311115* PUBLICATIONS FOB TILE YOUNG ." Vicux Moustache," a favorite contributor $0 the liiterside Nagfaine, haiwritten 'for' that periodical a story called'" TO() Livesin One," whiCh the publishers,. Messrs. Hurd 45 Noughten t now issue in a very tasteful voltitel embellished with a frontispiece by Darley. The author's synopsis of his hero's life runs thins: "A little gentleman—a burglar's boy—a Bandall's Island . boy—then on a b:entucky borserY--champion rider in the circus—and tot a gentleman"—who distinguishes himself b the Northern army. The title of the story is derived from the known physiological fact that an accident' to, the brain may obliterate the recollection of previous events, and thus cut off the :past portion of a life from that which follows the wound.' The author's stathoritle,s for this fact, on which the origi; nality of his plot so greatly depends, are to be found on pages 3640, and are not the least . interesting parts of the book. The story is very well written, and has far more invention and spirit than we usually find in boys' books. That it constantly verges on the improbable is hardly to be urged as a fault,,lts lessone are tenerous and good, and we think ally boy will be the better for reading it. Sold by Turner Bros: & Co. The hero of " Nidworth," a high-toned and not at all stupid allegory, tries In turn each of three wands . , Riches, Knowledge, and Love or Charity. lie finds that Riches lead to disgust, and Knowledge to dissatisfaction,and that Love alone is the talisman of felicity. We fear that our analysis so far will only tend to drive readers from the book. But it is really good, the characters acting and talking with fascinat ing naturalness. • A boy-reader might prefer something more practical, but for many a little girl whose Imagination is active, and to whom fable is the natural language of life, the fairy machinery of "Nidworth " will seem smooth and graceful. It may not convert many per:. Verse children to charity And unselfishness. But it will fortify the'more dreamy and 'speculative child with that glow of fancy which makes the practice of virtue easier by associating it with ideas of poetry and beauty. This pretty book ie from the pen of E. Prentiss, author of "Little LotO Sayings and Doings." Roberts Brothers publish it very neatly, with a classic-looking frontispiece. For sale 'by Porter Sr, Coates. A lively French story about an, Angora cat, full of novel scenes and perfectly natural cat vicissitudes, is gracefully translated by Lois Barnard, under the title of " Velvet' Coat." It will prove an absorbing history for quite young ebildren. 4, The Craythome.s of Stony Hollow" is a tale in which the vice of intemperance is shown in all its horror, without the exaggera tion blr which some advocates of teetotalism spoil the good effect they aim at. The Influ ence of religion is shown to be the only real defence against degrading temptations. The author, Mrs. Mary J. llildeburn, has a well won reputation as a sound and agreeable teacher for the young. The "volume is issued, with - neat Illustrations, by the Presbyterian Committtee. The author of "The Ohio Ark" has been led to feel deeply the temptations to which young people, obliged to earn their bread in great cities, are exposed among the various equivo cal occupations which abound in tho obscue places of modern civilization. " The Ohio Ark " is a raree-show, the proprietor of which, becoming converted at the close of the history, repents of all his humbug and lies, boldly tells Ids visitors the truth about his factitious cu riosities, and closes the ticket-window on Sun days. The tale leads the reader through very queer, unaccustomed scenes, and has that air of freshness and holiday which young folks al ways find in a peep-show. It is written by Mrs. "Julia McNair Wright, who beads the chapters with pictorial initials of her own de signing. Smile publishers. The Little Nortons, a Summer's Life," carries a group of children through the ordi nary adventures and mishaps of American Country life, and ends pleasantly with a wed ding. It is quiet and thoroughly probable in tone, is well written, and keeps the reader in good society—an advantage that will be apple: ciated by many parents who are not very well pleased with the company of miraculously glean bootblacks, chivalrous and faultlessly appointed newsboys, and incredible peanut venders among whom it is the rage of modern •'juvenile" writers to lead" their little readers. It, is written by Mrs. Clara Barnes Martin,- and published by Loring, Short & Harmon; of Portland. It will be found among the juvenile stock of Porter & Coates. Henry Hoyt publishes " The• Yachtville Boys," a tale of sea-side life, by Mrs. Caroline E. Kelly Davis. Of a little circle of boys who begin life by a game of sailing their toy-boats round the world, some make 'real voyages, some suffer moral shipwreck, and one becomes a missionary in Hindostan. The - story has a real meaning to it, being an epitome of life ; it will interest and instruct. Sold by J. B. Lippincott & Co. THE CREAM OF THE NEW BOOKS. The New Instalment et iireude's tory. Longmans At Co. publish the sixth volume of Froude's History of England, concluding the period of narration originally undertaken by the anther. We draw upon the nevi portion fora few sparkling paragraphs. In the first place, let us take a portrait of Mary Stuart's son, the future James 1., as traced by Mr. Froude from letters addressed to Mary by M. Fontenay, brother to her secretary, and ad dressed to her from Scotland. Mr. Fronde justly observes: NAM' sICADI'S DISAPPOINTMENT IN HEE For the first time in these letters Mary • I.3tuart :was presented with an authentic picture 4re)f her son. She bad dreamt of Min through the weary years of her imprisonmea, as her coming champion and avenger. She had slaved, she had intrigued, she had brought her kinsmen in France to espouse his cause. His image had been the one bright spot in the gloomy circle of her thoughts, and this was the end. Here he stood before her drawn by no enemy's pen, but by the hand of her own devoted servant—coarse, ugly, vulgar, uncouth, inflated with vanity and selfishness, and care less whether she lived or died. It must have been a terrible moment, perhaps the worst that site had ever known in all her miserable life. He had gratified her revenge, for in doing so • gratilied himself. lu all else he threatened to be the most dangerous obstacle which had yet risen in her path. The only hold that she pototeSPed upon him was through his fears. He was craven at heart, he dreaded her male diction, anti he kilew thata Jae Would Da - Spare /613. . . Here is a curious picture. Sir John Smith, Queen. Itlizabeth'e envoy in Madrid in 1077, his an interview with the . Arelibiehop - of To= edo ; the` Archbiihop,' Quiroga, has several times refused an audience : AN ENGLISH . AMBASSADaIt AND A SPANISH 111.11LATN: Sir John, who had encountered ArchbishOPe in London and had not found them formidable, did not choose tb be : put off in this way. • He went. one evening into the palace, brushed past the porter, ascended the stairs, and forced himself into the sacred presence. It was after supper. " The Archbishop was in his private room with the Conde de Andrada, and two priests. He stared haughtily at the intruder, who pro ceeded to tell him, with entire coolness, that he considered that 'he had been treated with scanty courtesy. Ho :,was the minister of a great Queen, h% said, and as such was entitled to he - received and heard when lAP had any. , thing to communicate. "Vlie promise's made to 'Cobiam had been broken., The Holy (Alice had continued ion-use English seamen, who bad committed no offence, to rob, Imprison and otherwise injure them. He must request the immediate release of those who were at pre sent in the Inquisitor's hands, with compensa tion (bribe injuries which they had sustained. The Archbishoirliad remained, while the Am bassador was speaking, dumb with anger and amazement. At last, finding his voice, and starting • from his seat in a fury, he exclaimed—' ,Siriali! II tell you that, but for certain respects, I would so Chastise you for those words that you haYe, spoken,' that would, .make von. an ex ample to : all your kind. I would chastise you, I say, I would make you know to whom you speak in such shameless fashion.'-'—' Sirrah; re plied Smith, in a fury too, and' proud of his command Of the language which enabled him to retort the insult, Sirrah I I tell you that I care neither for you nor your threats.'—' Quitad Be off with you r shouted Quiroga, foam: hie with rage, leave the room ! away ! I say.' —'ll you call me sirrah,' said Smith, I will call yOu sirrah. I will complain to her Majesty of this.'—' Complain to whom you will,' said the Archbishop. Be off With you! Go Be off ;yourself,' retorted the Englishman, moving, however, to the door; the graceful interchange of insolence 'continuing till the Ambassador was out of hearing ; and the Archbishop follow ing and:railing at him from the head of the stairs." We pass to a subject whose interest is more lasting,•The rule of England over her Irish pos sessions. Elizabeth's Governor of Ulster, Essex, thus fulfilled his trust: TILE GOVERNORSHIP OF ESSEX IN IRELAND. Sir Brian MacPhelim O'Neil was owner, by the Irish law of inheritance, of the grant which Essex had received from the Crown. The attempt to deprive him had been relinquished. He had surrendered his lands, and the Queen, at Essex's own intercession, had reinstated him as tenant under the Crown. It seems, how ever,-as if -Essex bad his eye still upon the pro perty. Report. said that during the expedition against Desmond Sir Brian had held a suspi cious conference with Tirlogh Lenogh and the Scots of Antrim. It was assumed that he was again playing false; and . Essex determined to punish him. He returned to Clandeboy, as if on a friendly visit., Sir Brian and Lady O'Neil received him with all hospi tality. The Irish annalists say that' they gave him a banquet; he admitted himself that they made him welcome, and that they accom panied him, afterwards, to the Castle of Bel fast. Had Sir Brian meditated foul play, he would scarcely have ventured into an. English fortress;still less would 'he have selected such a-place for a crime which he could have committed with infinitely more facility in his own country. Essex, however, was satisfied that he intended mischief. , He had been de ceived by Sir Brian once before, and for avoiding a second folly by overmuch trust," as he expressed it, he determined to make sure work with so fickle a people." A• high feast was held in the hall. The -revelling was protracted late into the night before Sir Brian and his wife retired to their lodging out side the walls. As soon as they were supposed to be asleep, a company of , soldiers surrounded the house, and prepared to - break the door. The O'Neils flew to arms. • The cry rang through the village,and they swarmed out to defend their chief;'but surprised, half-armed and outnumbered, they were overpowered and cut to pieces. Two hundred men were killed. The,,Fotir Masters add that women were killed: The chieftain's wife had, probably, fe male attendants with her, and no one was knowingly spared. The tide -being out, a squadron of horse was sent at daybreak over the water into the Ardes, from which in a few hours they returned with three thousand ofSir Brian's cattle, and with a drove of stud-mareS, of which the choicest were sent as a present to Fitzwillliam. Sir Brian himself, with his brother and Lady O'Neil, • were carried as prisoners to Dublin, where they were soon after executed. SAME SUBJECT CONTINUED. • To the island of Rathlin, when Essex. en tered Antrim, Maeconnell and the other Scots bad sent their wives and children, their ag,ed and their sick for safety. On his way through Carrickfergus, when returning to Dublin,' the Earl ascertained that they had, not yet need brought back to their homes. The officer in command at the Enplish garrison was John - Norris. Three small frigates were in the har bor. The summer had been dry, hot and wind less. The sea was smooth; there was a light and favorable air from the east, and Essex direeted Norris to take a company of ' soldiers with him,crom over and kill whetever he could find. The run up the Antrim coast was---rapidly and quietly accomplished. Before an alarm could be given the English bad landed close to the ruins of the church which bears St: Coltarba's name. Brucd's castle was then standing, and was then occu pied by.a score or two of Scots, wlio were in charge of the women, But Norris had brought cannon with him. The weak defences were speedily destroyed. * * * * It was then discovered that several hundred more, chiefly mothers and their little ones, were bidden in the, caves about the shore. There was no remorse, not even the faintest shadow of perception that the occasion called for it. They were hunted out as if they had been seals or otters, and all destroyed. Surleyboy, and the other chiefs, Essex coolly wrote.'had sent their wives and children into the island, "which he had taken and executed to the number of six hundred." Again " We pasSed through the rebel countries," wrote Pelham, "in two companies, consuming with fire all habitations, and executing the people Wherever we found them." Alone of all EngliSh commanders he expresSed remorse at the work, but he said theexailiPle was necessary.,. Fitmanrice's withoitand her two little girls were Aiscorered by the way, con cealed In a cave. They are.heard of no more, and were probalb• slain with the rest.' The Irish anmdists OW that the bane Of Pelham and Ormond killed the blind and the aged, women and children, sick and idiots, sparing none. Pelhani's own words too closely con firm the charge. Mr. Frotuf can draw a fine picture when lie chooses. When qt,e Armada_ took leave of Spain on the 12th (22d) of July, 1588: , 'ERE SAILING OF THE ankADA., The scene as the fleet passed out of:the har bor must have been singularly beautiful., It was a treacherous interval of real summer. The early sin was s lighting the long chain of the Gallician mountains, marking with sha dows the cleft defiles, and shining softly on the white walls and vineyards of Corttana. The wind was light, and falling towards a calm; - the great galleons drifted slowly with the tide OTICE—THE BRIG "ANNIE, BANC El on the purple water,the long streamers. trailing ELDER." from Portland, Mo. - , - . ismow diacliarging from the trucks, the red crosses, the emblegt • cad Alloy 'Wharf., COM ignoon wUposja attend to of the crusade, showing bright upon the hanOt a r :e7,l4 4 ' WA r la tb a c t i o r = de*tf WOR,K N THE DAILY ; I TUSEDAY, JANUARY 4, 1870. SOLID SILVER WARE Useful and Valuable 1 31 RESENTS To Wife, Family or Frier" WM. WILSON & SON'S OWN MAKE, Old Stand, Cot.. Fifth and Cherry Sts., PHILADELPHLi. Also; A No. I PLATED WARE. del6-otrp.lBt HOLIDAY PRESENTS FOR GENTLEMEN. J. W. SCOTT ,& CO., No. 814 Chestnut Street, Philadelphin, Four doors below Continental Hotel. mbl-fm w tf HOLIDAY GOODS IN - THE • • Hardware Line.: Skates, strapped complete, from' to. to $l5 par pair. Tool Chests, from 90c. to $25 each. Table Knives, from $1 to $l2 per set_ Plated Forks and Spoons, beet treble plate, from $2 to $4 50 per set. Pocket and Pen Knives from 25c. to $4 each. And many other goods in great variety of styles and prices. At the • Cheap-for-Cash Hardware Store No. 1009 Itlarket Street. J., B. SHANNON. dos-tf (A . 1.1 4 ' T S OF HARDWARE. iJI Table Cutlery, with ivory, ivoryide, rubber and other handles, and plated blades ; Children's Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Scissor(' in sets, Razors, tiny Pocket Knives, Scissors, Razors, Hatchets, Pincers, Sce., for watch charm( ; Boxes and Chests of Tools, from 'el to 8)75 ; Patent Tool Handles ( twenty miniature tools in them); Boys', Ladies' and Gents Skates; Clothes Wringers ( they'll save their cost in clothing and time) Carpet Sweepers, Furniture Lifters, sets of Parlorand Field Croquet, miniature Garden Tools, Carpet Stretch ers, Plated Spoons, Forks and Nut Picks, Spice and Cake Bones, Tea Bells and Spring Call Bells, Not Crackers, Tea Trays and Waiters, Patent Ash Sifters (pay for themselves in coal saved); Carved Walnut Brackets, Gentlemen's'Blacking Stools. Boys' Sleds, Ap ple Pnrers and Cherry Stoning Machines, Patent Nut meg Graters, and a general variety of useful Housekeep ing Hardware, Cutlery, Tools, Sec. at TRUMAN Ss SHAW'S, No. 835 (Bight Thirty-five) ' Market street, ho-. low Ninth, Philadelphia. FOR B OBTON .-STEAM SHIP LINE DIRECT. BAILING FROM EACH PORT EVERY FROM rum STREET WHARF, P IIII, 4 I IILPHIA, AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON: FROM PHILADELPHIA FROM BOSTON. ROMAN, Saturday, Jan. 1 NORMAN, Satarday,Jaii. BAXON,Wedneeday, `• ARIES, Wodaesday, " 5 NORMAN, Saturday, " 8 ROMAN, Saturday, " 8 ARIES, Wednesday " 12. SAXON, Wednesday, " 12 ROMAN, Saturday, " 15NORMAN Saturday," 75 SAXON, Wednesday " 19 ARIES, Wednesday, " . 19 NORMAN, Saturday," 22 ROMAN, Saturday, " 22 ARIES. Wednesday, " 261 SAXON, Wednesday, ". 26 ROMAN, Saturday, " 291NOR51AN, Saturday " 29 These Steamships sail punctually. Freight received every day. Freight forwarded to all points ha New England. For Freight or Passage (imperlor accommodations) • apply to HENRI' W INSOR 00., • 338 South Del aware avenue. PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR LINES. FROM QUEEN STREET WHARF, The JUNIATA will sail for NEW ORLEANS, via Havana, on Tuesday, Jan. 18th, a NEW M. The YAZOO will fail from ORLEANS, via HA V.ANA ,on Sat u rday 1 J an. 11th. The WYOMING will sail for SAVANNAH on daturday,Jiin. 8. at 8 o'clock A. M, , The TONAWANDA will sail from SAVANNAH on Saturday, Jan. 8. The PIONEER will sail for WILMINGTON, N. 0.,0n Saturday, Jan. 3, at 8 A. M. Through bills:of lading Maned, and passage ticket/ sold to allpoints South and West. BILLS of LADING SIGNED at QUEEN ST. WHARF. For froight or_passage, apply to WILLIAM L. JAMES, General Agent, 130 South Third street. I)IIIL.A_DELPIIIA__, RICHMOND AND 1 NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. THROUGH FREIGHT-AIR LINE TO THE SOUTH AND WEST EVERY SATURDAYn t Nooniom FIRST WHARF, aboveMARKET' Street. THROUGH RATE& to all points in North and South Carolina via Seaboani Air-Line Railroad, connecting at Portsmouth, and to Lynchburg, Va., Tennessee and the West via Virginia and Tennessee Air-Line and Rich mond and Danville Railroad. Freight HANDLED BUT ONCE and taken at LOWER RATES THAN ANY OTHER LINE. The regularity, safety and cheapness of this route commend it to the public as the most dosirablemediuM for carrying every description of freight. No charge for commission, drayage, or any expense for . transfer. 'JEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEXAN -421 dria, Georgetown and WashingtOn, D. 0., via Ohea• awake and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alex. andria from the most direct route, for Lynchburg, Brie.; tol, Kuoxville,Nusbville, Dalton and the Southwest.- Steamers leave regularly from the first wharf above Market street, every Saturday at noon. Freight received daily. WM. P. CLYDE & 00., No. 12 South Wharves and Pier 1 North Wharves. HYDE & TYLER, Agents at Georgetown. m, Bun:taw E & CO., Agents at Alexandria. Va OTIOE-FOR NEW YORK, VIA DEL taware and Raritan Clanal—Swiftsure Transports on on Company—Despatch and Swiftsure Lines. The business by , those Lines will be resumed on and after tho 81it of )March. For Freight, which will be taken 'on accommodating. terms, apply to With. M. BAIRD b 192 South Wharves. TIELA.WAREI ANA CHESApica win girt Weasel Tow - nostOotriParlY.Barges tolled between pililadelphle, Baltimore, Havre de aracii, Delaware City andlatewnedlatepoints. - Wm. P. CLYDE .h CO.,Agonte; Capt. JOHN LAUGH. LIN, flup't Otlice, 12 Boutb - Wharyee, Philadelphia. XTOTICE.-FOR NEW YORK, VIA DEL -1:11 'AWARE AND 11,ARITAN CANAL. SWIFTSUBE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. DESPATCH AND SWIFTSURE LINES. The btleineee of these lines will be resumed on widener' the 19th of March. For freight r whieh will be taken o accommodating terms, apply to WM. BAIRD St CO., No. 132 South Wharves. ing Sails. ,The fruit-boatd were bringing off the last fresh supplies, and the pinnaces has tening to the ships with thelast loiterers on shore, ' Out of thirty thousand men.who that morning stood upon the decks of the proud Armada; twenty thousand and mom were never again to see the hills of Spain. Of the remnant who in two short months crept back ragged and torn, all but a feW hundred re turned only to, die. And his sentences on Pope Sixins the Fifth, who, bad promised Philip ef Spain a million, crowns when the Spanish troops had landed in England, are not less graphic 7 , It is needless to say that not one real of the million crowns was ever forthcoming. The great ideal of Catholic unity,,for which - the so' of Christendom was being trodden'into blood, when traced to its central^ incarnation, was found residing in a qUeralorial old hypocrite, a sharp practitioner, and a subtle politician, with as Many of the meaner partS of huinan nature, end he little 'of divine nature, aS was to 109 l foinid in any mortal on whom the, sun of heaven was shining. , HOLIDAY GOODS. G I F (118 Splendid .of Elegant Trines in BrontO, Inkstands, Writing Desks, Pocket Books, Card Cases, Gold Pens, Pipoils, &0., Boxes of Fine Stationery, With Initial, Monagram, Animals, Comic, &c. LOUIS Stationer and Card Engraver, 1033' CHESTNUT STREET. de4•s to th lm SHIPPERS' (QUID} Wednesday and Saturday. liteemehips insure at lo,tvest rates. FrO A ght received IL y WILLIAM P. CLYDE & 00. No. 1,2 South Wharves and Pier No. 1 North Wharves W. P. Agent atltichniond and City Point. T . F . cRowELL & CO„ Agents at Norfolk cciNsTGNElig ,- NO - VICEs. COPARTNERSUIP. QTWE 18 HEREBY ,CtIVEN' Tit.A . T: the limited partnership heretofore eitieditig Vi i i tween Richard Di Wood,' Josiah 13 *eon; Ileultonin i I .Marsh, Low IS W. Hayward, Heart Henderson. Bitthard Mood end Samuel P: Godwin Under the firm of woo4l ;Marsh, Hayward & Co.,.ttirminatta thin day by itti oWn he badness will be Battled at 302 ' Market iereet; PitiLangLrilia,Doceraber ffist, WM. • •. , , , , . •LIMITED .PARTNE/LBllll‘.—tHE SUB-' scribers hereby give notice that they have entered into a limited rartnershin, agreeably to the laWe of Pennsylvania relating to limited partnership. That the name or firm under which Hold partnership is to. e conductedis WOOD,. MARSH, lIA YWARO '4..00.; li That the general niature of the business Intended to be . transacted Is the Dry Goode and Notion Jobbing busin nese. That the names of all the general and special part nersi nterested therein are Benjamin V. Mash, residing on West 'Walnut Lane, Germantown, General 'Partner ; Lewis W. Hayward, residing at Nu. 243 South 'Eighth • street, General Partner; Henry Hendersturcresiding on ClieW street. (Tertian team ,' Goeral: Partner' •• Richard Wood. residing at N 0.1121 Arai street, General Partner ; Samuel P. Godwin, residing at. No. 918 Pine street, General Partner, and Josiah Bacon, residing at No. 487 Marshall street, Special Partner '• ' ' •., , :'• • That the amdunt of 'capital contrlloited hythe special •partner, Josiah Bacon, to the' common: stock; ,is fifty', t, hominid dollars. , , That the period at whiehi Said Partnership' IS to &ins olence is theaist day of December, A. D. 1809, and the ported at which it will terminate 18 the, 3lst day. of De cesr,er, A. D. 1870., * , ' " , , ~. - • . • .. „ ,JOSIAII BACON. . • almecial Partner. . • , BENJAMIIIMV. MARSH, LEWIS W. B.otwArty, • ii ICNRY HENDERSON, • , It MIL A RD . WC 0 D, SAMUEL P. GODWIN, • -jal 3614 ' •• ' General Partnere. T IMITED-PARTNERSHIP: •- - ~.. .L. 4 The anbacribers hereby give notice' that they have enti , red into 4 limited partnership, under the provisions of the acts of Assembly of the Oonunouwealth of Penn sylvania in ouch cocoa made and provided, upon the fol lowing terms : • . Fist—The name of the firm under which said partner ship shall bo -condncted • is EDWIN L. MINTZER, JR. Sreottd—The general nature of the business intended to lie transacted,is that of Foreign and Domestic Fruit and Produce business, said business to be carried on in the city of Philadelphia. • Third—The name of the general partner is EDWIN L. MINTZER, Jn., who resideS at No. 261 Small Third street, in the city of Philadelphia, and the nue% of the special partner is HARDING NVIIILIAMS, who resides at No. 1E415 North Tenth street, in the city of Philadel phia. Fourth—The amount of capital contributed by the said special partner,HARDING WILLIAMS, to the common stock of id firm, is ten thousand dollars t $3;10,000) ingoods and merchandise, duly• appraised by WILLIAM - H. DUNLAP, an appraisrr appointed by the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Philadelphia for said purpose, which call appraicement, so made, showing the nature and value thereof, has been duly filed in the office of the Recorder of - Deeds for the city and county of Philadelphia. Filth—Said partnership is to commence on the Bth day of December. 1869, and is to terminate on the Bth day of December, 137 1 . . EDWIN L. MINTZER, Jn., • General Partner. HARDING WILLIAMS., ' do l o-36t§' • Special Partner. PayISSOLUTION.—THE LIMITED PART- Derail]) of LIPPINCOTT & JOHNSON has. this expired by its own limitation. The business of the firm will be settled by the undersigned at the N. E. corner of Market and Seventh stree Y. JOSHUA W. LIPPINCOTT. ELLWOOD JOHNSON. ' PitILADELPHIA, 12 Mo. 31, 1869. CO -PARTNERSHIP.-THE UNDER signed have this day formed a co•partnership for the continuance of the importing and Jobbing Cloth business of LIPPINCOTT Jr JOHN SON. at their store, N. E. corner of '3larkt‘t and Seventh streets. under the firm name of LIPPINCOTT. JOHNSON & CO. - - JOSHUA W. LIPPINCOTT, ELLWOOD JOHNSON, DAVID T. BUHR. PuttAntartilA, Ist fo. Ist, 1870— COPARTNERSHIP. - THE UNDER.- SIGNED have thisday formed Copartnership for sale and shipment of Coal under the firm ofiIEPPLIER, GORDON St CO., at No. 32.1 Walnut street. - " GEOliaN 8. REPPUER, N. P. GORDON. ' H. P. REPPLIER. PHILADELPHIA, January. 1,1d70. DISSOLUTION. THE • COPARTNER SHIP heretofore existing under Arms of CALD WELL, GORDON do CO. at Philadelphia and New York, and of HALL, CALDWELL •A; CO.'. at Billiton, is this day dleeolvod by mutual consent . Either party will sign in liquidation. S. CALDWELL, JR., F. A. HALL. N. P. GORDON, S. B. YOUNG. PHILADELPHIA',December 31, TAE UNDERSIGNED HAVE. FORMED a Copartnership wader the style of HALL, BULK LEY R CO., and will continue the Coal business at No. 144 State street, Boston, and 112 Walnut street. Philadel phia. Y A. HALL E. B. BULKIEY PIMA DELPHIA , January 1, 1870. - T" FIRM OF A. B. SHIPLPX & SON in this day dissolved by mutual consent, Howard W. Shipley withdrawing. ' • A. B. SHIPLEY. • HOWARD W. SHIPLEY. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. I, 1870. MALCOLM A. SHIPLEY, le this day admitted into the film of A. B. SHIPLEY, the style of said firm con tintling'as heretofore. A. B. SHIpLEY A. SON, No. 503 Conuneree street, HOWARD W. SHIPLEY. _ _ COQUANOC WORKS,. Manufacturer of Pocket Cialory, Corner. of Trenton avenue awl Adams street, jal-6t* Philadelphia NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT under the terms of the articles of Copartnership of FITLER, WEAVER & COMPANY, of the city of Philadelphia m anufacturers of Rope and Cordage, the interest of MIChAEL WEAVED in said firm will ter minate, as will also Adid copartnership , open and after the firs t day of January, hie. EINWIN H. - EWER. THE UNDERSIGNED GIVE NOTICE that they have this day formed a .Copartnershiy under the firm of EDWIN H. FITLER S tORPANI and will conduct their business as manufacturers of Rope and Cordage at the old stand, Nos. 2$ North Wa ter street and 22 North Delaware avenue Philadelphia, EDWIN H. FITLER, CONRAD F. CLOTHIER. January 1,1870. . jaltefie to 11190 - JOSHUA COWPLAND THIS DAY efi withdraws from the firm of JOSHUA COW PL AND & SONS, and solicits the patronage of his pld customers to be continued to his Sons. . . _ . JOSHUA COWPLAND. FrIFIE LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE Frame Business will be continued. as heretofore, by HENRY M. & C. CONNOR COWPLAND, under the Jinn of JOSHUA COWPL AND'S SONS, at their new Store, No. IS North Sixth street. ; The business of the late firm will be settled by us. HENRY,III. COWPLAND C. CONNOR COWPLAND. PIIILWITELPIITA, Jan. 1,1870. jai 3t§ NTOTI AL D =-WIN LOCOMO TIVE WORKS. EDWARD 11. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM P. HENSZEY and EDWARD LONG - STRETH have been admitted as co-partners in this thin. The business will be continued as heraofore, under the name of M. BAIRD k CO. Mattlow Baird, George Burnham, (Marko T. Parry, Edward. 11—W1Wants, William P. Urinary, Edward Louptretli. ' PHILADELPHIA. January 1et,1870. jal•3t" TIIE FIRM OF WILMER, CANNE4'&; CO. is tII6 day nissolved by mutual consent. The business of the firm will be settled by the late . partners. at 242 Chestnut street. J: RINGGOLDWIER, 8. W. CANNELI JOAN LARDNIIR. PIMA DELPIITA DAs. 31,1869. PHILAD E LIPH lA, DECEMBER 31, 1869. —The firm of DORAN & TAITT ns „this day dis olved mutual consent John T. Taitt retiring. The businessmill he continued by M. J. Holum ; the. style of the firm remaining unehanged. • M: J. MIRAN,' jal 3t* JOHN I'. TAUT. riIHE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE Pxieting between the undersigned; in the name of A. KUSER BERG, imMittinger of the linuthwark Sugar Refineries, ie this day dissolved by mutual consent. . . ALFRED KUSENEERG, ' E.G. KNIGHT. The business will be continued by E. V. li.' bi ICH T St. CO PHIL/LI/ELM( PA . December 31.. 1.469. , al 30 &I~OC~R~, LIfj~JORB ; disk: ~, Almeria& and Catawba Gramm BEST; QUALITY RAISINS. 'A Im ondo, Walnuts, Havana Oranges, Figs, Prunes, Citron, Olirrants, &0., &o. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES. , ALBERT C. ROBERTS. Corner Eleventh and Vine Streete, NEBB BRAD AND BRAYED lmon, Tonmies and Sounds, in prime order, just received and for sale at COUSTY , S Haat End Grocery No. 112 , South Second street. below Chestnut street. . P URE BRICES,_GEOUND AND WHOLE —pure Engllab Mustard by the round —Choice White Wine and Crab Apple Srinagar for pickling_in store, and for sale at COMM'S East End Grocery, o. 118J3euth iieeond street, below Chestnut street. ISTEW GREEN GINGER. 1.00 POUNDS of choice Green Ginger in store and for sale at GUSTY'S. Eat Edd Grocery, No. /18 South Second street, below Chestnut street. • QOUP E3.-T OMAT 0, PEA, MOCK 1,..1 Turtle and Jullien Soups of Boston Club Mounts°. ture ono of the finest article's for pie-nice nut sailing parties. Nor sale at ()MISTY'S Bast End Orocery, H South Second street. below Chestnut street. WHITE BRANDY FOR PRESERVING. —A choice article j•ist received and for sale at WHITE East End Gracery, No.llB South. Second street, below Oheetnut street, PrAWO 115, 0 .lUNDT 86 MANE kutsT C,toASS athuishein Ph uh r pil a rPtlod Orchestra, and C ' olllzl Pianos. ', .. • - • 1 , For sale at barsalne only by de£4ll 0 tultni A. taLIiLIIZER, bid Aioh sireat. I . N.Llaylk SAVki DEPOStIrS. .1,1.11k1 ~ PHIL ~A DEL P , HI .; ~, 4 ; ,:.,..,,, . 4 InairsT,,sAtin )611310, 1 It. INSURANOMCO)II.P Ir,:l Chartired by the' Legislature of POLioyl. ... "- . vanity Aprit, - flik; '!:?.1.. - !,v,; Capital, . - ':,,.r0 Established for the Exeetrii . Executorship*, Etc.; ilhop tial of Valuable*, and thb " '.' Small Sokol's - ft* JP i 'l"'"Y niutzd: Philltidelpitii IlaultrY ,This Institution is now op• tion of business and the Cot ness to receive SPECIAL DIII4 KEEP IRO Of GovEnnzprr t3otrnixias,LvEn. and Go rzt.nT, and other portable special guaranty, at' rater charged by other SAPID , in the principal cities of ti and to 13,Z8T SMALL „SAM GI.AE-Pnodir Vaults/it rates.' to $7 per year, according to h These 'Vaults are well lighted of enormous strength, and nr has been spared in their co der teem AESCLUTELY Watchmen of undoubted el. and intelligence will be on dui (Sundays and holidays inch outside of the premises; and t precaution has been adopter arrangements to preclude stealthy or sudden theft. omitted to provide for the most perfect attainable securil and Renters, and afford a' against FIRE, THEFT,. 13unc DENT:; the means for which Company are not, it is be& the country'. IV- All fiduciary. obligatiOns; Trusts,a uardianships, Executorships, will be undertaken and faithfully die EY" Coupons, Interest and othet, will be collected when desired,. ainii to the owner for -a small cduuossikpi Suitable accommodations anti for the convenience of ladiert "t, izr Circulars, giving full details on application, 011iee Hours : 9 e'clo 211. to 4 'O'ei DIRECTORSt THOMAS ROBINS, A LEWIS R. ASHHURST.,_ 44 '''' J. LIVINGSTON ERA - INGER, R. P. McCULLAGH, • - EDWIN M. LEWIS, ' JAMES L. CLAGHORNy BENJAMIN B, COMEGYS, AUGUSTUS HEATON . , F. RATCHFORD . STARR, DANIEL HADDOCH,'.T.n., EDWARD Y. TOWNSEND, JOHN D. TAYLOR,. HON. WM. A. PORTER. • OFFICERS: Preoldent, ! LEWIS R. ASHHURST. Tico , Presidento J. LIVINGSTON ERRINGER: Seetetary and Treasurer, ROBERT P. MoCULLAGH. Solicitor, RICHARD L ASHHURST. jai s tu th 9ti SECURITY AGAINST LOSS )3Y, BURGLARY, FIRE OR ACCIDENT. THE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY a IN THEM New Fire and Burglar-Proof Building, Nos. 829 and 331 Chestnut Street. THE FIDELITY INSURANCE, TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY. Capital § $1,000,000 DIRECTORS. N. B. Browne, Edward W. Clark, Clarence 8.. Clark, Alexander Henry, John Welsh, Stephen A. Caldwell, ch ar i es id am i et u r , 4 Gwe F. Tyler, Henry C. GI In. B. BROWNE. Nice President—CLAßENCE H. CLARK. Secretary and Treasurer—ROßEßT PATTERSON, Aashdant tiocretary—JAMES W. RAELEDURST. The Company have provided, in their new Building and Vaults, absolute security against lose by EIRE, BURGLARY or ACCIDENT, and - RECEIVE SECURITIES AND VALUABLES ON DE POSIT, UNDER GUARANTEE.. Upon the following rates for'one year or less period : Governinent and all other Coupon Se entities, or those transferable by de livery.al 00 per &I ,000 Government and all other Securities registered and negotiable only by in _ dorsentent. 60 peril II Gold Coin or Bullion /31 26 per l Silver Coin or Bullion tip 00 per sl' Silver Silver or Gold Plate, under seal, on own- . • er's estimate of value, and rate. subject to adjustment for bulk Sl 00 per_ ell Jewelry Diamonds, ,k4c $2. 60 per 191 ~ Deeds, Mortgages and Valuable Papers generally, w . of no fixed value, &I a year each, or according to bu - These latter, when deposited in lin boxes, are charge!. a ccording to bulk, upon a basis of I,yi %et cubic, cap - city, 010 a year. Coupons and interest will be collected when desired, an • ` remitted to the owners, for one per cent. The Company offer for BENT., the lessee exclusive] holding. the - key, - SAFES INSIDE TILE DUEOLAR-PROOr VAULTS At rates varying from 615 to f/75 each per anininly , cording tome. Deposits of money received, on which intereat will b allowed :-9 per cent. on Call &peens, payable by - Check at sight, and 4 per cent. on Time de posits, payable on ten days , ' notice. • Travelers' Letters of Credit furnished', available In at r, parts of Europe. • This Company is leo authorized to act as Executed; Administrators and uarditum, to receive and ixectitit • Trusts of every description from the Courts, corporai• tions or Individuals. N. B. BROIVNE. • ROBERT PATTEITSON President. Secretary And Treasurer. ' ' • n02,4-w th f 2m4 -- 110 - DP SICIRTS AND C-ORSEIrS.- 1115. GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE HOOP SKIRTS AND COMM; Commancing Saturday, Deoembe' l 4;'' , :-_-,, And will be continued until January 1, 1870, with pri e tli marked down to and below the wholeaalo gold prl affording an opportunity for unprecedented bargains' , A • first- class HOOP SKIHTS and CORSETS for ,tho time above-stated ONLY. WOO Hoop Skirts for Ladits, Misses and Children in - .100 varieties of styles, size, quality and prices k from leo. to $2, many of them marked down to less than one third price. Over 10,000 Corsets, including 83 kinds and prises, such as. Thomson's Glove fitting Corsets, flvo grades; Jas. - Heckel's Superior French itinven, in all qualities; IL in four varieties; Mrs. Moody's Patent Solf-nd- Soking Supporting_ Corsets; Pdadarne,ffoy7s Corsot and kirt Supporters; Superior Hand-made,,Cormets, in all grades, DI lases', Children's; &c. Together witlrour otvn make of Corsets, in great variety. ' • All of which will be' . . , . NARKED DOWN TO PANIC PRICES, .C 4 ll early, while the stock romaine Unbroken, as theta can be no duplicates at the prices.. At 1115• Chestnut Street. WM. T. 110PICINSI de6 m w 3nl,Ft EDUCA ilOl4. OBERT 11.LABBEIttON'S fIRMINARY R .for YOUNG L A.DItS • will be opened at 938 South Fifteenth etreet, on EWA • •DAY, January 3d, /870, oarw f MIN lig tcra, ' _ed. .otue ttted tiled =MEE MMIMM ~ , • tiOPOSALS. - . • piTo*tis*r t s 0 till 11AB .ERT --- ' , ... Or.Stee o'r, PAYMAATER U. S. NAVE -- roy. 425 CHESTNUT Smelt Plitt,Annt,rnia, January 1et,187 'f, iISEALER PROPOSALS, endorsed •,1-.k. posals fpeTimber," will be received ,iv ' Office until 12 'o'clock M., on the 13th o 6 - 1 - i , • wary, for furnishing the United Stat( „,,,, Department 'witittlie following Timlis " of the best quality, and R ubje c i t o i ell si the- Inspecting Oflieer 'in the Phil; / 13 , 4 ' • avY Yard, where it is to be delivered' t'll , dayti after acceptance of bid, free of t t r i CI fr,to the gOvernutSlit, for. !bible sect#l et -' c FOR BUREAU OF CONSTRUCTIO , &O. ~ 10 pieces Yellow Pine, 36 to 48 „feet Ong, 10,1 ineheisqnare-t-mast.', r T 10 pieces Yellow Pine, 38'to 54 feet lon 171 .;. f . , . ; . inches square—mast. , ~ . ,‘ - • I,3,pier,ea Yellow Pine, 47 to, 30 feet .l lig, 1 • 44i,indleli tojilare—gratit. " , 1 3 Pieces Yellow Pine, 54 to 51 feet long, 19 „. „inches square—topmast. i l5 ~ I:pece Yellow ',Pine, 38 i fect long, . , inches equare—topmast. - -- lieges Yellow Pine, a feet long, 21 inches , equare—ards to taper at SE(181,0 12 inches. 3 pieces Yellow Pine, 00 feet long, 22 inches sqllare—yards•to taper,at ends to 12 iriehee , l,. --A' 6 pieces Yellow Pi - ne, 45 to 48 feet long 4t inches square—yards to taper at end to 9inches 1. pieee Yellowrine, 55 feet -longs 18 litelie.4l' aquas--,iibbooin. • 1 • ', '" ,The eleven 'pieces for -Yards,' tapering, to '. lave the heart in the centre ..at ends, ' • To, be of the best quality, fine grained Southern Yellow Pine, which has not,been ,So .more sap-wood than otie-eightb Of the face will be received on each corner. Dedue- ' lions will be made in the measurement for all tap-wood, axe marks, and improper squaring. To be free from cross-grains, shakes, largo knots, or other defects. The butts and tops to be cutoff to sound wood. The actual length and size of each piece re- Quired. can be obtained on application to the Naval Constructor, Navy Yard. • Blank forms for proposals at this , EQBERT PETTIT, Paymaster, United States Navy..; jal 10t -- fIOVERNMENI - SALST -- Bgg UREAU' OF oiviiTuE. , . NAVY DEPARTMENT, WARRINGTON CITY, Dec. 318aL i "SALE; OF ;SERVICEABLE AND UN ,,,, SERVICEABLE ORDNANCE STORES: There will be sold, at public auction, to the highest bidder, atnoon, on Wednesday, Jana- , y/ ' ary 12,1870 , in the (Alice of the Inspector of I „,,,I Ordnance, Navy-Yard, Norfolk, a large lot of „,,,.. 1 articles of ordnance comprising„,gurr-ottr= ,:,t ' 4.1." . ; nd miscAlanlinists , stately . ' , .... TVirsuit — enezbalf cash, in - Government , ;i i.. . funds, on the conclusion of tho sale, and the ~, c, I 4 ,,, remainder within ten days afterwards, during :4., ''' which time the articles must be removed from the yard ; otherwise they will revert to the ~.,, • ; Government. ' ~, r • It la to lie distinctly uriderstood that no - ,i,,, , ,,,,,;i guarantee will be given to purchasers of arti- ;,,,:, ones offered for sale, and noted in the ;rata-..• '4 4 r.- 'lope, as regards their exact condition or • */;,. 1 quality, but it is belleved,lip ~. , . ' every- ,-... thing offered for sale is as a • i = . ' A- ° ' Ct i i r / ..., de&m,w,tjal2l. .- i ; I,o_, . toi''„ i: r .:;,,,„,,;:t - rustAr4 SII:NDAY SCHOQLB twig. Publications. ten 4 to CO., at the 8.8. Emporl mu t No American Sunday-School IJnion's PERIODICALS, BLV. nICIIARD NlyrTOti t D. D., EDiTott THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL' WORLD, for Sunday•school Teachers, Bible classes. Parente, awl all interested in the religious training of the young. The volume. for 1570 will contain a new course of per mons for Children, by the Editor: " BATUMI'S WONDERS; and a now eerie, of Leeson* on. the "LIRE Ulr (1111113 T," with notes and illustrations. • It will also, during the year, contain • Editorial Cor respondence from abroad. It'is publisheA monthly, 16 pava quarto, at the lers rate** V PUTTY CENTS nil A XIMNI. THE CHILD'S ABORLD a beautifully Illustrated paper for children and youth, published twit a ITlOnth, at the low rate of 21 cents a coPY, per annum, when tell copies or more are rent to one address; and It can he had monthly, complete ay thrtß Isturtl, at - o 1 r half the above rites. Postage, in all ram e, payable at the office where recoive4. This paper also will contain letters to the children from the Editor while abroad. fc,r . Catainguee of the Society's publications, and emu pi” copies of Its periodicals, furnished gratuitously, on uppllcation at the Depository of the AMERJCAN SUNDAY•SCHOOL UNION, 1122 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia jai e tu th I tel ZELL'S POPULAR ENCYCILICIPEDIA, A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge. T. ELLWOOD ZELL, Publisher, 17 and 19 South Sixth Street. no 3 w s 3m§ .111 I t Offi,)P, R Y OF MARRIAGE.—A now course of tet.,;.;,:•0101{ delivered at the Now• hi ork Museum pf Anotntri,••• ~‘ • In the sub to ; How to Live and what to o Live foriWate3 tiaturi od Old A t tei , Blia i nhood genemlly reviewed the tiatio , •' _ . i, sub Or .m.a.ruaVl'platgpliCalZa.trilltred L "`.4.,.::!" 4-. Pocket volume" containing Lectures will , be for warded, poet paid, ortrecet , t o 4by addreeeing • W. A. Leary, Jr, donated' . . jfifth and Waimea "tree% PhtledelPhitt, - '., ... fe2o lyj ~ — COBS •,' ' --- ---- ' • _ . , it BARATET. CiaRSETS, TOURNUBES, PANIERS. 112' Si Aveuth St. HEATERS AND STOVES. 0.4, Oa r-4 0 :g or•rublle tloBe. . • ••• Also; 8118 8, 11;1; 111, 0 :; le Ileaterr_AoYet.do Rollere, , TattoveAdlel stworholotslowld r . aq 13029r0 w 6ni N TRY . 1 111 MA %IX OW& SONS, 't .1. • usuulid4 A:Dixon t • vad,(iss.s'HoßEßTAT .Btoofet_,Rlailadei• ; :totes .• utibe i tm*.4l , p* vitt t •''.ll/f.TESi • • , 1 4 ffsso i ir 'b r a c i t hea l tuid.Wood Fire; •r, „ , WARN-. URNAOE 0 fj) o r He , d Private BuildlniB), 44.4 A1XG , 1. 4 779 0 1., • , tv 7 ,44 .0 ,1 • _ • ! 13Vgpfl CAPB,, _ AIcIOK/NO , R,ANGE , BATNNOILERS, •.-•a•• wHOLEII • arid RETAIL. , •• ; • 1 - z 'TONSOp APPIY 'IVIMMAIS(& 00., • • S .. At & . r" 0 4 • , • CO , Vorels. tai twentydirorent this. tangos, Hot - Air Furnaces, 's 1; ()retook Ftreboard•liteves Itites , Coolant; tail the' ntanntacturers t LIAR •B &THOMSON, : , 209 North Second street. ENE= the public printor„the first instalment of litcOniit ,return blanks, isiimbering - 1,690,000; • ' .' ' ' ~, - : Tim cr. menial Council has been driven' :from St.-Pe r's,,by its ; acpustic.deled ; 4 s 1 and'4 1) i to sit iii the uirbial in 'Attire • AT a me' ng orgreMen.lield la.St evanin'g,'' .Andrew Sc ayer, ,of. Friendship Fire: Com-0 pang No. 1, was elected chief ,ctiglueer of the liarrisbnrg Fire a Departin'ent. •. ' ' Union. and . , 'Dot Western Union ., nd lifinitrear _ tl.'ele'-', gmpli Companies' offices at Whitehall, N. Y.,. weie destroyed by an incendiary lire yesterday morning. ' - - 1.. ' 7 '., '' '7' ,:-. 'N'Ai'oLEON visited dk-Oueen ' Itabella,' yes= terday, and \vas told by her that she de-: dined to work with the 31oritpeusiers solely to please hint.' : :' ' . . : ~ ~- ~- ••; . ~--, . t - ---.Pnist has telegraphed to Victor Emmanuel 'foi a decided yes or no in the matter or the candidature.. of the Duke' of. Genoa 'flu. the . Spanish Crown. PRIM and Olozaga have been conferring 'lately, and ministerial changes. witb a view to: the prolongation of the Provisional; Govern-, ment are talked of. I 1 II ~ 9,K ' 1 r 4 Ac 7 ' ' Tiw public debt staternent, January 1. 1870, shoes: Debt bearing coin interest, $2,107.- 939,100; seemed interest, $48,797,653 ss. Debt bearing interest in lawful money, $.19,- 545,000: interest, $1,120,900. • Debt on which interest- has ceased since maturity, $1,140,- 980 04 : 'interest, 5rA4,906 60. Debt hearing no interest, $436,040,143_18. Total debt, principal and interest, including'coupons due, not presented for payment, $2,G.16.134,010. Amount in Treasury, $209, 357,710 69. Debt ' less amount in Treasury, $2,448,146,9:4 31. Decrease Of priblicdebt during the past month, .$4,512,71 4 1 92: • Decrease of debt since March $16,71( . 4;106 10. , Tilt: new' French: Ministry bas been formed. The .Jobe nod Oilicid gives the list as follows : Minister of Justice, Emile 011ivier; Minister of Foreign Affairs, Count Napoleon Daru ; Minister of the Interior, Cherastdrier de Val drome; Minister of Finances, Louis Joseph kinffet ; Minister of War, Edmund Leboueff, Minister of Marine, Itigault de Germuilly ; Minister of Public InStruction, Emile Alexis Nevis; Minister of Public Works, Marquis de Talhouet : Minister of ATlculture and Com meree, Charles Louvet ; Minister of Fine Arts, Maurice Ziishard ; Emperor's Household, COunt,Vaillant ; President of the Council of State, Ekquiron de Parien. An imperial de cree separates the Ministry of 'Fine Arts from tint of the Eniperor's Household. , : NEW Your( despatch says; "The salaries of employes of the Western Union Telegraph , Company at San Francisco, California, having . - b.eeivreduced, -- by - order 'of the - company,. with ont,ceminitation with theM, they have in sequence saSpended work and called upotitheir; brethren throughout the country to aid them, in resisting this , action of the company. • They employes of the company at Sacramento, Omaha, St. Lonis,.Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleve- . land; Lordsiille,' New Orleans;' • Baltimore, ; Washington, Albany, and other principal Offices have expressed their determination, to., Co-operate with their :San .Francisco• brethren!' `in, preventing this reduction. ' T , General News Item& Correspondence of the Militatelhhte Evening. Bulletin.] WILMINGTON Jan. 4.—The heavy fall of rain during the WILMINGTON, few days of the past week and the 'windstorm of Sunday night have Ofitisid te highest, tides ever known here. hie win was so strong that it blew down ,a new brick nufekirie shop out at the Edge Moor Iron Works,nn•the Delaware•riveri.The bail li linglrm new and , the mortar fresh, so 'the wan could not resist the pressure. The- less is $2,500 or $3,000. The'regular fare between 'Philadelphia and Wilmington has been reduced tO 50 cent 4 OPP the abolition of the excursion tickets,- The arrangement went into 'effect yesterday. 'The fare from way stations to Philadelphia has , also been reduced, but from the same stations" to - V4iinington the ‘ price,retualm the , same.; ,Otte, business men growl at this as ,"discriminating ; agalnif WiliningtenP a ,charge frequently. made a few years ago, 'but about which little • Las been said of late. The Wilniington and 'Reading Reilroad'Wes finally opened from here to Coatesville by run- Wog ethirsiOn'trainti•on FridaY firiftSattlidaY, t4-day trains commenced running regularly. The fare is $l, which is generally reg,arded as too high. About four O'clock yesterday morning there was such a, brilliant display of Agrora Borealis that the fire-bells struck an alarm and our fire men rushedlnorthWard ; to extinguish the fires. They---came back 'inoking ,rather; sheepish, though their remarks on the subject were by no means lamb-like. The lecionere,4l basbeen "interviewing" a number er prominent business men concerning the financial situation. Most of, them seem to agree that the stringency in the money market haS ;been greater in Wilmington -than else where, and attribute it to the lack Of sufficient banking capital, the low legal rate. of Interest, and our stringent usury laws. As money cannot be legally invested here at a higher rate, of interest than ti per cent., it, naturally flOWs towards localities where a higher rate is obtainable. A determined effort will be made ti .? , 14 , 411 2 1110 hvanasir. Ltnit, City Clerk of Bprittgfield, ed with embezzling city funds. the, New York Stanton_ fund , received the / French Gieneros, an New Year's day. .real ;revenue receipts,. yesterciaki to the irhostralik theavy sudi ^of ticeltdi4try , fire Mobile do Sunday night desteoyed several stores, and caused ft loss of over $50,000. I Tilt: 0/310 Legislature' , met, yesterday , au d , organized. A. J. Cunningham, a reform can*.,- didate, was elected Speaker of the House. pEt,t„ Tiguor Yesterday %sued an nrdetA ame ing the command of Georgia as a 311litarr District under • tlie lieconstrucaon act, 1. , Cegiiilatnee rest4'4ay., ; , The Goveinneti Message wlli be 'ache' Id to day. commlssloNEß DEfAxi) has ordered' frod A MAN Was recently convicted in Idaho or selling whisky to the Nez Perce Indians, and sentenced ,:te- twelve .ntonths'impripctnynent. There haie been no drunken seen in the tribe since. GEorrok. JAmium's brewery at Washing ton, .`,111.; • was burned . , on - Lossf. $10,009. ° There '.were seven ' slight fires Chicago from Saturday night until yesterday morning. Ggvxmon messar„e to the Ohio Legislature; recommends adOpt4on of the Fifteenth Amendment; shows a surplus in the ,estimated , receipts over expenditures ; states :,theifiebt pt 5p,855,08, rtct recent- Mends a revision of the financial laws. defaulting Cashier of the 'Merchants' Exchange.iltieklievi York, turns out to be the real the case of the Farmers' and Drovers'_7lfaiilr "'iii'Somers,' Westche ster county, 'Milli the cashier who was con victed of the &fair Mien and imprisoned, has been releaSet?: AT A • 4s , ocratio Legislative caucus last Wm; ilitchmati,t of New York, :was - nominated for Speaker. Other officers were nominated as well for the Assembly as the Senate. They will be elected probably on the first ballot. The Legislature meets to-day. IS nEt•rxrsti to the felicitations of the corps Legislatif, on New Year's day, blapo ln referred tti the necessity fora perfect no stated that under the new condition of things he felt more confident of overcoming difficulties in the future. PROM WILMINGTON. • - ht the next, meeting of the Legislature (Jann /11Y, 19 7 1 1) to ritlfter the rate of interest to 7 per cent., and ; allow higher rates to. be con tracted for if the parties Interested choose to ! Some fellow 'calling himself' “Captaitt O'Brien, " and representing himself a Fenian eseeped from x "British Botile," has been victimizing our Irish population with a con 'Shietithlibciegree of success. lie wound up. doPP4I4I/ made lus,exit, , • RiOw yr‘iii4MaYlkpasatisliefe end'liFfp tiii*lbe different from other days, ti lt see. A few ladies kept open iiived callers, but , the custom rgress hert. % 1k now and then of a new daily uted here but there seems to be litt Of which Delaware forms a itAIPP 41Sgi* :4 1 4 fox. - dime. test a'bloody murder - ewes corn theater county by a young man !tack, Who butchered a store -money, and last week one Laurel, Sussex county, killed' reatening„the life of his wife ; runty two men named George t.„Thotntkon, alias ,‘ Ben Bolt," iered a man named Alexander .; 4 - 4t, ...iewivrt, in this county, on New here was a fight in a tavern, in '1 - j 4% • ' *hie t fire-anns re freely used, but, snip litlTY,P)4/4104aa Serjonsly hurt« , :, .•. i .„.1..,. L.,, •-,, 1991r$11SICILVANIAL FIN4.NCES. . , „pei‘entte of the Commonwealth of Pennßyl - tAnitt-r.S;oootory of ,thel•,eipta. at the 11:tate 75.0'4 . 417'y: front the 1 ay of Deertit• 0 bin 1808,.{a the 40th clay,p ~.. orember, Wit), ?loth: days tartan re.' Lands - - - - - ' $19,818 52 AtAgti (l CCilinliftliftnii , .' - 1 7 2 0 1 9 /6 02 Auction duties - - - - 51,108 11. Tax on corporation stocks • - 1,027,172'05 Tax on personal property . -, , - k 454,873 10 Tax on!dans - - '- - 3 , 10,810 19 Tax on, net earnings or income ' 310,81)5 '/38 ax °lXFiss•ReceiPt. 6 ,' - - 3 "iiii&7./ Tax onAhrolment °flaws , '- 2t,_, 00 Tax rliPnatl& ,`, ~:.•!. - • -, , 29 3X0 42 Ti ontal --- - - - 159,577 50 Taxk On - tiorlat Pack stocks,.-. ' 487;162 59 Cora ' of toonage tax - "$60,090 ou 0 01 - of 4vitic4egs, ,T,., 00,935 12 raul '4'ex o n ni.ffices - - 16,044 49 Collaleral laheri4ol/9f:tax, - , 2,27,328 58 Tavent licensei, - - - - 289,555 37 lietailersklicenkes -.-, • - . • 422,273 85 - Sample licenses, - - - 7,399 00 Theatre, :it:trills .aiid :iuenagerie licenses ; - • - - - r 12,5, 44 Billiacl `g oo ; ' liaikling saloon and tenpin alley licenses, - ,5,864 58 Eating house, beer house, and, • restaurant licen.r ! , . .32,033 38 Peddlers' licenses;- ' 3,365 84 Brokers' licenses„ , ' , 8,851 21 • Patent medicine licillloses, - 2,763 Distillery and brewery licenses, 7,622 52 34ill,ers' lieenses, -`„ ' 4,286 77 Foreip insurance agencies, - 266,226 71 Premiums awl charters,.., - 60,677 54 I'awplilet lairs,-- -5&; 03 Interest on loans, - - - 11,446 34 Escheats, - - - - - 5,147 62 Dividends on bridge stocks, - Pennsylvania railroad 'Company; bond N 0.12 redeeined, ' 100,000 00 Annuity for right of way - - • 10,000 OD Refunded cask - - - - 2,220 11 Fines and forfeiture - • 343'01 Fees of the public oflieeS - - d t, 7,594 62 Sales, of public property - - Accrued interest - Balance in the Treasury Nov. 30; - - - - 1,012,925 37 EspPnditoree of the Cllhanglivralth of Penn - ..Ntronio--4_4tonmary of the payment :I at the 601 tP Tr(aslirlt. from the Ist day of Dere4,l - 1868, to the 30th .flay of Norember,lB69, both days inch:Rare. Expenses of Government, • - $804,730 17 Military expenSes, ordinary, - 1,728 67 Pennsylvania volunteers in the war with Mexico, • - - 24 03 Military expenses, per act of April 16, 1862, - - 9,949 01 31ilitary expenses, per 4cl. of April 22,1863, - - 52,322 25 Military expenses, per act of April 11, 1860, - - . 27 00 Military' expenses, per act of April 17,1807, - - 509 99 'Military expenses, per act of April 11,1868, - - - ;4360 06 Military expenses, per act, of April 3, 18139, - - 106 90 Military expenses, per act of • " March 24, 1869, - - - 179 40 Military expenses, per act of April 16,1869, - - - 5,306 30' Pensions and gratuities, - -. 123,265 69. Charitable institutions, - - .754,116 07 1 Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society. • ' - . - - - Common schools, • - - Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, : ' Loam, &e., re- deemed, - $472,409 18 Other payments, . 7,200 00 Interest on IG4►ns, - Damages and old claims, - - Monument to the memory of Mexican soldiers ' - - ; Amendments to theConstitli c tion t State Library, - - • - Publie,buildings and grouuds, AdditiOu to Governor's mansion, Houses of Refuge, Penitentiaries, Escheats, Counsel fees and commissions, 1,408 16 Retenue Commisslonem, - - 1,800 00 Mercantile Appraisers, - - 1,954 OS Special' Commissioners, - Clak. 8,362 75 Harbor Master, Philadelphia, - 2,083 32 Port Warden, Philadelphia, - 1,666 66 Ventilation of Mines, - - 2,000 00 Miscellandous; - - 49,432 71 Balance in the Treasunr, Nov THE GREAT girolol. The Gale in Jersey City. .; -, ApAtorin which prevailed. yesterday after noon was inj urions in its effects in many parts orthis vicinity. A. double fours tfiry fraine littliiiing,,at the corner of North Seventh and F ,Pio ect'atireeta, was ,blown down, involving a d age of $2,000. It was soon - to be °cou ple by,teriants, and as it was, the proprietor escaped- actions Injury, having just left the building before it was leveled. Another house 011 Montgomery avenue, Hudson City, was destroyed by a gust,in the afternoon, hut, fortunately, no person 'was hurt. Numerops chimneys were . torn away, trees uprooted 'and Sundry nceidents occasioned by the heavy gale which swept over the country iu the evening. The "flats" were more inundated - yesterday than they have been in some years. The Hud son City horse-cars were partially precipitated in the water, which stood' two feet six inches above the .Surface ,or some parts of the road. Four houses, recently. erected and very near completion, at the corner of Wayne and Mer seles street& were blown dovili at ,sixt otelock.. The damage.sustained by the owner, Mr. Har per, is very 'heavy. , In Newarli—Excitominat on ,hoard a laallroad. Train- ~ , - - 1 .- ' The gale itiliewark occasioned considerable damage to, property. The large brick chimney tior Conder's factory was blown down, and a., cigar store adjoining was partially demolished. t., . • _ THE DAILY EVitltie BULLETIN—PHILADEIet*IA• TUESDAY, JANUARY 4,1870. 267 78 - 7,629 04 $5,241,711 2S 6,254,636 63 ilarumonia New York—Hamburg. Jan. 4 Manhattan-- ... .New York... Liverpool Jan. 5 Arizona-- New York—Aspinwall Jan. 5 Nernisis New York... Liverpool Jan. 5 Tarifa. New York—Liverpool .............._..Jan. 6 America New York—Bremen Jan. 6 Itorro Castle. New York -Havana— Jan. 6 Prometheus ...Philadelpida...Cluvrleston_____ ..... Jan. 6 St. Laurent_.....New I ork—ilavre Jan. 8 Wyoming Philadelphia... Savannah Jan. 8 C. of Baltimore-New York.L.Liveroool Jan. 8 England New York... Liverpool 'Jan. 8 Caledonia . ..... —.New York... Glasgow. Jan. 8 Pioneer--....rbiladelphia—Wilmington Jan. 8 2,000 00 435,040 71 EiTIN Riggs, 7 23 1 SUN . SETS. 4 47 I lIIGH WATER., 4 is ARRIVED YESTERDAY. llnrkJ L Wickwire (Br), Wiley, from Glasgow ctn Greenock Sept IS,-with iron; Ac, (o -C II Van Horn. Brig Portia (Br), Thompson, from Pernambuco Nov._ 39, u - ith sugar to A F Damon—vessel to L Westergaard & Co. bchr A 'Rubinson Merritt, from Great Egg harb or, with mdse:. from E termer Eutaw, wrecked on. Peck's Beach. . 470,606 IS - 1,806,253 71 11,546 13 Behr Jessie 'lrving, Chamberlin, from. (rent Dig Car bor, with pulse front steamer Eutaw, wrecked on Peck* Beach. Schr Ettie Hall. Maxon. 1 day from Prederica,Del. with grain to J L Bewley & Co. Seim Tycoon, Cooper, 1 day from Smyrna. Del. with & grain to 3as L Bewley Co. &lir Bessie Morris, Allen, 14 days from Pensacola, ,with scantling uud flooring tloards.to Patterson & Lip pincott—not as before. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Bark Savannah, Scuife, Matanzas, Isaac Hough Sc Mor ris. Brig S & W Welsh, Watson, Trinidad de Cuba, D S Stetson it Co. 6,690 00 30 00 3,738 33 3,266 71 1,500 00 54,250 00 101,170.00 - `i• 2,261 17 MEMORANDA. Ship David Stewart. Prentiph, from Guanape for Balti more, was spoken 6th ult. lat 11 20 b, lon 3T 10 IY. Lhip Anglo Saxon (Br), Leahy, cleared at Mobile 29th ult. for Liverpool, with /3189. bales _cotton, weighing 1,60440 Ibis, valued at 840/414 98. Ships Constitution ( Br), Dutton; Arthur (Br), Ousin, and 3 B Buffos (Be),- Blauvelt, cleared at Savannah 30th ult. for Liverpool, with 8686 bales cotton. Steamer Roman. Baker, hence at Boston yesterday. Steamer Minnesota (Br), Price, from Liverpool 22d and Queenstown 231 Wt, with' 169 paabengers, at N York yesterday. Steamer De Soto. Morton, from Now Orleans 25th ult. and Havana 29th, at Now York yesterday. Steamer Aleppo (Brl, Macaulay, from Liverpool Dec. 21, at Boston yesterday, with $167,000 in specie. Steamer Etna (Br), Lockhead, from New York, at Halifax 31st tilt, and sailed *mine day for Liverpool. Bark Columbia (Nor),POSS, cleared at Mobile 29th ult. for Liverpool with 1293 bales cotton. weighing 630,- 640 lbs, value at $132,022 61. Brig Maria heeler, Wheeler, sailed from Demarara 11th nit for Now York. $ 4 , 8 53,77 , 1 16 1,400,862 49 $0;254,636 65 Brig Gambia. Gilkey, cleared at Jackeonyillo 24th ult for New Haven. Wig Jolla Shay, likkarson , sailed from Gibraltar lath ult. for Ilovy Ynrtr; • Behr Annie E Valentine, Baylis; at Georgetown, DU, 31st ult,from Jacksonville. • Behr Sarah Watson, Smith. from Boston ter this, port; sailed from Holmes' Hole AM 31st ult. . Bohr E Corson, Brown, at GeorgetOwn. 5C.,29th ult. from Charleston. Behr A:latrine. Jane, Smith, hence at St John, B. 27th ult. ' Behr I) V Streaker, Vangilder, at' Charleston Ist inst. from Alexandria. . . • Behr Manautico, reported from Pensacola for Ga:lves ton, was spoken Slab ult. 20 miles SE of SW Pass, Behr S W Simmons, Williams, cleared at Charleston 31st ult. for Wilmington NC. bar Amelia, Post, from Now Caetlo,Del. at Newbury , port 31st ult. • Behr E Elmer, Carson, cleared at 'Jacksonville 23th ult. for Baltimore. Schr Chas A Jones, Griffin. cleared at Savannah 30th ult.-for Darien, to load for thla port. MARINE MISCELLANY.' Behr Fred Spofford, at Savannah 20th tilt. from Phila delphia, reports In a'gale,off Hatteras 27th,lost jlbboont, foretopmast,, and split nails. • Brig Minnie A Smith,• R e y, from. New York; which arrived at Salerno, Italy, Geo 25 ! ' subsequen tly drivn ashore at that Waco during a heatty gale, and became a total wrack. $llO registered 3t5 tons, was built at Millbridge, Me, in MS,. and hathsl • from New York. , Seim Serene, front Navitssa,\ while lying In the atroara at Wilmington. NC..Dec 30, Was :in,: contact :with the, steamer Pioneer. which was eing towed from ber,whaf to another part of the harbor The ache had bowsprit carried away, but ere it fell o et the side, ripped up the railing of the Pioneer, cam. 'g considerable damage. The two - vessels dragging th 'alt alte r theta were swept down the Torrent several aired Yards :before tneir headway could be checked. Sonic anxiety is felt for the (Ay of schr Nur'Wester, of Gloucester, which sailed um New York early in , ~ . 1 hiirak cinget• train which left Now -York .0 PLic,9 clock last , evening on the Ncer Jersey Alailrniul; bound for Niewatk and :11,alivOy; ilarrewly &oleo(' 'deldructionWhile brossing the. Newark Mestinws.through the violence of ,the , gaie. While going throlighrthe Bergen cut kale ' ' botilders "were ' hurled' down on the , ' tons '< of the , ears but, '.the,speed , at whit ,thy train was, j running sensed , them. to leap o ilf without , going' . through. Over the meadows and the long bridge acroSX the' liacketiilaek:; river the k.ears xocked ' like . a cradle,,und the wildest excitement prevailed among the plisseng'ers •, manywhom 'of were females and piling thildren.' Guards had to' be stationed attbe doors to preventtheir, being town in. The conductor, Mr. Bragg, played great coolness and lirginestfi and !Wilt brought, i rought the train into Newark an hour .behind time regular t i inie. `he 'telegraph signet - at dia. cuevias , blOwn down and bevertil of the wires' broken , ' , - ' , . On the train when returning from °Newark at half last nine o'clock P. M. to this city,, similar incidents occurred. Several windows in the cars, .vvere blown, to, pieces . and the entire train was rocked from side to side with alarming force: , Many of the paasengers were almost wild with excitement and the Teatures of even Pie most dogged in manner were blanched with alarm, - The coolne.ss and con fident bearing of the, conductor .k Mr. Bragg), served, in a degree, 6 allay the fears of many, and, save the smashing of the windows re ferred to, the train arrived safely at the depot, in Jersey City .--Hsrald. , _ Philadelphia; Bank Statement. ,The following is the weekly statement of the Phila delphia Banks,'Pande up on Dfonday afternoon, which presents the following aggregates: Capital Stock -4116 A -55,150 If_.maultut!i Discounts. 51,562.662 Specie 1,2%1,295 Due from other. Banks , 4,95 1 7,412 Due to ether - Banks. 5,711,4,360 Deposits ~r . . ' 33,290,612 Circulation. 19,568,651 , r--• .... • - United States Notes. .. . 2 1 3 2 7,;237 3 2 0 2 ,1 1 130 98 18 Clearings . . Balances - 'rho following 'statement shows tne condition of the Banks of Philadelphia, at rations times during the last few months: . Loans. Specie. Circulation. DcPosits. Jan. 4 .51,716,999 352,483 10,593,71 P 31.97273+39 Feb, 1 , 2,632.513 512,752 10,593,351 31,052,551 Fier. I 52.257;151 259,933. 10,458.546 - 31,0,3451 A , '115 .50.409„ 1 71,6' 189,003 10422,696 27,251,937 ay 3 61519.9f1 201,765 10,617,315 32,-351,592 June? 1 1.7126,367 1617,115 10,610,989 36,478,094 July 5 53.917,521 203,621 10,615,646 31,911;8.32 Aug.? 51.953,853 354,659 10,610,233 33,621,616 Sept. 6 .51.931.372 ' 247,358 10,611,1,73 33,703,545 Oct. 4 .52,105.010 777,30310,598,934 32,093,112 810y.1............51,532,214 354,545 ' . 10,597,973 32091,813 Dec, C......-...,71,9MA15U 932,468 10,603,Z,2 33,2.44,981 11 20 ' 52.206.053 1,146.221 10.696.311 524.7,789 . . ',L 27 ' r 2.512,270 1,111);307 . 10,593,2P0 32,076:684 Jan 3, 7t1.......61,062,662 ,1.270.1106 10468,691 33,290,612 The followhilt lea detailed atatement of-the busineaa at 4116 - I'bilacklphia Cl6ating 11011 PP for the plat: week, fur dialted by G. E. Arnold, EN., Manager: (Pairings. Balance's. . Dec. 27 8'6,019,4= 00 $693497 40 ~ ys —,.:5,904,109, 76 . 509,368 51 29 . . 5,017.0146 90 671,921 20 30 6,394,663 46 606,543 83 31 • 6,067,019 62 ' 555,420 94 Tufted Stites Mint Staten-tent. Hon. James l'ollock. Director of the Mint, fornieheit the following 4:get:tent or rteteritte lib,' coinage at the Mint during, the month of December, 18 4 ;9' DP.eO,-Ire. . , Valtte Gold . tietiosit;., • - 8213,104 00 Silver deri,sit,4 and purchti.,e,3, - 142:41 00 Total derpOsits, . - - , - • e 359,095 00 GOLD comkGE. No. of Pieces. Value. Double ragles, - - 12,110 8246" 00 Flue Bars. • - - 9,092 00 12,3411 . .5256,432 00 •• , 53,30 883,300' no -,100,4110 • • 50,200 00 MAN • 7,500 00 118,100 5,000 00 81, 300 376,700. )3224,81X100 Five tint Pieces, - - 220,000 811,000 00 10.11 ar r .. • - Tian Dollars, • Dimf•k, - Ittilf - Fitz• Itars,'. - Total. , - One Coat 'Piecea. , •• 470,000 • 41,740 00 Total, - - - 474,000 $4,740 00 if:CAPITULATION. Gold Coinage': • - • 12,340 e 216,800 00 Rlh t•r Coinage. - 376.700 14.6.70 00 liue , e Coinage, - 694,000 13,740 00 Total. • - 1.0:;..040 .F,103.441J 00 I.l‘ll-*()RTAIIONS , . Reported for the Phihulel phis Eveninißalletin. GLA S'GOW—Sark d L Wickwire, Wiley-11 eke rum rum II tenry Boblen•& Co; 50 casks ruse pink a) do drop black E Seeger 4: So; 127 bales paper stock 3501 peke old rails 539 bxs tobacco Pipes 25 cks whieky order. BN A2l BUCO—ii rig Portia. Thompson—L3oo bags sugar Albert ir Daman. PENSA(.7OLALfIchi .lorrig, Allen-265000 (.14 Yellow pine scuutling and flouring Patter Bun Lip inrott. GLOUCESTER, E—Bark Peddler. Troensegaal-406 tone iron rails 10 two snit order Workman er Co. INOIFEMENTS OF OCEAN STEAMEItii. TO ARRIVE t•IIIPS 7110:4 roll. • DATE. Lei pzi^ Sonthanipton—Baltimore.. Dee. 13 I'magmay London—New York Dec. 18 Aleppo Liverpool... New York.. Dec.2l 111innesota_ ..... --Liverpool—New York .. Dec. 22 France'- . Liverpnol...New York . Dec.% C. of Baltlinore...Liverpool...New York ' Dec. 23 Nestorian. Liverpool—Portiand- Oct. 25 Colunibia_...... ...... . . Glaanow...Nevr York... ........ —...illee. 24 Java. Liverpool... New York. Dec.2s Silebia Iluvre...New York Dec.2s Union Sout bampton...New York Dec. 28 Samaria Liverponl.i.'New York via B Dec. ".8 TO DEPART. 13()ARD •TE TRADE E. A, tioll oEE. GEO. L. BUZBY, MONTILLY CO3I3IITTE.E. GEO. N. TATIIAM, itfirSi4 id-14 PORT OF PHILADELPHIA-JAN. 4 43,012,618 91 829=.330 76 A.V AK* 511,900 00 . 1. FOR SALE. N . ' kik OD HANDSOME DWELLING glOl ffirRITIDE STREET I ' 4-story French root ), . , Flailsbed inirine style . Built Bnr Owner. WM be sold reasonable, WILL not much money i•viedtd.' , APPLY TO JOIN WANAMAKER, Stith and Market Streets. M3IMEM= ARCH. STREET RESIDENCE FOR SALE, lko. 1922 ARCH STREET. Elegant Brown-Stone Residence, three etories erd Mansard, of ; very commodious, furniehed with every modern c. roof .onvenience, and built in a very inverter and embstantial manner. Lot 26 feet front by 160 feet deep to Cuthbert street, on which is erected a handsome bricZ Stable' and Coach House. se2o MI) REAL ESTATE SALE. Will be sold on the premises, • Saturday, January Bth, 1870, The Entire Lot of Land belonging to the U. S. Hotel Property, CAPE MAY CITY. It having a front on , Washington street of about 175 feet, on Decatur street of about 165 feet, and will be run into lots to suit purchasets desiring. Cottage or Business Situations. Stirbale to commence at 1 o'clock. P. N. Conditions made known on day of sale by *ARON MILLER. • d029-w f mst§ PFOR SALE-THE MODERN THREE. story brick dwelling with two-story double back millings, every convenience, and in perfect order, No. 013 South Thirteenth street. J. M. GUR NEY & SONS, 733 Walnut street. - FOR SALE—THE THREE-STORY MK: brick dwelling, with three-story hack buildings, every convenience and Ingood order, No. 655 North Thirteenth street, above Wallace. J. AL GUMMY' Jc BONS, 733 Walnut street. F 0 it . 8 .-MODERN THREE. Story Brick Dwelling.sl9 B. Ninth et. Every cop. venience. Inquire on the premises. mr6-th,e,tit,til GERMANTOWN -FOR BALE.- The Handsome Stone Residence,. having evety city conveniences, in `perfect order and well shaded. Situate northwest corner East Walnut Lane and Mor ton street. .1. M. GUMMY & SONS, 733 Walnut at. EOR PENT—MARKET BTRE ET NjaElrgant double more property, 40 feet front, south vebt comar of Sixth. . . Four-story store. No. 617 Market street. CRESTNUT STREET—Valuable property, northeast Corner Eleventh street; will be improved. WALNUT STREET—store and dwelling, No. blO. MODERN RESIDENCE—with every convenience, No. 102 North Nineteenth street, above Arch. LARGE DWELLlNG—suitable for boarding-house, Northeast coiner of Eighteenth and Vine streets. WALNUT STREET—Large four-story store, Nn. No. 1017. J. M. GIIMMEI d 80N8,733 Walnut street. Wg FOR SAL E--THE HANDSOME MEti. three-story brick dwelling with attics and three story back buildings, situate No. 115 North Nineteenth street; has every modern convenience and improvement, and in perfect order. Lot 25 feet front by 103 feet deep. Immediate possession given. J. IL GILII.IIIZY &BOND 733 Walnut street.' in FOE SAL E—D WEL LIN GS 1ii:112524 North Broad, 1239 North Ninteenth o 27 South Bvcond, , - 1509 North street, 2520 Christian,_, 902 North. Fifteenth street Also many others for Bale and rent, JAMES W. RAVENS, • no3tll , S. W. cor. Broad and Chestnut. 41111 . 1•FQR BALE DWELLING 1421 jkal North Thirteenth street; every convenience, and in good order. Superior dwelling. 1422 North Twelfth street, on earl term,. 8.5,500. Three-story brick, 235 North Twelfth street, having good two-story dwelling in the rear. espoo, • Three-story. brick, 516 Powell street, in good order. 82,750. store and dwelling, No. 390 South Sixth street. 85,000. Frame house, 909 Thiid street, South Camden, near Spruce, clear. 6.600. 510 Queen street, two-story brick, good yard. Risßuilding un Lots on • Pareyank road, and a good Lot at ing S. ROBERT GRAFFEN & SON, 537 Pine street. WI FOR SALE THE HANDSOMEi Ma Brown Stone and Press Brick Dwelling, No. 21111 Spruce street, with all and every Improvement. Built in the best manner. Immediate possession. Ono halt can remain, it desired. Apply to OOPPUCE JORDAN. 433 Walnut street. FOR SALE. TRE VALUABLE Property S.W. corner of Fiftlxand Adelphi streets, below Walnut. in feet front by 198 trot deep, fronting on three streets. , J.lll. GUNMEN' .4 SONS, 733 Wafted street. TO RENT. CREESE & IeicUOLLITM, .13,F:A T 4 ES ATH AGENTS. Office,Jackson street, opposite Mansion stree Gage Island, N. J. Real Estate bought and sold. ersod desirous of renting cottagoe during the season w or address as above. Respectfully refer to Mu. A. Rubicam,ReorritUU 4 Francis Mcllvain, Angtultus Merino, John nallEl and W. AN . Juvenal.. LET.-4. SPACIOUS,ITE OF COUNTING ROOMS, with -4r morn lotto, on Chestnut street. Apply to . RAN, RUSSELL t 0.011 Chestnut street. oe22-tf¢ ta TO RENT, STORE; No. 513 CODIMERCE street, 18 by MO FEET. Possession, January 1 1870. Apply to W. A. KNIGHT, debt- s to th-tf 511 Commerce street THE BEILDING NO. 910 ADCH STREET. Apply_on the prennees. de2otf§ LEEDOM d SHAW in TO RENT ON A LEAS FOR ONE or two years.—The desirable couutry place in .Germantown, furnished or unfurnished, ten minutes' wala of Duy 's Lane station ; 2.11 acres of ground ; all improvements . • stable, icmbouse,_&c.; fine garden and a variety of fruit. Apply to CO.VPUCK do JORDAN, 433 Walnut street. .fit TO LET—HOUSE 706 SOUTIT SEVEN. TEENTII street: Portable heater, range, bath, hot water,.gas—all the modern conveniences. Eight rooms. Alimv on the preinifies. notitt FIRE ASSOCIATION F A ON • PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated WI b, 27, 1820. .offioe---No. 84 North Fifth 'Street. INSURE BUILDINGS, HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE AND MERCHANDISE. GENERALLY FROM LOSS BY FIRE. •Assets January 1, 1869, el 406,01)5 OS. TRUSTEES: . . Charles P. Bower. John Carrow, Jesse Lightfoot, George I. Young, Robert Shoemaker; Joseph Lyndall, . Peter Armbruster, Levi P. Coate, H. H. Diekineen, Samuel s par olv m reter Williamson. • WM. H. fiA.AIMLIN I. Pres . !dent, • SAMUEL SPAIIHAVII, Vice President. WM. T. BUTLER, Secretary. 1" . I.FE .I.N kW RANCE AND TRUST CO. ..1-1 THE GIRARD LIFE INSITBANNOE,A_NNIIITY .AND TRUST COMPANY 'OF PHILADELPHIA.— OFFICE, 408 CHESTNUT STREET. ASSETS, e 3,083,445 56, JANUARY 1, 1889. The oldest Cowpony of the kind, but one in the State; continue to insure lives on the most reasonable terms and declare profits to the insured for the whole of life. Premiums paid yearly. half yearly, or quarterly. They receive Trusts of all kinds, whether as,arustess, A.s eignece. Guardians, or Committee of Lunacy. Also, act as Executors and Administrators, to the duties of which :particular attention is paid. Deposits and Trust Funds are not in any event liable for the Debts or Obligations .of the Company. Charter perpetual. ' THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. ' • SET I: OOMLY, Vice President. Join.; F. JAMES, Actuary.. . WILLIAM U. BTOEVKR Axel Actuaryl 11 e . B.—l)r, S. 0111.MBEitLAIN,'No: 1411 LOCUST street, attends every day a 1 o' lock precisely at the otllcer 0c97 3m TAN THRA 0 I TR , INSIIWOE COM RAITY .—ou.AB.TEI4 PERPETUAL. Ottlev, No. 811WALNIIT Steet, above Thirty Philades. Will insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on Build ings, either perpetua ll y or for &limited time; Household Furniture and Nerobaudisegeneto_ll7. ' Also, Marine insurance on vessels, llamas ' and Freights; Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIREOTORS. William Esher, • Lewis Andenried.• Wm. hi. Baird; John Ketcham, John 11. Blackeston, J. E. Blhallls , • William F. Dean, John B. lie 1. 1 • • Peter Bieger d Lir BRE Ph ß un ,7 B Pr i e H lfd li ° olait herla ' el. ~' . WILLY_M. F. DRAB, Vico Preeddent, Wsi. M. ElurinZeorotarr. , 111241ta tb • tf TEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE CUM PANT of Philadelphltt.-oMoth No. 24 North Fifth street, near Market streot. ' Incorporated by Cap i talgislatre of Pennsylvania. Charter perpetual. and Assets. 8166,05 e. Make insurance egainet Lose or damage by Fire on Public or Private Buildings, Furniture, dtooks, Goods and 81er ;44M011,604ft/RYo=pt terrs t oit % ,WM.•MoDaniql,_ Edward r. Meier Israel Peterson, Frederica Ladner 'John V. Belsterlin , Adam J. Gluts ; ' henry Troemner, henry Delany, Jacob dcbandent, ' - John Elliott, • Frederick Doll, Christian D. Brick, Bamnel Miller, George N. Fort, William D. Gardner. • ' $ WILLIAM President. IdBABL PETERSON, Vice President , SAlltr N. COLMAN, Secretary and Treseurer. , • , , , J.M.GUNMEY R SONG, . 733 WALNUT Street ININICA,NOS. • , Then Liverpoole.o4 Lott ,don -C9 9 Globe Co. ilssets Cold, g i 7,690)390 46 , in the united States 2,000,000 Receipts'over t20,0ba.00 Premiums in 18.68, $5,665,075.00 Losses in x 868, $3,66;445.09 NO. 6 Merchant/ Exchange, Philadelphia. D ELAWARE MtJTUAL SAFETTISatf: .COMPANT/ incOrporated by the Legisla lature of Pennsylvania, 1835. Office, S. E. corner of THIRD and WALNUT streets, Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCES On Vessels, Caro and Freight to all parts of the world. INLAND INSURANCI(S On goods by river, canal. lake and land carriage to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURA.NCEB On Merchandise generally ; on Stores, Dvrellings, Houses, At. . • ASSETS Or THE COMPANY November 1,1855. 8200,000 United States VITO Nl' Cent. Loan, ten , fortiet, 8216,000 00 100,000 United States Six Per Cent. Loan (lawful money) 107,750 00 50,000 United States Six Per Cent. Loan, 1881 60,000 00 200,000 State of Pennsylvania Stx Per Cent. Loan 213,950 00 200,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Gent Loan (exempt from 2001 925 00 100,000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan... ; 10,000 00 20,000 Ponn n llvania Railroad First ' 810 gage Six Per Cent. Bonds... . w ' oo 00 25,000 Pen ylvanta Railroad Second , Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds... 23,625 00 25,000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds , (Pennsylvanin 'Railroad , guar. antee) • 20,030 00 50,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Cent. Loan 15,000 00 7,000 State of Tennessee Six Per Cent. Loan 4,270 00 12,500 Pennsylvania Railroad. Com pany, 250 shares stock, 14,000 00 5,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad - Company, 100 shares stock • 3,900 00 10,000 Philadelphia and Southern Mall • Steamship Company, 80 shares stock 7,500 00 246,900 Loans on Bond and Mortgage. first liens on City Properties 246,900 00 —.--...- 01,231.400 Par. Cost, 511,215,(ta Market TT v alue , 81,255,E0 00 Real Estate.. 56,000 00 Bills Receivable for Insurance made-- —...--- due— Balances u at Agenclea—Pre minute on Marine Policies t Ac- , crued Interest and other debts idue the Company ' 85,097 95 tock, Scrip, ac.. of Bundry Cor ' porations,. 414;106. Estimated value.. 5,740 ISO Cash'in Bahk :.......e1613,318 88 Cash in Draucr.„...„ 972 29 , • * 1e0,291 14 DIRECTORS. Thomas C. Hand, Samuel P.: Stokes, John C. Davis, Wilibutti a. Boulton, Edmund E. Souder, • Edward Darlington, Theophilus Paulding, H. Joneteßrooke, _ James Tniquair, Edward Lafoureade, Henry Sloan, Jacob Riegel, Henry C. Dallett, Jr., Jacob P. Jones, ' Janice C. Hand, JIMICS B. bl'Farland, William C. Lndwig, , Joshua P. Eyre, Joseph 11. Seal, Spencer Id 'llvain, Hugh Craig, J. B. Semple, Pittsburg, John D. Taylor, A. B. Berger, • " George W , Bernadou, D. T. No/Ipin, "imp William C. liOttatoll, - . • THOMAS C. HAND, President. • JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice President HENRY LYLBURN, Seeretary. HENRY BALL, Assistant Secretary, itiHE RELIANCE INSURANCE 002 - PANY OF PRILADELPHIAP Incorporated in um. Charter Perpetual. Office, N 0.308 Walnut street. CAPITAL, e 300,0001. Insures against loss or damage by FIRE, on Houses, Stores and other Buildings, limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares and Merchandise in town or country , . LOSSRS PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. Assets- ....._..»....».....8437,598 EI _ Invested In the following Securities, v0" --- Firtt Mortgages on City Property, well se cured-- 8169,600 00 United States Govenament Loans_ ...... ..... 117,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 Per Cent. Loans.. ......».....» 76,000 00 Pennsylvania $3,000,000 6 Per Cent L0an......„, 30,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds,First Mortgage 5,n) ep Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 For Cent. Loan_ 6,000 00 Loans on Collaterals..- . .... ... . 1300 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top'? Per Cont. Moit gage 80nd54,560 00 County Fire Insurance Company's Stock. —. 1,034 00 Mechanics' Bank Stock. 4,000 00 Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock. 10,000 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock 380 00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia Stock 5450 00 Cash in Bank and on hand............. 12,t59 61431,51X1112 Worth this date at market „...»$464,681 3/ BIBBCTOBS. Thomas C. 111114 Thomas H. Moore, William Musser Samuel Castner, Samuel Clapham', James T. Young, H. L. Carson, • Isaac F. Baker, Win. Stevenson, Christian J. Hoffman, Benj. W. Tingley, Samuel 8.. Thomas, Bdwar Sitar. THOMAS O. HILL, President. WM. Ontliti, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA. February 17,1804 jal-tu th tf Worth at Par UNITEDFIREMER I S INSURANCE COMPANY OE PHILADELPHIA. wiliie(orpan/takgtiZitrfac; ni tafo, an conrnesiteoicnsivel to FM INSURANCE IN lacrrit or PRILADEL. OFFIBB—No. 723 Arch street, Fourth Nationalßank Building. DIRECTORS . Thomas J.Martin, W•mradner, John Hirst, Aibertris King, Wm. A. Bolin, henry Bumm, James Blongan, James Wood, WBBam (Bonn, John Bhalloross, James Jenner, J. Henry Aakin, Alexander T. Dickson, Hugh Mulligan . Albert O. Robert% J awes P. Dillo Phiß n. Fitzpatrick. CONRAD B. A NBUESS, president. W. A. BoLig. Treas. Wm. H, SAGRIVI. Beo'r. THE COUNTY FIRE 'INSURANCE COM PANY.—Office;No. /10 South Fourth street, below Chestnut. "The Fire Ineurance Company of the County G ym's. delphia,” Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylva nia in ISM, for indemnity against lessor damage by Ore, exclusively. CHARTER PIMPETUAL. Tide old and reliable , institutiou; with , ample capital and contingent fund carefully: I nvest ed,,,cOntinues to in sure buildings, itwaituxe, merdhandtW, Ago either per or for a limited timei .against loss or damage by Ore, at the lowestrates consistent with the absolute safety of its customers. Losses adjusted and tag with all possible despatch. HiNNOTORn: Chas. J. Butter, Andrew H. Miller, Henry Budd, James N. Stone , John Horu, Edwin L. Reakirt, Joseph Moore, • Robert V. Massey, Jr, George Mock°,.Tim Malt Devine. SHARLAST:StriiklicPrealdemt. HENRY. BUDD. Vico President. BENJAMIN Y. HOSOHLEY. Secretary and Troaaarer. Ti PENNSYLVANIA' FIRE INRU- J. RANCE. COMPANY, • --4riceaorated lEls—Charter Perpetual. No. 810 WALNUT' etreetopporitaindependence Thie Company, favorably known te the commun for - over forty yam', conUnues ,to 'nett** , against lona or damage by lire on Public or. Private pnildhige either permanently or for a limited Ifter Also on Fttiniture, Mocks of Goma, and Merchandise genorallY, on liberal term'. Their genital, together with a large Stirplus Iftitet t la invested in - the most careful manner which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted , locurity in the cute of 1000. DnurpToys• --.- _ Daniel Smi th , Jr.,. , IJohn_ DoYereu l Alexander Benison, ,i ' ITlinizias Battik Isaac Hasiehuret, Henry Lewis Thomas Bobine, J. Gillingham Pell, Daniel Baddoqk Jr., DANIEL SMITH, Jn., President,. WM. G. CBOWELLL, Beoretari. anl9ll AME CA RIFIRE, 1141311114N0E COM PANY, incorporated 1810.—Charter perpetual. No. 810 , WALNUT street; &bp's; Third, Philadelphia. Having a large pali.irp Capita Stook and Surplus in- Vested in aonnd and arallahlw mudded, continue to insureon. dwellings, stores', furniture, merchandise, "easels In port t and their cargoes; and other personal Proerty. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. Thomas R. Marls, Edrant. 0. John Weleh, (Marled Poultney, Patrick bred John T. Lewis, John 1 1 . Weth'erill t Witham, . Pan_ _I. --- THOMAS It . MARIS, President. ALsans 0. OnAmloan. Secretary. MIADIE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. J 809 CHESTNUT STREZT. INCORPORATED 185 d. CHARTER PRIIPIITILOJJ. CAPITA', 2011 000. 111 EIRE- xNautarrozi Ex(3LusivELT. 'mores against Lou or Damage br Fire t either by Per• petite! qr 'taborer' Volloice. Mascrolte. i t Cherie. }Rebellion, Robert Pearce, . Wm. H. Itimwn, John limier Jr., William bl. 'icy - fort, 'Edward 11. 06e. Henry Lewis, Charles Stokes ,, Nathan Milo. John WYRvermites ' G eorg e A. West,. , Mordecai Dozily , CHARLES ICHAR,IIBON, President, WM. H. Mai AWN , Nice-Preeidout. _ WILLI/tan, I. 1114ANORARD,Ileoremi . apt U 1 THOMAS. •SO ' li t AIIIPTIONEICBS, I o lt - floc MI and, lit Set* 1811TRITIAlireet. . Aims' int STOORBATM REAL' litiy___ATßi . • Public sake at theThilhae!Palik ' I'lnane 41111, THESDAYat 19 o'clock. • '-'" • •- THURSDAY. , Furniture sales - it* tiiiii'Aidion Siore EVEET THURSDAY. , •' '. l• 1, ci • •• Oir Sales at Residences Melva estiecial =anti* • Salo at the Auction 1t00m5, , 810a...189 and 141 &mak ' , , • Fourth, strea b ' t ._- ..• . .. strPNBIOR "lIOUSEHOLD a PriptiliPrkiiope nlEllolo4 CABINET 14110.015_,_ - Fl EP& SA FE___,Ei 11ANDSONIC YEBVET, 'BIIIIII ELS A 18 OTHER CARPETII:.ite., Ac. _L . . UN THURSDAY MORNING. . • Jun , 8, at 0 o'clock, et ithiti4uNlou 11,0018111' 1 . logue, a large assertmeht Of titipartOr Htinielthid arra- tare,. comprising--Walnut Parlor fleitsipt u ir with " ptush, reps and haixiclotb; 3 JValnntr 0 r bloatisi , ,l iiOttage Oh/tither Sulfa, tine •French_Plater IMO, 8 superior 'rosewood ,7' octave 041111, IfOrtet.'-'W4e , .11 Rusk, S. Drucker & Co., New Yotle. and , II oxford & Co.. NOW/York; i r Cabinet.Osta_AziauleB74., .... and U. ~ W. Staltir_L superior Walnut Seen. , taxies`and Bookciniesi Wilmot Wardrobee. z ? SKOV* Extension and Centre Tables, Lounge}, Ann 0 . Eat Stand*, Btageresiettpetior OMee Lounge} e Hair' Mittresses,• Feather Beds; Bolsters amt.iPllloWes China, Gl*" and Plated Ware, line Engrivicir s iiispe , • rim. Fireproof Safes, M oule • by , Eynon , et .kila +G.U- ' consuming:and Cooking Stovee, Cabinetmakers' *chi. Platform Scales, ,Chandellers, Sewing klathines,l9o4Y , some V e lvet . Brussels and other Catipete, £c. ASIGNItEir BAIsE-BY O_RiII.N.O r OILT .41 1 .1-11113. 0/4' TRICT CO U RT OF MX JSBSEY. .....; TRONA A SONS, Auctioneer*. _____. VALUABLE BEAU • ESTATII_, MaIRIDINERY , TOOLS, PERSONAL PROPERTY °FAME NATION- At IRON ' ARMOR . AND SHIPBUILDING 00111 Prii",:ltitlglin% Point ` Now Jersey; ,-‘, - '. , ^ l , fi ' •,' 0 TIJESDAY MORNING, January 11, wri, at 111 O'clock, will ha sold at public , sale, on the peril/T* 7 the South Ward of Camden, N. J . by order o the .1. District Court for the district' of New Jersey i• . • ' •'•_.• All the real estate ~ wharves, , marine railway, „build ivies' improvements, motive power, machinerY, tee, fixtures, personal property and assets of the Natioull 'lron Armor and Shipbuilding Company, hankruPti' ha= chiding the following : Three lots of land, situate * the South Ward of Camden, fronting on Debtwatisave nue, about 460 feet, having a water front on , %los rivet' • Delaware of about 800 feet, containing about 13,Ji scree. and having thereon wharves, buildings and itamitios- tuents.. .. , 'A plan of the property may be seen , at 101111 . ~ street, Camden, N. J ~ where further informattou may be obtained. Terms made known at time of sale. ' . . S. 11. GREY. S.B. WIIITING4 PEREMPTORY SALE S. W. corner Twenty-fourth and Spruce streets.' ' STEAM ENGINE, BOILERS. STEAK DWI'S SHAFTING, PULLEYS. BELTING, GAS rum: `OLD IRON, FRAME SIIEDDING,_&o. ON FRIDAY MORNING. • ' '' • Jan. 14, at 11 o'clock, will be sold at public aide, at 8- . W. corner of Twenty-fourth and Spruce streets—Yaps able Steam Engine, about ISO bone power; 9 begets,* feet in length and 36 inches in diameter,oomplete.ivitis steam gauges. kc.; steam drum, about 1000 feet Of gaa plpe, about 280 feet of 25f. to 20 inch belting, a quantity of Shafting, pulleys, hangers, brackets, wrenches, btilte. old iron, .Sic. Also, frame shedding, Bo. Maybe examined at 8 o'clock on the morningof tale. , Terme—Oash. Sale absolute. .„ • . .ARTIN" BROTHERS i ,AXTOTIONEMMI g (Lately Salesmen for B 1: Thometa & Sons,) 0,6?9 CHESTN VT Itrut. rear , enyanoe from MOM KiiinTrif;t7al or's Sale No. 837 re VALUABLE LEASE OF HOTEL, 110UB/11110M) FURNITURE, Ate. ON MONDAY. MORNING, --- Jon. 10, at 10 o'clock , at No. 837 South Second street, this valuable. LCRHO for three years of an old,establishett Hotel, rent eBOO per annum; 12 Bedsteads, Matresses. Blankets, Bedding, Dining. Room Furniture, Carpets! m1(1011 Cloths, tine double barrel Gun, Gold Ringotc. Sale at the Auction ROOMS. HANDSOME WALNUT HOUSEHOLD FUREY TUBE. FRENCH. PLATE MANTEL AND PIER MIRRORS. ELEGANT SIDE BOARD:FIREPROGE SAFES. HANDSOME CARPETS. FINE AND GLASSWARE: FANCY GOODS. &c. ' ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. • At 10 o'clock, at the auction rooms, No. 629thestnnt st, by catalogue, a large and excellent assortment o f Houeeliold Furniture. . • SHOW CASES. Also, three handsome Plated Show Owe. JEWELRY. • Also, an Invoice of Jewelry. • FURNITURE, CARPETS, dm. Alga, for account of whom it may concern, nonentity . of Secondhand Furniture, &c, Sold for storage araLex penses. • • SUPERIOR FIRYPRop)? SAFES* Very superior Fireproof Safes, made In , Evans it Watson; equal to new r ,and cost s36o_i superior Burglar roof Safe, made Ay Lillie] email VirepriPt? 14149 by llie. FURNITIJRE, OARPETf3, kc Also. for account of whom it may concern, a quantify el Secondhand Furniture, Carpets, &c..Rold to pay storage. ' • . 523,700_ 75 81,852,100 04 DAVIS' & HAR " , ATTOTIONICEIia s (Late with M. Thew= & Bens.) Store lica, ayid =NH etreei. • hie at HU Ogden street. NEAT EIXTBEHOLD FURNITURE, LEATHER BEDS, CARPETS &c. 0K THURBDAY. MOBNLKG, tecjock, at N 0.1214 Ogden street, the Mahogany Pa Mid Chamber Furniture, Mirrors, tine Feather Bed agrain and 'Venetian Carpets, Kitchell Uteaalls. &c., Lc. BY BABBITT & CO., AUCTION - BAWL CASH AUCTION HOUSE, No. 230 MARKET street. corner of Bank street. NUBS. CRS. FURS. • SPECIAL SA LE OF 450 FURS. BORES, Sce., BY CATALOGUE. ON THURSDAY MORNING, January 6, /MO, commencing at 10 o'clock, comprising line assortment of Ladies' and Children's Furs. Also, lobes, Afghans, &c. rrs L. ASHBRIDGE & AUCTIO24. -1- . BEIM. N 0.605 MARK ET street. abo SALE OF BOOTS. SHOES AND CAPS. ON WEDNESDAY, Jan. 5, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, about NV cases a Roots and Shoes, of city and Eastern manufacture, THOMAS BIROH & SON, AUCTION. BEES AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1110 CHESTNUT street. Rear entrance No, 1101Sansom street. Household Furniture of every description received on Cotutignment. Sales of Furnitpre at dwegs attended to on the most reasonable terms. SCOTT'S ART GALLERY AND AUCTION ' COMMISSION SALES ROOMS, 1117 CHESTNUT street, Girard ROVI..h. Particular attention paid to out-door sales at mode rate rates. de29 ti B UNTING, DIIRAOROW & CU. Noe. 292 and 234 hteluEzT rtreee M Y n(1)1S & C R ;7 11 2 1 lied. Bucceseore to JOHN B. O. C D. liatiTtFElCBs • CO., No. NW NAEXET AU°71°311115199 street. 1300 T AND SHOE SALES EVERY THURSDAY MONDAYABB RE PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABL zF. T I FL ment-8. E. corner of SIXTH and RACE streets. oney advanced on Merchandise generally-Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Plate, sad on all articles of value, for any length of time agreed on. WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALM. Fine Gold Hunting Case, Double Bottom end Open ram English, American and Swiss Patent Lever Watches; Pine Gold Hunting Case and Open NaceLepine Watches; Fine Gold Duplex and other Watches; Fine Silver Hunt ing Vase and Open Face English, American and Swiss Patent Lever and Lepine-Watchea-Double 01100 English Guarder and other Watchesi_Ladies' Fancy Watches; Diamond Breastpins; Finger Rings; Ear Rings; 8_ „tuds• &c.; Fine Gold (Maims; Medallion .; Bracelets; S carf Pins;Breastiina; Finger. Rings; Pencil Oases and Jaw• elry general _ FOR SAL —A large and valuable Fireproof Mist,. suitable for a Jeweller; coat 1,660. Also, several Lots in South Camden, Fifth and Chest nut streets. CONCERT HALL AUCTION ROOMS, nu CHESTNUT street. T. A. McOLELLAND. Auctioneer JAME§ A. FREEMAN, AUCTION R. No. 422 WALNUT street POCKET BOOKS, &C. BUSINESS CARDS. Established 2621. WM. G. IrLANAGAN:4S SON, HOWSE AND SHIP IeI.IIIIIiDESS, No. '129 Walnut Street. lyfi fAMEE A. WRIGHT, THORKTON PIKE, CLEMENT A. MM. .; CORI, THEODORE WRIGHT, PRANK rt, NEALL. WIIIGIEIT solid, lmpottota of nd rthenware , , a ea Shipping...and tlontudnalon garolut. 14h No. 'la Walnut attain, Phuadalanta. V . B. WIGHT, • !LI ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, . tiontniesioner of. Deeds for the State of Pennsylvania la 96 Mattison street, No. 11, Chicago, llllnois, iltrosui fIOTTON SAIL DUCK Or -- •1.) width, from 22 inches told !ithes wide Tent and Awning Diu*, Paper-maker' Twine, &o. W. 91:9 ja.26 No, lin Church et g oD GER'e; , :• , • i_L s ' ' '''•'' POOKET lINIVES, PEARL ' ES of beautiful flintith; RODGERS , ' si BUTCHER'S, and the ONLEBRATEP 'RAZOR. SCISSORS IN OASES of the 1_,...„.... __._,, _ istors, Knives, Scissors and Tubbs Outtentrit i olished. EAR INSTRUMENTS of the matt alggov conatruct(op to moist tho beating, at P. , MADEIBA%- rtler and Surgical Instrument idalesr,ll6 Tenth street beloW Ohoistshut. uksl4( . ,_ AUCTIQNSM, u 11 4 5 ; CIITLE o ,l rAlitt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers