s THE CA.IPA ` ) - . • - ,voyernor Geary at Trpyi, man't q u ent Speech. 'Special Cortespondenee of the Philo:Evening 'i s atoxAlraiiford coUnt•V:Sept. 4;1869.-61ov ernor Geary to-day opened the canvass on the part. the Repuhlicans in Pennsylvania at l this ,:place, by regidar appointnient. , There'. arriied' on the, same train with him this. morning the Bon John Scott 'United States Senator from Xennsylvania; 'aild the Hon, William D.,Kell,ey, Galusba fin:kV rived afterwal cis. , ;Eleven o'clock found this bright . little town in.; quite a commotion. '.Alarge comkrattee •of citizens; accompanied' 13‘ the Tray 'Band, es- . corked the GoVernor and his party resi deuce of D. F. Pomeroy, Esq,., who . hospitably. entertained them during their stay in Troy. At. two, o'clock in the afternotin the , ineeting was called to order in the vinare; the -locality A 7 of the burnt district, now .bappily,rebuilt,with• sisubstantiat brick Some four or:five ;A . 011' . o ,es s y sous o t rail or ,many of whoni;had. epne in from the surrounding 13 1 14 ar;t4 Tales of this hardy. North, were present, and tie Troy Band gave the aid of ~ their excelleutminsictoTenlivell 'the: Seene , -' ' ' ' What is repudiation? , Jefferson Davis; not ,__, , ••" lb!4llfiJong, , Es'44.; , presided;- aided bY a king, .only tne,eXch-seces:sionist and thefarch-traitorc , list of Vice. Presidents. . -.- ' but also the.arch,repudiator, Parried repudia,-; • Governer Geary was particularly happy in. .tion tomiecess in Misaissippi—repudiation of a : Ails arldiest to-day, being' the ;first.to be intro AlehtlitaMlTineriMPil - in - buildinglevees - to - pro-; duced. He was greeted with ,rounds upon tectlll6“State: front the devastations; of the - . rounds Of 'cheers ikon the assembled multitude, . Father 'Of 'Waters. Nov they, ' are . broken who listened With that, rapt \attentiOninter- - dmith; and the credit of the State is forever .[his • rirpted only, by the most enthusiastic' ; cheers, troyed. • The ' State might be sweeping into :2 which a, betokeneiagreat interest in the issues • 6' the ulf of •111exico,and it Could not obtainone of the' dayand Universal . desire, to ,hear this cent of credit. • -'' • ' '"' - • - ' '' • • first rinthorliek keynote,- of the campaign in The:Governor then 'referred:6i the 'National . ' Pennsylvani a n.' i, , , ~...,:, , 1 ~ • • . . - • debt; of whirl! our opponents complain. What . • The GoVernor Said : . • ~ • does;it amount to 2 We have now in the or ' FCleutc , ,Cigzens, Ladies, and Gentlemen: It - pill e,d. ..,States of ,the Union; in real estate and: is the,firettline that thave ever had - the plea-2 .personal , and mixed property, more than forty • sure of meeting-ant audience of • thy: fellow thousand_ millions of capital,; five per cent. of citizens in the county , of •Bradford; 'Midi feel' which would, pay the entire debt. of . this Go- , 2a o ordinary pleasure, indeed,. On thiS occasion, -, veriinient; and if the payment )vere made now ~. ,-,, to be permitted to interchange salutations With the`People would 'save „'neoney by the transac , .'•, yoiri and to - extend to - you my MOSt 'hearty ,tion. We would be worth More, because our •• ••••• congratulations upon the general ,condition of [ PrOPerty wonlif be relieved ,'Of the taX now Mi . , out country, Of our State and of our; people. , posed. Bute we shouldconsent to repudiate • , •-" Probably never in the history of events in this our debts or our bonded obligations;We would .State has there - bah greater prosperity, either: not be worth , a eclat, - • - -The ' experience of the ''''.--, -‘• for individuals or for the Commonwealth -at present year was that under, theadministratioo • ; large, than is'now Manifested in the •,•State of of A. Johnson, wewere frilly $2,520,000,000 in'' Pennsylvania. , Never - - have , appearances debt-that, isi a few days of the time when that throughout the length and breadth of the State - gentleman left his high ,otlice for. Tennessee - ,••,: indicated a more. glorious -harvest; never' for (outhe 28th,,0f February,•lB69). ,The Repub- years,have the crops ‘ been better than 'now, t• beans, in electing Ulysses S. Grant, promised ~';,while all our granaries are ' overloaded. As I that they would pay this debt, and they had : , with Pennsylvania; so with the entire Union. I by this time giVen the best, possible demonstra- There never was n. a more fitting period in • our tion of the ability to ilo So. 'What had they ..• -- history to render thanl,7s to God for His bounty done, under Grant, during the six months just than now. ' ' ' • . , .Passed? Paid $49,590,000 on the debt, w hich The Governor then in rapid.. succession showed that the whole debt might be paid in .brolightto' the view 'anis hearers • the facts twentyfive years, calculating on 8100,000,000. 'l7tha.t. our. prosperity. as a State extended as well per annum;reducing the interest' annually. Referring to State politics, Governor Geary ' to Mir finances and our commercial relations; that our. debt was being rapidly .reduced, and In rendering an account of- my steCiildilifio• our network. of industries and labors widely extended, 'aptly illustrating his 'points as he •I do not want to be regarded as egotistical. •If ~,,-• , went along. The war 'had thruat . upOn u s you leek back upon the history:of .Pennsylva questions which bad to all appearaneeS':b,een mafor thirty or ferty years, you will find that Settled. There was'a party 'which bad been the Peniocrats had ~ control of our finances opposed to this great Union, audit was well to &ring most of that tine. You will find that . inquire 'what that party was and what they had • the deht, too, in 1843 was $41,900,000 all ac 7, • been doing since 1861, when this country was cumulated by the mismanagement of the Demo, . plunged into one of the most direful wars ever . cratic party.. We'are invited tee:Minnie our waged.on the face of the earth. ' That war, it Publio:improvenients—the excuse for this enor must be tonceded, was brought on by peo- mous expenditure.; They footed up $35,000,-' pie of . the South • who , • called 000.- This was the legacy left its by a long' line themselves . Democrats. Then that -of Democratic Governors. Their policy seemed party is responsible for the difficulties which •tobe to pileup the debt upon the shoulders of culminated . in the thtinder of artillery and the the people so long as it could possiblyhe borne. chish of arms on many a battle-field of the in -1 Wheuyou Clecled 'my 'immediate predecesSor. bellion, from which we are just even now lWe tUd that. this . debt was reduced emerging., . That war robbed brothers, - husbands. and ho us `f.. iathers I down to • about $40,000,000. Add, then, , 'ries and caused 1 our war loan ,of , $3,009,000.; In , the countlesa .teiirs to flo w • tirrou;lio ' t i tho i0n 8 4.4,. 1 face . ... ef , this war .loan • in ..:.1.807 our an-dioreadtilo r.- this rank — i,gbin t e households . I total debt was.reduced to V 7,700,000, in round - 7••••Itss - t - twe• • - .You see that •"' three inch four of their ji.... _ , ...,, c MeMberS, a n d , 1 figures. ~ , , notwithstanding the • ....s, indeed,'five— f as a saerifice fOr the national, I three million loan, under the management of life.' :All, ,Miss - eostus because, in the , choice i my predecessor the debt was absolutely re- „ of a Chief Magistrate of the Union,that people 1 sluced (luring the wagingof a'terrible rebellion I some two millions, "excluding .the payment of , refused to he,governed by the majority, and at the three million war loan. I have the satis . tempted" insanely to withdraw from ' the Gcliii-- 1 - _ eminent by secession. And in that they were -! faction to announce to yon officially the figures encouraged by the. then' Chief Magistrate of ' , as they stand - to-day, in Order that there nay the - nation. ' When James' Buchanan , d e : !be no quibbling when I come to, speak to 'the' dared that , there was 'no ' power ' People of StatefinanceS. 'And what" give you to Coerce secession: either ' in hint as . I will Challenge the world te• contradict.. The the executive, • or in Congress as. the ,law-;i. dociimentk are open for perusal at Harrisbrirg making power,• rebellion, which was then no . to prove my allegations. , I In . the two years, ‘ larger than a man's hand in the wide horizon , from the 15th of January, 1867, to the Bth of might have been quenched by a single word January, 1869, the debt of the State was reduced from him,; but his encouragement gave traitors to $33,286,046 13—[Applause]---making, -in • such an impulse as brought on the darkest war- these two years, an • actual reduction of the • cloud that ever settled over a country, Had State . indebtedness of $4,417,463 04, and ,we,; be acted' as,a man and as an intelligent patriot,'.' are paying in the third year of my ,administra-, . Jinn •in what he did, this Government would. tion to the amount.'of $487,159 79. We thus ' certainly not have been thrown into a bitter have a reduction froth 1848, up to January 15, --five-years'-wai. I ask—youTtlienras--Penosyl 1867,...9111,267,105:.41,And •drafimitny admin ..vanians_ (the governor proceeded), to look at tratidti --- ' alone a ' further total reduction of __---theTimuse_whielihronglit, thes.e. dire-calitmitie,s----$ 4 P 02 •5± 437-41mt -f i-" ' millions in reurel ' ' upon ‘us, and you must, yon e - iiiini, - fa - ift o fi nee ---- niuntrers sluee- - ' --- Jant - t - ary; 166' - ,r - -lielnt - tvest - --- them tO—thP-partyr-wlitelris-- s toy-- e pp es i ng - u - s ,--on-five ; nifilioris,is--s3oo,9ooperannum.—And__ in the, name of Democracy. They are clearly what IS more, if any of you have, bonds - you ' responsible ' ',for • all: the wrongs which can bring them down to 'famishing and we we .tave'suffered since - 1861. We all knovir will redeem them - now'to to: the extent of one how they robbed us of our' arms, of our 'forts ' more million dollars,. thus .reducing the State f o f co if u uut s 'a u & ! h o w ; th e y , - t , ramp l e d , a nd. i deht si,r mllions? . [Applause.] ! . , •spurned'Our ' fikUnder. foot. ' What else, then, t The Democrats ask—Where de you get all: hadwe to•do hilt rally in defence of all our ' this Money ? 'Well, we don't steal it. [Laugh-, fathers tad left, TA ?,, Then, after oceans of, ;. ter.]', We don't filch it:from the broad acres of `tblood had . been spilled, and countless thousands, • the eanionivealtl. ' 'We do - not tax your ~,,of money spent, we gained' the ' victory. But '1 property,'Ytinr firms,: yoUr homeS, your Work thepuemy is still on the march,' and the 'battle l' Shops,. you tenements 'tenements.' 'lf they' are' taxed, it still seems to hang over us, just as when • they''," is ! hy--yenr' municipal;' ceurity,. or' township passed - the lines of Maryland and Pennsylvania ! authorities.;! Wept Moat' of the' money from on their road to the • field of ' Geitysburt' Du , i corporations; whicla; 'holding special privileges . you'aski Where is this covert enemy sti • u p on I from tliel Commonwealth; are - justly Made.to • the War-Path? Yon may - read of their :,where I, Contribute to.' the welfare of the State • which abotde in all the elections of the South., y ou 1 protects them, ,• ,•ithwith the money - we this:' will"' remember that during:. the rebellion yaise, we pay for our common schools, support., , 3100/, served the devilin the livery of, I . our soldiers' orphans, and give asylums to the Hea"ven,,- ... Ws followers' as Boys in Blue gained 1 unfortunate insaireflame,:blind.and halt. Mr. by false pretence , some cruel •advantage over I Packer would restore . the tax on real estate, our4ireve, soldiers. . And this system of false , i and nxtend,bis protecting wing tOspeCial ' car , _ retenee, histead , .fierw of being, but, an auxil- I porate pri,vilegesii other Wise, your; debt would' - Lary 'to "'greater 'ineveitieuts, : . has come' to be 1 .1 - lever decrease under Demecratio sway.., .• : ; one of the main dependences of the eneiny. I ' Speaking of special- egislationi.theGovernor We see Men all over the ' Union ready to don said - ' • • ' ' ' our MilibiniSand li g ht' as Republicans in the I . We. 'are told by our opponents that Governor cause', •of ", our . ' coMmOU. foe. They come I Geary is ~ remarkably cureless" about leg's' la to the : ..gpdaeo every day ! as Republi- I tion;. that the Governor writes no vetoes; that cans-,- , . , Conservative ~ L . .Republicans"—which , he should stop all 4 g special legislation: 7 ! iln ether • , means • nothing - more ••• nor • • less than 1 , wcirds; that he - should darn tip -the MiSsissippi . . theold Seepsiionpartytif the &kith. And this I. -46rit'arixounts to that.*- Let me tell - yen; my miserable partY•of guerillas have actually taken . 1 . - Merida; the faUlt lies' with - .,0n: '' :If You'are'de-:` us by surprise. : at a disadvantage, too, in some : l3irons'Of stopping Special legiSlation, the gr' inf-L' instances—all because We have iiirt been watch- I' ing of special, powers and the incorporatlenofor:- ~ • ful as' freemen jealous of ;Ont . - liberties: • We I • ganized capital in any particular shape; youniust„ - i' are 'too prone to 'sleep after:a victory. , They I. send the prOpej representatives to Harrisburg ,, captured us in Tirginia ;w l and, hat is Still more .1- so' instructed—men, too; who - will =obey -*Mr' and dis far worse; they, under the -same miserable' i instructions : You are directly responsilde'fOrf guise,'earried out thet'smile grand frolic Iry l' the :,legislation' et', Viinr , representatives: . ' Xe. Tennessee,' to time endangering'. of We :Weir') is bviTelf 304 anffthein. The Governor rta.•§' • Lionel the fifteenth arneridtrient.; ~,_,..', ;•.. , r , „- ' no; right*, stop' 'Special" legislation siniply'„he-; 1 - TheY ask you in PennsYlVania , that "there cause lie does not see any•reason why it should must be some change." A change,for,hetter. or not pass'.into the - statute books. Represerata- worse, seems to be their rallying cry, as if there Lives are sup Posed to know and •to folloW the were Magic in the words to , draw , time ,enthit-- - wishes and interests'of ! ' their . Cemstituents'at siastn. tof the people. Their insidious "change,?' - home much better 'than'your executive, and if letme. tell you, my .friends,! means ,. an 'utter the bill is not in conflict - With ' constitutional - absence of protection for our manufacturer; and • precepts it is difficult; .if not impossible, for productions They are, in • fact, teaching' ; ' the • linit to prevent its enactment. Your repre peopi trade.' They would ship your wool • seritatives pass bills whichthey think are neces . to Wirope'' to, be manufactured there with sary for their people, and the Governor' cannot chesOrlatier to:. save, you the trouble, here, question their asseverations., • ' ' ' They would shut up your coal mines, your In looking back for many years over, the re workshops, your factories and your rolling- cords of vetoes presented to the Legislature, I .mills, and throw your teeming millions into have found that they did not average more _ ',.1 _ ~,,git'u*T. l .Vheyiiiiipid ‘1 d lit:', ~‘q, 4 3,41: propetsto.troreio - :fic, ii, but V; 7Y. ;Plal:i, t in ,alsoV Are 'W to ..' an : c ;,! 1 ,02 atikik., . 3 1040_,Are 4‘,A to :- tri * y tre d 44. :4 1 " , firpitiAratf,ir%... "ri l es rr. Ili• il.e ' or'keo titen 4 ed, ~ ye another object in view—the repudiation of the debt of the country: 'They talk smartly of 1 / bloated lx*ol49loAW'rr,: theY. W/10-I;LeUtgave, ii: "dollar of theiror cared a strap for our brave soldiers serving faithfully and suffer hig manfully in defence of our common' in heritano. :s .They never - gave ' a '-,centtoz , the - Christian and Sanitary Commisgions devoted to then care of our sick and wounded and (lying. They ~,,were „now _again ..rminiug :or AlleGrol.,. vernorsbip ot Ohio, Gemge Hp Pendleton, the Chief of avowed rebidiatoa - Our debt had 4ccrue,d in defence of the"' nation's life,', and every cent Of it =fgt and shall be paid' • This 411cited; , pridonged aPplanse-y- This Was 163 only`doctrine ~upon which we could "'possibly gtancl. -,Destroy the value.of your bonds; rand 4 imi tike.frorn every -,bank in the State and - in- , tbe ;United States all r the Currency, with which wee ,enabled to transact the' business of the country, and every fire in ,our, ,manufacturing establishments is instantly, quenched- hese : Men mean arnere i . `heir Aleslgns , • OSONili the` assumption of the entire .debt of tiip sthith. ' Ihen;'we baiiiiesii`ta contend With a p — lay - thlt s isinakingic combine tack upon ' our :Miter Worlts4F'-litst,'bY . ee-fe trade • se lAilla j b.) repadiation---and--ffith-,'-'-by' ; ---t, lie ' -is--- suraPtion'Of the Whole rebel 'debt, • repudiated"- invcountless millions tWo or three times' over, alreltdy. ': , E DAILY; . twelve per aim ~ ~k, predeceso4 r . , . six :years or . ;i . 7'.,1 . • it;:itt* ~„„4 Jtytmai ft Mildred gild f, T . e • A v et4.es _jog, pitati : Ai per_annum; Of thli . :', 7 1 lyelgs:-Of SrA Aiiiii . • thin thus far, I , - ~e. ,:;- e • tg, ill 180, itcty-nii4 ; iinlBoB,sixty-i :, • ; *18;9, seventy ninermalitig in three yea ; ir 'hundred and seventeen vetoes, in which Will venture to .say, rdmost4ivery-principle.nf- , the. , . Government• has in some way been involved. -Not - one of these ,vetoes has ever been ciiie.Mdilen dry the LeAlature. : -NVe - -tbiurhave an average - Of WI - vetoes per anntini,opnore tlian one for,evrry •day of •leg islativeiession. " Were 1 to ati l -raord; the Leg- Aslaturepllear ' , would-form,auch-a, ring , as wpiild,p,revent any executive from effectually Itpppingany legjslation they..iniabt choose to react.; 1. have gone just as faraanny Governor Vet' dared go. ' No Governorlias ever vetoed iscinank .bills' and' stopped tia Indeli: evil legisla ' iiqp, and I have, the „proud 'cOnscionsness of knowing that not' one of the to, I litive vetoed ever passed`thelegiSlatM'e•.6yerd,reiead• Alluding to the, subject orpardons . ,,aie Gov • ernor said,that in the palmy , days .of •Demoe racy• they,pardoned four orilve hundred crimi nals in a single year._ Tho •whole number of pardons inning his first yearVas i :62;' in 1868 the rininbe waslnereased tO4o6;:oWing, to the ' fact *Ale could 'not' bear, .to pep mon. _fined $7OO - and . lBoo - frir - enforcing a: regukrly-framed ' statute preventing deserters ,fiem:vOtirig:,Div . ''.lg-4bie-erwrent-year-tbe-runnber4aa-treached , but 40—making a total ofil9B during his term. -Murder, perjury, amour biirglary, ..and their. kindred crimes should .never ' go ntnished ' -under his administration: ,' '' '' , ;; • ' ,' • ~ The Governor confirmed:,,iii int. : eloquent 'strain for over an hour,- and - a , half, every word making its full impression upon his audi tors.. ' ' --L- ' ' ', --i----2----- Ile was followed by triited,':StateS Sena tor John Scott upon - nathMal polities., Ron. William D. Kelley... ' and lion. 'Craluslia A. Grow concluded; the:speak:l. Y 0 U G Ml4l N•A'N , D .13 Y No. '1416 Looust ,Street. ED*Allto CLAIIENCE SMITEL.A. 82:;'Principnl. 1: This School offers superior advtuitages to those pre paring for business.' The course in the common English branches, including • mathematics, Is very thoroUgh and complete,' Special instructors in French ,'Drawing;Pen manship. Elocution. • • . 2. Those looklng'tO, College recelfe a, 17106 - t• thorough preparatcry training;•': 3. Speciati,Features—An unsurpassed , locality, largo and well. ventilated- roorns,a .secluded "play-ground, a tirst-classPilmary Department. Next Session begins' September 13. Circulars at 1226 Chestnut street. , • , , • H TlitErfEttrE -INSTITUTE 'FOR YOUNG LADIES;ATTI:EBORO;Thickd comitY, Pa: Beau ifullx•located , about twenty front. 'Philadelphia. Prom went ii,pleadant home and .for. thorough teach ink. For particulars, ;Marcos' W• T. SEAL• . r Principal. • Catalogues and. information' may bo had 'Of Gilbert Coombs; A. •M. GUS : Marshall:street; ' J ... 7., Cralune, Twelfth and:Filbert dtreets; J.. C. Garrigiie,', 605 Arch street; •:Josiali Jackdon, Cowpertliwait &' d'id Chestnut !street; oil H. , •Warriner, 26'North Seventhistreet, - • • sod w,d tt§ T m O. PRINCI F PALSi • O PRIVA E A gentleman of ten years'. experiene o :in teaching WiSiii43 to engage classes in Book-keeping And Benanui ship, Has made specialty of these brauclidg, and call furnish the highest references: :Address: • ee7 Lt.* . B. 11.." crire Nranktiu Instthtte.. . 1111 ISS BORDEYS SCHOOL FOR, GIRLS • and Boys, No 162 G Pine street,. will 'reopen Sep ber 73th. - . . • -sea lin* . . riOVERNBaS'S.—A YOUNG ':'LADY, I,j; fully compete : nit to instructbranches in the first. of an English education and music; is derrirono of securing a situation. le a tnerabor of the Episcopal Church, and has the hest of reference as to character and . ability. Plena° call on. or , tbjress...4..., J.. 260 South. Ninth street, , ' • • : ' se63t." 1 OLYTECTINICT C 0 ,L G . , teen th Annual Session, 1569-70. The SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL, for the general student' of Mathematics,' Experimental Science and- Natural History begins TUESDAY; September 14, The TECHNICAL SCHOOLS • for students of Mil, Mining and Mecanical Engineering, Analytical and Industrial .Chentistry, Metallurgy and Architecture, begins TUESDAY, September 21. Apply at the College Building, Pdark,et street, above Seventeenth. • ALFItED L.' KENNEDY, M. 8., seG-tl4; 'President Of Faculty. B0YR ) ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL Academy.l i 8 Chestnut street. CHAS.' F: COS TEN, Principal. ' sant ly Mf4 • J lll -a-k' -0 0 .0D I, W' S Pc hool for Little Gitla,92l;' Ctiutoa street, will 'ho opened Septentberl3th,'. 1 , • I • , Se6-in,w,f-Gt . MISS DICKSON' WILT' REOPEN - HELL school at 10+313cittia trglateeuth street, on the 13th of Septernber. • , :": an3o m W a LECT SCUIOOI.--14 ALL, 'S.. W. : COP; - ner GlltAltD avenue and IXTII etreet. Resumes September 13th. . derlV BIU .10V - , CII-lEGARAY INSTITUTE, FR ENC Fr Viand English,for youngladies nnil trasHCß:boardiug 'day pupils,lY27.and 1529 Spruce st.. il re-open: on MONDAY,. 6optember 21.1 th. French 18 the language. oftheDimilY, and is constantly spoken in- the Instltutd. MADAME D'HERVILLY, Principal. jyl.' 2 n, w I 3tti MISS • ANABLES'-, BOARDING AND, IYay , School, 'No.'l Abbotaford PlaCo, soatheast. corner of Broad and ,Pine streets, will re-open onWED NESDAY, Septeinber 154801). aul3-f.m.w.lm*- ISS AERTSEN . AND' MISS . -Sl 3- EVENS, will reopen their Boat ding and Day 'School for oung Ladle's, No. 26 TULDELIOCKEN street; Ger-. manto Wll. au2o•w f intseg • The School year begins September 9th. . , `IVIISS 'l/I=FFIJM AND MISS WATSON will reopen their French and English Boarding and Day•• School for Young LadieS, 1109 LOCUST iittOeti, on WEDNESDAY ..Septenther iin9thw f 2rn§ CIERIAANTOWN ACADEMY.—ESTAB.; Schoorfor Boys. • 'Boarding and day pupils: Session he'-; gine AIBNDAY, Sept. 6th. For Circulars, apply to • C. 3.IAYIe,'A.. Princip al.. trtf.“- 10-11,-Eli-C It --A-IT-13- SehOol NO. 1717 "Pine street.' Miss I.III7ItNES4III resume duties on Sept. Mtn, For circulars, apply at Mrs. 11.4311.1.1ATONi7110)11AS'S.Book - Store 1314 Chest nut street. • . . , . • and-w.fplillt*, tisnoP ,Tll' 0 P E-THIS ClFlXtfaat School for girls, on the south bank of the -Lehigh{', will begin Its second 'year, D. V., on the 15th of , SepteM• • her. ' The number of pupils is limited to thirty.. French is taught by , ti resident governess, and so far aaspOssible' made the language of the fatally, Address for circulars, &c., . . . i miss crust, ,;':- • ~• .. • = • Bishopthorpe , • jy3-s,w,tocl.s§ • • • • Bethlehem, - Pa.. • CALVAILY ACADEMY, AT CAlliAllf'• Church, Manheim street, Germantown, Phila . : • The,school year commences on'the second ltioudaY, of September. The Principal will receive into under' his ,immediate charge, font boys between the ages of , eight - and thirteen years, at three hundred dollars per school year: „b'or ctrenlar,witlressitheTrincipal, B. Shoemaker, A. N. 213310theint street, Philadelphia. . References—Rev. J. W. Perry, Rector; T. A: Newhall,' PIK., ;Boit. b . , Carroll Brewster, J. L. Erringerl Esq. au7 sb,wlot§ ATHARI SHIPLEY WILL RE .V. (11) 1 1,01i A 80111 1 ,3 A.) OPEN her ,Schoolf , M N l P . ). 4 oth lu t' o ti4 nt 1 3 ! (ESenpltt‘Clibern)tl3ret.s,l: =WEST PENN . ,: - SQUARE SEMINAR X VV' -for 'Young Iddiee, No. to South Merrick • etieet, oat°. ' The Fall term of this ou. WEDNESDAY, September -224. ptiOnAGNEB IRWIN, Principg. , ee.3 tse2l 188 ,CIiELVELAND" DESIRES TO ‘A.N . - -,; uolance l that she Will open { on IIIONDAY, SeP- , etab.0K2 1 14104V 23 De,,l,ancey, Place, a School for ttle, limited number of young ladles. • • • .. education or a 'Circulars may' be had on application at 219 Soutlr *ZI Mit street, between' the bourn of 9 and 2. :- - - lie2-111 .1,- . l• Select ilome Boarding School for Boys. Assisted by , T i . .'iti#o4pate of TrinitY Pairereit}, a gentleman of attain.: went and experiei ce,. and aided by other teachere,ME.S.' ORAWYOM.) , AciIVbe prepared to receive her' pupils :'on :VV ; EI:II•JESDAY , 15th Sep eber, .. ~-, !111.4 , eat) be reached by Slxth street cars and dummies. via,; Erankfor - d'. "'For terms 'and circiflare applY , 3o; she PnmerrAti.Try , Boum Fax Canino I', 0., Tweuty,thiril Wfink; rill P.. . - : ,:r, ' '' • • r 60 lino§ . miv .: 4 res,rxy.p.r. PENNSYLV.A.NI.A.y,qI . : .. «- . • - (Faculty of Arts. ) - , l• , ' •-' :,` , lb° flint; tetra of 't,ho' College year NViii.op4,on N'vrp, -• li s J.? DAY ; SoptemUer , 15th, at 10 o'clock. "Arkplicatti forladraisslorr.wAll apply for examination at half-east, /o.: - atlialti trAirliTsuo either the coupe of ,stadiss for. tha - Trip g 4,:l NACIIELOIt OP 41t1 . 8 or the course,for !the ; TP 013 -011'111A0HELOID Or B , OD3INCE, in which . thelAll4gAt •pc,,ttnaup,gee: arty not, Ott:ldled, but atichtioAal ti me 111 /prop to Atte, mathoulatts anti the Modern Law , futtigesibi) tIAY' mat rurstte s ch 'depurate 'stadtila 'as' he d e girp, awl ;which; the Faculty max aoptove: • .'. • 7r ' ' Fees for eltherof the full roarsea, a illy-fire, dol/ftl:?, ternv;"payaldd in advahee. .. angl tseI_BFRAILCISA. JAMLN_ L Be,erstitria.: -- AN'NA ' , KAIGHIV.S.' - SCHOOL' •-1 'FOR , :Young. Ladles; No'. 1610' Green street,' re-epode a me., 15, 1059. au2l-I.et* 7(?B ' LrL ' tiETIN4"'PiIILADEL+MA, - IV,DNSD RUGBY ,i4ke,4:6)EMX ARY M. TRU?LAN , WILL RE-OPEN her Sohool No, 142 North Seventh street, on tho of Ninth Month (-September). se3 lm" GEORGE R. BARKER, A. M., WILL RE open bin English aid Classical School, Prico street, Germantown, on Monday, September 6th, 1869. • autl9-Imb 'vcroilia.4l,lßNlTer i pN ommta.d._. FOR UYS AND YOUNG MEN: ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. Entrance PlB South TENTH Street: TILle kirliMAPrcsentstlie. , folloWingAdvantsvgg , .. 4o :s..sq niely,Vehtilated class-rooms, with callings thirty feet in height, Idling each pupil more than double the usuai , - breathing , . . ^Wideilndssitsa.Mairways, rendering acCidents in as sembling and dismissing almost impossible. A corps'otteachors overt'' one of whom , has-htury•arn ;of expari c tico in• 'the argot. im A partiitgnowletige, and ditaking-striaraterefitink, and, dotist kinentlyi poffl.able. nit,d 6 1 4 Li. Odell! ri if land diecirdhio'etilettlatedto 4 mako school attractive instead of burdensometo •thLi 4 pl2o:— , —anlndhiperisabli4eguisitefortecnndettrsileenSg: ' Ap_plicationsroceivedat the•Acadtanyeffom 10 A. M. to A P. M., daily, oulandnfter AUGUST 23. , Catalogues, • containing full paytioulars and the names of many of our • leading citizens,,patrans of the Lastitn - ton, may be obtained at Air. W t E, Warbartoreiss43o-: Chestnptinarektor imaddrtssing flPrrrititiDisaboW. M, LAUDisuBA.OII, Late Principal of the Northwest Public Grammar School. T4E-EDGE 4/41.141e:i SCHOOL': Willbegin its next session in the New Academy At Dierch•Apttip#„ N. 1, . (Four ndleifrom Caindend . ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER , 6. 'For Circulars, apply to Nov,. T. W .. CATTZLL. ; • TIME, XIS4S GREGORY WILL Rl cuatmtrataslAVilevpma.4le#,._,.lNAjliniw, ART SCHOOL. A. • VAN DER WIE t '►'► • • SCHOOL , OF AET, • • ,Esit 1334 CHESTNUT street, Phillidelpliftt. • ThiWinstitution, Modeled upon the most celebrated AcadelniesOf Ehrepoiwillreopen [Reut her ; 6,1869: Its instructions are . not limited to Artists , exclusively, but'are also , carefully adapted to t e wants of teachers, and all 01, 01 4 .'0 0 deeita proficiency in Art as an accom plishment A dmissiOn mai he bad at the beginnini of any month. Circulars on application., , au2B-12t __ ._ N - 0 R T -- li - W. - .1 - 13 - ,T — 7,Th r ST.E.TUTE i' -- -i 0 OR. - Young Ladies ,'will conarnence its' Third Session MONDAY, Septeniger 13th, 1349.- ' Applications can' bs made at. the Soho , N0.,1339 . Tliqinpson streetion and after Sept. Ist,between the hours of 10 and 12,, ~ - • ' , llincipals—'Mina Et C. SEyDE,R,';I.IIBB , A. ALBERT SON 3.liss E. A. rvEl l ys; - . :- , . au3l- 11t' , GUILLEMIT, FRENCH TEACHER, D Z. 57 South Ninth stre4. • au2B lm* THE CLASSICAL AND • ENGLISU. School of H. D. GREG onx, N., Mo. 1166 Mar ket street, will reopen on 319.NDAYOiept. 6. ' rillag -. 31 - IS3E,S• MORDEPAI . WILL P t 'l_ °Pen their Day Sellout for. Young Ladies on WED NESDAY, September WA, at Mi Sprung et. au3l-1W GRIFFITTS WILL .11E-OPEN 111 her , schtol '''SEl TE3IBEit 18th,' the upper row:rim - Of the School Building nf tho (.3ittreli; Chestnut and Fifteenth streets.. .Entranee, upper gate on Chest -nut 'street. 'Applications roneiyed at 112 d .Girarti street. au2stoel - • • --------- WM. EEWSIIIIIII.'S CLASSICAL AND V V ..illtitheninthical School, 11/08 Chestnut sire A'. Pupils thoroughly fitted for • College or business ptir. They nll &SE , ion Will COMIIICIice on AlONDAY,Septem ber 13th. . , , Circulars given, Or sent to address, outpithsation. ' F EMALE COLLEGE,' BORDENIGWN; N. J.—This Institution; So long' and RO favorably known. continues to furnish the beet educational advan tages; in connection with a pleasant, Christian home. Catologuett, with terms, etc., furnished on application. College opens September 16th. • • . ' • • JOHN BLAKELEY. President. LBARROWS'S SCHOOL FOR - . in the CITY INSTITUTE, at" Chestnut and Eighteenth, will ro-open !HONDA YiSept. 13. au23tat O ATUNG MEN'S AND EOYS'•ENGLISFI, Cornmerelal and .Seientifie InStitute, 19081dt. Vernon street. I.ltis atteeessful fichuol enterit its. fifth year, September alt. rreparatiou for. business or College. Pupils May now be mirolled: Preparatory de l • pertinent foreman boys. - ..liev. JAS. G. •SIIINX,_.A. 31., auW, ' rrineipal.. FRENCH, LA.N,GIT4OE.—PROP! ESSOR J. DIATIOIEAU i!to.rernolie4 to :So, South 'Ninth street. , . au26 Jut" .14. K. ASHI3URI.%IFdi, WILL RE open her .School WEDNESDAY. September 8, N. • . corner 'Fifteenth and Pine. • au26 114" 1 --- tirnIISENGI:OIOL - Ait- - 111:102,1AS B.A.LD 1. eke) and Dlathematkal Scheol, for Beye+ northeaut corner of Broad and Arch etreete, *ill re-open Septem ber Bth.. . ; ; • - • anZ3-1m" MP.GIBBONS'S SOEOOL . alde oft Orange atreet, second gate helow Eighth) opens 9th month 6th... • *; . ; ; ; ; • Ma') 19V COL.LEGIA.ft SCHOOL, S. W. CUR - NE - R • Bnind and 'Walnut streets. Term begins Sep tember 6th. • r an m.tt§ , REGINALD. H. CHASE A. ,/ 'HENRY W.' SCOTT , A. N. PrineiPahs' FIFTEENTH ACADEMIC YEAR of tile B,pring Garden Academy, N. E. corner Eighth and Buttonwood streets, belting MONDAY, Sept tab. Boys and Young Men prepared for business or college.' J. P. BIRCH, A.M., 0.1148. 4. WALTERS. A.M., •Principals. auZ lm§ JSS .oAlta'S SELEC 811 T UALWSG . Ili and Day School for YOUIII4 Ladies. ELLDON SEIIIINAItY, opposite the York 'Doild eta tion,.Nortli -Pennsylvania Railroad; seven miles from Pliilmjelphia, will reopen on WEDIIESDA Y,rlept. 15th. Circulars obtained at the (Mica kif Jay Cooke it Co., Bankers; 114 S. Third street or by addressing the Princi pal, Shoemakertown P. 0., lilontgoinery co.,Pa.au2.l.4ni§ /ME BEST . PROVIDED — SCHOOLTIN' 1 AMEBIC A SC lENTIng • AND CLASSI CAL' INSTITUTE—a School for Boys and Young Men —Corner Poplar and Seventeenth streets, re-opens MONDAY, September 6th. • J, ENNIS, A. Al.; au2l Im* Principal. rIERDIANTONV.N. iiIIMINARY, FOR ILA : YOUNG LADIES. Green Street . , south of, Walnut Lane, will re-open September 8. For 'cirenlare contain ing full information, apply to Prof. W. , S. FORT EfiCUE, A. M., Principal. • augl'llf§ A NDALUSIA ' COLLEGE. Re-opens September 13th, 186. N PRIMARY AD AVADDMIODEP.A.RTMENTS. A Home Boarding School for Boys. Clatrges—s.2so to :MO per year. Address•—•DEV. Dn. WELLS. AlldillPSlS. Pa. aul2lmr lh - IPIENDS' SCHOOLS, COR.OF FOURTH 1: and Green strec ill (entrance on l'ourth street); will reopen on tie ilret,.Second -day in. the Ninth month (Septoniber 0);•1869. • . These sehools have largo and well-rentilated rooms, and are under:the care of experienced teachers. • For,ftirther-inforniatiou..u.pply ot theschonis tn • Sarah S. Yong, Principal of Grautrear School; Rebecca T. Buckman, Principal of Secondary -Abbie-TT - Lippitic - OttV-Priricipal - of=PrimerFfichool. . . R . or to • oherttiv42l-N;-Stxtirstreet-i -. Beulah A'. Allezi,72l Green street THE HUSHESMANSFIELD'S SCHOOL, No. 4789 Mein street,' Market Square, Germantown, will open-Wednesday, Sept. 15th, 1869.. For farther in formaflon apply at'theSchool after Sept.24l. , • ' REFERENcne.—Rev. - A. P. i'enbody, G. D., Harvard University.% 'Ralph Waldo Emerson, Esq., Concord, Mate: Oliver. Wendell 'Holmes/ M. D., Roston., Samuel , Bowles, - ANA., Springfield, Mass. E.R..floar, Attorney ' Geperal,. Washington. Dorsey, Germantown. Rev. Silas Farrington, Germantown. eta Imo* SIBS LAIRD'S SEMINARY .FOR Yduni , Ladies, No. 923 North Bovehth' street, reopen NYE NESDAY, tiopteniber 8,1869. DAM-Im* STOKES'" SCHOOL'," 4807 MAIN street, Germantown, will re-open MONDAY, Sep 'tember.l3t4. , , , .aul7,lm§ 31_ nE. E. SERON. WILL . RE-OPEN ON. th e 15th,of September, Select French and English Sc oill for boys ,under :12, , at her. Residence,. No. 14.34 i Louth Penn' Square. - Terms-,Per session of five months (including Latin)s4o. .-- . : '. —., '. , anl7 ltn§ ' ____ .._..._._ .............____ . . _..; Ls.ESS BONNEY AND 'MISS DI.LLAYE - iii+lll'keopcin their boarding and (IRS , ' School itivreti t eth,year), September 15; at 16.15 Chestnut , street, Tar- - timilars from cirenlars... . , , , . , .- °an - Idt° esti ° - - fflEf - IiIiSES.W.II4SON WILL ItE&Cii'EN . A. their School for Young Dunce, MO greeu ,street, Gennontoivn, September • - atil9 ro soli* , LEHIGH. UNIVERSITY, ' ' SOUTH DETDLEHEM, PA. • T QH 6 T o c at rz o o r pAr p itm fampb . er Ist. -For adruhiston'to the s apply - . , COPPRE, LL.D., aull-Img . • , . Presideut. • ;CLASSICAL" MATHEMATICAL AND vv ENGLIfiII - SonOOL, et. 1112 31.arket street, re Opens September 9th.„ Rooms • • . .. WM, 13. COOLEY, A'. 311, CENTRAI , 'INSTITUTE, NORTHWEST): et irusr Vomit anti. Spring Gordon' siroetit; ,open . 31.0N8A.Y, September 6th. Boys prepared for , College or Business. Itesidenee of Principal .AU North Tenth st. , , G: MeGITTILFI,: A Ali Prin . - I t au2436t§ J. %V. SHOEM. &KIM, Vico Prin. trCir•Ap !ARROW AND MRS. WELLS;,, , AIL" .(leuiinilly , of NO: 1607 Street), • w ittOtien their Boarding and lbw Seheol for Girls, on ' the firstMondaYimOidolierclS39,•atlio, MM. GEBMA.N , ToWN,venue, permantown,, Philadelphia— , • Until October' let, direct tc),' NO. 744 North NINE :T . F4NNTIr Street .'.;,, • ,rtcHE MISSES CHAPMAN'S'BOXRISII4 - d' I) and,PaY School for Young : Ladies rre-npan • SepteroberlStliilB6o.-- . lror Circular address' the, Prin. Molmesburg, Twenty-third Ward: ,Philadelphia; or timy_,can, bp obtained, at Mr. TBIIMPLE/03, gusto ; Store, roolestp.4t street, Prmanti..• „ , au2,2,m* r.fota - pirws COLI.EGE,-AVII4X,ING4 ,Alley, resumes the dutiefrof its dust', on-40 1 5PAY,, ' pteraber Gth. TOrIIII4 A WC and eio per q uarter. a ufv,..llll J o BLlF.tilml§o.le,.ti: . .4., President,: ARCH STREET INSTITLITE•-IPOR' I pYontitc-Littlifist 33415 Arch' street, ' rt4oPort M NA AY, Ai. optembe r 20t tr. .1A pplyfront 9, ti3l2: . ati3o-2M§ MISS L; BiiOWN I'i { 1::1%; ,14,A).)1 'A , .11 , I ,, i A h. , ~ Laltdiee',Artd Gentst ,-, Ate, . es: A rn e -'' 4 iii; 4,i''.4f4i,'A& l ii.iiiiiiiiefi ii,iiii,‘is.. • ; . I. PF9I ~R... 1,., ,,. . , , Fine Tebt,Chalikg anla-liepnt44;eB;,. pill 4 and 1S kixiate. , I D lartibika find 00;tei : iiiii l eirrs d AttAtOßt3;:: •' „ I: , ' , - ' -'' ' . bbla Resin Offttelat , oat dbeigna, ~ ' , • GA_RIIE iIiSTITI,ITE ;, • „.. tolbbialtli) pitch: . • ' ' • " ENGAtIiBLEN'r AND VnEIODIENCh RINGO,. FOR 110 tads. Tar. __ . ' . In 111 karat and 00111. YOUNG iLADIES . 163 bble. Biota. Turpentine. . I ' I Wilmington,SOLlD SILVER WARE FOR BRIDAL PRESENTS.. Ite_opened September 13. Now landing from steamer Pioneer, from ---- TABLE CIITIBIIIq , , PLATERWARE, Etc. GILBEAT COMBS, A, M., Principal, N. 0., and for sale by 00011 RAN, RUSSILLiu m vv.• 6 , 08 and 611 Idaroball atreot, , No, /11 Choltriut Mimed. - Al-tf ' ' un243-Im* R,-8,186 F•L.E. MIN ':of Plano aid above Spruc '1( • • _ . 7" -. N :5 - I. 'sumo the dutie, ' tession 'MONDAY, Bop tembcr 13th ,1869. K „Ls o. 131, North Nlnetcenti street, above Arch. _ ;11011ROFE AB. RA 1 1T141,,W2141; SltiTruig fusions on the 16th inet. Apidy ut No. 1006 Chestnut street, third story, front roorn,fro 10 to 12. Circulars (1111 be obtained in all music stores. Bala 1207 Filbert atrodt—Seiptember 6th. Homo 7 to 10. ,A. M., 2to t and 7toB P. N : . from Stmt. lgt. anZB-12V 1. AIL" big I tD ...zwiltresumo , businotti eUtbirrw4ttr,lB43outh.Nirtes (tenth street.,. ., . u Q/G. NOM A, TEA HER OF . Siuing. Im o Private' ola and .alinumni Beside 808fisalkirtearithistreet nt., A.r. SUDD,4II , DS ;46,z..!.k" ENNFATORE ) ArUsta:aml . ,Photogriphery • :O tx ,4 ott . t. , !Ea:lV and.see,thent. ;Pletureit /in .every'style; and mak. • factOn,guarauteed. • _ ; N. the Negatives of .N.EELER & PENNE . MORE, late;of, No. is B, , EIWITH -13$reet, have been .re s .. Moved to 0 6 ' , .4 1 4w. (io)arips. t, a'ahed=.l~''' A s'' .;ikOstiN`sO,. FRENCH PLATE LOOKING GLASSES, Beautiful Clir;Janos, EN: 4 OB*VIN . AMP, PAVIttiLS - 108, • • Manufacturer of all Adnelaof s Loplaitg.6llais, Portriit& Plot Frames. • plo C ESTNU,T illib Door above tbd, tiontinezttej; , 1 ; ' • ' 'l'.PlittAtlßltiPtilA. • o„,„„t 4 i.pd Au •"" nt -7 1iNet" I •N5f......./4,Ths.s.K: Itealero V. S. Bonds atoll Members' of Stdek and Gold Exchange, receive ac. rennin of Banks and -Bankers on liberal terms, issue Bills of Exchange bn C. j. Hombre & Son, London: _ B. Metzler ; S. Sohn & Co.,' Frankford: James W. Tucker & And other principal citial, and Letters of Credit available throughout Burope W. corner Third tuul Chestnut Street& t 4 ,1 0 ,11 yoir . 4 , ‘,l) Lim I3AIITIMFAII.S, GOVERNMENT SEcußrriEs, UNION EACIFIO RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, 40 South Third St. ap9tf A RELIABLE HOME INVESTMENT THE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS Wilmingtigt-and-Iteading-Railroadp• aulg-im§ AT SEVEN'PER CENT. IN CURRENCY, Payable Aprll and October, free of state • sad Vatted 'States Taxes; , • This rota run: through _a thickly populated and tich agricultural and manufactiring district. *or thevreeent we are offering a limited amount td the above bonds; at 85' ` Cents and Ititireat. The connection of this road with the Penneyhim and .Reading Railroads insures it a large and remunerative trade. , We recommend the bonds as the', eheatoest Rust claim investment in the market. • • • AVIV/a PAINTER , & .CO., 1 14 0ir Pudi)ePiere l n ,liovernmente, 11.0!:"P.6'iP.:.',4 1 417.4 , P':: 1 4:744ZT.; Pi:MMUI]k)ELPI:Mt. Jeatil BA.NKING HOUSE- , • e )1, • . •tY i , • ; • 3.. IDEALEats IN ALI.i-'4OVERNIIIENT , I3CUtITIESi , 14 .;. We will receive :applications-. for' Polioies of Life Manu 4 ancein the new National , Life In- , Burand4etoinnany of tbe 'United States; I 1 .131,td1 inform:424l°llllmm/. at envoi:Hee. ' 0. • ~,; •, , •' • 4 , N, ,1 TH FINE ARTS. MOW=M MSMM - MMtUMI AND DEALERS 111 GOLD, 311E1W1N431 IIZEBIT ,~ Q~ 7a'',..';:.'',: . ..rA'•'... 1 % - :.r. , • 're 149- . . - . . . . • . . • YA THIIITERS , ISHING WAREHOUSE,' Estatdlibed 'Vitt ' The subscriber, having greatly tnoreaised faoll N. itfee for • manufacturing, ookiklitllo4l4ft4ProiruFAEir Series of Classl4 lwelso•of Poop 6 , ,,aper,, vebich conflate 'fieftwatft w h t ie of any o eir israutioaktianorlenoohr-allbranotiepap-, Ipertainlto ,, the - fiiiiroufstturtrortratcodurtheTat o i ,constant erl i onainfrAlsinmodissabrdegaruragnstat •s• busines, S't bq t 12 111011wtaiswatictot,c.t . ti finished and Urafila Ord furni ßrx a 0 notice. i 4, 1741 : .14. P ri T 'non, TAYLOR, •i3O_,TIDON,' CAMPBELL. D.EGENER. _TESPOT' AXE ALL OTHER PRESS .i iiVEARA I RAILS• . Solo AgentnfOr,thhi . .74at • 0- • ' ',Nvaitac%; et. -lutvlti Abld) A good artintoilaqiirittloingiA) Efir W.'corrier of THIRD and CHEST ' ',etre:ol44J 1/1 a-. f tf ,r) az • , hIaPA 1 . I DS ,)/ _ TR' _, Pc4 ....(777,-o,i - o.ll , i.itzzasi.: 70: PAIE N T , ,SHOULDEI!'SFANIBIRT" e' a /if 3 .; fit C, ft'f_tt.: 3 . 040o' Otrtilemfbelory ovaiknpos , vivioitifeva , tt t t, t n;! 5 't ft ,f .`i It.ffir -- Gatiremeirs .., Of late styles in = ; wmemsTEß - ti • ; _ • c .; ;kit s ; 0 , 3413 w ••;.•• • , • • , . .. , ,fl.Ni.,'P'ft,E,s,s.4l.lo'' : s..;, .2411:0-4' • AUNTS', OVa.l4 1 11103:.' , . I:W.SCOTT* CO , esPhiladelp hia; , , Four doOre below Continental Bad. 1869. • FUR . N . ITURRA'::: • • • •• • IWO - CHESTNUT- STR EET. Eating just completed the &nest lot of ritrniture ever produce...ll in. this city I Wlll reco l ve orders for the/WWI, during the mouth of SepteMber, _ rulpEs TLIAT OESETt I.liDlip EALF4iTit , TO PLIIVITASEIttI. • , • Tlio desigTS are new, d elernt. The.vrorlcreanshin , and =stens& are of the Mattes order. • I irlY ire the attention of timeo who intend fundAting to call end examine , the stack of Furnitttre, and convinco themselves of the above facts. . .1011 N M. G iltilNEll,''l3lo' ellestout . St. ..2 tat " ' " • MAULS; BROTHER & , CO. , 2596 S'!';kitli Street. PA.TTERN. , kirPRB 1009 _ PATTERN MAKERS -186.9 04010 r f3XLNOTION, , 3001 11 GAN' CORK trOlt PATTBRNii. 1869‘spituelt'llE"Lo .BPAUCE AND HENIA)OX., °L.I - 869 - 'SA E STOCK. LOB I A FLOORING. 1 Qe9 . FLORIDA FOOTLING. LOU sw 1869 I' CAROLINA FL DOMINO VIROINI A LOORINR DELAWARE FLUORIN& W 1 1" V T L M E STNI --- -- —,, 1869 FLORIDA STEP BOARDS.I Q 69 • FLORIDA STEP D I ARDS. AV 0- . OIL PLAN 1869. W 17 ;21 ( X' , " • A -15 ' 3 180' wanly iomws iND PLANK, ONDENET MAKER% BIILLDERS, • 0, 1869 _uf'DM,, TAFE B '..,..„ 1.869 • uNA,..RTAnXII RED CEDAII 'WALNUT AND FINE. ' 1869 EASONED POPLAR. lopan • SEASO,NED CHERRY. ' I.OlJt/... wurrE OAK DDA. AND BOARDS. 1.869 CARO/ANA SCANTLING.I Qeck . ~omtotas,A U.. T. 51X , 148. LVII tro- NORWAY SCA1 4 .11'Idliti. • 186u rk. CEDArt SHINGLEIp, Qen CPO/0. SHINGLES. lO W 7. PR ES S SHINGLES. LARGE ASSORTMENT. yOli SALE LOW. slasTit it - orTu - PLAS f TEING LA TII. . 18 69 MAIILE URCVITNIITCRIET. 1869. 1-4imber Und'er . Corvers. , Walnut, White. Tine, 'yellow '.rine; gptuce.,, emlo k, Shingles, &a., always on band at low rates, WATSON Zio t c v • 1 _924 itiehmoud_StrCl Eighteenth Ward -( j, rp = _P01114_14114-R.F•D 3lER chants, No.lollB. roost)) arcade At tlielifeßlF bo feund Walniat,Asb;Peplar, ()berry, Pine, Hem lock, Ac., &c., at reasonable prices. Gave them a call. THOMAS, robl7-fan* , HLLS.B , NTELLOW FINE -LIMIBER.--ORDERS A. for Canoe, 9f every deacelption Sawed Lumber exe cuted p 4 snort notico—quality eubject to inepectlon. A• to 13,DW. H ROWLEY.I6 South Wharves. fed: ` iniSIVESS SON, HOUSE 104 S ~F PLUMBERS, No 129 Walnut Watt., • ... lAMZe ti• • WRlGllT,JlTtat}tvrort PlL7i , Y et,sstirter At. oxfr ...,,CONI?IiRODOKIVRIOSP, SORB, NRAELL. 'PETER IN RIGHT • • 15 , 41erters of eterttiutirkre•• 131110p40 crjapfillsoloxi litercbants t ttripslltilnut street, Philaaelpols. Con#lbeldnet Deeds for the State of 4 , enne - ylitania t- EC_ - , 96 Aladieen street', No, !).,aultyyj . _ C 0 TT 0 BAI ; ; DUOK: _OF '.,EVERY widttiti from 02 inctwa to Miaebee wide altiounberek Tent and, Owning Dank, Papeznaker'ii treltina t .Sa4l Tine; !kw , ' • uHri,Nr...EV MUNI • j a 26 )1' NciAo3 Chnab etkeet; , Oltst Stores: Mloi RAVI 'WELLS.L. ow - sgus. 'QV!, pitor— • x - --,s r ty,,m,,t o tily ; ; Arai tcygovoivrwenedeituse& pia disilifected,r verr low7riceal PEYlo3oWltann. factpr.exqf sculftqw,tpigkqfloOth.a.Mall...lorar,74Ltrqs' F~.; ~~°. ~ ; li! 01)111 r # 7 , 10 1 i - P ',,), .: ii 4 ~...,,0xi . ,,,4 1, ~,,1 21: R:s. .*A4', 004 ----:., 02 Chmitntit 111,4141-i..44 POITND.Ry.. OUNDUT .ad►l•tmw U aMn• IMMEIMiI LUMBER: . 8d$~'~,;• , 1; .., 1869. MORI arxr.~aie~aiiP~o-stud. uss ce • a Tuk R la FAA Gortelisicog *P totm i) was broken' at ilia ak • Ricl Of 3 1 4 8" teryi4sttitotgo,fr the M rni ”-9 / ' 4 y, Li o p . , . 10 rlice . ISltivastola;'rexpsiyearexuAy, • stroyed property valued, at $45,000. BALTI/4011E enjoyed long and heavy showers of rain yesterday. Itanni*Litti-nk.vtiquE i recelpttil yeaterdaY7 " V 54,000. , TILE fractional currency received from the Yester4VlPlo,llr4edt9 Sii 3 4 ) 9°l J'AiEs .ItvnthsoirThis” withdrawnfinin the French Submarine Telegraph Cable" COM TAB Federal Canna liavedechiednot to Join in the coalition against the (Ecumenical • PAUL, BAGLEY is on his way hither , 111- municate with Gen. Grant relative to the Fe -I.oV,l,l:4otish custOdy. ‘v: • SILERIDAIi Snoox, ex-Collector of lievenue„ y in 'Neyi Yprlf r - kas.,been., held to^ answer tbeAlign of fluttd.'- 7 1 •-t- 4 ' • TIIE Vermont election was held yesterday. Pete; T..TlVitsbbitfn,' , `lf.eptiblicall,`-was':,elooo • GoVerninThy'Abont:2o,o6o nWority) The', Stan Senate will be unanimously Republican. THE London Timgaiip s an idea that Nano, ikon sl►oiilti - Pk: l 4 l oTh i'vay t 6 the tbynne., • A DEspAyrcir , ran Hayei'City; PortkiaNalt OetYregAltd,Lread surves7BA44 Arch one 15f / the - fatter ktlis killbd and two werewounded -'Nflati :1 r `" .: 4 114037; 11 D01.;jie1t its municipalelec tion yesteMayt. rVitelititte,oltepubllcart re-elected ;filbt, .I,4ority. .Tl 4, Rel -- - publicans - alsiceleeted majority - lir artllleratey inteiesti °tithe Susquebf uf, Rellroad : bol4l.. r eleetion iatt Yene l& rdity. /Via 1y l olled 13,400 io Ilamsers 10,742 votes, and demanded posses sion of the rallnarul,'which was refused. THE Sub-Tresumryitta k i4i York, yesterday, opened a subscription list for the benefit of the ' wife of the late Secretary Rawlins. 'lt was re ,solved to raise $50,000--Sp 000 was subscribed at once,,Vrebf , .Giatit New Ynric y ,day*, Martin' 'Leland, charged with the fo ery of. Philadelphia city - warrants, was d , ed under a habeas cor pus, by JutigaJil trun k on , the ground of in sufficient evidence: J. Ross BROWNE informs the. State• Depart ment that the Chinese Government has made no concessir to , any lration,,convany or per, sOnifor theconsirott of telegraph lines in • China, or elsewhere, and says that, as far as he Iniows, none is contemplated. A 115,v544. despatch states w that • Govern ment returns =showy that" In' , the skirmishes which have occurredin the jurisdiction Cineo Villas during August; Ahree ;hundred rebels were killed, and that the . Spanish loss was much less. , pilfiecg ArMilitarrlied atsfiXalms;,N3l4, yesterday, and was received at the"Statittri by Lieutemult-Go' vernor Wilmot and staff. Last evening the Prince, was escorted hy d firemen's torchlight processi on to Skating Rink,Which • , was elegantly der..orated.. ! A grand' ball was given, whielfWas Participated- in by several thousand persons. , rizsv-mousEraluiTinis, ' ROI:a TONLL ~01.,..ti50N610,750:-•- status in.CamdencitY and county `presents a troubled and somewhat unteitisfitetory 'aspect- Lait 'fall the Ilepiddican party Was a unit upon ; all the candidates, and every member heartily endomed every kenaSure,44 PolitYi and; ,leek good care to sets that those measures were conducive of the best; inteneitsofall concerned. : Whaterer workliad to biperformed was under taken with an earnestness and real indicative,of success, and as a very largely increased major ity- gave the entire county 'to the Ilepublicans, the policy pursued was thus ratified as 'emi nently good and popular. Were the same spirit manifested in the present campaign no douht the , .sante result would . But, unfortunately, a schism has, , arisen which may terminate in ' disastrous con sequences if it is not staid by a tent- Perete concession and ";a • 2 judicious ;-`.'se lection Of candidates. A , too • eager desire and determination to retain office,on the one hand, and an over-anxious dispositioe to ob tain. position on the other, have already treated a conflict boding no good, to either faction. Total separation between the_friends or the ientie.s and those who %are "out" of pub lie office will be the instrumentality which will defeat both, and give the Democracy victory. These poor fellows Lave been so long away front the public crib that it is easy to understand how, anxious they are to Wing about this disruption in the Republican ranks. It is to be hoped, however, that wise and prudent counsel will take the place of im petuosity, and thus secure for the entire ticket such a decided majority as will preserve the county and the party from the infliction of a rule which has been, so long repudiated and et .dennaed - by - art honest -- nnd --- ffisairnie-`' people*. -luctr..tyr. - - - --Yesterday= _Mornh...cseveral_disorderly_cluiracters*'ete-be-- fbre ISTayor 'Cox . , who had ,beeti arrested for .drtmkennesd and evil behavior in the streets. They were fined as the, law directs. Their' cases are but the . repetition of many others which are hoard before police magistrates, re sulting from the inordinate, indulgence of in to&leating liquors, and aught to be warnings to ; ethers ha thefutttre,,,,,.- Tr LIMBO:-A manlnained “Billy Patterson" was c.onnnitted to,the . Catudeu County: Jail yesterday, hy,, Justice,Smith,.tovier the +charn t tof havlng conunitted an assault upon, a ,ald for other ' hreae.yes peace. • „ THE. TI RE EP.A.lrrstravr.—The general. im pression among , alp : Auld 'lungs in Camden now is that the Paid Pirettepartment business will be injuncted. : Tun BPk3C.IM4 - 10OV.Irrf -:41 1 e115P.0 0 ial Court for Camden. cotuity, meets' again on, the 15th ~.„ , • CONVENTION.—The Republica4 Convention for Camdon,spnty-Altto-,b, , held,on..the.,4oth inst. "" oci,onenelt • autierfs, General ,13. If. Butler publishes in a Boston paper a yery long artitre 'oii;the degall'itapeifts' Airs. "k3toWe's revelatibn-Llitiq:'CorieludeSt with tiii i itintittal: , -r review of the.'W - libiti • 'lirittfer; light cif all the:eVideiee of coliferripqary facts, dit the suppresAion of all'dOduicientaryevidericei by the l wge,,og,the,,,extraprding,ry, r maupes i iii 1014 this , story la,giveri to wthe piililicl ,it - not-morFeiinsoniint''‘Vith" 9 •thuai, po4ello94 4 4(itAlicAotret 1411(131By,roxtl,ifi wt te hit 66t re dtie detailed tO (14111 1 .sion. or. a Mistidie ' thit,rfahavx , this horrible cringe p two ponions , las:;.l3oAello?nunittpd,apd rn feained idfrOyetilelt ofeept to it - iiel6ef admit that Lady By roil, herself , ,416 , 110Vect Altist stotit,‘„tlys.,xuay admity withotte scruple, that l'lrtulltliwe,,-be lieyeS it, lrt,'LU L ifyßyropC,,may:luriklifHlieved upon very ~fiistifireleXit-l i ivicienca4:444dt4tirs. Stowe evidently bait Itakeif her belief for ' the ' •Proof of - tile , ' fact 0 'without thq;4l. Slightest ,erouniLs ofthat , statement,- it may 'be asked, what could Lady,flyron hay . ° for putting forward this story? ; Mrs. wa , §to,. In apologizing, for lie f , foelA tliat' flier's' is l it .40eseity,1 or some mililtmatidu the IttaXl*/* ' alb . ' 1. ' t in - lividdrian e - cr i fo u jar, , r ' 'A • t I f t 0rk1104014111 1 001 . • " • ' , ' °' • ' ' •• ' baliat tilgi4A4o;itif,L#4loy,-,: , , : , . ;,"hirit 'of 001.0 11 111istriianaleWW: Or ' , , 1 fin 1 4 ' , 1 IFOILLI i U sufficient.; - She , - took ' 'lam ~.,,, til , t!. abe tjtysdpwitlk 41% / 4,41th In 0 ; . ' ted•blid to Hee lled'iittifllaueetlr- er mother to custom° Alw,,JnYggt(grifr, ntritarn" ing *IPA IA i:' , 43.44.1 i ya1*d• Mill a ot 'she , condoned ill, these, ay she not ve felt that no other excuse "Waieleft her , except the one now ,so nnfortgnately; amine; ~ ; y hope without an' unkind thought tower I ; hertsp. nntYntlitallYttigforvalMjattimzokAto ro• guiri3d to - find inotlies ; we are dealing only with the facts--and tlifir evidence to sustain From' 4.. ' Ai lf . our late ,editlous , of Yesterday Ity 'nfAtuaw, l 'r,-;.tetartiiii*,...lh4, , be ' ad* a band or ill fly' Crillia% ',War ..Yeatd , 4 ar feated 105 d'hodt of,national tia4Psinear. e city of Gerona, ~ F o s tiiittis hignsolf oscaped and Odle. the. mountains' bun manytatibia t trien Were captured. . k CiLrligt ed kttolol , he On Spin to At' / 15 - reported that there are four , bin:Wired- k carliafis - arTI3V piper' on the FreftelPbbrder; - ready' to enter Spain: The Government has taken.•measures tbinreventanth'entrp ,t eQ'.l,4 5 I r q l l"Z r ge .P t;"7 % - I )64 o 3 W h f a l r * IzOia itafe, that ha lf or,%tha i municipalq 'council of Saigon ; in C ochin . emna; . hereafter ,130 chosen from French and Americanif,"hein the'TelPflitt7i' -, RtlierTnatiet- ' lldteB 7 l l tt Chinese ntennide to the 1 u pon: Lorroon, Sept.l.*Anespatches received from • i • kintannn.,,lntr,msujinjaulawiaLawi terror of Egypt as , 'acelkinV f i qU i ar4t4t-y. and Bzur.rri, A:dpienilic4.i.—. 7 At the lipid session of thd Prattlim Diet the iiartjOinllin troduce a proposition for Ministerial responst. Rouus, September 7 The jounud Offloid t • y cuutruakte the elmtoing . .rut, nom .ot" the ttwikr, it tends to lice arMre daily; that he, bas s • bred' some from rheumatism, but at rho time has his eandit lol l) 3 eMB l ; l 94: ntnAnina theinnat anx e sessions of the i4enate have been closed. .4 , 94f1V 1 f- 13 ePt-' 7,4 31.-:Consols, 93, for money ' and' account: Anieridan' securities firmer. Five-twenties, ,, lll62, 83; Ten-forties, 751; Illinois Central, 94f. LivEnroof Sept. 7, 4 P. M.—Cotton heavy. California Wheat 118. 2d.; Bed Western 9s, 10d.al.ft • - • ' PARIS Sept. 7, 4.30 P . 3L This Bonnie is firm ; re nts, 70c.50f. • • ANTWERP, Sept. 7.--Petroleum quiet and unchanged. ' PONDON, Sept. 7, 4.30 P.X.—Consols closed at 93 for money and accoUnt. American se curities firmer; Five-twenties of ,1862, 83; of 1865, old, 82/ ; of' 1867, `811;, .Teit-forties, 751; Erie, Thi ; nois genttal, 941. Livenroot, September ,7, A. 3.1.--Cotton Uplands, 'l3ld.;Orleans, 131d.a131d. Sales to day 5 ,000 bales, including 2,000 for export and speculation. Flour, 255. ,Corn, 295. LoliO6)f; September 7, ,4.30 P.ll.—Sugar buoyant, both on the spot and afloat. Refined Petroleum Is. 8111. &LA:scow, Sept. 7.—.Asrived,. steamship St Patrick, from Quebec. From liVashinsMo. W.Asumokolf, ;.Sept. 7: Thu foUowingts a copy of a letter sent to, the heads of all depart merits of the Government; by, order Of the President, to day "DEPARTMNT OF STATE Sept. 7,184).-It is my duty to inform you that the Hon. John A. Bawling, Secretary ;of Wei - , departed this life at twenty ,minutes past four o'clock yester day afternoon. In consequence of this afflict ing event, the President directs that the Ex ecutive Department of the Government be careful to manifest every observance of honor which custom luis estabhsbed as appropriate to the memory of one so eminent as a public functionary and so distinguished as a citizen. "HAMILTON FIER, Secretary of State!" In accordance with the above, the ;various Secret- 3 4,ft have addressed letters to the, lieatia, of Inure us under them suspending' business to-morrow and on 4 Tlo;.rstlay, until atter the obsequies shall have been concluded. Acting. Secretary Iliebardson, of the Trea soy Department, to-day issued the following "TREAsunv DETArtruzivr,Sept. 7th, 180.-- As a mark of 'respect to the memory, of Ron. John A. Rawlins, deceased, late Secretary of War, Custom-houses will be closed, public' works under control of this Department SUS- Thnded, and flags kept at half-mast, during ursday, Sept. itth; and the day on which the obsequies of the decea.sed will be solemn ized. "W. A. RICHARDSON, "Acting Secretary." WASHINGTON, Sept. 7.—lnternal Revenue re egipts to-day, $351,000. Fractional currency received from printers, 5134,000.• The Mining Disaster. [Special Despatch to the Phila. Evening Bulletin.) riArmouTil,Sept.7;l.3ol ) .3f.—The situation• is unchanged, and nothing of any bun ortance has transpired since last night. An engine and fan have been erected at the top of the shaft, and good air is being thrqwn down. The air, however, is very foul. Large' crowds of peoPle are copgregating around the mines looking on with intense in- terest, but all are unable to render any assist ance. It is supposed thata suecessful descent will be made this afternoon.. There is noliope for any of the men below. . .„ Fall ofd Emo of Life: BALTImonx, Sept.7.-The partition wall ora large new building nearly completed, at the southeast corder oeCharles and Chase streets, guwway - tliu - 4 — miYrairgwretictrig - taa - bruldh - rg. Several bricklayers and hod.awriers , were at orknt theLlimni;inithttuppurrsbur whom w"e're - limied ruing. Thrie'br -these have-been-rescuediseverely injured und a colored man, Benjamin LoCks, hod-carrier, was taken out deach. , . ; Loss by the liieliniOnd Fire. •Itlonraffiirn; SOpt,„ 7.—Tlidloss by the fire last night was . 418(),000, on ,which there is an in, snranne. of 850,000, about one thirty-fifth of which is in ; Northern ; companies. •, • utiv I i Bmsornr. A Negro Taken Nronk Jail and Hanged. The St. Louis Democrat says: " city Of :Fulton; on- the' , evening of Friday, '.A.ngust 27,) the wife of a Dr. Johnson, in -Fulton, was suddenly surprised in her home 'by the uninvited presence of a, negro, whose movemetits / 'purp'ose t'; to com mit ontrage. ~. The negro escaped be lore be ,;".could 136- 3 / 4 ddentifiedi:! , The escaped . , , day, as - t it - 4 - was - necessary for- some :one to ;suffer-MP Imnalty; a'colefedinifi wag hunted up--by whom weliVe , not been informed— land duly allVitedundisubjegted by. an mutud ' nation, before the city 'autheiities. ' The -evi ;dence Was of the slightest strengtivi The only ;ground of suspicion, as revealed .;by the;testl— lmony, was that the urrestednegro had, in the early. part i of the 'evening, visited,'One of the servants' in the honse.' ; ; ,• ' I "The accused' Man wasremanded. to the jail or ealabose. On Monday the jailor -had SOM e business , agar itotel seine distance 'from the jail:, !..kcpardingly: he,i,eit.thejail-'and its prAstinattf......Zotin` after..Fhirf.,advent at the - h6t4 J° ll 4,o9Teans were,. he ( nra,, which no one could account' ) for; t thbugh 2 Appairentlk preededing 1. F94 1 !4414.11i30 11 01 . .M§: §l l rting44 B .4' l l3flinim.l her of men. The screams continued until jail domoVikg heard:to fall witiia orash.lThen all. as- quiet They body , ,. of. thsaiiigve Airis afterwards found, and, an- examination 133 r 'a doctor revealeclathe 4aartliat the skull had beeri broken... EintCipliks beeka;?- 1 successful in ascertaining who di e job. Nobody-knows abOut: itt*(ll`TO effort has. as yet—that is if we have been rightly in foriiiiid.‘rbealViiiatie'Jtc(*Oudebtaidgai gations, and the tate'.'4resta,qind so does the -4Vit:'Spur i geon," a 'Yecent -l eermi - in,' re ferred to teldeipedo, titeyin'g4thnt "these ueW -inventionswhich .the lads were riding flown our streets would not , Ireilp lip' - unless' they" •wei'e kept• going; the moment they :stOpjfe4, they tiewif; ,this • they vre e*eeedingly like the (ihrlitlau Church; irhieh :would fall unless it was constantly. TUE DAILY EVENING DULiETIN-PIIILApELI'III/1-, WEDNESDAY, #SEPTENBER 8, 1869. L1: 74 -Id!ign77; . 1.. ; 2 oti „. it;r4 l • i):110,;b1; cow hottut illtbatigftruarito , 1 ' fi tac k tOtre..oll .14retilar'S movEmIESTO OCEAN snaniziaLL • - , TO ABILIVIL U of ualtimore.;.LlVerpeol... etr 14York vis 1 Grp Ang. 28 Zr Leipzig . . .... Soutbentaton...Bel.timore ...... 23 Ho satin IlaYre;..Nenr Ydrk ......... Aug.% lit. Laurent: Breit .New, York • Aug. 30 Cordova... • ..... a 0 Donau Southampton NewYork._ 31 Palmyra. LiverpooL.fiew'.X9irk via 13 Atilt. 3/ Smidt Bremen...2v ow York. Sept. 1 Denmark........„LiverPool.,New York.... India Glahgose.t.liewlYork 3 Java • tof Liverpool-. Now Y0rk........... Sept, 4 Allennuinia..l./....... '.Mavre.:ilient York.. 4 r.ftpt. 4 TO DEPART'. Orleana.... Sept. 9 Wines NO Tork—Bretnen. .fSept. 9 Tripoli , ',,..N01V:N0rk,hLiverp0u1„.......... Sept. 9 Columbin...... ........................ - • - Sept. 9 Pioneer. .. . ............... ..................... Sept. 11 Cells New Nork:.LerildorC Sept. 11 France New York .LiverpoolSept t li 1if0rki..1111a5k0w....... - .:—.4.•4230pti 11 Alaska Ism York—Aspinwall "' Sept. la O. of Washingtan,Tl r Slept; lf York—Liva/POOl ' 01 11 11 1 /' "' New York...llardnure.S.gt. 14 Legit . . .... la PORT OF Pll LADELPHIA--iimr-r. 8. Btar.s,s 351 SL EIETIS;6 i HIGH WATEi;TET3 ABEIVE,D naidee (Briilliclionald, - 24 days frem — Kingston, J wth logwood. &c. to D N IVetzlar & Co. Aug 23. 2 saw a ,schOotiori'snplosed to bo Ante:lean, on a I reef 8 miles .8 by E from 1601110.11 A Island, 2.30 PM saw a I • - • r T. •s• • with a flag of distresillyll, - and Immediately bore up for the wreck, which pros t o be the Spanish brig Se cunda, Alruivante,. from Jago Cuba with rtun, ' coffee, &c, bound to Vigo, Spain; took oil the captain and crew, I I persons, its all, and brought them to thb; port. Brig Lewis Clark, from Providence, '; Schr Martha, Freeman, from Boston, with mdso to Knight .t4ions., , , Behr Isaac Bich, Crowell, from Button, in ballast to s_anightis Bona. Se Lath Bich, Paddock, from; Dighton, in ballast to Knight & Sons. Behr Louie F , Stover from Now York, with Syracuse salt to Calvin S Crosvell. ' Behr GL, Lovell, from. Boston, in ballast to Knigbtr& 7 • CLEARED YESII.IILAY.• < • ut Sto:ter' L Baltimore. A Grovee. Jr Brig.(. IL Ken 6taplgir Portland Blakistob,Prtuiffl & Co. Brig J & if Crowley, Crowley, Boston, do' Schr S A Boice, Yates, Chelsea, do &brit Tlfedges,Pranklin, Newport, . . ..do . Bchr 'Wave Crest. Davis: Roxbury, do fichrEliza &-Rebeccaiyrico. Bristol,- do &lir Florence Nowell,Brown Itoxburi; '• do-, Sehr Greenland, Parker, Rockland, do Schr Lizzie Raymond, Lord Sag Harbor, do. Barge R RR No SO, Nengle, New York, do ,Correspondende of the Philadelphia Excharige.P Sept: , 7 1869,„,..t the Breakwater, bark Isaac Rich, from Philader= phlp for Port an Prince, and flee schooners bound out. Wind southeast. s o • Yours, ac; VAHAN L.LYONEI. HAVRE DE GRACE, Sept. 7. The following boatsloft here .thls ladenand,, consfpued as follows: .. • . Cumberland. grain and bark to Hoffman & Kennedy; It H Burst, lumber to Norcross & Sheets• De Sota, do to order; Fannie. do to Taylor &Betts;.o i Rhoads, do to order: Wm S Boyd, limo 10 - Chettapeake; Royal Arch. wood to Wilmington. , • Jordan,Shi Bombay ; yenceat LiTerpaol2sttt ult. via . Ship Mother, .Mosher, hence at Cardiff„.249ltilt..vta Ship Amity. Merrill, from Baltiarre Bth Marc!,i san Iranciac.o ath inst. . . . Dirk ;No (Nor):'Heyntert, hence for Stettin,;.was • spoken 12th ult. lat 47, Inn 21. ' " • - H Bark Margaretha. Hammond, hence Tor Arustirdona, ;gilled from Falmouth 25th ult. . Bark Workington, Hanschildt, sailed Trott Cuxhaven' 24th ult. for this port.,; J, . - Bark .1 H 3leLarren, Corning; hence for Antwerp was spoken 16th ult. tat 4d, lon 15—so supposed, re*mted rbe earrywell,froni'Philadelphia. for AntWerP: Bark Iddo ~ Delano; was, disch'g at, Buenos, Ayres 26th • ; • • ; • • bark Abide N,Priankrin, Holbrook; from Antwerp for.. Grnea Ayes spitlppit.lBth plt.,SlinVe'.l west of Cape do Brig Isaac earver,•Shute hence Boston? ytnterilar,t , Brigs Ambrose Light, Higgins, and Princeton, Wells, lo nee at Bost 6th lust- . . Brig Maria . Wheeler. Wheelef;hence at Salem 4th inst. I Brig Guiding Star, Frdetliy, hew) at. Salem! sth inst.t Brig Josephine, Linscott, hence at Portland 6th Inst. - ', brigs Radortis,Titrriand Joßerry, Chase; hence at'; •Portland sth inst. • ~, • . „ Brig Harry 'Virden; s, Collin" from Port. Morant, &v.% • 11th tilt. at New York 6th inst. .•• • • • Behr Juniata; Flanders; ni New Bedfotxl bth inst. from Cope May. tchr✓ M Fitzpatrick, Sunith, ',once at Savorly sth San J S Buckmaster. Itellenry. hence; Peter Lyle, mil, from Burlington, and Brady, Low, from Trenton, , NJ. at Baltimore tith inst.. Jos' O 1 E PI ICE: • CLOTHING HOUSE MARKET: 'T.REE'T, . „ . . , First Class Peady-Made ' Clothing, suitable for all- Seasons, ; -constantly'.on, hand. Alio,' a irdadsonie Line of Piece Goods for Cus-' ' torn Work. GEO. W. SIMIANN. • . , ..Proprietor TREASURY r DEPARTMENT OP PENESYL YANIA' t' sAmtirsztato . ,AtEcts 20 • Sealed bids will be received fot'th, redemp.tion of ONE • MILLION DOLLARS OR THE LOAN OE. THE ,COTI - or PENNSTITANIA., due July Ist, ;1870, until 12 o'clock EL, October Ist; 1569. • . , . Communications to be addreiisedlo • • • • R. Vt. HAOHEYJ • •;,, State T,reasnrer,RarrisbUtit, Pa. And endorsed " Bid for Redemption of State Loan." F: JORDANr SedretAik or State. ._. J. F. HARTRANFT, Auditor General. R. W. MACKEY, State Treasurer. Comniiiisionors`q th6.BliskitigTtind. neWsphPer - ilublialLing the abin i e"Witlsnui 'authority will receive pay therefor GOOD !THING. Important tollousekO kis; Hada, Banks, Offices, i; rite Patent Adjustable Window 'cretin' WILL FIT ANY WINDOW, Alive itentllgiontaid /*tit, sorgon from 'Wow and exelade i ' NoliiiiittoelefoniiVoithet Ingebts.- For sale by Dealers in House-Furnishing Goods. The, Adjustakte. Wiadow -Sorpow- Company • , • BOLE IttANIIFAO'I'URBAS, itet r Sereef,'Plardila: I jelf.P:rtv , f . t;');r-.; .7 . • 1 , TRIMMINGS AND , PATTERNS. , • —77 - lt-PSTgFB,M9DES, POrta)r) Flai OA mut iChestinit streets. r T.ltts - opPdrru - Sitk tato' - tiannottheelhatkl-have lust relurned from Faris and London with the latest Fall Fashions--these designs being personally selected, and i modeled from the greatest novelties, and trimmed in a superior style-nand , will,openi I r ' WRDNESDAY,'Septendrer'l;lB69','' with French and English Dresses, Cloaks, Mantelebts, Sleeves, and Children's CoetUrnes, Robe de Chambre and Breakfast Dresses. _Dress and Cloak Making in every variety. Wedding Ttoneseaux furnished M short xt,cdico, And reasonable prices: 'Real Thread and' Guiplare'Lacee,- Roman and Plain Ribbons and Sas Paris Jewelry, neatest styles of - M., Gold . and Shell, ; the, Parent and. most !elegant ever offerq.,.,llo K , .pands, Combs MRegal O . Drestiand Cloak rinuningsv.thatnosit thateffil that are to be tieepred FrepOp.pnettopolis,,wholeSalo and Bridal Veils and Wreaths; .KidGlovos,749clottEtua 81 perpalr. - % • F,xeltigive agent ferilfrs.M.`;'WOrk's Celebrated system tot cutting WW 1 di:igloo; pacquofilbannviiift. ulyotErp • --1390.1}D - OFITRADV,;" 4 - , SOTIV` o. - C. Ir. DUBBOBOWv Moraftx.y.Odwiftratt„' t TIIOB. L. GILLEtiPIE, • - - BULLETIN Steamer Prometheus. Gray,— sailed from Charleston -esterday for this port. , hark,Pleiades Pleiades( Br), Holt, at Cartbagenaltith alt. from t. Thomasi to load logwood for this nortf ;- • &lir Mary J A dams, :11111ings, at- Portland 4411 instant tILOTHIN G • 1 I • OSALS. FFICE-OV-Tilg- -- -tOIIIIIIBSIONERS - OF 131E-11NIKINGITINw ,„ WINDOW - SHADtb iivuktizA Vtz. ."".. ` I.UST ''PP BI 4 IIB// 'E' Y4' ''''' • ;r+.4:l ,;. 4 .1 • ' 7 4 t • :AEl4pArl vot.trupArlint.ttlittle, te , it r xas tr — 7,41ii!0f :.+ZT!Ift • ,. Mfirl -.• '••• • F. _••• • tr titled(s4loo' the L6gend. • : ANL OTRER • -,• of s jot F I 11: ;/2010. Tinted nipei. - ,Eztra...cloiLL,., el 15. , United:States - ' 2'400-ocio 'WALTE.R4 d riAly Daily Recetirtsover 20,i300.00 - ktyrifoßEA§V# 74l ilo.ll4iffif.tilL V j • - rem:urns' in . i 868; •;. dt 12inci:,, , , - ,6l7,itatea: Toned tever:i: . rakleclathlYill2oo.l. t A „ ALSO: t • ^, '•• • $ LTPPINcO7IIS BELLIES trlr 001tAtCINTLAOE: . • 005 . 075 00 1.•,,NW.)1(41.. thnall sto, ;With TiltuitistioluittlEirttitutly' , , ~.. _ Di' VII on superfine toned paperond tui4. in. , s , • - dot and goidovltlegilt edges. 'SU ViiNlneltb; er9 o i zosses , l n o 06 2 .. - 1 002 'Ale , 60 . eac,h. Lettritins Batts and Cbartiateilstii•Skitelles'orl`tatergr'” Men. and PocLore ; llooka and Authors; 4rt Ana-4n,, IV* - P *- • • t tots ; Omens and norstitoilepLneithd to. erclaanr.r - Exchang e ndiblscorery. „%; , , „ . , ,t, t --L PPINCO77II pOcKETO7I ipileii. - : - VEUSE. I Ten f ; • 4 41 - = tre cloth g ilt gilt V;te.tflar rsx " . ''., z hr l . I m b iilrtllll';' '" ' . a.p u . ,aisefield; mina - ' • •-fg r en 2 iiirkiiiMe c ik l ;lo%e n s r a a k a :thilu t LT:k n , e ofeqLl; .oa7 ,Pu the Human Utulerstatl4 . l2; ,ikv.fae,l llB ; .aTI• ; TIVMANAIM 111:004.1‘ ,IteariTlT IN! Elizabeth. • 1 JL. SuNANOE COMPANY.' • • _ poctEET.: , Ox,ABBICS.,, , ,EOXTR I Y; Incorporated by the Leglslatnreof PennsylvtuiltsilSM. Ten aolumes . 3 201 0 . " Tinted pater Hiehly bonnd In — iihth gilt,. gilt top. pdr Set. (~Nretbrucingi Omcei 8, E. cornets? .tEINID / wAT „ NuT , ti f y e t s , y 1 2 _ -tile-Lamt-mins:Teirtm4y-or-thelake:•-orai raw' • ,LgricA Vollina's Poems- Oar'lli')Arablat;; ?Iticennfleld'e - • • ' 8 ";.(' i Zitlrk l i' a j c°n • r og i t l lN v e r 'il ei !liii e eitri;tr 21 T IVii k ; calresaele, cArmtr zi kt i lifel k h s t.to of; the rl .NWT& sale by all liooksellerS: 61'4141 lie sent by' ruall peatage free, on receipt of price Ay, 1 B. LIPPINCOTT & '7l(i'and 717 Market it., riangidriAjoati. fIariTILOSAYP—H—Y—OP---M.ABIRTA I4 - 1 4,A new course of Lectures, as 'delivered the • New i York Museum of Anatom embractng the subjects; I How to Live and what to Live ,y; for; Youth, Maturity and Old Age; Manhood generally,reviewed; thoOapse of In ; digfttion,Flatulence ancrlfervons , DLeenees accounted for' Marriage . Philosophically •Considered..itc.,ac. pocket volumes containing these !lectures will be 'for ; warded, post paid, on receipt ot2o, cents, by aftessing W'. An.. Leary, Jr.; Southeast corner of Fifth and walgta ! streets , . Philadelphia. , ; - , 1e26 Iys , 1829 TER 17IWETI41" ___. . , • ' - , • ißia.AisTlEar....riNT - . A , . , • i" . . ' ' FIRE INSURANCE 'COMPANY; OF 'pIitILAiIkELPHIA. • ' ' ' , , `' O ffi ce- -435 and 437 Chestnut Street, Assets on Ja.nnax 4 y 1 . ,1869, :..$2,07T,372 13:-. IGapltaL.-. ....... -.........-:-,-;:.............,4400,000 00 Accrued Sutplua-.... - ..-....-...........-.-........1,033,323 70 'Premiums -........,. ..... -...... -.-. ...1,193,843 43 'UNSETI323TLED 12. CLAIMS, : INOONE FOR 1800; ,783 . $1.360,001. !:' LoSses Paid • SineelB2o Over '• - ' 4 455 500 'lOO - Perpetual and Temporary , Policies on Liberal Terms, The Cmnpan) also Issues Policies upon the Bente of' all kinds of buildings, Ground Beuts and Mortgages. ' DIREOTOS S: -' ' ' ' ' • ' ' Alfred G . Baker,• ' 1 Alfred Fitler,, .• simnel Grant , " ' I ' Thomas Sparks.' Mee: W. Richards, - , Wm; B: Grant, Isaac Lea, ~. ' . Thanes S. Ellis, ' Geo. Fates, 1- ' 'Gustavus 8. Benson ALFRED. 1 BAKER. President. -- GEO. PALES, Vice President. ..71113.. W. 31cALLISTER,Secretary. • ' ' ' ,THEODORE 31. REGKR, lussistant Secret/Ir)% , . . - • - ' • fell tde3l • FIRE 'ASSOCIATION. F •-. A - • PHILADELPHIA. •'.lncorporated, March, 27,:1520. ..office---No. 34 North Fifth Street. INSURE BUILDINGS, 'HOUSEHOLD .puThWuptygt, AND 3IERCIMNDISE GENERALLY. FROItI, • LOSS BY' 'IRE. .• • • Assets Jaimary 1,1.869 i $1 • ' 400 005 'OS. ' TRUSTEES:, 'William H. Hamilton, Charles I'. Bower, Jobu Carrow, • , •. -- Jesse Lightfoot, • George I. Young, ' ' Robert Shoemaker,, '.Joseph R. Lyndall, Peter Armbruster, Levi P. Coats, lit. H. Dickinson, Samuel Sriarhawi Peter Williamson, ' Vim. lßatl e al er . • WM. H. President, • : SAMUEL SPARHAWH, Vice Preddent. WM. T. }3IITLER, Secretary. lIVELE RELIANCE nvmmAxcE COM PANY OF PHILADELPHIA , ' Incorporated in 1841. ' Charter Perpetual., Office, No. 008 Walnut street. • CAPITAL e 300,000. Insures against loss or damage by FIRE, on Houses, Stores and other Buildings, limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares and Merchandise in town or :ouutry. LOSSES PROMPTLY AUTUSTED AND PAlD:'__ A55et5...........,1437,59832 Investi3d in the following Securities; v1737" --- First Mortgages on City Property, well se- • ' cured $168,60000 United States Government Loans_ 117,000 00 Philadelphia City .6 Per Cent. Loans 75000 00 Pennsylvania t3p00,000 6 Per Cent Loan 30,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, First Mortgime 8,000 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company's 6 Per Cent. Loan - $4OOOOO Loans on Collaterals • 500 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 Per Cent. illort. gage Bonds • 060 00 County Fire Insurance Company's Stock. 1,050 00 Bleclianica' Bank, ..... 4,000 00 Commercial Bualk of Pennsylvania' Stock 10,000 00 Union MntnaPinsuranceCompany'e Stock. 380'00 Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia • - Cash in Bank and on hand.— Worth Worth this date at market prices.... DIBEI Thomas 0.111114 William Musser, Samuel Biepham, B. L. Careen, Wm. Stevenson * " • 1 Benj. W. Tingle/E.. , I Edwar( THO W3l. Cmmi, Secretary. ramanwina,,FebruarY -THE COUNTY FIRE RISURANCETCONIn PANY.--011ice, No.llo South Fourth street, below 'Chestnut. • "The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Phila delphia," Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylia inia in 1839, for indemnity against loss or damage by fire, exclusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL. - . 1, - : ' This old and reliable institution, with ample capital, ,a nda contingent fund.carefullY_ invested, continues to in sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, &0., either per manently or for a limited .time, agaimit loss or damage by fire, at the lowest rates: consistent with the absolute 'safety of its customers. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible despatch.'' DIRECTORS: Chas. J. Sutter,, • , Andrew, H. Miller, Henry Budd, ' James N. Stone, John Horn, , ~ • Edwin L. Reakirtv . 1 Joseph Moore, , . ' Rabbit V.Massey, Jr. George Mecke,. '' Mark Devine. CHARM'S J. SUTTER, President: "- - HENRY BUDD, Vice President. BENJAMIN F.,HOECILLEY, Secretary end:Treasurer., THE' PENNSYLVANIA EIRE INSU-' ; L • ' RANCE COMPANY. --InCeniorate.d 1828-oharter Perpetual. ..' • No. 510 WALNUT street, opposite Independence Square.:! ' This Company, favorably known to the community for ;over forty years, 'continues:to insure against loss-or., damage by lire on _Public 'or • Private Buildings; either 'I 'permanently or for a limited' time. ' AU° On'Furniture, Stocks of Gooas, and ' Marchand iSe generalls*, , on ;liberal term. • - • .. . - Their Capital, together with a large Surplus iFund, is Invested in' the most Ctiretni manner, whiohenables them 1 to offer to the insured an undoubted security in' the case 1 oflete. ' ! '',.'.. ' -'-! ~-, " . , r -1 DigliCTORS'. ' - - • ' ' ' ' ' • ', • • ' 1 . Daniel Smith;Jr„ ' ' John Daverepx -• •', ~ - 1 !Alexander Benson, , '-`, Thornas!Sraith, - , I' - • ! - 1 li !Isaac azlehuret, " ' ! Henry Lewis • , 1 .' .i - !Thomas Robins, J. Gillingham Fell, • , , : ~ , -, PanisiHaddolkijr., i,, , , ~ - .-1 -- BAPiI4L, SMITid, Jit., Presicierlt.' .t.i Vip,1,1.4 Peeretafy.:' ' 1- , '; - A!! • !iipl9 ,, tr .., , m 12., lmr 5 NM. G. IUTEP `IPIREMBR'S , - COMPANY OF RUILADELPHIA. This Ctimpan'y taker:iris isatthoiowestrk songgistottb, , with safety, and confines ita buslueila exclusively Co FINE INEMBAIibIDTNE, CITY ` ; OW, PH OFFIBZ,—No,I23 National Bank Building; I Thomea J Martin, e , • ~ IlignriiiVYßlOLll.lor3 . John 4; 'filagrtrarigag,.' 'Wm. A._4olin, eury Bumm, James Di ' , James Wood, William Glenn; • ' . J'AtlyShalieress, James Jenter. J. henry Asian, Alexander .T.,Dielte . r, „MIMI Albert.o: orPlfr t.F Phtila.ritapatqc,lty, • 4 1CONlariBT.bitHESS, President Wg d A. /tOtini 3:11341.1 • .IVIK. U. FAckatiON'V., INSURANCE. a4N,598.n $454.38132 Thomas H. Moore, Samuel Costner, • . 'James T. Young, Isaac F. Baker, Christian J: Hofirmid, 7 Samuel B. Thomas, Biter. 111UB - 11 HILL, President: 17,1869.. , the ft IMtan=2 7 .== ,017- ' r ver, coma e , Ertilytit'34llao42i s On Merchandise generally, on Stores, Dwellings - • - Houses, Ao. • • ASSETS. Or THE OOMPANE' , • November 1,1868. !. ' " l2o4lo7:7 ! l uit net tU al edB B; l4: l;tei a l F ri lle ;:riqlO Ce. - •Iffil 03800 oa 60,000 United States Six Per Cad:Loan • , - , (for Pacific. Na11r0a4)....* .. 60,000 00 too,wo State of Pennsylvania Six Per • , • Cent. Loant.. . . 211.275 00 125,000 City of - . ' . LoanAegentpt frem Tax) , •138,394 00 50,000 Ste' to ,New Jersey Six Per Cent.., • , . . ... •-. ... , 51050(1 011 20,111 Pennsylvania leallivad First • • • Mortgage'Slx Per Cent - . Bonds '20,200 N 26 Pennsylvania Railroad, B_econd • ' Mortgage Six Per Cert,Botider ot,pco 00 25.800 .Western Pennsylvania , Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent. mOnds •• ' ' • (Penna.:73.B. guarantee) • 20,021 00 80,000 Statte of Tennessee 'vivo Per Conti 1,000 00 7 000 State of Tennessee Six Per Cent. 15 ' 9°C1 • VarE ?s it itoll'. - ! -"ulelP4la ' W 12,000 00 10,000 Penns ylvtualaltaiirmui Compa ny' 200 shares sto 11,300 00' ck North'-Pennsylvania Ita NI , iY'iohrs stock 00 20 Philadelphia ooo and S o u thern Mail' -• • Steamshi p Company , e 0 shares 23'reB stock 3 • /UM CO 207,900 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, first liens on City Properties. ..... 71/7000 02 Market Va1tte;111,13,225 Cost, e 1•521,604 20 • " - Beal 'Estate ' ' se,ooo 00 Bills receivable -for Insurances. • . mane _ , 322,1,80 111 e 1,109,900 Par' Baltu!cet4 due aV Apeuetet7pre• miums on Marine Polici Accrued Intereht and other ' debts due the C0mpany.:....: .... 40,178 88 Stock and Scrip of sundry Oo o_.; - • rations, ./33,156 BathLedi _ value. 1,813 00 Cash in Bank... 6116,150 08 _ • Cash in ... '413 65 .1.1540 73 Thomas C. Hand, • James B. McFarland, Edward Darlington, , William. Ludwig, • -' Joseph R. , Jacob P. Junea, Edmund A. Solider; Joshua P. Eyre; • ' ' - Theophilus Pa:aiding, William G.Boniton, 'Hugh Craig, `Henry C:Dallett, Jr., John C. Davis; - ' John D. Taylor, . • ; James C. Hand, 'Edward Lafohrcade, John Hi Penrose, . Jacob Beige', H. donee ,Brooke,. L George W. Beraadon, . Spencer Mtilvoine, Wm. C. Houston', • ' Henry. Sloan, . . Morgan, „Pittsburgh, Samuel E. Stokes, ' Semplei .do .4 1 James Traquair, -- A. B. Berger, de; • THOMAS O. HAND Freaident. ' • . JOHN C. DANIS, Vice President.,: , , LYLBURN, Secretary. -11..EN8.Y *BALL, Asetilleeretarst.:. • . TEFFZRSON:FIRE,T-Nt1:11t411 - 01q..Clibt t 1 PANY of Philadelphia.74)Mce, lie. 24 North Fifth street, near Market street: •• • Incorporated .the Legislature of Pennsylvania. 'Charter perpetual. Capital and Aseets.4l66,ooo. Make insurance against Loss or danmge by Fire on Public or Private Belldinge;Fritniture, btocks, Goode and Mer chandise, on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. - • Wm.:McDaniel, - 3 Edward P. Moyer Israel Petereon. Frederick Ladner John. F. Belsterlin , Adam J. Glass, Henry Troemner, Henry Delany, Jacob fichatidem, ' John Elliott, • • . . Frederick Doll, Chrietian, D. Frick,. 'Samuel Miller, George*E: Fort, , William D. Gardner. • • WILLIAM MoDANTEL,Pri3eident. ISRAEL - ETEBSOIT,_Vice President. PnittP E:COLitstan. Secretary and Treaeurer. • A""ICAN FIRE. INSURANCE COM PANY, incorporated 1810. , -.oharter,perpertnaL., No. 310 WALNUT street, above Third, Philadelphia. Raving a large pail-up Capital-Stock and. Surplus in vested in - sound and. available • Securities, continue: to insure on dwellings, stores, furniture, merchandise, vessels in port, and their cargoes, and other.personal property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS. . • • Thomas R. Marie, Edmund G. Dutllls, John Welsh, . Charles W. Poultney, Patrick Brady, Israel. Morris, John T. Lewis, John P;Wetherills William. Tau'. • • TNOBIAS R. MARIS, President.' ALBnRT OnAwronn, Becreitary. • • •, . ---- A.ME INS T:t ..tiWOB ~ COMPANY, NO: F/309 CHESTNUT STREET. _ INCORPORATED SM. °RAWER. PERPETUAL. CAPITAL L I2mx • d i rd FIRE nisuß sIVELY: Insures against Loss or Damage by Fire either by Per • petnal or Temporary Policies. DIRECTORs. Charles Richardson, Robert Pearce Wm. H. Ithawn, John Kcsslor,"Jr. s . Francis N. Buck ) , Edward B. Orne, Henry Imbi, =:. , , Charles stokes,: • _athen_Hitles , , L JAbaLlitaxerman I_ . George A. W es t, _ _ _ meridiem' Re zbY, . , ., ; out t EliEr tH l A o w H i rD i SON, President, , ~.WILLIAMB lal r ictiNCHAßD, ° Vt P"akient. re r .777 ---- -- apt, • - 12,2 as si A -Ig-TILB-A_C_l. MEADS - SUR A 11' t) 11_Con .CILPANI.--OHAIITERJ'ERPNTUAL. • • - Office, NO:911 WALNUT Street:. above Third, Will Malmo against Loss orDamage by. Fire on.Duild ings, either perpetually ; orfor a limited time, household Furniture and-Merchandisegenerallr. - • • Also,_ Marine, Insurancq: on---Vessele , Cargoes find Freight B. '. Inland Insurance to all narts'Or the Linton. wlllipm ' " :'• ; DIRECTORS:Esher, , LewithAtideuried, D. Luther : • ' Joint Ketcham, - • John R. Blackiston, , J, E. Damn • : - hilt Peter Sieger, Samuel 11. othermerC' WILLIAM, SILER. President. • - WILLIAM F. DEAN; Vit o , Wet. N. SMITH, Secrets • ." a. ' ^. l ' • [ Watt' the tf AUCTION BALES. :Y BAREITT. .(jCk.,. .AUCTIO " " B. CASH AUCTION HOUSE, • ' N 0.230 MAREET street,' corner ef,Rank street. Cash advanced. on Constannients without extra charge, • .• Administrator's Sale. STOCK OF TAILORING GOODS. ON FRIDAY MORNING. • ' • ' • Sept. 11, at IQ o'clock precisely, on .account of an estate, pieces of French and English All-wool, Fancy Oman mores, Silk Mixed do.; Doeskin do.; 04 Fancy:do.; Linings, Remnante. Canvas, .20, Terms cash beforedelivery.— • • • r' t,' . BROTIELERS' AUCTIONE.E.EiSi 1.1X.1 (Lately SAlesmen forts. , Thomittrk Bona , ) ;N0.1529 CHESTNUT street. rear entrance front rum IL THE FIRST.. PHILADELPHIA TRADE( HALE OF. HEAVY AND SHELF HAEDWADE, TABLE ! AND POCKET; CUT ~ LERY te. Will be held at the auction romus t No. ppchestuut et ? , hi the latter tart of Septedtherf ' 'Particulars hereafter. . , rEIHE PRINCIRA-LXONEY ESTABLISH' ment—S: E. corner of SIXTH and ItAffEt otreeta: , • ' • .Aloney advanced on Merchandise. generallr—WatelPth Jewelry, Diamonds; Gold and Silver 'Plate; and on eli 'articles of value - for anyllsalgth ottime agreed on, :wAToIdES AND JEAT..4BY 'AT PRIVATE' SALE. ine GoldEunting age Bdttom and Open Face ;English, American and Idwise Patent Lever Watches;-. Fine Gold Minting Case and , OpenFaceLenineWatches; 'Fineigeld Duplex and either Watches; Flue Silver If ant ;ing Vase' and °peke , Face -Vrialielt, American and Swiss Patent Lever and.Lerdne.Watches; Double Case English , :Quartier *mid' othet" Watches; 'Ladles' Fancy' Watches; Diamond.Dreastpin4; mitigtir Mugs; gar Binge;- Studs;, WO.; Fine Geld , Chains; Atedellions; Bracelets; Scarf pinsplireast r nsiMinger !Binge ; Pencil Caeca and Jaw,; E . elr • 0 SAL --ALlarge andd-valuable Fireproof , Cheat. ' Imitable for a Jeweller; cost 800. Also, goveral Lotrin South , Camden, Fifth and- Cheat* , nu atroota.. , , _ .: %LI Ila il ne l a ' " d will sell at putdie 'halo; TEL UttS- !WA, e l ptentbrr i f, l l e S69;atil Willow street, the following dlstllly ap paratus. and • • • tk• ITi t S 9 ANr,ORlce alto Lid articlel ' aro seized , and, distroiztekupptifo o r , r uonleatineut of taxes; &c:, due ,I 4 J'Altin i rti . t i ll;l.to n vin auSO t seo Deputy Vellecti7andDiHrrallitlig Officer._ iiAtt aUCTIPV'ttOoms; : , 1219 0111,1STNVT street: , , , , T. A. McOL Biagi Aticaoalle. L.' ASHBRIDGE &' CO„'•4170119N.1 400,1441/4C.ETstrept i above COP; .• :~ ,;,, . AUCTION SALE& 7 , •• • . • IRMT4Tf#,D*; or a 11 4 :. B,IIGTIOrisiSTIB j. Fis.22ltand,2ll4 g Z • Ter of Bank to./ IL- 11118 00s • AIX Or t I PZA AND DON ' • ••t: `I PE' WODhc... •, 1 t, • , opt TRU • AT HOuNING, Sept at I 0 o clock, on, months' crodlt, c -3Y w* DO STICB. Dales bleached and brown beatings and Bhlcefegs , do white and colored Drills. various brandli.. ,•'.- • • do. ,nitrite and scarlet all wool and Canton 'runnels. • Ossenillitirbester and Domestic Ginalouns, Boatels.' • do Apron Cbecke, Tlekinßßae Denims, Shirrs. ' •-••• Sind 'Fancy banding Flannels, Wigang.. o ' 2 ;,•,§o ,, Bleseltod• and colorer/ (kwset Jeans - , Cambgbir s •do ~xiiii.rankg eans,.. Fancy Maddhr Prints, DelateeN do Kesseys,CaLaidateres. Satinets, Linserf. • - • Übaldo bakuirray Blankets. migßug If" TAILOBS',GOODS. , " , Plidiergiglisil and , ISnobllfick and blue ClOthlr: 'do •ffinest fattC,r ItatOblack Doeskins, Broad chifp !do" 'Aix la Cha p elle cows arid Bosulmans,„ • ',de. 11.1ir Chisaelbi pots, Castor"; London Plioter; •do • A'rench Clusfmeres, Coatinte, do'• - blk and col'd ItalQ o,Do ians, Satin Flo-Chows, Veritlntil 414•16.1jr,118 14, Pieces plain and 'drilled poplins, 811 k =tree. • • do silk chain POolinsi Belgian col d, Cords.. • do 6 . 4 all wool rich Caohemoro Plai ds! , .4 n• d 0.. , black and colored Gros Grains: Taffetas , DISROS . France.:t v' 'do Paris plain and printed Delafn ta and Merinos.' „ • do black and colored MoliniesialiplictigiVall. •• • 6o pieces 18. inch sea'd colors silk tided Veivele . o"feri Also, blk and.coi'd silk finished do. Also. by order of Mess's. OSCAR PROLES Open centre square VientiireßrochoStiWorls....—.....,crk Filled do do do do do. . . Opon do long do do ' deric ora - Filled ' do, • .do L do Brodie border. black Stella Shawhi.. . . ' ••••• • • Rich styles Cheadle Scarfs', ' LINENS, WHITD 4001:111i atW.A:'''' C - Pieces Barnsley Sheeting'', Irish liblithig do blea and brown Damask ,_lllriFsele D o tiltsr. • f: do w kit o and brown Craig:4 Ginnie Dambrlcs.onets. Nalusomm, 1111n1L0'.1*.eilt, OLOVES - ANDXIA.IINTLETSVm — rr- • Ladles' Hid, black, send colernd Kitt Gloves r Ladles' Kid, Beaver end Catitor Glinutlets. r°' , '. r , ' • .• Gents' fleecy nod lamb ilued.Klit and thdf glavelf,• \ •do doe Skin, tan' grain; French' buck and caster ` -.do , bu4k, beaver andicastor fintintleaa, ;•; EN GLISIUHOSIERY. Englisittniper stout regular brawn cotton hAlthese'. I"! •• do , do do . , fancy toes and, heels..,„ :superfine do r 'COMA half hese. - • ; French, brown and fancy cotton half hose. , . •. Ladle's' and misses' fancy _ cotton bode: - • • - English silli r ful a sh, Shetland,morino • and white nd rnorlins. Sh• Also, Balmoral andlioop Skirts, Trwrallaft add Usderi Shirts , and Drawers, Sewing Silk, Patent Thread. Silki Ties, Embrellasi .tc. „ Also, lacl pieces Itodonin cloakings: " .',l • Also. stoolt• of • , genne furnishing goods, partially dat ~ maged at Into fire. •IMPORTANT SALE OP CARPETINGS, CLOTHS, Sec. _ ~: : ; , . :,11 ON FRIDAY I,IOBNING, Sept, 10, at 11 o'clock,pn four tnonths' credttilibotitilgtr • pieces logrein, Venetian. ListillempiCottana and , oarpetings, Olt Cloths, Buge, act. -• 1 LARGE SALE' OF FRENCH' AIID 1' • • _1.1•18,N DRY GOODS. -i • , L. - ON MONDAY MORNING, September 13, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit,. Included in Halo on. MONDAY, Sept. 13— _ COO CARTONS BONNET AND S'ASIURIIIIIONiEf,;'. of a well known Importation, including— • , lines plain and assorted color h Taffeta Ribbons. ' • Full lines plain colons .Playadere edzos.. , • ,•••••, if.• Di • Full lines all hailed black Ribbons. os. 4 f,e • ' Full lines plain and black Satin •Riktons.'„• , • . •,: 4 .141; . : Full lines colored Velvet Ribbons ) NOR. (I to 80,:in Golfe; - • • and'assorted cartonsi . • • • - • ';:e• A line of black and colored Sash Ribbons. • _ ,•• Also, fall lino of the celebrated diamond ,brand colotadff,. • ".• Bonnet Velvets. . • - Full line various qualities black Lyon, Veldetel ' ..1 Colored Satins, Gros de Naples, blk Crepes and, Manes_ ' Also, an Invoice of real Ostrich Featherei Pluatee se% Coc.e, &c. • ;!, • • , ' BA SALE OF 2000 CASES BO GS OTS, SHOES, TRAVELINIIV ON TUESDAY MORNING,' • • Sept.: at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit,. TH.okAi3BIRCH & sog'Alimao r ICERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS; : g •it No.lllo CHESTNUT • Street. ' ' Bear entrance No. 1107 Sansom street. • Household Furniture of every description received 019 Coneignment. • Bales of Furniture at dweMa attended to on th e moat re , asonable terms. BALE :ak A parvAis crlutEviioN OF ApiERI• • , • ~, CAR:AND FOREIGN ' COUR3 AND MEDALS.' AINIIO9,IDAY.,, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, . •• • S eptember B,7and 8. • ' At 34:,o'clock. at the auction storo, will bo geld, the cot- • lectlen of Captain Edward P. Thorn, or Plainfield, J...ccattpristng 1000 , 1ote• of American and foreign,Galds Silver and, Copper Coins and Medals. Uatalognesare:now ready for distribution 'at the ARa*- Con etorg. • ~ t., 1 ' • • - Sale at the Auction litore',No 4110 Chestnut . R HANDSOME PALOR,DINING ttoolll, LIBRARY-. AND. • CHAMBER. •FURNITUIRI, ..nosEwooD,te ! - PIA N O •FORTE: FRENCH PLATE MANTEL AND PIER GLASSES, BRUSSELS AND OTHER CAR ; PETS, SPRING AND HAIR MATRESSES. SIDE. `• . BOARDS, 11GOKOASES• , COTTAGE OF. FICE FURNITURE. SILVER PLATED WARE AND ',CUTLERY: ENG RANINGS, DECORATED- , CHINA CHAMBER. SETS, &c , • • • • ON FRIDAY MORNING, • ' At 9 o'clock,: at tho auction store, No. 1110.0bestnut 'street, will be sold, by catulogue, a largo assortment, of superior Furniture. SECONDHAND'EURNITURE. ' Also, a large assortment •of Furnitpro from families 'declining housekeeping, 1,647,861' 80 TAMES A. FREEMAN, AIICTIONE.Fati, • WALNUT street.. 4 • Sa'eV. E. corner .Eightli and Calrowhill strettin• LEASE, STOCK AND FIXTURES OF A WINDQW-; • SHADE - MANUFACTORY:. • ON FRIDAY 1110R.NINO. September 10; at 10 o'clook:4arili o sold;withoitt reservir,`„ the Lease, Goodwill arid Fixtures of a Window Shales, , Manufactq : Shade-frames', Tables, Pallas . , Oils, Rack, Office Tti tu ac eo. , '- • , • Assignee's Sala No: 816 Arch street. , • LEASE AND STOCIi OF A_I;0011ING-GLASS AND „ • PICTURE • FRAME Iif.A3MFACTORY, PREMIX ' - PLATE MIRRORS, E.NGBAVINGS, CLOCKS,. hIOULDINGS G 4 ,r • ON MONDAY ]MORNING, • • , Sept:l3, at 10 &clot*, will be sold- without reservelfi t tt catalogue, the entire stock of; a Looking Glass and, Pic ture reme 'Manufactory, - French Plate Mirrors,' Em:'" gravings. Clocks, Carpets, W alnut ; Gilt MeUktinggs.: Frames, Cases, Glass, dm. Also, {ho Lease, superior Wagon" littruegs t Sigivis,&o., • Sale 'peremptory, and terms cash: Executors' Salo No. 407 Richmond streot,ahove EanOver - HOESEHOLD FURNITURE OARP.ETIN dm. • ON WEDNESDAY nbittase.,,,, At 'lO o'olook,' by 'order of -the Exbdutors Stowert, dec!d., the Parlor, EkaraboriDiulug and. Kitchen Furnitufe, Ingrain utirpsts, ac: 11A1718 & - HA.ILVEY,' 'A I TlOsFa3l4l3,' ' '•,: (Xiate with ISlThomaaAlloni3j: • • Store Nos. 46and BO North SIXTH street.' , , • ' Sale No. 1211 Brown street. .• 2 SUPERIOR WALNUT PARLORf ~CHAMBER AND DINING ROOM FURNITURE, Two . COTTAGE,:' .surrs,,k7N PLATED WARE, FINE. CARPETS • •,.,* ,'Tex THAJRSDAY.MQRNING, I Sept. 9 at 10 o'clock, by catalogue__, at N 0.1211 Brawn 5t.,;." the entiraFurniturthlincludihg Walnut andllair -::-Parlailiurttiturar-strpertor.-Vialtmtv.ChanMerSuif,,Ertc tenaion Table and Chairs, , Cottage •Suits, .marble to s no-r-Spring,mul-Gurledr.-/lair-.-71idatressesT7line.- :Ware; the Blinds,; Gas consuming " Stever, Tapestry- Carpets, line Ingrain and Venetian Carpets, 4itcheln UtensllB, Ac. , - • Sale at the Auction`Rooms i • HANDSOME FURNITURE - , I'IIENCH PLATE MLitt / ROBS, SUPERIOR SECRETARY 130ORCASES,, s. ON FULDAi. MORNING,; .•At : 10 O'clomr,'at the auction remake a large assertmenvers ' new and secondhand Furniture, comprising 4mutlselpa r 'suits Walnut Chamber Furnitare,luar cloth and! , reo;, H y !Parlor and Library Suits, several •Cettne ;Sults, mma-tift er Secretary Lady's SecretarY,lll nn nadeoiv • dargeDentre and ißouquet Tables, surierlorsEttortettair, 11 • 'Table, Mirror, oval frame; a larg_enumber of Straw:and. ' .uskllatressee, fine Carpets, 01.1 Chathiti' THOMAS BONS ) ! AUCTIONELIED,Bi; ,_,N05,139 and 141 South jr_OURTH algae - BALES OS STOCKS AND 1t.E.M.8 ESTATE \ •••••F A ' Ng - Public sales at the philailelphia Exchange awry LTUESDAYint 12 o'clock': ' THURSDAY. • • • air Funiture, sel,es at Ale ,Attetion i . 'Here Eylpagr.,- • • dlfir Sales at Residences receiveeaDeeial attention. • Sale at the AuCtionßeoiesilros. MO and 'l4l' South • ; -.Fourth streetY L Ly. SU-PERIOR HBUSEHOLD ruErwromit,: PTA.IO4'; _3 I .II I ROBS:2F I ItEPItOtiFiSAITE,YELIVET,AIRUS.-- ; HELL} AND UT HEIL CA ItPETS, Ao. ON THURSDAY IMOR,NING.' , Scpt„ 8, at 8. o 'clock, at the , Anction ,Rootath, by eats,- j,sgue,, an assortment of Supozior:BotiOcholiteutnittire,;,'' coniprising-diandsome" Walmit" .P,arlor. Furniture, con. veiled with plush', reps and hair cloth; Walnut - Ultillubor - ISuits; Nulibgany . Piano,•Ereneh.Plate robes, Bookcases, Sideboards, Extension, tlentro Hoult:t Tables, ,Lodnikeit, Het Shunig.ollica Furairet dine ir atresses, Feather Beds, Bolster end Plu wa s Ohio rand Glessiverey Fireproof •Safe, niads,' by , S t ninger;,superior, Sewing ..liloohloot Cookiiig Stores, huh some Yelvet,'.Brpaise and of Oarpets„Fluer,Ulyths,Ac, , , • 'Aiso, largo Painting, Nanoleon' Crossing the Alps.* A kIJO •, superior, d onble berrel breecledoadiug tY,cirli t l Pice, with apparatus complete,,matle'by P,bterman; c ' .1' • •,• •.:11 ri , D, , .3.10014Eg$ & (jak.•::,,;;l •••,._• U. • • • • AUCTliMitzlie • • •;_llo;•51/0 MARKE'ret,;_det:‘. , BOOT AND !MOB BALE§ EVERX,MMPAT.,44ri? , : , 1'111.1RD413.6.1% ! 4 JORDAN'SI3ELEifitAT kljt -• Ale for lavalide4araili Mi; ' , 4 A' The eabarrlbor la now turandied,wltti Vheittol • anpple of Mr highly d rititritl UWle l otia Well-Imovhf tiircer. p a tt e yll i c i f t a n: r i l e:xl=lld l arala i lriti, t l e c i ,P - ' . to tha:atteation of all I ootiammot t wlnVlm4ib aatpteetyi - parent - I-tide; prepared from the materiaN and pat up in, the moat careful amain*/ home nee tea or-. tattoa corder, by mall pr atberyttaaliropasrlded;: • •;220 Pearetreet ad' ' r tiiioWlhfid TUST RECEIVED 4.1 1 r0114 1. iTonol;ooil e) caeca of Champagne, eparkhak Catawba and , Cult- +, • ;fornia Wines Part, lidedeic,,kiberm i .lamatra and Santa ' Cruz. Rum ;.• line-old -Bran Ma add 3 Vftlellida; :Wholesale le • • • Za) Pear atroo_it • BeloW • Tialidlahlt MahatilVittreetai and above Dock etlraet-11 ~ i'• ! - LIAJA/sT, ti ,FOTP4-4 V441 , 1N .. . .1,1 . 411. • , defilguou aro tiOa 4 tereiviiig froni t he' bfilli.lannoi. atork'e Celebrated "marmite". cottnty_.Fartnai which thew effer tolhe triide. B. BUS. "Agouti Or aitinlitinl646B4;doPelittgatilaTtitUol, +;~:, ~. . • , i ~' ~~~.qf) .. ..:'}, ~:
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