i .2 /MOTE THE STORM. ' - ) )tCy. C. H. lilC3fAßDgn • A little bird, caught unawaretOleW: O'er ttiii eopes Vs pa th,' • , • And, fluttering vainly, found itself the vict3to of its wrath; la -vain it. buffeted the windi, and beat widest ' the cloud, The storm but hurled it back again with angry threatening loud. • ♦-foolish, foolish - bird; said 1, the raging storm to breast, S'o7l4trive against such fearful foes te reach thy ilitiet nest, When high above tlie drifting clouds no tem pest mars the scene, • Bnt winds are - hushed, and heaVens „aro_ fair, and' sunlight falls serene. .. Cleave through the clouds thine-upward way, and wing thy flight aloft, Wherd thou mayst skim' the azure blue, and IlOat oil breei6s.B9ft, ifOr though on Earth the! tempest raves as though 'twould never cease, invades that upper realm, nor breaks its Sabbath peace.. Ahl so my Soul when tossed by stormy doubts and trials strong,. Flies closato . Earth, and hopes for peace by fighting hard and long, Low through the gloom it struggles on, and sighs for light and day, While gists of pasidonbittret hard, 4A clouds beset its way.. Fly higher, Soul, anti rise• above into Faith's sannterstiheres, - Where aremo:slruals; no fogs of , leaf, no rain of bitter tears, /mithere, o'er all the storms of Life, your course shall be unStayed Where God doth smile and shine through all the quiet He bath made. leer storm and - teinpest cling to Eatlll,init o'er them is a, zone Where Heaven's own peace forever dwells, and clouds are'fill unknown, Where souls that weary of their strife'," and dare to soar above, May sing their, songs of tritunph in the sunlight ofGod's 10ve..... RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. IDENERAL SYNOD OF THE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Seventh Day---Morning Session. C - Eavlvitt.E, ()., May 29.—The Synod as sembled at 9 o'clock A. M., and '• • *with prayer by the Moderator.. Rev. S. Boyd pre.sided. Rev. 11. 11. Blau•, a delegate from the United Presbyterian Church, being present, took part in the devotional exercises. At 94 o'clock the Synod resumed business. The roll was called, and the minutes read and approved. The Trustees of the Theological Seminary presented their report. It was resolved that the report be referred to the Committee on the Theological Seminary. The Committee on the Theological Seminary reported. The re tort was accepted and adopted. . The credentials of Bev. 11. H. Blair, a dele lite from the U. P. Church, were read. On motion,Mr. Blair was invited to a seat as a eonsulve member. J. Smyth, Esq.,presented a _conummication from Rev. Dr. Wylie, purporting to be a report of the Secretary of the Board of Foreign Mis sions. It was resolved that the communication be *id, and alter being read it was laid on the able. The Auditing Committee reported. The re krt Was accepted and approved. It "was resolved that the Board of Foreign iliisions be directed to prepare a report. It was resolved that a recess be taken for half an haiir to aflOrd time to the Board to prepare a report. .The recess having expired; the delegate from the'United Presbyterian Chitral' addressed the represented congmtnlated. this Synod upon its peace,' and unity. He hoped that a glorious future was , before . The time has coma t is not always proper to obtrude sentiments of isnion,on the pe6ple. If you are iii danger of dividing Yourselves on the questions connected with union, we say press forward together: I am sorry that some names are ollyour roll, but lam glad to find the name' of McLeod here, tent in one generation, but in two, and a third corriirig,tbrward. I have great pleasure iii pr.ooopgjo' you the 'congratulations of the United Presbyteigan ChipTeli." The Moderator responded in suitable terms: ailleliiiped that we were all heirs of God. We Are all pnessing forward under one glorious banner. The churches have, in many respects, a common history. We may all hope for that time when the divided tribes shall be milted. lie might be permitted to say that the time has about arrived." Three prepositions were. made • in regard to the . next place of meeting. • Cincinnati, Phila delphia and Brooklyn were named. 6 Cincinnati was/chosen. The time of meeting was fixed to be the third Wednesday of May,lS7o,at 7 o'clock P.M. It Was resolved that a committee be appointed toproettre theilities for travelinr , b on the railroads. The committee are Peter Gibson, Esq., D. 'McLeod and J. S. Martin. It was resolved that the next meeting of the Synod he Opened with a sermon by the lioderator, and that ktis alternate be Rev. N. Woodside. • It was resolved that the thanks of the Synod be returned to the Moderator for his serum! at the uprising of the Synod. It was resolved that the thanks of the Synod he retunied to the citizens of Cedarville and Leighborhood, for their liberality and generous • entertainment. It was residvi , d that ner , otiations be opened with the- PreAiyterian Church of the Lower ..provinces. It was resolved that Rev. Dr. Chick be ap painted to. open these negotiations. A paper on the sulnect of Psalmody was 'presented.; The paper was received and the 'petitionerB referred to the minutes of the Synod for IRO and 18(15 for informath . The Board of Foreign Missions 'reported. The report was accepted, amended and adopted. The minutes of the sessions of the Synod were read throughout. it.was resolved that Mr., James C. Milian receive contributions friim the congregations for th 6 delegates to the Union Cotivention It was resolved that special thanks he reit &red to Almighty God for His goodness to us .during the sessions of the Synod. lir. McLeod offered an inipressille prayer. It was resolved that the Synod adjourn to he thee and place-appointed. .The Moderator adjourned the Synod by ~prayer. After singing the 133 d Psalm and •pronouncing the benediction, the Moderator Aleclared the court adjourned. VEitur.m3. —The opening of the Suez Canal will be attended by the Grand Dukes Constantine and Vladimir, the Austrian Archdukes, the Prince Royal of Prussia, the Prince and Princess of Hohenzollern,„ Count Bend, and probably by the• Empress of France. • • . —A story has been going the rounds of the ipapnrs of Admiral Varragut having met in - •tipain a proud hhlalgo and an. ancestor of his • family. The truth of the matter is that( while Sit Port Mahon a lad of the name of, Fa rragut !was' introduced to the Admiral, who 'very ittandsornely provided for - his education • and limo:arid him .with Sl,OOO, the tradition in Rarragut family pointing to a -remote vir,pittettiqn•With the Port Mahon branch of '1• the mom' , na me; , !.... , fint - rtroottgthe miners, Madlime . Methua rVlitbeJler 'plays! ";loan of Arc" "in a silver "ftairastl; - Friforth!qlattirdmitoviovv,l , -- PEO9PLE Or ANErrEELINGS. When'peoplp who possess -.liiuifeelings ;are pool*their,tensitiveUess iSilideed*; cross for ithomselteis and their bear.:•; If yonti . y. to shOW.theM tt itifiditeSs';iir-dO"theM'A skidee,theillY - 94,:titypiatarptititinizingtheari,; and say you huMiliate them by treating them as paupers. ; You may do to your rich ac quaintances a hundred things which you dare not attempt with-your poor friends cursed with fine feelings; and little offices of kindness,which pass as current coin through society, are con strued into insults with them. Difficult to deal with in every phase, they are in none more dangoous to meddle _With than when poor. They are as - bad if they have become successful -after- aperiodof struggle. -Then. your atten lion to,. thew is time-serving, bowing to the rising sun, worshipping the golden calf, &c. Else why did you not seek them out when they were poor? Why were. you not cap in hand when-they went bare-headed? Why have you waited until they were successful before you recognized their value? It is funny to hear how bitter these sensitive folks .are when they have come out into the sunlight of success after the dark paSsage of poverty, as if it had been possible to dig them out of their obscurity when their -mune was still to make—as if the world could :recognize its prophets before they had spokeni But, this recomdtion after success is ik very delicate poiiit'With people of fine feel ings, supposing 4byliys the previous struggle to have been hard; and even if : there has . been no struggle to speak of, then their doubts and misgivings, as to whether they are liked fof iliemSeWes or not, •and morbid speculations on , the stability and absolute value of the position theY :held and the attentions they receive, and endless surmises of what would be the result if they Lost their fame or wealth or political Power-or social standing—or whatever may be the hot& on 'which. 'their success hangs, and • their-fine feelings — are impaltid. The .act of wisdom most impossible to be performed by these self-torturers is the philosophic acceptance of life as it is and of things as they fall naturally to their share. Women remarkable for fine feelings are also remarkable for their-uneasy distrust, that insa tiableeraving, which continually requires reaS suringand allaying. As Wives Orkivers they never take a man's love, once expressed and loyally acted upon, as a certainty, unless constantly re peated;bence they are always 'pontiff" . b or be inoanitheir loveless condition, getting up pathetiescenes of tender accusation or Sorrow ful acceptance of coolness and:desertion, which at the first may have a certain charm to a man as flattering, to his vanity; but Which pall 'on him after a short time, and end by annoying and alienating him; thus bringing about the very catastrophe which they began by, deprecating before it existed. Another characteristic with women of fine feelings is then• inability to bear the gentlest remonstrance, the most shadowy fault-finding. A rebuke of any gravity throws them into hys terics on the spot; but even a request to do what, they have not been in the habit of doing, or to abstain from doing that Whickthey,have used themselves to do, is more than they can endure with dry-eyed equanimity. You have to live with them in the fool's paradise of per fectness, or you ait made to feel yourself an unmitigated brtite. Yeti have before - yourthe two alternatives of suffering many things that are disagreeable and that might be easily reme died, or of having your wife sobbing, in her Own- room, or going about the house with red eyes and an expression Of exaspe rating patience under ill-treatment, far worse to bear than the mostpassiOnate retalia tion. Indeed, women may be divided broadly into those who cry, and those who retort, when they are found fault with; which, with,iz side section of those wooden women who "don't care," leaves a very small percentage in deed of those Who.can accept a rebuke good temperedly, and simply try to amend a failing or break- off—an—ttnpleasant parade of submission and sweet Griseldadom unjustly chastised. but Ir , issit.g 03. VOll SI , ill I UV' nattiness. or there are women who can make their weakness a more potent weapon of offence than any passion or violence could give. They do not cry, neither do they complain, but they exaggerate their submission till yoti are driven half mad under the slow torture they inflict. They look at you so hum bly; they speak to you in so subdued a voice, when they speak to you at all, which is rarely, and never unless first addressed; they avoid you f . so pointedly, hurrying away i you are going to meet them about the house, on -the pretext of being hate ful to your sight and doing you a service by ridding you of their presence; they are so ostentatiously careful that the thing of which you mildly complained under some circum stances shall never happen again under any circumstances, that. you are .foreed at last out of your entrenchments, and obliged to o one to au explanation. You ask.them what is amiss, or what do they Call by their absurd condi tat; and they answer you "Nothing," with au in jured air, or an afli2cted surprise at your cowry. What have they done that you should speak to them so ha rshly? they are sure they have done all they could to please you, and they do nut know what - right you have to be vexed with them again. They have kept out of your way, and not said a word to annoy you; they have only flied to obey you, and to do as you or dered, and yet you are not satisfied ! What can they do to please you? and why is it that they never can please you, whatever they do? You get no nearer your end by this kind of thing; and the only way to bring your Griselda to reason is by having a row, when she will cry bittinly; but finally end by kissing and making up. You have to go through the process. Nothin ,, b else, save a sudden disaster or an unexpected pleasure of large dimensions, will save ytiu front it; but as We! cannot, always conmiand cataelysms or godsetes, and as the first are dangerous and the last costly, the short and easy method remaining is to have a decisive "understanding," which [leans a scene and a domestic tempest, with smooth sailing till the next, time. Sonetinte.;: the line feelings are hurt by no greater barbarity than that which is contained in a joke. Women with fine feelings are sel dmii aide to take a joke; and you- , will hear them relating, with an injured accent and as a serious accusation, the merest hit of nonsense you thing oil at random, with no more inten— tion of wounding thinti than had the merchant the intention of putting out the Efreet's eye when hellung his date-stones in the desert. As you cannot deny what you have said, they have the whip-hand of you for the moment; and all you can hope for is that the friend to whom they detail their grievances will see through them and it, and understand the joke if they cannot. Then there are fine feel ings Which, express,..themse/vesAn—exeeed, ing irritation at moral and intellectual differ .ences of opinion—tine feelingii bound up in questions of taitlyand soundness of doctrine,, having taken certain Moral ..and theological. views under their especial patronage, and hold ing all diversity of judgment therefrom a per sonal ofliqice. The people thus afflicted are exceedingly uncomtbitable'folliii - fd deal with; and managd to make every one else uncbm fortable too. You hurt their feelings so con tinually, and so unconsciously, that you might as well be living in a region of steel-traps amid spring-guns, and set to walk. bindfold among pitfalls and water,holes. You fling your date- Stone here tooi'quite carelessly and thihking do evil, and up starts the Efroet who swears you have injured him intentionally; you express an opinion without ; attaching any particular importance to it; bat you hurt the - fineTeelings Which oppose it, and unless you wish to have a quarrel you intuit retract or apologize. As the THE DAILY EVENI N G 13ULLETN-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MAY - 31, 1869. vexes eat eaitrie*-theAaryvandTaStineli feelingS4re • only bad temperS• imiley another nainetyou cry probably - 01016gize;atid'sothe MOW:ends. Other peopledhOW - their titiOncio;ol" impatienet 1414,and.tbette ;inendons . grievance; theygiiiilC it 'that they should. 'slitter as otheither !Say, much More than others: MieS& - fire the: people who arePgreat on the theots of. nervous differ ences; and who maintain tha(thefi'• cowardice and impatience of pain tneana an organization like an yliolian harp for sensibility. The oddest part of the business is the sublime contempt these sensitives have for otherbersoWpatienee and endurance, and how much more refilled and touching they think their own puerile sen sibility. tint this is - ft characteristic of human- • ity all through; the Masquerading - of evil under the name of good being..one , of the saddest • facts of an Imperfect nature,,and• a confused system of morals. If all things showed their faCes without disguige - antril spades were , always called spades and ,Mit;:•SOftened down to agricultural implementsi, we . slafUld• have tine feelings placed in a different category limn that in which they stand at this' inninent, and the world would he the richer by just si Much ad dition of truth. There was a time when the word "wedding present" had a charm in it,': When it .meant something fresh, spontaneous, representative of the giver's affection, and when the giver was permitted, without creating a, scandal, to Proportion his gift to him Means. But that was a good wlnle ago. Now it 18 become a regular affair of ,business. TherWs neither love nor feeling:in the matter. Not hut that there are love and feeling still in the world in plenty, only, it, would Seen, they have taken to sancti fying other things than they used. IA wedding present now is a, forced contribution, or a means of gratifying the giver's Vanity or osten tation, or an investment made for the sake of getting a peg higher in "society." All the sentiment is gone clean out of it.' It means, at the hest,.nothing more tender than "good morning"—is, said as easilY and forgot as Moon. That is, if the giver can forget,it as : easily. For it is not to be disguised tha the wedding present, has beeome a serious tax, and is only endured with patience by those who count on getting hack the value of their gift when they theruselyes shall be married. Y WANTS. Yr to knowwho Owns a dog, When sick will physic drink; • Or show me where there liTett a hog, A cow, or mule, or mink'," '1 Wantto find a single beast, A monkey or a mouse, " The largest, wisest., or the least, That lives in field or house. - • That drinks a drug, or can be taught • To swallow else but food; • And every human being ought Abjure what is not good. • False education is the bane Leads peoplelmadlong down; , For wit a child, unless insane, But hales it in this town. •„ . A millioh mist may say right; A million lien •And in this battle that welight, The truth it will prevail. • Gad gave us instinct at our birth, That instinct can't be wrong; . . What she condemns is of no worth, • In stomach don't belong. Men die *hen doctors do attend,. They can but.die without; Thum you are sure no poisons send, • , • . They kill; there is no doubt. If everybody only knky, • How little doctors know; ••• The victims new would then be few, •• Short canoe longer grow.. • Folks trill learn mush. Greek or French, And all the arts of life, lf deathly pick, the blackest. wench; May save that man or wife. ~ Thet.humble poor, or mid Ole class,• , Have more of mother wit, • Than upper - Ten,. who like an Ass, Will stupid lie or sit. ' The time will come, the child shall know, Before his A, li, , 'The laws of health and useful grow, And better men will be. 'What is your how:Sledge, silly strut? - • A drink from the wrung cup Ilkdrath. Or accidental cut, The grace will close right up. Take care cf life and know thyself, Thy first great aim should see; Then other brunches : or for wealth; . Or you a slave will be. 'Tip inflammation causes pain, t the and Obt.in for whist& you sigh: - Don't heat the place already hot,' lint cool the lever down; - Extract all fever from the spot, And health your efforts crown. The flesh is oily, Won't drink up, Absorbents will not till, Unless there's PAINTAtNT in the cup, Plain water never will. • PAIN PAINT will pump all fever out, And pain will nilickly go; The po res accept it. can you doubt'.' 'Tis tarts - capiprcoN, A million people true; Each father, danchter, ton. Can try it free and prove to you, It surely t'an be d o ne, llondreds of people every day, Come in. and try it fop; Ihere pri vate ruuuts where ladies may From public gaze lie free. • 1I4)w silly, then, to stay away; There is not one eomplaint We do nut treat; 'tie free each day, Astonish you with paint. • PAIN PAINT will IleVer'Snlart or stain, A child might drink it tree; It von have long wit h_sickness ,atrhlgi• some and see. Now throw your physic iii the (leas, • Your nightmare front your brain; Cheer up, 1114 1.,' like stupid For health will eon', agaja; do-es are alloWell far raa,erila. , l for any complaint ;• nothing but food. it titer. air and proper exercise-can make ortion , cle. Doles cannot make or purify one drop 41,10011' doses will increase costiveness. and will i , ei•iter or later ruin the digest lye circuits and leech out the gastric juices and Vitality of the whole system. Patients are taught in the plainest language how to re store and preserve their health, There is Moire wisdom displayed in prexenting , Aekness than in the most elnho rate system of caring disease ever invented. ('ASTLETON, VC, Milrell lin. R. L. WoLCOTT, NEW DEAR. SIR AlielOraal tied Bk:dollars 09,6). bir which send me by express, a; per your ail vertisement ( free), one Out bottle of "PAIN PAINT,” one fifty Cela bottle of "ANNIHILATOR." one lifty cent bottle of "PAIN PAINT." Yon Will I'4lll,l'll , er sending the a bottle Of PAIN PAINT last Week . . 'NOS I need WI tiro of my neighbors, one of \dolll has heat his bed for the last three weeks with rhemnatisln in his leg. Ile had two pllysiCiallq, 110 lIIMPtit from either. Within fifteen minutes after the a ',talent ion of the PAINT he was free from pain, stud' could Walk an well ;is ever. (41.,T ease Was that Of a Mall Who keeps o ne o f my board i ng-lionseS. lie hat had neuralgia In his head and neck tor several days; his neck had become still' and Ilk head draWll,lVer toward the left shoulder Hearing that, I had some Of tits medicine, he Wanted I 01011141 apply, r.1)11)0, Mid I did so. timid in twelve , minute,the - pain Was gone and the neck straight. Ho was the happiest. man ever,saw when he found.he could hold up his head again. Tlit dint bottle 1 send for to-day.. fora woman who late it ealieer nu leer breast, and . .1 Very bad OHO. ton. Thu litty•Cent bntile is fur OH Old WOMali Who is a little sloip tical. and thinks fifty cents worth is enough to begin' vvit h. Since beginning this letter a dollar bus been hand t „t to, nailer One ladle of ANNIAILATOR. for eatarrh, making the order as follows One pint bottle l'AtN PAINT cif) 00 One fifty cent bottle PAIN PAINT One dollar bottle A NNIIMATOr 1 00 tine tilts cent bottli•:.AN:siffil.vriin..... 50 Total tit) ;scud !lb hol,ll as 110,441,11., illlll'ol,lige YOUrri 11.111 V, O. 11. ow:I. Sfx pinta of Annihilator for Catarrh, or Collis In the or one Piot of Pain Paint dvufde strength, sent free of eXill'erzli charges, on reacipt of or one gallon of Pain Paint (double Strength) for Ss2o. Small bottles ' , old at all Drug Attires. Wirt.corr, Inventor and Sole Proprietor, No, 181 Chadian. Square, N. Y. Test then., free 01 11),Si, at 622 Arch stroet. Private rooms for ladies. It j ORD AN'S CELEBRATED PURE TONIC t../ Ale for invalidn family use, AC. Tlie subscriber in now furnished with his full Winter supply of his highly nutritious and well-kitown bever age. Its wide-spread and increasing use, by order of physicians, for in validx UR! of familieti, Ac., commend It to the attention of all' connumern who want a strictly Pure article; prepared from the - best materials' and Put ' tin in the most careful manner for home use or ;rammer baton. • Orders by mail or otherwise promptly .4411101m1. • J. JORDAN, • • ~ • • No. VO Pear street,' Reloiv_Tbird and NValuut streets. TNDIA RUBBER MACHINE BELT ." ing, Steam Peeking-11one, Sr. Engineers and dealers Nvill find a full assortment of Goodyear's Patent Vulcanized Rubber Belting, Pack - lig &c., at theGOODYEAR Manufactur S er's lieadumtrters, "- Chestnut street, South side. N.8.--We have now on hand-a large lot of Gentle men's, Indies' and:Misses' Gum : lnlets. Also, every va riety and style of Gum Overcoats. - UST Ih CEI EVED- ANDIN' . BTORE 1,000 J;Ili es of Champagne, sparkling CataWba. and Cali fornia Will(14, i'oll, Madeira, Sherry, .lantaieaand•Saata Cruz Rum, tine (dd. Brandies and WI - Mies, Wboldsaie and Retail. -' P. J.•JORDA.N, 40 Pear street, Below Third and Walnut' streets; and above pock street. . ti' (AB • I M: I NE RIO TAFIOCA, WITH FULL —VI-dlreatuous for use. Prenh 'Bethlehem, and iseotehtfatnieal. Pearl Sago, Hank' Farinaceous Food, Racaliont, Cox's Gelatine, Caracas Ilacito and other Die tetics. For sale.by JAMES T. SHINN W cbr Broad and Spruce streets. apl3 tf rp •'' • • Wedding Present*. ' , A s t , 40 , 41 • bider 44 ‘. les of thou • .. 1 t I ` . i • 1. Y0UN.t.31.4V8 04`IATION; PI. F. 11,. : •.14E,5, The Kloquent TOnperfiner. Orator Aghtud, MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 7th .Aiimited Dumber of renerced•neatn. Ticket will .be tor.sale at A SIDIBAD'S Book Store, 724 CheistnuLtitmet, on and after MONDAY, the 31st instant. • • . Da. OFFICE RESOLUTE MININ . Company, N 0.324 Walnut street. PRILADELVIIIA May 27th, SO. Notice is hereby given that' all Stock of the Resolute Mitring CompanY, on which instalments are due 'ma un- paid,hak•lieen forfeited, and will to Hold at, public nuC; tion on MONDAY, 28th .1 000, 180, at 12 o-clock, , noon, at the Office of the Secretary of the Corporation. (ac cording to the Charter and By•Lciws,) unless previously redeemed: - By order of the Directors B. A. HOOPES, Secretary utyl Troasurer, The Couippny claim the right to bid 00 said Stuck. 01318 tjo2:B • _ 10. B EAD UARTERS PU BL ICAN CITY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE% 11003413 NATIONAL UNION CLUB, 1105 CIIERTN UT STREET. In conformity with Rule Sixth of the Rules for the go vernment of belijnion Republican party, the registering officers of each division (consisting of the Republican Judges t or the candidate, and the I ospectors of, Election elected in October last, and the Executive Committee of i c each div bijou ' ) shalLmeet at the regular places of hold ing elections, on TUESDAY t June let, between the hours of 4 and 8 o clock P. M., for the purpose of making a registry of the Republican voters, under the provisions of soul rule. By order of the Republican City Executive Committee. W. R. LEEDS, - President. • Joi% L. Elm, fipereiary. my2s Zt C? DUTCHER'S DEAD SHOT FOR, Bed-hugs. 'Dutcher's Lightning Flyy•Killer• Sold by JOILNTSON, HOLLOWAY (:. COWDLW, and by Druggists everywhere. myl9w f HOItTICULTIJItAL HALL. A speclalanectling of the Stockholders will be held at the Ball. on Y •EYEN INU , • Imo 4th, 1889, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of authorizing the issue of pre ferred stock.. . Iny2lf m wtit§. ii- PHILADELPHIA,' MAY 15, 18G2— lt t y Alumni MeeOng of the Stockholders of the Resolute Mining Company. of Lake Superior, will be held at their Office, NO. 324 Walnut street, on MONDA Y, the 7th day of June, 1369, at 12 o'clock M. for the election of Directors, and transaction of oilier lousiness. niy22tje7§ . B. A. HOOPES, Secretary. • lic?'• EMPIRE COPPER COMPANY.— The Annual . Meeting of the Stockholders of the Empire Copper Company will be held at the offi.ce of the Company, 324 Walnut street, Philadelphia., on Flit, DAI , June 4th 1563, at 12 o'clock M., for the election of Directors, and ?or any other business that may legally come before the meeting. • M. 11. HOFFMAN, Secretary,. PHILADELPHIA, May 15.1`69. mylstje4§ . _ Bof. PHILADELPHIA, MAY 10, 1869. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the thraril Mining Company (of Lake Superior) will be hold at their °Mee, N0.:324 Walnut street, on TUESDAY, theist day of June, ISO, at 12 o'clock 31., ter the election of Directors and the transaction of other husllkt•Sa. mylstjelt; B. A. IfOOPES, Secretary. AMYGDALOID MINING Gom_ PAN Y.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the AMYGDALIOD MINING, COMPANY, of Lake . Superior, will be held at the Office of the Company, No. 324 Walnut street, Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, June 2d, 1659, at 12 o'clock 31., far the election of Direc tors, and for any other business that may legally come before the meeting 11. H. HOFFMAN, Secretary, Pll ILA DELPHIA May 13, 1k369. Inylitoje4 (lam OFFICE OF ,71-1 E METALLINE LAND COMPANY, NO. 32-1 wALztur§plEET, PHILADELPIIIA, May 7th, 16610: , .. The stated anidialitiOding or the stoehladers. 7 a the Mpta Mlle' Luna 'Company will be held at the (Alio, of ow Vcdirpaity L - : op ISONDAY,,MI9O • 7th, proximo, at 12 • thrlto7 - Etr.r:', •- • , ?: , .' , :::::'i , ?:•4':11; liOFI'M%N Clerk. • DIVIDENbNOTIcES. UNION BANK -OE .TENNESSEE IN LIQUIDATION. NARIIVILLE, May 20, MID, • DIVIDEND. A stock dividend of twelve dollars and fifty cents on each share of stock in the Union Bank of Tennessee will he 'guild at the Philadelphia National Bank lun and after the lOth day of June, ltitig: . JOSEPH W. ALLEN, my2.4-Im§ Cashier and Trustee. MEDICAL. FRENCH MEDICINES. rlocrAll ED BY GRIMAULTAr: CO., CHEMISTS TO 11. I. R. PRINCE NAPOLEON, (6 RUE ME RICHELIEU, PARIS. DR. DUEON DU BUISSON'S DIGESTIVEIASZENGI I ;S 0}"I'llE ALKALINE LAC OVer the dertoorententa of algestion, either by eir pecutiar action on the mucous membrane of tbe stomach, or by affording to the latter. through their • combination with the imliva to the gastric juice, a sup ply of lactic acid, which all English, French, and other physiologists admit to be an, essential principle of diges tion. • FEW the information of those who may be without medical advice, it may he visaed here that the symptoms of impaired digi:stion are—Headache, pain , in the fore head, I - lender:me, gastritis, gastralgisi, heartburn, wind • in the stomach and bowels, loss oh appetite, emacia ticr, &c. Agents in. Philadelphia FirkNen;Rlciimins Az co., del-Em N. IV. cur. Tenth and Market ISt ENOPAL D TAL 14 INA. A SOP ERIOR article for cleaning the Teeth,destroying an imalcula! which infest them, giving tone to the gime, and leaving aLfeeling of- fragrance and _perfect cleauliClCF4 tilo mouth. It - ma be UseitilitilY; - and will be found - to strengthen weak and bleeding gums, while the aroma , and deterEirelleSti viii rel:0111111elld it to erery one. Be-' ing composed with the assistarme of the Dentist, Physl- CiaTIM and {Microsimoist, it is confidently offered as a • reliable aubstitute for the uncertain washes formerly in ; vogue.. Eminent Bentham, acquainted with the constituenta : of the Den tallina. advocate its use; it comae tn nothing • to prevent its unrestrained employment. N;ale only by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary, Broad and Spruce streets. For male by Druggilgs generally wad ; Fred. Browne, L. StaAlonNe, Ifueelerd & Co., - Roberti',Davis, • C. R. iseny, C. Bower, Isaac 11. Kay, ('has: Shivery, C, Needles, S. M. McColin, • T. .1. Husband, S. C. Binding. . Mnbrose Smith, Chat+. IL-Eberle, Edward Purrhili, tamest N. Marks, Wm: 13. Webb, JIIIIIII/ L. 'lisplimn, Hughes k Contbe, Henry A. Bower. MACIIIN.ERY, IRON, &C. T.., 1 OR, sA L E—FOIt ACCOUNT OF IT MAY CONCERN. 2 HARRISON STEAM BOILERS, 37 HORSE POWER. ALSO-FITTINGS, COMPLETE. All of which may la, seen at the Aladdin Wareheuse, No. 43 Market street Pittsburgh, Pa. my2fi.,l2t§ BEER ETON & WILKINS. LIVIIMMVK r'nGM .)I`i St Alth. FOUNDRY. • 430 WA SIIINUTON - Aventte:.Philatielpb in,- • MANUFACTURE STEAM ENGINES—IIigh Ina, Low Pressure, Horizon tal Vertical, Beam, Oscillating, Blast 'awl. Cornish Pam plug. • 1101LEHS—nylintler 7 Flue, Tubular, &c. • STEAM lIAMMERS—Naouytb and Davy styles, and of _ . ull .dzea. CIASTINGS—Lnam,Dr:v and Green Sand . , Braem, &c. ROGFS—Iron Frames. fur covering with- SiAte or Iron. TANKS—Of llaet or Wrought Iron for retineriee, water, oil, &e. GAS MACIIIN'EItY—Such am Bench Caatinge . , Holders and Frathea , Puritierg, , Colio and Charcoal Barrows: Valves, Governors, &c. SUGARItIACIIINERY—Such as! Vacuum Pm - Fr and Pumps, Defecators, Bono , Black Filters, Bum.", Washers and Elevators, Bag Filters, Sugar and Buno Black Cars, &: • Sole manufacturers of the following speelalties: li' Philadelphia mid vicinity, f Willow. Wright's Patent V ar fable Cut-off Steam Engine. In the - United States, of Weston's Patent Self- center ing and Self-balancing Centrifugal. Sugar-draining Ma- Anne. . • Wass A: Barto's improt cmeut on Aspinwall & Woolsey's Centrifugal. BartoPs Patent Wrought-Iron Retort Lid. Stratum's Drill Grinding ltest. Contractors for the design, creation and fitting up of 'Re fineries for working Sugar or, Molasses. „ VOPPER AND . YELLOW METAL: J Sbeathlngyrirazier's Copper Nails, 'Bolts and Ingot, Conor, consy !lin band and .for sale by , Iik.NRIC SOR et COCO., Is4l. 3'32 South AV barves. GAS FIXTITRES. AS PINT Ug.tES Y . ISHII Y; 'MI RRITA.i G.. it 'TRACK ABA No: 718 Chestnut street, man Mini-' turers of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, Sc., itc. would call the. attention of the public to their large ,• elegant assort-. went of Gas Chandeliers, Pendants Brackets, 8.m. , They also introduce gas pipes , into dwellings awl public build ings, and attend•to'extending, altering and repairing gas pipes. All work warranted. • . ----- - -BOOTS-AND SHOES. ------ 1 - --- - ---- N ()TICE TO THE P ÜBLIC GENE: RALLY. The !Mod style, fashion and assortment of OT NI - WES AND GAITERS, FOR MEN AND „ • Can be had at • --._-1111NEST SOPP:iti, • y • . No. 230 lit/RTE. NINTH:STREET , .Better' than anywlwre hi the uttyL Airit Warranted' .HO tim • ' • ”: • GIVE HIM A- GALlti I' corner NATITANS. , AUCTIONEER, N. E. _IL corner Third and ,SprViee %treats, only onu square hPle`g the Exchunge• .21 , 0,81V.t0 loan, in large or small amounts, en diamonds, silver- plate, watches, jeWelry, and all goods'ol-Nalue. Oftlee ho are from 8 A. .81.. to 7 P.M. a? , Established Or the last, forty yoara. Ad , 'Janet's *Little /IA largeamutfula at the lowedt market rated. - Jab ttr -25 cents. " ' E. Brilighurst & Co., Dyott k Co., It. C.l3lair',s Som.], Wyetli Ilro. . . • S IiMMDIEVR °M I S ON' DANE 0 t LrYii f;+ . PhitadelphikanC i ßeating frailroo , v) . f • ANW : , C S, • BRAN • - Mansion It Carbon. . Mrs. Conlin() WunderyPoGoville P. 0., Schuylkill 00. L. Tuscarora s Mrd.M.:L. Miller, Tuscarora P : 0.; iichuylkilf county. Mansion Mouse, W. P. Smith, Mahoney City P. 0., Schuylkill county. Mount Carmel Mouse. Charles Culp, Mount Connell?. 0., Northut e nberland ao. White Mime, E. A. Mon, Reading P. O. Andalusia, Henry Weaver, Reading P. 0. , - - • •`` Living ; Bprings -' Dr. A. F,{mith, Wernerit•ille P. 0., Berko county, Cold...l4prings Hotel, ' Lebanon County, Wm. Lerch, Pine Grove I!. 0., Schuylkill county: • MOyertewn Seniinary, . F. 6. Stauffer,,Boyertown P. 0., Berko county. Lltlz Springs, Geo. F. Grader, Litiz P. 0., Luneaoter county. • Ephrata Springs, John Frederick, Ephrata P, 0., Lancaster county. Perkionaen Bridge Hotel, Paris Longaker, Freeland P. 0., Montgomery county , 'Prospect Terrace, • Pr. Junes Palmer, Freeland P. 0. Montgomery county. Blaring Mill Heights, Jacob 11. Breisch, Conshohocken P. 0., Idontgotnery co. 'Monti House, , - Theodore Howell, Shamokin, Northumberland county my4.2mf, IY. NUM BOARDINq.— ' CHESTNUT SPHINGS,.nt Clu , stunt 11111, formerly beet by Mrs. Brooks. will . be open JUNE 1, for the reception of boarders: - This beautiful place is too well known to require de scription. Situate midway beteMen Willow Grove Sta tion (on Chestnut 11111 railroad) and the Romantic Wis sahickon-, it off..ra superior attract lon to summer board ers; has billianl-rmlm Anti ten-pin alloy. Conveyance from Station, a cents. Engagements made-fur part or all the seasou. • Fur terms, apply „to, ~11. C. ,I4cCALLA I , No, 1314 Arch street. tuy3l m,w Mt • LANVAISTEft•COUNTY,' Will be reopened June fox , the slimmer. TiaHl , deelrimit a eeol and healthy • slimmer resort. with all the coniforttof home, will Aloft hese Springs For particular* address • - • 'GEO. T:4IIIDER, my?.s4rav •r."• ' ' • • Proprietor. UNITED STATES HOT EL, • CAPE MAY CITY, NEW JERSEY. Will be ()pencil for the SP;001i On SAT UUDAY, Muf "29th: In all first chi'sapiminthiente, equal hi any, and yet affording to families all the ewaforts of a 'maw. President Grant expect( to vialt Cape May this EC:Well, and will )stop at this -United Statas.” Address: AARON MILLER, tray27.lm Proprietor. FIRE-PROOF SAFES. HERRING'S SAFE In 1 entnelKy. GREAT FIRE BOURBON WHISKY. FRA'NIiFC)ItT, Ituy 6,1669 .Messrs. Earn!, Herring C 0,629 Vit.sin la street, Phila GENTLEMEN : Yours of let inst. received and Timed. The Safe of your make to which you refer was subjected to as severe a test an we can imagine a safe could be by It was in the office of the United States Bonded Warehouse of G. B. Ifachlf it, consumed by fire the ni g ht of April 2d, ult., which house contained u pward of 3,000 barrels of whisky, of which 3,000 barrels were burned. The safe was exhumed after several days, and the papers awl books therein were mitirely legible. We would not have believed any safe would Lave stood the test so creditably. Yours, truly, . Moir th . an 30,000 111611.11ING'S PATES, have been *AI -ind-arenow4n-arc;ond ebeiderAr-havt , navveyi tbrongh accidental tires, preßerving their conteuh4 in bow° in6tances where many utters failed. SECOND HAND SA Ft's of our own and other maker,' hav • ing been received in part; pay far the Initleuved Herring:a Patent C hatrip lon, for Ellie at low privem, FARREL, HERRING & CO,. 629 CHESTNUT STREET. Herring, Farrel & Sherman, New York. Herring* Co., Chicago. Herring, Farrel Sherman, Yew Orleans. y 2,4 Wf tf THE FINE ARTS. klstablished 179;5. A. S. ROBINSON, FRENCH PLATE LOOKING GLASSES, Beautiful Chrginor, - ENGRAVINGS AND PAINTINGS, ifitonfacturor of all kinds of LoOking-Glass,Portrait &Picture Frames. 910 CHESTNUT STREET, Fifth Door xtbovo tha Continontul, • PHILADELPHIA. ' - AG - AG u.v.rtit - A - L. • • For Lawns, Gardni, Green-Houses and Farms. 13. A U Cs H ' S itaw •Bone Soper Plitosphote of Lime Will be found a powerful - MANURE. It is prompt in its action; it contains the aeednof no pestkrorous weeds, and will produce . luXurlant growtlr of (leans ; Flowers, Strawberries, azol all Garden Vegetables and Plants.' Dealers supplied by the cargo, direct from the wharf or the manufactory. on liberal terms, fiend your uddreku and procure free, ``Journal of the Farm." BAlliGif do SONS, No. 20 South DELAWA RE Avenue. This Fert ili i r cifb be tool of all Agricilltural I bailers in uity or country. 1.111110 w f m ;int NEW P ÜBLICATIONS. I)11.1 LOSOPH Y OF MARRIAGE.—:A new course of Lectures, as delivered -at the Now YOrk Museum of Anatomy; embracing the subjects; How to Lire and what to !dye for; Youth, Maturity and Old Age; Manhood generally reviewed; the Clause of I tt digetition, Flatulence and Nervdtni Diseases 116(701111VA for; Marriagt Philosophically Considered. &c. 1 .4,-,e. Pocket volumescontaining these Lectures will be for warded, post paid, on receipt of 20 cents, by addressing W. A. Leary, Jr., Southeast corner, of Fifth and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia. . • . fe2o-Iy§ flUltS BOUGHT, AND CATALOGUES of New Ydidc and•Doston•Brok Sales for diStrilintion ut 740 'ansom street. JOHN CAMPBELL.. my2o-Its' BEATERS AND STOVES THO3I S N' S LONDON KITCH er4, crier, or _EUropetin Itangea, for , families, hotele Or public iteditutionit, in twenty different Hi7.l , F. Also, Philitdelphia - ItitintesOfot Air Furnaces, Portable Renters, Low (.10)111 , Grate*. Fireboard C;t r ovea, Bath Boilers, Stew-hole flutes, Broilere. (looking Staves, etc., wholesale mai retell by the manufacturers, tiItARPE. & TIIONSON, my2B f m w Grn§ No. 2® North Second street. r, T.H.V.MAS DIX(W & SONS, Lute .Andrewo & Dixon .No. 1324 eirEsTNuT Street, -r--- opposito United States Mint. ,Manufacturers of LOW DOWN, • . • PARLOR, • • • 011 AMBER, • . • Oll'lOE GIIATES, For Anthracite, Bituminous and Nowt Fire; • Lgo. • ' . • WIAJUIL:A 1.1CFE301,1,f/Eff, • For, Warinktfg Public lir (IPrivoto 5 • •• BEGISTEIII3 E ' IN, V TI LATORB, • • AND , •IIIITMNRY CAPE; COOKaNG-HANGES, 1.1AT1?-11011LERS. • ' W.IIOI,I3SALR. and RETAIL. SEnRhHEATHIN FELT.—TEN FRAMES sh Sheathing Felt, for stile byPETER WRIGHT 4; Mil/Nil, Ilb Wilimit street. - ''• MEI GAINES, lIXERY A CO ArAtVIIIES, JEWELRY , LEWiS, LADOMU'I • , MARRA IV HEALERS it JEWELERS. - ~'-.IIITATIVRES,JIMELICV k EIMER WARE. ILATOP4I and lIEtrELRY REPAIRED. A 802 Cheit.nut St., Ladle s'ancl. Gents' Watches, A laii94lenit and Importeti, of the mod cehlbre.ted makers. Fine Vest Chains ana teontirieS; h% 14 and hi kande. Diamond and Other Jewelry, Of t. 4 latest doligns, 4 ' ENGAGE/KENT 'AND WEDDING RINGS, • I . tl IS karat • . SOLID SILVER WARE FOR BRIDAL . PRESENTS. TABLE OITLERI ; PLATER WARE, Etd. Lit. WM. B. WARNE ds CO., Whokiodo Doalere ' WATCHES AND JENVELRY. Seventh and Chestnut Streets, And It or No. 35 Smith Third street. je2 ir I. U MBER. ILAimber:lßnder,Coyer t • \ .lkliVir r AYl4 , DRY. WA4';3OIIT . 924 Richmond £street. tall2q 1)§ MAULE, BROTHER ' SL CO., 2300 South Street. 1869. PAITAVrigN MAKERS. 1.869 "lowE SELECTION PN MICIIIi;AN CORK. PINE FOR PATTERNS. 1869.sPW:i 4 Wil f[k - V1.1. - g9K - 1869 LA"}: STOCX. 1869. ' l l ( .l ) ,i'aVaPOUg“L 1869. N FLOORING. M VIUINIA PLoORIML DELA W ARE PLOORII G• A!• , 11 FLOoItING. WALNUT FLOORING. FLO 3:11).A STET' I{ 48u 010. FLORIDA , Si BOARDS-. Isto . RAIL PLANK. LAIL P,I.ANK, '‘..l - NUT BO A.RDS tND 4 186 9 1869 - .WALNUT BOA IiDS ' ANn PLANK. WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. .v:soIITED FOR rA BIN ET :NI AKERS, 111 - 11.DERS,A.C. - 11 .- cr e s ti • Li! m DER. 1809. uNbEnTAK Elt7 4 ' LUMBER. RED PE DAR. , WALK I' AND PINE. ' 1869 1869. ASH. WHITE OAK PLANK AND' BOARDS. HICKORY. ' 1869 .c./4 4 1 . t 4 (.i. N A SCANT.I4 NG - 1 Qga 11. T. SILLS. 1.0139./.. NORWAY :!•vANTLING. 1869. cTiv)if,Vi': ss l lgla,l...s . 1869. cYPILESS SHINGLE'. • LARGE ASs4!ItT3I ENT. - FOB SALE LOW. . . Pl rk. i Wl LATH. ; ' ii`- I‘B6 1869. i f 9• ]1 Al'. SlCOTlnkit 2:00 SOUTH STREET. S & POHL, .I.IJ3IBER XtElt i chants, No. 1011 S. Votirth street. At thcir and will b 4. found: Walnut, A,ll,l 3 .ploroPerry. Pine, Hem lock, Ac., at reultOttable prlceit, Hive them a call, MARTIN THOMAS, 1:14A:3 POOL. mLl7•fm" -LUMBERMEN nud ship.hondffts.-:-W.,. me now pr* tiorktle execute promptly orderx for Southern Yeglo.r Pine Timber, Sid prtutl - and Lumber. COCHRAN, RUSSELL A: CO., ?`North F rout oreet. mh23tf YELLOW PIN LI7NI BE R.:-.4)1:D ERS 1 for cargo.l4 of evrry deAcrlption Sawed Lunitur I;xe cuiefl . to 1 1 1 .! , P2.0 0 n - Apply to Ell - W. ItOWLEA . SouthWfairem. ELASTIC SPONGE Pennsylvania Elastic Sponge Co., WI Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. ELASTIC SPONGE. A SUBSTITUTE FUR HAIR: FOR , ALL UPHOLSTERY PURPOSES. • CHEAPER. THAN FEATHERS OR HAIR AND FAR SUPERIOR. .' Tla-Llithteat,Sontvi..and mast .ElAatle and Durable material known for #ATTRESSES. PILLOWS. CAR. CA ItItIAUE AND CHA llt CUSHIONS. . • It if , entirely indestructible. perfectly clean and free from duct. IT DOES - .,;(1T PACK AT ALL! free from tosoct lite; is perfectly Ip?althy.aud for the !.iek imy Way. eon be renovated quicker and easier thou ail) . other Mattress. • Sp4-elal attention 'Ave]. to FUItNISMING HALLS. Ac. 11itllrond 111!•4 :.re 4,prwciallr invited to examine the Curbion Spimite. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 1111. 'TRADE SITPLI iv2o m w f 151 FURNISHING GOODS. FINE DRESS -SHIRTS TEN I'S' NOVELTIES. J. W. SCOTT & CO., No. 814 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia,, Four doors below Coojirwoltal PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT M ANT PAC TORY. • Orders for these celebriitpl Shirts 'wiggled promptly OD brief notice.. . Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, ()flat" styles iu full variety WINCHESTER &, CO. 70(3 CHESTNUT. je3-1n w f ff GROCERIES, LIQUORS; &C. FRESH FRUIT IN CANS. Peaches, Pine Apples, ace., Green Corn Tomatoes,' Frenchpeas, Mushrooms, Asparagusi &c., &c. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES. Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets. BWE ET )C. ETnA . 011,expressly imixirted for COusTr a Enid End Grocer , No 118 Hooth.Seeond street. ' • FRESH PEACHES IN LARGE - CANS, .at Fifty , Cents per Can—the cheapest pita bast goods in tho city, ut CUUSTY'S East Eud Groopry, No. Mt Mouth Second street. _ OREN I'EAS,I3.IIISHROO3IIB,-TRIJF -scs Tomatoes. Green Corh, A sparagus, store nut] for stile at MUSTY'S East Luti (=merry, N 0.216. South Second street., , - F,W DATES, FIGS, PRUNES, RAI- 1-- WWI and A Imoodo—all of new btoro anttfor oale of COUSTY '3 Emit- Mut Grocery, No. 118 South .14e:lis;3eitAbk - - .berrleb, Peticlieo, 1'1 , 11)1(41as, Peurb, .I.lnut Denim, Shaer Sweet Corpott (JOUST Y'S East End Grocery, No ; 118 Sou th Second e • treet, • ' • MUSICAL. QI,G. P. RONpINELLA, -OF Binping. Prlyittq lotmoitti and citledett, Itestiletice, sUBS.,lL6tourtltettttt. TELEGRAPHIC rounnAny. Tut appointment of Caballero , d Rosa as 'Captain-General of Cuba is gazetted: Tim House of Commons discussed the abo lition of the Patent htwes ou THE official Parisian journals assert that the French troops are not to leave Rome. juLEs FAVEI alas . been declared• defeated. Be will contest, the election of his opponent. SEvEltAt. officers have been arrested at Tor toni, on the charge of conspiring to restore Is _ P MINISTER `WASHISURNE and Minister Bur lingtune gave a farewell banquet -to Oeneral Dix on Saturday. IT)..s now rumored that the new permanent goyernineidt'Of Spain is lot to be chosen October nekt, , " MIZI4. SAW?: FINK (411.tmuut, mother of the late,lion; titephen A.l)oughts, died yesterday at Cliftinf.Springs; aged 81 ye:trs. A TugAput andrtwo ilirellings at Atlanta, Ga. - , - .Were Intrned on Friday night, - boss, .$75,000, Tut New England, Woman's • Club 'Lehi its first annual 'meeting at Boston on ,14attirday. Mrs, C. 31...-tie.i•eranee was • re-elected Prest dent. • 'Tin.: boiler of tbe paper mill of W. .11.31.iillen ft, Sons,:it Mount Bolly tiprings,six miles south of CarliAl#,•thimberland roomy; l'a., exploded ou Friday night and two men were fatally ill jured. damage to this building is estimated $5,0c(1. DEwNrcitics from :).i" , t , m - .riak; Bastoa, Columbus, Detroit, Toledo, beeling, Cbieago, Newarlt and Other eines, and flown the interior ,if l'emisyl : vaiiiii, all report a general observance of y..s terday, ill commemoration of the Li liil/,11 dead . . ' CUILAN athices say that the Sr:11 Ciovern =tad is badly in Want of Vila'. The patriots have resolved to push active operations. It is rumored that Cymtt Valmaseita has been eap• turgid. There was a severe battle at Puerto Padre on the With the patriots acliiet•ing a vietmy. Am. the. military organizations oftlieeountr3- •„,• are in ited to participate in the ceremonies of the detheation Of the mon Imola in the Soldiers' National Ventetery, at I lettysburg, on July 1, and tlio,e intending to be p'resent are reque.:ted to coMmunicate such intention within a reasonable time, set that proper arrangements may be made for them. • Aonrriozim. accounts of Friday's storm at Wheeling,' 'West - Virginia, 'and int vicinity, show that the dama., , re was greater than at tits t supposed. A ntunlrer or vineyards were ruitted,the wheat and corn were cut otfelose to the ground, and sheep and lambs were killed in the „fields. A nullifier of persons were also injured by the hailstones. Stlllll, or them tied ou4y. The town of West Liberty, near 'Wheeling. is reportcd in ruins. THE steamer' Alaska. from Aspinwall, no May 22has arrived at New York, with later Central': and South Anteriean advises. Dr. Long had entered on his duties as United States Consul at Panama. Fourteen eases of small-pox had oeetirrtA on the British steamer Chameleon at that port, The Colombian Senate was still disensmlng the Isthmus Canal question. General liilpatriek, our Minister to Chile, arifved at Linia on A priI:10, on the way his post- There were no further fears of' trouble between BetliVitt and Peru, In Guatemala the rebellion had been quelled. The volcano of Mashie was h' violent erup tion. ' - i . fintittez bad been installed Prt%ident of Costa Bita. .• • , NEW JEW4EY MATTERS. THE FAP.E;;;; BitavE.—Yesterday in Cam den was signalized by an event, of a very int-- pm:sive and deeply interesting character. The shrines of those who fell in defence of their country's flag and liberty were visited by their living ci minutes in arms, and by thousands of their fellow-citizens r for theptirpoof paying a tribute of resnect and affection to their:memo ries "bY Placing a floral' . 011i - !ring upon graves. The occasion was one that will long be Tememilered.by:the citizetis (;anttlen,atul re garded as the Origin of a 'practice that will af ford, for years to come, a pleasure It) the sur vivors of Camden e - 41.1 - ity s fallen heroes to per petuate. For weeks the otlicersvud inembers of Post No. 6, Grand Army of the Republic, • bad been tuaking,preparations . visit the glares of their deceased brother, and deck them with flowers, and at half-past twelve o'clock, yssterthiy, they, el on pany with many citizens, amount ing to about four thousand, formed in proces sion on Federal street, right resting on Fourth, facing east, and proCeeded at once to the work before them. The line was t'ormed iu excel lent order, accompanied by a full band of inusic r and-marehed over the following route: Down Fourth to Stevens, up Stevens to West, down West to Berkley, up Berkley.to :Broad way, down Broadway . to Walnut, • out Walnut to the Mount Ephraim turnpike, thence to the Evergreen Cemetery. Here the ceremonies were truly impressive. A large number of little girls. dressed in white, had been Motioned at the various graves, so that no difficulty would be exPerieneed in aseertain ingtheiii, alter which au appropriate hymn was sung. by the choir .and a prayer was given. Col. Harbert then delivered an oration, which was tolloweil again by singingand an i.loquent address by the Rev. P. L. Davies, Pastor of the Tabernucle Baptist Church, of which time 11)l -lowing is a synopsis: /«dics and Gentlemen, (tf the Grand Army of the Republic-1 have no prepared speech, no thoroughly thought-out address, to deliver to you on this solenin, important and interesting occasion. What I shall say to yon, therefore, will tie unpremeditated, and sug gested Itv the surroundings and the circum stances 'which have called lei : together in .this (iniet resting-place of the dead. We . liave asseinnlist lie rc to (I() honor tip. the memory of those braye and gallant soldiers who rushed to :arms - . in „the bout' of our country's peril, fought our batileS 'defended our Mag, and won our victories. , We come here to express our grateful remem )(ranee of. them ,by strewing these floral olferimt, on theirsilent graves. - The occasion is one which is calculated to lire our hearts with intense emotions of patriotism, tunliuspire the tongue to utter t. the strongest expressions of gratitude; Those gallant soldiers were our fathers, husbands, sons and brothers. They were related to us by the nearest, and dearest ties of kindred. They were the lights of our homes, the friends of our confidence, and the compao.ions of our lives. We loved them as we love our own liYes, and we shall always' revere their memory. We owe this to them not merelyy for what/they were to us, but also for - what they did for us. For us they left their homes and comforts, endured, tedious marches, bore the inconveniences and priva tions of the camp; fwed the dangers of the , suffered in dark and un wholesome prison houses and' reek ing hospitals. They sacrificed their precions. lives in their country's cause to secure the' highest national bli , ssings to their supieors, their children and posterity. \%e should love our country, not only because of ' the rectitude and beneficence of its govern mental principles, but because they sacrificed their lives for it. We oivn it to them as a -moral ant, to be true to . our. tug - _:inti,_;tlll the interest of otir government. As we were marching along in solemn pro- Cession this afternoon, I saw the hot tears of litany a soldier's widoW trickling down their cheeks is, they:, gazed with sin - limed eyes on -these its.: d - veterans as they - passed Witlitheir-tia tered baniters; under • Whieh• their Ithshands, the fathers of their children, and the comrades of • these. brave men, fonght and My friends, `the 'ldetory • of those'bitter tears is written in. blond,. .blood :flat,- flowed from ninny a brave. iantl iatriotie beart.On many a desperate battle-field. Let its' not' forget these widows runt theirfatherless hihlren who climb 'Upon their knees and nestle in their loving bosoditf-;AW their only 'prat:ol4A; 'Nay,i.fir. - thinks I hear from this vast concourse of people. who stand today around these silent Mounds, the philatahropie - assurance, N 9! thin bless the thi , (.101ing ones noviik want, for genuine Sympathy anitthaterial assistance.' The benediction was then pronounced, and the playing (d e flowers on the, graves of silent loved ones was 'begun:': tsome seventy waves were . visited and tliwOlaitiored. : '.114,41/Obld' Work :having been: finiSlied'iii the procession, -.re-formed . moved r . to, -Newton Cemetery, : Where: similai cone-:monies Were 11e11b11100:- At this 'cenie tery another large. • concourse' of he o pip had assenibledwitness ,the 'Pro*ted ings, who fully - _realized the tioLtinnity of the oceasion. . The' practice which Has thus been inaugurated one Of a 'Most - . touching' and 'beautiful character; exhibiting affection which cannot fail to cement the ac tiOns of the living -with ••the memories of the heroic dead. indicatos the appreciation with Which their noble set , vices are regarded by those Who are still en joying the blessings which they died to per petuate, and how kindly a grateful people re member them for. their patriotic sacrifices. This practice should not be abandoned, at least until the last survivor of thatrinholy rebellion who took Part with them in the cause of Free dont and /tight also sleeps side by side with them in those unbroken slumber's' which"know no waking.'' • Km TITS . TEAP Lodges of the Order of Knights Templar in Camden are in a flourishing condition mat are rapidly increasing in membership. Arrangements-hare been Made .to take fi prtnninent liar( 41 the grand parade to come off in Philadelphia on the 15th of June. and' the varimis :Lodges will be represented. cv(i :As MAYNS:—.-Winionen have nearly completed laYing gas maitot in I hOldon avenue, Eveni: its inter:s4;ollm with Federal Street, to Newton avenue, a distance of a quarter of a: mile. The highway is likewise soon to be paved.which will make it. °twiddle handsomest avenues in Camden.. From our late editiong of Saturday - , By the Atlantic Cable. LisnoN, May 211.--The regular mail steam -14111 p from 'Rio Janeiro arrived here yeSterday. The war news is quite important. Count ol'Eu; General of the Allied forces, had arrived at AncunaiOtt, mill was making energetic pre paration to attack the Paraguayans. The ad vance guard was . wi thin nine miles of Lopez's Lominx, May 29.—George Peabody - sails in the steamer Scotia from Liverpool to-day. Negro Poisoner Executed. 11,11 - nuoNn, 3fay29.--Albett Tyler, tilored, was executed at noon to-day for poisoning Panline übbard, also eblored, whose Tyler had attempted to outrage and who had threatened to have him arrested. Tyler, who seemed little better than a brute in. Intelli gence, confessed his erinie on the scaffold; and 4iiea instantly on being swung otl In (Unn Aga' iris. ST. Louts. May 29.—A telegram from Fort Wallace states that about .50 Indians ran off :lm - 0 private mules from Sheridan yesterday,and nounded two Mexivans. About 100 citizens started in pursuit. The telegraph wires are down, and no new. has been received from them. An Omaha despatch says Samuel M. Janney, the new Quaker Superintendent . of Indian Affairs, together with live Quaker I»dian agents for the Omahas, Ottoes; Nemps, Pawnees and Hantees, arrived yesterday and proceeded to their vanous stations atonce. From Waohimirton. WASH IN - ollyN, May '20.--At 10 o'clock the. , national salute of twenty-one glllll4 Was'icreu by Col. DuponCs battery, at ,Arlington, tvhich was stationed in front of the Arlini#on Hou.se. Comrade Fisher, ,• Grand Com mander of the DermPotomac rtent of the , was intrOduced 'resident of the daY;titid • proeeeded to address the throng as follows : A year ago beneath which dead heroes sleep. were strewn' with garlands by loving hands. and watered by tears from loving eyes. The flowers that we the have 11,11 g since witbensi; the spring that gave tthe dowers has long since I,atcsed away. summer and autumn and winter have corns and gone. Eaddi [,rave lots been wrapped in a winding sheet of snow, and bleak winds base sung dirges user they spot which the living had deserted. But nature never forgets the dead. From her lap site mr,,v , fort legree u lade4e-at thi4eavos _atulLmmleitt:_Wl dowers. and belNO!ifltolto their gravel with beauty. We -an only add her Finnic, its to her- gifts to them. She does more than tins; for if there he any tomb unknown to, us, or that we base forgotten, any peaceful sleeper in some village churchyard.-in the lonely. wood, by the roadside. at the ford, on oho picket line,or tinting still • , on the old camp grumri,v she has bound the spot where he lies, and flung over him her-mantle of beauty. , • Let the man who wishes his country ill look well upon tinsegrass-^rown mounds. If there be one here who would still &taro)* what these have preserved—lst hint look upon the shadowy forms of these soldiers of freedom and of the Reptiblic. as they form in tanks again, again rush to tbe charge, again shout their war-cry. and again fall amid the din of strife; and. remembering what history they have written. what ts•ople they represent, what mothers bore them , what fathers trained them. and what children they have • left behind them—let him stay his band. For. if the band of - treason should again be raked. and the living should stand aloof, it seems as it these graves would open and the dead Come forth to shame them. There w a great le s . , on width we may learn in this presence.: The battle-Cry is - no longer - sounded; war's thunders have rolled muttering away. and .the skies are bright after the storm. Our heroes are sleeping side by side with those whom they -withstood in battle, and they sleep ha peace. In the grave dead foes have stricken hands and ptorlaimed a truce forever. Let the living strike hands aiso ; for Nyo are ,not ene mies. but brethren. The nobler part of man may suc cumb to a wmporary madness. but ho is nevertheless a man ; and when the cloud has pasa,sl away, he is to be restored to a man's loves and rights and privileges. And now see lay ;our tribute upon these tombs. To the-se. who real beneath the tomb of the nnknown. lost to farm , . but gnat in doe,ln. kt us give our choicest dowers —fur here, unrecognir.ed, may be the form of some stout soldier who stood to the critical hour when the fate of the nation hung trembling in the balance on some bloody .field, field, and when to stand wan to gain the victory. The forms of these whom he loved may not be with us to-day —they, alas, know not that he is here—but tee know that all who rest in this spot. or in yonder vast and beautiful camp of the dead, form a worthy Part of the noble army of mart) re, whose epitaph is written, " Faithful unto death." The Robbery or Harndenes Express'. BALTIMORE, May 27.—George Howard. alias Greer, and Edward . parties arrested last 'week . for the robbery Dennis,of Harm den's Express Messenger.lvere fo:-day huh eted in the Criminal Court of this city. Of the :•",t‘l6,l4lAulen.,_il2.soo_llaye been recovered. Great Rowing Match BosroN; May 29.—The Harvard Boat Club has received a challenge froin fheLondon low ing Club, for a match during their visit to England. and an oiler of honorary member ship of their olitb; and the free use of their hunt-house and club room. CLOTITING JONES' 01r - k7.-PIRICI,;' CLOTHING HOUSE, 4304 ~ MARKET STREET, PHI! ADELPHIA. First Class _Heady -Nude Clothing. suitable for all Seasons, constantly on hand. , . . • a:11(1)080;ra , Lyle of Piet tlocrl.g - fibr 1- - tom nork. GEO. W. NIE3ILANAT., Proprietor OAS FIXTURES , AND . CHANDELIERS; NEW STYLES' never before offered in this market A.' large assortment IRON.AND4RONZE GAS FIXTURES , NiAT, CIIBAP AND DUEAB • lively variety of, . Kerosene Lamps and Fittin , vs., GE AN NTILDENT DAMPS. COUVTER;-,TONVAS & CO.; 702 Arch Street. n'o lmrp THE DAILY MUINDAf:MAT 18.6. CIiARTER PERPETUAL. 11829. -- FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY . OF PIIILADELPILLA. Office--435 and 437 Chestnut Street. A Fete. on. January 1, 1P.A30, ttif-1 077 .3.711.3. 9 Cnpital ... Arc rued :limo us . Premiums UNSETTLED CLAWS, INCOME FOtt. 1862, 82.3,786 12. 8)391,000. Lo r.; PIA Since ' .1820 b;rer f#5,500,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms. ; The Company also issues Policies iipoul the loafs of all kinds et buildings, Ground !tents awl Illortgages. Alfred G. Solnuel Geo. W. Melo:trail. I f L Lea, Geo. Istleo:, ALFRED 6 GEO. FAL .TA,S. McALLISTEIt. THEODORE M. ILEGER MUTUAL SAFETY IN -1./ st• RANCE cobti.A_Ny. Incorporated by tla Legipkitnroof Perinsylvani3,la3s. Wiles S. E. corner , of THIN attd : 'WALNUT; Streets, Yhilaalelpliln.• MAIIIICE INSPHANCES On Vessels, Cargo and.lrcialit to all parts of the world. ViLAN I/ -INSURANCES. O n goods by river, canal . . lake :UM land carriage to all parts of the Union. HIM INSURANVES • - ' • -• • On lliercbatidfse generally. on Stores 4 Dwellings, 1101119411, tie. ASSETS OF TILE COMPANY, November 1,1353.. .• ' .$2 l OO OO United Stalea Fire Pei - Cent:Loan, • ' 10-40's $203,500 00 /20,000 United States Six Per Cent. Loan, • 1831 • 1.3i,800 00 W,OOO United States Six Per I.'ent. Loan (for l'ariiie Itnilraadl 50,101 00 State of Pemisylyania Six Per. Cent. Loan' 4.... 211,375 00 125.00() City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent. • Loan CexeMpt from Tax 7 • • -• 123,591 00 top° slit,' of New jersey. Six Per Cent. Loan 51,500 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Ibtilroad First Mott , mge Six Per co n t. Bonds 20,200 00 '25.000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second 3fortgage Six Per Cent. Bonds - 24,000 00 25.000 Western .Penits)lvania Railroad .Mortgage Six Per Gent. Bonds . ( Penna. It.. It. guarantee) 20,025,011 00,000 Stat.. of TeptleStiel! Five Per Cent. Luau 21,000 oo ' 7.1.01) State • of ^-Tennesgee Six Per Cent. Loan ...... 5,03125 ILOOLI Giqmitutown (las Company, princi - pal and interest guaranteed by the City of l'h(ladelphia.:lS) *hares *dock 15,000 00 10.000 Fentoqlrania Railroad Conipouy, LI)0 shares stock 11,300 00 5,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad Cn(pany:loo bliares tdock 3,500 00 3)000 Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Company, t.Q) shares stock 15,000 00 901 00(1Loans on Itonil and Mortgage ,11rat liens on City Properties 017,900 00 81,101,10) Par DIRECTORS, Thotutot ('. Hand. Ji.... - nes B. McFarland, Edward Darlington, Willi:um C. Lndwig, Jiweph IL Seal. .lamb P. Jones, Edmund A. Sunder, Joshua P. Egret t TheopltillkS Pau hlimg. William G. Ihmiton, Hugh Craig, - Henry C. Dallett, Jr., John C. Davis. John D. Taylor, James C. Hand, . Edward Lafourcade, John R. Penrose, Jacob Beige', li. J1311 , ..P Brooke. George. W. Bernadou, Spencer M'llraine, Win. C „Houston. ...1 }friary SIWITI. 1.). T. Morgan. Pitt.burgla, Samuel E. Stokts. John B. Semple, do., James Traqnalr. A.B. Berger, . do. TIIO3IAB C. BAND. Pre,ideor. . .1 4 )11.N...!:.!—...b.A3:,1:z.'. li.km,r,r_e,..4 ill 9 -Di-• 1415SITYtYllienN , secretaty. HENRY BALL, Aes't Secretary. - E COUNTY FIRE IN*URANCE COM- E PA NY.—Otlice, No. 710 South :Fourth street, below Chestnut. •- The Fire Instmince Company of the County of Phila delphia." Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylva nia in Pti9. for indemnity against toes or damage by tire, exclusively. • CHARTER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution, with ample capital awl contingent fund carefully invested, continues to in sure buildings, furniture. merchandise, either per manently or fora limited time. against 1066 ur damags by tire, at the lowest. rates consistent with the absolute safety of ita customers. ' • Loses adjusted and paid with all possible despatch. DIRECTORS: Chas. J. Sutter, Andrew H. Mill.-r, • Henry Budd.--James N. Stone, John Horn. Edwin L. Reakirt, .Joseph Moore, t Robert V. Massey, Jr., George Mene, Mark M.Yilll). CHARLES J. SUTTER, President. HENRY 'BUDD, Vice President. 1310.:JAMIN F. HOECKLEY, Secretary and Treasurer. 131111,E N N. INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATEDDON—CHARTE it PERPETUAL. NA.'_4WALNUTStreetopposite the Exchange. This Company insures frotu losses or damage by FIRE on liberal terms, on buildings, merchandise. furniture, Ac.. for limited peri•rds, and permanently on buildings, by deposit or premium. The Company has been in active operation for more than sixty years, during which all losses nave been promptly adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS: John L. Hodge, • David'Lewis, M. 11. Mahony., Benjamin Etting, John T. LOWitI, Thos: H. Powers, . Win. S. Grant. , A. It. McHenry, Robert W. Learning. Edmond I last i I lon , D. Clark Wharton Samuel Wilcox, Jr.. Lawrence Lewis, 1 Lewis C. Norris. JOHN R. WUCHERER, President. SAMCkL WILCOX. Secretary. THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSU RANCE, COMPANY. —lncorporated 31325—Charter Perpetual. N 0.510 WALNUT street, opposite Independence Souare. This Company. favorably known to the community for over forty years, continues to insure against loss or damageby.fireon Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also on Furniture, Stocks of Goods. and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. Their Capital, together With a large surplus Fund. is invested in the most careful manner, which enables them to offer to the insured au undoubted security in - the ease of 10Se, Daniel Smith. 3r.. le•xaudi•r Ih.ii nu Isaac HuzlebitrA, Thomas lloltims WM. G. CROWELL, SeeretarY. . apl9-tf VAMP, INSURANCB COMPANY, NO ..M9 CHESTNUT STREET. INCORPORATED' 18,16.. CHARTER PERPETUAL CAPITAL, Fi , 2oopoo. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY, Insures against Loss nr Damage by Fire. either by Per. , petual or Temporary Policies RECTOIS, eiltillOS IlkII:411114011, Wlll.ll. MUM'', Illewry Lewis. Nathan • . I t toiln .. . George A. eht, Mordecai ... , . W ' CHARLES ICIIJULPS(*, i'refildent, , \V M - , 11. RILAWNTNicti-Predident. WILLIAMS I. 'BLANCHARD, Secrotary. apl tt. 1 - EFFERSON FIRS .INSURANCE CO PANS.' of Philadelphia.—ollice, No. 21 North Fifth street, near Illarhet street. - Incorporated by . theLogi,laturt of Pennsylvania. Charter perpetual. Capital aind A s siits.! , „=.l6o.ooo. Mahe insurance iniainst Loss or damage by Fire on Publiv or Private Buildings, Fnrolt ore, • Stoiik's, Goods and Mer chandise, On favorable terms ; 111,RECTOES. R'tn.methuliel, • .Edward P. Moyer: " • Israel Petrson. Frederick Ladner. .IVilin F. adautJ Glasz, Iteuty Troonner._ Delany. ' • idolm • " Frederieh Christian D.-Erich, Samuel George .1.1. Fort, William P. Gardner. • MoDANIE Proiiiilent. ISUAEL PETERSON, Vice President. Pntr.ip E. CoIa:MAN, S6cretary and Treasurer. . U „ NITED FIREMEN'S INSURANCE R COMPANY OP'PRILADELPHIA. , . . This Company Wog rinks at tht+loweitt rottv consistent witja bulety, and coufittes its basins exclusively to FINE INSURANCE IN TIIF CITY 01' rIIILADEL- - "No Arelist DIRE -r Tlinnalia J. Martin. 3olin Hind. Wrn.'A. Bolin; . Nouttalt, WilidantGlenn, ;Jaws 3 Omer, Alexander T. Dick n on. Albeq (). Robertn i ,, CON ItA Wm. A. ROLM, Treas. • INS ttRAIY,CE. DIRECTORS. Alfred Fitter, Thomas .Sparks, Wm. S. (:rant. TI onuis S. EMS, thistalitts S. Benson, . 11AKER. President_ $ , Vice President. SZeretary. , Ali, istant Secret:try. fell rde3l 3farket Value, „11,11341;325 25 Cunt. 31.093 , 6 0 i 2 • }teal Estate Dills receivable for LlSlLralle,tf made._ Balances due at Agencies—l're miama Marine Prlliei , ll— Interest and other debts doe the Company- 10,178'83 Stock and 4erip of sundry Corpo rations, .51054 00. Estimated .. . .. -, Ca4, in Bank,- 4 .:1 1 :41 in Dray.er. 4116.11i0 31365' DIRECTORS. John Deverenx, Thomas Smith, Henry Lewin, - J. Willingham Fell, Daniel Haddock, Jr. DANIEL SMITH. R Jtolwrt Pvareo, John Kessler. Jr., Ethvartl , l3: Om!, Charles Stokes, .101 m W:Evonunn, Alordr Bitztty. out, Faiirth.Nntional Bank 'TORS. Iteury W...llrenner, Albert's' Ring, " , henry Butam, . Jttnum Wood,' JbNb y Astle r ski ss n o, tlenr, - • •Hugit Mulligan, • ' Philip . Fit - spa:trick, B. ANDRESS, President. • 11,41.11,,FAGEN, . NATIONAL LIFE , INSURANCE COMPANY OF TUE STATES OF AMERICA, Chartered by Special Act of Congreou‘, Approved July 2.1,1865. • A:;.$400,000 00 ..5..114140,52i 70 ,173.843 43 Cash Capita $1,1,000,000 ' BRANCH OFFICE: FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Where all correspondence should be addressed DIRECTORS. CLARENCE IL CLARK, IL A: ROLLINSf JAY COOKE, - .RAN W. ELLis W. 0. MOORHEAD GEORGE Y. TYLER, .i.III,SCHLEY CLARK, H. C. FAIINE.STOCK OFFICERS: • CLARENCE 11. CLANK, Philadelphia, President. JAY COOKIE Chairman Finance and Executive Cum wittee, HENRY D. COOKE. Washington, Vice President. EMERSON W. PEET, PiiladOphia, Sec'y and Actuary E. S. TCRNEIt, Washington-, Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS G. SMITII, M. D., Willcati/irectOr: J. EWING MEARS, M. D., Assistant Medical Director. . This Company, National in its character, offers, by reason of its Large Capital, Low Rates of .Preminm, and Now Tables, the most del/8 . 010 Means of Insuring Life yet presented to tho public.. Circulars, Circiilars, Pamphlets, and full particulars giyo'n on ap plication to the Branch Office of the CUMPMAY or to its General Agents. General Agents 5 of the Company. JAY COOKE &M. New York, *.r.‘Nt , w- York Stuto and Northern. New Jersey. JAY COOKE & CO., Washington, D. C. - , for DelawarO, Virginia. District of Columbia and West Virginia. E. W. CLARK & CO., for PenusYlvania and Southern New Jersey. B. S. RessEtt., liarrisburg,Manager. J. ALDER ELLIS & CO., Chicago, for .111111019, Wiecon- sin and lowa. • ZION. STEPHEN MILLIIR, St. Paul. for Minnesota and N. W. Wisc6nsin. • JOHN W. ELLIS & CO., Cincinnati, for Ohio and Con tral and Southern Indiana. 7 T.D. EDGAR, St. Louis, for Missouri and Katisaa. S. A. KEAN A; CO., Detroit, for Michigan and Northern Indiana. A. 31. MOTIIEEMIED, Omaha, for Nebra),ka JOHNSTON BROTHERS & CO., Balthaoro, for Mary New Eny,land General Agency Ender the Direction of 36,000 CO 329 I% 91 .1101LINS Of the Board of Directors, . E. CHA'NLLER, _ J. P. TUCKER, Malinger,' 3 Merchants' Exchange. Stat• street, Bastin] rptiE- ELIANCE • INSURANCE - 7 COM- J_ .P..ANY OF PHILADELPHIA. • . Incorporated in 1641. Charter Perpetual. Office. Ne. 308 Walnut strret. • CAPITAL e:100.000: Insures against lees or damage by FIRE, en Houses, Stores awl other Buildings, limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares and llD,Tchandise town or Muntry. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. Assete4:b" 11G, m 3 73 e1,647,3b7 bU Invested hi the followine Securities, viz First :Mortgages on City Property, well de curr..l "103,600 00 'United States Government Loans " 117,00000 Philadelphia City 6 ,Per Cent. 76,000 00 Pennsylvania 83.000,000 6 Per Cent Loan 30.000 VO Pennsylvania Railroad Bouils.'First Mortgage 5,000 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company 's 6 Per Cent. Loan... Loans on Collaterals Huntin gd on and Broad Top 7 Per Cent. Mort. —Wage County Fire Insurance Company's Stock. Mechanics' Bank Stock Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania Stock. 'Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock. Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia Stock 3.250 00 Cash In Bank and on hand )2.24i Wort h at Par. Worth this date at market price+. . . _ Thomas C. Hill; Thomas H. Moore, William Musser, Samuel (Nattier. _ Samuel Bispham, James T. Young, H.L. Carson, Isaac F. It r, Wm. Stevenson, Christian .1. . (airman, Benj. W. Tingley, Samuel B. Thomas; Edward Suter. • THOMAS C. HILL, President. Wilt, Cures, Secretary. PHILADELPHIA, February li, 1860. jal-tu th e tf AIN T H R A C I T E INSURANCE .. COM PANY.—CHARTER PERPETUAL. Unice. No. 311 WALNUT Street, aboye Third, Philada. Will insuip against Lees or Damage by Fire on Build iugesOt her Perpetually or for a limed time, Household Furniture and 3d it erchandise generally. Also. Marine insurance on Vessels, Cargoes and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. / S William Esher., DIRECTO Lewiss Andenried, D. Luther. John Ketcham, , John It, Blackistoti, 1. E. Baum, William F. Dean, John B. lieyl. Peter Sieger. Samuel H. Rothermel. WILLIAM ESHER. President. A3l W.ll. M. SMITH, Secretary A MERICAN FIRE. INSURANCE CO3I PAN Y incorporated ,IBlo.—Charter perpetual. No.ffiu,WALNUT otrek, above Third, Philadelphia. • Having a large pail-up Capital Stock and Surplus in• vested in sound and available Securities, continuo to insure on dwellings, stores, furniture, merchandbm, vessels in port: and their cargoes, and other personal property. All looses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS. Thomas R. Maris, Edmund 0. Datilh, John Welsh. Charles W. Poultnen Patrick Brady, , Israel Morris, John T. Lewis, . John P. Wetherill, William V. Paul. THOMAS R. 31 AP,IS, President. ALBERTC. CRAWFORD, Secretary. • FIRE ASSOCIATION OF F 6 A PHILADELPHIA, Incorporated March 4 : 27, 1820. Office, N 0.34 North Fifth street. Insure Buildings, Household Furniture and Merchaudise generally, from Loss by AssetifJan. 1,1860 $1,100,033 08 TRUSTEES: Williani'lL Hampton , Sa uel Sparhawk,. Peter A. Keyser, Charles P. Bower, John Carron., . Jesse Lightfoot, George I. YouOg, Robert Shoemaker, Joseph It. Lyndall, Peter Armbruster, Levi P. Couto, M. H. Dielthioon, . • Peter Wialamson. / W3l. IT. HAMILTON. President, SAMUEL SPARHAWK, Vice President,- WM. T. BUTLER, Seeretarr.. . • EMMI • Made from water proof and mildeiv proof canvas In.3w process.) Call and see the material. VERANDAH CURTAINS. : • • and.Tcnts or.n kinds. • - PITEIN ,t CO., my2l f m Vc-1311; • .71 North Selma.), street. DEFEND YOURSEL• .... • , McCORD'S PATENT ALARM BATON: Approved by the Mayor, Chief of Polies, Police,Commiii loe, is the best instrumeat of alarm and defence in the worn:.Soldby WM. ALEXANDER ,t; CO., Stationers,: RH South Third street, mylB 121 • ~ • , Solo Agents, - -1;1 EL Window Shades, nods, Mattresses, carpets: and Curtains. No.l3ii North Ninth street r Philudelphia al ways on band. •. Furniture repaiml and varnished. . mhl7 3m /A3l I , A+ A, WAIT, TIIO.IIITON 1 , 1101, (7LEMENT A. GRIN ' rom lionOlLli WRIGHT. FRANK NEAT.I.. .PETER WRIGHT 4 SONS, . . Importers of earthenware Shipping . and Cimimission 3terelnints, , " No. 115 Walnut stree ade t, Phillphia. . _ (I OTT ON SAIL DUCK OF EVERY ILI width, from t 1.2 inches to Ai inches wide- sill numbers Tent and Awning Duek, Paper-maker's Pelting, Sail Twine, ..101IN 'W. FIVERMAN, ja2d, No. Ico Itnrch street, City Stores. 'DRITY {rty—Tito , ol4l3+place to got WO - Veils elellllBeii and disinfeaedf at . Pity priers. 'A: PEYSSON, 31.ante lactiiror of Potiaretto, Hall. Libra strata. CANTON PRESFIVVED 'al GEE:—' ' Preserved Ginger, in syrup - of the' relelmited loong brand; also, Dry Preserved Ginger ,in boxes, ha ported and ero Bade'. by JOB: 13USS1bal, 108 South Delaware avenue • . sm. 1811' To - $1470F I,J Ct trti k t Attqat, ATli ' ly to WORKMAN & CO. ' ' Wtituot otroet. Washington, D. C. Paid in Full. PHILADELPHIA. HENRI' D. COOKE, W. OILANDLEIT, JOHN D, DEFREES, EDWAIiD.DODGE, DIRECTORS . . DEAN, Vies President. ja22 to th s tf BUSINESS CARDS MA" THOMAS .85 '30140, AUCTIONEERS, . Nos. 139 end 141 South FOURTH street. • AiALES 'OF STOOKS AND REAL ESTATE. OiT Pnblio sales at the Philadelphia Exchange evAry TUESDAY tat 12 o'clock. • • ' Mr - Furniture - Gales at -the Auction Store EVERY. THURSDAY. Mr' Sales at Residences receive especial attention. STOOKS, LOANS, Ste. • • ON TUESDAY, JUNE 1, ' At 12 o'clock noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange— ] share Point Breeze Park. • 10 shares United Firemen's Insurance Co.; par 810, • on which 84 have been paid. ' t 5 shares Empire Transportation Co 100 Shares American ' Buttonhole - and Orerseaming Serving Machine Co, 100 shares Catasaugua Manufacturing Co. • (0 shares Schomacker Piano Forte Manufac's Co. 1 share Mercantile Library Co. 75• shares Jefferson Fire Instlrance Co. CO shares Itzlinnceinsurance Co. REAL ESTATE SALE, JUNE 1. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Peter A. Keyser, decki.—ti TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, Nos. L 267128, WO, =1,534 and MO East Girard avenue. Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Anna B.Cramp,_dee'd, —THREE-STORY STONE and BRICK DWELLING, Rielnoti street , S. W. of Otis, pith Ward. • Master'a Perempton Sale—By order of Court of Com mon Pleas—LOT Germantown avenue, below Master street, 17th Ward.' Same Account—LOT, Charlotte street, below Master, 17th Ward. • Same Account—TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING, 8.37 . St. John st. . IfANIiSbME COUNTRY' SEAT—MANSION 22 ACRES, Abington road, (Amnon hhiights,4 of a mile of 010 Yorl; Statiim, onthe North Pennsylvania Railroad. 'MODERN TIIREESTORY BRICK RESIDENCE, No. =North Fifth street, below Poplar, VERY DESIRABLE COUNTRY RESIDENCE; West. Walnut lane, went of Green street, llermantawn, 140 feet front; 331 feet deep to a street. To Capitalists, Manufacturers, Builders and Others- VERY VALUABLE, BUSINESS LOCATION—LOT. and DWELLING; Sansom, Juvenal and Medical streets,, , between Tenth and Eleventh, 100 feet' front, 1075,i feet deep--3 fronts. • Peremptory . Sale—For Account of a Former Purchaser Interest Very Valuable Tract of Coal Lands, 316 acres. 121 - porches, iiiaw• Sm., Branch and Fraley Township, Selmylkill tietinty,'Pa. Estate of Lawrence Dillon, deed.—LARGE THREE, STORY BRICK. DWELLING, with Side Office and Yard. No; 1613 Frankford avenue and 2.Stables in the rear, between Montgomery and Ber'ks streeta,Eighteenth Ward. . . VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND— MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK STORE and RESIDENCE, No. 2024 North Second street, between Norris and Dia mond, with a Trio-story Frame Building in the rear, on Phil iWELLp Pt. • -EST.BLISIIED BUSINESS \ STAYD— TIIREE-STOILY BRICK 'STORE and DWELLING, No. 3500 .Market street, with a Three-story Brick Shire and Dwelling in the rear on Ludlow, street, 20 feet front, 21431 .eet deep MODERN-STONE RESIDENCE, with Stable and Coach House, .Tulinson street, southwest of Green, Ger mantown. 151 feet front, 300 feet deep to Norton st. ' 31.01nEltti THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, No. 8% North Sixth street, above BrOwn. MODERN . THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 728 Erie street, above Fitzwater. MODERN THREE-STORY • BRICK DWELLING, No. 1742 North Tenth st. _ TWO-STORY'FRAME DWELLING, Stable and 1..11 acres. Harrowgate lane. lielow Nicetown lane. Executors' Peremptory Sale—Estate of John Miller, ee'4l.-=f WO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. =1 st. _ . Executors' Peremptory Sale-VALUABLE LOT, S. E. corner of Viestmiuster avenue and Market street, 24th Ward. HANDSOME MODERN FOUR-STORY BRICK RE SIDENCE. No. 1903 Chestnut st. VERY VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND—THREE STORY BRICK STORE, No. 37 North Third street. above Market. 2 THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS and KHAN): silor, No. 1527 North Second street, above Jefferson. 'THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1333 Crease street. 18th. Ward. 3 WELL-SECURED GROUND RENTS, eaelttB4B VERY DESIRABLE FAIIM and COUNTRY SEAT, 20n ayres...Latisdalv. Montgomery eonntS, Pa., 3 mi nutes' walk of the tut trout I stet ital. Peremptory Sale= GENTEEL THREE-STORY BRICK .DWELLING, 'No. 223 'Lybrand street, west of Thirteenth. above Race. MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE. No. 1410 North Eighth street. above Master. MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, No. 218 North Twelfth street, between Race lifid Vine. 'MODERN THREE-STORY' BRICK RESIDENCE, Ni:. 2,70 North Seventh street, south t tf Poplar. GENTEEL THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 2118 Walden street. between Market and( Arch. BUSINESS STAND—THItEE-STORY BRICK STORE and DWELLING, No. 253 South Tenth street above SprlICP. NEAT MODERN THRI:E-STORY BRICK nwEr, LINO. No. 531 Wharton street, with a Three-stork Brick Building in the rear on Mellmtiu st. N. 528. HANDSOME MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, No MD Germantown' avenue. Intme din te possession., 'DESIRABLE THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING; No. 313 Gaskill st. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING,' 'No. 1181 South Twelfth street. below Ellsworth. 310DERN . THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, with Side Yard. No. 1530 North - Seventh street, above Jefferson-37 feet front. 2 MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK DWEL LINGS, Nos. 2024 and 2028 Canute st. LARGE and VALUABLE THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING and LARGE LOT, No. 582 West street, be tween Fourth and Fifth and Clinton and Ryden streets, idd le-Wardv-Uaraden ,14-,-.1:050, 4 4-tiy-117. feet,— -7 ... I,Ufio 00 4.000 00 ... 10000 00 Sale at No 226 south Eighth street. SUPERIOR WALNUT DINING ROOM . AND PAR -1 .OR • FURNITURE, WALNUT AND COTTAGE CHAMBER FURNITURE, BRUSSELS AND IN GRAIN CARPETS. ,tc. • ON . TUESDAY MORNING, June 1. at 10 o' clock, at No. 226 South Eighth street be= low Walnut, the entire Furniture, comprising Walnut Dining Room and Parlor Furniture. Walnut, and Cot tage Chamber Furniture, Wardrobe, Mirror, lino Fea ther Bed.. Bolsters and Pillow., China and Glassware, Stoves. Kitchen Utensils, se. May be examined un the murningot sale at 8 o'clock. • ABLE THEOLOGICAL AND MISCELLA NEOUS BOOKS FROM LIBRARIES. ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON, June I, at 4 o'clock. • Also, tile. of Philadelphia newspapers. zi-11 - .598 32 '31.34 2 Sale No. 1200 Walnut street. ELEGANT RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE, Property of R. 11. Gratz. Esq., going to Europe. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, Jnne 2. at 10 o'clock, at No: 1206 Walnut street, by cata logue. the entire elegant Furnitum l comprising suit ele gant ebony finish Drawing Room I. urniture, green satin coverings, elegant Walnut do., green Satin; elegant gilt and rosewood Tables, inlaid mosaic marbled,. elegant Rosewood Piano. made by Schomackor, cost :3,00; rose wood Melodeon. handsome green cloth and Lace Cur tains, elegant Vases, Ornaments, Marble statue, Pier Mirror. very elegant Clocks, superior Hall Furniture, Dining Room Furniture. morocco coverings; superior Buffet, large Extension Tables, handsome carved Oak Bookcase, elegant China Dinner and Dessert Set, Cut Glass. elegant Axminstcl•, Brussels and other Carpets, superior Walnut Chamber Furniture, superior Ward robes. tine Hair and Spring Matresses, Bolstered and Pillows. Bedding. Kitchen Furniture, Sic. • May be examined the day previous to the sale, from 10 to 4 o'clock. ELEGANT 'RESIDENCE. Previous to the sale of Furniture will Be sold, on the premises. the elegant Three-story Residence, wall three story back buildings,26 feet front, extending through to Lyndall street. Also. superior brick Stable and Coach House, south aide of Lyndon strect,between Walnut and Locust,itboye Twelfth street. , Full particulars in handbills and catalogues. Sale at the Auction Rooms, NOS. 139 and 141 Soup Fourth street. SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS, MIRRORS. FIREPROOF SAFE, HANDSOME VELVET, BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARPETS, Sec. ON THURSDAY MORNLNO, June 3, at 9 o'cleck.at the Auction Rooms, by catalogue, a large assortment of superior Household Furniture, comprising—llandsome Walnut Parlor Suite, covered with plush, reps and hair eloth; superior Library and Dining Room Furniture, Walnut. and Cottage Chamber Suits, superior Oak Bookcase; Walnut Secretaries and Bookcases, Wardrobes, Sideboards, Etageres, Exten sion; 'entre and Bouquet Tables, tine Hair Matresses and Feather Thais, China and Glassware, large assort ment' 011 ice Furniture. 'Refrigerators, Chandeliers, Stoves, Superior Fireproof Safe, made by Farrel ..tis Her• rine; Sailmakers' Sewing Machine, handsome Velvet, Brussels and other Carpets, ~Sale No. V)9 Baring street, West Philadelphia. HANDSOME WALNUT PARLOR, srrrmo ROOM, CHAMBER -AND OAK DINING ROOM FURNI TURE. WALNUT BOOKCASE, EINE cA rtpliTs., ,c,. ON FRIDAY MORNING, June 4. at la o'clock'; at N0.3(.09 Bartel.; street, between Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth streets, below Bridge st•, the halal:one , Furniture, .comprising. 7 Withint Parlor Suit. green reps covering; Walnut Bookcase, Oak - Dining Room Furniture. Walmit Sitting Room and Chamber Furnittire, tine Brussels, Ingrain and Venetian. esrpots, china; Glassware, Refrigerator,Kitchen Fund ture..k.e. v 1,0 examined on the morning of sale at 3 o'clock. 11:1' Th“ V jue street cars rim within ono squaroof the place of sale; ELEGANT PRIVATE LIBRARY. • FRIDAY AFTERNOON, • - .11111 e 4. :It 4 o'clock, at Ou auction storn,.the choice Pd. ate Li b rary of Robert 11. Gratz, Esti., going abroad. lIIIVATE STOCK FINE WINES AND LIQUORS. O)i SATURDAY, • Juno 5, at 12 o'clock ti u, :It the alletioll stare;, the at, stork of Ittibort 11. 1:;s Gratz, ti.. conippsnti: ,1I Sht , riT, Catitlow,a, I kirk • San terns, Runt, Whisky. &r. • Samples ready Ono hour prey ton 4 to the )ialc, _ • __ _ Executor's Special Adjourned Sale—Estate of EGWiN • • • • A. STEYENS, Esq.; IS7 VERY'VESIRABLE LOTS, CAMDEN, N. 3: • ON MONDAY, dune 7, at 12 O'clock noon, precisely, will be soli] at pub lic rale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those 187 De sirable Building tots, in the city of Camden, N. Jersey, lietiveen -and -West streets. title the property of Edwin A. Stevens P.A. ' riec7ti. lii". ; hits on Benson street and north side- 01 Washingtonstreet between Third tuel'West streets, will Tje sell Hubject to the restrietion that purchasers Anil nut erect Other • than dwelling .11OUNI'M ni the class of those erected within said Hittite, and such, as would not be 'ob ioctionabbi in a good neighborhood; Terms--le per cent. coolt ut the time of sale; 20 per cent.- when title is made . . say within twenty days, and balance secured eirpreniist.'../itt mortgage in tour years or less, et the uption-or—piffelittser. Interest . 7 per cent. per annum. • - : For fultpertlculars see plan, which may be butt at the auction rooms. • • • - , ',Bale will commence et 12 o'clock-preen *. BANKRUPT'S SALE—STEEL PLATES: - -, ON THURSDAY MORNI3.IG;: June 10, at 10 o'clock,' at the auction store, south Fourth street. will be sold, without reserve, by order of the As-, slignee of John IL Eke, riaidtrupt . , nineteen Steel rbites, including George and Martha Washington, Clay, Wilt. steri 141=0,111 rout, *hermit, hbe thin; &c. AUCTION SALES, AUCTION SALES. M.AItTIN DHOTHEitB, AUCITTONItitipa. (Lately Salesmen furl[. ThOrtutil & - Sons,) Np.,=l CHESTNUT streeu'renr enrrantoo9o^4,l6.: • Sale No. 924 I.4pruce street II .. - • . SURPLUS lIOAISEOLD . UItNITURE, TW0.1 4 .FRENCH PLATE . MANTEL .MIICROItS;' , I/ BRUSSELS AND OT.IIEIt - - CARPETS, CIAMEIMIr MATTING.Si.CIIINA AND GLASSWARE,,-,&er&9., ON TUESDAY .1110ItN LNG, June I, at 10 o'clock, fit No.' 924 Spruce itreet,iirptas Household Furniture, diet, du% • :45 • •.• Rale No. 629Chnitntit straat„ ,-- . ELEGANT WALNUT rAnLon„•! CHAMBER ABS( DINING ROOM - FURNITURE, ChiekeTing.,Hogoidil wood Piano , Forty Elegant Piano Fatten mocker, French .Plate Alnntel and Pier , Mirro Fireproof Safes, made by. Lillie, EVans' ',lYittot and Farrel - &, Ilerring;Esne' Spring MatreAseei.L • and Very Superior Electrie Machine. Handsome Bruit solo and other Carpets, China and„Gpsointm BOW Sideboards. Jacquard LIIOIIIR, &c. • ' • ON WED.NESDAY, MORNING, f t• - .1 une 2, at 10 o'clock, at the auction roonss;by - cataltio,, very attractive assortment of handsome Household Fur niture, der,: Also, one share Point Breeze• Park Al4BoCiltiOn. ••• Sale No. 927 Ontario street. ' '— SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD ' FURNITURE.. aY ON THURSDAY MORNING, June 3, at 10 o . clock, at N 0.927 Ontario street. betweres Thirteenth and Broad 4dreets, aboya Poplar; the oath. Superior Household FUrnittrre,' tine:lmperial CantOPO Feather Redo, MatreAsea, Kitchen Furniture, etc. May ho oeyn early on morning of sale, . • .' , . Executrix's Sale No: 331 North Ninth street. • SUPERIOR PARLOR' AND CHAMBER' • FURNI TURE, 2 FRENCH PLATE. MIRRORS., HAND SOME BRUSSELS CARPETS, FEATHER: BEIDN R CHINA AND GLASSWARE. &c. • ON FRIDAY MORNING, • : t 10 o'clock, at N 0.331 North Ninth Street,.by'ordeik' E.xecutrix, by catalogue, the entire Superior Houtieheht i Furniture, Ac. ; May be examined early on morning of sale. rpuomAs BIRCH: . tt 'SON, Alliit.lol4 ) 11 ERRS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS,. • • No.lllo CHESTNUT, street: , . • Rear entrance No. 1107 Sansom street; Household Furniture of every description , recelYesrstlet Consignment. - , Sales of Furniture at dvreltino attended to on the reasonable terms, . : • Sale at No. MO Chestnut street': • - • HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, VEI;OOI4DES, -- STOCK OF -PERFUMRRY, alc• ; ' • • ON TUESDAY MORNING, At 10 o'clock :it the Auction Shire, No. /110 Chestnut o t4 will In, sold an assortment of:New and.begoad,hand Farr lor, Chamber, Dining'-room and Kitchen Furniture. VELOCIPEDES. Also. three two-wheel and one three-vilicel'VeloairiMet STOCK OF PERFUMERY . AND FANCY GO DC; Also, the stock of a Perfumery and Fancy Goods' Store; , . „. Sale at MO Che4nut stied. STOCK OF .A FIRST-CLASS GENTLEMEN'S Mit. NISHING STORE. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. At 10 o'clock. at the Auction Store, No. 1110 Cheat:ant street, will be sold the entire Stock of to first-class tlemen's Furnishing Store,. comprising a largelassor mem of fine Shirts, Under Shirts and-Mrawersi Line* and Paper (*Attire, Gloves of every variety, Cuffs. Stock fogs; Neck Ties, line Brushes and Combs, Perfumer*; The goods are all of the best finality, and will be soil in lots to snit pUrchasers. • • • • Catalogue will be ready on Tuesday: • ! BY 13Ap.R.ITT CO. CA SIU AUCTION ROUSE, ; • N 0.230 'DIARKET street, corner of Bank street. Cash advanced on consignments without extra cluniip*. FIRST . SPECIAL SALE OF STRAW GOODS, RI: CATALOGUE ON TUESDAY:MORNING, June 'l, commencing at 11 O'clock, Ctonprising every variety of men's, hoys; youths!, Gk. dies'. misses' and children's Straw Rats, Flats, SuaL downs, Including a full and complete assortment of newcst, sprillif 43104. RR" Sample cases, with catalogues, arranged on second. floor. LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE ON WEDNESDAY .MORNING, June 2, commencing at la o'clock; by catalogue, 1900 la% viz.: Cases nail lots of Suiumer Dre• Goads, Domestics, &e. ALS At U o'clock, large stock of Iteady-made Clothing', cow. prising Cleats, Pants, Vests A•c. • ' —Al.BO • several Stocks of goods from Retail stores. • • Particulars hereafter. , • • BUNTING, D1T11.13040W &CO: 7 , • AUCTIONEERS, Nos.= and 234-HARK ET street. corner of Bank etreet. Successors to JOAN B. 3IYBRS t CO. SALE OF 2M) CASES BOOTS, SHOES', BROGAN% HATS. CAPS, S. TRAM , • GOODS!, Ate. . ON TlrEkil/AY ADMIXING • ) June 1, at 10 tin four montlis'credit,llllollidillg 7 .', CaS1•8111i.11 . 14, boys uiff and youths' calf, klp,h leathern/II grain 'avid ry. Napoleon, Dress andfflougress Bootnama Ilainiorals; kip. buff and polished grain Brogant4;'wos. men's. 1111144eS and children's calf, kid, enamelled .artiii !cid leather, goat and morocco Mamoru's; Congress B Gaiters; Lace ootA; Ankle Tier ;Blippoi la i; ctiallo over* ,4hocn and Sandals; Traveling Bags, Shoo Lacete. Am. LARGE SALE OF. /1111ITIS.H, FREIICit, (lEIIII/4./.4 AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, " ON THURSDAY MORNING f. 3 one 3, at 10 o'clock, on four months credit. LARGE SALE OF ICARPETINGS, CANTONBINV TINGS OIL CLOTHS, etc. JAN_SIIIDAYLMORNINIis,..., June 4, at II o on four nionths' creatc;anaticam pieces Ingrain, 'Venetian, Litit. Hemp, Cottage and 84,4 Carpeting's, WOO rolls Canton Mattings, Oil 'Clothsoktv. riAvis 8c HARVEY: — AUCTIONKETtIifi .41,at0 with M. Thomas & Sons. - / Store Nee. 48 and f.O North SIXTH street Sale Nos. Viand IV North Sixth street.. - ELEGANT WALNUT FURNITURE, NAPE ROSEWOOD PIANO. FINN FRENCH PLATS MANTEL AND PIER MIRRORS, ELEGANT BUFFET. SUPERIOR. CABINET - AND:' TARY BOOKCASES, FINE CARPETS, d(c. . ON TT.TESDAY MORNING, • ' At 10 o'clOck, dubs auction rooms,a largo and attractive, assortment Nof very elegant Furniture, including hand.- sonic Walnut Chamber Suits, in oil' ritid'.varnisl4 *erg elegant Wardrobes, 'elegant Parlor Sults on tine hair cloth and green terry; large and very superior. OM:int* fet, elegant reps and terry Lounges, handsome rosewood coven octave Plano, overstrung,fmade by Flechoe,, Netec York; line French Plato Mantel and Pier .Mirrors, Walnut Cabinet and SeciTtary BOokcasos, Withittt brary Chairs, Oak and. Walnut Extensiono Table and. Dining Room Chairs, superior Setvlng Machined, - Walttitt Centre and -Bouquet Tables, Bair Matresses Fetithm. Bids and Bedding, fine Brussels, Ingrain and Venetia* Carpets.: U. Also, invoice gf Looking Glasses. Also, :000 pounds White Lead. -• Also, share Mercantile Library. TT THOMAS & SONS, 41LTCTIONEItS, Nox. 139 and 141 Sena Fourth shwa' : • Salo No. 1830 North Twelfth street. HANDSOME WALNUT PARLOR AND CHAMBER FURNITURE, BRUSSELS AND INGRAIN GAR, PETS, &r. ON TUESDAY MORNING; •• - : June 8. at 10 o'clock, at 'N0.1830 North Twelfth . streot that entire Furniture, comprising—liandsOmo Walnut '-. Par lor: Suit. co% cred with hair cloth; superior Walnut . Chamber Furniture. Dining Room Furnittire; She Hair Metresses and Feather Beds, China and Glusawaro, anion, rior Sewing Machine; Brussels and Ingrain 'Carpets. itchen Utetteilo, Stoves, &c. • AT PRIVATE SADE. .• VERY DESIRABLE FARM, 82 ACRES, Ofinahai. county. Pa.; Mansion and Out-buildings; tine ntilotion% Valley Forge Station and Perklemon Junction, TO RENT—A very largo anirelegant Country Beg and Malliioll, with all modern conveniences:gam. hot an & cold water: out-buildings, beautiful garden, ac; Twoal• ty-seventh Ward . , suitable for a boarding-house.: • D , SCOTT, JR., ACTCTIONEtR; • SCOTT'S ART (; , ,‘LLI.3II.Y, • lOW CHESTNUT street. Philadelphia. LARGE SPECIM L E EN SA OF WHITE IRON STONEWARE. • The attention of Hotel Proprietors, Housekgepers'arti others is mailed to a Large Sale of Loported White Iron Stoneware, from one of the best' English manufacturers, to be gold at Scott's Art Gellery.lo2o Chestnut street, • (IN TUESDAY MORNING, June 1, at 'lO,, o'clock,,in lots, o suit, consisting in part of Tea Sete, Toilet Sete, Dinner Sets. &c., the whelo. comprising a general assortment, suitable for Hotels and Private Faunlike. EXTRA QUALITY TRTPLE- SILYER PLATED .• WARE. • • Also, a full and general assortment of extra quality Triple Silver Plated Vi s aryt warranted as epreseuted or 0 sal \__ ... _ R. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER; W ALNUT stregt. EX Ecuronw SALE 15:600 - SHARES PIIILADEL- Pll IA GAS FIXDS TUR En ES NCIPANY. ON WEs.k Y. one 9.1869:at 12 o ela 1 at the Philadelphia Exchange, by order ofl: xecntore, 15.600 shares stork' in the Phila delphia 4 ;ie Fixture', Company: par . For infarinatiam relating to the Company, application Can be - made to LANE .v RONEY, Attorneys, IQo., pap South Fourth street. T E PRINCIPAL MON EY ESTABLI,§If corner of SIXTH kill RACE streets. . 31,11, , V it on Merchandise generall) , —Watoles. aaw,4r;, niaamab., Gold and Silver Plate, awl articles of ,ala , ., fur an v length of time agreed on. • WATCHES A _ll JEWELRY AT PRIVATE Sktar. Fine (kid Hunting liti.O.Poliblo Uottotil alid 0 pen Facet Et Ae English, mrican - and Swiss Patent Lever ‘l , *itches;- , . Fl u ,..tiolii IL mating nnte and Open laeo Loplito Watches; Fine t:old Duplex and other Watch..4' ' Fine : Silver rant mg es and Open Fars English. Atnerican ,and Swim* I Patent Lever and Levine Watches,,• Double Case English (mealier and .ot her Watches; laadiesTFaineY t Watches; Diamond Brenstpine;. Finger Binge; Ear Rings; Studs ke.t Fine Gold Chains; Medallions; ,Itraeme,tag s e inst Flits; Breastpins; Finger Mugs; rimed Cases add Jew, . Ore gruer u ily , oti it lit SALE—A largo a valuable - Flreprt: Oh all s+ tuitnble for a Jeuttller; coat Also. several Lots in South Camden', Fifth awl Chest,. tint streets. ... • , L. ASHBRIDGE CO.; AUCTION: EERS. No. 505 'MARKET street: above Fifth. .$ SALE OF-BOOTS- SHOES. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING; June 2, tat 10 o'clock,rwe ,sell by catalagtht.,abont 1000 packages of Boots and Shoes, of 'city awl liasteit•ti Ir ak e . Also, PO cases Hats told Caps, to whichthe atten , - Don of City end Country buyers is called. ' 91 A, MGCLELLAND, 9.IO7(CTIONEER;" , 1219 CHESTNUT street- ) CONCERT BALL AUCTION ROOMS. - • • - _ itea r 001ra DOO on Clover stmot: 7 Ronsilhold urnituro and Alertinuidiso eioride 4 c" o " tion reeoived ou consivnnent.- ' Palen of. Furuituni nt iiivellinge attended to ou saasunablo tering,' , • C. D.3IeCLIIES ' AUoiriciZlEEitSV' w BOOT AND SAL .8 EVERX 1017 - 11 1 .64- Tg7l-7101W -1 In g from steamer Tonawanda, and for 10%W M[ COOUltAlf. Ct. tool otreot.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers