I thank ituy (40d, I feel . that not alone On mountain peaks His bleMed' snnshine . Flows, And .dews drop sweetness; ev.en far down In nwads, a lily grows. . . am His work who themadee evening star; Wherefore lift to, him my flowerets bright They die to-morrow, but to-day they arc Beautiful in His sight. I look upon the hills, and sometimes dream , llow.they rejoice in morning's earliest light; .And hovi serene r and strong, and still they seem To guard the valleys all the gloomy night. 'Tis said the heights are cold—it may be' so; —That winds are keener there,„ and winters . rknow not bow it is; I only know 114 - y God has pinned one here- Mere in this little nook of earth—my own— ' And sent a sunbeam,—mine—to cheer my • heart; lEIe bids ine blOom,--perhaps for Him alone; Is there a better part? I bloom—stars shine—wo bloom and shine for We give •oiu. heiit—gfand world and humble flow er— A. light through agei; never, growing dim— Tbefragranee of an hour. - • 0 th en'fie srifiles, and takes with esinal love eAtial gifts, nor knows or great or smalt;: Ent in i3is infiniteness ‘reigllB above, And eolniwebenl.s us all. , —ll. N. E., m liidepemient. NEW PUBLICATIONS. On the appearance of the English edition, 'some time• ago, we ; published extracts from - "Realities of Irish Life," by . W. Steuart Trench: The author, whose life was Mostly spent in managing the'Very large estates' of an absentee landlOro, is the most competent and interesting witness yet heard from; n: matters of history, customs and Character among the most original tenantry in the world. As these rough specimens often reach ns ultimately, and contribitte to our politics the turbulent element which exercised Mr. Trench's best powers of management; the book is a suitable one : for re publication and perusal in this country. Messrs. Roberts-Brothers have accordingly issued it in one of their ,choice little '"handy vohunes," and we received copies from Porter & Coates, and from Claxton, Reinsen & Haffelfinger. The book yields such abundant extracts that, though we strained it pretty well in that re lisped while it was still a British native, we think it and nu• readers will ber one or two more. To slow under what kind of circum stances the efficient land-manager is brought up, we may take this account of a little family incident; a specimen of the relations between sentry and peasantry in Ireland forty years ago. The scene is at the residence of Mr. Trench's brother, in Queen's County, and the time abOut 1830. A RAID FOR FIEE-.OOIS liy eldest brother lived on his estate at Kihnorony, in the ' southeast portiOn of the Queen's County. his house was large, and surrounded by extensive grounds, so that no one could approach it without passinit, through at least half a mile of the "demesne. \--It was a Sunday afternoon, and my brother had gone to church at Athy, leaving his wife, Lady Ilelena . Trench, and One of my sisters and their several children, at home. Ile had taken his Men-servants with him,—so that none but women and children remained in the house. My sister was sitting in the dritwitig4room, little beibre 'dinner on this fine summer's even ing, her children playing around her, when her attention was attracted by observing one of the children standing in a fixed and frightened manner near the door. She looked up imme diately, and saw a man, who had so quietly Opened the door that she had not observed his entrance, standingand looking in with a large blunderbuss in his hand. sister and he Stared Mr a moment at each Wan'. "We want arms," said the man, in a husky, coarse voice; "we don't want to luirt any one if we can help it; but we want aims, and must et them." My sister's nerve did not fail her in the least. She rose quietly from her seat, took one of her little children by the Bandy and going towards the door where the man was standing, she "I am not the lady of the house; she is up stairs; I will go and call her." The man seemed alittle abashed by a bearing so different from what he probably expected. Ile made no reply, but followed my, sister up stairs. She walked straigl it into Lady Helena's room, who at that moment was washing her hands before dinner; she was folloWed by the man with the blunderiniss. "This man says' wants arms," said my sister ; addressing Lady Helena, "and he says he must get them." "Let him wait a little until I have dried my hands," replied Lady Helena calmly, "and I will get them for him." She continued the operation of drying her hands as she would have done on the most (military occasion, and then slowly led the way into her husband's dressing-room, and, pointing to some pins which were locked in a case over the fireplace, she told the man that those were the only antis in the house. "The case is locked,"- observed the man 'Give - me - The key." "1 have not got it," replied Lady Helena. "Mr. Trench is from home, .Ind l i es the key with him." • The Itimi tore the holdfasts out of the wall, and, without saying anything more, or doing any, further damage, although there were silver forks and spoons laid out in abundance on the table in the dining-roonr,which he could have carried off with perfect, ease, lie walked away with his prize, of arms, and disappeared. The whole thing was done so quickly and so quietly, that none of the female servants knew anything of what had happened. One of them, however, afterwards observed five men, all armed, assembling, as it were, from different stations outside the house, and walking away together. To show that, among these peasants, violence and assassination are still regarded as the best policy, we pass quite to the other end of the book, and extract its latest incident, dated only last • year. A peasant justifies_his...complicity with the attempt to murder a bailiff. A SELF-ACCUSED ACCOMPLICE IN MURDER. I was riding not long ago (March, 1868), in company With our old friend Paddy MeArdle, be visit a distant portion of the Bath Estate, and settle some jetty quarrels - which had arisen amongst the tenants. •- • 4 My business lead me to visit, a , man's farm which he complained was too highly rented. thiving examined the land, I was passing out of the Last flphl, when another odd-looking man, un shavemand ragged, came itp.W ine,.and told me that his rent needed reduction' as much as his neighlior's. I replied that he had made no 10401 application to that effect, and I could net therelbre at present entertain hisease. Lenin'," S.titl the man, "I wouldn't trouble you, Only I wouldn't like to see this'ehap's rent reduced and I not get the saute favor." . . "lint tnm d oat ask It 'as a fav or," I an swered; "be saps his land is too it rented, . .• ant Wants me to'eXatinne . riaysell. nave forpOl shal)N ft when - le coir6 - toqbe;olliceld _ me ThUrsday.l'2'' !4 "Pon't-Mind a word :thai7 says, l : yotit honot;!!'rettitn - ed: inb,n; "he's. theliiggeSt4Riff itabe coinitryi:AMlTit'S well" he knows itlstoo CheapAie the .land en , _ titely!" It may well be supposed that such an on slaught as this set the disputants at high words at once, and to the aiitonishmcnt'of.myself antl„. friend theie! - WOrilY - Warriors - fired into each other's characters with the most remorseless severity. "You are the biggest villain. in the barony!" cried the ragged man; "you know well I had ye in Monaghan Jail for six months; you thief of the. world, yeti stole my, i property,. ~so. you, did!". "YOoC,fi, liar!" shouted . the . other; "ye, well IntOW%ye Wratiefilly lteditseillne, and, pedUred yintrOlf ivlien ye swore ag:tinSt Me; and, any how my ,char acter IS better than ;yours; let his honor ax the priest; or any better., man in the country:" . , • . . o , l'llhould.ye a five-bound note agen that," eried the R i gged plait. "I'll bet j'e a bye-I)ond' note this minute; 'and let liiS honor the stakeS, that My character is far preferable to 3'0 111 ." "Zile patinas!" returned the other, con temptuously, "where mould the likes of ye get five pounds? and ye boasting ''there to get his honor to hould the stakes lit - would be Otter for -ye to give five IniPlittie6 to . Stimettuld tailor and get your, clothes Mended! Five pound indeed!" prove !" Slanged the ragged man, in a" high state of excitement; "I'll; itrove' . it to , his holmithiSininute!" antYrnininaging innongSthis rags,he polled out an okb'greasy purse, and taking from thence two five-pound .notes, he walked up to me In a majestic manner, and re-; quested me to hold one of thentas the stake in • this characteristic wager. " •' • • 'Of 6)141.0.4 declined; but:the whole. scene Was •sO tliat'it Was impossible we 'could lielP laughing; When his antagonist, seeing the, cause going against :him, and . that the stakes! were, 'really forthcoming, became excited beyond measure, and at last losing all control of himself, he'Said; • ' • ' "Ye are a public robber, 'so ye are, and I could tell that of ye, which if his Atonal• knew, he'd baniSh'ye ofr • the estate, as lie did better 'men than ye are.'?•,. • ".1. defy ye!" returned the ragged man; "say what ye like, iiirV.down with the five pounds . first; and let-14110pr hould.the stakes:' "Why . do yeti dill hiM a public robber?" I inonired, having obseryed that the man laid particular stress upon this .unusual description of his ragged opponent. , • "Because he chated the public," replied the Man: • . "HOW:So?" I asked again. . The Man gave a look at his ragged neighbor, to see if he-shrunk from what lie was now aboitt to tell; but his look was answered, by a bold deli:nice. "I defy ye,—do your worst now, if ye can." "Then l'll tell his honor all about it," said . 'his 'opponent. "That same public robber tiMre before ye, pia down his name for a one-pound note to get Paddy MeArdleshot,that's alive and well now; and when. them that was to do the job came round to him afterwards for the money to pay the Imay expenses they were under,* thief of the world only buttoned up his pocket and 'refused to pay a farthing; and that's why I call him a public.robber!" ' "And ichy,would I pay them a farthing, the rogues that they'were i when they didn't do the job l" shouted -the ragged man. "Sure isn't Mr. McArdle safe and sound this minute, long life to him and long may he reign, himself and' his big White horse! May T neyer but I wouldn't for a five-pound note this minute that they got him down; and yet the thieveS of the world wanted me ,to pay them for shootin' him when they never done it at all!" That's a quare way of doing busineSs. Pay the one pound note indeed! In troth I'll paY> nothing' of the, kind!" Having thus fully admitted his original en gagement, but,indignantly repudiated, the ,-obli gatiOn his opponent wanted to fasten on him, Inasmuch as the contract had never been per- ; formed, he.put his two live-pound noteS'Ouietly into his purse again, as if he thought this awk ward claim niir , nt possibly be ,revived, and walked away with the air of an indignant mid injured individual. Those who would live happily and peaceably in Ireland, of whatever rank or creed they be, have much to forgive on both sides. MY ADVENTURE - WITH A IVITALE Naval officers, as a : Ade, 'see nothing of whale-fishing. I, however, had once a slight aste of it, and I must candidly confess it was ufficient to last rue for life. It happened hllS:• I had been left at Saint ' Helena to—superintend-the slaves captured by H. M. S. C ; of which I was senior midslilininni, in the Mozambique Channel, with orders to take a passage to the Cape of Good, Hope in the first vessel touchine - t' at tile island and bound there. As luck would have • it, an American whaler, the Kate, of New Bedford, Massachusetts, put in for water and. stores; and, finding from her master,. 11,. Ling, slabL sided, quaint-looking fellow, that he was on the way for Table Bay for orders, I concluded to go with him -- All arrangements having been made, I em barked one evening, and in a few moments the Kate was under all sail, and rapidly leaving the road;. But I must:introduce Captain Jael White to' my readers. Ile was a nine of some six fret two ineheS high, Very sparely built, but show ing an immense •amorint of strength. Ilis principal glory seemed to be hi dressing in a long-tailed black cloth coat, ditto pants; a very dirty shirt, and a "long-aced" hat, which had once been white, but imw was of a dusky gray.. Strongly addicted to tobacco and hard ' swear ing, he looked •as unlike a sailor as can be imagined, but a better practical seaman I never came across. Ile was much liked by his crew, for although a bit of a tartar, yet he was so successful a whaler, that the men took his treatment hi good part. Like most of his breed; he was a capital hand at "yarning" (" gannning," winders call it), and it was dire to sonic of the adventures he related to me that 1 consented to take an oar in his boat the first " scout" wevere lucky enough_toLsee._ We had been out some ten days, and had got well to the southward, when one morning, Just after breakfast, as Captain Jael and I were having a pipe and a glass of beer on,the quay ter-deck, and he had been amusing me with some of' Ids experiences, a shout was_heard ffom tliithe crow's nest, which changed the atti tudes with which we were lounging about, from extreme idlenesS to intense excitement. "There she. blo-o-ows!" sounded from the look-out man. • "Where away?" screamed the skipper, pitching his pipe overboard, and performing a strange kind of war-dance. "Broad on the lee bow, was the reply. right. " Jump aft, boys," said the Ohl int& "Square in the after-yards, up with the helm. So-o-o, steady ! Square away the head yards; and, Kr. Mate, 'just take them egallant sails Willer, and haul the main-sail lip;" and, taking his , spy-glass in his hand, lie bolted up tile rigging to have a look for himself. and I jumped up on the life!-rall to get a better view ; but all that I could make out was a few black specks upon the white crests of the waves, and from which occasionally cloud, of spray, about seven or eight feet high, was ti (iwn. • THE DAILY Ey ENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1869. yvas!the lnit anineqprieneed_. egotircriliii=¢ had greiOlifliefilfYin - ilisce - 0 - indifiAffm the waves, wtheli*Oce cre'stiageAth Otber,,,*nd breaking in, :414cdliection4 Wla,e4ii,tcre going very E Dwly and:.the "Ark •tyaS,jiepiclly run to withinbilf A:lnile X the:m, wlieitstiilcleirly ISO/ a 'VaMiblai* objeet giv llotitigh and disappear, follo - 1;Vell, layiseVeial others. S : , • • • ,i'T • others. s, goes flukes !" a score of voices. screamed ; the "and get the lines in the loat." These orders were instanAueNeentedond.' directly the Kate had lost her way, the boats were swung out, and the order "Lower- away" given. Down wentthelimns , ;,• - And Oyer !the side and into them 'Swannd t eele Wats' crews; .taking,the.second .bow-oar man's" - boat, while he took.- the "steef-oar, . and we pushed oil; closely - iblkiwell by , the, other in chargenfthe firSt'fnate, -.,": ' • ,:- • ; ' "There;" cried tlie Skiptier; : . 'ct,liere he lays like a log, close to!" (thatnleantilearlY AMile off). "Now' give way, any luilly'boystreteli • out - ,. do stretch , out, my dear - fellows. A pint of rum each if we only &Sten on to . him. That's the stroke,•hurrah ! There shejtunps! 'Drive her over it, boys---our.chance,by Jove;" And so he kept on encouraging us, although, we were pulling as if for, life, ,and, sending the light-boatlbrougli the water,like lightning. I looked- over my shoulder at last, and saw the monster; like a rock, about.a couple :'of hun dred yards oft The mate's beat was about the same distance , astern of -us, and her crew straining everynerve to - come us. • _ "Now then; standup," 'cried thej , ?ciptain to the beat-Ste erer,'*ho AlWaYs . pillo the liOiyear ' and' isei the harpOon after ;Whielthe.chang4s places with the officer at . the ,steering-oar. "One more stroke; ray b0y5:, , ,N0W.., give it Tier: " But just as he spoke, and whew!l-, ex pected to 'find wewere.faSt, a heavy plunge, arid i'thielt_shoWer spray deScended on us as the boat'shot Over the plitee•Where our atiticipated,Prey The .whale had sounded, and, was gone far beyond the reach of harpoon,, and, "Start all! —stain bard !' 7 said thecaptain;: in; ~ tone •of . • the most unmitigated disgust: 'Teak yop.r oats, beYs." : ltie Beaked caw Oa*: took a drink ivalo, and had a bloW, 0'01011; for one,Was Most certainly in want, , B , this time the mate's boat was • alongside us, and I 'could .!see by the faces of: her crew that they were anything but sorry at our ill luek. .!' After a few Minntes' rest to go, our wind, again, the skipper told its to look out Well for "a blow," the mate pulling, up ttiwindward, while We remained • stationary,:, Presently our harpooner sang out, "By Jove, there she blo-o-ows!" pointing at the same tithe dead to leeward. • "That's MM je-hosiphatl" etied 'the • old man.. rofuid,.boSrs.-now then; take \ it easy!" So we quietly for two hundred yar4 aml then, at , a word ficon "laid back" , to mu• oars With all our hearts and souls; By this time the mate had semi -what we Were_ after, and his boat was turned' hlopur suit'of t os. But we had a long still . ; and 'there wa.SM) chalice of theif "cutting us out After a few Minutes of this bard pulling, Oncemore the order "Stand up!"- was given, and directly after, "Give it her!" and in an instant the har poon, driven by the strong arms of the boat steerer, had'Sheathetr its length in. the giant aniin al:' "Sawn! stare hard for your lives!" shouted he, as . the Whale's flukes flourished in the air, and came down with a slap like the report of a Sixty-eight pounder, sending the water over us like mad. "Peak your oars, lads," quietly said old dad; when we had backed some twenty yards astern; and then, going forward, he sent the boat-steerer aft to the steering-oar. The whale, after one or two more slaps with his flukes, started ahead, towing usaso rapidly that the water foamed again, 'md making* the line surge and crack round the "logger-head' in the stern-Sheets; where the boat-steerer was holding On to it with alibis might tind main. Presently : thp,line hermn to slack,'and we to haul in upon it, the boat-steerer, coiling it away ea retidly in a.tub in the stern-sheets purposelyto receive it. Any one can understand how ithportant it is that this part of the duty should 'be well per formed, since bights of the line running out of a boat towed by a whale Would prove so many snares for the ,crew's;,lcfo. For' this reason, Should it be neeessar l y4o,ent, for!a, whale, an axe is always applaid i near the bows. Our whale continued sculling away nearly to witidward for pretty close Upon two hours, by which time the bark was courses down,, and the Mate's boat entirely out of sight. Fortun ately, it was about noon, so we had no feats of darkness. At first—that is to say, before the "irons" were .in—we had not spoken above a whisper; but directly we were "fast," whispers were exchanged into loud calls, and orders were shoined. The highest excitement tailed among the men, and sporting bets fi -offered antilaken - as -- to - the — am - ou rit - of - j "barrels" our prize would yield. Suddenly he stopped short, and it was only by instantly baeking hard and paying out line, that we pre vented the boat from running stem on hint. "I don't like that," ' said the skipper; and scarcely had the Words left, his lips before, lift- Mg his enormous tail high into the air, it struck five or six, blows on the surface of the water, that made a noise that might have been heard half a league or, filling the atmosphere immediately aroiind him with spray. Sud denly lie entirely 'd isappeared„,son tiding straight down at a rate ihich Made the score in the bows, throngh which the line runs, - and the loggerhead sittoke again, although both weret kept well wetted. Presently he ceased, apd for some moments all was stationary; and then he started oft in a direction neatly opposite to that of his previous cones:. "l3y Je-hosiphat, boys, he'll Um , us along side,- said Jae); with a laugh; and it really seemed as if such would be pretty nearly the case, for after all almost uninterrupted tow of On hour, we couldsee the mate!s-kiat-.-Asignal was made to her by hoisting a frock on all oar Made, :old we soon saw her head turned towards Little did NVe . think that she would be the means of saving Our lives, but, as toy readers will see, she was. ' Another half-hour passed, and the whale was about fifty or sixty- fathoms Ithead of us, moving more slowly than hefore, and the mate's built was aliput half a mile froni 11S, coming down under sail and oats. • I'lu-captabi-had - -prepamd_his-lams‘esomd wo: had begun what we had hoped would be our final haul up, when. suddenly, with a bellow like. a hundred bills, the,infuriated monster headed straight for the boat! "Look out, for }eaven's sake look out!" cried_ the_captainikut_lt toalate;_half of-Ats haul Niched; the rest, I. imagine, pulled-Lthe consequence was the boat turned hroadside,on,. and-in less tune than it takes, to, ,write, with an awful smash the boat was knoeked. into pieces; and the whole: of us precipitated into the water. , , " How . far I was 'thrown, or how far muter water I wont, I. know.not; but when I at last found myself en the siwface, surrounded with oars and,tleVris of the boat, I saw the old man and three °Utile crew flOating near me. The other two. handsinust)-1:-- fancy,- - have been stunned, as we never saw . them again. j".,16-hosiphatl" eelauned the' old mall; "what dig you think of that? I'm darmd if I was ever b( rued 'such a trick afore." :'4liope;" ileoth pay us anether visit. But there's part of the heat;,lituOve not, better 7et to it, amlliang on till. the mate picks us up?" , • ‘,l guess yOU're about right," replied - Jael, so we at ()nee swam to , what proved to be, the re mains of, the stern-sheet. The mate's heat 's.pltT , :picked_iis,llll , , an . jb d prip = 4, s „ 0 . 14* I w - 4 the twitter, pry ,sq • Ifoard , thOhail,4,anAW,,wero.:Sboni.on-13,0atc . y Yirg a 0 lag attempt at 'OW 'mdl einxek my Wii4ers'.'*ill allow tba r Von4 . pith nOilttiiipt; is einiiiigh fQi anylone vhaha not to -7 ,10101f* forka Nyhaebeeanie of ei}it''VidittleOtiON riot, blzqq if Captain Jae] White's prayers were heard, hel will never serve another boat's crew. so soArvy a trick as he served Its.--,C4wll's Maya tine.. SUMMER RESORTS. SUMMER RESORTS ON "TILL' Philadelphia - and lteitling Railroati AND BRANCHES. Mansion Honse,Mt. Car'boo. Mrs. Caroline Wunder, Pot tmllle P. 0., Schuylkill co. • . Tivictirorn Hotel, . • lflrs.lVl: L. Miller, Tithcarbrii - P, 0., . Schuylkill county. • ItitinSion "louse,' • . - W. P: Ernith,Mahanoy City P.'o4Bchuylk ill county: • . • r' Itionnt , Citinnel House. ,• • Charles Culp Mount Carmel p. 0., Northumherland so. 'White liOnso,,. E.' . A: MoSs Mewling P 0: ' • ' Henry Weaver, Ileadiml P. O. : • • 'Awing Springs Hotel,. Dr. A. Smith, Wernersville - P. 0., Berkii connty. ("old Springs' Hotel , , Lebanon County, Wm. Pik/ Grove p. 0., Schuylkill county. Boyertown Seminary, F. S.'Stauffer, Itoyertotv n P. 0., Barks county. ' Litiz Sp rings, Geo. F. Greider, Litiz P. 0,, Lancaster county. •• Ephrata Springs, Tohn Frederick, Ephrata' . 0., Lancaster county. • Perltiomen Bridge - Motel, Davis Longaker, Freeland P. 0., Montgomery county - , Prospect Terrace, \ Dr. James Palmer, Freeland P. 0., IdOidgontery county Spring Mill Meights, J u dah 11. Broisch, Conshohocken P. Montgomery oo Douty Mouse, Theodore Howell, Shamokin, "Northumberland county roy4-2m§ • UNITED STATES HOTEL' ATLANTIC CITY N. J Will open for the reception of Guests Saturday, June 26th,1869. Hassler's Band, tinder the- direction of Mr. Simon Hassler, if; engaged for the seagou: '• : ' Persons wishing to engage Rooms will apply to . CEO. FREEMAN, Superintendent, Atlantic City, N. J., Oi• DROWN S Wat,PPEU, 827 Richmond Street, Philadelphia.' • jes 2st SURF ROUSE, ATLANTIC CITY,.N. J., WILL BE OPEN FOR GUESTS JUNE 26;1809. The plan of the House may be seen and Rooms seenred until Jima 20th, at the La Pierre House, Philadelphia. TERMS MODERATE. THOMAS FARLEY, Proprietor. Cori Sentz's Far/e, Orchestra has been engaged for the season. LONG BRANC.III, N. J. The MANSION HOUSE opened June lot. S. LAIRD, Proprietor. The AIETROPOLITAN HOTEL will open Jone ]sth Apply to S. LAIRD, Proprietor. • The UNITED STATES HOTEL will open June 20th APPIY to S. LAIRD & BRO., Proprietors. Mr. S. LAIRD can,be seen at the Metropolitan Hotel, New York, betweeh 10 A. 11. and'2 P. M. mu Mondays and Tuesdays of each week. L ORETTA SPILINV S, CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA., Will ho opened to Guests July Ist. "Excursion Tickets," good for the season, over the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, can he prOcure,l from Philadelphia,Pittsburgh, and Ilarrinburg, to hayier Station, 2 laes from the Springs, where et - nches will be in readineento convey guests to the Springs. The proprietor takes' pleasure in notifying th? pnLlir that the hotel in in proper order, andallamus,•nteuta usually found at watering places can be found at the above resort. Terms, • , .1 to perday, or .91;0 per month. jett lilt § FRANCIS A. GIBBONS, Proprietor. UNITED STATES HOTEL,. CAPE MAY CITY, NEW JERSEY, Will be opened for the kiens on on sa.Tultiuy, m a y 29th. In all first class appointments, equal to any, and yet affording to families all the comforts of a home. President Grant expects to - vhdt Cape May thig season, and will stop at the "United States.•' Address: AARON MILLER, Proprietor. 7113 77.1 m. CON GRESS HALL, CAPE MAY, NEW Jereey, will recei VI: guests, Tuesday, Juno I,q'. For rooms address, J F. E, nw2,041),5,tn,qt . • Proprietor. LIM SPRINGS -HO USE, LANCASTER COUNTY, PA., Will be reopened June 15 fur thu. summer. Those desiring a cool andhealthy summer r•sort, with all the comforts of linnie, will find these Springs unsurpassed For particulars address my2S-]nog. SUMMER BOARDING PROSPECT TERRACE. FREELAND, MONTGOISTE RY COUNTY Nl ill be open for the - reception uf.gifema on and after May-1. The lawn ambgrounda have been arranged with sum mer arbors, ermotet grounds, billiard rooms, k - c., and fur shade and beauty are ver3. delightful ;, boating, heft - phume-baths, 5.. c. Address, JAMES PALMER, apls.th s to :Ulm Freeland, Pa, T WO FAMILIES (..; AN BE AC CO IMO- dated with board on a beautifully locat , ,l farm, by addressitM " Media P. 0., Delaware Mundy. je4-st• MACHINERY, IRON, &C CUMBERLAND NAILS, $4 80 PER KEG, Containing 100 Fas. Nails; other brands of Nails S 4 66 per keg; Bordinan's Barbed Blind Staples, 25 per box of IO Staples; Shutter Hinges, from 12 to 17 in., complete with 'factures, 75, ets. per • set; 1 1-2 in. Frame Pulleys, 25 ets.; 1 3-1 In. 26 eds. per' doz.; Minn Locks and Knobs $5 per dozen; at the Cheap.for the-Cash Iliardware mid 'Fool Store of J. B. SHANNON'- , 1009 Market Street. my22-K to to ly Li on SAL E--ifoit ACCOUNT OF JL voiyai IT MAY CONCERN. 2 HARRISON STEAM BOILERS, a HORSE POWER. ALSO-FITTINGS; COMPLETE. • All of irliirh may be seen 'at the Aladdin Warehouse, No. 43 Market street, Pitt thy2o,r2q BitEitEauN .5z WILKINS. YYEintICK & SONS, souTilwAßK FOUNDirt, 1311 w..%.,staNGTobr Ayentie, Philadelphia, MANUFACTURE _ . , 1 .-STV,A-M-ENG-INES—lligh-aitil-how-Pressure,Horiton, , lid, Vertical, Beam, Oscillating, Blast and Cornish Pumping. • • /1011.E10--Crlindor, Flue, Tabular, &c. • , STEArlfi MAMIE ItS—Nasnlyth and Davy styles, and of 'all sizes. CA ST IN tis-I.,(Palli, Dry and Green Sand, Brass, ke, ROWS—LIM Frames, for covering with Slute or:trim. TANKS—Of ' Cast , or Wrought Iron,for refineries, water, • , GAS MACIIINEBY—Such us' Retorts, Bench Cuetings IlohiVni and Frames, Puriliers,,Cohe and Charcoal ViIINTS. Governors, ike.' SUGARAIIACIfINERY—Such us. Vacuum Pans- and . • . . .. .Pamps, Beftn.ttorri, Bone Black : . Flyers, Buhteka, `ll ilNliers'ynd Elevaturn, Bag Filters, Sugar and Bone Black Cults, &c , , , • • . 14(•le nianuisteturers of the following specialties: In .Philadelphia and vicinity,of Wriliatn Wrikit's Patent Aar laid' , Cut-off Sieurn Engine. , . hi the United Staten, of Weston's Patent Sefr-center- , lug and Self-balancinget.ntrifugal Stigar-dratning Ma chine. 6111 pr 'it flarton's improvement on AapiawallA WoUlPey .Centrifugal. IThrtol's Patent Wrought-Iron Retort Strahan 7 B Drill Grinding ]test. • : Contract 01'S for the design; erection and fitting up of Re. titlerieti•for waiiiing. Sugar or Motaamem.. • • • COPPE R AND • Sht_athing; Braeler'a.Copper Nails, Bolts And Ingot Copper, epnptantl uu bawl and for sale la. HENRY 3VINSOIt yY CO., No: 332 Knuth Wharves: • • EDIT 04.T10N: I •_ . , ! HORSE IT ATANSIP , SCIENTITI caIIy taught at the Philadelphia Riding School, .ourilt otretit,, above 'Vino. The liorees 'are quiet, nod thoroughly trained,' For hire, sat}tilii horses— Alto car riapra at all titnett for weddings, partlei , ,, °porn, funerals, itc. Ilorbeirtrutoi3ll to the saddle. , . THOMAS ()PAIGE 4 SON. CHEVIOTS, for springatid,sernefor wear, , ~.:„..„ . h r ./0400i it Oitiv :;. , fo r antq w , iina ,w inter, liiive been cop kat front tiMbest'Seotch'slyies, and man tt facttired fromßitt imported wooK - whielt , alone. ean• giru the prOper.efiect to them. . ' . . . . „,• _ At first:it:wail thought by Hie Parties who contracted for the goods that they would ell better *Rhein the dist filet iv e mark, of , thq..WailibigtoU Mills; but •itolias been found that in general; appearance mai durability they are quite' cine' to their foreign Prototypes ; there fore the largest cOnsumers have requested that the regu lar Washington Mills ticket should be attached to every piece; and in order that purchasers may be protected fron'the pimlibility of having inferior goods sold to them in garments; under the name of the Washington Mills Cheviots, the followina. Maned parties hereby advertise to the trade and public generally, that they , have given the preference to these ,goods, and Will have them colt stantlY in stocki,AND NO INFERIOR. GRADES WILL BE OFF 4 ERED 40 BW3STATV7,'ES. NEW YORK. - . BOSTON. Abernethy, kCo. Whitten, Burkett ,i; Young. Collins lc Plmanier Co. Miner, Beal it: Co. Carhart, AMMO & Co. (I. W. Freelaud, Beard • k .liones Wilde, Jr.,* CO; Co. DlMill & Co. CINCINNATI. Brokaw Bros, ' , Lockwood Bros k Co. Brooks Bres. , • • . " CHICAGO. •' • Gee. W. White .k Co., for- Field, Benedict Sr Co • . inerly White,V hi t man & ALBANY, N. Y. Co. '•: , • Davis. I:raft •.-Wilson. A, Raymond.,7 ;LIT TSI3 WWII, PA. Riudelieff Bros (C: Co. Steih Bros, Ii ittland ; Babcock A; Aron , . TROY, N. Y. . ' SOD. , •:',_ . ' • - G.:V. S. Quackenbush 4: PHILADELPMIA.. - . • • Co. . Wanamuker ,fe Brown. . ' Derr k. Skate. Gans, Wilgus A; Co. ' PROVIDENCE. / R. I. Fries, llia N I.o.eed & Hawkins, James H. Read & (~ Brookfi l eld (4.:Eck. ' . 1 - PORTLAND, BE. • apls th a tuf.6t 'Chadbourne it 'Kendall. 7 - 7 NEW I' ÜBL:IC.A.TIO.NS. NEW TESTAMENT.. A armful and iteceeisary help in the sooty of the Scrip titre!, and in the preparation of ,Sunday 5c noel lesson.; Priem 25, 40 and 4d cents. Just published by the AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, No. 1122 I:lw:quilt strc*t, phis. . • in) 29 ti tit ill St PHILOSOPHY OF MAR RIAGE—A new course of Lectures, as delivered at the .New York .Museum of Anatomy; embracing the subjects; How to Live and what to Live for; Youth, Maturity land Old Age; Manlwaxi generally reviewed; the eilltMl of In digestion, Flatulence and Nervous Diseases accounted for; Marriage Philosophically Considered &c., /4c. Pocket volumes containing these Lectures will be for ,- warded, post paid, on receipt az cents, by addressing W. A. Leary, Jr., Southeast corner of Fifth and Walnutstreets, streets, Philadelphia. fe2d-ly§ il)p IS OOH BOUGHT, AND CATALOGUE§ LP of „New York and Boston Beck Sales for distribution at 740 Q , mom street. JOHN CAMPBELL. my2o-lm• Lumber Under Cover, ALWAYN DRY. WATSONSc GILLINGHAM, 924 Richmond Street. mh29•ly-0 MAULE, BROTHER & 2500 South_ Street. 1869.. FA Rgil& 'MTI's - 189. CHOICESELECTithN ON lIICIIIGAN CORK PINE FOR PATTERNS. - 1869." A Vg) A ZZ I L ) ) Millketic. K . . 1869. LARGE STOCK. 1869. YialliTJa 1869• • CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING' Affil FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. 1869 FLORIDA E 0 STP BOARDS.IQR • FLOni R DA STEP BOARDS . OI-4, AILLANK. RA IL PLANK. - 1869 WALNUT BOARDS A NDIB/1.0 PLANK. • UFOs VALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. WA LN UT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. ASSORTED FOR CABINET MAIKERS, BUILDERS, &C. GEO. T. GRIDER, Proprietor 186 , UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER. UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND PINE. 186J. iSE t. 1 : ‘ 'E S AWen (.4 i I ( E ) KIV -R. 1069. ASH. WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. 1.7. A SCANTLING puto 1869. CAR(~I,INA H. T. SILLS - . ...ICA/cf. NOLWAY SCANTLING. 18 69, 1869. CYPRESS SHINGLES. L A ItG E A SSO El:sill. FOR SALE LOW. • PLASTERING LATH. 1849 • PLASTERING LATH; LATH. . . MAIIME murnur ER& C 0.,, 2boo SOUTH STREET. • OMAS & POHL, L UMBER Mil -1 . ehasts, No.lert S. Fourth litr6et. AV their 'yard will be found Walnu A P t,sh, splar, Cherry, Pine, Hem lock, Ice., &e., at reasonable prices. • Give them a call. MARTIN THOMAS, m1,174ne . ELIAS POIIL. n 1 R R B 0 CONTACTOS, LUMBERMEN .1 and Ship-bullders.--We are now prepared to execute proiMptly - orders - for - SOTithern Yellow Pine Timber, Slartnif and Lumber. COCHRAN, RUSSELL .t CO., 22 horth Front street. mh24 ti •YELLOW PINE LUMBER.ORDE,RS for cargoes of eVery description Sawed Lumber exe cuted at short untice-;unality subject to inspection. Apply to.FIDW. H. ROWIJEY.I.I tionth Wharves. ASS 1869. - DEISLOVAL. Thatindersiglied tatem tide oppoitnnity of inform ing the trade that he hoe removed Ma hitsiness from No, an North Front et root to Om convenient warehouse, No. 20 North Front 4treet. Coniiitrumente of all description.' of merehandhai moliei __toL___44teeggeaud nsimaneLijiALtsAittjho _Lowest ratee, Mr. ANDREW' J. 81l ICK is tideday admitted to an in , (erect in iny butiinebo, the firm name remaining as here tofere J. CLAILKSOI..: GRIFFITH, No. 20 North Front *street, Phila., and PO William street, Now York. PHILADELPHIA, June let, 1809. je2•oo E OVAL: -- THE LONG-ESTAE -Maa depot for the purelimSo and aale - of He üblia= nand Doors, Windows, Store Fixtures, &e., from Seventh street to Sixth street, above Oxford, where such articles aro-for sale in great variety ' • . - now Docis, Sashes - , Shutters, • - a . pla-3m NATHAN W. ELLIS EXCURSIONS. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. KINDAY TRAINS:FOR THE SEASHORE. On mad after SUNDAY next; June 6, tho Nail Train fur ATLANTIC) CITY Wip leave Vine Ftrect 'Furry at • BA, Vf LVIINO Atlantic: City. at ' .......:...d Y. litopuing at all stations. jr3tiS D. MUNDY, Agent. S.)IIAFON DINES. ; F. SIIEAFP. rrnE UNDERSIGNED INVITE. ATTEN _I thin to their stock of - Sptiug Monntaiu, Lehigh and Locust Moitutain.Coal,' which, witlithe preparationgiven by us, we think:Can-7 not 1 , 0 f'xCelli'd by any other Coal. • . '- Office, Franklin institute Building. No: S. Seventh street, • . ' • In NES & SHEAF jaltilf • Arch street wharf, , As E I '5 • • ••• w 4Cci Trt‘ • a It LAI ef I' • _ SCONCE • Theme goods are known tho Trade as "CHEVIOTS" and "BANNOCK BUICNS," and are . the strongest and most durable woolen fabrics which.can: be made; as le inipommible to make them of shoddy or any other mate rial with which the manufacture of woolens has usually been cheapened. WASHINGTON MILLS, LAWRENCE, MASS A 13ETI N 130 .1E: X. IMMEI LUMBER. REMOVALS C709.L AND_ WOOD. L- - _--itizt-ritoQk „SAFES- ::'‘jiT'..o.,.P,Ts)? -, AT LAST! i . -IW,A Q , - -LA.R.p49.0.17 . --• S'. - 7A-1 F , :E. .. • . I York Donovrat Prepoi,Jinie 4tlia The First onTitenclaY, in their vault one of MAAR:Virg Sr. CO.'S Chrome Iron Spherical Burglar- - which Nra» pareliased frOnt their, agent, Mr. HerrY 11 erni.uy l'orpterly of thi,» place. The »ttfe iyas sold to the bank 4tihjeetto Sueli test a» the Direetors saw fit to put it to. They invited: machinists and others to try their band» at safe-breakitivnllioring;- The Bank,. etnployeti M.P,,iou EPLEY, oat Of the best ina ehinists in this section oft he conntry, to "DRILL THE' SAFE, IF POSSIBLE." The Major, with the 'lssistance of hiS, Sop, slieut mereral hunni in preparing his drills and tools, andhaving secured a. strong leverage, went to Work and after entirely oAing up hIK drills; and hardly Making an hnpression on the safe, gave his opiiiion that drilling through in side. of two weeks was out et the tinestion. - Tile Safe was then attacked with heavy sledges, .licssrs. SMALL, & Avere called upon for three of their hest BLACKSMITH STRIKERS , 1 who were fimnished with heavy idedges. After Placing the safe in the middle . of the side; walk, they. commenced ,Whaeking away in regular forge 'Style, dealing blows that were heard for squares, but with no effect on the \tafe. It May WitlfWhat st reiigth • fln-y-dealt their hlowS, when they were (lent to crack the sledges and render them useless. Thc, trial rri!:0,11 quite an excitement; and all were sath- tie. t that a BURGLAR-PROOF SAFE HAD AT LAST THESE SPHERICAL SAFES I.'filt SALE BY MARVIN c& CO., No. 7f.11. Chestnut Street, Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. '2 (15 Broadway, N.Y. 10$ Thank Street, Cleveland, O. CHAMPION SAFES. linsuccesdhl434Wary. LETTE4 OF 111 E. DOW'S .t CO. onK, April 10, 'lBOl .511.EMIAlii No. 2. - 51• Broadway: GENTs: On the night of the 2`.24 ult. our store, ,No. 20 South street, ,was entered, and a des perate attempt made by burglars upon one of your safes in our counting-room. The key to the safe in which we kept our se curities was locked inside - of our tire-proof book-safe, the doors of which were literally cut to pieces; from this they obtained the key to the other safe and opened it. Fortu nately we had one of your Burglar-Proof : Bankers' Chests inside, in which our valuables were deposited. This they went to work at with a will, and evidently used up all their time and tools in vain attempts to force it. The night was dark and stormy, and the fact of their knowing where our key was kept showS that •their plans were well matured. They tried wedging the 'door and body of the Chest, and the faithful sale bears evidence of the labor and skill devoted to the work. All was useless, and it is with great satis- - faction we report that upon opening it we found our securities oil soft, and can therefore• cheerfully indorse the Burgular-Proof work recommended by you. You will please send the new safe purchased. by us to our counting-house, and take the old lactated worthy of the name. 1869. HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES, "THE MOST RELIABLE SECU RITY FROM FIRE NOW KNOWN," Manu litetnred and sold by FARREL, HERRING &, HERRING, FARREL & SHERMAN, No. Breadway, New York. HERRING & CO.. Chicago. II ERRING, FARREL &, SHERMAN,N.O. tu the tf§ • GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &C. TO -FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS. are prepared, 11H heretofore, to supply Families at their Country Residences with EVERT DESCRIPTION OF FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, &c. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. 11,E81-1. PEAUEES IN LARGE CANS, at Fifty Cents per Can—the cheapest and hest goods in the city; at ()GUSTY'S EasWitud Grocery, No.. ]lB South Second street. 11REisCH TEAS, 31ITSHROOALSTTRUI- - .12 fles, Tomatoes, G reen Corn, A optimums, Sm. Ali store and for sale at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. 1.18- South Second street. • • NEW DATES, FIGS, I'ItTINES, 1111 and Almonds—all of now crop—in atoro and for Hide at COUSTY'S East End Grocery, No. ES South , Second street. . _ SWEET quality olive on • xpl''~ply fnr EXTRA i t n s ip m ozil B l; r n; East gsid urocery, S`()CNED BLACK HEREIES;--PLIIINIS,. berries, reaches Pa, runeibto,Pears, Lim Beano, Shaker SWeet Corn,iit ' COVSTl"S Emit End Groocry,lio. 118 South Second street. ---,--- - - (4R. Anu Di a t t y s G: l _3 o - I rt S a ' r lS; ill 4. l lU pg .lsal n .t. ) l o S. 1 E Brasliorn -- .1 - 11r — r( ---,. Tweezers, Puff Roxes,Horn Scoops, Surgical Insi i r r ii n ; meats, Trussed, *Third and Soft Rubber Goods, VIaL Cases, Glass and Metal Sminges; &0., all at " First Ilands" prices. SNOWDEN ;BROTHER, spa-tf— . 23 SuutlLElglith street. _ .._.... _ • . .. DituGGlsTs ,A.IITE INVITED TO EX amine our large stock of fresh Drugs and Olitinicalw of the latest importation. Also, essential Oils, Vanilla Beans, Sponges, Chamois Sicilia, etc. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., N. E. cor ner Fourth and Race streets. /A LIVE OIL, SUP.EIII.OIt QUALITY, ON NJ draught ttnl.l 111 bottles; 'various brands. ROBERT BIIOIOIAKEIt & CO., N. E. corner Fourth .autl Race streets. ' . '• • ~ ciASTJLE SO.AI,—:NOW LANDLNG.-300 lJ boxesAVhitiiimd Tiottli 1 Cagtilo Soup,rery Huty!rlor litRT SITOEMAICER & Whotoutic; Drliggistit, N. E. corner. Fourth and flaw atroeth. Proof Safes, BEEN FOUND DAVID Down Sc, Co DlttGl4'. - 111MEGRAPHIC - 141711111: 1.4.1'011T8 from San Franei3eo'Slseakof ti& vere earthqualce,shocks at the island of Malaki.. Ferry, Favre• and Crarnier, are attecesAut candiaates in the Frenekelections. , , Rocittrona.'S Probable sueeess in the petal ing'French election causes much anxiety. Tnr. Times cOnderrins. the action of several peers in'opposing the TriSh ChetCh ,• ItErona's have been received froth Spanish sources, announcing the surrender of 4,000 in surgents in Cuba. A ItostAN Catholic Bishop has been arrested:' in Vienna for ignoring a legal suMmous as a witness before a Secular Court. THE cast wing of the Gray' Annie' convent, and the chapel, at Quebec, were burned yeS— terday. • THE Ancient and Honorable ArtillerY Cele brated their 2:llst anniversary at Poston yes-. terday. . , . .1111; expenditures of the Dond niou Govern , ment for : the mouth of Nay - Were:504,72:4 .and the ter einie'sl",-11:12,01. . TEE Trankft Duty bill, 'paSSed hy. the AIM Legislature of New .Jersey, has been accepted by the joint railroad' companies of ;that State. • A clanerit sh, With 'over M O filibusters for Cuba, it'' , reported to have sailed front New York on Saturday. • . „ , IT anti been decided by the Internal - neve; nue Bureau that tobacco and cigars soh( under distraint by - United States Marshals is not lia ble to taxation. /IN It . Y.PLY to ( deputation of 001124.1rvatiyeii; Lord Derby yesterday said that, the rejection ot.the Irish Chiirch aisestablisliment bill *it.4 the stalest course to be_ adopted. • Two equinaniesofs'ohliers haYe been ordered to Warrenton; Ukirgia, by Gen.. Ttirry,te aid In the discovery of the murderers of State Sea ator Adkins. • • , - Wssumrrox-city- held its municipal'` elec tion yesterday. The returns indicate the sue (+s of the laisabliCans ill six Wards and the 7 7Dostocrats in one. Ox Sunday, the new Spanish Constitution was promulgated, and the Deputies took the oath to protect It and the laws. In' the de monstration,none of the Republican Deputies participated; AuvicEs from the: andwich Islands to May Nth have been „.received at San Francisco. There was a Severe earthquake at Molokai on Apriloll, which, however, did no serious daniage. The leprosy was 'spreading rapidly: .1-IADHN has been sentenced to nine years imprisorm;tent for the murder of James Caffy, in .1 1 archlast, at Baltimore. Two ac c,essories, John Barber and Hiram Alexander, were sentenced to two years. each. All the parties were colored. A GmintAN vessel, on its way from Havana to Queenstown, put in to NeW York harbor yesterday' for medical aid, part of the crew being sick of yellow fever, Two had died of thedisease, and one jumped overboard while sick. IN rim U. S. Circuit Court, at Boston, yes terday, the trial wax begun of several parties charged with conspiring to defraud the Gov ernment of *40,000 by illegal removal of whisky from Made to Boston - on forged Collector's certificates. Forth° Philada. FS reniu¢llulletin.J TUE CATSKILL MOUNTAINS. Now that the hot. and sultry days of summer are upon us,--we look about for some way of escape from the heated pavements anti im pure atmosphere of our ever-hustling, noisy city. We want to bid adieu to the continued rumbling and rattling of all the. various ve hicles that the Worried horses are 'destined to drag in merciless labor to and, fro the city's length; to shun the (tries of the newspaper urchins. We, in fact, want fairly to fly to sonic 1110tIlltall1OUS elevation, and have rest. perfect. refit, *ion all the bustle and turmoil of life. The inquiry is, "Where shall we go?" Go, by ail means, - I would answer, to the . Catskill Mountains. Try them, if it be but for - a few days. -Multitudes, to the number of thousands, flock to them every year. Some go year after year, and yet never tire of the 'beauties that nature has lavished upon the historic Catskill% You I.lllk go from New York, either -by rail or boat. Stages are at the landing tqual!“ passengersTrom every train and boat, to take them to the far-famed Mountain House. - There are few sunnnits so easy of access. After leaving the village of Catskill, you enter upon a country enchanting enoogh to fill with rapture one king accustomed to such varieties of scenery. Here are rich valleys sprinkled with cottages and watered by winding , streams. Occasionally the road winds along a precipice just steep and high enough to - be pleasant. The range of znounlaius now rises high and misty before you. Far, far above you, like a white speck, is the hotel, built for the accommodation of hardy travelers who may desire to obtain that complete view of the valley of the Hudson which can be had no where else. While halting at the hip Van Winkle House on your way up, you overlook a gloomy and tathondess valley perfectly dark with-verdure. This is Sleepy Hollow, commemorated by Irving: Passing the ravine where the im mortal - Rip Van Winkle plity&l his game of nine-pins with the wizards of that- neighbor hood, and quaffed Imge,draughts from those hewildelingaiagons_whitAt made him sleet> for -years, yourommenee toe slowest portion of your ascent, as the horSes walk the remaining three miles that separate yon from the eagle's nest. There is a. wonderful deception in the approach to the house which, when discovered, will strike dui— traveler with . amazement. At one point of the road,where the mansion which is to termi nate yourililgrimage brings its white form in view, it seems not farther than a hundred raids, and hangs apparently on the verge of' a stu pendous crag-over your head; the road/ turns again, it is out 'of sight, tool the sununit is nearly two miles off. The effect is wonderful. After traVersing a most circuitous' route, and ascending several levels, as you suppose, you at lust. arrive at the level, and then old :Jelin cracks his whip over the flanks of his four bays, and yeti are whirled rapidly up to the rear of the house in splendid style. .A..s soon •-• as you descend from the diligence, make for the front of the house, to the briakof the rock, and you hang suspended as if by magic over the world. How delightful are the sensations attend . ant upon the first repose in the changed climate after ono has been parboiled in the city ! At this elevation you may wear woolen and sleep. under blankets in midsuninter. You call lie on Ywit'llillOW and see the god of day look ing-upon you-from behind the pinnacles of the WhitelMountains, in New Hainpshire, hull tire& of mil& away. You rise iuthe morning thoroughly refreshed. The cool woods, the small silver lakes, the falls, the mountain tops are all deliciMel.haunts for the idler-sway of the hot months. • . This Alpine inn is undoubtedly "Like a palace built for.angels Pausing bi its heavenward flight, With its-wallwat-mousy-whitansa Shilling in the sun's fair light. Thom It staqs to bless tho pilgrim Front tin etty's Itoated homes; Worn and weary with life's contest TO this niotintaiii 'height he CoUteri." W. C. 11 bistutbauees in_Wnsktnaton._ : ISpeciel.Despateh to the Pest.] NYAStWarrolif Tune 7, municipal elections to a 3 Tuve iesuirtrd n ailfpubliLan triumph. Since four o'clock this attermion, however, the city has been a scene of confu sion; wild disorder and Het': Early in the clay a deputation of the • resident citizens of the First Ward waited, on General Dent, of the President's bull urged. 'that a few corn ' Panies of the troops now quartered around the city should be called out, aud be held in readi ness to check disorder. This proposition was • denied by General. Dent, on the ground that it was the duty of the :Mayer to see that the "peace of tbe.eity Was preserved: The entire police foree i as well as a squad of twenty-four • mounted men, were on duty, and the pollee telegraph was kept in constant operation. Chief of Police; -almost • ulatinitons ,- tuul did all in his power to quell the . riot.ant'l maintain order. The principal rioting occurred in the Second Ward, near the residence of ex-Secretary Stanton; it was commenced by the negroes at tacking Charley Stuart, a colored maii; Who '.bad voted the citizens' ticket. StUart took 7, • - OftlgOlirt - iitkifOraffdlifel*O - Wd - sb' s o - frgiiiiiera and - I ' compelled the VeCupacitS'ilif the building' Ito vathite; While'Stnart souslir A:Vet:Yin an 'up . per story.. The pollee having arrived in eon , siderahle numbers, formed lines in front of the house and: kept the troWd back; Ma for Rich: an& litivingsent tO Stuart to know if he wished to come out, re ceiVed from him an answer in/ the affirmative. The police force were then ordered 'to clear the erbwd froi&the -ftfOnt of . - the bnildings, which iliey did With consider ' able difficulty. The crowd shouting: "Here he comes," - "hang " him," , Major llieharils having taken position at the front door of the store, Stuart in a few minutesappeared, which ease the signal for the crowd to make a dash for Uni, hut they were beaten off by the mounted nien,wbenLieutenalitTait and the diSmounted men formed a hollow square around Stuart, wbb • conlpany with ajar Richards and the pollee, and Stuart commenced.. to march (Alin that order. The crowd whooped, swore,and 'threatened to - mob Stuart; and it re quired all the exertions of, the mounted men to keep : him..from being lynched 00 tilt! spot. Volleys' of stones Were thrown, and several; the police were se riensly damaged. The mounted men, enarged upon and dispersed the crowd, but they soon • rallied and renewed the attack the police fired upon the crowd,' which; seemed only to increase the excitement, and pis= . tol shots were freely . ', , returned by colored in en, 'Who' seemed Ito he generally Major_lliehards was charged upon by the rioterS ' and :received 'SeVeral severe blows. A pistol was fired at him, and lield 80 near his head as to severely barn his face and neck. His horse received a shot. in the leg, One moan was Shot dead. The wildest ex ent. nunit prevailed: after this 'firing. The mob.rallied their forces and moved upon the pollee, who exhibited great Self-pbssessfon, and stood their ground. Ai .the nextvolley one of the leaders received a shot under one eye, the ball inissing through the skull and out at the ear.. An old'inap, too old to take: an active part in the affray,.reeeived a shot in the head. Several of the poliee Were struck and ltadly bruiroNl. Two gentlemen, who came upin a !Jaggy with the intention to ,'vote, were asked if they intended to vote the Citi zens' ticket. On answering in the affirmative they were both haided opt of the buggy and .severely beaten. It became rumored that u messenger had been sent A l to the command ant of the Navy-Yard to hurry Oa p battalion of marines, and soon afterwards the rioters commenced to disperse, and order was again restored. , Philadelphia Bank Statement. The following is tho weskly statement of the Yialla ticlphia Banks, ninth, up on Monday afternoon, which prsseuts the following aggregates: t'apital stock 1516,0M,8AY Loans and Discounts .52,826,357 Due fran other Bataks M=E=l I 4.poeito Cfrculation Unittd Slutpn :Sofro. el arfngF Ilalanc••e. The follow log "tatement 7.1.t0we toe condition of the 'Henke of Phil:v.loolll,st various times doting filo lest few woullie: LOallit. SpeTl4. Circulation. Deposits . Jan. 4 51.71 ii.l.r9 352.4:43 10.5g1.719 31.9,22,42/ Fel,. I 52.1;:r.2.81:3 :Yr.1,P32 10.'14X51 33.052,551 )tar, 3 ' 52.25 l .341 239.1ti3 ItlltteS4l4; 31.4 , ..3, 4 }.11 A p 'II :, ril 194..:64 1.19.‘.113 10.62 4 2.A96 , '^.J' .271,`9.17 May 3 51.51 II ..1":2 211.758 30.417_115 32.163)1/2 ID 51446.530 270.525 10,617.934 33,A40,413 ..• I; 5.1..16.2'%* 270,16 - ; 10,614.611; 311-71:374i13 " 24.. ....... _523;1,764 U 4,115 10. 6 18.212 85 ,470,7 . . 1 2 31._ 52.210.871 .18 5 ,257 104P4 ...561 30.221,5L5 Jun.. 7 `22e.'41.367 169318 10.619. Wit. 30,478.091 The folk , a hm is a d, , taileil statement of the ba.‘ineAl at the Philadelphia 41.-aring lions° for til" past Yrerk, f nr ni.b, al by li. _Arnold. Eso.. 31:11)2ger; Clearings. Balances. Ilay 31 P6.108..734 51'!73919.15 .1 one 1 6,505.13.1.5 94 .51 455 35 From our late editions of Yesterday By the Atlantic Cable. PAH is, June 7.—Yesterday at the race course thegreat feature of the day was the grand tirize of Paris, an object of art, the gift of the Emperor, and 100" fPant.s. The race was won by Glancur, beating the Drummer, who came in second, anti Eysworth third. Twelve horses - started, The betting was four to one against Gliinouri even on lirtuumer, and six to 4111 , against Eysworth. The weather was delightful. There was a great crowd present, among them the Emperor and Empress; the Prince Itnperial, Queen Isabella, of Spain; Queen Sophia, of Holland, etc. MAtottn, :lune 7: 7 -There is much anxiety about Cuba. The government refuses to pub lish telegrams received front Cuba, which augr ments the uneasiness. From 31exico. HAVAN.A..Time 7.—General Rosecrans, the American Minister, denies the statement re ceutly published, that he asked permission to remain at Mexico until the perfection hot' his pokey. Minister Lerdo de Tejada has published a eunounnicati on explaining the pulley of the government in 1863 and - liti-1, without, how ever. explaining or eVell touching upon its present policy. Consul Brink's mission to Washington is the subject of general discus sion. Though the Mexican journals are silent upon the topic, it is well known that' all parties in Mexicoare opposed to selling any Mexican territory to the United States,thougir there was a well-detined . desire for a protector ate. The legiidation for the Puebla railroad la:uu•h to Santa Ana has been concluded. TllO "0/1i 11' of 31 huster to Washington is not sought after, because of the Lack of pay attach ing thereto. Crime continues on the increase despite the ellOrts of the Government to suppress it. Minister Nelson's arrival and the develop ment of the policy of Grant's administration are anxiously' atvaited. Gunboats for the Spanish Government Special Mspiitch to the Philp. Eve. Bullettni NEw Vona, Juni! 17.—1 t is reported at the Cuban headquarters that thirty gunboats are in course of construction for the Spanish gov ernment-- fifteen' at Mystic, Conti.; ten by l'oilleon;&• Co., New Yoik;and five by Stock, at Greenpoint, T. It is said the contract was executed between C. Delameter and the Spanish government. The cost is to be $50,000 for each vessel. liiea• Catholic Church at Wilmingtop, I Special Despatch to the Phila. Evening Bulletin.] AV 11.311 N (tTON, Jtote 7.—The corner-stone of the new Catholic church (St. Paul's), corner of Fourth and Jackson streets, was laid with im- Bposing ceremonies, yesterda , y, by Bishop ecker, of the • Diocese of AN ilmington; sisted by: a number of his clergy. There was a procession of the Sunday Schools and societies two thousand strong. Prom six to eight thou sand spectators were present. IMPORTAI'IONS. Reported for the Philadelphia... Evening Bulletin. ST.3OIIN, Nll.—SchrYred Spofford, Turner-IVMM spruce laths Patterson t Lippincott. ____ .M_O_MMENTS OF OCEAN STEAMERS. SHIPS . FROM , ' FOR • DATE Beßona London—New York May 22 Denmark ' •Li vorpool...New York ' May 20 Britannia Glasgow—New York 11 ay 26 C. of Baltimore...Liverpool...Now York May 27 Delaware Liverpool...BostonMay27 Columbia Glasgow... New York. ..... ~. .. ......May 23 Scotia Li Verpool...New York May 29 Germania Havre...New York May 29 Atalauta • Dornloim.Now York May 29 • : . .• TO DEP lr ART. '. . . ... . ~ .. .. , , .. . -Jart-------------NeW,York... - 91..mm:.. ,, , ,, , ,, :c 4 quo:, 0 • Fah-kee ' -- Now York; liertuatila Julie 9 Manhattan ... ...... Now York—Liyorpool limo 9 Weser Now York... Bremen 1011010 lowa. New York... Glasgow 1110010 Profiwtiwap...Philadelphia...oltarlenton r line 10 Tai Y i Ili . New ork...Li yerpool tune 10 'l 4 aximia NOW York:Alimibur ,, ' - 1 uno 11 Morro Caatle.....Now York... Havana 11111012 Britannia Now York...Glaagow • • Tune 12 Alaalta New York...Aspuireall ' Tune 12 Ville de Paris New York...Havre • Juno 12 C. of. Baltimore-NemYork-:.Liverpool June 12 BOARD OF TRADE. HENRY WINSoR, GEORGE 34. ALLEN, MONTHLY COMMITTEE. G. 31ORRIS1)N COATES, commirrE): ABBITRATIoNra. :Tulin 0. JatineB, I GTO. L. Baal' E. E. A. Sumter; . M. Thoth L. Illeepit., MARINE BULLETIN. P,ORT OF PHILADI!ZPIIIA--4uNE Sus llisEs,'4 311 SUN SETS, 7 23 (Ilia( WATEn, 1 2.;1 ARRIVE!) YESTERDAI, , SOomer Whirltrhul, Shorninu • :31; hours from Prtil-' donee, willmtoloe to I) s Strtooo Ito. Strome'. Stiroli,jonos, 21 hdurx from Eft York, with indso to IV It Baird si . .THE y EvEtsrlNG TITERDAY;JUNE 8:1860::! 34,478,1191 11.1.619,4%.3 L5,37S sit 7.7.m.grA) 46 34'.663 43 6,137. 1 130 17 .300J534 23 344,949 64 5.901.4Z3 71 504.47,4 837.70t1.-.1.47 £4) :3 3 372415 ,:r.) With nulse to NV M Baird & Co. • i.zetir Flood Spoirotil, Titrnt•rll9dayii train St —John ,NIL with laths to Piitterivui & J o irpineott. , • , ,Enterprisec to days from ;Whit with lumber to Collins .& Cu. - • • fiche Win Town:Wild t MCNitt I day from F.rederica. Pei with grain to JIM f Bewley & co, !, • Cox NOW 'Haven. CL Ie.ED YEsTEILDAY., Steamer L Caw, I ler. Baltimore: A (bores. Jr. Bark Elgin. 11 ealy London, E A howler & Co. Hark Ada Carter, lienn6y, 111iitarizas Bazley k Co. Brig James Baker. Phelan, Cardenrut.'• • • Siltr E Coy no, Yncetnire. - Providence, DaYid•Cooper, Schr Bee, Lloyd, Richmond, do Sidir Bertha :tondos, IVooster, Salem; N A Solider & Co. 'Seim Edw Lanieyer. for POIICC. PR. was cleared on Saturday by Messrs I llougli,& Morris. dprrespondence of the Philadelphia .Evening• Bulletin. ' • READING,dnnn 7,1659. iThe following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Cnnal r boutab to Philadelphia, laden and consigned nil folios; Amelia,; la, : with lumber to 31ellrane & Busb;..'Clifford ; City and B it Rambler, do to Patterson & Lipp lu- • eptt: Johanna. Ill) to Say lor,Day & Morey; Priscilla.do to lieuryy Crosk , 'Y & Co; Judge 'Dean, data M Boyd; My . 'tope, do to Boas & Itoinleiihnsli; E & E 11-Ittissel, do to Captain; Al. roli & Catharine. do to S Milner; Mi cry & Maria, do to Trump, Son & Cti;M &.1311/11311111111. do to Watson Malone & to; Lid) Trail CO 22 and Leb,Trans Co:12. pig iron to McCullough Iron Co;- Lelc-Tra us Co Si, do to .I.!xlieen & Co. F. • Slily Tamerlane. Simmer, lamee at Antwerp.2ltb. nit. Ship Pkiladelphia, Fleck, cleared at Liverpool 26th alt fir New York. , , , i tthip Panainit. Pettingi at Liverpool Nth nit frnm FralletSCO. 1 Ship Two Brothers, Gibbs, elearednt,Baltimoro sth inst. for San Francisco. Steamer J W Evernum, Snyder, hence at Charleston Steamer Norman, Crowell, cleared nt Boston sth Mat. hor this port. I Steamer Aries. Wiley,from Boston for this port, ashore 411 Squall Beach, la,Ys a critieal position. quarter on.- with half her length over the cotter bar. The cause lieu going ashore was 010112; to hen compasses le•ing ont of oilletl'trew all safe. The Coast, WKeeking Vompatit insmisliately dekpatelied Holt stentittir Wtmutts and schr Only . Noll to het assiststise. The- Submarine CO's' steamers Rescue and Philip wore alifo sent to her. Bark. 'Northern 12tieen. Scott, hence for Hamburg, was off thiliallit'ss Bark Sot-Mame.' Pl!llefiten; - cleairod at Liverpool 2lth nit. for this hurt. Birk Iteo7.ke.sal led from Newport,E. 224 ult. for Oulu port. _ Bark Fuuttio..for.thig port,lialled from 3lataimm nth nit. Bark II "P 1. - ord; Pink Mint, sailed from Matanzas 2,oth ult. for a port north of Hatteras. . • Barkentine Andros (Br) Taylor,-remained , ut,'Mnin? sue?. 7.341 - illt: for this port in 2 days. " - • ' Brig Nellie Moue., Merriman, hence at Oporto 10th ult. Brig Annie Batchelder, Steelman, from Now York", at Brig Si) hart, Burgess, hence at ilm4on 5111 inst.. Brig D II Doane, Verill, at titirintun about 4th ulljor Neer York In ,layo. Brigp, Mary E Thompson, Bunker, at Havana 31st ult. from rortlatal. Brig Frontier, Morgan, nailed from -.Havana 29th , ult.. for tilts p o rt_ , Brig Puce (Br% hence at Cardenas 29th ult. Brig Mountain Eagle, Sherman, hence at Cardenas 31th ult. . . . . Brig Barry Virden. Collins, sailed iron] Cardenag2Stb nit, for a port north of llotterog. - Brig 31and Potter; Shields, hence at St John NB hit ingtant. Brig Alma ( NG), Kruger, helm. for Konigsberg, was oft Plymouth 21,4 ult. ' Brig . E A Barnard (Br.), feed, at Cardentu4,29th for that port. - Brig Geo Barrie, French, Mmce .i tyaii - dhMleg at Car den:H(2,th ult. ' Sell Eniory. Fri-tich, at Newtmryport 4th inst. from .Tikse Castle. Lot. Seim Cyrus Fossett, Harding, cleared at St John 4th inst. for this port. Selir Ralph Carlton. Parry, at Cartletups 28th ultimo for a port north of Hatteras. Schrs S Watson and S B Strung, hence at Charleston vesterilay. Srhr Lena Ti Tu., Appleby, hence .at Eastport ahout let lust. lirs Mary i Lon i-lianly; Queen of the West,Reaiii.: and J .1 Spencer, Smith, were dist:leg at Cardenas %tit ult. . . Sehr Shileh, lluhhanl, hruee at Baltimore sth lug. Schr Sarah Cunt'''. Avis. hence nt Charleirou sth init INSURANCE. 1829 . - CHARTER PERPETUAL. FrIZA_ FIR E 0 pa y : N C E p aM PA N Y Office--435 and 437 ftestnut Street. Assets on January 1, 1..9, *2,4377,37'4 13. Capital Iverti,l Surplus Vretaiunte F 5400,000 00 .1,08.3..5.T3 70 .1,19351343 .'!; SE TTLED CLAIMS, nicomm FOR 1869 e 23,788 12. 8360,000. 1....0r35es Pa id Since 1.79.29 Over • *5, -00,40000. Perpetual and Temr s ir u a , r 6 y .p P o o i Lio c i, ,, li u on Liberal Terme. i pont the heats of 011 T k h in .( da :un oTI L :u n ild a i i tt ' g " ts, ° ( ' .'rOund Routs and .3lortgagra.., 11111ECTOIlfi. Alfred Thtnnas Spark., • B:Grant: • Thumas S. Ellis, Out:tavits S. Benson, G. BAKER. Pr,sident. .ES, Nice President. • . Ser.retary. AsidstunrSeeretnry. fell tde3l Alfred G. BalCon, Samuel Grant. Geo. W. Richardo, • • I.aac Lea, Gee. Fu ALFRED GEO. FAL, .TAS. W. McALLISTER. THEODORE, 31. DEGER. DELAWAItE MUTUAL SAFETY IN- St RANGE COMPANY. • - Iticerpurated by the Legitattire of Pennsy Ivonia, 1835. Office S. E. corner of TIMID and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. • MARINE 12'.7SURANCES - On Teasels, Cargo and Freight to all parts of the world. INLAND INSURANCES On goods by river, canal. lake and land carriage to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES 0 On Merehandi,e generally, on Stores, Dwellings, Houses, &c. ASSETS (IF TUE COMPANY, • overifbar.l,l6l3.... , 6'200.W0 'United States Five Per Cent. Loan, 10-40's 208,200 00 131,000 United States . Six Per Cent. Lout, t • 13ii,S00 00 (0,000 United States. Six Per Cent. Loan ( for Pacific Railroad) 50,000 00 200,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent-. Lean 125,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent! - : Loan (exempt front Tax) . 128,594 00 (0.000 State of hew Jersey Six Per ent. Loan 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First _ Mortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds W,200 00 25,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mortgage Six Per Cent: Bonds 21,00(1 00 25.000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cont. Bonds Penna. It. It. guarantee) ' 20,025 00 32,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Cent. Loan 21,000 00 7,000 State of Tennessee Six Per Cent. Loan 12,000 Germantown Gas Company, princi pal and interest guaranteed by • the City of Philadelphia, :A)0 shares stock 15,000 00 10,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 200 shares stock 11,200 00 5000 North Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 100 shares stock 3,500 00 20 000 Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Company, SO shares stock 15,000 00 207,900 Loam? on Bond anti Mortgage, first hens ou City Properties. 207,900 00 6:1,109,900 Pat' Market Value, .51,130,325 15 Cost, :51,093,601 26 Real Estate.. ..... . ......... Bills receivable for insurances made Balances due at Agencies—Pre miums. on Marino Accrual interest, and other debt s due the Company Stock and Scrip of sundry Corpo rations, s'3" 00. Estimated value. 1,513 00 Cash in Bank— Cash in Drawer. DIRECTORS. Thomas U. Hand, James B. McFarland, Edward Darlington, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Jacob P. Jones, Edmund A. Solider, • Joshua P. Eyre, Theo philns Paulding, William' G: Bonlton, Hugh Craig, Henry C. Dallott, Jr., John C. Davis, . .John ..I); Taylor, lames C. Hind _!Edward Latourcaile t - John It: Penrose,. . H. Jones Brooke, ' George W. Bernadoni Spencer 111.11vaine,' . • Wm. C. Houston, mibry - si6arg,-,.-7--,-."- ,--- - , D7 - 11-orguirt7Pitiabtirghi - Samifel E. Stokes, - John - B. Bemplu, dm, James Trintutiir, A. B. Berger, do. .'.THOMAS C. HAND; President: • ' ' '".101IN 'C. DAVIS, Vice Presidunt, . HENRY HYLBURN. Secretary:: lIENIIY BALL, Ass't Secretary. Trim -1E COUNTY FMB INSURANCE COM PANYA_.,--0111cei No.llo Bout') I'ourth utreet, below "The Fire Insurance Centinany of the County of Phila delphia," Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylva nia in 1839, for indemnity against loss ur dame& by fire, exclusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL. - • •Thixold and .rellable institution,. with ample. capital and contingent fund carefully invested, continues to in sure buildings, furniture, merchandise, Sm., either per manently or for a liblitrd time r against loss ordamago By fire, tit the lowtistrates censititent with the absolute safety of its en Comets. - 'Losses adjusted and raid with all possible despatch.DRECTORS Athos. J. Sutter, • . '• . . Andrew H. Miller, Usury Budd, James N. Stone . , . . .• • John 11;irn , • E dwin L.Reaktrt . Joseph Moore, 'Robert Y. Mititioy, Jr., George Mecke;• ' • :' •' •• 'Mark Devine: • • • • ~ , •!. • . CHIAIII4,S J. SUTTER, President. u .. HENRY BUDD, V}ce Presidegt, ~ • BENJAMIN F. ROECKLIA, SeentstrY'and TYeastirei: I LT ANCE The Liverpool & Lon don . ee Globe Ins. Co. Ag.csets Gold, ,690,390 United States 2,000,000 Daily Receipts over $20,000,00 Premiums in 1868, $5,665,075.00 Losses in 1868, $3, 662 ,445. 00 /Yo. 6 Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. rPE ItELIA_NCE 'II3STIRANCE ,COM ANT OF PHILADELPHIA. titorporated Charter Perpetual, Office, N 0.308 Walnut street. . CAPITAL $300,000. ' . Insures against loss or damage. by FIRE; on Houses, more...fund other Buildings, limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares and Merchandise in town or muntry. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAM. - Assets...—. ... ..... ........... ...... Invested in the following Securities. viz.: •• • Find Mortgages on City Property, well se, cured • • —...4163,000 00 1351151=n6===1 Ptliladelphia City 6 Per Cent. ..... - 75,000 00 Pennsylvania 83 000,000 6 Per Cent Loan.:_...:, • 90,000 00 l'ennsylvunia liatlroati Bonda r Yirst Mortgage 5 , 000 0 9. Catnden and Amboy Itailroati Cntnpany • ti 6 Per' Cent. Loan— .. .... 6,000 00 Lounx on Collaterats.- 4 untinmlon and Broiut Top 7 Per Cent. 3lott gage Bonds 4,560 00 Comity Fire 1 amirancio Company's Stock. 1,05000 :Mechanics' . Bank stock 4,900 00 Commercial Bank, of l'enneylyania Stock Bidon Mutual luenrauceCompony'aStock Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia Cant in Bank and on hand 12,253 32 Korth atPur. IVot : th this date at market prim' DIRECTORS. . Thomas 43. hill: Thomas H. Moore, William Musser, Samuel Castuer, Samuel Bispham, James T. Young, 11. L. Carson, Isaac F-Baker, ~Wm. Stevenson, . Christian di Hoffman,;,;, ; Benj. W. Tingley; Sarauel.B. Thomas, ; . • . , Edward Siter..._ THOMAS C. HILL, .Pfesident.!• • - W 11: CHUBB, SeCret2l7. ' PitiLAnscrilia, February IT, ISO. jal - tu th aif ... TEF I? El WON FIRE INSURANCE COJI t/ PANT of Philadelphia.-0111ce, No. 24 North Fifth street, near Market street.. "; - . I Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Charter perpetual. Capital and Assets. SI64i4XX). " Make insurance against Loss or damage by Fire on Public or Private Buildings, Furniture, Stocks,9qo.l and Mer chandise. on favorable terms. . • ". • DIRECTORS. Edward P. Moyer, Frederick Ladner, - , Adam .1. Gial4Z ‘ llcury Delany, ..4 elm 14;iliott, Christian D. Frick, George E . . Fort, , • 4. Gardner. . • . , tIcDANIEL, President - . ;TERSON, "F ice President.. stray and Treasurer.. Wm.. McDaniel, Israel Peterson.. John F. Ile!sterling, JHaej. ob s T e r h o a e i ti , i e n r Frederick 1)011, &I/Duel Miller, William D, WILLIAM 31 ISRAEL PE PHILIP E. COLBMAN, Sec UNITED FIRE3.IIEN'S INpUrtAIsTCE CUMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA'. This Company takes risks at the lowest rates consistent with safety, and confines its business exclusively to FIRE INSURANCE IN THE CITY OF PIIILADEL ; FRIA. , OFFIrE—No. 723 Arch'stieet,Fourtb National Bank W. Building, Thomas .1. Martin: Mß John Hirst. Alliertus King, EiT m Ott .g .S ir . y w Brenner, ; Win..A, Bolin,' . Henry Bumm, I JamS 31 ongati, ' •I James Wood, • Jam, • . William Glenn, I John Shallcross, James Joiner, J. Henry Askin, • Alexander T. Dickson, Hugh 3liillig:ui, Albert O. Roberts, Philip Fitzpatrick, James I. Dillon. . nWM. A. Romig. Trlas. WM, H. VAG SWAT. um PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSII 'I.. RANCE COMPANY. . • • —lncorporated Iff2s--Charter Perpetual . . No. MO WALNUT street, opposite Independence Sgnare. This Company, favorably known to the community for Over forty years, continues to insure against loss or damage by tire on Public or Private Buildings, either permanently_or for a Molted time. Also on Furniture, Stocks of Goods, and Merchandise generally, on .liberal terms. - Theit-Capital, together with a large Surplus Fund, is Invested in the most careful manner, which enables them: to offer to the insured au undoubted security in the case of loss DIRECTORS. . . Daniel Smith, J r., John Imrereux, .Alexamler Benson, 'Thomas Smith, Isaac II azlehurst, Henry Lewis, Thomas Robins, J. Gillingham 1 , ,k11, Daniel-Haddock, Jr. - DANIEL SMITH „In W3I. G. CROWELL, Secretary. ap79-tt FAZIPHE I ,4IT4i74. COMPANY , NO. INCORPORiTED MG. CHARTER PERPETUAL • - - • CAPITAL, ,Q2t10,000. FIRE INSURANCE 11XCLUSIVELY. Insures against Loss or Li:intake by Fire either by Per. petual or Temporary Policies DIRECTOIts. Charley Richardson , ----- 11.aert Pearce, Wm. 11. Ithairn, John , Kcssler, Jr., Francis N. Buck, I Edward B. Orne, Henry. Lewis, Charles Stokes, Nathan Milies, John W. Everman, George A. West, Mordecai Buzby, CHARLES ICKAILBSOW, President, WM. 11. MIA WN ;.-Vim-Presitlent. WILLIAMS L BtANCHARD, Secretary. - apl tt .• _ _....... - • 111 I CAN PLR E INSURANCE °pm . APANY, incorporated ISlo.—Charter perpetual. No. MO MALNUT Sircht, alsive Third, PhlladelPhii. Having a large pail-up Capital Stock' and Surplus 11 . 14 vested in sintind. and available Securities, email - ma to. insure an dwellings, stores, furniture, merchandise, vessels in port. and tlmir cargoes. and...tiu otr personal property. All losses liberally turd id.9lotly - 4dJutded. DDIECTOIts. -. • Tholuaff R. Maria, Edmund-G; John Welsh. Charles Poultney, Patrick Brady, Israel Morris. .• John T. Lewis, ••• John P. Wotherill, William V. raut THOMAS Ti. MARIS, President. 211 VS 00 01,500 00 ALaEnl C. CnAwrann,, Secretary. • • pH CE NIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILA_DELPIIIA. INCORPORATED:I:4I—cIunTER PERPETUAL. No. t 4 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. This Company insures trout losses or damage by • FIRE: on lii i-rat terms, on building • merchmtliso furnitnre, A:c., for limited periods, and permanently on buildings, by deposit or premiuM. The Company lies been in actiTo operation for more than sixty years, during which all losses nave been promptly adjusted and paid. - DIRECTORS : John L. Hodge, David Lewis. , M. 11. 31 ahony, I Dehhunin Etting, John T. Lewis, Thins. Powers, Will. S. Grunt, A. R. McHenry, Robert W. Leathing, I Edmond Castillo'', D. Clark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox, Lawrence Lewis, Jr.. I. Lewis C. Norris. JOHN R. WUCHERER, President. SAMUEL WILCOX SeeretOrY. 'AN T }IR ACITE INSURANCE C OM PANY.—CHARTER PERPETLT S.L. Ne.:3IIWALNuT Street, aluffe Third, Philada. • Will insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on Build ings, either iterpetually or for a limited time, Household Furniture and Merchandise generally. Also, Marine. Insurance on Ves4ols, Cargoes and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union, DIRECTORS: William Esher, Lewis Andenried, D. Luther John liCtch.nu, John IMackititon, J. E. Baum, John B. Hey', • Peter Sieger, Santuelll. Rothermel. ILLIAM ESHER, President. , WILLIAM F. DEAN,Nice President. \S M. Smiilt, Secretary. • . Jai: tit th slt 36,000 CO 322,486 91 40,173 88 :‘5116'14193 O 116,563 73 $'1,647437 SO . , • . - -• ASSOCIATION OF A PH E ILADLPHIA, Ineorporated Illorelt F • .27, 1870. Offire, N 0.31 North Pitth street. ,41 .. Insure Builltirms; - 11onseholll Fornitur ' ••• -. and Merchandise generally, from Losa by • " Phi!. • • TEU STE E S • i • Honiilton, --Sontstol Sporhowk, Peter A. Key,ser, Chorles P • Dower, John Co rrow, JeFNU LialtlOOt, Yatitleal. Hobert Shoemaker, insoph N. Peter Armbruster, • Lori P. Couts; ' • M. IL Dickinson, -Peter Wi lhnoson. , '• • lI.IIAMILTON, President, • • • SAMUEL SPARIIAWK, VIC .PreSident.. . , W.TIT T. 'BUTLER. SreretorY. . ' . - • C UTLEILY 0D (+ S' AND WOSTENHOLItt'S R POCKET KNIVES, PEARL and STAG • ,lAN -111 ES of beautiful finishi RODGE RS' and WADE, ,t' RUT(IfI and. the CbLESRATED' LECQULTRE RAZOR. SCISSORS IN'.CASES' ortho finest quality Razors, Naives, Selietore and Table Cutlery, ground and Polished, EAR INSTRUMENTS or titemost approved :eoustruction to assist the hearing at P. - XADMRA , S, Cutler and Surgical Instrument .Illaker,lls Tenth street, Blow Chestnu t... • • •-• • m - f eli %m ANTQN: .10ES,1 4 .)RITED ;GINGER. 1.../ -- • Prooory oa ei; in syrup of tha celebrated ,Ohy loom?' braid; also Dry PreSerred Ginger, in Poxes, ha ortod and far kaliq by JO. B, BUSSUIR & (19, t wi Oath 1/01naro IWOIIIIO. 44 in the CONR AD DI Ali DRESS , President := "AtfVTIOzi`SAES THOMAS & SONA, A UCTIONEERS, - - Nos. 139 and 14 1 South POllRTliatreet: SALES OP.STOCKS AND rtte.r. ESTATE.. 4Gri.Ptiliito shies at tlin Philadelphia EXChaage'drerr TL'Ef3DAY,at 12 o'clock. . • IW:furniture' sake at the Auction Store ''EVEIIT ,Ofir'Salrr eafßelildences receive eetiecial'atttmtion. VALEADL.E MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON Tuhppli,nt 4. o'clock:, including \Yorke on Engineering s Mechanti-s, Mathetnaties, Dickens' Works, Waverly >Novels; tine 'editions Poets. arc. Sale No. 313 South Sixteenth street= HANDSOME WALNUT PARLOR, DINING 110051 lAND CIIAMBFJt FURNITURE ' , GRAND PIANO,. fillltltOlt, HANDSOME VELVET, BRUSSELS and. ,OTHER CARPETS, dm. • . _ ON WEDN ESDAY MORNING. 'Jim 9, at 10 o'clock, at No. 313 South Sixteenth• street; by catalogue, the entiro Furniture, comprising hand some Walnut Parlor Suit - covered with crimson figured bhwatelle; superior Walnut Dining Room and Chamber Furniture. three handsome walnut -• . Wardrohes.. two' Walnut Secretaries and Bookcases.. ladies' Escretoire,, superior . Romeninoil Grand Piano Forte, made by Geo: , Steck;Dval.French Plate, Mantel , Mirror, French Man tel Clock, Buffet Sideboard, Extmision Table. Matresses, China and Glassware, handsome Velvet, - Brussels and other Carpets, Refrigerator, Kitchen Utensils, &e. :MaY be etcamined on the morning of sale at 8-o'clock. ' Sale' at the Auction Boom, Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR ' HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS, MIRRORS, ••FIREPROOF SAFE, HANDSOME' :VELVET, BRUSSELS AND OTIIEIt CARPETS, 4L . n. ONTHURSDAY MORNING. • - Jane 10,at 9 O clock aft the 'Auction Rooms;by Catalogue, a large assortment 6f superior Household Furnitnre, comprising—liandoome Walnut Parlor • Suits, covered With plush, reps and hair cloth; superior Library- and Dining Room Furniture, Walnut and Cottage Chamber Suits. superior Oak Bookcase,3 Walnut Secretaries and Bookcases, Wardrobes, Sideboards, Etageres, Exten sion. Centre and Bouquet Tables ' 4 suits reps Mid land Window; Cnrtains. flue Hair Matresses and . Feather Beds. China and Glassware. large assortment of Office Furniture, Superior Fireproof Safe, matte by Farrel & Herring; 3 Plate Showcases, Refrigerators. Chandeliers, fiailmakers', Sewing Machine. Stoves, handsome Velvet, Brussels and other Carpets. Ac. Also, superior . rosewood Billiard , Table, marble Bed, balls,s cues, counters, &c.. complete. • Also, superior filusical BOXIM, play 12 tunes, Also, anperior. two-wheeled Velocipede. ' Also. 0 113, drarsts. ' BAEKIiAIPT'S SALE--STEEL • PLATES. ON THURSDAY MORNING, Juno 10, at 10 o'clock at the auction store, South Fourth street, will be sold, without reserve by order of the As slgnee of John D. • Rice.Dankruist, nineteen Steel Plates. including George and Martha Washington, Clay, Web. titer. Lincoln. Grant:Sherman-Sheridan, McClellan. Itn. ELEGANT DIAMOND- JEWELIIY—JULES JUR ' GENSEN WATCH,' ELEGANT'OIIItONOMETEIL ON THURSDAY NEXT, June 10, al 2 o'clOck P. M., at the auction rooms, will ho Sold, for account of whom it LIMY concern— ' Very elegant solitaire brilliant Diamond html, weighs 3;z karate.' Very elegant solitaire brilliant Diamond Pin, weighs Two pairs elegant solitaire brilliant Diamond Ear Very elegant solitaire brilliant Diamond Ring, a gem. Two pairs elegant cluster brilliant Diamond •Ear Rings. One set' elegant cluster brilliant Diamond Ear Rings and Brooch... Pair elegant Emerald and brilliant Diamond Ear Dings. Elegant Diamond Ring, 22 brilliants.. Elegant Diamond Cross, 19 brilliants Fifteen Diamond, Emerald and Ruby Rings and Pins. One genuine Jules Jurgensen 1 independent seconds Watch, 18k.. gold hunting case. Extra fill" Chronometer, stem winder, nickel move ment, full jewelled, 18k. gold hunting .case; superior Lever watch. independent seconds, 18k., gold hunting case; extra fine frtetn.winding Watch, 18k., gold hunting case and chain. 38 ,000 00 10,000 00 MO 00 $U7,59 T 2 S 454.331 32 • Pereniptery Sale Nos. 142 and 144 North Niath at.' STOCK OF LOOKING , GLASSES, FRAMES: FINE CHROMO LITHOGRAPHS, PHOTOGRAPHS, ate. ON FRIDAY - MORNING. Sullen, at 10 o'clock. by catalogue, at Not. 142 and 144 North Ninth Street, the stock of Looking Glasses, htutd some walnut • and: gilt :frames; largo assortment of- fine Chromo Lithographs, franiod and Unfranied,• Engrav ings, Photographs, sc., being the stock of Mr.:W. H. MORGAN, who is declining the business. May be'exantined on the morning:a sale, at 6 o'clock: COLLECTION OF CURIOSITIES. Stuffed Animals, Minerals, Relics, Gold, Silver and Copper Coins ,•atata., - - Estate of D. 11. Brown, to be sold . ON . FRID,A AFTERNOON, June 11, at 4 :'clock. • • • Administrator's Sale on the, Premises, No. 858 Marshall • ' r street. Estate of 'T.Willard George l &sensed. MODERN. RESIDENCE AND I URN ITURE ON MONDAY'MORNING; .tune 14. at 10 o'clock. at No.8:38 Marshall straetby order of Administratoria. all that MODERN THREE-STORY MUCK RESIVENCE, with Two-story back building - at and Lot of Ground, west side of Marshall street, con taining:in front 173 S feet anal in depth 109 feet. Clear of all incumbrance. Immediately 'after sale of Residence will - be sold by catalogue, the Walnut Parlor, Dining Room anal Cham ber Furmure, rosewood Piano, China and Glassware, Brussels. Ingrain, and other . Carpets, Hair Matresses, Feather Beds - , Kitchen - Utensils, ,a4c. Executors' Salo. Estate of Mrs. Margaretta Sergeant, decd. VALUABLE STOCKS' AND LO ANS. ON TUESDAY, JUNE 15,, At 12 o'clock noon, at the Philadelphia Exehange— t4.2o.ooo Schuylkill , Nav: Loan, 1872. • sl,'Dieo do - do 181(2. sharee Ponnsylvarda Railroad. 12 shares Bank North:America. 8 shares Minehill Railroad. • • : 70 shares American. Fire Insurance Co. 1 share Academy of Fine Arts. Sale No. 1212 Spruce street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE. FRENCH . PLATE MIR RORS, CHANDELIERS, CARPETS, &e. ON TUESDAY MORNING, June 15, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1212 Spruce street „by cata logue, the entire Household Furniture, comprising— Walnut Parlur_Suit , imrnet plush; Etagere, Walnut Dining-room Furniture, Buffet Sideboard, Extension Table, 2 French Plate Mantel Mirrors, China, Class and 'bated Ware. Paintings and Engravings, Waintit Cham ber Furniture, tine Bureaus, 'Ward tohes, fine :Vat resses, Feather Bolsters and Pillows, Brussels Una Ober Car pets, Chandelier, Refrigerator, Kitchen Fut - tilt - me, &c. Sale on the Premises; No. - 17113 Monet Vernon - street. • HANDSOME RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, tunt 18, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1728 Mount Vernon street, all that handsome THREE-STORY BRICK RESI DENCE, with Three-story Back Buildings, south side Mount Vernon street, containing in front 18 feet and in depth SI feet 5 inches to a three-feet alley. House fin ished in modern style. Clear of all incumbrance. Im ediate possVss ion . • VW' Immediately after the sale of the Residence will be sold, by catalogue, the surplus Walnut Parlor,Dining Room and Clutinber Furniture„ Walnut Bookcases, Ertetedoll Table. Sideboard, Velvet, Itrussels and other ICorpets. Oil Cloths. & - c. • ttse" May be examined any day previous to sale from 9 tolltollQclock. EXTENSIVE PEREMPTORY SALE. , STOCK OF ELEGANT CABINET FURNITURE. ON FRIDAY MORNING. June H. tit 10 o'clock, at the anetion room 4, Noe. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. by catalogue, a splendid assort moot of First-class Cabinet Furniture manufactured by GEO. .I'. lIYNKELS, expreselv for his wareroont sales, :comprising rosewood Parlor Suits, covered with - plush and other iipo Materials; Walnut Parlor Suits, with the finest ail& most fashionable coverings; elegant Library Suits, in terry and leather; elegant Ilall Furniture, very elegant Walnut and Ebony Chamber Furniture, Walnut Chamber Snits. elegant Centro and Bouquet Tables, Rosewood and \Velma Sideboards, various marbles, eta geres, Fancy Chairs, . 1 4c., all from Mr.Renkels's War°- . rooms. This sale will comprise the largest amount of fire, class Furniture ever offered at public sale, and will be held in our large sale-room, second story. Mr. llonkols having determined not to carry the stock over the stn-, pier, purchasers are assured that every article will be sold without reserve or limitation. 1)1Y I3AREITT AIICTIONEEAS: ij • CASH' AUCTION HOUSE, y 0.230 MARKET street. corner. of Bank strdet. Cash advanced on consignments without extra charge: ON WEDNESDAY NORNING, • June 9, at 10 o'clock, REGULAR SALE O 1 i. 09 LOTS DRY :GOODS; DRESS GOODS, LINEN GOODS, LINEN lIDKES., r. 09 DOZEN HOSIERY, Spool Cotton, Cutlery, No. tions. Stocks of Goods. Also. invoices Ready-made Clothing, Overshirts, Overalls. Sre.. STRAW GOODS ! STRAW'GOODS At 11 o'clock, 250 COMA , ' MAWR. BOVA'''. ' JARCHOW and Chil dren's manufactured Straw and Paint Leaf Goods. This sale will comprise the hugest and beta aSsortment of the latest mid most desire) 1' shapes offered this twit son. to which the attention of the trade is invited. BIRCH 86 SON. AUCTION LL laitS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS,. • Nit. MO CHESTNUT street. -• . • • Rear entrance No. 1107 Sampan street. Household Furniture entrance, every I lescriptlon received on Colll4iguntent. Sales of Furniture at dwellings attended to on the most r•• • , • - SALE OF - A - MUSE nror• CURIOSITIES. ON WEDNESDAY" .liinci 9, at 3 o'clock M.; at the auction steie, No. 1110 chestnut street. will be sold, Dr. Morgan'e oxtonsive Museum of Curi r ositice.Rolics, Coins, &c. They are now open for examination daily; at the auc tion store, with catalogues. The sale will be continued daily until the whole are disposed of. • rim E PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLlSH ment—S.'.ll..corner of SIXTI and RACE streets. M .!atattry,ntivatteivi-iiiireMblindise-4titirernii -J 4f eiVetrYi• - Dintrionds, - Gold and 'Silver - Platevanit articles of value, for any length of time agreed on. 'WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE son. Fine Gold Hunting Case t Double Bottom and Open Face 'English, American and SWllie Patent Lever Watces; • Fine Gold Bunting Case and Open FaceLepine Watches; Fine Gold Duplex and other Watches; Fine SUITT Hunt ing Case and Open Faeo I, :nedish, American and Swiss t eut Lever and Lepino Watches; Double Viltst English gnarlier and other !NVatches; Ladi e s' Fancy, Watehes; !Dhuneud Breastpins• Finger Rings; Ear Rings; Studs; dim; Ellin Gold Chilling Medallions; Bracelets; Scarf • Pins; Breastpins' Finger Rings; Pencil Cases and Jaw : ay generally. FOR SALE—A largo and valuable Fireproof Chest. imitabld for a JON 4 eller; cost SI 650 • • Also, several Lots in South. Camden, If Ifth mind Chest . ! not streets, . . . .• WILL BE SOLD Al` PUBLICA.T.TC.. lion, on Ante 0th,1869, on the premiee4, Ma South ent street, the elegant walnut furniture and grand Dian°, by :dais, of Signor jibe, prior to hie departure for Duro pe. May' be examined the day of the Bale. fe4 atg CD.. 31 o CLFES &,, C 0.,. , _, lONEu _, ' • . - • . • - • 'A ucTltSi - No. bO9 MARKET street, • •. . - . BOOT AND 8110 E SALDS.EVENY .140NDAY .AND , • . - , No.42;rWAL'NUTstreat /.,./ 'EXECIPTGREP ,, sink .45*, SHARES, , , PHILADELL is 1 PHIA GAB FIXTURES (lOMPANY . . ,,, ai - . -ON WEDNESDAY, - :; ; - June ISegot 12 o'clock, atthe Philadelphia Esebougeo , rt bY order of Executors, 15,000iltreestwicht tike - Pinta- . delphla Gas Fixtures Company • ; piir 1 Fur information relating to. the Company,. applicatios cod be made .to - ,LANE &....morrzy,Atkorneft4 Nal`2 lo, - South Fourth street.. :„. . . EXTENSIVE' SALE , OF 4esAL,'EsTATsvroliarg. This Sale, on WEDNESDAX, at 12 o'clock nuow, at the Exchange, will include- f , STOCKS-Share in PhilndelphimLibrary.;.- • " ±_ r • , 4'4 'BE'V'ENTE,ENTiI and EllEnNuw--'l . ,titriat'ot gt9sulhe ' S. E. corner of Seventeenth and Chestnut' streets, 82 t« feet, with two residences, each 21 feet wide, and #214 let Chestnut street, and two dwellings onSaventeen street. ,Lot runs through ttnEtisex, street, 3 frontiti,,,N^ , ? -cupancy of the front with the deed and of ,the rear Iootdilii of myear. . Only one-third cash reunited. .13u11-descgip • tions at the story . „; LGROUND RENTS-A welLsecured rent or . 041K,TE i'Llea S 8,02810), secured by large lot Twenty 'fourth Sal, Y. xine tits. Orphans' Court 'Sate- Estate of Evans. otii; `GROUND RENT 8300-Out 'of' a lot ' carts*, Twenty-third and I , llie streets, teal%) feet. r Orp4cuce Court Sate-Scane'Estate. • • - GROUND RENT, elk-Out of a lot of ground three-story brick store and -dwelling. Si W. 'abrupt , Twenty-seCond and Wood streets, text* feet. ` , Orp/Arive, tr Court Satt-Etune Estate. , . ; GROUND RENT, 856 28.4rrtideetinible paYahle, is sliver, out of a lot. *Wood, near Twenty-third, - with good intproventent,Mxloo4 feet,, Same Estate. ; GROUND RENT, 5240---Paysibielaailver, out ofa tot '- - %Outland oil works St: David above Race street;7: s p arr' front and extending into the river. Saute estate. . VAL CARLE PROPERTY, : FIFTEENTH '' AND' WASHINGTON rAVENUE.-Aivalusiblo lot at theta.:NZ, corner of, these etreetsi 129' 224 feet bwill be diVidet att4 cc Mild according ton plan by the CitiSnrveyor. Th yard Well.pitnated for a torwardina or liroduce "n 1 ,91116014 fora coal ',1u11., Two-thirds of the - porchatiomonettruurA? remain. Plan at the store. Full descriptions in ;:hand, OGDEN STREEV-Two hciuses widths lots in a °bark' on the rear of RV Ogden street; to be sold separately; clear of ineumbrances. Positate sate by order qr. pie hews tic John Wats, deceatu.d. „ 535 310111115 STREET 7 -Three- story . brick kedge anti hack building. 15x60 feet; .845 , ground - rent:: Orphans* 4 .. Court stye. Estate Catharine Strong deceased.; . ; TWENTY-FIRST AND FILBERT-A. thre;e:stolVi • brick house and lot, lfixoi foot; ate - ground' resits: Entity estate. FIFTH, STREET-A lot below' Enna street, If, feet inches. mid lb feet deep. Orphans' Court sale. Estate td Prot. H. Scott, deceased., CANAL STREET-A. lot westwardof Jefferson avenue, 16x47 feet ;no inctunbrances, . Same estate: i GROUND ItENT 8360ut , ; of small house and lot small side of Moss street, east :of . h:ightb street, 16x56 ft-et deep. Executors' sale, A:state- of /Elisabeth. 4111,14; Sriggs,tteceatied. 20 ACRES, 'WISSAHICKON AVENUE, , -Townshlipel line road, Roxborcrugh. A. very beautilui site for a roust. I/J/ Pace pt Allen's lane. • llalf may remain. i. 'TWENTY-FOURTH'AND SOUTH' STREETS-A lot at the N. ,W corner, 4.5x34 feet. It will be divided into 5; descriptions. NOR. 2405 and 2403 Sonth street--corner Property; Nov. 547 and:al9 South Twenty-fourth street: Full descriptions in handbills. Masters' absolute saki. Estate bf It. P. Elm:, deceased. Sale No..l9os'ClO4iinui amt. WALNUT PARLOR FURNITURE:. VELVET AND BRUSSELS CARPETt_4S. 'MIRRORS; ROSEWOOD ' PIANO, • CHAMBER FURNITURE, °HAMM- - . LIERS, ,kc.. • • ' ON WEDNESDAY MORNING.- June 10, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, by catalogue, at No. 190 Chestnut etreet,the handsOine Household I'urniturt4 including Walnut. Parlor. Furniture, French,Plate Pier .. Mirror', - Rosewood Piano, Volvet Bruoels LOW Ingrain' Carpets, Handsome Chamber Furhiturey. Bedsteads. 4c Matresses, c. Also, the Dining RoOta and latched:* ----- MARTIN BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS, ;; (Lately, Salesnum for M. Thomas et Sony No. 529 CHESTNUT street. rear entrance from Minor. Extensive Sale at the Auction Rootme:- ELEGANT WALNUT PARLOR, DINING ROOM AND' CHAMBER. SUITS; 9 Large and -'Very Fine French Plate Mantel ; and Pier _Mirrors Rich toned iv Cabinet Organ. Romood 'W o Case; Lace indow Cut , - tains, Spring and other. Matresses, Sideboards, Exten- slen Tables, Dining Room Chairs, Fine China and'' Glassware, Set Elegant Mantel .Vases, Superior, proof Safes, made by Farrel & Herring, Mlle and others; Bookcases, Superior:Refrigerators, Handsome . Velvet, English Brassels and other Carpets. ac. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING; June 9, at 10 o'clock, at the auction rooms, No. 52 Chestnut street, by catalogue, tin extensive assortment '- ,if : handsome Now and Secondhand. household Furni; . tore, Ac.' Also, large and anperior 'Elettrie' Madan°, with. apparatus... ; , , , • - Sale No. - tad North Ninth street.. VERYSUPERIOR WALNUT PARLOR AND IMAM BER FORNITIIItE. , FINE FRENCH PLATE PIER MIRIBAL lIANDSOME VELVET AND IMPERIAL THURSDAY Zl'ti-MORNING, • .. • June JO: at 10 o'clock; ht No. "6116 North Ninth street, above Buttonwood, the entire very Superior Household. Furniture, de. • • . • No. 417 Ifridgo •1, , SUPERIOR WALNUT " P. I d e t.eOTIID CHAMBER. , FURNITURE; FINE BRUSIEL ' S k AND OTHER, CARPETS ?11ATJU ON . TIIURDAY l AV'TERNOON, . . jonii 10, itt 2 'clock 417-Bridge; ovenite,eittudeti.' N. J., the entire Ilonseliold Furniture; Sale at No. . , ELEGANT R CARVED WALNUT FUNITURE, WAL-' NUT anil Mahogany Chamber: Snits, .Sclionmcker octave Photo. Forte,. Flue French Plate Mantel, and Pier Mirrors,'Bronzes; Handsome Velvet Carpet{G'{kii. ! ON .111.0biDAY MORNING, June li, at Plo'clock, at'No. HIS North Sixth street. bY catalogue, the entire Furniture, . including:'elegant Carved Walnut Parlor Suit. covered with tine hair cloth, 10 pieces, Carved Walnut Etagere{ Centre and Btiuquat Tables to naitch; elegant rosewood 13-, octave P 131,10 Forte. made by liehinnacker; fine French ,Plate Mantel end Pier Mirrors, Bronze ,Figures, two French Mantel Clocks,Fancy Ornanients, suit Elegant Walnut Chamber Furniture, elegant Wardrobe to match, handsome suit 111abogen}' Chain-her Furniture, elegant Wardrobe to match; tibia. Secretary Bookcase, Hair Matressos. tine Cut Glassware, -French China Plated Ware, Liquor Case, Kitchen Furniture and Utensils, Paintings an& Engravings, handsome Velvet, Imperial and other Car , pets The Furniture was made to order by Heiikels, and IS equal to new. , Huy be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of side. Sale at No. MO South Ninth street. HANDSOME WALNUT FURNITURE, FINN FRENCH PLATE PIER MIRROR; HANDSOME; BRUSSELS CARPETS, CHINA AND GLASS ' WARE, &e. . ON TUESDAY n MORNING June 10, at 10 o'clock., at No.. 1930 South Ninth . etreet, below Washington avenue, the entire very .superiur walnut Household Furniture. May be examined early on morning of solo. TotIINTING, DURBOROW 84 . CO., AUCTIONEERS, Nes. 232 and 234 MARKET street. corner of Bank street. Successors to JOHN B. MYERS & CO. LARGE SALE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC,: DRY GOODS, ' ON THURSDAY MORNING, June Eh on four mouths' credit at 10 o'clock, DOMESTICS. • ' Bales bleached and brown Muslins and Drills. • do,white and scarlet all wool and font Flannels. '. Cases Kentucky and other &Stint, Minors' Flannels. • t do Blue Cheeks, Ticks, Denims, Stripes, Ositaburgn do 'Meals, Corset Jeans, Linings, Puddings. • ; do Manchester and Domestic Ginghams, Cottonadea., do Satinets, Cassinteres. Tweeds, Kerseys,'Prinis. , • LINEN GOODS, Cafterl Duck Coatings, Drijis, Crash, Diaper, Burlaps.`- do Irish Shirting LinonsOlurnsiey Sheeting!, Rucks.. do Spanish, : Bley and Mantle LilVens, Canvas. do Bleached hid W. B. Damask, Tablo Towels, 4,:e. MERCHANT TAILORS' GOODS. Pieces English, Belgian anti Saxony black- and Magi ' plain awl twilled all wool and Union Cloths, do Elle euf Tricots, English Meltonit, Drap (PEW. do ;Aix la Chapelht Fancy Cassimores and Coatings. do French Deenlans, Italian Cloths,: SatinUO ' DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS,- &c. ! Pieces London . black toad.:colored Mullah's. Alpacas. du ScoteliGiughams, Mozainbiones : , Baregcs, Piques. do Del a Ines, Pereates,GrenadinesPoplin Alpaca. ' 900,PIECES-SILKS, SATINS, Ace. High cost I,lk Cachemere Sole anti Gros Grains. High lustre black Taffetas anti Gros do Rhine. Heat y Black limp de Frunce. :Lyons Pantos, Ottoman. Black and coedPimit de Sole, Greis do Naples, Fancy Silks. ,LuStrines, extra heavy black and cOl'd Silk satins. • —ALSO— ' Gloyes, Balmoral -anti Hoop Skirts, White! Goods, Quilts, Tics, Traveling and Merino Under Shirts and DrlMers, . Not ions, •Tallors".fritionings, Sewingitti. Suspenders, Umbrellas. . LARGE SALE. OF OARPETINGS, CANTON HIM TING S, OIL CLOVIS, • ON FRIDAY MORNING, .June 11, at It o'clock, on four niontlis' credit, about 200 tlia.te•Pßotin"Xli)o.o‘t'eoll74teaTtL„nistangli,C('Val,FltO tane,d Rte • LARGE SALE OF FRENCH AND MIER. EUROPEAN M O N D AY MORNI N G, &c., • ON MONDAY MORNING, Juno 14, at 10 o'clock, on four montlue credit. . . rp ~ A. McCLTELA:ND; - AUIONMER, — 1.1-`—'"`""'" 1219 CHE M STNUT street.,----- • CONCERT HALL, AUCTION ROOMS. R • ear entre in , o on Clover street. Household. Furniture and Merchandise of oven , deseniip-, thou received on consignment. Sales of Furniture at dwellings attended to on reasonable terms. • tale at 450 York avenue. FI'IiNITI SUPERIOR BRUSSELS AND . TIIREE.PLY INGRAIN CARPETS, HIGILOLAER* ONI% isioNEST I,-- 31 1, "' June 0, will be sold by catalogue, at 450 York avenue; at 10„ o'clock. the entire household Furniture of a family declining' housekeeping comprising in part English,' Brussels mid -Three-pl;lngrain Carpets, soyet-ootaTei` Piano Form ([nude bv Raven di Bacon), superlor'hair cloth Parlor Suit, Walnut Chamber Suit, - Wardrobe, elegant Bookcase, high-class Oil 'Paintings, Glassware and Kitchen Utensils, ,tc. • - The, entire Furniture woe rustle to order by W &, Allen Th. dwelling can ho rented by inquiring at thputte- Hen rooms, 1219 Chestnut street.. ~ TL. .ASELCRILIGE . A - VOLUM. . E ERB. No. 505 MARKET ntrOet."above Fifth. POSITIVE SALE ON BOOT& - 81101.18,:alkt:44c.. ON WEDNESDAY TdOItNINIII •J‘ln'o 9, at 10 o'clock, wo wit.brcatitiogoo., about lOW pitekageB of Boota and EhOoa, of city and Eastern. tnanufacturo. to which thouttontionotOity awl Collatfr isuyors is culled. TNANIS KAAVE3C, AtreTIONNERA jj Stole grA t illii nmagiltiltoo 11: OTT A :Jx, AUCTIONEER,..i zy xr. _COTT 8 ART OAL lOW OUBSTUUT atm*. r adolDhiek•
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