,71 0 1 : 4 ;t:' • 3": 1 14 1 1 '' • • ;4' Ptt , :rior 4 ;.. CITY BULLETIN. • H OM, itgßlifilLlES ARE lEkcitraimEs 13Cisnai1rEo.--Though dWellitq-houses are fsometimes. ,robbed by burglars as a business, Yet there are those in the profession of thieves who have made this system of robbery a deep study: The really profesoOnal libase-breatters are averse tO drawing if they should happen, to commit burglaries andare suddenly ctinfrofitS by the. inmates:, There are some -.thieves • who pay ,particular attention to houses vacatedtemporarily by families on ,a visit to t he , during' the heated term. Thieves`of this • eharacter generally travel in 'mitt; and some have been known to wat‘'it or "pipe" a dwelling-house for several weeks. , If a domestic . shall he left in care of a house, she is -watched by the lYnx-eyed thieves "as as closely . as a cat watehesfor, a mouse: Should she ,happen to wash;the front Pavement in the morning a well-dressed man, probably gray-haired and witha cane, appears, and by artful devices engages in , 'conversation with her. She, .of coursO, is pleasant to well-behai-ed gentlemen, and tires bim all information as.to , the names of, the- next street above or balmy, and he passes onward and the domestic: seruhs *lrsvlty at the pavement. The designing , man has probably ascertained by this time that the back door of the house is open, andhe conimtinientes all the important facts to blaleonfederitte; The approaches to the rear of the dwelling are carefully examined. , In the, course' of a few mornings the 80110 gentleman , ,accosts =the' domestic again while she is engaged, in , pave ment washing: The conversation is 'now a little, _longer than befere. . While it 'is - gbh* On, — the — - office -- thief — invades - the premises. through the ".back door, ' and' as quickly ai possible gnthers up such articles of v. 41 11•10 as;' "tire handy, and, with the plunder, takes hisleave. This , class of thieves go syste matipally.. to work. TheY are careful in their operations not to turn things "topsy turvy," but to'rnatage: their operations 'so as not to diSturbthings about the 'rooms. So accom plished are some of these despoilers that, rob beries of this kind have neverbeen discovered until the return of the; families.. There' aro other methods adopted tor , rob houses in a sbientifle Way, but the above will stiflice to show the most , poPular method, and Unsus pecting , domestics may obtain from •it a knowledge that should put them • on their guard and enable thent to better protect' the property of:their employers. . , .PEELIAILNAIII7, EXTENSION OF THE CITY.- The Survey Department of the city has been slowly progressing with - tile prelinainarics .nessary •to the extension_of southern Philadel phia:' The streets are "stoned, off;" this, is a ,teehnicality, meaning that square'stones have been planted all over the " ; Neek" as far south as Curtin street, exhibiting thp precise spots where the many 'streets will intersect each other. This work was not accomplished with out '.a great deal of trouble. Ditches, creeks and marshy places, low hills and shallow val leys are all within the boundary lines of these stones. The subsoil of this territory is gyavel, 'hich ensures the very best naturardramage. Hollander's creek,. which winds a serpentine course through it for several miles, has a bed of clay, as creeks generally bave, and in the course of , time this will have to be culverted. A considerable part of the ground is above Idgh watet-mark, and the remainder is below this point; a •consideration that should not be lost sight Of in:the selling 'and transfer of lots. It will he many _years before the private, im provements extend as far as the streets are. laid out. On the upland lords of .the Neck, private improvementS areprogressing with considerable - rapidity,, most of ' the houses. however, 'being small, Suitable for industrious mechanics who cannot afford .to pay high rants , A. StflivAir PRIZE FIGHT: Yeat,erday af ternoon a couple of men, natives of the Green yepaired to a lot in the Nineteenth }Yard, where therprepared to' batter one titother's physiognomy for $5 aside. A crowd of about 100 ••_perbtaris collected, nude everything being ready, tlielcombatants went at it, with fury in their eyes and a view of the stakes in the dis tance.. ~The..disgraceful fight continued for twenty-five minutes, when „the .liirger ' man' and his. smaller antagonist was fivrarded the stakes. No police could be seen during The progress of the - affair, and indeed not until a half hour afterwards, when one of them aPPQaTed MKT valiantly - arrested a•harm ' less, inoffensive fellow, who, in a joking way, sfluayed.Wl at another man- Neither of the contbritant4 in the grand-tight were seriously, purdslied,'„and we suppose the victor soon dis posed3-Olz the winning in "setting up!' the croWd.' - ' ' .4.I"III4PTED Nouns RV.=Cho reside nee of Air.Thilig G. No. 3420 :Walnut i;treet; was entered through a bac& ,deer, about liar -past ; eight o'clock yesterday, morning while :the•family ,Wati , temporarily absent. - IA: girl about 14'years'of 'age l who was setting in roomti tliftbp,eie , part of ,the hoitse;' dozing, was suddenly ittaitsed and observed ; irein — with a- butcher. knife in his 'Shami r -standing-in front of her. The knife belonged to the house and had been left lying upon , table in the room. -The girl screamed and rushed tO ‘ tho *mit door. Her eriewattracted the attention of Seigeant'Douglass and Policemen Ro‘iie and idttlhern. They searched tlie house and fOunil _the_butcher kolfe an_the _back_steps,hut thu man had left. • ' ' Bnicnns' German bakers of the city made a'parade this morning previous. to enjoying :themselves at their annual pic-nic • The procession- was - led off •by i cavalcade. Then followed a barouche containing several larger - loaves - of -- bread - decorated with - ever oteen—The33akers' Social Association on foot carne-next and was -followedbV uninerous carriages. , A. band of music was in the Hue. The participants in the parade were all clad in white suits and presented a neat appearance. Bruise, BEAtrriFfi33.--The fine old mansion at thacorner of Broadand Walnut streets,the residence of.the late James Militias, is having its, exterior, ieantified with in stic. Desiring to ascertain what wee ,to be done with the building; we'aslredene 'of . the workmen mi t gaged. in erecting the scaffold; he replied: "We are; going to masticate• it, stone color sir." work has been partly finished, and so far it looks' as good as ifew. PILLED. DOWN.—Tbe 01, red house n Spafford and . BedfordTetreets has been ptillec down. FOr many years 'part of this buildin has been Isamu as a den for the asseniblageo thieves andvagabonds of all ages and the pen pie who are now' engaged in the laudable en• ileavor to reform that neighborhood will re joic6 to hear of the disappearance of one of it worst structures. A CORIIIECTION.-WO are requested by :Sir. James Kennedy, the father of the. young lady who.was. bathing in company with Theodore Geissler,,or,this city, : at the time of his defttl by droirning , at (.ape' 31ay, to - deny die state ment of ;the correspondent of a Sun lay news paper, , that she was his betrothed. She is tin 14 years old, and had, tiever.met,the until tbellay hefore.tbetaceiden.. ,t • ,FATAL RAILROADA.ODIDENT%--A , man named Robert Paul wa s run over on the. Nor ristown 13ailroad,..beloW.Spring Mill station; on Saturday:night,; by the 9,30 train from Nor-t risto;,amilvas instantly: killed. L_He ,was Iying,her4a B thElmctc,atrid'in eupposed tO havb been drunk :- who train i)asseii.over body,, culling it in two above the *nip& , • • • SUSPICION Vp r .'lianonrok,A.brain ;Lein backer .!watt , iirrested , ,Pronti, , ,„'strOet; above • - York. , TestOViliti;And was ,take 4 484:0PAider --man Veins, on susiilaort of liming:: stolen - a watch front the pocket , of a niair..f he Watch was not recoynted. The accused was helii gjo L _ , t • , .• SUPPOSED STOLEN nlox,---This morning,• about half-past four o'clock, Officers Lex and Phillips, of the Delaware' 'Harbor Police, found a skiff - 'at Washington street wharf. The boat contained six bars, of English rail road iron, which are supposed to have been stolen. The iron is at the Police Station, Front and Noble streets. „ latenowimaar.—The new store of Mesiirs.Cooper & Canard, at Ninth and Mar ket streets, is rapidly going AllY,; and by 'early f sll tbege gentlemen will be ready for business in,t4ejr ticw,,plaegz - ' The new building will be otrireatied.briek; having a pretty store front, tbsltWill add much to the attraction and:value poto . arty:iri the immediate vicinity. 'irj4 ; l4. , Assanyr.—lieury Curley kicked vireloWfat „Eighth and Locust streets yester day aftetumm. Hit WaB arrested by Polieetnan land 'then , kicked him. Alderman Morrow . held. •Curley in 6600 bail to answer at Cotut. iimosikaiimiimmEdlimis=lll=3= p rA r x __mm. Ititelne, - agQ . was found dead in '.the bMeme4V'of her ;rest , denee..South4§treet,' , belewrFront, o'clock this ;morning. The :.Coroner was nottded.:!: ' TITE ‘ LATE ,Frun----The-seene otthe late firt! at e ,ratterson's warelionadt, -Prank and Loin bard streerskwee'vhdted a, large nnmlier ersens yesterday , . The - ruins are Ain amen!. ' THE Doc! 3V:ait.7—During•the past week 14 munuzz!ed dogs,weteicaptured in the city,' Of that,taimber 14, were redeemed. .The 'remain lug. 80 *cif: kille'd. , ' , • , VEtty'Rx..EAsAlkii‘,.Ex.oinisiort.—'The' Caln denr'and Arnboy Railroad ,Company has re established the 'delightful' 'excursions from this city tp,..,?..mb0y, and thence around:New . 1 :ork" BaY, which were so 'popular abut twenty-five years ugh. On.'Saturday last an,- other of the series of) these excursions ,were glven,,tbe patty being accompanied by Beck's Mind The, , cotennioniata started from "street `wharf' at and after a . (pick • and 'pleasant. ..trip across Jersey,-.reached - Atnboyi and ==were=> trant ferred ,to the. splendid steamer William Cook,,cominarided by Ca taint. C. W. Horn blower, a very pleasant and, genial gentleinait, to when :the excursionists tire indebted for Many acts of kindness. The boat steams through the oyster .beds, and the' company amembles on various parts of the boat, to ad bake the beautiful 'scenery which lies on either side. Presently , Sandy Hook is deubled, and in.a;few , inoments the hoteli, which . line:'.the bluffs of_ Long.. Branch,present_themselves._ In a moment all, is commotion. The band take a new stand' on the forward`deck, and as she steams, along., :waving handkerchiefs answer m the elodious mites that reach the shore. In front of tb6;Stetson "House the boat "goes about," drawing close to the beach, 'and giving a fine view of the bathing grounds, &c., of this celebrated watering place. , The nextthing on the programme is a dance. The'eabin is cleared, the orchestra takes . its place, and soon the quadrille is under, way. lYaltzes, galops, .cotillions, &c., ,follow in quick succession, and everybody is full of en joyment.- The Highlands with their gorgeous scenery, and the frowning.forts in the harbor arepassed, and the boat glides from the open pea to the Confines of. New York. The brass band bas now taken thb place of the dancing 'music, and as the boat steams past the numer ous c easels mooted at, the wharves the gallant Jack Tars mount the rigging and cheer lustily. Stopping at Pier No:1, North river, about an Lour , the. excursionists have an opportunity of taking4Anisty .Tun up to Broadway, and then the boat returns to Ainboy, and the pas sengers Magnifiefmt View of Staten Is land, with its line houses and beautiful laid out; grounds: -- At Amboy the cars are again taken and by nine o'clock Philadelphia is reached, the excursionists having traveled nearly three hundred miles in the short space of fourteen hours. The next excursion will be given on Wed nesday next, and will be accompanied by the Liberty, Cornet Band. On Saturday next there will be a similar trip and the music will be furnished by Beck's .Band. These excursions are not only very plOasant, butane exceedingly economical and the Cant- Get-Away's, who are therebyfurnished a first class chance for a brief enjoyment, ought. to be thankful to the Camden and Amboy Rail road Company. '' ' DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE.—WO• call the attention of our:readers to an adver tisement in- another column of a first-class property for, sale at No. LW Spruce street, consisting of a new. .brown stone dwelling 22 feet front.three-story, and Mansard roof, and three-story double back building* furnished with, every convenience and in perfect Con dition, with a, large lot of .ground, on,which there is a fine coach-house and stabling for a niimber, of horses. The present owner gives as a reason for selling, a desire to leave the city .' 7 - Persons who wish to buy a lionSe in Perfect conditiOn are here, offered a splendid chance. THE NEW DOMINION. , What, .the Country People 'Thinlk of An ' nexatton and 'lndepeiulenee. ' `bleim`itnyr., Aug. 4.- . --Traveling froth Mon trealcast to Quebec and south of the.boundary line, I have at length had what I have long earnestly • 'desired; - an ' opportunity of thor oughly Inquiring into the feeling, existing thretighotit the Lower Frovinces'in respect to thegreat miestions of the day,:annexatien and independence. Where independence is advo , cated, that to everywhere,' •it meets scareely an opposing Voice; where' annexation is ured it is rarely rejected as apossible evetit, and by a very large chiss,and Priabably the best Close Of farming people, openly adopted. In a journey which occupied twelve. days, and slurlrig_whichr.my_nttention_maa. _particularly directed .to. eliciting public feeling on these matters among..all, classes of people,. particu larly French Cana,clians, I only heard two per sons take up the cudgels against 'annexation, -and riot one. against independenoe. One of the •two gushing royalists who formed the army of objectors announcedbimself Britoii - ,"liflu 'defied the United States to annex -any-part of Canada, -.11-e insisted-that-Canada was 'better off financially; agriculturally' and Commercially -:than tint_ _States; that • in the case of a_ _ , war between_ _ Great • Britain — and - - Airierica, -- ,and an attempt on the part of the latter to obtain possession. of Canada; thelormer would throw 100,000 of -the best -fighting .men in - the world - on - these shores; armed with the most deadlY Weapons military science • has everproduced, and di rected with the utmost' military sidll which the world has ever seen ; and that, if America devoted every, energy she ppossessed for 1.25 years bathe acquirement' of the soil ot. Canada, the : would be no nearer its acconiplishment at • the on than 'at the he,ginning. Finally, he asserted, his belief that sheuld'lsuch •a war occur, the States would inevitably be overrun by British treops,placed under the G overmnent of Great• Britain and, annexed to Canada, the Whole to form a new British Empire.. On my word of ' honor this is almost word for word what the gushing loyalist, said; and it was particularly observable , and• gratifying that none of those present who advocated' annexa tion principles took offense at the rather strong language he sometimes med.' Indeed, every where find a wide-spread feeling of extreme loyalty to the 'British ,Government, and firm . determination expressed that, no war shall ever , tiring Canada into the Union, all I have heard seeming to ridicule the idea of a war or of Canada taking any side lint that of the "Old Country" in the event of so lamentable a con test °coming.' But, on the other hand, there seems to be a universal belief in the incapacity of the Federal Government, in, quick-coming bankruptcy Under the - .existing order Of affairs, and the, absolute necessity for :a polio cal change, the only:difference of opinione ing the choice between independence and an nexation. I have talked to With their, thousands of dollars:yearly. ineome, anti men who earn a mere living by the • sweat ,of their brow, and the singleness' of feeling existing, if Sten. - words are to be believekis unques tionable. They say, in fact, "Let us' have in dependence, and • then, if the' people want an,. nexation and vote for it, why we don't see much objection to it." In Lower Canada,that is the universal ;political 'profesSiOn; and the elections of 1870 will 1400 the truth, of this. 'tested ...at the bindings. •• At • Richmond;' •a• growing ' and . • important rail Way, • and • agricultural centre, 'skirting the Grand Trunk east to Quebec, and south to the boundary line, calling at Windsor,' BrOmptori, Ulverton, : Drummondville, :Lennoxville, Waterville t CoMpton, Coaticooki• 'Norton, Stanstead 1 and throughout the important county of llitssisisquol, I found the residents almost wholly English speaking, witha large sprinkling of folk from the. New England States: ant it is singularly true of these last, they appear in almost all cases as - attached to, Caraidaand as loyal as any in the land to the governing country, while desiring apolitical severance,-in, the .belief thatit u-lb prove beneficial to both Greatßritain and the Dominion., • . )4MANVARE rEACIIES• Iffenvy Sblynnents. ...The Wilmington. Commercia/ of. Saturday Eighty-three car loads to New,Yorlt and leven to Philadelphia were the peach khip rnents oyer the Delaware Railroad yesterday. These ate the largestshipments ever made this PVANWI3OII.44iIN- - 7P4t14 early:l4, e•yegr. tnre small cgditqf, 111 those NliktlrtoNh‘iniule thettiel bt season.,. ThoserazotVW being 4bipllet ,Arta 'lxoth)4 gmly, which, like the, $a 'sEAlitri4s small &shah, and •botlt, do*lifi.hth advatret of ) the usual • varieties:,;„:•lll6,‘ hitter; MAO:Vet:are finer and larger tho*4 hocv •beingl chipped :' Each car it stffificilfed:tO hold 16,000 pounds,• and as shippors_pay for the right to send i that amount, it is not likely, they often send iesS:• ,l ,,This being the easeerhive , ..May safely ,eonehule that at least one million five hundred • and four thousand poinith4ll,6o4,oooior peaches came up the Delaware Railroad last night , sv'e believe, to 37,600 baskets. • ' 'tint in 'l'Ainilburiql. : •Attinit 'n 2ll ' n Circus . _ {From the Pittsburgh Mt outeledkug. 7j • A serious riot docurreckin'.East Birmingham; faSt - evening,,Yestilting,in'the shooting of 'one young man and the Serionwirdiiry of a nutnber. of persons from sticks and stones.; Noyes' Cir cus gave two exhibition's in gast Birmingham yesterday. During . the afternOon Some of the rangliS, quite a number Of - Whin - if reside in:the borough, made all attempt:to fere') into the tent without paying: . They , Were repulsed, but shortly afterward succeeded in cutting :i huge hole in the'canves of the dresSing-roonri, ‘:The Perfbrn3ances , were "cOncluded' without further molestation, but threats were ,made that, the canvas would lie' demolished in the evening: As there was no good Jenson to apprehend that an attempt Would be . niade to carry the threats into exeCution,'Mr: Noyes applied to Alayortßush - for'a - sduad' - of =pollee. Accord= inglY-figs or six officers under ,Chief- 'Hague, were sent over, . and.% their services were soon needed. Shortly after the doors were opened. a, strong.; force of;. ,roW dies;made rush upon, the- doorkeeper, with the hope of overpoWering,- him. ~This,,movem ent was successful, as the 'pollee "rallied and drove back the assailants. Au attack with. stones and other. missiles WO then: ' made 'upon the ticket ofilee, establishing themselves on the .outside of the crowd.. A perfect, shower of brickS struck the officc,;and one of the attadia rvo'OriAck in the jaw with a stone with such force as knock out several teeth and fracture the • bone: ' It was found necessary to close the- office; which was. done by advice of Chief Hague; One of the oill cers went out bite, ,the :crowd for the purpose e of. "spottinthe awiilants; and succeeded in arresting one,of them. The roughs rallied to rescue their coMpanion, and fOr a 'time mis siles. Were burled vigorously .and pistol shots ffWeried. One yonngman, one of the rioters, received kpistol ,ball in his arm, and was re nuyved frond the field by some of his friends. The attack was 'so determined that the prisoner escaped,. when the assault - upon the circus was renewed, more fiercely: than ever. A'number of 'persons were struck withstones, including Chief Hague mid other Members of the police force. The oflicerS then drew their , revolvers, and making a • clutrge on the rioterS caused a general staufpede among them. 'Revolvers'were 'discharged in the direction, of the fleeing rogues, ; but no one was injured as far as we can ascertain. The performances proceeded without further in terrliption, but when the work of' removing the canvas commenced , another attack was made 2 but the -pollee :protected the attaches from injury until all the property was removed in safety. An , example.-should be made of some of the partieg engaged inthis demonstra tion.' Might have a. salutary effect upon others whoss inclinatiotis are notods. The Cause of the Disturbanee.";.Tho True ISICIIIrLEi August 7.—The'Repablicans adver tised a meeting t'or Thursday, night:to celebrate' the election of 'Col. Thick to Congress. .On. Wedesday, night and. Thursday the' Conserva tives were organizing, and' threatening to break 'up, the inerAing, .but•the R'epublicans knew nothing of this unti 1 about noon on Thurs day. In spite ' of thethreats; , however, the meeting Was organized .in the, „eVenlngt and . about 3,000 persons were present, of whom over 1,000 were whites. Speeches were delivered by,Albert Giritlin, 1)r.: R. N. Barr, Col. A. E. Buck, and Ti. Ray Myers, and 'the .ConservatiVes themselves admit that nothing' was said to which exception could be taken. About 10 o'clock a notorious quarrelsome man' named David 'Reed, foreman - of the Merchants' Fire Company, who had been using ' boisterous and insulting language, fired a pistol in the Outskirts of . - the • croxyd, and, in a few seconds the firing became general. The . crowd immediately dispersed,- but, in a few minutes the colored people rallied and returned to the stand, where they were called to order by Albert Griffin-.and Col. Wickershaui, but the news coming that. the Conservatives were massing to attack them again, they moved off in a_ body, the .rabble following and-firing into them - - as they went. One white man and three colored men are known to have been killed, and a dozen or more Wounded. The city, has been very much excited since, but it is be lieved-that all danger is now past. --The. -Reg ister and Tribune - have for some time been intbnumatory articles chiefly in citing to murder, and are unquestionably re sponsible-for-the-riot.- A large class of our best citizens are really indignant at the course of the rebel leaders and their followers, and stronghop,eslare_entertained that the effect wain the end be good.=;-:Tribune. • • GAY'S CHINA PALACE, NO. 1.02:1 UItESTNUT STREET close their large assortment of, goods on. hand'az the following astonishing low prices, to make' room for the immense stock purchased by Mr. Gay In Europe. now in transit to this city : 'White French China Dining Plates, 9.1; in.,per d0z.412 00 White Stone China Dining Plates, it% in., per doz... • 1 ru Whit e French China Cups and Saucers,per set.l2 pea 1 21 . Whito'BteneChina Cups and Saucers,per set, 12 pee. 00 Cut Glees Goblets, per dozen 25 Pressed Glass Goblets per dozen 1 50 ' liest'Steno China Tea Sets,4i pcs,cups with handles ' 4 00 Best Stone China Tea Sets. 46 pcs,cups with handles 4 75 Best Stone China Dining Sets. 92 pieces 15 00 White'French'Cltina Dining Sets, 110 pieces 30.00 White'Freneb China Tea Sets, 44 pieces 7 50 Tlie'stock of Fancy Goods will be sold at a still greater discount from former prices. Goods to go out of the city will be packed and delivered to transportation •oilice tree of charge, and insured • pointit breakage to destination. Call seen, before the assortment Is broken. x.. -. .~F c.,1t.f..*[:.:1R,5.::-.i -4kwernlieeri!mms - Imijumedr. THE 3IOBILIE It Version. _CITY. NOTICES. PROFESSOR BLOT, the lecturer on COOkery, says that house•keopors should insist upon obtaining Burnett's Flavoring Extracts, as the strongest and most Tni 1101%1E WASHER. affords excellent'-ex orcise. •It improves the muscle. The principal Depot, 1031 Chestnut street. • ,A PECK OF COCKROACHES Couto: killed by'a single flask of Lyon's Insect Powder. Nothing else kills insects. This is their natural onf'my. Set that you get the genuine. It has E. Lyons stgnatare on the package. All others are frauds. Depot, 21 Park Row, N. V. A CARD, 7 -Charles Stokes will sell the balance of his.iiummer stock of clothing at, reduced prices, hi e nierlo intik° room for his very ehoico stock of fall clothing now being manufactured. • DISGURTF.D INVALIDS, throw your horrid , doses out of the yandow. DR. WINSLOW'S LIVER AND STOMACH Loznsott immediately relieves indiwestioni • constipation, biliousness ancl , tick headache. It is at, once a most -. delicious candy and a painless vegetable purgative. „ . • • LADIES' SUNDOWNb, thinorus% JUDICIOUS ItIOTLIERS arut nurses Use tor, children a safe and ramsant medicine lit Bower's Infant DirssEs' Surrpowrrs, at Oakfords' SURGICAL iNSTRUMENTS and druggists' BIM ) SNOWDEN & BROTHER, 23 South 'Eighth street.: SINGER'S SEWING MAGNI - NOS on eaotost pottelblo terms, by GET , mat of those Pocket Pat:lamas, sold at• Oaltforde', ienyler the Continental. DEArying, BDINDNESS AND CATARRH, J. Isaacs, ?CD., Professor of the Eye and Far treats m all diseases appertaining to the ahoveembers with the utmost success. Testbudnials from the most reliable sources in the city can be seen at his office, No. 805 Arch street. — T.he medical are invited to accompany their , patients, as he . lute no secrete ill his practice. A rti• octal oyes inserted .: No charge made for examination. THOSE' CELEBRATED Pocket Panama/3, sold ;at Chilli Oakford & Bon's, under the ooutimantal, ace veil convenient for, gents traveling. Coutis, Bui)i.ons, Xnverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 9145 OheStnut, streot. ()barges moderato. 1 ) - EtPliTA,IMIIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1869. 0!0109 • • ,••'•• • ' AP' • A3Y.1111-I LATEST' CABLE NEWS Spanish r.;,Reinforoements for Cuba LATEST TROM, WASEPGTQN Counterfeit 41liee liollar Coupons of 1881 MORE CONSCIENCE MONEY Excitement in tini:lieri:'*oric, Grain.Mnricet Theigew York Railroad ,Warr The • Irrepressible%. 'Defeated 'llo , the AtlatilieCfab e , ~ neNiitiaper says that reinforcements of 20 4 000 men will be Sent to' Cuba inSepteinber 'next. The' Corto will aSsemble .Octoberist; The +business to come before them will be the election of a King.. Several Carlists agents were arrested in thus City last night. WASHINGTON, Aug:;:fi;--Three three-dollar coupons of 1881, paid by the Assistant Treasurer at New York, and. received'by general Skinner to-day, are in . onounced to be counterfeits.;.They are hthographed and badly executed. - • , The Secretary of the Treasury, to-day, re ceived $q .from a resident of Boston,. who says he cannot live without doing justice to the Government. Be begs the Department, for his mife's sake, not to publish ins act of restoration but forgets to sign his:name to the letter. Excitement in the Grain Market., [Speetol Despatch to the Phila. Evening Ballottn.] NEW YORK, August .9.--Privtite .telegrams from Liverpool announce that bad weather is likely to continue in England. These . advices created considerable . excitement in the grain market.. No. 2 Spring Wheat' closed' at $1:70, being an . advance'of fifteen cents :since Satur daY. . No.l is held at S 1 80. -There Is 'an '.ac tive shipping demand for low grades. of flour, with an advance. since Saturday, of forty cents. End of the Susquehanna Itailroad War.« Fisk Defeated. ALBANY, August 9.—Testimony was taken% and. argument beard before Judge Peckhatii; to,day, in the matter contesting the receiver ship for the 'Susgnehanualßailroad, and the Judge decided that the Hon. It'. H. Pruyn is legally appointed receiver, and . that James Fisk, Jr. is not. This gives the Ramsey in terest full possession of the road; and they are now in charge of it. ' , „ BOSTON, Aug. 9.—Charles G. Little, founder and senior partner of the firm ofLittle.llrown & Co., the well-known law book publishers of this city, died t O -day tasieJ 71 years. ' ' The coroner's jury in the case of Mrs. Hobbs, returned a verdict that she was killed by Thos. L. White On Saturday last 128 gallons of ale and . 6 gallons of whisky, were seized in the brewery of Joseph.. Shaw, in Salem, : lq‘ the State: con stablegi under. the; Bailor , •A y! Mistaken for u burglar and Killed. CLEVELAND, Aug O.—This morning at 12.30, Philp Gilmartin, proprietor of the Lake View House, at the corner of Seneca and Summit streetsi Abet, 41'400 killed !his. Thos. Gilmartin, supposing him to be a burglar, while the son was attempting to enter the house. MEADVILLE, Aug. 9.—rrofeisor Thurston has been making partial astensiobs in his bal loon "Bridal . Chariot" to-day. He will make a final ascension this afternoon at 3 o'clock, accompanied by Oliphant and Baldwin, and expects to land in New York, . city, within thirty-six hours. , , Obitaary. HUDSON, Aug. 9—Charles P. Waldron, a prominent and well-known citizen, died sud denly tbis morning of apoplexy.' • • Marine Intelligence. ' stemnihip City of Antwerp, from Liverpool. , BANDITIT IN THE CILTHEEALANE • = NMENTAINS. mairlitidaappeda.42,c)O—Bantiona-1121,i -manded. , • {From the Nashvillo - itoimblicatk Bawler, A - uguot 6.1 - ___We received yeste rd ay_th e. particulars of_ an_ an affair of the most astounding, character, which, did our information not come from re liable sources, we should certainly discredit. Our readers are doubtless aware of the ex ploits of the notorious desperado 'named Budd Carter, whom we' have hadoccasion to men ; tion a number of times during the last few weeks. Budd,, it will be remembered, was captUred and confined in jail iu Northern Ala , retina on the charge of horse stealing, having fled from Tennessee on account of his many outrages against law and order. It seems that he was last engaged in the scheme-, in Cum berland county; whence — he was run 1 -out by the officers of the Bevenne Depart ment, and , then after plubdering abort in his travels SOnth,.finally brought up in Northern Alabama, where he stole a horse, Was fog ' lowed and captured: AS soon as the United States authorities of Cumberland county be came' aware. of the fact „that,J.larter .was in durande theY. pfecured 'a' requisition from 4lovernor Senter, took Budd from jail and brought hint to. Nashville. for,trial before the federal court. Budd was called up before Judge Trigg, and the trial - on the, charge of illicit distilling com menced. As soon, however,as the civil author ities of Cumberland county heard-that Carter was in the hands Of UnitedStates`oflicers,they sent down and had hinvtaken - on'atf ow in dictment for murder there. He was, accord ingly carried to CrosSville' . and lodged" in jail for a future hearing. This was about a month. ago, and Budd has lain in dtiratice ever since, 'till last Tuesday night, When he broke jail and escaped. linmediateilyeallecting a gang of his friends, 'the desperado ovsr 'into White county, and , on Wednesday the villains rode up. to-the house of Mr. William'Hill, a prominent citizen, Who Once arrested. Carter, and, making him a prisoner, hurried away toward the mountains.. Word. was at oncesentback.byAbem-to the friends 'of .Hill that if, they did not make' up -$2,000.at oribeasa'ransoM Hill would be hung or shot. The money_ was, to •be left at the: house of Budd'a• blether: Hill himself ',Sent word to have his friends accede to the demand,:as he feared for his life, and thought that even tithe ransornmeneyivere paid he .might be foullY dealt with. : . ' - Our readers can readily understand the eon ; sternation which this affair prodheed.- Those interested in the welfare of Mr.. Hill, exerted themselves, and the money was raised and sent to the point designated. Theseitarticulars' we learn from Mr. George ;Hill, who arrived in the city from . McMinnville yesterday. No news has yetarrived.as to, the safety,..of the prisoner . who was 'thus ruthlessly carried' O. r. DAVIS, 810 Chestnut street QtwlTE.U.SEss . xorip,,Judge Brewsterohn Dully, a'lad; was convicted Of,a .chargc 9 6 ritt milting an assault and'iittery,Upon rolicemim 'William Francis. The boy, with otherA, was interfering with labOrers at the Park, when Officer Francis came up and stopped the boys. Z=:=M=l MESE Frmn WasiWUr“ni. From Boston—Obituary. Ballooning. THE 'COURTS MMi;MMMaiiMM They thinMado , :nn.atta ek upon Dtttry tearing the oll4eer!sfibirty . .Ditt was-also con - .Vieted of a charge Osaidt and. batteiy upon Francis Wibion and liKivife. The boys entered a tavern kept by idr. and because he • refused them Itcplor, , Dufty made ;in assault upon •htr. Wilsonland and. wife, using stones and _ Thomas Lynch you 3 ecovieted of a - charge of assault and battery, VED DING CA.P.DI3 4. Wir ru i s T o A N T a r cto Ont3 f Fettles, 4c• etri 907 Chestnut street. 111KTEDDING ONt3 EN . :graved in the newest end • best manner.' LOWS DREJLA., Stationer andEns - raver* 1033 Chestnut stroot. • - fel) tt DI,ED. . . . , GRANT.Oia the ith inst., in paltimore, Nancy Grant, 'in the 81st year of her ago.' • - - JONES.—On the BthMst...katie Roberts, daughter of Barry $. and Josle $. Jones. aged ID months and 12 days. • Funeral from the robidence of her - paronts.22o4 Wallace stroot. on Toes& '. A naust 10th, at ID o'clock. A. ". -113PLACK SILKS,' EXTRA' GOOD; LP , . 'PIANO COVERS,_ORDERED.STYLES, .• DOUBLE -CHAIN BLACK MORAIR, , •• • • CLOCK BRAND. BLACK ALPACAS. • • . ~. EYRE & LANDELLi " • ' ' ' •Pourth and Arch SPECIAL NOTICES. 110° OUR STOCK OF FINEST READY-MADE CLOTHING Is kept full and comPlete all through the season.. • • Gentlemen can at all times find any article of ?season able attira in largo variety. IN 008 CUSTOM DEPARTMENT We will maim a full snit from measurement iu TEN 14611R5. The Chestnut St. Clothing Establtshment JOHN WANAMAIEER, 818 . and 820 Chestnut Street. • I'. ROSE. RILL CEMETERY. A new and beautiful CEMETERY, has been rocentir located on LANCASTER Avenue, a short distance from Overbrook Station, on the Pennsylvania Central Rail road, lust beyond the city line and near the houndary of the new City Park. The liestonville Passenger Rail road, it Is expected, will shortly be extended and pass in front of this Cemetery. These grounds, in natural and created embellholunents, are equaled by few and sur passed by no Cemetery in the country. The projectors are now selling a limitea number of Lots of 10 by 12 feet et VD per lot, payable in instaUmente...The price will shortly be , doubled.' Portions of, the; ground can now be allotted to Societies on favorable terms. Parties desiring to purchase are invited to visit these gronnda without •delay. and judge for themselves of the advantages offered. For further information, apply at the Office of the Presi dent, ; . A.M. ITOPKINS, j 818 WALNUT Street,- ' Or of the Secretary,,; OE( CHANDLER PAUL, 31 North TESTI' Street. BOARD OEJIANAGERS: A. M. Hopkins, Wallace. Chandler Paul, Jacob Oakeler, • GO. W. Bnekinail, Semi. J.l-, allace. - . • •PUBLIC TEMPERANCE REET- C?'7.no. The 'Monthly Temperance - Meting of the Wong Men's Christifin Association will be held TO-11011.110W iTues da/ EVENING. at 8 o'clock. - • Question for discussion -' Hie the time come when To tal Abstinence should homed° a political issue." Vocal and Instrumental Music, under the direction of E. Bt. Bruce, Es q. ' . The public are invited. , • It§ UNITED STATES INTERNAL we? gyvgzarg. enTiLIUITOR'S OFFICK. FOURTH DISTRICT, ' PENNSTLYANIA, CORNER . ELEVENTH AND RIDG E AVENUE. PHILADELPHIA, August 8, 130. Notice is hereby given that the annual income tax for 1868 will be due and payable at this office between Au gust 10 and September 1, 1859 ; after which the legal pen alties will be added. No further notice will be given. Office hours between 8 A. lg. andSP.. HORATIO 0. SIC EL, Collecton- Fourth District, Pa. nu9m,w,f REGITLA.R pEATOCRATIO, FOS LEGIBLATIIitE, SECOND DISTRICT, WILLIAM.O. - GILLINGHAM. JY3 tf Istri ivSTATE RIGHTS FOR SALE.— —State sights otairalnableinventitnt Stud patent , a d designed for the slicing, cutting and chipping o dried UtAgalibbtlge:AC., ara_hereby.offered_for_sale- _lt_ en article of grentletiue to 'proprietors of hotels and restaarante, and it should be introduced into every fam ily. State rights for Bale. 140.1e1 can be seen at the telegraph orrice, Cooper's Feint, N. .1 . • - atY294l§- - • --MUNDY +lt HOFFMAN. - - fikp, 116 . GIR - A. --- RD STREET. .TrIMISH, RUSSIAN, AND PERFUItED. BATH 6 Departinfmts for T.adles. ° Baths open from 6 A . M. to 9 P. M. pltf rp B. FRANK PALMER, LL. D. BUR germ Artist, has just been commissioned by the Surgeon-General to supply the Palmer Arm and Lo for mutilated Officers of the U. S. Army and Navy. The Governmental offices are to be located In. Philadelphia, New York And Boston, and are all 'conducted by Dr. PALMER.,„, . 78tr .§ HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS.- 1518 and 1520 Lombard street, Dispensary Department. —Medical treatment and medicine turttished Ftrntuitottely, o the neer. ULOTRING JONES', ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, tr , o4; MARKET STREET, • 'F punarampiEw • ' First Claim .Ready-Made Clothing, au/tab/6 for all Seasons, constantly on hand. AlsO, a Handsome Line of Piece Goo& for Cys t torn Work. ' • Proprietor:. PENNSYLVANIA 'AND NEW YORK CANAL AND-RAILROAD - CO:S SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS; guaranteed by the LEBIOIf VALLEY ItAlfill0A11; A limited amount of those Bowie is offered at NINETY-ONE. The Canal of this Company is 105 miles long. Their Railroad, of the name length, is fast approaching coni'• pletion. and, being . principal!) , owned by the .Lehigh Valley Railroad Comiauty, will open in connection there. with an immense and profitable 'trade biorthUrard from the CORI Aeglone to Western and Southern' limy York and the great Lakes. A pply 'at the Lehigh Valley Railroad , Coes ..Of ; No. 303 , Walnut Street, Philada. CHARLES O. LONGSTRETIL Treasurer Lohigh Vatic) , RMlroari Company. jyBl tfrp§ nfalyMttr; .1 .. ~,• ~,_(__ ~.i.., , ,- -. : 7 .: • . i. , . .,, , , 7 , 2 :.: i1.4 .,,, , t,.....±.L,- - .4 -.• --.-- - -• :-. e Fourth : .!.,.,..,...,„ • - gT4 :': '' - tn iiiid-h' , ''' --- ' A .L ADIES.PIiEPA:RIitt4, 1041 t, THE SHORE OR THE MOUNTAINS . • • VANDE SUPPLIED-WITH , . • '. • DRY. GOODS ADAPTED O. THEIR WAN TS AT', • :- ' • • EYRE ai_LANDELLII,I • . • " " AOURTH AND ARGH STREETS. . • GRENA•DfNES AND ORGANDIES. - • •.- •.. SUMMER SILKS ,:REDUCED. , • JAPANESE - KLESFAND POPLINS. ' , •• Inapt DARECIE,FIRST GRADE. . • . RONAN SCARFS ARC SASHES, OLLARS. . CUFFS, GLOVES,TIE.SiI ac... SEA-SIDE SHAWLS, OF NEW 5T.174E8.. m w ad • - V .lll-1(' •&*.. LINEN STORE, tP. av,s , Arch Street. 1128 CHESTNUT STREET. Just Received,' PRINTED LINEN LAWN DRESSES. ca r li adies Ali a o te rrt a LINEN LAWN DRESS should NEW HANDKERCHIEFS EMBROIDERED. INITIAL LETTERS, Pretty Designs and Quite Cheap. SUMMER' AND EARLY AUTUMN DRESS GOODS, AT LOW PRICES, 'To clear the shelves and start our New Stara will* an entirely fresh stack. . ' SUMMER AND FALL SUMMER AND FALL SUMMER AND FALL DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS At Very Low Prices. At Very Low Prices. At Very Low Prices. COOPER, & CONA RD, Ninth St.., below Market. RICKEY,SIIARP& 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Are Closirux Out LAWNS, ORGANDIES AND °TREE Summer Dress Gi - oodiß At Greatly Reduced Prices. jyl4tfrp t►IISCELLANEOUS. THE IMPROVED BALTIMORE Fire-Place Heater -- With-ILLUMINATING — DOODE - _ MAGAZINE of sufficient capacity for tun w HOURS, at a cost of but II GENTS PER DAY. The meet wrfect and cheerful Heater in use. Having made arrangements with MR. 3: D. SEXTON, OTBALTIMORE. For the EXCLUSIVE - manufacturing of these Heaters, -wanro prepared to furnish them In-large or Wive. --Sold wholesale or retail-by the Manufacturer, . • 1008 Market fitreet. Beware of imitations gotten up on the popularity these Heaters. ' 110 2m§ FITLER, WEAVER &. CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY ' NOW IN FULL OPERATION, No. 22 N.WATER street and 23 N.DEIJAWARE avenue THE EDGEH.ILL SCHOOL , Will begin its nest session in the New Academy Building At Herchantwllle, N. J., (Four miles from Clunden,) ON MONBAY SEPTEMBER 6. • For Circulars, apply to Rey. T. W. CATTELL. jyai 6w§ NIISS 1 IJFYI73I AND MISS WATSON will reopen their French and English Boarding and Pay School for Young Ladles, 1409 LOCUST street; on WEDNESDAY, September 15. • an 9 mw f 2m§ A.IrD BUB AC FL'S 11. CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC AND COMMER CIAL ACADEMY, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. 'Fall term will commence MONDAY, September 13. Applicants for admission will be received, oxamined,and classified on and after. August 23, from 10 A.to 5 P. M. Entrance No. MS S. TENTH street. Circulars at Mr . . W. F.WARDIJETON '5,N0.430 CHESTN trr St. au7-2tni it 4 ADAMS CLEMENT'S PERMIT' PRO -I*l testant Boarding and Day School, Germantown,Ea. The Fall term will open WEDNESDAY, BcPial• ber 1869. For Circulars, apply to the Principal, an 2 ITHE MISSES OHAPIkLAN'S BOARDING and Day School for Young 'Ladies will' rei-open lieptember.l3th,lB69. For Circulars, • address the llolmesburg, Twenty-third Ward. Philadelphia, or they can be obtained at Mr. , TRUDIPLIOR'S MUSIC -tore, 925 QloBthilt street.-philada, • au2 2ne T BARROWS'z SCHOOL FOR, , BOYST, fr 1 ,11%;, 1 1,e, AA? P.3"t4.112 GERMANTOWN, ACADEMY.--EgTAI3- 'll6o.—Eng ansaical and Scientific School for Boys. Boarding and day , Session he aim MONDAY, Sept. 6th. For Circulate, apply ,to • 1 C'. V. MAYS, A. M., - FriarlPaL• GEM MANTOWS, PAILADA. • • 6114 W f tft IrE CHEF ARAY INSTITUTE, ERENGH and llngllsh,for young ladles and mlsses.beardlng and l . "V day 18.1527 and 1529 Santee at.. Philad'a:,m-111 reopen on '1 If 118DAY,Septoraber2Oth. French thelanituage oftho and le constantly spoken 1 the s itUtd MADAME D'HERVILLY, PritiefPn. 13 ":1Y/ 2 f Sin MIEDIALE COLLEGE, - BORDr,NTOWPr t .1C N. J.-This Institution . , so long and 4 0 . favorably known, continues to furnish the best educational silvan , tages, in connection with a pleasant, Christian home, Catologues, with terms, etc., furnished on. application. College opens September 16th. '•' " ' ) ]YI4-2mg JOHN_fl. BLMIELEY, President. lATANTED.—A YOUTH TO DRIV v r Breed ' , Natant'. gqi er week. /Online et. It' ItArAItHING WITH INDELIBLE INK 111. ,Embroiderr i 7l. l3 . Mar s g r ifilltt street. G(H ) Dif A. FEW MORE JOHN S. CLARK. EDUCATION. ^tvnn~s.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers