BUS lE$ zmmiNce. Ma. rigalitailol3l Slaters axe especially esernmended to Wampum Public Ppeakere slid persons ed literary habits and eedentary We t who require clear mental hieratic& Whitt 0112 only be obtained by a relish lee food. and a perfect digestion. Delicate Fetatiloo are eartain to Sod in these Bitters health and strength. 111ACIROILIA WATS:lL—Superior to the beet imported Gar tman Coltrane. and sold at half the price. apt? Wth eat dignerTHK "I3UIIO34ACKER" BUY A EIRSYCLABI3 PHILADELPHIA. trtWIANO AT MANUI.AOTi3RER93 PRICES, OR. N TBEIR GUARANTEE. AND THERPRY EN. COURAGE BOMB INDUSTRY. neaten Pianos sold by AourtEs are generally the abeapest that can be found in the New Yeast ort Bovrou anarkets, and after all they coat the parchaaer as much Re firstchus EA:lnexact= PIANO& The Agent has already several COMACBSIONa ADDED before the customer obtains an instrument, and in a tow years it becomes worthloas. and there is no redress. Oar Pianos have maintained their high reputation as TEEM CLASS FOR MOWS TnAN Tui ETV' YEAR, and have been awarded the highest premiums, and are now ad. witted to be the finest and moat highly improved iustru• aunts made in the country, Our DOW and beautiful WAREROMEB, No. 1103 CErgerrarr arnisr, bre constantly aut Plied from our extensive fee tUries with a fail aetortrnont of superior Gmum, SQUARE Uviucarr Pianos, which we o ff er on the moet FAVORABLE terms. Call and examine them, and all will admittbat we are able to PROVE that which we have said, and that no other establishment in this city can Offer the Mine LIBERAL INDUCEMENT& THE SCLIOMACHER PIAO M'F'l3l CO., No. N 1103 Chestnut street. li. B.—New Pianos to Rent. Toning and Moving promptly attended to. tab th s tuff ALBRECHT BLOKES BLOKES & SCHMIDT, Manufsetbrers of FHIST•CAS GREF ES FE PLATES PL&t.OO A FORT. Warerooms, No. 610 ARCH street, mhlgo to 111.8m6 Philadelphia. STECK & CO.'S AND HAINES BROS'. Pial2oB. MILS= & Hamlin's Cabinet antiHetro• pentsn Omens with Vox Humane , . J. E. GJOliffs, No. 923 Chestnut street. THE WEER PIANO% firi7Used entirely by "Madame Pampa." "Miss !egg," "Miss Alide Topp," Messrs. Mills. Bandemon, Mattison. Ole Belt. Hopkins and other great artists. nor sale only by J. A. e at art a tv tfs 1102 Chestnut street ... . - ... CONRAD MEYER. INVENTOR AND Manufacturer of the celebrated Iron Frame R.V. se received the Prize Modal of the World's Great Exhibition, London, Eng. The highest prizes awarded when and wherever exhibited. Warerooms, 722 Arch street. Established 1P23. m91 e,m,wZWi . _ _ gam:Au". A• : • lA' Ai : :4) , :4 •: I :i• highest award (first gold medal) kit the Interns ' • hltion. Parka, 1867. flee Liftleial Report, at were= of BLASIUS BROS" well& N 0.1.008 Chestnut street. BEOmVED legi THE thebl aßi t award a? Itite PIANOS 7. DUTTON'S Wardrooms. 914 Meet:ma street sedtfil EVENING BULLETIN. Saturday, May 1, 1869. TUE TRIALS OF OFFICE. It is generally regarded as a most enviable thing to be appointed to a responsible or lu crative office under the Government. The siege of Washington, which has been be leaguered for two months past by a hungrier invasion than ever threatened the Capital in the days of the Rebellion, attests how highly men prize the glory and emolument of public office. In the distribution of office, however, the President has not been always guided by the amount of importunity or pressure, but by hie general sense of the fitness of things. And eo it has come to pass that, in various - - parts of the country, quiet; orderly, unoffend ing gentlemen have been selected for positions in which they suddenly find thetnselves plunged into a sea of troubles, by the myriad seeking to be fed with the "five loaves and two small fishes" which they have to die tribute in the shape of subordinate appoint ments. "Uneasy reste the hood that wears a crown," but the head that wears the commission of any important office does not rest at all. The single case of the worthy and excel lent gentleman who has been appointed Collector of this Port will suffice for illustra lion. No sooner was it rumored from Wash ington that there was a probability of Mr. Moore's nomination,than his trials began; and by the time that he actually received hit commission he was beset by a great company whom no man could number, bent upon assisting the new Collector in the discharge of his complicated duties. Men of all ages and conditions; men who could scarcely write, seeking first-class clerkships; blind men, desiring inspectorships; lame men, de mending to be made runners; men, upon whose strong breath Mr. Moore might have hung his hat, demanding to be storekeepers; everybody, in fact, claiming the position for which he was peculiarly unfitted; and all oining in the one grand idea that nobody's claims should be considered until somebody's claim was satisfied. Now Mr. Collector Moore had less than a hundred offices to dispose of. Be could make about ninety vacancies by clearing out the Bread and Butter Brigade of the late An drew Johnson, a duty in which any honest Republican would engage with sincere pleasure. But the applicants were numbered, not by hundreds, but by thousands. Day after day they poured in their applications; some based on political services, some on po litical promises, some on military services, some on personal and pressing necessities, some on the score of friendship, some on one thing and some on another,hut each petitioner presenting claims superior to those of all others. The collector was hunted as he had never been hunted before. The frogs of Egypt were not more all-pervading than were these four thousand anxious seekers after Custom House favors. At the Custom House, Mr. Moore was double-locked in his private room, and guards were stationed in the ante rooms, to keep back the rush. At home, it was little better. Letters Blipped themselves into his dressing-gown and crept beneath his dinner plate. His door-steps, his entry, his parlors, his staircases,were beset with patient intruders upon hie privacy. For two weeks, Mr. Moore was not permitted to eat a meal in peace. No wonder that his spare form grew thinner, and his features more sharp and anxious. He could oblige less than one man in every forty,and the task of refusing or dis appointing the thirty-nine hundred whom he would have been glad to oblige, has been the hardest duty that is likely to devolve upon Lim during his term of office. The offices have at last all been filled, and the weary Collector rests from his labors. The appointments have been made with an anxious regard to the fitness of the appli cants, preference being constantly given to honorably discharged soldiers. More than half of the offices have been filled from this class, and we congratulate Mr. Moore not only that, his herculean task being now ended, he may now resume his domestic peace and quiet, but that the task has been done eo welt is caieie only a specimen of what many others are enduring, but we cite it as a marked illusiralion of the trials and troubles of public office. )Ir. Bailly's fine marble statute of Wash i ngt op, paid for by the contributions and labors of the pith& schools in this city, is ready to be erected in front of the State Honee. But< several thousand dollars .are needed to place it on a suitable pedestal. IPA now we see that the school children are ex pected to raise this sum also. We protest against this tax upon them. The money ought to be promptly supplied .by the full grown rich men of Philadelphia, and not by the poor children. Proper effort,made in the right direction, would undoubtedly procure the money in a 'few days. The school children have done nobly in paying the sculptor. They ought not to be asked to contribute another dollar. 11111111.1111 a, Durborow & Co., ¬ion lune, Nos. 232 and 239 Market street. will hold, duriog next week, by catalogue, the following important sales, viz.: ON "MONDAY, May 3, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit, 800 lots of French and British Dry Goode, in cluding a frill assortment of Paris Poplins, Florentines, Byzantines, Hernani. llobairs, Fancy Dress Goods, &c. ; elegant heavy Black and Colored Silks and Satins, Shawls, Cloaks, Matinee, Flowers, Crepes, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Paris Dress Trimmings, White Goods, Hdkfe., Embroideries, Corsets, Fans, Kid Gloves, 30 cares Umbrellas and' Parasols. Also, fall line Bonnet, Sash and Trimming Ribbons. ON TURSDA I', May 4, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit, 2,000 eases Boots and Shoes, Traveling Bags, lists, &c. On THURSDAY, May 6, at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit, 900 packages and lots of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, including Cloths, Caesimeres, Doeskins, Mellow, Tricots, Italians, Satin de Chines, &c. Also, Dress Goods, Silks, Shawls, Linens, Hosiery, Gloves, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Shirts, Drawers, Umbrel las, Ties, &c. Also, 175 packages Cotton and Woolen Domestics. On FRIDAY, May 7, at 11 o'clock, on four months' credit, about 900 pieces Ingrain, Venit ion, List, Hemp, Cottage and Rag Carpeting's; Floor 011 Cloths, Mar tinge, &c. Extra Valuable 'teal Estale.—Extun -81,7111 ELLII3 Olf ELEGANT RIIBIDICHOZB, LAnGe Lars, SMALL Dwetcrees. &0., &o.—Thoratte & Bone' catalogues, 28 pages, isacted,t_o-dav, include .tba...drery valuable estates of Wilmon Hubbtt, B. A. Bennett, Bernard Heatiy, 1114de`,44ptilion, Elizabeth M. Wood, Thomas , ~Pottar,alght: J ser, George G. Leiper, Wilson ewell, 1313 g. P trill, John Evans, Stephen E. Smith, Edwin A. Hen dry, and others, by order of the Orphans' Court and Executors, comprising elegant residences, country crate and farms, large lots, &c., &c. See advertise ments on the seventh and last pages. Orphans' Court Stole on the Premises,. —Thomas & Bons will sell on Monday next, on the premises. the estate of Wilmon Whilldin, deceased, a very elegant lour.etory marble and brick residence, No. 1910 Spruce street; 22 feet front, 187 feet deep to Newell street. The house is finished in a very amps rior manner, and has every modern improvement , and convenience. Immediate. waseesion. Now Open fur examitation. Itleo, the elegant furniture. Ftfil.par- Oculars in catalogues. Wubllle Sale on the Tramlines, 1!O. 2122 Springg. Garden street. On Monday morning. May 3d. at 10 o'clock, the entire Household Furniture, including' elegant Rosewood 7-octave Piano, by Schomacker ; Parlor Snit, in Green Plush ; Silk Brocatelle Drawing Room Snit; Oiled Walnut Chamber Snits; Hair Matresaes: superior Velvet and Brussels Carpets; two large Mantel Mirrors; Oiled Walnut Dining Room Furniture—by T. A. McClelland, Auctioneer. Special Sale of Valuable Horses, &c. —Mr Herr , ness will hold a sale of valuable Trotting, Horses, Carriage Horses, Shetland Ponies, &c,, &r., on Tuesday next. Ifit — See Auction advertisement. 1) ". 1h 1t e .eoFlMTßUDUe.rdntAal3At'is' 1 0 1 t l io A n T J h t T o ( n ) t it v O AT e in Phi lode whin w ho devotes hie eniire tune end practice to extracting teeth, absoluts . ly without pain, by fresh nitrous oxide gas. Office, No. 1027 WA LKUP kl mot. mhs I \ CATON DENTAL Atfit/ULATION ORIGINATED V the at•a•ethettc uee of NITROUS OXIDE. OR LAUGHING GAB. And devote their whole time and practice to extracting teeth without pain. Office, Eighth and Walnut eireeta. WA RB URTO N'S IMPROVED, VENTILATED and easy•fitting Drees Bats (patented) In all the ap proved f ashions of the season. Chestnut street next door to the Poet (Alice. octl-tfrp - THE GARDENER'S COMPANION, BY AN ADJUST abIe centre. becomes in different positions a Spade. Doe, Rake and Weeding Fork—thus combining four tools in one small article. For sale, aWs other miniature and tub Garden imp by ThUMAN SaIAW,No. KU. risKht e Thirty-five)lements, Market street, below Ninth, Phila delphia. A BEAUTIFUL BOSOM OR GLOSSY 1411IRT COL tar Is the result of using the patent polishing L on'. Nor rale, with a variety of other laundry Bona, by TRU MAN A fillAW,;/2.3fi (Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. Philadelphia, RA QUALITY SMALL AND STRONG BRABA Padlocks end a ver' lair itssorttneot of 'run Pa dlock, of van ins ,joallties. in stork. TRUMAN St SHAW, No. 3.3ll(Fight ! hi ty fise) Market a treet, uel tw Ninth, Piffle,- dclphin. A HE YOU A CoN:\ OISSFUR IN Al FERRUIIAUIt at.d Cigar '1 it Let‘? WILEY 13.1A0 rag H.tl knor elipt HOF t , t °eh at Eighth and W YWuL spnrp ti MAGAZIN DES MODEIi. 104 WALNUT STREET. MRS. PROCTOR. Cloake. Walking Suite, 81/ke. Drees Goode, Lace Shawls. Ladies' Underclothing and Ladto Furs. Dreams made to measure in Twenty. tour flours. T. I" sE F IVE CET YANA CIGARS! SPLENDID. ain' t they. country merchante are invited to call and examine them at WILEY BRUTIIERS, Eighth and Walnut otreets. apt.i.rn TflE BE ST CIGARS AND TOBACCO ARE OBTAINED at WILEY BROTHERS. N. W. corner Eighth and Walnut streets. ap2:3-rptfq THE MOUTH AND THE TEETH DE. J. DE HAVEN WHITE'S Name and Standing In Medical Dentietry are a guaran tee lor the Efficacy of whatever ho Pre eorlbea for the Mouth and Teeth. Tile great demand for the preparatione tnade from hie oi mule inAnced ManypclislONn'to thnir own pre parations under tie name. 10 Pretecth W iereputation from euriering by time practice, and to secure the beet reniedice for hie patents L 3 regard to hie NEW MEDICATED DENTIFRICE, MOUTH WASH AND GARGLE. Ile him taken legal meamuree to prevent hie formula from tx lug compounded by any other Chomist or Drug. giet in the United Staten, but GUSTAVUS KRA A SE. U POTFIECJARY, N. W. ear. Twelfth and ehtmtn hiladelphiaet otreeta, P, As teetified by the following certificate "I hereby repudiate as eruniove all tooth powders and mouth washer sold under my name, except trier* having my signature on the t.abel and couipoituded and sold tint.% by GUBTA VUS I( RAUSE. Apothecary, N. W. cor ner of TWELVE'. and UtikinTNUT streets, t'hiladel- Oda, who ALONE hold. my prescrititiona, and, is autho. tined to prepare and sell the saue..-- .1. DELIAITEN WHITE, M. D.; D. D. S. mhlB4. in w3mrp§ - MOH INVALIDS.—A FINE MI:I3ICAL BOX Ati A companion for the nick chamber; the finest aseort, went in the city and groat variety of aim to select from. Imported direct by FARR & BROTHER, Cherthut etroet, below Fourth. =hie tfrp / , EN LINE itioTAllocA.WlTli FULL DIRELTIONB 13 for use. Fresh Bethlehem. Canada and Scotch Oat meal Pearl Sago, liaris' Farinaceous Food, Racahour. Cox Gelatine, Caracas Cacao and other Dietetics. For salt. by JAMES T. SHINN, S. W. cor. Broad and Spruce streets. son t.tcp J A klEli B. NEWI BI L L II )D L BRO K ERS AND GENERAL FINANCIAL AGENTS, MI SECOND II ERECT in 7 2Rtri,' 13A I , GAINS IN THICK FRENCH BREA_KYA iT Sits. OE , Et; E W. VOGEL, No. MN Chestnut street, iucttsm att. lotion to rt. lot of French kireakfaet Seto, ?placed on the counter to be cold at $2 60 a cot goode that cold t,t, to Ode tooridr.g at $6. $6. $1 to 138 60 o out, all put out at trd Ut. ap27-tit* XI A BRIM; WITH INDELIBLE INF. , EMBROIDER. LU lug. Braiding, Biarnping, etc. M. A. Voltia. Filbert street. EW FRETCH lIBEAKEAST AND DEMI TOILET L' int, pig, necks, 19 to 1.13 X. hichoo a CIINO from V taiY, direct to OLD. W. 1. 00 EL , 906 6t• 1202 ebertuut Btreot •fEA A II NA'fIIANI3, AUCTIONEER., N. E. COIINEE 1 Third and L•prure etreetr, only one square below the Exchange. i42fre s Oce to Man, In largo or emall amounts, on diamondr. silvor plate, watcher, jewelry, and all goods of value. Office bona from BA.M. to 7 P M. ear Ertab. tirbed for the tart forty yearn Advancer made in large amount/. at t he lowert market rates. laB ttrp 111 Th SHETLAND SHAWLS AT fl;3 75.—A CASE of White Shetland shawl!, at * 75. GEA , ROE Vir VOGEL, 1208Cheatnut etreet. I Ul AN PRIME NkV Y, FINE CUT, 01. 1 I Cavendish?do to n ILIA'S, at Eighth and Wulnu &cafe. tft `lf 11 EMBROIDERED MUSLIN MARIE! ANTOL .L . ETTF otitirelY new and verY at rtrivo it - Mr - Eintmv, -- aeteeted trot-en—the , Mehl LuieDl Lard catablithmonte Paria for the anion of ED. W. VOGEL, 1202 Chaatuut atreeL - .I.4ONEN".CO ANX. AiYOUNT_IPMEM. UPON f ELLITULN DIAMOI4I3 . B ATCifEt34.4" ~WE=Ia, Y LATE. u G, thr.., at :MINES & EOM OLLLESTA BUSHED LOAN OEMS. Corner of Third and Gitekill etree% Below Lombard N. B.—DLA.MONE/ii, JEWEL.RY. at 26 6tr{ ' IN, • YOB SALL AT •LY LOW PRICE% aria -40114 OLOTKIIIN Saturday gilds Splendid Sales WANAMAKER & BROWN'S. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, S. E. Cor. Chestnut and Seventh Streets. Choke Goods for Present Season. In daily receipt of New and iltaple.llPrinf Goode. GRANDFATHER'S SUNDAY COAT. It was of home-made woven stuff, A genuine azure blue ; And Grandma wove the cloth herself In seventeen ninety-two. It was not cut as coats are now ; The sleeves were made so tight, Re bad to rise to put it on Before the morning light. With collar of tremendous size, This venerable coat Rose up against the back of his head And warmed his neck and throat. Bo queer in those peculiar days The fashions did prevail, The hinder part of the coat was shaped Much like a swallow's tall. They kept things long in Grandpa's days From records, it appears, That ho wore this most remarkable coat Borne fifteen or twenty years. But coats are nicer and cheaper now ; You can buy for a trifle, or more, Better coats than Grandfather ever saw At Rockhill & Wilson's Store. Brass Coats with Blue Buttons are all the go now for evening entertainment. Light Pants of delicate hues and tasteful cut enable the Ameri can citizen of the most moderate means to out shine her Majesty's subjects in the new court rig just inaugurated for her receptions. Everything in the masculine clothes line that male human can want, for business or pleasure, at prices so far below what our grandpirents used to pay, that If those venerable persons were to call in and see, they would open their eyes so wide that their measure could not be Liken. Do you want the worth of your money ? Then bring your money to ROCKHILL & WILSON'S Great Brown Clothing . House, 603 and 605 Chestnut Street. OGDEN & HYATT, TAILORS, NOR, 827 ARCH STREET, LATE WITH WANAMAREJI dc BROWN. The Finest Goods, French, English and Domestic. Terms moderate. apl4 lin4p HILULLJINEIII V GOODS. T. & 13. OPEN TO-DAY ANEW INVOICE OF Ladies' Hats and Bonnets, Trimmed and Untrimmed. Bonnet 14'rarnes, French Flowers, Ribbons and Laces, Wholonalo end Retail. TIIOS. KENNEDY & BRO., No. 729 Chestnut Bt. OHOICE GOODS. POPULAR PRICES, PARIS FLOWERS, LINEN BACK SATINS AND Ladies' and Misses' Hats and Bonnets. In unrivaled aseortment. S. A. & D. STERN, 724 ARCH STREET. ne27-111-th-elegP TH MPSON REYNOLDS. - Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Straw and Millinery Goods FRENCH FLOWERB, FEATHERS, ago.. &O. N. W. corner Eighth Lind Vine Streets, R. P. B. IMAM. PHILADELPHIA. sol - torn UST RFCEIVED AND IN STORE 1.11:10 GABES OP e.) Chatnpstane,eparkilng Catawba and ualiforela Winee, l'ort. tuladrira. tiherry,_Jantaica end Santa Cruz Runt. fine old Dranditut and Whlehlek Wheleeale and retail. P. J, JORDAN. 740 Pear wee. Below Third and Walnut etroeta and above Duch etr 11.11NTEE'S PATENT SPEW ttIN be had at hte Store, No. 137 South hlghth,, above WolnuL apl4.t.f Ap _ Q izzant SXMON OARTLA.ND. UNDERTAKER. 35 Boirth Thirteenth Amt. mb26 &none PRICE:.'A'NOQP;......' . : N. W► corner Eighth and. Filbert Ste. BLACK BILKS, BLACK SILKS. Black Gros Grain silks, $2. $2 25, $2 86.1 60.53.1611 60. )dined Poplins for aults at 83, 80. 87'.6. 45, up to GO cents per y aid. Plaid letobairs, 25 cents per yard. French Lawns, neat styles, 25 cents per yard. Black Alpacas, good qualities .37)5,45,50. 63.4.75 and 0:83. White Goode. White Goode. Plaid and Stripe Naineooke, Plaid and Stripe Swiss, Soft Finish Uambrice, Jaconets, Victoria Lawns. Nain eooke, Swiss Humane and Piques. Handsome Matinee Quilts , very cheap. Honeycomb an Jacquard Quilts. Table Linens , N king and Towels. Bargains In all. w aim and Domst Flannels. Best Make Bleached and Unbleached Minable. Sheeting and Pillow•Crum Linens. Ladles' and Gent& Hosiery and Gloves. Ladies' and Gents' Handkerchiefe. Gents' Neckties. Shirt Fronts and Suspenders. Ladles' and Gents' Gauze Merino Vests. Hamburg Edgings and Insertaegs. N. W. 00R. EIGHTH AND FILBRRT EMI N. B.—Anew lot of Parasols and Bun Umbrellas Jouvin's Hid Gloves, bed quality. Kid Gloves, $1 a pair. myl-e-w-2t JOHN BURNS, 240 & 247 S. Eleventh St., ab. Spruce. Nimble leaved store No. 245 South Eleventh ettreilt US COIIII•Cii011 with No. 217). and ooneequent. upon altars tan. I am prepared to ate? BARGAINS IN WRITE GOODS I Soft Finished Cambria. 12X.18.20 to 76e. Corded Piege,l3l, 60. OW. to SI SIS. Figured Pique. 20 25, 85. INN. 60e. to SI. Plaid and Stripe Cambric,. Naltwook and Swiss. Victoria Lawn. 180. np; Plain Nainsook. Hamburg Edgings and Insertings, 6%c. up. REDUCTIONS DI LINENS. Barnsley Damask Towels, large size, 83 75 doz. Huekaback Towels, IN yards long. SIS doz. All re d.bordered Towels,l2Xe. np. Hal neley Linen Sheeting, 936 yards wide, 81. Barnsley Linen Sheeting. 2% yards wide, Barnsley Linen Sheeting, 8 yards wide, 51 Richardson's Shirting Linen5..9716.1 up. likhardson's 2 yards-wide Table Damask, 7k. up. Damask Napkins, all linen. 81. $1 50. up. Marseilles Quilts, 21.4 yards long, 183. up. Bargains in Ladies' and Gents' Handkerchiefs. SPRING AND SUMMER UNDERWEAR. Gents' Half-hoes, full regular-made. 20c. Ladies' f al regular-made Hose., Me. Genuine "Iron.frame" Hose, 573.1 e. Gents' Gauze Shiite. 87%. 62.14, 76 cte. up. Ladies'. Misses' and Children's Gauze Merino Vesta. Ladies' Balbriggan Hose, silk emb., 15e„ 5736 c up. Children's Balbriggan Hose, silk emb., lie. up. English Superfine Half-hone, best imported, 8738 e. 215 NORTH NINTH STREET, ABOVE RACE ELDER WALTON & CO., JOBBERS OR DRY GOODS, WILL OPEN THEIR RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT. 215 North Ninth Street, MONDAY, MAY 8, WITH A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Silks, Dress Goods, White Goods, Domehtics, To which they in,vito the attention of the Public mst th luirp FRENCH BREAKFAST CAPS McVAUGII & I)UNGAN, 114 South ELEVENTH. Street, Have just opened a email lot of Ladles' FRENCH BREAKFAST CAPS, BLACK THREAD LACES AND BARBES, POINTE D'APPLIQtJE. and THREAD LACE COIFFURES. And are prepared to yell them at a small advance on im porter's prim+. Also, in store, a ftno lino of all the desirable WHIWE GOODS And Fancy Articles for the coming testier'. ape Ear! EDWARD FERRIS, No. 807 CHESTNUT STBEET® IMPORTER. OF WHITE GOODS, LACES and EMBROIDERIES; OPPIIRS TO THE TRADE. 200 Pieces Choice Piques. 400 Pkeer Plaid and Striped Nalaseeha. New Hamburg's. New Guipure and talenelennes Laces. New White Coeds of all hinds, desirable for tipring trade. lx i t t me o t3d and for Bale at a small advance en cod of trz EDWARD FERRIS No. 807 CHESTNUT STREET. JaH.tn g Ras, Lk/V /1 * • 4, 1" ) 47 Fourth and ANA: KEEP A STOCK OF DRY GOODS ADAPTED TO THE DAILY WANTS OF FANT3I.Trg rum STOCK OF FRENCII GOODS. FL LL STOCK OF BRITISH GOODS. FULL STOCK OF AMERICAN GOODS. SD AWL:, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BLACK SILKS OF THE BEST GRADES IMPORTED ID w • tr VOTTINGBAM LscE—dula—airis 1- 1 1 By . the pair. N Uri LACE FOR CURTAINS By the xard. NOTTiNOTIAN SIVIRT CI]I?TAIN LACE. which means. Laces from X to aye, d wide. for vestibule and verandah coma and windows. NOTTINGHAM LACE TIDIES—NOTTINGHAM Ilk LOW AND VALANCE LACES. In thott, to great is We variety. and extensive the quantity of Nottingham Laces, you might imagine your. self in Nottingham. with the tuautrance that vary much of this stock is sold by us at the retail prices of the home t. marke Reviered anti tucked Mueller, new and beauttfuljooda . GOODS. Invite special attention to my large and varied stook of yep y cheap trapa impe rted White hitosliur, among which may be fotind a very rier SOFT CAMBRIC MUSLIN for 28 cents par yard. LINEN TIDIES. Just received, a very largo lot of Linen Tidies. flaying been pnrchased with it vury largo merchruodine discount off, they can be sold at , tyto.thirde recent prices. Sizes, emalL, median). large, and vory'Lrise. at WOHNE'S Lace and Embroidery Store, 28 Month Eighth street.-` JUS7r IRISH AND FRENCH LINENS At a Reduction of 25 ots. per yard from the Regular Price. Samples of these Linens sent by mail. if &viral., Alao, At a great reduction in pricer, conALANCE OF TEE BTOCH OF GOOD% lating of PRICE & WOOD. Linene, Blanket., Table Linens, Nap- Ws, Towelings. AND DRAPERIES. Sheppard, Van Harlingen tic Arrisonf NO. 1008 CHESTNUT STREET, DRY GOODS. RICKEYD SHARP & CO. Most Extraordinary Concentration Direct from Um IfiMOISCUM• 200 Pieces, Over 8,000 Yards, 4-4 Guaranteed to be First-olaaa and Regular Goods, CLOSING OUT, RICH LACE CURTAINS, SHOW , Wet at the Late Fire in oar store. Linen Honsefarniohing Dry Goods, And Curtain Establishment, P 1111 ADEL P IN I As &Oil e hi th s 4troi GREAT DEMONSTRATION 727 CHESTNUT STREET. Prior to the IltOiralifatiOn of their MlSiEttB on the First of May Next, Milli offer the Of Bargains in DIY Or CP CP r) B EXHIBITED IN THIS CITY Their steel" is unrivaled for extent and variety,and general adaptation to the 'wants of their patrons, and will be tound replete with the most approved staples and novelties in desirable fabrics of recent tin poreation. One Price, no deviation, and all goods Guaranteed as Represented !! : ap9 rptf 310 D S. Di ►ItMON, 310 No. 31011. EIGHTH Street, above Vine. (Successor to Monies 61 Hoffman.) Having secured the above wullitnown Store, and filled it with a large, fresh and well selected stock of DRY GOODS. We are prepared and determined to offer spec's' Eighth street bargains in Black Silks and Dress Goods of latest importations and choicest styles. Dress Goods beautiful styles. at 23, 25. 28, 31c. Mohair Poplins at 85. 3759. 40. 45, 50, 619, 65- 15c. Black Alpacas. at 81, 36 37.19, 40, 95, 60, 55, 60, 700, AIVaCIIP double width, Spring Shades only 90c. All.wooi revalue. choice shades, only 75e. Black Silks. $2, $9 25, $2 85, $2 40. $2 50, $2 75, $3. Muslins—litisline from to cents upwards, and all the celebrated makes. et the lowest prices. • Cloths and Cassimeres.--All-wool Caesimerea from 45c. up. Whie Goods.—Piques. from 25c. up; Plaid Muslim, Nainsoolls, Linens, Brilliants. Soft Cambric, Swiss Vic toile Lawn, Book Muslin, Birds-eye Towels, Napkins. I , oilies, mbroideries, Edgings, Insertings, Dimities. Table Linens In brown, half-bleached and bleachod. Gloves and Hosiery—Ladles . , Gents' and Childrn's Hosiery. Rid Gloves—choice Spring shades, only $1 al 16 3rorp 405 N. SECOND STREET. 407 JOHN W. THOMAS, Nos. 405 and 407 N. Second Street, flan just received a large lot of very handsome BLACK SILKS. At prices ranging hom $2 to 57 per yard. To which ho invites especial attention. mh2l timrp J (211AM8E,1113, 810 ARCH STREET. LLAMA LACE LLAMA LACE PARASOL COVERS. BLACK THREAD LACES.aII whithe.at very low price& WHITE COOPS. PLAID NAINSOOK, from 25 cente. FRENCH MUSLIN. Syards wide. 60 cents. MARSEi LUIS FOR DRFS INSERTIONS to $1 2 . HAMBURG EDGINGS AN NEEDLE WORK EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS. hoice deelgne, bought under regular pricee, and are of ored ae BARGAINS. apl2-Imh AtiCTIORI SALES. ERKNESN'S BAZAAR, NINTH AND RANSOM STREETS. SPEcIAL BALE OF 1101t1SE' 4 , Aso , ON IVES- Y MORNING NEXT, as 10 o'clock, Incledhig B "Lady Wonder," on extraordinary ay Filly; to close an ev tato. The trotting borne, "Miller Boy." A Be .y Hone, 8 years old ; can trot in 2.60. . "'Paolo% withleather top. A - pair orsWilliblißilind Ilrawrr -- Uarrlage - Ilorateni - long tails. A Bay Iforo c „ "Goorgo; __” b an trotted In 2.50. A one.in n Wagon, by Wateou. "'arum., Blankets. dm. A pair of smullcream.colorcd "'opine, 12 hands high, 7 yearn old. A pair of brown carriage 'loran, 7 and 8 yoara old. 15 bandahlitb. A rntr of feat trotting bay botnop, have trotted in 288. • A light buggy wagon and lwmen. . • • • Further particulars une,eatalosne. M, • PIYIStrP4 Auetioneer. THE CELEBRATED M. & F. MARYLAND HAMS OTHER CHOICE BRANDS, FOR BALE BY MITCHELL & FLETCHER, 1204 CHESTNUT STREET. ap2 lyrP The Original and Genuine ALBERT BISCUITS MANUFACTURED BY MACICENZIN & MACKENZIE, Edinburgla. These Dissuits are supplied reentarly to the Queen. the Royal Family and the nobility of England. FOR BALE BY THOMPSON BLACK'S SON & CO., Broad and Ohestnat Streets. av 3 1 r tu th aeorp WEVIS. LI4IIOIIB, ego. CHAMPAGNE. FINEST QUALITY CIIA. NI F" 06r 4 rti In Ball Pint Bottles, for the Slek Boom. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, S. W. corner Broad and Walnut. •,2.4.turp1,0 If Alrtali ER, 3.1 E: . , ..fl .rAgeskw CLARK & BIDDLE, Jewelers and Silve smiths, HAVE OPENED THEIR NEW STORE, NO, 1124 CHESTNUT STREET. ap' B.4trp CLARK & BIDDLE, 1124 CHESTNUT STREET• English Sterling SILVERWARE. The PRESENT FACILITIES of CLARK & RIDDLE enable them to offer a large variety of now patters at so low prices as any other house in the trade. fell a w I, rot REM OVA.L. REMOVAL J. W. PRICE'S RESTAURANT From FOURTH and GIIESTNUT to No. 305 CHESTNUT STREET On Thursday, May 6, I will open my new, and greatly enlarged tetabliehmoot. at No. 805 CHESTNUT Street, where I have fitted rip the firet and second stories with every comfort and conve nience for LADIES and GENTLEMEN. 'The dining-rooms ifre large and airy, and no pains wisp be-sPrirPg-to insure a continuance - andluoroarnroi7the -- generous patronage which has hitherto been extended to my establishment by the public. np2o 6trP ALI. THE FAVORITE DRANDS OF SMOKING TO bacco, includiLg Lono Jack. Perfekt:, Lynchburg, Fl Ighlander, etc ay be had at the lowcat Yates of WILEY LROTIIERU, N. W. corner Eighth and Walnut etreetn. atallrotfll J. W. PRIDE. SECOND EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. TO-DAY'S CABLE NEWS rinancial„ and Commeroial Quotations. Later from the Isthmus. Arrival of the Alaska at Now York By the Atlantic Cable. LONDON, May I .— This being a holiday the stock board is closed. LWKBrOOL, May 1, A. M.—Cotton opens °Wet and steady; Middling Uplands, 11 7 / 11 1; Mid dling Orleans, 123 d. The sales are estimated at 8,000 bales. Corn is firmer but not higher. From Aoplowitil. New YORK, May I.—The steamer Alaska. from Aspinwall, bail arrived. She brings $690,000 in treasure and Panama dates to the 23d nit. The steamer America was burned on the 11th ult. in the port of San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. She was on her way to San Francisco from Panama, and had stopped for coals. Five sailors belonging to the British ship Ken sington, in a drunken spree became embroiled with the armed police of Aspinwall, on the 14th ult., the result of which was that the police bred on the sailors, wounding four of them, one seri ously... Felix Belly comes to the United States on the Alaska to secure the influence of his adopted country In behalf of his claim in the matter of the Nicaranga canal enterpaise. A movement is on foot for a separation of the States of Bolivia, Atitiognia Tolima Canes and Panama from the Union , with the view of form ing a separate republic. A committee of the House of Representatives baYa reported a resolution to indict the President of Colombia, with four of his Ministers, before the Senate, upon eight different charges. The State law 001111bellthli( the property of po litical prisoners in Panama bas been annulled. The yellow fever still rages in Peru. The Indians in Arequipa district have massa cred a large number of whites. EZ=R=M==l Pommes Monson, May I.—Passed in for Baltimore --Ship A. Bontuger, from New York; bark John W. Pearson, from: Turks Nand: brig Romance, from Nereus. Paaard.oet—Brig Abby Ellen, for Matanzas. Au ceuttejly rain-dorm prevalle!here, II cattier Repon.. M yI,9A. M. Philter Cove... Bailin:. Portland Boston.. =l2lll Philadelphia. . . Wilmington. Bel. Washington, C Fortress Monroe. Rid:mond Atagnata, Ga.. ... Charleston, S. Savannah Owego. Buffalo. Chicago . New Orleans Key West... Havana...... Mate of Thermometer Thiel Day at the Bulletin Office. 10 A. M...... 61 deg. 12 1.1......4.13 deg. aP. hi A 7 deg- Weather raining. Wind Northeast. A FALL IN INIIISES.V. strange Accident In Pittsburgh—Three Thousand Barrels of Whisky Pre cipitated from the fifth Story to the Basementof a Bonded Warehouse. The Pittsburgh Commercial otj yesterday says About three o'clock yesterday afternoon the residents of South Pittsburgh were astonlehed by a terrific crash which shook the buildings in the v:ctinty of the railroad bridge. and led the people to suppose 'bat they had suffered a ligut shuck f en earthquake. The alarm was caused 1,- the eir l no:.way of c. onion of the fifth tkor of Joeph S Finch N., C 's bonded warehouse 011 Chestnut street, seuth Pittsburgh, end the precipitation of about Elate e thousand barrete of whisky from the filth story to the ground. In the afternoon the superintendent of the dia tWery was in the bonded warehouse, and noticed that one of the steam pipes by which the boiler is heated was leaking. Ile called the auntie(' of one of the workmen to the matter, and said that he would go down town and procure some ma terial necessary to repair It. Tne men employed about the building, five in number, thought they would assist in the matter, and visited the fifth story. Soon after, a el 140:11 cracking noise was heard to proceed from the floor, and the men all flea in alarm, fearing that the build ing would fall. They all beat a hasty retreat down the four flights of stairs and left the build ing in double Quick time. They were not a moment too soon, for just after they had left the upper floor gave way, and three thousand of the five thousand barrels of whisky stored in the fifth story were precipitated with a terrible crash to the ground floor, carrying with them the floors of the fourth, third and second stories. The barrels of whisky rolled and tumbled on one another, and made a terrible noise, bat fortunately doing no serious damage. It is estimated that about fifty barrels wore de stroyed, and the lose of the liquor and the dam age to the building will perhaps reach $lO,OOO, but may not reach that amount. The east wall had a couple of holes made in It, each about four feet square, and it is thought the entire wall will have to be rebuilt, although it inly be strength ened. Some curious Incidents are related concerning the accident. It is stated that soon after the fall, end as soon as it became circulated about the torough that fifty barrels of whisky were ran ting away in consequence of the accident, the in temperately disposed people, of the borough re paired in largo numbers to the warehouse and made desperate efforts to save the whisky, many of them getting in a highly intoxicated condition in consequence. PINANOIAi. A tqD COM CI A.L The Phllaidelphi Bales at the PhMutat 100 Cltvas new 101 ti 100 do s 5 1013.. 7000 Lehigh Val R bds new cp Its 906 11500 Leh Old Ln Rs 94 7000 C&A mt 68'88 Its 8534 2000 Elmira R Ts 91 20 eh Cent Nat Bk 125 600 sb Lb Nv stk lts 81% 200 sb LebValli 68 8 eb do 0 68 [(BOARD& 100 eh Lehigh Nay Bak 31% 100 eh do s3O 31 100 eh do regain al% 100 eh Road 11 se 49 76 eh Lida Val 11 56 100 eh do b 5 49-1-16 BYTWISZ 21%0 Lehigh 68 RLu 84X BCO City es new MA( 7000 do Rip; 1014 IWO City 68 ola 98 lIMOOND BOARD. 200 Penna 6a war In 100 sh Germ'n Pas 1321' amp 103 16 eh Delaware Div 4731 6000 Phila&Rrie 7s Its 806 300 sh LetiNavelt b3O 3334 6000 do b6O 85 800 eh do Bll` 400 City6'a new s 5 10111 200 eh do its 31 y 6 7000 do 10l 'x 100 sh Readß rg4tiln 481-16 24500 do 2dys 1011 j 10 eh LehVal It 66 1000 C&A 6a '7O 08 I EiATIFIIDAY, May 1, 1869.-We have no change to note in the tenor of the market to-day, which continues its even course. The tendency of the money current is evidently from the country towards the sea board, and this fact naturally contributes to the easier feeling of the money eoarkct.k Money can be had In abundance for all busi ness purposes, and at very moderate rates and this fact just now adds considerably to the activity of the market and revival in trade. (,all loans are very easy to-day, at ikiilB per cent, on government bonds and at 6.p 7 per cent. on mixed securities Discounting is done bettritt the banks and by toe bill broker ,at regular rates, which average between 7®9 per cent. for first-ekes no. reptances. There is the usual amount of activity in loans peculiar to Saturday. There was less activity at 'the SlockAloaral-thiamor.n 111Ctilid tb"(113156611T64170 shares genera ll y were not 8 9 strong. The transactionein Government and State loans were small. CityMeana mot a steady investment at 101.4 for the now issues iteedinß R4 l road declined and doffed at 49(144Eie6V. Pennsylvania Railroad was neglected, as the Priviloge \ of eubscrlbing to the new clock cepcea toAlair. In was hid for • Cm aden and Amboe Railroad 43 for Little echuylkill Railroad t• .643Cfor etinablli Railroad, and 85J. for Cat whew Railroad Preferred. , • B an k, canal and Passenger Railroad Shame wore inac tive. What Weather. Titer N. W. Clear, ar, Clear. 44 Clear. 47 Clear. 49 Ital ning. 5.3 N. E. Rain!og. 61 R. Raining. 64 .N. E. Raining. 62 .E. Raining. 69 N. W. Raining. 51 S. R. Raining. 70 .s. W. Clonny. 79 S. C. Ear. 0 N. Cloudy. 48 N. E. Reining. CO .F natal ng. 49 .N. W. Cloudy. 54 S. W. Cloudy. 54 Clear. 70 Cloudy. 67 .B. Clear. Er/ .S.E. Oltatr. S 4 a noney Rliartiot.: •bia Stock Exchange. 150 eh Renal c 48.4 100 eh do 830 48 16 eh do trent 48 100 eh do b3O 48-1-16 100 eh do slOwn 49 500 eh do lts 48 400 eh do c 48 100 eh 30dys attir 15 49 800 eh do c lts 48 500 eh do lte s 5 49 200 eh do lts b6O 48 58 1 81 sh Morris 01 pf 'I he directori . flie Nallonal Rank of the Republic , hILYv declared *dividend of 1336 percent:for the last Alt tom. the, clearof Islet. Payable demand. • 411 1 Y.Codkea,Co. smote Government securities. &c.. to. day as follows: U. 8.6 t '81.1185601111%; sure of 1861.1171 0118; do. - 17X8111834; do. Not.. 186& .116431116'41 d July, 1866, 116 Cll6 do. 1867, 11634®11CiLdo. 1 ,16 116:len f lef/s01081:; ratlike. 106351E5186X.; 134%. Smith. Randolph a Ctbankers, Third and Chestnut, quote .. t 1430 o'clock as follows: Gold. 1341 i; U. S. Sixes. 1881. 118344118,U: Flvetwenties. 1864. 12t%1@flm_ • do. 1861. 117,f,',#11M; do. 1866. 1 1 6®11641 do. July . 1866 . 1104(41 116%; do.do 1867. 116;V - 411636i do. do IE6B. 116.1168 i; Fives. Ten.forties. 1 0 84108%:: Unrrelie* 138 . 106144410634. blear& lick/liven & Brother. N 0.40 South Third street. make the following co:mations of the rates of exchange tads,. at 1 I'. M.: United States Sixes of 1881. 118%4 tiBft ; do. do. 180. 1171,1®1171:: do. do. 1864. 113%64116% do. do. 1865. 114:4(41151': do do. 18f:dhow. 116.kg*16%; do. do 1867. 0eiv.116,5,i(e615; do do. 1E68.116:V41161i ; Wr. ID 40'e. 107,4'0108; S. SO Year 6 per cent. Cy.. n1834(410634; Imo comp. Int Notes. 191 i. (told. 1214114 12 414311. Silver, 128(4130. Philadelphia Produce iriarizes. SATURDAY. May I.—Bark is steady; 17b hogsheads Querciti on sold at f 52 per ton. The season for grass seeds is pow over. and there is little or nothing doing lu either Clever or Timothy. @mall sales of Flaxseed at $2 rY,(42 70 per bush, 1, at which figure it le wanted for cluetliog. The Flour w arket is remarkably dull, the de mand being limited to small lots for toe ste ely of the home trade at yesterday's quotations. Stoat] sales of superfine at $b 00(ql3 50_ per bar rel ; extras at $b 7M46 26: 400 barrels lows. Wisconsin and Minnesota Extra Fancy at sti 67@7 '.O: 100 barrels Pennsylvania do. do at $7 12,34; Ohio and Indiana do. do. io lots at $809; and fancy lots at 111ut412. About 100 barn le Rye flour sold at $7. In Corn Meal nothing do ing '1 here le not much doing In Wheat, the millers con fining their parchase.s to small lets far immediate con sumption. bales of Red at $1 65(41 75. and Amber at @I tO. Rye is unchanged, and farther sales of Penn sylvania at 8148. the offerings of Cron are mall, and it Is held firmly. Sales of yellow at 88@89c.. and I,OXI timbale Western high mixed at fee. Oats are steady, with sales of Western at 76-476 cents, and Southern and Pennsylvania at 654 , 0 c. Prices of Barley and Malt are nominaL Whisky is" heldfirmly. with sales at Ole., tax paid. The flew York money talarket. (From the Now York Herald of today.l Arran. 80 —The mone market was without any new feature, and rates oa cal lwere still cowed at six to seven per cent. Foreign exchange was dull but firm on the beefs of 100,4 for prime bankers' Maly day sterling bills. The course of gold, despite the sate of government treasure and the payment be.morrow of about twenty dye millions for the May coupons, had an upward ten dency. Indeed . cheeks for an amount variously esti mated at from five tetra millions were issued to-day. Of the whole amount of interest net lam than fifteen millions is pa able at Ne'w York. The lower price of bonds at London had something to do with the advance. which was to a point one quarter per cent. higher than the highest of yesterday. Cub gold Wag heavy in the early morning, and six per cent. was paid (or carrying. Toward Clearing Hones time. however, loans were made "flat.. The range In the afternoon was from three per cent. far carrying to flat The report of the Gold Exchange Bank is as follows: Gold Cleared. . . • $74 MAIO Gold Balances . . 2.1a7.950 Currency Balances ........ ........ ..... ...... MONS The felling off in the specie reserve of the Bank of England seem to have been followed by a lower quota tion for console and for our government securities in London. which latter declined to WS Private de reetches toy to 79%. trout: leap the rise to gold yesterday and to.day has also been Influential in effecting this de cline. ail these causes resultsd in a yielding in the home rovernment market, the 67's showing particular weak ness and selling as low as 1161 i. [From the New York World of nu-day.] Arum 80.—The foreign exchange market to at,one. Prime banker*' sixty Any sterling bUls are quoted at ttrati to ICS.k. and eight lt*3 to 1803 . The gold market opened at 134.4. declined to tilt, and advanced to 120.5. closing at that prise at 3 P. td. Tee rate* paid for carrying were 6. 6. 4. , 44, 3 and 2 per cent. to flat. After the board adjourned the quotations were 1344 to I34'i at 530 P.SL• . Tt e money marker was easy at 6 to '7"lWit cent, and prime discounts are 74, to 9 per cent The government la , ond market orened strong in the meriting. 1662's selling at 122. and 1867's 5t"1164. After wards s me German bankers were heavy sellers on an incorrect rumor ae to a decline in the London market, and they sold the 1337'e at 1164 to 1164. At the close these same earths were trying to buy back the bonds ttey bad sold at z 9 to per cent advance en their own tales. The Secretary of the Treasury wilidoubtless carry oat the Sinking I•tirnd act of 1862. and a more rapid ad. vance In the market price of our bonds in Petrope will M erit .bly result therefrom. At the close few round lots were effering. and heavy orders to buy are in the hands of brokers to fill without doing anything to advance prices. NOW )ork htock Market.. iCerresperedence of the Associated Pram] New Your.. May L—t Stocks itruatile4 Gold. MN; Exchange. &Ws. ex-coop., 186% 117": do.. 1264. 11:374 ; d° Imb• U 5; Dew. 115'N; 127. 116li lies-fartiee. 1034: Sizes. MU; Missouri Sixes. MU; Canton Cem. may. —: Cumberland Preferred. 30: New York estraL : Reading. 96 , 4: Hudson River. la: Michigan Central, lie: blichigen Southern. ; Mir els Central. 145; Cleveland and Pitratrtirgh. Cleveland and Toledo, 10351; Chicago and Rock Idea& ta7 Pittsburgh aid Fort Wllllll9, LBt3-a. Retracts by Telegraph. !Special Deeoateh to the Mils. Evening Bulletin.) ew Yon g. May I—Cotton—The market thle morning •was quiet but firm; /ales of about VA bales. We quota IN, I , llow, Middling Cplande, 2U34(4233.;;; Middling Or flour E;c.—Becelpte, 7.100 bbl/. The market for Wt-etern and State Fri , ur ie unchanged ,• the eal.4 are about including Superfine State at €'6 815 f4i Extra State at 5.64403 40; ir,v rotern Extra at SE, ¶645.6 37. The export/ to 1... r, 1 , during the week were 4 'exio bola. Southern Ylu r it dull rod a early at for Extra Baltimore and • !try red f , r rhrnily do. California Flour to aid hung 7‘l at -- for old. via the Horn, and • • 1-throur. Grelu pec, lire of NV heat 17.4447 bushels. The market is dull nrd e The !Klee an, horhets No. 2 'llilwaultee at $l. 44tati 145 afloat. and No. I do. at B—. Exports 114.1-44) bushels. Corn—het-Mots. 7.400 bushels. The market is better. active. Salsa of 50,000 hcushels now Western at fb , ,aB7 mots, afloat Exports IA Ceo. Oats—ReeelrMs. flop buthels. 'lite market it held at 1.240,4 cents in store. Rye quiet. Earley nominal. Pr,rimens.—The tereinte of Pork are barrel's. The market le lower at *.30 76(858 0156 for new Western Mersa Stock. 52.400 barrels. Lard—receipts. pke. The mar ket IP weak. We quote fair to prime steam at 18 coats. Whisky—Receipts. barrels. The market is daft We quote Wt stern free at 22rane. Reef fi rm with a fair demand. Stock 47. M. Coffee— Rio to in moderate demand: holders firm, with a moderate offering at 14317(418-54, gold; other et lea buoy• ant. ,Java is held at 28(a,26. Molasses bin good distilling demand. and firm. The stock is large but I. not freely °tiered. Sugar is quiet, but there are indications of an improved demand. Market firm at 11590113‘ for Refuted. and 16%6116 fo , bards. Grass Seeds lower. Tallow dull at Mkt . Spirits Turpentine heavy at 41®411. Stocks VW. Riming buoyant: stock 61 OM Pirrenrenu, May L- - The Market for Crude Petro. 'emu is quite dull. there being no disposition to operate, except to fill old contracts; gales of 1,000 barrels, spot, 40 to 411 at 141 go. - 2.000 barrels do. settlement 4) to 16o.: 1.000 barrela do. 40 to 46 at 143 e.,and 1,000 barrels do, 40 to 42 onprivate terms. Refined moves slowly, bat holders manifest no disposition to make eonceealons; Bales of 800 barrels, spot • at 82e., and 2,000 barrels do. at WO. Receipts 1.282 barrels , Shipped by A. V. R. R, 525 barrels refined, and from 1). W. depot 48 barrels. (Correspondence of the Associated Preeal New Year:, May I.—Cotton quiet; sales of 800 bales at 28,4.4RM4‘. cents for Middling Uplands. Roar firm for low grades. and dull and heavy for medium and good: sales of 7,800 barrels: superfine to fancy State. $5 50218 50; super fine to choice white Western. $ 5 48(48 00. Wheat dull, and prices slightly In buyrre' favor; No. 2 spring. $ 1 44. Corn ; caw advanced 1P42 cents. old unchanged ; sales of 41,000 bushels: now coiled Western. 86(489 cents old, B*:3i PO cents in store and delivered. Oats quiet and nominal; Western, 82 cents in store. and 84%84.54 cents afloat. Beef quiet; new Mete. $8 00016 00: extra Mesa, 811 0811 *lB 00. Pork dull; new Mesa $3l 00• rime, $25 $26 ca Lead dulL 'Whisky dull: free Western, CA cocas. Bairtmear.„ May I.—Cotten quiet and steady at 28 c.'ntr. Flour dull and irregular Wheat dull and weak; cha tee Ned $216. Corn dull; prime White. 82."4810. ; Yellow. 87c. Oats dull at 70(472c. for light, and 75478 c. for heavy. Eve dull and nominal at $1 45. Provisions unchanged. Whisky dull at 82c. NIISCJ=IUtriIEOIIIS. CLARK & EVANS, No. 680 Chestnut Street. OPEN DAY AND EVENING. Jobbing at Manufacturers' Prioes. RETAILING AT WHOLESILE PRICES. Gold Watches, Silver Watcher, Fine Jewelry. Plated Warn, German Accordeons. BpNEM Chromos, Pbotolgaph Albums, Family Iliblee, Table Cutlery, Pocket Cutlery, Pocket Books, &c., ?dopey saved by purchasing your goods of CLARK & EVANS. np.3 tin) DUFFIELD ASHMEAD, Publle er, Bookseller, Staticifier, ~ritT3~EnT~R - T2i CIAIROMO LITELOGRA.PI3IS, No. 724 Chestnut Street. Aai L oho Sold Retail at Wholesale Price% uaiu to th a tt rt) .T4Fo t DAILY EV .RlOO ZILLLETIN-1 1 111LAD.614P111A, SATURDAY,-MAY 1, 1869. Stationery, Perfumery. BlBX43ndare, Nock Tice. Hosiery. Oas3imarea . Linen Table Govan% Linen Napkins, Linen Ilandkerehieis. Woolen Table Covers, Notions, acc., &c Tli i1ti)..'...."...:....-.-::.f.ii:2,1)..1.110.N..., PA la S IN CINCICINATE More Trouble at Sing Sing Prison From Cincumnt. Ciscnimerr, May I.—List night trustees and a board of managers, the latter consisting ofladies, were elected for the Homo of the Friendless. Benevolent gentlemen turned over to the Tim itces new building for the Institulion,worth $25,000, which wee built by their contributions as an in stitution for reforming abandoned women. The new house has•capacity for 40 inmates. _ Late yesterday evening a borso,frightened by a velocipede, near Brighton House, ran away, throwing Mary McAllister from the buggy, and causing the loss of her right eye. A Keeper at Mug ti!ng Attactied by Con- POU9llllo6EreiLlt, May L—The convicts in the chair 'bops at Slog Bing Prison attacked the keeper yesterday, and beat him in a severe man ner. The cause has not been ascertained. ay the Atlantic cable. Ltratarooz., May 1, P. M.—Closing prices.— Cotton quiet; Middling Uplands,ll3‘d ; Middling Orleans, 1214 d. The sales have been 8,000 biles. Common Rosin, 4s. M. Turpentine, 295. 3d. HAVRE, May I.—Cotton opened quiet and steady. Fire—Lose 0751000. TROY, May I.—This morning the cotton fac tory of Harkins Brothers, at Batterkill, was de. stroyed by fire. Lose $715,000. on which there is $BO,OOO insurance. A dwelling house adjoining, valued at ss.ooo,was destroyed; no insurance. From Baltimore. BALTIMORS, Hay L— The Tenth Provincial Council of tLe Roman 03tholle Church, which has been in session the present week, will close its sessions. The proceedings were held with dosed doors. Hon. John L. Thomas, Jr., the new Collector of this port, assumed the duties of bis office to day. Mrs. Margaret Wiseman, residing at 601 West Pratt street, committed suicide by taking poison yesterday. The • deadgbodies of three infants were found in different localities in this city, yesterday. All were pronounced still-born by the coroner. Naw YORK, May I.—A. special to the Newt, from Zanesville, says Bochoner & Co.'a chair factory was burned this morning. The loss is heavy and the insurance light. There was a heavy hail-storm In this county yesterday. Fnon NEW YORK NEW YORK, May I.—The United States steamer Frolic, Commander David B. Harmony. from Lisbon March P 2, touching at Porto Grande, Cape de Verde, Barbadoos and St. Thomas, arrived at this port late last night. The Frolic bas been in commisei.m nearly ronr years, having been attacked to the European squadron muter admirals Goldehorongh and Farragrit as tender and despatch vereel, and during that time has etcamed over fifty thousand mlies, and visited seventy-five different ports. The Alumni of Princeton College, New Jersey. resi dent in this city and vicinity, dined together at Del monico e last evening. Ste-ethoe were made by Dr. MeCoeb, lion. Wm. C. Alexander, ex-Judge Simeon, Rev. Dr. Cayler. and others. The examination in the ease of the alleged forged rbecke, purporting to be given by Jay Cooke & Co., and upon whirl] some e 28.000 was paid by the Bank of the State of New York. wits concluded before Jus tre Dowling yesterday. The prisoner, James Smith. Identified as having presented one of the forged checkr, was committed in default of ten thousand dol lars bail. and the papers ordered to be Bent to the Grand Jury. CITY BULLETIN STREET CLKANSING.—The Board of Health held a t pedal meeting this afternoon, Dr. Elisb Ward, Pn t•ident, in the chair. The proposals for cleansing the atreets in the Fifth, Sixth, Eighth and Ninth Districts. and for the removal of ashes in the Second District, were c putt d and read. The bidders and amounts are as follows: irTLUELT 01-RANEt DISTRICYT Jo. 11A1 ....... SS.A.X.sIGro. o 5mith........ SITTD DI ST 1-11 , ..T s6.9oUrieo . Smith .. 6.005;•eo Eckert..... 6.805 W. ... SIOUTH DISTRICT. . • • Is6.oooGootge Eckert... ... 6.&M0 Andrew Hague. ... 400 DITITH DISTRICT. lib .S l .l udrew Hogue. 6,746 Louie C . Harvey bEININT, ASH D ISTRI CT. loht, Kain Ir.hn GT - two:7. Jatnee Callen .I,nn Grngen Geo•ge F. Gordon. M C. Brady. .... John Orogen M. U. Brady . . . ,1, hn Mcßride $9.600 Jae. Atkinson 12,..cr30 Ct as. E. Bcbrank.... It 650 Henry James. 12.800 311.5. Orogen 6.4 0 0 Geo. Smith 10.6:18 Jae. t fliiCTI. .. 8.000 Michael Mullen. .... 12.400 E. H. McGlue 12.071 Hugh Mcllhenny.... 1.1.8)0 The proposals were not acted upon, but were referred to the Committee on Street Cleansing. Another meeting of the Board will be held on Monday, and it is expected the contracts will then be awarded. CITY MOBTALITY.—The number of interments in the city for the week ending at noon to-day was 266, against 288 the same period last year. Of that number 125 were adults and 143 chil dren-63 being under one year of age; 134 were males; 193 females; 68 boys and 75 girls.. The number of deaths in each Ward was: First 9 Sixteenth 6 Second 6 Seventeenth .... .... 8 Third 5 Eighteeftth 8 Fourth ..18 Nit:totem:lth.. 21 Fifth ..11 Twentieth ...19 Sixth 6 Twenty-first 1 Seventh .11 Twenty-second...... 4 Eighth . 7 Twenty-third 7 Ninth . 2,Twenty-fourth 12 Tenth 7lTwenty-fifth 5 Eleventh 111Twenty-eixtb. .......20 Twelfth 8 Twenty-seventh 13 Thirteenth 5 Twenty-eighth 1 Fourteenth..... 6 Unknown ...12 Fifteenth.... ........ .17 The principal causes o ticn, 43; convulsions, 13; 11; scoria, fever, 19; ty Lion of the brain, 13; infl 25; old age, 7, and palsy A STRANGER BEATEN AND ROBARD.—REdOIpti Jobn Mart, a German compositor, arrived here on Sunday last, to participate in the Odd Fel lows' festival. He wanted to go on Tuesday to Camden, by the South street ferry, to see a 'friend. No boat was there. He went to Michael Quinn's place, No. 904 Penn street, and there met the proprietor and his son John. The latter told him. upon inquiry,tbat no boat would go before two hours. Mart then offered money to Quinn, Jr., wbo volunteered, together with a fellow, called Duchle, to take him over In a skiff. Mart had shown in the tavern a roll of ;bank notes. Instead of taking him to Camden, they took him to League Island, made him go on land, knocked him down with an oar. robbed him of $l2O and an Odd Fellows' badge, and left him, supposing him to be dead. The man recovered and took out warrants for the arrest of tbo parties. Quinn was captured last night by Policeman Grimm, of the Third Dis trict. He was committed, in default of $5,000 bail by Alderman Herr. Dutchle, his com panion, is still at large. DIED FROM !HAMM. —Geo. W. Chapman, whose injuries at the Penn Treaty Iron Works have been before reported, died this afternoon. ZELL'S POPULAR E N CIILA A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge. T. ELLWOOD ZELL, Publisher, 17 and 19 South Sixth Street. mLBI w F ITLER, WEAVER & 00. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY — NOWIN TULyOPERATION; - No. : N WATER etre° t and,23 N. DELAWARE avenue Ti , cx.}: l l , 4;i - ntrp AND )IFIIt ri_OGEDLIAN. Li ritt • • NO. 8, North Seventh etreot,Phlladolphttti drainldbrr nud others will find it to . thoir advantage to gi - vo ne a trial. N. B.—Special attention Poltt to ' , WWI ape-Mai:4 2:15 O'Cilootcf death were: Coneurap diphtheria, 4; debility, hold fever,7; inflamma- emulation of the lunge, 6. FOURTH EDITION. 13Y TELEGRAPH. FROM WASHINGTON GeFeral Lee Visite the White Hodge eeretary Rawlins Homeward Bound HOT EL ARRIVALS RATHER SCARCE From Washington. (Special Despatch to the Phila. Evening Ballettn.l Wssntraurox, May I.—" General" R. E. LNI, who arrived in town this morning from Balti more, visited the White House this morning about eleven o'clock, in company with a few Baltimoreans, and had a short interview with the President. Secretary Rawlins left town last night with his family for their borne in Connecticut. He expects to be absent until Tuesday. Nearly all the Senators and Representatives have left the city, and the arrivals at some of the prin cipal hotels do not average more than a dozen daily. • 'Fork Money Market [Special Despatch to the Philadelphia Evening idulletim Vim Youx. May 1.- The cable telegrams *egarding the excitement In England over the rejection of the Ala baman Treaty are the all engrossing topic on Wall street, mid the gold room Ten gold up from nog to ME Thereto considerable activity and animation. with a disposition to held strong. Mone y ewemito effect on the toad or stock snarkst. is ots 7 per cent. Foreign exchange is steady at 102 h. The steamer Alaska, from Asellawall to day. brings 1101.0011 in specie. '7 he steamer which sidled for France took oat *71.000. The English steamers bad no specie. The list of governments is quiet and iiran. without (pedal change. ?be Vanderbilt stocks are quiet and firm. New York Central advanced from 177% to 177' • lindsonatrer from 15714 to 1111134, and Harlem from EX to In. Reading is dull. on the strength of reports of a miners' strike, and is quoted et RIVE N% Erie stock lea marked feature. It suddenly broketo Ef, rallied to 2734, fell off to 20%. and gilk is the present price. The depression was caused by the decline in London. The Western stocks are strong; on St. Paid. Wabash. Rock bland. Michigan, Southern and Lake Shore, which, with Northwestern and Fitta burgh , showed considerable weakness. with a marked falling of in prime. The other Western shares are with out particular char go, barely steady. Southern securities are lower for Tennessee ; Old went down to 653:. New, 6734. The other stocks and Southern bonds are firm. Pacific Mail is doe nto 02%. Express shares are (pilot 0111? BULLETIN. MAI) Don 81:10T—Max Brrrum.—This morning, about half-past ten, a mad dog made his appear ance in the vicinity of Germantown road and Oxford street. Be ran at several persons, and finally bit one man in the lee. He was shot by Police Officer Skinner. PIER' PUBLICATIONS. J. R. LIPPINCOTT & CO. TUVE JUST ISSUED,. By the author of "The Old Mam'eelle's Secret." Over Yonder. A Novvrxrrrit. Ey E MAHLITT, author of "Gold Elsie." "The Old Mam'selle's Secret," etc Bvo. With full page Engraving. Paper cover. 30 cents. A g t es Woolworth. NovEL. By E. Foxvmo. author of "Herman." "Sir Pavon and et. Pavan," etc. 12no. Tinted paper. Extra cloth. $1 80. Curious Myths. Complete. Clarion. Myths of the Middle Ages. By S. BARENG-GOIILD. Is ew Edition. Complete in one vol. 12mo. Tinted paper. Half Roxburgh. $2 50. Preparation for Death Translated from the Italian of BISHOP ALPHONINL Square 12mo. Tinted paper. Extra cloth. $1 7s. Coleman's Manual. Coleman's Manual on Prelacy and Ritualism. The A.pos. tollcal and Primirive Church, popular in its Govern 'Dent, Ir formal in its Worship. t'y LYMAN COLEMAN D. D. 12mo. Tinted paper. Extra cloth $2 ou. Philip Doddrid.e, D D. Life of Philip Dotidridge D. D. With Notices of some of his Coteir pot miss. and Specimens of his style. By D. D. Denims, M. A. 12mo. Tinted paper. Extra cloth. $1 60. By the author of "The Albert N'Yanza" The Rifle and the Hound in Ceylon By in SAMVNI. WHITE BARRA. author of "Cast Ur, by the Sea." "Nile Ti Ibutaries of abvsAnin," etc Second Edition. Illustrated. 16mo. Extra cloth. $1 60. "Certainly no sporting beak we have ever read is more P lire with tpirit Lnd dashing achievements."—The Round 7a Sle. For bate by all Booksetbrs, or teal be sent by mark po,tagrfref, on reeet pt Of price by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co., Publishers, 715 and 717 Market Street., Phila.. ap4B w e 2trp THE FAMILY DOCTOR. A Complete Dictionary of Domestic Medicine and surgery. Especially Adapted for Family Dee. BY A LONDON DISPENSARY BURGEON. Illustrated with upwards of One Th.:nisei:id Illustrations crown Bee .. loth. 750 Pages and an Appendix. $2 50; half morocco. $4 on AGENTS WANTED. Apply to GEO. GEOEBIE, No. 780 SANSOId STREET. ap23 Imo PORTER & COATES, Publishers end Booksellers. No. 822 CHESTNUT STIVIEET. nooks Retailed at Wholesale Prices. nab.% rat rionarrricusz. duo. FURNITURE. A. & H. LEJAMBRE HAVE REMOVED THEIR Furniture and Upholstering Warerooms TO 1127 CHESTNUT STREET, mhe.s to th g r I o RAR D ROW: I. IA IJ FURNIT URE, 121 South ELEVENTH Street. A LARGE ABBORTBILIt OF FIRST CLASS FURNITURE Atuoderate Prices. ap9A Im*DO FURNITURE. T. & J. A. HENKELS, Buying REMOVED to their EL, E GANT ATORE, .11 2._ARQ ItsT, ATe now Bolting first-class FURNITURE at very reduced loh3l-3mrw PARABOLFI.-; ALL THY , : NEWEST LONDON ail e Paris styles, which for novelty, variety and J elegance are unequalled ,A large assortment of LA= Corßr.o. bias:Sinn end BUN thquent.c.s.s. nt the lowest erieee. at 11. DIXON'd FANCY GoODi brOllE, No. 31 south Eighth street. are*ltn,rp 3:00 O'Olook. SPECIAL/FY IN REAL LACE NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. Will offer our varied stook PERFECTLY NEW AND FRESH. An inspection will demonstrate how much their value exceeds their price. REAL LACES, FROM $6 PER PAIR UPWARDS. Nottingham Lace FROM $1 50 PER PAIR UPWARDS. Together with the GREATEST NOVELTY. FRENCH LACE DROP CURTAINS AND LACE SHADES. I. E. WALRAVEN, No. 719 CFESTNIIT STREET. CANTON MATTINGS. JUST 'RECEIVED. EX-BARE LOUISA, Q l ,OOO ROLLS FRESH CANTON MATTINGS, White and Red Checked, OP COOKE MIMI. IN ALL WIDTHS. M'OALLIJM, CREASE & SLOAN ) No. 509 CHESTNUT EITELEET. aple the to tl JeB TP WENDERO'IR, TAYLOR & BROWN'S OLD DRABLEIIED PUOTOORAPIIIO PORE; UT CILIARY, Furnished with every Oonvenienco and fa cility for producing the boat work. A now Pri. :4 4 ..4 , : -.1 V 7 '="t1...- - _, vate pamage from the "553- - ' - -5 ,. .- I:ego ° , p D t r r ezl i ci ii : R it o o o o m ui , } ....M . .....1-> dtil, All the refunneate,of a ----...;---%%..._. . Photooraphy. Muth as ----. .-,-;:,-,-------' •-"' "IvorVtYPaa." ..811111 a• ti.rii . tore." on porcelain. - "Opalotyper,“ the "New Crayons" originated with this eidablidumout. WENDEROTH, TAYLOR & BROWN, READ - I — READ I READ 1 - 114POR'I'ANT to Ladies! Rata; Economy, Durability and btyle! If von Nl' ant shoes with nil the above qualition for Ladies, Mires's, Children and Youths, you can obtain thrto at NVF ..4 BT 4 B. No. Mi Noun] Eleventh t.pB ltn4p DROTHERB ARE TIIE ILARGESI` MAN CT , fecturere of Darman tligard in Philadelphia. Of couree their immense faellitite enable them to sell at the lowest possible price. Eighth and Walnut. ap2S rpti§ 4 FIFTII:: . E.DITION 1 4 BY TELEGRAPH. ATLANTIC CABLE NEWS Later from Paraguay Lopez Carrying on a Guerilla War The Alabama Claims Continued Comments on Sumner's Speech Another Libel Suit in New York By the Atlantic Cable. Losnon,May I.—The mails from Rio Janeiro contain details of the war in Paraguay. The partisans of Lopez were numerous and active in the Cerro Leon and Logos districts, where they were pursuing guerilla warfare. T he allies sent a gunboat expedition up the Parana river, which had returned and reported that no fortification had been discovered on the banks. Paranbas, with 8,000 men, was on the eve of marching for Villa Ries, which was still in possession of the Paraguayans. Panes, May I.—The protocol for the confer ence between France and Belgium has been signed. MAnnin, May I.—ln the Cortes yesterday, Estrada's amendment to the constitution, abol ishing the prerogative of the crown in ecr,lealse deal matters, was rejected. The ilmitatiois,ot the spiritual jurisdiction of the church was then disenteed until the adjournment. Lennon, May I.—The English press continues to review Sumner's speech on the Alabama claims which occasions no little anxiety in poli tical circles. The Times, at the conclusion of a long article, says the Queen's proclamation of neutrality at the beginning of the rebellion was a prohibition, and not an authorization of blockade runners, sad the only real evil caused by it was the position given to the Alabama in English ports, which point would have come within the operations of the rejected treaty. Another Libel Snit. (epeeist Despatch to the Phila. Ev ening Btinetto.) Naw YOBIL, May I.—Caleb C. Norvell, money editor of the New York Times, was arrested at the suit of Frederick A. Lane, one of the direc tors of the Erie Railroad, for libel in the money artiste of the Times, of April 29th, stating that the amount of the earnings of the Erie Railroad are converted by Lane, exclusively and entirely to the private use of himself, Gould and Fisk, in speculation. He was held in ten thousand dol lars bail. Bent to an Insane Asylum. BOSTON, May L—Ellsha L. Mounter, an em ploye of the Davenport Brothers, who was ar rested on theit complaint, charged with embez zllsg 41.150, the receipts of the dark seance on Thursday night, has been sent to the insane asy lum at Taunton, medical testimony showing him to be Insane. He halls from Cincinnati. iilUtYVAke-f4iDl:4Lits.l 0.1111PETINON; 314 .0E ER MITA' sTREED 4400 O'Olook. - noLuE FAR tiIFATTL.—ENJOYMENTIIEIO EIT 1. , ened by smoking those splendid Yara Cigars sold br hightb and Walnut. ' • apdfl.rutf§ rINANCLIL. st#4sesoco,ooo BEVENPERVENT,GOLDBQND,O, , Thirty **enure to Rung lam The Lake Superior and WRi%WM River Railroad Company: They area First flortgage 11h4clog Wad Ohs Free of United States Tax.. - ONB BILLION MI MINDED ArilitillESTWO Ml* AGES OF CHOICE - And by the Railroad, it/ Bolling Bieck and the,' Irran. chines of the Company. A Double Nesurity and First Gass inrsatmat In every reeved, yielding in Currency nCaltl Ten Per Cent. Per Annum:. Gold, Government Bonds and other Stocks received payment at their blithest market price. • • '." • Pamphlets and full Information given on application to JAY OCOEE & , • No. 114 South Third Street.- E. W. CLARK & CO., No. SS South Third OWN% Fiscal Agents of the Lake Superior end Atioginetb. Meer Agfiroad Cowan% mkt° Bonn" DREXEL & 00., 84 SOUTH THIRD STRUT, AMERICAN AND FOREIGN BANKERS Irene Drafts and !Letters of Credit available throughout Europe. Drexel, Winthrop & Co., 'Drexel. Hades & Co., NEW YORK. PAWS. mh9to th eft Oa PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO. TREARIIRERPIS DEPIRTIRINT. Pranansammt. PIENNA.. April 20869. To the Stockholders of the Felonrylsaias Railroad Company. All Stockholders, as registered on the Books of, this Company on the Beth day of April, 1869. will be entitled to subscribe for 25 Per tent of their respective interests in New Stock at Par. as follows: First—Fifty per cent. at the time of subscription. be• tween the bith day of May. MA and the 80th flay of June. 1869. Baud—Fifty per cent. between the 15th day of Novem ber, lee% and the Blot day of December. 1869; or, if Stock holder', should prefer, the whole amount may be paid,up at the time of trubscription, and each inetahment to paid shall be entitled to a pro rata of the Dividend that may be declared on full charts. Third—That every Stockholder holding less than four shares shall be entitled to subscribe for one Bharat and those holding more than a multiple of four shares shall be entitled to subscribe for an Additional atom. Fourth—All shares upon which tustalmeutoore yet to he paid under Resolution of May 18, 1868. will be entitled to their allotment of the 95 Per Cent. at par. sa though they were paid in TIFIOMIAS T. FISTR, Tretururer. apaamrp 4 4 ,713ANKERS, 41 0 • No. 35 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. , DEALERS I N COYE,RNMENT SECURITIES, STOCK, COLD AND NOTE BROKERS. Aaeounte of Banks, Firms, and Individuals received, euldefe to check at right - INTEREST ALLOWED ON BALANCES. *NERAckENTB , FOR 4St Ot i AN D PENNSYLVANIA S 4 , rif ERN N 57.41° OF THE \ OF THE off' o ItrE etei). UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The NATIONAL LIPID IN/MIRAN= COMPANY IS A . ration chartered by special Act of Congress, Us • .ved July 25, 1868, with a CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, PULL PAID. Liberal terms offered to Agents and Solicitors, whir are Invited to.apply at our °Mee. - Full particulars to be had on application at our office, Etea in the second story of our Banking House, re Circulars and P .blets, fully descrigtang r itno antagee offered by the mpany, may ballad. E. W. MARE elk CO, No. 86 ,Sbuth Third St EflAre, Important Annotmooment. NEW CARRIAGES! At 712 Saneora Street, Philadelphia. MeLEA_Tt St KENDALL Will keep a splendid assortment of good. strong and well• enlehed CARRIAGES always on band. to which they invite the attention of an desiring to purchase. Call at 712 BANSObi street before purchasing elsewhere. mb2o IV. 26 • • int D. M. LANE, int Builder ofFirst-slaw Light!and Heavy CARRIAGES, Reepectfully invites attention to hie largestookot Carriagee. Also orders taken for Carriages of orrery do. ecripiloe. at • BANCFACTORY AND WARBBOODO. 3432, 3434 tend 3436 MARKET STREET, Three squares west of Ponneylvanle. Railroad Depot West Philadolphin. fe.l.tn-tha-tlmro ' WASHINGTON RANGE In Constant Opantion. MP do the Cooking road a Large Fatally and SAT TUREE ROOMS. ~- H. ttl. 001.4E'N - AGH AN. • . •-.•• . • No. 837 'Rabe Street. anti lb hi a 1m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers