EON. INVII.LIAN D. KELLEY, AND TJEID PEOPLE. • • PHILADELPHIA, February 22,1870. Ilan. William D. Kelley: Dear Sir : Having learned, with regret, your desire to withdraw from Congress l and, that , you have intimated your intention to decline a renomination as the Representative of the Fourth District of Pennsylvania to the Forty second Congress, we earnestly request you to reconsider the subject and again consent to accept the nomination. Your course hitherto has been marked with so 'great ability, having fully comprehended the highest interests of the country and providing so wisely for them, that now, when questions of vital importance to our, present and futnre prosperity (involving Reconstruction, Protec tion to ome Industry and our great System of Internal Improvements) are, to be dis cussed and adjusted, requiring the highest order of statesmanship , and the purest patriotism, we cannot, with safety, dispense with your services. We know of no one within the bounds of your Congres sional District on whom we can fix with any hope of finding all the requisite qualifications that you possess ; and, much as you may de sire the quiet of private life, we believe your sense of duty, not only to your constituents, but, to the country at large, which has hereto fore prompted you, will now induce you to permit your name to go before the people of your District as 'a candidate for their suffrages. Your favorable reply will greatly oblige, Yours truly, FOURTEENTH WARD. George I. Young, Geo. W. Wm. J. Macitei, , Thompeon, of L. Thomp. Barrows, Savory & Co.. son ii Co., F. B. Catchall, Stuart., Peterson & Co., Edward D. Roberts, B. O. Dram & Co., Edward Stiles, Samuel T. Canby, A. T. Markley, Morgan, Orr & Co., Win. B. Webb, Harry E. Miller, J. M. Norse', M. D., Francis J. Pavia Wm. N. Barrows, George W. Perrin ' , T. W. Bailey, Win. H. Gilbert, Win. T. Goodall, John L. Baldwin. Prudden & Elloanaker, Levi Baldwin, Marshall Sloanaker, Thomas Baldwin, Felix Philip. Lucien T. Snyder, John Pettingill, George Q. Reeves, George IL Stout, Jemee H. FM, Leonard Kraft, 'Hoopes dt Townsend, Cherie' Throa, Eli Keen & Son, George Threes, Samuel Rain, „ Henri wow, George G. Lau (lifter ILH ern. Richard Chambers, James Humphries, Moses Binne, Harry Anderson, Charles EMU, John B. Peddle, Fred. E. Über, J j ohn tn r r il John D. Culp. James P. Brooke, R. T McCather, Geo. F. Turner, H . M. Bottom, M. D., Geo. P. McLean, J. Frishmuth,M. D r , Joe. H. !Inhere, J. D. Connelly, Beers C. Johnsen, Wm. D. Connolly, Samuel F. Buck, Geo. W. Alward, Samuel Warrington, Charles W. Simone, Edward Smith,[Alexander Simes, Charles H. Grogan, 1.1.. IL Sharp, a,,tio.m.. iinge. , _...,. George L. aullin, Jarnee — ificeTtfia;ol. M. D., Aaron Q. Brown, Joseph G. Rittenhouee, Wm.O. Millham, B. L. Herkness, John Catern, Henry Schell, James Pollock, W illiam Lacy, John Carr, J. B. McCullough, Henry Troemner, Thomas Knight & Co., F. W. Troemner, George Shoemaker. Joseph Collins, Wm. H. Wallace, E. W. Leighton, Charles C . Potts, Collin Coates, John A. English, Barmier B. Buzby, James Barber, Henry Fitzsimmons, C. B. Andeess, Henry Brackin, Joshua Webb, David Andrews, Oliver Whitteker, John P. Atkinson, Samuel W.Black, Edward E. Wallace, E, T. Black, J. Quincey Frees, R. P. Bender, Geo. P. Nagel, J. T. Weaver, Joe. Pugh Geo. W. Koons, Jr., Wm. W . Wood, Sam? A. Brown, A. H. Pritchett, David M. Über, 'lsrael L. Fish,Thos. Dyer, I J. K. Bentz, Wm. Everharn, Thos. F. Albright, Coo. M. Kahl, S. 8. Campbell, W. Ilarteough, Geo. W. Jenkins, Daniel Fritz, Thos. R. Bigelow, J. H. Peckworth. Thos. P. Andress, Walter 8. Tappan Henry C. Dreby, le. Flink, vie . W. Jenkins, D. B. Baker, Chas. Savidge, Edmund L. Fudge, Thos. Beach, Wm. Connor, Henry Greene Alex. Adams, Frank K. Hain, F. D. Romig, L. 0, Howell, Win. Ayres, John Baker, , Wm. Major, B. C. Baker, John Wetherill,Jr., Jacob Michel, John Rhein; M. D., J. H. Miller, Homer J. Doncot, M. D., J. H. Snyder, _ Geo. H. lievorstick, John F. Hargett, _ Lemuel J. Deal, M, D., David L. Dickson, Anson Jewell, Chas. Bruton, Jas. Buckingham, John T. Bray, Isaac Townsend, Chas. Rose, W. J. Blanchard, Andrew Hearne, Samuel Edenbern, Alhas.butler, Josiah Bryan, Lewis Thomas, S. W. Jacobs Mortimer L. Johnson, Thee. W. Weir, Theo. W. Johneon, A. R. Lawson, Wm. S. Bryan. Garrett Williams, James T. Cook, . H. It. Warriner, Wm. H. Ilibberd, J. H. Belmar, Wm. Fisher Mitchell, T. . Row Btachmar, Rama C. White, Wm. land, JohnE. Stevenson, Chas, Epotine, Isaiah C. Gerhart, Geo. II .I,eether, John T. Hanna, Geo. H. Wallace, E. fichreiner,_ Jas. A. °Hereon, Josephs K . Williams, 'David P. Weaver, Edward K. Clift, 1W m.Btanbes, Henry 11. Greenruar, Thoe. Kelly, Philip Stabe Sam!. McCorkle, Andrew J. Boswell, Jno . G. Zenner ' Kennard H. Jouoa, Geo. W. Lewis, JIM no klountney, Win. H. NVolf, Samuel Mullen, Jun. Klause, Wm. Evane, Jr., Semi. J. Murphy, Edmund K. Evans, 3no . Sailor. Henry-Fisher, Horace M. Tubbs, George W. Martin, R. B. Dickeon, John D. Schott, Gabriel Kern, James Patton, A. R. Shhiell, . Thomas Johnson, W. A. Snelbaker, Anton Bower, Manion Preston, John C. Rulon, Isaiah Showaker, Jacob E. Bryan, David Killpatrick, James }lnnen, Elam Wenger, H. G. Arnold, W. F. Fielter, James R. W. Ford, Daniel W. Clark, David It. Yord, David 0. Clark, Warren D, l'rice, George Lau fersweiler, F. D. Wel eidluiler , Julius Label, G. R Burton. Stiznuel S. Huff, "Wm. 11. Penis, Nieholae Kolitankamp, Jr Jacob Alscbback, Janice G. Briggs, John Kincliboum,Walter Laing, I Casper Gra ff , llugh Montgomery, George Tupumn, C. H. Shuster, James McLean, C. C, Crawford, Wen. McLean, Benjamin Odell, Jacob Jameson, John %Vaguer, ----- Jewell - neon. John il Odell, Jr, - - - George Wallace, John Odell, Sr., Samuel Miller, 'Abraham Elaine°, Jacob Super. !Wm L. McFadden, FIFTEENTH WARD. IS. H. Barrett, M. 13 Buckley & Co. , Lewis ltothemel, Richard B. Wigton, Jesse 11, Cook, Hammett, Neill & Co. , Daniel B. Haas, William Brenizer, 0. Sturdevant, B. lituntnett. B. Rothernael, Joseph B. Van Drwn, Henry Conners, Henry G. Clement, Thus , Vandegrift & Co., A. W Board, J. W. Moorehead, Reyburn,Hunter & Co. , Philip New kutaet, Chas. A. Ruhicam, Goodell & Waters ' Goodell. Braun &(.14%. , Edwin Harrington, Price, Über & Co. , Geo. W. Dohuert , George HOOP4II, Daniel Walker, . Theo. L. Wiggins, J. Flickinger, 8. C. Collins, John Pearce, John J. liereey, N. IL Hannum, ' F. A. Koons, Morris Lorin, J Levin,Wallace & Leighton, William P. Pointer,' James Penrose, Ephraim Freeland, Cha.B P. Hoyt, Edwin J. Martin, Charles A. Dnorr, N. kb-Lament Ire E. A. Holliusbeted, W . N. Tapper, Henry C. Bewley, Thos. H. Short, Wm. Bonnemann, John F. Hope, Harry 0. train, John Jaco b O. Strain, John V. Vanderbilt, Joseph Bohrer, Chas. Lowry, Gee. P. Wright, Jc,aeph 11. Wright, C. L. Cadwallader, Arrison, John Borden, Jima H. Borden, David S. Craven, Wm. Roney, \ Marna Morgan, Charles Schenck, Daniel F. Wolf, W 'Blain 11. Morgan, J. W. Morgan, Juhu boutiehb teniamiu F. Woodhouse, I , aenlk Junes, Philip Bruner, C. Brown, U. Elw,,al Leads, 'Samuel Miller, Joseph (loom, E. Turley, A. W. Rand, Edward McFarland, n'tn. C. Ewing. Hooch R. 11 utchimm, Win. H. Kern. Thomas Birch, James Neill, Matthew Baird, Gustavus Bergner, Barton Hoopes, Ilenry Huhn, • Henry Davis, James Steel, M. S. Godshall. Lewle C. Hammett, John S. Neill, Duncan C. Neill, JollllllleSt /demi H. Rothermel, Richard Peterson, A. Boyd, EH Krupp :Edward Henry McNeill, Isaac C. Baker, • Jamee M. Hibbs, Edward Hoopes, Smug S. Townsend, Peter C. Hollis, E.G. Giles, .Henry_Kantensk7, Wm. Braun. T. B. Peterson, V. G. Kennedy. • • • .. B. Herding, . Lewis U. Bean, B. B. Gingrich, John B. Cressois, Josiah Danlleld, 11. C. Flubacher, W. A. J. Fise, Jno. Hendricks, Geo. W . Lowder, Louie W. Reinhard, Francis Erdman, Francis J. Bodonhofer, David W . U r als g, • Jamee Veiniest', Joseph W Been, Geo. Clay C. F. Clothier, John Tammy, Wm. Christmas, Thos. S. CcOliaday, Daniel A. Cody, A. May Stevenson, Henry Turnst, C. B. Aaruneou, Wm. 11.11nrr, 'Wm. J . Reed, Henry L. Smith, Frank Cooper, John Smith, Jas. P. Sherri*, Petal 11. ()swig, Wm. 11. Trunip, Geo. D. Darman, :lames Irwin, 'George Woodhouse, John Wulker Wilso,n Amos B. F. Witmer, T. L,Wiggins, Jr., Cyrus D. Green, A 'lduito, Itohcrt Creamer. William Casey, A . J. Lebtann, Chairies P;Dobbinti, Charles Zebu, Allied E. Leonard, C. Eppelsti•imer, Nelson F. Bustin', Wll3,'Jobasyn, • Iliotntis Sti man, James Prichutt, Jaw Weaver,. THE -DAILY EVgNIN94BULI:JETIN-PHILADELPIIIA:. SATURDIAI Jo }Nommen, ca eit•NV. Waco, Johatoolfa,4 J. P•vßrg_rier'4, ens, Marko N_,llQ orn , LoWieJ. Wet ann, M. H. Eaton, tffirlstlitter Hitrghes, !wild - •..Waterleury, Eli IN - WPM= i T. B. Safteei, ' ' John B. OallaWay,. Wm. 11.Hostiek, Samuel 8. Holmes, Win. B. Foster, O. W. Oram, , Antony Smitti. Allen Smith. Wm. H. Smith, Jeremiah Rea. • Wm. K. Bowman, Ph. Reeny, Joseph E. Sharp, Wm. 0. Probasco, Geo. F. Gall, W. 11. Murray, L. O. Smith, • • A. R. Bartell, William Levis, Robert Oeberns, Bernard B. Dumiy, Wm'. H. Marshall, Alex. Patton, Thomas Shielde, Charles Moris T. R i le y,y Burtie Barber, • John C. Adams, George W. Kephart. John - Pursel, - John Summer, Geo. Burnham, Chas. T. Parry, Win. C. Stroud W. W. Reefer, • Wm. H. David, E. Longstreth, . J. Sprogell, T. R. Peterso n, Win, Hobart Brown, Jazum W. Conners, Z. Brown Beltield, Ilene y Belfield, Charles H. Foster, U. AL Savage, L. C. Camp, James M. Ball. Samuel Munyon, Edward Pale, Br., John H. Fricke, William Smith, Daniel Devine Charles F. hil l, James Deane, John Deane. Jr., Wm. H. Deane, William Horn, Abraham Horn, Bold & McClure, Filbert & lioupt, JSo. E. Vanhart, Beni B. Glover, Walker Bros. & .00,, D. Lewis & Co., Benjamin Green.' T. N, Combs ' ereetion & Smith, Robert Peterson.' P.l3.Peterscm, W. E. NeNvhall, Mark B. Helmhold, S. 8. Scattergood, Amos A. Little, Tv T. Woodruff, WM. Amer, Thee. J. Lancaster, Thome Dolan, I '• • TWENTIETH WARD. Joseph F. Mercer, A . G. Thomas, Thomas Ashton, Eugene D. Hitter, S. B. Cawley, F. Diehl, • Mew 15ta5.41a4414„ K0114112 H. Gilbert, Wiliiiino. Gorton, James R. o b lllBo / 2 3 David Eccles, D. Trainer, James F. Scutt, H. H. Reinhard, George W. Grier, Philip B. Grove, Jelin A .•Bechtel, William Warnock, Simon Mart dith, Duffield Aelimvad, Lewis J. Ambler, George D. Stroud, Silas Walton, John F. Simons. Henry B. Ashmead, Wm. (J. Jones, , `Jae. M. Arrison, Edward Houtz, Daniel Brittain, Johu 8. Lentz, " ' t'in ii ..l.l C . ° B il'A u . c a l.inan, Amos It. Littler, Walter C. Clark, F. W. McDowell, Reuben Haas, Jas. S. Barber, B. Hall Ogden, N. 8. Lawrence, Thos. Devlin, Thos. Hamilton Sr Co., Augustus Faleta lb, S. R. dr. F. Hansell, 01144. Falotet h , H. H. & S. F. Hansel], Roland P. Berry John Taylor, John Leonhardt Beier, Wm. A_ Boemieler, lame Stead G. H. Snyder, M. A. Woodburn, H. Cook, Joseph Welsh, Chao. Reef, ( Jonathan M. Rihl 11. Kees, Jonathan Stead, E. Faber, - Michael X estrize. J. Wagner, Ferdinand Brecht, ' Henry Selz, Isaac Jones, Wm. Bishop, Geo; W. Howard, Edward G. Ertlmann, , Thos. U. Bolster, Geo. Melick, -- Win. H. Cowglll, , , Frank Frederick, Geo. Bellamy, A. H. Perkinpine, Geo. Ritchie, J.Hoaard Rev ille, D. Focht, -IS.II. Mendenhall, ( John J. M. Laughlin, Win. Cranston, • I Aaron Shaw, • James F Brown, Samuel Bell, H. C. Harrison, Daniel Tyson, Sorel L. Troth:M. D•, Isaac E. Lauda', ffinunel Fox, James B. McMinn, Walter Bryan, I Geo. F. Keyser , Isaac O. Williams, (Jacson Bidden, Silas Walton,A . 0. Cowperthwait, I A. 0. Sinn, W. H. Mills, Henry 11, All, n. Henry D. Formosa, Frunk D. Dorsey, S. L. Adams, Charles H, Eckstein, Jacob Bailing, Joseph W. Walters, Henry Betting, William B. Wood, George Rotting, Theodore Cramp, Henry B. Abbott, Ed. Dare, George W. Strayline, lob n•F. Pngh, B. G. Eckfahlt, ' J. Charles Jackson, Peter N jokey, Owen Evans, F. C. Clemson, John C. Wright, Thomas Flinn, John Jones, ' C. J. Miller, A. C. Cow perthwait, Ludlam Matthews, Edwin T. Emery, Edward T. Taylor, John Burke,.Titioes Hogg, Charles Elwood, Samuel J. Hnmphreys, James-Williams, William R 'Valleaw, George W . Simons, William Cramp, E. A. Jessup, John It. Senior, L. Dock, Abraham Focht, Jacob Naylor, • , Z. I'. Boyer, Aug. Merino, William Perry, Tlienitie Hayes, William T. Taylor, M.D ., E. C. Jayne, John B. Beck, Peter NV. Moore, Allen Li .Ilookbarnmer, Wm. H. Buck, Stephen S. Wayne, .1 A. Walton,A. 8. Derr, Edward H. Foster, 'I Ben j. Harper, John G. Smith, • NV. 1. Jones, John G. Pritt nor, J.' : Krout, William Baldwin, Daniel Walton, Thomas H. Hammett, John Leonard, Robert J, Lehman, Jules F. Montgomery, E. Coward, Robert Ralston, Abraham Emory, Geo. W. Anderson, John Ball, Hugh L. English, John J. Smith, 1.1. Martin Roecker, Gustavus Bart, Charles Abel, °core° Dorian, John Pheffor, Jllle.i. L. Mooney, Charles Philippe Falgol, U. Prudden, Harry B. Taylor, Dean go Bern. Horace Hall, Christopher Hildenbrand, U. Kostenbader. James Smith, Henry Snyder, . Charles H. Davie, . George J . Hildebrand, 8.11. Dunn, George Hempstead, Chalks floosmau, Adam Martin Jacob Hirner, A. W. Hendrfeks, L, P. Ye eg _.,_ Abraham Hartzell°, Edward\V!Chr ill lame, Alexander Hirechteld, Fred. Westenbere, Charles Hollenotaub, Hugh ilthauer, Sr., John Sauore, Hugh Schauer, Jr., Peter Schwindt, John J iteobe, Charles Mohler, T. M. Yawl, John N. Muller, Wm. Zindell, Jacob Goetz, Julius Cramer, Valentine Kerchler, Anton Pries, Johu C. Lumen, Conrail Reit'', Emil Beningus, James Wilkins, John Prettyman, Edward W . Horn, Orestes Allen, Samuel It. Haines, Jacob K. Bentz, • Chasles C. Heinen, John Parker, J. Cordery, ' G. W. Bryant, Joseph Cffinention, ^ Jas. A. Lane, John 8. Berkenotock, J. F. Bowen, James M. Thomas, D. W. Clark, Henry E. Clark, W. 0 pdyeke, M.D.; John C. Reilly, , Thos. 0. Van Horn, Norman C. Ash, S. 0. Shearer, William Silence, Win. 8. Conner, H. L. Heyeer. Samuel Lyndall, Slimed Y. Lefferts,. I P G. WW. Nicholson, Henry . Hey W. Allen, Geo. WW.IJ. M. otterHowe°, TWENTY.FIRST WARD. 'm. A. Simpson, 111. Ernest, J. B. Winpenny, Wm. W. Reeder, Robert tihelmerdine, J Ai. Coruinatii, • • A. Flanagan, NV so., Adams; John Flanagan, J. A. Woolf, ' Joshua Beatty, . William Dawson. • Jacob Stout, Seville Schofield{. John Robinson, W. Ring, John Greenwood, R obt. T. Murphy,. Jacob L. Warner, (David Ring, , Jae. S. Priest, John W. Platt, J. S. Steeple, Johu Maxon, Br., John W. Dixon, John Konworthy, Sr., Jebel , . Hodson, John Kenworthy, Jr., David Wallace, William Blankla, Beni. Schotleld,•Jr., 8. S. Keely, Jolla Dolman ~ Charles F. Black, William kl Nixon, • Win. Davenport, 6' Jahn Campbell, Wm. Hutton, W . G. Entriken, John Saunders, Wm 11. Mattis, Joseph White, Jacob Mattis, W. B Lemon, Wm. F. Davie, Jos. K. Davis, Thomas Kenworthy, Marlin Bowour • Wru.W . Shaw, James Welsh, .3 o „ h r u n e et t ao p ri ' , ; • Daniel Wolfendeu, Andel eon Tonle, Thomas Collins, Barth Boot, lint. •• ''Thous, Pelmet , ' Henry Root; Jacob H . Peterrnan, Conrad Boot, Benj. F.Atkinson, ' Wm. Root, James eon, O. F.11.•E wen, • Ralph "it (Menden, Mahatma J. Idueselman lames M. Premien, Edward Freed, r. W. Le N eriug, Wro . Il id d linen, Wm. 11. Prentosi..l. T. Harris, James A. Mills, Jr., Thee: Heys, Geeree A ble, Isaiah Bringlitiret, Alirad Grlielreci, Jellies Turner, . . 1 " . 0 it ,, ,chotham, Ni. Blyno, elo : uter I'. W ilk iuson, I,linnes L. Rahn, Flannel lieswick, James Lees, Lewis lilein, • Albert Miles, .Thomas Ellis, Wm. Schofield, William R. Woodhead, Joshua Batty, Jr., Wen. I) on ald Win. Robineon. H. R. ('raven, • Robert Cromton, Ire , ones, Abraham Darevrorth, W 'llium Craven, • Albert Telma, George NV, Wright, Jami. NV lid, William an (urine). , Thomas Wilsn. klatthew,lituide. Abraham Snyder, H. 0/t/K1011,.. • Junin Arinitege, ThelvestOo s,: , Enos Thine, . Joseph 14 Lorne, Jo in Connor, Johu LitileWevd., Edward Sharp, Netball, Kirkwoo d, Jolla Reimer, Horatio Craven, George W. Dowell, Duatiel Firth. John S. Funk, Jr., James A. Graham, Michael Feeney, 'Fria with, JohnN a W nti iido llornley,l Joh Jnieph While, - • - TWENTY-I'ol 41. fanline 'D. IL Lane, 'Oeo.-W. Potter, Wm: Quinn, ' W. T. MeCalvan, "John H. Jtines, Henry Gant, Elltenendeila, • Win. E. Taylor Jacob G. Smith; Rom.. Time. S. Marshall, John Trainerd, Charles Shubert, Henry Edson, George C. Jervis, Johnl3 Eeltert, John Blakely, Georgetasierlett,C t Hein "F, ithbertudter,' JBrown. ohn . h "C. Merit; " David P. Brown, Geo. P. Kern, George W. liantinti, James 0, Brooke, J. S. Bancroft, William Todell,. James A. Patterson, Michael J. (Rowney, • Wm. Myers, Jas. & John Hunter J. Ralston Wells, M. D., Thomas W. Heaton, C. C. Peireon, Win, D. Heston, John Frield. Wm. P. Brown, J. D. Hall, David Hunter, 'WM. . Maire, Charl F es Hunt gu er, Jesse George, E. D. Sounder', J. L. Wilt, TWENTY-BEVI Thos. S. Ellis, Henry C. Townsend, Alexander T. Wilson, Chas. G. Hardinger, S. IdcHenry, Itobt. P. Gillingham, John It. Blakiston, Gustavus Wiuxer, Herman Burger Gottleib Burger,Sr., Peter Hohlweg, Wm. Aires Juo. A. B. Williams, P. L. Hill, T. B. Bertram, L. G. Dutton, Joe. . Worrell, A. Si. Eastwick, Wm. C. Longstrect, N. B. Brown, Charles Atherton, Robert B, Pennell, . J. Hampton Coxey, Peter G. Yocum, .1. Steelman, Edwin J. Lewis, Joseph Ereas, Charles. T. Benner, Martin Book, D. harebell. Cyrue Chambers, Jr., Benjamin Sharp, Albert V. Sloan, F. P. Hunthal, S. D. Sloneker. Edwin Chambers, .1. T. Hickman. Thomas F. Lyons, Thomas 8. Lister, Alex. L. Massey, Joe. L. Gregory, Mathews hi Moore, ' • WinMatthetre, James Moore, Chingos T. littagg o , Wm, U. Hashes,. Thomas Thompsdni C. (lodenschwayerk.. Robert Stuart.c- Simone Smith, Georg D: B. Bayer, James H armao iratt o c" m. dB James Burnside, Thos. 11. Russell, E. Lynch, Wm. J. Angel, Edward T. Betts, Orrin 8. Manley, J. T. Hufnal, Wm. Goodell, Wm. Petty, J. Borden, . 11. Diver, G. Wed ehend, B. N. Bethel, M.D., Joseph D. McKee, William Sellers, Charles W. Peale. John Penrose, Thoodore Bergner, • John Elates, Joseph Kiniee, Charles Houghton, Sgamuel Simpson, J. Hereon, John Goehring, • Austin. W. Mossy, Clayton ,Potter, Pluneas A. Ash, Wm', H. Thomas, J. A. Vonhorn, Thos. Billingsfelt, Edward Bovine, Chas. D. Conover, W. E. Camp, John M. Zook, Jos. B. Stinson, N.H. Graham, A. G.Bransr,' Juslus 0. Brunner, Thomas W. Price, Joseph Baird, William Hunter, William Wilson. George Kerr, B.C. & F. M. Nagle, Thomas Wood, Spring Gar den street, Terris A Miles, W D. Hubliard,l John J . Kersey, Wm. B.Dement, Nichols, Pickering & Thomas B. Wattson, Joseph Knight, B. W. Heim Howard Hindman, Jas. S. Whitney,' C. J . Mintzer, Thos. Wood, 1836 Groan. IL. Stewart, John A. Reese, M. P., Richard - It, Parry, Francis P. Watson, F, Steassiruneyer,, Elisba H. Davis, Edward A. Pharo, John N. Hagy A. (~Shepherd , Wm. Disk T. D. Coniston, C. S. Crowell, Harry J. Lex, George B. Pharo. Matthew Day,.., WillitiMeNlCElrey s 6 , Peter McLaren., 1 ; ). ' RM W iiD. ~ 1 Johista n,Jri,s . IJ. T. yru , ~ J. O; a y , ~. J. Gi si c Sas •;' , ' iix t r W 4, '' • jib -'''. W Cle l bjr r ' s James' on, •,)' The,. en, A. O. Jones; Rudolph P:;'Retig,' Richard Wilcox„ Andrew I.4.,,MatRIPcO ~, Charlealittroihritc.W °;,r Julius Schlinkmann, P. P. Brown . , . ft."(l. MCIlvsaMC, -- aamuelldatchlusont,' David IL Land, i ~ t, EdWard Lyons', James P. Bytmer, . , „ , J. BtanleyHruner, Junco Cooper, Coleman Bailers, Geo. E. all A Co., N. Evans, E, A. Corbin, Sam') P. Frankentield, Wm. G. Hunter, John Maguire, John Oliarnberlin, Simon Barnard, Joshua Harvey, Thomas Maguire, Francis Ferguson, Win. E. Henderson, John Frost, (4. Bay. Edward Frost, '. Daniel Boehn, Samuel A.. Oar. John am H a l l tworth, John Halliwell, I NTH WARD. John AireY, R. H. Forestal, (l. W. Deane, E. O. Warren, R.ll. Warren, Jacob (neon, Chas. H._Lusgren, A. B. Craig, lingh ldcllvain, H. M. Lewis, s. T. Jones, John H. Cochrane, Samuel W. Ogden. P. 6. P., Whftesido, at q l . N.lno s hold, Gabriel .Yonlow, Jacob Jones, Morris C. Taylor. Ogden. Brothers di Co., Richard Evans, J. W. Solon, Henry M. Smith. W. P. , Dolber, J. Sidney Keen, J. C. Arin:ma:Son. J. W . Jones. D. W. Jones, Lewis F. Hillianl,• Charles C. ?duller, E. F. Younger, Robert Mao Gregor. Joseph I'. Allen, Jacob Smith. Joseph Johnson, James P , R. S. Baines, I Chas. Summerfield, John A. Telmer, J. A. Sloan, Sam'l Meredith,, . l eir 'Alfred Server, 'Alfred D. W. Caldwell, Joseph Bose, Thos. H. Denney, Wm. Smith, Theal.`lo , Coombei L. I S : i Childs, A. H. Alclivaine, 11. H. English, William Rose, S. D. Franklin, , Geo: W. Frees. TWENTY-EIGHTH WARD. Samuel H. McKee H. H. Haynes, Samuel D. Hilt,' A. A. Henke, Charles Henry Schell, B. Labe, Alfred J.Kaylor, J .-M. Blood, George W. Smith; Chas. S. West, George Yeah?, Jr., Wm. 11. Graham, Samuel Grimm, ' James C. Horn, Felix H. Levy, , W. H. Carpenter, Amos Sharp, Andrew L. Britton, W. 3. Merchant, • roliu R. White, T. F. Holloway, Thos. Sappington, Thos. l'iTellel, ' E. Cooper. Shapley, George .1, Atkins, Theodore Bliss, Isaac F. Kite, . Joseph Neumann, Thomas Kitchen, Joseph Brown, g ji Paul W. Dwyer, Daniel Broomall, John D. Forrest, Thome Maddock, Jr., Samuel Overn. • W. PTV Gamble, Reuben Wunder, m. Wagner, Frits Gunther. .1. G. Park, Jacob Koehler, Wm. T. Carter; Thee. Idegargee, Elijah Wyatt, Thos. Craven, Wm. El:Walling James Cramer, Philip Welch, JaeMalin, Werner Recliner, K. Brooke, Johann Moyer, J. C. Sterling, A. M. K. Stcrrie, Isaac Van Delleept .1. O. Hancock, F. C. Kropp, A. 0. Fetter, John Zimmerling, 8. P. Burdick, John Duncan, E. Pettit, Richard Murphy, Martin Heyward, Henry H. Myers, Jr., W. C. Wilkinson, Matthew Connor, E. It. Maxson, ' Andrew D. Irwin, A. W. Downing, A. F. Fisher. Chas, E. Longcope, IC. F. Pennypaeker, George W. Reams, Thomas Anlabridge, Charles R. Shank, F. A. Prettyman, R. B. Finney , E. Id'. Chambers, Edward F.Ryan, Jacob Parry, ( James M. Londe, J. F. Beecher, mantes Tatem, 11. R. Montgomery, .J. E. HecKenberg, C. W. G. Sehlemm, Benjamin F. Royer, Edward Gaillard, Thomas F. Corson, G. A. Lambert, John Dobson, William Patton,. William Dobson, ' C. Hathaway, Jr., Joeephlnckene, Jacob Nees ,_ (James Ashton, Frederick Hoffer, IJohn Jagger, James Beatty, TilCellati Crowder, Bernard Bucher, John K irkwood, Samuel Snowden, John Quinn, Martin Simile, ' Jacob Timbers, Alfred Snowden, !Silas Timbers, John Schofield, John Allen, William Mawhanny,'Robert Newton, • John McAllister , • IliogerJaggors, Joseph McDonald, I Alfred Crowther. ' Jollies McDonald, Alex. Kral], Harmon Johnson, _ John Broughton, .1. Knight Uhler, M. D., . Squire Dunekerly, James ?dills, Joshua Snowden, Thomas Leask, Samuel Jagger, William Harbison, Elkanah C. Leidy, John Davis, William Whittaker, Tinning Travis, James McGowan, Thomas Linter, Wm. Wyllans, .. Janice it . Smith, • Stephen McGowan, John L. Mower, Titus Haywood, John Little, M. A. Marley, . . Abel Newton, L. Rooeman, • Thomas Toomes, William Smith, ' Thomas Sharp, James Wilson. Robert Jardine, The undersigned, having read the above letter addressed to ion. Wm. D. KELLEY by his immediate constituents, desire to express their hearty concurrence in all that is therein said, and to unite with them in urging upon JUDGE KELLEY the importance - of his again consenting to accept the nomination for Repre sentative in Congress from the Fourth District, Pennsylvania. Henry C. Carey, Nathan Hilles, Morton McMichael, John Tucker, W. T. Carter & Co., Campbell Tucker, Mortimer 0. Wilson, .1. B. McCreary, Geo. D. McCreary Galloway C. Morrie, John Donaldson, Walter, Donaldson & Co. Abraham Hart, Thos. Latimer, Thos. E umber, Jr., Win, D. Lewis, . Thos. Shipley, Henry Cohen & Ben, Samuel 0. Cook, Jelin Welsh, . • • Daniel Smith .Jr., . Charles Dntilli, W .31. Tilghman, . ' F. Fraley, Gorge 11.11obert ii, Jordan & Brother, Kenna & IlidgWlW, J. 11. \Colter, A. Kline. ... T. Chalkloy Wood, J. Wood & Brothers, Horace T. Potts, . Joeoph R. Whitaker, Charles 0. Knight, Kennedy & Mo., Thee, b. Stern. . llas hum & Hemphill, , W. Vt'eeley Chew, H. Eugene Le Grand, K. Archer Smith, F. 111. Walton, Wni. R. Lefotireade, John P. Tomo, Lewis, W }lotion A Co., Stokes, Calawell & Co., E. Lafoureade,lrwin & Co., Fenton. Thom eon A Co., & Jacbb Riegel Ce., Amos G. Heitman M.- M. Marplo & do., Percival Collins, a J, & J. 8. Barber A. H. Franciseue, S. R: Cope, ~ Jessup & Moore; 'Vieth') Nixon. J. D. Lippincott & Co., Charles llagarge, • McFarland Bros. & Co., 0. S. Garrett & Bro., Chas. Wells & Co., P. Rudolph & tCo., - Irwin & etiaeon, W . J. Uhlinger. ._ . Dentiven,Flayfield & Co., A. It.. Samuel, W. T. Gilliuder, Schofield &'Branson, Wm. Hogg & Co., • Thee. H. Cralgd & Co., John Gay, • Schofield & Allen, Jaines Dittie, , . Jorline Madelery & CO-, Pellit & MeeelerY, Elwood Jones, Allred Oliver, G. W...ldontomerY, Jas. Miller, Chug. D. Keen, Joseph James, E. L. Davy, Elwood P. biotin, 8. S. Hinkgon, Henry D. Trainer, John F.,Vonleer , Jr., B. G. Hunt, Francis H. Good, E. Altemusi John alrltinbino, 0 W. T ed, Ears Lu d ken rok a:, Alfred E. Co'gar& H.M. Reading, , Wm. ; Cyrus Lultene, , &JOAO Pennyipaoker, . Ell T. f3uirr, John IC 31eCamoon, Warner Ma J stahal C. Li mp ster, , Ansel 'VV. Lyman, Albert Miller, A. R. Calhoun, WeiamtoToN, D. C. ' March 8,1870. To , Messrs. Geo., I. Young, .11. C. Oram, Jas, Will, Mattnew Baird, Gustavus Bergner, Henry „Davis, JamesiSteel,Joseph,F. Marcer,- , Thornas .Ashto ,n Simpon, B. •Winpenny, 2, ifahline; D. = Mi Llotc; Thos. S. Ellis, Renry C. Townsend, ,Jarnea McKee, Samuel T. hilt, Henry C. Carey, Nathan flutes, Morton ,hfelfichad, tend others: DEAR SIRS Your very flattering letter of the 22d ult., requesting me to. reconsider my expressed'desire to ivithdraw from Congress, and to consent to accept a renomination, has been received, and I am deeply pene,tratei: by the generous terms in which you have been pleased to speak of the manner in which Ihave performed my duties as your Representative. To have been sustained as long as I have by so intelligent and numerous a constituency has been most gratifying to me, and this new evi dence of your kind appreciation is acompliment that I cannot feel I have deserved. It is as unexpected as I feel it to be, unmerited ; for is a letter to my constituents from New York, when I was engaged in public duty, in the month of May last, I announced my wish to withdraw from public life at the close of the present Congress, and having seen no reason to abandon that desire, have not since then regarded myself as a candidate for renomina- tion. The reasons that brought are to this con clusion were of a mixed character. Those of a private nature were a desire to enjoy the society, and devote myself in some measure to my family, from whom I have been separated more than halfof each of the last 'nine years; and tlfat my property, the accumulated re sults of more than a quarter of a century of manual and professional toil, having been from time to time encumbered to meet necessary current expenses, always in excess of Congres sional pay, seemed likely to pass from me' by forced sale, and therefore required my personal attention. Of the reasons of a general char acterj. will speak directly, bat must pauee here to say what I know you will be glad to learn, that, taking advantage of the improvement in the price and marketable character of West Philadelphia property,during the summer, poeugh_torelieve the balance from pressing embarrassment; and that, if my wisn to retire rested on this point alone, I would with gratitude comply with your request. Another consideration that was not without weight was that you have honored me with five consecutive elections, and a number of able gentlemen feel that the tinae has come when some one of them should be permitted to represent the district in the councils of the nation. But while recognizing the justice of this claim, I cannot regard it as paramount to the right of the people to select their Represen tative,and there is, thus far, no insuperable objection to my acceptance of the honor you tender me. But, my dear sirs, permit me to remind you that, since my first election to Congress, in 1860, the population of Philadelphia has in creased not less than sixty per cent., and that of the Fourth District has mere than doubled. My correspondence and general duties have thus been greatly increased. Of this I do not complain. It is a natural incident, of the office ; but, meanwhile, my constituents, and to a considerable extent the people of the city at large, have superadded to the duties of 'a Rep resentative the impossible one of finding places for all unemployed people of both sexes known to them, and promotion for all ambitious or discontented employes of the. Government. There was much , of this during the war, but the Government then needed the service of every able-bodied man in some department, and it was quite possible that one might serve it and the applicant both, by giving him a note to the chief of some Government establishment. But such is not the case now, and the practice of sending people to their Congressional Repre sentative for employment has become so com mon as to be insufferable. To the fifty or more good-hearted people who, at their con venience, each write a note during the day, it is a matter of small concern, but to the un happy being upon whom they concentrate the next day, and who, as has often been my case, would gladly find work for some worthy and suffering soldier whose case had come under his own observation, but knows not where to look for it, it is a more serious matter; and the wrong is not lessened by the discovery that the bearer has been assured by the respectable writer that a note from the member will certainly get him work and wages without delay. To such an extent has this practice been carried recently that it precludes the possibility of social intercourse, correspondence or study in my home; but, annoying as this may be to the Representative, that is, the least of it, for it is, in almost every case,a. positive wrong to the people upon whom the practice is indulged. .Assurances that the Representative can procure employment, given by persons in whose word they have implicit faith, inspire hopes that can not be fulfilled, and not infrequently a confi dence that leads to destitution. Days and weeks are sometimes lost in pursuit of the man whose magical power, it is believed, will secure them employment; and the bitterness of disap pointment that overtakes many of them when they discover •how their friends have deluded them is painful to observe, and I am, unwilling longer to be a party to such a practice. If, therefore, the acceptance of a renomination is, to be understood as implying a willingness on my part to be longer regarded 'as such an„ agent, I must beg leave to decline the honor,' grateful' as I would be to receive it freed frona this condition, and tendered in so complimen tug a manner. I assure you, my dear sirs, I' appreciate most profoundly the honor done me by your letter. I regard the frequent re-election of a citizen to Congress by the people among whom his life has passed as intrinsically the highest , honor that: cau be conferred upon a man under our governMent, and would be , willing to make great. personal sacrifices to be, its re-, cipient. Permit me, therefore, to sugge,stlhat it may be possible that the' Itepublicau'iotere of the Fourth District, having bad this great and growing evil brouglit to their attention, 1011 condemn and endeavor 'to extirpate it. This could' be done by electing 4. nominating convention which 'would approve a proper civil service bill, and Instruct the caedidate nominated te Wake its principles lais rule °fa& tion if elected; or would adopt a resolution deprecating the interference of representatives in the selection of subordinate employes-in. the public offices and workshopk: If this - Celt he done, and the representative can be -per mitted to deirpate his time 4sa, the study of:the important questions now , at. issue,, arid the sup port of the great intereSte,itt Stake, I will Waive all personal , ohjectious, and gratefully comply with yolk ' moot, 'l4 Olacitik mOelf in' your hands as a candidate for renomination: .Yours ! truly, P; Graeff, Rothermel & Co., Repplier Gordon & Co., Jenks, B. I'. B. Ron lend, Jr.," Audenried, Norton Sci./0.,• C. F. Norton A Co., Haas & Brenlzet, John C. Scott & Sons, A. G. Oaten & Co. (J. Gilliugheml'all, . George B. Newton, 11l Fowler A Huhn, Edwin AL Lewis, A. J. Antelo, • Chas. S. Wood, Thos. Williamson, Edward Pennington, Jr., Albert Benton & Ilro.i '. Geo. K. Cross, • •.• • • John Thomas, • General Supt. Thomas Iron Works, McKee, Fuller & 'Co., Catasenque • Cary Wheel and Axle Works. thaorgeJortlan, E. B. Frishmutb, - Grove A Bro., • Conrad 4. Grove, M. It. Harris, Hallowell, Branson & Co., G. W. Simons, Bro. & Co. N. E. Morgan A Co., • Wrn. Faber & Sons, lirider A Biddle, Tames Bingham, Jr., Clark & Biddle, • Benj. Bullock's Sone, heal, Williams & 00., Davis A Foulke, Watson &Jannef r .. 11. Nagler) Bruner Amos It. Little & Co., Jas. H. Orno, Hon & Co., Frathiugham & Wells, B. D. Wood A Sons, , T. W, & M. Brown 64 CIO 0 Coffin & Alto us .It. C. Knight A. C h o., Alfred H. Mead, A. G. Elliot, . James hhurnway, David D. Elder. William Beatty, J. A R. Muir. Robert Horner, , Saniuel Horner, Jr., • Janice Bromley A Bros., John Bromley & Sons, Thos. Sidebotham, Jr., John ScarillnJohn Dallas JrS Sens, Lees & Mellor, John Sellers, Jr., A. Hanline A Son, Chas. A. Banker, Jas. H. Schwenk, Wra. Goodrich, Jr., Thos. L.Smith,, _ • W. 11. Haretmann & Bona .1. A A. Kemper, • • Werner !recliner A Co., A. Kaufman & Co., • ' S It. & F. Harwell,. , I Rend Perkins & Ce., Joseph W. Bullock, Eben F. Prairie, • • • • ( • r Executive ommittee"of the Beptelb lean In*in-' • tSignedl 1:22:UE01 nAI3 PIXTIIIIBEV—,IIC, vitimou 1....„ 1.... x J0rmA10y.A.0.4..?i0,.. ne la oviftitt Vtr &MA I * fr„ „ toreiii of CO* IfiXtor.e, 00% 0 .4 q ,° 121" t a— "' atto4tl the D¢ M 0 tip I or Orgitano JO itoi mele* meta of 1101pako,d el lotO','y aotoosrOcke ho . xrd: ° ißtr to PM 1 1 dwrf,o4 Pub lobo I toga, op A tt) to RII:lif, 0 ;mono rostrum gob 10 11 m1, 0 , 4 4 0 litierweet ~, i„. 1; ; .:, ‘, 14 ARCH 12 1870.1'4 nityA4oo LINEX' • • . • We would ask the attention ,of buyers toonr asaor , went of . . . HOUSEKEEPING LINENS.. Which is now complete.. PERKINS & CO., 9. S.C3Un-1.. "NINTH ST. ' fake m - w Mint 100. SPRING, GOODS. 1870. LYRE & ' LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH ABE OPENING TO-DAY VON BPEING BALES, Splendid French Chintzes.' Percale Robes. Three Flounces. Rich Sprir g Percales. • Organdy Lawn Robes. . Japanese Fimured Silks. Japanese Plain Silks. Neat Stripe and Figured Silks. New Stock of Plain Silks. Best Black Silks Made. Paisley hong and Square Shawls. Llama Pointe and Jackets. Marie Antoinettes and Fisolaus. taw oat MATURES, JEWELRY, &C. 1124 CHESTNUT STREET. AMERICAN, SWISS AND ENGLISH WATCHES AT CLARK & BIDDLE'S Special Agents in Philadelphiafor AMERICAN WATCHES Made by H. Howard k Co., Bolton. - MISCELIANEOUS. A.DI:JELCONDA.CI - K. MINERAL SPRING WATER. Pamphlets giving analysis, certificates of eminent physicians and other gentlemen may be had of our Wholesale Agents, JOHN WYETH & BRO., Druggists, 1412 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. felt s to th Story;. LAW AND PATENT OFFICES.. FRANCIS I).,PASTORIUS, Attorait7-at-Lawr SOLICITOR OF PATENTS. No. 418 WALNUT STREET. • PATENTS PROCURED FOB IN IFFATIONS And all buelnees relating to the same protnntly trans. acted. Call or wad for Circular on Patents. mh9D•s to FRED. SYLVESTER, REAL ESTATE BROKER,I ZIII 1 I • dol7-Ivro6 _ EDWIN H. FITLEN & CO., Cordage Manufacturers and Dealers In Hemp, 23 N. Water Street and 22 N. Delaware Avenue, PIIILADZLPHLS.. EDWIN 71. VITLEB. CONRAD V. CL0T71171.1. HENRY PFELLLIPPI, OARPENTER AND BITUMEN, NO. 1024 ANSOM PIIISTREET. PIISILADELA. 1610-11yro LSAAC NATRA_NS, AUCTIONEER, El corner ThLnl and Spruce streets, only one square ow the Exchange. ezao,ooo to loan, In large Ipr small amounts, on dlads, silver elate, watches, jewelry, and all Roods of value . - 081 Ge hours from BA. ht. to I I'; M. • Established for the last forty years. Ad: Tancen mode in large amounts the lowest marks etas. MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIAMONDS, WATORDS, JEWELRY ,, at i TAMTHING *t z OLD-ESTAtLISIIED LQAN Oorner of Third Lomba Lokialdll strootei Below td. N.B.—DIAMONDS, WATONNS,JEWNLBY,GIINS 0.. 1/08 BATA AT (RI3IIIARRABLY LOW rams. truelitfrpi ..d.: ) (IRTLEIGH'S IMPROVED HARD Bobber Trams:l:Lever rusts, breaks or soils, need in batbini ; Supporters, Elastic Belts, all tidy of Trusses Stocking!, and Braces. Ladles attended to by NB :WOMB 1230 Chestnut, see. d story nog 1Y rns 101ILLADELPHIA SURGEONS' BAND -1 AGE IN STITU TE,I4 N. Ninth st.,above Market. B. O. EVERETT'S Trues positively _cures Ruptures. Cheap Trams, Elastic • Belts, Stockings, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Crutches, Suspensories , Pile Band des. ,Ladles attended to by Mrs. E. iyi-iyey FUG, IN VAL JED6,--A INE M CfB.lCA.ta Bosse a comp anion for th ck chamber; the finest assortment in the city, and a • at variety of airs to 'se lect from. Imported direst b PARR & BBOTIUIB 11114 O ut street. below Fourth. mbleti rip • FIST 'BE(IE ' • :is : I- S' : et 5 , I l'i owes of uhan3prina, sparkling Catawba and Cali ornia Wines, Port adalra, Blierrpidamitioa and Ban • Orris _Buns, gna oIA rowdies and Whiskies, Wholess • and Retail. , . P. J. JORDAN, 220.Peisr street. Below Third . IMO Wskewt strews , and above' Dos trees „deT4l, .' TORN CRUMP, BUILDER, • 2731 (TRESTRUT STREET, ___ and 21$ LOD_CIE STERET, Iffechanlca of every branch required for house -building End fitting promptly furnished. fo27-tf TORDAIPS'CIELEBRATBD pvitar,Tomg el , Ale for Invalids, family nee, dic. ' The embscriber is now furnished with his full Winter einpply.of his_ bighli tintritiOns, avg. well-knpwn Bever , Age. its witleapreael s,,tid increasing tome by order of playsic ans, for Invalids, nee of families, go., Commend it to the attention of, all ' consumers who want a strictly pure article; prepared felon the bbst materials, and put np in the most careful manner for home nee or transpor tation. Orden by Mai) or lithierWoaProPlar BOPP/led P. J. Juliplai 149 = Pear street, below Thlid . d Winn tst . and xi , via Ides —.,_....1:.-----------=:--_ IX. WARBURTON'S IMPROVED, :VET. mated and ear-fitting Dzeos Hato (patented) in all 14 approved . ianhiont of the 16011 . 11011 i ' Ohestnny street, ex% down° tbeTted•Onloe , , .• • , • cted•tfro SAVAGE'S. URSINA, JUST RECEIVED , GENUINE IrAttllfißOL BONE ,rat roduOod prlcos. Boot pitoipie.f*iiiiimxTdoihli6Bl)o3 F . 0 ilale Ay .3' , 4151.:E8: T.,l3lllllN,ApObecayy, Broad and Spruce ate. tell-tfrP VAT, D G Al 4 D, UNGAGJAMICINT Ri ne of solid 18 *ant fine Gold—a spechati; & ftal =oittoo , nt ck , f , Ors , , alkahrisl i T i r eiry tt ia UMW, 11240hestnntetsZlibeltm Fonrtln A w CARPE1 7-7- CiWtEPIIRTrIAT lushes no noise,ani Lae a cushion ,to protoct fur . i n urtoui 01,AISB.X.NO ROWDEE. - 2 'XIELE BEST Jifor cleansing Silver and Plated Ware, lowelry,ep - „ ver,aawafaeNred.l, FAXB to,rinra,, Orp' 32i Chestnut tailoWrourth. 34 - 4Rif.ll l :,_G 'lvrat 'INDELIBLE ,I.$K.; ImproltierlngOltraidingd3tEulieng, Aro. ' • TORBET,.IOOO Filbert street'. CARPETINUS. WE ARE NOW OPENING A FULL LINE OF FOREIGN and DOMESTIC CARPETS, OIL -CLOTHS MATTINGS, OF ALIT 1 1611BATIE9p , ti Brllloll iVE 'ABB 011iBBINB . AT ORBA 3 TL I T BE- GitiPPITIX PAOE., 1004 Arch street , ~' , 7~:0~ ,:= eNA',' DIRIED PRIUES FROM LAST BEASON. LEEDOM,'SHAW 4. STEWART, 685 MARKET STREET.. . TRIMMINGS AND PATTERNb. Grand Opening of Spring Faanons, . xel IMPORTED PAPER PATTERNS, Themlay, March let, 1670. The old established and only reliable Paper Pattern, Drops and Cloak Making Emporium. Dresses made to fit with ease and elegance in 24 lioura l notice. . Mrs. M. A. BINDER'S recent visit to Parts enables, her to receive Fashions, Trimmings and railer Goods superior to anything in this countri. Non to deeignr moderate in price. A perfect system of Dress Cutting taught. Cutting, Basting', Pinking%' Fashion Books and (}offering Machines for sale. Sets of Patterns for Merchants and Drew, Makers now ready at MRS.. M. .4.43 IND ER'S, 1101, N. W. oor. Eleventh and Chestnut Ste. Carefully note the name and number to avoid being deceived. my2s tit SEWING MACHINES. THE WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES, The Beet and sold on the Easiest Tens.. PETERSON & CARPENTER, 914 CHESTNUT STREET. PAS a to th Inv ------ FINANCIA EL - - 7" A FIRST CUSS SRO WE OFFER FOR SALE 1101,000,000 LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE SEVENS at 871-2 And Accrued Interest from Oct. I. Length of Road 390 Mlles. THE ROAD IS COMPLETED AND FULLY EQUIP PED AT AN ACTUAL COST OF OYES $10,000,,000, AND DAS PAID FROM 7 TO BPEU CENT. DIVI DEND'S ON ITS STOCK FOR TIM PAST EMIT YEARS: The Bonds are Coupons of $l,OOO each, with right of Registration. $1,200,000 of the Bonds have been sold already (one party taking $500,000 as a permanent investment), and we have but $1,000,000 on hand, which we offer to in- vestors as a lint-class security. DREXEL & CO. No. 34 South Third Street. fe4 tfro D. C. WHARTON SMITH & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 121 B. THIRD STREET. SUCCESSORS TO SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO. Every department of Banking business shall receive prompt attention, as heretofore. Quotations of Stocks, Gold and Governments constantly received from our friends, E. D. RANDOLPH 8 CO., New York, bT our PRIVATE WIRE. jrA-17 BANKING HOUSE jAYOx)u l&G). 112 and 114 So. THIRD ST, PHILAD'II, DEALERS N ALL GOVERNMENT 'SECURITIES. We will receive applications for Policies of Life Insurance in the new National Life In surance Company of the United fitatee. nformation given at our office. 5-20'S AND 1881'S Bought, Sold an 4 lei,oligngcrol on most liberal terms. GOLD Bought and Sold , at liniket Bates.' COUPONS P 40710 8610 BONpN, 13ouglat- and gold. Bought end Sold on Commission Only. Accounts received 'and Alterost an ved' on doilrboiances•AuldeOt to eltee,k at sliht. , .; , , .. ~ It 1) , ; ,.,., ~,„•,,„ 40Sotith'IrldrA. PIIII4IIDFJLIPJF!Or.A. CP9if iiii! lite Viallli THE Belfast and Cdaagovicluttabera of Com merce jatolteal agai);ist 'ale present Altraerlenct mall service. THE proprietors of Turf, Field, and Farm; of New Yorkrbavett turn sued r george,Wilkes, of, the Spliitifiit Wt. 4 AT Audenried, Pa., yesterday, a miner named Edward S. Sweeney was killed by colli sion with a car comine out of a mine., Ix the Maine State Senate yeeterdaY the bill abolishing capital punishment came , from' the House amended and its naSsage was refused.' SmArArrox has rendered neeeBeary,the re moval of a large number •of ;Parisian political prisoners from St. Pelagic to the Eazas prison. Tun Missouri House of Repregentativestad adopted a Constitutional ,Amenduient, to ~be submitted to ther•lpeeple,- atiolishind the test oath for jurors. Ix Ashley county, Arkansas, on the 20th ult., Warner K. Ilerning, •cm f y i .from drink, shot and killed a school named Johnson, and twocolored men .; , . JOSEPH c'UNNINGLIAM, recently bookkeeper for Homer, Colladay Sc. Co., of OW cityt was' arrested in Jersey City on Thursday ,night, .on the charge of having embezzled $llOOO from the firm. . . . TERENcE CAsSID' Mlle Marl who threatened the President with assassination while he:, was. walking along Pennsylvania.. -avenue, ,lit Washington, on Tirgyed4b Ilfur ; beeir examined and pronouncedinsane n , IT appears from a later:: despatch' !front; Wheeling, that the “Kuklux" had,. notidng to' do with the recent escape of. prisoners ,from jail at Charlestown, Wast. ,. .Virginia; 'add, that the number escaping was only two, and they "quietly walked out of jail. • 4 ' THE Grand Jury of the'lY.S.,Cirenit' 'Court at New Orleans has found Sixteen:indictments against ex-Collector. Perry, 'Pull& ,'. IWO others for conspiracy . fa defraad- rdvetnie; and removing merchandise from the b6nded Tux nie af Oil City, Petinsylvania,yesterday morning, destroyedsix Petroleum,ears l two or three of whieb setts filled with ialb ,At one time during - the ''ffte, (frac "panic' profaned, and families for a great distance around the scene moved thefOliture' n from their;,,hottavi, DESPATCLIKS received at Havana from Gen erallondo report that the rebel General Reliff has been drawn from the jurisdiction of Villa Clara, and is now in the vicinityof Re medios. Tin itt:PLY of the Pontifical ,Court to the last doipatch of Count Peru :has been for ivarded to Paris. lEcontests iteplicit terms the demand of the French Government to be re 'resented in the (Ecumenical , Catmcil. The Apostolic Nuncio, to the Yreficti_. court . 1,3 charged at the same time to give assurances that the representative of France will be re ceived with all the consideration diie to that Government. . mr COAL TRADE. ißep'ort from the Lehigh Region! The Mauch Chunk Coal Gazette of yester day says : There was transported last week over both railroads 45,993 10 tons against 51,302 10 tons the corresponding week last year--a decrease of 5,309 tons. Of this OH tons were de lliered to other railroads for shipment north, Lind 40,760 0:1 lons came south for delivery along the line and at tide. Our - report shows a decrease of 18,515 07 tons from the tonnage of the loreviona week, We are informed by an agent of the Penn sylvania and Now York Canal and. Railroad Company that the coal forwarded north by the Lehigh Valley from L. & B. Junction (and Heretofore :credited by us to Um Las;trawaruia and Bloomsburg Railroad) is delivered to the former road for shipment to points along its line; and to the , Erie Railway. The weekly coal report of the Lehigh Valley Railroad should be so changed as to make this appear clearly. THE ATARI{ . There is no coal going forward, arid dealers are operating ,upon the stocks below. The announcement, on the Ist inst., of a suspen sion, infused new life into the languid market end ,a better, tmlo bas ensued, with prices at quotations. Demand Is brisker as the supply decreases. Stove is 'more active than any other size, owing to the stiff retail trade—the result of the cold weather as well . as of the stQppagr. Dealers have ekbiblted some reluctance, but this is wearing (Was the prospect for a resumir tion of operations Increases; and a steadier and more settled market is the result. Prices have made a small advance but are not firm. THE KT 117 .A.TION OF AFFA its in the mining region is in an unsatisfactory condition. The evident intention, which was to bring about a general Suspension, has been frustrated by the refusal of some of the Luzern miners to yield to the mandate of the Union. This 'is discouraging to the Union men of the other regkins • who stopped work when so ordered by their .Association, and it is said that' tuile.ss a satisfactory settlement of the ipiestlons at issue between the operators and men is reached'duritig this week the Schuylkill men will resume. : , We have heard it reported' that in the Ilazleton and Beaver Meadow and in portions of I:arz.erne, negotia tions are pending, and that a resumption of operations is not Improbable.- We have not learned that any definite action has been had upon the basis, and eight-hour questions, but fielierve their solution as distant: as.ever. On the whole the movement has evidently been unpopular. ' The 'regions that suspended *613 . mostly'opposedlo it,'and • their action is due more to their fealty to their 'organization than to any,enthiplastp for the strike,while the course of thehcranton, miners is anything but complimentiuy to the W. B. A. It is very ap parent that thero is . lack of that unity of sentiment which is necessary to asuccessful deoPpage;atid that. the conflicting interests of the several coal regions must be harmonized before a concert ng..actiop can take place. As things now look wetwould not be surprised if the suspensionzwene practically ended. • . idmititAver. 171 IC .Litiel'a• Living dee,: No. 1345, for the week ending March 12th, contains Geological Theory in Britain, Edinburgh Review ; Madame Eliza beth, Spectator ,• Jane •Attsten, Forinightly Re view; Poems on Natural HistorY,Spectator ;, A Bishop of the Twelfth Century,Frazer's Maga zine; Earl's Dene,;part IV., by , Charles Lever, B/acktcood's' Magazine: Home • Lifo of Sir David Brewster,ran Mull Gctzette Measuring Star Eleat,'SpEgatei'; Vanished and Vanishing Industries,' Leisure ;' Dui!. and Disease, Pall Mall Gazelle ; , besides sliOrter artieles and poetry. 7'he, Living Age, besides ~its usual large amount of the best scientific, literary, historical and political'matteriis publishing two new and very interesting serial stories, one by Mrs. Oilphatit, , veined • "Jelini"• i fitiOther' by Charles Lever; .- called " Earl's Dene," and a third by the author of "How it', all Happened," a story of Quaker life, called • " Dorothy Vox," and borrowed. from Good :Wards. Forty-first Coniritifis.--Focond Session. The United States Senate, yesterday after noon, retauned;the consideration of the Fund ing bill, After . Considerable discuseihn and the adaitio'n of several amendments, the bill was pas di.j, 4 ; • • i• Tim of Representatives laid aside the TArYI4 ill afteK an address Xr. , ,fittePaxtby, In support of 4L it, and., iu Coiropittee 'of the file, to'the. Consideration of the e nThe bill appropriates' an ag gtegato Dupont of $2,477,711 for defieleneies in the service of the present fiscal yearran- oludingan item of;30,0001or Appraisere starlr t in Philadelphia., A. I og digemion., Wowed 1 in regard to thd`egrti iiiitureW tlimi Affnainis tratiooPwhich di l& articipUM in byfaess rs. Beck, Cox, Voor eel, Dawes, Benjamin, Schenck, Marshall and .baflin. The committee then rose,and, the ,Ifouije, at, italfil t ut four o'clock, adjourned till:to-aat. e; ~, DESK INS BY THE OLD MASTERS COPIED IN PAC SIMILE. 1 The nalgoitat of tfi _exploitation d, - ''Autotype" copies T " icy Prautr/ ' 'undertaken by C. F. fleseltine, o M f illadefpllitt;was an ambitious and 'pergola' enterfriee, bpt'we are glad to say its auccets• novit tftssured. Mr. Ihiseltine's representatire is at present hi Washington, ne gotiating ,Wlth the 'CongresSional Library and the dorcertur Gallery; which will respectively purchpe complete sets of the " Autotypes"—a .matter W the agent' of some > twenty or thirty thousand dollars. The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts' 'Made the first ' purchase to any conaidefable amount, and the first selection in `fin* degree fefiree*ittitive; and it is calculated icl'glidde:n the heart of any one interested in 'artlenltnia to watch the young artists, in the upstairs Painfitig-room of the Academy, go froniliree to ..thue:' towards the plc BilitileB which CoVer'llee mails, for the coinparison of their own touch with that of Raphael or I)el - .fin interesting notice of the Brain photographs is to be found in the Nation for March intli,, That, paper inform its readers "The agency, - undo, the; charge of Mr. C. -F. Ilaseklue, has got/4Mo working order, with , sample . portfollos - works ; prsiduced hith erto,:and,a stock on band appro.imately ccun plete.As a mama iesuNthe - fle,flers in prints and picture-frames all 6ver the country begin tij.lia‘c fews€ JPOlin - ens in stock" and to take orders for more. • • • The manner in which theae: pictures' are taken is partly known, but some important: steps In the pro cess appear to be.. kept ~secret. At least we have not:see:ll:anywhere any description that can be isupposen'accurate and complete, either of the invention or of the practical working of it. An interesting article in the EVENING Btrt.l.F.Tll4, of Philadelphia, gives tone aceonnt of the modus operandi." A The .Ntition gos on p) borrow front Murray's Guide Book an 'account art single 011ection of fifteen thousand designs formed biithe Arch duke Albert, in Vienna, and called the ‘ 4 Albeftina?' 'The' notice 01 even a single picture by Raphael is anfliciently interesting that of the famous drawing Made as a study for his,l'hist painting, the celebrated "Trans figuration," in which study the figures are posed and grouped as in the picture, but all nude., " Whether this was dope as a togr, ck ,foree; to show what he could f do, or whether he was accustomed to build tip'his pictutes in that way, or whether he tried it for once, to assure the rightness of the pose of each figure, Is lj ot now our In9turvi - - 4.71 ere mine ara - Win and all urope goes to see it, as should be, for it is one of the most curious things that the art student - has to study." Fora more enthusiastic style of notice of these designsotnd one'better adapted for their popularization among the intelligent public, we May refer to an eloquent' article' by the, poet Swinburne on the, collection of drawings at Florence. - The sketches which allecled him so strongly, and for the sight of which a pilgrim age from the Thames to the Arno was neces sary; may now be studied with all ease by Philadelphians in their homes, under the form of a literally exact fat biinik. The article w e refer to was republished by the BULLETIN, from the Fortnight* Perky!, on July 2ith, We think it . will be of. interest if .we extract a part of that article; which is written in air. Swinburne's florid style. The woman's bead referred to, with the face of . a king dimly seen behind it, is Nu. .184/ in Mr. Fla..4e 3 ltitte's collection from the Florence Gallery: 41511LL'ESE ON SKETCHES BY MICHAEL ANGET.O. ! But !none separate head there is more tragic attraction than in these :, A woman's, three times studied, with divine and subtle care; sketched and re-sketched in youth and age, beautiful always beyond desire and cruel be yond words ; fairer than heaven and more ter rible than hell ; pale pride arid weary with wrong-doing. ' • In one drawing she wears a headdress of eastern fashion rather than western, bat in ef fect made out of the artist's mind onlys plaited in the likeness of closely-welded scales as of a crystalid serpent, raised and waved and rounded in the likeness of a sea-Shell. In some inexplicable way all her ornaments seem to partake of her fatal nature, to bear upon them her. rand of beauty fresh from hell : and . this through no vulgar machinery of symbolism, no serpentine or otherwise bestial emblere; the -bracelets and rings are • innocent enough in shape and workmanship; but in touching ber'ilesli they have bedome infected with deadly and malignant meaning. Broad bracelets divide the shapely splendor '.cif * her arms ; over the nakedness of her firm and lu minous breasts, just below the neck, there is paSsed a band as nf metal. Her eYes 'are; full of proud and passionless lust after geld and blood; her hair, close and • curled, - keems ready to shudder in sunder and divide into snakes ; her throat full and fresh, round -:and hard to the eye as her bosom and arms, is. erect and stately, the head set firm on it without any droop or lift of . the ; her month erueller than-a tiger's, colderthan a snake's, and beau tiful beyond a woman's.. She. is,the deadlier Venus incarnate, for upon •-earth also many names might be foUndlor . her---Lamia re t ransformed, Invested now with'a fuller beauty, but divested ofall feminine attributes net native to the. snake—a Latina loveless and un assailable by the sophist, *readier to drain life out of her lover than to fade for his aake at his side; or the Persian Ames tris, watching the . only breasts 'on earth more beautiful than her, own, ctit oft from her rival's living bosom; or ;Cleopatra, not dying, but turning serpent ,under. ,the ser pent's bite; or that. Queen of the extreme. East,. wheovith, her, intsband, marked „every day as it went by soine"device of a 'new and wonderful cruelty. In. one design, where the cruel and timid .faco of .a :king rises. behind her this crowund and , c,owering bead might staid for Ahab's, 'arid' tier's for that *cif Jeiebel. Another study is inredtballes In this the only ornaments are ear-rings. ; - ilsta third the sepen tide. hair is draiiii tip into a tail aOli.e. crown With two ringlets. hanging heavy, and deadly as small tired snakes s 'There is is drawing in the furthest room at. the 13nonasintl 'Nene which recalls and almost reproduces tbe.design three.. Here also the 'electric hair, which looks aa - thoughtlevsnnidhisilarid glitter with sparks if once tonchediPwciund up a tuft,'With serpentine plaits 'and involutionSiall that rerintins of it tinboUnd falls , id! nne curl, shaping 'ltSelf into asn.ake's' lihness aslt an winds, right agMnst allying snake held Asp the break and throat.' :This ,is rightly registered as "It study' fors Cleopatra; . but notice has not.yet been accOrded to the subtle laid . Sub idba which, transforms her :death • by• the asp's bite into anieetlng of serpents ! .Whicli cognise and eriabrace, an encounter between the woman and the Werra of the Nile, almost us though fhie rn/ttch. for ,deatlf were a mons tions love-match, or 'such a *mYstie. marriage as that painted ith larmnb6, betweertthe maiden hody.Land the scaly coilipf'tkie 'Serpent and the priesteskalike made sacred to•ther 4 . moon; 'se Closely - do-the— Snake. add ithe; . ;4lteedt, o snakes '.:enress. 'and cling. Of this idea — Shakespeare alSo *had a vague and.greatgibitnae 'intide, tons , - murrour,i IVhere's nip serpent of , old ; Nile'?" Mixing a foreteate'of her detith_with the 'swi3et savor of' her SupPlei .nrid".itindrona o p r ide of life.", :1701, what! ddeed, * l4,lPieller or more luxuriously loving thansnstrong;:and graceful snake of the.nObler.kii4„'",,,.l:„, kildlolML,DMMantihSig The followin4 the amount ot coal truturportod over he Phlladelph nrttlittlrtaik.lll - pngrtSOrtelif ndlug Thurod Al r. 10 i /M: '. j fe,4 'Cietil 0 , ~. .. g.... 1 1-... i, f- . . s. OO „ rom St. Clair " Port Carbon l r ..,, 1,343 01' " Pottsville 16 19 r 4. Hebuylkill Haven ' 2,043 16 1 . Auburn 324-40 . i". Port Clinton 605 14 Harrisburg and Dauphin 1,7 W 10 ". Allentown and Aiburtea 140 03 't 4 Two Antlirneft6Voal for.week s ,, .„.....,... 1,261 19 Hittrodnons pool from Harrisiburg L aryl 1 / a tt ._ ii,,,,,, 1 12 i, plinorforwnek...." -' ' S ....,.. ' ffL., 2 Total for week iiaring freight i 14,660 Of 327 13 i Ooal for tho Company ' s use i . Total of all kinds for the week 11,951 13 revlously this year • , 641 123 Oi . i. Total To Thursday, liar. 11.1869, , , i lim t(ai'rf I.' ioNs• • Reported or t e i adp phles , kaleningsßullotitt. ,r ißOSTON—Stcanishfp baleen; :Haste—tlOxstOista and hoes Bunting, Dnrborow A. Co; 28 Chandler, Hart A Co; 4doo Ei Clutlin & Co; 44 do A II Darling a Co; 48 do 'ruff. Watkins & Co; 23 do Goldin, Mitchell & 00; 'lOO do liiiiti ; a 29 ro d e; A titu n al t tr ittt & e it i0 , 0 ( ; ;i 213 ,; o cl( d s W o; T W p l'at L u d i a ; & 63 u t o io ; 12A to humway ; 3 do Shultz A Else; 30 do J I tilutur A Co; 25 u A Tilden A C0;,64 do West, 4outhlyrtb 4 3r. Co; 60 pkgs ry goods G Breviesl & 1 035de GAY , Iltpdn•47do, Boyd :dt White; 21 do Pill rthilt &.(50: 37* , Irdad, BUN I %VII A - 'swan Manufnetnring Co; V) pkgs hardware Biddle . ardware Oo; 14 pkgs slide , H U Boughton; 20 boxes Biddle . ten:band issi A D Curnall; 23 boxes glass French Rich hrds A Co; 00 cm chocolate W 8 Grant; 100 boxes nails ilsatort A Denck ht . ; h , 3 CB chair stock Kilburn A Gates; 5 empty barrels Mr Massey A Co; 615 btll4 Iron 1' B Mid futon; 28 pkgs rope Mason A Crawford ;30 ts 8131111,111 S 31 &It Levin; 'Aldo Harding Bros; 5.0 bids peas Louis 'Earittla Ms ttidri Cr a Smith ;-Mprge tit) V & ofl Taylor; 100 bbls uteirrhittnihieJ Wilkfral- & Corlslo baleirjute 50' Mils fish 147 boxes merchandise 25 do fish order. -; LIVERPOOL—Bark RI ea, Buckholtz-1001 boxes tin Votes Ball & Curpetfier; 444 Bessemer steel rails Penna Bit Co: 40 blils caustic, soda 76 tcs soda ash W Cunning ham & Hone; 200 bss 15 crates glass B li Shoemaker; 10 trates ethw Peter Wright & Hone; 20 casks scda ash Jhurchmati A Co; 500 sacks Deakins' fine salt A Herr A 'Bro; 75 tem blchg powder 255 rlts soda ash order. ST. JACO AND GL'A ;1(1A NAlllo—Hrig Banter, Ijilson-178 hhtle 30 Ws sugurp tegAioneY,lsaric Attirigh It Morris. -1 SIERRA 310RENA—Shr frnmrdercilldi danforld- 1 3-td )41th; :11 trs molarzne ECKnight A Co. 1 CARDENAS—Setif T D Vi hider, Holmes-496 hlids 50 tcs 10 bbis molasses Harris, Hey! Sr. Co. _ _ _ PASSENGERS SAIL. i In steamer Wionntraitiont i fen antirtinnalt-4t lirrger, J si ,13ay_grood,Ill.r..:.1( Utile/am:l.y Lftg , gler, 4' Mortimer 9nrig. 3,lris 3 - Mortimer Mill. Alte ,Ilartntenit, Cling W-Itawg. all ur Sarannatt;.. _Wm.. risT Dufb:llla; Mrs /Sarah Cpitg. Macon — IIG .3.nrubard. Augusta..: BLOIVERENTS OF OCEAN STEAMERS. T 0 ARRIVE: - %- •'.. - . 411P8 , . 11 , 146.14 • • 'AronDATE, tiamarla Liverpool... New York Ji..F B lo.'2A Be Ilona Lonnou-New York:. Feb. 26 tna Liverpool-Now York 'flail & B-Feb. Zt ...Lafayette., 'treat-New York Feb. 26 ,Cleopatra Vera Crnr....N Y ria Havana... March 1 ',Americo qunthatnyton-New York March 1 Tripoli- .... ... ::.,-Lirerpool...New Yark via B....March:l liebratia..l.....4..Diverpool...Now York March '2 4,.; of Wxistingt'n_Lie ergoOl...N ow York _` ' March '3 ifinatrian_ Liverpool... Portland March 3 tAigeka - gepinwall...Nen York March 4 Ang1ia........ Gliuigow-New York-. r -March 5 ,Newei15.........--Lirerpool...braw York • March. .5 TO, DEPART. . ;.Alhananaia .. New York.. Hamburg ' March 15 Ai 'oloradsi! New York-Liverpool March VI 14aroarla . New York...l,lrerpool.. - ...:. .. .. .. . .March 16 Columbia. New York-Harana breech 17 ; Palmyra New York.-Liverpool March 17 'Prometheus ...Philadelphla....Charlesten. March 17 'Pere1te......... . New York...Havre-, .......March 19 ivilmark ' New York-Li verpooL.. ..... -....March 19 7S.RICTIC'en /TOW OTTE...OPIXINOII - of M'arhing'n_Nrw York...LlTorpool • March 19 CLIM brio ...... Y0rk....G1aegew.—....«....-..,March 19 )Hibernian....:.. ...........March 19 .Cleopatra NewYork,_Vera,Cruz,kc.. March J 9 1 11 Chauncey New York...Aspinwall March.2l BOARD OF TRADE. - 108.0. GICUBB ED fil IL' N D A. f.10111)F.E., ( hi.orirmy Commirrng. 1 SAMUEL E STOR k.:, commirraz ON ANISITRA.TION. J. 0. Janns.E. A. Enuder, I Gen. L. Busby, Win. W. Paul,' • Thomas Gillespie. MARIIVE BIJLLETIN. PORT OF PRILAVELPIITA--MA.acti Sort kisx*.6 111 SUN SEM. 5 49 1 MOH wiTEi. 1642 ARRIVKD YESTERDA:I . . Steamer Saxon, Sears. 4, hours from Boston. with may and passengers to /1 %%insor A Co. Off the Capes. ....n•%7 to o brigs corning in; below tha Cross Ledge, brig i Ellen H. from bagnai above New Castle. a' bark beating op; 00 Fort 'Webtware. bark Eureka. from Sagua. t bark Rhea (NG/ Buekholtz, from Liverpool Jan 27, with aides to Peter Wright &Sons. Bark Attila (Nor), ; Valid:, from New York, in ballast to Workman & co,. Bark Friel NO), Sielialtis, from New York. in ballast to Workman Pi Co. Brig Hunter (Br), Wilson, from St Jaw" arta Guanta namo.. with anger and honey to Isaae, Rough & Morris. $ Fehr Summerville Mr). Sanford, 2 , 1 days from Sierra Mort na xis Havana, with molasses to E C Knight, A: Co. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Stearoer Tonawanda:,Jeanings, Savannah, Philatiolghla and Southern mit sit c o , ! Steamer F Franklin. Pierson. Baltimore, A Orores, Jr Schr S A E Barri ugton.Moore, Portsmouth, ,Va. David cooper. Sehr Polly Price, Earns. Boston. L Audspried & Co. Schr W G Bartlett, Baxter: Boston, . do seta. S .1 Vaughn, Rose. Boston, do J Corson, BOstlin, do- Sehr Tearse, Riley ' Roston, do Sehr Ann Myrick,Richards, Lynn. do Schr Modesty, Weaver, Newport, Ct. D Cooper. .oorreepondenee of the Philadelphia Exchange. ()A P,E ISLAND. NJ, March 10, 1570. Schr N J Hiller. from St Joit. NB. Via Holmes' Hole for Philmlelplati, passed to to day. \Virl NW. . • aIiOMAS B. HI;GHES. MEDIORANDA .• _ _ . Ship Winifred (Br). ,Johnson, cleared at' New York yesterday for this port: • Steamer Beekton• Dryden, froni New York 3d tilt. at Glasgow 25th, alai-a stormy voyage. Steamer • Nprfolk, ; Platt. sailed from Richmond 10th inst. fer this port Steamer Virginia, Kennedy'. cleared at Galveston 3d inst. for New'York. Steamer Wilmington, Cole, at Galveston 34 inst. from No York.' Bark ILG 1V Dodge. Syktmea. from liavarta ltlth ult. for Bremen. put Into Nassau, NP.'2tYh, lo.aklng badly. Brig Cbowan, Forbes, ut Rio Janeiro 29th, Jan front Baltimore. Brig Mechanic. Dyer, from Cardenas, at Baltimore 10th inst. :SPit7 AB bier Voting, Yonnz, hencegt Savannah yeaterdny. Schra Ella Sawyer, Sawyer. for this port. and M Steelman. t o for Great Egg Barber, cleared at New York yesterday. Sc* W' Gamier, Egbert. galled from. Richmond 9th last. for thisDort. _ • • .• . • Schr Julia A Crawford;Equng, Wince at Danvers Mb instant. • . Schr Abbyll Brow it, Brown, at Danvers 7th instant (reap New Castle:Dol. • Sc 11. VaIIIIAIIICU, Brower, clparcal at Nevi Haven 9th mythic Port Scum It• uplifts, Maui. sailed from Richmond 9th (eat.- forehickaboniinyt to ^ load railroad tits for this port. IififiOELTANY. - Steainer Eagle, atilkore Doily Island, lies broadside on the ridge; some distatico fromriow - water tuerk. The water at last accounts we.; up to her lower deck at hien tide, and the cargo was being landed with great diffi culty. , • - Bark SPragnel from Matanzas for New York, with taiga ryarrfred at Hey West letliinst. leaking badly. ", AUCTION SALES DAVIS HARVEY; AUCTIONEtRS; r _•• ' (Late' with hi. Thomas & Sous.) • Store Nos. 48 and (.0 NorittSixtli street. . Sale at the Auction Rooms. ELEGANT WALNUT PARLOR AND •CHAMBER SUITS, BOOKCASES, DINING ROOM FURNI TURE. MATRESSES... BEDS, .F.INE TAPESTRY CARPETS, Ste • . , ON TUESDAY.IIORNIG. At 10 o'clock , at the auction stored Nos. 48 and .50 North Sixth str, et, below Arch, very elegant Parlor Suits, co vered Iv:Rhcrimson and green terry, fine greenplush and hair cloth; Handsome Oiled Walnut Chamber Suits, superior Sideboards and .Extenslon. Tables ,Dinitig Room and other Chaire, superior Cabinet and.Seeretary Book cases, Handsome Cottage Suits. , fina Feather t Beds, new Matrosses. Office .Tablea . andlDeaks, Housekeeping Ar ticles, line TrApestry.tlargets.tine Oil Cloths.' Ac. N 1 ARTI3I BRPTUARO. 4,IIiSTIONSESII, 1 iLately;Salosnteri,(6ol.l'homise•ar Sonia . ~!_No.lot CHEBTX.IIIT street. above Seventh. _EAL O Inow ygYAL.p • , : 1 2 1 , A. ?V E , • . OUR, SALESROOMS FROM - THE 0. OLD' STAND, •' • No. d 39 ''CHESTNUT 'STREET. TO THE LARGE ,AND 'ELEGANT BIFIING No. 704 RINESTNUT: ABOVE,SEVE TH. WHERE, ir TH:INDREASED ITIES, • MS ARE NOW. PREPARED , TO DOEESINESS. ; • . LARGE SALE OF SVATIONEWVAED BLANK WORK.- 'I- - Contributions will be received daring this week for tlio Large Bale of titationery and Blank Wnk, pow in pre paration:': street. HANPSOME WALNUT PARLOR AND CHAMBER - FUILISTITURE, ELEGANTHOSEWOOD 7.OOTAVE PIANO FORTE. DINI.Nfr.ROOM FURNITURE, HANDSOME BRUSSELS AND VENETIAN CAR . PETS.. FINE- FEATHER, BEDS, CHINA AND GLASSWARE:•&c. , • ON THURSDAY MORNING. March 17, at •10 o'clock,- at N0..842 :Franklin street, by catalogue.,the entire Household.Farniture, &e. THE YEINOIPAT., MONEY-ESTABLISH. _ toetiv-4. R. ocktudr_oi c 3lXTEE era RACE shreds. • moue/ sthmileed on m handise getterelly— Watcher Jewelry, Diamonde,. Go and Bihar Plate, and on ell articles oirvalus,for imi lengsll4 time agreed on. WVIDELEA_ARD 31RFTELRY` AT PRIVATE BALE. trine toed ottnerigGaileiPoutdeßottom end Open Fats gllfilhitliMaleld * Feejee Peetent Lever Watches; Fine GO eeb eras Opole recebeptne Watches; Pixie Gol Errol Waller Watches; Fine Oliver hunt. fug Clete and On Face : . glide, American and wis h Patent Le ave!l he r, li .„,i hie; nimble illeeejra t t e l l i e e: 211*11Valt;7, 8 . i ~., Ors' VIM i01ii1344 4 1; arc.; Ina Gold' I , 4 . 1t,,,::: MC BraCelete; Pine; Baetpine; ,f, , , ~..:,..”1 . ; pencil Oases and Jeer • l i no eiy eneilis.. ,q ~ r .1.- , •,. • , • , ( 2 , ~ • FORFA/B*-•A • • - ~ste hie, FireprooX,Oheilk imitable for a Jew • 141405 t 1 ‘.. • , , AbodfeveralLo *Apia* hthdeitriitthl44,q4l l P RuPitteiti. ' ELP Po l) Align /2 AUCTION - SALES. - , WAS ALT Non. Lig d u n • AD U 4.II O FURF S Et•tlit STOOKS SS -A . OW - Public vales at the Philadelphia Xxchange eve y TUESDAY o!it doe ttlee o'clock. ' is at tbo Auction Store 111111111 r W R IP.II, Y ai Raeldeueoe receive especial attention ' STOCKS, LOANS, &c. ON TUESDAY, MARCH 15, At 112 o'clock upon. at the Phlissiqohla Rzcheinge—s f AdminigttatOrBlo. ' . -; 100 shares Buok lliountaitsqloe o. A share Philadelphia Itkehatiti 5 shares Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. 100 shores Belmont avenue and Plank Road Co. ' 1 share Butchers' and Pros era' Association. 100 shares Clinton Coal and Iron Co. e. 500 loan Medical D. partment of Penn's College, t 40 tsbaros LtykOak (fanner Mining Co. of Pa. /or Other Accounte-- 'X shares Reliance Insurance Co. 26 shares Enterprise Insurance Co. 98 shares Catawissa Railroad, preferred. 1 share Point. Breeze Park. Box stall No. 52 paint Breeze Park. 100 Oates p ni atina a Transportftd Attnd , : Ilelegranit Co. • 50 Rh treaffon atlan Co. 2 shares Homestead Lite Insurance Co. $15.000 Penn'a 11. R. general mortgage, Jan. and July 6100 Phillt and Darby ft. R. let mortgage ? per cent 60 shares Meventh National Bank. 50 shares Central Transportation Co. c -, loo4harecAmerlcatt ButionholfrMaohine Co. ,allaresßank •,111ortbernLibectio5.' 676,113 15 639,635 00 REAL ESTATE SALE, ItARCEI 15 Will include— Orphans' Coprt Peremptory Sale—Estate of John W, Orizg, dee'd—VP RV VALUABLE BUSINESS LOOA TION-2 VERY DESIRABLE LOTS, Nos. 12 and 14 North Irouoll 4treet above Market, the buildings lately destroyed by fire, Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Stephen E. Smith, decal , -HANDSOME 51.0DERNTHREE . RTKOr /MICR , I DE NC E Ml 2 hhinntVornpn niloTlß'Nrt — Snle— , Estate of Chdlilith.Tr._WOlbort, deed—MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK RESI DERCIC, with side yard, No. 62i narshall street, bo toren Sprit.g Garden and Green. 263 feet front. qtifplians' Court Sale—Estato of Thomas Burch. decd. VALUABLE Itt7SINES STAND—THREE.STORY BRICK STORE, nod D W LING. No. 12015 Locust Rt. Same Estate—THßEE STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1507 Locust Gruliatut'Conrt Sale---Extato of Martin Grorg. doe'd— TWO-&101tY EA Id E 'DWELLING and STABLE. Nn. W. corner 2,491 Myrtle uhd Victoria streets, Twenty- Bit It Ward. Executor,' Peremptory Sale—Estate of Martha R. Mcßride . der'd—BI , SINESS STAND—THREE-STORY BRIDE STORE and DWELLING. S. W. corner of Nineteenth and Wilcox streets, between Spruce and I'ine. • ,• • - , • , eaxml Estate—THßEE-STORY BRICK STORE and -DWELLING, No. 332 botith Nineteenth strMit,adjoin- Mg the above. ••:- BUSINESS. STAND THREE-STORY _BRICE STORE and DWELLING. Noi 1102 Parrish et. • HANDSOME 310DERN FOUR-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, No. 1522 North Fifteenth street. RUM) Jeff , reon. Elne - the modern conveniences. ,- MODER,N RESIDENCE. S W. eorifer of •Geralsll - town avenue and Nicetewn lane. - THREE-STORY , BRICK ' DWELLING, , ;No. 1017 Ellsworth street, Second Ward. MODE,RN THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No'. 2125 Jetfirsiin et. • • • ' • , MODERN. THREE-STORY. BRICK TtESIDENCF, No. 601 Itiortshari street, above Green, Iles•the modern• eonv eniencesf..t!,';,'T erg front. . Executors' Salo—Estate of Algernon. S. Roberts, dec'd—THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, Na. 1037 Beach st • THREE-STORY BRICK STORE and riwrKLINo, No. MO Witcox street, between Nineteenth and Twen tieth and Spruce and [Pipe streets. , .., • THREE :STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1008 Ponth Third at. ' MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No 807 South Seventeenth .4. 11 AIiTSOME- MODERN FOTTRATORY BROOK RESIDENCE, No:•1510 Green3itreet. - Has the modern conveniences.. Immediate possession. ••j'' ' 6 WELL-SECURED IRREDEEMABLE GROP•Np 71 r 6 fj.V4 I A WELL SECURED GROUND RENT, 860 a year SALE Of ... MACHINERY, &C., •• At No. 956 Reach atropt. Kensington. ' ON TUESPAV fiIORNING. r 31arch 15. at 10 o'clock. consilting principally of Wood avorth Planing 31teltinea, Gray sod Wood's Planers. Papist's 'Planer's, 'restawirift Veneer 'SAW Mill, Mortice Machine. Turning Lathes, heavy. six Pet Ilor• Inc Laths. Drill , Pres*, Punching 3litchines. Engines. Boilers, Shafting, Pulleys, and a large lot 'of Patterns, &c., &c. play be examined two days before the sale. time No. lbrs Camay: mtreet,. • '• ' NEAT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; OVAL BIER • M IRROR. HANDSCME _BRUSSELS OARPEt, FEATHER BEDS. ,tc. ON TUESDAY MORNING. March . 15, at 10 o'clock. at No. 1.85.5 C,arnne strsst, above , 31ont:loniery avenue, by catnlogno,tho entire Heine-hold "Furniture, cornisrasins—Neat Walnut Parlor. Room and Chamber Furniture handsome Brussels Car• rete, (Peel Pier Mirror, Brio Feather Beds, China, Glass ware, 'Kitchell Utensils, &c. BUNTING, DUEBOItOW & CO.,' AUCTIONEERS, Nos. 25L1 and 234 Market street. corner of Bank. LA IiGE SALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER EURO PEAN DRY GOODS. ON MONDAY MORNING. March 14,at 10 o'clock.on four :non [La' credit.including— . DRESS GOODS. Pieces Loudon black and colored pure Mohairs and Alpacas. do Plain and Fancy Popelines, Leuos, Delaiues. Barages. . do Piques. Grenadines, Poplin Alpacas, Fancy Dress Goods, ,2c - - Pieces Lyons black Gros Grains and Ociehemere do Soie do Lyons black Taffetas. Gros du Rhin, Penile. do Lyons colored Ponit de Sole. Fancy Silks, cbc. BONNET. SILKS AND MILLINERY: GOODS. A line of superior quality colored Gros do Naples. A line of Lyons black anc colored Silk Satins. A line of black English and colored Crepes A lino of tine colored Tarletans and French Flowers. - SWISS MOLLS. Au invoice of Swiss Mulls, in fine Grades. ATTAQTIVS SALE OF PARIS RIBBONS. A line of Ni*. l4a.lncot•tled edge Taffeta Ribbons. A line of Paris quality all boiled black Tatv.ta Ribbons. A line of No. lal6 black and colored Satin _Ribbons. A line of colored and black Sash Ribbons. Also, Press and'.desk Titirraings, rmbrelba, HanAker chiefs, Gloves. Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Ties, Sus penders, Domestic Go,ss Nns, isby ord e r of c. Messrs H. RENNEQUIN & CO., Full lines of Paris. Veil Bareges. in green, brown, blue, S:c.,in all qualities. ' Full lines Of Paris Pointe Maria, in ,green, brown. blue, Sc., In all qualities. Full lines of Paris black Thibet Long Shawls, from medium to best quality imported. Full lines of Puri shlack Thibet Square Shawls, fro n fine to beet imported Also, 50 pieces Parie.Taffetade.Roubaix. r 0 do Paris colored Epinglines. 50 do Paris rolled Valeucias. 50 do' allk and wool colored Popelines. 100 do French Arhito Piques. 200 do London colored Mohair•, • ' 100 PIEOES PILLOW LINENS, of a celebrated itaportatioi . for city trade. SALE OF MXICASES BOOTS, SNOBS. HATS, CAPS, TRAVELINIFIIis OS,' &c.; • ON TUESDAY MORNING, March 1:4 at 10 o'clock, on four months'credit, includ ing- Cases Men's, boys' , and youths' calf, kip and buff leather Boots; tine Grain Lens Leg Dross Boots; Con gress Boots; _ Bahnorals; kip, buff and polish grain Beogans; wurnen's, misses' and children 'it calf; kid, goat, rnoroeco ape Balruorals; Congress Oat, tors: Lace Boots; Ankle Ties; Lasting 'Gaiters,' pers;'Tt ay ; Overshoes, &c. SPECIAL AND IMPORTANT SALE OF READY, • • MADE CLOTHING, • ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. March 16, at 10 o'clock, on four mouths' credit,ineludiag men's cloth:beaver, easeimere and doeskin pants, coats and vests: boys' fancy cassimPre suits. linen and other sallouPr Clothing, &c. All regular• sizes and custom made goods. . . LARGE, •SALE OF BRITISH, FRENCH, GERMAN . AND DOIILESTIO. DRY GOODS ' , ON THURSDAY 110.11N,INH, •• blorch 17, at 10 o'clock, ou four month' credit. LARGE PALE OF CARPETINGS, WHITE, RED CHECK' AND FANCY MATTINGS, ON FRIDAY. MORNING, March 18, at 11 o'clock, an four months' credit, 'about 200 pieces Ingrain, Venetian, List, neruipt Cottage and Rag Carperings, Canton Mattiugs, 011-01otbs, , QCOTTS ART GALLERY AND AUCTION .CONNIESSION SALES ROOMS, B. 'SCOTT Jn., Auctioneer. nizioimpapr street, Girard Row. Furniture Sales every Tuesday and Friday morning, at 10 o'clock. Particular attention paid to ant-door sales at mode. rate rates. den tf We Phan 11411 a 'Largo Sale of .Fa,intinka on 17th and 18th March. .Thoati 'wishing to :emitslbntatn this sale will please send In their Paintings immediately. B. SCOTT, JR. e'A 3T'&OIAIJ TRADE: SALES OF • BARTRA M .3r NTON'S FAIIIII,Y SEWING MACII.I.NBS• At B. Scott, Jr.'e Auction Sales Bboras, 1117 Chestnut atrottOlirard Row, • ' ON MONDAY MORNING. • ' March 14, at 1034 A. N., by order of W. T. Hopkins, 1115 chestnut street. General Agout for Pennsylvania and ,Near ifirtieY for .tbess euperioe, machines. which only need to become known to make' them the most' popular ,of any others lu the market. They are direct from the ; manufactory, thoroughly complete... and, sold without reserve, with the Agent's guoinntee. They are now on exhibition at the Agency Ofliceivihere alt are invited to rail to examine them, and receive instructions in using ;them before and after the sale. • Can be seen at the Auction EOOlll9 two days before „ , jr,, A. HARLOW will make his '"l ' • _L. , , • •- *FOURTH' SALE OF' VERY SUPERIOR 11OURIIFIOLD FURNITURE. ON TUESDAY MORNING. Marsh 15, atifte o'clock. at the wareromuss No. )117 Chestuttt street; 'consisting of—Welnitt• Chamber Sults. Cottage Chamber Suite, Walnut Parlor Suite, covered with Irotatello, plush. rep and hair cloth: Wardtobes, Sideboards, Bookcases Lounges. Etageres, 'Bouquet. Extension and Library . Tables. white brpcatelle Chairs, Cane-seat and - -Iteclining Chaim. ReekorS, Hair Mut ressea, and a tine assortment of French Plate Mirrors, Also, Ivet y •111te.Colt'N Repeating Rifle. r ; • . Also, a tine 144 pipe Organ. . • T .111ii0LELLANDi AUCTIONEER, 1219' CHESTNUT Street. , , • ; ,• • „ rtlentonoll attention given to.l39leit of liousehold Furniture at liwellhuvt. Zit” Fubllu.pajea.of Furnititro Ittnie Auctlun Bomb, 1219 °hesitant' street, every Mender and•Tntirsday. illEr For:particulars see Public Ledger. 111 1 ir.14,1011.,--41 awrior qtass cf. ,Furniture, qt Prlvate Salo, MICTION SALES. toy, BiquuTz t a,Cp. l4 CASH AVM' .0 HOME; • ' 4 . No. Y.Sa MARKET street. corner of.Baulf stmt. ;AT PRIVATE SALE—TlTE'llrasTor, WOOL MO, , Cotonrining the Real Nidatetttatalt yalhaltis Machi nery, being the most compli;te and valuable 111,111IcOhti. State. Will bo 'AA id it; great' •bargalty; nn easy Cern:Uri. B ot; intrtiaulpre,lnq uiro at the Aunt ion Store. • •F. , 'MONDAY MORNING. , • ••, • • • March 14. Coinmeneing at 10 o clock. Gru hits Linen(' Handkerchielyi; ModerY Table„and _Pocket Cutlery, siumeriders, Neck Ilea cases tppool liOttonN. Hresaing Combel nue"; lOW/US; Stalp Alao,•=4 dozen ;Packet Hooke, Toirele, Turkey 44 , ;(1 Handkerchiefs, .press Goode, Clothe'. Casaltherea , Linen!, 44c. • ; • O VERSIII MS AN DY.MAHE C/LOT KING. At 'll% o'Cloclooo lets Mon's' Read Y-made (nothing; 1";e3. • Shirts,i• Dress Shirts,: atc. A luo , invoioce.kloeta, Shoes, Hate, 'Cape. &C. - ADM 'grit 4ivrsg..:a .•.' 01,11144 ES i: D MG, , AY ORNIN March 15, commencing:eV JO' ci•obacki combrleing 20410 Coate. Pants. Vesta. Shirty, &c.. to whrch we invite the attenttoit (IMO , anAconnity merchants. *, 160 cases and car Aleo tons Of Stet Pelt latitfn JAMES A, r FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, ' No. 422 14t:,,1 n t Arrest. • • , REAL 'ESTATE SALE, MAROIT 16. • This Sale, on WEDNESDAY, at 12 o'oloOk noon, at the Exchan_go, will include— STORE, No. 626 MARK ET. ST.--abe,' Yeti; 'iainahlo five story iron-front Store, Market atreeL above Sixth, 22 feet front by 132 feet deep to•Oonetheree street - two fronts. Any bendecne , ornamental iron front, base ment, fireproof vitnltic,• hoisting' apparntne and , every convenience Ton property is fireproof, is alinnet new. and in perfect eider: e 690 ground rent. Ezetittael Peremptory Solo. Estnte of {William Wayne, elet.W. - BODINE AND DIAMOND STS —4 • 'llfr4e-iitory brick Store and Dwelling, S. W. corner, 16 by. tiO foot. el2ll ground rent AcKlis AND IMPROVEMENTS, I3GOCILEY AND MERION TONVNSIIIP AND CITY LINE AVEND D.—A 'valuable ;tract of Inuit, with the house, barn, &a.. thereon, in the Twenty fourth Ward.. Sub ject to el2ll. finis b,, orderer AsAigh!e. CATAL4/01;ES NONY READY. 11BRID E V 1 44 . 11 A8 18: No. ioi3 IrAVwv. 86 ‘9 33 AUCTION ARGfi. 33AIM s . OF 13001'6 1 , 6 13 1 11 i IES: 4 111 1P T I S ITh AilD VAPA • „ , ON WEDNESDAY 111ORNING, . ,„ , If arch 10, at 10 o'clock, we will noll by catalogue, abOtill IWO Packagee of I Bnote and Sboee, , of city and &total' man ufatt u re, embracing a largo assortment of first class goods. Open earl sr on The morning at eilafor. Las plction, when the attention of city and country buyers le rrHOMAS BIRCH • & HON L AU0T.T.0.14 , /MRS AND COlfibitHitOON MEW:HUNT% N 0.1410 CHESTNUT rarest. Bear entrance N 0.1107 Salaam street., ' Household Furniture of every description received os •Consignment: Sales of Furniture at dwellings attended to on the meet reasonable terms. - CD. MoCLEES & ( ) 0., • No. 606 MAILHET figiteTtn°l4;Be' . Boor AND Buon. BALISAI .EvEmilioliDAT 'AM TUTTRFMAY r(EW PILIBLIGATIONs. SUNDAY 'SCHOOL SUPERINTEN. dent,,zet Prof. I.lart's admirable addrem, "How to Se led' a Library" at rho Sabbath •School Emporium, 1108 Arch street, Philadelphia,. NEW BOOKS OIIR SATURDAY. NIGHTS A charming new book of earnest and pathetic charac ter, by " Brick Pomeroy." author of " hence " and " Nonsense." Illustrated with thirty. beautiful draw • Imp by htephens. `• Price $1 50 , . HAMMER AND RAPIER. A 'powerful and brilliant new book of intOnso internat. by John Eaten Cooke ("Snrvi of Eagle Neg.") author of "Hilt to Hilt," - "Fairfax," Ice. "' Price 91.50 Bp Broadway, and Its Sequel. By Eleanor Kirk-751 'JO whe Old Merchants of New York. V01.5,.,...-... ..... el 78 Poem!. by Irving Van Wart, Jr • • sl'4o Vashti—Anausta J. Evens's new novel 82 00 Phernie's Temptation-Marlon Harland'a new novel el 50 Josh Billings's Farmer's A Ilnitrinic 25 cts. TmDay—ltichard B. Kimball's new novel 91 75 Living Writers of the South—By Davidson 92 00 Strange Visitors The great Spiritual book. ... .. 00 . . CARLETON, Publisher, New York, Madison &oars. nilio NY Ei it ELL'S PiI_3Ic)IIstI,IUNI:CLOPEDIA, The REST, LATEST ctncl CHEAPEST ever publish ed, is not only a CO_UPLETE ENCYCLOIIai IA; written suer: n WAR, hence the only ono giving any account of tho LATE BATTLES, and thoso who fought them, but is also a thorough and COXPLETE LEXICON, A GAZETTEER OP TIIE WORLD, A BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, A 81RLH!..4.1, DICTIONARY, - A LEGAL DICTIONARY, A AIEDICAL DICTIONARY, and the only book cut ;lining. ell these enbjects, The more than 2000 MILI.,:eSTRATIONS, on every variety of sttbject. alone will cosh over ;glace°, No other work ig.eo tally and en well illwtruted. ; Viriws' • CrirEs, Pruitt(' BrILDT3MS.'PLANTS, ANIMALS{ AACHINERY, GREAT ZIEN ' AND lA r calil.{ &u., &C., &C. Total cost, bound, to Sttnsrrtinnun MILT, ie7.50, a caring of more than $lOO over other similar works. A 50 eent specimen number. containing 40 pages and 78 pictures, kill he sent. free for 10 cents. Agents and:Canvassers wanted.. Sold only. by subscription. Address T. ELLWOOD ZELL, Philadelphia. fel9-16 13t INSURANCE. T HE PHILADELPHIA TRUST, SAFE DEPOSIT AND INSURANCE COMPANY, „in i I n c i ß L ArT m ono n i. j AI- B raz isl o rc a Ar .l3 4. u l. l. T.S n tr N6, No. 421 CHESTNUT STREET. CAPITAL, $500,000. . . _ Fer SAFE-KEEPING Of G(;VER:4SIENT DlO t NDSittld Other SECITItITIES, FAMILY PLATT, 3 Ewni.ttY,anct other VALU ABLES, under special guarantee, at the lowest rates. -- The Company also offer for Rent at rains - varying from 815 to e 76 per annum, the renter alone holding the key, SMALL SA FES_IPWI I OII:IAOa4AR7PROOF VAULTS, affording absolute SECURITY against Fine, TIIEFT, B UR• GLARY'and ACCIDENT.' ' ' ' All fiduciary obligations. Ruth [lli TRUSTS. 017(161A11- mitreg, EXECEToIisIIIPri, ate., will be uudertaken and faithfully discharged. CirCulara,giviiig full detailii;forwardod on application DIRECTORS. Therrien Robins, Benjamin B. Coinegye, Lewin R. Ashhuret, Augustus Heaton, J. Livingston Erringer. P . Ratchford Starr, • R. P. Id cCullagh, Daniel Haddock, Jr., Buwin M. Lewis, Edward Y. Townsend, James L. Claghorn, John D. Taylor, Hon. Wm. A. Porter. OF WIIIERS. President—LEWlS R. ASHII V RST. Vice President—J. LIVINGSTON ERRIRGER.. . Secretary and Trewurer—B. P. IIicOTILLADR. • ,So/icitor—RICRARD L. ASDHUILSTs t 0.2 INSUR.A NCE COMPANY, NORTH - AMERICA. • ",. JANUARY /./970.. INCORPORATED .1794. CHARTER PERPETUAL CAPITAL, ASSETS, . Losses paid since organiza. • _lion,. . . 523,0600000 ItecelOts ofrremlOrms, 1869, 01,991;897 415 interest from inrestroo 9l o2 • 1869, • - . - 114;696 74 ,f 12,100,9341 19 . . #1 ' 035,380 84 • . . STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS,' :First Mortgage on City Property ' $1766,450.00 Tufted states Government and othdr Loan . .Bonds • 1,120,A16 00 Railroad Ban k and Cana Stocks. 55,719 00 C Plash in Bank and ounce • ' , 247,620 uo Loans on Collateral Security 32,550 00 Notes •Receivable, mostly Marina, Pre- Milling 321,934 00 'Accrued Interest " 20.857 00 ,Premiums in contse of transmission 85,198 00 :Unsettled Marine Premiums— 100,000 00 Neal Estate, Office of Company, Pldladel . p hilt Losses paid, 18419, - . r Dln C T OUS • .Arthur G. Coffin, Fiona's It. Copo, Samuel W . Jones, Edward IL Trotter, 'John A. Brown, Edward S. Clark°, {Charlen Taylor, . T, Charlton Henry, :Ambrose White, Alfred P..lessnp, William Welsh, Louis O. "lad eira, S. Morrie Waln, ' Chas. W. Cushman, John Mown, ••• Clement A. Griseom, ?Geo. L. Harrison, • Williarn•llrocicte.. l ARTIIUR G. COFFIN, Prose ont ' MA RUNS PLATT, Vice Preslt DIATTITIAS 'Kann), Secretary. C. U. BEET Es, Ass't Secretary. %NEW. BOOKS . 0509,000 02.783,581 30,000 00 152,783,531 00 felo tf XAHURANC B ' , kft ~Q~i ~ +x ~Ts,~+~' . t, , UTUAL LIFE imgritANcg ii , t 4 OF HARTFORD. CONN. /14163 ,4 10R # E P 1846" OEFICIERS JA IL S Glooi),Wiff Piesident. EPIIANIAIt PRESTON, Viet President A WOODBAtthGE S. 61.4175T*D, Seer et!}ry.i EIJWIN W. pitYAN't Actuary Assets, - $27 666 479. 26 gurplus,- 9,671;876 , 26 , , Income, - 8,978;761 25 itf• Ratio of expenses to total income, 839 „„fa THIS COIIPANY, TE If OE ITS YEARA)I O IMPAItALLEI/ERSUCUESS, AND EEERVISIN 0 11.1i015( * AS Rit*Eqo FLORA* THE STBICTEiir VOUROXY,`R.EEP,II , III ' ITS RATIO'OF "MIMESES gl i ctlo r ras INCOME •BELCW APR Atir OTHER CO3I?ARY,AFEQRDS TI E IRESTIIIRIILE` Ertiartrs , or " ' LIFEINSUEARCRATTHEI*OW LEST CURT, AND AT: XIEtE pfx, TIME'EURNISUESTUE.REST`, SECURITY * tiS ;+RE-; • AIRY:ViIa OR, ANY, t AIRN, t , , irisuryklics .COMPAN Y IN Tttt wohtti. statement of the condition of the Connecticut lir 'ltalia. Vfe Innurance' tibrapatay 'int . the thtity-flnit O'fbo cember,lB69. State of Connerticitt, County of Hartford, sa:- Be It remembered, that on this 24th day of Pobrtiary, A.D. We, before the subscriber ,, a Commissioner in and for the State of Connecticut, dilly coitimfissitined and an thbrized by, the Governor of the Stato of Pennsylvania, to take the acknowledgment of Deeds and other writinge % to ho need and recorded .in ihe said State of Pennsyl vania, and to administer oath 4 and affirmations, per sonally appeared'''. Preston, Vico President of tile Con,' necticnt Mutual Life Insurance Company, and made oath that the following is a true statement of the conat-• um, of said Life Insurance Company upon the,aist day of 'December, A. p. b 1 .52. • Anil further eertify, that made personal eX— dmiliatiun'of the condition of said Coupocticut Mutual sugnaa gamay, 14,....ptsurj Ns. CUM UR,. ULM UM - BaTIATIIICC they have meets safely inve s ted to. the amount of Ono /tallith Dollars.. Thal have, examined the Peuritim now in the }mode of the Company to the, amount of One Dlillion Dollard, and the tame are of that value - repro eented. . . . . I farther certify 'that I am not intereeted Iti Wealthy' of said Company. In witnesn whereof, I hare hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal thin kith day of February, A:1). sy.A i [ Signed] A Commissioner for renusxlvania, .FIRST. Capital Stock (Company being purely mutual) No stock Amount of aaaesamouts or instalments on stock paid in cash .. SECOND. ho value as nearly as may be of the Real Eststo hell by the Company sll ,793 63 .teh on hand ....„ Cash in hanks, Frs:Hying the banks—State Bank. Connecticut River . Banking Coin- First National Bank, and Ranking Howe of Dabney, Morgan '& Co • 326,115 82 Cash in hands of agents in course of trans- 11118: ion Amount of loans secured by bonds and mort gages, constituting the first lien on real estate, on which there is less' than one year's interest due and owing 9,940,900 31 Amount of loans on which interest has not been . paid within one year Amount of stocks owned by the Company, specifying the number of shares anti their par Mid market value Far Market etthle. 11.8 Bonds ' • $3,007,000 e3,4.i.5,800 State of Connecticut 1,000.600 1,041,000 State of Tenne.see 20,000 11,400 City of Rvansville 15,000 12,000 City of Toledo 20,000 20,00.1 110 shares Hartford and New Haven Railroad... 11,000 23,870 50 shares . Connecticut • River Railroad 5,000 6,750 130 shares First National Rank... 100 shares City National Bank 10,000. 10,500 25 shares ins leaur mice Ccitrioi 15 shares Ith:unix In surance Company... 1,500 2,175 10 shares Charter C0mpany........ • j ngnratice Company 1,000 1.270 10 shares State. Insur- ance Company 1,000 1,120 200 shares 'Fourth ' tional, Now York. 2 0 . 0 00 ,P e6OO $4,127,000* $4,620.E00 - -4,620,500 CO Amount of stocks held by the Company as • , collateral twenrity for loans, with the :mount loaned on each kind or stock, its par and market value—Amount loaned - 185,565 PO ' r Par Market . Ain't " ';. value, saute. Maned. a 232,C00 5325,461 • 5185,565 Interest on investments due and unpaid......... ,2511 155 Accrued interv.lt nut yet due . 511,621 33 Oilier availablo miscellaneous tissets, specify- ing their Character and value Premiums in the hands of agents and in course of collection l'reniiunt NoteB Total Assets, - TIJ Amount of losses elnrino, the year, adjusted but not due 'Amount of losses reported to the Cmpany but not acted upon ..:......1' ' 41,780 00 ._ Axiom] t losses rs ist;qt by the Company 10,000 op Amount of divide to toe xttid unpaid Amount of money borrowedcand tho nature lend the amount Of the security given ..... . . Amount of all ether elnims #tgainst. puny, coutested or otherwise _Amount tesuired to palely re-Insure all out. Mantling Oaks 17,424,784 04 Total Liabilities, $17,894,604 00 } . OIJETII. .A monk of ettes.premituns recebted.4 8,35,72165 Amount of premiums not paid in cash during the year, stating the diameter of such pre+ 110114, being Notes and Credits. 2,59Z!,359 90 Amount of prenilliMs earned :Interest reeektod from investments 1,449,919 70! Income front all othef sources, specifying what bourcti—Rent 6,150 Total Income, '- numn. Amonnt °flosses mild during the year 1,627,13700 Amount, paid and, owing for re-insurance prernittnis • ' ' Artiount,of return premiums, whether paid et unpaid Amotint. of iliVidenil declared during year... lopoteas 91 Amount of dividends paid 1,610,66894 Aritettnt Of expense 4 paid during the year. in cluding commissions nod fees paid to agents 'arid 'officers of the Company ' 669,939 14 Amount of lossep due an unpaid 10,000 Amount Of text's paid by the Company 10,001'04, ' ;Aniouut of all other expenses' mid expendi tures 139,515 M a. Amount of proud stiory, n otee originallv form ing the Capital of the Company 40,000 OW Amount of said notes held by the Company ns, part of or the whole of the Capital thereof. None., Par and market value of the Company's stock ' per share No Stock„ • • Many Dirkslends, payable darling the pres!..., tent year, range from 215 to'2lo per et... NOW IS lIXETIIIIf,TIOOIIISURV. Dividends immediate, mat increase an.u.ally WALTER H. THAD 'EN, General. Agent, ltd: Attorney for Pennsylvania, 404 Walnut Streeti Pill X Itae%IPEX. Plll4l. tuh3 th 6 to 6t W3I. 1314,31ERSLY, 37,59'63 75,012 00 13,000 17,930 2,500 2,875 441,330 6S MEM - $27.566,479 26 4H,570 On - $8,978,751 25
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