' ' fl , . CITY BULLETIN. . je contributing mem bers of the S&ngerbund tendered a congratu latory-reception to the singers who attended the recent Sdngerbuhil in Baltimore, and_ the. affair came offlast night at the new ball of tne Society, on Race street; below Third, ine main room was handsomely decorated for tne occasion, and an efficient orchestra was pres ent. There was a large gathering of the mem bers and.their families, who. uatAown-.-wta fluely served banquet. Dr. Theq. Demme, vice President, presided. Various, toasts were drank; and were responded to by, Messrs. A.,P„ Eleischman, Dr. Demme, Herman Peick, C. Marius Bauman, J. E. Jackson, Prof. AVni; Fischer. A. G. Bergen and others. The speaking was interspersed with singing bv themeinbers of the society. The Biedcrtatei dNi.fr. .Gemi was present, by invitation,-and sang two fine choruses during the evening. The entire affair passed oft m the mwt pleasant manner, and the company dm nos separate until a late hour. .The bommittqe ot- Arrangements comprised Messrs. G.A. Biugqr, Pr. Tlico,; Demine, H- A. Bergniann, August Heineman, Casper Boehning, I li. Zaun anu ; Adnin ICnapj).' - ' EnirTKl) 801 rEECOVEISKD.—HoIIis Bonnard. of New York, came to this city yes terday, and notified tlisit his son, a youth of 12 years of age. lia<i been inducedto leave home by the captain of a canal boat, and had been taken nw;iv. The canal boat -was towed into the Schuvikill Inst night, and when moored, was boarded by Bieut. Jacoby, of tbe Schuyl kill Harbor Police, who fouhd.the ihissing boy asleep in one of the bunks, and returned 'him to liis father. . , Fatal Accident.—-Charles Heatlicoate, 20 years of age,‘while assisting other workmen to raise a franfe building in Vine street, above Fifty-sixth) was instantly killed by the build ing falling on-hiinjhisvqorimig. Accident.—Robertjßlaiv, 29 years of ago, residing NoTd Baxter’s alley, fell from a sign, at Second and Dock streets, this morning. He is in the employ Of; the Western Union Tele graph Company, and was on the sign, engaged m fastening a wire to a polo, when the sign (being a swinging one) turned and threw him to the ground, causing severe injuries. He was taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital. The Knife.—Two colored men got into a quarrel at Sixth and Fitz Water streets, last evening. One of them drew a knife and at tempted to cut the other. The fellow who had the knife was arrested. He had a hearing be fore Aid. Collins, and was held to answer the charge of assault and battery with intent to kill. His name is Harry Case. Assaulting a Woman. —Thomas Gorman was before Alderman Kerr this morning, apoii the charge of assault and battery. It is alleged that he attacked ;! woman who lived in the same house with him, in Front street, above Arch, and pushed her against a stove so violently that an ugly gash was cut in her forehead. Gorman was committed for a further hearing. . The Bedford. Street Baths.—The tree baths established by the Bedford Street Mis sion are well patronized by the residents of that locality. During the past week the num ber of parsons wiio have bathed have averaged :125 daily. On Saturday last and up to 8 o’clock Sunday morning 075 persons took a “ dip ” in the tubs. House Entered. —The dwelling of Mrs. Hibberd, No. 21 North/.Fortieth street, was entered by prying open a side shutter vester dav. The thieves ransacked the entire house, anil broke open closets, trunks, and bureau drawers, but did not carry away anything as far as is known, Severely Injured.—David Smith, a resi dent of Eaglesville, Conn., was severely in jured bv being struck on tbe head with a piece of'iron by some parties in a store on Shippen street, below Seventh. He was taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital. His assailants were not arrested. . Cruelty to Animalh. Frank Conner ■was wrested at Second and Pino streets, yes terday, for cruelty to animals. He w;as driving a mule attached to a wagon heavily loaded. The mule fell down, and was then beaten with a stick by Conner. Alderman Carpenter held Conner in S5OO hail to answer at court. Complimkntahy.— Tho Commercial List of this morning, in addition to its usual amount of statistical and other interesting matter, contains a truthful likeness and biography of the Hon. Joseph Allison—a handsome com pliment to a much respected citiiscn. Beating a Sailor.— John Doyle was ar rested last night, at Pine street and Delaware avenue, upon.the charge of having beaten a sailor. He was taken before Alderman Car penter and committed to answer. Pike. —This morning, about five o’clock, a fire occurred at a house, No. 1814 North Twelfth street. A lot of clothing in a closet in one Of the upper rooms -was destroyed. The loss is estimated at §3oo,^ Fok Oape May. —Those ofour readers who would prefer a sea trip to this favorite resort can he handsomely accommodated, The swift and commodious steamer Lady of the Lake leaves Arch street wharf every Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings, at 9 o’clock; returning, leaves Cape Island on the alternate daysr' Tne boat is fitted up in~ splendid and luxuriant style, Aas polito and gentlemanly of ficers, and every attention is paid toward ef fecting the convenience and comfort of the passengers. I - Moonlight Festival. —Co. A, Philadel phia City Guards, Capt. Francis Bntrein, will have a moonlight festival at Smith’s Island on Monday evening next." Thenwith’s New Stoke, at 614 Chestnut street, is now in the full tide of its success. .Persons about leaving the city can procure a full supply of light literature, as well as toilet and fancy articles of every description. All the latest xmblications constantly on hand. The Bulletin at Ckesson. —Biley & Sar gent, General Kailroad News Agents, have an agent station at the Mountain House, at Cresson, on the li'ne of the Pennsylvania Bail road, where our patrons can get the Bulletin on the arrival ot trains. Drink the famous Arctic Soda Water and read the Evening Bulletin, at Hillman’s News Stand, at North Pennsylvania Depot. Mothers and Nurses will find Burnett’s Kulliston most admirably adapted for applica tion to the tender and sensitive skin of infants. —The following ode to the organ-grinders is going the rounds: Eternal Borne! who sat on seven hills, Big with vast conquest and ambition’s lust, Sent forth her legions, thick as Egypt’s ills, To grind opposing nations to the dust. And Borne still stands, immortal and sublime, Noris there a city where ye may not find Her legions now, as in the ancient time; They still go forth, their mission still’to grind! CITY NOTICES. There’s no Mistake About it.—lt is a pleasure to deni with u man like Oiiablks Eichki., till, artistic ltootnmkcr, at No. 604 North iElglith Btrost, above Buttonwood. lUs aim in to tfivo outiro satisfac ti.on to his patrons, and rvo Bcarcely need Bay ho accom plishes it. He gets up some of the very best work in the city, and his prices challenge competition. Try him ouce aud you become a permanent customer.. For Twenty-five Cents You can kill every cockroach, water-hug, flea, moth, byte about your premises, Lyon’s Insect Powder will do it and uothing else will, Look out for frauds in buying, JJuy none that does not bear the signature of E. Lynn, lf~you‘gettUe rlglit tliliig irfs aurirdoatirto all iusucts;' • Depot,2l Park llow, N. Y. Bitot* ns Jamaica Gingkk.— Those at the scauhore, or about going, should have a supply of this invaluable remedy; it Haves the expense ol physicians’ which sometimes amount very heavy by neglecting this simple remedy, / The Home ‘Washeu is Concentrated Economy.—Go and see it at 1031 chestnut street. Finest Clothing in the city at Charles Blokes si under Continental. Ladies’ Sundowns, at Oakfords’, - Judicious Mothers and nuntes use tor children B safe and pleasant niediciue in Bower's Infant Cordial, • ' 1 ' Those celebrated Pocket Panamas, sold sit Charles Onkford A Son’s, under the Continental, aro very convenient for gents trawling. Misses; Sundowns, at Oakfords’, Surgical Instruments and druggists’ sun-" drloB, bxowoex & Brothsr, 23 South Eighth Btroot. Singer's Sewing Maohings on easiest possible tennflj by ... • , ]. Get one of those ■ Pocket Panamas, sold at Oakfordß*. under the Continental. Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh. J. Isaacs, M.x>.» Professor of the Eye* and Ear, treats all diabases appertaining to tho nbovo nioinbers with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can be BOGnathißofficGiNo.Bos Arch street. The medical faculty aro Invited to accompany their patients, as he has no Bocrets In his practice. Arti ficial eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. CbßNSrßunions, Inverted Kails, skillfully treated by l)r. J. Pavidflon, No. 915 Chestnut stroot. Charges moderate. ' ' WED DIN G CARDS, INVITATIONS for Parties, Ac. New styles. MASON & CO„ an2stf§ . 907. Chestnut Btroet. WEDDING INVITATIONS EN \y jjraVedin tlie newest ond best manner. LOUIS DREKA., Stationer and Engraver, 1033 Chestnut street, , . .. te2o tf DIED. FIELD,—This morning, Mary Field, widow of Behja> min Field, late of Bucks countyvi’tt. - v - Notice of the fnneral will be given on Monday. * FOItBES.—On tho 23d instanced 23 years, Harriet Gordon, wifo of William T. Forbes, and daughter of Charles Gordon, of Washington, D. C. Burial services at St. Matthew's Church, Eighteenth and .Girard avenue, on Monday. 2Ctli inst., at 5 o’clock P. M. Intenoent at Woodlands Cemetery: tCincinnati and Washington papers please copy.] • , , GElVDES.—Suddenly, on tho morning of the 22d inst., Mary C., wife of W. F. Geddes, and daughter of, tho late Captain Ilobort Clark, in tho With year of her ago. ; Tho friends and relatives oftho family ure rospcctfully invited to attend the funeral, from the .residence of her husband,, £OOl Wallace street, on Monday afternoon, tho 20th lust., at 1 o’clock. Services at thohous. * HART.—On the morning of tho 22d inst., of cholorn. in fantum, Harry Wilcox, sonbf William It. and Hattio W. Hurt, aged six months and six days. vv' Funeral from tho residence of. his parents. No. 1811 N. Thirteenth stroot, at 3o’clock!*. M.,on Sunday, tke2»ith inst. Interment at Glonwood Oemetory. _ ... . ' HAMMEREROn Thursday,22d inst., Irene D.,wiio of Tlieodoro F. Hammerer, in tho 30th year ot her ago. The relatives and friends of the family are respecttully invited to attend tho funeral, from the residence ot her husband, 907. Mt. Vernon street, on Monday, 2bth inst., at 10 o'clock. AY AIN WEIGHT,—OiI Thursday morning, tlio 22d inst., Jonathan Wninwright, in tbo<h year of his ago. The relatives and friends of tho fumily are respectfully invitod to attend the funeral, from his late residence, 1234.8ench street., on Monday morning, 20th inst., at 9 o’clock, without further notico. To proceed to Laurel Hill Ceifictery. OBITUARY, I)iki>— ln the Adirondncks, on tho 20th inst., ED WA2U) BOLSTEK, of this city, aged 23 years. Such was tho brief notico which brought sorrow to many a circle of loving friends; truo, they had long known of tiie wasting vitality of thoir darliug—that Consumption had marked him for her own, and they knew, his adventurous spirit had recently car ried him, cobbled as he was, on a long and laborious journey ta.the mountains and the forest in search of re lief, but they, like bim,wore full of hopo and unex pcctuut of the sudden summons. Ho was gifted, gentle and good. Long ago his failing health bud compelled him to give up his early-formed design of devoting himsolf to tho church. Though for years past lio had boon a confirmed valetudinarian, scarce a day passed thut he did not de velop some new gift, manifest some greater power, do a good act, and in many graceful ways reveal still more and more the beauty of his fine mind and pure soul. To those far inferior to him in years and in knowledgo ho was a mentor, a brother, a friend, audajoyous play fellow. ]lo loved them and they adored him. His col lection of minerals and shells, his taxidermic. specimens, tho works from his easel, his pencil and his pon,are dear mementoes which show that society has sustained a Tohh by his curly death. Surrounded by a few of hits'juvenilo friends, ho was faithfully nursed fur away in the wilderness of tho wild Adirondncks. On Tuesday lust, as his young brother raised his fevered head that he might see tho splendor of the first purpling* of thednwn,asightho loved so well to gaze upon, and inhale tho fresh and balmy odors of • the forest, which ho so fondly hoped would prolong his li!e,Tio said, “Thank you, Tom; I’m better now”—then— a long, deep sigh and—he was dead. Hiß soul had soared to its Creator, but there lay his mortal remains in tho thickest of the rudo wildernoss, remote from tho out posts of civilization, nnd hundreds of miles away from home. Over lakes and rivulots, around rapids and falls, through the forest, by mountain paths and roads, thoy were brought by tho mournful boys who had been camp ing with him, to a point intersecting the regular routo of travel, and thence to thoir final resting-placo, in tho romantic ground adjoining tho Church of St. James tho Less. Tliero holies near the church ho so truly loved, in whose choir he had so often chaunted. When rve remember the living, glowing Faith which inspired his parent* to teach and train him in tho prac t ice of tho noble virtues and graces that adorned his life, wo feel that they, in their bereavement, have means of consolation far transcending every expression of con doloment we could oner. Ilismany friends now mourning over their loss bavo their precious legacy of his example in all that was lofty, generous, tender and pure, and they will ovor cherish the sweet memory of his worth. Parents are now saying to their children, liis loved friends and companions, and these children,when they come to be fathers and mothors, will say to their children: “Try and bo as frank, as truo, as brave, as cheerful, as gentle, as good as Ned Bolster was.” W. IRON BAREGES. HEAVIEST MESOH IRON BAREGES, 8-4 WIDE. IRON BAREGES, 4-4 WIDE. . ... ..IKON-BARE.GEB JL4.WIDE— EYRE & LAND ELL, FOURTH AND ARCH. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. THE CHURCH OF THE E PIPHANY Uiiy open for dlviuo service to-morrow evening at 8 o’clock. it* iy-5* mi. BACKUS, OP BAETEMOKE, will preach to-morrow at IOL A.-M. and S P, M. at the Second Presbyterian Church, S.E. corner Twenty first and Walnut streets. it* .n-35» MKMQBIAL BAPTIST CHTJBGH, LKsy Rev. P/S.'YlenHon,'!)-, D., pastor. Preaching to morrow at WA A.M. by Rev. Dr. Shudraeh. No ovenlng service until first Sabbath in September. it* fy-^r'NORTHTb'ESBYTE 'll I A N Church, Sixth street, above Green.—Service to morrow (Sabbath) afternoon at 5 o’clock by Rev. Joseph F. Borg, D. D. Strangers welcome. it* jv-S* ' 'OEN'T iIXL PImSBYTEIIIAN IMy Church, corner of Eighth and Cherry streets.— Rev. W. Iluury Green, D. I)., of Princeton, N. J., will preach to-morrow (Sabbath) morniug, at 10A o’clock. Strangers cordially invited. t it* \VEST"sFIi : UOE _ "STIIEET PllESßY terian Church, Seventeenth and Spruce street*, will bo open To-morrow Morning. Services to commence jitlnilf-past ten o’clock, and will be conducted by Rev. Wjn. E. Schenck, 1). D. it* FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, BROAD U-r-y and Arch streets. Thin edifice will bo closed oil Sunday evenings until tho first Sublmth in September. . The Rev. Dr. Weston will take charge of tho Pulpit during tho absence of tho Pastor. its TERIAN Church (Row. Dr. Boardman’s) corner of Walnut and Twelfth streets, will, Providence permit ting, bo open for divine service every Sunbath through out tho Summer, at 10L A. M. and SP. M. Rov. l)r. Alcllvaine, of Princeton, to preach duriug that time. Strangers and all others are eordiullv invited to attend. j jyiO-sHt* HALL V OUN G MEN'S CHRISTIAN' ASSOCIATION. No. 1210 CHESTNUT Street. Tho Monthly Meeting of the Association will be held next MONDAY EVENING, atBo’clock. Reports irom the Delegates to the International Con vention at-Portland. Question for Discussion—“lsthe United States Subject to the same Process of Decay as were the Nations of Antiquity.” Vocal and Instrumental lliudc. The public »ro invited. ng IT3*' OPEN Aiil services; under GrSr the auspices of tho Young Men’s Christian Asso ciation, Sabbath nttcrnoou, at tho following places • B*s « clock—Market House, Richmond street and Le high aveliue, preaching by Rev. John Ewing. 4 o’clock—l ranklin Cemetery lane, Seventh mid St. Mary stroots, „ , , . Soamens Homo, Front street, bolow Pino. . 4*6 o’clock—Broad street and Montgomery avenue. Tenth street and Girard avenue. JunipernmUFilbert streets, Gray ’s Ferry Road and; Shippeu street, r ~ , Moyamensing avenue and Wharton streot, . 5.0 clock—Brotyl.and Muster streotH, Rfdgo'a'iidN. CollegonvonueH,' - Broad stroet, below Goutos, Broud and South streets, Twenty-second und Federal streets. o’clock—Norris Square. ng SPECIAL NOTICES AT A MEETING OE CITIZENS *S£r convened for the purposo of forming n Building Association, it wad unanimously rl-solved to form un As sociation to bo denominated the FOURTH FRANCIS COOPER BUILDING ASSOCIATION. Nino hundred shares of stock weie subscribed for, and the following named persons were duly elected officers: Presiuent—FßANClS M6MANUS. Secretury-BKRNARD RAFFERTY. Treasurer—JAMES A. MAGUIRE. • -JohnDoyle, « Charles Carr, Charles I*. Luiigo, Michael M. Furloy, Henry Bergan, Samuel Harrison, Patrick Watson, Michael McDermott, William Campbell, n adjourned to meet at the »rth Sixth stroet, on THUltS th,atß o’clock, to receive ttio the funds. Persons desirous are invited to attend. * RAFFERTY Secrotary. Jumcß Martin, John Bromley, Charles Sweeny.. ~ -Luu renro Mont in, Hugh Fitzpatrick,' Patrick Carroll, Thomas Cowtlirun, l’ethv Fagan, John Cahill. . On motion, tho ABHoelatioi Fhmntmn Houho,No. 16f» No] DAY KVKNING, AugustOt second instillment and loan 1 of joining this Association « It- BISIIN.AIU THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JULY 24,1869. MORDECAI D. EVANS’,' GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. O. F. DAVIS, 810 Chestnut street. INSURANCE COMPANY The following statement of the condition of this Com pany; January 1, 1869, is published in accordance with tho law. of Pennsylvania regulating tho licensing of Foreign Insurance Companies, approved Aprilll, 1863. Capital stock 52G4,000 0® Amount of assessments or instalments on stock paid in cash Cash on hand Cash in bunks,specifying the bunks—National Broadway Bank Cash in hands of agents in course of trans mission Amount of loans secured by bonds and mort gages, constituting tho first lien on real estate, on which there is less than one year’s interest due and owing Amount'oF stocks owned by the Company, ■ specifying the number of shares and thoir par and market value; 'value, value. U. S. Registered Bonds, ISBI 65,000 74,425 U. 8. Registered Bonds, 5-20 86,000 05,400 Now York County Bonds 1,000 3,000 Amount of stocks held by tho Company as collateral security. for loans, with tho amount loaned on each kind of Btock,itspar and market value: 40 Blmroß Hudson River Railroad Co U. 8. 5-20 Bodilh 20 shares Republic Ins Co 2,000 U. 5.5-20 Bunds ... 1,500 ButchesH County Bonds. 5,000/ Brooklyn City Bonds I,ooos U.S. Bonds 4,000 Chicago and Altoona ) Railroad Bonds 10,0001 10,000. Pittsburgh and Fort > V 15,000 ■\Vayno K. R. Bonds 7,000 7,840 I U.S. Bonds, 5-20 1,000 J 1,100/ U. S. Bonds, 5-20 15,900 17,790 15,800 Cleveland and Toledo Railroad Bonds. U. S; 5-20 Bonds,. Accrued interest not yet due Other available miscellaneous ussets, specify ing their character and value Revenue Stamps Lease ofOffice 153 Broadway, based on actual oiler made Amount of losses during the year, adjusted but not due . Amount of losses reported to the Company but not acted upon Amount oflosses resisted by the Company Amount of all other claims against the Com pany, contested or otherwiso Amount required to safely ro-insuro all out standing risks Amount of cash promiums received Amount of premiums not puid in cash during the year, stating tho ckuiacter of such pre* miums. Amount of premiums earned Income from all other sources, specifying what sources Amount oflossea paid during the year. 90,423 30 Amount paid and owingfor re-insurance) premium y iVccq o« Amount of return premiums, whether paid f M,,w<s oruupaid... ) Amount of dividends declared during year 4,660 00 Amount of dividends paid 31,680 00 Amount of expenses paid during the year, in cluding commissions and fees paid to agents und officers of the Company. Amount of losses due and unpaid Amount of taxes paid by the Company..... Amount of all other expenses and expendi lures Fur ami market value of the Company’s stock porsharo; MOKDECAI D. EVANS, Agent and Attorney for Penn’a., No. 431 WALNUT STREET, PHIXADIXPHIA. M. B. EVANS. jy22 tli b tu s 4t§ sl*£ClAli IVOTICKS. W°. SEA -SIDE ATTIRE. Morning and Lounging Jackets, Bathing Robes of Superior Style. Whole Suits of White French Flannel. Also on liand or mado to order, tho FINEST CLOTHING IN THE CITY. A Perfect Fit, The Best Goods, : r r ' : - Moderate Prices, ■ AT The Chestnut St. Clothing Establishment 818 and 820 Chestnut Street. • / V ♦ jv-=» OFFICE OF THE FREEDOM IRON AND BTEKIi COMPANY ,230 SOUTH THIBD STKEKT 1 Philadelphia, July 23,1863 A upociiil mooting of tho Btockholdera of the Freedom Iron und Stool Company will bo hold at tlio office of tlio Company, No. 230 Bouth Third Street, Philadelphia,.on MONDAY,Auguot 9tli, 1309, at 12 o’clock, M. Py order of tnu Board. ' jlittnuOS CHAfJ. WESTON, Jr., Seccatary, insurance; 1 FIREMEN’S 1 NEW YORK, Incorporated A. D. 1825. FIRST. SECOND. Par Market 152,000 170 325 Par Market Am H value, value, loaned. . 4,000 5,200 3,000 .20,000 22,C00 14,000 2,100 1,650 4,500/ 1,000 { 4,400 .15,000 14,250 10,000 . 8,000 8,640 8,300 94,400 100,970 78,100 Total Assets, " THIRD. FOURTH. FIFTH. JOHN WAN AM AKER. MORDECAI D: U EVENS’, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. ALBANY CIT Y INSURANiCE'' company Incorporated A. D. 1860. The following statement of the condition of this Com pany January 1» 1869,.is published in accordance with the law of Pennsylvania regulating the licensing of Foreign Insurance Companies, approved April 11, 1853. Capital stock. . 200,000 00 Amount of assessments or instalments on stock paid in cash. 101,000 00 Cash on Lund 911 83 Cash iu hank, specifying the bauks—Hopo Bank of Albany . 16,900 33 Cush in bunds of agents in course of trans- " 1 mission... ;... 53,048 94 Amount of loans secured by bonds and mort gages, constituting the first lion on real estate,on which there is less than onoyear’s interest due and owiug. 33,300 00 Amount of stocks owned by the Compnny, I specifying the number of shares and their, i par and market value; 1 170,825 00 Par Market value, value. $llO,OOO U. 5.5-20 Bonds 110,000 117,800 75,000 U. S. 10*40 Bonds 75,000 l 77,625 50,000 Albany and Susque hanna K.R. Bonds... 50,000 45,000 Interest on investments due and unpaid 235 27 Accrued interest not yet due 1.552 G 7 Other available miscellaneous assets, specify ing their charucter and value Bills receivable for Marine Premiums not yet duo 68,574 71 Claims for salvages on losses already raid 21,569 33 Safes, Ollico Furniture and Fixtures at Homo and other Oflicos 10,015 10 1,500 1300 5,000 4,000 Total Assets, - • $453,193 23 78,100 00 3GG,534 38 2310 13 Amount of losses during the year, adjusted 18,97184 but not due Amount of losses reported to the Company but not acted upon 37,722 72 Amount of losses resisted by the Company 3,000 00 Amount of dividends due and unpaid None.- Amount of money borrowed, and the nature and amount of the security given None. Amount of all other claims against tho Com pany, contested or otherwise Nono. Amount required to safely ro-iusuro all out standing risks 76,090 62 25,000 00 $394,449 49 12,690 00 None. Amount of cash premiums recoivcd 563,332 92 Amount of premiums not paid in cuuh during the year, stating tho character of such pre miums None. Marino risks premiums not yet due CS>574 71 In hands of agents in course of tranmission.... 63,643 91 Amount of premiums earned-... 379,938 60 Interest received from investments 16,087 72 Income from all other sources, specifying what Bourcce... <5:0.,,7.i] (vi £04,126 26 6,720 63 25,36 60 Amount of losses paid during the year............ 373,575 99 .Amount . r paitLand_ pwing for _rp-insuranco .. .. premiums. ..................... - None. Amount of return premiums, whether paid or uhpaid.....M...««.................7;7...7..T... v ............. 56,726 05 Amount of dividends declared during year. None. Amount of dividends.paid.... None. Amount of expensespaid during the > ( car, in-_ cludihgcMumiSsiona and foes paid to agents" and officers of the Company..... 97,475 29 Amount oflosscsduc and.unpaid None. Amount of taxes paid by, the C0mpany............ 18,057 37 Amount of-all other expenses and oxpendl- .. 39,95215 Nono. 10,19320 15,775 95 turcs None. Par and market value of the Company’s stock per share 100 00 MORDECAI D. EVANS Agent and Attorney for Penn’a., No. 431 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. M. I>. EVANS. jy22 tit htu h 4tj? R.E.IIARE, ROSE HILL CEMETERY. A new and beautiful CEMETERY has been recently located on LANCASTER Avonue, a short distanco from Ovorbrook Station, on the Pennsylvania Central Rail •road, just beyond the city lino ana near the boundary, of tkonew City Park. Tlio Hcstonvllle Passenger Rail road ,it Is expected, will shortly be extended and pass in front of thifl Cemetery. Theso grounds, in natural and created embellishments, are equaled by few and sur passed by no Cemetery in the country. The projectors are now' Belling a limited number of Lots of 10 by 12 feet at §2O per lot, payable in installments. Thoprico will shortly be doubled. Portions of the ground can now be allotted to Socioties on favorable terms. Parties desiring to purchase aro invited to visit theßO grounds without delay, and judge for themselves of the advantages offered. For further information, apply at the Office of the Presi dent, ■ A. M. HOPKINS, „ 818 WALNUT Btreot, Or of the Secretary, GEO. CHANDLER PAUL, 1723 North TENTH Btroot. . A, M. Hopking, I Goo. Chandler Paul, Jacob Gukeler, I Goo.W.Buckman, . Sami. J. Wallace. jo!7 3mrps - tVULCAN OIX4 AND MINING COM- • July 23, 1839. Tlio Stockholders nro hereby notified that It will bo to their interest not to noil their stock} as soon they will re 1 * coivo a large proportion oftheir money paid back.—: —— W. J. P. INGBAHAM, jy24 2t§. . , . President, . IKS* STATE BIGHTS EOR SALE.--; Uvjy State rights ofa valuableinvention iuet patented* and designed for tho slicing! cutting and chipping or dried Iniof.cabbago, &c., are hereby offerodTor sale., It is an article ofgreat valuo Jo nropiriptors QOio.teloA.niL roßtauruuta, and it should be introduced into every fam ily. Stato Tights for sale.- Mode! can bo seen at tho 't?S.^ OfflCo - V POl Mlra'l>Y & HOFfrjtIA.N. _ KE6XILAE DEMO.C It A TIC, lh£y NOMINEE .; FOB LEGISLATUBE, . SECOND 1)18TRI0T» > „ - WILLIAM C. GILLINGHAM., jy3tflfltp§ DON’T FAIL TO GET THE EVERY ibgy WEEK for August 9, containing tho Peerless Polka. Pricosix cents. It* ft-S* . B. ERANII PALMER, LL. P., SUR IKiy goon Artist) has just beon commissioned by tho Surgeon-Genoral to supply tho Palmer Arm and Leg for < mutilated Officors of tho U, 8. Army Tho Governmental offices are to bo located in Philadelphiar New York and Boston, and aro all conducted by I>r. PALMEB; - my 27 78trp§ IKS* HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1518 and 1520 Lombard streot,Dispensary Department. —Medical treatment and wedioiue furnished gratuitously to the poor. INSURANCE. OF NEW YORK. FIRST. SECOND. THIRD. FOURTH. FIFTH, R. E. HARE SPECIAL NOTICES. BOARD OF MANAGERS: EVANS’, J MORDECA.I D. ; GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. CONNECTICUT FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, OONN. Incorporated A. D. 1850. , The following statomont of tho condition of thin Com* l, 3869, is published in accordance with the law of Fcuußylvania regulating the licensing of Foreign Insurance Companies, approved April 11,18 M. Capitol stock ..$200,000 09 Amount of assessments or instalments on stock paid in cusb ... 200,000 00 Cash on hand. jj,324 25 Cash in banks, upeoifying the bnuks—Hart ford National J8nnk.......... 16,621 26 in hands of agents in courso of transmis sion. i 4,200 oo Amount of stocks owned by tho Company, specifying tho number of sharci and their par und market value; ’ 65 Bonds U.. 8. Five-twenties, $l,OOO each, at §l,lOO. JIAOO ' 10 llomls State of Connecticut, $l,OOO each, at §1,000...... 10,000 10 Bonds City of Hartford, $14)00 each, at $l,OOO 10,000 5 Bonds City of Chicago, 111., $l,OOO each,.at §l,OOO. 5,000 10 Bonds Atlantic Dock Co., Brooklyn, N.Y.. $l,OOO each, at $l,OOO 10,000 12 Bonds Chicago and Galena R.B. Co., (2d Mort.) $l,OOO each, at $l,OOO. 12,000 6 Bonds Mich. Southern & North Iml. It.R. Co, (8.F.) each,at $l,OOO-3,000 8 Bonds Midi. Southern A North Ind. B.B.Gor* (2d Mort.) $l,OOO each, at - 7A20 10 Bonds Cincinnati and Indianapolis lt.E. Co., $l,OOO each, at $950 9AUO 20 Bonds Clove. Pains, nnd Aslubuln B. It. Co., $l,OOO each,at $lM>O.. 20,000 76 shares 11. & N. H. It. It. Co. Stock. llartlord, $220. 15,500 100 shares Hartford National Bank Snook, Hartford, $143... 14,300 100 shares City National Bank Stock, Hartford, $11P....... . 11,000 100 shares jEtna'National Bunk Stock, Hartford, $120... ....,12,000 200 shares Farm. & Blech. Nat. Bank Stock, Hartford, $137.!. 115 sliares Phoenix National Bank Stock, : : Hartford, $135. ....... 15,5^ luo shares Ocean National Bank Stock ($5O sliares), N. Jf., $llO fiAOO 50 shares St. Nicholas National Bank Stock, N. Ym $ll2 .!*. 5,600 50 shares Metropolitan National Bank Stock, N. Y., 7,100 50 shares Nassau Bank Stock, N. Y., $lO7 u..... 5.350 50 shares Continental National Bunk Stock, N. Y., $lO2 5,100 50 shares American Exchange National Bank Stock, N.Y.,5115 5,750 250 shares Phanix National Bank Stock (s2oshares),N. Y.,5110 5,500 60 shares National Hide & Lea. Buuk Stock, Boston, $9B. 4,9)0 70 shares C. C. C. & Indianapolis B. It. Co. Stock. $7B ; - 5,460 SIM,7SS 18 Other available miscellaneous assets. Total Assets, * •> , $342,613 50 Amount of lows reported to the Company but not acted upon ISAM 00 Amount of losses resisted by the Company 1,281 32 Amount of all other claims against the Com- pany, contested or otherwise *, None. Amount rcqnired to safely reinsure all out standing risks 7C,6M 93 Amount of cash premiwnsdurlngthe year...... 170,899 72 Amot nt of premiums earned. ♦ Interest received from investments ...... 21,672 27 FIFTH, Amount of losses paid during tbo year 76,037 42 Amount of return premiums, whether paid or unpaid 11.215 25 Amount of dividends declared during year...- 21,000 00 Amount of dividends-pa.id......~.~. 21,000 00 Amount of expenses paid duriug the year, in cluding commissions and fois paid to'agents and officers of the Company. 40,391 59 Amount of losses due and unpaid 16,833 32 Amount of taxes paid by the Company - 7,475 00 Par and market value of the Company’s stock "V per share. MORDECAI D. EVANS, Agent, and Attorney for Penn’a., No. 431 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. M.D. EVANS. jy22 th h tn s4ts SPECIAL NOTICES. iv-S* UNITED STATES INTERNAL RE V ENUE.-COLLECTOR’S OFFICE. FOURTH DISTRICT PENNSYLVANIA, CORNER OF ELEVENTH AND RIDGE AVENUE. Philadelphia, July 23d 1 18G9. Notice is hereby given that tho SPECIAL OR LI CENSE TAX FOR 1809 is now due, and must be paid at this office on or before Auguntlst, prox., afterwhich tiate tho penaltioß will bo added in accordance with law. It is hoped that wo will not be obliged to enforce the payment of theso additional charges; but in this the Collector has no discretion. Ho must and will onforco tho law. HORATIO G. SICK EL, jy24-2t§ Collector Fourth District, Pa. n-25*. PARDON.—APPLICATION WILL ho made to tho Governor for tho Pardon of Young Parr, convicted of rCcoiving stolen goods, at tho Court of Quarter Sessions for tho county of Philadelphia, April 7th, 1869. " • • ' It* iv-=» MISS ELIZA W. SMITH; HAVING removed from 1324 to 1212 SPRUCE street, will re-open her Hoarding and Day School for Young Ladies on WEDNESDAY, September 16. Circulars may be obtained from Leo & Walker, Job. W. Oueon & Co., and after August 25 AT THE SCHOOL. jy24s3m§ pSTwiLLS OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL, BACK ABOVE EIGHTEENTH STREET. Open doily ot 11 A. M. for treatment of diaoiiaea of tho eye. / ATTENDING BURGEON, Dr.GEOBGE C. HAKliAN.lßOfiOlioatnutßtreot ' VISITING MANAGERS, -Dr. ALBERT If. SMITH. ™ South Broad afreet; JOHN O. BAVEKY, 162 South Fourth Biroot;. H. B. LIITINCOTT. N. W. corner Twentieth and Cherry streets. jy3-B w tf rp§ llO9 GIKAIiD STREET. 1109 TCBKISU, RUSSIAN, AND PERFUMED BATHS. ——Departmenta-for-Dadics: r i>>>^iiai<((i>i(|i>i apltfrp^ " DIVIDEND NOTICES. r " “PHILADELPHIA AND HEADING IKS' Builroad Company, OlHco 227 South Fourth stroot, Madotphie, J uno:i)U.^. N()TICE Tlu* Transfer Books of this. Company will be closed on THURSDAY, July B|h, andreopenedFßlDAY, July 23d. A Dividend of Fivo Per Oont. has I)oen declared on tho Prefurred and Common Stock, clear of tho National and State Tuxes, payabloiu Conuuou Stock on uml after tho 22d of July next, to tho holders thereof, as thoy shall stand registered on tlio Books .of tho Company at tho icloho of business on the Bth of July hoxt. - All payable at this Office. : All Orders for Dividends must bo witnessed and stamped.' S, BRADFORD, ivl 20trn * TgTroasuror._ M' - CEKSO^TOWN^T<rirENT,-ITOW;' till Ist of May ,to a good tenant paying in advance, pleasant Houho and Grounds on Day's Lane. Apply no tween 10 aud 18 o 'clock to M.OLEA.MOWaIiBU. jy2t-3i§ IWSWRAWCE. rinsT. SECOND, THIBD. FOXTBTH. Parvalue. Market value. 8100. §l2O per share, 8.8. HARE - GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. TRADESMEN’S FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY NEW "YORK, Incorporated A. D. 1858. Tlic following statement of the condition of this Cam panjr January 1,1869, is published la accordance with tho law of Pennsylvania regulating tho licensing of Foreign Insurance Companion, approved April 11, ISM. Capital\toch, Ol Amount of assessments or instalments on stock paid iuoiish .... „„„ j Cash on hand.. Cash In hanks, specifying tho banka-Me chanics’ and Tradesmen's National Bank... Cash in hands of agents in course of trans mission | Amount of loans secured by bonds and mort gages, constituting tho flrßt lien on real estate, on which there is less than ono year’s interest duo and owing... Amount of stockß owned by the Company, specifying tho number of shares and their par and market value: 2 1> Bonds $1 ,COO each of U 8 Bonds, im ............ SOBouds $l,OOO ouch of V; 8. Bonds, .... 30 Bonds SCOO each of U. 8. Bonds, 18G5...,., 15,000 10,200 09 100 Bonds -51 AW each of U. 8. Bonds, now issue, ......100,000 111,000 00 10 Bonds sl,doo each U. B.6’s Of 1331 ...... 6 Bonds $l,OOO each Brooklyn City 7 per cent, 30 years Bonds 125 Bonds $25 each H. and T. National Bank 3,125 4,375 09 Interest on investments due and unpaid......... Accrued interest not yet due Other available miscellaneous assets, specify ing their character and value..... Cross premiums in due course of collection .12,005 S 3 Doduct had debts 2fl) 00 Salvage,properly and claim* on losses already Amount of losses during tho year, adjusted but Dot due. ; ....... Amount of losses reported to tho Company but not acted upon .. Antaunt of losses resisted by the Company. Amount of dividends duoand unpaid Amount of money borrowed, and tho nature and amount of the securitygiven Amount due for rent Amount due for taxes .. Amount due for return premiums.-.....— —.... Amount of all other claims against tbo Com* patty, contested «»r otherwise.....—.— Amount inquired to aafoly reinsure all out* standing risks... 305.-505 00 Amount of cash premiums received of which 19 belonged to prior years-.* Amount of premiums not paid In eo*fo during the year, stating the character of such pre miums.... *. None Amount of premiums earned...... 60,269 90 Interest received from investments.... r 19,<M3 Income from nil other sonrces, spccifytlig what sources. None. -Amount of losses paid during the i Amount paid and owing for ro-itumranee premiums ; Amount of return prtmituas, whether .paid or unpaid................................. Amount of dividends declared during year...... Amount of dif idenda Amount of excuses paid during the year, In cluding cotumlffllons and-ftn's paid to agents and officers©? the C0mpany......... .... Amount of losses dne and unpaid.;:.;:...;......;..:.) Amount of taxes paid by the Company..-.- Amount of nil other expenses and expend!* Par and market valuo of the Company’s stock per ek&re: MORDECAI D. EVANS, Agent and Attorney for Penn’a., No. 431 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. M. D. EVANS. jy22 til s tu b 4ts DR FITLELFfS V, , .. REMEDY T>HEXJMATISM AS A SPJBCIAI/TY. JIV It may not bo generally known that Dr. J. P, FITBER, a regular Graduato of the University of Penn sylvania, 1833, and Professor of Chemistry and Toxi cology in one of our principal colleges a number of years, has made Neuralgia mid Rheumatism a specialty in his practice, and daily consults and gives advfco, froo of charge, to which those only suffering with Neuralgia and Rheumatism uro cordially invited, from 11 to 3 o’clock. Office, No. 29 8. FOURTH. All orders and in quiries by mail answered with propor advice. Sufferers consult homo reference. ' . Wonderful cures made by Dr.FITLER’S Vegetable Rheumatic Remedy:, ' Samuel Cohen, No. 240 N. Eighth street. A. J. Colton,No. 1109 N, Third street. Rev. John Stockton, Camden, N. J. Hon. Judge Lee, Camden, N. J. Dr. Walton, No. 154 N. Seventh street. . ATchibftld-McKanc v No. 330 Shippen street. William Davis, No. 420 German street. John McCleary, No. 513 K. Girard avonue. Benjamin 0. Chuse, No. 3200 Darby road H. A, Dreer, No. 714 Chestnut street, Hon. W. B. Elliot, Revenue Assessor. J. H. Farwell: No. 1101 Girard street. 11. R. .Shock, No. 3024 Columbia avonuo. S.K. Adams, Nineteenth and Montrose streets. James Hinas, Forty-first and Market streets. Joseph Stevens, N 0.583 Owen street. _ CharlesD. Brown,AVood stroet, holotv Tenth. John Voutier, Rope Ferrv Road; • _ Wlllinm Wiiyimd, No.JUS Brlpetou street, SoTCfltoonth ' N ArrtiltmW Held, Eighth end Cliorry ntreots. ' Griffin Hnivoly, No. 229 George street. —B.Jtilp»trick, jjorlTit Oliyo street. ,- | X). Taylor, Ea<j., No, BW Tuylor street, Nineteenth Gravonstlrio, Annnt Btrcet, Germantown. Mrs. Bice, SchouUnno, Germantown. . , ■ Mrs. Barton, Clinton ami iteiiry streots, Camdon. ~ Mrs. 8ac0n,W.928 Market street. . ‘ Mr« Keeley, Ridge road, below Poplar. , : 209 North Ninth street, Camdon. K A. Hughs, No. 534 North Fifteenth streot. Mrs Stoyons, No. 211 South street. , ‘ Mrs. Simmons, No. 337 Dilwyn Btredfc.. Mrs. Dunlap, No. 1530 llowston street. Mrs. Hanson, Twenty-second Ward, Mrs. Ogle, Mftriayunk, Twenty-second Ward, : Georgo Elliott, Frankford, Twonty-tlilrd Ward. Georgo Burns.'lhiul and Mill streets, Frankford; ! Mrs. Kline, White Hall, Brldeaburg John Weckerly, No. 1110 Buttonwood streot. . , Henry, Brandt, No. 1210 North Sixth; Chas: W. Ridg- x way, No. 215 North Second: S. C. Zimmerman, No. 1743 Marshalistrcet;Catharineijoyd, No. 1040 South Fifth: O. F. Eceleßton, Eighth ana Markot streots; Bamuol Money, No. 3530 South: Bixth: O. Nobllng, No. 1510 Frankford road;Chni*U»s Matlack,lron City; H. Poloy; Plimnixville: David Wilson, Chester Vullpy. Private reference to hundreds of others. Sold by all Druggists* nnd «t No, 29 South i'QUBXH Street. ltS ißiilWJica EVANS’, FIRST. SECOND. Pm Market ■value. value. 23,000. 20,037 30 30,000 32,<00 00 10,030 II^MOO 5,000 BffOOt THIRD. Foiiitrii. FIFTH. Par value. Market value. $26. None Bold, B. E. ITABE. ‘ 4,031 10 130 ,'ool M 11.7M01 None). 730 00 232 73 00 31 $2,43)03 232,50132 9?,0 12 62 iom a 15,000 00 14,003 75 33,093 63 Hone, 9,329 $3 13,905 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers