FIFTH EDITION LATEST CABLE NEWS The Financial Mi'ra of Italy Annual Bfpoit of the Minister of Fin ite i BevoluiioEary Sobemes ii Spain Another Mazzlni Plot Discovered Affairs in New York City SUIT AGAINST GEN. BUTLER By tbe Atlantic Cable. Ft/OBKNCE, April 21 —The Minister of Finance haß presented tbo annual budget to the Chamber. The aoenment la very satisfactory. The Income of the Government 1b Bteadily Increasing, and, consequently, It will be unnecessary to Impose anv new lax’es for the current year. Milan, April 21 The Government authorities have discovered another formidable Mazzlnlan conspiracy Id this city. ' Fabers which were concealed by the revolution ists and which give dctatlß of the organization, were unearthed and seized, together with a large amonnt of arms and ammunition, nnd several of the ringleaders have been arrested. Few fork Items. [Special Deeps'eh to the Phila. Evening Bulletin.l Nkw To'bk, April 21.—The strike on the Second avenue cars has been ended by a compromise The drivers are to receive 26 cents extra for the eighth trip. ... . The hearing of the spiritual photographer case to-day, in which Judge Edmonds Is a witness, was postponed till Friday. The National Board of Fire Underwriters met to-day. The report of the Executive Comtnltteo shows that the fourteen months past proved less severe to the general Insurance interests in the United States than since 1863. The net earnings of the basinets as such, irrespective ol the earnings of the capital, were only 1.23 per cent The result shows that while the aspect or the business has been Improving daring the pa«t two years, yet the substantial reforms desired are un secured. The great problem still before ns is how the public ebull be in a measure relieved from the burden they are still compelled to bear as the prime tnfferers In the immense destruction of Insured propertv. The reported suicide of Mr. Collar, the lawyer, is incorrect. Xbe Suit Against General Butler. Baltimore, April 21—In the United Btates Circuit Court to-day, In the case of Kimberly against Butler. Cblel Justice Chase sustained the demurrer of the plaintiff to the defendant s plea In abatement of privilege fiom arrest as a mem ber of Oosgrese, and decided that the word ar rest," as ÜBcd in the constitution,means an arrest or detention by force, with a view to Imprison ment, and does not oxtend to process of sum mons in civil Court. The argument was then continued on the other pleas. Xbe United States Senate. [Continued from Third EdiitonJ Mr. Abbott offered an amendment, providing that appointments to department positions shall be made according to State populations, which opened a wide range of debate, and caused a dis cussion of the relative rights of the North and Bnwyer asserted that the Democratic State of Kentucky had received more appoint ments in the departments than the entire Repub lican South, and said he had boen told by a mem ber of the Cabinet, lately, that the Senators from the reconstructed States must remember tbal the whole Republican vote of the Sonth was very Tt% the Senate went Into executive session. The Rogers Murder. New Yobk, April 21.—JameB Maher, arrested some months since, on the charge of complicity In the Kogors murder, waa brought before Judge Cardozo, of the Bnpreme Court, to day, on a writ of habeas corpus, and discharged from cnßtody, the District-Attorney Interposing no objection. Death o« an Ei-t’ongre«sman. Richmond, April 21st.— General T. L. Hay wood, a member of Congress from Virginia be fore the war, died this morning. From Boston. Boston, April 21— Miss Sarah C. Lowlb, an elderly woman ol considerable means, shot her self dead with a pistol, at hor house, In Brain tree, yesterday. _ . The trial at Dedham of Mrs Holmes for causing the death of Mrs Blanchard, ol South Wey mouth, bv procuring an abortion, baa retailed in a verdict of guilty on the second count,that of procuring an abortion. The Death of Pete* Tt. Cutler. New York, April 21.—Peter Y. Cutler died from natural causes and did not commit suicide. Marine intelligence. New York, April 21 Arrived— steamer Don, from Havana. FSt tin HEW X'OBE New Yobk, April 21.—Justice Dowling com menced yesterday at the Tombs an examination in the case of the late forgeries upon Jay Cooke & Co., by which $26,000 was obtained from tho National Bank of the State oi New York. Affidavits were submitted by the assistant cashier of Jsy Cooke & Co., and tho paying teller of the bark, declaring tbe checks to be forgeries. The Judge promises to lift the veil of myßtery with which this ctse thus far has been shrouded, and as tar as lays in his power develop all the facts connected with it. A farewell missionary meeting to Bishop Mor ris, of Oregon and Washington Territories, was held at Calvary Chnrch last night. Addresses were made by tbe Bishop and Hey. Drs. Potter and Wasbbnrn. The strike of the drivers upon tho Second Ave nue railroad continues. No earn were running yesterday. Late laßt night Mr. Peter Y. Caller, a lawyer well known as an influential member of tho bar of this city, was fonnd dead in bis room at the Pacific Hotel, under circumstances that lead to the enppesitlon that be committed saicide. He came to tbe hotel early Monday mernlng and asked for accommodations, which were given him, room No. 51, on the second floor, being as signed os bis quarters. A visit to tbe room In question shortly after by Deputy Coroner Shine revoaled the fact that a bottle of laudanum was lying on tbe mantel, and beside it a pint bottle of Bourbon whlßkv, but Utile of tbe latter, however, being consumed. The de ceased lay npon the inner edge of the bed, which hod been made np, and appeared aa If he h id not been recently living in strict conformity with temperate babits. Ke was unshaven, and marks of violence, aa if be bad been in a fight, were ob served upon biß face, there being braises under bis left temple, and tbe right eye was black-anti blue. Mr. Caller resided on Staten Island, whore be leaves a widow. He is represented to have been a man well off in this world 'a goods. Obituary. Professor Mitchell, tho well-known Mathema tician, died at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, on Monday afternoon, from general debility. He was 76 years of age. Professor Mltohell was the father of Mies Maria Mitchell, tho Astronomer, who was born in Nantncket, Mass., Aug. X, 18X8. He was at that time engaged in teachlog at that place, and devoted much of his time to the study and practice of Astronomy. When his daughter was only 11 years of age, he toek her Into his school as a pupil aud assistant ““her, and she very soon discovered a fondness for tbe science and an aptness in the nse of in struments that made her an enthusiastic co operator with ber father in his favorite stady. BubeCquenuy she conducted many careful ob servations by herself, and on O Jtobor 1, 1817, wbuo wsrcniog for comet*, dUcovered'a telo> •ooplc one which was seen at Rome two years kflff b» Father da Vico. For this she receive t a gold medal from, tbe King of Denmark. Prof Mitchell was a member of the Society of Friends. His remains were taken to Nantucket for burial, —Tribune, 4:00 O’Olo < CECT BULLETIN, Srnx os the hiinu iuo ocukors after police appointments made another, rash to the Mayor's office, this morntng.: Daring yesterday two roundsmen and threo patrolmen word appointed This has given encouragement to thoso who are alter places, and every prominent Democratic politician who makes bis appearance. In the vicinity of the Mayor’s office Is button-holed by anxious applicants and Importuned to say some thing In their behalf. Some of the “unlerrlfled ’ are becoming very Indignant at the tardiness of the Mayor in making his appointments. The removal of all of the Republic ins from tbe force, which has been so confidently looked for by tbe hungry Democrats, has not yet been made, and the conrse of the Mayor receives se vere denunciation from those whose motto Is “To the victors belong the spoils.” If something is not soon done to satisfy these greedy fellows there will no donbt bo a breach between tbe Mayor and some of his “friends.” There are up walds of foar thousand petitions on tile In the Mayor’s office, which will make about a dozen applicants for ovory place which the Mayor would have if he made a clean sweep of the Po lice Department, and therefore thore mast be many disappointed Individuals. Tub Newsboys’ Bomb. —A delightful private entertainment was given last evening at the resi dence of one of oar prominent citizens, on Rlt n nhouse Square, in aid of the Nowebojß' Home. Tbe entertainment consisted of an excel lent amateur performance of “The Morning Call;" a most admirable reading from “Bloak Bouse,” by a gentleman of the Philadelphia bar; and a v.arlety of choice vocal music. The an dlence,’ which was a brilliant one, and only limited in extent by the capacity of the drawiag rooms, was greatly delighted with the good management and clever performance nf the programme, and our ragged little nows hoys reaped a benefit in the shape of a very hand some sain of money, which will go toward pro viding them with the comfortable home which they so much need. This enterprise is being pushed with much zeal bv the ladies who have taken it In hand, and we trust that they will bo heartily seconded In their efforts by the philanthropic citizens of Phila delphia. CYstom House Afiaibs. —The following ap pointments have been recommended by Collector Ylooie, and approved by the Secretary of the Treasury: „ _ _ Inspectors—A. Bartholomew, Wm. H. Rauch, Jacob Perry, Samuel E. White, Wm. L. Gregg, Thomas C. Steel, Alexander Mcllrov. John Connelly, Walter Shaw, Robert Sharp, Henry Francis’ Night Inspectors—A. W. Lyman, Robt. F. Swain, Jesse Simcox. .-- Beam sin an—David Slthpson. Auditing Department—Chief Clerk of D3part ment, Charles W. Rldgway; Clerk, Wm. A. Farr. The Indian Superintendent. —'The Society of Fiitnds, of Philadelphia, will probably have the appointment of one of their number as Su perintendent of lodian Affairs, It being under stood that President Grant will accept snob name ns the Philadelphia Friends may agree upon. Henry Bentley, of Germantown, a wealthy and energetic member of the Society, has been men tioned in connection with the appointment. He is a citizen of many years well-established repu tation in Philadelphia, and at present manager of the city department ol the Western Union Tele graph Company. Sebenadb.— Last night, after the performance was over at the Theatre Comlque, the baad at tached to that establishment serenaded Miss Susan Gallon .at her residence. After sevaral airs bad been performed, Miss Galton appeared, and, shaking hands with each one of the musicians, tbnnbi d them for the compliment paid her. Mr.- Whiflln, a member of the Gallon Troupe, made a graceful speech on behalf of the lady thus honored, after which a collation was partaken of. Fears an Invasion. —Sergeant Jones, of the Eighteenth Polico District, is somewhat of a wag. His report to the Mayor this morning contained tbe following announcement: “Tbe heavy gale has blown down nearly fifty feet of railing around the station-house; great danger of an invasion bv goats, cows and geeße; needs attention.” After this appeal il is to be hoped that the damage will be speedily repaired. Found Drowned. —An unknown white man wbb found drowned at Spruce street wh»rf to (lav. Be was about 30 years of age, five feel eight inches high, with brown hair and no whiskers. His clothing consisted.of a black sack coat trimmed with wide braid, check shirt, light caeltmere pants, long boots. He had a leather Mrap around his waist. Tne Coroner took charge of lbo body. An Excellent Appointment. —Hon. Henry D. Moore, Collector of the Port, yesterday, ap pointed Charles W. Ridgway, Chief Auditing Clerk in the Custom House. This appointment is an excellent one. Mr. Ridgway la well qualified for the position and will discharge his duties sat isfactorily. He is a resident of the Sixth Ward, and has been identified with the Republican party Bince Its foundation. A Severe Storm. —A severe storm of rain and wind passed over tho city last evening. From' 7 to 8 o'clock the rain came down In perfect tor rente, and the streets got a pretty good washing. The wind assumed almost the proportions of a gale. Doors and window shutters were b inged and heavy signs were swayed to and fro, but be yond tbe breaking of branches of trees In the ex posed parts of the city, no damage was done. Assabltino a Tavern-keeper. —John Toner, Mlchut-1 Toner, Daniel Logue and John Logne were before Aid. Jones, this morning, upon the charge of assault and battery. It 1b alleged that they went into Carroll’s tavern, at Twenty-third and Market streets, last evening, raised a dis turbance and beat Carroll and his wife. Tboy were each held in $6OO bail to answer at Court. An Owner Wanted. —A large piece of a cop per pump was found on Twenty-fourth street,be low Bimes, yesterday, by Officers Francis and Gibson, of tbe Bchnylklll Harbor Police. It was covered by a Jot of rubbish, and Is supposed to have been’ibus concealed by thieves. The owner can apply for it at the Park police station. Cart and Wagon Licenses. —Tho annual license on carts, wagons, drays and Darrows is t:ow due and payable at the office of the Com missioner of Highways, No. 10X South Fifth street. The penalty for neglect to renew licenses is $3 each on any vehicles that may be used. Gunpowder as a Motive Power. —The appli cation of this principle to heavy forging will be exhibited at the monthly meeting of tbe Franklin Ivstilnte, this evening, at 8 o’clock, by Thomas Bhaw.the inventor. CitHUKT. —The Philadelphia Cricket Club will open tbe season for 1869 on Saturday next, at 10 o'clock A. M., with a club match. The playing does will bo every Saturday, and practising days every other day in tbe week. The officers of the club for 1869 are : President, J Dickinson Sor gennt; Vice President, C. Stuart Patterson; Treas urer, J. M. Power Wallace; Secretary, Horaee Magee; Assistant Secretary, Albert L. Wilson; Ground Committee, A. Charlos Barclay, Spencer Meade, William Welsh, Jr., J. M. Power Wallace and Horace Magee. Si-atk Mantels, &c— When wo see an object of benuly and utility wo feel a desire, as well as pleasure, in calling attention to it. And in vlow of (he opproaehlng season ot building, we would Bay to all Interested, call at the factory of Messrs. Wilson & Miller, Sixteenth and Oallowhill streets, and examine tbelr marbleitsed slate man tels and other slate work, which, for beauty of design and finish, aro well worth the attention of the public. Fair By reference to an advertisement in another column it will be seen mat a number of ladies in thiß city nre organizing a fair for the benefit of the Homanpathlc Hospital. They appeal to tbe benevolent for assistance, which, we hope, will be extended cheerfully and liberally. Bbnffit On Friday evening next, at tho Aca demy of Mnsic, Mr. George Hood will take his annnal benefit, on which occasion tho opera ot La Grande Duchtaae will bo performed. As, Mr. Hood has hosts ol friends, It is to be presumed that those who desire to see this performance bad better seenre their seats. O ITY Teeth Without a Stain. .... ... No impurit y can infest the teeth cleaned daily with Sozooont. QuiUay, the. bark of the Chilian Soap 1 reo, an arilole which possesses cleansing properties supe rior to ibnte of any other known substnneo. Is one of the ingredients of this peerless enm, pound. Soaonp wT is tbe only dentriflre in oxletoace ln which this ealtt brioos botanical product la lncorporMCd. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN— PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY APRIL 21,1869. Beaixy Fine and Faskionaiii.r Clothing Ap- PSKOIATED. Notwithstanding the Immense amount of printers' ink consumed by rival establishments, the rush to No. 824 Chestnut bteket, yesterday,, for our flue Cheviot Suits, exceeded our most sanguine expectations, and was a flattering evidence of the opinion of the people on the clothing question. We make no vain boast— merely ask ot the people to examine oar assortment before being nl’urcd by flaming advertisements Into other establishments. Compare our goods with others, and wo will be satlsflod with your choice, Wo doff competition. Thkhk's No Mistake About It, —It Is a plqas nre to deal with a man Uhe EtonsL, the artistic Bootmaker, at No. 804 North Eighth street, above Bnttonwood. His aim is to givo entire satis faction to hia patrons, and we scarcely need say he ac complishes it. He gels up some of tno very, best work in the city, and his nrices challenge competition. Try him once and yon become a permanent customer. Thk Best. All First Class Druggists, Fancy Goods Dealers and Grocers, pronounce Colo »tb & Co. ’a Toilet Soaps the beet. Spring Opening —McChesney & Banker would respectfully ask their friends and the public generally to their opening of the Sc. Charles Billiard Saloon on April 21. Mixed Poplins for Salts. Some very hand ■ esmo goods opened this montng, SI, 3TJtf, 80, 01 and TB cents, at A. & 3. B. Bartholomew’s one-price Dry Goods and Notion House. 23 North Eighth street. Plaid Muslins and Nainsooks, at 20,22.25.81, 3T, 45, 80, 65 to 75, at Bartholomew's, No. 23 North Eighth street Specialty I—Black Silks and Fancy Dress Go' da, at A. & J. B. Bartholomew's, No. 23 North Eighth street. Go to Oakfokds', under the Continental, for your Spring Hat. Corns, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson No. 615 Chestnut street. Charges moderate. Bprixo Hats—Bpring Hats. Charles Oakford & Sons, under tho Continental, have opened their Immense Spring stock. The most btnntlful styles and beat goods can be had at Oakforda'. Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh. J. Isaacs, M. D., Professor of the Eye and Bar treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable Bourees in the city can he seen at this office. No. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are Invited to accompany their patients,as he has no secrets In his practice. Artificial eyes Inserted. No .charge made For examination. Quiet and soothe the pain of children teethlne— Use Bower’s Infant Cordial. Sold by all Druggists. Surgical Instruments and druggists’ sun dries. _ Bnowdßn & Bbotubb, 23 South Eighth street. CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES! WM. D. ROGERS, CABEIAGB BUILDER, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT STREET. Superior Carriages of my own manufacture built for the DRIVING SEASON OF 18 6 0, COMBINING STYLE, DURABILITY, and ELEGANCE OF FINISH. 1 3T Attention given to repairing. Carriages stored and Insurance effeoted. aplO f m w 3m Important Announcement. NEW CARRIAGES! At 712 Saiißom Street, Philadelphia, McLEAR & KENDALL Will keep a splendid aeeortment of good, strong and well* fiiiiehed CARRIAGES always on hand, to which they Invite the attention of all desiring to purchase. Call at 712 8 ANBOM street before purchasing elsewhere, nihSQ b w 2fltn>S Saddlers, Harness-91 alter*, Stanufao Hirer* off (Jlotliinfr, Boots, Shoe*.&c., Wifi find it to ibeir Interoet to use our UMiiVALLED MA‘ UINE TWIST and the “Milford Linen Thread,*’ Manufactured expressly for ue from the beat material and warranted a superior article. THKBIhGEtt.n»[\DG»tTTRII'« CnSIPHf Manufacturers and Proprietors of the SINGER SEWING M ACHIN E, JVo. 1106 ffjHfcSi AKJC Street* FT*v2 Ivrp H BRj, A gent. _ ORPHANS’ COURT SALE-ESTATE U«* ELlZA beth H. Wood, deceased. Thom** & Hm Au<v Buis tioneera.—Fureuont to an Order of tho Orphan»’ Conit for the City and County of Philaiolpbta, win bo sold at public sale, on Tuesday, Mar lull. 1803. at 12 o’clock, noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the following deecrtbed property, late of KHzabe h M. Wood, deceased, viz.: 2 frame dwellings. Lancaster Turnpike road And aleo. all that certain, lot of ground, situate on theeouibwcst side of the Lancaster Turnpike road, at tbe distance of 84 feet northwestwardly from too northwewt sine of Crainmoud atreer, in the district of Wset Philadelphia; containing in front on said turuolke rrad 16 ft cl, and extending in depth southwest vardly, between Hues at right angles with the said turnpike road, on the northwest lin« tbeieof 87 feet 9 Inches. and on the pontheart line thcr* of 84 feet 6Vi inches to Union street. Bounded northeastwardly by said turnpike road: south osßtwardlv by ground now or late of Anna L. C Dun can ; eouibweatwordiy by aald Union street, and north fxrMtwardlv by ground formerly of John (J > ihrau. By the Court, JUSfcPH MFGAKY, Clerk O. 0. aj mo viimiH inOKIUH HOLDEN, Admin strator. M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers, ar2l>v>vlB IRUanrt 14» South Fourth BhCOlTa J*., AUCTIONEER. DvUi***^(3o*)T’S ART GALLERY, 1020C1IES6TNUT •treat, Philadelphia. ON FRIDAY MORNING, April 28 at luM o’clock at Hcott-a Art Gallery, 10M Chestnut itrect, will he sold, a fall aud nnaral aMory mout of the above celebrated muiulactarer’a Warn. All Goods warranted aa repri-aoiitod »r no a»lo. jtfS, CHESTNUT UILL. t FORBALE-AHANDSOME < ountry Sent, weat Bide Bethlehem Turnpike road, J®*, fourth house. north, of Depot, containing fij3r hcKJvilan#ioa uouaa£4l foot front) of .painted atone, replete v*lth every, convenience, Maple, garueftet’* hoiulo. die. All la complete order. lnwne. k ifi f XLE r<°>N M 4 Walnut etreot or J. MULPOBP, Cheetnut Hill. apglw f4f r\ AN7 ON PRESERVED GIN ft ER. -PURSER VBD \J Ginger, In eymp of the coloUrMed \ Jhyloon* brands aw Dry Prreorved Ginger, In bozea. Imputed and for onto by JOS. D. PUSSIER di CO.* 108 South Doliwtro avenue* The VbrdiOt Hrndkbhd. Ton People Have Chosen. Ton Decision ; ig in Favor of Cuables Stores. Gobbles Stores, Unukb Continental Hotel. CARBUOKB. ftEWINO KIAOHUVEB* rtEAt ESTATE SALES* ..AUCTION HALES* EOK HALE. OIOTBIBfIt JONES’ / one-price CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. First dims Ready-Made Clothing, suit able for all Seasons, constantly on hand. Also, a Handsome Line of Piece Goods for Custom Work. GEO. W. NIEMANN, Proprietor. (HB FIRE ARTS. OHBOMO EXPOSITION, JAMES S. EARLE & SONS LOOKING OLill WiREBOOni AND FBEE fIILLEKT OF MIStBM, ©l6 CHESTNUT STREET. Now extremely interesting exhibition, prepjrod to explain tho method of producing chromo*. ana to show their remarkable fidelity to the original!), g rjng a fuU answer to the oft repeated question, V-What we cbromoa?” With this View are. placed, aids by fide, peveral prominent original paintings, and the chromoa from them, for caroful comparison, among which are : Whittitffl “BAREFOOT BOV," Bierstadt*s “CALIFORNIA SUNSET," Lemmen’e ‘‘POULTRY YARD," Tait’s ‘ GROUP OF CHICKENS." » “GROUP OF QUAILS," Bricber’s AUTUMN IN WHITE MOUNTAINS, Mrs. Lilly M. Spencer’s "BLACKBERRIES," and others. At present arc exp' ted in the show w indow. <m Chert; nnt street, 'he original painting and chromo of LAKE LLZ.LRNF, by Tnebel. Copies of this and all other chi on.ob always for shTo hy special arrangemeatwe now make a notable reduction in the pricoa of PRANG'S COROMOB. 8Sfollows: Group of Chickens,or Quails, each Six Ameiic* n Landscapes, each... Autino, Esf-pußCreek The Poultry Ya d Correegh*'* Magdalen The Kid’B Playg ound “a 1 1 lend In Need” Easter Morning Y\ hitrier’s *‘Ba»ofoot Boy” nuDlight in Wii ter Bierstodt’s California Sunset ilotfes iu a Storm - The Two KiieDds 4 DO The l neon clous Steeper 4 50 Boyhood of Lincoln «, t>- crown ot New England * And all others at the same rates. Full Hats, and prices, and Prang’s * JOURNAL OF POPULAR ART,” on ap plication. NOW ON FREE EXHIBITION EARLES' galleries LOOSING-GLASS WARE 800 MS, 816 CHESTNUT STREET. YO SEMITE VALLEY, by Thomas Hm. GOLD WORDS, by Constant Mayor. THE BOYHOOD OF LINCOLN, by Eastman Johnson. THE CROWN OFNEW ENGLAND, by Geo. L. Brown SLNBET IN CALIFORNIA, by A Blerstadt THE REEF OF NORMAN'S WOE, by E. Moran. COAST OF NANTUCKET, by Wm. T. Richards. And other very fine AMERICAN PAINTINGS. Also, a Special Exhibition of BierstBdt’B Eruption of Vesuvius, 1868. ADMISSION TWENTY FIVE CENTS. OIILLIIVEKY DOOBSt OUR FIRST RETAIL OPENING OF TRIMMED HATS, BONNETS and French Millinery Goods, nABCH 31, 1800. THOB. KENNEDY A BRO., No. 729 Chestnut St. THOMPSON REYNOLDS, Importer, Wboletale tod Retail Dealer in Straw and Millinery Goods FRENCH FLOWERS. FEATHERS, &o„ &o. IV. corner JblfftitU and Vine Streets, j. f. b. heath. PHILADELPHIA* apl4-)nirp . STATIONEBI. BLANK BOOKS. The Largest Stock and Greatest Variety ol FULL AND HALF-BOUND BLANK BOOKS, MEMORANDUM, PASS, COPY BOOKS, Eto., Eto., To be found in this City, Is at the Old Established BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY OF JAS.B. SMITH & CO. I No. 27 . South Seventh Street, PHILADELPHIA. Office and Salesroom, First-Floor. Warerooms, CJp-Statra. OABPETinQt, AO, SPRING. 1869. LIEDOM & SHAW. 910 ARCH STREET. We are now rseelrlng a very large stook of new goods lor SPRING SALES, Embracing all the new styles of CABPETING3, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, &0. mhitSmcrf SEASONABLE SPECIALTIES. ENGLISH AND FRENCH CHEVIOTS, MELTONB and BANNOOKBURNB, now Mixtures and Dcalgna. PIQUE. GRANITE and DIAGONAL COATINGS. ELEGANT STRIPES—Raro beauties of designs and colors, for Pantaloons.' WHITE and BROWN DUCKS, and WHITE ISARBISILLE3, for Vests, made up in newOtyla. DOUBLE-BREASTED FROCK COATS,' popular for street wear. HALF-DRESS MORNING COATS, convenient for general use. BUSINESS COATS, English style. Jaunty garmen ls. SACK COATS, tastefully cut. Coming Into fashion again, An immense assortment ot everything pertaining to the CHESTNUT STREET CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT. JOHN ‘BlB 820 N. B.—This Is a NEW Establishment, just opened, in the largo Brown Stone Buildings, formerly Homer, Colladay & Co.’s, and strangers wIU do well to look In ot it. If only for curiosity's,-soke. ap!2tf - - ■■ .■ . JUST OPENED, 200 Pieces Over G,OOO Yards 4-4 $3 75 1 13 4 60 8 76 7 50 4 60 4 64 . 7 60 8 76 . 900 IRISH AND FRENCH LINENS First* class Bnd Regular Goods, At a Beduotion of 25 ots. per yard from the Beguiar Prioe. apli I2trpj Samples of these Linens cent by znail, If deatred. Aleo, CLOSING OUT, At a great reduction in price*, tl»e BALANCE OF TUE bTOCK OF GOODS, consLUDK/if Linens, Blankets, Table Linens, Nap kins, Towelings, RICH LACE CIIRTAISS, and draperies. Slightly Wet at the Late Fire In our store. Sheppard Van Harlingen & Arraonj Linen Houaefamishing Dry Goods, And Curtain Establishment, NO. 1008 CHESTNUT STREET, apl7 6tn>6 PEICE & WOOD, N. W. corner Eighth and Filbert Sts. Just received from New York Auctions and other eourrer, eevoral lota 6f 0 oodr, bought for caslLvoiy cheap. S.u.o yard. Plaid Nainsook* 26. ill, 33, 37X, that are bar fZßtDH. Stripe Nainsooks, SS. 81, 53.37 M. 46 and 60c. a yard. and Btnpe Bwls.Mu.llds. 85. 28, 81, 371, and 60c. Bolt finish Cambrics, Jaconets, Nainsooks, Victoria Muslins. India TwlU Long Cloths and Organdy Muslins. A large assortment Piques, from 23c. up to $1 per yard. MARSEILLES QUILTB! MARSEILLES QUILTS! A lame assortment of Marseille! Quilts. at $4, $4 50, $3, $5 50, $6. 86 60, $7 67 60, 88, 610,, op to 812. Jacquard and Bouev Cumb Quilts. JLlrt u Good*— Linen Good*, from auction, very cheap. •j able Linens, Napkios and Towel*. Watson's. Armstrong's and Barnsley Tab!? Damaika. Heavy Power loom Table I‘am taka, 500. up to 8i yard. Mureiry Diaptrand Blrd-Fye Linen for Apions. Linen Law na, from 60c. up to 81 25 Yard. A Lew lot of Figured Shirting Linens. 28c. yard. A new lo< of Hamburg Edgings and Inecrttoga. Bargains in Ladies 4 and Gents 4 Hosiery and Gloves. i hildr. n’a Hosiery and Gloves. Neck Ties, Shirt rrowts and ouspenders. JoavlnVi Kid Gloves, bee* quality imported. A good quality of Kid Gloves, at 81 a pair. Heavy Groa Grain Black Bilks, at 82, 82 l&fe, $3 23, 82 60. $3 and 88 60 yard. A cheap lot of Stripe Poplins, 25 cts. yard. Mint’d Popllre, at 27J4 cts. ya.d. Mixed Poplins, at 83 cts yard a , Yard-wide Striped Percale. 25 cts. yard, &c. PRICE & WOOD. N. W. COR. EIGHTH AND FILBERT STS. ap!7 b w 2t \Vf Kp , V LINEN STORE, BSB .Ajrcsix NEW LINEN DRESBESB Now and Boaatiftil PRINTED LINEN CAMBRICS Botlnd by last Steamer Eroia Europe. j. GHAmra iAi\ c s,rp a oT N T x B A LLAMA 1/AOE PARASOL CoVEItB , . BLACK THREAD LACEAaII wldth3,»tvory law prices. WHITE GOOIvST PLAID NAINSOOK. from is cento. . FEF.NCH MUSLIN, Byarda wlda. CO cento. „ MARHEiLLES FOR rfHKHiEß.frem »sconta to 01 SS WJSSB&IBIS? 1 “ dor tcBoUrp ‘°“' 7»f&» INGENUITY AND ORIGINALITY. AND MANY OTHER NOVELTIES OF MATERIAL OR MAKE, CLOTHING TRADE, DBS GOODS# Direct from the Manufacturer, Guaranteed to W PH ILABEL fral A. BLACK SILKS—BLACK BILKS. MADE UP WITH TOGETHER WITH AT THE WANAMAKER, CHESTNUT STREET. GREAT DEMONSTRATION DRY GOODS. 727 CHESTNUT STREET. RICKEY,SHARP&GO. Prior to the Biorgurinlioa of tbtir Bcnea oaths First, or Ma.y Next, Most Extraordinary Concentration DRY GOODS EXHIBIT! I_> IN THIS OITY. Xbetr stock is unrivaled far' eitcnl and variety,and general adaptation to ibo wants of their patrons, and will be found replete with the most approved staples and novel tic s In desirable fabrics of recent im- portation. One Price, Guaranteed as Represented SSI .p#rpM_ A MODEL CLOTH DEPARTMENT. MARKET & * CABSIMBREi Popular All-Wool. 63,76. SB. 81 00. Extra, 81 25, 81 50. 81 75, 80 00. Biaok Doeskins. 81 37 to 88 00. Ail the new tbfogs u they appear. Assortment and prices ecoond to noma COATINGS. 6-4 Bines, Browns, Dahllra, Ac. &-4 Fine Hack Broadcloths. 6 4 Drap-d'cte, Alpacas. Ac* CLOAKINGS. 6 4 FaDCloa, 81 25 to 8?0Q. 6 4 AnnlHne Blues, Scarlets. 6-4 Pure White, 4Z«w Ao LININGS. BTC. Silesia*. Canvas. Drills, Paddings, Italian*. Haircloth. BuUons and Bindings. Tailors at trade prioes. & L.44^ S X Fourth sad Arab.. S' KEEP A STOCK OF DRY GOODS ADAPTED TO THE DAILY WANTS OF FAMILIES, FULL STOCK OF FRENCH GOODS, FULL STOCK OF BKITIBH GOODS. FULL BTOOK OF AHEHICAN GOODS. SHAWLS, WHOLESALE ANB KETAIL.„.„ BLACK BILKS OF THE BEST GEAOES IMPORTED. gl w » ft . ■ ■ ■ : '■ ' ' J 310 D. 8. DORMON, 310 No. 310 N. EIGHTH Btreefc above Vine, (Successor to Morris* & _ flt| . .* Having, secured the above well-known Stor* and nuea W with alarge, freeh stock of We are prepared and determined to offer IP®®*** atiSetbargaina In Black Bilks and Dress Goods of latest importations and choicest styles. qq m« iSsfi&ggg&atti Coaalmeroi from 4B Wh?in Ooofiß.-Plquw. from SSo. ups Mnallu. NaioßOOla. Unems Biilliftutoj Soft Cftmhric, Swlw H i.™ BoS MuaUn. Birdseye Towula, Narking, LmtorSide'”®- Edgipge. lnfortlngA DlmlUfO. Tnhln LldchoT lo brown, half-blpcohPd end bloacU.d. oforeg wid Boelory-l-ndlec'. Gento’ nnd Chlldnm’g Horicry. Kid Olovc.—choice Bpring ohudoa, only «l US. nrlßlnim ' TNDIA MACHINE BELTING, STEAM wl , u SH? A ,nI A “■ortment of Ooodyf.r’o Potenr Vnlcnnlied Kubber Britlmc. Packing H00e.&0.. at tho M.nufacturoriß Hokdluartore, 8(18 bhostnot a tract. South side. N.8.-We have new on hand a large lot of GontlemonVi. Ladiee' end Mtooee’ Gnm Boota. Alao, ovwy vartoiy ana ptyla of Unm Ovgroonta. FABRICS DBIBOODE. Will offer Ui. Of narcain. in no deviation, and all Roods
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