RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. THE PRIENBYTERIAIV OENERAL AS. SIF.IIII3IILISibIi. Old School. NEW roux., May M.—The Old School•Pres byterianASsembly reassembled this morning:. A. resolution to take up a collection in churches in October, for' the expenses of delegates - to, the .hext General Assembly in Philadelphia, was' adopted. A protest by Charles C. Con-; , verse against the plan of reunion was refused an answer by - the Assembly." r - A resolution was adopted encouraging the effort of theevangelical alliance in Europe and Di Hall offered a resolution to guard against the intluence of Mormonism in this country; which %vas adopted. - - i The report of the Committee on Theological Seminaries -'save rise to,•considerable debate; especially - that portion which sustains the directors of ~ the . Chicago Seminary, f:1,- vored, by Cyrus. H. McCormick; in regard to which a minority report was made ;by .11. G. Senator Drake made a motion that the ques tion be referred to a select 'committee, which Was adopted. . . . . , , All of' tha. majerity report, referring to, Princeton and Alleghany Seniinaries, was A. recess was theti taken. At the afte.moon SeSidon, on motion of. Seri= ator Drake,. it was -resolved that when the assembly adjourn it adjourn to Meet atTitts, , .. Tlhe Cominittee on Spitematie Benevolence reported the ;receipts tor the year to be sfs2,- MO; eireesS,over previous year, $.40,,760he report wes accepted; and the resoluti ns ap 7 encled providing for the expenses were ile. bated Resolutions looking to the appointment of future contributions for the cause of systema tic beneyolence were dismissed until -the ad , jeurnmentfor the day. , . •; In the afternoon the reports -of the Com mittees ou Rome Missiens,Freedmen,Church 4 Erection,'. id EdneationVere taken up and adopted. ]new School. NEW YOrtii, May3l.- 7 -Judge `Strong briefly explained, that .the, coMposltion oftheGeneral ' l .Assetribly to meet' iiiPiitidnirgh in November Would be the same; that the now sitting alter nates7could nottae the Pli - lee of the principalS who sat in this body, nor could the alternate who sat resign to the principal. In the cases of vacancies by; death or resignation, they ' must be filled' btc the Presbyteries by a new . election: Judges Haines and Allison were appointed a Committee on the subject. The resolutions from the Ohl Assembly pro viding for a day of prayer for the preservation of peace with Great Britain were discussed. Judge Foote favored them. He thought war between . these two great Protestant nations would be a burning shame and a great ea liunity. . Rev: Dr. Sunderland thought the resolutions liable to a false interpretation, assuming that the two nations stood in the ;cline category. • War was a dike evil, but there were worse eviLs. Wehadonr dose of war and felt some tithes that England needed hers. He thought that if that - country could get . a good; solind drubbing from somebody, the cause of Christian civilization would be put forward a hundred years.' He did not care to have this country made the instrument of Di vine Providence tO administer the castigation, - but thought it ought to come from somewhere. He min - fined up the ninny offences committed ky England against the cause of civilization all "over the 'world. The resolutions were indefinitely postponed. The Special Committee - reported in favor of holding a National Council of all the evan gelicalThodies in New York in Is7o. Adopted. Rev. Messrs. Heacock, Mitchell, Hastings, and Judges HaineS and Strong were appointed - a committee to arrange the details. • Elections were held:with the 'following re sult: Trustees of the church-erection fund, Rev. a F.Bralith, Rev. S. D. Bourchard (for three years), Hey. Norman Leaver (for two years); Triistees'of the Presbyterian Publiea tion House, J. C. Farr, C. S. Weatz, Rev. Dan iel - Mareli.Rev: W. T. Eva, 11ev. T.. 1. Shep peril. Auditor of the :church-erection fund, Treadwell Ketcham. After some other unimportant discussion,the Assembly adjourned to meet in November in Pittsburgh: CITY CONTESTED ELECTION CASES.-MCIISTS.WIII. P...Mc.ssick and R. 31.. Ratturs, examiners, held another session yesterday afternoon. Six witnesses testified that they voted the Democratic ticket in the Sixth Division of the Seventeenth Ward during the first hour. Terrence Keene„, 211 Master stteet,who had been attacked by contestants as dead, was called and testified that he voted the Demo cratic ticket in the Sixth Division,Seventeenth Ward. Six wituthies who had been attacked as un afrisessed voters in the Sixth and Seventh Divi sions of the Seventeenth Ward,,testi tied that they - voted the Democratic ticket. MattlieW'Bituiman and David Stewart tes tified that they voted the Republican ticket in the Seeded Division of the Nineteenth Ward. Theydiad naturalization papers from the Court of Common Plea‘4,.and had never previously declared their' ntentions to become citizeri.g. Emanuel Hooper, who had been - appointed .Judge of the Tenth District., Nineteenth Ward, tetjatied that he was not allowed to act, having ---been ifeaten-and--thrown out of the precinct house by the police. David J. Roach testified that he compared the list of taxables of the Tenth Division of the First Ward and the list of voters of the s:une, Ward; there were on the latter 95 names that were not On the former; there are 77 on the list of taxables marked as voted by the election officers that do not appear on the list of voters: On the list of taxables there are 43 names not mariutd voted that are on the list of voters. Adjourned until 'Wednesday afternoon.' 11.1.1 a w. Liou - a-skaTt,ii , TU,—ln the Court of I.lwarter Sessions, yesterday afternoon, Dis, trict Attorney Sheppard stated that at the opening of the present term of the Court the President Jaidg e had called the attention of • the Grand Jury to certain matters tor their consideratbin, including, among others, the subject of the sale of intoxicating liquors; and, acting upon the suggestion of the Court, the Grand jury on Thursday last submitted a spe cial presentment, in whith attention was called tefthe provision of the license laws re quiring retlarint to be trade by the constabli4 • on the first day of each term to this Court. In reiponding to this suggestion M r , sh o p, pard remarked: Your Honor expressed your appreciatien 'of the Publie import owe of the subject, and charged the District-Attorney with the official duty of taking action in tier matter. I therefore, in aceordanetf with w h at has been'said by the. Grand 'Miry ;Ind the Court, desire to move that an order 'be made directing.the constables of the various 'Wants to make their returns person:ill:Vl° this Court, on Monday next, Ate first day of the June tern, and I make this motion now; because understand that. your Honor willhold the next .term, and becanseit iS due,- as an act of insti , to the officials interested that they shOtt ft have ' ample thee to obtain the necessary informa tion; f:.tllbri into ilisuse, and many of the officerri not bAng familiar with its requireinents.i. .Judge Ludlow, in reply, said that the minion Of the District-Attorney Wati quite on iper, and was granted hylhe Court. Be also directed that public notice should be given that the re turns would be called for on 'Monday next, as suggested by the motion. DEATH FROM. CORPUI.E.O • E.-31rs.'. Eliza ttborn died at her residence onllidge avenue, near the six-mile stone, Roxborough,'Twenty, first Ward, a few days ago, front corpulence. She weighed four hundred and thirty 'minas two years ago, and it is believed that she weighed six hundred pounds at. the time of her death. Owinr , to her great weight hht \Y - 1.:•i • obliged to ~sit on a sort o f a , box, as no ehair Could be • found large or strong enough to' heather. 'ln dying, Mrti:fjobore fell to the floor, and it. was -the utmost that six Stout men iambi do to raise her „ by means.or tne Chirped on the bed. It Was then thought best to remove too body to the ground floor of the boom., and 'aurae. eight or 101 wore required I . lll' that service. The coffin Wati three feet wide, and there r ,- ore :1 wel ve pall-bearers. ' Dorms Tam. Hohnt volt 1 13 Linn For the , furtheranee.; of this institution, spirited "meeting"waS held, last evening, in Bev: , Dr. - Boardnian'S church, corner of Twelfth.: and IVAITML Despite :the: storm, there was a largentulience present. Ex-Gov: Pollock presided, and addresses were delivered' by Bishop Simpson Rev. E. NV Hutter, D. D., and er. C 4 Ldna Boardman. There -were also present, occupying the' choir-gallery, a number of pupils Of the Blind Asylum, Twen tieth and.Racestreets, who discourged, as they always do, delightful music.. VA. , : tt MS has been our, progress in Philadel-• phia in Works of charity, it is yet manifest that additional help for:the blind is a desideratum. The .excellent institution on Race . street; de 4erYedlY;, fostered in by .State .unificende, 'is called an asylum, but this, in one sense, is misnomer. It is simply a school, not excelled by any of its kind, in which A ertain muither of the blind are educated, their 'term of , ptihih age being restricted to seven years,After which they are, compelled to vacate it, in. order to make room 'for ethers. ' Then;' als they go out, the latter state of these unfortunates, in many respects, is worse than the first. They. are houseless and shelterless, and, haviiig new to forego the. comforts they have enjoyed for seven years, by the law, of contrast - their colF. dition is'thost deplorable. Philadelphia, hence, heeds a Rome for - the - Blind, And the beginning has bee n made in behalf of blind women. Al though 'only as yetinitS formative state, the institution 'has been cheered by maily - tokens of fairor both front God and - "good 'mert A rented building has been in' use for the last year on Lotebard street, above. Eighteenth; ,Mnitttes 'Been gathered a'clutiterbas been obtained, and a thOrough organiiation eileked,' 'and the whale work launched 'on "the. tnll tide of sit C-1 Cessfal'experlinent" Negotiations are in pro 7 greys, also, for the .pnrebase of a building, larger and more commOdions than the one in use, and we doubt not, theTunds will - be forth: comimk—fOr to what nobler object can wealth be consecrated, than to the amelioration 'of the sorrows and sintering's of the poor blind? 'MOT AT Pouvr I.3nmzu PARK. There wasp tine trotting race vestertlayufternpon at Point Breeze Park. The track and weather being line; quite a large number of ladies and gentlemen were present to witness the scene, and if it had not been for the delay in bringing the horses np,the satisfaction would - have been much greater. The race was announced for three o'clock, but the horses were not brought to the Judges' stand until nearly five ; and then the word "go" *as . not n ,give- until a half-dozen attemptshad been made to bring the horses together. - The race was mile heats, best tliftwin five, to harness, and the folloW jug nags...were entered: Sorrel mare "Light foot," entered by R. P. Stetson; black horse 'Victor Patchen, ' entered by P. Bodine ; bay mare " Sunbeam," entered by NV. King ; bay mare "Ida," entered by 13. B. Stetson. the race , *as closely contested, particularly the last heat. Sunbeam wilt' in three straight heats. The time was: 2.321, '1341, 2313.1. The grounds within the inclosure of the park are in fine order; the flowers and shrub bery are in full bloom, and add much td the attractiveness of the place. DEATH FROM SUN STROKE.—MiChaeI Mut ray, 21 years of age, was overcome yesterday by the elects of the heat,and after being taken to the Fifteenth District Station House7died at , 7 o'clook last erenin e ~ The body was removed to the house of the 'teeased, Mulberry street, above Foulkrod. 1 - MILL AccimiNT.—Yesterday afternoon, Joseph McFadden was badly cut and scalded by the bursting of a pipe at din rolling mill of Marshall Phillips, corner of Marlborough and Beach streets. He was removed to his home. NEW JERSEY mArrillts SENTENCE DAY.—Yesterday VMS set apart for passing sentences on persons tried and convicted and who had pleaded guilty to the various indictments found against them by the Grand Jury. The following Ls the list : ;John tiilance, riot, tined *a and costs. John Lamb and George Morris, cutting tim ber, 510 and costs. Jacob Smith, assault and battery, b 3 and John Garwood, assault and battery, $5 and costs. John L. Porter, grand larceny, one year in state prison. B. Emmons, six months in State pri son, unless he pays a fine of $101) by Saturday next. WilliarnSinith, colored, rape; three years in the Penitentiary. John C. Finch, false Pretence; . one year in the state Prison. John Graves, petit larceny; /sentence sits pended on account of reformation. Abigail A. Still, grand larceny; sixty days in County Jail. David Painter, riotous assault and batterV; i 5 and costs. Same on another indictment, $1 mid costs. • John Lintnor, disorderly house, selling without license; also, selling on Sunday, six counts; SAW. MathiaS Hermes, disorderly house, card playing, &c.; 310 and costs. Jacob Sailor, selling on Sunday and without license; 5140, and stand committed until the same is paid. Henry. Mcllhone, selling on : Sunday, six bills, $OO and costs. Edward Eckel, same charge, $9O - ; saute, dis orderly house, $2O, and stand committed till the fine and costs are paid. William Lewis, selling on Sunday, $2O, and stand eommitted until paid. Jacob Hitchnor and William Albertson, selling on Sunday, six counts, $2O each, $l2O, and stand committed until paid. ohn Mooney, stone utinnce, $OO, and ;coin patted until paid. • Eti Taylor, same otlcnce, $2O and costs. Henry Mcßride, selling on Sunday, $6O and costs. William Dill, do., Nix indictments, Sill) and cost• 4. Leonard 31 Byers, do., Silo and costs. Frank' odge, do., S2o.and costs. '1 Kelley, keeping disorderly house, selling without license., and also selling on Sunday, $lOO and costs. Wanes l'ancoast, assault and t ery, and costa. 14)1)111 licele, selling On Sunday and without license, 550 and costs. • Philip Goodyear ' selling: OH Election day, and costs, and stand committed until paid. Win. F. Peters, false pretence, $1 and colts. THE Co NTH v.-11VW . truthful is the remark that -God made the country, but loan made the town." Its pertinence-is forcibly verified ut the present time,' and the lover of nature, with all its ntanifold heanties, cannot fail to look through nature tip to nature's God, when lut takes a ramble through the country, now rich with abuntbmt vegetation and floral eX cellenee. The fields are burdened with grow ing, crops, all indicating vigorous vitalityand promising au abundant harvest. The husbandman, as he surveys these encoO,taging prospects ,can scarcely refuse to open Ins heart in thankfulness for the blessings thus vouch safed, for he realizes that, properly divided, his labors will be more than compensated with a fair rentuneratiOn. Never did all kinds of farturproducts indicate a heavier yield. And no blighting or destroying agencies-inter vene between the present and the time for gatheringtheseerops,the landWillhe tilledwith plenty; and - with prudence' and :care the Idsa fortunate i u life's great struggle can rob the coming winter of very imuli of its severity and rigor. Wherever the casual oWerver may direct his wanderings through this favored tiection of our country, he will find the earth teeining with out-eroppings of super -abun dant life, and as the warm sun shinetfdirectly upon the surface of the - soili . itic ApOittirtiCOUS growth leaps up. to kiss his benig nant smiles. The promise of a beau thbl harvest •is evidence . that we may anticipate low prices for those Principal agriettltural products which generally make up the main living of a majority of housekeem. ers, and thus ctintributei in no small degree,to wardS let:suiting the burdens andatxpenses - of each Tbd.farnter, too, what he loses in pr ices of goods gains in their_ _profusion. All things taken into account, the presentseaL son bids fair to excel in all its varieties 'of agricultural productions any season experi et med,ospeendly by thefarniers of Camden and adjoining counties, for inimy years paSt. - SA I) ) ICOW I+l 1N f SP SE.—VeSt - eritay after noon, while a party 9f nuaall boyn were bath- TITYLD_ _LILY EVENING ingli; the to:elaw aro ..opiosite the tix, IVOY --- e K aighn's Point, one of them named 411 e s sod of Colonel Charles Lane, of South Ward, wam- aceidentally- - -dr,o*ned...peeemed way about 14 years of age: •., . ThlkittOA:M(lED. TOADS :grea C t reduction' in prices of mixed dress 61tioda, in order to close out summer stock. The great cry in "how can they doll HO cheap" by thousands that .throng the, establishment daily of A. & J.B. BARTHOLOMEW, 2:3 North Eighth street, importers of hid gloyen. WE NOTICE that T. . o'. planer, the well-i• kmoivn Lo‘Corator,has accepted the position of Superb], tendent of the flanging Department in the store of .john Longrstreth. - Mr. 0 Conner has now 'the control and entire super, vision of the Decorating andPaperllatging Dopartmen .• and invites the attention of the public to the store of .I. ' . 11. Longstreth for their selection, whose 'variety of de signs and experience in catering to the wants of „the public in this specialty is it sufficient ..guarantee for a properob at right prices. At the old stand, N0.:12 orthThird street. INDIA SEERSUCKER • • for summer Suits; FRENCH St DEBAND DRILIANG for Pantaloons WHITE TURKISH TOWELING for.,Vests, • • BA NNOCKIII;RNS, LIMIT COLORS, for Suits, LIGHT DIAGONAL CHEVIOTS, VARY OOLO/LS, for Quits; ALPACA LUSTRE, BLACK, for Coat 'and Vest, • and a splendid assortment of light French eassimore pantaloons goods, all hew• in style and of elloieo patterns, nit CHARLES STOKES'S, NO. 824 Chestnut street. • • Tm leading Hat and Cap Store in the city is 834 and 835 Chestnut street, Oat:lord d;, Sons, • , COAE'BREAKEE • 'EXACTLY AS INESINI tE gion ; breaking and preparing coal in the ra n , chinery. 'B. W. cor.'2llirteentit and Washington wire. THE VII . ItIbIONT SPRING ' The great remedy for Cancer, Scrofula' Briglirg Pie ease and other Kidney itffettrons: So by JohnstonX Ilollowny & Cowden, 002 Areil !Arad.; ;SI•Y "Viurv . StrpFatlon. - Oot,olier TEAS (Black 10, 35 1104. Clida IPS, at a jtmat rodurli from retail priers, FALRTI.I.OItkiE (.10.,7A5 N.Nlai tit., and 1036 Market at.'' . 1 . SINGER'S SEWING 'MACHINES ou easiest tools, by , • , • • 0. F. DANti, 810 dheatnut street To ' mnE LADIES.--Laclies can get the latest style of Hats and Caps at Charles Oakford & Sons', _B3i and .T. 19 Chestnut street, at prices lower tthan anywhere d else in the city. 1 .. , iv Cons, Bunions, , inverted Nails,' skillf ,1,,,v Dr. J. Davidson, No. 915 Chestnut s et. Charges moderate. STRANGERS in the city who *a a fine Hat or Cup of the latest style; Fan procu it i t Charles Oukford & 8008%831 and 836 Chestnut street. Quivr and soothe the pain of children teeth ing—Use Bower's Infant Cordial. Sold by'all Drug gists. DEAFNESS . , BLINDNESS AND CATARRH J. Isaacs, M. P., Professor of tho Eye and gar, treats' all diseases appertaining to the aboveimombers with the utmost success. Testimonials from the 'most reliable sources iii the city can be seen at his office, No. tide, Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients. nahe has no secrets in his'praotice. A rtt tidal eyes inserted. No charge made for examination. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS and uruggiste sun SNOWDEN . & BROTHER,. South Eighth otreot. IMPORTA Reported for Ulu Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. LIVERPOOL—Bari: Matilda Ililfar,l, Lovett-1050 ise,:senwr rails 221 bdis ash plates 456 hars rail iron Penn," Imola RR Cu;iron hurdles 1 b g 'iron;plus 114 tcs soda ash 50 drums caustic soda Yar 11 & Trimble; 40 as steel W 31 Towers; 5e6 irts tin plates 'Trotter dc Co; 30 crates 1 cask ethwllurgess Jc Godda ;36 grindstones * Disston; lot lixs crown glass Benj Shoemaker; '34 (Teas ethw P Wright Some; 33 cks blchg powder Churchman t Cu: Jr,o tcs do 250 bxs tin plates 125 cks sod i ash 344 blk rails order &At:WA—Brig Cascatelle, Carlisle-633hhls sugar 113 'Les do 12 Lads molasses S W WeLih G VAN TANAMO—Bark Annie Augusta, Creighton— -201 Lads sugar 42 cks molasses 4 pkits - Milne G IN Berea• don Tiro; ' 277 Mills sugar 77 Las S W Welsh. ' b.dl (WA—Bark Locher, Wade—tiii2 Ithds sugar 78 tcs jp S W Welsh. MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN STEAMERS. TO AMIIVE. SUIT'S ' FROM • FOR D-. FE' Atalunta. Atalanta. Loittlon:-Now York . S Britannia Glitsgow...New York._ of Ii Alm ill '' , ollthampton...Nevr York 11 , 8 Tripoli Liverpool... Now York It ay 'Pi Manhattan Liverpool... New York - ',„. May PI Dorian Glasgow... New York May 19 Oran Qtwen..Suntlthipten...llliltiniore.. May 20 lowa ' Glusgow...New York May 21 Suva Liverpool... New York May 22 City of Cork Liverpool... New York via 11.. ...... May V Rolsatio Havre...New York May 22- Ohio 44optliatuoton ... ...Baltintore. ' May V. Wilmot , I ontlon...Now York Ville du Paris 1in , 14...N0w York.. 1 A#.l' TO DEPART. .. . . - . . . United Kingdom New York...oltowow Juno 2 Nebraska NOW York... Liverpool (nue 2 RUNSiII Now Yurk...liverpoul Inn° 2 Eagle New York—Havana.. June 3 Malta Now Yurk...Liyerpo 1., 4,_14,An0.-3 .1 W Evernian ' Pliilad'a...Clitirlestuti 'lune 3 Tonawanda ...Philudelphiu—Samanualt , ` June 5 Britannia Now York...Glinigow.. Juno 5 City of Puria Now York... Liverpool Juuu 5 Atlanta New Tork...l. , ,tidun lune 5 IOV New York...ldrerpoul June 9 Fall-kee_ New York... Bermuda Juno 9 HENRYTRADE. O INSRORt ,AlEoltGE - N. ALL} N, , MONTHLY COMMITTEE 'G. MOIUtISON COATES; - =l= lohn O. Jmnieo, F.. A. Solider, MARINE BULLETIN. PORT OF PHILADELPIIIA-JuNE I. SUN MAE'S, 4 341 SiN SETS, 7 221 HIGH WATE4,,9 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamer - Nlehola, -- 2,4 — Liatitii' - New with mdse to \ 11 Baird .1: Co, Burk Matilda liilyard (Br), Lovett, 42 days from Li verpool, with mike to Peter Wright h Sons. Bark Annie Augusta. Creighton, 10 days from Guanta• numo, with Sugar to G W Bertenlim Bro. Burk Locket. (11r/, Viade, la days from Sagua, with sugar to S S W\ Welsh. Brig Calicatelle, Carlisle, 12 days from Sagua. wit i., sugar laid molasses to S k W Welsh—ve;g to 3 E ley ,1 Co. ti let Challenge, Gulliver, 3 days froiew,Yor ballast to .1 E Bailey .1c Co. Schr John Whitby, Ilendersou, 1 day„fropt Odessa,Dttl. with grain to Christian & Co. Sehr S C Fithian, Tuft, 1 day from Port Deposit ,11,1, with arniu to his L Bewley d: Co. . . Schi• his 1. th".veriii, Melvin, 1 day from MOM Creak I.ll'Ming, with grain to .Im , I. Bewley & Co. BELOW. • Dark L Bigelow. from Cardiff. • CLEARED YESTERDAY%-• 5t1.111111.1 . Pioneer, Burrett, Wilmington, NC. Philtolel• Oda and Southern 51ti1 SS l!o. Steamer .1 ti shriyer..ll.lggins..Baltimore„l GroYgt. Jr. Bark Andes. Sheppard, Trinidad, Warren A. Gregg. Brig Ilernws, Blackert,Laguayra. John Ballett Schr Philanthroplet, arren, Bangor. A Beritpu Set r Veida, Waite, Itath..lolin itonimel, Jr. & Seim .1 11 Perry. Perry, New Bedford, Sinnickson & Selo. Annie Barton. Prink, Baltimore, P Fitzpatrick CorrespOndence the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, ' • BEAIIING 31, May --, 1/959: The followin ,, boats from the Union Canal passed into the Selmylkill Canal, Mandl to: Philadelphia, laden and consigned as tallow,: , - Anetrulia,wiile lamber to Merril & Evans; David Heikki. do to Illackfun, Wilkinson & Co . ; Grapetihot; do to Boas & Bondenlmsh; Convoy and Geo U Harvey, do to Taylor A Betts; Florence A Ellen. do to H N W C A 'l' Co. M. and Wilderness, pig iron to Morris, Wheeler & Co. PORT . O,K.PIIILADY,LPHIA Furvigu lt ii COM4Wierrivtls for mouthth the of Bitty, is 69, un compared with the NUM(' period in 1861: For. coast. Total. leo'r. Coast. Total. Stoaniehips I ... 1 3 ... :'3 Ships 1 6 6 Barkr , 31• . ' 31 23 2-:i 25 Brig • 'l9 . 4 63 • 31 11 41 ir!wooers 56 . 702 718 58 4.1, ex ? 117,3 sloops ... - MN 593 .. - "V 662 662 : 517 547 .• ... 340 340 nitrger4 ... 1304 1303 . , ... 218 215 Boats ... 1378 /376 ... - 2139 -\ 2139 - - . - - - , TONI 148 4537 PM • 128 4187 l 4315 • MEMORANDA.• • Ship Belle of the Sea, Spear, ut Callao lath May front La Pim. strrived iith,disch g. • • Ship Surprise, lianiett, sailed from Attoy 4 -29th Mardi for New York. Ship Nina OW, Shortwell, from Manila, below. New York 20511 alt. V/1114 ordered to Boston. Steamer linnt , T, Harding, tetiloi front PiCoildence 29th nit. for this port. Steamer Ocean Queen, Sealt ary, froin Copenhagen; at New York yesterday. • . -Steamer Itedar, Muir, cleared ut N York yesterda Liverpool. • Steamer Port an Prince, Jackson, froui Port au Pr v and Gonitives 2241 and Cape Ilaytion 24th nit, at I , IIC k yesterday. Steamer Utility > Nickerson ,salled fronitdAvldeftee 29th ult. for this port. n ar k bl id• (mitten (80, Hatfield, cleared at N York yesterday for Marseilles via this port. Bark Netty Merriman, Berry, from New York 14th Out. at Dung Kong Mir April. , • Lloyilit•; - 'Park; nt St ilelmia - 2-ttlfAiirll from Shangitue, and sailed for New Bark Knimit Muir, Crosby, eitilWront .the, Clyde 18th alt. for this port. B N t'l7 . ark Sea Eagle, Allen, sailed fr nCu 11th alt. for, New York. Bark Vince, Cameron, hence at Cronstadt Bark Sostrene, Bjounesii, Mellen at Cronatattt ult.. Bork Arnie. lilorrisvin, from Yokohatim,'6l Helena • 2341 ult. and sailed Mt' New lurk.• . BIM( S A Jenkins, Vaughan; hence for tgottin, in the Sound, Elsinore, ltith ult. - - • Brm .1 DtPalll4, Merrick, hence at Boston ..90111 nit. Sehr A Burton, Froluick, hence at Bangor %Wulf. richt. Ab))io Burnley, Beam (late Parker,, lost civo- - hoard 26th), hence at Boston 30th ult. - H IOTRY CARPENTER AND BUILDER NO. 1024 SANSOM STREET, je3-Iy4p gRILLADELPLILE. CITY NOTICES. • • 'Geo. L. Buzli, Wm. M. Paul, Thos. L. Gillespie. -~ .: ,~ . f - • s hieti T S • 4 41' oN Eirr rn WEST PEILADELPHIA CHO AL SOCIETY AT MOUTON *NALL; _ (Forlrdirst. and Bayerford.Streetsd :- TUF.§I./("I , FVENING, June 1, at 8 o'clock.• Tirl eta• - One Dollar. For bale at J.Ts, Gould's Piano Rooms, 'nt Chestnut Streets-and NV U.. Boner (4 - Co.'s - Music Store, 1102 Chestnut St reeiranll at the Door to-nlght. . • It - A CADEMY OF MUSIC—KELLOGG. xi. ..S. • •• , AISS KAILOGG'S G tAND l'Altilr - ILL TO, PHILADELPHIA. - Rt S 'AKOSO Mtge tfully announces that.prior ter t 'tant ia,. lik u , for Euron - evin the steamer La Ville do • 'aris t ..the renowned American Primaldonna, st : ..miss CLARA ,LOUISE KELLOGG, . • will appear in a Grand Operatic Concert,' • •• • - O WEDNESDA - I EVENING % June 2, 11112, AN ben Ihe followina artistes will twist MISS CLARA LOUISE KELLOGG: . Mlle. ALII)A TOPP Oho popu lar plitnavirtuosol. Signors BOETTI, ItEINA.,BI3) , INI, 11AILKUDOL PH HENN IG, ,im. : ' • Sol - .ta ° nfietwltossini' "ME ESSE J SOLEMNLLE : willl - 'termed, with instrumental and vocal selec - Hons. . 4 OIL I N TR4II I .‘ , Y EVENING.' June 8. DM, :g ' GR i - ' EWELL OPERA NIGHT. IL. ARBIERE 1)1 SEVIGLIA. • • 'ULL CHORUS AND COMPLETE ORCHESTRA. • MuSico Directors Mr. S. Behrens and Sig.:Aberie. Adnitssi ni 8 , 1; reeltrusl 'FMK bOr.Lextra. : • Seats.nto• at the Maidenly, and C. W. n' A runtpler's. SAITURDAY. June S, at 21. Ak, • ‘ A •• GRA 1) - FAREWELK Ti OPERA MANEE. Sale of Seats for Matinee will continence on: Wedues day, at alnaktcplaces. . \ (I RS. JOHN tIOREW'S ARCH. STRIZT , Heinle at .t .. 4. to 8. y . \ST . 0 THE SOLDIER OF FORTUNE. ?•4"a mt . , ost i rke (with soups) MR. JOHN COLLINS w HIS LAST LEGS. • O'Culingliali (with nuns) MR. JOHN COLLINS ' SARAH S YOUNG MAN. Mr. R. Craig and Miss Funny Davenport. IFKIDDIAT— N A X S T BE AVFK IT N F WHI TEL.LINS.I y 41.1-S T JT STREET THEATRE. Begin; at 7 1 : M TH, Tut,SDAY. EVEline 1, a SECOND NIGHT Of the•vtorld-renowned Comedian, 'at o a Vit l r t. j u USEril 31:1 FEItS°N L PP Yl4l , VAN WINKLE Iu Dion Douricanif Great •Drama of Oa, TII - E 169,1;11;0/7.11441V H e E&WINIV T §T111,117:T. TH N McDONOUGII• • Manager • • LAST IYEEK. • . ' • WALL'S • ELISE BOLT DUBLESQUEVPMPANy t THE JUDGMENT OF FAUN. For Sll NIGHTS ONLY, ENGAGEMIZNT oh' WM. H. DONALDSON and IL GILBET, who Gillniuke —•R . • VELOUIPEDE ASCENSION frent.tbes iintge to the gallt ry—u. feat never before tempted. A.7I:NEE. ritHEATRE • SEyENVI. J. :Street, below Arch. Commericin_g at 5.,, 7 LAST WEEK BUT ONE • Of the brilliant engagement orl the great favorito and popular artiste,' MISS SUSAN DALTON. In the gL!srit lift of the tietwon, TLORETTE, THE CRICKET. Cricket, MISS SUSAN GA LTI. R CRICKET MATINEE, SATUDA Y • rig.' F".AMERI q .AISI, WALNUT STREET ,ABOVE EIGHTH. ATTRACTION RARE AND INIMI TA Rh E. • THE PERUVIAN CHILDREN i.IIMNASTS, • - - . LILLAAND• ZOE, • THE WONDER OF THE WORLD, Extelling,ZeugablagNha Rigarellis. who appe tr twic, . 4 a. (Wing the evening, ."1111.3 TWO GRAND BALLETS EACH EVENING EJP_VAN WINKLE BY JOE EMMETT. • • A ie., MASTER CLARENCE ON THE TRAPEZE. OlN:ximitGy l i 4 . XIIE SATURDAY M ATINE E. ~ ‘ct - rr..syly c - f ... TREE'' , RINK. . , UN I SPORT !AND FUNNY SIGHTS! , . ' • . FIRST FANCY DRESS CARNIVAL - --7,, '. • • ._ AND V • / . ~ ~ .bIASQUEBOADE ON VELOCIPEDES, t ''• - TUESDAY EVENING, Jona I, ISt?.). A larga-ilffinher,of the • .•-•- . BEST RIDERS IN THIS CITY Have registered their names, and will be present in BRILLIANT COSTUMES, • While others will be rigged a IN GROTESQUE AND COMIC DRESSES ! A GROTESQUE BAND OF MUSICIANS with instruments of '. . - "S., -,, !` , YE OLDEN TIMES." During thelmeninit a number of COMIC RACES. PROGRAMME OF MASQUERADE: •GRAND ENTREE OF . . .. , MASQUERADERS, to be followed by • . • A DOUBLE RACE • bettriawn two gentlemen well-known in this city: also, at -the Police Courts. ~," ~' BOYS' DOUBLE . RACE. " Befailaindly loaned for this oCcasion only by the Direc _tors of the House of Refuge. ' - RACEBY FOUR GENTS. Showing the speed they Made op at certain. night in .leilaving CherrY'Hill Prison. • ,• • • A POLITICAL RACE 'BETWEEN TWO OFFICE HOLDERS. ` Showing the speed they wish to mkt(' next October. • SLOW RACE,'• ' ,„_.. BY OUR-musiCAL - BAND. Vittot Hitse before the public. ' "- ' GAME OF TAG. By four Mceagueraders---An •Ex-Pri•sident, An Ex- TradeK an Ex-Editor, and an Ex-Army Officer. The public may depend upon having .A -GAY TIME. --- Persons appearing in FANCY DRESSES will be fur , nisbed with VELOCIPEDES FREE. OF CHA no ii. iv i t 1. .s. STI73I.ES TO HIRE AT THE RINK. • • . Tito) CHIES,3IAN'S BAND will-bo,' attethien :e. If i uld.rain on Tuesday, this CarniVal will be peep La o e _... ‘ • HURSDA EVENING, June 3. 'ADIIMY birFINE ARIS, - A - • . . ... CHESTNUT street, above Tenth. Open from 9 A. M. to ti'P. M: - • Bonitoxin Neste Great Picture of • • CUBIST REJECTED still on exhibition. joi22-tf .. • . • 1" NSTITI.IIION FOR TR h BLIND.—E%- 1 hihitions every WEDNESDAY, at-3I; P. M. Adulls• _ sion 19.cts.' • Store. No. II South Eighth st. selli-tn,tfj a :, -- • V 1 i2:SITATA.NI.4. ACADEM Y OF_FINE . - -..:7. is: f, : ARTS, • s .-;---- • • - TRRFORTT+IXTH ANNUAL SPRING EXHIERI, TION OF• PAINTINGS, SCULPTURE, &c., 'is now own: , , , - . Admission .23. cents. Season Tickets 50 cents. ' • Open from 9A; M. to 614 I'. DI., and from 73:1. to 10 P. AM.. ' ' ..-, __Rp2B-tivr B - 00TS AND—swots. Spring Styles ud ...... LiPQTS AND SHOES GENTS' WEAR. • 'BARTLETT 33,5 r Sixth Street, above Chestnut, ocl7 s to th lyrp§ W. 11 HELWEG, • - ,BOOTMAKER, No. 535 ARCH STREET. MI the Jateet - New. Yorkd and Philaelphia styles,. of'l3OOTS and GAITERS always on 140 and made to order at - short notice. . , . ' ' --- = - NOTIOE -TO THi.', PUBLIO GENE - . BALLY. ' • P.--- - %Tbe latest style, faaltinn and assortment of • evrs, SIIOES AND - GAITERS, VOR MEN AND l il -. BOYS, Can bo bad at . ERNEST SOPP 7 S, ." N 0.290 NORTH NINTH STREET. -Bettor-than anywhero in_thu City.- A_Flt Warranted..- .a 26m- %I ,}'HIM A CALL' ..- T O- ATA:C r N c ATHANS, AUCTIONEER, Ji.,,.orner Third and Spruce streets, only . ono korfiaro bebiss the Xxcliongo. .92(4,000 to loan; in large or small ainottlite,an diamonds, slim r plato watobso r ow o i n . acid altgoods of yalue. ODIN) hours fromB A. M. to • Notablished for the last forty years. Ad Tanta 'made' In largo amounts' at the lowest Inarket ratos.• • ' ''jatt tfrp MIRAN:ED I'U TONIC .. -- .41,10 for iiiyalids, family use, Sec. ' ,T,lkeutibscriber is now furnished with h flit( ilter pll hts -highly nutritious and well-knownover r•age. is wide,spread and : increasing mei by order:of pyytticlans, for invalids, use of families, Rc.,commend it = to. tlKottention, of .nli consumers who want a strictly ur ut ar s tiricinrepared feom the best materials, and put': Irdlgkitont careful initinier.for home use or transpor - 4 Orders bylnaifffr otherwis(tkomptly supplied. P..I4ITORDAN, No. 22.0 Pear street, IleloW Third owl Walnut etreoti. I , St ' 44. • 'CLINTON diT BEET .77 Tenth street, below Spruco,—A Flornl and' filrawberry Fi•stival will -he bold :on MONDAY AND • TUESDAY );VENINGS of this week, commencing at — 5 ,o'clock to which all friends of the Church are par. .ticularlY kvitod , ml3l 2t• 0-, '7 NOTICE:-;-,THE ANNUAL ' MEET: ing of Dio StOckholdera of theAMIMANTOWN. FASSEriGER RAILWAY COMPANY. will he held at ths • Office of the CoMpany, corner Sixth and Diamond streets, on WEDNESDAY, June 2d,1869, at 4 o'clock P, M., at which time and _place an election 11111 be held. for -Treasurer and live (8) )Managers (one of whom Anil he • President), to-serve for the Clllollll¢ rear. A/BElqt stridEttior, mylB-tu tji 11.7 t. • . , Secretary. UPHILADELPHIA, MAY _lB, 1869.-- The Annnal Meeting of the: Stockitolders'of the Philadelphia and BostotiMining Company (of Michigan) will lie held at their office, ho. 423 Walnut 'street, on FRIDAY, the 9th day of June, at 12 o'clock, for the elec= tion of Directors and the transaction of other business. niylB to th a tie() J. S. McMULLIN, Secretary. 0, OFFICE RESOLUTE . INING Coinpany, wonut utteet. • . May 2700868., Notice is betel)) , given that all Stock of the Resolute 'Mining Company, on which instalments ere duo and un paid, ham boen.forfeited, and Will boll at public atm! tion on MONDA Y, 23th Juno, 1869, et 12 o'clock, noun, at the Office of the , Secretary -of the Couporation, • (ac cording to the Charter and By-Laws,): unless previously redeimicd. . „ . Hy order of the Directora. Secretary and Treasurer. The Company claims the right to hidou said Stuck. my2B tjClB3 . 0, HEADQUARTERS REPUBLICAN CITY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. ' •• Rooms NATIONAL. UNION CLUB, //lki Cligsr T STILE T. In conformity with Rule Sixth of the Rules tor the go, vernment or the .Union Republican partyy, the registering officers of each division (consisting of the Republican Judges, or the candidate, and the Inspectors of Election elected in October lust, and the Excentive Committee of each division,) shall meet at the regular places of hold ing 'elections, on TUESDAY, June Ist. between the hours of 4 and 8 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of making a registry of the Republican voters, under the provisions -of Haul rule. . By. order of the Republican City Executive Comndttee. W. IL LEEDS, President. JOHN L. Ii Secretary.• my2s it . • {r PHILADELPHIA, MAY 15, 1869. I;F•D' . Th e Annul! Meeting of the Stockholders of the Resolute Mining Company, of Lake - Superior, will us held at their Office, No. 314 Walnut street, on MONDAY, the 7th day of June, 18;9, at 12 o'clock Mifor the election of Directors, and transaction of other bnainess. •iiiy2ttje7)i . B. A. HOOPES:Secretary. 'EMPIRE CC/PPEP7. OMPANY.— The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Empire Copper Company will be held at of the CrlmPanY, No. 324 Walnut et reef, Philadelphia, on PRI- June 4th, 1,857,ut 12 o'clock M., fur the election of ' Directors, and for any other busineso that mny legally come before the meeting. M. Ji. 110 F le3 . LAN : , Str yL re s tir.• la . PUILAiIELPHIA, May 15, PaR.). in AMYGDALOID MINING- . COM dtY PAN Y.—The Anhual Meeting'q of the Stock holdere of the A3IYIDDALIOD MINING COMPANY, of Lake Superior, wilt be hold at the Oftiett of the Company, No. -324 Walnut atreet,- Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, Juno Zi t 1569, at 12 o'clock M., for the election of Dit:ee tore, and for any other bu.4ineet that may legally come before the meeting. M. 11.J10FEMA!. , .7 Secretary. • PHILADELPHIA May 13, 1069.my13t0 je2§ 11 ...U.N10N PACIFIC RAILWAY COM PANY, EASTERN DIVISION. • • Pn 31ny.53, 1469. r The interest in gull on brat mortgage bond , Union • Pacific Railway, EitSteril DiVl4lll,lllll, JIM, I. 1,0.). will be paid on presentation of the coupon. Illerefkir, MI and after that date, at the Banking House of DA 11N EY. MORGAN & 53 Exehange Place, . rny-s toll) fit§ New York. 0:0?!OFFICE OF THE METALLINE . LAND COMPANY, NO. X2i WALNCTSTRE EY. PHILADELPHIA. May 7111.; The stated animal meeting of the stockhribler4 of the Metalline Land Company mill he held at the office of the ComPall7• on MONDAY, June 7th, prOxiwo, at' 12 o'clock, M. cnyit jar M. . HOFFMAN, Clerk. T 1 ARS , DIVIDEND NOTICES. UNION BANK O. TkNNESSEE • . LIQUIDATION. • ' .Namitv!tax, May MD, 'DIVIDEND. A steek-dividetel of twelve dollars awl fifty cents en each share I , fstoek In the Union Bank of T01111.44,* will ha pa.hi at the Philadelphia National dank on and after the 10th day of June, MU. JOSEPH W. 'ALLEN, .iray2.l-Im4 (snider an t Trtenee. SIJ 000 AND SlO,OOO TO LOAN ON Mortgage. Apply to . LEWIS H. ItEDNEIt. my3l 2t§ 731 Walnut street. 6.500 . TO LOAN ON 31 ORTG AGE. • 3.11. MORRIS. zuy2s 4t* 1.33.ti0rt It Tenth street. CHOICE IN V ESTM EN T. 7 --T RST-CL ASS Mortgages and Ground Rents(reo from taxes) for amounts ranging from riti,l)OU to $3040J; amply securtsl on central city propertieb. For sole by •rs. JONES, No. 707 Walnut street. tny2fiAt• BOARD WANTED BY A SINGLE ktcntieman, ( nuYrelkant on Mark.ct etroct).cther rt Pavd or full board, in vicinity of Broad and G i rard ayonue, AddreYs " Bilekultor," till", it.. TPILLNSIENT ATN D Fait .111 ANENT Boarding at 912 Sprite,' ntrret. Also, table hoard X3RONT IFO — ONIS, WITH TRANSIENT ORe _lc permanent Board. Also, adjoining rooms. 1524 Chestnut street. mynisiit • IDLEASANT FRONT .ROOMS (Co3l.3lll bleating), in the second and third ator7. now vacant; also. Table Board, at NW TURNER'S, N. *W. earner El .liteenth and Pins streets. . myl7•l2t .. . . .... . . . Qi.; 3IMEB BOARD I N (;-.—AT • A BlAlT tifully Ineat , A lama Flown., above , 31itin-y• Pa, - For. partieulam appl) , at 912 Spruce, wtrept: Boarding. 7 dol ar-a per wo.dt. - jol to th ,cdt" APRIVATE FA"MILY WILL TellalooM.- modate a few first-class hoarders at No. 51'65 Mount Airy, Germantown avenue% Vivo minutes to the sta tion. . jel wto stir M M j!). BOARDING.-WANTE D-1 Starot-class commodation for a.familylor the goof mer; about ell milt tf from the rity.,nnd easy of Address this ottice L. U. - • my:11-3' pIfOSPECT TERRACE. • . - FREELAND, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. This delightful Mummer Residence will be open for the reception of guests on and after Slay 1. • The lawn and grounds hare been arranged with sum mer arbors, croquet grounds, billiard rooms. Sc., and for. shade and beauty are Tory, delightful boating, fish log; plunge - baths. kn. Address, JAME 4 PALMER, npls th s to 3m05 Freeland, Pa. CIOYAItTN E 118H.1 I'. THE SUBSUIti - NJ hero hare united In CopartnerAip wider tho firm or BARGII. FARRELL & WARLtIITh Jur the trart,,ac fion ur the Paper and Paper Stork bUSIIICSS, at Nu. MI Clir•xtnut street. Philadelphia. • W3l. BAILGII. • WM. E. FARRELL, LUCIUS-11. 'WARREN. Pit lI.ADELPIIIA June I. Prin. . 'el Gt; 1 - 1111.114 GISTS' SUNDRI ES. GI tAD U AL., titps, Mortar. I'lll Tiles; Combs, Brushers, Mirrors, Tweegers, Puff Boxes,ltorn Scoops, Surgical Instrit• mentel Trusses, Hard Alai SOrt. itlibbUr GOOthl, Vial Case Glass and Metal Syringes, &c., all at First Han s" prices. SNOWDEN& BROTHER, aps 23 South Eighth street. Fin 'I.IISTS ARE INVITED TI) EX amino our large stock of fresh and Chemicals of the latest importation. . • - Also, essential Oils, Vanilla Beaus;, : Sponges, Chamois Skins, etc. ROBERT SHOEMAKER dc- CO., N. E, cur. nor Fourth and Race streets. OLIVE OIL, SUPERIOR QUALITY, ON draught and In bottles; Tartans brands. ROBERT 8110EMANNE k CO., N. N. turner :Fourth and Baca strosts. CASTILE SOAK ' -NOW LAND I N G.-300" boxes White and Mottled Castile Sodp,Tery superior fluidity ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., Wholesale Druggists: N. E. corner Fourth and Rsco etroete. CFAS-VIIN:11111rENT . . _ , G " 'I XT IJll,lllti.-3118K Y,. :MERRILL & THAGKAUA, No. 718 CliestnnOtroet, manufao turers.of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, &C., Ap.,,would call tho attention of the . publlc to their large elegant assort meat uf ChallltieliOrB rollllllllts BrlteliOtH, ttc. also introduce g as pipes into dwellings and public bulb! , illge, and atticul to oxtendhlg, altering and lapaicing gas •pipes. Ail Nrorlomrrautod. . • R: MASON BINES. JOHN F. SHEA FP. HE .UNDERSIGNED "A.TTEN T tion to their stock of _prim; Alotintatin,lehigh'.and Locust Mountain Genii which, with the preparation given by , us, we think can not he excelled by any other Cool. ' . . Office, rranklln Institute NO: I.sSeventh_ effect. . . NINES Lt SHEAF? , jaI-tf Arch street wharf, Sohnylkill. A RUBBER MACHINE BELT-. fitearn Packing Anse., &c. Engineers and ' dealers will find a full assort ro nt of Goodyear's Patent Vulcanized 'Rubber fielting,..paek, AB Hose, ac., at the Manufacturer's'lleadguarteld, GQolntlEftn'S‘ ' • .:10ci Chestnut street, ' • • South side. • 8.--We have now on Innut.4 largo lot Gentle m - en's, Ladies' and Nissen' Gurnq l -Boats. Also „every 'la. .riety and style of Gum ' • .4011 N CRUMP,' .-U lt 'nb f i , - ' • --': 0 , - -, - . 1731 CHESTNUT f; ELT;'EE , ... ' . , . and 21 .ODIIE STREET. Mei•hroiled of overy branch requinod for hotuwbitilillog SPIRITS TURPEN'TINE —. ANiRCier--- N. wig fitting promptly furnlnbed. ' • f 02741 ' • -- - - 110 barrels Spirits Turpeothio• 14" barrolo Palo 8 o Q li - E AT li T N . G. FEL T.—TEN IF 'toxin; 11:16 bit rrelo No. 2 Shipping' Itosin, la:11'k frGolm -I.7l4nalitill.Shenthing Pelt, for onIebyPRTER WERULT steamer Pioneer, fit r Bole by HMV. 11.440WLEX, 16 ES. '_& SONS, 116 Walnut street'. -- Whorrea. . . MORTGAGI'.% BOARDING. SUMMER BOARDIN G . COPARTICEitSIIIPS.. DRUGS. COAL' AND WOOD. SALE.-VERY-FINELYOR SITUATE'S Buildipg Sites on School_ House lano,,within Inttiteawalk or the Railroad Station; 18,43 or .6 acrpe, to suit purchasers. These properties conimand a flno view, and are bordered by the hinds of the Park- Extensioo, and by beautiful, country seats. - • r,, B. WAGNER, Jo.; my 28.0 33 South Third street._ F o`7t t 3 A L Dwoi ling, 1112 Rodman erect, Apply /404 Sprtic• irt.,k/0 to 12 A. 311., 2 toTi .r; 4iei4stri sit FOR SALE Olt. TO RENT FU Walled—the three-story brick resido. 18Y3 alnico :street. 40 by 187 feet deep_to,Nort street . nig stable, coaeh•hoUBe and coachman's room. Jlppir to roy2B-at'l THOS. L. I , I I (ANS, No. 431 Walnut etroet. fa If it ,BALE—DWELL !NOS AND 11laSTO1tB8,-1510N.'ronth street, lot 27x75, aide yard, and all modern tin prevenient... • • 1323 Brandywine street; lot 111260; 8 rooms and bath; 'side 14110.1 a bargain. 2624 N. Broad. Lot 25x177.10. 817,600. Kass N. Broad at., 1311 N. Broad at.' 1366 llrandywlnont., . 817 N. Mistreat!: ot.y. 1307 N. Fifteenth st., 1327 N. Fifteenth tit.; 1414 •Manter ht., 1320 N. Nineteenth at... • la* N. Nineteenth ht., 2130 Franklin at., • . • 1711 N. Ninth at., . 1144 N. I:Wreath at., 1630 Mt. Vernon nt., . • 1621 NVallace et. . 1404 Wellingtoti 'street. Lot 16 by 72, Ten room's Mo dern improvement... Tering easy. first-claws neigli borhood. Only ansoo. for particithils goof the itegister, price 5 cent... Conveyancing mid collectingprotoPlir at • fended to, for which 1 most renegitfulty solfelt your pa tronage. .1.,14. W. HAVEN. 8, niy2.6 tf 869 N. Broad %areal, r. 4 FOR. SALE OH EXCKANGE—A I.ilfirolt•-rlnss Countr y . Seat and Farm, containing t• 11(11.11. 10 of 'which In in lawn; Large and Elegant , Man sion. Tenant llonne,tiartlener'a Gettage,earringo Bonne, Baln, lee 114111 AP, Springlionse,pc„s miles north of the / A;ity, Dear railroad, Lind convents to churches, stores. &c. Will be ',old on 'very easy ternin, or exchanged rd r first-claim city property. Address .1. S. Box 2751„ (1. my.nto koff .- i4ALT:'; and lot, lOU feet front by 11 - 0 feet deep. ou Farmed lone. Germantown a-venue. Rising clan ' A 1,.,, a large Int Hear the outtte. about WO feet Inquire . 712 MASLKET street • MEM t. 151, FOR SALE,--NEAT THREE-STORY . VaStone Cottage, good location, Gonna:down. noW ,frpot: 9 motor; every cunirenienco. Lot, 30 by Lb) fftt. 8 . 4,300. . ap7lll J. M. P. WAT,LACE, 128 S. Sixth street. . SA LE -7' EE , HANDSOME un,xl,ll residence, with stable and earrhtge•howe., and et 201) by ?SO feet. well xhwl 11. situate on the nurth enht.!.•orner of TwOnty-nrot. and Vogt& street 4; two mill Mow . urulk Item, the railrixul PtatiOn• abllllllllllCa fruit and choicest shrubbery. J. M. CUIIMJ Y 4 SONS. 7.33 Walnut xtrect. ... 13110 AD STIMET.--F LE OR HA—LTHE 1 valuable lot, 75 feet front on 'Broad street, sitirsato Hort least rortser 4.1 Fitzwater street; 130 feet deep oa Fitzwater street. • J. 31. (7411313 JEN & SO:18, 733 Wal nut street. - . , • frig FOR SAL E.—A TH HEE-STORY mat Drown Stone Front Messuago, INIO-2113 Spruco streot. l' oorly, Apply to COPPUCK I JAR. DAN, 433 Walnut strog. . . . fa ion SAL 1. 1 ;-- AT 31 Ell Clf ANT NULL phea. N. J.. a new frame ifnma'.ti roe,mn ,yide yard isn't kirgtt garden; a very deli table location.; ,mly twenty min utes' ride via C.atttl Co.; freeuent tratimcalm, a number of desirable Building Lots. Apply at N0.2!l Delaware avenue. 0 my 234, e l EIIM AY TOW-.`"s: Ara. mod .n. stone Cottage, with every city convenienc e . Parlor, dining room.sitting SIN/111, kitdiell and five chant • lows; desirphly located. 'within ten minutes' walk from the railroad depot. GCJI 3IKY & SONS. 733 Walnut street. BANDSO3IE COULNTEN7 SEAT FOIL • Sole. containing Xi acre,. suporior !mut, altnatod on the ;ulf 311110 rood, ono mil,. from Villa Nora Station. on the Pennsylvania Ventral Railroad. Modern atone mansion, with every city 17011Velliet11:0(•XCept gskcjitable, carriuge house, chicken ?vim, tr.• bonne, c„ .*e. Lawn handsomely improved with 6iliOlo and ereigreon tree , . WO hrubl.Ty. Also, spring and •spring 1101140. and n stream of water running throitoh tho lu j frult4 awl berries of ail kinds. J. Gni:111:Y & SONS, al Wal nut street. • , ire A( )I,IN FAI NI—FOR SA f, . —A ~aluabin trail of 00 nertli'of land, t ho winik of which is iintleriti with tin inexhaustible hest of Kaolin; riteala on thn , lin,- of tlir liultimoro linilrowl. within y 3 fifth" City of Pitilini4pilla. hupruyrmruticonni.t of innosion. dw fling hoins,-ii for iiperntirea, awl ail nim-i•ssary outbuildings. Also. all thr inartiinrry too!. requisite for working t clay. For further Orti cubit's. niply to.). GUMMEY SONS, ;33 Wiannt Olt SAL E. —A, HANDSOME 172'1 Vine strnet. Phi A liandsoine Residence, West ladelphia. A newborn'. IPty Piling. Arch a. above !gate...sulk. A 'Modern Dwelling PIM Sorgsant street. A litt, , lip•Ks Location,ntrawbetyy greet. Tat) oder'', lheollings, West Philadelphia. A Modern 'tr.-11122g, Sixteenth and Cherry ittreets. A pply to COP l' & JOIIDAN, 433 Walnut street. FOR SAL E.—MODERN TH REF,- 7mls t „ ry n r i,k pwelling. 519 S. Ninth et. Every min e...131,1m0. Inquire the preini.e.e. S A L 1 , ;:--ATLANTIC CITY, 'LEGANT COTTAGE. on Connecticut avenue. near CONGRESS HALL. to tit titji A poly, 716 Chestnut street. TAO 2t1N37-IFOII, TH.E SLTII3IEit Oft until April lht,a anal! HOUSE, part I! furnish d, on School tionnantuarn, within a few ,: nrtlnut•Nt walk vi Nurristutra Atidmin . . . . . . . JOS. H W. JONSON. J 1 1.• mr29 t• to that ' , ... AS; Chrol !tut Ntreet. fri4 • STORE; Ti; RENT.—i2IO T i nut Ntrret. Apply in sh-,m4 storl or the build tug. • m 2 , ,, * tit th3t• jal•tu,tb,lt" STORE AND BASEMENT, S. E. cor. Chestnut and Seventh Sts. EI)W ARD P. KELLY. my3l tf . CHEESE & 111 eCOLL UM, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. - oMce Jackffon streot, opp . ositi. Mansion street, Cana Island. 'N. J. Real Estate bought and said. Persona desirous of renting cottages during the smaun will apply 'or address at; above. Ito:n(4lND y refer to Chrip. A. Muhl cam, Henry Itunito, ' , rime's Mellyuiti, litirtuorits Merino, John Dark and W. W.Juv.nuL fe2i-tf§ 1110 LET-SECONDAiND THIRD FLOOlta of new Store, Wit Arch greet. tuy.ll St• fp, T N T—A COTTAGE COM- I:a ['lately furnished, in the vicinity of Old York Road •mation,"North Pennsylvania Railroad. 2 minutes' walk from the 11” pot ; Orst•elas ti carriage-bowie and stabling': la ripe garden planted. tritit Ac. Address box 2194, Philadel P.O. •It` • . I[2 z TO REN T—G ANTOWN—A : foruishol Muse with stahli. attarlwd Apply . to J. SERGEANT PRICE. No. till Arch strtwt M.I• FOR, RENT—NO. - 11.13-1 SPRUCE ST.— Furnished. Apply between JO rind 2to J. 1,. I I A RMAR, No. TM Walnut street. jel in th s 4t§ re, Fall: It ItIN I . —N O. 1834 SP I: 0 (.1E BT. leurni..thect. Apply, bet weeu lO and 2, to , 1.. I A 1111 A R, NQ. 703 Willnitt'Street. my2," MI A HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY TO at otatioa on North Penna. Railroad. „Whreo Rums of lawn; plenty of mho& and fruit .frees;,. stabling. &e. Bent-moderate. From li) to 20 Acres adjoining, for Jule, if desired. Address or apply to CHARLES FOI.4iEN CONHON, COME .327 Walnut strert. TO LET—HOUSE; 1314 1!1NE STREET Apply at 1323 Spruce street. • my29-3t" TO RENT—TO A PRIVATE FAM tt ILY, a lta talsomel y-furn ished Mane on Arch street, near Sixteenth. Possessioniven September 1, 1340. A stable and coach-house rUll 1,0 had if desired. 'Athlress "ARCH. STREET," irt this (au,. mt../ 6t* . fr TO RENT.—A FIRST-CLASS COLIN- La try Residence, first and second stories furnisted, - modernconvenience, nea r Lancaster Pike, four Minutes' walk from Ilueerford College Station. on the Peansyl; yank( Central Railroad; stabling. ice house (tilled.) 'Ap nly to C. .1. Anntun, White Ball orHotel; by letter, West II averford, P. 0., Del. Co. rm. .; my3l-4t" VI •TO RENT—FURNISHED SUMMER Resideficoon the lb (aware river, one mile north " of "SHAWL - Co1111110(HOUN home, neatly,tarnished( three acres of ground, testify' -laid out and ountifully Hop— _ plied with fruit. and shade trees.' A very desirable place. , - 14:16 Lombard street. • 3ludern House, furniSheo, fur RAF sX l'. 7 E l N .ll 'l. le ti s r fr N eUt. 'six months' or year. ' ROBERT TO REINVITHE LARGE, CONN-k -ali 'nient and Well-lightbd granite front hitoro,NO. 110 South,DELAWARE Arenue, with immediate poemeo- Moo; the prement tenant being obliged to retire frora bummeme owing' to ill health, Apply to J B. RUH SIElfrit Va., 108 South_Delaware avenue mylT tf.ti IllaTO LIETA THEFIRSTOR .llli tion Brown stone Dwelling, 1214 Coates street, coo.-', Wining parlor,dining-room, kitchen and taimeaen kitchen on ground floor; sifting-room and 3 ehamberm. on 2d; 3 Chamber/4 on third floor, with bath-room, hot and - .cold water and all modern - conveniencem. Will be rooted for one or More jean( to a • nod tenant at low_rlatt,. In uire for a few.dayll on. he. premimem, or - to EDWARD MN - ELY 128 hiev .ntli mt. . toying. , FriIitNISHED COTTN'IIt HOUSE-- km:tablin ten wanted for the amnion; about ta ~,,lio j aw r ol i ti t li Mil easy of acres Address I t office, rn 711.3 t• , FORSA,LEI TO RENT. TO R. IE NIT , FIIO2OI JULY I. INQUIRE OE WANTS. SEEM 4e - c - • - in - trt4 - tuiy. ART .ITETIVII; 1---:,-7Miti.....3IA.K.ART_JiLYIPPI4.---The - : now celebrated pacifier Of the 4 tPest,T 4, Tcirettee - , and.tbc: Dcath-shr. thatilta"Y!iS ' a6"' present :in Vjenua,,wlteke ,the .Emperor .:branciq,J9seph, baS,pla'ec() studio 'at, hi* scro4'itife,:iittlrtlsed a few OAS igd ' - frortiAlome' a ,painting entitled, 'gullet in the Sleep of Death," whleh l ..titOttgli. 'tot 7yet'„onipbtt4,',d, Ls pronounced a masterpiece ;by, the : critics. waSat,;Nyokk at , „Rome, for only three :.montb4 -s , — and was constantly interrupted. In Munich' the work created' generA,t,Otpuiplunent, in the'artiSt'S'Stitdro.'''' It Is iiight'lo;ethigli and six feet broad. ,21: critic in, the •Augsburg All j Zeitunfi sayS:---aWe do not believe th:tt, rit,4l@ql4iWcittidgitlieritll 1 fa pre. has been a idea more richly ~tend in this ,orwbich with greater ease has, executed„, ASMiltEntiy Arapery,:' tofters, architectiire, landscapes, in such pro fusettilliuss aidof : Outpost enchantiitg, forms." l'ilakart is a impil et the eetehrated Piloty. Fns ran OF GUHTAV poll Ferdinand Gustav lidmig, whose death was recently announced, was one of the great art*froMtlie Circle of Cornelins one of • tho best ' Of" the older' classical Munich school'. Though a scholar of Schnorri. : he was a disa ple of Cornelius, whose principles he imbibed and developed; Ills first great commission was re,eolWil from the Mike of 'Coburg, to rinnt “The^Naion - Prinees of the Reformation, 'a' wopls ,tvhicli led him' the' thOught of coinpos 7 ing a debts "Of pial* , .B representing the..:q.ife of jouther," which again led him, the artist, through a seven years Study of his subject to - ,a. deep and vital knowledge of the Evangelktal Christian ddetrine of salvationoniabled hirn to be called'a Christian artist in the highest 'sense, awl. gained him the name we, havealready in . The fame of these -pictures' spread all over Germany; he received ; commissions front clidiebes far and near, in part in cartoons, in part in oil pahitingsi,to repeat them, or sin gle pictures froui the cyclus; and his last coin:- ruissidn'Wasteeeived upim his death bed, only• a few days before he took his departUre toward the home of the great Reformer. kseriesof paintings from the lid.; of King Davld, executed in commission of King Frederic of Prussia, is well known. It was on designs of Biblical subjects that he especially excelled. Ile gradually mine t.i the idea, of making his art accessible to the• German people by giving tla.un . Christiart ,pictures instead of what is usually passed off as such; and his. representations of Littlier's Ilymns,his biblical A BC, his Psalm Pictunfs and his twelve 'Memorial Leaves:, are known through out.) the whole of Germarii,% His ”-Volks- BHA," consisting of one hundred and sixty OesLikuti;;"engraved by his friend Thater, wasone of Ins latest labors. These designs are very malt; and a critic said of them: "Ko.nig at taches no value to earthly:4am,, but he makes a r4stuie,9f two Inches, in height as if it were intended for a palace:" His Works nuinber over eight hundred, the most being designs of sacred subjects, which have been multiplied by means of engraving on steel or copper, and by the4process of oil printing. The greaterpart of his life was spent in Munich. In POI he re moved to Erlangen, and was shortly after stricken 40 . 16 with lung disease, which ended `islif. .FRET CH ----- Frk.n3 the foreign lilts of the Bulletin.) THE. Joutegat, of the exiles, Le Rappel, is one - of those three-eou dallies, bait!! Printed with grayish ink, and having enormous spaces between the,paragaPhs, whieb are ;character istic of Paris. The twelfth number lies before us, beginning with an Article by Henri 14tehe lion. The editor of the Lantern, perhaps an noyed at the,,colnisarakive failure of his old paper since it has been in exile, contributes a llong;liititinPertiteedltarial; his clauitea are 844. f rated by, instead of the usual dash, a little imuge of a lantern casting its rays around. For feuilleton Le Rappel has instalments of "L'llomme qui The fantastic appear mace of the sheet much enhanced by the odd vignettes used' to mark `off `theditlerent para graphs:—those: used in the article on the pee, total Campaign ; area drum and Inlaters. with a drumitter,bny ter headpiece. Those between' the clipped paragraphs, are in the likenem of scissors. • ' VioTon.w.'N SA.Kupu „twang gone to Venice, his absence is improved by the Paris pnys - to furnish biographies' of the young dramatist,very full and betraying great invention. Sardou, the father, takes pains to set matters right in a letter to the '7 Plgiito, < dated from • Nice: :SU Sardou , ,pire desaibes himself us a Provental. author of soup' classical. Iyork.§; published by Hachette, among others, a dictionary of synonyms. Victorien never was Normal teacher, hut (hiring one year of his early man fjta gave: lessons as tutor;-he- was born in Paris, September, IR3I, and will therefore be thirty-eight nextaittunm, if he lives. • Rachel, the aetttiss, died in a villa: at Canna bdonging to a M. Station, cousin of the drama= fist. -THE 1111trainakd -IVoitern Wort( has lately passed into the hands of I'. 11. Drake tk . , under whiise management its illuminatiehhas already become still more brilliant than before. It. is a folio-shed journal, filled with tales and sketches, and illustrated with tinted wood-cutS. The editors inform us that they have on band manuscripts,from T. S. Arthur, Mrs. Oakes Smith, Mrs. M. A. Denison, E. P. Whipple, Louis Gaylord Clarke,;Mary, W. :Lorain, E. S. Ellis, Dr. - Win.' Mason Turner, 'Edward Bliss, Nellie. Ames, Vrancis ((errs Belle S. Wilson, with& of “i t) t to Snare," T. W. Wills, .MariOnTllowaull, ' etc: Address 65, and 57 Park Place,N., Y. .„ . SARATOGA WATER. i st - STAR .., ~......--... , SPRINGS, :v • • : SARATOGA I NEW YORK. The analysis proves that the waters of, the Saratoga Star Spring's barn a much larger amount of,snlielaabstance, richer in medical ingredients than any iktherisprint: in Sill'iltol2ll, •nd shows what the taste intlicates—namely, that it is the ST RON GEST. NV : AT g O . R.. It also tlettionstiaites that the STAB WATER contains • • 100 Cubic Inches More or ia a gallon than any other spring.: It k 4 this extra amount of gad that imparts to this water ita peculiarly sparkling appearance, and renders it so very agreeable to the bode. It. also tends ita preserve the delielinis flavor of.t he - water when bottled, and caused it to uncork .with an effervescence almost equal to Champagne. ;Si:dirby the leading Druggists andllotels through out Mc country. -' - r '• JOHN WYglifi& 8110., 1412 Walnut Street, PIO W4OleHale ArserrtB..,.- Also, for sale by NV.Walter.Hullon,Cliestinit Brown. corner - of Fifth and Chestnut streets; 1..1. Gni barna., Twelfth mid Filbert; 11. .11. Lippincott, Twentieth and Cherry; I', Co. 1228 Chestnut; Samuel S. Bunt ing, Tenth and Spruce' ; Titylor,lols Chestnut; P.G. Hig , liteetith and SpriteeF. Jacoby Ch 917 est nut; Geo. Bower, Sixth and ' Vine . JINN'. Shinti,llroad and Sprat:lit S.Joneis,'l'welftll and Sprite(); \V. B. Webb, Tenth and Spring debtuttli,s,lyrigi • 1114TSX.CA.T.. eIG. P RONDI.N.LLA TEAVIER-'01? Similug.' Prlvatteli!Bounti tii ei11,4/309. nth etreot. 0,11,25.4y§ WATCHES, JEWEERy, &C. - : LtWiS LAD9tilliS & - • co , • ,DiAIt(OIII...DgALERS & JBWELE4H. Vcrtitzs,altwErati , afOr,vxstortin WA l rdtEB irk lEWttIIT ItlVAMiliii: , --:- . 0 2 Chestnut St. Phi • readies'andQents',.Wa - tches Akertcati .and Imported, cif the most celebrated makers.' ,F;i4e VO.t. Chains. ax4.,Lecilitines. ~ ~ ~. •:ffn'34 and ill karate, ' .' '* '' 4 , 4 Diamond °yid and Other Jewelry, t ~.. Of the lateet deeigne, EAtiAGENVENT- AND, WEDDIpile - Itl*oB, II TillS karat Mid obit ' ' ' ' S LID SILVER WARE FOR. BRIDAL PRESENTS. TAIILECUTLERY, PLAT T ED , WARE, Etc. , • WM. 8., WARNE I& CO., Wholesale Dealers in • , iWATC.IFIES AND JEWELRY, SM. ear. Seventh and Chestnut Streets, And late of No. 3.5 South Third street. "e 2 ly FINANCIAL. , • THE 6_14,.v.A.rr - PACIFIC RAILROAD IS FINISHED. • • FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF THE UNION AND CENTRAL PACIFIC R.R. BOUGHT AND SOLD. DEEWEN T .4 10 Bankers and Dealers in GoVernments, 40 S. Third t4treet. sp9 tf ITII,.riANDOIIII,, • I,FN f3A/Vi r , K ERS Dealers In V.B. Bonds and Members of Stock and Gold Exchange, receive ac counts of Banks and Bankers on liberal terms' issue Bills of Exchange on C. J. Hembro & Son, London. B. Metzler, S. Sohn & 00., Frankford. James W. Tucker '& Co., Paris. And other prinellpol cities. sold Letters of Credit available throughout Europe S. W. eorner.Third,and Chestnut Streets. BANKING HOUSE . ,• jAYCOOKE &O. _llaand 114 So. THIRD ST. PHILAD'A, DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. We will receive applications for Policies of Life Insurance in the • new National Life In surance Company of the United State.S. Fuf information given at our office. . . _ - 11i10ELLANEbITS SCHOOLEY'S 'NEW PATENT SELF-YEN . MATING AMERMAN ]EIF rt,.AL-rOrt, 44-,4, 1.1.14 7 ,/iftfiaLU7asl.oa 4- : '_ -t-i,.. ..,- -, _:_._,),„-\ 7... ,-„, s"\-- , .—, ' IV i - - -/-ii-.00 .'''. I —' , '-.1-4 4 /fm4 . ik ' e " ''`4 • ~ • 4, ~, .„. . . 6 ' „ 4 , 1 •F 4 1•.,, . , IS THE BEST AND ONLY PERFECT SELF-VENTI= BATING PRESERVER IN THE WORLD! And will keep such articles as Vegetables, Fruits, Meats, Fish, Milk, Eggs, etc., etc.. longer, drier and colder, with lees ice, than any other Refrigerator now in E. 'S. , FARSON (K 1 C 0., 1115.2.5 tu tli s ilt • DOCK Street,llilladelphla. • PLUMBING.. wm. G. RHOADS, 1221 MARKET STREET, t Steam and Gas fitting, naiad POW/ . and Steam Pumps, Plumbers' Marble and Soapstone Work. Terra Cotta Pipe, Chimney Tops, &c., wholesale and Sompleant finished work may bo seen at lay store. inyC Om§ • [Wai..MMViaS, Of the latest and most beatatiful designs, and all other blate work on hand 6r wn die to - 11 ' 1 4 (kr. .Factory and Salesroeuw,SlXTENlSlTlfand CALLOW BILL Streets.. - . Ny114,01 , f & HILLER. POCKET' BOOKS, &C THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JUNE I, 1869. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 1E14.13/.. ,A3LBOY, And. TRENToN ftA 11 itO.tD (!031PANY'S 1.1.!M5, from l'hiladelp)la to New Yyrk,atid .war pitta's , from Wnl -I,nt M treet - wharf. ' rate- At .30 A.., via,Parnden and Anibal , ' Accorp, $2 25 At A. MY. Caradqn and AP , t.lty-Ex; Atail; 3.00 At ris estudim unk, ~Mrecy tlity'Ex; . lil t At AN .' 31„ i'ia Ctiuldeti und ;A and •• 300 At I'. M: for Amboy lilt ennellinte rtat ' At .30 and is A. M., and 2P. M., for Freehold. , A V.OO P, M. for Long Branch and Points on 11. k D. B. At and 10 A. 31.; 2,130 and 4.30 P. 31.; for Trenton. At 8.311, and 10 A. 31.0,2, 3.30, 4.30,6 and 11.3(11'. M. 7 f t..Jltirdentown, Florence Burlington Beverly and Do At 16.30 and 10 A.M . ., 1,130, 4.30,6 and 11.30 P. M. for Edgewater, Riverside, ..Itiverton, - Pain - Lyra and Fish Mouse, anti 2P. 31., for Riverton. ' • 164 1^ .:.'The 1 and'lL.3ol'l3t,.Liittis will leave front fool; 'I lititYliet street by upper ferry.' ' ' blront Kensington Depot: • Atli A. Id., via Kensington anti J'Yrsey Oity, New York Express Line - At 7.30 and 11,01/A..M.,2.3003.30 mad P.ll. for Trenton anti Bristoir..Andut 10.15A.M..and 6P. M. for BrioWl. Att73o and 11A. M. ; 2.30' and ft P. M. ha* Morrisville and Tully town. AtY.Sti and 10.13 IL, 2.0,8 and 6P. 31.. for scheuglit's and Eddington. ' ' : ••• At. 7.30 and 111. - la Atli.; 2.30; 4,8 aud tr P.. M., fc,r 'Corn: Torr r sdale : llolmeslturg,Tueony, high:timing, Britleelturu and ra nkfortl, and 8 I'. 31... for Haines burg and Intermediate Stations. Front }Vert Philadelphia Depot vin Conitt•eting Railway: At 0.30 A. 31,1.20.4,6.46 and 12 I'. M. New _ York Ex press Lint.. via Jersey-City ' - • "33 25 At 11.30 PE. M. Emigrant Line 2 00 At 9.30 A. 3f ~ 1.30, 4,0.46 awl 12 P. for Trenton. At 9.30 A. 3L.4. 6.45 and 12 I'. M., for Bristol.._ At 12 P.M.aiight for 3forri nvil le,T nliv towit, Schenck*, Eddington'Dornwells, Torrtutdale, illohneshurg,. cony, NVissinoinlng, Britleghtmg and Frankfort]. The . 9.30 A.. 31. and 6.0 and 12r. m. Lines run daily. All *there. Sundays excepted: • ' For Lines it•DVlng.Kensington Depot, take ti., cars on Third or Fifth streets, at Chestnut, at half nu hour be- TOM departure. The Cara of Market Street Railway run illmet to 'West Philadelphia Depot. Chestnut and Walnut within one ' , entire. Oti Sundays, the Market Street Cars' will ran - to connect with the 9.30 A:11: and 6.45 Mid 12 . P.: M linty,. BELVIDERE DELAWARE RAILROAD LINES. from Kensington Depot. ' • ' . At 7.30 A: 11.; for Niagara Falls, thilTalo,ltinnkirk, Elmira,i Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Binghampton, Oswego, fiyri, cuss, Great Bend, Montrose, WllkesParre, Schooley It Mountain, be. ! At 7.30 A. M. and 3.30 P. M. for Scranton,. Stroudi burg, Water Gap, Belvidere Easton,. Lambertville, Flemington kr- 'I he 3.30 P. 'M. Line connects direct with the train leaving Easton for, Mauch Chunk, Allen town Betblehelii;&e. • ' • • • At 11 A.V.and 5 P. M:for Lambertville and interme diate Stations. • CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON CO., AND PEMBER TON AND II IGHTSTOWN RALLROADS, from Mar ket street Ferry (Upper Side.) 1 • At 7 and 10 A. H.,1, b 6.30 P,M.for Merchants , ville e lloorestown, Hartford, Maiionville. Hainsport, Mountl E lolly, Smithville, wanutville, Vincentown, EirMillffilllll and Pemberton, Ati A. it .. 1 and 3.301.:111. foe LeWistown, Wrights 'lbsen. Cookstown, N. Egypt, Rornerstown, Cream Ridge.lnilayerown. Sharon and Hightatown. Fifty pound's of Baggage only allowed each Passenger.' Pa Ptien in , rs are prohibited front taking anything as bag, • gage but their weal g apparel. All baggage over fifty' pounds to be paid for - ra. The 'Company limit their raponsibility for Lange .0 One Dollar per pound, and .l .cM not be liable for an amount beyond 6100, ex cept by special contract. " Tickets sold and Baggage checked direct through 'to Boston, Worceeter, Springfield, Hartford, New Haven Protidenec, Newport, Albany. Troy., Saratoga, Utica erne, SYtmesise, /toebester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge. A tesilditional Ticket Office is located at N 0.829 Cheat but street. where tickets to New .York, and all impor tant points North and East, may 110 Persons pur,:haeing Tickets at this Office, can have their bag gage checked from residences or hotel to destination, by ['nun Tranefer Biwa 1.!1 , Express. Linea from New York for Philadelphia will leave from foot of Cortland et rol at Lau and 4.14) P. 11:, cis Jersey City and Camden. At 6.30 I'. IL tin Jersey City and Kensington. At 7,11111 i 10 A. M., 12.30, 5 and 9P. }l..,and 12 :Cis lit sia Jersey City and Vi Philadelphia. From I'ier NO. 1, N. River, at 6.30 A. M. Accommoda tion and 2 P. 31. Ex press t yta Author and Camden. June 1,1899. • 'IV M. li. GATZME It, Agent. 7 NT OTITH PENNSYLVANIA'RAILROA_D. ,11 —THE MIDDLE ROUTE.—Shortest aunl.most di rect line to Bethlehem ' Eliaton t Allentown. Mauch Chunk. Hazleton, White Miceli, iikeebarre, Ma Laney City. Mt. Carmel, Pittston, Tunklum Scruntfiu, Carbondale and all the points in the Lehigh. and Wyo ming coal re , rione. Passenger fl.-put in Philadelphia, N. W•. corner Borkn 'and American streets. 541131 ER ARRANGEMENT,. 15 DAILY TRAINS. —On and apex* TUESDAY, June Ist, 1r69, Passenger Trains leave the Depot, corner of !Jerks and American atrceta,'daily (Sundays exceptial) 3 as followa: 6.45 Accommodation for Fort V. iishiagton. At 7.45 A. IL—Morning Express fur Bethlehem and - Statiolia - ttn — Norttr 'Periusylviibia7 - Itialroad; conaecting at Berldebean with Lehigh Valley Railroad fur Allentown, Catasauqua,,Slatington, Mauch Chunk, Weatherly „J eat e, Hazleton AV hi tellaren,_W kea harm. Kingston. Pittston, Tnukhannock, and all points in Lehigh 'mi Atyiniiing Valleys; also, in connection with Lehigh and Ilahauuy Railroad for Maltanoy City, and with Oataw file Railroad for Rupert, Danville, Mil ton and Williamsport. Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 121 f.; at W ilkesbarre at 2.50 P. If.; at Mahanoy City at 1..f.0 P. M.Peaseingers ty this train can take the Lehigh and Susquehanna Train for Eaaton and points on New Jersey Central Railroad, to New York. At 5.45 A. 11 .—Accounnodatiou for Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediate 'Stations. Passengers for Wil low G rpTe. Hatboro' and Hartsville, by this train, take Stage at Old York Road.., ' ,• 9.45 A.M. I Expressifor Bethleheui, Allontoicn,gancb Chunk. White Haven, WaikAbarre, Pittston, Scranton and Carbondale via Lehipt and Susquehanna 'Railroad, also to-Easton and points on Morris and Essex Railroad to New York und Allentown and Easton, endpoints on New Jersey Central Railroad to New York via Lehigh • Valley Vadrotat. . At 10.45 .A.M.—Acciinamodation for Fort Washington, etopping at intermediate Stations. 1.15, 3.15,5.:'x) and 8 P.M.—Accommodat Jou to Ai oingtou. r At 1.45 P.M.—Lehigh Valley Express for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, White Haven, Wilkesbarre, Pitteton Scranton and :Wyoming Coal Regions. , At 2.451'. 11.—Accommbdation for:Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediate stations.. , • A t 4.15 P. BL—Accommodation 'for7Deilestown, stop ping at all intermediate stations.. . • At 5.00 P. ll.—Through for Detidehem,,and stations on main line of North PennsYlvania Rail road, conneeting at Bethlehem with-Lehigh Valley Eve ning T rill ti for Easton. Allentown, NhAnelt Chunk. At 6.20 P. M.—Accommodation fcir Lansdale, stopping at all iutermediete stations. A t A AO P. M F -A. F cr ev ii.vatint a r Part Washington THAI:4S ARRIVE INPHILADELPHIA Fronk „Bet Welton at-9-AArL.- 4:45-and 8.25 P. M. 2.10 P. 1 1.. 4.45 P. 11. and 8.25 P'.3l..'Traints rtutko direct cananection With Lehigh Valley or Lehigh - and Susque hanna trains froin Easton, Scranton, Wilkesbarre, 31a heavy City and Hazleton. Passengers leaving Wilkesharre at 0,40 A. M., 1.45 P. 11.. connect at Bethlehem and arrive in Philadelphia at 4.45 anal 825 P. M. • . - From Doylestown at 8.25 A.M.,4.ser.M.titid 7.05 P.M. Frew, Lansdale I ram Fort IV 9.20 aut110.35. A. M . ,M and 3.10 P. 11. _ . . 41N , SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 0.30 A. M. • Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.00 P. M. :Philadelphia for Ahingtoat at 7 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 0.30 A. M.. Bea lalehena for Philadelphia at 4.00 P. Id. Abingtoina for Pldladelphitrat 8- • ' Firth and Sixth Streets - Pixamenget r tars Convey passen gers to and from the new Depot. 11 hite. ears of Second and Third Stroeiii Line and Union Line run within a short distance of the Depot. Tickets must be procured at - the Ticket Office - , in sailer to secure the lowest rates of fare \ r. . E CIAS CLARK, Agent. Tickets sold an , d Bggage chocked through to princi- Nil points. itt )luau's North Penu. Baggage Express ofliev, No. li.ks South Fifth street. Mt== PH I Al)'E L PRIA, GERMANTOWN ANI) NoßmsTowN. RAILROAD TIME TA BLE.—On and after Monthly, May 3d, 1869, and until further notice: • FO.ll GERDIANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia-0,7. 0, 11.05, 10, It 12 A. M., 1,2, 3,15, 3:!.;, 4.435. 5.05,571', 0,63 , ', 7.8, 9, 10, 11;12 P. 31. Lea% Germatitown.-0, 7, ' 73t, 0,0.20, 9, 10, 11, 12 A. M.; 1. 2,3, 4, 47., 5, 53,, q, 632, 7,0, 9, 10, 11, P. 51. The 8.20 down-I rain, and the 3,:;andl,juptrains,will not stop on the Germantown ltruuch. - UN SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-9.15 A. Id., 2, 4.05 minntes,7 and lei P. 31. Leavt , Germantown-8.15 A. M.; 1, 3.6 and P. 11. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. :Leave Philadelphia-4i, 8,10, 12 A. 31.; 2,3 U, 7 , 9 and 111'. 31. • =Leave thestimt 11i11-7.10 Minutes 8, 9.40, and 11.40 A. 31.;,5.40, 0.40,8.4016111 10.40 ' P. M. • ON SUNDAYS. Leave. Philadelphia-9.15 minutes A. 31.• 2 and 7 P. M. .- Leave Chi stout Hill7.:Aintittuttis A. M.% 1_.40,5.40 and 9.25 P. 11. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Philadelphia-0.73,, 9. 11.05, A. M.; , 3 , 5 , 53,,, 635, 8.05, 10.05 and 1e• - • I'. 3 1 . Leave'Norristmoi-5.40, 7, 7,34', 9, 11 .A. 11.; 1.1;, 3 , 6.15. and 934 I'. M. . tkir T1it..7;.." A.M. Trains front Norristown will not stop at Moget-s,.ktte,' Landing. Domino or Schur's lame. 117" That, P. M. Train from Philadelphia will stop only at school Lait, Thum v um! Cottgliuitocken. ON SUNDAYS: 19iilndelpliiat-9 A. M.; 23.;, 4 and 7.15 P. 31. LtaVe Nortivtawa-7 A.M.; 1.511, HMI 9 I'. - • FOR 31 ,V.NAY UNK.. 9, 11.05 A. It.; Li, 53.:6,15,8.05, 10.05 unit 11,4 , . P. M. L ', !:tve Alataiyinik--4.10, 7,732, 8.4 2 , 3 hiC 5 . figil , . 3o Mid 10 P.-11. Ow The 5 I'. M. 'l'ritin from Philadelphia will atop only at School Lane and Matta vunk. ON. SUNDAYS. LPRVV .k. M.;.2;,: , i 4 awl 7.15 P. 11. Leave 3lttuaymilt;--7}4 , A..31,, , M,, b snit P. M. W. S. WILSON, Guileral Superintendent, Depot, Ninth and Green streets. • 0131CNEST MEE ON 'RECORD. • THE PAN-HANDLE ROUTE. 7‘ ) lli 20IIOURSto(•1Nl'INNA'Pl,r•htPENNSYLVA NIA ItAILROADAND PANMANDLE,ai HOURS lege TIME titan by COMPETING LINES. . • PASSENGERS tutting the B.ool'. TRAIN arme . CINCINNATI next EVENING- at 9.5 A P; IL, 25 HOURS, ONLY ONE NIGHT on the-ROUTE: • __, • Wr• VE WO l I ODRUFF'S celebrated 'alaco State- Room SLEEPING-CAIIS run throuith from : PIMA EEEPIIIA NCX.NNAIW - " , Pairgoitegralaking tho .121.0 It. and 11.00 P.M. Toting reach CINCINNATI tout all points' WEST tool suum ONE TRAIN , IN AD. VANCE-401 other-Rontes. Pggseltaera for CINCINNATIJNDIANAPOLIS, LM 7 IS• OKI II CHIC 11 AGO, ORIA, BURLING 'TON ,'QUINCY<MILAVAUKEH, ST. PAHL, OMAHA, N .T.. and all points WEST,NOHTHWEST and SO rm. • Vpiallettlar totteik E Eir tor ;TICKTS KIV.IO. • Er . ... To SESMItE the, UNII,QUALED ndeimtdges of Tai 'VERY PAUTICIIVAII and ASK FOIL TICKETS •' Via PAN-HANDLE," at TICKET OF-. FICIiEL'N AV, CORNER:NINTHMOCHESTNUTStg. No. In; MARKET STREET, bet , . Second and Front Mg:, Altd THIATY-FINST undIiARKET gtg., Wegt S.F. •St (lemon) IriekvtAgefit: Pittabitigh." JOHN IL MILLER ;General Eagtero Agent, llti Broad —, , - I'itAVELERS' GUIDE. TXllllk.,Litie Man .fillaileishia tAtiii, ijiteTior Of. Pennsylvania, the - tiamkart . sugivicarda,. duiribiiiri ladd Ond Wyoming Vallow,the L North, Northwest and ii th CatilldAtl, Spring Areangentent of Pakenger Trains, At, it 12 1869 leaving the Celan/Inv 's Depot, Thirteenth' Au Caliowhill streets; Philadelphia, at the following' A i f ' ORNING'ACCOMAIODATION.-At 730 A.. 11: for` ding and all Intermediate Stations and Allentown. . 7 'Ant - nibs - , leaves Reading at 6.30 P. AI., arriving in : Ph ladel pi ilit at 9.15 I'. M. ORNING EX P RESS.-At 8. 15 A. Al. fOr Reading, Le anon,llarrinhurg, Pottsville, Pine Grove,Tamaqua, Su bury, Williamsport, Elmira, . Rochester, Niagara Fa le,lluffalti,• Wilkesbarre, Pittston, York, Carlisle, Cldlimbersburg, Hagerstown, &c. . The 7 -.V A 1 tralticonnects at Reading with the East Pe t usylvania Railroa Al. d trains for Allentown ' &c., and the 11.1 A. Al . train connects - x-it h the' Lebanon Valley train Toi Harrisburg, &c.; at Port Clinton with Catawisea R. R. rains for Williontsport,LoidtHaven. Elmira, & c.' at 11 risburg with Northern Central.; ,Cumberlaud ' Val len, and Schuylkill and SusqUeliannit trains for North ,unglierland, Williamsport, York., 4./lutnibersbtirgirinc give, &e. R e. . FTENOON EXPRE SS.- I LeriviW Philathltillia". at 3.. P. At for Reading, Pottsville, Harrisburg," &c: ',. con tie ti fig with4teading And Columbia Railroad trains for bia.&c: C o '''' OTTSTOWN A&COHMODATION.-Leaves Potts to ii at 6.25 A. AL, allipp in gat the intermediate stations; ar Iles in Philadi•l phut at 8.40 A. M. Returning leaves I'l ludelphia at 4:30 P. M.; arrives in Pottstown at 6.40 P. ... EADING ACCOMMODATION.-Leaves Reading at 7 N. H., stopping at all way stations; arrives in Phila dethia at 10.15 A . Al . turning, leaves Philadelphia - at 5.15 P.M.; arrives in ending at 8.05 P. M. Trains for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 8.10 A. • M -7 ,and Pottsville at 6.45 A. M., arriving in Philadelphia ;lel .00 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrisburg at 2.05 P. 011., and Pottsville at 2.45 P. M.; arriving at Phila delphia at 6.45 I'. At . Ai arrislin rg Accommodation leaves Reading at 7.15 A. :11 .1, and liarrildsurg at 4.10 P. 11. Conn/4.118g at Read intwith Afternoon Accommodation south at 6.30 P. it., arriving in Philadelphia at 9.15 P. M. Market train, with es-Passenger Car attaelied, leaves Philadelphia at 12.45;10/in for 'Pottitvillei:and all Way - Stations' _leaves pottsville atT-30 A. IS: Ithiladelphia and all Way Stations, - ...,1 ' i_ All the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted.' _Sunday trains leave Pottsville at 8 A. M., andPhila siltdpliia at 3 % 15P. II.: leaye,P hi lailelptxia re s jteading at , 8.00 A. if returning trout teal dg at4:l4 r.l AC .., .'. (tHESTELVALLLY: ILAILEDAIL,.- :P astivithers 'for Downingtown and intermediate points take the 7..30 A. M., 12.45 and 4.30 P. It trains from Philadelphia ,return- Itig i from Dowuhigtown at 6.10 A. AL,A.05F..111,,,attd5.45 , ••' PEitKrOMEN RATLltiVAD:Liaks'eniciat orsikliikiek ' take 7.30 A.M. and 4.30 P. H. trains for Philadephia ' returning from Ski prank at 8:11YA.. - .1. BA inin .00 P. if. stage lines for various points in Perkiornen Valley con nect with trains at :Collegeville and tikipnaek4 • I I,I'EW, YORE %EXPRESS ;FOIV-lITTrIBUJIGii AND T 1 .WEST.-Leaves New York at 9.00 A.11.,_ 5.00 and, 8. .Sl' P.,lll.paSsing,lientlied ata.os.A.'lllZao - ,an 10,19- P. AP.,nnucinincets at Hart - Album' *Ulf - Pennsylvania ' and Northern Central Railroad Express Trains for Pitts burgh, Cideago,-Williantsport /Elmixat ; Balt tmore,--,ke.-, Retartithir,ExpressTratubnv - Sallarrniliamtin ardra D.. of PennAylvania Express from Pittsburgh, at 3.50 and 5.50 A.M. and 10.501'. Al., piecing Reading at 5:4+ and 731 A.' -111,_and 1 - 2ZO P. H.{ arriving at New York 11.00 and 12.* P.M. and 5.00 P. M. Sleeping., Cars ,accompany then* - trains through- betWeeir deriey - . City , arid Pittaburgh, • without change. . . Mail ttaiujer,New York learsacilarrisicarg at 830 If joratrotS6 /14"41.' , „Mu1l trafg fOrHarrisbUtg leave's .New . YOrk at 12 . SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD—Trains leave Putt at 0.45.113) and; 6.40 PAtti,tristurning fromTamaqua at 8.15 A. M. and' .15 and 1.35 P. M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD —Trains leave Auburn nt - 7.50 A cli.ffor •Yinegrove and Harrisburg, and at 1215 M-, for , Pintgrove and Tre mont; returning from Harrisburg at 3.30 P. M., and from TrenWintat Lei A. H. anti 525 . - TICKETS.--Through first-class' tickets and 1-Migrant riekets)o alithe principal A3Uillttk in die North ;and yest• and Canada. Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading ,and Intermediate Stations, good for day only, are sold by Morning Accommodation. Market Train, Reading and pottstown Accommodation. Trains at reduced rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day only, • are sold at Reading and Intermediate eltations by liead ug and Pottstown Accommodation Trains- at reduced rates. - The following tiekets are obtainable only at the Office of S. Bradford, Treasurer.-No. 227 South, Fourth:street, Philadelphia, or of A.,..NicolleiVGeneral Superinten dent, Wading.- Commut at io n'T iclt et .at qz per cent. discount, between ay points desired, tor families and firms. Mileage Tiekets. good fur 2,000 miles,betweeu all point s at liis2 50 each for fainiltes and firms. ' - - Season Tickets, for three, six, nine or twelve months, for bokl rs only, to all points; at reduced rates: • , Clergymen residing on tlie Sf the road will he far' nished with cards, entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half fare. Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to principal sta tions, good for SaturdaY, Sunday' and Monday, at re• - driekdrare; - to - belotd - tmlrattho - Tickyt - Officecat Thin teenth and Callowhil I streets. FREIGHT. Goods of till descriptions forwarded to all the above points •from the Company's New-Freight • Depot , Broad and Willow streets. reight Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 430 •. 12:45 noon. 3.00 and ISA P.11.1.:T0r Reading; Lebanon, Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all points be prod. Mails dose at the Philadelphia Post-office for all places on the road anti its branches at 5 A-11., and foritieprin cipal Stations only ut."2:115 P. M BAGGAGE: Dungan's Express will collect Baggage for all - trains leaving Philadelphia Depot. Orders can he left t Nu. 725 South Fourth street, or at the Depot, Thirteenth and Callowhill streets. , CENTRAL RAH.L , goep.--SUMMEB TIRE -L-Taking effect April2sth, loci. The traltis'of the Pennsylvania railroad leave the Da pot,at Thirty-first and Market streets,which is reached the cars of the. Market Street .Pas sehg!q• Railway, the last ear connecting with each trait' leaving Front and Market street thirty, minutes before its departure. - Those of the Chestnut and , Walnnt Streets Railway runwithin one square of the Depot. Sleeping car - Tickets can hit had on application at the Ticket Mice, Northwest earner of Ninth and Chestnut streets, and at the Depot. • - • '• • • - ' Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders lett at No. 9el Chestnut street, No. 110' Market street, will' receive at tention TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT, VIZ.: - - Mail ... ... ... . .... at 8.00 A. M. Paoli Accord .. . .; . 10.30 1.10, and 9.301). H. ,Fobt Line at 11.50 A. M. Erie Express at 1150 A. M. Harrisburg Accost at 2.30 P. If. Lancaster. Accum ...... .. 4 .............................. 4.00 P. M. Pa rksburg, •Train - 5.30 P. 111.' cincinnatt Express at 8.00. P. M. Erie Hail asid-Pittshorgh . Express ......... 10.45 P. B. Philadelphia Ex.prese ' • ' 'at 12400 night. Erie Mail leaves daily, except Sunday, running on Saturday night to Williamsport only. 011 Sunday night passengers will leave Philadelphia at 12 o'clock. • Philadelphia EtpriN3s .leaves daily. Alli other trains daily, except Sunday. The WestermAccommodatiotv Train rum daily, except Sunday. For this train. tickets must he procured and baggagedelivered by 5.00 P. 8., at 116 Market street. TAINS - A - 111H - VE - AT - DEPOT, VIZ.: - R Cincinnati Express-- •s• 'a 3.10 A. M. Philadelphia Express' • at 6.50 A. 21. Paoli Accommodation - at - 8.20 A. N. and 3.10 A 7.20 P. M. Erie Nail and Buffalo Express at 0.35 A. M Parkaiurg Train ' • at. 9.10 A.ll, Tast Litie at 9.35 A. M. Lancaster Train • at 12.30 P. M. Erie. Express • ' at -4.20 T. M. Day Express - • • •at Southern 'Ex press at 6.40 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation. tat9.4o PAK. For further information, apply to • •• JOHN F. ,VANLEER, In., Ticket Agent, OM Chestnut. street. Fit A NCIS FNK, Agent, 116 Ticke- A Market street. SAMUEL .1.0 U WALLACE; gent at tito Depot. The Peinisil,Vimia Railroad Company . will nut assume any risk for Baggage. except for 'wearing apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. Allliaggage exceeding that amount in value will lie at the risk of the (Tiler, niches taken by special con tract. '• EDWARD.H._ WI , General Superintendent. Altoona, Pa. • WEST CIFESTErn AND THILAD EL PHIA ItAlLßOAD.—Suntiner Arrangement.—On' and after MONDAY, April 12, 1869, 'Pl:abut will leave;aa follow s: . - Leave Philadelphia. from New Depot, Thirty-first and Chestnut streets, 7.25 A :M., 0.30 A.-. 1514, 2.30 P. 31., 4.15 p. M., 4:35 P. M., 7.151'.<M.,-1130 P. M. • ••••• ;Leave West Chester, froin Depot, on East Market street, 0.25 .A.41'11:,7,25 M.,1.40 A. M., 10.10 A. IL, 14.5, Pm; P. 151.,1L45P:31 - .... `Leave Philadelnliiit for B. C. Junction and Intermc diatt. Points, at 123.11'.31. and 5.45. LyaVe B. C.-Junc tion for Philadelphia, at 5.30 . A. M. and 1.45 P. M. Train leaving \Vest Chester at 7.10 A. M. will stop at H. C.. 1 unction, Lenni Glen Riddle and 31.-die; leaving PI ilindelphiatat 4.35 P. M., will Stop at 11. (1. Junction' 41 media, only, pitErsvngerb tt) or front stations between NV4t Clwaterand,B, 1.1: quetiett going,,East, will take tritin leaving West Chester at 7.25 A M., and cal will be attached to Express Tr4Lill at B. C. junction; ..and going West? Passengers for Btations above •Media will take. train leaving Philadelphia at 4.35 11. 11., and car will be attached to Local Vniin -• • • The Depot in Philadelphia is reached directly by the Cheothut elan ahtut street cars. Those of the. Market street line rim - Within One square. - 'ol,he cart of both line* connect with each train upon its arrival. „ • :. ON SUNDAYS.—Leave Philadelphia fo'r•Wi‘st . Oheitipt at 8 A. M. and 2.30 P. 31. • Leave Philadelphia for B. C. Junction at 7.16 P. 11. Leave West Chester fur Philadelphia at 7.45 A. it. and 4-,45,P. ld.• Leave 8.,C. Junction for Philadelphia at 8.00 A. M. fkir Puttengert are alloWen to take Wearing ?Apparel only, as Baggage, end the Compaur,will any?, ease be responsible for an amount exceeding out h11111)Tedd0) . bre, unless* opectal cunt ract bennaln for t he mune. - • , WILLIAI4I/,'NOIEUttEI.t. • General :Superintendent, PJIILADELPIIIA,ApriI Ist, 1869. . • , A M DJLN :.AND , ATLANTIC RAIL- ItoAD. "SPRING ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, April 12th, 1800, trains will leave Vine Street Wharf as follows, VIZ,: 8 . Hail' .00 A. M. . Freight, with Passenger Car attached 0.15 A. M. Anent le Accommodation. - .41.46-P. M.- . RETURN IN 9,,wp.4.;LipVii t ATL AN Tic, Half- • • . r. 11.1. Freight, with Passenger Car 1E43 A.M.' Atlantic Accommodation G. 14 A. M. Junction Accommodation, to Atco and Interme diate Stations, • Leave :Wm strict., _ i... 00.15 A. M, and 6.00 P., M. Leave Atco' • -; -- 0.30:4 7 :7 airtd12.1.611.. S. Haddonfield Accishmodittion Trains: Leave Vine Street.. 10.15 A. M. and 2.00 P. M. Leave Haddonfield LOU P. M. and 3.15 P. M. D. 11. MUNDY. Agent.. . - VAST IenEIGHV 1 1 - L;' ORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, to Wilkesharre, Malumoy City. Mount Carmel; Centfalia, and all peluts otv•Leltigt:4,Valley-Jia.iiroad,lllo.l2 Os, ..... By 'tow arrangeinehta, perfected - . thistlay, this; road cnnbte'd tephq , inerchsetrdesPatelf to 'Merchandise can , signed to the above-named points. Goods delivered ut the Through Freight Depot; S. E.:citrt Fight and Noble streets, • • Before 5 P. M., will reach Wilkeshgrre, Mount Carmel. Illithanoy pity, and the other stations in Mahanoy and Wyoratlitirtjtyl9stfOrlt;D:.A.A.l thweuctstetigg dar+.l • MIMISADAVIs TRAVELERS GUIDE. ....______..--__ 15 - 4., LAVIZPIIrAT W ThIitINGTOICAND' j14“../tAtip.RALLILOAD-rTIALEILF.. Com 7. lencing 1 N AY, May 10th,1869. Traine will leave -Dcpcito corner. Broad and, Washington •avenne, as fol- AY, ' liA a:TRAIN at 8.20 A. it (lundaye exceeted); fo Ittilthnere, stopping at all . Regular Stations.' Celi ac Dug .with • Detaivara Railroad akWilmingtou for.. Cr held and Intermediate Stations. ~f- .- , '.+ ,TR IL PBESSAIN at 12.00 (Suffilaye exceptNlT,Tor B tither° • and , Washington, stopping. at Wilmington,' Perryville' and Havre de Grace. Connects at Wilming tort with train for New Castle. • ~. XPBESS TAA.D.r at - 4.00' P. It. (Sundays excepted), fo l a Baltimore and Wa shington', stopping at Chester,' TT Hew', Linwood, Claymont, Wilmington, Newport, St tort -Newark-, Elkton, North East, Charlestown, • Perryville, Havre do Grace; Aberdeen, Perryman's,. Edgewood, Magnolia, Chase's and Steer's Run.- NIGHT EXPRESS at,11.30 P. M. (daily) for Baltimore an(] 'Washington, stopping at . Chester, Thurlow,Lin- • w o od, Claymont , _Wilmingt on, Newark, Elkton, North Eait,Perryvill9, Havre de Grace, Perryman's and Mag i Jseengers•for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk will take ilia 12.00 M. Train, ' - ~. WILMINGTON - TRAlNS.—Stopping at all Stations between Philadelphia and Wilmington. • ' .. liVarf , PIIILADELPHIA at 11.00 A. M., 2.20 M and 7.00 P. 11. The 3.00 P. M. tellin connects with 'Delaware Railroad for Harrington and intermediate stations.- Leave W I LMINGTON 6.30 an'd 8.10 A: 31., 1.30,4.15 and 710 P. M. The 11.10 A. 31, train will not stop between Chester and Philadelphia.. The 7.00 P. M. train from 'Wilmington rune daily ;lillot herAcconnnWatiou Trains Subdays excepted. Prom BALTIMORE to PHILADELPHIA.—Leavca Its timers 7.25 A. 11., Way Mail. 925, A. 31., Express. 2.3 S P. H.. Expreom.7.2s P. M., Express.. tiUNDAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE.—Leaves BALTIMORE at 1.25 . P. M. Stopping at Magnolia, Per: , ryrnan's, Anerdeen, 11 avre-de-Grace,Parryville,Charles toitti, North-East,Elkton, NeWark, Stanton, Newport, Wilmington, Claytnontadnwood and Chester.' - • 1 1 ,11 ILADELPHIA AND 'BALTIMORE CENTRAL RAILROAD 'IRA INS 7 -Stoppin g at all ;Reticule on Clies-' tee Creek and Philadelphia and,Thiltimore Central Rail eaves PHILADELPHIA for PORT DEPOSIT (Ban dar' . cepted) at 7.0) A, 11. and 430 P. M. ' , • ', the ,W A. M. Train Will stop at all Stations between' - Phi ladelphia'a nil Lamokin: ' :. , : • .. A Freight-Train with Passenger car attached will leave Philadelphia daily (Sundays excepted) at 1.00 I'. Id:, funning to O xford. • , - Leave PORT -4 PEPOSIT' for PHILADELPHIA (Sun.- days excepted) at 5.40 A. 31,9.25 A. It., and 4.20 P. M. Trains leaving WILMINGTON at 630 A. M. and 4.15 P. 31., will connect at,Laninkin ' Junction with the 7.00 • .11 and 430 P.'M. trains fur Baltimore Contralß. R. Through tickets to all point West, South, and South west may be procured at the ticket office, 828 Cheetnuk street, under. Continental Hotel, where ale° State Rooms% anti Berths in Sleeping'Cars can be secured during the day. 'Persons purchasing tickets at thin office can have baggage checked at their residence hy_ the Union Trans, , ter Company. ' H. F. KENNEDY. Supt. 1011-IILADELPHIA .AND—EIiiE RAIL ROAD--SIiMMEN :TIME ' TABLE:—Thronga and Direct Route between Philadelphia,'Baltimore, Harris rishurp. Williamsport, to the Northwest and, the Great Oil Region of 'Penntylvania.--Elegant Sleeping Cars on aldNight Trains. , • • • • - • : On and after MONDAY, April 26, 1860, the Trains on this Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will rust as follows:. WESTWARD. • Mail Train leaves Philadelphia • " ' 4 , Williamsport 4 ". arrives at Erie 4trie Exprtes leaN'es "" • ,• 44 ' Williamsport:.: ••• arrives at Erie..-...., ' Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia—. Williamsport-- " arrives at Lock Ihiven.... EASTWARD. Hail Train leaven Erie " 4 arriree at Philadelphia. ,Erie Ex preee leaves Erie .. ... Williamsport - 7.50 A. M. 1 t " arrives at Philadelphia 4.10 P. M. Hail and Express connect - with 1111 Creek - and - Alle. hens River I,tuil road. Bauunue Checked Thronuli. ALFRED L. TYLER, . General Superintendent, IXTEST JERSEY RAILROADS. AIL_ ....,., SPIV:lig . ARRANGEMENT .. __ .._ ___ ._ ______ FROM FOOT OF MARKET kVT. ( UPPER FERRY), comitExciNg THURSDAY, APRIL 1, ISM Trains leave ail follows. For Cape May and stations below Mi11v111e,3.151". U. For !dilly' II e. Vineland and intermediate stittions,B.ol) M. . T 3.15 P. 11. • . . id„ For - Bridgeton, Salem and way atione at 8.60 A. 31. nd 3.30 P. ltt. For Woodbury at 6.00 A. M., 3.15, 3.30 and 6 P. M. Freight train leaves Camden daily at 12 o'clock, noon Freight received at second covered wharf below Wal t street, Freight delivered No. 22R S. Delaware avenue. WILLIAM. J. SNWELL, Su .orintendent 31.giiICAL. Ayr's Hair Vigor, For Renovation of the Hair. The Great Desideratum of the Age. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color and the, gloss and freshnesi of youth. Thin hair is thick ir checked,, and bald- ",though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed,' or the glands atrophied'and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use wilt'/ prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness... Free from those deleterious substances,whieli make some preparations dangeroukapd injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not If 'anted merely fora - HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white. cambric,• and yet lasts longer on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. 1. C. Ayer & Co., PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS) . LOWELL, MASS. PRICE SLOG. Bold by all Druggists everywhere: At wholesale by .M. MARIS k CO., Philadelphia. ImhOtodh-s.:eow-ly FRENCH. MEDICINES .. PREPARED BY FRENCH GRIMAULT It. Co., CREMISTM TO 11. I. 11, PRINCE NAPOLEON, .45 RUE DE RICUELIEU, • PARIS. NERVOUS HEADACHES, NEURALGIA /" DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, ' ' INSTANTANEOUSLY CURED BY BRIMAULT'S GUARANA. This vegetable substance, , which grows in thoßrazils, MIS been employed since time immemorial to cure im }lamination of the bowels. It has proved of late to he of the gientest service in ['MLA% or Cholera, as it Is u preven- Orl! Mid a cure in enseso.l.narrhwn: Agents in Philadelphia, FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., de7-r,m§ N. W. eor. Tend and Market streets. OPAL • DEN TALL] NA. A SUPERIOR article for cleaning the Teeth,destroying mdmalcula tr il infest thew, giving tone to the game amtleaving ifeeling of fragrancy and perfect cleanliness in the mouth. It way by wed daily, and . will be found to strew:then weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma and detersiveness will reeonitnexul it to every one. Be ing compesed with the 1031± hit - anal., of the Dentist; Physi cians and [Microscopnt, it la contidently - olfered -as a reliable subetiteMfer. the uneertain washem formerly hi 'V 01211 c Eminent Dentists, decinnit of 'the Itentallina.;wlvoeate i to present its unrestrained o . JAME. For 'Bale- by Drugglete gene Fred. Browne, itheord A: Co:, C.ll. Remy, NvolleHi A inbroge Fin it b, Edward ,• IT. AV ebb :Tamen L. D i saninif ilttglico Conbe,' 111.nry A: Ilowcr. • .; • . - EIDITCATIoN7 77 TIORSE3I ANSI - I IP SCIENTIF taticht at fill! Philadelphia Itiding Sheol, mirth street, abort" Tho bonier' aro quiet - am' ttiornoultly trained , For hire, paddle horses. Aiwa riagra at all t r weildinwo, parties, opera, funerals, &C. llurtais trained to the • : • THOMAS OR.IIOII N. SON. ...10.45 P. M 8.15 A. 31 M ....17-50 A. M 8.50 P. 31 ....10A A. M 8.00A.M 6.:0 P. 31 7A5 P. M 11.15_A-M. 12..20 A. 3t. V.'25 k. 0.25 P. it. Ited with — the constituents itti use; it cOLtn6ts nothing •m ploynumt . .111. ado only 14y SHINN, A.pothocary, Broad and Spruce) dtroots. ally, and L. L. Stark boom), It abort C thLVIH, (i , ?O. C. Bort , r, Chas'. Slkiverg,-- . S. 11. McColiu, S. C. limiting, Eberle, Junius N. Atark , i, E. Bringhurst At Co., 144itt 11. I.3la , r's Sons, Wyftil Bro. SHIPPER , - . KOR 805T0.14.i.-STEA.MS.IIIP 'LINE DI- . -RE(YrriSAILING-4 0 4100.11 , -BAOWPOWP-43V.BRY : ' VE DAY.FRAMPINI.I ; T_REAT„PIIILADEL- • DELA,..AND LiStl4o' WITA.W HOSTOp. This lino is comrsed of the 11 rst-c la tone , Captain ilfrmshtpsßO MAN . I: SAXON' 1 tons, Calutain Sourstt ~ .. . . •.. ' lioltlitAN , 1494 tans I. vaPtaio cr f.l.lll.t -,-;'' ,' ''' -• ARIE_,S SlZtons, Captain Wiley. _6.1. • _ The 110MAN t from Philo ~ Saturday,Junt& at 10 . Ls. The ARIES, from Boston,WednesdaYlJUne 2i at .I. At...! 1 The ARIES does not carry passengars. , ' , ' -; ~_ These Stelemehipa wail :punctually', and .Freight - received every day,a Steamer being always oil the Darla Freight for poluts 'beyond Bostonsent with desput_ch ., ,,,_ „ . , ' Freight ta healer all.Pointa In New Englang, 4 , , auje, ',,, wardecles directed, Insurance.. per pent- at. 6 4PI t ota; i tt ..,- For Freight or Passage I smeriotaccomrnota_to „,: , ; , apply to • '‘. ' Hk.NRY ,wlicson. ' ! 1 um; . ' 31 • • . • • 3a3 South Delatraro,avenath. , •'., . toy . VHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND: . . NORFOLK STEAMSHIP , LINE. ROUGH FREIGHT - AIR. LINE TO tap: spuTu' A.ND WEST. ' EVERY SATURDAY at Nem!, froth FI R ST 'above MARKET Streeti ..:". • THROUGH RATES! to .all . points in North and South Carolina via Seaboard Air-Lino 'Railroad, connecting at Pont:month. and to Lynchburg, Va..'Terinektseh add the West via Virginia, and 'Tennessee Air-Lino ,and Rich, mood and Danville Railroad. Frei.'ht HANDLED BUT ONCE,o___nd taken at LOWER RATES THAN ANY OTHER LINE. , • • The regularity" safety, and cheapnesa of this route.,, commend it to the publib 'rho 'most - desirahle m e diunr: for carrying every cleficriHon of freight: , No charge for commission. drayage, or any'expense for . teaniships insure at loivest rates.' _Freight received DAILY. ' ' • wiLLIAltr. CLYDE No:12 South Wharves and Pier No. 1. North Wharves.. W. P. POItTEIt, Agent at Richmond and City Point:,,,,;' T. P. ORO.WEL & CO., Agents at Norfolk, Li rNEILADELP,HIA :=4.IsTD SQVITEERN' • MAII, STEAMSHIP 'COMPANY'S lI4GUILAR S, FROM'QUEEN STREET IVHARt.i. -• • The -JUNIATA will eon. for NEW '" Saturday,'.lmie'llioat B.A. M. ••• • The JUNIATA will Rail from NEW' ORLBANS,Iiit. , :!., , liAVANA.JnnoBd, • The TONAWANDA' will Wail for ' on turdwe Jun. !S. at 8 o'clock A. M. - . • . The TONAWANDA will Hail from SAVANNAIL Satardav, May 29. •2; ' .. . ; '• The PIONEEIt will Hail for WIykIINGTON,N.C.,On Tuesday, June 15,11 f 8 A. M. . Through bills of lading wigned f 'and passage tickets' • Fuld to all points South and `Vest. • , BILLS of LACING SIGNED at QUEEN ST. WHABIN For freight or_iiitMnge; apply to . W ILLS Kll f L.'JAMES, General Agent, • ' 330 , South Third Admit.' la A V .A.N A. STEAIRE ES, 8./1.1.14141.4 XI every 21 days. These steamers will leave this port for Havanaevery third Wexhiesday„ at 8 &clock. t The steamship STABS AND.. STRIPS% Captain llolnis, will sail for - Havana ea , Tuesdap - morulmp , Passage, sl4oeurreney. l'xeseagern must be provided with.passports. No freight received after Monday, Reduced rates of freight.. . . THOMAS atAtrsox**ntsc. , , 140 NortirDelarrareavenue, NEW7' .I.IXPRE'SB LIICE TO Grin, Georgilown and . Washinkton; D. yid Chen-. dbeake and Delaware Canal, with connect - 1011A iat Alex- -,- andHa from the Most direct mina fez' tol, Knoxville, Nashvilh_i, Millen and the Souttrweet.: , Steamers leave regularly from the first wharf atiova Market street. every Saturday at noon. Freight rood Ved WITE.P.OLYTIE & CO., li.a..l2StiutlLWllat9..efiAßLLPieri r Mitha V strsekt. HYDE k TYLEE,.AoiitiVitt •Geptgctown: 'N. CO., Agents at Alexandriit;:Vti PTTO TICE.-FOR NEW YORK . ; Wit DEL AWARE AND RARITAN' CANAL 'EXPRESS .EAMBOATXOIIIPANY. '• r • The CHEAPEST and QUICKEST water!communieltl Gen between Philadelphia and New York - .' Steamers leave daily from first wharf bele* •Market street ,Ph illidelphin nd foot of Wall street,' New York., Goods forwarded by all the lines running out of New York—North, East and•Weat—frne af Commission. " Freight received and fOrWarded on accommodating terms. WM. P. CLYDE it CO.i Agenta,• No. 12 South Delaware avenue, Philadelphia.— JAS. RAND; Agent, No;119 Wall Street/ Nowlfork-:. ----- NOTICE.-41'0It NEW YORK,' vjA,DEL- AwmtE.ANDRATUTAN'CAITAL. • fiIIiIFTSUAD TRANSPORTATION- COMPAN.L. • DEtiPAT.CIt AND. NIitIFTSIINIVDINNS.,, •The bareness - of theselineawill be reaumed oti and afe'r , t 19th of March. • For freight .001 ch be taken' on accommodating terme, apply to WIE'DAIRD:At ;.. • • . • No. /32.Stattlt Wlutry Ft. • DELAWARE O AND 'CHESAPEAKE _ Steam Tow4loat Corripany—Darges towed between. -; • Philadelphia, Baltimore, Mane de gram:, Delaware .• Vitymmtinterntedlitte points. _ WM. P. CLYDE &CV A_ Capt: JO LAUGH- '‘ LIN, Sup't OffiCQ, 12 :South - Wharves, Philadelphia. , NOTICE ---FOIE. NEW YORK, VIA ED aware and - Raritan Canal—Swiftaure Transports, tion Compauy--Despatch. and Swiftsure Linea The, , business by these Linos will be resumed' un, and after the Bth of 'larch. For Freieht, which will be taken on accommixlating,terms, apply to. WM; Id, BAXXII k CO. 132 South Wharves. , • • CA UTIO. AU TION.-ALL PERSONBAR by cautioned against harborhig or irwitiuKany, of the crew of the British schooner "Joule Bonfield," Sago. Master, front Messina as p no debts of their . utyacting will be paid by Captain or Consigneeit.' iny27-ht ' WORKiitAN.k CU::%.I TIO.—ALL PERSONS ARE 'HERE- ' y cautioned against imrharing or trusting , ttny or the grew 'of the Bark Minnie Cameron, Graham, Master, from Trinidad, as no debts of their contracting will ho paid by Captain or Consignees. my.??llt WOthillAN & 00. LEGAL NOTICES. . LN THE :DISTRICT 001TRT,FOR, THE .City and County of Philadelphia. „ . ' ALEXANDER. E. UARVEY WILLIAN-4ct LAUGHLIN Venditioni Expona.,,Hfarch Tcrui, 1869.. Nei: '760 The Auditor appointed to diatribitte the' prueetids Nile by the Sheriff of the following described reatestate, to-wit: . , All that certain lot or piece of grenfid,with.the two t 2) certain thrtM•story brick stores and dwellings and back • 1; imildings thereon 'erected, situate, on the, north West corner of Eleventh aud Fitzwater streets, in the CitY'of Philadelphia, containing in front or hremithen thesald Eleventh street, thirty-six feat, lind extergling'westward...,:' of that width in length or depth ninety,feet .to a,certain i • street called Rector street; bounded northward hy ground" now or lute of Alexander E. Harvey, eastward by tne•saitl ; Eleventlitreet, southward by the said - Fitzwater streer,-- - and westward by 'Rector street aforesaid, together. wit the free Use, right, liberty, and privilege of the said Itec- ',- tor street, as and for a passage way and , water .coursti,rin,,.• r,/111111011 with the said Alexander his heirs and , • - assigns, tiers, tentintel and occupiers •Of the ethet , ground bounding thereon, at all times hereafter:foreve*;• • heing thesamelot or piece of -ground which Alexander E. 11Nrvey, by. Indenture, datedthe Zith day of August, A. It., Via), recorded in Deed Book A. 1). 8., No. 33, page- 95. ac.: granted and conveyed unto William Mchanqnlitt in fee. reserving thereout a yearly ground rent ot two hundred and sixteen dollars, payable in half-yetirryT . pay 7 meats out the first day of Apra.' and October in each year,'--- under MO subject to. said grown' rent, will hear .the •• parties interested, at his Office, S. E. corner Sixtlfatul Walnut streets; fu. the City of Philadelphia,on 'MONDAY , 17: afternoon, Tune 14th, 18119, at 4 o'clock.P, M., when . and where all persons tuterested are required to make.plaints or be debarred from comingt, in en Said WM:.I3; ROBINS, !• Auditor. my 2R 10t§ IN THE OIMELANS" COURT FOWTRE City end County of Phi ladelphia.—Estate of LEIS J. WILLETT: ileerabied.—Notivo is hereby given that 31 A ItY ILLETT, the widow of said decedent, hata tiled in said Court her petition and appraisentent of tioi pereoual property. she elects to . retain under tho act Of ISLI, and its supplententei. and that the sante will be approxed by the Court oa Mtt SATURDAY', June . 5, i, unless exceptions be tiled thereto. J. SLOA N, Attorney for Widow. my 24 m N THE ORPHANS' COURT , :volt THE I City anti County of Philedelphia..--Estato of THEO DORE T. KINSEY, dematsed.—Notico is hereby given that MATILDA KINSEY, the widow of emit dpce-., , deist , has tiled in said Court her petition; with an inven- f ' - tory and appraisemertt of the personal property she oleets to retain, under the Act of Assembly of April 14. ISsl,lind its supplements, and that the same will be the Court on SATIIIIDA.Y., Juno 6, 1869, MOPS , ' esMT tious be Sled thereto. •• WM. AV: FELL' niy24'm to 4t§ 'Attorney for Petitioner.. TN.. THE COURT 'OF COMMON - PLEAS for the City , and County of Philadelphia.—.Truat ea tate •of SARAH. PRWE ROSE. Sur supplemental rgi-; tition of JOAN S. McMULLIN, Trustee, for conthlua tion of gale to ANNIE B. MASSEY, &C. You will? notice citation - teemed by the Court to you to appear in CArt on SATURDAY.IOIwS,IB69,O 10 o'clock A.M.,auttl. answer snit! petition, and show coup, if any you have, why the prayer thereof should not ,bc granted: or eloo the mune will then to allowed to . 11. P. ENRIN,,T A NCIS D. EAKIN, WILL .k B. EAR IN . and BUTLER D. PRICE., . , .1. AIATIN SPENCER, • . Solicitor fur Petitioner, 4231Valnut street.. VSTATE OF LYDIA HART REgING,, ..L.4 toll, Pec'd.—Letters Of administration upou the On r ; tats of said deeetlimt luirittu been granted to the •'t.nidet signed by the Register of Wills for the city and'couny. of l'hilatie!phia, all 'persons having dahlia itgaMst estato aro roquested to ',resent than', and t none hidObtOd' to make paymont to JOHN 111131.ING'f0E, JOSEPH.' ItEIifINCiTON - . Administrators, 020 WOott strovt. dolphia ; to thole Attorney .. 731 - Walnut street. tip27-tudt§ tiSTA'rE OF HEILMAN COVE DEC7D Letters testamentary having been to the undersigned, all portions indebted will make payinOnt;,.. unit those baying claims pliant Allem to `l . • , JI.IIIN. E. COPE, Executor; ap27-tu 6tt N 0.420 Waithin Marini/MAIO; • _cf. l ::).M , glf:v•;••• , '. • . " RO DGER S' roeicET 'PEARL STAG-.I RAN r PLER of blautirtil ROI)GERS' WAIT Tell ER S., and CELE.LUtATEG ItAEOR. SCISSORS TN , OASES or tho'ffileat. Wait ity , ."' zors, ief'S Scissors unil 'Pablo Ovitletilligtottatl awl poi 'EAR. INSTRUALEETS c onFa letioatonesintthele:iringati ClitlorandSOrgicilltotrarteutß , ikei . ,ll6Teatttatt ,o 4.6' brl ow CONSIGNEES' NOTICES 'e a QTI4.IA:At 61111.) •If(YALA..N.,.l.g(),q,ii .o § l " o4 . kJ—Coneigures, of merehandbo ner ‘11,0,10 hfratior .011' • Picasel , l 4 'la for thr.,ir szooilgotow' Tana/ow at 'Nilo Strantwluttr. ' • ' tjelt I 11. WIN SON. pit Lv =ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers