CITY 131:T4L13/14121. A Worm.— Daring the arrests were made by The prisoners were di -1 districts as follows : 'Thirteenth 21; Fourteenth 41; Fifteenth.... 18 Sixteenth 157 Seventeenth .. 301 Eighteenth 60 Reserve Corps 93 Del. Harbor 15 Schuylkill Harbor.. 11 Chestnut Hill 7 Day Sergeants 6 Fotacy. Si:retakes or month of April E,050 the police of the city. vlded among the severs Flrat 160 Second ............ 821 Third.. ......... 868 Fourth . ........... 249 Fifth .............. • 218 Sixth .............. 108 Seventh 176 Eighth 98 Ninth ..... Tenth 2021671 Eleventh 98 weifth 158 LABOENY...—POtOr Morrie was arrested at half past four o'clock this morning on the Township Lino road. near School street. He had in his pos session a lot of saws, a broadaxe, four drawing knives, a brace and bit and a steel punch. He admitted having stolen tho articles, but said that be did not know where he got them. He hails from Baltimo. He will have a hearing at the <jentral Statio re n this afternoon. WASHING PAVILUIWTS.—Tho Chief of Police gives notice that an ordinance ,prohibiting the washing of pavements between be hours of 7 A. M. and 7 P. M., from the Ist of May to the Ist of October, will be strictly enforced on and after to-day. All officers of the police force are directed to prosecute all persons found violating the pro visions of the ordinance. Mangum Tamv.—Harriot Bird was arrested ibis morning by Policeman Reeder, for stealing provisions in the Farmers.' Market. She was communed by Alderman Jones. CoNONO IN AND GOING Orr.—There are many doom by which customers enter Oak Hall, but only ono, the large one on Market street by whic h they go out. Malicious persons have intimated that this is symbolic of the ease with which eo pie get in, and the difficulty with which they p get out of the grasp of the great clothing men. Very well, gentlemen, just us you please about it. Any one of the tens of thousands of regular customers of Oak Hall will testify that it is not only easy to get in, butimposaible to stay ora,in view of the low prim and excellent clothing found there; and that it is not only difficult to get out, but actually impossible ever to cease buying all their clothes there, after they have once made trial of the unparalleled advantages of dealing with Wanamaker tez Brown. SaIiDAY•SCHOOL GATILEMING.—A Sunday-school meeting will take place to-morrow afternoon, at Bethune Hall, Twelfth street and Montgomery avenue. Addresses will be made by Jas. Clark. D. D., and the Pastor, Rev. P. S. Talmage. The congregation was started about two years ago, and now embraces a large number of members. The children of the Sunday-schools are procuring funds towards the school library. They have succeeded in collecting a considerable amount, which will be invested in the purchase of books adapted to the wants of the children and teachers of the schools. The report will be read, and a number of prizes awarded to the scholars. JOHN B. Govan, - ESQ.—This great temperance orator will speak at the Philadelphia Rink. Twenty-third and Chestnut streets, on Friday evening next. Tickets issued for the Raoe Street Rink will be good for that evening, the price of admission remaining as before, 10 cents. The Young Men's Christian Association deserve great credit for giving the public an opportunity to bear Mr. Gough for so small a sum, and we doubt not the Rink will be tilled to its utmost capacity. Secure your tickets in advance to avoid delay at the door. A Cumires. POD CAUITALIETS, BUILDERS ssrp Ornens.—We are requested by Messrs. Thomas els Bons to call especial attention to the sale of the very valuable church property,east side of Eighth street. north of Race stree , , 300 feet front, to be sold May 18th. Valuable for stores, bank, or any business requiring a substantial building and large lot. See their advertisements. C. KEYSER Kum, the active Real Estate Agent, has 400 Germantown properties for sale. His office is next to the depot, Germantown. Those desiring to buy pointed stou(4 large or small pro perties, will do well to call on him first. Cata logues ready. MORE NEW FLAYS.—"Philippe, " or the Secret Marriage, a story of the revolution; a domestic drama - in one act. Also, "Marie Antoinette," Queen of France; an historical drams in live acts, with a prologue. To be had of A. Winch, 605 Chestnut street. AT JOIE! Thrum - meg Fancy Goods Emporium and News Depot, N 0.614 Chestnut street, German Democrat building,articles of use of every descrip tion can lie obtained. Also, all the latest news publications and periodicals of the day. To-DAT.—Need we remind our lady readers that this is the day fixed by Mr. Wanamaker for the display of Ins new stock of elegant clothing for boys and children? CITY NOTICES. Lonu BRANCH.—Thits delightful Bummer resort is already resounding with the busy notes of prepara tion for the coming Beason of '69. Gaining daily in popular estimation. as well on account of its convent , 4.113C43 to New York, its beautiful situation. its surf bathing, delightful surroundings, and eaeglest„ it outranks Cape May,'Or any watering placoln tnij world. S. Laird. whose name as a hoteliet is the syn onym of good living and solid comfort, has contribu ted much to the far-famed popularity of this delightful resort. The elegant hospitalities of the Old Mansion 'louse, where for years (we darn not say how many, because some people who never grow old are sensi tive about their age) he has held undisputed away as the landlord of the beach, were fermi inadequate to accommodate his increasing pa tronage, and fret season he caotured the spacious hotel property known as the United States, and reconstruct, mg it throughout, lifted it to the level of tee Old Man sion in all its appointments. It was a complete suc cess. This season, intent on new triumphs, Mr. Laird has bought out the interest of Mr. Cooper in the Metropolitan, another large hotel, and associating himself In tie management with Lewis Leland, tor merly of the Occidental, San Francisco, will make it second to no house ut the Branch. The Mansion louse, under the direct management of S. Laird & Bro., and the Metropolitan, under Laird & Leland,wlil form the triumvirate in the hotel business at Long Branch. —La/ovate Couritr. To LOOK as well as the best dressed folks, You must buy your clothes of Stokes. Olothinc neat In style he Made and every demande ever As fashionable manner though so It is of your grave Should always form taste or Be found that may gay Ia Chestnut street, eight twenty-tour, Ia ()GARLIC° &roses's Fashionable Clothing store INSECT Pow Unit Row TO TELL. TIM GENUNSII. ARTICLE. —Prof. E. Lyon, while traveling in Asia, discovered a flower. which, when powdered, is sure death to every kind of insect, from a Cockroach to a Ply. He protected his discovery by letters-patent, government medals, ticc., put his signature upon every flask of the article and named it Lion's MAGNETIC INSECT POWDER. He Ira- Parted his secret to no one but his successor. Purchasers of Insect Powder—and it is used in al most every house—must see to it that they are not de ceived by worthless imitations and counterfeits. The eiVnalwe of E. Lpon is the purchaser's guarantee. Look sharp for it, and buy no insect Powder that does may .. -- lio..orirnigtu3 - 113 And Fatally Istores, (aka cents per flask. Depot, 21 Park Row,N.Y. TRECBII . II No MiirrAitz Is a pleas-, ure tp deal with a man like CItABLEB Bonier., the artistic Bootinaker, at No. 504 North Eighth street, above Buttonwood. His aim is to give entire satis faction to his patrons, and we scarcely need say he ac, nompLtshes ft... He gets up some of the very best work in t h e r ay. and his vim, challenge competition, Try u m puce and you become a permanent customer. Qv= and 846i120 Pe pain of children teethintr— Yee Bower's Infant Cordial. Sold try all Druggists. KunTt'a Furrbbing China and Gialte Establishment, bitlna, Hail, 1218 Chestnut street. Families, in want of any article •In Chins, Glass,.or Stone Ware. will find at this establishment the largeet stock in the city. from common red Earthenware, for the kitchen, to the ducat China and Glass made. WHITE STONE CHINA TEA Sgrs. Fotty-six views, cups with !Audios, $5, at Hose's China Hail. 1118 Chestnut stmt. WHITE STONE CHXNA DINNER SETS, 76 pieces, $l5; 105 pieces, $95 77. iisna'a China Hall, 1218 Chestnut street. WHITS FRENCH CHINA DINNER BETS, 1152 pieces, $80; 828 pieces, $7ll. • Hann's China Ball, 1218 Chestnut street, —+Mlio ... GOLD-BAND DINNER BETE, 136 pieces, $66. Hican's China Hail. 1218 Chestnut street. All the above goods best quality. }LEHR'S CHINA HALL. We have arranged one portion of onr store exclu sively for cheap goods, and intend in future to place in this department any article which may be in the least old style or imperfect, and will Ea them regardless of cost. 1218 Chestnut btreet. One thousand odd castor bottles, cat glass, 38 cents each. Elzba's China Hall, 1218 Chestnut street. WARE At Kerr's China Ball, 1218 Chestnut street. The largest stock of Glaaswarein-411s-country. You can not fall to make a selection from our immense assort meet. Tumblers, 88c. to $25 per dozen; Goblets, $1 DO to $lOO per dozen ; Decanters, $i 00 to $75 per pair. COMMON GOODS Suitable for the kitchen and culinary purposes al ways on hand. The great extent and variety of oar stock can only g by a 'personal examination and comparison with other establishments, which we solicit. Kana's China Ilan, 1919 Chestnut street. MIRE is a serious question which each one should ask himself—Am I not despising and neglect ing one of heaven's choicest blessings In rcfnsieg to in sure my life in the "American Life Insurance Com pany" of Philadelphia ? we remind our lady readers that this ie the day 'bred by Mr. Wanamaker for the display of his new stock of elegant clothing for boys and children ? COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION—Originated the AFC of Nitrous Oxide Gas, for the painless extraction of Teeth. Dr. Colton makes and administers the gas himself. Dr. Hasbrouck devotes his whole attention to extract ing teeth. Patients who have failed to get their teeth extracted without pain at places where gas is not un derstood, will do well to go to headquarters, where they never fail. Office, Walnut street, below Eighth.. Ho'-1300SE GRAPHS, FRESH JORDAN ALMONDS, Caramels, and other delicacies, at A. L. Vatimant's, mann flketaTlT of French and American Oonfeetlonerr, Ninth and Chestnut. THE VERMONT SPRING WATER. The great remedy for Cancer, Scrofula, Bright's Dis ease and other Kidney affections. Sold 133 Johnston, Holloway & Cowden, 602 Arch street. PEKOE SOIJCHONG.—A very superior English Breakfast Tea On sale by Falrthorne & Co., 1036 Market street and 205 North Ninth. 80MRTHING NEW. We invite the public to call and examine our new BEOLDEREB, One of the most imgenione yet simple and uselnl device= ever attached to a sewing machine. The "Singer" is the only machine having this attachment. TUB SiNGEIL MANTIVAOTIIIIING Co., 1106 Chestnut street. PER Fxcriori ATTAINED. The Singer new Family Sewing Machine. For sale upon easy terms at the Principal Othce, 1106 Chestnut street. IT HAS RO EQUAL FOR FAMILY SEWING The Singer new Family Sewing Machine. Prineirm Office, 1106 Chestnut street. THE WORLD'S VERDICT, As evidenced by the sales of the vast year. is In favor of the "Singer." Principal Office, 1106 Chestnut et. TAILORS, Bhoe-fitterB. Iran:tees-makers, seamstresses, corset makers, and all manufacturers say the "Singer" Is the best. Principal Office, 1106 Chestnut street. NEW DRESS Goons opened every day, at A. & J. B. BAanoLonEw's One-Price Dry Goode and Notion Boaee, No. 23 North Eighth street. HOSIERY ! HOSIERY !—A large assortment for Misses, Ladies, and Children—all numbers—of the best iron frame. Gents' half hose, 20, 25, 51 and 33 cents. Best superfine, stout, full, regular made, only 38 cents, at BAIVIIIOLOMEWB. MOTH PROOF CHESTS, At FA.RSOF R CO.'s Refrigerator Warehome, 222 Duck street SCROOLEY '8 PERFCT Ventilating Refrigerators, Ar FAnSON & CO. 'a Old Stand, 222 Dock street. • - To comri It-re your Spring Snit, buy one of those beautiful Elate sold so low, at OAKFORD'S, Under the Continental. SCO WATER COOLERS. ASSOIIXSPrit. FAESON & Co. 'l9 Refrigerator Store, 222 Dock street. FOR your Spring Hat go to OAK VORD'EI. Coßns, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skittfull , ;Jested by Dr. J. Davidson No. 111.5 Chestnut etre& Charges moderate. - FOR your Spring Hat go to OAK FORD'S THE AMERICAN COMBINATION BIITTON - HOLV. AND SBWING MA01112,11 Ifl the family machine after all that "SUITS ALL PURCHASERS." Call and see it, at the 8. W. corner of Eleventh and Chestnut streets. - - SURGICAL INEtTRATKIINTS and druggista 7 enn dries, Ssowoun & BILOTUCB, 23 South Eighth street, DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH. J. Isaacs, hi. D.. Professor of the Nye and Bar '..reatl all diseases appertaining to the above meratver, with the utmost success. Testimonials from the mo.' reliable sources in the city can be seen at this office No. 806 Arch street. The medical faculty are inviter to accompany their patients,as he has nu secrets in hit practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No _charge intuit for examination. lIILON Wolllllb. ARTISANS' AND BUILDERS' Ornamental Iron & Bronze Work • SPABKS,STILLMAN,DOWOELL &CO MAP 17PLOPUBB118 OP Cast and Wrought Iron Railing, GARDEN AND CEMETERY ADORNMENTS, FOUN TAINS. VASES, VF.RANDALIB, SETTEES, CHAIRS, Ac. IRON STAIRS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW AND IM PROVED STABLE FURNITURE. Foundry-2028 North Tenth Street Wereroom-807 Chestnut Street. mhBO to th a BmBpa MEAL ESTATE NALES. inMASTER'S BALE OF Elegant Manion, Stable and Coach Houce, and handaome Grounds, ' on street, , Haddonfield N. , eta notice from Camden, and five minutes' walk from the Depot on the Camden and Atlantic Railroad. Lot 130 feet front, by about 370 feet deep; the house stands back from the stieet , is built In the most substan dal manner, with all the modern improvements. has gas Apes throughout, bath, hot and cold water, water close', furnace, low down grates, portico veranda iron fence Ie front on brick wall, hemlock hedger and osage orange a'l around the property. Also a Stable and Coach liouse. ice house. wells of excellent water, doe.; the grounds are well shaded by large evergreens, and the garden well stocked with the choicest fruits. it le well suited for summer or winter residence. which wilontiltio l ue of purchase made known at time of solo, be on WEDNPSDAY, THE tin DAY OF MAY, 1869, at `. o'clock P. M., ut the West Jeremy Hotel, in the oity o Camden. CHARLES P. STRATTON, Master to Chancery, Camden, N. J. rEXECUTORS' PEREMPTORY BALE .— ESTATE of Joshua Longstroth, decesised.--qhomas it; Bons, Auctioneers. 11 three story brick dwellings, forming a court , known ns "Northampton," Noe. 428,428 and 420 Diliwyn street, north of Callow 1411 street, 60 foot trout. On 'Tuesday, May 95th, 1850 , at - 19 o'clock, noon. will be SOdditipubliesateogithetit - yeserveostthe Ex ch ,nge, all thothllltirstalitorir back dwvilluas, form jug court, and known as "Northampton,. eltusto street west side of Dillwyn street. north of Callowhill Nos. 428. 428 and 430; the lot containing iu front on Dili wyn street 60 felt, and extending in depth 60 feet . 'Terms—halt cosh. Bile absolute. By order of GEORGE D. PARRIS'', WILLIAM BUNT. t Executors. ITEPtIEN B. PRICE. M. THOMAB di BONS. Auctioneers, ra7l-13 16 92 189 and 141 0. Fourth etreet. 'For other proporty, belonging to same estate. to be sold at awns time and Place, etle Other hlUidblllll. THE DAILY EV,EOI.N4,BULLETIN---.P.IIILADELPHIA SATURDAY'. MAY 1.1569'. Germantown Properties 400 Large and Small Homes, Pointed Stone. FOB SALE BY 0. KEYSER KING, Real Estate Agent, Next Depot, Germantown, riORPHANS' COURT BALE.—ESTATE OF Wilson Jewell, M.D ,doe'd. Thomas & Sous, Auc. ioneerr. Large and valuable threeutory brick resi dence. No. 423 North Sixth street, below Noble etre 4. Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court for the city and county of Philadelphia,will be gold at public, es, oe Tneeday, May 25, 1869 at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Phila delphia Exchange, the following described property, late of Wilson Jewell, M. H.. dec'd, viz.: All that three story brick messuage and lot of ground thereunto belong. log , situate on distanceside of Birth street, city of Ph delphia, at the of 76 feet northward from the north side of Willow street; containing in front on Sixth street 19 feet, and in depth westward of that breadth, be tween parallel lines, 106 feet 8 inehoe. Bounded north ward by ground conveyed to Isaac Burkhardtsouthward by a meeeuago and lot released to Joseph Moorehead and Elizabeth T.. hie wife, in right of the paid Elizabeth 'l'. in peveralty,esetward by said Sixthstre_ and westward partly by ground released to Matthew Walker in neva alty, and partly by the head of a 4 feet wide alley, laid out. for the mutual use and accommodation of the lots of ground bounding thereon. Being the same premises which Harriet Walker. by indenture bearing, date Octo ber 7, A. I). 1846, and recorded in Deed Book R. L. L No. 63, page 79, he.. granted and conveyed unto the said wit. eon Jewell,M.O., in tee; together with the common tuts. eject' and privilege of the said 4 feet wide alley, as a pas sage way and water-course at all times hereafter forever. excepti; g and reserving. nevertheless, unto the owners. tenants and occupiers of the lots of ground bordering on the said 4 feet wide alley, the right and privilege of using a strip of ground in the southwesternmost eorner of the said lot above described, of the width of 2 feet, oast and west, by 4 feet. north and south, in connection with the remainder of the said alley. as and for an alley, pas sage-way and watercourse. at all times forever. By the Court. JOBEI'II hiEGARY, Clerk 0. C. CH ARLO I'TE M. JEWELL, Executrix.. N. B.—The improvements male modern three story brick n sidence, with a two-story back building; has gee. bath. hot and cold water, water closet, range, Clic. Woll suited for a physician, having been used as such for a number of yearn. M. 'I 110 MAS & SONS, Auctioneers. 129 and 141 South Fourth street. EXECUTORS' PEREMPTORY SALE—ESTATE riof Joshua Lougstreth. dec.d.—Thomas & Bone, Ann. tioneere. Very Valuable Business Stands, 2 three story brick stores, Nos. 919. 221, 2.22, Church street, must of Third ettest.--On Tuesday, May 29th 1869, at 12 o'clock. r eon, will he sold at public eale, without rtsseee„ at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following described property, : No 1 —All that valuable three-story b Lek store and lot of ground, situate on the north aide of Church street east of Third street No. 219: containing in front 15 feet 2 inches, and extending in depth 58 feet 4 inches No. 2.—A1l that valuable three-story brick store and lot of ground, adjoining the above, being No. 221; containing in front 15 feet Ids inches. and in depth 68 foot 4 inches. No. that valuable three-story brick store and 10. of ground. adjoining the above, being No. 223; containing in front 16 felt 71s inches, tad extending in depth 28 feet one-half inch, then narrowing to 7 feet 4)4 inches, and ex tending still further in depth 14 foot, the entire depth being 40 feet- Terms—Half each. Ste absolute. By order of OEO. D. PARRISH, 17S M• HUNT, Executors. STEPHEN S. PRICE.) M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers. 03'1 8 13 n Nos. 189 and 141 S. Fourth street. For other property, belonging to the same estate, to be sold at came time and place, see other handbill'. myl-15-:5 EXECUTORS' PEREMPTORY SALE. -ESTATE E"of Joshua Losigstreth. deceased.—Themas di Sons, Auctioneers.—Very Valuable Bushmen Location. Tw o lace-stet Brick Residences. NOB. 512 and 516 Arch street, extending through to eberry etreet, 47 feet froat. 9.!•9 fret deep—tw o I rents. On Tuesday, May 25th, 1949, .t o'clock. noon, will be sold at public sale, without reserve. at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those 2 three. story brick nessuages and lot of ground, situate en the north side of Arch street , west of Fifth street; the lot containing in f. out on Arch street 47 feet 1 inch, and ex. tending iu depth 288 feet to Cherry street, on which is erect, d a stable and '1 he houses are lenge, well and substantial.y built, and could be easily altered into stores. Subject to an Irredeemable yearly ground rent of VoO. '1 he above is situate in an improving bust. nese neishborhood. Terms- half cash. Rule absolute. By older of GEORGE D. PARRIS'S.? WM. HUNT, ( Executors STEPHEN B. PRICE, ) M. THOMAS d BONS Auctioneers, my 1 8 13 2a Nos. 139 and 191'. Fourth street. For other property belonging to the same estate, to be sold at sane time and place, see other handbills. itEXECUTORS' PEREIIPTCRY SALE—ESTATE of J oat, na Longstreth. deceased —Thomas A Sons. Acetic meets —Very Valuable Ruiner' Location. st re e t. •eth o s y br n ic k S r o e r - e s i t . o N ry on b 3 i cakn d D 23w4 eSntgh Second rear, terming a court, fronting on Levant street, MA fee front, V v feet deep. 9 (rotate On Tuesday, May 35th. WM. at II o'clock. noon will be sold at public sale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange. all tbosa buildings and the lot of ground thereinto belonging, situate on tee west side of tecood street, south of Doca street; the lot containing to front on Second etreat 81 feet 7 inches, and extending in depth 280 feet to Levant street Pas im eroventente are a large and substantially bullt three-story brick building occupied ea 2 stores, (rats on Second street. Noe. 238 and 234, with seven three-story brick dwell huge in the rear. called Boatbampton court. retuning from 218 Levant street, on which It bill feet front, Terme- Half cash. Bale abeolute. By order of GEO. D. PARRISH i WM. HUNT. Executors EPIIEN S. PRICE, M. THOMAS di SONS, Auctioneers, myl 8 1521 188 and 141 S. Fourth street. For oth.l property , belonging to the seine estate, to bo sold et same time and place, see other handbills. PEAL ESTATE—THOMAS t. SONS BALE._ 4 Very Deeirable Three.etory Brick Residences ,Nes. " 1700 1702, 1704 and 1706 Chestnut streets, with 4 tbree.etory brick dwellings, adjoining, being Nos. 108, 110, 112 end 114 Seventeenth street; lot 70 feet front, 150 feet deep to Exeter street, 3 fronts. On Tuesday, May 25th. 1F•69, at 12 o'clock. noon. will be cold at public male, at the Philadelphia I.xcbange, all that large and valu able lot of ground and the improvements thereon erected, situate at the southwest corner of eheetnut and Seven. teenth streets; containing in front on Chestnut street 70 feet, and extending In depth 100 feet to Exeter street-3 fronts. The improvements ere 4 well-built three story brick residences, with back buildings, fronting on 'heat nut street, and 4 three story brick dwellings adjoining to the rear. frontitg on Seventeenth street. Subject to the restriction that no building. other than steps and cellar doors, shall ever be erected on the northernmost ii feet of said lot, and the buildings have been built in conformity thereto. 11717" Terms- half Cash. See plan at the A uct ion kuoins. M. 2110 MAB & SONS, ductlmeers, 18 and 141 South Fourth street. myl 8 IB M EXECUTORS' PEREMPTORY BALE.—ESTATE E"of Joshua Longotreth , deceased-1. human di Bono. Auctioneers. Large and ,valuable Lot, Eighth street, seventh street. Fitzwater street, throe valuable fronts, 89454 feet by 22834 feet. On Tuesday, May 26, 1869 tat 12 0`21044,120011, wlll be sold at public sale, without reherve, at the Philadelphia Exobange, all that largo and very valuable lot of ground, situate at the corner u‘ Eighth, Seventh and Fitzwater streets; containing in front on Eighth street 228 feet ft inches, on Fitzwater reet 384 feet 10 inches, on Seventh street a2B feet 6 inches. A plan, showing how it could be divided into smaller building lots, may be seen at the Auction Rooms. Terms—Half carp. Bale absolute. Ily order of GEO. D. PARRISH , WM. HUNT, Evocators. STEPHEN 13. PRICE, ) M. THOMAS dr. SONS. Auctioneers, myl 8 IS 22 139 and 141 South Fourth street. For other property , belonging to the same estate, to b sold at the same time and place, see other handbills. REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS di BONS , BALE.— Handsome modern three story brick residence pith side yard, No. 1123 lipruina street. east of Twelfth street, 27 feet front. On Tuesday, Mae 25, 1881 at 12 oc'lock. coon. will bo sold at public sale, witnerit re serve, at the Fhiladelriain Exchange. all that handsome modern three-ntor) brick menus-as, will, three-story boot buildings and lot of ground. situate on the north aide of i3prnce rtreot east of Twelfth street, No. 1123; the lot con taining in front on Spruce street 27 feet, and extending in depth 71 feet to a 5 feet wide nlley, leading into Twelfth otroot. The house in well-built and in excellent repair. and bee all the modern conveniences- gas, bath. hot and cold water, water closet, marble mantels, hell cats, lure nce, cooking tango. die. Tenet Half oath. M. THOMAS it BONS, Auctioneers. 1139 and 141 South Fourth street. m 71815 'T PE REM PTORY SALE—FOR ACCOUNT OF Eh:arum purchaser—Thomas and Sone. Auctioneers— Modern throrrtory Mick Dwelling, No. 1619 North Twentieth street ,aboveJeffereon street. On Tuesday ,Nlay 18, at 9 , at 12 o'clock, noon will be sold at public sale, a ithout reserve , at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern three-etory brick messuage , with threestory back bull° ing end lot of ground situate so the east side of Tv. t ntiet h street, above Jefferson street, No. 1613; con. taking Jti front on '1 wentleth !street 17 foot 9 inches (in eluding half of a 2.feet wide alley), and extending in depth 75 lest The house la in excellent repair, has gas, both, hot and cold water, furnace, cooking tango, &c. Subject to I, mongoose, amounting to $4,090. Immediate porseesion. Ka) sat tire Auction Room. M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, 199 and 141 south Fourth street. EBEA L ES PATE—TIIOMAB & BONS' BALE.— Thri e-ntory Brick Dwelling,No. 817 Fitzwater street, we. t of Eighth street. On Tuesday. May 25, 1862 at 12 coded,. neon, aBl be sold at public sale, at the Phlia delpl,ll, Exchange. all that threostoey brick messuago ; will, two story back buildings and lot of ground, situate on the e of tb el do of Fitawater street, 28 foot west of fdele street, No 817: containing in front on Fitzwater street 18 feet, and extending in don h6O feet to a 10 'feet wide alley. running from ilubbel or Lisle street to Russel street. lid' Clear of all incumbeance. • : forma---11ali - M. TLIOf4AB 6 ifON6l,lluetionoers; myl 815 189 and L4l South teourth divot - ftREAL ESTATE.—TLIOMAS dr, BONS , BALE.— Three.etory Brick tuieldenoe. No. 11328._ Filbert street, west of Blzteenth etreot On Tuoeday. May 25, 1803. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at trio Philadelphia Exchango. all that throes tory brick residence and lot of ground, situate on the south side of Filbert street 118 feet IS inches oast of seventeenth , street, No. 1626; contaltitakin trout on Filbert drool LS feet, and extending in depth 106 foot to Jones' alloy. Ternes—Llatf crud,. 61.1'11061A16 di BONS, Auctioneers ; coil 63i16 BO And 311 *nth Yourt4 REAL ESTATE - ISAJIGIBB• • OltrllANS' CUURT BALE.—ESTATE OF ern. Daiwa E. Smith, deceased.-Thomas & Botts, Ann. lon ocre.-11 enflame ei modern Three-story brick Roil cella". No. f Mount Vernon street, west of 'Twentieth street. Pursuant to an Ordor of the Orphans' Cowl for the City and County of Philadelphia will be eold at public sale, on Tuesday. bitty ,25th, at 12 o'clock. noon at the Philadelphia Exchange, the •folknvldg des. property. late of Stephen E. Smith. deceased, viz.: All that threcestory brick rnessusge and lot of ground. situate on the south side of Mount Vernon street," at the distance) of 143 feat thi.juches eastward from the east side of Twenty.first street, Fifteenth Ward, city of Philadel phia; containing in front on Mount Vernon street 20 feet 2 inches, and extending in dopth sonthward, between parallel lines at right angles with Mt. Vernon street 6,9 ft et h Inches to the middle of a 4 feat wide alley. loading westwardly into Twenty-first street. Bounded north ward by Mt. Vernon street, eastward and westward by premises late of Carne Cadwallader. and southward by the middle of said alloy. Being the same premises, which Charles N. Cadwallader. and Lizzie D. his wife, by ice den record in g d April 2. forth Citye In the office for and County of Phila delphia in tired Book e.. It. 8., No. ISt, page 22t3. S granted and conveyed to said Stephen B. S mi th. in fee. Mlinder. and subject to the ,payment of ernertain wort • gage debt of 124.000. By the Court, JOSEPH M lI:GARY. Clerk O. 0. JAMES B. SMITH, Adminhftrator. M. THOMAS 141tiNb. Auotioneera. 129 and South Fourth street. myl 15 29 inORPHAN& COURT BALE. ESTATE: OF John Evans, deceased.—Thomas as Bons. Auction sere. Three-story brick Dwelling, No. 1327 Meant Vernon et. Pursuant to a eludes order of the Orphans' ourt for the City and County of Philadelphia. will be sold at public sale. at the risk of the former purchaser. en Tuesday. M 25th. ISO. at 19 o'clock. noon. at the Phila delphia Exchange, the following oescribed oropere.y, late of John Evens, deceased, viz. : All that three-story brick mei silage and lot of ground. situate on the north aide of Mount Vernon street, le) feet 934 inches westward of Ridge roam; containing in trent on Mount Vernon street 11 feet, and extending in depth northward, between parallel liner, at right angles with Mount Vernon street, on the west line thereof 37 feet 74ths of an inch, and on the east line tnereot 27 feet IOP., Inches. Bounded eastward by ground now or late of august C. Miller, southward by Mount Vernon street. and westward by ground now or late of John B. Newberry. Being the same premises which Joseph B. Evans, by inthnturo dated February 2.1 d, A. D. 1846. recorded in deed book a. W. IrL. No 1, Page 479, granted and conveyed to John Evans. in fee. reserving thereont a yearly ground rent of $3O. payable on the Bret January su.d July forever. By the Court. JOSEPH IS:IF:GARY. Clerk 0. C. ISABELLA T. EVANS./ Administrators JUSTUS EVANS, L M. ..1/10151Afil 4 80148, Auctioneer'. 129 and 1418. fourth street. ri , y115&21 REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS is SONS' SALM— ElHandsome Modern Four-story brick Residence, " No. 419 South Fifteenth street. below Pine street. Mi feet front, be lest deep. On Tuesday, May 4th, 1969, at 13 o'clock, noon. will be soli at public sale, at the iltfla delphia Exchange. all that handsome fourstery brick residence, with three-story beck buildings and lot of ground, situate No 419 South Fifteenth street, below Pine street; centaining ft front cn Fifteenth 'meet 20 test. and extending in depth 101 feet with the use of alley leading into Lombard street. The house has the modern im ot °temente and conveniences; parlor, boudoir, break fast room and kitchen on first floor; 2 chambers. with large closets between; bath room adjoining chamber, with et ater closet, Le.; dining room, with Butler's pan try, store room and dumb waiter en the second floor; II chambers and store room on third floor; 2 chambers on I earth near ; has gas. bath range. furnace. water closets. The hence is finished very handsomely throughout,. and has just been papered and painted. and put in the most tb °rough and complete order in every portion, at an expense of nearly in 000; no repairs whatever noceesory. Revs at the Auction Rooms. Perms—l 4 elf Cash. Immediate possession. WO - Clear of all iacnmbrance. M. THOMAS tla SONS. Auctioneers, It 139 and 141 South Fourth street. REAL ESTATF.—TEIOMAS di SONS' SALE.— t in Tuesday, May 11th, 1069, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale et tne Philadelphia Exchange. the following described properties. via.. i.e. L Valuable Four --story Brick Itailding, No. 41 North Tenth street above Market street. All that valuable f .unatory brick building and lot of ground, situate on the east side of Teeth street. containin g f MOllter alley, north of Market street . No. 41 in front on Tenth street 20 feet. and extending in depth feet. more or leas; first floor occupied as a plumber shop; upper floors as a shirt man ufactory ; has water closets on every floor; has boiler and range' on the fourth floor ; drying room on top. Terms-12,000m03 remain on mortgage. No. 2 '1 hree-story brick dwelling, No. 1212 German• town avenue, above Girard avenue. All that three-story brick towage. with three-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the southwesterly aide of Germantown avenue, above Girard avenue, No. 1212; containing in front on Germantown avenue 1736 feet, and extending in depth 69 feet. It contains 9 rooms, and bath, hot and odd water. U' Terms-- 91,000 may remain on mortgage. lar - Clear of all incumbrance. IL THOMAS di SONS. Auctioneers, 130 and 141 South Fourth street. EXECUTORS' PEREMPTORY SALE—ESTATE of Joshua. Longetreth. deceased. Thermos & Sons. Auctioneers—Business Location; 2 teree. e tory lizirk Dwellings, Nos. Me and 621 North street between Fifth and Sixth, and Market and Arch ,'rret•: 40 feet front.—On Tuesday, May 25th. 184 b, at 12 ,'clerk. noon, will be sold at public sale, without reserve. at i be Philadelphia Exchange, all those 2 three story brick U3Ct,lla gem and lota of ground thereunto beloutting. situate on the north side of North street, west of Fifth street hoe. 519 and 651: containing tosegier in front on North street 40 feet.. and extending to dem h 80 feet The above is situate in an improving business neighbor hood. Terms—Half each. Bale absolute. By order of (FOROE D. PARRISH,, WILLIAM HUNT, , Executors. trl ErMEN B. PRICE. M. THOMAS di SONS. Auctioneers, r 0311115 H 180 and 141 South Fourth street. For other property belonging to the same estate, to be sold st sun e bale and place. see other handbills. REAL ESTATE.- THOMAS & BONS' BALE Handsome Modern three story Brick Residence, No. 1631 Girard avenue, west of Fifteenth et. eat. 20 feet front, 150 feet deep to Welter streo', two fronts.—On Tuesday, May 18th. 1869. at 12 o'clock, noon. will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, ad that handsome modern three story brick messnage.with three story back building and lot of ground.situate on the north side of Girard avenue, west of Fifteenth street. No. 1531 containing in front on Girard avenue 20 feet, and extend ing in depth 160 feet to Walter street, two fronts. The house has all the modern conveniences; saloon parlor, d.ning room and 2 kitchens on the first floor 2 chambers. sitting room and library on second floor , and 4 chamber, on the thb d floor; wine cellar. gas throughout. 3 [intim hot and cold wa'er. 13 water closets, furnace, cooking range. L'e. Terme- One-half cash. Immediate possession. May be examined Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and FxidaYs. M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers. 139 and 141 South Fourth atreot. myl 8 16 EXECUTORS' PEREMPTORY SALE.—ESTATE co( Joshua Longstreth, deceased.—Tkornag & Sons, " Auctioneere. Large and very valuable Lot, II acres. known as "Barclay Hall," Turner's lane, Twenty first Ward, intersected by Seventeenth, Eighteenth. Nine teenth. Berke, Norrlc and Diamond streets On 'Tuesday, May 26, 1869, at 19 o'clock, noon, will be old at public rale, without reserve, at the Philadelphia- Exchange, All that valuable country Mace ,of between ten and eleven serer, known Ale "Barclay Hall," situate on Turner's lane, and baying fronte on eh etreeta. The improve mente are a large mansion house, tenant house. barn and ont.buildinge. It edjoine and is surrounded by several very valuable properties, Bayern' rows of handsome reel. dences are being built in the neighborhood. See Plan. Terme— Hall each. Salo absolute. By order of OF,O HUNTRRISH, WII N , Executors. STEPHEN S. PRICE, M. THOMAS & BONS, Auctioneers. myl 8 lb 99 189 and 141 South Fourth street. For other property, belonging to the Name estate, to be gold at the same time and place, see other handbills. SALE BY ORDER OF GUARDIAN.—ESTATE lar of Edwin A - H andsome ceased.—Thomas & Sons, Auctioneers modern four story Brick Residence, No. 2009 Arch street, west of Twentieth street . On Tuesday. May 25. leti9. at 12 o'clock. noon. will he sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that hand.oine modern four-story brick messuage, with two. story back buildings and lot of _ground, situ .to on the north side of Arch street, west of Twentieth street, No. 2005; containing in front on Arch street Si feet, and ox tending to depth letl feet. including on the rear end thereof a 3 feet wide alley, of which it has the privilege. It has the modern conveniences; gas. 2 bath-ro .ms, hot and cold water, S water closets, stationary washstands, 2 furnaces. cooking range, &e. Immediate possesolon. fib" May be examined any day previous to sale, M. THOMAS da, 130145, Auctioneers. 129 and 141 South Foluth street. tn 1115211 REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS & SONS' SALE._ Tw o Three-More Brick Dwellings. Nos. 1002 and 1004 " Spring Garden street. with Mx thiree-atory brick dwellings in the rear, forming a court, SS feet groat,ll9 feet deep to Nectarine street, two fronts . On Tuesday, May 11th. 1869, at 12 o'clock, neon. will be sold at public sale. at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following de scribed property, via : No. I.—All that lot of ground and the improvements thereon erected. situate on the mouth aide of Spring Garden street. west of Tenth street: con tslnit g in front on Spring Garden street 19 feet. and ex tending in depth 111 feet. The improvements are a three story brick dwelling. fronting on Spring Garden street. No. 1002. and frobeery brick dwellings in the roar. one of them ting on Nectarine street. being No, 1003 IrErUlear of all ineumbrance. .e west,Al that lot of ground , adjoining the above on the of Baum size and dereri ptlon. M. THOMAS & S 'NS, Aactioneers, 189 and 141 South Fourth street. PUBLIC SALE. THOMAS ets SONS, ACC fritioneorti.- Country Place, 4 acme, Old Y ork road. " Dela Oak lane. about of a mile from Oakland Hon. on the North Pennsylvania Railroad .—t n Tuesday. 119 y 18th. 18441. a: 12 o'clock. noon, will be sold at public rale, at the Philadelphia Exchange. all that country place. containing 4 acres of ground.isituate on the Old York road, near Oak lane, and about 11 of a Railroad Oakland Sta tion, on the North Pennsylvania The improve. mutts are a substantial atone messuage, barn in good order. dm. Terms—Onc•tbird cash, balance may remain for live ' May be examined at any time. H. THOMAS dr SONS, Auctioneers. myl 815 122 and 141 South Fourth street. E. REAL ESTATE.—THOMAS di SONS' SALE Two.storp Frame Store, N 0.771 South Third street , between German and Catharine streets, with three frame dwellings in tho rear.- On Tuesday ; May 11th. 12131+, at 12 o'clock. ' noon, will ho sold at public sale. at the Philadelphia Exchange, all those frame menstiagee and the lot of _ground, situate on the east side of Third Arcot. between German akd Catharine streets, No. 771; contain do;n n o Third street Me feet, and extending in th on therth line 121 feet, and on the south line 120 feet more or less. Terms—SLOW may remain on mortgage. M. THOMAS Ai SONS. Auctioneers, No. 119 and 141 B. Fourth street_ -11.134L.ESTATE.-,-TUOMM3 BONO' BALII Valuable Lot. Lombard street. west of Thera) , third street. On Tuesday, May 25th , 1662, at 12 o'clock, noon. will be sold at public sale. wrrnour Ito smays at, the rhilsdelphla Exchange. all that valuable lot of 'ground , either.° on the south side of Lombard el rect. 88 feet west of Twenty-third 'Arcot; containing in front ou Lombard street 15 feet,' and extending in depth of that width 15 feet. then narrowing to the width of 3 feet on the Wee side.and extending further in depth that reduced width 3 feet. Together with the privilege of a 3 feet wide alle leading into Naudain street, sh. • - M. THOMAS di SONO. Auetloneans. m7l 6 if, 188 and 1418. Fourth street. jigs cinossirivurr suriammr, MILLIKEN'S NEW STORE LINENS AND HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS. MILLIKEN'S LINEN STORE, BEST LINEN GOODS OUR OWN IMPORTATION AT IMPORTERS' PRICES. Nainsooks, Jaconets, Swiss Math, Bishops Lawn, Tucked Miuslins, Muslin Sheetings, Gauze Flannels, Summer Blankets Marseilles Quilts, Honeycomb Quilts, Furniture Chintzes, Table and Piano Covers, &c. N. B.—Mr. NoMullan's Salesladies remain with us: and will wait on the customers of the Store as usual. GEORGE MILLIKEN, Linen Importer and Honaehold Dry Goode, GOOD BLACK SILKS. HOMER, COLLAD AY & CO. HAVE NOW IN STOOK EVERY GRADE OF GOOD BLACK SILL That from Long Experience they can recommend, suitable for DRESSES AND WALKING- SUITS, And which they are selling at the VERY L.COIA WTI RATES. Al ',so. ALL THE NEWEST STYLES OF FANCY AND PLAIN SILK. CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE BROAD. TI3IS IS LADIES' DAY , AT THE CHESTNUT STREET CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT. 518 and 5,20 CHESTNUT STIMIE r r. Our Department of Youths', Boys' and Children's Clothing being now fully organized and stocked with a large assortment of Finest Clothing, selected from the best markets of this country, or made up by ourselves in many new and beautiful styles, this day is devoted to a display of all that is NOVEL AND MOST FASHIONABLE in this line, including a great variety of materials and makes. YOUTHS' SUITS (for young men from 15 to 20 years) made in the highest styles of Fancy American Cassimeres, English, French, Scotch and German Coatings. BOYS' SUITS (for lade from 6 to 15 years), "Metropolitan Suits," "Harney Jacket Snits,' "Vest Jacket Suits," "Clarendon," "Bismarcks" (new styles), "La Perk:hole," "Sheridan," "Manly." "Cutaway," and many other styles—plain, neat and goateed—for ordinary wear, or made up more elaborately for dress occasions. CHILDREN'S SUITS (for little boys from 3to 7 years). "Garibaldi" Suits in great variety, "Skirt" Suits, "Blouse" Suits, "Prince imperial," ace.., do. Many designs of cut and trimming _quite. new. • We cordially invite mothers and others in charge of children to call to-day and linik - thiiraglitfiti Department. It occupies the large well-lighted rooms on the first floor at the roar of the POMO. Saleswomen as well as 'Salesmen will be in attendance, and every facility for inspection will be politely accorded. - JOIEIUM WAINLAIVIAK-30 R, Clothier . saint OPEN BRANCH OF SUS Arch Street. FRESH STOOK Also, large stock of WHITE GOODS, 1128 CHESTNUT STREET 828 ARCH STREET.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers