MEW PbßtK ATIOSS. The following new publications have just been teshcd by J. B. Lipplncott A C©.: . > Evidences of Natural and Revealed Theo logy,” by Charles E. Lord, is an argument .tor the reconciliation of science with revelation. It reviews with strong disapproval the panthe ism of Spinoza, the infidelity- of Hume, and the development theory of Darwin. The scope of the work being so very broad,-r-in eluding the whole history of free thought, as well as details like the principle of generation, human and comparative physiology, the solar system, the problem bf evil, the finite and in finite, and God’s reasons for miracles and for Written revelation,-—it may be imagined that tho treatment, in a’uiere ordinary octavo of 550 pages, is necessarily comprehensive. Mr. Lord, wiio is a theologian of Beverly, N. J., dedicates his wife; and it is not tw) abstruse to be’ comfortably read by Ciilti vated iadies wlio wish a little reinforcement of ifte beliefs imbibed in the nursery and the pe w. Mr. Lord concludes with a very useful catalogue of -authors who have treated the infinity of philosophic and historical subjects covered by 9iis theme; but he does not profess to. have read many of them, only a small proportion, as he points out, being referred to in the work. Alter an examination of the “ Evidences” we can safely say that it is a sincere and even a suggestive hook; but we are afraid to say that it shows that development of muscle and that learned selection of armor which should en title it to enter the arena where our great masters of science and uprooters of myths are battling. 'One of Hogarth’s prints, directed againstthe dissenters of his day, represents a ranter hold ing forth to an agitated .congregation, beneath a cliandelier which is arranged as a complete globe or map of the lower regions. The bot tomless pit is definitely marked out, the river of -death is accurately protracted, and the lake of .brimstone hangs ready to drip, along with Hie smoky candles, upon the panting and in flammable 'communicants. 'With an equal sense of geographic responsibility Dr. George Bartle, principal of Walton College, Liverpool, takes upon himself to define the exact position of Hades, or the region translated from the He brew or Greek testaments by the words “grave” or “hell” promiscuously. This, he thinkß, in chapter 2tStli, that it behooves us defiiiitelyto ascertain, and it is just here that our belief begins to diverge from that of Dr. Bartle. He arrives,to ids perfect satisfaction,at the conclu sion that this Land of the Hereafter is situated immediately under our feet,on the direct route between here and China; and that this receptor «le is that wherein the patriarch Jacob’s “gray hairs” are at this moment conserved. The hook is entitled “The Scriptural doctrine of Hades,” and certainly shows great biblical erudition. In the matter of reverence for the reticences of God, and hesitation about forcing «r pinning the words of revelation to tempo ral admissions they do not design to Include, Dr. Bartle, however, has everything, to learn. • “Our Own Birds,” by the amateur natural ist, the late Mr. Bailey, was very much liked for its pleasant, homely, unpretending manner of presenting a good many ornithological facts, sfigared with plenty of .eloquent quotations, before the common or immature reader. The same author’s researches in botany, plainly ex pressed, abundantly illustrated, and prettily put into shape bv.Messrs. Lippincott, are now ready, under the title of "Trees, Plants and Flowers.” Wo commend this book'as a safe gnide, and one speaking in a tone and homelike geniality which is very appro ximate and pleasant. Mrs. Sherwood, who‘was a friend of' the sainted Henry Martin at Cawnpore, is author ef a liftle English series of “Stories on the Catechism,” which. Messrs. Lippincott & Co. issue in one volume, embellished with illustra tions showing the tropical locality in which the “stories” had their origin. “Mr. King” will be greeted with glad recognition by the reader as a portraiture of Martin. This series is by no .means new in American favor, ; iving been published in Baltimore in i. .d under the supervision of Bishop A. Cleveland Coxe, of "Western New York, who now extends his care to the stereotype edition. “Millie .Mayfield” conies modestly forward with her “Wreath of Rhymes,” which show considerable ear for verbal music, a good deal of grace, and a wealth of tender feeling. But so sensitive and religious a poetess should be above tlie littleness of imitating so palpably a real star-poem as she does in “Bessie Boll.” V. I’. Cooke’s dirge, “Florence Vane,” most evidently accounts- for the genesis oft such verses as these: BESSIE HELL. I breathe thy name in sorrow, Bessie Bell;. There cometli no glad morrow iMy grief to quell— Bight’s brce/.cs softly sighing, Kadly toll, That thy head is lowly lying, . Bessie Bell! Tl*e .whisp’ring prairie grasses Rightly wave, . A nd the west wind softly passes O’evtliy grave! By the sunset’s golden glory Angels tell Thy young love’s mournful story, Bessie Bell! But it is unjust to show the fragrant Millie only when she is at. her gentle felony of honey-stealing. Wc will do her the right to extract one of her simplest, sincerest and best expressions: .TKAJN J24GELO4V.. “Jean Innelow i* twenty-eight yean old, uuia.rrled gO>d homely." Homely ? Ah, me! the diamond hath A dark encrusted shell, But lapidaries know a gem Is hidden there full well. The purest pearl that, ever graced A queenly diadem, W as iricuhated where the rocks <i> Old Ocean’s wild waves stem. The luscious fruits of tropic climes Have rough outsides, but there The honey of Hymettus finds . Its own sweet hiving rare. The violet and the mignonette Are “homely” little flowers, But summer hath none sweeter in Her dew-bespangled bowers. Ah! would vve only Knew the worth Of Bpiritr-heauty, then "W« might select the beautiful Of women and of men. But now- we through a glass hut see ■ Too darkly to do this; But when as soul to soul we gtand We shall achieve tliat bliss. Then,sister Jean, my “ homely” one, How glorious thoii’lt shine Where cherubim and seraphim Khali bail thee all divine. THK PAII.Y KViamtl BUUETIM-raaAPBLPHIA>ATfItI)AY, K0V8M88R13,1869. T, B. peterspn & Bros, are osafiy with tho second volume bf their reprint of Mrs. Lee Ilentz's novels, the story being a continuation of “Linda,” and entitled* “ Robert Graham.” The conversion.joif Robert is ono of tho lead ing incidents in the earlier narrative, and the present talc records the triumph of religious principles as exemplified-iu' his character and chequered 'career. Mrs. Hentz’s ready in genuity in projecting and varying a plot, and her sensitive feeling for moral truth, are about equally exemplified in the attractive tale now published. The manner in which Messrs. Peterson bind and present this series does them credit; the size is large duodecimo, covered very tastefully with green morocco cloth. 1 Froio-tho Now York Tribuuc.J TURKEY. Whirling: and Howling? Derrisbes. Constantinople, Oct. 10.—In my wander ings among the mosques of this city of Turks, I have witnessed, with all the amused bewilder ment Which such a scene gives to the mmd oi a stranger, the spectacle of the dancing dervishes. Let me describe it to you* centred the mosque is railed in, andrthe floor remarkably smooth. After prostrating therm selves many times, while one sings or chants, they all, clothed in a brown garment, advance toward the singer, bend the upper half of the body until it is horizontal, then kneel, and finally place their foreheads on the ground. Then they.rise, facing the altar; and after alternations of singings and prostrations, music is commenced on a kind of flageolet, the outer brown garment is thrown aside, and the dervishes, stand ready, in short white trowsers and white skirt, fastened at the waist, extending to the knee, to commence, with hare feet on the smooth floor, whirling at the given signal. The first movement is to turn the right toot over the left, toes inwards as if clubfooted, raising at tlie same time the left lied, having pre viously given an impetus to the left when rais ing the right foot. This is the entire motion, continued successively about every .two turns., they .make while revolving slowly, and also ad vancing successively in their orbit toward the altar. Afterward, as their zeal increases, per haps one such clubfoot movement impels them three or four times round. They consider this as symbolizing eternity and the vicissitudes of life, while the right hand extended, palm up, implores "gifts from heaven, which the loft hand, turned downward, is supposed to be dis tributing to fellow-mortals, retaining few Of the temporal gifts for themselves. The whole scene is solemn ; and when they stop whirling, at a signal, and .march round, bowing to then leader without turning their back on huh, they nre eften graceful, and always meek and earnest. , Of the howling dervishes, I had no previous adequate conception, and it is difficult to do the scene anything like justice, although, after relieving ourselves of our boots, we were led to a gallery and comfortably seated, Turk fashion, on sheepskins,where we had a full opportunity to hear and see. Each worshiper, after ad vancing to make a salutation before the altar as he came in, seated himself in oriental fash ion, on sheepskins in a semi-circle before their chief Priest. They came in all sorts of dresses, several being soldiers,' and if late, at once fell into the motions and the chant of the others. The women here, as well as at the other der visli worship, seemed to occupy a gallery inclosed with lattice work, somewhat remind ing one of the gallery for ladles in the British Parliament. The peculiar chants and howls, I will endeavor to represent in Eng lish orthography, without pretending to say what was meant, except when the word Allah or bismillah occurred. It was somewhat thus: while seated on the floor, and bending the body diagonally forward, first to the right and then to the left, and having the head play as if hung on wires, in unison with the vociferations, they commenced, moderately at first, afterward more energetically, and at last furiously, alternately chanting, shouting, and howling through the gamut, sometimes diatonically, words like “wur a leeze, burle mek,” at least fifty times. Then they would hold up their hands on each side the face and bring them down, striking head and breast. Then raising their bodies to the knee and striking their foreheads on the ground, they would assume the squatting position again, and, swaying the body, give a series of ener getic sounds like “bump,” while one kept up q, prolonged howl, like the drone of the bagpipes through the variations of the chant proper. Suddenly, at a signal, the chorus ceased, arid a weak nasal solo gave an obligato; then the chorus struck in pianissimo, with every few seconds the favorite staccato grunt, which sounded some what like a short bark. This chorus seemed to repeat a thousand times the words, “Dirha darip d’. Allah.” When this, had continued nearly an hour, they, then rose, and. ranging themselves against the wall (after some receiv ing caps and white scarfs) and placing the feet apart so us«to brace themselves, and swaying the body as before, they continued in all per haps three-quarters of -an hour more. But there, were sundry variations in the grunts, and these were now accompanied by all turning their heads to the right and barking at their right hand neighbors, then all to the left, and so on until apparently some wei# quite exhausted. Then one, who seemed to be a kind of choir leader, and also a soldier, would stamp hifl foot to give new life to the choir. Then the “hump” and stamp of feet, and crack of hands replaces, for a time, the voices, except the obli gato howl,-.while., the bobbing of the head works with breakneck rapidity. Now the obli gato gives renewed stamps with right foot, and their flagging spirits are again urged to a tre mendous series of vociferous staccato grunts, until it seems as if some members of the choir must drop. Meantime a whirling dervish, ap parently excited by the scene, stands in the centre and performs his gyrations with white skirt flying out. to a circle, exceeding hoop skirt dimensions. Even some children of eight or ten, in their enthusiasm, stand up and try to imitate the movements and sounds of the howling chorus. During part of tills scone, the High Priest, or, as some say he is called, the Schah, was blessing infants by rubbing his foot over their backs as they lay on the ground. When the older ones came, audjprown men, lie stood with his right foot on their limbs and rubbed his left over their back, aud sometimes afterward over their breasts. They then rose, kissed liis hand, and ho blessed them. When sick he blessed a cup of some liquid and gave it them to drink. If their eyes were inflamed, he placed his hands on their temples and rubbed his thumbs repeatedly over the eye-lids. Prom even these singular proceedings from under our gallery, my attention was now irresistibly drawn by the increased energy of the howling chorus. At the risk of being, oxpelled . from their mosque, I took down the proceedings rapidly, thus: Chorus men turn to right and left, with continued grunt and prolonged howl. Now, side by side, sustaining eaoh other from falling when exhausted, they, orchestra-like, •bring on the grand crash toward the last. With an asthmatic wheeze, a diminuendo and then crescendo howl, varied by the staccato grunt, almost in fuga pursuitof each other, they bob like supplejacks, perspiring at .every pore, until, with a chorus of twangs and shrieks and grunts, and at lasta fearfuT howl, a stamp of the foot brings death-like silence, and. the ex hausted band glide like ghosts through a raw hide door, arid the service is closed. As they seem earnest and devout, this apparently ludi crous scene does not arouse laughter iu most persons, but rather solemnity. R. O. —A Paris paper announces the arrival of Madame Bistori at Nice, where she is to give some representations with Signor Kossi. Madame Bistori was last reported in Buenos Ayres. , , imOBPOKATJEBJKI^ 7 # s#/&. OFFICE OF.THE DELAWARE MIiTOAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY* Philadelphia, November 10, 1869. Tho following Statement of the affaire of tbo Company. 1b published Jn a provision of its Praniomß received from November 1, lfeto.toOciobo'r On Marine nnd Inland Bisl<B .1*943,706 34 •In Fire 8i5k5....... J?^ 9 i 8 j, M5 ,701 29 prfminxDß on PoliciGß not mtifked off November 1, 1860 Pranlomfl marked oIT ob earned from No vumber b 1868* to October 31* 1869. Cwarineond Inlandßiaka..«9l4*2l6 29 »On Klro Risk. : w Ijtttorest during tlio same period— Salvages, &o $1,178,873 « 108808, Expenses, &c., during tlioyear as • al Mftri'ns nn(l Inland Kaifign— i fl m tion Losses. ~..$418,10039. ■ Firo 94,244 8! lletnrn Premiums -49,02 b 10 80-Insuranceß. .' ■•••• B4 64,687 !0 Expenses ■ 234817 08 01 ASSET ffI^,?& MPANY 920 *,000» S2IMCOOO 100,000 United States Six Per Cent. Loan (lawful money) Mr.'&O OO 10,000 United Bn**■ _ Bbt Per Cent. 200,000 State of Pennsyivonia Six Per _ Cent. Loan - . 2iJ,youw 200,CC0 City of Philadelphia/ Blx Per m Cent Loan ( exempt from tax)... 200,1 ft) 00 300, UC0 State nf New Jersey Six Per 20,000 Pennsylvania. Railroad jurat - Mortgage but Per Cent. w £sys 25.000 Pennsylvania Kailroad Second Mortgage Six Per Cout, Bonds... 2*,0~>00 25,000 Western Pennsylvania Kailroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds (Pennsylvania Kailroad guar antee) .................... 30.000 State of Tennessee iivo Per, - Cent. Lean ou 7,000 State of Tennessee Six Per Cent. . . Loan 4,2/0 w 12,500 Pennsylvania Railroad Coin. _. lMkU>n pany , 250 shares stock,.. 14,000 uu 's,ooo'North Pennsylvania Kailroad UH] Company, 100 shares 5t0ck......... 3„«oo W 10,000 Philadelphia and boutliorn Mail Steamship Company, 80 shares stock 7-rM 00 246,000 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, p lirst liens on City Properties 246^y0u00 51.231,-100 Par. Market value, JSI»2iS33SU <*• " ’ Cost, 91,215,822 27. M Real Estate *>,ooo OO Bills Receivable lor Insurance -4 made - io Balances due at Agencies—Pre miums on MarinoTolicioa, Ac crued Interest and other debts duo the Company iv/Wi Jo Stock, Scrip, fee., or sundry Cor. porations, §4,700. Letimated oft value ' aww m Cash in Bunk tJoBh in Drawer 572 2u Philadelphia, Nov. 10, hwj. The Board of Directors have this day declared a.CASH DIVIDEND of TEN PER CENT, on tho CAPITAL STOCK,and SIX PER CENT, interest on the SCRIP of tho Company, payable on and after the Ist of December of National and State Taxes*. They have also declared a SCRIP THIRTY-FIVE PER CENT, on the EARNED PRE MIUMS for the year ending October 31,1869, certificate* of which will bo issued to tho parties entitled to tho same, on and after tho Ist of December proximo, free id National and State Taxes. ■ • They liavo ordered, also, that tho Scrip Certificates of Profits of the Company, for tho year ending October 31,1866, be redeemed in Cash, at the office of the Com pany, on and after Ist of December proximo, all in terest thereon to cease on that day. By a provision of the Charter, all Certificates of Scrip not presented for redemption within five years alter public notice that they will he redeemed, shall bo forfeited and cancelled on tho books of the Company. 4| „ * No certificate of profits issued under 825. By the act of incorporation, “no certificate shall issue unless claimed within two years after tbo declaration of the dividend whorcof it is evidence.” directors. i ' Samuel E. Stokes, William ft. Boulton, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Edward Lafonrcado, Jacob Riegel, • Jacob P. Jones, James B. M'Farland, Joshua P. Eyre t Spencer JU ’llvatn, J.B. Simple, Pittsburg, A. B. Berger, “ D.T. Morgan, u Thomas C. Hand, John 0. Davie, Edmund K. Bonder, 1 Thcophilits Paulding, James Traqnair, Henry Sloan. Henry C. Pallet!, Jr., • JamesC. Hand,- /William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Hugh Craig, John D. Taylor, George W. Bernadbu, William U.Honston^ HoMj) JOHN C lIENKY LYIBURN, Seci JIEKKY BALI., Assialan SPECI AL NOTICE. THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, OF PHILADELPHIA, . . (MARINE), IJi CORPORATE!, 1794. Capital, - - $500,000 00 Assets July Ist, 1860, $2,593,922 10 Tills Company Is now Prepared to issne Certificates of Insurance, payable In london, at tbe Coanting-llouse of Siegers, Brown, Shipley * Co. "V CHARLES PLATT, Vice-President. 0c29-tl fleSl rpj) • ■> . TRIMMINGS AND PATTERNS. Choice goods at low prices. MBS. M. A. BINDER, 11UI CHESTNUT. Street. Correspondence with the leading Parisian and Conti nental Houses enables her to receive tho latest novelties Bargains opening daily in Blai;k Guipure Laces, Black Thread Laces, Pointo-Applique Luces, Valenclmnea Laces, Points Collars, Thread Collars,Lace Veils,Pointo Applique and Valenciennes Hdkfs., French Muslin. Hamburg Edgings and Insertions, new designs, very cheap. Altar Laces, all widthß. Bridal Yells and Wreaths. Kid Gloves, 76 cents and $1 per pair. Winter CoatSvCloaks and Dresses. Also, elegant Trimmings, Velvets, Flowers, Ribbons, Buttons, &c. Particular attention givon to Dress and Cloak Making. Satisfactory system of Dress Cutting taught. Sets of choico Patterns for Merchants and Dress Makers now ready at reduced prices. Roman Ties and Sashes. Paris Jewelry, newest styles of Jet, Gold and Shell, tho rarest and most elegant evor offered. Hair Bands, Combs, Nets. . Zephyr Slippers, Cushions and Brackets. Corsets and Hoop Skirts. myldtfrp < FURNITURE, dki;. FURNITURE. T.&J. A.HKSKELS, AT THEIR NEW STORE, 1002 ARCH STREET, Are now Belling their ELEGANT FDRNITDBB nt very. rodneed price., .eMtorpi PATENT OFFICES; N. W. cor. Fourth and Chestnut, (Soconil etory, Entrance on FOtJBTH Street.). FRANCIS D. PASTORICS, Atterney*at*Law» SOLICITOR OF PATENTS. Patents procure for tnvontions, and all btwluoaa per* tainiog to ibo sniuo promptly transacted. Coll or send for circular on Patents. Unices open tin til o’clock every evening* mb2O-0 in tb lyrpa ' w rmiir'ti.f.Y. ; ,f ■ CJAWJrjSAAJW I IfEWCARPETXNCS. MtCAILCM, CpASE&SIOiN, No. 509 STREET. » Importers and Betoilors of ' CA B PETIN G S 5 Of emy description. FAlt IHl*®*****®* 8 * JWSWi — • 4 Jn original and oxclueise patterns. - 1,000 pieces Brussels, Of the beet Stigjieh jnannfaetnre, of new and noVc] etyleo, many of them eiprossly for us. , 1,000 Pieces Crossley Tapestries V, All the neweetßtylea. ENGLISH AMD AMERICAN OIL CLOTHS. McCAJULUBI} CREASE & SjLOAM’S Carpeting and Oil Cloth Warehouse^ WToOO Chestnut Street, Pblta., Opposite Independence Hall oe7 frn th a 3m re§ - ■100,634 02 ■ 81.560,335 31 115,027 65 8431.019 0.1 169,291 14 81.W2.100 01 S C. nAND,'President. V. DAVIS, Vice President, iretary. it Secretary. nol2lmrp NEW CARPETS. AXMINSTERS, WILTONS, VELTETS, BRUSSELS, 3 PLYSAND INGRAINS, Venetians, Druggets, Oil Cloths, &c. LEEDOM & SHAW, 910 ARCH STREET. 8Q23 3mrph * FIRE-PROOF SAFES. HERRING’S CHAMPION SAFES. .ate Destructive Fire in Third Street. Philadelphia, Nov. XS39. Messes. Fahkkl, Herring A Co., No. 629 Chestnut street. Gentlemen : On Wednesday night, the 3d test., our large Snoe Manufactory, No. 118 North Third street, was burned out. We lost our largo stock of goods, but wero tho fortunate owners of one of your Patented Cham pion Fire-Proof Safes, which was exposed for many hours to an intense heat, and did its duty most man fully ; in fact, the books, papers and money that Itcon tained came out as good as when they wero putin. The contents of tho safe were alf wo saved. PlcaßOsend us another, of larger sire, to onr now place as early as possible. Yours "Very Kospcctfully, JOHN A. BOGAB A CO- The Burning of Earles’ Art Gallery* Philadelphia, September 1,180. Messrs. FAfiBEL, HEBBING A 00., 829 CHESTNUT Street. Gentlemen : We have just examined, with the very greatest satisfaction, our safe, purchased of yon somo years ago, and which passed through our destructive fire of last night. Wo find tho.contents, without exception, entirely un harmed, merobksljlghtly damp, and we feel now In a con-, clition to commonco onr hnainess again, having every Book perfectlyisafo. We shall in a few days require a larger one, and will call upon you. Very Bespectfully, JAMES S. EARLE A SONS. Fire at the Artisan Building. Philadelphia, August27,lBo. Messes. Fabbbl, Herrino A Co, Gentlemen : In the year 18581 unfortunately wa» In bneinesa in the Artisan Bnllding. which was destroyed by fire on the 10th of April. I had then in use what I supposed was a Fire-proof Safe,, hat upon opening it I found everything wasdestroyed,and fire horning therein. Yon will recollect, gentlemen, there was several of yonr safes in that fire, also several in the fire at Sixth and Coinmerce streets, the next May, five weeks after wards, all of which upon being opened proved they wero fire-proif indeed, for I witnessed the opening of tho most of them, and in every case tho contents wore' preserved, while Bafes of other makers wore partially or entirely destroyed lat once concluded to have some thing that I could depend upon, and yurebased one of your safes. ■ . . ■ The safe I purchased of yon at that time was subjected to a white beat (which was witnessed by several gentle men that reside in the neighborhood) at the destruction of my Marble Paper lactory 1 921 Wallace street, on the afternoon and evening of the 2tth test. After digging the safe from tho" ruins, and opening it this morning, I was much pleased to find everything, consisting ,of books, papers, money and silverware, all right. I shall Want onethor of your safes as soon as I can get a place to continue my business in. I conid not rest contented with any othermakeof s af SiKB WIIWAMBt Marble Paper Manufacturer. SEEKING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES, the most reliable protection from fire new known. HEB BING B NEW PATENT BANKEBS’ SAFES, com bining hardened steel and 'iron, with the Patent Frenklteite, or SPIEGEL EISEN, furnish a resistant against boring and cutting tools to an extant heretofore a&Rnowii. Farrel, Herring & Co., Philadelphia. Herring, Farrel & Sherman, No. 25l Broadway, corner Murray St., N. ¥. Herring & Co., Chicago.* Herring, Farrel & Sherman, New Orleans. nol2 rptf SEWING MACHINES. HI |fHEELEB S ||lLSGli'S ||| Sewing Machines, FOR SALE ON Easy Payments, 014 Chestnut Street. Ql / PETERSON & CARPENTER, 01/ || It general agents. Ult t«2B «tn th lyre AMITSRYIENTS. WIRE WORK. GALVANIZED and Painted WISH GUABDS, for tore fronts and windows, for factory and wfurehoues windows, for churches and cellar windows. IRON and WIBE BAILINGS, for balconies, offloes, cemetery and garden fences. ■- . 1 Liberal allowance mado to Contractors, Builders and Oarpeni^. All orders filled with promptness and work guaranteed. ROBERT WOOD * 00., 1130 Ridge Avenue, FWla. teM tn th a 6mrnS ' - ” TOBJDAN’B CKIiBBBATED fubktonio •I Alefor Invalids, family nße,*o. ... the attention of all confitunci® a strictly Titira article; prepared from the 'beet materials, and put manner for home uao or iranupor- fSlerahymallor otherwlMprom^tl^^ajpUod. . No.'lQOPearetroot. fle7 helot* Third BDd Walnut atree ' ■as - a iTMi'prapK a't®i x 7 s~Bao:- jEI Estate of WiUidra J®, Moy.oi^Jr StOT»onrtl)»eHlnßMaTS?feWt,NSlop3 Northflorxjnj thcnio southward on the Germantown road 20 foot , SMiTfeeteYtt^^^^ fitter street; 4 feet front, and In depth on the northern) iumtt® in* bmiinfis«n«igbl>orlioort.ftna i« ft good Htand. Knjtat theBtoro-fttlHo»lJp3 ®K« « No 2—Largo Qiid vwnftblo Lot* Non. 085 ftnflfcJT North . Second street, i3X by 100 feet. All that largo and Tain ablo lot of ground, situatrun the_east side of Second Street aontff of Otter street, Nos. W 0 and 987: contain tag InVreSt«« fwt.aud extending In depth ldo fect. Terns-A vHdow’sdowor.ofie-thTrd, moat remain B]f ANNA MABXA WHITEMAN, Administratrix, a«.ha u-IIOHAtI A HONB.Anctlanocrs, , c5B 30nolS " ' 'Wand 141 Boot'd Fourthstroat. «sa' TC E/u7EBTATE.—THOM AS & SONS’ HtkL Sale.—Very Valoable Slx-atdry Iron-Front Bnlld j*“r H E corner of Third street and Carter's.alley, befow Chestnut atreet, opposite Girard Bank. On T-'ies itav November 16th, 18®, Jit 12 o’clock,.noon, will bo eofdat onWlc aalo/ at the ’Philadelphia Exchaiigo. nil o i™ y dinri“ t sl P pfh‘® i&?EKM3S wStho^Ccrter^^lleVi'watixthroiißhout^Gi'olnilM^l'nß, ISS&KMftitew?? fh.ll?d!?dlndH"&^^^ ilfßirnhlo for ftoy l>Qslm»88 whore plenty of light is re quired DmSiKeposeession ofallbut the tbrooupper stories, which aro under a lease for live year*,from May l»t, Wia. Subject to a redeemable yearly ground rent of 8810, payable In curr^";^ H oMAS ft SONS, Auctioneers, 0c2123 nol3 _ 139 and 141 Honth Fourth atreet, ftia EX,KCUXOR’S SALEi—ESTATE OF nlyi James Troseer, deceased Thomas ft Son®, Aue -Umfecrs —tin Tuesday, November 16th, 1319, e, 1 ,' 2 noon, will ho sold at public sale, at the Pbila dclphia Exchange, the following described properties, vi» - No 1 —Throe-Btorjr Brick .Dwelling, No. 1126 Hodman street, SovertthWatd. All that three-story brick dwellbutand lot of ground, situate on the south s do of Hodman street between bombard and booth streets,- Seventh Ward, W 1120; 182 feet west of Eleventh street, 16 feet front by 60 feet deep ton 1 fo*' t wide alley • Clear of all Incumbrance. One-third cash . w 0 2—Building hot, Richmond street, 1 went) fifth Ward. All that lot of ground, situate on the southeast ride of Tttclnnoml street,2o feet northeast o 1 Ontario at., In the Twenty-filth Ward ; 87feci.fronton Kichinondsb, by ltd feet deep on the northeast line, and 119 feet * * inches on the southwest line to Torpin Btreet. , - Clear of all incumbrance. ®rdCr of Kwentor^ s S o}j S) Auctioneers, oet3ono«-13 ' I.TJ amt 111 B. Foiirth St. & SON S’. ' EaLsalo.—Very Valuable Business Stand-Fonr-stary uTkk ltoro and Dwolling. No. 731 North Second street, between Coates and Brown streets.—On Tuesday, No vember" 16th, 1869, at 12 o’clock,, noon, will be sold at public sale, at tho Philadelphia Exchange, all that valuable four-story brick messuage, with three-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the west side of tiecuiTd street, between Brown and Coates streets. No, 734 • containing In front on Second street 20 feet. and ex tending In depth 80 feet. Tho house is in good repair; tho stdro, which is an excellent business stand, contains 2 counters, shelving and cases, wldch aroinclniled in tho sale free of chargo. Terms—SljOOO may remain on mortgage. Possession k SONB, Auctioneers, 0c30n06,13 139 and 111 8. Fourth street. IjS~~ BEAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & BOSS’ Kia fialo —Valuable Business Stand*.—Two three-eton;; Brick Store* and Dwellings, Hoe. 1020 and 1022 South street, with a two-story Brick Stable in the rear on Bed ford atreet, 32 by 120 Tuesday, Kovoinber Wth. 1869, at 12 o’clock, noon, will be sold at public aale, at the Philadelphia Bxchango, all that lot of ground and tho improvements thereon erected,situate on tbosonth aide of South street, weat of Tenth atreot ; cqnlainiug in front on South atreet 32 feet, amt extending in depth I2Q feet to Bedford Btroet. The improvemenwiiro taro throe story brick store*, fronting on South >■ N °"- and 1&: well built and old-*»tabliahod buaineaa atandj, &Ibo, a two*ftory brick stable in the rear on Bedford Bt Tenn»-!S8J»0 may remain on mortgage. W-Clearorai incumbrance. Anctioneer^, 133 and 111 Sonth Fourth rarest. _ iga itEAJLi ESTATE—THOM AH& SONS’ BSa galo.-Denirablc three-atoTy brick dwelling, Ko..W Oasklll street, between Third and i onrth rtreetg. On TW«da»November I6tb, 18®. at 13 o'clock, noon, will he sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Kt£bauae,all that three Btory brick messuage and lot of erooml situ ate on the north aide of Gaekill **re«tj«U[t of Fourth street. No. 317: containing in front, on Gaekill atre* tl3 feet fl inches, and extending in depthM feet3inehtw to » 3 feet 6 inches wide alley, togetner with the right and nrivilege of building over and under the westernmost Half part of the 3 feet wide alloy, bounding the property on the east to tlio extent and in the manner the said rue«- enage le now built, with free and common use and prlvi - lego of aaid alley. 5& r Clear of all incumbrance. Terms—Half '^>^ oVlAB & 80 NS,Auctlonoen, nod 13 . 133 and 141 South Fourth atreet. KEAIjEHTAXE.—THOMAS & SONS’ sals —Valuable Business Stand. Three-story brick, store and Dwelling. No. 724 South Second atr&t, below ShiDDen street. On Tuesday, o clock, will be sold at publfc sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that ralnuble three-story brick meaan aco, with two-story back building and lot of ground. Situate on the emit side of Second street, south of Ship nen etreet. No. 724: containing in front on Second street Effect, and extending in depth W feet; tdgotlier with the common use and privilege ofaflfeet wniowlley. It is oc cupied as a jewelry Store, and is a gocnl tmfilndsa stand. Possession August next. i Terms— 86 AM may remain for about j ears. r o M. THOMAS*. SONS, Auctioneers, 0c2123n013 139 and 111 BoutlnPourth street. “beaE ESTATK-THOMAS & SONS’ Bii'il Sale.—Gronud Kent, SC3 a ycar.-On Tuesday, Nov 23,1669. at 12 o’clock, hood, will be sold at public "ale, at tho Philailelptila Exchange.allliutt well-secured redeemable ground rent of ? I*3year.issuing outoi all that lot of ground situate on the east side, of Sixth street, 200 feet north of York street, Nineteenth %\ ard , 13 feet front, 136 feet 10 Inches deep to a 40 feet street. Kc-nred by a throe-story brick building, beiureu oy a SONS .tuctioneers, Nos. 139 and 141 Sontb Fourth street. f¥ OKI’HANS’OOUItT SAIiE.—ESTATE •i of Allen J. Hubbe, Deceased.— Very Valuable lJu«ine#B Stand.— Fonr-etory Brick Move, Nos. G°7 North Becond street, below Coatca street, 27 Tcjl » iSches front, 127 feet!inch deep to Peach street. 2 fronts —Pursuant to an alias order of the Orpli.tns Court for the City and County of I'bilHdelpUbivVV'Ulb* sold at public «al»s on Tuesday, November il, o’clock; noon, at Uio Phila*Jc\phii| ttud lol lo^incdcscribed property, latoof Allen J. I} o "’.’®; a^ r coaged, via : AU thoso brick nieflsungeß and lot of ground, situate on the «idoor 8 wond"m'* 1 Green and Coates street,city of Philadelphia, Utterly called Northern Liberties; containing in breadth on Second street 27 feet 4 inches, and extending thence east ward about $4 feet, where It widens.on thVJ 10 * 1 ) 18 28 feet, and'from thenco’extcnrtlaf? of that incrwisod width tho further depth of nbout ftO fret? VVoMi to a north line, and on the eouth lino BS.fcet umu to a io Vg ilood'ilook'll »”f°iSibs" Tiff conveyed unto tho said Allen J. liuons, in ioe. j.ii • fm i inffi consist of a store on Becoad and 2 thrw ston f brick resideuces on P.acU "’Subject to a mortgage debt or principal'sum .of <510,000. Immediate are a largo and very v aluable four-story brick store, well and substantially built, and an olil-esbibliabed business stand; bscu occupied asw furniture store for a number of years; hag largo bulk wlmlouGPas, water; also, 2 threo-story brick dwellings in the rear on Peach meGAKY, (ilerk 0.0.' uy iwvu »rji OMA g & 80KB, Auctioneers, oc2B no!3 20 139 and 1418 Pourtli street ££) ORPHANS’ COURT BALE-ESTATE BIS ofa. James 0. Umbergnr, deceased —l homos &ms, Anctionecrs.— Largo and Valuable Lot, N. W . cor ner of Kighth and Oxford streets, Twentieth VVunJ, 2X>. fett front? Pursuant to on alius order or tho Orphans Court for the city and county ot Philadelphia, will bo aold at Public Sale, on Tuesday, November 21, -WWt, ‘S* 12 o’clock, noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the fol lowing described property late of James C. umbergoiy tlmUot of ground, situate in th? Twentieth Ward, city of l»Uiladelphm, boglnniug at the northwest corner of Oxford and Eighth streets; thence extending north* ward nlong the west side of Eighth street 232 f eet■; thence at right anglCß with Eighth street by ground of Jo soph M ilcnnett westward 100 feet to the eastyrn side of a 25 feet wide street. caUcd-Darien B^eet; thence sonj! hi ward along the cast side of Darien street ZU feet to the uortn side of Oxford street, and thence eastward along the north side if Oxford streetlOOrJeettothe northwest cor ner nf Eighth und OxJnrd plac'‘ijf hoginuiug. M THOMASi POliri. Aiictionoors, : 133 and 1418, fourth street. mTO M ANOTACTORI3BS.—THOMAB *Bonasiuctli>n9fiV».'@V»liloT)lß MIHe, Manalan and .Jit House? and filianrfeß, 18 acres, Rockhlll road, io£?r MoSon WwnrtiiD. £°k "nooifwill -afl thatjfilSSble tract ol landj 1# acres, more or loss, all Tint,] at ltock hill , Lowor. Morion township, Mont "‘“ijl comity, Pa- 1 half <v mile from Manayuuk, andd SsTL-om Ph ladolpbla; Consisting of 2 : stone m ils, large stone mansion, stone tenant-houses, Btone Ifnarrios, water power, &c. r td??art":-apply to -Thos.H. Smart, No.ltWUiira.slavennec & fiONB A „ otJ „™ B , ; 139 and Ml S. Pourth^treot. U 061320 KEAJj ESTATE. —THOMAS & SONS’ Bujl Raift—Handeomo Modem four*story, 13rick Beal* lBO3 Pi«e street, west Btr< ,®s:TT Tuosdftyi November .23, W 69, at 12 o olock, noon, will yj.« «old at public oale,-at thoPbUadelpbia 33xcUan£e, all that jnodern four-story brick , with Aroo-Htory t\n>fc- bflildinca and lot of ground,situate on tnd south Hide of Jliue street, 80 feet west of Eighteenth street, ifo. ?if«• cmitalninKihfroatou Pine streat 20 foot,ami ox- deptU lH) (eet to Wavorly street. Has every <>Anveiiience. inelnulng-Efts, furnace, rango, 2 bnth roomHi hot and cold water, and wator-closete, stationary hflflinsi is in perfect order. Wolnat Vf't 1310 MOand 141 Soul u i onrtb-Ht-r»*»\t. r,ww»w,e..»<ww : awa- ... Mi ! kilo’ Estate of Jamos O.JHmbergetv deceased. i sh* A\ Bonn.. Auctioneer. Pursuant to nu allow ! Oriimf firphiffia’ Court for tho City ami County of I rhlliidolnhla.'wrikbe sold at putillo solo, uatiuml rr.- >'jeri>“,<m November fttl2oVlock, noon, at tbo Philadelphia Exchango-tbo follptv nrdoscrlbod property, lato of James 0. Umborgor.d^c’d,viaNo. 1. I Valuable Business location, Three-story Brick. Dwel- 1 ing, No. 14 North Seventh street, obovo Market street. ,sj AO that tbree-atory brlek raesauaKO and.-lot of grouftd, > altnnto op the treat aide of Seventh Btroot, between^ Mar ket and Archstrests.Ninth Ward,City of I’hjliuielpbla, | btglnningat a point on tbe.wostsme of.&oventb i|U , eotj | ibo distance of 127 fret 8 inches froth the nortlWWdeof I Miirkntstreet.mßneiuiddloef a throe-fret-wlde alloy, I left oped and at all tlmosfo remain opep for the common s! nao and convenience of thia and the adjoining lot to the southward, Bud ltkowlsc three contlgnou* lot? to tbo 3 northward* of aold alloy .and also bfalot Wo tfeprop- ! orty of William woods, and afterward* of ; Bubert Flemming., eltnato southward or the nl- 1 lev hereinafter mentioned; thunco running westward f itrlght *tl«lp» With Seven tli afreet, Jty the middle of »kid alleyM feet; thence parallel with Seventh street eouth- Vrtml l.fopt.ii Inches i theuce running westward*!right iwSttchsald allcrta ieftoMn 0 fo?th? tUbof almigthe oaat aide off lie laatmentionod alley, B feet; tinmenrunningcastwardlyuttightanglca withSnvotith atTMtet feet toaald Seventh atreet, and thence portfey along Seventh street to the plaep of beginning ;cim tam ing to front on Seventh atreet aforesaid 20 feet 6 inches, liiHudiiifltlie southern half oftho first above-mentioned 8 foot wklo alley, and extending in depth, east and west, 62 fret; thence narrowing on the north side to tbo breadth of 19 feet,jind thence contimifng; that reduced breadth still furthor In depth 22 foot, making j nltoaSher in • depth- M feet. , Bounded on the f norln partly by the middle and partly by the sldoof tho ; 8-feet wide alloy leading Into Seventh street t oh the west by the other S-foet xviilS alley, on the south byAround lata of Joseph Morris, and on the cant by Soyonlh street j aforbsnld. Together with the common privilege and , use of both iho 3-feet Wide alleys, at all times and for- > ever, and together with the right and privilege ,if build- | hog over and making arches tmdertlie first-mentioned .< 3-feel wldo alloy leading to Sovonth atreet, In tho same . 1 manner and form as the said mesanngo Is now built, and ! extended over and under the name. N . The above Is loeated In an improving bnainesa neighborhood. The house is well and substantially built, endhaa the gas, bath, hotand cold water ;tbrec atory back building; beater, range,Ac. j front room used Brick Dwellings, Nob. 909 nnilOU North Eleventh street, above Poplar street.—All that throe-story brlek messuage and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Eleventh street, at tho dis tance of 74 feet northward from Poplar atreet, Tweutletli Ward, city of Philadelphia: containing In fronton Eleventh street 16 feet, unit extending eastward: botwoen norallct lines at right-angles with Eleventh street 7.1 feet to an alley 2 feet 10f* Inches wide, which loads lute I. another alley rnnnlng into 1 Eleventh street, -Bounded • on the north by otlier ground of tho estate of James O. lj’mborgcr, deceased, on the east by the said 2 foot lOhr Indies wide alley, on the south by ground now or late nt Fro man Scott, and on the west by Eleventh atreet aforesaid. Together with tlm free use of the saul alleys aa passage ways anil water courses. In common with tho owners, tenants and occupier* of other-lot* bounding thereon, at all time* hereafter forever. Subject to a ground rent of 864 per annum.- . All that thtcestory brlrk messuage audlotof groniid, situate on the rant side at Eleventhatrcctsit Ibe distance of Ml feet northward from Poplar atreet, Twentieth Want, city of Philadelphia; containing in front on Eleventh street 16 feet, and extending eastwanl between parallel lines at tight niigit-H w ith Ijleveiith atreet 78f«c loan alley 2 ftmksyfoNinclies wide,- which leads-lnto another alley ishnln£%o Eleventh strset. Bounded on the north by ground naw or late of k reeman Hoolt.ou -the east hy the said 2 feet lOh, Inches.wide alley, ■ on tbo south t)T other ground of the estate of James O. Um bcrger, deceased. and on the .west by Eleventh street afon-aald. Together with tlm free use and privilege of the said alleys as passage way* and water oonrs-w, in common with the owners, tenants and occupiers of other.lota bounded t,horeon,at.Bll times hereafter for - to n ground rent of §64 per annum. bC'theColTri!" I ''JOBEPH MEGA BY, Clerk O.C. »y ineemun, JOSEPH A. OLAY, Trustee. JH. THOM AS A-SONS, Aocltoneers, oc.'JO nol3 20 139 and 141 South Fourth street. MB COURT HALET-ESTATE Eg. of Thomas llurch, deceased.-Thom** A Sens, Auc tioneers.—Pursuant to an orderottho Orphans Court for the city and county of Philadelphia, will be sold at public'sale, on Tuesday, November Atth, IW9, at 1- oxlock, noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the fol lowing described property. Ute of Thotnaa March, de ceased, viz.: No*. 1,2 and 3.—Valuable Bu«lm*s Stand*. Three Tbrce atory Brick stores and Dwellings, N. E. corner of Twelfth and Locust. streets. All that lot of ground, with tho three-sfoiw brick messuage thereon erected, situate on tile h. W, comer of Twelfth anil Locnst atrcels.Oity cf Philadelphia' conu nlnginfront unLocnst street li feet H Inch, and extondln* indepUi northward between lines panMlsl with Twelfth street 63 feet, Including on the north end thereof part of an alley 3 feet wide leading into Twelfth street. No?!/!—Alfthai lot of ground, with the three-story brick messuage thereon creeled, situate on tto north side of Locust street, IS feet. 1 * Inch west of Twelfth street. No. 12C3; containing in front on Locust street IS feet i H inches, and extctidlne.ln depth northward be iwectwines paxallci with Twelfth btreettil feet. Includ ing on the north end thereof a part of the said wide almy, together witlwhe tree n»e ami privilege of the said gronnd, "Tjlj l 4be three-Blorv brick meesnage thereon erected, ntuato on the north aide of Locttst street, 30 feet e tuches west of Twelfth sL, No. few; containing In front on LPcnst atreet M feet *.* lncfactifxti.'&dius Id dflptboortbwwd par" ajjel vlth Twellui street 63 fe«t4ncloiiln« on the *nijjb end thereof a part of the said three feet wM- alley,.with the of Locust street, 43 feet 3ft Inches west ol sues t. No. 120/; containing in f ront. on Locust street 14 feet fcj* incites, and extending hi depth northward between llnew parallel with Twelfth street. 63 feetwinciniUne on tlto north end thereof a part of the said 3-fcet-wide alley, to • gether with the free and common OS* and privilege of . the said 3-feet-wide alley, as the: samo Is now laid out and used. VVhirh aald 4 lot* of ground together comprise 2 lota, olie ot which Robert Pierpont and wife, by deed dated the 11th dav of Msy, A. D. 1823, recorded in Dee.l Book G- W. 8., N 0.7. pa**6B3, Ac., granted and con voyed tolFhom**Bttrcliilnf«'. ■ . , . t , The premises No. 1.2.3 and 1 are together subject to alt irredeemable ground rent ol payable in milled silver dollars, each dollar weignuig 17 pennyweight and ' ,3o ' h -'jf/«uw'«Pft MEtifeci "k 0.0. >• • 1 ' , M TlltiSlAtc A'WiNS, Aucttonerrs, " 1K ,81.3 to ' HI South Kourfhetreet. M" pTOLTiraAJST-¥llOMl^^SOK3{ ■tail Auctioneer#.—Vain able Factory Buildings and Large Lots, Twenty-fifth street, W elsh street and Ixent street. Seventh Ward* On Tnea,l*y, November 23. 1569, at 12 o’clock, noon, will he efdd at public Bale,at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that valuable lot of ground, bounded b>-Twenty-filthstrect. Weish street; Yactorv street and Kent atreet. In the Seventh Ward, city of Philsdelphla; containluß hi front on Twenty-fifth street 91 feet, and ext, udlng in depth ffis feet to Welsh street, on which tot are erected several brick, stone and frame buildings occnpie.l Tor manu facturing purposes. with 10 horse engine, Corliss built, C()-borsaboilet,nll in lirst class rnmiing order,wldoh are inclndcd Intlie ealo. togothcr with the main lute of shotting. Buildingscontamwatcrandgas j of a part pi #aul pWTOiBWi tflo remaining portion .under a lease of fi 1 -*lOO o fl r oiinurn fr threcyt-ara from June Ist, I*o9. The. whole subject to two eronnd reutsof SStOuocb perauttumn, cast,, balance van remain on mortgage. Tho above buildings are well a d»P te d for cotton or woolen manufactory, machine shop,or any kind of light , n^palucufa^KolDtr I tceFritz,No, street. M THOMAS A‘ tfONS, Auctioneers, n0613M 133 tu,a 141 South Fourth street. AFt “ PEKESi-l’TOliV NAIiE.—THOMAS & Mac Sons, Auctioneers.— Very Elegant Country Seat - Mansion, N, ». corner of Now street and Prospect ave nue. Chestnut Hill, ouesduure oftho Depot, ISO fret trout, U 4 feet deep.-ltesUlem e of AVilHam B, .Seed, Esu (tit Tuesday, November 28. 18G9. at 12 o’clock, nowi, will bo soli at public sale.without ihoPhiladelphia Excbange, all th a t *er yclega“ t .! t h .r?J., story slonetstuccolmnnslon and lot/of grooud,sltuato ut the north east corner of New stnt/tt and Prospect avenue. Chestnut Hill: the lot containing Ip front on Now Btreet ltd feet, and extending in depth nect avenue 411 feet. The manslox is In oxccllentrepalt, aSd liis «11 the modern improvements and conve niences ; 3 rooms on the first floor; son tlie second fioor, “ml 4on the third floor ; gay, bath, j lot an d JV' I'’ 1 '’ ’| water-closet, furnace, ctaiking rnugo. Ac. Tho grouuns are beautifully laid out and planted with shrubbery, evergreens, Ac. Terms—Half cash.' lmmediatepossessioii. May be examined any day pro-, vious to sale, jj T jj O MAS A SONS. Auctioneers; nofi if>y unci M) South 1 ourthwtreet*. j Sale. —Modern Three-story Brick Uesidence No.; «i] Vhiontroet, opposite *ruakiiu wjuwe»24 1715 feet deep to Wood atreot. 2 Ironts. On Tuesday*) November £>* o’clock, noou;isill be eold ati •Bublic wfiei ftt the Philadelphia Kxchaoco* all that mod ??n threc-rtorT brick wlth two-Btory back! «if^ixth^streeLAfofflu'bcontaitftn^W restriction that there shall nivor bo erected, on aa> part of Bald lot a Htahle and coach-house. Tho boiiso f» welt aiiAßiihKtHiitiaUy built, and in good repair; habparlor,’ dluimz’ibom and kitchen on tho first floor; «atooußitUng-rooin nnd voramlah o* second floor, and - Auction) • Koohis. ‘ m. THOMAS A SONS,,Anctloneers,- | noOISSO ‘ 139 and I4ljsmitb Fourth street.. PUBLIC SALE-THOMAS & SONS MAuctioneera.-JjnraeSid valuablefour-story brick HoteiTsoutheast corner.of Lehjsh ..dyenuo anq TuUj jsrreetl’Nihefoeath Ward ?£0 feet Tuesday. November 23, atUo’«ock*fiJoOt»,win bt Sldatpildic »t i^PWlad«lTlta,i!MNaW9. tlmt vaJuablo four-story brick hcitef mi lpt of Around xiluato ut lbe; sontbMst. oornor of Lehigh avonno, and Tulin street* Nineteenth Wttid ! the lor coDtyiDlpf ii front*on lichlffh avenue6o feet (hotel belnfftO feet), am extending In depth IN) feet to IJepot-Btroei. The hote contninH§o rooniß, has ffna, rsuigo, &c. , ’ ' Snbjoct to a yearly ground-rent of 8160, • Possession & 80Nfi, Auctioneers, nnni32o ' » 139ftnd HI BautUPourthstreet. MBS—Dr. FINE. Ko. 219 Vin» Street, below Third '7***F- ; taherti the handsoipoat Teeth in the city At pric« to suit ail. Teeth Plugged, Teothßepalred, Shwhanged nr Betnodelled to suit. | Gae and Ether.. Jlo TOln in 0* ttactin*. Offifleflopro»Btos geas-B.mJ.flm TSAAcmTHANS; AtfOTIOISJCEB, N.'E I corner Third and gnruce streets,, only one aqua* below the Exchange. #260,000 to loan, In largo or smal amounts,ondiamonds, eltvor plato,_watohea» jewelry 2nd all noods of value. OBlco hours from 8 A. M. to p d m *3 r Established for the laat forty yoara. Ad vanaee niade in largo amounts at the lowest marke ratea. - _ ■ ■ . Ww A T.IL--KOK SALE, 180 TONS Oi I > chalk. AflS.s.t, Apply to WpKKM.VN & 00. -V'- 12a Walnut street. dentistry. smeiuFßlc smoußT.. Ledru Rolmn refuses to retfura to Paris.' Sown of the Cheyenne chiefs advocate fight ing in the spring. - . Another tailors’strike is anticipated in New York. Indians are still depredating near Prescott, Arizona. Provisions at Prescott, Arizona, -are at famine prices. ■ ■ ' . The Saxon House of deputies Is opposed to the abolition of thodeath punishment. The iron-clad Dictator sailed from Fortress M,onroe yesterday f or the West Indies. A WomenSi SuffrXoe Convention was held in Wilmington, Del., yesterday. h f • Kalnm sufficient to qive an impetus to mining have* fallen throughout Arizona. The new Assistant Treasurer of New York will prebably enter upon bis dutlesohModday. There is much excitement in San Fran cisco over some imnortant mining discoveries in Nevada. , " , ' l> ’ '■ Speculations in whisky have caused the treasurer of Peoria county,: Illinois, to become a defaulter. Louis Ur,ano lias accepted a nomination to the French Corps Legislatif, in place of Ledru Ilolliu, who, however, declines, to withdraw. , An inuiiense bed of rock which prevents the deepening of the Suez Canal is to be blasted out at once. A pastoral has been issued by the Bishop of Orleans, expressing his approval of 7 the Fulda Conference proceedings. Napoleon is said to have Inspired that por tion of the pastoral of the Archbishop of Faria relating to the Pope’s infallibility. ; . - 'Tyto British vessels, the Rena and Naomi; have recently been wrecked in the South Pa cific. Their crews were saved. There have been one hundred- au<l- thirty five meii discharged from the Charlestown, Massachusetts, Navy-Yaid, to reduce tbo forpe. Tre New Yoife Central Bailxoad is about adopting a slower rate of passenger speed, in order, as the telegraph says, to “Insure safety and regularity.” The Russian'Minister lias instructed the Russian Consul at San Francisco to have a service held in the Russian chapel there next 'Thursday, tbat belng Thanksgiving Day. A Chicago colored man, named Johns, has been appointed, ,by the Governor of Illinois, as a notary public. This is the first appointment ever given a colored man in that State. ' A portion of the bonds stolen sometime hack from Dutchess County Mutual Insurance Company at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., have been found in the possession of a New York banker. The bar of the Supreme Court of the United States, Reverdy Johnson presiding, met in Washington yesterday, and adopted resolutions expressive of their regret at the death of Robert J. Walker. Several persons have entered suits in the Cirtuit Court at St Louis, against Frank A. Dick, who was Provost Marshal of 1 , that, De partment, under General Halleck, for certain sums assessed on them during the war as rebel sympathizers, and collected by Colonel .Dick, ander Halleck’s orders. The aggregate sum claimed by the above gentlemen is $27,800. CkXesnteflte. The chateau which gives its name to the wine most renowned m .the'.world —a t wine which Mdmc. de Pompadour, at the recom mendation of the wicked eld Marshal de Riche lieu, was the first to appreciate, and brought into fashion—is seen on a hill slope rising against a background of fine trees in the inidst of vast undulations of vines. Thenrineipalpor tionoftbecMteau dates back to the daysofLouis XIII., but the feudal-looking conical-capped round comer-tower, which is the most marked characteristic of the building, had its origin nb doubt at that earlier epoch when Lafite was a seigneurie, and itt lord was invested; with the power of administering “high Justice”—in other words, bad the life of every peasant in the commune of Paaillac in his hands. The vineyards of Lafite, 182 J acres in extent, are on both sides of the road, reaching to St. Estephe on the one band, and winding round behind the cMteau on the other. Alter the storm of the evening before, the morning broke like some balmy day in June, and in the bine Italian sky only a few flicker ing douds could he traced near the horizon. Crowds of vintagers lined the vine-covered slopes, the cutters working, according to the practice of the district, in gangs of eight, each under the order of its brigadier, who wore blue pantaloons, with a fringed crimson sash round the waist, a straw hat or blue velvet cap, and not unfrequently a white shirt, with scarlet collar and cufls; moreover, he held a long wand in his hand as a mark of authority. His duty is to direct the cutters, and, generally, to inspect their work, seeing that they gather all the ripe tranches, and that no unripe or diseased grapes get by any accident into the square-shaped wooden “paniers” with which the cutters are furnished. The “porte-hastes” cany the grapes to the douils,” or large tubs— with three of which each bullock-cart em ployed in conveying the grapes to the“cuve rie” is provided—in a kind of bucket, which they bear on a sort of porter's knot on the top of their heads. A good deal of open flirtation goes on between the young men and women. It does sometimes happen when a pretty girl comes to empty her panter into the “baste” or bucket, that the porte-baste will seize her by the waist, and, after a straggle, in which she .shows more of her naked, well-formed legs than her looped-np skirts ordina rily display, which is more than is quite proper, a loud smack of the lipn is heard, fol lowed by a buret of laughter from her compan ions: at all which the brigadier at most looks grave, but says never a word. Every one eats as many grapes as he or she pleases., The stories told about the proprietors of the grands eras providing their cutters with an abundance of common grapes that they may not eat the more valuable products • of their vines have no truth in them. I noticed that some cutterp ate the finest grapes off every branch they cut; and that others selected a particularly fine hunch, and, devouring only the best grapes, Cast the remainder away. As to the children, they leisurely seat themselves on the ground and make a repast of grapes every naif an hour or so, without a word of reproof from the in specting brigadier.— Pall Mall Gazette. CUrlsat Eton. . The London Daily News remarks that the advancing spirit of the age must indeed have reached Eton—that ancient seat of permissive instruction and privileged idleness—when we find the cause of “advanced education for ladies” occupying the leisure of the most, eminent and Successful masters. Under the auspices of the Rev. Stephen Hawtrey and the Rev. W. B. Marriott, it is proposed to hoH j Masses at Eton for ladies, “not under sixteen*” s during tlie present antumn and- the coming jj winter, in- Latin, English history, elementary [ geometry and physical geography. Mr. John j son conducts the Latin course, Mr. Oscar I Browning undertakes the English history, the Rev. Stephen, Hawtrey the elementary geometry, anil Mr. W. H. Harris (head-master : of an old-established school at Windsor) will. I superintend the class of physical geography. I The genial co-operation of the most brjuliant of s the masters of Eton with the able master of a i Nonconformist private school deserves cordial recognition and encouragement. This is the l latest and hot the least promising advance of that movement in , favor of higher education [ for ladies which,so far as Europe js concerned, ? began at Cambridge, and has been so zealously i. pursued in France under the patronage of the [ Minister of Public Instruction, and with the aid bftlie most distinguished pwifessore of the University, iw spite of the opposition 'of the t Bishop of Orleans'. CwlCMsteumt. ■ . The Wlowlßff Ui tfcß amsyni oj the Philadelphia andfioadlngßallroml daring ending TUdiWUV.ffov.H.UW: From «. C1air;—........ «M» » i “ Auburn- —. LJfrH >; “ Port Clinton..—l*..;..!—/ Harrisburg and Dauphin - \ “ Allentown and Alburtea,: „ ! -Total Anthracite (joal for work.. lUfiM IT Bltnmlnoua Coal from Harrisburg andDau- „ • pUin.forwM*,.*——.l-,....—.....a..; 1 : Total ofall kliide for tlie wcok-]..—..—. Prevlpuslytbis year SJga.U&Of birrg,^|^Satter^wa^WmDe^^Jn^rl»com ( , 9 «? Bltotlfci’ LwMUxgeon.wiftand two*offi,*JnoP Hunter. • ! MOVEMENTS OF OCKA'M mXAMKMtk TO ARRIVE. ; snipe „ noa, „ ■ ro*» : ■ , nxi* Oftletola-.,., f B&aunoma ...;...HaYre...New x0xXv»...~.~......f<0*» P lafayettG ~Bre«t...Neir 6 J uuiata—.—.Philadelphim-JlavaaaAN Orln*~.Npy ■,}§. Pennsylvania.... New York...Liverpool--..g0v j u Nebraska ..New Xork...LiverpOol-~.^.Nor. 18 Malta J...»N««*!<H 18 Donan —Nor. t» Eagle -New Tork...Hatana~.. —H or 'S! Srifetia”— | Alo»ka.„. i_;3beir^forit.. .AaplnWall Nor.» B. America. -Now York... Rio Janeiro, Ac-, Nor. 23 Hammenla— NewYorfc..Hamburg •2* Pioneer— Pblladelphla—Wllmlngton —.Nor ■Z» 11. C. BUTCHER. > Mo!tTBl.TCo«t*lXIB«. S. E. STOKER > . commutes on >EWrm/.Tr<JN. J.O. James, I B.A.Bpnder, Geo. L.Bazbr, - I WpL W, Paid, ThMnaeli. GUlwple. ■■ ■■■■ - MARINE BUIXETIM. PORT OP PHI Bow Bi8K«,8 t3l Bvn Sect. < U I Hioa Warna. 9 is ARRIVED YBSTXBDAY. „ _ Steamer Fonlta, Brooke. 24 hour, from New York, with mdee to John POhl. „ „ Steamer Black Diamond, Meredith. W hours from New York, with judee to w M Baird A Uo. ~ ' , Steamer Rrihtol, Wallace, a bourn, from New York, with nuleo to WP, Clyde A Co, . Steamer D Utley, Daria, 24 hours from New York,with mdae to WII Baird A Co. Slbr SB Franklin, Mall, 10 days from Jacksonrtlle, with lumber to Patterson A Linpincott . He hr Hambnrg, ■ Weetcott, 7 days from James Hirer, with Ipmler to ColllnsA Co. . , - ; _ Schr HM Condoß, Condon, from Wilmington, NC. wl tb lumber to captain, „ Scbr Potosl, Trntot, 1 day from Leipsic,Del. with grain to Jos E Palmer. . „ „„ Canal bokt Dudley Breed. KUis,.from Oswego, NY, with barley to W Maasey A Co. . . Canal boat F E Babbett. Tally, from Oswego, NY. W C«uSbStI<UC I from Oswego,NY, with taxlertoW|U» a A yC| . TEBi) Steamer Wyoming. Teal, Savannah. Philadelphia and Southern Mail 68 Co. , . „ v steamer J S ShrlTer. Dennis. Baltimore, A Gror«. Jy. Bark Dr C Tupper (Brl, Coffill, Btlboa, OC Van Horn. gtevena, Bauuders, Boston, L Audenriod St hr Curtis Tilton, Somers; Cie nfuegos. D S StetsopACo bchr Harry Lt-e, Barrett, Newbern.McrelionA Gland. Scbr Franconia, Craig, Boston, Hammett, Neill A Co. Bchr Sylvan, lonng.Portsmenth, do Bchr Lucy Church; Adams, Nantaeket, , do , Scbr Gov Burton, tndlam, Boston. do Scnr JHGaUaglwr. Boyce. Richmond. do Scbr Ellis Brodcric.Lapson. Salem, do Barge Wm Calvin,Oodshalk. New York, do Barge BobtAthffis.Eyncbi do do Barge Amelia, Eagle, do - : dp i . HAVRE DE GBACE, Nor. 12. The following boata left here this morning, laden and consigned as followsi. _ r . Martha McConker, with wheat and bark to A GCat tellACo; Col Eillnger, J J Richardson, Andrew Mid dleton and OrUndodimber to New York; Sally A Harry, lumber to Saylor,Jpey AMorie;- John Dnbole. do to Wood Paring Co; Elton, do to Patterson A Lipplncott; Elllo. do to Chester; J W Thompson, do to D Tramp A Son; Ella A Lillie, coal to Wilmington; Ftmik A Alice, lumber to do; Minnababa, Mate toiNewaric; Maggie, wood to Mans yank; Baltimore Coal Co,flint to Trenton. ■ : MEMORANDA. Ship Rutland, Gardner, cleared at San Francisco yes terday for Liverpool, with 32W sacks wheat. Ship Lyra Lind, cleared o* San Francisco yesterday for Queenstown, with ItUS sacks wheat. Steamer Pioneer. Barrett, henoe at Wilmington, NC. Nevada, iienoe at New London 10th inst. for Hartford, put in for repain to machinery. . _ , - Steamer Uruguay, Dabms, from W ilmington, Del. at Montevideo lsth Sept via Bio Janeiro, Ac Steamer lowa, fiedderwick. sailed from Glasgow 29th nit. for tfcv ,» Bark John Mathues, SoUirsn, sailed from Bangor; Me. loth inst. for Palermo. ■ . Brig Louisa A Maria, Wynberg. hence, ashore at Hel voet. will have to discharge, . . . „ . ~ . Brig Harry Vlrden, Colfins, cleared at Quebec 6th inst Miller. Anderson, sailed from Salem liith in BrigJ WWoodrnff, Haskell, hence at Portsmouth 9th CosmeSj Parsons, hence at Boston Utb inst . ' Bchr Emma D Finney, Symmes, at Matanzas 2d Inst, fnom sailed atb for Pensacola. . BcfarDavidGiriovd, Weeden, hence at Fallßlvcr 7th * 3 ScSwm Collyer, Taylor, sailed from Fall River 10th Darling, Baxter, hence at New Bedford 1< Sarah Cobb, soiled from New Bedford Utb Inst. Young, hence at Norwich Uth * n s<hT Fannie Hanmer, Brooks, hence at Newport 11th '"bebrs J H Bartlett, WieginsLLßlvea, Bpwdltcb, and George Hotchkiss, Rackett, Providence for this port; sailed from Newport PM loth Inst. Bchr Jacob Kienzle, Steelman, hence at Norfolk lOtb * D Schr Emma Bacon, Case, cleared at Portland lOtb inst f °bcbr Williams, hence at Bangor ldth iuat. MABINK MISCELLANY. Ship Minnehaha, McGrath, from New York 18th Oct. for Londonderry, was ashore at Moville loth inst. Bark Nelliediapin, Wass.fromNewportjE.22d Sept, for Genoa, was abandoned at sea prior to 30th ult; crow taken off and carried to Barcelona. The St registered, 666 tons, and was built in 1866 at Addison, lid. whence she hailed. GROCKRIES, LIQUORS, AC. SHOTWELL SWEET CIDER. Onr nsnal supply of this delobrated Cider just received ALBERT C. ROBERTS. DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. New mess shad and spiced Salmon. Tongues and Sounds, in prime order, just received ana foraale at COUSTY-8 East End Grocery. Mo. 118 Booth Seoond street, bylow Chestnut street, - "PURE SPICES, GROUND AND WHOLE X—Pure English Mtutard by the, pound —Choice White Wine and Crab Apple Vinegar for pickling in storey andrfor sale at OOUbTY’B East End Grocery, No. Second street, below Oheßtnut street. VTEW GREEN GINGER.-400 POUNDS J3i of choice Green Ginger in store and for sale at COUSTY’S East. End Grocery, So. 118 South Second street, boloW Chestnut street. TXTHITE BRANDY EOR PRESERVING. —A choice article just received and foreale at COUSTY’S East End Grocery, No. USSouth Second street, below Cheetnnt street. QOCP&-TOMATO, PEA, ~MOOK tJ Turtle and Jnllten Sonne of Boston Chib Mannfac rare, one of the finest articles for pic-nlcs and sailing parties. For sale at COUSTY’S East End Grocery, So lie South Second Street, below Chestnut etreot. COAL AND WOOD. riOAL! THE UHJBAFEBT AND BEST in the cUy.—Xeop eonstantly on Sand tbddelebrstod HONEY BBOOK dud HABLEIGH LEHIGH,: also, EAGLE VEIN; LOCUST fitODNTAIN/and BOSTON BON COAL. J. MACDONALD. Jn. Yards, 619 South Broad at. and 1140 Washington avenne. oolSrn B.HAMN BINSS. 1 i yr JOHN V.BKBA7V« mHE UNDERSIGNED INVITEATTEN JL tlon to their stock of ■ . . , _ . Spring Mountain, Lehigh and Locust Mountain Goal, which, with the preparation given by as. we think can not be excelled by any other Coal; . taHMf Arch street wharf, BohnylhlU. CUTLERY. S' )D GEE S’ AND WOSTENHOLM'S POCKET KNIVES, PEARL and STAG HAN- Sot beautiful'finish; RODGERS’ and WADEk- CHBB’S, and tbe_CELEBBATED LEOOULTBR RAZOR-i SCISSORb IN OASES of the finest Quality. , construction to assist thehearingvat P.MADEIBA’B, Cutler And Surgical Instrument Metier, 118 Tenth street, below Chestnut. ■■ - ’ - mvl-tf in store and for sale by COCHRAN,BUSSELL A CO. , 111 CUestuut street, THBDSJiri s ; C»M> Clothier, „ Benjamin Molone, , Xbtnnu Mother, if. EBwood ObMtnon, ; Simeon’ Matlock, Aaron W. Gaakill, CALEB 01,0' . BEHJASUH THOMAS MATHSB, iPHIA—Nov.IJ,' mHE RELIANCE INSURANCE COM- J. PANT OF PHILADELPHIA., , Incorporated in 1841. Charter Perpetual, street. InaoTM against lowor ■|£4Wfibe ,0a Homos, Store* and other Bnildlnga, limited or perpetual, and en Furniture, Goode, Wore, and Merchandise in town or “Tosses promptly adjustedand paid. . Assets —— -34J7,5f1g 33 Invested in the following Securities, v£T 1 " ■ First Mortgages on City Property, weU so- cured—..— 5148,600 qq United States Government Loans™ ... 117,000 00 Philadelphia City « Per Cent. Loans 76,000 00 Pennsylvania 83,000,000 6 Per Cent Loan 30,000 00 ’ Pennsylvania Railroad Bondß.First Mortgage 6,000 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's* Per - Cent. Lose-*-...-- . g.OOOto Loanß on Collaterals—6oo 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 Per Gent. Mort gage ■.■mi n-r' ——■ — 1 - 4(565 00 County Fire Insurance Company’s 5t0ck...... Isjo 00 Mechanic©’ Bank iJ’SSKX Commercial Bank or Pennsylvania -Stock.-... . I0»000 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company ’b Stock..-.. 380 00 Beiiance Insurance Company .of Philadelphia _ -a. „ StOCk ...... I .iVm) 0(«U UU Cash in Bank and on hand,——— ———. 13,268 a Worth at Par —. 8437,508 33 i Worth this date at market prices. —.—.8154,38133 . ... DIBEOTGBB. * Thomas O. Hill ,1 Thomas H. Moor., William Musses, Samuel Caßtner, Samuel Biepham, James T. Young, H L Carson, Isaac F. Baker, win. Stevenson, Christian J. Hoffinan, Benj.W.Tingfey. L Swuelß. Thomas, THOMASO. HILL, President. Wh. Chubb, Secretary. ■ .Fhilamlphia* February 17,1868. jal-tuthfltf tTekTSsurance and TRUST CO. L THE GIRARD LIFE INBUBANNCK, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA.— OFFICE, 408 CHESTNUT STREET. ASSETS, 83,083,645 56, JANUARY 1,1839. The oldest Company of the kind but one in the State; continue to insure Uvcb on the most reasonable terns and declare profits to the insured for the whole of life. Premiums paid yearly-half yearly, or Quarterly, They receive Trusts of all Sinds, whether-as Trustees, As fiigneefl* GuardioUßi or Committee of tunhey. Alao.aot aeExecutors and Administrators; to the dnges orwhich particular attention is paid. Deposits dnd Trust Funds are not in any event liable for the Debts or Obligations of the Company. Charter » et P etu * I THOMAB RIDGWAY, President. SETH I. COMLY, Vice President. John F.. James, Actuary. _ L D L^r H -S SI HU LOCUST street, attends every day at 1 unlock ■ precisely at; the office. : ■ ©5" 3m _ OFPIOE-No. 723 Arch sweet, Fourth National Bank Building. rynmcrOßS. • 1 • Thomas J. Martin, jjyfr? Mnnor ’ John Hirst, . Albertos King, Wm,A.Bolin, 7 ■■ James Mongau, Jamea_Wood, • William Glenn; - " &dTTTi)i=k ß dn, , »B!sber«a Jam J Fitspafrlok, CONRAD B. ANDRESS, President. Wm. A.RoilH.Treus, Ww.Q.FAaSNiS«i’T. TO"BULLETIN—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 L , :■ - .--t-v. Vti.L— : —~*— l —*———l—t^Mi mutual FIBE IHBOBANOE 00MPAKY PHILADELPHIA Office, No. 701 Arch Street, From No. J South Fifth Street, would respectfuUy solicit the patronage of. their friends the only •t*tcftJ-MsitriMt *l«4 isuins*i»e« ■■ l ; i ? 4 A. Debate of S 3 fir Hlai/ti iuufejaid i i All to whom Boonomr i* *n object ibowd Injure ts OlaComsamr. j to *. , ! Inanrancea made on Building,.Perpetual and Limited; OnUercbandfae and HoosehoQClooda aimoaUy, Assets, - - $183,682 32 I BIEKOTOBB. William P.-Boeder, '.Joßtjih Chmpnuui, Praneia T, Atkinson, Edward M. Needles, Wilson H, Jenkins, Lnkens Webster. 'HIKR, President. CAXiONX, Tice President. Treasurer. Tip Liverpool & Lon* don Globe Ins. Go. Assets Gold, % 17,690,390 “ in the tJnited States 2,000,000 Daily Receipts over $20,000.00 Premiums in 1868, $5,665,075.00 Losses in 1868, $3,662,445*00 No. 6 Merchants 1 Exchange, Philadelphia. 1829 “ CHARTER franklin FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PBDULADEUPHXA. - 1 Office— 43s and 437 Ohestnnt Street. Assets on January X, 1869, l3. napitat —, . !—SWOfXO 00 Premiums....'.—. —1,183 3U 40 DHBETTLBD CLAIMS, INCOME FOB 1301 •23,788 13. ’ *360,000. Losses Paid Since 1829 Over #©,€500,000. Ferpetnal ml Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms. The Company also uanes Policies npon the Bents of all kinds of bofldlnga, Ground Bent» and Mortgages. > ■ 'l ‘‘ i ; DIBEOTOEB. AlfredO.Baker, I Alfred Fitter, Bamoel Grant, . I Tbooma Bpark*. * Geo. W. Richards, . I .Wm. B. Grant, Isaac Lea, I Thomas 8. Kllia, Geo. Pales, 1 Gustavos B. Benson. ALFRED G. BAKER, President. „ ' . GEO. PALEB, Vice President. JAB. W. HeALLTSTBB. Secretary.,, THKODOBE M. B*G«,Assistant SeoretMj. .B A FIBE association ■ iflg PHILADELPHIA. 53M8999 1 Incorporated March, 27, 1820. Office— No. 34 North Fifth Street. INSURE BUILDINGS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AMD MEBOHAKDifiK GENERALLY FBOM " LOB3BYPIBE. Assets. Jantiary’ 1, 1869, $1,406,095 08. tbdbtbkb: William H. Hamilton, Charles P. Bower, John Csrrow, . JesseLUhtfoot, George I. Voting,l Robert Shoemaker, Joseph B.LyndaU, Peter Armbruster, LetiP. Coats, M. H. Dickinson, Bamoel Bparhawfe : Peter Williamson, wB. AQg. ptfjfCT. WM. H. HAMILTON, President, BAMOEL BPABHAWK, Vice President. WM. T. BOTLEB, Secretary. MERICAN EIRE INSURANCE COM insure on dwellings, stores, furniture, merchandise, vessels in port, and their cargoes, and other .personal property. AinoseesUbegUj and promptly adjusted. Tho Mas B. Marls, "jMmnnd G. Dntllh, John Welsh. ‘ ■ ioharies W. Poultnoy, Patriok Brady, (Israel Morris, John T.Lew&t VYethW, ' THOMAS B.MABIB, President. AlsbbtO. CHAwyonp. Secretary. ■ UNITED FIREMEN’S INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. This Company takes riaks at thelowest rates consistent with safety, and eonflaeatta btwiates egolttstroly to FIBE INBUBAHOB IN THE OTTY OF PHILADEL .. PBIA. ■ [.Secretary, iNSCRANCE. spHK oouimr fire insurance oom- UL Mo. 110 Booth Fourth street, below ’“ThSTyiro Insurance Company ofthe County of Phfl*- dolphia,’' Incorporated by tho Log!stature Of Pehnsyiva eiain ißJfl.for indemnity agninstloss or damage hy «M» exclusively. obabtee PERPETUAL. This old and reliable iiutfttitlon, with ample capital and contingent rand carefully forested, continues to In *ar» bulldnlga, furniture, merchandise, Ae.t either per manent lyorfor » limited time, against low or damage byCreyat am lowest rates consistent with the ebeolot* ■ ebbs; 1 J. flutter, l An&ewH. Muter. • : JosephHoore. ,r * ,F‘ ee ?“' OBAnihT&WmS^A'tt. HENBY BUDD, YieePreeldeut. BENJAMIN F. HOEOKLBY, Secretary and Treasurer. fnpjß PENNSYLVANIA FIBE UTSU- No.moWALNCT street, opposite Independence ftynare. i This Company, favorably Known to tui ooinmnnity for Over fprty yeorsycontinnes to Insure against lM« damage by fire on Pnbllc or Private Bandings, either permanently or for o limited time. Also .on; Furniture, Btidkybfflooas, end Merchandise generally,on liberal to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case Oftsw. DXEFCTOEB. Daniel Smith, Jr., | John Dererwut Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith, laaaoHarlehurst, [Henry Lewis _ „ ttusaias Bobiiu, , J.GHllngharoFell, Daniel HaddocOr, _ „ , DANIEL SMITH. Ja-t President. WM. O- CBOWBLL. Secretary. epU-tl JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE OOM PAMY of Philadelphia.—Office,Ho. M Sorth .Fifth •treat, near Market street. ■. ■ ■ ■ .. „ ..■ , ... Incorporated by the Legislature Of Pennsylvania. dmrtwperpeUuil' Capital and Aaaeto. BIMAW. Mate Insurance against Dess or damage by Fire on Publlo or ravaMßnUdJaga, Furniture, Stocks, Hoods and Mer ss^sassb.. sss2s^“ r fsssr&sss: SMSstw*'-' Frederick Doll, Christian D.Frick, Sansnel Miller, PHILIP E. OoLEsmr. Secretary and Treasurer. Anthracite insurance COM PANY .—CHABTEB PERPETUAL. Office. No. 311 WALNUT Street, aboraTb ri, PbOAda. iWill insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on Baud ings, either perpetually or for a limited time, Honsehola Furniture and Merchandise generally. _ . Also, Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargoes and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. WUlfsm Esher, DlBKCTo Tmll|tAudenried, V. Luther. JohoKetcbam, Jobs B. Blackiston* j.K.Baoitt, WUliamF.Dean, John B.Jterl. ' Peter Sieger. . Samuel H. Bolhermel. William ,, A WILLIAM P. DEAK, Vioe President. W»Q M. Smith »Secretary/ jeatnthetf T7IAME INSURANCE. COMPANY, NO. JC 809 CHESTNUT STREET. INfiOBPOBATKD 1836. CHABTEB PERPETUAL. FIRE INSUBAIUHi IxfSiUBIVBIiY. Insures against Loss or Damage by Fire.'either by Per petual or Temporary Policies. PIEIMITOni. • Charles Bichardson, Robert Pearce, .Wm. H.Khftwn, , John Kessler, Jr., William M.Bejfert, Kdvfhrd B. Orno, , Henry Lewis, -Charles Stokes, Nathan Hillfs. JphnW.Evermau, George A. West, Mordecai Busby, 8 CHARLES RICHARDSON, President, ■ , „ WM. H. SHAWM,Vice-President. _ WILLIAMB I. BLAHCHABD. Secretary.. apl tf SARATOGAWATER^ fORSETi! BARATET. C OBSETS, TOUENUEES, 112 8. Eleventh St. BROWN’S Wholesale and Retail Corset Warehouse REMOVED 819 ARCH STREET. SINESSCARDS. Establlsbed 1821. WM. G. FLANAGAN & SON, HOUSE AND SHIP PUUMBEBS, No. 129 Walnut Street. . iy7ly§ • JAMES A.WBJQHT, THORNTON PIKE, CLEMENT A. QHIB COM. Importers of earthenware and Shipping and Commission Merchants. Ylo. 116 Walnut street, Philadelphia. TJi B. WIGHT, ; XJ. ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, , . , ©ommierioner of Deeds for the State of Pennsylvania In w. ;• ,1- Illinois. * • 96 Madison etreet, Chicago, lUinoia. aul9tf|_ COTTOK SAIL DTTCK OP EVEBY width, 1 froml23 inches to 76 inches wide, all numbers jaM No. MS Church street, City Stores. PRIVY -WELLS.—OWNERS OF PROP erty—Ths only place to got privy wtdls cleansed and very low srices. A. PEYBSON. Mann iacturcr ofPondrette.Goiajßiilth’s Hail. Library street irARDWAHErArC. WHITE IVORYIDE, An Indestructible WRITE HANDLE FOB KNIVEB, an American improvement of great merit; best Quality O, IIARD I RU B AND FOBKB, ® A KNIVES AND KORKBfur 81. BEST CITY MAKE TREBLE-PLATED SU.VBB F EABTEi 3 N >O OF PLATED FOBHS, ®2 25 per Elated tea and table spoons, in groat va- B5 19 PEB KEG, or M 0 ' OF NAILS, ®5 00 PEB KKQ. At the Cheap—fox Oash—Hardware Storo of J. B. SHANNON, 1009 Market Street. ■ - ■ ■■■■ Cl AS FIXTURBS-r-MISKEr, MERRILL VI ATHACKABA,Nt>.'7lBOlieetnutstreet.monufao turers of Gas Fixtures,YmmDS.&c.t Ac., would call the also lntroduoe gas pipes into dwellings and puWioDUlla ings, and attsndto extenpng, altering and repairing gag BlSe*. All work warranted, JyJ THOMAB &“80ir8; AUCTIU»MIKB, safes Mtb» PhDiJelplHUEirSkßgs «t«»» ' *** A * o * h) * , 8to»* fcVWCT i i i. . .oN TulaDAlfiroT. B, -. At 12 o’clock noon, at the Philadelphia JCxfhMgs— ,. 100 shareeZCmpireTraneporUtiOttOOv , 1 share Arch Street theatre, with ticket. 11 shares Southwark National Dank. It shares Bank of North Amerlch, ... -rr~- z sharesßelmont Avenue Plank BaariOb -70 *harcs Penn'a Salt Manufaotortng Oe. 10 shares Ini. Co. Staw of Pennsylvania. 18 shares Northern Liberties Gas 00. .. • 7 shares Franklin Fire Ins. Co, 8 slumsßeliaaeelns.Co. (0 sharcsSprucc and PiheStreets Pass. R. 8.. 8 ehares'WMtern'Natlotml Bank. 17 shared American Fire In* Co. 55,000 Long Island 8.8. 7 per cent. hondi. BEAL ESTATE SALE, NOV. 1«. _ ,TfBT; yALUAULESIX-BTOHY IRON FRONT W ILDING, 8. E. corner of Third strcot audCarter’s alley.below Chestnutßtrcot. opposite Girard Bank;' L VALUABLE BUSIffKSB. MAHP—THBBE-BIORY BBICKJMCOBE attdY) WELLING, V, 724 Botith Be corn! street, b*iaw Shipoou. , . VALUABLE BUaiNRBS BTAN1;8~2 TOttßlfr -BTOBY BfilGK BTOBKB and DWELLINGS, Nos. 1020 and 1022 South atreetß,with ft Two-atory Brick Stable In the rear on Bodiord streot—32 by WOftet. , - Administratrix’s Sale—Ktitate of William Whiteman, dec’d— .VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND—THREE STORY BRICK 81 ORE and DWELLING and LABOR LOT. No.'loo3NortuSecond Mroet, extending through to Germantown on which ia a 2>* story Frame Dwelling—2 fronts. - ‘ Seine JEntate—LARGE und VALUABLE LOT, Nos. 9gsand937Nortli Secbnd str« ot, 43?5 by 100 fcot. Executors' Sale—Estate of damoa Brosgor, deett— THBEK-STOttY BRICE DWELLING, No. 1120 Bod* man at. ~ • - Sumo Estate— BUILDING LOT, Richmond street, N. E. of Ontario. Twehtj'flfth W'rird. • VERY VALUABLE BUSINESS BTAND-FOUR -BTORY BRICK STORE and DWELLING, Nd 734 Noith Second afreet, betw eon Coatee nnd Brown.. IHBEE-BTOBY BRICE DWELLING, No. 317 G&ekill (it. ■■.'■■■:<■ . BUSINESS STAND-THREE STORY BRICK STORE and DWELLING, lUdge avenue, third door above Girard avenue. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 11524 Wood et. , THKKE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1302 North Fifteenth Bt. ~ , , BUSINESS STAND-Livery Stable find Large Lot. No. Ills Locust street, 2 fronts, immediate possession. SB by 100 feet. Sale nt No. 313 South Seventeenth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE CARPETS,BOOK CASE, FIREPROOF, Ac. ON MONDAY MORNING, Nov, IS, at 10 o'clock, at No, 313 South Seventeenth Rireet, below Bprtjito.hy catalogue,the entire Furniture, comprißing—Walnut Parlor, Hall and Dining Boom Furniture, superior Extension Table, Moore « Cam pion’s patent; Oak Secretary Bookc-se, Mahogany Sec retary BoOkcflso, Cliina and Glassware. I Walnut Chamber Furniture, line Hair Matressee, fine Yelvet Parlor and Hall Carpeta, fine Imperial and Ingrain Carpets, Oil Cloths, Office Table, Fireproof, Kitchen Utensils, Re frigerator; Ac. . of superb quality nnd rich assortments. Also, Pieces black and colored Mohairs, Alpacas, Empress Cloth. . _ do high colored Merinos, Delaines. t Pieces black Drop do France, Cachemore do do Lyons black Taffetas, Groa de Bhin, Gro* Grains, do black and colored Ponlt do Sole, Fancy Bilks, Ao. Also, by order of Messrs H.HENNEQUIN A CO;, A fall line of Paris black Thibet and Merino Leng Shawls, in all qualities. t A fall line ot Paris broche open centre Oachemere long Shawls. - A fall line of Paris broche filled centre Oachemere iong Shawls, including borne extra fine goods. Also, a full line of Broche Scarfs, in black and scarlet centres, of their own manufacture and importation, being their closing sale df the season. Also, ' Plaid Woolen. Shawls, Mauds. Arabia Ladles’Cloaks>Ac. VELVETS AND SATINS.' Pieces Lyots black and colored Bilk Velvets. Pieces Lyons black and colored Silk Batins. 300 CARTONS PARIS RIBBONS. . Full lines solid and assorted colors Taffeta Ribbons. Full lines heavy all boiled black Ribbons. Full lines colored,<black and rich plaid Bash Ribbons. Full lines colored and black Bilk Batin Ribbons. Full lines St. Etienne black and colored Velvet Ribbons. Also, Plushes, Velveteens, Ostrich Feathers. Artificial Flowers, Ac. • Balmoral and Hoop* Skirts, White Goods, Handker chiefs, Ties. Ac. _ - ‘ • i • • Umbrellas, Dress and Cloak Trimmings, Gloves, Fancy Goods, Ac. ... Also, an invoice of Extra rich Embroidered Slippers, in single and doublo stitch, raised work, fancy figures, latest pattorus, jnst landed. LARGE BALE OF 2000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, £•, ON TUESDAY MORNING. •• , Not. 16, at 10 o’clock,on founmontha ’ crediLfncluduMh- Cases men’s, boys’ and youths’ calf, kip,bnffieather and grain Cavalry, Napoleon, Dress and Congress Boots and Balmorals; kip, buff and polished grain Brogans; wo men’s, mißßes’and children’s calf,kid, enamelled and buff leather, goat and morocco Balmorkls; Congresa Gaiters; Lace Boots; Ankle Ties; Slippers, Ac. LARGE BALE OF BRITISH, FRENCH, QBBMAH AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, Nov. 17, at 10 o’clock, on four months’ credit. PANIERS. Executor’s Poremntory Sale—Estate of tho late John Bertram, deceased. VERY VALUABLE NUMISMATIC COLLECTION BABE AMERICAN AND FOBEIGN COINS AND ' M oif MONDAY and TUESDAY AFTERNOONS, Not.-29 and 30, commencing each day at 3)i o’clock, tho entire large and verywaluablu Numismatic Collection, Bare American and Forolgn Specimens, Ac. ‘ Particulars horoafter. Catalogue! one week previous to sale. By babbitt & 00.. auctioneers. , CASH AUCTION HOUSE, No. 230 MABKKT street, corner of Bank street. Gash advanced on consionmenta without extra charge. MibLOTS FOBEIGN DBY GOODS, » Cloths and Caesimcres, Drees Goods; Bleached Goods, lOOOdoaen Cotton and Woolen Hosiery, Notions, occ., ON MONDAY MOBNING. Nov. 15, at 10 o’olock. . ' Also, Invoice' of. Boots and Shoes and Balmorals, Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Ac. Also, stock Flowers, Bonnet and Tiimming Ribbons, Bats, Ac., comprising tho stock of a retailer declining business. ~ " mHEPRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISH- X, ment-S.E. corner of SIXTH and RAOE streets. tail Case and'Opeu Face English > American and Svriss Patent Lever ana Lepine Watches; Double Usse English Quartler and other Watches: Ladles Fancy Wetches, SSwnd Breastpins; Finger > ng«; Kar Bings; Studs: SfcTFine Gold Chains; Msdallfons; Bracelets; Scarf Fins; Breaetoiuß; Finger Bings; Pencil Cases and Jew- large and valuable Fireproof Chest. W Abfy.e o v r er ft a/Lot"iuSo o uth 3 C°akdon,Fiflhand Chest hutstroeta. '©RES. i, 1869. AUCTIOW SALES. TO CABINETMAKERS AND OTHERS. Administratrix Salo-'-Kstote of John H. Hubbs,dec’d.! UNFINISHED FURNITURE; TOOLS, LUMBER, WAGON, FURNITURE CAR, HARNESS, FIRE PROOF, Acr ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, Nov. 17, at l|l o’clock, at No. 623 and 627 North Second street, a quantity of Unfinished Furniture, comprising— -11 Walnut Bureau Frames, 90 Walnut Reception and Wall Chairs, .4 Walnut Secretaries and Bookcases, 5 Centre and Bouquet Tables, 11 Walnut French post Bedsteads, 3 Walnut Buffet Sideboards, 15 Sofa Frames, Secretary and Bookcase, finished; 10 slabs brocadella and Lisbon Marble, Tool Cbost and Tools, lot Springe, large lot Walnut and Pine Lumber, Veneers, Mouldings, Glue, Varnish, Work Bench, Counting-room Furniture, Fireproof, by Farrcl A Herring, Ac. Also, York. Wagon ,made by Rodgers; Single Harness, Furniture Car, nearly ne?r; Set Doable Harness, Ac. BRICK MACHINE. ON MONDAY, Nov. 22, at 12 o’clock, at No. 1160 Beach street, corner Marlborough street, will be sold at public sale, without reserve, for account of whom it may concern, one Ex* celsior Brick Machine. tyDSraiHG, DITEBOEOW & CO., I> AUCTIONEERS, Nos. 232 and 234 MARKET street, corner of Bank street Successors to JOHN B. UYEES a GO. NOTlCE—Thursday next being Thanksgiving, our usual sale of Domestics, Woolens, Ac., will he held on WEDNESDAY, Nor. 17; LARGE SALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER EURO* FEAN DRY GOODS. , 4 ON MONDAY MORNING, Nor. 35, at lOo’clock* on four months’creditJncluJing— -150 PIECES SILK CHAINS POPELINE, of the celebrated ‘'Gold Medal” make. 200 PIECES WOOL POPELINES, in choice assortments of fall colors. 50 PIECES BILK CHAINE EPLNGLINE, IMPOBTANT SALIMOF CARPETINGS, OHi CLOTHS, Ac OH FRIDAY MOBNING, . Not. 19 at 11 o’clock; on four months’ credit, about 250 nieces Ingrain. Venetian, List, Hemp, Oottaga and Bag Come tings, Oil Cloths, Bngs, Ac. T»/r ARTIN BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS, IVI (Lately Salesmen for M. Thomas A Sons,) Ho 629 CHESTNUT street-resr entrance from Minor, SALK MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. .. ON MONDAY AFTERNOON, Not. 16, at 4 o’clock, ot the Anction Booms, by cata logue, Miscellaneous Books from Libraries. SALE OF A BETAIL STOCK OF DEUOS. GLASS JABS AND BOTTLES, SHOWCASES, FANCY GOODS, Ac- n SAT UBD A Y 'MORNING, .Not. 20, at'lo o’clock, at tlio auction room*, tho entiro stock of a retail drug stoic, lino Glass Bottles and Jars, Showcases, &c. ■ BALK OF STOCKB AND REAL ESTATE. ON MONDAY. NOV. 29, At 12 o’clock noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, Third and Walnut Rtieeta, will he sold, without reserve— STOCKS : Estate of James J. Martin, deceased. 32 shares Steamship Pock Company. 20 shares do do do. 36aharca do do t do. 24 shares do do uo. Jfc interest in the Big Hickory Association of Warren 100 sbareß^Vool‘Preserving Co. of Pennsylvania. £0 shares Camden and Amboy Railroad. 1 share Mercantile Lib rary. REAL EBTATE. THREE*BTORT BRICK RESIDENCE. No. 70i South F THBEE-STOBY BBICK DWELLING, No. 703 Wy ° BUILDING LOT, South Sixth street, abovo South. THBEE STORY DWELLING, North Thirteenth Bt., above Girard avenue. ■_ ■— - " i AUCTION SAXES. YAMSs A. FEEBMAN, AUOTIONBiS: .ThU B*le,on WBDNBHDA'ir, «, lto’etodt WMM ,M th« IS wfesgsg BSffcsfBJh**?:!r ■ Hlmro in the florcantiln tlbratr., •' • - (twbiltod wed CttPk' fibh'houtfe, 26 bV' 1009 »Wft» the Delaware- Orphakt' Cmtn B*t+- Etttstf cj Otirrgf C. BakeriditfOUd. Ho. 1003 BBACII ST-TliSbe elotr brick Rton Mi dwfttUtiKi 18th Ward; lot 18? i br 91 feet, : Subject to grrnndr«nt._ .. ,' 3NO. 1003 BtiAOH BT—Three'etotr brick eter« siC dwcllinsr, lot 1811 br 91 feet. Subject to 52811 s roil ad No. 1813 rBANKFOBD 'ilOAXh—Oentcel dwelling, ofllce.imd etablcHibelorr BerKU'sti'let ,0 br 100 feet. Sale Absolute -Estate of Launtncr. Dillon, <turd. :08 ACBKS—Valimble Marl Fund-ncar ilarlton, Bur llnutoncoumr, N. J.. known fta the mrm of George U, Sprlngor. Sale Absolute. : • • jr. f.i ■ -r. No. 7118. SECOND &T—'Thrce-fltory brick store «udL dwolllns ebd Tot ,18 B f 7lfcCt. Subject to_S9B ground rest peranhuib. ’Sale iyorder of Trustees of Gasworks. No. ®IS : PASBTTINK HOAD—Business Stand, below Spnthstrwt,lot?o by.7fifeot. Saleby order of the Gat Trustees. No. 1117 EXTZWATKB BT-3 threestorrbflckhoimflfc above Broad et.. lot' 1711 br 73rfeet, Subject to **l>s 'ground rent. Orphans' Court Sale-Estate of MuSieut Smith,’ dee’d. j No. 721 JAMiSON BT—Three-etorrbrick dwelling, M Ward, let‘lB by 99 feet to Eneu si. Subject;to jlaWg ground rent per auUnm. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of James Cnrraher. tier'd. ■ , : - _ IBBEI'EEMABLE.GBODND BENT of AM per an num. well n-cnrci! and parable In allvor. Stile absolute. DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS, Flfttenth street, above Tioga, each S 3 by 100 feet. CATALOGUES NOW BEADY. Sale No. 122 Walnut street. ■ AHABMO. SIENA AND OASTELLINA , VABKB, FBBNOH BBONZK AND BLACK MARBLB CLOCKS, GILT GBOUPB AND STATUETTES, CABD BEOEIVEBScBISQUBT ORNAMENTS, Ac* ON WEDNESDAY MOBNING, At ID o’clock, at tbe auction Store, wiir bo sold, a bof lection of BronzeStClockß, Ornaments and Yases, lately imported from France and Italy, May be examined on Monday. ' . jiagbal'BBaieNo.l2l4Noblo Btreet. LEASE, FIXTUBKS AND MACHINEKY OF A WHITE LEAD MANUFACTORY, ENGINE, . BOILER, Ad ON FRIDAY MORNING. Nov: 19. at 11 o’clock, will be sold at public sale, ontha ptemiaee. No. 1211 Noble street, by direction of tbs. Hon. John Cadwalador, Judge of tie Dtetriet Oourt of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsyl vania, tbs Machinery, Corroding Booms. Drying Pans, Sifter, Fan, Casting Furnace, Small Engine and Boiler, Chiuese Parcboee, Lead Stones, Ac,, being everything necessary for the manufacture of White Lead. Together with th" nnexpired term of lease of building. IBS’Sate Peremptory and Terms Cash. E. M. GREGORY,IT. S. Marshal, as Hsssongsr. Assignee’s Ssle No. 251 SonthThird street. ‘ LEASE, FIXTURES AND STOCK OF A PAPER HANGING ESTABLISHMENT. ON SATURDAY MOBNING. Nov. 20, st 10 o'clock, wIU bo sold without reserve, at N 0.251 SonthThird slrect,in lots to suit purchasers, the entire stock of a Paper Hanging Establishment, in cluding Wall Papers. Also, Lease (having three years tcfrnnj.and Fixtnres. Bale Peremptory,by order of Assignee. , Terms Cash. ■ TVAViS & HABVEY, ATTCTIOHEBBfI, fLatewithM. Thomas A Sons.l Store Nos. d 8 apd 60 North SIXTH street Large Sale at the Auction Store . ELEGANT FUBNITUBE, BOOKCASES. FBBNCH PLATE MANTEL AND PIEB MIBBOBB. WAL NUT OFFICE FUBNITUBE, ‘ FIBEPBOOF SAFES, MATBESSES, BEDB,_FINE ENGLISH BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARPETB, Ao. -■ ON TUESDAY MOBNING. , ■ At 10 o’clock, at Nos. 48 and 80 North Sixth street, be low Arch street, a very largo assortment of handsome Furniture, elegant Oliomber Suits. Sidoboarns Exten sion Tables, Secretary and Cabinet Bookcases,bandsoma Cottage Suits, 6 fine French Plato Mantel and Pier Mirrors, In rich gilt framestßUperlor Walnut OffloeTa biesand Desks,3 superior Fireproof Safes, new Hair. Husk and Straw Matreases, Feather: Beds, lino English Brussels. Tapestry. Ingrain snd Venetian Carpets, Ac. SHAKES MERCANTILE LIBRARY. A 150,4 shares Morcantilq Library. AIMINISTBATOB’S SALE, „ N. W. comer Sixtb and Shippott stroets—Estate of James Quigley, deceased. LEASE AND GOOD-WILL, STOCK AND FIX TURES OF A GROCERY STORE. ON MONDAY MOBNING, . , Nov. 10, at 10 o’clock, at the N. W. corner Sixth and Shippen streets, the Lease, Good-will, Stock and Fix tures of a Grocery Store. . riONCEBTHAIiIi AUCTION BOOMS, V UWCHESTNUTrtreet, . T. A. MCCLELLAND, Auctioneer LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF A VARIED ASSOBT- r MENT OF NEW AND DESIRABLE FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY, _ ON MONDAY, Nov. 13, at 10!£ o’clock, at the Concert Hall Salesrooms, 1219 Chestnut street, comprising elegant Parlor Saits, covered in maroon-and green plnsb, handsome Library Saits, In terry, hair cloth and reos: oiled and sarnishea , Chamber Snlta, handsome Wardrobes, Sideboards, Ex tension Tables, Bookcases, Card, Bouquet and Centro Tables, with marble tops; Bocking and Easy Chairs, Matresscs, Mirrors, Clocks, Ad., Ac. ■ Tli. ASHBBIDGE & CO., AUCTION . EESS. No. 888 MARKET street, above Fifth. „ LARGE BALE OF BOOTS, BHOEB AND BROGANS. ON WEDNESDAY MOBNING, \ Nov. 17, at W o’clock, we will sell sboni 1800. packages of Boots, Sbo«s and of city alaa Eastero maun* facturfif to which the attention Of buyers is callsd. . Open torly-on the morning of sale for examination■ with catalogue. • . npHOMAS BIRCH & SON, AUCTION JL EKES and commission mjsbchants, • No. 11W CHESTNUT street, a Bear entrance No. 1107 Saasom street. •. Household Furaituroof every description received on Bales of Fwnlture atdwcsUn»i attended to on the moat reasonable tenra. . : CD. McC JUBSEB & 00., . • AUGTIONKBBB, No. CO6 MARKET street. BOOT AND BHOJB BALBBICVFIBY MONDAY AND , *• ■ TBUBpDAY • SHIPPERS* GUIDE. OB BOSTON.—STEAMSHIP LINE DIRECT. SAILING FBOM BACH PORT EVERY Wednesday and Saturday. AKlireffailießdO.Nor.i BAX^AV^S^njßorß mifsib, 7 lisffiiMSJsr » NORMAN, Saturday, “ M ROMAN, Saturday,l3 ARHEfL Wednesday•• 17 SAXON JWednesday, 14 IT ROMAN; Saturday,- “ 20 NOBMAH, Saturday, “ 21 SAXON/Wednesday “ 24 ABIES, Wednesday, “ 24 NOKMAN, Saturday, “ 27 ROMAN, Saturday, 2T Tbeso Steamships sail punctually. Freight received freight forwarded to all points InHew Ehgland. sp^to Fr6lgl “ M ’ >< H B E?HtY^viNSOßXcO , .t a^^ on ’ PS 338 South Delaware avenue. Philadelphia, Richmond and THE SOUTH EVERY FIBST WHARF THROUGH BATES to all points In North and South Carolina via'Seaboard Air-Lino Railroads connecting mt Port«mmth,arid to Lynchburg,Ya.,Tennessee andtha West Via Virginia ana Tennessee Air-Lino and Rick' mond find Danvilleßailroad. • Bi^®i?ra» dtake : a^ ow “ The regularity, safety and cheapness of this rout* eommend it to tho pubuo as tho most desirable medium expense for ‘ttbips Insure at lowest rates. Freight received p * 00. No. 138outh Wharves and Pier No. 1 North Wharves. TIHJLADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN X MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S REGULAR LINES FROM QUEEN STREET WHARF. • The JUNIATA will sail for NBW.OBLEANB, via Havana, on Saturday, Nov. 20, at BA. Mo __ The iAZOO will soil frotn NEW ORLEANS, via n The A1 WDOMING will Bail for SAVANNAH on 6 ThS i ¥6NAWAinDl O '«W ssH'Hom SAVANNAH oa P Tho d pf&NEEß will sail for WILMINGTON, S. 0./m T Tbrcrngii iadtng’iipmod, and passage tickets BILLS of SIGNED a't QUEEN ST. WHARF. \-r OTIOE —FOR NEW YORK. VIA DEL iN AWARE AND BABITAN CANAL EXPRESS water eommunlea* tion between Philadelphia and Now York*. . TCTEW EXPRESS EINE TO ALKXAN _I\ dria, Georgetown and Washington, D. G,» viaObea e\%“^^ ACO., ' * N«u 13 Bonth Wharves and Pier 1 North. Wharves. HYDE & TYLEB, Agents at Georgetown.. - M.ELDBIDGE A Ofl.. Agents at Alexandria, Va. XTOTIOB-fOR NEW YOgK, YIA DKL j\ aware and Baritaa. CanjPjSwfltturB_TransporJa oo.. 133 South Wharves. ■ t ‘ > TYELAW ARE AND OHEBAPKAKB C '^M n Capt.JOHN LAUGH- T.TN.Snn’t Offlco, U.SouthWharveSv PMladelphla. The busineia of theaeUnoa wiU bo resumed o n and after the 19th of March. For freight, which w|'l I>® t *'K n » accommodating terns,apply toVra^BAIWJ^OO.^^
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers