CITY BULLETIN: . , . . • eLAI3ItiO .1"E.1101I3Eft Al 'VIE BLIND IN STI 4 , closing exercises 'of the tliirly-;, Si'XtitterrifOrtheiuStitution fofthe Blind:were, held in the ball of the Distit - uticin Ye.sterdar .:.'atterntiOn.- The examinations lasted froio tintil Tuesday, closing with - the niu ;-..-sical review, which occupied the entire day., There were ove 90 classes examined, embra „clog. not only the common school•branehes,but • such' - studies as Physiology,' Natural Phi ' losophy,"6-eometryilligher Algebrai&c.,in all of 'Which ,the pupils exhibited a marked prciliciency, ' equalling students who have' possession of all their faculties.. On yesterday afternoon thepremiums for proficiency in the i - arious departme,nts of literatnreoiresic "mid handicraft were awarded by Franklin Peale; Esq., the President of the Institution. The exercises were interspersed with mnsic, by the orchestra of the institution, under the instruo'. • don of Carl Sentz, and solo and chorus-sing.. ing. The'. following is the summary of pre : Seniors.. standing 190, or the highest grade, receivetin pin -type printing box, or a copy of the :Dictionary, in three volumes, of raised print. Seniors standing 98 and 99, a copy of the raised-letter New - Testament. Juniors stand ( ing 99 and 100, received a volume of Kneass's Philadelphia Magazine for the Blind, or a volume ef Select Poetry. Juniors standing 97 and 98, a copy of the Psalms. Pupils standing lower received certificates of merit or honorable mention. In the Manufacturing Department silver and ' bronze medals, certificates, &o. wore awarded for skill in the various diviSfons of handicraft. ' • `Certificates of merit were also awarded for 'itliroficiency in, the cultivation •of music —a branch ot, knowledge in which the blind so often excel. _ • - • In consequence of the increased number re ceiving premiums each year, the standard of scholarship has been correspondingly ad vanced, until the pupils find • themselves, able to' rank with the first scholars in our public and private schools. To encourage this in terest in their studies which exists among the pupils,-the - Board of Managers spare no labor to afford every facility for culture;. but, as the institution has but a small rincome'apart from State aid, the ' manag,ers find the means of usefitlness very much limited. Were the institution endowedpropOrtionally to the good it is doing in-promoting the welfare and aid ing in;the self-maintenance of the blind, every blind Person in the State could be made self supporting, and thus relieve the community of one of its many burdens, besides promoting the happiness of the blind by . maiming each one useful in being aproducer, instead of being a mere consiuner, as is too often the case. An effort was made during last winter to procure a supplement to the charter of the in stitution, so as to form an Industrial Home for the Blind, so that those who left the in stitution homeless and friendless might be furnished whit a means 'of support in nianii facturing various useful articles, such as brooms, brushes, mats, Sr.c., a knowledge of which they acquired during their term of tuition. This efiert was partially successful, and the attention of the public having been drawn to the advantages of such a I-lome, the movement bids fair to be successful. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA---.COM MENCRIONT OF TRH DEPARTMENT OF ARTS. —The:ll2th annual commencement of the De partmentof Arts of the University of Penn sylvania;l was held, this morning, at the Academy . of Music. There was a large audi ence,:principally composed of ladies. The Germania Orchestra was present. The stage wafi Set' with an appropriate scene. ; The irustees and faculty, graduates and invited guests, occupied seats in the Orchestra, and the students were seated in the front of the parquette. The exercises were opened with praybr by the Rev. Dr. Newton. The per formance was then continued as follows: Greek Salutatory Ellis Yartiall Brown. Woman in History Robert Adams, Jr. Post' tenebras Lux— Robert Graham. Arabian Nights and American Days— • C. P. Krauth, Jr. Types of Civilization Henry N. Fegley. The Lesions of History Edward Ritchie. I'he Sources of Power... George H. Stuart,"jr. The Master's Oration, by Harry Ingersoll Meigs, was omitted in consequence of the death of Dr. Meigs. ConferMig Degrees.—Prof. Charles J. Stille, the. PreVost, then conferred the degrees as fol lows : Bachelor of Arts—Robert Adams, Jr., George Pomeroy Allen, John Grant Bawn, Ellis Yar nail Brown, William Henry Burnett, James HopkinS Carpenter, Masker] Ewing, Henry Nenlig 'J.Fegley. Robert Graham, Edward Robins Grant,William Welsh Harrisori,Joseph Hopkinson,Charles Philip Krauth,Jr.;Thomas Reed List,Henry.Tesse Maris,Franklin Fisher Maxfield, Edward Ritchie,George Hay Stuart, .Ir., Richard Francis Wood. Master of Arts—Frederiek W. Beasley, Henry W. Biddle, Henry C. Brown, Geo. T. Graham, 1. Minis Hayes, M.D., John W. Hoffman, Otis H.. Kendall, Harry I. Meigs, Jan B. Morgan. Louis H. Pauly, Chas. H. Raymond, Wharton Barker, Clement C. Dickey, Cadwalader Evans, John A. King. Bachelor of Laws —Mason EVans, Thomas W. Hamilton, Elliott I'. Khmer, Marcellus Miller, John E. Veyburn, P, Smitliers, John T. Spencer, Edward B. Watson, Henry F. Hepburn, James Hayes, Charles H. Hart Doctor qf Maticidc—Oscar S. Roberts, o -Massachusetts. Certificates of the Auxiliary Faculty of Medi cine were awarded to the following persons : C. A. Max Wiehle/, F. H. Streets, W. I. Campbell, S. D. Risley, Edwin L. Evans, Charles IC Mills, S. IL Griffiths, T. S. Betts, C. S. Turnbull, G. E. Evans, A. C. Peale. The announcement of prizes followed. The Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws was then conferred on Hon. John N. Conyng bam, of Wilkesbarre, and the Honorary De gree of Doctor of Divinity upon Right Rey. Benjamin Wistar Morris, Missionary Bishop of Washington and Oregon. valedictory address was then delivered I,‘ Franklin Fisher Maxfield. A benediction was their pronounced, and the audience separated. nu o CHESTNUT STREET.—Last evening, about iliac o'clock, a tire was discovered in the basement of the store of Leonard, Baker & Co., 'genet - hi commission merchants, No. 210 Chestnut street. The flames spread rapidly through the basement, and destroyed a con siderable quantity of crash, carpets, &c. The lire then ran up the staircase, to the first and second floors. upon which the stock, com prising cloths, sewing silk, dress patterns; &c., was greatly dainaged both by lire and water. The flames were than extinguished by the firemen. The total value of the .stock on the promises is $.250,0n0. Owing to the character of the stock the loss cannot be accurately estimated, but it will not be less than $60,000. Upon t stock there is an insurance of $148,000, !livid Al among the following companiess, state of Pennsylvania, Americau Delaware Mutual -10,000 Reliance 10,000 Hartford 10,000 Home 10,000 Pacific 8,000 Royal ,15,000 Enterpriselo 000 ... . . , Pliceum 5,000 North)British ......... 10;000 Liverpool and London 10,000 Pennsylvania 10,00 / Franklin 5,001 The building belongs to W. S. Hansen Sr., Sons. and it is estimated is damaged to the extent of $B,OOO, which is fully covered by in•- suranee. Thc origin of the fire is not knoWn, but is bvilig investigated by the Fire Marshal. Ass4uvrixd Pow cr.mmr.—Win. Porter w i aif arrested, last evening,. at Oak- and Coafes streets, upon the charge of assaulting Polif4 , ' men Barrer and Applegate. He was drunk, -= and handled the officers prettyroughly: Porter • was taken 'before Alderman )bland, and was held in $6OO bail for trial. • . x „ . 4ctri"r I.ttmo.—This organization, eomposed of seldiers of the Mexican war, is now haring made a handsome lyallint frame ; intended to enntain the photographs of all of the surviving members. In a low days the frame and ii el nreB will be finished, and will he On exhibition at 812 Arch street. 9viicit- T i Mu TQ,,Lo.N 13itAiicif---Arp t . is tat facilities are nos- „Offered: for 'reaching thik' chat ining•Waleiiikilace..;.l - W•thii old system inueb trouble,, , vexation , audyiss of time was caused by,thellifierent,.changeS;or pint all this has been done away.with,-and-f now. an arrangementlas been made for running a fast. train to Long Brinell,. lit It `:over • fttur hours, without .change cars. Passengers can leave Walnut street wharf at 2 p ; arriving ,itt Long Branch •at 6.12'T. M. Re-'. turning, leave long: Branch at 7.1 l arriving in this city at -11.20 A'. M. AU addi tional exprem train will be. run after July Ist, leaving Philadelphia at 8 A..Mi.fittd reaclung Long Branch at 12.19: - The returrt train will leave Long Branch at 4 P.:l%l.;arrlying, in Philadelphia at With these increased accoinmodationsthe public can be transported from the crowded•streets of the :city, by safe, commodious and comfortable cars, to the .sea side, without the vexation and binsof time caused by the old system. Surely the Can't get-aways have. no reason , to . grumble when they have - .these unusual tactlitieS afforded them for reitoliing - thia fashionable sea-side resort , in such 'quick time: • The now arrangements will secure increased patronage. for the' line, and , there ' wilibe per.fect rush from the city as soon ft.. 4 warmer weather sets in. REV - . SAmi,LioN W.FuLLEn.— The' ]tits Rev: Sarillion W. Fuller, daring his life, was con . - sidered one of the most devoted and elciquent clergymen in this city. BIS boclylav forseveral years 'utile yard front of his ehurch,in Callo w hill street; but y%•herf that . property was sold for Other purposes;his . remains here removed 'to the Odd •Fellows' Ceinetery, and as the old Monume.nt had become very Much dilapidated, it was thought best not to plebe it upon the new grato. Successful efforts have recently . been made, and Monumental stones have been erected over what remains of that great and good man. The inscription gives the age, death,, ST.., beneath which is the fellowmg sentence: . . "Ile kept the faith and finished his courswwithjoy." On the other stone is an open Bible, on which lies a cross, and the words from xv. Cor.: _ . . . . The design. - reflects great , credit on the dom niittee who had the matter in charge, and the execution haS been all that ',could be ddsired. Mr. joint V. Vanderbilt was the artist. CHARGED WITH ROBBERY.--..T01i1l Tighe was arrested by Policeman Thomas Fagan, at -Ninth and Walnut streets, at half-past one o'clock this morning, upon the charge of hav ing robbed Alonzo Lawrence of a valuable gold watch and . chain, ,a diamond pin, and a pocketbook containing $l2O. ' The Stolen articles were found-on the person of Tighe. The accused wtit . have a hearing at the Cen tral Station thiliaternoon. . ' , THE SMALLEST MAN. IN'THE WORLD is Mr. Charles R. Decker, who is in Philadelphia now, and paid us a visit this morning. He is 21 years old, and -et weighs only 45 _poundS, and measures 31 inches in height. He is in telligent and good looking._He supports a widowed mother in Mempis, his business being that of a newsdealer. While here he sells his _photographs and a little sketch of his life, and. we commend them to our fellow citizens. PAVING BROAD STREET.—The subscription lists, for the purpose of raisingmoney towards defraying the expenses of extending the Nicolson pavement from Coates street down to Prime, have already been started, and seve ral subscriptions have been received. Messrs. Carman & Havens have been authorized to receive Subscriptions and donations for this ntr ose. CARELESSNESS.—In the Fifth Police,DiA-_ trict, comprising the SeVenth and Eighth Wards, eleven houses were found unfastened by the police during last night: On some nights as high as twenty houses are found open. Citizens who wish to avoid robbery should be more careful to look -after the Fastenings of their doors and window. MAN BEATEI4.-4tCddipg BitrneS, while passing Third and Beaver streets, laSt even ,ng, all Out nine o'clock, was attacked, knocked down and severely beaten. Albert Haines and Jacob Hoover were arrested upon the charge of having, been the assailants. They had a hearing befort All. Eggleton and were committed to answer at court. INCENDIARISM.—Lpst night, about half past eleven o'clock, an attempt was made to tire a frame church, at Forty-second and Pine streets. The glass in a window was broken and lighted paper was thrown in. The window shade was set On fire and burned, but the names were extinguished before any further damage had been done. Man Doc. 7 -7A dog supposed to be mad was shot at Almond street wharf, yesterday. TAE FIRST ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT Of La Salle Cellegu is to take place this evening in the Academy of Music, Right Rev. Bishop Wood presiding. There will be oratorical dis p]ays,and a variety of music, vocal and instru mental. isit of the President to a 'United States I lAsel. Saturday, the sth of June, was a happy day for the Acting President of Panama By in vitati on of the commander of the United States sloop-of-war Jamestown, Governor Yallerino (Acting President, &c., &c.), the Secretary of State and a number of ladies and tzt nth men visited the Jamestown, now in the harbor of Panama. The President received the customary salute. The guests Nvere very hospitably and sumptuously entertained by Captain Truxton, and were de lighted with their visit. After spending a number of hours abOard, they left the trim old ship riding the peaceful waters of the bay, and returned within the walls of Panama, with recollections of a good time spent in the company of the gentlemanly officers of the .1 amestown. The Army and Miry of the Gulf. The following circular is interesting to a large number of our readers : NEw "Vona, June 1,1869.—T0 the Officers of the ArDry crud Nary of the Gulf s At a preliminary meeting of officers of the Army and Navy, formerly serving in the Department of the Gulf, held at Dehnonico's, New York, March 10. 1869, the undersigned were, appointed a committee to prepare arrangements for a grand reunion of all the officers of the command. In compliance with such appointment, your committee take pleasure in stating they have attended to the duties assigned them, and an nounce that the first annual. Reunion and Banquet of the Society will take place at the Stetson Houk!, Long Branch, New Jersey, July Bth, 1869, the anniversary of the capture of Port Hudson. The reception committee, consisting of Generals Christensen, Drake and Hubbard,. and the treasurer; Major Clarence T. Barrett, will be in attendance at the Astor House, New York, on the, sth, oth and days of July, to receive officers arrivingin thd „ city. 8.,-Officers_wishing oattendilie re union will meet in the parlors of the Astor Home, at 11 A. M. where a brief business meeting will be held. At IP. M. the. Society will proceed by special steamer to the Stetson House, Long Branch. In the 'evening the an nual oration will 'be delivered by Major- General Wm. H. Emory, U.. S. A., former commander of the Nineteenth Corps. Poem by Colonel A. J. - Duganne, 176th Now York' —Volunteers—Banquet mt.. there will be responses byprOminent officers of the Department. Admiral D. G. Farragut will preside. JULY 9.—A meeting at 10 A. M., to take measures for collating historical and bio graphical material for an accurate history of the Departtnent. At 2 P. M. a special steamer, for accommodation-of the Society will leave for return trip. By, this arrangement the coni mittee have -- secured a desirable place for a summer reunion at less :lanai cost than if held in the city. Privileges of different Club Houses of. the city have been obtained for members of the Society during their stay. Tickets, including banquet and fare, to and froin the Branch, will be $B, which can be ob.' tained of the. Reception Committee on the days akeve named. Officers desiring to join the association are requested to send,their ad dress (enclosing *3 initiation fee), to Col'. U. P. Hawes, 20 Na.'3Hitil street, N. Y., or to Gen. Geo. B. Drake, 15 India Wharf, BostOn,'Mass., either of whom will give any further inform.- @en that may, be desired. ()Metre are further $lO,OOO 15,000 THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1869. "Jn Christ shall all be made PANAMA. requksted to state if they, 'lollprebably be pr es-' tut at the rennion, that, provisions tiny be made for them. '• • Arrangeniens, which will .1;to.;, announced hereafter, . effected lig which. mem-, hers -of trice-Society can procure-excursion_ tickets .at :half fare, by ,the ,d}lferent route. 4 leading to and from New York. . All of 'the folloWing-riatned 'oflicerg who could be heard from haNtj',acc'ePtell. inyita.., tioli and will be present ;.. ' Wojor-Generals Butler, , - BiAlcS, Canby, Franklin, Sherma.n,Weitzel, Grover, Hurlbut; 'Brig.-Generals Fessenden, PaineoWashburn; Shepley, Sergeant, Dirge,' Fiske, Davidstm; Macauly,, Lee, Bowen, Stone,_ Roberts, Beck:, - with, Thomas, Alexander, J. G.',WiLson, 'Beale and others both of the Navy and Army. The. Conimittee tryst that no Officer who, served in the I)partment willfail - to report at this first gathering of the Society. • Brevet Maj.-Gen. E. L.ll OLINEALT, Brig*. Gep, C. C. Dwzoirr, '.. • , Brig. Gen. C. T. Onnis.r.ExsErt, • Brig. Gen. GEO. B. DE - ARE, Brig. Gen. DUNCAN S. NVALHE,R, .• Brig. Geh. War. WrEsoN, , , ,111alor LAHDENCE SHELDON, "' Executive Committee. Col. GnAIivIELE P. HAwEs, Secretary. • . ECUADOR.; The Presidential' Election...peace ne: stored—The ReptibliCroco Poor to Pay thelßritish Bondhalders. PANAMA, June 15, 1869-=-Datea t,oc-the .25th May from Gpaya9uil are: reeeived.The National Convention was installed.. on the46th. :at the capital, Dr.. Rafael Carvajal being . electeid Pre sident of the Bepnblic andDr:ElinsDassn Vice Preiddent;Rathelßorjaand ViCtOrLassoßecre taries. On the saine day a decree ‘s-asissii.ed that Senors Carcia,' Moreno find 'Aeen.subi; Presi dent and Vice-President, , should continue acting until the , constitution of ,the new gov , ernment could be organi7.et4 , but; Moreno having insisted on.- resigning: the Convention aceepted his resignatiom, .leaving; Seiior Aseasubi at the :head. of the administration. Dr: Herrera haSlieen ,apnointed Secre tary of Stateand Foreign , Atlinrsi: and Dr. Gable] Garcia ..Moreno, SeCretary' of the TreaSury. On the 13th .Garcia Moreno, then President, issued a deerce declaring the republic no longer in a state of war,:. arid. allowing all 'political prisoners or refugees to be at liberty to return to their honaes except certain military men engaged in the March revglt, but the tern* are such that few people will demean them selves by accepting them. Imprisonment for debt is abolished except in certain cases. A. decree has been issued establishing punish xnent for the breach of public morality. Ecua dor leas just declared that she is not bound to meet :her engagerbents to British bondholderii because the country is towpoor. The Value of Spiritualism. A very remarkable thing his recently hap pened in Xenia, Ohio, from which we shall not be surprised if great consequences folloW. A druggist was tried for selling liquor on Sun day. He protested that he was xtmodent; and that,: to the best of • his belief, the prose cuting witness had not even been in his / shop on the eVening. - when the offence was said to have been committed. An unbelieving jury, however, foiind him guilty, and the virtuous apothecary, as might be imagined, Was bothered to know how it all happened. The truth came to .light in a most unexpected manner. The druggist fell into a Clairvoyant state, and the scenes of that fatal Sunday Werarexoduced in spiritual vision. A dim and shadowy - form seemed to enter the shOp, and finally burst fotth a dear and well &linen picture, `and the voice of the •prose cuting witness; coming in, -asked fOrtobacco!'' "I went forward to wait Upon tim,''contimieS the persecuted shopkeeper, "and asked, 'How • much?' • 'Five cents Worth', ,He received the - . tobacco, and immediately left the store." This ought to, be con clusive. Here is direct testimony from the unseen • world, the simplicity and realism of which possess all the • sublimity of truth. If. there is justice •iw - Ohio, the Xenia druggist will 'be, recoinpensed by some sort of public testhnonial for leis , undeserved sufferings; and, if evidence:of a , ainailar char acter can be generally, : introduced into courts, we need hnidly say that the adminis tration of jwitice will be immensely facilitated. A➢IZiSE➢IENTS —At the Walnut Street Theatre this even ing, Arrali-pia-Pogite will be repeated. ' —On Saturday night next Humph Dumpty will be, produced at the Arch Street Theatre.: —A miscellaneous , entertaitnnent will be given at the Atneticatt Theatre this evening.. —The benefit given at the Arch last night to. 111r...701in T. Donnelly was a rnagnificent suc cess. CITY NOTICES. • • _ Ir wilidegt& - d - pur of "Boots; That fit with ease, look neat and trim, Just go to Hehveg, Sixth and Arch, There's no one can compare with him For getting up a stylish Boot ; One, too, that fits with ease and grace, Made of French calfskin of the hest— We're sere there fano hotter place. William H.Helweg, the artistic Bootroaker, at 535 ArCh street, employs only the best workmen in the country . ; he uses only the best material, and his work cannot fail to give satisfaction to the most fastidious wearer. BURNETT'S EXTRACT OF VANILLA 181111- adulterated and highly concentrated. PRACTICAL WORTH AND INGENUITY are ex cyardified in the POrcelain-lined Water Cooler and' Re rigerator combined. Excellent for the 'ivory and dining room. Savory Sc Co., Mannfacturera, 014 and 616 Market street. BROWN'S JAMAICA GlNGRlL—Families leav ing the city should not Mil supplying themselves with this invidmible remedy. Its merits aro now so well es tablished that it does not require a detail of its efficiency as a tonic. There has been introduced into the market by druggists, at various times, 'a ginger to cope with Brown, but so far he has maintained the palm for supe• riority. $25,000 wommir of Sunnuer Dress Goods, Piques, Percales and White Goods. Homily AND BLOVES, Kid Gloves, Ilandkerchiefs, shawls, 'Black Silks and Mixed Dress Goods, at less than gold cost, BEFORE coat- MENU:in TO REBULD OUR STORE. A. .6, - . J. B. BARTHOLOMEW. 23 Eighth street. 'iwi% MELToN, with sidcband. WIIITH LINEN DRILLING, with sidehand. .F.ANcT do. do. do. WnITE LUCK do. do. ' FANCY do. do. do. WmTu VELVET (for Riding), and a full assortment of Foroign and Domestic - - - - . PANTALOON STUFFS FOR THE HOT WEATHER. At CHARLES STOKES', NO. 824 Chestnut street JUDICIOUS MOTHERS and nurses use for children a safe and pleasant medicine in Bower's _lnfant. Uurdial. SINGtIt'S SEWING Ivr ACIIINGS ou ettniest possible terms, by 810 0 0 be F sem i t ViS ' street "VERY Sul4ltion OOLONG TEAS (Black), in 5,10.15 Handsome Caddies, at a great reduction from retail prieea. FAIETIIORNE & CU.,200 N.Niath at., and-10:36 Market at." TEE VERMONT SPRING WATER. The great remedy for Cancer, Scrofula, Bright'a DifICIIBP and other Kidney affections. Sold by Johnston, Holloway St Cowden, 602 Arch street. LADIES' HATS! LADIES' HATS!! At Charles Oakford & Sone', under the Continental SußoicAL INSTRUMENTS and druggists' sun dries. SNOWDEN de BROTHER, 23 South Eighth street.- Corms,:Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson, No. 91.6 Chestnut street. Charges moderate. 'To rn .unthEs. Ladies going to the sea-shore or country should got one of those elegant Sundowns sold by Charles Oakford & bons, t 34 end OM Chestnut street. , GENTS' STAAW HATS' can be puronased'at Oalcfordie, CA and 836 , Chestnut street. Latest styles ILIVOYS on hand. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH. treats elllsaacs, M. - D., Professor of thelgke and. Nar, treats all dieeabee appertaining to the above riunabers with the' utmost success. Testimonials front the ,'most rolialde sources in the city can be aeoh'at hie office, N 0.805 Arch - street. The nietlicalfuoulty-ara to-accorapany their patients, as he has no secrets hi his ptUctice: Arti ficial eyes inserted. No chargelnady for examination. JRECEIVED AND IN STORE 1,000 ty (MARA of Champagne, sparkling Catawba and , Cali fora la Wines, Port, Madeira, Sherry, Jamaica and Santa Cruz Ruin, hue oldDrandies and :Whiskies, Wholosalo and Retail. .• P. J. JORDAN, 220 Pear street, _ Below Third and Walnut streete, and above Dom street. . del•tt 4 tAtki) , lYl*6- 4 1) - Witikii 4 4444-1 4 44.41 • • v forrttrtien, NeW styles:— - MASON 00,,, stu2Stq . -90T Ulteetnutetreeti: WEDDING' INITITAIIONS ' _Frayed in the rowed and beet winner. LOUIE; '.If)nEkLA.,-- Stationer and.; F4nlirlver, 1033 Chestnuk • AIBIG S.—A t hie country realdence.inDelawareconnt ':;Pa., on the 02d. Hunt., Cbarles:LD Lllleign,dt 1.).,,agt4.71; The funeral will take.iece front-1210 Walnut atreet,pir Friday, 2rth inst,;at 11 o'clock A. M. prt•etsoly. the 2ith !nat., "Mary. , l•lnglee, wife. of . Jelin Wright, and daughter of the late Samitel ltlegnrne: 4 I , ,iirticulura of tbe funeral in the morning ratneni., Imo" JUNK 29 786'f. At a special meeting of tho =Faculty of the,.JEFFEIV SON MEDICAL COLLEGE of Philadelphia, convened in reference to the deatlint their lute, aSsoclate, CHARLES 1). MEIGS, M. IM it was Resn=tlef . That the memlierii of the FacnitY:haie hoard with deemfelt sorrow of the, demise oDtheir hde'distin guished .colleagneo CNA It LEti ,MEIGh ; D.l Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics. whose intur. and fame , . have , been so closely associated : with the history of, the Destitution. Ripe in years and rich in nll the honore that can be gathered from the broad field of science and literature; lee has closed along, and active life. efficiently and Eon-. thuslaidically devoted to thcjand interests of the sick suffering, and the extension': and `ininroventent of medical science. Wnrimhearted, genial and amiable in his intercourse with his fellow s• brilliant, wise and hnpressive us a teacher and writer,' the Faculty of this. College, nud the profession at large, may well sorrow over the extinction of a life so rich in usefulness and renown. It is further resolved thnt the Facility of the Jefferson Medical College; in deep respect to his memory, will at tend his tonere!, and that a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to his family. B. HOWARD BAND, M. D. , Dean of the Faculty. TROrN,,BAI EGEI3, HEAVIEST avIESCH: ' , ..iniortniatEats,B4:winFk IRON BAREGES, 4-4 WIDE. IRON BAREGES i 3-4 WIDE. EYRE LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH. WIMINEF3 KO FINCtli "(400 • TO TOURISTS. JOHN WA NAMAK ER Would announce thnt at the Now Chestnut Street Clothing Establishment can be found all that goo A Complete, Outfit For Gentlemen Traveling this Summer. a. Tray ling Suits, Fine Linen Dusters, Linen Overalls; Toilet Articles, Compact Dressing Cases, • - ' Fancy Colored Shirts, Summer Gloves, &c., &c., &c. 818 and 820 Chestnut Street. aau ROSE HILL - . CEMETERY. • A new and beautifUl CE'llitTEßl'' has beea recthitli located on LANCASTER Avenue, a short distance from Overbroek Station 'with° .Pennsylyartia Central' Rail road beyond the - pity line and near the boundary of the new City .Park. !The .Hestonville -Passenger Rail ' road , tt is expected, will shortly be extended and pass in front of this Cemetery. ' These grounds; in natural and created embellishments t are equaltsl by few and sur passed by no Cemetery in the country: The projectors are now selling, limited number.of .lotent /0 by.l2 feet at $2O pet lot, 'payable' in instalithente. i The. , price Will shortly be doubled.„ Portions of, the, ground can now ne 4Uotted SOPietielt on Inv.erable. terms. -Parties desiring to purchase are invited 'to visit 'these grenade' without delay, and judge for themselves of the advantages °gored. For further information,-aPPlyat the Office of the Presi dent; ' ' lif-; HOPK MS WALNUTStreet,; Or oftbe Secretary,' .- GEO. eIiA'NDLER PAUL, l723North TENTH Street.- • 'BOARD:OF :31AN.WEID4: • 'A A. IU. Hopkins, Geo. Chandler Paul, Jacob Gakeler, Geo. W. Buckman, Saml. J. Lallace. - jell 3mrp§' • • . •. • , „ U BOtyrtliumies . Seoo4 Ammial Excursion •TO ATLANTIC) OIT . Y„ , From Saturday Afternoon, June 26th, to Monday June;2Bth:' Leave Vine St. Wharf. Siturday, June 26th, at 3.30 P.M. Returning, lento Atlantie,Menday,June 2.Mit, at : "TICKETS FOR ROUND TRIP ' e 42 00, jel2 12trp,§ , „ • [ut , PHILADELPHIA CANNEL COAL COMPANY.—A meeting of the Cm'poratore unit Stockholders of the Philadelphia Cannel Cold Company of Peytona, West Virginia, will be held at the office of J. M. ELLIS et SONS. 325 Walnut etreet, on FRIDAY, 25th inst., at 12 o'clock 31., for the purpose of accepting char-, ter ns,obtamed April . let, 1849, and, other huainess con nectedwit h the Company. W. DAY, PHILIP S. JUSTICE, CHARLES RICHARDSON, ' . .. GEO. P.EVANS, .. 1 ' . M. M. OEPUCK, ',' , Corporators. JUNE 7111, 180. . jo7 15 24 3trp STATE RIGHTS FOR USW° rights of a valuable invention just patented, uud designed for the. - slicing, . cutting and chipping of dried beef, cabbage, are hereby- offered for sale. It is an article of great value to proprietors of hotels and restaurants, ,and it should be introduced into every fam ily. State Tiglitiflor sale.' Model can be seen at the telegraph oilice, Cooper's Point, N. J. my29-tf§ MUNDY - & HOFFMAN. B. FRANIC L PALMER; LL. D., SUR geon Artist, has just been ' Commissioned by the Surgeon• General to supply the Palmer Arm and Leg for mutilated Officers of the U. S. Army and Navy. The Governmental offices are to be located in Philadelphia, New York and Boston, and are all ,conducted by Dr. PALMER. my 27 78trp§ ut. TURKISH BATHS. • 1109 GIRARD STREET, TWO SQUARES FROM THE CONTINENTAL. Ladies' department strictly private. Open day and evening. apl-tfrp HAVANA CIGARS.—GENTLEMEN a.,ii.bout laying in their summer supply °Lillie Ci gars and Smoking Tobacco, will find my stock complete w ith all the choice brands at the lowest possible price. Seventeenth anti Locust. Je23 4trp§ HOWARD HOSPITAL, NOS. 1518 and 1520 Lombard stroot, Dispensary Department. —Medical treatment and medicine furnished gratuitously to the poor. DIVIDEND NOTICES. - - . aa. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. PHILADELPHIA, Pa., May 3d,1869. The Board of Directors have this day declared a stunt.: annual Dividend of Five Per Cent. on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of National and . State taxes, paya ble in cash on and after May 30;1869. Blank powers of attori3 for collecting dividends can be had at the Office of the 'ompany, No. 238 South Third street. The Office will be opened at 8 A. Di. and closed at 4 T. --Dl,-from-Dlay.3othio_lunafftlijorillepay_inent of divi dends and alter that date from 9 A. 31. to 3 P. 31. THOMAS T. FIRTH, ' , Treasurer. NoTE.—Tbo thirdinetalnlent on New Stock of 1838 le due and a able on or before Juno 15. • mv4.2mrp§ LEGAL NOTICES. IN" THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE City and County of Philadelphia—Estate of MARY Itilli.LlslS, The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle anti adjust the 'account of GEORGE W. FlTZ WATER;Adniinistrator Of Estate of MARY - LUKENS, deceased, and to report distribution of the. balanceiin the hands of the accountant, will mtot the partids in• terested, _for the purpose of his appointment,, on WED NESDAYrthe 7th day of July; 18e9, at 4 o'clocic, P. 11., at 486 North THIRD street, in the City of Philadelphia. THOS. H.FINLETTER, • je24 th tIIGV Auditor. WANTS. WANTED—HA FURNISHED Hti . FTSA . . . With. modortii=rotenontintZ ,Part of hr nniforAl 4 je24!3t*l • JEltla WALKER, 421%101mistreei. E7VA() NATHANS AUCTIONEER, corner Third and Spruce shoots, only - one 'square - bolcrw Exchange.-62M0s)to-lonininitergoror snittl amounts, on diamonds, silver plate,_ watches, Jewelt7_, and all goods of value. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 7 P. Established:for iho 'last k forty years. ; Ad= vances !made in largo amounts at tlt& 10V91d :Ittarket rates; iaa tirp A () . NTON PRESERVED ' ' GINGERL Presorted Ginger, ia. syrup of the. celebrated ,Obi /eott brand; also, Dry Preserved piner, in boxes, iza• ported and Ica. sale by JOS. u;)3VBSLER 00.008 south Delaware (avenuo.._ welairmirir;lnwiPm'milmonugi •••,:•,• •, • ,1 ••••., C. • ItATS AND SONNETS ' Greatly litidoced Prices. OiJB ENTIRE IVIIOLESALE. STOOK LS NOV OFFERVD AT RETAIL • '• , CAFEA** TO close outithebalanceof our litmus . Goods. NEW FEATHERS AND FLOWERS , • JIJST -OPENED..,. • , ' , THOSt 'IigNNEDY & BRO., , No.' 729 Chestnut Street, SEWING DIACEINES. TIIE PARII:A.I4 NIIV FAMILY SEWINp MACHINE. This new and admirable Sewing. Machine has aimed,' achieved a popularity not surpassed by the oldest MR chines of, the country. It combines all the good qualities of, the hest machines in the' market, with many new and superior features not fonvid in tiny other :in _ • :ADAPTED FOR EVERY DES CM _ OF FAMILY SEWING AND FOR LIMIT MANUFACTURING PURPOSES; ' • Is elegant in style' and finish,' simple in , construction, noiseless in operation, makes perfect work on every de scription of material, is ,v ery light running. perfectly free. In all Its movements," is adapted to u greater , range of work than any machine yet invented; awl is emphati cally the ' • • MOST PERFECT, SIMPLE AND RELIABLE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE EVER - OFFERED TO THE PLIBLIO. It is a Positive pleasure to operate it. • Call and (mini:due It at the °Mee of the. • No. 7011 CRESTS UT. STREET. ; luir TRIMMINGS AND. PATTERNS. - 111 DRESS TRIMMING AND PAPER PATTERN • STORE, N. W. CORNER ELEVENTH. AND CITFAITNUT, Will close out the balance of her summer stock At - greatly reduced pricel, prior, to her departure for Europe. THURSDAY, July Bth. Choice lot of Colored' Silk Fringes, 25, 35, 40 ; 50,62 cts. a yard,all shades; also, Plutd Nainsooks. French Minding, Plow and Manteilles,linat burg Edging and Insertions, Real Guipure Laces. A Case Lace Points, Sacques an I Jackets. Luna Lace Parasol Covers. • Black Threatl Laces, all very low prices. Genuine Joseph Kid Glares, tp 00 a pair. Misses's Colored Kids. New Style Parasols and Sea-sides, Roman and Plain Ribbon luul.Saaltes, Paris Jewelry, and a thousand awl one articles ; too numerous to mention. • ' • EXCLUSIVE AGENT For Mrs. M. WORK'S.Calehnsted System for Cuttfing Ladies' Dresses; Secants, Basques, Garibahlis, Chß dren'aClothea, ac., by measurement. AGENTS WANTED. Ladies are now making front fillOD to $2OO per month as agents for this system. - • untl6rP NEW PUBLICATIONS. DIIITI:ELD - ASTTl'itrg . Bulletin of Recent Publications Far Bate at 714711olesalke Prices. • "Villa on the Rhine "Stietton," 7' by . Henry',K "The ; rhe Lost Manuscript, by anther of ''Behlt nail Credit ;" ''SflerifitaiVe 'ffnUffehOidi ", Bead Guttt 7; , ~ L ecky's History of Aur . orean Morale; 1 41 ° u n it n oti 11.111Viredtitti . 11 ! ele Gal at the Old Stand,' -140...7g f *:c40"tstxx l it. Street. N. B.—We sell. everything st_Wholesale rapes. .. Inhlg th to tfr 7, ,". - . REAL ESTATE SALES. .01 ORPHANS' CO UJITSALE:ESTAT 1 4 : • mrsiCof Isiiiilltaird,..siceased.-4titsien A . Treenusu; And- tioncs:r.—Under authority of the Orpheus' Court for the city and - County of Philadelphia, Olt Thntattfi July 15, 1 1359, at 5 o'clock P. M., will be Mild At public sale, un the premises, o thp fo lia lowing a ikleribed real estate. late the 31 - 17 ,T,;(iuo,,, certain, lot of ground; with the two :story stone house gild one:stury kitchen, thereon, situat e on the' oorrhoods- wardlY Side of Baker istreet(formerly Thiritistreet) and northwastwartiv eide. of flax street, in the Twentr:finit Wurd of tine city, e thence .extr'u'ding northWestwardly along linkerre ntetafeet Ir 3 inehes,• • thence at right an gles with Baker'Street 74 feet 11 inches; thence south An deg. L.Wx min., E. 46 feet 9;:‘ inches to Gay street; thende along Gay streto S. r 7 :leg. 26,19 5 ' ruin- W. 1 1 .3 feet eg inches, to the place of beginning,, , • • . No. 2.—A lot °fin's:mint with the two-story stone with the one-story kitchen on the north east side of Baker street, . ; adjoining No. I, bring 15 feet inches trout by.. 74 feet ; 1 inchos deep. No. 3.—A lot ground with fletwo-story Atone house. • with the one:iltiirt kitchen thereon; of tuate 011 the north• east'side of Baker street,'ailjoining ,No.''2,Lbeing 15 feet ' 47;_inches front by 74 feet 11 inches 1,7, Nd.4.—•l two-story louse with one.story. stone kitchen adjoining No; q; and lot 19 feet 11U Welton front by 74 feet ochrs deep - No. 5.—A two and a half story stone house. adjoining • so. 4. and lot llfeet 5 W Ili . front ' inches ifront by 1 .. 4 feet 11 No. 6.—A two and .sibilfstorY atone „house, adjoining N 0.5, and kit 13•1.. feet 'T% inches front by 74 feet 11 inches der p • No. 7.—linitiltogio,t; Oak and - .llakor streets. All that "lot of gra and,"slll/411= .015 :thenortheasterly corner of Baker good Oak streets; thence along Oak Street N. 51 min. L 7 deg.,: .E.XQ 'feet ,6 inches; thence S. train. 59.!'9 deg. B. 49 feet iiilleheri; thence in a 110,3 at right angles to Bakerstreet 74 feet 11 itsclies; thence along Baker street 58 Min. 5934 deg. W . 76 feet 914 inches, to tire place of beginning. ~1 . . - Clear of itscuinbrance. • • to be paid on each it ilie iime of stile, By the Court. JOSEPH 111EGABY,Cletk 0. A. ELLWOOD .IoNES, Trultre. „ . JAMES A-FREEMAN,. Auctioneer. je2.4.jyl • . Store, 3Valtsut street. 0,,,,1,AN5' COURT SALE.—EsTATh .t . Of • :James House, deceased .-41niuss •11 , ..;1 netts:neer Ender 'authority of the Orphans . ' Court for the city and -comity`-ii •Philedelphia, on 11 Clllle,4lit), July 14,1869; at 12 'o'clock, noon. will In, sold at public sale. at the Philadelphia Exchange, the follewing de scribed real (18tatl!, Lite the property of Ja eS Runs.. d"""eti • Valuable Pronerty, known an James House'n 'arine Railway and Ship-yard, fronting on Delaware act cline and the river, Twenty-fifth Want. All that cer tain lot of gromill sittudi: on the southerly side of Win o are avenue, astabltiOwn in tine plan of the District of itielimend; of the width:l,lW feet, rat the distance of 3'22 feet incises westerly from the southwesterly line of. Clearfield str,•et: where the same v,•osild 'cross Delaware • 111'1'1111P if colitinued In a Straight line; in the Twenty tilt is Ward of the city. Containing in front on . Dela ware avenue, 30 feet, and in depth 200 lost nines ortr'nn to low wit et- mark on the river. Delaware, and front thence into :aid river, its far as law and custom will allow. Subject to S 4 ,111) ground rent per annum. Abe', all that lot• of ground situate on the southerly side of Delaware sirs:Tsui:oa the distance of 352 foot inches westwardly from Clearfield Street, in tho Twenty fifth Ward of the city, and adjoining the above. Con taining in front on Deism are avenue 161 feet 4 inches, ant in depth 260 feet, more or less, to low water m irk in the river Delaware, and thence into the said rives as far an law and custom , will allow. Subject to elm 11 ground rout per annum. fa , These two loisof ground comprise what is generally known as "James ilouse's Illari,ie Railway and Ship l'ard," and hate built thereon a marine radiant/ niith ad the necessary Steam Engine, Boiler and apparatus for operating the same. • tl?" The above will be ROM as one property, with all the improvements thereon, machinery, moulds:, he., be n lining to the estate. OW' Tonne cash. 1D" el,OO Oto be paid at time of sale. By the Court, JOSEPH MEGAILY, Clerk O. C. JAMES A. VIIEFHAN, Auctioneer, je24jyl S Store. 422 Walnut street. 1 ORPHANS' COURT SALE—ESTATE ii si of Lewis Cochran; deceased.—James A. Freeman, Auctioneer.—Two-story Brick Dwelling, Twenty-first street, above . Wood ,street. Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the city - and County of Philo o'clock, 1100 M, 'will be Roll .at , public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange; the following described real estate, late the property of Lewis Cochran, deceased ; All Hest certain lot of ground, with two-story brick dwelling thereon erected', situate oil the west side of Twenty-first street, at the dintunce of 18 feet northward of Wood street, in the Fifteenth Ward of the City, con taining in front on. Twenty-first street 16 feet, 8.1111 depth westwardly 66 feet, to a three feet wide alloy. Clear of incumbrance. taw to ho paid lit time of sale.• By the Court, JOSEPH MEGAILY, Clerk O. C. IsEWIS ( CASSIDY, Exoeutor.-:-. .•:JAINIES:-A,-.FREEMAN,Attotioneer, , 1::!i011Y1;8' 7StoYpMl t1i'4.§14614 1 6 FrOpiiiiiii'!Aiiiitionedii 4 Oti Wednesday; July 14t11,11939,tit 12 o clock; n oon - ,will be sold at public stile without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the fol, ' - described real estate, viz.:—Two-story' brick Dwelling, 1717 Federal street.—A lot :Aground wit!). the two-ntory, brick dwelling thereon, situate 011 , the . north tilde of Federal i; ' troilt, 114 feet Wont Of Saranteanth'afracti Twenty-sixth Ward,,buing'l4 - feet on Federal street, end extending in deptbtforthwaril on the east- I isle 63.94 feet, „amino the west line 62.08 feet to a 4 foot alley leading bnyenteenth,ntrect. Subject to .•:,•44 ground rent per ... • ------------------------- Ni,. 2.-11ouse No.•l7.2C.Attint : sitinet2Wlot oVoround witit .the two-btory.llribledweilitig theroou:Ottittto tho ,tiouto side cir Afton street. 170 feet west of soverrtivuth OficiorTtrOOWAgtir-Wordi-tritet-frontsby 50 qrek , tteispi to o.lnur-foot-Nvide alley leading into Seventeentitsitreet. SubJect :to $35 groond rent per annum, ' 11T eto to benstid on cachet time of:nale. Side 'absolute.. • • - • J.4. 14- ES 'A. FREEMAN; Auctioneer. je2l;yl,B •••-• -• Store, 422 Walnut street. M4l - MING WITH ,INDELIBLE Embroidering, 'Braiding. Stdinping'; &r. bi. TonitY, Filbert fit oc4. MEM _a~c~r[~c~. FIRE'WORKS. 'The* 0081littl' Irtrewit•irk, ! tore E;staliolislxed .1f332. The iargeet and Most Complete% slioic hi the city., Of the InOtittieautifal triad %for priitte dlaplay, and'its great Variety. ' ' r JO,S,•:„ I 3..;:ft,PS.4.IF,Ff's , Po . !; .... ,1,;.L., , n.-,,-,2, _ 107.5. Water St. and,loS S. Delaware Av. ,io=o33lile rt.§ , , • PIREWORKS. AvFria HROS & STEERE'S OtrOxitiii iIeVitTFACTURE. Whplemile-Agents.,- • • , WARNER,''RI-lODES 617= Co.. N.'t.'eorner Water and Chestnut Streets, Claruii.nPieceS,44 exhiliktiori Pieces ntid full assortment , ef Tt.i.petlues, Beaks, Croyekews: Condleef , Wbeele,liosettes, Serpents, v tc,. ready tor Ptn uiedf,ilu 4elherY, • • • - • STOCR.TON• CAPE ISLAND, N.; J.,' Will Open on the 24th 01 Jnne," ; •111809. 'This 'Hotel MI6 been . erected within the nest yeitr: [Monte ample nceAnnodetiints for Henri* ezie thousand gue 4 46, and le furnished intuit o any of the lending htriAe in the'United Stites. • ' For term, le:, until then, eldretie PETER GARDNER, Proprietor, 3e7 Waltint Street, Philadelphia,je2 Iturn CAPE ISLAND, N.J. A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT, A LA omaz, . WILL BE OPIENIX6 ADOLPH PROSKAUER, Of 222 S. Third Street, Philadelphia, On the 7th of June, under the name and title of MATSON DORE'S, At the ear. of Washington and. jaeksonSts., Known as Hart's Cottage. 06P" .I!atuillea will be supplied eit the Cottage. Lodging Booms by Day or Week to Bent. . ' tine 4 tir 74,1 - 111 - 711Xerffitril7=14 - XliftiN RALL; A 7 Cape May City, N. J. MB large and gummoilloint hotel, hairier' aa the National Hall, Is now mei ring '4lsitor - s. ILO'S GAII.RWrSON, 211-2ng Proprietor. "0 Ks. ARTISANS' AND BUILDERS' Ornamental Iron and Bronze Works f3PARKS,STILLMAN.DOWDELL&CO., KANCYACTUREM Olf Oast and. Wrought Iron Radlng CARDEN AND CEMETERY ATIORNMENTS, TORN TAINS, VASES, VERANDAHS, SETTEES, CHAIRS, &c. IRON STAIRS Or EVERY DESCH I PTiON. NEW AND lEi PROVED STARVE Foundry-2028 North Tenth St. WareroomE4o7 Chestnut St uttat to th J &MO - MOTS AND $110ES;---- Spring Styles BOOTS AND SHOES FOR GENTS' WEAR. , BARTLETT 33 S. Sixth Street, above Chest:Ltd. 0r176 tu tb invit t 4 t 4 ttgi ea* • D. M. Builder of First,class Light and,lioa4, Respectfully invites attention to -Ids large stork of finished Carriages. Also, orders taken fur Carriages of every description, at • -- Manufactory and 11 - areroomp, 3432, 3434 and 3430 MARKET STREET, Three squares west of Pennsylvania 'Railroad Bepot, West Philadelphia. fe2tri th sOrrirp • A MOTHS IN FURNITURE. I am now• prepared to destroy DI bilis and other Insects hi Furniture and Idattrasses:l4- n new patent Steam process, which destroys all animal life without injut'y to the wood, and which hnproves the elasticity of the hair. 'GrIECO..T. - 1 - 11ENT - CElLitg 9 1301'and 1303 Chestnut StreeL jels Imrp FURNITURE. A. & IL LEJAMBRE 11AV - E - RE'IVI OV E-D-P-1-1-EaR Furniture and Upnoletering Ware,rooms T0'1127 CIIESTNI STR,EE'r, GIBAUD BOW. GEO. J.IIENKELS, CABINET IVIAKER, , JEstablishedlB44:. 1301 and 1303 CHESTNUT STREET. TO 'RENT: CAI TO LET.—SECOND AND, TIIJRDT floors of new store SW Arch st. je22-tu,tholrP§ . • 4167 LET—TWO :VERY DESIRABLE offices ; No :2i7 S. Third street; recently, occupied by the Collector of the First District. Apply to 'THOMAS L. EVANS, No: 431 \Vnlunt street. 301.9-s,tu,th,6tre =EMS NEMM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers