,AL PEMIODY LOYAL! Ap.Atlirmattin Statement. VhO New York Tit lttit Nip+ probably ,no one living, is able to speak with more accuracy upon the. relations of Mr. Peabody toward the South during the war than Mt. Thurlow Weed, nor can any testimony be received upon the subject of snore authority. than ,bis. Mr. Weed has published a state . mcnt which ought to set at rest the detractions which have been indulged in against Mr. Peabody as a Southern sympathiz er. We cannot do more at present than sa that the reply to this charge against the dead philanthro . pietall the more indecent bemuse he is dead, alai cannot speak for himself-4s Conclusive. Mr. Peabody was, from first to last, loyal to the Union. Ho never wavered, oven in the darkest days of the struggle. He did his best to prevent. re cognition of the Confederacy. He pronounced the Confederate loans worthless. Nor did be, in any way,encourage rebel emissaries or advo cates, and- he manifested his devotion to the North by zealous efforts in its favor. That he deplored the war was true, but what good man did not? Do we not lay inimertelles upon our soldiers' graves with tears as well as with pride? A oNonvilot Falb+ Heir to $32,000. From the Auburn (N. Y.) Democrat.l Mr. Allen Ross, the agent and warden of the prison, received a will this morning, be queathing property.to the amount of $32,000 to a convict named Win.A. Haight, sentenced from Catteraugus county. The prop ',''kilts n con- Vats of real estate in the city of New York. '.'4. - $e was apprised of his mother's death a few days since, and she, in her will, gave him all her property. Like a good many other wild boys, William was allured by the attractions of a traveling circus, followed it to the above county, where he was arrested for grand lar ceny, and sentenced to Auburn raison for two years and six months. He has - served six months only, and will no doubt rest uneasy for the coming two years, in view of the an ticipated enjoyment of the sudden and unex pected amount of property falling to him. THE FINE Alt EARLE& GALLERIES, 816 CHESTNUT STREET, ILATIIiO BEEN REBUILT KORB ELEGItTLY THAN BBFOBB, ♦PP) lELEOPENEI ) VITH A STOCK OF LOOKING GLIISSES, OM PAINTINGS, ORONO-LITHOGRAPHS, FINE ENGRAVINGS, PORCELAIN PAINTINGS, ROGERS' GROUPES, Entirely new, and bought at the preheat low rate o Gold, in& specially attractive at this, the Christmas Season, Om account of the very large•inddccmente offend to a La search of HOLIDAY PRESENTS BRIDAL PRESENTS, Perfect Freshness, Immense Variety lExtraordinary Cheapness IR every article presented to buyers of taste THE GALLERY OF PAINTINGS Having been placed on the GROUND FLOOR and very easy of acoess, offers increased attractions to the lovers of Art. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS 816 , CHESTNUT STREET. s 6trp SEVENTEEN NEW CHROMOS Including five by Prang, and others, English, French and German. LOVELY FEMALE HEADS (French TWENTY-FOUR NEW ENGRAVINGS Apd tt lorws stiLndriril selection, with two new works LANDSEER, others by ROSA BONLIEUR, BROOHART, Ac. TWO NEW ROGERS' GROUPS, Exquisite Porcelain Pictures, CARVED EASELS, BRACKETS, &c., AND., OTHER Unique Bridal and Christmas Presents. EARLES' 'GALLERIES, 816 Chemtnut Street. LEGAL Droviers,_ "LIMM A M. JOIINSON, VS. EDWIN C. Xl' JOHNSON .—Uurumun Pleas, September Term 1839 38.—1 n Divorce. - - To Edwin C. John : Yon will take notice that a rule has boeu granted on you in the above case to show Cause why a di% orce a eincnio nuarimonii should not he granted thereinri, returnable on MONDAY, January 3d Fan,' nt Ick A. M. THOMAS J. DIEIIL, Attorney for Libellant.' e2.1-tu th 4(3 Jae Mated and our-fitting Dress Bats (patented) in all the approved fashions g the steam. Chestnut street, nest dam' to the Post,-Cmo, oce-tfrp Vir e ED D I2Y G AND ENGAGEMENT VT Rings of solid 13 karat fine Gold--a specialty; a full ussortment of sizse, and no charge for engraving names. etc. Yalta & Makers,. 112,14-rp tf 82410heetnut street below Fourth. WITH INDELIBiaIS INK, 111 LuluroiklerlAg,lllBlitavtitattnp , :lr 180O n vithe e rt street. NAVAL tiTO.I.IS.---298 1113 LS. EOSIN, 50 lib's Tar, 50 bbla. 1111 Pitch, 2WB Mils. prima 44 hito Spirit 4 TUrVAntino. Now landing from Moamar i'i..iiiiair. from Wilmington. N. C. and for gab , by a. , 9ollßAti , 111:a.tELL Sc CO., tnut rent. 1 • • PHOTOGRAPHS, FOB THEIS iI'OLIDAY GOODS. HOLIDAY PRESENTS . • Extraordinary Inducements to Purchasers. Being determined to adapt ourselves to the wants of the t imea , awl not to be outdone by Fancy. we have. in ad. dition to dur large stock of fine Goods, opened a 33 CENT, . , • • 30 CENT, ' 75 CENT. AND 00 Depnrunent. in which will be found an elegant variety to select from, consisting in part ()Wine Frond' Jar diniere, rich China and Bohemian Vasa, -Sete, Smoking Sets,Card Beceivere,Writing Desksank-stands, Watch-stands, Glove, Handkerchief and Work Boxes, I/rearing Cases. Satchels, Pocket Books, Cigar Cases. Wax Dolls, Ladies; Beady-made Under-Garments, Em broidered and Lace Handkerchiefs Embroidered and Lace Collars and Sets, together with' many Novelties in Fancy and Useful Articles,' especially adapted for the coming Holidays. • ALL OF WHICH WE GUARANTEE To SELL CHEAPER TH ANYW HERE ELSE IN THE CITY. ARNOLD'S • No. 40 North Eighth street. P. S.'—STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING. Itrp WM. A. DROWN & 00., 216 MARKET STREET, Have now in Stock an Elegant Assortment OF UMBRELLAS Made from Superior English and French Silks of their own importation. FINISHED WITH THE LATEST STYLES OF IVORY, • PIMENTO and PARTRIDGE HANDLES FOIL offisfrmAS PRESENTS. HOLIDAY GIFTS RARE CONFECTIONS Fine Chocolate Preparations, The largest and mast varied stock of CHOICE and Ram CoNTEcTioNs now ready for the HOLIDAY SEASON. BON-BONS, in Rich Papers. BON-BONS, Canards. DOUBLE EXTRA AND VANILLA CHOCOLATE. Chocolate Nongcrt, Chocolatena, Chocolate Buri Almonds, Strawberry Chocolate Amaracenes, Pistache Chocolate, Jim. Crow Choco late, Americana St. Moholas Choco late, Chocolate Beans, and Chocolate Medallions, etc. A Splendid Importation of Rich Fancy Boxes Direct From PARIS AND VIENNA Together, forming a beautiful assortment from which to choose for Select Presents ! ! STEPHEN F. WHITMAN S. W. cor. Twelfth and Market Sts rP BONBONS DE PARIS. Paris Confections of Every Variety. The recent enlargement of the Store and an increased number of experienced hands will insure customers being waited on with despatch. C. PEN AS 830 Walnut Street, 'Philadelphia. A magnificent assortment of Paris Fancy Boxes and Christmas Tree Ornaments. aes 2ot rv§ GIFTS! WATCHES. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF IMPORTED & AMERICAN WATCHES Of reliable and wan acted quality for mile al REDUCED PRICES, BT FARR it) BROTHER, IMPORTERS, No. 324 Chestnut Street, below Fourth. dexrui tu et+ St CI-lEERFUL. " Your Store always looks so cheerful," a Lady said to us recently. Yes,and OUR GOODS ARE CHEERFUL, ' OIUR PRICES ARE umlaut., i V 11. Si F. N f ir S i OUR BUYERS ARE CHEERFUL, • , THESE MAKE US CHEERFUL-. The reason for all, in a WELL LIGHTED, WELL WARMED and WELL VENTILATED STORE, well filled with a very attractive and Active stock. • CHRISTMAS LOW PRICES. CHRISTMAS LOW PRICES.' ftLQSING OUT SALES. tJLOSING OUT SALES. • SOLID SILVER WARE Useful and Valuable To vwiteoromily or Friends, WM. WILSON & SON'S OWN MAKE, . Old Staud, Core Fifth and Cherry fits., Also, A No. I PLATED WARE. aelf,.6tril.lbt in§ THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA,, TUESDAY, DEOEMISER , 21, 1869. BON-BONS, Victoria J. M. lIAFLEIGH, 012 and 1014 CHESTNUT STREET. Holiday W4ek. GREAT SALE CLOSE OUT ENTIRE STOCK. DRESS GOODS REDUCED TO 25 CENTS. POPLINS REDUCED r'RODI 41 TOGO CENTI3. FINE QUALITIES REDUCED FROM 52 TO $l. FANCY SILKS REDUCED TO.sl 25 AND 111 10. BONNET VELVETS REDUCED TO HALF PRIOR. MOURNING GOODS ALL REDUCED. HOSIERY, GLOVES, LACES. HANDKERCHIEFS AND EMBROIDERIES GREATLY REDUCED. SPECIAL OFFERING HOLIDAY PRESENTS BONNETS. RICHEST BLACK SILKS, REAL LACE SHAWLS, REAL LACE HANDKERCHIEFS.' REAL ASTRACHAN SACKS, VELVET SACKS, . , PLUSH SACKS, SILK SUITS The immense *ales made by J. M. H. the past three weeks are the strongest evidence that his prices are ex- tremely low MAMMOTH SALE • OF / • liID Gr C)NrES FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY. " JOSEPH " Reduced from $lOO to 85c.. • LA BELLE. Reduced from 31 25 to $1 00. JOUVIN Reduced from el 75 to $1 25. _ " BARTLEY " Reduced from $ 1 85 to 3 1 58. TWO-BUTTON Rid Gloves Reduced to $1 2 5 . MISSES' Kid Gloves Reduced to S5O. OUR REGULAR PRICE LIST WILL POSITIVELY BR RESUMED ON MONDAY, JAN C . A.HY 3d, 1870. Balance of an Turnover's stock. • 1139 DOE. LADIES' FRENCH CLOTH GLOVES, 38c. DRESS GOODS. Black Silks, Silk Poplins, Scarfs, Hosiery, Hdkfs., Gloves, Ladies' and Gents' Merino Underwear, Marked so low as to insure a CLEAN SWEEP. A. & J. B. BARTHOLOMEW. Importers of Kid GIOVes, NO. 23 NORTH EIGHTH STREET. P. S.—Our assortment of sizes is full, and colors the vsr ost complete of any stock of Rid Gloves in Philadelphis.. de2Otf BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. EYRE • & LANDELL FOURTH AND ARCH, HAVE REDUCED SOME FINE DRY GOODS As low as others are offering TRASH Christmas Shawls, Christmas Silks, Christmas Velvets, Christmas Poplins, Christmas Robes, Christmas De Laines. Christmas Chintzes. 1000ydsAssorted Dress Goods Reduced, to.day, to 25 emits. P. B....llandkerchiefei, in Splendid Doses; Linen Sets, in Cartons ; Point Lace Collars, Vasenciens Sets, Camels' Hair Wart's, Cashmere Scarfs, 50 cents and $100; Velvet Ties, $1; Roman Sashes; Fashionable Gloves; Rich Embroidered Piano Covers, much reduced. tic 2-031 GREAT CRASH DRY GOODS. EVERYTHING DOWN. High Prices Over for the Season G rand Closing Sale RICKEY, SHARP & CO.'S IMMENSE STOCK OF DRY GOODS AT RETAIL. UNPRECEDENTED.BARGAINS IN SILKS, VELVETS, DRESS GOODS MISCELLANEOUS DRY GOODS. This stock is the most extensive and varied ever offered at retail in this city, and contains more novelties and staples of recent importation than can be found elsewhere. ONE PRICE AND NO DEVIATION. ", RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 Chestnut Street. Gc•Lin rwn,][c]Es CURRENCY IN PAYMENT COOPER & CUNARD. S. E. corner Ninth and Market Sts. ~'r~µ>~l.~t' ; 'v~ P.... ...i,.. WANAMAKER WANAMAKER. WANAMAKER. WANAMAKER. WANAMAKER. WANAMAKER. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ANY BOISE TO GET THE PRICES DOWN AS IOW .45 WANAMAK , ER. WANAMAKER. WANAMAKER. WANAMAKER. WANAMAKER WANAMAKER. WANAMAKER WANAMAKER WANAMAKER. Than anywhere else, or we will take Goods back and return money when shown otherwise. WA.NAMAKER. WANAMAKER. WANAMAKER. WANAMAKER. WANAMAKER. WANAMAKER. WAN * AMAKER. WANAMAKER. I-louse•Furnishiing Dry Goods AND IMPOBTER OF lIONDEDY. 245 & 247 S. Eleventh St. , •ab Spruce, Has reduced his e ß ntire stock down ELOW GOLD COST, and is aelling his fine and varied stock , AT PANIC PUICF.S. to make room for spring importations. Magnificent Damask Table Cloths. 2, 3. 4. 4): yards long, suitable for Wedding -or Christmas Pre , cents DOUBLE DAMASK TABLE LINENS. DOUBLE DAMASK NAPKINS. . Fast -edged Napkins, all linen, $1 25 doz. TOWELS AND TOWELING. Welsh, Shaker and Donset Flannels. Canton Flannels, 12M, 16,16,22, 25c. up. HOSIERY MARKED DOWN. Cartwright & Warner's Underwear, down. Ladies' and Children's Vests Marked down. Gents' Beet English Half Hose reduced to 3e. Ladies and Children's Stockings reduced. P. B.—Ladies' all-linen 'Hemstitched Hi1kf5.,12i.,.. Ladies' Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 15c., 25c., 3k., 37;4.c.t0 al 60. Gents. Colored bordered and Hemstitched Mkt's. Job lot Ladies' Hemstitched Corded Bordered ILiad• kerchiefs: Ladies' Embroidered and Lace Bordered Ildkfo. delis H to New Department••-• Bed Clothing. DRY GOODS. JOHN BURNS, LINEN STORE, 828 Arch Street. New Store, 1128 CHESTNUT sT.I Best Blankets, Fresh from the Mills. Marseilles Bed Quilts. Honeycomb Quilts, all sizes. Allendale and Lancaster Quilts. Linen Sheetings, every Width. Cotton Sheetings, " " Pillow Casings. We moan to do a large trade in this desartmentlbS Offering cheap and reliable goods. " - AIeVAUGH & DUNGAN, 114 South Eleventh Street, Rave Shia week opened a fine aseortment of Saazonabk Goode for Presents for the approaching idolideye. LINEN lIDE.F.S. A full line for Ladies, Gents and Children, from the lowest to the finest grades. EMBROIDERIES, Iu French work and Hamburg, choice styles LINEN SETS, From the plainest style to the finest imported TIDIES, )11 great variety and entirely new designs LACIER. Pointe, Pointe de A Winne, Valenciennes, Thread and Guipure, in new patterns. COLLARS AND CUFFS, FRENCH BREAKFAST CAPS, And a great variety of FANCY ARTICLES. • u 025 th ato 12trP_ I)LAOK. Cil[3ll' (.1 1: I'IF,EIZENES J) Ilertlips for Velvi•l Cotiln : u etrluudi4 li:s ,4001111111 i j II hi C'' l• Clip GREAT S A L E. And the reason for it is quickly understood by those who see It will be remembered eit our Style, Make and Finish is FAR BETTER than ordinary Ready-Made Clothing. Our large facilities always enable us• to SELL CHEAPER. THAN OTHER HOUSES ; and now, under these special circumstances, it can be readily seen that this is THE .opportunity to lay in a full supply. We have still a very large stock (at least $250,000 worth of Goods) and freshly supplied every day by new lots, as we are making up all the piece goods We continue to allow those whom it suits best to make we have on hand. selections and pay in installments until all is paid up. Store open from 7A.M.t09 P. M. Saturday Nights later. sz.x.rrn AND MARKET S9PELIEETS. SHEPPARD, Respectfully announce to their friends and the publie enorallY,that for thirty days they will offer their CHOICE AND FINE GOODS 'at finch a reduction as will insure a quick sale Special attention is in'ited to the following lines of goods, among which are our new importations, many novelties, and some of the finest- qualities•,made, being expressly imported for the holidays : DOUBLE DAMASK TABLE CLOVIS , in all sizes, DOUBLE DAMASK TABLE NAPKINS, Su all size., DOUBLE DAMASK TABLE LINENS, in all sizes. DOUBLE DAMASK TOWELS AND TOWELINGS. PARIS TAPESTRY PIANO AND TABLE COVERS. RICA EMBROIDERED PIANO AND TABLE COVERS. • RICH AND ELEGANT LACE CURTAINS. RICH SATIN CURTAIN MATERIAL, BRIDAL.MARBEILLES QUILTS. EXPOSITION DIATISEILLES QUILTS. FINE HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS • Together with Large and General Stock of WHITE GOODS, LINEN GOODS, " • HOUSEKEEPING DRY GOODS, BLANKETS , FLANNELS , DOMESTIC MUSLIM., &0., h to tb Orr§ - &c., &a USEFUL PRESENTS FOR THE Er.ol-4.113A.1Lr S• Pointe, Real Valenoienne LACES Thread and Guipure In Bette, COLLARS, EMIRS., and by the yard. TRIMMED and EMB'D. SETTS*. BOMAN BOARFS and SASHES. GLOVES of every description. INDIA and CASHMERE SCARES. Together with our elegant Stock of SILKS, POPLINS, and every varlotr of Dress Goods,Shawls,Clotho,Gassbneres , ete . . JOHN W. THOMAS Nos. 405 and 407 N. Second Street, ten-4=§ GEt) W. YO(I , ,EL, No, 1*.:02 Clte•iloot Htree I'EW IDA.IrI Ii,"EMAIN WE AVE MIJCII STILL TO SELL, We Are Now pulling, WHAT AN IMMENSE STOCK WE HAVE. THE PRICES ARE ALL' PUT DOWN, So that we guarantee them FULLY TEN PER CENT. LOWER WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE, Special Announcement. VAN HARLINGEN & lie. 1008 Chestnut Street, Phila., ENTIRE STOCK BLACK LACE SACQUES,LOWER Prices. Received per steamer " Allemanla," ono ease Black Luce Sacques. Short Simples. with sleeves, 15 to $25 ; Long Sacques, with sleeves, $lB to $33. The assortment contains the manufacturer's entire line of designs and prices of SaCQUeri with sleeves. GEO. W. VOGEL, 1200 Chestnut street. WA - gT . 0 1 WANTED TO A 121 Dwelling 'House with lei:Omni convonleuees, below Market street sad west of Twelfth street. Price about 498;000 Address lrlittilllAStat, this office. de2l St"' WANTED- 7 20 BUY . ALL KINDS U Furniture and Housekeeping articles in large or small quantities Address de 21 EU e " .t_) UST BECIkIVEDAND — Ltri 3 TOR EIIOOO Jcases of Champagne, sparkling Catawba and Vali. ornia Wines, Port, Madeira, Sherry, Jamaica and Banta Oruz Bum, tine old Brandies and Whiskies, Wholesale and Retail. P. .1. JOBDAB,'XiIi Pear street Below Third and Walnut streets. and above Dock street. 074 Or . THE FOURTH EDITION NOW READY. A NEW WORK, By the author of "Tricotrln,'"`fitrathanore," etc. PUCK Hi,. Vicissitudes, Adventures, Observations, Conclusions, Friendships and Philosophies. BY " °VIDA," Author of "Under Two Flags," "Idalia,""Gyanyille to Vigne," "Chandoe " etc. larao. Fine cloth. 'B2 00. For Nate by all Booksellere, or will be ment by, man postage free, on receipt of price by .B. LIPPINCOTT & Co., Publishers, 715 and 717 market St., Philadelpada. de2l2t Sp MILLINERY GOODS. ARRISON, LADIES WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That they can boy the Finest TRIMMED HATS awl 11011 N ETH at KENNEDT '8 for less than they can bay tus materials and make them themselves. AU kinds of Goods hare been marked dosto in order to sell off their immense stock. They are offering. GREAT BARGAINS IN ' Trimmed Hats and Bonnets, Steel Ornaments. Ostrich Plumes. • Mob. Sash Ribbons, 1"elt and Velvet Hats, Bonnet Materials Cut Bias, Velvets, Satins and Laces. This stock is acknowledged to be the finest to be fousul and roust bo cloned out at a sacrifice. THOS. KENNEDY & BROS., 729 CHESTNUT STREET. ee2o 3niro ig(t PUBLIC SALE.--JAIMES A. FREE MAO. Auctioneer.—Desirable building lute. Fif teenth and Venaugo streets. OnWednesday,Dec.. ,l4o, at 12 o'clock. noon, will be sold at public sale ' at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described real : MI these four desirable building lots, situate , ou the west side of Fifteenth street, at the distance of 75 feot northward of Venetian strort, in the Twenty eighth . Ward of the city ; containing in front on Fifteenth street .60 feet, and in depth 172 feet 10 incites to a4O feet, wide street called Mather street Wir Clear of incuitibriince. Mr at RV to, be paid at time of side. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer. Store. ft: Walnut street. fttIL7I'LiitEMPTORY SALE.—JAMES A. Freeman, Anetioneer.—Neat two-story brick Dwelling, No. 919 Watkins street, First Woril.—OnWed nesility, December 1969, at 12 o'clock; noon, will be sold at public sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia. Exchange, the following, described real estate : All ;roundrtln two-story brick dwelling, and the lot of situate on thouorth side of Watkins strept (No. 919),at the distance of 252 feet eastward from the eon; ride of Tenth street, between Morris and Moore streets, in the First Ward of the city, containing in front on Watkins sliest 14 feet, and in depth of that width 45 feet to a wide alley, w2rich leads into a 3 feet wide alley which leads into Watkins street, with the privilege of said alley. The party wall le included in the sole. Orr Clear of all incombrance. fa' 197.00 may remain on mortgage for several rears• Sale absolute. ' „Von to be paid at the time of tale. Rents for 8190 Per minim'. Terms cash within ten days. • JAMES A. FREEMAN'. Auctioneer.. Store, 4Ziyalnut street. den 23 - 2 PUBLIC SALFL— JAMES A. FRET 011 MAN, Auctiontier.—Three Genteel Three-iston Brick Dwellings, Non. ROO, 1032 and 1034 'Timber street. On Wednesday, December 29,1569. at 12 o'clock, noon, change sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia NYC the following described reel estate, viz. : All those three desirable three-story brick dwellings, with th tua w e o o - n o h y boutkba d k bf T d s n k io a s n tr dth (No t a dl g 3 r o o , u 1 n 032 an U, in the First Ward of the city ; each containio in front,on 'rasher Strad 16 foet,.and depth 6,3, feet to 4 fret wide alley. Earh has marble elevation heads and sills to f irst story vestibttle s t he garior to irk marbis 2lnantels, stairway cal way as , ' gazt,boh,range,liot and col wow. ii•c. filar he examined id any time. Ocoupancy witi deed Will rent for *35 per month. i91,540,nPty remain Will he sold separately. litGr *lOO to be paid on each at the time of kale— J AMES A. FRY:lOrd A, N kitoro , Auctioneer. 5°6d.. TS.A..A.CLITA-;171.A.11E, AUCTIONEEX, N. E 1. corner Third and Spruce streets, only one and below the 'Exchange. A 17.60,000 to lean, in large or emal amounts, on diamonds, silver plate watobee• ittwolg 7 and all goods of value. ()Etch bours from 8 A. in. to N''''' Established for the last forty, Years. Ad Vance made to large amounts M the loweq markt rates.. 11:144 REAL ESTATE SALES.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers