sisal be. Otte saute Utinkher dufitig Oh) coking; _eitilipaign't*ithe_DitSto4. li..fLlitilnVer t i bite twits:did - 014 thoAtionatiltirtaidUr " 7 - terci7, Aiiktt - - , Allo3litiiSi 'coti*AlViut6ilVithiill. iiiv't eighttneaberig. ' •• . • :The committee appointed to wait on Gen: Geary liavingreturned With hint, he was pre. Sentedwto the ConventiOn, and .addressed it, SPEECH or gOvEnsolt OEAny. .317'. 1' midott ona yentlemen of the tlonventiOn: YoUr Committee has Informed me that you have nominated -inc 104 . it candidate for Gov- error of the Commonwealth of Pennsyltrania, and conferred upon me, the distinguishes{ honor of being the etandardjteitter of the. RePiffilleiniParty fet the atitithingiielitiefil FOr; this Manifestation Of continued confl deuce quid appreciatim“ feel that 'any latt , 'gunge I um Competent to command id entirely too poor to express in appropriate terms the emotion of iny,heart, and' no other resource Is left me than frankly to return to you, and thrOugh you to my tellekv-citizens whoin you represent, My:sincere thanks and gratittide: The nontination of Hon: Henry W:'Williams for Judge Of that Supreme "COMA 'is exteed ingly gratifying to Me; His pure and unsullied character as a ratan, Connected with a high order of talent, cultivated intellect,' eminent legal attainments and energetic industry, pro claim. hint the right Mini for that position, and induced Me to Place hint where he'noW is. The remarkable unanimity that has charac teriked your action ittrefereriee - to Judge Wit hal-tie and myself, inspires me with high hopes" 'and:. brilliant anticipations:. . It attg,tus' with :certainty a favorable ' Mitt trittinphant' rittifi- Cation by the people, and gives' 'gee* pro mise of a &HMIs ditY in action." When I ARIES, conteinVatethe labor anxiety .of mind, and' . . . : ilis4. ..,... , Dists. ~. . - . respone batty that tiluet necessarily 3; Thonuti..trohle. . In. Goo.t.arch. : *dived. upon me during the canvass for an 2. }Dram Tiortor. ' g-. Jacob S.Stiffk. election of 'shell. Magnitude, a consciousness •3) Themes J. Smith, . Goo. Geiger. ' • , • . 4. Capt. Wm. Taylor. 10. .1 111. . . Dm-borrow, . of 'the dilli (Milks surrounding the Welt ethises ti. .O N: Dullard.. " in. J. B. Cessna. - Me . 101303 t I nAtinctitiol34o shrink from the 'UD- C 3; raid 'Knight. • 21: Wui.l.M*l3. .• de : l'4ll'lll,g' mit rOxithilpntly look to it higher •Ti 'WM. I.l)Atney. .• . 22; Dr, J. S. era#rord • 8. Capt. W, J..lloore. . 23. Ron, Henry Scluther. Power and to my' felloW-citizene for that aid, 9. Dr. D. N. Coryell. 21. S. V. 11. Miner.. - etiPport and encouragement whin may Mi lo: Jelin tilitelde, • ' 23; Capt. B. NV) ill'orgaii. ' able inc to steer the Reptibliean ship With • lit E. 11.2Aterhont. - • 2q. J. Rittner Ilarragh, . 41. A oN• •wiltiard.• . 24. N. NV '. Ernest) ••• Safety thrOugh the breakers of the coining : Chet , . Westermah. '2S. J. J. Speertuati, ' conflict. Satisfied that MY trust IS not mis l§: Thebdore Rill. 29.' 'EX) titchlield. . placed,l ' utilieSitatinglV accept the dietin . .W 7 B. M. Frick. - ' • : 11-) •. Mr. Graham on taking the chairs aid: " geished honor that has hemi conferred upon . ADDRESS OF RON: t _1.6.31.ES L. GRAIIAIII. me by this honorable Convention. . Gostternen': I thank you rot the holier conferre.b-the Illtee years agei it similar honor *as con litrwilkilted Mid tinexPected honor is on int) In *erred upon Met at al period When our nation c ilim-me to preside Mier the deliberations of this I n "i ' Tention.ivlt - ta not my intention at this time to make a Nvtlil'ist. , 'eta erging from a nioet terrible Wat; ttimet‘ch." I and admonished, with the. thermometerat 100, ' and with the .dUst of battlit scarcely brushed's indlitany'didegitteS here with flair carpet-sacks ready i t -, n . av 1 MP' 01VD. gliffltt, aril politically iffek to:itatomtitho next train, that it world beta bail taste for ma to occupy much of your time in making a speech perietic: . ed as 1 Wag-- s - -;I: ardently entered upon Or attempting to make one. the contest Whiehremilted so gloriOrtSlY for the Yon h av e met together today l'or the Marpese of Mnt-, Republican mitise 11118'S> I; did not accept the tutting a candidate, for Governor of this CQIIMUMWVIIItI I , andft .111dge of the 811 M-emit Court. You come here nominatient then in the belief that in my oWn from an sections of this broad Commonwealth as the re- petition 1 possess ti ally - intrinsic Met - it, or, had presentatiVe 1111'11,01 tht i l,R i epoblicati party. and of Ilri,e, rendered any sertiees to toy cotmtry Which Vraet,Vtigte,'tBohSe„lrsitilgigprTob ' nianittlti.irVal'atogtati6. entitled me individually to receive it; lint I no personal interests; but I trust that yen will willing:lY aceentedMs a , compliment to inycoini•adoil in ,here to-day show that yon lore „the. Republican party, 'arnts and as a hinter due to the three hun- Mid that you love Republican principles, above all per then . and , sonar or private admiral ions, prejudiceti Or 'preferences. .• We should meet hero to- 4111, nn - friends, as the repro- Pennsylvania, who had rendered noble ser- Eentatives of the great Republican party, with the ar- vice? the field, the aggregate' Value Of dent, tired purpose to do nothing that would injnre that , , party, but to do everything possible to promote its sue• "W kid Min ,BeVer be estimmed, Mid to whom teas and its bent interests. 1 trust; therefore, that we w e ate indebted for a hothe . and a country. Will endeavor 10 lay aside all personal preferences and s On their behalf 1 then warnily thanked the. all personal prejudices, and endeavor to act this day in ,-, ~ - • unison and in harlnOnv, so that we ryas promote thebest t., 0113 f. mum, and I here desire to reiterate . interests of the great party with which Wlf are those thanks again to 'you. And now, after Identified, and who interests we flrlt llf!rft 1,,,,.• :ig l / ser ved this day to solaierve. The . only . hope that `'"'" our foes hare, Ow only hope that our political enemies for which 1 was elected nut every ofheial 4mtertain to-day, is that they may cause schism and diVi- act of mine hae been fidb , criticised and dis sion in two Republican m•amis. if we' today show a chase' by, time pople and tint prees; when Yon, united front ; if we to-dav act in union and harmony ; if we stand shoulder to sholder. mad show that the great the chosen representatives of the - people from Republican heart still beats true to the Music Of the every part of the Cominonwealth, appear at Union-lapplausejthat we are determined still to go on the bar of public opinion and testify in ray be- XV Ve have for the last ten or twelve years, united heart half , to heart and hand to hand. &dug battle against the foes , ann confer upon me the plaudit, "Well of our country and the foes of our organization, We shall done, good and faithful servant," I eer in the approaching contest achieve a triumph such as we tliilllV need no better, no higher, no stronger have never yet achieved in the history of our party. t Ate . , phase.] verdict. We have a party of 'which We should he mond. Our In bearing the banner yon lutt. - his day party has made a record ellell as no other party in all re- Confided to me, I pledge you that shallbe corded history can disclose. Our party. when this Union , .. , was in peril-when the dark clouds hovered around the cart itd at the head of the Republican column, horizon of our country-our party stood up and main- its movements shall always Ide directed to the tained the integrity of the Union, and carried the old flag sound of the heaviest, tring, and when the successfully throughout the contest. (Applause.). The Republican Party lies showh to the world that it is the conflict is . over, I Confidentlypredict the ban p Tarty of progress 7 t he party of principle. ter will be placed, as it *am 18(16, intriumph When our millions of 11111111 M beings, created m God's 1111011 the dome of the capitol, without Spot or own image, were ground down under the iron heel of op pm almost every lineaMent of Godhead and blemish OB its shines; Mid eitih. and every star ressiom, nu humanity was obliterated, the Itepuhlicen party,struck as bright as when its firet effidgence beathed the fetters from these four 'millions of human beings, 011 the country; and Pennsylvania will still be snd3enstrunped Upon their foreheads and instilled into their hearts the love of the name of liberty. ICheers.l tas true as when she .signed "the sacred coV e lty RePithlican friends, let us show to the world, et i mint that binds the States together in the M re show ourpolitical enemies, that irbile We may 1 bonds of an everlasting union." / differ in reference to our choice of me , while we ma y ; be in unity ill reference to the man it c would choose Should the peonleagainplace me in the Ex-. 'to bear our standard in the approaching contest, yet let ecutive chair, I will cedintnie to use my best ns dm* to the world that weave unite,. in sentiment in ' exertions to promote evcm'vwhere the peace, reference to the great principles that unite us together honor anti nu t• nue ot native, State, and to political orga»ization. I Anplause.l find let, us to -day give strength, permanendy and secure all the blessiegs that .a good govern- VieCen tO our organization by allowing that " w e u l ll. are mint can bestow inuin a free people. And it willing to sacrifice all our personal preferences :mil our shall be niv pleasure' to aid the .Chief ,tar personal prejudices for the good of the party With which . • .. we have the be connected. "[Applause•l ' gistrate of the nation in his laudable efforts to Gentlemen. I shall not occnpv /111 r More of your iinw. "let us have pe.liete" \ nod, if necessity should M an Once ore I thank you for the honor you have cmiferied , , it ,it 1 will aid him o preserve our Rh,- upon me. We are min' ready to proceed With the bust- I till/ t • ' Hess of file convention. , tional rights and national ]le nor at all hazards The Committee on -Credentials having re- 'and every sacrifice. It Sit 11 be my spepial peted, nominations for Governor were gond - mduty to extend all the Mil mice I may possess ifitm-and the-following-gelffleireVe pre- to aid in procuring ade bate proteetiOn for sehted : every branch of our domestic industry and General dohn W. 'Geary, of. Cumberland count rodnctions, and tai see that exact justice shall Gen. Horace E. Porter. Dauphin county; lion. Geo. '. Lawrence, W•tshington comity; Gen. Derry White, or hi done to the mechanic and the laborer, -n indilikun county; Gen. Wm. Lilly, of Carbon contity;Gm. to the'eapitalist, and as far as possible to make George G. Meade. of Philadelphia; lion. Thomas 31. them feel that their true interests are one and martin 1, or An . eghtmy county-withdrew n . ,and total- i nseparable. ated Gen. Jas. S Neeley, of Allegheny courts. The name, of Hon. Geo. V. Lawrence was Asa candidate it shall be my constant aim withdrawn. and the follotring letter front Gen. to extend, strengthen and confirm the Unity Harry White, withdrawing his name, was re- and good feeling of the It epublican party, and eeived : • . in this :work 1 sincerely invoke the aid of pljn„Angtratt,inne22d, isA-it , . A. P. ti.iciotoid: every true Republican. For my own part I Sometime *film,' have heen inforthed.y ourself and other will not recognize divisions or factions in the den-gaol; elect to the Republican State Convention abort , . pait3, but will from this time forth look upon v e to meet in this citY have been instrOcted to present my name as a candidate for the nomination of Governer- 1 it only as eniteil, harmonious, patriotic anti wilfully sensible of the comoliMent of being named for enthusiastic in the - development and deter- To high an office at my time of life as that of Governor of In -tribal] t f the ~r eat, mincinies and l'ineasures D.onFyltuilia, and erf miot value too much the kind as. l ' ' ' ' .. '., ' - mruncee of confidence git*,ll Illi• from different parts of or progress) for which it was organized. I the State since lay nano- ha. , beilt mentioned in this have In. , ell ellli CS in tvhose punishment I can connection- Late obsi : rvatione, however, have con t•the delight,•ind whatever has been said Or 11/11(01 me of the thsposition of a large portion .: . . . ' ' if not II majority of the del e gates-elert• to adhere to what done: in tle excitement of the moment pre se CUOMO! n, a rnle of the party. to renominate the he limillary to this Convention that was wrong t ! In de n t a t the ex pimlion of his first ter m . lam not tff. , 11111 painful to Ulf' is frankly - forgiven, and as alined to trek the part yto 1. iOl/11ft 1.1 hat 11 /11330rity of t lie , ~ ~ -, . Convention mss yrarf as a rule .or _fair :LC nessi me obliteratett. Irani my memory. t tieturri of the party organization, I therefore The Republican party bas a proud record in authorize you to withdraw '"Y n""'' """I'l tin , past , anti 't Eth ri ms Intim , before it. It it is pre,emted to the Convention. Be plea:en to give - 'c. ' ' - . , . , theme 1111 ff-re 01 111 1.:0111 (Aaiun as , mrame of my hop, h as afteolllll/ifillitll more good in It. shorterspace mad sit h--, hd- til. pr”en , :rity “11 , 1 -Irmo-l. if er clarion- of Linn, than all y ether organization that OVOr I art v ard dim I will neet earne,tly eo operate xsith all (•.xi ! -I oil, and we pa st reason to rejoice hat it, tthci.. to cm, that I,lllt. 1 UM. 11 111 f. 3 ..111,:. 'B.-a:RV Witt TE, still lives, and 1110Ves, and has a being. Among . . A 1.11,-) wa. then, 1,1.1.:,,,,10, 111th , I,,illting , I, I t l l its at'lliQVOlll , llll.l is rite tlllollf , lilllellt .1 . slavery. loan : Geri. Iff'ai , , r _„, That scandal to limnanity and opprobrium of Grn. Gyn. 111.1,.... 31. Porter . 1 the nautili lies dead :ordure, its worshippers Gen. AV. )1 Lilts. " • 6The rights and privileges of all 1111111 are so- Gen. George c. 31•sle tiffn..l;:inf , S. Negt,• 4 mired in I Ivir livt::, their homes, their 0 , Geo. (:easy(:easy {V , O• 111$, ,0,,1 •,1 the iltlllo, }1 t 'lO 11,1a,11l , , incor Mid their persons. Ali men are declared to is. the ll , lnia-. .d tiw it..publican t and, isrotepteil hecatts i • tiny all' MUD, without Oli 1110ti011, it Wa, 110.11.. fotlfini..ll,.. 31.1 . 1.11'11( . 1' 10 rate (11' l'olor. /11 1.110 A cothtfiitt eft of {O.. ~, 1 1,..,,,, i , p ,,i n i,,,i ~, ~ nit ~,, t - ; .ii. , , , 01-.. r; and ilitCrlll ifillt :4 ifit' 11 , 1.111. tl'f M. laogietp,, , nr Abralmm Lilleole, it "cares for Poring their absenee, lion. fleecy Willi olls, of ill lam who liar 110 rill. line ~ ' t- `' '`; 1 ; 1: •r 1 " in ' ' .ll ' '''''•ii. th .- -- wid.w :,,,,i iri, «r i bi,p,, an sc,•k, tin ~,h3,,, ( 1,f;;. t ; 1 , .a,,,jTt,;,!„.. :4, m „,;,T. .o,l4,noWillg resolttiona ere then, after and eberi li a lasting peaty ammo; ourselves ectesidt rable debate, especially upon the repr,._ met with all leutions.' Eneh i odivi,loal is Mil scritatimccir the different districts in 1 Ilft st a t t , mated with lovo for universal liberty. Never Central Comliffit cu. ~ ail opt tlii: was a Republiettn round guilty or tiring into . ..0,„ ; ,,( t .,,i, : Ti nt we I , 3 „i e „ t l , the g i,„„t eits the flag or his country and shooting down its national .oleo' rt. or ISi;s, which is bringing 1 .rave ,I o remlers. The party has sacredly de penee, hap] 'Mess and prosperity to us as a creed the payment or the entire debt itienrred nation. to aye the lire of fht, nal 1,31 r. In a wora,ithas Resolvea, That we wholly aplITOVI! Of lint ( , i'f r eal " 1 111 e liat,i ( P! ' !` t'lll-"eS, saved' the pr i nc i p l es , and poll , '} - of the a , p tt y l d s t ra ti,,, t ci i• . i. - 1111111, 11111 1 l't1111!(.1 it TO lie more. highly re- Genet alt i rant, add 'Wit heartily endorse every speeted and admired throughout the civilized sthitiment contained in his. inangoral address. 1\ ,trld - tharrcvcr - befert. and etpecially do . herehy 1111 ify and approve Frimitis of tile four huudred thousand lie roes who this! for: the eoturtry, With such a the late amendment to the Constitution of the llrik'tt ( 1 , Slab's, proposed hy Congress, known glorious record, how, can you sin:render your as the ilftifltlllll :t Ii ' . .gOverlllllellt into till' lariat( tff .. those, who nf.1.0/1 , 1;(/„ That WO have l'ollfififtlll'l 1 that- the would have destroyed it within -tin: last six general administration Will wisely and firmly years it' they could? The Union is the ark of protect the interest, and dignity of the nation . qtr safely . The: Republican party luts twoven m respect to our just "claims against Great itself the true friend of the. Union. Sustain _Britain._ and thaLwr endorse_ thettetionsaLthe,_ the Republiean party by victory, and you will Senate in rejecting the johnsou-Clarendon - . 16[ 0 .-1 " s "" i ” .11 "' 1 - 1 " 16 " - And: sirtrcr--not ' treaty,known as the Alabama treaty. ' unrepentant rebels and their sympathizers Resolved, That wt'heartily sympathize with ever to tomb the hallowed sanctuaries of the strugg l ing people of all nations in their either State 'or national governments. Then efforts to obtain universal freedom and the in- let its here "highly resolve" to preserve for valuable rights of loam ever the former in "'Virtue Liberty and linle fte,4otecd, That, We cordially endorse the ad- penitence," and to protect, defend and per. ministration of General John W. Geary tat situate the latter; let us here pledge anew wise, econortheal and honest, and that it de- "our lives,our fottunesiand our sacked honor." Itil'l'Vfli, tot it has 'received, the approYal of the Gentlemen of the Convention, again I thank lieeple of Pennsylvania, and we especially Yrni• commend 'his 1111/1 . 01111 effOrtfi to restrain the-The Convention, then adjourned sine th . e. evils of special leoishttien (The neat and tasteful decorations of the • Resolcul. 'that ln Hon. Henry W. 'Williams, Hall, and"the'admitable arrangements for the - inir canstiaat' for I In, SuPreine Court,' wo pro.. Convention, which included ample aceommo sent:a learned pttre and:patriotic ;jurist, who ' dations for officers,ldeltwites and reportem, st 11 adorn the 'high Position 'to which WO pro- a full supply of Stationer 3., and other necessary pose to &Ilea him. articles, ate due to: the forethought and, "fiber , ./foo/red, That we reiterate and affirm our alit-'of Cot John E. Addieks, the energetic radhereooe to the doctrine of protection, as President of the National Union Club.), nrovlaimed in the ninth resolution of the plat- TIIE RATIFICATION MEETING. M adopted at the State Conye t ilio ll 01 . 141 arch li i. h . , 186 ii. Concert Hall was tilled litst evening on the . mission of time Meeting which wag called to Resoired, That we endorse the ticket this ratify the nominations. • ,day nominated, anil pledge to it cow hearty And cordial support. The following 'officers were chosen for the Meeting.: J?tsnli'ci, That the tate Central Committee • • Ditita nrsT, ommor, 11. eTtinitT. ' 13L1CANSTATE .NT N - .4 • 'The Concluding Proceedings • - ' ---- • ' ) Afternoon Session • —1 ; .; The ILbflventiitn re.nS.selidbled at. the hour named, and while waiting for the report of the Committee on Credentials; the following reso lution, and.adopted, the. Committee (4',ll,,l;dgolntiolS (4' , 11 ~IPlBoll.itiollB discharged from its ekinsideration : Rao/red, That Ron: Orthisha A. Grow; in the discharge of his duties as Chairman of the Itetiblican State Central Coniniittee, and his untiring laborS In behalf of Republican ideas tnd prineiples.,-is entitled to the gratitude of the Itiipnblicau . part 4 -, :".144r0w being present, returned. thanks tort. honor done littn. • • • The'rePort, of the Committee on Permanent Organization being called for, it was presented. • The following were the Officers selected: PRESIDENT. ' Ren..hunes L. Craliabi,..of Alle.gheny. VICE-PRESIDENTS. 16 Geo. F. Ithinehart, 17 John Strohm, 19 Wnr. McConkey, 119 Wm. King,L 20 Dr. C. W. Moore, 21 D.-4. woods.., 22 J.P.Thoronoon, 23 lion. 14. W. Lather; 24. Hon. John Corrode, 25. 'Winfield . S. Furvtanee, 26. Captain David Shields, V. John G. White. 29 . Mani i.T.a R s . e, Clark . Districts. 1. Ceti. Shaffer, 2. henry Ilnlin. 3; 'Wester Stephenson, 4. Gen. Gitlerol Clark, B. W. B. Bray, C. Geo. Lear, 7. Samuel Straub, 0: Captain Wm. A. Sands, St. Linn Bartholomew, 10. D. It. Shoemaker, • 31. J. L. Antlrows, 32. J. 1.11. miner, 13. Win H. Smith,. 34. Joseph Wenrick, 13: C . Jackson, ACRE EIIMIESIWEEI 5 ~I ~ ~~'. t~"Yt y Minion T. Tacker, *met Dirk - inino4 relW Win:lVA'. elby;,VireFatilidti Tittemiary, 7 d o ti Bensonin L. Sorry, Terkte; Jr:,ohn 1011e.r, tiorktirrnano,U, J Joseph B. n ja F, Nnj. Joseph ant yerit, Edmund J. Yard, Col. Wni. B. Mann, Cant, Dich,•D0negan, , , , , , ,..,.. Conrad 8,.(31.r0ve,. John Hockey, Edwin IL Fitter, Willinm 1.1 Barnes • .R.J. O. Capt. John T. Crody, /abort John Huhn, James Neill, *M a imics A: 13impvii, John N.llintr i A rchibald Mn tYre Matthew, Jabez Joins , ;" 3 , Diehardoarafl,r, ;, Inane A.Slibppard; ' Md.:John Clar t; Thomas H. Spent, , George F. Mall, Thtliatiti Hilh • ' Jnoob 0. Nestle, Jmnes D.,Whethmit, home }leveling; • Marton, 'Jenks; George Mande, John IL Parker, )yilliimilientty • Charles Solirank, henry Harrison, Jansen N.Mitirita; :Impel S. Kelly; N. Drawee; George C. Evans; John Dobson, Nitthan L., :banes, • john Dyer ; •, sEetiirAnMs. • FoyThecki : William Chariton. George E. Ittik'W , ''l Win,4 James 11. Haydeek, ~• , : Wm. Ihiney,,. Win. Y. Campbell, Col. Jadob M. 'Davis, .Tohn Middleton, , 'Joseph 0; Ferguson; John Samiden; Sr., • merles George W,,Myerni: • lc Preston, Gen. C. M. .T. Collis; Edwin Chmal, William Pt-venni;, 'Robert N. Marra* A. W Mon enszey ; Prof. Simian Rhodes,' EdWard7Y. Shelniire, Wrii. S. Oarittlierm Timbals 11. Einlatter, , Jos. B. Edinianton, DeWitt C. MoOre, Geo. W. Carpmitdr; Jbsrph S. George; , Robert T;lteherts. • Mr: Stuart, , upowtaking the Chair, add that tharneeting bad assembled to ratify the nomi nations Made by the :RepublWan:Tarty: The State Convention has nominated for Governor General John W. Geary : ICheeta.] you want tokith* Wile General Joliet W:` Geary IS you only have to go to the , battle-fields' and you will find it written in letters of blood. t.A.p plalise4 He is' a mans every inch an holiest man—a man of high integrity--of high niorttl worth. The Republican Convention has presented him for re-election.: heeds no eulogy from Me, ,His record is already written alone on the hatfle.&elds,'littt in the civil history ; for overt' office which he has held he has Yilied , With • honor , and distinction. The Convention .htta tided' Wisely in' selecting, frond the noble army'of judicial minds' ot the State the Hem Henry Williams [cheers];, a Man every way quoified' for the. high 'position for Which , he . has 'beennominated;an honest man; a' man . of high worth; a than 'who shonl coinitithid the entire vote Of the CominbtrWealth. I .spettk of My per sonal litiowiedge Of'the character of these Men and of theirlighsoCial positions. 1 con gratulate you upon having two such standard bearers; God less them and spare them to be elected; The Republican' party needs no speech. 'RS record is well klioWin The com ing generations will only have to read the his tory of the country to get ' its record.' The speaker CloSettWitli ain at fusion to the triumph ant electien of Grant and'Colfax, and hoped that such success *ohm , greet General Geary and Judge Williams.- " Janies Pollock was then' introduced. He said that the weather was warin, but the Iteliublieali party never knowEi oppression and never brooks defeat. He endorsed fully' and cordially the nomination just made by the State Convention. He was, a Republican from the crown of his head to the so les of hie feet. He felt proud that, in the name of Godand by the aid of the Republican party, he is a citizen of tie United States; notwithstanding the re bellion which attempted the destruction of the country. Guided by patriotisni ; and led on by that distinguished. man ; G enGrant [cheers], we Still live, and intend to live, as long as a loyal heartbeats in America. Alter a severe denunciation of Andreiv Johnson, the speaker eulogized. GoYernor Geary. The • record of our standard-bearer is written in the history Utile cohntry. Whereter duty calls there Gen. Geary has been found. On the battle-field his tall and imposing form was found amidst the smoke, aim after the struggle was over he was found among the dying and wounded with a tender heart, administering to their wants. In all his relations of life, both public and pritate, he has acted with honor and integrity, and when he has passed away his history will remain hOnorable and glorious in the field and in the eouncilS of 'State. This country is a progressive country. That great eurse;_slaVery, has been abolished; and look abroad; what influence American freedom has. Spain is rising and fast looking towards repnblicanism. In France the recent elec tions and riots tell that Ainerican liberty ,is looking up there. [Applause.) Cuba [cheers) is not only dreaming of liberty; but is rising in her might and 'striking for freedoM. [Prolonged applause.) Even England, often our enemy, to-day stands in the prence Of our greatness and feels that we-are a nation equal to them selves. In the House of Lords we receive compliments which; twenty-live years ago, would have sunk an. Englishman into the deepest degradation. In General Geary and Judge Williams we have the .embodiment of these progressive ltiinciples. The., speaker then spoke in the highest terms of-the ability and character of Judg e Williams, and pro posed three cheers for bim. After the cheers had been given, Governor Pollock concluded his speech by_. calling upon his hearers to stand firm for the nominations. Hon-Wayne MeVerigh wasthenintrodueed. After applauselie said: The warmth of the evening almost preventedpatriots from giving utterance to their feelings. To-day we have done a' noble thing. 2We here and there meet a Mint-hearted man TAM tells us that the work of the Republican party is over. but such is not the case.. The people are far too intelligent to believe that the great Republican party has accOmPlished its mission. We estah lished our platform years ago, and upon the plains of Illinois 'Abraham Lincoln—lap plause-I—stated what should prevent every Pennsylvanian from neglecting his post. He said it was in your city of Philadelphia, one hundred years ago, that the seed was planted which unrooted'that great curse, called slavery. Equal rights to all men we concede. The young braves that are sleeping in the marshes of Antietam creek; from Savannah to the sea, on the ramparts of Fort Wagner, and on the ridges of Malvern Hills, diedin order not only that we might have freedom here, but that we should have ,parity in our public life. lam afraid we soithetim es dishonor their memories. We should not forget for what they fought, ' bled, and died. It was to save our land. TO-day, in the presence of the old enemy; 'when the fight is still am w on, it is treason or cOwardice which counsels any Mall to stab a Republican leader. e '11(11 proceeded to show the utter fallacy of threatening England with war. Any message of war to that, country must be sent to John Bright igreat applause,i who holds a high seat in the House of Parliament. 11a I it not been for our success, and for the treaty of Grant under the Appomattox apple,tree, he would have never sat in Parliament. Up our way we have enough ofwidows at present to care for nod support, and we . don't want war. What we want is protection to our na tive industry anti nationality. The_Re publiean party to4kty Lave gathered around their candidate a unit from Erie to -tile - -Delaware—There_areno_dismmii o midst. Be is a good man his mimic; will ad mit, and he is a pure man his traduct:rs trill admit. ' He has never turned his back upon the old flag, and he is the right the right place. We must not forget that the Re publican party hats a future in Texas as well as in this State. We Want Geary here and one of our men there under the great captain of salvation who settled the tate of the rebellion. (rghtdder - in6ssag6, -1 ant sure ' can-reach-the e:lr of General Grant than on the second Tues day of October, that Pennsylvania-is loyal to Min, to the country, and to John W. *Geary. Applause.] The . 14 on..,Tohn Cessnawas next introduced. Be made an eloquent speech of considerable length, urging all to remain tiro to the princi ples 01 the Republican Party and battle man fully for the success of the distinguished stand art-bearer who has faithfully served his coun try and State, and has just been nondnatedfot re-election to thegubernaterial chair. Mr. Jelin IL Seltzer then read the follow ing resolutions, which were'. unaniinouSly adopted: • • , • •1; Resolved,. That the ether , y; integrity and patriotism which enabled the Republican al tiui corrupts, and ataae t t t: e 3 6ll:3ltri v ti;. e och : olue i party to crush the greatest rebellion of modern deathdministration which; and efficient to diators of our . ebt Ir o asr t: oe t i l i i bl martyr ed A t e y pi l yi . insure the public peace and prosperity, and to maintain at home and abroad the rights of our citizens, native or adopted. v. . • • - . L' • -- nibt) 2: laiott .Tl tat e§ 9rif earnestt qlontkelidilitWith Width tlintatifilifisttatiefftif *re tthlent° 4irtnthaft intOr 64e Veg ii4acitttifhe'OlttertilliAnt 111 41Wentetttelnilrit. Ofthil strictest ecoribtajP in Mil trianagefilefit of public atbrits, in the dismissal of Vast ntun— hers of useless officials, in the rapid reduction of the pnblie debt, in Ins pacific aml beuevcr leht - tiffeefii the in the inereasiug (inlet, good feeling, and obe- Lildrieti todlie laws in our Southern States, and in the genetal eontideneeand hope With which administration ie regarded by all, he is re— deetuingi intiverstilsatisfitetion, the pledges given in Alia behalf these who advocated his election to the Presidency, and is preying liih3r"elf fife lekti,gielit 'tiic !' chalet th Lii• In the Held, 3. /?esilieird; 'Tliat we endorse Mill adopt the' platform of principles oFthe State Convention held to-day in this city, and Will giro ohtundiL tided support tath6l.-catididatts Wheal it hiiS, nominated. 4. Resolved; That , Ceti. Joint W. Geary,! the candidate for our highest State office, we ' recognize not only a true patriot and brave: soldier; bat a tried'arid faithful Goverilot;Wlin has rebuked:corruption wherever it littsshoWn. itself; who, without fear or faver, honeStly executed the laws, - and duringu adihitiistrit-* don our State credit has been fully inalinal our State taxes on real estate entirely remo Veit. and- oar State debt greatly redeced. lime/vett,. That the disgmeeftil haturaliztv: firth fraudA of laSt autuhin, perpetrated in the office bf the Supreme Court in this city, , olation of the rights of all eittzens, whether-of native Or of birth; should teach us the , iintiortance Of placing Amon the Suprehie Berich such Men only as cannot : be swayed by, party inejadiceS, and will not make their po-: .sitiens the means of partisan trinitiph. Resolved,- That '' ' the • Hen. Henry our . candidate -for - Jtalge of the • Supreme Court; lies long known to . the people of -Pennsylvania , ' of unini peachablO ptobity - and learned in the la*, - who has proired himself to be aft impartial and ttp right jndge, in whose hands the rightit of pro perty and tie purity of the ballot box may be safely trusted; who, under no - circumstances, will exchange the ethilhe of the judge for the piebald-garments of . the partistin,: - and' WhO 2 whether on the Supreme' Bench or at Nisi Pries; willheither permit fraud nor shield the guilty.. , ' • 7. Reserved, That We' approve Mid ratify the nominations recently made by the Republican conventions for . city' and: county offices aful the State Legislature,: believing that ffot cability, for integrity, and pattiotiepolitteal principle,they Will compare favorably with ally that have heretofore been reekimihended for the suffrages Of their :fellow ritikehm,•Mid that the whole ticket is 7 worthy of the cordial and united suppott of the people, , Colonel Jordah wits then inttothiced, He congratulated the Republican party and the citizens of Philadelphia upon the nondhations made 'during , the, day. He Said nothing so much conduced to success and made it sure al a fair start, and we have - had a fait start to-day. Some gentlemen ljay,there is danger ahead; some say that as we have been so king in power we are now both - id:to let our -ewer retries have a chalice. I shy to all such Men that the very fact and the 'very convic-. tion that there is danger ahead is the Very first necessity of averting the dahget; the very fact that our party and our frieMLs are conscious of danger will induce them at the • bugle call to fall into line under the banner of our country and do their duty.. Now we are here to-night to ratify these hotniilations,: to approve thein; to endorse them, to uphold them. lArhyshmild we notdo it? Are they not in every sense fit nominations to be 'made? Are they not tried and true servants of the State? Are they -not men of purity of life, long and faithful public servants, of good character andintelligence,of patriotism, and of *Wore, - to whom we can look for council, for support, and for leadership; in all confidence that we shall - never look in vain? Gentlemen, we endorse them ferthese reasons; We endorse these nominations for other reasons. We en dotse them, because as patriots and citizens of this great Commonwealth, We are unwilling h to go:aek upoh our ma past record and hp -en the fifths of our paSt victories. Think of it. A majority of. the Supreme Court is at isseefor fifteen yeats. The legislative appor tiOnment bill, the Congressional" apportmh nient bill, the Executive administration Of this State for three years,and oter and above all this the Administration of Gen: Grant is to he sus-1 tained,,and it is to be sustained by PenttsYl veld because, "as Pennsylvania goes so goes I the Union!' It will not do to strangle this new AdminiStration at its birth. It behooves us as Men, it behooves-us as patriots, it behooves us as those thatput that Administration in powet ; to sustain it to the utmost of our capacity and ability in this contest, and if we areable on a hot summer night, at the very outsetof a con test; to muster such a meeting, and to demon sttate such enthusiasm as has been- demon sttated here, it is of itself a ratification Of the nominations, and it is a pledge of our final triumph. The meeting then adjourned. A SALUTE. Asalute of one hundred guns wa.s fired, at th fodown, in the Eleventh \Vard, b,s , the ca dets of the Veteran Artillery cOrps., under the . command of Col. Brady; in honor of the nomi nation of the soldier and statesman, John W. Geary, the candidate of the National Repub lican party of Pennsylvania. [Translated for the 'Philadelphia Evening 'Bullet in.l MOVSEIKOLI) RECIPES BARON BBISSE After asparagus have come the peas; after the peas, already, we see approach the green or string-beans. Like peas, the string-bean, when first in season, should not be eaten in. any other style than the "English," that is to say cooked in plenty of water, strained, and turned upon a slice of. good butter, seasoned with salt, pepper and chopped parsley, stirred, and eaten all up! Even here, however, there is a responsibility in the cooking; for just in proportion as the bean is tempting if it pre serves its crispness after cooling, so it is a miserable dish when it has lost its consistence. When,: at a more advanced age, the string bean becomes Solid and tough, it may be got up "A la creme, A la maitre d'htitel, a la liretonne, n la I,yennaise." String-Berms a la Lvonnaise;— . -The beans being trimmed and deprived of the string, and blanched in boiling salted water over a brisk *lire; throw them into cold water, then strain through a colander. Cut .onions into halt= rings, and fry them in butter or oil in a frying pan; when they commence to brown, add the - beans. Fry them with the onions, mixing in a little chopped parsley and leeks,. salt and un ground pepper. When sufficiently fried form then' into a heap upon the dish. Add a little Vinegar to the butter inthe pan, let it warm, then turn it on the beans and serve them - quickly. GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &u NEW , SPICED SALMON _ • FIRST OF THE SEASON. ALBERT - C. ROBERTS; DEALER. IN FINE GEOGETIIES, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. vitssn PEACHES IN LARGE CANS, J. at Fifty Cents per Can—the cheapest and best goods In the city, at COUSTy'S East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second street. TIMIENCII -7 1 3 11A5, MUSHROOMS cTRUF- J.: nes, Tonatoes, f,lreen Corn, A spiaraouji, b.c.,in store and for solo . tit COUSTYT Mot End 6TecerY, No. 118 fiouth Second street. NTF•WM—XTES, FIGS, PRIJNE§, • RAT .L.II Bins and Alm onde.--all of luny stora and for sale at 400USTY'S East End. Grocery, No. )18 South, Second street. WEET OIL.-150 DOZER OF EXTRA :quality Oliva 911,expresely imported fbr 001LTST East End Grocery, No. 118 South Second stroot. ATONED CHERRIES PLUMS,_ BLACK berries, Peaches, Prtmoliim,L.Pears, Limn, Beans Shaker Sweet Corn,at MUSTY '8 East End Grocery, No )18. ouch second street. rid sir REI4RTV___ SUM To Vat Philadelphi r alifid : Reading Railroad 'ANN DRANCRta:"'"-"---- Mauston Mduse, Mt. Carbon. Mrs. Carolino Wunder, PotteeMe P. 0., Schuylkill co , I:llll.4earOrfik Mrs. M. L. Miller, Tuscarora P. 0.; Schuylkill county. Mansion House, • W. Y. 43:nit4, Mlll4ll)9,)Nity,,P Esohoylkill. coonty„ Mount Ciarntel House. Charles Gulf), 0.4 Northnroberland co ' • . r • s E. As Moss, iteaditig: PE O. . • Henry Weaver, lteatling P., O. Living flirrltigs Hotel, , Dr. A. Smith, Wernersv tile P. 0., Dettes county. Nprlitgs Hotel*, .Lebantin County. Win. Vera, Pine Grave , P. 0., ktebuylklll e4utity. Boyie,irtOviir SOlSOirstry., P. 8. StatitTer, Doyertown o:, Berke county,. , Sprlsricsi, F. Grebler, 0 Lancaster county. `Epliteritsi' • John Frederick', Ephrata P: 0., Latamster county. Perldloirten Bridge Rotel, Davis Longaker, 'Freeland P. 0 Montgomery county PrOxpect Werrltee. ' Dr. James Palmer, Freeland I'. o.t Montgomery county. Spring ,fielprhtsr, Jacob H. Itrelsch, Conshohocken P. 0., hiontgomery co. • Monty House, , Theodore Howell, Ski:oriel:tin, Northumberland county. 'UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, N . Jri tViil Open ter the reception bf Guest Hatztrday, Jane 20111,18119. : Haislees Band, , under the directiOn of Mr. Simon Horsier, is eintagteld for the serie6n, • • Perrone wishing to engage Booms *lll apply to GEO. FREIE:MAN, Superintendent, • Atlantic CRY, /I- 3 .1 oi BROWN sc womß PER; 827 tichniond Street, Philadelphia. Jet, 21171 , . SURF ROUSE, ATLANTIC C I T Y , N. J., WILL BE OPEN FOP, GOESTS JUNE Z, ge9. • The plat the' Reuse irtny be seen attelittonia secured until June 20th, at the La Piorre Ilouee, Philadelphia. TEEsts MODERATE . . THOMAS FAULEY, Proprietor. i •Stntz's .Parlor Orchestra has been en xastedfor the reason. jtA ltti§ - 1 ri JUN lib CA.3IBRIA COUNTY, PA • openFd to Guests inly "Excursion Tickets good for the season, over the Pennsylvania Central' tailroad; can be procured from Philncielphia Pittsburgh, and Hailietturg, to Kayley Station, 2 miles frmnithe t3prtngs. W hero coache3 will be in readiness to convey guests to the liprinee. The proprietor takes pleasure in notifying the public that the hotel is In proper ordser, and all amusements usually found at watering places can be found at the above resort. Terms, •2 50 per day, or per month. jel3 tljy2ti* I.IIANC.IB A. GIBBONS. Proprietor. lq - NITED ISTATEB 'HOTEL, CAPE MAY.CITY, NEW JERSEY., irtil be opened for the Bemoan on SATURDAY, nos' 29th. In 'all first class annointments, equal , to any, and yet affording to families all the comforts of a tome. President Gtent expecte to visit Cape Mar' fhis season, and will stop at the "United State's.' • Address: AARON MILLER, Proprietor. ny27im LITIZ SPRINGS HOUSE, LANOAI3TER COPNTY, PA., Will be reopened June 15 for the summer. Those desiring ft cool and healthy summer resort, with all the comforts of home, will find these Springs unsurpassed. For particulars address GEO. T. GRIDEE, my2B-Ims - Proprietor. LIGHT HOUSE COTTAGE, JLJ ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Conveniently located to good and Pare Lathing, is now open. Leavo cars at V. • JONAH WOOTTON, 5f!16 Proprietor. TNELAWAEE' HOUSE, CAPE TSLAND, .VV h J, le now open for the reception of A' ixitons. jel7-?m JAMES WWII/kV, Proprietor. MHE BROAD TOP MOUNTAIN ( HOUSE 1_ will be opened for the reception of gueete June %it h. Nor tonne, hc., addreex, • W. T., PEAIIBON, Proprietor, Broad Top, Huntingdon county, )101 Di t • :MA t4l) eaten SUMMER BOARDING. Several fatnlllea can be accommodated by applying S.« .corner MONTGOMERY Arontte and DIIICA Lane, CHESTNUT HILL. jet't St* tOSP TVA I ACE. FREI:LANE, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. This delightful Bummerßesidenee will be open for the reception of guests on and after May I. The lawn and grounds have been arranged with sum mer arbors, croquet grounds, billiard rooms, Anit for abode and beauty are very . delightful ; booting, fish ing, plunge - baths &c. Address, JAMES , PAI,MER, apla th ti,tulnto• • _ • land, Pa. FURNITURE. li \ am selling at present, at the exact cost of production, the finest lot of FUrniture, in quality, style and finish, ever offered in this city. My intention is to meet . the views of purehasers, and 'make it an object for them to buy. Any doubts as to the above facts will easily be' ispelled by calling at my Wakerooms, . 1316 CHESTNUT STREET. JOHN M. GARDNEFL _ iel6 lm - ~~I;AL LS7 ' AT~ SALTS. ei• -- PEREMPTORY :'SALE ON THE , Premises.-Thonnol it Sons, Auetioneers.—Desdra • ble Farm and Mansion, 63 acres, near Stanton, New Castle county, Delaware, a itbin two-and-a-half miles of the Railroad Station, on the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad. On Sriturslav June 21(10869, at 1 o'clock P.M. will he sold at public Kik, on the premises, all that desirable farm, of about 01 acres, situ atentra public road leading to Baltimore. about two and-ti-half miles below Stanton, New Castle conill y, State of Delaware.. The improvements consist of a stone mansion, containing 12 rooms, in very good condition; donble-deck fret - he barn, [in by 40 feel; frame carriage bowie and out-buildings. The land Is in a high 'stato of cultivation. The mill property, buildings now on the premises are reserved, and will be removed by:the present owner. • Terms-12,000 may remain on mortgage, I Will be F iown (drawl Ica don to the owner, ionus 11. Taylor, Stanton Woolen Mills,at Stanton. Sale absolute. M. THOMAS fi. SONS. Auctioneers, jel2 19 24 ' 139 and 141 South Fourth street. ORPHANA T CiOURT SALE.