, ' , 1 ' / ’ , CITY BULLETIN. A S’kw Public Halt, in Fuankfoud —At Frankford, lout evening, the now Hall built toy William Baird, Esq., was formally dedi cated, .Mr. Baird is the proprietor of the ex tensive cotton mills located at Ptattkford, and toy hie liberality in erecting a Building of this hand, has supplied a want longneeded by the residents of the Twenty-third Ward. The hail to located on Green stroot, above Main, is i large and spacious, (the main mom being about the Sice of the Musical. Fund Hall), and . It will be used foreoneerta, balls, etc. The ceremonies at the dedication last eve ning consisted of a vocal - and instrumental • concert, commencing at 71 o’clock and lasting * Until half-past ten.in which several well-known ' tterformers took part. The room was thon cleared of the benches, and dancing was in dulged in until after, one o’clock. 1 Supper was then announced, and the entire company present participated. The. amir was one oi the finest that has over taken place in the . Twcntv-third Ward. Mr. Baird certainly de aerves great credit for his enterprise in erect ing a building of this kind, as well asfor his natality in entertaining his employes and neighbors. . ■ f Successfut.j.y Baised. — The' steamboat ; jßamuel M. Felton, which was sunk m the Delaware near Claremont some time ago, has fcoeii successfully raised, .ami 18 n s w Morris’s dry dock at Wilmington, undergoing »naire. She struck upon the reck just m ■‘"front of the boilers. The shock reft the heavy Iron plating along a line twenty-five feet in 'length, making an opening about an inch "In width. The hull was much broken by the rock pushing through the bottom. Ten of the deck beams were literally forced upwards. The broken part was then twenty-four to thirty-six inches wide. When she came to a level bottom the opening diminished about five inches. Messrs. Mason,. Hobbs & Co., well-known wreckers, of this city, were ap- Klied to, and after much difficulty, succeeded fa raising the boat by means of chains and Sontoons under the bows, and a bulkhead utt er the keel. Steam pumps relieved the alter »art of the boat from water, and then the ' slating bad to be replaced. This required about three weeks, and then the boat was got «afely to Wilmington. In a few weeks she Will again be making her trips on the river. Citx Mobtamty.—The number of mter- Daenta in the city for the week ending at noon Jo-day was 255, against 171 during the same Deriod last year. Ofthe whole number 134 were •dults and 138 children— ss being under oue ♦ear of age; 165 were males) 122 females) <4 Boys, and 64 girls. The number of deaths in each Ward was— Wirst 14 Sixteenth W ..14 Seventeenth * Seventh... 10 Twenty-second 6 Ninth. .; .10 Twenty-fourth 12 Thirteenth 4 Twenty-eighth fourteenth-, 11 ' J, snte lh principai’ "causes of death were— Croup, if: consumption of the lungs, 42; con vulsions, 1); disease of the heart, 13; scarlet fever, 25; typhoid fever, 7; inflammation of the brain, !); inflammation ot the lungs, 18, marasmus, !i. , . -• , 4 JLs Unsuccessful Raiti:— Through the Pennsylvania Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, the police received in formation that a cock-fight was to take place at a house in the neighborhood of Twenty fourth and South streets on Thanksgiving night. High Constables Curley, Autt and Kelsh, with a possee of 10 policemen, went to the place indicated, hut were unable to find anybody or any signs of the contemplated ex hibition. The parties concerned m the show had evidently become aware that their de feigns wore known to the police, and kept out of the way- ___ Coroner's Inquest.—This afternoon Cor oner Taylor held an inquest upon the body ot W'm. H. Cummins, who was found; dead at Beck’s place and Grover street, as detailed m yesterday’s Bulletin. There whs no evidence to show that the deceased had been assaulted, and the verdict of the jury was that lie came to his death from the eftects of injuries re ceived ilia fall. %. . . - ■ A Heavy Storm.—A keavj- storm of rain •prevailed during all last night, and most of the time the water cam© down in a steady pour. The streets and gutters got a pretty good cleaning, and the Delaware .and Schuylkill rivers were much swollen, but the. water did not rise to such an extent ns to cause any ftp* prehensions of a freshet. Kobbery. Yesterday afternoon a thief sneaked into the house ot Mi*. John y ewhj No. 330 South Fifth street, and carried oft a coat belonging to Mr. W. In the pockets of the coat were a number of promissory notes and certificates of stock, which the public are cautioned against negotiating. Supposed Stolen Cloth. —John: Quinn and Thomas Collins were arrested yesterday at Third and South streets, while attempting to sell two pieces of cloth which.are supposed to have been stolen. They were committed for a further hearing by Alderman Lutz. The cloth is at the Second District Police Station awaiting a claimant. Death in a Police Station.— Peter Wil kinson, aged tlfty years, residing at 713 Alaska (Bedford) street, was found drunk, lying on the sidewalk at Seventh and Alaska streets, yesterday morning, He was taken to the Seventeenth District Police Station, and died in a ceil there during last night. Found Open It is strange that people ate not more careful In fastening un their Opuses at night. Every morning the lieutenants make reports of some places found open. The reports this morning show 13 in the I'irst District: oin the Filth District, and 10 in the Eighth District. Appointed Detective.— Mr. Albert W. Fletcher has been appointed by Mayor Fox a detective officer, in place ot Adam Trefts, who declined the appointment made some time ago. Mr. Fletcher was the Democratic candidate for Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas in ISMiS. F \TAT. Result.— Samuel Dornan, aged three years, who was run over by a passenger railway car at Charlotte- street and Girard avenue, on Thursday evening, dlgd this morning from the effects of his injuries. . He resided at So, 1110 Charlotte street. t Unsuccessful Attempt. —At an early hour this morning an attempt was made to enter the house So. 242 South Eleventh street, by prying open a window-shutter. The thieves weTe frightened oil' beforo they had time to effect an entrance. Railiioad Accident.— Alexander Moore attempted to jump from the Baltimore train, yesterdav, while it was in motion, at .Tweuty eiglith and Gray’s Ferry road. He fell, and had a leg broken. He was conveyed to his residence, So. 1128 South Fifteenth street. Fell Down.— The root and the east end of the iron foundry at Otsego and Washington streets fell in about half-past four o’clock this morning. The building is a ono-story brick. Se persons were injifred by the accident. Fall of a Wall.— The upper part of the side wall of a dwelling So. 2113 Spring Garden street,fell down about three o’clock this morn ing. The roof of the adjoining house was crushed, hut nobody was injured) A Shoe Thief. —John Ambler was arrested yesterday for the.larceny of a pair of gum shoes from the front of a store at Second and Otis streets; - Ho was committedby Alderman Shoemaker. ‘ j . ) Fast Driving.— Oliver Benner was arrested at Broad and Ellsworth streets yesterday for fast driving. He was fined by Alderman Dallas. . . The Homoeopathic Fair.— The fair now being held at Horticultural Hall, for the Ho meopathic Hospital fund, seems to be an en tire .success, if we may judge from the num ber and the flattering comments we hear from those who have visited it. A more magni ficent display of rich and attractive articlesit lias never been our lot to witness, and they are suited to every taste and to every pocket, combining the useful with the ornamental. WO understand they are for the most part the result of the unceasing labor for months past of the ladles who now so invitingly display them to the admiration of visitors. These at tractions, the excellent arrangement of the tables, and the decorations ot the hall, with Carl Sentz’s deligtful musical accompani ments, combine to make Horticultural Hall a most agreeable place. We advise all to visit .-‘this beautiful fair. " Wimt*b Aau*A*ro»ii#fc**. Pfnnsylvania Railroad.—The winter ar langenSits of the North rona have licen made. Acoording to fue new time-table severalehanges have been mMo, to wbich^the^Attention WbUc m directed The now time-table, oontalnitig the corrections, will be found in another column. Whitman’s Great Confections.—Mr, Whitman, at his splondid new fvhlishincnt southwest corner,of Twelfth and > Market street; is manufacturing Ms incom parable confections by* the ton > f warehouse the great repository of the United States for the best confections. TntfiiEbtino BKCTuaBS.— Hon. MarviiiH. Bovec, eY-State Sonator of Wisconsin, will deliver three lectures on “The Abolition of Capital Punishment.” at Harmonial Hall, Eleventh and Wood streets, on, November 23d, 23d and 24th. . i_ , .. ■ ■■■• Burnett’s OocoAiNE,the best hair-dressing in the world, is unsurpassed, tor loks of hair, irritation of the scalp, and dandruff. ' Trenwxth’s New Store, 614; Chestnut dSiptio’n? All tb?-latest publications constantly on hand. _ ' m • . - CITY NOTICJSS.| What is the Most Interesting Subject . hut if tno auestlod wero put to our domestic houseseop spent much time and money on the lfaso-burning Stores, and sevorul scientific men In nng land, Francoand Gennany, have, at various de much thousht and attention to thoßamp BUbjcct, ntwi ««Tnt a ffreat cleal of money in constructing grates and stoves for the purpose of consuming the smoke, by cauetagTt to pass over a mass of red : hot borniag. fuel. But alftbese failed to achiovo the object of their hopes. The electric telegraph rvaa permitted to lie for years until a Philadelphian brought it tojierrection .-and .like ♦ho telegraphs the great principle of the Baso burnor” was also allowed to slumber in comparative obscuritv, until summoned into a popular rea and a world-wide success by one of our ovru citizens. 'Ve al ludotethe Revolving Light Base-burning Stove,mami factnrod by our townsmen, Me“™.jN"“ d B ßK r ifLS?e{ and sold at their •waroroqms, Nos. 1116 and ills cartel Bl \Vhatever may havo been claimed heretofore, the only perfect stove of the kind in ft, f^A n( lu a d t we may say in the world, as is shown by, the fact that the customer books of the Blessrs- Spear include names from all over Europe aud ovon the te ß^ e ®l n J^ aB ‘» A n ? 1 * excTptinff the Celestials themselves. The Chinese,in fact, are in such raptures over the Spearetoves that they J?gaA the maker of them os a sort of Occidental Divinity. As tho New England fathers used to heap “blessing” an the pious head of good Dr. Wilbur, so these devoteoOhlnajnen, judging from onrv despatches, shout their grateful admiration over the name oi Hr. Snear Nornrethey the only persons who bless the name of our enterprising townsman. Every well regulated kitchen in Philadelphia resounds with his PI To purchasers of stoves we need hardly say that the advantages of purchasing from. Messrs. Spear*_Co. arc illimitable. It is like purchasing laces in Brussels, velvets in Lvons and figs tn Smyrna—it is gettiugtluun at headanarters. A word; to the wise, Ac. ,«« may State in this connection that the stoves referred to mo. always be sden ih full operation at Messrs. Spear’s, and that the latter aIBO manufacture tlie handsomest and most durable beater for heating two rooms or more that is madefn America. Wonderful.— Those Decorated French China-Tea Sets. SO Pieces for §l5 Oil. At GAYS China Palace. 1022Uhestnut street. . , . Call and see them. Showrooms open till 9 o clock at night. _ ' . Kerr’s Chfna Hall. ■ List of English Ironatono China Dinner Set for §lB, containing: .... 12 DisxEft Plates. \l i;°nE r AKFAft,“dessert OB Tea Plmev. J 1 Ovai. K BoupT E |;been Stand and Ladle. 1 Oval Saucf. Tubken Stand and Ladle. 4 OVAI.VoVKUKD VEGETABLE DISHES. 2 Uncoveivkp Vegetable Dishes. 4 Meat Dishes, assohted sizes. 1 6VLAD OB FROJTBoWL. l Covered Butter Dish, with Drainer. 1 Pickle Shell. 1 Water Pitcher. 32 Tea Cufsi with handles), and A 1 Hh o C ft bo v e pieces best quality White Stone Cliina SK&Msste.'irts ass Kerb’s China Hall. f Qin List of English Ironstone China Dinner Set for 010, contaieing: 12 Dinner Plates. 12 Breakfast, Dessert or Tea Plates. 1 Covered Soup Tureen. 2 Covered Vegetable Dishes. 2 Uncovered Vegetable Dishes. 1 Covered Butter Dish, with Drainer. 1 Picßlk Shell. 8 Meat Dishes, assorted sizes. 12 Sauce Plates. 1 Water Pitcher. • • 12 Ti£lClipstwHTitonr handles) and 12Savceb«. . • • The above sot, bestquality White btone China, for §lO. Ihe aDoV a , g China Hall. 1218 Chcatnnt street. Kerr’s China Hall, Now Opening, a beautiful assortment of Paris, Vienna, Enolisu and Bohemian Fancy Goods, Foe Holiday Pbesents, “Glove, Jewel,'and Handkerchiefßoxes. iimoNEFs V* ’ “Swiss Oaeved Wood, "JaEdeniers," ■ Majolica." "Abtificjal Flowers. ‘CaedStands.” “Scent Bottles, &c„ all entirely new and choice goods, NOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE, RANGING IN TRICE vjiOM THE LOWEST TO THE MOST EXPENSIVE, James K.Kkbb&Bko , China Hall, 1218 Chestnut Stkeet. Ironing Tables, Meat Safes, Wringers, and full assortment of B Articles for Kitchen use. Fakbon & Co., Dock street, below Walnut Furs! Furs!! Furs!!! Best and largest stock in thi city. at Oakfobds’, 831 and 838 Chestnut street, Cold Weather does not chap or roughen Wright’s f Alcoiiated Tablet of Solidified ItK dally usomakes the sSnTcUcately Boft and beauti ful. Bold by all druggist. B.*O j A.W eight., NEW ’ , .Yt t Brown, Bine and Drab ■ Kersey Overcoatings. . Greon, Brown and Gray Mixed - Furßeavor. Overcoatings. All Colors • • Czariue, Edderdon, Castor and Piaue Beaver 7 , Ovorcoatings. All Styles English, French and Domestic Casßimerei, and Fancy Yelvetand Silk Vestings. All the Novelties of the Season in the Clothing Lino Made up to Order by d)\ arles Stokos, No. 824 ChestnutBtieo‘. Holt’s Patent Marking Wheel. Wm F. Bcueiele, Bole Agent, No. 49 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. Tlilb machine is designed to supersede the use of sten cil plates on cases, wrapping-paper, cloth or paper bags. Toe typo being mado of rubber. It will print on any • ls’self-iDklng. It la slmplo, durable, and Always ready for use. Exquisite Hew Fall Confections. Manufactured by Whitman A C0.,318 Chestnut streol Hetailers supplied at the lowest wholeeale prices. Corns, Bunions, Invpft-ed Nails, sktilftdly treated by Dr. J. BaYidson, Ho. 914 Chestnut street. Charges moderate. Judicious Mothers and nurses use lor children a safe and pleasant medicine in Mover's infant Cordial. __ Burgical Instruments and druggists’ sun drlea‘ Snowden * Brother, 23 Booth Eighth street. Mink, Sable, and all the best and most beautiful styles of Furs can bo had at . Oakfobds’, under the Continental. Gents, prepare for colder weather by purchasing one of those Fine Mulders! Fine Mu flora! Bold at Oakfobds’, under the Continental Deafness; Blindness and Catarrh. J.lssaci, M.D., Professor of tho Eye and Ear. treats all disooftos appertaining to the abovo members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, os he has no secrets in hla practice. Arti ficial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination WKTSAIiE. ££* FOR SALE— P8»-V 1510 Arch street. I 1512 Arch streot. 12 N. Fourth et. 14N. Fourth street. 610 Marshall Bt. 518 Marshall street. no2o-6t§ CLAHK ft ETTING. 711 Walnut street, 453 If OR SALE,ON -ACCOMMODATING filliL terms, the Dwelling House No. 1104 Fine street. Hits all modern conveniences. Price, sll,'ooo. Apply aV 324 Chestnut street. ' nol3*Btro* t'CirteTKEJST 1004 GRIFFITH & PAGE BEOOMMEND SHEUMAN’3 OOG WHBHIi Clothes Wringers, witlt Moulton’s Patent Bolls, wired on tlte sUolt. ocU ly rps l 1004 THE DAILY BYKMXNO BULLETIN—PiIILADELPHIA, SATPRDAY, NOVEMBER 20,4869. FURS ! A. K. & F. K. WOMRATU, No. 1212 Oheatnut Street, (Late >tand 117 AROH Street,> ARE SELLING Cbildren’s seta of Few a* $5. Ladirs’EllHirini Squirrel Set s,, #8 «pt onrdt. .< BllDb Sable “|U ■ « ©erinan Fltcli ' “ 015 “ Stone Marten “ (SO ' «» - Royal Ermine . ■■. “ 840 . « Hudson Bay Sable “ (So « Bnsslan Sable , “ W5O English Riding “Boas, Skating Mufflt, Ac., fur Gloves, Foot Muffs, Lap Blankets. A. great variety of Carriage and Sleigh Bobes. A. K.& F. K. WOMRATH, No. 1313 Chestnut Street, PIIIUDELPHU. po4 th b tn 3mrp§ ■ SABLE FURS, RUSSIAN AND HUDSON’S BAY, The Bntsoriber having made the above articles a SPECIALTY in his business,has prepared a large assort ment to different styles at his Store, No. 189 North Third Streety Phllada. Established 44 years ago. JAMES REISKY. oc2 a tu th3mrp§ CARPETINGS, &C. NEW CARPETINGS. McCALLUM, CREASE & SLOAN, No. 509 CHESTNUT STREET. Importers and Retailers of CA B P ET IN G S> Of every description. ■ FALL iiipobtatiohs. «ew OE si o nsinmo ? v E tt 6 4 mDE Tn original and exclusive patterns. 1,000 Pieces Brussels, Of tlie best English monnfactnre, of new and novel styles, many of them designed expressly for us. 1,000 pieces Crossley Tapestries All the newest styles. . ENGLISHAND AMERICAN OIL CLOTHS. McCALLUM, CREASE & SLOAN’S Carpeting and Oil Cloth Warehouse, No. 509 Chestnut Street. Phlla., Opposite Independence Hall se7 tn th sBm rp§ - ' ~ NEW CARPETS. AXMINSTERS, WILTONS, VELTETS, BRUSSELS, 3 PLYS AND INGRAINS, Venetians, Drnggets, Oil Cloths, &c. LEEDOM & SHAW, ' 910 ARCH STREET. gc22 SmrpjT SIS WING MACHINES. Qj/ flmEB 4 HjILSON'S j}|{ Sewing Machines, FOB SALE ON Easy Payments, 914 Chestnut Street. Ml PETERSON & CARPENTER, QJ/ U GENERAL AGENTS. U IT ie2B h to th lrrp !_ ItIRNITITRE,&i- GEO. J. HENKELS, CABINET MAKER, 1301 and 1303 CHESTNUT STREET v ESTABLISHED 1844. Good Furniture at the lowest possible price. pol(t-3mrp§ _j FURNITURE. T. & J. A, HENKELS, AT IfiEIB NEW STORE, 1002 ARCH STREET, Are BOW Belling their ELEGANT FUBNITUBE at very reduced prices. _ _ , ——————— soaißmniS UK COUKx JSffiLTB of Aaron McCarty, deceased.—Thomas & Sons* Auctioneer!.—Pursuant to an order of the Orphand 7 Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, will be Bold at public eale, on Tuesday, December 14, 1869, at 12 o’clock noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange,the follow* i»g described property, late of Aaron llcCartv, de ceased.: No. 1.— Three-story brick Dwelling, Beach •Btreet, JSlghteenth-Ward, -AU.that threetstory brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on the east Bide of Beach wreet, Eighteenth ward; containing in front 18 feet 9 Inches,more or less, and in depth 94 foot, or there* abouts. Bound northward by ground late of Andrew Manderson, eastward by an alley called Camac olley, 10 feet wide, leading southwardly into Maiden street, southward by ground now or late of William Swindell,. and westward by Beaoh street. Being the same premises which Wm. Johnson and wife by indenture boarlng date the 27th day of May, A. D. 1845, recorded at Phuadel phia in deed book B.li. Do No. 47, page 179, Ac.; granted and conveyed unto the said Aaron McCarty in fee. Subject to the payment of a proportionate yearly ground rent of 8J»12>4-100<lawful money). No. 2.—Two Two-story Brick Dwellings, Hutchinson street, Twentieth Ward. All that lot of ground; with the two two-story brick messuages thereon erected, situate on tho west side of Hutchinson street, 162 feet south of Master street, Twentieth Ward; containing in front on Hutchinson street 18 feet, and oxtending in depth at right angles with Hutchinson street fiO feel to Prospect street. Bounded northward hg ground of George B. Kressler, southward by grouncTnow or late of William D. Lewis, eastward by said Hutchinson street, and westward by Prospoct street aforesaid. Being the sumo premises which William Else and wife by inden ture bearing date the4th day of September, A. D., 1848, recorded at Fhlladolphia, in doed bookiA. W.M,,No. 77,pag«S*2. Ac., granted and convoyed unto the said Aaron McCarty, in fee. , - Ono-third of the purchase to remain charged upon tho promises during thelifotimo or the widow for hor dower. By the Court. JOSEPH MEG 0.0. * MABY ANN McCARTY, Trustee. M, THOMAS tc SONS, Auctioneers, bo2D del 11 139 and 111 South fourth street, _ IUCAL JISTATR, -THOM AS & SONS’ JHIS Salo,—Uandsionie modal* thrßfcgow TWWfrfMj; dimce, with «id« yard., No. Buttonwood .trout,2s foot 3 Inches front, 771 foot doop, to ®hath#«rtwefc'Two ,ftont». jon ■jtmm.ir.lfc-i vetn^raf ) JBw.Ml2;o , etile, at tho MtttWMphttt Exchange. alf that haniUomo modern three-etory ptws-bticklfrantand baoklmaiw aga, *itlt'tW«H»wrv tot *f attaate oil tho went Bids of Eifth Btrcot. north of Button wood atrFet, No. 508; tbo lot containing in frOnt on.lTtfth atroet 25 feet 3 inches, and extending In depth (gradually widening to 87, feet H Inches) on tho aonth-. llne 113 feet Mt Incbee, and on the north Ithe 130foct, then narrowing to J» feet; and extending utlll fiirther .in depth on the Booth line 47 fwt4?si inches, north llnMlfeOt IS inchoj to Chatham . «treet, whcM the front feet, the entire depth lining Ifl feet. Together with the exclneire nee of nSfeet wide alloy leading i imo:Bntto% Wood street. The hon«e is well and subalantiallybullt and flnlehed, With all themodern lmprotementsand con voniehces; toe lumber wCU) seasoned Md of quality, walnut dobra ahd wlDdCw&a^n,/ FrenCh-plAte alVsinthefront parloriinarble veftibul»y«alooap&rlor, conaorvfitoryt d&imtf room ; ana 2 kltcWns on thaiust floor; 2 commOaloßa chambers, (oho wth.oath roam at .tached,) Blttingrootn.lihrary and irinok Ingroowand bath room on the second floor and six rooms on the tuint floor, nnabilliard room above; tin root on back building, private stairway, Humorous closets, stationary stands .marble mantels, boll, calls, gas V\rougftQUt»ihot and obid Watjr,fdrni4b, cooking rßUßeidollajcegan< vault under back pavement with cistern 12 feet deep, flag pavement, hot and summer house fronting on Chatham street, hydrant and pump in tho yard, fountain, drainage into tne culvert, Ac. .. . - . ' . «. Subject to a redeemable yearly ground rent of $30380-100. *' Terms—Cash. .. ■ ■■. . • Immediate possession. , . • , ' Kevsnt No. 24 North Front street. • . ■ , . M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, 133 and 141 South Fourth street. PUBS! #3 BEAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS’' ■»8 Rain. Modern thrco-story brick Jftcsidcnce, Nine* teonth streot. First house South of Filbert street. On Tuesday, November 23, 1869, at M o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sole, at the Philadelphia all that new and iiuhdsotae modern brick messuage, with three-story building and lot of group®* situate on the oast of Nineteenth street, first bousesontn of Filbert street; containing in front on Jiinoteenth street 18 foot, atid extending in depth 72feet to a a feet wide alley, with the privilege thereof. The house to well built and handsomely finished, papered and throughout; has parlor, dining room and kitchen on the first floor; two chambers, saloon sitting room, library with bay window on the second floor; four chambers, bnth and wator closet on third floor; marble vestibule* walnut inside shutters front, bell colls, underground drainage, stationary wash-stands, gas pipes, furnace, C °TerniB may remain on mortgage. Immediate possession, 139 and 111 South Fourth street. f" a KEAIi ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS’ li Solo. Handsome Modern Four-story Brick Resi dence,No. 2125 Arch Bt.,botween Twenty-first and Twen ty-second streets. On Tuesday, November Sffth, lf»9.at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern four-story brick messuage, with three-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Arch street, be tween Twenty-first and Twenty-second streets, No. 2125 ; containing in front on Arch street 18 feet, anil ex tending in depth 1W feet to on alley, with the privilege thereof. The honse is well built,andin excellent repair, has parlor, large dining-room and kitchen on the first floor : 2 chambers, ealoon sitting-room and veranda on the second floor; back stairway ; newly papered and painted, tin roof, underground.drainage, collar ce mented, flag pavement, gas introduced, bell-calls, hath, hot and cold water, water-closet, furnace, cooking rl Cash. Immediate possession. . Keys at No. 2132 Arch Btroet. J M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 8. Fourth street. am REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS’ Bra Snip —Business Stand— Throc-Htoryßrlrk Store ami Dwelling, S. W. corner of Tonth and Norris streets. Twentieth Ward—On Tuesilny, November 30tli. Ms}, at 12 o’clock, noon, 'will be sold at .public at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that tlirce-story brick mes suage and lot of ground, situate on the southwest corner of Tenth ahdNorrls streets; the lot containing in front on Tenth street ISfeet, and extending in depth along Norris street M feet to a 4 feet wide alley, with tho privi lege thereof. The house is new, contains p rooms, and is finished throughout in the best manner: lias store, din-, ing room and kitchen oii the first floor; saloon parlor, sitting-room.bath-roomnnd store-room on the second floor, sort 4 chambers on third floor; hOB tile gas intro duced, both, hot and cold water, cooking-range, heater, Ac.: cellar floor cemented. The above is an excellent stanil for business. > • .i„n.,,. Immediate possession. Keys at the Auction fetor,.. ByClear of all incumbrance. Terms—S'2,soo may remain on mortgage. rern g sWj THOMAS A SONS. Auctioneers,. nO 2O 27 133 and 141 South Fourth streut. REAL ESTATE.-THOMAS & SONS’ Sale.—Valuable Business -Aocatipn.—Desirable icrty for a Business Btaud,. No, 238 South Eighth street, 22 feet 8 inches front. 100 feet deep, having a northern light of 35 feet across the adjothmg cormir pro perty. On Tuesday, November 30, lfkß. at 12 p clock, noon, will 1)0 sold at public sale, ntthe Philadelphia Ex change, all that-very valuable three-story- brick mes suage, with two-story hock building and lot of ground, situate on the west side of, Eighth street, southof,bocust street. No. 236; containing. uvfront on Eighth street 22 feet 8 inches and extending in depth 100 feet to a 10 feet wide alley. leading into Locust street, witli the privilege thereof, The houso has all the modem improvements; furnace, gas, bath-room, water closet, Ac. Terms—B6,ooo may remain on mortgage. The above houso is woil and substantially-built, and located in a desirable business neighborhood. _ May ho examined at any time. Keys at B. h . ulenn s, No. 520 Walnut SONSi Auctlonem , 139 and 141 South Fourth stroet. *5, EXECUTORS’ PEREMPTORY Jfcjjl Sail —Estate of Evan Fox , deceased.-ThomiiHA Sous, Auctioneers—BnrM and valuable lot, Girard avenue, between Franklin and , Eighth streets. On Tuesday, December 7, 1869, at 12 o’clock, noon, will bo sold at public sale, without rtsme, at the Philadel phia Exchange, all that large and valuable lot of ground, situate on the north side of Girard avenue, be tween Franklin and Eighth streets ; containing in front on Girard avenue 85 feel 3K incbfes ; thence extending northward 78 feet 3H inches ; thence east 138 feet 7*. inches to Franklin street; thence south along l ranklin street 3F« inches ; thence southwest to Girard avenue. Subject to a redeemable ground rent of ®lBO a year .law ful monev. Bee plan at the Auction Boems. By order of lIENBA HAINES, 1 GEO.W'IDENEB, >Executors. MABCY FOX. S M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, n 02027 de4 139 and HI S. Fourth street. KEAL ESTATE.—THOM AS & SONS' Sale.—Modern Threp-etory Brick Residence, No. 2028|Mount Vernon west of Twentieth street. On Tuesday, November 30, 1269, at 12. o’clocksnoon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia * Exchange, all that modern three-story brick messuage, with three story back building and lot of ground, situate on the south sido of Mount Vernon street, west of Twentieth street, No. 2028; containing in front on Mount Vernon street 20 feet 2 inches, and extending in depthB9 feet 5 inches to the middle of a 4-feet wide-alley t withi the privilege thereof. Thehoußeis in good repairyandhaa all the modern conveniences; gas, bath, hot and cold water,furnace, two cooking range*, &c. Terms—One-tbird cash. Immediate possession. May be examined any day previous to sale. M. THOMAB & SONS, Amiioneera, nO2O 27 139 and 141 South Fourth street; _ 4pi KICAIj ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS’ ■Bttli Sale.—Three-story Brick Dwelling. No. fill Pino Btreot, between Fifth and Sixth streets. On Tuesday. November 23,1869. at 12 o’clock, noon, will he sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange: all that threo-etoiy prick, messuage and lot of gTouird, situate o n the ucrth side of Pine stroet, west of Fifth street, No. fill: containing in front on Pine street 18J foot, and ex tending in depth 78 feet to a 4 feet wide alley leading into Fifth street, with the privilege thereof. The house con tains 2parlors, 4 chambers, attics, basement kitchen, furnace,.cooking-range, bath, hot and cold water, &c. Subject to an irredeemable ground rent of #72, pay able in silver. „ ' ‘ . Terms—-$3,000 cash. Immediate possession. Keys N. E. corner of Fifth and Pine streot*. 0&~ The chandelier and front window blinds are in cluded in the sale. ■ M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers, no2o Nos. 139 and 141 S. Fourth street. .REAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS’ - ■l4 sale.—Modern three-story brick Dwelling, No. 988 North Seventh street, between Poplar street and Girard avenue. On Tuesday, Noy. SO 1809, at 12 o clock, noon, will bo sold at public Bale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three-story brick messuage, with two-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the west sido of' Seventh street, between Poplar and Girard avenue, No. 988; containing ha front on Beyenth street 18 feot, and extending in depth on the north lino 114 feet, and on the south line 115 feet 5 Inches. The house has the modern conveniences. Terms—B3.Boo may remain on mortgage. Possession within three months. . M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street _ E PEREMPTORY SALE. —THOMAS & Sons, Auctioneers. —Modem Three-story Brick ling, No. 332 North Fortieth streot, West Philadel phia-On Tuesday, Nov,3oth, 1869,at 12 o’clock,noon, will be sold at public sale, without ramie, at the Phila delphia Exchango, all that modern tlireo-story brick messuage, with two-story back buildings and lot of ground, sitpnte on the west side of Fortieth street, No. 332: containing in front on Fortieth street 34 feet, and extending in depth 120 feet to a small street. The house has gas, bath, tot and cold wator, cooking rauge, fur- on mortgage. Uy clear of all inctapbranco. _ Bale absolute. Immediate possession. ■. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers. ■ no2o 27 139 and 1418. Fourth St. mBEAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS’ sale.—Genteel three-story brick Dwelling. No. 992 Marshall Btreet, north of Poplar streot.—On Tuesday. Novembor 80, 1809, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public sale,, at the Philadelphia Exchange, alt that genteel three-story brick meßBuage,witb two-story brick aud frame back building and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Marshall street, 761 feot .% of an inch north of Poplar street, No. 902; containing in front on Marshall Btreet 16 feet, and extending in depth 81 feetjs inches to a 12 feet wido alley, with the privilege thereof. It has parlor. dining-room and kitchen on the first floor; gas introduced, bath-room, range, See. ■ Subject to a yearly ground rent of 8<J0» and a widow’s d oW cr of *660 homaB fc 80NS ; AuctIoneera . 139 mid 141 South Fourth Btreet. ~4SS REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SOKS’ Mill Sale. Valuable BuslnSss Stand Three-Story Brick Store and Dwelling, No. 1341 South street, east of Broad street.—On Tuesday, November 30th, 1809, at 12 •’clock, noon, will be, eold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that three-etory brick store and dwelling, situate on the north ride of South Street, eastof Broad street, No. 1341; containing In front on South street 17 feet 4 incheß, Including an alley leading int» South street, and extending in depth7o feet. .It is occupied as a shoe store, and a good business stand. Subject to all irredeemable ground rent of ®S2, silver money. Beaßedfor»bo«t2^and|mO & tbs. Auctio n. Nos. 139 and Ml South 'Fourth etreet. EEAt. ESTATE—THOMAS & SONS’ Brlcfr Dwelling, No. ,2221 Mon.-- troao street. On Tuesday, November 23, 1869, at 12. o’clock,noon. willbesold at jmblio eale,ftt thePhila* delphiu Exchange, all that two-atory brick dwelling and lot of groundsfiltuato at No. 2221 Montrose street, 14 feet front, 60 feet deep; the house contains 0 rooms. Terms~®MbO may remoin oh mortgago. Keyset tbe'offlce'of J. JosephWirpby, S«.', No. 022 Waluut stloet ' M TU oMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, it 133 and HI South I’ourtU utreot. THE NEW TRASK & WHITING HAVE REFITTED STORE, NTosYHO and 41 North EIGHTH Street* ~ Between Market and Aroh Streets, '■ 'V' ' !V -■ - And are bow oflaring to the ladies of Philadelphia a largo and ontirolf, We enumerate a few of the Speoial Bargains: 500 dozen Ladies’ All Linen Hem-stitoh Handkerchiefs, wide hems, at 250., worth 50c. 7-8 All Linen Loom Tabid Damask, at 460. 8-4 Half Bleached do., at 75c. 8-4 All Linen extra heavy Double Satin Damask, at $1 12, 36 inch Dice Huckaback Towels, extra heavy, at 25c. Extra heavy quality Towels, at 12 l-2c. Extra All Linen Table Napkins, at $1 37 1-2 per dozen. Heavy Canton Flannels, at 12 l-2c. Yard wide extra heavy Shaker Flannels, at 50c. 2,000 Yards new style Delaines, at 15c., same as sold at 250. in other stores. Ladies’, Misses’ and Gents’ in all varieties. 50 dozen Bleached and Brown Baibriggan Hose, extra long top, at 62 f-20, 100 dozen Merino Hose, at 12 D2c. 200 dozen Bleached and Brown Fleeced do., at 31c. Rochdale super extra Super Blankets, all wool, at $4 50 per pair. GLOVES OF ALL KINDS. We sell the EMPRESS KID GLOVES at 87 1-2©. per pair, which is a better Glove than is sold in other stores at $1 00. All sizes and colors. Also, the best $2 00 Kid Glove at $1 62 1-2, in black, colors and all sizes; every pair warranted. A full line of DRESS GOODS, in all the new and desirable fabrics. A full line of MOURNING GOODS, in the popular varieties, at less than the usual prices. • We offer special inducements, being imported expressly for us. We warrant them free from imperfection and not to crack or break, and of unusual durability. Our connections with EASTERN MANUFACTURERS are such that we can offer all DOMESTIC GOODS at WHOLESALE PRICES, and in many cases at lower rates than other RETAILERS PAY FOR THEIR GOODS. Our Customers will please bear in mind that in buying our Goods they are paying but a SINGLE PROFIT between the MANUFACTURER and the CONSUMER. Believing that the ONE-PRICE SYSTEM is the only honorable one, we shall adhere to it in all cases. NO ARTICLE allowed to be misrepresented; and any article not proving AS represented can be returned. TRASK & WHITING, nos; 39 AND 41 NORTH EIGHTH STREET nolfi tu W 8 3t§ CLARK & BIDDLE, 1124 CHESTNUT STREET, HAVE THIS WEEK OPENED AJS. : ELEGANT STOCK . . i • • • 1 ; OP : r J ;r FANCY GOODS AND GEMS OF ART. BR,II>ikI>SILVER , ’,,; - \ \ \ , .v ■■ , ■- ■ ■ • • ,i- ; ■ > GOBHAM PLATE. ec3oe4trtde2B * . • ■ mn w a wiTTirs a wrvj * jUTEASS’S ■ HEW HABKESfI JBL' REPAIRS TO /WATOHEH AIN store : no better or cheaper goods In the oitjr: dP% MceloU Boiee In tto i , f?i I { o | n S?rAT£llßl eSp£nsoe B reduced by removal; prices lowored. iu4 Jfa.l. workmen, . BUrket gtwet i Bis Howe in the floor. irtMy*, DRY GOODS (FORMERLY LANG’S,) new stock of DRY GOODS, HOSIERY. IN BLACK SILKS new store, PHILADELPHIA. STORE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers