i>z - ai d :: ...... '~F Y: .. OCTIE•110N. . illointh of the iris hues,and bnlnsy alt.; , • , Wien. Summer lends its snit,"witt softened , Wien iveodlandS eierywliere ap-t pear, Ilion art indeed the finnset of the year:" Wherieumrqer's tints have from the 4ardens grO blend in opal softness; inicrhean; Aad Summer's fragrance, shed from flowers . toe fair, ' • 9colmt on .earth, seems lingering in the air. We - welcome thee, and , all thyliright array, Wherein the colors of the rainbow play. We welcome 'thee, and, all thy tountebus ' cheer, '.Arid gaze upon the sunset of the year. The .soft blue rivers through the meadows •Where bordering forests in the ripples show Their mingling tints ; and where ' smooth 'waters ran, • Vend with the pictured forests, into 6 ne. Me 'lofty hills conceal their summits' shapes 7n-blue as soft as hides the purple grapes ; While on their sides t4e•towering evergreen, With •many a gayer 'comrade, scarce is seen. , The robins flocking on the wooded bill • • Their little crops with autumn berries Jill, Then take to flight, no more tor us to sing, Wutil returning with the welcome spring. Ithe crows, collecting 'Where the sunlight • poniri Wimp the groves that echo with their "caws," Jain the bright bluebird, and the noisy jay, --Ili' chanting praises of ;the autumn day. "Now With the coolneseof the' days of spring, We-feel the Wartoth that June's bright laours bring, _ , • •Jkatilblended beauties in thy '<las% appear, - Vali] thou art the gloty of the year, - Where•all is softly bright--serenelrgay, 'Where golden sunlight and soft shadows play; We stand enraptured ! for the days are here, 7PbatOgive the gorgeous sunset of thesyear. • , J, 8., in the Albion. • PIAULICATIONtf, The seventh monthly Part of Appleton's Journid shows a collection of. light reading' 'which is never trivial, relieved by that particu iar order of . scientific information, indicating_ the'latest co n clusions of learned thought, for:* :iihich Appleton's seems to have a vocation . Information for the people has not, we think, Once the day of the . Penny Magaziae,.been so ...well and judiciously .garnered. In 'connection '*ith the scientific extracts have been published interesting portraitg; - nON else - accessible to the' common student, of men prominent in modern research, such as Lecky, Tyndall and. Stokes, the British astronomer. Messrs. Ap 'pleton have the credit too,-* the conduct of this Jdurrud, of doing something towardsrais7 :lig American taste in art. They have selected excellent pictures for reproduction in their : paper, such as Melssonier's "Sonnet," and Or --,eitardson'S "Challenge," _ the last introduced to illustrate au interesting historical sketch from, the German. The larger pictures areq;ocea sionally artistic, as witness Winslow Homer's eartoon,,of girls fishing on the Sawkill. The success of such a journal is in 'a sense the cri terion of American advante' in literary taste. - lye - receive : a specimen copy of a reprint of a very valuable • and scarce old newspaper, published in'Philadelpbia omOctober 31,101. This reprint is in the old style of type then in ise, and as nearly as possible an imitation of the original. It is called The .freeman's Journal, and was published 'in Philadelphia during the week in which news vas received of the surrender of Lord 'Cornwallis and his army. It contains the correspondence- of Gen 7 eral Washington with Congress; letters of Hamilton and La Fayette', the numbet of killed and wounded, artieles of CaPitulatiorn cire';‘, be sides an account of how the news was received in Philadelphia. Among other'.inatters con . I .. , teid inthis.renrint are. - a number of adver tisements, from which we clip one for the amusement of our readers : • PIIILADELPIIIA, 15th Oct.;l7Bl.—Deserted, from the Invalid Regirnent,'On . the 9th instant, serjcant James,Martin, an Irishnian, bout live', feet five inches high, bandy-legged, ort light-. brown hair, gray eyes, is much dclicted to gambling, and understands the sl it at cards. He sometimes wears a green coa with yellow metal batons, at other times a br wn one, and took with him a red watch-cpat, belonging to the regithent. Ile has beenfrequently seen by the militia guard lurking about the new gaol at unseasonable hours in the night; and about seven days ago was at Chester, in a one-horse chair, with a woman of the town. It is supposed said 'deserter is on board one of the vessels lying below - Chester. Whoever apprehends him and confines him 'in any gaol belonging to the United States shall receive.tbree pounds re-' ward. M. lileComoin i t., Capt. Inval. This interesting paper has been reproduced Syekelmore, of the Evening Teleip•aph •olkee. G. P. Putnam & Son appropriately publish a. selection of the Sermons, Conferences and Ad dresses of Father Hyacinthe, -translated by Rev, Leonard W. BaCon, of the New England Church, Brooklyn, with a Biographical Sketch of the Father by Rev. E. A. Washburn, D. D.,' Rector of Calvary (Episcopal) Church, N. Y. The volume will contain the Oration on Peace, .July 10th, 1809,in Which the difficulty between Father Hyacinthe and the Carmelite Order originated; the Relation between Christianity and Civil Society, six lectures in the Cathe dral of Notre Dame ; and Miscellaneous Dis courses; together with a letter contributed by Father Hyacinthe. "They are all 'weapon, and they dart, Like porcupines, from every part..", So that, according to Cowley, her beauty is to • woman a perfect panoply of the readiest and keenest weapons, • and it is on this that she relies for her triumph in the struggle with man. The poem is neat enough, and the theory that it embodies—or rather translates from the real, or fictitious, .Anacreon—was, perhaps, suitable' enough tZ the barbarous and benighted tithes of the Commonwealth. So long as the object ofwoman's tactics was only the despicable one of winning the love and ad- miration of man, her beauty may well have been the best weapon of which she could boast. But how antiquated all this sort of thing has now become. How utterly inappli cable .it is to - alterred times • and• circumstances. Abraham Cowley, called upon to defend his, or; Anacreon's, 'theory of a woman's arms before•a Boston Convention or a Social Science ''Congress, **Mild cut a very poor figure. It is terrible to think what an ex ample the Rev. Mrs. Clympia,, Brown, the stal wart Miss Susan Anthony, or the logical Miss Lydia Becker would make of him: 'How powerfully they would 'argue that, if, indeed,. beauty is the best armor of :women; the ma- Bride and Bridegroom a Century AWO. jority of. the sex mist be sadly unprotected. To begin with the lady: her locks were And what occular demonstration of the truth strained upwards over, an immense cushion of this conclusion some of the speakers would that sat, like an incubus on her head, and plan- i give to the assembly. How they would push' tered over with pomatum, and then sprinkled I the poet with the two horns of the dilemma-- over with a shower of white - powder. The either that . his • porcupine theory -is a gross height of this tower was somewhat over a foot. I hyperbole, or that men must have been, much One single white rosebud lay on its top like an less fastidious in other day's than they now are. eagle on a haystack. Over her. neck and be- How obvious, too, they would show it to be • som was folded a lace handkerchief, fastened even from his own point of. yiew- 7 ,- . allowing,, 'in front by a: bosom-pin rather larger than a that is to say, the value cif beauty.as a weapon. • copper cent, containing her grandfather's min- to pass unehallengedz-41)4 - the: possetisiOn of attire set in virgin gold. Her. airy form was beauty is net peculiar! o , .:Wonian; that man ;braced up in a satin dress,. the sleeves' as ;tight has it Against woman at least' effectively as 41 the' . natural skin of the arm, with woman has it against him ; and to this end waist formed by a bodice, Worn what an abundance of evidence they would - whence the skirt flowed-- off,- produce from the poet's own contemporaries Was. distended at the top of an and Mimed:ate, successors, such as the well :. 4iniiple hood. Shoes of white kid; with peaked knowu saying of Trudge in "Love and ,a Bot iand lieels of two or three inches elevation, tae;"--.- Yon know, Mr. Lovewell, . he's such a her feet, and glittered with spangles handsome man, an d h a s so many. ways - •:, , :jictito little pedal members peeped curiously sinuating, that the frailty-of' woman's nature ♦ Now for the swain: his hair Was sleeked could nit hint." If the - poor poet was .l c 1 plentifully. betlowered, while ills. not ovorwliel led by tic. redUrilancy of such . . , , . E.t rueue_projpeteci;,,itc, tue la of cslciiirl. I:2;uni-n!! , , to steip,.) , se tieU : , 7.7,4 • The following note has been addressed by Father Hyacinthe to the publishers in authori zation of this edition : [Translation.) G'EvrtEmEN.: Your proposition to publish .a voltune of my sermons and addreSses, trans lated by the Rev. L. W. Bacon, is extremely %ratifying to me. Itgives me .pleasure hereby to authorize the mblication of this editio'n. Accept, gentlemen, &c., &c., Tit: lil ALIN UT.. I!TE* Yoii, Oct. 20, 1800. Messrs. G. P. Putnam & Son, ' 001 Broadway giiekat' was a ~sky-blne, lineft• i , tith , ,e iw_J, his lortgltet3t of rorbitesatin,tufinyfiflered's NOM. 1 gold lace; his bieechioof the same b*kkritittiril,. tied at the, Rime , tit,ilb ,pick : ribhoni , -, hip' silk steckings'anWp*ps , - folth Aees_ Old .„tieS*. of the same fine „_esysOet*d tbe . babili Onts of his netber liinbs. .Lace rides clustered around his wrist, ands a portentous frill, worked in conespondenee and bearing ;the miniature of his'beloved, ;finished 'his , trdli . genteel appearande. IFrom the patuniay Review.) 11/011.12PPS wzaroivs.; u. If there still remain among us .any of old-fashioned persons who, irespite 4f.the light • of nature and the logic of facts, persist in.think; • ing • that the final cause of the cemale . csex is, 4ove, or peace, or harmonyorrtnythlriglse of a sweet and hlisSinl deSeription,.they must be so hopelessly 'straPid as hardly capable. Of. - ,erdightment even by a medeinfernale 'All intelligent, - men are aWtire, that • woman s' m fission is not to, ipeaCe on. the earth, They • knowthit , ;" a woman Is; r 'and always' has been, is 2. of. the epra bative creatures in .existence and that . of all the modes, in which huMatt:heitO, 'tend together • - .there . perlittP4:,nnly one in which woman does net bear heii:.'„;full share. • War, .or conflict, is almost the .only one of all the forms of human - strife in which woman - has - .not freely, Participated. A's re gards that kind of. strife which , consists of actually fighting` in battle, woman's part in deed generally - Heir influence ii ,:stirring up this sort of strife liaaalivays beep ii,„favorite theme With .poets 4ind. moralists, and this," foulest cause of fight .ing," as 'Horace . 'inelegantly calls it,liasseldoin wanted.a representative in the history of man kind, from Helen of Troy to Isabella of Spain. But; -war—the Only sort of strife . . in which woman -does not, take, or Wish O.:take, an' actual sbareis'arsinall part of the strife of immanity. • And in almost all other: forms of contention Woman .1s at least as naive c a. par ticipator as man. In the 'contest for domestic pre-eminence and for 'social influence . ; lit the scramble for amusement and enjoy**, ;in 'the fight tin' . distinction or fee notoriety ; in the 'struggle to be rich ; iii the struggle. to seem rich by keeping up appearances ; in short, in every phase of limeim contention and competition, .from the . struggle to get married up to the .7 .s wuggle to'get saved, Woman has always been a conspicuous performer. This aggressive nature of woman makes it an object of °interest to - notice hoW she lights; what. are hertactics ; What her special Weapons, if she has any'; or what her peculiar modes of using the common weapons •of the ' human race. And the consideration of this question of woman's %realigns is certainly novel less in.' terest and iMportance to man nowadays than k used . to be. The Female' Aggression is cer7. taiuly not in these . latter days . dithinished. either in vigor or pretension. Never were the wohieu of English race, on either side of the Atlantic, more rampant than now., In America their conventions are recognized as an impori taut political\rand social orce, Even in this used-up old England, where, asa Boston paper lately said, " new ideas shoot so slowly 1 and sickly, amid the rank overgrowth of Tories 1 1 and. Tithe-priests," the Women—weary of their domestic, social, and literary triumphs, • and eager for the Conquest of new worlds—are fast ' organizing themselves into, a fourth great po litical party. 'This party, Which, though it has . not yet given itself a name, will no doubt. be fore long be generally known as the Great et ticoat Party,' bids fair• to be more united and better drilled than the Country party, more in fluential in directing political crises than the Moderate party, more imaginative and eager than the party of Progress. It must, therefore, for the future be as' interesting to the politician as it has always.been to the social philosopher to study the tactics and the weapons of wo men. Though it is quite true - that woman's com bativeness is nothing new, but that she has al ways been a restless and turbulent element in society, , feeling, and fond- of, proclaiming, that her hand is against every man and every man's. hand is against her,. -would be a great mis take to conclude that her weapons or her tac tics are the same now, or will be the same in fame, as they have been in former days.. To suppcse this is either to tinderrate the power of' woman's, invention, or to misapprehend the final cause of weapons. '• In time coming strug gle woman's necessity is likely to be at least as productive as Man's; and those weapons and tactics are -of comse the. hest in each particular case which are best adapted to meet the oPpo sithin of the enemy and to gain the object of the campaign. A little consideration of these simple principles will show how absurd it is to suppose-that woman will hereafter fight as she did in the sixteenth or seventeenth centuries. . If we want to know. whether woman's wea pons will be the same now as they were then, we must consider, among Other things, whether her aims arc the same , now as then, and whether the aims and tactics of her, antagonist are the same now as then. Take a case from, the middle of the seventeenth century. Cow ley, in one of his Well-known "Amtereontics," ,speaks of the weapons which nature has given to different kinds of animals for their defence. After a catalogue of tusks and jaws, and horns and claws, he- tells that mans weapons are wisdom and wit, whereas woman's is beauty. Beauty is to women, he says, both' arms and armor; that is, both offensive and defensive weapons. For the purposes of armor they could not have, anything more effective. It, covers them cap-is -tried, and, gives • them per fectly irresistible And inexpressible strength; while as arms it is at least equally useful. Thus furnished— _. • • THE DAItY, .EVEITIN( 1111LLET1N - PHILAtIE I PHIA, SATURDAY, 00.0)1 , . INOtild:". - • be : - fairly beWildered by .. - their 'creak ~ ditisiorus. .., • .i:; '-:, T'-: tilt - t:: , ,-.- c:4The truth is of cote that tmal .iii,like s i ll, acticed combatants , '. changes her Weaporoi ''from time to time, amthdapts theMtO‘the'con ditions of the age. Tlie possessi&i, Of . beautSr, the cultivation'.of, ele-ganWand gracefulness, 'the study of the art`of Phiasnig, were valuable enough so long'as the object was to influence_ Men hy-Picasu 3g theni. ~ Bittrnow that thia in directarid limited kind of,-influence is te-beek ehanged for a more .direiV,artd-nbiolute' ad.:. trot of affairs, the'bid4oshioriedweipons must .of cowrie beilisearde ff i c as;,,ratust also all the _o,tho.,,arrnory, of, indiMit, conffict:,. :', The - an - - eient art of waging; as - old as - Eve ;- the-art of .soothing ;Vie ' OAS Of Oreleting . pity,. JealonkY, interest, - faney,nitd-fa*orall thete bits of. an- OP:toted armory Mirst of `course Abe abandoned, ,Or:. kept,:tonly his:. rusty,,; As Hr. ~,Conrthonesays; the ; One: is' qinte past when ,irOngtri .'- . . i,': . . ' i altuled', by soft pertSira§ionis charms! - - ~! And 'wit and 'weakness 'were her arins." -,, The modeni:.Arriaion May be -'.persuasive; lint. her worst enemy ,ccuildiiot a.c'entleher.of being soft in any- sense of the; term; or* of relying for herrsffcCess,,upon thorn - Is-of any kind, natural. or magical IrnAgine;teo,n,-Whman's Rights delegate either Witty , Or', weak l' The fernahr apostle'of oer, clay icorne . sitch tneides of pro- . cednre. She islq: teickinuCh in earnest either to make , or totoleritteTO4oke.,And even if she is still afflicted' occistonally - ---witlig few of the distinctive physical infirmities of her sex— a thorn or so in the fleslistirely7her moral arklgicial . har.iihoottinirstniore than moke.4 for such little flows.' ':-''. .' , • ' It would seein, indeed; as "if the legend of the successive ages of 'man, as,ive have it in the, gnomic poets of Greece, were going to repro duce itself in the ease of woman._The golden age of woman,- if there ever' wasuch a thing, is gone. Every one who is over thirty years old, will admit that.' The 'only; question is, in will& of the ages is she' now, and how soon she will have entered .upOn her iron age, the laSt of the live. . These changes are, of course, like those which went before, wholly unavoida ble. They are idle . result of forces which are so great,' and of antecedents which are so numerous, as quite to baffle our strength to n... sist and our obseration to detect them. We cannot stop the course of the five ages. We can not prevent'womOn from forsakbig the love able and the beautiful, and-taking up what she considers the practical and the useful. We must accept the change which gives us a num ber of new cooks fo : help,,ps to brew our broth ; which converts Our 'wives into rivals, our sisters into competitors, and our fiancées at hest into fellow-laborers. Whether -we welcome or re gret the change, whether,' like Theognis, we mourn •over the approach of this iron age, or, meet it in the elastic spirit of Simonides, must depend partly on how Dana we value the Englishw onion of the passing period, and partly on our capacity for,leaping cheerfully in the dark.. Either way, it will make no difference .to the result. 'Our modern Camillasandffrito , marts will not be content any longer with in direct influence. They will insist on arming themselves with men's weapons, and, no doubt, will use them with more than men's address. indeed there is evidence already, .in. , the proceedings of the Petticoat Party on the other side of the Atlantic,'to show how much women can improve :upon. our dull virile tactics. What have we, among our male' politicians, that can compare with the ingenuity and bold ness of those American stateswomen? While we are fumbling , and fidgeting to find means of reforming our laws of inheritance and our religious institutions, they have gone in boldly .for , _‘free love". and_ , _. , free_religion." While we. are trying to discover palliatives.. for...the - dis- content of our alien fellow-subjects, they have begun to . preach and practice the - infallible cure of ,4 rinseegenation." . In short, - the female politicians in i America have 's: own that they can beat their best male corn - titers with their own tools; . , and there is no re ason to suppose that, when once they havesettled down to their work, our ecclesiazusse wi I prove themselves at all infe rior to their'Transatlantic cousins;. ,To talk of woman's weapo s, as if them wer e . any arms special or, rest ' ted, 'to woman, Will. evidently henceforth-be a I.anachronism; unless, indeed, 'the tables sho al after a time get so completely turned that man, in his miserable weakness, will be glad to have recourse to the discarded armory Of . woman, and to try his clumsy hand at those delicate arts and ,graces - with -which alone she formerly used to conquer. Unless he 'does so, the distinction of weapons, like all the other important distinctions between the two sexes, may henceforth be considered as practi cally abolished. . FIRE-PROOF SAFES. HERRING'S CHAMPION SA The Burning of Barks , Art Gal ery. POILAIJELPHIArStpteMber 11869. MCSKTB. FARREL, HERRING & 002, • 629 CHESTNUT eat. GENTY.ENVEN Wohave just examined, with tho very .greatest satisfaction, our safe, purchased of you some years ago, and which passed through our destructive fire of last night. - 1 We find the contents, without exception, entirely un harmed, merely slightly damp, and we feel now in a con dition to commence our business again, having every Book perfectly safe. We shall in a few days require a larger one, .and will call upon you. . Very Reopectfully, JAMES S. EARLE & SONS • PILILADELPIIIA, August 27,1869 MESSRS. FARREL, HERRING CO. - GENTLEMEN: In the year 1856 I unfortunately woe in N 113410103 in the Artisan Building. which was destroyed by fire on the leth of April. I had then in mie , what supposed was a Fire-proof Safe, bat upon opening it I' found everything WaSdestroyed,and fire burning therein. You will recollect, gentlemen, there was several of Your safes in that tire, also several in the fire at Sixth and Commerce streets, the next May, five weeks after - - wards, all of which upon being opened proved they were fire-proof indeed, for I witnessed the opening of the most of them, and In every case the contents wore preserved, while safes of other makers wore partially or entirely destroyed. 1 at once concluded to have some thing that I could depend upon, and purchased olio of your.safes. ,ittfe I purchased of you at that time was subjected toe 'pith boat (which was witnessed by several gentle men that reside in the neighborhood) at the destruction of my Marble Paper factory, 921 Wallace street, on the afternoon and evening of the 24th inst. After digging We safe from the ruins, and opening it this morning, I was much pleased to find everything,., consisting 'books, papers, money' nd silverware, al} right. I shall want another of your safes as soon us I can get a place to continuo Illy 1711811:10313 , I could not rest contented with any other nuke of safes. CHARLES WILLIAMS, • Marble Paper Manufacturer. HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES, 'the most reliable protection ,from fire now known; HER RING'S NEW 'PATENT 'BANKERS' SAFES, cbm bluinghardened steel and Iron; :with the Patent , Franklinite, or SPIEGEL EISEN, furniali a reattitartt against boring and cutting tools to an extent heretofore unknown, Farrel, Herring & Co., Philadelphia. Herring, Farrel Shertilan, No. 251 Broadway, corner Hurray St., N. Y. Bening & Co.; Chicago. Hefting, Farrel ik Sheiman, New 04eau.. an. 2.8 rptf A LI. PERSONS ARE HEREBY OAII- Ii against trusting any of the crew of the N. G. Brig "Hvelinu," Von Schrader Pruely, muster—from Liverpool — as no dais of their contractini , will be paid try either captain' or consigneee. PETkin WICIGIrr dt SUNS,IIir alnut street; oc2ii-tf A:11. PERSONS ARE HEREBY CATT tioved optima fringing any of the crow of the N. G. bark Aetraea,ifellol master, from London as no &lite of their contracting will, be paid by either Ow captain or tonnigneea. PETNIt 'WRIGHT & HUNS, Ila .I,A/flaunt street. cad tf CAUTION. : BOOKS. • • ; '7lllltlr* , 1 / 4 , -. VISH " tt ; or, I.l:vrl2.DitAnt . Ut io PaniATlMlAlndus new novel (which is looked for , with inch Interest all over the country), by Augusta J. Evans, author of "St. Elmo," "Beulah," and "„Matcari a." ' a PHEMIE'S .TEMPTATION —A sidentlid new novel byinarien Harland author of "Aboa, ,,,e Hidden Pattie; "Moss-Side," etc. ." Price el 50. • All of thiseuth ". or's hooks aro now in the bands of CARLETONanblisher,who issues them in an elegant new style of binding, unifOrm in appearance with Mrs. Mary J. Holmes's popular works, and at the reduced price of el a • -TO-EA16.3-A delfghiful new romance, by Richard B. Kimball, author of. “ St. Leger,"• Was Ile Successful?" .. etc.Elegantlyliouud in_cletli. -Price 6,1 76. LIVING ;WRITERSOF, THE ,BOUTS:—Short'biographies, lists of their' works, and extracts froni the west popular v olunies of every living writer el the South ern United States.. A valuable and unique work. By 'Prof. J. Wood Daßatison: ",„' Over 600 pages; elegantly printed and bound in cloth. Price 82. , • JOSH RILLIINOWS FARMERS' ALMINAO,—.A• laughable burlesque •on the old-fashioned Farmers' .Almanac; giving weathe'r prognostications, advice to femora and housekeepers, family receipts, and moral re =tyke—all by that famous philosopher, "Josh Billings) , Elegantly printed; with lots of comic inustrationt, paper cover.. . Price 2.stents. . . • STRANGE YISIT.ORS.—A reinatkalde velem°, con taming thirty-six , original contributions, by the spirits of such famous authors as Irving. Thackeray, Oharlotte 13ronte; Byron. Hawthorne. • Willis, liumboldt,ldre, Browning and others, no tr dwelling in the spirit world. These wonderful articlea were, dictated through a Clair voyant, while in a trance state, and are of the most in tensely—interesting and enthralling nature. Ele: gently bound in Cloth. Price $1 O. CARLETON, Pliblisher, New York, atwhose elegant new Establishment on Madison square may be found at wholesale and retail, BOOKS in every department of Literature; STATIONERY of • unsuv passed excellence, and Artistic BRONZES roaltable for _Libraries. NEW BOOKS Anierican Sunday School ITniop. MABEL; or, The Enter. Hoot. A tale nt the times .01 James I. Hy the attthor of Irish Amy. "Another story of the Stantoun Oorbet serice,powerfully written." lemo, 90 cents. • A . TEAR .131 - SLINDAYACHOOL. the Journal of an old tcacher. 1...qm0, cloth.' 65 cents. B ART oin RESSELL; or, amp ba Gathered. y t author of Ben Boss, &c. la, 40 cents. WHO , TOOK THOSE COINS? By• the author ofALL Nora's Life. 19mo, musl in. 50 cents. HANDSOMELY ILLTJSTBATED. Jnet published and for sale by the AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, 1122 Chestnut Street, Platdelphia. • ocl9-tn th a 6t The Working ilian's Way to Wealth. A Practical Treatise on BIIII;DINd ASBOCIATIONS. •What they are and bow to use theni. By Edmund Wrigley. Published by PRICE, 7 cents ^ • NEW MUSIC BOOK, PIANO AND MUSICAL MATTER, • BY G. DE IA MOTTI. • ' Published by W HATE, SMITH 4:1 - PERRY, • 293 and SOO WASHINGTON •Streat, Boston. For sale at all the leading Music and Book Storea. ' pc26 PHILOSOP If t OF MARRIAGE. -A - new course of Lectures, as delivered at the Now York Museum of Anatomy; embracing the subk3cts; Now to Live and what to Live for; Youth, Maturity and Old Age rManhood - generally reviewed; tlie (lause,of In digestion, Flatulence and Nervous Mennen accounted for; 'Marriage Philosophically Considered,. dm., &c. volumes containing these Lectures will be for warded A poet paid, on receipt of 25 cents, by addressing W. A. Leary, _Jr., Southeast corner of Fifth and Walnut streets. Philadelphia. fe26 151 HARDWARE, &C. WHITE IVORYIDE, An indestructible WHITE HANDLE FOR KNIVES, an American intiroyement of great 'merit ; best quality of steel blades, '8 00 per dozen. HARD RB UER HANDLE KNIVES AND FORKS, 64 25 per set. A BET OF 000 D KNIVES AND FORKS for $l. BEST OITY MAKE TREBLE-PLATED SILVER FORKS, $3 50 per set. EASTERN MAKE OF PLATED FORKS, 82 25 per scrt. • PLATED TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, in groat TS rlety, at the lowest prices. •-CUMBERLAND NAILS, - e 5 30 PER KEG, of 100 LBS. OF NAILS : OTHER BRANDS'Or NAISeS.OO PER KEG. At the Cheap—for Cash—Hardware Store of J. B. SHANNON, 10 09.Marliet Street. • my22-s to th ly ST. BEALE, M. D. & SON, DENTISTS, . Lave removed to 1116 Girard street. ea= 3m' REAL ESTATE SALE 14 ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—ESTATE of John F. Perry, deceased.—Thomas & Sons Auc- tioneers,---Modern Three-story Brick Residence, N 0.109 South Broad Street, below Chestnut street. Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court for thecity-and county of Philadelphia, _will be sold at publie sale 012 TllSBda,y 4 , 'NOV ember 2, 1869, at follow'cloc, noon, at 'the PhiladefE— phia Exchange, the ing desCribed property, late of John F. Perry. - deceafted,Niz,: All that niessuago and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Bread street, at - the distance of 104 feet southward from the south elite of Chestnut street, city of Philadelphia; containing in fron moreroad str Bounded anti in depth eastward 83 feet, or less.northward by a 4-fect wide parallel with Chestnut str.!et, and. miming from Broad street eastward 6.3. feet, and pertly by ground now or lute of John J. Smith; southward and eastward by ground now or late of John J. Smith, and' westward by Broad street, aforesaid. 'Lease expires April 1, 1370. ogether with the privilege of the said 4 feet wide alloy , t all times hereafter forever; and spbjcct to the restric tion that any building hereafter to be erected on the above described lot of ground, shall not have any win dow a opening on the north side of said lot adjoining or fronting the aforesaid 4 feet wide alloy , but shall be adjoining_ erexcluded therefrom. Clear of all blcumbrance, except au irredeemable _ yearly,ground rent of 9120' per annum, payable iu silver, N. B.—The improvements are a three-story brick resi dence, with two-story back buiklingb ; has the modern conveniences, gus, bath, hot and cold water; cooking run &c. , y order of HOLSTEIN DE HAVEN, Adiu'r. M. THOMAS 5t SON B,Anctioneers. ocl2 23 30 139 and 141 South Fourth street. "VI REAL ESTATE—THOMAS 4t SONS' hal sale.—Modern-three-story Brick Residence, No. 734 Pine streti east of Eighth stredt.—On .Triesday, No vember 2, 1869, at 12 o'clock, _noon, will be sold at pub. lie sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three-story brick - messnage mid lot of ground, situate on the south skis of Pine street, 45 feet oast otEighthatreet, No. 734 ; containing in front.. on Pine street 22 feet 10 inches, and extending in depth 330 feet to Minster street. The house is replete with modern improvements and conveniences ; contains 12 commodious and well-lighted rooms, large hall ; has gas, bath, water closet, furnace, cooking range, gas oven in summer kitchen. Terms-910,000 may remain on mortgage. KW' Immediate possession. ;May be examined on ap plication to 'Frederick Sylvester, Alti South Fourth st. , M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, ' 139 and 141,South Fourth street. 0c2.328 SO PEREMPTORY SALE.—TECOICi:S.& Sns, Auptioneers.— Two well-secured ground rents, 660 and 625 u year. On Tuesday, November 2, 1869, at 12 o'clock, noon. will be sold' at public sale, without reserve, at .the Philadelphia Exchange, the fol lowing &wilted ground rents, viz.: • No. I.—All that yearly ground rent of '660 a year.law ful money, clear of tuxes, issuing out of a lot of ground, and secured bv a 3-story brick dwelling,No,7ll6 Hanover Street, above Bedford street ; 29 feet front. 110 feet deep. No. 2—Alllttat yearly ground rent of 625 a year, law, ful money; clear of 'taxes, issuing out of a lot of ground, and Secured by a 2-story. brick dwelling, N 0.2236 North luighth street 20 feet front, and in depth 135 feet 3 inches. Sale abaoIuto.BTHOMAS nn2.9 30 . THOMAS A: BONS, Auctioneers, 739 and 141 S. Fourth street. _ SALE BY ORDER 01" PlRElThoinas k Sons, Auctioneers.—Very Valuable • Business Stand—Three-stoty Brick. Store and No. 709.,N0rth Second etreet, ahoy° Coates street.;—On Tuesday, November 2, 18 0 9, at 12 o'clock, noon, 4111 be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that very valuable three-story brick mommage, with three-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Second shoot, above Coates street, No. 709;. containing in front on Second street :20 feet Hr. inches, and extending in depth on one lino .104 feet 6. 'lichee, and on the other lino 101 foot'LU inches and being on the rear 21 feet 2 inches on Julia street. It is occupied as a dry goods store, •and,is an excellent busi. , stand. Arr Clear ofall hicunibrance. Df THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, • ;ode, 2330 . . 129 and 141 South Pourth street. . la PEREMPTORY SALE.--THOMAS Bois, Auctioheors —Very valuable BusifiesS Stand. rge and substantial :Warehondo, Nos. 217,219 4 221, 223 and 22/.• North Broad street, above Race street, 90 feet, front, 100 feet deep to Lybrand street.—On Tuesday, November 2.1869, at - I2 o'clock, noon; will be sold at 'pub lic sale, without reserve• at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that large and eubstantially:bnilt_warehonse and lot Of ground, situate on the east side of Broad street, above 111100 street, Nos. 217, 219, '221; TX mid22s ; the - lot con taining in front on Broad street 60 feet, and extending in depth 100 feet to Lybrand street-2 fronts. It is rateable for a flour or whisky warehouse, or any manufacturing purpose. - , • . Terms easy .Sale absolute. ]ll. M H . TOMAS ,t; SONS, Auctioneers, 5e3e,m9,10,30 .139 end 111 South lourth street. EX-Etti ORS' ELESTATii: - .OF Philip S. , Wh e, deco ed.—Th . 4MM dr Bane, Anti tioneers.—On -To ay, .No% Mber 2 1869,110 noon, will bcPeOld public sale, at the Philadelphia Ex.• change,the followitig described 'properties, vim: Nos:1 and 2, 2 twtrutprY-britk,cottigeeNon. 803 had 837 .Taaker .street, First Ward..... Ne. that tato-story prick cottage, with frartutatittiten and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Tasker street, weet.of Eighth street, No. 806; containing in front on 'Busker street 14 feet, and extending in depth 68 feet. • Together, with the Obilimon nee and privilege of a 3 feet wide alley. Subject to a yearly ground runt of $4O. Irenusliato pOseession. 2.—A1l that two-story brick cottage, with frame kitchen and lot of ground, *.situate at No: 837 Tasker street' 30 foot 8 inches front, and G 6 feet deep: Fa - Clear of all inctimbrance. Terms—Half cash. PorislaililOn February, 3870. • No.S.—Two - story Brick pwell mg, NO. 289 Juniper 'Street. All that two-etory brick no.eimago aria lot of , ground, situate the east side of Juniper Ptreat,l43 feet south of, ine street, No. 2011; eentainhig front 104 feettlindlicatendinglit - depth- 64- feet 3 inches to. a 4 feet wide alley, with the privilege thereof,' 1110 - Clear of all inoumbrarce. ' By order of . JOHN TIIOIIIINLEY,' Exncatore • F. A: TREGO, ' • . 2d. TOOMAS* SONS, netioneere. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. - - . ÜBL 1 0 SALE.—TO CLOSE. j L an Estato.—Thontas a. Sons, Auctioneers. i —Very • valuable businesa stand;—Four-story ['brick hotel , known tie "Jones , Ex.thange, ,, No. 235 Dock street; between Second and Third and Chestnut and Walnut streets.—On Tueeday, November 2, •181 Z at 12 o'clock, noon, will be •solit at public sato, at tbe 'Philadelphia Exchange, all that large and valuable four-story brick building and lot'of ground, situate on ••the northerly.eide of •Dock street t below Third atreet. No: Zia ; containing in treat on Dock street 22 feet, and' - extending in depth on the, west litre along Relief alley 94 feet flinches, and on the east line feet2•'riche& It is ono of the best paying . hotels Ie city:, in complete order, kept on the European, plan;the largest and best restaurant rooms haa walnut and ash floors, indisator, and many modern kaprovements; handsome dining rooms and yarlor - ; seeond floorolestrable chambers, wide entries, gas throughout, /Sc. The situation is Very desirable for hotel, banking, •purposes, brokers , offices. being convenient to the diferent banks. public &c _ , Terms easy. 'May be exemined. Stibiect:to an Irredeemable yearly ground rent of IBM M, THOMAS & SONS, Auction eers, ' oel4 2330 . -- grrffirdl4l , SoutlrFourth street. 0 6 . 4vr 4L EXECUTORS' SALE.,-THOMAS Sohs,Auctioneere.—Two 3-story brick dwellings, Noe 2144 and 2146 Jefferson stlreet,east of Twetty•second street. On Tueaday, November 2, 1669, at 12 o'clock, , noon, will .be sold, at public sale, at therhiladelphia Exchange, the following described property, viz.: No. I.—All that, lot of ground, with the 3.story brick messuage,with tweestoryback buildings thereon erected, situate on the south aide of Jefferson street, east of Twenty-second street, N 0.2144 ; containing in fronton Jefferson street 16 feet, and extending in, depth 52 fret to 3 feet wide alley, leading Into Twenty , secotel bisect, with the privilege thereof; baa parlor. dining-room, sitting-toom;kitchen ' anti 4 claunbers. gas, bath, Bald . more Rtove, range, fit. Subject to a mortgage of ' $1,210. Immediate pos session. No. 2.—A1l that lot of ground; with the three-ger? brick rneessuage, with two'-t.tory, Leek building.. thereon erected, situate on the south side of Jefferson street, No. 2146, adjoiniug the above ; same size and description. Subject to a mortgage of 19 S, Immediate possession'. Kepi at the stud ion rooms. •111. THOMAS SONS, Auctionee rs, 'oclB,,23 30 139 and 141 South Fourth street. EXEC U TOR S' SALE ON THE premises.—Estate of Edround Wilcox, deceased.— 'homes & Sons, Auctioneers. Modern ; Four-stors Brick Residence stud Flllllitlire, No. 1412 Spruce street, east of Fifteenth street, :a) feet front. On Motelay morn ing, November 1, 1)369, at • ILI o'clock precisely - , will bo sold at public sale, on the premises, all that, modern four-story brick inesetuage. with two-stery back building and lot of ground. situate on, the south side of Spence street, east of, Fifteenth street, No. 1432; containing in front on Sprees , street 21.1 feet, and extending in depth SO feet to a 3 feet wide alley, with the privilege thereof. The house is in good repair, and bast the modern conveniences ; gas, bath, hut and cold water, furnace, cooking range, ¢c. Subject to sun irre definable ground rent of $240 ayear. Terms—Es&oo may remain on usertgage• • Handsome Furniture.—lmmediately after the sale of the house, will be sold the Handsome Walnut Parlor and Chamber Furniture, Mantel and Pier 31irrors, Kitchen titeiisils. Ae. Particulars in catalogues. Keys at Messrs. Clark st fitting's, No. 711 Walnut street. M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, ocl4 2330 . . 139 and 1413. Fourth street, JAS. K. SIMON, 29 South SIXTIi Street ;~.' -..., _, , 1 REAL. ZS T-4.;TE 0010 23 30 ° SALE BY ORDER Olf 21tUri.ThoraasA Sons,Auctioneers.—Very ahtaLle three- story. brick. Beeldence, No. 1128 Arch street, west of Thirteenth street:2o feet front. 137 feet deep to Cuthbert street; 2 fronts. On Tuesday, November 2, 1362. at 12 o'clock,•noon, will be sold at public gale, at the Phila delphia Exchange, all that largo and valuable three•stor, brick raessuage, with two-story hack building and lot of ground, situate on the south side of Arch street, west of Thirteenth street, No. 1.929; contnining iu front on Arch street 20 feet, and extending in depth 137 feet to Cuthbert street. The house is well built , and is in excellent re• pair; newly Papered and painted. and has nil the modern conveniences; parlor, dining-room and kitchen On the first floor; 2 chambers, sitting-room and bath room on the second floor,-and 2 chambers on the third floor; gas introduced, bath, hot and cold water. water-closet, fur ' nace, cooking-range, Lc. Terms—Teo-thirds may remain on mortgage. lifirelear_of ail inctnbrance. - Immediate popezeKudri-:.---1(0-ya at the-Jsuction_Rooms. M. THOMAS ,t SONI4. Auctioneers, • 008= 30 139 and 141 South Fourth Street. REAL ESTATE—THOMAS& SONS' Modern Throe -story Brick ftell deuce, with side yard, Tuesday , Novembereet west of Thirteenth street. On 2, at 12 •'clock, noon. will be sold at public sale, at the Phil.i delphia Exchange, all that handsome three story brick messuage with three story back buildings and lot of ground, situate on the north side of Filbert street. No.• 1307; containing in front on Filbert street: 6 feet tincli ding side yard), and extending in depth 74 feet a. 3 feet Sir t 2elly, running into Thirteenth street. The built - in in orough rePair; back totililinga new. awl built in the most substantial manner; has oil the modern C ony., niences, gut, bath, water closet, Ac. Immediate possession. W m— a Ha lf Cashcumbrante. No. May South be examined b ye r applying to Frederick Sylvester, M. 206 Fourtheet, TMOMAS S: SONS, Auctioneers, Maud 141 South Fourth street. oclB 2130 in REAL I.ISTATE.—TH Wll AS & SONS' , Salo, Modern' three-story Brick Res blenc •, with st,ible, S. W. corner of Sixteenth and Christian streets, 67 by 129 feet), 3 fronts.—On , Tuesday.,November 2, at )2 o'clock, noon, will be sold at pUblic sale, at Philadelphia Exchange, all that ruodern• three-story brick messuage, with three-story back bnibling and lot of ground, situate at the. SO II thWba corner of Sixmenth and Christian streetii ; the lot containing in front on Christian street 67 feet, and extending in depth along Sixteenth street 123 feet 8% inches to Montrose street. It has gas, bath. hot and cold water, cooking range, also. substantial brick stable on Montrose street. The vacant lot on the corner of clbristiau erect, 49 feet fr.int, Is Very valuable for building purposes. Terms—tfl2,ooo may remain eft mortgage. Immediate possession. Keys nt the Auction Rooms. M. THOMAS Ai SONS, Auctioneers , ocl4 2320 . 139 and 141 South Fourth street. .... fril REAL ESTATE.—I H 0 M. AS Sz; 60)18 Lai Salk—Modr•rn three-story liricit Residence, No. 2116 West Delancey Place. east of Tweuty-second s treet. soldTdy ,November 2.18 Philadelphiao'clo neon, will bo at public sale, at t h e Kxchauge, all that modern-three -Story brick Inessuage, with two story back building and lot of ground, - situate on tho south side of West Delancey flees,_ east of Twenty - second street, No. 2116; containing in front on West De lance), Place 19 feet t including half hi two feet wile alley ), mad extending in depth a lle yeter with the com mon use and, privilege of said it has Or) modern conveniences, gas, bath, hot and cold water, furnace, c ooking -ralalf nge, itc. 'Terme—i cash. = ei•s• Immediate possession. X eye at the Auction Rooms. 31. TIIO3IAS & SONS, Auction , ers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street. REAL ESTATE—THOMAS itc, SONS' Salo.-Genteel three-story brick dwelling, No. '520 nth Twenty-second street, between Lombard and ba' on atreeta.—On Tuesday, November 2, 1869, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Phila delphia Exchange, all that three-story brick messuage, with two-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Twenty-secondatreet, at the distance Twenty 22 feet north of South street ; containing in front on -second street 40 feet, and extending in 11 , 11 th 51 feet 6 inches to it 3 feet wide alley, leading north Ward into a 40 feet wino street, called Naudain street. Subject to a yearly ground rent of :932. Torma—Self the purchase money may remain on mort gage. Immediate possession. For further information, apply to B. W. Beesley, No. 731 Waluut street. - M. THOMAS ,t; SONS, Auctioneers, oc2B 30 139 and 141 South Fourth street. ltEAt ESTATE.—THOAIAS & SONS' Sale.—Modern Three-story Brick Residence, No. 316 North Eleventh street, above Vino street. On Tues day,November 2, 1869, at 12 o'clock, noon,•will hallo at public toile, at the Philadelphia Exchange, that modern three-story brick messuage, with three-story back buildings and lot of ground, situate at the south west cornerof Eleventh and Wood streets ; containing ront on eveth street 18 feet, and extending in depth ailing W oo dstreet - 72 - feet - to - a three Met wide alley, - with the privilege thereof. It has recently been put in excellent repair, painted - and papered; and has tho nioderit conveniences , gas, bath, hot and water, furnace, cooking-range, &c. ' Terms-42,100 may remain on mortgage. May be examined tiny. day previous to stile. Immediate possession. Buys ut xo. 1111 ylue street. M. TBOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 0c23,28&30 139 and 141 South hourth street, ItEAL ESTATE--:TIR)MASSt SON'S' gun. "Sale.—Very valuable Residence, and large Lot, No. 1626 Poplar street, coat of Seventeenth street. On Tuesday, November 2; 1369 at 12 o ' clocki noou avilLbe. sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia, Fxchaime, all that valuable three-story brick (mastic/ . mosettage and lot of ground, eituato on the south eido of Poplar street, east of Seventeenth street, N 0.1626 ;,the lot containing in front on Poplar *ldea. 36 foot, and extentllng in depth 100 feet. The house has new tin roof, gas, furnace, .Stc. Terms—e.4,oo o may remain on mortgage. Immediate possession'. , leys at Mr. K. It.. Porter's, in the rent., on Ogden etreet. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers; ec21,23&30 . 139 and 141 S. Fourth street. Olt REAL ESTATR—THOMAS & SONS' Sale.—Genteel Three-story Brick Dwelling, No. 1024 Nectarine street. On Tuesday, Noyember 2, 13634 at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange), all that • genteel three-story brick messuage,with two-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the) south side of Nectorino street, west of Tenth street, N 0.1024; containing in trout on Nectarine street 17 feet, and extending in depth 55 foot. It has parlor, dining-room and kitchen on first floor; gas, bath, range,,underground drainage, &c. , Terme—sl,ooo may remain on mortgage.. ' • POSOCMOII 19th day of A pril,lB7o - . M. THOMAS Az SONS, Auctioneers, 139 and 141 South Fourth street. oc2l 23 30 PEREMPTORY' SALE.--TIIOITAS k Sons, Auctioneoro.--Building Lot , 'Donehill street, North Poun VAllage.—Ort 2'nosday, November 2.." 1889, at 12 o'clock, noen , wilt be sold at public sale, without reselve, tit the Philadelphia Exchange, nil that lot of ground Allude on the south lido of Dauphin street, 111 feat If of an inch Went of r'gwenty-tifth street, being . No. 184 on plan of North Penn Village ; containing in front 18 feet, and in depth 120 feet. Terme—WO , . Sale absolute. M. THOMAS & BONA, Auctioneers, VD on 141 South Fourth sti cot . =:==IMM REAL ESTATE"SALES. drlt EXEOUTISE'S 1)--liii-EMPTORY SALE. Estate of Margit retta Sergeant, deceased Thomas e Sons, Auctioneers. Three well , secured irredeemable Ground Bents. .On Tuesday,-November 9, 1&9, at. I; ... . &clock,- noon, will . be sold at public onto: tvithrht re- scree; at the Philadelphia L'xeltange, the .following de. - scribed Grouncl•Rentsoriz.: No. I.—Ground rent 8150 a year. All that yearly ground rent of $l5O, lawful silver miner, issuing on the first day of February and August, without deduction for taxes, and payable by :...The , Setmal , Boformed' Presbyterian Congregation, in the County of PhiladelPhin, District of Spring Gardenout . ' of a lot of ground,'efittto on the west Ilide•Of TWI ray- , • second street,36 feet mother:Wood street; containing in front on Twenty-second street 76 feet 7Y,.; inches, and • extending iu - depth lOU feet. Secured lry a stone rough" east chirretr. No.-2,—Ground Rent, $l6O a year. - All that- irredeent- able yearly ground rent of $l6O. lawful silver money, ~ issuing on the first day of April and October, without deduetiun for taxes, and payable by Edwin Rai Snyder, out of a lot of grouncl,sltnnte on the southeast corner of Ckillowhill and Nixon streets ; containing in front on. callewhill street. 16 feet 8 inches, and In deptiron Nixon street NI feet 7% inches to a 29 feet wide - cern:l: Secured_ ... by :a four-story brick store and &rolling. 1 4 70. 3:—Ground gent, 866 a year. All that irredeema ble yearly ground rent of 866, lawful sliver money, issu ing en the Prst day of June.and , December, 'without de &let ton for taxes, &c., and pnyable by Thomae Stewart, ;and for all that lot of ground, situate on the north Side of Federal street, 95 feet west of Eleventh street,- Twens ty-sixtteWard : containing in front-MI Federal street 16 feet, and extending in depth 20 Met. Secured by a three story brick building. rWTerms—Cash. Sale absolute. By. order of E. SPENCER DULLER. Executor. .. ' . N. TIIOSIA S A SONS, Auctioneers. ' 028 Nino& ':'. 1:39 und lil S. Fourth street. . Fl - Al) 3Ntll4l6'l * .E , ATE, IN.'S SALE -- . [ Estate of William Whiteman, deceased .—Thomas 86 one, Anetioncers.—On -Tuesday', November 16th, 1869, at 12 o'clock ,noon, willkbe sold .at public sale. at the Pbilatiotphlst EXchangoMte.following described proper , tied, viz. , :Valuable Business Stand—Three-story Briok . Store and Dwelling And large Lot, N 0.1003 North flecond , street, extending, through to Gerthantown road, on which is a 2%-story Frame Dwelling ; 2 fronts ,— All those me nages and tho lot Of ground, situate on the 'east side of 44ecirml,6treet, 20 feet north of Otter, street, .No, PlO3 ;, thence extending northward along Second street 20 feet ; thence enetwarilly at right angles with Second street 119 feet, and thence eastwardly at right angles with German town road 116 feet? inches to the Germantown Woad thence southward 'ou the Germantown road 20 fent; -thence_westwardly.gt rightmagles with the Germantown road 122 feet 6 Inches ; thence north 78.,1eg;52 - tidir. - ewest 129 feet 6 , inches to the place of beginning ; also., a let of ground, west side of Germantown road, 68 feet north ot Otter strut; 4 feet front, and in depth on the north lino 126% feet, and on the south line-i 26 feet 6 inches. more or less, h. improvements are a three-story , brick store and di elling, fronting on Second street, and a 2% -story frame welling in the rear on Germantown road. It lit situatt in a business neighborhood, and is a good stand.. Ten widow's dower one-third, must remain. - Key a ' kthe store at No. frW. North Second streets 1 1 No--Large and valuable Lot, Nos. 935 and 9E7 North Seco° street, 4 i: gi'r by 100 feet. All that large, and valu able bt of gro d, situate on , the east side of Second , street. south of Otter street, N 06.966 and 987 ; contain • in i g in front 43! , fecnd extending In depth 100 feet. erms—A wiiiow's dower, one-third, must remain ' By order of ANNA MARIA WlllTEMAN,Admitlistratrix. THOMAS & SONS, AuGtiouters; • ocr2B 30n013 129 and 191 bon g ! Fourth street. gstAtEl7figiSlX6 - k soi4s , sale. Modern Three.atorY Brick Residence N. W. corner of Eleventh and Wallace streets. vu Tnes day, November9,lB69, at 12 o'clock, noothwill be sem at public eale;for account and risk of a former 'purchaser, at the Philadelphia Exchange. all that modsri, three etery brick nieltsuage with three-story brick building amt lot of armour!, aitua:ei nt the•N. W. corner of Elev enth and M allure btrettnthe lot containing in front on Eleventh at rc-ct 99 feet 13,i'inelms, and 0 - Mending in oepth n 9 feet 474 inches on the north line, awl on Wallace stree • tr 2 feet. and being in width on the West end feet,G4 in ches. The ilf)111V. is In excellent repair ; has parlor. re ception-umm, dining-room 'and '2 -kitchens .n the firs • goer.; I chambers, library, sitting•rettns. store-room, uth and.water-closet oil' second floor, ands chambers on the third floor ; ga.R. hot and cold water, range, 2 fur Once.(. 0411 watt!'. well in AV- cellar, kc.; garden i - planted with a variety of fruit trees, grapery, Am. Still test to a yearly ground rent of *•191. payable in F.iiver. ,t bird cash. lion.c,l (at e possession. May he ••;cattiiitc-d any da) pr• - ; loos to sale. .kieys at „the grocery ittce - tr, Eleventh Mid Moaut Ver.) non tbrests. 7:1. THOMAS .1 SONS. Auctioneers. me.1120n06 1.99 awl 111 fotah Irourth',•treet. 0 - 1 Itk:AI.ItNTATS - TH AS & SONS' sale—fitilAtantial Three-story Brick Store iuif 'Dwelling, No. 139 North iseventli street, and three tory brick dwelling, No.. 7 Nicholson strest. in the rear of the uticive. Ou Tuesday; November 9;11139-, at 1: o'clock, noon, will be held n: public sale, sit the Phila delphia Exelninge, all thay lot of ground, situate or the east side of St•venth etrfe'et. 103 feet south of Rae street: containing in front 7.0 feet! and in depth 101 fe to Nicho three-story The rierements are withy sub stantial brick stet... aflatiKaiillg, attics fronting on Seventh street, and a substantial three•stor brick dwelling. with attics. fronting on Nieholson stree known as "No. 7. The N'icholiain street house now rent for lit3oo per annum. The wallS being extra heavy, ti whole could be converted into one building to snit business or mantifactpry. immediate possession of fro • • building. Terms-13.M may reniallion mortgage. 31. THOMAS SONto. Auctioneers. 0c.'95g9 nis6 . Nos. Eel and 111 S. Fourth street. E:sTATE.—TI - 10111.A.S &., SON; tiale.-31cielern dime -story Brick Residence ,N 1)24 .51witiqr street:ea/It of Elynteenthstrest.7-On Tu day, Novernber 9.1549. tit 12 o'clock.noon, will be SO handsomeic eale,gt the Flilladr•lphici Exchange. all th modern three-story brick niessuage, wl throe-story bark building and lot of ground, aureate the south side of Master street, west of Seventeen street. No. 1721: containing in :rout on Master street feet t house 19 feet front /. and. extending in depth Will toe 4-feet wide alley. It has parlor, dining room, kite en and out-kitchen en the first floor • 2 chatutters.sitti room and lath room on the second flea and 4 chambt nod store coon on the third stools ; has gas.hatli, hot a cold water. water closet, 2 furnaces, cooking- rails ineterground drainage, /cc. • • Terrne--1r5,f.00 mayremain en mortgage. Immediate possession. May be examined any day pr skins to sale. THOMAS SONS, Auctioneers, cc;:ri Aniot; L'O and I'4l South Fourth 'tired HEAL ESTATE—THOMAS & SON Sale.-11u finites stand—three.story brick dwelli • No. Int Vine street, t•ast of Thirteenth street.' On Tn No y . November 9th, 1362, at 12 oclock nood, will !Fold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, that modern three-story brick tnessuage. with rthr story back building and lot of f gronuti. situate on t north sale of Vine street . east ohirteen feet r eet, ;1233 containing in front on Nine street th 17 feet inch and extending in depth 90 fog to an 8 feet wide alley,w the privilege thereof. It is occuphsi as a store and dwe tug, and is a good business stand ; has gas, bath, hot a t•ohl water,unlace.. cooking range, , OW - Clear of all iniumbrauce. Terms—&3-' may remain ou mortgage. immediate possession. May be examined any day p I'loll6 to sale. TiIOMAS .1 SONS, Auctioneer., oc2B-90 not/ 19-9 undid Smith, Fourth street nREAL ESTATE—T II 051 AS & SON Sale.—On Tuesday; November 9, 16i9..at 12 oklo noon, will be sold at public sale. at the Philadelphia. ' change, the following elescriliod properties, viz.: No. Vert. desirable Lot, Broad street, north of Master str All that very desirable lot of ground. situate on the e side of Broad street, 75 feet north of 51 aster street. ; c taining in front on Broad street ::0 feet, and extondin depth 161 feet to Ontario street. Subject to a yearly ground rent of $225. - No. 2.—Lot, Broad street,north of Thompson stri All that lot of ground. situate on the west side of Br, street, 170 feet north of Thompson street; containin• front on Broad street .60 feet, and extending in depth feet to Carlisle , street: - • Subject to a yearly ground rent of $6OO. H. THOMAS 5; SONS. Auctioneers. 0c2.8.30n06 139 and 141 South Fourth .tree Ira REAL ESTATE-THOMAS..I— ...illaSikle.—Threp,Rtoty Brick Dwelling,' No. 301 Fra lin street, above Vine street —On Tuesday, Nove 9, 1669, at 12 o'clock. noon. Will be sold at public s at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that certein th ;story brick messuage and lot of ground, situate on east side of Franklin street. N0..454-tieptaining frou Franklin street 24 feet 6 inches. and extending. in de 36 feet 10 inches. The house contains 8 rooms, b; room, can. Ac. • fkir Clear of all incumbrance; $4,0430 may remain on mortgag , . linmediato pessession. . , • Keys at N 0.312 North Sevimth street. • -H. TROMAS A: SONS, AuctioniM oc2B 30noG 139 and 141 South Fourth err 6 _ 4- A REAL ESTATE—TROMAS & SO IR-1 3 ; wile—Three-story Brick Dwelling. No. 1314 Lard street, with 2 Three-story Brick Dwellings ii rear. On Tuesday. November 9. 1839, at 12 o'cl noon, Will be sold at public sale, at the Philadel Exchange, all those brick inessuages and' the lo ground thereunto belonging situate on . (tie south sit Lombard street, west of Thirteenth Street, No. eontaining in front op Lombard street J.B feet, ant tending - in depth-78 fetiL7:ThOitnproVeMOlltiaro A 0 story brick dwelling. fronting on Lombard streetve small three-story brick dwellings in the rear. Subject to a redeemable ground rent of 840, H. THOMAS tr. SONS, Auctioneer t0c.2 8 2011 G ' , 139 and 141 South Fourth stre i - REAL ESTATE ..TIIOAIA t .6 & SO Sale.—Bnilding Lot, No. 2209 Lombard st west of Twenty-second street. On Tuesday. Nove 9,1869, at 12 o'clock, noon, will bo sold at public at the -Philadelphia Exchange, all that lot of gr situate on the north side of Lombard street, 36 feet of Kerr street, SeVenth Ward; containing in fro Lombard street 18 feet. and extonditotin depth 70 h u 4 tent Wide alley, with the privilege:thereof. .' 12.7" Clear of all inettrubrance. ~ Terms—Cash., • • . M. THOMAS & SONS, .Auctioneer 0c28,30 not 139 and 141 South Fourth sir PUBLIC._. __ _ SALE:TROMAS & ,S mi 0 Auctioneers.—Well-sectired Redeemable Or Rent of $2.80 a year.—On Tuesday, November 7th at.l2.o.clock, noon, w ill be sold at public sale, a ' — Plilindelphin Exchange, all that well-9661mi red :. - ble.ground rent of, s2oo a-Year, lawful money. chi; taxesi .issuing out ol 2 contiguous lots:aground:is on this southwest side of Canal street. 103 feet 2 1 northwest of Front titreot, Sixteenth Ward' conta together in front on Canal street :40 feet, ,and. exte in depth about 116 feet: It is secured by sychnich , . . M. THOMAS .tz SONS, Auctionee 0c23,30,n06 - _ 139 and 141 South' Fourth sti .5 -11:BAI ESTATE.—THUMB & S '4li Sale.--Tli ree , cdory Dila Dwelling; 'No. 00 high avenue. On Tuesday, lgoveinb.er 9th, 19a9 o'clock, MOT. will be sold at public sale, at the dolphin Exchange. all that tlireecdtory brick Me and. lot of ground, situate on the southwest elde c high avenue, 32 feet Mt' inches sentheast of Trento nue, Nhaideenth Ward ; IG feet front, 120 feet deo 4 feet wide alley. It remain rango. Tema-41200 may on sucrtgago. 'lll. THOMAS It BONS, Auctionel 0c23 2011 0 6 thl'ldl4ll3°lltilFcnirth at -------------. VOAL I 'ME CHEAPD k.. 1 in the city .—Keep constantly on bnnd the cola BONEY BROOK and HARLEIGH LEHIGH,* BAOLE VEIN, L043178T 110IINTIN and BP RUN COAL, J. MACDONALD, Jn. Bards, 519 Broad et, andll4o Washington avenue. pr INVITE AT' A.SON DINES. ,- • :owl lit. Et , liE UNDERSIGN - M:1. . ~ Non, to their stock of Spring Ilortntain, Lehigh and Locust Mountal which, with tho preparation given by us, we Moun t not bee, excelled by any other Goal. Office, Franklin Inelitnte Banding, No, S. i. street. • • BINNS & SHEA ..030-if Aroh street wharf, Nehuy COM. 4 AND Vi'oo)X TELEeltatMlno SPANIBLI Eccletaasticstl estimates s art to be reduceA thirty per mit. Luoolm C.A.MPHAXMEN has been appointed Bilnister of Finance of Pruasla. Or the Stonewall% passengers, two hundred, - and fifty in numl*, only sixty , were swim GEN - gad', Gla-NT and family returned to Washinfitoß yesterdaj , EX-GOVERNOB. rAATT, Of Maryland, is lying at Baltimore, dyilig. - - An saitAL FAttatkaut is recovering'and leave Chicago, for the East, on Monday. THE further trial of. Clioate, the alleged New buryport incendiary, at Lawrence, - has been postponed until the Bth of November. A Dr:omm in, the case of the Cuban priva teer Hornet will be rendered at Wilmington, N. C., to-day'at noon.. • ' THE DAMAGE to teba,cco in Kentucky has been over-estimated. A Louisville despatch says there will be a two-thirds crop. Tun INTERNAL revenue receipts for the month were $11,338,047, maldng a total since June 80th of '500,964,790. 4 , AT the Agricultural Fair, at Lynchburg, Va., yesterday, Wm. 0. McCorkle' was stabbed to, -..4ltath by one Max Sumpter. • , , TuE remains ofEarl Derby were interred at Knowsfey yesterday. - There were ne spublie proceedings. THE insurrection in Dab:saga turns out, to be far more serious than it Was 'suspected, of be Tun official paper_ in -Paris announces that- the election for four vacant seats in the Corps • Legistatif, 'll . om Paris, has been fixed for the 21st of. November. Timm was much excitement in literary • r - cittles - in Paris yesterday. - - - M - Pietre,--Prefect-- of Police, has forbidden the representation` of a new drama which had passed censorship. A RUMOR is going the rounds in Europe that Itussia has intimated to Turkey that Austrian troops should not be allowed to pass through her dominions. NI AONF.S PASCLIALL, mother of Judge Pas chall, and One of, the last pensioned widows of revolutionary soldiers, died recently, in Georgia. ATICIIII3A.LD DOUGLAS, a desperado, was shot and fatally injured by another rough named Thomas Jackson, in New York, last night. • DURING the past fiscal year seven hundred and sixty millions of letters passed through the mails of the United States, being an increase of forty millions over any previous year. _ • Mn. JAY, the Ameritati Minister, is in' Pesti), Austria. He had a conference with 'Count Andrasy, and subsequently attended the sessions of the Diet. Din. PEABODY'S healtli is slightly Improving. Queen Victoria has telegraphed inquiring after the health of Mr. -Peabody, -wherein she ex presses great anxi!ty...in regard to his health. THE Patric, in its issue yesterday, says that The military sub-divisions, of. Nancy, Tours and Lisle, are to be abolished. The head quarters of the district of Nancy will be at Metz. THE Times has an editorial on . American finanees, wherein the writer comments on Sec retary 'Boutwell's advocacy of paying the national debt in gold, and considers the very necessity of such an advocacy a proof of the strength of the repudiators: Cinurox PAnh - gn,nhile at work en a 'build ing on State • street, Boston, yesterday, was killed by a: brick falling upon his 'head. De ceased was a well-known building contractor. lie built the Parker House, and was a master builder of Tremont Temple. TO-LAY being the second anniversary of the death of Governor Andrews,his remains will be femoved front their temporary resting-place in Mount Auburn, to Hingham, his native town, here a hurial-spot has been appropriated for the purpose. Tum r steamship W. Kennedy, Captain J. C. Parker, left Norfolk on the 2itla, at 11.45 P. M., oowad to Boston. Her beam broke down, and ' After several hours spent in repairs, the chief engineer judged it safe to proceed with about ire pounds of steam, arC•made the Delaware I. reakwater a 5 P. M. on the 28th. THERE is considerable excitement in North 'arolina in regard to the movements of Gov. . olden's newly enrolled colored militia. ..A taleigh despatch says three hundred of them ecretly left that city, ,for Orange county, on thursdav night, but this is contradicted by the governor's official organ. Tim Tennessee House yesterday adopted the .mendment to the Convention bill, providing hat all citizens of the United States; twenty no years of age, having resided in the State ix months pripr to the election, shall vote for 'embers of the Convention. The bill, as mended, passed to a third reading. bliss P. A.. ilticKAY, 4i. "highly-esteemed nd beautiful young lady," aged eighteen, has ommitted suicide by drowning herself, at Minty, 111. She left a note stating that she id not do the act frain love or shame, but be iuse "ber friends hated her," and this was "a *ld and dreary world to liye in." Tuli International Commission to decide n the.question ofjtuisdiction'in the . matter of le Suez Canal, opened its sessions in Cairo, gypt, yesterday. The American Consul was bseut, having received no powers -from his )vernment: Noubar Pacha, the Egypt& linister of Foreign Afairs, was made Presi-,„ ant of the Commission.. • ° PATRICK IpatLEAT - Wh - o -- was — appointed ssistant Assessor in the ...Mgcond Philadelphia .istrict for the term' of twenty days, so as to low him a salary during his recovery from in ries received in the line of duty as watch au, has been summarily dismissed; on the large that he went into the blackmailing witless before his commission was ten days, d. A ignunt 1) despatch. says : There were several -elintinary meetings of members of the differ t parties in the Constituent Cortes yester 4, to discuss the question of the choice of a 'onarch. At that of the Unionist Deputies, ,ery member save two voted against the Duke T,Genoa. At the meeting of the Progressists id Democrats one hundrtd and - two voted for e Duke of Genoa; and two for the Duke of ontpensier. Good judges say that' in the tries itself one hundred,and sixty-six out of .o hundred anti nine Mottarchists will reebrd fir votes ihr,thelkuke Of Genoa. . , Coal Statement. 'he following is the arconut of coal- tran!iported over . Philadelphia and /Leading Itailroad during Liao week Hog Thursday, Oct. 28, I£B9 • • . Tons:Curt. • nu ht. Clair • 39,894 10 I Port Carbon ' 8,692 08 Pottsville 6,331 04 -• AuburSchuy 02 lkill Haven_ - 35,168 04 n Port Clinton . • • ' • 14,858 06 Ilarriaburg and Pauphin 4,351 00 Allentown and Al/lutes, 68 07 ota! Anthracite Coal fer week • n 8, 4 57 oo i unduotta Coal fromilarnaliurg tin for Weak - 8,171 14 Total for \cook paying freight.. i.tal for the Company's use . , . Tote/ of all hirofe for tho creels (rho omily this year Total rhu mitt y. Oct. 29. 18a PASS.ECrI 4 .IRS SAILED. , bteliwer Wyom ng, for SavannithJ Stoddard; Mb . revile, two children and nurse, Mrs Prendergraet, Idaughters and bon, J L Anderson , ti W Miller. Jr, " Whitaker, R J Mecee and wife, A Ericson, A Bar- . W A Loech, Peter Niel, Winpenny,Robort Roy- Is, Jane Tobershana,JohnGilbert, n Minn..- • iO — TEN. - EDITSOF OCEAN ISZBAMERS. PROM ' BOA , . • • • TO ARRIVE. - . lIPS ilittl.... ...... Southampton—Now-York sin ' Liverpool—Now York via B. Liverpool... Now York.; !Lay trania Liveroool—Now York:. .rodo Liverpool—Now Yorki, 01' Paris Lirerpool.. , NOW York, Ibria.. Glplioow—New York, pa., ialverpohl...Now York; i, do Paris... • Brc , ht...Now York, orin ilavre.„lslow York, wig, .4 0 1tillamoton. - :.llitlttrooro, 4guay London... Now York, i .. • TO DEPART. , - . • II OLouncey New York....AopinWodi i MO of. Cork. New York-Liverpool is 33 Allemonis Now York-liamburg.... .... Nov. /Nevada "6... .New York.Alverpool C% X Scotia .. .ageWYork.:.)liverPool-.. .. .. .N ov. Morro Oactle....r.ivoleYorit.f.navana . ... Nov. 4 O. of Baltimore-New York..Liveroool. Via 7 31......N0v. 4 Palmyra New York... Liverpoo- Nov. 4 Ber/iu • Baltnore-Brenten_. Nov. 4 City of Paris New York-Liverpool_ Nov. 6 Virginia .......New. Y0rk,...Ltv0rp001........."........N0r. India New York...olsegow4.' Nov. ' '8 NplY YOrk...KlMbUrg . Nov, 6 Cleopatra New York- Vero Oruz Nov.lo _BOARD. JF, OF TRAE. FAL PUL. AL C. RUTOUEB. y iIIoNTIILY GOXIII27IIa. S.E.I STOKES 1 COmiCITTEE 011 Ansrrasecroio, j, 0. James, • , A. Sonar, Oeo, L. Bush ' 4 I -wm, Wf Tbomai L. Gillespie. Bus Malta, 6 251 sux SETS, 5 011 Mau W525/4 /1 12 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamer Claymont, 'Robertson: - from Richmond, via Norfolk, with iodise to _W P Clyde & Co. Steamer Fenno, Brooks, 2e hours from New York, with mdse to John F Ohl. Steamer Ann Eliza, Richardi,_ 24 hours -Trope New, York:mith mdse to W P Clyde A Co.. 1 , Steamer Bristol, Wallace, 24 hours. 'from New York, with miles to W Clyde & Steamer Black Diamond_,Meredith.24 hours froza.New York, with rodeo to W M Baird & Co. '_ ',LI • Behr B F Beeves Thompson ; 4days from New' stork, in ballast to Knight A Sons. • Schr, It J Connor, Pardee, I day_ from Magnolia, Del. with grain to . Jae I, Bewley & IJo. ' Soh,' Olivia, Fox, 1 day from Odeesa, Del.. with Frain grain to Jaa L Bewley & Cow ten' Mary Ella, Thomas, Portsmouth. . , . t3chr Bonny Boat, Kelly, Bdston., ' • Schr Eva Belle. Barrett, Boston. Schr E Davie, Weeks, Boston. Behr Alabama, Vangilder. Boston. • tichr 0 E Jackson, Blackman, Boston. Seim Pathway. Haley, Boston. & Behr Pkul Thompsob, Godfrey, Boston. 'Rohr Frazier, Steelman. Boston. • Behr F Gray, Lakeman, Boston. Schr Elizabeth Anna, Greene, Beiti,tirl'i " ' Behr W Tiers, Gifford, Boston, , Schr W Dillon, Ludlam, Provi d en ce. Schr A Pharo, Shourds, Providence. Behr M J Russell, Smith Providence. Bchr M Beirßiart, Hand,'Providenco;;.*: Schr Cerro Gordo, Parsons: Newburypcirt. • . 1 gchr I. Herrick, Babbitt Dighton. . chr Hazleton - , Gardner, Taunton. - • - Ttlg Thoe Jefferson, Allen, from Baltimore. with toW of barges to W P Clyde & Co. 'fug Commodore,_Wilson, from Havre 'de Grace.with attow of bargee to `W P Clyde A Co. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamer Wyoming. Teal, Savannah, Philadelphia anti Southern Mail 88 Co. Steamer J W Everman, Hinckley, - Charleston,'E A Son der & Co. 1 Steamer F Franklin. Pierson. Baltimore, A Groves J r. Steamer A 0 Stirrers, Knox, N York, W P Clyde, & Co. Bark Hero (Br) Goudy, Bremen. .1 E Barley A CO. Tug Hudson, N icholson , Baltimore, with tow of bargee. W l'Cyde & Co. __, Tug Chesapeake, Merrihew, Havre de Grace, with a tow of barges, W /' Clyde•& Co. ; A HAVES DE GRACE.Gct,29. The following tioata left here this =moles, laden and consigned as follows: , Vindicator. with wheat to Moffinan & Kennedy; A Sherwood, stone to Marcus Hook; Fannie, lumber to Patterson & Lippincott; Empire dotoMellvalte a Bush; Harris & Edwards,do to order; First Attempt, coal to Wilmington; Villageßbilii; timber to Nicobson Paving Company. / MEMORANDA. Ship Memnon. Baker, cleared at Boston 23th inst. for San Francisco. Ship Good Hope. Moore, at Hong Kong 16tk ult. from New York—arr let Ship Arracan,Spencer.froni New York, at Hong Kong-. 10th ult. and remained 16th. wh ic h countered a heavy westerly gale July 19, during lost the lower top , ' sails. quarter boat, and had cabin filled with water. - Ship Nightingale, Sparrow, from Hong Kong 10th ult.. for Sad Francisco, was spoken on the 20th, let 25 29 N, lon 12010 E. . Steamer Prometheus, Gray, sailed from Charleston yesterday for this port. Steamer Saxon, Sears, hence at Boston yeiderday. Steamer Cuba., • Dukehart, at Havana 21st inst. from . Baltimore via hey. West, and sailed next day for New Orleans. Bark Chattanooa, Freeman, sailed from Hong Kong York. barkult. for New bark Lochee (Br), Wade, from Gloucester, Eng. , 2741 nit. for this port, was spoken 22finst. let 44 40.10 n 6123. Bark St Ursula ( Losberg, cleared at, New York.- yesterday for Bahia and Pernambuco. -; Bark Yamayden, 'Burgess, from Rio Janeiro, at Balll-, more 28th inst. with coffee. '; Brig . Samuel Lanubee,, Thompson, from New,Tork /before reported', put into Hongßong 23d Aug. in .;a leaky condition, and remained 16th ult. 4 'Brig Catawba, Havener, sailed from Salem 25th laid. for this viort. Brig Marl C ClancrY, Com, ery, hence for Boston,_ sailed from 'mimes . Hole 2fith inst. Brig Caorelra. Blanchard, hence for Portland, at- Holmes' Note 27th Inst. and sailed again next day. Brig Lizzie Wyman, Gemage, at Savannah 23th inst. from Georgetown,DO. ' Brig Etta M Tucker, Tucker, at Matanzas. 19th inst. from nirvana. - Behr Percy, Caldwell', from Eastport for ads port, at. Gloucester 28th inst, with loss of main boom. Schr B A Hammond, Wiley, sailed from 'Gardiner ZIA init. for this port. Schr Hiawatha, Lee, at Newbriryport27th Inst..front Portsmouth. . : fichrSionesNarratt, _Nickerson., hence for Pall River, at Newport 28th inst.. • Wellington, Snow, cleared' at Boston Bib Init. I or this port. Schre T W Ware, Abdell, and Davidson, Jeffries, bence at Richmond 281.tinutt. • , EBY TELXGRAPH.I LEWES, Del. Oct 29—The steamer N Kennedy. Copt J V Parker. left Nerfolk on the 27111 inn. at 11.45 PM. bound to Boston. Der beam' broko down:and'after were! hours silent in repairs the chief engineer judged it safteto proceed with about tire pounds of 'steam, and made the Delaware Breakwater - at 6 PM on tne 29th without assiat.anceand eve ry thing safe. Much credit is , due her officers for the skill displayed in bringing the vessel vilely in. . NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. OYFICE NESQUEHONINO VALLEY RAILROAD COMPANY, 122 South Second street. • PuIt..A.DELPIIIA, October 25, 1869. Stockholders are hereby notified that unpaid instal— meets up to number six, inclusive, wilt be due and , pay able by the subscribers cn and after November 1 pro/17, me, at this office. • • - - Thum, who desire to do so may pay in full, and inter est at the rate of Ten Per. Cent. per. annum will com mence on the day of payment. • 0c29 fit W. 6. WHITNEY, Treasurer. PIDII449,ELPHIA. EYE AND EAR U INFIRMARY. S. W. corner ELEVINTII and BUTTONWOOD streets. Open daily at 12 o'clock .„ • ATTENDING SURGEONS. 'P. D. Keyser, M. D.. 1111 Arch street. • ' • James Collins, M. D., B. W. • corner Blarsball and Green streets. • . _ VISITING TILITSTF.EB. Geo. )1. Snmidon. S. W. corner Fourth and Noble. F. K. Womrath, Lila Chestnut street. E. B. Burrows,3ls Arch street, 177 CAUTION TO THEBUSINESS MEN 01 1. PUILADELPHIAIi • Some Swindlers are going yound the city telling the Merchants that GOPSILL'S BUSINESS DIRECTORY will not be published this year. for the _purpose of swindling the business men. .00FSILL'S, CITY'AND BUSINESS DIRECTORIES are now in course' of Prepa ration and will be issued as usual. No money received in advance under any consideration. ISAAC OOSTA, Compiler, - 0c26 to th a3t 201 South Fifth street, corner Witlnut. llau. .NOTICE.-NOTICE < IS HEREBY. given that a speclatme r ethur of the Btockholders of the A - MYGDALOIE MINING COMPANY OF LAKE SHPEEIOR - held - at - the Office of the Com_pany, N 0.32.4 Walnut street, phlWelphia,on WEDNESDAY, thc , 24th day of Nor ember,W9, at 1.2 o'clock, 11.1., to take action on increasing the capital of the Company, and to consider such other business as may legally 1001110 before them. By order of the. Directors.. - M. H. HOFFMAN, Secretary : PHILADELPHIA, Oct.?, 818. 0c23t0n02.4§ OFFICE OF GIRARD - COMPANY OF MICHIGAN, NO.= WALNII r wr.uk;ET. . „ . PHILADEL PIM October 15;1869. Notice is hereby given that all Stock of the GIRARD !INNING COMPANY`,on which 4nstalmenta are due and unpaid, has been forfeited, and will bo sold at public auction on MONDAY, November lath, 1.889,at 12 o'clock, noon, at the _O ff ice of the Secretary of the Corporation (according to the Charter and By-laws), unless previ ously redeemed. By order of the Direetors,' B. A. HOOPES, ocl6tnol6D Se'cretary and Treasurer. -- The Company elaim-the right to bid on said Stook. -•— - OFFICE OF THE .ETNA MINING Ut , ' 'COMPANY, NO. ni WALNUT STREET. • PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 1.3, 1869. Notice is hereby given thut all Stock of the ..Etna Mining Company. on which instalments are duo and un paid, has been forfeited, and will be sold at publio auc tion' en SATURDAY, November 13th, 1839, at 12 o'clock, boon, at the office of the Secretary of the Corporation (according to the Charter and By-Laws), union pro c lowly redeemed. By order of the Directors. ' .- B. A. HOOPB,p, Secretary and Treasurer. The Company claims tiro-right - .bid on said Stock. - ocritatiMg, 121,628 14 4.095 18 : 3AI Al li ~.. a 444,620 oa .... 3,104,931 12 Oct. 20 Oct. 20 Oct. 20 ....Oct. 21 Oct. 22 0ct7 0 2 Oct. 23 Oct. 23 Oct. 23 Oct. 23 8 ky toglish Sheathing.. Felt, for onle by rims W STOUT k SON% WAbaut titreet. , , , BOK! ki:PIP:10 01 !MI 1001 PORT OF PHILLOELPEFIA-0rr.30, -SPECEL CORSETS. BROWN'S Wholesale and Retail Corset Warehouse REMOVED 819 ARCH STREET. BARATET. CORSETS, TOURNIIRES, PANIERS. ' 112 S. Eleventh St. THE',RAIGIT•EYOUfGj3U,t;I,iOIIY.P*,LAI)ifit'jif : A;: . B - ,..4,1t " . ..ii.-a,.:0(4'011,,0f(40.,',40:00..;;'-:,;q: rratfiruuttcs. i'' ' 18.-rolli a rrEat mr.irrUm..' -- • FRANKLIN ' .-FIRE, INSURANCE 'COMPANY' , ' i i,' Ow rialpwurstaiga. ,• - . o#l - -485 '41437 Oh iii itti t. 08- an 08 11 80 - Aleisiete on January 1.,1569. 29 0779 372 13.. Gaza* 1...,.......4,.... ....;.`.......5....L..............--.:....:,..ti0m00 al 'Accrued 5urp1u5....»................4........ .. .. . ............ ALM TS Premium. UNSETTLED GLAM. INGOISE roz IBM .23,788 12. 110)410.. Losses Paid Sinoe 1E329 Over .045,500 5 ,'00. 2 - Perpetual and Temporary Policies : on Liberal Terms : The Oompany also banes Pollchis upon the Rents iit all kinds of btllithoilll, Ground Tionte end Mortgages. DIRICOTOS B. 4 1 Alfred o:Baker. Alfred Fitler , . Samuel Grant, 4 Thomas Seam', Geo. W. Richards, Wm. B. Grant, „. , . Isaac Lea, , Thomad ShEATI, o i l mantaD Geo. Pales, _ , . Gustavus . Rs BAKER. President. ORO. FALES, Vico President. .1 JAB. W. hicALLISTEB . Secretary. „_. TREODORB M. REGEB Assistant Socremari ' .. . -, : ' FIRE ASSOOIATIO .' A. ' . ov - ~ P HILADELPHIA. Dietinponatent 1 Itiiiirels a 47 l , 1820. .Officelr4To.. 34 liorth. • ,Eifth Street. . ~. , INSURE_ numintrns,.HOUSEHOLIViTIFILNITIIBE AND MREORANDISSE GENERALLY PROM LOSS BY PLUS. Assets January 14 1889, • $it;46,096 OS.' 43 titurivEs: . . . William IL mizOton, -. GherieiP.' Dieser, 'John (farrow, • - Jews Lightfoot, George I. Young, Robert Shoemaker. Joseph R. LynWl. Peter Armbruster, Levi P. Conte. . , ~ M. R. Dickinson, ' gazansi fiparlinertfr.i. A u g . Peter ,Willlamson, _e_. Seeger. WM.II. RA...4 TO_ _,N President, SAMUEL BPAMHAWX, Vice. President. WM. T. BIITI.ER, Secretary. TNNLAWARE XIITUAL • BAITTEr striarrozbytis COMPA.NII: LimrPorated oLegishime of 'Penarylvantei' 6. Office S. E. corner •of THIRD and . WALNUT Streets' Philadelphia. MARINE iNs'usa.wora' On Vessel., Cargo and Freight to all part. onkel world. INLAND INSURANCES On goods by river, canal lake and land carriliii6 parts .' FIER INSURANCES On Merchandise generally; on Stores, Dwelling. Home., La. • ABRETi a O 3m g Taber I, THE 41200.000 United States live Par Cent-Loan• ' .... • . Loan, • SSES,6OO 00 157,000 Waited stateslii Per Cent . ' IMAM 00 ' 57,000 United 13 tateii - gii. - FeT - C . enitriraii • (for Pacific Railroad).. 50,000 00 200,000 State - of Pennsylvania Si x Per Cent. Loan.« • 211,376 bo 125,000 Olt,. of Philadelp hia Biz Loan ((exempt from Tax 123,504 00 50,000 State of New Jenie7 Mix Per Oeilf. - - —54501 00- 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds' 20,200 00 25,000 Pennsylvania Rallroed Second Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds ; 24,000 : 00 'AMU Western. Pennsylvania Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds (Pena.'!.R. guarantee)......... 20,05 00 50,000 State of Tennessee V i vo Per Cent. 511500 00 7 000 State of 7 X7sneeieg'idix Per Cent. 1500 Germantown ilaiaompany,princl . pal and Miami guaranteed by the City of Philadelphia,3oo shares stock-- . 15,500 10,000 Pennsylvania Railroad iinmeilay, c• " 200 shares stock- .. 11,300 01 5,000 North - Penulvania . " - Ilarroita . - ' Company; MO shares stock- ' _5,503_00 - 20000 Philadelphia-and. Southern- Mail , Steamship Company, 80 shares . . 15,000 207,940 Loans on 80/rtinaii(iiiiiie7igi 00 liens on City Properties. . . ... .... • 207,930 00 $1,109,900 Par. ' Market Tattle, $1,130,325 25 Cost, 6)1.073,601 2 1, Real 36,000 51 Bills receivable for Insurances made ._.. 822,485 94e Ba/ances due atAgenoies--Pro- • miuma on Marine Policies , Accrued Interest and--other " • debts due the Company - ...... • -- -40,U8 88. Etecl. and Scrip of sundry Corpo- rations, 43466 00. • Estimated ; 1,813 00 - Cash in Bank... ..... -m...41115,156 (N Cash in Drawer............ 413 65 --- D 5.563 73 • IaggOTOBS. Thomas 4. Hand, James B. McFarland, Edward Darlington, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, jamb P. Jones, Edmund A. Bonder, • - Joshua P. Byre, Theophilus Paulding, William G. Boulton, y o rg ln b c c . r r az, il o s iu nC t Hallett, Jr., James C. Die_ EdwardLablade, John B. Peuroish, Jacob Eelgel, • H. Jones Brooke,. George W. Bernadou, Smear M'lltaitts, Wrn. 0. Houston, Henry Sloan, D. T. Morgasi, , Pittsbnrgh, Samuel E. Stokes, John B."Semnle, do., Jarnes Trannair, InomAs t. : E n . A ßizer iregiden do t. . JOHN C. DAVIS, Tice President. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. • HENRY BALL, Aaa't SeoretarY. - en-if THE RELIANCE INSURANCE CON PANT OF PHILABELPHLO ' Incorporated in 1841. Charter Perpetual. Office, N 0.308 Walnut street. - L CAPITAL 83004100_, Insures against loss et- damage _by FIRE, Hone; Stores and other Buildings, limitM or perpetual, and an Furniture, Goods, Wares and Merchandise in town or tonntry' LOSiDIS PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAIR. • Invested in the folloWing Securities, Tb77l First Mortgages on City Property, well tie cnred.---.--... ...... . .*. . 00 United States OovernmentLo ans -.....-- 117,000 00 Philadelphia City-6 Per Cent. L0an5...,... : _.....-75,000 00. Pennsylvania tp,ooo,ctoo 6 Per Cent _too OD. Pennsylvania Railro ad Bonds First Mortgage cow 00 Camden and Ambo7 Railroad company's 6 Per Cent. 6,000 00 Loans on Collateral. 600 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 Per Cent. Mort gage 80nd5...-- ' 4AOO County Fire Insuranc e Company's Stock. 1,050 00 Mechanics' Bank ..... . ... 4,000 oo Commercial Bank of Penns y lvania ........ /0, 0 00 00 Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock. 980 00 .Reliants Insurance Company of Philadelphia • Stock r 3,250 00 Cash in Bank and on hand 12458 92 8431,598 97 ,e 454481.3 2 oc2 s lm Worth at Par. Wcggi this date at market prices.— DIRECTORS. Thomas 0. HMO - Thomas H. to re, William Musser, • Samuel °seiner, • Samuel Bispbata, James T. Young, H. L. Carson, . Isaac, E. Baker, Wm.,Stevenson, • Christian J. Hoffman, Benj. W. Tinole7 Samuel B. Thomas, Hamar Sitar. THOMAS (). HILL, President, CIIUBB, Secretary. PLIILADHLPIIIA, February 17,1869. jal-tu th a tf UNITED FIREMEN'S'. INSITRAN 010 COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. This Comnany takes risks at die lowest rates consistent with safety, and confines its business exclusively to pritE 11481711 . ANCE 111 THE CITY OF PHILADEEL ' role. OFFICE—No. 723 Arch street; Fourth National Bank Building. DIRECTORS. Thomas J. Martin, Henry W. Brenner, , John Hirst, Albertns Ring, Wm. A. Roils, . Henri Blanca, , James Id engem., James Wood, Willi= Glenn, " ' Jqhn Shelicross, James Jenner. J. Hear i AsYin, Alexander T. Dickson, Bnii.h Mulligan 'Albert C. Rob ertat. Pinup Fitzpatrick, James F. Dillon. CONRAD E. ANDRESS, President. Wit. A. BoLue, Treas. WM. H. PAGan. 800'9. TB' COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COM PAN Y.—ollice, No.llo South Fourth street, below Chestnut. 1 "The Fir v liwaraztto CortmaitY of the (Monti of Phila delphia " Incorporated 'by the Legislature of Pennsylva nia is 1:,,. , for indemnity against lose or damage by fire. exclusively. OBAATBB PESIPAYPIIAII. This old and reliable institution, with ample capital and contingent fund carefully invested, condones to Ur sure buildings, turn ,itowe raorgiandise Ito., either per manently or for a Baited time, againet lose or by tiro, at the lowest rates consistent with the at: 2 g; safety of itp customers. Lessee adjusted and raid with idi possible despatch. BBBICITOBS: i s Chas. J. Sutter, Andrew 11: hillier. Hoary Budd', Jame, N. Stone, J o hn Gore, Bdwin L. Iteakirt, Joseph Moore, Robert V. Blaney, Jr. George Meclie, Marit Devine. ORA J. MUTTIB., Presidet. MANNA? STIPP, Vice Frealdent. ' BENJAMIN F. BOBVIABEY, &cretary and ?rammer. ---- TEFFERSOIi FIREIS INITRANOE 'COM p 3 PANT of Philadelphii.--oMeiNtio. 24 North Fi ft h etreet,mear Mketetretlncorporated by the Legialetnre of Pennaylyania. . Charter perpetual. Capital end Assets, 6166,0114.,, Make insurance agalnet.Lese or damage mit l ai a l . ! Private Buildings, ohandiae, On Amoral/ sAP:t IBBZ I tOREI. Wm, McDaniel, Edward P. Moyer Israel Peterson, . , Frederick Ladner John P. Belaterlii , . Adam 3, Glean, j i troli arhlitala • M i tiVE l l 3 lrotr, Y ' • Frederick Doll, 4 . Christian D. Frick, -, Samuel Miller, .. viniam De iletf§:4 : /Port, . , •, WILLIAM McDANIEL, Proaldont. ISRAEL PETERSON -V ice Rrosident. ~-, Farrar IL COLEMAN. bearetart and lOrvuoutor. ' i1i' , 1i E •: 1 ' . :Af"0.4114 " t 1 " .. ....L - 1: : :: : . FIRE .11pORAN . OF, (1014f.A.0:. PHILADELPHIA. , (*ice, 'Np. 701 Arch Street, arum NctArath Mk 6tioar. Tho Direetore,'to tintiouncing tholr - SEMOVAL to this location. with increased facilities *for, bUsioesas would reepecgdliftiollcittbowttroutigWor tbdrltttltdd and the publid , bbileving the e4vantsee to theabaured are equal to those offered bp'ar other oompany. The 'daily INEitusil Wrt i %lid eitif . 4340111 Ya thin the esinAolidattiklllll6": , • • . A Reiiiitis4ii i cent. la made, and a ftitther,deducT ,lion maybe expected if the Company' continues as sue easeful:as it bas - , • All tp whom Economy ,is an ofdeciiiiiihtialninee In thiaGonipany el teittiiir • Inentnnen made on Bulldinne,Perpetnal and Limited; on Rdenhincl Ise and'HoneehoFd Goods annuaily, Assets • $183,682 32 Cad; Clothier. Bertiamln Malone, Thoroaa Mather, T. Ellwood Chapman, , Simeon Matlack, , Aaron W. Gaskill, CALEt CLO' MENJAMMC I TIIOMAS .MATHEII, T. ELLWOOD . CHAP , 5e2.3 120 The Liverpool &P Lon don Globe Ins, Co. Assets. G01d,817,690,390 4 in the United States 2 000'00C) Ziiii6i'lteceipts over $20,009.60 Preiniums in 1868, t 5,665,075•90 LOsies in 1868, $3,662,445.00 No..6.Mercbants' Philadelphia. IF.I 0 / /LARD I ..LNBErgANCE AND TRUST CO- L LIFE INSURANNCE,_AIMUITY AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHTGADEbPHIA.-7- OFFICE, 408 CHESTNUT STREET. ASSETS, 88.083,640 fib JANUARY 1,1889.. The oldest Company of the kind but one in the State continue to insure lives on the most reasonable terms and-declare profits to the_ insure:l_ler the:whole of lifei Premiums paid yearly, half yearly, or quarterly. They. receive Trusts of all binds, whether as Trustees, ,As signees; Guardians, or Committee of Lunacy. Also, act as Executors and Administrators, to the duties of which particular attention is paid. Deposits and Trust Runde are not In any event liable for the Debts or Obligations of the Dompany. Charter Perpetual. • • - THOMAS RIDGWAY, President, • SETH I. CONLY, Vice President. JOHN F. JAurs, Actuary. , WILLY-Alt It. STOP:VEIL Met Actin N.' Bp—Dr. 8. CHAMBERLAIN, No. 1411 LOCUST street, attends every day at 1 o'clock, precisely at the office. • 0c27 3in 1111R5 PENNSYLVANIA. FIRE INSU- X HANCE COMPANY. .-Inconorated =s—Charter Perpetual. - No. 510 WALPWI T street, opposite Independence : This llompanY, favorably known to the comm ty tor - over forty years,continues to immre against lose or damage by hrem Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also on iftrniture, stocks orGoods, and Merchandise generally, n liberal Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, Is invested,in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the din of loss. DraTivrolts. Daniel Smith, IJ ohn Davereux , Alexander Benson, (HenryT homes Smith, ' • Isaac liaalehnrat, Lewis Thames Robins, S. Gillingham Yell, • paniel Haddock, Jr. DANIEL SMITH, JR., President. WM. G. CHOWEI.IN. Secretary. apl9-ti 11IIIRRICAN FIRE . INSURANCE Co3l* PANT incorporated 1810:—Charter perpetual.- . 310 WALNUT street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large pail-up Capital s took and Surplus in vested in sound and availableGeoutities, continue to insure on dwellings, stores, furniture, merchandise a veseels in port, and_sheir-cargoes, and other personal property. AU losses Moran; and promptly adjusted.. , Thomas B. Maxis, Edmund G. Dutilh, John Welsh, . Charles W. Ponitnel, Patrick BreAly. Israel Morris John T. Lewis, . John P. Wetherin, pilllani Paul. THOMAS B. MARIE, President. ALBERT IL ORAMORD. BeCTetal7. 1.647,367 80 11AME INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. - 1 - 809CHEB.TNUT STREET. • _ • ' CORPORATED 1816. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITALS4OO.O6O FIRE INSURANCE! - RECLUSIVELY% Insures against Loss or Damage by Fire either by Per , petual or Temporary Policies, ,S6Muo . rossa. Charles Richardson, " Robert Pearce, Wm. H. Rilawn_, john 'Kessler, Jr.,; William M. Seyfert,; Edward B. Orne, ' Benry , Lewis, Charles Stokee, Nathan Mlles. John W. Everman, George A. West, Mordecai Buzby, CHARLES CHAPJ6Boll,Preaident, WM., H. BRAWN, Vice-Preeident. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. BO if Alt A CITE INSURANCE - COM -21. PANI.—CHARTER PERPETUA_L. (Alice, No. 311 WALNUT Street, above Third, Phileda. Will insure against Loss or. Damage by Fire en Build ings, ei ther perpetually or for a limited time, Household Furniture and Merchandise generally. Also, Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargo_ee and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the- Union. DpIECTORS. William Esher, Lewis Andenried, D. Luther, John Ketcham, John R. Blackiston, J. E. Beam, William F. Dean, John B. Peter - Sieger, - - Samuel H. Roil:tonne!. WILLIAM SUER. President. WILLIAM F. DEAN, Vice President. Wit.llB. SMITH. Secretary. ja2 . 2. to th a tf GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &A.. SWEET CIDER °lr usual supply of this eelObrated Cider just received ALBERT C. ROBERTS: DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES: , Corner Eleventh and . Vine_Streets. XTEW MESS SHAD ' AND—SPICED .L Salmon, Tongues and Sounds, in prime order, just received and for sale at cousTy.S East End Grocery No. Us South t4econd street, below Chestnut street. IME sridEs, GROUND AND WHOLE —nue English 'Mustard by the pound —Choice IVbito Wino and Crab le•pple 'Vinegar for pickling in store, and for sale at COUSTI:B East End Grocery, .No. 118 Seuth Second street, below Chestnut etreet. MEW GREEN GINGER.---400 POUNDS of choice Green Gingier in store and for sole at CtiIISTY'S }:nst End Grocery, No. GS south Second street. below Chestnnt street. y - BITE BRANDY FOR PRESERVING. —A choice article joist received ' and for gale at Ci.) STY'S East. End Grocery, No.llB south Second street, below Chestnut street. Q OUP .—T 0 3.r. AT 0, PEA, iIrOOK - Turtle and Jnllien Soups' of 'Seaton Club. Manufac ture, one of the finest articles for plc-Ides and• Kaaba's rarties, For eaIoAt,CO.IISTVE FAII6t End Grocery. No n 8 Sontltsecond btroet. below Chestnut street. SIINDAV'. • TRIPE.—THE splendid Hteasaboat, John A. W arner , um /rave Philadelphia (Chestnut street wba - rt), at 1 , 14 and 6 o'clock P. 11., Megargse'a wharf, Kensington, at 2 o'clock , M., for Burlington and Tonviiing at Riverton, Andalusia and Beverly.. Returning, leaTe4 Frigid at Vi o'clock A.. M. and o'clock P. M. Faro ma. Excursion 40 cents. • jyl7 s,tf ----------7:-- g trNDAY - ,E.X.dirrlCiN. TM splendid Steaaaheat"fiwilight" will leave 0 stunt street wharf ,at IN e'eloek A. M. and 214 p. N., stepping at Megaxge'e 'wharf,. Tacony , Riverton, Andalusia, - Beverly, Darlington eat Bristol. Returning leaves Bristol at li o'clock. A, M. and • 6 P. IL, stopping at all the above landings, I • ' ' - Pare 26 tents.. Illactrat s' . ~...... to. 'my-0:RO LKDGERIS' ' AND WOSTB OLM'S POCKET KNIVES, PEARL and STAG EAR ti of beautiful RODGERS , and WADE S BUTCHER'S and th e CELEBRATED LRCM:MITER 'RAZOR. SCISSORS IN CASES of the finest quality, (Razors, Enivoit, Scissors and Tsbia Ontieryyground aal Molished. --EAR INSTRUMENTS _or Ilia moot improved 'construction to assist the hearing, at P. MADEIDA'Si - Cutler and Surgicallitatrument Alaker,lid Tenth Street,. - below Chestnut. , tayl-tc ..i.500:#ti5 . ;: , ..:::.::,: • DIRECTORS. . William P. Iteriferi Joseph C hapman, vrancism. Atkinson'', Edward M.^Needles. .WilSon Lukens Webster. lIIER, Preeident. • (ALONE. Vice President . MAN Seire,tl,lq._ , ._ _ .EXCURSIONS. CUTLIER.Y. •• • _SALEM . .. _--=.------ Itir. Alt. 4;OI4I3.BrpgiONO L AITODIMPupw* JJ.E. i __, 'Noe: LW kv,4 111 Booth FOURTffiatineat 4 . ' .OALINS Of STOOLS AND'HICAL ESTAT, ;'. NEr Public ;pales at the PldladelPhis EueNttosa rorql2otelock:- ., r. r .•;,. &A i, , . ~.,,,,. ~ .. 4 . 1 ..M.r ir t F ro, pales at the Auction S tore . , IpPM, Safes at Residences receive es enicietivitteistiols.i 1 STOOKS} LOANS, an ' • - .'- ' . ' ..', __ , 4_. • ON TUESDAY, N0V.!.1:, ~,: •., ~ /2 At o'clock noon:lit the Philadelphia Bathing.- PO ,hares TlmLfhtteatampaallanufiteatifinit Bees . ..I' 40lehtiree TIM' inetißtakb 'Streets PeRS. R. WW. 06,600 ,Pittebprghtlincintutti:and ,St..l.oo,lC,Bailvrei 7'slielitili Farmers', °stern' Market (lii." '-, -'• - • '.', • ' • 2004hares , Susquebamsallanal,Oo - . , !.,,. .'." 8700 xi:5:16.20 honthrijanuary and WIT.' _ ~, Executer' - 8411e;.: -- c . - • ' . -,* 12000 Stisnuehanna Canal n, ' , 8440 Susquehanna, Cana P.' Co: • r -,._..„1 64 vtharos Sump:mho 'anal C , t , I,o . ehares Sthuyiki vilgaHon Prof: ,„; 30 'shared Araeric e /a4urance Co. •:' 1 '. 60;shares Union 1 C0 . C10,, .' . ' ;,; , • 12 'ehlreo Ban mitotic'', •, ' "'''' , REAL E_OTATH SALE NOV 2, •. „ Orphani` , Court "Salc..F,state ` of Mary ' kllin Dar; nigh dec l / 4 1.-GENTEEL • THBEE.ITuBir . BRi°E . ' DWELLING, No 1711 - Addison et; .- • - „ Orphans'CottrtSale:-,Eetate of JehtLF',__Perryi l deo'd: N ' --,-MODER THREE STORY BRICK ' REBID tiqz, No. 10 , 7 South Broad street, below Chestlutt: , .' ___. ,-,_.- Perethroory Sale--VERY VALUAtILII BuisINESS STAND-LARGE . and': SUBSTANTIAL WARE HOUSE, Nos. 217,219,221, 223 . and 225 .Nortli.Broad st., above Itace--430leet front, -100 feet deep to Lybrand et. ', VALUABLE FARM, 22 ACRES, STONE' QUARRY 'and KlLNS:Bridgeport. MonAgninery county, Pit_. BUSINESS STA ND--THREE , STORY . -"_ BRICE . STORE and DWELLING. No;•630 Pine st MODERN.' THREE-STORY BRICK; RESIDENCE, with Stable, R. W. colter of §ixterntli. arill Christian. strotts,'6y_feet front-3 fronts. -..--- • _-• • ' ' MODEBN ffVfO-STORY . BRICK DWELLING, No': 424 Richrnona streeti - trith a Tiee-StotyFrame Uwellimg in the rear,oli Allen .14: , • Li , ....,' "v ' --;-' ::- ' BUS I. ' Sale to'Close an Estate--vrair y'.3.l,trAbrx ks nor. NESS , EITANDROUR-STORY ' , BRICK : ; HOTEL ,:- anown ne".lones's Exchange„” No. 235 Dock street, he taven Becend and Thirdlihd Chestnut and Walnut tits. ' Executors' Sale-Estate ,of.Fhilip S. White, deo'd-2 TWO-STORY 1311I0K - 0011'AGElei ' Now; .. 803 and 1337 Tanker et.- : .„ , ~,,,,,..,..- • /,, •,- - . , • Same ; Estate-TWO-STORY 'BRICK ',WELLING; No. 259 Juniper etreet_,belOw Vine st-,,, -..=,;., ; . _,,,,. ~ ,_. • _ Sale by Order of Relra-LARGE and VALUABLE. *RESIDENCE, No. .1828 , Arch street 20F•by' 137 .feet to Cuthbert street. Has all the',• modern .convenience!., limed fate posqessloti. 'Kers et the Atietienaooms. -- . HANDS! ME ntormia. • THIME.STORT. BRICK • RESIDENVEIvdtb' , BId e-Naid, N0:L.107 robdit st.• -. Salo by - order, of Beira Y. 'VALUABLE.. DUNI NESS ST AND-THREE-STORY IIItICK. - STORE Srtd, DWELLING, No. 709..N0rth. ;, S econ d skeetc.aboTe • Coates. Executorp',Sahr4-2 THREE-KOUT . ERICK DWEIii LINOS, Nos. 2144 and 2146 Jefferson at, - , VERY VALUABLE :RESIDENCE and. ` LARGE' LOT. No. 1626 Poplar et. GENTEEL THREE-STORY BRICK 'DWELLING, N 0.1024 Nectarine et.._ • MODERN THREE•BTORY BRIC K BiSIDENCE, No. 316 North Eleventh street. above Vine. , . . Peremptory Sale-BUILDING LOT,Dau hilt' street west of Twenty• filth . North Penn Village.. , .. . MODERN THREE-STORE BRICK RESIDENCE, N 0.731 Pine et._ _.- _ _ - - Peremptory i Sale-2 'WELL-SECUREDGROUND RENTS, each .$6O and 026 a year. ,, • • THREE-STORY BRICK BUILDINfArNo. LUIS South Eighth street, corner of Erten et. , . GENTEEL THREE,-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 520 South TlVenty-second st: ~• • • - • • - MODERN !THREE-STOGY BR ICK . RESIDENCE, No. 2116 West DS` Landey Phice. Has all the modern conveniences.. Immediate possession. Exec= Sale No. 1432 Spruce street—Estate of. Edmund Wilcox, HANDSOME FURNITURE. linznoles, FINE H CAR PETS' - _, CHANDELIERS, dec. - ON DiONDAY MORNING, . • Nor. 1 at 10 o'clock, at No. 1432 Spruce street, by order of execntorit, the , entire Furnit;tre, comprising superior Walnut Parlor Suit, crimson repiL handsome. Reception Chairs, Walnut Etagere, Centro Tables, pair fine French Plate Oral Mantel Mirrors Pier Mirror, Hall and Dining Boom Furniture. Extension Table- line Cut Glass, French China Dinner and Tea Ware, Plated Ware, Chamber Furniture, Wardrobes, fine Hair and Spring Matressee, Feather Beds, fine Brussels and other Carpets,Chaxrdeliers and. Gea—Fixtures, Kitchen Utensils, Refrigerator, Atc. 121^ The. Residence, will be sold at 10 o'clock pre dieely sale of Furniture. Lot 20 feet front by 80 feet deep. , 119 - Particulars in Catalogues; . ••••••,!--- • Peremptory Sale No. 1742 Market street. ENTIRE STOCK OF CABINET FURNITURE, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c., Of U. C. Bishop, declining buelness. • ON TUESDAY MORNIN(*. • Nov. 2,at10 o'clock, at '1742 'Market street, the en tire stock of Ynrniture. comprising a general assort ment of Sofas. a'ables, Bookcases, Cane-seat and Wind sor Chairs. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Wash ' stands, Settees, Lounges. Mattesses, Cottage Furniture, Looking Grasses, Settee Cushions, ttc. Ales, e. quantity of Oil Cloths, Shades, dm. — Terns--Cashv — Sale-peremptury r _ - _ •• Bale No, - 1111-Girard street, - • ' . HANDSOME FURNITURE,, MANTEL AND PIER ,]MIRRORS, CURTAINS, t/HANDELIERS CAR 'PETS, CANTON CHINA , ENGRAVINGS, .c. • ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, 'Nov.3, at 10 o'clock, at No, 1111 Girard street; (between Eleventh add Twelfth streets, above Ohestnitt 'street,) by catalogue; comprising mahogany' and oak, Parlor. Furnitu)oe eatigne Sofa and Chairs, French Plate Man tel and Pier Mirrors ; crimson satin Window ,Curtains, Canton China Vases, Dining Room Furniture, Exten sion Table, Sideboarde, fine Cut Glues, Canton China, French China. 'Dinner and Tea. Ware, Plated . Ware, Chamber Furniture, two largo mahogany Wardrobes, Secretary, Bookcase, fine Hair Matresses, Feather Beds, B. and P. Wilton and Brussels Carpets,Chande liars. Engravings, High-case Clock, Oil Cloths, Hitchen Utensils, &c. Administratrix's Sale; Not. 626 and 627 Notth Second street—Estate of John H. Babe, deed. STOCK OF ELEGANT CABINET FURNITURE, Elegant Walnut Parlor and Chamber Suite, Wardrobes, Bookcases. Sideboards, Hall Tables,Centre and Bou quet Tables, .ko. • .• ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. , Noy. 10, at 10 o'clock, at Nos. 62.5 and 627 North Second street, by catalogue, the Stock of elegant -Cabinet Fur niture, comprising—Elegant Walnut Parley Suits,grepn plush and other. coverings; 21 elegant Walnut Charter Suits, Walnut Parlor Cabinet, 4 elegant Walnut Side. boards. Lisbon'and Italian marble tops; Walnut Ward robes, Bookcases, Centre and Bouquet •Tables, Broca dilia, Labor' , Tennessee and Italian marble tops; Li brary. Tables, Music Stands Hall Tables, - Hat Stands, Extension and Work Tables, Reception, Dining Boom, Obasiber and Camp Chairs, Comfortable and Spanish Chaffs, Jenny Lind and Cottage Bedsteads. Cottage Chamber Suite, ()ribs, /Cc., comprising a general assort- Mr - The sale of the entire stock -peremptory, by arder of the Administratrix. W VIB keta i Venlimatt Al irgrte l L/ 14 Store Noe. 48 and 60 North SIXT.u. street Sale at tho Auction Store. . . SUPERIOR FURNITURE; MANTEL ••AND PIER BoolipAn,s A -FIREPROOF SAFES., OFFICE TABLES,• MATRESSES,'FINE 'TAPES TRY CARPETS. U. • • - • • .. • ON TITESDAY At 10 o'clocki-.4 Nos; 48 ;and' , gil - North Sileth street, below Arch street, a .large assortment of very superior Furniture; superior •Bookcitses,' elegant Wahint and green plush Parlor Suit, made to order; handsome Oiled Walnut Chamber Snits. handsome Sideboards, superior Walnut Extension Tables, fine French Plate Mantel and Pier Mirrors, three superior Fireproof Safes, Sus pension Ounce Desks and Tables, new Matresses, fine Tapestry and other Carpets, Lounges,Looking Glasses, Stoves. Executor's Sale—Estate of Patrick MeNickle, deed • LEASE, GOOD-WILL, STOCK AND FIXTURES OF FIVE LIQU.OR.STORES, HORSES. WAGON, CAR RIAU!, Ac. . ON WEDNESDAY MORNING: • Nov. 3. at 10 o'clock, at NO. 1812 South Front str.:43t, below Moore street, the lease, good-will, fixtures and stock of Liquors. W - ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, Nov .3, 'at 11 o'clock, at No. EOB Carpenter street. lease, good-will and fixtures, large stock of Liquors—aboutlls packages, large and . small quantities; still and - worm, rectifying tubs, coppers. At,. Immediately after the above. • • WEDNESDAY,' Nov. 3, at the N. W. corner Fitzwater street and Pae synnk road, 10a8e, good-will and fixtures, large stock of Liquors. • • ' SECOND DAY'S SALE. ON THURSDAY MORNING, Nov. 4, at 10 o'clock, at the S. W. cornor of Fifth and Lombard streets, lease, good-will and fixtures, induct. ing superior bar, handsome ale pump, in rosewood case, with silver-plated spiggots• qnd mountings; about 70 packages Wines and Liquors. 1 ' • ON. THURSDAY, • Nov: 4, at 12 o'clock noon, at the N. E. corner Sixth and South streets, lease, good-will and fixtures, large stock of Liquors—about 130 packages, mostly large quantities; coppers, pump Ac, .; two superior horses, light wagon, carn age, Se. To e sold by order of executor. We Full particulars in catalogue. CONCERT HALL AUCTION ROOMS,! 1219 CHESTNUT street. T. A. McCLELLAND, Auctioneer HANDSOME NEW AND SUPERIOR CABINET FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY, BOOKCASES, LOUNGES, WARDROBES, SIDEBOARDS, MAT RESSES, NC. AT AUCTION. ON 310NDAY MORNING. Nov. 1, at 10Ri eclook, at Concerelbill Soltisroongi, Chestnut street, 'ten) bs sold, without reserVo, a largo assortment of new and superior Furniture, embracing, in part elegant Parlor Suits, covered with handsome plush. Also, Paylor Suits. in hop terry and hair cloth; Turkish Lounges and'Cirairs, ttrocatelle covered Reception Chairs, Bed Lounges and Sofas,: Handsome Carve° Walnut Chamber Suits, ornanteuted enamelled Cottage Chamber Furniture; various styles and sizes, Sideboards and Warirobes, Extension Tables. Dining Room Chairs, Boohcases, marble top Taleles,*Hair and Husk Mairessca, -Mirrors, etc. N. B.—Wit cordially invite the attention of buyers to this sale. 11 - IHOM — AS BIRCH & SON t _ J.. ZEDS 1110 BIERCILVITS, No. OH,J.WTN I CiT stmt. • Sear ontrance No. 1117 Sattsom street. WittnettOd Furniture of every description .recolved on Consignment. gales a Furniture at dwellings attended to on the 11201111 reasonable tern's. Sale at No. 1023 Catharine street. • MOVSEHOLD YURNITDRE, CAItPIITS. MIRRORS, ON MONDAY MORNING. Nov. 1, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1021 Catharino street, will be sold, the Furniture of .0 family declining housekeep •ing, conislethi,g of Bruseela, Ingram and Venetian thir• 71(11, Valnnt Parlor Furniture, large .Pier Mirror, orarnen Engravings., (bomber, Dining Room and . Kitchen le,nrnitnre, dc. • ' The furniture' tan' be eXamined after 8 o'clock en tke morning of *RAW. i• • • • rp L. .ABFIBRXDGE CO., AVCTIOI4. RIMS:No..OkS MARKET street. above Fifth. LARGE FALL SALE OF BOOTS, 8110 BS, AND - • BROGANS. ON WEDNIISDAY MORNING, •• Nov. 3, at 10 o'clock, We will sell by catalogue; about ltell packages of Boots, Shoes and Brogans, of city and 'Eastern trinnufacture: ' • ' • Open early on the morning of sale for examination. ri D. *gO,LBEs se co, AIIUTiONEHBB, 110. aukilEtT "" 7 0 1). BE°3 .ftityliDEZlEYel"Nt'4Y- • AUCTICII 'SALM. • ~T; ---- Fa A. itiOW - il An d SiONSi ‘ 1 ' .'" 151 4: 1. :•.1 pl „,."- . •'..",-: _.: -- - - . ___No.422W IST stettedi: .:. ///' • ~.•:. .. ' 4 i EA& AsTATE RAJA!. ILOV: ~ 4‘llllll - .r."r4 . .'..hfr'.- , ' _ .111 ., ; 041 , 36D E1 38.D OHAN T G o v.4 i k , i;; clock , • - - i5 . 00,1 , , ,, , - , 60 ?..0,„-, 4.1 1 . . ii.,,; ;.. , 4 , tte.s wlii include- ,1 , . - .' , ' . .: I ,'1 ~.••• ,- `., , 41..... G, 1 144' ;•''' ' , iNc ii p 7 .,.. r , tbrerstory Mteltd,lo6lol" ilit.;.•'' Ea 'ad I tit 2 Mt; Stirred .. 1 - STO ' _zu,NA . Ei . X.,...Ta5.. Teri iiaiivitip•, 4 , . i ...A ^ .rlivee iron . !remoter.. arkffit. above filitit,2l fest': ••,,, '1 t . Afroat d,rtnllng,thffotightequommerce s tre et_Leivety, :•Pi.;,- ~.': ' 3t,t, ! , , g e rorty. Ezeeutort# Safe--Estate of wiff#o6 , • 4 ..•,, 7 . t ,1 mt,...213112,11111331,11T5,—A"0hree-atoutnitek,stareesp447,,l- ~•2 , , - and dut . ing, S. o.'coeti err, 13 by 69 fee...- . ed 1P,!1 1, 441,t6, •tr,I stand VfE, .iy - ,' • . • stratmzs Enc-nree,Ator brfoteaireitarglettt4 ,, ~ .."1 , 4 - :. `ll5 yeefeet,„lramediate poommion.• Sane Estate_ .., - , ,- , ,, Artitq". ". ' , f - O. WI, SUMMER-BT. -Three-story brick AwtliMeltf ~ , ,,r7,.•1,.. 10ening;14)t_by 65 feet.' &wit Estate: " _ ~. - ~- , ,,t.,, :, . • • ' O: BUMMER ST - A tweeter? brick 1110411Mirk , 5 ' -7 s'. 4 • . • by 65 feet. Same Estate. ' . ~.' r •,• • I ~.. ' bf . ';;W '• C ; , , NM MS UM MI& ST .-4 • two-Mori'. Priem' dliTaivide r `,: r , fr : y 65 felt Sams Estate. / ~., , • , ~. „ ~, q,.•,.. O. 1513'SMIDIFIR BT.-A t,vo,-story brick dwellidg• , ~:, 15 "'' eg feet. SameKstate. . ~ t.' .;, , , , --ry. ... • 161 a SUMMER ST .-A „similar dwellind,l6M iby '; , :i„,,li'• 66 f t.". Sa#le Estate. ' , ... i .„..e, Zi # 1521 'SIINIMBR, S T. -A similar , dwellings!. Aril . .. :,r,', ,, N, , , feet._ - , rne Estate. ' , _ , - .:k 'MO kio- 0 ' N. SIXTEENTH,ST.-siere and, dwelliwit Will W , ,15 by SO feet. .Ckar of incrembranze: • '... APP ST.-A: tbrec-story brick dwelling, ', Apple —7 "p - ;-r. ,; , : i . street above George street. 16th :Warg. Ire krst.sl met." ~ 1- 4 ;5!...r- •; PrPhone Court Sub-Sale. Estate of George'sZtotweehter. '.•' . `--;• t ..A. • NO. 021 'LOMBARD ST Frame lionise Mal tot, 20 MY • • ;',„.11:•)',.-s, 64 feet., Orphans' CourrSale.. Estate of Sohn dfounseffi '' .441, - ,,F•tg,.. 4 . , ..• .deed. - ' _ __,. , e"..... c! 74 .f 4 , RESIDENCE, done , N. EIGHTIVSTtrWo •.., ~ ,-: .• „,p , '. three-story brick -resi IT by HO feet ~ I late two tiMrty ' ',.,.„.•,-,e41.iiry,..6,.' brick back buildings, saloon parlor ,. &c Ofpftantiartfitd: :„4.,5 ''t ..„.',, Sale. Estate_e Bebecea Rorsey, deed. - ' " - •' .' ' ' ::, 5Te...f.,..14 - r..i HOTEL AND D'iyELLING-N. W. corner Sixth pity ','.;,7 . r..-,,,, ,, ;if , Dauphin. pry/tans Color Bale. .Estate of .ffenjouttsolt . -' -I\h a - -. .( , Beddow, dec a, , • kA • , .. ~, ~ , ..,.., H . 2,..f. •...,i . :.:14 . . , .ft;• _GERNANTOWN,-Derssling;and dye house, dos. sa... 4 l, p .pte, .4p}, sr and 39 Wister street,witiveteam engine, boiler, ,Yat0i.:, h ,17.:..i::,4 tit tubs, dc. O des whons' GOO Bate Esfate of ..trithossE„ ~,, 4 ,( .. IW4. FRA.NHIPORR ROAIf:n 2 A desirable bttildinglot; neir'' 41,1 2, 4:; .., ' Cumberland etroet,l9 by6s feet to Holman street.. ' 0Y- - * ' , .',',. 1 : , ', ,, Phaue Court Sale. _Fatale of Aquilkt Rhino, dee'd_ ...• . . • ,il:,-", ,, SIXTH STREET.-3 buildinglots, Sixth MOYNJOIIIt , • •ts 4. 4't ~.,,,4 . , pbire.._ Same state._ _- . _ , ~. ..-‘...•, ,' , 1 5;14 3 ri .`. ; 1 ,- ' , ' CAPE MAE FARM ,•=-A desirable small fano of lid '31'..... , .`,V acres and. kairovements ' (latelf:occopied , b.r., , Pmeipli? „ .`i • (4. , ,wk.'; , 4 1 1 • Hotaleeith at.V 5 Pe May Court 1 10430, A; 3 . Set head- r' „,„ , ;'4,4' bills._ , . )..z1...„. dir;FULL PAIITIOULA,REI ' Ii GATALOGOW3,,?„I,". , 'nr - • , .;:".. NOW READY., , --- - . ' -.'„ , .. ••' r- '.. ~ , -..=.r- ',...'.'r, , , ,, - . 4A1 , 4:14, 131TifITtila, PUBBOROYi r- & 0(142 '' ' ti ''' , "'" l -'''...., ' Cr . , ''-i'A . 4'''':: - . ,,1 ; , iq , ' ' ' , ' ''. - ' • ' AVOTIONEERS,, , 71 ,, ,, , „ . 414p,n15;:,1 1 ,t,,T. oti. 232 and 234 NTARICIT shmet_corner of Rank itiriVld""':i.,•lf , ',4 c lr',”" l '' 5 • Sopceetiors to,AL.M! B. invElltd 44.0t1.- L ,„ t ': "3,-,...,;tiv..,:ap - ,:-.,,,: .14EGE BALE OF ,ENOII , AND (MONO, Lwow .• , ~. • .. .airEAN DRY MQMI AOODS. • Jr, ", , .., ',, ~ . r 2 .1 4 , :. V ~ -T r." ' i s 2 , 101. 1, at pOtIOCk. on four months' cs , i s includunt... ~• •, - : - DBEIIS GOODS. ~..., „". . . . _. r Pieces Paris black, colored -attd - Rittai Nrerivis -001 , 1 . Pieces Paris plaid, plain and fancy Silk 'chalk" p: , : , • ~ Pieces Paris' Epluglims, black Mid 'colored Entprene. ' loth. Pieces Lo C ndon black and colored Ilohairs, Alpeold.ii , ' •. ' " bust ' -8 8, SATINS AIiD.VELVETS. ' • -, • : frail line Lyons colored Ponit de Sole and fancy Silita. ,i" ~ '• , , Fall line Lyons black eachemere de Sole, and, arm; • • Full line Lyons black Drip de France. aid Or;ber- d• , • Full line Lyons black Taffetas and Faillie,s. 'r , • 111111 lint Lyons black and colored •• Satins and Velvetu. , MANTILLA VELVETS. ___ An invoice of Lyons „high coat black Mantillarbillt Velvete. . , ••. SPECIAL SALE OF SHAWLS, ' by order of . , . .• .•• . Meson. H. NENNEQUIN & 'GO., _,- of tteir own manufacture and- upportatiow, comprising A full, line of Paris black Thibet and Merino Lem; Shawls. itt alien aliti es. /- , I A full: line of Parbi broche open centre Gammen* long Shawls., r. : A full line of Paris bleche filled Centre,Cachomero imp , Shawls, includlog some extra fine goods: - ~.-, ' • • • , •MILLINERY GOODS. . St. Etienne black' and colored Silk Velvet Ribbons. Paris rich Sash Bonne and Trimming Ribbons. Paris,Attificial Flowers, Ostrich Feathers,'Plushes, do. ALSO. „ Paris Trimmed Sacoues, Balmoral and Hotly Skirts Il Ties, dkie., Whit. Goods, Embroideries, Dress and.. Cloak Trimmings, Gloves, Laces. Umbrellas, Notions Fancy Goods, de LARGE SALE • OF MO GASES BOOTS, SHOES, do, ON TUESDAY MORNING. .• Nov. 2, at 10 o'clock; on four months' credit,inoluding— Cases Men's, boys'And youths' calf, kip, buff leather aral grain Cavalry ;Napoleon , Dress and Congress Boots and. 13 , Minerals; kip, buff and polished grain Brogans; we- •;, •.;. men's, misses and children's calf, kid, enamelled awl • " huff leather, goat: and morocco Balmorals; Ocmgreas ; • Gaiters; Lace Boots; Ankle Ties; Slippers, de. • , ;•_:• D _ LARGE. SALE. A OF BRITISH, FRENCH,_ GERMAN AND DOMESTIO DRY GOODS, • . • ON THURSDAY MORNING,. • N0v..4, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit. ~.ENTITALWDIFTTARFETTROS, Oft,, CLOTHS — , ON FRIDAY MORNING, NOY. 5, at U. creloek„ on. four months' credit, abont nieces jngrain, Venetian, List, Hemp, Cottage and R* Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Rngs, dc. r • TitY BABBITT ' & AUCTIO. - CASH AUCTION 110USD, • No. 230 VA Bic ET street. corner of Bank street, Cash advanced on' consignment. without extra charge . ; PEREMPTORY SALE 1000 LOTS. 7_ ON .MONDAY MORNING, : •_ _ -Neov.,l, at 10 o'clock; viz.: 1000 dozen American an 'German Hose and Half Hose,Men , s,Ladies',lolllldrets and Misses , Germantown. Hose Bonnet Trimming! Ribbons. Also, 600 lots of assorted Fancy Goods Trip mings, gc. Also, stock of a Notion and Jobbing House • ' ASSXGNEWS SPECIAL AND PEREMPTORY-SAX_ OF READY. MADE CLOTHING. Hate, Ceps, Shirtn, • Drawers, Jackets, Boots, Shoes, Piece Goods, Ac., eicc., by catalogue, ON TUESDAY 'MORNING, Nov. 2 at bl o'clock. Goods arranged on second floor. • Comprising a large stock of Ready•Lmade Clothing— Coats, Pants, Tests Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps,Boonr. ' Shoes, Brogans, Baimorals, Shirts. Drawers Dross aadt Orershirts,yurnishing Goods, Cut Goods, Linings t r4,Asprising the entire stock .of a house declining t' FiJRB . ; •' —' • • FURS. • • i FURS. FIFTH TRADE SALE OF, AMERICAN. AND PORTED FURS, ROBES, AFGHANS, BY OA.TA LOGUE . ON THURSDAY MORNING, . . . Nov, 4; commencing at 10 o'cloek, comprising— • • 1000 lotr Ladies', Gents', Misses' and Children's Furs, Bleighand Carriage Boles, Afghans, Blankets, &a, Sale pereMptorY. MARTIN BROTHRRIS, AITOTIONEEIDA, (Lately Salesmen for M. Thomas & Sons,) No, 1529 CHESTNUT street. rear entrance from Minor. SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS BOOBS. ON MONDAY AFTERNOON, At 4 o'clock, at the Auction Rooms, No. 529 Cheelaut. ?dreet, by catalogue ,Miecellaneous Booke fronf libraries: Cataloguesnow ready, . "TIER PRINOTPA_L MONEY ESTABLISH. raent—S. E. corner of SIXTH and RACE streets. Metier advanced on Merchandise generally—Watches, Jewelry,. ,Dismonda, Gold and Silver Plate, and on all articleet value, for any length of time agreed on. • - WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALM. Fine Gold Hunting Case,DoubleßOttom and Open Face English, American and Swiss! Patent Lever Watches; Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open li'aceLeptne Watches; Fine Gold Duplex and other Watchers; Fine Silver Hunt ing Case and Open Face English,American and Swift Patent Lever and Lepine Watcbea; Double Celia English Quartier and other Watches; Ladies' Fancy Watches; Diamond Breastpins; Finger Rings; Ear Rings; 13 tads* arc.; Fine Gold Chains; Medallions; Braceleta; Sean Pinerßreastpins; Finger' Rings; Pencil Oases and Jew- elry generally. FOR SALE-A - large and 'valuable, Fireproof Chest. ; • suitable for , a Jeweller; cost 48650. _ Also, several Lots hi South Camden, Fifth and Chest- nut streets. EDUCA ?lON. PILAD.ELP.HIA DENTAL 'OLLEGE, 8 North Tenth street. —The general. introductory to the Beguiler Course of Lectures will be delivered at 4 P. M. on MONDAY, Nov, 1,, by Prof. THOMAS 0., ;,,.• STELLWAGEN. Students generally invited. , ,',. It,§,' --. J. H.McQUILLEN, pow]. • ' .'•AtS• , • E 0 CU TION - TAUGHT.—BY PROF. S.F. 1. 'SUED OCH ,536.Federall street, or at thh residence or his pupils. Persons desirous of securing his services for Readings of Lectures will please , apply as, above. 0c29 10R1)1I1'ESSOR OF FREN CH WILL GPM. Leesons at Private Residences at , reduced prices. Address A. WHITE, 925 Filbert street. 0c2.5.5t* - - THE LEHIGH UNIVERSITY— • ' " SOUTH BETHLEHEM., PA. • * PREPARATORY CLASS • In responso to many solicitations, this Class has bees, • opened for those who'lesire to ho fitted for eutranco into the next regular Class. Apply to .HENRY COPPEE,LL. D. ocl-lm; President. • • ATISS ARROTT AND mRa. WELLS,' Wornierly of N 0.1607 Poplar street!, Will open their Boarilinit 01)(1Day School for Girls ote;r‘v,- the first Monday in Octehero66o, at N 0.6251 GE '1.2‘1 , ,:TOWN avenue, Germantown; Philadelphia. *" "• • •• Until October let, direq to No: 744 North NMI... TEENTII.Strest. - aulo-atni LANG'UAGE.—PROP.: - 4. , ,A: --MAROTEAU has removed to 123 South MAW, treat.. • octhitu th/re J . FOX, TEACIIEF. OF Flt, OR .1, and Gt;ratan. Priyate 14161301111„ and classed: ‘,. l Beati:= ' dunce; No. al tsonth Fifteenth etreet., *Ott§ • .• -r BARBOW - S , S SCHOOL ' FOR BOYS in the orrY INS! ITTITE, et Cheating'. sad 1 ' Eigatearb. will re , 43 n MONDAY. Es+ , t. as am • 1.. • MUSICAL. ALLAD SINGING. T. BISHOP, 33 South Nineteenth street,. %oar - . AIEitii.IAN CONSERVATORY ',O It 311181 C, OFFICE, lit. 3 WALNUT STW,T, , • ~, ,_,. (Removed Deem H. hi. corner Ttalt..,.._Ran_d_Wru zio nt y .), : ._ 5k.1,01 , 711) HALF FALL QUART=. , .64.ObILCI , ,.11.., Pupils may begin at any time. . ~ ~, ,j, ~, tfiliofo of Departments • ' ETTORE BARIDI, JOHN. F. EiMIIIELSIWII,..: WENZEL I( APTA and L. ENOELKE:(‘ JNIPFEESON E. WILLIAMS, ProaidelAt Cirenlars at the Music Stores. . . , 0c.20-Vr son ~ ~ ~:, ,f.,.. , 1 , ,•,.v, TAMES PEARC'E, 'M. • 8., ' , ORGARISI'... - •'','''' ,. „" tit.• Mark's (MO Spruce greed/ L .on tor 056 h: O r .1: .'W 1 < till 10 A, M., and from 7 . ti ll ! 8. TOaclitt' li tift l 3l ll , ,' '..- - i?4 1,1 !tans and Rarmonl. ' . nE:-'-.. """•-. - • ; , ',l,f ~, cd-6. P. libibillOtia'fiTii;TEAßEEßßl:Otrr ;':'''':•'o"-'-:-.i, Z SitudroW a rthate ieso" and (4,11,114;;Vitrifire;:iir.,,;•;"•••:"110. two. TIO th etreet- • ', -' w. ~ .1 , ' . ,•ve,t, 1 k ,ll ------- , GAS FIXTUR,EA ! '.,"4',., .:;''?'•i'il';''''';''''' "'' GAS FfiTUIGES.---, MlB.lll3l',l4lPlarattah464i' 4. A' THACYANA, Ito. 718 Olgodmitt etre,* ',. 1 4114P,7 '''';:::,•'''. ' 1 torero of Goa Fixtnreo, lonSot,tO., f fto., w 0 . , -- ?. ..6%! ,-,','' , `,' ', attention of the publlo to their ;swam elepol . r , ~,, ~ : ,, ,,. ..f1,", e i.,;-,4 4 pout of Gas Ohandelionit Pendants, Ittocketoi', 7 . A 4,, ~,.z:i, , , 1 1, ,. ,V,., W , 4180 tut rooce gas Pines WO dvrenings MA ' ''..z ' , , ''.. ~ : , ' ,..4,4,', , ,,'',r, . ingot and 'Menu to tottao#4B',Oiterfillt oos2 ' ''' - ', - .-V.',"'1,..4 1 0 3 4; Anworkwartek• . . . ) . - 4js , *6- , :t.,11'`; .. 1 : . %'=4l ' '' .l Y r e.,.'+''“Z.< glace ---`—'. ' *. : . • - ~ ' ''. - t' ' ", ;'i t 'l '''. Bll . 4-'l'.,ioW'itl.', .. 0. f ' " %,;''''iN ' '` l i: t:' , ':• 4 .' it 4•1 ~ ,1 , ~. 40 , , , ,..-f. --x. MEI EVE,
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