. , , . , . : THE DAILY EVENING 111TLLETIN — PHIL 'A I)ELPHTA HURSDAY, MARCH. ,10, 1870. , ~.... , , CITY BULLETIN. Gnictnan HOwARD -A letter just received To THE CONSUMPIUVR. - Liett hose Who lan - I ' ~ , , - , I, i' • ' 4 ' ' 1 - - ..... 1 , from WaShington contains the following : OM ller the fatal severity of rem climate through ' , "I am instructed by General Howard to say „ainior con su mption , by rye tsint, or °Minos° who are in de- • .. . , Continued from the First Page. no means despair. There lea . ' . that it will afford him great leasure to attend safe and sure remedy at hand. mid One easily tried. ' .4 , 1 • the anniversary Of Friends h i p Division No: " Wilber's Compound° , Cod Dtuer o_o4arid Lime," with out possessing the very nauseating neyor of the Oil as matriculates. Of these there are from Arkan- 19, Sons of Temperance, which is to behold in heretofore used. Is endowed b p the phosphate of lime sae, 2; California, 1 ; Chile, 1; Cuba, I; Dela- your city on the 25th •inst." With, the distin- with a healing property whictinders . ware, 10; 'Ecuador, 2; Florida, 1,• Georgia, 6; guished visitors who are to be present, the efficacious , Remarkable o those w i testim oni a ls i t o: e them.of its eVey can Indiana, 1; lowa, 1; Kansas, 1 - ; Kentucky, 1, Academy will surely be filled to its utmost ea- by A. Du WiLDODI °hernial Spa i6lloourt street, Boston. • Maine 1; Maryland, 12; Massachusetts 4; peaty-, Miehian, 1 ; MistasThsippi, 3; Missouri, 5; New ComptErtanntENT.-The annual commence- English Spring•bottom Panteloous • • Brunswick, 4 ; New Hampshire, 1 ; New Jer- merit of the medleat department of the Uni- New being Introduced by . - ' . . f i i ,• i soy, 28; New York, 12; North, Carolina, 5; Nova Scotia, 1 ; 0 o, , hi 9' Pennsylvania , 2.15. VetaltY cf Pennsylvania will take. plaee at the Custom; sToaxs, 824 Chestnut street. .' Academy of Music at noon to-morrow. The HEragnotr's ExTRAor • Booms and Ira- • Prussia, 1; Tennessee, 6; Texas, 7; United PRovEn Ron Pisani:tures secret and delicate disorders ' ' 2l-12 2 States Army, 1; United States Navy, 2; Ver- valedictory address will be delivered by Prof. Joseph Leidy, Id. D., L.L. D. The music will in all their 'gages, at little expense, Ilttie or no charge i a n at die n t, no inconvenience and 'no exposure. It is plains- .1 Black Silks at Specie Jr-rice's. moat, 2; Virginia, 6 ; Washington, 1; West be by Hassle ' Or hestra mend,of course. 03X r 8 0 . Virginia, 2 ; and Wisconsin, 2. The matricu- i to and odor, immediate in iteaction, Awl free , cellent selections will be from allinjurione properties. totes of the auxiliary course of' medicine, 1889, number 86. HANDSOME PnltsENTs.-At a soiree given, HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT Bucmr fS In the Law Department the students num- last evening, by the PrOfeSSOIS of the Phila- pleasant in taste and odor, free from all injurious , Evening Silks at Specie Tbrices. , , - , ber 49. Their residences are : ' delphia Musical Academy at their rooms, No. properties, and immediate In its action. Philadelphia, 42,• Pennsylvania, 1; Indiana, 1228 Spruce street, Prof. John F. Himmel's -1 ; Delaware, 1 ; Ohio, 1; Kansas, 1; Havana, bach was presented IT his pupils with_a hand- 13unsurre"s TOOTH WASH is a good article. 1; Rochester, N. Y., 1. some gold watch, and Prof. Rud olpth Flennig . The Charity Schools contain 136 pupils. was presented by his lady pupils with a silver MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR are ro- , Japanese Silks at Specie Prices. A summary of the Institution is as follows : pitcher and salver. gained by lIELMBOLD'a EXTRACT JIMMY. 1 Professors. 35 LARCENY OF Bitooms.-Henry Hindle was Instructors 5 , arrested last evening, by -Policeman Byrnes, HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT Boost gives health Teachers •• •• • '" of the Seventh District, upon the charge of the and ier to the frame and bloom to axe pallid cheek. . Students . 797 larceny of two dozen brooms from the frontof Debility is accompanied by many, alarming 107111fi0cJat nbleir. ..A.lpacas at Specie Prices. , . and if no treatment le submitted to, consumption, tn. Chath and SENTENCE OF A WOMAN PERJURER.--Thiel ZurtZer 8 grocery store, at . anity, or epileptic fits ensue. morning, in the Court of Quarter Sessions, Green streets. He was committed by Ald. CnoconATE CARAMEL.-Very fine. . before Judge Paxson, Sarah Gore was con- Toland. _ STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, victed of wilful and corrupt perjury. The fol- COAL FOR THE Poon.--The Bedford Street S.W. corner Twelfth and Market stree t s. Colored .A.lpacas at Specie Prices. lowing is the verdict and sentence : Mission needs about three tons of coal for - LAszIES' HATS. Misters' 11.ATs.-The most " The motion for a new trial in your case has Wstribution among the poor people under its, exquielte styles. Selling at prices lower than eteewhere. been withdrawn and you are now before the charge. Some of our coal dealers will, no OAKFORD'B, _ Court for sentence, doubt, furnish the required quantity to Rev. tinder the. Continental. , " I have considered the appeal made in your J. D. Long, the missionary, at the Mission FOR NON-RETENTION OR INCONTINENCE Empress Cloth Poplins at Specie Prices. , behalf by your counsel, Mr. Brigg. 'The House, No. 619 Bedford street. of Urine,irritation, inflammation, or ulceration of the mercy of the court which was invoked in your bladder, or kidneys, diseases of the prostate glands, ' behalf, is a mercy based upon a sound disore- FIRE.-T he alarm of tire about eleven stone in the bladder, calculus gravel or brick-dust de tion. it is not a weak sympathy with crime, o'clock, this morning, was caused by the par- posits, and all diseases of the bladder, kidneys and or with criminals. In your case there is . • ti al burning of the roof of house No. 518 Poplar a 1 ewellin ropeir aft _ flings, „ _ _ Heilnuorm's FLUID EXTRACT Beano. Black. Grenadines at Specie Prices. , nothing to commend it to our favorable con- street. The . house is occupied by Jacob Ihrig sideration. The crime of which ,.. you are as a confectionery store and dwelling. ' SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RESTORED BY convicted was one necessarily involving pre- ACCIDENT.-Margaret English, aged 50 HELMEOLD'B EXTRACT BMW. . , meditation. It was not the result of a passion years, residing at Ninth and Federal streets, in ENGLISH HOT CROSS BUNS-fresh, daily-at Striped Grenadines at Specie Prices. . ,• , or of provocation. You deliberately ant while taking clothes from the line the Morse's, 902 Arch and 238 South Eleventh street, falsely charged a respectable citizen with the yard of her house, this morning,fell and broke _ .P.. high crime of a rape upon your person. And her leg. She was taken to the Pennsylvania NFEEBLED AND DELICATE CONSTITU- Mons, of both sexee use BELMBOLIPB EXTRACT Bantu. having made it, you brought him into this Hospital. It will give brisk and energetic feelings, and enable you court, on trial , and upon that trial you com- FATAL .. A ll Dress 43Foods at Specie Prices. ' , RAILROAD ACCIDENT.-11. woman toßie°P wetl• milted wilful, deliberate and corrupt perjury named named Pugs, about 45 years of age, was run CHOCOLATE CAitAmEn.--Partioularly nice. in order to convict him. You dt , . all you could to consign an over by a gravel train on the Philadelphia and Manufactured by _ • ” Trenton Railroad, near Bridesburg ;station, STEPREX F. WHITMAN, S. w. corner Twelfth and Market etreets. , . innocent man for a long term of years to the this morning, and was instantly killed. Penitentiary, and to blast his reputation for White Good " s at, Specie Prices. JTAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND 'UNSAFE all time. Nor is this all. I have judicial . now- SUDDEN DEAfro.-A woman named Jane r medieet for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. Use ledge of the fact that you have made similar Clawson died suddenly at a house at Second staisetn's EXTRACT Beene AND IMPROVED Boss charges against several other respectable citi- and Fitler streets; at half-past six o'clock this Wain'. zens fpr the purpose of extorting money, and morning. - Coroner Taylor was sent for to hold 1 To QUIET , soothe and relieve the, pain of that in some of these cases you have been sue- an inquest a children teething, use Bowan's INFANT OnRIMAL. Sold Cone Thousand Dozen Napkins at Specie P r i ces . cessful ; but Mr. Weiner would not submit to FELL DEAD.-Louisa Rossiter,f aged 62 by all druggists, your demands. He appeals to a - jury of his years, fell dead at Fourth and Rem' streets THE Geonv or MAN IS STRENGTH.-There fellow-citizens, and they have vindicated him; this morning. The Coroner was summoned ' fore the nervous and debilitated should immediately use • . and be has also brought you to the bar of jus- to Front and Morris streets to hold an inquest lierammat's EXTRACT Homier. Linen Table Cloths at Specie Prices. . . tice, for which he deserves the thanks of every in the case. good citizen. Clowts, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skill s V e l treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 918 Chestnut . ___cc_y_.. ar _s_s,on_oitich nen renew_ i i LODGERS.-During last night ' 119 ' persons Chillies moderate. mercy here. While we give a burglar the ex- were accommouitteu - vitu itesgsoon seal. --- -- --- treme penalty of the law, we can do no less Third District Police Station House, in Union , DEAPEEBS, BLINDNESS situ 0.4.p..pap Linen Sheetizags it - t - liipec - W5 -1--A-iceis. _ in a case like this. A man had better have street. treated with the utmost success, by J. Is.Aacs - M.. - Hs and Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Bar (his specs twenty burglars in his house than one such woman as you. A burglar may steal the pro- THE GOOD OLD TIME RETURNING.--AlWayS 'venni. No. 805Anch street. Testimoniale can be seen :I his office. The medical faculty are invited to ac- " perty of the citizen. You would rob him of among the foremost in enterprise, Messrs. c ompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his pram his good name, to make him infamous in the Strawbridge &, Clothier ba,vepromptly adapted tice. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No charge All Linen Goods at Specie Prices. , community, as well as sow the seeds of dis- the prices of their entire stock to the correla- for examination. • cord in his domestic relations. live decline in gold. Their stook at Eighth MELMBOLD I S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT , "The sentence of the Court is that you pay a and Market streets is worthy of the metropolis Beene mine of $5OO to the Commonwealth, for the use of which it constitutes so important a feature. Is the Great Diuretic. of the county ;that you pay the costs of pro- The display of new goods in every texture, HeMithoLD's CONCINTRATBD EXTRACT SARZAPA- Piano and. Table Covers at Specie Prices. secution, and that you undergo an imprison- from muslins to the rarest silks, is so large that RILLA Is the Great Blood Purifier. , meat in the State Penitentiary for the Eastern the most fanciful whim can be immediately 'Bolt are prepared are the in moat active that can be District, by separate or solitary confinement, gratified. The present chance at Strawbridge I n : d ;,' . ' ml ! tr y• ''''' at labor for the period of seven yeara, and Sr, Clothier's is one that eight years previous White Quilts at Specie Prices. that you stand committed until this sentence have not once witnessed. The firm settled SURGICAL iturruumENTB and druggists' eau is complied with," _ their balances at gold rates. That their saga- droll. SNOWDEN & BROTERR, RELIEF FOR THE POOR, -The Home Mite city and taste in making selections are equalled 29 South Ebilith street. sionary Society for the relief of the . worthy by their vigilanee and enterpe in the ability -poor gratefully acknowledge the receipt of the to offer barg . ains, it would besuperfluous to FINANCIAL -, •say The lathes will do well to make an early ' following articles: 300 pounds of corn meal, Blankets at Specie Prices. . . Bennett & Co.; 100 pounds of flour,Bennett & visit to Eighth and Market streets. The lines , Co.; 3 barrels of crackers, William Wattson ;of dress goods, now being opened include DREXEL & CO., 3 buebels of potatoes, A. M. Thatcher •12 many novelties that . every lady will want, ' • pounds of tea, Reeves & Parvin ; 1 cooking should she determine to . meet the . Spring in No 34 South Third Street, Ladies' Cloa,kings at Specie Prices l stove, I. S. Clark; hats and bonnets, Barry fitting guise. The advertisement in another • Taylor ; shoes from Samuel C. Roney & Co., column is forcibly suggestive of the wisdom Graff, Watkins & Co., Paul & Hoar, Monroe, of immediate p urchas e ,. Monroe, American and Foreign Bankers. Small & Co. ; clothing from William Brown, s A.M. rl'hacher, Hugh Mulligan, Mrs. R. T. A.IIII39I2IIENTs. . , F a ncy Cloths at Specie prices. , Kensil, Mrs. Charleslssue Drafts and Circular Letters of Credit, Scott and others. The -At the Chestnut Street Theatre this , even- Society have also obtained medicine from Dr. available on presentation in any part of . ins, The Happy Pair and Oliver Twist will be Jayne, F. Brown, Bullock 8"; Crenshaw, and produced, in which Miss Mary Howard will Europe. others. have a benefit. Travelers - can make all their financial ars Black Cloths at Specie Prices. There is at presenter large number of sick -At the :Walnut Street Theatre Mr. Chas. rangements through Us, and we will collect and worthy poor suffering for food and rai ment, some special cases of which,if our char- Fechter will appear in "Hamlet." their interest and dividends without charge. itable citizens knew of, would be instantly re- -Signor Blitz and Theodore Blitz will give , lieved by their means. The names and rest- exhibitions of magic and legerdemain at As- DREXEL, WINTHROP & CO., New York.• . _ dences can be bad on application to the office, sembly Buildings this evening. Bla,ck Doeskins at Specie Pricess N 0.533 Arch street, where contributions in -At the Arch, this evening, Lotto in the DREXEL, HAWES & CO.,Parls. money, clothing or provisions may be left. Protean drone, The Little Detective. On Fri - Office open from two to four o'clock every day she will have a benefit. afternoon. REAL ESTATE SALES. -The. American Theatre offers fox this evening a first-rate variety entertainment, Men's and Boys' Cassimeres at Specie Prices. THE ECHO PARK DISTURBANCE.-A few ft EXECUTOR'S PEREMPTORY SALE. in which the Rizarelli brothers will appear in days ago an ace of an attack upon five -Estate of Joseph B. Andrews, deceased. Thomas . their extraordinary feats. a Sons. Auctioneers. Ground Rents 840, 6140, 840, 840, Germans, at Echo Park, was published in theB4 B , .11p6, 872, $63 a year. On Tuesday, 3fareli 15, 1870, fo n e isoffered at the BULLETIN. t his morning, before Alderman . -A first " t at 12 o clock, noon, will be sold at.pnblic sale, at the Tit e 3s er rwZafiyll streets, Circus. at et an d Callow bill to- Philadelphia Exchange, the following described ground Riddel, George Detterlein, Joseph Rtotte, rents, vsz.: Nos. Ito 8. No. 1-All that yearly ground Win. Vaughan and Charles Muennick, were nigh.. - rent of 540, lawful money, without any deduction for charged with having participated in the - -At the Eleventh Street Opera House to- taxeselesuing out of a lot of ground,, upon which is , affair. By the evidence it seems that five night a number of novelties are offered in an erected a three-story brick dwelling, with back build- German members of Montezuma Lodge, 1.0. excellent bill. togs. situate on the east side of Sixteenth street, 49 feet - northward from Fitzwater street ; in front on Sixteenth GE R. M., went to Echo Park tor the purpose of -A first-class minstrel performance will be street 16 feet, and in depth 80 feet to a 4 feet wide alley. making arrangements . for securing the given by Duprez & Benedict's troupe, at the It v i a s . p 2 unc i tr l ally paid, that yearly ground rent of 140, lawful grounds for a is-nie. On the way out they Seventh Street Opera House this evening. rooney.Wlthout any deduction for taxes. issuing out of met Muennick, and one of them made a -This evening, at the Academy of Music, a I o e t ; - if grouiiVc,iicokn buildings,w i s e ;,3l Se ati d lt4 a o t for h o r eem the - three-slot Fitzwater it brick joking remark to him. Muennick- didn't like Charles W. Brooke, Esq., will lecture upon I f i i7xt l ee n ufli v. .e:reet, 65 feet o it ,• gathered together about twenty men, and "Irish Diamonds." He will be assisted by street; containing in front on Sixteenth street 16 foot, followed the Germans to Echo Park. There Madame Josephine Schimpf. and in depth 80 feet to a 4 feet wide alley. It le punetn• the attack was made; things were smashed, an d paid s e beer-glasses were thrown aroond lively, The' -At Concert Hall to-night the very hand- N y e. 5.-All that yearly ground rent of 840, lawful • N W CORNER EIGHTH AND MARX:ET STREETS. five Germans were badly beaten, and also re- some panorama of " The Pilgrim's Progress" money, withouu pe ndeducn for taxee, honing out of R lot of ground , bleb is erected a three-story brick !! -• ceived various cuts. Mueunick was held fu will be exhibited. dwelling, with back buildings, situate on the east Bide of REAL ESTATE SALES. i REAL ESTATE SALES. $.3,800 bail, and the others in sl,eoo bail, for a -On each of the remaining evenings of this Sixteenth street, et the distance of si of northward from Fitzwater street; containing in front on Sixteenth dot, .IYEAL .EbTATIS-121:10MAS & SONS' REAL ESTATE SALES. further hearing. week Mr. B. F. Duane will deliver a comic street 16 feet,' nd extending in depth 80 feet to a 4 feet 1 1E1 104 B ale -..etVreaelat,awbleeetTohfr REAL ESTATE-THOMAS & SONS' 1 1 sin ofo I tt..P N, y a . KR AN if S h ' t C ol o o, U ,a tT d.- IS T A h L om E m .- st E s S on T s Aj u K c. lecture at Assembly Buildings. Mr. Duane widealley. It t ie punctually paid.l atia lo eers. li ory va liable Business Stand. Four-story STORK Ronestv.-The store of A.schenbach has very remarkable humorous talent. No. 4.-All that yearly ground rent of 1840, lawful Eleventheeetarl BsrtitcekaßloeindeTnucees,anNoy.. ?l e tt r n e f E ig hth three - story str e b e ri t "c k f o r t e t ti l t d u e e n s e d e a , r .7; , n ii t Brick Store No 51.3 Commerce street, between Fifth and ..Sc Hahn, tailors, No. 3,51 North Second street, -At Horticultural Hall, this evening, a con- money, without. any deduction for taxes, issuing out of uot, or ground, npon which is erected a throe story march 22. IS7O, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public ,1 F t To n s i l :lit 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public mile, y three-story brick messnage, with three-story back ghee& ourt for the r elit and county of Philadelphia, was robbed of goods valued at $3OO. The bulk cent will be given by Mr. Augustus Hazzard, brick dwelling, with back buildings, situate on the east .. idle of Sixt.e oth street, at the distance of 97 feet north- u sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that vgi o . v e lt o lu • 'at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that superior modern Sixth e c treets. 'Puna/tut to a pluries order of the Or• ttb a l c e k t three-story preenpress s h f ri g ck rau m a er u s fi t ge, ts wi h u o t n the - u r th buildings and lot of ground, situate on the southoide of wil l l s be c yl e ti k at n r o b n li: t ira t ie, oi . t h T t iae d sg e l i st. i Ittlir x e c h h ss an t e h .4 s t r h o i; window of the store contains four large panes a young colored musician, who, besides hav side of Arch street, west of Eleventh (' street, No. lips; Pine street, 45 feet east of Eighth street (being N 0.734 t, of glass. A paving -atone was hurled through e aril from et /water street containing in frout on Six- containing in front on of Mreet 20 feet, and extend ing very remarkable natural ability, has en- teenth street lti feet, and in depth Si feet. 'street deceased, viz.: All that Int of ground, with the four one of the panes, shattering it to pieces. The It is punc- ing in depth 90 feet to a 3 feet wide alley, leading into inches, an extending dep th he d 'in 130 feet to Minster Pine street )• contenting in front OD Pine street = feet 10 I t ollot:in:-dit'ecrili4 property, l a ate P ot Ar. W. Ktetight, joyed the advantage of instruction from the mill} paid. Cuthbert street. The house is well-built ; - story ide of Commerce treet, at the distance of 181 feet 5 thief got in through the opening thus made. best masters in the musical art. He offers a No 5.- i 3.. , A l h l ou t1 : a „ rn yt i tt e r d lLf o r u ott .o n r d ta r x ent of ,,, thilB, lawtfulf been occu- (a 22 feet wide street). The house is in thero t u s g a h a rsp e nj a r, s brick store thereon erected, situate on the north o pied by a physician ; has 2 office, on first fl oor (with ' and contains al salons p arlor , m x 42 ebreenakfast-room, inches west of ldfth street, in the Sixth ward, city He took his pick of the goods, but evidently first-rate programme, in which are the names money g w r i ou ad , upt 3 M which is erected eastriadevifeVing. stationary washstand), dining-mom and kitch e n oLt a t t h h e . ;lar ge g n u t i t esc r e o o o m, wtth large butler's pantry, seven large of Philadelphi a e ; containing in front on Com was not posted in regard to their value, or he of musicians, - vocal and instrumental, who s ituate on the north side of Fitzwater street, at the die- Scot u o o t r h ; 0 parlor, tmtond aeohreealp.Lmeitteirnsg-arnoo a nd d m atties above ; chum els, bath-room ( metal tub), water-closet, brick mores street t 8 f ro t iw 4 inchr B nka f ncl ast extending in a glipta s o a f could have made a much better haul. The lance of 140 feet eastward front Sixteenth street, con arti- well known in this city. Those who Va e s la g e as hot and cold ;voter, water-cl o set, furnace, furnace, fine cooking range, gas oven din summer th c a r t ea w s i r e! th no police beat on Seconci_etreet extends from attend this concert may be well assured of ning in front on Fitzwater street 16 feet, and in 1 ...„ k e,, 0 ,...,„„, k de u pth on the western line thereof 104 foot. more or le , kitchen, very lofty ceilings, fine side light; a handsome in g I on the east line thereof, _along 'an area of d 1 ft forthe beniwit of one the other two Vine to Poplar street, but on this square a pri- enjoying a delightful entertainment. and on the enetei n lino thereof 96 feet, more or less, a e n e d breadth on the northern line thereof 17 910 feet more coo ki ng stew conservatory, extending over the entire width of taw g o ra s un f In ft il lot, enclosed by glass each , opens out of the dining- I t boundingthereon , to the width of 24 feet vats watchman is The robbery is 4 Inches , egre d extending of that increased width still all employed.-At the Amateurs' Drawing this supposed to have been committed about three 4 in l ess.it i t iipaid. ' Immediate wee/mien.. Room, orCOMO Y Terms-Cash. room : wide halls end stairways. o'clock this morning. evening, the French Dramatic Company will No 6.-All that yearly ground rent of ~S36,.lawful M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, nester. N 0.4118 South Fonrth street. survey thereof, made by D. Hudson Shedaker, Esq., ile leir Keys at the Auction Rooms. Nay be examined on application to Frederick Syl- further northward 12 feet 9 inches. according to a recent Surveyor of the Third District. Together with the free play a capital comedy, called Le Voyage de M. I t iei o ney „without any deduction for taxes, issuing ont of inhlo 12 19 139 and 141 south Fourth street. lifir Immediate possession CHARGED WITH HIGHwAY ROBBERY.- Perriehon. There will also be performances t Into ground, upon which is erected a three-story ' brick dwelling, situate on the north side of Fitzwater - Terms-810,000 may remain on mortgage. use arid privilege of the said adjoining area of ground, bein23 feet 3 inches in length, by 15 feet 5 inches in te mi nt foi n ni Charles Evans was arrested last night by to-morrow and Saturday evenings, but no mat- street, at the distance of 116 feet eastward i ra PEREMPTORY SALE.--THOMAS & min 39 26 139 and 141 Senth Fourth @tree breadth, as laid out and opened by said William W. Policeman McGarry, of the Eighth District, inee on Saturday. fi out Ni l f ee street ; containing in front on Fitzwater Sons, Auctioneers.-Neat three-etory Brick Dwell- — E night. in his lifetime, for the admission of light . and street lb feet, and in depth on the western lino thereof dog . No. 1904 Norris street. above Nineteenth street.- isoi, M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, upon the charge of highway robbery. About -On Friday evening, at the Academy of 56 feet, more or less, and on the eastern line thereof 88 On Tneeday, March 22d,1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be wit i to ia the aof V a l !i n er t ' , e a a t e a c i g g er h t e h re l this a and t t h h t e h t s w ia o a month ago, I/ r. Foley, while on his way to Music, Prof. Y. W. Shoemaker will deliver a feet, mere nr lose, and in breadth on the northern line sold at public. sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, gll liFil of Richard Smith, a Miner.-Thenuni & Sons, nu g rpose that the same Ault always w hereafter be kept e answer a professional call at one o'clock in humorous lecture entitled " How to Say thereof . 17 1 1 1 1 0 f t e h e a t i more or less. It is punctually paid. that three-story brick niesenagewih to -story d e 1 Auctioneers .--Well secured Ground Rent,s4s a Year.- open. - ORPHANS' COURT SALE. -ES the morning, was knocked down on Sixteenth Things." earl ground rent of MU, lawful back buildings and lot ofground , situate on the south money of the United ' Sta es of America ? without any side of Norris street, above Nineteenth street, N 0.1991 ' m irth Pursuant to an Order of the Orphan.' Court for the la will be sold at public d City t e "L tYo 4 P aPc i h u g a t i lF,lB76,at 12 o' lock , noon, at By the Court. JOSEPH MEGARYgIerk 0. C. HARRIET KNIGHT, A inistratrix. street, below Vine, and was robbed of a _..... •• -.....-.---- - the lot containing in front N orris street 16 feet, anl to well w and substantially built ; iron front to third watch and chain, valued at $3OO. Two gold - The author of the following left for New d i s on the northeasterly side of Ridge avenue, at the extending in depth 67 feet ton enie'- Exchange estate of Richard Smith, 3-feet wide alley with the A Philadelphia , t t • b water closet , fire•proofs In first and part . 8 Rry . a 8 gas, b la' hotand Visor s ,viz • All that uedivided one-third "' a second stories ; hoisting apparatus, vault under me in ace of 148 feet 5 niches northwestward from the free use and privilege of the same. Has at , a ..„ rings were also taken from his fingers. When York in the eleven o'clock train this morning. AR lawful mons)! fi r th United min t , itc northwest corner of Ridge avenue and Twenty-third cold water, cooking range, gas fixtures throughout the yearly rooms rent of e__, . _ Evans was arrested one of the rings was His parents have cause for believing that his etreet ; containing in front on Ridge avenue 18 feet, and house, &c. Mutes of America, clear ot taxes, wan e January *M. THOMAS a SONS, A ctioneers, found on him. The prisoner was given into reason is tottering on its throne. " Colored . er the i stt a lw l e t t n l e ig e t r i e ut o r f e,o B f fe 7 o B t felit 73; inches, and on 'lmmediate possession. and July, issuing out of and chargeable upon a lot of mhlo 19 26 139 and 141 Seigle F ourth u street. ground, west side of Twentieth street. 16 feet south of the custody of Sergeant Lynch, of the Sixth gallery last night : Sambo, loquitur-Why is t tii e il l ly e i paid. 2 ; Males. It is punc- Hr Clear of all incumbrance. Filbert street ; containing in front on Twentieth etreet 7 ORPHANS' COURT PEREMPTORY' Terme-42.000 may remain oh mortgage. District, to await a hearing before Alderman tins opera like the Academy this evening ? Ne. 8.--All that yearly grcund rent of $63, lawful ids Sale absolute. 15 feet, and extending in depth 63 feet, Sala-Estate of Willson Whllldin, deceased. Morrow. 'Cause its Ober-run." money, without any deduction for taxes, by Stephen M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, • ttEir One-third interest will be sold by order of Or- omits & Sons, Auctioneers.-Modern Three• Story Smith. INIDIDOL out of a lot of ground, upon which is mlllO 12 19 139 and 141 South Fourth street. plume' Court ; the two remaining thirds by e ther owners Brick Residence, No. 620 South Tenth street, North of JOTTINGS.-The ice trade has abandoned all • , erected a church edifice, situate on the west side of -t h ereof-thepurchaser obtaining a title to the whole. 1 Shippen street. Pursnant to a pinnies order of the hope, let alone expectation, of a Schuylkill ice TAE COURTS. Ses enth street, 118 feet south from Dickerson street, End Ward ; containing In front on heteenth street 36 stde.-Handsome in REAL ESTATE.-THOMAS 85 SONS' By the Court, JOBE Modern Three - story Brick Real- PH MEGARY. Clerk, 0. e i . Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadel- CHARITY SMITH. Guard an. phis, will be sold at public sale, without reserve, on Crop. fo r t, and extending in depth 70 feet to a 5-feet wide dance , N 0.1423 North Seventeenth street, above Master M THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, Tneeda,y, March 29th. 1870, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the More Southern buyers are in the city at the SUPREME Coeur-Chief Justice Thompson and Jus- apes. It is very punctually paid. street.-On Tuesday, March 22d, IFO , at 12 o'clock, noon, ?AM 19 NI * 139 and 141 South Fourth street. Philadelphia Exchange. the following described pro present moment than in the corresponding tires Read, Agnew, and Sharewood -Judgments were Sole absohne. od at public sate, at the Philadelphia Ex- 0 EXECUTORS' SALE.-ESTATE OF arty, late of Wilmon Whilldin, deceased, viz.:-All That certain messuage and lot of ground, situate on the entered this morning in the following cases •: By order of PIERCE HOOPES, Executor, will be - sold that handsome modern three-story brick week of any year since the middle of the Gordon at in. vs. Lraham et el. Tina was emotion to , M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, messuage. with three-story back building and lot of Rachel L. Sellers, decesieed.-Thomas & Sons. Aut. west Ode of Tenth etreet, at a distance of 59 feet from war. The hotel registers partly tell the story. gnash the ss rit of quo warrant° issued b y plaintifis to tent Illhlo 12 • 139 and 141 South Fourth street ground it t th t ide of Seventeenth street. Donee( re -Very valuable Business Stand.- Three • the ort • i s ua eon e eas a Shippen street; containing In front on a h side el- dexten ding in depth of that 12 and 14 South Second street, Tenth street 19 feet , an Tomatoes and hot-house cucumbers are for the right of the defeudants to exercise the office of True- - north of Master street, No. 1423 ; containing in front on story Brick Stores, Nos. March 29th, 1870. at width, between two lines each parallel with shippen tees of the Fir t Reformed Presbyterian Church, of ("f, EXECUTRIX SALE.-ESTATE OF Seventeenth street 18 feet, and extending in depth 97 feet below Market street. On Tuasday, sale in Chestnut street. For tho former is Philudeiphie. 'Upon the motion to quash, tho LEL Margaret Levering, deceased.-Jamee A. Freeman, to a 4 feet 6 inane wide alley, with the privilege thereof. 12 o'cloc bo sold at public sale, at the Phila- street NO feet to Carbon street. and licheng v a il a l ll that valuable three-story brick tinVect to a restriction contained in imposed by asked 80 cents a quart. As they arie no better t:terits tht cl ai lli t c a o r d e is u c te o b o etw t een the d toparties ie " Auctioneer Under authority contained in the will of The hewn is well built, and has ad tpr te r e edern th c e oi t i i v r e s i te n lip i lai n a g di And tot of ground, situate on the west side of Deed rom Isaac Harvey an c t r Ze in to p tirliallyt A h iit titan the canned article that sells for a fourth, ma in rights of theldaintifia . ti e n e d dude n u d r s e l e ants. V . itle charte r mornitlg 3 1 .4 8; : a a a t i Vleel'oecrke,L;i'odoereewanifion sa lV d egn V r e ,lltre h t 2 t id , f l oor; encc I,ni r t i t a m rl d o i r olle e dining n , r r o a rel e e n , ni saloon witting n r o o n om, bath, Second street, south of Market street, Noe. 12 and 14 id., dated April 2b, 83 , a ne e 375 , tha l t rio r tenement, workshop or stable they sell but 'slowly. The cucumbers, how- 3 aw. Read road the opinion of the Court, declining to PitadelpninExchange',the fo;owing-le crlibefl eats, leil lels e • hot and cold water, gas, furnace, cooking-range, dro. containing in front on Second street 24 eett heti, anti With the IT'll fs eVerbi e e erected on the rear of said let, but to erect ever, aro very tine. pace upon the merits,and determining the case upon the tate, viz. • Well-secured Grounel Rent ef 19 60 per annum. Terms-84,u roay remain on mortgage. . extending in depth 69 feet 9 inches , t o g e t h er rent of said lot a three-story brick naked legal eneetion reined by the technical motion to common use and privilege of a 4 feet wide aly. It, is or- a h all build on the f All that 'certain yearly ground rent, or sum of 560 Immediate possession. 2 rooms on each floor, with marble ASSAULT WITH BEER GEASSES.-Edward quash, The motion to quash is overru cd This 'cares i t i l l in es queetious in dispute •in Dr. Wiley 's church to be per annum, issuing out of all that certain lot of et round, Keys at F B. F . Glenn's o ffi ce, S. W. corner Seventeenth cupied as two stores, and are excellent business stands, he tot 'orated in the best business square on Second street, water ta ile and as 't'er er n " °ni l bop "' lid i accordance wit h the front of Riley and Wm. Blansfielci went lute Toner's d teem dof upon the appitcatiou for the quo warrant°. the 3-story brick of thereon erected, situ- and Green. with the tho emit tilde of Nineteenth street, at the dietetic° M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers. Terms-Halt cash. Possession let of July next, i the modal northwestof T 1 house on the corner enth and beer saloon, No. 340 North Thirteenth street, Goo. lrt t N ( i ) a i dg Ltd er et al. vs.J. W. Hoylman, et ti. of 118 foot northward of Christian street, thence north uthlo 12 19 139 and 141 death Fourth street. By ordersif u tiADWALLADEB SELLERS, / 183 greets. By the C ourt , WILL lI A F R A Y R V I e rd 11 C, last evening, and raised a disturbance. Mr. fe Pertpl i ainant . - Execute mlnistrator. Toner remonstrated with them, and then, it is I r lAibbin Nb. Bimini, Error to D. C., Philadelphia. eastward 74 foot th ence eolith 6 feet 6 inches, thence fp ASSIGNEES' ' SAL E-THOM ASIIISS DAVID SELLERS, M. THOMAS k SONS, Auctioneer', N. 8.--Tte improvements area three-story brick rest- N oetward 70 feet • to Nineteenth ntreet, the pine. ' Ile 7li t back building • h alleged, they threw glasseif at him. Mr. To- 3 Dd7FDlrt i reversed and • venter de nue° a•avied. eof begin• Sons, Auctioneers.-Debirable tract, 8, acres, mhlo 19 26 • /39 and 141 South Fourth street. deuce, with two-s ory ,as gas, bath, hot ner had his head Sevel ely cut. His Hilants ra T a i r l lt slelpV.,.' l l',:irningtot, and Baltimore Bail- living. Murderkill Hundred, Kent county, Delaware, aboitt Mis - and cold water, kc. s s Ns TWO GROUND BENTS OF e 36 PER ANNUM.- miles from Camden. On Tuesday, March 29th, 1870, at in REAL ESTATE-THOMAS & SONS' M.. THOMAS ,k 0 , Auctioneers, Company a V Mem, 0. P. Chester , were arrested. They were taken before Ald . affirmed and appeal dire:Mimed • D ecree Al l t h a t cer t a i n yearly ground rent, or sum of 536 per 32 o'clock, noon will ho sold at publio sale, at the Phila. , intilo 19 26 139 and 141 South Fourth street. Sale -3 new three-story brick dwellings 1026. Massey, and were held in SBOO bail to ansyrer kitilcttoe ve. Kline. Error to D. C. of Philadelphia . annum, issuing out of all that certain lot of ground alt- 1 dolphin Exchan ge, all that desirable tract. 78 acres 127 ant } Eleventh -- - 1028 and 1030 Tacker street, between Tenth is el REAL ESTATE. -THOMAS So SONS at court. Judgment yes creed and venire de novo awarded. Columbia avenue, lit the Nineteenth Ward, containin 1 etches, Camden to the Forest Landing, streets. On Tueeday, March 99th, 1870 o 'clock , Sale.-Two Two-story Frame Dwellings. Nos. 528 Morris ve. Harding. Errror to D. 0. of Philadelphia.f tl g I rug rem le town of . 'II d 1 his Ex- twit in front 12 test,a d indepth 52 feet, 0 K 't tint Delaware, an changeill be eold at public sale at the Ph ae p and 580 Lombard street, west of Fifth street. On Tues - Judgment affirmed.i is Murderkill Hundred, if. ii. Se 1...na es all those three new three•story brick teem g 1 e ltnnin, nzekoll Hunn and ,day, April lith,lB7o,at 12 o'clockrnoon will he sold at I The tie S_ee ri rook vs. The Se attimer() College, le Sale posit ii co. ; mining lands of Semue g mold lust s ,i with two-story back buildings and lot of r , Agit *arcane, contractor, artforari t/eleneort wi.- coo to bo p aid on each ot the time of toile. others. There are abont 800 peach trees, tren t .public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those 2 on the south side of Tanker street, went of Tenth e .d two-story frame messuages and the lot of ground there andDelaware county. Writ quashedßy Order of Executrix. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. Terms-51,7U ma remain on magi. 0. 1026 is 18 feet front and 63 feet dee p 1 Nos. 1 9 8, .- unto belonging, situate on the south side of Lombard John E. N't yukoop ye . Lewis Seal. Error to D. C. of ta m 1 7 Store. 422 Walnut Street. By order of JO H N WPITHEH . Assignees. i 4038 are each 16 feet front ,by 83 feet cep. The ouses street, west of Fi ft h street ,Nom. 528 and 530 ; containing Philadelphia. Judgment a ffi rmed. JAS. MAGUIRE, , th hot and cold water, CITY NOTICES. . 1 mhlo 19 26 AS & SONS, uctioneers, are new, have gas pipes, ea , together in front on Lombard street 36 feet, and extend- M. THOM h street raw, ire. 139 andbilflouth Fourt Terms-52,800 may remain on mortgage on each. lug in depth 78 feet. This property Is in a business lo lity Ho 530 lies a brick front, and We been occupied t air Clear of all hicumbranoe, examined any day na a tavern fora number of years.' -, Immediate possession. May be glyrir . Terms-41,200 may remain on mortgage, previons to nit).U. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, M. Towles & SONS, auctioneers, mu° 19 26 139 and 141 South Fourth street a natlO 26 a 139 and 14114. Fourth street, AtiSAULT WWI A KNIFE.-grrederiCk Schoch entered the house of Catharine Maya,No. 165 Thompson street, this morning, and crated a disturbance. Mrs. Muss attempted to. eject him trom the premises. Schoch, it is alleged, drew a knife and made an attack on Mrs. Muss. She had her lingers and bead, cut, but was not seriously injured. Schoch was ar rested and was taken before Alderman Riddel and was begin.t. l Boo bail for trial. OAKFORD'S stock nt line fiats and Caps aro BeMug lower than any in the city. Go and got a bargain. Btoree,ii er the Continental 1 - YKENS -- G r ATLEY — GO - A l, , , Espy. 1J daily adapted for open grates. Also, Lohigh, Schuylkill and bhantokin Coal. FOr Hole by GALLLOWAY 0. MORRIS, Br 00., Office, 208 Walnut street. Yard, Tvielfth and Washington avenue. fe2G-H to tie Itnrp§ Wharf, foot of Taskor strOot. en TO RENT—TEE • LARGE &STORY Sonthwoel corner of Eleventh and Chest nut streets. , JAMES LARGE, 302 Walnut etroot. It* Betwoon , l2 and 2 o'clock
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