_,-Iglillt,': C TY BULLETLN,--- • • . . Tut.: .14iNtfrrEni ti) Ayr 1.•--.A:-'inecting of, friends of „ion. L. D. Bas.4ett, reeently - , appointed Minister to the republic of .Hayti, \VW , held - last evening. :It Liberty Hall, Lom bard street, near Eighth. .1. C.. Wears was appointed chairman, ,aatt. a, number, of vice presidents' \veto imined. Dr.' RoSsell, W. l'arnell, Wm. C. Banton and E. Y. Veining net-cal:is secretaries:, The,;;PreSideut briefly stated the object .of thetineetibe, after Which' a motion prevailed for the appointment of a committee to draft resolutions. The cone 7, udttee reported :3;prealablevidal,xerloiiltion ,' settitig-forth thelfeellag of regilif felt ht the -- loss of Mr. Bassett, from Philadelphia, and ex pressing a deSire that he might reach his place otdestruationiTUsafetymidi lie eimbled htlairs of the"Vetple "he "rept& stinted With discretion, and in a way that would prove advantageous to them. 'Addresses : were then made by J. C. Wears,' B. Reese, - 11. Purvis, Rev. G. D, Miller and \Viii. B. Vidal, after which the resolutions Were 'adopted.i..,; , : mr.Bassett was then introduced. He said : Mr. Cliairnwq, Lad ies and Uentlein en , Friends ortubeforb fi' 111th= criee'When't - desired to be able to - shy' so a& thing that would adequately express the thoughts and etoptitinkokAy atenit ZILS upon the, pr sent occasion,: and never stool' before atiaudienee When .r felt that to say'. .If yea excuSe a personat . refer- enee to Myself; I Would state, that for the last,. four daysi have been,. i.t'Were;.living upon the cars, am quith r hiiprepareil - : , to ;attires:4 - phi, anti Yet I cannot forhear ,to express to } , o;in the Warta feelings • of my, heart our very g a ireatcOnSideratibit andikindtie , e; as uthifested..here Jo-night:,::. and More than. alai at the spirit "Ai lneti prphipts;this, tation. . Mr:PreSident,yott May rememberas I 46, fourteen Years' ago When I, first mine into this lilss:l.tinte, among you it who laud just Obtained:his Majority.' At that tune the fugitive slit - 013w Was the law" of,the land. , The right to the ltabeifis, eOrpitS, the'right , of trialby pry, - WaS Strieken;doWn in that act, and tiou,sir, , Lid all of. us, bk the terns of that la*; might:UVeibeen snatched before a petty magistrate, riitl htirritidthrengh a 4citni of trial, tihd ourselves doomed to toil. utlcin the .plains o± Carolina.'A' Compromise' waS„made,,Osteiisibly in: the Interest of free dom, lint really in the interests of slavery, which had stood for thirty years. The President Of the United; States, the Con gress of the . rinted States ~the army and 111WS, and; altiS ; alas! the ,jUdicntry-Aiad -all jailed haildArf the great work Of upholding slavery. In the courts of-New York the famous Lemon case was ruitied tlirOugh in the form of ;t trial. '• Shortly afterwardi; you Nvili remember, also, the decision of the Supreme Ctinrt, which was intended to spread 'slavery all over the na tional &main an our Territories. But domina ti tin and tyranny manifested toward one class of beings beget a corres ponding manifestathitt — to all classes of beings, _ and the -,resUlt ' was:' that the elt in the North fouad , that the question whether four millionS of negroes should be held in sla very and deprived-of-their rights was no longer the question for them to consider ; but it was a question . - whether the thirty millions of white beings' in the country should continue their freedom; for no man at the time of which I speak lived so far from the centre of slavery that he could freely express his opi nions; that, he could plant himself freely and firmly against - the encroachments of slavery upon the rights of speech - without incurring social and political hatred.. After reterring:to the recent war, the Pro fes.,or continned: Von come to-night not merely to testify your friendship and regard for me, although I. ap preciate that, but you -come also to express your approval' of , an flppointment -which has beehmade to:one of our race. You CORK; to express your gratitiedion at this evidence of the growth of out cause—the growth of the chase of freedom and humanity .all over our land, from the gulfs to the Carolinas, and from ocean to ocean,_ ' • These years that•l have been among you are the best years, as they. are the most active •+.!ars_ollourdives.: ;I•lfave been; in and. out among you during these years. I have walked these streets, broken bread with you, and have lived among you and find. myself surrounded by attachments, aeon:tint:lines, and by asso- etations from which it is not easy to separate. Coniing among you a mere lad, I leave you in the riper years of manhood. Inthese fourteen :..eam we lave stood shoulder to shoulder, and step by step have all of US struggled for the great cause of humanity and progress among our race, the tide sometimes setting for as,and sometimes against us. ahe claws for whiCh our fathers prayed, and for Which, ninny of them bled, We arc per- ••• witted to enjoy here this day; now I leave you fur a field of labor in another, land. 1 leave you with the assurance that 1 go with the best wishes of all you who know me best, and Ido , assure You that this will be a right arm of strength to me in my new field of labor. Igo to a people of whom we have no occasion - to be ashtuned. My distinguished and learned friendjMr. Kee se, has referred to the history of that country, but helailed to call your atten tion to one point in its history. .1 will not go into particUlars, but I think we • may safely say that in the history of Hayti. we have the, only' example in, history where a nation ground down laygenerations of slavery raised up unaided, unadvised—the civilized nations of the world . combined against her— and fought for her freedom. 'Applause.) It is with some pride, therefore, that I feel I can goaccredited by : you, sustained by vOur hopes and prayers, to a people who' have proved their nobility and their title to a high place among the nations of the earth. I feel, indeed, my frieMis, that, identified as I am, as we all are with :these. people, by tics of love; - by ties ,• ceininen • Ongin; by ties of common suffering; as well /n 8 1/y ties of a common humanity; tidenti tied with you as I am, and with this ,country by birth and domain and a lifelong residence I helieVe that with these relatiOns I shall not bring any dishonor. I may fail in My mission, but I shall bring no dishonor upon the fair name of our race,in tlds•country and abroad, for integrity,lionesty, and hOnor; that I shall tiring no stain upon the glorious old 41:1,„,.o. of our country lapplauselatial that I And] put no hindranees against the on- - ward march of a nobler freedom and a nobler Gentleinvi, and friends and • neighbors, I may fail in thiS mission, but promise you this—as I said in Washington the other day, to one of the highest ofli vials in the country,—an honest heart, a noble endeavor, and a true patriotism. ')Appian e.] I may,fail, lint, - gentlemen and friends, I can Nay his: "Let others do us they will, let ' others think as they m ay, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." I,Ap;• plause.l • - On Thursday evening next the farewell re ception to Mr. Bassett, - by the G. C. 0. of 0. F., will take place at Liberty Hall. Tin: (76,NT ESTE].) eSSFS. W. P. Messiek and li. M. Batturs, examiners,held another session yeSterday afternoon. John n ol)evitt, 1420 ..".storth Second; Michael cDonald, Pink street, above Master; Arthur Keep:in, rear of 1436 Aimlie:l; Michael Con lon; Aueriea and Jelferson; -Janies!Donzwlly, re:u. 1444 America - ' Geo. Fey, 1448 America; Jas. Davidson, 238.1cflerson; Alex. Davidson, Jefferson; Fred. :NI ann. 143,5 Cadwalader; John Speigellialter, 1420 Pink; Qarroll, Pink street; Wne -Mclntyre, Beatty's - court, testified that tbey voted the Democratic ticket i n the Sixth division of the Seventeenth Ward. I Attaeked l v eonv.stants as unassessed vob•rs.i. - Thomas 1 irri:r,11111) (7adwalader street; :lbs. 152:I lierniautown road, testified to having yoted the Democratic ticket in the -1,4-yent-le4ivision-ollw--Serenteenth-Wartkat • the October election. AAttacked by contest :tins as unassesSeWylderm. 7 '' Henry OlLse testitiod—Live 1423 German town road; know Jacob Meltzer. he lived with me at the time of the Oetobei. ejection; • lie came there in January, 1868; my wife was twist:Own - when she testified that lie did not livethere. IMenzer „ . • preaeners hi Paris 110 W 'take the 'wind for benevoletit'or. elotrell Puri cites by arr anging, lotteries of a very pectin aide ficdptfon.' The prizes drawn are no other than they theinftelves—that is to say, the .y v t imers have the Eight to elaim their m. rv i e ,. s . preaeliers;'&e:, - fOr 'three or live days': Tii6 itlea has, in stivt;ral eases, betu a very stteceas• itl Day. • ••• NEW-JERSEY- MAItZTEIII9,.. • . . A, Tenon C.Asi.--YesterdaY the :Court :was ocenpied during- ' the day with.o. dase,SomeWhat disgusting iu character, but which only went to show to What extent of degradation human beings can go when unrestrained by moral in fluences and , was an - -indictment charging a man named W. H. Emmons with a Violent and outrageous Assault and battery upon woman'inauibellironens. 'lt appeared from the Com Plaint, and evidence that the woman belonged to Philadelpbia,and hadc`ome to Vaniden for the purpose of 'VlSiting - .seine acquaintances.. It is 411040 that She Went to a house near the . :,line ' the city; *There . iiretty free - badidgenco was given to thinking, ,and where she uietthis man Emmons. , Both partieS became pretty: Well in, t4Weated when :they left the . honSe together. After;theY had gone some dist:looin!) an out: Of-the-Way' place, the Woman swears that Emmons committed a violent ass:WlC:lnd bat tery upon her with felonious.. intentieri,imat, ing her about head aud person With brick bats; and kicking her in a shametnl .maimer. Her injuries were so severe that she was Obliged to go to the Hospital. When brought into the Court she had to be. takeif there on a settee to give in her testimony. , The case? is a peculiarly bard one. indicating - what rum and licentiousness will do. . "if ,;g :IxcEz,itlnitr FinE.—The Work of 'ince''- , di nisei begins again to excite 'the 'people of Camden.. Vor spine ttine - past they baye. en= jeyedateitiperativ6 froin sit& ittn-'' Igen, and had partially fancied.that 'the evil 7 disposed had seen and felt the clireYeonse.' ipiences of such a course of prOadnre;•and re 7 Solved to become good citi4ens."But last night,' about twelve .9'o°4, the iliPpOWAVo,;toorch Wasagainanpliedfp a carpenter shop on, Mar ket ,stroo,. near ' the Comity Court "House;, owned' and occupied by Mayberry Thirding, in which a large amount of lumber was stored. alsO contained dye et six hundred dolly s well - hot dashed weirk, Such as doors,blindS, and easingS, together With Many Valuable tools, :di' of which were completely The loss Cannot be less than twelve hundred dollars, with no insurance. Several of the rounding fences Were considerably dainaged. TEMPERANCE BLESSING.—Last evening Di- - Visien No. 14,Sons of Temperance,of, Camden, held a jubilw at the Court House,; which was largely att47ltdeci, itinL , the ceremonies of a highly interesting character. .The, cause of. temperance was represented to be- in a pros perous and advancing condition. TABERNACU: I...APTIEA vIIIIRCIL—.I.ne con-. gregation of the Tabernacle Baptist Church of . Camden . baN72pst provided themselves with fine organ ~ : Church, and last evening a 'rand 'opening.concert was given for 'the pur . - pose of raising funds to assist in paying for it. Smonr FutE.---About 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon a slight fire occurred in the factory of .1. B. Thompson, on Mickle, above Fourth street, but which was suppressed with slight damages CITY NOTICES. CLOSING OuT SALE. THE ENTIRE STOCK TO BE CLOSED. OUT IN IITY - DAYS. tireat Bargains in Dress Goods ! rent Bargains in Black Silkel Japanese Silks reduced to fp 25',_ Silk Poplins reduced froml 45 to 61! Bargains! Bargains ! Bargains! • • A. & J. 11. 11AirritoLomEnes. Xi North Eighth street. Tia: leading Hat mid Cap Store in the city is 534 and Siti Chestnut street, Oaktord X South: THOSE UNIFORMS The letter earrirrs of this eity }hive been deceived. Oh, what a pity ! If they had bought. their clothes front Stokes They'd have been served like eher folks. But such.was not the ease, Ala) now they fool: with doleful lice Into their picket-books, and nay • BAs FLOW!: AWAY! Itio how or where they do not know, ler it they hoer nought to .dtmc. Tlwyrxamiue their uniforing with care, BUT 5.90 Is NOT TILERI. TA° good flviee, gentle folkm. buy your clothing all from b'tokes, _ • COAL 11:EA HER, EXACTLY AN•I'STINING RE ; hretakiint and preparing coal in the yard I.y nit ..hinery: S. W. eqr.l'ltirtevnth and Waßliington are. • • Si\i:Eß'. SEwtS“ MACHINES ”LI cusi”A terms. by 0. F. DAVIs,BiO Chestnut street • To TH E LAMES.—Latlies can get the latest sty] , of Hat.; and Cap, at CliarleA Oakford Sons'. 831 and 1,36 atreet. ut price,. lower than anywhere cirA, in the city. . CARINS. Invigted Nails, skillfully Ditvid,"n/ No. 915 Cliestilitt street. Charges moikrate. __ _ • THE VEitmoNT Spitvct; IVATEit Th.. Lrr,l,t t1•1 ,, ,1r for ralic..r, Scrofula. Di. 1...• and otlwr alf.•ctions. Sold by Jolot,tot .11olluwity k Cowdeu, (An Ari.:llstreol. '•\.. FEY SI - TtEltlott COLONY TE:6 (Black), i r.. h. 15 Ile, Caddie, al rt great mlurtiett retail Price,:. 2t).5 N.Niuth ai and 1036 Abrket STRANGERS in the city who are in want of a tine. Hat or Cap of the latest style• ran, procfire it at Charles Oakford S Sons'. Kit Chestnut street. lET and SOOthln the pain of children 1 - Pf4l in:.:—Ube Bower's Infant Cordial. Sold by all Drn , gists. SVRGIC.II. .I.ZST3ttrAIENTS ;Intl drugaiSts' sun ssownws & BROTHER, 23 Smith Eighth street. DEAFNESS, BLiNDr.s.cESS AND CATARRH., .1. lvaacF, N. I).. Professor of the Eye and Ear, treats all II it,eatO'S appertaining to tho.rabovennembers with the otroo:4 succene. Testimodials from 'the most reliable ~nrees in Ihe city can be ticeu at his office, N 0.805 Arch nt rect. The medical faculty are-invited. to, accompany, their. patients. at; he halt ue•aocreta in hie nractice.- eye 6 iliFerteti. elarge nuale for examination. •MISCELL'ANEOUS. CLARK & 'EVANS, No. 630 Che:4tii:u.t Street OPEN DAY MVO EVENING. l u bbfrirr at Arlanufactuyers! Prices Retailing at Wholesale. Prices. Gold Walehet,' Silver ,Wafehi!4, Fio Jeyelry, Plat M . IN'It re, Acenrolions; Chruinop, Photograph Albums, nimily Bib 'rtl (ithry Cutkry Po•k , t ,kle„ Money Htv,A by.plirclituTh CLAR ,Lp2.l p Do .rixtra. VANILLA CHOCOLATE • • "AN 17 77 - SIiPERFINE CONFECTIONS For Choice .Pi•epr;ents. „ . 1 17EPHEN 117 ? WHITMAN, mANtlyAcTunEir,• • . No. 1.5210 Market Street.. nly22.3trp TITST RECEIVED—ANI) IN STORE 1,000 Clig.'ll of. Champagne, sparkling Catawba and Cali-. fi,rnia. Wiwi+, Port, !Madeira, Shorty, ..liitnak'ai and Santa crtw, Huta, fine old lirandies and Wbolesale' ItMall. P. ,1 . JORDAN, '220 Pear street, 'Lltird and Walnut ittreutti, awl above Doelc btret.t. dal U TUE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PIIILADELPIIITA, ypESDAY I .1 . !44Y 25 1869. • -•• C ICE!, ICE • - ,-,OFF: 1 0.1 4 ; 1 KNICKERBOCKER ICE COMPANY, WO. 43.7,41. 11 ' 13treet PHILADELPHIA.. i E i stabusheols3l:.,. ; Ircorpopited,lB64. • Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Shippers of E.A.,S7ErFartINT . loQg, THOS. E. CAHlLL,President; E. P. HERSHOW, Vice-President; A.J.IINTiTregs,AreyOE,,,A: CORNELL , Secretary;. T. A. imipin", Superfnterident. Ice delivered daily in all parts of,rhe copsolidatod city, Kest IthilacielPhla, Haututi, HiultraOuti; D t ri4esburg, tioga and Orerutafitown. ' Prices for families, offices, ete;;lkir . ls69: pounda daily ' ' '• ' 60 cents per Week.• 12. , , , _ "' " 16 " ;I. " efl 05, " Verge' Constimers at 'wholesale nrlceV. • • Orders sent to'the office' neaps of the folltiwing depots, Will.reeeive prompt attenion: North' Peuutsylvania Rail road, and Master .a ,treet, street wharf, Delaware avenue, Bridge`avemie' and WillOWistreet,' 'Twenty- Seaond and Hum iltou strectusagintlf strektfinacliWiiihing ton avenue, and Pine streerwharf,,tichuylki,fl: ice! . Ice! ' , lce! Ice! Joe! B..J.:WILLIAMS , dr - SONS' No. 16 - , North Sikth ittAlil:TTACTltptS,: l 24` ; - .t VENETIAN BLINDS' ' • WINDOW , SHADES , Liirge and tine assortment at low prices. STORE SHADES made and lotjered. , • : Cornices, Cords, Tfiesela, Repairing, • ' myl I lining, OAS . FIXTURES AM) CHANDELIERS, NEW STYLES never before offered in this 'intact. , . A large assortment IRON AND BRONZE GAS FIXTURES, • NEAT, CHEAP AND DURAB: Every variety of .' .Kerosene Lamps acid Fittings. GERMAN STEDENT LAMPS. COULTER, JONES 8c CO., 702 Arch Street. Imrp Statiotiery', ;Potfuinery4; Suspendeis,.. . . •Neck Ties, 1100, ry , Cassthtcl eH. Lin 6. Tamil Clovers, Linen Napkins, Linen linadkerchiers; Woolen Table Coierti, Notions, SiO„,,Sce g your pods of & EVAISTS atlt==M :1; FITLER, WEAVER 8: co. . NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOw IN FULL OPIJATIONI • . , N 0.22 N.WkTER street and 23 N.DELAWARE avenue AMUSEMENTS. MERICAN ACADEMY OF A COMPLIMENTARY TESTIMONIAL TO MRS. FRANK MORDAUNT, • ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON,' May 29th. .THE ARCH STREET COMPANY and DODWORTH'S ORCHESTRA,' By kind permission of DIRS. JOHN DREIV; - CA It N CROSS 3 DIXEY 'S NINSTRELS, 2 • By' kind permission of Messrs. CARNC ROSS t DICEY. And the TYPOGRAPHICAL DRAMATIC ASSOCIA THIN .will all appear on this occasion. ItOBE.ET CRAIG S Burlesque of . • BARRE BLEU}. PAY AFTER THE WEDDING, ETHIOPIAN ECCENTRICITIES a,.1 FAMILY JARS • • Will constitute the Performance. ] Admission. ro . cents - Reserved, Seats; Si o). Family t!ircle and Amphitheatre, 2.s'centit. Secured Seats may be had at Trumplor's Music Store, 'No. ttR Chestnut street ,and at Covert's News Exchange, he Continental Hotel and at the Academy Doors open at I u clock. TO commence at 2. it 'S. C. DUBOIS, Stage Manager. IVIRS: JOHN DI EW'S ARCH: STREET 1.11 THEATRE. Begins at I.j•to 8. FIRST WEEK OF THE ENGAGEMENT pl? MR. JNO. COLLINS, Comedian and Vocalist. THIS. TUESDAY, 1: NIN G THE IRISH .AMBASSADOR. Sir Patrick OTlenipo ' JOHN COLLINS Witlt two of his Lest. songs. Concluding with the farce of 110 W TO PAY THE RENT. 3lorgan Battler (with songs) .. . .. ; ... COLLINS FRIDAY—BENEFIT ,c)1 MR. COLLINS. WLAN UT STREET THEATRE. THIS. TUESDAY , JINENING. May 25. ENGAGEMENT FOR six. NIGHTS ONLY Of the eminent tragedian MR. E. CEAVENPORT. Conuneneing with O'Keefe s Comedy . in 3 acts. of WILD OATS; Olt, THE STROLLING GENTLEMAN. To conclude with the Nautical Drama of BLACK-EYED SUSAN. WILLIAM(with songs) E. L. DAVENPORT . IVEDNESDAY, , A new Romantic Play, entitled IIILDA; OR, THE PEARL OF CHIVALRY, CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE J7E. mcnoNor Glf Second time in this city, TliE JUDGMENT_OF_ VARIS; OR, TAE FROM CRFFIK 4 • With New Scclicry New Music, itc,, in Wild' VALL's ELISE MOLT lII:RLESOVE von; APPEAR. MATINEE ON SATURDAY. FRlDAY—llencfit of Mine WETHERSB Y._ EATEE COMIQUE • SEVENTH StrPet. ',Plow Arch. Commencing at 8. .31 - ESSRS. TUNISON S: CO Proprietors A NEW OPERA TO-NH - HIT; MISS SEBIN . GALTON, . • The young and giftedprinin donna, an• • • - FLORETTE, TilE CRICKET. In n hew four net opera (first time). entitled FLORETTE,T/IE CRICKET. The whole Company to appear.in the cast CHESTNUT STREET RINK A GEAD SUCCESS A OATA:I'IMB-7:IT.FIDAX MAY 25t11, FIFTH GRAND EXHIBITION. The exhibitions 'given at this Binh have been attended by the FASHION AND,ELITT, OF PHILADELPHIA, , Froin 2.000 to BMOO 'parsotas present eYery exhibitiot eight. Don't fail to visit the VELOCIPEDROME TUESDAY NIGHT. ' A contest for the Chaniplonship of Philadelphia nr , take place for GENTS AND-BOYS. THE GOLD MEDAL AGAIN TO BE CONTESTED FOR. Alpo. the Silver Wald. • FOR TiIE OIIMOPION BOY BIDER, TWO 0:It 'MORE TO ENTER. which . , YALtABLE PRESENT, To be preheated to the BEsT LITTLE• MEL BIDER UNDER TEN YEARS of AUE. To the FASTEST BOY RIDER IN THE DOUBLE RACE. DOUBLE -RACE FOR GENTS. At - the conclusion'of the raced TWELVE NEW AND BEAUTIFUL VELOCIPEDES Will be sold at Public Auction, on account of whom it may concern. • Admission Exhibition Night, 25 cents. OW - Veloclpedes for sale at Factory Priees. FOX'S AMERICAN, WALNUT STILE? f, EIGHTH. THE THEATRE OP THE WORLD lUtl ARTISTES. EVERY EVENING, AND SATURDAY at 2 o'clock. The only Permanent Matinee iu the city. THIS EVENING, THE CH ON' Fitt WONINGI,I•"PDE Thoin BAPEZ ly live years of age) JOE EMMETT —Duteli'Smigs and Dances. THE Two GRAND BALLETS, By De Rona, Ventnroli, the Premiers, 1111(1 Ballets. CADE F M\ OIL ARTS, ..tx; , CIFESTNET street, abOiOTenth. Open from A:Mtoa P. M. Benjamin West's Great Picture of --^ .CIIRIST.D.EJEUTBD. •• • still on exhiliitiOn. pi22-tf AI RS. MORDAUNT'S BENIT MATI NEE; SATURDAY, 29th EF of Mai, AROU STREET .111..EA71IISIMP1 NY. m l - t P ENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE • ARTS. THE FORTY-SIX TIT ANNUAL SPRING EXITTRI; TION OP PAINTINGS, SCULPTURE, te., is now Admission 21-cents. Season Tickets 50 centg. Open front IA: M. to 01ii I'.'N., and from 73,1 to 10 P. N. • , np2ti-niv INSTITLJTJON A Olt E •1 Lli,iliiinx i'VPTI' WE nt Ski 'P.M Admin Niolf 15 etH. Stor . ,l No 11 South Eighth str FiIAS4I.IA ir its. AI ORDALTN TS 'BENEFIT j.u. NEE SATURDAY, 29th OP ' MAY. ARCII bTREET THEAThE COMPANY. myls tf SPANISFF—OLINTSPINE *SPANISH ollves In half-gallon and two and a half gallon lo'. For vole by VETEIt. 'WRIGHT ..tSONS, 115 Walont et. C _ BALES • (lima) N .pi QW ..• o ° 1 1 21 ( 1 ) n N g nn and for vale by - COVaIIiVN , it U SULI & 00,,1NT.'14 IV ortt; rivut rimer -` Eb~BA . YE `v _ —GERM ANTOWICZ - -F•XR - 13 -- A. - 1: - .F.1— = Jill Pleasant house on DWI. Lane, west side, n short ; distance above the toll-gate, at :corner -of-t.lhurth Lane 011111 street /, with threw acreS :of ,ground, , Largwparlori With dining-room; sitting-room, two , kitchenw, two pan— tries On first floor, nine ehttinberM , Gond cellars-Pointed StonWstable and coach-house, stalls for live horses or eows, space for , three :carriages, water :at, the stable: Bay loft! and hen-house.: :IVldo.pinczatwell shaded with large evergreens; gratindw neatly laid out, large and , excellent kitchen ,:garden, •ablindance of !small 'fruits, especially raspberries, of which the choloest , kinds; care fully selected, including auttuumbearlngt 'grates, straw herriees and enrrantsi near one: hundred young- dwarf : pears, of best sorts. 11 ester by hydraulic rruil..Bat.h,rangs and furnace. Haase always dry; it , and. the grounds in excellent outer. Pricwel7,ooo. Apply between 10 and 12 0 dock; to 111; LEA., 420 Walnut. lininediatw posses- Mon. Can be seen at any time. , : my2stu th s3tt OR, ' FOR SALEDWELL,IN OS. : STORES.-1510 N. Tenth street, lot 27 x75, stile yard, and all modern improvements: 1323 Brandywine street; lot 16:60; . 8 rooms and-bath; side alley; II bargain. • ..• •• • . : . 2521 N. Broad. , Lot 2.511Ti..10. • .7.500. • • F 6.59 N. Broad ed., •. 1311 N. Broad st., . • 1305 Brandywine Si., . 817 N. Sixteenth st,, • , 13117 N. Fifteenth st., 18'27 N. Fifteenth st.. • 1114 Master st., In) N. Nineteenth st, • • 1300 N. Nineteentli st., . IWO Franklin 1711 N. Ninth st.; . . 611 N. Eleventh st.c .• • • 1630 Mt. \ ernonst.r 1521 Wallace st. • • 1101 Wellington street. •Lot 16 by 72. Ten rooms.. ,Mo, dm., improvements. Terms t ifirst-lass WOO borhood. Only, 5:5,700. -For get he Register, price 4 cgme.: Conveyancing and collectingpromptlY at iv J. - tended to, for hich most •respectfully solicit. your pa,. tronago. , , my2s 8419 Broad strel t. a RESIDENCEI423 POPL It STREE tkree-st4y brick P 11610 1 1; (43.imit/Y finished; large grounds 68 by 167, InkY -, out with fruit:nun ping bach to Carlisle stOet; only one their, above street.. Fur.. sole cheap, C. .ifFTSEIT l&INC West, Depot, Germantown. AV; FO , SALE. Olt 'EXCHANOP la R city , property-4. heantiful • country . resident:iv, stable rual„ carriage-house, }with one, acre .of. ground, on the' Pennsylvauia Itailroad ~10 miles from the city, about one soyare from. Beeseville SlatiOn; access to the el t y. almost hourly. ; .Apply to or addreds COABLES' THOMPSON, Spruce and Pine Street Railway Depot, Philadel . mv2s-tu BM' Amt ~F OR— S ASE- 4 DW EL L R7i4i, .13:4 soca. , Biwa& gfretit,inuthenSt curner of Sant per. lot ,tl.) by 120 feet., ' Apply to ' u.A.ctrp, • • • • my2l6t",` - ' ••••. , 233 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE—A MODERN TARED story bliek Building, 11 rooms, in good order' in a pleasant neighborhood, , with •gas,"bitth• circulating' boiler, and water-closet with drain to SeWer,l'Ut 18 feet 4 incheS by 129 feet deep to a back street; two fronts. Ap ply on the, premises, 1322 Coates street. my24-2t* FOR SALE OR -TO, RENT:--14 , idan hrmdpome'Comitty Seat, with 13 - 'term 'of land, within India mile of Abington Stntion,-11. R.• Price 6'12.000. 1t..) :DOBBINS -, Ledger Building.; Rent $l,OOO per annum. • ' • • nIY23 3t*' • • fti FOR SALE .O] RENT-A HOUSE BlLkw , and lot,loofeet front bylr,o feet deep, on Elwood lane, fiermantOwn avenue, Rising Sun village. ALsOfti large lot near the same, about 200 feet sqUare. Inquire at , 712 311ARIIET; STREET, my2l,6t§ \ Second story. in FOR. SALE 011, , EXOLLANUE-- , .. Zdtifirst.elnas Country Seat and Farm, containing 50 acres. 19 of 'which is in lawn; Large and Elegant' Man sion. Tenant llouse,Gardelleeli Cot tage;ciarriage House, Barn. Ice House, Spring House i Sm.,B miles north of the' city. near railroad, and convenient to churches, stores, Sc. Will be sold on very easy terms, or exchanged for tirst-class city- property. Address J. S. T., Box 175 E P. 0. laying ~ V, FOR SALE NEAT THE EE-STORY FM Stone Cottage, good location, Germantown, near depot; 9 roms; every convenience. Lot :30 by 110 feet. Price, 8, o 4,300. id-tf ;.; J.lll. P. WALLACE, 129 S.. Sixth street. cr... TO EEN T-1N GER NI A.NTO N, iL for the summer, a snil!, furnished .house, Apply at 525 Minor st.. Phila. myrl39.th s tun' B A NDSOME COUNTR -- Y SEAT FOR containing 23 acres' smierior land, %invited on tho Gulf Mills road, tine Mile from :Villa Nova Station, on the Pennsylvania Contrail Railroad. Modern vtono mansion, with evory city convenionceexcapt gas; stable, carriage house, chicken linute, ice 'must!, &v. Lawn handsomely improVed miff evergreen trees and shrubbery. Also wing and spring house, and a stream of water running through the move; fruits and berries of all kinds. J. M. GUMMEY > 50N5,733 \Wal nut street. 117.1„ FOE, SAL E-TH E THIa,E-STORY brick Dwelling with three-story double back build ings, situate No. 1155 North Thirksmth street; has every noslorn convenionre. Tonna acemmuodating. J. 11. 14:MALEY k SONS, 733 Walnut street. KAOLIN, FAR3L—IFOR SA L E.—A LILL valuable' tract of 50,avren of land, the whtik of whiclr underlaid with an inexhaustible bed of Kaolin; situate ~a the lille of the Baltimore I !entrol Itailetwl, within 11 miles of the Viti of Philadelphia. Improvements consist of mansion, dwelling • hythwa for operatives. and all nect,ratry outbuildings. Also. all the machinery and tools Feu nisito for working t he clay. SONS,e lowa. vtilar*. itpply to J. M. Gt;3I3IEY t ;33 W - olfult st mot • • , . fcl FACTORY BUILDING YOR SALE 1 ii or to rentSitunted on Tit puty..tbird,Srinsoul and Dunlap strogs.3 frontri, very rotbotantially bnilt,.• lot •34 feet front by 116 feet deep. S. N. 01:31 . 211EY. .$0.1.'31 733 'Walnut street. • , • . . FOR SALE .—A THREE-STORY EMI Bt w n Sti Frpitt .31',.R4unge. No. MS Spruce tro , t rosews:niOn early. A pply ; td C OPPUCI JOB.- I),S.N, 433 :Walnut stroet. MI I? '0 It S LE. A • H.ANDSO E Zal.. Dwelling. )721 Vine afiv et A liandaffine Reahlence, We at fi Ihnulsonie Dwelling Arch at. above Sixteenth. A Modern Dwelling. ilia) Sergeant atrcet. A BlhillieSei Location, Stran-berry Areet. Two Modern Dwelling. , , West Philadelphia. A Modern Dwell lug, Sixteenth and - Cherry .streeta. AP , IY COPPDVK JOB DA NATI Walnut street. CREESE - & - Mc CO - LEUM , REAL ESTATE AGENTS. ' • . Office, J0(4E01011 street, opposite Mansion street, Capp Island, N. J. Neal Estate bought and sold. Persons desirous of renting cottages during the 'season 1t•ill apply or address as oboes. . . . . Respectfully refer to Chas, A .bicton, Hen ni 'Durum, Francis 11c1Iv thi, Augustus Merino, John Davla and W. W. Juvenal: feddf§ rl in 1 A w've ". , T O • RENT,LARGE IcolTureititifirep 731 WALNUT STREET, . Suitiade fonalint-elassjaw yer.„— my22-3t7 - E l ... ICI IET. SMALL NEATLY FUR- - Dished house in West Philadelphia, north:Of Market street, for a tecni of font or Six Months, on liberal terms to 0 satisfactory tenant. Address . J. W. B. my2ll 6t* . 31 South Third street. • ---• . f,i FOR RENT—NO. 1834 SPRUCE ST.— 6-1; , ) Furnisheil. Apply, between 10 and 2. to J. L.IIAIIIIIAR, iny2s-in,tll,l , 4t*. No. 70S Walnut Street. ....._ nTo - RENT—FURNISHED SU3IMER . Residence, on they Delaware river, one mile north of Bristol: • Commodious house, neatly furnished, three acres of around, testify laid out and bountifully sup - Plied:with fruit and shade trees. A Very desirable place. 1436 Lombard street. Modern House. furnished, for six ThOlitilkl or Sear.. ROBERTGRAF FEN.A SON, 037 Pine street. .Manager Oa TO LET—THE DWELLING NO. ii.a.l2X3 Chestuut street. niy2.s-tit th s-3t* fM COlll SEAT TO RENT AT 11 Olney, containing 12 room". Fruit and blade tret•H, .labling, .Vic. Apply to JANES YOUNG, No .509 Sprite() Fared,. inyW:Sr ea TO RENT —TWO DESIRABLE RES IDENUES, Frankford Bond, corner of F . ranklin Ceiotery - Aveite{W , oo -- and :$7OO, -- Apply - to 1.)E0. B. HESTER, 1313 S. 1 runt. m521-it* fr cri i TO itENT, FOR THEIiU M iISON, the Rectory at. JenkintOwn; furnished, and iu ,good order; 15 minutes walk from the Station on N. P. R. It. Apply on the premises, or at S. E. corner of Dock and Walnut streets. • • mylo-6t§ •ea FOR SAL E.—MODERN THREE - Story Brick Dwelling, 519 S. Ninth at. EverY con eniehte. Inuldre on the premises. my6eth,s,tu,to FOE SALE—THE VI RY ELE ANT 2 . 1 3. COUNTRY RESIDENCE,. • lately owned and ocenpied by Spencer 11. Hazard, Esq., situate on ('hutch lane, Germantown, second house east of the railroad, is offered for sale at a price much. below its value. It has recently been put t, Complete order, and is now open for itoipection. For further particulars innitire at Room No. 4 • N 0.23 South THIRD street, op posite the Mechnics I. myB-s,tu,th,lot* frii. TO RE NT—TB E LARGE, CONVE nient and well-lighted granite front Store, No. 110 South' DELAWARE Avenue, ATM' immediate posses sion, the present Lonna being obliged to retire- f rem 1111Sillefili owing to ill health. Apply to J. B. BUS SIER K Co., ltd South Delaware avenue. • myl7 tfS TOWN.-1P OR RENT, 1' PR nislied, a Stone Cottagewith every city conve nienen,tlesirebly located, within live minutes' walk from the railroad depot. Rent moderate. .1. 31. lt Win EY •,ti• St INS, 733 Walnut street. 41-1, ~ 'TO LET -L-A TINE] EV . -STOR Isia P Ltnn Brown-stone Dwelling, 1214 Coates street, eon tajning parlor,dining-moat; kitchen an d sultan , k i tc h en on &blind-floor; sitting , rbem and -3-chambers kni-2,1;' , 3 chambers on third than., with bath-romm, hot and eold water and all modern ego Will be rented far „ no o f more years to 0 od tenant at a low rent. In quire for a few days the promises, or, tO - EDWARD S. soinvELY, No. 4.4 N. Eleventh st. myl7tf§ . -ill- FUR lUSBE - B—TO LET—FOR JUNE, July, August Mild September, a Cottage of ten roomgovith-fruit ond-vagetablegarilietand-peultry yrd, wt hour front elty, at Edgewater,N.J.; two minutes' walk to.a A. IL.R. station. Apply OH tho Premises A. SPOONER. ap27 -•" . • 0.-WISoo $12;000 AND $lO,OOO TO LOAN .. on Tito rtgage. Apply to ___ ... , LEWIS 11. 11.Bligi.A1C, n'ty24 2tl - 731 Walnut fitlTOt. ' '---'-..''''''...----. ' ') Q 5 660 . 1 4 0tifi 77 '-' 3- ' -1-4 ,4 1 :; • ' - '''" `'"- • Dlortgag , c; Apply to , Ivi Fit, . . tii32'4'3'i;*.!:. '. . .. .5&. -I. :r i th ,t 4i ' Xti'l tit , Te4. .: 7 AND 'SEVERAL' 81TMS OP I , ' 61540 to loan on mortgage 'of city $ '0 two Pr, , , , ,P,.2 , 2 , 14 ,- --S.:th:Nfi. T0N11TcPA1."..;429 - Walnut - tit Ci-at (114.A.1.K.-1! OR SALE, 180 TONS OF %.) Chalk, Afloat. Apply to WORKMAN & c(v., • Walnut atreei, MMeiN TO RENT IiIORTOAC4ES. ChAMPI6N SAFES. UnaUocessful Burglary. LETTER OF DIESBIIB.—DAVID ROWS do CO. .) • HERRING', FARREL SHERMAN, N0. , 251., Broadway: . •• i Onthe / aiglit ,o ‘ f the ti t h,„our §tp,r/i, South street, was entered oli , am! a •des pte atteiripetikide by' burglars . • one of vita. safes hi our counting-rooin. ' " The key . to tdle f3ge in whit we .kept our ;to curitie.s was; locked inside of our, lire-proof , book-Safe, the doors of which; , wiire Literally (tit to 'pieces; from this they cibtahnid the, key' to he Other safe Mid opened Tiorta nately ,we, had one .of ' .your Burglar,Proof Bankers' Chests inside, in which our valuables , Were deposited. ' This they Went to work of With 'a will, and, evidently' ' used dip all their tine mid tools in vain attempts to force it.. The night was r dark. and stormy,. and the fact of their knowing where. our key' was kept shoWs that their plsliis Wore' vreil inattired., They it'A'Nedi4Og 'MO dOOr and body. of the ChestiVand the • faithful;,sale .beam evidence of the labor and skill:devoted thlhe *irk. All was IL9OO* and it is Wfth great'satis faction kve report' that upon Opening' it we found our securities oll, safe, and can therefore cheerfully indorse , the Burgular,Proof work recommended'by. You.' • • You will please serid;thenlw.safe purchased by us tp our COUntinY-fintise;' and take the old one to showlhatlionininf6Waie still manu factured worthy of the name. .I)Avin Dow & CO.' RERR I N G '1.3- PATENT CHAMPION SAFES, ~ ,T HE MOST RELIABLE SWAT RITZEROM rug NOW KNOWN'," Manu factured and sold by • FARREL, HERRING & CO,Philadelphia HERRING, FARREL & SHER:SIAN, NM 251, Broadway, New York. HERRING & CO., Chicago. HERRING, FA.RREL & SHERMAN,N.O A I fe2 to th s tf§ THE GREAT PACIFIC RAILROAD IS FINISHED. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS UNION AND CENTRAL PACIFIC R.R BOUGHT AND SOLD. i vo 1 nil i A nn i A . %i Bankers arid' Derders in Govertiniinfs, 40 S. Third Street,. P9lf ' ITIL?MDOLPIII e'RivirEßs Dealers in IT. S. Bonds and Members of st o ck and_Guld Evcrhange,xeceivc_Aic• counts of Brinkm and Bankers on liberal terms, issue Bills of Exchange on C. 3.llambro & Son, London. B. Metzler, S. Sohn & Co., Frankford. James W. Tucker 4, Co., Paris. And other prhiclpal cities, and Letters of Credit available throughout 'Europe S. W. corner Third and Chestnut Streets. BANKING HOUSE OF jAVOlitAt 66). 112 and 114 So. THIRD ST. PHILAD'A DEALERS IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. We will receive applications for Policies of Life Insurance in the new National Life In surance Cempany of the United States. Full information given at our office. • REMOVAL. V.I.JI.4I.O9P r rSc I:IILTNN - • Having removed to their New Building, 109 SOUTH THIRD STREET Are now prepared to transact a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, And dentin GOVERNMENT and other SEC UItiTIES, GOLD, WILLS. ,te, Receivk 310NEY ON DEPOSIT, allowing Internet: NEGOTIATE DOAN.% giving special attention to Mercantile paper. Will execute orders for Stocks, Bonds, &e. on Com mission, at the Stock EXchinigus of Philadelphia. New York, Boston and Baltimore. UMW.: WA.I - TED—AN ' IN TELLIGENTtAD, about 1G yearn of age. RN an Entry. Clerk. Ailitrenn, in Bauthrriting. giving refereneen, S. Sc.S., at - thin of-. tlre.Gol.s 31* , —: WNNTED —A 'YOUNG - . LADY . - 9. i Cl/11- . . ' ' ' . " ' mumennt orpoie Epwcopal Church. inshes a Hit nation as a Nurnerv , Govornens. or an COM PUll iOll to an -.ltranlittinuly-:—Salinfnetory-referenee-gtven. Addrenn, Box VB. Pottoville, Va.-- -- , • • , . ray22-It* -•• BOARDING. , DLEASANT SECOND AND. THlRD story roonisi• with boarding..*Linilen street, (ar-- mantown. Address P. r.. this allies. 7iy25-2t* PLEASANT . IfBONT BOOMS ICONDiILT. Diontinl;), In tho second and.thlid story new vatitnt; also: Tahiti Board, at• Miss LTURNERiti,qi; W- corn's Et htePrith and Pine streets.: int'so-Te.t.* —• . • - 1 - 10_1) cr EL'S'. AND ,WOSTENiiOLWS, POCKET KNIVES, .PEART. and STAG HAN DLES,Or,beautiful flabili; RODGERS , . and WADE e.,• BUTOBEWS, and the CELEBRAT ED LECOULT RE tiffISSORS IN CASES or flu; thuait quality Itazorei. Sicwors and Table'Cutlery, ground and palirlieyl BAMYNKAUMENT , S., ha moot aPPE"v'''i c.onatruetion to 000101 ti bearing, at P. MADI•AItA.'S, Cutler and Surreal. Instrument Mnlter,ll.s Tenth street, WOW Chefitnu . • . MY He MZIE OF THE CtiILERY. === • ALWAYS DRY. WATSON t G-IT_,LtINGHAM, 9p4 Riphraond Street sontalsr§ , , . • A 1 MAULE, BROTHER & CO., 01 PATTERN MAKERS. oen - ,,TATTESintrits, . j z ovu. I izt.•no cx • - nom. I or MICHIGAN CORK PINE • ,VOE FATTytNki. .t••• 3• -•-- - - tz:r •' -•!; 1869 SP II EMMYCK.IB - 69 SPRUCE AND HEMLOCK. 1. _ LARGE STOCK.... A. . , . -rvitiitiNG, , • •• - 1869: 4 ''PLIOITTRA., FLOORING. - .- 1.869. ! CAROLINA 'FLOORING. . • -• • , el ---,r ,-., , :", , liI.IIGINIA .FLOORING 4-, ,,. •? ' ~... '') i 1'.4.,: i ..1.4 .. ! b twos Alm flicalui NIA., ..::,:.• : •, ...: .. ASTI FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING. , • lsga. :1. 4 •;.L 0101)4 S'ing I.- 13 QA11.1)62 -. - - 0 tr - 4V - 1410'iti DA' MTRP . "BOARG.fit . 1869,, • • RAIL PLANK - . ' • , RAIL. PLANK. 869" A -- wer iFifoXV s PLANK. '' * WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANKS 069 * WALNUT BOARDS. T'''Vtsl7;ll74 l rs FOR CABINET MAKERS, BUILDERS, AC {.E <i , 1869LLb~D$ 1869. •.•1 N DRAT/WEBS' LIJMBE 11E11 CEDAR. . • • , , • WALNUT AND PINE'. • • • 18ga SEAtiONED WiPLAIt. ..1869d ti • , 4 I.: AS ONE D 4011E111a. • ! WIIITR OAK 'l4. A NFL AND BOARDS. ; . II ICKORY , .• • ••••' • • • • isgo• • CAItOLINA , SCANTLING.i Q 69 • !JO* . • CAROLINA If NORM:kg SCANTLING. ,M . . . IS • CIMAR SHIIiGLES:: 1869 exim, It , SHINGLES, . • • CYPRESS SHIN GL ES. • . L AIME ASSORTMENT. . • • FOR SALE 'LOW - - • • - PLASTERIN G LA H. pLAsTi LAT ouNnIATIL • H. • - • • piAtihz nitoutzu 4 , co- • - ::AO SOUTH STREET. 1869. ?IThOMAIi & POHL LUMBER MER chant , No:10118, Fourth street:. At- their yard will be found Walnut. Ash. Poplar, Cherry, Pine, tient- Nck, &c., reasonable prlees. Glae them a call. MAUTIN THOMAS; inhl7.6m* I. LIAR FOUL. CONTRACTORS, LUMBERMEN 11 and Bhlp•buildera-We are now prepartvi to execute promptly orders for Soutiwrn YOlow Ptio. Timber, tihirstati nnd.lnitnlicr,4;clqlKAN, 11,1:8SELL 22 North F rout stre..t; ' mbft tf ELLUM' Pl. UM REX—ORDERS for t'argo , .s of every detkrlptlon Sawrolf,nalber amn• .ruled nt.* , ltort notter—quality kottoj..ct to InsvctfOn., A tv to NDW, iL ROWLEY:PI Ftouth Whattea. foil "" "" MEDICAL. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, disorders, whichiv ere ag gravated by the scrofu lons contamination until they veto pain/idly abet/lig; have' been radically cured In euela great numbers in almost every sea sign; of the country, that the public scarcely used to be informed of its , virtues or uses. • Scrofulous poison Is one of the Most destructive enemies of our race. Often, this'unoten and'unfelt tenant of the organism underntines the constitut • and invites the attack of enfeeblingor fatal diseaseS. ' without' exciting a suspicion of its rmesence. Again, it seems to breed infection throne - trait the beflY. and ' then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop into one or other of its hideous forms, either on the surface or among the vitals. In the, later, tuber : cies may be suddenly deposited In thelungs or heart, or tumors formed bathe liver, or it shows its presence by eruptibns on the skin;or foul ulcer aliens on some part of the body. Hence the °era- ' ; sional use of a bottle of this Sarsaparilla is ad ' visuble, even when no active symptoms of disease ; appear. Persons afflicted with the following corn plaints generally Lind immediate .relief, and. at length, cure, by the use of this SARSAP.AIt/L -, LA: St. Anthony's. Fire, „Rost) or 'Erysipelas, ;Teeter Sall .Rheum Scald Heatf, , Ringteorrn, ore ues, Sore Eons, and other eruptions or visible - forms of Scrofulous diseasei Also in the more concealed forms, as Dyspepsia, DropsY, ;Heart Disease, Fits, Epilepsy, Neuralgia. and the various Ulcerous affections of the =nu:n iter and nervous systems. ;Syphilis or Venereal and .11fercurial Diseases are cured by it, though a long - tink is required for :subduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine. 'But long continued use of this medicine will cure the complaint. .Letteorehrea or Illittes, Uterine 'Ulcerations, and Female Diseases, are corn mpnly soon relieved and ultimately cured by its pfirifying and invigorating effect. Ztlinute Direc tionfaor each case are found in our Almanac, suP• ;piker - gratis. Itheumatisns and Gout, when caused by accumulations of extraneous matters in th_eblood, yield quickly_ s a alsoLirep__ Comp/flints, Torpidity.. Congestion or ../salfirin - It ' a t ton of the Liver, an d J:aundice , )vhen arts i as they often db, from the 'rankling •solsoris in the blood. This SARSAPARILLA is a great re storer for the strength and vigor of the system. "finis° who are Languid and Zistlesis, Despon 'cleat, Sleepless, and troubled with Nervous Ap prehens tons or Fears, or any of the affections symptomatic of Weakness, will find Immediate 'relief and convincing evidence of its restorative polver upon trial. PREPARED ,BY Dr. 7. C. AYE.* do CO., Lowell, Mass., Practicql and Analyticai Chemists. SOLD 1W Abp. DRUGGISTS BVERYWHERE. At wbulesple by J. 111;:DIARIS 111)12-Ill tII F ILENCLI MEDICINES PP EPA REDDY. GRIM AU IT & cuEynhis RuE iro it. I. 11.. Plt INC NAPOLEON 411 !IFEL I E ' NERVOUS HEADACHES. NEI'itA.LOIA AIIRIBEA, DYSEN TER V, INSTAN'IANEOUSIN CUBED ItY CABANA , This vegetable substance. which itToWS - in the Brazils, hits been employed since time. linmentorial to cure in liammation 01 the bowels. it has proved'of late to be of the greatest service in CUM'S of Cholera, as it is a prevail-. five and a mire in cases of Diarrhien. Agents in Philadelphia. . .., • FRENCH,--ItICHARDS N CO., . N.Wt.Cot.Ttnthand turket streets. . . (IP AL D E.NTALLINA. A BUP ERIOR V article for cleaning the Teeth ,destroylng lulitnnlculn which infest th e m, g iving tone to the glans. and leaving a Ifeeling of fragrance and perfect elNilliilleffel in the month. • It limy be used daily. and -will he' found to Weill( and bleeding gums; while the aroml and detersiveness will recommend it tel every one. Be ing composed with the assistance of the Dentist, Physi cians and rßicrosetpist, it is confidently offered OH a reliable substitute for the ascertain washes formerly in Vilglll‘, Prillistß• acquainted with the constituents of the Dentallina.:olvointe its Ilse; it contains nothing to prevent its mirestrainetl.employment. m a w, • on l y b y •I t : • ..14111E5., A pothecarY, Broad and Spruce streets. 'ally. and Stach house. Robert C. Davis, Cup. C. Bower. Chas. ShiVers. S. B. S. C. Bunting. da Clo meut..s I ,I Eberle._ Di Bringhurst dt•• Co.; 11Yott A Co e , • fl; 0:Bla B ir s AN'yetli a l ro. lEEE For sab. by Druggists goner Frril. Browne, 111o:surd e, 11. K rimy, Isnot: H. C. 11. Noodles. T.. 1. itutibtill,- Aiiilmmv Smith, - I , :ollviird Partinlk, Win, B. Wit1)11. .Tames L. 11lephitin, Combe, lieliry A . k S. MASON BIN S. . .701 INF. Sn'EAFP.. MBE - UN D.ERSIGNERANNIM.ATTEN . ____ 1 tion to their stock of s m i lig m ffini n i ni, Lehigh and Lomat Mountain COal, which, with the preparation given by ua, we thillk Can not be excelled by any other" Coal. Office, Franlillwlustititto' Building,:Nd. 15 S. v end' S atreet. . . : ;.: Building 3: till EA 1 , yalo-tf . Arch atreot wharf, Schuylkill. . . __ SUMMER. BOARDING. • n - y-couNTy.• F T l l :::eitrlat U flL : SE l nTl E. l 4 mlLYl A l: s 6ln C ili . Nie l l . :lN'l"%?'.iTlbe open to the' reception of guelds on and alter May 1. • _The lawn tool grounds have been arranged.Witlf stun later arbors, eronnet grounds, billiard - rooms, Sc„ Mid fOr shade and beauty are very.delightful ; boating, fish 'Sig, plunge-baths, de. Address, JAMES PALMER,. SPI6 th stp hue§ . . • Vreeland, riONGTESS 'BALL, CAPE MAY, •NEW xi Jersey, win recuivefiums, !I: ll ,,d a yli t o let pot.: MOMS addreHs, J. If . cAKE, uiy2o,tli,e,te ,91.” , Proprietbf. MEE= , I' o ml Ammon. The reputation frds ex cellent medicine enjoys, is' deriv ed from lts cues, many of which are truly marvellowL Inveterate eases of &relitlima dis ease, where-the system Cmed iTt , .ruptto s n, have aturated Vett pu rtthxl and eared by IL Scrofulous Affections anti - MY trlef.Dir: Ii he is n 4 3 - • . • 'et. Ary,,agm 'fang woo, > t f Bearing me down with hopelciis, crushing - weight; „ No ray of comfort in tho-gathering , glooln, A heart bereaved--a household desolate— It in not sickiiewi, Keeping me low 'moo a couch of pain; Longing each niorintig,for the,.weary night, *gbt. 1. 0.340 NY:PAit It is not slander, with ltor evil tongue, !Tis no presumptuous Sill against my God, Not repittationligst,nor friumWbotrard,t,- That siiehlti'not my " cirtiss - I thank iny God Mine inia i dailturoki , of petty ores, e • , Of lfitiddutietilirOsirigioif heart , ,is Of little troubles bard to . reconcile, Of inward strol4lo—Optir4oot9 &rt. iT My feet are weary in their daily round, '1 aly heart - b 4 -Weary of its daily care, ' • My sinful nature often cloth rebel; 1 pray for grace my daily cross to bear. It not heavy, Lord, yet oft T pine; ' It ui not heavy, but 'tis everywhere, fly day and night each liritiriny eros.s I bear; dare not lay it Aown—Thou keep'st it there. I dare not lay it down, I only ask . That, taking up my daily erosS; I, May Yollaw.iny master humbly step by. step, Through cloudis and darkness, unto perfect NEW PUBLICATIONS. Three very neat. and very pleasant. little. stories are those about Bessie and Jamie, in the '"Corwin's Nest Series„l' published by A. F. Graves, Boston. "Bessie and the Squirrels'? is' a touelibig incentive to 'Charity; "Littlfi' Tot's Lessons" inculcate obedience; and the ~ .Birthday Party", has i foc r tnoral the text of Solomon, "My Son, give - iib ill? heart." These little bijous, put up lit a box, will be found 'at Lippincott's. . A sparkling Mazonrka, full of dew-drops and. the, song of birds, is "The .'.Bforning Ride"' by E. Mack.:lt is just published by. Bruce, and sold by 'Frumpier, 92.6 Chestnut: stir et; It is probably the best work of the favorite coin laser. • ' Zell'.. Popular Encyclopedia and Unicersal. Di , :tioMiikis - undoubtedly the best example now tefore the public: of a combination of cheapness with full anti accurate instructions. Its applicability4o4 widerfelt, need is evident unlike number and character of its subscrip tions: sheets of the Encyclopedia are met with on the work-benchpl. the mechanic and the desk of that.most self-denying of poor scholars, the public-schoolmistress. Twenty parts have now been issued, with, we think, a progressive ituprovement in the clearness and. precis:on of the dellnitions; and, perhapS, • a small lleterio ratiori in the quality of the illustrations; but the difficulty of getting just this class Of cuts" in our city is extreine, and are ,gjad on the • whole that Mr. Zell - rts not, thought of going anywhere else for his material . . Two bundred and twen ty-four of these illuStrations are dispersed through the first twenty 'numbers (160 pages) of the EncycloPedit, now,riblisked; and tlieY do undoubtedly intercede for occupying so tpi~ah spec Vitii:4:ii;ar they often: convey. The 4st. two :numbers. contain ex tended definitions of Aicendant, Ascension, Asceticism; Ashtmtee, Ashes, Asia, Asparagus, Asphycia, Aspinwall, Ass, Assimilation, Asto rottf,Miotp9Y, AsteOnoiliy„ surd ;Atharictsi3ut, the last word reached.—Editor, L. (Mange. Published at 19 South Sixth street. 4 , THE MAGAZINES. The thirtyltbigi vQhnne, .aml „the .June number, of? gorPer's^ / 31agazine, 2Comtiterp ? with a lin.artiele . hy Prof. Locimis on the Au: rora Borealis. The Professor has succeeded in dropping the lecture-desk entirely behind him, and expressing himself in a very graceful ver nacular: , , THE POLAII LIGHTS. ' Auroral, exhihitions, explains Prof. Loomis, take place in the upper regions of the atmo sphere, since they partake of the ezuth's rota tion. All the telestiao.todies have an:apparent . motion from east to west; arising froni the re talon of the earth; but bodies belonging to the earth,:includin,,,-the-atmoSphere-and-the clouds-- which float in it, partake of the earth's rota tion, so that their relative po3itiou :is not ailected by it. The same is trite of auroral' exhibitions. Whenever an auroral corona is --formed, it maintains sensibly the same position in the heavens ditcing the -whole period of Its continnance;-ititliough the shin; meanWitilti re-; volve at the rate of 15 degrees per hour. The grosser part of the earth's atmosphere is limited to a moderate distance from the earth. •, At the height of a little over torn. miles ;the lien sity of the air is only one-half what, it is at the earth's surface. At the height of '5O miles the atmosphere is well-nigh inappreciable in its el fect_upeotwilizlit. , The phenomena of hmar ccillisesindieate an' ,Tie .iitiniiiphere . sit the height of 60 miles. The phenomena of shooting;-stars indicate an atmosphere at the height of r 200 or 300 miles, while the aurora in dicates that, theittuTsphero , does not ,enth•ely cease :tithe height - of hibitions take place, therefore, in an atina= sphere of extreme rttrityj i o faro hipped that if, in experiments with an air-ptinip; We could ex haust the air as completely, we should say that we had obtained a perfect vaetuini. The auroral beams are simply spaces which are illumined by the -flow of electricity through the tipper regions'uiV the athaikiliere. During . the ion•oras of 1851) these beams were nearly 500 miles in length, and their lower- extremi ties were elevated 'about 45 •miles above the earth's surface, Their , tops inclined -toward t-lite tjontli,-:,aliont . de gehs in the neighbor-: hood of New York, this being position which the dipping-needle there assumes. ThetidOre It; Davis, an old FAO Leslie art . reporter, sends a second paper about "Life on the Plains." Ile is sharp and graphic, thtiugh , be talks of Indian chiefs as "bucks," and thinks of them as vermin;,--we:lnust take' hint • for what he is : worth, and what he can give, s ithputMuch attention to,his theorie:U UN • whisky the . 4Theyetines proceeded to the_Klowa -,••• village, exhibited their bottle,- and dl;pensed smells front uncorked bottles of COrnc:Juie,e— giving 'a judicionS sliake or - two to the bottles, that the aroma should be more entirely appre -ciated-by-theh,--)Wen-(l,s-the-ATtnallie- - spruol4s, ; wn.re finely take n , and,produreti ao- CottiMoit desire 'know ninon..' of the (illeyl ernes; pipeS were ,produced and:duly stnokedi • afterwhighthe.visitors announced their w Wing- LeSs to trade. - "They -had not brought muchwhisky, whisky, as they did nob knoW - that their bro . tbers; i jijowas„)vould ltl.e. to sec, The was good, -and -very . strong; when the Kinwat,s,hall tasted_ of it they would see," The • " <::4 0 ,N4t 1 (i%iS• 11 1)( 3 ?'al; lit;` woad give!'so iiiitiih hir rolity up the, botilii and marking • with the thumb sonmthing like halt' an inch of the whisky). "lint seeing that' Mil! Kiollls -- were n6t iii baste to trade, the 'clieyemies would smoke withthein." Meanwhile a kindly 4 ' ,°' .*`` . 1 •I, - : -DA LY--- ' Apar r!' y . ' .~~ ~ ;> . . AisiiiiiitAbotle - -lailder was ilisnt,nsing SiMilli - or the Wills* t . .(i'lf:, their anhinftincnts • of thenberiof 'fine', fibbes which they - pesSessed.. This seCemil, ffmoke"was finickly,firashet4 and Cheyenne exhibited the ottantimi of •:th7g-water, mark ifig, it as be tbrii„by the locution of „the thuMb On the bottle: 'A 'fgefierarMielaination fol lowed—the position of the :thumb was to the klipwa'a ryp:) , „81t, yery,,,..inueb .:Ighe4. on pm: luitthi.' ‘BUtAlliOeinfdllad'ho more"ebredilgilP: ;ion than a New York, landlord, if the accUm modation offered looked Sinail for the price. The trofiblomslithltkeier.lit ift , or now., which timidnot' be ekpeete(rto See big like those of a Cheyenne. Another smelling-time , too/1140e; ffildlifrOdu4d an . 'iliatalitalteo i lts.eX;- I Ilitition of ail cups and' ilibeif'On ' the part of the Kiowas. During • tli ~wuring out of the promised grog tke position of the thumb was - regarded with top . dose a sell/tiny on the part of the robe-sellerS•to permit any shoving up of the gauge, and it is only justice. to the bottle- bsuuliers,to say that when they field Up tho bot 7 ili443r4rxhibition 'after each ykiiir,iiio i'• Lidliii ilnild detect any variation of the line of the 'Whisky and the pointliallealed by the position Of the ganging thumb. • . . .. • : : These two articles are handsomely' and ' lib , • brally Illustrated; after the Harper fashion. . Iffirtl embellished paper is that upon • obsolete knilitary Pyrotedinies. - Justin MeCafthy'a .. . , .. Story, "My Enemies' llaughter,7 is continued, ~ giving a striking view Of theinside - life of Bo ,• . .. . - , beudaip England; and ..Nrs."Xaloch . .Crink's ure-hearted:tale of PA; Brave Lady"..i.s.• :like a•- lay-breath among the pages. Engene . Law rence hia an infeiyaufg ; , study of Leo and Lu=:', her: E. be Leon portrays Said Paella. W. b. Stoddard deScribes PaiVii.;brokers and Loan . Oftlees,•and the Easy Chair has a. ' beautiful. f pen-painting of 14a.„LeWik, the Newport hero- fne, who is made the Subjeet of' one of Mr. , . , turtis's chivalrous pleas in behalf sof woman's • elevation: • • . : : • • ; • • .: • • .-,,,. . „ We alwliys examine with instructive results . Fowler & Moon's American Erchange anal Rey published at 521 Chestnut ` street. The Itinclitindier contains highly interesting arti ides tun the Botanical Gardens of Europe; 6:pee ltroscopic Observation of , Brorsen's Coinet;''The l3lalay Archipelago;" The, tliseovery of the At dantic Coast of the United States; Athericati History (The Fourth Era—Continuedj, and the usual exhaustive rexand of the country's prof,rtess in commerce, :tgrictilture, mineral de : velopinent, &c. The, department of inetalhiro eontimies to be wisely it ited 11. S. Osborn, LL. D., of I.4&tyette Otir then coMinues to be a very cheerful, and pleasant magazine for lutzne readingg. The lady editor, Fannie Warner,' contri butes a little religious poem to, the 4une number, and there is a picture of merit, by Faber, illustrating a delicate 3Lande Muller 7 ish ballad called "Robin the Reaper is. courting Me." George Town contributeS his tale, called "The Little Countess," and Sep. Winner con tributes music.' 701 Chestnut street. ART ITEIIIS. -BEQV F;STS AND GIFTS TO NATIONAL ART • Cou.tx-ritn - cs.—The Erening Post, discussing the Corcoran Art Gallery, and the contem plated donations to it, does, not ,contradict the, iuil tab able rumor . that Belmont ha's' proiniSed' twelve pictures. While laboring under error, however. in this respect, the Erening Post utters some very sensible remarks about the attraction which rich possessors feel towards large fire, proof. 'tuitional .'galleries, , to which they may look forward to leaving their collections in security. In this way, remarks the editor, it may be said of all patrons of colleges and mu seums, "they handed wiser than they knew." accessions to the British 3lnseum from ycanntary genereslty almost irt?:vidue and dignity the treasures that have been PurchasetL for that vast repository of letters, science and art. The Grenville Library, and the library of George 111., went in bulk to its shelves, when, ill `default suctfalll institution, they would have gone to the auctioneer, and been scattered to the winds. Collectors of manuscripts, books; pictures, etc., always look with dread into the future, to s the dispersion of their prizes, and the • feeling is 'often so strong that they give them freely to galleries and libraries of thne-honored standing. f-,ROYAL ACADEMY Exunifmcw.Mr.Millais's "VaneSsa," says the Pall ifitirgitiette, is not a success. The name injures the picture. We have here a dark handsome girl reading a letter, withput 'aity l inarked: ejnOtiOnePressed either by the face or the figure. The dregs is a truly surprising tour de force. A confusion of bright -flowers covers white silky robe„. of antique fasiihnr. The effect is as though real flowers of the utmost brilliancy had been thrown like a veil over the figure. In the hands of any but a great.colorist the effect would he distressingly gaudy, hiti' Mr. Millais here proVeS that he is a great colorist, for this least of gay tints leaves no satiety. A still greater difficulty was to pre ,fcerve yrelier t and, modelling _ under this dazzling ffriff lia;s' Wonder fully succeeded. Seen from the other side of the roowthe arms and bust appear as ; round and well relieved as though the painter had ni ark eir the it' foriiribYeailatroWOf , slladifur in a cool color. There is a want of force in the painting" of :thc.:.13,61di whick pci l haPs helps klit) luxurious - fulness of of in the body and (11 . §. . • - . 1 4 i ang's Omuta) of Hill's "Yo Seinite" is at tracting many subscribers at Earle's. Otir belief that chronnilatry is a false direction of public feeling does not hinder us from doing Mr. Prang justice as an industrial artist; this is probably the beSt American ehrunio-litbograph yet produced. The .Nterne Creed Set to Atomic. The London b rilieslru says'"The nnmber of composition§ sent in to the Secretary of the Ely idocesan Church: Music cum ftit:thiriiilF.ek Offered ,ht.:Our iadverti sing columns in November last for the best initAcal arrangement Of the Nicene Creed for partslrehoirs J antil the ltest; organ accompani ment to tin; creed when monotoned; 15 So large, that a considerable ,thee must elapse before the litijudieation of the pries can take Mace. The competitors :are not 2contined to andA - hie - Heft have 'both con tribut(td. The committee are engaged in taking such steps as they trust will give gen-. eral approval for the decision to which they may come.", RE:1110VAL':•.:; - 10tE MOVAL.— THE,LONG-ESTAH• , 1ie13 , 11 ZlOpot for Hio_4l.urgllnso-unil-stile of Ftecowl inind peorg, M'in4lows, Stove Fixtnres. AT,,, from SeVellth *stre&t ntityve:Otkpiett; where %such - articles ero for. Hale in groat • - ' • -• . Ow Doors, Sasbes, hbuttsrs, &c. • • ' ' npl:lo:ini • NATHAN Mr: ELUL'S MILLINERY:' _ . (jam c is t = AN. ETA (SrANT- ASSORME TNT OF . tine Frei'ell Millinery SI Wltyti on hood by Mimi A ; Bonner, at Ler show rooms, • No. 1103 (Thestnnt street. ap3(l:lln§ . - 3 I. A • R VELERS' - GUIDE; 3.4apnat Vita' from Plillidelphia: to tho' interior" of Pennsylvania, the Schuylkill, Suaquebanna, Cumber land and Wyoming Valleys, the North, Northwest and the Can adatt, Spring Arrangement of Passenger TrainS ; April 12, 18694 leavinWthe tionittany's4Depcit Thirteenth and Callowhill streets, Philadelphia, at the following • hours: t. MORNING. ACCOMMODATIONAt 7.30 A. 31. for Heading and all intennediate Stations, and. Allentown. I_ Returning, leaves Reading at 6.30 P. M., arriving in Philadelplasiat 9.15 P. 31. MD1tN131641 , -,PLE.PRESH.-;, At 8. . -ter , Reading., Debalunlollarrfribtartt, Hottavillo, rine GeOtregamaduri, , Sunbury, Willitunaport ; Elmira, Rochester, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Wilkesbarre, l'ittaton ; York, Carlisle, illistnibersieurg, Hagerstown, &c. • The 7 3V A train eon fleets. at Reading with the. East Pennsyleahiaftillireilultrains foBAlletittovirtSfe:i and the 8.15 A. M". !Milt eentlects•Avitlethe'Lebano•n'Valley train lor 'Harrisburg, Pc.; at Port Clinton with Catacvmsa It. t. trains for V. Illansport, Lock Haven. Elmira, Are.; at larthilturg with Northern Central,,Cuntheriand Vale. 4 fliteltSchuyi kill •atiddcutiquelianntC traints•for'Narth timberland, Williamsport, York, Cliambernburg, Pine grove. &a. AFTERNOON 4.IOPRESS.- , LOrtvert. Philadelphia at .30 P. 3i. for Reading, _Pottsville, flarrimietirg. &c., can- Cert Ing with Reading and Columbia Railroad trains for olumbia. &c. _ : • ,- . , - POI"fSTOWN AOOO3I3IODATION.-Leaven town at 6.25 A. M., stopping at the intermediate stations; pprriwre it Philadelphia at 8.40 A. H. Returning, leaven Pidludelobla at 4.30 P. M.; arrives u # Pottstown. at 6.40 , • 4 4_ ,L L 4 ' 4 It EA DINITAll!03.1.310 ItATION.:- 1 1/41ien Read inglat 7.30 A. M., stopping at all way stations; arrives in Phila delphia at 10.15 A. 31 I Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 P. 31.; arrives in Heading at 8.R5 P. 31. , Trains-for Philadelphia leave Harrisburg at 8.10 A. El., And Pottsville at 6.45 A. M., arriving in Philddelphia at 1.00 P. M. Afternoon trainn leave Harrisburgat 2.05 P. /Land Pottsv ille at 2.45 P. at.; arriving at. Phila delphia at 6,45 P. 31 liarrinburg Accommodation leaves Reading at 7:15 A; H :l 4nd Harrisburg at 4.10 P.M. Connecting at •Read rd ith Aftc moon Accommodation south at 6.30. i., I arriving in Philadelphia. at 9.15 P. M. 'Market train ', with Patatenger, car attached , 'Payee; Ph iladel phia at 12.45 noon for Pottavillte and all • Way Stations; leaves , Pottsville id 7.30 A. M.,for Philadelphia and-all 'Way Stations. All the above traitsynn daily, Sundays excepted. Sunday t rains leave Pottsville at 8 A. M. twat Phila.- , fit• Iphia at 3.15 I'. M.; leave Phibutelphia for' Reading at B.oo.A.ll.,•returning from Heading at -425 P. M. /177 - CHESTR V ALLEY. RAILROAD--.PasnAnOta for . Downingtown and intermisliate paints take the 7.30 A ; : , Me, 1245 and'43o P. 11. trains from Plilladelphia,retnin ins from.Dovvningtown at 6.10 A. H.,1.00 P.M., and OA, , . PERKIOMICN RAILROAD .-PanneDgers for Ski pack take 7.30 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. trains for , returning from likippark at 8.15 A. /11,, and 1.00 I'. 11. Stage lines for variona points- Perkionien Valley con nect with trains at Collegeville and Skippack. NEW YORK EXPRESS FOR PITTt3BURGII 'AND, THE WEST.--Leaves New York at 901 A. 151., 5.00. anti KAI P. 11.. passing Readiug at IA A. M., L5O anti 10.19, P.H._ and cOnneeta at Ilarrisburgwith Pennsylvania and Northern C•ellt rill Railroad Express Trains for Pitts burgh, Chicago, will' -a/not:tort, Ebnira, .Baltiinore, .&c., • 11.-turning ,Itl xpress Train 'leaves ila rrisburg arrivals.of Penp,syl till la Ex preatt from PittsbUrgb, at 3.50 and 5.5t/' A. 11. and 10.60 , P. M., passing Reading at 5.44 and 7.31-A, 31. and 12.50.1'.•H arriving at New York 11.00 and 12.20, and 5.00 P3l. Sleeping Cars accompany these trains through b'etween Jersey 'City and PittabUrgh; without change. -• • • . • , • Mail train.for. New York leaves Ilarriedenrg at. 8,10 A. 81. and 2.05 P. M. Mail train fur Harrisburg leaves NeW York at 12 Noon. SCHUYLKILL V ALLEAILI LOAD-Trains leave Pottsville at 6.45, 1130 A. 111..tual Gm P. 31., returning ; front Tamaqua at 8,35 A. 31. and 2.15 and 4351'. 3i. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD' -Trains leave Auburn at 7.55 A. 31. for Pinegrove and Harrisburg, anti at 12.15 I'. 31. for Pittegrove and Tre mom; returning from Harrisburg at 330.1.31., and front Tremout at 7.40 A. 31. and 5.35 P. St . TICK ETS . .-Through first-rinse; tickets tutu emigrant•'l th•kets to all the principal poluts,in the V. xuei Canada. • • 4 . Excursion Tickets front Philadelphia to 'leading tuna I nterinediate Stations, good for day only, ar • sold bY Horning AC,111.111111)(1/1:0011. Market train. Itt,tiling and ,Pottstva it Ae.a.nattodation Trains at redueed rat..s, Excursion Tiekt•ts to Philadelphia. ewed for day only, 'are sold at Reading and Internediate Stations by It ..t.l - and Putt kttlAcll ACC0111111(Aillti911 Trains at rtvittecd :rates. ' The following tiekets are obtainable tally at the Office of S Itrialford. Treasurer. No. 227 South. Fourth street, :Philadelphia, or of U. A. Nicolls, General superintet dent.ll, ading. Commutitt hut Tickeitt.at 2f per eclat. discount, betweeu any points desired. for families and Awns. . )l itTiek. , te. good for 2-aOO miles, betweau all points at 0 , 52 LO each for families and firms. 'Seamen Tickets, for three, six, nine or twelve' racnitha,* for holders arty, to all pubes. at reduced rates_ ;lemma u residing on the lin • of the road will be Wire. itis lied with cards, taltitling themselves and wives to tickets at half fare. Excursion Tickets front Philadelphia to principal stn trans.. good for Saturday, Sunday and 310tulny, at re . -, 'dared fare. to be h e t only at the Ticket Unice, at Thin: teenth and Ca llowhill starers. FREHL T.--tloo.ts ;41.11 descriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company's New Freight 'Depot, Broad uud Wilb,W streets. I refight Trains leave I'llllll4.'ll4lin daily at 4.30 A. M., 12.45 noon, 3.00 pile ' 6.00 I'. M.. far Iteadiag, Lebanon', Harrisburg, Pottsville, Port Clinton, and all pnints be yond. Huila cluse_at the Philadelphia Post-office for all places 'on the road audits branches at 5 A. 3i., and for cipel Stations only net 2.15 P. M. HAW:AGE. Dungan's ExpreSs will collect Baggage for all trains (curing 1 that rlphhl DePOL . tirilers can he left at No. 215 South Fourth street. or at tlflDenotTliittilenth and Callow hill streets. . . 'itIENN - YLtANIA ' CENTRAL RAIL, . . RoAD.—St 31 MLR TlML—Takin” effect April 25th, .I.Bko. The trains of.the Pennsylvania Central railroad lewre the Di rn:at Thirfy-firat and Market atrects.which is readied ,tiredly by the cars of the Market Street Yes-: sengyr Railway, the lust car connecting with each train leaving Front and Market street thirty minutes before its departure. Those of the Chestnut and Walnut Streets Railway ran within one square of the Depot. Ski-ping Car Tickets can be had on application at the Ticket Office, Northwest corner of Ninth and Cli -stunt streets, and at tie Depot. Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call for and deliver Baggage at the Depot. Orders lett at No. 901 Chestnut street, No. 116 Market street, will receive at tention . „ TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT VIZ.: Mail Train at 8.00 A. M. Paoli Accost, at 10.30 A. M., 1.10, and 9,30 P. M. Fast Line at 11.:,-0 A. M. Erie Exyresa. At 11.70 A. M. Hardiburg- :Wont • - . itt - 2 - 30 - P, - /E ratudiater AcCom , '' , ' ' ' at:4,00 I'. M. Parkshurg Train at 5.30 P. 31. Cincinnati Express -it 8.00 P. 31. Erie Mail and Pittsburgh Expresq at 10.45 I'. 11. Philadelphia Express at 12.00 night. Ede Mail' leaves daily, except Sunday. running on Saturday - night to Williamsport only. On Sunday night passengers will leave Philadelphia at 12 o'clock. Philadelphia Express leaves daily. All other trains daily, except Sunday. Tile Western Aeconumodatiou Train rune, daily, except Sunday. For this train tickets iiinat 'be" procured and baggage delivered by 5.00 B. It.. at 116 Market ,dreet: TRAINS ARRIVE AT DEPOT, VIZ.: Cincinnati Express. -it 3.10 A. 31. Philadelphia Express at O.:A A. M. Paoli Accommodation at 8.1.N.1 A. M. and 3.40 & 7.29 I'. M. Erie Mail and Buffalo Express at 9.35 A. M. Park-burg Train -a 9.10 A. 31. Fast Line - it 9.35 A. M. Lancaster'Trit i n . , . -- -- at 14.311 P. M: . Erie , 'Express ' ', " ' ' ut,'4.31 P. M: Day Expres. At 4.20 I'. 11. Southern Express at 0.40 P. 21. Harrisburg Accommodation At 9.40 P. M. For further information, apply to JOHN F; YANLEER, 4.4 'Ticket - Agent, 901 Chestnut FRANCIS FUNK, Agent, 116 Market street. SAMUEL 11. WALLACE, Ticket Agent at the Depot. The-Pimusvlvania Railroad Company;will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel,.. an 4 limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken hy special con tract., : , , •, '' EDW W ''EDWARD H. , ILIAIAMS,, . . A : General Stiperintendent, A1t00na,,14%. VT EST .CHESTER AND,. pAtil.An l'lllA BAILTIOAD.—Sumtuer Arrankement.—On and after MONDAY, April 12, 1860, Trains will leave as follows: leave Philadelphia, from New Depot, Thirty-first and Chestnut streets, 7.25 A . M., 0.30 A. M., 2.30 P. M., 4.15 p. 3t1., 4.3.5,P. 31., 735 P „ 31., 11.30 P. M. r Leave NN t Chester, from' Depot; On Emit- Market street, 6.25 A. 31..7.25 A: M., 7.40 A. M., 10.10 A. 31., 1.55' P. M., 4.50 P. M.:6.45 P.M. Leave Philadelphia for 11. C. Junction and Infertile thaw Points, at 12.30 P. M. and Leavell :C. June thin for Philadelphia, at 5.30'A. 3f. and 1 - :45 P. -31.• • - • Train leaving West Chesterat 7.40. A. 31. will stop at 31. I'..luviiitien,renni; Glen Biddle-And Media.' leaving Philadelphia at 4.35 I'. 31., will stop at B. C. Junction andlledia only: .Passorgers to or from stations between Wi•ltChester and B. C. Junction going East, will take train leaving West Chester at 7.25 A. M., and car will be attached to .Npress Train at B. CA unction; and going Weid,.Paesengers for Stations above Media will take tram leaving Philadelphia at 4.35-P: M., and car wilt be attached to Local Train at Media. The Depot in Philadelphia le reached. directly by the. Chestnut and Walnut street care. Those of the Market street line 'run within one equare. The care et both lines gonnect!with each train upon its 3trrival. SUNDAYS.-- - Leave Philadelphia for West Chester at 13 A, M. and 2.30 P. M. • gave Philadelphia for IL C. Junction at 7.15 P. 3.1. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia at 7.45 A. M. and 4.45 I'. M. • • - - ,-Leave B. C. Junction for Philadelphia at 0.00 A. M. ;.aar l'asengers are allowed to take - Wearing Apparel only, its Baggage, and the COmpanY wilrnot iirany cage be respOnsiblo for tut:amount exceeding one hundred dol lars, unless a special contract be nutde for the same. WILLIAM C. WIIEELEB, . General Superintendent. . :pint/07E1,1'MA, April Ist, MM. CAMDEN AND, ATLANTIC RAIL- IoadSPRIN G ARRANGEMENT. • - On it i °: it Al it .' f . ter MONDAY, April 12th, 1869, trains will leave Vine Strvet c Wharf us follows, viz.: • Mail 8.00 A. M. Freight, with l'assen ger.Car attached 9.15 A. M. Atlantic Accommodation • ' 3.45 P M. -11-E-11:11N-LN LL-1,1‘; AVE-ATLANTIC-Z--- Mail * 4.00 P. M. Freight, with Passenger Car 11.43 A. IL Atlantic Accommodation 6.14 A. M. 'junction Accommodation, to Ate') and Inter:me diate Stations,' • • Leave Vine Street • • 10.15 A. M..aud 0.00 P. M. .Leave, Atco 6.39• A. Stand 12.15 P. M. Ithddonfield Accommodation Trains, Leavn Nino Street • 10.15-A. M. and IRO P. M. Leave Iladdonlield 1,00 P. 31 .'and 3.15 I'. M. . Il• MCS - D1( .: Agent. R . 'VAST - - NOTH I'ENSYLVANI A RAILROAD, 'JO' Wilkesbarre, Mammy City, Mount Carmel Centralia and all points a its Lehigh Valley Railroad nnR branches. By new arrangetnents,perrected this day, this road is melded to give incrensed despatch to merchowlitai con signed to the abort:4ll , llml anints. illoods'delivered at the Through Freight Depot : , - • R.. Coe. F ront itial Noble Hi .E reeti Before .0 P.M., will reach Wilklqsl , lirre A MOnnt. Carmel'. Malinney City, 11111 i the other stations, in•Malamoy and' Wyoming valleys before 11 A. 31., ti, sue , 'MY. • ELLIS CLARIi. Agent, RAV-ELEAFe- - Gi 110 U NFSV YUItIC-THEMAMEIEg AND AMBOY and PHILADELPHIA AND.' TRENTON .RA ILROAD COMPANY'S LINES, -- from Philadelphia. to New'York, and way places, from Wal-.. nut street wharf. a Fare. At 6,30 A M.; via Camden and Amboy, AcCom., 82 2.5 At 8 A'. M._,_" vial/mitten and - Jersey ilitYl!)t- " 3 SO . Af2.00 P.lll;,rvia, Camden and AmbOy Express, a. 300 At 6 P.X. for. Amboy and intermediate etatlone. . At 6:30 and $ A.M., and 2 P. M., for Freehold. At 2.00 P. M. for Long Branch and Pointtfon R. h D. B. At 8 and 10 A; M., 2,3.30 and 4.30 Pa. 151., for Trentam. Ar 6.30, 8 and 10 A. M.,1, 2.3.30,4.30, 6 and 1130P•31.; f BOrdentown, , florence,Burlingtim,' Beverly and' De-, At 6.30,tand30 A. M., 1,9.30 430,6 and 11.30• P. 3/.. for Edgewater, Riverside, Riverton, Palmyra and Fish Rouse, atrit 2'l'. M., for Riverton. ' 11th Tao 1 and 11.30 P. M. Lines will leave from foot of Marketstreet by upper ferry ; . From Kensington Depot: ' At 11 A.M., vitt Kensington and JerSey City, Now York ExprestfLine 31 00 At 7.30 an W. .. 231; 3.30 and 5 , P . 4 en M. for Trton and Bristol. And at 10.15 A.M. and ti P. 31:for Bristol. At 730 and 11 A. M.; 2.30 and 5 P. M. for Morrisville and At 7.3 Bind 10.15 A. It., 2.30 5 IndP M. for. Schenck's and Ealdlngton. . At 7.30 and 10.15 A. M.. 2.30, 4, 5 and 6 - P. 131.', 'for Corn , widish- Tcirretadale,liobnesbure,Tacony, issinoming, Bride eburg and Frankfort], anal .8 31I: for . Holmes ' burg and Intermediate Stations. From West Philadelphia Depot via Cainnecting ftailWay At' 9.30 A. 31.0.20, 4,6.45 and 12;P.'. '3l New-. York Ex-' press Lineevia Jersey C1ty....,. 83 25 At 11.30 4.. M. Emigrant Line ' 2 00 At 9.30 A. 31.; 1.30.4, 6.45 and 12 P. for Trenton. At 930A.-M.:46.45 and 12-P: M., for Bristol. At /2 P.M. ( Niablifor Merrleville,Tullytown Schenck's, Eddington, Cornwell., Torrestlale, Holmesburg, Ttt cony, Wisminoraing, 13rilleolinrg and Frankfort!: The 9.30 A. M. and 6.45 and 12 P. 31. Lines run daily. All others;: Sundays excepted. ; For Linea Paving Kennington 'Depot, take the care on Third or Fifth streets, at Chestnut, at half an hour be fore departure: The Canfof ;Market Iltroet Railway run'- direct to'West Philadelphia Depot Chestnut and Walnut, within one square. On Sundays, tbe Market Street Cksre. wi 11' run toconnect With the 9.30 A. M. and 6.45 aud 12P: 13ELVIDERE DELAWARE ''RAILROAD LINES: from Kensington Depot. At-7.30A". M. ' for Niagara Fells:Buffalo, Plink - irk, Elmira, Ithatea, Owego,' Rot:header; Bin Hampton, O.OW{ICD, Syrnense, Great (lend, Montrose, Wilkesbarre; Selooley's Mountain, be. • At-T-10 1. :31. 'and 3.30'P.' 31.: for fierstriton, Strouds burg,' Water Gap,' Belvidere' ;Enidon, Lambertville, Fletnirigtotv acc. The 3.30 P. Line conne'cts 'direct • With thetrain leaving Eastonfor klauch Chunk, Allen town, Bethlehem ftc. At 11 A.M. and 5 P. M. for, LaMbertville and interme diate Stations. , - .!0 • 0' ';0;.. CAMDEN AND BURLINGTON CO., AND PEMBER TON AND 11l GIITISTOWN RAILROADS, Iron/Mar ket street Ferry ((Lipper Side.) ' At 7 and'lo.A. 31..130, 3.30 and 5-30 , P. M. for Merchants . villeMoomatown, Martford, Hainsport, 31ouut Holly, Smithville. Vincentown, - Birmingham and Pemberton': At 7 A...M ~.1.30 and 3.30 P:3l'. far LevrietoWnl.Wrights ' -town, Ceaketown, New. Egypt; . Horneridown,, Cream Ridge. Indaystown, Sharon land Hightstown. Fink Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger, Passengers are prohibited front' taking anything as bag= gagebuttheir wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to he paid tor extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar. per. pound, unit-still notbe Liable. tor any =want beyond -8100, ex car by - special contract. ;• ' ' . • I ickets sold and Baggage checked a direct through to sten, 'Worcester, Springfield, Hartford, New Haven ~ Providence. Newport, AlbanY.‘ Troy, Saratoga, ma Utica; ;80-, Syracuse._ Rochester, Buffalo; Niagara Falls and , Suspension Bridge. . A» additional Tieket Office te loeitt.4"l.l at ' No. 828.Cheat nut street, where tiekets to New York, medial illlpol.- taut points North anti East, may. be procured. Persons Pnrehasing Tickets at this Office, can have their. bag. gage checked from residences or hotel to'llesthiation, by 'Union Transfer liaggage Ex press: - Lines from New York for Phihololphia'willleave from foot of Cortland street at LOO and 4.tiO P. M., via Jersey City and Camden. At 6.30 I'. M. - 'a Jersey City and Kensington. At 7, and 10 A.M., 12.30, 5 anal 9P. M., and 12 Night , via .lersey'City and West Philadelphia- • From Pier No, I,N. Diver, at 6.30 A. U. Hon and 2 P. 31. Express. via Amboy and Camden. May 11, kW. . WM: H. 'GATE 31ER, Agent. gitt'4l . 2l.ls7l - A: RA iLitcian.. - ;./,_‘ --THE MIDDLE' ROUTE -Shortest and most di ra ct line to Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown. Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, White Haven, Wilkesbarre, Mahanoy City./ Mt Carmel, Pittston. Tunkhannock, Scranton, 'Carbondale lattl ail the points in the Lehigh and Wyo taing-coal regions. - . • Passenger Depot in Philadelphia, N. W. corner Berke and .Ainericim streets. . WINTER ARRANGEMENT, TEN DAILY TRAINS. and after MONDAY, November Z3O, Passenger Trains leave the Depot, corner of Berks. and American streets, daily (Sundays excepted), as At 7.45 A. M.—Morning Eipress for Bethlehem' and Principal Stations 'OD North Pennsylvania' Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Batilroail for Allentown, Catasauquia, blatington, Mauch Chunk, (Weatherly .J eauesville, Ilat.leton ,Nir bite Haven, Wilkes loarrei Mingrton: Pittston, Tunkluttinock, and , all pointer ' In Lehigh anti Wyoming Valleys; also, in connection 4ith Lehigh and Makanoy Railroad for .11ahanoy City, 'and:with Cat:miss. Railroad for Rupert. lhinville, 3111- )ton and Williamsport. Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 1231.; at Willtesbyre at 2.50 P.A.:at Malianoy City at 1.50 P. - M. Passengers by this tram can take the Lehigh Valley Train, poising Bethlelieth at 11.55 A. M. for Easton and `,points on New .1 ersey . Centnal Itallroad,.to New York. At 8.45 A. M.—Accionmodation fur Poylestown, stop 'ping at all intermediatn Stations. Passengers for low Grove. 'Hatboro and liartsVille, by this train, take Stage at Old York Road. 945 A. M. Express) for Bethlehem; Allentown,. Mauch Chunk, White Ilaven, Wilkesbarre, Pittston W;ranton and Carbondale via Lehigh and Susquehanna' Railroad, &tiro to Easton and points on Morris and Essex. Railroad' to New York and Allentown ands Easton, and pointer out ,New Jenry.Centrul Railroad to New York via Lehigh V elle, - lailroad. — ' - At 10.45 A. 31.—Acconinirmiation for Fort Washington, 'slopping at intermediate Stationsi At 1.45 P. 31—Lehigh Valley Express for, :Bethlehem, Allentown, 311aucli Chunk; IA hitt Maven, Wilkesbarre, Pittston, Scranton, rued Wyoming 4:fiat:Regions. - At .2:4sPAl. , ...Accornmodation for. Doylestown,. stop ping at all intermediate stations.: , At 4.15 P. M.—Accuutmotlatlen for Doylestown, stop ping at all intermediate stations. At 5.00 I'. 31.—Throughacconnundationfor Bethlehem, and stations on main line of North PenneYlvania , Rail road, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Eve , g iii lig Train for Easton. Allentown, :Mauch Chunk. At 0.201'. M.—Accommodation for Lansdale, stopping at all intermediate stations. At 11.30 P- .111.—Amounnodation_for Fort Washington. TRAINS ARRIVE IN 111 ILADELPIIIA. Frozi IletraThem ut tllti A 731. .i.711,.572E.TRi';;:i; P. 31. 2.10 P.M.. 5.25 P. M. and 8.30 P.M. Trains make direct connection With Lehigh Valley or Lehigh and Sustme hatina trains from Easton, :cruptoin, Wilkesbarre, Ma- Llano' City and Hazleton. Passengers leaving Wilkesharre at 10.18 A. M. 1.45 P. 31., connect at Bethlehem and arrive in Philadelphia at 5.25 and 8.30 P. 31. Front Doylestown at 8.5 A. 31., 4.55 P. M. and 7 -P. M. Front Lansdale at 7.30 A. 31. Front Fort IYasbington at 10.45 A. 31. and 3.10 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at OA A. 31. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2.00 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7 A. 31. 11.. t lib:item fur Phi ladelptim 4.00 P. M. Filth anti Sixth Streets Passenger rare convoy Passen gers to and [tom theileW Depot. White ears )SeMAIW Inr.Titird , ;Streets Line and Union Line Walt ace the Depot. Tickets must be-procured at the Ticket Office, in order to secure the intve..it rated offare. ELLM'CL AUK.; agent. Tickets sold and Baggage checked throogh to princi pal points, at Mann 'se "Borth Penn: Baggage Express office, No. 105 South Fifth street. ir)I7IILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND .1 IIAI,II3IORE RAILROAD—TIME TABLE. Con mu neing MONDAY, May 10th, 1809. Trains will leayo Dep6t, corner Broad and Washington avenue, as fuI eVWS WAY MAIL TRAIN at 8.30 A. M. ( Sundays excepted), for Baltimore, stopping at all Regular Stations. COll - with Delaware Ittulreatt at Wilmington fur Kristiold and Intermediate-Stations. EXPRESS TRAIN at 12.00. N. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore and N ushington, stopping at Wilmington, Perryville ' , and )11avre de Grace. Counects at Wilming ton with train for New Castle. EX PRESSTRAIN at 4.00 P. 31. ( Sundays excepted), for-Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Thurlow, Linwood,. Claymont, Wilmington, Newport, Stanton, ' Newark, Elkton, North East, Charlestown, Perryville, Havre do Grace, Aberdeen, ferryman's, Edgewood, Magnolia, Chase's and Stemmer's Run. NIGHT EXPRESS at 11.30 P. M. (daily) for Baltimore and. Washington'," stopping at Chester, Thurlow, Lin wood. Claymont, Wilmington, Newark, Elkton, North EaSt ;Tertyrlllo',llltv re de Gracei-Perryman's and-Alag b Passengers for Fortrils 3lonroe and Norfolk will take . i l i 12.00 M. Train. WILMINGTON TRAINS....--,StoPPing atf till „Stations* between-Phllirdelphin and• Wilmington. Leave PIIII.ADELPIIIA at 11.00 . s.ooaifd 7.00 I'. N. a.001' . . M. train connects rtith' , Illehtiftru Railroad for Herrington and internMillate ettitions.“ , Leave WILMINGTON 6.30 and 6.10 A.M., 1.30, 4.15 and 100 P. M. The. .10.11.1 31. train will not stop between Chester and Plilltidel Oda 'The MO tP, M. train front Wilmington runs daily ;all at herAccommodalion Trains Sundays excepted; From BALTIMORE to PHILADELPHIA.—Loaves Baltimore 7.25 N., Way 9.35 A. M.;Exprets. 2.33' P. 111.. Express. 7.2.5 P. Express. SUNDA Y TRAIN FR 031 BA LTI MORE —Leav es BA LTIMORE at I.'", P. 11. Stopping at Magnolia, Per ryman Amrdeen, " ll re-tle-Gratce,Perryville,Chorles town. North-Fast, Elkton . , Newark, Stanton, Newport, WilfilinP ion, Claymont, lanwood and Chester. PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CENTRAL RAILROAD PitAlNS—Stoppilic at all Stations on Cites- t, r Creek and Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Rail- road. • • LetirC6 PHILATELPHINfor PORT DEPOSIT( Sun day excepted) at 7.00 A .•M „and 1:30 N... The 7.00 A. 31. Train will stopat aft Stations between Philadelphia and !amok - -•- - A Freight Train , with Passenger ,car attached will I, are Philadelphia daily( Sundays exceptcd) 'at: 1.00 P. 31.,-runeting,to Ixford . Leave rola PEutisa for PHILADELPHIA (Sun- - days excepted) of 5.4 u A:31".. 9.25 A. M. and 4.20 P.. M. • Trains !taring IL3IING TON at 6.30 A. 31. and 4.15 31., will connect Lamokin minion with the 7.90 A. M and 4.30 P. M. frailly , fur Baltimore Central it. It. ---Thitingliikkatutottlijoint , Weed, South,. and .South west nut y be procured - at street omder Continental Hotel, where 11,60 State , Rooms . and Berths in Sleeping Cars tau be secured luring the day. Persons .pureha sing tickets at this ollice eau have baggage checked ht their reeddencti by tin' .Union Trans fer Company. . 11. F. KENNEDY . , tinn't, IaTEST JERSEY, A 1.1,,R O.BD y • s RUING' AIM N uf:ME.N T FROM FOOT'OF 31...A11,RET 4 1114 R FERTI.I(I, -COMMENCINGIMURRDAY, .11'11.11, Triiiltn leaVe itt 1 . 01,10W ,1 : Fur CaTio'May lona be In Millv ill P, 3.151: For M.lll%;fflo,llinelapl and intermediate atilt ionm, 8.00 :0.1/5 P.M. • - • For lithigeton; Salem and way mtatiolis at 8.00 .\.11; For Woodbitn at 8.00 A. M.,3.10, SAO awl 0 P. M, r',.sglit: Fano en (hilly at. 12 o'clock, noon. • Freight :reSeivedut neemitt'gkivereil wharf below Will nut 54tre.4; daily, • .• • - • • • • • Freight ilrlivirc4 Ni1:22E144 Delaware aivetioe, • WILMA D. .1. SE 1,V1.1141,, Sup,rinteudelit .."''' ,. ' l.4 '' .- TRAVELEM . 3? - GrUIDErf -, E ILAD ELPHIA, GERMANTOVri4 P AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD TIME TA-' BLE.-4)11 and after Monday, 314 3d, 1860, and until further notice: FOIL GERMANTOWN. tease Philadelphia-6,i. 8. 9.93, 10, 71,12 A. M., 1,2, 4.4.33,0.05; 5?.i, 0, 8.14, 7, 8,0 , 00, 11 12 P. M.. Leave Germantown,-6, 7, 7;4 ,8 , 840, 0, 10, 11, 12 A. SI.; 1. 2,3,4, 4, 4 , ", 5, M a ', 0, 0,1,7,8, 0, 10, 11, P. 31. TheB.2o down-train, and the. ai and 52. i up trains, will not stop on the. Germantown Branch. ; • ON iSUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia-0.15 A. At., 2, 4.05 minutes, 7 and .., LOLIVI.I Germantown-8.16 A. M.; 1,3,6 nild - 314; P. M. GRESTNUT RILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia-0, 8,10, 12 A.. 31.; 2,31 c, 634,7, 0, and 11 P.'3l. ' Leave Chestnut Mill-7.10 ntinutes, 8,9.40, and 11.40 A M.; 1.40,3.40,5.40,6,40.8.40 and 10.40 P. M ON /IDA.- S Le'ave . Philadelphia-0.10 minutes' A. M.• 2 and 7 P. M. Leave Chestnut - Hill-7M niinutes A. 31:; 12.40,5.40 and 0.20 'minutes P.. 111. . FUR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Phan delpLin-6. A. 3141,4, 3,43,',, 5, 6.15, 0.a5, 10.00 tindllki P. M. • ' • Leave Norristown 5.f0 634, 9 ; /1 A. 114 134 * 3, 431,, 6.1!), 8 and 9),"i P. M. • • " WO" The 7:t; A.M. TrainsTroin Nor,riatoivnVrill not atop at "Motteromv Pot to' Landing, Domino or Sainr's Lane. The 5 P. 31. Train from Philadelphia will stop only at. School Laile,Manavunk and Conshohocken. ON SUNDAYS.• LeaVe Phillidelphia,9 A. M. Vl', 4 and 7 : 15 P.M.; • • Leave Norristown-7 AA. M.: , 53441 ind 9P. M• FOIL 31A NAY UNK Leave Philadelphia-6,734.9,11.05 A. M.; Is, a, 4, ri . 7 5 1 349.15, 8.05,10.05 and 1 . 13 i P. M. 114 A ., M;23Leave Manaymik-610,7,731, 8.10, 9li, ,g ' , 5, ir 8.3 , 0 and 10 P. IC-- • . 1119^' They P.3f . . Train from Philadelphia will stop only at Scheel Lane ntid Manayunk. ON SUNHATS. • Leave Phlladelphia-9 A.M.; 234,4 and 7.15 P. it. Leave Manayunk-736 A; M.; and 93 P. 3t- , W. S. %FILSON, General Superintendent, - • Depot, Ninth and Green streets.. QUICKEST TIME ON RECORD: : • • , THE PAN-HANDLE ROUTE. OEr26 noun 8 to CINCINNATI, • via PEN NAYLYA=. NIA RAILROAD AND PAN-BANDLE,73i HOURS less TIME than by COMPETING LINES. - . PASSENGERS taking : the 8.00 P. M TRAIN arrive in CINCINNATI neat EVENING sit 0.55 P. M., 26 HOURS) ONLY O • • - FR' . THE WOODRUFF'S: celebrated • Pislanei State- Room- SLEEPING-OARS- run through ,from ; PHILA DELPHIA tO 'CINCINNATI. Patinengerm taking tho' 12.00 N. and 11.00 P;M: Trains reach CINCINNATI and all at toints. WEST and -SOUTH ONE TRAIN IN AD VA CF. of all other Routes. - Passengers for CINCINNA.TIc:INDIANAPOLIS, ST:LOUIS: CAIRO: ('HICAGO,' PEORIA BURLING TON)VUINCV2 MILWAUKEE: ST.-PAUL, OMAHA, lii.T.,and all points WEST NORTHWEST and SOUTH WEST, will be particular to ask for TICKETS Oar Via PAN-HANDLE ROUTE. 199^ To SECURE the UNEQUALED advatitsges of: this LINE, be VERY PARTICULAR and .ASI4. FOR TICKETS "Nia..PAN-HANDLE,'? at TICKET OF= . FIFES: h W. CORNER NINTH and CHESTNUT Ste. •No- : 116 MARKET STREET , ;Iiet.' Second and Frontats:s , And'THIRTY-FIRST RK ET sta., West S. F.' SCULL General Ticket Agent, Pittsburgh: • _ 401 IN . MILLER; General Eastern Agent, 526 Broa d- DHLIADELHIA AND ERIE ' • , RAIEL-' P ROAD.-Stm3tEß TIME .TABLE .--Through and Direct Bente between Philadelphia, Baltimore,' Harris risburg,Willianispert, to the Northwest and the Great Oil Heaton of Pennsylviuda.—Elegant Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains. • On and: after MONDAY, April 26,1860, the Trains: on the Philadelnida and Erie ltaiiread will run as follows: , , WESTWARD.. Mail Train leaveaThiladelphia 10.45 P. M. • • 'Williamsport 8.15 A. M.* " " arriveasat Erie SAO I'. M. Erie'E x Press leaves Ph . • 11:50 A. M. " •• Williamsport • 8.50 P..111_ " •.• arrives •at Erie 10.00 A. M. , Einiira haul leavei Philadelphia 8.00 A. M. 'Williamsport 0:30I: 31. •‘ arrives at Lock Haven • • 7.46 P.' EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Erie, • ' 11.15 A. M. •• " " Willimnsport . 12.:10 A. 31. arrives at:Philadelphia o 25 A. M. Erie Ex press leaves Erie_ P. 31. •• • • • • Williamsport_ ' 7.50 A. IV: " •• arrives at Philadelphia • 4.10 P. Mail and Express connect with,Oi.Creek and -Wa lnut). River Railroad. Nitrglia. ,. ollOck& I Through.' • ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent. SHIPPERS' GUIDE 141011 BOSTONSTEA3ISHIP LINE. DI RECT, SAILING FROM EACH PORT EVERY VE DA YS,—FROM PINE STREET, PIIILADEL . DE LPII.I A, AND LONG - WHARF, BOSTON . • This line is composed of the first-class Steamships:.. ROMAN, .1,488 tons, Captain 0. Baker ' SAXON, 1,250 tons, Captain Sears, NORMAN, 1,293 tons, Captain firoivell. . ARIES. KM tons, Captain 'Wiley. The NORMAN, from Phila.; Saturday May 29,at 6,1'.31. The ROMAN, from Boston, Friday, MAY , &i, at 3 P.,M. The ARIES dues not carry passengers. .• These Steamships sail punctually, and Freight will be rfecived every day,a Steamer being always On the berth. Freight for points beyond Boston sent with despatch. Freight taken for all points ,in England' and for warded lig directed. Insurance il' per cent. at the office. For Freight or Passage i superior accomniodationsi apply to HENRY WINSOIt & CO., my3l - ' - ' 338 South Delaware avenue. _ pHILADELPHIA4 RICHMOND: AND NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LINE. HROUGH 'FREIGHT AIR LINE TO THE 'SOUTH AND WEST. EVERY SATURDAY, atNuonvfrom FIRST WHARF —... .- . above IA RKET Street. THROUGH RATES to all points in North and South Carolina via Seaboard Air-Line Railroad, connecting at Portsmontl4and to Lynchburg, Va.. TennesSeu mad the West via Virginia Mid Tennessee Air-Line and Rich mond and Danville Railroad. Freight HANDLED DDT ONCE And takenat LOWER RATES THAN ANY OTHER LINE. The regularity, safety and cheapness of this route commend it to the publit as the anost desirable medium for carrying every description of freight. No charge for commission. drayage, or any expense fur trunafer. Steamships insure at lowest. rates. • • Freight received WILLIAM I'. CLYDE R. CO. No. 12 South Wharves and Pier No. 1. North Wharves. W. P. PORTER, Agent at Richmond and City Ptiint. T. P. CROWELL Sc. CO., Agents at Norfolk. PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN .MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S RE GULAR LINES, FROM QUEEN STREET WHARF. The AVANA, JPne —, at 8 A.M. • The JUNIATA will sailfrom NEW ORLEANS, vin HAVANA, TIM TONAWANDA will sail for SAVANNAH on Saturday, June•b, at 8 o'clock A. M. The TONAWAZsiDA will sail from SAVANNAH on Saturday, May 29. The PIONEER will sail for WILMINGTON, N. C.,oa Thesday , June ist, at 8 A. M. Through bills of lading signed, and passage tickets sold to all points South and.W rat. BILLS of LADING SIGNED at . QUEEN ST. WHARF. For freight or passage, apply to 'WILLIAM L. JAMES, General Agent, . 139 South Third street. RA VAN A STEAMERS,. SAILING every 21 &ye. These steamers will learnthis port for ILav unit every third. NV ednesda, at 8 o'clock, A. M. The ateanwhip. STARS AN y D STRIPES, Captain Holmes, will anal for Havana On Tuesday morning, March 16, at 8 o'clock. Passage, tU currencY• Paeriengers must be provided with passports. No freight received after Monday. Reduced rates of freight. THOMAS WATTSON C SONS, 140 North Delaware avenue. NEW EXPRES6 LINE TO ALEXA.N- Gu'orgetowo and Washington, p. Ches apt.ake and Deluware 'anal, with conmetioas at Alex andria from the most direct route for Lynchburg,. Bris tol, Knoxville, ilk, 111111011 and the Southwest. Steamers leave regularly from the first wharf above Mrket street, every Saturdav'at noon. Freight fixeived WM. P.I.L%DE J.: CO •, 4; s 1 'HYDE A TYLEIC;Monts at Georgetown. M. ELDRIDGE t CO., Age»ts at Alexandria, Va. VOTICE.--FOR NEW YORK, VIA DEL IA AWARE AND 11AlqTA.N CANAL EXPRESS STEAMBOAT compANy. The CHEAPEsT and 4.41.11C1i EST water COMMUIIiCiI -0011 between P111111(1V1P11111.11.1111 New York. Steamers leave daily front first wharf below Market. street. Philadelphia, and foot of Wall street, New York.' Goods forwarded by all the lines running out of New York—North. East and Westrfree of Commission. . • Freight received and 'forwarded MI accommodating terms. WM. I'. CLYDE A: CO.,.Agents, • No. 12 South Delaware nvenne, Philadelphia. JA S. BAND, Agent, No, 119 Wall street, Now York. OTICE.—FOR NEW YORK:, VIA DEL IA AWARE AND RAILLTAN CANAL,. ti,WIFTSUijE TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, m.svATen AND SWI irrstfith: The blielllVHCol tha lines will be resumed on and after the 10th of March. For freight which vrill be taken on accommodating terms, apply to WM. BAIRD At. CO., No. 132 South ‘Vintrves. ' . . IiLAW E AND (,1111.ESAPEAKE strillll TOV - Malt Company.—llarg.,4 lowed betweeu Philadelphia, \ Baltimore, Havre do Grace, Delaware City and interiwidiate points. " • ' W3l. P. CLYDE & 430 Caps. .101 IN LAUGH LIN, sup'./ (Alio, 12 South Wharves, Philadelphia. . N _ . . . ( E---F 0 I ti Inv YoitK, VIA I) FIL -111 awatre and llarituu Canal-.-Swiftsuro Trtutspnrta - *inn Con pany—litettpatt ch and \ VirtSlll'4 , Jriiw - The business by them. Linem will he resumed nu mei after the lith of Pnr - Freiuht, which will 1,, often on tiectannicul at in c: terms, p ply to , W . 11.1.1 it 1./ C 0,132 South 'Wharves. AND STOVES. Holt AZ!, SONS, Lot. Atolrow,, No. 1:124 CHESTNUT Strevt. Ph Hada., Otitiosit• Unit.ll Stati.a Mint. zt fact ur. - I,OW 110'W N , . • PA IlLl.it. • CHAMHER, OFFICE,. • And otii..r GE A TES. For Anthrorito, Bituminoun .iod 'Wood Piro; A LSO. • IN M-Allt 1 , 1111.N.1.CE5, • Fur Wormilw vENTIbATo Pri vat.. Hu ns ildittg,s. , • - •••••• - CHIMNEY CAPS, -Itllll-110TLI:1116. . WHOLESALE mai RETAIL. • . CONSIGNEES' NOTICES._ • NO TI C E.—CONSI NEES 011 eluoitiise front London, per Inirk Ll tllelne, Itinikeo niuster,wilt cruel their permits onboard at Smith's wharf, • Tio, v ronutu disellitrgliut Tim.... day.looreidgm wit neNt, •dit,tll • hod., when all goods nut per ni 1111.11 Will be bent to the . Piddle - • tnyii2 at' CO. MffMMZIEMEM • rHILA.D.I43...PHIA, MIRY 15, 1869.—.. tkr.D 7 The 'Annual, 3lteting of the .Siockholders of tho Resolute Mining .Compeny,:of Lake Superior,. will oo • held at their Officey...No.M4lVaffint stri4n, onIiaNDAY, the 7th day of June, MS, at,l2 o'clock.3l, in for the election of Directors, and transaction of ; other yt2tjc7§ ' • 11. IC A. upo,pi,s, Secretary.. . OFFE' PIIILADELPOTA 414> ;It)" SOUTDEII47 MAIL S. S. ,COINPA.NY; •*. .••• --.; No. Ito SOUTH TIIIIID STREET,'„ • • ' • ' • , Av .15;-1S/Di , 1 The Stockholders of this ComPany are requested to present their Certificates ut this office at 011440.4 0114 thet,• proper reduction of the par value,' In necordattes'wlt/t_' the provisions of the net of the Legislature rekinete*theS7 same, approved April,l6, 180 and accepted hy tlteetpekirfr. holders Day 1809 may be stamped thervon • - Books of subscriptien tu 'the • Capital stock, et Its d need 'retention, ate tleiv openat this office.- •,-/. It; - t i CHAS: S.. ; TEAL, Treasitrer. E3IPIRE" R A.l >COPPEO3IPANYS , 4-' 1 . U ° The Animal . Meeting of the Stockholders of the? Empire Copper Coatpany will be held 'at.thmodice oft the, Company, No. t 2414 alma street ~ DAY, June 4th,18.60,at 12 o'clock 11,','for the efectinn'of Directors, and for' an • Other litielneSS that , may legally 4 come beforethe pT yet pg. r r. • . 111(.. il:lloV.V*4l. 4 %ti. odret . o 4 o 4 Pit ItstmLrittA , , May la: 1800. • inylst,m4s• P.l - 1.14211,1 - , MAY'flo;' A 8 .694 -, Thr Animal M eeting' of the' Steiek hailers of 'llO, Girard Mining' Cdmilany lof Lakikoesiperidri will hold at thoir office, N 0.324 \Valnut stretd..mi TUESDANO the Ist day of Juno, 18t0; at 12 o'clocicdii., for the election of Directors and tlie transaction of other` business. neylfitjel§ •11. A iloopsal soccoaiy:' rv• - • - • A:SINGDALOID •:IN. PAN Y .L-Nhe An anal . 31'oittiug arythe Sta&he Seite . of the AMYGEFALTOD MINING! COMPANYvol'Lakof Snperior, will be held at the Office of the Company, 32i Walnut strect,.Pliiltulelphia ,WEDNESD.AY.3...- June 24, 1809; at 12 o cloek for'tbe election of Diren• tore, and for any other besineks that 'maY legally 00 Me t before the meeting., • .- 4.; . .3LII HOFFMAN, Secretam LinUrantrA ; May 13. letie. • • niyl3te,iti2; ' • ANNITAL w e .) , ing of the Stocliholtlprs of the , GERMANTOWit I PASSENGER RAILAVAY COMPANY will beheld at,' - the 011 ice of . the Company, corner Sixth and Diamond"' streets, on WEDNESDAY ;June 24,.1869, at 4 o'clock P. M.:„ at svhich time and place ainelectiop-will be held for, Tit.asurer and five 5) !Wane ff Pra ' (one of !hem. shalt led, President) ; to serve for theensuitioyear.' , JOS.EYffiSINGERtYs.,. i3egretacTi m)l3•tu th e•it* 1071 - 'IIILADELPHIA, 11.&Y 18-;,1069.-4 - - nt,.Annual Mating: of the Otockholdeta ot , tfoi Philadelphia and BoetonllEitli n a Company (of Michigan i r will be' held at thole. office , 42l'Walnnt:streeti on • FRIDAY; the 4th day of Junoott 12 olcleck, foe the. eleCr. - tion Ilirectore and the,tru n neaditio of_ other bustneetN my le to th tje4j MeIIULIAPoi SocrotarY. -PHILADELPHIA, MAX, 5, 48439 . .-ruf , The Annual - Meeting,pl the StockhelOrt .ot7thnt .31ancian Mining Company, of Lake Superior, will Ink, held at their offi ice: Is o. 324 Walnut etreet;on THU.IIB-‘ MAY, the 27th !net, at 12 o'clock • . „ . • . B. A. HOOPES, ; .y 2 7 mylOtmß „ .tieeretar9. OFFICE OF ; :THE INIETALLIRE :LAND COMP-AINY, NO. szi WALNUT STREET.' ' PHILADELPHIA, May 7thOtie..9. - The MO' annual rneeling of the stockholders of Alic;' Metalline Land Companywill be held attbe.oflice of the cowpony, on MONDAY, dace, 7th, proximo, at 12 o clock, M., ' • wilt on • - • ' M. 1 1 .-11 OFFMAIC Clerk. • 1- DIVIDEND 'NOTICES. IT TENNESSEE''. [ OF IN LIQUIDATION: r r • ' ' 'r• 0 ' • . •, • NAsavthrx,llay 20,1800, , A stockdiVidend of, twelve dollars • and fifty epata et eh share of etdek.'in the' 'Union Pank'of Tennegsee I.e patid at the Philadelphia `National „Banknou'and after the 10th day pf June,.)B69.' - , • kL r lit • Nt • my24-Im.• • .• - Cashier - and Trturtee. ••• • • • PROPOSALS. . . PROPOSALS YOU . SUPPLIES. , OFFICE OF PAYMARTER'UNFIED STATER NAVY.. • . • . I.IIILADELPIFIA, May 25, 1835. SEALED PROPOS.VLS, endorsed "Proposals for SUp, plot ' 't will be received 'at-thin - offiee until 12 o'elock. M. unl the let of June next, for lnrniBhing the United. States Navy Depattnamit with the following articles, to be of the Last quality, n anit uality, ad subject to inspection by. the Inspecting offirer in the Philadelphia Navy Yard; where they are . , to. lie delivered free of expense to the government, for which security must be oin., FOR BUREAU D ve F CON'STRUUTION AND REPAIR: . • 'l2O 0/111011.M sperm oil—)vinter straineitor bagged 50 barrels pitelc•pine—Southern. bd ft. white pine deck plank . , oy inches 35 to '45 fleet lung, aVeratting teet. .13.33334 bd. ft. white 'pine deck plank, 3by 6 inches, 35 to' 45 feet long: averaging ateet. • 1,011.1 lxl ft. white pine No:1 pank, L'. inches thick, IS . to 16 feet long . 12 to 20 ultimo wide parallel. 111,006 bd. It. white pine Xi). I plank; 23,iinch mi thick'', 12 to 16 feet lung„ 12 to 20 inches wide, 1.:333'S Ist, ft. white pine No. 2 plank, 1. 3 4. incites thich,l.2 to 10 feet long, 12.t0 20 inches wide, parallel. 1,000 bd. it. 'white pine rianel plank, 235 Inches thiek; l 2 ' • to 16 feet 10ng.12 to J 8 inehesWide, parallel• . bd. ft. white pine panel plank,3 inches thick,* to . 4 , 16 feet lung. 12 to 18 inches. wide, parallel. ,18X) bit Jft. white pauel'plank, 4 inches thick, 12 to 10 feet long, 12 to 18 inches wide, parallel. 1,000 bd. ft. white pine panel limards,3i inch. thick,l2 to 10 feet long, 12 to IN inches wide, parallel. 1400 bd. it. white pine No.l beards, .11, inch thick, 12 to 16 feet 10ng,12 to 20 inches wide.parallel. 1.000 bd. ft. white, pine Nu. 3 buardsil inch thick, 12 •.. to 16 feet long, 12 to 20 inches wide,nit3l3ll"l.• tt-0.3 , J bd. ft. loth :as inch thick,l2 to 16 feet long, 12 to Id' bd. ft. ash, 1, 'lichen thick, 13 to 16 feet long, 12 to .18 Invitee wide. • . 2,000 bd. ft. ash, 2 inches thick ;12 to 16 feet lung, 12 to' 181nnc~a wide. 1,000 bd. ft. ask; 3 -inches thick, 12 t 0.16 feet long, 12 to 18 inches wide. . . • _. 660 S bd. ft. ash, 4 inches th ick, 12 to 16 feet hind, 1; to' • .18 inches wide. ' • , For further particulars •, apply to NAVAL CON STRUCTOR. Navy Yard, Philadelphia. - • . Foil BUREAU OF YARDS' AND DOCKS. 4 Black 'Walnut Wheel Hubs.'24 'inched diameter; 27 inches long, turned, of best .ounlit y , well-Heasimed stuff.? For further part Iculann apply tolayrjr.LENE.-INEER, Navy liard, . . • Blank forms for propinials maybe obtained attlilsoffice. .51. lILESKELL, Paymaster, S. Navy. E - GA li` THE, 'COURT OF COMMON 'PLEA for the Citotuil County of Philadelphia.---Truiit'efi tate Of SARAII PRICE ROSE. - -Sur supPleMental pc-( tit lou of .fOIIN S. McMUL Trustee, fur confirma tion. of gale' to ANN LE B. -MASSEY,. SM. Yoq will notice citation hisued by the Court to you to appiiiir in Conrt on SATUBDAP,Sinteli,lB4i:Lat 10 o'clock A 31.. and allover mid petition, and olew cause, if any you. Snive, w hty. prayer fhereof-should not be granted, or: Mini the rame will thou be allOweil 'to 11. P. 'AKIN; I ANCIS . 1). EAKIN, WILLIAM .13,' EAKIN 'and BUTLER PILICE mi . 25-tu tli 4t A MEETING 0.1? THE CORPOItAT01:01 .„ 1111151114 hi "An act to Rawl!?rate the Bnekif and bin') tgontery Telegraph C.enteiny,•• approctid Met March, 1869, will be held ui Philadelphia, 011 SATURDAYAth' June, 1869 at l o clock, A. SM., at Ow Continental H , otel, at which time and Place an election will he held for 'four Directors of wild Company. • • • , • - SILAS WORTH, . • J.Ii,AUFMAN4,. . RoItINSON, . C. TITOMASO., my 5 ti p ' ' W. WILSON.. ' . IN. THE COURT OF CCAL:SION PLEAS . for the city and county of 'lltilailelphia.,—Aiodgued estate, of CIIALF.LIKY StiMiEltS and 'WILLIAM SOMERS, copartners as C. bill:11E11S • & SON,: Thu Auditor appointed by the Court to audit and adlust thin account of W. IL LOVE. AN144:111:0 .0t CHATAKLEY SoMERS and WILLIAM E. 'SOMERS,' coptrtitersi tradiniz as C. SOMERS 4: SON and to , report dtstribn tiou 01111117111(W ill hands'. of, said biecountitut, Will meet the parties interested for the purpose cif hid appidutinent on :1111N DA Y, May 3lst, 1569, nt 11 o'clock: A. 31, at libt °thee. No. 217 South Third street', in the elty of Philadel phia. S. lIENItY. NOIOI.IB, ,tuditor, [niy2o tI. t tit 31. j VSTA'rE OF LYDIA HART' ILEALIN(;- _/...1 trot. Dec'd.--4ietteta Of .iiihniniatration upon ih • ers tate of said decedientliaYintr been grunted to the signed by the Itegister of Willa for the city lila! ...ow V ot Philadelphia, all persons having estate aro requested to prettent tints, and those. nal 'Weil to inekii payment tO .1011N , ,RE.311Nt1TON.,IiisitAqf REIIIINII3 ON', Administrators, 1720 str Nina delphia; or to,their Attorney, 'EDWARD S. 11.1 I`,lnAt 731 \Valuta street. • . i.p27•t ion; s'rATE OIfir.ER:NIAN COPE, DEU'D— ..I2/ lietteti testatuentnry havine liven granted to thin undersigned', Ai persons indeintn ni will mak,. ..payment, and those Wrinz claims i,tees 'lit Ilf , lll [l.l JOHN E. ( . 01 . 1 . :, 111V27-ill 6t5 N0..00 Washington nivenno. .TITE ORPHAN U S' CORT FOR HE 1. City and (Vilify of Pitiliniciphia.-4istate of DEVI'S .1. WILLETT deeelisid.—N.gire is hereby Ltd% that 'MARY S. %1 I'LL FITT. tini of said decebent, has tiled ill suit Court her petition and appraisenr.nt Of filp personal property. sine elects to retain underline - •April 14. 1861, and its sin pplentents and that the souse trill be apprilri'd by the Court null SATURDAY, June 5, PAL% unless exceptions bu Idea „I. IT. sLOAN', ' niy24 Attorney for Widow. INTL! 1?.. oit I ' HANS' UOI_IRT FOP T.HE 1 City and County of 1 hilatielphini.-43 , tate of T.IEO - ILE K I NSEI deeeinsed.—Notice 10' hereby suttees ' : I t n it a n y t-31 A Ti ',DA I( the.widow of fi - has tiled in said Court her petition, with ICI a ppra 1N1.111.41t of the personal property i iheoc,o,,, to retain, s u nder the Act of Assembly of Aprill4: let .4 , 11 d that the eflllte Will. kw apprise' , _.., by OW 0 , 110 .11 SATURDAY, June :5, 1569, I inter I.l` 111 rd thereto. IV.M. W. FELL, - nic2i inn inn 40.1•' Attorney for Detitioueir. BUSINESS CAIWS. r4A.NII:h A. WRIOHT, THORNTON Tti Emmun tVUhaIT...I , II).NX L. N.HALI,' AS EIGHT & SONS, ImportiTH of eartliCt4VlaTO ' • Shipping and eololubmion Nerchantg, ' • No. 11.5 Walnut street, Philadelpbill. E - S. BOYD. . . Window Slip,leg k lleits,: flattrelsselt, - Catlett/ Dna N 0.130 •Norfh.•• Niuth Pltaidolphia 7 .-- r atilt tire vklutirvil OTTON SA IL EVERY k) width. from 22 iodic's' t 70 inched wide. all numbers I'‘ lit mot A w Wog' l'aqier•lbitkoes • Foiling, 801 l Tw ST • •• • . •3 m Nir ix :.E.VERarAn, n :• No. ICluirch dtreet, City StoroJ. • U — WNEES °FPROI".. vttY--Tlie only place to get privy welhielea O - M and Ii infect d nt l•ere A. PEI VSSON, Marto.- Lotiirer of roudreite, (101.1tinittle 11141, Library street . ' J. AUSTIN SPENCER, Solicitor for PotitiOner;' ' • • 423 Wulnut street:,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers