a . city bulletin. T»IK PkNNBYI.VAKIA HOWITAI. IjUOTURK. —Evidently the thuhddt of the past few days ,! has clearoa the air of the lecture room of the Pennsylvania Hospital. Much Interest has been excited.'during the week, over the at tendance of female students aV the Hospital clinics, in consequence of the. disturbances ot, jplßdt and the obiduhons press was wwcll rejifeeented this morning to watch and “Second the course of. human events, '.‘X On entering tho lecture room, it was found lb be oocnpled by thirty-nine ladles, seated together on tho Western curve’of the amphi theatro; Rndabout one hundred and thirty or forty gentlemen. The utmost quiet, and decorara prevailed in the class, and the con trast 'with the noise and rowdyism oi last Saturday was most refreshing. Dr DaCosta ehtered precisely at 10 ocioeic, and Without preface, commenced his lecture, ! tbe Case before the class beluga boy vathty phold tfcver, which the lecturer proceeded to explaih with his usual clear, concise and happy style. The case was one of equal in terest to the maleand female Btudcnta, and the r. ‘ onlynoticeable difference was that most ot the latter followed the lecturer very cloSely, mak ing numerous entries in their note-books, wfiile the young men, probably more . with this class of demonstration,entrusted the . lecturer’s points to their memories. . - • ' . ibis ease was • followed .by cases of load balss*. male; hystene palsy .Female, bloody vomiting; female; and heart disease, male. *U,. At the close of Dr. Dr. : Hunt commenced his lecture, which included - several interesting cases, concluding with the partial amputation of the foot of aman crushed ova car. TJpon the conclusion of Dr. Hunts lecture, the class, which had preserved the most perfect good order throughout, quietly loft the lecture-room without demonstration pf Dunngtho first hour, a number of the Man-' * users of the Hospital,among whom we noticed Messrs. Mordecai L. Dawson, Samuel Welsh, William Biddle, Samuel Mason, Alex. J.Der byshire and Edward Townsend, entered the lecture room, and remained some time, evi dently much gratified with the prevailing good ' °*Wo'observed one woman who came late,and . did not appear to he a medical student. She »* was not a student of the Female Medical Col lege, and contrived to make herself so con spicuous bv her deportment both during and after the lecture as to excite suspicion that she was present from some other motive than , a thirst lor scientific, knowledge. . ~ A special meeting of the Board of Man agers of the Hospital was held this morning, and the following preamble ahd resolutions * At a moetinß of the Hoard IMS °a students from the Female Medical College to attend tho ellnicaUccturee of tbe Hospital ; tind whereas, Under this authority about thirty etinlcnte belonging to this school, accompanied by one of thoir professore, attended the clinic held on the 6th inst., at which time a number of male students behaved m a vent indecoroUß manner, lirhiesina before the lecturer had conimoncedthede- Ilveryof nislecturp, and after it wae over by other eon-. Hurt unbecoming m any well*regulated institution} und e«i>ocinJly C inono which has long maintained the stand- one of the leading charities of our .f l^’ such has enjoyed the eyWpattay and respect of our fel -11 wTthatwhiUt a large majority of the etudenta took no part in this disgraoefnl B^s''.th o maniLgora fU }5 JO I ml°, < That 'the managers wouldbe nnwiHiiigto depriToany student of the important benefits to be de- Tivedfrom attending the cluneal lectures but that this privilege can only be accorded* J? , s _ uch aB - eisned " The Managers of the Hospital having thus recorded their disapprobation of the conduct of'the disorderly students, last Saturday, and their determination to preserve order in future, it rests with the Faculties of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania and the Jefferson College, who have assumed the responsibility of the whole affair, to make such suggestions to the authorities of the Hospital as they may think expedient to solve the difficulty. Re-arrested. —A man, who gave his name as John Hampton, was arrested, last night, in the yard of &e dwelling at No. 415 South Ninth street. A policeman observed him jump over the fence, went after him, and captured him on suspicion of burglary. The fellow turned out to he John Sweeny, who escaped from the Central Station on Thursday atter noon last. He states that he was taken to the lock-up by an officer on Thursday, hut that he walked out of the Rogue’s Gallery; went do wn stairs: didn’t see anybody about, and then passed out on to the street. In regard to his arrest last night, he says that he was pass ing along Ninth street and observed-two flats (policemen). Supposing that they were “ spotting” him, fie ran and jumped over.the feme. Tiie officers followed him; arrested him and handed him over to Fohceman Kelley, who holds him on the charge of at tempted burglary at the place where he was found last night. The original charge pending against Sweeny, and upon which he was to have a hearing on the day he escaped, is the robbery of the house of Mr. Hulfish, N 0.1133 Walnut street. He will he arraigned again at the Central Station this afternoon, and he will probably he better guarded than he was en Thursday. ' _ , It is due to C. Henry Major, the Turnkey at the Central Station, to say that during the in vestigation of the affair yesterday, he stated, on oath, that Sweeny had not been placed in his custody at the lime of his escape. This statement is now confirmed by what Sweeny says in regard to the matter. Got Among Thieves.— Last night a young man, residing on North Seventh street, was I attacked at Ninth and Locust streets, was knocked down and was Tobhed of his pocket- I book and watch. He begged his assailants to jrive him suflicient money to take him home. I They refused, and finally succeeded iu per suading him to go to a house on Locust street, above Ninth. There ho was asked to treat. He said that he had no money, hut if they would give him some he wouldtreat. He was told that it made no difference, aud then all hands were called up and hada drink. The young man again said that ho had no money, ! whereupon his Ooat was taken from his back, and ho was beaten and kicked out into the street. Policemen McClure, Mcllhenny and Kelly arrested Wm.T. Fitzgerald and L. I.Rob inson upon the charge of having been con cerned In tho robbery, and they will have a hearing at the Central Station this afternoon. Charged with Robukby. —Samuel Gag gers, Vincent Vanleer and Robert Flanigen were arrested in West yester day, upon the charge of having broken into and robbed a butcher shop at Hestonville, ■ last September. At the time of the robbery a warrant was issued for the arrest of Gaggers, but he could not be found. Yesterday Van leer was avrested for throwing stones on the Almshouse grounds, and; It was then as certained that ho and Flanigen were con nected with Gaggers. Flanigen and Gaggers were then arrested and the two were com mitted for trial. Jit VENICE House Thieves.— This morn ing, about half-past three o’clock, Police- | man Cooliran, of West ' Philadelphia, ob served five boys in a wagon which was drawn bv a gray horse. Upon seeing the officer, the juveniles deserted the wagon. They ran, were pursued, aud three were captured. Each told a different story as to how they got the horse and wagon. The prisoners gave their names as Latta Lamma, John Magee and James Walker, and their ages range from 9 to 13 years. They were- committed for a further hearing by "Alderman Randall. Presentation. —Col. If. W. C. Moore, late I Superintendent of the Sunday Schools of the Second Reformed Church, Seventh street, above Brown, has been presented with a beautiful gold-headed cane. The presentation was made by Mr. Nichols in behalf of the teachers and scholars, and acknowledged in a neat speech hv Col. Moore. Addresses were also made by Rev. Mr. Levi and others. Col. Moore, the late superintendent, has accepted a call to superintend the singing in the church at,Brooklyn, of which Rev.lfr. Talmage is the pastor. . • , Supposed Stolen Watch.— Edward Davis wasarrested hy Policeman Merklinger, yes terday afternoon, while attempting to pawn a gold watch at a shop at Fourth and Poplar streets- By his suspicions actions it was evi dent that be had not come by the time-keeper honestly. He will have a hearing at the Cen : tad Station this afternoon. ~7....: Jj Cbjielty to Animals.— Francis Miller was arrested byPoßceman Mackin, at America and Jeftbrson afternoon, for cruelty to animals. He was holding a dog; bv the neck: while a lot of boy's stoned It. The animal was badly injured. Miller was taken before Alderman, Riddell, and was held in $OOO hail for trial. . -Wr TUB DMk* SATUmJ®.i7OT Oitv Mohtalitv.— life numi>er of meats inllm city fortbo wcek to-<lav was -287, against WnO Dtrioti last yeat. Of the whole number 1.17 were adults linu IW> cluldrOd —68 being .under ;one, yourof age; 189 were males; 128 females; 76 oo.vs; an(f 74 girls. : v 'l'lie number of death 'First;.:.:.'.. HfK-onti '• " *a Third.. 2 Sixth.;.. .1 ••••• A Seventh “of Kißhth - 5' Ninth.,.. i: Si Eleventh i' Twelfth Fourteenth . ;r .~4S. Fi Thc principal causes of wcr !m~. Anonlexy, 4; croup, 13; consumption, 39, convulsions, 16; diphtheria, 6alsease of the heart, 13; debility, 7; scarlet feyor. ai, tvnhoid fever, 7; inflammation of tholttngs, 20: inflammation of the stomaOh and .how els,7; marasmus, 14; old age, 10, and suicides, 4. Assaulting Women.— Amtliony Gifford got on a snree yesterday. He went to ft. house in the nefghborhood of Beach and Coates streets, and abused several women Finally he was arrested on complaint of one of the women, and was held in 8800 nail oy Alderman Becker. He was then arrcHted again, and taken before Alderman Toland, w ß hen two additional charges of assault and battery were preferred against him, aud.ho was held in $7OO bail on each. Not the Place. —The fight at Sliippen and Spafibrd streets, yesterday, did not take place a?Aiken’s tavern, but on the opposite side of the street. Now is the time to subscribe to Bather a Weekly. In the current number is commenced Wilkie Collins’s now story,“Man and .Wife, which starts with all that rnr of mystery and sinuosity of design which distinguish the only livinE master of plot. The action so far ap oeam to hinge on an “Irish Wedding,’’-one of those no-marriages of protestenta under^a Popish priest which a statute so late as George the I Second makes illegal. The story is embel lished with original designs. As for the Weekly in general) the present number, with Curtis’s generous editorials, a fine drawing by Nast, mid other excellent contents, is a show-specimen. Ladies’ Faik, now held at the Hortb cultural Hall, is, according to report, thus tar a success. The hall is visited nightly by a large and fashionable audience, which is loud in its praises of and thanks to the ladies for their promptness and alacrity in the perform ance of their tedious duties. The articles for sale being both useful and ornamontal. it is hoped that it will be patronized by tbe public. The Fair ends on Monday eyening, Novem ber 15. - ' We commend to public favor Messrs. P. J. Hansard & Co., who have established an ele gant drug store at No. 630 Chestnut street. All aruas, chemicals and compounds emanating from this establishment excel in merit and absolute purity. Messrs. Hassard & Oo.s superb stock embraces an attractive and diversified assortment of toilet, fancy and mis cellaneous articles, and tlio specifics and spe cialties produced from their exclusive recipes are sanctioned by tbe medical faculty* ale eficdbes should test the dehemus flavor of Burnett’s Flavoring Extracts, which may be found in all our principal grocery and drugstores. . ■ Tbknwith’h New Stoke, 614 Chestnut street, is now in the full tide of its succoss. Persons about leaving the city con procure a full supply of light literature, ns well ob toilet and fancy articfea of cvery description. All the latest publications constantly on hand. ' CITIT NOTICES. Wombath’s Fubs. Messrs. Womratli s groat Fur establishment, No. 1212 Chestnut street, is in !«s£srssd*ss£™%r{^. brought to our lips when the thermometer is at 90 deg. To a mercantile house of more than fifty ve , ars „/'f a "™/ in this community, it is hardly to. paper comment, especially as its eareer throughout this neriod has been at the lead of its department in PWladsl phia, if not in America. But the prwent stock of Mossm A K IF K VVomrothissomagnificentthis season that ahrief reference thereto is a simple duty to the ladies: Kroma“glanco through” wo .discover that a popular “raid” ißlieingmado upon their Astrachan and peal ttVin tiacanes. Anything more rich, gracefm, or seasonable thau these comd taiwdly be imagined. Being encased in ono of these superb, volvoty furs invests the fair wearer with new charms that we are free to ac knowledge, and that throw around our prospectiVo sleigh-rides a hitherto nndroamed-of halo, also this season Introduced a pretty style of Collars and Polonaise, also of Astrachan beal-Bkin, which nre ex ceedingly beautiful and Impressive, and whicharo having a very largo sale. Their stock in the celebrated Busilan Sable goods is incomparably rlc h-While there we saw an original package of these expensive furs just Mltcamlto the Messrs. Womrath from Bt. Petersburg —a curiosity in itself—but the exquisite littie skins themselves, which a lady may luxuriate in to the tune of some thousands per set, give one on id e ® “1 1 the tocracy that pertains to the quadruped kingdom near the N ln aiftluon to these their stock in the nudaon Bay g a bi e , Ermine, Chinchilla, -Grebe, Mink Sable* Squirrel, etc., in eeta for ladies and children, arempre extensive than ever; and that thoir pricoß wants of everybody is apparont from the tact that they range from five dollars each to fl thousand dollars. The Polonaise, or small fur collars, with tabs falling over tbe breast, is a little gem, and is deservedly popular, so are their Ikating muffs; while in gentlemen a mufflers, riding gloves, buffalo and carriage robes, foot-maffa, lap blankets Jafghaus, and that,clase of goods, their assort* ment presents unusual attractions. Being their own importers and manufacturers, their prices are exceed ingly moderate. No bettor proof of the capacity of this find* could be hod than tbe fact that they aro large manufacturers of goods in their line for the New York market. ' Kerb’s China Hall. . List ofEnglieh Ironstone Chino Dinner Set for containing: _ 12 Dinner Plates. 12 Soup Plates. 12 Breakfast, Dessert or Tea Plates. 1 Covered Soup Tureen. 2 Covered Vegetable Dishes. 2 Uncovered Vegetable Dishes. 1 Covered Butter Dibji, with Drainer. 1 Pickle Shell. 3 Meat Dishes* assorted sizes. 12 Sauce Plates. . I‘Water Pitcher. _ • I 1 Sauce Tureen and Stand. 12 Tea Oupb (without handles) and 12 Saucers- The above set, boat quality White Stone China* for SlO. xpe aooT Ke^e , B 1218 Chestnut street. Kerb’s China Hall. List of English Iroußtone Set for QlSi containing: 32 Dinner Plates. 12 Soup Plates _ _ 12 Breakfast, Dessert or Tea Plates. 12 Sauce Plates. „ , ' „ 1 Oval Soup Tureen Stand and Ladle. 1 Oval Sauce Tureen Stand and Ladle. 1 Sauce Boat. 4 Oval Covered Vegetable Dihiies. 2 Uncovered-Vegetable Dishes. 4 Meat Dishes, assortedsizes. 1 Salad or Fruit Bowl. _ 1 Covered Butter Dibu,with Drainer. 1 Pickle Shell. 1 Water Pitcher. 12 Tea CuPßiwiTii handles), and AtHhe C (U>ovo pieces best Quality White Stone China for fits Backed freo of charge. All orders by mail promptiy attended “klpp*** to ttny payable on eficHtnat street. Kerr’s China Hall, Now Opening, A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF Paris, Vienna* English and Bohemian Fancy Goods, For Holiday Presents* _ .. ‘•Glove, Handkerchief Boxes. ;Ti R , iK7IN ii _ “Swiss Carted Wood •pIShS?* “JaRDENIERS,” k Majolica,” “Card Stands,” •Card Stands.” “Scent Bottles, &c., all entirely new and choice goods*, not to be found elsewhere, ranging in prick from the lowest to the most expensive. Janies K.Kerr & Bro , China Hall* 1213 Chestnut Street. A Worthy Son of St. Crispin.-t-Wo pre sume there are but few of our citizens who have not hoard of the merits of the fine Boots and Gaiters ma ie oy William H. Helweg, tho accomplished ctrdonnier.at No. 635 Arch Btreet* next to the corner of Sixth. The highest encomiums which have been lavißhea upon him do not, by any means, overrate the beautiful work ol this meritorious artist. W e are firm In the opiniou that there is no better bootmaker in thecountry than W. 11, Hklweg* and a glance at his order-book will exhibit the names of the first gentlemen of our city, who doubt* lubb entertain a similar opinion. Mr. A. h. VansantT corker of Ninth and Chestnut atrnuta, the leading manufacturer of French aifd American confectionory in the city, now offers hot-hoUBe fruits and all the deltcaoies in his lino. Holt’s Patent Marking Wheel. Wm. F. Bcheiblts, Bode Agent, No. 49 South Thiiid ■ Sthket, Philadelphia. . , This machine is designed to eupersede the use of sten cil plates on cases, wrapping-paper, cloth or papor bags. The type fcoing made of rubber, it will print or any level surface. ... • . It is eelf-inklng. lt is simple, durable, .and always ready for use. . Exquisite New Faul Confections, Manufactured by Whitman & Co., 318 Chestnut street, Retailors supplied at the lowest wholesale prices. ' G'lu-iSNfc! Glu-knkT <Jlu-enft! . - Everybody should buy a bottle of GLU-KNK. It will mend anything that gets broken about the house or counting-room. Sold everywhere. Hoi'SEKKKPiiita can'get a complete outfit for Urn kitchen w ih ca«h Ward fleventoenth.... *• .»•** Kighte0nth......;........ Twenty'ftwt— r »*'J , •Twonty-5e00bd....... ... J Twenty-third... - ‘-.J ; Twenty-fourth. , g •Twenty-fifth/. | Twenty-eixth.. i ....*'“W. 1 ,I Twenty-eighth •*. •• g Unknown 0 FARBC Kitchen Fnrnlshiu Dock street, boll "w Waluut Fvnsf Ftraat! FoiwHl ■ . .. at oA*frO«i<s’,WM Mid ©4 (Arttnut etreot, CottNEti Bunions, Inverted Kalla. stdl by far. J. Davidson, Ko. #U Chestnut Chargoamoderate. •■..■■ ' :■ Jpnioioos Mothers ami -names we jtojf children a daft And pleasant medidiijo In IfeiwrM In/aiu Vardiat. ■ Brown* Bln* and Drab ■ Kewe* : • Ovorcoatingn.;, Green, BrownjMnfGray Allied. Fur Bearer Overcoatings. v.v. AllOolert, .. i Cvarfbe, Eddorden.Caator nod Pluuo ■ ■ Bearer- . ■ : , , ’ Overcoatings., . , All fctvlea ' . . . English, French «nd Domestic, Oasalraerea, • • ••••■: nod M Fancy Velvet and 811 k Vestings. All the Novelties of the Seaaon la the (nothing Lino Made up to Order by Charles Stokes, N 0.831 Chestnutaireet. Bubgicai. lKSTßDMKOTß.aiWlteltggtotß’BUn ariofl. : gNOWDBN ft BboTHRBi 25 SonthKlghth street. Mink, Sabpk, apd all the best and most toautiful styles Of Fors can b6har»t Mi under the Continental. Gents, prepare lor colder weather. by purchasing orte of those Fine Mufflers! Fine Mufflers I Bold at oAlcPonnsunder the Continental. DEAFNESS) Bl,ntt)NB88 AND CATABBB* J. Isaacs, Ml D.« Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the above> members yrlth the utmost success. Testimonials from tbO 1 tPSJdt reliable sources in tho city can be seen at hts offipe, No. 605 Arch street. Tbomedioal faoulty are tnvhed to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Arti ficial eyes inserted■ No charge DRY GOODS. PRICE & WOOD, N. W. corner Eighth and Filbert. JUST RECEIVED, 300 dozen Duchess Pariß Kid Gloves, $1 pair. Joseph Kid Gloves, SI pair. Jouvin’s Kid Gloves, choice colors. Radies’, Gcntß’ and Children’s Gloves, cheap. Radies’ Cloth Gloves, 31, S 3, 00,6»*,TSc. up to SI. Children’s Bluo and Scarlet Cloth Gloves, Ac. Ladles’and Gents' Hosiery. Children’s Hosiery. Ladies’and Gents’Merino Vests and Pants. Misses’ and Boys’ Merino Vests and Pants. 100 dozen Hem-stitch Hdkfs. A job lot, 25 cents, worth 35cents. .. Lndieß’ Hem stitch Hdkfs., all linen, 19,25,31,33,45, 60,62 c. Ladies’ and Gents' Corded Hem-stitch Hdkfs. Gents’ Colored Border Hdkfs., in now designs. Bargains in Linen Goods, in Table Linens, Napkins and Towels, Bird-Eye Linens, Nursery Bird-Eyes, beat makes. Shirting Linens. A large assortment of Blankets* at $3 60, $3 87, $4, §4 60, @5,85 75,88, §6 50, §7 25, §8 50, §9, 810 up to $l6 a pair. FLANNELS, FLANNELS, FLANNELS. All-wool Flannels, 25,31,38,40,45,00,62)£, 75,8736, §l. Ballardvalo Flannels, Shaker Flannels and Domet Flannels. Bed and Gray, Plain and Twlllod Flannels, Ac. Plain All-wool Poplins, Silk and Wool Poplins, Plaid Poplins, Stripe Poplins, 4c. BLACK BILKB. Black Silks, good qualities, cheap. Block Alpacas, 37)i, 45,60,60,62>5, 65,76 c. up to SI 25. Water-Proof Cloth, 91,91 25, @1 40, @l.6oand ®1 65 per yard PRICE & WOOD, N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND FILBERT nol3sw2tn> ' . JOHN BURNS, House*Furnishing i Dry Goods and imported of hosiery, 245 & 247 S. Eleventh St., ah. Spruce. UNEXCELLED FOR CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY OF GOODS WILL OPEN, FROM AUCTION, THIS MORNING, Ladies’ All-Linen Hemstitched Hdkfs., 12Jic. Gents’ Handkerchiefs, plain, colored border and Hem- Napkins,all-linen, fast edges, §1 50 doz. Heavy Loom Towels,all-linen,l2Kc. Hand-Loom Table Linen,Jsc., toc,,62Mc. toSl 12)5. Two-yard wide Bleached Table Linen, 16c.,87)5c. CANTON FLANNELS, 12)a, 15,18,23,25,27 to4Bc. Ballardvale B lannels, 37;«c'. Cloaking, 80c., $1,31 1211, 51 25, Waterproof for suits, 31 25, 51 37 ii, 81 76. CARTWRIGHT & WARNER’S UNDERWEAR. Cartwright & Warner’s Gents’Shirts. 82 75up. Cartwright & Warner’s extra heavy six throad Shirts. Cartwright & Warner’s Ladies’, Vests. Cartwright & Warner s Chlldren’syeßts. Ladies’ high neck, long sleeve Vests, 78 ets.up. Gents’ Merino Shirts, 80c., 75c., 91,81 25. Ladies’genuine Balbriggan Hose, Ladies’heavy “ Iron Frame” Hobo, 37,Vc. Ladiss’ "Donblo-sole” “Iron-framo” Hoso,4lfc. Genta’ super Stout ii Hose, 31c.; best imported, 37JSc. Ladies’ and Children’s extra-long English Hobo. •Children’s scarlet and blue hose, in solid colors. nnl.3 >w 2t - WHITE AND OPERA KID GLOVES. FRESH STOCK Just frsm the Factory in Paris. ELEGANT SHADES OF OPERA. ALSO, BECEIVED THIS WEEK, AN INVOICE OK 2-Buttoned Kid Gloves at $1 75. (iur “Bartley” Ktd Gloves, 91 85-best imported. Our “La Belle” “ §1 25—elegant shades. The “JoßOph”—best SlKid in America. Fine Jouvin, SI 76 per pair. Gents’Kid Gloves, 8126,8150 and $2. . MiBBCB-Kid «Io F pam.^. GLOVES! GLOVES I! GLOVES 11! An innnenße aßßortment at lowest prices. DKESS GOODS. imebinoB BLAOK bILKB, BILK POPLINS, FLANNELS, VELVETS. Selling at Gold Cost In Currency, in order to reduco stock in theßOdepartments. 6-4 Blue Cloaking reduced to 82. BARGAINS IN EVERT DEPARTMENT, BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT to reduce our lurge stock. A. & J. B. BARTHOLOMEW, Importers of Kid Gloves, No. 83 NORTH EIGHTH STREET. w ; . GENTS’ LINEN HDKFS. McVAUftH & DUNCAN, ||4 South Eleventh Street, HATE OPENED TO-DAY ' A Small Lot of GENTS’ HEM-STITCHED HDKFS., A GREAT BARGAIN. Hemstitched Hdkfs. worth $9 00 per doz., will be sold for $6 00. Also, in Stock and Arriving Rally, EMBROIDERIES, RACES, RIBBONS ■ And ■ ■ FANCY ARTICLES In Great Variety, At the lowest Cash Prices; pcBmth»Btni l . CUNNINGH AM & SMITH No. 1224 Ridge Avenue, Aro n»w offerliuj ft fine &BBorhnont of ' FALL AND WINTER dbv -goods At the lowest possible prices. Chlltoi* CUNNINGHAM & SMITH. oc2-sf uth2m rp > . • VAJ GEEENAHDBLDE i^raSlE^'fLAlD^.' I 1 , 1 p EYRE & LANDELL, j FOURTH AND ARCH STS., McKENSIE PLAIDS FOE SUITS. 6-4 All-Wool McKensie Plaids. 6-4 All-Wool McKensie Plaids. ; McKenisie Plaid Poplins. MoKensie PlaldSerges. MoKensie Plaid Albas. MoKensie Plaid Arabs. McKensie Plaid Shawls. MoKensie Plaid Mehairs. LYONS; VELVETS, CHBIBT9MS M>S« SHAWM. FASHIONABLE PUJSHBS. . VERY BEST ASTRACANS. BOYAB POPLim MOBILITY BEACH SIEKS, Arc. i tnOtt V i’ l , ' ■ • ~ lUfully 1869. 1869. FALL TRADE. EDWARD FERRIS, Importer and Dealer IN White Goods, Laces, Embroideries] Handkerchiefs, Linen Collars and Cuffs, &c M At Very Low Prices. EDWARD FERRIS 807 CHESTNUT STREET. jft23 tn th ■ ; - Grand. Closing- Sal© OF RICKEY, SHARP & CO.’S IMMENSE STOCK OF DRY GOODS AT RETAIL. UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS IN SUES, VELVETS, DRESS GOODS '■ AND MISCELLANEOUS DRY GOODS. Thin stock Is the most extensive and varied ever offered at retail la this city, and contains more novelties and staples or recent Importation than can be found elsewhere. ’ ONE PRICE AND NO DEVIATION. RICKEY, SHARP &. CO., 727 Chestnut Street. jytitfrp ..i. EYRE &> LANDBIiL, Fourth and Arch Streets, Have arranged a Counter on which all the DRESS GOODS Displayed will be Sold at 25 Cento. Plain Dark Serges, ’ Plain Dress Goods, De Laines and Alpacas, English. Mixtures, i . Black Alpacas. ; \ tlood opportunity to select Christmas Presents for Helps of the House, mw »tl ■ BLACK SILKS. WE ABE PBEPABED TO OFFBB A VERY SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT OF ALL GRADES AND WIDTHS. PERKINS & CO., No. 9 South Ninth Street. _ .e7-th th» _ ' • - ELDER.WALTON&CO 215 N. Ninth Street, above Race, Are Now Offering an Elegant Line All-Wool Bine and Green Pl»ld», 75c.. i Doable Width Plaids, High Colors; All-Wool Poplins, Alpaca poplins. 0-4 Black de kaines~-Bararalns. m.wp.tn. in Blaek Orw « rains, 01 00, |2, 02 80, »3 75, »3, Q 3 00. vnll Assortment TemtwJM*,, . ©reen and Bine ond High Colored Staid ■aM-th. to 2mrp ' ■ -- SHAWLS. Paisley Shawls, (Qpenand closed centre), Broche Shawls, <dpen«hd closed contre)i Plaid 1 Blanket Shawls, Stripe Blanket Shawls, INDIA SCARFS. JOHN W. THOMAS, Nos* 405 and 407 N. Second Street, Tißrß. J. LEVIS HAS REMOVED TO x) the N. W. corner of Arch and Thirteenth . nolOdgtre — «l! terms, tho Dwelling Houbo No. l}®*^*"% bnly°at Hnsall modern conveniences. Price, Igll.OOO.Applyat; 334 Chestnut Btreet. • noi3-«trp oily tfddiwr «e?MOVAirs: "A A TO INVEST IN A KIKST-, CLARK & 1124 CHESTNUT STREET, an elegant stock; FANCY GOODS ANDGEMS OF ART. BEIDAL ©IIaVBR -WA.K.E, oc3o i Bcvr tdoSB riiKj». ITJJ-tS I FWBS 1 A. K. & F. K. WOMRATH, / , No. 1212 Chestnut Street, (Late stand 4i7 ABOU Street,) ABB BELLING Children's Sets of Furs at 05. Ladled Siberian Squirrel Seta, 8* upward!: «* Mink Sable 44 B*o « Herman Fitch “ 818 « Stone Marten 44 880 b Boyal Ermine 44 B*® i « Hudson Bay Sable « B so b Bnsslan Sable ' 44 8180 I English Riding Boas, Skating Muffs, tie., Fur Gloves, Foot Muffs, Lap Blankets. A great variety of Carriage and Sleigh Robes. A. K. & F. K. WOMRATH, Ho. 1213 Chestnut Street, ritILADELPIIU. not th a ta 3mrpS SABLE FURS, RUSSIAN AND HUDSON’S BAT. The Sntrecrlber haring mode the above article* _a SPECIALTY in hie bn*ine*»,h»a prepared a large oMort ment in different atyle* at hie Store, No. 139 North Third Street, Phllada. EtdablUhed 44 years ago. JAMES REISKY. net a tn thSmrpS * MILLINERY GOODS. THOS. KENNEDY & BROS. WHOLESALE STOCK AT RETAIL. Great Redaction in Prices. TBIMMED BONNETS PABIS WALKING HATS, LATEST FASHIONS. B White Veit Beta; Colored Felt Bote. A. Silk Velvet Bata. BEtoufliiM Very Cheap. tjr Bonnet Blbbone. A Satina andVelret* Cat Blna. I Beal Bacea, NGnipore Baeea, Steel, Buckles, 5$ Jet Onuunenta. KENNEDY, 729 CHEBTITOT BTBEET. ae293mrp , ’ ■ GOO dozen Feathers Just Opened* Ostrich Tins. Bong Ostrich Plume de Coek, Paradise, « India Pheasants, 'Willow Feathers, Colored Birds. Bichest Assortment of French Flowers Ever Opened. JTW MISSES O’BRYAN, NO. HOT ■LA WALNUT street, h»ve just received ea elea»nt Msortment of Paris Bonnets and Walking. HatsofSs Terr latest style. no2l2trp — MISCELLANEOUS. DR. J. DE HAVEN WHITE’S MOUTH WASH AND GARGLE. The name and standing of Dt .VfHITB in Dentistry are a gnarantco for thoofflciencjr of whatever he prescribes forth? Month and Teeth-. . His Mouth Wash and Gargle, an entirely new remidy, batted on science in orery respect, tmntaius the best tn gredieflta, medically, to correct ® f ifth? Teeth surfaces, and chemically to arrest the decay, or the Teeth and insuro a clean Month, a sweet Breath, and a healthy Tbloat ' i)B. J. BE HAVEN WHITE’S _ MEDICATED DENTIFRICE. This entirsly new (gray) Tooth Powder, the »<»»** <!} many years’ experience, surpasses farj in tbo Doctor s jndement, bis former <J»ni colored) atveW known to the pnbUctmaer tno sssx ontho label, and prepared only by GUSTAVES KBAUBE, Apothecary, K.W.cornerTWEBETHamd CHESTNUT streets. 88. J. BE HAVEN WHITE’S' TOOTH DRCBHES, IMFBOVHMBST 1869. „Bnperior to any in tho world. For SPECTACLES AND NOSE GLASSES OP EVEBV KINB. * - 0 A THEBMOIIIETBBB, • Ac., Ac.. Ao Forßßlofcy . JIcAIiMOTHB, ' . ' wcmOT^tjjjjh oc3o e &vr 2mrp§ CALLENDER’S STAMP AGENCY. ;j For the sale ot ‘ UNITED STATES REVENUE STAMPS, j*. Tv. cor. Third and "Walnut St*., Pblla. Tho following rates of commlselon are allowed: On 82Sandupwarde,3percent. , - • 2 n ddfe& p ?o’Sk B fefe tv. corner Third and Walnut streets, Philadelphia. noOfitrp* ■ ■. ■ ■ --■ —i 1 ' REAL ESTATE SALES. 'ess EXECUTORS' SALE,—ESTATE OKI © Philips. WhK»sS co^KS. h ffiS*MB9 P ht'l3o?loeS’. jg^^fes^sd S? ; containing ih front 15 feetB taehe! and in ’depth 68 feet. Terme-Half % r^.- 1 kit Chen. bathY&c., and lot of ground, °o n 'amiDB west of Fourth street, No. 423; containing' on Lombard street 16 foot, and ' to'Tencr Place, on which -Is. erected .a two-etorit^KJcK bulldh?g. Suhjeot to an irrerteomable yoarly BrSltnd rentof*B®> payable lirsilver money. ■; This LS r ®uud nh’at is now Irredeemable, but the ownor will ? xt * f n ?i“? 1 a? v parv wablo In silver, If paid before Ist of January Oasli, or if the ground rent is paid off, half 1 CM V*. M THOMAS* SONS, Auctioneers, | n013®27 ISJ and HI South Fourth street. HAVE THIS WEEK OPENED gobham plate. BEAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SQNW Bole.—On Tuesday, November 16th, 1669, at 1* o'clock noon, will be sold at public sole, at the Phila delphia Exchange, the )oUmving tietnibed vrorertuz, viz.: No.l.—BnslnoM stand.—Three-story brick store, Itldge road,north of Girnrd avenue —All that now three story brick atorc nnd dwelling, with three-story book building and lot of ground, aituate on tha oaat aide of Bidge road (third door above Oirard avenue), 5* feet north ofOlrnrd aveano; containing In front on Btdge avenue 18 feet, and extending In depth 6] feet to Chaun cey atreet, It hae all: the modern (raprovsments, beat F're neb-plate gloss bulk windows, go*, bath, hot and cold water, wafer cloaet, cooking range, Ac. Subject to a mortgage of 94,600, for five yeara, from Ist February, ,B Tenna— One-thlrd above the mortgage cash. Immediate possession. ®IOO to be paid at time or eale., Mo. S-Three-atorr brick Dwelling. Wo. I*4 WOod atreet. All that desirable thrss-storr brick moaauage and lot of monad, aituate on the aouth aide of Wood atreet. Mo. 1621; 14 feet 9 Incbaa front, and 48 feet deep to an allay. It la well built, « rooma newly papered, and Id good order; drainage Into the culvert, Ac. Terma^*naFf > Mu!h. ° (fw to be paid at time of aale: No™.—Three-storir brlck Dwelling, No. ISW Worth an alley leading Into Seyl.erl atreet. It U newly aaanred, and In good order, Aral-ctaaa neighborhood, and detiro , b, T~ P lwVc^h“ n B«)to be paid at Umeof «le. Terms—Hair * p S ONS. Auctioneer*. no ]3 139 and 141 South Fourth atreet. m EBALnBWOaK-TfiOMAij'Wf SOKS*' Sale.-Very dceirable business etanda.-A three; atom Brick Stores and Dwellings, Nos. tdl.Maod 403 Bast Girard arenue, Eighteenth IV ard.-On TuoaJay, November 23. 1869, at 12 o clock, noon, will ha sold at Jhblto Valefat the Philadelphia Exchange, tktfollou<- three atory brick messuage, with throe-story back building and lot of ground, situ ate at the north corner of Girard avenue and Hanover atreet, Eighteenth Ward; containing In front on Oirard avenue ISfeet 4 Inches, and extending in depth 69 feet. It la new and finished with ths modern conveniences, hs* bulk window, private entrance, tin roof, gaa, hot and cold water, cooking range, Ac. Immediate possession.. atom and dwellings, with three-story back buildings ami lot* of ground, adjoining 4)»e obovr, being Nos. 493 and 406 Girard avenuo; each being K feet 9 Inches front, ami M feet deep. They are new. and hnl.bed with the modern conrenionrea, with bulk window. Ac., Ac. ..... Immediate poasesvion. They will be sold separately. examination 4ai?r from 12to© o^ra -* 3^raT^VUGHi?rucroreSr,, nol3 20 • B and 14t South Fourth street. 'M'~BBAL n "BBXATBc-.IHOa3Sg& 80HS’ fiS.Bale.—Elegant four *tory MfrMe Rwidanca. No. 2U06 Cbedtnut atraety weft of Twentieth ftreat.-~OftTii*r. day. November 9P, alUo'clock.coon*wUl bo *>ld «t public aale, at tha hhiUdelpbJa Kxchanjra, all that new foar-rtory marble-front back building and lot of ti round- «itpateon ihefcOgth aide of Gheatnut atrf«r, wf*t of 2006 ; the lot containing la front ooGbeatnnt atmet » feet* and cxtcwliDA In dtpth 13) wt to a itrwt. fbo bouse has been bout aud finished aa a firat-claad private rlwidence, with all the modern itnprpyenmji* i# epa- Te&lSDcm ■ tbs front la the l»wt*iH!lficlsi IssoctofcUr JSrbfe, with Mansard roof; the firat wsrlor. dlnlor room and 3 kitebsosy with •tatleoary lmtlera panfry; second floor 2 large cha»* SSra, inclosed walnaVwiaKstaad-, pwbletaanffw, Uth room. water*cloaetB, apeaking*tub«. b*M*pul»» iar#* sitting'room and library finished in \V ftluut; third floor 3 lance chambers, inclosed walnut waahstaiuls*2 bath wSerSwwt. shower-bath, store-room, andJ chambers in back building; fourth floor bew; gaa throughout, furnace, cooking-range,'"Hag mar remain on mortgage, .... Immediate da 139 and 141 South Fourth street. BIDDLE, BEAL ESTATE SALES. 0*132027 IgSi PUBLIC SALE—THOM AS & SONS, «L Auctioneers —Valuable lease, Capo Island.Wew nS.., On Tuesday, December 29th,UM. at.Moclock, necui,will hesoklat’public aale, at the PWladefpbh. Exchange, the good-wlH,atoek,#xtaree and leaae of the porter. ale and mineral water eetahllsbtPTOt, adjoin*. simhSto 5 Jtotd, on Jactaon Island, Hew Jeraey. The atoekon hand comprises a mineral water apparatus, complete and ready for im medlate use * iJQsedoten bottlee, more or Iwe .With a Quantity of syrups, oils [_wi res, cork, and everrfhtng oo hand for tbs businew. rent of the wholebulldfog, including a Stable in the f'Srsrn’mefl'ii the part of the same is now rented for S3SO. maxing the rental more than clear. The lease-baa 2 years to run fr^iu?-, «SSih i it'Umeof aale; balance in S*reu »"■*■■■'«• %fSsffiSSSfiWlSSi™™.. 001320Z7 139 and 141 South.Fourthitrect. PUBLIC SALE.— THOMAS & SONS, thereon erected,situate on the south side of MochW»ic •trect, 25 feet out of Front street. No. 103; {{J front on Mechanic street 108 feet, 04 fflAt Also, a lot adjoining in the rear (foirntDCf an belDgon tioeart BWe of Front street. 64 f«t »<mtb of Mecnanir street; 187 feet front, more or >*»*'»hJ?lf*«ro£i do*» The Improvements are a one-ftna-a-baif story atone d welling cm Mechanic street, and a from* bulldlas nn Front rtreel, occupied as an iron foundry; has eight-horse-powerenginp aid Roller, tools, fixtures, flasks, patterns, thirty tons moulding ga be shown by Mr. Penrose A. Bolts, on the premises. TIIOMAB & SONS, Auctioneers. 139 and HI 8. Fourth street. nol3 3027 ® TRUSTEE'S SALE—THOMAS & Bont, Auctioneer*.—Modern Beetdence and law N.W. corner of Kleventh and Spruce streets,idO feet front, 141 feet 3 Inches deep. On Ttieedar, Not. 30. 1869,at 12 o’clock,coon,willboADld at public the iPhiladelphla Exchange, alOhatmodern brick residence* with double two-story. back buiidinga and lot of ground, sitnato ut to,northwest corner of Eleventh und Sferuce street* } the lot oo ntaln n g i of'on t on Eloventh street 100feet, (,Iiehonsebpin#35fert front), and oxteading In depth along, Sprace atreot, H3‘ feet S inchoe.. The house Swell mid substuntiallybuUt. The lot presents great advantages for building residence* either on Spruce street, or stores on Eleventh street. Snbiect to amortgage of s2s.ooo.which can remain, if tho Interest la punctually paid semi-auuuajly’, and the, wishing to view tl.e house, can have access' from 10 A. H>to3 P.M. Posse seion In 30 days. „ v. n .Trustea, For particulars apply to A. V. Parsons, tea-, xrusi™. Ho. 160 8. Fifth st; HOMA g /, SONS, Auctioneers, no!3 20 27 139 and 111. S. Fourth street. PUBLIC SALE. —THOMAS &HONB, fj|| Auctioneers Very Valunble lint, Wharf anil SnthV 110 feet, andpn the other U ¥l» b s£vWr»M* valuable and desirable wharf pro po«^-‘Clear of all Incumbrance.' ■ Terms—Half the purchase money may remain. IUT Possession 4tn April, 18(0. ■SrBeepUnatthe H | do 13 20 27 139 andl4l Soul kFour tUfltrect- Jiia PEREMPTORY fci AX.E,—THOM AS & Sons, Auctioneers.—tot. Kiftj-flfthetreet, Twenty-fourth Wnrd,3o feet 't00t.220 feet deop, two froute-—On Tuepday. Nowmbor SBdj ISOT at 13 o cioch, noon, will bo Hold at publicepic,without, ?c ß ervo, at the Excbanae,all that lot bf ( eround Situate Cn the north wide of TV Blunt etreet. of teec fastof Fifty-flttli street. Twenty-fourth Ward rcentain taS in front on Walnut street 80 feet, and erteuding i* depth WO feet 3 inches to fork etreet—two fronts. . Bale absolute. t. HO j, AB A goNB, Auctioneer*, ■ *”inaandl4lßonth Fourth street. m PUBLIC SALE.—TH OMA? & SONS, Auotionoera .—3 Woll-aeourod • KadeofottWeGrountl « «*o nYear.—On Tueßdajr, Nov. 80, 1869,at 12 noon, 'will bo Sold at put Ho the Phila- H*ch»nso,tA« following described Ground /Rents, dqlphia j J o ieeraablo ground rents, each. vear‘ sayablolSt March and, September,cfear of I* «v,t tit n lot of around. north lido of Kim* leoum bf' Oarnentfr street), west ,of Nine o:ir-, BOr.urtii bf xnOwtbT., SoSS, AoottonM«. nol3 2027 T 139 and HI boath Fourth street. . T naiii RECEIVED and in STORE 1,000 JYasea of Champagne, sparkling Catawba aad PJ. JOBDAJST, 220 Pear Btroet, * Belotr TUrd wd Walnut streets, and above Doe* street. “ 9, ‘*
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