- , (From the Saturday RevitT,..lf,„ THE riERVANT OF THE'#)(1111.1901. Perhaps there' is, no matter in which litera-', / ture is more at odds with common exPerience . than in the fancy delineations wend in it .or, domestic service. In tlfezi drama ~'espe-:' chilly we are ' infroduced to a rela tion between master and servant of I winch we know absolutely nothing; the whole l idea seems ebased on a pare - invention: 1 Whether we compare, the Italphs and the Brushes of ebniedy,vvith - the solemn butler of our ,wealthy acquaintance, its Bettys and 1 u Chm m Chums with the tidy,' demure housemaid of ! respectabilityainong ourselves, or , again with the slipshod rwild.ef-all-woik of sea-side iodg•-] ingstmder who ' mwe sometimes suffer, we ark alike at fault, for a common, groundwork of re semblance be,tween these realities and the are- ation,s which divert us in fiction and till such an indispensable part,in ingenious plots.' The • best - servants - among ourselies do-their ap pointed work well, but keep their schemes and their vivacity for their friends 'and equals ; while these ideal representatives of their class are hall-fellow-well-met ° with the loftiest, of their betters, . conscious of a hold both of in terest and custom which , makes it as natural for them to be witty or self-asserting or sug ---gestive-to-their master as tiStheir-fellows.--Now of course it is, to - amine ,that, all this is a e ie . • defiance of ,fa Fs su Iv. •°• Ri• se playwriters simply; followed a system inherent in the drama, , whether Greek, Latin; Italian, or 6141:M3;m:id so titiget over the difficulty. But nobody who Writes plays in oar own day yen tures'pn quite the same anomalies. We re cognite a transition stage in Sheridare.s Fag and Coachman, which • are obviouily more con ----ventional—than--the-Llaquais-and_valets of_ an_ e,arlier date; therefore we are rather disposed to think that in some general way there is a degree of,truth in the picture, that the, man is not a greater departure from nature than his master ; and that both do exhibit with some degree of truth the age they profess to repre ' sent ln,those,days , prohably a clever servant had a right to assume an intellectual. equality with his master. Service was the resource of quite ° another condition' of life from that of• those who enter it, now. The Spectator describes the career of a serving-man who hail been sent. up as a child to Westminster to attend on his master's son,and had learnt the , same lessons with him. And at an earlier date Ben Jon ' son's , servant wrote comedies which have capital passages in them, and of him his master wrote ' .= ' , • 1 bad you for a servant onee,Dick Brome, And you performed a servant!,s...faithfut • parts;' Now you are .gone into a neaier room . • Of fellowship, professing my old arts. And clearly a century or two back free-speak , ing Was More universally tolerated. than now; free-speaking which becomes ready:and witty . speaking where there is any material for it, • which never seemed to be wanting , in, those vivacious days. Nor was a master under the difficulties to which our' notions of the dignity r. of the body and the fastidionsnesB of the age subject us. He carried a cane as well as a sword, and laid it on when the wit degenerated into impertinence; or became otherwise un answerable, without any fear of its checking a pleasant, intimacy or ,being taken seriously amiss. In fact the ule was license of the tongue tempered by the "rattan," a rule more prominent in comedy than real life, but yet answering to a real state "al. things. Nobody thrashes his "fellow" now ; the coup de baton • is a thing of the past, and with it the delight ful ease of intercourse and commtinity, of in terest which enabled the hero of that time to meet and overcome his difficulties with so • graceful and easy an assurance. In the impersonation of this lost species We . find every degree of individuality. Iu the ir repreSsible Sercante. of Moliere, bold in the interests of common sense, we have not al' in dividual but a class. Whether it is Nicole laughing with exasperating hi, hi, his at her bourgeois master in his court suit ; or Toinette dodging from the uplifted stick of the enraged !dalade Imaginaire as she asserted .her right to prevent him froM 'making a fool of himself; or Martine professing to • the Femmes Savantes her ignorance of nouns awl verbs and " tons ces. Bens-16.," and freely giving her opinion that Qnand on se fait entendre ou parle toujours bien ; it. The reader will remember how unreasohable the too talkative Diggory, in She Stoops to Conquer., finds it that he may not laugh at his master's jokes while waiting at table,.and stipu lates that in that case his master shall not tell the story of Old Grouse in the gun-room. Goldsmith was writing when manners were in a transition state, and the new fashions .had not reached the country. Besides these ser vants dignified with qualities and characteris tics of the age, Comedy has an evident need of a class of dependantS to say the commonplaces and the good things that don't fit anybody else, such as that answer of Lady Wishful's lately engaged footman to her nephew who can find nobody to recognize him: , Sir Wilful—Why, then, bake thou lost not know thy lady if thou seest her. Ha, friend? Footman—Why, truly, Sir, I cannot safely swear to her face in the morning before she is dressed. 'Tis like I may give a shrewd guess at her by this time. Or where the same lady appeals to her maid after some losS of temper : they are all one and the same wise, ;dart,. Lady W.—The wretch has fretted me that I rough-spoken embodiment of mother Wit. On am absolutely decayed. Look, Foible. the other hand, Monsieur Jacques, cook and Foible—Your ladyship has frowned a little coachman to L'Avare, is a character. Ile is a,too rashly indeed, Madam.. There are some blunderer, not from Want of brains or•nattint, /cracks discernible in the white varnish. density, but from the pre-occupation' of an Or where Steele's Mrs. Clereinont, who as amiable self-conceit. Our readers may ram" in- sunies a new coinplexion every month,' dis • her his pimetilionsness in assuming the cos- penseS her cast-off graces roue of each ~allbig aceordit o - t - ,htr - rrtp,tclty ---- MTs - I,lurernrnrr- - Tho ladies-abroml-nsed-to in which his master addresses him. ' His Molt- call time :liademoiselle Titian. I was so famous . 4 —natiOnSiate_alLtimucts - _ - Alrtne;iris_only_wher Tity=loring_r.But,,,pr'ytheci•-wcrichi-bring ' he can't make it answer that he tries lying,_ me my black eyebrows out of the next loath. which serves hint no better. lie pleads fur his Jenny-JX.l7aini, fliave them in my hand. wretched horses as for his life. "Cela ui. , Fainlove—lt would be happy for all who are fend le Co ur de les I, : oir amsi extenues; car tci see you to-day if ycli could change your entim•Pai mine tetuire.:se pout-tiles eheyaux: eyes too. semble title c'est moi-unwire quaint je Mrs. Clermont—(.apart enough •! No, ' 7 l - e,4"44li4patit• Ile even loves his master, as hang it. I'll wear these.l have on. This mode he tellstint.• next tr, his horses ;he hopes to of visage takes 'nightly. I had three ladies last convert him to liberality by hinting the opinion week, came over to limy complexion. I think of thd'ivorld; and being urged; his simplicity is' .to be a fairwoman this fortiiighttill Ffind'l ant betrayed , beyond promise of immunity, into aped too the luxitrY of detail—hoW that people said that Jenny—Dear Madam, won't your ladyship Ilarpagen had a private almanac printed please to let .nut be of time next countenance for his household which doubled the fasts and you leave -otr?- • • vigils; how he had once robbed his own horses , Mrs. Cleremont—Yon may, Jenny. • of their hay and got thrashed in the - dark by Of a:distinct type, on the other hand, is Con the groan, and many similar traits, which greve's Mrs. Mincing, Waiting -maid to Mina naturally bring down upon him a shower of mant. We cannot doubt that there was no coups de Litton from his . master. M. JaCques want of models for her among the poor half always misses the point. Acting as go-between bred gentlewomen who lied to undertake that with father and son, he reconciles them, with office to the fine ladies of 1700, and rivaled infinite complacency ''at his own address, by theiemistresses in atleetation : overlooking the gist of the quarrel; he Mrs. Fainall—But, dear Millamant, why were obtrudes himself and his work at un- you so lour? seasonable times with headlong infatuation. Millamant—Mincing, what had I? Why was His Master's cassette has been stolen from its Iso long? biding-place in the garden; Ilarpagon is in Mineing-0, Mem, your la'ship staid to pe . despair ; everybody is limiting for the thief; in ruse a packet, of letters. the Midst : of the Intrly-burly in rushes M. Millamant—O, ay, letters—l had letters—l Jacques upon the scene, cryhlg—"Qu'on the am persecuted with letters-LI hate letters-no yegorge tout a Phalle, qu'on me lui fasse gril- body knows how to write letters; and yet one ler les pieds; (peon me le mette dans l'eau has 'em one does not kna . ' why-theY serve bonillante et- qu'on me le; pende au plancher:'-! one to pin up one's hair. - • y "Wile," cries his master, "the: thief?" "I am W ould—ls tliat the way? Pray, Madan), Speaking of a sucking pig," says M. Jacques. do you pin up your hair with your letters? I Moliere's Wonderful valets, who are as fine find I must keep copies. gentleinen as their masters, and can. take their , Millanaant—Only with those in verse, Mr. place upon occasions, are to moderns among the Witwould. I_ never pin up my hair in prose. more evident impossibilities of this ,subject; I think I. tried once, Mincin g ? but, again, Addison tells us that servants of his Mincing-0, Mem, shall never forget day, in borrowing their masters' clothes, could Millaruant—Ay, poor :Miming Lift and tilt put on' their masters' ails at the same time. all time morning. The uses of this class as opportunities to an Mincing—Till I had the cramp in my finaerS. anther are invaluable. The Mascarelles of I'll vow, Menu, and all to no purpose. B u t the French stage, with their euphuisms and when your la'ship pins it, up with poetry,,it sits affectations, are however sometimes suppliabin so pleasant the next day as anything, and iS so ours by gentlemen in disguise. "MIS Archer, pure and so trips. -in th 6 -Benie4 Stratagem, disguised in livery, WitWould—lndeed, so trips? being sent by the lady of the house to drink Mincing;---You're stall a critic, Mr. Wh ale with the butler, disclaims that vulgar would. bever4e: . And when that "horrid .fellow Petulant" had Archer;-No, Madam, my constant drink is provoked the beauty into allturiei Mincing Is - tea, oritlittle wine and water; 'tis prescribed still T fht echo and reflection of her mistress's me by tho Physician. for :"remedy itgainst--the--- airs,- b still faithful in making much of her second spleen:'N. . part': - 11irt Stillem•--1 'thought that distemper had Millamain—l have broke my fan—Mincing, only been proper to people of quality? lend me yours. Is not all the pbwdei: out of Archer—Madam, like all other. fashions, it my hair? or Derine reconciling her Pair of lovers by main force, bringing about that pqit .vino iv and relenting glance out of the corner of the eye which makes her young mistress so charm ing, while, contemptuous in her sympathies, she declares A vous dire le vrai, les =rails soot bleu fous 0 wil V E LrAILY EVENTAWBULLETIN — PhILADELPIMA„ TUESDAY, SEFT,a 9 ,; I :_weatikrt _ and. so ,deOnds 40: theioservards,"%i lithough`ol44re . :4 maw of 4 1 4 beire t oC"lVl" l ' 67 =2 I' ceedwffrOM'seMe Me :apho,lt ; partiOps kthe, ' bloodioe,casione i d by, e's I e„.tieri.V*3B - 4 4 And'..„,,this niiikpr. , er: '4 .' cducekw/* them! ,mOreibiliti`g,9 ll " 4 4 - ehe " - stie. :414.i11ta, .***tte.::, fact;' o with,a 4 .Vorlil WahripleitYand some con ning," loquacious ; and . obtuse employed in a hundred different offices, and thei general confi dant of the,family,, ,Serub,,,,being , despatched by the ladies to ascertain the name of the fine gentleman who had attracted all eyes at church, comes back full of his own success: Scrub—Madarn,.l. have brought you a whole packet of 'news. . . . Dorinda—Open it quickly, then: Scrub,--In the first place I inquired who the, gentleman was. They told -me he was a stranger;,' . Secondly, I asked what the. gentle mini was. They answered and they, never saw ; lima , before. ' Thirdly; I inquired 'What : countryman ,he was. • They , replied; 'twas more than they knew. Fourthly, I de.- : malided,whence lie came ', 'theiranswer was, they could 'not tell. - '." And ,fiftlilY; I 'asked . whither he went ; and they replied, they knew nothing of the matter—and this is all: I could Further onScrub' describes the strange gen tleman'and his fOotrrian jabbering French to gether-with a-verrnatnialltrilt • : • ' -:•'-' And I believe they ',talked of :.me, for ,they 1,., i• 1 • onstunei.ily,., . _ . , JohnMOOdy,inthe Prevoked/Ittsband,thongh strange to our experience in the•place he occu pies, is clearly taken from nature,and the sketch would be far less unlikely Ihrindred:and•fifty . year's ago than now." The hOnest -yorkshir6_ mairgives the ; history of his master end' 'Lady Wronghead's journey up to town to a ,polite :circlei_wholia•Ve called..him_Up into the draw ing-roona for that purpose. • having • narrated how that my lady would have a couple of cart horses clapt:to the four oldgeldings that neigh bors might see shement up to London in her coach and Six, leaving five younger clilidien at board 'wages with 'John Growse of Suroke Dunghill Farm at half-a-crown a.head, he con- . eludes a long list Of disasters up to the point at which he left them with - • Mercy upon them! and send 'em all well: to town, say I. ' ' • ' Manly—Ay ! and well out on't again; John. J. Moody=:- . .Wbudi Measter, you're a wise mon. , And : lbr • that matter, so ain I-- whoaries Wlidiiiites home I say; I'M sure wl ha' got but little good e'er sin we turn'd our backs on't. - Nothing but mischief. Some devil's trick or other played on us awth' day lung! Crack ' goes one thing, baunce goes another. " Woa! says Roger—then sowse! we are all set fast in a slough. Whaw ! cries Miss. Scream go the maids! and bawl. just as tbof they were stuck. And so mercy on us! this was the trade from morning bo night. But my lady was in such haste to be here, that - set out she would thof I told her it was Chil dermas day. ' . Manly—These ladies, these ladies, John-- J. Moody Ali, Measter 1 I ha' seen a little .of 'em; and—find the best---when she's mended • won't ha' much goodness to spare. Lord Townley—Well said, John! Ha, ha! , Manly-1 hope, at least, you and your good woman agree still '.' • . . J. Moody--Ay, ay! much of a muchness. Bridget stickS to me; though as for her good ness—why she was willing to come to London, too. But hawld a bit! Noa; noa, says I, there may be mischief enough done without you. • • Manly--Why that was bravely spoken, John, and like a man. ,_ J. Moody—Ah, weast heart, were Measter but bawf the mon that I am. Ods wookers! thof hell speak stawtly too, sometimes--but then he canno' hawk! it, no ! be canno' hawld 44, pita, has he done ?Isayta,frieridy... , 4 4 'Alfittrainti--Nay, he has *13,6 , -;7lothing 4as44.*:' , 4o4ked. Nay, he *.s paid n9thirir, neitfiev-fint has contn#44,ieverliiik that hasteeia 'said. For mf arM I, th ttglik WlittOtiVp.ncl'he would hay -:! vow, Mem; I .'ought once' they would haVe fit * * • emu havecome to acquaint your la'ship that dii&er is himatient. The select modes.of expression. belong still to certain favored servants with aright to value• themselves on superior points ni'breeding or, importance, but in those days; when a fine lady's toilet was frequented brad the fops of her acquaintance, her waiting-maid, had oppor-, tunities for polishing . heV diction denied'to her it successors. Kitty)"kn. High, Zafe Below Stairs, boasts that Her education was a very genteel_ one=" I' was ) a Half-Boarder `at Chelsea, and 'speak Frencdtke a native ”—and Would there . fore be in a condition to parody leer mistress's modish graces with effect. •In fact, this whole farce is but an amplification 'of what we find in the Spectator full fifty years before, - where we read,, "Falling in the other day at a victuallingt, house near the House of Peers 'I heard the maid come down and tell the landladY at the bar that my lord bishop swore he would throw her out of the window,if she did not bring up more mild beer, and that •my lord duke _xduldtave a double , mug of , purl ; and the ronse rising, the alehouse was full of -scoring one mue r te the rnar , quis, three - to my new lord for wetting his title, and so forth. And no doubt a good deal.of passable imitation of their betters distinguished such occasions. The gentleman of that day could not dress himself. He was dependent for a hundred of on his valet, who might thus catch a tone fairly like the' not too polished original. As it was then remarked, "all de pendants run in some measure inte - the man ners of those they serve”—an observation which does not appeal with much force to ( our own ,experience. The difference between those. days and ours seems to be that each class has learnt to be consequential and exacting on its own accountfaiul wider its own titles, which is unquestionably a step towards democracy. THE EAST HOURS OF SECRETARY UAWLINS. WAsurxerox, September 6th.—At Seven o'clock this morning Secretary Rawlins was in a tolerably comfortable condition. He spoke to General John E. SMith and Commissioner Parker with his customary earnestness on vari ous subjects,and inqpired whether they thought he would recover his health or again rise from his bed. To this question General Smith said he feared not, and asked whether he had any wish to express with regard to the disposition of his remains in case he should die. He replied that he.would leave that with his friends, but he-did not wish to have an ostentatious or ex pensive funeral. • During the afternoon Secretaries Cox .and Robeson came into the chamber, when the former read to him the folloWing despatch from Attorney-General Hoar to the nom W. A. Fields, Acting Attorney=k4eneralr • CoNcomi, Mass., Sept. 6.—lf General Raw lins is living convey to him•the assurance of my respect and affection, and the' sorrow with which I learn the condition of a friend so highly valued—a man .so upright, able and faithful. God bless and keep him. E. R. HOAR. • Secretary Rawlins,said, •ivith deep emotion: am very grateful to the Attorney-General for his love, and I wish you to say so to him." At about three o'clock Dr. Peterson was left in charge, Dr. Bliss and Surgeon-General Barnes having been obliged by other duties to leave for a short time. - Dr. Peterson, a feiv minutes to four, observed a marked change in the condition of the patient, whose pulse had become very weak and irregular, and he re marked to General Giles A. Smith that he was. sinking very fast, and bad but a few minutes to live, and requested,him to send for Surgeon- General• Barnes. • About this Jane there was read to him a telegram from Lieutenant-General Sheridan, addressed, to General Sherman, dated Chicago, September 6, as follows : "Will you please give my love to Rawlins? All the officers here send their love to him." With scarcely breath to speak, he said: , General Sheridan is very kind ; I appreciate and am very grateful for his kindness. If the love of my friends would do it I would - soon he whealthy man." About five minutes after tbur o'clock the asked some one to, raise him:, Dr. Bliss, who had returned, adjusted the pillows under his neck,while Dr. Peterson held him up. His eyes at once became fixed, and without a struggle he died at .12 minutes past four o'clock. There were present Secretaries Cox and Ilpheson, Postmaster-General Creswell, Gen eral Giles A. SinitNlGeneral .John E. Smith, Commissioner Parker, James Rawlins (a brother of deceased); General 0. 0. Howard, Mr. Chadwick, Su Been-Generalßarnes, Dr. Bliss, Dr. I'eterson,aud the servants in attend ance. During the day the late Secretary often ex pressed a strong desire to see President Grant, asking, will . 1 - 4 come ? 12 - but was fear -ful-lat-wouldinot-liveLlong-eneugh-to-do-so, Yesterday afternoon, while Secretaries Robe .4,-on-and-Cox---and-Postinaster-General—Gres-- - rthn at well were sitting at his side, tliTlirst ruined re -nrarte-dT"General-Rnwlhis, tam—very-gorry-to— see you sick," when the General replied, "Mr. Secretary, so far as I am personally concerned as a member of the Cabinet, I have met with: it for the last' time. You will never see me there again." The company were deeply affected, barnacle no reply. Soon after the death Secretary - Rawlins of his body was embalmed and dresed . in the uniform of :a major-general. ColdnelL:. M. Dayton, Chief General Sherman's staff, and Captain B. P. Johnson, of the Medical De 7 pa.rtment, to-night sit up with the corpse. ' President Grant, accompanied by Private Secretary Porter, arrived at Washington by a special train from Baltimore at five o'clock and twelve minutes, and was met at the station by General Shermam --- ' Ile at once proceeded to the residence i>f General GileB A. Smith; where she learned that Secretary Rawlins had been dead an hour. The President was much af fected while gazing upon the lifeless form of his friend,and expressed deep regret that owing to the non-delivery of telegrams at Saratoga ho was prevented from sooner starting for Wash ington. President Grant, on returning to the Exechtive Mansion, transmitted the following despatch, namely Mr.": Mary F,. Rawlins, Danbury, Conn.: Your beloved husband expired twelve minutes: _after four o'clock this afternoon, to be mourned : - by a family, friends Who )(wed him-for his per sonal' worth and service to his country, and : a nation who acknowledged their debt of grati titude to him. On • coiftltation with friends; it is determined that he shall be bbried in the Congressional 'burying-grounds, as the most appropriate place;-unless you, have other sug gestions to make. , The time of the funeral is not arranged, but it will probably take place on Thursday. [Signed] IJ . S. GRANT. Aniong those who have been most unremit ting in their care of the late Secretary are Gen. John E. Smith, his old friend from Galena,and General Giles A. Sinith, at whose residence the deceased had his temporary home; Commis sioner Parker; General Morgan L. Smith, and Dr. Peterson, in connection with the!attend-' ing physician, Dr. Bliss. The Cabinet officers now here have shown devotion to him by their constant personal presence. Colonel DouglaSs, Assistant Private Secretary to the President, leas been,telegraphed to return from Virginia, and is expected to-morrow night. An informal Cabinet meeting was held last night at Ihe Executive Mansion, there being pre"t 'ke --- ` - $ ios Co* - 44(1 Rol it . d,p,_ ' s , wr. ' idtts '' 4 I T inkkteitth)%ka y'es*illAiti 4he ; • res'atitif, ' and;ifor ' i o :` hue, GeikSh " Wig: nd °theft ', art itit ofli ~ :. • -,' he objeo@f i,lWtiog w ' ,to at - ty-Ete.. '; ,emcets for Ulf; unkal of th "140-beer i'''' '4t ~ Ara r .V.;' , P' ' , ... i. 4, v, .p.,. , k.- - it has 4 eon Necidedvthat the Tunald shit take place on Thursday morning, at ten o'clock.. T,he remains are to •he escorted4o-tbe-Con b aressional • Cemetery of this city, which has been 'dec - Medt.tuf :appropriate place for the burial. These arrangements are, however, subject to. any modification the widow of the late,Secretary may suggest„,:qrimhatia to such action as' mair be, takeit byhls (MI State 'of .I.ll.bams,.- the. following -tekvarn.having , been forwtirded to Govorpor Palmer_,,by,Gen. John E. Smith: WASIIINGTON, Sept., 6, 5 P. 31.--General Rawlins died at 4.12 this P; M. Has Illinois. any wish to express with regard to thei Alsip* tion of his remains?' ' , • ' NEW SPICED SALMON, FIRST OF THE SEASON. ALBERT. C. ROBERTS. DEALER Ili FINE anocrEnno, Corner Eleventh and , Vine Streets. W _ lIITR BRANDY FORPRESERVING. --';A choke article just received and for sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No.llB South . Second street, below Chestnut street., , NEW GREEN GINGER.:-400 POUNDS of choice Green Ginger in • store .and for sale at COUSTY'S East ,End Orocery, No. 118 South Second street, below Chestnutatreet. 01J P S.—TOMATO, PEA, MOCK Turtle and Jullien Soups of Bostork Club 'Manufac ture ou,e of the finest articles for plc-nice and sailing parties. Nor sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, - No. Ils South Second street, below Ohest.nut street. NEW MESS SHAD AND IC Salmon, Tongues and Sounds, in prime' order, just received and for sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, Po. 118 South. Second street, below Chestnut street. I)IIRESPICES, GROUND —Pure English Mustard by the pound —Choice White Wine and Crab Apple- Vinegar for picklingin store, and for sale at COUST VS East End Grocery, No. 1114 South t 4 eennd street.. below Chestnut street. 01E - SALE., philf.Elt 1%1 ERS, HO USE AGFA' T and Collector, solicits the patronage of his real estate friends. Attention prompt; charges moderate. office, No. 115 South Seventh street. a setl-3t§ fp EUlt bALLE' UK TO KENT Ft:M- R. 1 ;1 EBBED, the HOUSE, lanFILBERT street. cot, be noon from 11 to 2 &dock. se7 to fit' r i N t Ott b.a.LE---Tl - 1E Bit° W.N 4",120NE L!iL House, N0.1.4J0-1 Walnut street, 22 feet by 61; lot • • 157 feet. • Replete with All the modern conveniences, nuil will be till with or without the furniture. Fur terms. and peruthisien to view the premises, Apply to JAMES H. WATMOUGH, • • • Na Weu i : ro Ili : er4•F,tu t tlt,a§ • Er r A uh SAL E.—MODERN THREE u Story Brick Dwelling, 519 S. Ninth et. Every con venience. Inquire on the premises. myeethAtuai . M FOR , SALE—DWELLINGS. 1210 Columbia avenue. Nineteenth and Thompson. 144 N. Eighteenth street. -• 3221 Sansold,'West Piula. 1307 N. Vernon street. 909 N. Fifteenth street. 132 Brandywine. Lot 10x60. 8 rooids, newly papered and painted. Only $3OO cosh required. Price s3h)o. JAMES W. HAVENS, S. W. corner Broad and Chestnut. fel U.kaItAIA.LN 10 Wbi .—EUE SALE—A 11.1 A modern built Country Villa, with all the latest improvements. I'rice,•.sl3,LOo. Also, a 3laward Root Cotmse, within five minutes of 'Depot. Price. $7,000. Apply to • W. H. tiTOKES. • . be2.6t * . Insurance Office, Germantown. CHESTNUT STREET.—FOIL SALE— The desirable Property, 10 feet 6 inches front by - 50 feet deep, No. 405 Chestnut street. J. G UMM.BY SONS, 733 Walnut street. FOR SALE. OR RENT—THE THRE* story modern brick IteSidence, with three-story double back buildings andjive feet wide sidoyard. No. 102 North Nineteenth street, above Arch. .1. M. G (131- Y A.50N5,733 Waltrat street.' ea W J LEGANT Bl:gi Four-story Brick Residence, tr. feet front, built in t he latest substantial manner, in suites of three rooms on first and second floors. bath rooms communicating with chambers, and finished in the best style, with extra Afon reniences, situate on the north oldc of West Delancey M place, fourth house enHt Twenty-first street. J. M. GUMMY & SONS, Ma Walnut street. MOE BALE,—THE NEW ` HREE 11'¢' s tory brick Residence with three-story double Luck buildings. Every convenience, and lot A/ by Intl -feet.__No.fit&North Sixteenth street.above_Walltnie._.L. AL GUMMY & SONS, 733 Walnut street _ . 01-1 r 0 it SAL E.—TH E VALUABLE Property No: 114 South Twelfth sto.et, below Chestnut. 25 , feet front by 91 feet deep. J. M. GUM3I E Y & SONS, 731 Walnut street lisrsultve4s 47.2 GERMANTO W N- - -LFOR SALE.— "tom id Two new pointed stone Cottages,just finished, with every city convenience, within five ,mingtes walk from Church Lane Station. Price $.6,000 eadi. J. M. QUM.- MEY & SONS, 723 Walnut street. . cFOR SALE DWELLING 1421 ri.o l North Thirteenth street; every convenience, and in good order. Convenient Dwelling, No. 537 Pine street ;- ten MOMS, bath, gas, &c. 510 Queen street, two-story brick, good yard. 255 Stamper street, below Pine, small house. Alter street. two nest four-room houses; Building Lots on Passyunk road, and a good Lot at Rising Sun. ROBERT Git.I.FPEN & SON, 537 Pine street. eat 11, 1. I'. Ur A. I\ 15 O\V .1 , 4 r 3 TONI bait' or to root. Apply to C. J. FETA& IROTHER, -10 FOR SALE A BRO WN-STONE 31wellin - V2llB - Spruce - street. A handsome Dwelling, 1023 Arch street. A handsome Dwelling, 1721 Vine street. • • A handsome Residence, West Philadelphia. A modern Dwelling, 1020 Sergeant street. A Business Location,2B Strawberry street. _ A handsome Dwell ing, 400 South Ninth street. Apply ' fn COPPTIK. 43.4 Walnut street. - To °REESE Sr, 111 C TRY A•l5 ESTATE AGENTS. Nj • Office, Jackson street, opposite Mansion street, Gape Isla.ntl, N. J. iteal Estate,hought_andAold—Pereons: desirous of renting cottages during the bellSOn will apply or address as above. Respectfully refer to Chas. A. Rubicam,lieury Bumm, Francis 111c1 (vain, Augustus Merino, John . Davis and NV . W . Juv c n feti-tf§ 'FIUR RENT. ;...I.OltEpoOM &ND BASEMENT of New Build 1102 'MARKET Street. &only to STEPHEN F. 'WHITMAN, fra tf§ 1210 Market Area. 11ANI)SOAIE CHEST [4:II Tytreet tore proin-rty.vagt of Broad* tiEreN, ,ontli r.iiitable for a Millinpry. Sowiog Machloo or any Jolley I ueineen. Lou; and lixturea for tatle. Rent cheap. - Avply:at CARMAN A Vit.\ 1.1) HO ci I . aiL 4.r for sale, in the neighborhood of Spruce 8 Rd Twentieth streets, four stories front, It story I ncic buildings, replete with modern conveniencer. Lot Is feet by. II 0 feet to it burn outlet four feet wide. Atl retie 4: rp.... - 4 - 44.7 14, 0.1., ".03. URN'S u --A AND :.3IIU three-story brick dwelliog, with double back liftildines, on the south side of .Arch street, between Fifteenth end. Sixteenth streets, with or 'without a stable. Apply to A. B. (Al VER CO., southwest earner): ie Ilbert Rtri•old 54 , 6t * ----- Oft litci HED I E •siDENcE,No. IB3I Spruce street. iiei~ Apply I etween 11l nod 1., to st2th s tuft" • TO -1 -- THE EPA hundeonio Furni, , loql Dwelling, No. 400 South Niitt h titroet ; gas, hat h. alai all aaliTahnproveFacrits ‘. ; a titre location. Also, to rent, No. 1721 Vino ntrtK,t, with all 1110ii"I'll VOllVollilMelf. Apply to COPPLICh. 30DDAN,433 WsLlnnt. street. . - . TO RENT—THE LARGE; coNvEr• liient and well-lighted granite front Store,No. 110 South DELAWARE Avenue, with immediate .posseel, Rion, the present tenant being obliged to retire froni business owing to ill health, Apply •to '3: - B. BUB SIEIt & Co.. lm Smith Dillnwnre AVOIIIIO. n 17 tf- CAUTION. N - -- O T E ALL etact , ONS ARE hereby cautioned =And harboring •or 'trusting limy of the Crew of the British Bark lißertha , Temple,i• 3laster, Re no debts of their contracting will bo paid by Captaill or COnsitniees. WORKMAN & 00. -c 7 .kr — Al — : • NA. AMTortEls. f . LAS bble. - bils. (11) Pitch, ' . bbls..Tur. 163 bbls. Spin. Turpentine. Now lending from nteanwr Pioneer, from 'Wilmington, N. 0., and for sale by COCHRAN, 'HO6BIC,LL /ic co., No. 711. Chestnut street. 7,1869. 1-112 'tIOAULE O Ert;' 14 AO 2500 " 4 :, 11 7: §; n F [JJPATTE • 6p . PAT TEimaER (mow WON ItIICHIGiIi t CCIEK PINE 1869 SPRUC E AND HEMLOO . SPRUC L E AN STO C KOCK. ARGE 1.869. FLPallitllNT.G...lB69.t • CAROLINA F LOURING VIRGINIA FLOORING. • •, • , DELV F RE FLOORING' ijcifeC-F,14 - 0 - 1171D — A --- ISAP -- BO.ARD. .lAnref . 'FLORIDA , STEP' lig/Law 186'1' BAth LANK:. „ • NAIL PLANK. • • ,• 1869 'WALNUT 3 A o r i 4 r, • 8 'WALNUT sOP ?, ARDs eirm PLANK WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. • ASSORTED CAB NET MAKERS, LLDEILS. &Q.- UND EB 1869:. tr/s pMTAIKEIts! 1 869 • TAWRIINUMBEB. • WALNUT AND lINFL- •, .TOP •:V - I. •: .SEASONED . 1 /3EARY;• • 1.1, • ING. 1869.°• . " ,•. 01.1.4 tic. T. - BILLS. • ~ . NORWA SOANTLING. , ' • _: - _ 18 13 S IE H I ING I LS. a ' • • 697' ---------I;E 1869 CYPRESS SHINGLES. . • , LARGE ASSORTMENT. -- , • • FOR SALE LOW: . , - PITAI3TERTRITI: 7 IrATIL ---- 1 - QaCk l BING LATII. „Love. 186. PLAntATH , . • MAIUME =OMER 4t__ 2500 80IITLI STRE ranniber Under Cover s \ALWAYS DRY. Walnut, White Pine, Yelloir Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, Shingles, ac.folwayson hand at low rates. WATSON & GILLINGHAM. 1V)-4 Richmond Street, Eighteenth' Ward. m629 -Iy§ iIIOMAS ar, POHL, .LtraßEß 3IMt: A chants, No. 10118, Fourth strtet. At thcir_yard will be found Walnut, Ash, Poplar, Cherry, Pine, Hem lock, &c ., Ac., at reasonable priced. Gave them a call. MA ISTLN THOMAS, ELIAS POHL. mh7T•Bm* YELLOW PINE LUMBER.-ORDERB for cargoes of every description Sawed Luinber axe• toted at abort notice—quality subject to. inspection. Ap •ly to EDW. If: ROW LEY. 36 South Wharves. fee PROPOSALI3 FOR 81.1.P.PLIM OFFICE OF PAYMASTER-U. S. NAVY, No. 425 CHESTNUT STILEET, etept... tith, 1869. 13EALED, - .PROPOSALS, ,endotsed "Pro posals for Supplies," will be received at this office until 12 o'clock Nl.' on the 18th of Sep- Umber; for • furnishing. the United States Navy Department withAhe following article:4, to be of the best quality, And subject to in spection by the inspecting officer in the Phila delphia Navy Yard,where they are to be do livered, when required, free of expense to the Governments for which security must be ven. FOR BUREAU OF CONSTRUCTION, &.,:p 1 4 000 gallons LinSeed,pil, RaW, Rest." lor full particulars and time of delivery, apply to the NAVAL CONSTRUCTOR, • . . Navy Yard. FOR BUREAU OF PROVISIONS- AND 5,000 lbs: Sugar. 1500 'gallons•Beans. 400 gallons Vinegar. 45 Boxes Candles. , • For particulars, samples, - time of delivery, &c., apply at this office, where blank forms for •proposals can be obtained. „ • IL M. HIESICELL, Paymaster U. S. Navy. FOR . AM •B 0S T Q_N.-STESHIP LINE DIRECT, SAILDNG FROM EACH PORT EVERY WednetAay and Saturday.: . FROM PINE STREET WHARF. PHILADELPHIA, AND LONG WHARF, BOSTON. FROM PIiILADELNItA 1 ' Fnom Boicro/t. SA XON.Wednesday,Sept. 11ARIES, \VednesdaY,Sept. 1 NORMAN Wednepday, " S SAXON, Wedne, Saturday," 4 ROMAN, Saturday " - 4 1 ARIES,e4I4, ' 8 R OMAN, Saturday, " II NORMAN', Saturday,`' 11 SAXON I ,Vedne.eday,---" -15 AItIES,-Wedneeday,- " 15 NORMAN, Saturday, " 111 ROMAN,Saturday, " /8 ARIES, Wednesday '" 22 SAXON, Wednesday, " 22 ROMAN, Saturday, " 25 NORMAN. Satunlay, 't 2,i SAXON, Wednesday `•29 ARIES. .Wednemlay, " 29 These Steamships sail punctually. Freight received every day'. Freight forw,.,nled to all points in New England. For. Freight or Passage! superior accommodations) apply to . , , HEX WINSOR, & CO 33,5 South Delaware avenue. H ILAD EDP HI A AND SO UTHERN P MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR LINES FROM QUEEN STREET WHARF. The JUNIATA will sail for NEW ORLEANS on Thureday. Sept. 9,.at BA. 31. . • The YAZOO will sail from NEW ORLEANS, via HAVANA, Sept. The. TON AWAN . DA will sail for SAVANNAH on Saturday, Sept. at 8 o'clock A. 31.; The WYOMING will sail . from SAVANNAH on Saturday. Sept. The P E lONER will sail for WILMINGTON, N. (.1.,0n Saturday. Sept. 11. at 8 A. 31, Through MOH of lading signed, and passage tickets sold to all points South and West. • , BILLS of LADING SIGNED at QUEEN ST. WHARF. -- TrarfrODllitunNisluMqVitiP WILLIAM L. .WIES, General Agent,' 130 South Third street. vm-sottni-4 A EVERY SATURDAYtV WEST. FIRST WHARF above .1 - ARKET Street.— _ THROUGH RATES to all points in North and South Carolina via. Seaboard Air-Line Railroad, connecting at Portsmouth, and to Lynchburg, Va.. Tennessee' and the West via Virginia and Tennessee Air-Lino and Rich mond and Danville Railroad. • Freight HANDLED BUT ONCE,and taken at LOWER RATES THAN ANY OTHER LINE. The regularity, safety and cheapness of this route commend it to the publfc as the most desirable medium for carrying eyery description of freight. —No charge fdrcotrihtission , drayage, or any expense fort t ransfer. • • Steams Lips insure at twest rates. Freight received DAI Y. • WILLIAM .P.. CLYDE & CO. No. 12 South Wharves and Pier No. 1 North Wharves. W. P. PORTER. Agent atßichanond and City Point.; T. P .CROW ELL &CO ..,'Agentsat Norfolk. • . NEW . EXPRESS LINE TO ALEXAN dee, Georgetown and Washington, D. C., via Ches apeake and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alex andria from the most direct route for Lynchburg, Des tol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. Steamers leave regularly from the first wharf above Market street; every Saturday at noon: Freight received daily. WM. P. CLYDE &.00., No. 12 South Wharves and Pier .1 North. Wharves. HYDE & TYLER, Agents at Georgetown. M. ELDRIDGE • A. CO., Agents at Alexandria, Va. OTICE.—FOR NEW YORK, VIA DEL AWARE '' AND RARITAN `CANAL EXPRESS STEAMBOAT COMPANY. The CHEAPEST and Q UICKEST water communion, ',ion between Philadelphia and New York. Steamers leave' daily from first wharf below Market street„'Philadelnhia, and foot of Wall street, New York. Goo R forwarded by all the lines running out of Now ,York— , North, East and West—free of Commission. Freight received and .forwarded on accominodating terms. WM. P. CLYDE & CO. Agents No. 12 South Delaware avenue, Philadelphia. JAS. II AND, Agent, No. llOWall street, New. York. - J. L. HARMAN; N 0.708 Walnut street WHITE OAK PLANK HICKOIIx. PROPOSALS. IMEMEIBM SHIPPERS' GUIDE. POW • _ LIVERPOOL.—THE 1"1.111 FIRST= 1.! class bark BERTHA TEMTLE, .5.26 tons iogistor, (initial" Mitchell.. This vessel succeeds the Mexi can; end having the bulk of her cargo engaged, will have despatelk.., .Forbalanco freight or passage, apply to PEWEE.' witieprr& hONS; Walnut street,' set-tf N • OTICE.-FOR.NEWORK, , VIA DEL YAW ARE AND.RARITAN CANAL... swlrrsultE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. DESPATCH' AND SWIFTSURE LINES. The business of these lines will beresurned on and after the I9th of March. For freight, which ,will be taken on accommodating terms, apply to WM. BAIRD 8c CO., • • , : 132 South• Wharves.. ELAWARE • AND, • CHEsApp Ann Steam To Boat Company.—Barges towed between Philadelphia, Daltintore,---Dayre de Grace, Delaware • City and intermediate points - WM,. P. CLYDE & CO.,Agents; Capt..l4olllN LAMM LIN ; Sup't.olllce, l 2 tionthlY haryes, Pinhulelphia. -I , "CithW 'YORK; VI.A..PKL (INy ar hid Raritan' CanalL-Swiftsurd 'Transporta tion Compaby—Despatch and': Swittsure Lines.— The business by these Lines .wille bo resumed _on and aftor tho Bth of ..lgarch., For Freight, which will bo taken on accommodating tonne, apply . to 'WX.' X. BAIRD Bc. 00.,132 South Wharves. ' • fli. - 13T-(. 1-- t; • A IS S 1: American Barit 'BRILLIANT, 422 Tons Register, 62D Tone dead weight, SOO Flour Barrels capacity; WWI partially rebuilt and thoroughly overhauled in 1865. For further particulars apply to WORKMAN & CO., 123 Walnut etreot. . - W. * EqG HOUSE A . k ,4; !!' 1 4-4 - II•k 4 1 OWE 1869. ' „ 112 and 114 Si6o.':THIRD T. PHILAD% • DEALERS • L, - • IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES: ' • _6; We will reeelvo 41)Pileations for Policies of Life. Insurandelnitutt , new National' Life4n ' mance Company of.the United States. Pull information given at our, office:A Aißs Deniers' it D. Bonito and Members of Stack and Gobi Xscluntice el receive ac. counts of Banks and "Bankers on ternil, loom Mills of Exclusion* on 434.11ipmbro - 4 - Son - London: • , „ James W. ticker & Co., Paris. And other plistelPsl elites,' aH Letters of trredtt avallable throughout Europe • W. corner Third and Chest ut Streets. BOARDS DE fligti 4 a 110 t GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, 40 South Third St. ftrar. A RELIABLE HOME INVESTMENT THE nitst MORTGAGE [KINDS OF TUE Wililiington and Reading Railroad, AT SEVEN PER CENT. IN CURRENCY, Poo ble April and October, free of State -- ---- and lUnited States Taxes. This ?owl run ttrrotigh et thickly populated and rich agrlcultnral and manulactnring district. " • For the present we are offering a limited amonnt ortho above bonds at , The connection of this road with the Penney Fran and Reading Railroads insures it a largo and reinunerative trade. We recommend the bonds us the cheapest first class investment in the market. , PAINTER 0 410 CO., Bankers and Dealers in Governments, No; 36 S• THIRD STREET, dttfi GENTS' FUBN'ISIIING GOODS. FINE DRESS SHIRTS J. W. SCOTT . & CO No. 814 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PATENT.SHOULDER SEAM - SHIRT NIA.III.IFAat3rX9ItY:, Orden for tbetdi celebrated Shiite elipPlled 'promptly on brief notice , 706 CIIESTNUT. e3-m wf tr A. S. , ROBINSON FRENCH PLATE LOOKING GLASSES, Beautifill ChrOmos , ENGRAVINGS: ND PAINTINGS, ManufactOrer of all kinds of Looklrig-Glassprortrait&Pictarerrames. 010 CHESTNUT. Srl'ltEltlT P Fifth Dooi above the ()ultimata!, - PLIILADFLPIIIA: 'NE'W PUBLICATIOI~fS IL OSOPHY OR. DIARRIAGE.-4 new course of Lectures, as delivered at • the New ork Musmun of Anatomy; • embracing the subjects; Bow to Live and what to Live for; Youth, Maturity and Old Age; Manhood generally reviewed; the Cause of In digestion, Flatulence and. Nervous Diseases — accounted for; . Marriage Philosophically Considered kc. Pocket volumes containing these Lectures will bo 'for warded, post paid, on receipt of 25 cents, by addregginn W.A. Leary,(jr, Southeast corner of Fifth and WM mik 'Btreots, Philadelphia • fe26 I y rtAwiciEus„ AND DEALERS IN GOLD, &c., REALBING Ii%TEBEST 85 Cents and Interest. AND GENTS' NOVELTIES. Four doore below Continental Hotel. mhl-f m w tf! Gentlemen's Furnishing .Goods, Of inte office in full variety WINCHESTER & CO. THE FINE ARTS. Estitblished 1'705. XELEGILAPHIC -01711EWiT: 'flip, French Senate * aikopte4l the &flatus' Collodium by a voteoXelA to - Tuk, ^ French kiiipeArVsvis 7 _4,ite-e Listnight. blueit damage has been done by; the drought in the lower portion of Delaware. TILE foie residents of Havana, principally Cermans, are enlisting as volunteers in the re serve battalion. •. , .bas PrAered 6 o4Plogiving priyeWitalie Catholic ‹, 4 liitrebee --ittr: the 'ter , mination of religious ascendancy in Ireland: IT, rs . proposed to, • reduce , the, Spanish IlletarebY te..five.'...ArehbisherpeC'etialliirt,y-two Bfshops. Mn. GLAD STONE IlaSpublisbed,.a. note)saYinor r that the pardon 'of wider eon - Wei at ion - in the-Cabinet: I)lE 44 'fitlantics;', ,- -yestertJan flefeattbd the " Ea:l4as 'ridNelv Yoili; - tiY a score =of 45 102 %Viet cMi ratf t ested in • NeiC.Voitychafg6d-witbhuiitialingii number of firms out of thirty or forty thousand doll orth of merchandise. TIIE revenue receipts from March 1 "to Septernbei 14 a this year; teens . $8 357731Y7kin excess of the corresponding period of last year. , , , A trirt: at Richmond, - Virginia; ' last ------ .niglit; ---- destroyed ---- °vet , 8100000 wgrth - 1 roperty, including several stores and fac tories. • A :HAVANA . despatch' s'dy.§: 'himlied inSurgents surprised four. hundred Volunteexs, - tive miles Irma Puerto Principe, and repulsed tiltem. Gen. Puello, with four hundred troops, marciteti assistance•ptythe volttnteeph but thit:insurgents refused h411,10:4 1 .0n the loth of August the insurgents, several -- thousand - strongi - consmanded - by - GernQuesadar - Cespederi being, Present,. madean attack on Lag 'run* and 'had 2501;111ed'.,, The 'gar rison of Las Tunas consisted Of 450 troops, of .whom lito were killed . ntad wounded. The fight lasted nine hottra.' - ' Gen. Benegasi ar , rived at Las Tunas the day afterwards with a convoy. lie had Skirmishing all along the road, and.sustained a slight loss." TERRIBLE RISING DISASTER. Tun Hundred Men Probably Suffocated. I'Ll:moupf,j ) enuql.y4ulN,Sept , enAer A fire broke out this morning in a flue inthe bottom of the Stenben shaft, owned by the Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company, in this.place, • and in a short time the where breaker " and out-bitildhigit Were. flames, and the hoisting-apparatus, the only 'avenue of escape for the miners, destroyed. All efforts to stay the flames were in vain, and the , staucture Prirfik king 'up the Shaft. Over two lunidred men ere la the shaft, and lia - Ve no nut,Witlino chance of aid, as the only way for getthigair into the shaft was through . the main opening, and that was tilled with burning timbers and the deirin. it is feared that the whole number have . been suflomted by smoke or perished for want of air. • • The Fire Depattmenta . or Seranton, Wilkes- ham and Rlngstou are onband, and are play ing streams down the shaft far the 'Purpose of quenching the fire there, so the rubbish can be cleaned out, and the -.condition of the men' ascertained. It will probably' take till to morrow morning before any tidings can be re ceived from.thern: The scene at the shaft is heart-rending. The faitilfieS of,:the: miners are congregated therein Miners frem 'all parts'of the e cciiiiitry are there at work; and merehanti, and in fact the whole population of the town, have turned - out to assist. .The loss; by fire •will amount' to about $lOO,OOO, which is 'partially: covered* insurance. All the physicians'thevicinity have been summoned to attend when the:cOn dition of the men is' ascertained. The.'Malr has east a gloom- upon the whole:cominnifity, and business is almost entirely suspended. The miners only marline:4 work 01.16,y after: a sus pension Of abOut three Months. Among the men in the Mines is 31. Hughes, superin tendent. , • Scroti:Tox, Sept. O, 10 P. 31,-Thelatest in formation from the Avondale mine states that the Shaft. Was cleared, and two men Went dOWn and penetrated sixty or seventy yarn's' . .to a closed gangway door, which they could not force open. They found. three . dead mules - outside 7-of- the-. door,- ---andisiilphtirous2fumea_ were pouring througli7the:dotiA , Onsignk of, life were discevered; and it is feared all',are . PLvstouni, Sept. O.—After the rubbish from the bottom of the ; shaft was cleared away, two Miners descended:. in/ a bucket, and sent ward up to send down a pick and shovel to dear, the doors with.hucket _was brought and two Men Sigite"d'doWn with tools. , As they started; the men at the bottom requested them to hurry; and 'on their reaching the bottom both were found death SCIIANTOT, Sept.. o.—Despatches received from Avondale say that Thomas W. 'Militants; of Plymouth, and David JorieS,.of Grand Tun nel, who went down to make., furtherbivesti gations, were suffocated on their second attempt. Williains'is'dead, , and vas brought Tait by DaVid - TITD - aills antrl3mxkmia -- hmes. Thomas Williams went down and dogged R'ines=some,distametrelout-bat. nhe was compelled ui come'up: ' : MIEMIN!EI abdlsaad:Thornas then went iiTflc and brotight up the body. All who attempted to go down'aiv`nOrout:Alb, , e — ettregWVlihms and Jones. No fwthey. attempt:will be., wade : until a small enginege& rigor -TheulOss byille' burn ing of the Avondale Ono 9rks to-}lay is from S r o,ooo 3O i : Esl (general arid'Hig Esi4l,etiel •rteP4lw From the Columbia ('S. C.) Plicenlx, Sept. 3.1 We learn from a gentleman of our acquain tance that he has received a letter from Gen. Longstreet, wllereini lie ! alludes, with much feeling, to the position ho in. the esthna lion of his old•bosoni friends.• He aflirnis that the good of the'country is what :he had at heart, and claims that while he is politically damned, 'V7irginia,, is, commended,,for , adepting the very class - of ideas • the - veryline of. action which he,two years age, saw and stated was in the way, of the inexorable. legic of events. So farm we are concerned, in,view of General Longstrcet's pastservices,zwe have 310 word of censure .for, the "old war-horse,". and cheerfully .concede, to him the same honesty of views. that We claim, for, ourselves. To t4ay the most, if faults tehas. committed, lot the mantle of a generons, ,charity cover them:. , . _Xtalnk Statement... - The following is the NiVehlY.,.Stitterinait_Oftite_ (MO la - llttnics - , rondo tip' on Monday . afternoon, whleh7 ps swats the.following+aggreg'ates:'. • • + .46191181 Stocl' • 8i5,055,150 Leone und Discounts . 51,931,372 Specie . *' 4' 247,358 line from °Con- Banks' , ' • - 5,460,731 Dim to other Banks 6,432,043 Deposits 32,780,545 +Circulation • ! - ' ' ' ,' •-' ' • • .10,611,673 'United States Notes. -• • ' • • -13,071,705 Clearings ,37,085,078 "Balances • .1,928,997 The followind staternent' nhOws +NM cOndition et the Bald+++ of Pl+ Iladelph ia, at various times during': the last few months: • • . Loans. tOtt Deposits." Jim. 51;716,999 352,483 10,593,719 31,932,869 Feb. 1 52,632,813 302,782 10,593,351 33,052,551 plBl'. ~,..53,151.351 259,933 10,458,54,6 31,083,051 p 50;409;866 ' 189,003 '10,622:096 29,261,937 3day 3 ...... ; ... A 1,510.982 201,758 10,614,315 32,863,692 .1 one 7 ' 62,826,367 ' -169,316,...111,619,W9 36,478,094 July 5.. .......... 53.937,521 303.621 10,618,846 , 34,944,832 ++ le •• 53 113,598 - '456,750-..-70,618,765 ..33,489,570 241 62,463,100 , 390,379 .;; .70,611,973 33 112,559 ' /Lug." 81;953,853 ' 384,869 10,610,233 33,623,886 " 9.. . ... 62,01+2,830 325,216 10,008,381 _ 33,789,174 " 76 .62;309,6'.+5' . 1.613 , 32,99 1 '1 '166,089 '10,910,865,;1.33;399;000 '" ' - 244156 ' 10168,312 33,031,595 -_152 31M.02_ . .245, 5 16 _ 10,608;824 32,326,052 ' 6 51,631,372 — 141;3597 - 10,611,673 - — 83,708,515 'rho following is a detailed etatoment of the business at _ • • ,tbothe tihrivaeic,ruir•:' 'llBllell by G. P!c4'.*‘ "Ar an tin a rl il9- d 6a/ciricei.l Aug. 30 — .5,503,378 Of 49600 31 31..,„4... t ..,. 1 ..44 . 1-,1. 7 1... - .1.4,1•11n as, .1,1% 1 64 s % • ,556.72 r a. r .A :Ogg $37,035,018 37 $20,x01 64 Froth our late tditiOn' orfeeterdaY Arfihe Atlantic iititnitato3epi.64thewark kitAedi'gdidt frig the Church is progressing favorably. A requisition has been prepared to ask the pri mates to convene a la .conference. Paltift;Sefitifif—TaktAftlie VottutilsPlidare of the Bourse, in order to allay the, excitement, publicly, announced that, tlete - ,,lnitiltli of the Emperor was' Satistaethry - :" . ' CONSTANTINOPLE, Sept, 6.—The *Shetuve has telegraphed his, assent to the Vizier's sect ond lettet, TelatiVa ta - tha - ,:itegortiitCuit.,of loans without the , consent of the Sublime Porte. Lonnpx,,Sept.6;-•:-A: 'later despatch just re=: m illed states that die Ithedive has 'left 'Alex- PS I IIO fi2r-COnstantinople , ;( , 1.6141:09,18ept:°6:- 1 - - Theltews IS meagre and unimportant this snorlung. Tile weather is unsettled. . The Mornino Teltgraph' reviews Chriti ..cally Mrs. Stowe's articlenn Lord; and Lady Byron;'fti-day',"anclaayathe'subject iStoo pain ful to aiscuss...ATlmpublication is regarded as the result of att l izitibfcretittnnatlfe part of Mrs. Sfowe,end her.pulgish, , er- „,, FkAnatroirr, S . DODOS excitea, _and_ateJooted at tcui PAWS, Sept eelining-and-excl • . • • ted at 69f. 85c. LONDON, Sept.'l3th, 4.30 P. M.—Consols closed at ,82i, for money and-.account. , Ameri can sccurititp flats Fiye.tweuticoof 4862, 828; of 1865;01(1;82i of 1867;`811. ' Illi nois Central, 83i., ,LivnarooL, -Sept. -4th,,4.30 P.-3L—Cotton flat; Uplatida,l3lal3ld.; Orleans, 131 d.—sales to-dav, 6,000 bales, of which 3,000 were to Hpeculatorsataltor expOrt.—CalifonnaWheaf, 11s. 3d. lied Western, 108. ld. Flour, 255. 6(1. Corn, 30s. 3d. Lannon - . September 6, 4.30 P. M.—Refined petrolettm fiat. , ^ , From Washilistulus. WasniNtyrait, '6.—The'Han.' A. Acting Attorne3r-General, received the followingtelegramAo-dayfrom Attoniey-Gen eral Hoar : - t CONconn:Mass., Sept. 'general Raw lins is living, convey to him the 'assurance of my respect and affection, and-of the sorrow With which I learn the condition of a friend. _so highly valued—a man so uprlght, able and faithful. God bless and keep him. E. R. HOAR. The following changes, reconunended by the Assistant 'United States 'Treasurer at New York. were, to-day confirmed by Acting Secre tary Richanlion ,Georgo W.Marlor; receiving teller, vice ''Tho ot, - ~- , , : ihankland, resigned ; Chas. K. Willimns i lrece :big teller, vice Mar lor, promoted - .A. '• orte,r bookkeeper, vice W. H. Trainor, rest ed; :J. O. johnson, currency elerk, , • Bell, resigned: John Miller, coin teller, -vice er Birdsall, resigned ; Thomas 31cCarthy, bon -` lerk, vice J. O. Jainism, promoted; B. J. Dunham, check clerk, vice R. A. Porter, promoted. Internal revenue receipts • to-day, ....C857.000. • %. = -lEtaltintoire.;: B4LTl3lo3tt,t Sept. The exaMination to day before Justice Haggerty, in the tmse . of seven German emigrants trona Bremen on the bark Atlanta, charged with being convicts and paupers, resulted 'in their prompt dis charge. front custody. - 2 ,'it itlatatedfrcan.tlie facis elicited at-the amination that the arrest had been caused by, a rival emigrant line in New York,who caused the,tirst.despatelito forwarded froici Bre men. at i Cape ROW: CAnn et y, Sept. Gth.—A fire, broke out - . Num situated near the Mansion House,on the ground where the old Mansten House used to stand',- in 'the heart of the city. The fire - x'as arrested before. much damage had been done. Heavy -Gale and _Rain' at • Washilrigton WAsarmirox, Sept. 6.--The • ;northeast wind. which has been prevailing here - for, the last two days increased to a gale o'clock this. morning, and rain, With heavy Wind, has pre valled continually throughout, the day. •The lmtent of the storm is unlinclwn, bUt 'dainage to shipping and crops is apprehended. Lieutenant Commander Charles, S. Norton is detached from. the.recciving-ship Vermont and ordered to the •command. of the Frolic on the•lthinst • ..Lieutenant Charles M. Thomas is detached from duty at League Island. Sur geon A. A. llockling is detached from the re ceiNing-ship New Hampshire. ;• Passed As sistant Paymaster Charles W. Slainim is de tached_ frpm___tluty_tan t 13ureau of Pro visions and • Clothing and tirdered to the „Lieutenant . . Commander 'Marston Niles is detached from the Alban,v and ordered to ordnance duty, at New York NaNi' ordered . Allen V. Reed is ordered to the • receiving ship, Vermont.' Lieutenant Henry Nields is ordered to duty atLeague island. Paynnister Rtibert W. Allen is ordered to duty in the Bu reau of Pro Visions and Clothing, at Washing ton, D. C. The' order assigning - Ensign' Wm. C. Strong to New, York Navy Yard is re voked, and he is ordered tntheFrolie on 11th inst. A comparative statement of the revenue re ceipts of March, AprikMay, June, July and August, 1868, with the same moriths . this.year, Shows an increase of the latter of 88,7,307. Wyman" to=day teak charge *Of the )1 the United States Treasurer, in Middleton, Who. , resigned to I - tern - the buitidiearisiness. -- i • of 31.1,.....1et0n & Co., in this•city. 7-7--„Vontritiqsinner-D_eletio-fo-tlaissues--the fob,- lowing order: That - fill - Piirti - e - S - liiiVilg -- 011iiiinT 1 - tictliis - officcTand7a.ll7 - attOrnevsf - ‘ 4 ffitn - agents 3-- or other persens,acting imtheir_behalf, having business in this office, will be required to com municate the same in writing,addressedto,tlie: Solicitor of the Btireau, through .the channel' . of the mails i and that no person whatever, not connected \rah the office by official relations, 'be allowed intercourse with its clerks or ern: ployes, excepting by,ex_press permissien from the Comnitssioner, Deputy 'Conunis.sioner Donglassi 3 Or.Elie-Solicitor.: The"follotvtztg - instructions received from • the -War. Department : are published.. for infer mnfion gindatiee Of all cencerned: When ordnaned stores - have been condemned by an inspector and recommended to be sold or dropped asWorthless, they will in all....cases be broken up 'and - iiiiipped after - it shall have' been ascertained that, they cannot be sold at the pl aces. where.they'-way,, , ,:_be,.-011.'f„Ilaild•I and a that they re inSt 'Wortlithe cost of tranSporta tion to the nearest arsenal. • P. s .3.l. 7 tiecretary Rawlins cqutitius to fail.. ittnuplainedi of .Iti S;.physi clans have changed the stimulants. He Is still con scious, but, apprehensions are entertained that lie wi11.0 0 .4 /o . Be Batal7nnd;',l,,• ; • From Baltimore .:, ' ~.• BALT m iollit . , September '6".- - =Borce time since Gc vernor Bowie received from.. thc,State De partment, at aShingtOny cornmitnica 'W 434 tiOn which had been forwarded there by the.corp- Arnissioners of Virtigration'at - Nesi-York,lo i the 'effect that seven,convicts and _paupers had 'sailed from Bremen for the' . ! Milted States, Their passages. having h eenpaid V; the ,Goy ernment. The original inferiinitionWas Said to have come from the United States Consul at Bremen. with the names and 'descriptions of the men and the vessel on which they em barked-the„ North German ~bark ,Atlanta, IleundforthiS Port: The Atlanta arrived . 'yesterday and vas". boarded - obrDeputt Marshal Gray:— -Orr mining ,thc,passenger list six ,of the seven, names, were' found thereon,. and . they were placed: Under, .arreat:,. Four. 'Of them . ,arb brothers, 'named:Hoffman, allc married,. with , children.: They positively ; denied the,- tienwthat either ,of them had ever been . a pail-; per:or a convict; averring that • they 'aro far; mers, 'and left.. Germany for the -purpose of settling in the - West., All. of them hid White amount of personal circa:4, 'an d the man imr-. tieularly designated in the.Bremen,communi.., cation as a - pauper displayed a belt Well tilled: With gold carried about his perion. Each had a regular set of papers made out and signed by .1116:Germanant horities..; - The_eftwwin,i?e! posed ofito-day., , • - TIEVA Ilby "ft !It WINO ,PIJIALATIN7P4I A-PALP II 4, TUESPAYI. , .EPT ow 7,=4309. Ax; Isfumlay ,anti the late crew, of the ship _Royal Alfred left here on Saturday in the Bevengel_for Eng- . The Ifiiiicii'lAdiniraf; hthquet, Asti' left in his ship, Berenus,.2. OTTAWA, Sept.y. , -- - xne revenue of ,the minion to Avgnistlst :was lapgro; expendi tures, $737,387 • ^ ' HALIFAX, Sept; 60-IThe - Atearner Hornet is discharging her coal. No, contraband good,s have as yet been folind 'Ort , lxiard. Her officers Apr= quite easy a'bout the - matter, and say that somebody will have to - Vay handS6mely for the detentien of,thenvessel, It is said' that the Spanish Consul has given the' Customs authoxitieslchond of ilUlemnitY• The New York Meek Market. he Pailfuls Even Bu ° II T-W c A l A r ciftt: l Fl:tit b 6" . 1 'WU enx er n a street tltifi :affttifoon the. "bull" feeling in '_gold:' is rampant. ,Theprices - kit lloTiftesent week are freely, spoken, of at,149 to pillroad stooks are' comparativeti neglected., States szecurities are ininitky; owing' to tlia iluctna dons in theM'aropean market. 3 ' Fire in the Auburn Prison;-' A.ununi.i, N. Y., ,Sept. 6.—A fire occurred in the Auburn Prison at 3A. M., to=day; which destroyed the lumber-sheds and' storehou.ses, name and t6VI shops. 'I -lowland & Co., tool contractots, 105e,.510,000, partially insured; Hayden & lietehupter, hame contractors, lose $15,000. , ;The loss: ;to the State is small. NEW Yoitic, Sept. 6.—peterhold's ‘. bretvery, $lO,OOO Fromm Portland. ,Pon,TLANu, .Me., ,September ...6.—Senator Fessenden continues about the same as last night. • IMPORRTA I'I_QNS. 'Reported ferthe_rniladelphis..wi_ening_Bnlletin • r i•BlOSTON—Steamer. 7tonlnii. Boggs-28 es mdse G W Mahon & Co; 2es 16 bales 3 bags do Boyd White; 1 2 baleiddJ Blakely; 27'cii 29 bales 28 rolls do G Brewer & C0.:49 es do Coffin & Altennut; 2es 10 nal& do Dale Bros; 44 es do Lewis Wharton & Co; 16 cs 3 bales do T T Lea & Co; 2es 10 bales 17 bills do C 3legargee & Co; it pkgs do Stittoil. Smith & Co; 7 bales 3 bags Newell & Co; 8 bales 7 hags do .1 T Sproul; 275 Wigs do small lots; 62 ea lands nd shoes T L Asbbridge 3: Co; 86 do do 7cs mdse Bunting, Durboruw: & Co; 27 cm boots and shoes Conover, Porff &CO; 23 40.d0 Chandler, Hart:& CO; 31 do do enn ninglasm & Etla; 28 do do Earl Harris & Co; 100 do do Graff. Watkins 3. Co; 40 do dciF & J M. Jones; 124 do do Leviek Bros; 67 do do Munroe, Smaltz & Co: 114 do do G F iloedell & pi; .40 do do Schnitz & Else; 45 do do A A Shumway & Co; 23 do do Spare & Wierbach• ; 43. do WAY y: Smedle9lJ dt.? . .A. If Smith & Son:64 do ' , ./k & Co; 60 dwlNin'ebren'er & MeWillianis; 10 bbls'earth paint Her rison, Bros & Co; 9 coils rope A H Hinkle & Son; 42 bxs hardware Handy. Brenner 3C*, 72 bas mdse Johnson, HollowaT & Cywden •107.b.ad 41-bills furniture stock Kil burn 3; Gates; 10 bbis oil Z Locke; 15 'ibis whisky T.l Martin & Co; 39 pkgs Massey, Huston & Co:110 empty yr tibia J L 'Nicholson; 50 bills 6 baa chair stock G S, Polio; 51 - Litgs -WooL•Reeee, Seal , &Do; 123 like nalltißussell& Eryten 31aidg Co; 8 ea machinery Star Cotton Mills; 10j6 bile fish 275 half bblc do 42 yr lib's do 10 kith; do h Xi; 110 10kiltado30bxado750esboots and shoes small lots 3509 pkga 111.1Acellaneoug mdte order. RIOVENENTS OCEAN STE4IMERI9. I. ; 0 "Alit:4TE , - -- tiIIIPS FROM. . . ROB. DATE- V inzi n i a Liverpool... New York •Aug. 25 C of Watating'n.,,Liverpooi-.New York Ang.2s' Europa .. . .. ..i........, ..Glaegow;..New T0rk........... Aug .2C Itubsia • ' 'Liverpool...New York Aug.2B (' of Baltimore...Liverpool...Now York via H Aug.2B Leipzig • ';outhaninton...l3altimore Aug.2B liobnitia. Havre...New York Aug. 2.!.. St. Laurent_ ...... —' -.Brest...Ne-w York Aug. 30 Cordova • ' Lmidon..New York Aug. 30 TO y PE PAST. Idaho ' . New 7n:irk—Glasgow- "Sept. S China._ —.New York... Liverpool - .... . .... .......Sept. 8 Juniata. Plillaileiplua__New. Orleans_ 9. Hansa • New York..:llremen • sept. Sept,. 9 Tripoli Nvw York...Liverptiol Sept. 9 Coluttibla 'New York... Havana _.. Sept. 9 Pioneer Phi bidel plifir...NY ilmington ......Stild. 11 Cella New York... London ' ' 41 0pt.11 . France New 'l;ork...Liverpool Sept. 11. . Columbia_ • New ork...Gbiegow . ' Sept. 11 A laslo '-'-''' 'Bove York...Aspinwall ...—........5ept.1d C. of Waehington...N York... Liverpool ept. 11 11 alley,- - New York... Liverpool - • ) ....Sept. 11 lioisatia New York... Hamburg— Sept. 14 31 inneeota New. York—Liverpool ' Sept. 19 : Melt- . New York..llavank. Sept. 16' • St Laurent New York...Havre - Sept:ll3' • C. of Antwerp—New York... Liverpool . gent. .Li. , OF. TRADE. JOHN 13 0 9 RB,4• A mE ß s pi • C. B. DUOROW, TILOS. L. GILLEfirM ' *ONVIILY COMMITTEE MARINE B LLETIN. PORT OF PRILADELPRIA-SErr. 7 • ARRIVED YESTERDAY. steamer Roman, Boggs: 46 hours from Boston, with nab.% and passengers to H. Winsor .6. Co. Passengers— t Mrs G H Roth; Mrs Eldridge and three children. Miss Reed, Miss Watson. Miss Oliver. Miss Addle H Potter, E Edis..l N Erwin. C Scherwz, Mr Collins and_party of 3 gentlemen. Mr S P Todd and wife; A Strong,J LWaln, B H Wood, P D French, H Browning and wife. Mr ° Bork fellow, Mr Hatch, D Foley, F B Eutriken, E Beale, A H Tilden. Cam D Elwell and wife, Mr Henry. Mr C C Hopper' and wife, Mr W P Bangs, Mr Rafter,Mr can, 3lrEs;awright,l)trldenrii. Steamer S C Walker, Sherin, 2.4 hours from New York, ° with mdse to W M Baird 6: Co. ' Steamer Diamond State,Webb.l3 hours from Baltimore, with mdse to A Groves Jr. Steamer - Vulcan, Morrison : 24 hours .from New York, with mdse to W. 31 Baird; • •• • Bark Prnthaitia ( Norwl,-Geruldsen, froth Boston, in ballast to L Westergaassl Brig Isabella Beurman, Ichnuard, S days from Gardi tier. With ICU t,O :Knieked)ocker leo .C.o-- -- ressel ;to - .I E BrigD Young. Clifton, New York. Sehr Lochiel• Haskell, 6 days from Bangor; with Inm ber to S B Bailey di SOn. - : Schr Grace Gordon.Field,4 days from Choptank Riber. with railroad ties to Penna. Central RR Co. Schr Fourty K Shaw, Watts, from New York, in hal histato S L :Merchant Co., Bchr martio, Nichols, Funall,4 days from New Havens fiallitatfo'3 E;Bror.ley t Co. °Sdlir Cherub, Fletcher, from New York, with salt to : order. Schr John Whitby. Henderson, I. day from Odessa,Del. with grain to Christian & Co. Schr Wm S 11.111R011. Lacey, I day from Milton, Del. gritin to Christian,t Co. Scut. Zonave. Short, 1 day from Magnolia, Del. with ;;Jraiti to JirsL Bewley A Co. - Schr Aurora:, :Ards. 1 day from 'Frederica, Del -with !grain to ,las L Bewley & co, Schr C L Vandervoorti Kelly, New York. •; Schr Maracaibo,- Henley. New York. Seim .1 Griffith, Coombs, New York. ti A Hoffman, Iloffman - , - Providence., ; • Schr 31 E Rankin, Fuller Boston. . I Schr E B Wheaton, Johnson - .os on. Schr II E Rich, Church,Boston. Sehr .1 A Crawforiljouug. Boston. Itovon. Schr Seim Beni Strong, Brown, Providence. Schr Morning Star, Lynch, Pawtucket. Ibizelton; Gardner, Taunton. Seim J Ricardo „lova, Little ; Portsmouth. • Schr Goddess; Kelly: Lynn. Schr L B.lvea, Bowditch. Norwich. arrived 4th from London, is consigned to H Karsten. CLEARED YESTERDAY. ' Steamer 11 Willing. Cundiff. Baltimore, A Grove,4•Jr. Bark David 3lcNutf; 'McLellan, Liverpool, P Wright dr Drig Herald: Laughlin, Si jagO,, OW Noma-Jou C Bro Salm .1 S A VC - Aattfins, Price; Liverpool, D' S Stetson Fehr J S 'Moulton. Crowley, Boston, Warren dr Gregg. -S:elir 31 Nichols, Small, Boston, Van Dusen, Bro Correspondencenf the Philadelphia Exchange'. LEWES. DEL.: Sept. 5, 1569. Brig M Louise Miller, from Sagua• for Philadelphia, ate passed in. The brig Eastern Star, from Barbados for Now Yorlt,was spoken , Off the Canes to-day—ronorted by pilot boat ;hoses 11 Grinneli. Brig Rover, fromPlii ladelphia for Halifax, went to sea to day . Yours, &o, • • • • LABAit LYONS. [BY TELSGRAPHj (ssaisA-ILLV,STON, dept. 6, 3 P:ll.—Stetunsitip Prom howl, which eleard 3d Institut' for Philadelultia, is stil ilytithied here, in company with three othernstenzuships bound N. Goyre3pontlepes of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.. READING. Sept. 6, lbsS. The following boats kora the Union (lanai passed into the Schuylkill Canal, bound to Philadelphia, laden and p 'sued its „ 4 W s illio Kellar, hirnber . td;A4l DeYstiOr; Ella,flolle, de to Sch Nay Co; Avalanche, do to Jas Haley; Wyland llainilton,ilo tot Guist T,ongricre; Laddliißitek,tio to _Norcross ar, Sheets, • , • - HAVRE DE 'GRACE. Sepi. dJ ThO following boats Jeft i boro-this-morniug, laden and consigned as follows: " rieirer Cartgr, with- other to -FattrrsOkS: -Lippincott; -A Crocidnian;do Busk; i lluga, do to 'A J , Geiger; Gil Moore, do to Denry Croskey; .519F05, coal to Chester; Dodge o 3, with thinber.." ISIEDIORANDA Steamer Nornian, Crowell, hence at Boston yeaterdar. Stenther Evermitu, SnYder, hence at Charleston y6sterday.' , Steamer Cininiont; ritobitteon; 'hencO at' Norfolk 34 inßtant. Steamer City of Moxico,'Deakin, cleared at New, York vestetdav for littranannd Vera Cruz. Steamer Donald , - Dettribtor,from NeW York March 14, itt San Francised 4th Wet, • • ' Bark Mary Minna; Clarlatetimi:nt lealnionth 21th tilt, Brig - Essex, Sleeper, hence at Boston yesterday. 'Bohr .1301, sailed'fromNeW London 4th inst. for this port. ' • , Schr 1Y S Thompson, Yates, •litiWcwat Richmond 4th instant. A Behr Reddington, Gregory, sauna lust. for this port. from Richmond 4th • , •.. MARINE MISOBLItA.N . Y. , Dirk Dalld McNutt Wright ared yesterday f o or t fth , er: , Pool. liessrs Peter . A: Sous, 'takes I % , 1 1 9 t Ai , ! bushels wheat, tit bu11t.,21154 bids ,flour. awl 24 1.1 itrot ta ..4 l & s (.. J L Adams, cleared. yc'tsterday for Liver 00113Ly hicsars D S bletscni 67' CO, hue oa Ixottnt . bushels %chord.: , • , The Liverpool' ftP an' oaf ''GroNe 4700.G01at 6 9 0 3§6 3n the United States doci 000 Pa ly Receipt. F opertzd'oba oo Premignis in 1868 • 'l - $1;665;673.06 Lasses in 1868; $3, 6 - 4 / 4 459 6 No.. '6 Nerchanti Exchange„, 8 629-cHARTER PERVETUAL. • , nllE= INSURANCE-COMPANY-. OF PHILADELPILIA. , , Viiee.r-i • an , les in ee Aosets on January 1, 1869. - $02,6'7T,3'72 134. CapltaL. Accrued premiums.. . UNSETTLED CLAIMS, 823,788 72. Dosses Paid &nee/1929 $6,500,'300. Peipettial and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms, The Company aloe issues Policies upon the Rants of all kindii of buildings, Ground,lteritS and liortira,ges. DIREGTORS:- , . Alfred G. Baker,Alfrcd Fltler, Samuel Grant I , Thomas Sparks Geo. W. Richards, Wm. S. Grant, ' Isaac Lea, Thomas S. Ellis, Geo. Falco,_ Gustavus S. Ronson. ALFRED BAKER:President. GEO. FALKS, Vice President. . ' JAS. W. McALLISTER, Secretary. THEODORE M. REGER, Assislunt Secretary. fell tde3l FIRE ASSOCIATION - : F•• A ° - PHILADELPHIA. IneOrpointed Illtiaras, 2'7, 1820. Offt6e---No. 34 North 'Fifth Street. INSURE BUILDINGS, 'HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE • AND MERCHANDISE GENERALLY FROM • LOSS BY FIRE. Assets January 1, 1869, '*1,400,40006 OS. TRUSTRES: Willinm H. Hamilton, I Charleii P. Bower, John ,Currow, Jesse Lightfoot, , George I. Young. 'Robert Shoemaker, ' Joseph It. Lynda'', Peter Armbruster, Levi P. Coats, M. H. Dickinson. - Samuel Sparhawk. I Peter Williamson, . Wm: Aug. Seeger. WM. H. HAMILTON. President, SAMUEL SPARILAWK, Vice President. 'Md. T. BUTLER, Secretary. ' 11THE RELI_A_N CE INSURANCE ()QM,. • _L • PANT OF PHILADELPHIA , Incorporated in PAL, Charter Perpetual. Office, No. 308 'Walnut street. CAPITAL e 300,000. Insures against loss or damage by TIRE, on Houses, Stores and other Buildings, limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goods, 'Wares and Merchandise in town or :country. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. • Assets ........ .......... e 137,598 32 Invested in the following Seenritles,Niz.; First Mortgagee on City Property, well se cured. 816800 00 United States Government Loans.' 11700 00' Philadelphia City 6 Per Cent. Loans ' 75000 00 Pennsylvania 88,000,000 6 Per Cent L0an......... 30,000 00 Pennsylvanialtailroad Bonds, First Mortgage goo 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company% 6 Per ' Cent. Loan .6,000 00 ,000 00 Loans on Collaterals Huntingdon and Broad Top 7 Per Cent. Mort- County Fire Insurance Company's Stock Mechanics' Bank Stock ' Corrunereial Bank of Pennsylvania. Stock...-. Union Mutunl Insurance Company's Stock t S t i o a c n k c ' e Insurance Company of Philadelphia • 3,250 00 Cash in Bank and ou band 12,23 S Vital at Par.—.. Worth this date at market prices. DIRECTORS. . - -- Thomas C. Hill,? I Thomas H. Moore, 'William Musser, Samuel Castner, Samuel Bispham, James T. Fonfl,g, H. L. Carson, Isaac F. Baker, .Win. Stevenson, : I Christian J. Hoffman, Benj. W. Tin-gley,Simnel B. Thomas, • .Edwar Biter. . •• , THOMAS C. HILL, President 'Nu. Cnunit, Seoretary.: PH ILADELPHLA, February 17, 186 u. jal-tu th tt UNITED FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPAIi i i OF PHILADELPHIA. This Company takes ileks at the lowest it coisten with safety,.and confines its business excluvely INBUIti.NCE IN THE CITY OF PHILADEL OFFICE—No. 723 Arch street, Fourth National Bank Building. ' DIRECTORS. Thomas J. Martin, Henry W. Brenner, John Hirst. -.Albertus King, Win. A. Itolin, , Henry Bumm, James DI ongan, James Wood, William Glenn, John Shallcross, ' James Jenner. J. Henry Askin, Alexander T. Dickson, Hugh Mulligan, Albert C.ltoberts Philip Fitzpatrick..' 'James F. Dillon. CONRAD B. ANDRESS, President. Wm. A. BOLIN- Treas. WM. H. FAGEN: SOCiy. T -- HE COUNTY FIRE kIiHURAITCE COll- PANY.-Office, No. 110 South 'Fourth street, below .;.4.ifil== --- — __,.._ - T he FirFlifetitififfe - Coniliany - of - t ha - County - of i'Ella i.delphia.lLlncernorated by_the Legigatu re of Pennsylva- Ma in 1839, for indemnifii againlitlniTST - edi I. nitig - Ti 14 Lire, exclusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ' q This old and: reliable institution, with ample capital, and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to in ' sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, dm., either per- Di:mealy or for a limited time, against loss or damage, by tire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute Safety of its customers. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible despatch. DIRECTORS: Chas. J. Sutter, Andrew H: Miller, . Henry Budd, James N. Stone, • John Horn, -Edwin L: Restart, - J °scoff Moore , " ', ' , ' Robert Y. Massey, Jr. George Meche, Mark-Devine: CH ARLkS J. SUTTER, President. HENRY BUDD, Vico President. BENJAMIN F. HOECKLEY, Secretary and Treasurer.' - - -- _ . . , T 4E 11:Elli'ISYLVANLA. FIRE INHIT- . ' RANCE 'COMPANY. -Incorporated lEr.fr-Chater Perpetual. • N 0.510 WALNUT street, opposite Independence Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for, over forty years, continues to insure against loss or damage by tire on Public or Private Buildings, either' permanently or for alimited time. Also on, Furniture, Stocks of Goods, and . Merchandise generally, on liberal terms.. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, is invested in the most careful roamer, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of lone.• . • • '• DIRECTORS. IJohn Deierenx' Thomas Smith, Henry Lewis • , • J. Gillingham Fell, .ddock, Jr. Li SMITH, JR., , President.. rotary. apl9-tf ...___ , Daniel Smith; J r.,• jilexataler Bommui Isaac litzlelitirst, Thoulub Robins, Ham 1 WM. G. CIiONVE D L A 2 4 , Soci AISIERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY, incorporated 1810.—Charter perpetual. No. 310 WALNUT street, above. Third, Philadelphia. ]laving a largo paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus in i'esteil in. sound , and availablo Securities, continuo to insure -on dwellings, -- stores, furniture,' merchandisevessels , in p or t, and their cargoes, and other nersonal property. A.II losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS. _ 'Thomas R: Maris, . Edmund G. ntilh , • John Welsh„ - Charles W. Poultney, ' Patrick Brady, . • Israel Morris,. John John T. Louis, . John P Wethorill, 'William • V. Pant. _ • TISOMAS It. MARIs, President. ALBERT C. CRAWFORD; Secretary. JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE . 00)1 PANY. of Philadelphia.--.oflice, No. 21 North Fifth street, near Market street. • • ' - ,- -- Incorporated .by the Legislature of -Pennsylvania. Charter perpetual. Capital and Meets. $166,000. Make insurance againet Lose or damage by Fire on Public or Private Buildings,Purniture, Stocks, Goode and Mer chandise, on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. P. .. 'Wm, McDaniel, : -• . • - Edward P. Moyer' i , Israel Petereon, . Frederick Ladner John F..Belsterlin , - ; • Adam J.Glasz, ' • IlenrrTrOomner, ,-- • Homy Delany, Jacob Schandeln, ', ' John Elliott Elliott, - . Frederick Doll, ' Chrietian L. Miller, George E. Fort,' Samuel • .' - • ,- - Willianti D. . e Gard t , ' - t - n . President - ' WILLIAM MoDANIEI4 . • • ISRAEL PETEBSON, Vice residents'P PIIILIP 111. CloLEtaaat 'Secretary aud Trealuror. " - _, SU " 4 Dr u ltin AWAREtrAL SAIPETY BANCE OOMPAAT: I In mended by the Lermatare of renneyiinnuhune. Office O. E. Ain* NUT Streets/. 5 04115 1 1 1 Mt a ketriii Ili Ottlrespgli,AppaT or grig4rCol44loo6 l .l On jinxes 14 oxiar eh m m 1 1 1 ' 1 .14 1 0 Ord* 03 • 1011, :On Merchandleepe 9ially,on Eioreihr•weilinipp Asterrovil — ..lo dompAim .— „ ' ber314868 - • . • . 1:1260.000 Vidttialtatell e Flii repaid:teen', 10,-44011; . 208,500-00, 125,000 Six PaiUent. to . a . . ..n 8 • - 153 - 11,134.11.4..44..). • 130 ! al w f. 0 0 0 0 grdtett Statos Six fe7" diiiriTxrp, - •. • .:,' 50,000 00ii 200,000 State of.ennsylvants,Ellx• Per • _ , • • • • i11 t 316 125,090 City of,Six Per Cent _ . exempt from Tax). - 428,694 00' 60,000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent..." • oan. siosO'ia .40,000 Permaylvanttv.:-. : ::Bal/road•'-- - • - •Eirat + • $ Itlbrtgage SM. Per Cent. Bonds 26,20600; ' 25,000 PetitisYlvitnitt Italltotut aSetiOnd 3 • . Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds 2 400 0 00' 25 . 000 ' Vekternr•l r otetYlvatld" '.B4llrbad ,310 0440 Six Pox Cent, Bonds , - (Pelintv.dt,. R. gturrAnte6). ....... 20, , CM 00 , , • 20000 State of Tennessee five plc Cent Loan.„' .. . 21,000 001 7,000, Stateritif ,:renti . essep ......... _ LORIS 5,031 25 1 15,000 GermentownGestgunPaniiTorinci nal and interest guaranteed br • • h City hl • ; • 0 Y • ladelp a, soo shares stock ' 15,000 00 'lO4OOO Peimaylvenis Railroad Company, ,, 200 shares stock,, 11,300 00 6,000 Ndrth 'Peinutylvanla RaYroad ' Companyi 100 shares , stoCk • 8,500 00 t 40'000 Philadelphia and Southern Mail ; Steamship Company, 80 shares ' stock.. 151100 00 207,900 •LOanS - ow Bond and 91ortgage, Bret • Henn on__City_Prc nettles— Ictu ' ail Market Value 81 ,130,325 25' Cost; 81011,604 26 • • ••• •• Real Estate 56,000 00 Bills receivable for Insurances made 322,156 94 Balances due at Agencies—Pre- ' • returns on Marine Policies— Accrued. Interest and other debts doe the Company 40,178 88 Steck and Scrip of sundry CorPo - rationsi 83,166 00.' Estimated wane:- . . ........... . Crodi .. Cash in Drawer.-- 413 65_ _ /15.563 79 61,109,900 Par $400,00060 1,08.9.528 70 .. . .. 43 iircoau 'l7Oll 4,350,000„._ . . Thomas L. Hand, . -James B.McFarland, Edward Darlington, William C.Ludwig, JoseplY H. Seal, • - Jacob P. Jones; Edmund A..Sonder, Joshua P. Eyre, Theophilus Paulding, William G. Boulton,' Hugh Craig, Henry C. Hallett, Jr., John C. DriVill; " John D.Taylor, James C. Hand, Edward Lafourcado, John R. Penrose, Jacob Helga, H. Jones Brooke, George W. Bernadou, Spencer IL'llvaine, , •V. C. Houston Henry Sloan, . D. T. Morgan, pittabuio, Samuel E. Stokes, • John B. Semple, do., Jamas Traquair, A .11. Berger, • do. THOMAS C. HAND President: JOHN C. DAV IS, Vice President, HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. HENRY BALL, Asst Secretary. FAME INSURANCE elf — Sil 809 CHESTITH T STREET . INCORPORATED 1816. CHARTER PERPETUAL. • . CAPITAL, 5200000. , • FIRE INSURANCE .EXCLUSIVELY. Insures against Lose or Damage by Fire either by Per petual ,or Temporary Policies. • '• • • •DIRECT ORS • ' Charles Richardson, . Robert Pearce, \ Wm. H. now n, John Kessler, Jr., \ • ' Francis N. Buck, .Edward B. Orno, Henry Lewis, , Charles Stokes, Nathan Mlles. I John W. Everman, George A. West .• .• AStordecal Busby, - cn ARLES ICH ARDBON,Prosidents WM, H. MIA WN, Vico-President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. aril it AN THR AC I TE INSURANCE, COM PANY.—CHARTER PERPETUAL. • Office, N 0.311 WALNUT street, above Third, Philada. Will insuse against Loss or Damage by Fire on Build- Jugs ,Ot er perpetually or for a limited time, Household Furniture and 3lerehandise generally. Also, Marine' Insuranco• on Vessels, Cargoes and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the• Union. DIRECTORS. William Eshe'r, Lewis Andenkied, D. Luther, John Ketcham,' „ John E. Blackiston, - J. E. Bamm, -• • William F. Dean, : J0hn..13. Heyl, • • Peter Sieger ; Samuel 11. Rothermel; %S ILT,IADI SHER: President. • WILLIAM F. DEAN, Vice Preaident. • 'Wm. M. SMITH; Secretary. • ja2'l to th s tf M THOMAS & SONS, AXICT ONEERS, No/. 139 and 141 South FOUBTH street. SALES OF §RicYg AND ItFAL STATE.:;' SET Public sales at the Philadelphia Exchange; ever) TUESDAY‘at 12 o'clock.: • ; . • Furniture sales , at: the •tititetion Store 'ENEMA THURSDAY • • Wir Sales at Itasidences receive especial attention. : • Sale No; 3314 Arch street SUPERIOR PARLOR .; DINING ROOM AND CHAMBER FURNITURE. 311ERORS; CARPETS, IiAIR AND SPRING MATRESSES, &c, ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. •• Sept 8, at • It) O'clock, at No: 1314 Arch street, by ante, logue, the superior Furniture; &c., comprising—belts of Walnut Parloryurniture,coveeed with plush and. hair cloth; sex en suits of Wks] and varnished Walnut Cham ber Furniture, seven !minima - 11e ; Rosewood, Walnut and. Mahogany Wardrobes, two Lounge , BeilSteade, covered with reps; Spring and'Hair Matresses, oak and walnut Dining Room Furniture, two walnut EXteusion Tables, two elegant Pier Mirrors, gilt frames; superior Brusiels Carpets, Oil Cloths, large Refrigersi6or, Kitchen Uten sils, &c. ' " • , The above Furniture has been in use but a short time, and is equal to new.: May be examined at 8 o'clocktpri the morning. of kale. 4,560 00 1,050 00 4,000 00 10,000 00 380 00 :9437,598 33 .14.54,531 32 SALE OF ENGLISH PAPER, BLANK BOOKS, &c. ON WE MORNING,. Sept. 8, at 10 o'clughoti • the auction store, 200 reams Piries's English Cup and Poet Pam, Blank • Books, En velopes, Cc. ' ' ' : • Sale at the Auctiori Rooms, Noe. 139 and . 141 SOuth Fourth.street.' SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANO, MIRRORS. FIREPROOF. SAFE, . 1 / ELYET DRUB SELNAND OTHER CARPETS,. &c. • ON THURSDAY MORNING. Sept. 8, at 9 o'clock, at the Auction Rooms, by cata logue, an assortment of Superior Hougehold Furniture, comprising—ilaudsonie Walnut Parlor Furniture, co vered with plush, repa and hair cluth; Walnut' Chamber' Suits, Mahogany .Piano, French Plate Mirrors, Ward robes, Bookcases, SideboardS, Rxtenslou,'Centre and Bouquet Tables, Lounges, liat Stands, Oflice Furniture, tine Hair 3littresses,Featherlleds,Bolster and Pillows, China and Gla,sawaro, Fireproof Safe, made. by- Schen ninger; Buret-tor Sewing Machine, Cata-censinning and Cooking Stovei, handsome Velvet. 'Brussels and r other Carpets, Floor Cloths, Sc. . Also. large Oil Painting, Napoleon Crossing ‘the' Alps: Also, superior double barrel breech-loading Fowling, Piece, with apparatus completeonaile by Petermau; cost ;5270 ll_ _ ARTIE BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS (Latour SorTfißT No. 521 OHESTN UT, street: rear entraneofrom • Vinoir , nrE FIRST PHILADELPHIA TRADE SALE OF ;;;T3lll7arti - 2 AND POUE ET OUTLERV, NV 111-be.heleln the_auettou_rommOlo._L2.9.l.lbestautat,._ fiu the latter part of September. ° • Particulars hereafter.' • ' • .• • Sale N6..62.9 ELEGANT WALNUT PARLOR.• DINING. ROOM AND CHAMBER FURNITURE. 3 ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTES:, FINE) 'FRENCH PLATE MIR ROBS; ELEGA.NT DF,Bomtpt,, HANDSOME EXTENSION TABLE, SET HARNESS. 2 PLATE GLASS , SHOWEASES,i - FlN.bi SPRING AND OTHER MATRESSEti: - 'BEDDING, CHINA AND' GLASSWARE,.OFFJOE FURNITURE, ELEGANT VELVET, BRUSSELS AND . INGRAIN CARPETS, MATTINOdcc __ .ON WEDNESD:tir MORNING, iat 10 o'clock at tlicr tiudion raouni. - _ 7DY BABBITT 85 CO., A.I.TCTIONEE.IIB. . CASII,AUCTION ROUSE, No. 230 11ADICET street, corner of Bank 'Arent. Cash advanced 'on ,conelanmenta without extra thartr . • NOTICE TO AUCTION BUYERS, • Sept • • ON NY,EDNEtt,Ottlf ,ItIORNINGG t . - B' - at o'clock. by catalogue, '3OO lots Stap'e awl Fancy DrY (400L15,'Dreir Glitals,tAlpaett •• Also, 200 lots Hos tery_,,Notioutt,ltoop s, Skirts. to: isoi'2oo lota Coats,' Pants; V oats, Suits, }etc. Also. 100 dozett Shirts and Drawers, whits W Miley J Dress Shirts, °tar Slake, Jackets', Sc; • •• • . . - Also, a Stock of Pry goods. BOOTS,•13IIOES AND BROGANS. At 11!4 lop cases and cartons Bas0r)I city Made Boots,' Shoes, Balmortils d I • 106 cases Gingham. Umbrellas. . , . , RIN C II'AL 'TONEY FSTAI3LISS ;I._l-nient—S;R:Cornbr of SIXTH and' BACH streets. XoneY, advanced on. llierehtuidtse .generally—Watnhea, Jewelry, Dill/Iloads,' Golih'and 'Silver ;Plato, and on. artistes of value N , for any lenutivoi time agreed on. _. WATCHES 'AD for AT 'PRIVATE • SALE. Fine Gold iluntiag Cass,_Vonble Bottom snd Open Face gimlfsh. 'American and Swiss Patina' Lover Watches;Fine. Fine Gold Bunting Case and Open FaceLopine Watches; Fine Gold Duplex and other 'Watches; Fine Silver Hunt rug Casomnd Upon FaddlEnalish, American mid Swlsir ratentLeveK Leplrie.Watcliec Double Coo English Chattier - Ana* otntir' Vatarestlindlee-Foncyr-Watcbetiz Piamond,l3,,rea opine; Finger, Ringa; Ear Rings; Studs; Arc:; - Fine • -Gold 'Chains; Bracelets; Scarf Villa; Brea - 84,45; Finger, 41ngli;+ Pencil Cases Mad , Jew.. elry 1 O L Nt>Lh A large and valuable Fireproof: °helot- , invite lo.for,it 301 , 011er; cost 4k,6;50. Also, seVerill Lots in South. Camden, Fifth and.Cheit , nut atroom., 11\TOTICE,7--; PiTEILNAL ICLVLNUL The findi , r4imfe'd will a lI ht Public sale, TH'lnts: CAT , September 19;196a, at 11 &cinch, A,;51.:, at No. Willow erct, the following distillery apparatus and anpurteminces.viz.:' 1 Steans Engine-MI(1 Boilvrs. , • , Meat Tuba, Copper nun v s, ofni. Pit ritituro;'&o. Who paid,artitdcs are seized and; diets third upon for ton paymentof tit**, &c., due U: B'.`lntcruitl' Ri venue. • • tkii3O'f ete9 Deputy Culldefor unit DiAtratuing B.'3SloLF4P.§ , s - .o ' t.. MietioNEERS • ' • No ItitttN:ET atrent. . BOOT AND. SHOL EiAL EVERT „.11.1.0,NDAS AND THUREMAY. , AUCTION SALES. tioN.C,EltiliALL (.7.19.1i I.WOMS„ 1119 CIIESTNUT at rtibt: - ; A. ticoLIiLLAND, Attegonaer. AII4.:TION SALES. - - - 4 ~, .--,... .....4-.......-1-, -.-...........4.-- UNTING,DIIIIBORb I ar-&t3o. 1 L , •• -i llEBlltir's J otl.2:24llo236lGAßKETiftedi.cornetvt. is r , , , -Successors toJOKE 131XEMESWOO:3,.. f,, ; + tARGE, BATMAN' Wage ON TIIIIRSDAY4IIORNINGO • r 4 ~, .), 0# at 10 "'clock, on four months' credit. - , s ~ !is bleached and ,"mien Shootings and Shirting's. I. whiteland colored Ttrillsrvarious brands, / whites's( scarlet alivuol - amiCantoulflgnifar" Pi dlinii•heittet and Domestic Glnglianni, Dana*. 1 Apron Checks, Ticking' D e nims, Stripes. , • 3. , I Miners' and Fancy Shirting Flannels, IVlonts., 1 Bietttettialiti colored Morsel, Jeans,,,Dallibries, o Kentucky Jeans, Fancy Madder Prints, Delanes. do Kerseys,Cintsinieres. Satinets, Linstlys„, ~, 26 bsleS heavy.' gray Blenketa. , , , , , AITHICHANT TAILORS' GOODS '• ' j ` PiecesfingLiali arid French black And blue Cloths. do finest fancy Raffle, black Doeskins Broad monk. , I do ;Ails la Chapelle Moscows and ENdlinintlai ~,, , de Aix la Choral° l'rle_ots, t'astors_ , Lon i de pilots. • do French OnsaMeree, Contings,Chinch as. - ~ do Mk and cort i dtalisns, Satin de Ohefics, , Vestkup. DBE S GOODS, SILKS,ida. , - ' -,',;., , ,:, Pieces Plain and str i ped Po llns, Silk Arnlures, , • , do - silk Chain Pupling, elgian cold Corns... - - 0d.4 all wool, ri,Ch Cael4arnere,,rlaidiStt ,• , 7 ' 1 1 1 4 'bin and bolored,Gtbs Gratußt,PAOW OraPdiy , do Paris plain' atid printed Delaines-and,terinos. , do black and colored MohairS, Alpabas, CIoburge VELVETS ~ f 0 pieces 18-inch aiii'd colors silk Diced yachts. ~ h ' AlsO, blk and cord silk.finished AM' - -.,, • _, s . ," :Also: by order of Messrs. OfiCAR'PEOLSS , y;',OLY,,?•. Open centre square Vienna Broth° Shawls. t , , Filled no do do do tie, Open do long do ' do, do. Filled do' do do ' do t do. Brioche bordtr black Stella_Shawli. „ Rich styles. Chenille Sorra. , .., LINENS, 'WHITE GOODS, Pieces Barnsley Shootings, Irish Shirting Linen. do bleu, and brown Damask, Ilird'seye Diaper. • •do white and brown Crash Canvas Towelling. do _ blambrica. Jo - cones, Nainaookii, Hann, Lawns -". GLOVES - WE'D - GAIINTLETS, l Ladles , Paris Meek and colored Kid Gloves v.' K ee i c d Y Danea v j er and K - GaanCtalet a G „ lGents d damblndndlt otes.. , • ~ do ' doeskin, tan grain, French-buck and castor do. 1 : do' buck ,hcavor and castor Cis:outlets. 3 , - , °, , • ENGLISH HOSIERY. ,3 , , • English anner stout regular,brown cotton half hoso.. " I do do do fancy toes and heels. do_ , 'lmperfino - do cotton half hose. 3, French brown exultancy cotton half. hose, Ladies' and misses' fatter cotton hope.. - ~ ~, English eilk fhtish, Shetland merino 'and white' merino - - Shirt," end Pants: 3 , • ,'-- Also, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, , Traveling and Under -Shirts- and Drawers , r,,,lowtng fik.-t-Pateat-Thretul,Silic IMPOIiTAN'I 4 RADE OrAßtiti!lNfig orr, - , OLOTIIs, Au, , ,!,_ ' _ "ON FRIDAY MORNING, _,, Sept. 10, , at 11 o'citkck, On lout months' credn;about 200 pieces Ingrain Venetian, List, Hemp, Cottage and Rtug Carpetings, O il Cloths, Rugs, dri. LARGE SALE OF' FEENdu AND OTHER EU *- PEAR DRY GOODS.' . , , ON MONDAY MORNING, . September 13, at 10 o'clock, on four months' c rettit. ----- --- rpuciiifAs B - IRCH , & SON, A.ITCTION- _IL EERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No.lllo CHESTNUT street. Rear entrance No. /107 Sapsom street. Household Furniture of every description received on Consignment. ,' Sales of Furniture at dwellings attended to on the must, e 1,813 00 617,367_80 SALE OF. A PRIVATE COLLECTION' OF AMERI:. . • . CAN AND FOREIGN COINS AND MEDALS___. ON MONDAY . TUESDAY and WEDNESDA; • • Se p temberti, 7 and 8. • ~•• • At 31• i" o'clock. at the auction'store, will be sold, the col lection of Captain Edward P.. Thorn, of. Plainfield, J.. comprising 1000 lots' of American, and foreign GUM, Silver and Copper Coins and Medals. • • • • • • . . Catalogues are now ready for distribution at the him - • Con store. • ;l • ' . • Sale at No. 1606 North Broad street. • • , ELEGANT FURNITURE, RICK VELVET AND BRUSSELS CARPE.s liTSarge' French Plate Mantel Mirrors,French Mantel Clocks.Freneh Chinn Dinn9r Se r vice, Weber COncert Grand Piano FOrte, &e. •' • ' • ' ON ,W,EDNESDAY MORNING, .. .• • Sept. 8, at 10 &Clock, at N0.,1606 North Broad street,will be sold, the Furniture of a family, going to-Etrrope,com prising—Elegant Walnut Parlor Furniture, covered • • with silk reps;RoSewood 'Weber Concert Grand Plano' Forte, large French Plato • Mantel-Mirrors, three • elegant French Man- elClocks, rich Velvet and Brussels '• • Carpets, Walnut Chamber and Library Furnitture,threo French China Dinner Services, Curtains, splendid Mu- ideal Box, Dining ,Room and Kitchen Furniture, &c. • The Cabinet 'Funiittu re is of superior quality. manu factured by „Ilenkols, and has beeu in use brit a 'short time. Catalogues can be had' at the • auction store •on and after Saturday; 4th, , • • The furniture . can examined early on the 'Morning of sale. • HORSES; CARRIAGES,•HARNESS, Also, at one oclock, will be sold, one pair of. bay car ' Hoge horses. 1611 hands high, sound and kind in either • single or double harness.- ' • '• .• '• Also one pair of dapple' grify carriage 'follies, 16 hands , high, sound, kind and gentle.; will drive either single double. Also, one•fluni4 carriage, made by Watson.' , • Also, one set of double harness, silver plated. .. • Also_, one setitif single harneaS, silver plated.' • • TO RENT—The property to rent., -.Including coach ~ house and stable, with five stables on rear fronting on ; Carlisle street, lot 26x2110 Aptly at office of the auction. • store. ' e2l-tt ANY,NO TAME' A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, eJ • No. 4= WALNUT . strecit. REAL ESTATE SALE, SEPT. 8. This sale. at 12 o'clock noon at the, Exchange, will in clude the very valuable Mill; Machinery, &a., known as the "dEFFEBSON MILL," and •large tract (Aland, adjacent , to the Cathedral / Cemetery. Twenty-fourth Wartl. , dt.is in complete order,and ia. one of thelargest anti miist 'valuable refits in the country. Full particu lora in handbills. Sale .Peremptory by order(of the Su preme Cana. Misigiics' Sale, 422:Walnut street. • • TEN CASES:BALMORAIr WINTER, SKIRTS. ON•WEDNESDAY.IIIOBNING, • Sept. 8, at 10 o'clock, at the auction storm will be eold, without reserve, over ten Cases of Ladles' and Misses' L Skirts, Wilco Table, Bobbin, Boxes,- dcc.. . tar:May be examined three daye before sale. • , , Sale N. E. center Eighth arid Callowhill atroets. LEASE, STUCK AND FIXTURES OF A WINDOW— SHADE MANUFACTORY. / • . •0$ FRIDAY' MORNING. • • September, 10, at 10 o'clock will be sold,without. reserve,' the Lease, Goodwill and Fixtures of a Window-Shade Naultfactory : Shade-frantes, Tables, Paints) Oils,•Baclt.,, Office Furniture, &c. • •• •• . Assignee's Sale No. Ma Arch street. LE-9SE AND STOOK , OF A LOOKING-GLASS AND , PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY, FRENCH. PLATE MIRRORS, ..ENGRAVINGS, CLOCKS, MOULDINGS, Gc. • , • ON MONDAY MORNING, ' • ' Sept. 13, ot 10 o'clock, will be-sold without, reserve by catalogue, the entire stock of tvLooking Glass and Pic ture Frame - Manufactory,- French Plato Mirrors, En gruvings. Clocks, Carpets, Walnut and,Gilt Mouldings, Frames, Cases, glass, 0.- . • • Also, the Lease, superior Wagon, Ilitrness, Signs, kc. .SAle.porentptory, find terms cash. - . . _ _ _ DAVIS ElAit VEY, ATICTIMEERS, t 3 ti tiis itrAgtorce!4lrdk zt TH etroet Peremptory Sale on tne•Prendees. VALUABLL; COAL AND - BRICK. YARDS. ON NYBDNESDA-y, • Nettt1,.....e1.t 2 o'clock' noon 011 _ 'the pronliee; No. 4112 ,Geroiantqwu NI•••cuLll J- 4,0 ".1 cdtillbt° libel end Brick Yards, with improvements, acres); inantAtgprl,Gernarintown avenue, 238% feet,. Has every tricilitrforrdelligdirL•exteitstgf.-1 1 1 1 .iiirt7,7 ----- Steam Etigine and power:Boiitir:2s-hoisii"' -7 oLthesutotioit rooms. • . , . . ',Sale at No. 020 Cherry, street, SIX. - SEPERIOR LATHES:,' PORTABLE — FOROE ANVIL. VISES, Y00TA.11 , 1(5,... ' • ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, At 10 o'clock, at No. 42ti Cherry street,. six.Jotperlar.l Lathes, Portable Forge Anvil, Vlses',. Toole, &c., of it Machinist ilecliping business.. Hale No: DM Brodm street: SUPERIOR WALNUT PARLORI. CHAMBER AND DINING 'll.oolkl FETRNITUREI' TWO:. COTTAGE SUITS, FINE PLATNI? WA4Eti kINFj P4ILPETS , • THURSDAY:HORNING, Sent. 9 t nt 10 o'clock, catalogue at No.l2ll:lliowit.iit....: - Ole entire Furniture, including Walnut.'andliair:Cligli 3 Parlor Furniture, u pert or W Mont Chamber. Suit E c tension Table and Chalriq'Cdt Mee Suits ,' ntarble tops line Spring; and Curled, H. MatronsvA, tine Ay are tine Blindm; Gas consuming' Sto‘lea, • TapeAtmi , .`, Carpels. line Ingrain and .Venetlan.,Ciuliets, ISitchcit - LL. • A:l3 BRIDGE & CO., AUCTION EMS. NO. um MAT.t.KEZetr_eeta tame Y'iftlx.;,j At t, ARGE ,PALL SALE OF BOUTS, BBOES , .1 , ‘ , O t 7 ON WED NB SDK , / AIONNING, Sept. 8, at 10 Welock, we will sell by' alit:dor er BAJO packages of Boots and Shoes,,cof city db,„ inanafacture,to which the attention of city and ; Up e e r n e ll' ar c l a y ll e e n d. the 'morale sale fdr' ett. DRUGGISTS' . ! SUNDRIES GRADE- , ates, Mortar, Pill Tiles, 'Conib ti,'l3rushOrt,' 111 irrisis, Tweezers, puff , Boxes,Horn Scoops, Surgical ,Instrap.' , ., .. luentsV Trusties ;' Bard: and SOft , attbber ' tiootto, Vial` Cases, Glass and Metal .t3yringOli; , &0..,,a11; , at1i0t, Ilands" prices. , , ' SNOWDEN & IffIOTHE , .„. oP S- lf '' •-- '' ' ' !'i , 0 - r. , 2* Sondag iglith A t: i .1. „11;)RIC GPIS`I'S AJU -”' 'RC viTar), -TO. , Y 0. 8 ,5; amine our large stock of fresh.prugs and Qluacticals, o the latost Importation. ...'-. ~ —' . . ... y ... ..... , lso, essential. olas.-Nattilla -Boansilponges,_Chansola..,.. Skillet etc: .1101YEKT : SHO.EMAKIDR'& 00.,-W. E. 013 r• , I, par. Fourth auct Baca strop. ••..., ~,. ~,, ~. 3 - : , C=i „-. „, t , ~, (LIVE OAL, 51T1 ) ...111,04, 9,:u4.14114 (A 1.., draught and' in bottles.' Sarions brands: , )-10131?..Wri. , ” OEMASaai, & CO,. N. .t. ,cotfior, yOurtlf ante, Racar.l streets. .. ). C:§liitii_TEgoA - 1 1 =NVW . LANIY - 106: boxes Willie and Mottled OattibiSoaWiteilluttitisfor quality 110,111i11.T. 13110.EMAIP011. &W. , VA( ,• 4otta ;o Drufm iota. N. E. cornobirourtliait ridsiCtitstrosts. ,:, 'z n~uus, BOOTS' A * I S OE t li 7 -- NOTICE 'TO ---- 1 ion RALLY. t , 0 . , ~,.." ,-,'. '. --, 1 IC GENE4'' The Wen a tyle; fa*onotn(l ''. • OOTS, SHOES ~A,ND, Arit-Rtr!o.3Bn,,,ept:f Gan be had at * LIEN AND' , x 9 . B u Nis a i' , s 4 i , ~ .. a , . 230 NORTH ' NINTIV OTIEB ' 4 17811. 4 6317/4741? thltY. A - Bii - War T." muted-- ''' HIM A (TALL. ' FELT-TEN " FRAMES; Bliettt'Aug Felt, fin. sale • krorr4 'Dila= d Bt, ,115 Walnut. greet,' • • 6 - ; h ' , TN:F . 7 .- t;' ,, ' ,- .•"` ...,. ,' F., ,, , , :. , :::' ,,, 1 4 ,.. :;:i7,43 - Aai l:.;t:•'::',',ll,#'.zN .. 1,;4 ' lii :::: ::// 4. 4 % . 4 `.% '' ' ,.:',21‘.:',7 : :',1',..:1.2,: ' ,:•!4ci4 . ~.:;... .-t . .: P...i . ,, , g, - A'' ,. . 1, .:::.;';. ,11...,) ~... . .. MEM
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