BOBINKBB HOMCIMi Sttfcst BTfcINWAY’S gass;-- ■STWIuWOCin ol No. 1006 Cb<atnot»treet. SUSSaSSBBMBSE W«rcwonifc «4 Chtttont «troc«._jgUW_ tuning bulletin. Friday, April S 3, 1809- ova foreign pomcf. Tbo indications are that the foreign policy ef the present administration is to be charac terized by such vigor and decision as are bo eoming to a great and powerful nation like the Untied States. Evidence of this was fur nished in the accounts published a day or two since of the prompt and peremptory action of Secretary Fish in the cases of the vessels ZAseleMojor and Mary Lowell. It will t» remembered that the latter was captured by the Spaniards while it was in the posses sion of the British revenue officers in the pohntnnn. Ot course it was the daty of the British authorities to prevent the seizure, and Secretary Fish has done right in demanding reparation and eatisfaction from the British government The result is yet unknown, bat we. have no donbt whatever that our representations will meet with satisfactory answers from the Gladstone ministry. The ether vessel, the Lizzie Major, was boarded by Spanish officers npon the high seas, and two Unbans were taken from her and brought back to Havana. It was nearly a counter part of the Slidell and Mason case, and our government, in simple justice, must hold the Spaniards to that precedent. Secretary Fish, we are glad to know, Insists upon ample apology for the outrage, and the return of the captured men. He has also given the Span ish Government to understand that the in crease of ohr fleet in Guban waters is not to fee answered for to any other power; and he has- compelled the home government to in atroct General Dolce to exercise less arro gance, and to be a little less imperious and everbearing in his dealings with our govern ment and its citizens. All this is eminently satisfactory, both in its details and its results. Mr. Seward would have made theße matters subjects of prolix and unprofitable correspondence, after the ancient diplomatic rashion. Secretary Fish, true to the Grant theory of few but weighty words, expresses the animuß of the govern ment with brevity, but with unmlstakeable distinctness. It is very evident from his tone that the .President has made up his mind not to be trifled with, for there is even a suggestion of menace in these demands. It was nearly time we had taken just such a position as this. We have submitted quite long enough to the assumptions, the interference and the Insolence of foreign powers; and it is due to car dignity that wo give all the nations of the vorld to understand that now that we are un embarrassed by war, we intend to resent every affront offered to our flag and ouf citi asna. We have eaten the leek quite long enough. Now we will compel our neigh bors to take their turn. At the first glance this seems to acoord ill ■with Grant’s declared policy of peace. Really it is the truest and best method of praotisiag it No sensible man in this country desires war either with Spain or Great Britain ; neither do these nations care about a conflict with us. They will be more anxious to avoid it, if we are ready for it, and if we show ourselves quick to resent insult and to demand atonement for injury. Apparent eagerness to conciliate and weak submission to wrong are much more likely to bring about ultimate collision than a swift call for apology and reparation. In the preseat con dition of publio sentiment the latter course will be more popular at any rate. Tne feel ing against England is so very bitter, and the popular sympathy with Cuba so strong, that such action as that taken by the Secretary of State will be certain of popular approval. "We anticipate the best and most wholesome results from it, and we hope it will be suc ceeded, in the case of Eaglaud, by some de 4Med action on the subject of the Alabama CUdms, and in the case of Cuba by a demand iffcat the rebels shall be treated like human befogs by the Spaniards. SPIRE HIED. Sprague is a nuisance. After sitting for years in the Senate, as dumb as an oyster, he has broken out into the most ridiculous atti- tade as a great moralist, a won- darfnl reformer, a statesman and a finan der. Boring the Senate with long-winded orations,wh : ch he pays somebody for writing, this small Senator for that Bmall State,—and we mean no disrespect to gallant little Rhode Island, —has undertaken to abuse men better than himself, to lecture men wiser than himself, to belittle men greater than himself, until he has become a public nni eance, aDd Senators have been driven, in self defence from his nauseating egotism, to allow him to print his foolish tirade*, rather than to inflict them upon the lime and the ear of the Senate. It is evident that the Senate is a 9 sick and tired of Spragne as the country is at large. It is a pity that either Senator Anthony or Senator Nye or Senator Abbott should waste weids in defendiog themselves or their friends against such crazy nonsense as th tt which Mr. Sprague has chosen to pour out upon the public ear. Senator Nye's sugges tion yesterday is the right one, —“Spank him 1" If Rhode Island cannot deliver her self from the humiliation of Sprague, the Senate must content itself with i renting him as a child. Letting him severely alone would probably be the shortest way to abate the nuisance. If that will not do, Mr. Abbott had better take a private op portunity and give Sprague a good old-fash ioned spanking. Mr. Sumner cannot possibly cljeel to it, and it would probably bring the eccentric Senator to a batter frame of mind. 3Sy all means, let Sprague be spanked. 1 But charity suggests that Sprague is Insane, and charity is probably right. When a Senator Who ban sat io silence for six years at his desk, suddenly breaks out with a succession of rpetches filled with violent and vulgar abuße of the best men of his own 8-ate, de nounces the Senate as “ignominiously aul shamefully belittled, by its own ma- J'lriiyi” proclaims himself “me agent oS Divine Providence to set up a great and glorious work of progress and re form’’ which he commences by calling his colleagues “dogs” and “puppies,” ana' his constituents “cat-throats and thieves,? it is necessary to account 'for the Bndden .change on eome reasonable' theory, . and the most reasonable theory is tfiat pf an impaired Intel ; lect If this be correct, and the presumption has much to sustain it, his friends ought , t > take charge of him, and, for his own sake and that of the Senate whose dignity he has so grossly insulted, persuade him to relin quish a seat which he is no longer fit to fill. the foreign appointments. The appointment of Mr. Sanford as Minis ter to Spain appears to have been so generally unpopular, that the Senate has recognized it, and tabled the nomination by a very decided vote. This rijecllon carries with it the new appointment to Belgium, and Mr. Stnford will be allowed to coptinue in the enjoyment of that quiet post, for whioh he is well fitted Ly his loDg experience. Who the President will now send in for Madrid, remains to be seen. It has been stated on reliable authority that the first selec tion lor the Spanish mission was Genera* Sickles, but that he was ruled out, under the influence of Secretary Fish, who strongly urged the appointment of Mr. Sanford. In all probability another notnina tion will be sent in immediately, as it is o t tho utmost importance that this country should be fhlly and properly represented at Madrid in the present juncture of affairs. The nomination ot Mr. Oarlile for Sweden, getting safely through the Senate, with out a division, was reconsidered yesterday, and the probabilities now are that he will not be confirmed. His appointment is far from satisfactory to the people of his State, as he has gained a rather unenviable repntation as a political trimmer, who drifted off on the muddy tide of Johnsonism, and only paddled himself back to the Republican shore in time to throw up his cap and hurrah for Grant, when his elevation to the Presidency became a fore gone conclusion. Where there are so many good and true men who never “left their first estate,” but stood firmly by the principles which Johnsonism labored to overthrow, there will be and ought to be a general and very urgent objection to gentlemen of Mr. Carlile’a school, who appear to have drifted hither and thither in their desire to be on what seemed to them to be the winning side. We want positive men in all our foreign mis sions, aLd Mr. Carlile’s record does not in dxate that he belongs to that class. Captain Henry A. Wise, U. S. N., died on Ibe Ist inst, at Naples, whither he had gone for his health. He was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., May 12th, 1819, and entered the Navy as a midshipman in 1883. He served on the coast of Florida during the Revolution, and in the Paoific during the war with Mexioo- He waß.on the Niagara when she took the Japanese embassy home. Of late years he has been chief of the Bureau or Ordnance. Capt. Wise wrote a book, published 1849, called “Los Gringos,” containing delightful ketches of life in South America and Mex- ico. He was also the author of “Tales for the Marines,” “Scampavias,” and “Captaio Brand, of the Schooner Centipede”—all o f which were successful and clever works. Our foreign correspondence is crowded to the second page of to-day’s paper. A lette r from Paris and one from Mies Brewster, in Rome, will be found very interesting. The General Appropriation bill, passed by the late Legislature, has not been published heretofore. A carefully prepared abstract of it will be found on our first page. rxiraVolnabie Heal rstate*-inecisrs* Thomas & Sons’ pamphlet cutiilcgaeß, 9£ para; issoed to-morrow, will comprise several very valuable estates, by order of the Orphans’ Court, Exfcatow, Trustees, Administrators, Assignees, Heirs and others, including elegant residences, Bprnce Walnut, Arch and other g'icele; 8 very valuable Chestnut street Stoies; 5 on Second'; large and valuab'e lot, 100 feet front, with improvements, Eighth, above Race; elegant Country Seats end Farms, Baltimore and Limekiln turnpikes. Old York, Gulf and Tacony roads; several desirable dwellirge, stockß and loans. Also, sales of superior household furniture, hortee, &c. See their Auction bebd. Pull particulars at their Auction Rooms, 189 andl4l Soath Fourib street „ , tW" They hold sake of Stocks, Loans , ana Heal Estate every Tuesday noon , at the Exchange* Dr. r. F. THOMAS, THE LATE OPERATOR AT Dental Aiaoclaiion, Is now the on krone in Philadelphia who dtvotes h i entPe time and practice lo . xlractltg Uetli, abßOlut-ly without p«U), by IJosh DiUouß oiide cu Oflico, No. 1037 WALNUT B-liot mh» ly rpi /ivL'ION A.BUOIATION ORIGINATED %!¥ S'itf o'™ OH LAUGHING GAS. „ Ard devote iheir whole time and practice to extracting tenh without pain. t Oflice, Dig) in and Walnut ctreets. _ap2» JoLN CRUMP BUILDER. 17il CHESTNUT STREET, .nd 218 LODGE STREET. Meet anles of every branch required 'or houae-tmUatng riling promt tly foroitbed. leSitf SWAKBUR 1 1 N*B IMPROVED, VENTILATED and eary-titt ng Drees Hatt* (patented) In all the ap proved fashi <ne of the season. Chestnut street, next door to the Post ‘ *ll ce. ocd-txrp PI'DK BtBT CIOARU AND i OBAOCO AhE OBTAINED 1 at WILLY BhOTIi&lU). N. W. comer tighth and Walnut stnets. apto-iptift TAD Ohß* GEEBE, OP THE RROAO Oi patterns, of a vailety of sines, and well nulehedt Pun othug and Polbhing Iron*. lor sain at the!Haro ware 8 tore oil Ri MAN & rBAW. No 886 (Eight Thirty-five) Market Mreet, below Ninth. AHE \OU A CON 'OIBHEUR IN MEERSCHAUM A. pipes and Cigar 'l nbes? WILEY BhOTiiEKS have u aui * rior stock at Eighth and W alout. ap3B*rp til COirn - ANp copper wire for hmging pictures and looking slaeto*. anduvari-iy of di’M I’yltt* of Pot rvlaio, Hu by,Blue, Pink and Brits head Picture Nails, r crew King-.and Irou Screw Eye«,for a.iD by Tht'M&N & oIIAW, No. 836 (Eight ThirG-flve) Maikot street, below Niulh, rri.« bE HVB CENT YARA CIGARS I SPLENDID. 1 ain’t lho>. Country merchants nro invited to cal end examine them at WILLY DKOlllkKd, Llghtli aud W Ot.nt Kiroe»f. at 23-rp lU rr'lhMlO CUitUL* AND GOUGE**, CALLIPERS 1 n» <1 ' ooden v:m w f ut'ers, at TRU JlaN* * 8H \W» t, No. vHh 11 DhtTn’ify-five) Market street, below Ninth. PIUuE N\VV. FI'E CUP, OR CaMidife? uo o rvILEY’S, at Eighth and Walnut •trout k. ftpaaiptO Kuh-OCT NOVU HAIRCUT AT ~ HOP P'S 1“v t/,8»*looii, bv hTwt»cl*tw Hair Cutter*, Children*® lliir 1,. 1 atth*-«r Ketidence. Heir and Wb skera Dyed. R LZ.OI e tot In older. Open Sunday morning. 186 Exchange P V“’ e ’ O. C. KOPP. FAV IBITE I'RANDB OF SMOKING TO baren, iocludiig Lone Jacl-, Parr*-ke, Lynchburg, HLhlnndei, etc., •• »y be had at tbe lowest races of WILKk nlvUlliEKb. N. W. corner Eighth and Walnut ftr-<-tK ap33 rput IMPROVED GAB WORK 9. Tho mb rafe and rrlinblo (Jab Machine. having the mateilal in water (underground) outeido of the build . ft* fer to ’lay Coolie, Kobott Shnrmafcer, W. B. Ko*ip ton etd otb< re n ho uow havo thorn in #ibc. Full particulars and for Bale by * »pis 3-6 • A,T>. IjAMB'W, No. 716 Chwtaafc street ZTYhKN m n kT^-Toufs>nut"btrbet. _btt?e sII juicee reduced, uud arceuUlug now: ♦ <^l?. .... Hett iron rtone (dumber bet* complete, 10 plocoa... UGO Hot Jrrii-elODt Tea b et*, 4*j pi« 60J Hoi I’Biiuian Lreijiio Mm,or and Tea tftta, 11K» rieres 60 CO 1) el White Dinner and I'ea B«t**. UK) nteo*B . .40 10 UeM IJoubleiiit Uhina Dinucr and Toa Bote, 100 iit*Uß -70 00 French Cbye?al GoM. tr, mi fib t»m don* n. V, b, r fFi pmved ()nble»e. 84 RQ por doz, ap23 fltrpfl "lIPLEV BhOTUi RS ARP. TUB LARGEST MANT7. W fao 1114*11 of t’tiTtim Ctffire l» Philadelphia. Of courietbiß iuunenpo facUiiWu enable iboui *t-tluj lgr>t>t pofilWe price, LiftMh and VV alnut. &P*3 ipU4 'Mitiij THE DAII* |JW THE L O. OF 0. A FULL ABSdr.TMR! QUALI WHITE VESTS FJElOi] WBITE VESTS FR; vVHUE VESTS Pi WHITE VESTI Ann ALI. OTHKB StYLKS OY GeSTLKMBN’B Cuothirg abpGedtb’ Fursishiso Goods. Wb HAVE IB6TROOTBD OOR BALbSMES TO BAKU A SreCiALDEDBCTIOSTO HHMBBRBOFTUB ORDER. Tours, Fkatereall.y, WAN A MAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, THE LARGEBT CLOTHING HOUSE, THE CORNER OF SIXTH AND MARKET BT3. EDWARD P. KELLY, TAILOR. S. E. Cor. Chestnut and Seventh Streets. Ohoioe Goods for Present Season. Id dally receipt of lev and Staple Spring Goodi. The Mo&t Fickle Month in ail the Tear. Certain, Gentlemen, yon need the elegant clothes wc have for yon, suited for both rain and annsbici; admirably adapt! d for the wants ol tbs prt amt season. Bpccial inducements offered to n nth men who bay clothes for the approaching Great Parade. Odd fellows, and all. other good fellows, wel come at ROCKHILL & WILSONS Ore at Brown Stone Hall, OLOTHINQ IN BAND WEUAVE [T OF SIZES AND iriEi. f s2 to $5. $2 to 96. M's 2 to 96.. ROM $2 lo ®5. BLAjMt PANTS PROM $6 to $l6. BLACK PANTS FROM ®6 lo $l6. BLACK PANTS FROM $6 to $l6. BLACK PANTS FROM $6 to $l5. BLACK COATS FROM *5 to $3O. BLACK COATS FROM $6 to $3O. BLACK COATS FROM $6 to 930. BLACK COATS FROM $6 to 930. OI Fichte, fickle April! With sodden shower of rain t It rains a while, then clears a while. And presently rains again. O ! Fickle, fickle Apnl! One boar with snDsbine warm, The next the skies are overcast With a goaty thunder storm. 0 1 Fickle, fickle April! With wind and rain storms milted 1 Spoiling onr clothes with drenching showers, We wished the weather was fixed! O ! Pick le, fickle April ! When the skies with ekinds are dark. The rain com< s down as it used to come In (he days of Noah's ark. O ! Fickle, fickle April I There’s nolhirg ctrisin at all. Bat ibe splendid fit of the floe spring elothes We buy at the GREAT BROWN BALL. 603 and 605 Chestont Street, OGDEN & HYATT, TAILORS, No. 827 ARCH STREET, LATE WITH VASAHAKEB dc BROWN. The Finest Goods. French, English and Domestio Terms moderate, ni»H lg)4p pat?ad’e°suits. WE HAVE THE BEST STOCK OF SLACK SCITB roil THE LEAST MOSEY OF ANY CLOTHING H' USE IN THIS CITY. INSPECTION IS INVITED. Bingham Hall Clotting House, No. 830 MARKET STREET. A. BROWN & 00. WHITE VESTS. LARGE apSO tf*4P GhEAT BARGAINS IN FINE AbBUMS.— VELVET, •) ink,y Mo'oecoaDd Antique Hluuiug. Blui k Bo* kn.Htatioi ciy, holiday Book*, B'Mee.ftHmea, Ladi?*' (Joniiinmooe, Pou-knlvem Foikot-books, Sclaaora and Fancy <si*ods. « Ulna low. >N bit.-. Buff and Canary Envelopes,, 15 cents per h ia d'cd. iiDH £»ot« Paper. 81 per rerun BorU'jlioa, 16 cents and upward Fine Cutlery. Leather uood», Ofee, Card*, LiowJuofs. and all parlor games,Fancy Coons, &c., &c. J owtat prireß in the city FANCY tUBAPrJgIKWBgr. ALBUMS, „ r ai 4 r tf, ISO and 181 8, EIUTH STREET. Gy NUI'E RI 'TAPKIOA.WITH FULL DIKE, THINS (oriico I rcah Bethlehem. Canada md Hootch wat meal Pearl Sago, Hards’ Farlnaw-oua Food. Kao*hmit, Coa’. Gelatine, i laracnn Cacao and other Dietetics For aalu by JAMES T. fcIIINN, 8. W. cor. Broad and Spruce etrictH. ■ api3 tf.*p ■OENRY FBILUFPI. CARPENTER AND BUILDER, ’ NO. 1024 SANBOM STREET, IfO-lvtn PHILADELPHIA. V 4 AG AZIN DES MODES. 1U - - mrviSENtrr BTHEBT. MBS. PROCTOR. Cloaks, Watting Suite, Silks, Draw Goods, Lace Shawls, Ladies' Undorclothlng and Ladled Fun. Dnceea made to meaimro in Twenty.fonr Hoara. MARKING WITH lIDEUBLE INK,EMBROIDER- Ing. Braiding, b tamping, Ac. M. a. ii >RKY, Filbert street. MtHtl'KtiMn EOtlb. | TO Q ENTLEMEN. DjtAn 6m: -• . • . , •• made Shirt patting a. Specialty in my boeincsß for several years, I dealro to cali your particular atieDtion to my “IMPROVED PAT TERN YOKE SHIRT.” which, after repeated txpeiimcnts, attentions and improvements, ie respectfully submitted for your approval. iTbe ‘ eccomlums of dealers upon their own wares is by no means of rare occurrence, and must always be icciived with somo grains of allowance. Nevertheless, I may state, without fear of contradiction, that my patrons, so far as beaid from, pronounce them to be fully equal, in point of fit, workmanship and material, to any manufactured. I Append a List of Prioee: From Hade to Block. Order. French Cretonne Hhlrtr and Cottar# $3 60 #3 75 Now York Milts Muslin bbirts, very fine Linen •••• ® ® ® W.mrutta Mills Muslin Bbirte. very flue Linen 800 883 Lonsdale Mills Moulin Bhlrs, very fine S’® » “ A Very Good Bhlrt. 860 *76 Old Bhlrta Be-bosomed * Linen Dran eijj. ® * J? Jean 1 J J® Mnelln Drawer* * Respectfully, yours, C. HENRY LOVE. N.«. cor. Fifth and Cheitaat PhUado. CLARK & EVANS, No. 680 Chestnut Street. OPEN DAY AND EVENING. Jobbing at Manufacturers’ Prices. RETtILme AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Gold Watches. Silver Watcher. Fine Jewelry. Plated Ware. Qe man Accordeone. Splendid Chromos, Photograph Albums, Family Bibles, Table Cutlery. Pocket Cutlery. Pock. I Books, be. Money raved by pureboiing your goods of CLARK & EVANS. MAUEIST ST. TEA HOUSE. BOYD & CO., "Will Open THEIR HEW STORE, NO. 1209 MiiiKET STREET, On Satnutoy, Apill 241 b, 186iJ. jßp9Bd|rp4 LOUIS ME^ER EccpectfnUy informs the Public tbat he h&e opened hk New Music Store, 1413 CHESTNUT STREET. (Op poilte Bom or, Colladay A Co.'e Dry Goodi WITH A CHOICE STOCK OF i American and Foreign Sheet Mnsio, PIANOS, &c. Apecer for the Worldlßeaownod Munich Fbotogrophe erf the Goethe and Sohiller Galleries, 808 &2£3 2Z3 By Kaolbach and otbo celebrated Artists. Aleo conetznfly on b*»nd, a complete stock of LEY- PdLIIT * HuL’’< BOOKS* Ta.jchiiltz Edition of Br’llrbAntbonsDidot'e t dition of the French Otae-ics eto. Ju»t rectivi d. 1 hntograi be of ibe new Ciarroou, called the Btroer of aauric or in ly. fr'raiiee and con talnioc fcb life like Portraits, 8 sizes, a. 12. $4 and $L »»28 6?riK «* -pULLETiN" OF THE “ BEE HIVE.” J) WE OPEN thia mornlQi? another large lot of the RE3L KID GI.OVB*, At $l, worth $1 76. WE OPEN THIS MOB'JINJI M\NY NO vellloß in FRENC I, HERMAN and ENOUGH DRESS GOODS-purchased foreash —and which wo,will till at tae bottom price of the market. THE “ BEE HIVE " MO3LIN, A NEW MAKE of very superior quality and Uuish, and suitable lor all domostl: purposes— equal to Wacoentta, and twemy per ceut. lower in price— made cxprestli for the ‘‘BitE HIVE.” NEW PARIS AND LONDON SIYLE3UICH SILK MANILE3, r leo Cop'(g, of our own raenn r SPRING CLOrH.BAUyUE3, nt ®2 —one-half the value of the ma terials. OPENING SDN UMBRELLAS AND PARA SOLS, u n w and lame assortment at reason able pr'.oee, at tjo “ BEE HIVE.” Many other novelties will be added to the various dt partmeuts, inelutl- IngfaDCV NEiKTIES, tCARES and SASHES, EMBROIDERED INIITtL and PLAIN HEM STITCHED HANDKERCHI ' PS NEW STYLES COLLARS, CUPPS and SETS, all of which will be sold ut the name reasonable prices which per vade the entbe s'oek. PRICES MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES, AND NO DEVIATION. J. W. PROCTOR & CO, - -_ - THE- 1 BEE HIVE,” . 021 CHFBTNUY SFR'ET. arS3 H. P. A o. K. TAYLOR, PEBJEtHHEH* AMD TOletfSOAl'B, 841 find 1143 H. ninth Street. QAUI'La.sD, fc-JA.M.iMiimJ UNDERrAKER, SO South Thirteenth Btreet mh26 Smarpj Stationery Perfumery, Snependera. Neck Tltsft. Hotlery, Ofueimeres Linen Table Cohere. Linen Napkin** Linen Handkerchiefs* . Woolen Table Oorera, > Notion*, Ac., Ac. DHiaOHJIR JUST OPENED, '• i : r -f M ' t. , DirectfremilioMAnaJAcWer.' , 200 Fieees Orer 6,000 Yards 4-4 IRISH AND FRENCHLINENB OauAntced to be First'data and Regular Goods, At a Reduction of 25 ots. per yard from the fiegalar Price. of the.* Uncnseent by moll, 1» dorired. A too. CLOSING OUT, At a treat redneflnn In prjcea. tbo HALtAKffK OF TUB At » *reo. rroo« K or {j oOUBi cODflbttog or Linens, Blankets, Tsblo Linens. Nap kins, Toweling*. RICH LACE CURTAINS, and draperies. BLightly Wet At the LAte Fire in onr etore. Sheppard. Van Harlingen & Arrison, Linen HonfleforDishing Dry Goods, And Curtain Establishment. NO. 1008 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. nUWetnH? GREAT DEMONSTRATION ./ lU DR "x GOODS. CHESTNUT STREET. RICKEY,SHARP&CO. Priar to (he Btoigtsiolko tl Cheir Boiatu (B the First of May Next, WIU offer the Most Extraordinary Concentration Of Bargain, id DRY GOODS KXHIBITKD IN Ttlia OITY. Tbelr stoeta. la anrlvaled for extent and variety ,and general adaptation to ttie want MO* tbelr patrons, and will be found replete wills ttoe most approved staples and noveltlt a In dealrable fabr It. of recent lm* portatlon- One [Price, no deviation, and all good* Guaranteed a» Represented !! I ap9rptf_ PERKINS & 00., 9 SOUTH HINTH STBBET, Would uk attention to tbelr etock ef BLACK HERNANIES, All width*, including ike new DIAMOND MESH. mb 6 f m wBro4p& New Goods for Ladies and Misses. Traveling snd Walking Sulla. Plain, Figured and Stripe Popllnettes, Japanese Poplins, Taho CIO tbs. Pare MobDlrs in Plain and Cbene, Stripe Poplins, in all colors, Melange Poplins, Together with EVERY VARIETY o! SEASONABLE DRESS GOODS. JOHNW. THOMAS, Noe. 405 and 407 N. Second Street. mh27 Bmrp , ; _____ J CHAMBERS. Bto ARCH BTREET. . * LLAMA LACE POInTES. IXAMA LACE VAKASOL CjVEIW BLACK THREAD LACES,aII widtbß,atvery low priceß. WUHEGOOiB. PLAID NAINSOOK, from 26cents FHFNOH MCBLIN. Syardß wide. 800-rota. MaRbE LLEB FOR DtuHjEa from 25 coatß to 81 2 . BAMU’IIO E> OINGB AN" INBBISTIONd. ' NI HILL WORK EDGINGS AoD INSERTIONS. 'hoieo deriguß. b'ugbt under regular p lets, ana are pi eied «b BabGAIKB. aptH-linS^ EBAIU READI READ! •gSSra© to Ladle.] Kaßt), Economy, DuraoiUtv and b ?f\ou want shoes with ell the abova qnaHtioa. far 1 odleo. Wi-ae., Children and Youth-, yon *“?«?.SIS Hum Ht Wi Bl’B.No 234 Bnnth KDvontUat.. aPB lm4P TTCKENI ORFF AND MoGEEHAN. . Hi (NEW FIRM AND ■ PL' Mill' HP. <» ‘B AND 8 ..BAM H vvf'; 0 ' No R N .ith street, Pn Udelphis. . PniM*.iv slid Otheru w ill find it to S’/to* Inylug gtW ViiVlrliL N. B.—Special attention P»* d 6 J*% ug drainpipe. eHtionniKh l> TTIK CELKBRATRD ivr. &. f 1 MARYLAND HAMS 07 Hr R CHOICE BRANDS, FOIL BALE BY MITCHELL <ft FLETCHER 1204 CHESTNUT BTREBT. aitilyrn , ; To Families Going to the Country. Our stock of sfriotly fine quality of Staple and Fancy Groceries was never more complete than now We shall strive to sell as low as »uoh fine goods ean possibly be purchased and guarantee everything Great earewinbetakento prek securely, and deliver iree pf charge to Bity depot or express offioo In the elly SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, S. W. corner Broad and Walnut fits. fwl f m w DBF UOOUS. 310 D 8 DoRMON, 31(1 No. 810 N. EIGHTH gtroehabove Vine, (Successor to Horrfra A Hoffman.) , UsTioft secured fho above wvit-koown Btora, and filled ft with a large, imb aDd weHetLctcdatotltoi . < DKV >B, We are prepared Rod dotenn ufd to offer rpecal Eighth street bargatoa in BUck Bilks and DreenGoodacf Utoat impel tatioaa and ciioieeetetrUe, . Dms Goods. beantifai atritv; wt 83.2 S Ml 3te. b obair Poplins at 2& 40. 4S, 5»». CD. fIA ISe. Black Al.acaa. at 81, 38 8740, 46,60. fifi. Gu, 70c. Aloaeaa. dotiHe width Bpifuitehndfc* onlyC&e. AlUrool Foplic*. cboicr* BDadea. on!j 76e. Biark 8 ilk a. 82. 84 3S, £2 tt, 83 4* 83 IA $3 7K 63. Mnrbtn.—Mustics Irooi tO cent* upward#, and all the celebrated make*,»t tb* lowcpt ptieea. . Cloths &ud Cirrimotca. —Ali*ffool CmiEMrea from 45r Dp. \Vbite Gooda—Plane*. from 2Sc tip; Plaid Mo&Un* Nalmoola, Unens, Hi Miant*. Bnft Ckmbrtc, Hart** Vl» teta Law n, Book Mu.-iu, Bird a eve iowola, iatklttf, ) o'* he-. I mbroidtrl e. Bdriuga. lmertings, Dimitlra. Table Lintbs, In brown, hslf-oletchrd and bleached. Gloves and Uotltuj—»adlea\ Gents* and Borisrr Kid Ulovce—cboice Epriog abides, only 61 £&. 16 tt^rp tTIILDREirfI CLOTHING* OPENING CHILDREN’S CLOTHING- MBS. E. KEYSEB’S, On Thurtdsy April 29 b, l|6Jl No. 1227 CHKBTSUT BTBBBT. a»23dirp» _ rillfA Ann GLAS.WABt. THE PUBLIC is invited to examine OilK IMMKNBK STOCK CJliitio . Glass and and compare ibe prices with those of oi> v other hoope Id the city. TYNDALE & MITCHELL, 707 CHESTNUT STREET. mblS m w f Smrp ilfcW PUBLICATIONS. .TELE FAMILY DOCTOR. A Compute Dictionary of Domestic fledldae and forgery. Eepectally Adapted for Family Dae. BY A LONDON DISPENSARY BURGEON. lUustrat. d with upward, of Ono Thousand illustration., crown Bto . • loth, 75(1 pages mxl an Appendix, $3 60; half morocco, 84 (XL AGENTS WANTED. Apply to apSajmt PORTER & COATES, Publishers and Booksellers, No. 822CHE8TNUT STREET. Book, Retailed at Wholesale Prices. nthSOrptf a CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD For tli© Sea, Shore - - STBAN OEIiS Attendlrg tbo Odd Fellowa* Celobrntlon Bhould avaU lliemaelveao' ihe opportunity whllo io town to make a FLUNG TRIP TOTHE CITY BY THE dEA. _ Hotehi at the celebrated 8 .mmor UeBOrt,;ALTANi»V CITY, are now open. .„L,, \r „nti Tr.iuß Leave V IN E STREET FERRY at 800 A. M „ In P» U» __ , . __ m . 1 cave ATLANTIC CITY at« WA. M. andl 00 P.M Excutblou Tickets, djWu in the morniig aud up 111 xno ftftorr.oo 't 00 ’ SIX HOURS ON THE BEACH. 1). II MUNDY, Agent. rrEMFLE CF FAHIION-. 11£NrER , IMI.N. W. COIWEK KLEVEiTIi AND CHESTNUT Now sh*dcf of ’*?'duriMa S bittona, SI pair; Sew“itu* S»»oU «e-B tt do »™» .ft 100 Oft prlorn; . i l( hbnn“Tl-f.i-’ci f„ and Beltings; fcbaw So<B Tucked Muslins. Nation) >*« and I iiiliioidoiioe. I-uo a- g (100 i, „ tt on, to. a spool, C ;inl1 1 ricf i ti'l t, ,i goo yards; l.ndles* «nd • htldrsn’s 45d. a doz l n. w ifropt u 0 od»; Uomhn, B iiahoß. Toilet »wtnMBM “g Jj'JJ/ Ekiita. Jewelry and One Fans; nJ^SnihCiniuß*“ i’-'W': I'lUt in-, and a ibousarid I^ r< r B V i Jrilclen. *oo nuratt’oup to luen'ion. , “ A f {aw>a*'“ ,<n, .* wof *i u, P u,a ' Thread, Valenclannas, A T.'ii.'fc'nV? o’ tf Vlmr'C'ttCor nnd-FHlng. ■ dp33.Btrpl —tr —"money to any amount loaned uwn /•\ DIAMONDS, watches, jewejlhy, PLATE, £ O COOTIUNG, at A CO.'B OLD-ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE. Comer of Third and Gaaklll street*. Below Lombard. i_ _ N. R-DIAMONDS, WATCHES* JEWELRY* <JON3> Ac.. TOBBAMIAV ffUMAItKAHLV LOW PRICES. mSrt-lmm ini oneware* oeo. OEBHI6, No. 730 SANSOi! BTBBET. SEGONB EDITK>N. BY TELEGRAPH. XATEB CABLE NEWS (Quotations. The Weekly Cotton Report W ; J*. ®BEX3N G- TOW - Removals la the Tieaswy Department FATAL ACCIDENT AT CHICAGO LATER FROM THE PACIFIC COAST By tbe Atlantic Cable* Loudon, April 28, A. M—Consols for money, flOJi; for soconnt, 2SV. U 8. five-twenties octet and steady at 80%. Stocks steady; Erie, 22%: Illinois Central. 98%. liivßnrooD, April 23. A. M.—Cotton firmer bat not blgbm Middling Uplands, 12d.; Middling Or leans, 12ko. The sates of to-day are estimated at 8,000 bales. Sales of the week 60,000 bales, of which 8,000 were for export and 4,000 for speculation. Stock 393,000 bales, of which 107,000 balds ore American., No. 2 Rod Western Wheat Bs. 4d.@Be. 6d. Corn 275. 3d. for new. Urraovn.l* in the Treasury Depart- meat* {Special DetVlUil to tho PBIU, Erenta* BnUettn.l Washixoiox, April 23— The work of making removals in the Treasury Department a till pro gresses rapldly.and Secretary Bontwell seems de termined to remove all clerks whose service* are not actually needed, as well a* those who are un fitted for their pssitlons by Incompetoncy. In the Third Auditor’s ofllce alone nearly two hundred removals have been made, including many ex-soldiers. _ While the removals have been impartially made, yet when the new appointments have been given, of which there have been upwards of forty, this has not been true. Some of Auditor Ulsrke’s appointments are exciting a great deal of snrpf Ise. Mon have recently been appointed by blm who were in sympathy with the late rebellion, and on yeaterday he even went so far as to appoint a man who is an intimate friend of Vallandlgham, and was a bitter opponent of tbe prosecotlon of the late war against the reb Is. This man, C. M. Smith, of Batavia, Ohio, has been for years a Demo cratic politician with considerable local promi nence, and for bis opposition to the Republican party and tbe aid he gave to Vallatdighim, wben the latter was a candidate for Governor of Ohio-ill 1663, Is now rewarded with a clerkship by Auditor Clarke. Secretary Bontwell has had his attention called to tbcec tacts, and Smith will probioly be re moved against Clarke's objections. Tee Senate having adjourned sine die. the trains took away 10-day a large numberof dlsap - Sointrd office seekers, who go home thoroughly Intuited with everybody bat tbomselves. The Senate adjonrnedjwllbont taking any ac tion on a number of nominations; among others, Colonel Maikland, as Third Assistant Postmaster General. The latter’s confirmation waa sure, htd a vote been reached. It is thought that the Presi dent will now appoint Markland, and then send bis name again to the Bcnotc when that body re assembles next winter. If this is done. Markland will enter upon the discharge of tbe duties of his office at once. . The rejection of Banford for Spain, and Pile for Brasil, is generally well received with Re publicans, although, In the case of Pile, it was not expected. Secretary Bontwell leaves tor Boston to-night to be absent one week Bear-Admiral Joseph Liu man has been de tfebed from the Portsmouth navy-yard on the Ist of May, and ordered lo hoist his flag oo the Lancaster, now fitting out at Norfolk as com mander of tbe South Atlantic squadron. A large number of Senators and members of Coegret* made their float calls at tbe While House this morniDg, preparatory ro leaving for homo. from tbe t'caciffc Coast, Ban Fbabcisoo, April 22—The Rapublican Convention of Wusbiostoa Territory met u'. Vaneonver yesterday. Tne platform of tba last National Convention at Chicago was adopted, and L. Garland was unanimously nominated for delegate to Congress. Gov. Seymour, of British Oolambla, has ap pointed elz commissioners to revise the customs tariff ol the colony. j^a to advices from Kodiak Island report nn omal quantities of Ice and snow. Fatal Accident in Cblcago. [Specie! Dnpatcb to the Phil*. Evening Bulletin 1 Cuicxuo, April 23. -Mr. M. C. Kilgore, prlctor of an extensive foundry in Washington,! lowa, fell from the fourth story ot a hotel, early) this morning! and waslnstantly hilled. Wcatber iwpan. April 53,9 A. U. Plainer Cove Portland Boston Hew tor& Philadelphia Wilmington. 8e1... Washing too, D. C.. Fortress Monroe,.. Richmond Augusta, Ga. Charleston, 6. C... Savannah Oswego Balia 10.,, 1,,, Pittsburgh.... Chicago , Mobile Hew Orleans; Key West Havana.. Mate of fberaiomeier Ybta Day at tbe Bulletin Office. » K, A. M (S 3 deg. 13 M 67 deg. aP. M 69 deg. Weither deer. Wind Eut. The Gnateit UuUeitaking of tbe tge> (From the Leavenworth Commercial.) The unutual activity manifested of late by the merchants and leading capitalists of St. Louis, in ▼lew of the alleged feasibility of diverting the im mense grain trade of the Northwest from Chicago to St. Conls, has aroused the grain dealers of Chicago to a sense of their danger, and with the promptness .for Which that city is famous, her commission merchants have already devised a plan not only to frustrate the designs of St. Lonis, but cße which, If successfully carried oat. will seriously damage the foreign commerce of Now Yoik, and practically annihilate Buffalo, Oswego and other great grain entrepots on the lattes, and mabo Chicago unquestionably the greatost commercial city on tbe continent. The enterprise referred to is the turning of the waters of the great lakes Into the Mississippi river, by means' of a mammoth ship canal, of a contemplated width of one thousand feet, and with an average depth of sixty. With the fall that can be .secured between Chicago and the mouth of the canal at a point on the Mississippi, whieh tho directors do not reveal for prudential reasons (speculative),it is claimed that the entire drainage of the lakes can he made by this artifi cial means, lessening Niagara Falls to about one tenth its present volume. The Mississippi river will bo so much augmented in size lhat the largest vessels in tho world cm navigate ils waters. Steam tags of extraordi nary power will bting sailing vessels from New Orleans to Chicago lb four days. Tho feasibility of this startling project is pro nounced by tbe most accomplished engineers, among whom Is B. B, Graham, of tbe British ecrvlco. who has built similar works,on a smaller scale, In India. It 1b estimated that the cost of the work will •Sb he *B4 000,000, *7,000,000 of which will be re quired to pay for private property, condemned as necessary for this great work. Low water on the Mississippi would thon be forever nnhnown, and the St. Lawrence would be but a email fiver. That the banoflt which Chicago expects to derive from this vast enter prise' would, accrue -to hcr alono, and -not be shared to any extent bv St. Louis or rlvil cities, Is unquestionable.. No one will protond to claim that a city capable of: originating and carrying out so great a project la not folly competent to secure and relaiu all -tbe -commerce resulting itrom It, or in short, tho commerce of tho world, Wind* Weatfcer. Ttiei, .W. Snow eqaalls. 31 ..N. Clear. 47 .N. W. Clear. BO .8. W. C’ear. 56 ....W. Clear. 62 .... E. Clear. 50 . .m.W. Clear. 63 ....8 W. Clear. 70 ....S E. Clear. 62 ....W. Clear. 69 ....B.W. Clear. T 2 N. Clear. 69 B. Clear. 50 ....K. Clear. 64 Cloudy. 53 a B. Clear. 65 ~...8. H«sy. 75 B. E. Cloudy. 7B . .. ,E. Clear. 80 —. Clear. S 4 TH S R]> EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. FR O M BAIj TIMOR© Another Victim of the Late Fire The Coming Peace Jubilee at Boston LATER CABLE QUOTATIONS NEW YOBS MON itY MA.BKET Tbe Baltimore rive.—l. O. O. F. Bai.ti.mokk, April 23—James W. Sommers, one of tbe i remen Injured by the filling of tbo wall Id McClellan's alley, last Saturday night, died last eienlnff/Ho was one of the party buried in tbo ruins, aDd was rescued after two o’clock on Sunday morning. While in the burning rums be display! d ibe greatest fortitude, eocouraglog bis fellow-sufferers and directing those engaged In removing thd fallen timbers now to proceed. He was a glaes-cnticr, aged twenty-eight years. Tbe Grand lodge of tbe Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Maryland have elected the fol lowing officers: Samuel Snowden, R. W. G. M.; Alexander L. Spear, R. W. Deputy G. M.; Ralph Lynch. R. W. G. W.: Joseph D. Escavallle, R. W. G. S.: R. Marlev, R. W. G. T; 8. L. King, Grand Cbaplaic; 8. Sands Mills. Grand Marshal. Front Boston. Bobtow, April 23 Tbe gunboat Seminole went Into commission yesterday, at Charlestown Navy Yard, and took on board her arew, preparatory to her departure for Cuba. Tbe hotels of this city are already receiving nu merous applications from aU parts of tbe country for accommodations In June, In anticipation of visiting tbe National Peace Jubilee. Efforts are being made by tbe executive committee to secure tbe attendance of Strauss’s famous band from Vienna. By tbo Atlantic Cable. lawdos, April 23, P. M Stocks steady; Illi nois Central, 98%; Atlantic and Great West ern, 2 r >. Livanpooi, April 23. P. M—Manchester ad vices are less favorable for yarns and fabrics, which canees a dullness here. The stock of cotton afloat bound to tbis port Is 461 000 bates, of which 153,000 bales are American. Breadstuff* ore declining. Corn, 275. for new. Peas, 38s. 6d. for Canadian. Pork. 104 s. Beef. 91e. Havre, April 21 Low Middling Cotton afloat 141%f. yew Torn Honoy iaarttet. I3pecial Despatch lo the Philadelphia Evening Baltotin. New Yoke, April 23— Tne uneasiness felt at (be close of yesterday In the money market, growing out of fears of an effort being mode to withhold greenbacks Irom and pro duce on artificial stringency is' allayed tbU mornlng.and tbe market is working easy,with call loans at 7 per cent. Tbe banks, however, are in sntb a position that tbe effect upon them In case of an artificial tightness will not be as keenly felt as dnrrng the late period of stringency. Tbe gold market bas been quiet, with sales on exln me quotations at 133%@133%. Tbe cause of tbe decline of 1 to 1 % per cent, from the best pliers of yesterday Is owing to tbeTact that, con trary to general expectations, Secretary Bootwoll has announced his Intention of disposing of the surplus gold. Cash gold is ogala scarce. Bor rowers pay 1-64 to 1-16 per diem for Its use. Foreign exchange is steady, with a good deal of speculative interest- Tbe rates are kept np, owing to tbe fact that remittanceshavetobe made against coupons by foreign holders. Prime bills 108%, with o concession oi % per cent. Governments are dull and lower on domestic and higher on exportable bonds 62s are strong at 121: 67s and new C6s, 115%. Tbe buyera are principally foreign bouses The local demand Itom Amu lean bankers is trifling. State bonds are active and bigber. A desire Is manifested by capitalists lo invent in these securities. New North Carolines sold up to 55%; Missouri Cs, 88%. and Louisiana levee fis, 71. Tbe Stock market baa been fairly active, but devoid of much interest. It opened steady at 'last'night’s quotations, and so continuing up to the prerent wri log, excent New York Central, in which the Irnusactions are largo, and the stork sold at 166@168%, with a later recession of % per cent. Reading is strong at 95%@95% ; Northwestern common, 84%; preferred, 96%@96%; Pacific Moil has risen to 93%,as oirainst 92% at the open zing. The other miscelianons shares are steady. Expresses comlnue well represented; Wells* Fargo, 33%; Gutted Btates. 66%; Adams, 60%. Suicide—Prisoner Discharged. Chicago, April 23—M. C. Kilgore, residing at WasblDgloo, lowa, jamped from a fourth-story window of the Maasassolt House, this morning, and died In half so boar after. Rev. James Marshall, the Catholic priest who was arrested a short time since on a charge of forging bd express receipt, was discharged yes terday, the charge against him looking like con spiracy. Obituary. Buffalo, April 23— Brigadier-General Miles D. McAlester, of the Engineer Corps of the United States Army, died suddenly this morn ing. The Olympic Theatre an Fire. New Yobk. April 23,1 P. M.—The Olympic Theatre, 624 Broadway, late Laura Keene's, la on fire. The destruction of the interior of the building Is probable. Hturine intelligence. Foktebsb Moniiok, April 23.—Arrived— schooner Ida May, from Port Spain, lor Balti more. rutin nkW yobk. New York, April 23— The Junta Patrlolica de Cabanas met j eeterday afternoon. A largo ntun btr were in attendar ce. Mrs. H. W. Beechar was made a member. The account of the recent visit of tho delegation to Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia elicited mnch interest. Extensive arrangements were perfected for a Fair,to be hold on tbo 27 1 b. The anniversary of tho Five Points House ol Industry wss held at Plymouth Church, Brook lyn, lust evening. The exercises consisted o‘ ,-ii pirc by the chi'dren and speeches by Rev. Dr. frail. Rev. T. ucWitt Talmugc, and Joseph H. Choate, Esq. A meeting of the Southern Emigration Society was held in Park place yesterday. General Itn boden, formerly of tho rebel army, who is the Virginia State agent for emigration, addressed the meeting. , Jumiß Johnson was arrested yesterday for picking a lady’s pocket, and when taken to the Tombs Police Court attempted to cut hts throat, hut was prevented by the officers in attendance. Be has been out of the State Prison only a short lime, having served out a term for a similar of fence. The case of Fisk vs. The Union Pacific Rail road, which WQ6 to have been heard before Re feree Rtdfleld yesterday, has been adjourned sine die. John Doiler, while In a saloon in Graham ave nue, E D., on Monday Digbt, wan scabbed so seriously that fears arc entertained he may not recover. It appears that Adam Mark stabbed Duller by mistake for a man he intended to kill. Maik is jet at large. JUST RECEIVED AND IN STORE 1,000 OASES OP Clmuipapue.spnrkllng Cat-wba and California Wince, Port, Msa. Ira. Sherry. Jamaica end ' Banta Cruz Ram, fine old Brandies and Whiskies, Whnbsalo and retail. P. .J. JORDAN. 220 Pear street. Below Third and Walnut streets and above Dock street. de?-tf Dolce Far nientp.-enjoyment heiqrt ened by smnktoE >ho>e splendid Yarn Clears sold by WJLEY, Eighth and Walnut. ep23rotfs TjlQB INVALIDS A FINE MUBIOAL BOX AS A C companion for the sick chamber; tbo finest assort ment In the city, and a great variety of aim to select Item. Imported dlrvot by ' „„ FARR & BROTHER, - mhlg tfrp 821 Cbtstnut streut, below.Fomtb. - __ HUvTER , 3 - PA t TENT BPEO3 tl VN be h«d at his Store, No. 101 8 nrh S£«2r 1-jghth. above Waluut. spi t tf Id -p REFAIRB TO WATCHES AND MUSIOAIi Bores. In the best •ahm 324 Chestnut streot, below. Fourth. THKDAILY JfiSMNG BULL^TjK—A, FRIDAY, 23,1869. »:IB O’CJUXJfit FOURTH EDITION. ADDITIONAL CABLE NEWS AFFAIRS IN SPAIN Tbe Debate on the New Oonstitntion LATER FROM WASHINGTON Tbe Hale-Perry Correspondence List of Nominations Not Aoted On BPRAGUE-ABBOTT AFFAIR By tbo Atlantic Coble., April 23 —Tbo debate in the Con stituent Corn s on the new Constitution was con tinued j efte/diy, and tbe arttclo relating, to news papers, etc., woe finally disposed of. An amend ment for establishing a moderate censorship of the press was rejected, and the original pro visions guaranteeing the liberty of the- press, freedom of meeting and association, and the rigut of petition were carried by a large majority. It la expected that tbo duties on coal and cotton will be abolished by the government From Washington. Wabbikotox, April 28— A report prevailed to day that Abbott and Sprague had left the city to settle tbeir difficulty, but this is not true. Both gentlemen ore atlll here, and no correspondence whatever baa passed between them. Tbe Commissioner of the General Land Office boa approved the application of the city ot Ne vada, California, for tbe purchase of the lands, within its boundaries. This Is tbe first case un der tbe new law giving the right to towns to purchase mineral lands. Wasiiwgtos, April 23 The Senate has taken tbe injunction of secrecy from the debate on the enmptilioua publication oi the Hale-Perry core respondeDce. . .. The following is an official list of nominations which were not acti d on by the Senate:—John B. Hutchinson, to be Minister Resident at the Bawaiian Islands; A. H. Markland, Third As sistant Postmaster-General; James L. Foley, Secretary of Legation at Madrid; Digby V. Bell, consul at : D. B. Ran dolph Ktiro, consul at Kin Klang; Geo.W. Swift, Consul at Windsor; Frank M. Pixley, D. 8. At torney for California; John A Pratt, Assessor of Internal Revenue, Seventh District. Kentucky; Joseph P. Morse. Pension AgeDt at Portsmouth, N. B.; Anton Ncustadt, Assessor of Internal Kevtnuc, Twelfth District. Illinois; Jonathan O. Willis, Collector of Internal Revenue, Eighteenth District, Illinois; Wm. A Davis, Receiver of Pub lic Money at Stock too. Cal.; Addison Bow.Supere vising Inspector of Steamboats. Second District. lire Fire at tbe Olympic Theatre. Nbw York, April 23— Tbe report telegraphed down town that the Olympic Theatre was on fire proves to have been incorrect. Tbe fire oc curred in tbe Mntnal Club House, located in tbe same building, wblcb was damaged to the extent of 62,000. Great excitement prevailed while it was believed that tbe theatre was on fire. The U udeon R iver Freshet. PoconKBEPBtK, Aprll23—All the trains on the Hsd> on River Railroad are now running regu larly. THE COTJKTH. Quautkp. Sessions— Judge Brewster—. This morning Lieut John Curley was In court, and id answer to a question by the Judge, stated that be bad a bench warrant for Jameß Haggerty, and bad been after blm a number of times. He bad watched places Haggerty was known to frequent, and a squad of policemen in citisen’s clothes had also been detailed to captnre him if possible. Jndge Brewster stated that he understood that Haggerty was In tbe eily. LieuL Curley said he heard that be was In a flgbt at Eleventh and Sansom, and went for him, b*t be got away in a carriage. Judge Brewster suggested that It waß im portant (bat tbe man should be arrested. JLientrnoDt Curley replied that If he found him be could take him unless Haggerty hilled him. Jndge Brewster said the police force coat a large amonot of money, and do one mau ahonld be allowed to defy tbe whole force Tbe Jadge expressed bis belief that Liente&ant Curley bad done all Id bis power, aod requested him to con* Hone hi* < Sorts lo find ibe m&D. The case of Officer Bill was aleo before the Conrt, upon a return of tipstaff Kenny, who reported that he had been unable lo fiod Mr. Bill. He bad been to bis house and be was not at borne. Be had not searched the bouse, and the Judge directed him to return and make a thorough search. FINANCIAL AND COMMEBOIAL Tbe Philadelphia Sales at the Pblladeli 6600 CltyS’e new 101 if 29 sh Morris Cnl pf Is 66 6100 do its 101 it 6eh do 66 66> nBn-20s ’sa cp 118 Sab do 65’< 60C0 West Penna Bds £0 300 ah Big Mount 1800 Pbil&ErieK 7s Is BO 1000 Fhil&Erlo 68 88R 100 sh Niagara Oil 2 a luuo Leh Gld Ln Its 95 Isb Ocean Oil X 1000 do 9416 60 sh CornDlanter V 1000 Morris Usual 1 sh Penna R 591* Ist mtg Bds £6 24 eh do Its t>9 H 20 sb Mannf Bk 31 40 eh Mlnehill R MV 66 sb LehVaiK 66V 800 sh Headß Its 47-69 30 sb do s 6 Its 65V >OO sb do sBAin 47-69 160 eb Oil Creek & 100 Bb do c 47 V Allcgh’y R its 37 lOOeh do regAin 47X BCTWKXn bo&bdb. 34roCity6s new 100 N Penna 6s 3 00 Western PnR 6s fO 17 tHh&Clbb'tlt 39 4 sb Pennu R 69 W SehCamAAmß 124 Sf eooo Cltvis new do Its 10l R 2dys li'lß ltOsb LetValß ,6 66 V 1 1 00 do lew bde reg 96 61000 Phi's AErle 7e Is 80 80 sb M erb Bk 81 *< 10 eb Phils Bk b* 1 " ’ riuniY, April 28. ... .■= ■» moderatei aeUyltv in the local money niarkt tto day, t*nd too chief fe-ituri was a food eNpi'ly of cur»ency. easily acoeefciMe, both at th«* hantsard iutbeop*nnmrk*-t. rheprospeciol aatlll further improvenient »n this direction Is cheering on accruitff tbelargcdatly accretions to ♦be deports of our lord banka and lie limited demand for currency f t m trade elides and the mercantile claosefl gduerallr. In ib»p letter re'nccl. however, an Ija* rovement may be « xpreted in occoi dune** w l* h rule, as genera! oavi atioo opens. Ihe amount of farm produce etill he d io tno Went and > orthwrst if unmtially large this season.and to move it to maiketwiil abaoibmuch of our surplus float j,.g capita) Wo far t> c money market is working comfortably. We quote ral) loans at 6Cn7 pircent, ou Governmentb>ndt« '•id at7@8 percent on mJBC*IIAne~ ,, HB CuritieH. Prlmo tuipincEß paper was freely di ouuoted, both in tbe regular and open ma»bets. rcent, , , r l here wasle»B activity at the dtook B ard to-<Hy,aoa priris of tht speculativeabates were not bo hrm. lo (JoTtrnnient and Btate Lvane the transacious wo r o cd n) 1 , City Sixes, new, were strong at lUlii. Lehigh i. old Loan doped at 94>$. _ Peooitifi Pallroad was steady at about -17 filM'3l47 7?*; Penn*ylvania Hallrcad sold at 69?«» a decltoM ot 124 *4 was bid ior Carodtn and Amboy for oit** wfera Bsiboad pn furred; 645,7 for Lehigh Valley Rail iond, and 28JU for Philadelphia and Erls lUU^ad. Jnßaok, Canal and Poeeunger Railroad shares there werenoo>een ial chances. H be directors of the Diamond Oial Company have de* claM da dividend of 50 ceuta per * haro. Wctßrs.PeHavendi Urother, No. 40South Third street make tho follow irg s of the rates of exchange to-day, at IP. M-: United States Sixes of 1881. 117fjS; do. do. 18K2, do. do 1864. do. da 1866, U6H@I)BU; do do, 1866, new, do, do 1867. n<w. do do. 16tN, - s’s. *.O 40V, lOfrojKldM; 17 8. 80 Vear 6 per cent. Cv . Io4*y<ato4%: Due <k>mp, Int. Notes, Gold, 133 ;IP4>. Bilv»r. . Jay Cooke A Co quote Government securities, «c.. to d*y ►sfoilowK: U.M d»,*8l.ll7ll(8lU7>rf; 620*s of 1861. (Sfai; do 1864. 11«91161t; do. Nov.. 1&<& U8>»@118^; d » July. 1866. ltV^ll&X); do 1807, 116@mH£: do. 1-68, i\4% annx ; *i eu forties, ltift^lOftld; Gold, 183#; Pacittcs. 104*4 @lO5 bmitli. Randolph & Co., Third and Chestont, .quote <t l(>o n’cioch aafollows: Gold lil-W: U. 8. di*oi, i \m* II7M@U7^; Five-twenties 1864 ido 1861. I llfi-a-llOX; 6->. 1865. 118®H8Mi do. July. mi. 116<5 '■ I fiVt : r O. Jo 1847. 147*1811 IB; Jo; jo 1364 MI6 *ll4 r TTir«t,"TeuTofft«p. 106®t06Jtr i 'ihu iDM'i rttuu of Flour and Msalfar the ive.k uadmg ; April 29 18t0; , . Barnlaoi Mipcrfiuo.... 1 £<9lB da. Rto. «» • dr. Corn M**l IO*) da. Coudeiuntd . 27 ! Total. ............ "MU 3:00 O’Olooht. a money Market. ibia Stock Exchango. b6wn Its 6R 60 Bb Lehigh Nav Stk 33V 33 sh do B3>* 200 sh Blc Mimtoln bS 6R 100 sb. Head B bid 4754 iCOsb do sswnAlu47V SOABD. 22 ou Punna R BOfg 200 sh do tranf 69R 40 so CaAAmR 3ds 125 6 sh do 126 200 sh Readß bs&in 47R lOOsh do 47-66 too eh do 41 H * ” *■ do 2dysAlnt 47J4 The following is the amount of coal rrauaparted'over, the Schuylkill Canal, during the week ending Thura d«. *«»«“• 188#! TODStCwL. ".r *gs! ■ -■ Schuylkill Have^i................... UMj?®'}? ;•» Port Clinton. ........ Wl6 flVjtalfdrtheweek....... Previously this year........ r T0taL....... * To same time last rear. ; Increase 1,066 10 Philadelphia Produce .Marketer ; ; FniDAi. April 33.— 1 1 hew* Is & little mow doing Itt do* vmtrd.atHMlObnibri* pold at $8 60@9.95-and oomo • from ats9@9 6u. No change in Timothy or F]»x«rtd, nod tat IHtlo of rUbor Is coming for wik a. bo. 1 Oneicilron Barb Is bold at $62 per too, but no eaU e have come uodvr onr notice. . . . - \ ■ ■i b« © i* no ee** nti&i change to record In the Flour mar. ket. aid the t'ansarfion* arc very moderate. • retching about 1.010 barrels, frclod'ng Superfine, at £6 26646.76 P? r ba rvl: bMr-satfifi 76@«26; Northwest bstra .feSS 1 !? at 86 60@7 25 he latter for g>od Minnesota: $7 WK37 76 for PenDOWiMiiß do do.; $B(W@9 00 for Jlllaol* and Ohio do. dolt and fanev lots at hlgh«»quoui»looy; About lOObamlaßSo hioarsoidat $7 00@7 25. La Oo.m Heel sotrsneacflotß. .... Tbe demand Ur chrlce Wheat !• fair, but other dMcnp tlosaaierrtwatted Sa'ea of 600 buiilul« go-d R«d»t gl 7*3j *OO bribe’s omhtr at 91 86;400 bnabels Oa ifo nU at 81 77;4C0btubels Michigan Amber at $1 90. aadl.OUO btiriitia Pinneafta No. l ut $l6l. Bye feiteadir at $1 46. Porn is riearty. sales of LOOO hTahels yeJlowßtSBc.j 6000 btubels We«toro m'xed atB3«s6a* and I,<CO barbels high r Jxed at 86c. Oats »wjhi fair w qnert. and 6006 bnpbrls Western told at itf&ito' No change In Barley or Malt. 1 Wmsby is firmer, and we qaote tax paid at 96&95C. Blew Turk Honey iffarkot* [Ft om the New York Herald of to-day.l Apbii.22.—The gold market was excited tbla aftertwoo nndcr a severe hammering b* (be bean, who Dana tbetr operations nron a telegram from Washington announcing ittobetbe intention of thefieentary of (he'ireosuiTto tell gold on “Timndav* hereafter” to toe highest biddor tnbmlitiDg sealed proposal* That the despatch was coining was known to aome of the “insiders,” for the pre mium began to deelii e early in tbe day. It was not made known until after 8 o'clock, wben gold fellrapidly from 184 to 183**—a total decline for the day of l?2oef cent. Itlseertainlvcnrions that Mr. Bontwell bas delayed to tble time - o meritorious a plan of relieving the importing mereb> nta of this city. It Is to be foared, however, that tbe remedy comes too late, as tbe evil has about-ex* baurted Itaelf. The first sale under tbe proposed' pro gramme lake* place April 29. The gold will reach (be market April 89 On the fo lowing day, however, the goveroment will dlsbnrse twenty millions in payment of the May coupons Oi what uae, then, i* the relef which Mr. Bontwell proposer? Ae well keep the gold in tbe T'easnry, co<v that it is foo late to be nsefnl, or better land it at seven per oent interest, o> cancel government bonds with it. Indeed, the con sideration of (blj fact led manv to surmise that tbede* enatch was a ho%x or concocted for tbe benefit of the #hoits. Bence (here was a reaction late in tbe afternoon to!88& Tbero'aelearinnofgold yederdayamounted to nearly onr hundred and twenty-three millions of dol lars. while tbe aetnal amonot of gold in all the banks of tbe city is lets than ten millions. The attack today would seem to indicate, therefore, that “somebody** u “ibort” of gold. The borrowing demand for cash gold was qutte active in tbe early forenoon, and rates ranged from 6-64 down to ].64 and “mat” for tbe Clearing Boa#o. In the afternoon thjee per cent per annum was for carrying over bnlttuces. 'lbe following is tke report of tbe Gold Ex change Bank: f, old cleared • • .slffi.B6J «00 Geldbalan-e. r ISkml During the regular hours M boelaess foreign each tngo was steady on tbe baeis of 1083 d for the choicest of prime barkers* oil!*. Ike »harp dtciino In gold after three oMcckws* therefore not ouerative upon this grade of blllabat will probably remit In an advance to (o-moirow. Tbe ba» 1 era' were still open when the charge took place and put up (heir ratei to prime bauk ei>' figuri a Oommercl-l bills advanced to 106. Govemmenis at the morning Board were buoyant ani string, tbe IW* relling *t I2lk_the highest ever attriied 1567swere quoted atri&i*. The market relapsed into qnk't sr.d etea' Ineea tbe London quotaUcn rvmmntog nnebanpd until Ute in tbe afternoon, when there was a pmrni* to cell, and the whole list tell off from* quar ter f o half per cent with the decline in gold The rela tion of gold to governments, pariical-rly the 1882 s Is a very defle ate one. A cbingeio the price of toe former is ctuiotuly, sometimes lntxpl.eably, reflected in the Money waa more active and seven per cent, (he pre vailing rate ri b all claeaee of eeearitfea. The anticipa tion ol tbeefferiof 6jld sales upon the mooev market was the ostensible rearon for tbe greater demand; but it 'preemed to be aided by a bear movement in stocks, wbleb wa* quite iuecesafni. a .. . „ Southern securities were (he exception to the decline of the day, and were steady for the general Havana buoyant tor the favo* Real Tenneseees and North Caro* Unas were still the f*alure*. _ „ - Tbe cto* k market was f xcited. (rrevnlar and declui*d. From the opei Irg of bußtoees until midday there was a steady .rise an rompsr* d with tbe clodoe prices or the prs- and New Y^rkCentral toHCbed tbe unprece dented quotations of From tfcispolt, how ever, there was a break In the whole list, tbe steadiest yiddlng to the presure of sales. Brew lorls btoek narfieu fCorrespondence of the Associated Press.l Ssw Yob*. April Ce.iiyi GoW. J Exchanea SX; Frnstwentiea. 188. 121>4: do_ l»M UW; do. lisS, ne<; now. IIS; ISS7. USX; T e n.fortl«. 108: VfrriDia Bixer. 6174; bns&ouii Sixes. 88; Uan'on Com pany. 637*: Cumbfrtand Preferred. I &>>s; New York • .Dtnri.; 168: Efidinv. 88-4 ; HndaoD dJver. Mltl.lun Central. 1 til Michigan. Hpnthom. W’4: 1111- 01. cvnttal. 144 M; Cleveland and Pltteborgh. 9314 ; ( It-TelacA and Toledo. 98? i: Cbicago and ttook laUnd. 187 tFittabnrgb and Fort Wayne, 183 S. Vlarke'e by fßredtl Dec patch to the Phflada Evening Bulletin.! Mw Yens. April 23. IS* P. l£--<k>tttm-T}ie market this morning wasdull and heavy, flaleeol about MO baled. We quote as follows: Middling bplands, 28J5; Middling 0 FIoot!* AcU-Beeeintß-5 700 barrels. Tba market for Wfrtein and State Flour to only moderately active* Jew trades steady, others heavy and irregular .The rales are about 4 800 banvla. including Super fine State at. BB® W ® , u^. B ?tri SlOe at 86 80(5610; I/OW grades WestemExtra at $6 70(46 26. I outbein Flour la dull and heavy. tap eUliy medium stadee. 6aleaof 800 barrels. California Flour to dull and unchanged. Bales of 200 barrel". . % , . . Crs in—Receipts of Wheat, 45.4C0 bushels. The “jtfW to dull and heavy. The sales are 15,000 bushels No. 2 Mil waukee at $1 35(381 86* In store and aflust. and No. 1 do. at s—<3—. Corn— Receipts, 12900 bushels. The maikct <• firmer, with a fair demand. Sal e of 86,000 bushels new Western at 81.4 82C. afloat Oats—Receipts, &lon bnsb. Market buoyant, with a fair demand. Bales of 85,060 bushels at in store, 70c. afloat. Rye- quiet, with sales at $1 80® $lB2. Barley— Bales efl&foU. Market nominal. PioTislons.—The rereipts of Fork are 123 barrels. The marietta moderately active. Sales of BJQ barrels at *3l 25(381 &7Mfor new Western Mesa. Card— receipts, (27 packages. The market Is dulL We quote fair io prime sti am at lra@l&& cente. _ . . . . „ . Whisky- Receipts. 670 barrel*. The market to doll and bea y. We quote free at 91e.@93c. . _ , Coffee—All grades of Rio firm with a good business. MoU» sis to drooping. Bugara dull and heavy: tales at Nayal stores and Petroleum advaaciug. Hops lower, caused by unfavorable European advices . (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) Nkw Yoek. April S 3 steady; 700 nates sold at 28>«<3S£4c. Flour heavy.butis « Obiutdeeided change; f.lte ol T.CtObsrrtK Wheat declining Corn firmer and acaiee; ► ales of 8H000bosbtls; mixed Western, SKQffiJtfe. yellow Western, 83. Oats and Beef quiet Pork firm at ®«1 80<9$81 85. L*rd dull but unchanged. Whitky dolt quotations axe nominal. , Kaituioiiv. April 88.—Ootinn steady. 23@3336. Flitir dull but enchanted. Wheat firmer. Corn dull; prime White, BC@blc T\ ellow, M«B6c. Oats dull at 75@780. Bye nominal. Mess Pork. $Bl £oo*BB. Bacon—rib sides. 163£c.; dear, do., 1736 c.; shoulders, 1436&; hams, 20@Alc. Lard, lflfce. Whisky unchanged. OIJKTAIN UITEOUIA. SPECIALTY REAL LACE NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS Will offer otur varied stock PERFECTLY NEW AND FREBH, An Inspection will demonstrate How mucb tlielr value exceeds their price. REAL LACES, FROM «6 PER PAIR UPWARDS. Nottingbam Laces, FROM $1 60 PER PAIR UPWARDS. Together wUb the GREATEST N OVELTY. FBENOH LAOE DROP CURTAINS LACE SHADES. I. E. WALRAVEN No. 719 CHESTNUT STREET. /TANTON PRBBRRVED GINGER.—PRESERVED \J Gitw>nfnejrnpof thocelebrated 1 :hvloonK brand: •bo. Dry I'lFietrpd Gluten In boxee. Impyrtod mid for ulo by JCB. U.DimuJA « CO., 108 South Delaware sytnOA FIFTH EDITKM ... 9.\lH 10 ... «>,?«« LATEST FROM WASHINGTON .. ltG.Blfl lB .. IH.4W 00 Telegraph. BY TELEGRAPH. The Eight Hour Law Opinion from Attorney-General Hoar Opinion on (be Elgbt Hoar » nw. (Special Dwpatch to tbe Phthu Braniac BaUcUn.] Washington, April 23. Attorney-General Hoar sent lo'Secretary Borle tbis afternoon an reunion as to the constitutionality of tbe E’eht Hour law, saying that be saw no reason to d ffer from the one rendered by ex-Attorney-General Evaits. In accordance with this, Secretary Boris baa itsned a circular letter to the heads of the various navy yards, calling attention to ibis opinion, and saying that while the Navy Department has not the right to compel mechanics and laborers to work more than eight bbnrs.yet It has the right to em ploy them to labor extra hours, and pay them pro fata for snch extra worh. The Cabinet session wai attended by all the ministers to day, and was over three hoars dura tion. ninuioub REMOVAL THE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY TO Their Ktv Fire end Bnrgtar-preof Bonding, Not. 329 and 331 CHESTNUT Slreei, Which will be .open for the transaction of buslnoa On Tbnnday, the Bth of April, 1860. The Fidelity Insurance, Trust' and Safe Deposit Company; Capital, $600,000, fall paid* DIRECTORS: V. B. Browne. I I d ward W. Clark, Clareree H. Clark. I Alexander Henry, John Webb, I Stephen A Caldwell. Chailea Macaleater. I George F. lyler. Kemy C Gibeoa. . v'Hiy C uiu.. Prerldent-N B. BROWNE „ Vice P.erident-CLdRGNCB H. BecieUiy and Tretiurer —ROBERT PaTTERSON. The Company have provided in their new BtriMing and Vault* absolute security acainst loss by FlhEh BUB KEO^^E r^EOUBr» N TE9 a AND VALUABLES ON DE * PORIT UNDER GUARANTEE. . % , Upon the following rates, for one year or lees period. Government and all other Coupon Be-) i corit'ee, or those transferable by> El 00 per Buooo Government and all ether BrcwTUtaC) tii „ IMil regictered and negotiable only by en > 80 1,000 domment ) ___ „ Gold Coin o* Bullion 125 M } JJg F liver Coin or- Bullion . ,3 00 ** MOO Bi.ver or Gold Plate under seal, «u ... on-pel's estimate o» value, and rate! 100 100 enbieettoadjotmintforbcilk.. Jewelry. Diamonds, Ac 360 M UOO Deeda Mortgages and Valuable Papers generally, when of noSxedv*iite $1 a year each, or according to bulk. There Utter, v hen deposited in Tin Boxes, are eharged affording to bulk, upon abatis of IK feet cable capa city, $lO a year. Coupons and Interest win be collected when dwired,End remitted to tb j owners, (or one per cent The Company offer for RENT, the lessee exclusively ho Wire the hey, Bafes Indde ita Bondar-proof Yaslhs at rates varying from $2O to $75 eaeb per annum, ac cording to sine. Deposits of Money Received, on which in tercet win be allow* d: 8 pw cent on Call Deoosttajpayable by Cheek at eight, ana 4 per cent on Time Do. posits, paj able on ten days' notice. Thb Company la also ant» < onaed to act as Exeentora, Administrators and Guardian*. to leoefve and execute Ttnets of every description from the Coarts, corporation* or individuals. N. B. BROWNE. Preside at. ROBERT PATTERSON, Secretary ana Treasurer. epG in w f ami f 4,500,000 SEVEN PER CENT. GOLD BONDS, Thirty Tears to Bun, The Lake Superior and Miaalaalpp River Railroad Company. TheyinaflnlOortgageSinkingFund Bond Free of United States Tax, 6SOUBCP BV OHB SHUOS EH HINDRBB AND TBIBTY-rio fBOUSAP ACBIB OF CHOICE LANDS, And by tbe Railroad, Its HolUn* Stock »nd toe Ftaa chisea of toe Company. A Double Security and Pint filau Invettmmt In every respect, yielding In Currency nearly Ten Per Cent. Per Annum. Gold, Government Bonds end other Btoclu received In payment at their highest market price. Pamphlets and fall information given on application to JAY COOKE & 00., No. 114 South Third Street. E. W. CLARK & CO., No. 35 South Third Street, tHscal Agents of toe lake Superior and Jl iaaieeipp Jiiver JiaHreod Oompanv. mhlOOOtrp* ' PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO. TBEASVBEB’S DEPART MBT. Fihudzxfiiu, Pinna., April 2,1868. To the Stockholders of tbe Peanajlvaniß Balhoad Company. All Stockholders. ae registered on the Booka of this Company oo tbe 80ih day of April, 1889* will bo ©nulled ♦o subscribe for 28 P»r C ent of their respective Interests in Now Block at Par, as follows: jfirBt—T\fty p*:r cent, at the time of subscription* be tween too 16th day of May. 1889, and toe 80to day of June, 1869, Second -Fifty per cent between the IBth day of Novem* bar, 1880, and too 81st day of December, I 860; or. if Btook. holders should prefer, the whole amount may be paid up i.t the lime of subscription, and each Instalment so paid shall be ont tied to a pro rata of toe Dividend that may he declared on full thareß. Third—l bat every Stockholder holding lees than four shares ebnll be entitled to subscribe for one sliarei and those holding more than a multiple of four shares shall be entitled to subscribe for an additional ebare. Fourth— All shares upon which instalments are yet to he paid under eesolution of May 18,1863. will becntitlod tn their allotment of the 86 Per UenU at par, as though they war, paid in full. T non AS T. FIBTII, Treasurer. auMmrn. WASHINGTON RANGE In Constant Operation. FID do the. Cooking for a F«Ally and HEAT THHEB BOOM 3. - H. MoGLENAGHAN, No. 837 Bftoe Street, apUSthtusliu 6 , 4:00 O’Olook. -jriiiAiwauiaa-'- DREXEL A 00., PMMe^hil. DREXEL, WINTHROP *00.,K.Y, DREXEL, HAR JEB &Ca» Ml* Bankers and Dealers tat V* >. Beads. Parties going abroad can a take aB tkelrJiHitttinl , arrangements with us, and procure Letter* qf Grt&t available in all part* of Europe. \ . ~ - :<...w Drafts for Sale on lnUiAft France, eeraraar* &«, w>Mnwfmtf6p : v No. 35 South Third Street ; PHILADELPHIA. ■ DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, STOCK, GOLD AND NOTE BROKERS. ' Aceoamta af Banka. Doit and IddivMiuda te««iT*d,'MAMo' to check at tight. : ■ INTEREST 'ALLOWED ON BALANCES. • - - {^ENERAL^ENTS, PENNSYLVANIA &Zf t Vv UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The National Life Insorancd Oohpant te a corporation chartered by special Act ofOongreee, «p -proved Jnly S 5, 1868, with a CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,040, FOIL PAD). Liberal terms offered to Agenta and Solicitors, who; ore Invited to apply atonromoe. ~ _ Full particnlarH to behad on application atour office, boobed In the second story or our Banking- Home, where Circulars and Pamphlets, hilly describing MX* advantages offered By the Company, may bohod.' E. W. CLABK A CO., ... No. & Sindh Tttird BL ff ATGBER. IBWBMII. »«; JAB. G. CALDWELL & 60, No. tit CHESTNUT STREET, (Unto their Store is reboot,) IMPORTERS OS’ DIAMONDS* Manufacturers of Diamond Jewelry. BOLE AGENTS IN AMERICA FOB H. R. EKEGRBS’S Stneva and Copenhagen W atoheSj Bepeateis andCfiionographß. SPECIAL AGENTS FOB THE BALE OP ; Uorbam manufacturing- Company'* FINE ELECTRO PLATED WARES. ARTISTIC SILVER WARES. A very full and valuable oollectfua In NEWEST JDB SIGISBfor Bridal Presents and Household Use. MANTEL CLOCKS. FINE BRONZES, FANCY ARTICLES. None but FIKST CLASS GOODS KEPT, tod every 1 ARTICLE BOLD CPON ITS OWN HERITS. spgmwfamft • • —. ODD FELLOWB’ PARAD& The attention of all visiting toe city to participate la invited to examine our large stock ol ,„• : i. \ WATCHES, JEWELRY and SILVER WARE AT IBE EXTBBUELT lOW PUICKE, LEWIS LADOMUS & GO., JKWELBRB. " No. 802 CHESTNUT STREET, auSB 8t UITLEB, WEAVER & CO. NEW CORDAGE FACTORY NOW IN FULL OPERATION. No. ..... WATER street and S 3 N. DELAWARE avenue. H TO let. ,J| At the STEAMBOAT STATION, Pennsylvania Central Railroad, 20 miles from Philadelphia, a new HOUSE* containing nine good rooms, soft spring wator Introduced, bath-room and water clout In the house. Will hotel I with or without furniture. Rent, without furniture. 4350. Jnqniro at 266 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. ■ Good Bonrd can be had In this Br p. - ISAAC! NATHANS. AUCTIONEER, N -E. V2SJ?SS 1 3 bird and Bprnro streets, only one square below the Exchange. $£60,000 tolosn, in large orflinallamounto,<ra diamonds. silver plate, watches. Jobolry. and value. Office hours from BA.M. tp 7 P M. llßhed for too last forty yoars Advances made in large amouote at tho lowest, market rate©* . ■ • laR firp ■ 1 OKPAN'B OELEBBATED PUKE TONIC AUB FOR Tho'eubscilhor'llfnow'lnmlahodwiUl hi*' full Winter supply of hla' highly nutritlou* and weU-knownbeynrage, ltawldo acrOad and incroaeinß ueo, by order of plant Jana, for 11-val da.uao.of famlHe*, dc.* commend It to tho attention of all eonanmera who want a etrtctly pure ar tlcle; prepored from the beat material*, and put up in the . ,oat careful manner for home nae or tranapprtaUon. Or, den by mail or otborwlaopromptlv e p p £‘jo , RDAN ‘aio Pearetreet,v Below Third and Walnot ahreets. /'tori ON -400 BALES' COTTON IN BTORR AND C for Vale by COCHRAN, RUEBELH fi CO„S!|J(lortl» Front Btrfet. ■: ■■ IMPERIAL FRENCH PRUNEB.~ttI,OtBEB IVTIN lcannistera and fancy boxen, Imoorted aedforaale by JOB. h. BUBBIEK a CP.. 108 Bouth Dela vatoavanug. /IAS'JILE BOAP-NOW t LAND<NO.~3OO BOXES I White ard Molded OestUeßnap, veryetwerlot <m«Uty. ROBE* T BHOEMaKEK * C*V, Wholesalo OrtUfdaba. N. F. romer Fnnnh and Kacc etleete. . . ' " OLIVE OIL. BUPEmQR QUAMTY. ON nRAUOHT and in-battlea;tyailaußjbr»Dda. , _Ryi)ERT l)HOF«- MAKER &CO..N E.'cprpt? Fourth and Raao alroato. CIIALK.— FOR BALE.IBO TONHOFOHAT4K.APUJAT Apply to workman a_co« Walnnlatreat 1 0 HEbM OINGKR.-LANDINO AND FOR BALE B 5 IX J.B.BUBfilKttaw* SoothlkUware arenas.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers