I'INATTERN IN lihsisiveriton4s Diary. The Lorideti,AtlierirounisaYs: • .!I.(ord- ,ealmerston's diary. is written , in a' bitudnrily Alittle less firm and graceful :than Walriole ) .Vibitt is quite as legible. It is not a mere record of facts, but a gallery' of 'pletutes,„ ;ma sketches, In all of which are clearly to bell Seen ,the !style of an accomplished master. it something more. Ascenebetweeu the writertnattlie Duke'of Cti elfin ton, When.' ' Mr. Huskisson's dismissal or his beingretained vsnsjti dispute, is of the very highest, dm and finest style of serious , comedy—grapble, matleP and, so life•like that the actors seem, bodily before us' queer Movement in BUINSIB. ''The ''proposed (Ectunenical Council' bits produced a curious movement among the . ItuSsinti clergy. They propose to get up 'a counter demonstration 'to that preparing at Borne, by having another council ntfitireters littrg, attended by bishops of the Greek Church, and presidedover by the Emperor. - It is Said that the Pope has made great eflbrts to induce 'the 'Government at St. Petersburg tri , send Russian bishops to Rome, but withbut success. Upon this the "Orthodox" clergy came for, ward; with their plan' for the Government holding a eouncil of, its own, but 'they were infonaied in reply that this could not be (lone, as it wouldnfibudthe.Roman Catholics in the empire• Foifiraardhaary Death. 'rfie "Rangoon Gazette tells a Story of a fisher-, man of Prome whtiliitiTY me ith his deatli in the following manner :—:-Ife'luid.ltooketi,a small fish, eild, wishing" , to free his hands for the at ustmentW his taelleTplaced-it-between- Aeeth. The, fish made a spring down his throat and in:the gullet,,detying all tli lisherthan's' ,eflorts:to druwAt out He at , once started for` his house to :procure assistance, but on thoway.he , firopped and died., ,After his death was found that' there were several • sifines ,:on' the" back of the fish; and that the fisherman's efforts to pullit outhad only served to fasten these, more firmly in histhroat. . • The, Greatin slop canal. ; °':Pub is attention," says the, Paris . Constitri; fferinel, is strongly taken up in Greeoe With a project :q Cutting throtigh. the • Isthmus of Corinth, the.. 'breadth of which is only five kilometres (three and one-eighth miles):- The `,.t.xpenSe is' estimated •at 12,000,000 of francs. The actomplishment of this .plan. • would. shorten the journey from • Marseilles to Cori- Stantinople by, at least fourteen hours,and that from Triesteto the same city by twenty. Baron de Lesseps' will continue in Greece the work so gloriously and successfully terminated in Egypt. , The idea is not a new one ;. Nero had even cornmenced a canal,,the remains nr which have been met With by the' engineers engaed in this matter. A Cretan M. Leon :idas Lvghounes, director of the wo'fics•on the embankments' of the Nile, has made it his STecial business to examine the question '`thoroughly" Injunctions. ,Says the New York Tribune-;--Injunetions have become such an important and, formida,-. ble feature of the legal machinery of our day, • • that we are happy to stumble upon anything • calculated to enlighten the average mind as to their nature and effect. A railroad in Georgia having undertaken to stop the construction of a rival road Shy injunction, the Brunswick Appeal thus irradiates the matter: A DARKET'S IDEA ON INJUNCTION. Bob—What do dey mean by juncshum, I hear = • de white folks tork about? ,Cuify--Well, I splain it to you. 'Spore now • 'You and me bof, get lisens to dray ;• I don't 'want you to dray, cause , you might get some my customers; so I smash your dray till dere ain't nothin' left. After a while, 3 , 0 u get nodder dray, so I gets a juncslnun to keep you Oni - drayirercarvse - yotraint - got de-tame-dray you had afore. • , • ' Bob—But dat ain't rite. • Cuify—l 'ain't goin' to arger the pint. Yon must ask some dem big lawyers how dat is. Poor Carlotta. A letter from Brussels, inthe Constitutionnel, gives the following information relative to the situation of the Empress Charlotte : Her Majesty's physical health is good ; she makes long excundons in the neighborhood of Ter vueren. One of my friends, crossing the . • forest of Soignes the other days met her near Augderghem on foot, accompanied by , a tall, . fine man with gray hair, who seemed a supe rior. oflicer. Behind het was a lady with agentle ,, man• in black, probably the physician. The ' ',Princess wore a' gray dress, a small black bon `"net, and a long cloak of a dark color. She looked extremely . well, and was conversing with her companion..' Near the party were two empty carriages, following the same road. Her Majesty walks out very'frequently, and is often to be seen in the vicinity of the chateau Singulpir. Trial. , A curious case is shortly going to be tried in Paris:: It appears' that in PO the sister of the King of Spain paid a visit to' Orleaus,on pri vate affairs, and the French Government learning this sent a telegram to the prefect to receive the Princess at the prefecture. In .consequence of this unexpected reception and balls and dinners, her. Royal Highness was obliged to purchase je - Wels and dresses to the amount of about £7OO. Before leaving Orleans she ordered the. jewels to be reset and forwarded to Bay .onne, and the creditors were told to draw, on 'Madrid. They did draw, and their paper was dishonored. They now think they have some .claim against the 111inister of toe Interior, who recommended her Highness, and against the Queen of Snain,ln consequence of the reset jewels having been handed to the Spanish consul at Bayonne and taken to Madrid by a Queen'S messenger. M. Gambetta is employed .by the creditors. Marine Intelligence. IsIEMORAHDA. I'lRSlfifddenrge•Bel4Catin,sailed from - Liverpoolitlt.lFult: , .Tor thus port : ' ' ••`',';, for ThIB port. • • Steamer Whirlwind, Sherman,' hence at Providence' • Ath inst. • Steamers China (Br), Mavauley, 'find City or Loir.l , ll .(Br), Leiter', cleared rit'N York yesterday for Liverpool. Balk Eveline von Schroctier,Pruetz,sailed from Liver - pool 271Ii_ult. fur this port..'. • .` Bark Sylphide, Thompson, hence Elsinore 23,1 nit. - .llrrk /Wren, 11111111,•cleared at London 26th ultimo ',for this port. Balk Idalique, Durkee, cleared at London 27th ult. _ for this port via Falmouth: CerealitiTlCurray, dear - erg: Landon for this port.. ' • Brig GlO%llll/11110. Luigi, hence at Ancona 21st ult. Brig Mountain .Eugle, •Sliermatt,- from ° St. John, NB. fur tlus port, at Holnies• Hole sth inst. Brig Amos DI Itoberts,Doak.from Boston for this port, • • at Holmes' Hole PM sth inst. . • Bri,g Chas Stiller, Gilkey, from Boston for this port, ut Holines' Hole 6th inst. , Coleman; Alice It, Alley; Sand Gilman, Kelley; A Lincoln, Coleman; Sea Flower, Chase ; • F .Nickerson, Kelly; Paul Thompson, Godfrey; Geo Bent, Smith; Ella, Ames; Alida.Lawbert;' S ti Godfrey, Godfrey; Bonny Boat,. Kelley, and Emma, Call, henee at Boston 6th inst. Silas Mary Haley, Haley; Win Collyer, Taylor;' Lucy Church, Adams', and .1 El Detwiler, Grace, hence at Pro vidence 611 r inst. Schrs Elvis Davie, Weeks, for this port, and Mist, Dlnncp. for Trenton, sailed Irons Providence 6th inst. • ,tschr Wm thinking :sailed from New London 4th for tide port. ,•4341ir Get, Law, ork, 'hence at Stonington sth hid. Schrs 'Tilos Borden, .Wrightingtert, and Sophie Ann, Bilker, hence at Fall Itiversth inst. • , 'SchrJosW AB Doane, front Boston for this port, H at Holmes' ole Ltiiinsto Schr Amelia, Tlturlow, from - Newburyport, and • 7 A " Garrison, Smith, front 13oston for. do, at Hole ' sth MSC And sailed'agafm ' ' • • ' • • • tic'''. Jos Buyntore, Burtige,; from Saco for this port, 'Passed Holmes Hole 6th last. • ' • .. 3I'IIiCHL LANA% ' The foilirwing,islha Captain's report of the loss of the itanioli brig &mama ,Almirante, on her voyago front . fit J ago 'cle Cuba to ,Vigo, lap ¢u ledcu with coffe, cocoa,. rnm AUgllnt 206 P 1)432 . M.-3luring a tornado and thun der stornc;lvind STE.. went ou a reef about rodeo from - the east end; of the' Island of Santana; arioua means to get the vessel Off, but without species ;.mean time the brig -had...forting a.. leak and man six feet of. water. On the 2let, sent mato and three men in a boat to the Island, but they roturhoil OA P.M.., having found no inhabitants; the vessel continued to take in water, and tm the evening of the za was full to'tlie deCkt leaving tie without Mod or help ot. any kind. August Zia, about 2 P.N., teeing u herm.-brig corniag in our direction we; mode oignals of distress, and as she hove up r to no we lowered our boats and went 'on board tho brig, which Proved to be the liabloe, from Jamaica, bound to Phila delphia, t i ptaitt McDonald, ~who kindly copse/U (4 'th Any till next day to try and , save some of, bite cargo of My, vessel. but the weather on the 21th being rough, and the, place dangerous from the number of reefs in the vicinity he proceoded on Ilia voyage and brought us to,his port of deatination. The following-is it libt .14 no crow: ;--Pablo de F. A nano; Buyitinta Gittentits; Eluzio ',Canrlquizar Joaquin }Mni.; Fameisec, Amanda . Pedro tiabala; 73ointista Itodrioev• I'unlie Goycolchea Ilant Oast ()rubes, " 31 A 'MOS DE IttEN GERSON A , Captain." • Tlio lirgitudo Almirante rated Al at Lloyds, und M OUS ed in Lou on. , • , • P. A. CHEESE;—AIC INVOICE Or NOR . TON'S celebrate 4 Pine BUS Twos° dont ex - posted. and for sale by JOB.B. KI.II, CO., Bole -*gents. =ESTEE •a" `I, LAVEKV . VABLE , z 'NEWS, The.: .-liiternationallitolvitig4latth 'the liat6st Editiorial domthents( LATEST 111015. WASOINOTON Orden from' the Secretary 'of the Navy, Aq,_, A • " ;* ••••• .; . ' • A •"•• ; LATEST FROM THE MINING,MISAStEIt liecc:• - very of More p?ples •- ' By the AtlivatteCtibilif • ' - LoNDON, Sept. 11;--`,The'' Afirnio , Celegraph has an editorial onthewilbject, international rowing - Pat& batWeeni the Ofc fuld • “The merits' 'of the tiva systeras: law be un decided :until 10xfordcrosses ;the d , Atlantic an' Meets_an_AmeriQamnreW on, Amer can waters; ' 3f the Oxfords are: eaten nu. er 4tanCee, it wiilic4;hOwever close, the rd Thfifozlii may be, Whieltis , the best, the 'American. or: English styles bf rowing., If the • Oxford4'are victorious, it *ill show .that the Harvard : have have something tq unlearn.. Welsee no cause to donbt•that the ' be ,practicable, find it Will afford a'fair and reasonable chance for the Harvards to reirerse.the triumph .'Tho. fame of the ' Oftfords, and their love of fair natural to suppose, will' . prompt 'a: ready corgpliance with the just expectation Afnerica. DUBLIN; September 8..-LA meeting of those, favorable to amnesty to the Fenian prisoners; was held at , Limerick 'yesterday, aud:,, over twenty-five thousand people were present. series of resolutions was adopted, among them one asserting that the. farmers of Ireland will not, accept any Tenant-right bill until the, political prisoners are liberated.- Lois - Dort, September B.—Lord Elcho, who has taken...%.very prominent part in the volun teer mciliensent recently suggested a rifle match liefireen England and America. 'PA.RIS,• September 8; 2.30 P. M.—The Bourse is excited. Mentes, 69f. 97c. HAVRE, September B.—Cotton Opened quiet and unchanged; Ennis, Sept. 8, 3.30- P. M.—The Bourse is firmer. Rentes 70f. 27c. ANTWERP, Sept. B.—Petroleum quiet 'and - unchanged. —Lampert, Sept. 8, 4 P. 31 .--Consols for money 821; Five-twenties of 1862,,82i ; of 1865, old, ;of 1867, 81f. Wesniatorox, Sept. B.—GENERAL ORDER.— The 'death of General John A. Rawlins, Secretary of War, which occurred on Monday, Sept. 6.1869, is hereby announced to the Navy and Marine Corps. Ile will be buried with military honors at 10 A. M. • on September 9. Orders for dosing the Department and draping it in mourning, and for the attendance of offi cers at the funeral, have - been . issued.. ,As 'an additional mark of respect for the very distin guished soldier and statesman who has just died in the service of his country, the flag will be (lisp aye. Tl,[ — aat . MrirulTrilTe -- ttrstrnseti and fifteen minute guns be fired at noon on . September 9th, or on the day after the receipt of this order by mail or telegrairk at all the navy yards and stationsAand on the vessels !of war of the - United States-in commission, and at the Naval Academy. Crape will be worn• bYthe Secretary • and by the officers of; the navy and .• marine Corps on the. left, arm for thirty days. GEORGE M. ROBESONi • • Secretary of the Navy. The . President to-day appointed General Sherman to act as Secretary of War until the vacancy. caused by the death of G . eueral Raw lins shall be filled, The Mining Disaster at Plynriouth. t SCRANTON, Sept. 8.-At 5.15 A. M. a party. went down and remained thirty-five minutes. Theyfiiscovered a dinner-can ; and cups. At 0,30 A. M. another party remained down,thirty minutes, and discovered a whole company of miners, dead, on the east side of the, planes' Preparations are making to . send down six gangs of four men each, and ffie bodies will be brought out as rapidly, as possible. The foul. air does not interfere to any great extent. 7.30 A. M.-One of the gangs has just re turnedt and report 'that they went up the plane, just beyond which a barrier was met, conshting of a.car packed around with coal and • clothing. This wag cleared away, and proceeding a little further, another barrier was met, nearly completed, and constructed as the ' first: One man was found upon the outside, where he had been at work laying up' the :wall. It was completed, except a, small aperture, just sufficient to ad mit the passage of a human body, and it is in terred he had just finished his task and was preparing to join his companions on the op posite side by crawling back. • This barrier was removed, when the whole force 'of mi ners were found congregated and piled one upon another, dead. • Active preparations aremaking for the im mediate removal of the bodies, which work will consume the greater part of the 'day, --owing-to_alack-of_facilitiesiox_hoisting—The _ condition of the mine is improving. At 8.15 A: M. Coroner Eno, of Plymouth,' WhoisTowthe - grounit, - ;:nrqianneled , :alury , cor. _lnujiest as fellows : W. J Harvey, foreman; Samuel Van Loon, MirirtittMeßaiiTli - , - James George, Charles Hutchinson and Thomas Patton. They will . view the bodies as they are brought out. • ' 8.40 A: M.-The body of :John Bowen, of Plymouth, Miner, was the third one brought out. -Age 31. -.Left eye partially open; bat otherwise countenance placid. 'He formerly lived in Providence, and heaves - awile and one -chiletin-Plymouth,--Found-outside-thebarri eade, behind which were all the other bodies. . He was evidently overcome before he could get through. ' • The names •Of the dead men will be an nounced as'ilista9 they.are brought out, and their relatives will be allowed to enter the The Coroners. jury jury just 'viewed the `bodies of Steele and Sloeum. , The men en gaged in bringing out the boclies -tire required to be sworn to the facts in each ease. Father O'Harra, of Wilkesbarre is present. $ —At the Acadeiny, of Music Verdi's gteat opera, 11 Trovatore, will be performed by the Richings Opera Troupp. , $ , •$, • , ' —Mrs. D.P.Zowers will appear at the Wal 'nut this evening the sensational piny, Reap int, the Haroe.st. , —At the Arch, this and o:%ierr evening, will be produced the burlesque of 6inbact' the ,Sauer by the Lydia Thompson Burlesque Troupeo lilr. liOnnedy, the Scottish' yocidist",•will give his farewell concert at 'Musical Ruud - Hail, this evening..• The Caledonian Club will apPear in costume.., $, SKIN D/SEASEB can be cured by the use 4:1 ; Burpett7B xtintuou.—Du. CHISHOLM „ THE LEADF:RS OF .L.PABIIION. • . • ' • 011/04. Omiroun & Nnl44, 834 and KW ehentnut ntreet. Where everything in the Hat or Cap line can ho had. PnYSICIANS MM . :AtiTONIBILED.- 7 Tneti find Pr. WhaaLow's delightful Liter and, fitotimelt Liwngfa the first cathartic Find preparation over nip tnintstered. It ineito in the mouth like sugar, ann iFi julit Its jatiatuble. , Its operation is habnless , aunt PRESERVING JARS, 1 reseniug cans., " Preservlnia llnttlee. • Prl , NerN mg Tumblers Civics awl Snling , Wl4, And all articles neressarY for putting up Fritlts AV ;Ouch; tieli , ecl fro, • At EnI'iIEASTON 270,outli.8ecoud ritroot. am= THE .DAILY : , EVENING: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8; 1869. 1, • FICOM Washington. AMIJSEDIENT9; CITY .NOTICIIIS4' The evening, qf Raere,tyleepfß4Sted forth Ity nnr 4 4iriliintitTkat , * • 4 • 'r.!• ,ri•';'“;•l'Z.,,) '11," •.••, • .; •I if,„„ t r • ja • I AV , • - Prprpo cortolopl{`elr i fhot hei X 4 4• LEADER r 80, hViirgiirenal *deo for !Ito corolrfiiiertoori. - n- ThOittundriso'nespittrokit for the insPi.t tton, of the public eclipses Any evdl Vi , aeA to= sateen this city, Romprishm, 013 D C • PLAID CIIEVIOTB, PLAID ri - A.4*,. pv tk u i . r,Li PLAIN.., ' :• •. FANCY SCOTCII,, co4rituni,' FANCY AND FLAlN . .BF.AY*WlllYpOrfti'ppipol. 4 .Aß , 'Every' variety and allnda .ore.ilatudniaraii fay_ FALL in Ida; has aysortment ie frail tlp Ivitll qii th 9 ..•% , pip corps oiCiateriilic3noSl6O6i .YOUR PATRONAGE RESPEPTiTT.Oi 601.191 TED CI ABYDAIC:FO.Itp:'S4 +iethdronfinApirailat, , +••• , • , .•• ,• • Ray ellteg lamest:a upplY 0 • : .+:.Ladeat and,lttmeci•lUAtaJn,tho city A. L. VANSANVBri .Nintli sand chestnut streets, hi the place for tile best -Frereabunnd. American Confections, deliciouo' Irru!tstarid. slice things •In gen- dthliggißts' sun- E2l---4!L , luta, SUBG/C',.l. INSTRaY24 • owq,' dth Eighth street. &lea, 23 86 . , GE!/TB' HATS! ,GENTS' HA7'B!.". , ' • ' Of tho latest aiid triimtimquisfte sfylos:' - -- Prnqs,loviestpi tho (.I'o% * . -, At VAKVIRD , water the Clontinentai _ BEWARR OF TAR 4008 ' 5 Which 'rennin lay for 'next jetirlit'Orip. "Cleirese your Premioeo ,thoroughly with'iiyon's . insect Powder, and thus pro Vent .the cockronehes,..fienc7 moth, hugs and other vermin m froovertunning you' With' their broods next year. loyon's Porwder w_lll do it. :Nothing else will. ' • ' ' Depotal Park Row N. Y. , DEAFNEOS, TILINUNDSS AND UATADUH. J. Isaacs, N. D., ProfesSor of thoS,Byti, and. 'Ear treats all diseases appertaining to the abov e members with the Utmost success. , Testimonialr from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at his ffice, No. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are inv ited to, accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Arti ficial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination • Fon specimen copies and adv . miising terms of the Wilmington' Daily Commorttat and Delaware Weekly Tribune, address JENSINS & ATKINSON, Wilmington, Delaware. . . JUDICIOUS MOTHERS 'and nurses use for children a safe and pleasant .medicine in Bower's Infant Conxe Bunions, Inverted . Wails, skillfully treated 1)) , ! Dr. J. Davidson, No. 916 Chestnut street. Oharses moderate: ' . UT ED DING. ()ARDS. 'ITATIONS T for Partlep, Newptyles. MASON it CO au29tf9 7 ' 907 Chestnut etteet. IikrDING :. _ED INVITATIONS ,EN raved in the newest and best manner. LOUIS D EIA., Stationer and Engraver, 1033 Chestnut street. - . fe2o tf ALARMED. 1 • ALLISON—CAMPBELL:---On'tlie.Bth. Instant, at the Central Eresbyterlan Church, by Rev: 8: - W, Dana, Win. it 1 A: Allison and. Ella C., daughter of .tbn late Ilea. John I ti. Ca lififeltiterttruftirbrcit . ' * DIED. . . hi , cGRATII.-.011 the Morning of the 6th instant, Dr. Charles 11. McGrath son of Thomas and Catharine 11c. Grath, aged 23 Years. • ' The relatives and friends are respedtfully invited 'to attend the funera4from his father's residence, No. 1727 namilton ,street, on Thursday.'morning., 9th instant, at 8 o'clock. • i9ervices iuttmueut at ht...iingustine's Church: „ • WAINWRIGHT:—On 'the 6th instatre; William J. Wainsyright. • • -, The male friends are invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, 627. Vine street, oinFiftb-day morning, at 8 o'clock. Itik LAC*: SILKS, EXTRA t GOOD, • .1.111pIANO• COVERS, ORDERED.STYLES, • DOUBLE' CHAIN'. BLACK -MOHAIR, CLOCK BRAND. BLACK-ALPACAS. EYES • •LANDELL • - ' ' ' '• • Fourth and Arch SP VIAL 0 •.11,4)E5. Ore , ntlempn's OUTFITTING ESTABLISHMENT. FINEST CLOTHING! READY-MADE' OR MADE TO ORDER, BOYS' CLOTHING. CENTS 92- FIURIVISHING GOODS. JBIIN~ANAII Ai BR 818 and 820 CHESTNUT STREET. WILLS OPHTHALMIC HOSP.ItAI Lt•D'' RACE ABOVE EIORTEENTR SIIBEETri. Open daily at BA. N. for treatment of diseases of the; ATTENDING 11URGEON, Dr:GEORQE C. HARLAN, 1i,06 Chestnut stieet.-. , • • EZRA DYER M. D., 1429 Walnut street. . • AMOS•IIILLBORN, 44 North Tenth street. • . ELMCRE C. NINE, M. D., 1824 Green street. • ' •- ' • - • . jy.341 tv tf.rp§.:', 07 S 7 ' STATE RIGHTS EGA SAl f „— r State rights of a valuable invention just patentedi' a d.designetD for the slicing, cutting and chipping of 'dried beef, cabbage, &c., are hereby_ offered_ for_ sale. sis an article of great value to proprietors of hotels and , restaurants; and it should be introduced into every:fain ;Cy.. &ate rights for. sale. Model can be seen at the I . telegraph office, Cooper's Point, N. J. Inv29-tf§ . .„,.„ .. MUNDY ,k; HOPPMAN; 4.. ,, E. J G0U1. , D, NO. 923 CHESTNUT U street is eelling_gtock and ;Pianos undpf aeon & Hamlin's Cabinet Organs nearly. as }tow , 43'llt dlly fOrMer.time. ' all2r4f, 41 2 4 ED STREET. 1 ,09 AND. riIirUMED '14.11* topriiimen'te' Sor Ladies. nntkoi open tronk 6 A, M. to 9 iV/IX, B. PRI4III,CIPALMER., LL. D SUB-, geonAttistibasjuot boo_n commissioned by thiff ISurgeon-Genotal to supply tbe Palmer Arm and/ lieg foe 'lmAtilated °Moors col tbe U. S. Army and Navy . Tlaa !Governmental,olikeo arc to bo located , in Pidiadelablat ,Now Xoloantl lloston. and aro.ull conductod by ; Jr. 2 . au27l 11, E ,1 ‘ 1 71 — )0 It,ig.T; U ." 7 it°lsl4l.E lYoll GU3LATURE, ' „rx.4 OND •• I", wiLLT.An GlLTaNcillAnt jr3 it Null - , .HOWAED HOSKTAL, 19 - 08. MO 0 trf4 5 ,11=Ptal t d r ira t ingt h un g eh rYpePark14en t . il 4 Ti edgratuitone y 0 • • s;-,x • 4. MITSIVAV companion fcir,thitt sick chamboti; the finest Ittealrtment in the city, and a great vaTioty. alro 4o lec,t from; Imported direct byVAlllt , • , • • 1 , 1 11006: ' 524 Chestnut street; belovrl2drtni , ;, D'D I N G AND gNGA.GEM4INT .4 if Rings ofColitl,lB lsarotiltni Geld- 7 a specialty; arttll assortment or sizes ! and no charge ter entgaving hamoq, etc .. , , FARR 4ls ROTRItn, T4iikbrisi • uty244p , , 524 Chestnut street , belOw pourtui MEWL= FACffICMWAT.OthiiCM a,gf .:«Vzoo4 tat,' , Y ) r='( t , r , 4 3 t 1 . ,; a ,ora , 41 1111959114020.0149 r, GAN".OO.CIit r ..ff O OR .3 t. 4 Exchangeflamo A i lIESISifAk CO • •• 401 th 12 tineeStrfilleYq o#ol4 rt 01'.8100 sends; t i the •Koplio , tootmo, , ,tormw Theli,,eond&inly u cenn Goku• • 64 1 "111 , haveOVA/ 'yeeip to iiin* ire Free enl 4 re • J Goli e nt eri nie,rsom t ireility r At ' +1 ti r Land Grant ott , Three Million rittres of the , +," -I Flneet iLande In , Kansas Dolor4do addition to thie'speolafirant the DOMPalif also owniiTtreeldilliiliitiorilteres in Kane sob which are being rapldlysold tO -, d6tatof the cOuntry Land; Improve, the , road. ilThey) area r ilro mortgage,4l-Pc.0614::000:9140; of that raad from Sheridan, Kansas, le Defter co; lorador-sThe , road-inPperatinOlOVlL 1 ORE 'THAN r " 0. H 'OO NET IN c 4 6 0 1 4. PAY-THE—IfITEREGT-ON—THE— , NEW_LOAIt,i There is n'o better security, in thkmarket-;-this being in some respects betterthan DOYetnruent SnCnigies , . PRIN CIPAL AND IINTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. Price 96land accrued Interest, in Currency. Pamphlets, Maps and Circulars ~;. ~~_ ~,, furnished on. application. 4 =IBM= We are . authorized 4e r Uelt the ,bonds in Philadelphia and offer. Atom Oa a' reliable , investment to our friends. TOWNSEND' , ,PENNSYLVANIA AND . , NEW 'YORK CANAL AND RAILROAD CO.'S SEVEN - PER, CENT. MONDS, guaranteed by the LESlfill VALLEY a RAILROAD COMPANY. A limited amount of these Bonds Is offered at NINETY-ONE.' • • The Canal of this Company is 105 miles long. Their Railroad, of the came length', is fast approaching cam .teL'on, uniAreing—princiway—ownediry - -the - Lehig Valley Railroad Company,*lll open in connection there with an immense and Profitable trade Northward from the Coal Regions to 'Western and Southern New York and the great Lakee. Anidiat the Lehigh.Vaile3f•,ilaijroad Co.og r 0I1Ice; No. 393 'Walnut Strict, Philada. CHARLES C. LONGSTBRTH, Treaintrer Lehigh Valley Railroad Cotripany: jy3l tfrp4 •,ww,,i'gx,i : .: ; 4 , , , ,.p.4 No. 309 'Walnut Street, PHSWIPLOMA. au2s wf rn tfrD4 ~... • , St. Lo s uis, Vandalia and' Terre Haute First Mortgage,f3evens. We would caH the attention of in'vestore to the ahov4 Bemis. The Mortgage is at the rate of $12,0)0 :Per mile; with a oinking fund provisdbf 820,000. per annum: The Bonds are also endorsed by the Tollowhag coMpanies: Terre ilautocaid Indianapolia Railroad, . • A Company having no debt and a large surplus land f Columbus,'. Chicago and Indiana Central,Railroad, Pittsburgh, .aincinnati and ~St. Louioli‘xiltbay Co. The last two endorsements being gnaranteed by the Pennl t lpania Railroad Company. We are sellin he above Ponds at a price that will pa a good rate of Interest. - DREXEL & 0(1 No. 34 South'-Third Street. • mhiu tf .RG f 44‘• . BANKCRS, 0 No. 35 S o STREET, PHILADELPH lA. *NERA E kENTS, - - - 4,,--PENNSYLVANIA._,_As ! .(0..‘„,„_ AND O6ILVO' 44 ZRN NO ' I- ' ' OF THE 0 . /ts Ito f cr e o , to It °fill ~; EERIE! UNITED, STATES OF AMERICA. The NATIONAL .LIPID Trottatratch Cniivirrirqa at corporation chartered by special Act of Congreaa, aok proved July 23,1668, with h. t , CASH CAPiTAL;SI;OO'S,SOO,"•TUiI. Liberal . terins' offered ..to".&setits'and' Solicitor% who are, invited to apply CZ bur omcd : Full particulars VI be badon applicatiorint our offici3, located in. the . second 'story; of our 'Banking House, where 'Circulars and Pamphlets, fully describing the advantages pliered,by the,Honwanyi maybe had, , 'JE L W, MIAMI & WO, . • N0."85 South Third &. TAMES tJau N EWBO .•85-. 4 I • • , . • • , 11,1,-,BRORIPSAIb INANOAL AGENTS, Eli 5' ,q,7S 7 SIOTJTEUE CONE STRE T . ,PERSONAL 11 THE " COSMET/QUP/A JZOMPADOUR,” , lfer beautifying altprefiervingtboeornatexion; ,ing it the-freiihness and , brilliancy of youth, rsAvitu-j -fott ari al It Js perfectly free, ireei atiy„.'deleteripus; 1 2 41 k gPi l i l ig a t n h 4 o,131; 1 111 s s'ort l , d pure and•• beautiful; ;I ,Je ,the ',true secret of beauty, and All ladles should use 1 For sale by dealers. . r,„ te CO., se6 r • No. 210 South lith street. - EDUCATION 4- iiponITATE TUITIONGRE,Fa t •LA IN , 7ond Mathomatica:proparntory to tiny collegol ~by experienced instruct Or. AddreoB,'".D,D, , R. ilita..Lwrirs Office. . : . • .. ;,; , STS NATI:IA.II . 6c AUCT.IONETEWN: 1 .13 1. corner Third, and' Spruce,' streets, only one square slow the Exchange'. '6250,000 to loan; in large:9r entail , amounts, on diamonds, silver :plate,.valches, auwellit; phi goo& of ratite. Oaths bouts from 8 • itt: ., M...to a . • Establishedifor , the last(' fort', years,. . Ad=' lvances mado large amp to the, tf lowest market jaB rn ,rates. -- ,-- PHILADEDPHIA SURGEONS BANDAG,F, INB tXTII ) r-B, 14 N. NINTH ; • straet; abOveMarkot '1;1: 'C. BWEETIVB Truss enroll!' 'Rut4ureEr. Chbap 'Tritsses, ißlastic Belts, Btockings,,But_pot;ters, f3ltoulder Braces, Crutches, tluspettsorles,gllo vapkiii}gofi; ' .440Bratterided • .4 4 ', •, • Vrrst" .- •;71 , e-' ,, i, It • • 'tv . . • :L ., 1 ` t , 'l4 4 sX,:fO r i ' 1 ,11 4 ' •.W ' - E •4. , 113 P: • :4 , ri;., ttai T•ror r .ql c r Yi• 471; Art ti 0 t C • .—; - ir~ •r c'f 1. 0 . . • . r •• 11 , U 1,,. • 36" 4Z) 3Et AT • t..41::,•*...5. _ r ' r la , FRENCH , ' Designed; by the best 'Artiste In Paris, for 'sale only by Os, and at less prices than ever before`offered. % - ew 7 OnColegont_orilirat dost_ With botders to inateli t ,eipiusiTo pattirns. Noveltim in ENGLISIi 13110SSELS CARPETS, in the. Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Par elan, Alhambrai ll mninaied, and other styles, in` entirely new and original &airings. - , e . i g.~ ENGLISH:BRUSSELS FOR -HALL AND STAIRS, Just Opened 1,000 Pieces of all the New Styles of Tapestries for the season, at auXimwelmxp HERRING'S CHAMPION SAFES. The-Burning of Earles , Art Gallery. l'iftLAmturitt*, September 1.1849 11°U". F."I"4"I"YLRINGI 629 CHESTNUT ittre*.t GE:vvz.isiEN : We lotve just examined, with the very greatest satisfaction, our safe, purchased of you some years tigo,; and which passed through our destructivi fire of last night. We find the contents, without exception, entirely • un harmed, merely slightly damp, and we feel now in a con dition to cemrnence Our business again, having every Book perfectly safe. "We shall in'a few daye require a larger one, and will . call upon you. , • . ; Very. Respectfully, . JAMES S. EARLE Jr SONS. , , • PlitiangLyttra, August 27,1E19., 'MESSER. FARREL, 'lantana ' • ' GENTLEMEN :''ln the year IMO I unfortunately was in I business in the .tirlisan Building. which was destroyed by Aro on tlie 10th of April. I had then In iw !what supposed was a Eire-proof Safe, but upon opening It I found everything was destroyed,and fire burning therein. You will recollect, gentlemen, there was several of .your safes in that tire, sled several in the tire at Sixth and Commerce streets, the next 3.lity, five weeks. after wards, all of which upon being opened proved. they were fire•proef indeed, forwitnessed the opening of the meet of thorn, and in, every, case the contents were safes Preserved, while ttfeß of °that-Makers were partially dr entirely 1 deStroyed: 'Monett conchided to have some thing that I could depend upon, and purchased one of your safes. . , The safe I purchased of you at that time was subjected to a white heat (which was witnessed by several gentle men that reside in the neighborhood)at the destruction onrii ar TirPaper-factory-,-9;l'WellaceLstreet ott-the-- afternoon and evening'of the 24th inet. Atter digging • --the safe from the ruinsond opening it 'this miming, I was Mtia, "OVerYthing, - Cenisistitig,oE bookeTpapem-money-andailverware..nlLright.—lithall want another, of your safes as seen 8 1 . eon got a place to cent intiOny lnisiness in. I ; cent* not rest contented With ea other Milken!' Safes.- ' ' ; • CI:MULES - Marblel'aper - Mturefacturer. 1 HERRING'S' ) A E'Fir 7 i lAMPION SAFES, the most reliable. protection ,frent.fire *now known,. SAFEg;- ebni:* 4-b n ing-luirdetied_Letga.: and'. it with' tho 'Patent ( Fratildinitti,..orSPlEGEL EISEN,- furnieh a realstant ogainst,boring and cutting. Viola to" an oktent 'heretofore I unYno.P. rgriel, Iferr00,0 , •;114 1101 4 11 *. , Herr**, .Farr4:ht V0.: 251 BrpnOway, corner igiariay to.;t11.; likkitlit& C04,E1 1 , • •. PMEIME .•,•;= I . .-TfrsVelass':;. , Residitce , ~-,,v olriSAtig. " • , . !) wnn.Stone J, nolung, with Coach '4140,4 i. c Street, .0; Tho liongo IS ,JZ f?ot, yont,. glipp;Story and. mango, i reof, rind"thio97tiloTy double' hack. buildings, With bath. Irdointibriiho second and third and water closets on :11M; n arid third and'everi modern ' convcnleuc heltit'ie 22feet front fiber;-: to' Latins; street,' ;on which there is ,a line doach hduso and stablini,fOr ' • - ;• , ; •. :,, • , i The house vos built and finished in rho most conoletav manner for the, presenfoWner, Who has oconided ttabout, andnifers it tor sole lordy on oOodunt , of liqty!itii , ,the ' • , , , Furniture now and Will be includ&V, , trivisheli. E rosse*Oleiitimediate, if t 4 ' 1 1 APPT,Y ottia 4 o, (' , . ;1: At Drexel , 3r,` edi IS A I )`'' ~rt-' A:b O. 34' ovtli,,,od_streoN. iii7tf4p§ • • MEE t O TTEA , .. , % =ME , ~.. t. '6 ''''' - 4'' V :•g , • : -L15a ,, .'•'8.'41,7:5§E.,'45 , ,,i i. All widths, with borders to match. 1,000 PIECES NEW .TAVESTRIES. morourtA.TE. Pmcots. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, NO. 904 CHESTNUT STREET, FIREPROOF SAFES. .G; i. `FOA~~SALE..,. ._, MIMI .t... i1{,3~,c. LVETS. sslera Sans 9-41.4 Yeliota for -Parlors AlOO, MISCELLANEOIiS, THE. IMPROVED BALTIMORE Fire-Place Heater, With ILIAIIMINATINO 13(10118 , MAGAZINE of sufficient capacii HOUR% at a cost ofbp 11, (I.EN - most perfect and cheer I Seater Iniati7e7 - Itarintmide arrangementa with • • • • • • , _ t h e Heaters, to 8.8.8. B. SEXTON.OIO 11.31617310)11E l , er e EXCIAISTVE manufacturing of these eaters, to are prepared to furialeb _them in large or malt Bold wholisale retail by the Manufacturer, JOHN S. 0.1 4 A.R." 1008 Market Street. Betve_re of (inflations gotten up on the popularity of these Heaters. • • - au3 2m5 11UFNAt'S - PRILADELPRIA. PRAVATACY Corner Washington and Jackson Streets 233.4 !arse: May City, N. J. pLER, WEAVER & CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW IN FULL OPERATION, No .22 N.WATER street and 29 N.DICLAWARE avenue MAGAFiIisT DES 1014_WALNUT_EITBICE NUB. PROOTOB, ._ . clnaka, Walking Salta • '--Dresa (roods, Luce Snawbs, • _ • • • Ladlaa' Unlarclothini - • 'tresses Made ineasiie Twrefonazirol' r jari. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &G . 1124 (111ES'INITT STREET. AMERICAN, SWISS AND .ENGLISII, WATCHES CLARK , .& ',RIDDLE'S Speczal genis inPlailddelphia for AMERICAN 'irVATCHES FURNITURE, &U. GEO j RENKELS _ .-.... ' ' OA33INET NIA,k . at. , )1301 and 1403tHESTNUT STREE T i•, t, 3 0 '1 ' ‘ ,' 1' 1 t 1 ': ' g4TiistlisitEn 1544 7 1' • , * ' I,f, , 0 , , ) ) Ge° o p atFll,lllLitliM slue;ee I° Weg t P° 6 4P • t 1 81 ...... ipiarny , , ri . f 1 . ~-,.. I 1 J r , BEyEA { L TO, WATOIEFaS 1* .uusi itozoo,iii the boat ceatitieri by. woyjnani. •. • BAHR &BROTH) ' StOtifmtnatetreot belOW a gINWM9 ,t •/,"' ! ':I 4 „:-.:„•:Ii:.:.„ . - .4 . 1 . :;;;...',= - ..,... . , , . . . ~,...... ...._. CARPETS:. tiIMIEM AM=MI ENIE!!!!!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers