C. lIIILL)ETIP4. THE,' TIOINTI.6IXTH [W,liitiO(4lo/eCIDE lid#4*.tiVO'lrOtrEtiT.-44UtItrititniiig ~Cirrener Daniels held an inquegt en: the body o 1 ds , WyCekeolored) whO , WaS••killedbY stall::1 hing,'tittliebarber-mhoPOf jaineSl3erry; 1522 Shippettritreet;: on ThurSdaY last. ..I.l'srae[Jt:. Blckettai ,eolOred;l3l)s•`Etturteline street, testified-On Thnitiday, the .sth Ot Ail gnst; in. the:theiiiiing ; 100011 and ,12,- 'a ,Man came to jiiinesPerry''s shop; NO= Shippen ; strialOsillitWer , leokitiggassea,'atid said , that he Was , teleriVe'thenity,ordernfJanies Derry; hewns' out; and said thatl Would go Ond see went out on Shippen St., and saw:•!itenty cinr•(the,priiioner) Comingto wardS the Atop; '1 asked bin if hehad seen Fitiries; he said !nor but he had seen, !Frank : (the depeas64lie Wiritt:•thi to:the Shop; n ndl, continued on ond found Derry and Wydeff; told Derry to, come to the shop, that the mini was Waiting , With the glasses;.;, I Went, to the, shop; "Carr-and the man with Were there ; I told the , Man that • Derry , would - be' therein:a few _momenta:. Derrycarne;to._ the - Shop in a few initintes; - helbolted! at the ,glasses .and went out, as I aupposcel, to get the money;' while he was out; . Carr •, Said, to :the man, • "James has gone out and don't know what titne:he will come' btiek; you had better let me take the gla.S.Sea 'and shoW•them to his Wife;" said to Carr,, "yoU had better not hare any- , thing to ,do with the glasses:".Carr•replied that' • he knees business ; I• tOld•ilie Man that he had better3hot Carr take the. glassmq Carr; insisted on taking the glasses to shoW toJatdes - D - 0 - IY - Is77%'olo74ll4;talcithe inatf:that she lived up Stalin over the shop, Which was not so; the umniet him have one , glass;• he took the glass\out the back door, the man snpnosirig that •he.:went up stairs with it; be , went - Ont in the street; the man asked me where the fellowhad gone With,the glass ; he • then asked inc if Dem's 'Wife lived up stairs, and I told him nerthe man then went to hunt for Carr ;in meantime' Derry came back; and I tOld him that Carr had taken a glass out, saying that he was going to show it ,to your. wife;, -Derry lola the man, that; he ought not to have let Darr have the glass ; Carr came back and I saw him and the Mau Milting in , the street; ' When he came in the Man asked . Carr, for the glass; he said ,that he couldn't get the glass; but there , was a dollar towards paying for the glass; and if he carne ou Satur day or Monday he would pay him, as Derry:_ was to pay. him, and that would be all right;, the man said 'that he wanted the - glass ; Carr said that he couldn't get the glass, and he • hadbetter make the best of it ; Derry said • that' rather than have any trouble he would' pay for the glasS, and counted out all 'of the Money except twenty-five cents., Which I gave to him; Derry aud'the man then Went ont to take a drink; WYcoff ; .who was in . a little back MUM, then dame out into the shop; and said: "Hen, if I was boss of this shop I wouldn't keep yon here a half hoUr; I would pin you out on the bricks; because any man who would do a;.you have done is not fit, to be in the short;" Carr asked him what he meant; he said he meant what he said; Carr teldhun that he didn't care a for him or Jim either, that Jim or 'Wycoff neither could put hiiii On the bricks ; lie furthersaid : "Yon have a ge:4(l6n] to say . about it; and I can. whip yout" Frank said : "You can't 'whip, ine;' Carr said: "You dare not fight;" Frank said : I don't warit to tight, but if you ever raise youihands,to hit me or cut me, either one, I'll put you in your hole, where yem belong;" Carr said, "That is all you think about,, if a man does anything to you, putting kin doWn in Moyamensing.'• Wycoff said, "No,. I'll not Put you in MoyanienOng.", Carr . then 'said, " Yont , clear ine of the law and I'll whip you; - vou,lrighthere ;" he then pulled ott his coat ; W3icciii. had on no. coat ;then I get on my feet and said to them , ‘,f, If you go out and get your rum into yon you •needn't to • think that you can eome into. this shp and do yoUr lighting, as you shan't do it;" Carr said, "Yeti are right enough, but I'll be d•-•'-d if I am going to let him' rule over tile;" and then Car went towardsWycotr; [took hold of both and beld them off; they wrangled about and tried to. get away ; Carr then put his hand down into a - pocket behind - his pantaloons ; . Frank aSked him if be was going after'd•knife ; I didn't see him pull out a knife 'at that time ,looked .at Wycoff and then at Carr, and then saw: Carr, have. a knifeirchiS hand, and was; opening it; I said : • "Harry put that knife up; you shan't cut Frank;" he made no answer; twatehed'hiM' then, and held hint tighter; he took the knife and put it in his lefthand, turned 'the blade towards the palm, raised • his ]nand towards his shoulders afid threw the knife 'at.Wycorr, the knife lodging in Wycoff's breast, 'about an inch below,the nipple Wycoff said : "I am stabled, h"haS stabbed me ; 'he pulled. the knife out of hint and threw it on the floor; I then pushed Carr into the little room, and Put my foOt' against , the door to keen him in there; then James Derry came in; Frank said to him : , "Jitn, Harry stabbed me;" Derry and ;Wycoff, then Went to the drugstore 1 I staid in the shop, standing at the door keeping Carr in ; a man came and said that Wycoff was dying; I opened the door and found that Carr had fled out of theback door; I never saw Carr practice , •throwing . a knife ; Several other witnesses wereexamined, but neneiv-fachr-were-elieited Dr. E. B. Shapleigh; • who made the post inor . _ tem. examination, testified that the knife ' blade entered the, left breast just below the nipple; and penetrated the left ventricle of the -----heart.--Death resulted froutthis stab, • The Verdict of the jury ,Was : - -"That the said -Francis S.--Wyckoff' - came to ' his_death by a stab inflicted at the hands_ of: Henry Carr, at No. 1522 Shippen street, Aug. 5, 1869." Carr was committed for trial. THE Film; ZOVAVES.—The tour of camp duty of the Philadelphia Fire ZOuares at At- lantic City is untied. While the members of tide regiment were required to adhere strictly to their military character, the Monotony of camp life was greatly relieved by the seri es s of entertaininents which have been given in honor of the, Zouaves, and which have all been' eminently successful. The hotel keepers, residents and sojourners at the City by the Sea have done everything to make the visit of the , " boys " a pleasant one, and none of the Zouaves have any reason to complain of their In meat. The week of festivity concluded last night by a grand farewell hop given at the Surf Iloue by Mr. Thomas Farley, the pro prietor. The attendance of ladies, and gentle- Ml-11 was very large, and the scene during the 411)110/1g was exceedingly brilliant. The affair passed off with the greatest success and with the most unbounded satisfaction to the Zonaves and their numerous friends. The regiment will return home this evening, and is expected to arrive at Vine street wharf at 7 o'clock. The Gray Reserves, Fritz Zou ares :Ind a delegation of the Fire Department will turn out to receive the Zouaves. The proceFsion will pass over the following route : Cp Vine to Secofid, down Second to Chestnut, up Chestnut to Broad ; down Broad to Walnut, up Walnut to Seventeenth, up Seventeenth to Arch. dowtrArch to Sixth, lip Sixth to Vine, up Vine to Eighth, and there dismiss. HA.ttinsomii CAu.—Another hamLsome pa.s senger car leas Just been placed , on the Phila delphia. Germantown and Norristown Rail road, It was built in - the company's work shops, undeirthe superintendence of Nathan Pawling - , the master carpenter. The , car is constructed upon the "palace plan, which has lately come in use upon . npen orjf:the - I6iiiling rail mails, and is :supplied With all of the modern improvements,. special care being, taken to have proper ventilation:. The l,nterior of the car is fitted up in au elegant ai most com fortable manner, This is the second car of the' hind which has been built in the company's shops, and a third is in course of construction. A HANDSOME P John Kelly. of the Eighth District Police, has had .prepared for presentation to Mr. Wm. B. Mil ler, Mayor of Cape May, a set of policemen's equipments (the mace and rattle••being, silver mounted) • and a nandsomely-bound copy of the Police Manual. Lieut. Kelly, accompa nied ,by Lieutenants John Spear, Win. Ja coby.and James, Smith, will go to Cape May this afternoon for the purpose of presenting the gift to, Mayor Miller. SUPPOSED SUDDDE.—The body of a man wag fo,und in the Delaware, at Spruce street whatif,:jiiis morning. It is supposed to be that of Patrick jumped overboard l as t idglif,,and refused the 11 Ssistalice of a private watchman who 'attempted to rescue him. - Ryan resided in Swanson street, above Catharine. - Vittl)A OMEN lirrrt •m of TArgs---Th" foilAing stale, talent from ' , /titi.; : 7lteceiver' of Taxt.-SishootAiti.receiptsvt Timis for littgi r t • from the time .of opening tho hooks,Tehruary; 15th to July 310, 4 ' Amount prior toatine 1.4 al • $020,M9 s`.s City. Taxes June:. ;:1•4355;54288 " , .x,418 88 '69372i ici% State'Tax" prior to Julio 6........ .1,4t0,693 sesto G,#l 67 p `40160 15 $106,208 OT For a correspondlpg time inlB6B,the receiptit of tbe city taxes 'were $3,722,572 63,.showthg, an increase in 1869 of one million ninety-one thousand four 'hundred and eighteen', ,dollars and sixtY•five cents. • • , - REE4CUE of VALUABLE PAPERB.I-7Dtlrilp !the progress of the recent tire at, Patterson 11016416 d warehouse, and when the surrounding_ :property was seriously threatened with de 'btruction, all the valuable papers and books,in iThomns 'Boyle's= 11: - 8.-Naval iendezvotts - i! the southwest .corner of Penn and Loihbaiit streets, were rescued, by Mr. Daniel .Ifoley, member of the Hibernia Fire Uompany, and 'were handed over to the Naval:authorities. As, the house of Mr. Doyle was damaged •by :fire, and the effects greatly injured by water, the action of Mr. Foley saved for, the United 'States very important records, and is highly commendable. • HOUSE RoßnEny.- , -The Eastwick Mansion -- nearthe - Gray's-Perry - bridgeThr the - TWenii seventh Ward, was entered byprying open window shutter; last night, 40 was robbed - of three,dozen SilVer spoons and a • .gpantity of jewelry: The house was • unoccupied at- the • . . STEATING A WAToi.--Henry Carpenter F tole alyatch from the pocket of a man at Fourth god Shippen streets, yesterday after noon. He rat and was pursued .and captured by a policeman. , Thestolen watch was found in his possession. Carpenter willhave'a hear ing at the Central Station this afternoon.-- • BEAT A, WOMAli.—Jacob. Prizel •was ar rested last night at a house on Oak street, below Noble, on the charge of having beaten a woman. He was committed by Ald. TO . .ArantACS.:=Williazn Nitten hatiSe was 'arrested yesterday at Seventh and Race streets for cruelly heating a tnitle. Ald. Ri nerd held hitn' for trial. • 11415tP.1.T.--Mrs. Ellen Gordon; who was .badlY..tiiiiiied by the explosion of a coal oil lamp, at .Na. 336 South Second street, on Ihnrsday, died frcp:her .injuries yesterday. TRENWITH'S NEW STORE, at 61.4 Chestnut : street, is now in the full tide of its success. Persons about leaving the city can procure a full supply of light literature, as well as toilet and fancy articles of every deSeription. All the latest publications constantly on hand. BURNETT'S CoconiNE,the best hair-dressing in the world, is unsurpassed for loss of hair, ,irritation of the scalp, and dandruff: BOOKS 01 , THE WEEK. Our Own Birds. A familiar :Natural - History of the Birds of the United States: By William L. Baily. Revised and edited by Edward D. Cope, Corresponding Secretary- of the. Aca demy of Natural Sciences. Illustrations; 12ino, ; pp. 265. Barper's Hand-Book for , Travelers in. Ea : rope, and the East. By' W., gembioke Pet ridge, Railroad map, corrected up to 1868. Seventh year. Sold by. Turner Bros.- & Co. Foil Play. A Novel. By - Charles Meade nod Piot - - Boueicault. 800, brochi. Sold by ; BroS.S7, Co. . ~Our National Game. Illustrated by Ed. An drews; on'sione by F. Vanhorn. Broeht. Pub- Itsbed byliohnes & Co., tbr sal6 by Turner Bros'.& Co. • Music«l Monthly , for August,l9B Broad way, N Y. Alleged. Abiewiding: of a Newark Mei chant-.Lleavy A dry goods merehan • in Newark, N. named Moses Mavbaum--4n whOse integrity his busiuegs friends had unbOunded confidence --after having borrowed from several of these, in all the. sum of $30,000, is Said to ,have fied• from NeWark on Thursday:•morning!With be tureen•SSo,ooo and $40,000 of money - borroWed. Nlenuel Samuels is said to have loaned $5,000; OhaS.llodemaker,s2,.'s4lo; Messrs. Heller & Son;. :'3,000; Louis Bokolser, $1,000; Ulrich Scheiner, Joseph Leibstein, . Myer' Friest, .John Miller and others, sums ranging from $l,OOO to $3,C00. He had been doing a rather extensive dry pods business, and is known to have been particularly fortunate in some real estate speculations/ These ciremnstances, Mgether witha confidence in • his honesty, Made. his application to .the moiteyed business men ,of Newark .for .leans as successful as they were: , The first inti mation he As 'said to have given of his intention of leaVing Newark was that given to . Mr.•Knothe,lthe dealer inNewark from whom he bought his grocefieS: On-Wed -nesdtkvirt-he—went-in--K-tiothe2s-store-and-- mettled the-hill he owed there. Early-Thursdtty morning KnOthe observed him making his • Wayhastily toward the railroad•depot. As he passed by he told linothe, in answer' teian in= - quiry, that he washound; for- Chicago, tended to return .as soon as he could . pay his debts.. -From Knothe the news of his departure SpreaAl rapidly among: his -creditors.--Owing to the excitement which prevailed among them on' Thursday, the creditors took no steps to. Se cure themselves as far as possible against less by attachment against the,property lefrin hi store,and it is said to haye bebn all removed by _Mrs. Maybaum (turn* the • suCceeding n bight. As a consequece, When the Sheriff went to the• store. to levy the nttaehinent, yesterday morning he found no goods to levy upon. it is said that the store on Thursday evening contained goods to the Value of $5,000. • The allegeditbscondi fig debtor is said to have offered to secure the repavinent of the loans by mortgage upon his 'real estate. But one or two of his • creditors thought the securities necessary. The others were willing to trust to his honor. An examination in the station house in Newark yesterday developed the fact that he had mortgaged his property to a figure between $6,000 and $7,000 beyond its real value, long previous to these last trans actions. , • , Maybaum, previoN supposed to have bor New York merchantul him 0111 - 1F The Attempt to if ow Up Poi*lament. Another gunpowder plot has threatened to blow up the English Gov.ernment.' Was it a plot of the Disestablished Churchmen against the lives of the Commons, or of the unestah lished churchmen against the Lords? The old song of the Gunpowder Plot invokes. , 1A curse upon the Papishers Because they did conspire To blow King and• Parliament • With gun and gunpowdire." The attempt to burst the HOMO or Lords tivould hardly have- been - n-orth the , pon'tier. Time is a kind of slo'n train sure to touch oft political nuisances in the end, and with less loss of life than by Guy's method.—Tribune. —Jones meets Smith : "Why is this morning' l i k e a fat abeep r "Fine iw•ether, of course, ' says Jones. kimith return,: "Why is it like the bombazine I sold your'wifely "Good mourning," hi the reply of Jottes. They part happy, notwithstanding Jones has just lost, his mother-in-law. • —A correspondent at Mt. Desertsays the Sun= day Indian pudding at "is like a mixture of oats and molasses. It lis !well adapted for bparding-hmise purposes, tbr no human being in him menses would ask to be helped a second time." We should not like to mount dessert of that sort very often. CITY NOTICES. KI:Itll'a CHINA HALL We lank. arranged one portion of our store exclusirelr fur cheap goods, end will place in this department every article which is In the least old Style or imperfect, Dud will sell them regiirdless °remit. • To clo , e out our odd Cautor Bottles we hiVe7 tedium& Com to 25 cents cacti. &Eau's China nail, 1318 Chestaut atreet. • r 2221131 sly to his departure, is bowed large. sums from The police are atter WKLS. 3 , , : o , • ' • . `V'Elllitfßutbwrtri—rHFLADELPßlA'-',SAtthAt sr_ " • 111 TE nerONE CHLNA « Chairslxtetieti4 Aftes, tr 2l6, lt• l Xert! 3 ' (144113 fail. 1213 Cbeshattr street. , • • , Itaeit'lritENCYt . Ware - hit Deesert art 4 Tr.l4 Sete at greatly Eras's Cu rmulikr.r.; 413 Ortitout atr',343t: .itIfGECZAENCEU AN .* Vusesi grea or eedue(4'pricos. 10e i 1218 Cheetuut et • ti_. , . ~. . . ltF•r, A:r4DUCTION WY,RICE§i„: ',' • , To make room for fall importations, at ' • - KERIOS °liana HMI , 1218 Chestnut street • THE ROME WASHER 44 the most marvelous vrtishing,.niachine 'ever' offered : to ' the . public. Cell sad 1.e.& it In operation 'at laTieh.stnut street. • . OF COCIiROACHER 01111 be killed by a single 'flask of Lyon's Insect Powdor. Nothing elso kills itisects. This Is thclr natural enemy. Sep that you get the genuine. It Gash. Luta/ s signatvre ca the package. All others aro frauds. • . . Deget;2l Park Row, N.Y. • GAY's CffmA.P.AinkE, .N 0.1022 CHESTNUT SrIEET.—Wiil Cithie their large RosOrtinent of goods on hand at the following astonishing rlowlprices. to make. ...rootti for the ittnense, stock purchased by' Me. Cay in, Furore, now in transit to this city : White French China'Dining Plates, .934 in.,par d0z.52 00 White Stone China Dining Plates, 9:i in., per doz... Ito White French China Cupsand Saucers,per set ,12 pcs 1 25 White St one China Cups and Saucers,per set, 12 pcs. 00 Cut Glass Goblets, per dozen.," - • 2 25 Pressed Glass Goblets per dozen 1 to Best StonoChinn Tea Sets,44 hes",citpairith handles 400 Best Stone China Tea Sets,46 pcs cups with Limnos 4 75 'Pest Stone Chinn Pining Sets.'92: pieces.. " 15 00 ' While French China Plum g Sets, 150 pieces Sa (41 White,French China Ten Sets 4.4, pieces 7 cm The stock of Fancy . Goods:will be sold at a still greater .discounalrom-former-priceig . ' " : Goods to go out of the city will bo packed and de :Terra :to transportation office free of 'charge, and insured, against breakage to destination. r , , • - Call soon, before the aissortment is broken.' EMINENT New "kork and Philadelphia Phy sidans claim that naiads' Missisquat Powder actually cukcs,Cancer. It is advertised in this issue. A CABD.—Charles :Stokes, will sell the, balance of liis summer stock Of clothing at reduced prices, in er;ler nowe room for his very choice stock of fill:clothing being manufacturetL LADIES' Sunx)owNs, at Oakfords' JUDICIOUS MOTHERS RHO nurses use tor children a Bate mid pleneant 'mediehie in Bower's Infant Cordial. . , MISSES' SulinowNs, atl)akfords' SUIIO'6AL hisruumacTs and druggists' sun dries. Slvou'DE:v& BROTHER, 23 South Eighth street. SINGER'S SEWING M ACRINGS • • • on easiest pqssible terms, by , O. F. DAVIS, , • 810 Chestnut street GET ONE of those Pocket Pantimas, sold at Oakforils', under the Continental. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH. .1. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all diseases appertaining to the ahovemiembers with the utmost saccess. Testimonials from the moat reliable sources in the city Fan he seen at his office. No. Sm Arch street: 'The medical faculty. are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. A di tidal eyes inserted. 1 , :o chargeanade for Ozaraluation. TBOSE CELEBRATED lloCket Patiamas, sold nt Charles Oakforil Son's. under the Continental, aro very convenient for gents traveling. Corms, Bunions, Inverted , Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davideon, No.. 91G Chestnut street. Char, es moderate. • I, I ARTH-CLOSETS, ' 'COMMODES AND 11 Privy Fixtures. Sales-robin with A. H. FRAN% CISCUS & Co., 51:331arket street. jy3l s to WED DIN G CARDS, , INVITATIONS for Parties, &O. New styles. 'MASON &CO au2stf§ '907 Chestnut street., WEDDING :,INVITATIONS EN raved iu the ne‘Vest and best manner. LOUIS DRES._ g A • • Stationer and .Engraver, 1033 Chestnut street: • DIED. 'VEER ES.—On the afternoon' of the tith instant, Na thaniel W. Yerkes, the 53d. year of hie. age. His relatives and friends are invited to attend ►iis to netal, without further notice. from his late residence Whittmarsh township, on Second-day, thei 9ta hist., at a o'clock P. M.. Carriages will Meet. the train leaving Philadelphia at 140 P. M. at Conshohocken. taarMA SONIC NOM:E.—THE MEMBERS OV CO -111110,1,1 H. It. A. Chapter, NO. 94 are requested to Unit , with the .brethren of Harmony Lodge, No. 52, in attend ing the funeral .of our late Companion. AQUILL A HAINES, from Ilia late residence, No..MLNorth Tenth street, on SUN PAY AFTERNOON , at Ero'clock. , By order of the M. E. If .I'. 7. ALEXANDER SINIPAOR. - D.LAUE. SILES, EXTILA. UOOD, LP PIANO COVER'S, ORDERED STYLES, ' DOUBLE ell•AIN BLACK MOHAIR, . CLOCK BRAND BLACK ALPACAS. ' • EYRE 6: LANDELL. Folirth and Arch • • RELIGIOUS NOTICES. . . _ Fl RST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Stiintre. :•ervices To-31011'5w A. 31. . . BEV. E. E. BEADLE WILL U . prencli to-morrow nt th , , *SAC.,naI Preebyteriaa Claire'', southeast corner of Twenty-first and Walnut streets, land; A. M. and 8 P. id, It*- _ , tu. , ALEXANDER PRESBYTERIAN . Church t lTlnateen th and . Green streetki. Preach ing on next Sabbath morning, at 103 i-o'clock. by Rev. A; V. C. &bench., Of ManaYlink. It* C ENT RA L PRESBYTERIAN Church, corner of 'Eighth and -Cherry streets:— Rev. W. Henry Green, D. D., of Princeton, N. J., will preach to-morrow morning, at 1034 o'clock. It CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN Church, Locust street, above Fifteenth. Preaching tomorrow morning at 10" i o'clock by Rev. JamesT,lfyilerof-Connecticut. . lta ST. PETER'S li7RVANGELICAL LI-D 7 Lutheran Church, Carpenter street, above Ninth. Rev. Joseph A. Sides, D. D., to-morrow (Sunday), at Ich: A. Dl. • - U-.SPRING GARDEN-STREET-31, , ,E. eltureh, corner of Twentieth.—Preaching ' to _morrow at 10'6 A. 31. by BM% Challetl Little—PAM. Proper meeting at 8 I'. M. lt' . _ FREE call:mix OF THE INTER.; - - comer. Spring Garden. beltiw Broad street. . The - Hector . Bev W. Bonham. will preach Sundaytnern ing. N. service in the evening. it. ; • u. MEMORIAL BAPTIST CEIURCEI, col'. Brood and Mas , er St reetit. Per. P. S. Hen soh. I). D., pastor. Preaehing to-morrow nt 10;f, A. M. by Hey. Pr, Shadrach. No evening service. It" r j r , 7 R F.V. DR. WIL.LITTS WILL Preach. to-morrow in the Sovenib Presbyterian Churelhiltroint mei Penn ' Snuare. at. 1(i A. M., and 'in the West Arch Street Church. Eighteenth and A reh streets, nth o'clock P. M. • It, ; E EFOUMED CHURCH., Seventh and Spring Garden streets.—Rev. Thos. X. Orr; Pastor. will (D. V ) preach to-morrowtale'.' in the morning and nt So'glock in the evening. Subject In the evening, " Modern t ter tit ni.. ." 1 t:* • • NOTICE—THE TENTH - TERIAN Church (Rev.. Dr. floardnuth'S) corner admit and Twelfth streets, will, Provideaco permit, tier. be open for divine service every Sanhath through , out the Summer, at in% A. lit. and SP. K. Rev. pr. Alt sine, of Princeton. icengaged to prtAch dump^ that time. Strangers and all others are cordially invited to attend. .iYlo;sBt* 07. OVEN AIR SERVICES, UNDER the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Asso clatiOn, Sabbath afternoon, at the following places : ' 33,1 o'clock—Market Muse, Richmond- street and Le high ntenne. preaching by Rev..l . F. Meredith. 4 o'clock—Franklin 4lemetery lane. Tenth street and (Bran) avenue. Seventh and St. Mary streets. • Searoon'n Home, 422 South Front street.' ~ 'clock—Broad street and Montgomery avonnn. Gray's Ferry Road and Shlopen titre et. •Moyamenslug avenue and Wharton street. Juniper and Filbert streets. o'cloek-L•Broad and ,Master streets, Rev. P: Stryker Talmage will preach, and M. 11. Hodder, of London: Ridge and N. College avenues. Broad street, below Coates. M. 11. Hodder, delegate from London Y. M. C. A., will • r preach.' Twenty-second and Feder4l Etre° ai . Broad and South streets. G 3 o'clock—Norris Einuare. • itS SPECIAL NOTICES. HEADQUARTERS OF TIIEVNION REPUBLICAN CITY , EXECUTIVE' et/ IT-. .TEE t NO.IIBSCIIESTN UT STREET, . • . PutLenxt one, •Allgthit MA •lii tho'niatter •of the contested nomination, to tho Fourth Legislative District, between Messrs. Win; It. Elliott and Joseph Brady, the Committee, utter hearing the evidence.have ordered the Convention to racouvene, at the lacidesigintted, in the Rules for the gogernment of the Union Republican party,. on TUESDAY, August 17th, at ton o'clock A. 111., and procud, to ballot for a candidate to represent said District. • • • . In the ,Nintli I/Ivlsinu of the Eleventh Ward an eleetion is ordered to's, held August kith, between the hours of 4 and 8 P.,.111., for a Delegate to represent said 'Division in raid Convention, and Messrs. illiam Kelly Robert , r 1 tuid Jacob Albright 'layabout appeintea on the mart of - • the City 'Executive Committee to attend an watchers. - • • JOHN L. lIILL, , • . . President. • Joitx-Dfcent.t.ot-olt, (• Secretaries. ROMIUT T. 01LL ivSTATE RIGHTS FOR State rights of a valuable tuventionj net patented', a designed for the slicing, cutting and chipping of dried beef. cabbage, & e., are hereby offered for sale. It is an article of great value to proprietors of hotels and restaurante, anti it should be introduced into every'fam ily. State rights for sale. Model can be seen at the telegravb ofilee, Cooper's Point, N. J . MUNDY & HOFFMAN. fi r • 1109'GIRARD „STREET. , 111 X) TURKIStf, RUSSIAN, AND PERFUMED 'BATHS 'D6Partmelita for Lad 103 Bathe open from° A. M. to 9,P.M., e&t: ,0 U T K • , ;FINEST , READir4iADE 6iL•c•orinE . G- Is kept full cotnplete all thro!igh the season. flentientten can at al 71110f9 find any article of season able attire in large variety.- IN OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT We will make a full suit from moastiromenilk The Chestnut St. Clothing Establishment JOHN WANAHA.KER; 818 and 820 Chestnut Street. i3'WIYI. N. ATTWOOD az SON, UNDERTAKER'S, No. 1216 Race Si-feet, Philadelphia. [lo° ROSE HILL CEMETERY. A new and beautiful CEMETERY has boon recently located on LANCASTER Avenue, a short distance from Overbrook Station, on the Pennsylvania Central Rail road, just beyond the city lino and, near the boundary of the new City Park.' The Ilestonville Passenger 'Rail road, at is expected, will shortly be extended and pass in front of this Cemetery: ,These grounds, in natural and created embellishments are equaled by few' and sur passed by no Cemetery in the country,. The projectors are now selling a United number of Lots of 10 by 12 feet at StZ) per lot, 13ayable, in installments: The price will shortly be doubled. Portions of the ground can now be allotted to Societies on favorable terms. Parties desiring to purchase are invited to visit these grounds without delay. and judge for themselves of the advantages offered. For further information, apply at the Office of the Presi dent, A. M. HOPKINS, 818 WALNUT Street,, Or of the Secretary, GEO. CHANDLER PAUL, . 1723 North TENTH Street. BOARD OF 'MANAGERS; • A. M. Hopkins, • Geo. Chandler Paul, Jacob G itkeler, Saml. J. V allace. • Geo. W. Buckman, jell Sum • UTWELFTH ANNUAL EXCURSION froni Philadelphia and Haddonfield, to Atlantic City, WEDNESDAY, Angpst .11, 1869. Leaving Vine street at 6.16 A, M.; Camden 0.11, Haddonfield64. : Fare for the round trio, al 25. • 11* WM. .PLUM, K. P. 717—A -31 .1.66 ~ HAVING remcr:4l froth 1324 to 1212 SPRUCE street, will Fe-open her Bintrdin 4 g and Day School for Young Ladles on WEDNESDAY, September lb. • • Cireultirs may be obtained from Lee & Walker, Jas. W. Queen & Co. anti after Attune 25 ' AT THE SCHOOL. jy24 s &imp§ ILLS.O.PH THALMICIIOSPITAL,I' RACE .ABOVIMIGIITEENTH STAIIET. Open daily at fortroatMent of disepafea of, , • ' `.ATTENDr-rc, ertncoxoN, - • . Dr: GEORGE C. HARLAN, 12:06 Chestnuestreet. VISITING ,;lANAGERH, Dr. ALBERT H. SMITII.II3 South Broad street; lIN C. SANTRY, Ra South Fourth street; It. B. LIPPINCOTT. N. W. corner Twerithdh and Cherry streets. jy3-s w ttrpq REGULAR DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE " ~FOR LEGISLATURE, • SECOND DISTRICT,: WILLIAM C. OILLINGIIX3I. jy3 tf lstO u. is. r ItA.NIC PALMER, LL. D., S CM geon Artist, lies jimt been commissioned by the Surneon-General to supply the Palmer Arm and Leg for inutilat , d Officers of the U.' S. Army end Navy. The Governmental offices are to be located in Philadelphia, New York and Boston, and are all conducted by Dr. PALMER. 'my237Btr tu, HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. 15TH and 1520 Lombard street, Dispensary Department. —Medical treatment and medicine furnished uratuitousl9 othe poor; . • , THE EDGEHILL SCHOOL Will begin ita next session in the New Academy Building , At 3lerehantvllle, N.. 1, ;Four miles from . Camden,) ON MONDAY; SEPTFAIBETI 6.' For Circulars, apply to . Bei% T.W. CATTELL. jy26 (iw§ ±..."..ADIEs, ATTLEBORO, Bucks county, Pa. Beau tifullk located, about twenty miles from Philadelphia. .romment Is a tßeasapt home IBA for t horongtrQ,tell_. ing. For particularsoiddress • - Principal. - Catalogues informationmay be had of Gilbert ' Coombs A. 111., 608 Marshall street; J. J. Grahame, Twelfth and Filbert'streets; Garrigues, 608_ Arch street; Josiah Jackson, of Clowperthwait & Co.. 6SB Chestnut street,,,and, 21.North= Seventh street. ' au7 a teat; FIALVARY ACADEMY -AT—CALVARY 1 k!) Church, Manheint street, Germantown, Phila. — The school year - common:a on IllirSOCMl[l - 31011 ay. September. The Principal will receive into his family, under his immediate charge, tour boys, between the ages of eight and thirteen years, at three hundred dollars per SCI 1 yea r„ For circular address the Principal, B. Shoemaker, A. M., 213 Manbeini street, l'hiladelpida. teferenees—R W. Pew*, rector; T.'A:Neathau, AI-u, Hon. F. Carroll Brewster, .11 L. Erriuger,. Esq. au7 s.kw IOC; Y. A DI It 11 AC - H ' S H. CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC AND COMMER CIAL ACADEMY, ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. Fall term will commence` MONDAY,, September 13. Applicants for admission will be received, examined,and classified on and after August 2.3, 1'11)0110 A. It. to 6 P. M. Entrance No. 108 S. THETA street. Circulars at Mr. W.F :WARBURTON 'S,No.43OCHESTNIIT St. an 7-20 E HILL" . 4•.. - - SELECT FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL; An English, Classical, Mathematical, Scientific and Artistic Institution, FOR YOUNG MEN AND:BOYS, At POTTSTOWN, Montgomery :County. Pa, The First Term of the Nineteenth AtumaiSession will commence on WEDNESDAY, the ifthilayof September next. Pupils received at any time. For Circulars, address : Rev. GEO. F. MILLER, A. 11f., Principal. REFERENCES: BEY, DES.—Meigs, Schaeffer, Mann, 'lt ninth, SeiBB, Id uhlenberg, Stcover, Hotter, Stork, Conrad, Bom- Verger, Wylie, Sterret, MUrphy, Crulkshanke , etc. , BOND.—Judge Ludlow, Leonard Myers, M. Russell Thayer,BenJ. M, Boyer, Jacob' S., Yost; Theater Cly ' lifer, Join Killinger, etc. ESQS —Jamee E. Caldwell, James L. °bighorn, 0. S. Grove, T. , C. :Wood, Harvey Bancroft, ,Theociore G. .Boggs, C. F. Norton, L. L. Houpt, S. Gross Fry,Miller Jc Derr, Charles Wannemacher, James, Kent, Santee & Co. etc. ' : .111,1.1/ 13, 1869. . , jy29 th sto 2m5 M IRS' ELIZA W. SMITH • HAVING I.IIIL removed from 1324 to 1212 SPRUCE' street, will re open her Boarding and They School, for Young Ladies on yv Irani csDAY, September 13'. Circulars may be obtained ;froin Loo & Walker, Jas. W. Queen & Co., and after Aumtst 23 AT THE SCHOOL, iy2o to th 3m§ AIVIERICAN CONSERVATORY. OF .MII -810. Office No. 1024 Walnut street. Otasti-Ilooms 1024 Walnut and 857 North Broad. Instrnctions will begin MONDAY, Sold , 0, 1360. CIRCULABS - ATTIIN MUSKY STOIth BS. Dy2lwal2t§ - 11 Q I 5,.E10 PT, HORP E—THIS CHiTRCH Schdol for girls, on the south bank of tho Lehigh, will begin its second year, D.N., on the lath of Septum ber. The number of pupils is limited •to thirty. Branch is taught by a resktent governess, and so fur as possible made the language of the Capin) , Address for circulars, &c., MISS' °BASE, 'BishopthorPe, .Iy3-s,w,toclag Bethlehem, Pa. ADAME CLEMENT'S , FRENCH PRO .ll.l.testant Boarding and .Day -School, ClermantoWn, Po: The Fall term will open WEDNESDAY, Septem; bar 11ith,1869: . For Circulars, apply to the Principal, au2 liug IHE MISSES CHAPMAN'S BOARDING and Day School for Young ladles will re-open September I.3th, 1869. Fur Circulars address the Prin cipals, liolroesburu, Twenty-third Ward.:Philadelphia, or they can be obtained at Mr. TRUMPLER'SDIusie Store, 926 Chestnut street. Philada. . au2 2m*- LBARROWS'S SCHOOL FOR •• BOYS, . in the CITY INSTITUTE, at Chestnut and Eighteenth,.will re•opeu MONDAY, Sept. 13. an 2 Elm§ - EIBMALE COLLEGE, BORDENTOWN, , r, N. J.—This Institution, so long and so favorably known, continues to, furnish tho beat educational advan tages, in connection' with a nleasant, , Christian home: catologues, with terms, furnished on appliVation. College opens'SeptemberlGHt. .o.l4•lnqi • ' JOHN H. BLA.KELEY, President. pltFrp TEN 110IJRS. EDUCATION; •• • ' ' _• ~••, •,....„ ooirtr46 . #tActittiits. • 4, ' 9 ii11gE4441.04gn0,4 ao 2,. BALE ON ; FOR EASY P AYMENTS, 914 Chestnut 'Street.. 4 PETERSON & CARPENTER, 9 , 1 Ol 4. GENERAL AGENTS. ,i 026 0 tu th I • rt) • - REJCL ESTATE harEs. •-,p7e. REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS& SONS' Sale.—Very'aluable Business Stanit—Three-story rick Store and Dwelling, S. E. corner of Ninth and Cherry streets... On Tot sday 4 SepteMbor• 7th, 1.50, • t ;12 o'ool3li. 110011, VIII be sold at public mile, at the Fhiledelphin - Excleume.'all that Vety-: vnluable, threw- , story brick messnage, with too-story back building and lot of ground. situate at the S. E. corner of Ninth rand CherrY.streets; containing in front on Ninth, strect ,18 feet In /tulles; and extending in depth along Cherry street 95 feet to a 4 feet wide alley. It MIS all the modern con. iveniences, and Is ih excellent order, having been recently by the present • owner at great 'expense. The location is detdrable for almost any kind of businef4, be lug in one of the leading thoroughfares of the city, and is well situated 'llnd 'adapted ',for a Banking Ituditntion, which is much needed in this partlenlarblMlUNlS locality. It ie occuMed ns a store and dwelling,. and is a; good bus. 13r Cleni.of all incumbrance. Torms—sloPOomay remain ou — intirtgage, - -Immediate posSession . May be examined any day previous to sale. M. THOMAS & SONS, AuctlonOers,: rtu7 12 14 21 28sept h 05.139 and 141 South Fourth St. el PEREMPTORY SALE. —THOM AS A: SOUR. Auctioneors.—Five new three-story !trick Pweliings, Nos. 1516, 1518, 1520, 1.522 and 1524 Christian etreet, west .of Fifteenth street.—Oti Tuesday. August 17th, 1669, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those five now throe story brick messuages. with three story backlmildings and lot of ground, situate on the south side of Christian street, west of Fifteenth street, Nos. 1516. 1518, 1520. 15Z2 andls24 ; each containing in front on Christian street 18 feet; nd extending in depth 8.1.1 feet. to a• 4 feet - wide alley. Thev have saloon raider, dining room and kitchen on the first floor; gas introduc bath, hot and cold water, cooking range, - 13alttinoro heater, Sic. • • • Terms—About $2.000 may remain ou each. Immediate possession. Boys at No. 1516 Christian - at. Wir Bale absolute. Thee wilt be sold separately. DI. THO.SfAS & SONS, Auctioneers, ant 12 14 \ 139 and 141 South Fourth street. REAL ESTATE.—THOM AS K SONS' WA'. Fair.--(7 entre) Thcc , etstory Wick Dwelling; Norris street, northwest of Almond street, :Nineteenth •Wara. On Tuesday. August 17th, 180. at 12 o'clock. noon, will be sold at public sale; at the Philadelphia Exchange. all that .genteel three-story brick messuitge, with twoortory bark buildings anti lot of ground, situate on the north. east sot,' a Norris street, 187 feet northwest of Altoona' street, and te. mind house below Delurade street, Nine teenth Ward; containing In front 15 feet, and extending in depth un the northwest line 83 feet VS Inches, and on the southeast line 91 feet Pe of an inch to a 4 feet wide Ailey, leading into Almond street.. It contains parlor,' dining.rooni and kitchen on the first floor; 2 chinnberS, •ritting-room and bath-room on the secutot floor, and 2 chambers on the third floor; gas introduced, bath, hot and cold water, cooking-range. dc.' Sakie,t to 2 tnortgagns, one for 82.060,,and the other far 31,000. M. THOMAS Sr SONS. Auctioneers, 007 12 14 139 and 111 Smith Fourth street. Oh,.r.WlAl.l.l—'l'HQ.sl AS t SONI:4" MaSille.—Genteeithreiestory Brick Ltvelting. N 0.236 Pine street. east of Twenty-third. street. On Tneielay. Aug:est - 17th, 1869. nt 12 o'clock, node, will be sold at public sale. at Ole:Philadelphia Exchange. all tint new and gent, el t bree-story brick oh snags, with two-story hack building end lot of gront,d : situate on the north side of Pine street. went of Twenty-second street, No. 2317: contninieg in front on Pine street 15 feet 6 inelte , v. - end extending in depth:A) feet. The louse is new and: well built: hue food titroduced, Inith,,hot and cold water, range, femme, be. • • • • . Subject ton yearly ground rent of 8152 (0. • Immediate possession. hay by examined any day pre vious to sale.- • M. TUONAS k SONS,. • Anctionecrs, ne7 12 14 ." '139 and 11l Sent h }Nwell St reet. •411@ YEEMPTORY Zia. If eins.--Thomud c Sons, Attetioneers.—Viry vale • able Business statni•;-Three•story brick store,. NO. 311 North Third street, above, Vine street, Al by,12.5 feet- On Tuesday; September 7: 1663, ut 12. - o'clock, noon, will be solo at public sale: without rexerro. at the Philadelphia ' Exchange, • all• that: valuable thraestory brick store and lot of .grdends situ• ate en the east side of Third street, between Vine and. Callow hill streets, N 0.313; mettaining in front on Third. street .31feet, stud extending in depth ES feet. The cast." 7 eremost part .6 the lot is oceupled CI le.sir garden. It is situate in ,:,very valuable business neighborhood. •' Subjett to a yearly wilt rent of On el shilling nnil eight pence sterling. Immediate posseenion. Keys at the Auction Damns. ' Sale absolute. ' • M. TrIO3IA StiliKAtictibiteers, 7 , 7 1^ 101 771 4 , 4 Et) and 141 &Stith Fount* street. REAL ESTATE-THOMAS &SOR6', Aux SAle.—'Three-stury Brick Store and. Owe/ling, 37Y1 Market street, west et Thirty-A(.144)3th tretit, On * Tue.slay Aug. 17th, 18G9. at 12 o'clock. noon, will be sold at, le t the philitdel ph la Exchange, all that, three-store brick store 'awl +Milling, with, thrtt story., or double back buildings; situnte on the nth side alf Mar-' ket street, No. 3731 ; containing. in front. on Market atrceiVo feet, and in deptiv•nu. feet, ;Including a 4 loot wide alley leading into Filbert street, with Mut freu use tel privilege thereof. The house has. "I.la. bath, hot end cold water, furnace, (gas tixturosAncludod in the sale free of charge.) . It is an excellentabusinyga local ionl Tortnr—d4,l.oo, now on the -profiertyi' may rmtaitr on mortgage. to be paid at the flow ale- M. TITOMAS SSONS: Auctioneers. au7 12 33 • .13f4 and 341 south Fourth street. CP, PEE EMPTI.I.RYAtIAbro ':..13Y 0 RDII - It of the Suiten* Court:of Pritflayliania.—Jumes A. re, man, AuCtfoneers--Very.PlitittableMill , MachinerY • .Vc.,known.atithe`l . Jefferion'xiiwtzuovvitst, Tract of Land, adjacent to CathedralOettiete#,, , Twenty-fourth ward.—Under and 10.prirs mince. or - s. decree Bu 'oven 0 Court for the Eastern Districter.rentmplyania, Anthony n nillity;datetr.lttly 3d i1389,1n „actiole-batititeott John - C.MOrter'andnthony..l;- - Antelocplatntiffs4n4l4l4.l Ilni/eYiinteed W :Smith assignee of Floy4lll4,oti - ecnt - 0 - ,'Westcott - , - Jesel* - 411) 1 Stte9 ., r • Ilisphant, end .G . Gideon ::Weettcett,_ asiigabegArr. ruptcy-ofJoserdi-B.; 'rermj9.69,W ill basold at publldeale, WithellitlettertfOi Wednesday,. Sept. 1249, ut 12 o'clocit;peol.at the Philatielphin - Exchange, the followi n g,ilescrthe. :teal es- fate,viz Ali thareertain - tract'Orpletittegronudi, h the roc tc.ry buildings. dwellings,' and - !,..other2...fraprovements thereon...l:nate in the Twenty-fourth Ward` of the.city of- Philadelphia, described. acreording a:recent survey 11.4 f dhows wit4-13mginuIng at ae.orner tipsline- of-- 11111 d btu! the ittate of '3littnial-Eyre, deceased: thence by tbe same N. ti 4 deg,. 41} min. E. 19 porches and 75-100 of a perch. to the line of land belonging to the Cathedral Cemetery Company; thence by the same the two follow ing courses and distances, N. 21 deg. 2G min. W. 17' perches and M-100 of a perch, to the northeast corner of the oil stone dwelling 'house; thence N. 10 deg: 2)li . 24 perches and 43-1130 of a perch; too point in the mill dem; thence across the said mill-dam by land now or Into by Samuel Elliott linden. N. da deg. 'W. 13 perches. arei 25-100 of a perch, tol. point in the !hie of Stiph•eis land; and thence by till, 1 , 111110 B. I deg. 4sl min. 'E. 43 perches and -68400 'of a perch, to the place of b,,gin tang. :•All.l - all the full, equal and undivided lifth pert of and in all' Bait certain' lot or piece of land, as dllM'ribeii in the lease'. front John Suotee to DI itchel and llituter, dated the thirtieth day of July. A nue Darning) 15,01, recorded„ at . .rhiladelphie,.iii lie , Book E. , F., No. 19, page 326, etc., as situate, bilite and being it. that part of .the Twenty-fourth Ward '.of the cif) of Philailel chin foreterly called fit • township of Block ley. stet I dainty of Philadelphia, and hounded and ;bed es follows, viz.: 8.-ginning at- a Lombardy poplar tree, .1.0 from thence extending by other land of the sold John Snpice, N. 84 deg, E. II porches and 81-Itio' of a perch, to the middle of the -new mill-race ; thence through the middle of the same race, S. it de g . ?0 Lulu..E. 16 perches and GO-11/0 of a nerch,; thence I.r land of :Martin Bide . , 12 perches and:l6,loo of a , perch: to a stake; thence by other land of the said Sunhat, N. 7 deg. 20 min.. W. In perches, to the beginning, containing 1 acre and ;.7.perclies and 24-100 of it perch, strict measure. A lee, of and in a certain other piece of land, situate in the Tw, nty•fourth Ward aforesaid, formerly . called the township of Blocklev, . and county aforesaid, mud on the east side of :the said first aboreanon, Booed line, and continuing 'northeasterly therefrom on the line of direction therewith fife feet; thence along the course of a road till it comes to a point which shell ho iii a line of direction with the - third lino of the above de scribed lot, and at the distance of 7 perches - 10b'a. feet therefrom; from which said point it shall run west so us to strike the east end of the third lino of the said above detcril cd lot, in a right lino of direction therewith, the said extent of 7 perches 10./i feet; thence throng)h the middle of the gala new race, N. 8 dog: .20' Mitt., - W.' 10 - flTa h av u o n :l t e ?Jib% a f pliolgieCo b t' , t r at t a i t i g ra g s ; known as the .•J efterson Mill;• and also, all the build ings, improvements, mills, structures, lionses, edifices; sheds or out-houses situated thereon or connected there with; and all the machinery, fixtures • 'Efriginos, boilers, gearing, shafting, belting, npparatusAnole,implemonta and equipments of all and every kind - in and about the said land. and Jeffersondlfillyor its appurtenances con nected therewith or belonging thereto... . tig - The Mil( and ra ilfable•Machinrry *real. 4i . eziethined 'at any time -ft,rtotts to Ms' Safe..6l/ aPPlication to Mr. • • Alißride t on the prentises.:. is. en :e.miptste - Ode*, and one of the largess ano roost talltabfe mills in the coyntry: SR" Tema of Bale.—The Premisen shell bo struck off to the highest and best bidder.for cash.- Ton per cont. of the purchnso money shall lie paid in cash at the time of tale, the balancompon confirmation of the sale by the courLand delivery of the Peed: OMB" of failure on the part of the purchaser to com ply with the terms pf Haled he property .stall be -immediatel y. reetoldi at the laXnell l 3 o and risk of the Hold purcha ser JOSEPH A ;- CLAY llsq ;, piaster: : WV' .Edr information , theltuct kis. Stare; JAMES A: FRI.EDI:AN, Auctioneer, an 7.14 212.9 • • , ' ; Store: 22 Walnut street. ZELL'S POPULAR IartITCYCLADIPETIOIA 'A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge. IE . 4 T. LLWOOD ZELL, Pubileliter, 17 and 19 South. SixtU - Straet. rl4 w Sin Alt - KING WITH: .1105 - ELTOTAFINIC Eml4roidering, Braidingl3tamping,lo. • ' B 1; A. TOMMY. 1800" Ellkert street. LARD OIL.-20 MILS. NO.A. WESTERN Lord Oil, to arrive and for mile by 000HBAN IiErBBELL GO.,lll(ihestout atm/. MMIIIMMIIWNM=MniM ttIOXV4VSAARESVOO' V 27 ' . OItESTNutSTRtET . . - ..I4AWNS,-PROANWES , ' kunimer24ll 14: ecibiitits: At Greatly deduced Prices '' :Vim Gimps; A; ...„,, > ..• , ' . s • t ork gT,I, Fourtli and Aivii. e, ~.. .AD lES PREPARING FOR+ Tga _L. _ SHORE OR THE MOUNTAINS' CAN DE SUPPLIED WITH DRY GOODS ADAPTED . TO THEIR WANTS AT , EYRE & LANDE'LLFB. EpURTH AND ARCH STREETS. GRENAIHNLry\ ND ORGANDIES. - SUMMER S SILIt;IIEDUCED. - \ — JAPANESE SILKS AND POPLINS. IRON DAIIEGE. FIRST GRADE. ' ROMAN SCARFS AND SASHES. COLLAIL4, CUFFS, GLOVES TIRE Ac. SEA-SIDE SHAWLS, OF NEW STYLES. mw Of , , , EDWARD FERRIS, IMPORTER, No. 807 CHESTNUT STREET. Great Inducements to Retail Dealers. Nainsooks, Plain, - Plaid and Striped. Cambrles, Soft and Hard, all widths. Jaeonets, do. Mulls, India and Swiss. Victorlas and Bishops. Organdies, 44 and 84, French. Piques, Figures and Wells. Embroidered Sets. Collars and Cuffs. Laces and Lace Goods. The above stock will be offered for the, corning month at Viper cent. less than regular prices. a2.g to th CURTAIN MATERIALS. SIiEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN No. 100 S CIIESTIIUT . STREET, Are receiving the commencement of their importations for the coming Fall season of new and desirable styles of got,de, Manufactuml expr , ssly for their snits. Hating placed their orders when prices were very low, buyers may rely upon the best possible rolvantages in every respect, Attention is specially Invited to our large stock of Very 'Elegant and Melt Lace Curtains. Whieli for quality of work and beauty of dellign aurpasaed. • Lace andllnalin Window Shade's. Satins. Broeatelles 'and other Curtain Materials.. Cretonnes and Furnlture Chintzes. Gilt and Walnut Carniees. Tassels, Loops and Curtain Fixtures. To buyers of klonne;Furnlablng ,Dre , Good% the beat possible inducements are offered. , A specialty in the best nualitiei of Table Linens, Table Cloths, COlllllllllllO Cloths, Napkins and W__ALlt in all sizes of new ma- beautiful _patterns. in the finest qualitk-a of Silesia., French, Irish; Mullah and. Scotch manufacture. Also;thelargest assort - molt In atide!criptions of Linens, Linen Goods, Housekeeping Goods, Illanbets,-Flatusels, Quilts, Table and Plano Covers,t~..__ _ AISO, for their exelastre family trade, a department well supplied with all descriptions of Muslims, Cotton Sheotings, Pillow Muslims and Domestic Goods-gene rally ; and for ladies' use a department for the various descriptions of White Goods, Linen Handkerchiefs, Hamburg and French Needle-work Trimitings.• - . . . Also, Mosquito, Bed Canopies, Netting. by the Yard V Nets forindowei and Doors, with Frames complete of the most approved and desirable: descriptions, put up at manufacturers' prices. • , Stripes for Verandahs and Summer Awnings. iY3I d tie6filw WATCHES, JEWELRY, &C. Specizi.,l Notice. On and after MONDAY, July sth, we will CLOSE our store at AVE P. M., until further notice. CLARK &BIDDLE 1124 CHESTNUT STREET, l jtemOvall. J•.. T4' GALLAGHER JEWELER; & Htu3 Itemovedfroni hitiOdlop i ation,Tbliteentii and Chestnut, to hla NEW• Acko..IIIIEMTAITTIFTWEIEIN Handkerchiefs. & ARRISON,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers