I IBITINESS.NOTICES4 gteiorsoval. • r ?", 'inn-roma >t' 2i RoomO, - 40b1 'wring Oreknd • eSipareamd 4.110 4 11.1, alttnosh moved 44 , 1L16-4al 1124 2, ~• , • 1 4 11 A : COUJIred targerr ig e la.l4te ctthAteltbrklrffe recgvaidllr=rtriell prie 22Achar w ets'Rt- 7r e s To IlltelilintrAXoth Powithes, - ,Fkeekles 'and italS,,fr a ,,,OWAtiel i Sfu'Aitiej....erl7ll.lkroth aid Prteklotbtion. 8,,,1 " , wm bri r• 0 . u•criertl't_Pormatologiet, 49 Bond streetilear oft. 13bid by au prttaist* in Philadelphia sgad e trabcra, . Vijtolesale by ',Ji•lptipl t ..11011,owni& , joi.9 e m vt9tn9 Steinway% Planes ieneeiven -the lAlNnest award (first old model)) atthe Intetnational Exhibition, Pole, 1867. bee °Motel Eeptiii, at the raretor of BLA aeR-tf• ' - 4 , Ife: 1006 Chostrint street. illorsday, Atswilit 9, 1889. 0 7 . PerS°D3 leaping the city for the sum tear, and wit:thing to have the zatupz sent to them, please send;their, al, dress to the office. Pyine by mail; 75 cents per, Tl lll TWO CAMMIATOL, , Within a few weeks the people of Pertnsyl , voila Will be called to decide upon the anerits of the two political parties which now strug gle for the mastery; their platforms and candi dates._ The_itepublicau_party_has_ presented for.the suffrages ,of,the people, a gentleman who bas'inkfile his record asan incumbent of the'offiee will& he seek - to retain, and upon the bas's of that record mustsstand the scru tiny of has, ,fellow-citizens whose votes he so licits. , • Om• opponents lave placed in nomination a gentleman of great wealth,. who has long been identified with'theinteresta of the State, and vibe, has 'advantage , of havfng made' .no vecord as an.office-holder by whiCh he can be We would , examine the claims of tbese gen tlemen with all. fairness and impartiality, set ting aside for the present the respectiNfe Plat forms and principles of the parties while h they represent, and, , viewing the question in a per sonal light entirely, . endeavor to ascertain Whether General Geary or Judge Packer is the better fitted to discharge the duties of the Exe cutive Of the State. John' , lW. Geary, the standard , bearer of the Republican party, is a living type of our Arne, rican inStitUtions. While: 'yet a boy, by the death of his father he was thrown upon his ewn resciorces, with a mother and several younger children dependent on him for sup port. -Essentially a self-made man, he owes the success which he has attained through life, entirely to his , own energy and perseverance. While acting with the Democratic party, pre vious to the rebellion, lie was ever steadfast in his opposition to the extension of slavery. His services in the Mexican War and his ca • reer as Mayor of San. Francisco, are too fa miliar lO'need repetition, while the history of his adininistration as Governor of Kansas forms • one of the'most thrilling chapters of our coun try'ii history. When`Sumter was bombarded, Geary was among the band of able and brilliant men who; regarding fidelity to country as paramount to all partisan considerations, left the Democratic party and rallied to the support of the, admin istration in the prosecution of the War. for 'the - "Union. Among the first, to -respond to the President's call for troops, he was commis sioned Colonel by Governor , Curtin,autlaorized to raise a regiment,• and, in an almost incredi bly short space of time,, was ~on,, his way to Washington. He early distinl,ruished, him self as a quick, dashing, stubborn fighter, a perfect.-soldier in manner, bearing, coolness, courage and energy. After au un usually brilliant caner in' connection, with the army of the Potomac,, as commander of the fammis White Star pa Division, he accom nied' • Sherman in his march of triumph from thr 'Mountains to the -sear >When Savannah fell and. y the overthrow 'of the civil; authority it became necessary to appoint a: militaiy Gov ernor for that city, Sherman's- choice fell upon Geary. The duty was a peculiarly difficult • • eFinit - the - maa %Lk, had - brought order out of confUsionln-bloody Kansas was eqtfal - to the emergeney; The citizens of that city testify that his adrrdnistration was distinguished by a_ course of firmness and impartiality - seldom sur passed by a military Governor. - Governor Geary is a politician, in the best sense of that much-abused term. His training has been broad and comprehensive; his ex perience varied and. thorough. That he pos sesses an inordinate greed for office is disproved by his whole political career; that he is am bitiMis to flo . tisess the approbation of his fellow t eitligns-Ip not only legitimate but corn , Mendable. GoVerpor Gear3r's popularity , with his party is attested by the almost unprecedented una nimity of the Convention which nominated him. Economy has been a distinguishing feature of his administration, the State debt having been materially reduced since he be curie Governor, while his veto has been frequently interposed to _prevent iniquitona legislation. To assert that he has never made onistakes would be equivalent to asserting that .he was more than human. Taken as a whole, bowever, his course has been peculiarly ac ceptable to the 'people of this Commonwealth. iHe.is a thorough, consistent, Republican of un doubted integrity, possessing , the . unlimited trust and confidence of President Grant, as he did that of President Lincoln, , That he is in corruptible is a well authenticated , fact, which Sew of ids opponents have the hardihood to Aleny. With a .souudmind4n a sound body, he possessesthe physical and mental vigor neces sary too, faithful discharge of the duties of his positlOlL -Judge Packer is a gentleman who,' leaving - his home An the East early in life, and settling down in .our State, has, by his business tact and personal energy and perseverance accumu lated an immense fortune. His private char- PetPr 3a, .so far as we know and believe, wlth4 out reproach, while his 'generosity is well - wort/274a the praise that can be bestowed upon it. That Ids nomination was bought, as has hol'n charged, we do. not Lwow to be the case;'aint therefore do not assert ',lt. That lie -will, of necessity, be obliged to contribUte , liberally to carry on the. canvass, there can be but little' doubt. If the past record of the Democratic State Executive Committ ee , w hil e un d er ue administration of Mr. Coffee-pot weibee,rAtay be taken as a criterion for the f uture ; ve-may 'form some idea of the mutter ire widchrittr; - Father's money will be used. Tfo'bilendiniaing all that our opponents claim for:their : ctine' iiinteiln=thtl ) *o4o9so o l l tilde and' honest . iki&si.o to. 'see' that jridge Picker polliSesstiara l . - inio•iiiiittlifica t Ition for the 09i3~ otov~rvopspf~l'd~nnsylast~iia „ 0 , . yantage I to trim - as the ZxeCutiVe o arintui (04;rx r such as will necessarily fit:l4uktp- * -. Anece.ss- . aide' egifall?Aieitil„intheir sphere; but,„. ;..nature ..I}ot°iA” all'her geedfts . e one p . gin' ersen. 'Were': „. search:of.a cempetent . gentleinan to manage a + rails eiiteiprise;'we 'Would tindoubtßdly. 'Mr.. Packer .in . prcierence lint,that, is not what We . are hi Want Of 'at nre , ., `e- want ',Goyernot. One who can gOvern riotsby, eXperniient, but from lin intelli , gent comprehensionof the principles "of goVerti-. lir. Packer is Rallroad:' kings are • necessarily niOnopolists, and it' re:- Anires no elaborde 'argument to demonstrate the wisdom of excluding. monopolists from political ,Trowel The record of indge Paeklr is - the - record...of the Democratic party. is.. With every plank of its ilatforni.: - ifeita,nds pledged to — eilery - affiefTti creed. lie is a• *Ober of the States Rights school in full standing, and believes with Jeremiah Black that "the ,dovernMent has no power to coerce a State," even though he State may be engaged in open, defiant 'rebellion, " Diu•ing the war, .whild Geary was leading r hiS "'Acker was in Etiiope expressing his sjmapglix with the Confederacy. His infamous asier don that he Would rather see Jefferson Davis `Pretident of the United States than:Abraham Lincoln, is as notorious as the fact of ^bitter hostility to the Reconstruction acts and the • ratification of the Fifteenth .Amendment. • Judge Packer is an' honest man; .past. the nieridian df life, with ambitiOn for political preference; without tbe,ability requisite for a faithful diseharge Of 10.41Itties', - , We ,haVepre sented to tp&peiziple a, ,candidate.the'44l4. in every perSpnal attribute, of his distinguished opponent, while his political.record is all that could be cledi&l, full, complete and satisfac tOry. It is simply the old battle of freedom and slavery. Both men are 'able repreSenta tiVes of - the principles which they profess. General Gbary is a piogressive Republican; .hidge Packer a fossilized Democrat, who ~cann ot realize that slavery has'been abolished, and the, slave oligarchy overthrown. t. , t In the English House of Commons, on Fri day night, the Home Secretary, in answer to a question, -stated that the pressure of public bAsiness hadsprevented the introduction of a bill to establish a unirolm marriage law in the United Kingdom, but that the government in tended shOrtly to deal,with the question upon liberal and unsectarian.principles. It is quite time for some reforin: in this direction. The Biitish marriage laws,' a tangled, discordant, unjust and illiberal set of enactments, arA " dis 7 graceful to the nation and, to modern It Is strange that a: country which claims to be, and is, one of the - most advanced and enlightened in , the World, should have neglected' 'so long to regulate properly the institution which is of supreme importance, and which is the very basig of_ all laws and social systems. But England, ScOtland andireland have mar ; 'lane laws which differ widely from eacirother, ailci conflict with each other, so, that, as in the fatuous Yelverton case; it is not diffieult for clui 7 -- fling lawyers to prove in England the in validity of marriages celebrated in other• Of the grand divisions of the , kingdoin'. r The aggregate amount of fraud; inisery and injus tice which has resulted from this scandalous ncongruity ,is 'enormous. The difference be tween the laws has.,been used mereileasly by - rives ' against their husbands and husbands against the.' wives, to, the torture, degradation and pecuniary loss of the - persecuted persons;;` and ,the histories of the more. flagrant cases lave excited - the indignation of world with, until recently,- any elltift, onthe part of the __Eritish_ to bring,aliout a reform._ Our 'own divorce laws, differing in thevarious__ States, are - bad enough and tnntild enotigh;but . a marriage made in Pennsylvania, for instance,. - is - valid in any-part - of - the - country, and .cannot "be successfully - disputeti-if it has-been cele brated in accordance with our civillaws. . The experiences, of • various well-known 'trials in England, prove that such is not the case,in Great Britain, but that a woman may go thrOugh the most elaborate forms with greatest care, and yet be made the victim of an inge nious villain. It would be a hopeless task to attempt to give here anything like a complete explanation of the diflerenees'between the marriage laws Ofthe British Islands. But we may state the principal peculiarities of each. In England a marriage may be either civil or religious: If the latter, the ceremony must be performed in church during the "canonical hours," between. SA. M. and 12 A. M.. If the rite is celebrated in a dissenting chapel, the superintendent registrar of the . ; ,district • must be Present. Orie of the .contracting parties must reside in tte parish . in which the ceremony is performed, from seven to fifteen days beforehand, and a license must be.procured unless the banns are read aloud In church. In every case the parties must be married bet Ween S mid 12 in the Morning, or the marriage is void. ••This is thelliost ridicu lous provision of the laW. It 'ls' even worse than silly, it is tyrannical and unjust, . In Scotland, the laws are, much More Ilk.. Marriage is purely a civil contract. EiMa clan deStine marriages are valid, although the parties , are liable to a small fine. "No"`prelmunary no-` tice or license is necessary, and no particular fimm is PreScribed. The contract may be ver bal or in , :writing. A man may point to woman and declare her to be his wife. If she . assents to his statement, they are married as well as if an archbishop had read the church service at them. Indeed, the mere fact that a man and woman live together, and are by corn— mon repute man and wife, is suflicient evi dence of marriage, without any ceremony or eontract whatever. But Ireland is oppressed far more than either England or Scotland. In that unhappy land the cruelty of the British gdvancie t et,feaches tcp the minutest details of' the -institution of marriage. The most extraordinary of the legal provisions for celebratingJthe rite _-is the following: , In oleic) , marriage illetween a - THE_pAILy BygNix43l, BuLLETIN7r4IkAp4yI44,,A ',*ppgini9lo24.ll'4f,-,ktetitaiiii-oi.a person.. , tef46oll' 'or bCrleiflolsbe - a Protestant 1 17?* ~ !lonths before Such Marriage,,, t4d6olilisg be'-PeitiitMealt'fitse cipPgyroan of the Protestant religion ; dui any' t 14n 4 6athelle priest WhoAntr.i.on sUgh per= il:ms 01164 the assistrthee jut sQii'a Minister h l eur a4V/ItriNWM . 4 s ., , VVOit.,;?Wit ' These are buta fewolthe`mOstobjecticinable peculiasitin but, they it ll'ftii deito cOgiluce dullest intellect that Great Xiritainbadly needs alcoropl6ie.reforinin;tlu`s direction ',,10,,n0t quite certain thatagitatioifoft-hibinatter Would ribtlaWbeen as profitable as disestablishment' l of the ash Church. If if could not takethe piecedence, itshould immediately _follow . the 'riaiore showy reforin,and be complete(Y4,quickly poseible. Jf Mr. (4.19.4.ip , n succeeds in evoking order out of the present Chaos; lie may Jairly,elairn the gatitude' countrymen of all coming generatiOns.:L'.._` 1 , . Vri When General Roseerans ' went to White Sulphur Springs "with Ins - heart in his hand" to humble himself at the feet, pf unrecon- styucted rebeli, a good' many :peonle ,thought, `he was a fool. He has. clewed' :himself &ern. that suspicion now, and proved. himself tube a man ofjudgment and shreit,d discretion, by, decllrrin -Dernocratiu - neinination — foilbet Governorship of Ohio., And his reasons for; ; f refusing the 'dishimor 'are' 'the best, iii ei?gaged in aftilfilling duties deemed iaerea to: lii.s.*ditor's and iarnily"ili Other iVerils, he is earning- his' living honestly; and < : ,cannot affofil 'td sacrifice his businets for the purpose of upon ; a canvass. in defeat is l ahsolutely certain. Cash hand, without • -office, is lunch better than prospective etisV in an office which will be uncommonly hard to g 4. So the Ohio Democracy are defeated ;before* the battle. They, , calcUlated upon ,Bishop Ros,ectuns' popularity: to secine the whole Catholic vote for Gerieral ltoSecians, knowing well that something more than the ordinary inducements would he necessary to win the State. Now they: have to choose another man,..but it •is safe to Say that they they will fmd it difficult to secure. one who would have' had as good a chance of success as IlOsecrans. ;The resuscitation of Andrew Johnson and his elevation to the United States Senate' cannot be regarded as an umnitigated calamity if it is eVer.consummated. To be sure, if A. J. ever ydantS his foot upon the carpet of the Senate chamber, he will.stir that quiet and peaceable old apartrnent as it has not been stirred fOr many years before.. He has, many ancient grudges to revenge upon the Republican Sena tors, and we may expect to have the reports of proceedings so stuffed, with ,his -insolence, coarseness, and blackguardism r that respectable newspapers will be compelled to apologize for publishing thein. There is something in the very atmosphere of the Senate chamber which excites Johnson to indecency.. is a kind of Circe's palace in which he takes on his original swinish nature. 'But this, goed tiling will' come out of his conduct : He Will stand there as the representative man of :the American Demi:>• craCY, and in,that capacity he will - do more, to bring that: faction into disgrace and contempt before the civilized world than the Democratic papers could ever have done by united and per siStent effort. . His presence will be.unpleasant, but we will bear with the humiliation for the saite of the consequences. The eclipse was a success. The chances in this cliniate were against the day being clear, bait. as far ,as we have heard, along the whole line , of the. obscuration, from Alaska to North Carolina, the sun was :visible during the larger` part of the time of the eclipse. tinseientifie and commonplace,humanity enjoyed excellent opportunities to examine the phenomenon through smoked-glass,-.Mid what is much more 'to the purpose, the astronomers who were stn tinned along the line of totality, were able study the, various phases of the eclipse and to secure good Photographic :views of ,them. The number. of scientific attics ei Red in these Pils:rvations 15":18.,_v_ely * _ large, and the : prepa. bonsmade for the event were so elaborate, - that we may expect:,m6St—satisfactory results:: from their_lalMrS. 'For-this reason the eclipse- Saturday.may be considered one of the most impoitant of late years, and it gains in al_pori an precisely in ratio -with the advances made in - astronomical science since the period of - the - last similarobscuration. The narratives'of the various scientific parties will be expected, with universal interest. GAUDEN INSURANCE COMPANi%--- In the advertising columns of to-day will be found the published statement of ''the condi tion of this company, to, which we call the at tention of our merchants and business 'men deSiring insurance. This oldand - well-managed institution ; through the enterprise and activity 'ofits Officers and directors, has placed itself among the best fire insurance companies of 'Philadelphia, and has a capital and surplus of 'nehrly $700,000 to secure its policy holders,and is worthy of the patronage of our merchants , and business men. IjR. R. F. THOMAS, THE LATTir or.E, rater at the Colton Dental Association, is now the only on t in Philadelphia who devotes his entire time and practice to extracting teeth, absolutely without W alnut fresh nitrous oxide gas. Office, No. 1027 - streets. , mluS-lyrp§ riOLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION NJ glinted the anaesthetic nee of NITROUS OXIDE, OR LAUGHING GAS, , And devote their whole time and practice to extracting' teeth without pain. Office, Eighth and 'Walnut street 4. ap2my JOHN CRUIVIP,' BUILDER, • • 1731 CHESTNUT STREET, and . 213 LODGE STREET. Mechanics of every branch required for house-building and fitting promptly furnished. fe27-tf _ - - POSTS'AND RAILS ; POSTS AND RAILS; all styles, Four-hole, square and half rental rams, Shingles—Long and abort, heart and sap. • 50MQ, foot first common hearth'. , -.. Shelving, lining and otore-titting material made a'cipe= cialty..., NIULIOLSON'S,' • myr,-tfrp Seventh and Carpenter etreota. • . ligioty PHILLIpPI : . QARBENTER AND BUILDER, , N0,.1024 RANSOM STREET, jelo-Iyrp , RDILADELPIIIA. (11 WARBURTON'S IMPROVED, VEN oft, Mated and easy-flttinir Dress Rata (patented) In all the approved fashions of tho season. Manna street, next door to the Vost-Ofilce. oe6-tfrP TT P. & C. R. TAYLOR, . PERFUMERS, 5 641 and 643. North Ninth street: • mini; PATENT. TURN-`.CABLE AFPLE 1. Purer is considered superior to. all others, as it adapts its knife to thesurface of an uneven apple, and thus pares it more perfectly than'others. -For sale with Peverul other patterne, and also Apple Corers and Nut Crackers, 'l.4_ M W TRUMAN & A, No, 835 lEight Thirty-five) Market street, below. Ninth. MAGAZIN DES MODES. 1014 WALNUT STREET. . MRS. PROOTOR, Cloaks, Walking Solta L ellka D , r ° a 6 . 41 1= 1 11 8 4f rned:Pmg, ,_ and Ladles' Fars Dresses made to znoaen.rein Twenty-tour Hours. "O. Trt • ;• , ; .Eci t tipsrx. With Lavrge , :Sitcreir :• - - AND .. 10 47 % ) V .IE II IA - COS:. WANAttlara & ..BAOWN „ . , . EDWARD P. IiFiJATIF', vrAlmsci]ft, S. E. con Chestnut and Seventh/ Sts. Complete Assortment of Choice Goods. REDUCE)? PRICES. rri]op, snAtjscm - Is getting later and later EVERYEVERYDAY; And 'before long will'he OUT OF SEASON, Both in season and out of season, ROCKHILL &s • WILSON are diligently pushing things, in their great work of keeping the people supplied with THE BEST OF CLOTHES at • THE LOWEST OF PRICES. ll A Quarter of a Million aj- A Quarter of a Million . ET. A Quarter of a Million [Er A Quarter of a Million ID- Dollars' Worth Dollais! Worth /17 - Dollars' Worth E 7 Dollars' Worth DJ- or Fine Summer Clothes tri- Of Fine Summer Clothes Er Of Fine Summer Clothes irr Of Fine Summer Clothes Now Going ! Goixa GOING!!! And soon they,will be ' • Gone! GobiE !! GONE!!! Summer Satisfaction Safely Sought from the Sweltering and e Sufleting of the Sunshiny Season = in the Summer Suits of Splendid Styles Now Selling at Shamefully LOW PRICES, to close out the Stupendous Summer • Stock of ROCKHILL & WILSON, GREAT BROWN HALL, 603'ind 605-CHESTNUT—Street, PHILADELPHIA. TRIMMINGS AND PATTERNS. --- - - - tiTRS. M. A.-BINDER. DRESS TRIMMING AND PAPER PATTERN 3TORE,. _N. W. CORNER ELEVENTH AND, CHESTNUT, =Will close out Hie balance of her Bummer stock,at greatly-- - reduced pricer, - prior to her departure for Europe; THURSDAY, July Bth. Choice lot of Colored Silk Fringes, 2545, 40, t 0,62 ctsa yard,all shades; also, Plaid. , Nainsooks, Frenoh Muslins, Pique and Marseilles,Ham burg Edging and Insertions, Real Gnipuro Laces. A Case Lace Points, Sacques and Jackets. Lama Lace -Parasol Covers. Blacic Thread Laces, all widthe,at very low prices. Genuine Joseph Kid Gloves, el 00 a pair. -Minsee's Colored Kids, . • New Style Parasols and-Sea-sides, Roman and Plain Ribbon and Sashes.__Paris Jewelry, and a thousand and one articles", too numerous to.tuention. EXCLUSIVE AGENT For Mrs. M. WORK'S Celebrated System for Cutting Ladies' Dresses, .Sacques, Basques, Garibaldis, dron's Clothes, &c. by measurement. , AGENTS WANTED. 'Ladies are now making from eloo to $2OO per month as gents for this system. mvllsrp NEW PUBLICATIONS. ALL THE NEW BOOKS • For Sale at Wholesale Prices by 7 PORTER &' COATES, • PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS, • ;- No. 822 CHESTNUT . STREET, . .Diarble Building, adjoining the COntinental. Our New. and Elegant ART GALLERY , is now open with the finest collection of PAINTINGS, OHROMOS and ENGRAVIIMS in the t3r. nih2o m w f rptf HUFNAVS ;PHILADELPHIA. PHARMACY, Corner Washington and Jackson Streets, Je233m4 Cape May City, N. J. quit PATENT COMBINATION RIVET ing and Claw Hammer enables • you to insert and dritre nails where you cannot reach with your lingere to hold ;them For sale, with a variety of the regular styles, by TRUMAN eSH.A.W, No. 8.33 (Eight Thirty. , five) Market street, below Ninth, Philadelphia. • ric____ ._ HE TOUGH SKIN IS EifTIRELY • SE ] pttrated from the nutritious pulp of the • green corn w en you use a : „Patent Corn Grater. This makes your fritters, oysters and other proparations of- green corn much superior upthoisertnitde with ordinary graters. For sale by TRUMAN & 1311 AM .. NO. 84 ( Eight.ThirtY live/ Market street, below Ninth. - , ISAAC NATITAWS, AUCTIONEER; N. 11 t corner Third and Spruce streets,' only one squar e belOw the Exchange. 6230,000 to loan, in large or small, amounts, on diamonds, silver plate, watches, iewelrh and all gods of value. Office hours from 8 A. M.• to 7 P. M. MW Established for the, last forty.yeara. Ad. vances made its large amounts at, the lowest market. jab tfrp - - UT EDDING AN D ENGAOEMENT, yy Rings of solid 18 karat fine Gold—a specialty; a full imaprtment of sizes, and nn charge for engraving numbs, etc, PARR & BROTHER, Makers, ' my24-rp tf 824 Chestnut s_treet,below Fourth. • TUST RECEIVED • AND IN STORE 1,000 ty cases of Champagne, sparkling , Catawba and Call fornia Wines, Port, Madeira, Sherry, Jamaica and Santa Cruz Rum, fine old Brandies and •IVhiskies, Wholesale `and Retail. P. J. JORDAN, 220 re.ee street, Below Third and Walnut streets, and above mock . et etde74f 8 ki ON. GARTLAND, ' I 1.. lINDItTAKER. South Thirteenth. treat. D hzti-ennroli lBeck —TO LOOK WELL, II GET SHAITED Vil.. and Hair Out at KOPP,lsslooti r b,Y drat-class air putters. Hair and Whiskers Dyed. Damns set in . order. Open Sunday morning. 124 Exchange Pisife. ' it" G. G. KOPP. ,~ pass: ' '• la It ' S I 4)N 1r" 1?d - P!e' ." 14 Prof . AS t siratim ith W411!"3 t )4. :orchee ;:jkaiattlat eaving' isiEs*Tt . ite3oo hat f; IvED -iroirsXO 00 On, trir 7 • • • - • 1- Ticket; x,"ody rut, 11W.Pintenie.nfool of \Y lnub- Sing e, an and nractutei.,, nctes no 114.rcurlden• Gentitzet, can be aornlugof Tiebe Chestnut street Unit Ala -,• • ' at, the vf a 2 2 Ch. 'lnd • TO VIRGINIA ''SPRINGS. Tb r qugb bY 11°11 to White §IPPia, §PrLogs Col and Baltiraore Railroad Co. "OAR NOW ON SALE AT • Office * e,28 Chestn Depot Broad St. and Washington Avenue, THROUGH - TICKETS, Via Washington andGordo file; and... via iticbraond And'York (Me: e Or from Baltinaore to West Point, thence by rail to Richmond), to Natural larlilge,_Aturusta, Bath. Alum, Boekbriflga Warm Sweet and Whlt4l t • • Sulphur Spielogos.. , ---- EXtrUItSION , TIOICItTS To the above places, going via)WAshington and Gor• ilqinav We, and rettlrOilig . via Richmond and York River Line, are sold at 828 CHESTNUT. Street. Passen,zersoing via... Washington intr. Pit iladelphia daily at 11-30 I'. arrii hut at White Sulphur Springe at,8.30 the following evening. Thom° goir.g Via Rich. mold and. York River Line leave Philadelphia daily, except Sunday, at 12. W NOON, arriving at White Sul phur Springs at same Unless via Washington . , For further information, apply at. Wilco, 8213 CiIBST• NUT Street. Baggage checked tbreuglr.from Residences or Hotels, by leaving orders at offi , ce of ; ' • • Union Transfer 'C o mpany, 828 Dheitnut St. GEO. A: DADDIVN, '.General Tieket Agent. jy29l2t • • GLOUCESTER .POINT,GO yourself and take the family to this cobl. delig spot. New steamers, with every comfort, leave South street all dell every fow minutes. JelB-3ml SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Altogether N. IV. Coriier Sixth and Wood Streets. The following statemerA of the nsseta of the .Coutpany in - published.in 'compliance with the provisiotui of the act °tale Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania, April, 1842 Neal gstate 4 , 10,175 00 Ground Bents Improved ' 2,514 60 Mortgagee ...:.».........a 37647 Interest. . ...... . .. .. 150 00 It. S. Loans, 1881,6 per cents... 127,788 00 Philadelphia City Loans, 6 per cents. 56,455 00 Temporary Loam , with full security 6,030 00 203 shares Stock N. Liberties Gan Co 6,0 A (10 200 shares Stock 31an. National Bank 6,000 00 314 shares Stock Penn National 8ank......„... 19,212 00 100 shares Stock Commercial Nat. Bank . . 5,825 00 561 shams Stock Spring Garden Piro Ins. C 0... 47445 00 Cash 2,267 08 • Sjetsas The Company has no suspended debts or unpaid fire Mee. The MOEICIAOES held by the. Compel : ly are all on first-class new _property in the improved parts of the city of Philadelphia, being first incrunbrauces clear of ground rent or any other claims whatever, examined by and the valuation made by a Committee of the Board of. Directors, at cash prices, previous to making the loans, the 'properties being worth 'separately. •FIFTY PER CENT. over themortgages, arid the interests promptly. paid. This Company, in thirty.five years. has paid losses by fire amounting to upwards of 1 $1, 500 ,00), 6 0 liberal has been the settlement of all claims that not a single ease has occurred. since its organization, that the CotnpAny, has permitted the Insured to resort to a Court to seer payment. CAN BE EFFECTED AT THIS OFFICE AT AS LOW BATES as are consistent with scantily, and on as accommodating terms as with any other Fire Insurance Company of this city. Applications made through the post ogice will aiway meet with immediate attention from the office INCOUPORATED IN 1835. Capital and Assets, DIRECTORS':' John if .Dobnert. ,Ilsonrylll. David Woelpoer, Morton McMichael, Charles . George W. Hall: Anley M. Park, Charles. El. Rodgers, Wistar Brown, Cnrwen Stoddart, • N. L. Hatfield, I. D.. Robert Looney', Wm. S. Frederick,, John, R. Carver, Jeeee Lee, Owen B. Evans. George Lundell, - JOHN, JOHN A. FEY, Secretar FIRE INSURANCE The _ hisarance_Company of.the -. State_: ofPeinsylvania7 Nos. 4 and 5 Exchange Building. Incorporated 1794. Has paid over $10,000,000 in lioses. HENRY D. SHERRERD, President. J. H. HOLLINSHEAD, Secretary. aus 6trp§ Cllice of the Mutual Fire Insurance Com ' pany.of Philadelphia, N. W. Corner of SEVENTH and ARCH Streets, The Directors, in announcing their REMOVAL td this location, with increased . facilities , for business, would ilspecifully solicit the patronage of their friends and the public, believing the advantages to the assured are equal to those offered by any other Company CALEB CLOTHIER,. President. T. E. CHAPMAN, becreharY. . 8 mu., atli , 1869. = u 6 6t* JRDAN'S .0 ELEBRATED PURE TONIC • Ale for invalids, family use, &c. Winter The eubserfher is noWfurnished with his full n supply ofhis highly nutritious and well-known Bever age. Its wide-spread and increasing use % by order of physicians, for invalids, me of families, ao., commend it, to the attention of all consumers who want a strictly pure article; prepared from the materials ' and put in the most careful manner for home use or transpor tation. Orders by mail or otherwise premptly , sappily*. P. J.JORDAN, No.'22o_Pear street. del below Third and Walnut streets. L IQUID RENNET.-- • — 7— —77 7 A MOST CONVENIENT ARTICLE formaking JUNKET or CURDS and WHEY in a few minutes at trifling expenee. Made from fresh rennets, nild always reliable, JAMES T. swam . , _je9,tf.rp¢ • - , Broati and - Spruce streets. .vioß INVALID S.:--A FIVE': ' M . lISIOAL i Box as a companion forthesiclechamber; tho finest assortment in the city', and otreat - varlety-ottilre to se lect from. 'lmported direst by. • • ,• , ~ , rABB:a 'BIO,THEB mbliltf rp . . 824 Chestnut street. below Fourt h ,`` litan GORSE COVERS,FLY NETSJAP-: arnen tt s to ua r te e re .fr .at i ty k low ratee, at 'KNEASEI'S New street, oppOelte the Marka.' 1110ree In the door ; . )yl7-1y 4T •,' REPAIRS TQ Musical Boaspin tlie..bostnillpmfamproi --kniqn.„ ch....tair. below Four-eh. , • • MONEY TO PANYJ 'AMOUNT, d e% L • LOANED' UPON •DIAMONDS,WATOITES, JEWELRY; rLATE, QLOTIgNO, dm, at • , • JONES & CO.'S. - .: • , • ' I : OLD-ESTABLISHED LOAN OEVIOEI ' • CorAer of Third and Gaskill athlete, •'' • E.Be-DLiMONDB,WATOREE,4EIWELIiy,AUND,, • 'TOR 9ALI3 AT REMARKABLY LOW nticEs. - ' mvii MO - „ • .PHILADELPHIA SURE AGNS .BANDAGE INSTITUTE, N. NINTH ti o irootV r 3 e o a voillarket. NyNg u T B F O3 7 ]L o%elto,•Eliockingo, Suroo "t i l t r o e rt ShiTater • Ntnoos: Yh tebee, Htulpensoriea,piloNondageo. Ladies attended to y hire. r ]Y3-39TP Nn AT 2111; IL F. KENNEY. hr upertntouleizt INSURANVE. OFFICE. PuiLemit.entA . • Jailuary 1,1669 INSURANCE $61.V,C47 4 DOHNERT, President ~ 4G;I I 4 ( )CS/taBarrLIQUOWt;&c, „,c` !•,...k•• ,- • ••;: , 0 , ,.,-:: - :- . .t ,, E1v- , .,,,. , ..,-„ , ..;.:.-. 1 ...: ~..••• ~:.•:.,•- • f,,14E- 1! *1!4 7..1:: The BeefF'ood for ilot Wetithe We have in Iltbek the celebrated bratata, "Davis;' Maryland,'? `-'l7'itgirda," xrrorcELl.. & FLETCH:ER N 0.1264 CHESTNUT STREET ap2 yr', 'Vi'HITE PRESERVING BRANDY Genuine and Pure. French White Premning Brandy, Imparted direct and for'sale by 811110 N COLTON & CLARKE, S.W.' Broad and Walnut Sta. PORT. AND SHERRY WJNE, By the Gallon or Bottle,- FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. CHOICE CLARET. DAVIS & RICHARDS, ARCH and TENTH STREET'S, 4 , m roe THE FINE ARTS. GREAT NOVELTIES Looking 4 - 41,1.3 a:s•, PICTURE FRAMEStitI, New Chromos, New EARLES' GALLERIES, 616 ' CHESTNUT STREET. C. 'F. HASELTINE'S GALLERIES, 1125' Chestnut Street. Owing to, important alterations the Galleries o Paiatings will be closed until September. For the same reason we over our. Immense stock of LOOKING GLASSESt - ENGRAVINGS, CUROMOS, FRENCH PLIOTOGRAPIIB, Ac., at a reduction. An unusual opportunity for the Public to obtain bargains. m 13-iy TO REN I '1„ A — Ftist=elass itesidenee FOR SA.LE. Brown-Stone-Dwelling, with - Coach _HollSep_ - No. 1507 SPRITCE St]..eet. Tte New SThe house is feet front; .thres-story and . .31annard roof, and three•story double back buildings, with bath • rooms on the second and third and water'closets on' tir.t. second and third floors, and every modern convenience. The lot is 22 feet front by 240 deep to Latimer street, on which there inn fine coach . house and stabling for four horses. The house was built and flulshed in the most complete manner for the present owner. who has occupied it about a year, and Offers It for sale only on account of leaving the city. ' Furniture new and will be included, if wished. Possession immediate, if desired.. APPLY ONLY TO J. NORRIS ROBINSON, • At Drexel et No. 34 pouth Third Street nu7tf4.' WATCHES, JEWELRY, &C. Jaemoval. J. T. GALLAGHER JEWELER. LATE OF BAILEY & CO, Has Removed froM his old location, Thirteenth and Cliestnut, to his ' NEW STORE, , 1016 CIIIESTIII77 iTIthEET. !WINDOW. SHADES. , A GOOD THINQ linrirtantto Houseke e pers;Hotels Banks Offices; ilke The Patent Adjustable Window_ ‘Seieen t9/LL WIT AifY,WINDOW, '• ' dive yeutilation-und light . , cocoon fret:6'oow and exclude ries, Itiosquitties and etheibvieets. :For solo by Deafen in House4upnlebing,Goode. • The Adjustable Window Screen Company BOLE MANUFACTiIums; 023 Plerket Street, Philaila. - jel M wiamrps ",Nemibold • 97 ' aylla V • By • 41 7 1 411F491VAPIiii it . • t "77 ''rA ,r.!5 11:0 „... "'"'" DESTFIUCTIVe FIRE At YoNKtRS About Si,ooo,oollPrOPitty;Consim Failure of:a Dry,GOods„,NUuntioilon,Firor Meeting of Jotirneymen . Tailors `'TO-DAY'S CABLE QUOTATIONS . Heavy fire to Nobikera, N. V: tripodal Dewpatch to Ma Phila. Evening Thilletra.) YONKERS', N. Y., August 9. --Shortly after , midnight a fire broke out on 'Wills avenue, and prea4l. rapidly, involving a large number of buildings in an extensive conflagration, and in spits of all efforts, a large amount of valua,- .; blo property" was destroyed, involving: very heavy loss, amounting to $70,000 or $l,- - 00000. The felloNving buildings were destroyed: Pareon's limber yard; J. B. Wlllards's lumber ard; B. F. Brevoort's coal yard; A. Austin & Co.'s "four and fe.eit store; yin. A:Ackerman% livery stable;Albei - t & Truek's carpenter shop; Win.. cobin &Co.'s pickle manufactory; three new frame buildings, belonging to J. & 4;. Stewart, and J. R. Van Harlen's' carpenter The loss Is rendded heavy by the fad? that the fire was fed with most combustible mate rial, and that the firemen had' not sufficient apparatus to, enablethem to stay the progress , of the flames. • Heavy Failure in New York. I Special Despatch to the Philada. Evening Bulletin.) Ncw Yong, August, 9.--;The suspension of the eminent dry goods . cornmiesiert firm or . Bowers, Beekman & Co., announced to-day, created considerable surprise in financial cir- Ao.s. Their liabilities are estimated at 53,000,- Thee - failure is' Attributed to the steady' de elinein woolens and .the depreision. in the woolen trade since the war. The firm at the close of the war was estimated as worth over one million s and they have made large. ,ad vances' to woolen mills, whicb the manufac tured goods have not paid, owing to :the fall in values. ThC firm always stood . very high, being regarded as one , of the staunchest Id the dry-goods trade. It IS stated that a Boston capitalist offered to advanceoll the - money required to Trq : .the house for a year to come, -but on con sultation it was decided to suspend and ask extension: The offsets are reported large, and the friends of the Ann say they, can pay in full if timeis allowod. IkeeUnir of Journeymen Tanoro. 183evial Dearotch to the PhiLtda. Evening Bulletin.) NEW Yonx, August 9—The various socie ties of tailors. Including the Clothing Ctttters, Journeymen Tailor P. B. Union, Manufactur ers' Union, and the variousshop Societies, met at their rooms this morning and marched, in procmion to the City Hall Square, where a stand bad been erected, and a meeting was or ganized at about 101 o'elocir. Various speak ers are now addressing the meeting. • A large delegation of tailors from Newark arrived at the Courtiandt street ferry and were qicorteti. to the Park. ,The procession numbered about . 2,500 persons. By the Atlantic Cable. LoNDON, Aug, 9, A. '3lt--Cotuaolii tor money, NI; for account, 93031. U. S. Five.Tiventies quiet and steady at 8.3 i. Erie, 19i; Illinois Central, 94i; Atlantic and Great Western, LivEnt , oot, Aug. - 9; 3I ..., Cotton is 'a shade turner; Middling.lCrplatide, 12id.; Mid dling Orleans, 130.1.3 iii. The sales are esti mated at 12,800 bales. Red Western Wheat, 9s. 9d. Flour, 245. lid. Lozinotr. Aug, 9, A. M.—Sugar firtulot botlboth on the spot and afloat, '• . HAVRE, Aug. 9.—Cotton closed on Saturday at I6of. afloat. . ' LONDON, August 9, P. ..11—CousoLi 'for money, 92i; for account, - 93.• - United:States five-twenties quiet. Brie,l9l. 14N - Earoot., August 9, P. M.—Cotton um, changed. - California--Wheat,--11s4-11-ed-West eni 10s. - Corn, 2.95. Flour 2' Lard_firmer. HAvuE, August 9.—Cotton 160 francs on the spot. , . Grand Hop at Cressoa,Pa: (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Eveahitt Bulletin.] The first graliil hop - of the season, under the superintendence of Mr. Henry Fehling, of Philadelphia, came off on. Saturday evening, Augwit 7, at the Mountain House. There was a large attend ance from Pittsburgh and Altoona, and we noticed many distinguished Philadelphians mingling in the festive throng. The music, under the able leadership of Mr. Fehling, contributed to the enjoyment of the guests by performing. choice selections of . the most popular airs, and busy feet - kept time to the softmusic of the waltz, and all went merry as a marriage bell until the small hours, when all were agreeably surprised by an invitation to the supper-room where they found that a. grand collation hail, been prepared by Mr. Mullin which was partaken of by. all.. _The entire'kair was ably managed, and reflects great ;credit on the originator, Kr. Fehling. The guests departed well pleased. with the evening's entertainment, and, thanking their kind hosts for their attentions during the ..• Offi The New 'Tork'Past ce. [Special Doepatoh to the Phtla:, , Evenlcut Bulletin.) Ground WM broken to-day for the • now Post-office in. City Hall Park., ' . State of Thermometer Th is" Day at the Bulletin Ottlce; • - MA. 21 74 deg. "12 M 78 deir,c 2P. M 81 deg. Weather clear. Wind Southwest. FINANCIAL AAA) t: ClA's Pldladelphlts- Stoe Finn , 11,100 City as new He _ 102;4 2a sh Penn .11 Its 57' IMO Lehighlt Ln Its &I 103 el/Wading II • 43.61 1892.51 Ches Az Del 6s 9134 100 sh Cataw_rifil LIG • ' 373: 10 sh Meek Bk 3236 100 tib NY&Bltil b6O 53; 100 eh LehVal It Its 57 • - • ....... • • . • • - • BETWRa w N 11QA.BDS... • ~. , 1200 City 6s tleig - Its 1023,1 20 . al Ak Or NA. Its 233/6 5090 'Warren & Franliii 100. lib, Cativivltsa Pt 1.30 375.4. ___ lit 8234 100 sit - LeltNavatk WO •17 - 100dN Pena R7o•• , • • • 851100 sh P01511. - IV_._" - i. 1 : .57. ; i I C. 14 Am sells - , -. 653 :34611 Lehigh 'Val 13.4)5 57 SECOND Boartyni •,0 , r 2000 Lehigh Val II Co 2O 111. 3Vostiersoy R di . Nati / Ws :rag 0.138 290 •eClfestonrille De. ' , 12/6 2000 do , do - 85.,0536 ' , 7,rontt R•.• • • ••. Its ,57 . ' 100 sb Phil trio R ' 1•30 h" 120 eh. :, do : „, 57 . . • Philadelphliikiiiiiiwlllarket. '34iONDAY, Aug. 0;1069. The 10611''money market to day Is without' feature or change. Thedernand neon the hanks is niOilerafely itCtivO; but thelil - Condition se: far improved as terenable thergi , to loiia.66.tonters freely on acceptable security or good business. paler. The ab sence of .speculation in. stocks at this tittle ' , highly 'favorable to business borrowers uho are not backivard in securing all they May incetrat thd hew rulibg the market. , Tho banks show a preforeitect.for •cainc; i 6p; but as thi) ., Stook operators"bang they tetakothe . best disposition they can of their funds and pan on short gull lottnemay bo quoted at sa6,ien , quit, ,'Chivegn., , . !twat pleAges ;and disco'unte 470 Per .centtloi:the beet bee neeennnerin the market:""" " " " (;old rbntinile4oulet,, but"bteady, at Saturday's`pi ioo k •ElSishaafte Sales. salce,utlb% 'hiP )s mU ' nY noon at - onysiarbetif beitiloihtbibitilh'ehankei land litheut pinch change. 40 Sterkolottheteenthitlett" eitrelholy 01.1. en! , flinch etlitnge. in 1" int Fret ;Pt. State liesnrities • there -was Do'nioyeinent: 'City slxes wereeready 'at for the , Old nicd 162 n Ycir the brew , ch ange Railroad stoeliti :Were very' RetulliigAirodfiht 0.601 closing steady at that figure. Pentieylvunlw , lii It ,Wtis Arnim' at 57. Lehigh ,ValleY-It„.11. 7as ;Ikon, at 51). and CAUWISfIII R. .11 preferred at WI, TS; Wao 6id for, .North Pennsylvania II; 4214 for lieltOylkill for Plilladelnhigoind•tr's 3.11: i In iConal eluirmt we report no trantaiii.oit.i'teliAteViii' hut 66,%; was.bld for LehlglrNavistatioil :and Other-Mon; is Canal preferred. • . Canal stocks wore dull. :isles of NOY' Yfirlt :pod Slid- die at . In Ilailke 111 , 70 riete ft6tes of ten t slitires of Passenger Railways Continue in the flail condition' , which has characterized them during the pest week.' ID was bid for Thirteenth mid Fifteenth; 62 for West Phila., delphin, and 12 1 4 for Messrs. Dellaven Ac Mriitlier, - 146. 40 thitith Third street, mako the following quotations or the rates ore*, change today at I DI.; United States nixes of /86,/, 124:1i125 do. 0.'1862, /2434a1253,0 'do. do. 1233,i; do- d0. 1865 .1235i11121f10,d0. i 10 . 1865 XeW41274a1Z14, do. do-MI, new. /22.4a12231i - do.-1866, new, Itlltia l 22%; 6 , 19,10-40's t 13. h. SO -Ye Intern er cent. Cur rency, lhugailDit Duo, Compoundst Notes; 194: Gold . 13t15,481,36.i.: Silver..l.3oAista2. • • Smith. Randolph It Co., bankers. Third and Chestnut streets . ouote at 11 o'clock as follows: .fikatl.l36.l;; U.S.' elies..k.w,l24.l,,alteds; do. do. 6.20. 1862.125a126!4: do. do 1864, =fans; do. do., 1865. 121i,gat2;0;;; do do., July, 1865, 122, 4 '5122N; do. do., July, 1867, 122)'a12214;_ do. do., JulY. 1169: 1.224a122hi; dew fs'e. 10-40. Iffaiallsg: Cur rency 6s, ' , " • • - ' " Jay Cfollows Co. quote Goyerninent leettliti..te., to day. f U. • _ ._.B 64,3881,12 , 411026hil 6-20 s 0ft 62,125" •=O4; do. 1861, 1214'.4a124;- do. November. 1665.1234 a /24: do. July, 1865, - 122%a1223a; do. Mfg; 1:8 , -Saltrii i .do. . 11 /34; Gold 036. • 4 rblitt4lollabla Pr*dace Market. . , Mortnstr, Aug. 0, 1869.—There is no change in Clover 8130 d, HMI we continue to rotate at $949 50. Small silos of now Timothy at $4 60. , Flaxseed Ia taken on account • T Jere is no v1111110 . ' 1:1 the Breadstuff , trade, and not much Change to record in - prides. 'rho darnand for Flour is - very modefate, and only 1,2 00 barrels changed hands at ss.ass 50 per barrel for linperlino; 15'5 60a$5 75 for Xxtras;_Sta 250117 62 for low grade upto Mncy and fresh ground Northatest; e 6 r.ras7.or Pennsylvania do. do.; and $8 258_,510 for fancy lots. "Rye Flour is held iirinly at 06 25. Prices of Corn Neal are nozninal; There la • more Wheat , offering, and the ' • demand Sales 013,000 bushels new RN], part damp, at' $1 45a$1 58; 400 bushels fair Indiana white et $1 59, and. some Rentuchy.whlte at el Rye Is steady. and eta , bushels llrestern.Seld at.',lsl 25, -Corn .16 ncase,' but • adorn are • 2 centibigher:— Sales -,, bf ,, ,2a1p000 burin els Western mixed at $1 16a.51 18. 'Orin! are , : un changed. Sales of 2 500 bushels Western at. 74 cents; Pennttylvlana do.stC6 s u724,,nntlV)obusncis now at 58,acosta. Whildry and Is selling at $1 m; Old Rio is held for a material advance. Philadelphia Olttele Market. Aug. 9. , '69._ The market 'for 'beef 'cattle was aetire 10-daY' tip the full eXtenl of the offerinam and prices were h!gher. Su !cam . choice at 93 fair to good at 6,.41"a9e.; prime at. 7m6e. s and common at.i.4a7c. per pound, gross. The fol. 16Williz Stiles were reported 40 (liven Smith,Wespera, grs • 71,ine3i• 54 Chri,ity 4 Bra., WeAtern. Xrs. 63,41'4 47 Denefer & 3leeleese, IVesturn, gre 634:18 155 Slerflien ,Western, gra 7 1194 85 P. llathaway, Westerit, gre ' 7a9 69 James 13. Kirk, Classier no., .gra: • ' 73i'69 50 B. F. licksillen, Western,ars 7.!.4101.1‘ 103 lames bleVillen, Western, gra a 9 65 Ullman r IVeetern, 8 an 52 Az lhuli3uan,•Weateni, ars A, '11,3 Martin. Fuller & Co., Western. gre 7 a 9 100 Mooney 5: Smith. Western, are 7 n9i4 65 Time. Mooney Dro , Va.. grs. 6 a 8.4 04 J. & L. Frank, Vs., gre aS 130 Frank & Schandmra, Va., ar• ' 7 a:3% , 75 lingo & Co—Western:ant U Dryfoos Co.; Va., „re • • .646/. 2 5.3 Elton & Co., Va. grs B. Baldwin,Clie4er a9 51 4hantll6r & AL:otander.Chtster. co., grs... .... 7 &d. 18 L. Horne, Delaware, gro ......... .... 66 11. 3layne Western, Kas ' 'There was but little demand for COWS and Calves, and but few tales were reported. We quote 84.5 airld, and Bpringeti at 193500E60. Receipts, 200 head. Sheep were in good request, and 10,090 head sold at 53,a There was eonoiderable urgency . : in the demand for Hoe, and.prices were hardly so firm.. Sales of 4 PUO !mut at, the Union. and Avenue lards at 81.46514 50 per 100 Thelfeir - Yorklitoner - Blerket. (From the N..Y. herald of Jo-day..l • - •• 15r.s - ner, Aug. S.—The money market worked steadily and easily throughout the week. at live • fewen per cent. as the extreme rates on call loans, and 734a10 per cent. on discounts. The ruling figure on. governments was six per cent, but the transactions at fire were more .than exceptional: The purchase - of two millions of bonds by the government paid for In two-thirds na tional bank notes and one:third legal tender, having in creased the supply of currency in the banks, of 130 value to hold as n reeerve,leading stock houses alto easily accommodation in that description of money below" lbo legal rate. The statement Of the associated banks for the week ending yesterday makes rather ea unfa vorable exhibit in the continued reduction of the /eget reserved, and is against_ the expectation of any greater ease in money than at present exists. Notwithebtuding the gain of 41,000400 in coin from the b a lan cet amount during the week by the Government of specie bad decreased 31,%5 with total shipments for the •week amounting to _only 81,5w.000, whit. the legal tenders had likewise decreased in the neighborhoOd •of forty.fixo thousand-making a total loss of lawful money reserve of ei.913,000. Agninet this is an increased expansion of over four and a !quarter millions in the item of loans. The gain in national batik note currency' Is represented by an increase in the deposits of over three • and three-quarter mullions, thus adding to the liabilities of the banks without strengthening their ,conditiou. The amount. held in lawful money -in excess of the twenty-tive per cent. legal reserve allows a reduction of two and tibeee-gnarter • The gold market during the -week has - been dull -and - steady ,t he extreme fluctuations of the whole week Heinz only 0r.,. per cent. The market closed at the same figure as on the previous Saturday-1216.!:a1341.i. Forrign exchange was nuietTand closed' steady at the following leading quotations, with a firmer feeling in francs: Sterling, commereial, l093010n,'; STOW to' prime bankers-. 1 109:0'110V; snort eight, 110. a The government market was strong throughout the week, and active on t he ten-forties and currency sixes at higher ttguth!, The large purchases of Jive-twenties by the gni ernment having reduced the supply of these hangs. und_prompting.,boldere_to_carry_amontits -in ex-- pettstiott of still - greater appryciatton, while furtla,r Plies are announced. l biu_bruitel_apezualir—ml--; ug illy ammea. - _ WThe es" York Stock/Market. (Correspondence of the "Assticiated "NEW Ytilitt, - Auatist '9.:;--Stialttirrite' Money steatlY, ntcn7lwr cent. Gold, 139.4; feD:l4,l=, coupons , 1244; do: kat, do,. do. lisM.e.o.. 123).1; do. now, I=7; do., Id 7, 1r.1f , 1; do., InS.lO-40s, 11.94; Virginia 6's, new, --4 ;634" — , -- Missourr --- 64 - , --- 10 - ; -- Caultin Company, 69; - Cumberland - preferred. 5e4 Nov. York` Central. 211.."; Erie, ‘26.74;•lteading, 973 i; Hudson River; 141; Michigan Central. 130: Idichuran Sontheni, 10.415; Illinois Central. 141; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, IlMi; Chicago and Rock Island. 11/34; Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne, 153 U; Western Union Telegraph, 3614. Markets by Telegraph. SpeelaiDeepateb to the Philn. Evening Bulletin ..NLW Yong, August 9, heii P. 81.-43otton—Theruarget thin morning WHO fairly active on low grades, anti tine on export. bales of about 1.000 bales. We quote. a 4 fol-. lows : Middling Pplatals; 21,1- ]Middling 0 rleaii e. 31. ' Flour, &c.,—Recelpts. 10,4 barrels. The market for Western and State Flour is active, and 10a20 cents higber,.chictlyfor usportif on low, des. Thu sales are about 12.000 barrels, i -Ti ncluding ' Superfine State 'at 10a6 441; Extra State at 6 , 6 80a7 1O; low grades Western Extra, t. 0.5a7 .Southern Flour Is tint), with it fair demand. Sales ef I.IRO barrels at 06 70u7 15 for' Extra Baltimore and Country, and 06 70a12a, etti forleatully do..Calltornia Flour is steady, with ;a fair deninnd - 6alen . of 400 , barrels- at 07as3 60 , for old via the /Inert, and 080 00 for new via the Minute, Rru flour , tirm, with a fair drmantl. ,of tl4) bar , Grant - -Receipts of iirheat,l4,ool) Tim in arlort eXaited, higher and active; ' tho'4ltintand i? chiefly ter export, The sales are '7s;__ooo buttliels goo( Ni,.. 2 Mil ,lValthee at 01 GOA G 5, and No.. 1 do at 61 76; porno', Thu' ikvtiglid . ttotlintl:ntlive: sales Of 10,000 bushels new Western at $.1.13a1../SM; afloat.. "Otits--Reccipts—lS Tbe ninrket *stronger , with , a , good , Aletnand sales of 4000 hualhel4 at 80c,i State, 816. • Jersey, - par4.; Sent/tern Hui7oaltY.e is uteataal,,, .11arN•Is aftltra - Provist 01124'.•-•PQ rki—The , market ts loing denwad, buyers ntittaellers tire atilirtflonaltinlat,2.5 We:o6m -.MPS* Lard—dlercipte-1110 Tho' marl aft is firm with a moderate, : denutud; :Sates of 300 bar rels ~ We quote fair to prima steam at Wldskt oc e tpta; "'"Aa rbp R ark,t and quiet.. INVe quoteWodetti Oil 13. t Ply film Ovitli , deuifiud..4:stilopi ng .„ i ss„,; o; wQtiw' For. Hops there ity some Enroioati 3denitind:,! , The market is tirin tont active for brewing, and' priafs are -lasses active and nominal. Carolina rice in fair domain:. Sales, iit . .3!,i'at/h . . Sugars , iess , Arpt;. demand moderate. 'Fair to stood refitilmt,4l.Vall4s t'• 'refined ilrin at 1541ilfic for hards. Grass BCI ds ars tionliao/: Mover , TimethY, firm n good eiva ml, sales of 40,000 . hi. Corresooildence. of the Associated Press.l NEW Yon it, August ..9.4-_Cottorr stye dY ; ' salsa or too bit les 7 a t 17,041 'Flour active and advanced 15:1.251%; stiles of 10.000! barrolii State Att. :s6a7 tO: Western tit s6a7 80;. leathern tit $7llll 75;,. and California' at ?et; Mae 50, , Wheat buoyant and excited; sales of 175,000 ,at. lan advance of 540 eents:No: 1 at $l, 71); No; 2. 'ST 57 a 15 9;'. red Western:•-$1 &Sal, 73 Ainber Stitte' $1 7S. - 'Corn • :steady; sales of 36,000 bushels mixed,Western ..at . er i nal 16. 41ritk quiet sales of 140/0 bushels at • Beef quiet. Lard quiet .. Whisky quiet - at $1.12: - .: 11,44.taimattE.; August 9.T-Cottonidull and , , 3334. cents.- 'Flour dull; Motraixt Street' Sunerfine, ,86a, 6'soido, Extrq .. , $6 7007 00; do.„Family, $0 2 5: - LitY. Mills.' Superfine; , 456116' 75; !do'. 'Extrtv,'., SG '75a9; do. CBwoo 88,.. - Iveytern Bii_pdrilne; $5 7510,25, do. Extra. $6 75a $705; $ 7750:50 : Wheat firm; 8ei1,51,65a1. 65. Corn steady, White,sl 03; Yellow,s . l 11. . Oate,6oa6lc. Rye. el 20 rhltiiis Park' firm fa :Wino 50. COll active; rib .Piden193.019)4 centerclear ce nts. cents; Shoulders, 10/6 cents 'Lard firm at .193‘a20 cents. Whisky in fair demand at .; I itiasl 16. r/ITiE MISSISQtJQI , , Amy cum Cancer and'Scroftiloui'dlennsen of Vol Skin. See Report: to' li. I. Modleal' Nociety, And Mato mints of XVIIICIRM4 I n circular sontfroonn to ' • CHAS J A DUBOISi lloneral Agent„ . 182 Pearl StrAt, Now - York ' ' ' '33+3inUttof O. Box 1660 I.RD 0u...-33 . 138L8J*10. 1 IVESTEItaq Lard. Qll, to arrive .and for este' ..by'OOOFIRAN IiF7BSELL g 130.,111 Chestnut street. , THR. i . I bAI L Y ;' , EV. , gIO,IS9',I 3 .I4;tATIIq. ; tr4ILA : I4XY . O.I4, -, : _4 : ,E).00-#Y 5 * 33Y TkiLEGR.A.rI-1, ' • The 'Mexican Commission THE Nr, , W STATE IiTJILDI&6 SAFETY or, VIE sirrAIIIER- SEMINOLE • Irroisr Washington. • [Special Despatchto the PlithulelPlita Evening Bulletin. 31E'XICAN CLAIMS c0:1151ISSION. AVASITYNOTON, Angnst 9th.—SCDOr Fran cisco G. l'alaeci, 3•leximn Clahus Com missioner,arrived, —here ' . this • morn ing, aecoiritianieil by his son and Senors Por tugal, Sa n chez and 31exia. It is understood that the Commission will proceed 'With its 'work, although as the time' fixed for its. Organization has expired, a supplementary protocol will be, ilecessasy to validate ha NEW STATE BUILDING. - • ; The Comniission to select a site for the new State Department building have had one rn4et ing and adjourned tbr future• consideration Thereis - a disposition to get, if possible, a lo- cation tearer the Treasury and War iPepart, meats than the building now.oc6upied. SAFETY, OF TIIE essitNova. In consequence of the false report that fears were entertained for the safety of the steamer Seminole, despatched to look after Luperon's piratical vessel, many anxioas inquiries have, been made 'at the 14ary Department. There has not been the slightest ground for imeasi= mess:.. Governor 3lcCook, of Colorado,who arrived hero a day or two since, left for Denver this morning. ' " The First Cotton. -• NEW YORK, August9.---The ' two first baleS of cotton for the se4soicfroin' Texas, have arrived. One bale was , sold atanctiontto-day and brought fifty cents a pound,realizip , &sl9o; or .$6O more than thevnling rate. The second bale will be shipped to Liverpool. Bestir ucti re Fire in Yonkers, N. y.,....L05s $200,000. , • , •NEw Yon K ,August'D- 7 -A bloc k - of o buildings in the village of. Yonkers; bounded by Ather ton,dock and Owen street and WellS avenue, `were burned last - •night, inVolVing a loss of about $200,0110, on winch there is Nita small insurance. The fire is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. .Among the build ings consumed were A chert's & Quick's steam saw, mills, Parson's limber yard, Strew. art's stables, Yeoman's real estate office and a large number of dwellings. FINANCIALAFFAIRS IN NEW YORK AN , EASY MONEY MARKET Gold Market Quiet and Firm Governments Quiet and Generally Firm (Special Corroepond once of the Plilla.Eyeoln sr Bulletin. t NEW August; 9.—The week opens 'with an easy nioneymarket at 5 to? per cent. on call. Discount operations are at a stand- still, owing to the large dry goods failure. Gold has, been quiet and firm: during the morning at 14301503. Loans are made at 511 a 7 per cent. for earr,ying.. Foreign exchange is dull and steady on the bads 10a10/ for prime bankers' sixty days , ,raidlojalOS for night. " Government bonds are quiet and generally firm. Southern State securities are dull. A further decline in.Tennessees is . the only important change. Railway mortgages are steady; Union Pa .eifies are quoted at 891a894; Central Pacifies, P61a97. ~ [SECOND DESPATCH.) NEW YORK, 'August 9.—The railway mar ket is generally firm, and the fluctuations slight. The business chiefly, is in New York Cents il, Michigan Southern, North Western, Rock Island and St. Paul; While: the .only marked activity is in .Northwestern 'nommen. and preferred. ONE. • QUOTATIONS.—New York Central, 2111a214i; Northwestern, 9.1.ia911,• Pre-, ferred, .911;a914, ' Reading, 974974; Michigan Southern, 1 0 8 0-1.08.1;_5t..Pau1,.844a.84.1; rburgh, 107;a107i. The , . miscellaneous list showed considerable vitality 'in Pacific Mail, [-which rose-from-8.5t0-891,-and-flnally-retri6ed -1 to 853. ' The balance Of , ' the shares are--dull. ....xpress idiares are dull. VANDERBELT AWIEVGAItitISON. A Queer Story 4- Did Commodore Garri son - Try - to - Shoot CoMmodore. 'Vander bilt? i • [Froth the : St: Paul Despatch, August 2. r There is in New Vork:asteamboat man bv, the name ,of Garrison. When , Vanderbilt began - running his steainers to. Sim Francisco,_ he engaged Garrison at ten thousand a; year to attend to his business in San Francisco. The contract 'twas for ten 'thousand •a year for ten years, and *as in writing: A little time after the Commodore sold 'out interest to the Pacific Mail Company, and GarriSon was left to himself, . The latter threatened, and finally . sued Vanderbilt, button effect. ,At length, being Weary of Vanderbilt's "delays, and being a man famons'for his "Herculean , powers; he called Mien the Ceininodere at hiSlittle ofline in Fourth street, near Broadway. On enter-: ing he turned the key and placed it hi -his pocket.. Turning, to Vanderbilt, he ,said: "Cominodore, you are at my mercy. Yon or will never leave tint; office till yon have set tled With me.": , Upon this he drew out att .'posing lOokingrevolVer and sat down oppo site the:Commodore. Vanderbilt is not easily territie4. , Address,. lag Garrison; he said, , " Captain, i!keep ! cool, you are joking Even if I wishedlcouldaot • , pay your demands here at this time", GtirrisOn • was undaunted' by this, but ex :el:tithed COminOdore; it is useleSs for you to taik This account mast be settled.— You or I will be dead, but I will not leave this 'office till you have paid me." '!Hon can said Vanderbilt, now be gi 'ming to feel the disdoinfort of ' ' " Welk". said Garrison; -" "in that safe there you have enough to pay rnc. , .This • account' ninsti be settled,.or you or I did, that is Commodore looked sternly at. Garrison for &Moment then turned, to his safe, drew old taint stocks and ,boilds,• and said : rison, you are ganie: Heie are stocks and I• bonds. Take your dues andleav;i." r seleetedi one,.• hundred thousand , 1 • dollarS of, the precious eertilicate4pOcketed thelph:lm& walked otL..; gym!, Sham that he ac - d; :Vanderbilt haye, ~heen good: friends. ;(41111SQ11'is still here among N - ew Tung men, many of Wham have known hint In even more se** toterihan - this we have • eSeri bed. • , • •L The Ve4',qlitleNlEli.P/RIIVIir.-,' Y Mal 1 , uly 3. V e are all frightened ..otter the predictions ,of :the .Gertnan savant who; declares 'that this/year we - shall experi ence'the greafest-par,t4qualp 0.4 • have ever been: knw on. These predictiousarebelieved by a great many, ,partiuularly' i as we' have every now and then a dond!shaltiug. On the 21st, mgt.'. We 'had quite severe' shoek of . ;earthquake here, which 'WM felt as Paita and Callao:' Two days' afttrWard'a shoWer 'of, ashes Kell over this City, which, it is holieVed, proceed from .the old volcano Piehinchi, the' inoinitainon. Which the, 'City, of Quito issitu ated.. The yolcadoeS (A . :Pi - chinch,: and. Coto paxi 'are:at prehent in a,iitate of aetivity,Which leads to all kinds of 'apprehensions. The *5',4!P . 1'4.4.;:.'.;:'i , *AffiItINGTON '111"44001C.,.. ..To**petroleum weliaral,o4oin l i ocilice at present 80/.120 .AOOOlOl°4El y., e .-Xationar. ennvention..na flebiatOdilief.l until in a state, . tit ..**At )lan , ' tivilifthe 'Oxtolifive iforte,aciiittialmtplo** aetiAlttreia :of f 1,44 - citla , /of e,Ni , orat. ,l .reliaiact4i, and; - 6±. p l ystiedo artgif oil win! bet :used to the mea*.best . advantage to fcsr.kinfitArol'i • t, 'tiltsten(i,nrizzliteNtot• „.".2{,-,Tite New (York Ilerald Ptiblb(hetS the follow; lug 'story, the truth of which is *least doubt fu.r.j ; • char •'l," story illu.strative of the char* lef,Attor. , "ney-General" Boar has just been . relight. :to. light,. in , connection with the nomination Of Dana l Sickles an Minister to tiittin; 'lt appears that the nomination of Sic es like • that most other foreign MiniAters, ~, ( Nos discussed in Cabinet, :ecitincil•••_ 4 'ittre-• vions ,to his appointment._ WheniSid_Kies's name Was mentioned, by: , , t„ the dent' , fir Hoar, raising spec*lei, aboye hid eyebrows , said,. ‘‘.lf ,I it appears to nie that' GthieranSieJtl(ki - Was mixed up, with the Ostend manifestii. rdon't. • lino* bowthat would (to in , counectian • with'• his appointment to Spain." , Secretary'Fish. who was/never enthusiastic far Sickle.s,seezned, to, take courage at the , remark , . of Mr. , 1 - toati, and( .interposed that his recollection was. similar to that of Mr. I-roar concerning' the, "Ostend 'ina,nifeito. He also expressed' some doubts of thepropriety of sending Mr: Sickles ' to f Spaiii; in view of his connection /with = that affair. There Was I‘a brief pause, • after which Secretary. Bad - ]fns said ; ' , Well, I was in favor of the - Ostend • myself at, the time it was issued." ;manifesto"l"es,"said Creswell, "and so was I in faioi of 'it then." There was another brief . silence, "when - the President, looking at-the council board in a thoughtful manner, said, "Gentle men, I believe I was in favor•of that manifentd myself at the time it was , issued.", / This put an endto the cavil. Hoar made no further obict-. tion on that score. Fish was ((Sent, and the *nontination of Sickles was settled by the Presi dent. EINIEMEE President Gunnan's ProclaniatiMa. PANAMA, July 31.—President Guimin, of Nic:axagu, a underdate of June 17, has issued the following proclamation: COMPATRIOTS: YeStCriday was inaugurated in Leon by the taking of the barracks, a revq- , lutionarymovement which lia.s been threaten ing for some time pa.st. You well kilo* that the loyal and benificent policy which. I have always striven to follow, from the time' that first occupied the position of President, guar ^ anteed the exercise of every, liberty, but • thishas not been enough. The disposition for dixeorrl has seized upon the hearts ,of Some. few misguded Nicaraguans, impelling them to the commission of the blackest of crimes- sedition. Nicaraguans : I have adopted. in time of peace the utmost mildness in the .ex erciiie of power, but I am resolved to apply every energy to the re-establishment of order, and rely on your co-operation and bravery. General Officers and Soldiers : Rally round the Govermnent with one accord. Be warned now, as upon former occasions, of the dis, turbers of the public, and be sure that, you will find in your midst your sincere friend, Pciatarrno , GI7ZMAN. Islicaragua, .Tune 27,113 J. On the 4th inst. an engagement took phice at a place called "San Roque " between the Government troops and the ' insurgents, in svhich the latter.were completely put to rout. The roads for a great distance were tracked with the blood of the defeated rebels, showing that the Chassepot rifles of the GovernMent troops bad done good service. The reiroln tionists are committing all kinds of depreda tions. PANAMA, July 31.—The city is at present filled with . passengers from all parts of the world, among whom-are a number of bishops and priests on their why, for Rome to attend *the CEctunenical Council. Mr.. Sidney' H. Dickens, second son of Mr. Charles Dickefis,, is also here. Mrs. Dickens will have the Isth mus in a feiv days for VanconVer's .Ishntl, where`he is to join If. B. M. S. Chameleon. Among theA3asseu,„o . ers who leave the Isthiuus to-day are Arr. Witutun 110180h ' Commercial Agent of the Panama Railroad;. Mr. Turner, Acting, Chief •Engineer of the .Panama Rail- Toad, and Mr. Dingee, Chief Engineer Of the Pacific Pearl Company. Mr. D. goes home to report on the working of the Company's subma; riverboat . explorer,. the success - of which, for diving purposes and the pearl fishery is beyond a doubt. Dttring the last two years the submarine boat had ;been laying:neglected on the beach near the railroad station, and was looked-argon by mally - as a failure, but .it had' never been put to the test: 'The builder' of the boat, 31r. Kroh!, died In this city shortly after it Was'_furnished, twe, years a,y,o; andiuntil Mr. - Dingee 'came to the Isthmus. there was no' one who understood how VS work the tioat. The' success is now. established. News has:been re ceived here that the brig Ontario, .Kendrick r of and , for_MelbOUrne r trom New York, -Jan... 26, was abandoned' very, leaky in a perfectly disabled state May N), latitude 21. S., lon. 87 E„ andbroire - upi - andsunk'Shnrtly afterward. The crew-were,saVe_d_andlanded at-31 auri tins;- 111 BULLETI.A. PHU' ' • = • = Ma See . Marine Btilletin on loVile Pare liRRIVEDTrfIS . DAY; • Steamer Vulcan, Morrison, 24 hours front New_York, frith Mast, to WM . Batrd!kt Co. • . Steamer Ann'Eliza. Richards ! , 24 hours from New York. with mdse.to W Clyde tt Co: • • • - Steamer J S Shriver,Riggans,l3 hours from Baltimore{ with mdse to A Groves. Jr. " Steamer James Green, Vance, 38 hours' from Rich- Mond, via Norfolk, with mdse to W P Clyde dc CO. • ;gentler Roman, Boggs, 48 hour's from Boston, with rads, and paSseugers to .11. ,t; Co. • Passed in Pay , bound up, brigs Charles Miller and Mentor; schr idn two barks and a number of:loaded schrs, be sides uthem before reported.„! - Steamer Concord. N ertuan, 24 hours from Now York, With mdse to W M Baird k Co. Brig Giles Loring, Pinkham, 5 days from 'New York, in ballast to J RBazley 1r Co,, • • Brig Hattie B, Dodgett, 3 days fiom Boston, in ballast to captain. Selo E II Atwood, Higgins, 12 days from Gardinor,lie with ice to Knickerbocker Ice Co. Schr Hattie Biker,Crowell, 10 days frinn GardinerJile, with ice to Knielterbocker,lce Co. • lumberrom. 'Crowell; 7 ' days from Norfolk,' with to .1 W (Install .k SoWs. •• • • Schr A Tirrell, Atwood, 5 days front Lane's Cove, with granite to linker Bros. Seto k.l Marts, Marts; 6 days froni 1 Gardiner, with ice to K nickerbocker,lce Co . , Schr C C Clark; Crook. IT days froni St 'Andrews, With cocoanuts to Phillips , • ; *Schr Thee Borden, Wrightingtini, 3 days from Fall Diver, in ballad to captainy - - • Selo Undinealartini from Portland ; Coma, with stone to Gray &Jiro.. S'ehr 31 1: •Grahatii.Forathiiii, from Saco; with leo to' Knit kerbocker Ice Co.; - , , • Sam Herbert, Crowell, from Boatonovith ico . Knickerbocker lee Co. . . . . _ . Tug Hudson.'Nicholson, from Baltimore,with a tow of Barges to IV P Clyde & Cu. . Tug Fairy Queen,Perkins,from IlaYro de Crace,with 4' t o w of horses to W 1 elyde,,& Co. ~ . , •• , • • Schr Yandalia;Ciongbell, 1 day front Smyrna. Crook, with graireto .ltis R painter. , • , Schr Potosi,. Truax, 1 day from ,Leipsic, Dol. with gil .tit JO 111 Palmer. .. edi t .C. i , .: I , l itige,l4lindy'; Boston. - kic ritat .No 42. Notion, Hartford. : , ~ sehr 81Y it:Devitt, TilcDuritt, Hartford. Selo. Hain ittrg, IYeatcolt,flartford. • ' -', • •" &hr.] 31' hill. Hall. Boston. (.•..._ CLEAItRATIIIS DAY. !, Steamer Bei rly. Pierce. New York. Vi P ClYdo'.34 Cu. Bark Pauli., Kruger,dtettin, L,Weaterrolard & Co.' '' ' SCllll' .1 S De miler, Grace, ..5, Antesburg, .1 no Hommel Jr Sela. , lad e illottin i Rue], Providence,' do r: .., • Schr R Illt, No 41, Bartlett. Middletown:. do Schr R. lilt. o 41. Trainer; 'Norwich, ' do '' ' Schr Ait.l. - 81 ith, - S'alem.,- ' ' . -- • ~. , ' ' do- , -'' ' Mir Murata 1 Pen in. Packard, Solent, , do Ttig Thos Jefferson, Allen, Baltimore, with 'a tow of barges. IN P Clyde. & co, Tug Conanallore.Wileoll., Havre ii 9 Grace, with a tow of , . barges, NV I' Clyde & Co.. ' - t ' • - . -s. .4 . 4 . . MEMOUA:kiiiA • 4 ' ..... . •' f . 1 4 inita, lirookS, hence at New - York 'yo- I (NO), Probst,.froM Bremen for this port, ,i fi T tA t tg, l Tie lo n l gt i tt il Liem Gth inst. - .; ' arrnmn, Morrie, hence at Salem 6th lust. Ind, Steelman; and .Eva My, Richaviti,' .41em6th,inst. for this port.' n Anthony MIK from Boston* Amelia,. I. P McDavitt, - Mullins front New London,' I Lou her Taylor, froth . New Doren, all'. ssed Hell Gate yesterday.. - . etacOck; Smith, and II It °Ahura; SMith . on 7th inst. , .; , ..! ..• -, _ ~- ' • nia Munson, Jr. Dayton, Liallo.from Now`N het. for this port . ,- - ' . - - . ' Mar, Ward, hence at Norwlely'tith inst.' :Doyitt, sailed from , Norwich..tith Anemia Stggnier 1. 1 tollay BetClar Imo tipoken Brig ]Brie ; • Behr w F Sclira Ad nailed. from, Setae .8u: Beebe, and and Nary for Oita por Schrx J henco it 130. echr 3lar. London inh • tiohr }fele (ichrJ • IS for this nor o, Searle, and Raton,. Sear/Q , hence at Ba, . 6th inst. Schrs, Alotl kor-'u Taaidit EBY TELEoRBiII4 OWN. Aug. 97Arrly , stecuruer - City •of kim New York. ' EERY. Au g a--ArrNed steamer Nestorian, QUNENS Brook LON Vri DON frQm (Hob e'c I NicAuotrA. Panama. 1869 • 'JD TEL ' 4 • .._,50ft,'"7":`,.)4,-r'-'-' 4:;.;,•-,i, ,- ,7 4';,::::', t!';...A. ;...7....f.-7..,.. ••• ~..• .. -atm 0 1" .WASZta ' , EOLIPS obiervayons from the Naval Obsereatoul N AVAL INTELLre:EN'di .:Additional Cable Quotations , . F.ieesm WAelhitngdo--,• - wAsnixerms; ' August-. 9.—ComModore Sands, who has charge of the:Navai• Observa tory, has submitted the following to t,he ecre.;,- tary of the.fiavy_:., . 8. NAVAL. VBSERVATORT, D. C:', August 9, 1869 =Sir : 'I have reetvgd'a' "telegraphic, despatch from our obsetvereat Des 'Ali:lines; lomia. , Profeisor • 'Harkness 're-' perts.as follows: We have Succeeded beYou'd our: most sanguine: expectations. fWe - have . on elundrel and twenty-threc photographs of T the' - eelipse two being of totality .also spectre, of tive prominences; no, two, of them : , giving' the same' lines: ' We could see "nia"ob..' serration 'lines in the spectrum of the corona: It gave a continttons' Spectrum'. with , one= brig - lit line In it. , • . l'rofessor Eastman's observations were ,also most successful. . • . • • Professor Newcomb reports, that no ultra , niercurial_plutets.were visible 3lr. F. W. Ilardwell aid, left here on Fri - day morning and arrived at . Bristol, Tenn, in ample time for the eclipse. His special ob jects of attending were the duration of the to-• tality and intermercurial planets., The.eircumstances attendinghis observation were extremely favorable. Mercury, Venus ,and Regulus were visible to the naked eye,but no intermercurial planet was seen. Ale re corded numerous notes of the phenoinenon, from which a full report will be made :at this 5,1 The sun was 'Partiallv'obscured .by clondsi and, owing to the use of a higher power than the observer was accustomed, to .he, failed to. get the first and last contact. His: other ; Oh-, servations were entirely successful. I , will have the honor to submit a more detailed 're-. port upon the return of the officers sent out from the: Observatory.. ' • `'' Very respectfully, your obedient servant, B. Commodore,Sunerintencient. Hon. G. M. Robeson, Secretary of the Navy. Ensign William C. Strong has ,been ordered to the New York Navy Yard from the 15tii(if 'September next. .Assistant-ParnaSter Greenwich has been ordered to the Nyack on the Ist of September. Assistant-Paymaster H. T. H..Flarris has been de.tached from the Nyack and ordered home. - • Senor .11ariscal,. Mexican Minister, arrive(' here to-day. He -visited the State Depart anent and kft, his credentials. It is probable' lie will be received by the President .to-rnor-' TOW. D. Francisco 'Gomez del Palacio, Commis= sioner under the Claims' Convention, also ar rived this morning. , Arrangements,have been made for, $. an early meeting of the Board. •: BY the Atlantic Cable.'Special Despatch mi to the tiii.Eiening Bull e tinl LIVERPOOL, Aug. 9;' P. 31;4(16tt0n, is re ported adVanced. 17plands, - 13. Lorruon, Aug. 9.—Bonda are weaker and` without movement; 62's, 831a834: 65's, 824; VB, l Bll. Consols, 924,asked; 921 offered. FROM NEIIV YOUR:* NEW Yonx, August 9. —Thomas , Shields, living in Jackson's alley, Brooklyn, was 'ar rested yesterday on a charge of causing the death of his wife, Catharine; by neglecting_ to provide the necessaries of life for her. The wretched woman died from sheer:' destitution and want. _ Walter. Brown . , the champion oarsman of America, left this city on Saturday last by the Inman steamer for Liverpool, to row a 'match for the championship of England.. Ground will be 'broken to-day for the new Post-otlice. It is reported that arrangements have been consummated by which the build- , ing will be located• fifty feet. nearer the City. Hall than was, first decidedupon,leaving thaU amount of additional space, for the rapidly,in , l - creasing business at the, lowerendolthe park. Last evening the Rip Van Winkle, on her return from the Fishing Banks, when opposite Jersey City, ran down a sailboat Con-", tabling six person. The steamer's course WWI stopped anti a boat's crew reecifed irony their; imminent peril. • The photograph ,of the_persen_wo commit. ted suicide at Crewe, England, a, few weeks --- agoiand - who - waethen suppoeedtti - b4liisonie way connected with the Ocean Bank robbery, has -been. recognized beyond doubt as'that of - 1 Wni. LeisS, formerly a Custom House broker at, N0.'55 Broadway, and at , one timea runner nt_ Castle_ Garden. - Letstis said-to have -beery, involved in both demestic and;pecuniary: culticshereTand to borne a,not viable character, The photograph is that of, a man of about uri years of age, whose features have become .emaciated' by 'sieltneSs or din sipation: • The "Most Reverend Archbishop MeCloskey left this city at 3 P. M. on Saturday, .in the steamship Ville de Paris. He will leave the' steamer at Brest, and proposes to, make an'ex tended European tour. At the pier a liirge number of clergymen and ,inauy prominent, citizens had assembled to bid farewell 'to the Archbishop, among whin6 were the very Rev, Father Starrs, Vicar-General; the Rev. Arlessrs. Loyzance, President of Francis Xavier College; McLean, of St. Columba's Clovvry; Nicol, of St. Nicholas; Preston, of St Ann's; Mel%lahon, of. St. John's; Conrou, of Staten Island,and Curran,ofSt.AndrelVN. The ()liver family, intimate' friends of the Arch bishop, accompanied him. In the Surro,gate's CoUrt, during the past week, the will of the late Mr. Rufus L. Lord, of "The Lord Bond - Robbery , ' xiotthicity, was admitted to probate. The deceased was a bachelor ' and left ,property valued at $4,000,-, 000. ; Heleft surVrving four brothels, one sis ter and about seventy relatives in de_grees more remote. David X. anti Thomas Lord; ' brothers of the deceased, received'. the larger , . portion of the property. Clfinent Harwood, the English forger,, with. his Companions, John linteller .anti wife, ; left, for Liverpol Saturdayin the ,Ixunan steamer City; of Washington, in charge of Detect Irving; of the New' York Central Police., This step; was taken in consequence of the .earnest request of the accused that he might be hurtle (Mutely sent tot England, to meet mow. charge that. might be preferred against him., , , : MTN BuLLt.TAN. Si•oxin lionntair.t—jaittes Wilson wentintO the clothing store:of GustaVe • Golze,• 4;25 Walnut streeti . about o'clocdt •inorning, boy, was in, charge of ,the.ietOre, • •Wilson I priced several articles axid,, then innuaged to conceal some: vest pattOlis : under Ids „coat., Thisinovetnent was obServcdd `by Arr. who 'happened to,' lie on the other side of the street.; A policeman was' 'palled and Wilson was arrested. • 'Re ,was held for a hearing at • the Central Stationi• • ,• •' •, Stismotous.—Tlifee in n' were found' in 'the yard of a 'helm° - Spruce' street,- above Seventh,..late on Saturday night, and were ar.. rested, , Theyhad'iu - their'possessiou Skeleton heya, matches , and candles. Thoy•gave names, John , McGann, Ctaystus , Platt and Jabn ptelibi44 l and werelogked up for a hear ing at tlie:Cenval Station. - I'A'uAr. StlipOSO4, to be Joseph Seilinger, a. native, ofJCiavaria, , . from the third story 'w,indow of Schnell's beer saloon:, Tenth Street, holoW'Market, yesterday triornin4 abofit •-tWo "o ' Clock. He 'had b.en drinking freely. during , tho previous "-night. He wastakim to the. Pennsylvania Thispital, and died there yesterday afternoon. The deceased came from Trenton ow Wednesday last. • , •O'C''.l' .. .:::', • , i,,,, , r: ; •-, rt. S . ., ' • NOSQMQ '''';'''' ...'11:',.-;'.1.4.-;;;,,,/,.,1i‘,...441,1.,•',u, ; i c'. ,', ',:;*--„,-,••,', rY,"I-.. -1 4';'''''' '''' P.' . '. ' -. ' b 0 P 4 , ...;;!, ,2 . , ,.:; , ;' Ti ~,, _,..t i ,' '''' '' :.!!, -,;' 4:::,(,:: ! ^,,iiil" ' ' ..ItiVaiiPtiq,ColorB•4,-:,,?',',:-/.-,1•-::'•;, .i 7 i'''' ". dy ieting•ltierors;4oitk.f l 'a rl i i ratiis o l%.l.T,.,.,, -., ~.--. • - Pink,-Buff i -0140. Green' 'whit( '.- •' : 1 :` ,.. ;: - ...'..:'...:-:; . ': - ' -,.. ,':; ,. . , :','.... ( ''':,',:;...:i.i - -,;..'....Y.''..;,;:4:'.,,i';:'.•: . t . := . ..: . ,...:?..'i't;'''.: FltElltelt.itilett43,llllliitiii . . ~. .........„ ~.,.. ..... ......,...... . And Dotted Mull For SumnieeChatnherf Outiehte, Made an Hung in the Latest StYleti.. Lace and , Nottingham Cailains't AM** , *eigest itmees in r. MI. . . FURNITUREPUi And lifstiirlain for FURNITURE SLIPS W :N 1 1 / 0, o ir SII4It)ES Of nieiatest I. E. WALRAVM. Sar. , Aslmincv HALL, No. 71.9 cattonto Stant rJrNexiL. PACIFIC RAILWAY GOLD LOAN. MeOrs. DABNEY,- MORGAN et CO.,:q3' Exchange Place, and M. K. JESUP & 12 Pine Street, NeW York, Ofrer forieale the Bondi of the Kaneas Pacific Railway., These Bonds pay seven per cent, int:loft have thirty years to run; are. Free from GoVernment Taxation are secured by Land Grant of Three Million Acres of the Finest Lands in Kansas and Colorado.. , addition to this special Breatthe Company alsO owns Three , Millions of Acre Sin sae, which are being rapidly sold 'to develop the country and impreYe ihe road 'They are a first mortgage upon the extension of the road from Sheridan, Kansas, to Genver, Colorado.`.` The road in operation NOW EARNS MORE THAN ENOUGH NET IN., COME TO PAY THE INTEREST ON THE , -' NE, ;1)04 Thee is nelietiei'.ieefirili in the market :this being in some respects better than , GovernMent Securities.' PRIN CIPAL' AND INTEREST` IN GOLD Price 80, antraccrued interest, IS' Currency. 'Pamphlets, Maps and 'OirCulars. furnished on apPlication. • ~ t We are authorized to sell the 09048.-14 , Philadelphia eitil'ethent as tt'reliabli investment to our friends: TOWNSENV -7 WHELEN is' -13_0 No '=-30g:r1Waihrut,-Stiiebi;77' l I MPUE.AinIIO. s_ in w lthrp , • St, Louis; Vandilia 'and 'Terra Haute ' '• First Mortgage Sevens. I We would call the attention of. Investors to ihe abort! Bonds,' The Mortgage is at the rate of . $12,000 per mile, P with a sinking fund,prosisc of tintuou per annum: The Totals arc:also endorsedby the following companies: Terre Haufe. and ;Indianapolis, Rctikoad r A Company having no,debt nnd ['large surplus fund in the treasury ~ Columbus . Chiccigo and Indiana Central Railroad `, Pittfburgli, Cincinnati and St. Louis Railway Co. The last two endoreeineuts being guaranteed by thel '• Pennsylvania Railroad'Company... , • Wo are selling the aborelfonds at a price that Win a good rate of Interest. ' • . , .-! , DREXEL 46 CO ..• ' No. 341 Smith Third Street. ft' en . , ,• , , , • ~ . i. . ,BANKERS No. 35 So wrif THIRD , STREET, ' ' PHKADELPHIA, t ,1 , . .1). . 'ENERALAENT -. ' 'q . 0 ,:... , k, A NI t $ PENNSYLVA A- vr - AND :. $ , ~ , '4{,! , ~ , r A OF,' TH g , 1 ~4 ,11 4 ‘. 3'/.. , , i ,' r - ' r 1 I. I y ',. 'ti t '1 a d' , , d • • • , i , w y UIIITED STATEB, .. ERSCAii , • TturNaTrowan Imo raistrnaram`Cmisbatrir II ta ' corporation chartered by special Act atOmipem afor Praged July 25 , 186 0+, WIA it, • 'CAW CAPITAL. , ;0 putvpiito. Liberal team 0 Ace ' antis nail soilcito're, whq • are invited to apply .0 ou .... , , , T i located lee=" tOrr3OrTlATigiltir,TATZ, ~A' isitiv mt where Mortara 1144 gainpenownuly descr Mir Ur advantages rdreto4l,94)*conapany p uryty be 00u, • '- a Ns WI C LARA:* Cg‘t .• -• , I ~. - Aro p as 40a.th 27itra BA. } i~ ; 1 f''
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