FLAG OF MX COUNTRY, inw BY PITZ-OBEKHB I.ABBKCK WBITIBR CAMP AT orebkwich. 1814. rracnfrom Arrletcn*. and pr^.^^pnt. nf mv connlry! prandly wave v tTtho favorine bre«*o orhoayen, The rails leg P°lb» tbttt for “ s tb , e braTC Whene’er tie battle-word U given. .« w hcn at evening on the deep, A From their loved fircsidcs.dlstant far, Their anxious eyes the sailors keep, Fixed on their guide, the Northern star: Bo on thy store, in danger a day, B The warrior 'turns hie daring eye. And dauntless treads the crlmsenvray, Through honor's path to victory. When flrßt their es/gle met the fcuj®.. Our fathers bado these shores be tree, And long where slaughter etrewed the vale, They fearless fought and bled for thee. Till England’s banner-cross was furled. And Peace b<r olive-branch displayed; Then ’mid the plaudits of a world, They Eheathcd the consecrated blade. Tet once again the trump of War Hbb bade the dream oi Peace be o er, Again Invasion’s crimson car ilrives threatening round our hallowed shore. But shall that flog which on the billow Bo late has won Fame’s laurel-wreath, Which formed a hero’s dying pillow, And wrapped his pallid corse in death— Bay, shall that flag o’er shore the fate Of Galla’s fallen tri-color ; Shall History say, “It once was great, But soon It Tell to rise no more ? No 1 while within each manly breast Burns one faint Bpark of valors flame, While Glory lifts its glittering crest, And Honor points the path to fame, While Spring adorns with flowerets fair The grass where low our fathers he— So long its stars shall blaze in air, So long to heaven’s breezes fly. Flag of mv country! proudly wave, Nor dread the Invaders’ bold command, While nobly fight the good and brave For Freedom and their native land. KEW PUBLICATIONS. Appleton'B Journal and Victor Hugo's Hovel. Turners send us the sixth number o* Appleton's Journal , accompanied by the second of a series of artistic steel engravings, •which the Messrs. Appleton intend to make a feature of their Weekly. The one with the present number is from a painting by Mr. A. F. Bellows, and is entitled “The River Road.” This series of engravings will, in the course of a year, be of far greater value than the en tire amount of subscription charged for the Journal. They will consist of landscapes by Church, Casilear, Durand, James Hart, and other landscapists, and of figure-subjects illustrative of American life, by F. O. C. Darley. A steel engraving accompanies every third or fourth number, while the inter mediate issues have large cartoons, and illus trated supplements. The principal feature of the journal is, of course, the novel by Victor Hugo. The style of this author is getting worse.the whole first book of “The Man who Laughs” being composed of antitheses and lingual feats; one is irresistibly reminded of the definition by M- Charlet, the eminent draughtsman, of M' Victor Hugo's style; being asked if he had read M. Hugo's last work : “Oh, yes,” he re plied; “’tiß a dishclout covered with spangles.” The whole of the first Book of the romance ttQcS uraiifaleif by the child -stealers, escapes, after being abandoned by them, to the protection of an itinerant mountebank. It is a situation of a few hours, suitable for the work of a single chapter, but expanded into an octavo of 05 pages. That is the size of the American edition, which is just published, and for sale here by Claxton, Kemsen &. Haffelflnger. The labor of the gentlemen engaged by Messrs. Appleton to execute the translation has been, on the whole, very skilfully performed, considering the way in which they have been hurried. They offer a prefatory explanation, in which they say that the constant errors made by M. Hugo in English history, geography and nomencla ture, have not been unobserved, but they deem it no part of a translator’s duty to cor rect them. This will not be the opinion of the public, and it will occur to every one that the corrections mentally made by the transla tors might have been at least presented in the form of notes. It may be, however, that it is thought best to wait for the editing of the work in London, where there will be a better chance to Bet English history right on its own proper gTound. Although we can commend the translation, we observe a few points where a more simple literalness would have been advantageous. Victor Hugo Bays, speaking of the manufac ture of dwarfß, “£e nain doit lire commence petit" —the dwarf ought to be started when little; it is making him rather too responsible as a manufacture to say, as the translator does, “the dwarf ought to be little when he begins." ,l Cetait comtne deux colliers accouplis; " this is carelessly rendered,“they were like two coupled links in a necklace." Bons esprits is translated by the American ism “smart fellowB.” But Hugo's style is excessively difficult.to imitate in another lan guage, and it is much to the translators’ credit that their little slips are generally made in the simplest passages, while their tact has a great many triumphs in places really difficult. ART ITEMS. —The Royal Bronze Foundry of Munich h&B at present the following works in hand : A fountain, with fif.een figures, for Cincinnati; a monument for Michigan; a statue for De breezin (Hungary); a fountain for the Central Paik of Hew York; a statue for Herford; a monament for Rhode Island; and a statue of Goethe, in the commission of the King of Bavaria. The International Art Exhibition will be opened in Munich about the middle of July, and continue till October. The works of artists of all countries, in the de partments of painting, sculpture, architec ture, copper and steel engraving, and litho graphy, are cordially invited. Works pro duced in a mechanical way, such as photographs, Ac., will not be exhibited. —Among the paintings of the coming aa - Mm in Paris, the public will examine a work completed a lew weeks since by M. de . uged 104 years. It represents an -episode of the Mexican War ofrB2l.'Amohg . ll ? ere ure lwo which will at tr&ct the attention of the public, on account of the name of the subject and the name of the artist who has painted them; the portrait ofthe Countess Malvezzi i B by M. Quesnel, and that of Mrß. Ronalds by M. Perignon. * 'ltoimt-WaWetk. Scbucssele and Bis Friends. The subjoined corfespondence, which refers to Professor Scbuesacle’s picture of “Esthers Denouncing Hannah,” and the circumstances that led to its production,; will no doubt/be read:with interest, by the friends of arj/m Philadelphia: L, Philadei riilA.Moy 8,1868. —Whcn,you parted with your many friends pn this Side of the Atlan tic, a few years ago, you created no common void among those moef intimately acqualutoa wltn you; and now, on your return to those shores, we, who torm a portion of the number, beg the privilege of tendering you our hearty congratulations, und of superaddiug thereto a testimonial (however inadequate), which, iu view ol your partial physical infirmity, may sup ply an immediate want, and in some measure manifest the unalterable sentiment ol esteem en tertained on our part for your eminent personal and professional merits. Trusting benefits of your comparative exemption from labor during your late sojourn abroad may in due time be exhibited in those creations which have given so much pleasure to the lovers ol tne beautiful in art here in your adopted country, and, above all, (bat your remaining years may prove a period of restored health, and ol unal loyed prosperity and happineßß to you, We are your faithful friends, Caleb-Cope, | g. H. Horstmann, James L. Claghorn, David 8. Brown, George Whitney, i A. D. Jessup, Joseph Harrison, I John Sartaln, Wm. Btruthers, I J. W. Bradley, Wm. G. Horstmann, ) Wm. Bartain, Wm. Sellers, Jameß C-Hand, A. J. Drexel, ! Samuel Welsh. George 8. Pepper, Hen rv Bey bert, Franklin Feale, John Rfe®t. , A. M. Stevenson, Henry G- Morris, George W. Childs. John Bohlen, Samuel Huston, Jay Cooke. E. W. Clark, Philapei-phia, May 16, 1868.-J Otar Bir: I address myself to you in preference, because you have known me a longer period than any of the other gentlemen who did me the honor of meeting me at Mr. Sartaln’s, and from a convic tion that you will justify me in case my motives should be misinterpreted by any one. I certainly, appreciate the sympathy and kind ness which prompted you and the other signers of the testimonial which you handed me, but can find no reasons which entitle me to so much consideration. Feeling highly honored bv the warm interest thus manifested toward me, I sin perelv trust that it will not be construed into false pride that I think it to be my duty to de cline the pecuniary part of this testimonial, os self-respect will not permit me to accept that to which I feel I have no claim whatever. Although not independent, yet I have in my more sunny days laid up a little for the rainy ones 10 come; besides, I am 6tUl able to work, and think as 1 always thought, that as long as a man can provide for himself he has no excuse to tax olheisfor bis wants. I entreat you to present to these gentlemen my declining of their generous gift, in such a way that they will take no offence, because it would grieve me most deeply should I lose only a por tlon of ibeir esteem and friendship, which I&o % h opiDg Z that von will do me this great favor, and continue lo'ward me the same cordial feel ings which yon have always shown, and which arc so precious to me, and trusting that should I there be the leust appearance of ungraciousness : yon will ixcnse it. I I remain, with the greatest respect, and with ! deep letUngs of gratitude, yonr most devoted servant, „ U- Schuessble. To James L. Claghorn, Esq. The letter from Professor Schnessele resulted in making his friends more desirous to give ex pression to their regard iu sotno way, and, after consultation, they concluded upon giving him an order for a painting, the subject to be left to bis own judgment, Baid painting to bo pre sen led to Ibe Pennsylvania Academy of Dine Arts, and a committee was appointed to carry oU piu LAOKLI-H la, April 20, 1869.— 1. L. Claghorn, Chairman —Dear Sir: 1 hereDy acknowledge re ceipt of your check for f . the completion of the sum for the painting of "Queen Esther de nouncing Hamau." , lamat a loss to find suitable words to express ! my ihaDlts for the kind and considerate compli mint which my friends have pleased to lender 1 interpreter of my feelings of gratefulness to those who have given me on this occasion such a high token of appreciation of my feeble merits. I remain, with the highest regards to yon and to the friends who have thus so highly honored tne, yonr and their most humble and obedient servant, C. Si/iiubssbuk. —The treasures of young Prince Demidoff have been dispersed at a Bale held in his hotel, built three years Bince, in the Kue Jean Goujon. The whole house is got up iu what may be described as a finneky and effeminate style and vastly overlaid with meretricious ornamentation, which has no merit save its costliness. A staircase of black marble, with a balustrade entirely in fer aryenti, of most elaborate workmanship and enormous ex pense, is, perhaps, the handsomest feature of the interior, though crowded into too little space obe seen to an advantage. Amongst other sibjects which a correspondent saw waiting to be disposed of were the identical celebrated folding-doors in pure malachite, flrßt exhibited to the astonishment of the London cockneys at the Universal Exhibi tion ol IW.I, in that city, and which have never, it appears, found a purchaser up to the present day. They are estimated at a fabu loub sum, but were vainly put up for Bale at .'iO.OUO francs, without a bidder. A few com paratively indifferent works of art speedily realized Borne 260,000 francs. Amongst the most curious lots, perhaps, were five very early productions, not much more than mere sketches, by Freuze,painted by that artist ex pressly for the Prince's grandfather, and be fore the painter had attaiaed his later reputa tion. Yet 20,000 francs were readily paid for these very crude performances of a master now bo highly valued by French connois seurs. SPECIAL NOTICES. Bgu:. 'i'llL YOUNG MAENNI ROUGH HAS KINDLY voluutotrcd tu siuf; a grand Liberty (Jhorua, iu cos tume, fti the Cuba Met tiuf, to be held at tho Academy of Music ou FKIDAk EVE&iINU. Tho Germania Band is eDfrttgi-d. Id addition to the Bi*oakere already announced, tho fol lovting di tifiKulfihed Kcnt-hmion will uddreus tno meet* in Ji ; 11. BTCHK v two HE, Em., BICNOR I’UNCE DE LEON. bbNuK JOaEl'll VALIISNTE, bENOK ENKIQTE EINeYRO. And the celebrated \ renefi traveler iu Alrtca, PAUL DU UIIA ILL l. Ol- Flc-E OF Til E <Jli IEE OF POLICE OF THE *** CITk OF I'UILADjhLPUIA. Notice ie hereby *iven that the ordinance prohibiting the willing .if pavement* between the hours of 7 A. M. nod 7 I' M. .from the list of May to the let of October, will he *tri< tly enfom d on and after the let of May, 1869. All oHu-en* of the police force are directed to prosecute all perhom- found violating the provisions of the ordi nance, By order of the Mayor. ST. CLAIU A. MUBHOLuAND, Clilcf of Police. tiKKICfc »F THKTriTEF’oFPOUCBOFTHE "*** CJ'IV UK PHrtAUfiL.FJIIA. , April 14,1869. Notice l it hereby given that all Homes, Cows, Sheep. or noy deKiiptidi of cattle w hateoever, or ilog, Sow. bho&t, Pip <>r (.oat. tomdpolugat largo Id any of tbe h ghwiiy* < I the (ity. or in any of the public squares or parks tht'iuof, or upon any uniucloaod field, common or pn oe of land thertir, « 111 n« taken (in and disposed of aa previdt d hy Ordinance of March 1,1865. by order cJ the Major. ST. CLAIR A. MULUOLLAND. Chief of Police. LIJiHAKV COMPANY. The humi’l i lection of Directors and a Treasurer of flit* Library Company of Philadelphia will bo held at the J tbrary ou Mo.\ l»a Y, the third day of May next, at a - ’<lock in the afternoon, when the Treasurer will ntt* lid to reccH e the Hum ml payments. Ac then* ate f« % t-rai nbane on which fincß are due, the own«*re of them or their ronreHCDtativeß are hereby nutiJicd that they will be forfeited agreeably to the i baiter unci Uwi- of the Company, unless the arrears art-paid oil on tlj*'thiid day of May or within ten days tin*rcaft< A. WM, B. WHITMAN, Secretary. ' No book* vrilPbe given but or" received on that' aiti»r uOoU. apl3 tu.th.a t iny:is afift- brrlt K < 1 THE BHAUOKIN AND US*K YALLI'. C'iaL bOMI'ANY, Nu. 214 CUES fNUT STREET. PiULAiHti.pJliA, April 16, 1869 li e animal iTicMinv of stockholders and elec'iou for ; ofheerc of ’i.c n.Mooyin and Hear Valley Coil Company I will be ju i<i a* ti„- ( u'ite of the Company on ■ i May 3. at lu (/dock. WILLIAM r. ATKINSON. gp)7 e tu th t my2s Socrotary. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN---PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 29 1869. Flt EE CUBA. Hail to tlto Now Republic! Welcome, Tbrlce Weleome, Caf», among the Ai*un. 14,1869. Hatton* of Ibe Eartii. MAP OF CUBA* THE PEOPLE OF PHILADELPHIA, Without uStikotios OJ PAKTY. are Invited at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, on FRIDAY EVEN) Ml, & s t«B ‘oVcKTba i‘MnfHE V Rm5 ffifcSofiUß ard other Dietingnished Speakers have been invited to ad Co e “: ‘ali m who D hate wrong, parity and tyranny. £;■£ , R “*"fromthcrniaEm offhe. vilest t Uspotism toot evrr tortured fiWMivitV- f'.iha have PvwvMttii* riTizKNB, that the patriots of Cuba, nave proclaimed sod mfoiced Emancipation- they have c v tirnated Si aym:> -Black men and White .men the fretdmm uud the planter* are now brethren in ; battling shoulder to shoulder for freedom am- im >■ "ih™ aupral to us; they Invoke AM W°^ ll^ : ' , r , 1 ’ 1 *' to inteipose aod stay ibe Woody h»nde njujjjj; »... myrrmrone of vengeful £PANisnTibanni. It is the . •• as you.great Americana, v-eresomc ninety year# • £g0 J . “ ven «■ are we now. Uixi> im as vov vvksk •‘HKi.vi.n, Nations save you sympathy, mono . “arms, shelter in their port* and co operation * before hour /r e.fdo'tn wan a fixed ./«£*■'" run ••ith-d yet to be fought out and won on the battle -Tolanii gave jou her Pui.AHKi and KOROU'BKO. ■ Ik.lam. her Mont,... vicav. Scoilam. her PaTL .loNFt* . _ - •Gkiivam her Stkciikn andDEKALii. ■•ano Fkak.-i: her Rkacuakcuaih and Lir.M “Tie to in in our perilous !t ™s?leaa Franco and “other nations were to vou in the days ol your “bleeding agony and trial. Within the eoace ..( “six months* with scanty means, but with m “vincible courage and inexorable will. »e h»v “rescued mo-e loan half our lovely la'ul from “m it iiF.M-oii.>nß. Vi e miai.i.Tnii ui-n. “ 'I el Fieeoom's battle once begun, “Bequeathed from bleeding lire to son “• I hough bulbed oft is over won.’ “And as our own Cuban poet has aung: •• 'Quicro a Cuba, fellz separada “De era imbecil nacion dc tiranos, -Be esa genie que 1 laman Hiapanoa ■ Queuesquieren aun mas degradar S iiai I. we, cltiuens, be deaf to llU! acpuai-. btlA . - the great people ol modern times-the world a teach.!. - m ah that”belongs to HrvlANnv and Li iiEirrv-CM iu. us i.k “pine nlini the urn* of the vovmlrvMlen ear,t SiiAt.u we be inert when the fierce duel b--‘“j« n DrsPOTlau and UniKKIY Is convulsing Ibe gardi u ■- '•'nL’ti-i BiiiKioKi Tiit'Ni-naNO! Oua Mu-mo.-, u; the regt nerat.on of Nation* , <-ue duty—t-> secure Li.vKhty for all inc-n. Dfptiny ha* uei>ioatei> r* 10 Vk- km», PuoTEfrr ami pEihiiuvK Human Knurrs ( ome, then. NjuruiOANN native iuidaafurali/.ed , Ojmk, rni/knn. without distinction of party, <omk with in-h resolve*. «'omf wf»h the inflexible determiuation to iubke Cl HA FKEE AND INDEPENDENT. J‘a.rquette and Pnrquette Circle reeerved lor ladies, and gentlomifo accompanying tbeuu Tickets free, jo be bad at Trumpler’* Music Store, Cheat nut rtreet, below Tenth, and Needle-’ Drug Store, corner of 7'wel/th and Raceetreets, on this iWedneiday) afternoon. ap2B MSP-' Till: ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCK -6,27 holders of tho BARCLAY COAL COMPANY will be held at the office of the Company, 161 Soutn Fourth s-tieet, on MONDAY, May 3.1869, at 12 o’clock, M., when hd election will be held ior oftlcerß to serve the ensuing year. [apl7*B,tiuK,7t*j HARVEY SHaW. 70 BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS AND OTHERS. - THE HICHMOND GRANITE COMPANY have constantly arriving at their extensive new wharf, first be low South st., Schuylkill, Granite of tho beet quality, and are prepared to supply the trade bv the cargo or single pie ces lot Buildingß,Monumentai ana Cemetery Work, large Platforms, fine dressed Curbing. Belgian Paving Blocks, <fcc. Estimatee given for all kinds or work in Granite, shipped direct from the quarries. Fine dressed Monu ment Bases, of ojl sizes, on hand. OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, 1708 CHESTNUT STREET. Jap24 s tu th6M OFFICTE - PIIILADELPHLa’ AND SOUTHERN M. S. S. 10., 130 South Third street. Puti.Ai>Ki.rmA, April 26,1869. r l he Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held at the rooms of the Philadelphia Board of Trade, No. 605 Chestnut street, on WEDNES DAY. May 6th. at 12 o’clock, noon, at which time an election will bo hold for Bcven Directors to sorve for the ■ nt-iiiup year, and the recent Amendment to the Charter o’ tin.’ i ompany be submitted to the Stockholders for their act on. CIIAS. S.TEAL. ni>27 7t< Secretary. Mr- GOOD SPRING RAILROAD COMPANY. w JPhiLIADKLI'UI a, April 9th, 1869. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany and an election For President and six Managers to -erve for the ensuing year, and until others shall be i lecti d, will be held at the Office oi the Philadelphia and Hcml ng Ralln ad i ompany, No. 227 South FOURTH . ou MONDAY, tho 3d day of May next, at 11M o’l U . k, A. M. WM. 11. WEBB, fip9tmj3 Secretary. im SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAIL road Company. Office, 227 b. Fourth Street Pm LADui.rijiA, April y. 1869. 'Hie annual meeting of the btockholdera of this Com i nut and an election for President and six Managers, w ill \ ake place at tho Offico of the Com pauy, on MON DAY . the 3d day of May next, at 12 o’clock M. #■ 1 5<i my 3 WM. H. WEBB, Secretary. NORTHERN LIBERTIES AND PENN TOWN SIHJ* RAILROAD COMPANY. Pm la DF.i.i'ii i a. April 9, 1869 'll e annual meeting of the Stockholders of thin Com pain , »ud an electioufor officers to serve for the ouauiug yen i and uutil others shall be elected . will be held at tho oM;r« of tho Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pnin, No. 227 SOUTH FOURTH street, on MONDAY, the ; d day of May next, at 11 o’clock A, M. WM. H. WEBB, nr9tmy3 Secretary, /ERBE VALLEY RAILROAD COMPANY, SSSe' OFFICE, NO. 227 S. FOURTH STREET. PAIILAKELPIJIA., April 9, 1869. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany, and an election for President and eix Managers, will take place at the office of the Company,on MONDAY, tho Hd day of May next, at 11 o’clock A. M. ap9 to my 3 ALBERT FOSTER, Secretary. MSB- OFFICE VULCAN MINING COMPANY, •*** PniLAi-KUMitA, April 12, 1869 1 ho Annual Meeting of stockholders of tho Vulcan Mining Company will be held at their otlice. No. 824 Wal nut street, on THURSDAY, May 13th, 1869, at 12 o'clock M. , foi the clectiou ef Directors and transaction of other business. B. A. HOOPKS, apl3-tmyl3J Secretary. OFFICE OF THE LElilGll ZINC COMPANY. S®* No. 838 Walnut Btreot. Pmi.MiKLniiA, April 20, 1869. The Annual Meeting of the otockboldors of the Lehigh Zinc Company will be held at the Company’s oillce, on WEDNESDAY, May 6, at 12 o’clock M., for the purpose of electing Bfcven Directors to nerve during the ensuing year, and for the transaction ol any other busiuuas that may come before theMoettug. ap2o-14t GORDON MONGKS, Treasurer. NOTICE. DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL COM PANY. An Eleotion for Nine Directors of tho above Company, to servo for the ensuing your, will bo heM at ihu office, in Princeton, New Jertey.on MONDAY, May id, 1809, at 12 o’clerk M Dated Princeton. N. J., April 17 1869 JOHN P. .-iTJCKTON, ap22-16i$ Secretary. mftw- MONUMENT CP.MICTt KY NOTICE- THE AN ■ nual Meeting of the Lot Holder* iu tin*. Mouuincnt Ctnmterv of Philadelphia and an eloctiou fur alanagora to serve for the ensuing war will bo hold at the Hall of the hire Association, south Bids of North street, west of Fifth, ou MONDAY AFTERNOON, May 3, next, at 4 o’clock. a. ~ i>i satin? 3s • • 1 BlSf OFFICE OF TIIE LEHIOIi COAL AND NAVI - 1 -*' GATION COMPANY. PffU.ADKi.ouiA, April 19, 1869. The Btated Annual Meeting ot the Stock*- elders ol tho Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company will h* held at Doaid of Trado hoouis. Chestnut above Fifth Btreot. North side, onUJISDaY, the 4th day of Mayuoxt, at lOXo’.cloi k A. M„ after which will be held aneloetion for President and Bonn! of Managers, to serve for tho,ensuing \ car. The PoiD w i,l clobo at 1 o’clock P. ,M uv ‘ uj2122 24 26 27 to wy4s E. W. CLARK, President. 'war- UKADQUABTEKB REPUBLICAN CmrßX. COP, kcutjVjb committee, 1105 uiestnua S*£j“i?E cof«t h^ri^fy 8 fo lL th / Do^ESDiY IO of 4 'and i oprrii-ntntivo District, ivhlcl. shall meet at the «. ». corner of Fourth and Oenrfto streets. By orderof tho Eep. Gity tx < ‘!"' ljl , I , n g Prcß idont. ap27 tu th B<Sun4ts_ <D I a? >* 2 £ -■■-a 2 2 d ''3 3J f- p ® | « ai fcs -c w. -*2 I 1 li|9l ■ 1 "h p i " fll^o o *8 2 5 i '•§ 8®« § a ft gau 5 M i ci Xi "S 2 n pc-e- d 5 L- o» ® S a °;3»s slbSs ■*3- t 3 O I ** B tto S § £»a ®? S a mS*3 cs ® 33 ta S c * Q. c o O 2 o q & <o S’** ** S’ 9ft d m ° '* H© "2 ■3 s a §§3 9 1111 l • sla®” % b 4 ~X: Zi dS>3<-. 3 O **.og:; s S&S“3g§a a-i *3S3 tf 4 §•33 = oi®? i■§ B° ° aiZ * ** 8 fl • m © u*8 V iWfr^ Uiti gH W CDhh t. > JOHN L. HILL, Secretary. . unntH 'THIRD street at 12 o’clocfe M.« at wnion timo an rlectfon will bo bold for a f resident aud rerve for the ewtiin* year. QEOHGt. 1AI ( U. ap*24 P tu CHAMPION SAFES New York, April 10,1869. Herring, Farrbi. & Sherman, No. 251 Broad ' Gents : On the night of tho 22d ult., onr store, No. 20 South street, Was entered, and a desperate attempt made by burglars upon one or your safes in onr conntlng-room. The key to the safe in which we kept our se curities was locked inside of our fire-proof book safe, the doors of which were literally cut to pieces; from this they obtained the kov to the other safe and opened it. Fortunately we had one of your Burglar-Proof Bankers’ Chests inside, in which our valuables were deposited. This they went to work at with a will, and evidently used up all their time and tools in vain attempts to force it. The night was dark and stormy, and the fact of their knownlg where our key was kept shows that their plans were weU ma tured. They tried wedging the door and body of the Chest, and the faithful sale bears evidence of the labor and skill devoted to tho work. AU was useless, and it is with great satisfaction we report that upon opening it we found our securities all safe, and can therefore cheerfully Indorse the Burglar-Proof work recommended by you. You will please send the new safe purchased by us to our counting-house, and take th l ' old one io show that some safes are still manufactured i worthy of the name. David Dows & Co. HERRING’S PATENT CHAMPION SAFES, “THE MOST RELIABLE SECURITY FROM FIRE NOW KNOWN." Manufactured and sold HERRING & CO., Philadelphia. HERRING, FARREL & SHERMAN, No. 251 Broadwav, New York. e . HERRING & CO., Chicago. HERRING, FARREL & SHERMAN, N. O. featuthatfS i IS _ LA D 0 M U S & OIAMOYD DEALERS A’ JF.WULEBS. I WATCHES JWKLiiY A MIA FAI WARP- j an4 JLY7LLKT Chestnut St., PhiAft* Ladies’ and Gents’ Watches Fine Vest Chains and Leontines, Tn X-4 and 18 karats. Diamond and Other Jewelry p Of tho latest designs. EieCAGEMENI AND W£DDING RINGS, In 18 karat and coin. SOLID SILVER WARE FOR BRIDAL PRESENTS, TABLE CUTLERY, PLATED WARE, Etc. jal tf WIH. B« WABNE A CO., fdtlJgSl Wholesale Dealer! In WATCHES AND JEWELRY. B. B. corner Seventh and Chestnut Streets, And late of No. 88 Bonth Third rtreot lean FRESH FRUIT IN CANS. Feaohes, Afle Apples, &c., Green Corn, Tomatoes, French Peas, Mushrooms, Asparagus, &o„ &o. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES. Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets, SWEET OIL.- 160 DOZEN OF EXTRA QUALITY Olive Oil, eapreenly imported for COUSTY’S East End Grocery, No, 118 South Second street L'BENCH PEAS. MUSHROOMS, TRUFFLES. TO JP matoes, Green Corn, Asparagus <fec., in store and for Bale ai UOUSTY’S East End Grocery, No. 118 South Be oond street o n NED CHERRIES, PLUMS, I LACKBERRIES, O 1 eacbes, Prunellas. Pears, Beans, Shaker Sweet Corn, at COUSTY’S East End Grocery,No, 118 South Second street. fc-RBSII PEACHES IN LARGE CANS. AT FIFTY _T per Can-the cheapest and best goods in tho city, at COUSTY’S East End Grocery, No. 118 South Si cond hi reet. . VEW DATES, FIGS, PRUNES. RAISINS AND AL IN n onde-all of new crop—in Btore aud for Bale at (JOUBTY’S East End Grocery* No. 118 Bouth Second Of the late»t and moat beautiful designs, and all other Slate work on hand or made to order. _. t _ Factory and Salesrooms, SIXTEENTH and C ALLO W HILL streets. WILSON & MILLER. ap2l6m6 .. _ .... . Inutead of Bittbk. übo | SWEET Motberii I give the Children I w ** ' Ask your Doctor for O U I N I N E ! Tlio Druggists all sell J W■i« ■ l» i ap 1 tfa b tu lmft Boxes of stationery, btamped with in .itlals, eolUuß at 40 and 60 centa 728 Arch street, below Eighth. Wedding invitations, newest styles, en waved, written or printed. • ® W. G. PERRY, Stationer. 728 Arch street, below Eighth. IMPROVED GAB WOItKS, The only safe and reliable Gob Machine, having tbe material in water (underground) outside of the build ‘“lW to Jay Cooke, Robert Shoemaker, W. B. Kemp ion and others who uovv have them in uho. Full particulars and for ealo by np23-6i* cl. ... GENT’S PATENT SPRING AND, BUT- tonod Over Gaitera,Cloth i LoathGr,whitp and Mv M' brown Linen;Children's Cloth and Velvet j&srf &i- LeKginpß: also made to order £& FURNISHING GOODS,-' \jt-jP' of every description, vorv low, MB Chostnat street, comer of Ninth. Tbo boat Kid Glove# -fotladlu* .anfl-K?SISiASj nC j TE j ; j M! ;5,y IsK tg-- nnl4-tft OPEN IN THE EVENING. -demoval.-the long established depot XV for the purchuro and Halo of accord hand doors, windows, atoro tlxtureo, Ac., from Seventh Btrcet to Sixth atreot, ahovn Oxford, where auch articles are for ealo in i!r AJao V now t loore, saahea, ahuttoro, Ac. apl3-3m NATHAN W. ELLIB, fIBE-PKOOF SAfE»» UNSUCCESSFUL BURGLARY. I.KTTEH OF MKGBRfI. DAVID DOWS & 00. WATCHES. JEWEIiB*. <SO> ttBOOEBIISi U4DOHB, AS. niSOELLAIDSOITS* QBPBTT®’ q^OPSg REMOVAIi. MttlMsln ILB, Bonds and Members oPStocU and ja%d accounts of Ktihks and uamtcra on lib. era”tcAn”, Issue Bills ofßxchttngo on O, J Hambro & Son, London.: B. Meizler, S. Sohn & Co-, Frankfort. James W. Tuoksr & Co., Paris, And other principal cities, and Bettors oftJrcdU available throughout Europe S. W. corner Third and Chestnut Street. UNION PACIFIC B.R. Bought and Sold at Best Market Prices. Pay able in G old. The Road will bo eompletod in And Trains run through tn Dealers in Government Securities, Gold, & 0., 40. S. Tilirti Street. ap9U . , - ; 112 and M 4 So. tHTO-t! PT. PS^fM IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES We will receive applications for Policies of Lift Insurance in the new National Life Company of the United States. Full informatics given at our office. REMOVAL. ; ELLIOTT Sc DUNN, 1 No. 109 SOUTH THIHD STBEET, Are now prepared to transact u GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, And d*Mil in GOVERNMENT .and other SECURITIES, Gold, hia ls, &c. Receive MONEY ON DEPOSIT, allowing internet. NEGOTIATE LOANS, giving special attention to Mer cantile Paper. Will execute order* for Stock*, Bond*. Ac.,on Commia* (fion, at the Stock Exchanges of Philadelphia. New York, Boaton and Baltimore. ap27-lroS Alj| IIAII SSJWO and $6,000 TO INN ESI IN upXl % UUu, first-claw mortgager. 1C 7 ' J. MAOUIKP, GO3 Walnut street MAULE, BROTHER 2500 South Street. IQ£Q PATTERN MAKERS, IQCQ JCSOy pattern makers. JLOOo CHOICE SELECTION OB MICHIGAN CORK PINE FOR PATTERNS. BP h UCE AMD HEMLOCK IQftQ looy. JLOOr7. IQ£Q FLORIDA FLOORING. lQftQ IOOt/* FLORIDA FLOORING. lOOcf CAROLINA FLOORING. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING 1 Q l-U FLORIDA BTEP HOARDS. I QOQ lOUt7. FLORIDA STEP HOARDS. lOot7. IQpn WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK. IQOQ 10Ut7. WALNUT BOARDS AND PLANK-100<7. WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. ASSORTED FOR CABINET MAKERS, BUILDERS. &C. IQ£>Q UNDERTAKERS* LUMBER. 1 GftQ IOOy. UNDERTAKERS* LUMBER* JLOOeL HED CEDAR. IQLiQ SEASONED POPLAR IQttQ IODy. SEASONED CHERRY. JLOOtJ. WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. IQ/*0 CAROLINA SCANTLING. IQuO IODy. CAROLINA H. T. BILLS. lO Jt7. NORWAY SCANTLING. IQ AO CEDAR SHINGLES. IQAQ IOUy. CEDAR SHINGLES. IOOtJ. CYPRESS SHINGLES. LARGE ASSORTMENT. FOR SALE LOW. 1869. Lumber XJnder Cover, ALWAYS DRY. WATSON & GILLINGHAM, 924 Richmond .Street. mh29 1 \ 6 THOMAS &POHL, LUMBER MERCHANTS, NO. 1011 B. Fourth street. At their yard will bo found Walnat, Ash. Poplar, Cherry, Pine, Hemlock, &c., &c.« at rea sonable prices: Give them a call. , mi „ MARTIN THOMAS. mbl7-6m* ELIAS POHL. TO CONTRACTORS, LUMBERMEN AND @HlP huilders.—We are now prepared to execute promptly orders for Southern Yellow Pine Timber, Shipstuff ana Lumber. COCHRAN, RUSSELL & CO., 22 North Front street. mh24-tf YELLOW PINE LUMBER-ORDERS FOR CARGOES of every description Sawed Lumber executed at short notice—quality subject to inspection. Apply to EDW. H. ROWLEY. 16 South Wharves. fed A. D. LAMSON. No. 718 Olmatnut Btreet FINANCIAL*' First Mortgage Bonds These Bonds pay Blx (6) Per Cent Interest In GOLD. PRINCIPAL FULL HPORBAIIOS CHEERFULLY FCMIBHBD. Ten (10) Days, Twenty-live (25) Days, BANKING HOUB3& DEALKBB LUHBEB. LARGE STOCK RAIL PLAnK. KAIL PLA' K. WALNUT AND PINE. PLASTERING LATH. 1 QftQ PLABTERING LATH. IOOtL LATH. IBAHLE BROTHER A CO.. 2600 SOUTH STREET, HEATERB ANA STOVES. o J^ m THOMAS S. DIXON & BONB, Late Andrews & Nixon, IfHa No. 1334 CHESTNUT Stroot, ’veSA*' Opposite United States Mint, Manufacturers of LOW DOWN, -—* --musts.— OFFICE. And other GRATES, For Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Firoi AJ.SO. WARM-AIR FURNACES. at For WarminK Public and Private Bnildinfla. REGISTERS, VENTILATORS, AND CHIMNEY CAPS. _ COOKINO-RANGES, BATH;Bq:rLEnS. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. BROWN’S Wboleiale and Retail CORSET STORES, 329 and 819 Aroh Si., Whero tho McrchaDta and LadJea will find an extensive cjjeortmeni mfactured Coreeta and Hoop BWirtu. POCKEI' &c« fff fhs ■W Pocket Books',' Portcmonnlev Cigar Capes, . Portfolios, Dressing Cases, Bankers’ Cases.' Ladles’ 4t Cents’ Batebels and Travelling Bags, In nil styles. 'HOBCWOOd Mahogany l Writing Bi Soaks. SARATOGA WATER. A star SPRING, SARATOGA, NEW YORK. Tbo analjF* l proves that the waters of the SARATOGA STAR SPRINGS !Td™rre& '.“pttßmtf and »how« wbat tbo U«te indicates—namely, thatitia tbo BTBONGEBT WATER. It al»o demon, tratc, that tho STAR WATER eontalo* about - 100 Cubic Inohes Mora of Gas in a gallon than any other sprißg. It la tbU mrtxa amount of aaa that impatt, to tbla water It, peculiarly aparaUmK render, It ,o vc-y agreeable to the tarte- EureSi to preecrva the dolietou. tlayor oi the water when boUled' and“» to uncork with an offeree*- cbco Minowt equal to Champagne. Sold by the leading DrugguU and Hotels through oul (he country. JOHN WYETH & BRO., 141« Walnut Street, Philada. Aaenta. Alio for tale by W. Walter Mullen. Chwtnut Hil*, Fred luowD. corner of Fifth and Oli’tyrtntit j '» I I (irah&tne, T«»Rtb and Filbert. H R lipi-’lntor. Vweuti. tHcd Cherry . Pock <t 8. BuDtli R. Tenth and bprnco . A B. £*'*?• j r not P. <• Oliver. F.ipbtcruih and uc« . t »*< Tf* ?17 Chestnut. <ieo.C. Bow e;. *ix<b and \ ine . Jaw r. Shinn. Broad and Bpmce . DnniG S 1 ' U V% Sprue*; W. B. Webb, Tenth mud enrin* Oimta. del-tu th a It it* nEOicaL. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, FOI» PCnifYISG TUI BIOOU. The reputation this ex cellent medicine enjoys is derived from it& curcs» many of which are truly marvellous. inveterate cases of Scrofulous di*- • • ease, where the system a seemed saturated with corruption, have h««n purilled ami cured by »t. Scrofulous affections and - disorders,“which were gfiXiC' p-avatcU by !!»; wrol.i ®“F^'-" lous codlamination un\:l wn*y neift naitiP tlv r ft£ni ‘ ‘Ghg, have been radh run;il tn suen great numbers in almost e\erv m-c -t luu of tho countTy.that the public scarcely need to be informed of its virtues or m-es. Serofuloas poison is one of the most deMrurtjvi enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and iirii ,* tenant of the organism undermines the and invites the attack of enfeebling or fatal dtec&x , without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Ag:nr, it -('cniH to breed infection throughout the body, ;ii, 1 then, oa some favorable occasion, rapidly dc\< !- p into one or other of its hideous form*, «itner m rfm surface or among the vitals. In the latter, eh--' may be suddenly deposited in the lung- 1 *??? heart, or tumors formed in tho liver, or it shou -1 it* presence by eruptions on the skin, or foul ul> < r n]i«>ns on some part of UlO body. Hcnro the <>- Mona) use of a bottle of this Sarsaparilla i* ad visable, even when no active symptoms of iii-< .i-o appear. Persons afflicted with the following ouu fuuintM generally find immediate relief, and, at ength, cure, by the use of this A’./IJLSvI/■\4J rf./L -LA: St. Anthony*a Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, and other eruptions or visible forms of Scrofulous disease. Also m tho more concealed forms, as Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilepsy, Neuralgia, and the various Ulcerous auections of the muscu lar and nervous systems. Syphilis or Venereal and JWereurial Diseases are cured by it, though a long time is required for subduing theso obstinate maladies bv any medic ine. But long continued use of this medicine will enro the complaint. Zeucorrhcca or Whites, Uterine Ulcerations, and Female Diseases, arc com monly soon relieved and ultimately cured by its purifying and invigorating effect. Minute Direc tions for each case arc found in our Almanac, sup plied gratis. Rheumatism nnd Gout, when caused by accumulations of extraneous matters in tho blood, yield quickly to it, as also JAvcr Comjplalnfii, Torpidity, Congestion or Tuff ani mation of the Direr, nnd Jaundice, when arising, as they often do, from the rankling poisons in itto blood. This SARSAVARIRLA la a great re storer for tho strength and vigor of the system. Those who are Languid and Listless, Despon dent, Sleepless, and troubled with Nervous Ap prehensions or Fears, or any of tho affections symptomatic of Weakness, will find immediate relief and convincing evidence of its restorative power upon trial. PREPARED BY JDr, JT. C. AYEB A CO., I<owell, Rfaiu., Practical and Analytical Chemists , SOLD BY AW* DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. a i wholesale by J. M. MARIS & CO., Philadelphia, mhS-tu th *4m I/'BENCH MEDICINES J? PKKPABKJJ JIT GRIMAULT <fc CO.. OHEMIBTBTO U. 1. It. PBINOK N A.POI.KON, 46 Rue or. RICHELIEU, PARIS. NERVOUS HEADACHES. NEURALGIA. DIARItHIEA. DYBENTBRY, INSTANTANEOUSLY' CURED BY GRIWAULT’S GUARANA. This vegetable Babstance which grovrn in the Brazils has been employed elnco time immemorial to euro in flammation of the bowel 0. It has proved of late to he or the greatest eorvico in coses of Cholera, ab it ie u preven tive and a core in cases of Diarrhoea. Agents in Philadelphia, FRENCH. RICUAUDS <& CD., N. W, cor. Tenth and Market streets. OPAL DENTALLINA.-A SUPERIOR ARTICLE FOB cleaning the Teeth, destroying anlmalcula* which in fest them, giving tone to tho gums, and leaving a leoniM of fragrance ana perfect cleanliness in the mouth, it may bo used dally, ana will bo found to sirongthen weak and bleeding gums, while tho aroma and dcterrivenew will recommond it to every ono. Being comnosed vyitn tuo assistance of the Dentist, Phyeicianfl 4 Wicroecoplat, it is confidently offered os a reliable substitute for the un certain washes formerly in vogue. *». Eminent Dentists, acquainted with * nthfnV in the Dentallina, advocate its usfy *°* prevent it* N »I ™£ o r£ Broad For solo by Drnggißte generally, Fred. Browne. V. L, B:UeKhotue, § a^K d ee & ni 30 •‘ , Isaac H. Kay, r 5 ' McCoSn V. H. Needles, §• JJ. McColin, li»4 I'Sfe rfurtH«VcombT Blatrt Son*, Henry A. Bower. Wyc.h Jr Bre. aOVEKNHFNI' SAE.E, "ATAVY DEPARTMENT. JN _ , . Wamumh™ April 37,1869 oiler for (.alnthr-tranW lf.<> rttnmcr MirnoWa. bb *bo now lie» i,t tlio 11. 8. Navy Yard .hew York, on tho BUi day of May next, at 12 o’clock. M. ■ihovefißßl and tier invontorvean he orramiood at any time on apnlrcation to tho Ooinmaudaur. ol thit yard. i lie whole amount of tho ourchaeo money must bo paid at tho time of the adjudication, nnd tho veeooi nuiJt bo removed from tho Nnvy iard within ton days from tho duv of Bale. op2BtlnyB3 < B ladles' | and Gent* f Drctelng 1 , cmc M „ A. E. BOJUE. Secretary 6f the Nnvy. THI.VOHAPIIHI SUfmSOUtDtSf. Thk Corps Lcgialajlf has boon dissolved. President Grant and Secretary Boric arc to make a trip down tbo Potomac to-day. The cpal miners of Hyde Park, atSeraoton, haveivoted to join a movement fora general strike in the anthracite regions. In tho Cortes, on Tuesday, a Republican mem ber advocated atheistical principles; ho was pre vented from finishing his speech. Bismarck announces that the convention with tho United States for tho protection ot emigrants on shipboard bnß, so far, failed of any practical remits. Tub Secretary of the Interior has decided that lands entered under tho Homestead laws are for feited by their abandonment by tho settler for more than six months at a time. Since March 4tb, 122 revonue collectors and 119 assessors have been appointed. Of these Pennsylvania has had 18 assessors and 10 col lectors. Senator Wilson had a reception from the U. 8. armorers at Springfield, Mass., yesterday. He made a speech, in which he pledged Congress to the defence of tho workingmen's interests, and euidhe would bring the matter of the Eight-hour law to the attention of the President. Wakkkn and Costello were formally dined by their iriends In Cork, previous to their departure lor the United Stales. The Mayor of Cork par ticipated. and warmly eulogized the released Fenians. Thk Camden and Ahbov Railroad Company met yesterday at Camden, New Jersey, tho at tendance of stockholders being unusually large. Ira Voorbces, of New Brunswick, presided, and Lewis Elkin, of Philadelphia, acted as Secretary. Aehbcl Welch, President of tho joint companies, made the annual report, which was read at length and listened to with interest. An election for Directors was then held, and tho following gen tlemen were unanimously elected : Benjamin Fish, Cambridge Livingston, Joseph P. Bradley, Samuel Wcleh, Charles Macaleater, John Jacob Astor, William H. Gatzmer. A'Suit against an insurance company came up in tho United States District Court at Savannah yesterday, and the company’s counsel demanded that the jury take the "iron-clad” oath of 1862. On the oath being read.nll the jurors left the box, and the case thus fell through. Mautiia Si-eagle, white, and Alexander Cor nell, colored, have been arrested In Pecksklll, New York, charged with murdering an inlant be longing to (he former. The woman states that Cornell took the child alive, sewed it up in a bag, BEd carried it away from the house. The body was found iu the foundry pond on Monday evening last, partly encased in a bag or sheet. Coroner McEntee will hold an lnqaest. The following details for the Army recruiting service have been made: Brevet Brigad ler-Gen eral J. V. D. Reeve, Colonel, U. 8. A., New York city; Brevet Brigadier-General J. H. Neill, Lieu tenant-Colonel,'U. 8. A., Military Depot on Gov ernor’s Island, New York harbor, and Brevet Brigodler-General J. B. Kiddoo, Lieutenant-Col onel, U. 8. A., for assignment; Brevet Brigudior- General Sidney Bnrbank, Colonel, U. 8. A . Cin cinnati. Ohio; Brevet Brigadier-General H. W. Wessela, LleutenaDl-Colocel U. 8. A., In charge of depot at Newport Barracks, Ky., and Brevet Brigadier-General T. Frodcnbangh, Major, U. 8. A., for assignment; Brevet Major-General W. Hoffman, Colonel, U. 8. A., at 81. Louis, Mo.: Brevet Brigadier-General W. H. Siddall, Lleuten ant-Colcinel, V. 8. A., tho depot at Fort Leaven worth, Kansas, and brevet Lieutenant-Colonel 8. M. Anderson, Major, U. 8. A., for assignment: Brevet Mojor-General Abner Doubleday, Colonel. U. 8. A., at San Francisco, Cal : Brevet Colonel M. Maloney, Lieutenant-Colonel, U. 8. A., at depot at Bcnicl#, Cal. A' good many of the late rebel leaders In Tennessee do not seem disposed to receive Mr. Johnson Into good fellowship. On the con trary, they, Uke Senator Foote, cherish their heart burnings and old grudges against him. Isham G. Harris opens on the ex-Presldent through a Memphis paper, the following being a sample of the language employed: "He,with a cold-blooded refinement of cruelty which at once stamped him as a monster, inau gurated a policy of hate by causing three-fourths of our citizens to be disfranchised, and en franchising the negroes and endeavoring to place them over their late masters; and now, with an impudence and assurance that is amusing to contemplate, forces himself upon the hospitality of those whose property he has stolen and thern telves disgraced. Htported View's of tlic PresideuL (From the Blchnumd Whig.; We have the most aratilying assurances from Washington that Gcneraliiront will give ns a fair election, and afford every opportunity for making the best that can Do made of the Underwood abomination. He is in favor of real peace and of whatever will be6t promote the true interests of the Commonwealth. All the tricks and devices of those ariful dodgers—Wolls nnd Bond—will be thrown away upon him. They are in Washington spending their money in vain. General Grant, with the aid of General Canby, in whom he has perfect confidence, will settle this matter to the satisfaction of the people of Virginia, and the Walker ticket, running on the Grant pro gramme, will be elected by at least a hundred thousand majority. We are every day more and more persuaded that Wells will not stand a poll. Whatever politicians in Washington and New York may say, in this whole matter of Virginia reconstruction Gen. Grant has acted the part of a true man—of a high than—of one who knew what was right, and resolved to enforce iL At his first Interview with the “Committee of Nine" he declared that the Underwood Constitution was an abomination; that various clauses in it shonld be stricken out and voted down by the people, and he has known no variation or shadow of changing on tho subject trom that day to this. He Still thinks those abominable clauses should be stricken out. Ho is determined that they shall be stricken ont, and that the thing (the Under wood Constitution) shall be amended and im proved as much as it is capable of being im proved. We speak that whereof we know. IHo President and General Lee. The Washington correspondent'of the N. V. Herald says: A fresh sensation, according to the disclosures that have thus far been made, is to be created by a visit of General Robert E. Lee to the President. A gentleman who professes to know the facts connected with this projected visit states that General Lee, who is now in Baltimore, where he has been staying for a week past,will come to this city to-morrow or next day, and will be tho guest of " Montgomery Blair. It is stated that the <3cueral will visit the White House during his stay here, and will have one or more inter views with the President, who has requested General Lee to call upon him. It is intimated that the object of the interview sought for by the President is to obtain from Goncral Lee his opinion in regard to tho working of tho recon struction laws in the State of Virginia, and of tho present temper of the leading citizens of the South. What other matters are to be touched upon by the two principal military chleftainß is not definitely known, but from all that has leaked ont concerning the proposed coEl'erenee it Is fair to infer that it will be of more than ordinary sig nificance. From our Late Editions of Yesterday Array Officers as Indian Agents; [Special Despatch to the Phila. Evening Bulletin.] Washington, April 28—President Grant and Secretary Cos hnvobcon in consultation as to the propriety of detailing retired army officers and those who are not attached to any regular regi ment Bincc the recent order consolidating troops, to act as Indian Agents to those tribes to which no new appointment of agents have been mnde. While no conclusion in the case has been reached, or as yet decided upon, tho course will probably bo pursued. President Grant’s ideas are that this will give employment to a largo numbor of officers who, haying been educated to follow military life, arefifll-adaptcd to be thrown out upon the world to socure a ~living.in otbqr. professions at an advanced stage of life, which they will have to do unless they are detailed for extra duty in the army. RB. Xho case of col. Crowe • ‘ uHHH ' \ [Special Despatch to tho Philadelphia Evening Builotln.j SMB " Washington, April 28 Rathor a novel case lias come up in connection with the case of Col. HBH Crowe, recently appointed and confirmed as r |BS Governor of Now Moxico. His political disa bllltics have never been removed, and POLITICAL*. Tho Ex-President. VIRGINIA. therefore ho cannot tafcri tho ouh and enter on bis duties. Tho Prosldaut has asked tbo Attorney-General if he cau m ike an appointment ad interim, or In anyway in which Colonel Crowe caii’aasuine. his office.- it this is decided in tbo negative, General Mitchell,- the present Governor, will probably remain in bis position till. Congress cau act on Colonel Crowe's case next winter. Tli© Brazilian xflJastoti. (Special Despatch to the Pbiia. Bulletin.) Washington, April 28.—The Brazilian Mission has been tendered by the President to Henry T. Blow, of Miesonri, and private information re ceived this morning from that gentleman, who is in the west, sujs that he will accept. A action sale of Coal. IBpeclal Despatch to tho I’hiloda. Evening bulletin.] New Yoke, April 28.—The monthly auction sale ot coal took place to-day. The attendance was unusually large, and the bidding very spir ited. There was considerable advance from last month's prices in all sizes. Sales of lump, 10,000 tons, at 84 G2X@4 80; steamboat, 12,000 tons, $4 67>i@4 76; grate, 10.000 tons, 84 Cs@l 70; egg, 10,000 tons, 84 75@4 77><f; stove, 20.000 toD6, 8 b 05i@5 25; chestnut, 12,000 tons, 845 1% mi 62 x- Army order*. Washington, April 28.—Tho following was issued to-dav: General ' Orders, No. 46.— Headquarters Army, A. G. O , Washington, D. G., April 26, 1869.—8 y direction of the War Department the recruiting service is hereby resumed. The regi mental recruiting will be conducted under direc tion ot the several regimental commanders, according to the general regulations of 186.4, paragraphs 985, 986, 987 and 988. The general service will bo conducted under four general superintendents, viz.; At New York city; Cincinnati, Ohio; Bt. Louis, Mo., and San Francisco, Cal. And there will be 'our depots for collecting and Instructing the recruits, viz.: Go vernor’s Island, New York harbor; Newport Barracks, liy.; Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and Benicia, Cal. The general superintendent of theeo will report direct to the Adjutant-General of the army, and receive all orders from him. Fire In Watertown, N. ¥• Watertown, N. Y., April 28—L. 8. Pratt's cotton mill, on Factory street, was burned last night. The remnant of Kemball's barley mills, left by the Hood, was also burned. H. H. Babcock’s pump manufactory took fire several times, but the flames were extinguished without much dam age. There wasan Insurance of 815,000 on the cotton mill, which contained very little stock. For>o CARL PANG—Schr Ida May. Buck—l7o ton* aulphur ore- Carupano Sulphur Co. M ATAhZAB— Schr Abbic, Davie—3S« bhda 44 tci mo laii-ce John Mason & Co. CALlB—Bchr George & Mary, Lord—B4l,ooo spruce lath* HS> 000 ehlcgles W A Levering. aovEiiiEnCT OF cmjjkaw bteaiieru. TO ARRIVE. fbom rom .London.. New York .Liverpool. .New York April 13 Havre. New York. April 14 Denmark Liverpool. .New York April 14 Nretonan.- Liverpool. .Quebec April In Columbia Glasgow New York April ltf Siberia Liverpool. .New York via B—April 17 Germa. nxa. Havre. .New York April 17 Hermann Southampton .Now York April 17 He-cla. .Liverpool. .New York via 8.. .April 80 Minnesota Liverpool. .New York April 20 CUv of Baltimore. .Liverpool. .New York April 21 TO DEPART. Pioneer PhHadelDhia..Wamtn«oii.....— May 1 LouiHena New York. .Liverpool. May 1 Guiding Star New York. .Bremen May l Arizona New York. .Aeptnwall Mav 1 City of Limerick.. New York. .Antwerp.... May 1 Pereire H hew York. .Havre May 1 Liberty Baltimore. N. U. via Havana... May 1 lowa. New York. .G1a5g0w...... May 1 City of Pari* New York. .Liverpool May 1 Wyoming Philadelphia. .Savannah May 1 Germania New York. .Hamburg. May 4 City of ManchtVr-.New York. .Liverpoolri a H May 4 Denmark New York. .Liverpool May fi Columbia Now York. .Havana May 6 Donau New York. .Bremen. May 6 BOARD OF TKADb J PRICK WETHEKILL, ) __ SAMi EL G. BTOK>B, > UoirriiLi Coioirrrrm, jamks doughlr'ay, ' . MARENB BULiAIR POST OP PHILADELPHIA— Apeil 29. ivh Qiakft, 5 031 Sub Sim, 6 511 Hioo Watn. 4 26 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamer Norfolk, Platt, from Richmond and Norfolk, with mO*e to W P Clyde to Co. u . Steamer Paul ta,Freeman. 2u hours from New York, with mdrt to John F OhL „ , , Steamer Diamond State. Webh.l3 hours from Baltimore, with mdse to A Groves, Jr. Steamer „ S Shriver. Riggins. from Baltimore,with mdse to A Groves, Jr. _ , , Schr Ida May, Back. 33 days from Campano, with sul phur ore to Carapano Sulphur Co—vessel to J E Bazlev A Co, Schr Abbie. Davis, 8 days from Matanzas.with molasses to John Mason & Co. Schr Vraie. Mason, 0 days from Cardenas, with sugar and molasses to Madeira to Cab&da. Schr George & Mary. Lord. 12 days from Calais, with laths to W A Levering. Schr Active, Coombe, 6 days from Rockport, with mdse to J E Bszlev & Co. Schr Nuncio. Hastings, 5 days from Laurel. Del. with lumber to Collins to Cv,. Schr Bee, Lloyd, from Virginia, with hoop poles to Geo Carson to Co. , , Schr L» P Taylor, Cranmer. 4 days from James River, with lumber to Hickman 6 Cottingnam Schr Aurora. Artis, 1 day trom Frederica, Del. with grain to Jas L Bewley to Co. renr Martha M Davis, Robinson, l day from Milford. Del. with grain to Jaa L Bewley to Co. Schr F.ttie Hail. Mason. 1 day from Frederica, Del grain to Jaa L Bewley to Co, Schr Mary J Russell. Smith. Salem. CLEARED Y EtSTLRDAY. Ship Bessie Parker (Br), Fritz, Antwerp, C C Van Horn. Steamer F Franklin. Piereon. Baltimore, A Grovea. Jr. Bark S A Sloan, Sloan. Frontera, Mez C C Van Horn. SrbrSahlno, Currier, a pponaug, 8 L Merchant <b Co. ochr L B Wing, Endicott, Gt Egg Harbor, captain. Jorrevrondence of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin READING. April 27. 1869. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into be Bchylkill Canal, bound to Philadelphia, ladon and consigned as follows: .... Wilderness and Baltimore Coal Co. 149. with lumber to F P Heller; Clipper, and Fame, do to Patterson to Lip r-incott; K fernery, do to Taylor to Betts; West Branch, do to WillUmeburg Mill, New York; Union Lime Lady. lime to JKWinuue; Cora, limestone to Sixpenny Fur uace. • MEMORANDA Ship Asia iNGb Windhorst cleared at New York yes terday tor Bremen via this port. x . , Ship Jas R Keeler. Alien, from San Francisco 13th Jan. at New Vora yesterday. , A __ . , . Ship Good Hope. Moore, cleared at N York yesterday for Aojier, for orders. ship Hope. Hancock, from Tongoy, Chile, at Baltimore 27th met with copper and horna. ~ v Ship Georgo Peabody. Paine, from New York 6th Ncv. wns going into Yokohama Ist inst. , Ship Lorenzo, Follanubee. from New York, was disch’g at. Yokohama Ist Jnst. „ ~ Steamer Jamea Green, Vanoe, hence at Richmond 2. tn instant. v , __ . Steamer Britannia, Donaldson, cleared at New York yesterday for Glasgow. Steamers Russia. Lott, and Manhattan, Forbes, cleared at New York yesterday for Liverpool. Baik Washington Butcher. Nickorson, 48 days from Rio Janeiro, at Now York yesterday, with old iron. Briß Bloses Day,Lcud, 10 days from Cardonas,at N Y ork yesterday. „ Brig Abby Watson, Allen,'oleared at Boston 27th mat for Georgetown. BC Brig Potoei, Coolfleet, sailed from Palermo 29th ult for Baltimore. Schr Stephen Morris, Beaman, cleared at Bavannae 27th inst. for this port. . . Schr Nellie Mown, Larkin, hence at Portland 27th Inst. Schr Sami Gilman, Kelley, hence at Portland 28th inat. Schr L Frazier. Steelman; W M Weaver, Weaver; Ann S Can Don. Cobb, and Emily Curtis, Ilaakeil, hence at Boston 27th ineL . _ , . . Schr J Cadwalttder. Steelman, hence at Salem 2bth inst, Bcbr WmH'l it r», Gilford, cleared at Salem 26th inst. Colburn, at Norfolk 24th Inst, from T Schrj‘Ponder, Townsend cleared atN York yesterday Bchrs A E Martin. Buell; C E Smith, Hanson; Manan tico. Clajpole; Northern Light, Ireland; Georgo H Bent, Smith; Bonny H<>at. KeUoj.and Abbie Dunn, Fountain, hence at Bostou 27th ineL _ . . . Schr l 5 <b E Kelley, Kelley, cleared at Boston 27th mat. for this port „ A , Schr A 11 Cain, Simpson, hence at Portsmouth 2btfi inst Bchr Onward. Bunker, sailed from Port Caledonia, CB. 26th iuat, for this port, with 336 tons coal. MARINE MISCELLANY. The clipper ship Chieftain, 1311 tons, built in East Boston in 1865, and belonging to Peter Wright to Sons, of Philadelphia, was taken on the groat balance dry dock neai thofootof Pike slip, N York, on Tuesday evening. She was raised merely for the t xauiinatlon of her bottom. Scbr Sp&rtan, from St John, NB. for St Andrews, N B collided 24th imt. and sunk. DRUGS. DRUGGISTS’ SUNDRIES.—GRADUATES, MORTAR Pill Tiles, Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, Tweezers, Pun Boxes, Horn Scoops, Surgical Instruments, Trusses, I-lord and Soft Rubber Goods. Vial Gases. Glass and Metal Syringes, die,, all at “First Hands” prices. SNOWDEN to BROTHER aps-tf 23 South Eighth street Druggists are invited to examine our largo stuck of fresh Drugs and Chemicals of tho latest importation. Also, eeeentlul OIK Vanilla Boons, Sponges, Chamois SkiuH. etc. ROBERT SUOEMAKER& CO.», N. £2, corner Fourth and Race streets. O~LIVE OIL. SUPERIOR QUALITY. ON DRAUGHT nnd in bottles; various brands. ROBERT SHOE MAKER <si CO.. N E. corner Fourth and Race streots. CASTILE "SOAP-NOW" LANDINCr.-SOO BOXES White and Mottled Castile Soap, very superior quality. ROBEfT SHOEMAKER & CO., Wholesale Druggists, N E, corner Fourth and Race atreets- T3ICE-76 CASKB RICE. PRIME CAROLINA, FOR JV saio by COCHRAN, RUSSELL to CO., No. 22 North Front street. THE DAILY EVEN IKG BULLETIN —PHILADELPHIA, Tli tl USD AY, APRIL 29, 1869. 1829 ■~ CHARTBR fekpistual - FSE&A JVJKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Office—43s and 437 Chestnut Street* Assets ok January 1,1889, ; $8,677,372 13. UNSETTLED CLAIMS. INCOME FOB 1869. $23,788 12. $380,000. - Loaaes Paid Since 1539 Over $5,500,000. Perpetual and Temoorary Policies on Liberal Terms. The Company aleo issues Policies upon the Rents of all kinds of Buildinga, Ground Kents and Mortgages. nrnEC'ioEa Alfred Fitter, Thomae Sparlu, Wm. 8. Grant. Thomae 8. Elite. Guetavua S. Benaon, ALFRED 0. BAKER, President. GEO. PAGES, Vice President, JAB. W. MOALLIBTEK, Secretary. \VM. GREEN, Afietetant ttecretary. Alfred G. Baker. Samuel Grant, Geo. W, Rico&rds, Ha&c Lea. Geo. Kales, J^VXAWARB MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COM Incorporated by the Leglateture of Pennsylvania, 1835. Office 3. E. corner of THIRD and WALNUT Street*, Philadelphia. MARINE INSURANCES On Vewela, Carso and Fretant to all parts of the world. INLAND INSURANCES On good* by river, canal, lake aud land carriage to all parte of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally :oa Stores, Dwellings, Bouses, fie. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. . November i, 1868* 8200,000 United States Five Per Cent Loan, 1040’a . 8208,600 00 ISXLOOO United State* Six Per‘Csnt Loan, 1881 136.800 00 50,000 United States Six Per Cent Loan (for Pacific Kail road) 50.000 00 200,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent Loan 211,376 00 125,000 Citj of Philadelphia Six Per Cent Loan (exempt from Tax) 123,594 00 60,000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent Loan 6L500 00 80,000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mort gage Six Per Cent Bonds 3U.20Q 00 S&COO Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mortgage Six Percent Honda . 24,000 OC 25,000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent Bondi (Penn a. KR. guarantee) 20.625 00 80.000 State of Mennessee Five Per Cent Loan 21,000 00 7.000 State of Tennessee Six Per Cent Loan 6.031 25 15,000 Germantown Gaa Company, princi pal and interest guaranteed by the City of Philadelphia, 30) sbai es stock Ui,(/JO Pennsylvania Railroad Company* 2DU shares stock 11,300 00 6,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, 100 shares Btocfc 3,500 00 2u,uuo Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Company, 80 shares stock 15,000 00 2U7.fVO Loan* on Bond and Mortgage, first liens on City Properties 207,900 (X) Par. DIRECTORS; x bom&i C. Hand. Jamea B. McFarland* Edward Darlington, William C. JLudwlg, ■Joseph £L Seal, Jacob P. Jones, Edmund A. Bonder. Joshua P. Eyre, 1 beophilue Paulding William Q. Boulton, \t ugh Craig, TlenryC. Dallett, Jr„ ooha-C. Davia, John D. Taylor, James C. Hand, Edward Eaionrcade, ■John R. Penrose, Jacob Riegel, U. Jones Brooke, George W. Bemadou, Spencer M'llsraine, Wm. C. Houston, Henry Sloan, D. T. Morgan, Pittsburgh, Samuel E. Stokes, John B. Semple, do., J tunes Traquair, A. B. Berger, do. THOMAB C. HANT\ President JOHN C DAVIS, Vice President. HENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. HENRY BAJLL, Aas’t Secretary. deai.tf The reliance insurance company of phil ADELPHIA- „ incorporated in 1841. _ Charter Perpetual. Office, No. 308 Walnut street. CAPITAL $300,000. insures against lose or damage by FIRE, on Houses. Stores and other Buildings, limited or perpetual, aud on Furniture, Goods, Wares and Merchandise in town or COD LObSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. A eseta - $437.598 32 Invested in the following Securities, viz.: First Mortgages on City Property,well secured.sl6B,6oo Ou United States Government Loans .. 117,uu0 uo Philadelphia CitySper cent. Loans 76,uu) uo Pennsylvania $3,000,000 6 per cent. Loan Su.ixw uj Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds, first Mortgage.. S.IAU 00 Camden and Amboy Railroad Company’s 6 per Cent Loan. * 6,c00 oo Loans on Collaterals 600 00 Huntingdon and Broad Tod 7 per Cent Mort gage Bonds 4,660 00 County Fire Insurance Company’s Stock 1,050 ,a> Mechanics’Bank Stock 4,iwo Commercial Bank of Stock. Io,uuo uu Union Mutual Insurance Company's Stock 380 uo Reliance Insurance Company of Philadelphia Stock. ,3,250 *, Cash in Bank and on band • • 12.-os -w Worth at Par. Worth this date at market prices. DIRECTORS. _ w Thomas C. Hill- Thomas H. Moore, Wm. Muster, Samuel Casiner, Samuel Bispnam, James T. Young. H. L. Carson, Isaac F. Baker, Wm. Stevenson, Christian J. Hoffman, Benj. W. Tingley. Samuel fl. Thomas, Edward Siter. TiiOSMAS C. HILL, President Wm. Cm*mi. Secretary. February 17, 186?. mite FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHLLAI) c*L phia, Incorporated March 27, 1830. Office, No. 34 North Fifth street Insure Buildings. Household Furniture and Merchandise generally, from Loss bv Fire. toet, Ja£ 1. 18® William H. Hamilton. §auinel Bparhawh, Peter A. Keyser, Charles K Bower, John Carrow, JesseLiKhuoot, George I. V oung, Robert Shoemaker, Joseph R. LyuaalU Peter Armbraster. Levi P. Coats. M. 11. Dickinson, Peter Williamson. WM. H. HAMILTON, Preside t, SAMUEL SPARHAWK. Vice President. WM. T. BUTLER. Secretary. PH <e NI X INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1804-CHARTER PERTETUAL. No. 224 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. I‘hia Company insures from losses or damage by on liberal terms on buildings, merchandise, furniture, 4c., for limited periods, and permanently on buildings by deposit or premium. ~ , "The Company haa been in active operation for more than sixty years, during which all losses have been promptly adjusted John L. Hodge. David Lewis, M. B. Mahony, Benjamin Ettmg, John T. Lewis. Tbos. H. Powers, Wm. 8- Grant, A. R McHenry. Robert W. Learning, Edmond Castillom D. Clark Wharton. Samuel Wilcox, Lawrence Lewis, Jr., Louie 0. Norris, JOufc R WUCHERER, President. Samuel Wilcox. Secretary. UNITED FIREMEN’S INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. This Company takes risks at the lowost rates consistent with safety, and confinoß its biuineea exclusively to FIRE INSURANCE IN THE CITY OF PIIILADEL OFFICE-No. 723 Arch street. Fourth National Bank Building. DIRECTORS. Henry W. Brenner, Albcrtus King. Henry Bumm. James Wood, John Shallcrosfl. J. Henry Askin, Hugh Mulligan,. Philip Fitzpatrick. President. Wm. H. Fauen. Soc‘j._ Thomas J. Martin, John Hirst. Wm. A, Rolin, James Mongan, William Glenn, Jomea Jouner, Alexander T. Dickfou, Albert C. Roberta, James CONRA! Wm. A. Bolin, Troas. THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COM pany. —lncorporated 1825—Charter Perpetual. No. 610 WALNUT Btreot, opposite Indopendonce Square. This Company, favorably known to the community ior over forty years, continues to insure against loss or damage by lire on Public or Private Buildings, either pur* maneutly or for a limited timo, ■ Also ou Furniture. 'Stocks orGoodH. and MerchandißO'generailyvon liberal Tboir Capital, tosothcr with a largo Surplus .Fund, 1« hm-Btcd in theinost careful manner, which enables tnoiu to offer to tho insured an undoubted Bocuiity intho case oi lose, DIRECTORS. Daniel Smith, Jr., . John Devereux, Alexander Bodbou, Thomas Smith, ißaac Bazloburat, .. Henry Lewis,,, Thomas Kobius, J. Gillingham Foil, Daniel Haddock. Jr. ... DANIEL SMITH, Jit.. President. WM. G. CROWELL, Secretory. ftP^tf INSUHANCE* Market Value, 81,130.325 25 (lost, 3L033.604 D« Real Estate Bills Receivable for Insurance! made - 322.486 94 Balances due at Agencies—Pre miums on Marine Policies—Ac crued Interest and other debts Ae the Company ... Stock and Scrip of sundry Corpora tions, 83.156 (JO. Estimated value 1,813 00 Cash in Bank., 8116,150 08 Cash in Drawer 413 65 . 116,563 73 ■ . The Liverpool Lon don &' Globe Ins. Co. Assets Gold\ $ 17,690,390 u in the United States 2,000,000 Daily Receipts over $20,000.00 Premiums in 1868, $5> 66 5>°75- 00 Losses in 1868, $3,662,445.00 No. 6 Merchants ’ Exchange, , Philadelphia. 'rtji. wt.vn FiHE INSURANCE COMPANY—OF. X fico, No. 110 South Fourth street, below Chestnut. "Tho Fire Insurance Company of the County of Phila delphia,” Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylva nia in IKS', for Indemnity against loss or damage by fire, exclusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL. . This old and reliable inKtitutlon,with arhnle capital and contingent fund carefully invested,, contur-"* to insure buildings, furniture, merchandise, oc,, either permanent* Iv or for a United time, Against loss or damage by fire, at the lowest rate* consistent with the absolute safety Of its customers. Looses adjusted and paid with all possible despatch, v- DIRECTORS: w Cbaa J, Bntter, 1 Andrew H. Miller, Henry Budd, F James N. Stone, John Horn, 1 Edwin L. Reakirt, Joseph Moore, j Robert V. Massey, Jr., George Mecke, I Mark Devine. ,;/• CHARLES J, SUTTER, President HENRY RUDD, Vice President BENJAMIN F. HOECKLF/V. Secretarv and Treasurer fell tde3l TJSFFEBSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF cl Philadelphia.—Office, No. 24 North Fifth street, near Market street / Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania.* Char ter perpetual. Capital and Assets. 8166,000. Make irura ranee again* ( Lots or damage by Firoon Public or Private Buildings, Furniture, Stocks, Goods and Merchandise, on favorable terms, DIRECTORS. Wm. McDaniel, Edward P. Moyer, Israel Peterson. Frederick Ladner. John F. Belsteiling, Adam J. Gloaz. Henry Troemner, Henry Delany, Jacob Sch&ndein, John Elliott, Frederick Doll, Christian D. Frick, Samuel Miller, George E. Fort, William D. Gardner. WILLIAM McDANIEL, President. ISRAEL PETERSON. Vice President Pnn-ir E. Coleman. Secretary and Treasurer. Anthracite insurance”company. -char TER PERPETUAL. Oflice, No. 311 WALNUT street, above Third, Philo, Will insure against Loss or Damage by Fir* on BaiM* ings, either pcrretaally or for a limited time. Household Furniture and Merchandise generally. Also, Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargoes and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. Win. Esher, Lewis Acdenried, l). Luther, John Kctchain, John R. Blakb'ton, J, E. Baum, yfm. F. Dean, John B. HeyL Peter slegex. Samuel H. RothermeL ESHER. President, Jr\ DEaN, Vice President, ja22-tu,th,s,tf Wm. M. Svith, Secretary. T7AME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 8(3 CHESTNUT r STREET. INCORPORATED 1 85»S. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, 8200.1 KW. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. IcHUrej agaiu>t Lof-f or damage by Fire, either by Pur petual or Temporary Policies. IMUECTOES. , Hubert Pearce, John Kewler, Jr., I Edward B. Orne, • (JharlM Stores, John W. Everman, Mordecai lluzby. i RICHARSUN. President. ;HAVVN, Vice President. ItD. Secretary. apl-tf Charles Wm. U. Kbawn. Francis N. Buck, Henry hewie, Nathan Millie, George A. VYeat, CBARLI WM. IL WILLIAMS I. BLANCH 81,6*7.867 80 American fire*insurance company, incur pornted 1810,— Charter perpetual. No. 310 WAJLNUT street, above ThirdJPhiladelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stoek and Surplus In vested in sound and available Securities, continue to in sure on dwellings, stores, furniture, merchandise, vessel In port, and their cargoes, and other personal property. All losses liberally and Thomas R. Maris, Edmund G. Dutilh, John Welsh, Charles W. Poultney, Patrick Brady, Israel Morris, John T. Lewis. John P. WetnerilL William W. PauL THOMAS B. MARIS. President. AnmEBT O. OaAwroßp, Socretarv rpHOMAS BIRCH A SON, AUCTIONEERS AM 1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 1110 CHESTNUT street Bear Entrance No. 1107 Sansom otreet. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE OF EVERY DEBCRL’ TIQN RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. Sales of Furniture at Dwellings attended to on the mcc reasonable term*. Sale No. 1110 Chestnut street ELEGANT HQLSEfIOLD FURNITURE, FINE CAR PEI 8, EIGHT PIANO FORTES. MIRBORS, PLATED WARE, CHINA, CABINET ORGAN, 6c. ON FRIDAY MORNING, At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store, No. 111 C CJhca'nut street, will be sold—A large assortment ol firstclass UoutehoM Furniture, from families removing, com. prising—Elegant Suits of Antique Parlor Furniture, in olue reps, with Centre Table to match, made by Moore A Campion; suits of Curtains and Cornices. blue repß; auita of ebony and gilt Antique Parlor Furniture, in green reps, made by Allen; elegant Rosewood Etagere, with French Plate Glass; Antique Parlor Suite, m plueh; Library Soits, 10 elegant suits of Walnut Chamber Furni ture. walnut. Oak and Painted Cottage Furniture. Side boards, Walnut Wardrobes, LxUnaion Dining Tables, Centre and Bouquet Tables. Secretaries and Bookcase#, Walnut and Oak Dining Room and Chamber Chairs, Lounges, Spring and llair Matresses, Feather Beds. Vene tian Bllode, Shades, Plated Ware, Table Cutlery, Mantel aid Pier Glosses, China and Glassware, i Stoves, Kitchen Furniture, Ac. CARPETS. Velvet, Brussel*. Inerain and Venetian Carpets. PIANO FORTES. SI Also, eight Rosewood and Mahogany Piano Fortes. Also, one Cabinet Organ. BONNET STANDS. Also, about 100 bronze and gilt Stands, with marble blocks, suitable for milliners. T a. McClelland, auctioneer _ 1 1219 CHESTNUT street. CONCERT HALL AUCTION ROOMS. Rear Entrance on Clover street Eoarebold Furniture and Merchandise of every de scription received on consignment Sales of Furniture at dwellings attended to on reasonable terms. HANDSOME WALNUT ANDO>TTAGE FURNITURE, MATRESSES, PLATED WARE. Ac. ON FRIDAY' MORNING. April 30, at 10 o’clock, at Concert Hall Auction Rooms, 1219 Chestnut fit, will be sold, a quantity of New and Handsome Parlor Furniture, in suits or pieces; Waluut Chamber Furniture, Superior Cottage Suita, in Ctustnut and Painted, beautiful styles; Spring, Hair and Husk Matrceees, Feather Beds, Bolsters and Pillows. Also, best quality of Triple Plate Silver Ware, Ac. jal-tu th 6 tf ,$1,406,096 08 Sale at No. 2123 Spring Garden street. EITGANT WALNUT' CHAMBER FURNITURE, GREEN PLUSH PARLOR SUIT, SILK BROCA- TpLLE SUIT, ROSEWOOD PIANO, VELVET AND BRUSSELS CARPETd, Ac. - ON MONDAY MORNING. May 3, at 18 o'clock, Dy catalogue, the ontire House* h. td Furniture, Velvet and Brussels Carpets. Plano, Ac., ail nearly new and first-class Furniture. BY BABBITT 6 CO., AUCTIONEERS. CASH AUCTION HOUSE, No. 230 MARKET street, comer of BANK etreet. Oaih advanced on consignments without *xtr» charge NOTICE TO CITY AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS. ON FRIDAY MORNING. April 30, at 10 o'clock, 1000 lots Dry Goode, Hosiery, No tions, Suspenders, White Good*, Linen Goods, Ac. —ALSU—* The entire Stock of a Retail Glovo and Hosiery Store. -also- At 11 o'clock, tho entire Stock of a Retail Shoo Btore. -ALSO- Stock of Ready-made Clothing. -ALSO BY ORDER OF MANCFAOTI KSRS. Largo Stock of new spring style Felt Hats. —-ALSO - * Several Stocks from Retail Stores, Ac. Davis a harvey, auctioneers. Late with M. Thomas A Son.-. Store Nos. 48 and 60 North SIXTH street. Spocial Sale at the Auction Storo. ELEGANT WALNUT PARLOR. DINING ROOM AND CHAMBER FURNITURE, BOOKCASES. OFFICE FURNITURE. PIANOS, Ac. ON FRIDAY MORNING, At 10 o’clock, at Noe. 48 and 60 North Sixth etreot,abovu Mmket, a large and elegant aaeortmout oi Household Furniture of every description. Handsome Parlor and Chamber Suite. Buifeie, Secretary Bookcases, Office Table* and Deeka, fine-toned Pianos, Curpe.i.i fine Spring, llair and llutik MatreßaeF, China, Giusewivre, IloiHekeop in« Articles, Fancy Articles, Kitchou Furniture. Ac. M' 'FIf OMAS &ToN S. ArCI'IONEKRS, . Nob. 139 and 141 South Fourth «treot. Salo Old Yoi k Hoad and Gholton avenue. horses, cows, harness, garden imple* MENTS, Ac. ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON. May 1, at 2 o'clock, cu tho promises, soutlnvf *t eornar Chelten nvenuo and Old York Road, residence of Iloury C. Davis, Esq., (now in Europe,) comprising pair Supe rior Vermont Mares; Watson Carriage, uenrly new. .Junkert Carriage, Douhl*» and Bingle Harness, by Lacy & PhiTlpa; Aldornov Heifer? Red Heifer; Garden Holler; quantity,of Gulden Implement*; Mowing Machluos, ic.. Ac. 1 ' Aleo. Sleigh; m good order. Particulars ill catalogues, now ready, ... Tho viouß to ealo of Stock, Ad. - PEREMPTORY SALE By Order of tho Commissioner of Falrmount Park. BUILDING MATERIAL, BRICK AND FRAME WORK, Ac; OF 10 BUILDINGS. COATE3 ST. ON MONDAY AFTERNOON. May 10, at 4 o'clock, will bo sold at public sale, without reserve, on the premises; all the Building Material of lo brick bouses, aether now stand. Nos. 2710. 2721, 2728. 2727, 2739, 2741,2743.2747 and 2749 Co&te? street. Tormi—Cash, and tho material to be taken away at tho oxponso of tho purohaser. AUCTION SAJL.K3. j AiJcrcrgow «ai.b». M TnoMAF A 80S2..’AUCTX0Nl;EBl>, 1 *■ .1- , ..-• ;M«.iX)and HI Booth Jfeuarthrtroet.. ’ HAI.FS OF STOOhfl AND REAL ESTATE. ' t=Cf Public eftlos at the PhUaAclpht&ExchaijfO EVEBT TLESDuY,at 12 o’clock. ttr Fionlturd SaJe.at tha Auction Store EVEBF THURSDAY. *WB»laa at B£«Mence*roeßlroem»ctal attention. : V 'i STOCKS. LOANS, Ac. .OB.TUESDAY, MAY 4. At 13 o'clock noon, at tne Philadelphia Exchange— , ... . -Executor's Sale. , SBOCO Harrisburg, Portsmouth, Mount Joy ani Lsncas* ter Railroad bonds, ttper cent. $5OO Perm's Salt Manufacturing Co., 7 per cont 11 f hares Greenwich Land nod Improvement Co* For Other Accounts— -25 nbares Union Passenger Kail way Co. KW shares Bpn>ce and Pine streets Railway Co. 6 chares Academy of Music. 100 shores Union Bank of Tennessee. I Bha r o Point Breer.o Park. 145 rharea Sterling Tack Co, Reading. Assignees'Sale— - l£s shares Tho Sterling i'ack Co., Reading. REAL ESTATEfSALE. MAY 4. ~ , , Orphan*' Court Balo —Estate of Wilmon Whildin, dcc'd. MODERN 'j HK*E STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, No. 820 South Tenth *trcet. above bhippen Has toe modern convenience*. _ Same Estate— Bdhinkph Looxtios—FOUß-STORY BK3CK DWELLING, i'o. 118 Arch at Same Estate—iißOUND KLnT, s9y a year, urphana’Court ..ale—Estate of Allen J. Ilubb3, doc'a— Vi;r.v Vai.uaht.k Bobinksh Stand— BKiCK 51 UKE. No?. 625 and 627 No-tli Second street. 27 feet front, 143 feel do* y io Peach street, ou which street are 2Thrce-etojy Brick Dwellings Same Estate— Va-l-uahi.i: Bukinkss Stands-2 FOUR- S'IORY IKON and BRICK FKuN i’ ST ;KE3, No*. 270 jind 232 North Second street; each H'l* loot front, 110 foot deep. tramp Fetafc- HANDSOME MOOERN FOUR ST )RT UKHK KESIDENCri. No 830 North Fifth struct, abovu Hi ov n, 18 tcet *i out and extending In rtep’h to Randolph street, in which street Are a Brick Stable and Coach House. orphans* Court Sale—Estate of E. A. Bennett, dee’d— MCDLK TUKKKSU'«> tiiUCK B. VV. cerner of Eleventh and Wallace _ MODERN THREES TORY DRl* K RESIDENCE, No. s*>rj North Sixth vtr«-1, «b-*ve Brown ELEGA.NI BJiuW aVoTUNK RESIDENCE, *o. 4108 £l nire stmt Lot *a by lGufnet. with 30 feet front Vard. ELEGANT CHUN'! RY oEAT-llA* DSOME IMdWM* STONE MANSION, Stable and" Coach House Tonanr Donee, 12 ACF'Eb, Hal imorc Tu upike. Delaware co., Pa., 2 i quares from Dai by Road Station, ou the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad. Gr ound* beautifully laid out. tieh pond. &c. Peremptory SaIe—ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT and FAhM £i)4 acres. Gulf road. Lower Merlon Township, Montgomery county Pa, opposite the'l3-Tnile stone, half a mile (row Villa Nova Station on the & Otntrnl Railroad. Immediate possession. HANDSOME MO- ERN RESIDENCE, 8, B corner of Thirty fourth and Il&veriord streets. 24th VVard-80by I5 \ EKY EIEGAN’T COUNTRY SEATi 9' ACREBD- Mansion, Stable and Coach House aud ou (-buildings. Ta* rrny road, at Wiealnoming between Bridesburg and Taconv. having a Invgo fronton the river Delaware. HANDSOME MUDKRa uUR-aTuRY »R-CK RE- PiDENCE, N0.4i8 South Fifteenth street* bolrw Pine, 20 ftet front, lOQfret deep. TI! REE-b' OKY BRICK DWELLING. No. 820 Geary street south of-Wylid, 15th Ward-. >yj- BIOKY BRICK DWELLING,No. 3 Chan- oiy lane, between Front and accord streets below Arch THREE SIUKY BuICK Snrilfc, and DWELLING, > o 842 North Tenth street, above Pan if h. UANDSuME MODERN T tIKEE-S I'ORY BRI’K KISiDENCts. with Stable and (Jouch House, . E corner of Jacoby and Green street*. Nurruiown, l*u.. 55 le*t front, 24u reef de**p- Handsome three story brick cottage, s. W corner of Jacobv amt Green streets. Norrist .vn. Pa. HANDSOME CvJLNTrY OEAT AND FAn.il. 49 ACRES Wissabickon station, on the North Peunsyl vsnia Railroad. _ Exfcculore 1 SaIe—IIANDSOM K MODERN THREE STORY BR3CK RESIDENCE. N. E. corner of B oad aod i'ine fitreeta. 3U feet front, lift lent 6 inches d*-.ep VERY FLEGANT COUNTRY WfcSIDENCE. 5V ACHES. Edgemont avmue, Cheetor. Pa. ilaueiju, ctable and Coheir Hou-e und beauttl ul grounds. Peremptory Sale— H n NDSOMK MODERN KOI R. bTORV BuICK and MARU'-E F RESIDKNCr, N*‘. 1723 Vine street Dearly Square HneiwKHH bTAnn-FOUlv-oT' 'K\ BRICK a TORS aud DWELLING, No. 752 South Eleventh street below Fitz w 6 'handsome modern THREE-BTORY hrick RESIDENUES. Noa. -Jll4. 2IIH. 2118, 2120 and 2122 V H MODERN THREE STORY BRICK RE SJDENCE. No. 1705 Wallace *L Pert mptorv Sale - THfl.E£-STORY BRICK DWEL I.ING. N«. Isl 3 Poplar «t. MODERN THREE STORY' BRICK DWELLING. No. 14t9 North Thirteenth elreet, above Master. V ai.daui.k BubiNKhS Stan r'B—2 Til REE-3TORY BRICK Si ORES and DWELLINGS Nos. 242, JJ42M, £44 and 246 South Second et HANDSOME MODERN THREE-BTORY BRICK RE 31DENCE, No. 1726 thankliu street, above Columbia ateirue. . nrT , , HANDSOME MODERN THREE-STORY BRICK RE SIDENCE, No. 1727 North Eighth street in the rev of MODERN FOUB-STORY BctICK REoI DI-'P-CE. No. 81P6 Arch ft MnLER.N THRFE-STCRY BdICK RESIDENCE, No. 1410 Master et. VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND, No. H 36 South street, extending through to Trout at—2fronts. LARGE and VALUABLE LOT, Hutchinson street south of Columbia avenue, Twentieth Ward i fronts. \Y ELL-SECURUfo uRUUND RENT, 5204 a year. Sale No. 1303 North Sixth street HANDSOME ILRMIUKU. FINECARPETS, <ta On FRIDAY MORNING. April 30 at 10 o'clock, at No 1303 North Sixth street jvbtrrY- TholuveOU Bticet, W u»t«4osx»«>, tKo fixrni. tuie of a family leading the city ; comprising suit olagant walnut Drawing Room Furniture, covered with bine and gold brocEtflle; handsome walnut Sitting Room Furn iture, green reps: handsome walnut Dining Room Furni ture'; Pedestal Dining Table: superior oil walnut Chamber Suit, ebony flnieh; walnut chamber Furniture; Ward jibes, fine Matraeses, fine China and Glassware, floor cal pets, and, also, the Kitchen Utensils. The furniture baa been in use but a short time, and ie equal to new. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. ;i'UOM ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Apiil 30, at 4 o’clock. Sale No 5509 '•orth Second street, Camden. N. J handsome furniture, fine carpets. 6a ON SATURDAY MORNING, May 1. at 11 o'clock, at No 309 North Second street* ( j.moen, N. J.. by catalogue, the entire furniture, com prising handsome walnut Parlor Suit; Hair Cloth. Rese wood and Walnut Cbaira, covered with broc&telle and uarnet plnsh: elegant Rouqiut Tables; oak Dining Room Furniture; extension Dining Table; China and_ Glaaa ware- walnut Hall Furniture; superior walnut Chamber Furniture; Wardnbe*; Feather Beds; Velvet. Brussel* and Ingram Carpets; Blinds ; Kitchen Furniture. Re frigerator, die. Sale on .he Premises* VERY ELEGANT CUUNEUY SEAT. MANSION, 9\» ACRES, Horace, Cows, Carriages, Harness, die , 8. w. corner of Old 1 oik Road and Ghelfen avenue. Chestnut Hill, residence of Henry C Davis. Elsq., ON SATURDAY. Mayl at 2 o’clock P. M. will be sold at public sale on the premises. Full particulars in handbills at the auction loom*. Administrators' Sale on the Bromines. Estate of WILMON WHILDON, deceased. VERY ELEGANT RESIDENCE AND SUPERIOR FURNITURE, CARPETo. No. 1910 SPRUCE STREET. QN MOXDAy MORNING. May 3, at 10 o'cluclc, will be sold the very Pour story Brick (marble to second story) RESIDENCE, with Double Back Building*. No. 1910 Spruce street, 22 feet Iront 187 feet deep to Howell street, finished in a very superior and elegant manner, with every modern im rroveinent PURE. Also, the elegant Walnut Furniture made to order by Moore & Campion; hnndeomo Carpete, large Erench Plate Mantel Mirror. die, jap" Full particulars in handbills. Sale No. 2003 Walnut etreet. NEAT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANO. MIRROR, CAKPETh, CURTAINS, dio. ON MONDAY MORNING, May 31, at 10 o’clock, at No. 2003 Walnut street, by cata logue, the entire furniture, comprising walnut Parlor Furniture, rosewood Piano, walnut Dining Room Furni ture, China and Glass Ware, mahogany Chamber Furni ture, five Hair Mattresses, Feather Beds, Bedding, Blan kets, Brussels and other Carpets, Kitchen Utensils, die. Sale No. 1823 Mervine street SI PEKIOR FIRMTUKK BRUBSELS CARPETS, CLOCKS, die. ON TUESDAY MORNING, May 4, at 10 o’clock, at No. 1823 Mervine street, above Montgomery avenue, by catalogue, tire entire furniture, comprising elegant silLParlo-* Furniture, crimson tops, walnut Centre TaMo, Rnnsidella Marble, French Clocks, walnut Hull and Dining Room Furniture, elegant carved oak bullet Sideboard, Wa'nnt Extension Dining Table, China and Glups Ware Eugravinga, suit elegant walnut Chamber Furniture, oak and painted Cottage I"uraiture, fine Hair Mattressea. Bolsters and Pillows, fine Brupsels, Imperial and lugraiu Carpet*, Musical Box, Kitchen l ten- ils, Refrigerator, three anti-dust Stoves, Ac. Sale on tho Promise*, No, 416 South Elevtuth street. MODERN AND SUPERIOR HOUSE* HOLD FURNITURE,tpiANO FORTE. ELEGANT BRUSSELS AND OTH EhTCARPKTS, <fcc. UN WEDNESDAY MORN «NG. May 5. at 10 o’clock, at No 416 South Eleventh streeLby catalogue. the superior Household Furniture, comprising Walnut Parlor Oak Diuinp Room. Mahogany and Cot i age Chamber Furniture, Piano Forte, Mahogauy Sucre taiyand Bookcase, elegant Brussels. Ingrain and other Carpet*, fine llair Matrasses, Venetian Blinds, China, Plated Ware, Glassware, Kitckcu Furniture, die. MODERN THREE STORY IHUCK RESIDENCE. Previous to the sale of Furniture will be sold, at 10 o’clock precisely, the Modern Thrce-storv Brick Resi lience, with three-story baca buildings ; lot 18 feet front by *2 feet in depth to a back street. May be examined any day previous aud on the morning of *alo at 8 o'clock. Administrator’s Sale—Estate of Henry Ames. <Wd. 15 SUPERIOR UOSEWuOD PIANO FoRTBS. ON THURSDAY MORNING. , , May 6. at tho auction store, by order of the Admin I *- tn'tor. 15 superior Rosewood Plano Fortes, made by a. H. Galo dr Co.,C. Nareeon. Grovestein di Co.. I onu a Manufacturing (>„ Graham and others. Salo Peremptory. Sale No. 1308 Snruce street. w ... . SUPERIOR FURNITURE. GRAND EIANU. ENUKA VINOS, BOOK CASeS. CnINA, GLASS PLaTED WARE, CARPETS, d:o. •ON friUDAY MORNING. , May 7, at 10 o’clock, at No. law npriioo .troot. Dy i.aui logue, tho entire iuruiture of a geuUomjiugo 8 d ul comprising suit walnut Ha: lor t urnituro. eo'ortd «■ crimson reps; superior rooouood Oiauo Action J ‘rlor :ilamrnruit«re;,Wttlnut.DmJru!JvOoto I n-j—iaii—Aatod walnut Book Gobo ; (mo rhnmbor Furnlturo; line Ware, film Engravings; suporio CbnmDor f, ‘ Hair Mattr sses : 4 doom ; .ino Tapostry sSii o.n.r c° Hrt.ota ■‘‘K tensil ß; Kofrigorator. dro. M^aatoMSfVo^rbSsaoM.) No. 639GHESTNTJT ttreoLroar mitranco from Minor. L. ASHBKXHOE^a : Atwngjjitfiy MeJpm.:. JAMES a; FKEEHANI AUCndNEEH, , > - f - • - i " : ALE BBEWEJIY. -flJtf ACRfct) OF LAND. AND 181 FEOVEMENTi iABCfVB MANAYUNIt*' *. •' ‘ 1 ’Apnl 29th, at 4 o' T cloclc t wiltbhp6ld Qnlho Dronaf*Ofl l on# milo from GreenLonebtatloii,b6XweenKoxboroughasM|. Manaynnk. theSpfiugA'alley Ale Browety SJC aeTaraC land; stone b&m* sione dwelllng. dflice, &c.UnV r 7 - tar W in?Adr.Y?fs« r ANh •rßrofiMin.^fir. ’ OBUEC; I LAB A,pArAOITV.OP VIFTY JIAIUtEtS X PAY HTITB THE LATE I.UPROVKMfcNTB ANP KVEBYTUINtf OOM I’I.ETK FOE CONDUCTING TfIEJHJBXttXSS aXD, BHAPT F«t uimkdiatkube. Hftlfmayretnaiu. , ; ’.a37 'V. - $6OO to be paid at tho time of Bale • 1 SALE OF HORSES.- BREWERS* WAGONS; HAR NESS, BEER KFGI*, CASKS. TOOLS; *o.' ‘.-I Also, immediately alter the Leal Estate, aU thd zhoYO able property of the brewery.' \ _ REAL ESTATE SALE. MAY 5,18©, This Sole, on WEDNESDAY, at 13 o’clock* noon. ItttS Exchange, will include tho following— 2HTH WABD—Lafferty'a Point Breeze Hotel, witk over acres or land, fronting on the river road, Platt sttlfo Store. Clear >f incumbrance- Administrator? isale—hbtatr of J. a, hatfirty. dec'cl. SOUTHWARK HAY PREdS-MarHott etreet. aboY* Moyamensingav, by SUH feet-to- Hilniaa BtrooL No. 2311 SOUTH ST.— I Three-ftory brick house and lot 16 bv 92 feet, subject to S23M ground rent; Orphan? trjirt Sol*- Estate of S. Fleming* decPd, , ... COURT—'Three-atory brick house, aboro 12th and Mt. \ ercon at., lot 13 by 35 feet. Orphan fi* isoU—J£*iat.e of llm. yark-r.dec'd, NO. 2380 BROWN bT. -Tbroo atory brick lfibYhOfeet. Subject st 6 ground rent. Orphans' Court hoU—Estate q/(Jto, B. hprinyer. dec'd. RIDGE AV.—7 tu o-atory frame houses and valuable lot of ground, above 17th at.; lot 50 by 269 feet to Geary street. Orphan# Court Sale -JSntate of Jane Wallace. dec'cL NO. 2015 KIDGK ' aV.—Genteel Three-story^,Brick. Duelling, with oack buildiofU;lot2o by 7d ft. Mia the modern conveniences. NO. im CAMERON STREET—NeatThree-Btory.Br T ck Dwelling, with back building-; lot 17 bvtiOfoot. Subject to 63>y ground rest. Hxtotew Cha*. S. Fowlc, ded'd. N. 635 MoRKIS ST.— Biiclc Hotel- And Dwelling; lot 16 by 60 ft. Options' Court Site—JtSsWA ot V. Sirona, dcc'iL - ;. s.' S. E. COR. 218 T AND FILBERT ST.—Throo«tory Brick uotel and Dwelling; lB by 63Jtf ti*ec « to S4BM perannmn. Orphan? Court Siile—Suae GROUND RENT of $92 per annum, payable in stiver, well pecund and punctually paid. Orphans' Court Sale —rotate of BtOpht, minors. ' . . s ; HAMILTON ST.-- I Thrce-pto'y stone* residence, abovfr 35 h street, 24tli Ward. Lot 23;£fcjr98 foet Clear Qf in cumbrtme*. BUILDING LOT—West corner of Belgrade and Fre* iuon* syeef, 20 by l6lfeet. CUar Q/linc'^ubrancc. 1 NORRiSST'.—Three-atory brick dwelling above Tli’ , nop' son. Lot by 101 feet. Hale aosolut'. NO. 131 H BEACH ST.—Genteel t ureo-story brick dwel ling with back buildings. Lot 20 by 93 feet. NO. 1715 THOMPSON b« .—Neat throe-story brltk dwelling, with kitchon. Lot 14 by,45 feet " Jmniedfiife j/t> session. . 33f~ Catalogues on Saturday. Peremptory Sale Nos 1513 und 1515 America st. 4 MACHINERY OF, a BAW:MAi>UFA';Too.Y.shaft ing ANVILS, CIRLULaR SAWS* FIREPROOF. &c. On THURSDAY, MORNING* ; - At 11 oVock, will bo sold, America street, above'Jener eon, the entire MaChinOry of ,a Saw Manufactory.' com* prising shafting, Pulleys, Grindstone*, Anvil*, Power Punching Machine?, Hand and Machine Shears -Vises, Circular Saws, Gig. Saw, Kubbing Machine*, Screw Prases. Evan* & Wation'e and Lillie's Fireproof Safes, UflDe Furnituie. &o. Terms Oath. Salo Peremptory, l‘ LNTING. DURBGROW 6 CO., AUCTIONEERS, >- Noe. £32 and 234 MARKET atreot, ccrner ot Bankrt. to B. MYERB & CO. IMPORTANT SALE OF EUROPEAN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, (be., THIS DAY AND TO-MORROW. .. CARD—The utten-ion o! the Trade is reqaefitedto cur large Sale of Imported and Dumcetic Dry .Qood), em> ) r- Hug 1175 package* and lots of freehand valuable ar ticles. to be sold by catalogue, on four months' credit, i j MCnNING, at 10 o'clock, and to be continued da F; iday. *.ARGE SALE C F CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, CANTON MATTINGS. &a. ON FRIDAY MORNING. April 30, at 11 o'clock, on four months' credit, about 200 l iic.B Ingrain. Veßotium List Hemp, Cottage and Rag Ct-rpetiDge, Floor Oil Clotljs Matting*. &c. -ALSO— -27 bait* IUU lbs each) coioreo COTTON WARP. LARGE SALE OF FRENCH AND OTHER EUROPEAN DRY GOODS. ON MONDAY MORNING, May 3, at 10 o'clock,on four month*' credit. SALE OF 2000 CASGH BOOTS, SHOES, TRA VELING BAGS. Ac. ON TUESDAY MORNING. May 4 at 10 o’clock, on four month*' credit Bscott.jbTauctioneer! . SCOTT'S ART GALLERY 1020 CHESTNUT street Philadelohf* SPECIAL SaLE OF BEST QUALITY TRIPLE > SILVER PLATED WARE, O" FRIDAY MORNING. April so at IoM o'clock at Scott’s Art Gallery, 1090 Chestnut street, will he sold, without reserve, a full and uee.ujftl HShortmeut of best quality Extra Triple Silver Plated Ware, comprising Cliosed aud Plain Tea Soto, > t Hi, Goblets, Caetore, oalvera. Ice Pitchers, Epergoes, Cake Baskets, Fgg Stands, Napkin Rings, Spoons, Forks, 6c . &c. Open for examination early on the morning of Bale. THE PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISHMENT— S. £. comer of SIXTH and RACE streets. Money advanced on Merchandise generally—Watches, Jewelry, X iamonde. Gold and Silver Platen and-on aB articles of value, for any length of time agreed on. WATCHES AND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE SALE. Fine Gold Hunting Case and Open Face Lepine Watches t Fine Gold Duplex and other watches; Fine Bilver Hunt tm. Case and Open Face English, American and drill Potent Lever ana Lepine Watches; Doable Case English Quarter and other Watches: Ladies* Fancy Watchesi Di.-aiiond Breastpins; Finger Rings;Ear Rings; Studsj Sic. ; Fme Gold Chains: Medallions; Bracelets; Scarf Pin*; Breastpins; Finger Rings; Pencil Cases and jewelry * e io r ß *3ale. —A large and valuable Fireproof Chrat. .ui!»blofora Jewolar;co«t $650. . Al<a «everol Loti in South Gamden. Fifth and Ohertnat 4 |), tone LEES & CO.. t . AUCTIONEERS, No. BO# MARKET etroat. _ . HOOT AND SHOE BALES EVERY MONDAY AMD THURSDAY. LEGAL NOTICES* fN THB COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR TPE 1 city and County of Philadelphia.—ln the matter of tho trust ol the land known as ,, Belmoat."-Thaundoralßned. appointed Auditor by the Court to audit, settle and adjuar the second account of JOBEPH 3 LOV EKING, Trusteo of the estate known as "Belmont," under deeds of March 30 and 31* 1833* recorded is deed book T. H-No. 73* pages 254 and 260, and to report distribution or tha balance in ms hands, will meet th« parties. interested for that purpose at his Office. No. 206 South Third street. Phila delphia* on MONDAY. May 10th at 11 o’clock, A. AL KDWAKu M, irA-A.<^K^^ ap29 th 8 tn6ts IN'THE-COURT OF COMMON FLEAS FOB Tttfi Jl Citv and County of Philadelphia.—ln the matter of tliu Trdat of the land known as “Lanadown, No. 3.”—Tho undersigned appointed auditor by the Court to audit* fettle »nd adjust tho second account of JOSEPH S. LOV- EttiNf*. Truatoeof the estate known aa "Lanadowii No. Blonder Deeda of Nov. B! and 22, 1853, recorded in Book T. H., No. 120, p. 183, 189, and to report distri bution of the balauce in hia hands. will meet the parties inteierted for that purpose at his ofhce, No.. 2bG Soutit Third street, Philadelphia, onMONDAY, Slay 10, .1869, at U . 0 pJ<jth k B .fu6u' UPWARD M. PAXSON. Auditor.;' IN THE DISTRICT COUitT FOR THE CETV AND. lCounty of Philudolpbift.- BENJAMIN V. CKISWELIj « WiLuaM K. LOAS, JOHN L. BAURINUER and SIMON UCHTEN. Vond. ex. March Term, 1863. O 744 * The undersigned hereby gives notice that ho haaboea appointed Auditor in the District Court lor the city end county «f Philadelphia, to dictribute the-fund now in Court, aripicc from the sale by the BhorifT of the follow ing described real estate of the defendant. SIMON Lit HTfcN, to wit: All that lot or piece or ground, wiih the buiidinge and improvements thereon erected. situate on the southeast cornor of i- ourth atreot and Willow street, in that part of the city of 1 hiUtlelphia formerly called tlie Northern Liberties, now the Twelfth Ward of the said city; containing in front or breadth on said Fourth street fifteen foot nine inches, and in length or depth along the south side of the said Willow street fifiy nine feet to a certain nine feot wideallty load ing from John's court into the said Willowstreet. (Being tne eame premises which Dnniel Kellner and wife, by in denture dated December 20th, 1864 and rocorded in L it. R. No. 66, page 831, &0., granted and conveyed unto Matild Lichtea. wifo of said Simon Lichten, in foe.) The Auditor gives notice tiiat he will hoar a-ll partie*# having claim upon said fund, at his office. No. b-3 1 Wal nut street, in the city of Philadelphia,on WLDNbSDAV* sth May. \m\ at 11 o'clock A. M , when and where all nervous are reunited to make thoir claim or bo dobarroa lo,n ambl * iD °“ cilRIS d STUAI £ T PATTERSON, Auditor. np£2-lUt* CARAIJ S. HAWKTNS, BY HKR NBXT &<£• O v«. WILLIAM 11 HAWKbS. Common J lean, in Divorce. Sept. Term, 10»>v 23 , rt „ f «rn-You To WILLIAM HJIIAWKIMS. Bospondcnt-SiR. You will ploase take notice .bet tnei.ourt '“J 1 " “ h oU ld not itu you to show cauao wby a (Inoi'oo a -' ■ be decreed. pern mul service on you J*' I“* latukdAY. count of your absence. Rule returnabta, bATUia>Aii. Mi»y loth 18b9, ut 11 •* clock A •• u u pifth and Sixth* Court Hoom, street, betrttou riiui uuu mall. bulUliue of stow KET )!IEFFER. Respectfully, ,u hs South Sixth street, iipr . Atiorneyfor Mre. Hawkins. IN THE ORPHANS' CURT PHIiImV.rT^nVTMP DVUH, sd?oreportSstrniution of the balance inthe ‘“S'l'ti'i tl, Of Aud'tor. _ 1-1 TIIF DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED I states for tnc Eastern District bfPenn.jlvania.-ln lunkniplcy. The undersigned ■Spiwf£ l’i- aopointniont an Assignee oi MICHAEIj GLISKu M iN P ‘ot Philadelphia, within said District, who baa been adjudged a bar krnpt upon his own petition by too D,stria Court of said CARpENTBR< Assignee, 243 South Third at. To tbo Creditors of said Bankrupt. ap!s ttl3f tldtters op administration having been Ij granted to the subscriber upon the Estate oi REBEC CA vANTINE, deceased, all persons indebted to tha same-will makoTMiynient»aDd..thaajxJbß-VUui.siitjnitpro seut them to GE.jRGE W. VANTINE, IffiSMontgomerj 1 avenue, below Frankford road. ■ ap» tn6f__ MIC. IRON.-100 TONS NO. 1 GIiEMGARNOCK J Scotch Pis Iron, for sale, ox-ship, In lola to suit, by PET F.II WRIGHT & SONS.Jdo Wainutstroet._ /-l ANTON PRESERVED GINGER.—PRESERVED \J Ginger, in syrup. of the celebrated Ohylooiu oyajj* also, Dry Preserved Ginger, in JtoxeaJmpor*ed eate by JO3. B. BUSBUiR & CO., Md South Doiawara avenue.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers