EV: =-7= Wr:ST ENO Or diw DUIV, boast Of it: End," \Vith titit Wealth and : pal:lli:it ningnitiei.ince'; but *hen compared With the "WiNtit .E ! pr or 'Pldiaileb phia, with all its rare tiaturid endowments and extrnsive,Works of art, evidenciS of Mechani, dal skill And American ingenuity, haPpily lit:ending niniiince and reality in bile grand p olitic bazaar of flowers and fountains the toinicreertainly becomes rather. insignificant. Our ~ - W est may he considered the pride of the city. Many quits residents are wealthy, anti have cultivated the highest toned rf4 oat ments of refinement, i mul, possessing much Ptiblie have . progressed with subStan tial improvements Which annually contribute to the treasury Of the city such large stuns to greatly assist. in keeping the wheels of mu nicipal government in motion. It was in our "West End" where the first military hospital erected,was . in the early part of the rebellion. it was called the-"Satterlee Haspital.7' Its hi eatiOn was On a high hill, in thexicinity of the, Baltimore pike' and Fortieth street The ladies of W' - e.st Philadelphia rendered very important. and efficient aid to thousands of manned and sick soldiers whom the fortunes Or misfortunes •of war sent to . ' that beautiful locality of patriotic and charitable people. Possessing almost any amount of wealth, the residents contributed .Witlioutlimit fromtheir private finals . to anu;liorate the condition of sick and wounded boys in blue Not only this, but they passed MontbS; we. May . Say Years, in imparting moral and religions instruction to them, and new, in these tunes of peace; there , : are soldier citizens in all parts of the land who live tobless the kind-hearted - ladies of the. "West End." ' • The hospital leas been retire:veil; and there is scarcely a trace of it left to mark the precise locality upon which it rested. The main streets are now opened to this part, and the work of heavy grading is progressing. One street runnuig , east and west will intersect the: old laispital grounds; the grading having already been extended to within a few feet of the fence on the western side of the enclosiwe. The visitor to this section of Philadelphia Will., admire its beautiful scenery. Here nature in her dispensations was liberal in scattering profusely around trees and shrubs of every Mud, which exhale a fra grance soothing, charming, wholesome. It is a delightful and healthful place to visit, and although within half anhour's ride faun In dependence Hall, yet there are immense mon hem of citizens in the eastern part of the city who have never wandered on its sloping hills, its . spaciOns lawns, by its gurgling streams, or inhaled the delicious perfumes of its long rows of flower gardens. Life is indeed a luxury in such it favored place. The dwellings to a great extent stand by themselves, in rows, though uniform iu ap peirrance. They are built of brown stone, granite;PennsElvania marble,grey stone,blue stone, and other costly materials. They have gardens front, back, and in fact all around, with porticoes, saunmer-houses, terraces and arbors literally loaded with roses, honey suckles, woodbines and Other choice flowers; - while here • and there, interspersed among ' the ornamental shade trees, are works of refined art in the varied forms of classic statuary. Fountains with many jets; sparkling like diamonds hi the sun heanis, spray their waters in rainbow .ti and dropping into surrounding pools, co 'W hine to the sporting places of gold-fish. in such surroundings that many of the resi dents of the "West End" repose in retirement from the more active scenes of business life. , The grading of a number of the streets has been made to conform as nearly as possible to the natural ascents or declivities of tluy land, and in other places thevales have been tilled, the surfaec of the grade ranging from ten to thirty feet high. From Chestnut street, west of the Darby road, to Spruce street, almost out to Cobb's creek, there are continuous rows of splendid dwellings, with Mansard roofs. Hun dreds of houses are in coarse of erection, some of them just about to be enclosed. Skilled Mechanics and laborers are busily engaged with all the work incident to building; horses and carts are in steady requisition; the work of grading, which is very heavy, through immense hills of gravel or Soft roek, occupies attention; in fact, everything around here ex hibits all that wealth, power and lmblic spirit Can - display, and makes one feel proud of the West loul of Philadelplii;l. CHRIST CHURCH STEEPLE.---11 is 174 years since Christ Church was built in Becond street, above Market. Its steeple then was a crotch of a tree in which WaS sicspended a single b.cll. In later days, as the city increased in im portance, the original church was surround by the present edifice, which was built around and above it without disturbing the worship of the-congregation. The old hell was taken down from the crotch of the tree, and, in 1754, the present steeple wa.-c erected, its cost, about .02,100, being principally defrayed In a way that would be rather startling to our modern notions, by means of a lottery The old 1)01 was replaced by the tine chiaim of eight bells,'weighing - eight - Una:Nana pounds, whose beantiful tones have floated over the house-tops of Philadelphia ever since, mingling with nil the joys and sorrows of the worshippers beneath, and of the com munity and the nation abroad. During the Revolution,Christ Church chimes were silent, the bells being hid away, and only restored to. their lofty perch in the steeple at the restora .tiou of peace. Christ Church steeple is again imdergoing the only repair which its substantial chann.ter ever seems to demand, a fresh Gott of paint. 2%lessrB., & Joy, the well-Minwn house painters, are now engaged in this difficult and somewhat tlangerous work. The copper orna-. meats which surmount the spire have been successfully removed, and regilded, and will be restorea to their giddy elevation to-morrow inorning :Vett O'clock. They consist of the large btilt, measuritig seen feet lame invites iu eireninfen.nce; four small balls, int Heating the points of die compass, each ball one foot ton niche:- in circumference: the vane. seven feet seven inches long, and tiro feet two inches in breadth:4llv mitre, two foot six itiches high, four loci in ciriminfpriince at the base. thitleisgoitreisthefollowingimprint: •:Th v Ei g h t \vinia th white, U. 1)., censi crated Bishop of the Episcopal Church of 1N nes.% February 1787." It is pierced with thirteen holes, representing the original 1 4 1:Iles. When the large ball was taken down it was discovered ilia: it had hem: made the tar get of some rascals who had been practis ing tijeott it with vitt, ;Leas, probably from the roofs of neighboring houses. More than :t dozen holes have been picreed in the ball by this 'Vandalism. - Wl:ether it is an act of recent occurrence or not we are not able to say,. The handling of these large eopii:•r oridt melds, at such a height, one 111111411'1;a MO nim X re.t . t above the street. requires inneb skill Mill .Although a man once fell from Christ Church steeple and escaped alive ; by hillitcr into a great betiormortar. a repeti tion of the cnicronent would probalily lie less siwees:-:thl. Messrs. Carlile .1 oy, are, how ever, fully competent for their task, and by noon, 10-morrow, it may Safely lie predicted 111. • • • ..plevill-agai Merit ig with its tins'-honored ornaments, in all the bravery of their new golden ilress. The steetile, which has not been paint :al since 1849, is to be painted white, winch will he a great satisfaction 10 those who have al w:n. tvgretted the dingy brown coat which has disfigured the-• - stritethre for a score of years. ItEPunt,it:Ax Dm-Et:ATI: ELEcTioN.—This evening, hetween tutu and eight, o'clock, the delegate clection of the Republican party will he held. There will lie elected fron each divi sion one delegate to (loth of the following cme• rentions, viz.: Coroner, City Trewairer, :Re corder of Deeds, CityConnoissioner. Clerk of Quarter Sessions, Prothonotary of the District Court and in the First Senatorial District, one delegate eaeli to a Senatorial Convention. There will also he elected one delegate froin _ 'acii election division to a Representative Vonventiott, mid two tieleg:o es from each d, vi !don to. a Ward Convention; and bun, frini/ three members of a Ward Exyearive Oanmiti IT. The Ward Colt: - ti-mitoiToW evening. All of the others will meet at 10 O'irqock to-morrow mornin g . • • P,VrA agiql 17 vii!ars, Vi 110 )1:1(i hiv skull frill:11111'd by hying thrown from his w4gon kicked Ikv It lims4., diva at 1114-1,4,1,..010 ilospitai Ima everting. . „ • : - ..itxtovs,...ll,llAme4Anniereoplesi—age(L , al out m-veuteen,yenrs,wetit into the house of. Joseph' 'Welsh. 1ti0..76a2 Aniertca street, last limn ton . Oweloelt;seii.ed'a cdal oil lamp and threw it at mr.. Welsh. The lamp struck: Mr, 'Welsh ion , the forehead and the glasS was shattered toldeces. ',The burning oil was seat-' tereil over Mr. Welsh and he liras so:, badly Aired that his lifelS , despaired of. After ! naitting this fiendish act the girl loft the house; but she:was subsequently arrested. This mortv ing she was held in $6OO bail by Ald. Rhe'hadfortnerN lived in the house, and says that shelhad had a falling out with Mr. Welsh. . „ ASfiAUETIftiCi A Poi - acgMA . .--fiarah Pride was arrested at Seventh and Lombard streets,, by Policeman Daltonilastevoning, for disor derly conduct.. She then punched the head of the officer. A crowd of. .inen, women and children surrounded Dalton, threatened to kill him, and attempted to take MA priSoner from him. Christopher Wilson and William Clark, who were among the assailants, were also ar rested. The three .prisoner were 'committed . by Alderman Carpenter. RonnEnms.—The residence of ,T. W. Rowe, No. 1251 Wallace street; was entered threugh a rear windowlast night. A silver fruit lyiSket was carried off and plated: spoons and forks were so battered as to be entirely ruined.. The house of lira. Xende, No. 824 -Wood street, was entered by prying open.' a back window shutter, and robl4ed-ofjewelry, ing and silverware. Du:olmm: Housn.-L-Debora4 Mack, Mary Mack, Minna BroWn and Ida . Carey were be fore Aid. •Carpenter this Anorning upon the charge of keeping" a disorderly louse, Front gtreet, above Dock. 'The complainant was : Anita Bolland,'Who alleged that the women - attacketther and' beat her- on the head With lager beer glasses. The: acciteitl:7-Ifere-heldin &;CO bail to answer at Court. REQUEST. GUANTIM.—G eneral St. Clair A. lkinlholland, commanding Philadelphia City Guards has, received a letter from Goveraor Geary, granting his request toincreaso his reg iment to fifteen companies. Prof. Bartine, of the. Central High School; is making an efibrt to raise a company among the pupils of that institution, to . be attached to that regiment: ASSAULTING A WONAN.--Alln Leech went into the beer saloon of Mrs: Hines, at• Front and Berks streets, yesterday, and struck her a violent blow upon the head, which felled her to the floor: Leech was arrested byLieutenant, Pritchett; Alderman Neill held hits in s4ioo bail for trial. LADDERS FOR, TIII HnnnOT POLICE.—ChiCf lhilhol]andis now having made for the use of the: iarbor Police on the Pelaware and eight •Inall ladders, with hooks on one (IA ladders are intended to facilitate the offeers•in taking drowned bodies from the NV at 6E -* . Burnt IN A 'POLICE STATiolc.—Maria Fathey, who obtained lodgings in the Eighth District Police Station } louse lastnight, gave birth to a male child this morning. The mother and infant were sent to the 4.lms honse. To HAVE MORE LlGHT.—Policemen sta tioned in the rural districts sometimes have great diiticulty in patroliug at nights, owing to the darkness. All policemen on duty in sections where there are no public lamps are to be furnished with small lanterns. • FIRE TiopEs.—New ropes, to 1w used by the police at scenes of conflagration, to kee spectators from interfering with the firemen, have been procured, and were delivered at the different police stations yesterday. A Goon MOVE—Next week each of the Police station-houses ip this city swill he pro vided with stretchers fitr the purpose of pu v , aiding the officers to render more efficient aid to persons who may he injured by disasters. ticALDED.—The steam barge Chester. of Clyde's New York line, exploded her tallow Nip, \Olen off Petty's Island, last evening. The engineer was severely sealded about the face. , M Essns, T. li. PETEnsox & Buns. have now ready the works of the elder Dumas, in upwards of thirty volumes, bound in cloth or paper. Dumas, the inexhaustible, the ready, le racy, the inventive, the romantic, the ge al,--what a character. he has been and is! The creative force, pure and simple, of this active mind would furnish forth a doen infe rior romancers. His idiomatic conversations, his surprising anti often impossible se'enes and combinations, and universal tide of enthusiasm and inspiration that rushes through his stories make him the most inexhaustibly sug gestive of companions. One thinks of Monte Christ°, the Guardsmen, the ,Mohicans of Paris, the Iron Mask, and feels as if an intro duction has been afforded to a whole Popula tion of actual living beings. One involunta rily bows before this superb creative influence, this inexhaustible paternity, and shares the feeling of Dumas the son, himself a man of genins,who said the other day,in the preface to I he FiisNufurei: "Posterity,whatever happens, may be forced to write our names lteside earl' other; but be assured, while she shall read our two names, the one beneath, the other above, on the scale of our century, I myself have DV NW seen in you aught but the father, the friend, and the master; that 1 have had the good fortune, thanks to your propinquity, Bever to exaggerate my own importance, but to consider myself always a child itt bettor obliged to measure myself against so redoubt able a sire:" The DUromances,las romances, as issi ed by the Peter ins, foun a gay and handso no library in hemselves. The series will have an immense popularity. SOLDIERS' ()RPIIANS' PAIR.—The girls of the t-',oldiers' Orphan Department ofthe Northern 1 tome will open a fair this afternoon, at two o'clock, which will continue only through tile afternoon and evening of to-day. The girls have liven intlustriouslv at work for several weeks; preparing articles of various kinds lin• fle fair; and,besides what they have prepared, contributions of books :ind other salable ar tickS have been received from outside sources, for Which the thanks of the( hildren are grate rully returned. In addition to the other at rat lieut.; of the fair, a special treat is oftiqted i n the military drill by the boys of the liome, ~ v 110: 0 evolutions will he of a very interesting charaetelt. The proceeds will he devoted to the purchaser of a library for the children, and hentanagen-t «f the affair shoubl receive \yell lb served envouragement in their effort to se (ante it. It is the intention to entertain the children with :t supper during the evening, contributions for which purpose have been re ceived. We hope the many friends of the Northern ;lonic - win turn out in liberal force this evening. ENTER TA INM ENT IN AI I) OF THE WASH iN,;ToN Nox ENT u.sn.—A grand enter taimnent will be given at the Academy of . M.risiy t6-morrow (Wednesday) eve- Mug. in aid of the Washington Mon uniem Final of the First School Dis- I ',did of l'enn*ylvanizt. The performance will tipi.n %vitt' a grand antheim sung by six lum ilreil young ladies, pupils of the Normal chnotr-ancl-the-411-fferent-gramma r-schools-of the city. A splendid selection of dialogues, ri.yri minus :unit singing will follow. The band statue of 'll ashitigton has been nom through the efforts and vontrilmtions if he S /1 'hild ren, and the object of the. ynti rtainment is to provide funds to secure a base for The worthy ()idea of the whole athdr should commend itself tu. all, mid the. pyc.,sent, Of the children should be, and -nndoulttettly he, crowned with titmeeBs. iun .ItEAltEns will find in another volumn the advertisement of the Strawberry Pesti al, to lie given by , the Itet.hony corner of Twenty-second and Shipper Streets. Prom the well-known character of those en. gaged in this work we are assured the festival will he well worth a visit, as no eilbrt will he Spared to alake it a great, supe();(s. - This Nis sun; is one of the marked. features of otir city, null every Philadelphian shOuld .feel an inte rest in its successful progresS. The work going on there is a vast ouc, and requires large. re time upon cite liberality of our citizens. We, trust bombers ()ethos,. interested in the prosperity if our city will go to Bethany-on Thursday and Friday, and, While enjoying - the good things provided fur them, help on the work, gladden the heat ts, anal st rengthen the hands Of that. "halal 411 . ( . 1111111':•1 hy their substantial aid and ak.siAance. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN -- PIILADELPHIA, TUESDAY. JUNE 8, . - :iiiiiii•OHAVaiT4 - - - 14 . ,- - , anOtat.'r enlinun. will be , fod the tare(of Messrs', Og r den & Hyatt, .ail 13.27: ors;' , NV.r,',.Arch street.' Their - clegant al d cal - nide:Us- establishthent is un daily thronged with puitlenien , selecting ma terials' and giving theirnieaSure;for full dress, fancy and, business suits, Messrs.: Ogden 85 ' liyat t p ifer an extensive-:tied varied assortment of .-'l - 1 lic , . 1 black cloths 'and- --- cassilizeres, . fine English. and French. fan Cy. oassiinereS, Itait ,- - hoelthurn cheiiots; fancy ,eashinere and silk veStings,. white ducks, drills: and Marseilles. Gentlemen desiring - perfectly fitting -suits • made of first-clasS materials and.at moderate ! prices, may rest assured of being_suited-by Ogden & Hyatt, No. 827 Arelistreet. • PUDLIC SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES ANU HATS. —T. L. Ashbridge Co., .•Auctioneers, will sell at their store. LOG Market Street; to-mor row morning, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, about 1,000 papkage.s of Booty and Shoes, of city and eastern manufacture,' alko, .50 cases of men's and boyS' soft Hats and Caps,: , to which the attention of city and country buyers is called. Open early in; the morning for inspec tion. INTE .tioTicT with a great: deal -of pleasure that there is to be a grand Strawberry Festival at Bethany Mission Sabbath. school, Twenty second and Shippey streets... They are to have a line band of music and other'attractions, and no doubt it will be a . great Siteeessi and ad d much to the pleasure of all interested. BATE -M - 1r FOR. FE,SiALLES—The , iixtthing rooms at the Northern ,Soup gouse, North Fourth street, above, Browp, are now open daily,except SundayS,under the'eare of a com mittee of ladies, from J A.M.: to 9,10. M.,where warm or cold baths can be obtained,by women and_chlldren, freeutch«rue. • . I:3O3IIe,THING WORTH Loonnia 7 AFTO2. .Drown & Co. have advertised an umbrella. for open carriages, &T. Ye who have compas sion for your driver buy forthwith; . it will be a Christian action. RCENETT'S COCOAINE for the hair, once üßcd, recuipmendic itself .—Christian Freeman, Boston. IMPROVEMENTS.—RedIIetiCaI in prices of Dress Goods to close out stock to Make improvements, at A. dc J. E. Bartholomew's, 23 North Eighth street. 11EnnurroN in prices to clOse out stock to make imorovetuents, at Bartholomew's, xi North Eighthstreet. • GATES CHINA CHESTNUT street, is the cheapest place to buy any article' In China, Class or Earthen Ware, either useful or ornamental. N. 11.-31 r. Gat,' will sail for Europe on Saturday, ne 12th. and wib execute any orders entrusted to hint, either in 'England, France or Germany, promptly, and fitr a small commission. This offers a rare opportunity for the contaimer to import goods direct from the manu facturer. securing all the latest designs and at a saving of fully 21 per cent. 'Orders may be left at 1022 Chestnut street, as late as Friday evening, llth inat. SunaicAL IlsisrnumENTs and druggists' sun dries. JunG i FROM TEE GREAT DEMAND FOR OUR I'LsTO3IER-51ADE CLOTIIINO, THE PEOPLE have become convinced that not only Tit LETTER-CAR - 11MS could have saved Gad they purchased their uniforms at this house, but titr ditirratice iu air p ' ricea compared with those of wher houses i thie city, s at l , •ltet tl 90 in favor of "VER.)" SUPERIOR OOLONG TEAS (Black): in 6, 10. 15 lbs. Handsome (kiddies, at a great reduction from retail prices. FAIRTMORNE . &,- CO., 205 N.Ninth and 100 Market at." THE VERMONT SPRING WATER The great remedy for Cancer, Scrofula, Bright's Dis ease and other Kidney affections. Sold by Johnston, Holloway & Coutien, 602 Arch stmt. • TEE leading Hat and Clap Stoic: in the city is 834 and 836 Chestnut street, Oaktord'S; Sons. _ . C 011149, Millions, Inverted Nails, skillfully bll by Dr. J: DatidHon, No. 915 Cll9lllllll.NlFget. Charges moderate. STIIANGERS in the city who are in want of a flee Hat or Cap of the latest style, can procure it at Charles Oaltford o . ‘ Sons', 934 and 83.; Chestnut street. QUIET and soothe tho.pain oY children teeth thg—Use Bower's Infant Cordial. Buld by all Drug gists. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATAB RR T. Isaacs, M. P., Professor of the Eye and liar, treats all diseases appertaining to the abore.mcmliers with the utmost success. Testimonials (rout the Jo el reliable sources in the city can be seen at Iris office, N. SOS Arch Street. The medical faculty are invite,' to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Arti ficial eves Inserted. No charge made for examination. CHAMPAGNE. KUPFERBERG'S IMPERIAL, One of the finest Wines ever used in this country, and among the most popular known iio.lussia Reecived direct through, the Agency, and for sale at the Agents' jwices by SIMON CO.LTON- - gz e -CLARKE: S. W. corner Broad and Walnut. ti. THE PARHAM NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. This now and admirable Sewing Machine has already achieved a popularity not surpasstsl by the oldest.nut cLines o f the, country . . It combines all the good qualities of the best machines 11). the market, with many new and superior features not found in any other : is ADAPTED FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FAMILY SEWING 'AND FOR - LIGHT INIAN UFACTURING PURPOSES; Is elegant in style and finish, siinple in construction, noiseless in operation, makes perfect work on every de scription of material, is eery light running, perfectly free in all its movements, is adapted to a greater range of k than ally machine yet invented, and is emphati vally the MO 'f PElu SIMPLE AND RELIABLE FAMILY SEWING NAMINE EVER OFFERED .TO -Tim PUBLIC. It is a poidtive plea sone to operate It. Call and examine it at the office of the PAERAII SEWING MACHINE CO., N 0.704 CHESTNUT STREET. TRIIIIDUNt4S AND PATTERNS. AIES. M. A. BINDER. _LT.L DRESS TRIMMiNG AND PAPER PATTERN STORE, N. W. CORNER ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT, ILVRT.r.VTNS Ncw etyli Silk REAL GUIPURE LACES. A.case Lace Points. Sacanes and Jackets. Llama Lace Parasol Black Thread Laces, all widtha, at very low pricey.. The genii hie Joseph Kid Gloves, u 1 per pair. Misses' Celer , ,l kids. NEIN' STYLE PARASOLS - AND - SI:ASIDES. Nowlin met Plat]) lUblenei awl Snelioti. Paris Jewelry Plaid French 11Lusliiid, Piqued and Mar seilles,ll4onburg liewrtione.. • 'EXCLUSIVE AGENT . . . For Mrs. 31. WORK'S Colebruted System for Cutting L:olies' DrpsAes, Soconex. 1 3 aSq"6, Garibaldi') Ohl/ . dre» . ti Clothes, cte.., by.mensurement. AGENTS WANTED. Ladies arr now making from et® to $2OO per month as agents far thin &velem. myltirp B, ,T, 'WILLIAMS & SONS, N 0.16 North' Sixth Street, VENETIAN BLINDS Large 1111 , 41 line a►ssortmnent at low ',Weed. STQUE SHADES made and lettered Corfficeu, Cord's; TuFsel4, Repxirlug, &c, myll burp§ CITY . ,NOTICES• SNOWDEN & BROTHER, 23 South Eighth street CHARLES STOKES, No. 824 Chestnut street WINES AND LIQUORS SEWING 31ACIIINES MANUFACTURERS OF WINDOW SHADES, - _.-_ iI-LLINERY-GOODS. _:-- = CROKE GOODS.. POPULAR PRICES. PARIS FLOWERS, , LINEN BACK SATINS' Ladies' and Misses' Hats and Bonnets. In unrivaled assortment S. A. & D. STERN, 724 ARCH STREET. tlk s Aurp , SASH RIBBONS, NEW STYLES. Handsomely Trimmed HATS AND BONNETS, FINE FRENCH FLpWERS,. , , BLONDE LACES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, VERY CHEAP. 1 1 .11081 KENNEDY & BRO., - - No. 729 CheOnut Street. IPISURANCE. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE __ COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, Office, No. 3 South Fifth Street, (SECOND STORY.). The Only Strictly Mutual Fire Insurance Company in the Consolidated City. A Rebate of 3:3 per cent. Is made, and a further deduc tion may , be e:pecteil if the Company continues as stle cessful as it has been. All to whom Economy is an object should Insure in this Company. RATES LOW. Perpetual and Limited Insurances made on Buildings Annually on Merchandise and Household Goode ASSETS, - -_ - 55153,652 32 DIRECTORS: Caleb Clothier, 'William P. Reeder, Benjamin Malone, .loseph Chapinan, Thomas Al at her, Francis T. Atkinson, T. Ellwood Chapman, Edward :11. Needles, Simeon Matlack, Wilson M. denkihs, Aaron W. Gaskill, Lukens Webster. . . CALEB CLOTHIER, President. BENJAMIN • BENJAMIN MALONE Vice Piesident THOMAS MATHER O Tredsurer. T. ELLWOOD CHAPMAN,Secretary. iriN to th ettrp§ FURNITURE, &U. FURNITURE. A. & H. LEJAMBRE HAVE REMOVED 'THEIR Furniture and Upnolstering Warerooms TO 1127 CHESTNUT. STREET, GIRARD now. niba s to th Ginro GEO. J. HENKELS, CABINET MAKER, JEstal3lishecl. 1544. 1301 and 1303 CHESTNUT STREET. niy6 3m4p FURNITURE: T. & J. A. HENKELS, Having REDIOVEU to their • ELEGANT STORE,IOO2 ARCH ST., Are now Holing FURNITURE at very re duced pricee. mh2l-3mrpg CA - ItitrA - GES. OM D. M. LANE, Mt./ Builder of First-class Light and Heavy CA..3aTt lA. Glr ]ES, llotpectfully invites attention to his largo stock of linn , hed Carriag.qi. Also, orders taken for Carriages of every description, at Manufactory and Warman's, 3432, 3431 and 3446 IVIAMLET wrnEET, Three squares west of Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, Went Plailiniolphia.l -- 11 - ORSES' - YOMTKiIE. ph_ Foil, SALE—A 6TYLISH GRAY y.rm I,ld , fearless of loromotiv.s; lb i 311 eingle and double loirnegs, and p , rfoct xtudvr pply to W, F. CARPENTER, No. 825 CLesttiuY snout. ]L` pn,RESVNGTO THE DEAF. GRAND OPENING ON MONDAY, JUNE 7; 1869, OF A 7 7. KINDS OF - INSTRUMENTS TO ASSIST TUE REAMING, lii every variety and of the most approved construe n tio,at P. MADEIRA'S, EAlt 13,3STRITMENT DEPOT, 115 Tenth Street, below Chentnnt, ,ir,s-Z[r{i e "DITLIt.It, WEAVER CO. NEW CORDAGE. FACTORY 'Now FULL orEitivrtoN, No. 22 NAVATER stroot mi 23 N :DELAWARE amino l3.A.liktti N I\V v ./ Im o h ut f rom Htoanwr .1. W . E‘,1111.11 11, Mill for Hato . by COCHRAN, RU.TiELL S CO., 22 North. Iront droot. 180. :?t.' :JUNE -; .1869.:. - - 1869 .• - - STRAWBRIDGE & - .CLOTHIER EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS , A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ' Li order to eloselheir large stock of Spring Goods during,the month of dune. SEASONABLE DRESS GOODS. Gray Mateiirds fcir suits, 37i cts. Gray materials for salts, 40 cts. ' Dress Goods for Traveling Suits, 50 cts. Dre.ss Goods for Traveling Sults, o 62l cts. Japanese Silks, Si 25, worth $1 715. Silk Poplinettes, $1 50, worth $2l • • ' • THIN GOODS- = THIN GOODS. Stripe and Plaid Lenos, 25 to 59 cts. Figured and Stripe Grenadine Bareges, 7110. Wide Black Grenadine, '52 25. Wide "Black Barege, $1 23; •!- -- Wide iron Barege, $3 50. Pure Linen Lawns, 37i Real French Lawns, 37à cts. SILKS—SILKS . -SILKS. . Plaid Siumner Silks, $l. Plaid Poult de Sole, .$1 50; worth $2 50. Plain Poult de Solo, $2, worth 52.25. Extra wide Plalt:Silks, $3, worth $3 50- , SHAWLS AND LACE POINTS. Llama Points, $lO to $5O. Lace Points, $8 to $4O. Barege Shawls. • , Llama Shawls. N WHITE GOODS, - 4 - 71 IN HOUSEKEEPING LINENS,. IN HOSIERY AND GLOVES, " And in' all our Departments our stock is very large in nese, fresh and seasonable goodii,the whole of which we propose to dispose of at prices that will insure immediate sales. STIZAWErati.PcirP. • - CENTRAL DRY GOODS HOUSE, CORNER OF EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS. NOTE.—Our lower floor is the coolest and most pleasant Salesroom in Philadelphia during the summer months. S. C. POPELAR PRICES RICKEY,SHARP REDUCTION IN DRESS GOODS. POPLINETTES, JAPANESE SILKS. GREY GOODS FOR SUITS. EMBROIDERED GRENADINES, SAW LAWS. GINGHARIS. CIHi TZLS. CHOCOLATE COLORED LINENS. CHOCOLATE COLORED PERCALES. 'WHITE GOODS. MOURNING GOODS. RICKEY,SHARP&CO. NNUAZNIINEI SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ! JOHN W. THOMAS, Nos. 405 and 407 N. Second Street, Surnmei• I)ress 4131-oods_: At Greatly Reduced Prices. liernanies, Grenadines, Lawns. Or;;an dies, Poptinettes; Summer l'op lins, Mohalrs, t%e. ALSO, LAMA AND INDE LACES • IN Points, Palletots. Hat IN. Saeques :9la vie Antoinettes and Zonamem. IN BLACK AND WHITE. n 11127 Ilnirn EDWARD FERRIS, No. 807 CHESTNUT STREET, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, Wro u ght Ir o n : Cast and. Wrought Iron Railing, 1 GARDEN AND CEMETERY ADORN3IENTS. FOUN TAINS. 'VASES, I'EIt.INDAIIS, • SETT EEs,, •i CHAIRS. Ac. IRON STAIRS OF EVERY : . DESCRIPTION. NEW AND IM- : i • l'ItOY1•31/ STA E BL FURNITURE. New Homburgs.- . FOUndry -- , -2028 -North Tenth. St. . New Guipure and Valenciennes. Laces. ' 1 . Warerciom- . -;807. Chestnut St. ' New White Goods of all kinds desirable for .•;•'''''''°" 4fh '4 34•1'8° -1 17011D - AN Y S CE LlanwrED,plJllE - TONIO §pring trade. .• . - - '' 0 Ala fo •It• 1' Is family u• t ---- . - . ' . . • •- • - TI• subserllmr is uotig.iffilialied with - big : - fuli"Witittie iiiiifoUrned and fur sale at a small atlvanao on cost 0 futpply l of Ids Bigall.Y. lultritious and Well-known buyer- )1 miftation. ' . , two. ) I ts wide-spread anti inereasing• usu. I,y ()odor of ' ra • plivalalaus'' for Invalids taw of familioi t e • , . . •• .•' to the atteotion of all c o nsumer s ty114 4 At:li corn , ,it nt a strictly n4ikd EDW ARD FERRIS ': . 1 „,,,. „Hew ; prepai•ed from flat boat materials, and put up Ili Om moat careful matua•i• for home use or trotsair t .. • • ration. - Orders by mail or Ohara isa promptly. supplied. . . . . - • P. J..IORDAN No. 807 CHESTNUT STREET. I . , • -', No. T:la Pear atreet, ' ja2tltu tit a •• aa- Belo* Third abl Waluut straets. 200 Pieces Choice Piques. 400 Pieces Plaid and Striped Nainsooks. 'PHILADELPHIA DRY GOODS. 727 CHESTNUT STREET. Ofkis hl3 :dock of X 111POitTER OAF LACES and OFFERS TO THE TRADE LADIES who are preparing for a Sommer Trip, or the Watering Maces, will find our Mod: of WHITE GOODS . very coinolPte, embniellig THIN MATERIAL FOR WAISTS AND AItr.SSES, inclnding S•I FRENCII MUSLIN AT nik. TARLATANS, FRI:NeII li'AINSOOKS, In Plaln,Strfp.l awl Plnf,L PIQUES, PEKIN'S, *c., ' AR Are make NECK •TIF.S. SPA RFS. BOWS, LPSEN COLLAJtS AND CUFFS, EAIEROIDERED SETS, - SA SEES; d c., SPECIAL TJES, In 'ott . r„ amortinclit will. always Lo found approved . E. M. NEEDLES & CO., 1126 Chestnut Stieet. ray 77 th 1.5 t tit LINEN STORE, -ll' SUS Arch Street. AND NEW STORE, 1128 CHESTNUT STREET. NEW BARNSLEY LINENS. BEST BARNSLEY SHEETINGS, ALL. AV IDTkis, AW UAR(%IN Tailor & Co.'s BonisfeyiDinnasks.' 7.4, and 04 wide, from 81 37 14 up. Special Notice. • The Power Loom Napkins, made express') • for us, at $2 75 and $3 00 per dozen. Our MlRtc.T n who have been waiting foi• film. very I hirable 'Napkins will pleaso at either of our etoro .1 i 71. Y 141..416,4;9, ()r thereabouts. we propos.. to demolish the front boifilin. 4 of by us, and to rebuild on Its sib. one more at t 111. the adapted It, our growing wants. Prior to this we will dispose of — Om: stock at and away below cult. i n vite you to call early, as the assort to,lll . though large and very desirable. is rapidly bring broken by the army of buyers'who have besieged us. and I. VC 1.1'1'1111311.01r suited. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. SA CQUES AND SHAWLS, . LINENSAND DRESS GOODS. DRESS GOODS, Av., ItEDECED. BOYS' CLOTHING—Fine quality—first-cla , :s fitting. • A Nil. moisnally cheap. . BOYS' CLOTHING. BOYS' CLOTHING. luau Suit:---I.Voolen Litton SIII 61—W001,41 ATUBALDIS. RHIAL N o : a Ilene.—The prices are cheaper than l!rvr, 11.1111.80 low thud - thVy fit P11rri(.41,4 fit tt'Stili by our large daily W'. incite Indies and tho boys to call. Our object, •to roll out lit make roma fur t h e improvement. . COOPER & CONA7tD. S corner Ninth/Intl Market. RN ANIEIVILA 1,1 RON---IVO ILK ARTISANS' AND BUILDERS' Ornannial Iron and Bronze Works SPARKS,STILLMAN,DOIVTOELLSLCO., aia~ui • acrFn OF
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