OiTI BULLETIN^ THE FIFTEENTH WARD HORROR The Suicide’s Letter tobis Father-In-Law Th# Bodies Removed to Conneotloul The Coroner’s Inquest Tbe bouse No. 815 Judson street, In the Fif teenth Ward, in which James L. Blackatono hilled bis wife and two children, was viewed by a large throng of people yesterday. Dnringtho entire day there was a crowd of persons men, ■women and children-gathercd in, front of the building, engaged In discussing the details of the friebifol tragedy, and throughout the city the ' horrible affair was the theme of general conver -Bajflr!>Wm. C. Buehnell and Mr. J. R. Crampton arrived in the city from Madison, Conn., yestor day. Tho former is the uncle of Mrs. Bucks tone, ana eays she was a remarkably amiable woman, who throughout her life has. been much beloved by all other acquaintances. She has two sisters residing in Lyons, lowa, and another at her former homo, in Conneetlcnt. Messrs. Bushnoll and Crampton visited the soone of the tragedy and then returned to the establishment of Mr. CyrusJHorne, undertaker,to make arrangements for the removal ot the bodies to Connecticut. The faces of Mrs. Blackstone and the children, ( yesterday, had a natural appearance compared to that of the day before. The expression on the i husband's face waß that of sternness, which was \ not at all natural to him. The bodies were all dressed in white cashmere wrappers,and onclosod in plain walnut coffins. Tbo bodies were ar ranged side by side, first that of Mrs. Blackstone, then that of her husband and their little children. .The letter which Blackßione wrote to Mb father in-law, alter the murder, was in these words: Dear father —l Eend yon what I am. I have killed my three angels; they aro angels still. Jamks. The note was writton on ono of the blanks of Adams Express Company, and probably in the office of thrsamo. The penmanship was such that the words conld scareoly be deciphered, an evidence of the condition of mind of tho writer, as he ordinarily wrote a plain hand. Previous to coming to iMb city Blackstone was a well-to-do Connecticut larmer, fourteen or fif teen months ago. Be had a good sized farm, well stocked, and was as well situated ns a young man conld de6irc to bo. All at once he conceived the idea of selling off and tryiDg Ms fortuno else where. He finally did so, and came on to Phila delphia to see what business he conld engage In, aha left his family behind. Entering into part nership with Mr. Fanston, in the picture frame making and gliding, of which he had not any knowledge, he sent for his family ana went to honsekeeping. Hie conduct of late has shown that the result of hla venture was not equal to his expectations. He has at times evinced great depression of spirits. He would occasion ally sit at his place of business, as if in deep thought, with his chin resting on the palms of his hands, and sometimes look tne very picture of despair. Then ho was satisfied with the house he occupied. "Is that a place,” he would say, “for a man to occupy who has owned and worked a handsome farm ?” He had reference to the smallneas of the dwelling and the want of accommodations. What his conduct was at home is not known, bat it is believed to have been recently strange and unnatural. A lady friend of Mre. Blackstone visited her the other day, and as she was leaving Mrs. B. asked her in a very earnest tone to come soon again, leaving on her mind tho impression that she had something to communicate, but the visitor neglected to call. In regard to insanity in the Blackstone family, Mr. Bushnell states, that, so.far as Ms knowledge served him, he was not aware of a single member of the family, for three generations, ever having been afflicted in that way, excepting the father of Blackstone, who, many years ago, met with a financial reverse, and couceived the idea, that ho waß destined to become a poor man and would be thrown on the town in which he lived for sup port. He was ot that time suffering from an attack of sickness, and on his recovery the idea of want was dispelled, and since then he has been perfectly Bane. Ho has reached a ripe old age, being upwards of eighty years, quite hale and hearty, and pos sessed of full mental faculties. The suicide’s grandfather lived to quite an advanced age, and was never known to be in the least deranged. The same may be said of the families into which the parent and grandpareut intermarried. Tho mother of tho murdered woman, Mrs. Solah Lee, is represented to be a stout and active woman. She has passed her fiftieth year. Both the Black stone and Lee families are in good circumstances, being possessed of considerable property. They are highly esteemed by tbe citizens of the vil lages in which they resldo. Mr. Fnnston, tho partner of Blackstone, The firm was getting along finely. They had largely Increased their stock and business, and were indebted but little. They had in their em ploy a bookkeeper, in whom they placed Im plicit confidence, and everything went on smoothly until a month or two ago, when they discovered that their clerk was keeping his ac counts In a complicated and loose manner, and when called upon to explain, ho was unable to tender to them the satisfaction they desired, and he was thereupon discharged. The boons were theD examined into, and it wa6 ascertained that Ihecleikbad embezzled moneys amonuting to between two and three thousand dollars. This necessarily had an embarrassing effect, but still ibe firm was In sound financial condition, and were able to cope with the loss and continue the-ir business in the usual manner, and the dim culty wdb being gradually surmounted. Mr. btacketone appeared to take the matter at heart; he however said but little, and when in conver sation oppeared to be buoyant and full of hope of tutuu- success. Mr. Faußton further states that ho was In the habitof working at picture.frames in aback room of his store, leaving the door leading to the show room open, so 111! a he conld see any customers who might come in. During the past week Mr. v Blackslone has entered the room several times, closing the door uflcr him and stundlng along side ol Mr. Funslon us he was at work. Mr. Fnnston now recollects, and is impressed with the fact of Mr. Blackstone having Beverul timcß taken np a very heavy chisel and examined it. During the time mentioned, Mr. Blackstone seemed much depressed in spirits, and bo melan choly as lo lead Mr. Fnnston to the Arm convic tion of his being insane lor several days before the murder. The bodies of the victims of this 6ad affair were taken to Connecticut late lust night in charge of Messrs. Buehncll aud Crampton. Coroner Daniels held an inquest in the case this morning. Policeman Eli F. Newman testified that Mr. Fnnston called at the Ninth District Police Sta tion-House about half-past three o’clock on Tuesday afternoon, and told him he had a des patch slating that Blackstone's family hud been killed. In company with other ollieerß and Mr. Funslon and two other gentlemen, witness went to the house and could not get in; witness passed through the adjoining house, got over the tenco, entered thQ kitchen window and discovered the bodies. , , Policeman John G. Mead corroborated the tes timony in regard to the finding of the bodies. A woman residing in the neighborhood told him that Blackstone was in the yard of his honse on Sunday for two hours, engaged in playing with his children. Mr. Myers, No. 2521 Brown street, a}so testi fied to seeing the bodiea when they were dis covered by Policeman Newman. He had spoken to some of the neighbors,and they oltguveßiack- Btcno a good reputation. James Cochran, 2iifi2 Brown street, testified— Blackstone was at roy house last Friday. Ho said that he had not (eft well for some time; he said that his business was not going right; there was nothing unuenal in bis appearance. Dr. E. B. Bhaplclgb, the Coroner's Surgeon, -testified to having made a post mortem examina tion of the bodies of Mrs. Blackslone and her two children, and ibe character of the wounds, which were fully given in the DuUetin of yesterdoy. He said that the children had evidently been placed in the kitchen alter they had been killed. Frank A. Mulllken lestified-Mr. Blackslone came to my office, in Fifth street, about the 11th of March, and inquired about a house on Master direct, near Twentieth; ho said that he would give me the papers; ho (brought them on last ; Monday week, but said nothing; on the next day be came in again and said that he wonld have the ; papers made Out in Ms wife’s namo, but to leave : the name of the grantor blank; on Thursday ho again came in and eaid'fae believed ho would have tho papers \ made . out In ■ tho name of his brother-in-law, who lives out West; on Friday he came In again and said that he wonld have to throw up the bargain; he then appeared to be down-hearted; I walked with him to Seventh and Sansom streets' and on tho way he asked mo a question of law; whether if his wife had furniture valued at $1,500 given to her by her father, he conld claim the $3OO exemption allowed by low; on Saturday he came Into the office and threw up the bargalo; he asked me what my bill was, and whon I told him he asked me to take less; be appeared te be troubled In mind, and said that he was financially embar rassed. . Policeman Geo. W. Odenheimer testified—Was on the Delaware front on Monday morning; met Blachstone coming down; thought he looked strange and turned and looked after him; I coa- Itinuta to Market street, and was soon Informed that a man bad tbrown his hat and coat over board at Chcstnnt street wharf and then jumped in. The inquest was thon adjourned until to-mor row at noon. Discovery of Human Bonks.— This morning, while tho workmen wore engaged In removing the rubbish from the cellar of the demolished building at the 8. W. corner of Twelfth and Mar ket streets, they were startled by tho discovery of a quantity of human bones, In a recess ot tho back part of the cellar. A partial examination showed the remains to be those of an entire skel eton of a full-grown man, and tbe Bkull, which is evidently that of a youDg man, judging from the perfect condition ot tbe teeth, has some small itufts of hair adhering to It. Tbe recess in which /the bones were found 1b bricked np on three eideß, and partially upon the fourth, the remain ing aperture having beon closed with a stout oak door, bolted on tbe outside. The discovery of the bones produced the ex citement that might bo expected in the neighbor hood, and all sorts of enrions speculations are rife ns to the solution of the mystery. The de molished building was a very old ono, and has been occupied, for many years, by Solomon Smncker, and more recently by G. Boyd & Co., wholesale grocers. The bones have been carefully removed from tbe premises, and as soon as tbe Coroner has time to make a thorough investigation, it Is be lieved that some cine will be obtained to this mystery. Sunday ScnooL Anniveiisaky. —The 17th an il iverearyof the Sunday School of tho Second Beformcd Church of Philadelphia, Seventh street, above Brown, was celebrated last evening, in the presence of a large number of persons. The ex ercises wore commenced with a grand march oa lhe organ, performed as the children entered the church. The hymn “We are Marching" was then sung, after which prayer was offered. The hymn “Feed my Lambs,” sang by the infant school, was well performed. The annual report was road by the Secretary, John L. Vantine, Esq. Tbe main school numbers 350 children and the infant school 160. There are also 12 officers and 50 teachers. The adult school is superintended by D. W. 0- Moore, and the infant department by Ellwood Matlack, who have their ueßlslants. Thore aro also two adult Bible classes. The Library contains 1.100 volumes of excellent religious reading matter. The Trea surer reported receipts amounting to $650 as con tribntions from the classes for Missionary pur post s. The Superintendent was presented with u large and well-finished arm-chair, valued at $6O. A large number of costly presents were also mode. Tbe elogingand addresses were very good. The exercises were closed with the Bene diction, by Key. Robert A. Browne. Fires This morning about half past twelve o’clock Policeman Howard discovered a fire in the basement of the grocery store of J. E. Hunts man, at the Dortheast corner of Tenth and Mas ter Btrcets. Tbe iiames were confined to tho cel lar. Tho loss 1b estimated at $5OO and is insured. About half past two o’clock this morning a firo broke out in tho third Btory of tbe fumlturo warehouse of A. J. Hubbs, No. 615 North Second street. The fire burned stubbornly, but was con fined to the apartment in which it originated. The lots is estimated at $1,500. Tho flames are supposed to have originated from a defective Hue. A firo occurred at Ihe spoke factory of Kessler Buckley. No. 1024 New Markot street, about i ight o'clock this morning. Damage trifling. Police Bisiness of a Month.— Daring the month of March 3,109 arrests were made by the police of the city. The prisoners wore di vidtrd among the several districts as follows : First 126 Thirteenth Second 287 Fourteenth Third 396 Fifteenth Fourth 232 Sixteenth Fifth 266 Seventeenth. Bixth 116 Eighteenth. 2061 116 I#B 164 Seventh Eighth . Ninth.. Tenth .. Eleventh Twelfth . Sad Affair is Frakkfori>.—A very sad affair occurred in Frankford last evening. The wife and daughter of Otto B. Schott wore standing upon tbetr doorstep,whenjthey wercaltacked by a savage dog. De.spito the cries of the mother, her child was bitten sDd torn in the most terrible manner by the animal. It is thought that she will not recover. Considering the frequency of em-h coseß, it is nenilv time steps were taken by the anihorttics to compel citizens to keep savage clogs chained. Kimr.iNu an L’nocciifikii House.— Henry Newton, Edward Doughorty and Fred. Cook were louDd, last night, in an unoccupied house at the 8. VV. corner of Tenth and Sblppcn streets. They had cut off all of the gas fixtures and water pipe, and removed them, with a boiler from the cellar, to the first Itoor, ready to be taken away, 'i be thieves were arrested, and Ibis morning had a bearing before Aid. Bonsall. They were com mitted lo answer. Biioi-i.iiti.no.— James Thompson was arrested, Inst evening, at Fourth and Shippen streets, with a piece of cloth valued at ©HO under his arm. It was afterwards ascertained that the cloth had been stolen from Killer's store, at Btruwborry and Chestnut streets, Thompson waß committed by Alderman Tittermary. Serious Accident. —Samuel Fisher, who was engaged at work on tbo frigate Brooklyn, at tho Navy Yard,this morning, fi ll from the main dock Into Ibe hold, a distance of twenty feet. Ho was seriously injured and was convoyed to tho Penn sylvania Hospital. Juvknii.e Thief.— Albert Wigman, aged 17 years, was arrested yesterday lor the larceny of a bag of chocolate Irom Smith's Btore, at tho S. E. corner of Eleventh and Catherine streets. Ho was sent below by Aid. Bonsall. Tmc Coi.i.iu Tint or the Pout.— lion. Henry D. Moore, having received hie commission as Collector of the Port this morning, immediately filed ins bonds. His sureties are James Steele, Clias. F. Norton, Joseph W. Bullock and John Rice. Resigned.— Solomon D. Start, who has been connected with the police force of the Fourth District, as an officer, during the administrations of Mayors Henry and McMichael, yesterdoy ten dered hie resignation to Mayor Fox. Ai.i.egkd Swisdi.e William A. Parvinc was arrested yesterday, in West Philadelphia, npon the charge ol having swindled a man in -a horse transaction. He was taken before Alderman Clark, and was committed to answer. Eesioskd. —Joseph P. Murphy and Charles L-Spangler have resigned their positions ob As sistant Assessors of Internal Revenue of the Third District. A Masquerade Party of Vki.ociuedists.— At the Mammoth Kink, Twenty-first and Race streets, this evening, there will bo an amusing exhibition. Forty of the best velocipede riders in the city will, on this special occasion, appear in costume and mask, introducing at the same time some mirth provoking scenes and the won derful skill and dexterity already acquired in managing the bycicle. This is tho lirat mas querade ever given on> wheels, and its novelty will doubtless attract a largo number ot persons. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIE-PHILADELPHIA, THURBPAY, APRIL 1,1869, Reserve Corps 92 Del. Harbor lb Bchuylkill Harbor.. 21 Chestnut Hill 4 Day Sergeants 7 “Quick Returns" is . tho secret of money making in many departments of trade. On this Wanatnaker & Brown propose conduct ing their spring business,and, therefore, they an nounce a “lively and quick sale,” If the por ifi ctly unlimited stock they have laid In can bo disposed of In a few weeks, lcßtead of ono, two or three months, the prices can be marked down furbelow ibe usual figures; and. in confidence that this will be done, and to secure Its being done, every article ,in .Oak; Hall's now spring stock is figured down to the very lowest possible mark. Temcerance Meeting.— The friends of tem perance will bold another meeting this ovenlng in the Lecture Room of the Church, Seventh street, above Bi own. Addresses: may bo expected from Rev. Penuel Coombe, of the Methodist Church, Thomaß M. Coleman, and others. OITY NOTICES. Openino or Thomas Kennedy & Bros . New Btobe.— Tho formal opening of tho Retail De p ir'ment of the new marble-front storo of Messrs. Th< mas Kennedy & Brolbcrß,No. 729 Chestnut streot, took place yesterday according to announcement, nod was in all respects a magnificent success. The thou sands of dollars expended by this enterprising firm, and ibe immense preparations they have made in order to preent to the ladies of our elty tho most com plete establishment of the kind In Amorlea, have evi dently not been In vain. Tbelr store yosterday was thronged with the beauty and fashion of our city from morning until late In the day, aod tho congra ulationß which greeted the proprietors upon the completion of their new retail depart ment, and tho superb display which it contained, were overwhelming. It will bo remembered that genuine French Flowers (not American Imitations) have long been a standard specialty with this hou-e, and wheit we state that their faculties for obtain ing them enable them to sell the imported article at cheaply ns the domestic flowers are sold at, ii Is not surprising that Messrs. Kennedy So Bros, should larucly monopolize tho trado In this department. Their stoic yesterday presented a paradisaical appearance. In addition to the profuse display of Bonnets, Hats, and Bounet Materials, including a perfect fairy seet e of natural (artificial) flowers, they had erects 1 m the centre of the store an Immense vote or basket work of flowers, with aquariums in which fishes woro sporting, and ornamental cages In which birds were singing. Tho effect was pleasing, and evidently con tribnted to the gratification of the visitors. The styles ot tl elr bonnets wero greatly admired, and the reality of this admiration was attested by the rapid sales which eeemeo to be in constant progress. Among tho gemß of the exhibition wo noticed a hat of block hair, trimmed with scarlet, having a top centre formed of grasses and wild flowers, and a bi-d of exquisite plumage nestled in Its centre. An other, equally pretty, was made of whlto lace, the lace being freely mixed with gras*es, which had also a bird nestled in the crown, and was decorated with No. B ribbon streamers, fringed with lace at the ends. In passing through this immense stock, and noting the preponderating styles, wo observed that in addi tion to what we have already named fringed ribbons will be much worn, also spotted and dotted rots. Illu sions and laces, while marabout feathers, barred rib bons, &c. (Ve need hardly say that the ribbon de partment of this house is unsurpassed in America, inis branch being scarcely less prominent In their busi ness than French Flowers. in honneis, a superb lilac illusion, with illusion and ribbon strings, and marabout featherts to match, and tipped with pearls, was universally praised, and elici ted numerous orders; and the same is truo of a beau tiful black lace bonnet framed with wheat and a baud of jet and black straw leaves, with real lace failiag over the wheal,and natnral flowers or buff and scarlet, producing an extremely ricn and stylish effect. On the whole, wo congratulate Messrs. Kennedy fir their splendid hit,and rho ladles upon having a new shopping resort, where their most fastidious taste in ibe millinery line can never fail of being satisfied. We may repent that tno prieeß of this house are sur prisingly moderate. A Day Among the Bonnets. —Within the memory of that ancient individual, the oldest inhabi tant, Philadelphia has never witnessed a millinery demonstration eqnal to that of yesterday. The an nouncement of several of our leading establishments in this deparlment, that March 31 would be set apart fot gratifying public cariosity upon the question or Spring Bonnets and Hats, was the signal for a grand larn-t.nt by the ladies, the effect and sneoess of 'he moveptent being grenTy enhanced by tne fine, snnny weather. After a casual glance at the displays offered by several firms, we turned Ohr attention to the vi cinity of 755 Chestnut street, where for several years past tho well-known importing and manufacturing house of Wood & Cary has held Its august sway in Ibis field of fashion It was about high noon when we visited their largo Retail Department, at which lime the scene in the interior beggars description. Hundreds of elegantly dressed ladles were hurrying to and fro like a faity maelstrom, most of them in ecstatic rnpmres over the "lovea” of French Bonnets and be witching Hats that graced the opening. An inspection of their stock discovered the fact the general shape.tize, and style of bonnets does not vary materially from the dominant idea last season. We had thought that In poit t of slzelhe minimum had beon attained. a year ago, but the crstly little ornament which is to in tervene between the heavens and the dear heads of our wives and daughters thiß season Is a still nearer ap proach to microscopic proportions. But wbat they lack in size they more than make up iu richness and costliness of materials. This Is cortainly a great com fort—to the milliners. There is, however, a difference between the past and tho present styles. The shape this spring has a more decided front, is a little more toppy—a little nearer the '‘diadem,” and.on the whole, presents rather a saucier air. The shape and the pres rnt style ot wearing the hair harmonize admirably both UDding to cover the forehead, which is supposed to be '‘classic.’’ In materials and trimming almost everything Is af- Jecied that fancy can auggetL Laces, flowers,leathern, wheat, straws, grasses, birds, birds’ nests, beads.bnga, bcctlee.und blue* bottle flies, all come in for distinct.vo honors. The tamo general exuberance exists in regard to colors, thongb buff and black seem to predominate, while bright scarlet, green, purple, violet and other shades will be worn whb, if anything, more than the usual number of while. Thai the effect of this artistic medley is pleasing, .wo will nor prctCLd to deuy. Indeed, we believe that Messrs. Wood & Cary’s display yesterday embodied a huger aggregate of real clearance and flne taste thau ht>s e\er before marked a bonnet ojtcniu? in this city. The atipcib line of French Bonnets, selected person ally by, and made expressly to the order of, a member ol .he linn in i'arif, was the thems of universal admi rai ini. In populaily introdneiug these gems they will bo somewhat Americanized, although it is cvi d< m ihai we are rapidly developing a taste that will “swallow without winking” ihe most ultra fancies of raiisiun fashion-mongers. In the matter of French Flowers, even nature Itself (if that ware possible) n-rms to be outdone, which,with the birds and gaudy color' d injects, has somewhat the effect o’ rendering* i Ihm\ carer’s head a trophy of the tropics. We prc*» n:me that the next step will be to add in counterfeit ihe warbling of the birds and the fragruuce of the lit w ere. Among the line of bonnets referred to we may men tion a fine French Straw, Dimmed with loops of ribbon mixed wiih tcurlet «nd black, huvingstrings oflaco and j4iops of ribbon fa'liug over ihe hair, glvmg it a very ricu si,d stiikingly beauiilul efl'ecu Anoilier, also greatly admired, was of black lac». trimmed with a lino rose and moss buds, which formed t he ertir e face trimming and bonnet, and having a small double Ia 11 of rich lace down the bur*. A French bonnet, of a light shade of etraw-colored cu pe, also attracted general attention for its oidity. It wuh trimmed with a wteath of black lore leaves, the latter being formed or flue lace and straw. Furrlon* uesfl and style this specimen had no superior in the ex hiblUon. Another representative favorite was a solid white chip, very fully trimmed, with a full huuek of cr.isßil ’wheat mixed with real hum The effect wasex ceodiDgly beautiful. In ilaU the opening was replete with novelties and grueelnl gems, and it is now conceded that every lady, whether old or young, must be provided with a round hat, either for undress or for the country; they are really more worn than bonnets. They were displayed in wbni arc known as the French. English ana A inert* cun stylet, in white, brown, black and other colors, and mode of straw, luce, chip, silk and other materi als, mostly very fully and heavily trimmed, with iluwcjs, fea'bors, bugs, birds and other ornaments. Kibbous combined with lace are much used for stream ers. Among the specialties that wc may designate waß a black illusion late trimmed vvii.li a superb bouquet of rt iso and ivy leaves,aim streamers ot lace falling grace lully across tbe back oflho bulr. Another was a white straw Parisian Hat, also much admired, with a niching trimming of scarlet satin, black luce and scarlet poppies. Still another novelty was a black English Walking Hat, trimmed with a fall bouquet of wild flowers, and ends of veiy wido Roman liibbon edged with lace fal ling down tne bach. In child ice’s lints the “Opening" was literally end less, while the slock in the cases, of flowers, feathers, anil every description of millinery goods, was posi tively bewildering. Ladies, Ricad.—Kid Gloves und Dress Goods are made specialties of at A. A J. B. Bautuoi-oaieiv's. one-price Dry Goods and Notion House, 23 North Hiphih street. They guaramco every Kid Glovo they sell; If they rip or tear another pair will be given in exchange. Always in stock all nixes and colors of Jonvin’s, JoEcpb, and a Glove hearing their own name, which they guarantee equal lo the Jouvln, Ei/.im or Alexandre, which they soil at $1 CO, Try them. Now Dress Goods opening every day. CnKSTiatHiF.dii Coat.s, AllVarlcUce. Aloenino an« Evening Coats, All Varieties. SI'IIINO OVEItOOATS, All Varieties. At OiiAECEe Stokih & Co.’s, Continental Hotel Building. Corns, Bunions, Inverted Nalls, skillfully treated by Dr. 3. Davidson ,No, 918 Chestnut street Charges moderate. . A Fact to , Reflect On.-—Among . jtho many worthy Sons of 8L Crispin Mr. William Hr HolwMf, the iafhlonablo Bootmaker, at 535 Arch Btreet, next to tbo cornero! Sixth street, hold? an enviable . position. Thoroughly practiced in all tbo details ofhla arduoas profet-Bum, he 1b well qualified to pl< at*e;the most f/istt dloua ofbis patrons. 'HI? boots are elegantly modeled, tit to & charm, are made of the ve;y beet mawrlaiß. and aro altogether unsurpaieedaatodurabmty ana < aeeto the wearer. All who have suffered from lU fltiing brogons arc. invited to give him a trial. His prices are, moreover, very reasonable. . You have nothing to gain and every thing, to loFe by putilng off the Insuring of your life. Rates grow higher as you grow older; yon are subject to a hundred dissasea and accidents, which may put an Ri anronce beyond yonr reach; and even yonr life ttsoir may clip away while yon are saying‘‘l wdi inf 11 ™' “J the 'Aubrioan Llpb Insubanob Companv n®*t month or next week. Pekoe Souchong.— A very superior English Breakfast Tea. On sale by. Fairthorne & Co., 1030 Market street and 2C6 North Ninth, Bpring Hats. Spring Hats. b t ,. Charles Oakford & Bons,nnder the Contlnental.have now open a splendid stock of Hats and Caps of the latest Spring style. Quiet and soothe the pain of children teething— Uec Bower’s Infant Cordial. Sold by all Druggists. Spring Hats. Spring Hats. Charles Oakfurd & Sons,under tho CoatlQental,havo now open a eplcno id stock of Hats and Caps of the latest Spring style. . Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh. J. Isaacs, M. D.. Professor of the Kye . and Bar treats all diseases appertaining to the above members with the utmost success. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city can bo seen at thiß offlee. No. 805 Arch street. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients,as ho has no secrets In his practice. Artificial eyes inserted. No ..charge made for examination. Surgical Instruments and druggists' dries* Bnowdeh & BBonraa, 23 Booth Eighth street. BOOTS AND SHOES. SPRING STYLES BOOTS AND SHOES FOB GENTS’ WEAK. BARTLETT, 33 S. Sixth Street, above Chestnut. ' OCI7 B to th iTTPfI IBON WORKS. ARTISANS’ AND BUILDERS’ Ornamental Iron & Bronze Works SPABK3,STILLMAN,DOWOELL&CO. MAmiFAtTTDBEItb Ol Cast and Wrought Iron Bailing, HARDEN AND CEMETERY ADORNMENTS, FOUN TAINS, VASES, VERANDAHS, SETTEES. CHAIRS, Ac. IRON STAIRS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW AND IM PROVED STABLE FURNITURE. .Foundry —2028 North Tenth Street. Wareroom—Bo7 Chestnut Street. t*. th b 3mßp’ BEAL ESTATE SAJJBS, My\ liLiO SALE ON 'HIE PREMISED. JAMES A. Freeman, Auctlonfer.—Spring Valley Brewery, nbove Manayunk.--On Thursday afternoon, April £9.1869 at 4 o’clock, will be sold at public Bale, on the prenibeH,'bo following deaciibed real estate: All those two certain contiguous lota or piecei of land, with the improvements thereon erected, situate In the late town >bip of Roxborough, now Twenty fi ret W ard of the city, described together and bounded an follows: Beginning at a corner in the middle of a one perch, wide road, laid out to accommodate these *nd other lots of land late of the estate of George Rlghter, the elder, deceased; thenee alone the middle of said road B. 21 deg. 15 min , W. 40.8 perches to a corner; thenco N. 33 deg. BO min., W. 4b9 perches to a corner; thence N. 63 deg. 16 min., E. 64 8 perches; thence N. 29 deg. 15 min.,J6.4 3 perehes to the middle of the said road; thonce along the middle of the same n. 25 deg. SO min.. W. 24 8 perches to the pUce ot beginning. Containing 9 acres, 1 rood, 86 perches of land, more or lees. taT’TIIK AMOVE 16 A VERY DKfefRAIH.K fAJ.E BBRWKRY, KNOWN A 6 TUB fcPUING VALLEY BBRWRBY, ADOPT 1 MILK from Green Lane Station, ahov e Manai i nk, and ib NEARLY NBW.AND IN OOMIM.KTE ORDER I UAB A OAI'ACITY op 60BAUUR1.H a day, 6 House row Ea engine, boiler, SOOTGII MABUING MAUIIMC. cRDAB P.OILING TDK, 4009 GALLONS; CKI>*R MABU TDK, 2292 GALLONS, OEDAB HOT water ri ii, 2681 gallons: 2 Tl N 8,4146 gallons ; 1 shim- MLR. )967 gallons; b«»p jack 1931 gallons: backing vat. 2623 gali.onb.9 bemebvoik*. oven 8000 gallons kaoh; koald Ti n; pipkh: < upper coils; Staaii/KKaTORk ; Tdebell’h patent bsvrigrratob, No. 2: rotary MALT Mill.; ELEVATOR. AND KVKtO thing complete >OK G«NPI OTIMI THE 111 biNKKS, AND BEADY BOU IM.XtK* l,l yg~ i*he building is substantially constructed, with stone vaults and cellar®, and the capacity could be in creased. There is a cooper shop, engine house and scald shod attached to tbe brewery. On ibo premises a) e nlso erected a stone bam; a three and two-atory stone dwelling; office and store building, with spriag-house; a line young orchard of selected dwarf fruit; a fine dam supplying a sufficient quantity of ice for tho brewery. The spring water is conveyed by terracotta pipea to the breweiv, and its fineness for brewing purposes enabloe the beet quality of ale to be browed here: tho Mau»yunk, Norristown and Roxborough trade being already es tablished. The superior collars and vaults w ould make this a firet-elaes lager beer brewery, into which It could b'*readily al'ered. , . . , BSf' The hors* e, wagons. oarts. barrels, tools, platform rcales &c., will be sold at a valuation. £3*** one half of tbe purchase-money may remain. Clear of all Incumbrance. rr&r *f,nn to be paid At time of sale BJ? *ouu w A FKBBVIAN, Auettom»er. Store, 422 Walnut street EXECUTOKn* BALK.—ESTATE OK BETTY MjHi Bdj hurst, deceased. James A. Frretnan, A"c- ISEiL tiODeer. Frame Houses, Mo. 1322 Earl street, Tficbtccntb Ward. Linder authority contained Id the will of tho late Betty Uaybur*t, deceased. on Wednes day April 21. U 69. nt 12 o'clock, noon, will bo sold ot miblic »alo, at the Fxchango. ♦ hetnllowlog d.-fCiibcd real estate, viz.: All that certain lot of ground with tbo two-story name and the three-etory frame |i> usee tbereon erected. situate on the west aide of Karl street at tbo distanco of 64 feet southward from Oultul nattreet, intne fc ightecuth Ward of the city; {between '1 hompKon and Belgrade street*), containing in front 16 fn-t. and in depth titi feet 7 inches. 83T Subject to n ground rent of $2O per annum. Ps9"“n»ie absolute. t£T A 100 to bo paid nt tbo time of *»*le. By order of JOSEBn Executors M. SENDEULING.) xecutorg - JAMES A. FUEtiMAN, auctioneer. Store. 422 Walnut street. i 1-. i i JZ* BAbc*~rJAMb6 A. FREEMAN, f©”s At oiioDeir— ProDurty of the Big Band Crook Oil J£o com puny .of Went Virgluia. By ordnrof the btock liohler* 01 Big Baud c r , e k < *ilComuany |of Weßt \ iwipia, on We dm eßay, April 5, IMW, at 13 o'clock, noon, will be pold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, the follow in a described real cut ate: All that certain tr-ct or l iice of land with log house and other improvemonte. Miuote on Bruehy Pork of Big Sandy creek In Wirt rountv West Viiginla; ar bounced and rte-enboa in Deed of Conveyance to tho Big Band Croek OilComp&nv of West Virginia Containing *l4 aerca ol land, Ibis property ie about eighteen mileefiom RaveuHwood,on the Ohio river oDd twenty ficuu Pai kersburg, it- rold by order ut the Stockholder of tho Big Sand Creek Oil Company of Weet, V Irgin la. to close Us organl/.atiou. KT The property in clear of iucnntbrauce. r®r* sfcioo to be paid when struck off. ifu-uiuu JaMES A. FREEMAN. Auctimeer. ,* Store 422 Walnut atroet. IiEOAL NOTICES. , i tii-, uaru/wNt' COURT I'\>K THE Gl f I Y AND 1 of Philadelphia.—Estate of IIAItUIKT KINGSTON. dec’d.-'jho Auditor appointed by the ronrt to audit, nettle and adjust the account of S; KINGSTON MoCAY and HAKRItT KINGSTON Mo- I'aY lixecutore of ihe hint will aud testament of □LAU RIET KINGSTON. dre'd, and to report dlutrlbutiou of t o balance in the hands of the accountant, will moet tho parties interested for the parpose of hia appoint. FLtIDAY, April 4tUb, 18Cfl. at ‘.\'A o’clock P. M.. at his office. No. 007 Race street, in the City of Philadel* shla JOSEPH ABRAMS. p IVN th p tnr>t» Auditor. FOB SALE. S'" a, EOBBaBE AT GERM ANTOWN-THREE GOOD os Bouses, an the main rtreot, between Walnot lane bfiaud Tulpihotken Btrert. Modern Improvements. Bent locution in the Twettj-serond Ward. Apply to THOMAS & HESTON, No. 5105 Germantown nve* pup. ' -:: tuK &aI.K.-A NKW AND THOROUGULY flfin «rnU built and Convenient Cottage, tiulabod-m good H‘!i) giyle. with all Modern Convonlonceß* on Msnor’a Lniio. (JuunantowD, three eoinmee 1 wMk from etMlon. mil fit* 317 Walnut airoet fUBING BCBIOOE.S. i.uQKMi DE KIEFFEK’S It,DING SCHOOL. below Spruce, between Fifteenth >433. end Sixteenth etreote, will bo icopon«d on Moa. nav. Popicinhor2l4l_lMib.^— TJOND'B BOSTON AND TRENTON , BISCCXT.-THH' B trado supplied with BondM Butter. Cream. Milk. and Ebb Blßcult. Albo, Weet & Tborc’a cele brated Trenton and Wine Biscuit by J,OS. B. BCBBIEU 5 CO.. Solo ABentß, 108 South Dolaware avonua IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! The Subscribers beg leave to announce fe their CUSTOMERS and Ihe PUBLIC GENERALLYthat their STOCK or GOODS DAMAGED BY WATER at the LATE FIRE At THEIR STORE will be axppaad for SALE on FRIDAY, April 2d, conalatlng of TABLE LINENS, TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, LINEN and MUSLIN SHEETINGS, MUSLINS, BLANKETS, FINE MARBEILLEB QUILTS, SPREADB, &0., 49. Alto, neatly their ENTIRE STOCK of ELEGANT LACE CURTAINS add DRAPERIES, tome of thorn tho riohest Imported, BLIGHTLY WET, wiU be sold at prlcea to Inaure their IMMEDIATE SALE, HEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON. Linen, Honse-Fuinishirg Diy Goods and Curtain Establishment, 1008 CHESTNUT STREET. apl 6trps PHILADELPHIA CLOTHING TRADE. Oiv MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1869, Will open to the public as a FINEST READY-MADE CLOTHING AND TAILORING ESTAB LISHMENT the LARGE BROWN STONE BUILDINGS Nos. SIS arul SSO <3 IiESTTSXJT Street. Bueinees will be commenced on the above day with an EXPOSITION of tho first stock of elfipaa garments and piece goods for custom work. This stock has been for some time preparing in New York ond our own city,and will embrace all the Finest Spring Importations and Home Maunfaetores, in the piece, for OKDEKB, and ready-made, in a finer class of Clothing than ever before sokl la Philadelphia. THE ENTIRE PUBLIC INVITED TO EXAMINE. The Ladies will be interested in the BOYS' AND CHILDREN S DEPAJtT KENT, which Is ft mb27 tfir 603 AND 600 CHESTNUT STREET. TO BUYERS OF FINE CLOTHING. The Oldest Established end Most Reliable Clothing House in Philadelphia. In faot, the ONLY Establishment where really Fine and Stylish Ready-Made Clothing has been made a Specially. All who feel inclined to favor us with their patronage can depend on not being humbugged at ROCKHILL & WILSON’S. Cur Silendid assortment for Men and Boys nave ALL been manufactured IM THIS CITY under the sole supervision of Mr. Wilton, Ihe acknowledged most experienced caterer to style in gentlemen’s dress In the business. Our Elegant Stook of SPRING GOODS now ready. ROCKHILL & WILS 0f» 603 and :605 ":CHEBTNUT.; STREET, mhSltf t. A NEW ERA IN THIS JOHN WANAMAKER (FORMERLY HOMER, COLLADAY & CO.’S,* PROMINENT FEATURE. BROWN STONE HALL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers