t / N \ y. I,l7‘Z;;;`F • :.:4••; : ,: i ,..:?:,•i;: ., :iii2•Wz•` , 4.;'.'„•:s;lTY.ri:BVLLET.ll4;'"•,; : 5 ; 4 ::: } •••• • --`•':!;-'-.7-.'V'''.:'..,,•,f,'"•':•..-.•''4-`":.-...-'•,•••:•.:••••.•'-:.•:•-•.1•.::" - :, 7 '-'•. . .. .. . . . .. .. , .. .. . , . ... . . . ~ .. . .. . . . . , ~ . ~ . . . The Eleiction Ofileierig: • ' Ate faiOviing is a continuation or the ~ list • of the Judges and:;lns vectors of the nest elee tion, Cbosen , by a the Boatit of Aldermen on •‘4' 'Monday last,: - , "A'WENTY:—TIIIRD WARD. s." ; David' .1: - Sell ; inspectors, John l':xttison, Wesley Peacock;" . I•etupi t Sarrazel Cartledge, Joseph John.son.t ^ 4,4 ; in , npeotors, Charles A J Snyder,- Dennis Dugan jr • return, William 11. Itushworth, Edward Yedies." . • in rird Dtri•iii•QH...3",, udge ,,io li m e as ste_r C0 0_ 01Ly .. , ,,,, __ . tO,: spectors , Elwood Potts, 4.11 . _ t td b a e l s ll . t i ll . i . , ru 'turni,,John,V.,Stekles;l3osepnEzilithiopei reiers; $ I:irkinilt, - Dirm* - iTz- - J jaexi ttr i ; jos4ii:whi* . , _ ,:,; ; Ail *, .'.;4'' in4 Po 46 ; F r alle ' s d i" ' jii,xiieS S. jolOiscln.:' 1 „Tettizit, Adam Woo. cry,. a Beni; B. :Dover ; 14- , '"'• : . :..Tyfth Diilision-"Tu-ge) it i n ~ , ,,,re ttu. 4 ors - Abel -Stokes,. Henry' a es s ,_ , wet 1 filtilnor. 4 . , J ft. ~ •. -, .±. . 1. .. ',• ; t : . _mnry Fo.ster, Wilson, _ ........a Brooks!; frit —Judge, : Jonatu ti ~, 1: 7*T*Stll4* 1? ,11 b i e n r n t,..Mdffatt,li.nteS . 0: , Bechtel;' l ilis tu Peet , n :' Samuel Ford,JaniO,Balid.*:. ' - 1 ' 6 ,Ser rn enth Division4udge, .Dhailei*illiarns4 ''' :. inspectors, JesSe - . l i. , :cottplatlt::4o l in,.. 7l :teal ;' . . V C. B -le Sidter, Charles B. Gilbert.' return, C, 7 . ) lu. .Yrt,..,.ijulige,sainue.up.'Svvolid ;*, '.: ' " Eir-111t74(-- zl iil l l n nln J. CastOri* John. EH. Van '.r -inspector's, W.-.-------, ~,,,, •G. ..p or t e f,* Albert dergritt ; - feturtil '... 04 : ) --; .:" - ,' , •:.-- '. ,• , ! PingeF; '.: - _ . ..—. ‘n2 a ififisusn urge;, ' o ert sager man,* - ark;" spectors; George F. been IN Hart; .return, .Thon);* , Edward . 'Mullin - • 7e)).tk I:lir/siva-4w*, William N. Markle,' • inspectors, Georg W. Hickey,. Cyrus Det- I - yeller *, return, ° Samnel .T. Ellwood 'EN1"1"-Ffj13 Pint ,Division—J4dgv,•T James Bateman, Inspeeters, , Thomas; IL Parke,..Samuel T, Food;* return, •William D. Heston, Wm. D. Bones.'. , • - • , z 'Second 'Division=4Udge, Esray w ad &lectors Silas . SUppleet* . William P.: Bechtel; .rettirn; ins: H. Young,* John H. Leyiter: Thzrd ',Division- 7 Judge, PerrY Litzenbeig „ I -inspectors, :Benjamin F. Jenkins,* Jesse B. Ttßean; return, Charles Ellis,* Thomas S: Mar shall. " • • Fourth. Dirision=judge, John .Chase;' in ppectors,Wm. Vale,* Wm . . G. Smith; return, _ ()list,* E. M. Bailey. EV& DiviSion.-Jude; GeO. W. Sthith ;, in!. spectorS, Samuel Mereditli,Wm, D. Rickards;'! return, Albert G!. Trout, John. Hoover.* . I .1 Sixth Division—Judge, Henry Cantwell;* in • ...,,spectors i •Dennis Lawton ,' Nelson Pugh ; reL * *:' , .•thra," Peter Roddy,* Charles D. Alexander. Se pith DirtstonL—Jndge, J. Alexander ?Simpson ; , inspectors, inspectors, John Super, George Hip. pie;' return, Enoch Cloud, Peter Hasson.* ;Eighth Division—Judge, Evan Jones ; ETectors, John O. Custer,John B. Fraile turn,' Thomas W. Hesto, Frederick J. Sof, . • .Ninth Division—Judge, Hem) , L. Hag,ner ;inSpeetors; A. J. Damon,* • John: Ott; return; R": John Hagner, 4 Wm. IL _Scott... • .. . 0 0 Tenth Division—Judge, Walter .Mcßlain ;I it . , inspectors, Patrick Lambert,* Wm. H. Thomp; • son ;return, return, Francis Mcßride,* Wm.' H. West. Eleventh' DivisionTudge, William. J. Sloan; inspectors, - James Walters, - Charles Toone;* • return, George C. Jervis, Frank Baxter.* , ( Twelfth , Division Judge, Josepk T. Trout', inspectors, Thomas W. Simpson, Henry Ash;'! return, Wm. P. Clements, , John Williarnson.l • Thirteenth D isiontidge C..dlonk; inspectors, Thomas H. Burrows; Samuel Alex 4 • anderr retnrn, Charles Cloud, Charles Lentz.l • Fourteenth Divlstonildge, George ," C. Kooken • inspectors Michae, Young, lY c. " Grubb ;• returri, 'Rebell, Boyd; William Cari TWENTY-FIFTH WARD. ..DitrtsiOn-Jiidgei' . 'Charles, Rause ;* inspectors; John Hassinger* J6SePh Boucher return, Wm. HeanV' Paul Ratz. , Seeend- Division—Judge, M. 8 ., Boyd; speetons; William H. Embrey,' 'Adam Myers ;• return, David H. Lentz, John Fields.' Third Division—Judge, Charles Kreuson ;* inspectors, Amos Lynn,' 13. Morgan Dungan; return, Chas. R. Nelson,' John H. Grant. Fourth Division—Judge, Daniel Harkins ;* ~ inspectors, - Philip Fitzpatrick,' Samuel J. Grif , Piths; return, William Gould,' Utley Darlingi ton. Fifth Division—Judge,, Thomas Malone inspectors, Francis Christoplier,' JOlin Wright; return,R. Porter,* Samuel ' Wilcox. Sixth I)iriBion—Judge, Edward Barren;'! inspectors, Andrew J. Snyder,' Charlei Metzler; return, Rodney C. Weber,* Franklin .K. Mull. • Seventh Dirision--Judge, C. B. Higman;* inspectors, Charles Lennox,* James Craigh top ; return, James H. Maenride,* Eighth Di - cis/on—Judge, Wm. S. niggard; inspectors,, GeOrge Wills. George L. Pallett* return, David niggard, George M. Smith.* .TWENTY-SLNIII WARD. ' First Dirision—Judge, • William Tustin; Inspectors, %Vin. Hillier, Theodore Honer ;• return,'James Hood, Joseph Fabian.* • ' eonti-Divisimi—juge,-Jacob-Mass;---in spectors, George Fields,* RicharASooper ; j._tura,lsaac Whetstone," Robert 71 Elrilps, ; - -inspectorSTJottn - Cartletige, - Riehard - Ball - ;• - 1 . turn, Charles Havener, Joseph Munn.* Fourth. Ditision—JudgO, Michael 'McGrath; inspectors, William Wylie,jArthur Malone ;• re c turn, Hormel Nevins, John. McLaughlin.* Fifth Division-=Judge, *A. .H.,Heynolds ;• inspectors, George Farnwell,* William Barger; rettuli, Thomas Fitzmorris;•; John Sixth DirWon—Judge, Thomas Prichard;. inspectom, John littlm, John Downey ;* re- ' turn, John Kinkade John McDivett."; ; ' Serenth Dirision—Judge, Alexander Kyle; inspectors, John Laird, William S. Kay ;* re-' turn, Samuel Gray, George W. HaSson.* Eighth. Division—Judge, Robert , S.Patton ; inspectors, Thomas Sipps, Chas. Waterhouse;* •eturn,-Thos.Sale,- 1 1 . 4inothy-DCrowley." Ninth Diri.sion—Judge, Henry M. Milner ; inspector's, Abraham , Thiniapson, Thomas ..•,. Cripps;" return,, 204:auger McCurdey,Fi•ancis Lewis.* -.2 . ,; • ' • Tenth Diasion—Judge,,Wm... T. Carnab! in spectors, J. R. Drisbaek,. Henry Simons;' re turin' G. W Emanuel . Kessler, :Eannbi " .'"' Eleventh- 'Divildon--4ndge, .Resberf Walsh; - inspectors,' Joseph McMorris, , Daniel ;* a return, Wm. 11..,Eakens,,James Mcßride:" Twelfth Divieon- r Judge; Jeremiah 'Brew ,* inspectors; john Brien,* WilliatifFuiton ; re turn James Parise;' Caleb Cope. ,Thirteenth Division-Judge,Patrick White ;* -insPectom; jantes ., 'Slcillitig;!Jahn,Wilsini,;: re-. turn; John Mcßride,"Joseph McKeeVer. Fourteenth J)ichdon-,Judge,, William Wil son; insPectors,', Wilson .Balley; James Mc- Guigan;* returii, joshita Russell; Martin Mellor.• • Fifteenth DiriaiOn,,Judge,. Win..._Catersott;. inspectors, Robert Bitchanan, Patrick Cor coran;" return, John Sliuger,:•=-= , --•, • TwENTr-sEvENTH'.%ARU. First .D ivision—Judge, Edward Sage spectors, Peter Fagan," Rudolph Rise, - 'l.ourn, F.lV.,3lastells," Jiunes Gate's. .*: ' l7 Second Divillion---JudgerkCiwna ; • ; inspectors, Charles Newell, John Zellers , turn William Ottey, Harry Keen." ' • Third' "Division—Judge,' George J. Van lionteu;" inspectors, -Joseph Foy,* David Caters; return, John Stanley,* S: D. Sliniaker; • Fourikiiivision---Judge, Charles Summer . • field ; inspectors, Henry M. Smith, Lewis Augustinel" , return, tnv•-y, ti: w . m .‘r e C'art is." - , . - Div on--Judge,. a - Warren ;r 7 Inspectors, D. P. Sputhworth, return; Geo. 'W. Miles, John Quiz>Yan 4 , ', - Sixth .D e, AX, Jci#ol4 iyeV", tors;Witt::C. thrn, Sob MO.Or,,X4nilinrioltoe,t, • '4'4lWe, NV#2: sPecwrsilVt4:Bi4lo4;lienry C. Ding, return, John Gore;"StundelLewls. -' Eighth. 13onafon inspectors,;Joseph Smith,'" Ileru7 Grlbeti;'' return, JOseillt Morrell. WI 1' *Ant.. 1 rirot, ) Divis(fm-4-judge,,*niamlu Sliraynet ;: i il ns/kqCtOr.s;VII: -14 y Smally ; returtri Second Di:vision—Judge, Jos. D. Fried,; speetors John Johnson, ; 'return," Thos: 1 4 ,"Stevens • . 1 ' 17draDirlyrionL,Tuilg,e, y Chas, .1301v4U11,==; rettirn, ~Fo:urth. 'Division—Judge, Chas • inspeetors,, W. J. P., White; .4.44; retturl, W, —4 r - Fifth Division=Judge s George- Fultiter; ipectors, Adrun 'Cher, return, Spencer. Smith, _ Sixth .Division- 7 ,,Tudgg i —; hispeq'-• tors, Theodore Young,- •;•OtUrn,Jolit?, Seventh•Divitdpr.-:iludmphm. , , Abbott; in spectors; Soapi* return, Thos. Ei 7dlrDtvisiol 13.ta110 mppeetors, ; • return, Jacob . Detrick, .„'Deinclerdts: ... ~,.. , r l iDi VA HEE ZE PARK.—The attendance yes terday at Point Breeze Park, it being the, last i dr 4.1,a, of the,exidbition, was larger than , any ore witnessed on a sumlar occasion 'in iladelphia. ' The track WAS in , good con- , dition, and, as was anticipated, good time was The last heat •of , the'mee. on' Wednesday, be tween horses that • have never 'beaten 2.30 to harneis or wagon, was` run yesterdayat twelve o'clock, and 'was • li'oll. by' '"G"onfidence" —time, 2.201. "J. J. Bradley"; . Caine in second, "Fanny Allen" third, and 'J , Piliner" fourth. Firstßa.ea—The first race yesterday' , was for horses that have never beaten 2.35 'in harness or wagon, $O5O to the winner, $250,t0 the sec ond, and Slat-to the third. 'Thirteen horses had been entered, but seven.; of them were withdrawn, ,so the conteSt waS bet Ween six. • . Fir.d:Hedt--Aftersix ineilectualscorings the borses,started fioin aline; but • again failed to , r , , ; . et the word. , A second time tiley, but at the third, now 4 o'clock, they !started, riot well, however; Louise led at the quarter Mile pole; 'Henry next to her. This heat was ruled' as the . bell had been struck. They started again, and Henry won by a neck ahead of Hop, in 2.354. .Second horses had a fair . start. At the qualier-mile.ole Henry led Hop nearly a length; .0. the half-Lle •pole :he was two lengths ahead of him, all the horses trotting J,ThrOequarter mile liole Hop; nearly lip to Henry, Who, however, on the -home-stretCh, held his-ad Vantage of a length, and thus pasSed the score in -2.344-.. Third heat—At the third scoring the horses started. , lienry Jed at the quarter-pole, and at the half was two lengths ahead, And kept that atiVantage over Hop,: passing the score in 2.7331 MEM Thomas Best-enters b. g. Henry - - 11 1 W. H. Doble enters ,b. g. Mop - 2 . 2, 'E. P. Stetson entersin.La6y Liglitfoot 3 , 3 6 (Avner, Hostinh enters c. g t Good:,Orre 4 4' 4 S. Woodruff 'enters b. g. LiStener - 5 . 5, 1. Scannell enters et in, Louisa - - 6' 6. 3 . Time. First - - . - ' 2.35 i Second • - • -, - The judges annonucedlrona the stand that Ilenry was the first, under protest; Hop the second,•Listener the third, and Good One •the fburth., Second Race.—The second race yesterday Was for a purse of s2,soo—free for all horsa.— $1,500 to, the winner, $750 to the next, and •s`4so to the third: This was the race that en-, grossed the attention of all. It was a,striking thing' that each Of these horses had.in turn beaten the others, except that' the American Girl had not beaten La.dyThorn. • , First lleat—Goldsmith's Maid had the pole,. Lady Thorn was second, and AMerican Girl . third— After several—scores-they started;: the . 31a.d' was tip for a moment, but soon recovered. herself., • At the quarter-pole Lady Thorn was two lengths ahead ; at the half-mile: pole the Maid led Lady' Thorn, Whollow went to work, and came along the track so that every one could see she was determined to win, and she "did it:hy.laisiiitt the,' score half a length ahead of . GoidsMith'S Maid, in' 2.211. ,Second Beat—On the sixth score the mares got the word, and off they went, Lady Thorn, at the quartet pole, leading the American Girl by a neck. the •half-mile pole she was a length 'ahead, and at the three-quarter pole; the distance between them was about eight lengths. She came aleng the homestretch and pssed the score far ahead, the Maid being the second and just leading, the Girl. The trotting was I—Time, 2MI. • Third Beat—A, good start.. At the turn T- - - - bady- - frhorn- wa -s=rlw , a)--lengths'-r - alreird=orthe - - - . _Alaicl,,svlw]noJie,J soon regained _ber big. At the quarter she was 'the same dis i,tance ahead, and at the half-mile pole was three, lengths in advance. At the three-quarter pole she had increased her advantage to half a dozen lengths, and at the score, having made no break, led the American GM by eight or Jen.lengths in 2.2%. ,Szinunary. - .TY. - 1 3 fifer enters'.. m - -Lady Thorn ' , 13i Noble enters, b.. in.. Goldsmith's. Maid, 2, 2 2. 'l3.,,Daniels enters b. In. American Girl, :3 3 3 Mile. 1 Mile. ' 4 l Mile. 1 Mile. 34: 1 , 1.00 1.45 221 t LO9 1.45 ; 2.19t 35i 1.11 . 1.4'1 2.231 Brats 1 ' flute,-- - CiATEsTEn - - ELEcTmx.::LAfter - the close of, our report yesterday,-Mr. Sellers con tinued his argument. en. behalf of the respon 'dents; ~.. • Be said that it, was complained that. *some, of tbe divisionS of the FoUrth Ward a.. 4 high as' 183 votes, were received in au hour, which, Mr.: MaiM said was an impossibility ; but if any of your Ilonera will try the -ekperiment you wil l: find .it no great exertion to write twelve, names' per minute. ht regard to , the man. Fitzgerald, who;was sioken of as a New Yor stulfer operating itV the Fourth Ward, Mk. Mann's'remarks' nnght li,Tave the impression.. that, though he:„ was' anested and indicted; he was alkiWed fo . eacape by. Mr. Sheppard without . punishment, Which, impression should be corrected. . Mr. Sellers conthitied great line' an d cry' has been.raised,here that the eleetion'pflicers In many diviskins occupied theniselves by vouching for men who came up tb:vot;•'-131.1t; an officer would be derelict in his duty were he to see a qualified elector: one whom he knew to be such, about, to be refused his vote, and he did not come,•to his resetiel4 vouching for lum. In the. Sixth division of the Seventeenth Ward it was complained that the election was conducted by Democratie, oftleem in tli6 ab sence of the minority officers. Now we have testimony to prove that, Until the Republican inspector returned—that is, during the first horn•—the election was carried on. with the greatest fairness, and it is not .a strained pre stimption that this fairness .was continued while he was present. During that hour there were 47 Republican votes polled, 87 persons trin iiuLttriy—POlLAD,ELpinAilVD'Ain s , striTMu*ki&As69. • d 460 - 5444116 - W - et ti liiiios l..4 d,'an'' d;there Ve4d,B - bab e ;in til OM hsVititacceunte4 fin* iv14,6#164e Williaseessedirofe4 As accotiritAid f or'. :411.t04 1146 `-/!r , *9 o qc4.liYpersonaoon;s , Avhlcki,' eo9.illegatcrotes,, '} This 1,v7111 leave the mijuritles of the ' re spondents 31p to this • point': ' ,i , ,r,.•• : r 'O,, .7,, • ' , ,r.A.,..,>.. , ~. , • ... 1 . Mayor, :-,. f,',,0. - ' ' '2,684' 'Soli- 0 14 ' / 1 335 Contrejler;i , t ':: /1;111 Prbtliiirteta, 1,018 i l '''' COmunssibnir, '' 1,419 lioalver P4t l lo.4tlttilleYlitil i P ',,,' ,'; ' he,ileyenth dilnelon:o l ;tiig ,AeVenteentil‘ Wi 'r 4l ; 4/i P ri4 . ''ere•l i l Persoligions and 19 md . asseased.v,otesnnaccm.Mted plot; ?which make 30i to' be, deducted frowther reii)cuident,4' tna jorities ; but as the gerteraliVeturii :gave the Republicans is vote or , a? ? 4,13:0 , p)ity ' 60 were proved, this malfes23't6; bt6l, 41. ed ...IA the so dirrilnisbed majorities :Of tfte`Osronilents: Ir,i. Ole' keverltil..OvisiO4:Qf I.llo,l:Third Ward there were 64 illegal vot,es'and ,Nrsonations, , and i 61 unassessed:, votes =unaccounted for, ...making 125 to be , deducted 'frtlriVithe 'respond etits majoritieS ; , , the Itelinblresba returned vote was 143, of widelionlyl22,4eit ttiOsen, which leaVes only 1.04:,; after 's 4 }et , :2,t from the illegal rotes'' already menikened,,tO,' he talceu,' from the niajorities,whichleavathem: Mayor, , , , ~ ", 2 ,139 , Controller, Commissioner, , I,o46Receiver,' Dist. Attorney, , 1,783, -It , ~,' .C. - 1 , In the eighth division' 'MI the "feurth Ward there were 35 express illegal*teS;,, 146 uuas sestsed votes that have, ~xfot: th eOn. acc o unted for, leaving 181 to hededueted from the re , spon , ents! majoilties; ,;.But the gthiera return gave, the Republicans, a v0te' . .0f; , 154;01 Which only 122 were proven,leavind'Bnitiliceounted : for • maktig, therefore, the deductions follow . inifrom these figureS, *e.:liiive' the majOrities : Mayor, ";• • 1,990.! I Solicitor, - 1,002 Commissioner, 897 'Protlidzioitify;;: 617 Dist, Attorney, 1,034 .Receiver, :.:•‘,, , 484 Controller . , 1;1454 , In the Controller,:..; ,diviiithi of th6 - I',Ourth :Ward . ' there Were 20. illegal votesto..be'deilucted froth the respondents' majoritiesOdatrinifleth : Mayor, '. ,' • I,t 64 ;, :t!: • ,1,030 Cmmnissioner,.B7.l. l Prothonol.4Y: 's 790 District-Attorney, 1,008 Receiver, r .. 458 Controller, - , '1.,110 :- ,•-: :: ,.;;;; 1 ;::: .:'..::, In the Eighth division of.',tl;eliventY 7 third Wai'd there were eleven or twelve soldier votes froni the Bridesbnrg Arsenal jvhiall* proved to be legal and correct. These' were 'first at tacked, but the 'objection wlis'ii:OL pressed by the contestants:.: This, may it please tfie Conrt, - I have pureed all the polls that the cOmplainaiits have at tacked,'changing to the'rOspondefitS•every vote that we have failed to answer fcit 'in' the clear est manner, and We baVeleff tlthfolloWhig.ma , jorities: • . . . „ : Mayor, - 1.720 SolidtOl7, 593 Controller, -1119 ProtliOnlitary,, .0 072 District Attorney, 1491 Receiver, - 314 Commissioner, : 982 I have always thought in regard to this case, and I now'think; that owing ; tqlke of so Many naturalized citizens last year, these majorities ought not to be distmted. If iu this your Donors differ from me, ' i still;Vthink no tribunal could purge these pollsiibie" .rigidly than I have done, and ; Yet _do' ruitiee: - ,to the The Court then adjourped until, this morn ing, at 16 o'clock:" • general Meeting 61,' . the , Repliblican„lii,V)4ibles Club was held last, evening,,at.the Hall of the Na ,tionalr :Union Clubt Chestnut; street,. above Eleventh, to organize, -fir active Service, during the present campaign.' Alexander :T.' Coles beri., President;' Sl:`]l:.:Neiii, §e,erefary. The President, on taking the 'Chair the meeting' for the compliment, paid Major .T. Pratt, .having, been i,called on; .made , a brief address, reviewing the claims of the candidatesof the different political parties, claiming for the Republican nominees a Rl ' iieriority: • . , . . . The President then announced as:Marshal, Ceorge Truman, Jr., and Assistant Marshals, 'Caleb Kimber, Joseph K. MeCammon. The. Chairman stated.that the Club would parade as soon as it was thoroughly organized. Mum:4mOus ASSAULT. H. Yesterday after noon 'Mrs. Alitc4ell, wife' of Louis Mitchell. 116 iarshall street,Below brown,was knocked senseless with ai loaded whip in the hands of a man who called upon her to inquire about his wife. Mrs: MitChell, .whoP is the sister of' the woman inquired for, refused to giVe any. infar, nation;_ when she was struck back of the liad with, a'loaded whiP. She fell senseless, but soon recovered. Her injuries are. not consid ered, fatal. Her assailant escaped in a car riage. AMTAN-DELAWARE BAY RkilittoAn.--1t has been annommed that, on Tuesday next, September 14th,the Raritan and Delaware Bay Railroad, with all its appurtenances thereunto appertaining, will be sold at- - public vendne. The sale will take plate at Manchester, at the, depot of said road. This will be an important sale,consisting of the entire road lying between the Raritan Bay and the Camden and Atlantic ack, and all the lands, ' perinauent way, • 'ls r _stations, wharve%_rolling--stocl - • other fixed and Movable property upon • the said railroad comway j zith the superstructure • ' ant"a r aur r •07177 IniteTTUr -nsed-thereinor - proettred-therefor F and-allina-- ', thineryi viaducts, bridges, culverts, depot and statjon grounds and buildings t hereon erected, together with all and singular the corporate .franchises, rights and privileges. Should this road be, purchased by gentlemen who' would take an interest in keeping it in good order,. it Would afford accommodations for a large popii-. iatiOn_midiugAlvitg_itsLentireiength,_andjadd_ materially to the development of thousands.Of acres of, excellent agricultural land., For : several years past the citizens in those sec • Bons have been deprived of • rail road advantages, in consequence - of • 'the injunction placed upon the road, but they are now looking forward to a day of deliver- ance, and but- little doubt is entertained that the-hands of- enterprising and- • thoroughloing gentlemen, the much-needed' and long looked-for facilities will be supplied at an early day. Rumors have been quite rife for some , time past that it wasprobable:•the • Camden and Amboy Company will become its owners, in which case there is no doubt but. that, all,: , necessary accommodations will be' .speedily furnished, and the- road put in imme diate repair..• • 1 • Prut,ANTITEOPIC • OBJECT.—On MOnday evening next, a, mass-meeting is to be held at the,Camden• county Court-house, for the pur- Ipose of raising funds for the relief of the fami lies of those unfortunate men who lost • their lives . : in the Avondale coal mine. Many of. Ithose men 'were known to citizens of Camden, • ;indite lively interest, elicited in their behalf hi Ctinsequenee Of that appalling catastrophe can- Mot' fail to "prompt an exhibition of the most -philanthropic character . No doubt a handsome belealized. • „ ''' - 'll*(l,Tlllcit CHURCH 110131.1ERY.—The Metho dist , Episcopal , Church fat Merchantville was Again entered and robbed of several articles 1 4s t, 'evening. ; This is , the second time it has , been:i entered within ten days. These bight -fingered gentry seem to have a particular liking ToY that -dwrch,, but they did not obtain enough "to 'pay thern ibr their trouble. im MiATT E I s.—Last evening a muss-meet- "ing'was liOld in the Camden Court-hOuse,w4lch ;was larg4'atiended, for the purpose of taking action against..the passage of the ofdinance creating a paid tire department. Strong speeches were Made, and, resolutions adopted amirtihe tr , .measure. iffli NEW JERSEY MATTERS. htolntediltiviati- al found ton marl pit in , St‘enkcootl4l4t, week ' , are ,represented as Elie'largest in the world.-- The entire bones to t completeitheakeleton ktaile.nokyet been exc.*. rated, but It 'ls bbelieved tliey will be. Tip ribs are over five feet in length, and' the head neasurea,tivegfeet olen i gtn, and ',tWo feet i 'aik Inches lielfveen'the'eYes. The plies of its dis covery has:been visited by hundreds of people from various sections:to. see, the curiosity. A PnOsirnei ov JuspicE.—A day or two since two men were taken Into custody Cape May City, charged with the„ se ans..of fence May having placed ,_obstructions obstructions on the track of the Cape May railroad. They were 'held to answer- the allegation ,at court, •It is < aaid; that, „the eyidence quite 'Strong agninSf'thoin. 'if the _crime : is proved positively against them, scarcely any ordinary punishment is severe enough to inflict upon them. f ^,, ,:j”" ligrunweisa.r. COUNTY Cortvkamnx,r-The Repubhean Convention .to nominate,. a. State Senator, w,Slietiff and' three Coronersi will'. be held in • Camden,' instead of Longacoming.; as 'was , first anneunced, on the. 30th inst.' The Wards and'townships' toniprising the county will'hold`_their primary meetings, at.an, early day for the election of the usual :Auimber% of delegates, 2musizaczi TS. CADEMY OF MUSIC: , . RICHINGS' ENGLISH OPERA.SEASON. CAROLINE,R.•BERNAIID .....OIREQTRESS • THIS' (FRIDAY, EVENING; Sept:loth: Willbei produced Autier is - Brilliant Opera-of • . FBA ra.A.yppi). Biondi° Elleitaan ad'. ' 7erllna Annie Kemp Bowler as - 'Emir Allcoch Broolchouse. Bci.wler... 'Fru Marcie Henry Drayton. as„ Olacomo H. C..Peakes .... ' ; J tillleil A. - Arnifild as ' ' Lord Allcash L , TO-1110.11BOTAFTERNOON,: . FIRST GRAND 1 A AIILY MATINEE,. • • . MARITANA. - - Haigh; Dratin; ?sakes, Mrs. Bernard; Annie Rohn) Bowler, all in the cast. 'Box Sheets now ACADEMY , O — P , "''''." SECOND AND LAST , WEEICOIP RICSINI S ' ENGLISH OI ) ,ERA, Cominenchng MONDAY.-September Mtlt, • : REPERTOIRE-FOR THREE NIGHTS: MONDAY BOHEMIAN GIRL TUESDAY IL TROrATORE WEDNESDAY ' ' • MARTHA FRIDAY—BENEFIT-OF MRS, C. R. BERNARD. ' • - TBAVIATA. Box sheets sow open at Trumpler'e Music Store, and nt the Academy. . • A CADEMY OF MUSIC. A CARD. MRS. C. R. BERNARD takes plendnire in announ ci 11 g that hectEntire Company,Monbere of the Orchestra and the Attaches of - "the house unite with her in tender- A DENT FIT. . IN AID OF THE FUND FOR THE WIDOWS AND CHILDREN VICTIMS OF THE LATE. TERRIBLE' COAL MINE DISASTER AT AVONDALE. . To take place t3iin the evening of SATURDAY, September hen will be given • A GRAND OPERATIC CONCERT. In which every member of the Troupe will appear. F till proceeds of the house to go to the fund. • Tickets at usual prices, and to be had at the Academy tutu at Trmnpleru. . • • M 116. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATRE. Begins 34' to S. BENEFIT 'OF LYDIA THOMPSON'. TO-NIGHT, FRIDAY, September M 11,1130. The two great scenes ot • . . „ And the local hnrle.eatc ix• • 4 5,11{13A - 1.) THE SAILOR," BY LYDIA THOMPSON AND TROUPE. ' TO-MORROW, MATINEE.SATURDAY at . 2 o'clock, T 1.0 - ONLY LYDIA HOMPSON MONDAY—THE EQIITY THIEVES INTAl ;l4 P.l+frelotrEtteEr troete THIS( FRIDAY) EVENING. Sept. 10, : • BENEFIT OF MRS.D. P. DOW.ERS. And only night that tam call appear In her WONDERFUL IMPERSONATION OF LADY AUDLEY, . , In John Droughani's thrilling sensational drawl of LADY AUDLEY'S SECRET IMBERT AUDLEY J C. McCOLLOM . To conclude with the , Amerionn comedy of ' TELE PEDPLE'S'LAWYER. STEW ELEYENTH - STltEritikEßA: HOUSE, Eleventh btreet, abciva Cheidnut. • • THE FAMILY RESORT. RINEY'S MINSTRELS, • 1 he great Star Troupe of ,the world. in their unequaled ETHIOPIAN SOIREES,, BEAUTIFUL BALLADS, SONGS, OPERATIC SELECTIONS and LAUGHABLE BURLESQUES, EVERY EVENING. J. L. CARNCIZOSS; Manager. R. F.SIMPSON,. Treainirer. au2.5 tft OX'SAMERICAN THEATRE, - . Walnut street, above Eighth. MONDAY EVENING. Sept. Gth, and all the . THE WONDERFUL .ILIRALFY TROUPE. • • ELEVEN IN NUMBER. ROBERT NICKLES. the World's "Prestidigitator. New Ballet, 21 7 11 e Rosa, La• Suardi and Ballet Troupe • Matinee on Saturday afternoon . at 2 o'clock. CADEMY OF FINE ARTS, OfIESTNUT street, above Tenth Open from 9 A. DI. to 6 P. M. Benjamin CHRIST Great ß Picture of •EJEGTED 800 an exhibition, SPECIAL NOTICES. ua OFFICE OF THE R.W.THE GRAND MASTER, ACCEPTED MA SONS OF FENNA MASorftc.HALr„ Pliff.auntrifiA, Sept. 7, 1899. The Officers and I'ffeinbere of the Orund.Lodge who de; sire to partici pato in the laying of the corner-stone, by 'Masonic ceremony of the Humboldt Monument, at the :Park,nn MONDAY next, arc hereby notified to be at the Ilbufalon House, at the Park, at II o'clock A. 111., ,PRECISELY, of that day. - The procession will form at the Mansion House In the Park, at 11 o'clock A. M. precisely.. ' Same Masonic dress as used at the laying of the corner atone of the Masonic Temple—black silk hat, , black dress, white gloves, white aprons. The Grinid'fikers will wear their re• galia. The OfficerS of Subordinate Lodges will wear their properjewels and anrons. By order of the IL. W. G. Master. GEOHGE W. WOOD, eel 50 ;Grand Marshal. THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE IN- • atiw SURANCE COMPAY.S.4_ At the eiriiiilm 'M th eeting Of e StoCkholdereofithis Co - Tii, pany held on Monday, Hie 6th of September, 180, the following gentlemen lybre duly elected Directors for the 1 DAME SMITH, in., : JOHN TIEYHKEUX, • ---ALEXAH-lIKR-BKNSON, 4 1 110-MAB-SMITH ISAAC HAZLEII HEST, HENRY LEWIS. THOMAS ROISINS J. GILLINGHAM. FELL, DANIEL HADDOCK, JR. _.' And at a meeting of the Directors en the same day, 'DANIEL SMITH, Jn., Eliq., wee llMUlimounly re elected President. se7-40 WM G. CROWELL; Secretary.- _ HANDEL AND:HAYDN SOCIETY. urp' .—The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY EVENING September 11th, at 8 o'clock in Washington Hall, sonehwent corner EIGHTH tul-SPRING-GAHDEN-atrOetifi-fortho-pttrpose-of'clecr ' ing Officers and three Directors:' FIRST REHEARSAL on TUESDAY EVENING, September 21st. E. E. STEWART, se7 tt§ , - Secretary. DIVIDEND NOTICES. THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE ,IN BURANCE COMPANY • SkTE3ll3ilt, 6,1869, The Directors' have 'this day declared a dividend of Ity_Centa per Share on the Stock of_ the Company for the last six months. which will tie paid to the Stockholders or theiF legal representatives, after the 16th instant. '• • Witt. (3, CROWEIA, • .14e641 hq Secretary, WATCHES,, JEWELRY, &C. ty,WIS LADODIUS & DIAMOND DEALEUS & JEWELERS. k WATCHES, JEWELRY dr 810.8111 WARE. L , WATORTI3 and JEWELRY WEPAIBED. ) 802 aiiestnnt'St.,.Phila Ladies'an.' d Gents' Watches American and Imported; of the moat celelirated makers. ,-- • , Fine Veet Chains and' Leont,ines, In 14 and 18 karats. Dian:Land and .Other Jewelry, ~ • ; : Of the latest designs, • . ENGAGEMENT - AND , WEDDING .1i1N419, •In 18 karat and coin • IiOLID SILVER WARE FOR BRIDAL' PRESENTS. TABLE OUTLEBY.PLATEDWARE, Eta. NEW rvßrAcATloiis., Iplik II IL 0130 PH Y , OF MARRIAGE ;---A 1 now course of Lectures, as 'delivered at the 'New York Museum of Anatomy; 'embracingthe , sabjeots; Bow to Live and what to Live for, Youth, Maturity and Old Age; Manhood generally reviewed; the Cause In digestion, Flatulence and 'Nervous Diseases 'accounted for; • Marriage Philosophically Considered & c., &o. Pocket volumes containing these Lectures will be for warded., post paid, on receipt of 2f, cents, by addressing W.A: Leary, Jr.. Southeast corner of Fiftli,and Walnut atreeta.Philndelphia. fe2l3 19- §ITEATILING FEIik.—TEN - FRAMES English FtAt, for., pale (by PETER '1 'RIGHT 6; SONS, 116 Walnut stecot. FM.OtOIAt RELIABEIIO.4 IrrEaTITED4'. THE -FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS: - .1 Wiliihgton and' Reading Railroad,: ~ BELIBING istikarnar AT srm rEn cerit.o etTAlttiefi Pais . ble April andOotobp*, fief. or. state and Vnife4 Statlm Waxesi , This road run throUgh a thickly 'depilated and rich agricultural and 'Manufacturing district.' • rot the present we are offering a limited amount bathe above bonds at ' 85 Cants and Inierest. The connection of thh;rmXd with the Poaitsjlyan. and; ;Beading Railroads insures it a largo • mut , tonsuberativo: Wade: We recommend the bonds's,: tba. Obeapold.firet eats trorpstraeut the market.. rArriirEtt & ; • ; i - r Oovernmente, NO. 36 S. THIRD; STREtt i'IiILADELPAULA. ~.s•}~r BANKING HOUSE jwc OOKE 112 and 114 So. THIRD ST. PHILAD'A • . - Dl -0 1ALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. We will receive applimtions for Policies of . Life Insurance in the new National Life In Comp . amy otthe 'United States. information g iven at our office. v MI, ANDOLPII B / avkERS plot Deiblere in tr. t 3. Bonds and Members of Stock and Gold lexcirange, receive ac. counts of Ranks and Banker* on liberal te rrnewlstra e Billsof La :bangs on . C. J. Han &Soo, London., B.; Metzler, SLSigin:&Co.; Frankford. James, W. Tooker ;& Co., Paris. "And othr prinCipal title*, rind Lettere of credit available .tbroagbant Europe - . W.,corner Third:And Chestnut Streets. 1 . 11 . • ~ • . . .• T34...INITECEJEZES,, , . . AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT . : SECURITIES, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD • FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, 'GOLD, 40 South Third St. SCELL - ANEOU PLUMBING. w G:-. 7C 10 tfl3~ 1221 MARKET STREET, iIIILADELPHIA. Steam and Gas fitting, Hand Power and Steam Pumps, Plumbers' Marble and Soapstone Work. Terra Cotta Plpe, Chimney Tops, &e., wholesale and retail. Samples of finished work may bo seen at nip store, M - Ps.kki Of the lateetlind most beautiful designs, and all other Elate work on hand or made to order. Rectory and filaleorooms,SlXTEENTH and OALLO'W • BILL Streets I WILSON da MILLER. ap2l erni • . 10EATH.Elt BEDS AND liAlll, 31AS: 1 tretweißenovatod. . • . 4 Sofay and Chairs ReidnfTed;,,,alsosieatharsi constantly on hand.' "Factory.dn Lombard street. • anIG lino" • BUSINESS' CARDS. Established Is2l. • WM. Gr.'FLANAGAN & SON, • , . HOUSE AND SIUP rIPUMBERS, No. 129 Waluut Street. /Y 7 ly§ JAMES A. WRIGHT, THORNTON PIKE, CLEMENT A. cam, TMEOPOREMPEPGHT.K . RANK L. NEALL. PETEISM.III.4I I 2 .dc SONS, - Important 4:4 earthen•rare - . • pp nand Copn d esion MerchantsSh _ 716 Walunt etreat,,Philadolphia. coamissicnor Of akifitis for the.fitate. of r onneir;innla in 06 Madison street, No. 11, Chicago, Illinois., ayll2tf§ — tit T 0 Ni -$ ktkat C • :width, :from 22 inches ',to76lnchettlildm alLtiuMbers' ja26,, Church street, Cityl3toreS. • TDRIVY' , WELLS. 2 .;I) - licrlTttiwicip iltty-LThe! bray jtLicb tb gbt privy wolleololatatapd disibtebtiiilaits,,vary law prlcea. A. TEISSON; %WA. facturer roudrottm aoloismitlea Hall. Library atrbet tjAitbOrthr-4o .131443.1i0: 1. , -WESTERN Lard Due, to arrive' and for ,ale by COCITIUN 111/BsupL &vo.,ulUliesttintstro t. iMAIN .;:~~, ',P:icrViT , r.777 7 'T, Ti oki, HANDSOME ARCH STREET RESIDENCE. N 01412811005744 al;i6tirotiith4i'ildritilLiAlidainin provements. Apply JOB. L. OAVEN i No' •08 N Ninth stroot. . .110 - 11, SALE—TiIt GOOD-WILL AND Fixtures or the School. No. 1003 Spring Gpydook street: Apply of Saturday, hot. lt," Olt ALE— NRWEIRikkraI, AND 'JOB or half interest in urn°. Address uILAD.,III,I,LIITIN !Moe. • Bolt" 4 F 0.11, A.. 14 •-•-= TRU PLUAS T ' 11'w lingAvithbaik. ll4 11a n 10-19 Bfofint4 ernon alma. In comph3to order. Immediate possession. An 'Ay to 11. I. NA ItTWELL,432 Franklin street. POit EL4.I4E-AIWELLXNGS„. 1210 Colturffda avefinNineteenthunCiiiiimeon. 144 . Eighteenth street. 1221 Hansom,' West pm a. 1307 Mt. Vernon street. 009 N. Fifteenth street.. 1323 Brandywine. Lot 10800, .8 roonVi • newlY Dpred and painted: Only tlOOO cashteunfred' Price 'JANES W. RAVE fi t se2tf • S. W. conwr Broad and Chestnut. .3,0,13.., likkaTTs, .71a$11100;qbe, •Z:xymier street, On o Seen from 11 to 2 - • " • neTtu f 4t* 411, E E G :41,11 T B Wlsrs ONE .11[111.• nettidetieoe, NO3: 9,112 an,4 ,41168titud0,0trodt,:for or tplent.. , Apply to: • • '4 • • ^ O . Fait. 4tlritoxErs R. "an2T-ittitv lthq 120 bionic' Front acre t. r9ll‘ 8.415 E---THE ~ BROWN -STONE I 4 ,lipuse, .119.4104,We1put strf.tet, 23 feet .bY ‘.6i;" lot fght. .lleplete`wilb - ell the niefleiii Ctinveniehree; and ivtli be sold with erwithout the furniture:. I • ekbtet - orrtortiewilxv weeibsee s , JAMEI34I. yr:ATiptroxt; .' • ew.York. prix, co: noi-x,tti t tll;6tl ail FUR'B A 1. , E.--BIODEBN • TiIitRE RELS tort' DliCk Dwelling, big 8. Ninth st: Evers . eefi sentence., ,Ingutre on,t4 premises, , mys.s t u A t ut io JUREBTIITUT STREET,.--ROR, SALE— /lane AleArsblutropirty,lo feet G inches front tly LO feet deep c zto. stg tatestnut otreet.• J. Al. OUNALS:X /c MONS, I= Walnut street. T :F.Qli &ALB 0,11„ REN TH.Rkg-' titory,modOrn' briek IlitoidOdo,. with 'tbret.-otcrY don le track buildings And Ave feet,t<tda kidoyard, MN North Ninnteentn• street, above Arcb. J, nt: GUM: ' Y & SONS, 733AValmut street. . p e ...141012. BALE--THE,-NEW= ELEGANT • Your-tiory Briar itesidente, 22 feet front; built In tutnit substantial manner, to suites of three roma on first and second floors. bath rooms communicating with chambers, and finished In the host style, with extra con. veniences, situate on the north: Wit of West - •Delancey place; fourth house east of Twenty-first street. J. M. otimuny & 8015'f1;7321 Walnut street. FO R . I:3ALE.--TRE }I.A.NDBOIIE Three-stary Brick Realllollo3o. with three story double back bnildings, situate No, 61i by, reet, ojmo site 11 , anklin , Sgstare. Lot 24 feet front 3 lett eep td Wood street, • Terms accommodating 'nun late possesion. J. 411,1313.1EY bONS, 733 IVainat , street. , 11/FOR-.- S.dliii . THE NEW, THREE story brleAr. Resiklenee With . three-dory double ark bondman. Every copteolenee awl lot 20 bY ADO feet. No. 645 North Sixteeotlt street: atx.lre Wallac& .1. ,11 . . OUDINEY & 80N8.133 Wulnut street.' • . , . G Elt - 31 ANTOWN-FOR SALE.- Two new* pointed iltonoCottages,jmt fin fatted, with every city con*finienso f lice minutes walk front Church Lane 6tation Pries $OOO ouch. GU,M.- 31 EY 4 SUNS, 734 Walnut street. FOR SALE • , -.DWELLI.Ner. 142 i Thirteenth street everVeonvenience, and in good order. • • • - • - Convenient Thkelling, No. 637 Pine street.; ten monis, bath re, AP; ' • sts-F, , et, two-story brick, good rare.. 205 re, street, below Pine, ritual house. Alter litredt, twanett four-touni houses.' - ' Building Lpls on , Passyunk road, and a good Lot at ,11 ing Ftlll. , - . . " ItODEUT GRA,PFEN 4; SON; auX-tf • • • .'. 'AV Pine street. i , E2 FOR !AIM 'II.RO'irkt : STOILO Dwelling7llA - Spraceirtrftt: A handsome I/welling, JAZ Arehatiett A . , . handsome Dwelling.l4) Vine street. A handsome Resideueo, IN eat Philadelphia.. A inoderti,Dwelling.lo)SeritmutteiTeel. • ;' A Bushiest ,LOcatiort2gAtraartgrrs,etreet. handsome _ Stint nth stree. Apply to A OOPPUCK & JORDAN, 4,35 Walnut street:t. it'MtCOLLIMI; ESTAXE 0113te,incluon etret tt.pgootta fdatisiour mitred: OSP e iubind„, if: Real Es tate bought and , sold. Person dextrous of renUnacottagut autitif"vpir or fuldresa eta above. - - • Respectfully iefer to C'ltaa.A :Rnbicant,Renry Francis illcllrePn , Augustus 3iarino, John . Davis W. Vit: Juvenal. , , • • .fai-t 1000 WALNUT STREET.-TO, 00 With or without Stock.. Fixtures 0014 low. Good stand for Stationery, Confectioner or Milliner. ." SUB BENT: .1: STORE 1100A1 AND BASEMENT or 21 , ew Build ing, 12:12 AUBE ET Street. Apply to STEPHEN F. WIIITBIALN,` auG of 1210 'Market street. HANDSOME - 7 PUB NISHED Residence, on West Green street, no. 2012. Apply on the prtmjerii, or at THOBNLEY'S ,Dry Goods Store, Eighth , and Spling Garden. • a6lO-2t* CATO 13EIdT--FUItNU3iLED :HOUSE, ' corner Twenty-first and &unseat street*. Apply from II to 2 o'clock. • seSn'T TO LE'T—A NEW MODERN HOUSE, containing.eleven roams, Ne.. 612 North Tiventy thir street. Apply rns Omen stmt. sad-4r L. TO LET—LABOR AND STRON G Con ner atore No. 23 South Seventh street • suitable for any - Ind of business. No liquor-dealer need apidr• AD• ply on the premises, or DAVID EVANS, tat lifershpil street. . . ea3.3ta Of TO LET --A WELL 'LIGHTED Igni.third story room—No. 28 South 'Seventh street: suitable for an engraver or any business requiring light. Apply on the premises, or to DAVID EVANS, 46t Dlar shall street. • seit,St; sour 'r TO LET .- A.ITANDEKME CREST ri u street store property, east of Blued stye t. ORM! side , suitable fur a Millinery, Sewing Machine or any fancy business. Long lease, and flature for sale. -Bent cheap, • • . , Apply at CARMAN & HAVENS'. . sal et§ . S. W.corner Broad and Chestnut streets. asome three-story brick dwelling, with double hack • buildings, on the south side or Arch street, between Fifteenth and. Sixteenth etreetei with or without a Mehl CAttAtkai—itX 1-aO-dutliwest— corner Ninth end Filbert streets. eet4t* —rnetntfig; - Ne: -. 400 .- froiltri' fi " „ i i i Pi d Zi t lrinf. "-I ltlYVl•&; t re l .q2l ll Ar r alge t iA, with ell modern convenience. Apply to COPPUCK '& .101t1)ANANINValnnt street. frg W T.EP—A BVILD NG! THREE MR, or four 'atorieß bigh t with yard attached," for light manufacturing ipurpogea s with or witnOut, utriun Aildrces., this officoodating alzo Anil location, I'. (k.k 'AL" - • ' • • 'mild gt." ea W - A - INTED - - - - , PURNISHED - HOUSE,. =it about NOV. 1141 %Mtn. Id to 13t1i Aprll,weet of Broad etree,t, between Arch and Spruce. Tenant nnosceptitai able. Irandly—Your grown persons ;no chfldr u.‘ State location and terms per month, payable mon fly: Ad dress box 2617,1,, 0., Pldla. • ; int9-6t* N — VAI3T - F,J) TOAIENT,. UNTIL MAY NEXT--A nicely furnlmbed Moat, by inudly (no children), between Chootimt Lind Pflo., one -of Broad. Adtlroma BULLETIN. • s3° ° 00-21 7 - ,Ll 4 Cum 3-A Prtilasiorr in'tigities.q. Y Add reg. (1. 11.. at this (Ake. • so9.ot* COPARTNERSHIPS. rimrILADELYHIA, SEPTEMBER 2;1869 ' , The copartnership heretofore existing' undertlto and name' of CORNELIUS & BAKEE With dissolved by_tuutualcommut•on July 2, Ifia9. The busineSs of 'the manufactory will be eattled and closed by it(lßEli t T CORNELIUS, at No. 82 Cherry street; autlthatof the 'fitori3 by ISAAC N. BAKER, at N°.-71°"'" "" tr f et. ROBERT - oc.)ntrzraus ' . . - ISAA.O , :Y.:BAKER, • - , .... , ... -WM. C. BAKER, ROBERT (I CORNELIUS ' .; 7 ' : : s,• '' ''' VI-IN. ' '. RN •Llus- . C. co - I. , . _ ROBERI C. BAB ER (M • ARL 8 r.,vonNiaatis Tnit,Ammrtrin ti Sept. 2i IMO. The undenslgnet late . ' of HORNELI 8 Jr,.- 11A1C.Eft have this day entered into a copartnerehtpoinder, - tho Orin name of coHNNLlus , .4 . stiNs. Having pnrchgbed tholatories 1821 Cherry street, and ' 'Fifth erect, neap Colmnbla avenue), and 'all thema chinery of the into firm; wo Orel:glared to'contione•tho mattufaetnre and fistli Gees .11x nrea,:Lanng. dfo;;, at No. 021 CHERRY STHEET I YII ADEEPULA..;.t CHERRY DRNELTUB - • '• ROBERT 0. CORNELIUS. • "JOHN HORNELIUS. `- se2-111A 00.0.ftLAT E. OCTC,N I 4/4 1 ;f§ 1, • " Ueolj kIIAAINFORD ARNOLD AND ERA. DATiEn, late of H.QHNNLIus ,st' BAKER, huiv thjs day famed a.oopartnereltip under the name of AHNOE,II B.AdiElt. : • ' • ..11- • ' purelitieed thwentlre stock of gooda of ..the late fitsti of Cornellue.& Palter, at. 710 CHESTNUT( Stpot; thoy are prepared to contlnuelit that place thol sale.:' of Goa FiNturee,Earape,'Hronzee, E . 1 0 1 4.111i • CIOPAIITNERSECLP,..NOTfak: - • NJ Mr. ANDREW C DIJLLES,Is this day admitte'd as a Partner in this firm': ,Tlie laisiness will hereafter be carried on In the nano- . .0f SABINE ' ALLEN Sr. -MULLES, SABINE lk ALLEN., , . Northeadt corner Fifth arid Walnut. Be tber 11369'. , . 809-31)§ esu , . VOR RENT-TWO RQOMS L! , meals, at: 2001 Walmit F 1 tr eet Aimly betweoli 12 Outl 2 o'clock, • - • 907 6t" • , kotti TO RENT. M:ffn WANTS. EIIM • , PHILADELPHIA EVENING EVENING BII7LIMIIN. 4-1 4 PRIDAY, Septethiirao,loli. ALL` )° d communicatibuk for this 4 be addregslid " Chess Editor,of Lwrix "and should reach the ;Alice at t;' on ThuMifiv morning. All Problems 021'14 accoMM6d by tliv3ol, # 4l3p•fitqfttine ofitiV comp " ,, ors to Correspondents.. • " H. 13,:49X*T0,11 , 4,"‘+-1 3 4,ilatlelphjikm411,rtot accept any chaileage unless it be gi#eu by teat talent of your city. FlLsow-Wmrammr MATCH:4But:One game, a Ray, Lopez Attack, has r, en viand time, thnii far.1...11 , ,3jas 44214 b)4, lit*o , Whititinati; and after a severe strusglc ,yvonl7 ,bilo. A keen inteiesiii4eit in i Whiteman, in his recent play with kiepreeent antagoi ll 4,44 l / 4 11 + 0 0 7 .4t4. 1 t1.9 1 i.0.4.420W0f the first order. By TIE. FRANK W. TM/ABER. 4 7 w/ 7 y i p 1 / , • y 'Z, '34 • v Ai' • A a "J> 1 A ;,, A ' 4 ' V/At MUTE., E, White to 'play, and mate in tour moves CRESS IN PIIIWADELPIIIA Same No. 2403. . • Ofl-hand game : between 3lessrii. pison and Whiteman. , (Ring's Oumbtt Evadal.Y (Aln. ' Bt. pll5. Er,sos.) 1. litoKl Pto.K4 2.Pt0K.84 Btoß4 3,- Kt to'K'B 3 to Q`• 4. Pto .B 3 • " 12 Kt t 6 213 3 • . B to Kt 5 B to If. Kt 5 6.l'to:QKt4, B to Kt 3 7. P to Q 3 ICKt to K 2 8.Pt085 P to K Kt 3 'he best reply to -White's previous naove.) 9. ''..P, - (4? 3 13 x Kt - • • -• 10.QxB 'PxP 11. P x P Q to Q 2 12. P to Kt 4 PtuK :3 (P to K R 4 comes into consideration here.) 13. Kt to .11, 3 P to Q It 4 14. Kt toll 4 . Px P 16.KtxB, P:.s Kt, P. 16. P.xP. Kto.Qsq 17.'Q to B 2 Kt x P 18.QxP(eb) Qtoß2' 19, Q x Q (cb) K x Q 20. R`to It 2 it to 11. 4 . (Lost time.) 21.PtoQR4 Kiittoß3 22. B to K 3 Kt to Q - Zi.BtoQ2 QRtoßsq. 24.Rt0'8 KtoKt3 25. Rto Q Kt sq sq Kt to QL. 26. K. to Q Kt x B 27. RxKt(ch) K toB3 28. Bto R 5 ' Kt to (c 11) 29.KtoK.sq Rtoß3 ' , 30.' "R'to Qiit 2 R to QKtsca 31.Kt0K2 KttoKt7 32. R to B 2 (cb) K to Q, 2 33. Bto B 7 (ch) . " IC to IC sq 34.8t0Q - 2 Ptoß4 (NOR' the game is hopeless. RxP is better play.) • RtoKt4 PtolCt4 36. PxKtP QRtoKt3 37. PxRP (Threatening R to K Kt 4&e.) 37.KRtoKt2 38.RxR RxR 39. R talc. Kt 4 • Kttoßs • Pxß 44. R to Kt 8 (ch) K to K 2 42.PtoR 6 ItxP 43. P to R 7; and wins. CHESS IN NEW YORK. Game No. =94. Mr. D. W. Fiske gives Q R to an amateur (Remove - Whttes - Queen's • (Knight's (iambit.) Wn. (Mit. FUME.) EL. (MR. --.) 1. PtoK4 a 'ptoK4 '2.PtoKB4 PxP 3.KKttoB3 , PtoKKt4. 4. Btoß4 BtoKt2 L. Castles P to (13 6.Ptotaß3 KKttoß3(?) 03. P to K It 3 is the right move.) 7. P to ,(d 4 P to Kt 5 8. Q.B . xP x Kt 9. Bxßt Bxß 10. B x (eh) ' K x 33 1 11. Qx P (eh) . K to.Kt 3 Mate in four moves. CHESS IN GERMANY. Game Ne.. 2295. Between idassrs. Minakwitz and Zukertart. (fhtioco Piano.) W. (M7I. ZIIKERTORT.) B. (Mn. 311Ncitwirz.) -e L_BteK4 PtoIC4 " " - 2:11 - 1(116 B 3 Q Kt'to - B Kt.to (S.PtoQ4 P K xP I 6. P x P .B to Kt 5 (ch) 7. Bto 2 x (ch) re prefer 7. Kt x K P.) O,,Ht x Kt ,K P. 9; .P to' Q 4, 10 f 07M. ! x B ; 11 Castles ' to Q sq 3.P . lit to to:K 6' te (11 3 (B to B 4 is better play.) 15. RtoKsq ft to K sq. 16. Kt toB4 „,. Qto 114' 17. •P`to Q b Q x 18. R x B to ! 1!). Q to. IC Bt9 Q 2 . 20. Qto Q 2 _Q to B 3 •• . 21. Kt to Q ti , P-x P 22. lt,to, QB sq , QtoKt 4 2.3. 'Kt to B (Injudiolous." •TIO should first have captured the Rook.) 24.KtxQ 25. Q x 26. to K 27:;;PytoQ• Kt 40 28. It toll 3 22. Pt° It 5 •..._. - 30. R to K 3 31. P R . • 32. K to' B 2 33. Q to B 7 34. P,to 'lt 4 -- 36.-P to Kt 5 37. Plo'"Kt'3 38. Q to 1C.7 ;:. 39: K to K 2 ' 40. KtOQ2 41. K toB3 42. Q to K S (ch) 43. K to Q 4 (The commencement, ce, a kingly journey, which proves fruitless) , , , 43. Tito Kt 6 . 44. KJ° H. B to 11.3 46. Ktci Q 4 ' Bto Q 8 ' 47. Kt to Kt, 4 • B toltt.s 48.Kt084 8t00,8,. 49.Kt0Q4, Btoß6 60. Kto K 6 ' Bto Kt ' 61. Ktoß4 BtoK7 62.• K toK6 Bto o Kts, 63. g to' Q 4 B to' K(7 ' ' 64.1Ct0333 BtoQB 65.Kt0Q2 Btoß6 66. IC to it. cry 13 to Kt 6 67. toll 2 Bto Q 8 BLAO 23. It a R B x Kt to B to R 3 Pto - Q2 , 3 to-R Rto R , R to K . Rto R'sq P to R 3 , Pt0,.13 B to R. 5 At, to Ir BtoßB, ' R to B 3 B to B:6 P to Q Kt 3 R to R 2 '—f. , - , .llBr.K.Uritt^,2r,' , '.; 4 ' t's'r C litelitetre" — *. l 7' 82,4f.;,,,virn.1, .R.to.isltCe..,,i - • 60. K to'.ita F , :- -Vth Kt 5 '(eh):;-`, 61. lt,to R4,' - _....';,'.. --Bto B 6 . 1 62..t9Q7. .'; 819117 ~., ~ 11SrAltro'41.6..1 , A1 ",- , c , irß t it ,mo - 5,,q t .,,,..-„,1 4, I A 64, , 4t084-, -, . ' RtoQ 3l •,. ';',-/ 1 65. Flto!R 4 ' --, . ' ~ . ', - -B, t0,y,8,1.,; :,, ~ .w v.. 66. 1 ) x P • BxBP 67: PIO Et 4! ' ~/ . ' to ft 8 ( Itoh) '-: ‘,s 68. K to Kt 3 ' It to Kt 8 (eh) at to B'2 '1 4 , 1' .., ~ itxp, :L.';', LT:. 70. , to B 6 - .1t to Ht 4 • IL x Kt.P ;',' ;; ' ' , Bto 9,0 ~,_.' 1, - 72. to Q 4 Rto 1.3 4 (eh) 73..'H. to Ht 3,, . ~ B x.P: .„' , • , , 74. CatoK4 BtoQ2 76. Qto Q 3 B•to Bsq ~ ' ';,,i, 76. titoß2 ' BtoK3 Drawn gatne,. ; ~, :. ...;.; ~, 4._•titu' ate N 0.229611 i ' Between the same players. r,. ... yiumeo _Mama ~ ..., , W. (Mn .u.'ZußzirronT.) 11. (Mn. Itispr ex-wrrz.) ~, E Moves.l to 11, main previous game.] , '.., ; ''. 12. Kt to B 3 ,Q to IC. It 4 ` 13. PtoQ 5 , , ' Li lit tO H. 4 -, 14; lit to Q 4 -- - - - Qx Q, 16,;‘ R., it x,Q . • -•' . 8t0 44 2 ' 16. QR to Beg . Pt 0011.3 17: P to: B 4 • , ~.; Ht to. 5',;8 18. PtoQ Kt 3 , Ht to H.t 3 19, PxP r,- li RxP 20. IN3 P x Ht 21. Kt K 4 Ht to Q4 , - 22. Pto t 3 _Kt to - H. 2 23.„1t to qv • ~ IC B. to:Hlsq 24. Q B. t,o3K sq H. to B ss 26: tO it 7 27. Kt to Q 6 (Mr. Znkertort denounces this move as a grave error.) motto F 28, x p . Kt to Kt, 2D. -- • Ict.t.s446‘ -30. E xBP Ktxß 31.KtxR Rxllt ' 32 Ktoi3 2 Kt to Q 6 (ch i ) K tOK B, to Q 2 Riot/ 4 , • (White should bome avoided the exchange efitooks.) ' Sty. Game No. 2297. Between the same Olayens. • • (fluirLOpet Attach:4' W. ( 4 31 n. ZtrKEKTORT,;} B. (IR. MiNcitivrrz.) P to IC4 to K 4 . .2. KKttoß3 Qiittoß3 3. BtoKtS P to QR :3 4. B to•R ' IC Kt to 13 3 8. Castles Kt .x P (3. P to Q 4 P to,Q ICt 4 7. --.11,t0 Kt 3 • -P Q 4 ' 8. Px P K 3 9. P to 13 3 ' 134411, 2 10. 13 to K :3 Castles 11, QKtto Q 2,; • ' lit, x'Kt 12. Q x Kt. Kt to R 4 • 13. 13 •to 2. Kt to B 5 14. Qto Q 3. • Pto ,Kt 3 • • 15. 1' to Q'K't 3 7Ct x ' 16. Q x Kt Q to Q 2 17. Kt to (1 4 ,PtoQB4 181Ktt` ' • X lit 19. Pto KB 4 P to' B 2 ' 20. Q It to (4 sq Q to 13 3 21. IC to R sq, QRto 1C sq 22. It to Q 2 • B tk) Kt 4 . 23. QRto II 2 • Bto Q tiq 24. It to B 3 PtoBL 3.1). P to Q Kt 4 B to. Kt 3,• 26. Q to 1C sq P to Q It 4 27. It to ft :3 (A premature .movement, •.which ; ought to have loht him' the' game. The correct play here is P to Q 113.) 27. P x P "28. Q to It 4 • R to KKt 2 t.P3tP PtoQs : 1 0. R10(11 1 8(1 ' QtaQ4.., 31. Qto.Kt4 P toQ6 • 32. RxV,P (Simply desperate.) 33r 73 to Kt 3 P to Q 7 34. R to "Q sq Q to K's ' (Here Mr. Mtheltwitz comes to his advenat ry's •Q to Q 5 'would have secured the game.) 85. Q x K P (ch) Kto B . sq 3(3 Qxf Qto.K 8 (ch) :37. QtoKt sq • ,Q Q (ch) is. K x Q R X' . ‘p :39. R P R MIK. 2 40. P to K 6 • R xHtP 41.Kt082 KtoKt2 42. Ktoß3 Ktoß3 43. P,talit 4 . PtoKt 4 , 44.P.MKR3 IttoQß2 Declared Drawn. ' GENTS' PIJENDMING GOODS. 'FINE DRESS SHIRTS GENTS' NOVELTI;Es. J. W. T SCOT &CO . . No. 814 Chestaat Stria; Philadelphia, Four doors below Continental Hotel. PATENT: SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. Orders for these celebrated Shirts supplied promptly on brief notice. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, ____ Of laristyles in#cll - varigir: - -- Wf HE Eih&-00 e3-m tf 766 CUESTNUT. STiIa Y rOGA WATER. STAR SARAT,OGA v NEW The inalialapea that tho waters of the Saratoga ~Stai• pr ngs have a winch larger amount of solid trabstance. idcber In medical Ingredients than any other..apring in Saratega; and allows what the taste indleatee—narnely, that it ja the STRONGEST WATER. It also demonstrates that the 'I3T,I4IWATEtt contains 100 etarig, Inches Molivt oir Gas • In a gallon than ally other spring: ,It this extra amount of gas that imparts to this water its peculiarly sparkling appearance; and rendere; it an very agreeable ',to the taste, It also tends to preservethe delicious flavor of the water when bottled, and cantles, it, to uncork with an effervesepnce almost equal to Champagne. Sold by the leading Druggists ' and -110 tels through alit 'the" dOuntry. ' • JOHN:IWYETH & - - 1412 Walnut: StretlrilUad',, Wholesale Agents. Also fOr sale by W.WaltOr Fluthin,Chestriut Rill ,-Fred. Brown i _eorner •Fiftir and , Chestnut streeta,_-1. J. Gra hame, Twelfth and Filbert; H. B:Lippincott, Twentieth and Cherry; Peck & Co „1.148 Chestnut; Samuel 8. Bunt ing, Tenth. and IliprusefAe.'Tll Tavlor,iols Ch'estinif:P.O; Oliver; Eighteenth and flurtfeetif Jr:',9l7 Chest nut; Geo. C. Bower, Sixth and:Tine; Jaa.T. fibinn,Broad and Spruce,* Daniel S . itenes;'Tivellitand Spruce; W. B. Webb, Tenth andfiprlnclAapiev • , • del-tu.th:adYrp§ • ' - • - • COAL !AND WOOD. e. mesoN ; ir. 8118AITH ME ER. ITIWEBBIGNEO INV:ATE, *TEN: tion to th oir stock of -- Bring Mountain, Lehigh' and Locust Mountain Coal, which, with the preparatten by I:llll,Wptlitinlg can not be excelled lly any other veal, oMcpiNnuiltlin Institut& ,J3nildlpg,Wo7ls . l3SZ BeireAtli !street • • ,B.itiMB Nchuyl ß 'Arch street whirfi Wr SITE CASTILE, OO.4.1 1 .-400- .131()XES V V frelltthlft White Castile Boap:Doriti it brand. imported from Loglkohn and for sale by!0131. D. BUI3BIE,R, 00: 108 South Delaware avenue. , T..llB.lM.kY.i;A•,:f4g k,,j. - ,. 4% -, :l g..;4:1A7.:...:.-..-1,!..411'...,; =III RtoQ2 34; It Ktto 13 8, & wins. -- ---- -- - -- --- f - C4;,..- 7- 4:i , ii , " 7 4 7-4 4(' - " , . - -.Tige --- D1764/4tr- -- ;; , 4 ,- -. : ~ 4, i -4;, -. 1 ,,,4,,, - ;;21;:..,.t:;;.;;4 -, -;11 1 11: 4 1 V kirEfik eitilig-L.,;,,--4...1.-4..-^---;'-'I4IAVEJtiEItBI,I4IJ-fri"-:?-'---; :f l - I T .l74 .a.. l) :VlTAl ,,,F liaitrinOit t aßFlAl r - '--. -. A.,tr. '-- tig, _ . .:, .....,,. .--.. t : niiiki 1,11,16 , ftliiii"..-ipaaidokaw . 41,4 _* 6 01 6 e - of : 1 J , : ~1;' ' 1 ;: . . C . • I h 'e. .. ~..,...,,,..,,,,,,i.,,,,,,v,,..„. niaroms., thil:khjaylltill...tlasgriell 1ai,,,0.01011/001/, -...... '-- .''' - '4?P 4,0 •" ,1 - .. '1:%'''.; 1 ' ,- -,4 14, :1- 411." . ,-.: c : ° .' : ..'.. , , ~,,,..f,l - , , ,, : .r•N;•,,-.: landapdWromir, , yoneypithe NC! WWI ' 4 nt vt.l ' ' -'". .4A ,, f .- -' ..';-.., . ...„g A - - ,1 , : 1 -- . , , the Calit a i l s,Bunier Arrangdmont o , iii.s. ...' '... *-.. 0 .. ~ v/ 111 4 11 ,.: , .. ~,,,t6 t. ~ „/ , . ~ , ~, ~ . . ~ : _., • , j,, ~ ..- 0 ~ , . ~ L ~, 1 31ORNING - A.O O O* 3I AWATOIC- 1 -117111) '_ __,Ati. f ar` ~ iiec raid all interm=m) litittlailg,AlidiAlletitoWn;!: . Fort 6 :Renovation ., of ihe"liairi', - - - - ' otaryhtiktiogtrgtakE3o.kiAL..aniitnit,ll3.-; , P Slide ph a 3 ~- ',L. •r, ~,- •,- . .:' ORNENG EXPRE ~ . .L, A t 11.:15.A.'"M r .' for Reacting.' Thi'aiat ' treiiii6iiiiiiiii '6f, the 'Aiii." P I ' , Lebanon, Harriabi*Pottervilleaine Grove,Tamagua„ Sunbury, - Willi vElluiray'RoClikattevi aliiiigare Falls, Bu ff alo, il es errs,, Pittston. Fork. Carlisle ,Chambersburif,. B . t agz i stown,,6lo,, -,„ ~- ~.. -_ -., . ''' '!_ A. . I & ' 43Biiiiig• ' 4iCili'.. . The 7530 A ' tfti - Ctoaralete at Readingtrith the Hist' The traititfor Allentdwri4c., and the IS- at4nce'-agreeable,F,, 8.15 A. M. train connects with the:X*3llOlWD vallW.trair' healthy - and effeettier tor Ilarrisburg, do.; at,Port Clinkai ;with Catassa,R. R. traini Lir W.illiarairport;Lac.kliaveli.ELtnini., Ard_,.. at' • Harrisburg with Northern Central, Cumberland. Val for preserving; then . ley.and Schtrylkill and Stuismehanna ;trains for North' [hair.' I radeii'Or gra ' vamberland, Williamsport. VOrkt.,chaltitterstitlxBlP.4lo* 1t4ir,.4;.0.(nt: itstore4:. ' -gi lit ve Noon .EXIIIIESS:4stivim. PhliadelpidiVrtit ' 3.30 P,Miforfteading.Pottgville, llarriabtarg. atciclon• • • • tO , 114 ootgmal . to/or • . 'leafing. Iv itlilteading and.floituniala Wiroad,traiimi for ; Columbia. Ac. • ' • ' anfi die ‘. ' eaBB 4flit '. • POTTSTOWN *ACoo3l3loDATlON.roeitieii Pcitts'-' , town at 6.25 A. M.,stopping at the intatmediate station* freshmen; of ~ you,th.., arrives in Philadelphia at 8,40 A. 31.••. Returning; leaves k,;hiladelltila at 430 P. M.; arrives inPattstatvri at 6.46 Tlllll' halt 'kJ ',thick , • 1 1 - __READltifi AND r'. PO TTiIvILLE -,--: , AXIC03131(01).10- ened, failing hair...checked, and bald.; TION .t-Leavee Pottsville at 6:40 A. MI, and Reading_ at. ficSB t,hottgle .not alviitys, . cured often, 7.30 A: Al .;_stopping _at all way stations; arriveainPhila delphiaatlo.ls A.,,M.. . --_ . .'•, .' , ,s . - , 1, I , • bye its use Nothing catt , restore the .] ..pet, Mg, leavis Philadelphia at; 535 P. IL; arrives In Be ing at.8.06P.11 ~ and tit gottaville at 9.40 P. IL bah' wh er e the ' .fo ' cies are destioyed, Tr ns for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg. _at 810 A: ' : M., 6 Pottsville at9.00A.M.; arriving in Ph il adelphia . , . ~ , , or the "gtaxas i' atrophied', • :and decayed; . .at 1.00 P, lif_i; 'Afternoon trains leave .t.tsburgat 2.00, 'P. M . and Pottsville at .2.45 p. M. arriving at Philei- Bilt such as, remain can ,be saved ''for delphia at 6.45 P. M .. • . usefulness' by this application. Instead ' 31., and Harris,burg at 4.10 P. M. Connecting at 3.1 Read...! In g with Afternoon Accanimadation south pip 45.30?, ~ of fouling ,the hair -- with:a. pasty sedi - , arrivin lid Philadelphia at 9.15 P. M. ' - - et train' Passenger car a • Sc. , , „• eaves' Philadelphia/at 1245 noon for Pottsville and all Way Statiopa; leaves Pottsville at fi.4o, A. M.,. connecting at Beading with accommodation train for P hiladelphia and ~, all Way Statioint. , ''. .., ~- . - . • , . : .. .. ' -ail the ab . oie trains nut daily, Sandays excepted. -, , ; 1 - -alt tra nit leave Pottsville at 8 A.M., and Phlia-. delphia at 3 P:314 leBVo Philadelphia for Reading at 8.06 A. M. returning from Reading at 4.25 P.-M.' , ~ • CHESTER ;VALLEE RAILROAD.- , -Passengers - for :Downingtown andintermediate points take the 7.30 A. 1 3102:45 and 4.30 P. lii, trains from Philadelphia,returre ' Ja fripla Powaingtbwn at 6.10 A.M., 1.00 P. M.. and 5.45 i EREI.OIIiENRAZROAD.,-Passengerefer Skippack 1 take7.3o A.31.,4.30 and 5.15 P.M.trciins for Philadelphia, ;returning from Skippack at 6.16 and 8.16 A.31:,1,00 PM. ' , Sage lines for various points in Perkiomen Valley con- 1 nect with trains at Collegeville and Skippack. • NEW YORK:EXPRESS FOR PITTSBURGH. AND THE WEST.-Leaves Neivllfork at 9.00 A; 31.,5.00 and 8.00 .P. 2 ai, , passing Reacting at LOS A. M., . /.50.and 10.19 P. 31,. and connects at Harrisburg with ,Pemasylviuda and Northern Centralliailrocal ExpresaTrainilfor Pitts. burgh, Chicago, Williamsport, Elmira,' Baltimore, &c. Returning, Express Train leaves Harrisburg on arrival of Pennsylvania Express from Pittsburgh, at 2.35 and 5,20'- AA, 31:and 10.55P.11:, passing Beading at 4.30 and 7.05 A. Si. and 1.2.56P.31:, arriving at Now Torkll.oo A:M. and 12.20 and. 5.00 P. 31, Slopping Cars Paccgapany those "trains through lietween Jersey .City - and Pittsburgh, without change. Mail train for New York leaves, Harrisburg at 8.10 A; .131. and 2.05 P.M. Mail train for Harrisburg leaves Ne • York at• 1.2.N00n. __ ._ SCHUYLEILL ,VALLEY RAILItOAD,-Trains leave -Pottsville at 6.30 and 11.30 A.M. and 6.40 P.3l . ..returning • from Tamaqua at 8.35 A - ; - 31..i . 2.1.5 and•43s P-.-31. - ' SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD -Traind leave Auburn at SAS,A.'M. and 3.20 P. M. for Pinegrove and Harrisburg and at 12.10 noon for Pine grove bud Tremont; returning from-Harrisburg fat 7.45 A. M. and 3.40 P. M., and from Tremont at 6.45 A.3l..and 5.05 P. 31. . TICKETS.-Througli first-tlass tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and West and Canada. . - . - - Excursion Tickets from 'Philadelphia to 'Reading and . Intermediate Stations, good for day only, are sold by Morning Accommodation, Market Thtin,ileading and Pottstown Aseommodatlon Trains at reduced rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day only, aro sold at Reading and Intermediate Stations by Read int and. Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced • The following tickets are obtainable only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer, No. 227 South. Fourth street, Philadelphia, or of G. 4. .Nicolls, General Superinten dent, Reading.• . - - - Commutation Tickeiii,at 25 per cent illscoani, 136 twe6i2 any Volute desiredpfor families and finals. • • ' Mileage Tickets, good for 2,000 miles,be tureen allpoints ' at 852 150 each for farnWes and firms. Season Tickets, for three, six, nine or twelve months fo holders only to all - points,. at reductq rates. • Clergymen residing an the line of the road.will be fur nisheci with cards, entitling themselves. and -wives to tickets at half faro • Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal sta. , tions, good for Saturday. Sunday and Monday, at: re duced fare, to be had only at the . Ticket Office, at Thir teenth and Callowhill streets. FREIGHT.-Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points from the. Company's New Freight Depot, Broad and - Willow streets. • ' , 1 reight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 4.35 A.M., 12.45 noon,sAo and 7.15 P. 51. for Reading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all palate be , . Y° 3 1 ,11118 cioite at the Philadelphia Poet-office tor all places op the road and lts branches at 5 A.M., and for the prin cipal Stations only at 2.15 P. M.' . . . , lea D v n iv n g ga .p n h ts il E ad x e p l i p e h s in i io:ielfpe,:iii:ocGttaidragggcaagnetfieorleartll at No, 225 South Fourth street, or tit tho Depot, Thirteenth and Callowhill streets.. . . ixtertt, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use *ill prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off; and consequently 'prevent baldness. Free from: these' deleterimis substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair,. the .Vigor can only benefit but not liar& it. If wanted merely for a HAIR:y:.DR . ESIk-G nothing 'else can be , foundi so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it doe?'; not : soil white cambric, and yet ,last 4 longer on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perftune. PreOared by Dr'. J. C. Ayer & Co., PRACTICAL arm ANALYTICAL CHENISTS, LOWELL, MASS. 1 3 3310 E "SLOO. Sold by all Draggists 'everirWhere.• At wholesale' by J.M. AIAILTS & Philadelphia: mhdtu:th-e-eow-ly THE INSTINCT Or THE STOMACH. Take no medicine that the stomach loathes: The instinct of that doininant organ may be trusted. Ita ceepts TARRA.NT'S EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APERIENT—and why? Because in the delicious febrifuge it recognizes a toning, mirifying, regulating preparation. The refreshing remedy assimilates with the system, end invigorates the Stomach, while it gently relieves the bowels, induces a healthful flow of bile. and restores the annetite. • SOLI) BY ALL DRUGGISTS. . ,i7L, hi at s MIDDLETOWN MINERAL SPRINGS r. CCC rVI 6 rt, - tr , OC -t g t Pi 0 6 7 i 7 W .. 4 I P %? Never before have any Mineral Waters attained in short a time a reputation so general as the -Middletown Mineral Spring Waters, eolely, too, by the number of almost marvellous cures they have effected. EXTRACTS FROM A FEW OFvOUR MANY , . TESTIMONIALS: 41. R. Grant, No. 269 River et., Troy. N. Y., (Kidney Dieseasel, says : " It has renovated me thoroughly killed mypains, and • yeson" me back a healthy appetite, digestion, and circula . , • F. F. Brificiek, No. 89 Clinton place, N. Y., (General Debility), says.: am imre - that kowo - mrpreaentWlL daily and pereistent use of the water." aI 4:15 - 1 — • a copy of Teatimoniale in full. - ;THIS WATER IS FOIL SALE BY ALT,. FIRBT CLABB DRUGGISTS. AddreEs Middletown Mineral Spring Company, IIIIDDVETcIWN 19ENCOTT; - 916 Filbert Stret, Wholesale Agent for Philadelphia and vicinity aul9 th a to 2nA 9PAL DENTALLIN.A..— A SUPERIOR article for cleaning the Teeth,destroying animalcule w ich infest them, giving tone to the gnms and leaving a _feeling:of fragrance and.perfect cleanliness in the nimith..rit .-may be used daily, and will- be,found ta strengthen weak and bleeding gums - white the aroma and detersivenese will recommend it to - every one: Be.- trig composed with the assistance of:the ' , DentistiPtlYsi• clans and Microscopist, it is confidentlyoffered as a reliable substitute,for the 'uncertain washes formerly in v 7 T mlnent Dentists, acenainted With the , cOnstitueitts of the Dentallina, advocate its use; it contains nothing -to prevent its unrestrained em_ployment. -Made only by JAMES J. SHlNN;ApotheearY l -..- ~- - • ' Broad and Spruce streets. •aUy ,and : li. E. Stackhouse, Robert C. Davis, Geo. 0. Bower, Chas. Shivers, S. M.McColan; S: C. Bunting, (lbate.l-1. Eberie;- ' • James N; Marks, . M. Bringhurst 64, 00., , ' Prat-84-00., . • - ' . M.'o.-Blair'Sßons;* . ViVeth ett , Bre *. , - , • . - For sale by Druggists gSin Fred. Browne, Hansard & C. R. Keeny, Isaac H. Kay,. C. H. Needles, T. J. Husband, . • Ambrose Smith, Edward Parrish, ' • - • Wm. B. Webb, James Hughes & Combo, Henry A : I , ln3ror;i =7 7 .0.1t11615. TlittrElGlS B': e REES. GRADI7- i_f sten, Mortar Pill Igloo, Combo, Ernehore, 'Mirrors, Tweezers - Puff" Bavailloru'Etcofta t ' Surgical Instru ments Trusses, Hard sated Scrftatubl)er •ClUoda, Vial efthee:Glass Auzfl...lltezal, Eirringea, Stu., all- at -. 4 -Firat Elatida" pricers. , • 13.110-WDEN4Z BROTHER,' ,aid-tt. • 4 • , , ,23 South Eighth street. D9 GredSTS 'ARE ' lrTni •• TO E*- cand ale or th War r ro x rCei t oVf ' . ° C: f L r ff l Aloe, essential Oils, Vanilla ,lieans Spongee„Oham 1 Skins, ete.4 ROBERT, BLIDEArii.KER.as Otni ; CO ° r7 B am Fourth and Race streets. • EQl o twg OIL;'SUFERIQ QUOLLITY, QIJ draught and in boitl9ailyarliall'branda. ROBERT OENAKEII tk 00 .; N . E.- tomer Iroatth and Race CJ A bo t it T eo ll6 WfitVa A d P M -L oti l jed ° o W aq' ' quality 'ROBERT, .B.l[ORMAKARo.,.wholosalo wirugginteNN. E. corner Trourt .and 'Race striete. - UN • 1; dereigned aro now receiving from the Milleanhno stocit'a celebrated Laneaater county Farina, which they offer to the trade. JOB. 13; BUSSIER & CQ,,Agente for Nahnestock, 108 South Delaware avenue. 14,11,14 ,F aEgyFlui zwi, NlO•o.l3.lkiniESl‘l. % • ' , PRILADP.LP)II.II 4 ./4150%4 pt ILIIOAD COMPANY'S LINES) from Phllidelphla to New York, and way places, from al nittatMLJEllifslo Rare. • At 60/A , Camderand Amboy l itecom.. 82 26 At A. Camden and Jersey CI Ex. Mall, SOO At 2,00 P. 31., Oa Camden and Amboy :press, 00 r At 6P. M. for Amboy_ and' intermediate stations, At 6.30 And 8 A. 111., and 2 P. M., for Freehold. At ZOO P. M. for Long BranCh* 'and Points on I. B. itiD.M. N. B. ?It • At Itin ANIXI.) _l2 /It 2A.804na Am P. itt,for Trenton,. 4!°• B° au" A ,12 AL., 2 a220, 4 .8 0 ,6, 7 and 11201'. M or Bordentown,h lorence,nnrungton,Beverly and De anco. At cap and 1 0A.M.,12 M., 6.90,4.121,6,7 and 1140 P, for. , EdgieWatar;RlVerside, Rivertoni , Palmyra and M.- Wish Mouse, an a 2 P. 31., for Riverton, , r NW' The 11.30 P. 31. • Line Naves trom foot of Aro rket street by upper ferry. From Kensington Dept: At tt A, M., via Kensington and Jersey City, New York Expreeti At 7.601U4 J/.00 A. M.) LSO, 3.60 tuffi. M. for Plat ten and Bristol. And at 10.16 A. 31. and M 6 P. M. for striate!. At 7,60 end 11 A. 31,230 and 6 P. M. for Morrisville and Tullytown. At LSO and /0.15 A. M., 2 ZO, 5 and 6,P. M. ,for fichenek'A Ind,Eddington, , • •`" andP; M., for Corn. wells, Torresdale, lloimesburg,Tacony,Wiseitximlng, ' Bridesbur_g and Frankford t end 8.30 Ichl. for Holmes. burg Intermediate Stations. From , West Philadelphia Depot vie . Connecting Ball War At 9.30 1.20 4, 6.45, 8 and' 12 P.lll'. New Torkltr . press Line ,via J ersey City $3 26 At 11.30 P. M. Emigrant Line. ). 200 A 00.30 A. Ai., 3.30, 4, 646,3 and 12 P.M. for . Trenton. At 9110 A. M (1.45,and 12 P. 31.),f0r • Bristol, At 12R.M.1 N ight) for MorlignilleaullYtownt Bellenck'a Ed on Corny/elle, Torresdale, liolmesburg,` Ta- Copy,Lwissinoming Bridesburg .. a nti Frankford. The v. 60 A. N. and and it p. Lines run daft. Au others, Sundays excepted. IFOr L ines leaving Kensington Depot, take the cars on • -third or Fifth streets, at Chestnut, at half an hour be fieparture. The Cars of. Market Street Ilailway run , direct t o e , est Philadelphia Depot, Cheat:int awl W alnut within ne eanare. On Sunda s the Market Street 08111 will ran. to connect watt the . 8 Hues , • BELlapkirE" .idavos fromMensington Depot. • ' At730A.: , 111.,: for Niagara Falls, Buffalo Dttnicirki Elmira,' Ithaca,: Qwego., Rochester, , Dink_lMPlPion? Oswego, Syraense, Great Bend, 'Montrose, Wukesharre, Schooley's Mountain, &c. • . • .1, At7.:W_LA: 31; and 3.30 P . M. •for Scrantoll, StrOtidee, . burg, iWater Gap, Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, :PleMington itc. The 3.30 r. K. Line connects :direct withthetrain leaving Pastan , for Mauch Chunk. Allen town,' Dethlehem, &c. • • , _ 11 A. M. and 1 P. 31. , Litabertirille and inti*O dinte Stations. - - - :CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON CO, AND=PEMBER: TON AND HIGHTSTOWN RAILROADS, from nar k-et, atreet,Perry (Upper Side,/ ~, • • - Ay 7 and 10, A. 31,1, 215,3.30,64: 6.30 P.3f.for Merchants.' vllle;3loorestown, Hartford. Masonville,'ltainsport, Monnt • Holly, Smithville, Ewansville, Yincentown, Birminglunn end' emberton. • At 10 A.,111..f0r Lewistown, AVrightatOw 32 , Ock:!Kot*ribt . NeW•Egypt and Hornerstown. • , At 7 A. 31..1 and 330 P. M. for LoWietovrn,', Wrights toWn, Cookstown, New Egypt, Hernersiowni Cream Ridge, Itrilaystown, Sharon and illghtsteWnw• Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger., Passengers are prohibited from taking anything im b_tig , gage but their wearing apparel: All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage • to. One 'Dollar per. tiotind, and will. not be liable for any amount beyond.Sloo,,ex• ;cent by special contract.. Tickets sold and Baggage checked - direct throggh to Boston, Worcester, Springfield, Hartford, New Haven Providence, Newport, Albany, Troy, Saratoga; Utica, - Rome, Syracuse Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bride. ' An additional Ticket Office is located at . No. $2B Chest nut street, w here tickets' to New York, and all imper tent points North and East, may be procured. Persons purchasing Tickets at this. Office, can have their bag ' gage c hecked igesorhotel to destlnation,by nicil r iT ae r cresa Lites from New ork for (Philadelphia will leave from foot of Cortland street at 1.00 and LW P. 31., via Jersey City and Camden. At 6.30 P. 31. via, Jersey City and ' Kensington. At 7, and 10 A.3,1:02.30,6 and 9 P.M„ and 12 Night, via Jersey City and West Philadelphia. Prom Pier _No. 1, N. River, at 6.30 A. 31. Accommoda tion and 2 P. M. Ex press,vi itAmboy and Camden. Aug. 30.1869. W 31.11.. GATZMER, Agent. 11MADELPHIA, WILMINGToN AND P BALTIMORE RAILROAD-TIMETABLE. Conl - MONDAY, May 10th, 1369- Trains will leave Depot, corner:Broad and Waehington avenue, as follows - - WAY MAIL TRAIN at 8.30 A. M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimol - e, stopping at all . Regular _Stations. Con necting with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for ' Crisfield and Inteniewtate Stations. • EXPRESS TRAIN at 12.00 M.( Sundays excepted), for Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville. and Havre de Grace. Connects at Whining- , ton with' train for New Castle. EXPRESS TRAIN at 4.00 P. M. (SundaYe excepted), for; Baltimore , and, Washington, stopping at Chester, Thtirlow; 'Linwood Claymont, Wilmington, Newport, Stanton' Newark, 'Elkton, North East, ,Charlestown, • Pelyvjk i , Havre de Grace, Aberdeen, _Perm:fumes, Ed ew , Magnolia, Chase's and Stemmer's RAM. GHT EXPRESS at 11.30 P. IL (daily) forßaltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester Thurlow,Lin wood, Chiyment,_• Wilmington, Newark:Elkton, North rapt, Perryville, Havre de Grace , Perryinan'tkand Mag nolia.' assen r gera for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk will take the 12.00 M. Train. - WILMINGTON TRAINS.-Stopphig at all Stations between Philadelphia and Wilmington. _2- Leave' PHILADELPHIA at 11.00 A. 31 . 12.306.00 and 7.00 P. ?& The 0.00 P. M. train connects with Delaware Railroad for Harrington and intermediate stations. Leave WILMINGTON 6.30 and 8.10 A.M.. 1.30,4.15 and 7.00 P. M. The 8.10 A.. 51. train will not stop between Chester and • Philadelphia. The 7.00 P. M. train from Wilmington runs daily;allotherAccommodation Trains Srindaye excepted. From BALTIMORE 'to PHILADELPHIA.-Ltsvee Baltimore 7.25 •A. M., • Way Mail. 9.35 A. 31., Express.. 7 2:35 P. Id., Express: .25 P. M. Eress. SUNDAY TRAM FROMBALTIMORE.Leaves BALTIMORE at 7.25 P. M. Stopping at Magnolia; Per rYireln's, Aberdeen, Havre-de-Grace,Perryville,Charles town, North-East, Elkton Newark, Stanton, Newport, Wilmington, Claymont, Linwood and Chester. PHILADELPHIA' AND BALTIMORE CENTRAL RAILROAD TRAINS-Stopping_at all Stations on Ches ,. ter Creek and Philadelphia and Baltimore Central BR. Leaves PHILADELPHIA for PORT DEPOSIT (Sun-' day excepted) at 7.00 A. M. and 4.35 P. 51. - Leave Philadelp_hia for Chadd's Ford at 7.00 . P. M. The 7.00 A. 31, Train Will stop at all . Stations between Philadelphia tindLamokin. A Freight Train with Passenger car attached will leave Philadelphia daily ( Sundays excepted) at 1.00 P 31. running to Oxford. Leave PORT DEPOSIT for PHILADELPHIA tSun days excepted) at 5.40 A. M. 9.25 A. 51., and 2.30 P. M. Leave Chadd's Ford for Philadelphia at 6.16 A. M. A Sunday Train will leave,Philadelphia at 8.00 A. 31. for West Grove, and intermediate Stations. Returning, Trains leaving WILMINGTON 4. at 6.30 A. M. and 4.15 P. M., will connect at Lamokin "Junction with the 7.00 A A. 31.iind 4.30 P. M. trains for Baltimore Central R. R. Through tickets to ail mfint West, South, and South west may be procnred at the ticket ollice, b•M Chestnut street, under Continental Hotel, whore also State Booms and Berths in Sleeping Cars can be secured .during the day. Persona purchasing tickets at this of fide can brive baggage checked at their residence by_ the. Union Trans"- • ter Company. • • H. -F.-KENNEDY, Sup% rn ci) 61 .4 5 P 4 0 g 6:1 1:4 c> rn AF.LZ cla a 16 3 0 63 0 PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL ' RAIL— ROAD.—After 3 P. M., SUNDAY, September sth' 1 1869 . The trains of the • Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Depot,at Thirty-first and Market streets,which is, readied directly by the cars of the Market Street Pas senger Railway,.the last car connecting with each train 1 caving FrOntaticl - Marketaireet thirty-minutes-hero-tw its departure.: Those of - the. Chestnut and Walnut Streets Railway run within onesuare of the Depot, =-_l3leepin , =-Uar:gicketssala-bojaad-ort-applicationat_thel Ticket Office, Northwest corner of Tatitit .and;ollBittint -strects,andat_tke.DePot • Agent's of the Union TrT - inlife - r - L"filiTipTiriY7WilrealEfdr7 1 and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders lett At 10. 901 Chestnut street,lio. 116 Market street, will race vo at tendon • ' ' street. Ijs.?rimliNttn, TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT, VIZ.: Mail Trent ' at 8.00 A. M. Paoli Accom. ..at 10.30 A - . 31.., 1.10, and 7.10 P... 31. Fast Line . at 11.50 A. M. Erie Express„ ' at 11.50 A. 3f. Ilarrisburg. Accom _ at 2.30 P. M. Lancaster Accom..... • at 4.00 P. M. Park4burg Train. ' at 5.30 P. id. -- Cincinnati Express-- ~ . ........ —........at 8.00 P.M._ Erie Mail and Pittsburgh Express-. . . ... -....at 9.30 P. M. Accommodation ......._ at 11.00 P. X. Philadelphia Express at rennin ght. Erie Mall /eaves daily, except Sunday, g on Saturday night to Willitunsport only. On Sunday night passengers Will leave Philadelphia at 8 o'clock. Philadelphia N.xpreas leaves daily. Cincinnati Ex press daily,..except Satuzday. All other trains daily, except Sunday. The Western Accommodation. Train runs daily, except Sunday. For this train tickets must bo procured and . baggage delivered by 3.00 P. M., at 116 Market street. TRAINS,-AmarvE AT DEPOT, VIZ Cincinnati Express., ' ' at 2.45 A. M. Phi huielphia Express - at 6,20 A. M. Erie Mail— ' at 6.20 A.M.+ Paoli Accommodation at 8.0.1 A. M. and 4.05 ,ik 6.35 P. M Parksburg Train' '' at 9.10 A. M. Feet Line.. at 9.35 A M Lancaster Train at 12.30 P. M. Erie Exprees.... . . ....................... - ................. .at e.lO P. M. :Day. Exprees, • at 1.30 P. M. Pseific Expreed ' ' at 8.'25 P. 31. Harrisburg Accommodation at 9.40 P, M. For furtlier,information, apply to RER, 44. Ticket Agent, 901 Chestnut O F I; V P A rN.II., Ticket Agent, 116 Market street. iot, WALLACE, Ticket Agent at the Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for-wearing. apparel, .and limit their responsibility ; to. One . Hun rail Dollars in value All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owneriuuless taken by special con . -,, General, Superintendentr. - Altoons.,Pa: - tract. ' • • , NuWARD 11.-WILLIAAIS, . ' R Cl A P'E '34'A Y . VIA WEST JERSEY RAILROAD. COMMENCING MONDAY AUGUST 30t11, 1859. Leave Philadelphia, Foot of Market street. es follow : 9.00 A. cape May Express, doe at /2.25 M. 3.L5 P. M., . "- ' • Passenger, due at 715 P. M.' Cape May Freight., leavee Camden daily. at 9.20 A. M. RETUBNINQ—TS LEAVE CAPE 6.30 A A. M., Morning Mall , duo at 10,06 A. M. 00 I'. M. Passenger, due at 6.22 P. M. Cape May Freight Train leaves daily at 6.40 A.M. v. - , TICKETS. Annual Tickets, 61100. Quarterly Tickets, 61601 to be had only , of • ,thg. „Treasurer. at Ctunden. 20 Coupon Ticket s, - $40;'10 Coupon' iw.926.ll.icuraion Tickets,Bs 00. for sale at thealcket °Bleep/No. 608. Chestnut sues foot of Market street. also at Camden, and cape May. For MillvilleV'Finelancl;: Bridgeton, Salem and inter mediate StatiMmileave Philadelphia daily at 0.00 A. M.. and 3.16 P. M. PpeengerY • • An Acoof ol oo o ati9 l 4:.%'re ll o f av er oodbry, Mantua, 'llarrielheio' dud 1611aosoord , i _l Philadelphia dailY at 6.00 P.M. Returning—lavvvea Olasaboro , at 6.30 A.M. Commutation Books of loo..ohecka each, at reduced 'rates, between'Philader Ara all station 13. - FREICILIT TUA 13 . 14 EAVE CAMDEN For Cape • No; o, Vineland. &0:,&0..920 A.M. For Bridgeten,tialem and 'way stations at 12.00 noon. Freight. 'receive(' at Ibult''coyered wha rf below Wig not street - , 'Freight delivered Nil. 228 B. Delaware 'avenue. • ' • ; WILLIAM J, fiEWELIS,_ Buperintendent W. J. 8..138 JBA9, ig ORM PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. IN —THE MIDDLE ROUTE:—Shortest and twist di rect line to Bethlehem ]Gaston Allentown, MauchChunk. Hazleton, White llaren„Wilkasbarre, Afahanoy. City, 31t. , Carmel, Pittaton:lTtinkhannock - , Scranton, Carbondale and all the points in the Lehigh and Wyo ming coal regions. . Passenger Depot in Philadelphia, N. W. corner Berke and American streets. ' - • SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, 15 DAILY TRAINS. 1 —On and after TUESDAY, June Ist, 1869, Passenger Trains leave the; Depot, corner of Berke and American streets, daily (Sundays excepted), as follows: 6.45 A. M. Accommodation for Fort Washington. At 7.45,A. M.—Morning Express for Bethlehem/ and Principal Stations on North Pennsylvania B.allroad, connecting at Bethlehem with • Lehigh Valley RailrOad for Allentown, Catasauqua,Slatington, Mauch Chunk, Weatherly,,lnaneaville - , Hazleton - ,Whito flavenTWilkea-7 barre, Kingston, Pittston, Tunkhannock, and all points in , Lehigh and Wyoming Valleys; also; in connection with and Mahanoy Railroad for Mahanoy Cityy and with atawissa Railroad for Rupert, Danville Mil-., ton andW ittunsport.. Arrive at Manch Chunk at 12314 • at Wilktsbarre at, 2.00 P.3.1.;at Mahanoy City at 1.50 P.fd. At 8.45 A M.—Accommodation for Doylestown stop tivgG'rtoavl2,llWAtet linO/PP Stations. . Hartsville„ P r easer:r for Win-. lo Stage at Led York Road. take 9.45 A. M. {Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chunk, IVlute• Haven, Wilkesbarre, Pittston, Scranton and Carbondale via,Lehigh and , Susquehanna Railroad, and Allentown and . Eaaton, • and points on Nov Jersey Central 'Railroad and Morrisarid Essex Railroad to New York via Lehigh Valleyßailroad. At 10.45 A. M.—Accommodation for 'Ort 'Washington, stopping at intermediate Stations. 1.15, 3.15,5.20 and 8 P.M.—Accommodation to Abington. At 1.45 P. M.—Lehigh Valley Express for Bethlehem, Easton., Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton t White Haven,Wilkesbarre Pittston Scranton and WyOming Coal Regions. „ • ' At 2.45 M.—Accommodation for DOylestown, stop ping at all intermediate stationti. , ..,, • At 4,/.5 P..M.—Accommodation for DoylestoWn stop- Ding at ill - iiiietitiediatelttations: --- At 5.00 P: M.—Through for Bethlehem • connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley , Evonletg Train for =EastonAlitmtowniAtauelt - Chunk.. At 6.20 P. 31.—Accomitiodatiou -at all-intermediate stations—L_ • • At 11.30 P. M.--Accoramodationlo - F - Ytiff TRAINS ARRIVE IN PHILADELPHIA.. Trom Bethlehem at 9 A'.111., ;10, 4.45 and 8.25 P. M. 2.10 P. M., 4.45 P. 111. and 8.25 P. 31. Trains make direct connection with Lehigh Valley.or Leh igh and , SWUM). hanna trains from Easton, Scranton, Wil,kesdiarre, Ma hanoy City and Hazleton. From Doylestown at 8.25 A .314.55 P.3l.and 7.06 P. M From,Lansdale at 7.30 A. IL • ' • From Fort Washington at 9.20 and 10.35 'A. If. and 3.10 P. M. j • UN SIINb3Y9 .--Philauelphia-forßethlehem at 9.30 A-M Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.00 P. 31. Philadelphia for Abington at 7 P. M. , Doylestown for Philadelphia at 6.30 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4.00 P.lll. .Abington for Philadelphia at 8 I'. M. Fifth, and Sixth Streets Passenger cars convey Damen gera to and from the new Depot. , White cars of, Second and Third. Streets Nine and Union Line run within a short distance of the Depot. Tickets must be procured at-the Ticket ORION in order to secure tho lowestrates of fare. _ _ • ELLIS CLARK, Agent. Tickets sold and Baggage checked-through to_princi• - pal points, at Mann's North - Penn: Baggage Express • oftice. N 0.105 South Fifth street, . • • - - - IATEST , CHESTER AND TH:Etatin KEt -11 FRIA ItAILICOAD:—Summet Arrarigament.—On and after MONDAY, Apr 1112,1869, Trains will leaven. follows: Leave N'llsY.PPpt4t TIA 01;4.'2 4 'ln.4 Chestnut eireate, 7.25 A. 51., 9.30 A. M., 2.30 111.,4.16 1'; M.; 4.35 P. 51., 7.15 P. AI., 11.80 P. I.d. Leave. West Chestr, from Depot, op.-Bast Market street, 6.25 M 111., 7.25 A. M., 7,40 A. 10.10 A. M. 1.56 P. 51., 410 - P, b. 45 P.M. • . • . Leave Philadelphia for B. C. Junction and Interme diate Points; at 12.30 P. M. and 6.45. Leavoid.v. J uno , tion for Philadelphia, at 5.30 A. M. an 45 P. M. , • .Train leaving West Chester at 7.40 A. M.' will'stop at B. C. Junction, Lentil, Glen Riddle =data:lla; leaving Philadelphia at .4.35 .P. w ill atop at Media, Glen Riddle, Leum and 11._O.f.juuctien.,,.Patisengers to or. from stations between West Chester 'and B. O. •Junction g •" g East; will take train leaving West Chester at 7.25 A ° .l:l ....and car will be . attached - to Rspreso - i Train at` B__ . C.Junction,.• and going West, Pas s engers for Stations above 13. C, Junction , will take train leaving - Philadel phia at 4.35 1'.•15% . , and Will change cars at R. C. Junc tion. The Repot in rfittibletphia is retichCd directly by tho' Chestnut and Walnut street cars. Those of the Market street line run within one talllara. 'The, cart; of both Rues connect with each train upon its arrival. • • ON BUNDAYS,-Leave philadelPhla for West Cheeter. at 8 A. M. and 2.30 B. M., Leave Philadelphia for B. O. :function at 7.40 P. M. - Leave West Chester for Thilsidelphia at 7,45 A.M. and Leave Il.,cl...lttrietion for Philadelphia at 6.60 Lk. IL • MO" Passengers aro allowed to take Wearing •Apparal only, as Baggage, and the Company will not in any case be respOnslble for an amount exceeding one huudroddol, lass, unless& special contract bo made for the same. ILLIAM 0, WREE,LIBI4, , , . s .'W General superintendent. AST FREIGHT LINE PIA NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, to Villkesbarre . barmy - City, Mount Carmel, U Centralia, and .all points, on Lehigh Valley road and 'be:inches. By new arrangementafperfeoted. this day, this , xoad is enabled to ggive inareased despatch to tnerohandiae *limed to the, above-named points. , Ooods delivered at the Througlt Freight Depot, S. B. cT.r. Front and Noble streets, Defers 6P. reach Wilkesbarro. Meant Carmel: Mahermy City, And the other stations lallohnnoY and WYOlning valleae before A ~'Af the aneceseina ELLIS 1.31.4AUE# Agent • • e-7 , t; • • TRA - VELERS'iM . J'IDE h . B I Ii'ADBL BETA 0, HEILKANTOWN .f . A R,Niii:PuTii2o RetThluAD ' /Iml TA -7,,lday 3d,1869 , and anti 0.1 er notice; • . or , :ou•-_ ...VOn aramAli,ToyniJ , . - •,, , 4 , 1 1 - SILVIS .Thlladelphia-8 1 7 - 13 1 9.05 ie. 11,12 A. 31 •; I, 1, I,".3, Leogilenitio l t * O;v a rt. 4 4 6 ,4Mot t i. , 2 l o ° in'9ll, 11.12 P. M. 3il . L .112 i 3, 4 X,5,534, 6, 534,7.0, nodal, ~. m. ; , The 8 2 0 down-train, and the .1% and fat up trains, wil I ton L. 0011.011 Ott Oen3la ntearn•Brane4. - - .•,, , 1 ,.„ ~ . . 0N 1313333p5y5. ,_ - phuid,mptilA-1.9a4•4. li'42, 05 ininutes;/ ..(1 W me m o -s .- 1 • 0-. ~, , LI 1 ' . 1 , I, , ftlre Oermatotorlikk. BI • #4,8 and 9% poi : ,,, 1 . calm Fr, Btu LLROAD._,_ r ZeilvdiPhiladelP ,` OiNhl A. ..81.1 21 3 344 13 21,/,18 `and li pr. al,' , ; . v,v - v ,,,, 11'.:1.15 . ' , 7, . ' 1"+It ,= - I ~Lealre Gheortntd..Rillir.lOgitn9 3 , 8,9.40, and mijii,, , as.; 1,44,3,40, 6.40 8.40 - Myt . P. M. 1 , .. Leave Pbriadelploht3-43.152hintdes A. m.; Sand PI n. ' Leave Ch ei 11113p17.90minntep4. M.; 33,40,8.40 and 9.26 mintite,s .. - _ . FOR 00 S r R 1141N4nr‘N AND NORRISTOWN. • Leave ithliad a t i arna.4.7.l4,l3,3l.osi A. M.; .1)413,4311, 8, • 8318.35,13.05,10 An 333. 4 8 P. Re . ' - Atf '. . nave Norm own--8/0,03‘,T,?N: 9, it A,m.; IX', 3, 5 .:438 03.35, Ran d5134P'.131, ' • ' ". ' NW The A.M. Tralna front Nort.istivrandUnot. etop• 'ltt Nogee'e, °tie Landing, Domino or fichtesLsine. : Iffir The SP. DI. Train from l' b iladel phla will stop ow y ••m school L an°, Man arta k and Clon eh ohocken: 8U DAYS: ' Leave Philadelphia-9 A..=and 7.15 Pi M.. Leave Norristown-7 A.lii. •I 5 and 91'. M. .. Yoll.mAiii . • , , • ' , Leave Phrtodelpxda—u,7l6,9 //OSA. Bf 4 /go 3o 1 %4: •11)9,935, 9.09, 39.0 a and 11h P.M. _ _ __ . A. __ 2 _ , Leate Mannynok- 6.10, 7,pi t 8.10,9KI /IK ihtilg i ld.3o and 10 P. M. •. • ..,... Thee P.M. Train from , Philadelphia will 940 ....... . ' • at School Lane and Manatank. . , . • V ON SUNDAYS ' " ' "'' Leave Philadelphia-IA. M." 23i, 4 and 7.16 P. M. Leave lifanayunk-70A1 DL. ' bi,4; and 93f, P. M. - P. W. S. wn, 111 G en eral Superintendent, . , °pot, Ninth and Green streets. 9 ,: ILIORTPSZ___.II.OI3IM . : TO THE R... ' 7 t•-) • • . . N . .CAMDEN AND AT TH:, RATLI . 4IMIL: • • FALL ARRANGEMENT. • • :• :.TARES EFFECT SEP,TEAIBER Me. Through Train!) ITIVe V•irie S heet $ 4 07, 14111 011oWs: Mail— .. . ..... . - . J Freight ;lift .. . . M. Atlantic . ...... . • LEAVE ATLANT.I.G.C/.TY. . . . Atlantic) -Accommodation— • 7.00 A. M. Freight (with utteeenger ' ' • 12.06 • • JR. - ... . • P.M.. .C . A ladAviri.rl.WE STREET ' Atco Accommodation...« ...... A. St.. Haddonfield " • • " 2.00 P. 21.. • Hammonton'u , • • • • • . '.II. RETtifiNIN Ir:fat - Ark Atcol2.lsiNooa, Haddon - field • • " '• • • 2.46 P. H. Hammonton. - • •. „ At. SUNDAY AIL • • ; __, Leairee Vine street .. A. M. Leaves Atlantic ... . ... ... .00 p: M. An Exprree Train through In 2 'hoitra will rtin every Saturday afternoon and,up. on Monday . morning until further notice. Leave Vine St. Ferry • • • • • 815 P. M.- " . Atlantic. .7.24 A. M. D. H. • MUNDY, Agent.. . . •QUICICEST TIME ON RECORD. THE PAN-HANDLE ROUTE. _ APB HOURS to CINCINNATI, via PENNSYLV - NIA RAILROAD AND PAN-HANDLE HOURSless TIME than by COMPETING LINES. • - PASSENGERS taking the 8.00 P. M TRAIN arrive In CINCINNATI next EVENING at 9.55 P. M.,26 HOURItIi ONLY ONE NIGHT ern the ROUTE. • scir THE •WOODRUFF'S celebrated Palace State- Room SLEEPING-OARS run through from PHILA DELPHIA to CINCINNATI. Passengerd taking the 12.00 M. and 11.00 P. M. Trains reach CINCINNATI and • all _pointe WEST and SOUTH ONE TRAIN IN AD- . VANCE, of all other Routes. wir Passengers for CINCINNATI; INDIANAPOLIS. ST. LOUI S CAIRO, CHICAGO, PEORIA,BUELLNG TON, QUINCY, MI LWAUKEE. ST. PAUL, : N.T.. and all points WEST,N ORTHWE ST and SOUTH- • WEST, will be narticnlar to ask for TICKETS 11Fir'Vits, PAN-HANDLE ROUTE. • - ST To SECURE the UNEQUALED advantages „ this LINE, be VERY PARTICULAR and ASK .FOR. TICKETS " Via PAN-HANDLE," at TICKET OF VICES. N.V. CORNER NINTH and CHESTNUT Ste., No. 118 MARKET STREET, _bet. Second and Front etc, And THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET ate., West Phila. 8: F. SCULL, General Ticket, Agent, Pittsburgh. JOHN H. miLLEß,enerfl Eastern Agent,a2B Broad.; HTLADELPRIA AND MEE RAIL - PROAD—WINTER TIME TABLE. " On and after MONDAY, Sept, 6, 1860, the Trains ott . the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will run as follows . from Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, West Philadelphia : WESTWARD. _ /fall Train leaves Philadelphia ...... .... 920 P. M. • t , • " " .... . ...—.... 7.90 A. M. . • t , "." arrives at Erie 8.15 P. Sr. • EkisEsinress leaven Philadelphia. 11.80 A. M. • ' S.' S ' S ' Williamsport .. . ..... 111 :- 9.00 P. , f 4 • " arrive, at Erie.. 10.00 A, 1. Elmira Dieu, leaves Philadelphia ' " 8.00 A. M. " ..... 8.10 P. 111; . • 4 ' arrives at Lock ...... 7.3) P.• , - EASTWARD. , itail*afn leaves Erie --...—..--:. 818 A :If.' I' • " • " 1.15 P.M. 41 14 arrives at 8.10 A, l• Erie Express leave!' Erie. 3.20 . • 44 44 " —. 4.25 A. " arrives at Philadelphia 12)P. M. Elmira Mail leaves Look Haven 6.80 A.3t. " • Williamsport... 8.45 A. M. " arrives at Philadelphia • 7.16 P. M. ". Buffalo Express leaves Williamsport • 12.20 A.M. .• '• " Harrisburg 3.10 !! arrives at Philadelphia 9.25 Express east connects at Corry. Mail east at Corry tad Irrineton. Express west at Irvineton with trains on . ,• Oil Creek and Allegheny River Railroad. ALFRED L. TYLEIti • • • General Su • erintendent. LEGAL 'NOTICES. TN THE ' ORPHANS' . COURT TOR THE:. ' Al City :and County of Philadelphia.— ilsiate 'or LINDZEY VICIIOLSON.—The Auditor .appointed by the Court • to , audit, settle and adjust the second account of WILLIAM, .DIDDLE and ISRAEL -H. JOHNSON, Executora of LIN DZEY NICHOLSON, ' - deceased, and to - report distribution of the balande in ' theAtands...oL.the, .seeountant._willArteet Alunpartiesz.L interested.. for the purpose of his appointment, on: TUESDAY September 21st, 1869, at 11 o'clock A.M.; at his office, 811. Arch street,'in the City of Phtia.. delphia.. . . J. SERGEANT PRICE, Selo-f m AV Bt,* Auditor.' STATE OF MC' ARY WOLFE, DECD .. I—Letters Testamentary to the above Estate having been granted the undersigned, alt personCindebted to , the Estate will make paytaent, and those having claims • Attorneys, to ALBERT • MRPHY, Executor ;.• or him: Attorneys, VALI, & STROUD,7O3 Somme street. self tit* TN , THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR -TEM City and County of Phileidelphin.--Estate of DAVID " J A YNE,deceased.—TheAuditors appointedhythe Court to audit, settle and adjust the third account of ,I.WHEA TON SNUTH, et al., Executors and Trustees of the last will and testament of DAVID JAYNE, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance itt the hands of the" accountant, will Meet the parties interested, for the put pose of their appointment, on TUESDAY, September 21, , 1869; 12'o'clock, M., at the, office of the Estate, 613% ,t Chestnut street, in the city of Philadelphia. • . JAMES STARE; _peeltllo4ll6ti wm . p . Auditors. STA E OF CATII.A.BLNE SMITH, DE .. ceeeed: Lettere testament:x . 3r 'upon the above es tateltaxinwheettgranted,twthltutulereignedTall,Pereen. indebted to the saute pleasetnake pa tent, and all persone—having.--elainte_wil,Lprea etri_to_MAEr, ANN IKOSERITZ ; Executrix . , 842 .North Eleventh et.,. - or to her Attorney, WILLIAM' A. ALLISON, 429 Wal nut etteet. an2B a 6t. TN 'THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE City'-end - County' of Philadelphia Estate of ISAAC PHIPPS, deceased.—T ho Auditor appointed by the ,Court to audit, settle and adjust the first and final account of SAMUEL S. PHIeI , S, Executor under, the will of ISAAC PHIPPS, deceased, and to report dis tribution of the balance in- the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested .for the purpose of, his • appointment;-on—TU-ESDAY.,4Beptember-14th,1869,at1i--C ?clock, A. 111., at his office, No. 623 Walnut street In, '; the city ' of Philadelphia. • • . . . , .0. E. 3fORGAN.JI t2„ xe4-s,tudh ft, *: • ." Auditor: ' pASTATE.OF PATRION , DONOjIIIE, deconsed.—Letiorit Testamentary.to the Estate of ,TEICE. DQEOH.Uk deceased, baying been granted to the exeeutors, TIMOTHY HICK4Yi' Buttonwoed streot;' above Eighteenth btreet, and Y— SHARKE, All - persons indetited. to :said , Estate are :requested to Make payment ? , mid those having chianti ,against the same to present .theniArithont -- delay to • • • ..I.I3IIASIKEY, i No. 619 Wainut street.. aul6 in 6t* ... rSTATE OF THOMAS 7. WOODWARD, th ' deceased — Letters ~ tetitamentrtry : having ._ - beon ~ ranted to the'RnbtsCriber upon the Mato of P.111031,1$ . WOODWARD,,deeetuted, All, p.treene indebted to the,, some will makepitymeut,and thetto lniving ,elitims 'pre ecut them WE. A . WM/I) . IVMM, 102-N, Tenth se.; or to , tier • ' attornoy. — Jol3EP.ll , !•l'AltillBll, : 323 • .Aliabutt, ~, t . struet:, - • . i , 1 ,;,!. ~, r i'l ,- , -- ~ - , . . toki tu dt2 TNTN THE COURT, OF COM MON PLEAS fz the Citvy Countyi of Plifiadelpitia.. , -;3IARY BARTlERhy.her , nextfriondatc., NIL JASON BA Jutip,Teint,ls l4 ; Na. 1,, In Divorce.—To JASON 13A.Re. 131H1, Respondent—Slß : Please take notice that, a. role. • ha been granted On 'punin the • above canto, to slkow - • donee why a divorce a -einrulo malrinion” should• not. b iteerveAi-. therein, returnable, ,MONDAY, Sept. httl ' eO9; 0,10 o'cliwit, A, M., personal service having failed drfacconntot•yourabeence. •• " • - - JOHN FOI Tfh • • . Attorneys for Libellant. ei m w 4t§ ESTATE OF JOHN - , MINGLE, JR.,DE. is ceased—Letters <o' Administration, cum,. testmonto annoxo !Owing ' boon granted to tho 'underbigned, all porsons'indobtod to said - estate .are-requusted to malts' maytnent. and those having claims IQ prepent thorn to. AutaGARETTX , N0, , 3006 Walnut ow l et; Angust 14.184,1). . • .• • TISTATE - 01' ANNA. O. -ISIINGI I A , DE.„ ceased .--Lotters of administration having - lphom granted to the nredershsnod, nit • Perf/PAB 1 4 11 1 4 041 •TMsaid. estate aro requested to make nartrut, atar - t asp inpft.p&• claims to present t id jutGAßwrvi r.,mrsiux , •.' ... •,, Admintotrateq, ; i :24 iff.: 3 0 0/B.,irt.ruln'ot arca. aul7-tu 6t* STATE OF' REBECCA RATZ . , xyg., c...t,0d.-,Lettercitectunontat r on the • above . eetato. laving been granted h' the Regtster, of Will,' to the un- - dershrued.all persons iodated to theestate are requesug to makevayment, and those 'hoeing anima' to present them to 11011 ACE MOOESlExecuter,92o Spruce strees, ' or 2•os Walnut treat .'•• . • ' ses CIALCLI4I ED- PLASTEIt—A FRESH I'M. votoi jnet ntrlved siza firr sale by A. !OUDEtt k CO 1 , 04 - k street wbrOf. , Rol at 1 Yyi . ~~~'X'., , • !_t . ; ' .`
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers