LITERARY AND AMTISTLC. ~ • -The March' number ofl nen s ttl 'M One Will contain: Vicar of BUllhaniPton, Il ,by Anthony Trollope;'"Give me a Pin and I'll show you a' Show," (PoeM)4y Prof,' J. D. 'Brans; Jim Lane,,a BidgraphiPal Sketch; 'The Coining Revolution in England; The Stranger' in liabant: a Tale; Villainous Saltpetre—by. J. Franklin Fitts; Dreams; Marble Faun-ing: , Tale-- 7 by Helen MacGregor; - The Vandmix in St: DaMinge ' Concerning . • ley; To-Day: a Professor Henry Hartshorne; EtiOrs of the Press—by ,Jitmes Grant Wilson; The Forger's Bride : a Tile— bY Rose Terry ; Governmental Interference with', the Gold! Premium—by, ,llon,. 'Amasa Walker";` Our Monthly Gossip;` Literature of the Day. , - Morris, the brilliant and prolific . , . poet of "Jason" and g , The Earthly Paradise," *most companionable and pleasant man, deeply learned in the lore of ScandinaVia, Iceland, Mid NOrWay, is for his main profession a de signer on glass. From the finish given to his poetry one might iniagine that, he gave it .as un divided attention as the Laureate himself, the great elaborator and refiner of verse. —George Crulkshank, in his illustrations of the beautiful, edition of "Robinson Crusoe," p.4blislie4 by the . late John Major, in. London, iu,:le3s, wherever lie had to draw the hero, produced a full length portrait of himself, from youth to matured age. We 'make this state ment on the authority of Mr.'Major, subse-; quently corroborated by Cruikshank himself. of the most attractive announcements we have bad for many seasons, and certainly' the best yet :made by the firm from whom it issues, is the list of spring publications by the Boston house of Fields, Osgood 4.% Co. The gteatest popular "catch" in the series will be, We think, " The Luck of Roaring Camp, and tatter Sketches," by F. Bret Bade, editor of the Oreiland onthly, in the columns of which magazine the stories have generally appeared, and, have instantly spread over the continent. Eimetson furnishes prose for, a new volume,— his .first in that kind for ten years, it 'is said;— to be Called "Society and Solitude." Lowell's forthcoming work is entitled "Among my Beeks," anil is made of his finest critical , essays. Miss Phelps (of "Gates Ajar") has, stud) , on the • social evil, said . to •be treated with rare intel ligence ,and delicacy, entitled "Hedged. In." It will appear next month. Bryant's," Homer" is , done,' and will appear. Thackeray's " Mis-• tellanies " will be completed by a fifth volume, the one for whose appearance we have been so eagerly waiting, to contain matter only col lated by the Boston editor, and omitted from the best English editions.. Ref-. William Mountford (author of " Thorpe ") .presents study of " Spiritualism," entitled "Miracles, past and present." Adirondack Murray will col lect his sermons, so attractive just. now at Boston Music all; and James K. Medberry, after much care and preparation, will come out with a work on the "Men and Mysteries of Wall street." These nine ,contemporaneous ' books considering the intellectual: level at which: they rule,. - would - be a matter - of pride to any publisher in Christendom. THE LATE GEORGE D. PRENTICE. [ From the Nation.] Like a good many of the men who were serviceable, and who have become more or less famous, by working in literature for the Southern side of the slavery question, Mr. Prentice was a New Englander by. birth; but going into Kentucky, as a young man not far past his majority, he,soon became ahnost com pletely imbued with the Southern spirit.' Up to the day of the breaking out of the rebellion, lie - might very well have been taken as a type of the regular semi-educated politico-literary Southerner who bad no claims to, be consid ered aristocratic in blood. Re knew the Re solutions of '9B and English literature hetWeen Addison and Thomas _Moore; he was always ready to take his chance under "the code" of bis adopted State; he became a free liver after the extremely unpuritanicat fashion of Kentucky; he could talk • of chivalry as one to the Manner born; and slavery had.' .in him as willing a defender .as if his father had been a planter, and be had not first seen the light on a Yankee sidehill." Many are the stories told of the duels and rough-and-ready fights in which he was engaged, as were most of the editors of that day and country; of the newspaper wars, peculiarly Southern in character, which pre ccded them ; and of the orgies which accom panied them, and which were, indeed, part of the warp and woof of the life 'Of the Southern and Berder States a few decades ago. It is a characteristic, anecdote that they tell of him and litir". Reuben Barrett, once editor of the Louis ville which was the local rival of Prentice's Journal. For several consecutive days in IFSS, the Courier printed a paragraph —doubtless true enough—stating that Mr. • Prentice, while "under a 'cloud," had fallen from the gangwayplank of a steamboat,and been - nearly drowned. "Probably," says our authority, "he felt that even his great command of language would not permit him to do justice to the subject so he announced that, in case the CV/frier should print the state ment onelnne rnore,lie shetild responsible. "Of course, Mr. Barrett gave his personal attention to the matter, and next morning the paragraph appeared in a con spicuous place. " Mr. Prentice," says our chronicler, "waited upon Mr. arrett, and tired twice at him." His " brother of the quill," as the phraSe used to go;•was not behindhand in the use of firearms, and witeli satisfaction, had been given, ," each editor had a bill ex tracted from big hide." But, thoroughly as he seemed to have adopted Southern manners and opinions, there appears to have been something of,Netiv England left in him ; for when the war broke out he took strong ground in favor of coercion. He hated au abolitionist; but: his Whiggism, hiS dislike of Democratic seces sionists, the sort of fetish worship of the Constitution, and ardent love of the Union the pride in America as the home of the eagle ---which was so powerful a sentiment in the breasts of many men of the generation to which he belonged, kept Mr. Prentice, pro-slavery as he was, from going into the rebellion. ' Ile was a fearless Unionist, and for a while in the beginning of the war he was 'Very popular in the North, and got many subscribers in this part of the country, who took the place of the many he lost in the South. But soon the war became what he called "a nigger war ;" his sons 'went into the COnfederate army ;he was grown old and was sick, and his zeal for the .Union as it was to be was a very , different thing from his zeal for the _ 1111 1 1 1111111 l w0e.... .tsoll,lle.did good" service of_ its kind, and this should not be forgotten, al though we find it impossible to think of him as a man of enlarged views, and although, we know lie was so far from be ing alive to the real issues before hint that he never in the least comprehended them. He spent his best strength in the politics of Henry Clay's 'time, and Was at one with Mr. Greeley in thinking that politician a man of vast ability and eminently worthy the name of a states man. After the war was over, Mr. Prentice,of course, took sides with Mr. Johnson,and "even Ais great conmetial of language " hardly Balked to enable him to give expression to all the scurrility and bad temper and bad logic and . forcible-feeble invective which he heaped On bis antagonists. Ilut, as we have said, he had grown old his life had been in marry wayi> ex . banitingi , he Was poor, and not his own master ; his Jutinia/ bad gone out' : 'hands and been mai .' leWeefikita Oldyival the Courier , and there is so saying for bow much of what as been bad ,THE DAILY, EVAN.II,TG BULLETIN-PRILADELPHIA, SA TIJRDAY,X,EPRKARY 5,1870. '1,4 app} Weak in the G'Oriet4ouviat he is, to be leld - respedistble.: . - Vrobtibly forlittle.;Yet'At is not denied, that in his days, of: strength- hiS paper was ainiost as noticeable its malaco and. unscrupulous personalities AO for its Mex.= hanstible ..11ood of cheap; :coarse pleasantry. The' editor, always wrote es4lthe pistol was to , Make good what. the pen said, and as if" the community in which he lived would tolerate and applaud all brutality that had a pist6l be hind it., ~ lin this, be. was not _mistaken.. Even when he defended the notorious Matt. Ward for shooting a schoolmaster whirl • had punished a youncer Ward,, it was easy for him by a HUN buffoonery to win over to his side the public opinion which at one time appeared to besetting against him. his ready wit, unscrupulously • used, and his "appreciation of the value of short spicy paragraphs"—for circulation among an uneducated'people; with a stock of preju dices which, could do duty for ideas, and entirely' lllptacticed in thinking—these`qualities, of 'ills are those by which he made mark his own generation,: of .c.ountrymen.. and those,by which he: will be remembered so.long as he is remembered. at, all. Like many men .of his StamP4men of 'quick :feelings and :no vino:nil:strength; Who . have "loSt Many'opportril• pities and throWn away much time, and some Tamer of mind, and. with ',161.0, and; feel that they have done so—Mr..Prentice '„Wrote some sentimental poetryi, all of , ,a! peuilve cast. None of it, howevet,.caught the popular taste, for its author had little Poetic capacity. ' A life of Henry Clay-published for partisan itr• poses— . -is Mr. Prentice's principal work,' and it is now not known. SAVICTE•BETVE 7 MI DE. PRINCESS MA- It seems Sainte-Benve is not to be allowed to rest'quietly in his grave; ' The justice'of the peace 'who bad, placed under seal all the property to; .be found in Sainte-BenVe's house; appointed a day for their removal. The executors were present, and they had. Scarcely been joined by the justice of the peace when three persons, to all the other parties unknown, entered the house. Instantly one 'of theM said : "Princess Matbilde • has - given' me a power of attorney to act tor her. In her name, I claim.a packet of letters .written by Her Im 7 pellet Highness to the late M. Sainte-Benve; and I insist in her name that those letters shall be delivered to , ' me." The person who accompanied him added : " I am the Commis : - stoner of Police 1. - support - 'her' Imperial Highness's claim. I think the letters should. he surrendered to her; in default thereof I'M terdict.the removal of the seals." . This preten sion took the executors .by surprise. They conferred together, and presently said: "As this claim has been matle•with all the forms of the law, the cotirts of justice must decide the question; meantime the lettefa under 'contro versy slittll remain under seal." Thereupon the other person who accompanied the Com missioner of Police said : " I have been clothed with the proper authority to represent the family of the late M. Sainte-Beuve. I restrain, in their name, the justice of 'the peace from re moving the seals, and from allowing the .be execu ted.-: We are ...rea.dy. to. prove that there was undue influence used to wring the alleged will from the de ceased, and, moreover, that the will is a forged document. The alleged will shows on its face it vas made only eight days before the , testa tors death, and we are prepared to prove that for more.than eight days before his death M. Sainte-Beuve could not hold a pen in his band." The seals, of course, were , not re-• moved, and appeal was made to the cowls of justice to decide between all these claims. It appears this " family of the deceased," whose names Sainte-Betwe's notary never in his life 'heard before, are some very distant kinsmen, with whom Sainte-Beuve had no man lier of relations. The head of this family is a provincial attorney whose cupidity has been roused by hearing thew are 1420,000. to be divided between the legatees of the will. Sainte -Bettye quarrelled with Princess Mathilde some months before his -death, when it became notorious that he 'had refused to quit le'lloniteur' to go on the new Journal Ofireiel (I gave you at the time a full report of all the circumstances) ; his friends at' court urged .him to join the new paper. He refused. - When+ a fete days after wards he'quitted Le .11Igniteur to write on an opposition paper, Le Temps, the anger of his friends'at court was extreme. None of them were so angry as Princess Mathilde. , The moment she heard. it she drove to Sainet-Beuve's house. He, was absent, and his secretary received her. She expres'aed her indignation at his "treachery;" she had al ways been warned lie would prove a " traitor ;" he was the ' 6 Marmont of literary met)," and she ended by asking liovi• he, a ."mere vauBal of the 'Emperor," had dared join the Opposi tion • without "his master's " consent. The secretary reported the conversation to Sainte 13euve, who wrote a most indignant letter to Princess Mathilde, and never again, had any thing more to do with her. She repeatedly trieto'renew her old relations with him ; he positively refused to hear of it. M. Ciraut (an ex-Minister of Public Instruction) was the mediator she selected. Sainte-Beuve replied to his overtures : "The wound shelotheted on me was too cruel ; it will bleed even after I am dead."-- 2 :Ciir. - Chadh's - Pub. Montan ELECTRICAL PINENO3IENON. A Curious Demonstration A letter in the Ottawa (III.) Peptiblictue gives the following account of an electrical phe nomenon : • "In the engine-room of the Peru Plough Factory there is a leather belt from eight to ten inches wide. .•This belt is drawn over two druniS; one of which is iron, and the other, I think, is wood. These drums make about fifty revolutions per minute. Standing, in front of and below" the belt, and placing the extended fingers within six inches of it, the experimenter will observe a multi tude of white rays, which start from the belt, and project themselves in the direction of the lingers, For the first three inches the rays form a sheet of white light, its base extending across the band. It then breaks up into pen cils of rays, each pencil• converging to a deli cately fine point. The points of the Whiterays approximate at the tips of the fingers, but never touch them. On the contrary, the ends of the fingers are illuminated with little jets of bright yellow flame, which dart out to meet the white rays. The little flames are lam bent, continuous and pencil-shaped. They are not as vivid as a true electric spark, but suffi ciently bright to be visible by daylight. If a person, holding his right hand near the belt, touch any one in'reach with his left hand, he will experience a sensible shock. The fingers, after experimenting with the belt, have a pricking sensation, not unlike the feeling pro restored circulation after the hand has been fi asleep,' -or when, we-, carelessly Meddle with the polo4"itit'ititiiitgiiale battery." PARISIAN DI ARV ELti. Extraordinary Cab-drivers and A curious illustration of the honesty of Parisian cab-drivers and policemen is given in the last fortnightly' lists of objects found in public vehicles or thoroughfares and deposited by the finders at the Prefecture of. Police. Between the 26th of December and the 12th of .lanuary, 18 watches, 22 pocket-books (contain ing altogether 37,47910, 3 rings, , 1 gold snull-lax, 4 — bracelets, .3 lockets, , 7 brooches and' 1 pair of gold spectacles were re turned. —All th'ese Objects were picked up in the streets or in the pidle, gardens. In cabs, oniniliuseri and theatres there were found 27 purses and pocketbooks (containing 03,69810, watches,23 opera-glosses, I , pearl necklace, 3 gold necklaces and lockets, 2 brauelets, 44 um brellas, shawls or. cloalcs,,and 9 g,en thimen's overcoats. The Most surprising fear tore of the listis the number of twenty -franc and ten-franc pieces picked tip and taken to the pollee otlice. 11'1'Y ANCES. /\ M.INUN TroUNT)II4 01 1 7PriILAIjim4- 1.) • , „,- ULERIE - 0 PFIC E L • PIMA intraTiA, , FEl4 4 113/0. ,' ; accordance with a; ltesplution polite(' by the Common Council , ofthu'efty phila tielphia on Thursday, ttiOthird'day of 'rah. ruary,lB7o, the annexedibilkOntitied ” AN ORDINA*4 11 To create aim!, for the building of a bridge over the xi vet._ klatith „utgeet, and .for the payment ground rents and mortgages," is hereby published for publie,iuformation. JOHN ECHSTEIN, Clerk of Common Council. A N OEDINANCE TO OREATE A LOAN , A FOR THE 'BUILDING) 01 1 A'BRTDGE OVER THE Rivlnt sykruYLKIL,L, AT SOUTH ; STREET, AND . 0 08, VIE PAY MENT 01! . GROUND' RENTS' AND MORTGAGES: 4 :' , '• , ,•P 'The flieleet and , Common' Cenn of the City of Philatielplua do' ordain; That' the Mayer of Philadelphia be and he is tcl'herrOw, at not less than par, on the cretlitef We 'City, 'from' time to time, one 'five 'bin:ld:red thousand dol lars, to be applied as follows, viz:: First—For the building of a 7 11kidge - over the River Schuylkill, at ; Seuth , Strebt, eight "hundred thousand dollars.'.:Second--For the payment of Ground Rents,and Mortgages, seven hun dred thousarid.dollars, for which interest not to exceed the rate of six per cent. :Tier annum shall be paid half-yearly, on the: first days of January and' July, at the office of-the City Treasurer.. The principal Of :said loan shall be payable and paid at the expiration of thirty years from the date of the same,' mid not be fore, without the. consent of .the holders thereof; and the certificates therefor, in the usual form of the'certificates of the City Loan, shall be issued in such amounts as the lenders may require, but not for any fractional part of one hundred or one thousand dollars; and it shall be expressed in said certificates that the loan • therein mentioned, and the interest thereof, are payable free fronrall taxes. SEC. 2. Whenever any loan shall be made by , virtue thereof, there shall be, by force of this ordinance, annually appropriated out of the income of the corporate estates, and from the sum raised by taxation, a sum sufficient to pay the 'interest on said certificates; and the further sum of three-tenths of one per centutn on the par value of such certificates so issued shall be' appropriated quarterly out of said 'income and taxes to a sinking fund, which fund and its accumulations ,are hereby espe cially„pledged for: the redemption and pay ment of said certificated RESOLUTION TO PUBLISH A LOAN BILL. . Resolved, That the Clerk of Conimon .COUTI ciI be authorized to publish in. two daily newspapers of this city, daily for four weeks, the ordinance presented to Comthon Council on. Thursday, February 3d, 1870, entitled "An ordinance to create a loan for the building of a bridge over the river Schuylkill, at South street, and for the payment of grOvind rents and mortgages?! And the said. Clerk, at the stated meeting of Councils after said publica tioni.shall present to this Council one of each of said newspapers for . every day in which the same shall have been made. feti-?At4 PROPOSALS. pIROPOSAtS FOR CLOTIIING4 NAVY DF,PARTMENT, • BUREAU OF PROVISIONS AND CLOTHING, January 20, 1870. SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed "Pro posals for Clothing," will be received at this Bureau until 2 o'clock P. 31. on the 21st day of February, 1870, for the supply of the follow ing articles, viz.: 10,000 Barnsley Sheeting Frocks. 10,000 Blue Flannel Overshirts. 10,000 pairs Canvas Duck Trowsers. 10,000 Blue Cloth Calk One-half the amount required of each of the above4iamed articles must be delivered at the' NEW York Navy Yard, and the balance to be deliVered, in equal proportions, at the Boston and Philadelphia Navy Yards. 7.he clothing, must be delivered, one-third within sixty days, and the balance within ninety days from the date of the contract, and must.pass the usual inspection, and , be equal in quality of material, pattern, style and make to the. samples at the New York, Philadel phia and Boston NaVy yards, and at this Burean. The flannel, nankin collars of the sheeting frocks and overskirts, and the cloth for caps, must be dark blue and pure indigo dYe. The nankin collars of the sheeting frocks must be of the same quality and color as that on the flannel overskirts. P or descriPtion.Of the articles and schedule of sizes bidderS are referred to the Inspectors at the Navy Yards above mentioned. Offers may he made for one or more arti cles, at the option of the bidder, and in case more than one article is contained in the offer, the Chief of the Bureau will have the right to accept one or more of the articles contained iu snch offer, and reject the remainder. Bonds, with approved • security, will be re quired in one quarter the estimated amount of the contract, and twenty per cent. in addi tion will be withheld from the amount of each payment as collateral security for the due performance of the contract, which re servation will not be paid until the contract is fully complied with. Every offer must be accompanied by a writ ten guarantee, signed by one or more respon sible persons, that the bidder or bidden; will; if his or their bid be accepted, enter into an obli gation within live days. with good and suffi cient sureties, to furnish the articles proposed. No proposal will be considered unless ac - comp= -by such guarantee,H nor- from-any parties who ore 'not bona fide manufacturers of or regular dealers in the articles they offer to furnish,, in conformity with the second section of the joint resolution,approved March 3,1803. The Department reserves the right to reject any proposal unless the responsibility of the guarantors is certified to. by the As sessor of Internal Revenue for the district in which they reside; and unless the license required by act of Congress is furnished with the proposal, as well as to reject any proposal not considered advantageous to the Govern ment. E. T. DUNN, ja,29-s4t Chief of Bureau. MACHINERY, IRON, M.:. MERRICK S 6 SONS, SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY 430 WASHINGTON Avenue, IHA NUFACTURN • STEAM ENGINES—High and Low Pressure Horizon tal, Vertical, Beam, Oscillating, Blast and Cornist Punning. BOILERS—CYIinder, Flue, Tubular, &c. STEAMHAIdIdERS—Natanyth and Davy styles, and.of au sizes. , • • . . • CASTINGS—Loam, Dry and Green Sand, Brass, &o. ROOFS—Iron Frannie, for covering with Slate or Iron.. TANKS—Of Oast or Wrought Irou,for refineries, water, oil, &c. GAS DIACIIINERY—Such as Retorts, Bench Castings. Holders and Frames, Purifiers, Coke and ()heroes) Barrows, Valves, Governors, &o. SUGAR ILIACHINERY—Such as Vacuum Paris And Pumps, Defecators. Bone Black Filters, Burners. Washers and Elevators, Bag Filters, Sugar and Boat Blaek Oars, &c. • : Sole manutacturers of the following specialties: • In Philadelphia and vicinity ,of William Wright*Patent 'Variable Cut-off Steam Engine. In the United States, of Weston's 'Patent Self-center ing and Self-balancing Centrifugal Sugar-draining Ka. chine. Glass & Barton's improvement on Aspinwall & Wooliey4 Centrifugal. BartoPs Patent Wrought-Iroelletort ' " *-- litrahan's Drill Grinding Reet. Contractors for the design, erection and Siting up of Be. fi rier i c efor working Sugar or Molasses. _ . COPPER LOW METAL ' Sheathing, Brazier's Copper Nails, Bolts and Ingot Copper, constantly_ on hand and for sale by InoNrcy WiNSOR &CO.. No. SEII South Wharves. - --- HEATERS AND STOVES. THOMAS S. DIXON & BONS, Late Andrews & Dixon N 0.19241 OIIEBTNUT Strent, , Dwelt° United States Mint, annfactnrera of • LOW DOWN, PAR .OR imANDEII,. OFFICE, , And other GRATEH, For Anthracite, Ditunlinone and Wood Fire: - aLso FURNACES !or /or WarmintrPublie and Private uildings, ILEGIETEES, , V ENTILATOItd, AND COIMNFIF CAPS, 000KING.IIANGE8, wifoLICRALIf and WI4TAIL. viv - 9 U L7:- . 4 - ,WO ---- POUNDS WESTERN HARDWARE, * . EUILDINO-AND 110118WEIDING 4 . BARD WARE Mechiniste, Carpeeteko 8 /Aber Me- ohinics' Tools. Hinges. Screws, Knivesv and Forks, Spoons, Coffee M ills, &c., Stacks and Dios. Plug and Taper Taps, Universal and Scroll 4,lhucks, Planes lu great yariety, All to bo bad at the Lowebt Possible Prices At Hie, CUEAP-FOR-CASH Hard , ware Store of J. B. SHANNON, toosnorket street. GOP ITARDWARE. NJ' Table Cutlery, with. ivory, iverylde, rubber and other handles, and plated blades ; Children's Knivett and Forks, Pocket. Knives,. Soissorh. in setl,.-ltazors, tiny Pocket Knives, Seissord, Itazorscllatchets, Pincers, for watch charms ; Boxes and Meets of :Pools,' from. 451 to 1815 ; Patent Toni Handles (twenty miniature tools in them); .Boys',. Ladles ' and . Gents' 'Skates ; Clothes I , V ringers (they'll save their cost in clothing and time); Carpet sweepers Furniture Lifters, nets of Parlor and Field Croquet, miniature Garden Viols, Carpet Stretch-. ern,' Fla ted • Spoons, F ' Forks and Nut Pinks Spice and Cake , Boxes, Tea . Bells' and Spring , Call Bells, Nut eragkere, Ten' Trays and Waiters, Patent. Ash Sifters (pay for th e mselves, in coal saved);.Carved Walnut Brackets, Gentlemen's Blacking. Stools, Boys' Sleds, Ap ple Parers .and Cherry Stoning Machines, Potent Nut meg. Graters, and a general variety pf useful Monselteep- Mg Hardware. Cutlery, Tools, dm., at TRUMAN & SHAW'S, No: 838 (Eight Thirty , tve) Market street, be low Nin h Philadelphia. • ' nusitVEss cAZtns--. Established 1821. WM, G. FLANAGAN dg SON, HOUSE AND SHIP PLUMBERS, No. 129 Walnut Street. JOSEPH WALTON & CO., . . . CABINET MAKERS, NO. 413 WALNUT STREET. • Manufacturers of tine furniture and of medium priced furniture of superior quality. GOODS ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER. Counters, Desk-work, ,te., for Banks,' Offices and Stores, made to order. • JOSEPH WALTON, . , . JOS. W. LIPPINCOTT,. fel-13i - . JOSEPH L. SCOTT, TAMES A. WRIGHT, TIIORNTON PIKE, CLEMENT A. GRIM COM, THEODORE WRIGHT, PRANK 1.. PETER W RIGHT & SONS, Importers of earthenware . ' and Shipping and Conuniselon Merchants, No. lib Walnut street, Philadelphia. EB. WIGET R • ATTO MCY-AT-LAW, OonUnissioner of Deedefor the State of Pennsylvania In Illinois. 96 Madison street, No. 11, Chicago, Illinois. anl9tll C 0 T'l` 0 N SAIL DUCK OF EVERY width, from 22 Inches to 76 inches wide, all numbers Tent and Awning Duck, Paper-maker's Felting, Sail Twine, Ac. JOHN W. NVEIIII2AN, sa26 No. 103 Ohnrch street, City Stores. AISCELLAN - E0 LAW AND PATENT OFFICES.,. FRANCIS D. PASTORIUS, Attorney-at-Law, SOLICITOR OF PATENTS, No. 418 WALNUT STREET. PATENTS PROCURED FOIL IN lENTIONS And all business relating to the same promptly trans acted. Call or send for Circular on Patents. mh4o-stn kh ivrof FRED. SYLVESTER, REAL ESTATE BROKER, dol7.lyrp§ EDWI.N FITLEIt & Cordage Manufacturers and Dealers in Hemp, 23 N. Water' Street and 22 N. Delaware Avenue, - - - PUiLADELPHIA. EDWIN 11. PITLEE. CONRAD B. CLOTHIER H l_ EADQUARTERS F OR. EXTRACTING TEETH WITH FRESH NITROUS OXIDE GAS. . ABSOLUTELY NO PAIN." DR. F. R. THOMAS, " formerly Operator at Colton Dental Rooms," positively the only• Office in the city entirely devoted to extracting teeth without pain. Office, 911 Walnut street. mh9 lyrp§ C _ OLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION 081 gloated the anaesthetic use of NITROUS OXIDE, OR LAUGHING GAS, And devote their whole time and practice to extracting teeth without pain. 'Office, Eighth and Walnut street 4. ais2ol7 _TORN GRUMP, BUILDER --- 1731 CHESTNUT fintinT, and 213 LODGE STREET. 'Mechanics of every branch required for hone-building and fitting promptly furnished. 1e27-tf ErENRY PHILLEPPI, OADPENTEIt AND BUILDER, NO. 1024 BANBOM. STREET. jelo.l.yrp PHILAVELPRIA. WARBURTON'S IMPROVED, VEN aim tileted and easy-fitting Drees Hate (patented) In al) the approved fashions of the meson. Oheetnot etr,,t next door to the Poet-Odic°. ocd-tfrp .07)LE1G&.3 IMPRO VED HARD Eubber Truss never runts, breaks or soils, need in bathing ; Supporters, Elastic Belts, Stockings, all kinds of , Trusses and Braced, Ladies attended to by BM. LEIGH 1211 Chestnut, see d story no 9 11 rig lEURBE COVERS, FUR ROBES, Lap Rugs and Nor'° Gear. All kinds. None attiVOr cheaper. K.NEA BS'S Burnam Store, 1128 Mar-' ket strnnt. Me Horse in the do . IYI7-11,40 II P. &C. TAYLOR, PERFUMERY AND TOILET SOAPS 41 and 643 North Ninth street. 0 WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT V -Rings of solid 18 karat fine Gold—a specialty; a full assortment of sizes, and no charge for enaving names. etc. FARR & BROTHER, Makers, my24-rp tf Chestnut street belays Format. D.HILADELPIIIA SURGEONS' BAND- I INSTITUTE,I4 N. Ninth st.,above Market; B. C. EVERETT'S- Trues positively cures Ruptures. Cheap Trusses, Elastic Belts, Stockings, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Crutches Suspousortee , Band• bees. Ladies attended to by IC. iyl-lyrp ISAAC NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, N. E corner Third and Spruce streets, only one square below the Exchange. e 260,000 to lean, in largo or small amounts, on diamonds, silver plate, watches, jewelry, and all goods of value. Office hours from 8 A. N. to 7 P. N. " Established for tho last forty years. 'Ad trances made in large amounts s 1 the lowest market ales '9B MARKING WITH INDELIBLE INK, Embroidering, Braiding, Stamping, dic. M. A. TORREY. 1800 Filbert street. MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY PLATE CLOTHING, ao., at J&NES & 60.'8 OLD-ESTABLISHED LOAN OEII7OE, Corner of Third and °WWI etroote', Below Lombard. ff./I. — DIAMONDS , WATCHES, JEWELRY, Gum B 0., FOR SALE AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. • mv24tfroi JORDAN'S CELEBRATED PURE TONIC Ale for invalids,fanilly use,&c. The eubsoriber le now furnished with his full Winter APPly_ of his highly nutritious and well-known barer. age.. Its wide-spread and increasing use, by order of physicians, for invalids r use of families, dm., oommend ii o tho attention of all consumers who want a strictly' pure article; prepared from the beet rnateriabl, and put in the most careful manner for home use or trans or. tation. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly sapplied P. J. JORDAN, • No. 220 Pear street, del below Third and Walnut stree JUST RECEIVED AND IN STORE 1 1 00 C cases of Champ 10, sparkling Catawba and ali l ornia Wines, Port, adeira, Sherry, Jamaica end Santa Ortiz Rom, fine old readies and Whiskies, Wholesalt %rid Retail. P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear street, Below Third and Wsh.vit streets. and above Doti treat • del-0 Li REPAIRS TO WATCHES AND Musical Boxes in the best manner, by skillfu workmen. FARR Jr BROTHER. Chestnut street below 'Fourth PANCREATIC kg ITLSION, EC - At CON SUM PTIVF.S.. LEIBIO'S EXTRACT OF MEAT. HAWLEY'S PEPSIN. TOURTELO'rB EXTRACT OF BEEF. For sale by- JAMES T. SHINN ocs-rf rp Broad and Spruce streets. Philadelphia 161011. INVALIDB.—A VINE lISIOAL E Box ea a compattiou f orate sick chamber; the finest assortment in the city, and a great variety of airs to ee• tact from. • ImporWd direst by FARB dt BIWTHRItt mhletf ip IM Chestnut street, bolo* rourth„ IV.EW ,rll3l)l,lCs4igrai ri).AY iif31111444: 1; 1414 ~ b ast Publications. If eu di to .I;,' 4j. GAREIPITTP4I larCno ti. Burporinni, o. 6GOVArch / 40 • 'WOU . NE W. El 0 O'k S "UP BROADWAY AtiD, ITS SEQUEL, A truthful and poWerftif story, by IC/au:lon Itinu. In, which the terriblo effect of the (;noses" draili with a forte and delicacy that initounde yet fae einatee the reader. ",,,* Price tat N. OLD "MERODANTB OF WOW YORK The Fifth and concluding volume by. NVALTEII. 'BAR RETT, Clork. upon the arost Mora:lnt, Princes of Now York. OW Thin work le now complvto In ilvo handiemo voiumes, heantifully printed.bound and put up In boxes. Price am WITLITATtY 'meow°. • . The Bfilitnry Record et Olvilhin hppoirittriente In the United Stater; Army. •By Col. (Inv V. REMIT, A large fliegantly inint,d end bound voinine, octavo, over :AV pages. *.,,* Price 45. VAN WART% POEMS Tin) Golden Cross and °thin , Poem„ by lavixn VAN WArtr, Jit . Beautifully printed and liound. *.- Pilo! CARLETON, Publisher, Now York; Madison Square, 165 taw 9e F _ uN FOlt THY. YOUNGF OLKS. VA LEN TINES. For rale nt wns..l. IPA MILTON THOMAS'S HOOK STORE, 1344 Chestnut street. PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE.—A new course of Lectures,as delivered et the Now York Museum of Anatomy. embracing the subJects; How to Live end what to Live for; Youth, Maturity and Old Age; Manhood generally reviewed; the Cause of. In. digestion, Flatulence and Nervous Diseases amounted for; Marriage Philosophically Considered &a., !to. Pocket volumes containing these Lectnres will be for warded, poet paid, on receipt of 25 cents, by addressing W. A. Leary, Jr., Southeast corner of Fifth and Walton °eta. Philadelphia. . fe9B , REMOVALS. ALTEMUS & CO., 13 0 0 .1a..E1 N V. S • • • AND Photograph Album Manufacturers, llav ink removed their Storeroom and Office to No. 206 NORTH FOURTH STREET, ( FIRST FLOOR), ' MIL Introduced Improved Steam Machinery Into their Bindery, are prepared to fill all enders to their line at the lowest rates coneietent With good work, and at the shortest notice. They will tare constantly on hand A Full Stock of Blank Books, Comthercial Stationery And Photograph Albums., To which they invite the attention'of buyers. Sole alannfaetu rens of the Patent Ulnae Back Albums. 104-lnir & ' TO RENT. NEARLY FINISHED! TO RENT, ' The two spacious Five-Story Iron Front STORE BUILDINGS, 30 or 60 by 164 feet, NOS. 311 AND 313 ARCH STREET, Snitable for any , 'WHOLESALE BUSINESS, IA Size,'Style, Convenience, Ligbt& Location Superior to any in the City. Back Outlet and Castway Into Cherry St. With Steabi hoist and heat. LAB GE 'UPPER ROOMS ' For Busineas or Manufacturing. With or without power. Apply to E. KETTERLINUS, - N. W. Corner of Arch and Fourth Streets. 015 tf rpi .marts To LET SECOID-STOitY FRONT R00rn,024 Chestnut street. about 20 2. 28 feet. buitable for au office or light business. ji,lo tf rp FARII. .2 BROTITER. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. . . Grand Opening of Spring Fashions IN IMPORT, ED PAPER. PATTERNS, uesday, March lst, IS7O. • The old established and only reliable Parer Pattern, Fres, and Cloak Making Emporium. Dresses made to lit with case and elegance in 24 hours' notice. Mrs. M. A. BINDER'S recent visit to Paris enablea beet uructiris . Fwitorms, -Trrminitirreni --Fancy Goods superior to anything in this country. New in design, moderate in price. A perfect system of DresS Cutting taught. Culling, Besting, Pinking. Fashion Books and Goffering Machines for sale. Sets of Patterns for Merchants and Dress Makers now ready at MRS. M. A. RIND - ER'S, 1101, N. W. cor. Eleventh end Chestnut Sts. Carefully note the name and number to avoid being decelVed. my2s Urn FURN TURE. &C. GEO.•J. HENKELS, CABINET MAKER, 1301 and 1303 CHESTNUT STREET. ° ESTABLISHED 11144. Good Furniture at the lowest possible price. nol6 Smrp§ WATtYHIKS - , - .II&WEIJcV; - &C. 1124 CHESTNUT STREETr- AMERICAN, SWISS AND ENGLISH WATCHES , CLARK & RIDDLE'S, Special Agents in Plalatielplitafor AMERICAN WATC'ES, , , • Nide by E. lioward & H., Boston. ~... ~ ~:1'i'; P • DRY GOODS. GRFAq' BARGAINS. -• J: . l HAFLEIGH, 1012 and 1014 CHESTNUT STREET* CorriirienOeii MQNDAY,, JANUARY 44, TO CLOSE OUT The littlanekof Stork on paint. 'without referente to coat, or former pricer, preparatory to °greeting' an entire new stook of SPRING GOODS. 9 2t&ftt 12 lOrp PAISLEY LONG AND SQUARE ST-lANMS. EY-RE Jir, LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, Arc opening fieverfa Invoiced pt DESIRABLE SPRING SHAWLS. PAISLEY OPEN CENTRES. PAISLEY CLOSED CENTRES. PAISLEY HARLEQUIN FRINGE.. PAISLEY BLACK FRINGE. SHAWLS OF NEW COLORINGS. SHAWLS SUBDUED COLORINGS. SHAWLS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL: mw fat 131 LAUE DRILLS. Standard BLUE DRILLS, received and for sale by WALLA. LEAMING No. 20 STRAWBEItIZT Street. mu§ ritiNTrNG: The Pocket-Book Calendar aid ' 1 Directory for 1870, In a neat style of • PRINTING la now ready and may be bad FOR 11 rP.. . . A. JLL which is as near as, possible the rates at which work generally is done A. C. BRYSON & CO., Steam-power Printers, No. 607 CHESTNUT STREET, (Bulletin Building.) PAPER COLLARS:- PAPER COLLARS. SPECIAL NOTICE. OUR NEW CLOTH COLLARS, STAPLE •••• • AND NEW BOZ--SQUARE END, are now ready for deth err. The trade are requested to send for samples and show cards. KEYSTONE COLLAR COMPANY, 21 South Seventh Street. MIMI - . bereLy notify the nubile that we have adopted the word Staple ax a trade-Mark, and KfCCIVA the mine by copyright In the United States Court for the Easteru District of Pennsylvania. KEYSTONE. COLLAIL COMPANY. SEWING - RI NCH I. N ES: 1 H E WHEELER & 'WILSON SEWING MACHINES, The Beet and 'fold on tho Easiest Terms TETERSON & CARPENTER, 914 CHESTNUT STREET. eTA tn th 1 EFiTABLISIIED 1833. BECKHAUS &' ALLGAIER', 1'204 FRANKFORD AYENUE, Above Girard Avenue, MANUFACTURERS or Exclusively First-Class Carriages, NEWEST STYLES • , . CLARENCE% LANDAUS, LAND AULETTES, 10140141•COACRIB,SHIFTING QUARTERCOACIIEB, COUPES.BARO LOBES, PHAETONS, ROCKAWAY% ETC., SUITABLE ,FOR PRIVATE, FA*ILY AND PUBLIC USF. ' Workmanship and finish second to none In the country. Flue and varied stock ou hand, completed and in the works. , • Orders receive prompt awl personal attention. ALL - WORK WABRANT.p. D.. .- M. :LAN:4: CARRIAGE BUILDER, 3432, 3434 and 3436 Market Bt., WEST PIiIIADELPHIA. A large assortment of Carriages of overly description constantly On hand. Especial attention paid to repairing. Jal4 Soup§ - INSTRUCTIONS: OR SEM A NSII I.P. —THEP TULA- I*LPHIA BIDING SCHOOL,. No. 333 d Mar cec street, is own daily for Ladies and Gentlemen. It le the largest, beet lig Med and heated catabliahniont in the city. The horses are thoroughly Lrokon for the most timid. Au Afternoon Class for 'Young Ladies at tending school, Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, and an livening Class for Gentlemen.. Horaos thoroughly trained for the saddlO. Copies taken to livery. Hand some carriages to hire. Storage fur wagons and sleighs. SETH CRAIGE, • Pronriotor. CIE A_LIC—FOR SALE; r ` 180 TONS 0.1? Olatalk. Athi Apply to 4VOI2KMAN 00.. 179 Walnut drool lAGEN. jal9 irurPL TiQiJSAMAPSAC Tun internal revenye^.,receipts „yesterday Vete , $1 c 008,245.",t a• "Tun Boston shoddy WWl'', In Templeton, Mass.; was burned on Thursday night. Loss, 440,000. TITEHE is intense excitement in Clark county, 111., over some gold discoveries on Big Creek, some twenty , miles from Terre Haute. Boin,Hoitsei of tile ,Califoenia Legislature lave passed a bill repealing the act allowing the carrying of concealed deadly weapons. • Tun coinage 'at the branch mint in San Francisco during the month •of January amounted to $1,020,000, all of which was in double esigle,s. . DEEM' and Dion played their third billiard game for a purse of $2,000, at San Francisco, on Thursday night. It resulted in .a .victory for Deery of 50 points out of 1,500. Tun Committee appointed by the Florida House of Representatives to investigate charges against Governor Reed reported in favor of his impeachment yesterday by a vote of to I. , Qr.*: g ii SEMETEit, , and - two children, while going down the river at Louis ville, Ky., on Wednesday night, on a raft, were upset during the gale, and . all were drowned except one child. CAN4i.a. does not intend to pay for the Red Elver Territory until about the 15th of May next; and holds the 'Judson's Bay Com pany responsible for its government, and also for all depreciation in its value until that time. Tut!: Supreme Court of Massachusetts has decided that gambling instruments seized , by legal process cannot he destroyed without no tice to the pwnetri,that they may be heard, and that money seized •on such warrant • and re turned into ; court, is not forfeitable. Alabama House of Representatives yesterday, the Senate bill granting $3,000,000 in aid 01 the Alabama and Chattanooga Rail road, was Voted down by 55 yeas to 35 nays. A motion to reconsider was entered, and a strong " lobby "is Working for the bill. TUE Supreme Court' Of Illinois yesterdaY lined General SalomOn,formerly Clerk of Cook 'county, $l,OOO for contempt, in refusing last year to obey instructions of the State. Auditor in regard to the reassessment of taxes. Salomon paid the fine and was - diSchargeth He is the recently , appointed' Governor of Washington Territory. , COAL TBADE. Interesting Information. From the Mauch Chunk Gazette of yester 4:lay we dip the following: There was transported last . week over both railroads 73,679 14 tons against 62,593 13 tons " the corresponding week last year—an increase of 11,u53 tons. Of this 5,939 14, tons were delivered to the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad and forwarded north, and 67,740 tons were delivered at tide-water and along the line.. Our reports to last Saturday show a de -cline of 2,451.19 tons from the . sillpinents of The - preilouSWeek. • THE MARKET. p f Te Scranton auction sale of last Wednes day week showed an average decline, from the sale of December, of thirty-nine cents. As we intimated last week the market was full and the additional 73,000 tons thrown upon it by the sale greatly. depressed the trade. On Tuesday of this week, hoWever, the railroad:3 consented to a further reduction of thirty-four cents on through coal, which. brings tolls down to the following figures: llauch Chunk to Phillipsburg - - - '-g gi Phillipsburg to Elizabetliport - - - - 1 22 do. do. fort Johnson - - - - 1 29 do. do. Hoboken 1 29 From Penn Haven, 14 cents additional No other change was made except on con signments to Newark, which will be rated as tide, or $ 1 4.6 from Phillipsburg. This prompt action checked the demoralizing influences of the Scranton sale, and the market is now con siderably easier. The cool weather also has a beneficial effect and a brisker inquiry is noticed. Prices of coal for February have been an nounced as follows: Lump. Bro. EA.,. Sto. Cher. Lehigh 45 25 t.. 25 00 5.5 00 25 SI 50 Old Corop'ny's, 550 500 500 5 : , 25 450 430 430 4 .30 5 , fX) 450 Wilkesbarre.. 4 75. 475 475 5 2.5 450 Del. & 8ud.... .4 65 480 500 540 460 Line Prices at blanch Chunk—Lump, Bro ken and Egg, ~S 3 25; Stove. 5 75; Chestnut, ..53; Pea, 91 75; Buckwheat, OPERAToiN. It would not be surprising if the lead taken by the. Pennsylvania Coal and Wilkesbarre Coal and Iron Companies in the retail move ment is followed by other large operators. And we are not sure that such n feature would not be a stroke of policy on the part- of pro ducers, provided it could be inaugurated, without their large wholesale in terests. It would necessarily interfere with their trade with retailers, hut any inconveni ence that would accrue from this. ,might counterbalanced by the profits to be had from direct sales to consumers. The at tention of the operators is evidently being at- tracted in this direction, and if there is any thing in the idea, we may locik for , .quite a revolution in the retail trade: Business is rapidly.settling, the avenues of trade are nar rowing down,and closer calculation and greater prudenceln trade of 'all kinds, is beciorning' a necessity. It is not improbable, then, that coal men will seize upon every opportunity that presents itself to keep things moving. At all events the interests of consumers will be benefited by the course ,at which we have hinted. Ltrnrarr .AND , WYOMING REGIONK. From present indications we should not be surprised If a suspension would take place be fore long. There is so much coal stocked at the shipping points (and the present large pro- Auction adds to it every week), that operators 'will not, we presume, continue to run much longer unless a better demand is had. SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, Trade is stagnated. So little coal is going forward, that it is impossible to give quota tions. Up to this time the suspension generally , continues, but this is partially attributable to the low prices that have ruled since the Scran ton sale, It is not unlikely that individual operators, acting on the advice of the Coal Board and making the best arrangements they can, will resume work as opportunity THE CUBAN INSIIRRECTION. A Week of Fighting in the Asslts Kills. BAVANA, Jan. 29.—Sick soldiers_ who have - reached - tirls - 'place from - their late -- marchinto - the insurgents' country give doleful accounts of the treatment their forces received during the engagement in the Azalea hills, between Cienfuegos and Trinidad. The coluinn of Spaniards was 3,200 strong, composed of in fantry and cavalry. Fighting was maintained' for seven days,.during which, say the Span' lards, many men* were killed. The enemy ap peared in superior force, and did not allow the troons of, Spain, to rest either by day or night. Whether eating or sleeping they were being constantly•ammyed, till at length they retired from the campaign. THE MACHETE ATTACK AT GLTAIMARO, One who was in Puello's army during the late march writes that the insurgents began to tire upon . him at a short distance from Nueyitas, harassing him day and night ; and between Casearro and Guainiaro' they ap peared with the greater portion of their forces. An attack by the Cubans with the machete decided the day, and a land-grenade throWn 'front their ranks killed nearly all of Puello's stall. A few stepsfrom ,VOL' Karin fell dead, r 'and all its artillerists were killed. The Yogi= ;Pent of La'Reina Outtere& very mirth, and ?nearly all its 'ofileers were kliled, r- including .Col. Avaos, To this statement may be added dhat '478 wounded, hrtaight by the steamer Montezuma, have already arrived here. In a % ), 116 ,V ita.# About /306 mere loft i beyfact "because tro l roOrn oil ;tlie steamer fdr thetn; The insurgents took from the Spaniards in the fight more than 600 Remington rifles.— ',Tribune. Coal statement. , The following is tho amount of coal tranaported over thn Philadelphia and Reading Railroad during the week onding.Thurodtsy, Feb 3, 1310.;:* , . . • " Tons.hol. `From St. Clair ~ '4 . i' Ad WO ii I " Port Carbon ' ' ' 4,081 01 " ' Pottsville • 338 00 ". fichnylkill Ilaven.." , 1,02614 " Auburn 933 10 Tort Clinto... ' ' - 2,992 03 '' liarrieburg and Dauphin 28510 " Allentown and- Alburtes 22 01 Total Anthracite Conl for week 33,816 15 Bituminous Coal from Harrisburg and Dau plan for week::. 3,032 14 Total for week paying freight.. Coal for the Comp:00%1; use Total ofall kinds for thin week Previously this year ' Total • Te Thursday, Jan. 4 1969. • Reportel cM• theWl33l ll iSa i gniplllnl ' TIOSTON--31eatner Aries, Wiley-10 bbls doe Allen; 10 bbl, glue T Aubin; 38 pkge wise Boyd & White; 70 d 0 Biddle Bart/ware Cu; /0 bales rage Beebe & Son; AI cams oilcloth W Blaben; S 410 mdse A C Batter; 93 do beeta and shoes Bunting. Durborow A Co: 27 pkgs glassware $ f 1 Boughton; 31 do raise It & H CIA/Etc:l/06 co drY Food& Coffin & Allemus;ll bales cotton Craighorn & Co; AtiOtloh kilts Crowell A Nickerson; 7 ce boob; and olioecOonover, Borg & Cc.: 17 pkgs dry goods Dale Bros; 15 pkgs wood enware P Dewalt; 11 bales dry goods J llt Ford & Co; 11 Ogg radius French & Richards; It do (bore & Shoe • maker; 7 pkgs dry goods Gardner Brewer & Co; 21 cases boots and shoes Graff, Watkins ftCo; 272 rolls paper Howell & Bro: 70 coils rope Hinkle & Son; 60 boxes hard ware Handy, Brenner &Co; 11 bags WOOl Wilson; 100 rollo tar paper B Hobart; 6 rolls rnattingW J Ingraham; 60 bags saltpetre Jordan & Jiro; 7 bales dry goods Kemp' ton; Thompson dr, Co; 69 ce de A R Little & Co;18 do indite Laing & lilasinn is; 98 pkgs dry goods Lewis, Wharton & Co; 29 do T T Lea & (lo; 24 do 'Leland, Allen & Bated; 30 Copying presses W Mann; 83 pkgs indite C Mezarge; bdle shovels Myers & Erwin; 84 co oilcloth Mcßallum, Crease & Sloan; 110 do boots stud shoes Munroe&Smaltz; 12 hales yarn Newell & Co; 25 do carpels J & P.l B Orne; 28 do goat oklue order; 31 do sponge Penn I:Moth Sponge Co; 10 co hoots and shoes 31 el relfer;23 do Winebrenner & McWilliams; 8 roll, mato C A Scott; 4 like tacks .1 M. Stotesbnry; 66 do nails Smith & /Seltzer: 28 balem goat eking D Spooner; 10 bags wool J T Sproul; 60 pkgs , wine A Stephan( ik Co; V/ do noble' Trutt, Watson & Co; 8 ce boots and shoes A Tilden & Co; 25 bbls truck J WO king: 10 bbls dry limb 13 has do S '& H Levin; 7 boxes fresh hob J A Hopkins; 67 do dry Soh 0 16 Crowell; 100 do J Stroup; 100 do Atwood Rank & Co; 20ciuies mdte Looser, Suppler & Co. PASSENGI,RS SAILED. In brennieryom lug, fur Savannah—Mrs Mary Wood, T J Maloney and wife, L A Cutler, II F Damon, Mrs 'Agnes E Gorman. Jas II Hardman, B Andreas, Finnan. G F Roberts, bliss E Roberts, W Maker. Wm Scheldt, Wm Daffy. P Tuekerman.Bamt W Gabon. F .1 Tomlinson and wife. Mrs M Tomlinion. NOVERIENTS OF. OC EAN STEAMERS. Mff= . _ $}llP9 , FROM. FOR DATE. Ata la nta---.. London... New York---.......,...Jan. 15 Smldt - . Bremen... New York. Jan. 20 Austrian_. Liverpool...Portiand Jan. 20 lowa.. Ghtsgow....New York Jan. 21 Nemesis „.—......LiverpooL-New York _.... Jan. 22 Clmbria ' Bac re... New York Jan, 22 Rhein ._ Southampton... New York Jan. 25 Siberia Liverpool—New York via 13---Jan 25 Ilelvetia. Liverpool... New York... .... ~..........Jan, 28 _Manhattan Liverpool—New York ...... Jan. 25 C of Washingfn.Liverpool...New York.. Jan. 27 Anglin (.11asgow—New York - Jan. ZS Ville de Paris Brest—New York- Jan. 29 Westphalia Ilavre...?iew York..—..._. Jan. 29 TO DEPART. Etna ' New York- - ... Liverpool 'via $.. ....:Feb. 'Feb. 8 Ciutbria . - ,.....:Nt - -w . Y.yek:.:lfainbitra , ' ' " 1 7 1 i. '6' Nebraska_ ... ...... New York... Liverpool Feb. 10 Nemlsis ............_New York... Liverpool Feb. 9 Eagle New7York...Havana. Feb. 10 Tripoli New York... Liverpool Feb. 10 Falekee, `l<•wYork...Bermuda.... ......... ....,,Feb. 10 lowa .. v. New York... Glasgow ' Feb. 12 Atalanta New York... London Feb 12 II of Washing'n_New York. .Liverpool Feb 12 Penns, 11 ania....Nsw York... Liverpool Feb. 12 Rhein - New York...Bremen._ Feb. 12 ROAVD OF TRADE. D. C. 31cGAM . J. PRICE WETHERlLL,.lloxrnitComxtrras GEO. N. ALLEN, 555 PORT OH PIIILADELPRIA—Fss. 5 SIIN RISES, 649 1 SUN SETS, 5 3 I Ryan WA? ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamer Aries. Kiley, 4 hours from Boston, with mdse to H NVineor A Co. Fehr J G Babcock, Smith, 2 days, from New York. in ballast to captain. ELehr J M Clayton, Thomas, I days from Frederica, Del. with grain to Jas L Bewley *Co. BELOW. Barks Scottish Bride ( Br), Allen, from New York.and Land o'Cakes (Br). Wills, from Hampton Roads. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamer Prometheus. G ray .Chorlesten. E A gonder&Co. Suemer Wyoming. Teal. Savannah, Philadelphia and Southern Mail SS Co. Steamer W Rigrins, Baltimore. A Groves, Jr. Schr Sarah Watson, Smith, Cienfuegos, Madeira A Ca Lads. • Schr Ann Turner, Jones, New York, L Aadenried k Co. Fehr M D Cranmer, Cramer, Providence. do ' Schr L ly, Carter, do do PIRMORANDA. Ship Enierahl Illowers,from New York 29th Sept at San Francisco yesterday. Ship Sunrise, Luce, trona eallao vitt IfaMpton Roads, war below New York yesterday. Shin Shirley, Ferguson. at San Francisco .3d inst. from Manila. Ship Daniel Marcy, Boas, cleared at San Francisco 3d inst. fnr Liverpool.. chip lirnry Pelham (Br I, Vickery. cleared at Norfolk 2d In t. for Liverpool, with 1u.9 balea ctitten.ls36 tibia roeln and )554)0 glares. Steamer Faults, Freeman. cleared at New York yes terday for this port. rite-enter Pennsylvania, Murphy, front Liverpool: NPw 'York 'viiterday. St..anier City of Ho.ton (Br/. Halcrow, from N York for Liverpool, Bailed from tinlifax 28th ult. Steamer Arrogon ilk), flolllson, for Liverpool. sailed from Charleston 3d Inst.. . . . . . Bark floury P Lord, Pinkham, from Cardona*, bound north. was passed list inst. lat 33 24 N. lon 7638 . Bark N Schultz, French, from Boston for Now York, at Newport 24 inst. Bark Abby N Franklin, Holbrook, cleared at Sayan - nah 31st ult..for St. Belson bound; In ballast, to load for this port. Bark Robert Porter. Eaton, from Philadelphia for Sitka. which arrivedlat San Francisco' 25th 'ult. pit in for provisions. 'Reports Oct Z, fat t7J 5, lon 76 W. Jae Burns. seaman, native of Glasgow, fell from the. fore topsail yard to the deck and was Trilled. Nor 13, 10,51 23 S, lon al 10 w ' A McDonald, seaman, native of Glas gow. fell from aloft to the deck and was instantly killed. Behr Curtis Tilton, Hughes, at Now York 3d instant 'from Ellzabettillort.' •-• : • • - Behr Amelia. Beebe, from Providence for this port, at New York yeetordaV. Behr American Eagle; Shan , sailed from Salem lat inst. for New Castle, Del. tichrs .1 W Haig, Brown, from Newbern".. and_ D line, from Wilmington, NC. at New York 3d Inst. Saw fold Huddeli, Mallory. from Galveston for this port. was passed fat inst. fat 33 11 N, ion 76 44 W. NOTICE TO MARINERS ENGT.AND—WE:T COAST—ALTERATIoN OF BUOYAGF. IN ST. GEOnOE's CTIANNEL.—Ttae Trinity BOUM), Lon don, has given notice that, in accornance with the gene ral system of buoyuge adopted by that corporation, the buoys in St George's Channel, will, during the mouths of 11 are h and April, 1870,be altered in conformity there with. Thd principal features of this system are, that the starboard of channels, entering from seaward, will be marked by black or red buoys only, the port side by black or red buoys chequered or striped vertically with white, and middle grounds by black or red buoys with horizontal bands of white. . . - When beacons are considered necessary to be, placed on buoys, the starboard side entering will be distin guished by globes, the port side entering by cages, and middle grounds by diamonds or triangles. It is to be observed that only one color, either black or red, will be used in the same channel. • By order of the Lighthouse 'Board. W. B. SHUDRICK, Chairman. Treasury Department, °Mee Lighthouse Board, Washington, D. C., Jan. 27.1E69. WINES AND LIQUORS. .sI • ' : The steady and increasing demand for theee Wines, the growth of a State peculiarly adapted in soil, climate, &c., has induced the aubecriber to give them special at- tention. It is well ascertained that the rich and well ripened grapes of that particular section impart to the wine flavor, bouquet and.body equal to the beet foreign wines, and of a character peculiarly its own—the unani mous opinion of experienced connoisseurs of this and neighboring cities. The undersigned has accepted the Agency of the cele Grated " OAF jirr.ju VINEYARDS,'. of the townehip of Et. Louie ; and being in dirdet and constant communication, is prepared to furnish to con sumers the product of these Vineyards, which can be relied upon for strict purityitn addition to other qualitie already mentioned. . • P. J. JORDAN, ds22 Srn 220 Pear street MMM RO D GER S'. AND WOSTENH.OLIII3 POCKET KNIVES, PEARL and STAG HAN DLES of beautiful onish; RODGERS' and WADE It BUTCHER'S, and the CELEBRATED LECOULTRI RAZOR. BCISSORS' IN CASES of the finest quality Razors, Knives, Scissors and Table Cutlery, ground and polished. EAR INSTRUMENTS of the most approve:, construction to assist the hearing, at P. MADEIRA'S Cutler and Surgical Instrument Maker,llls Tenth street below Chestnut. myl-tf GAS FIXTURES. FIXTURES.—MISICEY; MERRILL & TBABBABA, No. 714 Chestnut street, uninufac. Wrong afGas Fixtures, Lamps, would call the attention of the public to their large and elegant assort; went of Gas Chandeliers Pendants, Brackets, &o. Thor also introduce pipesinto dwellings and pubHo build. tugs, and attond to extending, altering and repairing gai Floes. AU work warrantedi THX,PAAY:S4 I EKIXO . :S I7 T4PWINt7P: I 44. I )EOPI-A - ,•gN1110.0,: . `; . ....p,0A1'-i: i 4;' . 18'70....- . T-' 41 29 09 3,970 19 ~: 4000 08 =PR 09 468,f179 17 3to SEII 03 BULLETIN. COPAp.TNERSHIP. r 1 ars ° h r:l L e e V , s l! i nt a i w t l e . d B ti p o ll er w ir rd erril Y nr h y p ' r G ße ett n Yi d n E e e:c o t b it:tr T i iii: c it:6: l :3; w oO n d jL an l ti Ch ramt 33 :l P W .7oci ‘ s:l ° :. la u h ud ß er 'te t ° h n e ' llna ll6n o l f aln W ia Ltd lr. , tenth , Hayward & 00., lerniinates i tkis day by its Own linitaildin. - ' '.• ' ' , ~, The business will be nettled at - 309 Market street i PutLanmautia, December 31st, LNG. , ' 1e4.1141.1.TED PARTNEBSILLE—THB SUB= ' scribers hereby giro notice that they have entered Into a limited partnership. agreeably to the laws of nimivatila relating to limited partnership. That the name o firm-under which amid partnershlo le tO be conducted is WOOD, MARSH, HAT WAR.° & 00. That the general nature of the business intended to be transacted Is the Dry Goods and Notion Jobbing.busin -10000. , That tlte names flail thogenoral and special part, 13 end ntereqed therein are Benjamin V. Marsh,residing On West Walnut Lane, Oermantown,Heneral Partner Lewis W. Hayward, resettling at No. 243 Soldh. Eighth 9treet, General Partner ; Henry, Henderson, residing on chew street, Germantown, General Partner; Richard Wood, residing at N 0.1121 A rch.street, General Partner; Samuel P. Godwin, residing at No. 91.3 Pine street, General Parthernd Josiah Bticen, residing at No. 4 , e43T Marshall street, Special Partner That the amount of capitakeontributed by the special partner. Josiah Bacon, to the common stock, is fifty thousand dollars, . That the period at which Bald partnership Is to' orn menet) is the Slat day of December, A. D. 1%9, gild the period at which it will terminate is the 31st der of De cember, A. D., 1810, T I MITED VARTN ER SH IP ju The undersigned have formed a Limited Partner- ship, in accordance with the laws of the state of Penn sylvania. on the following terms: The name of the firm is FRANK & STRETCH. The general nature of the business intended to be transacted is the wholesale Cuerrieware briefness, to be Carried on ifthe city Of Philadelphia. The General Partners are OLOMON PRANK,: residing 'at No. dfO North Six •enth street. in said city, and CHARLES B„ STRETCH, residing at No. 1403 Jefferson street, in eaud city; and the Special Partner fa ISRAEL If.: WALTER, residing at Marshall street, in said city. The :amount of capital contributed 'by the said 'Special. Partner, ISRAEL 11. WALTER, to the common stock of sai f i rni,ia Twenty Thousand Dollamin goods and merchan dise, duly appraised by William Plows. an.appraiser ap pointed by the Court of Common Plea* for the city and county of Philadelphic for that purpose, which appraise mem so made, showing the nature and. 'value of said goods and merchandise, has been duly recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds for said city and county. The Partnership is to corn/Ilene° on the first day of January, A D. 1870, and, terminate on .tlie thirty-first day of December A. D. 1872: r SOLOMON FRANK. • • • , General Partner. CHARLES B. STRETCH. ISRAEL H. WALTER. General Partner. , _jai aft§ Special Partner. rIMITED PARTNERSHIP =NOTICE IS I_4 hereby given that a Limited Partnership has been entered into between the underslgned, tinder the laws of the Commonwealth of Yentutylrania• upon the following terms I. The said partnership is to bo conducted under the name and firm of MEYER & DICKINSON. LI. The general natute of the business intended to be transacted le the Dry Goods Importing and Commies:ion Business, and the place of business in the City of Phila. delphin. 111. The general partners are CHARLES ILHEYER, rssiding at Thirty-second and Hamilton streets, in the city of Philadelphia, and JOSEPH R. DICKINSON, re siding at No% 1.513 Swain street, in said city, and the special partner is LUCAS THOMPSON, residing in the city of New York. IV. The amount of capital contributed by the said special partner, LUCAS THOMPSON, to the common stock of said firm, is fifty thousand dollars in cash. V. Tho said partnership IS to commence on. the first day of January, A. D. 1870, and is to terminate On tho thirty-tirst day of December, A. D. 172. CHARLES H. MEYER. A 'JOSEPH R. DICKINSON, General Partners. LUCAS THOMPSON, . Special Partner. NOTICE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. 4,1 ~T.))0. subacribers_hive..l.lhis day fornwA ii.taited patinPrthip, according to the prat - Wong of the act of Assembly of ]larch 21, file. entitled" An act relative to limited partnerships." and its several supplements, the terms of which are as follows : , . . . . . 1. The name of the firm under which Bnid partnership shall be vonducted is JAMES H. VANCE & CO. 2. The general nature of this tusimszs intended to be transacted is the business of buying and selling Hard ware. • - . 3. The only General Partners are JAMES M. VANCE, residing at No. .P.M Girard aVenue. in the city of Phila delphia, and WILLIAM C. PETERS, residing at No. Mt Wood street. in said city ; and the only Part ner is HENRY D. LANDIS. residing at - Chestnut um, Montgomery county, State of Pennsylvania. 4. The amount of capital contributod to the common stock by said Special Partner is 8934/Win cash. b. The period at which said partnership is to commence la the first day of January. 1670, and the period at which will terminate is the 31st day of December, IVO. - JAMES VANCE, WILLIAM C. PETERS, General PND arters. HENRY D. 'LAIS, n Special Partner, jal-set; PIIILA DELPYIIA Dec. M. 1609 PHILADELPHIA, JANUARY 22. 1870. Raving sold BENET' •B. PANCOAST and FBANCIS I. MAULE (gentlemen in our employ for several yearspast), the stock , goodwill and 11 , coires of our" Retail Es6blishment," located corner Third and Pear streets, in this) city, that branch, of the business will Le carried on under the firm name of PANCOAST MAtLE, at the old stand, and we recommend , them to the trade and businees_publiv PANCOAST MAULS also propose to carry on the limitless of Warming and VenttlatirAr Public and Pri vate Buildings, both by Steam and Not Water. in all its various systems, being entirely competent to perform all work of that character. • THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THISDAY formed a Co-partnership, tinder the style of PAN COAST & MAVEN, for the continuance, at the old stand, of the Wrought Iron Tube and. Fitting Business, lu connection with the Heating of All Classes of Buildings by Steam and and Hot Water. It is our intention to keep on hand, at all times. a full line of Norris, Tasker ,t Co.'s manufac tures, to a Melt we invite attention. HENRY B.:PANCOAST, la -12 FRANCIS I. MAITLE. AUCTION SALES. B UNTING; DURBOROW CO., AUCTIONEERS, Nos. 232 and 234 Market street. corner of Bank. BALE OF 21100 CANES BOOTS, SLIMES, ac., ON TUESDAY MORNLNG. Feb. '3, at o'clock, on four months' credit,inclinding— Men's, boys' end youths' calf, kip and buff leather Beets, fine Grain Loss Leg Dress Bobts, Congress Boots sac Bahnorals; kip, buff and polish grain Bro gans; simmen's. misses and ehildren's goat. morocco, kid sae mnams/led Baltuorals: Congres. Gaiters: Lace Boots: Lasting Galterii; Ankle Ties;. Traveling Bags• Metallic Overshoes, dm. OPENING SPRING SALE OF BRITISH, FRENCH, N AND DOMESTIC PRY GOODS, ON THURSDAY MORNING. Feb. 10, at 10 o'clock. on four months' credit, including --•- - - 2.50 PA-CKA OEB DOMESTIO3. SHIRTINGS and SHEETINGS--Blea, and bro., va rious grades and widths. GIN G H AMS—Mancheeter, Riverbalid, Edinburg, dc. PLA IDS-19. inch fancy spring assortments. JEAN §.-Roatiokip.,,Cohocton., Brown Wooleci,CaLlet, FLANNELS—AII wool scarlet and white, domet, shirting, gray twilled, &c. CANTONS—Philadelphia, Salem and other makes Tickings, Denims. Canibrico, Wigans, Corset 34 . 11.118, Diaper, Spring Prints, Drills, Co ttonades, Grain Bage, BALMORAL SKIRTS, Id high colors and black tuldpivhite, of a well known make. • • . • B 1 ANKETS. All wool white Red Blankets_, gray Army Blankets,&c. SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. Extra heavy white Shirts and Drawers, gray Army Shirts, Ac. CASSIMERES. TWEEDS, &c. All wool Union, Phoenix, Iron Clad, D k T. Planta tion and S. B. Fancy Cassitneres, Tweeds, Satinets. Ac. CARPETS. 10 bales 34-inch twilled English Hemp Carpets. 800 LBS. MACHINE THREAD.. Caldwell's standard. on spools. 600 DOZEN SHIRT FRONTS. Woven and stitched linen, superiorsoods. 2090 DOZEN L. C. lIDIxFS. Plain, Printed, Hemmed and Hemstitched: of a popular importation LINEN GOODS. 25 cases 4-4 Irish Shirting Lillolld, of a favorite bleach. 6 cases White Piques, very desirable, 4 cases extra heavy arnsley Duck Coatings. I cases extra heavy Barnsley .3.4 Linen Ducks. 2 cases extra heavy Barnsley White Ducks. 2 cases extra heavy.Barnsley Colored Ducks. —cases Sue brown Linen Mrills, Linen Crash, Dice Towels, &c. MERCHANT TAILORS' GOODS. Pieces French and English all wool and Union Indigo blue, black and colored Cloths. do Findsterwalder celebrated black Cloths, do Austrian very fine do do do 6.4 and 4-4 French black all wool and indigo blue wool filling Doeskins ITALIANS AND DRAP D'ETE. Cases London tine black and colored Italian Cloths. do Irreneb superfine black Drap-d'Ete. "Fancy and l3iaple Dress Goods, Silks, Woolen shawls, &c., &c. Full line of fashionable Ready-made Clothing, Also, black silk Belting's, Coop Skirts, Zephyr Goods, Skirt Borders, Muslin Shirts, Traveling Shirts, Notions, • Also, ' BY :ORDER OF SHERIFF, FOR CASH, The Stuck, Counting Room Furniture, of ajobbing Netiou House. Also. to be sold, at our auction rooms, the Fixtures iu the second story of store No. 3 Strawberry street'. IMPORTANT SALE OF CARPETINGS OIL CLOTHS. &c . ON FRIDAY MORNING, Feb. 11, at 11 o'clock; on four months' credit. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, No. 422 WALNUT street. Salo on account orwhom it may concern, • .• ON WEDNESDAY, FEB. At 12 o'clock noon, at , the.Exchange -INI 0 shares Franklin thlvor, Mining Clo., of Colora do. shares North American Gold and Silver .)Ilning • Co., of Montana. . do. do. do. do, CIJ. MoOLEES & (JO., AUOTIONENBB No. IWO MARKET atm .t BOOT AND SHOE BALES EVERT MONDAY AND TRUBSDAY., JOSIAH BACON. Special . Partner BENJAKIbiI V. BIAI2BII, LEWIS W. HAYWARD, It RIMY MENDE lIIIIHARD WOOD. SAMUEL P. GODWIN, r Obneral Partners. MORRIS, TASKER & CO AUCTION , 8A441194 U TH:11: 0 1: 0 4:, K SUNS, AUVT101711114303, . oAtts 0 .1 4 / y e5 1. 139 and hilLtionter rOgnii street apubnoll 8 he AND BEAL xSTATIL TuzspAy 4 1 _08,at the Philadelptds Exchange eels y Ynrnxtur i'grRSDAY, e ea ee a the Auction At e ire Znan T Sales et Residences receive 408441 ittiinifon . . „ . .• STOOI(B,'LC ; .t ANRc; • ON TUSISDAY,BER,,t4 At IE o'oloCh noon. at the Philadelphht Exchange—, SO Isharen Union Banking go. 12 shares Reliance Ips. ILO ebarom Buck .idountainDoal Co. .110 shims Northern Liberties . 41 !shares Central Transportation Co. 7 shares Broad Monntain and Mammoth Vein Coal. 10 shares commortwea th National Bank. ^ 00 einireb Knickerbocker Ice 041. e 4,000 Danville, Hazleton and Wllke barie Railroad 7 er cent. 17 oharen E p uterprise Insurance Co. Assignee's little. • • 1000 Mount Farm Coal and Oil Go. ' , • REAL ESTATE SALE, FED. • Wilt include— For Account of the street,tates—,LAß'E, and VA LUABLE LOT. South west of Twenty. MTh, 123 feet, trront oar South street, 271 fee tin depth to . fildtkOon street, 140 feet 6 Inches front on Shipper* street—two fronts.. . • Master's Perotnptory Sale—By Order of Court of Cotonton Pleas-1 WO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No_, OM North Stith street; above Green. ' , HANDSOME BIODERN RESIDENCE, with Stable ant/13000b nonee,lla 1014 Green atreet. Ras all the modern conveniences. • LARGE and VALUABLE LOT, S. E. corner of Broad and Cambria streets. 100 by 828 feet to Thirteenth-at. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1832 Per !demon street. below Poplar. • lmotedlate_poseession WELL-SECURED IKREDEENABI , i, GROUND BENT. ev a year, THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 2617 North Front street, above Cumberland, TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. .15.26 Lee street. above Cumberlaad. WELL-SECURED IRREDEEMABLE GROUND RENT.. 8210 a year, payable in silver. NEW' THREE-STORY DROWN-STONE DWELL. LNG:No.37LO Sanwa at. BUSINESS STAND-THREE STORY BRICK STORE, No, 224 Dock streetbelow Walnut street. Mort gage 0801. Peremptory SaIe—THREE-STORY BRICK, STORE and DWELLING, No. 903 death Eleventh strsot,bslow C hrlatiatt. 1 Sale No. l' , 2lifranklinatreet._ SUPERIOR WAIN T AND MAHOGANY PARLOR, FIREPROOFM AND fiffAIIBER FURNITURE, SAFE, HANDSOME BRUSSELS AND OTHER oAnerrs, . . ON TUESDAY MORNING, Feb, 8, at 10 o'clock, at No. 521 Franklin street, above Spring Garden street, by catalogue, the entire house hold Furniture, comomisitig HU cerior Walnut and Maho gany Parlor, Dining-Room and Chamber Furniture, fine Feather Bede, superior Firenrtiel l Bare. made Br Evans Watson; endgame Eoglieh rumeels, 'Venetian and other Carpets, Kitchen Furniture, ac. ' . Lltay be exornine4 on the mbrning of sale at 8 o'clock VALUABLE LIBRARY. . . Estate of James B. Longacre, deceased: ON TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS, Febrnary 8 and 7, • ' At 4 o'clock, at the landfall roams, the 'valuable Library of the late J. B. Longacre, Esq., consisting of a choice collection of Books oti the line Arte. Sculpture, Paint ing, Engraving. Coins, superbly 'illustrated works, „Annuals, itc Also. titan, and Works on II istory, Biog raphy, Theology. Poetry and Miscellaneous Literature. ITIHOMAR• BIRCH & SON, AUCTION. 11 Blots AND comussuna MERCHANTS ' No. 1110 CHESTNUT street. Bear entrance No. 1107 Seldom street. "Household lir!Ernitnre of every description received ov Consi Bales of Furniture at dweo attended to on the most reasonable terms. rtes Internal Revenue Sale. D LEASE OF A DISTILLERY, 711,1 S. TUBS, etc., near Reading, Rsilroad Bridge . . tiONDAY :MORNING, Feb. 7, _ _ will be sold, the Fistutos of a Dis. tillety. as follows, for non payment of taxes due the United States Internal Revenue—One Still. Doubler, Worm Tub and Worm. complete: Mash TlM,Fermenting Tubs, Yeast Tubs. Grain Mill, Platform Scales, two Meters, Machinery, Belting, &c., of a Distillery. Also, the lease of the premiset. gale at No. 1110 Chestnut street. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF TRENTON GRANITE AND C. 0. WARE. ON TUESDAY MORNING, Feb. 8, at 10 o'clock, at the auction store, Nn. 1110 Chest nut at.. will be ROM, a large . ass,. rtmeni of Trent.n Gra late and C. C. Ware, congisting of—Dinner, Breakfast and Tea Plates, large and small. Meat Dishes. Soup and Oyster Tureens, covered and uncovered. Vegetable Dishes. Cups, Saucers, Pitchers, Chamber Sets, Nap pies. Bowls. ,te. NG,' This is the largest assortment ever offered in this city. • SALE OF WHISKY.' ON TUESDAY MORNING, .. Feb.B, at 11 &clock, at Craig's Bonded Warehouse, N. corner of Broad and Cherry ■treets, sixty-nine bar rels of raw whisky at :tact' on, for non , payment of taxes due the r Elite.] States Internal Revenue. [ARTEN BROTHERS,_ AUCTIO.NEERS I (Lately Salesmen for M. Thomas & Sons,) 629 CHEA CHI ICECO STNUT eet. LLECTIO N O rear entrance F from Mica MODERN OIL PAINTINGS AT AUCTION. THURSDAY AND_ FRIDAY MORNINGS AND MMEM Fob. 10 and 11, at 11 and 7% o'clock each day. will be sold, at the auction rooms, No. 629 Chestimerstrect, with out reserve or limitadon, a large and choice collection of Oil Paintings. Many of the Pictures aro by artists of acknowledged merit, among lv hom may be named E. C. C.OATES, J. M. CULVERBOUSE, PAUL RITTER, GEORGE G. HARTWJCK, Prof. JACOBS, SOMERS, and others of equal celebrity. The subjects are varied and desirable, ncluding landscapes, marine views. fruit, cattle, game,.views from nature, &c. The public. is respectfully invited to examine the collection,. which will be on exhibition three days previous to date, when de.criptive catalogues will be ready. • DAVIS & HARVEY, AUCTIONEERS, (Late with M. Thomas dc Sons ) Store Nos. 48 and 60 North Sixth street. Sale No. 1850 Hervine street. ELEGANT FURNITURE, itosnwooD PIANO, HANDSOME TAPESTRY CARPETS, FINE HAIR DIATIIESSES, CARPETS. Am. ON MONDAY MORNING. Feb. 7. at 70 o'clock, at 1510 31ervine street, nbove Mont. gunnery avenue, the entire Furniture, including very Elegant Parlor Snit. in .tri-colored 'striped t rry; very bunerior Oiled Walnut Chamber Snits, Cottage Suits, superior Oak Dining, Room Furniture, fine-toned rose wood 7.oetave •Pinno, handsome Tapestry Carpets, fine Ingrain Carpets, Curled Hair /Redresses, Bedding, tine French China and Glassware, Cooking Utensils and fi itchen Furniture. •. The Cabinet Furniture was made to order, is of choice pattern and excellent workmanship. ...,•n env..tninnd ors *I•-• roort,inr, of WOO. SCO'rr'S ART GALLERY AND AUCTION COMMISSION SALES ROOMS, • B. SCOTT. JR., Auctioneer. 1117 CHESTNUT street, Girard Row. Particular attention paid to out-door sales at mode. rate rates. ' de2ll tf WORKS OF ART SALE MODERN PAINTINGS. 0 N .ALONTIA ESDA T Aptl-AVE rimE, s DIT-EYEN - i 8 MOS,-e runt,' , and tt. at 752 o'dlock. This Salo will. comprise contributions from Private Collections, and will contain Paintings of well-known artists—Landscapes, Moriaes, Figure Pieces, .l c., all mounted in gold lea! frames. • • 107" - Solonosttive; with no reserve. ru L. RE AMBRID MAGE T Sr, - CO., AUCTION i • M. N 0.605 RICE street. %hove Fifth. SPECIAL SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. ON WEDNESDAY ItIORNING, • Feb. 9, at 10 o'clock - ore will sell by catalogue. about 600 packages of Boots, Shoos and Brozaral, of city and KaRIMI manufacture, to which the attention of buyers is called. BY BARKITT & uu., AUCTIONERIM CASH AUCTION HOUSE, No. 2J MARKET street. corner of Bank street. DRY GOODS. DRYHOODS. ON MONDAY MORNING. Feb. 7. at 10 o'clock, a largo assortment ,of Staple aud Fancy Dry Goods. Hosiery, he., clic. Also, invoices of Pocket Books. Aibl), Boots, Shoes, flats. Cape, &c. • • READY •MADE OLOTIILNO. Also. Ready-made Clothing, Coats, Pants, Vests, Suits, Jec. T A. 3SIOIII4ELLAND, AUCTIONEEA, 1219 CHESTNUT Street. W:I - Personal attention given to Sales of Household Furniture at Dwellings. gir Public Sales of Furniture at the Auction Rooms, 1219 Chestnut street, every Monday and Thursday. iVar For_particulurs see Public Ledger. gsr N. B.—A superior class of Furniture at Private Sale. INSIIICANCE. THE PIIILADELPFLIA TRUST, SAFE DEPOSIT , • AND INSURANCE COMPANY, OTTICE AND DUDGLAR•PROOF VAULTS IN TILE PHILADELPHIA BANK. BUILDING, No. 421 CHESTNUT STEEET. CAPITAL, $500,000. • Fra• SAAE.X.REPING of GOVERNMENT BONDS and other SECURITIES, FAMILY PLATE, JEWELEY,OhiI Other VAMP A ELEB, under special guarantee, at the lowest ratce The Company also offer for Rent at rates varyin - from 815 to 875 pet annum, the renter alone holding the key, SMALL BATES IN TILE BURGLAR-PROOF VAULTS, affording absolute SECURITY against FIRE, THEFT ,B LARY and ACCIDENT. . All fiduciary obligations. such as Tausis, GU-ART/la:Y -(1111PS. EXECUTOR/3111rd, etc., hill he 'undertaken . and falai] f ully discharged. Circulars,giving full dots ila,lorwarded on application, 'Manias llobins, Benjamin B. Comegys, Lea is IL Anlibiirst, Augustus Heaton, Livingston E rrin ger. F. ltateliforil Starr,' IL P. 111eCitillagli, Daniel Haddock, Jr., i 11 M. Lewis, Ed ward; Y . 'row usenci, James Jottu IL Taylor, llon Wm' A, Porter. nFLeInIoRS.' P . rfsillent—LEWTS R. A SEIBURST.' Presidtnr—J.LlVlNGSToN EREINGEIL St (Mary and Trert surer-11. I'. Salititor—RlßllAlll) 1., ASIIIIUBST.. 102 vra6n4 . . IRSttRANCiE. " IEUMTUZIN" , vl4lt.kb BTAtzp BsArtcli ITOE ' ti. Liverpool and Lon.don and. Globe iNsLiBANOE COMPANY, Oft the First:Day of 'J'anuary, 1870, In Conformity law of PennAylvania; Autliarlzed Capita, • 1810,000,000 raid:alp Caoltal; ' 1,959,780 . /folalANeets eilald are over, 17,000,000 INVHSTMEN'I'S AND FUNDS EE'TAINED IN THE UNITED STATES heal Estate held by the 'Company In the United States Cala] Deposlte in Banks • cash in hands. of Agents and in course of • transmission Loans on Bonds and Mortgages, constt-' toting first liens on Real Estate (in the United States) on which there is less than one year's interest due 1,000,000 00 Amount of Loans and Stock held in the United States (market value), other available . assets. .Total mete in Om United 5tate5...M1.6341,360 00 INCOME IN TIM UNITED BTAT'ES IN 1869. premiums received from January Ist, 1869, to Deceinber 31st, 1869--Fire $2,084,083 01 Prerniume received from January let; 1869, to December 81st,1869 , —.Dife ....... Interest Inicnio from Debts, Exchange and other sourced 4 ' —. ... .4... ..... —42,302,317 86 EXPENDITURES. , • Losses during tho year winch hare been paid ..... 3923438 93 Re.insurances and Return Premiums.. 132,659 10 Expenses including COMIIIIOIIOIIB and) „Pees to Officers, &c.., I > . 362,103 84 Agent, and Office Exp•nsee - Taxes paid inthe United States ' Dividends paid in the United Btates.....,— Amount of alf other . Expenses ' ' "L' • • Toted 51,596,436 33 : • .14ABILITIES. Amount of Losses dining ttiiiyear not acted on', January,lst,lB7o. Lows in !Suit or Contested..„— ....... - Amount required to safely re-Insure all out standing risks Deposits on Permanent Policies, being 05 per cent. of amount deposited Total $1,010,044 98 STATE OF .NEW YORK. • •CM AND COUNTY Or ThIlV Yoult se. Be it remembered that on this 27th day of January, A. D. 1870, before me,the subscriber, a comniissioner,in and for the State of Ncyv York, duly commissioned and au• tborized by the Governor' of Pennsylvania, to take ac knowledgment of deeds and other writings, to be used and recorded in the State of Pennsylvania, and to administer oaths and affirmations, personally appeared ALFRED FELL, Resident Secretary of the Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company, and made oath that the above and foregoing is a true statement of the condition of said Company upon the first day of January, 1570, and I further certify that I have made .personat-exavalnatiew. ef Ith-t.2, pool and London and Globe Instil - ance Company an this invested in day, awl am satisfied that they have assets safely in the United States to the amount of 62,534,360; that I have examined the securities now in the bands of the Company, es set forth in the foregoing statement, and the FAR) are of the value represented in the statement. I further certify that I nut not interested In the affairs' of said Company. In witness whereof hare hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, 27th day of January, A. i..s. D. 1570. • JNO. F. DOYLE, Notary Public. ADVISORY BOARD IN PHILADELPHIA : Messrs. CHARLES LEMUEL COFFIN • JOSEPH W. LEWIS, HENRY A. oUHRING, EDWARD BITER. ATWOOD SMITH, GENERAL AGENT FOR PENNSYLVANIA, No. 6 Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. le3 th s 6t riiui HE1,41.041.4 UE 114HUHAZIO.BrCOM PAMY OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated In WI. Charter Perpetual, Office, No.SOB Walntit street. • CAPITAL $300,000. - Insures against loss or damage by FIRE, on Hormel, Stores and other Buildings, limited or perpetual, and an Furniture, Goods, Wares and Merchandise in town or con n try. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. Assets, December 1,1869. $401,872 42 Invested in the following Securities, First Mortgages on City Property, well se cured 8169,100 00 united States Government Loans 62,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 Per Cent. Loans 75,000 00 • Warrants 6,035 70 Pennsylvania 83,600,000 6 Per Cent Loan .. . 30,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds' First Mortgage sou 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Vompany '5B Per Cent: LOW:. 6,000 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 Per Cent. Mort gage, Bonds ~. 4,980 00 County. Fire Insurance Company's Stock. 1,050 00 Mechanics' Bank Stock. • 4,000 00 Commercial Bank of , Pennaylvania Stock. 10,000 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company Stock. 190 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia Stock . . .. . . ..... . ... . ...... 3,200.00 Cash in IlL;nk r an . d"on hand. 16 . 31 8 72 Worth at Par '401,872 42 Worth at present market prices. DIRECTORS. Thomas 0. Hill, Thomson.. Moore, William Musser, Samuel Castner, Samuel Bispham, James T. Young, L.Sorson, Isaac F. Baker, Wm. Stevenson, I Christian J. Hoffman, Beni, W. Tingley, Samuel B. Thomas, Edward Slier. THOMAS 0. HILL, President, WI4. CHUBB, Secretary: PHILADBLVELA. December n. 1869. jal-tu the ti -MILE - PENNSYLVANIA - PITO! RANCH COMPANY. • Incorporated Me—Charter Perpetual. No. 610 WALNUT street, oposite Independence Square. :This Company, favorably known to the community for over forty years, continues to insure against loss or damage by tire on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also on Furniture, Stocks of Goons, and Merchandise generally, on liberal Their Capital, together with a large Burgles Fund, is invested in the most carefal manner ' which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case otiose. DIRICTOBB. Daniel Smith, Jr., John Devotees Alexander 801111011, Thomas Smith, Isaac Hazlehurst, Henry Lewis Thomas Robins, J. Gillingham Fell, Daniel Haddock, Jr. • . DANIEL SMITH, Ja., President WM. G. CROWELL, Secretary. • THE COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE 430 M.. TANT.--00fice. No.llo Routh Fourth street, below Chestnut. !` The Fire Immranoe Company of the County of Phila. delphia,” Incorporated by the Legislature of PennsYlva. Ma in 1830, for indemnity against lose or damage by tire, exclusively. • 'CHARTER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample capital and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to in; sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, &0., either per manently or for a limited time against loss or damage by lire, at the lowest rates consistent with , the abselabs safety of its customers. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible deePatch. DLUEOTORS: Chas:J. Butter, Andrew 11. Miller, Hoary Budd, James N. Stone, John Horn, Edwin L. Reakirt, • 'Joseph Moore, Robert V. Massey, Jr. George Micke, Mark Devine. UHARL SJ. BUTTER, President. HENRY BUDD. Vice President/ BENJAMIN F. HOECKLEY, Secretary and Trensttrer, A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COM. 111.,PANY__,incorporated 1810.—Charter pensetnal. No. 810 WALNUT street, above Third, Philadelphia, Having a large pail-ttp Capital Stock and Surplus ill• vested in sound and available Securities, continue to Insure -on-dwellings, stores, furniture,-merchandiev vessels in port, and their cargoes, and other personal' 00Perty. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS. Thomas R. Marls, Edmund G. Dutilh, John Welsh, Charles W. Poultney, Patrick Brady, Israel Morris John T. Low% William V. John aul. P, Wetherill, _ P THOMAS R. MARIB, President. MAIM? U. Omaantoan. Secretary. . TT.NITED FIREMEN'S INSURANCE! WiJ COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA.. - --- This Company takes risks at the lowest rates consistent with safety, and confines its business exclusively to • • FIRE INSURANCE IN THE CITY OF PHILADEL PHIA. OFFICE—No. 723 Arch greet, Fourth National Bank DIBEC'PRES • Thomas J. Martin, ueurY W. 'renner, John Hirai, A tbortue King, Wm; A. Bolin, ' floury Bunpu, . James 111 ongan, Jain" Wood, Gloun, John Shane:ow., James Jouner, J. Henry Milli., Alexander T. Bickeon, Hugh Mulligan Aliketi 0, Bob eritly ainotr t r i lti o l:p . Fitzpatrick, it CONBAD B. A N BRIM, Proaident. wrd. A. Itomg, Treats, Was; H. FAGYN. deo'T. INSURANCE 'COV-PAN or m ,I',III4IIIIRTN:..ADIERICAAvo':' Agnitary I, ISTOic. ,y3O Incorporated 1794. Charter Pepetttat7 Capitol; 43500 1 04 NY Assetsr; te2,15a,581. Itecefpfs Of Premiums, '69, $4991,837 45 Interest from Investm,ents, , 1869, = 114,696 Tt , 11. P 4106,534 10 Loses Paid, 1869 a'. •$1,036 386 ilt $283,722 82 06,582 04 First Mortgage on City Propert3r... $766,401 United States` Government and oilier Loan Bonds.. . . ..... 1,122,646 ' ItailrOsul; Bank and Canal Stocks... 55,10. Cash,in Bank and Officei....• 2/17,691 , Loan.s on Cdllateral Security.....••• ' 31,5 X Notes Receivable, mostly Dinrine Premiums..." . " ....... 321,941 Accrued Interest.. •• • .... .0••• ....... 2 01 3 67. 'Premiums in course of transnjiission. 86,1911 Unsettled Marine Premiums, '100,901 Real Estate, "Office of ' Company, Pbiladelphia.. . 30,000 'Total Assets Jan. 1, 1870, $2,783,581 L0 ' 86E61417 - ) IN CAIIII BINdE ORGAtiliitiON. 892,725 00 50,974 97 32,724 17 121,324 66 61,686 60 . . , . . Dll4.l6VlrditS.' . • • , • ARYIIIIRD. COFFIN; - FRANDIS R. DOPE; SAMUEL W:IONES, 'EDW. H. TIIOTTEE ; JOHN A: BROWN; EDW. OLARKEL, - CHAS. TAYLOR, . T,.. CHARLTON, AMBROSE WHITE ; • ALFRED D. nas IP,' WM. WELSH, LOVIS'C. MADEIRA, ' S. MORRIS WALN, CHAS. W. 0 USIIMAN t JOAN MASON, CLEMENT, A. GI#SOGY , GEO: L. nAthisox, WM. BROOKIE: • 81,355 94 2,03 12 94,887 52 .• ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President: ,CEIARLES PLATT, Tice Preildent. • BIATTEIIAS ISlABlB,"ijecretarT.' 0. H. REEVES, Assistant Secretary. • ia2s 7Y $11.3,70 Pa 19,949 29 692,473 62 239,953 63 FIRE ASSOCIATION, FA . „ PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated March, 27, U3O. Offioe. , --No. 34 North Fifth Street, ENSURE BUILDINGS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND DIEBOHANDISE GENERALLYTROBI LOSS BY ruts. (In the city of . Philadelphia only.) Assets January 1, 1870. _ . TRUSTEES: William H. Hamilton, Charles P. Bower,' John (Jarrow, Peter Williamson. Georg. o I. Young Jesse Lightfoot, Joseph R. Lyuda li, Robert Shoemaker, Levi P. Coats,, PeterAnnbruster, Samuel Sparhawk , M. H. Dickinson. Joseph E. ficholl. WM. H. HAMILTON,President, SAMUEL SPAIIIIAWK, Vice President. WM. T. BUTLER, Secretary. TAELAWA Rh MUTUAL SAFETY INBEr- RANCE COMPANY,. incorporated by the Legieht htture of Pennsylvania, 1635. Office, 8:E. corner of TRIED and WALNUT .atraeti, "MARlliragaltANCEB _ . On Vessels, Cargo and Freight to all parts of the world; INLAND INSURANCES On goods by river, canal, lake and land carriage to e* parte of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Dlgrehandise generally on Stores, Dwellings, Houses, &c. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY Novetnner I,lStia. 4/200,000 United States Five Per Cent. Loan, ten-forties .. . .. 8 2 154100 ail 100,000 'United States Six 'Per Cont. Loan (lawful money) •lar,mo 00 50,000 United States. Six Per Cent. Loan, 1861 60,000 00 200,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cont. Loan 213,950 01 200,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent Loan (exempt from tax)... 200,923 00 100,000 State of Now Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan • 192,000 00 20,000 PeAnsYlvania Rai ]road' First . Mortgage Six Per Cent. Hondo.. 19,46) 00 25,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second , Mortgage Six Per Cont. Bonds-. 23,625 06 25,000 Western Pennsylvania Radrosuil • • Mortgage Six Per 'Cent. Bonds (Pennsylvania Railroad oar. ntee).. ...-. 20,000 OP) 30,000 State of - Tennessee the Por Cent. L0an...... .. . . . .. 15,00000 7,000 State of Tennessee Six Pe'r; Cent. , Loan. 12,500 Pennsylvania Railroad Cum pany, 250 shares stock 14,000 00 5,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 100 shares stock 3,900' 00 10,000 Philadelphia and Southern Mail ' Steamship 'Company, SO shares stock 7,02:1,00 246,900 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, • first liehs on City Properties...,.. 24L300 00 ..........IQ/INJ.fi9u G 9 $1,231,00 Par. Thomas C. Hand, DIRECTORS. Samuel E. Stokes, John C.CDavis, William 0. Boulton, Edmtuld E. Souder, Edward Darlington, Theophilus Paulding, li. Jones Brooke, James Traquair, Edward Lafourcade, Henry Sloan, Jacob Riegel, Henry C. Hallett, Jr., Jacob P. Jones, James C. Hand, Janice B. Ill'lrarland, William C. Ludwig, Joehpa P. Eyre, , Joaaph H. Seal, Spencer Id Mvaln, High Cniig, J. B. Semple, John D. Taylor, • A .11.1lorger, George W . Dernadon, D. T. Morgan, William 0. Houston, .THOMAS C. RAND,.Preaident. JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice President EDNEY LYLBURN, Secretary. HENRY BALL, Assistant Secretary JEFFERSON ' FIRE INSURANCE u COM PANY of Philadelphia.--.oMce,No. 21, North Fifth street, near Market street. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. ()barter perpetual. Capital pad Assets. 8166,000. Make Insurance against Less or damage by Fire on Public or Private Braidings, Vnrniture, Stocks. Goods and Mar. ()heaths°, on favorable terms. Pe p te a r n s i o a n i !: I)ll2l9 lr d° e wt d ar o ß r .d iera M ad o n y e e r r Israel John F. Belsterlin , Adam J. Ohm, henry Troemnor, He Delany, Jacob Behandern, John Elliott, Frederick Coll, Christian D. Frick, Samuel Miller, George E. Fort, • William. Gardner. WILLIAM McDANIEL, President. • ISRAEL PETERSON - Vice President. MU , E. COLEMAN, Secretary and Treasurer. ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COM PANY.—CHAIITER PERPETUAL. ,Office, N 0.3111 WALNUT Street, above Third, Ptglada. Will insure against Loss or Damage by Fire en Build ings; either perpetually or for a limited time, Efonsehad Furniture and Merchandlsogenerally. Also, Marine Insurance on Vessels, Carg_oes Freights. - - Inland Insurance to all parts of the UtdOsi„ DIRECTORS. William Esher, Lewis Andenried, , 'Win M. Baird, John Ketcham, John IL illachiston, J. F.. Baum, William F. Dean, John B. He 1, Peter Sieger, Hammel H. Rotherrnd„, WILLIAM SHER President. WILLIAM 1. DEAI 4 I,, Mee President. Wm. M. Hitirrli.Socretary. la224tt th • tT —p _.... ) liii. .A. -- 31E - INStrItANCE C9Mr " y l: ' 809(11E8TM:1T STREET. _: , INCORPORATED 1856. CHARTE R y o liflirETVA.L. CAPITAL, 01200,000. . . FIRE INSURANCE RICUPLUSPTEr..Y. Inattree against Loss or Damage by Vire either by Pelh. . • potnal or Temporary poucleo, DIRECTORS. Charles nicbardSon, . Robert Pearce, I , Wm. U. Ithawn, John Kessler, Jr., Il' im a m 111 . SoYfort, Edward 11. OTDO, John F. Smith. . Chutes Stokes. . Nathan Hilted. , John W. Rverman, • • George A. Week •i Mordecai Ilqabri , 01GABLES ICHARDSON,Preeldettas WM. H. REA W Vbi, WILLIAMSi . x. BLANo sr 1"-Prea4.314. HARD. ecretary. aisl itt T" . Fi AI4DSO - Al E RES ENCE, 11, earner of Eighth a tul'Spriithi reota, eon to receive boarders.. Suites of rooms, with private tuade.iC desired. . ia2-he ~., ;:.•-tilstllt*.rttrig':).:;.,:.:,i'.,k STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS. OVER 525,000,000.,1, Market value, $1,265,570 00 COB, e 1,216,622 27. . Real Estate • 86,000 00 .131.116 Receivable for Insurance • made 623,700 15 Balances due at Agencies—Pre miums on lifarine - Policies. Ao crned Interest and other debts duo the Company • 65,097 96 Stock, Scrip, &c.. of sundry Cot , porations, 4,7U0. Estimated value ' • • 2,740 JO Cash in . • •,,• .. 516 8 ;0 8 83 Cash lit Diawer 972 26 -269,29-1 BOAItDING: 01,852,100 04
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