• '• • • • . • • CITY" BULLETtti. TAX-RECEIVERIS OFFXCE ROBBED Large . Ainpunt of One Stole} Sonia time during the coarse • ot last night the'_oniee 4f the Receiver:; of Taxes, at rile • +1)0 , was entered and robbed' of upward. or " ' • • 430,000 dollars.' The thieves are supposed to • have entered through the old Quarter ,•, Setotons Court room . The sash of the sonth :'• Windo* on the avenue leading into Inde pendeuce ,Sqyare bears the appearance of '54- of 5, ( ' i'.?"•''*l . naving been forced open. The door , °Rem ' l ;'''- - 71 i totrk the court-room into the entry is se ? Ng s cigiiiir‘:,. den/fastened, and therefore the thieves expe .,,A..4.5, tiencod no difficulty in getting into ''.- the • entry, , which •is immediately, "hi the r,ear of the Tax Office. On ,this entry. • there is a door opening into the Receiver's • 'office * : This door was very insecurely fastened. • • 4 ., -A.bolt near the top seems not to ha been • .elipped last night. The other fastenings vvere a dead-latch and an ordinary' lock whh gen 'Orally accompanies knobs on the doors. These were easily forced with a jimmy. The• office coats of the clerks were then collected together and placed in front of the fire-proof to deaden 4. , the sound of operations upon • it. The• lire , proof is built of bricks, aria has an iron door -- The bricks by the side of the keeper •'1,•4 12 : * of the lock. were removed,, and then _ .... ..thedent.:vb asfur‘ed-op tot• with •rFarlllanty,--•11k-- side of the fire-prOof Itas a small iron chest, - which was new and had only been placed • ''••••"' there durimg - the l pres - entyent:Tritiithis cheat the clerks are in the habit of placing every night, in tin boxes, the cash which they have received in the afternoon after the bank ae count has been closed. The lock of.this chest 1 :1 was cut, and the 'leer was forced open. The was money and' checks in 'the boxes were ab r 1 / 4 'k tracted Some of the checks were- left ' behind and about four hundred dollars in cash were found on the floor. • /1: -The thieves carried ' off about $33,000 50. ' l4 therema two-third.% of - which was in Cash and inder in checks. -•-• • • The bootblacks have been in the habit of aleeping inthe entry between the. Tax office ' and,the i ourt-room. Last evening,about,..,nine o'clock, :a 'party of men entered, represented themselves as Officers, and drove out - the ju , • veniles,threatening, to lock them up for ninety ':•,'"‘" days if they 'remained. The boys went to the and upon returning theyeongregated on the frcint step, where a hot-cairn •Wnman icelso sitting. They all heard IllikVoln the , and endeavored to look through •• - the d?' - .windows, but the curtains were down. This noise was kept. up until after two o'clock, but •;,• • 4 ,- .‘" 7 110 notice seems to have been taken of it. The other public buildings are , - provided :4 4, i" - ,•!•.withwatelunen,but at this structure,where It is always likely there is a pretty good sum of • 1 . 4* • money, there is no watchman- • After this ' •-•-• , „-Jelebbery we snppose that City Counils will. ''' , ' , ,,authorize the employment of a watchman. t _ ~\ ~, . - -..,SERE.ii - AnEs.—The ;Flinger Mannerchor last evening serenaded Mr. Slartin Landenberger at his bouSe, at Fifteenth st. and Girard ave., C. Van Beil - at his , residence, at Broad street and Girard. avenue. , `Opteral Joshua T. Owen was. serenaded ~,.1111it night at.his residence, at Chestnut " . .by, the Liberty Silver Cornet Band, B. K. Mc leader, of which General OWen is a life member: The tine music attracted a large number of. persons from the surrounding country; and General Owen eilended,the hos- Titalities-of his house in his usual generom style. SEntousi.v Bummo.—Liizie Kessier,.aged at No. '1125 Jefferson street. 'was' seriously burned lout e”ening. It seem , • that a stovefor burning coal-oillad been par chased recently. Subsequently some material to` use" iii the stove was bougbt, at, the same 111.4 ? Wire: Last evening Miss Kessler went to , • •:-start the fire, when there was a sudden igni , tion of the• entire fluid, and her dre.sS".,took cite..-. The unfortunate girl was so badly ..iured. that her life is despaired of. Mr. 11;;' , At. 44" EVIft; the inspector,made an investi •., gation of the. affair, and found- that gasoline bad been sold instead of 'coal-oil.. PAEBiNG CO,UNTEEFETT MONEY.—Emma -Davis was arrested at No. 915 South Second .. street, last evening, for attempting, tO•pass a $2O note purporting, to be the issue • - *: - '. -- of,theNatioual Dank of Commerce, of New , York. She had passed a similar note • at the same place in the early part of the week, after having bought goods valued at, S 3. • . AccmEx. - T.—llls morning, about 9 o'clock, as.3frs. Mary Brogan, who resides 1358 Sal ; mon street, was crossing the street at Ge man , ' town avenue and Otter street, she was s uck 1 . by the shaft of a wagon passing rapidly a the wrist. She tell and broke her right arm near . 7 1 . :4 the wrist. She was immediately taken to the , oftice of Dr. Oliver. who adjusted the fractured .;zribtib. . - TIM PRILADELPHIA AND DARBY RAIL • , -2-010 AD,. of 1 - 411: ',. our estimable friend; Mr. S. Fry, is_ President and principal owner, • carries all clergymen, editors, reporters, &c., free r and all school teachers and scholars at half price. Why cannot our more profitable .'4„Ni roads ou this side oft - A e river do the same? ,#- .'CRUELTY,TO AmmALs.---George Michener, of Montgomery county, was arrested at Fifth • street and Girard avenue, yesterday after , , noon, for cruelty to animals. He had a mule without shoes. Alderman Riddell fined Michelle' . $lO. AcCIDENT.-LWilliarn Steward colored); forty-five years of age ). _ residing_at ' 7 ' , ,.,; - t - -7 - 8111 - liOnl - bat - d - streo7f6ll - itilifTif - the — thifir story window and received a compound fracture of both legs. He was taken to the Penns 'Want. • DnowNED.--:aarriet Smith, aged 4 from = a zimrge-atthe"root-Of =York street, Port Richmonei this Ibe body was recovered. drownet AbinrioNAL TnArg.—The Camden and .Amboy Railroad. Company announce an addi .: ' tioual expresS train between Philadelphia and , NeW YOrk. on and after to-morrow. The train will leave West Philadelphia Depot at 8 P. M., • ' and arrive in New York at 11.30 M. On Sunday nights the train will take the place. of the i. 45 P. M. train. The 6.45 train will be run as usual. except on Sundays. This train is run under the new arrangement of the Pennsyl ; OWL'vania and Pittsburgh, Port Wayne and . Chicago Railroads, and is the connection of the lightning express train intended to run from Chicago to New York in thirty hours. - CRESSON Sign: Nos.—The Mountain HouSe CreSson Springs will remain open until SepteMber 25. The weather in that section of the country is delihhtful, the &thermometer ranging from 65 to SO degrees. There' are still between three and four hundred guests in the house:, and "hops" are given every night. . . ;4* - THE KNIGHTS ' TEM FLAIL—MIS evening i'. ilere will be a brilliant affair at the Sea View t': Y•-_:.- House, at Atlantic City.. The Knights Tem plar are going to the City by the Sea this after ' noon, and this evening there will , be a hop at the Sea View, when the • Sir Knights will a)) pear in full uniform. The. Knights will i . erriiiin • at Atlantic City until Monday afternoon. Oi • - - MondaY there will be a path& and review. 11E - Linious SEnvicE . RusumEn.-*—Grace (;hutch Rev. Di. Win. Suddards, lteetcr, at Twelfth and'Cherry street', will re to4norrow. Divine service will . be held at 104 A. M. and 4 P. 31. , J. E. ~Kmost,EY., of the Continental, Pro nounees BoItNETT'S COLOGNE WATER $ll petior to any "German." So do many others W. P.ll. Covert, of the News Exchange, Con tineutal Hotel, has it for sale. TnErwlTn's STOTtif, 'at , 61.4 Chestmh street, is now in"; the 'full tide of. its success. Persons'about leaving the city can procure a full sapply_of light literature, as well as toilet And, fancy articles of every description.• •All the latest ptiblications constantly on hand: , .31toorti.narr Excuitstot-iqundy's Moonlight Excursion to Atlantic City, this evening, should not be forgotten. - ,The . last boat leaveS. Vine street w harf at: 8 'o!clok. Meeltirg!s Liberty Cornet.,ll,and will aceont puny the excursion. ia;43 s~;~` aMni ,` ,::. :' ,Yid ^'- -~--. KB:131 Asssiosiiiwilarg eltiskaissAingin, and - • Eireitementotherigaittler;-Wgirga„. - *team s giremftextoo. ' " •. ATAVliickt,"Atigiigt le; is 166? August 27,1869.4-Advioes hate been received' - MAO freer , Santittgoi dated 10 i#,C'e*eliing Saturday hist. ,Ititelitnexeitenielit,tind Warm. continue tot'preliailthere and in surrtintid ing neighbotirhOnd in' consequentii, of • the . news of the. asstissitudion of -some citizens, when traveling under escort near Jiguani. • There is no tectiriV for life or property.' Tinker and 'Maxey:is, with other prominent insurgents,, suceeeded in leaving Santiago, dining the night of the Ist instant, taking - With them a large,' iantity of specie. After 'marchingalshort .distance they encountered' the troops, of Sabanilla, who bad been, ant busbed,by the. Way.. •An enga,gement ensued. The insurgent forces held tile The troops returned to Guantanamo, reporting the lc4A of-twelve men. , - They also reported the events of two recent bindings of revolutionary sympathiers in the bay of Nipe, bringing arms andr aminimition from Mexico for the:use of the revolutiOnists. ll!glit,y_Big Grape !line. '1 tioni tho Santa BarbardPressj I have seen. the •" Big . Grape . .Vine,", The owner says it is, forty-two y,ears old.= The trunk is nearly circulariand at , ten inches from the gralind is thirty-nine inches in dircrunference - at three feet 'from the ground, the smallest place, it measures thirty-six inches ; and.at live feet, ;it, measures' forty-six inches in circurn teAuut.437-iinilietlately —above- tirl6-.-nor -ure-- rnentit swells Out much larger and parts;into branches.- . — lris supPorteo by a framework six to seven feet high, eontainingsixtysix'posts from three to eight inches in' diameter; and .covers 'abimt, 4,320 „square feet of ground..:. Several of the limbs. are, nine feet in circunaference at thirty feet from the trunk, and one 'Of the limbs or branches at forty-eight feet from the trunk IS seven and three-eighths incheS in circum ference. , • • •, , - It no* his over 5,000 clusters of grapes on it growing finely, • The owner, and others fa-• iniliar; with it, told me that the ,-clastein will average,.:' when :ripe; about two ..and a half poun each; but call them two pounds each, and it makes over -five tons of fruit on one vine in one year.' Several `persons' made esti- Mates on it last year;.when the fruit _ivas 'ri pening, by counting the. clusters. on .ten feet square, and weighing some average clusterS. Their - estimates varied from four to six tons. This is probably the largest grape-vine in the world. • . • Close by this is Another vine, covering about 1,3130 square.: feet, and forming the roof of a tine dariejbW.ball. It is eleven years old, and has a rEttielt larger quantity of 'fruit in, propor tion to , its'size than the "big grape-vine." . CITY NOTICES. . . G AS K S CITINA PALACE • • 1022 Chestnut Street, ' - • . . and '• 1021 Ransom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ' GEORGE G4CIL & CO. Will cloSe iheillarge assortment of Goods on hand at the following astonishing, low prices, to make room•for the immense - Stock purchased by Mr. Gay in' Europe, How'ln transit to this city:: • White French China Dining Plates, 514 inches, per $2OO Whits Stone China Dining Plates. 9L;, in., per doz., 1 25 White FrenelfChina pupa an,r Saucers, per set, 12 pieces t 1.25 V. late Stone China - Cups and Saucers,. per set, 12 pieces ' ' GO I 'ut Glarss Goblets, per dozen ' • 2 25 PreSsed Glass Goblets: per doe •. 1 50 Best Stone China Tea Sets: :44 pea., cups with handles ' " . 400 Pest Stone China Tea Sets, 411 pee., cups with handles 4'75 Best Stone China:Dining Sets, 92 pieces 15 00 White French China Dining Sets, 110 pieces' 50 00 IVlite French China Tea Sets, 44 pieces ' 750 :: I,:t ...Gold Band French China Tea Sets, 44 pieces: 12 50 4 ay. China Chamber Sets - 2.50 '1 he stock.of Faney'Goods will be sold at a still greater iecount front former prices. . Goods to go out of the elm will be packed and delivered • to transportation Office' hoe of charge,. and Insured • ' • a gaiiiSt breakage to destination. - • 4'ALL. SOON BEFORE TILE ASSORTMENT IS • • '. • BROKEN: ," "Wolimarrui.—Those $2:10 Charriber SetB, 10 pi,•cps, Soap•Wase and 31ng, at Gay's China Chest tint street. - • GAY'S CHINA PALACE: No. 102: CHESTNUT street, have just received. by et caner Helvetia, the first instahnent of that immense stock of goods purchased by r. Gay iu Europe. • • 1f you have any desire to be astonished call and asc er• thin the price they Will be sold' at. . • MICR FRENCH DECORATED. Dinner, Dessert and Tea Sets, ViiSes. Figures, Fancy Coeds, A:c., at greatly. reduced 'prices. These goods must lie sold to make room for now arriving fall importations. Those about to . purchase will study their interest by calling and examining our large and varied stock. . KERR'S (IRINA HALL, 1218 Chestnut street. • BEST QUALITY • Fine White French China Breakfast, Dinner, Dessert and Tea sets: Containing 175 pieces, for Smaller Sets of 115 pieces, for 30 • At Kerr 's CHINA HALL. 1218 Chestnut street. BERT QUALITY Fine gohi•band French China Tea .Sets, 46 pieces for :313 :U, of KERR s China Hall, 1218 Chestnut street BEST QEALITY White French China Tea Sets; CS pieces for $lO, at KEA/1'1:1(311NA lIALL, 1218 Chestnut street WHITE STONE: CHINA TEA SETS. Forty-six pieces(cups with handles). Forty-four pieces (cups with handles), e 4. All beet quality. At Krim's Chiva Hall, 1218 Chestnut street BEST quality • White Ironstone Breakfast, Dinner, Dessert and Tea Bets. Containing'l2s pieces, for 529 50. Containing 105 pieces; for .525. Containing 103 pieces, for alb. Thp above are made up of useful pieces Linty, and aro large en nog). to dine twelve persons. Knun's China lall, 1213 Chestnut street. CCT-GLASS TABLE TUAIBLERB, $1 1L and - * - 1 - 36 - 13Frawn - , -- ar KERIO3 China Ha 11,1218 Chestnut street. CUT WINE GLASSES $1 per dozen, at Ina - 1107M Cheffinut street CUT-GLASS QUART DECAN,TERS, $1 75 per pair. Ast.'hamit.4; Chum .Halli,l2lB.Chostaut --- A-vasig-husband-prov-idethome-Washe for his wife. Get one tit 1031 Chestnut street. DEADER, have you lost a relative or friend? if so, embellish the'grave with the artistic:ll illustrations as perfected by Mrs. E. M. Stigale, NO Wood street BE WAlur. OF TILL EGGS Which vermin lay fur next year's crop. Cleanse your promises thoroughly with Lyon's Insect Powder, and thmrplevent the cockroaches, fleas, moth, bugs and other vermin froth overrunning you with their broods next year. Lyon's Powder will do it. • Nothing else will. Depot, 21 Park Now, N. Y. 1 , • • PUT DOWN THE 'PRICES. CHARLES STOKES offers the balance of his mffnuner stock AT. GREATLY 'REDUCED PRICES. to Close Out, ' in order to ' make room - • ' FOR. THE jinn - Jelin iWOrtIMMI lif PALL AND WINTER STYLES OF PINE FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, now in course of • manularture, at No. 824 CHESTNUT STREET. PRESEIWING JARS; 1 reserving cans, Preserving Bottles, Preserving Tiunblers, Corksand Sealing Wax, And all articles necessary AU goods daivered fue, for putting up Fruits At PETHEaISTON & 270 South Second street. FOR specimen copies and advertising terms of the Dni/u Pa. mmereial and Delaware Weekly. Tribune, address YENVIIsiS ATKINSONi Wilmiugton,,Dchtwore. LADI.E'§k suiznOwxB,'at paumds'. , • SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS and .druggists' sun dries. • • SNOWDEN & BROTHER, 23 South Eighth grout. N ISSES' Sulquoivris, at, Oaltfords,. Jinni:taus MOTHER' aud 'nurses use for children a safe and tikeitgant medicine iu Bower'3 infant -—• • , DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH. 3.l.seace, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the, above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be' seen at hisonice, No. 805 Arch street. The medical 'faculty. are invited to accompany their patients, as he,has no secrets in ids practice. Arti ficial oyes inserted. ; No charge made for examination •GE'i °NE of those Pocket. Panamas, soh! at Oaktbrila', under the Continental. - - TROSE CELEBRATED Pocket Panama., Hold at Charles ()Word h Son's, under the Couttuental, are very convenient for genta traveling. . CORNS ; Bunions, Inverted Nails, kLkillfully treat“.l by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 915 Chestnut groet. ()Largos moderate. 111;r4V ar - 1 j A! Di" `IIA A itDAY AUGUST 28 , 186' rlitrii...oLos Til utz.4,....„l66Palttr.oDES AND' rP:.llxtures. .BultiPtuoirrmvith A:. H. FRO- Ai o4 . s23 nrketutiett.! , ..:,.. , -jy3l4ltu th-30tt A . D Itti VIT B - O A N T - 4 1 0 0 0 Y8 , Pantos,'iftdi#o*:- =.9ofeheitrititstroet. DITEDDOIO,. ) rkirnikTiONl3 EN _prayed In the newest and best Manner. LOUIS K.A • Btationer and Chestnut DIED. BANCKEII.--On the 28th ituftwAnni E. Banc or, daughter of the into Charles N Baacker; Iler funeral will take plate OR Untidily afternoon, at halflastlour o 'clock, from heriate.residenee, 437 Che:t -'l4lLTsjii ' .—At Bolton, N. 6. on the 24th Inst., Bolton. of this city. in the 61st 'fear of. hip age. •.. • The relatives and friends of t laMily tire respectfully invited 'to: , attend his funeral, from'his late residence. No. 1512. Chestnut street, this ( SttpardaY) afternoon, at . . °7 ll 4l XT ck i 0 .--On the morning of :the thinit., Itebega Grata, in the sear ofher age. SCOTT.—At Germantown. On theWth inst., Mary El rem Lavinia, infant daughter of; : yenry,l and Map' Prsinin:Seett. • , his realdento ItiMonOtighliele City; en. the 25th inst. Mr. Andrew, Jac k s on Stuart, in the 53d year of his nue. BLAcK SILKS, EXTltik2 . BIANO - COVERspORDEUED.STYLES, DOUBLE dualN , BIAOK MOHAIR, BILANP.%AOK 4:l4Paans. _ EYUE a LANDEL!. . Fourth and Arch RELIGIOSS;-NOTICES. • sT SPRING GARDEN .STREET IL R, Churell.—Protteldng bye the Pagtor, Rev. , W. J.; Stevenson, to-xnorrovr dt 10Ke , it* THE :F S T PRESBYTERIAN - I r ngliington Sionrs T.,?..r4!maktug.tozmut.f., row nt'9Ul k rb.> BE V.E.R.BEADLE WILL 'PREACH to.mAmiw_auhe_seenndwprii.t.iy_totiaii-ohumw,;7. E. corner of Twenty,first nntiliralnitt atreets, at 1O I A. N. and 8 P: ' - • , FIRST REFORMED , CHURCH; 11.) 7 corner of Seventh. and 'Spling• - •Garden streets— Rev. Thomas X. Orr, Pastor.„—will-(H. V..) preach to at 10;;M. one 81 , ICI: •; • ' • • Ltr, iu.lC A L VAIR P.RES . BYTERTAR Church, • Locust stroet. -•abavd Fifteenth.— Preaching to-morrow at lON by Roe, James T. Hyde, of G'onnecticut. . • , .•, It , P - R IN G GARDEN BAPTIST. Church, Thirteenth' .atreet, above Wallace. Preaching to morrow, at 10.4,1 A: lW.ihy'the Pastor, Rev. L. P. Hornberger. Sabbath School at 9A. M. .(It• 1)/bTHE •CHURVIi.OIP THE INTER cES,3OII.; Spring Garden; below I:iroad.—fho Rec tor, Rev. J. W. Bonham, will preach Sunday morning. serrice in the orenirur:lt* FIRST CHURCH 914'r .CHRIST, Twelfth street, aboyeWallace,--Services to-mor row at. 103.4 A. M. and 8 P. M.• Preaching at, gerning sorrier, by James Challon. , Stint free. • It* iu., UNION , SERVICES-REV:" AL --: FRED NEV IN, D.D.. Will preach to-morrow, 29th instant, in the Seventh Presbyterian Church, Broad street, above Chestnut, at le% o'clock' A: AL. and in the West Arch Street Church, Eighteenth and Arch streets, at 8 o'clock P. hi. • • , •• • ' • It§ UALEXANDER PRESBYTERIAN Dhurch, Nineteenth nnd Green streets.—Rev.. Dr. Jacobus. Moderator of the General' , Assembly, will preach in this church on next Sabbath morning and evening. Services commencing At 103 q o'clock A. M. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN Church, Tulpeliocken and Citroen streets,GerMan town .—The pastor, Rev. W. E.' hjainsi having returned, will preach tomorrow. Subject of morning discourse, "The recent total eclipse; its moral impressions and sug gestions, as observed by an • eye-witnees." Evening dis• course, "The secret of personal influence." .'• • ft" • [Oz .NOTICE—THE TENTH - PRESBY— TERIAN Church (Ree.. , Dr:Bdardirtan's) corner' of Walnut and Twelfth streets, will; Providence permit ting, be open for divine service cheery : Sabbath through out the. Summer,- at 10.1 s 4.11 L -and sp. ist. Rev. Dr. Mcilvalie, of. Princeton, is engagedto, preach during that time. Strangers and all others are cordially invitd to attend. . . 1 • . •.: • -10-sBt* SPECIAL NOTICES. TJ READY-MADE CLOTHING FINE CUSTOM WORK. ' JOHN WANAMAKER, gib and 820 CHESTNUT STREET. 0 Camden and Aniboy and Philada. and Trenton Railroad Co's. ADDITIONAL, EXPRESS TRAIN Between Philadelphia and New York. On and after' ,‘ianclay, August 29, 1869' A Nast Express Train will leave West Philadelphia DePUllbrlieW York at arriving -at foot of Curt. land Street at 11.30 P.lie , &This Train will run Sunday • „daking—the—pjaelj"uf—thr.-8,48-P7-11,-Lintirwhielt— will be discontinuM — arir Sunday Train on and 'after August 28S11. The fi.ls P. M. Line will rmi daily except Sundays. WM. 11. it ATZMER, Agent. [c?ATLANTIC CITY, AUGUST 27TH, .1869.—T0 the Editors of the Evening Bulletin Haying noticed in your paper an article itr relation to the recentilrowning at this place, and that no effort has been made. to secure-the safety of the bathers, I hope, injustice to.myself as well as others, you will give place to the following statement :- Fai'the patentee of LIFE LINES FOR SEA BATH ING, and have erected the same at Congress Hall and at the new Excursion House, where they have been used and well patronized during the entire season. -- At the Excursion House daring this season excursion- ' hits to the number of forty thousand have bathed with perfect safety, not a single accident occurring. The guests at Congress Hall, including others from the various hotels in that vicinity, as well as residents from a number of private cottages, who bathe daily on• der the lines erected in front of the Congress Hall bath houses, will verify the statement that they have bathed with entire confidende and safety. The above -points constitute the principal bathing - places at Atlantic City. •I have also erected on the beach, below the bar—being the central bathing point -of the city, fuel the most changeable —a set of lines that are open to all, that the public might learn their use ; and had they be .14 placed where this sad accident occurred, I feel confident it would not have happened. • It is owing to u lack of energy en the part of some of those who are intrustedin this matter that the protection to bathers has not been extended to - al/parts of the beach. Very truly, yours, •• \VIII.TELL STREET. • . UNITED ' • STATES - IN TERNAL . REVENUE, COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, FOURTH DismlCT. PENNSYLVANIA, CORNER OE - ELEVENTH AND'RIDOE AVENUE. . • PHILADELPHIA, 5t11; MCA Notice is horeby - givemthat the annual Income taX for 3868 will be due and - payable at this office between August_ -3U and fieirtemberlst,lB69; after whiclfthe legatpenaltieS Will be added. No. further notice will be given, - Office - hours between 8 A: N. and 3 P. M. _ . . . HORATIO G. SICKEL; an2B Brit Collector Fourth District; PIG - - Fr - ri EXHIBITION OF THE FRUITS U-L-7Y of America, by the National Pomological Society and the Penn. Horticultural Society, at the Horticul tural Hall, on Broad street, ou the 14th to the 17th, of tqptember next. BMating Reception by .the Iforticul, total Society on the 16th. au27-4tcPw r— WILLS OPIITII.A_L 11IIC HOSPITAL; RACE ABOVE EIGHTEENTH SIIREETI ' Open daily at 11 A.lll. for treatment of diseases of ,the ATTENDING SURNEDN, Dr. GEORGE C. HARLAN, P 306 Chestnut street, . VISITING MANAGERS, EZRA DYER M. D., 1429 Walnut street. AMOS HILLBORN, Ad North Tenth street.. ELMORE C. MINE, M. D., 1824 Green street. , , , jy,i-s w trrp§ STATE 111 - d - HTS FOR SALE.— State 'Ulan of a valuable invention just patented, an designed for the slicing, cutting and chipping of dried beef, cabbage, &e ., are hereby offered for_sale,... It Is an article of:great value to Proprietors of hotels and restaurants, and itahould be introduced into ever) , fam ily. _State , rights -for sale.--Model- can be seen at the telegraph office, Cooper's Point, N. va y 21141,1 , „ , MUNDY & HOFFMAN. srEciAls NWIcEs• GREEN„ CORN CITT/VERS. . the expregoion. .a,ovtire of vortc - iviii not beSeynAtuo - sic &Semite) , to% Astor and rigkent Of 'eating. eau be' irriproved math they try 1 a' the implement; Thou they exclaim astonishing , Why has not this been thought of before? Fur sale everywhfte. xs cents up. > . auxi-tu,tli,g3trOf J .Z. GOULD, NO. 923 CHESTff uvae. street "is selling_SteCk Os slut Haines 8r05,,1 Pianos alawisson Hamlin's Cabinet Organs seitrlv vas Sow as 0 : twlrimmer time. au27-11 1/09 • GERAREO STREET. 1109' T NKIBH, RUSSIAN, AND PBBIPITHED BATHS _ Departmpnts for Ladies. Daum *pelt trot 6 A. M. to 9 P. M. 1)1Y. M/SS rioIZA W. SMITH., HAVING removed from 1324 to 1212 SPRIION street, will re-mum her Boarding and Dili- School for Young Ladles on WELNXBDAY,Stiptember 1b s Mouthed may be obtained ttyynnm Leek Walker; Jas. QUOOI3 & On., and after Auknst 26 AT TTHE,SO 001.. , Jy2l s 31nrp n tc , LL 0., sug goon Axtist, Ims just been commissioned by, Go Surgeon-General to supply tlie ralmer Arm and Leg for mutilated Officers of the IJ. S. /inns and Navy. The Governmental offices are to be located In Philadelphia, New York and Boston, and are^ nil conducted by 12r. PALDIEN. mya 78tr - - - REGULAR DEMGCRATIO FOR LEGIESLATIIRE, watilVniNC. tx uto 11." - . HOWARD HOBRITA-L, HOS. 1518 Y.r.Y 'and 1520 'Lombard street. Dispensary Department. —Medical treatment and medicine furniehed gratuitously o the poor. - FIRE-PROOF. SAFES. CKAMPION SAFES! PIII.ADELrnIS., August 27„ 1969 Bietiers. FARREL, ILEERItiOiSeCO:: 010:MU:WEN : In the year 11386 I Unfortunately was in business in the Artisan Buildingiwhlch was destroyed by fire on the 10th of Aprir. I lied then in nse.what I sup posed wits a Fire-proefSsfe, but upon opening it I found everything destroyed, and fire burning therein. • You will recollect, gentlemen, there was several of Your safes in that lire, also several in fhe fire at Sixth and Coininerce streets, the next May, five Week(' after yards, all of which uppn being opened proved they were fire-proof Indeed, for I, Witnessed the opening of most of them, and M every case the contents were preserved, while safes of other makers were partially or entirely destroyed. lat mice concluded to have something that I could depend upon, and purchased one of your safes. ' The safe I purchased of you at that time was subjected to a white heat (which was witnessed by several gentle men that reside In the neighborlMod) at the destruction of my Marble Paper Factory, 921 Willittee street, on the afternoon and evening of the 24th inst. After digging the safe from the rnins, and opening it this morning, I was much pleased to find everything, consisting of books, papers, money and silverware, all right.. I shall want another of your safes as soon as 'I can get a place to continue my business in. I could not rest contented with any other make of safes: • CHARLES WILLIA.W, Marble Paper Manufacturer HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES, the most reliable protection front fire .uow known. HER RING'S NEW PATENT 'BANNERS' 'SAVES. corn= bitting hardened steel and iron with the Patent Frank unite or.SPIEGEL EISEN, furidah a resistant against !iring and cutting tools - to an extent heretofore un known. Farrel, Herrhigi& Co:, Philadelphia. Herringy Farrel 44:Sherninir;' . ,,,lo. 251 Broa i dwaY,: corder Hurray Herring "'itCo Chlealii„: . !..-12;• _ f `'' Sherhuint, Ne*0.0444a,.1 ' s' ' =Eli ait2-5 rntfF. MISCELLANEOUS. 1838. Established in 1838. THE EXCELLENCE OF THE PARABOLA SPECTACLES is generally conceded. Those who have used both kinds of Glasses assert that the Parabola are superior to any Glasses in the mild visual sensation they produce and for the ability to use them for any length of time, both, day and night, without occasioning a-sense of uneasiness or fatigue. • . FOR SALE. ONLY BY E. BORHEK & SON, OPTIC lANS, No 1230 CHESTNUT STREET • . • ltrP' THE IMPROVED BALTIMORE Fire-Place Heater, With-ILLUMINAT-ING-DOORS-entl-WINDOWSTand MAGA ZINE of sufficient capacity for fuel to last 21 HOURS, at a coot of but 11 CENTS PER DAY. The most perfect and cheerful Heater in use. Having made arrattgernents-witit----- MR. S. B. SEXTON, OF BALTIMORE. For the EXCLUSIVE manufacturing of Hse, Heaters, li•e are prepared to furnish themin largo , or Small Allan ti t iPs. - Sold wholesale retail by the Maunfactnrer, JOHN S. CLARK, 1008 Market Street. Beware of imitations gotten up on the popularity of therm Heaters. au32nq_ -------------- PATENT, OFFICES, N. W. cor. Fourth and Chestnut (Entrance on FOURTH Street.) FRANCIS H, PASTORIUS; - 7 - ' Solicitor of Patents. Patents procured for inventions in the United States and F.,reign Countries and all business rotating to the ticrnin g tr n i g c i Yalor"llf;r reTar oniteototeeliloOlocie ,oVig. th lvrto§ HUFNALS _ PHILADELPHIA PHARMACY, Corner Wastdngton and Jackson Streets, Cape May City, N. J. MAG-AZIN pES MODES. 1014 WALNUT STREET • ' • IHl$B C PROCTOR.. • Cloaks, Walking Suits Bilks Dress Goods,Lace &lauds ' - - • Ladies' Underclothing . - - and Ladies' Fare Dresse'S mad to,intasure in Twetibt-fou r 11 ours yTLER, WEAVER & NEW CORDAGE FACTORY . NOW IN PULL OPERATION, No. 22 N.WATER greet and 23 N.DELAWARE avenue 0:;.-:"! BANDAGE INSTIT IT TE, 14 N. NINTH ' _street, above Market. B. C. EVERETT'S Truss: , positively' cures Ruptures. Cheap Trusses, Elastic - Bolts, Stockings, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Crutches, Suspensorles,Pile Bandages. Ladies attended to by Mrs. E. • • .wl-lyrp TORDAN'S ELEBRATED PURE TOffti ey for invalids, family; use, &o. The subscriber is now furnished with his full Winter supply of his highly nutritious and well-known borer ago. Its wide-spread • and increasing use, by , order of physicians, for invalids, use of families, &c., commend it to the attention of kW consumes who want a strictly pure article; prepared from the Met materials, and put up in the most careful manner for home use or transpor tation. Orders by tuall or otherwise proinstb6 svplied. No. 220 Pear street, del• • below Third and Walnut streets. 14.111TIVY'S' • • trweftli • i To 'ATI...ANTI() ; CITY, - Saturday Eveniflgt.AUgust 28th,, aB6 Last boat !carts Vine ihrot , et, Wharf'at 8 o'clock P. K.: VIII arrive in Philadolobla 1 , 1'6 o'clock on following MONDAY .110BNING. • - Tickets for round trip $l5O LAST lIRAND''EXCIIRSION Around•NeUrlCiitit Bay • AND 137AtEN'tOLANDi Leaving Pt iladtipliis• pupil %Oita Snit(' On 'MONDAY; Atruid N1;180, istY.SO A: if. PARE FOR THE EXCMION.: Slagle Tickets .. . 5 00 Gentleman awl 1,103' ............. and Tie'iota can lw Procl "'""'',s — 'Davies jf4tuil l .: Xaritat. 823 Cheatamt ativel; 14111F4 and lat the - wharf, tni'Atte etreefl,tio:SQVUtrard menu."., • 47, : Inonpirgor the EXCan d q, i3 .• ' 1111 '"**ll.P"' DON'T PORGET At'Cr.NDY'S 3100 N. .igxciirsion to Atlantic City s on 6A.TITUDAY 2atlfintit. Lau2o , 3trp , H YES! OH YES!.011.1:"ES! WE'LL 60 on Mun4vln A.nnnnl,- 7 1 ~~IoonligLc ," ExouFaion,, on. h. instant, . ,OL 0 UCESTERi FOXNT.-130 nuts Plana labs ttiet rani ly t o this cool de tg t 4 two , . , New atodtuers,,witft every comfort, Isar° tioigh street ells datwetery fewAttloutes.lolBloll KTAOlllE r iatiED brit& BY 'rah BEA— ythe tyoy. of Mundy's. -Moonlight Enettralaul on .' TtIItDAY EVENING, 2Stli Inst. Get yourselves ready to g.. • - • . . . , f au26-3trp r a lltAND, RET.TNIONc ON ' 11 • I NJ! Poccuraton to: A antic City, on SATUR DAY, RYE LA,O Zth tnetS, time I a • UNITED STATS HOTEL, Monday, September oth. BROWN & WOELPPER, Proprietors. nu 27 6trig . MoUIT - Alli ROUSE, .' CRESSON SPlCtNiiti. PA: Will remain open until liOptetnbor,PlGit. nu2B int§ G. W. MULLEN 'Proprietor 0 - 4 PUBLIC SALE--174021A80c, SONS, .LF.N.Auctioneets.—Genteel three story brick „Dwelling, W.O tltevens street, Cituden, On yiwodsr l s tember tete, nt 12 o' cloth, town. will oe 110.111 a lit: Mint, at the Philadelphia lel hit • twat t h ree-t tory brick inesenage. with two-story frame hack blinding* Ullll lot , or• Around,. sittotto-ho. street, Camden.; the lot containing front lin Stet ens street .28 - roet,lool 'exteudigt,in `tlelath-too feet. The house in la feet front. having a - solo yard of In feet; has WIN. bath. hot and cold water, cooking rring , .,. May be exatoitoll buy day prevtona to sale, %GP-Clear of art inetimbrance. 'IIIOIIAB SONS, ,Attctiont.erw. au lAsell hi • 139 and 141 r aural Street. 1.4 IiEAL ESTAT.E.—THOM.A. . 7 &7 SON' 'Milc.—Bastues4 btatl, Two-stark Brick "roP4II 4411 d Dut 11tng, solithwtsit eortier ix! niirtr-litst and' 4ar , kej etreets, oppomite the New Tork•••and rediturYtroula ltdil road Depots. 011 'fueedity. sopterober .210 2 .'1A59. at 12 n'elocit, noon, will be gold at 'Public Aalo,nittle PhtLa del phia Exellunge.all that two-ttory brink nteesttlitte and lot or ground situate at the aonthweptcartmr ofThirty first and :tin rknt • of recta. ttirectly opotAtte tha Na*Yorit and Derinsylranitillailrodd Depots etoutalnitiglii" front uu lllarhet streriq 35 feet, and extelidlir , ' In deplk : 96 1011, more or less, to a-4 feet wide alley. It neenpiist as a n. Vl and dwelling, ,nodan Terms—W.oo may remain on mortgage.: T.11031A1 kSISt4. Attrtiuncem. au2S call 2R. 139 and 141 tiontitrourtly fre REAL ESTATE.--4 7 11644.5'&50N5' Sale.—Modern three-story Brick ilisildence,No, MIS Brown street, east of . hirte.enth street.--On Tues. day..94;pt. 21st. 1809, lit 12 o .l' linck nooll, will be sold at. public rale, ; at' flit.. Exchange. all that modern three-story brick messuage, with thre--story back buildings and lot of ground, situate on the north klele of Brown street * east of Thirteenth street. No. 1215; containing. in front on Brown street 17 feet 5 inches, nut! extending in depthl7g feet to , a street. The, house has. gati. both. hot and cold water, water closet, ;ornament yrasitstand, furnace, cooking range; &c. Terms--&3.000 may remain 013 mortgage. M. THOMAS & SOISS, Auctioneers, • • au2B sell 18 ^ 139 and 141 South Fourth street. IEIREAL ESTATE..-I`IO3IAS S4,SONS: Sale.—Gentoel three-story ;Brick Dwelling, No. 5.3 J noutb 'fwenty-second .street, between Lombard. and liputh 'streets. On Tuesday, September 2151, , 180; At 12 clock: noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Phila delphia. kixchango. all that three-story brick mos:lunge, with two-story back building. and lot of ground. situate on the west aide of TWentY!secontlstreet, at the distance of IV. feet north of South street • containing front on Twenty-second street 16 feet, and extending In depth 51 feet 6 inches, to a three feet wide allay, leading north ward into 1140 feet wide street. called Naudain street. Subject to a yearly ground rent of 862. -Immediate possession. 8100 I.Lt.Vfiopaid at the time of sale. Terms—One-half of the purchase money may remain on mortgage. For further information, apply to 11. W. Beesley', No. 731 Walnilt street. N. THOMAS* SONS, Auctioneers, eitt2B sell 18 139 and 141 South Fourth street fri • PEREMPTORY SALE.-=-THO3IA.B & \ SONS,' A tictioneere.duable Coal Lands, 50 Is, res. Schuylkill County, Pit.-41t the matter of the as- Sighed estate of Thomas Hull, trading as. Thomas Hull •t Co., lately 'adjudged a bankrupt by the District Court-of the United States, for the Eastern District o Pennsylvania, will be sold at public sale, vie/tont reserve, ou Tuesqlay, September 21st, ISO) ; at 12 ' o'clock, noon. at the Philadelphia Exchange, all thdttratt - oflatisl,sittlate in Hazel township, Schuylkill county, Pa.. bounded and described asfollows :..11eginning at anoint 'lathe western boundary of the tract and in the line between_ Schuylkill countiwthettess - exteriding.north - 7 - degrees -- 30 minutes, west 86 perches to -a atone corner: thence sea nth 47 degrees 30 minutes, west lASI perches to ts pine; thence south 62 degrees 341 minutes west. to a point in line IsetiVissits - lsiszernemud SchuYlkill - COutttlesl;thdn - Ce'fdll6Sv= - ing-f 140i:on unary - line south 70 degree.' 30 min-nits. e, 5 11_ _ replies to it poitt:"."fliiii& - borth 69 degrees, ts tet 147 perelies . to the place of heginaingic9iilllining 50 acres , be the some more or less. 'Elie above described property is a part .of a larger 'part of land, which has been jtitteeelStilliy worked for conln nil is supposed to contain coaVvehts of consacrable For further particulars apply to Wm: W. Led) ard No. 17 South Third street. ify order pf 11 :11A31111.41t(lElt, Ak4ikliee, N. THOMAS 41; SONS, Atictioneere, ati2l 5e11,16 139 end 141 South Fourth street. frext, I{V.AL ESTA'rE-TH 0:11.AS & S01_ , ;8! Sale .-Very Elegant Brown Stone Residence, with _ stable - Iliad ,e01411)141911de, and NO. 1134 Arolt street, eXtending throng!, to Cuthbert street:l.c au by 136' feet. On Tuesday, Sept. 2t, 1669, at 12 o'clock, noe l' , will be sold sit public mile; at the Philadelphia Esti-hang, all that very elegant two-story -(with 31iinsaril roofl brown and pictou atoll e inessuage, With three-story press brick back building and lot of ground, situate on the south side of Arch street, between Thirteenth and Bread streets. No. 1334; the lot 'containing In front on Arch street LO feet. and extending In depth 136 feet to Cuthbert street. The house is 42 feet 6 inches front (having a side yard of 73ii feet), Ihilsbed in a very superior frild elegant 111/ niter, by tho present' Owner, without regard to cost; has elegant parlor; diuing-room , library, ,pantry and kitchen on the filet floor; basement, kitchen and wash room. vs ith - permanent hilts and hot and cold water; 4 ' clambers. bath. sewing -room and conservatory on second Mier; 6 eliambers ou third floiir, numerous largo closets: walls and ceilings handispniely piiinted throughout; has superior perm at tent " washstands; 2 bath-rooms, 4 water closets, 2 ranges, gas throughout, , cellar cemented; ice liOUßO Cefileected with , cellar muter . side. Yard, drainage i n t" h ewer, &V. Alhe, a genteel brick stable and coach.," Lome on Cuthbert street; hots necommodations for five horses stud three carriages., Terms-6i:0,000 ink,/ remain n groUnd rent....• 16.7 r Immediate possession. May be examined any day previous to sale on , tionlleation to the Auctioneers. 31. THOMAS R SONS. Auctioneers, • 23 •fl . " 13e smil 141 South Fourth street. AHT SCHOOL: PHOE: - F. A. -VAN .DER WINLEN'S EUROPEAN At 13.34 CHESTNUT street Philadelphia'.' - • • ThiS HistitutiEm, .modeled Mimi the most colebritted Academies of Europe,' w reopen' Septernber 6,1869. 'lts' -instractions are not, limited 'to Artists exclusively, but are alas' carefully adapted to the wants of teachers, and all othsrs who desire proficieney in Art as an accom- Admission may be had tit Ilailicktinning Or any month. Ciiculnra appliration. • , au2B-.12t• AITILLEMET, :PEEN `ll TEACHER, IJ, 237 SouttNiittlietire6t: , ateTS 7 -,- p ITV,: .A. H.. 'BARNES , WILL REOPEN . AA) his School, 922 Chestnut street,'on • MONDAY. Sep. Limber a: , --' • ' . . , ' . . 'au2S 2t* MR. JAMES M. CB ASE WILL RESUME .. his classes in Latin, and Greek, and. in Nnglish l itcrature Sopt. 15. Candidges for College thoroughly prepared for the Freshman or advanced classes. Address, till .aho've data, Cambridge, Mass. . 'au24 to th s tf§ j'tr§T RECEIVED AND :IN;, STORE 1000 cases of Champagne, sparkling Catawba and Cali fornia Wines, Port, Madeira; Sherry = Jamaica and Santa Cruz Ram, tine old Brandies and Whiskies, , Wholesale and ;Retail - ' JORDAN, 211 Pear Stroeti. Below Third ' and Walnut etreuts, and above Dock street, • dellf ~ 4 ~ ~... _`[. :'_E,XP.1.T.R81 . CM6..,:..':: , .'..;.:!::: BECK'S' PHILADELPHIA` AAID; No 1 - 1411111 M ATLANTIC MY. N. J., W Remain Open till "RENL --- E - STAT"E EDUCATION. 1869 H• FALL is 69 2,loothortiaingiolumnioith., WILMINGTON DAILY' COMMERCIAL Offer io the /ffirihtirdaiitibuini t dda's convenien t , economic:dawned of mown; • Fall ;s demtiuit~ to•the Wlltningion and surroundin g couutry, end on ktielbiel4lneyounnuellatrend• THE DULAWARE.: tainuisrie. is the wee of the boptissliptim. , Mid ban h commanding efrcdttitlon• and !antique° mionst the • F*14014 and . Frultarowerit, S-ith out partie distfrietlon in mry'llortib n tot ti):1, Aw e , Eneteni t4 horn or Ideryland nad the siouttieruseetion s of' Ote r ii!er end ihrlairerecotnities i Pearusirtiale. °futon copies ot elthervaper iota free. or advertising niter; saltines . • ,11.1ENIELEITO *Allll.lNrsow. Pr0pi1e40.44,„ _ • Wilcisingtot.:Deinvrare. ' ZELL'S POPULAR ENCYCLADIPIaDtA. 7:4 Olistionsik of Universal itOooriOise.. T.ELLWOOD ZELL, Polabber, 17 and :19 South Sixth Streoit. fru w Em • off' THETHE sagt - NG Fusb. o=l - I* , --: "Tik 'OE P.!: Mitt, } TREASURY ,pF!,forr NY ^ , 'll.9.iswilttunc ca. Auguxt 20tb.'1116/. • SealM Ilidtt . ;%:s4llbo iocolv:id for I& I:oleitiiptiOti or ONE 1)0/.14'401f fritE LOAttAr TUX bOBI - 0,1?' , rratillOtyViillll4.; duo duty lit, 1470, untlll2 o'clock M., 06tOtitt Ist, VW; • ' ComittnlcatlOnli to bo adreiSta to Ir.,KEf;gui . 4 • StitO'lroiintt*r. ThittisbOrg, Po. - Andendorsed "•_l3id for It•oiltitiotbin Of StatO /matt" . 40BDAN,'Btvfof on , of Btoto. a. I 11)1.11111111{,T,, Atidltot thiorast . It. W. ifitOittr,l3tit6 ?nal/rarer. , • Colointostbltet* of lbet3bildt4 rood. . N. B.—No wqrsttaper putatottlng aboil: *About luthority vial receive otty therefor'. ' • OUTS. A. & H. IXJAMBItE Furniture and trpnolstering Wareroonis I - , OMANI* ROW. lobe tn th ant • 1124 CHESTNUT STREET. 777, AMERICAN, SWISS ANI) CLARK & BIDDLE'S, AMERICAN WATCHES, Mule by E. lluo std & Co., Boston fe276 w _ MOOTS - AND Sll'OE6. BOOTS AND SHOES 33 S. Sixth Street, above Chestnut. - - . r ti M. A. BINDER. DRLSB TRIMMING AND PAPER . PATTERN • • STORE N. W. CORNER ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT, Will close out, the balance of her summer stock,atEreallY reduced prices, prior to her departure for Europe, THURSDAY, July Bth. Choice lot of Colored Silk Fringes. 25, 35, 90, 50 02 eta. a yardosil shades; also, Plaid Notiusoolm. French Muslim, Pique and Marsollies,Ham burg Edging and Insertions, Real Guipure Laces; A Case Lace Points.liacques and Jackets. Lama Lace Parasol Covers. Black Thread Laces, all widths,at very bra. prices. Geimine Joseph Kid Gloves, 81 00 a pair. Misses s Colored Rids. • ' • • • • • • .• • . • . Now Styie Parasols and Sea-sides, Etonian and Plain Ribbon Rllll St1811(.8. ParlaJewelry, and a thousand and one articles, too numerous to mention. • EXCLUSIVE For Mrs, WORX'S Celebrated' System for Clotting Ladles', Dresses, • Sacoues, Basques, Gml.balas, draft's Clothes, &c.,_by measurement. • , - AffLNTS - WANTED - , • Ladies are now making from. $lOO to ISM per 'month as itaents for this system. . - znyliSrp GALVANIZED and Painted WIRE GUARDS, for tore fronts and windows, for factory and warehouse windows, for churches and collar windOWs. • IRON and WIRE RAILINGS, for balconies, offices, cemetery and'gaiden fences. Liberal allowance made to Contractors, Randers and Carpenters: All orders tilled with promptaese arid work guaraitteedc ' • tu a 6mr T IQUID RENNET. • JJ A MOST CONVENIENT ARTICLE for making JUNKET or CURDS and WHEY in a few minutes at trifling expense. blade from fresh rennete, and , always reliable. JAMES T. SHIN .1 0 0.tf AT§ • • . Broad and Spruce streets. 111-TIGI - IT PRI/IT JARki, , • ' pct• d o"" No: 10 lioirth IIFTH. fitrot4 • EW I'VLICATIONL a u 23 tfrpN I?SOI'OMLS. l fr~lv ' iT'Q~~ - ~Isi;. FTV, HAVE REMOVIII) THEIR TO 1127' CIIESTIP STREET* =M=MM WATCHES AT • .`ipsetal Agents in Philitytelphia for Fine Custom Made FOR GENTLEMEN. BARTLETT, A Good Fit may always be obtained. °elle to th lyrp SEWlNG'rtiAcnaN IES. 914 tuts tiumrs 914 sowing Machines, FOR SALE ON EASY PAYMENTS, 914 Chestirett Street. , QII-.PETERSON- ! ., PARPENTER, - -914. tea • • o,lvrr TRIMMINGS AND PATTERNS. ORNAMEPITA.I. WIRE WORK. ROBERT WOOD 643 CO., 1136 Ridge Avenue, Phila.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers