• • 4” 1 •" (For tho Phil*. Evening Bulletin.) AFTER THE NIGHT, We were blind • . And selfish —Heaven help Tviih nil the Pomp and I’rido oj Victory SKupon nt L* .riot tope to sec A U human kind. Some tears gave To our sudden joy a sad adorning, Oh cm el ehadcc l—notindtg miming. XTit came, that awful April mornlng • A crushing wave. . Was it best? ■'/ • f'od knows. The shadows that came after last Said No, and No, and No; yet we have, passed The darkest places in our path at last: All things are best. . , . Now, the Light f Crows ever brighter, truer,'on the way. . Ourstumbling feet havo found; right well we may, With heads uncovered, trembling stand to-day— After the night. Henry Preston Linnki.i.. Ai'Kii. 14th, 1869. THE FASHIONS, [ From our Now York Correspondent.] New Yobk, April 12th, lSGS.—Dresscs are much trimmed, and nearly all forms or ornament are used in the present modes. Satin ruches, puffs of silk, and satin fancy ro settes and tabs, with rivers of Contrasting fabric, are seen most frequently. English thread and Chantilly lace trim the richest dresses,and are not spared even on street suits Standing flounces and quillings and machine hemmed ruffles are the newest form of hand made ornament. - Olive and shell puffs, mar quise ruches, and satin herring-bone may be added to the list i The Panier is seeh on few dinner dresses, but in its place a number of sash puffs and basque-endß at the back give the required tonmtire, and the large puff is no longer in dispensable to fashion. Then dresses are much puffed behind, bnt in the form of a looped tunic, not the added panier. "Walking-dresses are made with double and triple skirts; the wrapping iB either a shoul der-cape, a short basque, or over-dress, with tunic open in front and sloping away at the side. The apron front is worn, but the tunic is newest. Basques are very short, the lapel at the back sometimes forming a heading for tke sash. »Mantles and jackets are almost in variably belted, and sashes are short and broad. Decidedly the most etylish mode of making suits is "with a tunic puffed behind and looped at the side by straps which pass from the under-dress. The newest mode of trimming skirts is with large puffs, which take the place of flounces. A dress of pigeon colored era-grain has a ten-ruche florence bias flounce on the edge of the skirt, with very narrow satin binding. Above this is a bias puff of the mik, eight inches wide, s urround ing the dress. A moderate panier behind is amply- a contraction of the flounces and puffs. A handsome belt of silk and satin folds with rosettes and short square lapels behind, gives the effect of a basque at the back, while the front over hangs the belt like a Short-fringed jacket; it is fastened with large crochet but tons in rosettes, and puffs of satin pass over the shoulder, forming theouthne of a square cape looped in the middle behind with a large rosette and fringed satin leaves. Tne puff and flounceß on the skirt are looped at intervals by satin straps; the sleeves am cov ered with Batin puffs to the elbow. This is an extremely dressy toilette, but will be imi tated in poplin and thin goods. Light mate rials, silk and cotton and silk and linen, are out and will be worn as soon as the weather is favorable. La Perichole is a mixture of silk and linen, with changeable ground and hair stripes in bright colors —thur; a ground of green shot with rose and striped with cherry color: a ground of ca nary and green striped with light green, of dust color and gold striped with orange. La Mongolian is a five-eighths material of silk and cotton, much softer than the silk and linen mixtures, of plain colors, in narrow, equal stripes of satin the same shade, dust and pearl and grey, amber and fawn color ; these ate well adapted to Watteau suits. A dress in French taste is lawn-colored Mongo lian, with two puffed flounces on the skirt, with graduated ruches of brown silk below, between and above them. The upper dress is a tunic edged with two graduated quillings of brown silk, the side widths gathered into the front; a Watteau fold falling from below the shoulder-blades, instead of the neck, as usual; the skirt is looped in a large puffat the back, surrounded by two Quillings of brown Bilk, and caught by four bows of brown silk ribbon two inches wide, with long loops and short ends. A square bertha is outlined on the boddice with Bilk quillings; the sleeve is original—a straight coat-sleeve, with flit box-plait from shoulder to the wrist; narrow brown quilling round each Bide the box-plait to the elbow • The box plait is held in its place by a few stitches underneath, and small ribbon brown bows all the length. The boddice is closed by ribbon bows. A stand ing ruche of brown silk fills the neck. Fan chon of fancy yellow straw, with scartof straw net and yellow rose and bronze foliage one side the face, the Ecarf held by a knot of bronze and pearl leaves. Fawn-colored gloves. A stylish, unique dress is of Btone-eolored gros grain poplin, which has the finish of that silk. The skirt is plain and gored closely in front and on the hips. The over-dress is » of stone-colored leno, with broad satin stripes of same color. This is made in a large tunic, which is as long as the skirt behind, and is cut in points like a basque skirt in front. The back is caught in irregular puffs, very full indeed, and bo are the fronts; the sides are plain, like sash ends, from the hipß, and are trimmed with a broad border of alternate folds of black and crimson Bilk, and edged with a brocaded fringed ribbon of those colors. This is to correspond .with a flounce of alternate folds of black and crimson, notched on the lower edge, headed with a puff of thin material, and standing crimson ruche which is planed on the front edge of the poplin skirt The tunic is finished with a flounce and puff crossed with crimson rib bons and headed with saw teeth of black and crimson. A pointed short cape edged with a deep flounce and colored sUh folds, which also form a wide collar, completes the cos tume. The hat which suits this eoslume is white crinoline, with black lace scarf and garland of crimson fuschias. -•> A plain walking-suit is of marine bine Berge,with deep flounce headed by bias band and standing ruffle. Over dress with tunic skirt bouffant meeting above a small round apron edged with bias fold ruffled each side; tunic trimmed with a Slightly gathered flounce which is continued over the shoulders, almost , forming a pointed cape. Pouf hat of black silk with crimson roße.and clusters of smaller, ones On the back and front; broad blacs' strings to tie under the hair; stone • colored gloves with black volants. Black silk walking-suits are made very dressy indecdjtbe flounces are notched on the . edge or laid in three-cornered folds, overlap ping each other like saw teeth. Tue upoer skirt is-fl succession of puffs, notched rulli es , and satin honeycomb trimmings, which tra qnentiy require a week’s labor of six women : •'«V to finish fata BingMwag.No wonder thaUj dresßmaker’a bill for *- be stiOO, whch all this work, bcardSa'Staead lace, trimmings, satin at twelve dollirsTi" yard, and tbo material of the dress, which is at least Esevenddllarß,has been accounted for. An elegant; but simply designed blacks suit has a flounce laid in triple plaits or groups of three, which is fashionable, with three satin folds stiched on two inches from'the upper edge; tunic bouffant, behind edged with plaited flounce four inches deep,held by three satin folds and bound with satin —the puns behind held by flat bows striped with French folds of satin. Tlie waist has rivers and deep collar behind, outlined with three satin folds; heading, a fall of black lace; a standing trim ming of passementerie heads the.next told or eitin. A hat to wear with this is two fans of rainbow striped silk and black laoe, inter- - leaved with knot of field flowers, placed on the black lace, and garland trailed round the Easter is over, the fashionables resume their usual amusements, and dinner and evening dresses will bo subjects ot design. The most elegant will be Cbambery gauze and grenadine in broad stripes of white with light blue, spring green, rose color, or violet. Narrow Btripes are suitable for the street, but more stylish effects are produced for indoor —dresses of solid stripes, of not less than two inches, and some times broad as the palm of your hand. It is to be remarked that these are striking and admirable in effect only when seen'in light eolers or thin fabrics. The newest goods tor evening dress are the China crepes in white, rose color, pale buff, and tender green, and deep azure. These are especially adapted to the different styles of dress now in tashion. An elegant dress of this material, which nr m favor only with most exclusive fashionables, rather more than heavy silks, is thus de signed. It is to be worn by tall women of elegant proportions. The front of the skirt is perfectly plain gored, to fit the hips. The train is covered with four deep flounces rounding tunic fashion to the hips, where they curve shellwise into an enormous ro sette. Above these flounces is a large puff forming an admirable tournure. The waist is very low.ia Watteau outline,filled to a proper height with narrow flounces of the white crepe, above Which is a chemisette of yellow Bruxelles lace-which leaves the throat en tirely exposed. The flounces and ruflle3 round the skirt and waist are lined with tar letan to preserve their fullness, and faced with blue silk. The sleeves are composed of one puff and frill of crepe with deep ruffles of Bruxelles lace. The dress is closed to the hem with fancy rosettes of crepe, blue satin and lace, in the centre of which are large tur qnoise buttons. Tne hair is arranged in the new style, known as the canova head-dress —three large plaits of hair wound round the entire head; a large bow of hair placed directly on the crown. A puffed band of blue sarin caught with pearls is placed between the plaits on top of the head, with a pearl aigrette at the left. An evening dress for a young lady is of rose-colored crepe with Ua btelle upper: dress without belt,hnlf low bod dice, tkirt looped into a puff behind, with a while satin ribbon tied into an enormous star bow withpseveral ends. The upper skirt is edged with a puiliog of white satin, two inches wide, heading a border of white lace set with pink satin bows. The lower skirt has the same trimming, placed a little below the knee in front, and surrounding the train, but reversed so that the satin puff comes an inch from- the edge, and the lace forms a fttandiog ruffle above it. This lower skirt is caught into large bouffants with long-looped satin bows. Below the flounce in front; ap | pears the slip of pink glace, over which the | dress is made. Long sleeves, open to the elbow, edged with deep lace; chignon of long curls, surmounted by a cable-twist and cape, jessamine in front, with a garland of smaller f flowers falling to the right. The fashionable silks for dinner dress are heavy taffetas glacea, in half-inch stripeß of four different colors ot the delicate Watteau shades. One pattern is i silver gray, rose color, pale pea green and j black. Another is milky blue, black, straw 1 and pale green, each separated by a thread of white. The Watteau colors are the favor ite fashion, but the least that can be said ot them is that in half-inch stripes they are not effective. , , b These pale colors want breadth to give ef fective contrast. A genuine Watteau costume i has a skirt of broad stripes of black and | white, the latter brocaded with figures in gold , satin. Above this is worn a skirt of pale ! green satin, much puffed, and over this a i loose robe of rose-colored gaze de chctTnuerv , j looped at the side by a broad satin ribbßn. This robe is worn loose, closed at the throat, only showing green satin boddice underneath; the appropriate fold is laid in the back and is | trimmed with knots of pink satin.ribbon. The hat worn with this costume is shep herdess shape, of crinoline or curled Btraw, with garland of delicate summer flowers. For evening dress a tiny hat of white crepe is set on one side, ornamented with loops of rose-colored ribbon and garland of fine varied flowers. This style, like the Pompadour, is only suitable for indoor or carriage costumes. , For any one who fancies the Watteau style in simpler taste, a gay striped petticoat with over-dress of silver gray or black gaze may be worn with a soft silk scarf barred with the Watteau colors laid in a plait on the back, irom which it floats broad and loose. The newest fashion in hats is the butterfly fanchon, simply a scarf of black or white lace passed across the top of the head, crosslog below the chin and lastencd with ahandsoine bow. Above the forehead there is a large bow of double loops of lace, in- the which is one of the large metallic flies with variegated tropic grasses streaming over the chignoD, or a bird of paradise falling behind. The broad lace bow gives the raised effect so prized in iasbionable bonnets. A pouf-fan ebon of novel design, instead of haying the raised centre of flowers and laces frilled on either side, has the pouf of lace with large flowers above the chignon, and a deep flower fringe either of mignonette, myrtle, t’orget me not, or arbutus fairing over the forehead. Brill another design is a flat piece of very rich black lace laid on the lop of the head,and a point composed of satin and lace Vandykes coming down on the forehead; a cluster ot flowers placed each side over the ears, from which fine trailing vines pass across the chignon in graduated lengths, meeting with ends caught at the opposite side. A rich bonnet for a matronly lady is made ot small oakleaves composed of the green throats ot hummirg-birds, arranged in double row on the pouf fanchon, with rows of black lace and white, and Btrings of green satin, with lace barbo over them. The newest head-dress iB a tiny round cap entirely of bowers placed on one side of the head like a drande Duohesse cap; a medal lion of violets and cherry-blossoms, with failing sprays, is worn with golden hair and Watteau costume of silk skirt, striped in four colors,and over-dress of mist grey with breast knot of the same flowers as the head-dress. The.equally charming design of blue splder 'wort' and wild rose is worn with a ’ skirt striped in silver, blue, pale green, and -rose color, with blue over-drcsß trimmed with quill fringe. The Italian hats of black straw, leg horn and lace sre flat, broad-leaved affairs, with long lace veils hanging behind, held on the crown with large roses, pansies, or car nations. The Leghorn hats are usually trimmed with long scarfs of tulle and pink roses. - THE DAILY, EIpOTG IA 4 WEDK ESl)®^ r 14,1869. [Translated lor thp; l'hlla. Evculdr Bulletin.} ; n«us»;aai>)L» . " ‘ : '»"T ’< BY BAKON BBlfeSE. > 1 s • ;—) 4 iv« ,i Bcfutegne also wishes to; pay tribute to my v little sends for dress ing a good altßpugh knowu is little used because tn'toi,oBb come ready cleaned. But as the ‘lip;hfc?-B%n be readily purchased of the dealers,if giye tbofi&Uowiag recipe: J ; Stuffed Whiting Broiled.—T&ke the roes, * melts and livers oi whitiog and hlanch them in boiling water; drain them, then hash them and mix with bread : cruchbs; ( : pnioh and parsley chopped, seasoned with Salt and pep per: choose a fine whiting, ’flu it with this dressing, stop with a piece of-bread the in cision through which it was introduced so that none may escape.and putit on the stove. When it is broiled on both sides set it tip on a dish on the bottom of which butter stirred with finely ehopped young onions has been poured. - , The whiting is entirely presentable* in this aspect, and renders a thoroughly good ac count of itself. —Petit Journal. Ring: Bomba and His Wife. “Madame Bombina, that is to say, the ex- Queen Mary of Naples, wife of Bombina, ex- King Francis the Second," writes the Rome correspondent of the Journal de Geneva, “is still a very pretty woman. She looks a little pale, and it seems to me that her hair is not quite as full as it waß When I saw her seven years ago; but there is enough loveliness and grace about her to turn the head of any sus ceptible young man. I saw her the other day, galloping past the Monte Princio with . some children —those ot Count Frascone, I was told. Her appear ance was as dashing and prepossessing as it could be. What a pity that this charming creature should be linked to such a husband. Him, the ex- king, I saw, too, the other day. He looks sallow and holldw-cheeked—not as if he were thirty-three, but forty-five. Liquor and smoking have made him prematurely old. His gait is slow and awkward. His eyes are dull, and his features heavy and disagreeable. He seems to be a man without understanding, spirit or energy. His favorite companions are low fellows, who help him to squander his limited resources, and do their best to make him believe that nothing is more certain than that he will, at no distant, day, re-ascend the royal throne of Naples.’’ St-'ECflAfi, WWlfSt!i!S»> o r, iXiI E ,'UAYOK OF THE CITY 01 PHILADELPHIA. Avmr. 9th, 18tW, The Cnronei V InqueH Uavinp: rendered a verdict. ihM JOSEPH W. SSIi’XH caßioto liifi>-dea'h by violence nt the l uuuk of Homo pureou or pen ona to the J “ r y “P 1 ; 1 ?, 0 *' j at the Hall, southwest comer of Sixth street and Ulwtrd avenue, on the 24th ultimo, I do hercbv offer a reward of ▼ adq gUB iHwUSANU DOIA»AKB f r the detection, arrest and conviction of the perpetrate or perpetrator® of thin dreadful M FOXj flavor. 'fllriSf- UUOD SPiUNU RAILROAD COMPANY. WT April 9tb, 18oi‘ The annual meeting of the Stockholder o of tins l oin pnny and an elcctiouTor-President k* l *} fix Manag ??(. \' L,, fi f or ihe ensuing year, and until others ahah tjt , tkctld, will be held at iho Office of the EsntU*FOuicrtl Heading Kailr. ad company. No. 227 soutli I'OUKi" atrecl on MONDAY, the »d day °^\ I< VwEBB °'A Secretary. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA KAIL OST ro S ad company. 18 *,. win take piece at the Office, of Iho Company, on MoN ImedS 3 * day ° f 7 TWM II AVEIIB. Secretary. LIBEBTIES AND PENN TOWN e®*smi' Y. aAiAprllp year and until others shall be elected ■tvillboheM at tin. irt"cc ot the Philadelphia and Heading Katlrun.l ~u-I,any. 1,any. No. 227 BOLTIt POJJKTU street, on MONDAY, the id day of May next, at 11 o’clock A^ij^ .nilaatl ’ Secretary. Tfer - kekbe VALLEY - RAILROAD COMPANY, 2© OFFICE, NO. 227 S. FOURTH BTKEEC. PirtLAiiEi-rnTA, April S, 18t». The annual meeting of the otockbolders of till* nnry, and an election for President and eir M“'i»t,ore, will take i lace at the office of the ooinpau v.on MONDAY, th .\s/WEv« f May .secretary, ako- NOTICE.-THE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR D&y President and Managers of the Elmira and WtU liaromort Railroad Company will beheld at their office. No. 208 Walnutetreet, onMONDAY, M kpia m.w.f till my 3 Secretary. •gy OFFICE VULCAN MINING! t OMPANY , WBSi Philadelphia, April 12. lbey. Ihe Annual Meeting of atorkboider* or the Vulcan Mining Company will bo held at their office. Iso. <124 WaU nut strew, on TIIURSDAY. May 13lh, Win. at 12 o'clock M for the olecllon ef Directors and transaction ol other business. B - A apis-tmylBs Secretary. map, OFFICE CATAWIBB A RAILROAD COMPANY, NO. 424 WALNUT STREET. PniLADKU’HiA., April 10th, l&w. The Annual Flection for Pretideut and Dl^J or,i 'ft" be held on MONDAY, the 8d day of May, &t *‘e Coinpany’a oflico, No. 424 Walnut ptrCit, Philadelphia, between the hours ol 12 M. JOHNB()Ni - Secretary. aplO-we-tomyl ms> A SPECIAL MEETING 01' THBBTOCKBOLD ere of the WoH Creek Diamond Goal company tvill be befd onWtDNESDAV, April 21. at 12M ■“l??' oflice 205 Walnut street, to take into consideration the financial condition of the Company, and to provide ®“" for the liquidation of ite gff“ggSfigf SBcrolmrT . apT-Wfl tl apfll} Pim.APKi.rms, April 6. 1869. Ktist* OFFICE OF THE CENTRAL TRANSPORTA TION COMPANY. No. 31H3 MARKET Stpjot Webt Peii.aiiki.ehia, April 3,1869. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholder; °>‘£ e Cuutrut Traufjportatiou Company will be held at their omco on MONDAY. April 19 1869. at 11 o'clock A M., whop au election will be held for nine Dirac tore and Secretary and Tr a C p a 2l4 r « *°“ tTe f ° r *J. p“co“¥blnGEß ; Secretary:' CAMDEN AND AMBOY' RAILROAD AND B®*TKANbPORTATION OOMI’ANY. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Camden and Amboy Railroad and Transportation Comiany. for the election of roven Direotora to r '', e tli^°„ r if C iif,?\VMt year, will bo held In thia city i »t the Office of the> West •Itraey Railroad Gfliupaoy on EDNESDAY, the Jcto oi Apill, 1869, at 12 o’clock. M. BAMUEL j mhS9 dtap293 Secretary of C. and A. K. It BIYIBEND NOTIOIES. OFFICE OF TUE AMERICAN FIRE IXSUB ■w ANCE COMPANY. ‘ . ' CQ p«iun»EU'ni\, April 12.1869. The Director* have this day declared a dWideud oi Seven Dollarß ».nd CenUs per share for tha niootbr which will be paid to the Stockholder* ortheir r^refen?aUvc B . on and after too Md io-janti free UU lcSy VALLEY RAILROAD COMPANY has declared a quarterly dividend of Two aha a half nercent. payable ut their olhee, No.IkW Walnut at.» nl 2 fm w tapis. Treaaurer. OP THE FRANKLIN FIRE IN- OUMPAN Y l’lllLA pr.l.i’ll lA. April B. 1069. At a me it! UK of tie Board of Director. held tide day. a Bcml-apiiuol dividend of Six per Out., andan extra dividend of Ten per Ccn«.. Were d* dared on tho Capital Stock for ibe last six inonthe, payable to the Stockholder* or tbeir le/tal representatives, ou and aft.r the 15th inet. C n 1.6 J- w - McALLIBTKK. Secretary. KKY UUUIlti. J CHAMBERS, 810 ARCH BTI’EKr. LLAMA LACE I’OI.NTEi. LLAMA DACE PARASOL UuYEIW BLACK TWEED uddtha, at very low price.". PLAID NAINBOOK. from 26 cent* FRENCH MUBLIN, 3 yards wide. 60 ennte. MA ItSKILLP.B FOR DRESSES. from 36 roots to ffil 25. HAMBURG F.IiGINGS AND.INSERTIONd. NEEDLE WORK EDGINGS AM) INoERTIONB. choico dosigpe, bought under regular p lets, aud are of fried cr IiAiIOAINB. __ apl3-lm§ «OAB> AHJ9 noon, CROSS cbbbk lehiqh coal. u PDAJBTED & MnOOLLIN, No. 8038 CHESTNUT Street, West Philadelphia. Bole Retail Agents for Coxo Brothers ii Co.’s celebrated Cross Creek Lehigh CoaL from the Buck Mountain Vein. This Coal ffnarUcnlarly adapted for making Steam foi Sueur and Halt Hoiuee. Brewerlos, Ac. It la also unsur nasßed as a Family Goal. Orders left at tho office of the llinen. No. 841 WALNUT) Street (Dt floor), will rocelve anr prompt attention. Liberal arrangement, inside with ffanHffacfareSrn.lng ft regnler quantity. I vis tf riOMPLAItiTS T)F ■ SLATE AND mii'l ’HY CON- V snmere of coal aro done away with by our Goal Breaker All pure coal broken iqto family sizes, ready for use. S. W, comerTbiiteunth uud Wa.hmgtoii avonuo. mh2D-3m9 KLITER A Lli-iISGKU. qniE°”uMi r EIiBIQNED INVITE ATTENTION 14 ??) ■ Bpring Mountain. Lehigh and Locust Mountain Coal, which, with tho preparation given by us, we think can not be excelled by any otbor Coal Ofllee, Franklin. Institute Building, No. in 8. Bevonth street. BINES A SIIEAFF, jaßPtf Arch street wharf, Schuylkill. II WATUiLES, JKIV Kr.ll? ii iin.VKIItVAIIK* U ftuWATOHESandJEWELKT REPAIEEIh/P 803 Chestnut Bt.. Philft^^^^ Lad ies’ and G ents’ Watclies )< American and Imported, of tho most celebrated makors. VoBt Chains and Lsontineß, \ In 14 and 18 karats. . Diaiftpnd and Other Jewelry, kKgagemenVanb wedding BINGS, . In 18 karat and coin. SOLID SILVER WARE FOR BRIDAL PRESENTS, table cutler\plated ware, Etc. ai (f awns. B. WAS6NE 6c. CO., Wholesale fielders In WATCHES AND JEWELRY. C. E. corner Seventh and Chestnut Streets And late of No. 85 South Third street 168 ll ME FINE ABIS. A. S. ROBINSON, No. oio CHESTNUT STREET. lias just received exquisite specimens of Fine Dresden “Enamels” on Porcelain* Id great variety. SFLBNDin PAISTEB PDOTOGBiPHSi Including a number of choice A Superb Line of Ohrdmos. A largo assortment of NEW ENGRAVINGS, die. Also, RICH STYTE FRAMES of elegant now patterns. gPEB-msHiKO aooas. PATENT SHOULDER SEAES MSI manufactory. irdflTt for these celebrated Shirts rappUefl promptly brief notice, ©ontlemea’s Furnishing Soods c Of late stylos in full variety. WINCHESTER & CO.. 706 CHESTNUT. I.xm-w-f-tf FISE DRESS SHIRTS GENTS’ NOVELTIES. J. W. SCO'ITT & CO, qx4 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Four floor* below Continental Q w u " ~ GENT'S PATENT BERING AND BUT 1 GOODS. for ladle* and gent*, at BIOHB L D ja>FER'B BAZAAR. „nl4- tfs OPEN IN THE EVENING. SSOOEBiIEB, K.B<BPOBta, ftC« FRESH FRUIT IN CANS. Peaches, Pine Apples, &0., Green Corn, Tomatoes, French Peas mushrooms, Asparagus, &o„ &o. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GP.OOERIES. Corner Eleventh and Vine Streets, QWEET OIL.-160 DOZEN OF F. X O Olive Oil* expreeeiy imported for OOUdIi o h*aai End Grocery, No, 118 Souib Second street _ VEW DATES, FIGS, FKUNE6. RAISINS AND AL JN mondfi— all of utw crop—ln store ,/o r COUbTY‘B East End Grocery, No. 118 South becond Bt ITKENCH PF.AB, MUSUROOMS. TRUFFLES. 10- J) raatoCF, Orem Com, Aeparogup, Ac.. inetoreand for sale at COUNTY’S Hast End Grocery, No. 118 Boutb Be cond etreet __ OTt-NED OHFBHIES, PLUMS. BLACKBERRIES. O l’eache*. Prupellßß, Pear*. Lima Bean*. Bhaaer Svreet Cota at OOLBTY'B East End Grocery,No. 118 South Bccond etreot _ TTRESH PEACHES IN LARGE CANS. AT FIFTY ? Cent* per C»n-thc theape*t and best good* la the rily, at GOUBTY’S East End Grocery. No. 118 Soutn Second street. AGBICPLTIIHAL. For Lawns. Gardens, Green-Houses and Faims. B A U OH’S B4W BORE B 1 PEE PHft«PH»TE OF LIBS Will be found a poweiful MANURE. Jt Ib prompt io ite action; it contain* the no peitiferoua weede, aDd will produce luxuriant growth of QraPß, Floweie, BtrawberriCß, and all Garden Vegetables by the cargo, direct from the wharf or the manufactory, on liberal’tenua. „ f fh n Bend your addreea and piocure free, Journal of the Farm.*’ BAH«H & SONS No. SO South DELAW AKE Avenue. TWp Fertilizer can be had of all Agricultural ueulew in city or country. mhlu wj_m hn„ BrKCIMEN EVERGREEN TREES &S Of large Blase, , , «■£» Well trained, Best varieties. Suitable for Gentlemen’s Country beats, Cemeteries. *Nonvay Firs: Hemlocki; Oold-n.Amcr'ciinana Globe Aibor Vil!" ; White, Scotch end Austrian I ln» ; Sivodlsh, Irish and Bquamata Junipers ; Tioo-hox: ,1 Aic Thceo trees arc generally admitted to be the uncit in the city having Wu carefully trained according to thofystem intioduced by Wrn. Bright. vnrV lln\d For sale at the LUO'AN NLUbEUIES, Old York Itoad. above Kiting Suu. Outers can nUo be left .at the Ory burgh Gardens, B. W. ooruer of Nineteenth and Race rtreelß. ____ e " a 6ys__ FLOWFHINO 81! RUBS, „ , T „ . . Bhc!i an Deutzuu 1 , ttyr Dgaa. Spiraeas, Uleigolas, •3E-&C., iu large quantities and at lo»v rate*. NATIVE AND GR\PE-VINE3, [ D groat vmioty and of beat k uds.jit ‘| ,e Nuttf s Eluß9i Old York road, above Rising 3nn. Orders can ba left at the Drvburgb Oardoas. vineteontli aniHtaco str> e«s. avni-swejw UEAVEHS. STOVES. IMPROVED French Range and. Range Furniture Manufactured by BBADIIIAU) BliAfiE & CO., Nob. 247 and 249 WATEK STREET, NEW YORK, p&m to f 12t THOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, OR Jy&Kt Kuru[ifinn Ranees, for families, hotels or pnbllc SZ3& fnstllutlons, in twenty different sines. Also, Phil fPS adolpbla Itangeß. Hot Air Heaters, Low down times, Mrcboard S to vos, Both Boil ers. Stewliolo Plates, Broileis, Cooking Stoves, etc., wholesale and retail b> THOMSON. No. 209 North Second street. .fa, THOMAS B. DIXON * SONS. ISO® Late Andrews * Wtxpn. . £33 No. 1824 OntS'l NUT Strcut, I'hlladtL. Opposite United States Mint. Manufacturers of MW DOWNt l-ARUMt. CHAMBER, AndothcV^RATES. ■ ■ £■« Anthracite, Bituminous and Wood Fire i nrnimn fiARTTr Pi fl()At*.*"Wo BOXES GENUINE W WhUo cEflto t SpJaudinß troto from Genoa, and for sale Dy JOS. B, Buosma.a w.. roo South Delaware avenuo. UNION PACIFIC ;RR. .r’ l "' f'-3 t'j * t ..{ - First Mortgage Bonds !?♦»■■•• Kr'.:-. y.;'-!. f-.’ Bought and Sold at Boat Market Prices.' '/ 'M “( 1 K " i fe Payable in old. The Rond will be completed in And Train? run through in DEj®H&SRK Dealers in Government Securities, Gold, &0., 40. S. Thivd street. apOti .- . ' BANKING HOUBI CVF jAsrOwKE&ftt iia and 114 So. THIRD ST. PHILAD'A dealers IN ALL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES Wo will receive applications for Policies of Lift Insnrnnce in the new National Life Insurance Company of the United Statca. Full Information given at oar office. ttealcreTn «. 8. Bonds and members or stock and «<£d Krcl»“nßO, receive accounts of fl&nla and Banhenon Üb oral terms. Issue Bills of LicUangoeo A). J Hambro & Son, London. B. Meizler, S= Sohn A Co., Frankfort. James W. Tucker & Co., Paris, And other principal cities, and letter* Of Credit available throughout Europe S. W. corner Third and Chestnut Street. STERLING & WILDMAN, BANKERS AND BROKERS. So. HO Bontb Third Street, Philadelphia, Special Agents for the sale of Danville, Hazelton & Wllkesbarre R.R. FIBBT MORTGAGE BOJIDS, Dated 18C7. due In 1887. Interest Seven Per Cent, pay* Able half yearly, oo the first of April and first of October, clear of State and rnited Mates taxes. At present these Bends are ofl- red at the low price of 80 and accnied in tercet Tb» y are in denominations of $200,8500 and BUOOO* I'rttnpblof*. couiaininr Map., Report.laud full!nforma tlou on band for distribution, and will be sent by mail on ’ P (?OVCTMn;nt Bond, and other Security taken in ex change at market rates. Dealers In Stocks, Bonds, Loans, Gold, &c, 3m5 MAULE, BROTHER &,CO:, • 8500 South Street ion n pattern makers. I QCiQ 18b9 Pattern makers. 1000 ° CHOICE SELECTION OE MICHIGAN CORK PINE . I OR PATJ F.RN3. . 1 iipho Honda pay Six (8) Per Cent. Intercet in GOLD. principal FULL JMpATIOS CfIBERFULLY FUMED. Thirty (30) Days, Forty-Five (46) Days. I.BIHBEK. lU/in SPRDCE ANDHEMI.OCK IRAQ loby. SPRUCE AND HEMLOCK IOOP. large stock 1869. 1869 CAROLINA FLOOWNG. VIKIUMA FLOORING. DELAWARE FLOORING. ABU FLOORING. WALNUT FLOO Rib G lOrm FLORIDA STEP BOARDS. IRAQ loby. FLORIDA SI KP BOARDS. 100i7. rail flank. KAIL PLANK. 1L AQ WALN UT BOARDS AND PLANK. 1 QAQ loby. WALNUT BOARUB AND PLANK-100t7. WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. assorted FOR CABINET MAKERS. BUILDERS. AC. ■ 1 o/.n UNDERTAKERS’ LUMBER.. IRAQ 1869. UNDERTAKERS’ LUMBER lO0«7. K£JD UEUAIv. WALNUT AND PINE. 10( ,a SEASONED POPLAR IRAQ 1869. SEASONED CHERRY. 1000. WHITE OAK PLaNK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. CAROLINA BCANTLINU. 1 KK9 CAIiOiJNA H. T. ULLB. AOUt7. NORWAY BCANTLINU. 1869. IOLIfI CEDAR SHINGLES. IRAQ 1869. CEDAR SHINGLE". iOO^, CYPRESS SHINGLES. LARGE ASSOR'I M ENT. FOR SALE LOW. ?tiiZEs}sBW: 1869. 1869. Lumber Under Cover, ALWAYS DRY. WATSON & GILLINGHAM, 924 Bichmond Street. mtoSfl ly6 - T° ffiKgh Imported A*' plialtic KoofiDgl clt lu & CO -617 and 619 Minor bL tnh!9*tmß BOlmVi.o prices. Give them o oaU. MATmN THOMAS. mhlT.eui* ELIAS POH.L. a' in HONTUAO I'ORB. LUMBERMEN ANl> SHIP t-miirinri* —Wo are now to execute proinptly ptreet. _ . Y7*ELLOW PINE LUMBER-ORDERS FOB CARGOES Yo) every do»crlption Hawed Lumber executed at short notico-quality subject to inspection. Apply to EPW. n. ROWLEY.. 16 Bouth Wharvea. ““L BOOTS AN ID SHOES. J' N OTIOE TO IHE PUBLIC GENERALLY. The latoet rtyle, fashion and aeaortnieutrof 'B. SHOES AND GAITERS, FOB MEN and BOYS, Oau be had at _ fl „» soPP’S. • No. 280 NOUXU NIKTH v^orrantetL Better than anywhere* the Utv. T A Fit Warr OIQ. P.RONDIKKLiLA.TRAOHEn fcvaie le&Bona and dacaes. Eewdonco* *M» Ru2B»tfB etrcot* ~ ? -f- filum & Dry Plaster fuCpiof Ai-e &oslT desirable- for quality, finish and price.' MARVIN’S SPHERICAL BURGLAR iSafcpES’ Cannot be Sledged! Cannot be Wedged! Cannot be Drilled! BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, EXPRESS BOXES,\ FAMILY PLATE SAFES,'. COMBINATION LOCKS PJeapc eond for a catalogue to m ARVOV CO., 721 ChfKirmt Street* (HAtOftie BILL.) PhUadclpWa, a;;. BUOAD WAY, SEW VOEK, 10H BANK ST., CI.EVSI.AND, OHIO. Second-*‘and Safes of all maksa for talo low. SAFES AND MACHINERY MOVED. ir>h34 w»Sm CABIUAUK*. jgggg, SPECIALITY OF Pony Phaetons and Velocipedes Ot tho uteft ttylf» and lowest trie?*. tocether with all Ui too iai= e ne -» w EprlEß i\ittcm--of dratclaM Phaetons and Carriages, In stock and finishing. For eale by s. W. JACOBS, 2STo. 017 Aral* Strest. ap!4 w * 2W PAPER HANttIMOS. PAPER HANGINGS Wholesale and Retail. SAGLE, COOKE & EWING, Lllc with HOWELL & BROTH! KB, NO. 1338 CHESTNUT STREET. Trade supplied at Manufacturen' prices. fc23n»w»2m6 FOCHEr BOOKMce. rocket Boobs, Portemonnlcs, Cigar Coses, Portfolios, fg *>§ Dressing Cases, Bankers’ Cases. Ladlcs’ A Gents’ Satchels and ; Travelling Bags, in all styles. I Rosewood! Mahogany Writing Desks. raitiCJEA.I.AN K< TT 8 - n. C.. March 3. 1869. in? n fiin’LEß* E*«.—l'leneo find below a commuuica ti™i£'mtfces*Sn.fier. ia tho matter-of Intel feronco twt wec”pand.U'wiß bd<l Cutler, for manufacture fi om ' ■ ' VJ ' ' l'm ■ l;;; I i'.’. J/r. r riorft y *’ IbVwaUDeS TO°OUThEin {ho applications of hand o Examiner. This OBtabllßhoa tho potent imaor whrcUrto BOSTON u For Bale by all good g, s?s l S\> e r i RHODES & C0.,-' WATEU and OHBBTOWT■W*^ # iSSkifSs£a. Faroes SffoHnß kny other wifi no smhmarUy prosecuted. _i^com||_^^p- r[r 8 T LONDON l elesanco are '!H?9g , £ ant j g UN K UMnnannaß. at A , LA 2 E oHkos at O. miiON-S FANOV OOODS HtohK No. 31 South Eishtll etroot: mhad-lmt ■ COSBBEFS. Ladlea* 1 flfirt Oenti 1 Case®. A BBOWN’S Wliolejale and Retail GOEBST STORES, 329 and 819 Aroh 54.„ Whoro tho Morohfuita and Ladlca will find an i/xtchalvo assortment ifacturtd Comets and Hoop ykirtd. ; x£UKonAJp£u«i - su«m ah*. The inttrnalrcvtnuerecelptayc'atcrdcy aggro gated $700,000. r Tub Indians in’ Humboldt coahty, ColUornltt,' are: ; od.ibo'.wafrp'atb. .tX# : ■jJXi-.M* i'Xl V,? ’V Coiwtkbfbit $2O bills on the Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia aro circulating-ln Boston, The Ice In the Keiiaobcc river, Maine, com menced to break up yesterday. • ; • The election for the-Cortes in Portugal has re- enltedln favor of the government. Lome Napoleon has increased.the pensions of the surviving soldiers of . tho ltepnb’lu and first Empire.- J ■■■'-' ■ s - Kj ri - -. "’ - ■ It Is understood that a territorial goyernment will be organized for tho British Northwest Ter ritory. A. . . .. The- second weekly, reception of Mrs. Grant took place at tho Execatlve Mansion, yesterday, and lasted two hours. It is; now stated that Jewett, tho missing banker,of Skaneateles, N. Y., has not been heard of in Canada or elsewhere. , ,’y Ct / .The Senate yesterday confirmed J. Lolhrop Motley aa Minister to England and John Jay os ’Minister to Austria. TuE tlmO between tho tertnini of the Union and Central Pacific Railroads has been reduced to twenty-four hours. Dbputy Shhiiikf Monas, of Now York, who pleaded guilty to having permitted King, tho bond robber, to escape .from custody, has been sentenced to five years In the State prison. The Eleventh session of the National Academy of Science began in- Washington yesterday. Pro fessors Agassiz, Alexander, iiaird, Rogers, and other ulstlngulsbed then of science, were present. The Alabama’treaty was considered iu Execu tive session ofthe Senate yesterday, and almost nnanimontly.rejeclcd, only one Senator voting, forlts ratification. Senator Bhamer spoke at length iu opposition to it. ■ ' r . The greater portion of llie town o t Haughfon, Michigan,was destroyed by tiro On Snnday morn ing. 8! icty-five acres, comprising lit) occupied ~btmding# f w£re.b.urned b‘ver. The Methodist and Catholic cburcbta~oli<l''"snhoola-,.£scaped._ Thc loss is estimated at hearty 3500,600. Over "200" families are left homeless and partially destitute. The Working Men'e Aesoclatlon of the District of Columbia serenaded Senator Sprague, in Washington, last night; Mr. Spragno spoke In acknowledgment of tbe.,eoropllment. and Inti mated that he should devote falmseU during the summer to a plan for the regeneration of the country through Its finances. From our Late Editions of Yesterday Nominations by the President. Washington, April 13. —Tho President nomi nated to-day Thomas H. Nelson, ot Indiana, to be Minister to Mexico; Charles N. liiotte, ol Texas, Minister to. Costa Rica; Henry T. San ford, of Connecticut, Minister to Spain; Horace Rublee, of Wisconsin, Minister to Switzerland; William A, Pile, pf Missouri, to bo Minister to Brazil; Frecaaan H. Morse, of Maine, to be Con sul-General at London; Thomas B. Van Buren, of New Jersey, to be Consni-Gencral at Florence; George W. Wortz, of Pennsylvania, to be Secre tory of Legation at Florence; J. Meredith Read, Jr., of New York, to be Consul-General at Paris; William P. Webster,of Massachusetts, to be Con sul-General, at Frankfort-on- thc-llain. Consuls—Jas. T. Atkinson, of Maryland, Consul at Nantes; David M. Armstrong, ol New York, at Rome; George F. Allen, of Indiana, at Moscow; Freeman H. Blake, of Kansas, at Hamilton, Canada West; D. V. Bell, of Michi gan, at Goodrich, Canada West; Edward Conroy, -of Pennsylvania, at San Joan, Porto Rico; Wm. M. Coleman, of North Carolina, at BtcU{n, Prussia; Charles J. Cleach, of New York, at Bordeaux; Aug. L. Cbcllafn, of Utah, at Brussels; John C. Caldwell, of Maine, at Callao; B. P. Cbcnowith, of Virginia, at Canton; Alfred N. Duflle, of Rhode Island., at Cadiz; Wm. A. Dart; of New, York, Consul-General of British North American Pro vinces, at Montreal; James C. Fletcher, of In diana, at Palermo; Georgo P. Hanson, of Il linois, at Copenhagen; Robert G. Hol ley, of Vermont, -at Barbadoes; Dexter E. Clapp, of Now York, at JBnenoa Ayres; Fred. Cox, of Connecticut, at Leghorn; Harry H Davis, of Pennsylvania, at Cardiff, Wales, Henry Erni, of Tennessee, at Basle, Switzerland; Wm. D. Farrnnd, of California,.at Valparaiso; Robert Hazcn, of Ohio,at Bremen; G.Hcnry Horstmann, of Pennsylvania, at Munich; T. C. Julllng, of at Maracaibo; John F. Hauser, of “Wis consin, at Brindiel, Italy; Jas. Haggerty, ol New York, at Glasgow; E. R. Jones, of Wisconsin, at Now Castle; Richard N. Johnson, of Missouri, at Hankow, China; Herman K. A. Lie ierman, of Missouri, at Lyon?; John L. Neer, of Michigan, at PortSarna; Henry 8. NeaJ, of Ohio, at Lisbon; Robert P. Keep, of Connecticut, at Piraeus; D. B. Randolph Kelm, of Pennsylvania, at Foochow; Robert E. Mack, ol New Hampshire, at Londonderry; Edward D. Neill, of Missouri, at Dublin; MiltOß M. Price, of lowa, at Marseilles; Chas A. Perkins, of Conn., at Barcelona; Cbas.’ E. TCfry*, 6P New;York. at AsplDwdll; Andrew 0. Phillips, of Maine, at Port Erie; Job. Rea, of Illinois, at Belfast; J. W. Par tridge, of Illinois, at Babgkok; John A. Sawter- Ing. of Texas, at Btnttgardt; John L. Stevens, of Maine, at Birmingham; C. D. Slatons, ot Ark., at Presfealla; Edward Stevens, of Now Jersey, at Leeds; Eli J. Shepard, of Ohio, at Chipianz; Fred. Slnttz, of New York, at Rotterdam; William Thompson, of the District of Columbia,at South ampton; David Turner, of California, at La Paz; Henry 8. Wc-tmore, of Pennsylvania, at Man-' Chester; B. O. Dnucan, ot South Carolina, at Elsinore; J- A. Skilloo, of Louisiana, at City ol Mexico; CllDton J. True, oi’ Kentucky, at St. Thomas; H. J. Winsor, of New Jersey, at Lnne burg, Saxony; Charles Welle, of Nevada, at Guayaquil; William H. Young, of Ohio, at Carirnbe., E. C. Bbnfield to bo Solicitor of tho Treasury. Assessors of Intorn.il Revenue—SVm R. Cum mings, First district New York; Jas. McCartio, Fifth district New York; IJ. L. Doty, Sixth dis trict New York; N. U.Tread well. Seven tn district New YorkrJno. F. Cleveland. Thirty-second dis trict New York; Aug. Ford, Eighth district New York; A. P. Kctcifara, Ninth district New York; -Napoleon Underwood, Second district Louisiana; A. W. Hawkins, Seventh district Tennessee; John G. Miller, Tenth district' Now York; Wm. Galloway,. Second district; Maryland; BenJ. N. Meede, Dlslrictof Colnmbla; John L. Murphy, Second District, New Jersey; Wm. M. Wlle6, Sixth District, Indiana; P. 8. Lady,Fifth District, Virginia; David F. Williams, Fifteenth District, Pennsylvania," Julius Ennomoser, Third District, Louisiana; Thomas Wafers,.Third District, Ten nessee; R. R. Roberts, Fifth District, Maryland; Samncl A. Graham, First District, Maryland; Wm. Carey, District ot Utah; Vincent H. Gregg, Fifth District, Indiana; George G. Brets, K tnßas; A. H. Langley, Third District, Texas; John P. Rea, Ninth District, Pennsylvania. Collectors ofTutcrnal Revenue—Eighth district, Tennessee, F. Salter: first district, Maryland, Jas. Mclntyre; first district, Massachusetts, S. M. Pres ton; second district, lowa, Norman Boardman; second district. New Jcrsoy, L. Stratton; District of Colnmbla, H. 8. Flint; first district, N. York, Gen. A. Everett; third district, Now York,Gordon L. Ford; second district, New York, James Free land; twelfth district, Pennsylvania, Henry M. Hoyt; first district, Pennsylvania, William H. Barnes; fifth district, Maryland, D. L. Staunton; second district, Maryland, Samuel M. Evans; fourth district. New York. Alfred Pleasonton; thirty-second district, New York, Joshua Ballov; (ighth district; New York, John V. Gridloy; first district, California, J. O. Rawlins. Collectors of CußtomsirSt. Mary'?,Georgia, W. J, Spencer; Stoninglon, Connecticut, H. N. Trumbull; New London, Connecticut, G. T. Marshall; District of Montana and Idaho, W. W. Johnson. ■ -Surveyors- of Customs—Hannibal, Missouri, Joßcph.R. Winshell; Evansville, Indiana, Philip Hornbrook. ,United States Attorney for California—Frank M. Pixloy. : United. States Attorney for Florida—A. T. Ackerman. ' ’ Unitcd'States Marshal Southern District of New York—F. P. Barlow. United States Marshal Western District of Missouri—George Smith... United' States'Marshal Western District of 'Texas—John W. Leppard. ' 'Members of Levy Court, District of Columbia— Alex, Gardner,: Devore Burr and W. H. Tinnev. ■-Registereof-LttiTd'Oince— MaTygvriK.'Cal:—E-.- W; Roberts; "San Francisco—Honry G. Rollins; Sacramento—John G.-McCa]lutn;lrohton r M6 Jno. Dohhlson; Detroit, Mich.-r-Addison dell; CouncH Bluffs, lowa—Sllvanuß Dodd; Fort! Dodge, lowa-fA. W.. Dafvloy, •• • ' :(■" .' ' 'KeeeivorS'orPubiio"Moneys—VorinUlidh; Da kotah—N. J. [Wallace., Santa Fo, Moxico—E. jy. Little. - Sacramento, CaL—Hart Pillow,- Jack eon, Miss—C. L. C. Coss- Ironton, Mo J. L. frnser. Little Rock, ArlLr-A. M. Morgan. Viifiti&MttA&tie '©iMSA {£*£*>’ ’ •- I Florence, April 13.—-The Chevalier Marcel •.Cerruti,Envoy Extraopdinary and Minister Pleat tpoteptiaiy at Washington; who is to be epper scedcd by BcrtinatU, has been appointed Minister to Madrid. . ; M add 11 r,Aprll IS. —Tbe ftovemment continue to moke arfests of Carlists in the Prd- ’ vincc of Granada. The Alabama Treaty, [Bp cciM Dc»p»|eli to tto’FhOo. EVeaißk; BanetlAJ WAtuiisbroif, April 13. Senator Sdrnner having concluded his speech against tho Alabama Imply, the Senate Is now dlscuesing tho propriety pf considering the treaty in open sesslon.l Many are in favor of this proposition. - : - / ■ ' : ; from Canada. Ottawa, April 13.—1 t is said that the policy of the Government'in rcgurß to the Northwest Ter ritory will be to organize a territorial ’ govern ment,-with its seat at Red River, giving it for tho present only local and mnnicipal machinery, and representation In the House of Commons- As Ihe population increases, h provisional govern ment will be organized, and a certain portion of Ibo territory allowed to come into the Uolon Si a province. It Is expected that 3200,000 or 3300.000 will be voted tills session towards tho completion of tho road from. Fort Williams to Red River. ■’ > '>■ U It is believed In well-informed circles that Sir George E. Cartier, Sir John A. McDonald and Hone. Messrs. Howe and Tfiley will be made Lords under the bill introduced by Earl Russell creating life peerages. From Waalilnertoni Washington, April 13.—Superintendent Rice, of the Treasury Department, discharged fifteen more laborers and watchmen to-day and ap pointed others. The resignation of Solicitor Gordon, of the Treasury, bas been accepted, and B. F. Pleasants, Chief Clerk, temporarily apj.olniedtq.lhe place. .NAVY OIIIIERS. •' CaptnlTi'S. -D. TrenChard'has rceeived prepara tory orders to command ’thtTfiancaster... Com mander B. B. Taylor Ib ordered to command, "tBB~ U. S. storesbtp Idaho In the Aslatie squadron. Lieutenant-Commander Silas W„ Ferry, is do- • tached from the receiving ship Vermont and or dered to the Naval Acndemy.rellbvfhg Lien ten an t- Commander George C. Remey, who is Dlaced on waiting orders. Paymaster Edwin Pntnam is detached from duty us Assistant Storekeeper at St- Paul do Loando, Africa, and ordered to Settle accounts. Chief Engineer W. H. Shock is' de tached from the Franklin and placed on waiting orders. Commander John H. Upshur Is granted leave of absence. ADVICES FROM ADMIRAL lIOFK Admiral Hoff officially reports his arrival in the f.'ontoocook at Southwest Pass on the oth inst, havlDg left Havana on the 3d. Ho 6iys. that after making Inquiry he was unable to ob tain any information as to the Cnbaii expedition reported to be fitting ont at -New Orleans, and would return immediately to Havana. Heavy Swindle by Forged Checks [Special Despatch to tho Philo. liveduk Bulletin.] NewYokk, April 13.—A very adroit swindle was perpetrated this morning on the Bank of the Btate of New York. The paying-teller received five checks from different Individuals, amounting in the aggregate to 320,000, drawn by Jay Cook & Co , as usual, to tbo order of their cashier, A B. Hill, endorsed by HUI to other parties, and the signatures of the lattercertifled to os correct. The cheeks were a perfect fac simile of the litho graph used by Cooke & Co’., and the counterfeit ing of the names perfect. They were handed to the teller iD rapid succession, and the number ard all appearances of the checks being correct, were paid. PHOPODALS* PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES. Orri'-r op Patnaptte Pmtpp Status Na vv,? I s O. 425 Gil SBT> • T h i U CIST. ' J’niLAUEi.PHi Aprjl 13,1&69. ) Sealed Proposals. cudnrscd Proposal* for Suppllert,” vf HI be received at thla office until 13 o'clock M., oothe 19lb trrt., fnr furnishing the United Slate* Navy Depart ment with the following articles,to he of the best quality, and cubjt ct to inspection by the inepccUng Officer In tho Philadelphia Navy Yam, where they are to be delivered free of expense to the government, for which security rnupt tx> elver; FOR ttUHFAU OP CONSTRUCTIOX. VTVC. W hltn Oak plank, 73.000 board.feet, from 4.HU>9 inches thick. ft bite Oak logs, IIQ cubic fect,.Uinchc3 equare, 40 to feet lon*. "* Breciticatjon* c"D be examined at the COMMAND' Alvi'fi OFFICE, in the Navy Yard, and no offer will be received not in strict conformity there with. Blank foims for proposals can he obtained at this office. H. M. HIE3KEI,L, apl4 4t{ Faymtuiter. U. 8. N. TEEASI'KV department, office of the LIuUT UOLtiE BOARD. \V amii?*i«TON Citv. M&rch 22, 1*69. Separate scaled proyttfale wilt be received at this Office until t o’clock, P. M.. oo FRIDAY, the 30th day of April, U*s», for building and equipping two eteam Lighthouse TcLdeie. of the following dimension* Length from lore aide of rabbet of a tern to aft aide oreteinp <xt 135 feet. Fa.i7erne breadth 2dfeet. Depth of hold from Inside of floor timber to un der side of deck plank, atiiidabip 9 feet. Drawings and Fpecificatione, and any otacr desired in*, formation concerning these AesseW Wid be furnished uj-on at plication in writing to the nhdeftfgaed At this oilier. \\'. B. SIIUBKICK, apl2-m w f6t4 Chairman. pROPOSALsToiTEXVELOrE3. ”* '““ r “ Pu-iT OrriOn DKfA.E’rM'IWT, April 6. I*o9. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this Depart ment until May 31. at 3 o’clock P. M.. for furnishing JSn velopi e for the official use of postmasters during a period of tw o > cars from the Ist of July, 1369. The estimated number of Envelope* that will be required annually is as follow e- Clnrs No. 1, I.QOU.QQOi more or letes, by 5% inches. > O . 2, 4,0 g« .uiXvniurC dr less. 3i£by ojji inches. ClAfs No. 3, 750.000: more or lets, 3M by Inches*. (.;)ap/* No. 4. 750 WO, more or lees, 4 by y inches. , (hats N 0.5, 3uo 000, more orient, 4>£ by inches. For Class No. 1, an ordinary quniityof buff or yellow paper wtll lUtflwer Tbo other Claeses to be mado from red, blue, green and buff Or cream-colored paper, fcamny be required, of approved quality. •/\ - , .-Ml the above-deperib-d envelopes must be male in the mc»t thorough manner, well gummed for sealing upon the cutlro length of the flap, and must have euch printing til'-n the face as. may be directed by thp Postmaster- Ctueml. They must be banded In parcels of twenty-five, paci ed in pasteboard or straw boxes ; each to contain not less than two hundred and fifty envelopes of letter sizu, »ud >jue hundred each of extra letter, official and extra oiliciftl sizes, neparatelj, or otherwise, as may be required ; the boxes to be wrapped in strong paper, so as to boar tittDsportation by mail for delivery to postmasters. When required 'o be delivered at tho Department, such wrap ping will be di«*penptd with. When '3 OCO or mpro envelopes are required to fiU tho or der of a postmaster, they must bo put up in stroug wooden boxes and properly addressed, but when less tnau s.nCO are required, proper labels of direction must be placed upon each package by tho contractor; the whole *o bs done under the direction of an agent of tho Department. Tbe Knvelopee must be furnished in such quantities as may fjom time to time be required to fill orders of Post imistcrb or by the Department, and bo delivered -either at tho post otbee in the city where the accepted bidder re sides, or at the envelope agency, or at this Department, the f’estmaster-General may direct, free of cost for packh g, Hide are also invited for 60.UU0 Envelopes, more or loss, made from tho best quality of white or buff paper, 4 by 8, P, 10 inches, and to bo printed in tho mauner prescribed by tho Department, foe übo in tho Dead Letter Office and tho titaroped’Envulopo Agency in ;tUo. city'of New York. 7heec Envelopes to bo delivered In good order .tree i'f cost for packing,both at the Agency in Now York, and to the Department at Washington, D. G\, iu quantities as from lime to time may bo ordered. Separate proposals will bo considered for furnishing 7D(i uoo, moie or less, annually,of '’Registered Package En velopes,” sby 10,‘t inches, made from heavy bull or Ma nila pnper, with such printli g on- tho face as may bo re quired by the Postmaster-General, and STRIPED, BOTH AChOdBTHK FACE AND BACK, LENGTHWISE, IN RED. tho same to.be put up in pasteboard oc straw bores, each containing Sou, and packed in wooden cases inquaa tilies of 4,000 or 6 oou each, for delivery at the Depart meut or to poatmuacere, os may bo directed,free of charge for packing. • All enveiepee embraced tn thia advertisement required for delivery at tho Department are to ho convoyed as freight, ftee pf coatfot transportation; those tor deliyery to Postmasters to nnsaaii Wail matter. i-\ Tho firet delivery of envelopes spocificd übove to be mado on or about the Ist of July next. btecimene of the different kinds of envelope* for which proposal? are invited may bo seen on application at tho principal Poet-offices or at tho Department. Bidders aro ruquirod tofurniah.Hpedmens of tho en velopes they propose to eupplv, afad no bid will bo con cidered unltßß offered by envelope manufacturers, accom pumed by satisfactory guarantees. The price bid and tho quaUity'qf samples submitted will bo taken into tonsiderdtion in awarding tho con tract, , Bonds will bo required for the faithful performance of thecontract,and all payments undor it will bo mado 'quar terly. ..... The Postmaster-General reserves tho/ right to re i act any or all bids, if deemed compatible with tlie interests. Bids'must bo indorsed,'‘Proposals-for? and-Ro turned Lbttor Envelopeaiu&c - for tored Package Envelopes,” as the case may be, and ad dressed to the Third Assistant Postmaster-General. JOHN AV-J. CUES WELL, apl2-in.wj.tmy 31 § GAS IFIX'rffTKES, \JT TfJAOKARA. No. 718 Chestnut atreot, manufactafen of Gas Fixtures, Lamps, Ac.* 6c,. would call tho attention _ol tho public tathoir larga&nd ologant apanrtmaut of Gai Chandeliers, PondanW, Bracketa,«fec.‘ Thoy alsolntroduoa ' gaifpip«rinto dwnUlngB-and-publf<H)ulldiiqjß,”aiid.attend : -to extending, altering, and repairing gas pipes. All work warranted ;- ‘ ■■ t ■ THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14/1869; UNITED OF j WashlngtoiiiP.vC. ':. Chartered by Special id of Congress, ftp. ! pioved Jnly 25, 1808. r , Oash Capital, $1,000,000 BK4HCJI OFFICJB: FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Where ail correspondence should be addressed. DIRECTORS. CLAHENCE H. CLARK. E. A. ROLLINS, JAY COOKE JOHN W. ELLIS, IV. O. MOORHEAD, GEORGE F. TYLER, ■j. HINCKLEY CLARK, OPPIOBR8: CLARENCE H. CLARK. Philadelphia, President. JAV COOKE, Pittance and Executive Com, j mittee.'' HENRY 0. COOKE. Washington. Vice President. EMERSON W. PKETi Philadelphia, Bec*y and Actuary £. 8. TU RNER, W aehingtoo,' Assistant Secretary, F FRANCIS G. SMITH. M. D„ Medical Director. * J. EWING MEARS. M, D~ Aegiatant Medical Director. | Tfihr"C6D3pony, National .In its character, offer*, by reason of its Large Rates of Premium, and New Tables the most dec Idle let presented to the public. ] Circular*, Pamphlets, and full particulars given on&p*" plication to the Branch Office of the Company ©* to ita General Agents. General Agents of th© Company JAY COOKE & CO., New York, for York State and Northern New Jersey. JAY COOKE & CO.. Washington, D. C„ for Delawar , Virginia, District of Columbia and West Virginia. E. W, CLARK 6t CO.. for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. B S. Russell, Harrisburg, Manager for Central and W cetera Pennsylvania J. ALDER ELLIS & CO., Chicago, tor Illinois, Wisconsin and Jowa. Hon. STEPHEN MILLER. St Paul, for Minnesota and N. W. Wisconsin. JOHN W. ELLJB & CO., Cincinnati, for Ohio and Cen tral and Southern Indiana, r, B. EDGAR, 8L Louis, for Missouri and Kansas. 3. A* KEAN & CO., Detroit, for Michigan and Northers Indiana. A M. MOTHER3QED, Omaha, for Nebraska. JOHNSTON BROTHERS & CO., Baltimore, for Mary / land. Sew England General Agency under the direction off E. A. ROLLINS and/ } Of the Board of Directors. W. E. CHANDLER,) Delaware mutual safety inbubance com pany. incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1833, Office J 5. E. comei\of THIRD and WALNUT Street*, Philadelphia. MARINE-INSURANCES On Vessels, Cargo and Freixnt to all part* of the world. INLAND INSURANCES On goods by river, canal, lake and land carriage to aD parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally: on Stores, Dwellings, Houses, Ac. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. November LlB6B. 6200,000 United Btatca Five Per Cent. Loan, io 40*8 oo ii&OOQ United States Six Fer'Cent Loan, 1891.... 136.600 00 50,000 United Btatos Six Per Cent Loan (for Pacidc Railroad) 60,000 00 v 200,000 State of Pennsylvania Six Per Cent Loan 21L375 00 125,000 City of Philadelphia Six Per Cent Loan (exempt from Tax) 123J&4 00 60,000 State of New Jersey Six Per Cent Loan.... 6L500 00 20.000 Pennsylvania Railroad First Mort gage Six Per Cent Bonds. 2(1200 00 25.000 Pennsylvania Railroad Second Mortgage Six Per Cent Bonds . 2tooo 00 25,000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad Mortgage Six Per Cent Bondi (Penna. HR. guarantee) 20.625 00 90,000 State of Tennessee Five Per Cent • Loan 21,000 00 7.000 State of Tennessee Btr Per Cent Loan 6.031 25 16.000 Germantown Gas Company, princi- Sal and interest guaranteed by le City of Philadelphia, SOO shares stock 16,000 00 10,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Company. 200 eharea stock 11,300 00 6,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, 100 shares stock; 3,600 00 20,000 Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Company, 80 shares C sttrck* i 16,000 00 207.P00 Loatf on Bond and Mortgage, first , liens cm City Properties 2D7,9u0 00 61,1(6.900 Par. Market Value, 61.130.325 25 .Coat &1.093.6 M 2K Real Estate ; '• atf.ooo 03 Bills Receiyable for Insurance* made. 822,486 94 Balances duo at Agencibs—Pre miums on Marino Policies—Ac crued Interest and other debts due tho Company 40,17 b 83 Stock and Scrip of sundry lions, 83,156 00. Estnnated value 1.fe13 00 Cash »n Bank $116,150 US Cash In Drawer 413 65 —— 116,563 73 DIRECTORS; -Thomas C. Hand. James B. McFarland, Edward Darlington. William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Jacob P. Jones, Edmund A. Bouder, Joshua P. Eyre, Tfacophilue Paulding William G. Boulton, Hugh Craig, IlenryO. Daliett, Jr., Jshn C, Davis, John D. Taylor, JameeC. Hand, Edward Juaionrcade, John R. Penrose, Jacob Rlegel, XL Jones Brcoke, George W 7 Bemadou, Spencer M’liraiilfc, Wm. C. Houston, Henry Sloan, D. T. Morgan, Pittsburgh, SamuelE. Stokes, Johnß. Semple, do., James Traquoir, A. B. Berger, do. THOMAS C. HAND. President JOHN a DAVIS, Vice President HENRY LYLBURN. Secretary. HENRY BAIiU Ass 1 ! Secretary The county fire insurance company—of- Cce, No. HO South Fourth street, below Chestnut. "The Fire Insurance Company of the CouutY of Phila delphia,” Incorporated by the Legislature of Permaylva nla in 1839, for indemnity against loss or damage-by file, exclusively. CHARTER PERPETUAL. This old and reliable institution,with ample capital and contingent fund carefully invested, contim. m n to insure building's, furniture, merchandise, Ac,, either permanent* ly or for a limited timo,againstloßs or damage by Are, at the lowest rates consistent with the absolute safety of its customers. Losses adjusted and paid with all possible despatch. DIRECTORS t Chas. J. Batter. Andrew H. Miller, Henry Budd, James N. Stono, John Bom, Edwin L. Reakirt, Joseph Moore, Robert V. Maoaoy, Jr., George Mecke, M ark Do vino. CHARLES J, BUTTER, President HENRY BUDD, Vice President BENJAMIN F. HOECKLEY, Secretary and Treasurer FHCENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1804-CHARTER PERTETUAL, No. 224 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. T his Company insures from louei or damage by FIRE on liberal terms on bqlldingß, merchandise, furniture, &c,. for limited periods, and permanently on buildings by deposit or premium. k The Company has been in active operation for more than sixty years, during which &U losses h&vo been promptly adjusted : JohnL. Hodge,, : David Lewis, M. B. Mahohy, Benjamin Etting, John T. Lewis, Thos. H. Powers, . Wm. 8* Grant, A. R. McHoniT, ; Robert W. Learning, Edmond Castillon, ■ D. Clark Wharton, Samuel Wilcox, Lawrence Lewis. Jr.. _ . Louis C, Norris, JOHN R. WUCUEREB, President /Samuel Wiloox, Secretary. » FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHIL AD EL phio, Incorporated March 27, 1620. Office, No. 84 North Fifth street Insure Buildings, ' Household Furniture and Merchandise ? generally, frojm Loss br Fire. y™ W J. •" 08 •William H. Hamilton, , Samuel Sparhawk, iPeter A, Keyser, Charles *P; "Bower, MolmCarrow, . JefiseLl«htfoot v .George J. V oiuig, ■ v 1 . • Robert Shoemaker, ■ ■ {Joseph R. Lyndall, Peter Armbrustor, ' ;Levi:P.Cwtß,: J a ." t hi i ;Hi;DioWiißon; ? . ’ i AvkrijMiAsriLTON^iWiao\' : iwm. t. w. 1 w v “? ‘ i ? siioat - IINSUMAfIiCJS. .. ifSfiosrit' OF TUB Paid in Full. FHIMBELPHIA* HENRY D. COOKE. W.E. CHANDLER, JOHND. DEFREE3. EDWARD DODGE, IX. C. FAHNESTOCK, J. P. TUCKER, Manager, 8 Merchants' Exchange, State street, Boston. .jgairßAWCg, . 1829 I j FIRE INSURANCE "COMPANY "It OFPHItABEIpHIA. pffice*”43s arid 43? Chetfnuf Streets i Assets on Januaryl,lB69, * j" Capital .-..' : .8400,000 00 Accrued Snrplua ;;;. 7O Fremiuma...... 43 IINSKPTLED CLAIMS. INCOME FOB 1369. • i 823,78812. . < . 8360.000. j Loestea Paid? Sinoa ‘IS3O Over j ' $5,500*000. I £f ri '?f Tia * ®*4 TejnT>orary Policies on Liberal Term*. ( Th® company aleo ieanca Po’idca upon tbo Rent* of all fcfflds of Cuildlogß, Ground Rente and. Mortgages* Alfred 0> Baker. I ' raEwl ntier. , Barnue Grant, Thomas Hpafiu, • Geo. vy. liicaardr, Wm. a. Grant. •! Jf aAC T> J^ a * Thomas 8. EUIa, , Geo. Pales. Guotavus 8, Benson. ALFRED G. BAKJSK, Proaident. j .in rn Mn4r ®Vice President. * secretary, i WM* GKKFUS. Assistant Secretary. U K COitPANY OF ! TM fl Company takes risks at the lowest rates consistent With safety. RcdeonfinDs its businee* exclusively to FIKE IKBURANUE'IN THE CITY OF PHTLADEL. ‘ PUiA. i,OFFICE —N°. 723 Arch street, fourth National Bank Building. f _ directors. j Thomas J. Martin, Henry W, Brenner, i John Hi rat, Albertna King, ■ \Vm. A, fioirn, Henry Biuhxn,, ? ! Jamea ttongan, James Wood, i William Glenn, John Sh&Ucrosi. j Jamee Jenner, j. Henry Ankin. 4& x SPJj e «^Olck*oD l Hueb Mulligan, : Alberts. Robert*, Fbuip Fitxpatnck; j James F. DilJon. ’ „ CuhKAl) 15. ANDRESS, President. Wm, A, Bolib. Trcae. Wm H. Fagkh. Bec’y, TBE iksdra: INBIJn..SCE EXCLUSIVBE Y.-THE PENN. J. eylvania tiro Insurance Company—lncorporated 1925 •j-Charter Perpetual—No. 510 Walnut street, opposite In dependence Square. Thije i*on?paey, favorably known to the for over forty-year*, continues to insure against loss oraam* age by or Private BuOdingß, either perma nently or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture, Stocks of Goods and Merchandise generally, on liberal terms. . Their Capital, together vr&h a large Surplus < if and, is invested in a most careful nl'&mier, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of loea. DiBEUTOItS^s. j Daniel Bmitli.Jr., John Devereux, A ( Alexander Benson, Tbomas Smith, i Isaac Hazlehurst, Hguct Lewis, • ■ Thomas Bobins, .J. GiUihghstjh Fell* Daniel Haddock- Jr. \_ ■ „ _ .JJANIEX BJUTH, Jr* Resident. Wilhak G. CeoweLl, Socretaur 1 i JEFFERSON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OP Philadelphia.—Office, No. 34 North Fifth street, near Market street. > ( Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylrahia. Char* ter perpetual. Capital and Assets, Blfti.ooa Make iosu rnnee again* t Loss or damage by Fire on Ptxoliebr Private Buildings, Furniture, Stocks, Goods and Merchandise, on favorable term/. i > ■ , DIRECTORS. / Wm. McDaniel, Edward P. Moyer, Israel Peterson, Frederick Ladner, -John F. Belaterling, Adam J. Glues, Henry Troemner, Henry Delany, Jacob Schandeln, John Elliott, Frederick Doll, Christian D, Frick, Samuel Miller, George K. Fort, William D. Gardner. , * WILLIAM MoDANIEL* President. ~ ISRAEL PETERSON, Vice President. Philip E. ColeiulW. Secretary and Treasurer. A MERICAN FIRE .INSURANCE COMPANY, INCUR* Xjl. poratod ISlfl.—Charter perpetnaL^ , No. 310 WALNUT street, atFOvOTMfd, Philadelphia. ' Having a large paid-up Capital Stoeii and Surplus in vested in Bound and available Securities, continuo to in* sure on dwellings, stores, furniture; mercnandUe, vessel* in port, and their can?oca, and other personal property. Ail losses liberally and nrnmrtiv adjusted. DIRECTORS. Thomas R. Maris, (Edmund G. Dntilh, John Weiah. lOharies W. Poultnoy, Patrick Brady, {lsrael Morris, John T. Lewis. (John P. WetnerM, William W. Paul > . ■ , THOMAS E. MABIB, Prerident AlbeetCL CnAwroßP, Secretary \ JpAMIyMSLRANCE COMPANY. N0.«09 CHESTNUT INCORPORATED 1858. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, 52U0.000. I FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. Insures against Lose or Damage by Fife, either by Per petual or Temporary Policies. DIUEOTORS. - I Robert Pearce, John Kessler. Jr., | Edward B. Oma, i Charles Stokea, 1 John W. EvGrman, Mordecnl JBtizby. 1 RICQARSON. President Hawn. Vice President. HD, Secretary. apl-tf Charles Richardpon, IVm. H. Rhawn, Francls N. Buck, Berny Lewis, Nathan Hilles, George A, West, “ CHARLEi WM. H. I BLANCHE DUNTING, DURBOROW * CXI, AUCTIONEERS. Noe. 232 hud 23c MARKET Btreer. corner of Hans it. , Succeeaerato JOHN B.AIViSBa s\Vo. . LARGE SALE OF FOREIGN AND DOMES TIC DRY S D3' : . ON THURSDAY MORNING* April 15. at 10 o'clock, on four months' credit including _ , . DOMESTICS. Bales bleached and brown Muslins and Drills. d o Domet, Canton and Fancy Shirting Flannels. Cases Cottonades; Manchester and Do oestic Ginghams, do Blue Checks, Shines. Denims, Tickß. Linings, do Madder Prints. Sllecias, f'ambries, Corset Jeans, do, Kentucky and Mixed Jeans, all wo >1 Flannels, do Printed BatinetB,^emga,^a£ilmG r e 3, Tweeds. Csses Sbirtlhg ah'd Sheeting Linens. Toweling, Diaper, do Bleo. and W. B. Dam&skf,Table Cloths, Napkins, do >panuh,.Blouse and Bley Linens, Burlaps. Ducks, do Drills. </ac var, Hollands, Crash, Burlaps, <tc. „ MERCHANT TAILORS' GOODB. Pieces Belgian and English Black and Blue Cl: ths do French Fancy Caaslmeres and Odatings, Doe skins. • L do t French Tricots, Silk Mixtures, Meltons, Repel : : lonta. : • - .• \ - •' do 7 4 Saxony Black Cloth all ijualities. do 7-4 Austrian Black Twilled Cloth, do Aix la Chapelle Black Twilled Cloth, of a well khewfr’and superior .make. do 7*4 Wool Dyod Clotb; al'-ftfafes and colors.. do 7 4 Blue Cloth. Anchor brand. f do 4 5 Saxony Black Doeskins, do 4 4 Aix la Chapelle Black Doeskin*, do 7t4 do do do do 7-4 fine Mode Colored Zephyrs, do Black ana Colored Italians, Satin :de chinos, Drap d?Eto, ; DRESS GOLDS, SILKS AND SHAWjLS. Pieces Manchester and Scotch ;Gii)ghatas, White Pioneer j ' ■ j do Black aud colored Alpacas, Dclaides, Poplin*, Mohairs. , i do La wns.-Lehoe/Fancy Checks; Bareges, Grena dines. -* • - ' • do Lyons Black and Colored Dress Silks, Fancy Shawls, die. i - J : x -fALSO— - f • Honeycomb and Marseilles Quilt*, Balmoral and Hoop ‘guts. Traveling and Under Shirts, ‘J’iev Umbrellas. \\ hito Goods, Suapendens. Shirt trout*, Sewiiig*, Tailor*' Tjiuiinlnge, Notioce, dtc. ! -ALSO- ! 100.000 PAPER COLLARS. i A jz : Dickens and Magenta standard limki-j 55-00 DOZEN UOSiEIiV. T pooo doaeu ladies* White Cotton 1 lose, too do do Brown do .wo do ;,do, Mfxed do luwi do 1 gents'Browii Cotton Half Hose: 4ihi do do Mixed and brown mixed Cotton Half , . Hoße. ■ stx> do children's White Cotton How, Also, a line of Berlin, Silk, Lisle, Mixed aud Fancy Glows. ■ N. above’ In aUqualitiee, from plain to full re* gular. olu well-known Importation. , Vl \_ J '6oo STBLLA SHAWLS, in fine black centres,of a superior Puri-* make. , „. « *, -ALSU- I caeo 7 4 fano Belgian mixed Coatings. 1 case 7-4 fancy mixed all wool Coating*. U cases 4 4 lancy Buckskin Oarsimoie. ! 1,617,367 80 LARGE SALE OF CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHSJ CANTON MATTINGS. Ac. a ii,» * ON .FRIDAY MORNING. April lb, at 11 o'clock, on four months’credit, about Dt’O Pieces lugrahn Venetian. List, Romp* Cottage aud Ru* Corpetinge, Floor Oil &c. vA u .. I i i i’£ ( c fl . EXTRA SUPERtINE Damask Worsted VE NL J JANy.hlph cost goode.inßeta. } IOpieceaEXTRA'SCPKRFINE INGRAINS. AU themanufactijre of the OXFORD COMPANY. The attentiou of the retail trade is particularly re quested to these goods, i | LARGE SALTS OF. FRENCH AND OTHER i EUKOJ-EAN DRY GOODS &cl , ‘ MONDAY MORNIPiG. I April 19, at 10 o’clock,on four months' credit. BALE OF 2000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES. TRA- 'YEUNG BAGS. *o. .. ... ON THESDAY HORNING. , April .0 at lu o'clock, on four months' credit- LARGE STOOByOF A WHOLESALE BOOT AND '■ .. •, : i_SHOE.HOUSE / with tho p bolvinB,*Fixturoa, &c., ol the same, by order of Assignee, for cash,':, v J JAMEB A. FREEMkN. AUCTIONEER, / N 0.422 walnut.treat, i VALUABLE EIGnTU STREET FRQPEUTY AT ■ ™ ■; "tv SALE. / jTIio vnluabloOHUßCH PUOPEKTY, on EIGHTH ut„ tt])ovo Kiuc. Biiitablo for a large wholesalo or rotail otoro; could readily bo altered. Could be adapted to a maelc hall or mjjnufactdty, tho walla boing of unnaual Btrongib, WiUbpeOld with or without tho parsonage,' aa may bo desired: Plana at tho Btoro. 1 Terms easy. ■ ■ |3VB^OT^CO;rXUC , XTOIfeERS ? No. KlO BAt?K»Ereot, Caehadvanced op eonetitninienta without-oxtra charge. r\AVIB A HASVEY, AUCTIONEERS. Jp ... Lato witUM.Thonm A3oni. T ■ Btoro Nob. 48 and 00 North SIXTH atvoat. Tu aaumuDQ b AiroTioNiaiißt), • No. 60S MAlUOiHfraet sbevo rath. <UDOTIOR BAJL.JSS; ' MVVOUiP 6 BOI|S.'APM'iGNEt.Ka. ! .i , ! t, • .-~.a RE -d,[‘il tioutb Fci:n-th.«iro€L, * tho .*?!? Eyjat>. - te'/- Sale* at£ealdeuce« rocslvo cjjjjExlal attontlfni.; ~ ■.■ VALUABLE MiaCKLfcANEOUS HOOKB. J 1 From A Private Library; “ '■" Salo at (be A taction looms. Nob. 129 and. Ml South , | _, j/ouitt Utretiv ' : :» HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANO 3. MIRRORS, HaNI)SoM« OTHRR.CAFPLTS, Ac. : - ■'•■■■■ ON THURSDAY MORNING. ArrillD, atfi o?clock,at tlio auction rooms, t>y catalogue, alerse eEttrtmetitof superior Uomehold Furniture, comprising—Handsome. Walnut. Parlor ; Suite, covered with plueh, ups and heir cloth: walnut Chamber Bulls, Collage Chamber, buita. buperiaf Library aud Dining Kfom X-uruituro, finoFreiich Plate Mirrors. 2- superior Rosewood 7 octave Piano. Fortes, wado: by Decker tf'oa. dnd Bchluter; haudsomc v Wardrobes, Bookcuaw. Bide* boards, Etagcre, Hat Stand, Extension,- Centre and Bou quet Table*,; (jbipa and (ilmrewHre, Beds and Bedding, bno' Hflif‘Matres«ee, superior Office Furniture Cabinet' makers’ Bench, t baudeltcn*, Gos-cornuming and Cooking Stores, Oil Paintings and Engravings, handsome Velvet. BruteeD and othnr Carpet*, isc. ' i Also, Cluster Diamond King. ' Also, Go.d Hunting Case Watch. - STOCK OF FINE LIQUORS. . ON THURSDAY, April'lfi, at 12 o'clock, coon, at the auction store, com prising enpcrlor Old Rye, Bourbon and VVhoat Whukier, French Brandy. Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines* Ja maica and St O/oix ltums, Scotch and Irish whiskies, &c. r &c. Peremptory Pain at No. 1707 Chestnut street. STOCK OF SUPERIOR CABINET ' . ON MONDAY BURNING, April 19. at 10 o’clock, at No. 1707 Chestnut street, bv catalogue, the entire stooki nf superior Furniture, inclu ding elegant Korea ood and Walnut Parlor Suits various coverings; superior Dining Room, - Library and Hnll Furniture: Book cares; elegant Walnut Chamber Suit; superior Wardrobes; Lounge*; Chairs, Are. Tbe entire stock , was u*adu by. .Thomas McGuin, ex. tor hh* warertoni Sales, and is ot first quality, and to be sold without reserve. 3 fell <4 e3I Sale No. 201 G Green street. HANDSOME FLKNITLKI, FINECaRPETS, &o. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. April 21, at lu o'clock, at,N0.2015 Green street, by cats* lugue,4be eDtiro Furnltnre, including—Walnut Parlor Suit; Hair Cloth: ElegantEtogere, morblo top and mir ror: Handsome Centre Table and Reception Chairs; fine English Brussels Carp eta; Walnut Hail and Pining Room Furniture; Superior Extension Dining Table: Buffettfide boaid, marble >op; China and GlaaswarejiWalnut and Green Reps bitting Room Furniture; Stilt Elegant Waliint Chamber Furniture, costs7oU; -Handsome CottaseSttltv marble tops; very tine Hair Matresstu; Fine Blankets; K 1 cheD Furniture Kefrigerstor, Ac. 1 • • Tbe furniture has been in use but a short time, and is in oxcelient ordcr. . - • ••- - ■'* Sale by order of John Boalei*, Esq., Superintendent of . City Railroads ■ ABOUT 40 ToNa Of RAILROAD IRON. on Saturday morning. , . Apnl 24, at 10 o'c’ock, at the corner of Broad and Mar k*t street* 1 , about 40. tons of Railroad Iron and Frog Cost* inga. 'leruiß—Caah before deliver*. Bale No. 1432 North Fifteenth street ELEGANT LaCE CUKi'AiNS, FINE OIL FAINTiNGS AND ENGRAVINGS, BaON7.ES, MIRROR* FINE WILTON VELVET AND BRUSSELS CARPETS. &c ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. April 28, at 10 o'clock, at No. 1433 North fifteenth at, by catalogue, tbe en:ire furniture of a family going to Eu rope. Particulars hereafter. VERY ELFGANT COUNEKV SLAT. MANSION, P& ACRES, Horses, Cows, Carriages. Harness, (fee , S. W. - corner of Old V oik Road and Chelten avenue. Chestnut Hill, residence of Henry C Davis, Eau., ON SATURDAY. May I, at 2 o'clock P. M. will be sold at public sale on thepremLes. Fuliparticularain handbills at the auction rooms. Adminirtratorß* Bale on tbe Premises. Estate of .WILMON WHILDON, deceased VERY . iaGAM RESIDENCE AND SUPERIOR FURNITURE, CARPET© *, 4rC\, No. 1910 ’bPRUCE STREET. • • ON MONDAY MORNING, May 3, at 10 o'clock, will be sold tbe very elegant Four story. Brick (marhlo to second story) RESIDENCE, with Douola Back Buildings, No. 1010 Spruce street, 23 feet front, 187 feet deep to Howell street, finished in a very superior and elegant manner, with every mo.dbrn im provement and Convenience. SUPERIOR FURNITURE- Also, tbe elegant,Walnut Fumituremade to order by Moore & Campion; handsome Carpets, Large French Plate Mantel Mirror, iiq. 537“ i ull particulars in handbills. T'HOMAS BIRCH & BON. AUCTIONEERS ANT I Commission mehuhants. No. 1110 CHESTNUT street/ Roar Entrance No. UO7 Bansom. street. HOUSEHOLD-FURNITURE OF EVERY DEBCBIP- TiON RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT. Solos of Furniture at DwelUngi attended to on the most reasonable term*. ■ • • SALE OF A PRIVATE COLLEOTION OF VALUABLE AMERICAN AND FOREIGN GOLD.SILVER AND COPPERCOIKS AND MEDALB. ON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, April 13 14 and 16, o'clock P. RL. at the Auction Btore. No. 1110 Chestnut etreeLwill he sold, a largo collection of valuable co ne and medals, the property of E. J. Farmer, Esq., of Cleveland. Ohio. _ . Ca*Hloguea are now ready tor distribntiou at the Auc tion Store. SUPERIOR HOIBEtOLD FURNITURE, FINE OAR PETS, ROaEWOOD PIANO FORTES. LOOKING GLAbSES. PLATED WARE, CUTLERY, GLASS WARE, COTTAGE FURNITURE, &c. ON FRIDAY MoRNJNu. At 9 o'clock, at the Auction Store,Na 1110 Chosf&nt street, mil ho cold—The largest a*4ortraeat of JSoutehold Furniture offered tht* season, including Elegant Parlor Suite, in cluah and reps; splendid Walnut Chamber SuPe, Wainu Liorary Suita. Bookcases, office Tables and Desks, Wardrobes, with mirror doors; Extension Dining Tnth**, Spring and Hair Matreatea, Ilair Cloth Furnitore. variety of Cane Seat Chairs, Sideboards, Lounges, <tc. CARPETS. A bout 60 Brussels, Jngrain and Venetian Carpets. PIANOFORTES, Six elegant Rosewood Piano Fortes, made by lime dr Co., H. Hardman, Lemuel Gilber 'and others. LOOKING GLASSES At 2 o'clock •will be sold, an invoice of 100 W&lnat, Gilt and Koeew oed framaLookinc Glasses. COTTAGE FURNITURE. Also, on invoice of Wa nnt and Oak Suits of Elegant Cottage Chamber Furniture. PLATED WARE AND CUTLERY. Also, an invoice oi Silver Plated Ware aud Table Cut lory. MARTIN BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS. • (Lately Salesmen for M, Thomas A Sons.) No. 629 CHESTNUT etroot. rear entrance from Minor, TO Fi OIOSTS AND OTHERS. Estate of Joshua Longetrath. deceased. Executors’ Sale- Very Valuable and Choice Collection of HOT HOUSE PLANTS. HOUSES, SASH, Ac. 1 ON SATURDAY MORNING. April 17. at 11 o’rlock. at Nineteenth street and Turner’s lane, by order of Executors of Estate of the late Joshua LoDßstreth. deceased, hv catalogue, the entire large col lefction of extra valuable liot House Flunta including 70 Azalias. 26u Camiliaa Eatral*vr, Cactus, Cyctia Revolu tion. HO Dahlias, and a very large number of very line and valuable plants. GREEN HOUSES. SASH, WALKS. Ac. Largo quantity of green house Sash. Walk*. Flower Stones. Bricks. Tanks, Arc., 6c.. comprising the largo and extensile green houses. Moy bo seen two days previous to sale. Executors' Salo Nineteenth and Turner'e Lano. • F state of JOSHUA LONGSTRIiTH, deceased. SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD TURN ITU HE* LARGE FRENCH PLATE MIRKORS.FrNF. BRUSSELAND OTHER CARPETS, HAIR MATRRSSEi, FEATHER DELS, 4 HORSES. 6 CARRIAGES, 3 WAGONS, CARTS, HARNESS, sc. ON TUESDAY'MORNING, April 2‘J. at 10. o’clock, on the premises. Nineteenth at. and Turner's lane, (adJoiniug tho German Hospital) by order of Executors of Hie late Joshua Longntretb. doc’d., by catalogue, the entire Furnltute, including-tiuporljr Parlor, chamber and Diuing Room P rniture, two large lino french Plato Mi ron*. Hue Hair Mauosses, Feather neds, 1 ablo and Bed JJnen. duo China aud G.assware. line Hatid Wan*, lino Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, Garden Rollers. Tools. &c. lAOhSEd. WAGONS. Ac. Also. 4 Horses, 4 Carriages and Coupe, 2 Markflt Wa gons, Double and Single Harness, &c. r pHE PRINCIPAL MONEY ESTABLISHMENT- X S. E. comer of SIXTH and RACE afreet-. > Money advanced on Merchandise generally—Watches. Jewelry, 1 iamonds, Gold and Silver Pinto, and'on oli articles of value, for any length of time agreed on. WATCHES 4ND JEWELRY AT PRIVATE BALE. Flno Gold Hunting Case,Double Bottom aud Open Fuci English, American and S wise Patent Lover Watches Pino Gold llunting Caeo Rnd OpeuFr.ca LeplneWatcher Fine Gold Duplox and other Watches; Fino Silver Hunt ing Case and Onon Face CngUah, American and bwuu Patent Lever.and Lopine Watches; Doable Case English Bnartior ana other Watchoßt Ladies* Fancy Watclrosi iamond Breastpins; Fhogor Rings; Ear Rings; St-nds:, Ac. ; Fine Gold ChalnsT Medallions; Bracelets; Scarf Hus i Breastpins; Finger Rings; Pencil Coses and Jewelry generally. FOR SALE.—A largo and valuable Fireproof Chest suitable for n Jewolor; cost $650. Also, several Lots in South Camden,Fifth and Chortntu streets. ■ - 'P A. MoCLEIiLAND, AUOTIUNEKIt, 1 1319 CUEBTNUT street. , CONCERT HULL AUCTION ROOMS. Rear Entrance oh Clover street • » Household Furniture and Merchandise of every de aqription rcceivSd on consignment, Baled of Furniture at d jvellingt} attended to on reasonable terms. SUPERIOR NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE, CARPETS, *c. ON FRIDAY MORNING. April 16, will bo sold by catalogue, commencing at 10 oVlock, at 1219 Chcßtnut et, a largo twaovtoient ut New" and Secondhand Fumituro, Carpeta, die. Alan, a litrgti lino of Silver Plated Ware, - Also* Secondhand Furniture, , (Jui pete, &c., of a family declining houeokeopLcg. X> i^OTTrJiM'AUCTIONEER, P. SCOTT’S ART GALLERY lO2O CHESTNUT, etreofc Philadelphia. SPECIAL SALE tf)F A COLLECTION OF MODERN i paintings. "" I ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS. |ApiUl&Dnd lt>, at hi before 8 o'clock, at Scott n Art Gallery, 1030 Chcctiuitetreet, will bo cold, a collection of Modem Picture*, all-by fiood'artietH. comprising Luna 1 aanpes; River and Mountain -Views, Marine/.'&c. fL’he above are moumted in neat gold loaf rrflinoa. (!l D. M cC^ aa 00. Au( , TKJS1;Elia> \< f. TmmaPAY. - ■ - _ Pn VS ti's hTmi a n h n IP SCHENTIFiOAIiIiY taiightVttho Fbiladf Iphia Bbv ffc above Vino. The horses are quiet and hly trained. i*x>r biro, eaddto horaea, Alao car rfagOß"atnfltiinoefor^ddi»^i.parties, opera, funerals, &q,' Horeoa traiiwd to the cRAISE ft 80S. ' ■■ JjijMggijUW- «AJ.S£3» Sale on ibe Premises Sale No. 1110 Chestnut.street *- fiOIPPERS^CiUIOC, i or Boston—Steamsbio Line Direot bajungt'rowjeach-POET'EVEKY FIVE DAYS.:.- I baEtE^,l AXD LU^d^ la' of lilS 1 fir. : [am 1 Steamships, . / 1 3 ) «oiUtAA' 5 ;LdBB tone; Captain O. Bohei; ’ SAXOfii tons, Captain Scars;' • r • ’ * Jvos*M 1,293t0if5; • ' * The NORMAN,from PhifAiThOTaday; April 15 at Id ABC The SAXON, from Bostom Saturday ApriL 17, at 3 P,Ht ibesu ctCdrubhipß asU punctually, ana freight will bo receivea every day,a Steamer being always on the berth, . Frelfibtfor pofnte beyond Bostdneentwltb despatctL ’.' , i Fi eight for aUpointe jp New /Rngbmd and Tdp.;' • warded aa directed Insurance ?* per cent, at thodfßttfc sL or Freight or Paceago; (euperfoi accoxumodatioiul nt>p!y to lUiNRY WlNßOtt&CO^^ • fiiYot . . ; ; BgsSouth Delaware avenaa* > EHIUADELI'HIA.'RICHMUND AND NOS- : FOLK STEAMBIIIfrLINK. , , * THROUGH FREIGHT AIR LINE TQ THE . .SOUTH AND WEST., . V EVERY SAT UiKD AV. . .. from Fliy TWH A i:p ttboyfl MARKET street THROUGH RATES end THRuIJaH REOEIETB to all points to North end South Carolin* TiA.Seßho»nt Alr l.ioe Railroad, connecting at Portsmouth, and to jbjrncb burf><\«., TennctßOO and tho ' Weit Vlrgtol»-W ; - i epneMeeAlr-Line and K;chmond andXhmvillß Railroad. RAJEBTHAK fii }*9 ,n lxP t f*£&&y #nd cheapness of thfajrouto com- EPCDg itto the pabllq a» the most -desirable' nfecHura toe - canning every description of freight,., f ; *, * „ wo cnarge for cummiaelon, tir&yagei or any 6£pdBw < fdr* J tranflier. Sleainthlpß Imraro at lowest rates. ‘ Freight received Daily. ' - , : ~ ~ IVM . V. CLYDE A CCL, I xv t* pnvrri? - , hV?'',''' Hod Month Wlmrvos,, ' : T^CKOWEL )££ COvAgenMortOlg. ll3, ***• u , PHH.AUIiL.PHIA AND SOUTHERN MAIL'} COMPANY'S 111 RIiaUHVB |_. bDEEN STREET WhArF.' : ‘ ‘l'. - 1 A V r /?.‘!? y > A riil S. at K o’clock A. M. .... ftom NJSW ORPINS, AM 4 Af»“?K • ti.'fMprino K ’ G " aU , fr ° l ?savannah • fi* &>«:; R! Kncd, and paaaageticketa bcM l to all points South and West, • •; \ BLLJIS OF EADaNO SIGNED at QUEEN ST. WHARF., , For freight or paeaage, apply to ■ - - WIIJJLaH tu, JaMES< General l Agent*’-Vv:j> : ;13U South Third atrefct. ■ _ HAVANA'‘ STEARfERS.' 1 :ii ! i g Usuis*. ,1 BAIWG.IsJfBSKdt^OAX&sv.- s&utfaiwKm These ste&mora will leave thus port for Ha vana every third Weduesdajvatß o'clock'A; VL f : v r, ? f': s _LThOf steamship. STAiiS AND STIOWSB, Captain Holmes, . will saU ! for. Havana on Tuesday 'ittominiE. March. 16, at 8 o'clock. , - }Passage, s4ocurrency. *■■■■;>!■ i C; ' • PapstngGia muDt be provided with passports. ■ No freight received after Monday. r • Beauced rates of freight. ■ , ~ , ... > r , ,: ... THOMAS WATTSON & sdNB, u .",'f |ii4o^io»^hDelawareavena* NiiW BXPIiKBiiI.XNB TO ALBXANDiUAi , €|A£3Xd£&' Georgetown dtul \Vdflhihgton, DTiL, via' rfrwagiYTHß. (Jbeeapeafre an<i Delaware (jaxioij with* con** f nectioniJ at Alexandria from the moat direct route fac " Lynchburg, Bristol, KnoxviltevNashville, D<onandtilo; > Southwest. , Steamers leave; regularly from the first wharf nbovo tyarket street, every Saturday at noon.. Freight received doily. AVAL P, CLYDE A CO.. . 14 Nortband South Wharves. EYDE & TYLEH, Agents, at Georgetown; v M. KLUKLPQK & tn>.. Amenta at Alexandria. Virginia^ FOR NEW YORK. ‘ * fmTl».,7r7-. Via Delaware and Raritan Canal. » < > : ■ EXPHEBa STHAMBOaT COMPANY. 1 The CHEAPEST and QUICKEST water coinmunictu» tlon between Philadelphia and New York. Steamer* leave daily from tiret wharfbelow Market' etreet, Philadelphia, and foot of Wall street* New York. ' Goods forwarded by all the Unearunuingoutof Nevr* YoTh—Kerthu Hast and West—free °t Commission.... r . Freight received and forwarded on accommodating terms, v WW.P. CLYDE*CO.. Amenta, 12 Sonth Delaware avenue, Philaaolphia. . Jfi.B. HAND, Agent, 119 Wall street. New York.., notice fornewyork;' ," '‘ -- I DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL, i BWIFTBUHE TRANSPORTATION. COMPANY.^ . . DESPATCH AND BWIFT3ORE LINES. The busineifl .of these lines will bo . resumed f on and after the 19th of March. For freight,whlch will be taken * on accommodating terms, apply to ■ ' : i- .j , yfk. AI. BAIRD * CO. s , , No. 183 South Wharvei ’^- *£*> FOR SALE, FREIGHT OR CHART HEE<r*> swift Iron Steamer “Fire Fly,*? about 219-feet.,« hull 31 feet beam, lOfeefc hold; has two conddnl- ‘ ins engines, 42 inches Id diameter, two largo tubular. -< boilers, feathering eide-wheeis. *. Will beßoldasßhcla, orcan bealteredinto a tohn&ge? of 1.000 tons heavy goods, but with a oapaeity for 1.800 tons measured freight, with speed that no edaßteamep-'-' can excel, with same tonnage and size of engine. ; Addreei ’‘FireFly," Box 1835 Philadelphia ■ Post ' Office, . , .. ap!3,pt* DELAWARE AND CHESAPEAKE N Steam Tow Boat Company . r Bareua 1 towed between Philadelphia, Baltimore* Uavre-de-Uraco, Delaware City and intermediate points. „ WM.P. CLYDE&CO~ Agents; Capt. JOHN LAUGH- , LIN, Sup’t Office, 14 Bouth Wharves, Philadelphia. - V.” mn. NOTICE—FOR NEW ' YORK, VIA' ECjbS|h-__ADelawareandißaritan;Canal—d^iftaura'* i TihlY —r~irtrr ~n Company—Despatch and Swiftflure lines.—The bnßiDCfifltoytheseLine»/wilfb&r»-* - •umod on and after the Bth of March. Fop Freights which wi Ibo taken on accommodating terms, apply to ’ WM. M. BAIRD & CQ„ 133 South Wharros. 7 ~ CONSIKNEje’S WOTICES. CTBAMBHIP NORMAN FROM BOSTON.-CoUßigUttis • • O of Merchandise per aboto Steamer send; for their goods now landing at Pino street wlfaW.* • S/ ' ' apl&2t HENRY WINBQR jfc£Q f - CONSIGNEES OF MERCHANDISE;<>* X> fiom Rotterdam, pel* Br. Bark *M. Cumtttirigs;** ** Hookway, Master, will please ecttdtheir perm|ta ,olt-i t board at Lombard Street Wharf. The general order mil bo issued on WEDNESDAY, A. M.,next,> thjeiUth:>i; instant, when veseels trill commence to discharge. , All goods not permitted will be sent to tao WORKMAN&CU.. 123 Walnut street.. . „ ... - iwm . - I .IIP! 11, Imi ■! lilin iiih i Tl f't'j'-I CADTION, pAtmnN.-ALL * PERSONS ARE HEREBY V, tioned against trusting or harboring any of the cretw. . , of the Br. Bark “KHa Bror>ke,** f MailUjrfl, Master, Cardiff, aa no debts of of their contracting/ will, ha paid *j ■> by Captain or Consignees. WORKMAN 4r GO.,‘ 'l23'" Walnut street, •■. ,•* .■ • ;&pi.4-€6j7 pAUTION.-AXL PERBONB ARE HEREBY t GAU-;- 7 J v 7 tioned agairst harboring or trusting any of v ‘’ the crew of the Bark *‘J. Cummings,!' CJaster. ; X* from Rotterdam, os no debts of thoir contracting will bo paid by Certain, or Agents. WORKMAN ifii;CX,l23:;j Walmn street. - , anl2>6t IHEHIOAISi. TpRENCH MEDICINES x, , . * JP VUEPAB'BD'BY • ' ' ‘** ' v , GRLraAULT & CO., ■ OHKIIIISTfi TO ff. I. U. VUJNOK Jf APOI.KONi ‘ 45 Roe nn HICHELHfiC, i 1 > !» PARIS. ‘ INTERNAL OR LOCAL NEW CURATIVE "AGLNT, AIATICO. G ELM AULT & Co., PAEIS. , This new remedv ip prepared'from the leaven of a Po ruvian pepper shrub, called. Matlco, and “cures piomptlv and infalllbly.‘ , witljdnt any fear of iuflamraatory results. The great majority of physicians in Pmia.Rußala, Gr rciavi ny and New York now tUo no other remedy. Poll direc tions ncconipimveach bottld'andpackot. ■ ■ v Agents in Philadelphia, ' . PUENCH.TtIOHARDS & CO.»; * N. W. Cor. apd MARKER streets. 01' AL DENT ALLIN A. —A SUPERIOR ARTICLE FOtt ' cleaning ths Tebth, dCHtroying aniraalcula,'whlch la* feet thorn, giving tone tp the gums, and leaving a feollne of! fnlgrauce ana perfect cleaniineeein tho mouth. It may ' bd used daily, and will bo found to. strengthen weak ana t . .bieecing gums, while the aroma and deterslvonesa Will ‘ recommend it to OVOl7' one. Being composed with tha ; assistance of tho Dontfst, Physicians and Microscopic t, ft is {confidently offered as. a reUablOßubetitutefoc tho un- t certain washes formerly In vogue. ' Eminent Dentists, acquainted with theconatituenta of r xho Dentaliina, advocate its use; it contains nothing to, provent its unrestrained employment. Made only by JAMES T. SHINN, Apothecary. , pßroad andSprnooctreofc*. For sale by Druggists generally, and . , , Fred. Browne, ' ' - • D; L: Stackhouse, * s Hassnrd & Co., Robert C. Davis, .» C. R. Keeny, Geo.*G. Rower, Isaac H. Kay, : . Chaa. Shiv err, , . I C. 11. Noodles, B. M. McGoiin, {IV J. Husband. . S. <l. Bunting. ■ Ambrose Smith, Chas. H. Eberle, . Fidward Parrish, James N. Mnrks,; < ' Wm. E. BringbunJt&Co., uamos L<Bißphara. Dyott <fc Co., _ Hughes &’Combo, H. C. Blair’* Soc* , ;* Henry A. Bower, Wyeth <& Bro. JU«!NiPJKSS CARDS B. B \Vtodow Slmdca. Bodi>. Mftttroaaoa. Carpota and , ‘ Curtatne.No. Kki North Ninth atreet, Bhfyadelphlai ak - ways on h ud. ... . . . . Buruitnre repaired and varalflhed. JAIIESA. « BIGHT, TllollNTOrf PIKE, OI.I'.UKKT L. OUWOOM, lO TUJSOUOKf’i WUUJiIT. J’BAN-K I t NKALI** ■;>, . ul ,/i PETER WHISHT * SONS, ' *■’).,L Iroporteiaof oarthonworo •s;. rt Shipping and Commission Merchant*..-,;.t J * p * No. 116 Walnut atraet. rhllfrdolptiia. ' Twr 1 ON SAIL DUCK OF EVERY WIDTH, FROM: I’’ 1 ’’ ’ U Jili Icrh to 7« Inchon wfdo. all numhore. , :p' • |jo2f? i No. IU3 Church Btrcot, CUy Stprpa; DRIVY WELLS-OWNERS OP‘ ' f Jf only place to (tot rrivy weUacleajjaod: tuwdtoiv,'. footed,/t very low prlcoa. A. PEV-SBON V MaaSKrttSSr "* of Pondretto. Ctoldamith’n HaiL Übtatrittaet.; ' 1 « AVAJR ’ STCCISEs* 1 ' O PHOTS TURPENTINE ANDROBIN-U0 BARBELS S . for Hale fcyT.l) ON. ' r4oo HARKS;' COTTON IN'BTORRANDp■? foraalo by.COUHUANj RUSSERR,* OQ,. ffil North 1 'Front ntrret.- ■ , ~'i : li> CASKS, OARORINA RTCR IN BTORE - i,t and toruale bj COCHRAN. PUSSERR « C0.,,33 ~ North Front street. ■ ■ - ±±2±iL'‘ r ii V M l'U f u .*t whn-3m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers