ing that was equivalent to killing the mai aure,whieb was agreed• to by a large majority. This left the title of the bill remaining, which 'was--passed finally, and will be sent to the Senate, where its friends nay' it wilV . be amended by adding the same seottorittas were in the House bill, and then it willini.returned So 'the other branch of the LegislAtiiro' for 1011eUrrellee A,HUGiE HWINDLH For several weeks past a intrither of gentle; B ien, composed principally::: of ek-members, pave been located here, and have been en s, peed in perfecting one of the most infamous measures that has ever been presented for ac tion On the Hill, At the, same time. they,were engagedd in the business of " setting" up both Houses 1m it, and so sanguine were they that a sliffiCient number brvo tea had been secured to rush it through under a suspension of the rules, that the " big " was introduced in the House last night, in the shapeot .atittet inaking.PrOvision for paying dertaili'dautages to citizens of York, Adams, Cumberland, Perry, Bedford,Fulton and*Frankliii counties, said to have been sustaineT at the time of, the several' raids of rebel troops during the rebel lion._ However, when the time came, a number of the said-to-be:pledged members showed the white feather, and the friends of the bill had -to jeentent-theinseives with_ its, reference to_ the Conirnittee on Ways and Means, where, it into be hoped, it will remain forever. The object of the hill is one that should meet the approval of every citizen in the State, .but the manner by which it is sought to force it through the Legislature shows it to be one of the boldest attempts ever made to rob the Trea 'miry of several millions of dollars. It is posi tively- asserted that twenty-five per cent. of the amount, or the 5750,000 which the Gover nor, Auditor-General and State Treasurer are authorized to borrow by the first of. June next, in such amounts and with such notice as they may deem fit, is to be devoted to rturpose•of securing the passage and approval of thehilli and it is .also as positively asserted that suits ranging from SWO to •$1,500 have been promised to those who support it. Its reference to the Ways and Means Committee is considered equivalent to a defeat. THE STATE TREASURY INVESTIGATION. The Senate Finance Committee met this evening, for the purpose of continuing the in vestigation into the management of the State Treasury. and recalled 3fr. Mackey, whb pro duced tabular statements showing the condi tion of the Treasury at the time when he as sumed charge of the office on January 31st last. Although this did not comply with the order of the Committee, which had directed the production of statements , exhibiting the Monthly condition of the Treasury, it was ac cepted, and after a few general questions touching the management of affairs, the Com mittee adjourned, to reassemble to-morrow evening, when the present Treasurer will be ratalled. PAUL. TlniE CREAM. OF THE NEW BOOKS. Sir antrles Easttake's Opinions on Sri. From the second series of Sir C. L. East lake's Contributions to the Literature of the Fine Arts," with Memoir, compiled. by Lady Eastlake, just published in London by Murray, we take the following observation made during a tour undertaken • after the battle of Waterloo : . EASTLAKE ON THE VENETIAN SCHOOL. "IL is strange that I never dwelt •on the System of the Venetian school till I had dis covered the witty in which nature atones, if -I may, so say, for the want of light and shade in hot countries. In short, the character of nature here, and in the works, of:,Titiau and others, is to produce light and dark by color— the noblest and most general' system of imita tion. •In Greece, the sea and sky are some times the darkest parts of the-general picture. The monotony of a sandy ground is relieved on one side by the sparkle of marble, and on the other by the deptlis of the cypress and evergreen oak. So much for inanimate nature; but We: find the deep,' rich tones of men and animals, and even the dresses of the first, all 'combine to make amends for the want of that ishadoW which our northern climes have without color. The Venetians, therefore, loaned their style from the study of Italian 'nature.' While at Munich he thus criticized Corne lius: RASTLAEE'S OPINION OF CORNELIUS Cornelius's works have a grand conception and a 60d - of condensation of the spirit of :his subject; but still, something which tells better in words than In painting,l have observed that. Italians and Germans are always glad to ha rangue and describe their pictures, and their works naturally look better and more interest lug while this commentary is going on. It Would be wiser if they calculated what effect these pictures will have . when they tell their own story, which they must do sooner or later. This is an important consideration for au artist. The color in these frescoes is absolutely below criticism,the expression vulgar and exaggerated, and the forms by no metiins pitre. A grand com position and grand general conception are the chief nicanS---the only merits. The fallen state of criticism and knowledge of Art here is very perceptible. The painter is landed by his brother artists (with some few exceptions), and of course the connoisse'iu• and the public follow. The truth will only be known fifty years hence. Amid such a world of error in all these modern schools it is absolutely neces sary to define the ends and means of Art, and to follow them conscientiously, fearlessly. Cor neliushas departed from Nature without rising to axeneral idea; manner, caprice, vulgarity anif ugliness are often The Consequence. Ills. desil.ns for the Loggie of the Pinacoteca are very profound and full of meaning; even to the smallest ornaments; but who will ever see this? Small paintings overhead, in an open past age—surely a waste of thought ! The agreeable impression on the eye should be the main thing In such circumstances. Meanwhile this depth of'thought excites admiration among those who judge of paintings by their de scriptions " Items about Shelley. In a mediocre edition of Shelley, with notes and a memoir by W. M. Rossetti, just pub lisbed by Moxon, in London, we find the fol lowing Shelleyana, wbich if trifling may be new: "AN OATH! AN OATH!" «I have seen a letter of Shelley's, written from Keswick, inscribed outside Single sheet, by Cpd,' for every postman to read. lie had mason to consider himself overcharged by the post nnder the old regulations concerning sin gle or double sheets." 1911ELIX.Y'S INTEREST IN THE BIBLE. "Mr. Trelawney tells me that such Was 6hel ley's interest in the Bible—the Old Testanicn4 in especial—that he said on one occasion that, if he could save only one book from a general catastrophe of letters, he would select the Bi ble. What he particularly valued was its historic and poetic antiquity." lEHEI,LEY HESCTIMES TO TRIMANVNEY IRS mom OIP witrrucci "When my brain gets heated with thought it soon boils, and throws off images and words faster than lean skim them off. in the morn ing, when cooled down, out of the rude sketch I shall attempt a drawing." In Mr. Rosetti's new edition of Shelley have been inserted two short, poeruS of his maturest time, hi th erto unpublished. They were given at Florence to Miss Sophia Stacey, afterward lirrs4atty, and her family now allow them to appear. • The Athenttunt says : " There is another unpublished poem of Shelley in the bands' of a gentleman at Oxford. A fac-simile of tu`poet'm handwriting, giving a passage from Laen Bind Cynthia,' which shows some slight v e r bo ithergenee from the now current form of that, poem, termed The Revolt of [slain,' will accompany the second volume of the new diglitiOM —John Gibson's •Place In Art is thus defined by the Athenteum:;—)lis admirers would be 111- tam=tn: put/:Gibson On-a-fine even with Scowl.% . • much less'With Pratiteles; who seems to have, been his ideal.; 'That: Phidips was beYend his view was 'unfortunate, because ithe Athenian would have: taken' biM nearer to Nature than the;Parian., While Gibson, adored of , dilettanti, served as a'mirror of 'antiquity, ;there..Was hi• England a' sculptor, one Watson, so poor that he could not buy marble for the triumph, yet who wrought in plaster Sleep and Death bearing away- the -.Body of Sarpedon,' -worthy of being set in Homer's "Shield,"—those, magnificent bas-reliefs, at which few look, in Threadneedle street; and that masterpiece of modern sculpture, the statues of Eldon and Stowell, which are in University College, Oxford. Of course, the wreck of Watson was not the fault of Gibson. Had the professor-ridden dilettanti of that 'day known true art, apart from. Greece or RoMe, they would have seen that •Sarpedon' is worthy of a Greek, while it is not less Wat son's than his modern statues; whereas Gib son's Nymphs, Pandoras,' Narcissuses, Ama zons, anti theiike:are but' false antiques; and the chief merit of his 'Venni,vtinted or other- wise, lies in its likeness to any naked woman. large cartoon, which Kardbach began long ago in "holiday time," is now being exhibited by the industrious artist at Munich, for a charitable purpose, and has called forth attacks and reproaches from the Ultramontane party. It represents the Grand Inquisitor Arbnes (whom the Pope canonized two or' three years ago,) going to the execution of an heretical. family, who stand in the backgroUnd. The stake with its pile of wood is seen further off, and a troop of monks in solemn procession are advancing to the fatal spot. Besides the In quisitor, some servants of the InquiSition are collecting the moneys and valuables of which the condosined family have 'been despoiled. A day or two ago one of a party who had come to see the picture was explaining. the subject to his friends, when a gentleman who was present grew so angry that a scene en sued. "It was the imperative duty of a good Catholic to destroy such a calumnious work," he Said; and matters 'went so far that the police bad to be summoned; and since. then an extra policeman - 1s iu attendance at the Academy where the cartoon is exhibiting. Formerly, there wasrperhaps no town so large as Munich where liatiCal questions were so little re gardedifbr what did not immediately concern local interests was not heeded, and the elec tions passed over so quietly that there was hardly a sign of. their taking place. • Now x however, a battle is fought at the hustings as exciting and determined as elsewhere. ..Over night, as it were, people have become politi cians, and this change has heed produced solely by the encroachmens -- making, on the one hand, by Rome, apd - Prussia on the other. • —Mr. Ruskin's first lecture .as Slade Pro fessor of Fine Arts - at Oxford was to have been delivered,on Monday last, 14th. Leonardo da Vinci; as craripared with some of his pupils, especiallylmini, supplied a theme to the lee tureroihose attention has been, apart from this; much occupied of late by bcitanical studies. —The painter Leightnn is recovering from a severe illness. His zeal for the Schools of the Royal Academy has led him to promise to en dOw them with that noble series of studies made by himself in the East which is familiar to those admitted to his painting-rooms. The public will lose by the painter's illness, inso- Much as be will not, at best, be able to finish more than a single picture for• the coming Ex hibition. Although temporarily suspended, this work is far advanced towards completion. As it is one of the most important of his works, it would be affectation on our part not to note that it will be one of the most admirable of his productions. The subjectis derived from the Alcestis' of Euripides. THE "BREATH OF SONG." What we breathe at the opera or theatre is thus analysed and described in a 'document just prepared, through much labor and elaborate research and scrutiny, by Dr. It. C. Stiles, As sistant Sanitary Superintendent, Brooklyn, and submitted to Sanitary Superintendent Harris, of the Metropolitan Board of Health : "The particles Boatina b in the air and falling in the form of line dust were made the subject of patient investigation. Over 100 specimens of dust from nearly all the places of public amusement in New York were examined by the microscope. This dust was collected from places where it had been gradually de posited, as it would have been on plates of glass prepared for its 'reception. Although the localities from which it was derived were so various, its composition was quite uniform. The proportion of the various ingredients of which it was composed varied, but, the same constituent particles were found in all the specimens examined. It was the dust of the streets in its finer or coarser particles, accord= ing to the height at which it' was collected, with a large proportion of organic elements; particles of sand; of quartz and feldspar; of carbon from coal dust and lampblack; fibres of wool and cotton, of various tints; epidemic scales; granules of starch, of wheat, mainly, the tissues of plants; the epidermic tissue, ' recognized by the stomata •or breathing pores.; .vege. table ducts and fibres, with scalariform and spiral markings ; vegetable halts or down, either single or in tufts of four or eight; and of great variety, and three distinct kinds of pollens. Fungi were abundant from mere mierococcus granules to filaments of Mould. When water was added to a portion of dust, from whatever source, and exposed in a test tube to sunlight or beat for a few hours vibrioos and bacteria made their appearance, and the fungous ele ments sprouted and multiplied, showing that they maintained their vitality, and proving that the germs of fermentation and putrefaction are very widely diflbsed." Cattle• Driving In the Streets. S( EOM, LANE. Feb. 15, 1870.—T0 the Editor„of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin: Your timely remarks on the subject of driving beef cattle through our streets found a prompt response from this vicinity. 1 think I speak the sentiment of every resident on this lane from the Manayunk to the Germantown turn pike, when I say it is a most abominable nuisance: Once a week large droves of Western cattle, shot out of the Pennsylvania Railroad cars, over the river, are transported along this lane to Germantown, and the nature and the condition of our sidewalks after they have passed along is easier imagined than. described. We cannot wash our gravel walks as we do our pavements, and it' the weather should happen to he wet, they are churned up into a mixture of 'mud and manure, utterly unfit for pedes trians. The green banks are also cut into small avalanches of sod and dirt. In fact, it is next to impossible to keep our sidewalks de cent whilst this nuisance continues. It is re markable that cattle will always take to the side of the road,' and if they 'did not from choice, the incessant travel would drive them off the road into the foot-ways. Some of these droves are very long, and as the drivers are a long way M the rear generally, they are constantly strolling into ,enclosures, and the shrubbery sutlers in consequence. One of ;these wild animals got amongst my ever greens, when lie was not missed for over a day ; and when I ventured to remonstrate with the driver for allowing his cattle to invade THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPIII A WEt 11 ,- FPAY, FEBRUARY 16,1870. private property, be replied, "Thou keep your, gate shut.!!.. , In ,no suburbof any city in I.'urope would such a'mtisance be permitted for one day, par t iNlarly:as . great . pains havg, !been -- taketr , - . w kb the sidewallks by many of the re.Sident,6 and On Sunday afternoon in summer'lis:.)l,llnobt like. Chestnut street, from :tbM ,n'umb,er' who walk and the more sots the Wissahickon turnpike; leading to Getnantown•-(aliti?Whete There are - no sidewalks), iii;,ohlY'a,fdw &mired yaide to the west. of . "'S(gioor L 4,14 . E " SPECIAL NOTICES. 11- - PHILADELPHIA AND READING tk,Drr RAILROAD 00111PANY; 01:11ce, N 0 6 ,227 :South FOURTH. Street. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 22, 1369. DIVIDENDIIOTICE.—The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed on FRIDAY, the Slat moat., and reopenektotillJESOAY, January'.ll,lBlo, A dindend of FIVE PER OE t4T.liaft .been declared on the Preferred mind Common Stock, clear of Nal tonal mut State taxes, payable in OASII,on and after January 17,1870, to the holders thereof es ;hey thrill stand regis tered on the books of the Company on the .31st instant. All payable at this care. All orders for. dividend ninst be witnessed and stamped. ' • " (1022- S..DRADFORD, Treasnrer. OFFICE - OF THE DELAWAI: (JOAI, COMPANY. PIIILADELPItIA, February H, 1870, The animal meeting of :the Stoegholdnre pf Me Com pany, embroil election for TOrectors, will be held at N.,. - MA 15 RIO at erect .run AVETIN SONY, tho 16thMlny March next, at 31 o'clock, A.M. felt 271* • • .1. It, Preeident. t r. THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF TUE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. PITILADELPIIIA. February 7. 1870. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of SIX PER CENT., Olt TWELVE DOLLARS PER SHARE, Clear of United States and State Taxes, payable to Stockholders or their legal representatives on demand. 3. H. HOLLINSHEAD, fe7-10t§ • Secretary. fun TO - RENT—THE LECTI7XCE HALL of the Mercantile Library, Tenth above Chest nut ; also. a 818 niter room suitablo for meetings of boards of directors, .to. fOl2-wata-3t§ NESQUEHONING VALLEY RAIL ROAD COMPANY. OFFICE, in SOUTH SE COND STREET. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 10th, 1870. NOTICE TO 'STOCKHOLDERS. The semi-annual payment of interest on the capital' stock of this company, under the lease to the LEHIGH COAL AND NAVIGATION COMPANY, at the rate of TEN PER CENT. ,Z Per Annum, or two and a-half dollars -per share. clear of taxes, will be made at this office onfind after TUESDAY, March let, fell-iiale2Btrah6§ 'W. B. WHITNEY, Treasurer. THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE Anthracite Fnel Mantifacturing Company are hereby notified to attend a special meeting on the Bth day of ifiareb,lB7o. at 8 o clock P. M., at the office Of the Company. N. W. corner of Fourth and Walnut street.i. ter the purpose of. increasing the amount of capital stock. • By order of the President. fen-tit-Wl' THEODORE BERGNER, Secretary OFFICE OP (VATT.,, „ . OFFICE OF HONEY 1 ROOK COAL ' -- 3 ' COMPAN Y, 21f9 WALNUT STREET. PIITLADELPHIA, February 80870. Annual Meeting of Stockholders and election for tors of this Company will he held at the Com o'. ock J.'s o P ffice, on 'WEDNESDAY . "..'.id instan EN t. at one cl . M . S ...Mc HRY, fe9 12 15 18r- • Secretary. NOTICE:-LAPPLICATION HAS been mule to the Philadelphia and Gray's Ferry Passenger Railway Company for :f Certificate for Nino Shares of the stock of said Company; in lieu of a certificate for Nine Shares of • the stork of sail Company,dated Jan. 23, 1866,and numbers! 442. Series IL k , 'igstled to ALFRED W. ADOLPH, and now standing in his same on the books of the Company, which certificate ha , • been lostnr destroyed. jam 31 up OFFICE OF THE LERIOH COM, ANDNAVIGATN COMPANY, • T lO RE ;ACHY DEPAILTMENT. PHILADELPHIA, JIIIIIVITy . ' i1,1870. Certificates of the Mortgage Luau of this Corn pally, duo March I. 1S:0, will be paid to holders thereof. or tleir legal representatives, on presentation at this office on and after that date, from which time niterest will CtLISt,. S. SIIEPIIERD. frith th elm Treasurer. WILLS OPHTHALNIIC HOSPl lity RHO", above Eighteenth street. pen daily at 11 A.M. for treatment of dleertsea of the eye. ATTENDING SVHGEON ' Dr. Thomas George Morton, No. 1421 Chestnufstreet. VISITING MANAGERS : Oliver Evans, No. 729 SDTUCE street. . Amos 11 inborn . No. 44 N..rth Tenth street. Elmore C. Rine, Nn.lg34 Green street. dels,wttl • OFF ICE ENTERPRISE RAIL BOAD COMPANY. . PHILADELPHIA, - Fehrtutry 9, Mo. Notice is hereby given that the last imbilment of nee dollars upon each share of stock of the Company mot full paid has 1 een called. and that the same is doe and payable at the office of the Company, N. 407 Library street, on or hefore the 24th day of Februa o ry. 1870. By order of the Board of Directors.. fellt-thetu6t§ P. C. IIOLLIt?, Treasurer, LADIES' DRESS GOODS Grard Opening of Spring Fashions IN IMPORTED PAPER PATTERNS, 7 nesday, March 164,1870. The old established and only rehatiin Paper Pattern, Brest anti Cloak Making Emporium. Presses made to fit with case and elegance in .21 hours' notice. Mrs. M. A. BINDER'S recent visit to Paris enables her to receive Fashions, Trimmings and Fancy Goods superior to anything in this country. New in design, moderate in price. A perfect system of Press Cutting taught. Cuttipg, Basting, Pinking. , Fashion Book); and Goffering 'Machines for sale. sets of Patterns for Merchants-and Dress Makers now ready at MRS. M. A. BINDER'S, 1101, N. W. cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Ste. - Carefully note the namo und _number to avoid beipg deceived. Iny2s tfrp IIfISCELLANEOUS. FRED. SYLVESTER, REAL ESTATE BROKER, 20S SOUTH FOURTH STREET, del7-1Y rPS EDWIN H. FITLER, & Cu., - --- Cordage Manufacturers and Dealers in Hemp, 23 lc. Water 'Street . and - T2 N. Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. RDWIN FI. FITLER,_ CONRAD F. CLOTRIRR IJARTERS FOR EXTimauTiNu TEETH WITH FRESH NITROUS OXIDE-OAS, " ABSOLUTELY NO PAIN." OIL. F. R. THOMAS, " formerly Operator at Colton Dental Rotolo.," poeitively the only Wilco in the city entirtly devoted to extracting teeth without pain, w.lnnt street. n))15 vrnE C - OLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION 08,1 ginated the anaesthetic use of NITROUS OXIDE, OR LAUGHING GAS, And devote their whole time and practice to extracting teeth without pain. Otlice. Eighth and Walnut etroot4. ap2oly JOHN GRUMP, BUILDER, 1731 CHESTNUT STREET, and 213 LODGE STREET. Mechanics of every branch required for bongo-building and fitting promptly furnished. fe27-tf HENRY PHILLIPYI, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, NO. 1024 SANSOM STREET, jele-lyrn PHILADELPHIA. WARBURtON'S IMPROVED, VEN oh, Mated and easy-fitting Dress Hats (patented) in aU the approved fashions of the season. fthestnnt street, next door to tho Pnot-Otti Oft. ' OCI4-thl. FOR IN irALIDS. —A PINE M UBIOAL Bos as a companion for the sick chamber; the finest assortment in therity, and a great variety of airs to se lect from. Imported direct by FARB & BROTHER t rp It 2 4 Olinatnnt street. below ITottrtle 4 1 : 1; MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIAMONDS,WATCHES6 JEWELRY PLATE, CLOTH INCt, ,to.,'at J&NES & CO.'S LD-ESTABLISHED LOAN °mon, Corner of Third uud streets, Below Lombard. N, B,—DIAMONDS, Where:llElB,TM ELTI Y,0U1518 0 FOIL SALE 11.7 11F,FiAlocentv LOW PRICEB. _ rovI4Ul-011 -- -- . UT E D I) IN G A. N D ENGAGEMENT V V Rings of solid IS karat tine Gold—a epode/ lty ; a full assortment of sizes. and no charge for engraving names, etc. ruin, & BILOTTI if.R. eda - kora. mr94-ri, SI f 47.1 Ohngtnnt atmit below Fourth. I Urs'l V 8.0 AND IN t3TORE 1,000 sl cases of Champagne, sparkling Catawba and Cali fornia Wine*, Port, Madeira, Shorrn_Jamaica and Sant* • Crux' Reim tine old Brandies and Whiskies, Wholesale anditetaie. P. J. JORDAN,22O Pear stroot, Below Third and We.laut titroete. and above Dock tree* , . de7-d -- --- 11)11 1 LADEI,III IA SURGEONS' BAND 1. AGE I NSTITUT E,le N. Ninth st.,above Market. B. C. EVERIITTIS Truss positively cures Ruptures. Cheap 'f rueses, Elastic Belts, Stockings, Supporters, Shoulder Bracoi, Crutches, Suspensories , Pilo Band nos. Ladies atter dedto by Dirs. E. . '7l-IYr* _ 1:1 REPAIRS TO WATCHES AND Musical Boxes in the best manner, by skilifo workmen. FARR & BROTHER. filiestunt atreot, bedew 'Fourth O .) R. LEIGH'S IMPROVED HARD Rubber Truss never rustle, breaks or soils, used in bathing ; Sapporters, Elastic Belts, • Stockings, _all kinds of Trusses and Braces. Ladies attended to by DIRS. LEIGH 1230 Chestnut, see d story nob ly spi GRA 'IS' FURBISHING 0000, FINE DRESS SHIRTS. J. W. SCOTT & CO,. No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET. PHILAIMELPEIIA GENTLFASN'S FANCY GOODS Full Variety. inll W im tfrp: • NOTICE TO GENTLEMEN. As the season of the year is at hand for gentlemen to replenish their ward robe, the subscriber would particularly invite attention to his IMPROVED PATENT--SHOULDER- SEAM SHIRT, made from the best materials work done by hand, the out and finish of which cannot be excellicd ; warranted to fit and give satisfaCtion. Also, to a largo and well selected stock of Wrappers, Breakfast Jackets, Collars, Stocks, Hosiery, Gloves. Ties, &o.', &o. JOHN C. ARRISON, Nos. I and 3 North Sixth Street. nol2 t m w lyre tAlaltrAG ESTABLISHED 1553. BECKHAUS & ALLGAIER, 1204' FRANKFORD AVENUE, Above Girard Avenue, ItIANUFA.CTUBERS OF Exclusively First-Class Carriages, NEWEST STYLES CLARENCES. LANDAUS, LANDAtTLETTES, CIAME-COACHES,SHIFTING QUARTER COACHES, COU FMB A BO UCH ES, PHAETONS, ROC R. A WA YS, ETC., SUITABLE FOR PRIVATE, FAMILY AND PUBLIC USF. Workmanship and finish second to none in tho country. Fine and varied stock ou hand, completed and In the works. Orders receive prompt and personal attention. ALL 'WORK WARRANTED._aI9-Imrpg D. M. LANE, CARRIAGE BUILDER • 1 3432, 3434 and 3436 Market St., WEST PHILADELPHIA. A large assortment of Carriages of every description constantly on band. Especial attention paid to repairing. jtsl4 &MT§ -- STATIONERY - . IMPORTANT TO BOOK-KEEPERS. JUST PUBLISHED. THE • • 0 CATCH-WORD" LEDGER INDEX. (COPYRIGIIT SECURED.) Book-keepere and all others having to use an Index will find this a very valuable book. By rising the "Catch-word" Index, it will not only save time and eyesirbt.bnt the finding of a name quickly is a mathematiczA certainty. You aro invited to call and examine it. PUBLISHED BY JAS, B. SMITH' & CO., Wnolesalo and Retail Blank Book Manufacturers' and Stationers, No. 27 South SEVENTH Street, PHILADELPHIA. n 024 w f m lmrpE SOOTS AN D,SIIO Es. 'WINTER, BOOTS AND SHOES For. GentleniOn. BARTLETT No. 33 South Sixth Street. ABOVE CHEISTNVT. den w f lyrp PRINTINtx. The Pocket-Book Calendai and Directory for 1870, in a neat style of PRINTING is now ready and may be had . FOR NOTHIN G. • which is as near as possible the rates at which work generally is done \ BY A. C. BRYSON . & Steam 7 power Printers, No, bO7 CHESTNUT STREET, (Bulletin Building.) CiOTTO.N.- 2 0 4 11),01: O,NTFID W landing from eteaniur Wyoming, from 811V01111111h, Ga., And for lisle by COCIIRAN, EUBSELL ,Sr. CO., ()Menu t street. NEW PUBLICATIONS' §UNDAY SUROOLS lik.B.llllNd 7 riki6 best Publications. send to . J. O. • GAItItIOITEIS at 00.8. S. Emporinni,No. 808 Ait•eb Se : , Phila. 40 r4: ll lUft 4140 NEW; B0()K,S. ...,,', , e - ' • UP BROADWAY AND ITS sitpurp. ; , :4 truthful and powirfel tit4y. by Fi.g.6Ort Rana. In which the terrible effect of the ti taped "Social C.""e o in drawn with a fermi:tint delicacy that astounds yet fan clnates tho reader. r.- Price till 60. , --- , OLD MERCHANTS OF NEW YORK. Z The litth and COneln ding . i , olnino by Wi t.Trit_B_Aß • RETT, Clerk. upon the urea Merchant Princiet or New Y rko, ItCr Thin work in AY Collipicf 41 In five handsome ve uniee, beautifully iteil,butinil itattl,pitt up in boxes. Price .110. ~ z , IILITABY RECORD. The Military Record of elyitian appointments in the United Statee Army. By Vol. One V. IttiNity. A lame elegantly lerfated,and boned volunie, octavo, over 600 vivo. ,*•Price $6./ VAN WART'S POEMS. The Golden_Cipse and other News, by Invit4in VAN W ART, a1r . ,,/octutifully printed and boned; . "'„' Pric , l eito. • 'PITON; POl4her, Now York; 11•1!llbron,Sgurtro Acw 4t, ' • ÜBLISHE -TI4E, FIRSP NUM.- - - het of the HISTONY OF DELAWARE, by Ile 'Vine VW - cent To - be - completed - in - 20Tambere, cents each. JOHN 'CAMPBELL, Publisher , 740 han som street . fels4t" 1 11. IL 0 SOP YOF MARRLAGE.—AI new coarse of Lecturer, an delivered at the New Dinsoum of Anatomy; embracing the subjects; HOW to Live and what to Live for; Youth, Maturity and Old Ago; Manhood generally reviewed; the Cause of In digestion, Flatulence and Nervous Diseases accounted for; Marriage Philosophically Considered Pocket volumes containing these Lectures will be for warded, post paid, on receipt of 25 cents, by addressing W. A. Leary, Jr., Southeast corner of Fifth and Wet • ul streetstPhiladelphia, felt ly poor SKIRTS AND CORSETS. 1115. GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE 1100 P SKIRTS AND CORSETS, Commencing Saturday, December 4, And will be continued until January 1 IVO, with prices marked down to and below the wholesale gold prices, affording an opportunity for unprecedented bargains In first-class HOOP SKIRTS and CORSNTS for the time above stated ONLY. •vAll lb" Hoop Skirts for Ladics l Misses and Children in 400 varieties of styles, sizeuality and prices, fruni 15c. to 82, many of them markeddown to less than one third price. Over 10,(X0 Corsets, including SS kinds and, prices, such an Thomson's Glove fitting Coreets live Ersulno; Jas. Beck ers Superior French W i oven, n all qualities; R. Werly's, in four varieties; Mrs. Moody's Patent Selfltd• Sneting Supporting Corsets; Madame Poy's Corset and kirt Supporters; Superior Hand-made Corsets, In all grades, M lases', Children's, Ac. Together, with our own make of Corsets, In great variety. • All of which will be MARRED DOWN TO PANIC PRICES. Call early, while the stock remains unbroken, as there can be no duplicates at the pricey. At 1115 Chestnut Street. deilinwf3m3 WM. T. HOPKINS. - 131181 PI ESS CA KM. Established IS2I. WM, G. FLANAGAN , it SON, HOUSE AND SDIP PLUMBERS, No. 129 Walnut Street. wY►rr4~ JOSEPH WALTON & CO., CABINET MAKERS. .NO. 413 WALNUT STREET. tinnfacturers of flue furniture and of medium priced futniture of superioruality. GOODS Oh lIAN q D AND Itm)r. TO ORDER. Counters, Desk-work, &c r ~ for Batiks, Offices and Stores, 111111d0 to order. JOSEPH WALTON. JOS. W. LIPPINCOTT, JOEPII L. SCOTTA F A B. W11.411T, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Uommissioner of Deeds fl lli or the is, State of Donna;lrani& in no 96 Madleon street, No. 11, Chicago, Illinois. ' anl9tl COTTON BAIL DUCK OF EVKIVit width, from 22 inches to 7d inches wide ,_all number! Tent and Awning Duck, Fa,pereusker's Felting, Sail Twine, dtc: , JoHN streetVEßM. • ia26 No. lal Church . City Star... - GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. Orders for these celebrat , d f Shirts 811901(4 promptly brie notice. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, - Of late style% in full variety. WINCHESTER & CO. 706 CHESTNUT. feldu • th s tf I'OCKE'r BOOKS, &C. s .W-- 9 ~~ N C. F. RUi illGhllfiN. PHILA.] ?Janda( and Impco 1 4 , POCKET , - -torummelawne , Ladies' 14 Satchel. Travelling; in all sty' COits k; BARATET. CORSETS, TOUIEVIURIES, HAIR CLOTH 112 S. Eleventh St. HARDWARE, &C. BUILDING AND HOUSEKEEPING HARDWARE. Machiniste, Carpenters and other Me chanics' Tools. Binges, Screvrs, Locks, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Coffee Al Ilia, &0., Stocks end Dies. Plug and Taper Taps, Universal and Scroll ()hocks, Planes in great variety. AlLto be had at We Lowest Possiblo Prices At 'the CHEAP-FOll-CA.SO Hard ' wan Store of J. B. SHANNON,' No. 1009 Market, street. deB-tf _ GIFTS OF HARDWARE. Table Cutlery, with ivory, ivoryide, rubber and other bandies, and plated blades ; Children's Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Scissors in sots, Razors, tiny Pocket Knives, Scissors, Razors, Hatchets, P ['leers, .kc.; for watch charms ; 'Boxes and Chests of Tools, from ei tot ; Patent Tool Handles ( twenty miniature tools in them); Bora', .Ltliiiete and Gents Skates; Clothes Wringers ( they'll save their cost In clothing and time)' Carpet Sweepers Furniture Lifters, sets of Parlor and Field Croquet:miniature Garden Tonic, Carpet Stretch ers, Plated Spoons, ,Forks and Nut Picks, Spice and Cake Boxes, Tea Bells and Spring Call., Bolls, Nut Crackers, 'Tea Trays and Waiters, Patent Ash Sifters ay for themselves in coal caved) ; Carved Walnut Brackets, Gentlemen's Blacking Stools, Boys' Sleds,(ll , - plo Pomo and Cherry Stoning Machines, Patent Nut meg Craters, and a general variety of useful Housekeep ing Hardware. Cutlery,Tools, Sm., at TRUMAN SHAW'S, No. SU ( EighThirtv-Ilvo) Market street, be tow Ninth, Philadelphia. . R(:),S11.1 -7- AND SPIR PITS—VOR ENTX NE —Mftbarrels Rosin. 54 barrels Spirits Turpentine now lauding from steamer' Pioneer. from Wilmington. N. C.. and for sale by COGHBAN, RU9511114' CO., ill Chestnut street. 1.115 PA IV lERS. E A FIRST'', O SS SECURITY. , - 7 '. W OFFER FOR SALE 7 El a 000 000 LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE FIRST MORTGAGE SEVENS at 87 14 And Accrued Interest from Oct, I. Length of , Roast 390'11111es. TUE ROAD 18 COMPLETED AND FULLY PHD AT AN ACTUAL COST OE °VEIL , . , . 4 510,000,000., AND DAS PAID FROM 7 TO I PER CENT, ' ll7 LENDS ON ITS STOCK FOR TIM PAST MOM YEARS. The Bonds are Coupons of $l,OOO each, with right of Registration. $1,200,000 of the Bonds have been sold already (one party faking $50.0,000 as a permanent investment), 'and we have but $1,000,000 on hand, which we offer to in vestors as a iirst•class security. DREXEL & CO., NO. - 84 South Third Street Seven Per Cent. First Mortgage Bonds OF THE WEST JERSEY RAILROAD CO. The undersigned oiler for sale a iimited amount of the. Seven per Cont. First Mortgage Bonds of the WEST JERSEY RAILROAD COM PARY, being the balance unsold of the whole issue of One JliUlon Dollars. These bonds aro secured by, a first mortgage upon the sixty-three wiles of finished,rocal; vow in successful operation from Glassboro to Cape May, the sto4 of the Corn palsy paying dividends of ten per eenL annually and selling at a large premium. We offer the bonds at ninety and tsxrue interest from October 1, itia, to date of sale. C. dc 111. BOWIE, No. 3 Merchants' Exchange. DUENEL & 4,4), No. 34 South Third Street. W. Bt. NEWBOLD, SON & AERTNEN, P. E. Cor. Dock and Walnut Streets. ja2Cluirpt J. W. GILBOUGH & CO., BANKERS. 42 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Negotiate Loans, Buy and Sel Govenament and other re liable Securities. 'a3l m I 151 D. C. WHARTON SMITH & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 121 S. THIRD STREET. SUCCEMII.4 TO SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO. Every department of Banking bustia4.s shall recelvo prompt attention, an heretofore. tjubtations of Stocks, cad and Governments constantly received from our friends, E. D. RANDOLPLI & CO., New York, br our PRIVATE WIRE. PAS•IY BANKING HOUSE jAyCoco&EaCp• 112 and 114 S. THIIt,D ST. PHILAD'it D kIAL EHS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, We will receive applications for Policiee of Life Insurance in the new National Life In. nuance Company of the United States. Buff information given at our office. 5-20'S AND 1881'S Bought, Sola and Exchanged on most liberal term& GOLD Bought and Sold at Market Ratv4 COUPONS CASHED. PACIFIO RAILROAD BONDS Bought and Sold. STOCK.Sa Bought and Sold on Commission Onlrir COLLECTIONS Made on all Accessible looluts. 40 South Third St., PHILAMELPULC CUTLERY. • POD GER S' AND WOSTENHOLWS POOKET KNIVES, PEARL and STAG BAR.- LEB of beautiful finiela; RODGERS' and 'f,VADEIts BUTCHER'S, and the CELEBRATED LECOULTRE RAZOR. BOISSORS IN CASES of the finest quality. Razors. Knives, Scissors and Table Cutlery, ground and polished. EAR INSTRUMENTS of the most approved^ construction to assist the hearing, at P. MADE.M.A'S,,, Cutler and Surgical Instrument Maker, 111 Tenth Woe! below Oboetnut. myl t 1 .)'••• ~.4.,':.7,5, i ,, . .•,'., ] . . ;!:., . , ..(.::.,..' f.'.4.....,:1-:.:,0;.!,-.4::!, TM6Sala.illsict evytitmier. , "EUGENIE is quite ill. The Prince Imperial Lays fully recovered. - 'l . ltE. Internalrevenue receipts yesterdaymere $205,979. • , Mn. GLADSTONnintroduced his Irish Lan 1 :Hamm bill in the House or Commons yeAer day. . La LliwtlTt:, of. Paris,thinks that the retire ment of King Louis, of BaCarla, may become of national importance in Germany., : • A itEeotrrtleit the protest of Austria and . other Catholic powers against the Papal Sylla bus b4E, been sent to Rome is continued: • A tit Id, giving women the suffrage has passed the lower branch of the Ilinnesota Legislar ture. and will probably be concurred itr brthe tenate. Tim Georgia, Legislature yesterday elected Messrs.' ; Blodgett, Farrow and; Whiteley Hulled States Senators, the Tatter for the one pur term. ' COMminiont; STEPIIEN . Cittmrus, L. S. N., Melaka, surviving biker of the battle of Like Erie is dangerously ill at his residence in Boston. 7 ' • THE Menet' Opposition claim to represent, dr majority of the country, and the.assertion 4 this claim gave rise to a lively debate in the {orps Legislatif yesterday. AT St. John . , New ••Brunsvvick, yesterday, John A. Monroe was banged for the murder of Catharine Vast and her ebild, in September lat. He confessed his crime. :G EN. Jolts H. LIDDELL was killed on the strainer St. Mary, near Monroe, La., on Mon dry. It is said his murderers were Colonel (;larks Jones and two of the latter's sons. Twe. Armenians have decided not to recog nke the authority of their 'Patriarch, on the graund that he is too feeble to resist the en machnients of the Pope. THE body of Greenwald, recently murdered in Havana. arrived at New York yesterday, aid was taken charge of by his friends: A lar , e,demonstration is expected at the funeral. IN the Louisiana Legislature a bill was in troduced. appropriating $1,500,000 to the first railroad completed from New Orleans to Texas. Fifteen sections of 'the election bill were i.d'opted by the House yesterday. TUE Minnesota House of Representatives. by a vote of*: to 1:i, yesterday passed a rose hdion submitting a female suffrage amend ment to the peciple. It is believed the Senate will concurs Tin: Canadian Parliament was opened by he (iovernor-General yesterday afternoon. He said the lied River troubles were subsiding, and that new laws would be ;nude in refetenee to elections and the coasting trade. THE mu►iicipiil election at Salt :Lake on Monday resulted in the success of the Brig ham Young ticket, by a large majority. About half a doz.en women voted, dividing upon the tickets. Tim: Indian Bureau has received otliCial in fotniat ion from 31outana that the Gros Ventre ti ibe ofindians have lost 741 of their number front small-pox since September, leaving about 1,•.:00 of the tribe alive. THE Liquor Dealers' Associatitin of St. Loins, at a meeting on Monday night, directed its execitthe committee to petition Congress ter a change of the Internal revenue law, so that all taxes on spirits may be collected at•the distillery or distillery warehouse. raPRE ENTATI VE DawEs, of Massachu setts, writes to the Chairman of the New Ihnupshire Republican Committee, expressing his desire for the success of the Radical Re publican patty in that State; and saying that he will make a speech ,there before the elec tion. ; A 3ltx XEA . Minn., telegram says: "The preliMinary surveys for the Northern l'acifie Railmad are being pushed forward with all possible despatch. Five parties are now in the field, and another leaves next Thursday. The reports that a courier had been despatched tOr the surrey to be suspended are incorrect." Tut.: decision of the Superior Court at Cin cinnati continues the reading of the Bible in the public schools. In the opinion of the Court the constitution recognizes the religion of (thristianity ; the State uses religion to promote good government, and the exclusion of all re ligious instruction from the public schools is 'contrary to the Bill of Rights. Two Judges concurred in this'opinion; the third dissented. Tnt•: Texas Legislature has agreed to elect United States Senators on the •Sith. Both Inanches have ratified the Fifteenth Amend ment, and .the Fourteenth Amendment has passed the Rouse, The President of the Sen ate has been declared ineligible by Gene ral Reynolds, who has also unseated two Con set vat ive members, giving their seats to Rath- Oliß wiLmmtaroN LETTER Various Items of Interest, Correwnidence of tee PhiladelphlnEvoninz IV 11. M NGTON. Feb. 15.—Republicanism marched to victory on crutches this morning. Thew has been for some time a dead lock iu the Levy Court, which has prevented the elec tion of county ofticent appointed by that body It was caused by the absence of a member from Appoquininiink Hundred, who had the misfortune to have a broken leg. The Demo crats also disputed his right to vote if present, dechu Mg him not a freeholder. To-day he was earlier! into the court-room, and the Re publicans thereby gaining their majority of one, the election proceeded, and resulted of course in the election of all the Republican candidates. There seems to be no foundation for the charge. that be is Hot a freeholder; at least the Demo crats failed to have any proof with them. You have had by telegraph the particulars of the outrage attempted on a young lady at Dover yesterday. Her name was Miss Flick. .She states that the negro was without clothing, .except boots, when he attacked her. The man rescued her was also colored. She had been in town attending a noon prayer-meeting, and has been in the habit of attending these sneetings regularly, of which fact her assailant Nvas probably aware, and so laid his plans to intercept her. A destructive tire occurred near Claymont last evening; by which a handsonie residence, owned and occupied by J. Hillborn Jones, a Philadelphia Merchant, was totally destroyed. It was insured for $1,900 in Wilmington corn• patties, and for $2,000 in the Royal Company, of London, but the loss is lately in excess of the insurance. The Phtenix Foundry here is about to cast a 11y-wheel weighing '25,000 pounds, all In one piece, for Wm., K. McClees .l'•, Co.'s rolling.. mill at Easton; ra., This is an unnsaallybeavy casting. The same: 111.111 recently cast a 5,000 pontiff fly-wheel' for a new-rolling mill at mington, but it was cast in segments. They sent to Posey, Jones & Co.'s works to-day a casting weighing 16,000 poundS for a cotton Tress that firm is rebuilding in Nashville, Tennessee The suit of the United States vs. the Major Reybold drags slowly along in the Admiralty Court. Testimony is still beingLitaken. A suit will soon commence in the Court of chancery which promises to be full of rich developments, and several of the parties to which are Philadelphians. It hinges on the sanity of one. Richard Thomas, 'a native .of • this State, but afterwards an inmate of an insane asylum in Frankford, whence he - was taken, on a- writ of lotheos corpus, to the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas, and by the Court declared sane, and. released. Ile has since married an adopted daughter Jai the parties instrumental in obtain- lug his release, and-brings-. the suit- .t compel the gentlemen who, under - his father's will, hold soo,ooo'worth of property in trust for him, to pay Lim the income.l collim tency to contract a marriage will also'cothe up; and tbe question is, of course, one of import ance to those to wliom his property would re vert, if he dies without! isspe.p The . case is as complicated as it is luteresting. Now Castle is making, rapid progress with her water-works, and the town will soon have a thorough supply of water. C Tasker4r, of Philadelphia, supply the pipes,itiul, it is Uri. derstood, own nearly- half, the stock of • the company electing the works. • DALE'. • 'WHERE TIME MONET OF THE `COM. -MONWEAUIII IN EEPONITED. HAmusnutto., Feb.: 15...;-In the Senate Finance Committee, to-night, State Treasurer Mackey. presented a written ,sMte,ment, , and, in answer to questiOns *V Messrs. Wallace, White, Billingfelt and Brooke, reiterated that he had followed the practice of his predecessors in de positing the public funds. He had been obliged to draw upon the sinking , fund to a large extent, owing to the fact that appropria tions to charitable institutions, to soldiers' or phans, and common schools, had been largely increased. Large deficits were also to be met. Mr. Billingfelt, Chairman, and Senator Wal-. Jake,,concurred in, the expression that thestate; !tient presented by Mr. Mackey was not. In ac cordance with the request of the Conimittee. They had desired a monthly account of what the san►'e consisted. Mr. Mackeit said that - it was not the state ment that he had intended originally to prepare, but he had been guided by several members of the Committee, who bad expressed themselves satisfied. • • Statement. TILKASUBY DALAtICE t . MONDAY, MAY 3, 1869, DUE FROM BANKS AND BANKERS. National Bank of CatasauqUa...'. '32,418 37 Bank of Commerce of Erio,failed in 1861 Venango National Bank, Frank ', lin, failed Messrs. J. R. Dick & Co.; Mead .ville • Messrs. Bair & tibenk,Lancaster, Carlisle Deposit Bank, Carlisle, 3,lanheim National Bank, Man helm First /National Bank, Washing ton Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, 15,082 49 Union' Banking Co., Phßada.... 10,000 00 Citizens' Bank, Pittsburgh 16,367 76 MeSsis. Staniar), Clarkson & Co., Lancaster Messrs. G. F. NI ason & Co., To wanda First 'National Bank, Northum- berland First National Bank. Warren: ... Farmers' and Natiou'l Bank, Philadelphia tgold) Iron City National Bank, Pitts burgh 12,4;3 42 Union National Bank. Lewisburg 10,000 00 Ilarrisburg National Bank, 2,714 00 Tradennan% Nation'l Bank, Piths burgh 6erotal Bauk,Meehanies- burg Girard National Bank', Philad'a Farmers' and 31 echanics.' Nationl Bank, of Philadelphia. • National Bank of Middletown... ercurS Bank. Towanda First National Bank Harrb.burg . 31 essrs. Willi am o 3 & Co., Altoona - 50,000 00 }list. National Bank Bellefonte.. 20,000 00 Messrs. Jay Cooke. .& Co., Phila.. 75,923 50 DI essn. C. T. Yerkes, jr. & Co., Philada, 100.000 00 First Nat. Bank, Norristown L 1.1,000 00 Mechanit..l.' Bank, Harrisburg.... 1it1,981 10 Jacob IL Ridgway ' 100,000 00 Vault. • 211,303 99 Drawer 9,252 23 Coupon account 17,781 30 Advances to officers of Govern ment Balance in Treasury, Monday, May 3, 180. 1,135,194 92, TREASURY BALANCE, JAN. :il, 1870-1117 E FROM HANKS AND P.ANKERS. orliivgmen's Savings Bank, Allegheny. Allegheny Savings Bank Bank of Commerce, Erie Veiing° National Bank Fanners' and Mechanics' Nat. Bank,gold 802 00 Messrs. Bair & Shenk, Lane&ster , 5,000 00 German Saving Bank, Allegheny 5,000 00 Messrs. Steliman,Clarkson & Co., Lancaster 5,000 00 Indiana Deposit Bank, Indiana • 5,000 00 31 essrs. Kirk, McVeigh --&- Co., \Vest Chester . 10,000 00 National Bank, Middletown.... 115,000 00 Farmers' National Bank,Reading 20,000 00 First National Bank, Bellefonte 20,950 00 Jacob E. Ridgway 1140,000 00 Harrisburg National Bank ' 1,077 00 31 echanieW Bank, Harrisburg. ... 25,000 03 31ercur's Bank, Towanda 20,041 91 Win. 31. Lloyd, Altoona„ 50,000 01) Messrs. G. F. Mason & Co., Towanda 15,090 00 Juniata Vzdie Bank, Miillintown 33,052 49 State Bank, Harrisburg 1.D,01)0 00 31 essrs. Lloyd, Huff & Co., La trobe.. Dougherty, Bros. & Co., Harris- , , burg 55,000 00 Kat lona] 8ank..;'.,..40,000 DO Sharon 8ank..... 10,000 00 Union Banking Co., Philadelhia 140,000 00 Kensington „National Bank,Phila delpina' ' , 75,000 00 Allegheny National Bank ... 26.5,213 58 HlllUMelstown Bank. 3,000 00 Jay Cooke & Co., Philadelphia.. 42,702 22 First National Bank, Harrisburg 233,577 71 Fanners' and , Mechanics' Bank, Philadelphia, Vault. - Drawer Coupon account..:.. Advances to Officers of govern ment: Advances to officers of govern ment, House and Senate .. Total $1,569,129 9(J Less Fanners' and Mechanics' National Bank, Philadelphia Balance January 81, 1870 84425.108 39 Three hundred and eighty thousand dollars deposited in Farmers' and Mecbanics' Na tional Bank Monday, January 81, 1870, but no additional till Tuesday, February 1, 1870. The Finance Committee will meet to-mor row evening, and in the meantime . examine and discusS the statement of Mr. Mackey, and determine as to whtit further questions the committee should propound to Mr. Mackey on. appearing before them at that time. Pennsylvania Leglitature. Iri the Pennsylvania Senate, yesterday, a number of bills were passed. Among them was the House bill to require itinerant pur chasers and traders _in glass, rags, paper, scrap metals, old clothing, and all other refuse mat ter, to be licensed. The House of Representatives defeated the supplement to the City Sewerage and Utiu zation, Company. The louse of Correction bill was passed finally. Also, Senate bill ati. thorizing the Philadelphia Library to act as trustees of the . .Ridgway branch. Also, the Senate bill authorizing the Thirteenth and Fif teenth Streets Railway Company to lay a track on. Locust street, Also, the Senate bill to authorize the Ridge Avenue and Matutyunk Railway Company to sell or lease its road. Also, House bill to open Fifteenth street, from Carpenter to Reed. The bill 'relative to writs of error in the Supreme Court was passed over the Governor's vetoHyeas 62 ' nays 29. The City Trust bill, wts defeated: At the evening session. the House bill to provide safeguards against the illegal use of the State money by the State,Treasurer was passedH72 ayes to 5 noes. Forti•iiist: congress—second Seiston. in. the United States Senate, yesterday, the A t, „ T 414- ,PAX7 1 #YAYE ,, !.N.0 . .P1JL14ETM 7 +:.VA1LAPERtt(A;:gi?...'.E5PATJ...t.E.84.44 . f'5 . .,0Jfr.10.•.',.':::: . .1;.:;'' .. ! : ,%:' . .'..',...,...:.:'i Mississippi-- bill was discussed „by Messrs. Bayard, Morton and Drivb - . - No'final action was taken. ItilhelloPse ‘Ol . Iteriresentatives port of tlyd Electicirt Committee, giving " '' ...,seat from the Eleventh District of New York to C. IL Van WYek, was considered,tut not finally acted pporii c .Mt.. Morrell' (Pa.) introduced a bill giving bounties to persons who, `after being rejected as volunteers, were immediately after , wards drafted and held to service. f IN MIQATA PIDN. Reported for the rintadelphia xvoning Bulletin. SAVANNAH—Steamship Wyomiug,_ Captain Teal 121 bales cotton 4 bales dried fruit W L Jutnee; 1 box mdse J l Austin:l box paper COntsaY sk,Ero; 1 box mdee Claxton; Retnsen '& Eleffeltlnger; 80 bales cotton Coch ran, howl! & Co; 22 bales cotton 8 do yarn 20 do dotnes tics Clagbornlierring & Co; 50 empty_ kegs Chu Engel; t 1 box mdse J Grubb:. bales yarn. Hay & McDevitt; 2 'boxes D Landreth & Hon; 5 bales sheeting Jas Lea A Co - I brick machine S P Miller; 2 copper fountains 1 box d Meyers & Son; 19 bblet 122 half do empty W Massey ,& 4 bales cotton 2 do rags 4 tibia peaches Miller & Bro;'108 bided cotton Order; 1 dog J 111 Othitt; 10 tasks rice John Powers; 21 bales cotton Prentice S. Fitter; 37 do R Pat terson & Co; 34 no Randolph & Jenks; 8 cases furniture E A Smith; 42 casks rice flour 8 ft bharplees; 21 bales cot ton 11 Sloan fi Son; 105 piec , t lumber A simpson & Bro; 1 ccci leaf tobacco Steiner. Smith Bros &Knecht; 1 bale cotton 4 w widen & Soo; 14 do It D Wood & Bon; 1 bbl apples Jos Wilkins; trunk J Weber Sedewlck; I scale beam Reilil & Bro; 1 box Hoopes A Townsend; 1 box, Bairn & Co; I piano Hull & Co. - MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN STEAMERS. TO ARRIVE. _ slims FROM DOH DATE', Rudd Bremen—New York. ' ' Jan. 20 lowa ' Illasgovr—New York Jan. 21 Cella London—New York Tan. 29 C. of New York_Llverpool—Neve York via 11 di . g...lan. 30 City of Mexlco...Vera Cruz... New York _ Tau. 30 Donau. Qou t ham pton—Netv York Feb,. I Tarifa Liverpool—New York via B Feb. I 1 . 1 of Baltimore—Liverpool—Now York ..... ..... ....-FO. 3 Minnesota. Livetpool...Now York Feb. 8 TO DEPART. Siberia New York... Liverpool Feb.l7 Morro Castle New York _Havana Fob. 17 Prometheus ...Philadelphia—Charleston.- Feb. 17 C. of Bultimore_New York... Liverpool. ..e,i• ‘ Feb. 19 Ville de Parie....Now York...Havre e Feb, 19 Helvetia .New York—Liverpool, .. .4. .. ...,--Feb. 19 , Cleo Cromwall —llew York... New Orleans . - Feb. 19 Anglia New York... Glasgo- Feb. 19 Juniata_ Philadelphia_Havana& N Orlins--Feb. 19 ' Wyorning.--PhilinielPhia—Havaimah--..............Feb.19 Pioneer Plaladelphia—Wilmington Feb,2l S. America._ New York... Rio Janeiro, dee Feb.2l Alaska..... New Yorlss. , .A.opinwall. Feb.2l Cof Mexico ' New York... Vera Cruz, Sec—. ...... Feb. 22 City of Cork Now York... Liverpool via 11 Feb. 22 Hatutnonia... :-:.New York... Hamburg ' Feb. 22 Minnesota ' New York—Liverpool Feb.2l Chiba New York... Liverpool Feb. 7.f- BOARD OF TR,AD.E. D.C. McCA Id 't ON . j • PRICE IV ETHERLIV;( a2 iONTHLY COMICTTE6. GEO. N. ALLEN. 3,841$ 48 657,,221 uO 3,5'.32 66 8,738 62 8,574 51 5,000 00 PORT OF PHILADRLPIIIA—Fan. 16. BUN Rmy.s, 6 411 BUN BETS, 5 191 Huns WATER. 3 .9 ARRIVED YESTERDAY: Steamer Wyoming, Teal. 70 hours from Savannah, with Cotton,.An. to Philadelphia and Southern SS Co. Passengerr—T M or nit and wife. Mrs Offult, Id re S A Mendenhall, MIEN Ella Mendenhall. Master H. H Melee. C Stokes . D Campbell, Daniel Viiney, Elliott opklns. John Rran, J Y Graff, S W Miller, Jr, It W RI. erts...t Rutherferd and wife. A B Jones and wife. 0 Mead and wife, E B Bennett. C Wiltbank and wife. Oil the Brandywine Light, pawed stew - nil - Juniata. from New Orleans via Havana. haw iniy in tow UiPlitjed 1)311i i{probably the John Wil-, Liverpool/; also .a large Engliali bark, bound up. at molter below Marcus Houk. Brhr Abby Ellen. Pendleton. 2 days from New York, with nuke to order—veseel to Lennox & Burgess.. • 1.V,135 35 16,3:11 5 11.170 00 10,000 00 CLEARED YESTERDAY.. Ship Ladoga, Riley. Cork for ordens. Workman k Co. Steamer Diamond State. Wood. Baltimore. A Groves,Jr. Behr Blonde'. Chapman, Boston vla New Castle, Del. I) Cooper. Sat. Abby H Brown, Brown, New Castle, Del. SrhrJ W Flake, Chase. Boston via New Castle, Del. D Ccoper Fehr W F GP rriEori, Adame,Clr.rleston, S Latiibury&Co 14,076 76 1:,0,000 00 120 ou MEMORANDA. • Wettmorolanl. Letortrnan. from flew Orleans for remen. vin= off the Eddratone. Ship Nightingale. Spirrow, cleared at San Francisco lb inst. tor 'Yokohama. Steamer Roman. Baker. hence at Boston 11th btemierCru Washington. Gager, at New Orleans 13th at. from New York lateemer Cortes. Nelson, sailed from New Orleans 13th for New York. 17,0.31 10 70,000 00 26,162 10 ~1,1124 . 1 70 Steamer Varunu, Sroncer, ckared, at Galveston 17th for New Yf.rl;. I..te.nier ere! , C f . fil City, Norton,. -at New Orleans inst. from New York. Steamer Allesizippl, Henry. sailed from New Orleans 13th Mgt for New .1 ork. . - - Steamer Biencille. Baker, from New Grleane 6th and Ila yaw,. 10th imt. at Now York Yesterday, eteateer North America. Slocum, from New York, at Pert,autbuco 141 b ult. for Rio Janeiro. Steamer City of Cork (Br), Alien. at Halifax 14th inwt. front Liverpool, and at 3 PM for Boston ana New York. Dark Trinity, Bollev, at Monterldeo ISth Dec. from New York f 53,405 6'4 Bark Clara. Nickels, frem chsrleston for 31onterideo, was spoken 2d inst. lat 3351 N, lon 1615. Brig Carrie Wright. Jordan, for this port, put back to A rdropsan 25th tilt. leakY. Brig Mary t NG), Pfeifer, at Pernambuco sth ult. frtni Baltimore. and sailed for Rio Janeiro. .1/rig C M Goodrich. Look, from Bueno4 Ayres Nov 24 %no below Boston 14th I'l4. -.2;000 00 10,000 00 3,h9fi 4/4 7,224 .0 Brig ZaTills Williams, WiHams, was of St JehaQ. PR. 27th ult. discharged. tclir :quint) , de. Stration,from Mayaguez for this port, was spoken 29th ult. lat 3330, Inn 6 , 4 10. Schr Daniel Brittain,l2arroll. cleared .at New York 14th lust. for Charleston. btebr B Mann, Rogers, at Georgetown, f3O; bth lost from New York. Schr A H Cain. Simplon, hence at Portland 13th inst. Schr Emily H Nit) lor. Naylor, cleared at Wilmington, NC..12111 inst. for.New_ York. Fehr Nellie Benedict. Ellin, cleared at New Hawn 12th inst. for this port. tkelteJ .11 Gallagher. Boyle. hence at Richmond 13th instant. Schr Amelia, Poet, from New Caatlo, Del. at New bnryport 12th /DST. Schr Fly; Carter, hence for Providence, passed Hell Gate 14111 inst. nchr Freedom (Br), Chase, at Pernambuco 16th ult Imm York. Schr 1) Tall,ct. Amesbury, from SHIM River, Oa, for Bath. at Holmes' Hole 13th inst. • . - . &lir Willie Alowe, before reported ashore at Town send's Inlet. NJ. arrived at New York ]lth inst. in tow of steamer Henn,. At the request of Mr Wm II Hertel, underwriters' agent at Charleston. Mr Wetmore. agent for underwri ters in Savannah, has chartered the powerful tug Charleston and Willink's steam pump to go to the- as sistance of the Fehr Eliza , Tike. trout Charleston for Philadelphia, ashore on Lohg Island. Charleston har bor. The tug left Savannah on Friday evening at o'clock. 10,000 00 - - }trig Caseatello; Carlisle, at Holmes' Hole, roports: Feb 10, tat J 7 10, ion i 350, saw a barkontiue to the tee ward.with signal of distress tiring; the'wind at tho inne blowing a gale from WNW and a nigh Fe.i. running. Ran down to her and found her to ho the John of Leith, with, rudder pone. Ran by her three times to mcertnin her want; found they wanted ropes and pro- Vinienb, and its we were short ourselves could render no assistance; aid not want to be taken off. D AVIS & HARVEY, AUCTIONEERS, (Late with M. Thomas & Sons I Store Nos. -t8 and 80 North Sixth street. Administrator's Salo. No. 2032 Poplar street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. FINE TAPESTRY CAR . PETS, bc.• ON THURSDAY MORNING. At 10 o'clock, at No. 2032 Poplar street, superior Walnut and Reps Parlor Furniture, superior Lounges, Walnut Chamber Suit, fine Tapestry Carpets, Tapestry Stair Carpets. Oil Cloths, superior Office Desk. Oak Dining Room Furniture, Upright Refrigerator, Kitchen Furni ture, Sc., in use but stilton time and in nice order. SCOTT'S ART GALLERY AND AUCTION COMMISSION SALES ROOMS, B SCOTT, JR., Auctioneer. 1117 CHESTNUT street, Girard Row. Partltillar attention paid to ont-door 'sales at 'mode rate rates. de29 tf Mr. Haseltine's sale of Clifomos closes this evening; 4Cu are to be disposed of, 6110 being sold the two even ings previous. at eery few rrireA. This will be the last opportunity of obtaining gems in this line. 8,448 00 .. 2,437 10 .. 180,610 50 14,21; 87 49,M0 00 144,021 51 Mr. CHARLES F I.IASELTINE, on account' of going to Europe on business, to reduce his i unn , .li,e stock. will sell at public sale, at his Galleries, No. 1125 Chestnut street, on the evenings of MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY. February 14, lb and 16, About 1000 Enfilish, French and German Chi moos. GEO. H. BECUTELL, 716 ARCH street, Opening Spring Salo of First Quality Treble Plated Silver t lated Ware, consisting of elegant Tea Sete,(; pieces ). Ice Pitchers. Trios, Napkin Rings, KIIiVUK, Forks, Spoons, Coffee Urns. Fruit Dishes. Card Re ceivers, Revolving Butter Dishes, &c., ON THURSDAY A. M., At 10 o'clock. The aseortineut is largo, and embraces every article in the oil vor were lino. To be sold without reserve. Goode may be examined and catalogues ready on day of salq, B, SCOTT, 3n., Auctioneer. SPECIAL TRADE SALE na BARTRAM S TAUT4IN FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. ON MONDAY MORNING, Feb. 21, at M o'clock, by order of Wis. T. Hopkins, 7116 Chestnut street, general agent for Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Southern States for these superior Ma chines, which only-need to become known to make them the most popular family sowing machines in the market. • They - are just - from' the manufactory, every way complete,' and cold with the agent's guarantee. Machines now on. exhibition at the office of the agency, where parties are Invited to call and examine them and receive instructions In working them before and after the sale. Can als ho seen At the auction rooms two days before sale. We have received instructions Iran; Air. J. Lutz, No.. 121 South Elovelith street, to offer hie entire Stock of Furniture at. public saloon TIIIINSDAY end FUMY, February 21 and 25. on account of retiring from business and departure for Europe. . Pettit:Wart-Thereafter. lEEE MARINE BULLETIN. MARINE MISCELLANY AUCTI9N SALES. GREAT SALE OF CHROMOS ..::'...3. AUCTION- EIALVEO.'II-!' THOMAS & AUCTiO,NRBBII, Hi a • No. LW and IrOMITH litteet SALES or STOOIE 2 4-AND RFALzrzsms, • Pnblfo sales at the Philadolonfa Xxcharlfic TIIESDAY i at 12 o'nlock. ' ' ; 'menu! v VT Furniture sales at the Auctioti Stpr!! ••••-••!' - Sake at Residences recoiya esaeolalattentlott TO BOOT AND sIIOEMAKVII,E4 AND .91"IIRES, , Salo No. nl3 Wain atieetEritate Myth°, fined. STOOK AND I.:IXT taiga or ftt/O'X'i AND STONE. • ' ON WEDNESDAY MORNING:, ' • reh.l6; a' to o'clock, at No. 613 Walnut street, corner ot Swam" irk tarot. the Stock and Fixtures, comprkane•— )toota Shooß,. Galtero. TOOIR, LUNN, Walt Showcanes t Cormier, Awning. Iron A anitia-trome. Olt Oloth, &a. May be examined at .B (Nock on the morning of aaLe. • • • Estate or James B. Lonttacre•docefuted• PRIVATE COLLECTION OF ENGRAVINGS AND PAINTINGS., OIL PORTRAITS OF _EMINENT. AMERICANS. CIIOIuE PROOF ENGAA.VINDS, kc. • ON WEDNESDAY and THURSDAYAFTERNDONS Fchniary 13 and 17, At 3 o'clock, at the auction atom, 139 and .141 South Fourth street. " The catalogue compriciw ' Por traits! by Inman. Neagle. Harding. Lsntze, Oonarrue and others. Thr collection will bo on exhibition Tune day, ROI inst. • ' A ko , ON TBURSDAY • A FTER.NOON.. At 4 o'clock. will be Hold. about MOO Bird Skins, the col lection of the Inle John Casein., Esq. Sac at thn Auction Emma., Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth ativet. SUPERIOR WALNUT PARLOR, CIIATIIIFIR. Ll .allo, la AND DINING ROOM - FURNITURE, Pura), FIREPROOF SAFE. MIRRORS. OFFICE YURNITIJICE. HAIR DIATRESSES, PRATHER BEDS, CHINA AND GLASSWARE, STOVES, CARPETS, dn. • ON TIIRRSDA.Y MORNING, Feb. 17, at 9 o'clock, at the Auction Roome t by_ cata logue, a large aaxertment of Superior Household Furrd* taro, comprising—Walnut Parlor Forniture Library and Dining Room Furnitnre, Walnut Chamber Suite, French Plate "Mirrors, Mahogany Piano. superior Walnut Wardrobes. Sideboards, Extension, Centre and Bouquet Tablea. Loungem, Rat Stands, Etageres, Arm Chairs. tine Hair blatreases, Feather Beds. Bolsters and Pillons. China and Gilman - aro. superior Office Fur• nitnre.Gaeconsurning and Cooking Stoves, Fireproof Safe, Carpets, /cc - Also. large assortment of Wooden Ware. comprising Tubs, Buckets, Sugar Boxes, Flour Boxes, &C. Administrator's Sale; No. 124 Tulisehocken street. Germantown. ;HANDSOME ROSEWOOD. WALNLIT AND OAK FURNITURE, HANDSOME BROCKVILLE AND LACE CURTAINS. VERY FINE OIL, PAINT INGS, FINE FRENCH PLATE MANTEL, AND PIER MIRROBS, SUPERIOR SPRING MAT RESIFTS, HANDSOME VELVET: BRUSSELS AND " OTHER • CARPETS, FINE. FRENCH CHINA, GLASSWARE. &c. On WEDNESDAY MORNING, M, at 11 o'clock, at No. 124 Tulvdiocken street, Germantown, by catalog. tie, the e n tire LI on ne hold Focal , ture t comprising— Handsome Rosewoini :entwine Room and Sitting Room Furniture. brneatelle and plunk cov •erings; handsome Walnut Chamber Snit, elegant Oak .Buffet Sideboard, very large and' superior Oak Exten sion Table, Oak Mil Furniture. sunerior Mahogany at d Cottage Chamber Furniture, fine. French Plate Mantel and Pier. Mirvora, very Sue Oil Paintinlfs.' handsome' Brocatelle and Lace Curtains, handsomely painted and gilt Mantel Vases, Bronze Ornaments, an perior Spring Matresses, handsome Velvet, Benasela and Carpels, tine French China, Glassware, Kitchen Utensils,.,. CARRIAGES. HARNESS. ,ke. Also. Germantown Wagon, by Wm. Diinlnp; clone Carriage, by Watson; four sets Double and eingLe H ar• lees, barren Uce. May be r - Xitil/ in ed at Sn'elock en the morning of sale. VALUABLE GREEN-HOUSE PLANTS.. The 'valuable Green-hoioe Plants will. be sold on FRIDAY MORNING, February 25, at 10 o'clock. TAMES A. FREEMAN, AUUTIONEEB, el No. 492 WALNTITchvet. EXECUTORS' SALT% ON THE PRE )I.ISESt P ItO PE lIT Y, GUI% RCII STREET, FRANK FO RT. On SATERPAY AFTERNOON, Fels. 19, 1070, at . 4 o'clock. will be 'odd on the' premise=, a three story brick Hetet property. Church street, near lit, bridge over the Little Tammy creek Lot 95%100 Execa• tors' sal. Es!a , e Robert Ayre,rlex.v.f.,l Sale at the Ashland H ouse, Nos. 707,709 and 711 Arch street HANDSGMEMARLOR FURNITU'IIE.DRESSELS,IN CRA IN A Ni• (['EVER CARPETS, )VALNGT AND COTTAGE SUITS, HAIR MATRESSES, REDOING, CHINA, GLASSWARE. COOKING APPARATUS. STEAM AND 11 OT-WATER BOILERS, BAR-ROOM FIXTURE: 4 . ENENCIATOR. LigroltS, et.';., etc. ON MONDAY MORNING. at ten ,clock. will be cold. by cctologu , . the entire Parlor. eliamber.dining•room and kitchen furniture, of the A,4ll:lnd nonce, compriciug elegant oh walnut - parlor suits, covered with violet plush, oil walnut ell tubcr furniture. .warilrobes, bureaus. bedsteads, - wechstands . , heir matresses,lbedding, linen. blankets. quilts. mirrors. dining-tables. glassware, el t hia, steam Itentint app3Sitrts, cooking utensils, laundry fixtures, umridc bars. ennnciator,fine Donors, A:c., be., May id, faith earalaeoc, on morainr of sale, T.• e”sh. Fns, of the whale yer,wytorp. T)U DURBOB.OW & Co., AUCTIONEERS, N 0.,. 212 and 234 Market street, corner of Ibink. LARGE SALE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS ON THURSDAY MORNING. F b.,17, at 10 o'clock, on four months' creilit,including - DOME'STICS. Bales bleached and brown Shirth ga and Shestings do all wool Canton, Dranot and Shirting Flannels. OW'S Wigans.lientucky and Corset Jeans. Denims. do Furniture and Apron Checks, Sileelas. Stripes. do Prints, Manchester and Dom sstie Ginghams. Cottonades, Padding,s, Carnbrics, Miners' Flan nels do B (Tic) s, Tweeds, Satinets. Cassimeres, Coatings. LINRN GOODS. Dujik Coatings, Drills, Crash, Diaper, Canvas, &c.. Ac do 4 4 Irish Shirting Linens. Barnsley Shootings. do bleached and W B liamask, Table Cloths, Towels, ,4:c. MERCHANT TAILORS' GOODS. Pieces English, Belgian and Saxony black and blue all wool and Union Cloths. do Tricots. English Sprini Meltons, Blue Castors. to Ala la Clinpehe Fancy Cassirneres and Coatings. •do Yrenclighoeskins,ltaliiiii Cloths, Satin do Chines. Also, Fancy en/ Staple Dress Goods, Silks, 'Woolen Shawls, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Shirts and Drawers, Cloth ing. White Piques, Quilts, White Goods, L. C. ILlkfs. 1 - nibrellas, Ties. Trimmings. Stock of Dry Goode, Fe. 50 PIECES BLACK SILKS, In very desirable qualities; of a favorite importation. IMPORTANT SALE OF CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. • ON FRIDAY MORNING. Feb. lq, at 11 o'clock, on four months' credit, about 200 nieces Ingrain. Venetian, List, Hemp 4. Cottago and Rag Farpetings, Oil Cloths, \ • - LARGE SALE. OF FRENCH AND OTHER Eti.RO PEAN DRY GOODS, ON MONDAY MORNING, Feb. 21, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit. Also, An Attractive Sale of Millinery Goods. SCO cartons Bonnet Ribbons. Alto. Gros de Napl-s, Satins, Malines, Crepes, Particulars hereafter. sALE op 2 CASES RooTS. SHOES, HATS, to, ON TUESDAY HORNING, Feb.. 22, at 10 o'clock, on fen r months' credit. THOMAS BIRCH & SON L AUCTION. EERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1.110 CHESTNUT street. Rear entrance No. 1107 Stinson/ street. iloneehold Furniture of every description received or Consignment. Sales of Furniture at dwellings attended to on the most reasonable tome. =UM SEMEMI . • • - ELEGANT PARLOR, LIBRARY, DINING ROOM AND CHAMBER FURNITURE'ROSEWOOD PIA Is) FORTES, MANTEL AND I'IER GLASSES BRUSSELS AND OTHER CA RPETS, , FIRE PROOI 4 SAFE. CpRIGIIT SHOWCASES. ',SILVER MOUNTED• COUNTERS AND, SHELVING, LARGE AIM SMALL BOOKCASES. OFFICE TABLES AND CHAIRS. BEDS. BEDDING, SPRING AND HAIR MATRESSES CHINA TOILET SETS, STOVES, KITCHEN IMANITHRE, /cc.. 4:c. ON FRIDAY MORNING. At 9 o'clock, at the unction store, No. 1110 Chestnut street, will besold, a large assortment of Superior New and Sec(Lidhand Filimiture, comprising Parlor and Library Suite, in pinch, reps anti hair cloth; Chamber snits, with Wardrobes to match, made by sonic of our 1,,,t cabinetmakers; Dining Room Ftirnlturo, iu Oak and Walnut; Rosewood Piano Fortes and Parlor or. ,mins, Carpets, Mirrors, Showcases , Counters, Reddin,t, PointiLge and Engravings. AT. SECONDHAND FURNITURE. - . . . Alec, a large assortment of Secondhand Fnrniture, front families declining lionnekeeping. Salo at No, 1508 Cuthbert street., TOOLS, MAMINE LUMIOCR, &c., OF A CA R PEIVTER SILO r. ON SATURDAY MORNING. t 10 o'clock, at the carpenter shop of John B. Betts, No. 1508 Cuthbert street, will be sold, one superior. Mor ticing Machine. horse power and Circular Saw, Bench Vie s, Planes, Tools, ,ko. Also, a lot of Lumber and Mouldings. T A. McCLELLAND, AUCTIONEER, 1219 CHNSTNUT Street, er Personal attention given to Sales of Ilouselmfd Furnituv. ut Dwellings. 1X?" Public,Sales of Furniture at the Auction Rooms, 1219 Chestnut street, every Monday and To urstlAl For particulars see Public Ledger. Oar N. IL—A superior clues of Furniture at Private Sale. ATARTIN BROTHERS, ATTOTIONEERB, In. (Lately Salesmen for M. Thomas .4 Sons,) No. 629 CHESTNUT street. rear entrance from !Ono,. BY BABBITT CO., AUCTIONEERS, °ASH AUCTION NOUSE. No. 230 MARKET street. corner or Bank street. r r u rn E erkr— E s. lll- E. "P corne " r of S M IX ° T N U ID a Y nd E ItA S (TE A s B tr L oe i te B . ll• Money advanced on Merchandise gonorally—Watohes, Jewelry, Diamonds , Gold and Silver Plato, and ea all articles of value, for any length of time agreed _ WATCHES_ AND JEWELRY'AT PRIVATE SA_l.ll, Fine Gold Hurtling Case, Double ottens and,o_pen Pave English_ . American and Swiss Patent Lover Watches; Flue Gol d littntln,g Case and Open Face Lopino Wsteheig, Fine Gold Duplex and other Watches; Nino Silver Hunt• Ing Case and Open Face English, American and Swl Patent Lever and Lepino Watches; Double Case English Quartier and other Iff 'ltches; Ladies' Fancy Watober Diamond Dreaetphas; Finger Rings; ,Ear Rings; Stual &r.; Fine Gold ()Matta; Medallions; liracehttel BreAstlPius; Finger Binge; Pencil Cases awl Jer elrygenerally. . • FOR SALE—A large and valuable Filteproer Oltest,, suitable ror a' Jeweller; cost SOO. Also, several Lots in South Ogaden, Fifth and Cheate nut streets. Alfet. Me i Liverpool M Lon-, don ee:Gigbe Ins. Co. 'lssas Gold, g 1 7) 6 9 6 )390 ' 64 t4e united States 2,ci00,000 .daily Receipts over $4,0,000.00 Premiums in if 168,. $5,665,075.00 Losses in x 868, $3,662,445.00 No. 6 Merchants' E,xchange„ Philadephia. 1829utietitTER PERPETUAL 1870 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA,' OFFICE-435 and 437 Chestnut SG' Assets on Janua.ry 1, 1.870,, 62,625,731 67. , Capital :5400,000 Accrued Surplus and Premium 5.......... .......... 2,425,73171 INCOME FOR 1870, - LOSSES PAID IN 1859 0810,000. 0114,9013 12 LOSSES PAID SINCE 1529! OVER ' . $5,500,000. PerTettial and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms. The Company also Issues policies upon the Rents of ell kinds of Buildings. Ground Rents and Mortgages. Tho " FRANKLIN " hue no DISPUTED CLAIM. 2 r• • DIRECTORS. • Alfred G. Baker, Alfred. Filler Samuel Grant, Thomas Sparks, Geo. W. Richards, Wm. S. Grant, Isaac Lea, Thomas S. Ellis. George Fates, Gustavus S. Benson. ALFRED G. BAKER, President. GEORGE FALES, Vice President. .1.4£4 W. McALLISTER, Secretary. THEODORE M. REGER, Assistant Secretary. fe7 tde3l§ DEL\VA MUTUAL SAYETY - 1 - N - 8 - tr: A FIANCE COMPANY, incorpotated by the Legisla• latnre of Pennsylvania, 1835. Office, B. E. corner of TIIIRD and • WALNUT atreete, MARINEINSURANCESN On Vegsele, Car l g r ot i treg i h s t rj tii tA al N l ei c itTe s of the world. On goals by river, canal. lake and land' carriage to all parte of the Union. • FIRE INSURANCES On Pliereltaudise generally ; on Stores, Rouses, 6:c. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY ' . Noveniner 180.9. 0200,000 United States Five Per Cent. Loan, ten-forties.. 0216,000 00 100.000 United States Six Per Cent. • Loan (lawful money) 107,750 00 60,000 United iStaws Six Per Cent. Loan, 1881 60 ,030 00 2)0,1)00 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent. Loan 213,95000 200,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per. • Cent Loan (exempt from tax)... 200,925 00 100,000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan 102,000 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds... 19,460,00 23,100 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mortgage Six per Cent. Bonds... 23,625 00 25,000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds (Pennsylvania Railroad guar antee) 20,01)0 00 30,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Cent. Loan 15,000 00 7,000 State of Tennessee Six Per Cent. Loran 4,270 00 12,500 Pennsylvania Railroad Com• puny, 250 shares stock 11,000 . 00 6,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 100 shares stock 3,900 00 10,000 Philadelphia and Southern Mall Steamship Company, 80 shares stock... , 7,500 00 248,900 Loans on Bond and Mcirtgage, first liens on City Properties.-- • 216,900 00 01,231,400 Par. Cost, 81 M 215, ark 27 et value , 01,255,220 00 , 022 . Real Estate-- 360000 00 Bills Receivable for Insurance made 313,700 75 • Balances due at Agencies—Pre miums on Marine - Policies. Ac crues! Interest and other d9tits due the Company 65,097 95 Stock, Scrip, &c.. of , sundry Cor • porations, 84,706. Estimated value 2,740 20 . Cash in Bank.... Cash in Drawer. 'DIRECTORS. Thomas 0. Hand, Samuel E. Stokes', John C.Davis, William G. Boulton, Edmund E. Solider, Edward Darlington, Theophilus Paulding, H. Jones Brooke, James Traguair, Edward Lafourcade, Bonry Sloan,- Jacob Riegel, Henry C. Da'lett, Jr., Jacob P. Jones, James C. Tlaritt, James B. N'Farland, William C. Ludwig, Joshua P. El re, Joseph H. Seal, • • Spencer AI Hugh Craig, • J. B. Semple, Pittsburg, John D. TavTor, A .B. Berger, George W. teruadon, . D. T. Morgan, " William C. Houston, THOMAS C. HAND, President. JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice President. HENRY LITAIIIRN, Secretary. HENRY BALL, Assistant Secretary THE COUNTY FIRE, INSURANCE COM- A. PAWL—Mice, No. 110 Booth Fourth street, below Chestnut. "The Vire Insurance Company of the County of Phila delphia," Incorporated by theLegislatore of Pennsylva nia in 1809, for indemnity against loss or damago by Etre, exclusively. CHARTER PERIpETII4IB. This old and reliable institution, with ample capital and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to in sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, etc., either per manently or for a limited time against loss or damage by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of its customers. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible despatch. DIREOTORS: Ohio. J. lintter, Andrew H. Miller, Henry Budd, ' • James N. Stout., John Born, Edwin L. Reakfrt, Joseph Moore, Robert V. Massey, Jr. George Mecke, Mark Der hie. OHARLisiB J. BUSTER, President. HENRY BUDD. Tice President. BENJAMIN F. HOEOKLEY. Secretary and Treasurer. UNITED FIREMEN'S INSURANOB OOMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. This Company takes risks at the lowest rates consistent with safety, and conflnes its business exclusively to FIRE INSURANCE IN THE CITY or PHILADRIe OFFICE—No. 125 Arch street, Fourth National Bank Building. DIRECTORS. Thomas J. Martin, Henry W. Brenner, John Hirst, A ibertna King, Wm. A. Bo lin, Henry James ki engan, James Weodi, William Glenn, John Shallcrass, James Jenner, J. Henry Asking Alexander T. Dickson, Hugh Albert O. Roberts Philip Fitzpatrick, James F. Dillon. CONRAD D. ANDRESS, President. WM. A. Boum Treas. WM. H. Femur. Heo'r. • THB PENNSYLVANIA Praia INSU. RANOE COMPANY. —lncorporated 18. 2 5--Charter Perpetual. No. 510 WALNUT street, opposite Independent* Suture, This Company, favorably known to the community for over forty years, continues to insure against lose Of damage by tire on Public or Private Buildin_gs, either permanently or for a limited time, Also op Furniture , Stocks of GaAs, and Merchandise generally, on libera T heir Capital, to ' other with a large Surplus Fund, is invested In the mos t careful manner, which enables thein to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the cane of lose. DISFOTORS. • ?John Devereux Thoinae Smith. Henry Lewis J. Gillinctonn Fell, ddock,,Jr. SMITH, JR., President. rotary. , • appbtf - • Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Hamm. • Isaac Ilaalahurat, Thomas Robins, Daniel DANII; .W3ll. G. CIROWNOIass Seta TEFFERSON FIRE INSURAN4JE (10t1.. S./ PANT of rtilladelybla.—Utilo,Nce. 24 Zfortil 2flfill' street, near Market street. • Incorporated bY .tke ieeislektur&sof ftsanslrltanis. Charter perpetual. Capital and Asa . 8166,000. Make lusurenceagatnnt LOSS or datiaageby..Fire on Public* or Private Guildlues./Tultare.. sitocks. Goode and mo t • cksodlso. ort favono o terms. . 14 ._ ,:rd. ~ • OTO EL Vim: EfoOtiniolt ? • ^ 491 Eds i. , Moyer . . Israel Peterson. ~ , , , Vrelieri X•adnee John V. Beisterian , ~ • tioAm J. lase, neury.Trqemnot, ~ i . UturrLDelangi . , Jacob detutodein. ' , Joke Elliott, Frederick Doll, 1 ... i r tr. riAti e akV O rion, 1 terelAlg railit) fs WllllO4O D , ' (r,i4l er ' °ll. WILLIAM. IifeDAN I IIII:_.'' Prost:lent. ' ISRAEL PRTERSON t _vice President. Paitir M. CobemAri.lieorotexT and "Freeeuter. The Company also offer for .Rent at rates varying trims $ l / 5 to BTh per annum, the renter alone holding the ker. SMALL SAFES IN THE BURGLAR-FLIOOF VAULTS. affording absolute SPCI7RITY againit FIRE, TitaFT,Boa- GLARY and ACCIDENT. . All fiduciary obligations. such as TRUSTA. GITAILDTAN PLUM EXECCTOItsIIII'.I. etc., will be undertaken and faithfully discharged. tRHE ItELLABC - ETENSMIA.NdE UOM J. PANT OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated in 1841. Charter Perpetual. Office, N 0.368 Walnut street. CAPITAL ti3OO,IXX). _ Insured against loss or damage by )V IB E, on House*, Stores and other Buildings, limited or' perpetual, and OW Furniture, Goods, Wares and Merchandise in .town ee country. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. Assets, December 1,1869 a 401,972 42 Invested in the following Securities, viz.. First Mortgages on City Property, well se- • . cured 6169,100 MI United States Government Loans —..--. Ramo a Philadelphia City 6 Per Cent. Losine...--- mop co Warrants ... 6,036 70 Pennsylvanifir t 3,000,000 6 Per Cent 30,800 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, First Mortgage cow le Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 Per Cent. Loan.... . • • 0,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 Per lUent..M.ort gage Bonds .. - ... * ....... . 4010 OS'' County Fire Instirance Company's 1,060 a Mechanics' Bank Stock. 4,00000' Commercial Bank of .Pennsylvania ..30,000 IS - Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock. 190 11111' Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia Stock . ... .. 3,2004. Cash in ... ..... 10 .010 70 163,318 6.3 g 72 .03 169,291 14 $1,852,100 04 Worth at Par Worth at pregent market ..... DIRECTORS. —..—.... Thomas 0.11111, Thomas H. Moore, William Masser Samuel Castner, Samuel Bispham; ' James T. Young. Et L. Carson, Isaac F. Baker, Wm. Stevenson, Christian J. Hellman, , Beni. W. Tingley, Samuel B. Thomas, Edward Biter. THOMAS O. lllLL.President. ' WM. 01111138, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA, December 22, 1869. ialln th • tt FAME INSURANCE) COMPANY, NO. 809 CHEBTNIIT STREET. INCORPORATED 1846PITAL CHAN .000TER PNIUMTILIZo , , ' CA 820. FIRE ixsunerioxf txioLtrarvELY.. Insures against Loss or Damage by Eire, either by arms• retrial or Temporary Polic ies. - • DIRECTORS. manes Richardson, Robert Pearce, - Wm. H. Rhawn, ' John Basler, Jr., "WitliamM. Heyrert, Edward B. Ortte, John F. Smith, Oharlee Stakes, . . Nathan lißles. John W. Evermau, *ltiorge A. Weet, maerdecai Bushy, _ ORARLES ICHARDSON,PreddiW. WM. 11. BRAWN, Vice-President / 1 WILLIABIS I. BLANORAlllD.iteeretari. ,' WO . ... A NTRRACIT F. INSURANCE) 4JOM.. At PANY.--CIITARTER PERPETUAL._ ,_ _ .:, Mae, N 0.911 WALNUT Street,. above Third.; PWISMR. • • Will insure against Loss or Damage by Hire on Build- Inge, either perpetually or for a limited time, Household • Furniture and Merchandise generally. - I Also, Marine Insurance on Veltman, Cargoes and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. 1 William Esher Lewis Andeliried, Win. M.l33ird, John Ketcham, John It. Blackiston, J. E. Baum,- , William F. Dean, John B. Beryl - Peter Sleget_ ._ _ (+ mu d H. l lama. ILLIAN .SHER,President. • WILLIAM F. DEAN, Vice President,' Wit. 111. Smrrn.Becretary. , ism tu th aor AMERICAN: FIRE INSURAQOM PANTNCE ,Diooruorated I B lo.—Charter perpetual. NO. 310 WALNUT street, above Third, PhiladelDhla. Having a largo pall-up Capital Stock and Surplus in vested in sound and available Securities, continue to insure on dwellings, stores, furniture, merehm vessels in port, and their cargoes, and other joer= Property. All losses liberally - and promptly a d jus t e d. DIRECTORS. Edmund Thomas B. Marts, - Edmand O. Dritilh, John Welsh, Charles W. Po ulnae), Patrick Brady, Israel Morris, J a w s T. Lewin, ' John P. vvetberal, William W . Paul. THOU 13 B. MARDL Provident. 'ALMS? O. ORAW/nliD. Secretary. & SONS, ..131 BOIdTHWABK FOUNDRY, : 43 0 w ASHLNGTON Avenue Philadelphia, • M.ANDFACT CAB • BTE,AV IGYOINDS—IIigh and Low PCBB62ll'O. Korisah 181, erucial. Beam Oscillating, Blast and Cornish Pumping! BOlLNRS—Cylinder, Flue, Tubular, go. STEAM HANAIEBS--liasmyth and Davy stiles, and of all Macs. CASTINGS--Loam, Dry and Green Sand, Braise, &o. ROOFS—Iron Frames, for covering with Slate or Iron. TANN S—Of Cast or Wrought Iron,for refineries, water. oil, &c. • GAS MACHINERY.-Such at, Retorts, Bench Castings. - Knitters and Frames, Purifiers, C leo and Cluirced. Barrows. Valves, Governors, &c.• SUGAR MACHINERY-linch 48 Vacuum Pans and Defecators. Bono Black Filters, • Burners. Washera and Blevaiors, Pig Filters, Sugar and Bora. Black Cars, &o. • • • Sole man nfacturers of the following specialties:. In Philadelphia and vicinity,otWilllan , Wright'sPateas iVarllal° Cut-off BtE ' aul fVt gine ''S Patent fielf-center- nt o Uni t ed States, 0 eT i t g l iirshon . H .g e ing and Self•balanciog Cortix Glam.& zarton'a IniproVemont on ASPirt — wall & Wooliterti - " • •'• Centrifugal, tortoni Paten t Wrougbt-Iron Retort I,ld. Strahares Drill Grinding Bobt Sa Contractorstor the design, erection and ucting up of buqiesfor,warkluti• Sugar or 7 4 01,000 e• COPPER AND YELLOW 111, 0TA1.4 , Sheathing, Brazier's Copper Neils, Bolts sind l lozoa VOr, constiuktly on hand a%d i for sale Wl rne N:Olt & Cl().. Na. &V South ti..rviell.le by IN CTTON O : - --175 ijAtEs J J Morn and fur sal , by (IMIIIRAN, (./(),///I()bootuutstro,vt. INStiltAtvde.,, iMmt*NOWOOMV,4O NORTH: .AllitEitiretiwc- - ::Y . 011/A4TER P.191),P017,44r, taus or zure,optotme 1,99A,K0t 114 Nit Ilfool3.PplaTED 1721 CAPITAL' Tosses paid since organizttlo*. ROOOll5lO tit Prentiton. Intereot from investments; 1869 , Looses Paid, i3OO, Jan. L 140 •-•-• . STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS. ,• First Mortgage on City Property 0760,40 00 United litates•GOVernMentAdbri_ other Lomb •• A Bonds 1,122,145 00 . • Ballr. , el,Bauk and Canal Stocks ' 56,704 OW Cash in Bank nnit office . .... .... ......4.. . Loans on Collateral Security . .. '0 5441 i I° Notes. Receivable, mostly • Marine Pro- . .. . 'ultimo • ,ul,9ts a*, AUmnsed Interest • • • 20.35700' . Premiums in conroe of transmission . . 85,19100 ; Unsettled Marino Premiums ' •100A0 Oa" . Real Estate, Office of Company, PhlladolA , , , ,•„, r • plan 30400 00 ' DIRECTORS. . . Francis R. Cope, Edward H. Trotter, Edward 8. Clarke, , T. Charlton Henri, Alfred 1). 'latrine, Louis C. Madeira, Chas. W. Cashman, Clement A. Griscom, William Crackle. G. 001` Preiddeat. PLATT, Yice.Pree't. Arthur G. Coffin, Santini W . Jones, Jelin it. 'Mown, ' Charles Taylor, Ambrose 'VI/bite, William Welsh. S. Norris Wain, John Mason, Geo. L. Harrison, ARTHUR - CITABLE. MATTHIAS MARIS, Secret C. H. RErrvVR4 As 't ffecre •:.- , FIRE ASSOCIATION F. ' A , - „ . „i. • , - ' - ~ . . ' • " r ,• , .. PHILADELPHIA. ; - Incorporated Riskrob, , SYY• 1820, Offi003• 0 • - No. 34 North Fifth-Street. INSURB BUILDINGS, HOUSRHOLD I MINITIIIII AND MRROHANDIRSE GENERALLY YlEiOld • . WO BY FIRS. i (DI the city of Philadelphia onl y.) Assets Jauntily 1; 1E370, . ' 01 • 572' 7'32' "5" _ , 9 .~. . 0 1 4 1103'11DgEi: .__ ',... ... 1 ''' ' William H. Hamilton. Ghat.= P. i ll oWero ' John Darrow, Peter Will moon, George I. Young Jegge Illgireoot,: i Joseph It . Lynda l l, , Robert shoemaker, Levi P. Goats, , Peter Armbruster. . . Samuel Sparbawk, ] a. H. Dickinson, Joseph . Schell.' WM. H. HAMILTON, President, SAMUEL SPARHAWK, Vice - Presides.. WM. V. BUTLER. Secretary. THE PHILADELPHIA TICErSt SA. FE DEPOSIT AND INSURANCE CONPA.Ny, OUFICB AND BURGLAR-14100V VADI.TS 114 . TILE PHTLADELPIIIA BANK 13UILD.1.**. No. 421 CHESTNUT STREET. CAPITAL, $500,000. Far SAlt E-KEETI Ka of GOir Isa :TWICE NT Boxrii (Lila Other SECURITIES, FAN I 1 PLATE, JE WEL R Y,anil other VALtr-, ARLES, under special guarantee, at tho lowest rates. CircularB,glving full dmaino,forwarded on application. DIRECTORS.' Tbornas Bahia, Benjamin B. Comegye, Lewis R. Asiihinst, Augustus Heaton, J. Livingston Erringer. F. Ratchford Starr, It. P. Di WWI twit, DK Wel Haddock, Jr. , Edwin M. Lew. Edward Y. Townsend, James L. Claghorn, Joni. D. Taylor, Bon. OF V Wrn lOE 11. A. P S. orter. Prixident—LEWlS R. A SHHCBST. Vice Presid,IO—.I.I,IVINGSTON EREMOHR. &croon/ and Trea.iurer-11. P. MeCIILLAGII, Solicitor—RlCHAßD 1.. ASHHURST. - MA - CBTNEMraIt - 01 , 1; - .1ii; - ; -- 02,10,1,64 '1,04 st 0W834000 -.1,101,8791 42 $409,696 53
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers