wry ApalltottßOW: Dear love. in this rapture of meeting, WWII the hearth )1n: thrill that through our ton ask why :1:41:mow of mourning Like a clomi olllaV forehead remains? • You Sii:Vi inn alteied, my'darling. In these years I have waited and wept, : While the sickening hainls of the weary docks In sliniheani tired; or slept. • : • The tears that we shed when we parted Dimmed all the youth out of my eyes, Till the fair green earth had no freshites to And th 6 gun no benven in Ihe skies The feather-tipped 4414 of the pine trees , . -Are yet bent by the cold winter blast, A,nd the laughter raid warmth of the sunnxter, (lan never thake tip for the pii:tm : Though the white thorn blossoms are blowing r .in May, • . ,•,. : : 7 : Atidllie'wheat'idereeS . !green thrbugh the hill, Underfoot in the curling hraeken: The dead leates are liiigering Aiufith 'e sorrow that . left Itcfnaili irzir, youth Will pass from my„fOreheadinever, • Till my. brows are smooth in the long last sleep, And the coflin,liti . slut forever. , , , RELIG/pITS, INTELLIGrENCE, TILE PRESBITTERIAN GENERAL' AS. • . - SEMBLIIES. 'rontt, jiin6 . ll- 7 -The,,'Ne*,SchooL As 44110 elect l ed . flit tolleming Tritsfees'bf - the Presbyterian Publication House hi Philadel- Dhia: John ca'arr t 7Charles,S. ,Wurtz, Rev, rs. Danielk'Wtilid4'ThWi.‘Jl'''Shepperd, ReV. Win. T. Eva. ;6.uditprt4; J05e,p431..: joy, J amey X. ; Lpster autUiriettil4Al. The resolution against members of the Church visiting the - opera and theatre, indulg ingin card-plasing and dancing, was referred tdXSpecial'Committce, to report to the Pitts hut& 'Assembly. CO& first Sabbath in January, 1870, was ap-• painted ass a day of prayer for the conversion of the woxld. Tlik'!T'resbyteiNi o SaidiararOliiia Was added t6'llie'Synad of l'einisWitnia.' The.,:rePolt...of,stbe Committee on Systematic BeneVolenee wa - adopted," . The report on the delegate as to the Scotch and Irish Churches was recommitted. The assembly pen adjourned, With appro ifriate Cerenioides, to meet at Pittsburgh on the second,Netbiesday in Noyember. Tlk School AsseMbly dismissed the question of the religious education of the -freedmen. A delegation from the Methodist Pastoral AsSociatiOn of New Yetk was intro duced. The reSciliftiuus defining the policy of the MAO ofThimektic Missions for the ensuing year, prieyionsly reported, were adopted. The irkiderator appointed the following Com mittee on Northern Seminaries, in accordance with•the resolution adopted : yesterday: Senator Drakes! Of Missouri; I ev. Drs. Musgrave, of 'Pennsylvania; craven, , of Jersey; Backus, of" - Ninklairlcatul Elder MeCorkell, of Phila delphia. • Resoltitions were adopted commending the Biddle Memorial Iniititute at Charlotte, N. C., for the education of colored ministers, to the Christian liberality of the Church for adequate endowment. 4eXttbiSdiOil hish adopted, that the Com mittee, on BSr'stematic Beneficence send to the synods and presbyteries:schedules Of the.pro portionate amount to be raised, with the Ml dem-landing that: - The t*ollniving tic iinduiled in the gencralejltimates: .Voreign ninsions .•'%'31() 1 000 . domestic mis s2:lo,t)oo; education,Slso,oilti; publication, ;N50,0.60; disabled 'Ministers' fund, 540,900; Church extension, $:00,000; frecAlmen, 585,000; total, $875,000. Resolutions - were adopted t strongly impress ing upon ministers and Christian people the necessity of more Strenuous efforts to prevent the desecration of the Sabbath. The report on theological seminaries was discussed. padlOitlailY the portiOn relating to Danville Seminary,.Kentucky. Drs. Verkes and West were elected to the board of direc tors, and the report was adopted. The Riey:lliv, , ,.)feKnight made,an whit-ass in fliVOr Of ezfteMling pecuniary aid to test the question , :wising ; , in the Kentucky courts whether the slits of ecclesiastical courts were constitutional.' - The civil courts bad decided them unconstitutional, which decision was re versed by the :United States Cireuit; Courts, and the case has been appealed to the Supreme Court., --- Restlutions-were---adopted-that-the-Gemeral Assembly should give that `lunch assistance in its litigationsi and . appropriating ..,;,45,000 to employ the hest counselto defend the case be fore the United States Supreme Court. After the passage of the usual resolutions of thanks &e:, ':the. Old School Jthnunblv ad journeil to meet in Pittsburgh on Novemherlo. The:lndian War. [Special Duetietel.to the . . - Et.t.swoiern," KuSaas, ,Tuue 1.. J--The Indians are making trouble in Kansas, on the extreme I frontier ofthe settlement. A' party of about twenty-dye Cheyennes attacked a small un • protected settlement on the, Saline river, about forty miles Mini Salina and one hundred and sixty miles west of Topeka, on Sunday even ing. They came towards evening, under the pretence of friendship,and massacred fourteen men, women and children. The women were rayished, the men killed. So far as known; the Wife and fonr ehilditto of Thomas Alderie; one son, eleven years old, of William Hen dricks;, Andries Allison's family, six in nmn her, and wife and Son, of John Strang are killed. . The bodies were brutally mutilated, and gTeat excitement prevails. Governor Harvey has called a battalion of troops into the field for six titonths,andis now at Salina. A. rompauY of citizens went up to Saline river from Galena to rescue some wounded men. The'lndians have been seen near Ellsworth, Barker, Wilson Station and Fort flays. Ben. Costar was out with a couple of COM 'mit% yesterday. The Kansas Pacific 'Railroad runs as usual. Further depredations are not feared. The citizens are protecting themselves, and prompt measures are being adopted fo. de. fence. - It is said this is merely a roving band, 2.4 there is nii evidence of any gvneral attack. I Despatch to Assuriated ST. Lotus, ;lime I.—The following from an ♦ntirely trustworthy source, may be , i elieil on as correct: LEAyEimoirrit, June I.—Twenty whites have been killod in "Western Kansas during the present week. ThiS massacre is the re sult of guerrilla lighting rather than a general Indian war. The scene of Operations has ex tended from the Republican and Solomon rivers to the end of the Kansas Pacific Rail road. The settlements in that part of the State are scattered and very much exposed. General Schofield has a small number of troops at his disposal, but is ghaking the best use he Van of them- Governor Harney has organized two companies of scouts to which General Schofield will furnish arms. - Pour United States surveying parties are Out Without military proteedon, two north of Fort Hays, one between Fort Hays and Fort Laranne, and one sixty miles west of Fort Bays. This is. .the most exposed part of the State, and fears are felt • for the surveyors. The Times (Conservative) has news of an at tack on the settlements along the Saline river. tine woman was killed, and one boy wonnded,_ - and three . chilitrett" kidnapped. - Soliliers - liiive been sent in pursuit. • IA despatch from Topeka (Kansas) says the Sheriff of Saline county reports that thirteen persons, men; women and children, were :Wed ill that county by Indians, and as many more, s_pposed to have been women, were carried off to suffer worse than death.: ,The saver* in fialhol.cowityare .Coniing eastward rcirprotection. • 49xchange imo•rts that Junto: Grant, the :csAakilp of Mr. Pollard, in Rioliniond, has aeeepted prolexsional engagoinent 'with the Richings-liernaril opera troupe!. He is said to Ihe an excellent basso. lie will silig in a New Yorkellureh choir NN )11'11 thu• new opera season begins. 10EW PUBLICATIONK. We receive, through laXton, Remsen _Lk ilalleltinger, the first two monthly parts of Aqileton's _Each- orms a quarto. about MO wages; exclusive of, the art-supple-: ;melds. which are carefully bound so as to open out to their full, extent; tearing.. Of :these Stipplements there' are nine for the two -months; includine- -landscapes . engraved oil steel from the best American artists, and essays -prodigally illustrated, • such .as that absorbing. one'froin' Simoilit'S "Life Underground," ern' Thellished with splendid French illustrations. literary matter of Appleton' -is of the 'first elasS. "liugo's Romance, "The' 3lau who Laughs," is the great card of the editors, but the:extracts from,the newest: :111c1 -- best current: literature give tbner;tO the'. journal all through; these, to the satisfaction of readers and as a, good example to some other PhbliShers, are credited to the' Omuta sources from whence they are derived; The Journal always contains a selection of good table-talk,., arranged by some very intelligent and wakeful editor, and occasional poetry, from the best . Writers. With the last numberuf Le Nouveau Monde, a French-AMerieauliterary and -news weekly, ofa high class, we , reeeWe Le Monde Illustre for May 15th. 'This firiitelass Paris illustrated ;journal may be ebtahie4, together' With the .Niiureult "Monde, AU. $lO a year. 7--91 Walker ,strert. N. Y. CITY BULLETIN , C.ONSOLIDNTIONOF 'Mi.: HEBREW CHARI- TiEs.--A general meeting of the Israelites of this city was held, last evening at. the Hall of the Harmonic Society, Franklin and Coates Streets, in reference to the consolidation of their various charitable societies !Into the'So ciety of the Lrnited Hebrew CharitieS of rhila , delphia. The attendance of laditiS and &die men-connected with 'the various societies Wits large. The following officers were ChoSen' on motion of W. 13: Hackenburg:—President— lsatior Binswanger; Vice Presidents—Joseph Einstein, S. Silberman; A. T. Jones,iS.Abeles; A. S. Wolf, David Teller and M. Simon; Se cretaries—Lucien Moss, Michael Hassler and B. F. Greenwald. , • E. H. Weil, Esq., was introduced. He said that it is now nearly fifty years since the first Hebrew charitable society was instituted in this city. Two years afterwards the Union Hebrew Beneficial Society was organized; in 18;18 a LlMies' Society; in 1841 a Fuel Society; in 186$ 'a, Relief Association, and lately a Ger man Fil4Society and: a Ladies' „Sewing So ciety have been formed, making in all seven societies, These societies have been working without any common centre. Ten years ago the subject of -consoli dation was broached by Rev. Isaac Leerier, but it was not accomplished then. The United Hebrew Charity Society has been formed, however. On the 15th of February last the officers of the different societies and ministers of congregations held an informal meeting, and it was unanimously resolved that the societies should be merged into the Consolidation So ciety, and a committee was appointed to pre pare a plan. They examined the various constitutions, but found it necessary to prepare a plan for a new society. There was some doubt about certain legacies. In order to obviiite that, au net. of Assembly was obtained, directing that all legacies shall be held by the• *Koch:4y for the purposes intended. The plan• prepared has been approved by the ministers, the presidents of the congregations, and all of the socie ties except one. Contrary to expectation, the 'MPH who have been the most- earnest in favor of consolidation are .the gen tlemen who are to be legislated out of office. The Foster Home and the Jewish' Hospital are not included in the consolidated society; as the latter is mly intended to embrace the alms-giving societies. The London plan of , loanino•" out money to worthy persons is incor oorated in the plan. 'WI London," said Mr. \Veil, "during the eleven years of the existence of the society, 1.11,0110 had been loaned, and only £94 - ,0 have been lost."- It is proposed by the plan to abolish street , begging. • 31 r. Weil, then read sonic extracts froin the plan of organization. The object of the soci ety is eo relieve the destitute of the Jewish . people FA' this city, and to discourage pauper- The funds are to be appropriated to pro viding: food, clothing, uel, medical at tendance, nursing the - sick and such other re lief as is needed; also, to give out small loans of money without interest, to encourage thrift anti economy. and help persons in their efforts to obtain en ployment; and also to establish a branch to save the surplus means -of the mien The officers of;-the--society- will consist of a PreSldellt, two Vice Presidents, a secretary and Treasurer mid Board (,)f Gov ernment, composed of twelve gentlemen. Nine of the officers will be elected annually. There will also be an advisory and Visit ing Committee of thirty-six ladies, with an adjunct Committee of gentlemen. The city is to be divided into twelve districts. In each district there will be a committee of three ladies and three gentlemen, to whom all applications for relief must be referred,and who will report to the Board of Government, which will hold weekly meetings. Only in eases of immediate necessity is the Presitlent authorized to give the benefits of the society. The only salaried officer-will be the assistant secretary. • Rev. S. Hirsch, Rev. S. I.orais, Rev. M. Jas. trow and Rev. George Jacobs addressed the meeting in favor ofits objects. Resolutions approving the constitution and by-haws , as presented by Mr. Weil, were adopted. Adjourned. A PLANK SIIAD PARTY.—Yestorday after noon a party of bet Ween thirty and forty gen tlenien, composed mainly of those Co nnevted with the Internal Revenue Department of the Third District, and among them severhPrepre senting the industrial interests of the Third Congressional District,proceeded on the steam yacht Isabel to Gloucester Point, where the party enjoyed the luxury of a plank shad din ner, and had a pleasant tune generally. iteeh's ' Band accompanied the excursionists and enlivened the occasion with seine tine 71111sie. Among the invited guests present was the Hon. Leonard Myers, the able Representative of the Tikird Congressional District. After the dinner NOS disposed of, whieh was served up at Wills ;s hotel,Mr. Leonard Myers was taken entirely by surprise in being presented With a magnificent gold witteli a nd ehain, the viihm tary otlbring of a manlier of his constituents, who represent the, industrial pursuits of the Third District. The presentation stieech was made by Mr. James S. Franeis,Cluef Clerk of the Assessor's lace of the Third District, who made a very complimentary allusion to Mr. Myerk's ser vices, and concluded as follows: Your cheerful and prompt response, to the many personal appeals made to you for aid by your constituents in the prosecution of their in terests - at the 'Departments has become pro verbial, and by your courtesy at such times, von have made a host of friends who will ever ' be ready, should the hour of. need give them an opportunity, to prove their sincerity; while you may relieet with satisfaction that no word of calumny or insinuation has been, spoken • against your integrity. That the sentiments ; thus, feebly expressed, may not be remembered as empty words, and that you 3inly in tbe future point with pride to this oceasiOn as a happy era .in your life, they have prepared, as a slight testimonial of their esteem, this casket, which, by their directien, present 'to you, with the assurance that "'tis not its value that commands esteem, but the' wish that bears it eompany," AvrTtthen, my dear sir, this trifling gift in the with which it is presented, and as its inscriptionindi elites, as a "token of regard, from your friends" in the Third Congressional District of the State of Pennsylvania, look with Conscious pride upon it, be assured that it is well deserved, and coming to you withoutany knowledge or motion upon your patt, lot it be an earnest of the good-will of those who have arranged for its presentation to Sin: By its vibrations you will bo adnion islied that for all a period is approaching when "time shall be no longer," and all things must deeay; may it also remid you of the constant pulsations of warm hearts towards you, whose fervent prayer is for your happiness and pros perity. !Slay time in its flight leave no fur row of sorrow Upon your brow; and, when the fiat goes forth wluch will call you away , . THE - EP 11A WEDNESDAY: - JUNE 2 'l.B-69.,- Yr(m:the F.:el. of: eyrthly action; may "you, '-ripe in yeatni yield np .- yinir4rpiiit iti peace, to !enter upon the enjoyment of that life beyond tho Una!) of:which only tlie,uprightioy vat , ; , Mr. 111 - yers, although takeirentirely.at a dis 'advantage (hilt few persous being present who 'possessed khowledge Of the interidapresenta-, tiOn, and they carefully concealing the matter from the reelpient), made' a very happy. and appropriate impromptu Yesporise;-.‘Kherein ho adverted to the fact that he supposed ho had . only been invited to ho present , to partake of planked shad, and throw aside, for the time being, all the cares of official Pixiititih and en joy a social reunion with his friends and con stituents. lii the course, of .his Mr. ;MYers'allUded to the dircunistance-that he had ibeen from thine to time elected.; to represent the Third. District, ``and while any man might .well feel a pride inPbsa&s.Sitig'ilie 'Ciitidence 'of this constituents, his sueries.s;'oirer fraud in the recent contested election was their tri rimph-as well as . his own. " Ileb'elieyed in the .maxim that to the •vict belong - the . veils, .but had not permitted party to interfere,in any . respeet, with the duty 14 owed to his constitu ents at large. • • '-* I • It was his great aim and' ambition to do all. • that laid in his power fee-the industrial and laboring classes, and he attributed the ti ki . -. nundal he had HO - tinexpeetedlrrectiVe4l as • appreciation of, his criind3-prs in .that respect. Speaking of internal'reN'einthilatters, he .yaid he' .never had . occasion to feel aidliiined 'of any recomnuMdation he, had 'Made as far as . the Third liiitrict was eOncerned„ and! alluded to the ta* gatherer as 'one • Who . Wits formerly ' nearly unknown, but Whois'no;Witliilost.Wet !conied by onrpatriotiecitixeiur, -Who are will •:ittg to pay their titheS for the .'stippOrt of the •Goverinnent , otir noble Boliiiers have save& ,He felt greatly - pleased at receiving such a ;testimonial, butt felt still more gratified at the kind sentiments of--esteenuthat had been pressed toward 4 limn. '"-•:' Speeches were made by- te: P. Southworth, Supervisor of the EaStcrii.Distriet of Penn ,sylvania; Collector of the., Third .Dis- Iriet; Willie - Mit Ai‘tieStioi ftlAe Third District, and others. 'l s he .A.Merican Glee Club werepreSent and sangseveral Piece's in excel lent. style. . 541;15 OF . REAL ESTATE:. AND. STOC Ate24Bl'S. TilolnaN & Sons sold at,the E7tehange, yesterday noon, the following stpoks and real eState: Ten shares United Firemen's Insurance Company, $4. -: , One hundred shares American Button-hole Company,. $5 25. One hundred shares Americau - ,Button-hole Company, $5 25. .• One hundred shares. American , Button-hole Company, $ll 25. Fifty shares Schomacker Pjano-forte Com pany, $2 25. One share Mercantile Library, $7. Five shares Reliance Insurance Company, $47. Five shares Bank of the 'Republic:, $99. Six two-story brick dwellings, Fast :Girard avenue, each $l,BOO. Lot Germantown • avettue, below Master street, $2,200. Lot Charlotte street, below Master, $1,400. Two-story frame dwelling, No. 837 St. John street, $l,lOO. Modern four-story brick residence; No. 1.005 Chestnut ..street, subject to an irredeemable ground rent of $152, $16,000. ' • Modern three story brick residence, No. 870 North Seventh street, smooo.. Genteel three-story brick dwelling, No. 223 Lybrand street, $2';0;10., Three-story brick dwellingi:,No. 531 Whar ton street, subject totryearly"groun4 rent of 05 $4,100. . iwo-story brick dwelling, No. 221Gaskill .. • street, $2,025, Three-story brick dwelling 332' West street, Octuden, N. J., $5,109. Three-stOry brick dwelling, No. 315 Gaskill street, $2,6.40. Three-story brick dWelling, No. YlOl South Twelfth street, s2,Boo‘'', , . o Ground rent of S4B 50, $650. THE REPUBLICAN INviasicniLEs.--.A. meet ing of the Executive Committee: of the. Re pithlican Invincibles was held histevening, at the National Union Club, No. 1105 cheAtuut street, Henry Todd, Esq., presiding. ' William McMichael sent in, his resignation as PriSident, owing to his intention to visit Europe at an early day. The resignationwas accepted, and A. P. Colesberry, Esq., First Vice President,was unanimously elected Presi dent, Joseph K. McCammon witiPchosen Vice PresidCiit to fill the vacancy caused by the election of Mr. Colesberry as ]'resident. On motiot it was resolved that Compatim, I be disbanded thr violating the rules oh the club, and insubordination. :H: - C`.; -- .Hawkins: :Esq., .1 eSigned Ins position' as Secretary, and W. Harry Miller, Esq., was elected to till the vacancy. - wrru RoaukutY.—A yomig man named Frank Smith had a hearing before Al derman Kerr, yesterday afternoon, charged with being concerned in the theft of S3OO from the grocery store of Mr. C. W. Gesemyer, street, above Fifth, a few 'days ago., The proprietor identified him by his general appearance as one of the three men who called at the store, and two- lads who saw • him out side the store are quite positive of his identity. He was held for trial. • CITTLER 100 ODGEL 'AND NVOTeENELOLM'S fl POCKET KNIVES.; PEARL .anit• STAG lIAN DLES of beautiful finish; RODGERS' tun' WADE ItIT,TCHEIVS, and the CELEBRATED , LECOULTRE . RAZOR. .St'ISSORS IN CASES. athe finest quality. Razors, Melees, Scissors and Table Cutlery, grouniltipd polished . . EAR INSTRUMENTS or the most appretixl construction to assist the hearing, P. MADEIRA'S, Cutler and Surgical Instruntent Mailer 'll5 Tenth street below Chestnut. - - • , myl-tf ITEXTETEKANITSTOVES7 - 7 • . • T .KOMSO N' S LONDON ICITCH °nor, or European Bongos, for: families, hotels or public institlitionn twehty diftbrent sizes. Also. Philadelphia Ranges, Hot Air Furnaces, Portable Ibliters. Low down Grates; Fireboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stew-hole Plates, BroilerS. Cooking Stoyes, We., wholesale and retail by the manufiietnrers, BHAR k THOMSON, w 6m No. 209 North Second street. THOMAS S. DIXON& SONS, - • • Andrews I.k Dixon No. 1324 WINS IT Street, 1 ulada.,.. Opposite United States Mint. Manufactnrers of LOW • PA.non, AmBER.. • oioncE, And other catAxEs. • For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Fire; • . • , , • : 3 ;VARIit-AIR FURNACES, • For Viarmina Public and Private Buildingei. REGISTERS, YENT.ILATURS, ' AND CIIIMNEY CAPS, COOKING-RANGES, BATH-BOILERS.- WHOLESALE — and RETAIL. , G" 'IXTURES.-MISKE Y, MEI-MILL . TIIACKARA, No. 718 Chestnut street, manufac turers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, &c., Av., would call the attention of the public to their large and elegant assort ment or Gas Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets, &c.. They also introduc e gas pipes into dwellings and public build-. loge, and attend to extending, altering and repairing gas pipes. All work warranted'.. '! '• S. MASON MINES. ' - - - J ollk P. (FIDE UNDERSIGNED INVITEATTEN tion to their stock of Spring 117tnuttsin, Lehigh and Locust "Slciuntairt tioht; with the proparation- (then by us, we think can- Mot bo excelled' by any other Coal. - Imaltuto N 0.15 fLiorouth . itmet. ,BTNI i do SIIHAPV inio•tf • , Arch kroot wharf, , ------ . BOARDING. • irnto - s.;YR:ooms, wrrii TizANEENT OED, 'permanent Toard. Also, adjoining rooms. 15::4 ehrstnut strent. my2B-6t.' TORDAIT,AGELEBRATED.pcTtg Tomo, tJ Ale for invalide,family 11HO t Ate. . The subscriber is now furnished with his •full Winter' supply of his highly nutritious and well-known Never- nee. Its wide-spread and increasing .use, by order of physicians, for invalids, use of familitts, Acc.,commendlt to the attention of all consumers who want a strictly pure article; prepared from the best Material's, and put up in the most careful manner for lionfo use or transpor tation. Orders by mullet, otherwise promst% N . . • N 0.220 Pear street, del-t" Below Third and Walnut streote.' IN D I A — RUBBER MACHINE - BILIK hog, Steam Packing Nose, Engineers and dealers' will find a full assortment of Goodyear's Patent Vulcanized Rubber Belting, Peek lig Hose, &c., at the Itlitutifacturer's Headquarters, GOODYEAR'S, • . POI Ohesinut street, • • •South side. N. D.—We have now on hand a large o of Gentle• men's, Ladies" and biasses' (him Boots. A,isu i every va riety and style of Oulu Overcoat.o. r ye. . GAS FIXTURES. COAL AND MOOD.- MOINE AMUSEMENTS,. " LET US HAVE PEACE." ~ ~ _ ,DFFICIAL .- . PROGRAMME' , GREAT NATIONAL PEACE 11:713•IILAEM: (Projected by Mr. P. A GILKORt.) CITY OF BOSTON, June 15 16 17 , 16 and 19, 1569, . To comme' moiato tho.ltefitOration of. PEACE THROUGHOUT THE LAND. This gloribus event in our National ilistory will.be cele brated by the GRANDEST MUSICAL FESTIVAL : • ' Ever known hi the history orate World tnik.L.PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, Members of his Cabinet,lleads Departmi‘nts,, Gover nors of all the States., and' Many other distinguished Rersene from all parts of tlio'country, together with the epresentatives of *Foreign Governments at Washing lon, have been invited by. the :Ma or tyntt City Council of Beide'', to beeeme tho g3tests of the city during the - • • FIRST DAY; • • TUESDAY, JUNE 151$30,counnonellguat 3 o'elock,P, Et. INAUGURAL CEREMONIES. . . . PRAYER BT REV. - A ddressE LE To tm followed by tin by HIS HONOR. MAI Olt SHUBTLEFF, Welcoming all,guests and visitors to Boston and to Mas sachusetts; also a Congratulatory Address by _ HON. ALEX'.. I1:IWJE Oa the RESTORATION OF PEACE AND, UNION. throughqut tlie Land. The Inaugural Ceremonies - will be followed by a GRAND MUSICAL PERFORMANCE. in which the GREATEST ORATORIO CHORUS ever assembled, etimprising over EIGHT HUNDRED VOCAL ORGANIZATIONS. who have been in. rehearsal for many Months, will Miro pert. seetimpanied by a'Grand Orcheidra of ONE THOUSAND MUSICIANS, selected from the best Orchestras, Bands and Musical Associations it the United States. , SELECTIONS: TO. BE PERFORMED. PART 1. 1. GRA ND CHORAL. "A Strong Castle la our herd."— ' Luther. FULL CHORUS.. GRAND ~ ORCHESTRA *ti D GREAT ORGAN. R. 2. I/VERT - CU T;tnnhauser Wagner. SELECT ORCHESTRA. COO PERFORMERS, 3. GLORY BR TO G0D.02 , i thou. "Twelfth --Mozart. rum, citoilus, WITH ORCHESTRA A . Nli DUGAN M=M9M a. P.RAYE a II. "An , ItOrir! , ;..«.90111101.1. SUM:I)y NADA. IE PAREM-ROSA. The introductory Violin Obligato usually rendered by one performer will hiiplayed by • TWO. HUNDRED: ' A. NATIONAL Ala. "nu Star Spangled Banner. - with • au additional verse. by IS . T. W. Ball: "Not as North or as South. ite thr !mere toe'itstaml, But as Brothers united thrOngliotet this broad land, And the Star Spangled Banner forever shall warn, O'er the land of the free II ud the home of the brave." Sung by the lull Chorus, with Grand 'Orchestra. Hr yan. Military Band. Drnhi Corps, Chiming of BelKituil ARTILLERY ACCOMPANDMNT. INTERMISSION FIFTEEN MINUTES. PART 11. ri. ['swim...7'l°S. A Hymn of Peace.written for this occasion by Dr.Oliyor Wendoll' Ilolnmee to the towiie of Keller's'Atue- HYTIM• • • ".1 • .; FULL"' CHORUS GDA OJlCJlr..S.una,' URGAN • AND MILITARY BAND. . . 7. OvEnTuuE.. T,•11" Rossini PEREDBMED BY , A SELECT 1/11CHESTI1A wo PERFOIDIERS. S. 1 N L.. 10131 Alk•N "St OM' Mut • R 064 nj Sung 1,7 .111ADAIIE PAM:PA-ROSA, with full chorus, urattn aunt gnind prchostral accoßlpatiimopt. 9. rottoNAT.ioN 31Ancii. "11 Protein Meyerlwer PERFORMED'IIY THE. FULL BAND 1,77)", THOUSAND INSTRUMENTS. 10. NATIONAL AUL Words wriFten by Dor S. F. Smith, D. D. "My country 'tin of Ily, Sweet laud of libortY;' •:•iing by the entire (florae 7.7Cunipanie,l by the Gram, ircliestt.a ot LOO, Military Band of au. great organ. fun Arun.' eorps. darning of holls,infantry tiring:lnd eannon nealiuu in the distance in exact time with the The audience are tespectfully Invited to join in the last verse. [sl= ==raU= GRAND CIASSICAI. PEAK:U.I3IMb SYMPHONY AND OHATOIIIO. PAM' 1. I. FiciimAL. Overturo on Luther's Choral Vicolai tr—ANin rutlfll.oßti OF THE,LOILD. • From _ 3. .I(X.CITATION AND AUIA. Atm pm at port, From "La Clemanza di Tito" Mozart Sung by AIISS ADELAIDE PHILLIPS. 4. TIE IIi(TCHI N G OYER IsuAEL. From Mendelsohn a. AIR. Let the Brlttlit.Seraphim. Frtim am oratorio - Samson" Handel Sung by MADAME PARE PA -111/SA. 1(4j: THE Co:Y(01E113Ni: HERO COME& From '•Juilae Maei . abaone" Handel INTERMISSION; FIFTEEN MIN IT TES. ?ART 11. 1. SYMPHONY ( in 1' major) 'ebubert. • I. Andante. Allegro. 2. Andante eon moto. 3. Scherzo. • 4. Finale. 2. dt—TILE MAILVF.LOI.7tI WORK. 1,--THE !IRA VENS AKE TELLI'NG. FEJIn tbt. “I'reation— 15131M1= THURSDAY JUNE 17. MO.. Common.tim: at 3 P.M. ANN/ VER SA Y OF . THE BATTLE OF B UNKER • HILL. Patriotic and Militant Prograinm?. PoPUTAR AND FAMILIAR J. OVERTURE. "Fru Dial°lo." Aube!. Arranged for GRAND of (lite Thou sand Performers, Fifty Trumpeters performing the vain pert uenally played by ono Trumpet.. 2. CHORAL. "Jai - iglu:tit Hymn." •• Luther. FULL • CHORUS, ORGAN, ORCHESTRA AND BAND 31ILITAIRE. 3. GRAND MARCH, "PEACE FESTIVAL.' Composed for this OCCHNIOD and arranged for GRAND ORCHES TRA and MILITARY BAND corn tined. '4. ARIA. Robert, toi quii Meyerbeer. . Sung by MADAME PAREPA-RASA. 5. SenNE From II Trovatore, introducing tile Anvil Chorus Verdi. Will he brought out with GRAND CHOILUS, Full Band of One Thousand, One Ihntdred Aneils.S,veral Drum Corps. Artillery. Bolls, Sr. Tho Anvil part will be performed by One Hundred M -tubers of One , Boston Fire Department. _i. OVERTURE TR 1031E11 ALE, 011 the Aiueri • _ can National Air, "Hail Columbia," , introdneing the FULL CHORUS, ac-; vompouied by the GRAND MIMES- . . TRA, - MILITARY BAND, and ether accompaniments C. O. Converse. 1N TER MISSION-4.IFTEEN MIN CITES. 7. DLAncia: MILITAIRE. " Prince Frederick Carl," Wise, BAND OF 1,000 PERFORMERS. 8, .. N ATIONAL AIR. "The Star Spangled 'Baner." ' Sung by Madame PAREPA-ROSA. with ,laorus and orchestral accompaniment. 9. TIM HARP THAT ONCE TIM)? TARA'SHALL4,IIIOOTe. Arranged for FULL CHORUS, GRAND ORCHES TRA, MILITARY BAND and ORGAN. 10. ARIA Von Tit ement, front] "11 Bravo"„..M omolout4.‘. Performed by - .31. ARBUCKLE, with Orch .st Ac- Celli paniment. 11. CHORDS. -"Night Shades no Longer," ] GRAND CHORUS,.ORGAN AND ORCHESTRA. 12.'OvEnTunE.. "Stradella." 'Fknow. REED BAND OF 500 PERFORMERS. 1). CnottAL. One Hundredth Psalm. . • . CHORUS, ORGAN, ORCHESTRA, MILITARY BAND., 41:c. The Audience are reBpeettully invited to join in the hum verse. • FOURTH .DAY. FRIDAY, JUNE 18,1869. Commenciug at 3 o'clock P.M ORATORIO 'AND SYMPHONY, mean . 2. CHORAL, "To God ou High." From "St. Paul" Mendels4ohn 3. SYMPHONY. NO. ti, ( In C Minor Beethoven . 1. Allegan ' . . 2.:lndante con inotO. 3. Scherzo allegro and , FV , NALE allegro. 4. An/A, "Lascia :11111.11g1I' ' ' •llunllel Sung by MISS ADELAIDE PHILLIPS. 8. "Achieved is the Glorious Work.'? ' From - . .. . . . . _ . the ••Creation" • - . Haydn ti, -.Thankm be to God.". From “Elijah"..Mendelegolan' • INTERMISSION FIFTEEN MINUTES. • ' . I'AILT 11. . J. es—" Sleepers Wake, a Voice .19' Caning. " YronOkiii, Paul bloudelmohn . . .. .. • • D—PRAVER. From "111o8os EgYPt:', “ofjostlini 2. INYLAMIVIATUM.• From , •:!10.1bzit .11[Lter".... . 3. (Aunt*. From the 12th Maim Mozart 4. HALLEIATJAII. From the "bleFimiab" ' Handel . SATURDAY. June 19; 180. Commencing at 11 Y. M. CONCERT BY THE CHILDREN Ob".CHE PUBLIC With full Orchestral Accompaninient,-,being.thelargesE Chortle of everbrought together. CONDUCT -- OIESOARI, IllrifuEnu-and P.S. GILB10111:. • it! ), ( 1 - 4 P . .- 81 1 4104:' ; D. • TICKETS NOW ON SALE 'AT MUSIC . 7 ,• , • _••.: PRICES: SINGLE ADMISSION, WITII SECURED SEAT, 4r, AND t 5 ,3, ACCORDING, Tit) LOCATION. • SINGLE ADMISSION, A5ll tYITi•LOURED E , • S AT, . Ticket Office opell from A. M. toil to. M. . Per Order. • je2-mr,itor,:it It ENRY . PARKER; Secretary, • • Ot./KUSI.O-4r..E.LLOHG.. - 17 MISS KELLOGG'S' •, ''• MAX FAREWELL TO ILA R j'B DELPHIA.: • • MAX STRAKOSCH respectfully announces that ,prior to her departure for Europe in • the steamer La Villelle Farb), tbr a rt i r o ict i Antit_Hcan Frinia.Donna, • , I,A, LOIJISEALLLOGG, '• - will appear In a Grand Operatic Concert, • . 'ON WEDNESDAI. EVENING June 2 1859_,. !when the following .artistes. will assist MI SS CLARA. fLOULSE KELLOGG: Mlle- ALIDA' TOP P(the popiu :tar piano virtuoso). Signora BOETTI, REINA, SUSIRI,' 'DAHILL Mr. RUDOLPH lIENNIG, Solos from Rossini's ."•1111ISSII SOLEMNELLE. 'will be performed, with instrumental and _vocal selec tions. ON THURSDAY' EVENING,, Juile . 3.18419, • • GRAND FAREWELLOFKBA NIGHT. ... • .• • IL, BAKIHEItE SEVIGLIA. • • FULL CHORUS AND COMPLETE ORCHESTRA-, Musical Directors:.- Mr. S. Behrens And Sig. Aberlei: Admission GI; reserved seats Mc. extra. • . • . Family Circle, a/ Colas.— Galle r y, 26 cents .eats nowat the Acadentr, and C. W. A. 'Frumpier 's.. •CHEsTNUT STREET THEATER - J. E. McDONOUGH ' Manager LAST. WEEK ELISE MOLTIS P.N'GLIKLAIVAX:ESQVE TROUPE.. „- Revival of . . ' • ' LUCRETIA BORGIA ; b • (ni , LA GRANDE OVTRESS. .•, it. DONALDSON and H. GILBERT, who will make a • , • VELOOIFEDE'ASCENSION from the .stage to the gallery—a feat never !serum at , tempted. • • • . ' SATURDAY -31A TINEE. , JOHN 4REW'S ,ARUH — StREET lrl THEATRE: - • • ' Begins at S. LAST NIGHTS OF Mlt. JOHN COLLINS, TO , NlGHT_Meilnesday), June 2d, Ida; , . Capt. O'Neil tyrith. SOUKS ~.,..MR.JOHN COLLINS • After which, E TEDDy, THE TILER. Teddy (with songs). M.R. JOHN. COLLINS. Celia tiding .with JENNY LIND. - FRII)AY-13ENEFIT UN MIL•COLLINS. TI:RDA Y—TIIE MARBLE II EMIT. .MONDAY—BLACK AND WHITE. _ WALNUT STREET THEATRE. • Begins at 714. THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, Jona' 2, THIRD NIGHT Of the world-renownod Comedian,' mu. JOSEPWINFERSOIf • Who willlMPearag. J-. i. • ItIF . VAN WINKLE, la Dion Boucicault's Great•Drisma of. . 1111 , YAN WINKLE; - • On, THE SLEEP OF TWENTY TRAM. MBEATRE COMIQUI, SEVENTH. Street, below Arch. Conninencing at 8. • LAST WEEK BU ONE Of the brilliant engagement of the- great- favorite and , popUlar artiste, MISS SESAN GALTON. • • in the great hit of the season, FLIORETTE, T ILE CRICKET. !CrickeL. . GALTON • eltieltiff MATU EE, SATURDA V. • IC • F OX'S AMERICAN, • WALNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH. ATTRACTION RARE AND INIMITABLE, • • REENGAGEMENT OF THE DASHWOOD sISTERS. THE WONDER OF THE WORLD, ;Excelling Zengah. or the RizarelliA, who appear twice dnring the evening. . • THE TWO' GRAND' BALLETS EACH • EVENING. RIP VAN.WINKLE BY JOE EMMETT. MASTER. 'CLARENCE ON THE TRAPEZE. DON'T FORGET THE SATURDAY MATINEE. ORAND EXHIBITION JLA or Billiards will be given THIS EVENING. at 609 :CHESTNUT street, at 11 o'cliiek. JOHN Me DEVITT. Ex-Champlmi of America, VICTOR ESTEPHE and JAMES PALMER,. will be lowing ti e primi pal players. Matches at the French three-ball l o wing and the four-ball game will be played. The public are invited. The saloon contains Twelve - Fine Table*. It tACADEM Y OF FINE ARTS CHESTNUT street, above Tenth. . Oaen from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Benjamin Vest great Piriare of CHRIST REJECTED • still on exhibition. je22-rf - pEpiNsYLILANIA ACADEM Y OF FINE ARTS. THE FORTY-SIXTH ANNtAL SPRING )1 X. 111131- TioN we PAINTINGS, SCFLPTCIIII, now A dog &lion 25 rente. Settson Tickets HI Orion from 9A. 31. to Gll P. 11., nod front to 10 P. • ap2s-6w SPECIAL - NOTICES. _ • NEED( It EP LASLICAN ITY EX El TTIVE COMMITTEE ROOMS. NA INAL UNION CLUB, Hai ilitEsTNrr 'STREET. Tudor tho pro,l4ions of Ride 7 of Ow Itul”s for RI, go• vf , rinerit of lII.' Uldoll •Itopublieto Party. Ow nonclAl primary olectious will bold 11l ..4.4) on TUESDAY bvtween RIP bowls of an t i ti 0 . 4 lock I'. M. There shah for f4rete4 f min end) Diviwinu one Peletnit , to enrh - ilf Courtit.lioit*.•ff..: .- - . 4 . 1111114 Pr: -,-..1 4 . lPrti a Qu a rter Se.odons. City Trewoiror. Prothonotary or the pktrit't . 'ltecorder of D ee.l4. Court; City ConottiAsioner. and ill the Fir4t Senatorial Ditrict, one Delegate each to !, a Senatorial l'otitootion. There shall align be 00(1(41 one Del%ate . fr6m each Election Division to a 11. , %preo%utativeConventium and two lielegat.N from - each DI vi.jon to a Vard Ckniveti t tion. And from web Election Itlvihion three members of a Word Executive Committe. as provided for In Rafe 3d. The above conventions shall 1.t , 4 WEDNESDA June 0. at 10 o'clock 31.; except the Viard COll - which shall meet at ?, o'eloek P. 31. Cul/lEllnlleillg at 3 P. 31 . . In. notice will he given of the places Of meeting of the City Convent lone. By order of the Republiena City Executive Committee. W. R. LEEDS, President. Jolts L. BILL. Secretary. jet t CE.--LAN — ELF42-TION . President Dud twelve Dirac torn of the Pennsyl vania Actolemy of the Flne.Arts, to Nerve tho emoting 'year. will be bold at the Academy Bundles, 1025 nut street; o4I)IO.NDAT;Jtnev /849. from It! 31. till '2 'P. 11. JWIN SARTAIN, jel3ti Socretarl• UAMERICAN ACADEMY - OP MU * SlC—.The'Annual Mce r ting of the Stockholdereiwill be hell in the Veyerof the Academy, MONDAY A rirmt• NOON, June 7. at 414 o'clock, when an election will he held for twelve Directors to serve the ensuing year. MICHAEL NISBET; !styli; IS 29jel Secretary. u. DUTCHE D :FR. R'S DEA SHOT O Dutcher k Lightning Fle'-}iillex.; Sold by .101INTSON, HOLLOWAY at ODWDI'N'. and by Druzilisto everywhere. ruyl9w • f HORTICULTURAL HALL. A uty special meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Nall, on FRIDAY EVENING, June 4th, 7130, at S o'clock, for the purpore of authorizing the bean! of pre ferred stock. my:lll'm watß, NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEET- Mg of the Stockholders of the Andover lroti Cone 'pony will be held at. the Offlo! of tke Company, YhillipN burg.NewJersey.on TUESDAY, fifth day of J one next. at 12 o'clock M.. at which time and place an election will be held for - Directors to serve the enmulnu rear. mr3l•mwf3tti F. A .COML , secretary. . rr :NOTICE-THE ANNUAL MEET ing 'if the 'STOCKHOLDERS OF THE LAKE SUPERIOR AND MISSISSIPPI RAILROAD COM - PAN Y will he held at the Office of the Company. No. 424 WALNUT street, Philadelphia, on MONDAY, the of J nue, 1869, at 1 o'clock I'.:tl . ItMMT 11. LAMBORN, w f-3t* . Secretary. OFFICE RESOLUTE 31 INING Company, No. 324 Walnut street., . . PHILADV.LPHIA, M ay 27th, ME. Notice is hereby given that, all Stock of the Resolute Hieing Company. on which instalments are 'clue and un paid, lugs been forfeite(L and will b(1 sold at public auc tion on MONDAY, 28th June o lel69, at 12 o'clock, noon, ut the Office of the Secretary of the Corporation (ac cording to the Charter and By-Laws,) unless previously - redeemed. r' By order of the Directors. B. A TIOOPES, • Secretary and Treasurer Tim Company dating the right to bid ou 'mid Stock. uty2B tje2l up PHIL ADELPHIA, MAY iS, 1869. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Iteeolute Mining Company, of Lake Superior, will tie held at their Office, No. 324 Walnut street, on MONDAY, the 7th day of June, 1869, et 12 o'clock M, for the election of Directois; and transaction or other bueluess. . uty22ljc7li • , B. A. HOOPES, Secretar y • tut. THE. ANNUAL ••• MEETING •OF the STOCKHOLDERS ow. 'THE ARTESIAN OIL AND MINING COMPANY will be held at the °Mee of the Company, NO. 136 south Third' street. on THURSDAY, Juue 3d, at 11 O'clock A, M. An election will be held for llve Directors to eerve the ensuing year.• ' E3IPIRE COPPER, CO3IPANY.— ' wev The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Einpire Copper Company will be held at the oftice of the .Company, No. 124 Walnut street, Philadelphia, on. 11I DA June 4th, d 669, of 12 o ' clock . M., for the election of ;Diretltors, and for , any other business .tkat rimy legally come.before the meeting. • • -. MAL HOFFWAN, Secretary. -PnlAwnEr.rztrA, - May 15,1869. . OFFICE OF THE METALLINE u-mD , LAND COMPANY, NO: 324 WALNUT STREPIT.• PIIILADIMPHIA, May 7thilti62. - . The stated anneal meeting. et the atoeklioldere of the Metalline Land Companywill he hold at the of of the 'Colnpatrt.' ea MONDAT,, Julie .7tb,: proximo, at 12 o'clock - , M . . my7t.074 ' • M:1.1. ITOFFIIAN Clerk. , DIVIDEND NOncgs. UNION BANK. OP TENNESSEE IN "' , ; NM:1111/11.LE, MUY 20,1669 1 DIVIDEND. ..aloadilTideild , ,ol"..l.wolyeAlollaraand.fiftreentivon ;each share ox utock in the Union Dunk of Tenneseee will la, paid at the Philadelphia National 113aok un.und allot. the 10th day of June, 180. • ' • ; - N#3.1011 W . , ALLEN, Hed••uneiTruatee.'. wAisTiu.) .'131( A , SILIC k) anilliress linitSc; one who can coin- - mend trfirtt-clasa Pennsylvania trade. Answer Tiff-. POUTERS' at this office. • jot 2t" . _ a FURNISHED COUNTRY HOUSE— mai with qtalating—wanted for the sealant about ton mileti from the city; easy Qf acct.:pi,' Address 'this office, • .... . . . • . . . . ~--.-_--• , ..,.......-1 , ....,- - - L..- ~•-•-:' . _ 4.. :...,. 4.-. ..,,I ...,..k.4 ~, -,,i,L4-*%.{,--.....!4'.:r_.••••_...-,,/,,,,,f...,,,,,,,-..,,,m7 . , • •• . - - ' - -"- - • • T. t. -•• ' ....:.' :t •. te t... ''. 1. f,' k. • : , ••••-• ';• k c •.", ' ' AMLfBSMEN~I~ ;~, WANTS. 1. tOit I IVOR SALE.--VERY FINELY' BiTtrATED .17 litaitsipstiittWlLn ftellool'ffptuae Jtantl,4lltlllo enbcates waits of thsZaHread Station; is, 1a of 5 =yea, to limit prchasers. These properties command a fine view, ;and aro bordered by the lands of " 1110 Park Eitel:Wow, and brt eigpitukcotint , AY te!/ 15 ••,•g -I,: r -'" • .- A wE'. ritt:44, my 23-142 .I§FOR SALE—A HANDSOME THREI . ii: 404:111•10 dmillitWoalfincrstreeta'halvitian .t hod "Twentieth- scrottEr; lot 18 - 14 117 foAr to e !'treat; double back building's, gna, bath, water-doset. , hot and cold Water; finished In good style and in excel ' lent air/good&l - seized yard.:; Apply to IX 118 tionth.Posr h tatte`et .• s 3 W f mat • FLFOR SALE—Two SMALL 7 BRIOit. clste)lingth 1ie5.605 and 609 Federal street,logsther. firer,hOultes lu,the:tear;loCatiOn,dfilirkble• wni sold separately or together. For sale—A desirable business property. No.lo South Tenth street. For Selo 76. ;class roperty,llip,,,6l, Sent Sixteenth street; into H 'either gra damming or, for 4ttuitteoll PurPo646-, For ale or to ent—A. three-story brick dwelling, in ex cellent repair,'NO. 2IAI Vine street. .. Apply to S. MUDGE, ' t.;!.091, Twenty-third apd Lombard ste. flAe.;taniANT - 15Velj Sale—Queen street, 2 doors beyond Green-10 rooms; lot 116 feet front; & minutes from stilt (Oil. Cheap, KIASX,It. KING. Gertnantown.. fle 210 FR ICE STREET, GEIGM illa.town ; only 101 W. Stone house, Tulpoltocken street, only goirnAromo. .I.lheari pate, stone hour, 449,0?0- t.L..h7.}:reEtt KING. ; • if ' ' • ' 110 X t - 1 )(Tot tllllVltitciWn • ••• • ..." irkJO 0 'A L lf;-j4. -- S12(.311 1 1 - • .1.1 . Dwell ing, 1112 BO Wait afraid, Apply 14041ortno et., 10 to 12 A. 11... 2to 5 ( 1.1- by: ' ' r r )01.2t. t' 1' 9 it 8 ALE : pit ;T9 • niAlit4l-=thi• three:Ntory" brick tesbleitee,, allure street. 40 by 187 feet deep to North street: stsble coach-house and coachman , . room. Apply to m}22l-6t" j THOS. L. EVANS -No. 4:11 Walnut. street.' 4 , • FOR SAL E—.I)wELLINGS Akio U/STOItES.-131011..Tenth street, lot V*76, shin sant, awl all,modern improtennenta; Vitt Brand ewine street; lot 102'60; 8 roams' and bath; aide alloy; a bargain. 2524 N. Broad. Lot . 25x177.10. - - ' • . SW N. Broad 1311 N. Broad st • 1305 llratalywitte at., 817 N. Sixteenth 1307-N. Fifteenth at., • 1327 NYkiftelmth at., • ' ' 1414 Muster at., PM N. Nineteenth it,, 1300 N. Nineteenth at.. 2130 Yranklinst., 1711 N. Ninth it.. 644 N. Eleventh ..t:, 16311 lilt. Vernon at., ' 1521 Wallace et. 1481 , Viellington, street. Lot 13 by 71". Ten rooms.-;Ma dent improycitu , nta., Term u4 easy. borhood. ' Only 86,700.' For particuliirs get the'ltegister, pries r, cents. tNnirevapcing and col eeting.prontpaf at tended tu,fOr which t - most respicatully Tear Pa tronage..., . . J ..t W. lIAYI' 21S. nty26tfi ' • 859 N. Broad strect. FOlt. !SALE 'OR EXatt.A.Ptt.f.E 7 ,a. idelUirst-eloss Country Seat :end *anti; contitiniu acres. le of which ie iu ]awn; taro - and klegant Alan a ion, Tenant flouse,Gardener's Cottage,Cerriage !louse; Barn. lee 'loupe, Spring limn', Ac.,3 wiles north of But city, near railroad, and Cotstrn lent to churchua, *toren, ,tr. Wilt bei, sold on very.easy terms ' or exchanged thr tint - clew city. prop Arty. Address J. S. 'l'., Box 2161, D. O. mplltli ea FOR SALE OR R ENT—A HO.ITSE 215 i. and lot, 100 feet front by 110 fiat deep; on Y.lwoodi tone, Genuantown avenue. Rising Sun village, Alao. 11, large lot float the same, ((bout Ali feetsousre. Inquire at"- 712 31A street. ' - Thy3l (0 . SeCifilit star/. FOit SALE. 2 —NEAT 'CURER-STORY &Ai& stontcortage, good 10eation, Wermatibrien near delit 0 1; 1, TOODltl;Mvery nutsvenlenca. Let.3U by 1W feet. Prier, tglouv. u l a-14 M. P:W.4tL1,A011.,11.i 8. - flixth street. lUtt)Al.O f•ITICIET.--=-1 0 0.1tSALE-I'llE valuable 1nt,75 fent fnuit un Ilrua.l street, &Haat* Jinn feast corner of Fitzwater NtlVei: 1.4) feet deep_on Fitzwater 1411 - l. J. Al. 411.131.31EY S stois, 01'111- nut etrert. C) U $ A L E.—A elli ,TH 'LEE-STUBY . Zia Brown S Mno Stoup Vrout eliago, No. 211peuto Ntre•vt. early. Apply to 4:O3'NICK &JOR DAN. Cti 'Walnut strefl. Cs, FI . )IC N. J., u now train, llowitt, 9 rooms. alth yard awl large sivir.l. l3 ; 11, yryy tdo 104. Minn; only twmtty rofn alea- rtdo via irldind I.3.l:afiroad CW.; frnquerit trainirabo. a untidier of dtwiralrle Building Lvtw. Apply at Liolawaro avenue. , - my:s-tit§ C:7 4 ; : 11 /INTO FOR SAL FL—A A. iniviern stone Cott ago, with every eityt.titiyettitluro. Parlor.llinhist ronni,dttilip room, hitch .a and litre, ham• here; tlevlrsably located; within ton initiate's' walk from the railroad &pot. Nh - nly trhatled. J. N. GUNN*: T t 813A$ 73.3. `Walnut xdruyt. . ffirt.! .11ANDS(.)11E COUNTRY SEAT FOR St. IP. e.oltaitting aerw maperior land. situated on the thiir Mills rood, one toile front Villa Nova Station, OD QM' CP Utrirlt4i/rl)o4.Arra titan/ . with evt•rt conSeffitoteWexCept gav; stable, eigrrivg,•lll/404., chipken home., tee house, he.. &c. Lawn lianth•oudy ituproved , with shade and evergreen trees and ehrubhery. Also. spring and spring hothw, and a Hwalif of water running through Om' place; fruits and le-rries of all Muds. J. 31. 611.11.31r.T & 50N5,733 War. nut vtr,d, F4.)F l it I.IE- : -THE`D.114.7,81 RA BLE: Iltntinvna 5t:,14:1. 'dinar° No, 42. South YoUrth .treat, Inunrqtate gir•li, 3.11 GICIIMEY S tit ANS. 7.SlWalnut /7 , -;" Nail Tl-1 11.11 ( ,AD lik:1. Lot. corner of )fontitonvery. Divided, if desired. Apply. between 10 and 12 o'clock, to 21. C. LEA, 430 'Walnut. . , tny2lf rn wdti • _ _ gro RA()I ,IN SALK—A .Y.;: - .valuable tract ofbojacrow of hand,tho windy of which is underlaid ith an inexhaustible bed of Kaolin; altuat., on the lino of the BaititnoreXentral liallroad, within gi mil•rs of the ti.'ity of Philadelphia. Improvements constat of mansion. dwelling hougea for operatives. sad all nceoseary outbuildings. Al.to, all the machinery and tools requisite for work hit; !b.'', day. For fitrtherparti• cular.f. apply to 2d. G1.31.21ET do 1_ 4 (1.7i8, 731 \Valiant atreet. -- Dwelling. 1721 Yin» odreet, if andgome Residence, Wert Philadolydda. ,-A-Hand.onio Dwelling.-A reh-ak-ixtrove Sixteeutli A ]1 'dery Div 011ug , 10a) Sewall t street. fhwinev.4 Location, Straw berry "dive!. Two Modern Dwelltntn, WeatPhilthielPhia , A Modern Dwelling. Siite..nth and Cherry otrPrta. Apply to q()P I' VCR. .t JI,RDA N. 433 Walnut otroet TO RENT. rr rt, 9r , „ FROM JULY I. 'STORE AND BASEMENT, S. E. (Tr. Chestnut and Seventh Sts. INQUIRE 01 EDWARD P. KELLY: ni3 , 3! ti CREESE & 3f c.C(N ; pi ; REAL ESTATE • Oftlee,Jaelgon Mreet, opposit e Mansion street, Cape 'eland, N. J. Real Evtate bought awl sold. Penman desirnov of renting cottagea during the veason will applV or address as above. R,spectfull) refer to Cbas.A.Rithicam,lienry Bnmm Francis .11clivain, Augustus Meritto, - Johu Davis auci W. W Juvenal. fod-tfg iniFF ICES TO RENT.—THE HOUSE, NO. kl 413 Locust street, suitable for °Dices. Apply at No. Strawberry street. my3lin w ftit§ 910 LE T— 1) AND THIRD FLOORS of new Store, 632 Arch street. nty3l3t' OA TO RENT—IN WEST PH ILADEL , for the Stunmer, a furnished 1101140. Apply on the premises, FortyArst street, second duor below Pine, east side, Terms moderate. jet-2t' tlni TO RENT—GERMANTOWN—A furnished Haute with stable attached. - Apply to" .1.! SERGE ANT PRICE, No. 811 Arch street. 401 - r IN: THE COUNTRY Yin rent, at:station on North Penna. liallrond. Three acrcm of lawn: plenty of shade and fruit *trees; stabling, &c. Rent moderate. Front 10 to 20 acres adjoining, for sale, if desired. Address or apply to • ? O.IISON, nit29.6ts • 327 Walnut street: RENT TO A PRIVATE PAM . hand annieli,fu rnished Muse on Arch Street, near Sixteenth. Possession given yo to 1, 18171. ? A Meth: and coach house ran he'liad if desired. • Address STItEII3T," at this oilier. nty?..../6t7 . • EtHOUSE IN , WEST DE LANVY Pince to rent, partly furnished or unfurnished, ' for six Months.' Terms vary .moderate, Address "V. (4.,'•this office. • ••• —• nty3t in Ar,f fa. TO LET—A RANDSOM.E COUNTRY. ilEA.Resideice,-with all the modern cotiVesiences ' is complete repair, at the hertinyeeterly. corner of .robinssow and Nash streets ( °tithe Chew estate ) , Germantown: Rent, .91,000, Apply to . • • '• • ' my26w T mst,‘' 205 Smith J street. ', 11-B TO .RENT.—A ToIRST-CLASS.COUN4 La try Residence, first and second stories furnished, 'modern convenience, near Lancaster Pike, faurminutee ,walk from Heverford college Station, on tha Pennell. 'aide Central Railroad; stabling, CO hone('( filled.) Ap ;PIT to C. .1. ARTIIUR, White hall Ilotal; or by.letter,, Wept haver ford ,P. 0.4 Del. Co.,Pa.' - my3l - RENI.'.FURNISHE.I.) Residence, ou the Delaware river, one mile north of Bristol. ,Commodious house, neatly furnished; three'. .acres of ground, testify laid out and bountifully sup-'0 'plied with f, nit shade trees. A very desirable place. 14,36 Lombard . street. Modern House.. furnieheit, , foc six months or year. M./BERT GRAFFEN & SON, • 537 Pine street. TO RENT THE LARGE, CONTR. U " • 'limit ahd woll-I,itgvhotuedueTwulitthef i t i m n i m it e lin a r te e S po o g . 06 11! , l l' i l l o o u n t , l g E p t rron A t I le l itant being obliged to retire front t,nxiueee• owing to in beaith• : Apply to SUB-' WEIL At Co:. luifSot•th Delawaro !avenue. . myff tf§ , , lion Brown-ono welling, 1214 Coates otreet;conivi tain g parlor,dining-room; kitchen and Hummer kitchen on ground floor; Hitting-room and 3 chamber,' 02 241; a cliatabern on third floor, with bath-room, hot and cold water and all modern convenieneee. Will be rented for one or more years to a good tenant at a low rent. In 'vitro for a few do yo on tho pretidsen, or to EILWAVIP Sultralsi t Ito. /28 kilevetalt ot, turtnivi -a-- " .I -ITA:NUSt)3M if L' JECi Ilk CAI IC A it. COVNCLIL no, folloykng Alter from 'I) . fmetither-Ot the Rritish Parliament, atipeark sir the Englisli , ' papers: 1 ., V, ,tr .• ..eux-Eirn;•ltlay lqfplitt4-:7'thei 04a - Wisp,. Riniaard ; P. MV Detn.7'MelrlstiiA . , ~„X I wrote to you some time ago aOUD the Xll menieal'Conference which - it was proposed to, bold at Genera on the occasion of the General Council at Rome. "A question pre.sented itself: Should it be held,lnforo l vti ; thed3enerlif •. Seine thief It • d ourejrient . flu were antolig .t"t, , nbelazthat itt :• after, us' it is then Only that We shall knoW what the Conned will have done, and *Ap t can be said in reply. Our resolution is notl4l hold our conference this year. is thero nothing : to be dome before the Councilis held at Itinne? Shall we Say 110th ilig,,vhen4totrcylvis crot think it, . wenid tehnit e a Nits to itibbitt in London while so many_of your earnest men are'assembled there for the May Meetings? • The subject is of great importance. No Gene dt! :rat Connell of the Romisit Church has been _held since that of Trent in the sixteenth l-en tary. On that 64:ea.SiOililm Pope fuidteitPro-,', testants to return to the bosom of thh - Chureli of which he is the bead. yAlTiMpresent crisis, Which agitateS . '"niore or less all Christendom, renders it naportant that there 4liatilti be now a gretteniamteidatiOn of . 'EStangelical principles; for. the Clinitrines tints established are • pris ecely , these which. are' , attacked by Itittialisteißationaliten and Other erroneous systenis..' • ~-. '• ' ; 'TheWork of the!Reform n atio waS arrested in'the secOnd half of the sit teenth century. It is time that ,we'sliould take it up; find the itiVi whieb the Pope; has addressed to u fernishes a suitable occasion..• , •"!This manifestadon of Evangelical princi pies, to be useful, shoUld be made in every tevtin, even everyvillage where there is Christian would to G °titled: were every- ' where ""But-what should be the aim of these meet. Inge? The great doctrines i . )l* Holy'Seriptures should lie.aliiiined,:ou the 'urgentree eessity of, - carrying on the work of , Reformation should\ be . pressed uponlbe Christian , public. Is it ' not time the men of earnestness, Sincerity and amble-character; now in the. Church of should' abandon the religion of ex teriOrs,. :',.forms, 'and rites, to. , receive • that whiehot 'Spirit and life.' • "Ought tive laCkt, to try to Make Rennin Catho-. limunderstand that the differenee,_between them and us is this: . That they cling to a res. ligion which addresspaitself to the imagina-:, • then or intellect, the essence of which is sub mission to the Church, to the commandments Of - men—a dead form; while we ask them td recelye a perfect anti salvation .by grace to find a living Christ-.that 'kingdom of God which is righteonsnem, and - peace, joy in the - Holy Ghost?'.. "These are the questions to' he opened up; bait mina, be; done without pride, without bjtterness, without violence; it . must be done in love. When we consider - the millions of Roman Catholics %Ow have been baptized ,itt the mune of the Fattier, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, but hindered by the veil of su perstition, human tradition and ereature medi ation, do not know, do not possess. Christ, our feelings should be hose of sorrow, not anger; and we should beSeech them by the meekness and gentleness of Christ to conih to Him in sitnple faith. "The Council at Rome -will commence on the'bth of m December, the anniversary Of the preulgatiou the'doetrine of the Inunacu tate Conception. What is to be done--at this - ',erns'? Will it -he permitted to me to express toy thoughts, - which 1 sninnit entirely to your wisdom and to that of the brethren assembled in London? "Would it not be well that -in every place where there may be a certain number of pions and intelligent Christians thiS day should be devoted to conferences to which orthodox Christians Of different denominations should heinvited? • \Veldre it not be Well that prayers sham mil arise, not only in these conferences, but in family worship and public services, to en treat the only Head of the Church, .Ictstut Christ,,for the illumination and eternal salva tion of those, who are placed under the Papal yoke - • "In these times Roman Catholies and Free thinkers show great boldness. !Shall we, the Evangelical Christians, be the only cowards? Some points which have eittirred to inn as • objects ,ol,4iscussion I will mention to you: qirist, the only bead of the Church, who creates, preserves, sanctifies and defends it, delivering it from the power ofthat Mail who priteritis to.taktql, is phlce., "2. The 'l, l l. * Ord of God, the only source and rule of Christian faith, which delivers us from trtulitifinkandorditianues of men. - ":1. The righteotemess of Christ, His propi , Jiatory saCritice,' and faith in the perfeenvorlc accomplished by Him, instead of the Itornish notion of salvation } by *Wks and superstitions' practices. ne* birth andworlihilitrithe.Sgrii; in. , ttit of the opus opec«onit Of human rites. "5. Religious liberty in opposition to the 3ryllublic man having to answer only to God. The universal priesthood of Christians, who,. ,reeognizing a ministry.' instituted 'by (lokl;' reject the idea,' of pri) st; CelibaCy; talon achistn, Sze. E x ,ns'e, dear sir, thesedetails. I wished to express my thoughts as clearly as possible. "It appears to me that the proposition of such a manifestationof EVangelival principles in Christian parisht'ik , would come much better from London than from a Continental town, which does not possess the: influence of your great capital, time -, rnetropolis-of Evangelical Christendom. "May the great Head a the Church Himself direct your resolutions ' - and give a great bles sting-011 every ellen made for. His glory. , ; • ollelievenieoby,dear sir, yours most truly, "MERLE D'AultioN.E." United States Dint Statement. lion. James Polloek, Director of the Mint; furnishes the foliow Mg Filament el deposits and edinsge et the Mint during the month of May, DAI9: Gold depobitA, • • - !Silver depoo•its and purchaiieet• Total depooita, , - - • (wit) COINAGE. ' rtr PircCS 26,500 Double Eughe, Fine Bum - Dollars, - - Half Dolla rs , - rn Quarter Dollars, Dien, - - Half Dimes,- Three Cora Pieces', Fink • • Total, - Five Cent Pivece, Ono Cent rittiCH, Two Cent Pieces, , • 1,198,500 •:„ S 13,00.00: RECAPITULATION. Gold Coinage, Mitre!. Coinage. Italie Coinage, - TYPE 'FOUNDRY:. HILADELPHIA P TYPE FOUNDRY PRINTERS' FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, Established ISO The subscriber, haiing gr%eatly Increeacd facititioa for manufacturing, calls particular attention to his 'New fillies of Classic Fuceis of Book - and Newspaper Types,' which will compare , favorably with' those of any other. Founder. His practical experience in, all branches ap trertaining to ,tho ,ManufaCture of. Type.aid the fact of constant Personal Supervision of each department of h$ business, in the,best guarantee offered to the Printer of finished and durable articlo. Everything necessary in is complete Printing Es tablishment furnished at the shortest notice. AGy.:NT FOR ROL " TAYLOR: - GORDON, CAMPREEL - , - DEGENER, DOTTER AND ALL OTHER. - DRESS MANUFACTURERS. . . So o ',lonto for thfo City of • • Aws • I . INRIYALED • INKS, A good idoneY %Kir Give us a. trial. , L. PtIJOUZE, N. W. corner of T)31.11,1) and .CI.I.EST.NIIT Streets, • 141731 in re ftf • • : Pa. % ICISLCiAI.. A '.V.BACIREA 'OF •gin,fi h e r t_ : _friyEtte,l . essoui s And. tlasßee; Residence ve14145 EMI= $901.676 . 36 47,137 18 .y,918,813 85'0,000 00 10,234 bt; $5441434 di iILVER. - 14,AM $14,9.50 00 • . 25,450 12,725 00 - 50 'l2 60 59 500 Id 150 17,907 e 5 $45,506 35 N I CK EL. 7,39,000 1: 343 + 050 0.0 BRoAnt. ... - 974,000 $9,74000 - 1644(4) • 3,290 OJ 5530,000 00 27,593 rpo 13,030 00 ,500 40,500 1,138400 $570,626 (0 3 ,-N'ls ,000 WATCHES, JEWEURT., , &C. F. ritii9Ontrro . 7.lll 4 11228,RE; • 3l E rAfte ßS ' ( 1 1 L Vat:CUES am v , 1 R' _ : • AIRED, i 8 . 0 2 Chestnut St., Phila. I,adies'and Genis' Waiches Amen can and linportell%br spviriettmil makere. Vigt Chalagaticliatines, In 14 and II karate. piltlnond and Other Jewelry, Of the lateet designs, ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING DINGS, In lil karat and coin. SOLID SILVER WARE FOR BRIDAL tPRESENTL. IAI4TAIk culiourif,43LAllnwir 'lll/4- FINANCIAL. • ITH, 4. iv DOll.lll RS . . . • _Dealers In E. S. Bonds and • llentbers Of filotek and Gold Exchange, receive ae. eaants of Batiks and Bankers 'os' liberal *rains, issue Bills of Exchange oak C. J. Hambra & Son; Londoni . ' _ MetzlOr, .S: Sohn ;& Co -k Franktord. James W. Tucker & Co., Paris., ; And Oilier girlncipal cities; sine • Letters of credit , available .'throughout , ' Einropo S. W. corner Thlnl - and 'Chestnut-Streets. CIE or - Java/ler. PACIFIC RAILROAD IS FiIsiISHED. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS BE • THE UNION AND CENTRALPACIFIC R.R. 1 BOUGHT AND SOLD. I)t, f l ti YEN :int& v. Bankers and Dealers in Governments, 40 S. 'Third Street. p 9 BANKING HOUSE OF JAYCOOKE4scfp , 112 and g0..-THIRD ST. PHILAD'A DEALERS . . IN ALL-GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. cv will receive applieationS'for Policies of Life Insuatiee in • the new National 'Life Tn surance Conißativ 'of the United States. Full information given at our, office. A' ." MISCELLANEOUS ' HO ''F'S TRADE NI A MARK A 0 T- E DIRECT IMPORTATION. Price eterially cluoeci.' • ItecommemitAltor phygicians ait ari Oxcellent,strength en ing TONIC BEVERAGE a ml NUTRIENT. and as tho 1,4 known preparation for NURSING MOTHERS, not haring the objectional ppoperties of malt liquors iu general.. 10S S.PEDEIO,EN. ' • . • itURRAY itreet, Neer York. 1117 Solii Agent fur the United States, ite..4% mO - 19 w ftu lmt PLUMBING. WM. Cr RHOADS, 1221 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA ' Steam and Gas fitting, Band Power and Steam Pumps, Plumbers' Marble and Soapstone Work. Terra Cotta Pipe; Chimney Tops, &e., wholesale and retail. Samples of' finished work may be Seen at ny store. ruyEtim§ Of the latest and most beautiful &signs, and all Other Slate work on hand or made to order. Factory and Salesrootus,SlXTEENTH and CALLOW HILL Streeta. ' :WILSON di MILLER. POCKET BOOKS, die. FAIRRAN,HS , ;SCALES. . , 715 cHEtTNOVSTREET. • w f ~ r~ ,'; ~ THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, 'WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1869. rF 9 .lt-ffiNiVr . . . .. . . . . IBRE3iTO4.4I,AII3RO4D.4I4MPtrNYIPutrIN9Itir fent rhiladophiii to New York, and way places,. from {Val.' Mut street wharf.-. . . Fare. dit 6.30 A. M. via Camden and Amber, Accolb., ez-vz Rt BA. IC, via Camdemand .Jerrey City Ex. Mail, -3.00 , t 2.90 P. M., via Camden and .Amboy Express, 300 t 6P. R. for Amboy and Intermediate stations. - t 6.N) and BA. M., anda P. M .. for Freehold. M. t .CO2 P. . for Long Branch and Points on R. &_D. B. plt. R. . lAt 8 and 10 A. M., 2,3.30 and 4.30 P. ll.'„for Trenton. ,i. t 6.30,8 and.lo A. M., 1, 2. 3.30,4.30, 6 and 11.30 P. 31., f Bordentown, Florence, Burlington, Beverly and Do t 6.30 audit! A 111., 404;4.504 itrpll 91.3 Cr: r Aix F ish Edgewater, Riverside, iv er' side, lot Orlon,. _iPalnlyrd.: and House, and 2 P. M., for Riverton. Mr' The 1 and 11.30 P. It. Lines will leave from foot iirket street by upper ferry . ... From Kensington Depot:. • At 11 A. 111.,,y1a Kensington and Jersey City, New York Express Line ,- 13 00 t 7...11 And 11.00 A - 21., 2.3 d, 3.30 and 5 P.M. for Trenhia and Brien I: .And at-10.18 A. M, atatti P. - M. - for Bristol.' At 7.30 and)/ 4, Mei 230; and 5 P. M.,for Morrisville and At 7,. Mid 10.15 A.' - x.; 2.31'4 b alittl3.P. M. for Scliciick's' arid Etidingtow.' , '-` • -.' ' ' ''''' ' ' '' ' '‘ '' ' ' At 7.30 and 10.15 ,A,.' At.; 2.311,,4, 5 and 6 P. M. f ' for Corn-. i wylin, Torrt , adale.Hointesbura,Tacony, Wiseinoming, i - liridesb MT and ,Frankford; and 8 P. M. fur Holmes i 'burg arid Intermediate Statintis: . ' •-' . ' ~ , --- (Fruit! West Philadelphia Depot via Connectingllailway: / At 9.30 A. 11.,.1.20, 4, 6.45 and 12. /', ki. New:. York Ex- I pet at' L/11 , .: via Ji.reeY (lib' ' 413 z At 11.30 P. ll', Entigrant Line' ' ' ' ' 200 iAt 0.30• A ..11-.., 1.310•4, 6.45 and 12 P. for Trenton.: At 9.30 A-. 11.. 4, 6.45 my! 12 P.. M., for Bristol. ~.- ~' . ; i .At 12 P.M .( N jail t ) for Morrie villti,Tull Tot, mcnenck'o, Lildington, Cornwelliv, Torresitale, II lmenburg, Ta emir. Winninomine, liridenbiarfi'aml Frankfort!. ' ' ' The 0.30:A . M. anti 6.45 and 12 P. Mt:Linen run daily. All °there, Sitialayn excepted. ' For Linen leaving Kensington DePritf take the ears on Third or Fifth streets, at Chestnut,' at half tin liour be :fore departure • The Cars of. Market Street Railway run dlr. to faWCO:Philudelpliia Depot, Chentnuland Walnut` within one cquare, On Sundnyn; the Market Street Cnro wi 11' ran to canned with the 9.30 A.M. and 6.45 and 12 r; MELYIDERE . L DELAW,A.BE BALLBOAD LIMES from Kennington ePat • .. ~ :: - At 7.30 A. IL, for Niagara Flin' Bn,atfalo; Dunkirk; , Elmira', Illittea, Owego, 11ochester, , Binghatnpton, Oswego, tl.yn.case,G rent Bend, Montrose, Willtesbarrei belioolti ix Mountain, lie. . At 7.30 A. M. and 3.30 P. M. for Scranton, Stromlo . bury, Water Gap. Belvidere, Easton, , Lambertrille, Flemington. Arc., The 3.30 P. M. Line connects direct with the I MIL leaving Easton for Mauch, (hun k, Allen town. Bethlehem: Sc. ' ' ' At 11 A . M. and 4 P. M. for Lambertville and interme diate Stations. • • . . CAMDEN AND DURLINGTON CO., AND PEMBEK-.; TON AND lIIGIITSTOWN RAILROADS, from liar. ket street Ferry(Upper Sidej • • At 7 and NA. M.,1, 2.1.5,3.30,611 . 630 P.M,for Merchants- AlllnMourestown, Dartford, Masonville, Littiusport,' Mon nt holly , Soil Oren le , ,Ewangyille,, Vhicentewn, „ • Ilirniinglgni and Pent berton:' ' • ' , At 7 A. M.. 1 and 320 P. M. for Lewistown,,,Wrightt , town, Cookstown, Now Estypt,ilornerstown, Creafki Ridge. Juilaystoun, Sharon and Hightistown. ; • Fifty pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger., P•nsaenlrerß.+rp probiblVd front taking anything as bag gage but their wearing a pparel.:. All baggage:over .fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The. Company bui l t .their. ri sponsihility for baggage to One -Dollar ;tier pound, , oval wilt not be liable for any amount' beyond 01410, ex cept 'by fpelllKl COlardlCi. I -, • Tiidiets sold andliaggage checked direct through to • Best on, Worcester, Springlield,lla Word,. New Haven Prot ideliee, .Newport; 'Albany. Tioy. Syraeuse, Rochester :Buffalo; Niagara. Falls and Suspension Dridge. , Ati additional 'fiekot Office is located at No. 8;26 Chest-, street, whets, 'tickets to Now York, and ail' luipor-!'.`, taut points North and East, may bo procured. , Persona' purchasing Tickets at this 'Office, can Lave their bag gage checked from residenct.a or hotel to destination, by U mon ;Transfer Baggage Expre,d. New York for Philadelphia will leave froth' foot of Cortland street at 1.00 and 4110 P. M., viwJersey 'City and Camden. At 6.30 P. 11. via Jersey City - .and. Kensington. At 7, awl 10 A. It., 12.30,p and 9P. M., and j . ..? Ni g ht. via jersey city anirl% est Philadelphia. Preto Pier No. 1, N. River, at 6.30 A. M. Acconimoda , lion and 2.P. M. Express, via Amboy send Camden. • Junel4E69. WM. H. CIATZMER, Agent. isj OIITH PENNSYLVANIA RALLEOAD, —THE MIDDLE nouTE.—sh,wn moßt oi rect line to Betblelwou,_F.aston, )111eulowo,_ Mauch, I llarletun, White haven,Wilkesblite 'llabanoy City. 'Mt, Carmel, Pittston, Tunkliannock, ' ficrnnto l ll,. Carbondale and all the points in the Lehigh and Wyo ming coal regions. • Passenger Depot in' Philadelphia, N. W. corner Ilerks and' American streets: , • - SUilltEß ARRANGEMENT, 15-DAILY TUAINB. —On awl after TUE:sDAY , Julio bit, .I*Cd. PaXiainger Trains leave the Depot, corner of Berke and American stn. , ts, daily (Sundays excepted), as follows: 6.45 Accandocidation for Fort Washington. At 7.45 A_ 11..—Alurniuir Express for Bethlehem and Statioe on North PVllutylsitula Railroad; tt 41,1:11. thing at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Railroad for Allentown, Cs' dasaugna. Siatiugtoli; Afaitetretiunk, N'tathcrly -lea nosed le , Hazleton ' White llaven, ba r King st tilt. Pit t , Titukhannock, and all points iu Lehigh au.. 'Wyoming. Valleys; also, in' connection with Lehigh and Ma loamy !Railroad' for ilahanoy Cityi /And with Oata why* Railroad for Daurillefiltl ton ton and Willianisport. Arrive at _Mauch Chunk at 12M.; at Wilkerbarre P. M.; at lialianoy City.at 1.50 P. H. Passengers .by this 'train 'can , take the Lehigh and Susquehanna Train for Easton and points on. hew Jersey Central Railroad, to New. York. At b. 45 A. M.—Accommodation for Doylestown, *hop ping at all iutetniediatk, Stations'. Pasiiengeris for Wil low Grove. liatboro' and Hartsville, by.this train, take Stage at Old York Road. . s.4f. A. M. *Express) for Bethlehetn;Allentoirn , blanch Chunk. White oven ," Wilkesb arre, Pittston, V-cranton and Carbondale via Lehigh and Susqueliinna Railroad, !also to Easton and points on Morris and Eistiosißailroad to Now York mid Allentown and Easton, and points on New ,Jerre,) Central Railroad to New' York Vita Lehigh hatlrieid. • -• " At lb•ti A..11L--Accornmodation for-Port Washington, stepping ut intermediate Stations. andll P.N.—Accommodation to Abington. F At 1.45 P. X.—Lehigh Valley 'Express for Bethlehem,- Allentown, Manch . Chunk. linaleton,•White,-Itaven, Wilke-shame, Pittston, tlerunton, and Wyoming Coal Regions. • t 245 P. IL—A he . ..intimidation 'for Doylestown;' ping at all intermediate stations. At 4...15 P. 'S.—Accommodation for. Doylestown, stop ping at all.internistliate stations. At 510 P. AI .—Throtigh for Bethlehem, and stations on- main Hill , of North Pennsylvania Bail connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Eve n init'Trai n for .}...11.W11. Allentown, Mauch Chunk. A t-ti";:t/P.-31.—Acceminollat ion-for-Lansdale, btoppin at all intermediate stations. • • • • Al 11.30 P. M .—A rrommodation for. Fort Wwthington _ 'TRAINS ARRIVE IN PIIILA_DELPH . From BethlOulu at 9 2.10 P:11.. c 4., V I n iW& 5 P M. Trains Make direct conntction with Lehigh Valley on. Lehigh and Sinoyae- Minna trains from. Eatton,llnranton, Williesharre,na lianoy City and Hazleton. Pto.seinters leaving Wilkesbarre at 9.40 A. 31., 1.45 P. ,li.,etattitTt at Bethlehem and arrirn in- Philadelphia at !4.45 and 6.25 P. From I),.,lestown at 8.25 A P,M.and 7.05 P.ll. Prom Laiiedii le at 7.20 A.M.., From Fort Washington .49.20 and 10.35 A.M. and 3.10 .• . „ 45-N SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 9.30 A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.00 P. M. Philadelphia for Abini:ton ill 7 P. M. DoylestoWn for Philaddphia at 6.30 A. M. It thleheralur Philadelphia at 4.00 P. AI. - Abington. for. Philadelphia at 8 P. IL Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger cars convey passen gors to and trona the uew Depot. White cars of Second aud• Third Streets. Line and ;Union Line run within a short distance of the Depot. Tieksts must be procured at the Ticket (Alice, in order to secure the lowest rates of fare. ,_ . . . , ELLIS CLARK, Agent. Tickets sold and Baggage checked through to princi pal is.ints, itt Mann s North Penn. Baggage Express office, Eu . rue, South Filth street. June lst, b Itt. 11D HIL AD ELPHIA, CrEHMANTOWN 1 AND NORRISTOWN RAIpROAD TIME TA BLE.—OnAndatter Monday, Mity 3d, 1869, and until turther notice: FOR GERM_ANTOWN. Leave Philndolphia-6, 7 8, 940, 10, 11 , 12 A. 31.,1, 2, 3.15, 3%, 4.4.35,5.1.6,5%, 6, 66,70, 9, 10, 11, 12 P. M. Leave Germantown-8,17, 735, 8, 8.20, 9, 30,11, 12 A. H.; 1. 2.3.4, 4ia, 5.83, 6, bin. 7.8,9, 10, 11, P. M. The e. 20 down-train. awl the 3% and 5% up trains, will not Plop on the Germantown Branch. ON SUNDAYS. . Leave Philadelphia-9.15 A. 5 .111., 2, 4.05 minutes, 7 and 1034 P. M. Leave Germantown-8.15 A. M.; 1,3, 6 and 97,4 P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia-6, 8, 10, 12 A. M.; 2,374,5 U, 7, 9 and /1 P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill-4.lominutes 8,9.40, and 11.40 A. M.; 1.40, 3.40,5.40,6.40,8.40 and 10.40'P. M. ON SUM/A.IS. Leave Philadelphia-9.15 minutes A. 3T.• ' 2 and 7 P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill-7.sominutes A. 111.; 12.40,5.40 and '9.25 minutes P. 11. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTO'WN. Leave Philadelphia-6.734, 9, 11.05, A.M.; 134,3,434, 5, 534, 6.15, 8.05, 10.05 and 1134 P. M.' Leave Norristown-5.40, 634, 7, 7,u, 9, 11 A. M. 134, 3, '434,6.15,8 and 9P It 32 .M. Mir The 7 1 4 A.M. Trains from Norristown will not stop at llogeti's,"Potts' Landing, Domino or Schnr's Lane: Bar The 5 P. M. Train from Philadelphia will stop Only at School Lane, Manayunk and Conshohocken. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M.; 234, 4 and 7.15 P. M. Leave Norristown-7 A.M.:1,53' and 9P. M. FOR MANAYUSTK. Leave PhilaV s phia-6, 73,11.05 A. M.; 134, 3, 434, 5 , 5)4,6.15,8 05, 10 and 1134 P 4.11. Leave Manatiunk-6.10,7,734 , 8.10,934 , 1134 A. M.;2,336, 5, , 8.30 and 10 P. M. W''" The 5 P.M. Train from Philadelphia will stop only at School Lane and Manayunk. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9 A. M.; 234,4 and 7.1 5 P. M. Leave Ifanaynnk-734 A. M.; lin, 6 and 934 P. M. W. S. WILSON, General Superintendent, Depot, Ninth and Green streets. OIIICHEST TIME ON RECORD. THE PAN-HANDLE ROUTE. Jilir26 HOURS to CINCINNATI, via PENNSYLVA NIA RAILROAD AND PAN-HANDLE,7JI HOURS lees TIME than by COMPETING LINES. PASSENGERS takiag_the 8.00 P. M. TRAIN arrive fa 'CINCINNATI net EVENING at 9.55 P.M., Id HOURS, ONLY ONE NIGHT on the ROUTE. 11ii - THE WOODRUFF'S celebrated Palace State- Room SLEEPING-CARS run through from PHILA DELPHIA to .CINCINNATI. Passengers taking the -12.00 M.-and:11.00 •reach-CINCINNATI and all points WEST and SOUTH ONE . TRAIN IN AD VANCE of all other Routes, 119 Pasaengers for CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS, STi T. 4 OI.IIS,CAIRQ„CHICAGO,PEORIA, BURLING TON, QUINCY, MILWAUKEE, ST.' PAULi OMAHA, :N.T., and all points WEST, NORTHWE sT and SOUTH WEST, will be. particular to ask for TICKETS Mir Via TAN-HANDLE ROUTE. . 119ir To SECURE the . 'UNEQUALED advantages of this LINE, be 'VERY PARTICULAR and ASK. .FOR TICKETS " Via PAN-HANDLE,' , at TICKET OF !FICES. N. W. CORNER NINTH and CHESTNUT Ste. .No. 116 MARKET STREET, bet. Second and Front ate., And THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET sm., West Phila. Si. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent, Pittsburgh. 'llO.llll H. MILLER, General Eastern Agent, 526 Broad ; war,N• Y. • • TRAVELERS' GUIDE. -41-Pit:4 . TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Itj 6 01 Wini 0 - ,-- '' • 4- AliaT4l - OA - li. -- +-10EA.t. 1 It4iltili 4 htiiii Phl itidAlgii - to ' the in Maur or • - efrerilvantirrth, e liehttylitll , . attelittnlMV:Cdintittr; „aud and:Wyoming Ystljeya, the Notth, Northwest and - Ithe Canadas, Spring Attanseitient of Passenger Trains, April 12, - 1309. leaving. the Company's Depot, Thirteenth and Callowhill ,streets,philadidpiiiii, at ,the following • Heading ACCOMMOBATION.LAt 7.90 A. M. for Beading and all intermediate Stations, and Allentovin. Befutiiin&le t amtteading ) at 6.1i0. , P,',M.t t arriving itii V ig i gNit r O a EX . Plta . .-:A j t 8. I ' 3 ' A ': M. for 'Reading: 1 p mtln en, il a rr Isl r g I o a tt s tt v l i lle ' ,ine trove,,T anu iq n u t , Sunbtry:Wiliatisp orl'.limirllt erN:agara:nlielual°lllke:lare,l'ittatont;ork,Cailile, fl"nlerBlur ;" ilagetc i n l c The7.3CA. M. trainioltt'at Reading withthe East enngyivaui,4 ttuafrtittforAe:t6lt.adtle .mA.iaraiconnecoi IthtbLlia laleYrain Irli::riobur,4..tpcilit4mwiti;catvwman.R. trains for Wlliansport,Lockllavonlnira,Ac.; at flrttlmrgxitlrNoyttierirttentral, 11umberhttd lfalr s lerUndSchiylkill• afrSusaueliannd trains forNdith umberlantiMilßatrsporlolttpChanibfreitrg,Pine frove,&e. AILTEILNOON EXPRESS.-Leaves, Philadelphia' at 13 .0 I"; if • for Wading, Pottsville, Harrisburg, itc,, con necting-wit h Reading and Ctiliimblii Railroad trains for •• leolumbia. Ac., . ~ . t POTTSTOWN' ACCO -731MODATIO,N.Lea,veii Potts-, town at 6.25 it. )1., Ntoppl nsz att he intermediate stations; - larrives in Philadelphia at 3.40 A. 11. Returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M. t.airives in Pottstown at 6.40 ItEA DINO ACCO3I3IODATION.-Leaves Reading at 37.90 A. Si.. stopping at all way stations; arrives in Phi la lib:1011a ot 10,1 i, A. Id, : , . , „, , . ~,,., , ~, 3 tiretfirning,ltiVes Plidadelphid at 5.15 p. It.i arrivelt flriltstuling at 8.05 P. M. ' - ' • Trains for Philadelphia leave Ilfarrisbur at 8.10 A. M., and pot tsville at o• 1 A,i.M.',,arriviimin. gintl4lphia lat 1.00 P. 'Allistimon t raffia lisival larri lino; at 2.05 P. M., and l'ottsville at 2.45 I. .31.;, arriving; at Phila delphia at 0.4 . 51.:11 • • •- •• ' • ' ' 3.,_ liarrisburgitcromnindation leaves Reading at 7.15 A. 111., and liarrisliurg et 4.10 P. M. . ChM necti ug •at Read -3 in g with Afterniain Accommodation south at 6.30 P. M., i arriving in I'lliitulelphia at 9.15 P. M. ' . • e 'laktigec trail/ with 81. Pidiselideri car 'atfaielied, leaoool .IPbilialelphians 12.45 uotni fou Pottsville and i. all /Way'. 'Stationa; leaven Pottsville at. 7.30 A. M.,for Philadelphia land all Way Stations. . _, _ All the above trains rtilitlallY, fin ialays picapted. Sunday trains leave Pottsville at 8 A. M. and Phila delplita at 3.15 P. M.; leave Philadelphia for' Reading at 'SA A. Si . ____,___. returning from Mewling at 4:25 P. M. i 'CILESTER rALuar RAlLltOAD,,,,,,PatialigefsTfOr," FROWnitigtoWn and intermediate points take the 7,30'•." ; M., 12.15 and 4.30 P. M. trains from Philadelphia,return :tiVrein Downingtown at 6.10 •-.M.,.1.001x. 11.1 and 5 • 45 1 PLMETOMENIIIIII,ILOAD.-Pastieugera for Skippack :take 7.90 A. M. and 4.30 PiM. trains , for Philadelphia, (returning from kik i ppack at 8.15 A. M. and 1131 P. Y. ititage lines for l varions polnts.in Perkionien 3 Valley „aim- , nett syitti trains at Collegeville anti likippivek. s: . , NEW IfORICEXPRESS TOR: PITTSIIIIBOR 'AND' TILE WEST.-Leaves New York at 9.00,A...M.,, 5.00 and 8.00 P. 11.,passIng Reaching at1..11 * 5,4:, 1.50 And 10.19 EP. 11., and conneeti7at Ilarrlisburg with Pennsylvania land Northern Central Railroad Express Trains for Pitts ;burgh, Chicago. Williamsport, Elmira, Baltimore, itc. Bettirnitir,Vip l lessTraitrleaves ritirriSliurgattarrlval :of BennsYlvania. x press fr,f3m.Pithilitogli,at 3,50 and 5.041 A. M. and 10,M P. M., passing 'tending at 5.44 anti 7.31 A. ill. and 12.50 P. M .t arriving at N ork 11.00 and-12.20 AP. hand 5.00 P..'11.: ' Sleeping Car,,aecoaripany those ;trains through between Jersey City and Pittsburgh, without change, ', • '',.. ' 1 ':'' ' `':' • h i Mail train for New ... York leavris Ilarrlstinreat 8.10 A. M. and 2.05 I'. 31. Mail train for Harrisburg leaves New ( )ork at,l 2 NUM/. '?AILIL.KILL VALLE I Y , B iiL -; RO/ .-" 0 .7, -T .." ra ' in s f " eaa" rm,Pothville at'o:4s. 11.30'N: M. and '6.40 P. 11'6 totntiiing' ;from Tamaqua at 8:15 A.M. and 2.15 and 4351'. lit. • , SCHUYLKILL: AliD'll USQI3IO3IIANN it RAILROAD :-Trains Pave 'Aulairii - iit 7.55 A: sr. for PiWt_rove and Illtrrist,ura.llllll at 12.15 P. M. for Pinegrove and Tre iniont; returning froni Harrisburg at 3;10 P. M., and from !Tremont:at 7:4d A Alt. and 5,35 P. IL ~ •,,.,,. . a n ti ,1.. , TICKETS..-Through flirgt-clagll ticketiii ernigrant itickets to all the principal points in the North and West l and Canada. Escuraion Tickets froin Philadelphia to Remiing and :Intermediate StationS i - iffotith 'Or (M_Yfprili, are Bold Ii y ;Morning Accomittmfatidu ?Markt+. Teitile, Reading and iPtittsbiwn Accommodation Trains at reduced rates. Excursion Tickets, to Phila9elphia,gmal for day only, !are sold at IteaditiO and intetifiediatelqations by Read ' 147 and Pottstown Accommodation Trains at reduced rate*. The foliowing thketk ttroltaimible ou yatt,he Offiee of tc.l.lrtidfoivt,'Tr, aintreelitt. 227 South' Fourth street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. Nicene, General Superinten- Aleut, Reading. • k 1 . ' Commutation Tickets .at - 26`per reitt; discount; between :any points &Arta. fur families and firms. Mileage Tickets. peed for 2,ooentiles, between all points 'at 41, , a2 La each for fa:pities and firms.- t '' I • Season Tickets; for tqri,ii . six, utile dr twel v e months, for holders only. to all poihts; at 11 , 411 cod rites. Clergymen residing on the line of the road will ,he f or ' nished with cards , entitling. theauselyea and•wives •to tickets at half fare. . . . . Excursion 11 chets,frotr. t4.).p;incipal sta-. tioxs, , good for 4 ,,Satrirday, Sunday; and 'llunday, at re 'iluced fare, to be 'had ''onlY at the Ticket'Oftlce, at Thir teen th and Callowhill streets. F.111.11G11T.-60ods o'4lll tlespriptions`fOrWarthol to Con all the above points from the Copany s'NeW Freight 'Depot, Broad and Willow streets. ! Freight Trains leave Phihulelphla daily at 4.30 A. 11., .12.45 noon, 3.00 anIVG:OO - 1'41:. - forilleattihe, Lebanon, Ilarrisburg, Potistille, Dort Atli paints be-. yowl. Mails close at the Philadelphia Post-office for all places ,on till. ;bad rinalts brawhel at SA. , and o thopriu cipahetutfons only_ 1tt2.15 PI 11. t r - ' AIAGGAGE: i. t 1 . . Dungan Express will collect Baggage for all trains leaxin,g Oxbders call be left -at So. 221, South Fourth street, otat the Depot., Thirteenth and Callowhill streets. ---- -------... FENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL . wrAD.--.stlaiiliivTlME—Rgkirtg.drect April sth, 1at19..' -- Tlie trainieof ths-Perinsylvaniii-Ctutral 'railroad lelaye the Depot .at Thirty-first :Ind Market streers,wliich Is reached directly by the cars of the Market Street Pas -15,1:11-9W..1hitlway,.the last car connecting with each, train leaking Front and-Market street thirty: minutes J)sforec its departure... Thosi, of the Chestnut and. Walnut.. Streets Inilia - ay run within one square of Chili Di-p0t..1 0.. - . Sleeping Car Tickets can be had on applfeationait the, Ticket,OZce,liorfhwest - toruer of Ninth -and 'Chestnut '. streets, sott fit the . Depot. Agenttlff the Union Transfer Company'-wlll'eall fore and. deliver Maggage at the Depot. Orders lerrat tio:91f1:: Chestnut street, No. 116 Market, street,. will - ttceiTOUT. ' . M tentlon -' , A 1 r..; INS LEAVE DE ,_POT,VE '-'-_G':: t,f, ' - - Mail Train . At 8.00 .A . .IU. Paoli Ace= , at 1020 A. 1117, 1.10, and 9.30 P. M. bast Line iat 11.50 A. M. Erie Express- at 11.1.0 A. M. .11arrisburg-Accoto-4-.. .t.. 1. „;..: 4 ...,...,-at .3.39 P,-M. Laticaster-Accorn.4-..... - - ---'-'' ....'.....; or 4.00 P. M. - - rksburg T>~eittii •' at 5.30 P. M. • Cincinnati Express a. 18.00 P. M. Erie Mall , and - Pittsburgh Express ........ M. PhiladelPlift - Express at 11.011411ght. EriA,Mail leaves daily. except Sunday. running, on Saturday ; inight to Vs illiatrisport only On Sunday night PaEgers will leave Philadelphia at 12 o'clork • P&a4elphia Express leaves dap) . All i nther 'traitis daily; except SiandaYl TheYiesterai-Ac'retumoilittion except Sundar For this train tickets must bu proeur , Al baggage delivered by 5'•W P. M., at 110 Market street. TRAM. ARRIVE AT DEPOT, VIZ.: 2 • . Cincinnati Ex pre,s at 3.10 A. M. Philadelphia Express ' -" ' ' at 0.50 A. M. Paoli Accommodation at 0.20 A. M. and 3.40 t 7.20 P. M. Eric Mail and Buffalo Express • " •at 9.35 A. M. Parkdiurg Train at 9.10 A. M. Fast - Line `Lancaster Train........... - it /2.30 P. M. Erie Express . . , - at 4:20P. M. •Day Express... • - • ' " at 4.20 P. M. Southern Express • at 0.49 P. M. Harrisburg Accoramodatien ' at 9.40 P. M. For further information, apply to '.IOHII . r. VANLEER, JR:, 'Ticket Agent, 901Gheetnnt street. FRANCIS FUNE,'Agent,ll6 Market street. SAMUEL H. WALLACE, Ticket Agenfat the Depot'. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and limit their responsibility to -One-Hundred-Dollars in valn6..lAll Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at_ lie risk of the owner, unless taken by special con tract. • EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, • General Superintendent. Altoona, Pa. -1 , 7 -T EST CHESTER AND PHILAD EL BAILROAD.—Summer Arrangement.—On and after MONDAY, April 12,1569, Trains will leave as follows: LCUTI! Philadelphia, from New Depot, Thirty-first and . Chi shun 'streets - 7.25 A, M., 9.30 A. M., 2.30 P.:M., 4.15 P. M., 4.35 P. M.',7.15 P. M., 11.311 P. M. . Leave West Chester, from Depot, on East Market Ftrert, 6.25 A. M., 7.25 A.M., 7.40 A. 31., 10.10 A. M., 1.55 P M.. 14.50 P. M., 6.45 P.M. P. PhilediAnhia for B. C. JunetiOn and 'lnterme diate Points, at 12.30 P M. and 5.45. Leave 11. C. Junc tion for Philadelphia, at 5.30 A. M. and 1.45 P. M. Trainieaving West Chester at 7.40 A. M. will, stop at B. C. J unction, Lenui • Glen Riddle and Media; leaving Philadelphia at 4.35 P. M., will stop at W. C. Junction lipid Media only. Passengers to or from stations between West Chester and B. C. Junction ;going East, will take train leaving West Chester at 7.25 A M., and car will be attached to Express Train at B. C. junction; and going West, , Passengers for Stations above Media , will take train tear ht at 4.35 P. M., and car will be attached to Tema Train at Media. The Depot in Philadelphia is reached directly by the Chestnut and Walnut street ears; Those of the Market street line run within one square. The care of both lines connect with each trait upon its arrival. ON SUNDAYS.—Leave Philadelphia for West Chester at 8 A.M. mod 2.30 P. M. - - LVONC Philadelphia for B. C. Junction at 7.15 P. H. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia at 7.45 A. M. and 4.45 .P. Leave B. C:hinetienlor Philadelphia et 6.00 A.lld* Paesengovi are allowed to take Wearing Apparel only, as Baggapiei Lind the Company will not in case be responsible for an amount exceeding one hundreddol tars, unless a special contract be made for the mune. WILLIAM C. WHEELER. , , • :" General Superintendent. PHILADELPHIA, April :Ist, 1899. • • '; • ; •: CI AIID E N AND ATLANTIC RAIL- Rom). air SPRING ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, April 12th,' /869, trains will leave Vine Street Wharf asfullowa, viz,: Mail BA A. M. Freight, with Passenger Car attached 9.15 A. M. Atlantic Accommodation • 3.45 P. M. RETURNING, WILL LEAVE ATLANTIC Mail 4 . 00. x. M. Freight, with Passenger Car • ' 11;43 A. M.', Atlantic Accommodation 6.14 A. M. Junction Accommodation, to Atco and Interme diate Stations, • • `Leave Vine Street 10.15 A. M. and 6.00 P. M. Leave Atco 6.39 A. M. and 12.15 P. M. ---Maddontield.Accommcidation Traine r - Leave Vine'Street'lo.ls A: IlLiand 2.00 P. M. Leave Haddonfield -. ' 1.00 P . M: and 3.15 P. M. D. 11. MUNDY. Agent. FASTFREIGHT LINE, VIA. :SWATH: PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, to Wilkeebarre, Mullaney City, Mount Cartnel,Oentralia, and all points on Lehigh Valley Railroad and its branches. By sew arrangements, perfected, this day, this road , enabled to give increased deepatch. to. morehandise signed to the above-named'points. Goods delivered at the Through. Freight.Depoti B. E. corJ Front and Noble streets, Bore e I P. M wrilltreach Wilkoebarro Mount Carmel. Mabahop City, and ,the ‘ , .othet usUt ions In Mahanoy and Wyoming Talley* before 11 A. M., thorium:mesh:lg day. , . , ttigehts TRAVELERS, GUIDE. • I A.1).111,PH1,A ,WILINIINGTOILAND ---- 13ADTIMORMIAILROAD-Tom TABLE. Com -1 eileing'lllONDAY, May 10th ; 1060.' Trains will leave Depot, corner 'Broad and Washington avenue, as feI !WAY MAIL TRAIN at 8.30 A. M. ( Sundays excepted), for Baltimore, stopping at all Regular Statione. Con } meting with' Delaware' Railroad at Wi)iningtot fop Cristlehland Intermediate citations. EXPRESS TRAIN at 12.00 M. (Sunday's excepts:)), for ..Baltituore• and - Washington, stelneing at Wilmington.: , Perryville .and, Havre do Grace: Connects at Miming ten with train for New Castle. Explitss TRAIN at 4.00' P.' 11. (Sundays eicepted), ifor. ..Wltimore and.:Washington, stopping at Cheater, I Thurlow, Linwood, Claymont, Wilmington, -Newport, t Stanton, Newark, Elkton, North East, Charlestown, (Perryville, Havre do' Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Eclgewood, Magnolia, Chaso:s and.Stemmer's Run. 1511011 T EXPRESS at 11.30 P. M. (daily) for Baltimore and -Washington; atoning at Cheater, Thurlow_,Lin wood, Claymont' Wilmington, 'Newark, Elkton ,3.1 . orth East, Perryville, Havre de Grace, Perryman's and Mag i. 'PafftleiMlll for. Fortress Monroe ' and Norfolk will take !the 12.00 M. Train) - • • - • . • WILIONGTON TRAINX-- - Stopping at, all Stations between Philadelphia lind. \Vittt,lut ten. LeaVe I'HILADELpHIA at 11.00 A. M . :, 2.30, 5.00 and 7.00 P. M.' The 0.00 P. )1.. train connects with Delaware Railroad for Harrington and intermediate stations. ' Leave WIL3IINGTON 0.31) and 8.10 A:11., 1.30,4.15 and .7.00 P. N. The 8.10 A.. 31; train Will not stop between 'Cheater and Philadelphia. The 7.00. P. M. train from, Wilmington nine daily;allotherAceonthotlatlim Trains Sundays excepted. From BALTIMORE to'. PHILADELPHIA.- . --Leavea !Baltimore 7.2.5 A. M., Way Mail, 0.35 A. M., Express. 12.33 P. It., Express, 7.25 P. M. Express. 1 SUNDAY TRAIN FROM:. 'BALTIMORE.—Leaves !BALTIMORE at 1.25 P. M. Stopping at Magnolia; Per ryman iiillfre-de7Graco,Purryville,Charics -Itown, North-East, Elkton' Newark, Stanton, Newport, Wilmington, Clavitibitt, Linwood and Chester. PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CENTRAL RAILROAD TRAINS--Stoppliig at all Stations on Chest ter Creek and Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Rail ) road . Leaves) PHILADELPHIA for PORT DEPOSITSun !day excepted at 7.00 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. ; 7.00 A.M. Train will stop at all Station's between IPhiladelpitia and Lamokin. A •Freffidit Train with Passenger car attached will leat e Philadelphia daily I Sundays -excepted) at 1.00 P. M., running to Oxford. • Leave PORT DEPOSIT: for - PHILADELPHIA (SuliL days excepted) stt 5:40 A.' M.; 0.25 A. Ii; and 4.20 P. M. Trains leaving WILMINGTON at 0.30 A. 31. and 4.15 P. M., will connect at Lambkin Junction with the 7.00 )•'.H and 4:30 P. M. trains for Baltimore Central R. It. Through tickets to all point West, South, and South :west may be procured at the ticket oilice, 6.2• 1 3 Chretuut street, under Continental If oteli - where also State Rooms ;and Berths in. Sleeping Care "CAll be secured - during the 'day. Persons purehniting tickets at this office can WWII ,baggage checked at their residence by the Union Trans :;fer Company. . , . . KENNEDY, Supl, DIIILADELI'HIA AND ERIE RAIL ix. ROAD—SUMMER. TIME TABLE.—Through and Direct Route between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Harris irisburg: Williamsport, to the Northwest and the Great !Oil Region of Pennsylvania.—Elegant Sleeping Cara on :all Night Trains. __ : On and after MONDAY„.II.priI2G; 1809; the Tfltilll3 on ;the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will run as follows WESTWARD ;Mail Train leaves Philadelphia " " • Williamsport..... , " " arrives at Erie t Erie Express leaves Philadelphia... " Williamsport.. arrives at Erie Elmira Malileavot Williamsport_ " " arrives at Lock Haven.... EASTWARD. Tr:On leaves Erie ' ' 11.15 A:3f. " n • Williamsgikt... 12.20 A. M i " •• arrives at Philadelphia 9.15 A: if. `Erie Express leaves Erie 0.25 P. M " " " Williamsport 7.,'41 A. 51 " arrives at Philadelphia • 4.10 P. V. Mail and Express connect with Oil Creek and Alle Inver Railroad: Baggage Checked Through. ALFRED L. TYLER, ' - „ Gpuera4uperiutidamt.:. • UTEST 'JERSEY . RAILROADS. v SPRING ARRANGEMENT. FROM FOOT OF 21f.ARKET ST. (UPPER EERILY), 00,1111INVING URBDAY, APRIL, 1,1363., Trainer e as follows: • 'For'Ca nY mid Mations below NAM 1 i11e,.15 P: 111: For Mi Vineland and intermediate etations,S.oo M., 3.15 P. M. For Bridgeton, Salem ,and way stationii at 0.00 and 3.30 P.' M. ' • • For Woodbury at 8.00 A. 3.15.330 and G P. M. Freight train leaves Camden daily at 12 o'clock. noon Freight received at second covered wharf below Wal; nut street, daily. Freight delivered N 0.229 S. Delaware avenue. WILLIAM .1. SEWELL. Superintendent SHIPPERS' GUIDE. (POE BOSTON.-STEA3ISFI IP LINE 'DI LA: RECT, SAILING FROM EACH PORT EVE Rif :FIVE J/AVA7FROH PINE ~nityp:',:rtpfrurr4pEL BiLPHIA, AND LONG WHARFAIOSTON. This line is composed of the first-class Steamships: ROMAN', 1,408 tons; Captain O. Baker. SAXON. 1.250 tons, Captain Sears. - NORMAN, 1,293 tons, Captain Crowell. ARIES_, 15.32 tons Captain. Wiley. The ROMAN, from Phila.., Saturday,June 5, at 10, A. M. ,The ARIES: from Boston,Wednesdav,J tine 2, at 31'. The ARIES does nut carry passengers. These Steamships sail punctually, and' Freight be 'received every tiayn Steamer being always on the berth. Freight for points beyond Boston sent with despatch. Freight taken for all points in_New England and far arded'a edirected . Insurance N'per cent: at the office. For Freight or Passage jouperior accommodations/ ;apply to HENRY WINE3OR & CO., :tny3l- 338 South:Delaware avenue. PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND . AND NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. ;THROUGH FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE SOUTH AND \VEST. • EVERY SATURDAY, at !soon, from FIRST WHARF ,i-abete:MARKET- Street. • t THROUGH RATES toall tioints in Edith and Sentb garolina via Seaboard Air-Line Railroad, connecting 4 ortsmentla. and to Lynchbur g , Va.. Tennessee and the West via Virginia and Tennessee Air-Lino and Rich -, Mond and Danville Railroad. _ Rreight HAMA EDIIU T ONcE And taken at I..PWER . *ATESaHAN'AI4I4.OTITER -SAXE.' • , N. The regularity, calety and - cimannes3 of the route commend it to the pub lit tus.,the most deairablotue,dium ;for carrying every ilescriptibti 'Of freight: - • 7.7 N, ti cliargc fur coMmissiou,dvoyageor au y, expense Rif tamnafer. Stec ruships insure itt lowest ratea. - • Freight received DAILY'. - • , WiLLIAIf. P. CLYDE & 00. No. 12 South Wharves and Pier'No. L'North - Whar res. W.:P. PORTE.ll , ,Agent'ataticlnuond and City Puha: T. P. CROWELL & CO., Agents at Norfolk. 1110HILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S REGULAR 'LINES, FROM QUEEN STREET WHARF. The, ._II;NIATA will :sail ,for NEW ORLEANS, SatordaY. J nne.l9; A.. The JUNIATA will sail from NEW ORLEANS, via HAVANA: June M. The, TO:KAWANDA will sail. for SAVANNAH on Saturday, Jane L. at a o'clock A. M. The - TONAWANDA will sail from SAVANNAH on Saturday. May. 29. The PIONEER will sail for WILMINGTON, N. C.,on Tuesday, J one 15, at 8 A: Through bills ot holing signed, and passage tickets -sold to all points South and West.; ••-;• BILLS of LADING. SIGNED at.; QUEEN ST. WHARF. For freight or passage, apply to WILLIAM L. JAMES, General Agent, 130 - South Third street. : TT AVAN A STEAMERS, T SA.IILING ..I.l.cvery 21 days. These steamers will leave this port for ;Havana every third Wedricesdav;;atSo'clock, A. M. • The steamship STARS' AND STRIPES, Captain :Holmes, will sail for . Havana _on ,Tuesday- morning, , at ti o'clock. • Pmsage, :EAU currency. • • • Passengers must be provided with passports. No freight received after Monday. Reduced rates of freight. • ; THOMAS WATTSON & SONS, 140 North Delaware avenue. • - I\T EW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEXAN -111" dria, Georgetown and Washington, D. C., via Giles ,iiteake and Delaware Canal, with connections at Alex andria from the most direct route for Lynchburg, Bris tol, Knoxville, Nashville, Dalton and the Southwest. • Steamers leave regularly from the first wharf above Market street, every Saturday at noon. Freight received daily. 'WM.' P. CLYDE & CO., • No. 12 South Wharves and Pier 1 North Wharves: HYDE & TYLER, Agents at Georgetown. M. ELDRIDGE & CO:, Agents at Alexandria, Vu. V - OTICE-FOIL NEW YORK, VIA DEL IA AWARE AND RARITAN CANAL EXPRESS STEAMBOAT coMPANY. The CHEAPEST and QUICKEST water communica tion between Philadelphia and New York. Steamers leave daily from first wharf below Market street, Philadelphia, and foot of Wall street, New York. Goods forwarded by all the lines running out of New York—North, East and West—free of Commission. • Freight received and - forwarded 011 accommodating terms. - WM: P. CLYDE & CO., Agents, No. 12 South Delaware avenue, Philadelphia. JAS. HAND, Agent, No. 119 Wall street, New York. I\TOTICE.—FOR NEW YORK, VIA DEL IA AWARE AND 'RARITAN CANAL. hi NVIFTSUW TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. DESPATCH - AND swirrsußx LINES. • The business of theme lines will be resumed on and after the 19th of March. For freight. which will be taken ou accommodating terms, apply to WM. BAIRD & CO.. • ; • -No: 132 South Wharves. DELAWA AND CHESAPEAKE RE Steam Tow 'Boat Company.—Barges towed between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Havre do Grace, Delaware City and intermediate points. WM P. CLYDE & CO.,Agents;„Capt. JOHN LIM, Stip't Office, 12 Scut hWharves, PlaladelPhia. NOTICE—FOIL NEW ' ' YORK, VIA DLL ~w ,are.and Raritan Canal Swiftsure Transports - t ion-•Vernpany-Despat eh and; -Serif tsuro Thu' business by these Lines will be resumed on and after the Bth of 'March.- For ,Freight, which will be taken m on aCcomodating terms, apply ta Immo (0.. 132 South Wharvei. • CAUTION: CIAUTION.—ALL PERSONS ARE HER E -t. 3, cautioned ardnut harboring. or trusting any or the crew of the British schooner "Janie Bonfield," Jago, MileteryfrOnYlKciniluoi aCno - debte of-their contracting will be: pald,by-thiptattkor Consignees: sny27-6t WORkirriN (`IAIITIUN;— ALL PERSONS ARE HEREI- N.) brcantioned against harboring hr trusting any of the crew of the Bark Minnie Cameron, Graham, Maater t from_Triniclatl, as no flebts of their contracting will be raid h.Y Captain or Conaignees. my27,6t , , WORKII AN le. CO,l NEE S' NOTICES.• I{.O3IAN t ,FItOIII 1108T(SN. —Nuaignecii of Inefeliandlse - per ItlitiVtl 'liftALlller will 311eilae cud for their goodie, ne* landing at I'ino Street trilairf , 2t) Li. WIN SOli CO. TOS'.I ATE OF -. D I.; NV11.L1.431 nall.—Lettert• testamentary to • thd R b o w s tato tact ng tieemgranted. to the eubacribet, an persons inilehteii are requestel to make Immediate paynient; and those hi vlng claims to Tr' , nt them without deilp ItEkSE, Executor, . : : 1840 Ureen street je2 ti at IN '.l - 11E ORPHANS"; iCOUET;'FOR THE City nrl County of Phihuleipidecittitebf jOBEPA A NOR A 1)1.3; deceased.—The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit. settle and Udjust. the first and .ffintd as* count of PETER' .15IcOALL and GEORGE OSEN OARTEN, Executors of thelast will of JOSEPH , AN-. BRAM, deceased, and to report - distributlOn of the balance in the hands of the accountants, - wilnateetthe parties interested, for the purpose of .his appointnient, "MrNDAY,.lune lth INV, at 12 o'clock - M., at. office., ND. 9 Law Building, -No., 532- Walnut street. in the cdy of Philadelphia.. ,my2d * f 1 THE COURT OF CONLIXON::ILaB for the City and County of Philadelphia..--ASsigned estate of PIIILIP 11. HABIDACII - and A. 80.111bElf- , BIER, copartners as. If Al„11.11ACI1 auditor appointed by tile Court to audit, settle, and . ad jos t the ru contit • of FREDERICK lIENTE, assigWe of PHILIP 11. lIADIBACII •and 5C1114111130111, trading! tinder the firm name of lIAI3IBACH & CON,- PANY, and, report. distribution 'of the , beige:olli trio halide: of the accountant:, - will „meet the parties in terested for the purponat of hits appointment nn DAY,.lune 4th, lt3M, at 12 o'clock; IL, at his office; No. 4:.3 'Walnut street, in the city orPhilnilelphia:, niy2d-w.fmmt§ J. Arstm SPENCER, Auditor. T _ N THE DISTRICT COURT •OF ' , THE United States for the Ettstern District , of Pounsid vania.—lii the'matter nf DAVID' EDOERS; Bankrnritt, —PilitAnnt PlitA: May 2 ' i;169. - The undersigns I hereby. wives notice of his appointment as% asidgrfeetof DAVID , ROGERS, of Lower Merion, Montgomery, condit t lt Penn sylvania, within said. District', who Jens: been adjudged ti.„ bankrupt upon his own petition by the DistriCt Colltst or MP nibtriet ' ' •. ; • . , ' • To the Creditors of said Bankrtipt. W. 11. TEIIKES A seignee, 327 Withititntreet,,Plifladelphia.',- ruy26-w 3t. JESTATE OF 'JACOBVANDER,GBEFT, Pceased.—Leitth's testenientary upon th6 . erfhtio "of AOOM VANDERWAI Om'ti t bavinglbeen'grantedt to the undersigned, ell persons tudebted to, euid.efitet, are reqUested to make Velment, anti the:mit:lA - lug eMittuf to presentThent to • • ;%, • . • , • JAMES M. VANDERGRI FT, M :Executor.' • _.3lcDonaus)ll, Dej.,.,- Or R Attorney; .1. D. RODIVY,„;'72S Walnut Istretti Philadelphia. ; ..• • • • ' 'I , a Z3-* Gt§, LETTERS TESTAMENTARY ,()N"THR: _ Estate of tOVISA V. PEACOCK', deOensed, haiinje been granted. to the tuatersigtted,tall. persona holing' , claims or demands against laid- estate are reunested,,to present them without delay. , . • .. MTID Ns 6 IN TITF, •D I STIt CT . C,OyET City and Camaro!' Phila4e7plint. " •'" " ' ALEXANDER E. lIARVXY • ~ • LAUCTILIii, ••i;r.,t•• • Venditioni Exponas..--March tarfn ,7Bth;' ' ' The Auditor appointed' to illetributo sale by the tilteritl of. the following deiinribV real.eacatn, to-wit : 10.45 8.15 A. M 41.511 A. M 8.50 P. M 10.00 A. M. 8.00 A. )L - 620 P. M. • 7.45 P. M All that certain lot or pieeu of ground, with theSwo (2) certain three-story brick stores andAviellitiga paean*, buildings thereon erected,' situate' on the corle of Eleventh and Fit:avatar, streets In thotitk of Mtn del plan , con tn being in front or breadth on the said :: Eleventh street, th I rty-six feet, and extending.westward of that width in length or depth' ninety'reetto a Certain street called Rector street: bounded northward 1* grottml. now or late of Alosit 'tiler E. Harvey; eastwardhytheAtid Eleventh street, southward by the said Fitzwater street, mill westward by Rector street , oforesaid, together with the free use, right, liberty, and privilege Of the,tield heel tor street. as and for a passage way und water'cafirse, common with the said Alexandert. I.laYiey', his heirifdi an assigns. owners, 'tenants and: occupiers! occupiers ; ; thet other 7 gru unit bounding thereon, at all times hereafter, fo,Keyor;,: being the same lot or, piece 'of'ground which Alexander ; E. brlndentu re, dated the '2Bth day Atgnat,' A. It., 14), recorded in 'Deed Book D..BJ, N0.'133, page; 95, granted and conveyed•unto William lifcTianghl4n4 in fee, reserving thereout a yearly ground rent Or ,two". hundred and sixteen dollars, payable; ur Italf-yearlY pitYLI limits, on the first day of April and October in eadir Year') under and subject to, said, ground repo,, will. hear s the parties Interested, at. hie office, corner Sixth and; Walnut streets, in the City of Philadelphitt,_Mt MONDAY afternoon , June litlf, lfi69, t o'clock P.34.4when awn where all persons interested are required to make their claims or bo debarred front coming In on said funda.' Wl4. P. BOBINS,.t IDS23IOt, NOIIO.I—SEAL ED PROPOSA.LS,, .EN, ,, dorsed "Proposals . for Fniniihinf the Public Schools with Lehigh or Sclitlyikill'eon ," will .he re-. ceived by the undersigned, at the gontrollerein Office' f: southeast corner of Sixth and Adel phi streets, front ship pers and miners only (pursuant to an ordinancoof CiAin eily). until TIMRSDA F t June 3, 13tif.t..:01 12 o'clock-KW' , The prop(isals, which will include the.storap ..91,,t4,01 cool. must be for separate districts, a's follows: , _ _, First District, tom priSing the' let; . rd5.. 2(1,-3(ly fete rind 26th ~ SecoudDistrict—Stli, 7th, Sth and 3th, Tirtir 8..1 ', . , ' , Third District-6th, 11th, 12th and 13th Wardi. Fourth District-10th, lith, 15th and 20th Wardne . .!' I Fifth District—latla r llth,lBth,,l2thi and 28tliWarag:, Sixth District-21st Ward. . ' " ' 'i... , 'Seventh District—U . (1 3,Vard.. -! Eighth District,23(l,Want,' lc inth'District-24th and 27th Wards irpatit District-25th Ward There will be lwOl3lZeR reauired,Eag. and Stove and pot K the ton' to be 2.240 po ers. - och mid eVery ton of said coal shall be weighed at the . : place of deliverx,in the pre-' setico of a proper person, tebe deputed by each , &atonal:. Board, as weigher (subject tb the of theConp- Mitten on Supplies),who shall keep atitiCurate account, of each load of coal delivered, Its exact 'Weight atfascer tained by correct scales; and -nekill shall be approved for such cool unless Jul affidavit of the weigher shall Fit- COM paw - sink bill, setting fortli,by. what ,contraeton the coal was deliteriA, the,date of dell rerj , of :eindilead;Thri' number of tons and the. Quality of coal , dellvereiV and . whether weighed at place of delivery. , : - Proposals trill be received at the saute time fer, l / 1 , Charcoal and Kindling Wood that may hetegnieed.':. Ily order of the Committee on Suppltes, IL ' LIALLTWELL; - • Secretary:',. zuyls 19 22 26 29 hill F RENCH - 3IEDICINES , 'PREPARED BY, GRIMAULT & CO.; CHEMISTS TO-11. L-H,PRINCE NAPOLEON; 45 RUE DE RICHELIEU, • PARIS. „ .ti • CHILDREN'S DISEASES.' , - lODIZED SYRUP OP HORSE-RADISH.J.'.' . • PRE PARED , BY GREHAULT k OQ, PARIS. :, The Syrup contains lodine combined with, thejuiee.of ,cut, r-cret.s, luirroi•nulish, and scurvy-grass, 'ln 'which' iodine and sulphur exist naturally, and fot this reasentis an excellent substitute for cod liver oil, which' ,is" gene- , rally su,pposed. to owe-Its efficacy to the , presence of iodine. • The lodized Syrup of Horse-radiSh invariably, produces most satisfactory results administered tti , chit dren suffering front lymphatisin, raehitiem; congestion of the glands of the neck. or the various ernptionson the : face so frequent during infancy. It as also the , best remedy fir the first stage of consumption. Being at once tonic and depnrative, it excites the appetite, promotes digestion, and restores to the tissues their natural &ru nless and vigor. kgents in Philadelphia, FRENCH, RICHARDS &DO. N. W. cor. Tonal an.l,llttritot streets -- - Ol', AL DENTALLIN,A. A WERIO.R; article for cleaning the Teeth,destroying infest them, giving tone to the gums t ayd leaving.; ifeeling of fragrance and perfect cleanliness in the •• mouth. It mac be used daily, and will be found to, strengthen weak and bleeding gurns, while 'the aroma ; and detersiveness will recommend it to every one. Be ing composed with the•assistancii of the Dentist, Physi emus and illificroseopist, it is confidently Offered Et reliable substitute fur the uncertain washes formerly in Eminent Dentists, acquainted with the constituents of the Dentalllna. advocate its use: it contains nothing prevent its unrestrained tanployment..•l4lade only by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary, Broad and Spruce Streets. Idly, and t D. L. Stackhouse, Robert C. pavie , Geo. C. Bower, Chas, Shivers, S. M..lllcColin, . • S. C. Bunting, elms. James N. Marks, E.:Bringlihrst & Co., Dyott & CO., _ 11. C. Sous, Wyeth & Bro. :----131TSINESS For sale by Druggists gene Fred.- Browne, llamsard ' • C. It. Keeny; lone 11. Kny, . C. ILNeedles, . • • T. J. Husband, Ambrose Smith, ' Edward Parrish, • Wm. 11. Webb, Junes L. Ilispham; Ilnabes & Combe, • Henry A.-Bower. AWNINGS , blade from water pioof and mildew proof canvas new process.) Cali and see the material. VERANDAH CURTAINS, , • and Tents of all kinds. PITKIN CO., 71 North Second street.' rny2l f m w-60 FaS. 130 Y. E. .1) Window Shades, Beds, Mattresses, Carpets and Curtains, No. 136 North Ninth street, Fluladelphia al ways on !mad. Furniture repaired and varnished. nihl7 8m JAMES A. WRIOHT, THORNTON PIKE, CLEMENT A. OMIB - THEODORE WRIGHT, FRANK L. NEALL, PETER 1.% RIGHT k SONS, • Importers of earthenware rand Shipping_ and Commission Merchants, No. 115 Walnut street, Philadelphia. 110 TTON SAIL :DUCK •OF EVERY Width, from M inches to 70 - lidities wide. all 'numbers Tent and Awning Duck, raper -maker's Folting t :Sail Twine, 3 . . e. 3011 N .W. NV - ERMAN, Ja26- No, 103 C tiureh,street, City Stores. PRIVY WELLS .— OWNERS , OF PROP erty—The only place to get privy' weltscleansed and disinfected. at very low prices. A: PHYssoNodann farturer of Pondrette; Goldsmith's Nall,'Lltwory street. ----- RAENTOVAL:77 - RE b 3 OVAL . :THE LONG-ESTAB .I.I.I Haled depot for tho purchase and sale .pf second hand Doors Windows, Store Fixtures; &o.,frOraSerenth street to Stith street, nbUva Oxford, whore auqb .article 4 are for sale In great variety. ' - . • Also, now Doc*, Sashes,tjhntt rd &o ard3.3111 • ' ' 'NATHAN W. F. LIB tOVSC I ATION. • IiORBEALANgtEIi , .SCIE.I37IFI 4 eally taught at the Philtulelphfia Riding 50h0431, , our t street, above little; The horses are ouhl awl • thoroughly trained., ror httroi saddle heroes.. Alpo triages at all times forwedtlingsi parties, opera, r ll emet, .Ito. Dorsett tralne4 ttti the srultiro. jai .1 - LEGAL - NOTICEW. GIBS6N PEACtiletr, • No. 607 Chestinit ritroot; PROPOSALS. 111EDICAL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers