GIIISON' PEACOCK. Editor. VOLUME FOREIGN CORRESF'ONDENCE LETTER FltOM HOME. [correspondence of the Plitht. Evening : Butletin I? :LAzzA , p l, iirittillAvitostg4 , .hrmA•; ,, Tneiday,' ;lu]y•2l', .1809,-Apropos to 'a: report, which I have read in some American papers lately of Abbe Liszt' s. movements arid present musical occupations,: I will :give his own words. • I asked hiM last Friday if he intended to go next mouth to Munich, to be present at Wag ner'S•Eheingold." ' , • "Yen, if it iS',,brOught out," replied Liszt, _hut Ltioubty,ery_Muchit be."- The "Christ" Oratorie,:tvhich the newspaper paragraphs say Liszt is new engaged on, watt • eompoSedSeme years ago, and was performed at thecentenary Fete in Acme: „Abbe Liszt engaged at present in preparing a method for advanced musical students. ,This 4 - ;elebrattet artist,' ' author and composer leads a 'charming life • in' - his tine airy riailnit at the Bt.Francescol3omano rcenvent 'buildings; ' the beautiful situation of with* T have already &Scribed in u. preeed ingletter. haS a little court of' nuisleal followers around hiM, at the head of which is the young Boman Eaphael ofmusic,Sgambati. Bgambati is a quiet, intelligent young Man, a conscientious' titudent, and jealous of every moment of his time. He 'is well up in the literature of his art too. Through his courtesy 1; am able to read thitt, ; rate book "Memorie ,Stiorieo-Critiehi di Gioummi which in plain •:, English' .mmans "The Critical • Life of PaleStiina," Written by the great:musician, Giiiseppe llaini, Ever since I came to home I have been trying to get this work. One day, while: talking. to Sgambati, l found be owned it; instantly_it was offered to me, and the next day he brought me the volumes. Sine then I have been Work .. ing assay bard at than, and some of 'these II:131i I. shall give you a few precious bits from . this citrions and most agreeable quaint old "Storieo Critichi." While on the subject of musie, I cannot help echoing the earliest Irish of the Venice correspondent to this week's issue Of the Cor niioridool'e fte Rome—our Weekly Itoman jour nal. 1 his letter writer says: "We put up the most ardent wishes that the Council . will in terest itself in the \ reform - of Church music. Venice gives us on, this subject a case in point at St. Mark's, this very tiny—a specimen: of what some artists will do when not held in (ilea by ecclesiastical 'authority. At this Church is being sung a Vesper, for: the dead, to the high sounding 'Music of a full orchestra, in which there is nothing to suggest a- prayer or a tear!" t• . ' Ever since my , residence in Rome I have • been,strnek with the nece­, fOr reform in ehurch Siodc - rn Italian mass music is to rue very..rtistilaiv.e. With the exceptional the Pontifleal masses,,when. the Pope's choir sings the true old Palesirina music, there is no church in home where I can listen patiently to the music. It is all florid ,and full of the most, disagreeable suggestions of operatic Scenes in Verdi's operas. Some of the good old ecclesiastics have never heardan opera in their lives, and are very ignorant of the objec tionable character of- the music performed before them. One day this Spring a Catholic friend and : I alighted from the carriage as a proces.sion pa&sed by with the Sacred Host. The procession was a very fine one, and was accompanied by a military band of one of the regiments. At the most solemn moment, the' hand. struck up the drunken chorus' from "Belle kielene I forget its name, but you will remember it, the droll,. absurd scene in which Agamemnon and other Trojan heroes _ -appear, with Ivreaths on their heads, wine -cups inc i an a stace — cif beastly intoxication. Every one who has seen this disgusting but ex.qtilsitely droll travestie of the - tild so Me idea Or-110W. sho ek Qu „Friday told:Liszt_thata.Lady.. who_ was._ nrth e -- at — the - timo - had --- lately - read - with much pleasure Madame Sand's "Maitres 3tosaistes," and had been delighted to see in ,The preface that the charming book had, been . written to the sound of labium:4c. "I have Written' few bOOkii," sayS Mine. Sand. "with as much plensUre'rtS this. I was : country during a summer as hot as,. the climate italy,which badjiist left: .Liszt ,'played on the piano on the ground floor, and the nightingales, intoxicated With the music, .sang in the,stirrounding Thiswas written far offin 1837. Thirty-two ,years ago! Liszt's face grew bright as I re peatedo few words : from tho preface. ""Yes ! yes 1 5 he said,, nodding hiS 'head and Smiling, "Yes, I was visiting Madame •Sand Rt Nohant, The weather:was indeed fright fully hot. She used to go to work at 8 o'clock in the evening, and I spent a great part of the time at the piano.:: At 3 o'clock/in the morn ing, we" had a`supper, and 31nd...tine Sand read us the result of. her evening's, work. She wrote rapidly, very freelY—hardly an erasure ' , on the page.", Liszt has a great deal of fine humor, a little 'tinged with siltation, - which is agreeably tem ;pored by mid-age and. religion. We were talking of a preneh author. ~ . , ' II a l i esPiit t eui,il a l'espiii," said the Alibi, ,pouting out his lips, then added with a shall), wicked twinkle of the'eye, a little wave of the and" - a — lowering of the voice, vous voyez e'est resprit li'usse,.resprit *trentresol." , . . This loses in translation, and bas not half the force or piquancy when I say: il,ge h'as Intelligenee, but you see it ifi' Aussiart intelli geuce, intelligence of the ground lidor,;?!. and yet I am sure, even in the , English version, we can feel the keen sarcasm. . . , Even. if Wagner's " Itheingold" is not pre :tented at 'MUnich this Summer, the' Goethe 'statue will be erected in that eity on the 20th. , of August, the 120th birthday of the great Ger ,' Before leaving this musical subject ,I will give . your young lady - readers-Who are lovers " of Chopin's music a charming story. which a• musical friend told me mist evening. This .:friendlnui called, as is the Italian custom, to congratulate me on, my. 16te day, St. Anne, which was , yesterday, 26th ".of Jul.y ...He brought me two pieces of music, One a,P,rayer:: to the Madonna, a song' without , words, -by • .Talexy, and those three Graces; n the - waltzes ,of. Chopin, Opus 64. When he, plited the_ . - ....., • - " ' ' , ' • ~ . '..• . ' .... , . . ..... . „, `„ , ... • • .. ~.... , . & . t • . . '. . • .&. ' • . •.,. . . . .. . . ' .• ' ' '.. • -:- . -.' .., . .., ._. •.. .. .:- . . . -. ....f.,, - ..:::!.. ,: : : :.;- . ..i - ,.- . , , ,, , . '':..:.,..i4,;;. 4 „ , .• t . , - ift....,:.,..:...,..!.. _ ~...1 : !.:.:-.'..:.-T.r.•:::q.,:-,1:4:..i1-,,i '..i-.. 14 ~.' ~'.., •- . :. -, ', , . .' . - . . :, '..,... .' .. 1, ....::....;;; - ..;:.; . . : ,,'.' • ~.,, ~.. . ---::,-.-,-..---.-:-.....,..-_,..t-•.- '.., . : ~ ' 7:: -"7 '''..''" '''''' 7.':.7.. -",7.--''-'--,7,1117'...''.----:----. ~. , .... , „. ~.„..• , ..... ... ..„. ~. . • . . .. ~ • . .. .... . • . . ...... ~ ~ . . . . .... ...„ . ...„ . . , • .„ • , .. . , • , - . . ~ ..„ , . •_ • . . . . .......,.. . ... , ....e ' '..." • - ... . . . . . , , .... . . . . . , • . . . . ~ . , . • '' ' • ~.. . . .• ~ . , . . .• . , . ......:, ..,...., .. . ~...; ~.,., ... , _ . ~ . .. .. . .. .. . „ . , .. ~...... , .., . ..., .; . . ~.. . . , . . .... . . . , ---------......-. O. 109 one in •C, minor he ; asked 'me if I had ever heard the 'history of it, and told it to me. It opens, as we knew, with a sad movement; and then breaks into a mad, gay whirl, totally at variance with the, beginning, and apparently haVing no connection with jt._The = nientlirretiated;iiiii it should be played more as a memory of the original theine than as an., actual representation of existing:emotion— that is, according to the story, which Is this : Chopin'called on Madame Sand one dayand witjaold she had: been taken suddenly and violently ill. • He returned to his rooms in ex treme distress, sat down to the piano and corn tiosed at once, this touching first rnoVentent, lt-was the - expressiOn Of his great anxiety. While playing, a messenger cane with word that,Madame Sand was better; the composer • listened. to the agreeable, news in silence; . then :burst forth on the piano, -with the wild delirionspassage which forms such a curious contrast to the first part of the waltz. ' 'Now . for some ordinary, bits of news. One of them - happy, misguided men, „Fran cesco Martini; who M7115 - enga,ged'in the Recta di Papa, affair, has hadio'receive the penalty of his' - Be was executed lately, after twenty-one months' imprisonment. ends capital punisnient.question is a sorrow ; ful problem.. The only way to regard the exe ! cationsof 3lartini and his — companions, Monti and Tognetti, who met the same fate some ; time Since, is to remember that if they had succeded their, plans, thousands ! of .innocent 'persons would have lost their ; lives. Men who -resort to unlawful, violent means, know the penalty they incur. • Society ; has decided that capital punishment is wise and necessary, therefore it is as ungenerotti to express sentimentarsympathies with these men, and condemn the Roman Government for defending itself, as it was to reproach the United-States Government at 'Washington for the execution of the unhappy persons impli ; cited in President Lincoln's assassination. • The (Jo:I - cowl:dewy! de Ronze for this week publishes,in " choice" Latin,the decree which places Remit's two books, " Questions Con ' tetnporaines" and "St. Paul," on the Index Expurgatorium. The decree bears date 12th .July, 1869: The Marquis of Bute, who was received into the Catholic Church last *inter, has just rented at Itpuie the palace Mai Savorelli, called, in Murray, Mud Papaznrri. It is situated in the Piazzadi S. Apostoli, to the left of the : Odesealscld Palace, and opposite the church. The Marquis intends to spend the coming winter at Rome: Lord Bute has - chosen, either by chance or intention, the saine palace that u - as occupied by James Stiltirt-,—:lames 111., as his partisans called him;—and the young Pretender;Charles Edward, who died in this very palace in 1788, both collateral ancestors of the Marquis. This palace has another memory attached to it; it % . ias the borne of Edmund A.bout's - "T011a. "" _ . 3L Armand, "the First. Secretary of the French Legation at Rome, has been appointed Secretary'of the Foreign Oilice in Paris. 31. Armand is one of the Pope's hest friends. Pius IX. .has lately conferred on the new Sec retary the title of Count of the Holy Roman Empire. , Mr. Odo Russell, who has been for 4ome time the' English representative, or what has stood in lieu of !Minister near the Roman _ . Court, has just been named Envoys to Madrid by the English Government. • Rome has been extremely hot for some days past, but the accounts rendered by the hos pital; and published 'by order of 'the Com- mender of the Hospital at. Esprit, Monsignor Ricci, and also the health report of the city, show that notwithstanding the heat, the public health is excellent. Lt afresh internal disturbance is commencing in. the interior of the niourt, Mat= _ - - Li_ittiJterteihe journals_ from - the -north of Italy give bad accounts 'about the Tines, espe _cially.in_the.renetian_province.--They-are in-- -- fested - with a, new parasite, retied Anamala, They.are so small that it taies 7,000 of them to weigh two pounds. I' wonder who had count this two-pound mint tier? They are easily dislodged, however, and, if shaken'off the leaves early in the morning ; they can be killed. ANNE BREWSTER. Ida Lewis, the Newport Heroine. Correspoihlence of the Philadelphia Eyening Bulletin.) • Mews.. Editors: I recently had the pleasure of visiting Miss Ida—LeWis r -the—heroine of Newport, -at her home, the Lime Rack Light House, in :Newport ..Harbor. The lime stone rocks which form this island home are about two miles from the city Of Newport and are entirely • surrounded by water, the only communication being a boat. Chartering a sail-boat, and propelled by a gentle breeze, ;we soon found ourselves near enough to the rocky refuge to perceive that there were but ; I. three buildings ou,the elifN, viz.: A dwelling house,' a tool-house and a boat-house, and that 'the light-house is a part of the wall of the dwelling house, which is surmounted by a lantern, thus enabling the occupants of the house to attend to the light from within. This light, as'We had occasion afterward to notice, ; throws a broad belt of tire over a large portion of the bay, streaming out towards Fort Adams, and making the (lark waters, bright and - libau iftfriVitlftte moonlight beams. • . Notwithstanding the warnings of, the public,: papers, we pressed our way up the rocks, when; Mr. Lewis (mine out and invited us into the dwelling. On entering, we were kindly re ceived by Lewis, and SooaMisiatra forward id „„oaVe, a cordial greeting. Miss'ida Lewis is a young lady of verb* pre- , possessing appearance, sinuile and childlike in, her manners, entirely' nnallected in her de meanor: and apparently about twenty4ourr years of age. She is not tall and masculine, as she is represented in sonic "awful . pictures"' of 'her which' have already appeared print, but. light, active, graceful moving with the agility of a yawn, and her eYes.beaming with a ndble • heroism. From her youth up she has been at home in the water, and acquainted with boats. begu n .herilaring•werk-of7sitVing - , - huniar life the very year that, sho' at the light-hoase. • Her first rescue was that' of four lads, 'Who were '.alniost drewned by the • upsetting Of, - 'a •boat. . Her , ..second was • that soldier ; from! the •.Fort,; on one•of the Oldest 'days over knoiyg to New . bort. Bier third, was the saying sof two , menawing the prevalence"Of a seri:regale in 18G7. Her was that of a ',hooligan On a cold and stormy night. Her hist was' that of two' soldiers froth Fort Adains ' in'the' midst" Of ;a: fearful:gale; in March last. Their ''boat , Waa The instruments of the Observato CO:3I3IUNICATIONS. PITILADE capsized, and they were Clinging to it in a perfectly exhausted condition, when - Ida. Lewis, like an angel of mercy, flew to their re lief'. Darting from her house at the first tidings• of danger, she seized' , her boat,. und, without waiting for other coYerifly_tlia.o that .She ,_wore An-the' hoitSe;'She - pits ied off ,her bold skiff into the boiling sea, nor did she re turn to land until she had dragged the un conscious soldiers into her boat. Then . she steered with joy to herilospitahle dwelling. For such acts of heroism in saving human' - life a medal of solid silver has been presented to Miss Leuis, by the young Men 'of the Nar ragansett Boat. Club, and on July 4th, a splendid silver-mounted boat was presented to the heroine by the inhabitants of _Newport.. Th Hboatis fourtt,enfeet-long-and-foiir-and-Ti half feet wide, made of onlcand black walnut. painted white on the outside, and furnished with red cushions and blue fringe within ; the :row-locks are of copper, the yoke for the rud der is covered with silver, appropriately in- It is stated that the Humane .Society - of London, - intendsending - Blips Lewis a gold medal for her repeated nets of heroism in saving human life. Miss Lewis refuses to visit any place.for•the purposes of ostentation, or to be made a show of; but she 48 .ever ready to do what in her lies for the advancement of every, good work. Especially does she .delight. rescuing im perilled lives, in Saving tbe shipwrecked, and supplying thedestitute, and mist our prayer that her most valuable existence may long be spare dto us, and to entire family of man-. kind. • 3lis,s Ida Lewis has been invited by the la (lies and gentlemen connected with the Sea men's Temperance. Union and the Marine Missionary Society of the Sailors' Home, 4 Smith Front street, Philadelphia, which is under the direction of the Pennsylvania Sea men's Friend Society, to be present at a series of memorial exercises .early in October next.. She has accepted. She will bring with her the beautiful boat, Mullane medals, etc. „T H. Ilououros, M.D., 615 North Seventh street. The Water Waste. • • To the Editor of (he Erening Maya subscriber consult you as to the Most • hopeful means of arousing the citizenly- of Philadelphia from their comfortable lethargy? Notwithstanding the wise and prudent articles that have appeared for the last few days in your paper, and in others, many of my neighbors, at least, have to-day been washing their pavements, and wasting the Schuylkill water with a calm• content. One wash-pave was running this morning for nearly an hour, while the inaid=servant'ileluge,d .the already clean pavement with pail after pail of the pre cious timid. This afternoon the same gervant has been seeking tar and neat a pitcher of Water for the household use. In the midst of all the disfress and confusion, my next door neighbor, whose pavement had heel) thoroughly washed, was heard, inortiring in a piteous tone, why the water up stairs wouldn't ?en Now, undoubtedly, these people • don't read the 'newspapers. Is thereat* , other Way of reaching them? Would it not be a good thing for the authoritiee to prohibit entirely this lavish waste of water by -a circular pro clinnation ? If it were not for the danger of tire it would be rather amusing to see _these pavement-washers when they find the supply of water gone; but the risk nitao imminent' for fun. doubt it is a blessing to have our gutters cleaned, by the rithningwater; but life and safety have the first claims. We have been a laughing-stock for years for our unne cessary scrubbing. 'Do not let us add to the distinction death by thirst or destruction by tire. "A word to the wise is sufficient can the Itt - tuniN induce the wisdom that Would make the wprd of use? PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 14, 18t9. • Oar Wide Streets Clear of Ineumbranees. Editor of the Evening Bulletirt:—Silt: We wish to suggest to the intelligence of City Councils ilieqeat desideratutri of having our few wide streets in Philadelphia cleared of all their present incu.mbrances. We now refer to the market-sheds, whiCh- mar the -beauty and width of Callowhill ' street; Spring Gar den street, Girard avenue, Eleventh street, - amilvideportions - OfSeCond streetanti 3foya- Mensiner a venlte„::_atni range centre -boulevards, the same , as now seen on portions of ; Spring - Garden street with trees, flowers, fountains-arid - shrubbery, - tfunting - ag 7 fzr n, !' possible - their length Let all of those wide - thoroughfares lie paved:With the Belgian or _Nicalson_pavement; and-the-sidewalks -with -flags (worthy the attention of property owners), and .we will have improvements which will make those avenues in. time handsome and fashionable promenades for shopping, and drives, and features of the city. The work of cleating our few wide streets' of mar ket-sheds commenced with their demolition on Market street, and it should never have been suspended:until these eye-sores and dirty shambles were 'removed' from all our wide streets,we have too few wide avenues in this city to permit them to be thus ebstkucted, and it can lie only partially remedied by letting us have the few we have got. Let the city build market-houses for the occupants of these sheds and transfer them to theni, and- remove squatters from the city side-Walks; and oblige them, as others have, to pay rent; thus gain will be effected in. two ways: the aAlormaCut of the city with Suitable avenues, and ari in creased and only just 'revenue to the City Treasury. . T. P. ny.LPTELA August 14; 1869. POLITICAL. THE MOBILE Itlol% • What the Rebel Papers Say. • A Mobile correspondent of the Tribmle «•rites : No legal investigatiOn has been instituted to tix the responsibility of the riot where it be longs, but all has been left to the Democratic press here to hash up as the several editors think best, and thus; by their incendiary arti cles to, if possible, renew the riot by working upon the " canaille" of the city to hang and _shoot carpet-baggers asth nstigatursrand-the blacks as the rioters. The .spirit of (he T imes of the Tth inst. says : • Well, the hemp , has been g,rown'that: will hang some of these, felloWs (carpet-baggers) or. the :bullets aro ek!..4:that:Wilbget rid-of them scith'less . :trouble: 'They; 'and not the negro; ought to' suffer: Once rid - of - these - rascals . there will be harmony between the two races; and it really would be something worth re joicing over if theY-,-Were Made to disappear - without noise or riot. ' ' The Daily Re!Uder of the same date says: There are dozens of miscreants in this city who have jeoparded the safety of onr wives and children. If a burglar enters.. a man's house at midnight, ho not, only has the sanc tion of the law to kill him, but he merits and receives the plaudits of society; but here we _have it - ,, ,, ang - o.f villains who - inilitmCd WO pas- MOMS of thousands of barbarians and then put iirebraints and arms in their hands and ordered them to burn and slay. Is the whole comiuunity to farboar beyond tho individual in defence of his hoine and family? The crime is the same, why should not the pnnishment be the same? These devils have forfeited their lives to : .tho majesty a conamuultY, whose livesand pro perty they have put in hourly:Awil. If they were all hanged to-day, justice would pe vindi cated and the :Safety of society secured. We . do not what to hare a hair of the heads 'Of the OUR W . llOtE COUNItRY. PIRA MONDAY , AUGUST 16,` 1869. . . ,poor and iniserable negro 'dnpeg of the con, spirtitors banned, But their instigators, to murder deserve all the punishment., • In the Doily Tribune of the Gth have the few - negroes Only liar their liveS whet► . hundreds had placedtheithelves in a position where they might LaVe', been 'Slaughtered within the 'pale of the Moral law, and where the statute could not prO teet nein. Since the riot,'has been forced upon us the regret is; not tht go few:negroes were killed ; but that the whitescoundrels who incited them were permitted to escape.-. • Again; the l'leftister of the Bth says: • . The :latter iwbite men) have come. the. stern Conclusion-that-thigsort.'of OV - 110y - shad ni;;lt be repeated with implinity,'AncL if thoge 'carpet-baggers are ambiticats'Of dangling , to lamp-posts all they have got to do is to' turn loosetheirinfuriated wild beasts oneemoredu a public riot: ,Thepublic patienceis exhausted., and the injunction "Let us have -Peace7,will be enforced. Kith a terrible retribution on those who its mandate. " AL, the name : ' •-• old • growl of the ;wolf up the the :lamb beloW: It is , true that to day there is inproctms,of organization a body of in.this city for the purpose (so far as can he determined) of driving all prominent White - ~Ilepublicans from. the city,. or of mur dering them if they insist in remaining here.. Thefolleing, the Reyiste of the sth; is only one'of several hints to such an_orgiini7A tionwhich have been thrown out in our daily In-the present exasperated condition of the public mind,vveenjomprudence as artecessity for the peace of society and the trintriph of right over wrong. Individual passionate out breaks Will do barin and harm onlyr. When the peonle speak and act they mnst do it au thoritatively: This cautiou is especially to be heeded by thehanelful of earpet-baggers lathe .community. Let them beware of the last feather that breaks the caiaol's back. . , The Conclusions to drawn from the above extracts seem to be, that in case a Repubiiean Meeting is held at any time : in the future the Chivalry will bring about a riot as a pretext, .and then murder the prominent Republicans in the city; for no one can point out a case of 'rill'.; or bloodshed in this city anstig.ated or per petrated by the Republicans. What they may have done in the late riot has been done in self-defence. There is organizing 'a reign of terror here. For some time the daily papers, haye been teeming with such in cendiary appeals as are contained in the • above extracts; and still no one of these editors has been brought to task for inciting riot, and no one of them will be troubled by the authorities here, whatever may ho written or published by these journals: There area larger number of men here, wha class them selves as Democrats, who did; not vote in the late elections, and who do not indorse the incendiary article., of the Democratic press: but they cower like whipped" hounds 'under the lash ofJohn Forsyth's diatribes, and do not dare speak or act in opposition to the die- I tates of their party leader's. Is it nor a singular fact that the only Persons killed in the late riot are Colored: meu? It is the same old story. It is teOfirded'ag a crime against the high-toned chivalry of the South to hold a Republiean meeting. The Democ racy,eau hold public meetings, tire cannon, denounce all white," Republicans} as villains, scoundrels.and robbers. who .shoulit bc (114)Wil , 'or without trouble or riot, and tle . Reffigtei• and the Tribune will go into ectacv over the reports of such glorious occa sions; but to hold a Republican meeting, and to allow freedmen to conwegate,ls..a.inimo against society (?) inciting to riot, •and the heads of carpet-baggers and scallywags mnst pay the forfeit of all consequent disturbances ! Pendleton and Yallatulighata. (From the Cincinnati Commercial, ..thg_ 14.1 Tim acceptaneijoi -the Democratic nomina tion for Governor was a matter of life or death to Geo. ll:Pendleton.. He would.have b4en ay •lead as a salt inackerelif he had - not accepted. He could not afford to reward his broken ankle or his personal eernfort,if he proposed to be,in the politician's sense, a live man. There is another man who has a solemn hour at hand in which to choose his destiny. We refer to Mr. Vallamligham. Ifheremainsin his wig wam during_this_eampaign, he will be, du the.. second Tuesday of October, no matter how the votes may countontrasealpettsavage;---Hehas for a long time been accused bytheStaunchest Democrats .of_ the State of cu.ssedness and seltishne&s. He announcedsome time ago that lit NI•ould not - speak - dfiring thi4' . eatiipaign, but he must reconsider that conchision and reach another determination now. If he attends to - hisrivate - hushwgs hc~ivill be called asore= head -p . If - he rifuses to speak for Pendleton, he will be denounced. as having. a Mean, per sonal spite toward: Ohio's favorite son. He Must become reconciled with Pendleton. In one sense, that is not a hard task. There are few men with whom it is more agreeable to become , reconciled; than it is with 3.1 r. Pen dleton. He would, we are sure, receive VaL, with courtesy and. kindness, and creature com forts. . Though all might be as honey in the mouth of Vol, it would be bitter in the belly, no doubt ; but he must take his medicine like a man. The pill may be coated with elaborate sugar; but it must go down, or there will be no health in the-patient. The'Pride of thtlradlley"--isa Packer's In Lancaster is publiShed an outspoken Re- Publican weekly paper, by the rather singular nth; of .Father Abrahani. • The editor; it will be seen from the following, is a good Winless as to Packer's principles and associations in the days of Breckintidge and treason. That paper having asserted that Packer supported Breck inridge, the Reading Eagle denied it, where upon, it replies as follows: " Father Abraham, happens to be well posted in regard to the political record of Jude Packer. At thelime of the Charleston Con-, vention the senior editor' of 'Father' ..lbrahant resided at Mauch Chunk, and published the, Gazette, the, office of which was in Packer's own bantling, on the corner of Susquehanna street and Broadway. Wherithe news came to.3lauch Cbunk,'whilst the Convention was yet in session, that JUdge Packer had taken a decided stand; for and a;ith :lett Davis and Brecklnridge, and 'oudinst . Doeglas; he_was ---openlyantr bitterWileuenneed by William It. Otis, A. G. Broadhead; jack Taylor, and the other real and profeasing friends of Douglas in Mauch Chunk. And when, after, Douglas had received the reqaired Majority ofj two-thirds,:and. became.'. the - regular Demo cratic nominee for Progident,'Mr. - 'X4a Plieker bolted thenomination and joined the sems siomsts, and. afterwards, at Baltimore, par ticipated in the 'nomination and voted - for ,Tohn C.Breekinridge aS the' ' secession candi date for President; he was yet more severely denounced by a majority of the Democrats of Carbon county. And after hiS return home, in conversation with the waiter of this article, Judge Packer openly and unconditkmally de ,nOunced Douglas as deMagogue, and ex pressed his purpoSe to:aupport Breckinridge, regardless consequences. -Very- soon: two of r: the gentlemen natned-z_. Messrs,. Broadhead I .: and Taylor—changed from Douglas to Breekinridge, whilst Wm. R. Othi, also a leading leeal.Poldiaian of Mauch Chunk, remained firm;. The Carbon Deatoeot, also; yielded to. Pitolor i :' and changed front Douglas to Breakinridge., "Neither Judge Packer"nor any one of his home friends. wilt deny wword we have stated ; in regard to his bolt *OM the; Charleston Con- and his Open ;identilication with the, avowed secessionists, of the .cotton , States:. Nor Will they deny that in .1865'lie ,bolted the THE 01110 CAMPAIGN. Record. nomination of Hon. Geo;rge' . ll.. Barrett,. the regular Democratic candidate for President Judge of the Court of the' Carbon 13 0 ,istriet;and his support of Belly the independent Know TtieSouth AnneiticanWat.,, xex . r: or Till.: itti,;II.9TE:tiTIAICLES .THE ALLIED (:O'‘`l Ii#3IE.NTS.; • At date of ihienes AyreS, June 0, the Allied .' plenipotentiaries:l). Mariano Varela; 3finister and of the Secretar y tine R ef Stateenu for bl Foreign Relations Argen ~lose Maria da ftiva ParanhoeS; EuVey Extra , ordinary .and' Minister Plenipotentiary __ ,S pe ciat ni is sion -l otilis - lkinjestYthe - Einperorbr Brazil, and D. -"Adolfo Rodriguez;: Envoy _Extraordinary :on: special, mission of • the Oriental' Repiddic of 'Vrtigany,. dictated :the 'Swayed by the most friendly - dispositions, .the allied governMenta have Maturely'ecin sidered those Wishes and :legitimate purposes of Paraguay - in citizens Which were expressed in the man' signed at Asuncion on the alst hi' ch laid, and communicated to the allied governments bY a note dated Aptil o , 29, addressed to theitrby the committee intrusted with the 'discharge of theizmandate. The.many Paraguayan. citizens who signed the manifesto declared, in brief: That they are an.; 'mated by the desire to , see the hor rid martyrdom of the. Paraguayan Pee : - pie ended as soon as possible, and: to. or ; • gani ze: a gOVernment which' would the expression of a legitimate pOpularSoVereigiitY, establishing itin the territory/liberated; by the arms of the allies, anal at. present under their 'exclusive rule; that they consider , it the duty of everyParagnayanto contribnte to, the of the remains of Lopez's power; that they offer' .to the allies their—aid, and that of their countrymen adhering to the Salim cause in any Manner found necessary and proper to attain those ends; and tbeytake God to witness' to the sincerity of the intentions .thuS mani feSted to the allied governments. Time undersigned, plenipotentiaries of the lliecl goVernments, have' no* the honor and inmost satisfaction to be able to comintinicate to the aforesaid commisshitierS that the allied governments have resolved to agree on their part to the _wishes laid before the*. in the name of the unhappy Paraguayan people; and that, promising them the most, benevolent co operation, they declare at the same time they will recognize and treat with the new Para g,uayan Government that may . .be constituted in accordance with the terms resumed in the conditions laid down iii the •.annexed proetocol of the agreement made , for this purpose, which is accompanied' with copies 'of the pacts, of alliance referred to. As a more explicit enunciation of the Wishes of the allied geyernmenta thatthe new Paraguayan goyernment May ii:SniuCh as possible cement the spirit of 'union among their countrymen, and so secure the more de cided national support, the undersigned suggest to the Commissioners the convenience of the Provisional Government .they under take to. establish being eomosed of : three members, even though one of-the members bear the title of President, and as such exer ; cise special fnitionS, the condition of cell , - cord and force will be satisfied`; the •ste prenie authority reside in the collective body, tlO diiikent executive attributes of the goVern ;lig board being. distributed in_the :manner. ntigea, MOST reaAillat among tereemera hers composing it. The committee to Whom to whom the above note refers, Messrs. BedOye, and Valente, accept its tern's, .with the under, standing that they leaVe the rightS of Para guay unmolested, and that they do not impose on the Provisional Government now- constir tined" any conditions but those to which its own loyalty . counsels ._ TIPE. POSITION OF LOPEZ. The Buenos Ayres Stead ard of the 20ili has news from Asuuelon , "dated J rine , '19," which 'gives a fair idea of the 'position -of the Para. guayans. It says: Lopez is still, at Ancurrit, defended. by the defiles and passes,4hrough which alono-the-front of-hislines-caii7birak proached. To attack his, thinks or rear; a Girl (ant of 21 leagues Will have to .be made by the invading force. A squadron can at the same time be sent up the river Mandiivira,',and it corps &armee be thrown on the enemy's rear. A coup de wain; though it might cost a number of lives, is the best way of bringing this weary war to - a close; for;although : "LOpez, - has luny _.B,ooo_intantry_b' otter a rmed ls -thanigenerally- supposed, passive obedience alone . urgealhein on; and they are not equarin ' physittne to the_ men who Composed the Paraguayan ranks two - years -- ago. -- H: 3l anrilrisotiersatittOode.SOrterS7' state that , Lopez's soldiers are.vcry badly oil - for provisions."' . " ~ f, , i,, • - . !flie_nmnber-A3twomen,ainlohildren-reseued by, Gen: lareto was,said originally to be nearly 12,000 sours, but he lost'thro,utgli the eneMy's attack on'his rear; tinting Ins. retreat; no less than 80 carts filled With woMen; "and - three squadrons of light cavalry, which:were cut off while endeavoring to cover the retreat: The number brought back to camp of the rescued families only amounts to 3,000, and, as usual, there are reports that Lopez has put to death many of the wretched creatures •he recap; tared. CIIBA. General Jordan's' Account of the right Near 11.01guin--Taltnaseda Defeated... Slavesg , Joining; the Cubans-Disorgan ization Ammons: the Spaniards in Note . vitas—Quesada to Attak the City., WASHINGTON, August 15,1869.-- - Letters from Cuba, giving advices to the 15th inst., were re ceiveilliere last eVening. (;en. Jordan gives the folhnving account of - the action near-Hol ,ruM : Valmaseda, being reinforced, determined to - Surprise the Cubans. His Movements were „promptly reported to General Jordan, who prepared to meet him... A small force was sent oat to reconnoitre, and, if the enemy ap peared, to lead them Into an ambush which had been prepared, whore General .lordau and one thousand men awaited them. General Valthageda met the advanced party and at tacked them. They retreated to the main body, who received the whole Spanish force (more than double their number). with- such earnestness that they were throWn into•dis order, and it was impossible to reorganie them. This success was followed, by a i nharge _ whlebTforeed - itidisordered retreat: The, sue eess of General Jordan" Was „complete: The colored militia, inipresSedintO: thoservice, broke on the first attach; and all de - 4. sorted to the Standard; of , Gr'en.! 'The tighir it is :issertect,,has destroYed the;trnky'of Valmasoda and. given the Cubans control; of the entire Holguin district:, :Tho Spanish loss is estimated, at 170. in killed and.wounded s and WO in desertionS and prisoners. It, is reliorted that ilieSlaN'es throughout the island are exbibitin,'. , sYttiptoms. of insubordi nation; and i4yin . patby with the Cespedes"goV ernment., They are !joining the (Maas 'by handrodslind , thOusandS, determined • to se cure the: advantages of the decree: of libera. tion issued by General Quesacla at the com fiaeneement, of the struggle for independence. :The:mitten, itiS said i -nutke-gooCind efficient soldiers:- • •• General Quesada, in the Puerto Principe district, these letters state, is nearly ready for an' attack on Nnevitas with a three, sufficient to secure success, General Lesort has been re stored to command there, and the dissensions between the regulars and volunteers halm creased to such an extent as to render his force. lmost entirely unreliable. Uliles.s Gen. Le' ca is rehiforced it is not'believed - he will risk a contest, Vessels sullipleut to. remove his troops are concentrating ht trent of the city. • • • .f,.:4.. ,. ..:00.1::. , •kii' : - .[iTg..t'%0,...1t,#4,0 - THE COO KE: EXE'LORMAG THE NORTH PACIFIC IrAILBM' SURVEY OP THE'. ItOtJT. Grmgatc and Interestftig;Aeport Oalifoen4; Oregon and the NwNyeat GinuAnTA.n,•Py Angtost 10,A,861 --Jay Vooke t srl. My Sin 'fhe journey to ourPacitic Coast, whieh I liave- 4 just made at r your requeSt, had, as I stippise,* its chief object the investigation of such fact* ,as might,bear upon the ilesirableness of a‘dyanting in the conAtruction of - the proposed Northern Pacific Railroad. 36 - own mint of vie*vir , must be, of course; that which any intelligent k traveler might take, leaving twen of practical oseiernie all questions as to tfikdetails which an entey-' neer or a surveyer should carefully exam me.„: To see- for ourselves the characteristics if Western Oregon, we decided to go' from , S'2.,a , Francisco to Portland by land,instCad of t; licing the steanier,'on, the ocean. A ride of twtentyl eight miles by steamboat, to Vallejo, atrd ofr about one 'hundred and forty miles by ral/; tlirotigh Saeramento and Marysville, brolught• • on. • Its to Ornville, California, the Feather, river, where began. ,our iaeli ; ii of about tiundred miles. We could not but notice in his region the' vast, injury done "by hydraulic niiiiing,; farms and orchartls, once. under sue , cessful cultivation, being now completelY buried under the Sand'and hreught, 'down by the streams, ,from the mines in the higher lands. ,beer a t tny-at extent of country, mining Las ceased to liepinfltable; ',and so all badnessconnected iyityi this blanch, of industry las been abandoned; but, hundreds of that - Panda of acres have been rendered foreVer unfit foi tillage, and present greed has caused Lusting. impoverishninehr. • , Our staging began Wine 29) liu the:midst of the wheat , harvest, hi hit. :39 dfig.. • The snows of winter aneLthemhis_op,spriug, all this Pacific region, had been unusually light, and as they seldom Lave 'rain during the stuniner months, we saw the country, in, our whole journey, tinder the disadvantages of drought. Yet the hitrvests , were evidently abundant, and excellent in quality. • Parnil g .- throtigh. this-- State and central.' Oregon is . carrted.po, on large scale. Great ,nunibers threshing -- :lnachines — are - , erunloyed to do tlip work for which the altogether too sparse to supply human sinews. A little north of the flourishing , town • of Chico, 'we Passed a farni of 22,000 acres, under' adinirabie cultivation, with steant-prope3led_machinery,----- threshing the•vast heaps of .ripened Steadirffseencling the valley= of :the Sacra ntento river _(or its tributaries), atter passing • lirotc , h Red' luff and Shasta- -City-We- crossed -- Trinitimountain on the afternoonofthel:3 , otb, and - so came_down into, the valley of Trinity river, a bra - liel cif the blamatit, on the 'west of the 'great mountains, ealled,in California, the Coast range, and in ()regent the Oiscade range. All this region abounds with fine timber, with excellent pasturage, and with pains and hill sides well adapted •for grain. Yet there are also to be found wide areas which, tinder the present. drought, seem' burned tip, and which, at all tiines, must have irrigation in orcter to productiveness. onEG ' On Thursday, July Ist, crossing latitude 42 deg:, we entered Oregthr; going over. the Lialdl-7 ony' mountains and through the - Rogue' river valley to Jacksonville. We found, as we'inoVed, northward, new varieties of trees andl:of fkiw, ers; but the general charaCteristie.s Of. -the'Cotui trY were not essentially itilleient:frotu'thoSe of California. There seemedto be every induce;- meift for agrictiltural enterprise to 'occupy th 6 linta;:and the valley of the'Unrpgna,_and that of the Willainette,thitattertainly attract a : larger population just as soon as markets are'opened : for the productions of skill and of induatry. The natural tendency of trade !and - traVel from. this section must, be northward; tOwnrd,4 'the ecikambia river, and the capitalists of l'orelcual 'are beginning treacly to Open the:Way by rail road communication thrpugh the beantiful.and. fertile Willamette valleY. • 'Y! • • • • oilEtarx. Testis and embryo cities become more nu-..merous as we advanced. and, when I reached ; l'_ortland,_enalonday„.Tuly.4sth, where the 1 .ple were celebrating the - National inniversat:4; I found it, hard to realize that so great a erowiati could he gathered in a city of 6,40 inhabitautah., arid, still more, that such results in a.griculttgith.., commerce and manufaettiresANadd- have. Ar*ri. attained whilst the whole.-poimlation of the yits.t.. - State of Oregon is only about 120,000 t searoelr one-sixth of that of the city. of Pltilitdeltithk, . I leave to my fellow travelers meire,ntituWit statements as to the statistics of PortLitrifiolutik, of Oregon. But 1 must say ,that Joy feetbri, were those of continual astonishment i betronlisr• as to the delightfulness of the,ellmate„ the mild_ ness of the winters, the coolness of tlioNsocin triers, the fertility of the soil, the, size the forests and the excellence of ,ante thramat, but,, most - of all, as;to tiMmuergy displayed'. by the comparatively few worlwrewho have beert,hore laying the foundation of a mighty empire. • The. city of 'Portland, you are aware} is upon. the Willamette riyer, fvfeve - •Miles aboVe. the entrance of that stream Into the Columbia. river. It is thus eighty or a hundred Wes from the Ocean; and, it is accessible. by? dean:- erg and sailing vessels of large sin, Hitt of oort. sklorable draught of water: Constant com munication is kept up with San Franctseo by a regular Ilue.ot steamships, and vossels • (*TOM ;.w:; ,v =CM .. . f' _ _.s ~!1::ii,,..,3,,;:,,,. ~ / isher. 1 '. et, 't ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers