , ~,.., . 4 ~ r,„ . 2 .- --- z , ; ,..: ...,..„..,,,, ~,,....., ..„ ~.-,.....,i.. -417 , . nrinArrantionnonation p , .....05tne.5.v < and.nnf0nin . T . Annr11 < 6.,„.........0.0,...4...,..." ' - --"""" "'",""-"*'''''''''', 1 . ; 1 i s . . . . .. - r - . . , . r , • s . ;, NI Q , _.— ' f THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN---THILA I)ELPHIA SA 'TURD AY MARCH' 12, M 1 ~ ~....... - - AINIISENIDNIIIII. Gray WolrsFe for,ced the information that FINANCOL. , .0': i. „• 0 r,11. - 7r 77 v, 01 .ir s „ ~ ~#, , 7,- 1 ,I'.i ,tf cl-i 1 Black Eagle and, Big Horn with the main - , . s - - .1. .i .. f - '1 -The French Dramatic Company produced ,' camp of the Piegans, wore at Bend, eight THE ElClalVlCalliall' 4 ' at the Amateurs" Draw ing Room, last even-, miles down the river, and , that Mountain , es -s aa , , , ; ~ ..a 1(.1 I . t I ing, a three act piece called Miss Mutton, taken ; Chief, with a few warriors, was Camped ' a few ' OF THE I . , from the story of East Lynne, though not re- miles further down. 0 . fik sem bling the English dramatization with ' The command at once started on full gallop • & • . Chicago Danville ' Vincennes , , which theatre-goers are familiar. Mme. for Black Eagle's camp, and found the dis- . . , . ..1 Moreau 's acting iu the part of the wife and lance about 16 miles; this theyhad covered by RAILROAD AD CO. mother personating a governess was full of 7 o'clock A. M., when they burst like a hurri- . pathos and intelligence, and totally free from cane upon the camp, which they found to . . rant. Upon examination‘will be foun end extravagant . M. Moreau and •M. consist of 32 lodges, 11 on the north and 21 on dto be Roueseau were also very good. In the vendee the south side of the river. The Indians at- „ . Ville called Les Pettles Miscres dela Vie Burnaine tempted resistance, and fired a few shots, one THECHEAPEST AND THE BEST M. Edgard was exceedingly droll. This even- of there taking effect on a soldier of Company ing there will be an extra performance, L, Second Cavalry,killing him instantly. This YET OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. Black Silks at Specie Prices. ' '', ~ . ~, ;,, , ,„ ~, i , , when will he given Le Meurtrier de Thiodore, so infuriated the command that they at once THIS WILL BE BORNE OUT BY . , or "Who Killed Cock Robin ?-a comedy in put an end to resistance by charging right in , three acts. On Monday evening Sardou's among the tepees, and shooting down evert The richcountry the Road tra comedy, La Popillonne, will be produced. M. one they could find. . Juignet has been induced to undertake another The work of slaughtering continued for verses, with its agricultural and v,vening Silks at Specie Prices. season of a week, commencing next Thursday, about three houns, when the troops could find mineral resources; , the subscription list for which is open at 11 r. no more Indians to kill, except a few squaws The cash subscribed tothe Capi- . • • , , Boner's mutate store, No. 1102 Chestnut street. and papooses ; these they made prisoners, to- . • . The Company has lost money, and we hope gether with Wolftail l a notorious chief, whom tal Stock; that the new list will be so full as to in- they afterward killed. The results of the ex- The excellence of the 55 miles Japanese Silks at Specie Prices. ~,, . , , . dernnify it for such loss, and show a handsome . pedition have been variously stated by the _, ' `balance in iIA fiver.' Our - FreliCh Cliiiena, differentaiewspepers; tint - the correct result is v.aready built,, and its full °VIP - • very few of whom are seen in the audience, as follows : 176 Indians counted dead on the ment ; should endeavor to assist their talented and de- field; .39 lodges destroyed with all their pro- The plans completed and money serving compatriots by liberal subscriptions. perty; over 300 horses captured, among them Black Alpacas at Specie Prices. ' -At the Chestnut, to-night, Mr. C. A. Mc- some stolen stock. Big Horn, Red Horn, expended for vigorous finishing of Manus, a first-rate actor and a worthy gentle- Heavy Runner, Wolftail and Spotted Wolf, the Line in the Spring; ‘ ' i ' - min, will have a benefit in a bill which will chiefs, were all killed. Black Eagle managed The excessive 'earnings to ac include Everybody's Friend, The liu-/flux Klan to escape, but we afterward found out from • „ and Iles Jack Sheppard. the Bloods that he was wounded. true from the completion of the -At the Walnnt, to-night, Mr. Fechter as • whole line • 7 Colored dklpa,cas at Specie ' Prices. ~ " Hamlet." On Monday, Ruy Bias. CITY BULLETIN. The ample Sinking Fund for the -Lott' will aPpear at the Arch, this even- ~., / ii3ONCLUSION OF THE BAILEY AND I-LASEL- certain redemption of the Bonds; ing, in the The Dille Detective. TINE ART-SALE.----The sale of pictures which The very liberal interest, run- ' MnPresis Cloth Poplins at Specie I Prices.. .. , , . ,, ! -The , American Theatre offers for this terminated last night at the Haseltine Gal -1 , . . , : .. , , . r evening a first-rate variety entertainment. series is thought to have been the largest in ning over a term bf 40 years • 7 , -Signor . Blitz and Theodore Blitz will give money value yet held in Philadelphia. The The security afforded by Regis - • exhibitions of magic and legerdemain at As- company participating represented the whole try; Black. G-renadines at Specie Prices. , , sembly Buildings this evening. fraternity of connoisseurs In Philadelphia, itgage covering the en - -A first-rate performance is offered at the with a number from other cities and Euro- The Dto l , Circus, at Teliat and Cailowhill rtreets, to- pean representatives, forming such an aSSOM- tire Road, Equipment Franchises , ' night. blage as has scarcely attended at an auction and, all Property present and fu- , . „, -" The Nine Muses" will be exhibited at here previously. The liveliest days of the ' 4 . • jiiltri.ped Grren.adines at Specie Prices. Ear le's Galleries a few days longer. Parisdliitel Drouot are imitated at such a t ore - indeed 'the security of twice , . -At the Eleventh Street Opera House , to- sale , and the amount of Bonds i the competition, to a ... mere looker-on, issued . , is amusing in the extreme. mr. Scott, tne night a number of novelties are offered in an The low currency price they are auctioneer, was kept hard at work, the bid excellent bill. , ders of Philadelphia being, it is said, especially now offered at. All Dress Goods at Specie Prices. .- ~. , • ~. -A firseclass minstrel performance will be reserved and " backward in coming forward,' ' .A.ll this is Terilled in detail in the'com- given by Dupree & Benedict's troupe, at the even when•they intend to secure a lot by a plete Pamphlet, which can be bad of us. I . Seventh Street Opera House this evening. 3iberal bid. • The prices obtained for the whole -At Concert Hall to-night the very hand- collection of 146 pictures amounted to about 'We KNOW these Bonds to be good, and , edme panorama of " The Pilgrim's Progress" $32,000. We have only space to enumerate we know the character and capacity of the Nirhite floods at Specie Prices. will be exhibited. a few brought at last night's sale. The " Love . , . -This evening Mr. B. F. Duane will deliver Letter," by Meyer von Bremen, (121) was sold Company's estimates can be Implicitly re. a comic lecture at Assembly Buildings. for $1,326 to Mr. Gibson. The "Jupiter and lied upon to give these Bonds the highest ,; Cone 'Thousand Dozen Napkins at` Specie PriCeis. -At the Academy of Music, on Monday Antiope, by Gustav Muller, (128) for sl,2Etti, standard. We therefore freely and rally night next, Professor Henry Morton will re- to the same. The' Windstorm," by o.Achen , peat, with handsome new experiments, his baoh, (125) for $1,200, to the same. The " Bre- recommend them. lecture on " Solar Eclipse ;" in response to a iner-haven," by Herzog, (106 ) for s7es, to Mr. NV BAILEY LANG & C O ., very earnest requests from a number of McAllister. The "Ave Maria," by Salentin, Linen. 'Table Cloths at Specie Prices. prominent citizens. (78) for $405, to Mr. De Vue. The " Atlantic Beach," by James Hamilton, (108) for $l6O. MERCHANTS, . The "Court Jester," by Zamagois, (113) for • THE LOSS OF THE ONEIDA. YORK, $345, to Mr. Shaw. The "Objects of An," by No. 54 CLIFF STREET, NEW _ . . •- _ .. - -w Awn . . 9 eseolre. 0191 for $,160,A0 Mr. Mercer. The _.„,.._te fc: iliz ,talz -.:.: :11. - :. ne.ele. T Avian_ romp( .:. . • - ; .- •:-I 2- • , , sbifeld Describing the - Catssiroilie.-- "Arab Scouts," by Schreyer, (110, for $5OO, to - . How He Fortunately Escaped. Mr. Wolff. The "Maternal Love," by Lejeune, DEHAVEN 8c HER BROT, , (From the Boston Transcript, March 10,) (122) for $5OO, to Mr. Mercer. Numbers of We are permitted to copy the following in- caaivaltes brought prices ranging from one 4o South Third Street. , 1 teresting extracts from a letter writtee to his hundred to three hundred dollars. All • Linen Goods at Specie Prices. mhb e to th 'tarp§ sister byMr. W. W. Crowninehield, the clerk Mr. Scott will hold another large sale of. of Captain Williams,. of the United States pictures in April. steamer Oneida. It will be observed that Mr. ___-__ • .....- Crowninshield got out of the cabin window, WHITMAN'S C ONFE CTIONS.-The great, con over the stern to the poop deck, and thence fections manufactured by Messrs. Stephen F. Plan° and Table Covers at Specie Prices.. . gained the quarter-deck and bridge previous Whitman & Son, SW. corner of Twelfth and ' AT 95, • • -- , , • to the vessels' sinking. This seems to render Market streets, maintain their great sale at all it conclusive that the Bombay did not go en- times and seasons. tirely over the Oneida, but must have backed away from her before continuing on her heed- . BURNETT'S • Cocomenahe best hair-dressing FREE OF GOVERNMENT TAX, white Quilts at Specie Prices. , = less course : in the world, is unsurpassed for loss of hair, , YOKOHAMA, Japan, Wednesday . , January irritation of the scalp, and dandruff. ISSUED BY THE , ' 26,1870.-The Oneida is no more! hut, thank Heaven,'! am one of the survivors of an awful•• • ' , catastrophe. 'We started two days ago with • CITY .NOTICES. ' Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Min- ' Blankets at Specie Prices. , our ship for Hong Kong, and in two hours our good vessel was at the bottom-having been nesota Railroad Company, . I , OAKFORD'S stock of fine Ha t s and Caps are run into by an English steamer belonging to it' lower thaninthe the Peninsula and Oriental Company. Altera " ee l % and got a rg a a n rn . city. drowned but Dr. Suddards, Mr. 'Yates, the Stores, under the Continental First Mortgage and Convertible, Ladies' Cloakings at Specie Prices" . boatswain, fifty-two men and myself. NEW STYLE • My escape was most miraculous. At the English Spring-bottom Pantaloons AND PROTECTED BY A. . time of the collision I was asleep in the cabin, Now being introduced by on the transom, at about 10 minutes to 7 in the CHARLES 5T0E158,824 Chestnut street. LIBERAL SINKING FUNK. • . Fancy Cloths at Specie Prices. evening. The steamer struck us near the fore HELMEOLD'S EXTRACT Buono and Da- \ , part of the cabin. I found myself on the floor, ,•novgai Ross WAAH cures secret and delicate disorders . ' just coming to from being stunned, and on . In all their stages, at little expense, little or no charge Interest Payable in Coin at New York or . . _ opening my eyes I saw the whole stern was' ianntdiientletienconvenience and no exposure. It landeas and odor, immediate in Reaction, free London. Principal Payable in . cut off and all exposed to the starlight. rom all injurious properties. Coin in Flit: Years. Black Cloths at Specie Prices. I had sense enough to climb out of the stern over to the spar-deck, and to look down into WALLED IN WITH PAPER !-Why ' are the • • - ~.- the cabin to see if Captain Williams was hair-coloring preparations kept dark I Simply because ----' • there, but could not see him; I seized aca the light decompose• them and exposes their foul sail. p ment. Hence the bottles are jacketed with paste and TRUSTEES,. , within reach and put it on, with the strap 1111- Raper, PEALoses VITALIA, OR SALTATION FOR THE der my chin; I had on a thick suit, overcoat n AIR, out the other hand, is ae clear and transparent in J. EDGAR -THOMPSON, President Penn- Black Doeskins at Specie Prices° . „ •„,,,,,,,, c , the color et i hile t i e me in bi t e t i ltado.lt revives the natural and boots ' I went to the quarter-deck, met. fibre, and does not stain the sylvania Railroad Company. I.i Paymaster Tullock, and inquired how the . So l d ever y by all druggists and fancy goals dealers. ~ disaster happened ; I met Captain Williams CHAS. L. FROST, President Toledo, Peoria . ' and told him how serious the damage was ;he HELNIBOLD'S FLUID' EXTRACT BUCHU is and Warsaw Railroad Company. • 1 pleasant i te and odor, from all injurious was going on the bridge ; I spoke to one or Men's and Boys' Ca,ssinteres at Specie Prices. two more officers, and, ending the ship was t andmmediate in h iedtson. proper ICS,_____ ......, _ ~.......... sinking, I went into the main rigging, and in MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR are re- These Bonds, at present price of gold, yield over 9 per . five minutes our good ship commenced to sink gained by BELMEOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHIL cent. interest, and as an investment they are fully .., rapidly ; I was ten feet above the rail; m Becnr as V .S 15-20's, which now only pay 6,‘ per cent, I . . To THE CDNSUNETIvn -Let those who lan when she had sunk SO as to have the' guieb under the fatal sever i ty . of our climate through in currency . S . Water reach me, I pushed myself as far away any pulmonary complaint, or oven those who are in de- from the ship as 1 could, but the vortex carried eided consumption, by no means despair. There Is a 1 They are only issued upon each section of the Road as me down, and it was a long time ere I came to !Tl`Vitad, sure remeily f at hand. and one easily tried. as feet as the same is completed and in successful opera '/. o s Compound o cm Lictr Oiland Lime " with the surface. When I did I saw nothing of the out possessing the very nauseating flavor of the Oil as don. Over two and a half millions of dollars have been • ship, but many heads above water. I saw one heretofore used, is endowed by the phosphate of lime expended on the Road. Eighty-three miles aro about , ( m f e c ti ac il ot h is ealip e g nk p a r z W e y te w s t i k on renders of t i l t i: e o fl i i i c doubly of our boats near by me, and had justetreng th completed and equipped, and. already show large earn enough to reach her. I was pulled on board be exhibitCd to those who desire to see them. If'o l r 3 ::a u fe! ings ; and the remainder of the line is rapidly program, RID exhausted, and found Mr. Yates with thirty- by A. D. WiL BOR, Chemist, N 0.160 Court street, Bovton. . • - seven of the crew on board. RELMBOLD'S We steered for EXTRA log toward completion. ~.. 9 ' Cr Bucffu gives health the nearest laud, four miles away as well as I drifter to the frame and bloom to the pallid cheek. The State of lowa, through which this road runs, Is r could judge. I was nearly frozen, • anti soon and is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, one of the richest ag ri cu lt ura l sec ti onsilts N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS. had a chill ; but after a while we came near and if no treatment is aubmil to, consumption, in' the beach, and made a landing in the surf, n America. . unity, or epileptic fits ensue. large population, extending with surprising rapidity, ~_ a , where I WES jast able to get ashore, being CHOCOLATE CARAMSL.-Very fine. and its immense yield of grain, pork, wool and other ag- - very Stiff With the cold. We reached a jape- -, - STEPHEN P. WHITMAN, ricultural products, create a pressing demand for the , GROCERIES. LIQUORS, &C. GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. TRAVELERS' GUIDE! ' nests village, and found shelter and rest for the S. W. corner Twelfth and Market streets. construction of this road, which affords the best possible 111 PERIM PTORY SALE. - THO lii AS night, twenty-eight miles from Yokohama. ------'"--- - - I. ADIES' RATS. MINSES' HATS.-The most guarantee for the bondholders, especially as the line The Celebrated 1 . „ - jurIz . & Sons, Auctioneers.- On Tuesday, April Bth, 1 70, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at pubibs salt, with- , aly heart is too full to tell you more of my- exquisite styles. Selling at prices lower than elsewhere. oetreserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the follow- , self, although all I had went down in the ship. oeeeoana, rune through the wealthiest and most thickly populated . ins described properties, TIC : No. 1.-Very desirable Capt. Williams acted HS bravely as he has Under the Continental. section of the State. The road also runs through the rich and growing Slate country•seat, mansion ,39 acre., Washington lane, Ger always done. He would not leave his post on FOR NON-RETENTION OR INCONTINENCE 00 MPA GNIE COLONIALE ~,,„,,,„„... the township. road :and Limekiln' of Urine, irritation, inflammation, or ulceration of the 4r Minnesota. Reference to the map of the United turnpike. anti .ti mile of the NI aseongton Lane Station , the bridge, although he was almost pulled CIJRRANT ► WINE - , . on the Germantown Railroad. All that very desirable bladder, or kidneys, diseases of the prostate glands, - away, and when urged e y ai r . Y a t es, replied, steno in the bladd"r, calculus, gravel or brick-duet do- etatee w ill show that i t traceries the MOH eacerprisittg .. country-seat, situate on the westerly aide of Washing- ' "l go down with my ship." A petty officer posits, and all diseases of the bladder, kidneys and cinet pouring portton of the West, and forms one of the • ton e nano , m p r o comprising e m e e area' 29 "" ti n s b and otan t l l a l l e l •y r. c • b i t 1 t o f t w g o r ?a un t° r I4I Y . urging him to go, he grasped the iron rail and drops i cal swellings, . CHOCOLATE. stone (rough-oast) roc...nage, with double two-story said, -No, this is my place,and here I remain." USE BELXIBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT Bucutt. gnat trunk lines in direct communication with New ALBERT C. ROBERTS. l ' o a ge b i r itittli' i w i t t i a l i tll e:Tl " ..l7wlt2ton fir ifSp o ec r o ; nil God bless him ! the country: and the world York, Chicago and St. Louis, being to the latter city SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RESTORED BY floor, with attics ; large cistern, supplied by a hydraulic have lost a noble officer, who died rather than pinery miles nearer from Northern /OMR and all p er- Our Second importation of tide great " ram,2 cooking-ranges, porch, dm. ; stone barn and car leave what he considered his post of duty. BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BIICHU. cages-hOllOO, ice -house, spring-hosise, summer-house, This heroic conduct was followed by every , ENGLISH ROT - Cnoss Beres-- - -fresli, daily-at lions of the State of Minnesota than by any other road now built or projected, and also the neareet route from HYGIENIC CHOCOLATE Dealer in every ascription of Fine Groceries, hot.heniees, planted with elegant grepery ; stone tene ment-hone°. chicken-house, pumps of good water. large officer and man on board the ship ; not a soul Moree'S, 902 Arch and 238 South Eleventh Street , lawn, planted with evergreen,' ; fish pond, vegetable gar who had a station left it, but faced death in central and Southern lowa. ENFFEBT ED AND DELICYTE CONSTITU- The road le opened for local traffic as rapidly as con- , den, variety of fruit tress, &c. such a manner that makes me fee) proud ; we Has Just arrived. The above is beautifully situated ; has a front of sea tion'n, of 'bOth'sexes, use BELMBOLD . 'S E XTRACT 4 BUCHU, feet on Washington lane, and in the immediate vicinity were Americans, and were it not for you all It u ill give brisk and energetic feelings, and enable you strutted, and thus RECEIVES EARNINGS ON ITS Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets, - ---- of very elegant county seats and residences ; convenient at home, I could wish I was locked in their to sleep well. to the railroad station and driving roads. Has fronts on COMPLETED SECTIONS GREATLY IN EXCESS MITCHELL di =MEE arms. Through all that I have passed during Cor LATE CARAMEL -Particularly nice. OF THE AMOUNT NEEDED TO PAY THE IN- 1 " ' Silver Flint I, 7 streets( when cut through); will be very valuable for my life, nothing has made such an impression Manufact ured jiO by . building tote. Tenon cash. Sale absolute. . upon me. I can see each and every face Of STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, TEREST UPON ITS BONDS BEFORE THE bT0.1204 CHESTNUT STREET. , far .Imtnedlate possession. , those who have gone, and they all loved each B. W. corner Twelfth and Market streets. ROAD IS FINISHED. The buyer cif these Bonds is 6141717 1f0.2.-Valuable farm, 30 scree , Washington lane, ad ,_--...------- ether so much ! They were proud of their TARE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND UNSAFE therefore guaranteed, by a great business already in exist- - joining the above. All that •valuable farm of 30 acre., country, and took such interest in its pros- eomedies for unpleasant and dangerous disease,. U se en ce on the route of the road, as well as by now current 1 BIT C IC.. 1 1 V .H EA. T, situate ea the westerly side of Washington lane, adjoin ing the above on the north. The improvement. are a peaty ! In that devoted baud there were nisi. unotn's EXTRACT BOUM AND iSIFROVED ROSE ' substential dwelling bonito, stone barn and out-build many thoughts, but only one heart. WASH. .----............--- risings, and has not to risk any at the contingencies i CHAMPAGNE. him fruit trees, about 4,4 i acres of woodland, strew ei water runs through the place, &e. The Oneida was the favorite ship of the To QUIET, soothe and relieve the pain of whtch always attend, the opentng 4t t' roa d s i n a ae , and Terms cash. Ss/. absolute. . station. Could you see what the popular feel- 1 c iildren teething, use BOWHIOS INFANT CORDIAL. S o ld thlSSltied CORM/T. '''''''' S6r The tenant , ktr.Dickeen,will show both plum ing was here from every one, you would think by all druggists. 1 ' A limited quantity only of these Bonds ERNEsT THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. A plan showing hew it may be divided into square.' of all /eyed the ship and her officers better than THE GLORY OF MAN IB STRENGTH.-There- IRROY , ground may be seen at the eviction room,. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, Win 1928 apt VS and 341 South Fourth street. I did. We left the port under the most favor- fore the nervous and debilitated should immediately use are now offered at 96. , able auspices , the ship homeward bound. All BisLIIDOLD'SEXTR ACT BrCHI7. ........... fil - REAL ESTATE.-THOMAS & SOI.O the men-of--war cheered usalie merchant ships Colors, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully i AISI4 a thorough investigayotoidooopfaa:fili inceogt:chnloouviulosetivriaoteloirty: 6 al i eik, CCOe'S MN &tic-Modern three story brick Reiddence, No. dipped their flags, telling us of their good treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 918 Chestnut street. DAVIS & RICH _ AR lil2 Wallace treet, above Eleventh street. On Tuesda, Is wishes fora safe and pleasant p asse " h ome , Charges moderate, I Marc o übli s 2 sib; h . a l gi t t ° ll e l P t But in one hour NO were facing dee& as only D , BLINDNESS AND .....ATAltnn RAFNESI9 B il nl P ' r a i n s4 t,o w n e ord e i c a o g m a m b e e n o d lu t ta ho sa se fe S t e Blanche and Special darn three-story brick wistaeuage, with. three-story doe- Americans can do, for riot a murmur, not a treated with tho utmost sucCess, by J . ISAAC S, It. D", liberal rate of interest. All marketabl e securities at ' their full price, free of com mission and express charges , , b la na o' e s i l p o h ck ia , B a x e c o u t ng w e a . l au b e t h a a o t id m a o ! We back buildings and lot of ground situate on the era was heard when the good ship Oneida and Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Hat (his seeci- FRUITY AND GENEROUS WINES I south side of Wallace street, west of Eleventh street, (which had done her duty through the war) ally) i n the Medical Colicge of Pennsyl vania, sylventa, 12 years ex- received in payment. Pamphlets and mans furnighed and extending in depth IDS feet, more or letie• to Perienre. No. 806 Arc h street. Testimonials can be seen oh a lication ARCH AND TENTH STREETS. 1,28 riff .Leknon street-2 fronts. The Immo had marble veeti- , and 4 china- was sinking, and every one knew that meant at his office. The medical 'faculty are invited to ac- I pp . Fully equal to the beet on all the list of huh, saloon parlor, dining room,-kitchen and summer death. Through all my experience during the company their patients, as he has no secrets in his prac tice. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No chargt . war, I saw nothing to compare with it. But .it Champagues. kitchen on the first floor ; sitting room, saloon chamber, . for examination . HENRY CLEWS &CO . • ' REAL ESTATE SALES. cannot write more-my hearth] too full. Shall , ' •D FOB SALE AT THE AGENTS' PRIEM IT ' - li b e a r t e ti o r r a third and Ae s id REAL EsTATE.-TRoMAs & SONS' water, cooling rang, heater, ac. i I ever get over it'! is what I ask myself. FIELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT \ . , ossession. MOND/kV Jan. 31, 1870.-The investigation Beene BANKERS, , Mel sale.-Desirable three-etory brick Residence, No. Ih tliM iate or all incumbrance. . dra 1 gs slowl'y along. Last evening they found BE MBOLD'S I" Great turette. - s o 1 g g h c e g.tit A x ifl ) EXTRACT SARSAPA E.BRADFORD CLARKE, 411 Spine •street, west 0 Fourth street. On Tuesday, IT sin April f.th, 1876, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at pute 6 11 " jg " i r ieme towemain on mortgage. o to r r ; e g r a ta l or at e rod is s u e& c or b il 4 o tb or , , hot and cold OXAB & SONS, Auctioneer., the ship, and have marked the spot. The ends RILLA L ' ',oh 30211 -' . Maud 141 Sout h Fourth street. of the masts are visible some foot or two at Is the Great Blood Purifier. No. 32 Wall Street ~ ern three-story Prick meeenage, with three-story back ,Both are prepared 'according to rules of Pharmacy low water. No bodies have been found yet; and Chemistry, and are the most active that can he 8. W. con Broad and Walnut. building and lot of ground, situate on the north /this Age REAL ESTATE.-THOMAS & SONS' but it hi hardly time for any to appear, the mile. 015 th stl ash in. of Spruce Street, west of Fourth street, No. 411; con water and weather being SO cold. lu a day or _____.-___ .---- tabling in front en Spruce street 19 foot 435 lethal, and eateadia . 1 2 d e p t h 102 feet. - ii,''' l to l° 26F i n 1 :l e i rerrT:iiirti and 1.302: T 1 r t i l e r e d e a ss t j ar , t4 M rt r 'a b r ße ci v ri t e , 11 D lB7l/ Twene , ti t ag i ntantially built, has gas, batk,hot and coki wateraange, o'clock, nova, will be sold at public sale, at the Phila two we shall have the melancholy ditty of 2, 3 u 24 / 43 " illsraymaxTe and drufifil- 13 18' sun- BOW EN & FOX ie. dePekia xchange, all these 3 new threeatory brick identifying them, as all Japanese fisherm en cu ' elk y I. LANDSBERGER & CO Coe Oirolesir of all Membranes,. me4,414811e11. withe, two-etorar i bach buildings and lot of S9lo9l7Mtle & BROTHER S have orders, under penalty of death• to bring . 23 South Eighth street. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, we ed, situate on the eonth side of Tae h k b o; h6ao s t tre fam e nt t d , d ‘ oe v eo ; all effects saved to I okohama. W. W. C. . NO. 1$ MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. CALIFORNIA WINTIS, mhl2 10 20 159 and 141 Sonth Fourth street- of Teuth street; No 1020 Is 18 feet front, and 63 feet deep; — ip-N — REAJ., ESTATE.-THOHAS,& SONS' • T 1 41 21 'at e a s n a d re l°34 ner, e ha eit ve's li at t p e i s p t s f e r , o n b t t:t ITHE PILO AN MASSACRE. ILES, RASPS, HAMMERS, CALM- 'fall t miilern MU Eloile.-Ilodern Three-etory Brick Dwelling, i'. 1.0 . , yr ear ter, s2 ranfa m , A a ci pore, Qom asses , Punches, Cold Chisels. Hand _. .._. - Champagne, Iteisling, Zanfadel, White, remain on mortgage on each. A Oraphie Account. gm Iron Washers, and other Hardware and Tools for VETIIIE DISH CLOTHS Olt CH-AIN. ea Crown etreet 4 above Race street., Qin Tuesday, The following extracts are from I 1 et Meohaniee, for sale by 'TRUMAN & SHAW, No, 836 lf 2 S courers, for cleaning the Weide of bolters and Red) Angelica, Port and Wine WOO% • march 22,1, 1870, at 12 osaock, aeon, will be all at air" Clear of incumbrance. , t e, er (Eight Thirty' lye ) Market street. below Ninth. public saki, at the Philadelphia Exchange , all that Immediate' pouseseloa. May be examined any day, , written by one of Col. Baker's command: other cooking utensil., removing the neeessity of FOR SALE BY THE PRINCIPAL GBOOEBS AND modern three story brick messuage, with three-storY previous to ea e. __ At daybreak, on tho morning of the q3d, F OR — BROILING — SHAD THE WIRE ex h a e ryv h i e tp t t.: . ibi a • n keir w i r e ro s e:jos :with sand or LIQUOR DEALERS- oft ba building and lot aground, situate 011 the weet tilde st: THOMAS a SONS, Auctioneers, au able articleof Crown street, north of Race taros*, No. asi ; , cop aina - Imhl2 19 26 139 and 141 South Fourth street. Broilaile preferable to a Gridiron, as both aides we struck the Marina river, about GO miles For sale b y TRUMAN 4 ti n HAW, No, 835 ( Ei g ht ~ Jab l lb • a tii WI •, and sits , ybe conked without changing the fish, and thusl ing front on Crown etreet 17 feet 10 inches .......,, i . t Tbirty.fivel market street, below Ninth. south of the British possessions, and came Tiltaking •it in pieces. It. therefore, looks nicenpou lV HER S A Y BIZ 1(l , tending in depth 87,45 feet. It his parlor, dining I.°_oni, . /1 , , ‘. , wio -- tp -- 14 - 0 upon A tepee, *coupled by Gray Wolf slid your table. ,It is also of use in tousling bread , broihng p , HORSE COVERS, FUR ROBES , if 1' Lent in the Episcopal Churches. , and kitchen on the first floor, giteir Cooking MUM, %'. V at par oninortgage. his &ugly, numberi n g . in all 15, who were "" k° ' '11(1)6' etc. Seem al shies for Hale by TRUMAN end Horse attar. All kinds. None be had gratis, at 1 Xi"' Clear of all fiscrimbranee. ' , 9 '. ' ' .7. 11. •M ORRIS, & snAw, No. • eh (Bight Thirty-fit e) Market street, ior oßt i t il ane ne r il . RHEM3B% Her St '' L it t t° J BANLIDTON THOMAS'S Book Store . ,‘ '' M. THOMAS it BONS, Auctioneers, , , _,_ l2 7t . I , W 3 North Tenth street.' nese ore, 1128 fdar- i 'oath etreeto , ° U4a made) prisoners as quietly as possible. I 21 •01 a below Ninth. ket street, Dig Horde in iiie d° • Jyrt-ipip iv 1.314 Otuttnat greet. mhl2 Is , M 9 aud JO B. A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers