u i>nr BCidufSTin. A “DiircAjum” in TKomsiAi — Georpo Kin or, a , colored tootr llvlbfr at Fifth and Bedford aireais, was before Alder uiuu Devlll joatewUy. “P®“ t ’ lu ofOblfiloiDS OIODOV QDdOf fttlSO * saAttssaisss^ssSmt iv.nr toonev for you. I’vb found many things by lt 'Y l ’! c< ) 8t yo “ f 2 t 5 0 ’ woraon only bad ©II, which sbo gave to Kine. nromlslng to pay tho balanco when she recovered the lost miomy. King dreamed, but this Umo was uDßueceerful/ Ho dreamed several times, but uio whereabouts of the missing funds was not re vealed to him. After sovcral unsatisfactory iotor viowe.thowcman made up her mlud that she had been swindled and had tho dreamer arrested. He was committed for trial. A New Dodge of Robbers.— A gentleman, while returning from ehhrch Sunday evening, was attacked. In the neighborhood of Tenth and ShiptA n streets, by two men. who struck him a violent blow in the face, and then throw a bag over hip heud. The’crles of the gentleman fright ened away the assailants before they had time to commit the robbery which they no doubt in tendrd. After the assault* the clothing of tho gentleman was completely impregnated with the odor of chloroform, and tho bag thrown oyer his bond is supposed to have been saturated with the drug. _________ Commemoration Medal.—A handsome modal to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of tho jOOI. has been struck off by direction oL, the Grand Lodge and Grand Encampment Of Pennsylvania; On the face is an allegory of Friendship, Love apd Truth, the motto of the-. Order, snd on the 'obverse is the “I. O. O. F. Grand National Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary,Philadelphia,April 20,1869. Tho medal is very neatly got up, and will be a fitting and lasting memento of tho approaching national festival. ACCIDENT.—John Finley was engaged in load ing Band into a cart on Belgrade straet, near Richmond, yesterday afternoon. The embank ment gave way and Finley was completely burled In the sand. Policeman Maxwell, of the Eighteenth district, observed the accident, ho seized a shovel and succeeded In extricating the unfortunate man from his perilous position. Fipley was Injured internally and was conveyed to his home. Another Abbkst—David Mitchell was arrested Yesterday, by the Ninth District Police, upon tb~ charge ot having been concerned In tbouttack on the members of the Good Will Hose Compauy. It will bo remembered that John McGehan was badly injured by being struck with n stone. Mitchell is alleged to have been one or the parties who threw stones. Ho was takon before Alder man Pancoast and was held for a farther hear ing. Larcknt of Lead Pipe— Samuel Brown made his appearance at Broad and Oxford streets. A nolicr man observed a piece of lead pipe sticking out of his coah pocket, and arrested him. It was then feund that he had on his person about Ho pounds of pipe cut in small pieces, and which is supposed lo have been stolen from somo new building. Brown was sent to prison by Aider man Hood. The Late Saving Fond Robrehy.—Chlcl Enen, of the Detr ctive force, has received notice from the Treasury Department that instructions have been Issued to all ot the Assistant Treasur ers of the United States throughout the country, to take all possible precaution to prevent the payment of the coupons on the bonds which were stolen from the Beneficial Savings Fand, at Twelfth and Chestnut streets. Reckless Driving —Amos Hibbs, of Bucks county, was arrested, yesterday, at Third and ButUnwood streets, for driving a hay-wagon in a rockloss manner. He was fined by Alderman T< Wm Fcnlev was nrroßted, ycßterday, by Police man Getides, on Markot street near Thlrty-nloth, for fast driving. Alderman Johnson imposed -the usual penalty. Fatal ActhDKNT A number oi boys were ploying: in the market house on Eleventh street, ahove Carpenter, yesterday afternoon. One of the youths, named Ttrrence Porter, aged about twelve.years, ran from between the stalls into the street. A ebaiso was passing at the time and the boy was knocked down and trampled upon by the horses. He was so badly injured that he died soon idler being conveyed to his home,on Milton street, above Eleventh. Ah Aren. Bsow Btobm.—Daring yesterday afternoon there was a brisk fall ot snow In Bridesbnrg, in the Twenty-third Ward. The boatmen wbo arrived from tho northeastern por tion or the State dnrlntr the night, state that there was a heavy .storm in that section yester day, and that the fields in many places are cov ered with snow abont a foot in depth. Sm-posBD Bcboi.au Caituiieij.—A man who gave his name as Ja°. O'Brian was captured last night by, Policeman Colbonme, of the Fifth dis trict in the yard of a honse on Sansom street, near Eighth. At the time of tho arrest he had his boots off and it is supposed that he intended to break into the honse. Ho will have a hearing at tho Central Station this afternoon. Nabbow Ebcapk from Drowning —William Footer, while going on board of a ves sel at Spruce street wharf, this morning abont one o’clock, accidentally slipped into the rivor. He was rescued irom drowning by Officers Wealpott and Denard of tho Harbor Folico. MißDPaiKANon.— John Bharkey and Henry Hamilton were arrested yesterday and taken be fore Alderman O’Neill, on the charge of misde meanor, In dumpiog filth upon a lot on Ann st., in the Twenty-fifth Ward. They were held in SGOO bail to answer at Court. Fei:i.Thbocgh a Hatchway.—Mary Haines fill through the hatchway at the spice mannfac toiy of Peter Thomson, No. 2-IN North Third street, yesterday afternoon, and was seriously Injured She was conveyed to hor home. ■Btbauko Pigs. —Charles Murphy walked into the yard of a bouse at Thirl aud Moore street , yesterday alurnoou. drove out three pigs ano pold Ib'cn. lie was arrested, and after u hearing befero Alderman Lutz, was sent to prison. Fpia. riiori a Winhom.—Mary Buck, colored fejl from the third etoiy window of her residence, No. 424 Christian Btreel, last night, and waß er rlonsiy injured. 'MEiti'iiANTs arc complaimngof the lateness of tUp SprlDg.aF greatly interfering with their usual Spribg trade, and ihey look earnestly lor the milder wet-ther that mnet come soon to i|uicken businCEß otd increase their sales. But if there is to be any Increase of business, what is Gal; Hall to do ? Already the- people are thronging i 1 daily, and Wanamukcr A Brown are selliug oil their Spring Slock with a rapidity that even they have not expericucid helorc: nevertheless they are prepared to meet whatever may come. Their 6 t0(,'1; is immense and la heir„ constantly added lop their prices aro the lowest and will he kept the lowest, so lhal they are ready In submit grace fully to aDy amount of increased business. An.vivei;saiiv Ckmchg ation. — fhe members o' the ‘‘Old Guard,” a charitable organization com posed of honorary members of the Hibernia Fire Co. No. 1, celebiated their Fourth Anniversary bv a grand hop and banquet, on Monday even ing, at the Washington Building, Third above Sn.nce. With ihe exception of Chief Engineer Downev the reuuiou was participated in only by members. Everything passed off in tne most »grt limi tue affair will long bo re membered with great pleasure by all who took part in it. Wk would call attention to the card published in number column, and signed by tbirty-ono firms, in relation to the removal of the rails from Broad street. The card is a tompointe statement ot infenl'on and conduct, subscribed by well known snd Influential houses. It presents the other side of ihc question in such a manner tb it tbeipeslllon of tbe firms affecUHl by tho removal of IrackßwUl ne clearly understood. \\ Khaye.hteu.sh.own Hunter's Metron, in con nection with ulb Patent Spectacles, for taking the focus 'j l r jhe cjc. He has opened a store No. 147 South Eighth street, for retailing them and veiling the patent right tor States and counties. Bolirnit MiUTAiun.-Tho members of Com pany D, First Regiment R. 8., will have a, drill and hop at their armory this evening. A very pleasant affair may ho expected. ficnooi.. Entertainment. A musical enter- IsitiinibTand recitations and, drill will be given this evening, at Concert Hall, by the puplls ot «tbf Noitheast Boys’ Grammar School. TUb affalf Is for the benefit of a Zouave Company; now l.nmine in tho school. The entertainment will, no doubt, bo-very Interesting. . .CITY N OTIOES. How many of the ills omfe might bo alleviated snd modified, U not entirely rcmiwcd, It only men wrro wire enongU to apply, the proper romcaics. For instance, we cannot prevent men a dying, om by ibe simfilo contrivance of Ute .Inenrauce,wo ■ may protect our families from, tho want) and P<>vcrtv which is so often incident upon the deuth or husband and ,S The Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia Is a great antidote to rriany of’ he evils of death. Black Bilks! Black Silks! A verv large line Gtos Grains, $2 00, $2l 12x. $2 25, s2*6o. si 75 to $3 75. In this Luo of goodswe mske specialities, and guarantee our prices lower than “Sew Mixtures and Stripes opening overy day, from SO cents per yard r Babthol „ mew . b onr-prlco Dry Goods and Notion Honso, No. 23 North Eighth street. A Place on Every Toilet Table. Cci.GATn i Co.’s Toilet Soap has a place on evory toilet table, nr d fully merits the position It nas attained. Pittsburgh Christian Advocate. To Boy Ijenlly fashionable Clothing Von mns-t go where you Know by experience, ll iB BOld, OB Yon may, as Hr. Franklin eald, (( '•Pay very dear for your vlnetle. Von mußt NOT Tah e for grnnled njl that Is said In tlaohy advertisements. TO • Do so williont first examining m Thu block of "cufitomcr-Yiiade Clotntng Of Chatilf.# Stokes, No. 824 Ohcsiunl street, Would certainly reenlt in your lose. HUY Your clothing of Charles Stokes, ana You will never reeret it. Prices an low on the.loiocst. Go to Oakfobps’, under tho Contincnti or Spring Hat. , Barking Up the Wuu.iu Tree. Thu witearies who have been guessing at the vege toole coistitnents of Soz .dost have all barked ap the uron-mrec The right, tree, which they never dre.med ot islhe Soap Tree of Chill, tho bark of which 1s used by the Araocanian Indians to cleanse and preserve t heir raiments, nrd chewed to keep their ternh stain ltVeoud gives a flower-like fragraaco lo their breath. This is one of the leading Ingredients of Sozopoht, the most wholeibme and efflcsc.ous of all dental bean tiiit rs and preservatives. Tu kb it's No Mistake Aboit It.—Tt 1b a pleas ure to deal with a man like Cuap-lkb Etouci., the artistic Bootmaker, at No 604 North Eighth street, above Buttonwood. His aim is to give entire satis "acilou to his patrons, and we scarcely need say be ac ct roplisbes it- He gels tip some of the very best work ip the city, and bis i rice- challenge cimpet.llon. Try him mice and you become a permanent customer. Hot-hoosb Btbawrkkkiks, White (Irapub. Confectionery, and an endless variety of de icicles, at A. Vaneant’e, Ninth and CheßiEUt oireete. Biirgi-Ary and perhaps murder prevented by the Burglar Alarm Telegraph. Office 1111 Chsstnnt street. . Spring Hats— Spbinu Hatb. Cbmles oakford & Sons, under the Continental tavc opened their immense Spring -TJ}?."J," 1 , beantifril Btyles and best good- can lie bad at Oakfords Coens, Bunions, Inverted Nails, skillfully treated by Dr. J. Davidson No. 916 Chestnut street Charges moderate. _ Deafness. Bmnwness and Oatarrh. j isaaca, M. D.. Professor of the Bye and Bar treats oUdWasea appertaining to theaijove memberi with tho utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources In the city can be seen at this office, Na 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients,as ho has no secrete tn hlf practices Artlilclal eyes inserted. No .charge mad. for examination. _ _ Buhgical Instkcmbsts and dries. Quiet and soothe the pain of children teething;- \>e Bowers Infant Qmmal. Sold by all Drugifatg- lmportant Announcement. NEW CABRIAGES! At 712 Sansom Street. Philadelphia McLEAR & KENDALL Will keep a spKiMhfej!(?W>rtment of *° o4, Btronß and well. [iDlnlied e-ARItIAGIiS always on band, to which they Invite tho attention of aU dojirinn to purchaee. Call at '.\2 SANSOM street before purchasing obsewhore. rob SO a w S6*.rpj AGRICI'L.rOBA.I "TT ONION SEED. —M aRKKT GARDENS RS CVN SSX .till obtain Vi llon Ooion Seed for growing onion 3- Beta, of our ow n and,warrnnted. Seed Warehouse. Nop. 923 and iftl Markot et eet, BtrnS above Ninth mn mnsiT’H WARRANTED GARDE.''B BEDS VVTDt, @35 >lwnv» be found fresh, true, and r *'h , 'nl4.'lhI.i 1 .i iJL lirflnn!-■ the moßt Improved Beeds should purcasse :helr tupvlles at , JU]aT , fi gEED WARE HOUSE. Nos. 923 and 924 Market street above Mnth. ZZT' nCowsT" HARROWS. CULTIVATORS. AND SSallkipds of Agricul ural implement* aud Steel Gar den Tools, at BUigT , s s f.eD\V AHEIIOUB K. Isos. 922 and 921 Market street, above Muih* jm SWIFTS L'WN MOWERS, F)B UlTl'lfl fiSsbo.t Gya»a We have ttveral sizes of tbe*e c«dc braU d machin t*. irr both hand and horso power, for B alo at manufacturer’, Jb . Seed Warehouse, No a * 922 and 92-1 Market etreet. aof’vc Ni ith^ f p!4 fi^Pv COB* k HTN KK»H Il'S. 1 NIrSwUTION. TUB UII'AUTNFIIS Hlf' HEKB I > uforo ontlns ui dcr the name of LA wbO y ■ ln . mVI T A 10).. »» dle'o'icd by th" de <tji ol 1 HANOI ■ I'M 111 I'LT. The h, nines-of U>e late firm will be «■- led lyibe BurvitinK rortuere. wlio will continue un Lotlucee at the same place. No g ( ‘, v, iuu'i. .i. orty the us. I’ini.al>Ki.l'iii a, Mnpgh 13, THE INDF.HSIONFI) H AVB TUIBHA V E«RMBn A I cr-va»ljii*rpbip under tii" umnrof i I n ts h&A C<>., wholeaMo manufacturers ot fane . JiVtf' W ‘ LT ” trt ' ot - TH™ ,F Ob VmFllS. i , ~ . Voreb 1:1 irep. ,n ill s s C-\HK > VV. xa /nted-a 011 U) to no dowwsta VI pply nl 1717 WaHace nlrcet- HIDING BCIIDDLI, 7; tUOIONE DE KIEFFER'd R.DiNli H<<JI<AOL CSnn Doß«n etieet, U ow Sprue >, bctweun Fiftoontl andSixtienlb -"luote, will bo reopened on Mou ■ 1 member Slat 18 ». 0,1,20-I. TI-rpi 'j'llE MOUTH AND THE TEETH UR. J. UE HAVEN WHITE'S Name nud Btamiina In Medical Dentistry arc a Rimn ten lor the Efficacy of whatever ho Pro scribes for the Mouth and Teeth. The Rreat'deiuand for the preparations made from hi foimala her ind-jeed many persona 10 “> l 9" purations uuoovhls name, lo protect hijicpuUtlontroi. tulleiinß by this practice, and to secure the host romcdlc tor his pat'CMH In roßurd to his NEW MEBIOATED UENTII'TIHJH. MOUTH WASH AND fiAUGLE. lit; has tttkeu lepal mean-urea to prevent Ilia formula from btlng compounded by any other Chemist or liruk* gi»t in tho United Stateo, but HUBTAVVS KHAUSk} AI'UTHECAUy, N, \V. cor. Twelfth and CJhiiatuutistroota, Philadelphia, Ax testified by the following certificate M I here by repudiate na art icmru all tooth powders and mouth waeliee eold under iuy name, except Ihoß* having mv BiCDuturo oil the 1-abel aud compounded and kouJ o«• yby GCBTAVUd KIIaUhK. Apothecary, N. W. cor ner of 'I WKl>FT** and OHEaTNL'T atrtets. rhibtdel* phu, who alohk hold* my prcecriotionH, aud Is nutho rl7pd to urtmaro and soil the eume ” , a to preparo tut J. DaHAVEN •WHITE. mill*-* in wSmrpj I:> * 8 * iiAAcTNATHANS. AUCTIONEEIU N. E, COBNBI 1 Third and bprucoßtrcotm only one eciuaro below tin F xchange. Sili&lMXO to loan, in Urge oreuiaU amounts o diamond*. silver plate, watchaa.Je weiry .and jH«oydj" voluo. Office hours from 6A* M. to 7 1 M. Enta lithed for the lart forty jeftra Advances made iu lari: amounts at the lowest market ratoti. laBt»rp ITALIAN 'VBKMIOKI.LL-lUO BOXES 1 white, imporieo aiid for eale l»y «JOS. I*. BuSbibU « Ctf„ 1« South Delaware uveimO. y Fl y I ]aaRITTJ,I.;I^WHICT I DEtrHIA-,-Wl':i)'N’KShAy ■ APIULHrI*«?, JAB. E. CALDWELL & CO,. i|| JEWELERS, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, (Untilthcir Into Btoro fa rebuilt) . Have now an Entirely New Stook of Goods To replace that destroyed. by Are, and are now oponiiw PARIS MANTEL CLOCKS Single and with Side Ornaments. Bardou & Son’s noweßt and boßt grades of o E'ER A GLASSES. Bridal, Party and Opera Pans. The latest contributions o Art in Real Bronze. A largely Increased supply of Diamonds, Pine Watches, Jewelry AND 4 artistic silver ware. Also n very full line of Gorham ManufacturlngCompany'« Pine Electro Plated Wares. PRICES MODERATE. aps niwfamS —- CLARK & BIDDLE, 712 CHESTNUT STREET. English Sterling SILVERWARE. The PREBENT FACILITIES of CLASH S BIDDLE enable them to offer a large variety of new pattern, at ai low price, a, any other house in the trade. jpvi gwhrpt —- Bnowt*em & Buotuib, 23 South Eichtb street. <a N ip *9 a a IHII.MMBBP POOPS, THOMPSON REYNOLDS, Importer, 'Wholeiale nnd Retail Dealer ia Straw and Millinery Goods FRENCH FLOWERB. FEATHERS, Ao . Jm- IV W, corner Etghtli and Vino Streets, nnlxu. . PHILADELPHIA. at>l4-lnirp i “ ■ ■ •_ our first RETAIL OPENING OF trimmed hats, bonnets AND $ French Millinery Goods, MARCH 81, 1860. THOS. KENNEDY A BRO„ Ho. 729 Chestnut St. ..po q p WII.TJT&. 137 N. NINTH 3TBEET fgft “ coo.-&n?y io reT.tptof a line and var,rf aB3or( ~Sy mcntof French n lllfnery. apl4-lmi_ SEW PBBLI«]Ari PORTER & COATES, Publishers and Booksellers, No. R 22 CHESTNUT STREET. Boobs KeUUlcB in WUolcsale Prices. mh2o ryti . —~ ZELLS POPULAR encyclopedia, £ Dictionary of IWMiinl Hnowfedge< T. EJJiWOOD ZKL.Ii, Publisher, IV and le South Sixth Btreet. n.b3l w e 3mrr a ra <u Bib naEitTa. Sixth J'aoe for At ( I LAOV at the MAMM )TU V r I tVciF.l'K INSTITUTE. Twenty-ftral nud Race ata. f-veiv and I*A KNI coramenaintf. THFRUIAY, April 16. AdmLrlon 26 cents »' Util* ’’ ' Ja r«B SALE. _ r, ]■ KM ANTOW N. - FOIi BALK-A DESIRABLE 01 Re.ioenco. eleven room-.with modern convenience., uin eu Pant Wain, t lane, near Morionstreet; lot6o by mi feet ; liandtome evergreens ond other•shrubbery. -I in, 1, cation ie until. parud by any in Germantown I’tiee sa.’.iio a coition may remain on mortgage. Apply n the premipes, or to w' FIIAZER, 21 South Fourth -elrcct. tt]lll4l aiiCTioN NAi.tis. m " kjnley * LARGE SI’EOIAX. SALE aoo DOZEN GERMAN COTTON "OHIEKY. TOMN, LiUToN and IdeLt OLUV AM) CIALMI.KTB* of a favorite importation, ON FRIDAY AUUUMbO* , A r.ril 18, at 10 o’clock, on four month* 1 credit. Full lines lteß ’lnr aDd Full Regular White. ilio/rn and Mlxt Cotton Doze, Full line Children’s do. Full line Mcu’e.Brown. White and Mixt Cotton r ” tIOBO FuUlincsCott.il. Berlin, Silk and Lisle Ulo\ ad OuuDtlets. aw**3t 1 AMLB A. FEEtMAN, AUCTIONEER. . . J No 433 w'ainut Btraat BEAL ESTATE BALE WAY 6 1869. Thil bale, on WEDNESDAY. at 13 o’clock, noon, at tie Exchange, will Include tin: 1 allowing— KO 11133 EaHLbT-2 Frame Homes. abovo Thomp3bg at. 18th Ward 1 lot Id by 0 M feet. Subject to $3(l ground r.i t Executor's Hale.- JSuhte a! D--“v Havurst, dco'a. aRFLE b'l—Nest Tw o-storv Brick LI wo ling, above Dauphin at.-'.lt»tli Ward;Tot 13 by 46foeL M) 1611 GItEEN HT—Modern '1 hrer- e’ory B-ick Reel denco. with th' ce ntory brick back buildings; lot IB by l' l * Let. Lias all tbemodern conveniences, Subject to Cl B No'^W9 I ' t i’OPLAB ST-Gtntfel Three u'ory Brick Dwelling. wilh back building : lot id by 60 foot Subject lo (if W IoMTIICHiIOND ST. - Threo-atory Brtck Btoro and Dwelling.’above Cumberland.!.: lot l(j by lOOfeot. ► nliii cf to ASS around rmt. naUu\u*otvte. I O 1131. ,nIjRN and 1136 MYRTLE ST.-Two Throe alow Brick Lwelllngß; lot 16 to. 78 foot. Subject to*sl *' N J o*BT —Thrceatorv Brick Donee, abovo ThomP". HOII at ; let 111 bv 101 foot. S 3 000 inav remain. 80 No 126 MrtnTt.lt 8 ‘ Throo-etory Brick Uoi.w and Let. 14 hy 62 foot. Subject to iß4'3 per annual, Solo abio- f’DATIIAM ST., above Buttonwood.2sby 45ft, AhAo-a -«’» J J e>tmvtoru sale. «i Jlp of ground. Mutton wood at,, weat of Flflhet.o Lot T’ort hj 69ocfp. Hams IMa'c. .... GROUND i,g*l.of tts 1 ft per annum. Same Estate. GROUND KENT—Unit intoroit iu SO'.iji por.'nnuum.— Hama Jistuie. MBPHJWAth A ('LEAH. SMOOTH ffilH AND rr>M PLKXION follows ifuvifae pt. HStglPt a ” ritNCRNTRATKD EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. ,C< Ii removes Week spots, pimples, moth paichcs, and aii oruptlous of the fiblu. IN THE SrEmaMOOTm the OF SARSAPARILLA Ib an uefcfatant, of tho greatest value. yoUKG LADIKB BKW A R E l of THE INJURIOUS EFFECTS of FacoPowderß £Sa saga? IiILLAT ‘ NOT A FEW of tho worst disorders that afflict man bimt nilro frim corruption of the blood. HELM POUVB EXTRACT BAKBAPAKILLA ts a remody of Ihc nunoet value. HFIiWBOLD'B EXTRACT BARBAPARII.LA <•k aii.es and renovates the blood, lnirils ibe vigor of bJailbta tte system, and purges tho humors that in like difiCUßc* otiaNT'TYvb. QUALITY, f ELMBOLD'S EX TR\CT Tho ?osc fa amalL Ttioec who desire a largo quantity and largo doso of modi cine ERR, * THOSE WHO DESIRE BRILLIANCY OF COM pt WTON'irmßtpnTify and enrich he b'ood. which OF SAI SAFAinU^A variably does. Ask for HELUBGLD 8. Take NU other. BELMBOLDH CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SAKS AI'AKII.I.A is the QREAT BLOOD 1 LRI - HELMBOLD’S highly CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRiCT SARSAPARILLA Eradicates Eruptive and Ulcerative Disease* Throal, Nose, Eyes, Eyelids, Scalp and Which t*o disagiire the appearance. PURGING the evil effects (if mercury find removing all-> ninth, the remnant* ol DlSEASES,liorcdUarv or otherwise,and h "iTen by ADULTS Sid CHILDREN with perfect SAFETY. TWO TAEL!’--SPOONFULS of tho KXTRAC 1 Oh SARSAFARILI.A. lidded Lo a pint of water, is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink/and one bottle Is equal 'o u gallon of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or tho decoctions ae usually made. AN INTERESTING LETTER la pub lished in the ilcdim-Chirnrijical Aeefoio, on the 'abject of the EX IRACT OF SARSAPARILLA In tia&nts s&srsrsoz ws. •teOTttßßawsMJaaK ITH I‘OWEIt IB F.XTBAOIIJHNAUY, M(.«E BO TUAN ANY OTIUtU VT-VO lAM AOqIMINTfII WITH. It 18, IN TUK RTItIOTIBT SENSE, A lONIC WITH THIS mVAI.UAUI.B AT- IT ft Al’l‘l.lo AIO.E TO A STATE OV TUE SYSTEM BO SUNKEN, ANI* YET BO IBUITAIILB AS HBNDBBS OTUI'-il HUHBTANOKB OK TUE TONIO OI.ASb UNAVAIEAnEE OB IHJUBIOOB. HELMBOLD’S Concentrated Extract Sarsaparilla KstablUhgd upwards of 18 years. PREPARED B Y H. T. HELMBOLD, Druggist and Chemist, 694 BROADWAY, JIEW YOBK. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Price ai 28 per tooMle. or 0 for »0 0. JOHN r'H'KWTNUT ©l® tub new chestnut street establishment iINEST BEADY MADE CLOTHING FASHIONABLE TAILORING. DEPARTMENT OF READY MADE CLOTHING. The dcslitn of Uxiß department 1b to furnish a fluer daeff of made up garments than Philadelphia trado haa heretofore snppllcd. MATERIALB USED.—Tho finest of Homo Manufactures and the latest Foreign Importations. All the novelties In Spring Goods and choicest selections ol texturo and patterns. BTYLE OF MAKE UP All garments cut In the best and most fashionable modes, and flulehei with a degree of care and tasto that make them very unlike and superior to what Is commonly o n dcretood by “Ready Mado Clothing.” . WORKMANSHIP—Nono but the best, the Tailors employed In this Department will be only such as could work on the fluost cußtom work, pood sewing, no ripping, or buttons coming oil. an omtU mcn who would avoid tho delay of ordinary clothes, and the necessarily higher price of cu^to^workfare herr offered garments much superior to the ORDINARY RUN OF BEADY MADE CLOTHING- Tho Public ate Invited to' examine our Now Brown Stono Building and onr First and Finest Btoek. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! The Subscribers beg leave to announce to their CUSTOMERS and the PUBLIC GENERALLY, that their STOCK of GOODS DAMAGED BY WATER at fee LATE FIRE AT THEIR STORE are now arranged for SALE, consisting of TABLE LINENS, TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, LINEN and MUSLIN SHEETINGS, MUSLINS, BLANKETS, FINE MARSEILLES QUILTS. SPREADS, &e„ AUo, nearly their ENTIRE STOCK of ELEGANT LACE CURTAINS and )RAPERIES, eome of them tho richest imported, SLIGHTLY WET, will be sold at prices lo insure lheir IMMEDIATE SALE, SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON, Linen, Honse-FuinisWng Dry Goods and Curtain Establishment, 1008 CHESTNUT STREET. OLOTHISU. JONES’ ONE-FRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. First Class Ready-Made Clothing, suit able jar ail Seasons, constantly on hand. Also, a Handsome Line of Piece Goods for Custom Work. GEO. W. NIEMANN, Proprietor. CHINA AND eiASSWABE. The Largest Stock OF DECORATED TOILET WARF IN THE CITY AT GREAT REDUCTIONS. ALSO. FINE INDIA CHINA, VERY CHEAP. TYNDALL & MITCHELL 707 CHESTNUT STREET. mfal6 m w f Srorp ___ ____ - rtIENITDItK. at. GEO. J. HENKELS, CABINET MAKER, 1301 and 1303 CHESTNUT STREET. Established in 1844. fel Bau p$ FURNITURE. T. & J. A HENKELS, Having REMOVED to their ELEGANT STORE, 1002 ARCH ST., Arc now soiling fimtolaas FURNITURE at very roducoi prices. mb3l-3mrp{ bewing machines. Saddlers, Harness-M alters, Manufac turCrN of tulotblUK, Uoots, B| i®“’W , S n Witlfind it to their Interest to use our UNRIVALUBU MAI MINE TWIST and»bo “Milford Linen Thread" Manufactured cxpreeßly lor u» from tho host material and warranted a superior article. - THE •ttl««4Miffl*»D»»U'lUaiftO U'lillPtJY • Mnuulacturers and Proprietorsol tlio SINGER SEWING iJS,°* ~(>° INDIA RUBBER' MACHINE BELTING, STEAM Ueadquartora. - ; ■ V « UO f^^bhcetnubjr^^ etylo of Gum Overcoats. . - , WAN AM AKER, CLOTHIER, REEYE 1. K NIGHT & SON IBHS ClHH'l tSTUT STREET, Above Twelfth. Sprlne Importations Now Ojjpi* BRUSSELS CARPETS; Of nil the celebrated KnftfUb make?, oow darigras, ep6da styles with border* to match. Ball and Stairs Carpets, Three Piles, Id grains, Venltlans, Canton and Cocoa .Tailings* cAupiimes, AC. CARPETINGS! French Axminsters, English Wiltons, Velvets, Tapestries, English Floor Oil Cloths. No. 1222 CHESTNUT STREET, Abevo Twelfth. rojilj/th .Ju lf.trp; SPRING. 1869. LEBDOM & SHAW. 910 ARCH STREET. Wc are now receiving a very largo dock of now goods for SPBING SALES, ' Embracing aU tho new etyhs of CABPETINGS, FLOOB OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, SCO. P3b6gmn>3 ————— statiosebs. BLANK BOOKS. The Largest Stock and Greatest Variety of FULL AND HALF-BOUND BLANK BOOKS, MEMORANDUM, PASS, COPY BOOKS, Eto.. Etc., To bo found In this City, is at the Old. Established BLANK BOOK M ANUFACTOKY OF JAS.B. SMITHS CO. No. 27 South Seventh Street, PHILADELPHIA. Olllco and Salesroom, riwt-Woor. Wnrcrooins, Op.stalrs. rnhSiSlin.w-fmnrpS rAta'l'lC bPONGE. Pennsylvania Elastic Qo«i list Chcitnnt Street, Philadelphia. tot iSTIO SPONGE. CHEAPER » O %THEBS a OR HAIR. ANDPAB The Lighted* Softoat and moat Elan tie and Durable ms CARRIAGE AND It la entirely Indestructible, perfectly doatt end free from dust, vp dq)ES NOT PACK AT ALL 1 lp aiwaye free from Insect Ufe; ia perfectly honlthy. nnd soiuS? hi o auv U Way', can bo renovated quicker end easier than any .other Mattress. ' HALLS, &<u 'Balhoad mon. are oapoolaßy Invited to examine tli* Cuibion ynoN GUARAN TEEn. . . THE TRADE 3UPFIRED. , : lySi wf lyj’ * ,-i - - i m 830
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers