ammnßß SKXriCßg* L -THIS WgftßgffftrgS’TMM." “Mlm fey lies GbMtavt street qSiwrit «gUgim )y»-w.«,mtn %OfflcW gs£*‘ feTWgWO^ 01 Ko. 10Q6 Chertnnt Street. Wardrooms. 911 Cbe»tont«tfeet^»^«t^ evening bulletin. Wednesday, April 28, 1809. THB RKWBPAPBB SOABBAt. The publication made yesterday by the Kew York Sun, concerning Mr. John Rus eell Young, and hiß management of certain newspapers, has created a great sensation among the public generally, but especially among newspaper men. The documentary evidence furnished by the various letters iB very strong. To offset this we have a state ment from Mr. John D. Stockton, of the Morning Post , which we copy to day. Fur ther developments are hinted at from the other side, and as legal proceedings have been begun in New York concerning the business, the public is likely to hear enough of it. As the matter now stands, the whole of the inde pendent press of the country must look upon the developments as scandalous and disgrace ful to the last degree. TOB PRESS AND *HH OFFICES. A New York editor of a paper claiming to ■ be Republican aspired to a high office under , President Grant He failed to get it, but was offered one not so high, though still respect- , able and lucrative. He declined it because it . was not what he hoped for, and has now en tered upon the business of abusing the Presi dent This is a kind of business that pays in . New York city, where the populace is largely ! Democratic and where the municipal adver tising is awarded to any newspaper that will abuse a Republican administration; and tins corporation advertising is a valuable thing in a'eorruptly organized and corrtptly governed city like New York. It keeps several papers alive that have no other visible means of sub sistence. It is greatly to the credit of Philadelphia that no editor of a Republican paper here, of any standing,has asked President Grant for an office. Each one gives him and his administration a candid and generous support; but being under no special obligation and bav iDg no special expectation, each one feels at liberty to criticise the acts of the Government in an independent way. There is scarcely any other great city which has not, under ■every administration, had a portion of its press subsidized, in a quiet, genteel way, by office, or the hope of office. Philadelphia, under the Republican administration of ■Grant, is an honorable exception. So far as •we know, no Republican ioumalist of this city has received or has asked for an office from the new administration. The truth is that there is hardly any in the gift of the Government, which, during a few years of honest administration, would pay a man for giving np a position as pro prietor, or editor, or assistant editor of a re spectable aud well established newspaper. There are plenty of offices where “the steal ings” might pay; but respectable editors have regard for reputation, and there is not one ot them that would risk it for the doubtful ad vantage of any office, especially as the term of office is short, and only tolerable attention to it unfits a journalist for proper resumption of his professional duties when the term is over. There are plenty of men who, under pretence of having been instrumental through the journals iB electing Grant, have aßked him for office; but there have been none really connected with and interested in well established and independent newspapers, in this city at least. In New York, Boston and many other cities there have been office - hunters who were also editors, and there are editors who abuse President Grant because be has not given them the offices they sought. But there is nothing of the kind in Philadelphia. THE niDNIbUr mssioN. Among the public charities of this city there is one which, from its nature, cannot he clamorous for assistance, but which from the nobility of its object, the excellence of its method, and its success, deserves liberal and generous support, . We refer to the Midnight Mission, instituted for the purpose of reclaim ing lost women. This benevolence is con ducted by ladies and gentlemen who secure the attendance of the outcasts at the mission ibonse, where they are received with kindly ■sympathy, and are furnished with food, clothing, work, and religious instruction until homes can be secured for them in the •country, away from temptation and the evil influences of old associations. The work already done is wonderful. It is impossible to recapitulate it here, but we may say that of theiarge nnmber of women rescued from •destruction, nearly all have reformed perma nently, and from comfortable homes sent messages eloquent with gratitude to those .good <Christians who turned their straying feet into the paths of purity. That a single individual of this apparently hopeless class has been saved, should be sufficient encouragement to make sturdier effortß in behalf of others. It should awaken •the people to a perception of the possibility •of efieoting a crest reform, and healing a threatening disease that festers in onr social eystom. jit is not fashionable philanthropy. It cannot be made the subject of enthusiastic meetings, or-of general conversation. Bat it a familiar .evil upon which the press may Tpeah clearly and boldly, and in contempla of which every honest man and woman ißßS&fcel an eager desire for reform. No hsnan bring can lall so low as to be unwor thy of Christian sympathy. The greater the depth of misery and disgrace into which the lost one is plunged, the more nearly Di vine Will be the compassion which hears the , despairing cry and stretches out its helpiug through the darkness. These poor are in the lowest depth. They are the 'fcHtfiahß of onr communities. They are. the objects of nil men’s scorn, of contumely, of disgust hud contempt They are lost to boner, to decency, to hope. There is no promise of ...good, for them in, this world or the next. The gates .of mercy are shut upon them, and their short lives are spent in a reckless debauchery which is enfnriated by blank despair. Surely it iB a pure and good philanthropy which does not fear to take these defiled ones by the hand, and while leading them np to the broad ways of virtue and proving to them that they are not utterly forgotten and de spised by their fellows, supplies them with the sublime consolations of religion, and teaches them eternal as well as temporal sal - vation. This is better than the conversion Of an empire of pagans. One woman of our own race, redeemed from shame, is a better trophy of Christianity than a million mere religious proselytes. That such philanthropy has an active and earnest existence among us, is a surety of our progress in that Christian civilization which exalieth a people, We recommend this Mis sion and its work to the good men and women of this city, in the hope that its appeal for help in its present extremity of poverty wil[ meet with a generous and liberal response. The hands of our citizens have not been closed to noiser but less deserving appeals. We wish that they may be as lavish in this instance, when the call is more earnest than ever, and the object is so clearly good as to need but little demonstration. Unntlnn, uurborow & Co., Auction. »EBB. Noe. MS and 234 Market street, will bold on to-morrow (Thursday), April 29, by p™?™ months' credit, at 10 o’clock, a large sale of Foreign and Domestic Goode, Including 178 nackagea Dnniee tlcs, 800 pieces Cloths, Cassimereß, Doeskins, Meltons, Tricots, Italians, Satin de Chines, Drap d Etc, Ac., fell lines Shirting, Housekeeping and Tailoring Linen Goods, a large line of W bite Goode and Toilet Quilts. Also, Dress Goods, Silks, Shawls &C,; 3,000 dozen Hosiery and Gloves; Balmoral and Hoop Sktrte.Shirta Slid Drawers, Ties, Tailors' Trimmings, Umbrellas, Ac.; foil line Ready-made Clothing. On Friday, April 30, at 11 o’clock, on fonr months credit, abont 200 pieces Ingraln. Venttlan Hemp, Cottage, and Rag Carpetings, Floor Oil Cloths, Mat ting*, Ac. Public Sale. - Very Superior Best. pbnob and Fu*nitfb».— Thomas <s> Sons advertise for May 3d, on the premises, the very elegant roar btory brick residence. No. 1910 Bpruce; bos all the modern improvements and conveniences ; tl Dy feet to Howell strtet. Also, the elegant Furniture. Open duby foi examination, gale of Lafferty’s Point Breeze lkmti.. —’amts A. Freeman'* sale nea:i h’edrteerta!/ includes the ire ll-known Fowl Breeze Hotel, with Iljtf a res of land, to be sold by order of Administrators of j. C. Lafftrty'H Estate. TAR R F. THOMAS, THE LATE OPERATOR AT 1) the Colton Dental A.sociation, is now tbo <mll/ one in Philadelphia who devotee his entire time and practice lo extracting teeth, abeolutiily w lJhout rain, by fresh nitrous oxide gas. No. 1027 ly rn<S el reet. ... - /10LT0N DENTAL ASSOCIATION ORIGINATED VV the BDCMthttiC use of . _ /s*a NIThOUB OXIDE, OK LAUGHING GAS. And devote their whole time and practice to extracting to Ofl.ce U Kishtrail'd Walnut streets. anM lyl WARBURTON’S IMPROVED, VENTILATED and easy-fitting Dress Hats (patented) In alltheao nroved faehions of the season. Chestnut Btreot, next door to the Post Cilice, ocfi-tfrp / inOQUET BETB. AT VARIOUB PRICES. AND \ Vsivanized or plain QuoUb ; also bon Dumb BeUa for sale by TRUMAN i BHaW. No. 836 I Eight Thirty-five) Market street, below Ninth. _ -IRON" FIXTURES AND STRONG ROPES TOR 1 Swines in city or country, for pale b? TRUMAN a till AW, No. 835 (Eight Thirty-live) Market street, below Ninth. /AIL CLOTH VISES; CARPET STRETCHERS; CP- U holslerers’ and Housekeepers’ Tack Hammers, and punerior oua'itv Iron, Tinned and Leather-headed racks . iTsa?£ hy Tia.MAN A SHAW No 835 (Eight Thirty five) Market street, below Ninth, Phila. __ IQLtO —GET V OUR HAIRCUT AT KOPPjI lbby. Saloon, by tirst-daßs Hair Uuttore. Children a llair Ci tat their Residence. Hair and Whiskers Dyed. Razors set in order. Open Bunday morning. ISS Exohango - G. a KOPP. I)J(. IRON. 10U TONS NO. 1 GLEWGARNOCK Ji Hcotril Bin Iron . for sale .rx ehip, In loti* to Butt, by HF.TEK WRIGHT A SONS, 116 vValnnl ntroot. ARE YOU A CONNOISSEUR IN MEERSCHAUM A Pipes and Dinar Tubes? WILEY BROTHERS have a Boperlor ttock at Elghth and Walpiit. ap23-rp tft DEB MODEB. Wit WALNUT STREET. MRS. PROCTOR. Cloak*, Walking Suite, Bilks, Dress Goods, Lace Shawls, Ladies* Underclothing and Ladies* Para. Dresses made to measure in Twenty-four Hours. rpuOß'E PTVE CENT YARA CIGARB! SPLENDID, 1 ain't they Country merchants are invited to call and famine them at VVILEY BROTHERS, Eighth and Walnut streets. ap23-rptf©_ BARGAINS IN FINE AUIUMS.-VLLVET. IjT Turkey Morocco and Antique Binding. Blank Books, Stationery, Holiday Books, Bibles, Games, Ladies* Companions, Pen knives, Pockot-books, Scissors and Fancy Goods, Belling low. White. Buff and Canary Envelopes, 16 cents per hun dred. Fine Note Parer, $1 per ream. Portfolios, 16 cents and upward. Fine Cutlery. Leather Goods, Chess, Cards, Dominoes, end all parlor games** ancy Goods, Ac., &c, ap2l 4p tfi 129 and 181 8, EII.LITH SI REET. rrIIEBEST CIO ARB AND TOBACCO ARE OBTAINED 1 at WILEY BROTHERS. N. W. corner Eighth and Walnut ftriete. ap23-rptlt TpoU INVALIDB.-A FINE MUSICAL BOX AS A f companion for the eicfc chamber: the finest assorts mentin the city, and a great variety of airs to seloct (torn. Imported direct by FARR a BROTHER, mh!6 tfrp 394 Chestnut street, below Fourth. MAFXBEN & WITTETYis CHESTNUT STREET, have all prices reduced, and are selling now : v.bina Tea Set*, 46 pieces ■••••••••: ' * ‘"S Heft iron stone Clumber Beta complete, 10 pieces. .. A6O Hei-t Iron-stone Tea Seta, 46 pieces.. ..... • • ■ • 600 Best Parisian Granite Dinner and Tea Beta, 100 nieces uii Iltft White China Dinner and 'tom Sota, 100 pieces .10 00 Beet Double-eiit China Dinner and Tea Seta, 100 i leces /v ou French Crystal Goblete, fcl 50 pm dozen. Bohemian Engraved Gokleta, »4 60 per doz. ap23-6trp4 TTpNljliNK uiLtawocl.with full directions \J for use. Fresh Bethlehem. Canada and Scotch uat m<aL Pearl Bago, Hards* Farinaceous Food, itacahout, Cox*s Gelatine, < ’.aracas Cacao and other Dietetics. lor salu by JAMES T. feHINN, B. W. cor. Broad and Spruce streets. _ap!3_tfrp TA' IHTF. BHETLA ND 811 AWLS AT $3 15.—A CASE W of White Shetland oliaww at S 3 75. GKCIttiEW VOGEL, 1203 Cheats tit atrcet I AJdhS 8. NEWBOLJ.) ii SON, J DILI, BROKER* 1 AND GENERAL FINANCIAL AGENTS, apivmrp' 126 B'. U'l H BEOOND STREET. D~ 0 YOU want PRIME NAVY FINE CUT, OR Ckvendbh? Go to <v LLEY’B, at Eighth and Walnut ■troeta. ap23-l P tfy FRENCH EMHROIDERED MUSLIN MAHIE ANTOI NETTE FICHUS. —Some entirely new nod vary nt tractive ilitides Id Muslin Fichus, selected out of the most coleorated establishment* in Paris for the eaten of GEO. W. V‘)GEL. 1202 Oheatuut street ap26 6trp* TPARABOLB. ALL THE NEWEST LONDON &Dd Parle styles, which (or novelty, variety and elegauce are unequalled. A large assortment of La<*k cov enn. DKA-btm: and Sun l 1 m the lowest prices. at U. DiXuN’S FANCY UjODd STOKE, No. 21 bouth Eighth street. ap2B-lm,rp T read'’i""readi readl important to Ladiesl Ease, Economy, Disability and bl>le! If you want shoes with all the abovo qn&litiee for Ladies, Mirses, Children and Youth*, you cun obtalu them at WEST’S, No. 234 South Eleventh St. apB lm4p / —h 1 BIMON (IARTLANI). UNDERTAKER, 86 South Thirteenth street. tnh26 fimorpj - , HUNTER'S PATENT BPEO3 CAN he had at hi* Store, No. 137 Bouth W* * fciigbih, above Walnut. apl4tf4p REPAIRS TO WATCHES AND MUSICAL Boxes, in the best manner, by skillful workmen. JPgk FARR & BROTHER, Wtwi 324 Chestnut street, below Fourth. n MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED UPON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELBY, PLATE, CLOTHING. & OLD-EBTABLIBHBD LOAN OFFICE. Comer of Third and Gaakil) etreeta, Below Lombard. N. B,—DIAMONDS, WATCHES. JEWELBY, GUNS, de., fob hale at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES apM.lmrpft GAINS IN THICK FI uB 'rob W. VOGEUNo. ISM ChflfltCDl etreot, iorltco »a ntlon to a lot of French Groakfact Bbib, rpUofd on the couDtcrto fro cold at $2 60 o BOt, Roods that Bold up io thle (noriilLß at $6, stf» $7 to $8 60 a BBt, JJ** euiat 9>i &0. _®? a 7 _ TVOLCE par niente. -enjoyment height. A ) tMd by tbo*« splendid Yaro Oigare sola by WILEY, Eighth and Walnut. ap23-rptfs THE DAILY EVENING WEDNESDAY,A™k g A, SIRES OF SIXTY, SCIONS OF SIX EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR, "S. E. Coi. Chestnut and Seventh Streets. Ghoioe Goods for Present Season. In daily receipt of Rev and Staple Spring Good*. GRANDFATHER’S SUNDAY COAT. •RENCH BREAK! OliOTHlNfl SUITED WANAMAKER & BROWN’S. It was oi homo-made woven stuff, A genuine azure bine ; And Grandma wove the cloth herself In seventeen ninety-two. It was not cut as coats are now ; The sleeves were made so tight, He had to rise to put it on Before the morning light. With collar of tremendous size. This venerable coat Rose np against the back of his head And warmed his neck and throat. Bo (|ucor in those peculiar dajß The fashions did prevail, The hinder part of the ooat was shaped Much like a swallow’s tail. They kept things long in Grandpa's days From records, it appears, That he wore this most remarkable coat Some fifteen or twenty years. But coats arc nicer and cheaper now ; Yon can buy for a trifle, or more, Better coats than Grandfather ever saw At Rockhlll & WilßOn’s Store. Bra?s Coats with Bine Buttons are all the go now lor evening entertainment. Light Pants ol delicate hues and tasteful cut enable the Ameri can citizen of the most moderate Beans to oat shine her Majesty’s subjects in the new court rig just inaugurated for her receptions. Everything in the masculine clothe. Mdc that a male human can want, for business or pleasure, at prices so far below what our grandparents used to pay, that if those venerable persons were to call in and see, they would open their eyes bo wide that their moasure could not bo taken. Do you want the worth of your money ? Then bring your money to ROCKHILL & WILSON S Great Brown Clothing House, 603 and 605 Chestnut Street. COOPER & OONARD, S. E. corner Ninth and Market. GREAT PANIC IN CABBIMERES. GREAT PANIC IN CABSIMERE9. GREAT PANIC IN CASSIMERES. CABBIMEBEB NEVER 80 LOW. OABBIMEREB NEVER BO LOW. CABBIMEIIEB NEVER 80 LOW. ALL-WOOL CABBIMEREB. 50c. ALL-WOOL OABBIM KRES. 62c. ALL-WOOL OABBI.MEREB, 55c. ALL WOOL CABdIMERES, 85c. SUPERIOR CASBIMEREB, 81. EVERYTHING IN FINE WOOLENS. mb3Mm4pt OGDEN & HYATT, TAILORS, No. 827 ARCH STREET, late with watajhaker & drown. The Finest Goods, French, English and Domestic. Terms moderate. ftp!4 Ido4p . CHILDREN’S CLOTHINti. OPENING OF CHILDREN’S CLOTHING AT MBS. E. KEYSER'S, On Thursday, April 29ib, 1869, No. 1227 CHESTNUT STREET. av 22 6trp* G ALLOW AI G MORRIS.* CQ , RETAIL DEALERS IN UEHIOH AND SCIHJVI.KII.L OOAS,. Office—No, 2th WALNUT Street- Yard-Pout ol TASKER Street ALL THE FAVORITE BRANDS OF BMOKING TO barco, including Lone Jack, Perwko, Lynehburg, Hlthlander, etc.. *i.»y bo had at the lowest raced of WILRY BROTHERS, N. W. corner Eighth and WiJnat etieeta. a»2»n>ttt DBY eOOJDBi PLAIN BLACK DRESS 600 BS Batiste. - Grctones. Farisiennes. Tamiees. Mousselines. French Bombazines. English Bombazines. ALSO. French Alpacas. AlpacQß. Gloßßy Mohairs. Alpaca Poplins. AU- Wool Poplins. Bilk and Wool Poplins. Irish Poplins. Australian Crapes. Bercge Hernanis. T amice Hernani. Camel’s Hair Baregeß. By zantines Florentines. Crape Maretz. English Grenadines. ALSO. Bilk Chaly. Bilk Grenadines. Lyons Gros Grain Silks. Lyons Taffeta Bilks. Foulard Bilks. Frenoh Jaconets, &c. l'Olt SALS by BESSON & SON, moubnihg dry goods house, No. 918 CHESTNUT ST. PRIDE & WOOD, N. w, corner Eighth and Filbert Sto. Daily reef iviDß new floods from auction sales aDd other "‘’moo yards Plaid and St ipo Nainsook Muslk» 3 too yard. Stripe and Plaid Swiss ~ o~ix 6 „ Namrook Muslins, fine qualities, *5. 30, 33, 36, 3710. 51 Cambrics, .jaconets, Victoria Lawns. Swiss "itieiirdf Plqueß, very cheap. White Biillianls,Ss, 31. 37)4C. per yard. Marseilles yuilt,. Marseilles Quilts, very cheap, at *4 60. «&. *6 60, *«. S« S u,hu« UP l ° Honeycomb and Jacquard Umlte. fr**™,*!- Sarpine in Table Linens. Napkina and Towel*, htmry Diaper and Apron Bird-eye. Bleached and Unbleached Table Linen*. Kutaia and American Crash, &c. BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKa Black Grot* Grain Silk*, $2, 2 63 25, 82 36, $3 mid bO a yard. Several uew let* of mixed PopiioN Ai and 45r. a yard. Silk mixed Poplins, small figure yard ; worth 81. Stnpo Poplin* . 25c. a yard ; co«t 2£mlm*>rt a tripe Percale*, and Su ipe A lpaca Lustres, Black Alpaca*, Js>o, 45> 50. bJX db, Ladies' and < rente’ Hosiery and Glove*. Children's Hosiery and Gloves. Ladies’ Kid Glovca, $1 a pair. .lonvm’t* Kid Gloves, be*t quality imported. Bonnet and Trimming Ribbons .. _ m __ 4 _ f s o« o yard* Lam burg k dginga and lnaertinge. J 1 .***® Rnflhnge, Sandimrbam Rufllings; Coventry Rafltlngs, Dai*y Trimmings and Marseilles Trimmings. PRICE & WOOD. N. W. COR. EIGHTH AND FILBERT BT3. It . GREAT DEMONSTRATION DRY GOODS. 727 CHESTNUT STREET. RICKEY, SHARP & 00. Prior to the reorganisation of their Business on the First of May JVext, Most Extraordinary Concentration DRY GOODS KXHIBITKI) IN THIB CITY. X&rUr HtocbL i» unrivaled for cxuinl and variety .and general adaptation to tbe -wants of their patrons, and will he found replete with the most approved staples and novelties in desirable fabrics of recent im- portation. One Price, no deviation, and all Roods Guaranteed as Represented !!! ap^rptf PERKINS & CO,, 9 SOUTH NINTH STBEET, Would auk attention to their &took of BLACK HERNANIES, diamond mesh. »nh6 Imw 3m4pB J- CHAMBERS. 810 ARCH STREET. ° LUMA LACE POINTES. ,V«ma lace parasol covers nIAMt THREAD LACF.B.aII very low prices. BDACn. WHITE GOODS. PLAID NAINSOOK, from 26 cents WRENCH MUSLIN, 2 yards wide, 60 cento, ii vrhEiLLEB FOR DKESsES. from 26 oonta to SI 9 . HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS. NEEDLE WORK EDGINGS ANIJ INSERTIONS. “ lder regl,,arß C!S ayl3-IlJ>6 au34 lmtp will Offer' me Of Bargains in All widths, including thonew wjrtrcjMGe. jgw«ajnnr» *«>» CLARK & BIDDLE, Jewelers and 8. lve smiths, WILL OPEN THEIR NEW STORE, No. 1124 Chestnut Street, To-Morrow, Thursday, April 29 th. REMOVAL. V.J.MagniD,Puedin&Co beg to enpounce that they have removed their place of bußineee from No. 2 MAIDEN DANE to 625 BROADWAY, N.Y. (fcetwfen Bleecker and Bond fU.), and i(Tor. from fhelr Bprine lm portallonaa compH’to and eluirant assortment of their sptcialtits In WATCHES, HOKSt-ri'nEHS, JEWKLKir, CLOCKS, BRU./KS, mCSICAL BOXES And I’AftCT OOi.OS. SOLE A OF.NTH FOR THE SAMDIfiI WATCH. ap2B W 1 UiOtrpft JAB. E. CALDWELL & CO., No. 819 CHESTNUT STREET, (Until their Blore ia rebuilt) IMPORTERS OF DIAMONDS Manufacturers of Diamond Jswolry. SOLE AGENTS IN AMERICA FOR H. B. EKEGEES'S Geneva and Copenhagen Watches, EepeaterB and Chronographs. SPECIAL AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF Gorham Ul an ufac taring Company’* FINE ELECTRO PLATED WARES. ARTISTIC SILVER WARE?. A very full and valuable collection io NEWEST DE SIGNS for Bridal Presents and Household Uae. MABTEL CLOCKS, FIHE BBONZBS, v PAKCY ARTICLES. None but FIRST CLASS GOODS KEPT, end every ARTICLE BOLD UPON ITS OWN MERITS. t ap6 m w_f_2ms CLARK & BIDDLE, 712 CHESTNUT STREET. English Sterling SILVERWARE. The PRESENT FACILITIES of ChARK A BIDDLE enable them to offer a large variety of new patterns at as low prices as any other house in the trade. fe37 s w U rps CLARK & EVANS, No. 630 Chestnut Street. OPEN DAY AND EVENING. Jobbing at Manufacturers’ Prices. RETAILING AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Gold 'Watches, Silver Watches, Fine Jewelry. Plated Ware, Ociman Accordeoni, Splendid Chromoe, Photograph Albums, Family Bible?, Tablo Cutlery, PdckrtDuiicry, Pocket Books, &c.. Money eaved by purchasing your goods of -s CLARK & EVANS. ap23 tfrp nomF«Ae, direct to. SwchStoitlStreet. TURNER & WAYNE. DRUGGISTS Perfumery, Essential Oils.&c,, NO. 26 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Offer to the Trade a well assorted stock, com* prising in part Low, Bon A Haydon’s Soaps and Perfumery. Ben bow A Son’s Soaps and Pomados. Lnbin's Extracts, Lavenders and Soaps. Lubta’s Toilet Powders, “Rose,” ‘•Vlolot,” Ac- Oondray's Perfumery, Cosmetics, Ac. Marcerou’s French Blacking (in tin), Taylor's Patent Lint. English Graduated Measures. Bair, Mail and Tooth Brashes. Buffalo, Horn and Ivory Dressing Combsi French Extracts, "in bulk.” Mortars, Pill Tiles and Sick Feeders. Mow’s Nursing Bottles. Filtering Paper (white and gray). Orange Flower Water. Bay Rnm, Chamois Skins. Hards Farinaceous Food. India Rubber Goods. Oita of Roses, “in fancy vials," Ac., Ac. Jean IVfarie Farina, w-*-ftm4p4 Re«j-ceffully inform* tbc;Public that he ha* opened h is New Music Store, 1-113 CHESTNUT STREET, fOppo.ite Homer, CollmJay 6 Co.’» Dry Oood, Felloe.) American and Foreign Sheet Mnsic, Aeeucv forthc World’.RoUowned Munich Photo*r»pt* ol the Also e<m*t*nlly on band. a complete rtock crf LEY- PulJ>T & BOOKS, . TaachnlU Edition ol lirttUh Autboiv.Didot’e KdiUoo of the F rench ClftMics ete. Ju«t rrct-ivrd l'hoto«r*rhp of the called tbe nero**s n( Music of Italy. France and Eng}*®|*. «° D ' taininf kb life like Portrait, 3 tlxe#, 8U 84 and $L at23Btrp6 _• ■ Ufak Bin llnviDg mode Shirt Cutting a Specialty in my business ior several years, I desire to call your particular attention to my “IMPROVED PAT TERN YOKE SHIRT." which, after repeated < zperimenta, alterations and improvements, is respectfully submitted for your approval. The encomiums of dealers upon their own war< s is by do means of rare occurrence, and must always be received with some grains of allowance. Nevertheless, I may state, without fear of contradiction, that my patrons, so far as heard from, pronounce them to be fully eqnal, in point of fit, workmanship and material, to any manufactured. Stationery. Perfumery, Suependere, Neck Ties, Hosiery, Casaimeret), Linen Table Covers, Linen Napkins, Linen Handkerchiefs, 1 _ B 'Woolen Tabic Udvertij Notions, Ac., Ac. MiscixunEoini. IMPOETEUS OF SUNDRIES, AGENTS FOR No. 4 PLACE JULIEBS, CO loose. LOUIS MEYER WITH A CHOICE STOCK OF PIANOS, &c. Goethe and Schiller Galleries, by Kaulbach end other Celebrated ArlUte. TO GENTLEMEN. I Append » List of Prloes: From Made to Stock. Order. French Cretonne Bhirt* and CoUatv. .. ...$3 60 ©3 76 New York Mill* Muslin Bhirta, very fin® Linen Warnfutta MlUe Mnalin Shirts, very fine Linen Lonsdale MHtn Mnalin Skins, very fine Linen. A Very Good Skirt Old Bbirta Re-bosomed Linen Drawers Jean Drawers Muslin Drawers Respectfully, yours, C. HENRY LOVE. H. W. cor. Fifth and Chestnut BU., Phllads. ap26 tffp ~ H. P. db O. R. TAYLOR, PEMTHEBY ABU TOILET SOAPS, 641 and 643 B< Htntli Street, SKOOEBIISSi THE CELEBRATED M. &, F\. MARYIAND HAMS o*l HI R CHOICE BRANDS,, FOR BALE BY MITCHELL & FLETCHER, 1204 CHESTNUT STREET. ip2 lyrp ~ To Families Going to the Country, Our slock of strictly fine quality of Staple and Fanoy Greoeries was never more complete than now. We ahaU strive to sell as low as tuoh fine good* can possibly be purohased and guarantee everything Great oaro will be taken to pack securely, and deliver free of oharge to any tfepot bp express officeinthe , city SIMON COLTON & CLARKE* S. W. corner Broad and Walnut Sts.. lal f m w Ift 3 60 8 00 3 25 3 76 3 00 3 60 3 75 1 76 3 00 9 SO 1 60 1 75 1 36 I 60 SECOND EDITION. TOMMY’S CABLE QUOTATIONS Marine Intelligence By toe Atlantic cable. London,* April 28, A. M.—Consols, 93% for both money and occonnt. U. S. Five-Twenties, 80%. Stock*, steady. Erie Railroad, 22%; Illinois Cen tral, 98%. . . Livkbfool. April 28, A. M —Cotton, quiet; Middling Uplands, 11%@12d.; Middling Orleans, 12%@12%d.; the soles of the day are estimated m 8,01)0 bales. Shipments from Bombay since lost report to the 25th inst.. 58.900 bales. London, April 28. A. M—Tallow, 445. 3d. Ro sin, 6s. for common, and 10s. for fine. IT!urine intelligence. Nsw Yens, April 28.—Arrived, steamship City of Manchester, from Liverpool. Londondsbdv, April 28.—Arrived, steamship Mo ravian, from Portland, Me. Fobtbzss Mobbo*, April 28.—Arrived, schooner <J. W. Vannaman, from Bwan Island, for orders. Ban Pbanoiboo. April 28.—Cleared, ship General McClellan, for Liverpool, taking ont 13,000 sacks of wheat Sailed, ship Eesolote. for Baker’s Is'and. Fobtbbbb Monboz, April 28.—Arrived—Bark Ti tnula, from Itio, for orders. New Yobk. April 29.—Arrived—8tcamshlp Colom bia, from llavana. tVcatncr Report. April 28, 9 A. M. Flatster Cove Halifax Portland Boston Now V orh Philadelphia Wilmington, Del.. Washington, D.C.. Fortress Monroe... Richmond Aognsta, Ga. Charleston, 8. C,.. Oswego. Buffalo.. Pittsburgh......... Mobile New Orleans Key West Havana. State of Tbermomcter Tills Day at tl»e Halletln office. 10 A. U 71 dec 19 M 74 dec 9P. M Webber dear. Wind Northweet. Ibe Strike In the Fotterlen in Trenton (From tbe Newark Courier, April 37.] On Monday eight of the potteries to the viel ol y of Trenton closed for want of hands to con tinue operations. Some six weeks ago the opera tives refuted to work In consequence of the boas potters desiring to rednee tlielr wages. Several attempts have been made to etTect a compromise between the contending parties, bnt tbe employers remained Inexorable, anticipating the employda would back down, which they have been saved from doing through the generosity of various Trades Unions through out the country. Bince the strike commenced the greater number of the strikers have left the city and sought work elsewhere; so that should the bosses accede to tbe demand of the opera tivf», they will still be greatly discommoded for a sufficiency of hands. FBOiTI yew Vo nil. New Tors, April SB.—A horse, hitched to a heavy truck, look fright and ran away In Washington street, yesterday, running over two little girls, while they were sluing In a doorway. The youngest, who was aboet two nDd a half years old, was killed instantly, ard the other, about five years, Is probably fatally in jured. An investigation showed that the driver was not to blame, and he. having been arrested, was dis charged Irutn custody. Tbe Alnmnl of Union College resident In this city ar.d vicinity, dined together last evening at Delmonf coV Wm. Tracy presided, and addresses were made b» Bishop Potter. Bon. John K. Porter, Hon. Jotn Bigelow, Hon. Chas. A Phelps, and others. V rsterdoy afternoon Edward J. Martin, Jr., a yonlh 19 years of age, attempted to murder Mrs. Mlttie Hr inflow, of 55 Amity street, by shooting her with a pistol. Jealonsy is supposed to have been tbe canso if the act. Mrs. Brinslow was seriously wounded In tbe-4eft-*!de. Ihe Ihrce-etory building Nos MO and MS West Fifteenth street, used as a distillery, was destroyed by fl:e yesterday momiog.the loss amounting to $100,090. THE COURTS. Dibteiitt Cot-KT— Judge Thayer.- My-r. v*. T'n» JVnneylvariia Railroad Company, before reported. Mill on tnaJ. Diotriot Court— Judge Stroud, ‘iherman. Bro. &, Co., vo. T. J Martin A Co. An action to re-over for an alleged breach of rontrnct for the delivery of llquore, the plaintiff, complaining that the barrels forwarded by the defendant* did not contain the quan tity agreed upon. On trial. Oybb arm TnaxtrißU - Judges Brewster and Ludlow. - Homicide case* were fixed for to-day, but owing to the absence of witnesses and the engagement of coun *eb the Court adjourned until Friday. FIHAHGIAL AND COMfiIBBCIAL Tbe Philadelphia money market.; Bales at the Philadelphia Block Exchange. uspoli uoajsds. 106»i 1100 ah Read B »30wn 18', CIK6T BOABD. loco Pa to 3 sere iOOCltySsnew 101V* 300 eh HcadH lu 4S*tf ICOO do Sdyß 101)4 400 eh do 48.66 &COO do tf 101 800 ah do b5O lie 49)4 3400 do b 3 101 eh. do 630 48)4 4COO C&Am 6s ’63 Its 86 > 200 eh do b3Q 49)4 SOOO N Peona 6s 89 1100 eh do *46 49)4 5000 Oonu’t? R bde 87J< 200 eh do lte 48-66 63 «b CAAm Its 126 1841 eh do e3OUe 49)4 IOehLUBchR 43 300 eh do 860 48)4 13 eh LehValß 66X 13 eh do 48)4 100 eh Sch Nav pf b6O 18X 200 eh do b3O 43 X 100 eh do 17* lOOeb do b 5 48-60 100 eh NY&Mlddle b6O 4-94 lOahManufßb 600 eh do 4,% 76 eh Penna K lte 69X 16 eh Bcetonv’eß 18 185 eh do 2dys 69)4 loehMechßh 3HtflTlah do 69)4 Wn>NBBDAY,April 28. 1869—Trade has grcatly improvod within the peat few days, which gives additional ac tivity to the money market The ratea which now rule for al) of loans are so moderate that buslnai a men are encouraged to risk more than formerly, when monov was only to be had at figures which no legitimate trade could afford to pay. The banks.we aro informed generally have balances over at closiua hour, which thoy are glad to employ at a mere nominal rate, which shows clearly that the supply of currency is in excess of the present do mat d. The outalde market is equally well provided for. eo that, unices the demand be greatly stimulated, lenders will soon become beggaro and a further declioo in the rates of loans and discounts appear* inevitable. '1 he rates for loans on call are quite regular, the range being between 5(37 pot cent., according to security offered. Discounting fa done in both markets at about 7@B per cent, for prime business paper, which is quite ncarce. Tin-re was a good business effected In stocks this morn* • ing. and prices again advanced. Government loans were stronger and closed about >4 per cent htgh-r. State loans wer£steady. Of City sixes there were sales of the new certificates at )01X. Lehigh Gold changed hands at 9U» heading Railroad met an active inquiry, and Bold at 48X rLiitle Schuylkill Railroad at 43, ana Camden and Amboy Railroad at 126: Pennsylvania Railroad was steady at 69)4; 86 was the best offer for North Pennsyl vania Railroad. 64 for Minehill Railroad, and 35)4 for Catawirsa preferred. Canal Stocks were not much in request, and the only sales were of Schuylkill Navigation Preferred at 18X< tor Lehigh Navigation 82)4 was bid. Coal shares were rather quiet; New. York and Middle wsb ditpOied of at 4J4* Mechanics* Bank sold at 31)4 and Manufacturers at 30& In Passenger Railway shares no transactions: 43X was bid for Second and Third, 18 for Thirteenth and Fifteenth, 46)4 Chestnut andWalna*. 60 for West Phila delphia, and 82 for Germ ntown. Messrs. Deßaven & Brother, No. 40 Booth Third street, make the following auntationeSof the rates of exchange to-day, at IP. M.: United States Sixes of 1681. 11*3 IISXLdO. do. 1862, 121X@121)4; do. do. 1864, 1170n7if; do. do. 1865, 1190119)4 do. do, 1866, new. llBjifollo; So S? im new. do do. 1868,11580116; 6*s! 10-40*8. 106)4(3107: L S. 80 Year 6 per cent Cy t| Due Comp. Int. Notes, 19)4. Gold, 18354. Silver, 1270129, Jav Cooke & Co. quote Government securities, Ac., to day ?s follows: U» o 6s. 1 81, 1180118)4; 6.20’s of 1862, 121)4 012154* do IBM. ll7@ll7i<: do. N0v.,1866,1190119)4 5 do. July, 1866,116/40116)#; dalkj7,ll6XoU6X; d0.1868,*116)4 116; T&liraM, Ww4otO7; Pacifies, 1050106)4; Golf 018854. lUf do.' do w lllpllL do. do fmmxglia; Fivee, To&fortlM. 106%(S107; Cnmmoy 6s. IOBOIMX. Philadelphia Produce Market. Wkdhbsday, April 98, 1869, —Beeda—The season for Clover Bred is about over, end only small lota are reported •t $6 60089 60—the Utter rate from second hands. Tim ethv Is held at $4 76. Flax beod is taken by the crush ora improvement in the demand for Flour, both for shipment and home consumption but prices aro with on t quotable change. Sales of 2.000 barrels, princl pally Spring Wheat extra family at $6600776—the latter rate for choice, including Pennsylvania do. do. at $7 000 $7 60: Ohio do. do. at $8 0009 25; fancy brands at $9 600 $l9 001. extras at 86 750620. and superfine at $6 0005 60, RyeFfotrr ißxteady afs7 0007 25 per-barrel Nothiag doing in Corn MeaL There Is a steady Inquiry for prime Wheat,and holders of tbb description aro firm In tneir view*, nut Inferior *^ r i2^ , 2 e A fec,e f Rod at $1650175. Ambor al $1 8001 86, and 600 bushels White at 82. Rye sells at 8149 per bushel for Western. Corn la firm and . the - jtooka-. aro bsoomlng reduced of I,loobushels Yellow atf«oB9o. and 9,000 bushels Western mixed at 84086c.—1 he latter rate for high mixed Oats ¥ e .EL 0 2? "the* stronger. Sales of 6.000 bushels Western at 7607^0. with more confidenoo. 109 barrel,, tax Wind. Weather. Thet ,W. Hazy. 50 ,N.W. Clear. to ..N.W. Raining. BO ,N. B. Clear. 65 ,W. Clear. 69 .N.W. Clear. 71 .W. Clondy. TO ,W. Hazy. TO .a W. Cloudy. 69 .N.W. Cloudy. 6T .aw. Cloudy. 74 .E.B.E. Clondy. 74 ~.W. Clear. 54 ,W. Clear. 41 . Clear. 68 .B.W. Hazy. 74 ~8. Cloudy. 76 ~ Clear. 60 .. Clear. 78 ; New lork SBwk llariHb - f Correspondence of the AssaeUted Prers.l NBW Yon, April Stocks steady; Hold. 133 iii Kachan**, ; iWtwenUee. 1862. 131Jj; do„ 1861. 117; do. 186 k Ilf; new. IUK; 1867. ;. reo-fortles, 106%: Virginia Sixes, 63M; Missouri Blxoa. «8)»; Canton Com pany. 6t%: Cumberland Preferred. 31); New York rntrak 178)4: Beading, mU\ Hudson River, tlBXi Michigan Central, 130: . Michigan Southern. 1013 d; lllirofs Central, 14314; Cleveland and Pittsburgh, M; Cleveland and Toledo, 101; Uhicaeo and Rock Island, 13714: Pittsburgh and Fort Wavne, 138. Harken by Telegraplt rßpecial Despatch to the Phllada. * Evening Bulletin.] Iskw York, Apiil 28,12Jtf P. M.—Cotton—The market this morning wm~. Bale* of about— bales. We quote as follows; Middling Upland*-; Middling Orleans— Flour,&c.—Receipt&-6,600 bbis. The market for West ern and State Flour Is —. The sales are about bbla.. including Superfine State at —<3—; Extra State at— (3 —; Low grades Western Extra at <3—. Southern Flour is quirt at ft—flift— for Extra Baltimore and Country and B—<&s for Family do. California Flour ia un changed at s—<%s for old, ria the Horn* and 8--<3s— new via the Isthmus. _ Crain—Receipts of Wheat bushels. The market for Spring is strong. Winter drooping. The salea are bttrhels No. 2 Milwaukee at ft—<&—, and No. 1 do. at ft—. Corn—Receipts. 11,(.00 bushels. Thu market is firm but quiet. fial-s of bushels new Western atBLsB3c. afloat. Oats-Feceiptr. 9.000 bushola. Market buoyant Sales at 60c., In sto e. Bye quiet at 81 80 in store. Provisions.—The receipts of Pork are 602 barrels. Tno mart et Is firm at 831 60 for new Western Memo. Lard— receipts. 764 packages. The market is firm. We quote fair to prime steam at 18J4@18% cents whisky- Receipts. barrels. The market ii tame. We quote Wfstem free at 91©. , ~ . Pittbiii'Rgii, April 28.—The Market for Crude Petro leum is dc void of animation, but prices are without quo table change; sales of LOOO barrels, spot. 40 to 46 at 16c., and I,OCO barrels 40 to 45 8 O. 10 days, 15c. Of Hefinpd we notice sales of 4,600 barrels, April, at 32c.; 600 barrels, April. SILc., and aOOO barrels, May, 83c. Receipts 480 barrels. No shipments. (Correspondence of the Associated freu.) New York. April 24—Cotton quiet; 300 bales sold at Flour firmer for low grades and dull for beat: •ales of 6,000 barrels: State $5 40(36 60; Ohio $5 95(37 25; Western $6 86<86 80; California s7 @9 80. Wheat firm for Spring and dull for Winter; sales of 2.600 bushels No. 1 Spring SI 43 Corn steady; sales of*43OOCabtuhels Western, at 8l«83c, Oats firm scales of 29 000 buebe's W( stem at 80<383c. Beef quiet. Fork firm at 631 3033135. Lard dull at IS3@W» - WhiakydulL Baltimore, April 28.— Cotton dull at 28 cents. Flour dull and prices favor buyers. Wheat dull and un* ebansed. Com steady; White. 77®70c.; Yellow, 83384 c. Oats unchanged; prime heavy, 76378 c. Rye unchanged Pork guiet at 631 76/332. Bacon firm; rib rides, 16Kc.; clear do.. 17Xc.; shoulders, 14fc. Hama, 2G»2lc. Lard firm at 19>6c. Whisky firm aba quiet* and held at 93c. Stock light. San Ftlawciboo. April 27.—Flour 1s quiet at a further reduction of 12)rfc.; sales at $4 37!tf<<|5 26- Wheat—Sales of good shipping at $1 60. Legal tenders, 76. AUCTION SALES* AUCTION NOTICE. UfPOBTEBS’ SALE. 174 hhds. & 250 bbls. Porto Bieo Sugar. SAMUEL O. COOK WILL BELL On Mead Alley Wharf, On Friday Morning, April 30th, At 11 o’clock, 174 BKB . 250 BBLB. PORIO RIOO SC’GiB, Prime to Choice. PORTO RICO MOLASSES. ,0 lIHDB. PRIME POP.TO RICO MOLA3BES. Landing < x schooner Sabino. ao2B 2t OVIITAin HATEHIAIt»> SPECIALTY IN REAL LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS. Will offer our varied stook PERFECTLY NEW AND FRESH. Au Inspection will demonstrate How mocb their value exceeds their price. REAL LACES, FROM 96 PER PAIR UPWARDS. Nottingham Laces* FROM 91 50 PER PAIR UPWARDS. Together with the GREATEST NOVELTY, FRENCH LACE DROP CURTAINS AND LACE SHADES. I. E. WALRAVEN, So. 719 CHESTNUT STREET. DRY GOODS. 405 N. SECOND STREET. 407 JOHN W. THOMAS, Nos, 405 and 407 N. Second Street, Has just received a large lot of very handsome BLACK SILKS. At pricee ranging from 82 to 87 per yard. To which bo invitee especial attention. mb27 Smrp , v 84 L4 -Va # % Fourth and Arch.. * keep a stock of DRY GOODS ADAPTED TO THE DAILY WANTS OF FAMILIES. FULL STOCK OF FRENCH GOODS. FULL STOCK OF BRITISH GOODS. FULL STOCK OF AMERICAN GOODS. SHAWLS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BLACK SILKS OF THE BEST GRADES IMPORTED. nwitf _ 310 D 8. DORMON, 310 No. 810 N. EIGHTH Street, above Tine, (Sncceisor to Monies A Hoffman,) Having secured the above well-known Store, and filled it with a large, fresh and well selected stock of DRY GOODS, We are prepared and determined to offer spec T al Eighth street bargains in Black Silks and Dress Hoods of latest importations and choicest stylos. Dress Goods, beautiful styles, at 23, 25, 28, 31c. Mob air Poplins, at 86. 37M, 40,46,60,60,66. 76c. Black Alpacas, at 81, 85.87)4, 40. 45, 60,65, 60, 70c. Alpacas, doable width, Bpring Shades only 40c. All-wool Poplios. choice shades, only 76c. Black Bilks, $2, $2 86, $2 86. $2 40, $9 60. $2 76, 83. Muslins.—Muslins from 10 cento upwards, and all the celebrated makes, »t the lowest prices. Clotfcp and Cassimeres.—All-wool Caedmeroe from 46c. op. . White Good*.—Hane*,. from 250. nm Plild Moßlinß, NaiDtooko, Linen,, Brilliant.. Bole Cambric. Bwub Vic toria Lawn, Book Muslin, Blrda-eye Towele, Napkins, Pollies, Embroideries, Edgings. Injcrtings, DimlUe;. Table Linens, in brown, half-bleached and bleached. Gloves and Hosiery—Ladies’, Gents’ and Children’s Hosiery Kid Glovee-cboleo Spring shad os, only SI 2A add Bmrp Mechanics of every branch required for hcuee-bniiaing and ntting piomitly fumiebpd, wltl THIS DAILY EViSMRtf BDLLifiliH-PBiLADIsLPHIA, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 28,1869. THIRD LATER CABLE QUOTATIONS 1-T.OM WASHINGTON The Effects of the Warm Weather Close of Teriimony in the Dyer Cate NAVAL. INTELLIGENCE London, April 28, P. M.—Consols, 95%, for both money and account. U. 8. Five-twenties dull at 80%. Stocks firm. Erie, 22. Atlantic and Greet western, 24%. Liverpool, April 28. P. M.—Cotton easier; Middling Uplands, 11%d.; Middling Orleans, 12%d. Provisions (inlet. Bacon, 61s. Tallow, •I i». 2d. Havre, April 28 Cotton opcnß unchanged, from Waablngton. [Special Despatch to the Phila. Bventna Bulletin. 1 Washington, April 28. —The warm weather which has come suddenly upon ns, has had tho effect of driving many people ont of the city, alihongh the ante-rooms of the various depart ments continue to be crowded with office-seekers. Tho crowd at the White House does not seem to diminish very rapidly, thoagh it is noticeable that there has been a change In the class of callers. Thero are now comparatively few Congressmen and men of note; but the number of Individual office-seekers and iorlorn females has largely increased, and Gen. Dent and Col. Douglass,who officiate in the reception room, are kept pretty bnsy during the hours for the reception of general visitors. The French Minister left the city for Europe last night, Edward Thornton, the British Minister, will take a house for the summer either at Lennox, Mass., or Newport, B. I. Blaque Bey, the Turkish Minister, expects to take a summer residence in New England some where. The Dyer Court of Inquiry to-day finished the testimony and adjourned until Monday,when the argument will commence. The oral testimony taken mokes over eleven hundred printed pages; this is exclusive of the exhibits and voluminous documentary evidence. Messrs. Arrick and Kennon will make the argu ments for tbe prosecution, and Colonel Bennet and David Dudley Field for tbe defense. The court which convened the 9th of November last have been working hard for the past month to hurry the case to a conclusion before the hot season. <Correspondence of the Associated Press.) Washington, April 28— The resignation of Rear Admiral Joseph Bmith, as Chief of the Bu reaa of Yards and Docks, Is accepted, to take ef fect on the let of May next, and he will then as sume the duties of President of the Permanent Court new In session in the Navy Department Captain David Ammen, by direction of tbe President, has been appointed Chiet of the Bu reau of Yards and Docks, to take effect on the Ist of May next Fleet Surgeon J. M. Foltz has been detached from the European equadron, and is ordered borne. Surgeon Charles Eversfield has been detached from rendezvous duty at the Philadelphia Navy Y ard on the 15th of May, and is ordered to the Franklin, as flcei surgeon of tho European squadron. Lieutenant-Commander Wm. C. Wise has been detached from the Saugus, with directions to hold himself in readiness for duty on board the Miantonomab. Surgeon John C. Spear is ordered to the Naval Rendezvous at the Philadelphia Navy-Yard, on tbe 15th of May next. Passed Assistant Paymaster R. B. Rodney and Assistant Paymaster Frank Bassill are ordered to tbe Philadelphia Navy Yard, for examination for promotion. The President has ordered that hereafter he will receive general visitors on Mondays and Thursdays, between 10 and 11 A. M. On other days he will only receive on cards in special cases. The testimony In the Dyer Court martial cose closed to-day, and. the Court adjourned till next Monday, when the argument will be commenced. Tbe primed oral testimony in the case will cover about 1.100 pages, exclusive of tbe documentary exhibit, which is also very voluminous. Iho fir (ivy Department. (Special Despatch to the Phila. Evening Bulletin.] Washington, April 28.—Rear Admiral Joseph Smith has resigned as Chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docbß, and has been appointed Presi dent of the permanent Court in session at the Navy Department. Captain Daniel Ammen has been appointed Chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks. 8. B. Chittenden, Eso., has been ap pointed a member of the Board of Visitors to the Naval Academy, vice Cornelius Vanderbilt, de clined. Quebec, April 28.— The Grand Jury have found a true bill against Chaloner for the murder of Ensign Whittaker. The trial la fixed for Satur day next. The river is still covered with floating ice, and ships arrived for Montreal are waiting to leave for their destination. Sandwich, April 28.—There is no verdict in the Belle River murder case against Chrisholtn. The jury disagreed, eleven standing for acquittal. There will be a new trial. Poet Colbornk, April 28. —The propellers Empire and City of New York arrived here last night They are the first arrivals since Thursday. Several other vessels are in sight working In. A fleet of about one hundred vessels Is now here, waiting for a change of wind to move the Ice. Horrible murder at Rye Sleek. Mamarwnkok, Westchester Co., N. Y , April 28.—Last night Gilbert Robinson, jeweler, of Rye Neck, opposite Mamaroneck, was found dead in bed, in his store, with his skull crushed In by a blow from a gun-barrel, in the hands of some person unknown. Robinson was last seen on Monday night at ten o'clock,at work in his store, nnd as it was presumed he bad gone to New York for goods, the fact that his store remained closed on Monday did not excite remark. Robinson had about $7OO on his person, and was about thirty years of age. He was a eon of Thomas Robinson, a well-known citizen residing on Weaver street, in Mamaroneck. The murder creates intense ex citement here. An inquest will be held this after noon. Accidental Poisoning. Cambridge City, Ind., April 28 —Judge Nlmk Johnson, of Centrcville, Indiana, through mistake, took a swallow of aconito, which pro duced death In less than thirty minutes, in spite of every effort made to counteract the poison. The Judge was a well known Indiana Judge of the Criminal Court, and was highly respected. He was on a visit to his father in this city. The Baltimore Quarantine. Baltimore, April 28 —The quarantine regula tions of this port go into effect on and after May let. Belfast, April 28—The Grand Jnrv for Waldo eonnty adjourned last evening, niter having found thirty-six bills of indictment, which wore principally for violation of the liquor law. ___ TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. LAMB.—At Franhford, on the 26tb Inst., John F. Lamb, M. D„ in the 78th year of hla age. The frionda of the family. College of Phyalclans, County Medical Society and Northern Medical Asso ciation, are Invited to attend his fnneral, on Batnrday next, at 4 o'clock P, M. Cara leave Fifth and Sixth Streets Depot every 16 minntea. MS- Oi FILE OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE OP THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. Avail. 14.1*69. Notice is hereby given that the ordinance prohibiting tho washing of pavements botweon tho honra of 7 A. M. and 7 P. M. Jrom the Ist of May to the Ist of October, will be strictly enforced on and after the Ist of May, 1899. All officers of the police force are directed to prosooute all persons found violating the provisions of the ordt nsnee. By order of the Mayor. _ j oruvr o. u. CLAIR A MULUOLUAND. »p2B -St chief of Police. OFFICE OF 'HIE CHIEF OF POLICE OF THE ■*®GITY OF PHILADELPHIA. . ~ Apbil 14,1889. Notice is hereby given that all Horeee. Cowb, Sheep, or any description of cattle whateeevor, or Hog. Bow. Bhoat, Pig or Goat, found going at largo in any of toe highways of tho city, or In any of the public squares or parks thereof, or npon any ntiindoeed field, oommen or pleco of land therein, will be taken no and disposed of as provided by Ordinanae of March 1,1859, By order of the Mayor. _ #** ST. CLAIRA- MULHOMA^o^ EDITION. gil'B O’Oloofc. By tbe Atlantic Cable. Canadian Rears. From Reliant, Maine, FIFTH EDITLOK BT TELEGRAPH. ADDITIONAL CABLE NEWS LATEST FROM WASHINGTON ARMY OFFICERS AS INDIAN AGENTS 7he Case of Ex-Rebel Colonel Crowe His Political Disabilities Net Removed The Brazilian Mission Military Intelligence Virginia Conservative Convention By tbe Atlantic Cable. Paris, April 28.—The sessions of the Corps Legislalif have concluded, and that body has dis solved. The election for members of the next Corps Legislatif has been fixed for May 23. London, April 28, Evening. Consols for money, 93%, and for Bcconnt 93%@93%; Five twenties quiet at 80%. Railways quiet ; Erie 21%; Illinois Central, 98%; Atlantic and Great Western, 24. Frankvord, April 28.—Five-twenties, 87%. Paris, April 28, Evening.—The Bourse closed firm. Rentes, 71.67 L Liverpool, April 28, Evening.—Cotton doll; Uplands, ll%d ; Orleans, 12%d.; sales to-day 10,000 boles. Corn, 265. 3d. for new. Common Rosin, 6s. London, April 28, Evening Sugar active at 38s. fld. on the spot. Turpentine 80s. 9d. Tal low 445. Cotton at Havre Is quiet Antwerp, April 28.—Petroleum dull and un changed. Army Officers as Indian Agent*. [Special Despatch to the FhSa. Evening Bulletin.) Washington, April 28.—President Grant and Secretary Qox have been in consultation as to the propriety Vrf detailing retired army officers and those who are not attached to any regular regi ment since the recent order consolidating troops, to act as Indian Agents to those tribes to which no new appointment of agents have been made. While no conclusion in the case has been reached, or as yet decided npon, the course will probably be pursued. President Grant's ideas are Lbat this will give employment to a large number of officers who, having been edneated to follow military life, are ill-adapted to be thrown out upon the world to secure a living In other professions at an advanced stage of life, which tbey will have to do unless they are detailed for extra duty in the army. Tbe Case of Col. Crowe. [Special Despatch tc the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.] Washington, April 28. —Rather a novel case has come up in connection with the caBG of Col. Crowe, recently appointed and confirmed as Governor of New Mexico. His political disa bilities have never been removed, and therefore he cannot take the oath and enter on his duties. The President has asked the Attorney-General if he can make an appointment ad interim, or In any way in which Colonel Crowe can assume his office. If this is decided in the negative. General MlteheU, tho present Governor, will probably remain in bis position till Congresß can act on Calonel Crowe's case next winter. Tbe Brazilian mission. (Bpednl Despatch to the Phila. Bulletin. ) Washington, April 28. —The Brazilian Mission bos been tendered by the President to Henry T. Blow, of Missouri, and private information re ceived this morning from that gentleman, who is in iho west, says that he will accept. Army Orders. Washington, April 28.—The following was issued to-day: General Orders, No. 46.—Headquarters Army, A. G. 0., Washington, D. 0.. April 26, 18C9.—By direction of the War Department the recruiting service is hereby resumed. The regi mental recruiting will be conducted nnder direc tion of the several regimental commanders, according to the general regulations of 1863, paragraphs 985, 986, 987 and 988. Ihe general service will be conducted nnder four general superintendents, viz : At New York city; Cincinnati, Ohio; 8L Louis, Mo., and San Francisco, CaL And there will be four depots foi collecting and instructing the recruits, viz.: Go vernor’s Island, New York harbor; Newport Barracks, Ky.; Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and Benicia, Cal. The general superintendent of these will report direct to the Adjutant-General of the army, and receive all orders from him. Virginia Democratic Convention. Richmond, April 28—The Conservative Btate Convention met to-dav, when two hundred dele gates, representing fifty counties, were present. R. T. Daniel was chosen President. The Conservative candidates nominated in 1867 all sent in their resignations. Fire In Watertown, Y« Watebtown, N. Y., April 28.—L. 8. Pratt's cotton mill, on Factory street, was burned last night. The remnant of Kemball’s barley millß, left by the flood, was also burned. H. H. Babcock's pnmp manufactory took fire several times, bat the flames were extinguished without much dam age. There was an insurance of $15,000 on the cotton mill, which contained very little stock. OREXEL & CO., Philadelphia. DREXEL, WINTHROP & 00., N. Y. DREXEL, HAR JES & CO., Paris. Banbei# and Dealers In l> Si Bondi. Parties going abroad can make all their financial arrangements toilh us, and procure letters of Credit available in all parte of Europe, Drafts for Sale on England, Ireland, France, Germany, Ac. mMO w f CO if 6r the family doctor. I Complete Dictionary of Domeitie Tied I tine and Bnrgery. Especially Adapted for Family Übo. BY A LONDON DISPENSARY BURGEON. Illustrated with upwards of One Thousand Illustrations, crown Bvo , rloth, 760 pages and an Appendix, 82 60: half morocco, $4 00. AGENTS WANTED. Apply to GEO. GEBUIE, No. 780 BANSOM STREET. ftrOfl lm6 ■ ZELL’S POPULAR ENCYCLOPEDIA., A Dictionary of Vnlvcml Knowledge. T. ELX.WOOD ZElili, Publisher, 17 and 19 South Sixth Street. mhBl w b Bmrp ■ 1 ndia rubber machine belting, bteam Engineers anddealora will find a full “fortment of Goodyear’s Patent Vulcanized Rubber Bolting, Packing note. &0., at the Manufacturer's Headquarters, N.B.—Wo have now on hand a large lot of Gontlomcn'e, Lsdioi' and Mieoea* Gum Boots. Also, every variety and itjlo of Qnm Overcoat*. - Marking with indelible ink,embroider. log. Braiding, Stamping, Ac. M. Walatfl rtroet. 4:00 O’Oloofc. South eido. nvm PPBMCAT|OKBt J. B. LIPPINCOTT & GO. IIAVB JUST ISBtTEB, By the author of ‘The Old Secret,” Over Yonder* A Nommt By E Mabutt, Author of “Gold Elsie." “The Old Mam'eeile’e Secret," etc. Bvo. With full page Engraving. Paper cover. 90 cents. Ashes Wentworth* A Notbi* By B. Foxton. author of “Herman." “Sir Pavon and st. Pavon," etc. 12mo. Tinted paper. Extra doth. ®1 6a Curious Myths. Complete. Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. By 8. Bariwo-Goulow hew Edition. Complete in one voL 12mo. Tinted paper.' Half .Roxburgh. 82 60. Preparation for Death Translated from the Italian of Bishop Alfhonbo. Square 12mo- Tinted paper. Extra doth. 81 76* Coleman's Manual. Coleman’s Manual on Prelacy and Ritualism. .The Apos tolical and Primitive Church, popular in Its Govern ment, Informal in Its Worship. By Lymajt CoiJtitaK, D. D. 12mo. Tinted paper. Extra doth. 82 00. Philip Doddridge, D. D- Life of Philip Doddridge, D. D. WithNotioesofsomeof bis Cotemporaries, and Specimens of his Style. By D. D. banana, M. A. 12mo. Tinted paper. Extra cloth. 81 6a By the author of "The Albert N'Yanza." The Rifle and the Hound in Ceylon By Bib Bauttel Wbitb Baxxb, author of “Cast Up by the 8eo," “Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia," etc. Second Edition. Illustrated, lflmo. Extra doth. 6160* “Certainly no sporting bosk we have ever read is more alive with ipiritand dashing achievements."— The Round Table, *y* For gale by all Booksellers , or mil be lent by mail, pottayefret, on receipt q/ price by J. B. LIPPINCOTT &Co., Publishers, 715 and 717 market Street, Philo. ap2B W s 2trp "People will always give money where they have their money's worth. lf. Y. DdOy Thnes, NUMBER SIX APPLETONS’ JOURNAL CONTAINS A STEEL ENGRAVING OF EXqOiSITB BEiCTY, The River Road, FROM A PAINTING BY A. F. BELLOWS, Forming one of a Series of Choice Engravings, suited for the Portfolio or the Frame. This engraving is pronounced a gem, and will be followed by others from paintings by Church, Casilear, Durand, James Hart, Haaeltine, Buy dam, Fenn and others. Novelty, Variety and Freshness ARE THE COX&TAAT Aim OF THE JODffiVAL. From the hundreds of commendatory notices of the JOURNAL we select the following: From the Commercial Bulletin, Boston. Afpi.etonh* Jouesal is one of the most elegant, as well as one of the cheapest publications we ever saw. How the publishers can manege to furnish such a beaafclfully printed and handsomely-illustrated publication for ten cents is a mystery known to themselves. From the New York Herald. Number four of this new paper sustains well, as all its predecessors have done, the promise of number one—that it would be the handsomest, and, in general character, the best weekly yet published in the country.. From the New York Times. Such business enterprise forecasts success; for people will always give money where they have their money's worth. From the Boston Evening Transcript It combines some of the features of the magazine with those of a literary and critical and illustrated popular pe riodical- t From the Philadelphia North American. The Journal is exceedingly attractive in every feature, and will bear a scrutiny of the most critical. The Journal oontains 32 pages, EMBRACING FICTION, TRAVEL. ADVENTURE, AND INTERESTING ARTICLES UPON Popnlar Subjects of General Interest. The Great Story VICTOR HUGO, entitled THE MAN WHO LAUGHS, Is continued in this number. For Bale by all News Agents; Price W eenta per No., or #4 per annum, In advance. D. APPLETON & 00., Publishers, 90, 92 and 94 Grand Street, Kcv York. rpHIS DAY PUBLISHED. Dotty Dimple at School. By Sophie May, author of “Little Prudy,‘* Ac. 24m0. Illustrated 78 cents. Rems the fifth volume of 8 DOTTY DIMPLE STORIES. Per volume 76c. To be completed in six volumes. Il lustrated. Salt Water Dick. By May Mannering. 16mo. Illustrated 81 00 Being the fifth volume of HELPING HAND SERIES. To be completed in six volumes. Illustrated. Per volume $1 00. Recently Issued: Alice’s Adventurer in Wonderland By Lewis CarrolL 12mo. Tinted Paper. Cloth. 81 60. Thin is an exact reprint of this popular English juve nile, and in paper, print, binding and Illustrations, equnl to the original. .... Sold by all Booksellers and Newsdealers, and sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of price. LEE & SHEPARD, Sabliihera, Boiton. 1M COMPANION TO "GATES AJAR.” THE GATES WIDE OPEN. BY GEORGE WOOD, Anthor'of “Poter Bchthmehl Id America,” ‘ Modern iPilgriiDß,” Ac., be. ian Cloth $1 60. HEADY MAY 10. LEE & SHEPARD, I<l Publishers, Boston. PORTER & COATES, Publishers and Booksellers, No. 833 OHESTNUT STREET. Boons Retailed at wnolesalo Prices mhSOrptf ———————— ' ” TTENBY PHILLIPPI. CARPENTEK AND BUILDER, NO. 10524 BANBOM HTREETV WOIADBLPBIA. rMAROXU. REMOVAL or~ ■ THE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPART Their Rev Fir* and Burglar-proof BaUdtag, Nos. 329 and 331 CHESTNUT Street Which will be opes for the tnuunetlon of baalnon on Thursday, the Bth ot April, 186% The Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit Company. Capital, $500,000, flail paid- DIRECTORS: N. B. Biowne, Edward W. Clark, Clarence 0. Clark, Alexander Henry, John Welsh. Stephen A. Caldwell,* Charles Macalester, George F. Tyler* jjmry c. '*' L demy C. Glbeon. President—N. B. BROWNE Vice President—CLAßENCE H. CLARK. Secretary and Treasurer—ROßEßT PATTERSON. The Company have provided in their new Build ingaad Vault* absolute security against lose by FIHETbUR* GLaRY. or ACCIDENT, and RECEIVE SECURn lEB AND VALUABLES ON DE POSIT UNDER GUARANTEE. Upon the following rates, for one year or lees period. Government and all other Coupon Be-> curitiea, or those transferable by> $1 00 per sl,oos delivery Government and all other Securities,) registered and negotiable only by en > 60 ** 1,009 dortement Gold Coin or Bullion Silver Coin or Bullion. Sliver or Gold Plates under seal, on) owner's estimate of value, and rate) sublect to adjustmt nt for bulk. Jewelry. Diamonds, Ac Deeds, Mortgages and Valuable Papers generally, when of no fixed value, $1 a year each, or according to hoik. These latter, when deposited In Tin Boxes, are charged according to bulk, upon abasia of lid feet cubic capa city, $lO a year. Coupons and Interest will bo collected when destre& v aaA remitted to tbs owners, for one per oent. The Company offer for RENT, the lessee exclusively bolding the key. Safes inside its Burglarproof vaults, at rates varying from $9O to $76 each per annum, ac cording to atoe. Deposits of Money Received, on which interest will be allowed: 8 per cent, on Call Devotdt&payable by Check at right, and 4 per cent on Time De. posits, payable on ten days* notice. This Company is also authorized to act as Bxeeutom, Administrators and Guardians, to receive and execute Ti usts of every description from the Courts, corporations or individuals. N. B. BROWNE, President. ROBERT PATTERSON, Secretary and Treasurer. i6mwf 2mi SEVEN PER CENT. GOLD BONDS, Thirty Sears to Ban, IBBT7KD The Lake Superior and Mtafeelpp River Railroad Company. They we a Pint mortgage Slaking Fond Bond Free of United States Tax. BECDBZn DY USE BILLION SB HUNDRED AND THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND ACRIS OF CHOICE LANDS And by the Railroad, its Rolling Stock and the Fran chimes of the Company. A Double Security and Flrtt Clan Investment In every reaped, yielding in Currency nearly Ten Per Cent. Per Annum. Gold* Government Bond, and other Stocka received In payment at their highest market price. Pamphleta and full Information given on application to JAY COOKE & 00, No. 114 South Third Street. E. W. OI.ARK & 00., No. 35 South Third Street, Fiscal Aoents of the Lake Superior and Mitsiesipp River Railroad Company. mhtOCOtrp* PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO» TREASURER'S DEPARTHRRT. Philadelphia, Pinna., April 2, 18©. To the Btotkbolden of the Pennajtvania BaUroad Company. All Stockholders. as registered on the Books of this Company on the 30th day of April, 1869, will be entitled to subscribe for 28 Per Cent of their respective Interests in New Stock at Par, as follows: Pfrsf—Fifty per cent, at the time of subscription, be tween the 16th day of May, 1869, and the 30th day of June, 18®. Second -Fifty per cent between the 16th day of Novem ber, 1869, and the 31st day of December, 1869; or, if Stock holders should prefer, the whole amount may be paid up at the time of subscription, and each Instalment so paid shall be entitled to a pro rata of the Dividend that may be declared on full shares. Third—That every Stockholder holding lees than four shares shall be entitled to subscribe for one share; and those holding more than a multiple of four shares shall bo entitled to subscribe for an additional share. jsYmrf A—All shares upon which instalments are yet to be paid under Resolution of May 18.1868, will be entitled to their allotment of the 26 Per Cent, at par, as though they were paid In f ull. THOMAS T. FIKTHf Treasurer* ap2-2mrp No. 35 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, STOCK, COLD AND NOTE BROKERS. Aoeotmta of Firms, and Individuals received, trtieO chock at sight. INTEUEST ALLOWED ON BALANCES. <s(enera£%ents ; a,, PENNSYLVANIA &Zj , of i " e jfo^lSNas. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The Nation*!, Life Insurance Company la a corporation chartered by special Afct of Congress, ap proved July 2fl, 1808, with a CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, POLL RAfl), _ Liberal terms offered to Agents and Solicitors, who, are Invited to apply at our office. _ Foil particulars to be had on application at our office, located In the second story of our Bonking House,, where Circulars and Pamphlets, fully describing 'b o advantages offered by the Company, may be,had. &W.CIUKKACO,. So. 86 South Third 125 " M» 300 “ Ut» 100 "100 300 “ 8.000
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