—ESTATE Ilan Auctioneer. Three-story brick • dwelling, No.olo Elva Dauphin 'street, Nineteenth Ward. . 1 / 1 1(kr the an therity of the Orphans' Court ter the City and Cdunty of Mile del on Wednesday, June 30, 1869, at 12 • o'clock, noon, •will be sold at public sale, at the -Philadelphia Exeludige, the following described real estate, Sate tie property Of john Keil, deceased_; All that certain 3- Anilstory brick mesanago of ground situate on the northwardly able at Poni , liin street, qtelelleneill at the distance of Ai fee 2,71; inches eastward of Amber street, in the Nineteenth Ward'of the city' coritaist lug in 'front -on-Dauphin -gtreet_l3 extending do nth lOO feet, to Clymer street. Subject to a gently ground rent o ,$lB lawful srlvet money of the United states, each dollar weighing, 17 pennyWeightWand 4 graint xt(e7 . ea) to lto paid at time of sale. • . By the Court, JomPri Clerk O. C• . JACOB • AUL, Administrator. JAMES A, FREE. lAN, Anetioneer, jell 17 24 • 'Store:422 Walnut street. 'REAL tiSIATP • IA A TAI IRDE. .I,Anetioneer.- , ^-Two Divellings, Nos. '2476 tried 'l4llsTulip street, Nineteenth Ward. On Wednesday, Juno'3ooB69, at 12 o'clock,:noon,Will..besold sale,, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following de serilied real estate, via.: The tam lots of ground with the three-story brick rough-cast houses thereon erected, situate NtAi. 2476 and 2478 Tulip street, in the Nineteenth Ward, each. 16 feet Winches front, and (10 feet deep. llernics haye'eight rooms each. One is a corner pro perty fon:Jac:keen street) and is suitable for a store, the 'other hustle use 'of an alley leading into Tulip n rtreet. IV - No inctiMbrancek. Half the purchase money may XlEir The'neigliberhoedls rapidly inaProYing. P $lOO to be paid on each at thellurie Of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auetioncer. jel7-24. . Store, 422 Walnut street. REAL ESTATE-4AMES zgamon . , Auctionect,GEntoel Dwelling No. 1216 Drown Street, and innitll DWelling, 1216 Olive Street.— On Wednesday, une 90,1809, 012 o'clock, noon, will be Held at public sale 'without mem% at the Philadelphia Exchange; the following described eon) estate, that lot of ground and therecin erected, Sit uate on'Brown Street, lnityveen Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, Jane city of Philadelphia,l6 feet 'front and 14.5 feet23o inches deep to Olive street. On Brown Street is erected :a genteel three-story brick dwelling louse, With double three-story buck building, with Modern iMprove remits iench as range, gas, bath, On Olive street is a neat three-story brick house with two-story back, build ings, with range anicgas introduced. The two rent for $B4O per anntinale good, punctual tenants. $3,000 may remain if desired $lOO to be paid at the-tithe of sale. JAMES FREEMAN, Auctioneer, Store 422 Walnut street. I..?ra .~, ,; ~;... ~,' ITRE, V,E'At ESTATE SA LES. trraZ`..,' 0 R .1 1 ,italq8! C 0 II SAi t IE.—ESTATE , y .111PliBif.,EnsfsVitte0dr, deceatied.—, James A. , Freeman, .Atietleinklx, t irtittaitiftliority Of the Orphans' Court fist the City and County of Philadelphia, en Wettninoloy, June 3.1, 1869. at 32 07eliick noon, will be sold at nubile sale, at t h e Philadelphia Exchange,. the following de seribed Real Estate, Into the property of Sobs Whitecar, deCeflfiell, VIZ.: Three-story brickdwelling _N0,,,17,13 3 n.0n street, Third - Ward l All that eldialif la agron ,•tritli the three-story brick house, tutu ttitlr the two-stiwy trick back buildings-, thereon pet;e4esfi. otr Queen street' 99 feet east Vront street, 41111itt Ward, being 17 fest trout, Ch 11 it 011.1:0 exulting 11 0 14 nrni sl 3 1 3 feet to a point; thence eastward 1 foot to a point; thonco nortliteard 65 test 934 incites to a,polot; thionei westward 18 feet; thence southward -in it Milo patollet 'with:Front street, led fesit.2,33 , Maims to tholdace of beginning: with the use of a 2 feet 744 inch wide alley running into Quemt k i alte te n ti ntll4l;,. - "NO sTnEET.,AII thatloatlllrotintl, with the three•story Brick Hatpin and two atery)lrichltack.,l3uthlings thereon. situate On the north said hf tilteen 'street; 119 feet of Front street, - Third Ward, being 24 feet front; thence int imting tsettheritlid cult Parallel 'Front street 101 feet six inches to a point; thence westward 23 tact to a point; thence: tetithward • 65 diet inehee to a point; thence westgrarti 1 foot; thence southward 3~i feet to OP Wavier beginnin llt g, inclinlinaerelit aIIOY 2' feet 736 inches vide,leading into anti from , quern , aft-oqt, with tit use thers , of by the adjoining property. Clear of ipeumbrunce, •. • ~ , • 1097 17 te opore Prftp"tlitx ate in good brdcr. Occupancy testi g7ttri the put - Mite& ttith the da d . Pint of the pur chase money Mail remain: . lan to be paid on each at the ante. 111' tire Court. JOSEPH lit Ett Alt T „Clerk O. tf, • • WI% it It EBB, • • 3IIIIN TAXIS;' Executors, J.Allitfi Pit EEM A N. A net lancer,' ' Store 422 Walnut street. 3 1 ORPHANS' COURT SAL 1 4 .1--Eti'PATE of Pat rick- llan - ingten,ilee'd .—Jarites A. Freemen, tic lancer —Dweliltig and Stable, and Slanglittir Mime, leaner BrOwn and Ringgold streets,- is Ward—Ltst t 0 hy, 128 feet ~ — Uniler authorityy , of the OrPlition l Csityrt for the City and COunty of Phliadel• Phi*, on Wettneadalr, .1 tine 34)11,,1869, at 12 o'cloelt, noon, will, be sold at public sale, tit the Philadelphia Ex change,' the following described real estate, •Mtit the propert of Patrick, Barrington, detantsed: All tiett.yer• min le Of - gioulid. with the intprovetwitts thereon erected, situate tillthe south side Of Brown street; and west side. of Ithiggold street, 151 feet west of Twenty • fourth street; Fifteenth Wsrd, being 50 feet 4' inches front oa BTONVII street, and extending in depth of • that width 128 feet, along Ringgold street. On - the 'above tot arc erected it thi•re-stiky Erick Ittoellint, No. 2420 Brown streq, with ,thrre•story brick bark butiding, and one•stotv • brick 'hack kitchen, sateen, parler,dinenit room, and kitchen cot „hcht floor, range, kr., large yard with grape riots, 4 - e. .4 two-story Priek carriage and glittighter boast., teitit' etiitirrt, 4c. ,febntinr .Ringgold street, brick Jce hanse., giedding, pee property is in rood order, haring been ar.d os a siogghttr duos,. Rod i t Writ 51,e`ted for either a hr e f cr york bittMer; Mr Clear of incumbrance. A9O o ptdd at the thee Ily the Court,JOSEPli 31EGA1lY. Clerk,o- ( Li 111,1,1 1 :N HARM:NiI-TON. Atheinistratrix. ' JAMES A. FREEMAN Auctioneer, 00,17.24_ _ Store 422 Walnut atreet. OIf.PTIANS' COUIIT'SAt P.--ESTATE: in of ' James Kelly: derearcit--Juntes -A, Freintrin, Auctions-cr.—Tao three-story Brick Homes, Not. 214 and ZO Columbia 111 OAP. Allf,Ve Second - o.,fre,t. Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia on Wednesday Joue 33111, •Itti9 , 13 o'ckek noon. Will lie gold at . publie role; at the Plak . delphiri Etch ts top, t P3llOlBlllO described:3bn! .Estate, Mite the property of James h.elly, deceateA-; All these two •emitaPrs threo- I stery hriek nicsauaste4, erich contain ing six rooms, and the lot of grounstotituale tit ll:Unman side tit Col m obia nrentie. at the distance of 91 feet eZPI - -ward of Wathington street, in the Nineteenth Ward of the city yenta Ming in front Columbia a vimito ft-Pl, and ht depth on the west line 51 feet 15- 3 4 inches. atiil , ats the esat lineal feet ::?4' incises. ; . Clear ot Memarance. , glifon to to paid atthe time of sale. h Or' Will be sold separately, each being 18 f,4,1-ot tront by about 51 feet sletp. By.thtb Conti, .10SE Pll MEG nx, Clerk 0. C. JOll .1. ItYlt.ltiEs, 4 • • TIDYMAS I, ItEN -' l • 3-1 '1 13 .""• JAMES A. FREEMAN, AtnitiOst•er, Store 422 Walnut Street. ' 1 Jelo l 17/424 MGM fit tlltl.'llAS§ , Tifi i• fa SAt,F or James Jonett, deceaaed,—Sanies y r e einto ,, Auctioneer.—ldstillery awl I.ot t Sloan street, ab()%+ Fil bert, Twenty-fourth Ward.-1 oder authority 'or the Orphana Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, on Wetilte4daY, June NE IMO. at 12 0 clock noon, will be sold at pnblic sale, at the Philadelphia • Exehierige, the following described real efrtrt, tan- the property of James Jones, decease,L--All that certain tot of grt und. with the brick distillery building tlier, , en sleeted. situate on the east side of Flom street. at the distance of 2ttt feet 1 Melt from the north aide of Filbert Street ttia feet wide), in tbe Twenty:fourth Ward of the city; con. taming in front on Sloan street 24 feet II inches. (111.1 in depth 5g feet. SnWeet to a mortgagt• 12010. . , 41100 to be paid at the time of By the Court, JOSEPH MEGARY,CIerk O. C. MARGARET JONES. Administrntei z. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, 1e101724 Store, Walrint nttvet ea -EXECUTOR'S SALE; ESTATE OP .11111. henry Lawson, deceased. Janie* A. Ereetnan, Auctioneer. Lot Forty-second' street near Myrtle street, Tudenty-aorenth Ward. Ender authority con tained in the will of the late W Iltior• Lawson, deceased., exineetlity, June 00, 11M51. a 'o'clock, noan, will be sold at pithily 'tale, at the Phil elphia Exchange, the following fleficrilio real estate: All that certain lot of ground, situate on the southwest side of College arenas. PIO feet northwest of Myrtle. street. Twenty-twerentis Ward; 20 feet front by 115 feet deep to Winter , street. Afro. it lot situate on the sonthweet side of tlellege ay • cube, 12n fast northwest of .My rile street,l4o feet front by .115 feet deep to Winter street. fair The Otter tore, Nat. V 13.20 and .170, on the plan George Hzaron's lots, will be a: 'd torether, and have it front an Cal/ere avenue, or et) feet titt 115 f.. 1 de4p. lege nrenve hay beets to:eared, and Forro-yeeend surest noer i'llfl'SfaS a (Olney If the lot. lid Clear of incumbrance. • fiCirkt' GO to be paid et limo of sale. isy onher . or Executer_ JA IiES A. FREEMAN. Auctioneer.. stote, 422 Walnut nr.l-141.. jg 10,17:24 fp ORPHANS' CO URT SAL F. ', --ESTATE: of Rudder; deceased••-Jatnes A. Freeman. Auctioneer—Lager Derr Saloon and OWelling., No. 171 i North Fonrth street Under authority of the Orphans' Court for the City and Corinty of Philadelphia, Wed nesday, June 30, ISO. at 12 o clock, noon, wilt n cold at public sale, at the Philrolelphia Exchange. the following deseribed real estate, the property. of Christianlittehter, deceased: All that certain three•story Wick thessnage and lot of ground, situate 'rat the east side of Fonrth street - , at the distance - of 364 feet4outhward of Mont - gomery avenue, in the Nineteenth Ward of the city. con taining in front on Fourth street 16 feet, and in depth 102 feet 6 inches, to Dale street: Subject to S;/40 ground reig um r pe woo to be paid at the time of sale. By the Court-JOSEPH MEGA R Y • MARY A . BUCH LE R,..sttn inistratrix. JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, je10.17-24 Store, 4= Walnut street. ORPHANS' GOl R T SAL H,ESTAT E *4 74 4 of Patrick Lam-gait. deceased. Jarnes A Pree• man, Auctioneer. Dwelling, Sylvan street, below Thirty,eighth street, Twenty-fourth Ward. Ender anthority . of the Orphans' Conia for the eitY and comity of Philadelphia, on Wedm-klay,„lnue 30, 00, at 12 o'clock, neon. at the Philadelphia Exchange, the fol lowing deacrthed real estate. late the property •of Patriot. Lantgan, deceased:_All that certain lot of, ground with the two-story stone me-lunge . containing 4 rooms, thereon' erected, situate on the, north side of Sylvan street, at the distance of 32 feet steward of Thirty-eighth street, in the Twent atrth Ward of the city; contain • ing in front on Sylvan street, 16 feet, and in depth north ward 100 feet . • • gGelinbject to it ground rent of 522 per annum. By the Court JOSEPH MEGA BY, Clerk O. C. CECELIA LANEGA N. Admit, istrat rix JAMESIA FREEMAN ; Auctioneer. je-10 17 24 • • Store, 4= Walnut street.. , EXEC Cc Tp PER E INI PTO tt IV SALT =l - 16t1Lt . 41 uf.lludson decettaed.--James. A . Preetnan, A ;let ionovr-ThriN: , -story brick Dwellitkg, No. 1121 Spruce street. Under nuthot ity contained in the will of the late Hudson. Carlisle, deceased, nn Weduas day JllllO 20,1859,, at 12 o'clock, noon, will, ho sold at public stale, withot ras, , rve, at the T 1.141.100 in: Ex 'change,lbe folio:inn described Itcal EFtate, II that three staided brick house with basement and bath room, tuul lot of -ground, situate on T lin north aide of Snruce street ,in the city of Philadelphia, at the dis tanee of 1S feet from the west side of ()aim* 'street; be t Ween IneVOl,th and Twelfth streets, containing in front on said Spruce street IS feet, and in depth northward on 1)10 olst Fade thereof 20 feet to the iaint it sble'of an idley; thence eastward along the Sent II aide of said allay IS feas to the said quince street ; thence_ northward along the went Hide of said Quince street 21s feet; thence westward "2.9 feet; thence 'northward f , feet S.' inches to the centorof the partition wall of a privy; thence along the iientre of figk Ham Beall weow add VI; f NA; then , e , tiout witni roi foot 4 imberc to Sprne , street, the place of beginning. The alley is private. 10 - Occupancy Septeinber, KO. :10 - Clear 61 . ineuiu btauce. • : • IV.lrSale absolute. „ to be Paid tat the time 'of sale THOMAS "HARPER, Execidiir, JAMES A. FREEMAN, Auctioneer, Store, 422 Walnut street. 4IM PUBLIC SALE. , ---JAS. A. FREENTAN, AublimitcT.—Deviroble NO. 117 , Theth street, and Large_ Lot. 100 by TO tea, .lheti,Jfeee to a _llowrdid : &ets-3 fronts. On Vs• ediesday. Julie 10,1489, tit 12 o'clock, neon, 'will In , nob at radio iwil nt-ria ! Philadelphia Exchange, the following doerilied • Teal estate,•viz.:-.All that Certain lot of ground withthe dm - NproVements thereon ereetnd, situate eft the north side of Thompson street, extending from idoph to "Reward, MO loot, and being 50 feet "deep. ;• • • ' • • •• • • Omit:Ting 30 feet of the above let and attire corner of Hoye street, is erected eery deserrto/e 3.story brick dwelt inu, With 2-story brick back building; has 9 rolons,'Ow'rt ding bath. The house is ivell'inerlt and in 'forefeet order, marble mantles; hot and cold tearer; range; gas; and Ras ftitures • grained vestibuk and .freont door; dry cellar; treeS in'front-ite. On the Howard Street front Fargo ttho.worw - brick Stable is btita,werom mortaring --12-hers•is. This property is very euitable for a draymem or butchar.. ""iSubJeet to a redeemable &,50 ground rent Trir P. 1111117117, payable in silVer. The dwelling will ' rent for. *4lOO ; a year. • ."4000 May reniain if desi red o lim'intreha4 ir. Immediate possesidon,,. • • ' • *3OO to he paid et the time of the sale. ;1 ••• JAMES A , FREEMAN. Atietionts.m, iel9 24 • • . • Store 422 Wallin t Artist. "I@ PUBLIC SALE.--JAMES A. FREE VAN, Auctioneer.—Four-story ROA; Thrilling,- No. 728 Lombard street.-On Wed itesday; Jung 30th, 343,0, at 12 o'clock, noon, Will he 501t1 at public eakts at. tin' PlabldelplAin,Exclainge, lice tollOg ;described : real 'estate, viz.: All that four win -story brick inessedigir itinl lot of ground, situate on the south •sitle'ofliombarir street , west of•figventli 'street, No. 725 ;,containing in frant Lombard street 20 feet, and extending in lloptlt 06 feet tic Onlimsxgert-43dtb4 frame dwelling in the :rear had a •-tirlat~7 • • • tom' Subject to two:irredeemable gromid rents; one nr *so and one of i 9.33 83 [(year. • ; • 19- Th,.5 vropertir yields a handsome 'income; , and could be readily converted into a store. slooto be paid at the time of side. . .• . P . JAMES A. FREEMAN. A uctioneer. • • ie l 9 24 Store, 422 "Walnut street. MUSICAL. QIG. P. .RONI)11 . 3 ELLA, TEACIGER 0I!' }..7 Singing. Privato loaaana and clawed. Itealdonro, 4:18 S. Thirteenth itroet. TELEGRAPHIC ISUMBIATIT. Tux great iloatirg doek.haa.sailedf.rom Lou-, don Tor .14epunda, - • 4 Punic% 11'x111 llonnno:i has married Miss Ray,ue,,an American heiress, tte a candidate for iha JOSEPH 'F. Conic, colored ) has been appoint ed to a tirst-elass clerkship in the Internal Revenue Department.. , .., .. Tay. Atts vetrian Gorninent-will ,ndopt a policy: of rpseyve.. tewards. the Ecumenic al Council. - , , :I,', ; 3. :' , y. -:. :,!,-,:, truz,, parprted, quarrel, between Secretary Fish:and Senittiir Stunner on the instructions toy)!tiiplatonoticyAs,denied. VICE PREsIDENT COLFAX arrived at Hart forc!, Qonn., yeiterdiv attentoon, and was the guest-of, thousand dollars have been raised in Chicago for the' benefit of the Newsboys' 'Srl,tiiiii)drions.arrii-Od in St Louis ,340, terday . who were only live days from. - San Tranclscofy , : . ‘ expliiiinent of an',' ocean steamer at tit. Louis for Liverpool is to betried at once. • , Emaxicr: TuNisoN lJ , a clerk in the Brook lyn Post-office; was arrested, yesterday,. in the act of robbing the rnalLs. BostITA ~,,,BT.pwAnn—W. Tonnv, who married : Miw Amiie SgrratC a feW days ag th o; liasfbeenditiehargbd from the service e United States. • THE Yerger trial in ,Jackson, Miss., is pro greSsing SloWly. Witnesses were examined by the. defence to prove that Yerger at times has shown evidences A. S. 111i7cii . eti:, President of the Mis sissippi Railroad, adVertisea for grading the sane from Memphis, Tennessee, to Covington, lc wit instructions are that the work will be Pushed for Ward an early day: Tim jewelry store of William & D: Mayo, at Chicago, was robbed, on Thursday, Of fty 7 six, diamond rings. ; "The sings were in a sho*lcase; 'and . Were tat missed" Until the time for closing the store. A CONVENTION representing West Tennes see, Northern Alabama, Mississippi: and Ar kansas, will meet at Memphis on July 13th, to devise means for securing Chinese migra , . Lion. _ A COxvzttrxioN representing national *ink intereSta',niet. New 'Zink. : yestertl4-, dele gates being present from fifteen States. A committee was appointed to secure the amend ment of,the banking laws -and 5 otherwise; at- UAW to the interests of thelkinks.:.- ..`Ciniti ! • • • UST CE CHASE yester_y visited the Richmond Tobacco Exchange, where he VMS welcomed with ',enthnsiasiti. ,5- - Upon being in troduced by the'president,he said a few words expressing .. a hope thatirirginia.would soon regain her former Trosperity. He was loudly Tim' (Mal Deaf )ante College, at Wash= ington,held its first, commencement yesterday. The'lnstitUtion was founded by Amos Ken dall in 1857. There were. three graduates—one of them being James ff.-Logan, a Pennsylva niaii—and they, delivered orations in the sign language. This was the first commencement of afleaf mute college at which ,regular; Cone giefedegietlvivere conferred.; Tux Conservative Republican Convention of Mississippi - met in Jackson yesterday, and was largely' attended. An Organization was effected, with Major Watford MPresident, and Colonel Jenks, of. Vicksburg, -- as Secretary. The resolutions favor the Congressional plan of reconstruction, universal suffrage and univer sal Lionmesty, .41)d r :endorse Grants Adridnistra tion. The proceedings were harmonious. : THE Cubans 'who •• were arrested` hi New York were before Com Missioner Osborne yes terday, and he having received informati that they bad beenizidicted by the Grand ury for a violation of the neutrality' laws, declared the cases at all eml before him. The defenda'nts - were again arrested under a new indictment by Marsha Barlow, and were hailed to appear for trial. THE RefiubliCan CoMiention:of Ohio at Columbus, yesterday. R. B. Hayes '(present ExerUtive) was nominated' for . Governor, J. C.' Lee' for. Lieutenant Governor, D. S. War -nor for Treasurer, Luther Day, for Supreme judge, - and .Colonel F. - Bond ;for Attorney- . General.. Revolutions were adopted, endorsing the' administration of President Grant, favor,. ing the ratification of the suffrage amendment, and denouncing the course of the Dennicratic Legislature of the State. A Miro of Onr Advanced Clvlllzattion. The beneficent •elfects of advanced chilfZa lion Cannot be more clearly seen than in the various plans through which Society extenthi helping hand to each of its - Members. The theory of savage life was "Each for himself." All the eftbrts of each indiVidual tended to benefit his own standing at the expense of Ms fellows. Actuated by the same spirit Which leads two savages in Africa who /may acci dentally meet, to fall to Wm* and See which can kill the other, the whole society of the barbarous age NV:IS warring upon itself., But with - the' advance of Civilization; or more properly with the extension of the Christian religion, came the reverse of this social policy of mutual enmity. All commenced to see hew cad/ could eVerY;sySicui of co operation *as devised. The very foundation of government itself rests on this baSis. The implied contract is that every man shall has ten to helphis brother, when his brother isiin need. Carrying down the same idea ft mu na tionsto communities, *e find the system ;of eo.:(iperatien and 'of Societies formed. It nn defiles the Masonic Brotherhood, and is the moving, spirit in unions of every _elas.s. But its perfectiOn is reached iu Hui , adoption of the systinn of insurance.. That., is the practical tritunifili of all the doctrines of the aid. The! tirst application of the plait of the ninny helping each one of its members, - was the origination of the system of lire and marine insurance. There the society guaran teesprotection and recompenie to each of its individual supporters, and under its operation the less of each is divided among all. By this means none can be crushed by disaster., But higher form . of ,mutaal protection ' was destined to be reached in the organization of Life Insurance. It was possible that many of those, Nrho contributed to a tire insurance com pany, would never be exposed to the danger which they paid their money to avoid, and thus "after years of expense; they :might find that would have been as Safe had they Mit paid pren.iums. Not so with Life Insurance, Tl(6(lre:id Certainty of death is not a possible danger to be averted; it will come to all, and ,the OW certain event in all the future. In preniumg against its ravages, no man need fear. that lie is losing . his. money, or foolishly ;investing it. He 'taking a wise precaution against an approaching event. There is something positively start ling in the idea of a ninsurance ag . ainst the hiss which must follow death. If an Intel: ligent chintunan wtis to 'be' toll the thearyof Life Insurance, he would be amazed at its in genuity Mid justice, and would be astonished that ail did not avail themselves of its advan tages. To have a society ,which Will guarantee . * • sum, on condition of a small annual payment, and that stun to be paid whether lie die to :Morrow or fifty yetirS hence, is certainly a novel plan, and one which roles death of some of itsheenest terror. It is the dread of the destitution of the dear ones, which will follow death, which makes so many fathers of fami lies tremble at its approach; and no* Means is invented tO depriVe it of this great. terresk. Surely the discoverer of Stich a remedy- can dethand the cretlit for ingenuity givoi to Watt, Whitley, or ]fultou. The only postd ble fear that can restrain a 'Wise. man from latiVing an insurance effected on his life, IS the thought that the company insuring u t ay, after all, be insolvent or treacherous, and that When lie IWgone and none are present to protect lids orphans, they may be deceived and .t.ilitiosed'iipon, This thought is jitstified With Sinallineartioninanies, but it is a foolish doubt whot applied to a, national enterprise. In sucliati litstittition us the National Life. Limp.- Oitii:Conipaby, there is no more danger of Kiel arfailtire than is Hive of the eternal hills• be utable. it in'.' institution .chartered 11' ns y the Congress of the natiomits revenues' are So large, the character of its controllers so high, and its business so extentletlt hat, volley as Well as honesty makes such a failure to keep its engagements impos sible. We see in the National .Life, the perfec-. thin of the theOry fraternitl co-operation, which has been gradually developin fox :Ai •tbeddeas-of , the past r butiadutsed- on so- broad a foundation. tbatovo Ititypeasur,ance that hon. esty as well as ingenuity will Mark its suceea fat Nroticittgl,--RiPOtre,Arti.) erftzOlf• '4. Pennsylvania Canal ciiiiinanylleati3inent. _ The following Is the statement of the Pennsylvania I (7 4 l . l e ' e a l i n C t: n fe ll ;l l l7e ; ‘ ,‘eek e'udthgl' x4(404804 Proviona in 1869..4%. ... .. ... . .. 4 1 3 .7 3 . 10 11-0 , Total InJß6i, e167 4 6G4 60 To Hume penal:in .......... .L . 1394M,6 Increase in 1869,..., • e 28,009 02 : ------ , s a d 11/Ifry.rN.IVI4S. Reporte fort te. tenitutnu feff.; -- ' IVIGTUT—Bark Mira, Di x•-•-70a tontr , kryolHO -Parma Salt hiorinfg Co.t - • 4 2 / M. • PT. JOHN; NB.--fichr W:fitater, Watts-421,W opruca laths /13 24 fect spruce boat'its" .R R. °shin 14 Cu •". RIOVEDIENI'S OF • 4 1.1EAN-..14 - E4* " --- 1014 8 * TO AIYT filllPB ruom . - , , si;it ' • ..-; :' ".. '' DATE Atalanta Landon...NOWYOrk ' ' ' ' - "June 5 Cumbria_ Glasnoty...New York.. • - • 0.1 une 12 Now York • . Havre... Neu' Yorlr...- . .. . . . . .. .;.Jitno 12 Bavaria ' Ilarubnrg...New York.'-' . 1 .. . . ......auno 12 Cleopatra Vera Cnit....Ndw York • ' ' '' 171tion Southampton... New York June 15 Samaria. Liverpool—New York rill 11 Juno 15 Colgrado...-,.. L r o_pgol..,liewYork..... .Juno 16. The (icot' ' ' , " L terpnoL4NllMAPrk.: - .4 . ..,,i.. , ...:Jiune.16 City or Ant werp-L veroooi...New 1 uric: - Auto 1/ C. of Brooklyn -New Ydrk...Llyermioi " - luno 26 lielvetin New . York:Alvorppol.:•...:. Juno 26 Corte s ........,. New, York...Novytnieans Jupo 26 .Penney lv uf a •........Novr Yorli...Llyerpool ' ' Juno 26 Europa- • ' Now York..Allasgovr • ' June 26 C of Washingt'n New.York...Llverpootvla y al'x.Jutia 29 Pioneer Philatlelphin...Wilminizton- Juno 29 'Westphalia New Y0rk.“11amPurir..1..„:......, June 29 Nevada Wevi.York...llYerppol. JutteM China ' ' New Tork...Lliekvonll..: .. . .. .. . ....I.Juno3o Arizona Y lierrY_ork..,Aspipnrall-.. t. , ~ July 1 Aleppo sew ork...Liverpool' ' ' July 1 Norro euetle.;.;.NeyrTak..:Haratin:.,-.. . . . -.'..1. ' July 1 Cityol A ntwnrp.Now ,York:-Liy erpo 01............ ..... ..1 uly. 3 , 0D OF {TRADE . JOHN I. JAh CALWEHOROW.- .51oNTHyrOommin7TE THOS. B. GMLESPrg, MARINE•BULLETIN.' PORT- OF PHIL 4DELPILLp—sIArrpI 24 8u ThsEP,4 f Sux SETS, 7 321 HIGH WAT • ARRIVED YESTERDAY. • Reamer Sarah, Jorieso24 hours fpna. ) iMe7r,Yorikorith uidgt W M Baird et Co.. . Steamer C Comstock Drake, 24 hours from New York, with tads° to W DI Baird de Co. . - . Bteamsr!Monitor, Jones, ZI hour! from Misr l iorkiwith mdse. to NV.II Baird h' Co. . • , Bark Mira (Br), DIS; iron) Ivigtilf Mai 16, with.krio lite to Peuna Salt Manufacturing Co—Teasel to J E Baz b.r Zt Co. Left' ship Mr Collw Campbell .(Br), to mat about 'Mt It May for Philadelphia; barks Thor ( Dan), just arrived, to load for do; , Augustins, for do, to sail lath tichr L A Joilation, Mahlmas, from Gardlner,'Me.wlth ice to Knickerbocker Ice Co; , , . „ Schr Ada Harbert.' Somes, 8 days front - Glottees' ter, with fish to captain. . ' ; .., • Schr John Sluice - min, Weav e r, from Gardbuer;Me: with ice to captain. Schr Olivia, Fox, I day from Odessa; Del: with grain to Jas L Bewley & Co. ' ' • . • - AT WILKIE GTO.N, DEL. Sat Wm Slater, Watts ,1,3 days from St. ohn,2o.With lumber to T P Galvin & CO- - • CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamer Saxon, Sears, Boston, H Winsor & Co.' Steamer Rattlesnake, Gallagher, Boston, L Andenrled & Co. Steamer Diamond State. Webb, Baltimore, A Groves,Jr. Bark Lincoln, ThconsonMew Orleans; D StetsOn&Co. Bark N.M. Haven. Hall. Boston, Warren Er. Gregg. Schr M Somere,Sotners, New Orleans via Washington, DC. 8 S Bishop & Co. ,Schr F E Matlock, liallock, Boston, L Audenried & Co.' Schr Eva Bell, Barrett, Boston, do Schr S J Bright, Shaw. Boston, do Schr Beta, Brown, Boston, do Schr Henry, Merritt, Boston; • . - . do Schr.M. A Grier. Plelulng, Manchester, I„ do Correspondence of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. , READINGr, June . 22,1869. The following boats fioni the throe Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: M Smith, with lumber to Sailor, Day ..k Morey; C J Rhoads, do to Illr.Lieber; Marc; do' to. Taylor ,& Betts; Delaware and If udson No 86, bark to 111 & M D Long; lowa., do to W W ,Tyler; Jerry Ring, lituttatone. to J Shaeffer. ' • ' MEMORANDA. Ship Lookout. Nugent. from New York 28th Tan. for San } rancisco. waq spoken 10th April off Cape Horn, Ship Menilora, Allen, milled from:Manila 15th April for Boston. Slop Gen McClellan. Williamg . . from , San -Franciaco for Liverpool, was spoken kith' Mliy, tat 11'25 N, ton 116 MI W. ' Steamer Tonnwavnia. Jennings, henee at Savannah c-p•terdnv Stesanjr Pioneer, MArretf,tleared at Wilnabgton,NG. ye-terday fur this port. - ' Stevwer New York. Jones, hence at Georgetown, DC. 224 inst. nteatner Atalanta, Piukbatn, from London via 'Havre fir New York, was passed 14th lust. las 48 40, lon 31 55. tteanter Morro Castle, Adams, d*rom Havana, at Now York yesterday. Steamer New York,' lieinbeChl from Bremen 9th inst. at New York yesterday. Steamier Arizona, Maury, from Aspinwall 15th inst. at New York yesterday. Bark Neptune (Br), Hayes, hence at Aspinwall 9th • . . Bark Benefactor, Berry, sailed from Amoy 20th April for New York. - Bark Al/relearn Skalie, Gregersen, entered out at Lou• don 12th inst. for this port. . • Bark Annie Bacheider, Steelman, at Newport fith inst. Bark Carl Johan (Sere), Nordin, honce for Bremen, passed Peal -11th irk Si.. - Bark Vesta (Nor), Koldrup, hence in the Souridi Elsi nore, sth inst. for Croustailt. ,• . . • ' • Bark Castries (Br), Kemble, hence at' A4pinwill'Bth instant. • • ' •_ Brig 'Waverly. Terry. at Dardimelte! 31st ult. front Taganrog, and cleared for Falinouth, E: Brig Funny. Turner. saileal from Port Spain 21th ult. for Bonaire. , liar % Steeinaiii;Adatuni at AV ilmbigtOrt,.NO, 21st init. , from Nell' York. lacier Romp; for 'this port, cleared at• St. John, NB. 22.11 instant. Schr If A Hunt, Petemon,'ltailed from Richmond Schr S P 111 Tasker(3,masts),,Allen, "sailed from New Bedford 21st inst. for Georgetown, BC. Schrs Jas Young. Wilson, and Ella F Crowell, Howes, hence at Boston 22d inst. , • . • Schr „Itis H Moore. Nickerson,-cleared at Boston 22d inst. tor this port. techr Seveuty-six, Teel,'cletireal at Calais 15th instant. for ' Scli a r Addle Fuller, Ifenderson• • eleared at St. John,N B. POI inst. for 'New Castle ltd. - • Sehr F 11 Baird, Ireland, was up' at. Charleston 21st inst. for Boston 1 Setif Challenge, Gulliver. hence at Bangor 21st inst. • , MISCELLANif. Brig Nieolsus (N(/. Bausehilds. which sailed from New' York April 7 for Antigua, had not arrived at the latter port June P. FearS are entertained for her safety. Brig senorita, liming. from Rio Janeiro for Balti more, before reported put into Bailin leaky, repair ml. cleared and was ready to sail from the latter pert when another leak was discovered and she Was compelled to discharge part of her cargo; when an auger: lola was discovered forward. She would reload and sail as soon as possible. FIRE-PROOF SAFES. CHAMPION SAFES. Unsuccessful Burglary. LETTER OF. MESSRS: DAVID ROWS S CO NEW-Your, April 10,18.69. HERRING, 'FARREL &" SHERDLAN, No. 251 Broadway: . GENTS: On the night of the 22d ult. our store, Na. 20 South street, wm entered, ,and a des perate attempt Made by burglars upon one of Your safes in our counting-I'OOM The key to the safe in which w e'kept our se curities was locked inside:. of our 'fire-proof book-safe, the doors of which were literally out to pieces; from this they obtained the key to the other safe and opened it. Fortu nately we had one• of your Aitiglar=Proof Bankers' Chests inside, in which out• valuables were deposited. This they went to work at with a will, and , evidently used u ) all their time and tools in Vain 'attempts to force it. The night was dark and stormy, and the fact of their knowing where our key was kept shows that their plans were well matured. They tried wedging. the door and body of the Chest, and the faithful sale bears evidence of the labor and skill devoted to the work. Ali Was useless,and it is with greatpapS faction we report.tbat:77 pou..,:.opening it , we found our securities all safe, and can therefore cheerfully indorse the : Thirgular-Proof work recommended by you. You will please send the newsafe purchaSed by ,us to our counting-house, and take tlie• =old one to show that some safes are still Manu factured worthy of the name. , • . • • DAVID Dows & co: HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES, "THE MOST RELIABLE sEptr- RITY FROM FIRE NOW 11.:NOWN - ;" llttinu factured and sold-by . •-, • - •.• F.ARREL, HERRING & HERRING; FARREL & SHERMAN, NO. 251 Breadway, New York. HERRING & CO., ChipagO -HERRING, FARREL & 811ERMANiNA/ fa In th ti Till& DAILY EVENING BULLETIN PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY. JUNE 24, 1869. .• V 4. k • 17 - 717. 1 t.1.Vi ill''' . 0, * ---"'"- ... I '-^f e. . ' ~ , 1. At t , . , I i' - 4161.-. - - ---:--- --- . f l , : / 1 " - _-:-:\ SPRINGS ' ' / - -1/ i SARATOGA 1 NEW YORK. !-. The analysts proves that the waters of the Aztlaratoga Star Springs havorktornell larger amount of solid substance,,, inedical, ingredients Oita any: other, sPrhall in fieratoFra,:: and ShoWs Whit the tastelndicatenamely, that it it the ' STRONGEST WATER. i It also demonstrates that the STAY!. WAT/311contains rout ,".7 ~ .,;',l.';';.) K, '4' .'. ,c, f.r: ~:`; ~;f c-„., , . , :..,j 100 Cubic Inches Mere of Ga s •In a gallon than any other, spring. It is .this' extra amount of gas that imparts to this water its peculiarly aparkling appearance, and renders it' so very agreeable *0 the taste, fit idsotendsto man:rim the deliclensflavor l:sf theavater WhealiottledtandcattSME'it.toAndiorkarlth an efferveaernce almost equal to Champagne. ' - gif Sold by the leading Druggists and Hotels through t put the country. JOHN WYETH & IMO., 1412 Walnut Street, Philada, i s . Wholesale Agents. 4 ~ , Also for sale by W.Walter Itlnllon,Chestnut IIIII ; Fred, ;frown corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets; I. J. Gra m e, Twelfth and Filbert; 11. B. Lippincott, Twentieth and Cherry; Peck & Co., 1228 Chestnut; Samuel S. Bunt- Itig, Tenth and Spruce; A.B. Taylor,lolt Chestnutj P.O. Oliver, Eighteenth and SpruceLF. Javoby,,Jr,9l7 Chest nut; Geo. C. Bower, Sixth and Vim; Jas.T. Shinn,Broad and Spruce; Millet lil. Jone‘,Twe)lth Still Spruce; WU Webb, Tenth and Sing Garden.,i ~., ,V. , 1... k ii•fi 1, ~. 1 '"3l3yrp 4—, ' , '''-' 4.-- , ' 4 \ ',- k-. 1 MEDICAL. ' ... , . Ayer's Sarsaparilla, reit pinnximinia-ME disorders, which were ag grakoted ~by the scrofu lous contamination until they were painttilly afilictingfhave -been radically cured in such great'numberssin almOst every see. lion of the country, that the public efareclY Ueed be informed of its virtues or uses.. ' Scrofulous poison is one of the most destructive enemies of our race. Often, - this unseen and unfbr tenant of the organism undermines the constitution, and invites the attack of enfeebling or fatal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its 'presence. Again, it seems to breed infection throughout the body, and then,'on some favorable 'bees:Sion, rapidly develop into one or other of itshideous forms, either on the surface , ' or among_ the 'Vitals.' In the latter, tuber cles may be suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or it shows Rs presence by eruptions' on the akin, or, foul nicer aliens on some part of the body. Renee the occa sional use of a bottle of this Sarsaparilla; iced visable, even when no active symptoms of disease appear. Persons afflicted with the following com plaints generally find immediate relief, and, at length, cure, by the use of this; BARSAPA_IIIZ— EA: St. Anthony's Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Sore .Eyes,Sore Ears, and other eruptions or visible forms of &Totaling, disease. .Also in the f more concealed forms, pa Llyspeiisfo l , a DroPslf, Heart Disease,Fits, Epilepsy, Itreraigia, die and various llcerosts,afectioru3 of the 311111SCU : lar and nervous systems.: Syphilis Syphilis or' Venereal nd litereurial Diseases are cured by it, though a longtime is required for subduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine. But lung continued use of this medicine will cure . the complaint Zrueorrhata or Whites, 'Uterine Ulcerations, and Female Diseases, are com monly soon relieved and ultimately cured, by Its IpuriiVing and invigorating effect. Minute tionsfor each case are found in our Almanac, sup •plied gratis. Rheumatism and , Gout, when !caused by accumulations of extraneous matters in the blood, yield quickly to It, as also /deer • Complaints, Torpidity, Congestion orinflam matton of the.Lirer, and.ratendiee, when arising, as they,often do, from the rankling poisons in the blood. This SALRSAPARILDA is a,. great re storer for the strength and vigor of the system. Those who are .TAttrurttict and Listless,,Despon dent, Sleepless, and troubled witirriVertious :Ap prehensions or Fears, or any of the affections symptomatic of Weakness, will find immediate relief and convincing evidence of its restorative power upon trial. " , : Mr. X. C. A.YEIT. & Wass., Rracticat: and Avi4liittgar SOLD. BY. ALL DBUGOISTS , EVERYNYEERE At wholesale by .J M..MAMIS & CO., Philadelphia. - . • - . tularta th stm INSTEAD Or BITTER, USE ' ''' • ' ' e ' Mothers I give the Children . SW EE ~: , . Ask your Doctor for QUININE I The Druggists all sell je3 th,s,tul.3t§ 171 ETT VSBURG, ILATA_LYSINE WIVTER , 1.71 call be had of all first;elass drz_ggists. iilso•of W. H. li. JONES at hIS New York'Depot, No:: 5 Murray street, or of the Gettysburg SprittO Company at Gettysburg, , . Prices at the New York Depot, 50 cents per quart hot , tie v e Viper CRE.• of two dozen quurtH. Prices at the Spring, t 39 50 per case. 'jel2-4 th 12t§ 0DE1% 4 'TALLINAi—A SUPERIOR article for cleaning the Teeth,destroying animaloula which infest them, giving tone to the gnms. and leaving a feeling of fragrance . and . perfect 'cleanliness in the Mouth. 'lt nifty be used daily, and will be found to strengthen weak - and bleeding gums, while the aroma and deteraiveness will recommend it to every one. Be ing composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physi cians and - Microscopist, it. Is. confidetitly. ,offered. as a reliable substitute for the uncertain washes formerly in vogue. Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituents of tho•Dentallina, advocate Wno; it contains nothing to'proVent ite unrestrained eniPloYment. Made only by JAMES T. 'SHINN, Apothecary, Broad and Spruce streets. rally. and ID: L. Stackhouse, Robert C. Davis, Geo. C. Bower, Chas. Shivers, S. C. Blintrug, - Chas. 11. Eberle, James N. Marks, E. Bringliurst ,5.; Co., Dyott &•• Co., 11,, C. Blair's Sons, • y•etli , k, Bro. For sale by Druggists gen Fred. Browne. Howard 1.; Co., Isaac H. Kay, C. H. Needles, , . 4 ' • T. 3. 'Husband, Ambrose Smith, Edward Parrish, Wm. B. Webb, James L. Bispbam, Hughes & Combs.. Henry A. Bower. MACHINERY,,IROIV, &O' CU IBERL - AND - NAILS ; $4 80 PER KEG, • 1.:1 Ceataining 100 Alai: Wails; other brands of ' Nails $4 60‘per keg; BOrdinaa's Barbed Blind Staples, $4 25 per hex of 1011)6. Staples: Shutter Hinges, from 12 to 17 in., complete With' Antares, 75 cts. , per set; 1 1-2 in. Frame 'Pulleys, 25 cts.f 1.3-4 in. 26 'cts. per doz.; Rim Locks and Knobs 05per dozen, at the Cheap-for. the-Cash Hardware endifool Store of -' . . • J. 3 1009 Market Street. rnyn-s hi th lY • • • _MERRICK & SONS, SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY 430 WASHINGTON Avenue, Philadelphia, MANUFACTURE \ , STEAM ENGINES—High and Low Pressure; Horizon tal, Vertical, Beam, Oscillating, Blast and Cornish Pumving. BOlLERS—Cylinder Flue, Tubular, • STEAM llAMMERS—Nasntyth und Davy styles, and of all sizes. CASTINGS—Loam, Dry and Green Sand, Brass, &c. ROOFS—Iron Frames, for covering with • Slate' 'or icon. TANKS—Of Cast or Wrought Iron,forrefineriesi-water,- oil, Ac. GAS MACHINERY—Such as Retorts, Bench v Castings, Ilolderand; Frames; Figriflortt, Coke' and Charcoal Barrows Valves. Govertiora,'Scot- - • - ' SUGAR MACHINERY—Such as Vacuum Pans and Pumps, Defecatore, Bone Black Filters, Burners, Tlag..ratera,, Sugar . and Bona Black - Curti, &cv • A • A • Sole manufacturers of the following specialties: In Philadelphiamnd vicinity ,of William Wright's Patent Variable Cut-off Steam Engine: •, • • In the United States, of Westorl'a Solr-darder , ing and Self-balancing Centrifugal Sugar-draminglffs. chine. • Glass & Barton's improvement an,Aspinwall&Wealeay'a Centrifugal. Barton; Patent Wrought-Iron'lletoit Strahan's Drill Grinding Rest. Contractors for the design, erection and fitting up of Re. fineries for working Sugar or Molasses. OPPER AND. ,;i - Ykj.l;OW Sheallking; - Bilizier*gi Ccipper Dolttilted . irigot Copper, constantly_ on hand' and for sale by HENRY WINSOR d CO.. No. 332 South Wharves. OR tirAME.--DEXTRIE AVASHISVTICCA:: • CHLNE—Abe best A.Ty§WOII,TH, iont, Re, 12.27311itrliet Itroet: • JOl9 The reputation this px , celient )32edi,eine ,enjOyi, deritred mirea, many of which are truly marvellous..,: ,Inveterate eases of *Elerofulorur dish ease; where the system seemed saturated with corruption, have been purilled,and cured by it. ,14gofigoussff . ections and PREPARED BY MMM!MP! TIEM 1829 '•••=CEIA.111211 F OP AL -'"-- ---7 ;;i 7- r - giFir.W2CECtiiM • v.. .. : .; FIRE -. iNsoRANde - - commNir. „.,- 4cir pititekitoExiiikvAL:!- ' ' .- Oiriee-435 ilia 437 'Oheetiiiit Street 1 .. , ,40sets on fjanizarr I. 1.66 , 9,,' - ' 402,4377,372 Lai, Capital..'.— • ''' , ' '' ' i.eilait,ooo 00 Accrifeidimplus—. .... . . ...„........ . . ..... .... . i . . .. ...........1,010628 70 premiums ' ' ' L 19303043 IHNBETTLER CLAIMS, INCOFIE FoIPIA69 ?., k . 823,788 12. '• ' 8350,0(?)... , .s. A- Losses Paid Sinoel.B29 Over ' ' 05',0 00, 00 0...' 4. Petpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Termd Tlib Company also issues Policies upont the , Rents of all kinds of buildings, Ground Rents and Mortgagee. i DIRECTORS, • Alfred G. Baker, - , Alfred Filler, i Samuel Grant, , . . Thomas Sparks, 4 Geo.X . . e l L ticnards, -‘ 11 , h in o .13. 8 0 8 r . aigi. 18, 1 ,' Geo. Estee, ' Gustavus S. Benson, ALFRED , BAKER, _President. ~AL . S, Vice President. JAL W. IllcAl , llPFEß, E SecreterY.;.. ' . , THEODORE K. REGER t Aseislant necretay. pr...I.AWAIIE MUTUAL SAFETY IN ' SURANCE COMPANY. ' • Incorporated by the Legislatare of Pennsylyania, V 335. °Oka E. corner of , TRIED and WALNUT Streets, ' Philadelphia'. • • • • • MARINE •INSURANOES On Vessels, Cargo and Freight to all parts 'of. the world, INLAND , INSORANUES - On goods by river , canal, lake and land carriage to all 4 partS or the • FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally, on Stores, Dwellings, Howes, &c. ' ASSETS OF TIIE COMPANY, : , . Novembar 1,1868. atzafflo United States Five Per Cent. Loan, • 10.40's '0208,600 OD 120,000 United States Six Per petit.lician, , • • ...... . . . ' 136,800 00 50,000 tinit(4l . ... /Zan • (for Pacific Railroad).,- wow 09 290,000 State of Pennsylvania bit 'Pet' • Cent. 211,375 00 125,000 City of Philadelphia Sit Per Cent. • Loan ((exempt from Tax 1......... 1241,594 00 50,000 State of rico Jersey. Six Per Cent. ' Loan • ' • Zl,OOO Pennsylvania 51,500 00 Railroad . First • , • Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds 20,200 00 25,000 Pennsylvania • Railroad . Second Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds 24,000 00 25.000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad Mortgage Six Per Gent. Bonds (Penns. R. R. guarantee) 20,625 00 80.1.00 State of Tennessee Fire Per Cent. 21,000 00 7,000 State of Loan.:.:.._ Six. Per Cent. Loan . 5,031 25 15,000 Genn a ntown Gas Company, princi pal and interest guaranteed by the City. of Philadelphia,3oo eharee (doe .k... ... -, . , 15,000 00 10,000 Pennsylvania Railr o ad bompany. shared stock-- ....."-.,---. 11,300 00 " 5,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad • . Company, 100 shares stock 3,500 00 20000 Philadelphia and Southern Mall • , Steamship Company, 80 share(' stock 15,000 00 207,900 Loans on Bond and Mortgage, first liens on City Pr0pert1e5....,.... 207,900 oo • • Market Value, 81,130,325 25 Cost, 81,093,001 26. Real Estate 38,000 CO Bills receivable for :Insurances made. Balances due .at 'Agencies--Pre mining on Marine ,Policies- Accrued Interest and other • debts due the Company-.....,... 40,178 83 Stock and Scrip of sundry Corpo rations, '83,156 CO. , Estimated. ' value •-• 1,813 00 Cash in' Bea. • ' • 5116,150 08 • Cash in4l3 65 • • 116,563 73 '81,109,900 Par DIRECTORS. • Thomas C. Hand, - Joules n. McFarland, -Edward Darlington, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, • ,Jacob.P.• Jones, •-1 • . • Eumund A. Semler, Joshua P. EYre, • Theopli iI us Paulding, William (.I.toulton, Hugh Craig, -- " - Houry•C. Dallott, Jr., John C. Davis, , John. D. Taylor, James C. Hand, Edward Lafourcade, John R. Tenrose, ' Jacob - • H. Jones Brooke, George W. Bernadon, Spencer Mllvaine, - • Wm.:C. Houston, Henry Sloan, , D. T. 'Morgan, Pittsburgh, Samuel E. Stokes, 'John R: Semple, do., James Traguair i • A. D. Berger, • do. THOMAS C. HAND President. JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice President, HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. HENRY. BALL', Ass't Secretary. F. COUNTY FIRE INSURAN - CE COM- A_ PANY.—Oflice, No. HO South Fourth street, below The Fire Insurance Company of the County of Phila delphia," Incorporated by the Legislature of Penusylva. ni% in 160114, tor indemnity against loss or damage by fire, exclusively. • • • CHARTER PERPETUAL. This oldL and reliable institution, with 'ample capital and contingent fund carefully :invested, continues to in sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, &c., either per manently or fora limited' time, against loss or damage by fire, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of its customers. • Losses adjusted and faid wRECith all possible despatch. Chas. J. Sutter, Andrew H. Miller, Henry Budd, • James N. Stone, John Horn, • • Edwin L.lleakirt, Joseph Moore, Robert Y. Massey, Jr., George Mecke, • Mark Devine. CHARD SJ. SUTTER, President. • HENRY BUDD, Vice Presidnt. BENJAMIN F. HOECKLEY, Secretary and Treasurer. PH CE NI X INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED L4O4—CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. 2 . 2.4 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. This Company insures from losses or damage by FIRE , on liberal terms, on buildings, - merchandise, furniture, &c., for limited periods, and,: permanently on buildings, by deposit or premium. The Company has been in active operation for more than sixty years, during which all losses nave been promptly adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS : John L. Hedge, ' David Lewis, •M. B. Maliony, •• • Benjamin Etting, , • John T. Lewis, Thos. Powers, • Wm. S.. Grant, A. It:McHenry, Robert W. Learning, Edmond Cast illon, • D. Clark Wharton, • Sarrinel.Wilcox, Lawrence Lewis, Jr.. • 1 Lewis C. Norris. :• • • JOHN R. WIICHERER, President. . SAMUEL WILCOX, SoCCOLAry, TEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COM- O PANT of Philndelphiti.-oMce, No. 24 North Fifth street, near Market street. - ' Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Charter perpetual. Capital and•Assets.enti,ooo. Make insurance against Loss or damage by Fire on Public or Private. Buildings, Furniture, Stocks, Goods and Mer chandise, on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. Wm. McDaniel, Edward P. Moyer, Israel Peterson, 'Frederick Ladner, • ' John F. Belsterling, Adam J. Glitsz,„ Henry Troeruner, Ilonry•Delaity,' Jacob Schandeiu, John Elliott, Frederick Doll, Christian D. Erick, Samuel Miller, Goorgo E. Fort, William D. Gardner. -WILLIAM McDANIEL. President. ISRAEL PETERSON ,Vice President. PHILIP 'E. COLEMAN, Secretary and Tresurer. UN ITED FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OF_TBILADELPIIIA. - • This Company takes risks at the lowest rates consistent with safety, and confines its business , exclusively to FIRE INSURANCE IN THE CITY OF PHILADEL PHIA. OFFICE—Ho. 723 Arch street, Fourth National Bank Building, Thomas J. Martin, Henry W. lirenner, John Hirst. I Albertus King, Wm. A. Bolin, DfitECTOBS. . . ~ Henry Bimini,. James 31 ongan, Jamea Wood, William Glenn, John Shullcross, James Jenner, J. Henry Askin, .A.lexanderT. Dickson, 11 u,gli Mulligan, Albert C. Roberts,. ' Philip Fitzpatrick, James 1 . Dillon:.. __ _ . etift ." WM. A. Romer. Treas. WM. R. SAGER. Seely; THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSIT : - RANCE COMPANY: - ' ' __ —lncorporated IM—Charter Perpetual. Ho. 510 WALNUTotreet, opposite Independence Square. . This Company, favorably known tattle community for over forty yearn, continues to insure against 'loss or damage by tiro on Public or Private Hillbillies, either permanently or for a limited tittle. Also , on h'urniture, Stocks of Goods, and Merchandise generally , on liberal terms. Their Capital; together with a large . Surplus Fund, is invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of loss. DIRECTORS.. . . . , 1 John Devereux,' ThonsaS Smith, Henry Louis, J. Gillingham Fell, Lddock, Jr." • . , . ' -. , - DANIEL SMITH, Ja., rotary; ' • - • • ttpl9-,tf ' Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Denson, Isaac Razlehurst; Thomas Robins, Daniel Hai WM. G. CROWELL, 1136,' . . F'ABIE . ' INSURA.I%Tag , .C(.)3IPAITY, NO. 809 CHESTNUT STREET. _ _ INCORPORATED', 1858. , CHARTER • rEEPEI'VAL. • CAPITAL 8200 000. - _, • • ' ' PIRE INSUIIANCE EXdLUSIVEW. ' • • ; insuies against Loss or Hamai4o by Eire either by Per ., pettial, or T emporary policiea. ', - •• , DIURCTOItI3. Charles Itirlartimon, , . Robert P earc e, ' Um. H. Rhawn. . • 'John' Kessler,'Jr:, Francis N. Duck,: . , .., Edward B. Orme, , • : • Henry Learn!, Charles Stokes, Nathan Hilles, .„ ; ',,,. , ' , johtl:w; B vempusi , ~....„. oaockrqe A.., Wpat t ,1.,.... i . i i . i llorcleon,l ,Batzby,, -, , ~.,. ),,,,, I t oLlit.A.4 E ullAßESAN,,Prosialmat, WM. H. llHAWN,lrite, , Preshienp.. ''W.IIIL/4.711i I. Pik4kl o :lP4Di B4 ot,'Qtary. akt, tt„s .., i A Th; Liverpool Co's' Lon , - Globe G 0 . ,, ASletr - Goici gi 7 6 - 90 390 4‘ in the 'United Stot 0 es 2,000,00 - , - Daily li!eie0i4.191i0120,000.00 Premiums in 868, $5,665,075.00 Losses in 1.868, $ . 3,662,445.00 , liferch4na EtiAgnie, Philadelphia. Win RELIANCE INSURANC COSI; LA. PANY OP PIIILADELPHI ' Incorporated in 18-11, • Vllitirtor Perpetual. °Moe, No: sea Walnut *treat. , - CAPITAL . 0300,000. • . insureo against loss or damago by VIRE, on Houma, Storm' and, other Bnildinga, limited or, perpetual ,ancl on Furniture, Goods, Wares and Allorcbandiso in town or LO 'BES PROMPTLXKOJIISTED.AND PAID.. iAos.. . . Invented in the following Securities, vim.: First Mortgagee on. City. -Property, well se- - cared,.0168,600 00 , United States Government - Loans' 717,000 00 Philadelphia City 6 Per Cent. Loans... ..... 75,000 00 Pennsylvania 483000,01 X) 6 Per CentleAn 30,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Bonde t il'irst Mortgage ‘ 5,000 00 Camden and Amboy 'Railroad Company's 6 Per Cent. Loan, ' ' 6,000100 Loans on Collaterais Huntingdon and Broad "rola Per Cent. Mort -4 gagl4 Bonds.-- ..... ..... •• 4,560 00 County Fire 80nd5........... Company's Stock ' ' 1,060 00 3lechanics' Bank•Stock....:4 ... .. ~ .. 4,000 00 Corund•rcial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock 10,000'00 'Unionlnsurance,Company's Stock..-.. , op keliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia Steck ... ' .. . . 4.. 4 ; . . 3,260 00 Cash in.Bank - ani on hand 12,235 32 Worth at Par Worth this date at market prices. . . DIRECTORS. • Thomas C. Hill,' • Thomas H. Moore, • William Musser, , Samuel Costner, Samuel liispham, ' James T. Young, 11. L. Carson, ' ' ' Isaac F. Baker, Win. Stevenson, Christian J. Hoffman, Benj. W. Tingley, Samuel B. Thomas, Edward Biter. THOMAS IC. HILL, President. WM. Curran, Sea - retary. -. . , PLUILADHLPHIA., February' 17,1869, , ' jal-tu th alt A N T HR A UIT E 'INSURANCE' COM ..CIL PANY.—CHARTER PERPETUAL. Office, No. 311 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philada. NVill insure against Loss or Damage, by Fire on Build ings, either perpetually or fora limited time, Household Furniture antl'Merchandise generally. ' • Also,' Marine Insurance on, Vessels, Cargoes and Freights. ' Inland'lnsurance to all parts of the Union. i - ' ' • ' , DIRECTORS. I WilliamEsher, ' ' - 'Laurie Andi3nried, ' -• • D. Luther, ' •• ' John Ketcham,• . John E. Biackiston, ' - J. E. Baum, ' William F. Dean,' . - • John R. He 1, Peter Sieger, Samuel 11. Rothermel. W' ILLIA3I SHER, _President. .. WILLIAM F. DEAN,Nice President. ; Wm. M.'874•1111, Secretary . ' ja22 to th atf =,4136 91 A DIERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO3l - incorporated 1810.--Charter perpetual. No. MO WALNUT street, above Third, Philadelnhia. Having a large pall - up Capital Stock and Surplus in vested in sound and available Securities, continue to insure on dwellings, stores,. furniture, merchandise, vessels in port, and their cargoes, and other personal property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS. Tliomais U: liar's; • • Edmund G. Ditillh, • . John Welsh, • Charles W. Peultney, Petrick Brady, . Israel Morris, • IJ 1 olunT. Lewis ' John P. Wetherill, WilliamV. Danl. 1,617,367 80 THOMAS R. MARIS, President. ALBERT C. CRAWFORD, secretary. , - " FIRE ASSOCIATION OF T . )4 , 74 , A PHILADELPHIA, Incorporated March 27,1820. Office, N 0.34 North Fifth street. Insure Buildings, Honschold Furniture - 7 and Merchandise generally, from Loss 'by Fire. lAssets'Jan:l, 1663 • TRUSTEES: William H. Hamilton, Samnel Sparhawk; Peter A. Keyser, . . Charles P. Bower, John Carrow, Jesse Lightfoot, ' George L Young, Robert,Shoemaker, Joseph IL Lynda , • Peter Armbruster, Levi' P. Coats, ICH: Dickinson. . Peter Wi Lamson. • Wlll. H..HAMILTON, President, SAMUEL SPABRAWK, Vice_President, WIC, T. BUTLER, Secretary... . , THOMAS BIRCH 86 SON, AUCTION. EERS . AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - ' No. 1110 CHESTNUT 6treet. . Rear entrance No. 1107 Sansont street. Household Furniture of every description received on Consignment. _ Sales of Furniture at dwellings attended to on thci'inest reasonable terms. Solent the Auction Store, No. 1110 Chestnut street. HANDSOME WALNUT PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING ROOM AND LIBRARY FURNITURE 3 Piano Fortes. French Plate Mantel and Pier Glasses, 'Sideboards,'Wardrobes, Bookcases, Chairs of various kinds. Bronze Clocks Spring and hair M istresses, Refrigerators, Wines; Window Shades, Brassels hnd. Other. Carpets, Large Show Cases and. Counters, Kitchen Furniture. A:e. • • • ON FRIDAY MORNING. At 9 o'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut st.,' will be sold, a large assortment of:superior Furituro, iucluding—Elegant Parlor Suits, in plush,•Walnut Chun - her Suits, Walnut Sideboards; with marble tops,• Ward robes, Extension Billing Tables, Secretaries Und Book cases, Marble Top Tables. Lounges, Cane•sent Chairs, French Plate. Mantel and , Pier Glasses, Carpets, Toilet Sets, China, Glass and Plated Ware, Refrigerators Kitchen Furniture, 41:c. • PIANO FORTES. ' ' ' 1 Rosewood and 2 Mahogany• Piano Fortes, COUNTERS, SHOWCASES, Alsb, 2 Counters, 2 large Counter Showcases and lot of Stationery, CHAMPAGNE', 7 cases Im portal and 11 cases of Cabinet Champagne, is cases Sherry Wine, California W ine, &c. • MOCKING BIRD. One very superior male Mocking Bird. BUNTING, DURBOROW & CO., AUCTIONEERS, Nos, 232 and 234 MARKET street, corner of Bank street • Successors to JOHN IL MYERS & CO. CLOSING SALE OF CARPETINGS, CANTON MAT- TiNus, , OIL CLOTHS ,&c, ON FRIDAY MORNING, June 2.5, at 11 o'clock t on four months' credit, about 200 pieces Ingrain, Venetian, List, Hemp, Cottage and Rag Carpetings, WO rolls Canton Mattings, . Oil Cloths, lz.c. CLOSING SALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER EUROPEAN D GOODS, • ON MONDAY MORNING, June 28, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit. CLOSING SALE OF FAO CASES BOOTS, SHOES, HATS. CAPS, STRAW GOODS, , A:e. ON TUESDAY MORNING, June 22; at 10 o'clock, on. four months' oredit. IP A. McCLELWi.ND, AUCTIONEER, 1. I 1219 CHESTNUT street. CONCERT HALL AUCTION ROOMS. . Rear entrance on Clover street. Household Furniture and Merchandise of every do scriptlon leceis - ed on emasigtmient. tildes of Furniture at dwellings attended to on reasonable terms. • Salo at the Auction Ria'nnii, 1219 Chestnut street. SUPERIOR OILED AND VARNISHED ;WALNUT o'lMM:in SUITS; PLUSH, TERRY AND HAIR CLOTH • PARLOR ' SUITS: SPANISH CHAIRS; DINING 110011.1 AND OFFICE FURNITURE. Cc.; MATTRESSES: CARPETS, COTTAGE FURIIII TITRE,4n., so, Sc. ON FRIDAY MODNING NEXT. • June 25 at &cloak, by catalogue, a largo assortment of elegant , Chamber,Pairlor and Dining Room'Earniture, &c., &e. Also, large quantity of second-Imnd fininiture, coin. [wising Sofas, Tetes, Matresses, Matting, Stoves, Lining Chairs, Office Desks, Clocks, Tinware, &c., ac. _ . . Cash advanced on confthrnments without ' extra eharae; VILL 1U SOLO PUBLIC BALE, ON- TIMIS DA Y, AT TACONY, at h o'olock, the yacht. Mystery, _ 2 feet long—three sets of sailais very fast. - • . ' PEREMPTORY SAL}.. • . ON 1.91.1 DAY MORNIG, • . At la o'clock, to clOse consipatentS, largo varlOty of Drr Goods; Hosiery, Notions, hc. Also, WO cases Sun Utubrellas Parasols, Cc. At 11 o'clock, Straw•Goods,Clotithig, &re-, br• THE PRINCIPAMMONEY ESTABLISH 1. went—S. E. corner of SIXTH and RACE streets. Money advanced on •Meruhandiso generally—Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Plate, and on . alb' articles of valne, for any length of time agreed on. WATCRII,I3 Alq,l) JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE. - Fine Gold linnting Casp,,Pouble Bottom and Open Face English,. American ,and Swiss Patent Lever Watches; Fine Goitl Bruiting Citso and Open Face Leplne Watches; Fine Goldl)uplax aud•otiter Watches; Flue Silver Hunt ing Case and ()pen Face English, American and Swiss Patent Layer and Lepine.Watehes; Double Case English other Watches; Ladles' Fancy Watches; 8%T:1 1 ,7d Za,;(lpin ; Finger Itings; . Ear Rings; Studs ‘ ' 4cc.;, Vine Gold 4- C hains; 'Medallions; Bracelets; &art Pins; Breastpins; Finger itingst•pancitthises and ANT, • city liy ' ' SALEr' largo and , yaltiable Fireproof Chest.. suitable for a JON Cikr; Coat '900.. • , • , •• ; 'Also, Severna, is in South Canidem Fifth and Ohest -__ C 0.,&. 4 P• AUOTIONBE tl4"itOl3..itAltKET stre,e_,E s • to , • AND OuoE,.fik•rdis EVEIF4" BOOT ,;, • . , r . . t:,,t. SURANCE. AUCTION ;SALES. CASH AUCTION ROUSE, No. 2:II3IALKET street, corner of Bank street It& THOMAS it SONS, AUCTIONEERS, 1.1 , L_, .... , ,N 05.132 and 141 South FOVIETII stins4.o- &., ALES OF STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. 4 trir Public salad 5t1V8114141444144,151410Ange avant fiIiESDAY T arI2 o'clock._ , • , Lila" Ediniestre. italtt at-thirAuctldeSthr&E.EEdffar -- 'THURSDAY. , w ..',.., X" .._/ ~.. I , 00er , I . i Inf - Sales at ItesittFmeetireeAtie espectaa,attmtl tt. ~ t . 1 ...t , ' ' Pl._ TterOOKSj - IftANS Or e..` I '. CI. e , t -.• .i , j ON "TUESDAIr. , JUNE 29. ,' 0; , 6l At 12 o'clock nort, at.therldladelphntExchaae.,,, l 1 1 share • P iladelniiiir and ,Bprithern a lbmim 9,ablutioweahington t Man niacin tint.). 004444(0 , 14 , • cester. ft. J. _ , f..o*/ 2 shares Point Brew Fork, , ~ i. ,. ,„, 309 hheres Jtilibtion Canal' Ca. " 0 , " I'' ', ~' ^ .-. "` l ~"4„009 first Inert/Anne 7 1 nor cent. Green and Cottles 7 lo.4 ~ • ~.. , • ,senger Railway,bonds,, , : , ~-.., .- t , ~ , liatff Vi?- 1 10 shares Thi - rd Nationni,Bank, , ..,, - 1 , 4 ivi „ r ' 2'sharete Stotttliu'ark National Rank - .7 tt , - .. • ....:,.........( , ....t.. .1 ~ , ~, ..t , r.r. , , ,, p.ta..... REAL ESTATE SALE, JUNE Z. .1..,„, , is' . ', Orphans Court, Sale---Estate of Jolinc.. Bretden • dec'd.-VALUABLE LOT. S. E. coruer'''of Weettni ermine and Market street, 318 by 100 feet, Twentlttrrio . !' Ward. , _,.. , ••, i rt . i Orphiliiit ,CO 'tfrt Sede. , te r- Charted ff jo a, it Minor-WELL SECUIfI: 4 II 4 , 4811 ° 0E.111/ it , itivr, * 6 « year - Par sl9,o[o . Ornhans' - Court gale-Estate of Herinan ,, Yea 113 ee .--- d 'd VALUAIILE , BUSINESS STANDLLFOR 4. IiTORY BRICK STORE 'and , DWELLING,. Nek. , 4111 4 South Second street, above Spruce, 30 feet front, ', f tiii''''o ,I Same 'Estate , - , W,RY' VALUABLE -,, BinsiNseir7 STAND FOUR-STORY BRICK STORE, S. E. corneto of Third and Sontlksts.' , , •,. . ~ , .. -,.. ... Same Estate-LOT, MY ntn Street, nor th of 'Amps st., Twenty-third Ward. 0 ' e ' ,' ^ " ~„ ' SameNatate- TITRE E-STORY BRICK `DWELLINO44 1 No 1748 , North 'Sixth street, et/lb of MOrttkomerti ' iTWentieth Ward:, . , ,• , , , ~. ;, ) Orphans' Conrt Sale-Estate of Anna B. Crain*, dee_W, 7 THREE-STORY BRICK and STONE DirELLINU ,.. . ,Riehmond street, S. W. of Otis. , . i ~. L 5 TWO-STORY •BRICK DWELLINGS, Ne5. , 908010; „. 912.914 and 916 Catharine street. _ T **tr' , ' s ___, ".!. = Eke( 100tfe SOIP-Estate of Evan Foxed LARGBI andVALUARLE LOT. Girard avenue, be d Ijilralt.- - : lin and Eighth eta. __,. ... , , ,• ,„ MODEItN ' TIIRE.E-STORY BRICK Ir k MENGE, 1-- No, 191 T Spring Garden st. VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, N. .E. corner or i'Tblrty-it,b,,th andlaverford streetk, West Pbtladelpitt, ,_, TEX...IA-STORY BRICK IBWELLING. No. 41,7,,E 4, pauphin street,yineteenth W ard. . . „,.. TttREE-.STORY BRICK DWELLING, No IGO 44 ottit Second street, above Oxford, with a.. Eradna ;Dwellimr and a Weaver Shop_ in the rear on FhillP 9 1 . ~ 4 TIIIIERSTORY BRICK illwxpTiraNft,,,ll . ,. err , 'wood Ht. , , • ~ 1 itA,NDSOICIE STONE ' . EESIDENOE, 'west o r !1,n 1 1 , , , L,L" I lan 1 5 southwest i ll r ttia - n B ll i Street, i fif i tirma 1) 3 % LLING ', No. 11117 Brown st. , , • ' J____` Exe cutors Sale-Estate of Matthew Bastin/is, deed .L.L.' , 'HAN I DSODLE MODERN FOUR-STORY BRICE. RES. DENfIE sod FOUR-STORY BRICK FACTORIFy . No. 148 North Fifth street,' besween Arth an d Racer. ~ 4AVALL-SEOURED IGROUN'EttItENTE; ..oaottteffs 1ff.V....Nal and 830 ayear. , _ ~ „,... , . r, - , . „,.... 'MODERN THRF,E-STORY BRICK LIVET,NLIII3I-„, / , S. W. corner of Eleventh. and Wood streets:, ~' • ._t.t,,. TIIREE-STORY BRICK STORE, and DWELLINR, lio: 918 Passytink read. southwest of Christian st - 1". , ". MODERN TIIREE-STORY BRICK 'DWELLINGv 1 No. 1134 Coates et. • MODERN TEREEiSTORY BRICE RESIDENCE, No.ls3lNorth Twentieth st. 1,. -,.-...-. 8437,598 32 ~-845439132 Sale'Sttinmit Street', Chestnut 111111 .- J. !ELEGANT. .ROSEWOOD, -WALNUT AND 'OAK r PARLOR, PINING ROOM AND CHAMBER FIER ' -NITURE. 'ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTE. VERT, LARGE MIRROR, HANDSOME - - VELVET; lIRDS;' - fiEIsSrAND .',OTHER , .G . ARPETS,2 VERT FINS HAIR: AND SPONGE ;IMATILESSEtiikDERNAT , CHANDELIERS &c. ON FRIDA Y MORNING, . - - :June 25, at ll'o'clock, by catalogue, at the late residence of Robert H. Grate, Esq.,' the entire Household Furni ture, comprising—Elegant' Rosewood Parlor Furniture, Rosewood 7-octave Piano •Forte, made by Wfikelta.:& Schuler, very largo 'French Plato lifirrer ' -handsome Walnut Chamber and. Oak Dining , ItoOMFumlture.. l , handsome Velvet, Brussels and ether Carriets,tem fine- Heir end Sponge Idatresses,l3ronze ,Kitchen Utensils, &c. Also, a quantitY of Garden lin:: plements,.&c: • . • . • ,• • 4 r'f . f, tiny be oxanded the morning of site, at 8 o ' clock. Cars leave Ninth and Green at 6,8, 10 and 12 o'efritk "Sale No. .iala Kingsesaing avenue. - • L , z•-• RIPE - RION FUHNITURI., MIRRORS. EliusSELz • • • CARPETS ENGRAVINGS: Ad AaN MONDAY MORNING. ' June ZS, at lei - o'clock, at No. 4510 Kingsessing'airentii.A Twenty•seventhWard, by catalogue, the entire Furni' lure; comprising Walnut Parlor Furniture . , handsome M osaiminlaid Centre Table,• ladles' Walnut, iiietretary e , ,fine Engrarings, Preach Plate 3linitel Mirror; Bronzes," Pitted 'Warm, Walnut Dining Roont Purniturei;Hlda lboard, Extension Table, superior Walnut Chainber :Furniture, Walnut , Wardrobes, Hair Matr.,sses, , Brus- - , 'eels, Imperial and Ingrain Carpets:Kitchen Uteusils.Bm. Take Diirby Palsenger Railroad cars to Forty-Pixth Furniture made 14 - 3leore & Campion. ' • The House to Let. . • • • Sale No. 921 South Sixteenth.atreet SU PER lOE .letil;N N lp c i A tki t , p I. O . I. r I s iCIA:k.RI r N . p , , NCO' ON 'WEDNESDAY MO „ • JULIO 30, nt ID o'clock; at No. 921 Southtilxteenth Street, alcove Carpenter street, by. catalogue, the entire Fiirni j tore, including Handsome Walnut Parlor :Suit;'crfulaott reps; ;Walnut Centre. and Bouquet Tables fine-toned ßeseweed•Piano, Made by' Chlekerin; - Walnut Dining Room Furniture,: Extension Table, Chltm and, Glass— ware... French Mantel. Clock; Walnut' Chamber' tare,-Wardrobes, line Hair. and Spring Matressee, FOP titer Beds, Bolsters and Pillows, tine Bmissels, Venetian and other Carpets, Kitchen Utensils. a. • •,, ikV" The Furniture. how been - in use but four months; and is in Ommilent order. , T •• • • '•. • .• e 1,03,011 08 TADf ES A. YREEMAN,:AUCTIONgEgi . • No. 422 WALNUT street. REAL . ESTATE SALE,' JUNE - 549.• •This Sale, on WEDNESDAY, at 12 o'clock noon, at tha Exchange, will include the following—, . shares SouthOrn Mail Steamship Co Stock. SLOAN ST—Brick; distillery and lot, 25 by 68 , feet„ übove Filbort street, '24th Ward. : Orphans' Court Scie Estate ,21'. James Aires; dee'd.! SYLVAN .ST—Two-story stone house, east of 38th al,' lot 16 by.IlM fetC: %Subject to 652:2 ground rent.. Orphans' Court sale-,,Usuite CLanegan, dged. LOT, 42D ST-Near Myrtle, 24th Ward, 60 by 115 catit San—Estateaf Henry Lawson, deed. . . No. 1711'N. FOURTH ST—Three-story brick dwelllnit and lager beer saloon, above Montgomery avenue, lot by 11)2 feet: Subject to 840 ground rent. Orphans'' Coort'Salesiate of C. Buehler, . _ . N 0.510 E. DAUPHIN ST—TliCen-16tOri' biick ilirolt ing and lot, lit by 100 feet: Subject to '$•18 ground ront,. 4 Orphans' Cowl Sale -Estate al John No. 117 THOMPSON ST-Desirable three-story brick • dwcilingodoble end largo, lot, fronting on Thoinrnin, IToword end Hope sts.;loo by kW fLret. Subject to eat' ground rent._ lst • 4,000 may remain • • ! • .No. 1121 SPRUCE ST—Three-story brick dwelling and . lot, 1S by t.,S feet. Exeentar'S Abstitnte Sale-.-Estate Hurls( n Carlisle, died. No. 1216 - 11ROWN rand 1215 OLIVE ST-2 three-story`.' brick dwellings, each has buck buildings, lot 16 by 125 feet. 6 , 3A1l may remain: • Nos. 2476 and 2478 TULIP ST-2 threetatery, brick dwellings; corner Jackson st., 10th Ward, each 14 by 641' feet. .. . No. 37 'QUEEN • ST—Three-story brick • dwelling and'' lot. 17 by WO fem. 04/tans'emirt Sate--rEstatc of Enos?. Whitecor, der'd. • No. 35 euEEN sT—Doitrable three-story brick dwell ing, with back buildings, lot 2t by 100 feet. Same Estate. No. 218 COLUMBIA ..).V-Three-story briek — lionsoo containing six rooms . , and lot, 15 by 67 feet, Orp4cuW - Cairn . Sale—Estate! at James Kelly; (he'd. •• ti • • 220 COLUMBIA .AV—Three•story briek'house 8.101, lot. 10 by 51 feet. Same Extatr, s', W. CORNER BROWN . and RINGGOLD Three-story brick dwelling. with back IMildings. 'back stable. brick slaughter-house, - lee-bonito , and' shedding: Brou u•street. west of 24th st., lot 60 by 126 feet. Or ,ant.,' Ceort Sa'e----Esttite ef Patrock Harrenalandred; , 7; No. -726 LO3l BARD ST—Four-story brick dwelling end Ict, - 20 by 06 feet to Cullen street, on which fronts ts , brick dwelling.. Subject to y63,ground rent. r . Assignee's Sale No, lit South Third street, OFFICE I UENITURE, DESKS, LARGE ON FRIDAY .111(11iNING, At 10 (Meek, will be sold, the entire Office.'Furniture, including-3 Walnut Counter. Desice, Walnut Onice Ta bles, Walnut Counters, Pigeon Holes, (Malts ~ large , Glass Partition, this del xturett, Co , lng, Pyttsti,suiteriot Si cypreuf Safe, made by Evans .b Watson: WV Sale Peremptory erder Aseignee, B SCOTT, JR.,.AUCTIONEER, CHESTNUT•R GALLERY, • • 1020 street. Philadelobia. • SPECIAL SALE OF MODERN PAINTINGS— ' ON THURSDAY- EVENING, :lune 24, at Scott's Art Gallery, 1020 Chestnut street, will be sold, without resertm t a collection of Modern Paint ings by English and American Artists, comprilling Lake, River and Mountain Views, Landscapes, MarineS, Ac., all elegkutly.framed in rich gold leaf triunes.. . , SPECIAL SALE - OF BEST QUALITY EXTRA ••: TRIPLE SILVER PLATED WARE. . ON FRIDAY MoHNING, -• • • .11111 P 25, at 10.4 o'clock, at Scott's Art Gallery, WM Chestnut street, will be sold without reserve, a full and, general assortment of best quality, Extra Triple-Silver. Plated Were comprising Tea Sets, Coffee Urns, Water and Ice Pitchers, grays, Castors. Goblets, Tea Yells, &c: DAVIS SEHARVEY, AUCTIONg.g43.4 • (Late with M. Thomas & Sons.). • Store NON. 48 and LU North SlXTBl•strast Sale at the Auction Bonnie. Nos. 4S and,so North Sixth street', below Arch. • " • - 11171MA - li - T—W7A-LNULT—PA-ELO - IL — A - I , IIAMEER FURNITURE. PIANO, 'FRENCH PLATE MIR- , r ROBS, SUPERIOR FIREPROOF SAFES. OFFICE FURNITURE, BOOKCASES, CARPETS: BED , ' LING, &e. ON TUESDAY MORNING, At 10 o'clock. Particulars hereafter. • • . MARTIN BROTHERS, , AUCTIONftkik (Lately Salesmen for M. Thomas & Sons,). No. L 2.9 CLIESTN UT • street. rear entrance from ZtUrtiiii: L: — A8111311.11idE & AUCTION. T -LEM...No.-WA MARKET greet. above. Fifth. r .NOTICES. , CONSIGNEES' NOTICECON SIGN D.11.1‘3. qf inereliandittei per N. 11. ship ißlartlia, Ttafitt, 'blaster, Crain Liverpixd, will Ideas(' staid their peratita on bOilrd at Shipper street wharf, ur at fife °lnca .Of undersigned. The general order mill ha I 4 , 101 . 1 on IVEDNESDAY next, 231 init.. when all gendWunt_per, milted will be sent to public stores. PETEIt, WRIGHT ,e SONS, 115 Walnut street. • ' je22-3t , _ _ fedi IR. BARK MEBOURNE 1 - I.OR-TON;.: Isl ier,; trout Liverpool, is. tam diseluoging utnt'r general brder at thuiths's wharf, alanre• Rage street.' Consignees wilt please attend th the eptinn Jot. .ir, goods. P N% .It.IGITT .SONS.IIS , Wa ree lnut St: letttat GAsIFIXTURPS.-41SILSKE1, 3LERIULL TIIACKAXA,ZIO.7I.B Obeetuut street, manufac turers Of Gas Nixt tires, Lamp's, 4.. c :,'8;c:, would -calf. attention er the public-So their large and elegant 444grtri ment of Gns'eltandelierail'endants,'Breckets, zte. Vier 1 1 1 8 0 Introdnoe lam ototto Into dwellings end public builkk, logs, and attend to extending, altering Mid reliant* ow ntora: dltwork warranted. r• , • I __lTO_'/ON_.N ALES_ =KM=
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