NOTIMEL trntINWAY93 PIANOS 1111X1RPM 13 TEM Waist award (fiwtsold modal) at the Interns. blbtion. Paris. 1867. See Of fi cial Report. at arsrocaa of BLASIUS BROS.. oell.te N 0.10136 Chestnut lama. er4 tt;thati.legottligA,art the Pant :g rix L mati , 0 :? DITITOWS WarOTOOMII: 914 Cheennt street. •491.04 EVENING BULLETIN. Friday, May 7, 1869. TINE 'RADON TEIE PRESIDENT Quite a number of Republican newspapers are engaged in the unenviable business of President-bunting. President Grant is criti cized in terms of unmeasured and unmerited dissatisfaction for everything that he has done and everything that he has left undone. Ills Cabinet is found fault with, his appointments are abused, and his evident desire and pur pose to manage the government as he said he would when be was nominated to the Presi dency, are complained of as if he had broken his faith with the Republican party. Nothing is easier than to throw stones. Nothing iseasier than to find fault with the work of other men. And in this easy work quite a number of respectable journals are al ready engaged, and the people are beginning to ask the reason why. It is not difficult to answer the pertinent question. General Grant accepted the Presidency at the hands of the Republican party, fully in sympathy with its principles and all its great aims and ends. Among these principles he recognized as of paramount importance to the Executive that he should do all in his power to bring back something like Republi- Call economy, integrity and efficiency to the civil service, which had been so demoralized under Andrew Johnson. On all proper oc- easions, General Grant avowed this as his chief purpose in taking the Presidency. Every one knew that the Administration would find this reform a Herculean task. The corrupt class of politicians resolved to make it an impossible one. They did not believe that President Grant was more than ball in earnest in his professions, and they were too well versed in all the arts of the "Ring," to doubt that they would be able to break him in to their plans. President Grant began his work, and the corrupt politicians began their's. From the moment the Cabinet was announced, the pol iticians began to complain. The President had chosen gentlemen for his advisers, agree- , able to himself, uninterested in any of the small cliques or factions, staunch, unc )m -promising Republicans, honest and cap tble business men, well• fitted to serve the c3untry at the beads of their respective 'Departments and to carry oat, in good faith, the reform of the civil service to which the President hid devoted himself. But the Cabinet did not suit the old "Ring"-masters, and so the graci- Orte work of fault-finding began,and developed Itself as the minor appointments were an nounced. Members of both Houses of Con gress pushed their friends upon the Execu tive, not with requests, but with demands for their appointments. Senators threw them selves across the path of the President, ob likneting his honest efforts for reform, in the true dog-in-the-manger style, unable to get their own friends in, and therefore resolved to keep all others Ont. Congressmen and Sena- tors bargained and planned, and huckstered ant the Federal patronage as if they, and not President Grant, held the appointing power. Meantime a huge army of applicants, from all parts of the country, and of every imagi nable grade of unfitness, pressed their claims and petitions upon the Administration. One in a thousand could be satisfied, at the coat of nine hundred and ninety-nine diacon lents. The " Ring" politicians,—and tumid distinction must be observed as to this particular class of politicians,— began to sus prrA that they bad "caught a Tartar," in Pre sident Grant; that he was actually and con scientiously in earnest in this business or put ting none but good men into office, and in using his own judgment and instinct in doing so. They began to feel that the power be hind the throne was to be no clique of selfish, unscrupulous, intriguing partisan managers, but the great, abiding confidence of the Ame rican people in the integrity and mural con rage of President Grant. Disccntented dealers in Government "pap,' and discontented applicants for office have raised this newspaper howl at President Grant, and it was not unforseen. There was a pre-de termination not to let go the spoils of office; and It would have been strange it those who have long usurped the distribution of patronage should have surrendered it without a desperate fight. The clamor will hurt none but those who raise it. The great major ty of the bettor class of the politicians recognise the pro priety of President Grant's course with his appointments. They art hick and tired of seeing two or three men in each State m)- nopolising the power of the whole Repub lican party, and they are with the President in his refusal to surrender himself into their hands. The masses of the people are in the West sympathy with the President, because they have tried him, and found him worthy •f all confidence. They accepted his simple kaugural pledges in their broadest sense and mean to stand by him, until he shows that he has been unfaithful to them. With this strong endorsement of the people, President Grant has no occasion to be disturbed by the clamor of those who are simply expressing their disappointment because he Is actually trying to do what he promised should be done. The criticism upon the Cabinet deserves no notice. The President has composed it of men congenial to himself, and approved of by the Republican party. The cheap cry that this or that man is not a "great states man" is simply ridiculous. The policy of the Administration does not require"great states men" in the Departments. The purpose of President Grant is not to frame laws and policies, but to execute them; and the work of Ms Cabinet is to conduct the businees of the — Siewal Dept - me - fife ARIA hone !y, economy snd efliciercy. And it le well for the coun try that this is what is required of the 01131- net, for it would be a very hard task, indeed, for President Grant or any one else, to and 'Seven "great statesmen" in the lt!prit)lica.n viaay, other party. "Great statesmen" are nor Plenty, But honorable, intelligent, pa- triotic, sensible, energetic men are plenty in America, and from among them President Grant`has oilmen his constitutional advisers, and the heads of the Departments of the Government: GIKARD woc,Luois. We have already called attention to the un fortunate revival of the old romances ate at the abuses at. Girard College. President Allen's card in to-day's paper adds the strong est testimony upon the subject, and there can be little doubt that the presentment of the Grand Jury, if fairly made, will satisfy the public mind that there is no necessity for any "honest indignation or condemnation" in the matter. We have earnestly advocated the creation of the Board of Trusts, but not at all because we believe that there is now, or ever was any such state of affairs at Girard College as a few interested Directors sought to present by their testimony, a year or mare ago. The whole matter was terribly exag gerated and misstated at the time of the in vestigation by Councils. The report of Messrs. Harper, Marcus, Tyson and Fran ciscus to Councils says of these alleged abuses: "Charges of ludolence, cruelty to soholarri rndentes to the mothers of the bays, disloyally, and others of minor Importance, have been made against Major Smith. No one of them has been sustained by impartial evidence. So far from their having been substantiated, the testimony of the most intelligent and reliable witnesses sbo ive that they were u'terly groundless, and with scarcely a shadow of foundation." Councils, yesterday, adopted the views ex pressed by the EVENING BULLETIN on the dog question, and passed an ordinance requiring all dogs to be muzzled when at large. Some of the police seem to have taken our sugges tions with undue literalness, and to be using their revolvers without any exercise of com mon-sense. It will be time enough to commence a slaughter of the canine race when the law has been put in force which forbids their. 'Binning at large. The statistics given by the President of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, is relation to hydrophobia, in his interesting communication of last week, are un doubtedly correct, and should go far to allay the popular superstition on the subject of mad dogs. If a dog is mad it is a mercy to the animal and to society to kill him as quickly as possible. But it is a very stupid thing to pronounce every dog mad that has been worried into a fever by ill-treatment, or that may happen to have a fit. But we do not think that savage dogs should be per mitted to roam at large in the streets of a large city, and any measures that may pre vent this effectually are to be commended. Elegant City and ,ountry Residences, COVNIII.I SEATP, VALUABLIII STOLL IE6, LARUE BUILD/NO /A/IF, &C. —Tbomets & Suns' pamphlet catalogues is sued to-morrow fur Tuesday's sale will comprisa a number of very valuable Estatee, by enter of the Or phans' Court, Executors, 'Prusteee, Aseffinees, Maskers, Beira arid others. TAR. R. F. THOMAS, TILE LATE OPERATOR AT 1-1 the Colton Dental Areocim ion, to now the may one in Philadelphia who devotee his entire time and practice to extracting teeth, al,solutmly without pain, _by fresh nitrous street. mtd, ly rpi iOLTON DENTAL AtSuCIATION ORIGINATIID V the anieithetie use of NITROUS OXIDE., OR LAUGHING GAS. d devote their whole time and practice to extracting teeth without pain. Witco , Eighth and Walnut etreete. &u 30191 ILENEY PIIILIAPPI. CARPENTER AND BUILDER, NO. 10£4 SANSOM FITREET. yealy4o PLIILADELII3 lA. 1 DEN LRUMI'. BUILDER. 1731 CLIESTNUTSTREET. and 218 LODGE STREET. Mechanics of every branch required for home-building and ening promptly furnished. f«Mf DUSTS AND RAILS, PtiSTS AND RAILS. A.L.L Four holy, square and half round Polltd. Shiugle.—Long and shell, huart and e.: p. 6eOA/11 feet ow 111611 boacde. Shtivlng , lining and etore•tltting material made a rneci.lty. NICHOLSONS% n.)l, tire Seventh and Carpenter ate WA RH URTON'S 1411' HOV ED, VENTILATED and earyttttng Dress Hats (patented) In all the ap proved f tuitions of the sea-ion. Chestnut etreet, next door to the Yost ()thee. neti-tfrP W ITS( UT RAISING THE DUST OR PRESSING vy the dirt into the body of the capot an a broom dorm, the latent t arpet sweeper gathers. 645 it passes along, all the dilt. dart, shreds, scraps. pins. needles. etc.. be neath it; end your carpet is quickly swept. Sove;al of ti e p o.; epproved patterns are for sale by TRUMAN di SII A NV, No. Mb (Eight Thirty-tive) Meiket street, below Ninth. ETullElfd, SIX KINDS. SUPERIOR k quality oft arpet 'lncas, and various otylui of I.:Kraut and Ipholetere,e' Ilaintnena and 'lack Puller!. at TRU MAN d. SHA W'S , No. 8 (eight Thirty-five) Merket orlowlNiuth. 11AIENT PENiAL HOLDERS, BY WHICH A LEAD II rr Plato pencil may bu tempirarily attached to tan 1. ge of any pair ut fur MCC/&Allied' 1160. Price 26 tin te, t 'FPI:MAN & SHAW'S, No. 835 ( Elea Thirty het ) kat t Heel, below Ninth. TIDE BEST CIGARS AND TOBACCO ABE OBTAINED at WILEY BROTHERd, N. W. corner Eighth and Walnut ntrtota ap23-rptf§ MACH LACE SACQUE lilt ASSORTMENT thwened , hir ince biog.—Just recei :rd, direct from De' nlehluer Athertca, a tattier') aenortment of Black Lace Borguea. all tie uovell leo of the precout season. fir sole at retail at noportere priced. GEOIOJE W. VOGEL. i. 2.02 Cheated , street. D(4.CE FAH NI t:IN .—ENJOYMENT REIaBT iJ coed by emsklbg bo r si londid Yara Cigars sold by W ILEY, Ligbtb and %Vain'''. aprarotfl - - IL - 10 It INVALIDS.- 4% PINE MUtoIUAL BOX Ad A I companion for th, sick chamber; the fines assort, went in the city, and a groat variety of airs co select from. Imported direct by FARR di BROTdFR, mhl6 tfrp 2i4 Chestnut street. below urth. EINE ItIL) r L LL DIRE‘TIONS 1L r use. Fresh Bethlehem. Uaaida and Scotch Gat meal Pearl Sago, Dario'Farina: ons Food, Raoahont, Lui'• Gelatine. L:a.racas Ursa° an I uUu r Dietetics. For I y JAMES T. SIDER. S. W. ror. Broad and Spruce strsos. Lapth tt rp ISAAC NATIIA •b. At CTIONEER, N. E. COINER .1 h , rd and Spruce etreett, only one equare below the Each • nge. 82.60.0 to loon. in large or mall amount% on damn, nde. silver p ate, watehen, jrweir.y, and all goo& of value. Office hour , from 7 P M. 1 &tab. Itched for the Met f .rty y rare. Advances made in large niottl to at the low •of me• ket rates. iaB Grp JUST RECEIVED AND IN 8 LoitE 1,000 OASES OF Cliampagoo,sparkling Catawba and tialifomla Wines, Port, Made Ira, Sherry, Jamaica tnd Banta Cruz Rum, fine old Brandies and Whiskies, Wholesale and retail. P. J. JOB. , A N. 220 Pear street, Below Third and Walnut streets and abet° Dock street. del-tf MAUA 7,12 , 7 1)E13 MODES. 1014 WALNUT STREET idEB. PROCTOR. Uloake. Walking Bulb, Bilks, Drees Goode, Lime 131Iswh, Ladles' Underclothing and Ladled. Fara. Dream, made to meaeme In Twenty.fonr Boars. A RE 'IOU A CONNOIdt3FUR IN Id ERRiOIIAUM .14. PI pee and Clear Tubes? WILEY BROTHERS have a superior Hock at Elghtb and Walnut. ap73rptil It MIXING WITH INDELIBLE INK , EMBROIDER /11l me. Braiding, Stamping, dm. IL A. uORI.Y. Filbert street. up LEY BROTHERS ♦RE TilE LARGEST IkliiHT VI feel errre of Havana Oigara In Philadelphia. Of couree their immenee facilitiee enable them to sell nt the lowest poselbh price. Eighth and Walnnt. apt rpttl . _ INDIA RUBBER MACHINE BELTING, BTE/ISI Packing Hone, fie. Engineers and dealure will find a full antortment of Goodyear's Patent Vulcanized Ittxbhor Paekint Hone, ac., at the Manufaeturore headquarter% GOODYEA 1 08. Chentnut street, South aide. - have now on hand inrANot of Ovntlomen'4 L , udiefecai aftia.u. et) le of Gum Overnla a T"'VE FIVE CENT YAP.% CIGARS 1 SPLENDID, ain't they . 'ountry merchants aro Invited to call and examine them at HILEY Eighth and rec. e. apT.l•rp IAN B B NFWBoId) & BON, +l HILLIIt iKEIFt AN o GENERA s•ANILII AL ACkEINTS at Mtirr• CTII dILU PRE T. ' I) G YOU WANT PRIME NkVY MD Cl/P. Catendiaa hubo odlLYN'Id, at Eliglitti and Walnut atreeta aP3B4ptf9 THE'DAILY EYE I INGI . • UagTlN , pm ? t ' ADEL Pa;FRIDAY ; - N V A Y:1;1 8A9.: , SELECT SPRING- SUIT WANAMAKER & BROWN'S. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, S. E. Cor. Chestnut and Seventh Streets. Ohoioe Goods for Present Salons In daily receipt of New and Maple Spring Goods. SOW THE ' MERRY, MERRY MONTH OF MAY" CAME IN. With storm and blow, And rain and snow, And water and mud, above, below. Ugh I Boob! What could we do ? Where could we go? How could we get Out of the dismal rain and wet? Colds in our heads, Frogs in our throats, Wrapped to our ears lh our overcoats, What dismal, splashy, horrible day To begin the merry, merry month of May ! But the sun shines out And the rain is done, Arid now, no doubt, We will have the fun Of wearing the clothes So new and nice, Which we buy for the spring. At moderate price, At the place where they clothe the people all, Rockhill & Wilson's GREAT BROWN HALL! It is one of the beauties of MIMI & Wilson's Clothing Establishment that gentlemen ran buy clothes for every kind of weather, and at such low prices that no gentleman can afford to be without the proper variety for every emergency of storm or sunshine. fia" Our new style of light Spring Overcoat is such that you can roll it up and put it in your hat or pocket, when you do not want to be in convenienced by carrying or wearing it. Cheviots, Bannoekbnrne, Pique, Diagonals, Stapes, Meltons, Steel and Silver Mixed, and, in short, all manners and descriptions of good things in the clothes line that are needed to satisfy the most ardent aspirations of masculine humanity, CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP TOR CASH, CASH, CASH, AT ROCKHILL & WILSON'S Great Brown Stone Hall, 603 anii 605 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. OGDEN & HYATT, TAILORS, No. 827 ARCH STREET, LATE WITH WANABLAKER & BROWN. The Finest Goods, French, English and Domestic. Terms moderate. ayl4 lm4p THE STA-Eits THE LARGEST ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE. Po advantage taken of a want of knowledge of goode. YALE MODE. AT THE LOWEST RATES. lIICTLY OBE PRICE. PERRY & 00., No. 609 CHESTNUT Street. above MTH. aDge f to 02 fmry WOOLENS FEARFULLY LOW. COOPER & CONARD, S. E. cor. Ninth and Market Ste. CASSIMERES, All-wool, 500. up. CLOAKINGS, good styles, $1 up, CLOTHS, Low to fine grades. The daughter to this branch of business still condones. We have availed ourselves of the low prices to go in besvllY . and offer to our friends and customers some greet drives in Tt owserinacs Coatings, &c. 1113 84 DAP GREAT BARGAINS IN FINE ALBUMS.—VJELVETs 'I tirksy Morocco and Antique Binding. Blank lintke,4tatloncry. Uoliday Books. Bibles, Games. Ladicre-4_4rtnrsorstexcr-BerAnizak , rnanDltookes...ol4l. and Fancy Goods, selling loud. White. Buff and Canary Envelopes. 15 conta per hun dred. Flue Note Paper, per room.Portiolios, 15 oento and upward. Fine Cutlery. Leather tionds, (ross. Cards. DOLOILIOC Nand all parlor trames,Fattcy Goods. tcc., .Sze. 1 cm est priers in the city FANCY CHEAP bTATIONEBY, CUE AP BiBLES. ALAIITMS. l'2lo and 131 B. ElkktiTtl STRET. *p2l 4p tn REPAIRE3 TO WATCHES AND MUSIOAL Cg; : BOW. to Om beet manner, by skillf , ll workmen. ORO, MA Chestnut duet, Wove Vourta V.:0,000 3Prenitums The Boston Trotting Association - Dating engaged the MYEiriO PA.RIE, • MEDFORD, Mlkß9.,' for their first montinglill give the following ourroo on Juno 16th, 16ih, 17th, 18th. No. 1, Juan lb, lib 000;10i , liorseri flint have neverr beat .n 3 Ibt131110.; $l.lOO to Bret, 18700 to second. *WO to third; mile butte, ucet 3 bib, in intriteem, No. FAYE DAT. €8 000; for bonito that have never beaten 325; t? 1,700 to first, sl,aoo to EC :013d. 83(0 to third; rniio Loeb, beat 3 in 5, in hart:teas. No. 2, arra Id, $2 002; tor hareem that have novo- beaten 2 40; 111.00 u to ling, to second, 41340 to third; wino Loan, to, st s in 6, iu harness No. 4. SAIIE DAY. s2.fice for Double Teim4; to tit Vet. to keeond ; eBOO to third; mile berate. bil4t oto 5. - - No. 5 JUNE 17. }BMW: for hoi see flint bovi nev e hooton If t) ; MO to first, 41700 to second,sSA) to third; u.sto heats. btrt. 13 in 5, In I:unwed. o 6, FAttc Dsv, 18 tat; for horses that bavo never heetrn 2.t0; *1 7011 to first, $l,OOO to second, $30.1 to third; ini.e heats. hest 3 in 5. in hat neer. No. 7, Jura] 1& t2 2 / 1 4,1; for horse , that btivo IIcTO . beaten 21.2; 61,tt0 to first $l,O to recond , t$3OU to third; Intl° Lentz, beet to 6, In harness. 7,7 n e, Bear DAL 64 $2.020 to first. 511,500 to second. 5510 to Mira; for all boreal; mile heat,. be Blns, la barna& There Purees are for horsee that have never beaten the time rpeelfmd. In Lamers or to wagon. pi evlons to closing of entries. aline made at Fairs will be considered a record. All entries are to be addressed to W. P. BALOB. Treasurer. 28 Blackstone Street. Barton. On or before Him M Name and color of all hones. including nary horses at double teams. must accompany Intranet, money. 10 pee cent of puree. at the time of entry. Entrance money of ms nue sots home will be forfeited. hree or more to enter. two Cr nio:a to CWT. The track will tee under management of DAVID B. 11LAOnLZD: .. IL S. RUSSELL. President. DAVID DollffiNg. Jr.. Secretary. says 20 TO SENT. is TO RENT.• A HANDSOME RESIDENCF, No. IM LOCUST Street. Twenty feet front; In good condition. Pomeeeeion given May 2 nt $1.300 per year. Ai ply on the premiees. car 3t4p• • FOB LENT.—A MOST DESTMARLE HOME TN riur ntie-t, Clerionutov ri , No. 11h. Apply ot 227 .tract,. up stairs; or at 11A,M,P.if.ln"r1 I nal (`lie. - . 1' 0..944 Main tot et. my 7.3 t• MI &CELLA Pite,oce,. CLARK & EVANS, No. 680 'Chestnut Street. OPEN DAY AND EVENING. Mlnel Jobbing at Manufacturers' Prima. RETAILING AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Geld Watches. 81her Watches. Pine Jewelry. Plated Wars. Gin man Accordem, Splendid Clunenee. rbotorrsPh Albuzim Family }Abler. Table Cutlery, Pocket Cutlery, Pocket Beebe, se.. 2.loney saved b 7 purchasing your goods of OLARK & EVANS. spZ) tfro ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE ! ICE! ICE! OFFICE OF THE KNICKERBOCKER ICE COMPANY, No. 435 Walnut Street♦, PHILADELPHVL Established 1832. Incorporated 1861 Wholesale and Retail Dealer! and Bhippere of .EASTERN ICE. THOS. E. CAHILL. President; E. P. HERSHOW. VicwPresident; A. HUNT, Treasurer; E. H. CORNELL. Secretary; T A. HENDRY. Superintendent lee delivered daily in all parte of the consoli lusted city, West Philadelphia, Mantua, Richmond, Bridcsburn. Tioga and Germantown. Prices for families, offices, etc., for 1869: 13 pounds daily ...60 cents per week " " •• • . 16 " Large consumers at wholesale price& Orders rent to the Wilmot' any of the followings depots, will receive prompt attention: North PounsylvantA Railroad end limiter 'beet, Willow etreet wharf, ware avenue, Ridge avenue and Willow street. Twenty cond and Hamilton streets, Ninth street and Washing ton avenue, and Pine etreet wharf, Schuylkill. lee Iye Ice I Ice I lee I Ice I Ice ! my? lruspi GALLOWAY C. MORRIS & CO., RETAIL DFALERS IN LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL GOAL. Ofnee—No. 208 WALNUT Street• Yard—Foot of TABKER Street. ap24 lmtp F ITLER, WEAVER & CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW IN FULL OPERATION. No. IIN WATER street and 23 N. DELAWARE avenue 011111 NA AND GLASSWARE. THE PUBLIC Ie invited to examine OUR IMMENSE STOCH or China, Gi-lamig and Stoneware, and compare the prices and qualitiee with those of any other house in the city. TYNDALE & MITCHELL, 707 CHESTNUT STREET. in6l6 W atom TORDAN'I3 CELEBRATED rum Tomo ALE FOR u invalids, family use, dtc. The subscriber Is now furnished with his full Winter supply of his highly nutritious and well-known beverage. its wide evreaitand increasing use, by order of phial .. , inifor-PiAnf - ifik iee.otfamilleevite.vorimacanAitte.the attention of all consurnere-w - ho want a strictly pure nr. rude; prepared from the beat materials, and put up in the meet careful manner for home use or transportation. Or ders by mailer otherwise promptly supplied. P. J. JORDAN. NO rear street, Below Third and Walnut streets. READ I READ I READ I IMPORTANT B — ''.110 1 " 1 11 t 'llI tyle to Ladled Ease, Economy, Durability and , . , If Ton a ant ehties with all the, above qualities for Ladies. INfeerm. Children. and Youth', you -can. obtain Mtn' at WLITPki. No. Eli South Eleventhilit. apB inelp Btatkrnery, Perfumery, Suspender& N. •h TIN. uockwy. Caeedmerts . Liam Table Came. Linea Napkins. Linen Handicerehielo. Woolen Table °oven. N otiose. ise.. &e. MOUBNING GOOL)S rielatnes. Elomba,zines. 7lramiSes. iiernanies. Challies. Parisiennets. And Every other variety for Spring and Bummer. PERKINS & 00., 9 SOUTH NINTH straEFir, ml fl (111 w Int4p§ 310 D. S. DORMON, 310 810 N Eighth Street above Vine, (9 uccereor to Id orriPe & Hoffman.) Spring opening of Black Silks. Cress GoOde, Candi:neves, White loons. Rid Glover, rmbrolderie., Hoolery. Bove., Trimmings and Notions. togetner with %full Ilne of all good. usually kept in a large, finit.class Dry Goode Store. Black Silks, 52.52 25, 52 40. Good White Muslin. 10e. Black bilks 52 50. *2 75. 58. Plaid Muslim, 20. 250. Black Alpaca. Si. 86.40 c. Stripe Nair/root :81. 250. Alpa e a Lustres, to, 55.60 e. White aud Buff Plum) 25e. Mohair Lustre's, 66. 76, 51. Yard wide Chintzes. 240. Beautiful Drees Goods. Mtn. Wool Cassimeres. 45. 65. 75e. Biling Alpaca. 25, 28. Me. Black and White Skins, Wk. Our goods are new styles and fresh.bought at the lowest cash figurer,and will be offered as special bargain*, to make roornfor Summer purchaser. Remember the Number, 510 North E[GIITII Street, above VINE. (huge double front Store.) Kele 2mrp Materials for Suits, In Stripes and Gvay Mixtures. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT ON TU.113 MARKET. RICKEY, SHARP & Co., 727 Chettput r-er. SUL, Xi_ ! S .1E 1_414.7. In Stripes, Cheeks and Shots. IN C fl VARIETY. RICKEY. SHARP & CO., 727 Chests la Street. 8-4 BLACK' HERN AM, HEAVY MESH, AT $1 50 PER YARD. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 Chest! , utl•treet. JAPANESE SILKS AND POPLI N ET TES, A FULL ASSORTMENT. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 Chest nut Street. LACE POINTS, In New and Beautiful Designs. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 Chestnut Street. GRENADINES, LAWNS, ORGANDIES, JOHN W, THOMAS, • goi. 405 and 407 N, Second Street, Ilan now in stock a large and handsome assortment of New Style Grenadines, in stripes and dared. New style Lawns and Organdie's. 3-1, 4.4 and 8-4 Iron Scab Herman,. Together with every variety of now and elegant DItliSS GOODS. New and ehoice Goode are received daily from the New York and Philadelphiallnrketa. IStutp INDIA SHAWLS AID SCARFS GEORGE FRYER, 916 CHESTNUT STREET. Invitee attention to his elegant dock of I. die Shawl)! and Scarfs, BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. 3,i , an , re Silks, Itiatcriale for Snit., Dr,es and Fancy Geo& in great variety,pmcbmwd on moat advantage 31111 terms, for cub, and will be sold as cheap as at any •tor) the city. myl-lml N. B. —lndia Shawle altered, repaired and cleaned. J. CHAMBERS , 1310 ARCH STREET. LLAMA LACE POINTEd. LLAMA LACE PARASOL OUVERd BLACK THREAD LACER.aII w dtlmlat very low prices. (10111913. PLAID NAINSOOK. from 25 cents 1 BENCH MUSLIN. 25ards wide. 60 cents. VARREILLES FOR DRLI4dES. SKI 2 cents to 611 2 . I. AM BURG EDGINGS AND INETONS NEEDLE WORK EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS. hr lee designs, bought under regular prices, and are of d •el BARGAINS. apls-1 TIM FINE ARTS. The Last Days OF THE EXHIBITION OF "YO SEMITE VALLEY," By Thomas Hill. And other Important Pieturem. and BIERSTMT3 `VESUVIUS" EA R LES' GALLERIES OF PAINTINGS AND LOOHING-GLASS WAIVEROOKS, 818 CHESTNUT STREET. H. P. & 0. R. TAYLOR, AMID , -TOSSJETA 4Lfk r N. t.- 641 and 643 31. Ninth Street. BUNTER'S PATENT OEO3 OIN he had at hfs Btoro, No. 131 Bluth Eighth, above Walnut. al'l4 tf 4P PARASOLS..., ALL '1 . 11.F1 NEWEST L DON and Paris styloo, which for novelty, varloty and elegance are unrqualled. A lam ,ssort•nont. of • LA Olt COVAItS. t3.11.1.•61D19 and HIM Uu lIIVELL•O,Fit the lowest rrief s. at If: DI ItON'S YAWN. 0' itrnd bTOME, No. 21 Louth Eighth street. ap23-Ini,rp onooinesio!4 '' - 'BUPERIITEA:2 Flovviwy Orinlge Pekoe TEA:. Only a very small lot Impale& FOR BALE BY MITCHELL & FLETCHER, 1204 CHESTNUT STREET. 21yrP JUST IN STORE, A Fresh Invoice of Fine ROQUEFORT CHEESE. The Finest Quality of IMPORTED MABOARONII IN SMALL BOXES SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, S. W. corner Broad and Walnut Sta. imw ArIIIINITUISIrs. Moo FURNITURE. T. & J. A. HENKELS, Ilikring itESif)VED to their ELEGANT STORE,IOO2 ARCH ST., Are now veiling flrpt-dara FURNITURE at very rqducad, in if et . mll.7l4irnrl4 I. L UPPZ, FURNITtJttE. 121 South ELEVENTH Street., A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FIRST CLASS FURNITURE At Ile derate Prime. Established 1844 GEO. J. HENKELS, CABINET MAKER. 1301 end 1303 CHESTNUT STREET. say. bad', 60906, Barg sins. Banticsomely Trimmed HATS AND BONNETS . ALSO. FINE FRENCH FLOWERS, kkheit Assehnut Fver Opeattl in Amelia WbolenCe and Retail CHEAP. THOS. KENNEDY & BRO.. 0. 729 Chestnut S THOMPSON REYNOLDS, Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Straw and Millinery Goods FRENCH FLOWERS. FEATHERS. &0.. &o. N. W. corner Eighth and Vline Stireets, a T. S. IMAM PHILADELPHIA. Itury VAIIIPETINOS. act,. SPRING. 1869. LEEDOM & SHAW, 910 ARCH STREET. We are now receiving a very large stock of now goo& for SPRING . SALES. Embracing all the new atria! of OASEETINGS, FLOOR OIL OLOT ZIATTINGB, Intarlim soots AND SHOES. W. H. ITELWEG BOOTMAKE R, . NO. 535 ARCH STREET. All the latest New York and Philadelphia styles of BOOTS and GAITERS always on hand and mode to order at short notice. nib 2 to (snap A LL TILE FAVORITE BRANDS OF SMOKING TO XI barco, Including Lone Jack. Pernik°, EYnchtarg. Milhlauder, etc. ay be had at the lowed, rat of WILEY ki ncallEßB, N. W. corner Eighth and Walnut strict.. aplarod§ BIM ON GARTLAND, UNDERTAKER. 86 South Tbirtevuth otrouL mifif. timorpr; MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIAMONDS, WA7'OI.IES, JEwflatv. PLATE. OLD.ERTABLISHED LOAN °FLICK Cornor of Third and eitioota. Below Lombard, kl.B. _DutmoNEs, wATunr4B, JEWELRY, Olitit. 4 4. &c.. ron aux AT , REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. an24.lmra (.2 1 11u7p . 1111 I' TIM TINE AND BOSIN-110 BARRELS Spirits Turpouttue p 142 bbla. Pole Soap RooM ; ittA t:l.le. Wo..2:Shippini Reato,landing from oteamor Ploy oar, for EDW. D. ROWLEY. 16 9. Wharvo. ' .SECONI).:.:PaION; TO-DAY'S CABLE NEWS Innarteial Q,uot-ationso. The Weekly Cotton Report FROM SAN FRANCISCO OPENING OF SHE PACIFIC RAILROAD Preparations for a General Observance Ad-vices from Honolulu Conspiracy Among the Coolies FROM CINCINNATI A Bold Attempt at Assassination A Missing Express Agent Turns Up LONDON, May 7, A. M.—Consols for money 92%; for account, 93 1 3 ; Five-twenties, dull at 793 i. The stock market is flat. Erie Railroad, 79; Illinois Central, 983 j; Atlantic and Great Wcstcrn,2s. Livxn,root, May 7. A. M.—Cotton quiet; Mid dling Uplands 11%d.; Middling Orleans 12d. The sales of to -day are estimated at 7,000 bales; sales of the week 47.000 bales; of which 7.000 were for export and 3,000 for speculation; stock 362,000 bales, of which 166,000 are American. LONDON, Max 7,A. M.--Bugar buoyant, both on the spot and afloat. Looms, May 7, P. M.--Consols for money, 02%; for account , 93. U. B . Fivo-twen Ws flat at 176 1 4. American stocks fiat. Erie Raliroad,tB%; Illinois Central. 973 x. Ltvaaroot, May 7. P. M.—Stock of Cotton afloat 699,000 bales, including 196,000 bales of American. California Wheat, 9s. 4d..; No. 2 Red Western. Ss. 7d. Lard. 965. 6d. Pork, 102 s. Cheese, 935. Tallow, 435. 9Li. Lennox, May 7, P. M.—Common Main, 56.91 lievaft, May 7 —Cotton opens tlrmsr. Livrnpoor., May 7, 2 P. M.—Cotton dull; Mid dling Uplsuds are now quoted at 114;41151d.; Idlddllue Orleans, 12d. The market for yarns and fabrics at Manclawter la heavy. /be Pacific flinilrond Opening &us FRANCISCO, %lay 7 —The people of this city and Sacramento are in a state of feverish ex citement in regard to the completion of the Pacific Railroad. Preparations have been made in both places for the observance of the event, which will occur on Saturday. The Bankers of MU city have given notice that their houses will be closed on that day, and business will be generally suspended. Arrangemt.nts have been made by the Western Union Telegraph Company so that each stroke of the hammer on the list spike driven shall be reported simultaneously in New York and San Francisco, by telegraph. Besides the silver-monnted and poll-bed Cali fornia tie, a spike of gold, a silver pick and silver hammer, for use in the completion, were torwardcd to the end of the track. The excursion train for the end of the Central Pacific !toad; with the Commissioners and Gov ernor Stanford and gaunt, was nearly wrecked yesterday by a large tree which had fallen across the track. The obstruction was discovered In time to preserve the passenger cars uninjured, Ibilt the locomotive was damaged and throws on the track. The Hale and Norcross Mining Compasy have declared a dividend of $6 per share, pa • --.. the 10th met The arrevament levied by the Belcher Company of *6 per !bare will become delinquent on Jane 6, and that levied by the Confidence Company of $2O per share will become delinquent on Jane 9. SAN CISCO, May 6.—Honolulu advices to April 22d have been received. Considerable excite ment and alarm exists among the people of Hon olulu. There la a rumor of a conspiracy among the Coolies to murder and plunder their employ ers. Preparations have been made for resist ance in case of an uprising. His Majesty, the King; made a narrow escape from death by the falling of a cocoa-nut,whlie walking in the grove at his country seat. The necessary fix tures for light-houses at Honolulu and Hilo. and severel other ports, have been received at Hono lulu. A high chief of the ancient Hlavria race died at Elio suddenly, and was balled at Hono lulu with honor. There are ocullfilairaa of limited whaling business this spring. Arrived at Honolulu, ships Ethan Allen, from Sidney; Mottle Banks, from Yokohama; whale ship Hercules, with 125 barrels of oil; J. D. Thompson, from New Bedford, with 200 bar rels of oil; Emily Morgan, trona New Bedford, with 95, and Eagle, with 500 barrels. Bailed, ship Fr. e Trader, for Baker's Island; whale chips Camilla and Eagle, for liotiol4. Attempt to Asen.avimate a Pollcenawan, CINCINNATI, May .7.—A bold attempt wag wade to assassinate a policeman on his beat at one o'clock this morning. Matt. McCarty, a despe rado, who has otten been before the court for assault and battery, stole up behind Officer den netl, at the corner of Fifth and Vine streets, placed a'four-shooter within two inches of his head,: and - snapped it twice, but withoutdischarg log it. Bennett turned and collared the would bo-assassin, knocked him down with his mace, and got two more blows in when two bystanders interfered and prevented a fatal result. McCarty was badly, but not mortally wounded about the head. He was taken to the elation house, and a charge of attempting to assassinate lodged against him. Delegates from the Saloon Keepers' Societies met in convention at Turner Hall last night. St . Laois, Chicago. Cincinnati, Springfield (Ill.), Louisville, Covington, Urbana (Ohio) and Jeffer sonville (Ind.) are represented. The object is to form a National Association, for which a com mittee to draft a constitution has been appointed. It will continue in session several days. Yesterday, Patrick Glassby, a drunken man, was run over on the Dayton and Michigan Rail road, near Lima, and his body cut in two. A large meeting of capitalists was held yester day in Knoxville, Tenn., and a large delegation appointed to visit this place to represent the ad vantages of Knoxville as the terminus of the Southern Railroad A part of the delegation will start for here to-day. Colton, the 1111.1seing Adams Express SPRINGFIELD, Mass. May 7.—A gentleman just returned to this city from Europe says he saw Edwin B. Colton the missing Adams Express agent of this city, i n London; that he had a con versation with him and learned his adventures since leaving New York in 1867. Colton sailed from New York for England the day atter his disappearance, and has been to sea most of the time since. The gentleman who makes thla state ment is an old acquaintance of Colton, and there is no mistake as to his identity. The Itlassachusetto Prohibitory BO§TON, May 7.—The Senate has refined the Prohibitory Liquor bill a third reading, by a Tote of 16 to 21. The opposition was composed of thoee who favor a stringent liquor law and 'ultra probibitionists. who object to the conces sions made in the defeated bill. Nuw Yorni, May 7,—The steamship Rising Star will take the place of the Arizona, which has re turned to port in a disabled condition. The cargo of the Arizona is being transferred to the Meing r and -tho- , -coutpany-expeet-to get the latter steamer away to-morrow. Interesting Wear Relic. LEWISTON, Me., May '7.—The Journal learns - that President Grant has presented the saddle ho vultd through the war to Mr.' Washburee—of Liv ermore, father of Hon. C.ll. VirtuMburne, ' BY TELEGRAPH. Sy the Atlantic Cable• From Fironolalu. The Accident to the arizona. Storms on the "Intuit. OXASIA, May "7:=-A ' batik etolmi Is raging on the plains west of this poles. The , telegraph Jinee to Montane ,of working well.'' obituary. astt MASS, 7.--Gecage , FL% Qilberir • Well-known and extenalve woolen find flannel manufacturer, died yesterday, aged 65. Marine Intelligence. • Naw Yeza, May 7.—Arrived, steamships; City of Boston and Pennsylvania, from Liverpool, and Cale donla and Europa, from Glasgow. Returned, steam ship Arizona, hence May I for Aspinwall. With shaft brckee, ninety miles !mahout of the Gapes of Vir ginia. State of Thermomesor Tale Day at the Bulletin Office. 10 A. M 54 dee. 12 M...... 56 deg. 2P. M 56 des. Woollier cloudy. Wind konthcaet FILOIU NEW YORK New YORK, May 7.—The Chamber of Com merce held its annual meeting yesterday. Offi cers were elected and a Committee appointed to gl Ind a telegram on Saturday to the San Fran cisco Chamber, congratulating that body on the completion of the Pacific Railroad. Right. Rev. Bishop Potter yesterday laid the corner-stone of a new Episcopal Church, to bo called Holy Trinity Church of Harlem, corner of One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street and Fifth avenue. Rev. Dr. Stephen H. Tyng delivered the address on the occasion. At the third annual meeting of the Society fair the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, last even ing, it was announced that bequests had lately been received to the amount of s4oo,ooo,toenable it to carry out its object. The annual election of officers to* place. The twenty-eighth anniversary of the Brooklyn Bible Society was held in the Reformed Church, on the Heights, last evening. Addressee were delivered by Rev. Dr. Talmage,Rev. Dr. Fletcher, Rev. H. W. Storrs, D. D., and Mr. Back, Presi dent of the Society. FINA.NCIAL A ND CONKER CI &L The Phlladelphl Bales at the Philadel. FIRST City 68 new 2600 Pa 64 0 POT 107 8900 Pa 6 / 3 1 eers 10458 12000 P01:11:1 Rime , 68 99y, 9000 Pbil&Erle 78 65 87 Efiwn b 7 2800 Alleg Co 5, '2OO Set Nav fis 'lO MI 1000 Leh Old Ln 1000 Lelnn 6s 'S4 83 164 all Pons ft 100 ,b do 1)B0 54 117WETN Cr0422r2. 1600 (11t32's new 7e15.1100 eh ties 4 it 1130 4 31 .1 2145) CitArn 6- 2 29 Ile c 92 240 eh do Ite 4' id fit , oh !Idle& Eric Is 17 100 P- h do %dye 4, 2000 Lehl.et6B it Ln b 5 2.4% 500 eh do la; tus 48-3-16 1001.1 Leh O's tild 11 , c 9411 100 Ph do 815 41-94 100 Ph Ph&Erleß b6O 2136 104 eh do b6O 47 21 200 sb do 030 31 100 eh do tr3o 4754 116 Ph do 3074 100 eh rihr b6O 4, 100 sb du c 30r. 100 Ph 30dye alter 12 42 100 eh An 010 31 100 Ph do 2 1 .dys&Int 4-4 I+o sti do h 5 3i 100 eh do bild 42-1-10 100 sb do bl 5 31 210 eh do 2dvs Its, 422( 100 eh Ponllo ChLl3l Is 20 2(01 eh do 061 Ite 4=-31 4st Peeve U GIN& in rt. 100 rsh do b 56,114 4,-3 73 eh 21Inshili lt 54,% 500 eh do 41 si( 27 Ph do Its 5430,100 eh do .30 40 36 ati Leh Val It Irswn 56 Farrar, May 7. l&P. -The money market continues in a eonditlon vet) favorable to borrows; e and the inter.wt., of trade. lint in the bew York market, which exereiw-y much influence on our own, the subtly of m• ney I. mit so ample. pod the rater have advanced within the last few diva to fully 7 per cent. on call with a probability of a still farther rise. The banks there, like our own. being in an easy condition, the change can only be accounted for by the heavy true.. actions in gold_ and especially by the weekly sale of • million in specie on Government account. There IV no good rt won why these sales should be monopolthed by New 1 01k. bnt there is a very good one why they should be distributed in lot, among the large cities. But whilst the present arrangement is adhered to, we may expect mere or Icm derangement In the money market by the • eekly withdrawal of a million and a quarter of currency trim circulation. Call lines are easy at WO oereent.onCkrytrameet hied!, and at 017 per cent on ether securities. Street loans range from tiZt7 per cent. for prime eignatures_ There was a fair degree of activity at the Stock Board to-day, with a general upward tendency in prices. dtata Lo l ans were firm. City Loans,l sew issues. advanced to lb%. Reading Railroad dewed at 48—sn advance of Penn tiyivania Rathoad sold at sii as advance ofCata wba% Railroad Preferryd at no change; Philadelphia ValAiig2l - - tua advance of I ; With 121 bid for Camden and Amboy Railroad. Bank. Canal and i'aesengcr Railway shares , ware dull, bat unchanged. A dividr nd of 6 per cent. has been declared by the Di rectors of the Exchange National Bank of Pittsburgh. free of taxes and payable on and after the 10th inst. Smith. Itandolph & bantam, Third and Cheetnut. quote o'clock as follows:: 001.1.1374: U. 8. Blies. 1991. 116%81.119: Flue-twenties. 1863 11E4081184 ; do 1884. 1 1/3'4114; do. 1865. 116 , ..(A115/4; do. July. 1865. 116564 116%; 1867. 116.1541.19%; do. do 1869 116S4(41161{; Fives. Ten.forties. 108441084: Currency 6s. 16640100 s Jay Coot e & Co. quote Government securities. &c.. to. day as follows: U. It 6s. '81.119.'4%119 • bare of 1861. 119'i Ills;M July, INZ, 116}§0110 41 ,4 : do 1.807.116ki(4116.1.: do. 1968.118.1% 116,4 ; forties. latillloB.4 ; Paeitles. 106)a®1116%; Gold. 1374. Metsra.Deffarren & Brother, No. 40 South Third street, realm the following must/tam:a of the rates of exehango ''66.-day. at I P. IL United Statue Sixes of 1861. 11814,4 III; do. do. 1102., 118.041183.4; do. do. 1864. 11114M114; do. do. 1866, Ilfdatall6l6; du do, h3ronsw. 1164.4116-3 i; do. do. 1801. new. 1165041161/ : do do. 11568, 116.44116.4 ; 11140'e. 10811I108.`,1: S. ' lltt Year 6 per rent (17.. IfwV4allo6s. : Duo comp. Int Notes. 19.1. Gold. 13634*. Is 7 X 481311. liumection of Float' and Meal birth. week ending May 6. 1861' of Superfine... do. do. Gondetosod MAW. The following is the =mint or coal transported user the Schuylkill Canal, during the week ending Than day, May 6, 1869: Tana Cwt. 8,919 07 896 11 18,319 00 1,434 00 From Port Carbon Pottsville Schuylkill Hare.. " Port Clinton Total for the week Previously:, adz year.. To same time Lust fear Decreage. Philadelphia Produce Mime*. ritsuair, May 7..—Tbere le outlaw, d dna in Covermed or Timothy to fix quotations. The market is bare m Fins - set d, and it Is wanted by the crushers) at 83 64 , 42 io per bushel. A elle of 25.000 pounds Broom Corn at 20e. per pound. f. o. I Qua, citron Bark le steady at $52 per ton, but u,, further sales have come under our notice. The Flour market le exceeetvely dull. but Ets ppllem come forward slowly. and mices remain without miot.thle change. 'I here is no inquirg exceptfrom the home t•-edi l.ho Belem comprise email lot.. of superfine at .55 outats 5 per bar; r I; [titres at *5 7846 25: 600 barrels Northwestern J itre Family at $6 60087 25—the latter figure for &Melee 800 barrels Pennsylvaqf do. do. at $6 frOAT 50; Ohio do. do., in lots. at 87 60(4 and Caney lots t higher figure. Rye Flour is selling in te at ST. ~ C ora Meal le nombed The Wheat market 19 dull, and -prices are drooping Smell emirs of Red nt $1 oo4al 70 per bushel; Amber. m $1 75041 to. and WbitaMtsl 90. Rye sells at St 43001 ei Loin te 'Weedy at naterday's figures, with sales of Jiy bireliels ellow at 90(4.94e ;1.500 bushels Western Stn. , : at Stifittle , and 1.000 bushels high mixed at osc. Cate are active. and 6.0u0 bushels Western sold at 134 , Atif , hirky ie Baden of 100 burets 95(0.56e., aue lots at higher figures. New' Nork Money licarltea. lFiom the New York Herald of today.) MAT P.-The course of gold and government bends to day NA an retie ctive of a sudden Increase by the Hank or England of the rate of discount to four and a bail p r cent. This step illustrate sin s very pointed nusuner the ' favor with which our securities are received in tires; nritain. 'the rats of ditconnt was raised about a month .into to four per rent, to arrest the speculative demand for theta Whitt then existed. but fulled to prevent invest ' went en the part of It oglish capitalists or even emetics. purchasera. to whom the consider ation of six per mot interest was en tempting. in this country. whet - meter eo readily commands largo rates o ' Interest-life only exception being in this can' ro where they sometimes fluctuate as low as four pie cent--govern meat bonds are investments with a Baited portion of th, ee Pm unity In England the console. with their budgets cent intercete constitute the hersdltary emir° a of locum. to thousands of families. They are unable to commit.. with our severities. when the eafety of the latter le gnu, ranked. Tbe growing peaceful attitude of this country • internally and toward its rival natione in daily giving It;; requisite guarantee of governmental stability. while iU ineNattog commerce Insures the papa) -nt of the interest and principal of its securities. Ths action of the Batik of itngland directors was taken early tlti morning as the brat quotations for bonds from London memo at 793 t -a decline of .i.,, as compared with last night The fart was Dot known here until about ten o'clock and salts of gold were mado previoue to that hour as low use 188',V. At the first government hoard the market wa., a fraction lower in rt sponse to this 41 ,, cline, best m th holders of bonds are strong homes. and as the advance was beneficial there was a recovery at the noon and afternoon misdealt to figure.. clove upon those which prevailed Juat before the receipt of the news. 'I hehome market in so impressed with a feeling that the Secretary of the Trfauury is committed to the policy of gancellitg a portion of the , bonded dent that it is trot easily disturbed . The lower quotation in Loudon did not interferes with the demand from the for. t eisn bankers, although the margin for shipment is nearly t obliterated. The reaction at the close wee quite percept;- He. It4tinatniey-mdaketwais:gtilte.itragular-kattua foreepou,-; nose of the etoct tliquot who had not enteral the Itu• ward movement were endeavoring to Influence higher rat. a, and gnidintereet was mild In Dome instances.' : In the a fte rneowntene) was ebund 'ant 'at 'seven per cent.. apd hatanges Filth° anon of blinking- hertra were loaned at six rather i nnentOloYed'over night. linen.. merr Int paw showed it slight 'conceesion to rates, which rangt-d fermi seven tend half to'ntue per Went: ' ' ' • Foreirn exchstige wet) .dull And steady for sixty day. Owing id the change hi the rate et discount at the T11.:p.044,x; 7 4y sup 4 gm.77t,y44.p.oipm:4 - 1 . " FRIDAY, ._,44:x 7, 18x,540 alone) , ttlarket.: , hla Stock Exchange. 200 sh Read R h6O 43 15 eh do 49 2 2'00 eh do 1)30 47-91 100 eh do 85 41 93 100 eh do 1)40 49 100 ab Phl & E R bCo 30 1 4 100 eh do 200 eh do lts h3O 3J3i 1 eh LehValß 156 150 eh Catawa nt 35 c 10 eh Lehigh Nay Stk B 2? 100 eh Curnplanrer 29,363 1g 140,490 06 163,57 03 184,2)7 00 20,349 17 Bonk angina& g►t 111 were en elgbth higher-the ' dloiff ng eren d ce noW being thteellisarters' per 4 cent., begin" rhert. . • The an dealings in gold wee quite elated. during the forenoon nantenlarly. In nonsonoenee of the 'action of the Bonk of England. The rise toncitedlW4 . but thews underwent • 'petition, resulting , in pail from the sales of I Government gold and la part from sales of "long^ gold by speculators who bad bought et lower-genres *hen' the indications were favorable to the . present high to ad , vatar quite disregarded the rates for task gold. ! witch continued heavy under the liberal supply now in the market, Up to tffearing Home time no loans for oar r3 lug longed ender 7 per cent.. and 4.4 high 11111 nine ver cent and lit) were pal& In the afternoon an exceptioniti trenuction was repotted at "Bat." The etock market underwent a complete change. and the depression of yesterday gave pine° to the utmost buoyancy. 1 he proposals for the government gold rangod from 1136.76 to 126.22. The award was made in four low of 11250.e00 cosh at 116 22. 126 20. lien and 196.17. The total We were sevanteen, width shows less competition than at the thet sale. The Havana steamer took out $122.007 in specie. NOW York Stock Itiltaklitela (Corra,pondence of the Associated emu.) Naw Yoita. May 7.-15tocks strong; Gold. L 37; /exchange. 1093 a; 610 r. 18tZ. 11856; do.. 1961. 11.4; 1846. new. 1164; do. 1867.11656; Ten.forties. l 08%; Virginia kiaes,62%;Nifteouri Sixe..BB:l6; Canton Gompaoy, ea.a , ;.Cumberland Preferred. M; New York tiontraE 171.:4; Eroding. 95n: Eludron River. 15656; Michigan Central. 126: Michigan kouthern. 106,6; Minato Central.. 145; Cievriand and Pittsburgh. Pt; i....l.,treland and Tole. Co. Mei; Chicago and Rock G1and.1.313.;: Plttaburgb and Fort acne. MM. --- Markets by Telographo (Boreal Despatch to the Phila. Evonina Balletin.r Nee I ens., May 7. 1234 P. id.-Cotton-The market this wee arm and moderately active; sales of about 1.010 hetes. We quote as follows : Middling Uplands, 2934; Middling Orleans, 23.4. Flour, 62.c.-Ileceipts 12 000 bblo. The market for Western and State Flour : is fairly active; low grades aro a sbrde firmer; others strong. The sales are about 6.f to bble.. Including Superfine State at 125 6000415 95; Extra State at tab 1:10(0416 45: Low grades Western Extra at 126 cogips , 40. Southern Flour is firm with a fair butt nets. Sales of 400 barrels at 61-(BS- for Extra Baltiniore and Country,and 63-111- for Family'do.Ualifornia.Fient fa qmet and steady. Sales of 300 barrels. brain-Receipts of Wheat 17.800 bushels. The market is firmer. The sales are bushels N 0.2 Milwaukee afloat at 1111 481.1 d. bushels. The market is firm with a fair demand. Sales of 20,000 bus. new West. 919493 afloat. Oa's-Rem ipts. 3,000 bushels. Market firm; sales of 25.000 bashehi 8834 for re:Braid iota, afloat. Rye quiet; Wes at $1 M. Barley nominal. Prot's:ans.-The rerelpts of Pork are 2,400 barrels. The market is steady. with a fair demand. Sales of 400 barrels at sai@ii 1234 for new Western Men. Lard receipts; lOU pks. The market quiet. We quote fair to prime steam at 180 , - 11135 cents WhiskV.-ReceiPts. 600 barrels. The market is firm. We quote Western free at SI asked by holders. 7 allow is in good demand; ardes of 100,000 pounds at 11'3i411Ke.. Seeds Ifirm and salable; Cloverseed, 14)51415c. Ore.:adds.-Coffee-Rio Coffee is devoid of nativity and nominal; other styles firmly hell. Segue are firm and in good demand at 113491.11 Me. Refined firm at 153.0418 e. Carolina Rice Is in fair jobbing demand, with safin at 131: 0934. European freights are firmer. Grain, by the Liverpool Mesmer, 3d. Purrentrean, May 7. -In Crude Petroleum little or no thing dotug: offers for /Tot wore made, at 1415 c., with 1435 e asked; tales of 1.000 barrels. solt, 40 to 40 at 1435 e. 'refined Inactive and a shade off; sales of Ewe barrels, 'Pot at 2234 C.; I,eoo barrels lest baif May at Mlle. , 1,000 barrels May lend June at 101ic and 500 barrels July, Au et sad September at Mc. Receipts, 1:910 barrels. Shit red by A V. R. IL 132 Inurels refined. and from D. W. depot lb band request. and 34 barrels lubricating. ltiorvest,ondeuce 01 the Aaeoclated Prear-1 New x ems. May 7.-Cott - n quiet but firm. Sales of 1503 We, Flews firmer and advanced 5(010a.• fitate, 75 , 4 6 75: W. stern. $1 70601; Uoutbern. 554 , 11 75. Wheat ( 70 ' 13 st , adY ; sake of 36,C44 bushel.; int zed Western. Pl' 3e for new, and 90 for oil. Oats stead Y. Beet quiet. - tort quiet: new Sires unchanged. Lard tiro, at ist,A.rlBl4. Whisky dull het unchanged. ttaimitoav- Slav 7.--Cotton drill at %lc }liar dull and o,mtnul. Vi hear quiet and eoeheinged. Waite corn 84451.5,:. ; Yellow, 881 to. °air. 74478 c, for prime and bees y. Rye nreh. .1. Pork quiet. Macon -rib +idea, 1E31r.; clear do. ItIN c; shoulder. 14!4..; hams, 2tMl2lc. Latd , 1930. N torkv thin at Fraa96e. Sae 1 , RA...01e0.) Alley 6 -Flour eteady and unchanged: tales of 3,00 e bblr. at current rate.. Sales"( 10 000 bush: els inferior to choice Wheat at SI 25(ti I 50. legal Ten. deur. 75 Sailed-F.14 Evangeline. for Yokohama. SWAT lION EiFil BLANK BOOKS. The Largest Steck and Oreatt Variety er FULL AND HALF-BOUND BLANK BOOKS,. MEMORANDUM. PASS. COPY BOOKS. Eta., Etc.. T. be haul in this City. to at the Old. Established BLANK BOOK M.A.NIUFAC rottY OF JAS. B. SMITII& CO. No. 27 South Seventh Street. PHILADELPHLI. Office and Salesroom, First-Floor. Warerooms, UpOStairs.. teld&se w•l.Emrp4 Vllll - 7 - 201 - EY - LS:ir PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO. TREASURER'S DEPARTRENT. YIIILADELPIIJA. PENNA., April 2, Ifier,a. To the If tockholdero of the Pennsylvania itallroad Company. All Stockholders. as rertsterel on the' Books of this Company on the 30th day of April. 186% will be entitled to subscribe for 2.5 Per Cent, of their respective Intereen In NOW Stock at Par, as follown: Pirst—Fifty per emit. at the time of subscription, be tween the 16th day of May, lee% mad the Beth day of June. 1869. Second -Fifty per cent. between the 15tb day of Novem her. 1e64 and the Mat day of December. 18e; or, if Stock. holden. should prefer. the whole amoutlt may be paid up at the time of eubecription. and, each inetalment eo paid shall be entitled to a pro rata of the Dividend that may be declared on full shares. Third—That every Stockholder holding less than four shares shall be entitled to subscribe for one share; and those holding more than a multiple of four shares shall be entitled to subscribe for an additional share. Fourth—All shares upon which instalments are yet to he paid under eesolution of fday 18, 1868, will be entitled to their allotment of the 2d Per Gent. at par, as though they were paid inicdL- - TIFIODIAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer.. arafturo 4 4 0.ittRit c f, ) ca BAN IcER S (IQ No. 35 SOUTH THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA. DEALERS IN dOYERNMENT SECURITIB. STOCK, COLD AND NOTE BROKERS. Accounts of Ranks, Firms, and Individuals rtoeil od, eiUl49O ''.)abeak at sight. rNTITYX: ALLOWED ON BALANCES qENERAL BENTS FOR 00 ,,rENNS 4 12 ; VAN I A 4s 41717 ZRA1 NEVI ST' ?" OFTHE tliSli tiN • ifttli ° 0T /I -CEO ), UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The NATIONAL LIFE INRIIRANCYI OOMPANY IA I. Corporation chartered by special Act of Congress, all proved July 25, 180, with a CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, FULL PAID. Liberal terms offered to Agents and Solicitors, win, 3ro invlted•to apply at our calico. , Pull particulars to be had On application at our office, Wad the_aecond *tor_ ,y...of—our..naidtin.flookies Mere Urculars and Pamphlets, fully describing !DP advantages offered by the Company, may be bad. V. W. CLARK & CO.. • No. 85 Slauth Viird bx _ 1.000 HARRIRIA RO 3 IN, AA grade 0..78 bbk., Tar, 10.) Will. bbla. SOW Turva tb ,th Fr ,e, f conor sale iby &CO.. $ atTeet PHHU) EDFNON. BY, TELEGRAPH. FROM 13OSP QN kk '4 hi. ! a (a A 1; i . a 11 9 ., LM,LX j: (e • I The Boston Police Investigation. Bogrosr t May 7.—A final hearing before the Le gislative Committee, on the subject of the Metro politan Police, took place last evening, when the affidavit of Detective John 8. Young, of New York, was read, detailing the circumstances con nected with the Lord bond robbery. Mr. Young says: "Mr. Lord gave me. a written power of also did Mr. Barron. I con ferred with and acted under the advice of A. Oakey Hall. then District Attorney and now Mavtr of New York. We both concluded that there was no reasonable chance of convicting any one of the crime, and Mr. Hall was fully satisfied , to have me direct my attention chiefly to the recovery of the property. Although several parties were arrested and indicted in New York, yet no evidence could be procured suffi cient to warrant their trial." The affidavit further says : "The only money paid to Heath and Jones, or any other officers in Boston, was $B,OOO. This was all the compensation received by them and others for many months of service and many journeys to Montreal, New York, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, and for the recovery of between $BOO,OOO and $400,000. There never was any tam- Melon of unfaithfulness or of any kind of mis cOndnetion the part of Heath and Jones." The Petroleum Maurice'. I/Special Despatch to the -Philads- Evening Bulletin.) New YORK. May 7.—Petroleam steady. Crude, 17%@17%; Refined, 32 1 )( 1 @33 on the spot; last flan June delivery, 33%. NEW YORK MONEY ' MARKET Great Excitement in Gold T he Rebellion Fever Renewed The Effect of the London News Buoyancy of Vanderbilt Stooks [Bpeelal Detpatch to the Phila. Evening Bulletin. I NEW YORK, May 7.—The gold market to-day Is the scree of tremendous excitement and enor mous business. A more exciting scene was sel dom witnessed, even during the rebellion. Men almost jumped on each other, and tore their cloiLee in their eagerness to buy. The pace pined at 136 u, and rapidly advanced to 187%, caused by telrgrams from London which quota d bonds first at 7934, then 783 j, 78, and finally at 77;4. The latter quotation canoed a perfect stampede. Government bonds opened steady for 67s at 116%. and as soon as the news was known, de dined to 11594. with great excitement in the o:utlet; which was very feverish and unsettled throughout the morning. There was great buoyancy in Vanderbilt stocks, based on telegrams from Albany that the bill would pass. Central rose from 178 to 179%; Hudson River 156% to 156..; Harlem 147 to 150; Reading from 95% to 96%. Western stocks sympathize with the buoyancy. Mich. Southern rose from ltb% to 106%; Rock Island from 131 to 182%; Fort Wayne from 146 to 149%. The av erage advance is 3i on the balance of the Western shares. Mhseellaneuns and Express stocks are steady, all attention being diverted to gold and Governments. Money Is In fair demand at 7 per cent. Ex change is unaltered. 1,1144 f! ri Did ACCIDIMT.—EdwaIa Cbnnor, aged 2 years and 11 — 'nfotithis, - residing in Conover street.; was run over by a wagon this morning about half-past 11 o'clock. His thigh was broken and he was otherwise injured. He was taken to tho Penn sylvania Hospital. THE COTIRTEL Dorruicr Correa—Judge Strond.—Yonng & Vollmer vs. Evans. Before reported. Verdict for plaintiffs. $1,600 John M. Kennedy and John E. McCormick, assignee in bankruptcy of Michael O'fiarra, vs. A. M. Barr, guardian of Francis O'Barra. A feigned issue to test the ownership of certain pro perty. On trial. Murmur COURT—Judge Thayer.—Chapin & Donna vs. Schofield. Before reported. Verdict for delendant. George W. Toland, administrator of Robert Tolatadeceased,vs. Spencer Fullerton,the execu tor of Alexander Fullerton,deceased. An action to recover money in the hands of the executor. Verdict for plaintiff for 4491 97. Wm. B. Collins vs. The Ashbury Life Insurance Company. An action to recover on a policy of ;minrance on the life of plaintiff's wife. The de fence was that there was no delivery of the policy or payment of the premium until after the death of the wife. The plaintiff alleged that r. Manship, the agent of the Company,kept the policy instead of delivering hand that it was his isn't that the premium was not paid. On trial. Qu,&Rma SHABIONS—.Judge Allison.—Peter Mil ler pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing a horse and wagon. Peter Morris pleaded guilty to a charge of eteallug a lot of tools. cnunTAird ATERIALD. ECYALTY Lir IN REAL LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. Will offer our varied stook PERFECTLY NEW AND FRESH. An inspection will demonstrate how mush their value excee4bs their price. REAL LACES, FROM .6 PER PAIR UPWARDS. Nottingham Laces, FROM $1 50 PER PAIR UPWARDS. Together with the GIitEATEST NOVELTY, FRENCH LACE DROP CURTAINS AND LACE SHADES. I. Et WALRAVEN, No. 719 CHESTNUT STREET. E 1 CI( CIL 41:30 1 03F. 10 lA, Dlttionary of Vetivers:lA Knowledge. T. ELLWOOD GM11416, Publisher, 1 , 7 rind 10 South Sixth Street, ;alarm a Elmrip 2:15 CrOlook. FOURTH EDITION. By TELEGRAPH. WASHINGTON. Cnban and St. Domingo Questions THE PRESIDENT'S VIEWS He Slmpathiles with the Insurgents The Question of Belligerent Rights Majority of the Cabinet Oppose/Min Prefildont Grant on Cuba and Bt. orningo. [Special Despatch to the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.] WAsnmaron, May 7.—A prominent politician, who enjoys to a considerable extent the confidence of General Grant, and who has recently conversed with him, says that the President expressed his opinion freely upon the Cuban insurrection, say ing that :his own sympathies were with the op_ pressed Cubans in their efforts to free the island from Spanish rule. Were he to follow his own Judgment, the right of the Cabana to belligerency on land would at once be recogrnleed, but his Cabinet counsellors, with two exceptions, op. posed this course at the present time, and he could not take such an Important step against their advice. In short, this gentleman says the President made no concealment as to his views, either upon this question or extending a protectorate over. the Island - % of St. Domingo, which, in his opinion, would be highly beneficial to the United States in the future. Recent facts which have come to light doubt but that the resolutions introduced into the House during the last session of Congress, in relation to St. Domingo, met the full approval of General Grant before being submitted to the House for action. By the Atlantic Cable. Lou Dori, May 7.—There have been several heavy robberies of arms, ammunition, etc., in various parts of Ireland during the past few days. At Belfast a large quantity of arms were stolen last evening, and this morning five per sons Were arrested on suspicion. Despatches from Cork mention the perpetration of similar robberies, and there seems to be no doubt that the culprits belong, In every instance, to the Fenian organization. )deunin, May 7.—ln the Constituent Cortes yesterday, all the amendments to the religious clauses of the Constitution were rejected, and the clauses were finally adopted as they orlgiaally stood. From Wabh I ngton. WASHINGTON, May 7.—The Dyer Court Mar tial has adjourned sine die. General Thomas left yesterday tor San Francisco, and ,General Ferry for Atlanta. The finding of the Cow t has not yet transpired. The twe first appointments of Special Customs Agents by Secretary Boutwell; were made yester day, viz : Frank E. Howe for the Eighth Customs District at New York, and J. J. McLean for the Second District at San Francisco. Other ap pointments in that branch of the Treasury service will be made to-day. The Peruvian Minister Garcia took leave of the President to-day. The President in his reply hoped that friendly relations would continue be tween Peru and this country. Secretary Fish accompanied the Minister. Samuel A. Duncan. Grand Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic in this district, has, In the name of the organization, telegraphed to General W. H. H. Terrill, of Indiana, congratu lating him on his appointment as Third Assistant Postmaster-General. TIZZIMS Non./CesldenS /Wens. WesittNartm, May 7.—Regulaffons are being prepared by Solicitor Smith of the Internal Revenue Bureau, fixing the kind and amount of proof required from railroad companies. corpora tions and individuals, wt.° have been taxed ae non-resident aliens, under a provision of the in ternal revenue act, which was repealed March 10, 1867, and who now apply to have the amount of tax which was withheld, while the act remained in force, refunded. The nature of proof required will be the affi davit of the claimant, attested by an additional affidavit from some other responsible party, and the certificate of the consular agent nearest the port to which the claimant belongs that he is a non-resident alien. Attorney-General Hoar returned to Washing ton this morning, and was attending to the duties of his office. A large umber of applications have been re ceivtd. both personally and by letter, for the va cant tnarshalship in the Eastern District of Penn sylvanls. From M. Louts. ST. Loris, May 7.—Omaha despatches say that a telegram from Gen. Dodge, Chief Engineer of the Union Pacific Railroad, announces positively that the last rail of that road will be laid at noon on Monday. The celebration in this city will be the greatest affair ever gotten up. The Masons, Odd Fel lows, military and other societies intend joining the procession, and in the evening there will be on ifinmination and fire=works. Reports received to-day from Columbus state that a baba of Sioux murdered a woman and cap tund a lot of Block near Steele 's creek, tryout , ' s above Columbus. The citizene are now in roma of the In diens. The Fitteentn AMendment. 11 nurFono, May 7.—The Senate ratified tht Fifteenth Amendment to-day by a vote of 12 Re publicans to 5 I)emocruts-2 Republicans and ' th mocrats absent. Both Houses, after the an noancement of committees. adjourned until Fri day next. Marine Inteiliaance. FoiernEss Mo *Lou, May 7.—Passed in, for Bal timore, brags 141 ry E. Radd, Abbic C. Titcomb, ( t Day Spring an Brook Eldnter, from West Indies. Paiscd out, Re tiler Baltimore, for Bremen, and brig Juno, tor est Indies. A .northeast storm a till prevails. Wealthier Bepors. lU 07. A. NI. Mod. Weather. liter Plaister C0ve.......... ...... N. W. Hazy. 39 Cloudy. 44 Portland.... ............ Clear. 48 Boston B. B. Clear. Of New 1icir1r,....... ......... —N. E. Clontly. 66 PhileulolPbfa ......... .N.E. Oloady. 133 Fortune M0nr0e..... N.H. Italialncr. 48 Ittelimomd ....... N.B. /yang. 42 __ .... 0ancg0................. ..... B. Clear, 60 8uffa10....... N. B. Clear. 60 Pittsburgh.. Cloudy. 64 (Waage ................ N. . W. Clear. 48 LouteratUe......... ..... ......N. W. Clear. 52 Nell, Orleans .................N. B. Clear. 74 WASHINGTON RANGE In Constant Operation. Wll9 do the Cooking for a Large Family and HEAT THREE BOOMS. H. McCEENAGHAN. Iwo. 837 Race Street. spin fh tu elm 0 Ii cotTitt OF - 1102.1niTtN 1 . COT and Coun , ,,tlSl Philedem'.l3.—ln the matter of the -trout of the laud kn - ourn asoßehutiat.”—Th-au4entlikned , artmlilltd-Nuttitimtry-tmillonrectramtkreetthrauticeiclite - the Let ono. account of JOBE I'll d LOVEItINO, 'frotstee . of the &ate known as "Belmont," nuter doedi of Aar.* 20 and 81, let& rec 4 rded fi deed hook P. - H.. No. 78 PoirOr rAI and 20. and to report distribution of the b Ilene. iu toe tuttone It'll meet the nitrites tutereeted for , tha , purpose at hie Office. No 260 Sont•h!thlrd 'greet, delpbla, un IIONDAY, May 10th 4.1 I tlJ DL Y BB3, at 11 XuoB odook, A, M. tk,. • atl9th e tufa • Auditor. 3:00 o'olc•ok...', FIFTII7;':', , ,KMTION BY TEX,BOtRAP*7''..-:'''. LATER FROM:WAgifIN46 PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTMENTS A CABINET thEr,iiiri'b Colored Delegation Call on the Preeident LATER OAI3LE QUOTATION Presidential Appufultmente. [Special Despatch to the Phila. }freeing Bulletin.] WAentetcyrorr; May 7.—the President, made the following appointments today: •- - l• • J. B. Young, Pension Agent, , Dubutitie,4o ' l4; Ifiram Iddings, Pension Agent, Fort Wayne' /a dieus; George W. Van Buren, Invalid-Agency, New York; John G. Blackwell, Receiver of Pub lic Moneys at Huntsville, Alabama. Also, Rie fel lowing Colleetors: C. C. Walcott, Seventh District of Ohio; Geo. M. Dating, Ninth District of Indiana; Jen" Duck, Seventeenth District of - 0Mo; J. 0. ,Wilila, Thirteenth District of Illinois; Geo. W. godpi , lite, Eighth District of Virginia. , Assessors—lf. Scanlon, Third New Newkirk, Eighth Tennessee. Frank R. Holgp, of New York, has been appointed Speckil AIWA for the Treasury Department. , .` • : t ICorresooadeace of the Assoetatal Mesa ' Joseph B. Young, Pension Agent, Dubnqug, lowa. Hiram J. Iddinge, Pendell Agent, Boil Wayne, Indiana. George M. Van Buren, Pension Agent • for In valid Agency, New York. - , John G. Blackwell, Receiver of Public Motleys at Huntsville, Alabama. E. M. Gregory, Marshal Eastern DiritrlOi of Pennsylvania. Collectors of Intr. Reventie--Ohtirles 0. Wal cott, Seventh Ohio; George M. Daking, Ninth Indiana; Jesse Duck Seventeenth Ohio;' J. C. Willis•, Thirteenth I ll inoisiGeorge Eighth Virginia. • Assessors of Internal Revenue—Michael Scan lon, Third New York; Adamson Newkirk, Eighth Tennessee. From Washington. (Special Despatch to the Phila. Evening ItolletitLi Virasomoron, 'May 7.—The Cabinet meeting to-day was attended by all the member& Pre vious to its assembling, Governor Waid, of New Jersey; Colonel Forney, General Van Wyck and Mr. Lloyd, the Committee appointed by a recent excursion party through the Southern States, called and had a protracted intorview , with •the President, and recited their. experiences during the trip. The President received them very eor dially, and seemed much interested In their ac count of the condition of affairs at the South, and what was beat needed to place the South In a more prosperous -condition. • A delegation of colored people front Vir ginia also called to consult with the President about Virginia matters, but he being unable to see them, made an appointment for to-Morrow, when an opportunity will be given them to inake such suggestions as they deem proper,to aid ltd. protect their race in Virginia while reconstruction Is going on. Senor Garcia. the Peruvian Minister, took. his leave of the President this morning, preparatory to leaving the country. He was Introdueed by St eretary Fish. (Correspondence of the Aethetetedreees.) The Alexandria Union League sent a colored spokesman to the President to-day, to ascertain when a delegation of the League Ininht hove s conference with him relative .to affairs In 'Vir ginia. The President consented to see Ilion' to morrew.- Colonel Forney and others of, the Committee which has been travelling south for some weeks had an Interview with the President to-day concerning what they had observed while on their trip to the Southern country. By the Atlantic Cable. LONDON, May 7, Evening.—Consals for money 92%, and for account 92%. Five-twentiesal% Railways fiat; Erle, 18k; Illinois Central, At lantic and Great Western, 23. * LIVERPOOL, May 7, Evening.—Cotton quiet; Uplands, 11%@11%d.; Orleans, 121 Sales td day 7.000 bales. Corn, 27e. Lard 69a. Refined Petroleum, is. 8 3 4 d. Lowoon, May 7, Evening,—Refined Patrols:rain ls. Bd. Linseed oil .£BO les. Sperm £lOO. Sugar Ns. on the spot and 29e. afloat. , , From Boston. BOSTON, May 7.—The city authorities last eve ning passed an order extending the hospitalities of the city to the distinguished invited guests to the National Peace Jubilee. $4,500,000 SEVEN PER OE NT. GOLD BONDB TO irty Wears to Bun t , , • 18617 ED The Lake Superior and Missisdpp - River Railroad Compatiy. They area ilrat ffortgagellukhig Fund Sand Free of United States Tax. . SWIM= BY uNE all LLION MX HUMID AND 111111110 MOM ACRIS OF DIMON Witt • And by the Railroad, its RolliggStack and the Haw chisel, of the CompanY. 1 Dotible Security and Vint Sleet Inseanniakt In every reaped, yiebilniiintharromy need y Ten Per Cent. Per Annunr. Gold, Government Bonds and other Stock's received payment at their hlahilat market price. Pamphlets and full Information given on synth:AU n to JAY GOOSE & 00., No. 114 South Third Street. E. W. CLARK & CO., No. 35 South Third Street., Facia Apents of the Lake Superior and ilffecieibir River Raaroad Company. Naito Bare DREXEL & CO., Philadelphia. DREXEL, WINTHROP OA CO,k No Y. DREXEL. HARJES & Hankeir a and Deader' In V. P. Basal. Parties going abroad ears make aU ii,eirjaplensaki arrcaveatents with us, and precura Lettero qfCreadial available in all parts of Europe; .• ' • Dr 41,6 Iteletadi44 " " L • UTTERS TESTAVRNTARIr '`'RAVING 81EN grouted the Rata tit etIUI.UN6d 1,1 Al T. de,tlellSed; .It person, todebtod to thoopotto itrld VIYOU I .4t and tltcom havizt 'clattut most thunt te, AM T /WA 10 'MVO spa rf 4,:04 o'olook,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers